diff --git a/system/ADF b/system/ADF
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c060cba3da751e0c5775156443f6822309d8069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/ADF
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/APD b/system/APD
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f67344d3197076b02757ac24ae1cd5cf6590f629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/APD
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/asdf b/system/asdf
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b4a787b9a651b1a5edceeddbca7a76050b7f29d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/asdf
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/bin b/system/bin
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6b136ea967c24aa29eed866737b657c6b08d5a9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/bin
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/bugreports b/system/bugreports
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..528445c13f8e95b1fd62e72e7ac70e371ba7594a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/bugreports
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/cache b/system/cache
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1839176463bce0f6965fb7de0e161afddf707189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/cache
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/charger b/system/charger
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..83aea24173a478fabc71ca7f2b7426e9b993b662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/charger
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/d b/system/d
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5e93a8f1fafb5a70cc931d5cbfa0a679c277d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/d
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/default.prop b/system/default.prop
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3177d09e9ea0dc0466c41354cb981d42fa64c76d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/default.prop
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/etc b/system/etc
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fcced54d3da51e3f8b6cf4bb3156595907025b55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/etc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/factory b/system/factory
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5b711c8a38c2c0a75629509e2402ca3ced3eb1a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/factory
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/init b/system/init
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5dddae2287a4d86b81fec7d28cf2fa31ccebeb94
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/init differ
diff --git a/system/init.asus.debugtool.rc b/system/init.asus.debugtool.rc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dfba22c3efa43b1ac3dbbb5e1af2f64b3c30c0f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/init.asus.debugtool.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+# init.asus.debug.rc
+on fs
+    wait /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/asdf
+    mount ext4 /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/asdf /vendor/asdf nosuid noatime nodev barrier=1
+    chmod 0777 /vendor/asdf
+    restorecon_recursive /vendor/asdf
+    start check_last
+on post-fs-data
+# ASUS_BSP +++ [thomas]Add logcat_log folder
+	mkdir /data/logcat_log 0775 system system
+#	mkdir /data/media/0/logcat_log 0775 system system
+	restorecon /data/logcat_log
+# ASUS_BSP --- [thomas]Add logcat_log folder
+	mkdir /data/Asuslog 0775 system system
+	restorecon /data/Asuslog
+	mkdir /data/Asuslogtool_lib 0775 system system
+	restorecon /data/Asuslogtool_lib
+	mkdir /data/everbootup 0775 system system
+	restorecon /data/everbootup
+	restorecon /data/other
+#ASUS_BSP+++ [thomas] Add asusdebug
+#    chmod 0777 /proc/asusdebug
+#    write /proc/asusdebug load
+#    write /proc/asusdebug get_lastshutdown_log
+    start asus_setlastshutdownproc
+#ASUS_BSP--- [thomas] Add asusdebug
+    mkdir /data/log
+#    mkdir /data/anr
+    mkdir /data/tombstones
+    mkdir /data/media/asus_log
+    mkdir /data/ramdump
+    chown system system /data/ramdump
+    restorecon /data/ramdump 
+    #chmod 0775 /data/ramdump 
+    chown system system /data/log
+	chown system system /data/anr/traces.txt
+	chmod 0666 /data/anr/traces.txt
+    chown system system /data/tombstones
+    chown sdcard_rw sdcard_rw /data/media/asus_log
+#    chmod 0775 /data/log ==>move to init.asus.rc
+#    chmod 0775 /data/anr
+    chmod 0775 /data/tombstones
+    chmod 0755 /data/media/asus_log
+#service block start ...
+# ASUS_BSP+++ [thomas]Add asus_ramdump and asus_kernelmsg services
+service asus_ramdump /system/bin/init.asus.ramdump.sh
+	class late_start
+    user root
+    group system
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+	seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+on property:persist.asus.ramdump=0
+	start asus_ramdump
+on property:persist.asus.ramdump=1
+	start asus_ramdump
+service asus_kernelmsg  /vendor/bin/sh /vendor/bin/init.asus.kernelmessage.sh
+	class late_start
+    user root
+    group system
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+	seclabel u:r:asuslogtool-scripts:s0
+on property:persist.asus.kernelmessage=0
+#    write /proc/asusklog 0
+	start asuskernelmessage_setproc
+	start asus_kernelmsg
+on property:persist.asus.kernelmessage=7
+#    write /proc/asusklog 1
+	start asuskernelmessage_setproc
+	start asus_kernelmsg
+# ASUS_BSP--- [thomas]Add asus_ramdump and asus_kernelmsg services
+service savelogmtp  /system/bin/savelogmtp.sh
+    class late_start
+    user root
+    group sdcard_rw
+    oneshot
+    disabled
+	seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+# ASUS_BSP+++ [thomas]Add asuslogtool services
+service dumpsyslogmtp  /system/bin/dumpsyslogmtp.sh
+    class late_start
+    user root
+    group sdcard_rw
+    oneshot
+    disabled
+	seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+# ASUS_BSP+++ [thomas]Add asuslogtool services
+on property:debug.asus.savelogmtp.savedumpsyslogs=1
+	start dumpsyslogmtp
+on property:debug.asus.savelogmtp.savedumpsyslogs=0
+	setprop persist.asus.savelogmtp.tagstartdump 0
+on property:debug.asus.savelogmtp.dumpstate=1
+	start bugreport
+on property:debug.asus.savelogmtp.dumpstate=0
+	stop bugreport
+on property:debug.asus.trigger.qpstmode=1
+#	write /proc/sysrq-trigger c
+	start asusqpst_setproc
+on property:debug.asus.trigger.modemreset=1
+#	write /sys/bus/msm_subsys/devices/subsys7/make_crash 1
+	start asus_setsysfs
+	setprop debug.asus.trigger.modemreset 0
+on  property:persist.asus.broadcast=*
+	start dobroadcast
+#on property:debug.asus.savelogmtp.savedumpsyslogs=0
+#	stop dumpsyslogmtp
+on property:persist.asus.savelogs=* && property:sys.boot_completed=1
+	start savelogs
+service savelogs /system/bin/savelogs.sh
+    class late_start
+    user root
+    group sdcard_rw
+    oneshot
+    disabled
+	seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+service savelogsdumps /system/bin/savelogs_dumpstate.sh
+    user root
+    group system
+    oneshot
+    disabled
+    seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+#on property:persist.asus.savelogs.dumpstate=1
+#    start savelogsdumps
+#on property:persist.asus.savelogs.dumpstate=0
+#    stop savelogsdumps
+service check-datalog   /system/bin/init.asus.checkdatalog.sh
+    class late_start
+    user root
+    oneshot
+#	start dumpsyslogmtp
+on property:debug.asus.startlogcat=1
+    setprop persist.asus.startlog 1
+on property:persist.asus.startlog=1 && property:vold.post_fs_data_done=1 && property:vold.decrypt=trigger_restart_framework
+	mkdir /data/logcat_log 0775 system system
+	restorecon /data/logcat_log	
+    mkdir /data/media/0/Asuslog/ 0775 system system
+    mkdir /data/media/0/Asuslog/Dumpsys         0775 system system
+#	setprop persist.asus.asusklog 1
+#	setprop sys.config.klog 1
+	setprop persist.asus.kernelmessage 7
+	start prelogcatdump
+	start logcatdump
+	start logcatdump-radio
+	start logcatdump-events
+	setprop persist.asus.stopprelogcatlog 1
+    start console
+#    write /sys/module/msm_rtb/parameters/enable 1
+#    config_sys 8E8BDCA5
+on property:persist.asus.stopprelogcatlog=1
+	stop prelogcatdump
+	setprop persist.asus.stopprelogcatlog 0
+on property:persist.asus.startlog=0
+#	setprop persist.asus.asusklog 0
+#	setprop sys.config.klog 0
+	setprop persist.asus.kernelmessage 0
+	stop logcatdump
+	stop logcatdump-radio
+	stop logcatdump-events
+#    write /sys/module/msm_rtb/parameters/enable 0
+#	config_sys  868CF5D9
+#on property:persist.asus.asusklog=0
+#    write /proc/asusklog 0
+#on property:persist.asus.asusklog=1
+#    write /proc/asusklog 1
+on property:persist.asuslog.qseelog.enable=1  && property:vold.post_fs_data_done=1 && property:vold.decrypt=trigger_restart_framework
+    mkdir /data/media/0/Asuslog/ 0775 system system
+    mkdir /data/media/0/Asuslog/QSEE         0775 system system
+    start logQseelog
+on property:persist.asuslog.qseelog.enable=0
+    stop logQseelog
+on property:persist.asuslog.tzlog.enable=1  && property:vold.post_fs_data_done=1 && property:vold.decrypt=trigger_restart_framework
+    mkdir /data/media/0/Asuslog/ 0775 system system
+    mkdir /data/media/0/Asuslog/TZ         0775 system system
+    start logTzlog
+on property:persist.asuslog.tzlog.enable=0
+    stop logTzlog
+service saveramdump /system/bin/saveramdump.sh
+    class late_start
+    oneshot
+    seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+    disabled
+#service dumpstatesv  /system/bin/dumpstate -q -d -z -o /data/user_de/0/com.android.shell/files/bugreports/bugreport
+#	 class late_start
+#	 disabled
+#   oneshot
+#   seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+service prelogcatdump  /system/bin/init.asus.prelogcat_service.sh
+	class late_start
+	disabled
+    seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+service logcatdump  /system/bin/init.asus.logcat_service.sh
+#service logcatdump  /system/bin/logcat -b kernel -b main -b system -b crash -r 10000 -n 20 -v threadtime -f /data/media/0/logcat_log/logcat.txt
+	class late_start
+	disabled
+    seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+service logcatdump-events  /system/bin/init.asus.logcate_service.sh
+#service logcatdump-events  /system/bin/logcat -r 10000 -b events -n 20 -v threadtime -f /data/media/0/logcat_log/logcat-events.txt
+	class late_start
+	disabled
+    seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+service  logcatdump-radio  /system/bin/init.asus.logcatr_service.sh
+#service  logcatdump-radio  /system/bin/logcat -r 10000 -b radio -n 20 -v time -f /data/media/0/logcat_log/logcat-radio.txt
+	class late_start
+	disabled
+    seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+service dobroadcast /system/bin/init.asus.broadcast.sh
+    user root
+    group system
+    class main
+    oneshot
+    disabled
+    seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+service logTcpdump /system/bin/init.asus.tcpdump.sh
+    user root
+    group system
+    class main
+    oneshot
+    disabled
+    seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+service logQseelog /system/bin/init.asus.qseedump.sh
+    user root
+    group system
+    class main
+    oneshot
+    disabled	
+   seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+service logTzlog /system/bin/init.asus.tzdump.sh
+    user root
+    group system
+    class main
+    oneshot
+    disabled
+    seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+on property:persist.asuslog.tcpdump.enable=1 && property:vold.post_fs_data_done=1 && property:vold.decrypt=trigger_restart_framework
+    mkdir /data/media/0/Asuslog/ 0775 system system
+    mkdir /data/media/0/Asuslog/TcpDump         0775 system system
+    start logTcpdump
+on property:persist.asuslog.tcpdump.enable=0
+	stop logTcpdump
+service diag_mdlog  /system/bin/sh /system/bin/modemlog.sh
+    class late_start
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+	seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+service ss_ramdump /system/bin/subsystem_ramdump
+    user root
+    group system
+    class main
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+    seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+on property:persist.asuslog.qxdmlog.enable=1
+#    insmod /system/lib/modules/diagchar.ko
+    start diag_mdlog
+on property:persist.asuslog.qxdmlog.enable=2
+    start asus_diag_mdlog_stop
+    start asus_setsysfs
+#    write /sys/power/wake_unlock diag_fwrite
+    setprop persist.asuslog.qxdmlog.enable 0
+service ssrsetup_related /vendor/bin/ssr_setup modem
+    user root
+    group system
+    class main
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+service ssrsetup_system /vendor/bin/ssr_setup
+    user root
+    group system
+    class main
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+on property:persist.asuslog.modem.ramdumps=1
+#    insmod /system/lib/modules/diagchar.ko
+    start ssrsetup_related 
+    start asus_setsysfs
+#    write /sys/module/subsystem_restart/parameters/enable_ramdumps 1
+    start ss_ramdump
+on property:sys.cppreopt=finished && property:persist.asuslog.modem.ramdumps=1
+#    insmod /system/lib/modules/diagchar.ko
+    start ssrsetup_related
+    start asus_setsysfs
+#    write /sys/module/subsystem_restart/parameters/enable_ramdumps 1
+    start ss_ramdump
+on property:persist.asuslog.modem.ramdumps=0
+#    write /sys/module/subsystem_restart/parameters/enable_ramdumps 0
+	start asus_setsysfs
+    stop ss_ramdump
+    start ssrsetup_system
+#ASUS_BSP: [ASDF] Check for LastShutdown Logs +++
+service check_last /vendor/bin/sh  /vendor/bin/init.asus.check_last.sh
+    user root
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+	seclabel u:r:asuslogtool-scripts:s0
+#ASUS_BSP: [ASDF] Check for LastShutdown Logs ---
+#ASUS_BSP: [ASDF] Check for Abnormal Shutdown Logs +++
+service asus_chk_asdf    /vendor/bin/sh  /vendor/bin/init.asus.check_asdf.sh
+    user root
+    group sdcard_rw
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+	seclabel u:r:asuslogtool-scripts:s0
+on property:sys.boot_completed=1
+    start asus_chk_asdf
+    start checkcmdl
+on property:persist.radio.check_asdf=*
+    start asus_chk_asdf
+#ASUS_BSP: [ASDF] Check for Abnormal Shutdown Logs ---
+service close_thermal  /system/bin/close_thermal-engine.sh
+	class late_start
+	seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+	disabled
+on property:debug.asus.performance.enable=1
+	start close_thermal
+# +++ ASUS_BSP : add for selinux
+service disable_sepolicy  /system/bin/disable_sepolicy.sh
+	class late_start
+	seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+	disabled
+on property:persist.asus.sepolicy=1
+	start disable_sepolicy
+on property:persist.asus.sepolicy=0
+	start disable_sepolicy
+# --- ASUS_BSP : add for selinux
+# +++ ASUS_BSP : add for inov
+on property:persist.asus.test.inov=0
+#	write /proc/driver/charger_inov_enable 1
+	start asusinov_setproc
+on property:persist.asus.test.inov=1
+#	write /proc/driver/charger_inov_enable 0
+	start asusinov_setproc
+# --- ASUS_BSP : add for inov
+# +++ ASUS_BSP: add for pmic reg dump
+on property:asus.logtool.pmiclog.capture=*
+    write ${asus.logtool.pmiclog.capture}/spmi0-00.txt 0
+    write /d/regmap/spmi0-00/address 0x400
+    write /d/regmap/spmi0-00/count 0xD500
+    copy /d/regmap/spmi0-00/data ${asus.logtool.pmiclog.capture}/spmi0-00.txt
+    chmod 0777 ${asus.logtool.pmiclog.capture}/spmi0-00.txt
+    write ${asus.logtool.pmiclog.capture}/spmi0-01.txt 0
+    write /d/regmap/spmi0-01/address 0x1000
+    write /d/regmap/spmi0-01/count 0x7000
+    copy /d/regmap/spmi0-01/data ${asus.logtool.pmiclog.capture}/spmi0-01.txt
+    chmod 0777 ${asus.logtool.pmiclog.capture}/spmi0-01.txt
+    write /data/data/spmi0-02.txt 0
+    write /d/regmap/spmi0-02/address 0x100
+    write /d/regmap/spmi0-02/count 0xCC00
+    copy /d/regmap/spmi0-02/data ${asus.logtool.pmiclog.capture}/spmi0-02.txt
+    chmod 0777 ${asus.logtool.pmiclog.capture}/spmi0-02.txt
+    write ${asus.logtool.pmiclog.capture}/spmi0-03.txt 0
+    write /d/regmap/spmi0-03/address 0xA000
+    write /d/regmap/spmi0-03/count 0x3E50
+    copy /d/regmap/spmi0-03/data ${asus.logtool.pmiclog.capture}/spmi0-03.txt
+    chmod 0777 ${asus.logtool.pmiclog.capture}/spmi0-03.txt
+    write ${asus.logtool.pmiclog.capture}/spmi0-04.txt 0
+    write /d/regmap/spmi0-04/address 0x100
+    write /d/regmap/spmi0-04/count 0xC200
+    copy /d/regmap/spmi0-04/data ${asus.logtool.pmiclog.capture}/spmi0-04.txt
+    chmod 0777 ${asus.logtool.pmiclog.capture}/spmi0-04.txt
+    write ${asus.logtool.pmiclog.capture}/spmi0-05.txt 0
+    write /d/regmap/spmi0-05/address 0x1400
+    write /d/regmap/spmi0-05/count 0xAB0
+    copy /d/regmap/spmi0-05/data ${asus.logtool.pmiclog.capture}/spmi0-05.txt
+    chmod 0777 ${asus.logtool.pmiclog.capture}/spmi0-05.txt
+# --- ASUS_BSP: add for pmic reg dump
diff --git a/system/init.asus.logtool.rc b/system/init.asus.logtool.rc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3b8d9612065e4c40b0ea0c5b21d8a9f5a411aff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/init.asus.logtool.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+ #logtool#
+on property:persist.asuslog.fac.init=1
+    start init_factorylog
+on property:persist.asuslog.logtool.clear=1
+    start logtool_clear
+service logcommand /system/bin/logcommand
+    class main
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+	seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+service init_factorylog  /system/bin/init_factorylogtool.sh
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+    seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+service logtool_clear  /system/bin/logtool_clear.sh
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+    seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+service logbackup /system/bin/sh /system/etc/packlogs.sh
+    class late_start
+    user root
+    group sdcard_rw
+    oneshot
+    disabled
+    seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+service asus_diag_mdlog_stop /vendor/bin/diag_mdlog -k
+    class late_start
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+#service ss_ramdump /system/bin/subsystem_ramdump
+#    class main
+#    user system
+#    group system
+#    disabled
+#on property:persist.asuslog.qxdmlog.enable=1
+#    insmod /system/lib/modules/diagchar.ko
+#    start diag_mdlog
+#on property:persist.asuslog.qxdmlog.enable=2
+#    start asus_diag_mdlog_stop
+#    write /sys/power/wake_unlock diag_fwrite
+on property:persist.asuslog.qpst.enable=1
+    start asus_setsysfs
+#    write /sys/module/msm_poweroff/parameters/download_mode 1
+on property:persist.asuslog.qpst.enable=0
+    start asus_setsysfs
+#    write /sys/module/msm_poweroff/parameters/download_mode 0
+on property:persist.asuslog.rtb.enable=1
+#    write /sys/module/msm_rtb/parameters/enable 1
+	start asus_setsysfs
+on property:persist.asuslog.rtb.enable=0
+#    write /sys/module/msm_rtb/parameters/enable 0
+	start asus_setsysfs
+service about_info  /system/bin/init.asus.about_info.sh
+	user root
+	group system
+	disabled
+	oneshot
+	seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+on property:persist.asuslog.aboutinfo=1 && sys.boot_completed=1
+    start about_info
+on property:persist.asuslog.aboutinfo=0 && sys.boot_completed=1
+	start about_info
+service savelogsd  /system/bin/savelogsd.sh
+    class late_start
+    user root
+    group sdcard_rw
+    oneshot
+    disabled
+	seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+service savelogclear  /system/bin/savelogclear.sh
+    class late_start
+    user root
+    group sdcard_rw
+    oneshot
+    disabled
+	seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+service savelogclearall  /system/bin/savelogclearall.sh
+    class late_start
+    user root
+    group sdcard_rw
+    oneshot
+    disabled
+	seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+service log_profile  /system/bin/init.asus.log_profile.sh
+	user root
+	group system
+	disabled
+	oneshot
+	seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+on property:persist.asuslog.logprofile=1
+    start log_profile
+on property:persist.asuslog.logprofile=2
+	start log_profile
+on property:persist.asuslog.logprofile=3
+	start log_profile
+on property:sys.delete_old_log.all=1
+	start savelogclearall
+service delete_modem  /system/bin/init.asus.delete_modem.sh
+	user root
+	group system
+	disabled
+	oneshot
+	seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+on property:persist.asus.delete_modem=1
+	start delete_modem
+service checkcmdl  /vendor/bin/sh   /vendor/bin/init.asus.check_cmdline.sh
+	class late_start
+    user root
+	group system
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+	seclabel u:r:asuslogtool-scripts:s0
+service asus_setuartlog  /vendor/bin/sh /vendor/bin/init.asus.setuartlog.sh
+    user root
+    group system
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+	seclabel u:r:asuslogtool-scripts:s0
+service asusinov_setproc  /vendor/bin/sh /vendor/bin/init.asus.asusinov_setproc.sh
+    user root
+    group system
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+	seclabel u:r:asuslogtool-scripts:s0
+service asusklog_setproc  /vendor/bin/sh /vendor/bin/init.asus.asusklog_setproc.sh
+    user root
+    group system
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+	seclabel u:r:asuslogtool-scripts:s0
+service asusqpst_setproc  /vendor/bin/sh /vendor/bin/init.asus.asusqpst_setproc.sh
+    user root
+    group system
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+	seclabel u:r:asuslogtool-scripts:s0
+service asuskernelmessage_setproc  /vendor/bin/sh /vendor/bin/init.asus.kernelmessage_setproc.sh
+    user root
+    group system
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+	seclabel u:r:asuslogtool-scripts:s0
+service asus_setlastshutdownproc  /vendor/bin/sh /vendor/bin/init.asus.setlastshutdownproc.sh
+    user root
+    group system
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+	seclabel u:r:asuslogtool-scripts:s0
+service asus_setsysfs  /vendor/bin/sh /vendor/bin/init.asus.setsysfs.sh
+    user root
+    group system
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+	seclabel u:r:asuslogtool-scripts:s0
+on property:persist.asus.audbg=0
+    start asus_setuartlog
+on property:persist.asus.audbg=1
+    start asus_setuartlog
+service mbnservice  /system/bin/init.asus.mbn.sh
+    class late_start
+    user root
+    group sdcard_rw
+    oneshot
+    disabled
+	seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+service logtool_finish  /system/bin/init.asus.finish.sh
+    class late_start
+    user root
+    group sdcard_rw
+    oneshot
+    disabled
+	seclabel u:r:dumpstate:s0
+on property:sys.config.klog=1
+#	write /proc/asusklog 1
+	start asusklog_setproc
+#    config_sys 7C89FDAB
+on property:sys.config.klog=0 && property:ro.bootmode=unknown
+#	write /proc/asusklog 0
+	start asusklog_setproc
+#    config_sys 79ACB239
+on property:sys.config.uartlog=1
+#    config_sys 7E8BDCA5
+on property:sys.config.uartlog=0
+#    config_sys 768CF5D9
+on property:sys.config.print=1
+#    config_sys 12349876
diff --git a/system/init.environ.rc b/system/init.environ.rc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cfadd6606ed42bdac0bc18ca14b11bb5817ae40e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/init.environ.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# set up the global environment
+on init
+    export ANDROID_BOOTLOGO 1
+    export ANDROID_ROOT /system
+    export ANDROID_ASSETS /system/app
+    export ANDROID_DATA /data
+    export ANDROID_STORAGE /storage
+    export EXTERNAL_STORAGE /sdcard
+    export ASEC_MOUNTPOINT /mnt/asec
+    export BOOTCLASSPATH /system/framework/qtiNetworkLib.jar:/system/framework/com.nxp.nfc.nq.jar:/system/framework/qcom.fmradio.jar:/system/framework/com.qualcomm.qti.camera.jar:/system/framework/QPerformance.jar:/system/framework/UxPerformance.jar:/system/framework/core-oj.jar:/system/framework/core-libart.jar:/system/framework/conscrypt.jar:/system/framework/okhttp.jar:/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar:/system/framework/apache-xml.jar:/system/framework/ext.jar:/system/framework/framework.jar:/system/framework/telephony-common.jar:/system/framework/voip-common.jar:/system/framework/ims-common.jar:/system/framework/android.hidl.base-V1.0-java.jar:/system/framework/android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java.jar:/system/framework/framework-oahl-backward-compatibility.jar:/system/framework/android.test.base.jar:/system/framework/telephony-ext.jar:/system/framework/tcmiface.jar:/system/framework/WfdCommon.jar:/system/framework/vendor.qti.voiceprint-V1.0-java.jar
+    export SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH /system/framework/services.jar:/system/framework/ethernet-service.jar:/system/framework/wifi-service.jar:/system/framework/com.android.location.provider.jar
diff --git a/system/init.rc b/system/init.rc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6314d5a54f2b04bdca505ebebf976c6535187c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/init.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
+# IMPORTANT: Do not create world writable files or directories.
+# This is a common source of Android security bugs.
+import /init.environ.rc
+import /init.usb.rc
+import /init.${ro.hardware}.rc
+import /vendor/etc/init/hw/init.${ro.hardware}.rc
+import /init.usb.configfs.rc
+import /init.${ro.zygote}.rc
+import /init.asus.debugtool.rc
+import /init.asus.logtool.rc
+on early-init
+    # Set init and its forked children's oom_adj.
+    write /proc/1/oom_score_adj -1000
+    # Disable sysrq from keyboard
+    write /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq 0
+    # Set the security context of /adb_keys if present.
+    restorecon /adb_keys
+    # Set the security context of /postinstall if present.
+    restorecon /postinstall
+    # Mount cgroup mount point for cpu accounting
+    mount cgroup none /acct nodev noexec nosuid cpuacct
+    mkdir /acct/uid
+    start ueventd
+on init
+    sysclktz 0
+    # Mix device-specific information into the entropy pool
+    copy /proc/cmdline /dev/urandom
+    copy /default.prop /dev/urandom
+    symlink /system/bin /bin
+    symlink /system/etc /etc
+    # Backward compatibility.
+    symlink /sys/kernel/debug /d
+    # Link /vendor to /system/vendor for devices without a vendor partition.
+    symlink /system/vendor /vendor
+    # Create energy-aware scheduler tuning nodes
+    mkdir /dev/stune
+    mount cgroup none /dev/stune nodev noexec nosuid schedtune
+    mkdir /dev/stune/foreground
+    mkdir /dev/stune/background
+    mkdir /dev/stune/top-app
+    mkdir /dev/stune/rt
+    mkdir /dev/stune/audio-app
+    chown system system /dev/stune
+    chown system system /dev/stune/foreground
+    chown system system /dev/stune/background
+    chown system system /dev/stune/top-app
+    chown system system /dev/stune/rt
+    chown system system /dev/stune/audio-app
+    chown system system /dev/stune/tasks
+    chown system system /dev/stune/foreground/tasks
+    chown system system /dev/stune/background/tasks
+    chown system system /dev/stune/top-app/tasks
+    chown system system /dev/stune/rt/tasks
+    chown system system /dev/stune/audio-app/tasks
+    chmod 0664 /dev/stune/tasks
+    chmod 0664 /dev/stune/foreground/tasks
+    chmod 0664 /dev/stune/background/tasks
+    chmod 0664 /dev/stune/top-app/tasks
+    chmod 0664 /dev/stune/rt/tasks
+    chmod 0664 /dev/stune/audio-app/tasks
+    restorecon_recursive /mnt
+    mount configfs none /config nodev noexec nosuid
+    chmod 0770 /config/sdcardfs
+    chown system package_info /config/sdcardfs
+    mkdir /mnt/secure 0700 root root
+    mkdir /mnt/secure/asec 0700 root root
+    mkdir /mnt/asec 0755 root system
+    mkdir /mnt/obb 0755 root system
+    mkdir /mnt/media_rw 0750 root media_rw
+    mkdir /mnt/user 0755 root root
+    mkdir /mnt/user/0 0755 root root
+    mkdir /mnt/expand 0771 system system
+    mkdir /mnt/appfuse 0711 root root
+    # Storage views to support runtime permissions
+    mkdir /mnt/runtime 0700 root root
+    mkdir /mnt/runtime/default 0755 root root
+    mkdir /mnt/runtime/default/self 0755 root root
+    mkdir /mnt/runtime/read 0755 root root
+    mkdir /mnt/runtime/read/self 0755 root root
+    mkdir /mnt/runtime/write 0755 root root
+    mkdir /mnt/runtime/write/self 0755 root root
+    # Symlink to keep legacy apps working in multi-user world
+    symlink /storage/self/primary /sdcard
+    symlink /storage/self/primary /mnt/sdcard
+    symlink /mnt/user/0/primary /mnt/runtime/default/self/primary
+    write /proc/sys/kernel/panic_on_oops 1
+    write /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs 0
+    write /proc/cpu/alignment 4
+    # scheduler tunables
+    # Disable auto-scaling of scheduler tunables with hotplug. The tunables
+    # will vary across devices in unpredictable ways if allowed to scale with
+    # cpu cores.
+    write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_tunable_scaling 0
+    write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_latency_ns 10000000
+    write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_wakeup_granularity_ns 2000000
+    write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_child_runs_first 0
+    write /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space 2
+    write /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr 32768
+    write /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ping_group_range "0 2147483647"
+    write /proc/sys/net/unix/max_dgram_qlen 600
+    write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_runtime_us 950000
+    write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_period_us 1000000
+    # Assign reasonable ceiling values for socket rcv/snd buffers.
+    # These should almost always be overridden by the target per the
+    # the corresponding technology maximums.
+    write /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max  262144
+    write /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max  262144
+    # reflect fwmark from incoming packets onto generated replies
+    write /proc/sys/net/ipv4/fwmark_reflect 1
+    write /proc/sys/net/ipv6/fwmark_reflect 1
+    # set fwmark on accepted sockets
+    write /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fwmark_accept 1
+    # disable icmp redirects
+    write /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_redirects 0
+    write /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/accept_redirects 0
+    # /proc/net/fib_trie leaks interface IP addresses
+    chmod 0400 /proc/net/fib_trie
+    # Create cgroup mount points for process groups
+    mkdir /dev/cpuctl
+    mount cgroup none /dev/cpuctl nodev noexec nosuid cpu
+    chown system system /dev/cpuctl
+    chown system system /dev/cpuctl/tasks
+    chmod 0666 /dev/cpuctl/tasks
+    write /dev/cpuctl/cpu.rt_period_us 1000000
+    write /dev/cpuctl/cpu.rt_runtime_us 950000
+    # sets up initial cpusets for ActivityManager
+    mkdir /dev/cpuset
+    mount cpuset none /dev/cpuset nodev noexec nosuid
+    # this ensures that the cpusets are present and usable, but the device's
+    # init.rc must actually set the correct cpus
+    mkdir /dev/cpuset/foreground
+    copy /dev/cpuset/cpus /dev/cpuset/foreground/cpus
+    copy /dev/cpuset/mems /dev/cpuset/foreground/mems
+    mkdir /dev/cpuset/background
+    copy /dev/cpuset/cpus /dev/cpuset/background/cpus
+    copy /dev/cpuset/mems /dev/cpuset/background/mems
+    # system-background is for system tasks that should only run on
+    # little cores, not on bigs
+    # to be used only by init, so don't change system-bg permissions
+    mkdir /dev/cpuset/system-background
+    copy /dev/cpuset/cpus /dev/cpuset/system-background/cpus
+    copy /dev/cpuset/mems /dev/cpuset/system-background/mems
+    # restricted is for system tasks that are being throttled
+    # due to screen off.
+    mkdir /dev/cpuset/restricted
+    copy /dev/cpuset/cpus /dev/cpuset/restricted/cpus
+    copy /dev/cpuset/mems /dev/cpuset/restricted/mems
+    mkdir /dev/cpuset/top-app
+    copy /dev/cpuset/cpus /dev/cpuset/top-app/cpus
+    copy /dev/cpuset/mems /dev/cpuset/top-app/mems
+    mkdir /dev/cpuset/audio-app
+    copy /dev/cpuset/cpus /dev/cpuset/audio-app/cpus
+    copy /dev/cpuset/mems /dev/cpuset/audio-app/mems
+    # change permissions for all cpusets we'll touch at runtime
+    chown system system /dev/cpuset
+    chown system system /dev/cpuset/foreground
+    chown system system /dev/cpuset/background
+    chown system system /dev/cpuset/system-background
+    chown system system /dev/cpuset/top-app
+    chown system system /dev/cpuset/audio-app
+    chown system system /dev/cpuset/restricted
+    chown system system /dev/cpuset/tasks
+    chown system system /dev/cpuset/foreground/tasks
+    chown system system /dev/cpuset/background/tasks
+    chown system system /dev/cpuset/system-background/tasks
+    chown system system /dev/cpuset/top-app/tasks
+    chown system system /dev/cpuset/audio-app/tasks
+    chown system system /dev/cpuset/restricted/tasks
+    # set system-background to 0775 so SurfaceFlinger can touch it
+    chmod 0775 /dev/cpuset/system-background
+    chmod 0664 /dev/cpuset/foreground/tasks
+    chmod 0664 /dev/cpuset/background/tasks
+    chmod 0664 /dev/cpuset/system-background/tasks
+    chmod 0664 /dev/cpuset/top-app/tasks
+    chmod 0664 /dev/cpuset/audio-app/tasks
+    chmod 0664 /dev/cpuset/restricted/tasks
+    chmod 0664 /dev/cpuset/tasks
+    # qtaguid will limit access to specific data based on group memberships.
+    #   net_bw_acct grants impersonation of socket owners.
+    #   net_bw_stats grants access to other apps' detailed tagged-socket stats.
+    chown root net_bw_acct /proc/net/xt_qtaguid/ctrl
+    chown root net_bw_stats /proc/net/xt_qtaguid/stats
+    # Allow everybody to read the xt_qtaguid resource tracking misc dev.
+    # This is needed by any process that uses socket tagging.
+    chmod 0644 /dev/xt_qtaguid
+    mkdir /dev/cg2_bpf
+    mount cgroup2 cg2_bpf /dev/cg2_bpf nodev noexec nosuid
+    chown root root /dev/cg2_bpf
+    chmod 0600 /dev/cg2_bpf
+    mount bpf bpf /sys/fs/bpf nodev noexec nosuid
+    # Create location for fs_mgr to store abbreviated output from filesystem
+    # checker programs.
+    mkdir /dev/fscklogs 0770 root system
+    # pstore/ramoops previous console log
+    mount pstore pstore /sys/fs/pstore nodev noexec nosuid
+    chown system log /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops
+    chmod 0440 /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops
+    chown system log /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops-0
+    chmod 0440 /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops-0
+    chown system log /sys/fs/pstore/pmsg-ramoops-0
+    chmod 0440 /sys/fs/pstore/pmsg-ramoops-0
+    # enable armv8_deprecated instruction hooks
+    write /proc/sys/abi/swp 1
+    # Linux's execveat() syscall may construct paths containing /dev/fd
+    # expecting it to point to /proc/self/fd
+    symlink /proc/self/fd /dev/fd
+    export DOWNLOAD_CACHE /data/cache
+    # set RLIMIT_NICE to allow priorities from 19 to -20
+    setrlimit nice 40 40
+    # Allow up to 32K FDs per process
+    setrlimit nofile 32768 32768
+    # This allows the ledtrig-transient properties to be created here so
+    # that they can be chown'd to system:system later on boot
+    write /sys/class/leds/vibrator/trigger "transient"
+# Healthd can trigger a full boot from charger mode by signaling this
+# property when the power button is held.
+on property:sys.boot_from_charger_mode=1
+    class_stop charger
+    trigger late-init
+on load_persist_props_action
+    load_persist_props
+    start logd
+    start logd-reinit
+# Indicate to fw loaders that the relevant mounts are up.
+on firmware_mounts_complete
+    rm /dev/.booting
+# Mount filesystems and start core system services.
+on late-init
+    trigger early-fs
+    # Mount fstab in init.{$device}.rc by mount_all command. Optional parameter
+    # '--early' can be specified to skip entries with 'latemount'.
+    # /system and /vendor must be mounted by the end of the fs stage,
+    # while /data is optional.
+    trigger factory-fs
+    trigger fs
+    trigger post-fs
+    # Mount fstab in init.{$device}.rc by mount_all with '--late' parameter
+    # to only mount entries with 'latemount'. This is needed if '--early' is
+    # specified in the previous mount_all command on the fs stage.
+    # With /system mounted and properties form /system + /factory available,
+    # some services can be started.
+    trigger late-fs
+    # Now we can mount /data. File encryption requires keymaster to decrypt
+    # /data, which in turn can only be loaded when system properties are present.
+    trigger post-fs-data
+    # Now we can start zygote for devices with file based encryption
+    trigger zygote-start
+    # Load persist properties and override properties (if enabled) from /data.
+    trigger load_persist_props_action
+    # Remove a file to wake up anything waiting for firmware.
+    trigger firmware_mounts_complete
+    trigger early-boot
+    trigger boot
+    trigger mmi
+on post-fs
+    # Load properties from
+    #     /system/build.prop,
+    #     /odm/build.prop,
+    #     /vendor/build.prop and
+    #     /factory/factory.prop
+    load_system_props
+    # start essential services
+    start logd
+    start servicemanager
+    start hwservicemanager
+    start vndservicemanager
+    # Once everything is setup, no need to modify /.
+    # The bind+ro combination avoids modifying any other mount flags.
+    mount rootfs rootfs / remount bind ro
+    # Mount shared so changes propagate into child namespaces
+    mount rootfs rootfs / shared rec
+    # Mount default storage into root namespace
+    mount none /mnt/runtime/default /storage bind rec
+    mount none none /storage slave rec
+    # Make sure /sys/kernel/debug (if present) is labeled properly
+    # Note that tracefs may be mounted under debug, so we need to cross filesystems
+    restorecon --recursive --cross-filesystems /sys/kernel/debug
+    # We chown/chmod /cache again so because mount is run as root + defaults
+    chown system cache /cache
+    chmod 0770 /cache
+    # We restorecon /cache in case the cache partition has been reset.
+    restorecon_recursive /cache
+    # Create /cache/recovery in case it's not there. It'll also fix the odd
+    # permissions if created by the recovery system.
+    mkdir /cache/recovery 0770 system cache
+    # Backup/restore mechanism uses the cache partition
+    mkdir /cache/backup_stage 0700 system system
+    mkdir /cache/backup 0700 system system
+    #change permissions on vmallocinfo so we can grab it from bugreports
+    chown root log /proc/vmallocinfo
+    chmod 0440 /proc/vmallocinfo
+    chown root log /proc/slabinfo
+    chmod 0440 /proc/slabinfo
+    #change permissions on kmsg & sysrq-trigger so bugreports can grab kthread stacks
+    chown root system /proc/kmsg
+    chmod 0440 /proc/kmsg
+    chown root system /proc/sysrq-trigger
+    chmod 0220 /proc/sysrq-trigger
+    chown system log /proc/last_kmsg
+    chmod 0440 /proc/last_kmsg
+    # make the selinux kernel policy world-readable
+    chmod 0444 /sys/fs/selinux/policy
+    # create the lost+found directories, so as to enforce our permissions
+    mkdir /cache/lost+found 0770 root root
+    restorecon_recursive /metadata
+    mkdir /metadata/vold
+    chmod 0700 /metadata/vold
+on late-fs
+    # Ensure that tracefs has the correct permissions.
+    # This does not work correctly if it is called in post-fs.
+    chmod 0755 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing
+    # HALs required before storage encryption can get unlocked (FBE/FDE)
+    class_start early_hal
+on post-fs-data
+    # We chown/chmod /data again so because mount is run as root + defaults
+    chown system system /data
+    chmod 0771 /data
+    # We restorecon /data in case the userdata partition has been reset.
+    restorecon /data
+    # Make sure we have the device encryption key.
+    start vold
+    installkey /data
+    # Start bootcharting as soon as possible after the data partition is
+    # mounted to collect more data.
+    mkdir /data/bootchart 0755 shell shell
+    bootchart start
+    # Avoid predictable entropy pool. Carry over entropy from previous boot.
+    copy /data/system/entropy.dat /dev/urandom
+    # create basic filesystem structure
+    mkdir /data/misc 01771 system misc
+    mkdir /data/misc/recovery 0770 system log
+    copy /data/misc/recovery/ro.build.fingerprint /data/misc/recovery/ro.build.fingerprint.1
+    chmod 0440 /data/misc/recovery/ro.build.fingerprint.1
+    chown system log /data/misc/recovery/ro.build.fingerprint.1
+    write /data/misc/recovery/ro.build.fingerprint ${ro.build.fingerprint}
+    chmod 0440 /data/misc/recovery/ro.build.fingerprint
+    chown system log /data/misc/recovery/ro.build.fingerprint
+    mkdir /data/misc/recovery/proc 0770 system log
+    copy /data/misc/recovery/proc/version /data/misc/recovery/proc/version.1
+    chmod 0440 /data/misc/recovery/proc/version.1
+    chown system log /data/misc/recovery/proc/version.1
+    copy /proc/version /data/misc/recovery/proc/version
+    chmod 0440 /data/misc/recovery/proc/version
+    chown system log /data/misc/recovery/proc/version
+    mkdir /data/misc/bluedroid 02770 bluetooth bluetooth
+    # Fix the access permissions and group ownership for 'bt_config.conf'
+    chmod 0660 /data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.conf
+    chown bluetooth bluetooth /data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.conf
+    mkdir /data/misc/bluetooth 0770 bluetooth bluetooth
+    mkdir /data/misc/bluetooth/logs 0770 bluetooth bluetooth
+    mkdir /data/misc/keystore 0700 keystore keystore
+    mkdir /data/misc/gatekeeper 0700 system system
+    mkdir /data/misc/keychain 0771 system system
+    mkdir /data/misc/net 0750 root shell
+    mkdir /data/misc/radio 0770 system radio
+    mkdir /data/misc/sms 0770 system radio
+    mkdir /data/misc/carrierid 0770 system radio
+    mkdir /data/misc/apns 0770 system radio
+    mkdir /data/misc/zoneinfo 0775 system system
+    mkdir /data/misc/network_watchlist 0774 system system
+    mkdir /data/misc/textclassifier 0771 system system
+    mkdir /data/misc/vpn 0770 system vpn
+    mkdir /data/misc/shared_relro 0771 shared_relro shared_relro
+    mkdir /data/misc/systemkeys 0700 system system
+    mkdir /data/misc/wifi 0770 wifi wifi
+    mkdir /data/misc/wifi/sockets 0770 wifi wifi
+    mkdir /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant 0770 wifi wifi
+    mkdir /data/misc/ethernet 0770 system system
+    mkdir /data/misc/dhcp 0775 dhcp dhcp
+    mkdir /data/misc/user 0771 root root
+    mkdir /data/misc/perfprofd 0775 root root
+    # give system access to wpa_supplicant.conf for backup and restore
+    chmod 0660 /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
+    mkdir /data/local 0751 root root
+    mkdir /data/misc/media 0700 media media
+    mkdir /data/misc/audioserver 0700 audioserver audioserver
+    mkdir /data/misc/cameraserver 0700 cameraserver cameraserver
+    mkdir /data/misc/vold 0700 root root
+    mkdir /data/misc/boottrace 0771 system shell
+    mkdir /data/misc/update_engine 0700 root root
+    mkdir /data/misc/update_engine_log 02750 root log
+    mkdir /data/misc/trace 0700 root root
+    # create location to store surface and window trace files
+    mkdir /data/misc/wmtrace 0700 system system
+    # profile file layout
+    mkdir /data/misc/profiles 0771 system system
+    mkdir /data/misc/profiles/cur 0771 system system
+    mkdir /data/misc/profiles/ref 0771 system system
+    mkdir /data/misc/profman 0770 system shell
+    mkdir /data/misc/gcov 0770 root root
+    mkdir /data/vendor 0771 root root
+    mkdir /data/vendor_ce 0771 root root
+    mkdir /data/vendor_de 0771 root root
+    mkdir /data/vendor/hardware 0771 root root
+    # For security reasons, /data/local/tmp should always be empty.
+    # Do not place files or directories in /data/local/tmp
+    mkdir /data/local/tmp 0771 shell shell
+    mkdir /data/local/traces 0777 shell shell
+    mkdir /data/data 0771 system system
+    mkdir /data/app-private 0771 system system
+    mkdir /data/app-ephemeral 0771 system system
+    mkdir /data/app-asec 0700 root root
+    mkdir /data/app-lib 0771 system system
+    mkdir /data/app 0771 system system
+    mkdir /data/property 0700 root root
+    mkdir /data/tombstones 0771 system system
+    mkdir /data/vendor/tombstones 0771 root root
+    mkdir /data/vendor/tombstones/wifi 0771 wifi wifi
+    # create dalvik-cache, so as to enforce our permissions
+    mkdir /data/dalvik-cache 0771 root root
+    # create the A/B OTA directory, so as to enforce our permissions
+    mkdir /data/ota 0771 root root
+    # create the OTA package directory. It will be accessed by GmsCore (cache
+    # group), update_engine and update_verifier.
+    mkdir /data/ota_package 0770 system cache
+    # create resource-cache and double-check the perms
+    mkdir /data/resource-cache 0771 system system
+    chown system system /data/resource-cache
+    chmod 0771 /data/resource-cache
+    # create the lost+found directories, so as to enforce our permissions
+    mkdir /data/lost+found 0770 root root
+    # create directory for DRM plug-ins - give drm the read/write access to
+    # the following directory.
+    mkdir /data/drm 0770 drm drm
+    # create directory for MediaDrm plug-ins - give drm the read/write access to
+    # the following directory.
+    mkdir /data/mediadrm 0770 mediadrm mediadrm
+    mkdir /data/anr 0775 system system
+    # NFC: create data/nfc for nv storage
+    mkdir /data/nfc 0770 nfc nfc
+    mkdir /data/nfc/param 0770 nfc nfc
+    # Create all remaining /data root dirs so that they are made through init
+    # and get proper encryption policy installed
+    mkdir /data/backup 0700 system system
+    mkdir /data/ss 0700 system system
+    mkdir /data/system 0775 system system
+    mkdir /data/system/heapdump 0700 system system
+    mkdir /data/system/users 0775 system system
+    mkdir /data/system_de 0770 system system
+    mkdir /data/system_ce 0770 system system
+    mkdir /data/misc_de 01771 system misc
+    mkdir /data/misc_ce 01771 system misc
+    mkdir /data/user 0711 system system
+    mkdir /data/user_de 0711 system system
+    symlink /data/data /data/user/0
+    mkdir /data/media 0770 media_rw media_rw
+    mkdir /data/media/obb 0770 media_rw media_rw
+    mkdir /data/cache 0770 system cache
+    mkdir /data/cache/recovery 0770 system cache
+    mkdir /data/cache/backup_stage 0700 system system
+    mkdir /data/cache/backup 0700 system system
+    init_user0
+    # Set SELinux security contexts on upgrade or policy update.
+    restorecon --recursive --skip-ce /data
+    # Check any timezone data in /data is newer than the copy in /system, delete if not.
+    exec - system system -- /system/bin/tzdatacheck /system/usr/share/zoneinfo /data/misc/zoneinfo
+    # If there is no post-fs-data action in the init.<device>.rc file, you
+    # must uncomment this line, otherwise encrypted filesystems
+    # won't work.
+    # Set indication (checked by vold) that we have finished this action
+    #setprop vold.post_fs_data_done 1
+# It is recommended to put unnecessary data/ initialization from post-fs-data
+# to start-zygote in device's init.rc to unblock zygote start.
+on zygote-start && property:ro.crypto.state=unencrypted
+    # A/B update verifier that marks a successful boot.
+    exec_start update_verifier_nonencrypted
+    start netd
+    start zygote
+    start zygote_secondary
+on zygote-start && property:ro.crypto.state=unsupported
+    # A/B update verifier that marks a successful boot.
+    exec_start update_verifier_nonencrypted
+    start netd
+    start zygote
+    start zygote_secondary
+on zygote-start && property:ro.crypto.state=encrypted && property:ro.crypto.type=file
+    # A/B update verifier that marks a successful boot.
+    exec_start update_verifier_nonencrypted
+    start netd
+    start zygote
+    start zygote_secondary
+on boot
+    # basic network init
+    ifup lo
+    hostname localhost
+    domainname localdomain
+    # IPsec SA default expiration length
+    write /proc/sys/net/core/xfrm_acq_expires 3600
+    # Memory management.  Basic kernel parameters, and allow the high
+    # level system server to be able to adjust the kernel OOM driver
+    # parameters to match how it is managing things.
+    write /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory 1
+    write /proc/sys/vm/min_free_order_shift 4
+    chown root system /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/adj
+    chmod 0664 /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/adj
+    chown root system /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree
+    chmod 0664 /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree
+    # Tweak background writeout
+    write /proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centisecs 200
+    write /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio  5
+    # Permissions for System Server and daemons.
+    chown radio system /sys/android_power/state
+    chown radio system /sys/android_power/request_state
+    chown radio system /sys/android_power/acquire_full_wake_lock
+    chown radio system /sys/android_power/acquire_partial_wake_lock
+    chown radio system /sys/android_power/release_wake_lock
+    chown system system /sys/power/autosleep
+    chown system system /sys/power/state
+    chown system system /sys/power/wakeup_count
+    chown radio wakelock /sys/power/wake_lock
+    chown radio wakelock /sys/power/wake_unlock
+    chmod 0660 /sys/power/state
+    chmod 0660 /sys/power/wake_lock
+    chmod 0660 /sys/power/wake_unlock
+    chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/timer_rate
+    chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/timer_rate
+    chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/timer_slack
+    chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/timer_slack
+    chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/min_sample_time
+    chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/min_sample_time
+    chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/hispeed_freq
+    chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/hispeed_freq
+    chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/target_loads
+    chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/target_loads
+    chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/go_hispeed_load
+    chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/go_hispeed_load
+    chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/above_hispeed_delay
+    chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/above_hispeed_delay
+    chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/boost
+    chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/boost
+    chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/boostpulse
+    chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/input_boost
+    chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/input_boost
+    chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/boostpulse_duration
+    chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/boostpulse_duration
+    chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/io_is_busy
+    chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/io_is_busy
+    # Assume SMP uses shared cpufreq policy for all CPUs
+    chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
+    chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
+    #For PowerSave
+    chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
+    chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor	
+    chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_setspeed
+    chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_setspeed	
+    chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/scaling_governor
+    chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/scaling_governor	
+    chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/scaling_setspeed
+    chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/scaling_setspeed	
+    chown system system /proc/cabc_mode_switch
+    chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/trigger
+    chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/activate
+    chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/brightness
+    chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/duration
+    chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/state
+    chown system system /sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable
+    chown system system /sys/class/leds/keyboard-backlight/brightness
+    chown system system /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness
+    chown system system /sys/class/leds/button-backlight/brightness
+    chown system system /sys/class/leds/jogball-backlight/brightness
+    chown system system /sys/class/leds/red/brightness
+    chown system system /sys/class/leds/green/brightness
+    chown system system /sys/class/leds/blue/brightness
+    chown system system /sys/class/leds/red/device/grpfreq
+    chown system system /sys/class/leds/red/device/grppwm
+    chown system system /sys/class/leds/red/device/blink
+    chown system system /sys/module/sco/parameters/disable_esco
+    chown system system /sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_wmem_min
+    chown system system /sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_wmem_def
+    chown system system /sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_wmem_max
+    chown system system /sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_rmem_min
+    chown system system /sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_rmem_def
+    chown system system /sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_rmem_max
+    chown root radio /proc/cmdline
+    # Define default initial receive window size in segments.
+    setprop net.tcp.default_init_rwnd 60
+    # Start standard binderized HAL daemons
+    class_start hal
+    class_start core
+on nonencrypted
+    class_start main
+    class_start late_start
+on property:sys.init_log_level=*
+    loglevel ${sys.init_log_level}
+on charger
+    class_start charger
+on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_reset_main
+    class_reset main
+on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_load_persist_props
+    load_persist_props
+    start logd
+    start logd-reinit
+# corefile limit
+on property:persist.debug.trace=1
+   mkdir /data/core 0777 root root
+   write /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern "/data/core/%E.%p.%e"
+on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_post_fs_data
+    trigger post-fs-data
+    trigger zygote-start
+on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_restart_min_framework
+    # A/B update verifier that marks a successful boot.
+    exec_start update_verifier
+    class_start main
+on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_restart_framework
+    # A/B update verifier that marks a successful boot.
+    exec_start update_verifier
+    class_start main
+    class_start late_start
+    setprop service.bootanim.exit 0
+	start bootanim
+on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_shutdown_framework
+    class_reset late_start
+    class_reset main
+on property:sys.boot_completed=1
+    bootchart stop
+# system server cannot write to /proc/sys files,
+# and chown/chmod does not work for /proc/sys/ entries.
+# So proxy writes through init.
+on property:sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes=*
+    write /proc/sys/vm/extra_free_kbytes ${sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes}
+# "tcp_default_init_rwnd" Is too long!
+on property:sys.sysctl.tcp_def_init_rwnd=*
+    write /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_default_init_rwnd ${sys.sysctl.tcp_def_init_rwnd}
+on property:security.perf_harden=0
+    write /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid 1
+on property:security.perf_harden=1
+    write /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid 3
+# on shutdown
+# In device's init.rc, this trigger can be used to do device-specific actions
+# before shutdown. e.g disable watchdog and mask error handling
+## Daemon processes to be run by init.
+service ueventd /sbin/ueventd
+    class core
+    critical
+    seclabel u:r:ueventd:s0
+    shutdown critical
+service console /system/bin/sh
+    class core
+    console
+    disabled
+    user shell
+    group shell log readproc
+    seclabel u:r:shell:s0
+    setenv HOSTNAME console
+on property:ro.debuggable=1
+    # Give writes to anyone for the trace folder on debug builds.
+    # The folder is used to store method traces.
+    chmod 0773 /data/misc/trace
+    # Give reads to anyone for the window trace folder on debug builds.
+    chmod 0775 /data/misc/wmtrace
+    start console
+service flash_recovery /system/bin/install-recovery.sh
+    class main
+    oneshot
diff --git a/system/init.recovery.qcom.rc b/system/init.recovery.qcom.rc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..71e6ce76263bb068ca9f4818fd592ecffb325024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/init.recovery.qcom.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+#       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+#     * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor
+#       the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
+#       products derived from this software without specific prior written
+#       permission.
+on init
+    write /sys/class/backlight/panel0-backlight/brightness 200
+    mkdir /config
+    mount configfs none /config
+    mkdir /config/usb_gadget/g1 0770 shell shell
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/bcdUSB 0x0200
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/idVendor 0x18d1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/idProduct 0xd001
+    mkdir /config/usb_gadget/g1/strings/0x409 0770 shell shell
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/strings/0x409/serialnumber ${ro.serialno}
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/strings/0x409/manufacturer ${ro.product.manufacturer}
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/strings/0x409/product ${ro.product.model}
+    mkdir /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/ffs.adb
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/os_desc/use 1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/os_desc/b_vendor_code 0x1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/os_desc/qw_sign "MSFT100"
+    setprop sys.usb.configfs 1
+on property:ro.boot.usbcontroller=*
+    setprop sys.usb.controller ${ro.boot.usbcontroller}
+on property:sys.usb.ffs.ready=1
+    mkdir /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1 0777 shell shell
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1 /config/usb_gadget/g1/os_desc/b.1
+    mkdir /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/strings/0x409 0770 shell shell
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/strings/0x409/configuration "adb"
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/ffs.adb /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/UDC ${sys.usb.controller}
+on fs
+    wait /dev/block/platform/soc/${ro.boot.bootdevice}
+    symlink /dev/block/platform/soc/${ro.boot.bootdevice} /dev/block/bootdevice
diff --git a/system/init.usb.configfs.rc b/system/init.usb.configfs.rc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a33c94d36d73a0ee9d36b9ea511d87817d90635
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/init.usb.configfs.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+on property:sys.usb.config=none && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/UDC "none"
+    stop adbd
+    setprop sys.usb.ffs.ready 0
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/bDeviceClass 0
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/bDeviceSubClass 0
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/bDeviceProtocol 0
+    rm /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f1
+    rm /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f2
+    rm /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f3
+    rmdir /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/rndis.gs4
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+on property:init.svc.adbd=stopped
+    setprop sys.usb.ffs.ready 0
+on property:sys.usb.config=adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    start adbd
+on property:sys.usb.ffs.ready=1 && property:sys.usb.config=adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/strings/0x409/configuration "adb"
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/ffs.adb /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/UDC ${sys.usb.controller}
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+on property:sys.usb.config=mtp && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/strings/0x409/configuration "mtp"
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/mtp.gs0 /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/UDC ${sys.usb.controller}
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+on property:sys.usb.config=mtp,adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    start adbd
+on property:sys.usb.ffs.ready=1 && property:sys.usb.config=mtp,adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/strings/0x409/configuration "mtp_adb"
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/mtp.gs0 /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f1
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/ffs.adb /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f2
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/UDC ${sys.usb.controller}
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+on property:sys.usb.config=ptp && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/strings/0x409/configuration "ptp"
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/ptp.gs1 /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/UDC ${sys.usb.controller}
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+on property:sys.usb.config=ptp,adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    start adbd
+on property:sys.usb.ffs.ready=1 && property:sys.usb.config=ptp,adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/strings/0x409/configuration "ptp_adb"
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/ptp.gs1 /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f1
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/ffs.adb /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f2
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/UDC ${sys.usb.controller}
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+on property:sys.usb.config=accessory && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/strings/0x409/configuration "accessory"
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/accessory.gs2 /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/UDC ${sys.usb.controller}
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+on property:sys.usb.config=accessory,adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    start adbd
+on property:sys.usb.ffs.ready=1 && property:sys.usb.config=accessory,adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/strings/0x409/configuration "accessory_adb"
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/accessory.gs2 /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f1
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/ffs.adb /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f2
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/UDC ${sys.usb.controller}
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+on property:sys.usb.config=audio_source && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/strings/0x409/configuration "audiosource"
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/audio_source.gs3 /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/UDC ${sys.usb.controller}
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+on property:sys.usb.config=audio_source,adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    start adbd
+on property:sys.usb.ffs.ready=1 && property:sys.usb.config=audio_source,adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/strings/0x409/configuration "audiosource_adb"
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/audio_source.gs3 /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f1
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/ffs.adb /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f2
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/UDC ${sys.usb.controller}
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+on property:sys.usb.config=accessory,audio_source && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/strings/0x409/configuration "accessory_audiosource"
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/accessory.gs2 /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f1
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/audio_source.gs3 /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f2
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/UDC ${sys.usb.controller}
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+on property:sys.usb.config=accessory,audio_source,adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    start adbd
+on property:sys.usb.ffs.ready=1 && property:sys.usb.config=accessory,audio_source,adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/strings/0x409/configuration "accessory_audiosource_adb"
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/accessory.gs2 /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f1
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/audio_source.gs3 /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f2
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/ffs.adb /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f3
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/UDC ${sys.usb.controller}
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+on property:sys.usb.config=midi && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/strings/0x409/configuration "midi"
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/midi.gs5 /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/UDC ${sys.usb.controller}
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+on property:sys.usb.config=midi,adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    start adbd
+on property:sys.usb.ffs.ready=1 && property:sys.usb.config=midi,adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/strings/0x409/configuration "midi_adb"
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/midi.gs5 /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f1
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/ffs.adb /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f2
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/UDC ${sys.usb.controller}
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+on property:sys.usb.config=rndis && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    mkdir /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/rndis.gs4
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/strings/0x409/configuration "rndis"
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/rndis.gs4 /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f1
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/UDC ${sys.usb.controller}
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+on property:sys.usb.config=rndis,adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    start adbd
+on property:sys.usb.ffs.ready=1 && property:sys.usb.config=rndis,adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=1
+    mkdir /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/rndis.gs4
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/strings/0x409/configuration "rndis_adb"
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/rndis.gs4 /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f1
+    symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/ffs.adb /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f2
+    write /config/usb_gadget/g1/UDC ${sys.usb.controller}
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
diff --git a/system/init.usb.rc b/system/init.usb.rc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f0681d2c240972384f25ccbacbbef733149b9c5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/init.usb.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
+# USB configuration common for all android devices
+on post-fs-data
+    chown system system /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun/file
+    chmod 0660 /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun/file
+    chown system system /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_rndis/ethaddr
+    chmod 0660 /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_rndis/ethaddr
+    mkdir /data/misc/adb 02750 system shell
+    mkdir /data/adb 0700 root root
+# adbd is controlled via property triggers in init.<platform>.usb.rc
+service adbd /system/bin/adbd --root_seclabel=u:r:su:s0
+    class core
+    socket adbd stream 660 system system
+    disabled
+    seclabel u:r:adbd:s0
+on boot
+    setprop sys.usb.configfs 0
+# Used to disable USB when switching states
+on property:sys.usb.config=none && property:sys.usb.configfs=0
+    stop adbd
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/bDeviceClass 0
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+# adb only USB configuration
+# This is the fallback configuration if the
+# USB manager fails to set a standard configuration
+on property:sys.usb.config=adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=0
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor 18d1
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct 4EE7
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions ${sys.usb.config}
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1
+    start adbd
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+# USB accessory configuration
+on property:sys.usb.config=accessory && property:sys.usb.configfs=0
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor 18d1
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct 2d00
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions ${sys.usb.config}
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+# USB accessory configuration, with adb
+on property:sys.usb.config=accessory,adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=0
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor 18d1
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct 2d01
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions ${sys.usb.config}
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1
+    start adbd
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+# audio accessory configuration
+on property:sys.usb.config=audio_source && property:sys.usb.configfs=0
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor 18d1
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct 2d02
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions ${sys.usb.config}
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+# audio accessory configuration, with adb
+on property:sys.usb.config=audio_source,adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=0
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor 18d1
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct 2d03
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions ${sys.usb.config}
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1
+    start adbd
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+# USB and audio accessory configuration
+on property:sys.usb.config=accessory,audio_source && property:sys.usb.configfs=0
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor 18d1
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct 2d04
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions ${sys.usb.config}
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+# USB and audio accessory configuration, with adb
+on property:sys.usb.config=accessory,audio_source,adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=0
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor 18d1
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct 2d05
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions ${sys.usb.config}
+    write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1
+    start adbd
+    setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
+# Used to set USB configuration at boot and to switch the configuration
+# when changing the default configuration
+on boot && property:persist.sys.usb.config=*
+    setprop sys.usb.config ${persist.sys.usb.config}
+# USB type C
+# USB mode changes
+on property:sys.usb.typec.mode=dfp
+    write /sys/class/dual_role_usb/otg_default/mode ${sys.usb.typec.mode}
+    setprop sys.usb.typec.state ${sys.usb.typec.mode}
+on property:sys.usb.typec.mode=ufp
+    write /sys/class/dual_role_usb/otg_default/mode ${sys.usb.typec.mode}
+    setprop sys.usb.typec.state ${sys.usb.typec.mode}
+# USB data role changes
+on property:sys.usb.typec.data_role=device
+    write /sys/class/dual_role_usb/otg_default/data_role ${sys.usb.typec.data_role}
+    setprop sys.usb.typec.state ${sys.usb.typec.data_role}
+on property:sys.usb.typec.data_role=host
+    write /sys/class/dual_role_usb/otg_default/data_role ${sys.usb.typec.data_role}
+    setprop sys.usb.typec.state ${sys.usb.typec.data_role}
+# USB power role changes
+on property:sys.usb.typec.power_role=source
+    write /sys/class/dual_role_usb/otg_default/power_role ${sys.usb.typec.power_role}
+    setprop sys.usb.typec.state ${sys.usb.typec.power_role}
+on property:sys.usb.typec.power_role=sink
+    write /sys/class/dual_role_usb/otg_default/power_role ${sys.usb.typec.power_role}
+    setprop sys.usb.typec.state ${sys.usb.typec.power_role}
diff --git a/system/init.zygote32.rc b/system/init.zygote32.rc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ac87979ec2be76fbc575505b41d3366da8254f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/init.zygote32.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+service zygote /system/bin/app_process -Xzygote /system/bin --zygote --start-system-server
+    class main
+    priority -20
+    user root
+    group root readproc reserved_disk
+    socket zygote stream 660 root system
+    onrestart write /sys/android_power/request_state wake
+    onrestart write /sys/power/state on
+    onrestart restart audioserver
+    onrestart restart cameraserver
+    onrestart restart media
+    onrestart restart netd
+    onrestart restart wificond
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/foreground/tasks
diff --git a/system/init.zygote64_32.rc b/system/init.zygote64_32.rc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7ddd52ee59153bdc2c01bd17634e52ab59798ef7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/init.zygote64_32.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+service zygote /system/bin/app_process64 -Xzygote /system/bin --zygote --start-system-server --socket-name=zygote
+    class main
+    priority -20
+    user root
+    group root readproc reserved_disk
+    socket zygote stream 660 root system
+    onrestart write /sys/android_power/request_state wake
+    onrestart write /sys/power/state on
+    onrestart restart audioserver
+    onrestart restart cameraserver
+    onrestart restart media
+    onrestart restart netd
+    onrestart restart wificond
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/foreground/tasks
+service zygote_secondary /system/bin/app_process32 -Xzygote /system/bin --zygote --socket-name=zygote_secondary --enable-lazy-preload
+    class main
+    priority -20
+    user root
+    group root readproc reserved_disk
+    socket zygote_secondary stream 660 root system
+    onrestart restart zygote
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/foreground/tasks
diff --git a/system/odm/app b/system/odm/app
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c7e1133ff0b95b9bdbd282c2310153f24fd897b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/odm/app
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/odm/bin b/system/odm/bin
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e9a9da49ab3754cdc4e70fbc607057e40d2882a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/odm/bin
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/odm/etc b/system/odm/etc
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f14af2b5875bbd378fd9a36fe774b0c82d44244e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/odm/etc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/odm/firmware b/system/odm/firmware
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..45df104ca6453554f6de3f6546ccfacefce4adbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/odm/firmware
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/odm/framework b/system/odm/framework
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..29462e19db9fc5595e6a6daf49aa4c1dc6010aec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/odm/framework
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/odm/lib b/system/odm/lib
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7cd75d7648625f1a9d60f0e2a8f30c54eade4d06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/odm/lib
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/odm/lib64 b/system/odm/lib64
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22400c75f46e82f0da9319420dda8b2258a1c41d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/odm/lib64
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/odm/overlay b/system/odm/overlay
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0e7d40d8e15a9b4e71d8ef2d01a6e0c441530325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/odm/overlay
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/odm/priv-app b/system/odm/priv-app
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5360d7fdd2e3e288cac60ef1ae321c2d5045550a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/odm/priv-app
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/system/res/images/charger/Fast-charging_0.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7750a1c82d7cab15c1b5fb09387b70123b0b496
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Binary files /dev/null and b/system/res/images/charger/Fast-charging_10w_30.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a154abe50fe10c7fcb40b500a577438432ea18a
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/res/images/charger/battery_10.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2044875224b71991e9537d9e2207fab01631f8ae
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/res/images/charger/battery_20.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..891efac761aea3043385b664d06f9832af98e3aa
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/res/images/charger/battery_30.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..808a6233785b565db5e48fb9526640e0edaea5b6
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/res/images/charger/battery_40.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d61669caf07319d67b3c66af7beb5ab59db3c39c
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b35d65da69f18d658b568ec228d586ecd778f0e0
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/res/images/charger/battery_90.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..98f6d0d1f098e2a9c2207cb64693c18e5b53379c
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/res/images/charger/battery_99.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc13ee91a5e41a177eee7b261a196ffeb4679697
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7051d8c122be18e462861a9baa456dbf8ac9f8c
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4d3b6fa94cd7fc653114b4221e644da392c2859
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/res/images/charger/battery_qc_0.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7750a1c82d7cab15c1b5fb09387b70123b0b496
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/res/images/charger/battery_qc_10.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..99e722f03f71776cb2ecfaa31bf71e85489ae4de
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..73d7eba6e54bbb1122af4c4b72b4bc60d158c54c
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/res/images/charger/battery_qc_30.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..86fe2ca575ed958069915cca067b4faecdecbb81
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/res/images/charger/battery_qc_40.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22a95d552d17b7aebd8905a32fe37e7cf41d0d14
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/res/images/charger/battery_qc_50.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5de3b6be635e9fecd9524d0aace13e6e212e6c3f
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/res/images/charger/battery_qc_60.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4f88f8b113717505cf7d9ac7a817e33c08c27457
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb0c92e1f636541c9cc0dee3b5f6a6c885870237
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/res/images/charger/battery_qc_80.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..916d25875c758d6f2cfec15ff6459641c040e8d9
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/res/images/charger/battery_qc_90.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..540781df54d2aa60aee93cb1f75e6d873145d52f
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/res/images/charger/battery_qc_99.png differ
diff --git a/system/res/images/charger/battery_qc_charge.png b/system/res/images/charger/battery_qc_charge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc270eabce94cbb0fee8c48c410ccabd535d7914
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/res/images/charger/battery_qc_charge.png differ
diff --git a/system/res/images/charger/battery_scale.png b/system/res/images/charger/battery_scale.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2ae8f0fd7e501b439dfdda2486e87b5b6ba54d4d
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/res/images/charger/battery_scale.png differ
diff --git a/system/sbin/charger b/system/sbin/charger
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..06d89e1673adfd256f6c0924abba1c19d6682b96
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/sbin/charger differ
diff --git a/system/sbin/ueventd b/system/sbin/ueventd
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d9db1a1891be10087359bc46edfc1e6494596976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/sbin/ueventd
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/sbin/watchdogd b/system/sbin/watchdogd
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d9db1a1891be10087359bc46edfc1e6494596976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/sbin/watchdogd
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/sdcard b/system/sdcard
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5aa606c9edb1a9155a8c17819890b54d065b82e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/sdcard
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/Compact_mode.cfg b/system/system/bin/Compact_mode.cfg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3491f80b336474d455538f9fd5208ccd470de299
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/Compact_mode.cfg differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/Diag.cfg b/system/system/bin/Diag.cfg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc9f22a798cb8808e0ac2f5e7f166b13843da2af
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/Diag.cfg differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/GMSetting b/system/system/bin/GMSetting
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b542665174964a9210eb0b68632e7e3537e8d877
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/GMSetting differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/ModeSetting b/system/system/bin/ModeSetting
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bba010aff27233711ac0e0cdb35c99c65631774d
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/ModeSetting differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/acpi b/system/system/bin/acpi
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/acpi
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/adbd b/system/system/bin/adbd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1daaa3d27b68ebc2d2e9cb9146b861a65b8f92c5
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/adbd differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/adsp.cfg b/system/system/bin/adsp.cfg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f00eadfcf7c4b5f93d177308be7c900560d54ce
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/adsp.cfg differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/am b/system/system/bin/am
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..54c2d394be2c329e4d81233da8d326ff99820f01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/am
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+if [ "$1" != "instrument" ] ; then
+    cmd activity "$@"
+    base=/system
+    export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/am.jar
+    exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.am.Am "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/app_process b/system/system/bin/app_process
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9c2ec25eef55c87dd513f8102a66a3d16cffb669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/app_process
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/app_process32 b/system/system/bin/app_process32
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8e65d83146289566727c99e39654a6204d1a343a
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/app_process32 differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/app_process64 b/system/system/bin/app_process64
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc95f34df66a5c1347d7e750e4853954e86a5d0b
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/app_process64 differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/applypatch b/system/system/bin/applypatch
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf7654e769786d661edf127b5d15565dc6356951
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/applypatch differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/appops b/system/system/bin/appops
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5dc85aa0979ce762d5e90fa6a4137b475a2e022b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/appops
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+cmd appops "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/appwidget b/system/system/bin/appwidget
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..26ab1730250fbbb643f5d4a51af97a9efdb3db68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/appwidget
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Script to start "appwidget" on the device, which has a very rudimentary shell.
+export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/appwidget.jar
+exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.appwidget.AppWidget "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/asus_top.sh b/system/system/bin/asus_top.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c65affd0eb134c201366952a1fab0a9d7b34b72a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/asus_top.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+logi ()
+	/system/bin/log -t $LOG_TAG -p i "$@"
+top_command=`top -n 1`
+logi "$top_command"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/atrace b/system/system/bin/atrace
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cb2631432aee36e7361ff775b48c52d3196f2616
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/atrace differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/audio.cfg b/system/system/bin/audio.cfg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b162ac87638cfb6634233764474b3282e9537d9
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/audio.cfg differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/audioserver b/system/system/bin/audioserver
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..177ecee72cb44eecb7923f9dfc5cafdcc466a371
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/audioserver differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/awk b/system/system/bin/awk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2fda02690d65fb9e9f8eae10b45d7662189807a7
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/awk differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/base64 b/system/system/bin/base64
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/base64
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/basename b/system/system/bin/basename
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/basename
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/bcc b/system/system/bin/bcc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..30203fca952ada65fd91ce2aa13ea66205a9aa5d
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/bcc differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/blank_screen b/system/system/bin/blank_screen
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..69054a03af53cd02fd79ab44bc334ecfdaed195d
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/blank_screen differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/blkid b/system/system/bin/blkid
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..443857a1b54d7fad728aa5bfa83c1f8c540a1436
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/blkid differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/blockdev b/system/system/bin/blockdev
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/blockdev
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/bmgr b/system/system/bin/bmgr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..60b5833e76962cffc4e401067a684f58651f3218
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/bmgr
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Script to start "bmgr" on the device, which has a very rudimentary
+# shell.
+export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/bmgr.jar
+exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.bmgr.Bmgr "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/bootanimation b/system/system/bin/bootanimation
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0c17f27950a519d29b6f05dc815b25b828e74917
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/bootanimation differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/bootstat b/system/system/bin/bootstat
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92acc7fdd9aa47a9b0fd1c03922138d477cd7ac3
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/bootstat differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/bpfloader b/system/system/bin/bpfloader
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89cc0e2475a7b4201f2adbab8256be733ccb7b41
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/bpfloader differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/bt_logger b/system/system/bin/bt_logger
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c37e7d604b307fb1a5fdae178656d9eadb5a66da
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/bt_logger differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/bu b/system/system/bin/bu
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e50b53da43250490e2130dd788ce4abbd67a6811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/bu
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Script to start "bu" on the device
+export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/bu.jar
+exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.bu.Backup "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/bugreport b/system/system/bin/bugreport
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..85611f0e13618ec4ae1937be4a02ad2ded6fb7ac
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/bugreport differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/bugreportz b/system/system/bin/bugreportz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ae6c2449fa134858281bf0602d7b2730d5c9b625
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/bugreportz differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/bunzip2 b/system/system/bin/bunzip2
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a989e1da11aef72b6904b826475a113eee556a5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/bunzip2
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/bzcat b/system/system/bin/bzcat
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a989e1da11aef72b6904b826475a113eee556a5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/bzcat
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/bzip2 b/system/system/bin/bzip2
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..76087c13fa82472196b03f858f1466e6708a560e
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/bzip2 differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/cal b/system/system/bin/cal
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/cal
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/cameraserver b/system/system/bin/cameraserver
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7be03830229bd00e38eef944e20b2f42b62c93a9
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/cameraserver differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/cat b/system/system/bin/cat
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/cat
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/chcon b/system/system/bin/chcon
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/chcon
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/chgrp b/system/system/bin/chgrp
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/chgrp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/chmod b/system/system/bin/chmod
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/chmod
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/chown b/system/system/bin/chown
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/chown
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/chroot b/system/system/bin/chroot
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/chroot
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/chrt b/system/system/bin/chrt
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/chrt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/cksum b/system/system/bin/cksum
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/cksum
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/clatd b/system/system/bin/clatd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..85cdf264453e92bcff2dd087caae4a091b89e4ef
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/clatd differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/clear b/system/system/bin/clear
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/clear
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/close_thermal-engine.sh b/system/system/bin/close_thermal-engine.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..11fcab37fd1f56a6634ddd536b1a674519ff07ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/close_thermal-engine.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+stop thermal-engine
+echo 0 > /sys/module/msm_thermal/core_control/enabled
+stop perfd
+echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online
+echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/online
+echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/online
+echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/online
+echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu5/online
+echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu6/online
+echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu7/online
+echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
+echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor
+echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_governor
+echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_governor
+echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/scaling_governor
+echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu5/cpufreq/scaling_governor
+echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu6/cpufreq/scaling_governor
+echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu7/cpufreq/scaling_governor
+stop thermal-engine
+echo 0 > /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/bus_split
+echo performance > /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/devfreq/governor
+echo 1 > /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/force_bus_on
+echo 1 > /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/force_rail_on
+echo 1 > /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/force_clk_on
+echo 1000000 > /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/idle_timer
diff --git a/system/system/bin/cmd b/system/system/bin/cmd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e456352a8d38ce937358fdf012a2d388af6935c8
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/cmd differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/cmp b/system/system/bin/cmp
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/cmp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/comm b/system/system/bin/comm
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/comm
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/content b/system/system/bin/content
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f1bfe1737c5a79b29b43d6ca786da54ef4e32870
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/content
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Script to start "content" on the device, which has a very rudimentary shell.
+export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/content.jar
+exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.content.Content "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/cp b/system/system/bin/cp
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/cp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/cpio b/system/system/bin/cpio
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/cpio
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/cppreopts.sh b/system/system/bin/cppreopts.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a3545e170b78f384f04005a037490e80b6a285b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/cppreopts.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# create files with 644 (global read) permissions.
+umask 022
+# Helper function to copy files
+function do_copy() {
+  source_file=$1
+  dest_name=$2
+  # Move to a temporary file so we can do a rename and have the preopted file
+  # appear atomically in the filesystem.
+  temp_dest_name=${dest_name}.tmp
+  if ! cp ${source_file} ${temp_dest_name} ; then
+    log -p w -t cppreopts "Unable to copy file ${source_file} to ${temp_dest_name}!"
+  else
+    log -p i -t cppreopts "Copied file from ${source_file} to ${temp_dest_name}"
+    sync
+    if ! mv ${temp_dest_name} ${dest_name} ; then
+      log -p w -t cppreopts "Unable to rename temporary file from ${temp_dest_name} to ${dest_name}"
+      rm ${temp_dest_name} || log -p w -t cppreopts "Unable to remove temporary file ${temp_dest_name}"
+    else
+      log -p i -t cppreopts "Renamed temporary file from ${temp_dest_name} to ${dest_name}"
+    fi
+  fi
+if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
+  # Where the system_b is mounted that contains the preopt'd files
+  mountpoint=$1
+  if ! test -f ${mountpoint}/system-other-odex-marker ; then
+    log -p i -t cppreopts "system_other partition does not appear to have been built to contain preopted files."
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  log -p i -t cppreopts "cppreopts from ${mountpoint}"
+  # For each odex and vdex file do the copy task
+  # NOTE: this implementation will break in any path with spaces to favor
+  # background copy tasks
+  for file in $(find ${mountpoint} -type f -name "*.odex" -o -type f -name "*.vdex" -o -type f -name "*.art"); do
+    real_name=${file/${mountpoint}/\/system}
+    dest_name=$(preopt2cachename ${real_name})
+    if ! test $? -eq 0 ; then
+      log -p i -t cppreopts "Unable to figure out destination for ${file}"
+      continue
+    fi
+    # Copy files in background to speed things up
+    do_copy ${file} ${dest_name} &
+  done
+  # Wait for jobs to finish
+  wait
+  exit 0
+  log -p e -t cppreopts "Usage: cppreopts <preopts-mount-point>"
+  exit 1
diff --git a/system/system/bin/crash_dump32 b/system/system/bin/crash_dump32
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cde5f047cfb67827388ca9ff3de2d2d02406902b
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/crash_dump32 differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/crash_dump64 b/system/system/bin/crash_dump64
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ddccfec32a0f135ad1fbc1a2ca5a938abece39f1
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/crash_dump64 differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/curl b/system/system/bin/curl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..61e8281cc2d84cadf8dd03f3a71ab6d9ecef94ff
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/curl differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/cut b/system/system/bin/cut
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/cut
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dalvikvm b/system/system/bin/dalvikvm
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b57ad4e949f4234a8ea0626968f400d810f6470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/dalvikvm
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dalvikvm32 b/system/system/bin/dalvikvm32
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..42306bbe08ec416bd4a46198d818714b499ce9ba
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/dalvikvm32 differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dalvikvm64 b/system/system/bin/dalvikvm64
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f4dd83d5e19b3aba53a66e5920a48cd33aaf4f37
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/dalvikvm64 differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/date b/system/system/bin/date
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/date
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dd b/system/system/bin/dd
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7cf9a836224b834d2f81b63e885735abef189cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/dd
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/debuggerd b/system/system/bin/debuggerd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e76a5e6c90a5340c5ba49f5d528353730fef3ea4
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/debuggerd differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dex2oat b/system/system/bin/dex2oat
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..01c94804ac232ffc522f448f86d321c25409a5d6
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/dex2oat differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dexdiag b/system/system/bin/dexdiag
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..702151c3a92a151ab7ee300080b29bae1afcee5d
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/dexdiag differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dexdump b/system/system/bin/dexdump
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9513d4c2684f124bd153f38e51c99e2bf4cb2c31
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/dexdump differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dexlist b/system/system/bin/dexlist
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0fcc51c43991d5336ec2da7c26ffb88aa42991b6
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/dexlist differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dexoptanalyzer b/system/system/bin/dexoptanalyzer
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c93e64768b3144c9d52eebd37862ee973f54b3f1
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/dexoptanalyzer differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/df b/system/system/bin/df
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/df
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/diff b/system/system/bin/diff
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/diff
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dirname b/system/system/bin/dirname
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/dirname
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/disable_sepolicy.sh b/system/system/bin/disable_sepolicy.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc8a99ddd9baaff78e3a8ff596bd3417803725ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/disable_sepolicy.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+sepolicy_flag=`getprop persist.asus.sepolicy`
+if [ ".$sepolicy_flag" == ".0" ];then
+	setenforce 0
+	setenforce 1
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dmesg b/system/system/bin/dmesg
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/dmesg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dnsmasq b/system/system/bin/dnsmasq
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ccb6bbda5562f274a6d2425c9c5bbeb850945df9
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/dnsmasq differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dos2unix b/system/system/bin/dos2unix
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/dos2unix
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dpm b/system/system/bin/dpm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e0efdc15a706ce0482fe144c9a009cd4685c1a07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/dpm
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Script to start "dpm" on the device
+export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/dpm.jar
+exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.dpm.Dpm "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dpmd b/system/system/bin/dpmd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a5021d56023cd32bef10b096fde5f839805c16f
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/dpmd differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/drmserver b/system/system/bin/drmserver
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a08eff145dd7c91022c139523ec2418bbc6ab96f
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/drmserver differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/du b/system/system/bin/du
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/du
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dumps b/system/system/bin/dumps
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..074af24ca093e24f0c9477d65242809e8cb09a02
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/dumps differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dumpstate b/system/system/bin/dumpstate
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6739f469cd3bf63d4b92a61572a5a3efa0953f1b
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/dumpstate differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dumpsys b/system/system/bin/dumpsys
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ea838b50902c27b7a4f8031b554b54027e067b0f
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/dumpsys differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dumpsyslogmtp.sh b/system/system/bin/dumpsyslogmtp.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a9585d7d190e833d5fb19976ec81a0933e13b01c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/dumpsyslogmtp.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+SAVE_LOG_PATH=`getprop asus.savelogmtp.folder`
+savelog_upload=`getprop asus.savelogmtp.forupload`
+CHECK_DUMPSTATE_PRO=`getprop debug.asus.savelogmtp.dumpstate`
+CHECK_DUMPSTATE_OK=`getprop init.svc.bugreport`
+loge ()
+  /system/bin/log -t $LOG_TAG -p e "$LOG_NAME $@"
+generate_bugreport ()
+	loge "debug.asus.savelogmtp.dumpstate is .$CHECK_DUMPSTATE_PRO"
+	setprop debug.asus.savelogmtp.dumpstate 1
+	if [ ".$CHECK_DUMPSTATE_OK" == "." ]; then
+		sleep 2
+	fi
+#usually it takes 5 minutes
+	for i in $(seq 240); do		
+		CHECK_DUMPSTATE_OK=`getprop init.svc.bugreport`
+		loge "bugreport=$CHECK_DUMPSTATE_OK, waiting for it stopped..."
+		if [ ".$CHECK_DUMPSTATE_OK" == ".stopped" ]; then
+			break
+		elif [ ".$CHECK_DUMPSTATE_OK" == "." ]; then
+			break
+		else	
+			sleep 2
+		fi
+	done;
+	setprop debug.asus.savelogmtp.dumpstate 0
+	loge "copy bugreport to LogUploader folder"
+	if [ ! -e $GENERAL_LOG ]; then
+		loge "LogUploader dir isn't exist, make dir..."
+		mkdir -p $GENERAL_LOG
+	fi
+	chmod -R  777 $BUGREPORT_PATH/
+	for filename in $BUGREPORT_PATH/*; do
+		name=${filename##*/}
+		loge "copy $filename to $GENERAL_LOG"
+		cp  $filename $GENERAL_LOG
+		rm $filename
+	done
+	loge "Generating bugreport completed"
+if [ ".$savelog_upload" == ".1" ]; then
+	generate_bugreport
+	setprop asus.savelogmtp.forupload 0
+	setprop debug.asus.savelogmtp.savedumpsyslogs 0
+	exit 1
+elif [ ".$SAVE_LOG_PATH" == "." ]; then
+	generate_bugreport
+	setprop debug.asus.savelogmtp.savedumpsyslogs 0
+	exit 1
+mkdir  $DUMP_LOG_PATH
+for x in SurfaceFlinger window activity input_method alarm power battery batterystats audio cpuinfo meminfo power wifi diskstats; do
+	dumpsys $x > $DUMP_LOG_PATH/$x.txt
+	loge "dumpsys $x > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/$x.txt"
+dumpsys window -a > $DUMP_LOG_PATH/window.txt
+	# save debug report
+dumpsys > $DUMP_LOG_PATH/dumpsys.txt
+chmod -R 777 $SAVE_LOG_PATH/
+setprop debug.asus.savelogmtp.savedumpsyslogs 0
diff --git a/system/system/bin/dun-server b/system/system/bin/dun-server
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b455a06db8cb24bd7afe3d11cbd06da3429332b1
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/dun-server differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/e2fsck b/system/system/bin/e2fsck
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7cf8f1cead4c0d34012ec67ebde7f49b6e35aac
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/e2fsck differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/e2fsdroid b/system/system/bin/e2fsdroid
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ae493ffa7266390536afaecd45ffc2504d122aa0
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/e2fsdroid differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/echo b/system/system/bin/echo
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/echo
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/egrep b/system/system/bin/egrep
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b059dc5d829bf98c58317d4d6f9e75249e48b9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/egrep
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/env b/system/system/bin/env
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/env
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/exfatck b/system/system/bin/exfatck
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89ff6d118d434eb7367a19d2cc56c15c9b8a65c0
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/exfatck differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/exfatlabel b/system/system/bin/exfatlabel
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..716041d8f94cee7d101673e44855f1369fab6e24
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/exfatlabel differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/exfatvsn b/system/system/bin/exfatvsn
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43adfef652d5eb8d861379e7ea7473000d2dc953
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/exfatvsn differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/expand b/system/system/bin/expand
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/expand
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/expr b/system/system/bin/expr
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/expr
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/fallocate b/system/system/bin/fallocate
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/fallocate
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/false b/system/system/bin/false
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/false
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/fgrep b/system/system/bin/fgrep
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b059dc5d829bf98c58317d4d6f9e75249e48b9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/fgrep
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/file b/system/system/bin/file
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/file
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/find b/system/system/bin/find
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/find
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/flock b/system/system/bin/flock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/flock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/fm.cfg b/system/system/bin/fm.cfg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c06fc88e7593ba0d74a60c71d0b287adf2b804d2
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/fm.cfg differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/fmt b/system/system/bin/fmt
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/fmt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/free b/system/system/bin/free
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/free
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/fsck.f2fs b/system/system/bin/fsck.f2fs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e3fe114945ee55e47a5063ab9eaab2b979040e9b
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/fsck.f2fs differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/fsck_msdos b/system/system/bin/fsck_msdos
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92ddd984dafbcd83b4784317ccb7a02e34aa14e9
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/fsck_msdos differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/gatekeeperd b/system/system/bin/gatekeeperd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c516ab3de299b63fd30a63c2dc5415f387ba9ee
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/gatekeeperd differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/getenforce b/system/system/bin/getenforce
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/getenforce
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/getevent b/system/system/bin/getevent
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7cf9a836224b834d2f81b63e885735abef189cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/getevent
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/getprop b/system/system/bin/getprop
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7cf9a836224b834d2f81b63e885735abef189cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/getprop
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/gps.cfg b/system/system/bin/gps.cfg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8832658b362330deacea40d72157f6bbeb6154d6
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/gps.cfg differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/grep b/system/system/bin/grep
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db5481880a8b78aaada213da0059ebc282f5ec0c
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/grep differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/groups b/system/system/bin/groups
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/groups
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/gunzip b/system/system/bin/gunzip
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/gunzip
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/gzip b/system/system/bin/gzip
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/gzip
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/head b/system/system/bin/head
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/head
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/healthd b/system/system/bin/healthd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..67ef10b412cad927041c179b50dbe152ee595540
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/healthd differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/hid b/system/system/bin/hid
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2359fcd738ddc9a1fd07ec7878114ff008d0a627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/hid
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Script to start "hid" on the device, which has a very rudimentary
+# shell.
+export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/hid.jar
+exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.hid.Hid "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/host_manager_11ad b/system/system/bin/host_manager_11ad
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3924986488938242b0dc6d3a01eb812fb95ef8c3
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/host_manager_11ad differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/hostname b/system/system/bin/hostname
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/hostname
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service b/system/system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..61ae434c5bb806b045b58ede7882ee1b81053035
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/hwclock b/system/system/bin/hwclock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/hwclock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/hwservicemanager b/system/system/bin/hwservicemanager
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9c2998ff591d47bfb90c1f541b9d79a58e8bb00
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/hwservicemanager differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/id b/system/system/bin/id
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/id
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/idmap b/system/system/bin/idmap
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c182583f57c54082a4dada46cfc33510d88d34f
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/idmap differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/ifconfig b/system/system/bin/ifconfig
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/ifconfig
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/ime b/system/system/bin/ime
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7d2f72f7401068ec33c9b254d50167c2a9321766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/ime
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+exec cmd input_method ime "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/incident b/system/system/bin/incident
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..adf0cb86b44af2b091addfa50372854872a6bbdb
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/incident differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/incident_helper b/system/system/bin/incident_helper
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..104a2d01ad3b398a2927b6cbb95c53208c1225ca
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/incident_helper differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/incidentd b/system/system/bin/incidentd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..62bb8227632618645bee5552e22d3fded41ab742
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/incidentd differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/init.asus.about_info.sh b/system/system/bin/init.asus.about_info.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..349d067c5cee2fdd74a336bfe13f565f862b56ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/init.asus.about_info.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+about_flag=`getprop persist.asuslog.aboutinfo`
+cmdline_info=`cat /proc/cmdline`
+emmc_health=`cat /proc/storage_primary_health`
+boot_info=`cat /proc/bootinfo`
+keybox=`getprop atd.keybox.ready`
+touch_fw=`cat /sys/class/switch/touch/name`
+if [ ".$about_flag" == ".1" ];then
+	echo "Cmdline Info:" > /data/media/0/Asuslog/about_info
+	echo "$cmdline_info" >> /data/media/0/Asuslog/about_info
+	echo "\n" >> /data/media/0/Asuslog/about_info
+	echo "Boot Info" >> /data/media/0/Asuslog/about_info
+	echo "$boot_info" >> /data/media/0/Asuslog/about_info
+	echo "\n" >> /data/media/0/Asuslog/about_info
+	echo "EMMC Health:$emmc_health" >> /data/media/0/Asuslog/about_info
+	if test "$keybox"; then
+		echo "Keybox Status:TRUE" >> /data/media/0/Asuslog/about_info
+	else
+		echo "Keybox Status:FALSE" >> /data/media/0/Asuslog/about_info
+	fi
+	echo "Touch FW Version:" >> /data/media/0/Asuslog/about_info
+	echo "$touch_fw" >> /data/media/0/Asuslog/about_info
+	chmod -R 666  /data/media/0/Asuslog/about_info
+elif [ ".$about_flag" == ".0" ];then
+	rm -rf /data/media/0/Asuslog/about_info
+	echo "ERROR!!"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/init.asus.broadcast.sh b/system/system/bin/init.asus.broadcast.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89a81bfa7d8c5c875aa52abe776943a3d2739323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/init.asus.broadcast.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+broadcast_content=`getprop persist.asus.broadcast`
+if [ ".$broadcast_content" == "." ];then 
+      	echo "do nothing"
+elif [ ".$broadcast_content" == ".0" ];then 
+      	echo "do nothing"
+	am broadcast -a  $broadcast_content  -n 'com.asus.loguploader/.logtool.LogtoolReceiver'
+	setprop persist.asus.broadcast 0
diff --git a/system/system/bin/init.asus.checkdatalog.sh b/system/system/bin/init.asus.checkdatalog.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7a5aa07cf7bbf827204fd210bd7a26aa19960be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/init.asus.checkdatalog.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+startlog_flag=`getprop persist.asus.startlog`
+version_type=`getprop ro.build.type`
+check_factory_version=`getprop ro.asus.factory`
+is_sb=`grep -c SB=Y /proc/cmdline`
+#echo 49152 > /proc/sys/vm/min_free_kbytes
+if test "$version_type" = "userdebug"; then
+	if test "$check_factory_version" = "1"; then
+#		start mpdecision
+	echo "[ASUS]in factory version" > $action_log
+	fi
+echo "[ASUS]in userdebug" > $action_log
+if test -e /data/everbootup; then
+	echo "[ASUS]/data/everbootup exit" > $action_log
+	echo "[ASUS] /data/everbootup not exit" > $action_log
+	setprop persist.asus.ramdump 1
+	setprop persist.asus.autosavelogmtp 0
+if  test "$version_type" = "eng"; then
+	setprop persist.asus.startlog 1
+	setprop persist.asus.kernelmessage 7
+elif test "$version_type" = "userdebug"; then
+		if test "$check_factory_version" = "1"; then
+			if test "$is_sb" = "1"; then
+				setprop persist.asus.kernelmessage 0
+			else
+				setprop persist.asus.kernelmessage 7
+			fi
+			setprop persist.asus.enable_navbar 1
+		else
+			setprop persist.asus.kernelmessage 7	
+		fi
+	setprop persist.asus.startlog 1
+	setprop persist.sys.downloadmode.enable 1
+startlog_flag=`getprop persist.asus.startlog`
+if test  -e  /data/logcat_log; then
+	case "$startlog_flag" in
+	"1")
+#		setprop persist.asus.asusklog 1
+#		setprop sys.config.klog 1
+		setprop persist.asus.kernelmessage 7	
+		start logcatdump
+		start logcatdump-radio
+		start logcatdump-events
+		;;
+	"0")
+#		setprop persist.asus.asusklog 0
+#		setprop sys.config.klog 0
+		setprop persist.asus.kernelmessage 0
+		stop logcatdump
+		stop logcatdump-radio
+		stop logcatdump-events
+		;;
+	"")
+		stop logcatdump
+		stop logcatdump-radio
+		stop logcatdump-events
+		;;
+	esac
diff --git a/system/system/bin/init.asus.delete_modem.sh b/system/system/bin/init.asus.delete_modem.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05da81eb7b5e9f5cd1e758318809dd436f72fcb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/init.asus.delete_modem.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ls -l /sdcard/Asuslog/Modem/*/*.qmdl
+rm -rf /sdcard/Asuslog/Modem/*/*.qmdl
diff --git a/system/system/bin/init.asus.finish.sh b/system/system/bin/init.asus.finish.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..da6f4ea4fd8c5c095f8d1d03a3389e37a6d50f6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/init.asus.finish.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+setprop persist.asuslog.qxdmlog.enable 2
+#setprop persist.asuslog.modem.ramdumps 0
+#setprop persist.asuslog.modem.size 0
+#setprop persist.asuslog.modem.count 0
+setprop persist.asus.gcf.mode 0
+#setprop persist.asus.amr2g.mode 0
+#setprop persist.asus.amr3g.mode 0
+setprop persist.asus.em.mode 0
+setprop persist.sys.modem.restart 0
+setprop sys.modem.dump 0
+setprop persist.sys.modem.restart 0
+setprop persist.asus.audbg 0
+setprop persist.asus.kernelmessage 7
+setprop persist.asus.autosavelogmtp 0
+setprop persist.asus.mupload.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.autoupload.enable 0
+setprop debug.asus.qpstmbn 0
+setprop sys.config.qpst 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.qpst.enable 0
+setprop debug.asus.startlogcat 0
+setprop persist.asus.crashlogd 0
+setprop sys.thermald.disabled 0
+setprop asus.logtool.sf 0
+setprop sys.tcpdump.size 0
+setprop sys.tcpdump.num 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.aboutinfo 0
+setprop sys.delete_old_log.enable 0
+setprop persist.gps.LogEnabled 0
+setprop persist.asus.agps.block_lto 0
+setprop persist.asus.agps.suplhost 0
+setprop persist.asus.agps.spirent 0
+setprop sys.modem.dump 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.qseelog.enable 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.tzlog.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.startlog 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.disklr.enable 0
+setprop persist.bluetooth.btsnoopenable false
+setprop persist.asuslog.tcpdump.enable 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.wifi.enable 0
+setprop persist.sys.usb.otg.mode peripheral
+setprop persist.sys.usb.config adb
+setprop persist.asuslog.logprofile 0
+setprop persist.asus.meminfo.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.procrank.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.top.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.disk.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.cpu.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.cpuloading.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.power.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.battery.enable 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.guage_level 0
+setprop persist.asus.gauage.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.audio.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.window.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.activity.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.surface.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.wifi.enable 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.wfd.asusdump 0
+setprop persist.asus.qpstdiag.show 0
+setprop persist.asus.sepolicy 1
+dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/apdp
+dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/msadp
diff --git a/system/system/bin/init.asus.log_profile.sh b/system/system/bin/init.asus.log_profile.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..567c5d8f06725cc7fc413b5671b294b90a474c8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/init.asus.log_profile.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+profile_flag=`getprop persist.asuslog.logprofile`
+if [ ".$profile_flag" == ".1" ];then
+	#start logtool_finish
+setprop persist.asuslog.qxdmlog.enable 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.modem.ramdumps 1
+setprop persist.asus.gcf.mode 0
+#setprop persist.asus.amr2g.mode 0
+#setprop persist.asus.amr3g.mode 0
+setprop persist.asus.em.mode 0
+setprop persist.sys.modem.restart 0
+setprop sys.modem.dump 0
+setprop persist.sys.modem.restart 0
+setprop persist.asus.autosavelogmtp 0
+setprop persist.asus.mupload.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.autoupload.enable 0
+setprop debug.asus.qpstmbn 0
+setprop sys.config.qpst 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.qpst.enable 1
+setprop debug.asus.startlogcat 0
+setprop persist.asus.crashlogd 0
+setprop sys.thermald.disabled 0
+setprop asus.logtool.sf 0
+setprop sys.tcpdump.size 0
+setprop sys.tcpdump.num 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.aboutinfo 0
+setprop sys.delete_old_log.enable 0
+setprop persist.gps.LogEnabled 0
+setprop persist.asus.agps.block_lto 0
+setprop persist.asus.agps.suplhost 0
+setprop persist.asus.agps.spirent 0
+setprop sys.modem.dump 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.qseelog.enable 1
+setprop persist.asuslog.tzlog.enable 1
+setprop persist.asus.startlog 1
+setprop persist.asuslog.pmiclog.enable 1
+setprop persist.asuslog.disklr.enable 0
+setprop persist.bluetooth.btsnoopenable false
+setprop persist.asuslog.tcpdump.enable 0
+setprop persist.sys.usb.otg.mode peripheral
+#setprop persist.sys.usb.config mtp,adb
+setprop persist.asus.meminfo.enable 1
+setprop persist.asus.procrank.enable 1
+setprop persist.asus.top.enable 1
+setprop persist.asus.disk.enable 1
+setprop persist.asus.cpu.enable 1
+setprop persist.asus.cpuloading.enable 1
+setprop persist.asus.power.enable 1
+setprop persist.asus.battery.enable 1
+setprop persist.asuslog.guage_level 0
+setprop persist.asus.gauage.enable 1
+setprop persist.asus.audio.enable 1
+setprop persist.asus.window.enable 1
+setprop persist.asus.activity.enable 1
+setprop persist.asus.surface.enable 1
+setprop persist.asus.wifi.enable 1
+setprop persist.asuslog.wfd.asusdump 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.wifi.enable 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.wifid.enable 0
+elif [ ".$profile_flag" == ".2" ];then
+	#start logtool_finish
+	setprop persist.asuslog.qxdmlog.enable 1
+setprop persist.asuslog.modem.ramdumps 1
+setprop persist.asus.gcf.mode 0
+#setprop persist.asus.amr2g.mode 0
+#setprop persist.asus.amr3g.mode 0
+setprop persist.asus.em.mode 0
+setprop persist.sys.modem.restart 0
+setprop sys.modem.dump 0
+setprop persist.sys.modem.restart 0
+setprop persist.asus.autosavelogmtp 0
+setprop persist.asus.mupload.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.autoupload.enable 0
+setprop debug.asus.qpstmbn 0
+setprop sys.config.qpst 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.qpst.enable 0
+setprop debug.asus.startlogcat 0
+setprop persist.asus.crashlogd 0
+setprop sys.thermald.disabled 0
+setprop asus.logtool.sf 0
+setprop sys.tcpdump.size 0
+setprop sys.tcpdump.num 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.aboutinfo 0
+setprop sys.delete_old_log.enable 0
+setprop persist.gps.LogEnabled 0
+setprop persist.asus.agps.block_lto 0
+setprop persist.asus.agps.suplhost 0
+setprop persist.asus.agps.spirent 0
+setprop sys.modem.dump 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.qseelog.enable 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.tzlog.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.startlog 1
+setprop persist.asuslog.disklr.enable 0
+setprop persist.bluetooth.btsnoopenable 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.tcpdump.enable 1
+setprop persist.sys.usb.otg.mode peripheral
+#setprop persist.sys.usb.config mtp,adb
+setprop persist.asus.meminfo.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.procrank.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.top.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.disk.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.cpu.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.cpuloading.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.power.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.battery.enable 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.guage_level 0
+setprop persist.asus.gauage.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.audio.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.window.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.activity.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.surface.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.wifi.enable 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.wfd.asusdump 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.wifi.enable 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.wifid.enable 0
+elif [ ".$profile_flag" == ".3" ];then
+	#start logtool_finish
+setprop persist.asuslog.qxdmlog.enable 2
+setprop persist.asuslog.modem.ramdumps 1
+setprop persist.asus.gcf.mode 0
+#setprop persist.asus.amr2g.mode 0
+#setprop persist.asus.amr3g.mode 0
+setprop persist.asus.em.mode 0
+setprop persist.sys.modem.restart 0
+setprop sys.modem.dump 0
+setprop persist.sys.modem.restart 0
+setprop persist.asus.autosavelogmtp 0
+setprop persist.asus.mupload.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.autoupload.enable 0
+setprop debug.asus.qpstmbn 0
+setprop sys.config.qpst 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.qpst.enable 0
+setprop debug.asus.startlogcat 0
+setprop persist.asus.crashlogd 0
+setprop sys.thermald.disabled 0
+setprop asus.logtool.sf 0
+setprop sys.tcpdump.size 0
+setprop sys.tcpdump.num 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.aboutinfo 0
+setprop sys.delete_old_log.enable 0
+setprop persist.gps.LogEnabled 0
+setprop persist.asus.agps.block_lto 0
+setprop persist.asus.agps.suplhost 0
+setprop persist.asus.agps.spirent 0
+setprop sys.modem.dump 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.qseelog.enable 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.tzlog.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.startlog 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.disklr.enable 0
+setprop persist.bluetooth.btsnoopenable 1
+setprop persist.asuslog.tcpdump.enable 1
+setprop persist.sys.usb.otg.mode peripheral
+#setprop persist.sys.usb.config mtp,adb
+setprop persist.asus.meminfo.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.procrank.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.top.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.disk.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.cpu.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.cpuloading.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.power.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.battery.enable 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.guage_level 0
+setprop persist.asus.gauage.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.audio.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.window.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.activity.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.surface.enable 0
+setprop persist.asus.wifi.enable 1
+setprop persist.asuslog.wfd.asusdump 0
+setprop persist.asuslog.wifi.enable 1
+setprop persist.asuslog.wifid.enable 1
+	echo "ERROR!!"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/init.asus.logcat_service.sh b/system/system/bin/init.asus.logcat_service.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f01e0fa15156b612496013014f87c1b40589902c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/init.asus.logcat_service.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+LOGCAT_COUNT=`getprop persist.asus.logcatcount`
+if [ ".$LOGCAT_COUNT" == "." ];then
+	/system/bin/logcat -b kernel -b main -b system -b crash -r 10000 -n 20 -v threadtime -f /data/logcat_log/logcat.txt
+	echo "/system/bin/logcat -b kernel -b main -b system -b crash -r 10000 -n $LOGCAT_COUNT -v threadtime -f /data/logcat_log/logcat.txt"
+	/system/bin/logcat -b kernel -b main -b system -b crash -r 10000 -n $LOGCAT_COUNT -v threadtime -f /data/logcat_log/logcat.txt
diff --git a/system/system/bin/init.asus.logcate_service.sh b/system/system/bin/init.asus.logcate_service.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0e9f2f220f94ea60f519f91a735055a1969e7c7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/init.asus.logcate_service.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+LOGCATE_COUNT=`getprop persist.asus.logcatcount`
+if [ ".$LOGCATE_COUNT" == "." ];then
+	/system/bin/logcat -r 10000 -b events -n 20 -v threadtime -f /data/logcat_log/logcat-events.txt
+	/system/bin/logcat -r 10000 -b events -n $LOGCATE_COUNT -v threadtime -f /data/logcat_log/logcat-events.txt
diff --git a/system/system/bin/init.asus.logcatr_service.sh b/system/system/bin/init.asus.logcatr_service.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00f64482066863ff4fe272f25878600f5937eaeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/init.asus.logcatr_service.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+LOGCATR_COUNT=`getprop persist.asus.logcatcount`
+if [ ".$LOGCATR_COUNT" == "." ];then
+	/system/bin/logcat -r 10000 -b radio -n 20 -v time -f /data/logcat_log/logcat-radio.txt
+	/system/bin/logcat -r 10000 -b radio -n $LOGCATR_COUNT -v time -f /data/logcat_log/logcat-radio.txt
diff --git a/system/system/bin/init.asus.mbn.sh b/system/system/bin/init.asus.mbn.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c6643ea23c07ccf3f799fdc45dbe44484989f2d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/init.asus.mbn.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+asus_qpstmbn=`getprop $asus_qpstmbn_prop`
+if [ ".$asus_qpstmbn" == ".1" ]; then
+	if [ -e $APDP_MBN ]; then
+		#echo "dd if=$APDP_MBN of=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/apdp" > /proc/asusevtlog
+		dd if=$APDP_MBN of=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/apdp
+	fi
+	if [ -e $MSADP_MBN ]; then
+		#echo "dd if=$MSADP_MBN of=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/msadp" > /proc/asusevtlog
+		dd if=$MSADP_MBN of=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/msadp
+	fi
+elif [ ".$asus_qpstmbn" == ".0" ]; then
+	#echo "clean mbn" > /proc/asusevtlog
+	dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/apdp
+	dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/msadp
+#echo 1500 > /sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable
diff --git a/system/system/bin/init.asus.prelogcat_service.sh b/system/system/bin/init.asus.prelogcat_service.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1003892ebd2962b98e25de7442dc270972f9595f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/init.asus.prelogcat_service.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+PRELOGCAT_LOG=`getprop persist.asus.prelogcatlog`
+if [ ".$PRELOGCAT_LOG" == "." ];then
+	setprop persist.asus.prelogcatlog 1
+	rm -rf  /data/logcat_log/prelogcat1.txt
+	/system/bin/logcat -b kernel -b main -b system -b crash -r 10000 -n 1 -v threadtime  -f /data/logcat_log/prelogcat1.txt
+elif [ ".$PRELOGCAT_LOG" == ".1" ]; then
+	setprop persist.asus.prelogcatlog 2
+	rm -rf  /data/logcat_log/prelogcat1.txt
+	/system/bin/logcat -b kernel -b main -b system -b crash -r 10000 -n 1 -v threadtime  -f /data/logcat_log/prelogcat1.txt
+elif [ ".$PRELOGCAT_LOG" == ".2" ]; then
+	setprop persist.asus.prelogcatlog 3
+	rm -rf  /data/logcat_log/prelogcat2.txt
+	/system/bin/logcat -b kernel -b main -b system -b crash -r 10000 -n 1 -v threadtime -f /data/logcat_log/prelogcat2.txt
+elif [ ".$PRELOGCAT_LOG" == ".3" ]; then
+	setprop persist.asus.prelogcatlog 4
+	rm -rf  /data/logcat_log/prelogcat3.txt
+	/system/bin/logcat -b kernel -b main -b system -b crash -r 10000 -n 1 -v threadtime -f /data/logcat_log/prelogcat3.txt
+elif [ ".$PRELOGCAT_LOG" == ".4" ]; then
+	setprop persist.asus.prelogcatlog 5
+	rm -rf  /data/logcat_log/prelogcat4.txt
+	/system/bin/logcat -b kernel -b main -b system -b crash -r 10000 -n 1 -v threadtime -f /data/logcat_log/prelogcat4.txt
+elif [ ".$PRELOGCAT_LOG" == ".5" ]; then
+	setprop persist.asus.prelogcatlog 1
+	rm -rf  /data/logcat_log/prelogcat5.txt
+	/system/bin/logcat -b kernel -b main -b system -b crash -r 10000 -n 1 -v threadtime -f /data/logcat_log/prelogcat5.txt
diff --git a/system/system/bin/init.asus.qseedump.sh b/system/system/bin/init.asus.qseedump.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9340d4cdaf3c989d764ff7192b741d9195c22505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/init.asus.qseedump.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+umask 0;
+qseelog_enable=`getprop persist.asuslog.qseelog.enable`
+if [ ".$qseelog_enable" == ".1" ];then 
+        SAVE_LOG_DATA="`date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S`"
+		cat /d/tzdbg/qsee_log >  /data/media/0/Asuslog/QSEE/$SAVE_LOG_DATA"qsee.txt"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/init.asus.ramdump.sh b/system/system/bin/init.asus.ramdump.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..151ade33ab20cc55b3dce229581e102ca3c42cec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/init.asus.ramdump.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+echo "[ASUS] enter init.asus.ramdump.sh" > $action_log
+ramdump_flag=`getprop persist.asus.ramdump`
+echo "$ramdump_flag" > /sys/kernel/debug/Asus_ramdump/Asus_ramdump_flag
+sleep 40
+is_autosavelog_exist=`cat /proc/cmdline | grep autosavelog`
+if test "$is_autosavelog_exist"; then
+	autosavelogmtp_flag=`getprop persist.asus.autosavelogmtp`
+	if test $autosavelogmtp_flag -eq 1 ; then
+		start savelogmtp
+		exit
+	fi
diff --git a/system/system/bin/init.asus.tcpdump.sh b/system/system/bin/init.asus.tcpdump.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..91708b058d52e42a51da8753c7dc045f6691c84e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/init.asus.tcpdump.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+umask 0;
+tcpdump_enable=`getprop persist.asuslog.tcpdump.enable`
+SAVE_LOG_DATA="`date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S`"
+/system/xbin/tcpdump  -i any -p -s 0 -W 2 -C 100 -w /data/media/0/Asuslog/TcpDump/$SAVE_LOG_DATA"tcpdump.pcap"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/init.asus.tzdump.sh b/system/system/bin/init.asus.tzdump.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8029f6bf6bd231597aa2900893c0c38569101dae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/init.asus.tzdump.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+umask 0;
+tzlog_enable=`getprop persist.asuslog.tzlog.enable`
+if [ ".$tzlog_enable" == ".1" ];then 
+        SAVE_LOG_DATA="`date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S`"
+		cat /d/tzdbg/log >  /data/media/0/Asuslog/TZ/$SAVE_LOG_DATA"tz.txt"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/init_factorylogtool.sh b/system/system/bin/init_factorylogtool.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..19b0d7264311f46c6fca7eac64367eb34ccc5930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/init_factorylogtool.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+setprop persist.asuslog.savedir "/sdcard/Asuslog/"
+setprop persist.asuslog.dump.date ""
+TIME=`date +%Y_%m%d_%H%M%S`
+setprop persist.asuslog.dump.date $TIME
+echo 1 > /proc/asusevtlog-switch
+mkdir -p /sdcard/Asuslog/
+mkdir -p /data/other/
+if [ ! -e "$busyboxfile" ]; then
+	cp "/data/data/com.asus.fdclogtool/files/busybox" "/data/debug/busybox"
+	chmod 4777 "/data/debug/busybox"
+if [ ! -e "$rawsenderfile" ]; then
+	cp "/data/data/com.asus.fdclogtool/files/raw_sender" "/data/debug/raw_sender"
+	chmod 4777 "/data/debug/raw_sender"
+if [ ! -e "$QMESA_64" ]; then
+	cp "/data/data/com.asus.fdclogtool/files/QMESA_64" "/data/debug/QMESA_64"
+	chmod 4777 "/data/debug/QMESA_64"
+buildType=`getprop ro.build.type`
+if [ "$buildType" != "user" ]; then
+   logmain_kernel=`getprop persist.asuslog.logcat.enable`
+   logevent=`getprop persist.asuslog.logcate.enable`
+   logradio=`getprop persist.asuslog.logcatr.enable`
+   modem_ram=`getprop persist.asuslog.modem.ramdumps`
+   if [ ! -n "$logmain_kernel" ]; then
+  	setprop persist.asuslog.logcat.enable 1
+   fi
+   if [ ! -n "$logevent" ]; then
+  	setprop persist.asuslog.logcate.enable 1
+   fi
+   if [ ! -n "$logradio" ]; then
+  	setprop persist.asuslog.logcatr.enable 1
+   fi
+   if [ ! -n "$modem_ram" ]; then
+	setprop persist.asuslog.modem.ramdumps 1
+   fi
+echo "/proc/apid " > $basic_information_path	
+cat /proc/apid >> $basic_information_path
+echo "/proc/aplte " >> $basic_information_path
+cat /proc/aplte >> $basic_information_path
+echo "/proc/aprf " >> $basic_information_path
+cat /proc/aprf >> $basic_information_path
+echo "/proc/apsta " >> $basic_information_path
+cat /proc/apsta >> $basic_information_path
+echo "/proc/apmem " >> $basic_information_path
+cat /proc/apmem >> $basic_information_path
+echo "/proc/aphd " >> $basic_information_path
+cat /proc/aphd >> $basic_information_path
+echo "image version= " >> $basic_information_path
+getprop ro.build.display.id >> $basic_information_path
+echo "ro.product.model= " >> $basic_information_path
+getprop ro.product.model >> $basic_information_path
+echo "ro.product.name= " >> $basic_information_path
+getprop ro.product.name >> $basic_information_path
+echo "ro.product.device= " >> $basic_information_path
+getprop ro.product.device >> $basic_information_path
+echo "Serial Number= " >> $basic_information_path
+getprop ro.serialno >> $basic_information_path
+setprop persist.asuslog.fac.init ""
diff --git a/system/system/bin/inotifyd b/system/system/bin/inotifyd
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/inotifyd
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/input b/system/system/bin/input
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..54ab94762e5cd73d0090f9775c771705459da9fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/input
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Script to start "input" on the device, which has a very rudimentary
+# shell.
+export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/input.jar
+exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.input.Input "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/insmod b/system/system/bin/insmod
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/insmod
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/installd b/system/system/bin/installd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..da08725f505211bf3df842ea31551f6a585fa451
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/installd differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/ionice b/system/system/bin/ionice
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/ionice
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/iorenice b/system/system/bin/iorenice
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/iorenice
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/ip b/system/system/bin/ip
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9ca0fbac656eaf823c65ff71cd9036d2ced3291
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/ip differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/ip-wrapper-1.0 b/system/system/bin/ip-wrapper-1.0
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf5c05df522dedc654dd0012a1b40a44c19793c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/ip-wrapper-1.0
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/ip6tables b/system/system/bin/ip6tables
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d8d7747c6fbbe57b9c35bb0120f770f20b094099
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/ip6tables differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/ip6tables-restore b/system/system/bin/ip6tables-restore
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..54d4c75f53ca0f7b3a9eac44643b38cc097d27f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/ip6tables-restore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/ip6tables-save b/system/system/bin/ip6tables-save
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..54d4c75f53ca0f7b3a9eac44643b38cc097d27f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/ip6tables-save
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/ip6tables-wrapper-1.0 b/system/system/bin/ip6tables-wrapper-1.0
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf5c05df522dedc654dd0012a1b40a44c19793c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/ip6tables-wrapper-1.0
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/iptables b/system/system/bin/iptables
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9e5ac9602e882c063bb8e01e5f1bb6333be9a77
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/iptables differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/iptables-restore b/system/system/bin/iptables-restore
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..59cead781ec27561b0bf514f67d4d1b9ecbbafb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/iptables-restore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/iptables-save b/system/system/bin/iptables-save
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..59cead781ec27561b0bf514f67d4d1b9ecbbafb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/iptables-save
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/iptables-wrapper-1.0 b/system/system/bin/iptables-wrapper-1.0
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf5c05df522dedc654dd0012a1b40a44c19793c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/iptables-wrapper-1.0
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/keystore b/system/system/bin/keystore
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..119c352d9c721c55a8620d68b2eff2ee73455b4b
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/keystore differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/keystore_cli_v2 b/system/system/bin/keystore_cli_v2
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ba0225b6e41c18bad723e074759ffe521cb3d96f
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/keystore_cli_v2 differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/kill b/system/system/bin/kill
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/kill
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/killall b/system/system/bin/killall
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/killall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/ld.mc b/system/system/bin/ld.mc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..522265efda384bc7c067ff03fec85e8caa446ac8
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/ld.mc differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/linker b/system/system/bin/linker
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1061ea09e7ff47f39cc93a64c2074c3261175613
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/linker differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/linker64 b/system/system/bin/linker64
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e883f51058a53fd2f7868ce3629b1236c7230453
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/linker64 differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/linker_asan b/system/system/bin/linker_asan
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d8ca144dcb84978ca189edd5d84e86da7fec92a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/linker_asan
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/linker_asan64 b/system/system/bin/linker_asan64
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2913f16d3a21ad2e75796a5c39afa9ede72970fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/linker_asan64
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/lmkd b/system/system/bin/lmkd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..98b0b7350fb4c7fefb62b4fe48944a9752f04fa8
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/lmkd differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/ln b/system/system/bin/ln
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/ln
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/load_policy b/system/system/bin/load_policy
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/load_policy
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/locksettings b/system/system/bin/locksettings
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0ef4fa9f67711207d643c751823bfe36b7517221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/locksettings
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Script to start "locksettings" on the device
+export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/locksettings.jar
+exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.locksettings.LockSettingsCmd "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/log b/system/system/bin/log
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/log
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/logcat b/system/system/bin/logcat
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5dbc171dd96695443d3315333a96b89ae06c8f68
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/logcat differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/logcommand b/system/system/bin/logcommand
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f03356437c1a486bd6a630e37b840c67c0dbd52d
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/logcommand differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/logd b/system/system/bin/logd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b33c272d38d4580ee0d263d20ebf4ea097b8f887
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/logd differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/logname b/system/system/bin/logname
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/logname
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/logwrapper b/system/system/bin/logwrapper
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d906efec51795a9d39312e510943c6586db83d74
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/logwrapper differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/losetup b/system/system/bin/losetup
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/losetup
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/ls b/system/system/bin/ls
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/ls
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/lshal b/system/system/bin/lshal
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..661a414ae05e9bc081bd4f22ac1dec90c485b89d
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/lshal differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/lsmod b/system/system/bin/lsmod
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/lsmod
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/lsof b/system/system/bin/lsof
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/lsof
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/lspci b/system/system/bin/lspci
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/lspci
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/lsusb b/system/system/bin/lsusb
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/lsusb
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/make_f2fs b/system/system/bin/make_f2fs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..526654e3579b388a14cd323f6267f9cf8e60da0b
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/make_f2fs differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/md5sum b/system/system/bin/md5sum
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/md5sum
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/mdnsd b/system/system/bin/mdnsd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c473b2b3170faa4ae8d678447c50059eee8da279
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/mdnsd differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/media b/system/system/bin/media
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c0eb2f39c2d29f3a54f1ddd8b21d8477ad93cb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/media
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Script to start "media_cmd" on the device, which has a very rudimentary
+# shell.
+export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/media_cmd.jar
+exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.media.Media "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/mediadrmserver b/system/system/bin/mediadrmserver
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cc74adac4a571421311b250b30e7c59ef4c28ffe
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/mediadrmserver differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/mediaextractor b/system/system/bin/mediaextractor
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a69f4109eb9a672dc480ab0de7ab01bca9bc3639
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/mediaextractor differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/mediametrics b/system/system/bin/mediametrics
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c1e0ab612169b3e869879a2e78215791e27afd08
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/mediametrics differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/mediaserver b/system/system/bin/mediaserver
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..85aeb5a63a1d0cebc78976cbf3369e23efae37ed
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/mediaserver differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/microcom b/system/system/bin/microcom
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/microcom
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/mkdir b/system/system/bin/mkdir
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/mkdir
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/mke2fs b/system/system/bin/mke2fs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c151c44fb792a9b96e6ee58e62fac2d391ff30d
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/mke2fs differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/mkexfat b/system/system/bin/mkexfat
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8ae64f830a8988cc65e5dbe083eda52b6b02605b
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/mkexfat differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/mkfifo b/system/system/bin/mkfifo
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/mkfifo
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/mkfs.ext2 b/system/system/bin/mkfs.ext2
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bfa72fbcf6bbad2ef69d2151d534aff231143825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/mkfs.ext2
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/mkfs.ext3 b/system/system/bin/mkfs.ext3
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bfa72fbcf6bbad2ef69d2151d534aff231143825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/mkfs.ext3
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/mkfs.ext4 b/system/system/bin/mkfs.ext4
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bfa72fbcf6bbad2ef69d2151d534aff231143825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/mkfs.ext4
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/mknod b/system/system/bin/mknod
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/mknod
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/mkswap b/system/system/bin/mkswap
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/mkswap
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/mktemp b/system/system/bin/mktemp
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/mktemp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/modem_and_audio.cfg b/system/system/bin/modem_and_audio.cfg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3491f80b336474d455538f9fd5208ccd470de299
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/modem_and_audio.cfg differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/modemlog.sh b/system/system/bin/modemlog.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8fc38902665b37d59f12ee8f15d47c4e7cd1fa27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/modemlog.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+modemlogsize=`getprop persist.asuslog.modem.size`
+modemlogcount=`getprop persist.asuslog.modem.count`
+modemlogpath=`getprop persist.asuslog.modem.path`
+modemcfgpath=`getprop persist.asuslog.modem.diacfg`
+#Add-Begin by terry_tao 2015/11/30
+#fix not capture modem logs when reboot device due to /sdcard/ hasn't been created
+while [ ! -d $sdcardpath ] && [ $count -gt 0 ]
+  ((count--))
+  usleep 200000
+#Add-End by terry_tao 2015/11/30
+if [ ! -n "$modemlogsize" ]; then
+  modemlogsize='200'
+if [ ! -n "$modemlogcount" ]; then
+  modemlogcount='3'
+if [ ! -n "$modemlogpath" ]; then
+  modemlogpath='/sdcard/Asuslog/Modem'
+   if [ ! -d "$modemlogpath" ]; then
+	 setprop persist.asuslog.modem.path /sdcard/Asuslog/Modem
+ 	 modemlogpath='/sdcard/Asuslog/Modem'
+	 if [ ! -f "$modemlogpath" ]; then
+		mkdir -p $modemlogpath
+         else
+		rm -r $modemlogpath
+		mkdir -p $modemlogpath
+	 fi
+   fi
+if [ ! -n "$modemcfgpath" ]; then
+  modemcfgpath='/system/bin/modem_and_audio.cfg'
+  setprop persist.asuslog.modem.diacfg "/system/bin/modem_and_audio.cfg"
+if [ "$modemcfgpath" = "/system/bin/Diag.cfg" ]; then
+	/vendor/bin/diag_mdlog -f $modemcfgpath -o $modemlogpath/modem_audio_gps -s $modemlogsize -n $modemlogcount -c
+elif [ "$modemcfgpath" = "/system/bin/modem_and_audio.cfg" ]; then
+        /vendor/bin/diag_mdlog -f $modemcfgpath -o $modemlogpath/modem_audio -s $modemlogsize -n $modemlogcount -c
+elif [ "$modemcfgpath" = "/system/bin/gps.cfg" ]; then
+        /vendor/bin/diag_mdlog -f $modemcfgpath -o $modemlogpath/gps -s $modemlogsize -n $modemlogcount -c
+elif [ "$modemcfgpath" = "/system/bin/audio.cfg" ]; then
+        /vendor/bin/diag_mdlog -f $modemcfgpath -o $modemlogpath/audio -s $modemlogsize -n $modemlogcount -c
+elif [ "$modemcfgpath" = "/system/bin/Compact_mode.cfg" ]; then
+	/vendor/bin/diag_mdlog -f $modemcfgpath -o $modemlogpath/compact -s $modemlogsize -n $modemlogcount -c
+elif [ "$modemcfgpath" = "/system/bin/wifi_bt.cfg" ]; then
+	/vendor/bin/diag_mdlog -f $modemcfgpath -o $modemlogpath/wifi_bt -s $modemlogsize -n $modemlogcount -c
+elif [ "$modemcfgpath" = "/system/bin/fm.cfg" ]; then
+	/vendor/bin/diag_mdlog -f $modemcfgpath -o $modemlogpath/fm -s $modemlogsize -n $modemlogcount -c
+elif [ "$modemcfgpath" = "/system/bin/sns.cfg" ]; then
+	/vendor/bin/diag_mdlog -f $modemcfgpath -o $modemlogpath/sns -s $modemlogsize -n $modemlogcount -c
diff --git a/system/system/bin/modinfo b/system/system/bin/modinfo
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/modinfo
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/modprobe b/system/system/bin/modprobe
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/modprobe
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/monkey b/system/system/bin/monkey
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a334990e3ebe172112723fe12edc12faa9fc133a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/monkey
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Script to start "monkey" on the device, which has a very rudimentary
+# shell.
+export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/monkey.jar
+trap "" HUP
+for a in "$@"; do
+    echo "  bash arg:" $a
+exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.monkey.Monkey "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/more b/system/system/bin/more
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/more
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/mount b/system/system/bin/mount
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/mount
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/mountpoint b/system/system/bin/mountpoint
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/mountpoint
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/move_time_data.sh b/system/system/bin/move_time_data.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..267a2b1dfbc10b7e90e5cb58c8b02cf46bff2b86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/move_time_data.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+if [ ! -f "$FILES_MOVED" ]; then
+  for i in "$SRC_PATH/ats"*; do
+    dest_path=$DEST_PATH/"${i#$SRC_PATH/}"
+    mv $i "$dest_path"
+  done
+  restorecon -R "$DEST_PATH"
+  echo 1 > "$FILES_MOVED"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/mtpd b/system/system/bin/mtpd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2395aeb92789837ab9e52d13551a415853d99216
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/mtpd differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/mv b/system/system/bin/mv
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/mv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/ndc b/system/system/bin/ndc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8ad78486fa9935645768e76fc23653d82c5e8b7a
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/ndc differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/ndc-wrapper-1.0 b/system/system/bin/ndc-wrapper-1.0
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf5c05df522dedc654dd0012a1b40a44c19793c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/ndc-wrapper-1.0
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/netd b/system/system/bin/netd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..395e9128722b6ae9bf18ad6cc01428022cba2459
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/netd differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/netstat b/system/system/bin/netstat
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/netstat
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/netutils-wrapper-1.0 b/system/system/bin/netutils-wrapper-1.0
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b8247883749f064e0a83fa5a021e198cf81d558
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/netutils-wrapper-1.0 differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/newfs_msdos b/system/system/bin/newfs_msdos
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7cf9a836224b834d2f81b63e885735abef189cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/newfs_msdos
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/nice b/system/system/bin/nice
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/nice
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/nl b/system/system/bin/nl
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/nl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/nohup b/system/system/bin/nohup
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/nohup
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/oatdump b/system/system/bin/oatdump
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cdc861cba1595e94f59b546003bedc9fb89c5a92
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/oatdump differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/od b/system/system/bin/od
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/od
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/paste b/system/system/bin/paste
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/paste
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/patch b/system/system/bin/patch
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/patch
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/patchoat b/system/system/bin/patchoat
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e1c88f8e94664bfbede96f2671f266b82a3ef8f0
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/patchoat differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/perfetto b/system/system/bin/perfetto
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..55b1f2de44cc077c85dd23d991dd6e9a031fd4ab
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/perfetto differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/perfservice b/system/system/bin/perfservice
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a1bf157d169b42df5be217db3dfdfa16492da7d
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/perfservice differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/pgrep b/system/system/bin/pgrep
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/pgrep
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/pidof b/system/system/bin/pidof
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/pidof
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/ping b/system/system/bin/ping
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be0278f13c472bf1fe6e5e5b6361436bc11ead24
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/ping differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/ping6 b/system/system/bin/ping6
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f4a87dd34a77c9ee43b9cbeee5d2288397514eb2
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/ping6 differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/pkill b/system/system/bin/pkill
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/pkill
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/pm b/system/system/bin/pm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d1f94554a7816b68651c0b12449a9d573c7cb6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/pm
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+cmd package "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/pmap b/system/system/bin/pmap
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/pmap
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/pppd b/system/system/bin/pppd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1bcdcf58981dc984dc46b5b333add5eaa79fe42e
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/pppd differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/preopt2cachename b/system/system/bin/preopt2cachename
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca3dc5e0fefa911194fef2b349d58fa951b58934
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/preopt2cachename differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/prepare_asusdebug.sh b/system/system/bin/prepare_asusdebug.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3632d81f6b4928d14d8115125670a23717f86e81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/prepare_asusdebug.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+debug_flag=`getprop persist.asus.debug`
+service_flag=`getprop init.svc.check-datalog`
+until [ "$service_flag" = "stopped" ]
+	sleep 2
+	service_flag=`getprop init.svc.check-datalog`
+	start check-datalog
+if busybox test "$debug_flag"; then
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/[
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/[[ 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/acpid 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/add-shell 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/addgroup 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/adduser 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/adjtimex 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/arp 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/arping 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ash 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/awk 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/base64 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/basename 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/beep 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/blkid 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/blockdev 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/bootchartd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/brctl 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/bunzip2 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/bzcat 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/bzip2 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/cal 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/cat 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/catv 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/chat 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/chattr 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/chgrp 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/chmod 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/chown 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/chpasswd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/chpst 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/chroot 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/chrt 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/chvt 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/cksum 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/clear 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/cmp 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/comm 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/cp 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/cpio 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/crond 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/crontab 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/cryptpw 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/cttyhack 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/cut 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/date 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/dc 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/dd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/deallocvt 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/delgroup 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/deluser 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/depmod 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/devmem 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/df 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/dhcprelay 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/diff 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/dirname 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/dmesg 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/dnsd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/dnsdomainname 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/dos2unix 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/du 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/dumpkmap 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/dumpleases 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/echo 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ed 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/egrep 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/eject 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/env 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/envdir 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/envuidgid 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ether-wake 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/expand 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/expr 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/fakeidentd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/false 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/fbset 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/fbsplash 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/fdflush 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/fdformat 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/fdisk 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/fgconsole 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/fgrep 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/find 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/findfs 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/flock 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/fold 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/free 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/freeramdisk 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/fsck 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/fsck.minix 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/fsync 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ftpd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ftpget 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ftpput 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/fuser 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/getopt 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/getty 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/grep 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/groups 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/gunzip 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/gzip 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/halt 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/hd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/hdparm 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/head 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/hexdump 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/hostid 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/hostname 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/httpd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/hush 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/hwclock 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/id 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ifconfig 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ifdown 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ifenslave 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ifplugd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ifup 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/inetd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/init 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/insmod 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/install 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ionice 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/iostat 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ip 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ipaddr 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ipcalc 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ipcrm 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ipcs 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/iplink 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/iproute 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/iprule 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/iptunnel 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/kbd_mode 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/kill 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/killall 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/killall5 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/klogd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/less 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/linux32 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/linux64 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/linuxrc 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ln 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/loadfont 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/loadkmap 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/logger 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/login 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/logname 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/logread 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/losetup 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ls 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/lsattr 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/lsmod 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/lsof 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/lspci 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/lsusb 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/lzcat 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/lzma 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/lzop 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/lzopcat 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/makedevs 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/man 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/md5sum 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/mdev 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/mesg 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/microcom 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/mkdir 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/mkdosfs 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/mke2fs 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/mkfifo 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/mkfs.ext2 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/mkfs.minix 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/mkfs.vfat 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/mknod 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/mkpasswd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/mkswap 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/mktemp 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/modinfo 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/modprobe 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/more 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/mount 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/mountpoint 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/mpstat 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/mt 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/mv 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/nameif 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/nbd-client 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/nc 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/netstat 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/nice 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/nmeter 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/nohup 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/nslookup 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ntpd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/od 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/openvt 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/passwd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/patch 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/pgrep 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/pidof 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ping 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ping6 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/pipe_progress 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/pivot_root 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/pkill 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/pmap 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/poweroff 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/powertop 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/printenv 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/printf 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ps 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/pscan 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/pstree 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/pwd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/pwdx 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/raidautorun 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/rdate 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/rdev 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/readahead 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/readlink 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/readprofile 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/realpath 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/reboot 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/remove-shell 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/renice 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/reset 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/resize 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/rev 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/rm 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/rmdir 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/rmmod 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/route 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/rpm 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/rpm2cpio 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/rtcwake 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/run-parts 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/runsv 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/runsvdir 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/rx 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/script 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/scriptreplay 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/sed 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/seq 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/setarch 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/setconsole 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/setfont 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/setkeycodes 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/setlogcons 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/setserial 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/setsid 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/setuidgid 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/sh 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/sha1sum 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/sha256sum 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/sha512sum 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/showkey 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/slattach 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/sleep 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/smemcap 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/softlimit 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/sort 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/split 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/start-stop-daemon 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/stat 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/strings 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/stty 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/su 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/sulogin 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/sum 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/sv 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/svlogd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/swapoff 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/swapon 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/switch_root 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/sync 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/sysctl 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/syslogd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/tac 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/tail 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/tar 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/tcpsvd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/tee 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/telnet 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/telnetd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/test 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/tftp 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/tftpd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/time 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/timeout 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/top 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/touch 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/tr 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/traceroute 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/traceroute6 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/true 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/tty 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ttysize 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/tunctl 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ubiattach 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ubidetach 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ubimkvol 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ubirmvol 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ubirsvol 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/ubiupdatevol 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/udhcpc 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/udhcpd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/udpsvd 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/umount 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/uname 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/unexpand 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/uniq 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/unix2dos 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/unlzma 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/unlzop 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/unxz 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/unzip 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/uptime 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/usleep 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/uudecode 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/uuencode 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/vconfig 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/vi 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/vlock 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/volname 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/watch 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/watchdog 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/wc 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/wget 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/which 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/whoami 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/whois 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/xargs 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/xz 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/xzcat 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/yes 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/zcat 
+	ln -s /data/debug/busybox /data/debug/zcip
diff --git a/system/system/bin/printenv b/system/system/bin/printenv
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/printenv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/printf b/system/system/bin/printf
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/printf
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/profman b/system/system/bin/profman
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8253ce1c7f5416f815bd82016f8bc33bb606ebf9
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/profman differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/ps b/system/system/bin/ps
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/ps
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/push_media_file.sh b/system/system/bin/push_media_file.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a733d19f2a126127e07e9d440d45703e54ec5c25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/push_media_file.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+logi ()
+	/system/bin/log -t $LOG_TAG -p i "$@"
+firstboot=`getprop persist.asus.media_copied`
+mv_file() {
+#add loop to wait system mount /sdcard/DCIM
+while [ ! -d "$dcim_folder" ]
+	logi "DCIM folder not found, sleep 2 second."
+	sleep 2
+	if [ $a -eq 10 ]  
+   then  
+       break  
+   fi  
+   echo "a=$a"  
+   a=$[$a+1]  
+	logi "Found $dcim_folder, keep going."
+#add loop to wait system mount /sdcard/Music
+while [ ! -d "$music_folder" ]
+	logi "Music folder not found, sleep 2 second."
+	sleep 2
+	logi "Found $music_folder, keep going."
+    mkdir -p /sdcard/DCIM
+    mkdir -p /sdcard/Movies
+    mkdir -p /sdcard/Music
+    if [ ! -f "$pictureFile" ]; then
+		cp -r /vendor/etc/MediaFiles/asus_prebuild_media/DCIM/* /sdcard/DCIM/
+	else
+		echo "picture already exsit , keep going."
+	fi
+	if [ ! -f "$musicFile" ]; then
+		cp -r /vendor/etc/MediaFiles/asus_prebuild_media/Music/* /sdcard/Music/
+	else
+		echo "musicFile already exsit , keep going."
+	fi
+    cp -r /vendor/etc/MediaFiles/asus_prebuild_media/Movies/* /sdcard/Movies/
+	setprop persist.asus.media_copied 1
+if [ "$firstboot" != "1" ]; then
+    mv_file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/pvclicense_sample b/system/system/bin/pvclicense_sample
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c1432fd32fca634e39041d64922971cafb4c1183
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/pvclicense_sample differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/pwd b/system/system/bin/pwd
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/pwd
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/qvrcameratest b/system/system/bin/qvrcameratest
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c4f05faec557302beda0961461d270e0b3432a3d
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/qvrcameratest differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/qvrcameratest64 b/system/system/bin/qvrcameratest64
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d0848f5ec3b90b0ba8ce26b48bee127feb7f702e
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/qvrcameratest64 differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/qvrcameratseq b/system/system/bin/qvrcameratseq
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..315f3ab422d2ef9af63ff81a1b185d1fa58e8554
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/qvrcameratseq differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/qvrcameratseq64 b/system/system/bin/qvrcameratseq64
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ab55c3554e71964d70e5d5d079e177740c28828a
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/qvrcameratseq64 differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/qvrservice b/system/system/bin/qvrservice
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7d839a74341bf3948c3478c906aeb13abf1d5e82
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/qvrservice differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/qvrservicetest b/system/system/bin/qvrservicetest
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b94df33226f4c3d516ab60b04466fa70a3d3a010
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/qvrservicetest differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/qvrservicetest64 b/system/system/bin/qvrservicetest64
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..304009882f9d3e18a61fbfd3e83df08d543fbdc8
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/qvrservicetest64 differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/racoon b/system/system/bin/racoon
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e8635647f5135fb823085a1af20794cdca04b7fe
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/racoon differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/readlink b/system/system/bin/readlink
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/readlink
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/realpath b/system/system/bin/realpath
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/realpath
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/reboot b/system/system/bin/reboot
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6d568adad37e6708c5703b46f44fa9bf983184e6
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/reboot differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/recovery-persist b/system/system/bin/recovery-persist
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05e63fa8030aadba7695bf795bf30909bbb4d53d
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/recovery-persist differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/recovery-refresh b/system/system/bin/recovery-refresh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..98e7457e307826e8df48bace646978933460ca0e
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/recovery-refresh differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/renice b/system/system/bin/renice
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/renice
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/requestsync b/system/system/bin/requestsync
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2d5d0e41705a06c8c2d98a212d7df184e6a51282
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/requestsync
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Script to start "requestsync" on the device
+export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/requestsync.jar
+exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.requestsync.RequestSync "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/resize2fs b/system/system/bin/resize2fs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..46745d9586b9044b0eeee06752742d33ee4783d9
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/resize2fs differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/restorecon b/system/system/bin/restorecon
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/restorecon
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/rm b/system/system/bin/rm
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/rm
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/rmdir b/system/system/bin/rmdir
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/rmdir
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/rmmod b/system/system/bin/rmmod
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/rmmod
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/run-as b/system/system/bin/run-as
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ae9eafabf1fd5538a6b803043bda10a6de18f428
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/run-as differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/runcon b/system/system/bin/runcon
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/runcon
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/savelogclear.sh b/system/system/bin/savelogclear.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cab9594df7bc945f73779dd1b0f9f3ab5196e2c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/savelogclear.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+echo "[ASUS] enter init.asus.savelogmtp.sh" > $action_log
+# savelog
+# check mount file
+	umask 0;
+	sync
+	# create savelog folder (UTC)
+	SAVE_LOG_PATH="$SAVE_LOG_ROOT/`date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S`"
+	mkdir -p $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	setprop asus.savelogmtp.folder $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	chmod -R 777 $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	chmod -R 777 $SAVE_LOG_ROOT
+	echo "mkdir -p $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# save cmdline
+	cat /proc/cmdline > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/cmdline.txt
+	echo "cat /proc/cmdline > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/cmdline.txt"	
+	# save mount table
+	cat /proc/mounts > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/mounts.txt
+	echo "cat /proc/mounts > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/mounts.txt"
+	getenforce > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/getenforce.txt
+	echo "getenforce > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/getenforce.txt"
+	# save property
+	getprop > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/getprop.txt
+	echo "getprop > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/getprop.txt"
+	# save space used status
+	df > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/df.txt
+	echo "df > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/df.txt"
+	# save network info
+	route -n > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/route.txt
+	echo "route -n > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/route.txt"
+	ifconfig -a > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ifconfig.txt
+	echo "ifconfig -a > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ifconfig.txt"
+	# save software version
+	echo "AP_VER: `getprop ro.build.display.id`" > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "CP_VER: `getprop gsm.version.baseband`" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "BT_VER: `getprop bt.version.driver`" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "WIFI_VER: `getprop wifi.version.driver`" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "GPS_VER: `getprop gps.version.driver`" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "BUILD_DATE: `getprop ro.build.date`" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "`cat /proc/bootinfo`" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	# save load kernel modules
+	lsmod > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/lsmod.txt
+	echo "lsmod > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/lsmod.txt"
+	# save process now
+	ps > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ps.txt
+	echo "ps > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ps.txt"
+	ps -To user,pid,ppid,vsz,rss,args > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ps_thread.txt
+	echo "ps > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ps_thread.txt"
+	# save kernel message
+	dmesg > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/dmesg.txt
+	echo "dmesg > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/dmesg.txt"
+	# copy data/log to data/media
+	ls -R -l /data/log/ > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_log.txt
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/log
+	mv /data/log/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/log/
+	echo "mv /data/log $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	ls -R -l /data/Asuslog/dumpsys/* > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_asuslog.txt
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Dumpsys
+	mv /data/Asuslog/dumpsys/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Dumpsys/
+	echo "mv /data/Asuslog/dumpsys/ $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# copy data/tombstones to data/media
+	ls -R -l /data/tombstones/ > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_tombstones.txt
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/tombstones
+	mv /data/tombstones/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/tombstones/
+	echo "mv /data/tombstones $SAVE_LOG_PATH"	
+	# copy data/tombstones to data/media
+	#ls -R -l /tombstones/mdm > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_tombstones_mdm.txt
+	mkdir -p /data/tombstones/dsps
+	mkdir -p /data/tombstones/lpass
+	mkdir -p /data/tombstones/mdm
+	mkdir -p /data/tombstones/modem
+	mkdir -p /data/tombstones/wcnss
+	chown system.system /data/tombstones/*
+	chmod 771 /data/tombstones/*
+	# copy Debug Ion information to data/media
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ION_Debug
+	mv /d/ion/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ION_Debug/
+	# copy data/logcat_log to data/media
+	ls -R -l /data/logcat_log/ > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_logcat_log.txt
+	cp -r /data/logcat_log/ $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	echo "cp -r /data/logcat_log $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# copy /asdf/ASUSEvtlog.txt to ASDF
+	cp -r /sdcard/asus_log/ASUSEvtlog.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH #backward compatible
+	cp -r /sdcard/asus_log/ASUSEvtlog_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH #backward compatible
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUSEvtlog.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUSEvtlog_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASDF $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	echo " mv -r /vendor/asdf/ASUSEvtlog.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# copy /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
+	# copy /data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf
+	# copy /data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf
+	ls -R -l /data/misc/wifi/ > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_wifi_asus_log.txt
+	mv -r /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	echo "mv -r /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mv -r /data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	echo "mv -r /data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+    mv -r /data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	echo "mv -r /data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# mv /data/anr to data/media
+	ls -R -l /data/anr > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_anr.txt
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/anr
+	mv /data/anr/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/anr/
+	echo " mv /data/anr $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# copy asusdbg(reset debug message) to /data/media
+#	$ mkdir -p $SAVE_LOG_PATH/resetdbg
+#	dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/ramdump of=$SAVE_LOG_PATH/resetdbg/kernelmessage.txt count=512
+#	echo "copy asusdbg(reset debug message) to $SAVE_LOG_PATH/resetdbg"
+#is_ramdump_exist=` cat /proc/cmdline |  grep RAMDUMP`
+#if  test "$is_ramdump_exist"; then
+#	dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/ramdump of=$SAVE_LOG_PATH/IMEM_C.BIN count=8 skip=512
+#	dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/ramdump of=$SAVE_LOG_PATH/EBICS0.BIN count=2097152 skip=2048
+#	echo "copy RAMDUMP.bin to $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# mv /data/media/ap_ramdump  to data/media
+	ls -R -l /data/media/ap_ramdump > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_media_ap_ramdump.txt
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ap_ramdump
+	mv /data/media/ap_ramdump/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ap_ramdump/
+	echo " mv /data/media/ap_ramdump $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# save system information
+	date > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/date.txt
+	echo "date > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/date.txt"
+	for x in SurfaceFlinger window activity input_method alarm power battery batterystats audio cpuinfo meminfo power wifi diskstats; do
+		dumpsys $x > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/$x.txt
+		echo "dumpsys $x > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/$x.txt"
+	done
+	# save debug report
+	dumpsys > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/bugreport.txt
+	echo "dumpsys > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/bugreport.txt"
+#	mv /data/media/0/diag_logs/QXDM_logs/ $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+#	echo "mv /data/media/0/diag_logs/QXDM_logs $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Modem
+	cp -rf /data/media/0/Asuslog/Modem/ $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Modem/
+	rm -rf /data/media/0/Asuslog/Modem/*/*.qmdl
+	echo "mv /data/media/0/Asuslog/Modem $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/TcpDump
+	mv -rf /data/media/0/Asuslog/TcpDump/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/TcpDump/
+	echo "mv /data/media/0/Asuslog/TcpDump $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mv -rf /data/media/0/Asuslog/QSEE/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/QSEE/
+	echo "mv /data/media/0/Asuslog/QSEE $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mv -rf /data/media/0/Asuslog/TZ/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/TZ/
+	echo "mv /data/media/0/Asuslog/TZ $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mv -rf /data/media/0/bt* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/
+	echo "mv /data/media/0/btsnoop_hci.log $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mv -rf /data/media/0/Asuslog/v4l2_dump_user.264 $SAVE_LOG_PATH/
+	echo "mv /data/media/0/Asuslog/v4l2_dump_user.264 $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mv -rf /data/media/dump.ts $SAVE_LOG_PATH/
+	echo "mv /data/media/dump.ts $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mv /data/media/0/modemcrash.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/modemcrash.txt
+	echo "mv /data/media/0/modemcrash.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mv -rf /data/media/0/Wifi/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/
+	echo "mv /data/Asuslog/ $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# mv /data/ramdump (modemCrash)
+	ls -R -l /data/ramdump > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_ramdump.txt
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/data_ramdump
+	mv /data/ramdump/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/data_ramdump/
+	echo " mv /data/ramdump $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# sync data to disk 
+	# 1015 sdcard_rw
+	chmod -R 777 $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	chmod -R 777 $SAVE_LOG_ROOT
+	sync
+#am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED --ez read-only false -d file:///storage/emulated/0/
diff --git a/system/system/bin/savelogclearall.sh b/system/system/bin/savelogclearall.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f4002de407acae7e53a805473fa3bec70d3f2972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/savelogclearall.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+asuswlanfwlog_flag=`getprop persist.odm.asus.wlanfwdbg`
+chmod -R 777 /data/media/0/Asuslog
+rm -rf /data/media/0/Asuslog
+if [ ".$asuswlanfwlog_flag" == ".0" ];then
+rm -r /data/vendor/wifi/wlan_logs/*
+rm -r /data/vendor/wifi/wlan_logs
+echo " rm -r  /data/vendor/wifi/wlan_logs"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/savelogmtp.sh b/system/system/bin/savelogmtp.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..072b3a90aaec3d64b76ea813d965f4e1087ab01e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/savelogmtp.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+echo "[ASUS] enter init.asus.savelogmtp.sh" > $action_log
+# savelog
+asuswlanfwlog_flag=`getprop persist.odm.asus.wlanfwdbg`
+# check mount file
+	umask 0;
+	sync
+	# create savelog folder (UTC)
+     SAVE_LOG_PATH="$SAVE_LOG_ROOT/`date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S`"
+     mkdir -p $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+     setprop asus.savelogmtp.folder $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	chmod -R 777 $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	chmod -R 777 $SAVE_LOG_ROOT
+	echo "mkdir -p $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+# save cpu time stat
+echo "cpu time in state" > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/time_in_state.txt
+for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+	#statements
+	echo "cpu " $i >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/time_in_state.txt
+	cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu$i/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/time_in_state.txt
+# save top log
+	top -H -n 1 > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/top.txt
+	# save cmdline
+	cat /proc/cmdline > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/cmdline.txt
+	echo "cat /proc/cmdline > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/cmdline.txt"	
+	# save mount table
+	cat /proc/mounts > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/mounts.txt
+	echo "cat /proc/mounts > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/mounts.txt"
+	getenforce > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/getenforce.txt
+	echo "getenforce > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/getenforce.txt"
+	# save property
+	getprop > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/getprop.txt
+	echo "getprop > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/getprop.txt"
+	# save space used status
+	df > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/df.txt
+	echo "df > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/df.txt"
+	# save network info
+	route -n > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/route.txt
+	echo "route -n > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/route.txt"
+	ifconfig -a > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ifconfig.txt
+	echo "ifconfig -a > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ifconfig.txt"
+	# save software version
+	echo "AP_VER: `getprop ro.build.display.id`" > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "CP_VER: `getprop gsm.version.baseband`" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "BT_VER: `getprop bt.version.driver`" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "WIFI_VER: `getprop wifi.version.driver`" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "GPS_VER: `getprop gps.version.driver`" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "BUILD_DATE: `getprop ro.build.date`" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "`cat /proc/bootinfo`" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	# save load kernel modules
+	lsmod > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/lsmod.txt
+	echo "lsmod > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/lsmod.txt"
+	# save process now
+	ps -A > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ps.txt
+	echo "ps > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ps.txt"
+	ps -To user,pid,ppid,vsz,rss,args > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ps_thread.txt
+	echo "ps > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ps_thread.txt"
+	# save kernel message
+	dmesg > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/dmesg.txt
+	echo "dmesg > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/dmesg.txt"
+	# copy data/log to data/media
+	ls -R -l /data/log/ > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_log.txt
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/log
+	cp -rf /data/log/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/log/
+	echo "mv /data/log $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	ls -R -l /data/Asuslog/dumpsys/ > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_asuslog.txt
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Dumpsys
+	cp -rf  /data/Asuslog/dumpsys/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Dumpsys/
+#	chmod -R 777 /sdcard/asus_dump
+#	mv /sdcard/asus_dump/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Dumpsys/
+	echo "mv /data/Asuslog/dumpsys/ $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# copy data/tombstones to data/media
+	ls -R -l /data/tombstones/ > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_tombstones.txt
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/tombstones
+	cp -r /data/tombstones/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/tombstones/
+	echo "mv /data/tombstones $SAVE_LOG_PATH"	
+	# copy data/tombstones to data/media
+	#ls -R -l /tombstones/mdm > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_tombstones_mdm.txt
+	mkdir -p /data/tombstones/dsps
+	mkdir -p /data/tombstones/lpass
+	mkdir -p /data/tombstones/mdm
+	mkdir -p /data/tombstones/modem
+	mkdir -p /data/tombstones/wcnss
+	chown system.system /data/tombstones/*
+	chmod 771 /data/tombstones/*
+	# copy Debug Ion information to data/media
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ION_Debug
+	cp /d/ion/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ION_Debug/
+	# copy data/logcat_log to data/media
+	ls -R -l /data/logcat_log/ > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_logcat_log.txt
+	cp -r /data/logcat_log/ $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	echo "cp -r /data/logcat_log $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# copy /vendor/asdf/ASUSEvtlog.txt to ASDF
+	cp -r /sdcard/asus_log/ASUSEvtlog.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH #backward compatible
+	cp -r /sdcard/asus_log/ASUSEvtlog_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH #backward compatible
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUSEvtlog.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUSEvtlog_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_VBUS_low_impedance.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/gaugeMappingBackup $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_AICL_suspend.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	cp -rf /vendor/asdf $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	cp -rf /vendor/asdf/recovery $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	rm -r /asdf/ASDF/ASDF.*
+	echo " cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUSEvtlog.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# copy /asdf/ASUS_thermal_alert.txt to ASDF
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_thermal_alert.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_thermal_alert_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_JEITA_hard_hot.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_JEITA_hard_hot_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_JEITA_hard_cold.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_JEITA_hard_cold_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_Output_OVP.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_Output_OVP_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_JEITA_soft_hot.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_JEITA_soft_hot_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_BAT_OVP.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_BAT_OVP_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_Water_alert.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_Water_alert_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/bat_health.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	echo " cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_thermal_alert.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log"
+	# copy /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
+	# copy /data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf
+	# copy /data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf
+	ls -R -l /data/misc/wifi/ > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_wifi_asus_log.txt
+	cp -r /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	echo "cp -r /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	cp -r /data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	echo "cp -r /data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+    cp -r /data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	echo "cp -r /data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# mv /data/anr to data/media
+	ls -R -l /data/anr > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_anr.txt
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/anr
+	cp -rf  /data/anr/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/anr/
+	echo " mv /data/anr $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# copy /data/vendor/wifi/wlan_logs   data/media
+	if [ ".$asuswlanfwlog_flag" == ".1" ];then
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/wifi
+	cp -r /data/vendor/wifi/wlan_logs/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/wifi/
+	echo " copy  /data/vendor/wifi/wlan_logs $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	fi
+	# copy asusdbg(reset debug message) to /data/media
+#	$ mkdir -p $SAVE_LOG_PATH/resetdbg
+#	dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/ramdump of=$SAVE_LOG_PATH/resetdbg/kernelmessage.txt count=512
+#	echo "copy asusdbg(reset debug message) to $SAVE_LOG_PATH/resetdbg"
+#is_ramdump_exist=` cat /proc/cmdline |  grep RAMDUMP`
+#if  test "$is_ramdump_exist"; then
+#	dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/ramdump of=$SAVE_LOG_PATH/IMEM_C.BIN count=8 skip=512
+#	dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/ramdump of=$SAVE_LOG_PATH/EBICS0.BIN count=2097152 skip=2048
+#	echo "copy RAMDUMP.bin to $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# mv /data/media/ap_ramdump  to data/media
+	ls -R -l /data/media/ap_ramdump > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_media_ap_ramdump.txt
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ap_ramdump
+	mv /data/media/ap_ramdump/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ap_ramdump/
+	echo " mv /data/media/ap_ramdump $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# save system information
+	date > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/date.txt
+	echo "date > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/date.txt"
+#	for x in SurfaceFlinger activity input_method alarm power battery batterystats audio cpuinfo meminfo power wifi diskstats; do
+#		dumpsys $x > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/$x.txt
+#		echo "dumpsys $x > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/$x.txt"
+#	done
+#	dumpsys window -a > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/window.txt
+	# save debug report
+#	dumpsys > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/bugreport.txt
+#	echo "dumpsys > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/bugreport.txt"
+#	mv /data/media/0/diag_logs/QXDM_logs/ $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+#	echo "mv /data/media/0/diag_logs/QXDM_logs $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Modem
+	cp -rf /data/media/0/Asuslog/Modem/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Modem/
+	echo "cp /data/media/0/Asuslog/Modem $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/TcpDump
+	cp -rf /data/media/0/Asuslog/TcpDump/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/TcpDump/
+	echo "cp /data/media/0/Asuslog/TcpDump $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	cp -rf /data/media/0/Asuslog/QSEE/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/QSEE/
+	echo "cp /data/media/0/Asuslog/QSEE $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	cp -rf /data/media/0/Asuslog/TZ/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/TZ/
+	echo "cp /data/media/0/Asuslog/TZ $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	cp -rf /data/misc/bluetooth/logs/bt* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/
+	echo "cp /data/misc/bluetooth/logs/btsnoop_hci.log $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/bt_ramdump
+	cp -rf /data/vendor/ramdump/bluetooth/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/bt_ramdump/
+	echo "cp /data/vendor/ramdump/bluetooth/*  $SAVE_LOG_PATH/bt_ramdump/"
+	mv -r /data/media/0/bt* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/
+	echo "cp /data/media/0/btsnoop_hci.log $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mv -r /data/media/0/Asuslog/v4l2_dump_user.264 $SAVE_LOG_PATH/
+	echo "cp /data/media/0/Asuslog/v4l2_dump_user.264 $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mv -r /data/media/dump.ts $SAVE_LOG_PATH/
+	echo "cp /data/media/dump.ts $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mv  /data/media/0/modemcrash.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/modemcrash.txt
+	echo "cp /data/media/0/modemcrash.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mv -r /data/media/0/Wifi/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/
+	echo "cp /data/Asuslog/ $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# mv /data/ramdump (modemCrash)
+	ls -R -l /data/ramdump > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_ramdump.txt
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/data_ramdump
+	mv /data/ramdump/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/data_ramdump/
+	echo " mv  /data/ramdump $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+        micropTest=`cat /sys/class/switch/pfs_pad_ec/state`
+	if [ "${micropTest}" = "1" ]; then
+	date > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/microp_dump.txt
+	cat /d/gpio >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/microp_dump.txt                   
+        echo "cat /d/gpio > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/microp_dump.txt"  
+         cat /d/microp >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/microp_dump.txt
+        echo "cat /d/microp > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/microp_dump.txt"
+	fi
+    # save pmic reg dump
+    pmicRegDump=`getprop persist.asuslog.pmiclog.enable`
+    if [ ".$pmicRegDump" == ".1" ]; then
+        setprop asus.logtool.pmiclog.capture $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+    fi
+	# sync data to disk 
+	# 1015 sdcard_rw
+	chmod -R 777 $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	chmod -R 777 $SAVE_LOG_ROOT
+	sync
+#am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED --ez read-only false -d file:///storage/emulated/0/
diff --git a/system/system/bin/savelogs.sh b/system/system/bin/savelogs.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a8824b87fc22cdf04ab6c3aa778d73ccc6bcbb87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/savelogs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+#Dumpsys folder
+savelogs_prop=`getprop persist.asus.savelogs`
+is_tcpdump_status=`getprop init.svc.tcpdump-warp`
+modem_prop=`getprop persist.asuslog.qxdmlog.enable`
+tcpdump_prop=`getprop persist.asuslog.tcpdump.enable`
+tagstartdump_prop=`getprop persist.asus.savelogmtp.tagstartdump`
+CHECK_DUMPSTATE_PRO=`getprop debug.asus.savelogmtp.dumpstate`
+CHECK_DUMPSTATE_OK=`getprop init.svc.bugreport`
+loge ()
+  /system/bin/log -t $LOG_TAG -p e "$LOG_NAME $@"
+generate_bugreport ()
+	echo "debug.asus.savelogmtp.dumpstate is .$CHECK_DUMPSTATE_PRO"
+	setprop debug.asus.savelogmtp.dumpstate 1
+	if [ ".$CHECK_DUMPSTATE_OK" == "." ]; then
+		sleep 2
+	fi
+#usually it takes 5 minutes
+	for i in $(seq 240); do		
+		CHECK_DUMPSTATE_OK=`getprop init.svc.bugreport`
+		echo "bugreport=$CHECK_DUMPSTATE_OK, waiting for it stopped..."
+		if [ ".$CHECK_DUMPSTATE_OK" == ".stopped" ]; then
+			break
+		elif [ ".$CHECK_DUMPSTATE_OK" == "." ]; then
+			break
+		else	
+			sleep 2
+		fi
+	done;
+	echo "copy bugreport to LogUploader folder"
+	if [ ! -e $GENERAL_LOG ]; then
+		echo "LogUploader dir isn't exist, make dir..."
+		mkdir -p $GENERAL_LOG
+	fi
+	chmod -R  666 $BUGREPORT_PATH/
+	for filename in $BUGREPORT_PATH/*; do
+		name=${filename##*/}
+		echo "copy $filename to $GENERAL_LOG"
+		cp  $filename $GENERAL_LOG
+		rm $filename
+	done
+	setprop debug.asus.savelogmtp.dumpstate 0
+	echo "Generating bugreport completed"
+check_dumpsys_ok ()
+	sleep 5
+	setprop asus.savelogmtp.check_dump $tagstartdump_prop
+	for i in $(seq 300); do		
+		tagstartdump_prop=`getprop persist.asus.savelogmtp.tagstartdump`
+		if [ ".$tagstartdump_prop" == ".1" ]; then
+			sleep 2
+			echo "Running"
+		elif [ ".$tagstartdump_prop" == ".0" ]; then
+			echo "Stopped"
+			break
+		else
+			echo "Not execute"
+			break;
+		fi
+	done;
+	setprop persist.asus.savelogmtp.tagstartdump 0
+save_general_log () {
+	setprop persist.asus.savelogmtp.tagstartdump 1
+	setprop asus.savelogmtp.forupload 1
+	setprop debug.asus.savelogmtp.savedumpsyslogs 1
+	############################################################################################
+	# save cmdline
+	cat /proc/cmdline > $GENERAL_LOG/cmdline.txt
+	echo "cat /proc/cmdline > $GENERAL_LOG/cmdline.txt"	
+	############################################################################################
+	# save mount table
+	cat /proc/mounts > $GENERAL_LOG/mounts.txt
+	echo "cat /proc/mounts > $GENERAL_LOG/mounts.txt"
+	############################################################################################
+	getenforce > $GENERAL_LOG/getenforce.txt
+	echo "getenforce > $GENERAL_LOG/getenforce.txt"
+	############################################################################################
+	# save property
+	getprop > $GENERAL_LOG/getprop.txt
+	echo "getprop > $GENERAL_LOG/getprop.txt"
+	############################################################################################
+	# save network info
+	cat /proc/net/route > $GENERAL_LOG/route.txt
+	echo "cat /proc/net/route > $GENERAL_LOG/route.txt"
+	ifconfig -a > $GENERAL_LOG/ifconfig.txt
+	echo "ifconfig -a > $GENERAL_LOG/ifconfig.txt"
+	############################################################################################
+	# save software version
+	echo "AP_VER: `getprop ro.build.display.id`" > $GENERAL_LOG/version.txt
+	echo "CP_VER: `getprop gsm.version.baseband`" >> $GENERAL_LOG/version.txt
+	echo "BT_VER: `getprop bt.version.driver`" >> $GENERAL_LOG/version.txt
+	echo "WIFI_VER: `getprop wifi.version.driver`" >> $GENERAL_LOG/version.txt
+	echo "GPS_VER: `getprop gps.version.driver`" >> $GENERAL_LOG/version.txt
+	echo "BUILD_DATE: `getprop ro.build.date`" >> $GENERAL_LOG/version.txt
+	############################################################################################
+	# save load kernel modules
+	lsmod > $GENERAL_LOG/lsmod.txt
+	echo "lsmod > $GENERAL_LOG/lsmod.txt"
+	############################################################################################
+	# save process now
+	ps >  $GENERAL_LOG/ps.txt
+	echo "ps > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ps.txt"
+	ps -t -p > $GENERAL_LOG/ps_thread.txt
+	echo "ps > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ps_thread.txt"
+	############################################################################################
+	# save kernel message
+	dmesg > $GENERAL_LOG/dmesg.txt
+	echo "dmesg > $GENERAL_LOG/dmesg.txt"
+	############################################################################################
+	# copy data/log to data/media
+	#$BUSYBOX ls -R -l /data/log/ > $GENERAL_LOG/ls_data_log.txt
+	#mkdir $GENERAL_LOG/log
+	#$BUSYBOX cp /data/log/* $GENERAL_LOG/log/
+	#echo "$BUSYBOX cp /data/log $GENERAL_LOG"
+	############################################################################################
+	# copy data/tombstones to data/media
+	ls -R -l /data/tombstones/ > $GENERAL_LOG/ls_data_tombstones.txt
+	mkdir $GENERAL_LOG/tombstones
+	cp -r /data/tombstones/* $GENERAL_LOG/tombstones/
+	echo "cp /data/tombstones $GENERAL_LOG"	
+	############################################################################################
+	# copy Debug Ion information to data/media
+	mkdir $GENERAL_LOG/ION_Debug
+	cp /d/ion/* $GENERAL_LOG/ION_Debug/
+	############################################################################################
+	# copy data/logcat_log to data/media
+	#busybox ls -R -l /data/logcat_log/ > $GENERAL_LOG/ls_data_logcat_log.txt
+	#$BUSYBOX cp -r /data/logcat_log/ $GENERAL_LOG
+	#echo "$BUSYBOX cp -r /data/logcat_log $GENERAL_LOG"
+	mkdir $GENERAL_LOG/logcat_log
+	# logcat & radio
+	ls -R -l /data/logcat_log/ > $GENERAL_LOG/logcat_log/ls_data_logcat_log.txt
+	cp -r /data/logcat_log/ $GENERAL_LOG/logcat_log
+	############################################################################################
+	# copy /vendor/asdf/ASUSEvtlog.txt to ASDF
+	cp -r /sdcard/asus_log/ASUSEvtlog.txt $GENERAL_LOG #backward compatible
+	cp -r /sdcard/asus_log/ASUSEvtlog_old.txt $GENERAL_LOG #backward compatible
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUSEvtlog.txt $GENERAL_LOG
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUSEvtlog_old.txt $GENERAL_LOG
+	cp -rf /vendor/asdf $GENERAL_LOG
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASDF $GENERAL_LOG
+	rm /vendor/asdf/ASUSEvtlog*.txt
+	rm -r /vendor/asdf/ASDF/ASDF.*
+	echo "cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUSEvtlog.txt $GENERAL_LOG"
+	############################################################################################
+	# copy /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
+	# copy /data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf
+	# copy /data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf
+	#ls -R -l /data/misc/wifi/ > $GENERAL_LOG/ls_wifi_asus_log.txt
+	#cp -r /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf $GENERAL_LOG
+	#echo "cp -r /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf $GENERAL_LOG"
+	#cp -r /data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf $GENERAL_LOG
+	#echo "cp -r /data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf $GENERAL_LOG"
+	#cp -r /data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf $GENERAL_LOG
+	#echo "cp -r /data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf $GENERAL_LOG"
+	############################################################################################
+	# mv /data/anr to data/media
+	ls -R -l /data/anr > $GENERAL_LOG/ls_data_anr.txt
+	mkdir $GENERAL_LOG/anr
+	cp /data/anr/* $GENERAL_LOG/anr/
+	echo "cp /data/anr $GENERAL_LOG"
+	############################################################################################
+	# save system information
+	mkdir $DUMPSYS_DIR
+	# 	for x in SurfaceFlinger activity input_method alarm power battery batterystats audio cpuinfo meminfo power wifi diskstats; do
+	# 	dumpsys $x > $DUMPSYS_DIR/$x.txt
+	# 	echo "dumpsys $x > $DUMPSYS_DIR/$x.txt"
+	# done
+	# 	dumpsys window -a > $DUMPSYS_DIR/window.txt
+	############################################################################################
+	# [BugReporter]Save ps.txt to Dumpsys folder
+	ps -t -p -P > $GENERAL_LOG/ps.txt
+	############################################################################################
+	date > $GENERAL_LOG/date.txt
+	echo "date > $GENERAL_LOG/date.txt"
+	############################################################################################	
+	# save debug report
+	#dumpstate > $GENERAL_LOG/dumpstate.txt
+	#echo "dumpstate > $GENERAL_LOG/dumpstate.txt"
+	############################################################################################
+    micropTest=`cat /sys/class/switch/pfs_pad_ec/state`
+	if [ "${micropTest}" = "1" ]; then
+	    date > $GENERAL_LOG/microp_dump.txt
+	    cat /d/gpio >> $GENERAL_LOG/microp_dump.txt                   
+        echo "cat /d/gpio > $GENERAL_LOG/microp_dump.txt"  
+        cat /d/microp >> $GENERAL_LOG/microp_dump.txt
+        echo "cat /d/microp > $GENERAL_LOG/microp_dump.txt"
+	fi
+	############################################################################################
+	df > $GENERAL_LOG/df.txt
+	echo "df > $GENERAL_LOG/df.txt"
+	check_dumpsys_ok
+#generate bugreport and move it to Logupload folder	
+#	generate_bugreport
+save_modem_log () {
+#	mv /data/media/0/diag_logs/QXDM_logs $MODEM_LOG 
+#	echo "mv /data/media/diag_logs/QXDM_logs $MODEM_LOG"
+	if [ ".$modem_prop" == ".2" ]; then
+		mv /data/media/0/Asuslog/Modem/ $MODEM_LOG
+		echo "mv /data/media/0/Asuslog/Modem $MODEM_LOG"
+	elif [ ".$modem_prop" == ".1" ]; then
+		setprop persist.asuslog.qxdmlog.enable 2
+		mv /data/media/0/Asuslog/Modem/ $MODEM_LOG
+		echo "mv /data/media/0/Asuslog/Modem $MODEM_LOG"
+		mkdir /data/media/0/Asuslog/Modem
+		setprop persist.asuslog.qxdmlog.enable 1
+	fi
+save_tcpdump_log () {
+#	if [ -d "/data/logcat_log" ]; then
+#		if [ ".$is_tcpdump_status" == ".running" ]; then
+#			stop tcpdump-warp
+#			mv /data/logcat_log/capture.pcap0 /data/logcat_log/capture.pcap0-1
+#			start tcpdump-warp
+#			for fname in /data/logcat_log/capture.pcap*
+#			do
+#				if [ -e $fname ]; then
+#					if [ ".$fname" != "./data/logcat_log/capture.pcap0" ]; then
+#						mv $fname $TCP_DUMP_LOG
+#					fi
+#				fi
+#			done
+#		else
+#			mv /data/logcat_log/capture.pcap* $TCP_DUMP_LOG
+#		fi
+#	fi
+if [ ".$tcpdump_prop" == ".0" ]; then
+	mv /data/media/0/Asuslog/TcpDump/ $TCP_DUMP_LOG
+	echo "mv /data/media/0/Asuslog/TcpDump $TCP_DUMP_LOG"
+elif [ ".$tcpdump_prop" == ".1" ]; then
+	setprop persist.asuslog.tcpdump.enable 0
+	mv /data/media/0/Asuslog/TcpDump/ $TCP_DUMP_LOG
+	echo "mv /data/media/0/Asuslog/TcpDump $TCP_DUMP_LOG"
+	setprop persist.asuslog.tcpdump.enable 1
+remove_folder () {
+	# remove folder
+	if [ -e $GENERAL_LOG ]; then
+		rm -r $GENERAL_LOG
+	fi
+	if [ -e $MODEM_LOG ]; then
+		rm -r $MODEM_LOG
+	fi
+	if [ -e $TCP_DUMP_LOG ]; then
+		rm -r $TCP_DUMP_LOG
+	fi
+create_folder () {
+	# create folder
+	mkdir -p $GENERAL_LOG
+	echo "mkdir -p $GENERAL_LOG"
+	mkdir -p $MODEM_LOG
+	echo "mkdir -p $MODEM_LOG"
+	mkdir -p $TCP_DUMP_LOG
+	echo "mkdir -p $TCP_DUMP_LOG"
+if [ ".$savelogs_prop" == ".0" ]; then
+	remove_folder
+	# Ack BugReporter
+    setprop persist.asus.broadcast com.asus.removelogs.completed
+elif [ ".$savelogs_prop" == ".1" ]; then
+	# check mount file
+	umask 0;
+	sync
+	############################################################################################
+	# remove folder
+	#remove_folder
+	# create folder
+	create_folder
+	# save_general_log
+	save_general_log
+	############################################################################################
+	# sync data to disk 
+	# 1015 sdcard_rw
+	chmod -R 777 $GENERAL_LOG
+	sync
+	setprop persist.asus.broadcast com.asus.savelogs.completed
+	echo "Done"
+elif [ ".$savelogs_prop" == ".2" ]; then
+	# check mount file
+	umask 0;
+	sync
+	############################################################################################
+	# remove folder
+	#remove_folder
+	# create folder
+	create_folder
+	# save_modem_log
+	save_modem_log
+	############################################################################################
+	# sync data to disk 
+	# 1015 sdcard_rw
+	chmod -R 777 $MODEM_LOG
+	sync
+	setprop persist.asus.broadcast com.asus.savelogs.completed
+	echo "Done"
+elif [ ".$savelogs_prop" == ".3" ]; then
+	# check mount file
+	umask 0;
+	sync
+	############################################################################################
+	# remove folder
+	#remove_folder
+	# create folder
+	create_folder
+	# save_tcpdump_log
+	save_tcpdump_log
+	############################################################################################
+	# sync data to disk 
+	# 1015 sdcard_rw
+	chmod -R 777 $TCP_DUMP_LOG
+	sync
+	setprop persist.asus.broadcast com.asus.savelogs.completed
+	echo "Done"
+elif [ ".$savelogs_prop" == ".4" ]; then
+	# check mount file
+	umask 0;
+	sync
+	setprop asus.savelogmtp.testd savelogs_propf
+	############################################################################################
+	# remove folder
+	remove_folder
+	# create folder
+	create_folder
+	# save_general_log
+	save_general_log
+	# save_modem_log
+	save_modem_log
+	# save_tcpdump_log
+	save_tcpdump_log
+	############################################################################################
+	# sync data to disk 
+	# 1015 sdcard_rw
+	chmod -R 777 $GENERAL_LOG
+	chmod -R 777 $MODEM_LOG
+	chmod -R 777 $TCP_DUMP_LOG
+#	setprop persist.asus.savelogs.dumpstate 0
+#	setprop persist.asus.savelogs.dumpstate 1
+	setprop persist.asus.uts com.asus.savelogs.completed
+    setprop persist.asus.broadcast com.asus.savelogs.completed	
diff --git a/system/system/bin/savelogs_dumpstate.sh b/system/system/bin/savelogs_dumpstate.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..95c5a2d895fb1c32f5cf8b1a0c870f5929065f03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/savelogs_dumpstate.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+loge ()
+  /system/bin/log -t $LOG_TAG -p e "$LOG_NAME $@"
+#mkdir -p $GENERAL_LOG
+#dumpstate -q > $GENERAL_LOG/dumpstate.txt
+#dumpstate -q -d -z -o $BUGREPORT_PATH/bugreport
+CHECK_DUMPSTATE_PRO=`getprop debug.asus.savelogmtp.dumpstate`
+loge "debug.asus.savelogmtp.dumpstate is .$CHECK_DUMPSTATE_PRO"
+setprop debug.asus.savelogmtp.dumpstate 1
+CHECK_DUMPSTATE_OK=`getprop init.svc.bugreport`
+if [ ".$CHECK_DUMPSTATE_OK" == "." ]; then
+	sleep 2
+#usually it takes 5 minutes
+for i in $(seq 240); do		
+	setprop debug.savelogmtp.testwait 1
+	CHECK_DUMPSTATE_OK=`getprop init.svc.bugreport`
+	loge "bugreport=$CHECK_DUMPSTATE_OK, waiting for it stopped..."
+	if [ ".$CHECK_DUMPSTATE_OK" == ".stopped" ]; then
+		break
+	elif [ ".$CHECK_DUMPSTATE_OK" == "." ]; then
+		break
+	else	
+		sleep 2
+	fi
+setprop debug.savelogmtp.testwait 2
+loge "copy bugreport to LogUploader folder"
+if [ ! -e $GENERAL_LOG ]; then
+	loge "LogUploader dir isn't exist, make dir..."
+	mkdir -p $GENERAL_LOG
+chmod -R  666 $BUGREPORT_PATH/
+for filename in $BUGREPORT_PATH/*; do
+	name=${filename##*/}
+    loge "copy $filename to $GENERAL_LOG"
+    cp  $filename $GENERAL_LOG
+    rm $filename
+setprop debug.savelogmtp.testwait 3
+setprop debug.asus.savelogmtp.dumpstate 0
+loge "Generate bugreport  to LogUploader completed"
+#chmod -R 777 $GENERAL_LOG/
+#setprop persist.asus.savelogs.complete 1
+#setprop persist.asus.savelogs.complete 0
diff --git a/system/system/bin/savelogsd.sh b/system/system/bin/savelogsd.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..83f2f3623b48414ff1ccd3e667fe9f5128dc6dbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/savelogsd.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+echo "[ASUS] enter init.asus.savelogmtp.sh" > $action_log
+# savelog
+sdname=`getprop vold.microsd.uuid`
+# check mount file
+	umask 0;
+	sync
+	# create savelog folder (UTC)
+	SAVE_LOG_PATH="$SAVE_LOG_ROOT/`date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S`"
+	mkdir -p $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	setprop asus.savelogmtp.folder $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	chmod -R 777 $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	chmod -R 777 $SAVE_LOG_ROOT
+	echo "mkdir -p $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+# save cpu time stat
+echo "cpu time in state" > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/time_in_state.txt
+for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+	#statements
+	echo "cpu " $i >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/time_in_state.txt
+	cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu$i/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/time_in_state.txt
+# save top log
+	top -H -n 1 > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/top.txt
+	# save cmdline
+	cat /proc/cmdline > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/cmdline.txt
+	echo "cat /proc/cmdline > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/cmdline.txt"	
+	# save mount table
+	cat /proc/mounts > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/mounts.txt
+	echo "cat /proc/mounts > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/mounts.txt"
+	getenforce > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/getenforce.txt
+	echo "getenforce > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/getenforce.txt"
+	# save property
+	getprop > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/getprop.txt
+	echo "getprop > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/getprop.txt"
+	# save space used status
+	df > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/df.txt
+	echo "df > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/df.txt"
+	# save network info
+	route -n > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/route.txt
+	echo "route -n > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/route.txt"
+	ifconfig -a > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ifconfig.txt
+	echo "ifconfig -a > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ifconfig.txt"
+	# save software version
+	echo "AP_VER: `getprop ro.build.display.id`" > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "CP_VER: `getprop gsm.version.baseband`" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "BT_VER: `getprop bt.version.driver`" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "WIFI_VER: `getprop wifi.version.driver`" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "GPS_VER: `getprop gps.version.driver`" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "BUILD_DATE: `getprop ro.build.date`" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "`cat /proc/bootinfo`" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	# save load kernel modules
+	lsmod > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/lsmod.txt
+	echo "lsmod > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/lsmod.txt"
+	# save process now
+	ps > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ps.txt
+	echo "ps > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ps.txt"
+	ps -To user,pid,ppid,vsz,rss,args > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ps_thread.txt
+	echo "ps > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ps_thread.txt"
+	# save kernel message
+	dmesg > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/dmesg.txt
+	echo "dmesg > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/dmesg.txt"
+	# copy data/log to data/media
+	ls -R -l /data/log/ > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_log.txt
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/log
+	mv /data/log/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/log/
+	echo "mv /data/log $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	ls -R -l /data/Asuslog/dumpsys/* > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_asuslog.txt
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Dumpsys
+	mv /data/Asuslog/dumpsys/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Dumpsys/
+	echo "mv /data/Asuslog/dumpsys/ $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# copy data/tombstones to data/media
+	ls -R -l /data/tombstones/ > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_tombstones.txt
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/tombstones
+	cp -r /data/tombstones/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/tombstones/
+	echo "mv /data/tombstones $SAVE_LOG_PATH"	
+	# copy data/tombstones to data/media
+	#ls -R -l /tombstones/mdm > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_tombstones_mdm.txt
+	mkdir -p /data/tombstones/dsps
+	mkdir -p /data/tombstones/lpass
+	mkdir -p /data/tombstones/mdm
+	mkdir -p /data/tombstones/modem
+	mkdir -p /data/tombstones/wcnss
+	chown system.system /data/tombstones/*
+	chmod 771 /data/tombstones/*
+	# copy Debug Ion information to data/media
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ION_Debug
+	cp /d/ion/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ION_Debug/
+	# copy data/logcat_log to data/media
+	ls -R -l /data/logcat_log/ > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_logcat_log.txt
+	cp -r /data/logcat_log/ $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	echo "cp -r /data/logcat_log $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# copy /asdf/ASUSEvtlog.txt to ASDF
+	cp -r /sdcard/asus_log/ASUSEvtlog.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH #backward compatible
+	cp -r /sdcard/asus_log/ASUSEvtlog_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH #backward compatible
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUSEvtlog.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUSEvtlog_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_VBUS_low_impedance.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_AICL_suspend.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/gaugeMappingBackup $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/recovery $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASDF $SAVE_LOG_PATH &&  rm -r /asdf/ASDF/ASDF.*
+	echo " cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUSEvtlog.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# copy /asdf/ASUS_thermal_alert.txt to ASDF
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_thermal_alert.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_thermal_alert_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_JEITA_hard_hot.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_JEITA_hard_hot_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_JEITA_hard_cold.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_JEITA_hard_cold_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_Output_OVP.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_Output_OVP_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_JEITA_soft_hot.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_JEITA_soft_hot_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_BAT_OVP.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_BAT_OVP_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_Water_alert.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_Water_alert_old.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log
+	echo " cp -r /vendor/asdf/ASUS_thermal_alert.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Power_Err_log"
+	# copy /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
+	# copy /data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf
+	# copy /data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf
+	ls -R -l /data/misc/wifi/ > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_wifi_asus_log.txt
+	cp -r /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	echo "cp -r /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	cp -r /data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	echo "cp -r /data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+    cp -r /data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	echo "cp -r /data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# mv /data/anr to data/media
+	ls -R -l /data/anr > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_anr.txt
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/anr
+	cp -r /data/anr/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/anr/
+	echo " mv /data/anr $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# copy /data/vendor/wifi/wlan_logs   data/media
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/wifi
+	cp -r /data/vendor/wifi/wlan_logs/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/wifi/
+	echo " copy  /data/vendor/wifi/wlan_logs $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# copy asusdbg(reset debug message) to /data/media
+#	$ mkdir -p $SAVE_LOG_PATH/resetdbg
+#	dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/ramdump of=$SAVE_LOG_PATH/resetdbg/kernelmessage.txt count=512
+#	echo "copy asusdbg(reset debug message) to $SAVE_LOG_PATH/resetdbg"
+#is_ramdump_exist=` cat /proc/cmdline |  grep RAMDUMP`
+#if  test "$is_ramdump_exist"; then
+#	dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/ramdump of=$SAVE_LOG_PATH/IMEM_C.BIN count=8 skip=512
+#	dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/ramdump of=$SAVE_LOG_PATH/EBICS0.BIN count=2097152 skip=2048
+#	echo "copy RAMDUMP.bin to $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# mv /data/media/ap_ramdump  to data/media
+	ls -R -l /data/media/ap_ramdump > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_media_ap_ramdump.txt
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ap_ramdump
+	mv /data/media/ap_ramdump/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ap_ramdump/
+	echo " mv /data/media/ap_ramdump $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# save system information
+	date > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/date.txt
+	echo "date > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/date.txt"
+	for x in SurfaceFlinger window activity input_method alarm power battery batterystats audio cpuinfo meminfo power wifi diskstats; do
+		dumpsys $x > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/$x.txt
+		echo "dumpsys $x > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/$x.txt"
+	done
+	# save debug report
+	dumpsys > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/bugreport.txt
+	echo "dumpsys > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/bugreport.txt"
+#	mv /data/media/0/diag_logs/QXDM_logs/ $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+#	echo "mv /data/media/0/diag_logs/QXDM_logs $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Modem
+	cp -rf /data/media/0/Asuslog/Modem/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/Modem/
+	echo "cp /data/media/0/Asuslog/Modem $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/TcpDump
+	cp -rf /data/media/0/Asuslog/TcpDump/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/TcpDump/
+	echo "cp /data/media/0/Asuslog/TcpDump $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	cp -rf /data/media/0/Asuslog/QSEE/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/QSEE/
+	echo "cp /data/media/0/Asuslog/QSEE $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	cp -rf /data/media/0/Asuslog/TZ/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/TZ/
+	echo "cp /data/media/0/Asuslog/TZ $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	cp -rf /data/misc/bluetooth/logs/bt* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/
+	echo "cp /data/misc/bluetooth/logs/btsnoop_hci.log $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/bt_ramdump
+	cp -rf /data/vendor/ramdump/bluetooth/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/bt_ramdump/
+	echo "cp /data/vendor/ramdump/bluetooth/*  $SAVE_LOG_PATH/bt_ramdump/"
+	cp -rf /data/media/0/Asuslog/v4l2_dump_user.264 $SAVE_LOG_PATH/
+	echo "cp /data/media/0/Asuslog/v4l2_dump_user.264 $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	cp -rf /data/media/dump.ts $SAVE_LOG_PATH/
+	echo "cp /data/media/dump.ts $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	cp /data/media/0/modemcrash.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH/modemcrash.txt
+	echo "cp /data/media/0/modemcrash.txt $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	cp -rf /data/media/0/Wifi/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/
+	echo "cp /data/Asuslog/ $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# mv /data/ramdump (modemCrash)
+	ls -R -l /data/ramdump > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/ls_data_ramdump.txt
+	mkdir $SAVE_LOG_PATH/data_ramdump
+	mv /data/ramdump/* $SAVE_LOG_PATH/data_ramdump/
+	echo " cp /data/ramdump $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# sync data to disk 
+	# 1015 sdcard_rw
+	chmod -R 777 $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	chmod -R 777 $SAVE_LOG_ROOT
+	sync
+am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED --ez read-only false -d file:///storage/emulated/0/
diff --git a/system/system/bin/saveramdump.sh b/system/system/bin/saveramdump.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43088a7f1e5462eee93a945be40df89faa8ffa07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/saveramdump.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+echo "[ASUS] enter init.asus.saveramdump.sh" > $action_log
+# saveramdump
+skipramdump_flag=`getprop sys.asus.skipramdump`
+if test "$skipramdump_flag" -eq 1;then
+	echo "format cache partition(ext4) and remount"
+	mke2fs -T ext4 /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache
+	mount -t ext4 -o nosuid,nodev,barrier=1,data=ordered,noauto_da_alloc /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache /cache
+	chmod 770 /cache
+	chown system.cache /cache
+	mkdir /cache/recovery
+	chmod 770 /cache/recovery
+	chown system.cache /cache/recovery
+	# sync data to disk 
+	sync
+	# create savelog folder (UTC)
+	SAVE_LOG_PATH="$SAVE_LOG_ROOT/`date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S`"
+	mkdir -p $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	setprop asus.savelogmtp.folder $SAVE_LOG_PATH
+	echo "mkdir -p $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	# save software version
+	AP_VER=`getprop ro.build.display.id`
+	CP_VER=`getprop gsm.version.baseband`
+	BUILD_DATE=`getprop ro.build.date`
+	echo "AP_VER: $AP_VER" > $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "CP_VER: $CP_VER" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	echo "BUILD_DATE: $BUILD_DATE" >> $SAVE_LOG_PATH/version.txt
+	# copy asusdbg(reset debug message) to /data/media
+	mkdir -p $SAVE_LOG_PATH/resetdbg
+	dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache of=$SAVE_LOG_PATH/resetdbg/kernelmessage.txt count=512	
+	echo "copy asusdbg(reset debug message) to $SAVE_LOG_PATH/resetdbg"
+	dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache of=$SAVE_LOG_PATH/IMEM_C.BIN count=8 skip=512
+	dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache of=$SAVE_LOG_PATH/EBICS0.BIN count=2097152 skip=2048	
+	echo "copy RAMDUMP.bin to $SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+	echo "format cache partition(ext4) and remount"
+	mke2fs -T ext4 /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache
+	mount -t ext4 -o nosuid,nodev,barrier=1,data=ordered,noauto_da_alloc /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache /cache
+	chmod 770 /cache
+	chown system.cache /cache
+	mkdir /cache/recovery
+	chmod 770 /cache/recovery
+	chown system.cache /cache/recovery
+	# sync data to disk 
+	sync
+	chmod -R 777 "$SAVE_LOG_PATH"
+am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED --ez read-only false -d file:///mnt/sdcard/sync
diff --git a/system/system/bin/schedtest b/system/system/bin/schedtest
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..353ca4ab3be066bb91674267af4c7797000e0407
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/schedtest differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/screencap b/system/system/bin/screencap
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5148a70c608a6969f6ee61081af0c1f4e73637af
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/screencap differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/screenrecord b/system/system/bin/screenrecord
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8ddada99b7a81cc9bf54e4f8fe447f5e57a97ff7
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/screenrecord differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/sdcard b/system/system/bin/sdcard
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9d878c2da8f5af280e99958e677891beb6553a0
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/sdcard differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/secdiscard b/system/system/bin/secdiscard
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e5977ab2204c8e1f9f35654dd4b70cfd351d5b5
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/secdiscard differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/secilc b/system/system/bin/secilc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c2140fc1d9db46f482d7102baf7ef132f169b511
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/secilc differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/sed b/system/system/bin/sed
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/sed
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/sendevent b/system/system/bin/sendevent
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/sendevent
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/sensorservice b/system/system/bin/sensorservice
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..add7e935cbb02ba3669ed919d74f1bd15a756238
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/sensorservice differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/seq b/system/system/bin/seq
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/seq
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/service b/system/system/bin/service
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b97c2f4df7a98e5f27eb33d26ec80f64c4620a42
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/service differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/servicemanager b/system/system/bin/servicemanager
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6bb1df34c554578c8557b5656afd3bbd35c34894
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/servicemanager differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/setenforce b/system/system/bin/setenforce
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/setenforce
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/setprop b/system/system/bin/setprop
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/setprop
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/setsid b/system/system/bin/setsid
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/setsid
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/settings b/system/system/bin/settings
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d41ccc62811abdb765b1c7cd0ca602ec8354ec3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/settings
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+cmd settings "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/sgdisk b/system/system/bin/sgdisk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..56cc8aa24622e4b85ebcb7827225a9cad158073b
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/sgdisk differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/sh b/system/system/bin/sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..44dbd6eea761c565221d1701fe2fd01cc5055152
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/sh differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/sha1sum b/system/system/bin/sha1sum
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/sha1sum
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/sha224sum b/system/system/bin/sha224sum
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/sha224sum
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/sha256sum b/system/system/bin/sha256sum
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/sha256sum
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/sha384sum b/system/system/bin/sha384sum
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/sha384sum
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/sha512sum b/system/system/bin/sha512sum
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/sha512sum
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/simg2img b/system/system/bin/simg2img
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6370620c8ada039d781c23f99d3f6dc4d68866ed
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/simg2img differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/sleep b/system/system/bin/sleep
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/sleep
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/sload_f2fs b/system/system/bin/sload_f2fs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1cbe4d37b29c51902935372aabfd1c62ed6dea2a
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/sload_f2fs differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/sm b/system/system/bin/sm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4bc859e0c37407ed66e7ec77c381854a43c5cac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/sm
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Script to start "sm" on the device, which has a very rudimentary
+# shell.
+export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/sm.jar
+exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.sm.Sm "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/smcinvoked b/system/system/bin/smcinvoked
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f0d3d403477648462febf1fde92611ab82094807
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/smcinvoked differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/sns.cfg b/system/system/bin/sns.cfg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8755bd7f510104411ec82318b14ce4c9cc292931
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/sns.cfg differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/sort b/system/system/bin/sort
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/sort
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/split b/system/system/bin/split
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/split
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/start b/system/system/bin/start
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/start
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/stat b/system/system/bin/stat
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/stat
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/statsd b/system/system/bin/statsd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d162ff3fddb2d9645c439ab1df933dfc117cf197
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/statsd differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/stop b/system/system/bin/stop
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/stop
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/storaged b/system/system/bin/storaged
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f24fd6580941e22fe7f6ffbe21f5183ae6ce8e7
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/storaged differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/strings b/system/system/bin/strings
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/strings
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/stty b/system/system/bin/stty
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/stty
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/surfaceflinger b/system/system/bin/surfaceflinger
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f99331b078668f2773c5f3add9b48819b85ae94
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/surfaceflinger differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/svc b/system/system/bin/svc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..07b50fe6c7b5036db105b1d53abed1d5986b7584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/svc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Script to start "am" on the device, which has a very rudimentary
+# shell.
+export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/svc.jar
+exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.svc.Svc $*
diff --git a/system/system/bin/swapoff b/system/system/bin/swapoff
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/swapoff
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/swapon b/system/system/bin/swapon
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/swapon
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/sync b/system/system/bin/sync
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/sync
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/sysctl b/system/system/bin/sysctl
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/sysctl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/t2l_demo b/system/system/bin/t2l_demo
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e41e896b1870ef13d5b33cc594304ab54c6e543
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/t2l_demo differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/t2l_hit b/system/system/bin/t2l_hit
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ac43765cca1f0e1d16fe361ddfa12a4510ac96eb
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/t2l_hit differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/tac b/system/system/bin/tac
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/tac
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/tail b/system/system/bin/tail
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/tail
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/tar b/system/system/bin/tar
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/tar
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/taskset b/system/system/bin/taskset
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/taskset
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/tc b/system/system/bin/tc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96b89f9c98e5f30b27cf7a1e58ccb2c55b68852a
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/tc differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/tc-wrapper-1.0 b/system/system/bin/tc-wrapper-1.0
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf5c05df522dedc654dd0012a1b40a44c19793c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/tc-wrapper-1.0
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/tee b/system/system/bin/tee
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/tee
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/telecom b/system/system/bin/telecom
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a19036bf5bd8ca5f8a56a83857703a25fb29ee63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/telecom
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Script to start "telecom" on the device
+export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/telecom.jar
+exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.telecom.Telecom "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/thermalserviced b/system/system/bin/thermalserviced
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce19d27d5c2837a421072d70a0e4ad09ed50d00a
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/thermalserviced differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/time b/system/system/bin/time
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/time
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/timeout b/system/system/bin/timeout
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/timeout
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/tinycap b/system/system/bin/tinycap
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f2b2a831978fb67dd3f2c08e65015ab35add78b1
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/tinycap differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/tinymix b/system/system/bin/tinymix
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b8760518d47461437d67d560b297a15b5bb140d4
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/tinymix differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/tinypcminfo b/system/system/bin/tinypcminfo
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d05ac07e374c37cbcb5b2ea6cc804f730fd4841
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/tinypcminfo differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/tinyplay b/system/system/bin/tinyplay
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f3c2165996c9f26d2a4525173ce0386e2ae21c64
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/tinyplay differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/tombstoned b/system/system/bin/tombstoned
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d9e3ee5ffe20f8f58f6211a2f88a5f8367270c10
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/tombstoned differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/toolbox b/system/system/bin/toolbox
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a6810f139afa399c5f0cc5295c3215df516e363
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/toolbox differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/top b/system/system/bin/top
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/top
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/touch b/system/system/bin/touch
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/touch
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/toybox b/system/system/bin/toybox
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0433f31eacaf203effb86503a73c51a5172ba519
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/toybox differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/tr b/system/system/bin/tr
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/tr
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/traced b/system/system/bin/traced
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..575c352c8cfa0449d38bc5c1601b0c32100bc251
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/traced differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/traced_probes b/system/system/bin/traced_probes
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dcd11570d16c951399ff646dc3957a665798a2db
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/traced_probes differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/true b/system/system/bin/true
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/true
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/truncate b/system/system/bin/truncate
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/truncate
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/tty b/system/system/bin/tty
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/tty
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/tune2fs b/system/system/bin/tune2fs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b32effdf303f3db7287e956b984e4aeeec0a68c3
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/tune2fs differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/tzdatacheck b/system/system/bin/tzdatacheck
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a13cb0a9874644d6ba29b5a57fc46eb15d6a44e6
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/tzdatacheck differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/uiautomator b/system/system/bin/uiautomator
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..889c2b524dfdbb2e81b5812bd9a1f28047ab11e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/uiautomator
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Script to start "uiautomator" on the device
+# The script does a couple of things:
+# * Use an alternative dalvik cache when running as non-root. Jar file needs
+#   to be dexopt'd to run in Dalvik. For plain jar files, this is done at first
+#   use. shell user does not have write permission to default system Dalvik
+#   cache so we redirect to an alternative cache
+# * special processing for subcommand 'runtest':
+#    * '--nohup' allows process continue to run even if parent process that
+#      started it has already terminated. We parse for this parameter and set
+#      signal trap. This is useful for testing with USB disconnected
+#    * all jar files that the test classes resides in, or dependent on are
+#      provided on command line and exported to CLASSPATH environment variable
+#      before starting the Java code. This offloads the task of class loading
+#      and resolving of cross jar class dependency to Dalvik
+#    * all other subcommand or options are directly passed into Java code for
+#      further parsing
+export run_base=/data/local/tmp
+export base=/system
+# if not running as root, trick dalvik into using an alternative dex cache
+if [ ${USER_ID} -ne 0 ]; then
+  tmp_cache=${run_base}/dalvik-cache
+  if [ ! -d ${tmp_cache} ]; then
+    mkdir -p ${tmp_cache}
+  fi
+  export ANDROID_DATA=${run_base}
+# take first parameter as the command
+if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
+  cmd="help"
+# strip the command parameter
+if [ -n "${1}" ]; then
+  shift
+# eventually args will be what get passed down to Java code
+# we also pass the list of jar files, so we can extract class names for tests
+# if they are not explicitly specified
+# special case pre-processing for 'runtest' command
+if [ "${cmd}" == "runtest" ]; then
+  # Print deprecation warning
+  echo "Warning: This version of UI Automator is deprecated. New tests should be written using"
+  echo "UI Automator 2.0 which is available as part of the Android Testing Support Library."
+  echo "See https://developer.android.com/training/testing/ui-testing/uiautomator-testing.html"
+  echo "for more details."
+  # first parse the jar paths
+  while [ true ]; do
+    if [ -z "${1}" ] && [ -z "${jars}" ]; then
+      echo "Error: more parameters expected for runtest; please see usage for details"
+      cmd="help"
+      break
+    fi
+    if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
+      break
+    fi
+    jar=${1}
+    if [ "${1:0:1}" = "-" ]; then
+      # we are done with jars, starting with parameters now
+      break
+    fi
+    # if relative path, append the default path prefix
+    if [ "${1:0:1}" != "/" ]; then
+      jar=${run_base}/${1}
+    fi
+    # about to add the file to class path, check if it's valid
+    if [ ! -f ${jar} ]; then
+      echo "Error: ${jar} does not exist"
+      # force to print help message
+      cmd="help"
+      break
+    fi
+    jars=${jars}:${jar}
+    # done processing current arg, moving on
+    shift
+  done
+  # look for --nohup: if found, consume it and trap SIG_HUP, otherwise just
+  # append the arg to args
+  while [ -n "${1}" ]; do
+    if [ "${1}" = "--nohup" ]; then
+      trap "" HUP
+      shift
+    else
+      args="${args} ${1}"
+      shift
+    fi
+  done
+  # if cmd is not 'runtest', just take the rest of the args
+  args=${@}
+args="${cmd} ${args}"
+if [ -n "${jars}" ]; then
+   args="${args} -e jars ${jars}"
+exec app_process ${base}/bin com.android.commands.uiautomator.Launcher ${args}
diff --git a/system/system/bin/ulimit b/system/system/bin/ulimit
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/ulimit
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/umount b/system/system/bin/umount
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/umount
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/uname b/system/system/bin/uname
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/uname
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/uncrypt b/system/system/bin/uncrypt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c035a5671cd938ae41c9feab7f64ff8e4ca261e5
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/uncrypt differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/uniq b/system/system/bin/uniq
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/uniq
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/unix2dos b/system/system/bin/unix2dos
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/unix2dos
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/update_engine b/system/system/bin/update_engine
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d10be337d733196525feaaa2b13422e9bcdf30a4
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/update_engine differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/update_engine_client b/system/system/bin/update_engine_client
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cba9e6e3e842e3f69f31d77b000c4fac1722d2a8
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/update_engine_client differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/update_verifier b/system/system/bin/update_verifier
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..106d4229a8cbc381d4f31fb52233206ba7934e5a
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/update_verifier differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/uptime b/system/system/bin/uptime
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/uptime
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/usbd b/system/system/bin/usbd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..35e64c4236271c879ca52af62836afad14ee4335
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/usbd differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/usleep b/system/system/bin/usleep
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/usleep
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/uudecode b/system/system/bin/uudecode
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/uudecode
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/uuencode b/system/system/bin/uuencode
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/uuencode
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/vdc b/system/system/bin/vdc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf23b0d62643f9ea3f6dea1dd96001a92eb88321
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/vdc differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/vmstat b/system/system/bin/vmstat
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/vmstat
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/vold b/system/system/bin/vold
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e6c9ac6e6a6139a815036a35858d2145af0f097b
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/vold differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/vold_coldboot.sh b/system/system/bin/vold_coldboot.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8a32bd92768a76d3577e74dd78f622e527fcf7ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/vold_coldboot.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#! /system/bin/sh
+    res=0
+    for entry in `ls /dev/block/vold`; do
+        res=`expr $res + 1`
+    done
+    echo -n $res
+    for entry in `ls ./`; do
+       if [ -f $entry ]
+            then
+                if [ $entry = "uevent" ]
+                    then
+                        echo add > $entry
+                fi
+        else
+            isMmc="1q"$(echo $entry |grep "mmc*")
+            if [ $isMmc != "1q" ]
+                then
+                    cd $entry
+                    send_add_uevent
+                    cd ..
+            fi
+        fi
+    done
+echo "isAdd: $isAdd"
+if [ $isAdd -eq 0 ]; then
+    for entry in `ls /sys/block`; do
+        if [ ! -f $entry ]
+            then
+                isMmc="1q"$(echo $entry |grep "mmc*")
+                if [ $isMmc != "1q" ]
+                    then
+                        cd "/sys/block/"$entry
+                        send_add_uevent
+                fi
+        fi
+    done
diff --git a/system/system/bin/vold_prepare_subdirs b/system/system/bin/vold_prepare_subdirs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..daca2bac7628a758d48ae7962ebd639806376801
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/vold_prepare_subdirs differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/vr b/system/system/bin/vr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dbde02a4ac7fc59f616b560f6864b02ab2c551d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/vr
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Script to start "vr" on the device
+export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/vr.jar
+exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.vr.Vr "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/wait_for_keymaster b/system/system/bin/wait_for_keymaster
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05a10f3ba8c27f0a19c024426f7f78621b4472c2
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/wait_for_keymaster differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/wc b/system/system/bin/wc
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/wc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/wfdservice b/system/system/bin/wfdservice
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b8efbba775d6d6a67a302840b5e7b24993f2ab2b
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/wfdservice differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/which b/system/system/bin/which
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/which
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/whoami b/system/system/bin/whoami
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/whoami
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/wifi_bt.cfg b/system/system/bin/wifi_bt.cfg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4100b92de39157e37dc103cc2b93ad1c694f1a23
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/wifi_bt.cfg differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/wificond b/system/system/bin/wificond
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..116da4b6b96e5803ae9e3772bc2d90aa256f65a7
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/wificond differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/wigig_logcollector b/system/system/bin/wigig_logcollector
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5050cfa497e675722be3a2867299a943e822d1ee
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/wigig_logcollector differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/wigig_remoteserver b/system/system/bin/wigig_remoteserver
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eeecedd18eebf18c02e4b23717cf67f7e5f6cd33
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/wigig_remoteserver differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/wigig_wiburn b/system/system/bin/wigig_wiburn
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1a0173edec96e88d4c12d8829e33fd8472154a09
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/bin/wigig_wiburn differ
diff --git a/system/system/bin/wm b/system/system/bin/wm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cb45be20c24a650a82334400e15d4b63fb6c3f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/wm
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+cmd window "$@"
diff --git a/system/system/bin/xargs b/system/system/bin/xargs
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/xargs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/xxd b/system/system/bin/xxd
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/xxd
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/yes b/system/system/bin/yes
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/yes
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/bin/zcat b/system/system/bin/zcat
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f978d793771e0d521857e6d8fb244fdbe1030987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/bin/zcat
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/build.prop b/system/system/build.prop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6488275f39d27b2c750c5b6daccd24cacc8dd36f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/build.prop
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+# begin build properties
+# autogenerated by buildinfo.sh
+ro.build.display.id=PPR1.180610.009.WW_user_90.11.162.111_20191008 release-keys
+ro.build.date=Tue Oct  8 14:40:30 CST 2019
+# ro.product.cpu.abi and ro.product.cpu.abi2 are obsolete,
+# use ro.product.cpu.abilist instead.
+# ro.build.product is obsolete; use ro.product.device
+# Do not try to parse description, fingerprint, or thumbprint
+ro.build.description=Z01R-user 9 PPR1.180610.009 WW_user_90.11.162.111_20191008 release-keys
+# end build properties
+# from device/qcom/sdm845/system.prop
+# system.prop for sdm845
+#rild.libargs=-d /dev/smd0
+# Set network mode to (T/L/G/W/1X/EVDO, T/L/G/W/1X/EVDO) for 7+7 mode device on DSDS mode
+# system props for the cne module
+#system props for the MM modules
+#13631487 is decimal sum of supported codecs in AAL
+#Netflix custom property
+# system props for the data modules
+#system props for time-services
+# system property for maximum number of HFP client connections
+# System props for telephony
+# System prop to turn on CdmaLTEPhone always
+#Simulate sdcard on /data/media
+#system prop for Bluetooth SOC type
+#system prop for wipower support
+#snapdragon value add features
+##fluencetype can be "fluence" or "fluencepro" or "none"
+#enable offload audio video playback by default
+#enable music through deep buffer
+#set AudioFlinger client heap size
+#system prop for RmNet Data
+#property to enable user to access Google WFD settings
+##property to choose between virtual/external wfd display
+#property to enable HWC for VDS
+# enable tunnel encoding for amrwb
+tunnel.audio.encode = true
+#Buffer size in kbytes for compress offload playback
+#Enable offload audio video playback by default
+#enable voice path for PCM VoIP by default
+# system prop for NFC DT
+#enable dsp gapless mode by default
+#initialize QCA1530 detection
+#Enable stm events
+#hwui properties
+#Bringup properties
+#enable IZat OptInApp overlay
+# Property for backup NTP Server
+#IOP properties
+#min/max cpu in core control
+#Expose aux camera for below packages
+# only enable wide color gamut in asus system.prop,avoid CTS_R fail
+#Show the bluetooth device without name in Settings
diff --git a/system/system/compatibility_matrix.xml b/system/system/compatibility_matrix.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..79dd5448e60a390364ffa581a76142d9c0fec83c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/compatibility_matrix.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3242 @@
+    Input:
+        compatibility_matrix.legacy.xml
+        compatibility_matrix.1.xml
+        compatibility_matrix.2.xml
+        compatibility_matrix.3.xml
+        compatibility_matrix.device.xml
+<compatibility-matrix version="1.0" type="framework" level="3">
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.audio</name>
+        <version>4.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDevicesFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.audio.effect</name>
+        <version>4.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IEffectsFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.authsecret</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IAuthSecret</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.automotive.audiocontrol</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IAudioControl</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.automotive.evs</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IEvsEnumerator</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.automotive.vehicle</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IVehicle</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint</name>
+        <version>2.1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBiometricsFingerprint</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.bluetooth</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBluetoothHci</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.bluetooth.a2dp</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBluetoothAudioOffload</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.boot</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBootControl</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.broadcastradio</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBroadcastRadioFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.broadcastradio</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBroadcastRadio</name>
+            <regex-instance>.*</regex-instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.camera.provider</name>
+        <version>2.4</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ICameraProvider</name>
+            <regex-instance>[^/]+/[0-9]+</regex-instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.cas</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IMediaCasService</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.configstore</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISurfaceFlingerConfigs</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.confirmationui</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IConfirmationUI</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.contexthub</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IContexthub</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.drm</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ICryptoFactory</name>
+            <regex-instance>.*</regex-instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDrmFactory</name>
+            <regex-instance>.*</regex-instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.drm</name>
+        <version>1.1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ICryptoFactory</name>
+            <regex-instance>.*</regex-instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDrmFactory</name>
+            <regex-instance>.*</regex-instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.dumpstate</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDumpstateDevice</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.gatekeeper</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IGatekeeper</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.gnss</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IGnss</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.gnss</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IGnss</name>
+            <instance>gnss_vendor</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.gnss</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IGnss</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.graphics.allocator</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IAllocator</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.graphics.composer</name>
+        <version>2.1-2</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IComposer</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.graphics.mapper</name>
+        <version>2.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IMapper</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.health</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IHealth</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.ir</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.keymaster</name>
+        <version>3.0</version>
+        <version>4.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IKeymasterDevice</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.keymaster</name>
+        <version>4.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IKeymasterDevice</name>
+            <instance>strongbox</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.light</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ILight</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.media.omx</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOmx</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOmxStore</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.memtrack</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IMemtrack</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.neuralnetworks</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDevice</name>
+            <regex-instance>.*</regex-instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.nfc</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>INfc</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.nfc</name>
+        <version>1.1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>INfc</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.oemlock</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOemLock</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.power</name>
+        <version>1.0-2</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IPower</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.radio</name>
+        <version>1.0-2</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IRadio</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+            <instance>slot2</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISap</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+            <instance>slot2</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.radio</name>
+        <version>1.0-2</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IRadio</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+            <instance>slot2</instance>
+            <instance>slot3</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISap</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.radio.config</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IRadioConfig</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.renderscript</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDevice</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.secure_element</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISecureElement</name>
+            <regex-instance>SIM[1-9][0-9]*</regex-instance>
+            <regex-instance>eSE[1-9][0-9]*</regex-instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.sensors</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISensors</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.soundtrigger</name>
+        <version>2.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISoundTriggerHw</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.tetheroffload.config</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOffloadConfig</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.tetheroffload.control</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOffloadControl</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.thermal</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IThermal</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.tv.cec</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IHdmiCec</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.tv.input</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ITvInput</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.usb</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IUsb</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.usb.gadget</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IUsbGadget</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.vibrator</name>
+        <version>1.0-2</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IVibrator</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.vr</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IVr</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.weaver</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IWeaver</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.wifi</name>
+        <version>1.0-2</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IWifi</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.wifi.hostapd</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IHostapd</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.wifi.offload</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOffload</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.wifi.supplicant</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISupplicant</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.wifi.supplicant</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISupplicant</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>com.qualcomm.qti.ant</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IAntHci</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>com.qualcomm.qti.bluetooth_audio</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBluetoothAudio</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>com.qualcomm.qti.dpm.api</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IdpmQmi</name>
+            <instance>dpmQmiService</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>com.qualcomm.qti.imscmservice</name>
+        <version>2.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IImsCmService</name>
+            <instance>qti.ims.connectionmanagerservice</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IUceService</name>
+            <instance>com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>com.qualcomm.qti.wifidisplayhal</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDSManager</name>
+            <instance>wifidisplaydshal</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IHDCPSession</name>
+            <instance>wifidisplayhdcphal</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.display.color</name>
+        <version>1.0-2</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDisplayColor</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.display.config</name>
+        <version>1.0-2</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDisplayConfig</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.display.postproc</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDisplayPostproc</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>vendor.goodix.hardware.fingerprintextension</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IGoodixBiometricsFingerprint</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.nxp.hardware.nfc</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>INqNfc</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.data.factory</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.esepowermanager</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IEsePowerManager</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.gnss</name>
+        <version>1.0-2</version>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ILocHidlGnss</name>
+            <instance>gnss_vendor</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.alarm</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IAlarm</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.data.latency</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ILinkLatency</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.factory</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.fm</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IFmHci</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.iop</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IIop</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.perf</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IPerf</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.qdutils_disp</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IQdutilsDisp</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.qteeconnector</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IAppConnector</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IGPAppConnector</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IQcRilAudio</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+            <instance>slot2</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims</name>
+        <version>1.0-4</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IImsRadio</name>
+            <instance>imsradio0</instance>
+            <instance>imsradio1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IUimLpa</name>
+            <instance>UimLpa0</instance>
+            <instance>UimLpa1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qcrilhook</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IQtiOemHook</name>
+            <instance>oemhook0</instance>
+            <instance>oemhook1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IQtiRadio</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+            <instance>slot2</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IQtiRadio</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+            <instance>slot2</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim</name>
+        <version>1.1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IUim</name>
+            <instance>Uim0</instance>
+            <instance>Uim1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim_remote_client</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IUimRemoteServiceClient</name>
+            <instance>uimRemoteClient0</instance>
+            <instance>uimRemoteClient1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim_remote_server</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IUimRemoteServiceServer</name>
+            <instance>uimRemoteServer0</instance>
+            <instance>uimRemoteServer1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.sensorscalibrate</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISensorsCalibrate</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.soter</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISoter</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.tui_comm</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ITuiComm</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.vpp</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IHidlVppService</name>
+            <instance>vppService</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.wifi.hostapd</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IHostapdVendor</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.wifi.supplicant</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISupplicantVendor</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.wigig.netperftuner</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>INetPerfTuner</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.wigig.supptunnel</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISuppTunnelProvider</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.ims.callinfo</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IService</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.imsrtpservice</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IRTPService</name>
+            <instance>imsrtpservice</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.voiceprint</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IQtiVoicePrintService</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <kernel version="4.4.107">
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_ADVISE_SYSCALLS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_AIO</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_ANDROID</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_ANDROID_BINDER_DEVICES</key>
+            <value type="string">binder,hwbinder,vndbinder</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_ANDROID_BINDER_IPC</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_ASHMEM</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_AUDIT</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_BLK_DEV_INITRD</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_BLOCK</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_CGROUPS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_CGROUP_CPUACCT</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_CGROUP_FREEZER</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_CGROUP_SCHED</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_CRYPTO_CBC</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_CRYPTO_ECB</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_CRYPTO_GCM</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_CRYPTO_HMAC</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_CRYPTO_MD5</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_CRYPTO_NULL</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA1</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA256</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA512</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_DEVKMEM</key>
+            <value type="tristate">n</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_DEVMEM</key>
+            <value type="tristate">n</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_EMBEDDED</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_EPOLL</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_EVENTFD</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_FHANDLE</key>
+            <value type="tristate">n</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_FUTEX</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_HARDENED_USERCOPY</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IKCONFIG</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_INET</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_INET6_ESP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_INET6_IPCOMP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_INET6_XFRM_MODE_TRANSPORT</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_INET6_XFRM_MODE_TUNNEL</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_INET_DIAG_DESTROY</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_INET_ESP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_INET_LRO</key>
+            <value type="tristate">n</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_INET_XFRM_MODE_TRANSPORT</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_INET_XFRM_MODE_TUNNEL</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IP6_NF_FILTER</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IP6_NF_IPTABLES</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IP6_NF_MANGLE</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IP6_NF_MATCH_RPFILTER</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IP6_NF_RAW</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IP6_NF_TARGET_REJECT</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IPV6</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IPV6_MIP6</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IPV6_MULTIPLE_TABLES</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IPV6_OPTIMISTIC_DAD</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IPV6_ROUTER_PREF</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IPV6_ROUTE_INFO</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IPV6_VTI</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IP_ADVANCED_ROUTER</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IP_MULTICAST</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IP_MULTIPLE_TABLES</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IP_NF_ARPFILTER</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IP_NF_ARPTABLES</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_IP_NF_ARP_MANGLE</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
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+            <key>CONFIG_IP_NF_FILTER</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
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+            <key>CONFIG_IP_NF_IPTABLES</key>
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+[{"wallpaper":"default_slideshow_wallpaper01","title":"Colorful Balloons","description":"Every balloon is filled with a beautiful dream.","author":""},
+{"wallpaper":"default_slideshow_wallpaper02","title":"Winding Highway","description":"Winding highway in the winter amid snow covered trees.","author":""},
+{"wallpaper":"default_slideshow_wallpaper03","title":"Minimalism","description":"Discover the little happiness in life from a clean and simple space.","author":""},
+{"wallpaper":"default_slideshow_wallpaper04","title":"The Second Wave","description":"The Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness shows nature's most amazing masterpiece in U.S.A.","author":""},
+{"wallpaper":"default_slideshow_wallpaper05","title":"Aurora Borealis over Frozen Lake","description":"The lake reflects the dancing aurora in the night.","author":""},
+{"wallpaper":"default_slideshow_wallpaper06","title":"Sound Sculpture","description":"Colorful dacing sound waves shape a work of art.","author":""},
+{"wallpaper":"default_slideshow_wallpaper07","title":"Gorgeous Vietnam","description":"Walk into the beautiful terraced mountains, a world of greenery comes into view.","author":""},
+{"wallpaper":"default_slideshow_wallpaper08","title":"Crystal Water Droplet","description":"Close-up of a water droplet on the pretty petal.","author":""},
+{"wallpaper":"default_slideshow_wallpaper09","title":"Formentor Lighthouse","description":"The splendid landscape of Spain, the breathtaking views, and the steep cliffs invigorate the soul.","author":""},
+{"wallpaper":"default_slideshow_wallpaper10","title":"Glazed Donuts","description":"Enjoy a bite of happiness with these donuts.","author":""},
+{"wallpaper":"default_slideshow_wallpaper11","title":"Sunset in Northern Iceland","description":"The sunset shines in Grundarfjörður, Iceland, a very picturesque little town bordering the sea.","author":""},
+{"wallpaper":"default_slideshow_wallpaper12","title":"Mountain Range Landscape","description":"The magnificent landscape is picturesque and breathtaking.","author":""},
+{"wallpaper":"default_slideshow_wallpaper13","title":"Blue Beach","description":"Enjoy a bird's-eye view of the wonderful beach and yachts in the bay.","author":""},
+{"wallpaper":"default_slideshow_wallpaper14","title":"Waterfall of Autumn","description":"Visit Ricketts Glen State Park in autumn and enjoy the beautiful waterfall.","author":""}]
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\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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+    "default_wallpaper_1a_2",
+    "default_wallpaper_5a_2",
+    "default_wallpaper_1a_1",
+    "default_wallpaper_5a_1"
+  ]
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+* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
+* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+* You may obtain a copy of the License at
+*      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+* limitations under the License.
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+    <!-- Gallery -->
+    <set>
+        <pkg-old>com.asus.ephoto</pkg-old>
+        <cls-old>com.asus.ephoto.app.EPhotoActivity</cls-old>
+        <pkg-new>com.asus.gallery</pkg-new>
+        <cls-new>com.asus.gallery.app.EPhotoActivity</cls-new>
+    </set>
+    <!-- AsusAppStore -->
+    <set>
+        <pkg-old>com.wandoujia.phoenix2</pkg-old>
+        <cls-old>com.wandoujia.p4.activity.ExploreActivity</cls-old>
+        <pkg-new>com.wandoujia.phoenix2.asus</pkg-new>
+        <cls-new>com.wandoujia.p4.activity.ExploreActivity</cls-new>
+    </set>
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+<apn carrier="Proximus HTTP" mcc="206" mnc="01" apn="wap.proximus.be" proxy="" port="80" user="wap" password="wap" type="default" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="Proximus MMS" mcc="206" mnc="01" apn="event.proximus.be" user="mms" password="mms" mmsc="http://mmsc.proximus.be/mms" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="Java Session" mcc="724" mnc="05" apn="java.claro.com.br" user="claro" password="claro" type="default,supl" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="Claro Dados" mcc="724" mnc="05" apn="claro.com.br" user="claro" password="claro" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Claro MMS" mcc="724" mnc="05" apn="mms.claro.com.br" user="claro" password="claro" mmsc="http://mms.claro.com.br" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8799" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="Sercomtel:Dados" mcc="724" mnc="15" apn="sercomtel.com.br" user="sercomtel" password="sercomtel" type="default"/>
+<apn carrier="Sercomtel:MMS" mcc="724" mnc="15" apn="mms.sercomtel.com.br" user="sercomtel" password="sercomtel" mmsc="http://mms.claro.com.br" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8799"/>
+<apn carrier="Sercomtel:Modem" mcc="724" mnc="15" apn="sercomtel.com.br" user="sercomtel" password="sercomtel" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="CTBC:Dados:1" mcc="724" mnc="32" apn="ctbc.br" user="CTBC" password="1212" type="default"/>
+<apn carrier="CTBC:MMS:1" mcc="724" mnc="32" apn="mms.ctbc.br" user="CTBC" password="1212" mmsc="http://mms.ctbccelular.com.br/was" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
+<apn carrier="CTBC:Modem:1" mcc="724" mnc="32" apn="ctbc.br" user="CTBC" password="1212" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="CTBC:Dados:1" mcc="724" mnc="33" apn="ctbc.br" user="CTBC" password="1212" type="default"/>
+<apn carrier="CTBC:MMS:1" mcc="724" mnc="33" apn="mms.ctbc.br" user="CTBC" password="1212" mmsc="http://mms.ctbccelular.com.br/was" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
+<apn carrier="CTBC:Modem:1" mcc="724" mnc="33" apn="ctbc.br" user="CTBC" password="1212" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="CTBC:Dados:1" mcc="724" mnc="34" apn="ctbc.br" user="CTBC" password="1212" type="default"/>
+<apn carrier="CTBC:MMS:1" mcc="724" mnc="34" apn="mms.ctbc.br" user="CTBC" password="1212" mmsc="http://mms.ctbccelular.com.br/was" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
+<apn carrier="CTBC:Modem:1" mcc="724" mnc="34" apn="ctbc.br" user="CTBC" password="1212" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Porto Conecta" mcc="724" mnc="54" apn="portoconecta.br" type="default"/>
+<apn carrier="Oi Dados" mcc="724" mnc="31" apn="gprs.oi.com.br" user="oi" password="oi" type="default,supl" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
+<apn carrier="Oi MMS" mcc="724" mnc="31" apn="mmsgprs.oi.com.br" user="oimms" password="oimms" mmsc="" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="3128" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
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+<apn carrier="OI INTERNET MÓVEL" mcc="724" mnc="31" apn="gprs.oi.com.br" user="oi" password="oi" type="default" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
+<apn carrier="OI WAP" mcc="724" mnc="31" apn="wapgprs.oi.com.br" user="oiwap" password="oioioi" type="default" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
+<apn carrier="TIM Connect" mcc="724" mnc="02" apn="timbrasil.br" user="tim" password="tim" mmsc="http://mms.tim.br" type="default,mms,supl" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" protocol ="IPV4V6" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="TIM Connect" mcc="724" mnc="03" apn="timbrasil.br" user="tim" password="tim" mmsc="http://mms.tim.br" type="default,mms,supl" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" protocol ="IPV4V6" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="TIM Connect" mcc="724" mnc="04" apn="timbrasil.br" user="tim" password="tim" mmsc="http://mms.tim.br" type="default,mms,supl" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" protocol ="IPV4V6" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="VIVO MMS" mcc="724" mnc="06" apn="mms.vivo.com.br" user="vivo" password="vivo" mmsc="http://termnat.vivomms.com.br:8088/mms" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80" protocol ="IPV4V6" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="Vivo IMS" mcc="724" mnc="06" apn="ims" type="ims" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
+<apn carrier="VIVO Internet" mcc="724" mnc="10" apn="zap.vivo.com.br" user="vivo" password="vivo" type="default,supl" protocol ="IPV4V6" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="VIVO MMS" mcc="724" mnc="10" apn="mms.vivo.com.br" user="vivo" password="vivo" mmsc="http://termnat.vivomms.com.br:8088/mms" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80" protocol ="IPV4V6" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="Vivo IMS" mcc="724" mnc="10" apn="ims" type="ims" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
+<apn carrier="VIVO Internet" mcc="724" mnc="11" apn="zap.vivo.com.br" user="vivo" password="vivo" type="default,supl" protocol ="IPV4V6" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="VIVO MMS" mcc="724" mnc="11" apn="mms.vivo.com.br" user="vivo" password="vivo" mmsc="http://termnat.vivomms.com.br:8088/mms" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80" protocol ="IPV4V6" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="Vivo IMS" mcc="724" mnc="11" apn="ims" type="ims" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
+<apn carrier="VIVO Internet" mcc="724" mnc="23" apn="zap.vivo.com.br" user="vivo" password="vivo" type="default,supl" protocol ="IPV4V6" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="VIVO MMS" mcc="724" mnc="23" apn="mms.vivo.com.br" user="vivo" password="vivo" mmsc="http://termnat.vivomms.com.br:8088/mms" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80" protocol ="IPV4V6" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="Vivo IMS" mcc="724" mnc="23" apn="ims" type="ims" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
+<apn carrier="Nextel WAP" mcc="724" mnc="39" apn="wap.nextel3g.net.br" type="default,supl,dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Nextel MMS" mcc="724" mnc="39" apn="mms.nextel3g.net.br" mmsc="http://3gmms.nextel3g.net.br" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" protocol ="IPV4V6" roaming_protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
+<apn carrier="B-Mobile" mcc="528" mnc="2" apn="dst.internet" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="DSTCom" mcc="528" mnc="11" apn="Bmobilewap" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Globul Internet postpaid" mcc="284" mnc="05" apn="globul" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Globul HTTP postpaid" mcc="284" mnc="05" apn="globul" proxy="" port="8004" type="default"/>
+<apn carrier="Globul MMS postpaid" mcc="284" mnc="05" apn="mms.globul.bg" user="mms" password="mms" mmsc="http://mmsc1.mms.globul.bg:8002" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8004"/>
+<apn carrier="Mtel Internet GPRS" mcc="284" mnc="01" apn="inet-gprs.mtel.bg" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Mtel MMS" mcc="284" mnc="01" apn="mms-gprs.mtel.bg" user="Mtel" password="Mtel" mmsc="http://mmsc/" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
+<apn carrier="VivaTel Internet postpaid" mcc="284" mnc="03" apn="internet.vivatel.bg" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="VivaTel HTTP postpaid" mcc="284" mnc="03" apn="wap.vivatel.bg" proxy="" port="8080" user="wap" password="wap" type="default"/>
+<apn carrier="VivaTel MMS postpaid" mcc="284" mnc="03" apn="mms.vivatel.bg" user="mms" password="mms" mmsc="http://mmsc.vivatel.bg" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
+<apn carrier="Bell Internet" mcc="302" mnc="610" apn="pda.bell.ca" proxy="web.wireless.bell.ca" port="80" mmsc="http://mms.bell.ca/mms/wapenc" type="default,mms,supl" mmsproxy="web.wireless.bell.ca" mmsport="80"/>
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+<apn carrier="Fido Tethering LTE" mcc="302" mnc="370" apn="ltedata.apn" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Fido Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="370" apn="isp.fido.apn" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Fido Wap MMS" mcc="302" mnc="370" apn="mms.fido.ca" mmsc="http://mms.fido.ca" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80"/>
+<apn carrier="Rogers Phone LTE" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="ltemobile.apn" mmsc="http://mms.gprs.rogers.com" type="default,mms,supl,hipri" mmsproxy="mmsproxy.rogers.com" mmsport="80" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
+<apn carrier="Rogers Phone 3G" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="rogers-core-appl1.apn" mmsc="http://mms.gprs.rogers.com" type="default,mms,supl" mmsproxy="mmsproxy.rogers.com" mmsport="80" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
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+<apn carrier="Rogers Tethering LTE" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="ltedata.apn" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Rogers Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="isp.apn" type="dun"/>
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+<apn carrier="Rogers Wap MMS " mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="media.com" user="media" password="mda01" mmsc="http://mms.gprs.rogers.com" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="Chatr Tethering" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="chatrisp.apn" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Videotron media" mcc="302" mnc="500" apn="media.videotron" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Videotron MMS" mcc="302" mnc="500" apn="media.videotron" mmsc="http://media.videotron.com" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
+<apn carrier="Videotron media" mcc="302" mnc="510" apn="media.videotron" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Videotron MMS" mcc="302" mnc="510" apn="media.videotron" mmsc="http://media.videotron.com" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="Tbaytel Wap" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="goam.com" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Tbaytel Tethering LTE" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="ltedata.apn" type="dun" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
+<apn carrier="Tbaytel Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="isp.apn" type="dun" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
+<apn carrier="Tbaytel Wap Tethering" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="internet.com" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Tbaytel Wap MMS" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="media.com" mmsc="http://mms.gprs.rogers.com" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80"/>
+<apn carrier="Internet" mcc="302" mnc="490" apn="Internet.windmobile.ca" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="MMS" mcc="302" mnc="490" apn="mms.windmobile.ca" mmsc="http://mms.Windmobile.ca" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="Cityfone Wap 3G" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="goam.com" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Cityfone Tethering LTE" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="ltedata.apn" type="dun" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
+<apn carrier="Cityfone Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="isp.apn" type="dun" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
+<apn carrier="Cityfone Wap Tethering" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="internet.com" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Cityfone Wap MMS" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="media.com" mmsc="http://mms.gprs.rogers.com" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80"/>
+<apn carrier="MTS Internet " mcc="302" mnc="370" apn="sp.mts" mmsc="http://mmsc2.mts.net/" type="default,mms,supl" mmsproxy="wapgw1.mts.net" mmsport="9201" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
+<apn carrier="MTS Wap" mcc="302" mnc="370" apn="wap.mts" mmsc="http://mmsc2.mts.net/" type="default,mms,supl" mmsproxy="wapgw1.mts.net" mmsport="9201"/>
+<apn carrier="MTS Tethering" mcc="302" mnc="370" apn="internet.mts" type="dun" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
+<apn carrier="MTS Internet " mcc="302" mnc="660" apn="sp.mts" mmsc="http://mmsc2.mts.net/" type="default,mms,supl" mmsproxy="wapgw1.mts.net" mmsport="9201" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
+<apn carrier="MTS Wap" mcc="302" mnc="660" apn="wap.mts" mmsc="http://mmsc2.mts.net/" type="default,mms,supl" mmsproxy="wapgw1.mts.net" mmsport="9201"/>
+<apn carrier="MTS Tethering" mcc="302" mnc="660" apn="internet.mts" type="dun" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
+<apn carrier="Ztar Internet" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="rogers-core-appl1.apn" mmsc="http://mms.gprs.rogers.com" type="default,mms,supl" mmsproxy="mmsproxy.rogers.com" mmsport="80"/>
+<apn carrier="Ztar Tethering" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="isp.apn" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Koodo" mcc="302" mnc="220" apn="sp.koodo.com" mmsc="http://aliasredirect.net/proxy/koodo/mmsc" type="default,mms,supl" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80"/>
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+<apn carrier="Fido Wap" mcc="302" mnc="370" apn="wap.fido.ca" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302370x0" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Fido Tethering LTE" mcc="302" mnc="370" apn="ltedata.apn" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302370x0" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Fido Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="370" apn="isp.fido.apn" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302370x0" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Fido Wap MMS" mcc="302" mnc="370" apn="mms.fido.ca" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302370x0" mmsc="http://mms.fido.ca" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80"/>
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+<apn carrier="Rogers Phone 3G" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="rogers-core-appl1.apn" mvno_type="spn" mvno_match_data="ROGERS" mmsc="http://mms.gprs.rogers.com" type="default,mms,supl" mmsproxy="mmsproxy.rogers.com" mmsport="80" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
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+<apn carrier="Rogers Tethering LTE" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="ltedata.apn" mvno_type="spn" mvno_match_data="ROGERS" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Rogers Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="isp.apn" mvno_type="spn" mvno_match_data="ROGERS" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Rogers Wap Tethering" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="internet.com" mvno_type="spn" mvno_match_data="ROGERS" user="wapuser1" password="wap" type="dun" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
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+<apn carrier="Chatr Tethering" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="chatrisp.apn" mvno_type="spn" mvno_match_data="chatr" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Tbaytel Internet LTE phone" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="ltemobile.apn" mvno_type="spn" mvno_match_data="Tbaytel / Rogers" mmsc="http://mms.gprs.rogers.com" type="default,mms,supl" mmsproxy="mmsproxy.rogers.com" mmsport="80" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
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+<apn carrier="Tbaytel Wap" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="goam.com" mvno_type="spn" mvno_match_data="Tbaytel / Rogers" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Tbaytel Tethering LTE" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="ltedata.apn" mvno_type="spn" mvno_match_data="Tbaytel / Rogers" type="dun" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
+<apn carrier="Tbaytel Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="isp.apn" mvno_type="spn" mvno_match_data="Tbaytel / Rogers" type="dun" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
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+<apn carrier="Tbaytel Wap MMS" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="media.com" mvno_type="spn" mvno_match_data="Tbaytel / Rogers" mmsc="http://mms.gprs.rogers.com" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80"/>
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+<apn carrier="Ztar Tethering" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="isp.apn" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302720398" type="dun"/>
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+<apn carrier="Fido Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="370" apn="isp.fido.apn" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302370x1" type="dun"/>
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+<apn carrier="Rogers Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="isp.apn" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302720x0" type="dun"/>
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+<apn carrier="Fido Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="370" apn="isp.fido.apn" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302370x3" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Fido Wap MMS" mcc="302" mnc="370" apn="mms.fido.ca" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302370x3" mmsc="http://mms.fido.ca" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80"/>
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+<apn carrier="Rogers Tethering LTE" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="ltedata.apn" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302720x1" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Rogers Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="isp.apn" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302720x1" type="dun"/>
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+<apn carrier="Chatr Tethering" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="chatrisp.apn" mvno_type="gid" mvno_match_data="FF" type="dun"/>
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+<apn carrier="Fido Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="370" apn="isp.fido.apn" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302370x4" type="dun"/>
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+<apn carrier="Rogers Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="isp.apn" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302720x2" type="dun"/>
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+<apn carrier="Fido Tethering LTE" mcc="302" mnc="370" apn="ltedata.apn" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302370x5" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Fido Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="370" apn="isp.fido.apn" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302370x5" type="dun"/>
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+<apn carrier="Rogers Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="isp.apn" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302720x3" type="dun"/>
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+<apn carrier="Fido Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="370" apn="isp.fido.apn" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302370x6" type="dun"/>
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+<apn carrier="Rogers Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="isp.apn" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302720x4" type="dun"/>
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+<apn carrier="Fido Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="370" apn="isp.fido.apn" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302370x7" type="dun"/>
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+<apn carrier="Rogers Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="720" apn="isp.apn" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302720x5" type="dun"/>
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+<apn carrier="Fido Tethering 3G" mcc="302" mnc="370" apn="isp.fido.apn" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="302370x8" type="dun"/>
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+<apn carrier="Internet Movil" mcc="730" mnc="01" apn="internet.movilfalabella.com" type="default,supl" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="UNE" mcc="732" mnc="142" apn="www.une.net.co" mvno_type="spn" mvno_match_data="UNE" user="une" password="une" type="default,dun"/>
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+<apn carrier="T-Mobile HTTP" mcc="219" mnc="01" apn="www.htgprs.hr" proxy="" port="8080" type="default"/>
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+<apn carrier="T-Mobile HTTP postpaid" mcc="230" mnc="01" apn="wap.t-mobile.cz" proxy="" port="9201" type="default"/>
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+<apn carrier="Onfone MMS" mcc="238" mnc="02" apn="mms.sp.dk" mmsc="http://mms.Telenor.dk" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="Call me Streaming" mcc="238" mnc="20" apn="websp" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Call me MMS" mcc="238" mnc="20" apn="mmssp" mmsc="http://mms.telia.dk" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="DLG Tele Streaming" mcc="238" mnc="20" apn="websp" type="default,supl"/>
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+<apn carrier="Tre" mcc="238" mnc="06" apn="data.tre.dk" mmsc="http://mms.3.dk" type="*" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8799"/>
+<apn carrier="Oister" mcc="238" mnc="06" apn="data.dk" mmsc="http://mms.oister.dk" type="*" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8799"/>
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+<apn carrier="Etisalat MMS" mcc="602" mnc="03" apn="Etisalat" mmsc="" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="Elisa MMS" mcc="244" mnc="05" apn="mms" mmsc="http://mms.elisa.fi" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80"/>
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+<apn carrier="o2 (DE)" mcc="262" mnc="07" apn="internet" mmsc="" type="*" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="o2 (DE)" mcc="262" mnc="08" apn="internet" mmsc="" type="*" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
+<apn carrier="o2 (DE) Prepaid" mcc="262" mnc="08" apn="pinternet.interkom.de" mmsc="" type="*" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="o2 prepaid" mcc="262" mnc="07" apn="pinternet.interkom.de" ext="2620749" mmsc="" type="*" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="Freenet Prepaid" mcc="262" mnc="07" apn="pinternet.interkom.de" ext="26207516" mmsc="" type="*" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
+<apn carrier="Kabel Deutschland" mcc="262" mnc="07" apn="internet.kabeld" ext="26207411" mmsc="" type="*" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="Mobilcom Prepaid" mcc="262" mnc="07" apn="pinternet.interkom.de" ext="26207511" mmsc="" type="*" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
+<apn carrier="SCHLECKER Prepaid" mcc="262" mnc="07" apn="pinternet.interkom.de" ext="26207514" mmsc="" type="*" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="Talkline Prepaid" mcc="262" mnc="07" apn="pinternet.interkom.de" ext="26207512" mmsc="" type="*" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
+<apn carrier="Tchibo post-paid" mcc="262" mnc="07" apn="wapmobil2" ext="26207404" mmsc="" type="*" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="Tchibo pre-paid INET" mcc="262" mnc="07" apn="webmobil1" ext="2620750" type="default"/>
+<apn carrier="Telco" mcc="262" mnc="07" apn="internet.telco" ext="26207407" mmsc="" type="*" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="T-Mobile Internet" mcc="262" mnc="01" apn="internet.t-mobile" user="t-mobile" password="tm" type="default,supl"/>
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+<apn carrier="Freenet Prepaid" mcc="262" mnc="07" apn="pinternet.interkom.de" mvno_type="imsi" mvno_match_data="26207516" mmsc="" type="*" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="1O1O" mcc="454" mnc="02" apn="mobile" ext="454020" mmsc="" type="default,mms,supl,hipri" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" authtype="3"/>
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+<apn carrier="1O1O" mcc="454" mnc="18" apn="mobile" ext="454180" mmsc="" type="default,mms,supl,hipri" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" authtype="3"/>
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+<apn carrier="csl IMS" mcc="454" mnc="18" apn="ims" ext="454181" type="ims" protocol ="IPV4V6" read_only="true"/>
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+<apn carrier="SUN Mobile" mcc="454" mnc="18" apn="SUNMobile" ext="454182" mmsc="" type="default,mms,hipri" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" authtype="3"/>
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+<apn carrier="TATA docomo STREAMING" mcc="405" mnc="046" apn="Tata.Docomo.Internet" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="TATA docomo MMS" mcc="405" mnc="046" apn="Tata.Docomo.MMS" mmsc="http://mmsc/" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8799"/>
+<apn carrier="TATA docomo INTERNET" mcc="405" mnc="047" apn="Tata.Docomo.Internet" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="TATA docomo STREAMING" mcc="405" mnc="047" apn="Tata.Docomo.Internet" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="TATA docomo MMS" mcc="405" mnc="047" apn="Tata.Docomo.MMS" mmsc="http://mmsc/" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8799"/>
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+<apn carrier="Videocon MMS" mcc="405" mnc="824" apn="vinternet.com" mmsc="" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8799"/>
+<apn carrier="Videocon internet" mcc="405" mnc="827" apn="vinternet.com" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Videocon MMS" mcc="405" mnc="827" apn="vinternet.com" mmsc="" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8799"/>
+<apn carrier="Videocon internet" mcc="405" mnc="834" apn="vinternet.com" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Videocon MMS" mcc="405" mnc="834" apn="vinternet.com" mmsc="" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8799"/>
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+<apn carrier="Vodafone IN internet" mcc="405" mnc="67" apn="WWW" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Vodafone IN MMS" mcc="405" mnc="67" apn="portalnmms" mmsc="http://mms1.live.vodafone.in/mms/" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="9401"/>
+<apn carrier="Vodafone IN internet" mcc="405" mnc="750" apn="WWW" type="default,supl"/>
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+<apn carrier="Vodafone IN MMS" mcc="405" mnc="753" apn="portalnmms" mmsc="http://mms1.live.vodafone.in/mms/" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="9401"/>
+<apn carrier="Vodafone IN internet" mcc="405" mnc="754" apn="WWW" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Vodafone IN MMS" mcc="405" mnc="754" apn="portalnmms" mmsc="http://mms1.live.vodafone.in/mms/" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="9401"/>
+<apn carrier="Vodafone IN internet" mcc="405" mnc="755" apn="WWW" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Vodafone IN MMS" mcc="405" mnc="755" apn="portalnmms" mmsc="http://mms1.live.vodafone.in/mms/" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="9401"/>
+<apn carrier="Vodafone IN internet" mcc="405" mnc="756" apn="WWW" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Vodafone IN MMS" mcc="405" mnc="756" apn="portalnmms" mmsc="http://mms1.live.vodafone.in/mms/" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="9401"/>
+<apn carrier="3 HTTP" mcc="510" mnc="89" apn="3gprs" user="3gprs" password="3gprs" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="3 MMS" mcc="510" mnc="89" apn="3mms" user="3mms" password="3mms" mmsc="http://mms.three.co.id" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="3128"/>
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+<apn carrier="AXIS Internet" mcc="510" mnc="08" apn="AXIS" user="axis" password="123456" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="XL 3G" mcc="510" mnc="11" apn="internet" type="default,supl,hipri"/>
+<apn carrier="XL WAP" mcc="510" mnc="11" apn="www.xlgprs.net" proxy="" port="8080" user="xlgprs" password="proxl" type="default"/>
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+<apn carrier="Indosat 2G HTTP" mcc="510" mnc="21" apn="www.indosat-m3.net" proxy="" port="9201" user="gprs" password="im3" type="default,supl"/>
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+<apn carrier="TSEL-GPRS" mcc="510" mnc="10" apn="telkomsel" proxy="" port="8000" user="wap" password="wap123" type="default"/>
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+<apn carrier="BOLT! Super 4G" mcc="510" mnc="88" apn="Internet" type="default,supl" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="3G Portal" mcc="425" mnc="01" apn="uwap.orange.co.il" mmsc="" type="*" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="CoopVoce" mcc="222" mnc="01" apn="web.coopvoce.it" mvno_type="spn" mvno_match_data="Coop Mobile" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="MMS Coop" mcc="222" mnc="01" apn="mms.coopvoce.it" mvno_type="spn" mvno_match_data="Coop Mobile" mmsc="http://mms.coop.it/servlets/mms" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80"/>
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+<apn carrier="Kena Mobile Web" mcc="222" mnc="07" apn="web.kenamobile.it" mvno_type="spn" mvno_match_data="Kena Mobile" type="default,supl,dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Kena Mobile MMS" mcc="222" mnc="07" apn="mms.kenamobile.it" mvno_type="spn" mvno_match_data="Kena Mobile" mmsc="http://mms.kenamobile.it/" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80"/>
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+<apn carrier="IIJmio" mcc="440" mnc="50" apn="iijmio.jp" user="mio@iij" password="iij" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="3"/>
+<apn carrier="IIJmio" mcc="440" mnc="51" apn="iijmio.jp" user="mio@iij" password="iij" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="3"/>
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+<apn carrier="QTモバイル Aタイプ" mcc="440" mnc="51" apn="mineo.jp" user="qtnet@bbiq.jp" password="bbiq" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="2"/>
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+<apn carrier="LIBMO" mcc="440" mnc="10" apn="libmo.jp" user="user@libmo" password="libmo" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="@モバイルくん。LTE" mcc="440" mnc="10" apn="lte.mair.jp" type="default,supl,dun"/>
+<apn carrier="QTモバイル Dタイプ" mcc="440" mnc="10" apn="vmobile.jp" user="qtnet@bbiq.jp" password="bbiq" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="3"/>
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+<apn carrier="mineo (auプラン)" mcc="440" mnc="50" apn="mineo.jp" user="mineo@k-opti.com" password="mineo" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="2"/>
+<apn carrier="mineo (auプラン)" mcc="440" mnc="51" apn="mineo.jp" user="mineo@k-opti.com" password="mineo" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="2"/>
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+<apn carrier="sos" mcc="440" mnc="51" apn="sos" type="emergency" protocol ="IPV4V6" authtype="3"/>
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+<apn carrier="LINEモバイル" mcc="440" mnc="10" apn="line.me" user="line@line" password="line" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="3"/>
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+<apn carrier="LINEモバイル" mcc="440" mnc="20" apn="line.me" user="line@line" password="line" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="3"/>
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+<apn carrier="LINEモバイル" mcc="440" mnc="50" apn="line.me" user="line@line" password="line" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="3"/>
+<apn carrier="Fiimo Aプラン" mcc="440" mnc="51" apn="mineo.jp" user="stnet@fiimo.jp" password="fiimo" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="2"/>
+<apn carrier="LINEモバイル" mcc="440" mnc="51" apn="line.me" user="line@line" password="line" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="3"/>
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+<apn carrier="spモード" mcc="440" mnc="10" apn="spmode.ne.jp" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="2"/>
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+<apn carrier="AEON MOBILE 2" mcc="440" mnc="10" apn="n-aeonmobile.com" user="user@n-aeonmobile.com" password="0000" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="3"/>
+<apn carrier="ヤマダニューモバイル (Dコース)" mcc="440" mnc="10" apn="dm.jplat.net" user="ynm@ynmobile.jp" password="ynm" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="3"/>
+<apn carrier="linksmate" mcc="440" mnc="10" apn="linksmate.jp" user="user" password="mate" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="2"/>
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+<apn carrier="BIGLOBEモバイル タイプA" mcc="440" mnc="51" apn="biglobe.jp" user="user" password="0000" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="3"/>
+<apn carrier="AEON MOBILE 3" mcc="440" mnc="50" apn="i-aeonmobile.com" user="user" password="0000" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="3"/>
+<apn carrier="AEON MOBILE 3" mcc="440" mnc="51" apn="i-aeonmobile.com" user="user" password="0000" type="default,supl,dun" authtype="3"/>
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+<apn carrier="Umniah Internet" mcc="416" mnc="03" apn="net" type="default,supl"/>
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+<apn carrier="Umniah HTTP" mcc="416" mnc="03" apn="wap" proxy="" port="9201" type="default" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="Kcell MMS" mcc="401" mnc="02" apn="mms" mmsc="http://mms.kcell.kz/post" type="default" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="KT" mcc="450" mnc="08" apn="lte.ktfwing.com" mmsc="http://mmsc.ktfwing.com:9082" type="*"/>
+<apn carrier="LG U+" mcc="450" mnc="06" apn="internet.lguplus.co.kr" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="LG U+ MMS" mcc="450" mnc="06" apn="ims.lguplus.co.kr" mmsc="http://omammsc.uplus.co.kr:9084" type="default,mms"/>
+<apn carrier="LG U+ Roaming" mcc="450" mnc="06" apn="wroaming.lguplus.co.kr" mmsc="http://omammsc.uplus.co.kr:9084" type="default,mms,supl,dun"/>
+<apn carrier="LG U+ tethering" mcc="450" mnc="06" apn="tethering.lguplus.co.kr" type="dun"/>
+<apn carrier="SK Telecom" mcc="450" mnc="05" apn="lte.sktelecom.com" server="*" mmsc="http://omms.nate.com:9082/oma_mms" type="default,mms,supl" mmsproxy="smart.nate.com" mmsport="9093" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="Viva MMS" mcc="419" mnc="04" apn="vivamms" mmsc="" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="Zain MMS" mcc="419" mnc="2" apn="pps" user="annyway" password="online" mmsc="" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="Zain HTTP" mcc="419" mnc="2" apn="pps" proxy="" port="8080" user="annyway" password="online" type="default" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="Alfa MMS" mcc="415" mnc="01" apn="mms.mic1.com.lb" user="mic1" password="mic1" mmsc="http://mms.mic1.com.lb" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="9201" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="mtc touch MMS" mcc="415" mnc="03" apn="mms.mtctouch.com.lb" user="mtctouch" mmsc="http://mms:8080/mms/" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="9201" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="Bite Internet" mcc="246" mnc="02" apn="internet" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Bite HTTP" mcc="246" mnc="02" apn="wap" proxy="" port="8080" type="default"/>
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+<apn carrier="Omnitel HTTP" mcc="246" mnc="01" apn="omnitel" user="omni" password="omni" type="default" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="Tele 2 HTTP" mcc="246" mnc="03" apn="internet.tele2.lt" user="wap" password="wap" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Tele 2 MMS" mcc="246" mnc="03" apn="mms.tele2.lt" user="wap" password="wap" mmsc="http://mmsc.tele2.lt" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="VOX HTTP postpaid" mcc="270" mnc="99" apn="vox.lu" proxy="" port="8080" type="default"/>
+<apn carrier="VOX MMS postpaid" mcc="270" mnc="99" apn="vox.lu" mmsc="http://mms.vox.lu/" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="SmarTone Macau MMS" mcc="455" mnc="00" apn="smartgprs" mmsc="http://momms.smartone.com/dmog/mo" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" authtype="3"/>
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+<apn carrier="Celcom HTTP prepaid" mcc="502" mnc="19" apn="celcom" proxy="" port="8080" type="default"/>
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+<apn carrier="Yes Internet" mcc="502" mnc="152" apn="yesnet" type="default,supl" protocol ="IPV4V6" roaming_protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
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+<apn carrier="QBOCEL Internet" mcc="334" mnc="030" apn="internet.qbocel.mx" type="default,supl"/>
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+<apn carrier="KPN/Hi Mobiel Internet" mcc="204" mnc="08" apn="portalmmm.nl" mmsc="http://mp.mobiel.kpn/mmsc" type="*" mmsproxy="" mmsport="5080"/>
+<apn carrier="Ben internet" mcc="204" mnc="08" apn="basic.internet.ben.data" type="default,supl"/>
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+<apn carrier="Vodafone MMS" mcc="204" mnc="04" apn="live.vodafone.com" user="vodafone" password="vodafone" mmsc="http://mmsc.mms.vodafone.nl" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8799"/>
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+<apn carrier="TelecomContent" mcc="530" mnc="05" apn="wap.telecom.co.nz" proxy="" port="8080" type="default"/>
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+<apn carrier="OneCall MMS" mcc="242" mnc="05" apn="mms" mmsc="http://mmsc/" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80" protocol ="IPV4V6" roaming_protocol ="IPV4V6" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="Tele2" mcc="242" mnc="04" apn="internet.tele2.no" mmsc="http://mmsc.tele2.no" type="default,mms,supl" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="Telenor MMS" mcc="242" mnc="01" apn="telenor" mmsc="http://mmsc/" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
+<apn carrier="Ice.net" mcc="242" mnc="14" apn="ice.net" type="default,supl" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
+<apn carrier="MMS setting" mcc="242" mnc="14" apn="mms.ice.net" mmsc="http://mmsc/" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80"/>
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+<apn carrier="VOX INTERNET" mcc="744" mnc="01" apn="vox.internet" type="default,supl" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="Claro py" mcc="744" mnc="02" apn="igprs.claro.com.py" mmsc="http://mms.claro.com.py" type="default,mms,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="TIGO PY" mcc="744" mnc="04" apn="internet.tigo.py" type="default,supl" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="MMS Tigo" mcc="744" mnc="04" apn="mms.tigo.py" user="tigo" password="tigo" mmsc="http://mms" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8888" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="Personal Datos Py" mcc="744" mnc="05" apn="internet" user="personal" password="personal" type="default,supl" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="Personal MMS Py" mcc="744" mnc="05" apn="mms" user="mms" password="mms" mmsc="http://mms" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="Movistar MMS" mcc="716" mnc="06" apn="mms.movistar.pe" user="movistar@mms" password="movistar" mmsc="http://mmsc.telefonicamovistar.com.pe:8088/mms/" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
+<apn carrier="Claro Datos" mcc="716" mnc="10" apn="claro.pe" user="claro" password="claro" type="default,supl" protocol ="IPV4V6" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="Claro MMS" mcc="716" mnc="10" apn="mms.claro.pe" user="claro" password="claro" mmsc="http://claro/servlets/mms" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80" protocol ="IPV4V6" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="Bitel-MMS" mcc="716" mnc="15" apn="bitel-mms" mmsc="" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="Entel PE" mcc="716" mnc="17" apn="entel.pe" type="default,dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Entel MMS" mcc="716" mnc="17" apn="mms.entel.pe" mmsc="http://mms.entel.pe" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="myGlobe INET" mcc="515" mnc="02" apn="http.globe.com.ph" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="myGlobe MMS" mcc="515" mnc="02" apn="mms.globe.com.ph" mmsc="" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="Sun Broadband" mcc="515" mnc="05" apn="fbband" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="internet" mcc="260" mnc="02" apn="internet" type="default,supl" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="mms" mcc="260" mnc="02" apn="mms" mmsc="http://mms/servlets/mms" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="PLAY MMS" mcc="260" mnc="06" apn="mms" mmsc="http://mmsc.play.pl/mms/wapenc" type="mms"/>
+<apn carrier="MMS" mcc="260" mnc="01" apn="mms" mmsc="http://mms.plusgsm.pl:8002" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="Plus" mcc="260" mnc="01" apn="plus" type="default,supl" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="Internet" mcc="268" mnc="03" apn="umts" mmsc="http://mmsc:10021/mmsc" type="default,mms,supl,dun" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8799" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="Q-tel prepaid Internet" mcc="427" mnc="01" apn="gprs.qtel" user="gprs" password="gprs" type="default" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="Virgin HTTP" mcc="427" mnc="01" apn="data" proxy="" port="8080" type="default" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="Virgin MMS" mcc="427" mnc="01" apn="data" mmsc="http://mmsr.mms.qa" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="Vodafone HTTP" mcc="427" mnc="02" apn="vodafone.com.qa" proxy="" port="80" type="default"/>
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+<apn carrier="Connect Mobile" mcc="226" mnc="03" apn="broadband" type="default,supl"/>
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+<apn carrier="BeeLine HTTP" mcc="250" mnc="99" apn="wap.beeline.ru" proxy="" port="8080" user="beeline" password="beeline" type="default"/>
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+<apn carrier="Megafon MMS" mcc="250" mnc="02" apn="mms" user="mms" password="mms" mmsc="http://mmsc:8002" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="Tinkoff Mobile" mcc="250" mnc="62" apn="m.tinkoff" type="default,supl,dun"/>
+<apn carrier="Mobily Internet postpaid" mcc="420" mnc="03" apn="web1" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Mobily HTTP postpaid" mcc="420" mnc="03" apn="wap1" proxy="" port="8080" type="default"/>
+<apn carrier="Mobily MMS postpaid" mcc="420" mnc="03" apn="mms1" mmsc="" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="Mobily HTTP prepaid" mcc="420" mnc="03" apn="wap2" proxy="" port="8080" type="default"/>
+<apn carrier="Mobily MMS prepaid" mcc="420" mnc="03" apn="mms2" mmsc="" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="STC HTTP" mcc="420" mnc="01" apn="jawalnet.com.sa" proxy="proxy.jawalnet.com.sa" port="8080" type="default"/>
+<apn carrier="STC MMS" mcc="420" mnc="01" apn="mms.net.sa" mmsc="http://mms.net.sa:8002" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
+<apn carrier="Zain Internet" mcc="420" mnc="04" apn="zain" mmsc="" type="*" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
+<apn carrier="Zain HTTP" mcc="420" mnc="04" apn="zain" proxy="" port="8080" mmsc="" type="*" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="Vip MMS" mcc="220" mnc="05" apn="vipmobile.mms" user="vipmobile" password="vipmobile" mmsc="http://mmsc.vipmobile.rs" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="MiWorld GPRS prepaid" mcc="525" mnc="03" apn="miworldmcard" proxy="" port="8081" user="+65" password="user123" type="default"/>
+<apn carrier="MiWorld MMS prepaid" mcc="525" mnc="03" apn="miworldmcard" user="MSISDN" password="user123" mmsc="http://mmsgw:8002" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="Singtel (Postpaid)" mcc="525" mnc="01" apn="e-ideas" mmsc="http://mms.singtel.com:10021/mmsc" type="default,mms,supl" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="SingTel HTTP" mcc="525" mnc="02" apn="e-ideas" proxy="" port="8080" user="65IDEAS" password="IDEAS" type="default" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="SingTel MMS" mcc="525" mnc="02" apn="e-ideas(s)" user="65ideas" password="ideas" mmsc="http://mms.singtel.com:10021/mmsc" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="SingTel HTTP prepaid" mcc="525" mnc="02" apn="e-ideas(s)" proxy="" port="8080" user="65ideas" password="ideas" type="default" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="SingTel MMS prepaid" mcc="525" mnc="02" apn="e-ideas(s)" user="65ideas" password="ideas" mmsc="http://mms.singtel.com:10021/mmsc" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="SH Data Postpaid" mcc="525" mnc="05" apn="shwap" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="SH MMS Postpaid" mcc="525" mnc="05" apn="shmms" mmsc="http://mms.starhubgee.com.sg:8002/" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80"/>
+<apn carrier="SH Data Prepaid" mcc="525" mnc="05" apn="shppd" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="SH MMS Prepaid" mcc="525" mnc="05" apn="shppd" mmsc="http://mms.starhubgee.com.sg:8002/" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80"/>
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+<apn carrier="O2 HTTP" mcc="231" mnc="06" apn="o2wap" proxy="" port="8080" type="default"/>
+<apn carrier="O2 MMS" mcc="231" mnc="06" apn="o2mms" mmsc="http://mms.o2world.sk:8002" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
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+<apn carrier="Orange World" mcc="231" mnc="01" apn="orangewap" proxy="" port="8799" user="wap" password="wap" type="default" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="8.ta mms" mcc="655" mnc="02" apn="mms" proxy="" port="8080" mmsc="http://mms.8ta.com:38090/was" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
+<apn carrier="8ta internet" mcc="655" mnc="02" apn="internet" type="default,supl"/>
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+<apn carrier="Conexion Compartida" mcc="214" mnc="07" apn="movistar.es" user="MOVISTAR" password="MOVISTAR" type="dun" authtype="1"/>
+<apn carrier="Movistar" mcc="214" mnc="07" apn="telefonica.es" proxy="" port="8080" user="telefonica" password="telefonica" mmsc="http://mms.movistar.com" type="default,mms,supl" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" authtype="1"/>
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+<apn carrier="Mobilych HTTP" mcc="255" mnc="03" apn="wap.ab.kyivstar.net" proxy="" port="8080" type="default"/>
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+<apn carrier="life HTTP" mcc="255" mnc="06" apn="wap" proxy="" port="8080" type="default"/>
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+<apn carrier="MTS HTTP" mcc="255" mnc="01" apn="wap" proxy="" port="8080" type="default"/>
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+<apn carrier="ATT Phone" mcc="310" mnc="680" apn="phone" mmsc="http://mmsc.mobile.att.net" type="default,mms,supl,hipri,fota" mmsproxy="proxy.mobile.att.net" mmsport="80" protocol ="IPV4V6" roaming_protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
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+<apn carrier="T-Mobile US LTE" mcc="310" mnc="210" apn="fast.t-mobile.com" mmsc="http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc" type="default,mms,supl" mmsport="80"/>
+<apn carrier="T-Mobile US LTE" mcc="310" mnc="220" apn="fast.t-mobile.com" mmsc="http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc" type="default,mms,supl" mmsport="80"/>
+<apn carrier="T-Mobile US LTE" mcc="310" mnc="230" apn="fast.t-mobile.com" mmsc="http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc" type="default,mms,supl" mmsport="80"/>
+<apn carrier="T-Mobile US LTE" mcc="310" mnc="240" apn="fast.t-mobile.com" mmsc="http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc" type="default,mms,supl" mmsport="80"/>
+<apn carrier="T-Mobile US LTE" mcc="310" mnc="250" apn="fast.t-mobile.com" mmsc="http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc" type="default,mms,supl" mmsport="80"/>
+<apn carrier="T-Mobile US LTE" mcc="310" mnc="26" apn="fast.t-mobile.com" mmsc="http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc" type="default,mms,supl" mmsport="80"/>
+<apn carrier="T-Mobile US LTE" mcc="310" mnc="260" apn="fast.t-mobile.com" mmsc="http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc" type="default,mms,supl" mmsport="80"/>
+<apn carrier="T-Mobile US LTE" mcc="310" mnc="270" apn="fast.t-mobile.com" mmsc="http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc" type="default,mms,supl" mmsport="80"/>
+<apn carrier="T-Mobile US LTE" mcc="310" mnc="31" apn="fast.t-mobile.com" mmsc="http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc" type="default,mms,supl" mmsport="80"/>
+<apn carrier="T-Mobile US LTE" mcc="310" mnc="660" apn="fast.t-mobile.com" mmsc="http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc" type="default,mms,supl" mmsport="80"/>
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+<apn carrier="Sprint" mcc="310" mnc="120" apn="n.ispsn" type="default" protocol ="IPV4V6"/>
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+<apn carrier="Mobifone Internet" mcc="452" mnc="00" apn="m-wap" user="mms" password="mms" type="default,supl"/>
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+<apn carrier="Mobifone Internet" mcc="452" mnc="01" apn="m-wap" user="mms" password="mms" type="default,supl"/>
+<apn carrier="Mobifone MMS" mcc="452" mnc="01" apn="m-i090" user="mms" password="mms" mmsc="" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="3130"/>
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+<apn carrier="Vinaphone MMS" mcc="452" mnc="02" apn="m3-mms" user="mms" password="mms" mmsc="http://mms.vinaphone.com.vn" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8000"/>
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+<apn carrier="Gmobile MMS" mcc="452" mnc="07" apn="mms" user="mms" password="mms" mmsc="http://mms" type="mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080"/>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/appmanager.conf b/system/system/etc/appmanager.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b8ab6a473a541935acd7070a41e2ca38c5f018e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/appmanager.conf
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/system/system/etc/asus_define_modules/GSuiteProps b/system/system/etc/asus_define_modules/GSuiteProps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a75f1716bff173142c243f29b2f4ffef95f07be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/asus_define_modules/GSuiteProps
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# Add system properties for new Drive Promo Deal
diff --git a/system/system/etc/audio_effects.conf b/system/system/etc/audio_effects.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dd729c5c19bad1efba5cbda88ff0717cf997c1cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/audio_effects.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# List of effect libraries to load. Each library element must contain a "path" element
+# giving the full path of the library .so file.
+#    libraries {
+#        <lib name> {
+#          path <lib path>
+#        }
+#    }
+libraries {
+# This is a proxy library that will be an abstraction for
+# the HW and SW effects
+  #proxy {
+    #path /vendor/lib/soundfx/libeffectproxy.so
+  #}
+# This is the SW implementation library of the effect
+  #libSW {
+    #path /vendor/lib/soundfx/libswwrapper.so
+  #}
+# This is the HW implementation library for the effect
+  #libHW {
+    #path /vendor/lib/soundfx/libhwwrapper.so
+  #}
+  bundle {
+    path /vendor/lib/soundfx/libbundlewrapper.so
+  }
+  reverb {
+    path /vendor/lib/soundfx/libreverbwrapper.so
+  }
+  visualizer {
+    path /vendor/lib/soundfx/libvisualizer.so
+  }
+  downmix {
+    path /vendor/lib/soundfx/libdownmix.so
+  }
+  loudness_enhancer {
+    path /vendor/lib/soundfx/libldnhncr.so
+  }
+  dynamics_processing {
+    path /vendor/lib/soundfx/libdynproc.so
+  }
+# Default pre-processing library. Add to audio_effect.conf "libraries" section if
+# audio HAL implements support for default software audio pre-processing effects
+#  pre_processing {
+#    path /vendor/lib/soundfx/libaudiopreprocessing.so
+#  }
+# list of effects to load. Each effect element must contain a "library" and a "uuid" element.
+# The value of the "library" element must correspond to the name of one library element in the
+# "libraries" element.
+# The name of the effect element is indicative, only the value of the "uuid" element
+# designates the effect.
+# The uuid is the implementation specific UUID as specified by the effect vendor. This is not the
+# generic effect type UUID.
+#    effects {
+#        <fx name> {
+#            library <lib name>
+#            uuid <effect uuid>
+#        }
+#        ...
+#    }
+effects {
+# additions for the proxy implementation
+# Proxy implementation
+  #effectname {
+    #library proxy
+    #uuid  xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
+    # SW implemetation of the effect. Added as a node under the proxy to
+    # indicate this as a sub effect.
+      #libsw {
+         #library libSW
+         #uuid  yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy
+      #} End of SW effect
+    # HW implementation of the effect. Added as a node under the proxy to
+    # indicate this as a sub effect.
+      #libhw {
+         #library libHW
+         #uuid  zzzzzzzz-zzzz-zzzz-zzzz-zzzzzzzzzzzz
+      #}End of HW effect
+  #} End of effect proxy
+  bassboost {
+    library bundle
+    uuid 8631f300-72e2-11df-b57e-0002a5d5c51b
+  }
+  virtualizer {
+    library bundle
+    uuid 1d4033c0-8557-11df-9f2d-0002a5d5c51b
+  }
+  equalizer {
+    library bundle
+    uuid ce772f20-847d-11df-bb17-0002a5d5c51b
+  }
+  volume {
+    library bundle
+    uuid 119341a0-8469-11df-81f9-0002a5d5c51b
+  }
+  reverb_env_aux {
+    library reverb
+    uuid 4a387fc0-8ab3-11df-8bad-0002a5d5c51b
+  }
+  reverb_env_ins {
+    library reverb
+    uuid c7a511a0-a3bb-11df-860e-0002a5d5c51b
+  }
+  reverb_pre_aux {
+    library reverb
+    uuid f29a1400-a3bb-11df-8ddc-0002a5d5c51b
+  }
+  reverb_pre_ins {
+    library reverb
+    uuid 172cdf00-a3bc-11df-a72f-0002a5d5c51b
+  }
+  visualizer {
+    library visualizer
+    uuid d069d9e0-8329-11df-9168-0002a5d5c51b
+  }
+  downmix {
+    library downmix
+    uuid 93f04452-e4fe-41cc-91f9-e475b6d1d69f
+  }
+  loudness_enhancer {
+    library loudness_enhancer
+    uuid fa415329-2034-4bea-b5dc-5b381c8d1e2c
+  }
+  dynamics_processing {
+    library dynamics_processing
+    uuid e0e6539b-1781-7261-676f-6d7573696340
+  }
+# Default pre-processing effects. Add to audio_effect.conf "effects" section if
+# audio HAL implements support for them.
+#  agc {
+#    library pre_processing
+#    uuid aa8130e0-66fc-11e0-bad0-0002a5d5c51b
+#  }
+#  aec {
+#    library pre_processing
+#    uuid bb392ec0-8d4d-11e0-a896-0002a5d5c51b
+#  }
+#  ns {
+#    library pre_processing
+#    uuid c06c8400-8e06-11e0-9cb6-0002a5d5c51b
+#  }
+# Audio preprocessor configurations.
+# The pre processor configuration consists in a list of elements each describing
+# pre processor settings for a given input source. Valid input source names are:
+# "mic", "camcorder", "voice_recognition", "voice_communication"
+# Each input source element contains a list of effects elements. The name of the effect
+# element must be the name of one of the effects in the "effects" list of the file.
+# Each effect element may optionally contain a list of parameters and their
+# default value to apply when the pre processor effect is created.
+# A parameter is defined by a "param" element and a "value" element. Each of these elements
+# consists in one or more elements specifying a type followed by a value.
+# The types defined are: "int", "short", "float", "bool" and "string"
+# When both "param" and "value" are a single int, a simple form is allowed where just
+# the param and value pair is present in the parameter description
+#    pre_processing {
+#        <input source name> {
+#            <fx name> {
+#                <param 1 name> {
+#                    param {
+#                        int|short|float|bool|string <value>
+#                        [ int|short|float|bool|string <value> ]
+#                        ...
+#                    }
+#                    value {
+#                        int|short|float|bool|string <value>
+#                        [ int|short|float|bool|string <value> ]
+#                        ...
+#                    }
+#                }
+#                <param 2 name > {<param> <value>}
+#                ...
+#            }
+#            ...
+#        }
+#        ...
+#    }
+# TODO: add default audio pre processor configurations after debug and tuning phase
diff --git a/system/system/etc/audio_policy.conf b/system/system/etc/audio_policy.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..54532cae05193ee15d7828f6349eb78147d6dc79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/audio_policy.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+# Global configuration section: lists input and output devices always present on the device
+# as well as the output device selected by default.
+# Devices are designated by a string that corresponds to the enum in audio.h
+global_configuration {
+  default_output_device AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
+# audio hardware module section: contains descriptors for all audio hw modules present on the
+# device. Each hw module node is named after the corresponding hw module library base name.
+# For instance, "primary" corresponds to audio.primary.<device>.so.
+# The "primary" module is mandatory and must include at least one output with
+# Each module descriptor contains one or more output profile descriptors and zero or more
+# input profile descriptors. Each profile lists all the parameters supported by a given output
+# or input stream category.
+# The "channel_masks", "formats", "devices" and "flags" are specified using strings corresponding
+# to enums in audio.h and audio_policy.h. They are concatenated by use of "|" without space or "\n".
+audio_hw_modules {
+  primary {
+    outputs {
+      primary {
+        sampling_rates 44100|48000
+        channel_masks AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
+        formats AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
+      }
+      raw {
+        sampling_rates 48000
+        channel_masks AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
+        formats AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
+      }
+      deep_buffer {
+         sampling_rates 44100|48000
+         channel_masks AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
+         formats AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
+      }
+      compress_passthrough {
+        sampling_rates dynamic
+        channel_masks dynamic
+        formats dynamic
+      }
+      direct_pcm {
+        sampling_rates 8000|11025|12000|16000|22050|24000|32000|44100|48000|64000|88200|96000|176400|192000|352800|384000
+      }
+      compress_offload {
+        sampling_rates 8000|11025|12000|16000|22050|24000|32000|44100|48000|64000|88200|96000|176400|192000
+      }
+      dsd_compress_passthrough {
+        sampling_rates 2822400|5644800
+        formats AUDIO_FORMAT_DSD
+      }
+      incall_music {
+        sampling_rates 8000|16000|48000
+        channel_masks AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_MONO
+        formats AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
+      }
+      voip_rx {
+        sampling_rates 8000|16000|32000|48000
+        channel_masks AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_MONO
+      }
+    }
+    inputs {
+      primary {
+        sampling_rates 8000|11025|12000|16000|22050|24000|32000|44100|48000
+      }
+      surround_sound {
+        sampling_rates 8000|11025|12000|16000|22050|24000|32000|44100|48000
+        formats AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
+      }
+      record_24 {
+        sampling_rates 8000|11025|12000|16000|22050|24000|32000|44100|48000|96000|192000
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  a2dp {
+    outputs {
+      a2dp {
+        sampling_rates 44100
+        channel_masks AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
+        formats AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
+        devices AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP
+      }
+    }
+    inputs {
+      a2dp {
+        sampling_rates 44100|48000
+        formats AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  usb {
+    outputs {
+      usb_accessory {
+        sampling_rates 44100
+        channel_masks AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
+        formats AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  r_submix {
+    outputs {
+      submix {
+        sampling_rates 48000
+        channel_masks AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
+        formats AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
+      }
+    }
+    inputs {
+      submix {
+        sampling_rates 48000
+        channel_masks AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_STEREO
+        formats AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/system/system/etc/autostart/push_sdk_policy.xml b/system/system/etc/autostart/push_sdk_policy.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a6e5866a462230020242e3fbf1186e5baeb1b768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/autostart/push_sdk_policy.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <component name="cn.jpush.android.service" prefix="true" />
+    <component name="com.baidu.android.pushservice" prefix="true" />
+    <component name="com.baidu.sapi2.share" prefix="true" />
+    <component name="com.dianping.base.push" prefix="true" />
+    <component name="com.igexin.dowload" prefix="true" />
+    <component name="com.igexin.getuiext" prefix="true" />
+    <component name="com.igexin.sdk" prefix="true" />
+    <component name="com.sohu.push" prefix="true" />
+    <component name="com.ss.android.message.sswo" prefix="true" />
+    <component name="com.taobao.accs" prefix="true" />
+    <component name="com.taobao.agoo" prefix="true" />
+    <component name="com.tencent.android.tpush" prefix="true" />
+    <component name="com.umeng.message" prefix="true" />
+    <component name="com.umeng.update.net" prefix="true" />
+    <component name="com.xiaomi.push" prefix="true" />
+    <component name="com.yy.pushsvc" prefix="true" />
+    <component name="org.android.agoo.accs" prefix="true" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/bluetooth/bt_did.conf b/system/system/etc/bluetooth/bt_did.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..631cc6df3401c71996c2e40d96ec71f02f662249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/bluetooth/bt_did.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Device ID (DID) configuration
+# Primary Record - true or false (default)
+# There can be only one primary record
+primaryRecord = true
+# Vendor ID '0xFFFF' indicates no Device ID Service Record is present in the device
+# 0x000F = Broadcom Corporation (default)
+#vendorId = 0x000F
+# Vendor ID Source
+# 0x0001 = Bluetooth SIG assigned Device ID Vendor ID value (default)
+# 0x0002 = USB Implementer's Forum assigned Device ID Vendor ID value
+#vendorIdSource = 0x0001
+# Product ID & Product Version
+# Per spec DID v1.3 0xJJMN for version is interpreted as JJ.M.N
+# JJ: major version number, M: minor version number, N: sub-minor version number
+# For example: 1200, v14.3.6
+productId = 0x1200
+version = 0x1436
+# Optional attributes
+#clientExecutableURL =
+#serviceDescription =
+#documentationURL =
+# Device ID (DID) configuration
+# Primary Record - true or false (default)
+# There can be only one primary record
+#primaryRecord = false
+# Vendor ID '0xFFFF' indicates no Device ID Service Record is present in the device
+# 0x000F = Broadcom Corporation (default)
+#vendorId = 0x000F
+# Vendor ID Source
+# 0x0001 = Bluetooth SIG assigned Device ID Vendor ID value (default)
+# 0x0002 = USB Implementer's Forum assigned Device ID Vendor ID value
+#vendorIdSource = 0x0001
+# Product ID & Product Version
+# Per spec DID v1.3 0xJJMN for version is interpreted as JJ.M.N
+# JJ: major version number, M: minor version number, N: sub-minor version number
+# Default: 0x0000, v00.0.0
+#productId = 0x0000
+#version = 0x0000
+# Optional attributes
+#clientExecutableURL =
+#serviceDescription =
+#documentationURL =
+# Device ID (DID) configuration
+# Primary Record - true or false (default)
+# There can be only one primary record
+#primaryRecord = false
+# Vendor ID '0xFFFF' indicates no Device ID Service Record is present in the device
+# 0x000F = Broadcom Corporation (default)
+#vendorId = 0x000F
+# Vendor ID Source
+# 0x0001 = Bluetooth SIG assigned Device ID Vendor ID value (default)
+# 0x0002 = USB Implementer's Forum assigned Device ID Vendor ID value
+#vendorIdSource = 0x0001
+# Product ID & Product Version
+# Per spec DID v1.3 0xJJMN for version is interpreted as JJ.M.N
+# JJ: major version number, M: minor version number, N: sub-minor version number
+# Default: 0x0000, v00.0.0
+#productId = 0x0000
+#version = 0x0000
+# Optional attributes
+#clientExecutableURL =
+#serviceDescription =
+#documentationURL =
diff --git a/system/system/etc/bluetooth/bt_profile.conf b/system/system/etc/bluetooth/bt_profile.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..02404c4fe6c7689541192b6f6b54997b5bad446c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/bluetooth/bt_profile.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Below are the guidelines/instructions for editing this conf file.
+# Note 1: User should turn of the BT, before updating this conf file.
+# Note 2: Line started with the # is treated as comments.
+# Note 3: Comment lines in between the entries are not allowed.
+#   Below is the profile list for configuration
+#   1.AVRCP
+#   2.PBAP
+#   3.MAP
+# ******************************* Start of config Database *******************
+#AVRCP profile and its configurable features
+#avrcp_coverart_support default value true
+#To enable avrcp coverart support avrcp version should
+#be set to 1.6 from developer options in settings menu
+avrcp_0103_support = false
+avrcp_coverart_support = true
+#PBAP profile and its configurable features
+#Default version 1.2 = 0x0102
+#to downgrade to versions 1.1 = 0x0101 ,pbap_0102_support should be set to false
+# use_sim_support default value true
+pbap_0102_support = true
+use_sim_support = true
+#MAP profile and its configurable features
+# map_email_support default value true
+map_email_support = true
diff --git a/system/system/etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf b/system/system/etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d1e77564089f78d50f969b7930307f495daf79f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# Enable trace level reconfiguration function
+# Must be present before any TRC_ trace level settings
+# Trace level configuration
+#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_NONE    0    ( No trace messages to be generated )
+#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR   1    ( Error condition trace messages )
+#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING 2    ( Warning condition trace messages )
+#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_API     3    ( API traces )
+#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_EVENT   4    ( Debug messages for events )
+#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG   5    ( Full debug messages )
+#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE 6    ( Verbose messages ) - Currently supported for TRC_BTAPP only.
+# This is Log configuration for new C++ code using LOG() macros.
+# See libchrome/base/logging.h for description on how to configure your logs.
+# sample configuration:
+# PTS testing helpers
+# Secure connections only mode.
+# PTS_SecurePairOnly=true
+# Disable LE Connection updates
+# Disable BR/EDR discovery after LE pairing to avoid cross key derivation errors
+# SMP Pair options (formatted as hex bytes) auth, io, ikey, rkey, ksize
+# PTS AVRCP Test mode
+# SMP Certification Failure Cases
+# Set any of the following SMP error values (from smp_api_types.h)
+# to induce pairing failues for various PTS SMP test cases.
+# Setting PTS_SmpFailureCase to 0 means normal operation.
+# Failure modes:
diff --git a/system/system/etc/bluetooth/bt_stack_userdebug.conf b/system/system/etc/bluetooth/bt_stack_userdebug.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9790b1ebb75662ad34b613600914be8c1ea765d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/bluetooth/bt_stack_userdebug.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# Enable trace level reconfiguration function
+# Must be present before any TRC_ trace level settings
+# Trace level configuration
+#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_NONE    0    ( No trace messages to be generated )
+#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR   1    ( Error condition trace messages )
+#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING 2    ( Warning condition trace messages )
+#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_API     3    ( API traces )
+#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_EVENT   4    ( Debug messages for events )
+#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG   5    ( Full debug messages )
+#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE 6    ( Verbose messages ) - Currently supported for TRC_BTAPP only.
+# This is Log configuration for new C++ code using LOG() macros.
+# See libchrome/base/logging.h for description on how to configure your logs.
+# sample configuration:
+# PTS testing helpers
+# Secure connections only mode.
+# PTS_SecurePairOnly=true
+# Disable LE Connection updates
+# Disable BR/EDR discovery after LE pairing to avoid cross key derivation errors
+# SMP Pair options (formatted as hex bytes) auth, io, ikey, rkey, ksize
+# PTS AVRCP Test mode
+# SMP Certification Failure Cases
+# Set any of the following SMP error values (from smp_api_types.h)
+# to induce pairing failues for various PTS SMP test cases.
+# Setting PTS_SmpFailureCase to 0 means normal operation.
+# Failure modes:
diff --git a/system/system/etc/bluetooth/interop_database.conf b/system/system/etc/bluetooth/interop_database.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b2edbacdbfd51b9681d4c937b9fc15ac109ccefc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/bluetooth/interop_database.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+# Below are the guidelines/instructions for editing this database file.
+# Note 1: User should turn of the BT, before updating this database file.
+# Note 2: Maximum length of the line should not be more than 1023 characters.
+# Note 3: Line started with the # is treated as comments.
+# Note 4: Comment lines in between the entries are not allowed.
+# Note 5: All duplicated entries including main BL types will be ignored.
+#1. Below are the four tags for blacklist
+#   A. Address_Based   C. Manufacturer_based
+#   B. Name_Based      D. Vndr_Prdt_Based
+#   E. SSR_Max_Lat_Based
+#   A. Address_Based :  This tag refers to Address based blacklist
+#   Input Type       :   Input value should be only 3 to 6 bytes of BD address
+#   Format Type      :   Address should be in XX:XX:XX format
+#   Examples         :   00:01:03 = Address_Based
+#   B. Name_Based :   This tag refers to Name based blacklist.
+#   Input type    :   Input should be only string and length of the string
+#                     should not be more than 248 characters.
+#   Format Type   :   string
+#   Examples      :   Sample Headset name = Name_Based
+#   C. Manufacturer_Based :  This tag refers to Manufacturer based blacklist
+#   Input type  : Input should be in Hexadecimal Number of Manufacturer
+#   Format Type : 2 Bytes Hexadecimal Value
+#   Examples    : 0X0023 = Manufacturer_Based
+#   D. Vndr_Prdt_Based : This tag refers to vendor and product based blacklist
+#   Input type  : Input should be in Hexadecimal value
+#   Format Type : 4 bytes hex value( 2bytes of vendor  and 2 bytes of product),
+#                 Vendor and product hex values should be separated with delimiter(-).
+#   Examples    : 0X00AB-0X00BC = Vndr_Prdt_Based
+#   E. SSR_Max_Lat_Based : This tag refers to SSR Max LAtency based blacklist
+#   Input type  : Input value should be combination of first 3 bytes of BD address and
+#                 Hexadecimal value of SSR Max Latency
+#   Format Type : Address should be in XX:XX:XX format followed by 2 bytes hex value
+#                 of max latency Address and Max Latency should be separated with delimiter(-).
+#   Examples    : 00:01:03-0X00AB = SSR_Max_Lat_Based
+# ******************************* Start of Blacklist Database ********************************
+#Disable secure connections
+#This is for pre BT 4.1/2 devices that do not handle secure mode very well.
+08:62:66 = Address_Based
+38:2C:4A:C9 = Address_Based
+38:2C:4A:E6 = Address_Based
+54:A0:50:D9 = Address_Based
+AC:9E:17 = Address_Based
+F0:79:59 = Address_Based
+80:E4:DA:70 = Address_Based
+1C:96:5A = Address_Based
+80:EA:CA = Address_Based
+51:01:00 = Address_Based
+61:01:00 = Address_Based
+# Devices requiring this workaround do not handle Bluetooth Absolute Volume
+# control correctly, leading to undesirable (potentially harmful) volume levels
+# or general lack of controlability.
+A0:E9:DB = Address_Based
+00:14:02 = Address_Based
+1C:48:F9 = Address_Based
+44:5E:F3 = Address_Based
+D4:9C:28 = Address_Based
+00:18:6B = Address_Based
+B8:AD:3E = Address_Based
+00:11:B1 = Address_Based
+A4:15:66 = Address_Based
+00:14:F1 = Address_Based
+00:26:7E = Address_Based
+90:03:B7 = Address_Based
+04:F8:C2 = Address_Based
+00:18:91 = Address_Based
+00:24:1C = Address_Based
+# Disable automatic pairing with headsets/car-kits
+# Some car kits do not react kindly to a failed pairing attempt and
+# do not allow immediate re-pairing. Blacklist these so that the initial
+# pairing attempt makes it to the user instead
+34:C7:31 = Address_Based
+00:07:04 = Address_Based
+E0:75:0A = Address_Based
+Audi = Name_Based
+BMW = Name_Based
+Parrot = Name_Based
+Car = Name_Based
+NISSAN = Name_Based
+# Use a fixed pin for specific keyboards
+# Keyboards should use a variable pin at all times. However, some keyboards
+# require a fixed pin of all 0000. This workaround enables auto pairing for
+# those keyboards.
+00:0F:F6 = Address_Based
+# Some headsets have audio jitter issues because of increased re-transmissions as the
+# 3 Mbps packets have a lower link margin, and are more prone to interference. We can
+# disable 3DH packets (use only 2DH packets) for the ACL link to improve sensitivity
+# when streaming A2DP audio to the headset. Air sniffer logs show reduced
+# re-transmissions after switching to 2DH packets.
+# Disable 3Mbps packets and use only 2Mbps packets for ACL links when streaming audio.
+00:18:91 = Address_Based
+00:21:4F = Address_Based
+20:15:06 = Address_Based
+9C:DF:03 = Address_Based
+04:52:C7 = Address_Based
+30:14:4A = Address_Based
+00:54:AF = Address_Based
+7C:1C:4E = Address_Based
+50:65:83 = Address_Based
+00:1E:7C = Address_Based
+C8:84:47 = Address_Based
+D0:8A:55 = Address_Based
+# Some HID pointing devices have proven problematic behaviour if pairing is initiated with
+# them, resulting in no response for authentication request and ultimately resulting
+# in connection failure.
+# To avoid degrading the user experience with those devices, authentication request
+# is not requested explictly.
+00:12:A1 = Address_Based
+Targus BT Laser Notebook Mouse = Name_Based
+# HID Keyboards that claim support for multitouch functionality have issue with
+# normal functioning of keyboard because of issues in USB HID kernel driver.
+# To avoid degrading the user experience with those devices, digitizer record
+# is removed from the report descriptor.
+Motorola Keyboard KZ500 = Name_Based
+Motorola Keyboard KZ500 v122 = Name_Based
+0x22b8-0x093D = Vndr_Prdt_Based
+# Some HID devices have problematic behaviour where when hid link is in Sniff
+# and DUT is in Slave role for SCO link ( not eSCO) any solution cannot maintain
+# the link as  SCO scheduling over a short period will overlap with Sniff link due to
+# slave drift.
+# To avoid degrading the user experience with those devices, sniff is disabled from
+# link policy when sco is active, and enabled when sco is disabled.
+20:4C:10 = Address_Based
+0x004C = Manufacturer_Based
+# Few carkits take long time to start sending AT commands
+# Increase AG_CONN TIMEOUT so that AG connection go through
+00:14:09 = Address_Based
+# Some HOGP devices do not respond well when we switch from default LE conn parameters
+# to preferred conn params immediately post connection. Disable automatic switching to
+# preferred conn params for such devices and allow them to explicity ask for it.
+BSMBB09DS = Name_Based
+ELECOM = Name_Based
+# Few remote devices do not understand AVRCP version greater than 1.3. For these
+# devices, we would like to blacklist them and advertise AVRCP version as 1.3
+# Fallback to AVRCP version 1.4 for remote to initiate browse connection
+00:02:5B:4A = Address_Based
+# Disable role switch for headsets/car-kits
+# Some car kits allow role switch but when DUT initiates role switch
+# Remote will go to bad state and its leads to LMP time out.
+FC:C2:DE = Address_Based
+00:26:B4 = Address_Based
+00:04:3E = Address_Based
+00:23:01 = Address_Based
+1C:48:F9 = Address_Based
+00:54:AF = Address_Based
+00:26:E8 = Address_Based
+00:37:6D = Address_Based
+9C:3A:AF = Address_Based
+00:18:91 = Address_Based
+0C:E0:E4 = Address_Based
+00:07:04 = Address_Based
+A4:15:66 = Address_Based
+D0:13:1E = Address_Based
+8F:20:B4 = Address_Based
+A8:B9:B3 = Address_Based
+00:0D:F0 = Address_Based
+00:08:E0 = Address_Based
+00:25:52 = Address_Based
+1C:52:16 = Address_Based
+00:06:66 = Address_Based
+10:C6:FC = Address_Based
+08:E6:89 = Address_Based
+00:21:13 = Address_Based
+00:24:E4 = address_Based
+00:1C:D8 = Address_Based
+AC:FD:CE = Address_Based
+08:76:95 = Address_Based
+00:00:45 = Address_Based
+# Disable role switch policy for headsets/car-kits
+# Some car kits initiate a role switch but won't initiate encryption
+# after role switch complete
+00:0D:FD = Address_Based
+00:1B:DC = Address_Based
+00:07:04 = Address_Based
+A4:15:66 = Address_Based
+00:54:AF = Address_Based
+00:23:7F = Address_Based
+# certain remote A2DP sinks have issue playing back Music in AAC format.
+# disable AAC for those headsets so that it switch to SBC
+# 1. byte alignment issues with encoder (solo3::20:3c:ae,airpods::4c:32:75)
+# 2. remote sending 128 instead of 128k as bitrate (cadillac::28:a1:83, Chevrolet Tahoe,
+#    buick_verona::ac:7a:4d, maruti_brezzai:28:a1:83,cadillac cue::e0:75:0a, 30:C3:D9)
+# 3. remote supporting only 44.1Khz (BIG-JAM-BOX::00-21-3c,JVC CK::00:1D:86,BMW CK::9C:DF:03)
+AC:7A:4D = Address_Based
+28:A1:83 = Address_Based
+A0:14:3D = Address_Based
+90:03:B7 = Address_Based
+00:21:3c = Address_Based
+9C:DF:03 = Address_Based
+E0:75:0A = Address_Based
+48:F0:7B = Address_Based
+04:52:C7 = Address_Based
+30:C3:D9 = Address_Based
+00:E0:4C = Address_Based
+abramtek M1 = Name_Based
+#Enable AAC encoder only for whitelist devices
+#0xb8-ad-3e-d2-4b-4b  ==> Name: LG HBSA100
+#0xb8-ad-3e-e7-13-84  ==> Name: LG HBS1100
+#0x00-18-09-95-04-c1  ==> Name: MDR-XB80BS
+#0x7c-04-d0-9a-75-ad  ==> Name: AirPods
+#0x48-d6-d5-bc-79-43  ==> Name: Pixel Buds 7943
+#0x8c-de-52-df-79-8e  ==> Name: SRS-X33
+#0x04-5d-4b-ec-2c-4c  ==> Name: WH-1000XM2
+#0x04-5d-4b-40-e7-1e  ==> Name: h.ear (MDR-100ABN)
+#0x04-5d-4b-df-3e-70  ==> Name: WI-1000X
+#0x04-5d-4b-eb-69-87  ==> Name: WH-H800 (h.ear)
+#0x04-5d-4b-66-bd-26  ==> Name: MDR-1000X
+#0x04-5d-4b-66-c1-f6  ==> Name: WI-H700 (h.ear)
+#0x04-5d-4b-99-f0-5d  ==> Name: WH-H900N (h.ear)
+#0x10-4f-a8-e9-79-eb  ==> Name: MDR-1ABT
+#0x10-4f-a8-15-b9-5a  ==> Name: h.ear (MDR-EX750BT)
+#0xac-9b-0a-bd-1f-20  ==> Name: MDR-ZX770BN
+#0x04-52-c7-c5-d2-94  ==> Name: Bose QuietComfort 35
+#0x0c-e0-e4-64-26-a3  ==> Name: PLT_BBTPRO
+#0xa4-15-66-4b-4d-24  ==> Name: Tracks Air
+#0x00-1a-7d-82-36-4b  ==> Name: 66 Audio BTS
+#0x88-e6-03-80-48-6b  ==> Name: XB10
+#0xb8-69-c2-eb-ae-66  ==> Name: SRS-XB3
+#0x94-b2-cc-28-99-77  ==> Name: AVH-X5890BT  ==>pioneer
+#0x74-5e-1c-98-88-64  ==> Name: AVH-X5790BT ==>pioneer
+#0x00-1d-86-a4-ea-a6  ==> Name: Car Multimedia ===>JVC
+#0x00-1d-86-a0-79-c2  ==> Name: DDX6 ==>kenwood
+#0x90-03-b7-6c-89-aa  ==> Name: Parrot ASTEROID
+#0x30-c3-d9-85-34-ce  ==> Name: MB Bluetooth 84389
+#0x00-02-5b-00-85-ca  ==> Naae: HATS_00025B0085E9
+B8:AD:3E = Address_Based
+LG HBSA100 = Name_Based
+LG HBS1100 = Name_Based
+00:18:09 = Address_Based
+MDR-XB80BS = Name_Based
+7C:04:D0 = Address_Based
+AirPods = Name_Based
+48:D6:D5 = Address_Based
+Pixel Buds 7943 = Name_Based
+8C:DE:52 = Address_Based
+SRS-X33 = Name_Based
+04:5D:4B = Address_Based
+WH-1000XM2 = Name_Based
+h.ear (MDR-100ABN) = Name_Based
+WI-1000X = Name_Based
+WH-H800 (h.ear) = Name_Based
+MDR-1000X = Name_Based
+WI-H700 (h.ear) = Name_Based
+WH-H900N (h.ear) = Name_Based
+10:4F:A8 = Address_Based
+MDR-1ABT = Name_Based
+h.ear (MDR-EX750BT) = Name_Based
+AC:9B:0A = Address_Based
+MDR-ZX770BN = Name_Based
+04:52:C7 = Address_Based
+Bose QuietComfort 35 = Name_Based
+94:B2:CC = Address_Based
+AVH-X5890BT = Name_Based
+74:5E:1C = Address_Based
+AVH-X5790BT = Name_Based
+00:1D:86 = Address_Based
+Car Multimedia = Name_Based
+DDX6 = Name_Based
+90:03:B7 = Address_Based
+Parrot ASTEROID = Name_Based
+0C:E0:E4 = Address_Based
+PLT_BBTPRO = Name_Based
+A4:15:66 = Address_Based
+Tracks Air = Name_Based
+00:1A:7D = Address_Based
+66 Audio BTS = Name_Based
+88:E6:03 = Address_Based
+XB10 = Name_Based
+B8:69:C2 = Address_Based
+SRS-XB3 = Name_Based
+30:C3:D9 = Address_Based
+MB Bluetooth 84389 = Name_Based
+00:02:5B = Address_Based
+HATS_00025B0085E9 = Name_Based
+#E0:D1:E6 = Address_Based
+#00:18:6b = Address_Based
+#20:3c:ae = Address_Based
+#04:88:e2 = Address_Based
+#4c:32:75 = Address_Based
+#00:14:07 = Address_Based
+#94:20:53 = Address_Based
+# Devices requiring this workaround do not handle Bluetooth PBAP 1.2
+# version correctly, leading them to go in bad state. So for better
+# interoperability respond with PBAP 1.1 as supported version.
+# Devices requiring this workaround do not handle Bluetooth PBAP 1.1
+# version correctly, leading them to go in bad state. So for better
+# interoperability respond with PBAP 1.2 as supported version.
+# Devices requiring this workaround do not handle SSR max latency values as mentioned,
+# in their SDP HID Record properly and lead to connection timeout or lags. To prevent
+# such scenarios, device requiring this workaorund need to use specific ssr max latency
+# values.
+00:1B:DC-0x0012 = SSR_Max_Lat_Based
+DC:2C:26-0x0000 = SSR_Max_Lat_Based
+54:46:6B-0x0001 = SSR_Max_Lat_Based
+#Some device reports support for hf indicator, but it's HFP version as 1.5. The
+#behaviour violates spec and shall cause problem when DUT support HFP1.7, thus
+#blacklisting such devices and remove remote's hf indicator bit if not support HFP1.7.
+98:7b:f3 = Address_Based
+#Ensure that call active indicator is sent prior to SCO connection
+#request by adding some delay. Some remotes are very strict in the
+#order of call indicator and SCO connection request.
+#1 04:52:c7 - Bose Mini II sound link
+04:52:c7 = Address_Based
+# Some remotes ara taking longer to respond to +BCS during codec negotiation.
+# Disable codec negotiation and directly initiate SCO connection for those.
+# 1. M12 - 00:08:8a:f0:1d:8a
+00:08:8a = Address_Based
+JABRA EASYGO = Name_Based
+# Disallow sending Player Application Setting Commands for some CK as they are unable
+# to send Passthrough Command while Streaming is in progress
+# Porsche Panamera :: 74:6f:f7:8c:bf:61
+# BMW X3 :: a0:56:b2:4f:86:a8
+00:09:93 = Address_Based
+74:6f:f7 = Address_Based
+A0:56:B2 = Address_Based
+# Do not use supervision timeout value received from preferred connection
+# parameters, use 3s instead. Use with HID only.
+08:62:66 = Address_Based
+38:2C:4A:C9 = Address_Based
+38:2C:4A:E6 = Address_Based
+54:A0:50:D9 = Address_Based
+AC:9E:17 = Address_Based
+F0:79:59 = Address_Based
+# Do not use AVDTP RECONFIGURE when reconfiguring A2DP streams.
+# Some A2DP Sink devices report SUCCESS to the AVDTP RECONFIGURE command,
+# but fail to play the reconfigured audio stream.
+00:1D:86 =  Address_Based
+KMM-BT51*HD = Name_Based
+Pixel C Keyboard = Name_Based
+MiMouse = Name_Based
+HTC Fetch = Name_Based
+#Some LE devices have proven problematic behaviour if LE connection update is initiated with
+#them, resulting in no response after initiating LE connection update and ultimately resulting
+#in connection timeout. To avoid degrading the user experience with those devices,
+#LE connection update is not requested explictly for those devices.
+LG Lighting = Name_Based
+KS_5w4Zu = Name_Based
+ZUK = Name_Based
+ITAG = Name_Based
+Pokemon GO Plus = Name_Based
+#Few remote sends avrcp browsing request just after host sends avrcp browsing request leading
+#collision which results in browsing channel open failure. For such devices, collision timer
+#of 1 sec is used avoid collision.
+#Porsche Macan 2018 :: 2c:dc:ad:08:91:89
+#Porsche Panamera  :: 74:6f:f7:8c:bf:61
+2c:dc:ad:08 = Address_Based
+74:6f:f7 = Address_Based
diff --git a/system/system/etc/boot-image.prof b/system/system/etc/boot-image.prof
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..11a4b7289332d1661d57e49871c1abfaa63245ac
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/etc/boot-image.prof differ
diff --git a/system/system/etc/bpf/bpf_kern.o b/system/system/etc/bpf/bpf_kern.o
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2815e0de822effa558f479a7a934b1db0f2ef842
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/etc/bpf/bpf_kern.o differ
diff --git a/system/system/etc/cdma_call_conf.xml b/system/system/etc/cdma_call_conf.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dd4b96c589c79037a7c102878dc634f1b27cdf84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/cdma_call_conf.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+** Copyright (c) 2013,2015-2016 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+** All Rights Reserved.
+** Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+<!-- If you edit this version, also edit the version in the partner-supplied
+    cdma_call_conf.xml configuration file -->
+<calloptions version="1">
+    <!--Call Forwarding Unconditional(CFU) -->
+    <!-- activation code for other number -->
+    <option carrier="China Telecom"
+         mcc="460"
+         mnc="03"
+         number="*72"
+         type="0"
+         category="1"
+         state="1"
+    />
+    <!-- de-activation code for other number -->
+    <option carrier="China Telecom"
+         mcc="460"
+         mnc="03"
+         number="*720"
+         type="0"
+         category="1"
+         state="0"
+    />
+    <!--activation code for voicemail -->
+    <option carrier="China Telecom"
+         mcc="460"
+         mnc="03"
+         number="*72"
+         type="0"
+         category="2"
+         state="1"
+    />
+    <!-- de-activation code for voicemail -->
+    <option carrier="China Telecom"
+         mcc="460"
+         mnc="03"
+         number="*720"
+         type="0"
+         category="2"
+         state="0"
+    />
+    <!-- Call Forwarding Busy(CFB)-->
+    <!-- activation code for other number -->
+    <option carrier="China Telecom"
+         mcc="460"
+         mnc="03"
+         number="*90"
+         type="1"
+         category="1"
+         state="1"
+    />
+    <!-- de-activation code for other number -->
+    <option carrier="China Telecom"
+         mcc="460"
+         mnc="03"
+         number="*900"
+         type="1"
+         category="1"
+         state="0"
+    />
+    <!--activation code for voicemail -->
+    <option carrier="China Telecom"
+         mcc="460"
+         mnc="03"
+         number="*90"
+         type="1"
+         category="2"
+         state="1"
+    />
+    <!-- de-activation code for voicemail -->
+    <option carrier="China Telecom"
+         mcc="460"
+         mnc="03"
+         number="*900"
+         type="1"
+         category="2"
+         state="0"
+    />
+    <!-- Call Forwarding Not Reachable(CFNR)-->
+    <!-- activation code for other number -->
+    <option carrier="China Telecom"
+         mcc="460"
+         mnc="03"
+         number="*68"
+         type="3"
+         category="1"
+         state="1"
+    />
+    <!-- de-activation code for other number -->
+    <option carrier="China Telecom"
+         mcc="460"
+         mnc="03"
+         number="*680"
+         type="3"
+         category="1"
+         state="0"
+    />
+    <!--activation code for voicemail -->
+    <option carrier="China Telecom"
+         mcc="460"
+         mnc="03"
+         number="*68"
+         type="3"
+         category="2"
+         state="1"
+    />
+    <!-- de-activation code for voicemail -->
+    <option carrier="China Telecom"
+         mcc="460"
+         mnc="03"
+         number="*680"
+         type="3"
+         category="2"
+         state="0"
+    />
+    <!-- Call Forwarding Not Answer(CFNA)-->
+    <!-- activation code for other number -->
+    <option carrier="China Telecom"
+         mcc="460"
+         mnc="03"
+         number="*92"
+         type="2"
+         category="1"
+         state="1"
+    />
+    <!-- de-activation code for other number -->
+    <option carrier="China Telecom"
+         mcc="460"
+         mnc="03"
+         number="*920"
+         type="2"
+         category="1"
+         state="0"
+    />
+    <!--activation code for voicemail -->
+    <option carrier="China Telecom"
+         mcc="460"
+         mnc="03"
+         number="*92"
+         type="2"
+         category="2"
+         state="1"
+    />
+    <!-- de-activation code for voicemail -->
+    <option carrier="China Telecom"
+         mcc="460"
+         mnc="03"
+         number="*920"
+         type="2"
+         category="2"
+         state="0"
+    />
+    <!-- De-activate all CF Service -->
+    <option carrier="China Telecom"
+         mcc="460"
+         mnc="03"
+         number="*730"
+         type="4"
+         category="1"
+         state="0"
+    />
+    <!-- Call waiting -->
+    <!-- Activate call waiting -->
+    <option carrier="China Telecom"
+         mcc="460"
+         mnc="03"
+         number="*74"
+         type="6"
+         state="1"
+    />
+    <!-- Deactivate call waiting-->
+    <option carrier="China Telecom"
+         mcc="460"
+         mnc="03"
+         number="*740"
+         type="6"
+         state="0"
+    />
+    <!-- End of China Telecom -->
diff --git a/system/system/etc/clatd.conf b/system/system/etc/clatd.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ff80975ea61b3595d96f46f95ee2ad9673c552df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/clatd.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Host IID to use as the source of CLAT traffic.
+# This is a /128 taken out of the /64 on the parent interface.
+# A host IID of :: means to generate a checksum-neutral, random IID.
+ipv6_host_id ::
+# IPv4 address configuration to use when selecting a host address. The first
+# clat daemon started will use the address specified by ipv4_local_subnet. If
+# more than one daemon is run at the same time, subsequent daemons will use
+# other addresses in the prefix of length ipv4_local prefixlen that contains
+# ipv4_local_subnet. The default is to use the IANA-assigned range,
+# which allows up to 8 clat daemons (.4, .5, .6, .7, .0, .1, .2, .3).
+ipv4_local_prefixlen 29
+# get the plat_subnet from dns lookups (requires DNS64)
+plat_from_dns64 yes
+# hostname to use to lookup plat subnet. must contain only A records
+plat_from_dns64_hostname ipv4only.arpa
+# plat subnet to send ipv4 traffic to. This is a /96 subnet.
+# This setting only makes sense with: plat_from_dns64 no
+#plat_subnet 2001:db8:1:2:3:4::
diff --git a/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/AU.xml b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/AU.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8cdb39af5c2806e18724996fbde712e89770893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/AU.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<resources xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+  <job_id>58769</job_id>
+  <config_version>2</config_version>
+  <string-array name="hidden_system_packages">
+    <item>com.asus.brapp</item>
+    <item>com.asus.zenimoji.overlay</item>
+    <item>com.atok.mobile.im.asus.service</item>
+    <item>com.generalmobi.go2pay</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.mfinancehkbold</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.myinghei18030m</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.myuppyhkmedium</item>
+    <item>com.yandex.browser</item>
+    <item>id.co.babe</item>
+    <item>jp.co.daj.consumer.ifilter.aflauncher</item>
+    <item>jp.ebookjapan.apptoebookjapan</item>
+    <item>jp.ebookjapan.ebireader</item>
+    <item>ru.yandex.searchplugin</item>
+  </string-array>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/BH.xml b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/BH.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8cdb39af5c2806e18724996fbde712e89770893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/BH.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<resources xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+  <job_id>58769</job_id>
+  <config_version>2</config_version>
+  <string-array name="hidden_system_packages">
+    <item>com.asus.brapp</item>
+    <item>com.asus.zenimoji.overlay</item>
+    <item>com.atok.mobile.im.asus.service</item>
+    <item>com.generalmobi.go2pay</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.mfinancehkbold</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.myinghei18030m</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.myuppyhkmedium</item>
+    <item>com.yandex.browser</item>
+    <item>id.co.babe</item>
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+    <item>com.generalmobi.go2pay</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.mfinancehkbold</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.myinghei18030m</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.myuppyhkmedium</item>
+    <item>com.yandex.browser</item>
+    <item>id.co.babe</item>
+    <item>jp.co.daj.consumer.ifilter.aflauncher</item>
+    <item>jp.ebookjapan.apptoebookjapan</item>
+    <item>jp.ebookjapan.ebireader</item>
+    <item>ru.yandex.searchplugin</item>
+  </string-array>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/TR.xml b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/TR.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8cdb39af5c2806e18724996fbde712e89770893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/TR.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<resources xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+  <job_id>58769</job_id>
+  <config_version>2</config_version>
+  <string-array name="hidden_system_packages">
+    <item>com.asus.brapp</item>
+    <item>com.asus.zenimoji.overlay</item>
+    <item>com.atok.mobile.im.asus.service</item>
+    <item>com.generalmobi.go2pay</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.mfinancehkbold</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.myinghei18030m</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.myuppyhkmedium</item>
+    <item>com.yandex.browser</item>
+    <item>id.co.babe</item>
+    <item>jp.co.daj.consumer.ifilter.aflauncher</item>
+    <item>jp.ebookjapan.apptoebookjapan</item>
+    <item>jp.ebookjapan.ebireader</item>
+    <item>ru.yandex.searchplugin</item>
+  </string-array>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/TW.xml b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/TW.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5e45c6e4b99d3e542c4930d102a92d4fd0060408
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/TW.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<resources xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+  <job_id>58769</job_id>
+  <config_version>2</config_version>
+  <string-array name="hidden_system_packages">
+    <item>com.asus.brapp</item>
+    <item>com.asus.zenimoji.overlay</item>
+    <item>com.atok.mobile.im.asus.service</item>
+    <item>com.generalmobi.go2pay</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.felbridge</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.syndor</item>
+    <item>com.yandex.browser</item>
+    <item>id.co.babe</item>
+    <item>jp.co.daj.consumer.ifilter.aflauncher</item>
+    <item>jp.ebookjapan.apptoebookjapan</item>
+    <item>jp.ebookjapan.ebireader</item>
+    <item>ru.yandex.searchplugin</item>
+  </string-array>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/US.xml b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/US.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1a3b1cc9d6d723329240449d287634fea0ce476e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/US.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<resources xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+  <job_id>58769</job_id>
+  <config_version>2</config_version>
+  <string-array name="hidden_system_packages">
+    <item>com.asus.brapp</item>
+    <item>com.asus.zenimoji.overlay</item>
+    <item>com.atok.mobile.im.asus.service</item>
+    <item>com.ecareme.asuswebstorage</item>
+    <item>com.facebook.appmanager</item>
+    <item>com.facebook.katana</item>
+    <item>com.facebook.orca</item>
+    <item>com.facebook.system</item>
+    <item>com.generalmobi.go2pay</item>
+    <item>com.instagram.android</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.mfinancehkbold</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.myinghei18030m</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.myuppyhkmedium</item>
+    <item>com.yandex.browser</item>
+    <item>id.co.babe</item>
+    <item>jp.co.daj.consumer.ifilter.aflauncher</item>
+    <item>jp.ebookjapan.apptoebookjapan</item>
+    <item>jp.ebookjapan.ebireader</item>
+    <item>ru.yandex.searchplugin</item>
+  </string-array>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/VN.xml b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/VN.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8cdb39af5c2806e18724996fbde712e89770893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/VN.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<resources xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+  <job_id>58769</job_id>
+  <config_version>2</config_version>
+  <string-array name="hidden_system_packages">
+    <item>com.asus.brapp</item>
+    <item>com.asus.zenimoji.overlay</item>
+    <item>com.atok.mobile.im.asus.service</item>
+    <item>com.generalmobi.go2pay</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.mfinancehkbold</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.myinghei18030m</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.myuppyhkmedium</item>
+    <item>com.yandex.browser</item>
+    <item>id.co.babe</item>
+    <item>jp.co.daj.consumer.ifilter.aflauncher</item>
+    <item>jp.ebookjapan.apptoebookjapan</item>
+    <item>jp.ebookjapan.ebireader</item>
+    <item>ru.yandex.searchplugin</item>
+  </string-array>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/WW.xml b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/WW.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8cdb39af5c2806e18724996fbde712e89770893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CountryCode/WW.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<resources xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+  <job_id>58769</job_id>
+  <config_version>2</config_version>
+  <string-array name="hidden_system_packages">
+    <item>com.asus.brapp</item>
+    <item>com.asus.zenimoji.overlay</item>
+    <item>com.atok.mobile.im.asus.service</item>
+    <item>com.generalmobi.go2pay</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.mfinancehkbold</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.myinghei18030m</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.myuppyhkmedium</item>
+    <item>com.yandex.browser</item>
+    <item>id.co.babe</item>
+    <item>jp.co.daj.consumer.ifilter.aflauncher</item>
+    <item>jp.ebookjapan.apptoebookjapan</item>
+    <item>jp.ebookjapan.ebireader</item>
+    <item>ru.yandex.searchplugin</item>
+  </string-array>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CustomerID/ACJ.xml b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CustomerID/ACJ.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a0212de98327b847d435cafb92aa1f544c7f9a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/CustomerID/ACJ.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<resources xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+  <job_id>58769</job_id>
+  <config_version>2</config_version>
+  <string-array name="hidden_system_packages">
+    <item>com.asus.brapp</item>
+    <item>com.asus.zenimoji.overlay</item>
+    <item>com.asus.zentalk</item>
+    <item>com.generalmobi.go2pay</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.mfinancehkbold</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.myinghei18030m</item>
+    <item>com.monotype.android.font.myuppyhkmedium</item>
+    <item>com.yandex.browser</item>
+    <item>id.co.babe</item>
+    <item>ru.yandex.searchplugin</item>
+  </string-array>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/etc/cust_pms/applications.xml b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/applications.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4cf9020be8b8d96fe933ab5d06843c36ded065d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/applications.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<resources xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+  <job_id>58769</job_id>
+  <config_version>2</config_version>
+  <string-array name="sticky_system_packages">
+    <item>com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver</item>
+    <item>com.android.emergency</item>
+    <item>com.android.providers.contacts</item>
+    <item>com.android.providers.media</item>
+    <item>com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks</item>
+    <item>com.android.settings</item>
+    <item>com.android.settings.intelligence</item>
+    <item>com.android.systemui</item>
+    <item>com.asus.as</item>
+    <item>com.asus.asusincallui</item>
+    <item>com.asus.camera</item>
+    <item>com.asus.configupdater</item>
+    <item>com.asus.dm</item>
+    <item>com.asus.filemanager</item>
+    <item>com.asus.fmservice</item>
+    <item>com.asus.focusapplistener</item>
+    <item>com.asus.gamewidget.service</item>
+    <item>com.asus.hardwarestub</item>
+    <item>com.asus.inadvertentTouch</item>
+    <item>com.asus.livedemoservice</item>
+    <item>com.asus.lockscreen2</item>
+    <item>com.asus.loguploader</item>
+    <item>com.asus.loguploaderproxy</item>
+    <item>com.asus.maxxaudio</item>
+    <item>com.asus.mobilemanagerservice</item>
+    <item>com.asus.nextapp</item>
+    <item>com.asus.nextappcore</item>
+    <item>com.asus.packageinstaller</item>
+    <item>com.asus.powersaver</item>
+    <item>com.asus.setupwizard</item>
+    <item>com.asus.shim</item>
+    <item>com.asus.smartreading</item>
+    <item>com.asus.splendidcommandagent</item>
+    <item>com.asus.stitchimage</item>
+    <item>com.asus.stitchimage.service</item>
+    <item>com.asus.sysdiagnostic</item>
+    <item>com.asus.system.api</item>
+    <item>com.asus.twinapps</item>
+    <item>com.asus.twinappsservice</item>
+    <item>com.asus.UpdateLauncher</item>
+    <item>com.asus.visualmaster</item>
+    <item>com.asus.zenimoji</item>
+    <item>com.asus.zenimoji.overlay</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.apps.docs.oem</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.packageinstaller</item>
+  </string-array>
+  <string-array name="protected_system_packages">
+    <item>com.amax.livewallpaper.parallaxwallpaper</item>
+    <item>com.android.chrome</item>
+    <item>com.android.providers.blockednumber</item>
+    <item>com.android.vending</item>
+    <item>com.asus.brapp</item>
+    <item>com.asus.browsergenie</item>
+    <item>com.asus.calculator</item>
+    <item>com.asus.contacts</item>
+    <item>com.asus.deskclock</item>
+    <item>com.asus.easylauncher</item>
+    <item>com.asus.emergencyhelp</item>
+    <item>com.asus.ephotoburst</item>
+    <item>com.asus.faceunlockservice</item>
+    <item>com.asus.fmradio</item>
+    <item>com.asus.gallery</item>
+    <item>com.asus.gamewidget</item>
+    <item>com.asus.ia.asusapp</item>
+    <item>com.asus.kidslauncher</item>
+    <item>com.asus.launcher</item>
+    <item>com.asus.livedemo</item>
+    <item>com.asus.maxxaudio.audiowizard</item>
+    <item>com.asus.mobilemanager</item>
+    <item>com.asus.providers.partnerhomepage</item>
+    <item>com.asus.selfiemaster</item>
+    <item>com.asus.sensorapi.service</item>
+    <item>com.asus.soundrecorder</item>
+    <item>com.asus.splendid</item>
+    <item>com.asus.sysmonitor</item>
+    <item>com.asus.taskwidget</item>
+    <item>com.asus.themeapp</item>
+    <item>com.asus.userfeedback</item>
+    <item>com.asus.weathertime</item>
+    <item>com.asus.zentalk</item>
+    <item>com.atok.mobile.im.asus.service</item>
+    <item>com.facebook.appmanager</item>
+    <item>com.facebook.services</item>
+    <item>com.facebook.system</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.apps.docs</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.apps.maps</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.apps.messaging</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.apps.photos</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.apps.restore</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.apps.tachyon</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.backuptransport</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.calendar</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.configupdater</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.ext.services</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.ext.shared</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.feedback</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.gm</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.gms</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.gms.policy_sidecar_aps</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.gsf</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.ims</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.inputmethod.latin</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.marvin.talkback</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.music</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.onetimeinitializer</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.partnersetup</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.printservice.recommendation</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.setupwizard</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.syncadapters.calendar</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.tts</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.videos</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.webview</item>
+    <item>com.google.android.youtube</item>
+    <item>com.google.ar.lens</item>
+    <item>google</item>
+  </string-array>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/etc/cust_pms/retiredApps.xml b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/retiredApps.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6f04f5ff1bddf9ae8343e24acbcd8a1a912ada1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/retiredApps.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<resources xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+  <string-array name="retired_packages">
+    <item>com.asus.flashlight</item>
+  </string-array>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/cust_pms/systemProperties.xml b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/systemProperties.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b974102c65df79f682825922a4f1cb915383958e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/cust_pms/systemProperties.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<resources xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+  <!-- <system-property name="property.show.sample_app" default-value="false" value="true">com.asus.sampleAspp</system-property> -->
diff --git a/system/system/etc/default-permissions/default-permissions-google.xml b/system/system/etc/default-permissions/default-permissions-google.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0e547fb60ee2a82dd1d04b79a044b10efb802885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/default-permissions/default-permissions-google.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2016 Google Inc.
+    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+    limitations under the License.
+    This file contains permissions to be granted by default. Default
+    permissions are granted to special platform components and to apps
+    that are approved to get default grants. The special components
+    are apps that are expected tto work out-of-the-box as they provide
+    core use cases such as default dialer, default email, etc. These
+    grants are managed by the platform. The apps that are additionally
+    approved for default grants are ones that provide carrier specific
+    functionality, ones legally required at some location, ones providing
+    alternative disclosure and opt-out UI, ones providing highlight features
+    of a dedicated device, etc. This file contains only the latter exceptions.
+    Fixed permissions cannot be controlled by the user and need a special
+    approval. Typically these are to ensure either legally mandated functions
+    or the app is considered a part of the OS.
+    <exception
+            package="com.google.android.apps.restore"
+            sha256-cert-digest="56:BE:13:2B:78:06:56:FE:24:44:CD:34:32:6E:B5:D7:AA:C9:1D:20:96:AB:F0:FE:67:3A:99:27:06:22:EC:87">
+        <!-- External storage -->
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" fixed="false"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" fixed="false"/>
+        <!-- Contacts -->
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" fixed="false"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS" fixed="false"/>
+    </exception>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/default-permissions/default-permissions.xml b/system/system/etc/default-permissions/default-permissions.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9d0ba1ee7668dd8da577094755d714d99f9abc4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/default-permissions/default-permissions.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2016 Google Inc.
+    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+    limitations under the License.
+    This file contains permissions to be granted by default. Default
+    permissions are granted to special platform components and to apps
+    that are approved to get default grants. The special components
+    are apps that are expected tto work out-of-the-box as they provide
+    core use cases such as default dialer, default email, etc. These
+    grants are managed by the platform. The apps that are additionally
+    approved for default grants are ones that provide carrier specific
+    functionality, ones legally required at some location, ones providing
+    alternative disclosure and opt-out UI, ones providing highlight features
+    of a dedicated device, etc. This file contains only the latter exceptions.
+    Fixed permissions cannot be controlled by the user and need a special
+    approval. Typically these are to ensure either legally mandated functions
+    or the app is considered a part of the OS.
+    <!-- This is an example of an exception:
+    <exception
+        package="foo.bar.permission"
+      <permission name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" fixed="true"/>
+      <permission name="android.permission.READ_CALENDAR" fixed="false"/>
+    </exception>
+    -->
+    <exception
+        package="com.asus.asusincallui">
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" fixed="false"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" fixed="false"/>
+    </exception>
+    <!--2016.06.17 Google approves to pregrant LOCATION_PERMISSIONS for AsusCamera -->
+    <exception
+        package="com.asus.camera">
+        <permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" fixed="false"/>
+    </exception>
+    <!--2016.06.17 Google approves to pregrant CAMERA_PERMISSIONS and READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE for AsusContacts -->
+    <exception
+        package="com.asus.contacts">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CAMERA" fixed="false"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" fixed="false"/>
+    </exception>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/devconf.json b/system/system/etc/devconf.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..695289488ee8477af951a6624b58b68b11222226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/devconf.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+	{
+		"topic": "updatelauncher",
+		"alias": "ASUS_Z01R_1=Z01R"
+	}
diff --git a/system/system/etc/dirty-image-objects b/system/system/etc/dirty-image-objects
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b4d199dc723dc3ef353757e63fb5580944bdda1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/dirty-image-objects
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Dirty-image-objects file for boot image.
+# Objects in this file are known dirty at runtime. Current this includes:
+#   - classes with known dirty static fields.
+# The image writer will bin these objects together in the image.
+# This file can be generated using imgdiag with a command such as:
+#   adb shell imgdiag --image-diff-pid=<app pid> --zygote-diff-pid=<zygote pid> \
+#     --boot-image=/system/framework/boot.art --dump-dirty-objects
+# Then, grep for lines containing "Private dirty object" from the output.
+# This particular file was generated by dumping systemserver and systemui.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/dpm/dpm.conf b/system/system/etc/dpm/dpm.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34b6daecc8cb8ac1497330fba7764e6afdb4490e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/dpm/dpm.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#configuration parameters for DPM Fast Dormancy and TCM module.
+#Configuration params for FD
+#delay_time while issuing dormancy_request
+#Idle timer value when SCREEN state is ON
+#dpm_fd_screen_on_idle_timer_value = actual_screen_on_timer + delay_time
+#Idle timer value when SCREEN state is OFF
+#dpm_fd_screen_off_idle_timer_value = actual_screen_off_timer + delay_time
+#Idle timer value when TETHERING is ON
+#This takes precedence over SCREEN state
+#FastDormancy can be configured for a network type
+#Default configuration 101000011100001000
+#Configuration params for TCM
+#Idle timer value when SCREEN state is ON
+#min : 1s and max :256s
+#Idle timer value when SCREEN state is OFF
+#min : 2s and max :256s
+#TCM can be configured for a network type
+#Default configuration 11111111111111111110
+#FastDormancy and TCM can be configured for a network type
+#configuration params for Dormancy manager
+#first larger inactivity soft timer to poll for dormancy in seconds.
+#second smaller inactivity soft timer to poll for dormancy in seconds.
+#number of times T2 can be repeated before registering for dormancy indication with modem directly.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/event-log-tags b/system/system/etc/event-log-tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0023a18c7419c01c49c2cec3e39e85b5467bfb85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/event-log-tags
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+42 answer (to life the universe etc|3)
+314 pi
+1003 auditd (avc|3)
+1004 chatty (dropped|3)
+1005 tag_def (tag|1),(name|3),(format|3)
+1006 liblog (dropped|1)
+2718 e
+2719 configuration_changed (config mask|1|5)
+2720 sync (id|3),(event|1|5),(source|1|5),(account|1|5)
+2721 cpu (total|1|6),(user|1|6),(system|1|6),(iowait|1|6),(irq|1|6),(softirq|1|6)
+2722 battery_level (level|1|6),(voltage|1|1),(temperature|1|1)
+2723 battery_status (status|1|5),(health|1|5),(present|1|5),(plugged|1|5),(technology|3)
+2724 power_sleep_requested (wakeLocksCleared|1|1)
+2725 power_screen_broadcast_send (wakelockCount|1|1)
+2726 power_screen_broadcast_done (on|1|5),(broadcastDuration|2|3),(wakelockCount|1|1)
+2727 power_screen_broadcast_stop (which|1|5),(wakelockCount|1|1)
+2728 power_screen_state (offOrOn|1|5),(becauseOfUser|1|5),(totalTouchDownTime|2|3),(touchCycles|1|1),(latency|1|3)
+2729 power_partial_wake_state (releasedorAcquired|1|5),(tag|3)
+2730 battery_discharge (duration|2|3),(minLevel|1|6),(maxLevel|1|6)
+2731 power_soft_sleep_requested (savedwaketimems|2)
+2732 storaged_disk_stats (type|3),(start_time|2|3),(end_time|2|3),(read_ios|2|1),(read_merges|2|1),(read_sectors|2|1),(read_ticks|2|3),(write_ios|2|1),(write_merges|2|1),(write_sectors|2|1),(write_ticks|2|3),(o_in_flight|2|1),(io_ticks|2|3),(io_in_queue|2|1)
+2733 storaged_emmc_info (mmc_ver|3),(eol|1),(lifetime_a|1),(lifetime_b|1)
+2739 battery_saver_mode (prevOffOrOn|1|5),(nowOffOrOn|1|5),(interactive|1|5),(features|3|5),(reason|1|5)
+2740 location_controller
+2741 force_gc (reason|3)
+2742 tickle (authority|3)
+2747 contacts_aggregation (aggregation time|2|3), (count|1|1)
+2748 cache_file_deleted (path|3)
+2749 storage_state (uuid|3),(old_state|1),(new_state|1),(usable|2),(total|2)
+2750 notification_enqueue (uid|1|5),(pid|1|5),(pkg|3),(id|1|5),(tag|3),(userid|1|5),(notification|3),(status|1)
+2751 notification_cancel (uid|1|5),(pid|1|5),(pkg|3),(id|1|5),(tag|3),(userid|1|5),(required_flags|1),(forbidden_flags|1),(reason|1|5),(listener|3)
+2752 notification_cancel_all (uid|1|5),(pid|1|5),(pkg|3),(userid|1|5),(required_flags|1),(forbidden_flags|1),(reason|1|5),(listener|3)
+2755 fstrim_start (time|2|3)
+2756 fstrim_finish (time|2|3)
+2802 watchdog (Service|3)
+2803 watchdog_proc_pss (Process|3),(Pid|1|5),(Pss|1|2)
+2804 watchdog_soft_reset (Process|3),(Pid|1|5),(MaxPss|1|2),(Pss|1|2),(Skip|3)
+2805 watchdog_hard_reset (Process|3),(Pid|1|5),(MaxPss|1|2),(Pss|1|2)
+2806 watchdog_pss_stats (EmptyPss|1|2),(EmptyCount|1|1),(BackgroundPss|1|2),(BackgroundCount|1|1),(ServicePss|1|2),(ServiceCount|1|1),(VisiblePss|1|2),(VisibleCount|1|1),(ForegroundPss|1|2),(ForegroundCount|1|1),(NoPssCount|1|1)
+2807 watchdog_proc_stats (DeathsInOne|1|1),(DeathsInTwo|1|1),(DeathsInThree|1|1),(DeathsInFour|1|1),(DeathsInFive|1|1)
+2808 watchdog_scheduled_reboot (Now|2|1),(Interval|1|3),(StartTime|1|3),(Window|1|3),(Skip|3)
+2809 watchdog_meminfo (MemFree|1|2),(Buffers|1|2),(Cached|1|2),(Active|1|2),(Inactive|1|2),(AnonPages|1|2),(Mapped|1|2),(Slab|1|2),(SReclaimable|1|2),(SUnreclaim|1|2),(PageTables|1|2)
+2810 watchdog_vmstat (runtime|2|3),(pgfree|1|1),(pgactivate|1|1),(pgdeactivate|1|1),(pgfault|1|1),(pgmajfault|1|1)
+2811 watchdog_requested_reboot (NoWait|1|1),(ScheduleInterval|1|3),(RecheckInterval|1|3),(StartTime|1|3),(Window|1|3),(MinScreenOff|1|3),(MinNextAlarm|1|3)
+2820 backup_data_changed (Package|3)
+2821 backup_start (Transport|3)
+2822 backup_transport_failure (Package|3)
+2823 backup_agent_failure (Package|3),(Message|3)
+2824 backup_package (Package|3),(Size|1|2)
+2825 backup_success (Packages|1|1),(Time|1|3)
+2826 backup_reset (Transport|3)
+2827 backup_initialize
+2828 backup_requested (Total|1|1),(Key-Value|1|1),(Full|1|1)
+2829 backup_quota_exceeded (Package|3)
+2830 restore_start (Transport|3),(Source|2|5)
+2831 restore_transport_failure
+2832 restore_agent_failure (Package|3),(Message|3)
+2833 restore_package (Package|3),(Size|1|2)
+2834 restore_success (Packages|1|1),(Time|1|3)
+2840 full_backup_package (Package|3)
+2841 full_backup_agent_failure (Package|3),(Message|3)
+2842 full_backup_transport_failure
+2843 full_backup_success (Package|3)
+2844 full_restore_package (Package|3)
+2845 full_backup_quota_exceeded (Package|3)
+2846 full_backup_cancelled (Package|3),(Message|3)
+2850 backup_transport_lifecycle (Transport|3),(Bound|1|1)
+2851 backup_transport_connection (Transport|3),(Connected|1|1)
+2900 rescue_note (uid|1),(count|1),(window|2)
+2901 rescue_level (level|1),(trigger_uid|1)
+2902 rescue_success (level|1)
+2903 rescue_failure (level|1),(msg|3)
+3000 boot_progress_start (time|2|3)
+3010 boot_progress_system_run (time|2|3)
+3020 boot_progress_preload_start (time|2|3)
+3030 boot_progress_preload_end (time|2|3)
+3040 boot_progress_ams_ready (time|2|3)
+3050 boot_progress_enable_screen (time|2|3)
+3060 boot_progress_pms_start (time|2|3)
+3070 boot_progress_pms_system_scan_start (time|2|3)
+3080 boot_progress_pms_data_scan_start (time|2|3)
+3090 boot_progress_pms_scan_end (time|2|3)
+3100 boot_progress_pms_ready (time|2|3)
+3110 unknown_sources_enabled (value|1)
+3120 pm_critical_info (msg|3)
+3121 pm_package_stats (manual_time|2|3),(quota_time|2|3),(manual_data|2|2),(quota_data|2|2),(manual_cache|2|2),(quota_cache|2|2)
+4000 calendar_upgrade_receiver (time|2|3)
+4100 contacts_upgrade_receiver (time|2|3)
+8000 job_deferred_execution (time|2|3)
+20003 dvm_lock_sample (process|3),(main|1|5),(thread|3),(time|1|3),(file|3),(line|1|5),(ownerfile|3),(ownerline|1|5),(sample_percent|1|6)
+20004 art_hidden_api_access (access_method|1),(flags|1),(class|3),(member|3),(type_signature|3)
+27390 battery_saving_stats (batterySaver|1|5),(interactive|1|5),(doze|1|5),(delta_duration|2|3),(delta_battery_drain|1|1),(delta_battery_drain_percent|1|6),(total_duration|2|3),(total_battery_drain|1|1),(total_battery_drain_percent|1|6)
+27391 user_activity_timeout_override (override|2|3)
+27392 battery_saver_setting (threshold|1)
+27500 notification_panel_revealed (items|1)
+27501 notification_panel_hidden
+27510 notification_visibility_changed (newlyVisibleKeys|3),(noLongerVisibleKeys|3)
+27511 notification_expansion (key|3),(user_action|1),(expanded|1),(lifespan|1),(freshness|1),(exposure|1)
+27520 notification_clicked (key|3),(lifespan|1),(freshness|1),(exposure|1),(rank|1),(count|1)
+27521 notification_action_clicked (key|3),(action_index|1),(lifespan|1),(freshness|1),(exposure|1),(rank|1),(count|1)
+27530 notification_canceled (key|3),(reason|1),(lifespan|1),(freshness|1),(exposure|1),(rank|1),(count|1),(listener|3)
+27531 notification_visibility (key|3),(visibile|1),(lifespan|1),(freshness|1),(exposure|1),(rank|1)
+27532 notification_alert (key|3),(buzz|1),(beep|1),(blink|1)
+27533 notification_autogrouped (key|3)
+30001 am_finish_activity (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
+30002 am_task_to_front (User|1|5),(Task|1|5)
+30003 am_new_intent (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Action|3),(MIME Type|3),(URI|3),(Flags|1|5)
+30004 am_create_task (User|1|5),(Task ID|1|5)
+30005 am_create_activity (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Action|3),(MIME Type|3),(URI|3),(Flags|1|5)
+30006 am_restart_activity (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3)
+30007 am_resume_activity (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3)
+30008 am_anr (User|1|5),(pid|1|5),(Package Name|3),(Flags|1|5),(reason|3)
+30009 am_activity_launch_time (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Component Name|3),(time|2|3)
+30010 am_proc_bound (User|1|5),(PID|1|5),(Process Name|3)
+30011 am_proc_died (User|1|5),(PID|1|5),(Process Name|3),(OomAdj|1|5),(ProcState|1|5)
+30012 am_failed_to_pause (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Wanting to pause|3),(Currently pausing|3)
+30013 am_pause_activity (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Component Name|3),(User Leaving|3)
+30014 am_proc_start (User|1|5),(PID|1|5),(UID|1|5),(Process Name|3),(Type|3),(Component|3)
+30015 am_proc_bad (User|1|5),(UID|1|5),(Process Name|3)
+30016 am_proc_good (User|1|5),(UID|1|5),(Process Name|3)
+30017 am_low_memory (Num Processes|1|1)
+30018 am_destroy_activity (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
+30019 am_relaunch_resume_activity (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3)
+30020 am_relaunch_activity (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3)
+30021 am_on_paused_called (User|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
+30022 am_on_resume_called (User|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
+30023 am_kill (User|1|5),(PID|1|5),(Process Name|3),(OomAdj|1|5),(Reason|3)
+30024 am_broadcast_discard_filter (User|1|5),(Broadcast|1|5),(Action|3),(Receiver Number|1|1),(BroadcastFilter|1|5)
+30025 am_broadcast_discard_app (User|1|5),(Broadcast|1|5),(Action|3),(Receiver Number|1|1),(App|3)
+30030 am_create_service (User|1|5),(Service Record|1|5),(Name|3),(UID|1|5),(PID|1|5)
+30031 am_destroy_service (User|1|5),(Service Record|1|5),(PID|1|5)
+30032 am_process_crashed_too_much (User|1|5),(Name|3),(PID|1|5)
+30033 am_drop_process (PID|1|5)
+30034 am_service_crashed_too_much (User|1|5),(Crash Count|1|1),(Component Name|3),(PID|1|5)
+30035 am_schedule_service_restart (User|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Time|2|3)
+30036 am_provider_lost_process (User|1|5),(Package Name|3),(UID|1|5),(Name|3)
+30037 am_process_start_timeout (User|1|5),(PID|1|5),(UID|1|5),(Process Name|3)
+30039 am_crash (User|1|5),(PID|1|5),(Process Name|3),(Flags|1|5),(Exception|3),(Message|3),(File|3),(Line|1|5)
+30040 am_wtf (User|1|5),(PID|1|5),(Process Name|3),(Flags|1|5),(Tag|3),(Message|3)
+30041 am_switch_user (id|1|5)
+30042 am_activity_fully_drawn_time (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Component Name|3),(time|2|3)
+30043 am_set_resumed_activity (User|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
+30044 am_focused_stack (User|1|5),(Focused Stack Id|1|5),(Last Focused Stack Id|1|5),(Reason|3)
+30045 am_pre_boot (User|1|5),(Package|3)
+30046 am_meminfo (Cached|2|2),(Free|2|2),(Zram|2|2),(Kernel|2|2),(Native|2|2)
+30047 am_pss (Pid|1|5),(UID|1|5),(Process Name|3),(Pss|2|2),(Uss|2|2),(SwapPss|2|2),(Rss|2|2),(StatType|1|5),(ProcState|1|5),(TimeToCollect|2|2)
+30048 am_stop_activity (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Component Name|3)
+30049 am_on_stop_called (User|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
+30050 am_mem_factor (Current|1|5),(Previous|1|5)
+30051 am_user_state_changed (id|1|5),(state|1|5)
+30052 am_uid_running (UID|1|5)
+30053 am_uid_stopped (UID|1|5)
+30054 am_uid_active (UID|1|5)
+30055 am_uid_idle (UID|1|5)
+30056 am_stop_idle_service (UID|1|5),(Component Name|3)
+30057 am_on_create_called (User|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
+30058 am_on_restart_called (User|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
+30059 am_on_start_called (User|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
+30060 am_on_destroy_called (User|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
+30061 am_remove_task (Task ID|1|5), (Stack ID|1|5)
+30062 am_on_activity_result_called (User|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
+31000 wm_no_surface_memory (Window|3),(PID|1|5),(Operation|3)
+31001 wm_task_created (TaskId|1|5),(StackId|1|5)
+31002 wm_task_moved (TaskId|1|5),(ToTop|1),(Index|1)
+31003 wm_task_removed (TaskId|1|5),(Reason|3)
+31004 wm_stack_created (StackId|1|5)
+31005 wm_home_stack_moved (ToTop|1)
+31006 wm_stack_removed (StackId|1|5)
+31007 wm_boot_animation_done (time|2|3)
+32000 imf_force_reconnect_ime (IME|4),(Time Since Connect|2|3),(Showing|1|1)
+33000 wp_wallpaper_crashed (component|3)
+34000 device_idle (state|1|5), (reason|3)
+34001 device_idle_step
+34002 device_idle_wake_from_idle (is_idle|1|5), (reason|3)
+34003 device_idle_on_start
+34004 device_idle_on_phase (what|3)
+34005 device_idle_on_complete
+34006 device_idle_off_start (reason|3)
+34007 device_idle_off_phase (what|3)
+34008 device_idle_off_complete
+34009 device_idle_light (state|1|5), (reason|3)
+34010 device_idle_light_step
+35000 auto_brightness_adj (old_lux|5),(old_brightness|5),(new_lux|5),(new_brightness|5)
+36000 sysui_statusbar_touch (type|1),(x|1),(y|1),(disable1|1),(disable2|1)
+36001 sysui_heads_up_status (key|3),(visible|1)
+36002 sysui_fullscreen_notification (key|3)
+36003 sysui_heads_up_escalation (key|3)
+36004 sysui_status_bar_state (state|1),(keyguardShowing|1),(keyguardOccluded|1),(bouncerShowing|1),(secure|1),(currentlyInsecure|1)
+36010 sysui_panelbar_touch (type|1),(x|1),(y|1),(enabled|1)
+36020 sysui_notificationpanel_touch (type|1),(x|1),(y|1)
+36021 sysui_lockscreen_gesture (type|1),(lengthDp|1),(velocityDp|1)
+36030 sysui_quickpanel_touch (type|1),(x|1),(y|1)
+36040 sysui_panelholder_touch (type|1),(x|1),(y|1)
+36050 sysui_searchpanel_touch (type|1),(x|1),(y|1)
+36060 sysui_recents_connection (type|1),(user|1)
+36070 sysui_latency (action|1|6),(latency|1|3)
+40000 volume_changed (stream|1), (prev_level|1), (level|1), (max_level|1), (caller|3)
+40001 stream_devices_changed (stream|1), (prev_devices|1), (devices|1)
+40100 camera_gesture_triggered (gesture_on_time|2|3), (sensor1_on_time|2|3), (sensor2_on_time|2|3), (event_extra|1|1)
+50000 menu_item_selected (Menu type where 0 is options and 1 is context|1|5),(Menu item title|3)
+50001 menu_opened (Menu type where 0 is options and 1 is context|1|5)
+50020 connectivity_state_changed (type|1),(subtype|1),(state|1)
+50021 wifi_state_changed (wifi_state|3)
+50022 wifi_event_handled (wifi_event|1|5)
+50023 wifi_supplicant_state_changed (supplicant_state|1|5)
+50080 ntp_success (server|3),(rtt|2),(offset|2)
+50081 ntp_failure (server|3),(msg|3)
+50100 pdp_bad_dns_address (dns_address|3)
+50101 pdp_radio_reset_countdown_triggered (out_packet_count|1|1)
+50102 pdp_radio_reset (out_packet_count|1|1)
+50103 pdp_context_reset (out_packet_count|1|1)
+50104 pdp_reregister_network (out_packet_count|1|1)
+50105 pdp_setup_fail (cause|1|5), (cid|1|5), (network_type|1|5)
+50106 call_drop (cause|1|5), (cid|1|5), (network_type|1|5)
+50107 data_network_registration_fail (op_numeric|1|5), (cid|1|5)
+50108 data_network_status_on_radio_off (dc_state|3), (enable|1|5)
+50109 pdp_network_drop (cid|1|5), (network_type|1|5)
+50110 cdma_data_setup_failed (cause|1|5), (cid|1|5), (network_type|1|5)
+50111 cdma_data_drop (cid|1|5), (network_type|1|5)
+50112 gsm_rat_switched (cid|1|5), (network_from|1|5), (network_to|1|5)
+50113 gsm_data_state_change (oldState|3), (newState|3)
+50114 gsm_service_state_change (oldState|1|5), (oldGprsState|1|5), (newState|1|5), (newGprsState|1|5)
+50115 cdma_data_state_change (oldState|3), (newState|3)
+50116 cdma_service_state_change (oldState|1|5), (oldDataState|1|5), (newState|1|5), (newDataState|1|5)
+50117 bad_ip_address (ip_address|3)
+50118 data_stall_recovery_get_data_call_list (out_packet_count|1|1)
+50119 data_stall_recovery_cleanup (out_packet_count|1|1)
+50120 data_stall_recovery_reregister (out_packet_count|1|1)
+50121 data_stall_recovery_radio_restart (out_packet_count|1|1)
+50122 data_stall_recovery_radio_restart_with_prop (out_packet_count|1|1)
+50123 gsm_rat_switched_new (cid|1|5), (network_from|1|5), (network_to|1|5)
+50125 exp_det_sms_denied_by_user (app_signature|3)
+50128 exp_det_sms_sent_by_user (app_signature|3)
+51100 netstats_mobile_sample (dev_rx_bytes|2|2),(dev_tx_bytes|2|2),(dev_rx_pkts|2|1),(dev_tx_pkts|2|1),(xt_rx_bytes|2|2),(xt_tx_bytes|2|2),(xt_rx_pkts|2|1),(xt_tx_pkts|2|1),(uid_rx_bytes|2|2),(uid_tx_bytes|2|2),(uid_rx_pkts|2|1),(uid_tx_pkts|2|1),(trusted_time|2|3)
+51101 netstats_wifi_sample (dev_rx_bytes|2|2),(dev_tx_bytes|2|2),(dev_rx_pkts|2|1),(dev_tx_pkts|2|1),(xt_rx_bytes|2|2),(xt_tx_bytes|2|2),(xt_rx_pkts|2|1),(xt_tx_pkts|2|1),(uid_rx_bytes|2|2),(uid_tx_bytes|2|2),(uid_rx_pkts|2|1),(uid_tx_pkts|2|1),(trusted_time|2|3)
+51200 lockdown_vpn_connecting (egress_net|1)
+51201 lockdown_vpn_connected (egress_net|1)
+51202 lockdown_vpn_error (egress_net|1)
+51300 config_install_failed (dir|3)
+51400 ifw_intent_matched (Intent Type|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Caller Uid|1|5),(Caller Pkg Count|1|1),(Caller Pkgs|3),(Action|3),(MIME Type|3),(URI|3),(Flags|1|5)
+51500 idle_maintenance_window_start (time|2|3), (lastUserActivity|2|3), (batteryLevel|1|6), (batteryCharging|1|5)
+51501 idle_maintenance_window_finish (time|2|3), (lastUserActivity|2|3), (batteryLevel|1|6), (batteryCharging|1|5)
+51600 timezone_trigger_check (token|3)
+51610 timezone_request_install (token|3)
+51611 timezone_install_started (token|3)
+51612 timezone_install_complete (token|3), (result|1)
+51620 timezone_request_uninstall (token|3)
+51621 timezone_uninstall_started (token|3)
+51622 timezone_uninstall_complete (token|3), (result|1)
+51630 timezone_request_nothing (token|3)
+51631 timezone_nothing_complete (token|3)
+51690 timezone_check_trigger_received (token_bytes|3)
+51691 timezone_check_read_from_data_app (token_bytes|3)
+51692 timezone_check_request_uninstall (token_bytes|3)
+51693 timezone_check_request_install (token_bytes|3)
+51694 timezone_check_request_nothing (token_bytes|3), (success|1)
+52000 db_sample (db|3),(sql|3),(time|1|3),(blocking_package|3),(sample_percent|1|6)
+52001 http_stats (useragent|3),(response|2|3),(processing|2|3),(tx|1|2),(rx|1|2)
+52002 content_query_sample (uri|3),(projection|3),(selection|3),(sortorder|3),(time|1|3),(blocking_package|3),(sample_percent|1|6)
+52003 content_update_sample (uri|3),(operation|3),(selection|3),(time|1|3),(blocking_package|3),(sample_percent|1|6)
+52004 binder_sample (descriptor|3),(method_num|1|5),(time|1|3),(blocking_package|3),(sample_percent|1|6)
+52100 unsupported_settings_query (uri|3),(selection|3),(whereArgs|3)
+52101 persist_setting_error (message|3)
+53000 harmful_app_warning_uninstall (package_name|3)
+53001 harmful_app_warning_launch_anyway (package_name|3)
+60000 viewroot_draw (Draw time|1|3)
+60001 viewroot_layout (Layout time|1|3)
+60002 view_build_drawing_cache (View created drawing cache|1|5)
+60003 view_use_drawing_cache (View drawn using bitmap cache|1|5)
+60100 sf_frame_dur (window|3),(dur0|1),(dur1|1),(dur2|1),(dur3|1),(dur4|1),(dur5|1),(dur6|1)
+60110 sf_stop_bootanim (time|2|3)
+65537 exp_det_netlink_failure (uid|1)
+70000 screen_toggled (screen_state|1|5)
+70101 browser_zoom_level_change (start level|1|5),(end level|1|5),(time|2|3)
+70102 browser_double_tap_duration (duration|1|3),(time|2|3)
+70150 browser_snap_center
+70151 exp_det_attempt_to_call_object_getclass (app_signature|3)
+70200 aggregation (aggregation time|2|3)
+70201 aggregation_test (field1|1|2),(field2|1|2),(field3|1|2),(field4|1|2),(field5|1|2)
+70220 gms_unknown
+70301 phone_ui_enter
+70302 phone_ui_exit
+70303 phone_ui_button_click (text|3)
+70304 phone_ui_ringer_query_elapsed
+70305 phone_ui_multiple_query
+71001 qsb_start (name|3),(version|1),(start_method|3),(latency|1|3),(search_source|3),(enabled_sources|3),(on_create_latency|1|3)
+71002 qsb_click (id|2),(suggestions|3),(queried_sources|3),(num_chars|1),(click_type|1)
+71003 qsb_search (search_source|3),(method|1),(num_chars|1)
+71004 qsb_voice_search (search_source|3)
+71005 qsb_exit (suggestions|3),(num_chars|1)
+71006 qsb_latency (corpus|3),(latency|1|3),(num_chars|1)
+75000 sqlite_mem_alarm_current (current|1|2)
+75001 sqlite_mem_alarm_max (max|1|2)
+75002 sqlite_mem_alarm_alloc_attempt (attempts|1|4)
+75003 sqlite_mem_released (Memory released|1|2)
+75004 sqlite_db_corrupt (Database file corrupt|3)
+76001 tts_speak_success (engine|3),(caller_uid|1),(caller_pid|1),(length|1),(locale|3),(rate|1),(pitch|1),(engine_latency|2|3),(engine_total|2|3),(audio_latency|2|3)
+76002 tts_speak_failure (engine|3),(caller_uid|1),(caller_pid|1),(length|1),(locale|3),(rate|1),(pitch|1)
+76003 tts_v2_speak_success (engine|3),(caller_uid|1),(caller_pid|1),(length|1),(request_config|3),(engine_latency|2|3),(engine_total|2|3),(audio_latency|2|3)
+76004 tts_v2_speak_failure (engine|3),(caller_uid|1),(caller_pid|1),(length|1),(request_config|3), (statusCode|1)
+78001 exp_det_dispatchCommand_overflow
+80100 bionic_event_memcpy_buffer_overflow (uid|1)
+80105 bionic_event_strcat_buffer_overflow (uid|1)
+80110 bionic_event_memmov_buffer_overflow (uid|1)
+80115 bionic_event_strncat_buffer_overflow (uid|1)
+80120 bionic_event_strncpy_buffer_overflow (uid|1)
+80125 bionic_event_memset_buffer_overflow (uid|1)
+80130 bionic_event_strcpy_buffer_overflow (uid|1)
+80200 bionic_event_strcat_integer_overflow (uid|1)
+80205 bionic_event_strncat_integer_overflow (uid|1)
+80300 bionic_event_resolver_old_response (uid|1)
+80305 bionic_event_resolver_wrong_server (uid|1)
+80310 bionic_event_resolver_wrong_query (uid|1)
+81002 dropbox_file_copy (FileName|3),(Size|1),(Tag|3)
+90100 exp_det_cert_pin_failure (certs|4)
+90200 lock_screen_type (type|3)
+90201 exp_det_device_admin_activated_by_user (app_signature|3)
+90202 exp_det_device_admin_declined_by_user (app_signature|3)
+90203 exp_det_device_admin_uninstalled_by_user (app_signature|3)
+90204 settings_latency (action|1|6),(latency|1|3)
+201001 system_update (status|1|5),(download_result|1|5),(bytes|2|2),(url|3)
+201002 system_update_user (action|3)
+202001 vending_reconstruct (changes|1)
+202901 transaction_event (data|3)
+203001 sync_details (authority|3),(send|1|2),(recv|1|2),(details|3)
+203002 google_http_request (elapsed|2|3),(status|1),(appname|3),(reused|1)
+204001 gtalkservice (eventType|1)
+204002 gtalk_connection (status|1)
+204003 gtalk_conn_close (status|1),(duration|1)
+204004 gtalk_heartbeat_reset (interval_and_nt|1),(ip|3)
+204005 c2dm (packet_type|1),(persistent_id|3),(stream_id|1),(last_stream_id|1)
+205001 setup_server_timeout
+205002 setup_required_captcha (action|3)
+205003 setup_io_error (status|3)
+205004 setup_server_error
+205005 setup_retries_exhausted
+205006 setup_no_data_network
+205007 setup_completed
+205008 gls_account_tried (status|1)
+205009 gls_account_saved (status|1)
+205010 gls_authenticate (status|1),(service|3)
+205011 google_mail_switch (direction|1)
+206001 snet (payload|3)
+206003 exp_det_snet (payload|3)
+208000 metrics_heartbeat
+210001 security_adb_shell_interactive
+210002 security_adb_shell_command (command|3)
+210003 security_adb_sync_recv (path|3)
+210004 security_adb_sync_send (path|3)
+210005 security_app_process_start (process|3),(start_time|2|3),(uid|1),(pid|1),(seinfo|3),(sha256|3)
+210006 security_keyguard_dismissed
+210007 security_keyguard_dismiss_auth_attempt (success|1),(method_strength|1)
+210008 security_keyguard_secured
+210009 security_os_startup (boot_state|3),(verity_mode|3)
+210010 security_os_shutdown
+210011 security_logging_started
+210012 security_logging_stopped
+210013 security_media_mounted (path|3),(label|3)
+210014 security_media_unmounted (path|3),(label|3)
+210015 security_log_buffer_size_critical
+210016 security_password_expiration_set (package|3),(admin_user|1),(target_user|1),(timeout|2|3)
+210017 security_password_complexity_set (package|3),(admin_user|1),(target_user|1),(length|1),(quality|1),(num_letters|1),(num_non_letters|1),(num_numeric|1),(num_uppercase|1),(num_lowercase|1),(num_symbols|1)
+210018 security_password_history_length_set (package|3),(admin_user|1),(target_user|1),(length|1)
+210019 security_max_screen_lock_timeout_set (package|3),(admin_user|1),(target_user|1),(timeout|2|3)
+210020 security_max_password_attempts_set (package|3),(admin_user|1),(target_user|1),(num_failures|1)
+210021 security_keyguard_disabled_features_set (package|3),(admin_user|1),(target_user|1),(features|1)
+210022 security_remote_lock (package|3),(admin_user|1),(target_user|1)
+210023 security_wipe_failed (package|3),(admin_user|1)
+210024 security_key_generated (success|1),(key_id|3),(uid|1)
+210025 security_key_imported (success|1),(key_id|3),(uid|1)
+210026 security_key_destroyed (success|1),(key_id|3),(uid|1)
+210027 security_user_restriction_added (package|3),(admin_user|1),(restriction|3)
+210028 security_user_restriction_removed (package|3),(admin_user|1),(restriction|3)
+210029 security_cert_authority_installed (success|1),(subject|3)
+210030 security_cert_authority_removed (success|1),(subject|3)
+210031 security_crypto_self_test_completed (success|1)
+210032 security_key_integrity_violation (key_id|3),(uid|1)
+210033 security_cert_validation_failure (reason|3)
+230000 service_manager_stats (call_count|1),(total_time|1|3),(duration|1|3)
+230001 service_manager_slow (time|1|3),(service|3)
+275534 notification_unautogrouped (key|3)
+300000 arc_system_event (event|3)
+524287 sysui_view_visibility (category|1|5),(visible|1|6)
+524288 sysui_action (category|1|5),(pkg|3)
+524290 sysui_count (name|3),(increment|1)
+524291 sysui_histogram (name|3),(bucket|1)
+524292 sysui_multi_action (content|4)
+525000 commit_sys_config_file (name|3),(time|2|3)
+1010000 bt_hci_timeout (opcode|1)
+1010001 bt_config_source (opcode|1)
+1010002 bt_hci_unknown_type (hci_type|1)
+1397638484 snet_event_log (subtag|3) (uid|1) (message|3)
+1937006964 stats_log (atom_id|1|5),(data|4)
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+0.05394 0.90013 0.04167
+0.02859 0.09400 0.88157
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+0.02115 0.08190 0.90138
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+0.02115 0.08190 0.90138
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+0.02115 0.08190 0.90138
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+0.02115 0.08190 0.90138
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+0.02115 0.08190 0.90138
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    WARNING: Parsing of this file by third-party apps is not supported. The
+    file, and the font files it refers to, will be renamed and/or moved out
+    from their respective location in the next Android release, and/or the
+    format or syntax of the file may change significantly. If you parse this
+    file for information about system fonts, do it at your own risk. Your
+    application will almost certainly break with the next major Android
+    release.
+    In this file, all fonts without names are added to the default list.
+    Fonts are chosen based on a match: full BCP-47 language tag including
+    script, then just language, and finally order (the first font containing
+    the glyph).
+    Order of appearance is also the tiebreaker for weight matching. This is
+    the reason why the 900 weights of Roboto precede the 700 weights - we
+    prefer the former when an 800 weight is requested. Since bold spans
+    effectively add 300 to the weight, this ensures that 900 is the bold
+    paired with the 500 weight, ensuring adequate contrast.
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+    <!-- first font is default -->
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+        <font weight="100" style="normal">Roboto-Thin.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="100" style="italic">Roboto-ThinItalic.ttf</font>
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+        <font weight="400" style="normal">Roboto-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="italic">Roboto-Italic.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="500" style="normal">Roboto-Medium.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="500" style="italic">Roboto-MediumItalic.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="900" style="normal">Roboto-Black.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="900" style="italic">Roboto-BlackItalic.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">Roboto-Bold.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="italic">Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <!-- Note that aliases must come after the fonts they reference. -->
+    <alias name="sans-serif-thin" to="sans-serif" weight="100" />
+    <alias name="sans-serif-light" to="sans-serif" weight="300" />
+    <alias name="sans-serif-medium" to="sans-serif" weight="500" />
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+        <font weight="300" style="normal">RobotoCondensed-Light.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="300" style="italic">RobotoCondensed-LightItalic.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="italic">RobotoCondensed-Italic.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="500" style="normal">RobotoCondensed-Medium.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="500" style="italic">RobotoCondensed-MediumItalic.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="italic">RobotoCondensed-BoldItalic.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <alias name="sans-serif-condensed-light" to="sans-serif-condensed" weight="300" />
+    <alias name="sans-serif-condensed-medium" to="sans-serif-condensed" weight="500" />
+    <family name="serif">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSerif-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSerif-Bold.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="italic">NotoSerif-Italic.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="italic">NotoSerif-BoldItalic.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <alias name="times" to="serif" />
+    <alias name="times new roman" to="serif" />
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+    <alias name="ITC Stone Serif" to="serif" />
+    <family name="monospace">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">DroidSansMono.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <alias name="sans-serif-monospace" to="monospace" />
+    <alias name="monaco" to="monospace" />
+    <family name="serif-monospace">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">CutiveMono.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <alias name="courier" to="serif-monospace" />
+    <alias name="courier new" to="serif-monospace" />
+    <family name="casual">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">ComingSoon.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family name="cursive">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">DancingScript-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">DancingScript-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family name="sans-serif-smallcaps">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">CarroisGothicSC-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family name="weatherfontReg">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">weatherfont-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family name="weatherfontReg2">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">weatherfont-Regular2.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+        <family name="weatherfontZenUI5">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">weatherfont-ZenUI5.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <!-- fallback fonts -->
+    <family>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">hkgcsh00d.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Arab" variant="elegant">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoNaskhArabic-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoNaskhArabic-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Arab" variant="compact">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoNaskhArabicUI-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoNaskhArabicUI-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Ethi">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansEthiopic-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansEthiopic-Bold.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifEthiopic-Regular.otf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifEthiopic-Bold.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Hebr">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansHebrew-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansHebrew-Bold.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifHebrew-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifHebrew-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Thai" variant="elegant">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansThai-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansThai-Bold.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifThai-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifThai-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Thai" variant="compact">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansThaiUI-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansThaiUI-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Armn">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansArmenian-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansArmenian-Bold.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifArmenian-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifArmenian-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Geor und-Geok">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansGeorgian-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansGeorgian-Bold.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifGeorgian-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifGeorgian-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Deva" variant="elegant">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansDevanagari-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansDevanagari-Bold.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifDevanagari-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifDevanagari-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Deva" variant="compact">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansDevanagariUI-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansDevanagariUI-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <!-- All scripts of India should come after Devanagari, due to shared
+         danda characters.
+    -->
+    <family lang="und-Gujr" variant="elegant">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansGujarati-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansGujarati-Bold.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifGujarati-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifGujarati-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Gujr" variant="compact">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansGujaratiUI-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansGujaratiUI-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Guru" variant="elegant">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansGurmukhi-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansGurmukhi-Bold.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifGurmukhi-Regular.otf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifGurmukhi-Bold.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Guru" variant="compact">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansGurmukhiUI-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansGurmukhiUI-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Taml" variant="elegant">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansTamil-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansTamil-Bold.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifTamil-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifTamil-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Taml" variant="compact">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansTamilUI-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansTamilUI-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Mlym" variant="elegant">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansMalayalam-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansMalayalam-Bold.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifMalayalam-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifMalayalam-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Mlym" variant="compact">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansMalayalamUI-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansMalayalamUI-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Beng" variant="elegant">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansBengali-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansBengali-Bold.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifBengali-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifBengali-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Beng" variant="compact">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansBengaliUI-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansBengaliUI-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Telu" variant="elegant">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansTelugu-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansTelugu-Bold.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifTelugu-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifTelugu-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Telu" variant="compact">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansTeluguUI-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansTeluguUI-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Knda" variant="elegant">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansKannada-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansKannada-Bold.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifKannada-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifKannada-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Knda" variant="compact">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansKannadaUI-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansKannadaUI-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Orya" variant="elegant">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansOriya-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansOriya-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Orya" variant="compact">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansOriyaUI-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansOriyaUI-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Sinh" variant="elegant">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansSinhala-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansSinhala-Bold.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifSinhala-Regular.otf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifSinhala-Bold.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Sinh" variant="compact">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansSinhalaUI-Regular.otf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansSinhalaUI-Bold.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Khmr" variant="elegant">
+        <font weight="100" style="normal">NotoSansKhmer-VF.ttf
+            <axis tag="wdth" stylevalue="100.0" />
+            <axis tag="wght" stylevalue="26.0" />
+        </font>
+        <font weight="200" style="normal">NotoSansKhmer-VF.ttf
+            <axis tag="wdth" stylevalue="100.0" />
+            <axis tag="wght" stylevalue="39.0" />
+        </font>
+        <font weight="300" style="normal">NotoSansKhmer-VF.ttf
+            <axis tag="wdth" stylevalue="100.0" />
+            <axis tag="wght" stylevalue="58.0" />
+        </font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansKhmer-VF.ttf
+            <axis tag="wdth" stylevalue="100.0" />
+            <axis tag="wght" stylevalue="90.0" />
+        </font>
+        <font weight="500" style="normal">NotoSansKhmer-VF.ttf
+            <axis tag="wdth" stylevalue="100.0" />
+            <axis tag="wght" stylevalue="108.0" />
+        </font>
+        <font weight="600" style="normal">NotoSansKhmer-VF.ttf
+            <axis tag="wdth" stylevalue="100.0" />
+            <axis tag="wght" stylevalue="128.0" />
+        </font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansKhmer-VF.ttf
+            <axis tag="wdth" stylevalue="100.0" />
+            <axis tag="wght" stylevalue="151.0" />
+        </font>
+        <font weight="800" style="normal">NotoSansKhmer-VF.ttf
+            <axis tag="wdth" stylevalue="100.0" />
+            <axis tag="wght" stylevalue="169.0" />
+        </font>
+        <font weight="900" style="normal">NotoSansKhmer-VF.ttf
+            <axis tag="wdth" stylevalue="100.0" />
+            <axis tag="wght" stylevalue="190.0" />
+        </font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifKhmer-Regular.otf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifKhmer-Bold.otf</font>
+      </family>
+    <family lang="und-Khmr" variant="compact">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansKhmerUI-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansKhmerUI-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Laoo" variant="elegant">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansLao-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansLao-Bold.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifLao-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifLao-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Laoo" variant="compact">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansLaoUI-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansLaoUI-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Mymr" variant="elegant">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansMyanmar-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansMyanmar-Bold.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifMyanmar-Regular.otf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifMyanmar-Bold.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Mymr" variant="compact">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansMyanmarUI-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansMyanmarUI-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Thaa">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansThaana-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansThaana-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Cham">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansCham-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansCham-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Ahom">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansAhom-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Adlm">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansAdlam-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Avst">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansAvestan-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Bali">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansBalinese-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Bamu">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansBamum-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Batk">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansBatak-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Brah">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansBrahmi-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Bugi">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansBuginese-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Buhd">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansBuhid-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Cans">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansCanadianAboriginal-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Cari">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansCarian-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Cakm">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansChakma-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Cher">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansCherokee-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Copt">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansCoptic-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Xsux">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansCuneiform-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Cprt">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansCypriot-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Dsrt">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansDeseret-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Egyp">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansEgyptianHieroglyphs-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Elba">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansElbasan-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Glag">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansGlagolitic-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Goth">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansGothic-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Hano">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansHanunoo-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Armi">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansImperialAramaic-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Phli">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansInscriptionalPahlavi-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Prti">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansInscriptionalParthian-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Java">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansJavanese-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Kthi">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansKaithi-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Kali">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansKayahLi-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Khar">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansKharoshthi-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Lepc">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansLepcha-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Limb">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansLimbu-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Linb">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansLinearB-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Lisu">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansLisu-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Lyci">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansLycian-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Lydi">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansLydian-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Mand">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansMandaic-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Mtei">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansMeeteiMayek-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Talu">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansNewTaiLue-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Nkoo">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansNKo-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Ogam">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansOgham-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Olck">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansOlChiki-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Ital">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansOldItalic-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Xpeo">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansOldPersian-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Sarb">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansOldSouthArabian-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Orkh">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansOldTurkic-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Osge">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansOsage-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Osma">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansOsmanya-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Phnx">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansPhoenician-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Rjng">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansRejang-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Runr">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansRunic-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Samr">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansSamaritan-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Saur">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansSaurashtra-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Shaw">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansShavian-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Sund">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansSundanese-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Sylo">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansSylotiNagri-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <!-- Esrangela should precede Eastern and Western Syriac, since it's our default form. -->
+    <family lang="und-Syre">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansSyriacEstrangela-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Syrn">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansSyriacEastern-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Syrj">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansSyriacWestern-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Tglg">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansTagalog-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Tagb">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansTagbanwa-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Lana">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansTaiTham-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Tavt">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansTaiViet-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Tibt">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansTibetan-Regular.ttf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">NotoSansTibetan-Bold.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Tfng">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansTifinagh-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Ugar">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansUgaritic-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Vaii">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansVai-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansSymbols-Regular-Subsetted.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="zh-Hans">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" index="2">NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttc</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" index="2" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifCJK-Regular.ttc</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="zh-Hant zh-Bopo">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" index="3">NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttc</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" index="3" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifCJK-Regular.ttc</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="ja">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" index="0">NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttc</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" index="0" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifCJK-Regular.ttc</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="ko">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" index="1">NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttc</font>
+        <font weight="400" style="normal" index="1" fallbackFor="serif">NotoSerifCJK-Regular.ttc</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Zsye">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoColorEmoji.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Zsym">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansSymbols-Regular-Subsetted2.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <!--
+        Tai Le, Yi, Mongolian, and Phags-pa are intentionally kept last, to make sure they don't
+        override the East Asian punctuation for Chinese.
+    -->
+    <family lang="und-Tale">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansTaiLe-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Yiii">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansYi-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Mong">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansMongolian-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Phag">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansPhagsPa-Regular.ttf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Hluw">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansAnatolianHieroglyphs-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Bass">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansBassaVah-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Bhks">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansBhaiksuki-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Hatr">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansHatran-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Lina">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansLinearA-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Mani">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansManichaean-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Marc">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansMarchen-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Merc">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansMeroitic-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Plrd">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansMiao-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Mroo">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansMro-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Mult">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansMultani-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Nbat">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansNabataean-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Newa">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansNewa-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Narb">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansOldNorthArabian-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Perm">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansOldPermic-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Hmng">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansPahawhHmong-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Palm">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansPalmyrene-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Pauc">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansPauCinHau-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Shrd">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansSharada-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="und-Sora">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">NotoSansSoraSompeng-Regular.otf</font>
+    </family>
+    <family lang="zg">
+        <font weight="400" style="normal">MyanmarSangamZawgyi-Regular.otf</font>
+        <font weight="700" style="normal">MyanmarSangamZawgyi-Bold.otf</font>
+    </family>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/fs_config_dirs b/system/system/etc/fs_config_dirs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cad56899b71fab38e4794a5d3d596a4926f7cdf5
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/etc/fs_config_dirs differ
diff --git a/system/system/etc/fs_config_files b/system/system/etc/fs_config_files
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1235841e4e2e12857f78e3501a394354bbcffb4e
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/etc/fs_config_files differ
diff --git a/system/system/etc/hostapd/hostapd.accept b/system/system/etc/hostapd/hostapd.accept
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..923eab6fe6eca4551103a221fbbf8f23d945db1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/hostapd/hostapd.accept
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# List of MAC addresses that are allowed to authenticate (IEEE 802.11)
+# with the AP. Optional VLAN ID can be assigned for clients based on the
+# MAC address if dynamic VLANs (hostapd.conf dynamic_vlan option) are used.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/hostapd/hostapd.deny b/system/system/etc/hostapd/hostapd.deny
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e4b6c09c1f4cac3a130c7d4c08e3e168604e7cf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/hostapd/hostapd.deny
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# List of MAC addresses that are not allowed to authenticate (IEEE 802.11)
+# with the AP.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/hostapd/hostapd_default.conf b/system/system/etc/hostapd/hostapd_default.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..08dca640d9a7a776cf14f85e214193b46b45cc01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/hostapd/hostapd_default.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,2239 @@
+##### hostapd configuration file ##############################################
+# Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored
+# AP netdevice name (without 'ap' postfix, i.e., wlan0 uses wlan0ap for
+# management frames with the Host AP driver); wlan0 with many nl80211 drivers
+# Note: This attribute can be overridden by the values supplied with the '-i'
+# command line parameter.
+# In case of atheros and nl80211 driver interfaces, an additional
+# configuration parameter, bridge, may be used to notify hostapd if the
+# interface is included in a bridge. This parameter is not used with Host AP
+# driver. If the bridge parameter is not set, the drivers will automatically
+# figure out the bridge interface (assuming sysfs is enabled and mounted to
+# /sys) and this parameter may not be needed.
+# For nl80211, this parameter can be used to request the AP interface to be
+# added to the bridge automatically (brctl may refuse to do this before hostapd
+# has been started to change the interface mode). If needed, the bridge
+# interface is also created.
+# Driver interface type (hostap/wired/none/nl80211/bsd);
+# default: hostap). nl80211 is used with all Linux mac80211 drivers.
+# Use driver=none if building hostapd as a standalone RADIUS server that does
+# not control any wireless/wired driver.
+# Driver interface parameters (mainly for development testing use)
+# driver_params=<params>
+# hostapd event logger configuration
+# Two output method: syslog and stdout (only usable if not forking to
+# background).
+# Module bitfield (ORed bitfield of modules that will be logged; -1 = all
+# modules):
+# bit 0 (1) = IEEE 802.11
+# bit 1 (2) = IEEE 802.1X
+# bit 2 (4) = RADIUS
+# bit 3 (8) = WPA
+# bit 4 (16) = driver interface
+# bit 5 (32) = IAPP
+# bit 6 (64) = MLME
+# Levels (minimum value for logged events):
+#  0 = verbose debugging
+#  1 = debugging
+#  2 = informational messages
+#  3 = notification
+#  4 = warning
+# Dump file for state information (on SIGUSR1)
+# Interface for separate control program. If this is specified, hostapd
+# will create this directory and a UNIX domain socket for listening to requests
+# from external programs (CLI/GUI, etc.) for status information and
+# configuration. The socket file will be named based on the interface name, so
+# multiple hostapd processes/interfaces can be run at the same time if more
+# than one interface is used.
+# /var/run/hostapd is the recommended directory for sockets and by default,
+# hostapd_cli will use it when trying to connect with hostapd.
+# Access control for the control interface can be configured by setting the
+# directory to allow only members of a group to use sockets. This way, it is
+# possible to run hostapd as root (since it needs to change network
+# configuration and open raw sockets) and still allow GUI/CLI components to be
+# run as non-root users. However, since the control interface can be used to
+# change the network configuration, this access needs to be protected in many
+# cases. By default, hostapd is configured to use gid 0 (root). If you
+# want to allow non-root users to use the contron interface, add a new group
+# and change this value to match with that group. Add users that should have
+# control interface access to this group.
+# This variable can be a group name or gid.
+##### IEEE 802.11 related configuration #######################################
+# SSID to be used in IEEE 802.11 management frames
+# Alternative formats for configuring SSID
+# (double quoted string, hexdump, printf-escaped string)
+# UTF-8 SSID: Whether the SSID is to be interpreted using UTF-8 encoding
+# Country code (ISO/IEC 3166-1). Used to set regulatory domain.
+# Set as needed to indicate country in which device is operating.
+# This can limit available channels and transmit power.
+# These two octets are used as the first two octets of the Country String
+# (dot11CountryString)
+# The third octet of the Country String (dot11CountryString)
+# This parameter is used to set the third octet of the country string.
+# All environments of the current frequency band and country (default)
+# Outdoor environment only
+# Indoor environment only
+# Noncountry entity (country_code=XX)
+# IEEE 802.11 standard Annex E table indication: 0x01 .. 0x1f
+# Annex E, Table E-4 (Global operating classes)
+# Enable IEEE 802.11d. This advertises the country_code and the set of allowed
+# channels and transmit power levels based on the regulatory limits. The
+# country_code setting must be configured with the correct country for
+# IEEE 802.11d functions.
+# (default: 0 = disabled)
+# Enable IEEE 802.11h. This enables radar detection and DFS support if
+# available. DFS support is required on outdoor 5 GHz channels in most countries
+# of the world. This can be used only with ieee80211d=1.
+# (default: 0 = disabled)
+# Add Power Constraint element to Beacon and Probe Response frames
+# This config option adds Power Constraint element when applicable and Country
+# element is added. Power Constraint element is required by Transmit Power
+# Control. This can be used only with ieee80211d=1.
+# Valid values are 0..255.
+# Set Spectrum Management subfield in the Capability Information field.
+# This config option forces the Spectrum Management bit to be set. When this
+# option is not set, the value of the Spectrum Management bit depends on whether
+# DFS or TPC is required by regulatory authorities. This can be used only with
+# ieee80211d=1 and local_pwr_constraint configured.
+# Operation mode (a = IEEE 802.11a (5 GHz), b = IEEE 802.11b (2.4 GHz),
+# g = IEEE 802.11g (2.4 GHz), ad = IEEE 802.11ad (60 GHz); a/g options are used
+# with IEEE 802.11n (HT), too, to specify band). For IEEE 802.11ac (VHT), this
+# needs to be set to hw_mode=a. When using ACS (see channel parameter), a
+# special value "any" can be used to indicate that any support band can be used.
+# This special case is currently supported only with drivers with which
+# offloaded ACS is used.
+# Default: IEEE 802.11b
+# Channel number (IEEE 802.11)
+# (default: 0, i.e., not set)
+# Please note that some drivers do not use this value from hostapd and the
+# channel will need to be configured separately with iwconfig.
+# If CONFIG_ACS build option is enabled, the channel can be selected
+# automatically at run time by setting channel=acs_survey or channel=0, both of
+# which will enable the ACS survey based algorithm.
+# ACS tuning - Automatic Channel Selection
+# See: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Documentation/acs
+# You can customize the ACS survey algorithm with following variables:
+# acs_num_scans requirement is 1..100 - number of scans to be performed that
+# are used to trigger survey data gathering of an underlying device driver.
+# Scans are passive and typically take a little over 100ms (depending on the
+# driver) on each available channel for given hw_mode. Increasing this value
+# means sacrificing startup time and gathering more data wrt channel
+# interference that may help choosing a better channel. This can also help fine
+# tune the ACS scan time in case a driver has different scan dwell times.
+# acs_chan_bias is a space-separated list of <channel>:<bias> pairs. It can be
+# used to increase (or decrease) the likelihood of a specific channel to be
+# selected by the ACS algorithm. The total interference factor for each channel
+# gets multiplied by the specified bias value before finding the channel with
+# the lowest value. In other words, values between 0.0 and 1.0 can be used to
+# make a channel more likely to be picked while values larger than 1.0 make the
+# specified channel less likely to be picked. This can be used, e.g., to prefer
+# the commonly used 2.4 GHz band channels 1, 6, and 11 (which is the default
+# behavior on 2.4 GHz band if no acs_chan_bias parameter is specified).
+# Defaults:
+#acs_chan_bias=1:0.8 6:0.8 11:0.8
+# Channel list restriction. This option allows hostapd to select one of the
+# provided channels when a channel should be automatically selected.
+# Channel list can be provided as range using hyphen ('-') or individual
+# channels can be specified by space (' ') separated values
+# Default: all channels allowed in selected hw_mode
+#chanlist=100 104 108 112 116
+#chanlist=1 6 11-13
+# Exclude DFS channels from ACS
+# This option can be used to exclude all DFS channels from the ACS channel list
+# in cases where the driver supports DFS channels.
+# Beacon interval in kus (1.024 ms) (default: 100; range 15..65535)
+# DTIM (delivery traffic information message) period (range 1..255):
+# number of beacons between DTIMs (1 = every beacon includes DTIM element)
+# (default: 2)
+# Maximum number of stations allowed in station table. New stations will be
+# rejected after the station table is full. IEEE 802.11 has a limit of 2007
+# different association IDs, so this number should not be larger than that.
+# (default: 2007)
+# RTS/CTS threshold; -1 = disabled (default); range -1..65535
+# If this field is not included in hostapd.conf, hostapd will not control
+# RTS threshold and 'iwconfig wlan# rts <val>' can be used to set it.
+# Fragmentation threshold; -1 = disabled (default); range -1, 256..2346
+# If this field is not included in hostapd.conf, hostapd will not control
+# fragmentation threshold and 'iwconfig wlan# frag <val>' can be used to set
+# it.
+# Rate configuration
+# Default is to enable all rates supported by the hardware. This configuration
+# item allows this list be filtered so that only the listed rates will be left
+# in the list. If the list is empty, all rates are used. This list can have
+# entries that are not in the list of rates the hardware supports (such entries
+# are ignored). The entries in this list are in 100 kbps, i.e., 11 Mbps = 110.
+# If this item is present, at least one rate have to be matching with the rates
+# hardware supports.
+# default: use the most common supported rate setting for the selected
+# hw_mode (i.e., this line can be removed from configuration file in most
+# cases)
+#supported_rates=10 20 55 110 60 90 120 180 240 360 480 540
+# Basic rate set configuration
+# List of rates (in 100 kbps) that are included in the basic rate set.
+# If this item is not included, usually reasonable default set is used.
+#basic_rates=10 20
+#basic_rates=10 20 55 110
+#basic_rates=60 120 240
+# Beacon frame TX rate configuration
+# This sets the TX rate that is used to transmit Beacon frames. If this item is
+# not included, the driver default rate (likely lowest rate) is used.
+# Legacy (CCK/OFDM rates):
+#    beacon_rate=<legacy rate in 100 kbps>
+# HT:
+#    beacon_rate=ht:<HT MCS>
+# VHT:
+#    beacon_rate=vht:<VHT MCS>
+# For example, beacon_rate=10 for 1 Mbps or beacon_rate=60 for 6 Mbps (OFDM).
+# Short Preamble
+# This parameter can be used to enable optional use of short preamble for
+# frames sent at 2 Mbps, 5.5 Mbps, and 11 Mbps to improve network performance.
+# This applies only to IEEE 802.11b-compatible networks and this should only be
+# enabled if the local hardware supports use of short preamble. If any of the
+# associated STAs do not support short preamble, use of short preamble will be
+# disabled (and enabled when such STAs disassociate) dynamically.
+# 0 = do not allow use of short preamble (default)
+# 1 = allow use of short preamble
+# Station MAC address -based authentication
+# Please note that this kind of access control requires a driver that uses
+# hostapd to take care of management frame processing and as such, this can be
+# used with driver=hostap or driver=nl80211, but not with driver=atheros.
+# 0 = accept unless in deny list
+# 1 = deny unless in accept list
+# 2 = use external RADIUS server (accept/deny lists are searched first)
+# Accept/deny lists are read from separate files (containing list of
+# MAC addresses, one per line). Use absolute path name to make sure that the
+# files can be read on SIGHUP configuration reloads.
+# IEEE 802.11 specifies two authentication algorithms. hostapd can be
+# configured to allow both of these or only one. Open system authentication
+# should be used with IEEE 802.1X.
+# Bit fields of allowed authentication algorithms:
+# bit 0 = Open System Authentication
+# bit 1 = Shared Key Authentication (requires WEP)
+# Send empty SSID in beacons and ignore probe request frames that do not
+# specify full SSID, i.e., require stations to know SSID.
+# default: disabled (0)
+# 1 = send empty (length=0) SSID in beacon and ignore probe request for
+#     broadcast SSID
+# 2 = clear SSID (ASCII 0), but keep the original length (this may be required
+#     with some clients that do not support empty SSID) and ignore probe
+#     requests for broadcast SSID
+# Do not reply to broadcast Probe Request frames from unassociated STA if there
+# is no room for additional stations (max_num_sta). This can be used to
+# discourage a STA from trying to associate with this AP if the association
+# would be rejected due to maximum STA limit.
+# Default: 0 (disabled)
+# Additional vendor specific elements for Beacon and Probe Response frames
+# This parameter can be used to add additional vendor specific element(s) into
+# the end of the Beacon and Probe Response frames. The format for these
+# element(s) is a hexdump of the raw information elements (id+len+payload for
+# one or more elements)
+# Additional vendor specific elements for (Re)Association Response frames
+# This parameter can be used to add additional vendor specific element(s) into
+# the end of the (Re)Association Response frames. The format for these
+# element(s) is a hexdump of the raw information elements (id+len+payload for
+# one or more elements)
+# TX queue parameters (EDCF / bursting)
+# default for all these fields: not set, use hardware defaults
+# tx_queue_<queue name>_<param>
+# queues: data0, data1, data2, data3
+#		(data0 is the highest priority queue)
+# parameters:
+#   aifs: AIFS (default 2)
+#   cwmin: cwMin (1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, 511, 1023, 2047, 4095, 8191,
+#	   16383, 32767)
+#   cwmax: cwMax (same values as cwMin, cwMax >= cwMin)
+#   burst: maximum length (in milliseconds with precision of up to 0.1 ms) for
+#          bursting
+# Default WMM parameters (IEEE 802.11 draft; 11-03-0504-03-000e):
+# These parameters are used by the access point when transmitting frames
+# to the clients.
+# Low priority / AC_BK = background
+# Note: for IEEE 802.11b mode: cWmin=31 cWmax=1023 burst=0
+# Normal priority / AC_BE = best effort
+# Note: for IEEE 802.11b mode: cWmin=31 cWmax=127 burst=0
+# High priority / AC_VI = video
+# Note: for IEEE 802.11b mode: cWmin=15 cWmax=31 burst=6.0
+# Highest priority / AC_VO = voice
+# Note: for IEEE 802.11b mode: cWmin=7 cWmax=15 burst=3.3
+# Special queues; normally not user configurable
+# 802.1D Tag (= UP) to AC mappings
+# WMM specifies following mapping of data frames to different ACs. This mapping
+# can be configured using Linux QoS/tc and sch_pktpri.o module.
+# 802.1D Tag	802.1D Designation	Access Category	WMM Designation
+# 1		BK			AC_BK		Background
+# 2		-			AC_BK		Background
+# 0		BE			AC_BE		Best Effort
+# 3		EE			AC_BE		Best Effort
+# 4		CL			AC_VI		Video
+# 5		VI			AC_VI		Video
+# 6		VO			AC_VO		Voice
+# 7		NC			AC_VO		Voice
+# Data frames with no priority information: AC_BE
+# Management frames: AC_VO
+# PS-Poll frames: AC_BE
+# Default WMM parameters (IEEE 802.11 draft; 11-03-0504-03-000e):
+# for 802.11a or 802.11g networks
+# These parameters are sent to WMM clients when they associate.
+# The parameters will be used by WMM clients for frames transmitted to the
+# access point.
+# note - txop_limit is in units of 32microseconds
+# note - acm is admission control mandatory flag. 0 = admission control not
+# required, 1 = mandatory
+# note - Here cwMin and cmMax are in exponent form. The actual cw value used
+# will be (2^n)-1 where n is the value given here. The allowed range for these
+# wmm_ac_??_{cwmin,cwmax} is 0..15 with cwmax >= cwmin.
+# WMM-PS Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery [U-APSD]
+# Enable this flag if U-APSD supported outside hostapd (eg., Firmware/driver)
+# Low priority / AC_BK = background
+# Note: for IEEE 802.11b mode: cWmin=5 cWmax=10
+# Normal priority / AC_BE = best effort
+# Note: for IEEE 802.11b mode: cWmin=5 cWmax=7
+# High priority / AC_VI = video
+# Note: for IEEE 802.11b mode: cWmin=4 cWmax=5 txop_limit=188
+# Highest priority / AC_VO = voice
+# Note: for IEEE 802.11b mode: cWmin=3 cWmax=4 burst=102
+# Static WEP key configuration
+# The key number to use when transmitting.
+# It must be between 0 and 3, and the corresponding key must be set.
+# default: not set
+# The WEP keys to use.
+# A key may be a quoted string or unquoted hexadecimal digits.
+# The key length should be 5, 13, or 16 characters, or 10, 26, or 32
+# digits, depending on whether 40-bit (64-bit), 104-bit (128-bit), or
+# 128-bit (152-bit) WEP is used.
+# Only the default key must be supplied; the others are optional.
+# default: not set
+# Station inactivity limit
+# If a station does not send anything in ap_max_inactivity seconds, an
+# empty data frame is sent to it in order to verify whether it is
+# still in range. If this frame is not ACKed, the station will be
+# disassociated and then deauthenticated. This feature is used to
+# clear station table of old entries when the STAs move out of the
+# range.
+# The station can associate again with the AP if it is still in range;
+# this inactivity poll is just used as a nicer way of verifying
+# inactivity; i.e., client will not report broken connection because
+# disassociation frame is not sent immediately without first polling
+# the STA with a data frame.
+# default: 300 (i.e., 5 minutes)
+# Enable/disable internal bridge for packets between associated stations.
+# The inactivity polling can be disabled to disconnect stations based on
+# inactivity timeout so that idle stations are more likely to be disconnected
+# even if they are still in range of the AP. This can be done by setting
+# skip_inactivity_poll to 1 (default 0).
+# Disassociate stations based on excessive transmission failures or other
+# indications of connection loss. This depends on the driver capabilities and
+# may not be available with all drivers.
+# Maximum allowed Listen Interval (how many Beacon periods STAs are allowed to
+# remain asleep). Default: 65535 (no limit apart from field size)
+# WDS (4-address frame) mode with per-station virtual interfaces
+# (only supported with driver=nl80211)
+# This mode allows associated stations to use 4-address frames to allow layer 2
+# bridging to be used.
+# If bridge parameter is set, the WDS STA interface will be added to the same
+# bridge by default. This can be overridden with the wds_bridge parameter to
+# use a separate bridge.
+# Start the AP with beaconing disabled by default.
+# Client isolation can be used to prevent low-level bridging of frames between
+# associated stations in the BSS. By default, this bridging is allowed.
+# BSS Load update period (in BUs)
+# This field is used to enable and configure adding a BSS Load element into
+# Beacon and Probe Response frames.
+# Fixed BSS Load value for testing purposes
+# This field can be used to configure hostapd to add a fixed BSS Load element
+# into Beacon and Probe Response frames for testing purposes. The format is
+# <station count>:<channel utilization>:<available admission capacity>
+# Multicast to unicast conversion
+# Request that the AP will do multicast-to-unicast conversion for ARP, IPv4, and
+# IPv6 frames (possibly within 802.1Q). If enabled, such frames are to be sent
+# to each station separately, with the DA replaced by their own MAC address
+# rather than the group address.
+# Note that this may break certain expectations of the receiver, such as the
+# ability to drop unicast IP packets received within multicast L2 frames, or the
+# ability to not send ICMP destination unreachable messages for packets received
+# in L2 multicast (which is required, but the receiver can't tell the difference
+# if this new option is enabled).
+# This also doesn't implement the 802.11 DMS (directed multicast service).
+# Send broadcast Deauthentication frame on AP start/stop
+# Default: 1 (enabled)
+##### IEEE 802.11n related configuration ######################################
+# ieee80211n: Whether IEEE 802.11n (HT) is enabled
+# 0 = disabled (default)
+# 1 = enabled
+# Note: You will also need to enable WMM for full HT functionality.
+# Note: hw_mode=g (2.4 GHz) and hw_mode=a (5 GHz) is used to specify the band.
+# ht_capab: HT capabilities (list of flags)
+# LDPC coding capability: [LDPC] = supported
+# Supported channel width set: [HT40-] = both 20 MHz and 40 MHz with secondary
+#	channel below the primary channel; [HT40+] = both 20 MHz and 40 MHz
+#	with secondary channel above the primary channel
+#	(20 MHz only if neither is set)
+#	Note: There are limits on which channels can be used with HT40- and
+#	HT40+. Following table shows the channels that may be available for
+#	HT40- and HT40+ use per IEEE 802.11n Annex J:
+#	freq		HT40-		HT40+
+#	2.4 GHz		5-13		1-7 (1-9 in Europe/Japan)
+#	5 GHz		40,48,56,64	36,44,52,60
+#	(depending on the location, not all of these channels may be available
+#	for use)
+#	Please note that 40 MHz channels may switch their primary and secondary
+#	channels if needed or creation of 40 MHz channel maybe rejected based
+#	on overlapping BSSes. These changes are done automatically when hostapd
+#	is setting up the 40 MHz channel.
+# Spatial Multiplexing (SM) Power Save: [SMPS-STATIC] or [SMPS-DYNAMIC]
+#	(SMPS disabled if neither is set)
+# HT-greenfield: [GF] (disabled if not set)
+# Short GI for 20 MHz: [SHORT-GI-20] (disabled if not set)
+# Short GI for 40 MHz: [SHORT-GI-40] (disabled if not set)
+# Tx STBC: [TX-STBC] (disabled if not set)
+# Rx STBC: [RX-STBC1] (one spatial stream), [RX-STBC12] (one or two spatial
+#	streams), or [RX-STBC123] (one, two, or three spatial streams); Rx STBC
+#	disabled if none of these set
+# HT-delayed Block Ack: [DELAYED-BA] (disabled if not set)
+# Maximum A-MSDU length: [MAX-AMSDU-7935] for 7935 octets (3839 octets if not
+#	set)
+# DSSS/CCK Mode in 40 MHz: [DSSS_CCK-40] = allowed (not allowed if not set)
+# 40 MHz intolerant [40-INTOLERANT] (not advertised if not set)
+# L-SIG TXOP protection support: [LSIG-TXOP-PROT] (disabled if not set)
+ht_capab=[SHORT-GI-20] [GF] [DSSS_CCK-40] [LSIG-TXOP-PROT]
+# Require stations to support HT PHY (reject association if they do not)
+# If set non-zero, require stations to perform scans of overlapping
+# channels to test for stations which would be affected by 40 MHz traffic.
+# This parameter sets the interval in seconds between these scans. Setting this
+# to non-zero allows 2.4 GHz band AP to move dynamically to a 40 MHz channel if
+# no co-existence issues with neighboring devices are found.
+##### IEEE 802.11ac related configuration #####################################
+# ieee80211ac: Whether IEEE 802.11ac (VHT) is enabled
+# 0 = disabled (default)
+# 1 = enabled
+# Note: You will also need to enable WMM for full VHT functionality.
+# Note: hw_mode=a is used to specify that 5 GHz band is used with VHT.
+# vht_capab: VHT capabilities (list of flags)
+# vht_max_mpdu_len: [MAX-MPDU-7991] [MAX-MPDU-11454]
+# Indicates maximum MPDU length
+# 0 = 3895 octets (default)
+# 1 = 7991 octets
+# 2 = 11454 octets
+# 3 = reserved
+# supported_chan_width: [VHT160] [VHT160-80PLUS80]
+# Indicates supported Channel widths
+# 0 = 160 MHz & 80+80 channel widths are not supported (default)
+# 1 = 160 MHz channel width is supported
+# 2 = 160 MHz & 80+80 channel widths are supported
+# 3 = reserved
+# Rx LDPC coding capability: [RXLDPC]
+# Indicates support for receiving LDPC coded pkts
+# 0 = Not supported (default)
+# 1 = Supported
+# Short GI for 80 MHz: [SHORT-GI-80]
+# Indicates short GI support for reception of packets transmitted with TXVECTOR
+# params format equal to VHT and CBW = 80Mhz
+# 0 = Not supported (default)
+# 1 = Supported
+# Short GI for 160 MHz: [SHORT-GI-160]
+# Indicates short GI support for reception of packets transmitted with TXVECTOR
+# params format equal to VHT and CBW = 160Mhz
+# 0 = Not supported (default)
+# 1 = Supported
+# Tx STBC: [TX-STBC-2BY1]
+# Indicates support for the transmission of at least 2x1 STBC
+# 0 = Not supported (default)
+# 1 = Supported
+# Rx STBC: [RX-STBC-1] [RX-STBC-12] [RX-STBC-123] [RX-STBC-1234]
+# Indicates support for the reception of PPDUs using STBC
+# 0 = Not supported (default)
+# 1 = support of one spatial stream
+# 2 = support of one and two spatial streams
+# 3 = support of one, two and three spatial streams
+# 4 = support of one, two, three and four spatial streams
+# 5,6,7 = reserved
+# SU Beamformer Capable: [SU-BEAMFORMER]
+# Indicates support for operation as a single user beamformer
+# 0 = Not supported (default)
+# 1 = Supported
+# SU Beamformee Capable: [SU-BEAMFORMEE]
+# Indicates support for operation as a single user beamformee
+# 0 = Not supported (default)
+# 1 = Supported
+# Compressed Steering Number of Beamformer Antennas Supported:
+#   Beamformee's capability indicating the maximum number of beamformer
+#   antennas the beamformee can support when sending compressed beamforming
+#   feedback
+# If SU beamformer capable, set to maximum value minus 1
+# else reserved (default)
+# Number of Sounding Dimensions:
+# Beamformer's capability indicating the maximum value of the NUM_STS parameter
+# in the TXVECTOR of a VHT NDP
+# If SU beamformer capable, set to maximum value minus 1
+# else reserved (default)
+# MU Beamformer Capable: [MU-BEAMFORMER]
+# Indicates support for operation as an MU beamformer
+# 0 = Not supported or sent by Non-AP STA (default)
+# 1 = Supported
+# Indicates whether or not the AP supports VHT TXOP Power Save Mode
+#  or whether or not the STA is in VHT TXOP Power Save mode
+# 0 = VHT AP doesn't support VHT TXOP PS mode (OR) VHT STA not in VHT TXOP PS
+#  mode
+# 1 = VHT AP supports VHT TXOP PS mode (OR) VHT STA is in VHT TXOP power save
+#  mode
+# +HTC-VHT Capable: [HTC-VHT]
+# Indicates whether or not the STA supports receiving a VHT variant HT Control
+# field.
+# 0 = Not supported (default)
+# 1 = supported
+# Maximum A-MPDU Length Exponent: [MAX-A-MPDU-LEN-EXP0]..[MAX-A-MPDU-LEN-EXP7]
+# Indicates the maximum length of A-MPDU pre-EOF padding that the STA can recv
+# This field is an integer in the range of 0 to 7.
+# The length defined by this field is equal to
+# 2 pow(13 + Maximum A-MPDU Length Exponent) -1 octets
+# VHT Link Adaptation Capable: [VHT-LINK-ADAPT2] [VHT-LINK-ADAPT3]
+# Indicates whether or not the STA supports link adaptation using VHT variant
+# HT Control field
+# If +HTC-VHTcapable is 1
+#  0 = (no feedback) if the STA does not provide VHT MFB (default)
+#  1 = reserved
+#  2 = (Unsolicited) if the STA provides only unsolicited VHT MFB
+#  3 = (Both) if the STA can provide VHT MFB in response to VHT MRQ and if the
+#      STA provides unsolicited VHT MFB
+# Reserved if +HTC-VHTcapable is 0
+# Rx Antenna Pattern Consistency: [RX-ANTENNA-PATTERN]
+# Indicates the possibility of Rx antenna pattern change
+# 0 = Rx antenna pattern might change during the lifetime of an association
+# 1 = Rx antenna pattern does not change during the lifetime of an association
+# Tx Antenna Pattern Consistency: [TX-ANTENNA-PATTERN]
+# Indicates the possibility of Tx antenna pattern change
+# 0 = Tx antenna pattern might change during the lifetime of an association
+# 1 = Tx antenna pattern does not change during the lifetime of an association
+# Require stations to support VHT PHY (reject association if they do not)
+# 0 = 20 or 40 MHz operating Channel width
+# 1 = 80 MHz channel width
+# 2 = 160 MHz channel width
+# 3 = 80+80 MHz channel width
+# center freq = 5 GHz + (5 * index)
+# So index 42 gives center freq 5.210 GHz
+# which is channel 42 in 5G band
+# center freq = 5 GHz + (5 * index)
+# So index 159 gives center freq 5.795 GHz
+# which is channel 159 in 5G band
+# Workaround to use station's nsts capability in (Re)Association Response frame
+# This may be needed with some deployed devices as an interoperability
+# workaround for beamforming if the AP's capability is greater than the
+# station's capability. This is disabled by default and can be enabled by
+# setting use_sta_nsts=1.
+##### IEEE 802.11ax related configuration #####################################
+#ieee80211ax: Whether IEEE 802.11ax (HE) is enabled
+# 0 = disabled (default)
+# 1 = enabled
+#he_su_beamformer: HE single user beamformer support
+# 0 = not supported (default)
+# 1 = supported
+#he_su_beamformee: HE single user beamformee support
+# 0 = not supported (default)
+# 1 = supported
+#he_mu_beamformer: HE multiple user beamformer support
+# 0 = not supported (default)
+# 1 = supported
+# he_bss_color: BSS color
+# 0 = no BSS color (default)
+# unsigned integer = BSS color
+#he_default_pe_duration: The duration of PE field in an HE PPDU in us
+# Possible values are 0 us (default), 4 us, 8 us, 12 us, and 16 us
+#he_twt_required: Whether TWT is required
+# 0 = not required (default)
+# 1 = required
+#he_rts_threshold: Duration of STA transmission
+# 0 = not set (default)
+# unsigned integer = duration in units of 16 us
+##### IEEE 802.1X-2004 related configuration ##################################
+# Require IEEE 802.1X authorization
+# IEEE 802.1X/EAPOL version
+# hostapd is implemented based on IEEE Std 802.1X-2004 which defines EAPOL
+# version 2. However, there are many client implementations that do not handle
+# the new version number correctly (they seem to drop the frames completely).
+# In order to make hostapd interoperate with these clients, the version number
+# can be set to the older version (1) with this configuration value.
+# Optional displayable message sent with EAP Request-Identity. The first \0
+# in this string will be converted to ASCII-0 (nul). This can be used to
+# separate network info (comma separated list of attribute=value pairs); see,
+# e.g., RFC 4284.
+# WEP rekeying (disabled if key lengths are not set or are set to 0)
+# Key lengths for default/broadcast and individual/unicast keys:
+# 5 = 40-bit WEP (also known as 64-bit WEP with 40 secret bits)
+# 13 = 104-bit WEP (also known as 128-bit WEP with 104 secret bits)
+# Rekeying period in seconds. 0 = do not rekey (i.e., set keys only once)
+# EAPOL-Key index workaround (set bit7) for WinXP Supplicant (needed only if
+# only broadcast keys are used)
+# EAP reauthentication period in seconds (default: 3600 seconds; 0 = disable
+# reauthentication).
+# Use PAE group address (01:80:c2:00:00:03) instead of individual target
+# address when sending EAPOL frames with driver=wired. This is the most common
+# mechanism used in wired authentication, but it also requires that the port
+# is only used by one station.
+# EAP Re-authentication Protocol (ERP) authenticator (RFC 6696)
+# Whether to initiate EAP authentication with EAP-Initiate/Re-auth-Start before
+# EAP-Identity/Request
+# Domain name for EAP-Initiate/Re-auth-Start. Omitted from the message if not
+# set (no local ER server). This is also used by the integrated EAP server if
+# ERP is enabled (eap_server_erp=1).
+##### Integrated EAP server ###################################################
+# Optionally, hostapd can be configured to use an integrated EAP server
+# to process EAP authentication locally without need for an external RADIUS
+# server. This functionality can be used both as a local authentication server
+# for IEEE 802.1X/EAPOL and as a RADIUS server for other devices.
+# Use integrated EAP server instead of external RADIUS authentication
+# server. This is also needed if hostapd is configured to act as a RADIUS
+# authentication server.
+# Path for EAP server user database
+# If SQLite support is included, this can be set to "sqlite:/path/to/sqlite.db"
+# to use SQLite database instead of a text file.
+# CA certificate (PEM or DER file) for EAP-TLS/PEAP/TTLS
+# Server certificate (PEM or DER file) for EAP-TLS/PEAP/TTLS
+# Private key matching with the server certificate for EAP-TLS/PEAP/TTLS
+# This may point to the same file as server_cert if both certificate and key
+# are included in a single file. PKCS#12 (PFX) file (.p12/.pfx) can also be
+# used by commenting out server_cert and specifying the PFX file as the
+# private_key.
+# Passphrase for private key
+#private_key_passwd=secret passphrase
+# Server identity
+# EAP methods that provide mechanism for authenticated server identity delivery
+# use this value. If not set, "hostapd" is used as a default.
+# Enable CRL verification.
+# Note: hostapd does not yet support CRL downloading based on CDP. Thus, a
+# valid CRL signed by the CA is required to be included in the ca_cert file.
+# This can be done by using PEM format for CA certificate and CRL and
+# concatenating these into one file. Whenever CRL changes, hostapd needs to be
+# restarted to take the new CRL into use.
+# 0 = do not verify CRLs (default)
+# 1 = check the CRL of the user certificate
+# 2 = check all CRLs in the certificate path
+# TLS Session Lifetime in seconds
+# This can be used to allow TLS sessions to be cached and resumed with an
+# abbreviated handshake when using EAP-TLS/TTLS/PEAP.
+# (default: 0 = session caching and resumption disabled)
+# Cached OCSP stapling response (DER encoded)
+# If set, this file is sent as a certificate status response by the EAP server
+# if the EAP peer requests certificate status in the ClientHello message.
+# This cache file can be updated, e.g., by running following command
+# periodically to get an update from the OCSP responder:
+# openssl ocsp \
+#	-no_nonce \
+#	-CAfile /etc/hostapd.ca.pem \
+#	-issuer /etc/hostapd.ca.pem \
+#	-cert /etc/hostapd.server.pem \
+#	-url http://ocsp.example.com:8888/ \
+#	-respout /tmp/ocsp-cache.der
+# Cached OCSP stapling response list (DER encoded OCSPResponseList)
+# This is similar to ocsp_stapling_response, but the extended version defined in
+# RFC 6961 to allow multiple OCSP responses to be provided.
+# dh_file: File path to DH/DSA parameters file (in PEM format)
+# This is an optional configuration file for setting parameters for an
+# ephemeral DH key exchange. In most cases, the default RSA authentication does
+# not use this configuration. However, it is possible setup RSA to use
+# ephemeral DH key exchange. In addition, ciphers with DSA keys always use
+# ephemeral DH keys. This can be used to achieve forward secrecy. If the file
+# is in DSA parameters format, it will be automatically converted into DH
+# params. This parameter is required if anonymous EAP-FAST is used.
+# You can generate DH parameters file with OpenSSL, e.g.,
+# "openssl dhparam -out /etc/hostapd.dh.pem 2048"
+# OpenSSL cipher string
+# This is an OpenSSL specific configuration option for configuring the default
+# ciphers. If not set, the value configured at build time ("DEFAULT:!EXP:!LOW"
+# by default) is used.
+# See https://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/ciphers.html for OpenSSL documentation
+# on cipher suite configuration. This is applicable only if hostapd is built to
+# use OpenSSL.
+# Fragment size for EAP methods
+# Finite cyclic group for EAP-pwd. Number maps to group of domain parameters
+# using the IANA repository for IKE (RFC 2409).
+# Configuration data for EAP-SIM database/authentication gateway interface.
+# This is a text string in implementation specific format. The example
+# implementation in eap_sim_db.c uses this as the UNIX domain socket name for
+# the HLR/AuC gateway (e.g., hlr_auc_gw). In this case, the path uses "unix:"
+# prefix. If hostapd is built with SQLite support (CONFIG_SQLITE=y in .config),
+# database file can be described with an optional db=<path> parameter.
+#eap_sim_db=unix:/tmp/hlr_auc_gw.sock db=/tmp/hostapd.db
+# EAP-SIM DB request timeout
+# This parameter sets the maximum time to wait for a database request response.
+# The parameter value is in seconds.
+# Encryption key for EAP-FAST PAC-Opaque values. This key must be a secret,
+# random value. It is configured as a 16-octet value in hex format. It can be
+# generated, e.g., with the following command:
+# od -tx1 -v -N16 /dev/random | colrm 1 8 | tr -d ' '
+# EAP-FAST authority identity (A-ID)
+# A-ID indicates the identity of the authority that issues PACs. The A-ID
+# should be unique across all issuing servers. In theory, this is a variable
+# length field, but due to some existing implementations requiring A-ID to be
+# 16 octets in length, it is strongly recommended to use that length for the
+# field to provid interoperability with deployed peer implementations. This
+# field is configured in hex format.
+# EAP-FAST authority identifier information (A-ID-Info)
+# This is a user-friendly name for the A-ID. For example, the enterprise name
+# and server name in a human-readable format. This field is encoded as UTF-8.
+#eap_fast_a_id_info=test server
+# Enable/disable different EAP-FAST provisioning modes:
+#0 = provisioning disabled
+#1 = only anonymous provisioning allowed
+#2 = only authenticated provisioning allowed
+#3 = both provisioning modes allowed (default)
+# EAP-FAST PAC-Key lifetime in seconds (hard limit)
+# EAP-FAST PAC-Key refresh time in seconds (soft limit on remaining hard
+# limit). The server will generate a new PAC-Key when this number of seconds
+# (or fewer) of the lifetime remains.
+# EAP-SIM and EAP-AKA protected success/failure indication using AT_RESULT_IND
+# (default: 0 = disabled).
+# Trusted Network Connect (TNC)
+# If enabled, TNC validation will be required before the peer is allowed to
+# connect. Note: This is only used with EAP-TTLS and EAP-FAST. If any other
+# EAP method is enabled, the peer will be allowed to connect without TNC.
+# EAP Re-authentication Protocol (ERP) - RFC 6696
+# Whether to enable ERP on the EAP server.
+##### IEEE 802.11f - Inter-Access Point Protocol (IAPP) #######################
+# Interface to be used for IAPP broadcast packets
+##### RADIUS client configuration #############################################
+# for IEEE 802.1X with external Authentication Server, IEEE 802.11
+# authentication with external ACL for MAC addresses, and accounting
+# The own IP address of the access point (used as NAS-IP-Address)
+# NAS-Identifier string for RADIUS messages. When used, this should be unique
+# to the NAS within the scope of the RADIUS server. Please note that hostapd
+# uses a separate RADIUS client for each BSS and as such, a unique
+# nas_identifier value should be configured separately for each BSS. This is
+# particularly important for cases where RADIUS accounting is used
+# (Accounting-On/Off messages are interpreted as clearing all ongoing sessions
+# and that may get interpreted as applying to all BSSes if the same
+# NAS-Identifier value is used.) For example, a fully qualified domain name
+# prefixed with a unique identifier of the BSS (e.g., BSSID) can be used here.
+# When using IEEE 802.11r, nas_identifier must be set and must be between 1 and
+# 48 octets long.
+# RADIUS authentication server
+# RADIUS accounting server
+# Secondary RADIUS servers; to be used if primary one does not reply to
+# RADIUS packets. These are optional and there can be more than one secondary
+# server listed.
+# Retry interval for trying to return to the primary RADIUS server (in
+# seconds). RADIUS client code will automatically try to use the next server
+# when the current server is not replying to requests. If this interval is set,
+# primary server will be retried after configured amount of time even if the
+# currently used secondary server is still working.
+# Interim accounting update interval
+# If this is set (larger than 0) and acct_server is configured, hostapd will
+# send interim accounting updates every N seconds. Note: if set, this overrides
+# possible Acct-Interim-Interval attribute in Access-Accept message. Thus, this
+# value should not be configured in hostapd.conf, if RADIUS server is used to
+# control the interim interval.
+# This value should not be less 600 (10 minutes) and must not be less than
+# 60 (1 minute).
+# Request Chargeable-User-Identity (RFC 4372)
+# This parameter can be used to configure hostapd to request CUI from the
+# RADIUS server by including Chargeable-User-Identity attribute into
+# Access-Request packets.
+# Dynamic VLAN mode; allow RADIUS authentication server to decide which VLAN
+# is used for the stations. This information is parsed from following RADIUS
+# attributes based on RFC 3580 and RFC 2868: Tunnel-Type (value 13 = VLAN),
+# Tunnel-Medium-Type (value 6 = IEEE 802), Tunnel-Private-Group-ID (value
+# VLANID as a string). Optionally, the local MAC ACL list (accept_mac_file) can
+# be used to set static client MAC address to VLAN ID mapping.
+# 0 = disabled (default)
+# 1 = option; use default interface if RADIUS server does not include VLAN ID
+# 2 = required; reject authentication if RADIUS server does not include VLAN ID
+# Per-Station AP_VLAN interface mode
+# If enabled, each station is assigned its own AP_VLAN interface.
+# This implies per-station group keying and ebtables filtering of inter-STA
+# traffic (when passed through the AP).
+# If the sta is not assigned to any VLAN, then its AP_VLAN interface will be
+# added to the bridge given by the "bridge" configuration option (see above).
+# Otherwise, it will be added to the per-VLAN bridge.
+# 0 = disabled (default)
+# 1 = enabled
+# VLAN interface list for dynamic VLAN mode is read from a separate text file.
+# This list is used to map VLAN ID from the RADIUS server to a network
+# interface. Each station is bound to one interface in the same way as with
+# multiple BSSIDs or SSIDs. Each line in this text file is defining a new
+# interface and the line must include VLAN ID and interface name separated by
+# white space (space or tab).
+# If no entries are provided by this file, the station is statically mapped
+# to <bss-iface>.<vlan-id> interfaces.
+# Interface where 802.1q tagged packets should appear when a RADIUS server is
+# used to determine which VLAN a station is on.  hostapd creates a bridge for
+# each VLAN.  Then hostapd adds a VLAN interface (associated with the interface
+# indicated by 'vlan_tagged_interface') and the appropriate wireless interface
+# to the bridge.
+# Bridge (prefix) to add the wifi and the tagged interface to. This gets the
+# VLAN ID appended. It defaults to brvlan%d if no tagged interface is given
+# and br%s.%d if a tagged interface is given, provided %s = tagged interface
+# and %d = VLAN ID.
+# When hostapd creates a VLAN interface on vlan_tagged_interfaces, it needs
+# to know how to name it.
+# 0 = vlan<XXX>, e.g., vlan1
+# 1 = <vlan_tagged_interface>.<XXX>, e.g. eth0.1
+# Arbitrary RADIUS attributes can be added into Access-Request and
+# Accounting-Request packets by specifying the contents of the attributes with
+# the following configuration parameters. There can be multiple of these to
+# add multiple attributes. These parameters can also be used to override some
+# of the attributes added automatically by hostapd.
+# Format: <attr_id>[:<syntax:value>]
+# attr_id: RADIUS attribute type (e.g., 26 = Vendor-Specific)
+# syntax: s = string (UTF-8), d = integer, x = octet string
+# value: attribute value in format indicated by the syntax
+# If syntax and value parts are omitted, a null value (single 0x00 octet) is
+# used.
+# Additional Access-Request attributes
+# radius_auth_req_attr=<attr_id>[:<syntax:value>]
+# Examples:
+# Operator-Name = "Operator"
+# Service-Type = Framed (2)
+# Connect-Info = "testing" (this overrides the automatically generated value)
+# Same Connect-Info value set as a hexdump
+# Additional Accounting-Request attributes
+# radius_acct_req_attr=<attr_id>[:<syntax:value>]
+# Examples:
+# Operator-Name = "Operator"
+# Dynamic Authorization Extensions (RFC 5176)
+# This mechanism can be used to allow dynamic changes to user session based on
+# commands from a RADIUS server (or some other disconnect client that has the
+# needed session information). For example, Disconnect message can be used to
+# request an associated station to be disconnected.
+# This is disabled by default. Set radius_das_port to non-zero UDP port
+# number to enable.
+# DAS client (the host that can send Disconnect/CoA requests) and shared secret
+#radius_das_client= shared secret here
+# DAS Event-Timestamp time window in seconds
+# DAS require Event-Timestamp
+# DAS require Message-Authenticator
+##### RADIUS authentication server configuration ##############################
+# hostapd can be used as a RADIUS authentication server for other hosts. This
+# requires that the integrated EAP server is also enabled and both
+# authentication services are sharing the same configuration.
+# File name of the RADIUS clients configuration for the RADIUS server. If this
+# commented out, RADIUS server is disabled.
+# The UDP port number for the RADIUS authentication server
+# The UDP port number for the RADIUS accounting server
+# Commenting this out or setting this to 0 can be used to disable RADIUS
+# accounting while still enabling RADIUS authentication.
+# Use IPv6 with RADIUS server (IPv4 will also be supported using IPv6 API)
+##### WPA/IEEE 802.11i configuration ##########################################
+# Enable WPA. Setting this variable configures the AP to require WPA (either
+# WPA-PSK or WPA-RADIUS/EAP based on other configuration). For WPA-PSK, either
+# wpa_psk or wpa_passphrase must be set and wpa_key_mgmt must include WPA-PSK.
+# Instead of wpa_psk / wpa_passphrase, wpa_psk_radius might suffice.
+# For WPA-RADIUS/EAP, ieee8021x must be set (but without dynamic WEP keys),
+# RADIUS authentication server must be configured, and WPA-EAP must be included
+# in wpa_key_mgmt.
+# This field is a bit field that can be used to enable WPA (IEEE 802.11i/D3.0)
+# and/or WPA2 (full IEEE 802.11i/RSN):
+# bit0 = WPA
+# bit1 = IEEE 802.11i/RSN (WPA2) (dot11RSNAEnabled)
+# WPA pre-shared keys for WPA-PSK. This can be either entered as a 256-bit
+# secret in hex format (64 hex digits), wpa_psk, or as an ASCII passphrase
+# (8..63 characters) that will be converted to PSK. This conversion uses SSID
+# so the PSK changes when ASCII passphrase is used and the SSID is changed.
+# wpa_psk (dot11RSNAConfigPSKValue)
+# wpa_passphrase (dot11RSNAConfigPSKPassPhrase)
+# Optionally, WPA PSKs can be read from a separate text file (containing list
+# of (PSK,MAC address) pairs. This allows more than one PSK to be configured.
+# Use absolute path name to make sure that the files can be read on SIGHUP
+# configuration reloads.
+# Optionally, WPA passphrase can be received from RADIUS authentication server
+# This requires macaddr_acl to be set to 2 (RADIUS)
+# 0 = disabled (default)
+# 1 = optional; use default passphrase/psk if RADIUS server does not include
+#	Tunnel-Password
+# 2 = required; reject authentication if RADIUS server does not include
+#	Tunnel-Password
+# Set of accepted key management algorithms (WPA-PSK, WPA-EAP, or both). The
+# entries are separated with a space. WPA-PSK-SHA256 and WPA-EAP-SHA256 can be
+# added to enable SHA256-based stronger algorithms.
+# FILS-SHA256 = Fast Initial Link Setup with SHA256
+# FILS-SHA384 = Fast Initial Link Setup with SHA384
+# FT-FILS-SHA256 = FT and Fast Initial Link Setup with SHA256
+# FT-FILS-SHA384 = FT and Fast Initial Link Setup with SHA384
+# (dot11RSNAConfigAuthenticationSuitesTable)
+#wpa_key_mgmt=WPA-PSK WPA-EAP
+# Set of accepted cipher suites (encryption algorithms) for pairwise keys
+# (unicast packets). This is a space separated list of algorithms:
+# CCMP = AES in Counter mode with CBC-MAC [RFC 3610, IEEE 802.11i/D7.0]
+# TKIP = Temporal Key Integrity Protocol [IEEE 802.11i/D7.0]
+# Group cipher suite (encryption algorithm for broadcast and multicast frames)
+# is automatically selected based on this configuration. If only CCMP is
+# allowed as the pairwise cipher, group cipher will also be CCMP. Otherwise,
+# TKIP will be used as the group cipher.
+# (dot11RSNAConfigPairwiseCiphersTable)
+# Pairwise cipher for WPA (v1) (default: TKIP)
+#wpa_pairwise=TKIP CCMP
+# Pairwise cipher for RSN/WPA2 (default: use wpa_pairwise value)
+# Time interval for rekeying GTK (broadcast/multicast encryption keys) in
+# seconds. (dot11RSNAConfigGroupRekeyTime)
+# This defaults to 86400 seconds (once per day) when using CCMP/GCMP as the
+# group cipher and 600 seconds (once per 10 minutes) when using TKIP as the
+# group cipher.
+# Rekey GTK when any STA that possesses the current GTK is leaving the BSS.
+# (dot11RSNAConfigGroupRekeyStrict)
+# The number of times EAPOL-Key Message 1/2 in the RSN Group Key Handshake is
+#retried per GTK Handshake attempt. (dot11RSNAConfigGroupUpdateCount)
+# This value should only be increased when stations are constantly
+# deauthenticated during GTK rekeying with the log message
+# "group key handshake failed...".
+# You should consider to also increase wpa_pairwise_update_count then.
+# Range 1..4294967295; default: 4
+# Time interval for rekeying GMK (master key used internally to generate GTKs
+# (in seconds).
+# Maximum lifetime for PTK in seconds. This can be used to enforce rekeying of
+# PTK to mitigate some attacks against TKIP deficiencies.
+# The number of times EAPOL-Key Message 1/4 and Message 3/4 in the RSN 4-Way
+# Handshake are retried per 4-Way Handshake attempt.
+# (dot11RSNAConfigPairwiseUpdateCount)
+# Range 1..4294967295; default: 4
+# Enable IEEE 802.11i/RSN/WPA2 pre-authentication. This is used to speed up
+# roaming be pre-authenticating IEEE 802.1X/EAP part of the full RSN
+# authentication and key handshake before actually associating with a new AP.
+# (dot11RSNAPreauthenticationEnabled)
+# Space separated list of interfaces from which pre-authentication frames are
+# accepted (e.g., 'eth0' or 'eth0 wlan0wds0'. This list should include all
+# interface that are used for connections to other APs. This could include
+# wired interfaces and WDS links. The normal wireless data interface towards
+# associated stations (e.g., wlan0) should not be added, since
+# pre-authentication is only used with APs other than the currently associated
+# one.
+# peerkey: Whether PeerKey negotiation for direct links (IEEE 802.11e) is
+# allowed. This is only used with RSN/WPA2.
+# 0 = disabled (default)
+# 1 = enabled
+# ieee80211w: Whether management frame protection (MFP) is enabled
+# 0 = disabled (default)
+# 1 = optional
+# 2 = required
+# Group management cipher suite
+# Default: AES-128-CMAC (BIP)
+# Other options (depending on driver support):
+# BIP-GMAC-128
+# BIP-GMAC-256
+# BIP-CMAC-256
+# Note: All the stations connecting to the BSS will also need to support the
+# selected cipher. The default AES-128-CMAC is the only option that is commonly
+# available in deployed devices.
+# Association SA Query maximum timeout (in TU = 1.024 ms; for MFP)
+# (maximum time to wait for a SA Query response)
+# dot11AssociationSAQueryMaximumTimeout, 1...4294967295
+# Association SA Query retry timeout (in TU = 1.024 ms; for MFP)
+# (time between two subsequent SA Query requests)
+# dot11AssociationSAQueryRetryTimeout, 1...4294967295
+# disable_pmksa_caching: Disable PMKSA caching
+# This parameter can be used to disable caching of PMKSA created through EAP
+# authentication. RSN preauthentication may still end up using PMKSA caching if
+# it is enabled (rsn_preauth=1).
+# 0 = PMKSA caching enabled (default)
+# 1 = PMKSA caching disabled
+# okc: Opportunistic Key Caching (aka Proactive Key Caching)
+# Allow PMK cache to be shared opportunistically among configured interfaces
+# and BSSes (i.e., all configurations within a single hostapd process).
+# 0 = disabled (default)
+# 1 = enabled
+# SAE threshold for anti-clogging mechanism (dot11RSNASAEAntiCloggingThreshold)
+# This parameter defines how many open SAE instances can be in progress at the
+# same time before the anti-clogging mechanism is taken into use.
+# Enabled SAE finite cyclic groups
+# SAE implementation are required to support group 19 (ECC group defined over a
+# 256-bit prime order field). All groups that are supported by the
+# implementation are enabled by default. This configuration parameter can be
+# used to specify a limited set of allowed groups. The group values are listed
+# in the IANA registry:
+# http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipsec-registry/ipsec-registry.xml#ipsec-registry-9
+#sae_groups=19 20 21 25 26
+# FILS Cache Identifier (16-bit value in hexdump format)
+# FILS Realm Information
+# One or more FILS realms need to be configured when FILS is enabled. This list
+# of realms is used to define which realms (used in keyName-NAI by the client)
+# can be used with FILS shared key authentication for ERP.
+# FILS DH Group for PFS
+# 0 = PFS disabled with FILS shared key authentication (default)
+# 1-65535 DH Group to use for FILS PFS
+# DHCP server for FILS HLP
+# If configured, hostapd will act as a DHCP relay for all FILS HLP requests
+# that include a DHCPDISCOVER message and send them to the specific DHCP
+# server for processing. hostapd will then wait for a response from that server
+# before replying with (Re)Association Response frame that encapsulates this
+# DHCP response. own_ip_addr is used as the local address for the communication
+# with the DHCP server.
+# DHCP server UDP port
+# Default: 67
+# DHCP relay UDP port on the local device
+# Default: 67; 0 means not to bind any specific port
+# DHCP rapid commit proxy
+# If set to 1, this enables hostapd to act as a DHCP rapid commit proxy to
+# allow the rapid commit options (two message DHCP exchange) to be used with a
+# server that supports only the four message DHCP exchange. This is disabled by
+# default (= 0) and can be enabled by setting this to 1.
+# Wait time for FILS HLP (dot11HLPWaitTime) in TUs
+# default: 30 TUs (= 30.72 milliseconds)
+##### IEEE 802.11r configuration ##############################################
+# Mobility Domain identifier (dot11FTMobilityDomainID, MDID)
+# MDID is used to indicate a group of APs (within an ESS, i.e., sharing the
+# same SSID) between which a STA can use Fast BSS Transition.
+# 2-octet identifier as a hex string.
+# PMK-R0 Key Holder identifier (dot11FTR0KeyHolderID)
+# 1 to 48 octet identifier.
+# This is configured with nas_identifier (see RADIUS client section above).
+# Default lifetime of the PMK-RO in minutes; range 1..65535
+# (dot11FTR0KeyLifetime)
+# PMK-R1 Key Holder identifier (dot11FTR1KeyHolderID)
+# 6-octet identifier as a hex string.
+# Defaults to BSSID.
+# Reassociation deadline in time units (TUs / 1.024 ms; range 1000..65535)
+# (dot11FTReassociationDeadline)
+# List of R0KHs in the same Mobility Domain
+# format: <MAC address> <NAS Identifier> <256-bit key as hex string>
+# This list is used to map R0KH-ID (NAS Identifier) to a destination MAC
+# address when requesting PMK-R1 key from the R0KH that the STA used during the
+# Initial Mobility Domain Association.
+#r0kh=02:01:02:03:04:05 r0kh-1.example.com 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f
+#r0kh=02:01:02:03:04:06 r0kh-2.example.com 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff
+# And so on.. One line per R0KH.
+# Wildcard entry:
+# Upon receiving a response from R0KH, it will be added to this list, so
+# subsequent requests won't be broadcast. If R0KH does not reply, it will be
+# blacklisted.
+#r0kh=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff * 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff
+# List of R1KHs in the same Mobility Domain
+# format: <MAC address> <R1KH-ID> <256-bit key as hex string>
+# This list is used to map R1KH-ID to a destination MAC address when sending
+# PMK-R1 key from the R0KH. This is also the list of authorized R1KHs in the MD
+# that can request PMK-R1 keys.
+#r1kh=02:01:02:03:04:05 02:11:22:33:44:55 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f
+#r1kh=02:01:02:03:04:06 02:11:22:33:44:66 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff
+# And so on.. One line per R1KH.
+# Wildcard entry:
+# Upon receiving a request from an R1KH not yet known, it will be added to this
+# list and thus will receive push notifications.
+#r1kh=00:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff
+# Timeout (seconds) for newly discovered R0KH/R1KH (see wildcard entries above)
+# Special values: 0 -> do not expire
+# Warning: do not cache implies no sequence number validation with wildcards
+#rkh_pos_timeout=86400 (default = 1 day)
+# Timeout (milliseconds) for requesting PMK-R1 from R0KH using PULL request
+# and number of retries.
+#rkh_pull_timeout=1000 (default = 1 second)
+#rkh_pull_retries=4 (default)
+# Timeout (seconds) for non replying R0KH (see wildcard entries above)
+# Special values: 0 -> do not cache
+# default: 60 seconds
+# Note: The R0KH/R1KH keys used to be 128-bit in length before the message
+# format was changed. That shorter key length is still supported for backwards
+# compatibility of the configuration files. If such a shorter key is used, a
+# 256-bit key is derived from it. For new deployments, configuring the 256-bit
+# key is recommended.
+# Whether PMK-R1 push is enabled at R0KH
+# 0 = do not push PMK-R1 to all configured R1KHs (default)
+# 1 = push PMK-R1 to all configured R1KHs whenever a new PMK-R0 is derived
+# Whether to enable FT-over-DS
+# 0 = FT-over-DS disabled
+# 1 = FT-over-DS enabled (default)
+# Whether to generate FT response locally for PSK networks
+# This avoids use of PMK-R1 push/pull from other APs with FT-PSK networks as
+# the required information (PSK and other session data) is already locally
+# available.
+# 0 = disabled (default)
+# 1 = enabled
+##### Neighbor table ##########################################################
+# Maximum number of entries kept in AP table (either for neigbor table or for
+# detecting Overlapping Legacy BSS Condition). The oldest entry will be
+# removed when adding a new entry that would make the list grow over this
+# limit. Note! WFA certification for IEEE 802.11g requires that OLBC is
+# enabled, so this field should not be set to 0 when using IEEE 802.11g.
+# default: 255
+# Number of seconds of no frames received after which entries may be deleted
+# from the AP table. Since passive scanning is not usually performed frequently
+# this should not be set to very small value. In addition, there is no
+# guarantee that every scan cycle will receive beacon frames from the
+# neighboring APs.
+# default: 60
+# Maximum number of stations to track on the operating channel
+# This can be used to detect dualband capable stations before they have
+# associated, e.g., to provide guidance on which colocated BSS to use.
+# Default: 0 (disabled)
+# Maximum age of a station tracking entry in seconds
+# Default: 180
+# Do not reply to group-addressed Probe Request from a station that was seen on
+# another radio.
+# Default: Disabled
+# This can be used with enabled track_sta_max_num configuration on another
+# interface controlled by the same hostapd process to restrict Probe Request
+# frame handling from replying to group-addressed Probe Request frames from a
+# station that has been detected to be capable of operating on another band,
+# e.g., to try to reduce likelihood of the station selecting a 2.4 GHz BSS when
+# the AP operates both a 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz BSS concurrently.
+# Note: Enabling this can cause connectivity issues and increase latency for
+# discovering the AP.
+# Reject authentication from a station that was seen on another radio.
+# Default: Disabled
+# This can be used with enabled track_sta_max_num configuration on another
+# interface controlled by the same hostapd process to reject authentication
+# attempts from a station that has been detected to be capable of operating on
+# another band, e.g., to try to reduce likelihood of the station selecting a
+# 2.4 GHz BSS when the AP operates both a 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz BSS concurrently.
+# Note: Enabling this can cause connectivity issues and increase latency for
+# connecting with the AP.
+##### Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) #############################################
+# WPS state
+# 0 = WPS disabled (default)
+# 1 = WPS enabled, not configured
+# 2 = WPS enabled, configured
+# Whether to manage this interface independently from other WPS interfaces
+# By default, a single hostapd process applies WPS operations to all configured
+# interfaces. This parameter can be used to disable that behavior for a subset
+# of interfaces. If this is set to non-zero for an interface, WPS commands
+# issued on that interface do not apply to other interfaces and WPS operations
+# performed on other interfaces do not affect this interface.
+# AP can be configured into a locked state where new WPS Registrar are not
+# accepted, but previously authorized Registrars (including the internal one)
+# can continue to add new Enrollees.
+# Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID; see RFC 4122) of the device
+# This value is used as the UUID for the internal WPS Registrar. If the AP
+# is also using UPnP, this value should be set to the device's UPnP UUID.
+# If not configured, UUID will be generated based on the local MAC address.
+# Note: If wpa_psk_file is set, WPS is used to generate random, per-device PSKs
+# that will be appended to the wpa_psk_file. If wpa_psk_file is not set, the
+# default PSK (wpa_psk/wpa_passphrase) will be delivered to Enrollees. Use of
+# per-device PSKs is recommended as the more secure option (i.e., make sure to
+# set wpa_psk_file when using WPS with WPA-PSK).
+# When an Enrollee requests access to the network with PIN method, the Enrollee
+# PIN will need to be entered for the Registrar. PIN request notifications are
+# sent to hostapd ctrl_iface monitor. In addition, they can be written to a
+# text file that could be used, e.g., to populate the AP administration UI with
+# pending PIN requests. If the following variable is set, the PIN requests will
+# be written to the configured file.
+# Device Name
+# User-friendly description of device; up to 32 octets encoded in UTF-8
+#device_name=Wireless AP
+# Manufacturer
+# The manufacturer of the device (up to 64 ASCII characters)
+# Model Name
+# Model of the device (up to 32 ASCII characters)
+# Model Number
+# Additional device description (up to 32 ASCII characters)
+# Serial Number
+# Serial number of the device (up to 32 characters)
+# Primary Device Type
+# Used format: <categ>-<OUI>-<subcateg>
+# categ = Category as an integer value
+# OUI = OUI and type octet as a 4-octet hex-encoded value; 0050F204 for
+#       default WPS OUI
+# subcateg = OUI-specific Sub Category as an integer value
+# Examples:
+#   1-0050F204-1 (Computer / PC)
+#   1-0050F204-2 (Computer / Server)
+#   5-0050F204-1 (Storage / NAS)
+#   6-0050F204-1 (Network Infrastructure / AP)
+# OS Version
+# 4-octet operating system version number (hex string)
+# Config Methods
+# List of the supported configuration methods
+# Available methods: usba ethernet label display ext_nfc_token int_nfc_token
+#	nfc_interface push_button keypad virtual_display physical_display
+#	virtual_push_button physical_push_button
+config_methods=label display push_button keypad
+# WPS capability discovery workaround for PBC with Windows 7
+# Windows 7 uses incorrect way of figuring out AP's WPS capabilities by acting
+# as a Registrar and using M1 from the AP. The config methods attribute in that
+# message is supposed to indicate only the configuration method supported by
+# the AP in Enrollee role, i.e., to add an external Registrar. For that case,
+# PBC shall not be used and as such, the PushButton config method is removed
+# from M1 by default. If pbc_in_m1=1 is included in the configuration file,
+# the PushButton config method is left in M1 (if included in config_methods
+# parameter) to allow Windows 7 to use PBC instead of PIN (e.g., from a label
+# in the AP).
+# Static access point PIN for initial configuration and adding Registrars
+# If not set, hostapd will not allow external WPS Registrars to control the
+# access point. The AP PIN can also be set at runtime with hostapd_cli
+# wps_ap_pin command. Use of temporary (enabled by user action) and random
+# AP PIN is much more secure than configuring a static AP PIN here. As such,
+# use of the ap_pin parameter is not recommended if the AP device has means for
+# displaying a random PIN.
+# Skip building of automatic WPS credential
+# This can be used to allow the automatically generated Credential attribute to
+# be replaced with pre-configured Credential(s).
+# Additional Credential attribute(s)
+# This option can be used to add pre-configured Credential attributes into M8
+# message when acting as a Registrar. If skip_cred_build=1, this data will also
+# be able to override the Credential attribute that would have otherwise been
+# automatically generated based on network configuration. This configuration
+# option points to an external file that much contain the WPS Credential
+# attribute(s) as binary data.
+# Credential processing
+#   0 = process received credentials internally (default)
+#   1 = do not process received credentials; just pass them over ctrl_iface to
+#	external program(s)
+#   2 = process received credentials internally and pass them over ctrl_iface
+#	to external program(s)
+# Note: With wps_cred_processing=1, skip_cred_build should be set to 1 and
+# extra_cred be used to provide the Credential data for Enrollees.
+# wps_cred_processing=1 will disabled automatic updates of hostapd.conf file
+# both for Credential processing and for marking AP Setup Locked based on
+# validation failures of AP PIN. An external program is responsible on updating
+# the configuration appropriately in this case.
+# AP Settings Attributes for M7
+# By default, hostapd generates the AP Settings Attributes for M7 based on the
+# current configuration. It is possible to override this by providing a file
+# with pre-configured attributes. This is similar to extra_cred file format,
+# but the AP Settings attributes are not encapsulated in a Credential
+# attribute.
+# WPS UPnP interface
+# If set, support for external Registrars is enabled.
+# Friendly Name (required for UPnP)
+# Short description for end use. Should be less than 64 characters.
+#friendly_name=Qualcomm Access Point
+# Manufacturer URL (optional for UPnP)
+# Model Description (recommended for UPnP)
+# Long description for end user. Should be less than 128 characters.
+#model_description=Wireless Access Point
+# Model URL (optional for UPnP)
+# Universal Product Code (optional for UPnP)
+# 12-digit, all-numeric code that identifies the consumer package.
+# WPS RF Bands (a = 5G, b = 2.4G, g = 2.4G, ag = dual band, ad = 60 GHz)
+# This value should be set according to RF band(s) supported by the AP if
+# hw_mode is not set. For dual band dual concurrent devices, this needs to be
+# set to ag to allow both RF bands to be advertized.
+# NFC password token for WPS
+# These parameters can be used to configure a fixed NFC password token for the
+# AP. This can be generated, e.g., with nfc_pw_token from wpa_supplicant. When
+# these parameters are used, the AP is assumed to be deployed with a NFC tag
+# that includes the matching NFC password token (e.g., written based on the
+# NDEF record from nfc_pw_token).
+#wps_nfc_dev_pw_id: Device Password ID (16..65535)
+#wps_nfc_dh_pubkey: Hexdump of DH Public Key
+#wps_nfc_dh_privkey: Hexdump of DH Private Key
+#wps_nfc_dev_pw: Hexdump of Device Password
+##### Wi-Fi Direct (P2P) ######################################################
+# Enable P2P Device management
+# Allow cross connection
+#### TDLS (IEEE 802.11z-2010) #################################################
+# Prohibit use of TDLS in this BSS
+# Prohibit use of TDLS Channel Switching in this BSS
+##### IEEE 802.11v-2011 #######################################################
+# Time advertisement
+# 0 = disabled (default)
+# 2 = UTC time at which the TSF timer is 0
+# Local time zone as specified in 8.3 of IEEE Std 1003.1-2004:
+# stdoffset[dst[offset][,start[/time],end[/time]]]
+# WNM-Sleep Mode (extended sleep mode for stations)
+# 0 = disabled (default)
+# 1 = enabled (allow stations to use WNM-Sleep Mode)
+# BSS Transition Management
+# 0 = disabled (default)
+# 1 = enabled
+# Proxy ARP
+# 0 = disabled (default)
+# 1 = enabled
+# IPv6 Neighbor Advertisement multicast-to-unicast conversion
+# This can be used with Proxy ARP to allow multicast NAs to be forwarded to
+# associated STAs using link layer unicast delivery.
+# 0 = disabled (default)
+# 1 = enabled
+##### IEEE 802.11u-2011 #######################################################
+# Enable Interworking service
+# Access Network Type
+# 0 = Private network
+# 1 = Private network with guest access
+# 2 = Chargeable public network
+# 3 = Free public network
+# 4 = Personal device network
+# 5 = Emergency services only network
+# 14 = Test or experimental
+# 15 = Wildcard
+# Whether the network provides connectivity to the Internet
+# 0 = Unspecified
+# 1 = Network provides connectivity to the Internet
+# Additional Step Required for Access
+# Note: This is only used with open network, i.e., ASRA shall ne set to 0 if
+# RSN is used.
+# Emergency services reachable
+# Unauthenticated emergency service accessible
+# Venue Info (optional)
+# The available values are defined in IEEE Std 802.11u-2011,
+# Example values (group,type):
+# 0,0 = Unspecified
+# 1,7 = Convention Center
+# 1,13 = Coffee Shop
+# 2,0 = Unspecified Business
+# 7,1  Private Residence
+# Homogeneous ESS identifier (optional; dot11HESSID)
+# If set, this shall be identifical to one of the BSSIDs in the homogeneous
+# ESS and this shall be set to the same value across all BSSs in homogeneous
+# ESS.
+# Roaming Consortium List
+# Arbitrary number of Roaming Consortium OIs can be configured with each line
+# adding a new OI to the list. The first three entries are available through
+# Beacon and Probe Response frames. Any additional entry will be available only
+# through ANQP queries. Each OI is between 3 and 15 octets and is configured as
+# a hexstring.
+# Venue Name information
+# This parameter can be used to configure one or more Venue Name Duples for
+# Venue Name ANQP information. Each entry has a two or three character language
+# code (ISO-639) separated by colon from the venue name string.
+# Note that venue_group and venue_type have to be set for Venue Name
+# information to be complete.
+#venue_name=eng:Example venue
+# Alternative format for language:value strings:
+# (double quoted string, printf-escaped string)
+# Network Authentication Type
+# This parameter indicates what type of network authentication is used in the
+# network.
+# format: <network auth type indicator (1-octet hex str)> [redirect URL]
+# Network Authentication Type Indicator values:
+# 00 = Acceptance of terms and conditions
+# 01 = On-line enrollment supported
+# 02 = http/https redirection
+# 03 = DNS redirection
+# IP Address Type Availability
+# format: <1-octet encoded value as hex str>
+# (ipv4_type & 0x3f) << 2 | (ipv6_type & 0x3)
+# ipv4_type:
+# 0 = Address type not available
+# 1 = Public IPv4 address available
+# 2 = Port-restricted IPv4 address available
+# 3 = Single NATed private IPv4 address available
+# 4 = Double NATed private IPv4 address available
+# 5 = Port-restricted IPv4 address and single NATed IPv4 address available
+# 6 = Port-restricted IPv4 address and double NATed IPv4 address available
+# 7 = Availability of the address type is not known
+# ipv6_type:
+# 0 = Address type not available
+# 1 = Address type available
+# 2 = Availability of the address type not known
+# Domain Name
+# format: <variable-octet str>[,<variable-octet str>]
+# 3GPP Cellular Network information
+# format: <MCC1,MNC1>[;<MCC2,MNC2>][;...]
+# NAI Realm information
+# One or more realm can be advertised. Each nai_realm line adds a new realm to
+# the set. These parameters provide information for stations using Interworking
+# network selection to allow automatic connection to a network based on
+# credentials.
+# format: <encoding>,<NAI Realm(s)>[,<EAP Method 1>][,<EAP Method 2>][,...]
+# encoding:
+#	0 = Realm formatted in accordance with IETF RFC 4282
+#	1 = UTF-8 formatted character string that is not formatted in
+#	    accordance with IETF RFC 4282
+# NAI Realm(s): Semi-colon delimited NAI Realm(s)
+# EAP Method: <EAP Method>[:<[AuthParam1:Val1]>][<[AuthParam2:Val2]>][...]
+# EAP Method types, see:
+# http://www.iana.org/assignments/eap-numbers/eap-numbers.xhtml#eap-numbers-4
+# AuthParam (Table 8-188 in IEEE Std 802.11-2012):
+# ID 2 = Non-EAP Inner Authentication Type
+#	1 = PAP, 2 = CHAP, 3 = MSCHAP, 4 = MSCHAPV2
+# ID 3 = Inner authentication EAP Method Type
+# ID 5 = Credential Type
+#	1 = SIM, 2 = USIM, 3 = NFC Secure Element, 4 = Hardware Token,
+#	5 = Softoken, 6 = Certificate, 7 = username/password, 9 = Anonymous,
+#	10 = Vendor Specific
+# EAP methods EAP-TLS with certificate and EAP-TTLS/MSCHAPv2 with
+# username/password
+# Arbitrary ANQP-element configuration
+# Additional ANQP-elements with arbitrary values can be defined by specifying
+# their contents in raw format as a hexdump of the payload. Note that these
+# values will override ANQP-element contents that may have been specified in the
+# more higher layer configuration parameters listed above.
+# format: anqp_elem=<InfoID>:<hexdump of payload>
+# For example, AP Geospatial Location ANQP-element with unknown location:
+# For example, AP Civic Location ANQP-element with unknown location:
+# GAS Address 3 behavior
+# 0 = P2P specification (Address3 = AP BSSID) workaround enabled by default
+#     based on GAS request Address3
+# 1 = IEEE 802.11 standard compliant regardless of GAS request Address3
+# 2 = Force non-compliant behavior (Address3 = AP BSSID for all cases)
+# QoS Map Set configuration
+# Comma delimited QoS Map Set in decimal values
+# (see IEEE Std 802.11-2012,
+# format:
+# [<DSCP Exceptions[DSCP,UP]>,]<UP 0 range[low,high]>,...<UP 7 range[low,high]>
+# There can be up to 21 optional DSCP Exceptions which are pairs of DSCP Value
+# (0..63 or 255) and User Priority (0..7). This is followed by eight DSCP Range
+# descriptions with DSCP Low Value and DSCP High Value pairs (0..63 or 255) for
+# each UP starting from 0. If both low and high value are set to 255, the
+# corresponding UP is not used.
+# default: not set
+##### Hotspot 2.0 #############################################################
+# Enable Hotspot 2.0 support
+# Disable Downstream Group-Addressed Forwarding (DGAF)
+# This can be used to configure a network where no group-addressed frames are
+# allowed. The AP will not forward any group-address frames to the stations and
+# random GTKs are issued for each station to prevent associated stations from
+# forging such frames to other stations in the BSS.
+# OSU Server-Only Authenticated L2 Encryption Network
+# ANQP Domain ID (0..65535)
+# An identifier for a set of APs in an ESS that share the same common ANQP
+# information. 0 = Some of the ANQP information is unique to this AP (default).
+# Deauthentication request timeout
+# If the RADIUS server indicates that the station is not allowed to connect to
+# the BSS/ESS, the AP can allow the station some time to download a
+# notification page (URL included in the message). This parameter sets that
+# timeout in seconds.
+# Operator Friendly Name
+# This parameter can be used to configure one or more Operator Friendly Name
+# Duples. Each entry has a two or three character language code (ISO-639)
+# separated by colon from the operator friendly name string.
+#hs20_oper_friendly_name=eng:Example operator
+# Connection Capability
+# This can be used to advertise what type of IP traffic can be sent through the
+# hotspot (e.g., due to firewall allowing/blocking protocols/ports).
+# format: <IP Protocol>:<Port Number>:<Status>
+# IP Protocol: 1 = ICMP, 6 = TCP, 17 = UDP
+# Port Number: 0..65535
+# Status: 0 = Closed, 1 = Open, 2 = Unknown
+# Each hs20_conn_capab line is added to the list of advertised tuples.
+# WAN Metrics
+# format: <WAN Info>:<DL Speed>:<UL Speed>:<DL Load>:<UL Load>:<LMD>
+# WAN Info: B0-B1: Link Status, B2: Symmetric Link, B3: At Capabity
+#    (encoded as two hex digits)
+#    Link Status: 1 = Link up, 2 = Link down, 3 = Link in test state
+# Downlink Speed: Estimate of WAN backhaul link current downlink speed in kbps;
+#	1..4294967295; 0 = unknown
+# Uplink Speed: Estimate of WAN backhaul link current uplink speed in kbps
+#	1..4294967295; 0 = unknown
+# Downlink Load: Current load of downlink WAN connection (scaled to 255 = 100%)
+# Uplink Load: Current load of uplink WAN connection (scaled to 255 = 100%)
+# Load Measurement Duration: Duration for measuring downlink/uplink load in
+# tenths of a second (1..65535); 0 if load cannot be determined
+# Operating Class Indication
+# List of operating classes the BSSes in this ESS use. The Global operating
+# classes in Table E-4 of IEEE Std 802.11-2012 Annex E define the values that
+# can be used in this.
+# format: hexdump of operating class octets
+# for example, operating classes 81 (2.4 GHz channels 1-13) and 115 (5 GHz
+# channels 36-48):
+# OSU icons
+# <Icon Width>:<Icon Height>:<Language code>:<Icon Type>:<Name>:<file path>
+# OSU SSID (see ssid2 for format description)
+# This is the SSID used for all OSU connections to all the listed OSU Providers.
+# OSU Providers
+# One or more sets of following parameter. Each OSU provider is started by the
+# mandatory osu_server_uri item. The other parameters add information for the
+# last added OSU provider.
+#osu_friendly_name=eng:Example operator
+#osu_method_list=1 0
+#osu_service_desc=eng:Example services
+##### Multiband Operation (MBO) ###############################################
+# MBO enabled
+# 0 = disabled (default)
+# 1 = enabled
+# Cellular data connection preference
+# 0 = Excluded - AP does not want STA to use the cellular data connection
+# 1 = AP prefers the STA not to use cellular data connection
+# 255 = AP prefers the STA to use cellular data connection
+##### Optimized Connectivity Experience (OCE) #################################
+# Enable OCE specific features (bitmap)
+# BIT(0) - Reserved
+# Set BIT(1) (= 2) to enable OCE in STA-CFON mode
+# Set BIT(2) (= 4) to enable OCE in AP mode
+# Default is 0 = OCE disabled
+##### Fast Session Transfer (FST) support #####################################
+# The options in this section are only available when the build configuration
+# option CONFIG_FST is set while compiling hostapd. They allow this interface
+# to be a part of FST setup.
+# FST is the transfer of a session from a channel to another channel, in the
+# same or different frequency bands.
+# For detals, see IEEE Std 802.11ad-2012.
+# Identifier of an FST Group the interface belongs to.
+# Interface priority within the FST Group.
+# Announcing a higher priority for an interface means declaring it more
+# preferable for FST switch.
+# fst_priority is in 1..255 range with 1 being the lowest priority.
+# Default LLT value for this interface in milliseconds. The value used in case
+# no value provided during session setup. Default is 50 ms.
+# fst_llt is in 1..4294967 range (due to spec limitation, see
+# Transitioning between states).
+##### Radio measurements / location ###########################################
+# The content of a LCI measurement subelement
+#lci=<Hexdump of binary data of the LCI report>
+# The content of a location civic measurement subelement
+#civic=<Hexdump of binary data of the location civic report>
+# Enable neighbor report via radio measurements
+# Enable beacon report via radio measurements
+# Publish fine timing measurement (FTM) responder functionality
+# This parameter only controls publishing via Extended Capabilities element.
+# Actual functionality is managed outside hostapd.
+# Publish fine timing measurement (FTM) initiator functionality
+# This parameter only controls publishing via Extended Capabilities element.
+# Actual functionality is managed outside hostapd.
+# Stationary AP config indicates that the AP doesn't move hence location data
+# can be considered as always up to date. If configured, LCI data will be sent
+# as a radio measurement even if the request doesn't contain a max age element
+# that allows sending of such data. Default: 0.
+##### TESTING OPTIONS #########################################################
+# The options in this section are only available when the build configuration
+# option CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS is set while compiling hostapd. They allow
+# testing some scenarios that are otherwise difficult to reproduce.
+# Ignore probe requests sent to hostapd with the given probability, must be a
+# floating point number in the range [0, 1).
+# Ignore authentication frames with the given probability
+# Ignore association requests with the given probability
+# Ignore reassociation requests with the given probability
+# Corrupt Key MIC in GTK rekey EAPOL-Key frames with the given probability
+# Include only ECSA IE without CSA IE where possible
+# (channel switch operating class is needed)
+##### Multiple BSSID support ##################################################
+# Above configuration is using the default interface (wlan#, or multi-SSID VLAN
+# interfaces). Other BSSIDs can be added by using separator 'bss' with
+# default interface name to be allocated for the data packets of the new BSS.
+# hostapd will generate BSSID mask based on the BSSIDs that are
+# configured. hostapd will verify that dev_addr & MASK == dev_addr. If this is
+# not the case, the MAC address of the radio must be changed before starting
+# hostapd (ifconfig wlan0 hw ether <MAC addr>). If a BSSID is configured for
+# every secondary BSS, this limitation is not applied at hostapd and other
+# masks may be used if the driver supports them (e.g., swap the locally
+# administered bit)
+# BSSIDs are assigned in order to each BSS, unless an explicit BSSID is
+# specified using the 'bssid' parameter.
+# If an explicit BSSID is specified, it must be chosen such that it:
+# - results in a valid MASK that covers it and the dev_addr
+# - is not the same as the MAC address of the radio
+# - is not the same as any other explicitly specified BSSID
+# Alternatively, the 'use_driver_iface_addr' parameter can be used to request
+# hostapd to use the driver auto-generated interface address (e.g., to use the
+# exact MAC addresses allocated to the device).
+# Not all drivers support multiple BSSes. The exact mechanism for determining
+# the driver capabilities is driver specific. With the current (i.e., a recent
+# kernel) drivers using nl80211, this information can be checked with "iw list"
+# (search for "valid interface combinations").
+# Please note that hostapd uses some of the values configured for the first BSS
+# as the defaults for the following BSSes. However, it is recommended that all
+# BSSes include explicit configuration of all relevant configuration items.
+# most of the above items can be used here (apart from radio interface specific
+# items, like channel)
+# ...
diff --git a/system/system/etc/hosts b/system/system/etc/hosts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..649151cef760606204b5ad24d57bc3ea7a0e21e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/hosts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+       localhost
+::1             ip6-localhost
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service.rc b/system/system/etc/init/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4f05523e307c7073260dc59425a278dea0a5d6a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+service hidl_memory /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service
+    class hal
+    user system
+    group system
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/atrace.rc b/system/system/etc/init/atrace.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d3d07115b944df306cc0b5f8af3484914f5956a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/atrace.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+## Permissions to allow system-wide tracing to the kernel trace buffer.
+on late-init
+# Allow writing to the kernel trace log.
+    chmod 0222 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_marker
+    chmod 0222 /sys/kernel/tracing/trace_marker
+# Scheduler tracepoints require schedstats=enable
+    write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_schedstats 1
+# Grant unix world read/write permissions to kernel tracepoints.
+# Access control to these files is now entirely in selinux policy.
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_clock
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/trace_clock
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/buffer_size_kb
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/buffer_size_kb
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/options/overwrite
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/options/overwrite
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/options/print-tgid
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/options/print-tgid
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/saved_cmdlines_size
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/saved_cmdlines_size
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/sched/sched_switch/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/sched/sched_switch/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/sched/sched_wakeup/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/sched/sched_wakeup/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/sched/sched_blocked_reason/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/sched/sched_blocked_reason/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/sched/sched_cpu_hotplug/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/sched/sched_cpu_hotplug/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/sched/sched_pi_setprio/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/sched/sched_pi_setprio/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/cgroup/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/cgroup/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/power/cpu_frequency/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/power/cpu_frequency/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/power/cpu_idle/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/power/cpu_idle/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/power/clock_set_rate/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/power/clock_set_rate/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/power/cpu_frequency_limits/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/power/cpu_frequency_limits/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/cpufreq_interactive/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/cpufreq_interactive/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/vmscan/mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/vmscan/mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/vmscan/mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/vmscan/mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/vmscan/mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/vmscan/mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/vmscan/mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/vmscan/mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_on
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/tracing_on
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/binder/binder_transaction/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/binder/binder_transaction/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/binder/binder_transaction_received/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/binder/binder_transaction_received/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/binder/binder_lock/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/binder/binder_lock/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/binder/binder_locked/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/binder/binder_locked/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/binder/binder_unlock/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/binder/binder_unlock/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/i2c/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/i2c/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/i2c/i2c_read/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/i2c/i2c_read/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/i2c/i2c_write/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/i2c/i2c_write/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/i2c/i2c_result/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/i2c/i2c_result/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/i2c/i2c_reply/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/i2c/i2c_reply/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/i2c/smbus_read/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/i2c/smbus_read/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/i2c/smbus_write/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/i2c/smbus_write/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/i2c/smbus_result/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/i2c/smbus_result/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/i2c/smbus_reply/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/i2c/smbus_reply/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/lowmemorykiller/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/lowmemorykiller/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/sync/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/sync/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/fence/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/fence/enable
+    # disk
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/f2fs/f2fs_sync_file_enter/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/f2fs/f2fs_sync_file_enter/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/f2fs/f2fs_sync_file_exit/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/f2fs/f2fs_sync_file_exit/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/f2fs/f2fs_write_begin/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/f2fs/f2fs_write_begin/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/f2fs/f2fs_write_end/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/f2fs/f2fs_write_end/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/ext4/ext4_da_write_begin/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/ext4/ext4_da_write_begin/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/ext4/ext4_da_write_end/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/ext4/ext4_da_write_end/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/ext4/ext4_sync_file_enter/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/ext4/ext4_sync_file_enter/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/ext4/ext4_sync_file_exit/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/ext4/ext4_sync_file_exit/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/block/block_rq_issue/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/block/block_rq_issue/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/block/block_rq_complete/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/block/block_rq_complete/enable
+    # graphics
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/sde/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/sde/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/events/mdss/enable
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/mdss/enable
+# Tracing disabled by default
+    write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_on 0
+    write /sys/kernel/tracing/tracing_on 0
+# Read and truncate the kernel trace.
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace
+    chmod 0666 /sys/kernel/tracing/trace
+on property:persist.debug.atrace.boottrace=1
+    start boottrace
+# Run atrace with the categories written in a file
+service boottrace /system/bin/atrace --async_start -f /data/misc/boottrace/categories
+    disabled
+    oneshot
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/audioserver.rc b/system/system/etc/init/audioserver.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7874f905d8fd8bc7ef54bd360176316977ae64c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/audioserver.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+service audioserver /system/bin/audioserver
+    class main
+    user audioserver
+    # media gid needed for /dev/fm (radio) and for /data/misc/media (tee)
+    group audio camera drmrpc inet media mediadrm net_bt net_bt_admin net_bw_acct
+    ioprio rt 4
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/foreground/tasks /dev/stune/foreground/tasks
+    onrestart restart vendor.audio-hal-2-0
+    # Keep the original service name for backward compatibility when upgrading
+    # O-MR1 devices with framework-only.
+    onrestart restart audio-hal-2-0
+on property:vts.native_server.on=1
+    stop audioserver
+on property:vts.native_server.on=0
+    start audioserver
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/blank_screen.rc b/system/system/etc/init/blank_screen.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b2a55e1e032d5034cb092d018bbf2a59ae16267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/blank_screen.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+service blank_screen /system/bin/blank_screen
+    user system
+    oneshot
+    group system
+    shutdown critical
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/bootanim.rc b/system/system/etc/init/bootanim.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..469c9646a4aa8af3fca0d2154af48d32b33c6eac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/bootanim.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+service bootanim /system/bin/bootanimation
+    class core animation
+    user graphics
+    group graphics audio
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+    writepid /dev/stune/top-app/tasks
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/bootstat.rc b/system/system/etc/init/bootstat.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1300a277a4de3f3fecf3a875260e65f321fbd9ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/bootstat.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# This file is the LOCAL_INIT_RC file for the bootstat command.
+# mirror bootloader boot reason to system boot reason
+on property:ro.boot.bootreason=*
+    setprop sys.boot.reason ${ro.boot.bootreason}
+on post-fs-data
+    mkdir /data/misc/bootstat 0700 system log
+    # To deal with ota transition resulting from a change in DAC from
+    # root.root to system.log, may be deleted after ota has settled.
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/absolute_boot_time
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boot_complete
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boot_complete_no_encryption
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boot_reason
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.1BLE
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.1BLL
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.2BLE
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.2BLL
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.AVB
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.KD
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.KL
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.ODT
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.SW
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/boottime.bootloader.total
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/build_date
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/factory_reset
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/factory_reset_boot_complete
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/factory_reset_boot_complete_no_encryption
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/factory_reset_current_time
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/factory_reset_record_value
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/last_boot_time_utc
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/ota_boot_complete
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/ota_boot_complete_no_encryption
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/post_decrypt_time_elapsed
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/ro.boottime.init
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/ro.boottime.init.cold_boot_wait
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/ro.boottime.init.selinux
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/time_since_factory_reset
+    chown system log /data/misc/bootstat/time_since_last_boot
+    # end ota transitional support
+# Record the time at which the user has successfully entered the pin to decrypt
+# the device, /data is decrypted, and the system is entering the main boot phase.
+# post-fs-data: /data is writable
+# property:init.svc.bootanim=running: The boot animation is running
+# property:ro.crypto.type=block: FDE device
+on post-fs-data && property:init.svc.bootanim=running && property:ro.crypto.type=block
+    exec_background - system log -- /system/bin/bootstat -r post_decrypt_time_elapsed
+# sys.logbootcomplete is a signal to enable the bootstat logging mechanism.
+# This signaling is necessary to prevent logging boot metrics after a runtime
+# restart (e.g., adb shell stop && adb shell start).  /proc/uptime is not reset
+# during a runtime restart, which leads to false boot time metrics being reported.
+# The 'on boot' event occurs once per hard boot (device power on), which
+# switches the flag on. If the device performs a runtime restart, the flag is
+# switched off and cannot be switched on until the device hard boots again.
+# Enable bootstat logging on boot.
+on boot
+    setprop sys.logbootcomplete 1
+# Disable further bootstat logging on a runtime restart. A runtime restart is
+# signaled by the zygote stopping.
+on property:init.svc.zygote=stopping
+    setprop sys.logbootcomplete 0
+# Record boot complete metrics.
+on property:sys.boot_completed=1 && property:sys.logbootcomplete=1
+    # Converts bootloader boot reason to system boot reason
+    # Record boot_complete and related stats (decryption, etc).
+    # Record the boot reason.
+    # Record time since factory reset.
+    # Log all boot events.
+    exec_background - system log -- /system/bin/bootstat --set_system_boot_reason --record_boot_complete --record_boot_reason --record_time_since_factory_reset -l
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/cameraserver.rc b/system/system/etc/init/cameraserver.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b637b2127ed85e970d4a9e96256220ebacceb00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/cameraserver.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+service cameraserver /system/bin/cameraserver
+    class main
+    user cameraserver
+    group audio camera input drmrpc
+    ioprio rt 4
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon/tasks /dev/stune/foreground/tasks
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/cppreopts.rc b/system/system/etc/init/cppreopts.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9892d023c39cdadbfb199393ba1717c2b2089328
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/cppreopts.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+on property:sys.cppreopt=requested && property:ro.boot.slot_suffix=_a
+    mount ext4 /dev/block/by-name/system_b /postinstall ro nosuid nodev noexec
+    exec - root -- /system/bin/cppreopts.sh /postinstall
+    # Optional script to copy additional preloaded content to data directory
+    exec - system system -- /system/bin/preloads_copy.sh /postinstall
+    umount /postinstall
+    setprop sys.cppreopt finished
+on property:sys.cppreopt=requested && property:ro.boot.slot_suffix=_b
+    mount ext4 /dev/block/by-name/system_a /postinstall ro nosuid nodev noexec
+    exec - root -- /system/bin/cppreopts.sh /postinstall
+    # Optional script to copy additional preloaded content to data directory
+    exec - system system -- /system/bin/preloads_copy.sh /postinstall
+    umount /postinstall
+    setprop sys.cppreopt finished
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/dpmd.rc b/system/system/etc/init/dpmd.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f925d96cb1f414bcd1246d574c12f2722e648444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/dpmd.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+# Create the directories used by DPM subsystem
+on post-fs-data
+    mkdir /data/dpm 0771 system system
+    chown system system /data/dpm
+#start dpmd service
+service dpmd /system/bin/dpmd
+    class late_start
+    socket dpmd stream 660 root system
+    socket tcm  stream 660 root inet
+    socket dpmwrapper stream 660 root inet
+    group system readproc inet radio wakelock oem_2901
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/drmserver.rc b/system/system/etc/init/drmserver.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..de46fb92e7b0870df1046d244c8e035210f0576c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/drmserver.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+service drm /system/bin/drmserver
+    class main
+    user drm
+    group drm system inet drmrpc readproc
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/foreground/tasks
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/dumpstate.rc b/system/system/etc/init/dumpstate.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2e72574738d30d2bb023da98a198db8ec64aee74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/dumpstate.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+on boot
+    # Allow bugreports access to eMMC 5.0 stats
+    chown root mount /sys/kernel/debug/mmc0/mmc0:0001/ext_csd
+    chmod 0440 /sys/kernel/debug/mmc0/mmc0:0001/ext_csd
+service dumpstate /system/bin/dumpstate -s
+    class main
+    socket dumpstate stream 0660 shell log
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+# dumpstatez generates a zipped bugreport but also uses a socket to print the file location once
+# it is finished.
+service dumpstatez /system/bin/dumpstate -S -d -z \
+        -o /data/user_de/0/com.android.shell/files/bugreports/bugreport
+    socket dumpstate stream 0660 shell log
+    class main
+    disabled
+    oneshot
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/gatekeeperd.rc b/system/system/etc/init/gatekeeperd.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b126d588a256ee3e5280218ddd644430010f3e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/gatekeeperd.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+service gatekeeperd /system/bin/gatekeeperd /data/misc/gatekeeper
+    class late_start
+    user system
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/system-background/tasks
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/healthd.rc b/system/system/etc/init/healthd.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8e2ebb609041f391be487e9ef3818c71fec2b305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/healthd.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+service healthd /system/bin/healthd
+    class hal
+    critical
+    group root system wakelock
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/hwservicemanager.rc b/system/system/etc/init/hwservicemanager.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96fd5b0dd694e5942bb16f5c111a089a16229499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/hwservicemanager.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+service hwservicemanager /system/bin/hwservicemanager
+    user system
+    disabled
+    group system readproc
+    critical
+    onrestart setprop hwservicemanager.ready false
+    onrestart class_restart hal
+    onrestart class_restart early_hal
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/system-background/tasks
+    class animation
+    shutdown critical
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/incidentd.rc b/system/system/etc/init/incidentd.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9c16a1c52e8923a2be1fcd143fbef21e746c1432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/incidentd.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+service incidentd /system/bin/incidentd
+    class main
+    user incidentd
+    group incidentd log readproc
+    capabilities KILL SYS_PTRACE
+on post-fs-data
+    # Create directory for incidentd
+    mkdir /data/misc/incidents 0770 incidentd incidentd
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/installd.rc b/system/system/etc/init/installd.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..240aa495b7efc897d08deff4941ce442cfeac3a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/installd.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+service installd /system/bin/installd
+    class main
+on early-boot
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/3gpp
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/3gp
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/3gpp2
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/3g2
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/avi
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/dl
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/dif
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/dv
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/fli
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/m4v
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/ts
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/mpeg
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/mpg
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/mpe
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/mp4
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/vob
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/qt
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/mov
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/mxu
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/webm
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/lsf
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/lsx
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/mkv
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/mng
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/asf
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/asx
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/wm
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/wmv
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/wmx
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/wvx
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/movie
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1056/wrf
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/bmp
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/gif
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/jpg
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/jpeg
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/jpe
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/pcx
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/png
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/svg
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/svgz
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/tiff
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/tif
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/wbmp
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/webp
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/dng
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/cr2
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/ras
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/art
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/jng
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/nef
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/nrw
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/orf
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/rw2
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/pef
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/psd
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/pnm
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/pbm
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/pgm
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/ppm
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/srw
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/arw
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/rgb
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/xbm
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/xpm
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1057/xwd
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/aac
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/aac
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/amr
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/awb
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/snd
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/flac
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/flac
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/mp3
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/mpga
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/mpega
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/mp2
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/m4a
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/aif
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/aiff
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/aifc
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/gsm
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/mka
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/m3u
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/wma
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/wax
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/ra
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/rm
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/ram
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/ra
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/pls
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/sd2
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/wav
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/ogg
+    mkdir /config/sdcardfs/extensions/1055/oga
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/keystore.rc b/system/system/etc/init/keystore.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..132039a82cc096930e53cdb0f32f67d1dd246175
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/keystore.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+service keystore /system/bin/keystore /data/misc/keystore
+    class main
+    user keystore
+    group keystore drmrpc readproc log
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/foreground/tasks
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/lmkd.rc b/system/system/etc/init/lmkd.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3bb84abf60624bdf735c09b468e00b21f5e436ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/lmkd.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+service lmkd /system/bin/lmkd
+    class core
+    group root readproc
+    critical
+    socket lmkd seqpacket 0660 system system
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/system-background/tasks
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/logd.rc b/system/system/etc/init/logd.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bd303b72ba5336987813d7e93c037cfc01956075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/logd.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+service logd /system/bin/logd
+    socket logd stream 0666 logd logd
+    socket logdr seqpacket 0666 logd logd
+    socket logdw dgram+passcred 0222 logd logd
+    file /proc/kmsg r
+    file /dev/kmsg w
+    user logd
+    group logd system package_info readproc
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/system-background/tasks
+service logd-reinit /system/bin/logd --reinit
+    oneshot
+    disabled
+    user logd
+    group logd
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/system-background/tasks
+on fs
+    write /dev/event-log-tags "# content owned by logd
+    chown logd logd /dev/event-log-tags
+    chmod 0644 /dev/event-log-tags
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/mdnsd.rc b/system/system/etc/init/mdnsd.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0696ac5b47bedd82ae9c66dfaf52c3054fb74903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/mdnsd.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+service mdnsd /system/bin/mdnsd
+    class main
+    user mdnsr
+    group inet
+    socket mdnsd stream 0660 mdnsr inet
+    disabled
+    oneshot
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/mediadrmserver.rc b/system/system/etc/init/mediadrmserver.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..359c2cf76d52bce5ccc5e71faea0ca1d1bbceb53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/mediadrmserver.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+service mediadrm /system/bin/mediadrmserver
+    class main
+    user media
+    group mediadrm drmrpc
+    ioprio rt 4
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/foreground/tasks
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/mediaextractor.rc b/system/system/etc/init/mediaextractor.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5fc294111c0d9eab681c30ad5748221fc8594035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/mediaextractor.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+service mediaextractor /system/bin/mediaextractor
+    class main
+    user mediaex
+    group drmrpc mediadrm
+    ioprio rt 4
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/foreground/tasks
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/mediametrics.rc b/system/system/etc/init/mediametrics.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1efde5e0eb96b0a18d36e0ee749707e1dfff4581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/mediametrics.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+service mediametrics /system/bin/mediametrics
+    class main
+    user media
+    group media
+    ioprio rt 4
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/foreground/tasks /dev/stune/foreground/tasks
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/mediaserver.rc b/system/system/etc/init/mediaserver.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f6c325c98be7ee6326879f2e3c7933967ad0b988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/mediaserver.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+service media /system/bin/mediaserver
+    class main
+    user media
+    group audio camera inet net_bt net_bt_admin net_bw_acct drmrpc mediadrm
+    ioprio rt 4
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/foreground/tasks /dev/stune/foreground/tasks
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/mtpd.rc b/system/system/etc/init/mtpd.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..af701d59c9bb0ea8155355ece3f0426f94407221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/mtpd.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+service mtpd /system/bin/mtpd
+    class main
+    socket mtpd stream 600 system system
+    user vpn
+    group vpn inet
+    capabilities NET_ADMIN NET_RAW
+    disabled
+    oneshot
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/netd.rc b/system/system/etc/init/netd.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8100636986dd167f8d5af2550e9856a7870e1313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/netd.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+service netd /system/bin/netd
+    class main
+    socket netd stream 0660 root system
+    socket dnsproxyd stream 0660 root inet
+    socket mdns stream 0660 root system
+    socket fwmarkd stream 0660 root inet
+    onrestart restart zygote
+    onrestart restart zygote_secondary
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/perfetto.rc b/system/system/etc/init/perfetto.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c795ad3bc6a0107dd554ed015965fdf83da8b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/perfetto.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+service traced /system/bin/traced
+    class late_start
+    disabled
+    socket traced_consumer stream 0666 root root
+    socket traced_producer stream 0666 root root
+    user nobody
+    group nobody
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/system-background/tasks
+service traced_probes /system/bin/traced_probes
+    class late_start
+    disabled
+    user nobody
+    group nobody readproc
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/system-background/tasks
+    # Clean up procfs configuration even if traced_probes crashes
+    # unexpectedly.
+    onrestart exec_background - nobody shell -- /system/bin/traced_probes --cleanup-after-crash
+    file /dev/kmsg w
+    capabilities DAC_READ_SEARCH
+on property:sys.traced.enable_override=1
+    setprop persist.traced.enable 1
+on property:sys.traced.enable_override=0
+    setprop persist.traced.enable 0
+on property:debug.atrace.user_initiated=1
+    stop traced_probes
+on property:persist.traced.enable=1 && property:debug.atrace.user_initiated=""
+    start traced_probes
+on property:persist.traced.enable=1
+    # Trace files need to be:
+    # - Written by either uid:shell or uid:statsd.
+    # - Read by shell and dropbox (dropbox is part of system_server).
+    # When written to dropbox, they are persistet in the perfetto-traces folder
+    # only for the time it takes to make a dropbox call, and unlinked
+    # immediately in any case.
+    mkdir /data/misc/perfetto-traces 0773 root shell
+    start traced
+    start traced_probes
+on property:persist.traced.enable=0
+    stop traced
+    stop traced_probes
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/perfservice.rc b/system/system/etc/init/perfservice.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49af93e282e2bc3a0095589420015728694d4498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/perfservice.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ * Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ */
+service vendor.perfservice /system/bin/perfservice
+    class main
+    user system
+    group system readproc
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/qvrd.rc b/system/system/etc/init/qvrd.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..767235a2b3ba7fbc392bb0f22b839716ecc25d7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/qvrd.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+* File: qvrd.rc
+* Copyright (c) 2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+* Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+on post-fs-data
+    mkdir /data/misc/qvr 0770 system system
+# Add qvrservice,qvrservice_camera,qvrservice_hvx_camera sockets for qvrservice
+service qvrd /system/bin/qvrservice
+    class late_start
+    user system
+    group system camera graphics
+    socket qvrservice stream 0666 system system
+    socket qvrservice_camera stream 0666 system system
+    socket qvrservice_hvx_camera stream 0660 system system
+    capabilities SYS_NICE
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/racoon.rc b/system/system/etc/init/racoon.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fdb8823f814ac9f693007b08a8e26f04536f6aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/racoon.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+service racoon /system/bin/racoon
+    class main
+    socket racoon stream 600 system system
+    # IKE uses UDP port 500.
+    user vpn
+    group vpn inet
+    disabled
+    oneshot
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/recovery-persist.rc b/system/system/etc/init/recovery-persist.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..135a3c33d2612b59168c9ad71ea2847ad6d1ec70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/recovery-persist.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+on post-fs-data
+    mkdir /data/misc/recovery 0770 system log
+    exec_background - system log -- /system/bin/recovery-persist
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/recovery-refresh.rc b/system/system/etc/init/recovery-refresh.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9fefc819b53e43c5b8e4f0ad11840633b99ef02c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/recovery-refresh.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+on post-fs
+    exec_background - system log -- /system/bin/recovery-refresh
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/servicemanager.rc b/system/system/etc/init/servicemanager.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d93cb4c73493c9906d55fec19658c5e4df77a85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/servicemanager.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+service servicemanager /system/bin/servicemanager
+    class core animation
+    user system
+    group system readproc
+    critical
+    onrestart restart healthd
+    onrestart restart zygote
+    onrestart restart audioserver
+    onrestart restart media
+    onrestart restart surfaceflinger
+    onrestart restart inputflinger
+    onrestart restart drm
+    onrestart restart cameraserver
+    onrestart restart keystore
+    onrestart restart gatekeeperd
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/system-background/tasks
+    shutdown critical
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/statsd.rc b/system/system/etc/init/statsd.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cbf2a8d5383d664b9c1dee2f9a4c22ffdc5541cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/statsd.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+service statsd /system/bin/statsd
+    class main
+    socket statsdw dgram+passcred 0222 statsd statsd
+    user statsd
+    group statsd log
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/system-background/tasks
+on property:ro.statsd.enable=false
+    stop statsd
+on post-fs-data
+    # Create directory for statsd
+    mkdir /data/misc/stats-data/ 0770 statsd system
+    mkdir /data/misc/stats-service/ 0770 statsd system
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/storaged.rc b/system/system/etc/init/storaged.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0614fadd1e4b9e255c5d6fa752e22a920033e6d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/storaged.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+service storaged /system/bin/storaged
+    class main
+    capabilities DAC_READ_SEARCH
+    priority 10
+    file /d/mmc0/mmc0:0001/ext_csd r
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/system-background/tasks
+    user root
+    group package_info
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/surfaceflinger.rc b/system/system/etc/init/surfaceflinger.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aea602bba489ac481b202d798daed8f7da99af49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/surfaceflinger.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+service surfaceflinger /system/bin/surfaceflinger
+    class core animation
+    user system
+    group graphics drmrpc readproc
+    onrestart restart zygote
+    writepid /dev/stune/foreground/tasks
+    socket pdx/system/vr/display/client     stream 0666 system graphics u:object_r:pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket:s0
+    socket pdx/system/vr/display/manager    stream 0666 system graphics u:object_r:pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket:s0
+    socket pdx/system/vr/display/vsync      stream 0666 system graphics u:object_r:pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket:s0
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/thermalservice.rc b/system/system/etc/init/thermalservice.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..94c2c78df3009699962f283b52187542ddb02748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/thermalservice.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+service thermalservice /system/bin/thermalserviced
+    class core
+    user system
+    group system
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/tombstoned.rc b/system/system/etc/init/tombstoned.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..53ef01c5f873e49383ce1a4b722b666eb191293b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/tombstoned.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+service tombstoned /system/bin/tombstoned
+    user tombstoned
+    group system
+    # Don't start tombstoned until after the real /data is mounted.
+    class late_start
+    socket tombstoned_crash seqpacket 0666 system system
+    socket tombstoned_intercept seqpacket 0666 system system
+    socket tombstoned_java_trace seqpacket 0666 system system
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/system-background/tasks
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/uncrypt.rc b/system/system/etc/init/uncrypt.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..52f564eb6cf8885e83049b0a2216b3c637705cbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/uncrypt.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+service uncrypt /system/bin/uncrypt
+    class main
+    socket uncrypt stream 600 system system
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+service setup-bcb /system/bin/uncrypt --setup-bcb
+    class main
+    socket uncrypt stream 600 system system
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+service clear-bcb /system/bin/uncrypt --clear-bcb
+    class main
+    socket uncrypt stream 600 system system
+    disabled
+    oneshot
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/update_engine.rc b/system/system/etc/init/update_engine.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7d62357d11d0bb1ff5ee01463fabf728a2f2bd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/update_engine.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+service update_engine /system/bin/update_engine --logtostderr --logtofile --foreground
+    class late_start
+    user root
+    group root system wakelock inet cache
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/system-background/tasks
+    disabled
+on property:ro.boot.slot_suffix=*
+    enable update_engine
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/update_verifier.rc b/system/system/etc/init/update_verifier.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..862b062575afe18356e5a39c5e419b411f348b95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/update_verifier.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+service update_verifier_nonencrypted /system/bin/update_verifier nonencrypted
+    user root
+    group cache system
+    priority -20
+    ioprio rt 0
+service update_verifier /system/bin/update_verifier ${vold.decrypt}
+    user root
+    group cache system
+    priority -20
+    ioprio rt 0
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/usbd.rc b/system/system/etc/init/usbd.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..809044aaa16df2cd2cdbc24fb56f12a219fb214f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/usbd.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+service usbd /system/bin/usbd
+    class late_start
+    oneshot
+    user root
+    group root usb system
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/vdc.rc b/system/system/etc/init/vdc.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f2a8076fc80f3425d9d9a0aafc631c10cec1c054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/vdc.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# One shot invocation to deal with encrypted volume.
+on defaultcrypto
+    exec - root -- /system/bin/vdc --wait cryptfs mountdefaultencrypted
+    # vold will set vold.decrypt to trigger_restart_framework (default
+    # encryption) or trigger_restart_min_framework (other encryption)
+# One shot invocation to encrypt unencrypted volumes
+on encrypt
+    start surfaceflinger
+    exec - root -- /system/bin/vdc --wait cryptfs enablecrypto
+    # vold will set vold.decrypt to trigger_restart_framework (default
+    # encryption)
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/vold.rc b/system/system/etc/init/vold.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7d1445306f369b8c42aa5948a97c5b353d492700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/vold.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+service vold /system/bin/vold \
+        --blkid_context=u:r:blkid:s0 --blkid_untrusted_context=u:r:blkid_untrusted:s0 \
+        --fsck_context=u:r:fsck:s0 --fsck_untrusted_context=u:r:fsck_untrusted:s0
+    class core
+    ioprio be 2
+    writepid /dev/cpuset/foreground/tasks
+    shutdown critical
+    group reserved_disk
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/wait_for_keymaster.rc b/system/system/etc/init/wait_for_keymaster.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e83a93a4c8cdc6a885fa7684ce3185707dfe965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/wait_for_keymaster.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+service wait_for_keymaster /system/bin/wait_for_keymaster
+    user root
+    group root system
+    priority -20
+    ioprio rt 0
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/wfdservice.rc b/system/system/etc/init/wfdservice.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c4d9c777cc97a90ee57a771ef4b864228d1b27b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/wfdservice.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+service wfdservice /system/bin/wfdservice
+    class main
+    user system
+    group audio camera inet uhid drmrpc media_rw media input net_admin
+    #removed these because of limit of 12 groups
+    #graphics net_bt net_bt_admin bluetooth
+    disabled
+    oneshot
+on property:vendor.wfdservice=enable
+    start wfdservice
+on property:vendor.wfdservice=disable
+    stop wfdservice
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/wifi-events.rc b/system/system/etc/init/wifi-events.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ba597330cc07b4940d00a24244798dd3d6856667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/wifi-events.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+on fs
+   setprop sys.wifitracing.started 0
+on property:sys.boot_completed=1 && property:sys.wifitracing.started=0
+   # Create trace buffer, and set basic configuration.
+   mkdir /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi 711
+   restorecon /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/tracing_on
+   restorecon /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/free_buffer
+   restorecon /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/trace
+   restorecon /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/buffer_size_kb
+   restorecon /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/trace_options
+   restorecon_recursive /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/events/cfg80211
+   restorecon_recursive /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/events/net
+   write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/tracing_on 0
+   write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/buffer_size_kb 1
+   write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/trace_options disable_on_free
+   # Enable cfg80211 events for connection and key management events.
+   # - Events are not actually logged until WifiService writes "1" to
+   #   /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/tracing_on.
+   # - WifiService is responsible for turning tracing off and on.
+   write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/events/cfg80211/cfg80211_gtk_rekey_notify/enable 1
+   write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/events/cfg80211/rdev_add_key/enable 1
+   write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/events/cfg80211/rdev_assoc/enable 1
+   write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/events/cfg80211/rdev_auth/enable 1
+   write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/events/cfg80211/rdev_connect/enable 1
+   write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/events/cfg80211/rdev_set_default_key/enable 1
+   write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/events/cfg80211/rdev_set_default_mgmt_key/enable 1
+   write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/events/cfg80211/rdev_set_rekey_data/enable 1
+   # Enable datapath events for Wifi.
+   # - Events are not actually logged until WifiService writes "1" to
+   #   /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/tracing_on.
+   # - WifiService will ensure that tracing is turned back off,
+   #   when a connection attempt ends (whether in success or failure)
+   write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/events/net/filter name==${wifi.interface:-wlan0}
+   write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/events/net/net_dev_queue/enable 1
+   write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/events/net/net_dev_xmit/enable 1
+   write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/events/net/netif_rx/enable 1
+   write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/events/net/netif_receive_skb/enable 1
+   # Set DAC to allow system_server to enable/disable, and read wifi trace
+   # events.
+   chown system /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/tracing_on
+   chown system /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/free_buffer
+   chown system /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/trace
+   chmod 200 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/tracing_on
+   chmod 400 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/free_buffer
+   chmod 600 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/trace
+   setprop sys.wifitracing.started 1
+on property:sys.boot_completed=1 && property:wifi.interface=* && sys.wifitracing.started=1
+   # Override default value.
+   write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/events/net/filter name==${wifi.interface}
diff --git a/system/system/etc/init/wificond.rc b/system/system/etc/init/wificond.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..407fcca179dc9b13f97eac0356ef25f707dd3240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/init/wificond.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+service wificond /system/bin/wificond
+    class main
+    user wifi
+    group wifi net_raw net_admin
+    capabilities NET_RAW NET_ADMIN
diff --git a/system/system/etc/ld.config.28.txt b/system/system/etc/ld.config.28.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f8fe44e537348f4af7cbe74ec8011b6f29fcccc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/ld.config.28.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+# Bionic loader config file.
+# Don't change the order here. The first pattern that matches with the
+# absolute path of an executable is selected.
+dir.system = /system/bin/
+dir.system = /system/xbin/
+dir.system = /product/bin/
+dir.vendor = /odm/bin/
+dir.vendor = /vendor/bin/
+dir.vendor = /data/nativetest/odm
+dir.vendor = /data/nativetest64/odm
+dir.vendor = /data/benchmarktest/odm
+dir.vendor = /data/benchmarktest64/odm
+dir.vendor = /data/nativetest/vendor
+dir.vendor = /data/nativetest64/vendor
+dir.vendor = /data/benchmarktest/vendor
+dir.vendor = /data/benchmarktest64/vendor
+dir.system = /data/nativetest
+dir.system = /data/nativetest64
+dir.system = /data/benchmarktest
+dir.system = /data/benchmarktest64
+dir.postinstall = /postinstall
+additional.namespaces = sphal,vndk,rs
+# "default" namespace
+# Framework-side code runs in this namespace. Libs from /vendor partition
+# can't be loaded in this namespace.
+namespace.default.isolated = true
+namespace.default.search.paths  = /system/${LIB}
+namespace.default.search.paths += /product/${LIB}
+# We can't have entire /system/${LIB} as permitted paths because doing so
+# makes it possible to load libs in /system/${LIB}/vndk* directories by
+# their absolute paths (e.g. dlopen("/system/lib/vndk/libbase.so");).
+# VNDK libs are built with previous versions of Android and thus must not be
+# loaded into this namespace where libs built with the current version of
+# Android are loaded. Mixing the two types of libs in the same namespace can
+# cause unexpected problem.
+namespace.default.permitted.paths  = /system/${LIB}/drm
+namespace.default.permitted.paths += /system/${LIB}/extractors
+namespace.default.permitted.paths += /system/${LIB}/hw
+namespace.default.permitted.paths += /product/${LIB}
+# These are where odex files are located. libart has to be able to dlopen the files
+namespace.default.permitted.paths += /system/framework
+namespace.default.permitted.paths += /system/app
+namespace.default.permitted.paths += /system/priv-app
+namespace.default.permitted.paths += /vendor/framework
+namespace.default.permitted.paths += /vendor/app
+namespace.default.permitted.paths += /vendor/priv-app
+namespace.default.permitted.paths += /odm/framework
+namespace.default.permitted.paths += /odm/app
+namespace.default.permitted.paths += /odm/priv-app
+namespace.default.permitted.paths += /oem/app
+namespace.default.permitted.paths += /product/framework
+namespace.default.permitted.paths += /product/app
+namespace.default.permitted.paths += /product/priv-app
+namespace.default.permitted.paths += /data
+namespace.default.permitted.paths += /mnt/expand
+namespace.default.asan.search.paths  = /data/asan/system/${LIB}
+namespace.default.asan.search.paths +=           /system/${LIB}
+namespace.default.asan.search.paths += /data/asan/product/${LIB}
+namespace.default.asan.search.paths +=           /product/${LIB}
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths  = /data
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths += /system/${LIB}/drm
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths += /system/${LIB}/extractors
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths += /system/${LIB}/hw
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths += /system/framework
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths += /system/app
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths += /system/priv-app
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths += /vendor/framework
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths += /vendor/app
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths += /vendor/priv-app
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths += /odm/framework
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths += /odm/app
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths += /odm/priv-app
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths += /oem/app
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths += /product/${LIB}
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths += /product/framework
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths += /product/app
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths += /product/priv-app
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths += /mnt/expand
+# "sphal" namespace
+# SP-HAL(Sameprocess-HAL)s are the only vendor libraries that are allowed to be
+# loaded inside system processes. libEGL_<chipset>.so, libGLESv2_<chipset>.so,
+# android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0-impl.so, etc are SP-HALs.
+# This namespace is exclusivly for SP-HALs. When the framework tries to dynami-
+# cally load SP-HALs, android_dlopen_ext() is used to explicitly specifying
+# that they should be searched and loaded from this namespace.
+# Note that there is no link from the default namespace to this namespace.
+namespace.sphal.isolated = true
+namespace.sphal.visible = true
+namespace.sphal.search.paths  = /odm/${LIB}
+namespace.sphal.search.paths += /vendor/${LIB}
+namespace.sphal.permitted.paths  = /odm/${LIB}
+namespace.sphal.permitted.paths += /vendor/${LIB}
+namespace.sphal.asan.search.paths  = /data/asan/odm/${LIB}
+namespace.sphal.asan.search.paths +=           /odm/${LIB}
+namespace.sphal.asan.search.paths += /data/asan/vendor/${LIB}
+namespace.sphal.asan.search.paths +=           /vendor/${LIB}
+namespace.sphal.asan.permitted.paths  = /data/asan/odm/${LIB}
+namespace.sphal.asan.permitted.paths +=           /odm/${LIB}
+namespace.sphal.asan.permitted.paths += /data/asan/vendor/${LIB}
+namespace.sphal.asan.permitted.paths +=           /vendor/${LIB}
+# Once in this namespace, access to libraries in /system/lib is restricted. Only
+# libs listed here can be used.
+namespace.sphal.links = default,vndk,rs
+namespace.sphal.link.default.shared_libs  = libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libRS.so:libandroid_net.so:libc.so:libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libdl.so:liblog.so:libm.so:libmediandk.so:libnativewindow.so:libneuralnetworks.so:libsync.so:libvndksupport.so:libvulkan.so
+namespace.sphal.link.default.shared_libs += libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.tsan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.tsan-arm-android.so
+namespace.sphal.link.vndk.shared_libs = android.hardware.graphics.common@1.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1.so:android.hardware.renderscript@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory.token@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl.so:libRSCpuRef.so:libRSDriver.so:libRS_internal.so:libbase.so:libbcinfo.so:libc++.so:libcutils.so:libhardware.so:libhidlbase.so:libhidlmemory.so:libhidltransport.so:libhwbinder.so:libhwbinder_noltopgo.so:libion.so:liblzma.so:libunwindstack.so:libutils.so:libutilscallstack.so:libz.so
+# Renderscript gets separate namespace
+namespace.sphal.link.rs.shared_libs = libRS_internal.so
+# "rs" namespace
+# This namespace is exclusively for Renderscript internal libraries.
+# This namespace has slightly looser restriction than the vndk namespace because
+# of the genuine characteristics of Renderscript; /data is in the permitted path
+# to load the compiled *.so file and libmediandk.so can be used here.
+namespace.rs.isolated = true
+namespace.rs.visible = true
+namespace.rs.search.paths  = /odm/${LIB}/vndk-sp
+namespace.rs.search.paths += /vendor/${LIB}/vndk-sp
+namespace.rs.search.paths += /system/${LIB}/vndk-sp-28
+namespace.rs.search.paths += /odm/${LIB}
+namespace.rs.search.paths += /vendor/${LIB}
+namespace.rs.permitted.paths  = /odm/${LIB}
+namespace.rs.permitted.paths += /vendor/${LIB}
+namespace.rs.permitted.paths += /data
+namespace.rs.asan.search.paths  = /data/asan/odm/${LIB}/vndk-sp
+namespace.rs.asan.search.paths +=           /odm/${LIB}/vndk-sp
+namespace.rs.asan.search.paths += /data/asan/vendor/${LIB}/vndk-sp
+namespace.rs.asan.search.paths +=           /vendor/${LIB}/vndk-sp
+namespace.rs.asan.search.paths += /data/asan/system/${LIB}/vndk-sp-28
+namespace.rs.asan.search.paths +=           /system/${LIB}/vndk-sp-28
+namespace.rs.asan.search.paths += /data/asan/odm/${LIB}
+namespace.rs.asan.search.paths +=           /odm/${LIB}
+namespace.rs.asan.search.paths += /data/asan/vendor/${LIB}
+namespace.rs.asan.search.paths +=           /vendor/${LIB}
+namespace.rs.asan.permitted.paths  = /data/asan/odm/${LIB}
+namespace.rs.asan.permitted.paths +=           /odm/${LIB}
+namespace.rs.asan.permitted.paths += /data/asan/vendor/${LIB}
+namespace.rs.asan.permitted.paths +=           /vendor/${LIB}
+namespace.rs.asan.permitted.paths += /data
+namespace.rs.links = default,vndk
+namespace.rs.link.default.shared_libs  =  libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libRS.so:libandroid_net.so:libc.so:libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libdl.so:liblog.so:libm.so:libmediandk.so:libnativewindow.so:libneuralnetworks.so:libsync.so:libvndksupport.so:libvulkan.so
+namespace.rs.link.default.shared_libs += libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.tsan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.tsan-arm-android.so
+# Private LLNDK libs (e.g. libft2.so) are exceptionally allowed to this
+# namespace because RS framework libs are using them.
+namespace.rs.link.default.shared_libs += libft2.so
+namespace.rs.link.vndk.shared_libs = android.hardware.graphics.common@1.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1.so:android.hardware.renderscript@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory.token@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl.so:libRSCpuRef.so:libRSDriver.so:libRS_internal.so:libbase.so:libbcinfo.so:libc++.so:libcutils.so:libhardware.so:libhidlbase.so:libhidlmemory.so:libhidltransport.so:libhwbinder.so:libhwbinder_noltopgo.so:libion.so:liblzma.so:libunwindstack.so:libutils.so:libutilscallstack.so:libz.so
+# "vndk" namespace
+# This namespace is exclusively for vndk-sp libs.
+namespace.vndk.isolated = true
+namespace.vndk.visible = true
+namespace.vndk.search.paths  = /odm/${LIB}/vndk-sp
+namespace.vndk.search.paths += /vendor/${LIB}/vndk-sp
+namespace.vndk.search.paths += /system/${LIB}/vndk-sp-28
+namespace.vndk.permitted.paths  = /odm/${LIB}/hw
+namespace.vndk.permitted.paths += /odm/${LIB}/egl
+namespace.vndk.permitted.paths += /vendor/${LIB}/hw
+namespace.vndk.permitted.paths += /vendor/${LIB}/egl
+# This is exceptionally required since android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl.so is here
+namespace.vndk.permitted.paths += /system/${LIB}/vndk-sp-28/hw
+namespace.vndk.asan.search.paths  = /data/asan/odm/${LIB}/vndk-sp
+namespace.vndk.asan.search.paths +=           /odm/${LIB}/vndk-sp
+namespace.vndk.asan.search.paths += /data/asan/vendor/${LIB}/vndk-sp
+namespace.vndk.asan.search.paths +=           /vendor/${LIB}/vndk-sp
+namespace.vndk.asan.search.paths += /data/asan/system/${LIB}/vndk-sp-28
+namespace.vndk.asan.search.paths +=           /system/${LIB}/vndk-sp-28
+namespace.vndk.asan.permitted.paths  = /data/asan/odm/${LIB}/hw
+namespace.vndk.asan.permitted.paths +=           /odm/${LIB}/hw
+namespace.vndk.asan.permitted.paths += /data/asan/odm/${LIB}/egl
+namespace.vndk.asan.permitted.paths +=           /odm/${LIB}/egl
+namespace.vndk.asan.permitted.paths += /data/asan/vendor/${LIB}/hw
+namespace.vndk.asan.permitted.paths +=           /vendor/${LIB}/hw
+namespace.vndk.asan.permitted.paths += /data/asan/vendor/${LIB}/egl
+namespace.vndk.asan.permitted.paths +=           /vendor/${LIB}/egl
+namespace.vndk.asan.permitted.paths += /data/asan/system/${LIB}/vndk-sp-28/hw
+namespace.vndk.asan.permitted.paths +=           /system/${LIB}/vndk-sp-28/hw
+# The "vndk" namespace links to "default" namespace for LLNDK libs and links to
+# "sphal" namespace for vendor libs.  The ordering matters.  The "default"
+# namespace has higher priority than the "sphal" namespace.
+namespace.vndk.links = default,sphal
+# When these NDK libs are required inside this namespace, then it is redirected
+# to the default namespace. This is possible since their ABI is stable across
+# Android releases.
+namespace.vndk.link.default.shared_libs  = libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libRS.so:libandroid_net.so:libc.so:libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libdl.so:liblog.so:libm.so:libmediandk.so:libnativewindow.so:libneuralnetworks.so:libsync.so:libvndksupport.so:libvulkan.so
+namespace.vndk.link.default.shared_libs += libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.tsan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.tsan-arm-android.so
+# Allow VNDK-SP extensions to use vendor libraries
+namespace.vndk.link.sphal.allow_all_shared_libs = true
+# Namespace config for vendor processes. In O, no restriction is enforced for
+# them. However, in O-MR1, access to /system/${LIB} will not be allowed to
+# the default namespace. 'system' namespace will be added to give limited
+# (LL-NDK only) access.
+additional.namespaces = system,vndk
+# "default" namespace
+# This is the default linker namespace for a vendor process (a process started
+# from /vendor/bin/*). The main executable and the libs under /vendor/lib[64]
+# are loaded directly into this namespace. However, other libs under the system
+# partition (VNDK and LLNDK libraries) are not loaded here but from the
+# separate namespace 'system'. The delegation to the system namespace is done
+# via the 'namespace.default.link.system.shared_libs' property below.
+namespace.default.isolated = true
+namespace.default.visible = true
+namespace.default.search.paths  = /odm/${LIB}
+namespace.default.search.paths += /vendor/${LIB}
+namespace.default.permitted.paths  = /odm
+namespace.default.permitted.paths += /vendor
+namespace.default.asan.search.paths  = /data/asan/odm/${LIB}
+namespace.default.asan.search.paths +=           /odm/${LIB}
+namespace.default.asan.search.paths += /data/asan/vendor/${LIB}
+namespace.default.asan.search.paths +=           /vendor/${LIB}
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths  = /data/asan/odm
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths +=           /odm
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths += /data/asan/vendor
+namespace.default.asan.permitted.paths +=           /vendor
+namespace.default.links = system,vndk
+namespace.default.link.system.shared_libs = libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libRS.so:libandroid_net.so:libc.so:libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libdl.so:liblog.so:libm.so:libmediandk.so:libnativewindow.so:libneuralnetworks.so:libsync.so:libvndksupport.so:libvulkan.so
+namespace.default.link.vndk.shared_libs  = android.hardware.graphics.common@1.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1.so:android.hardware.renderscript@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory.token@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl.so:libRSCpuRef.so:libRSDriver.so:libRS_internal.so:libbase.so:libbcinfo.so:libc++.so:libcutils.so:libhardware.so:libhidlbase.so:libhidlmemory.so:libhidltransport.so:libhwbinder.so:libhwbinder_noltopgo.so:libion.so:liblzma.so:libunwindstack.so:libutils.so:libutilscallstack.so:libz.so
+namespace.default.link.vndk.shared_libs += android.frameworks.displayservice@1.0.so:android.frameworks.schedulerservice@1.0.so:android.frameworks.sensorservice@1.0.so:android.frameworks.vr.composer@1.0.so:android.hardware.audio.common-util.so:android.hardware.audio.common@2.0.so:android.hardware.audio.common@2.0-util.so:android.hardware.audio.common@4.0.so:android.hardware.audio.common@4.0-util.so:android.hardware.audio.effect@2.0.so:android.hardware.audio.effect@4.0.so:android.hardware.audio@2.0.so:android.hardware.audio@4.0.so:android.hardware.authsecret@1.0.so:android.hardware.automotive.audiocontrol@1.0.so:android.hardware.automotive.evs@1.0.so:android.hardware.automotive.vehicle@2.0.so:android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1.so:android.hardware.bluetooth.a2dp@1.0.so:android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0.so:android.hardware.boot@1.0.so:android.hardware.broadcastradio@1.0.so:android.hardware.broadcastradio@1.1.so:android.hardware.broadcastradio@2.0.so:android.hardware.camera.common@1.0.so:android.hardware.camera.device@1.0.so:android.hardware.camera.device@3.2.so:android.hardware.camera.device@3.3.so:android.hardware.camera.device@3.4.so:android.hardware.camera.metadata@3.2.so:android.hardware.camera.metadata@3.3.so:android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4.so:android.hardware.cas.native@1.0.so:android.hardware.cas@1.0.so:android.hardware.configstore-utils.so:android.hardware.configstore@1.0.so:android.hardware.configstore@1.1.so:android.hardware.confirmationui-support-lib.so:android.hardware.confirmationui@1.0.so:android.hardware.contexthub@1.0.so:android.hardware.drm@1.0.so:android.hardware.drm@1.1.so:android.hardware.dumpstate@1.0.so:android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0.so:android.hardware.gnss@1.0.so:android.hardware.gnss@1.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.allocator@2.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.bufferqueue@1.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.2.so:android.hardware.health@1.0.so:android.hardware.health@2.0.so:android.hardware.ir@1.0.so:android.hardware.keymaster@3.0.so:android.hardware.keymaster@4.0.so:android.hardware.light@2.0.so:android.hardware.media.bufferpool@1.0.so:android.hardware.media.omx@1.0.so:android.hardware.media@1.0.so:android.hardware.memtrack@1.0.so:android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0.so:android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1.so:android.hardware.nfc@1.0.so:android.hardware.nfc@1.1.so:android.hardware.oemlock@1.0.so:android.hardware.power@1.0.so:android.hardware.power@1.1.so:android.hardware.power@1.2.so:android.hardware.radio.config@1.0.so:android.hardware.radio.deprecated@1.0.so:android.hardware.radio@1.0.so:android.hardware.radio@1.1.so:android.hardware.radio@1.2.so:android.hardware.secure_element@1.0.so:android.hardware.sensors@1.0.so:android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.0.so:android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.0-core.so:android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.1.so:android.hardware.tetheroffload.config@1.0.so:android.hardware.tetheroffload.control@1.0.so:android.hardware.thermal@1.0.so:android.hardware.thermal@1.1.so:android.hardware.tv.cec@1.0.so:android.hardware.tv.input@1.0.so:android.hardware.usb.gadget@1.0.so:android.hardware.usb@1.0.so:android.hardware.usb@1.1.so:android.hardware.vibrator@1.0.so:android.hardware.vibrator@1.1.so:android.hardware.vibrator@1.2.so:android.hardware.vr@1.0.so:android.hardware.weaver@1.0.so:android.hardware.wifi.hostapd@1.0.so:android.hardware.wifi.offload@1.0.so:android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0.so:android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.1.so:android.hardware.wifi@1.0.so:android.hardware.wifi@1.1.so:android.hardware.wifi@1.2.so:android.hidl.allocator@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory.block@1.0.so:android.hidl.token@1.0.so:android.hidl.token@1.0-utils.so:android.system.net.netd@1.0.so:android.system.net.netd@1.1.so:android.system.wifi.keystore@1.0.so:libadf.so:libaudioroute.so:libaudioutils.so:libbinder.so:libcamera_metadata.so:libcap.so:libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone-arm-android.so:libcn-cbor.so:libcrypto.so:libcrypto_utils.so:libcurl.so:libdiskconfig.so:libdumpstateutil.so:libevent.so:libexif.so:libexpat.so:libfmq.so:libgatekeeper.so:libhardware_legacy.so:libhidlallocatorutils.so:libhidlcache.so:libjpeg.so:libkeymaster_messages.so:libkeymaster_portable.so:libldacBT_abr.so:libldacBT_enc.so:liblz4.so:libmedia_helper.so:libmedia_omx.so:libmemtrack.so:libminijail.so:libmkbootimg_abi_check.so:libnetutils.so:libnl.so:libopus.so:libpagemap.so:libpcre2.so:libpiex.so:libpng.so:libpower.so:libprocinfo.so:libprotobuf-cpp-full.so:libprotobuf-cpp-lite.so:libpuresoftkeymasterdevice.so:libradio_metadata.so:libselinux.so:libsoftkeymasterdevice.so:libspeexresampler.so:libsqlite.so:libssl.so:libstagefright_amrnb_common.so:libstagefright_bufferqueue_helper.so:libstagefright_enc_common.so:libstagefright_flacdec.so:libstagefright_foundation.so:libstagefright_omx.so:libstagefright_omx_utils.so:libstagefright_soft_aacdec.so:libstagefright_soft_aacenc.so:libstagefright_soft_amrdec.so:libstagefright_soft_amrnbenc.so:libstagefright_soft_amrwbenc.so:libstagefright_soft_avcdec.so:libstagefright_soft_avcenc.so:libstagefright_soft_flacdec.so:libstagefright_soft_flacenc.so:libstagefright_soft_g711dec.so:libstagefright_soft_gsmdec.so:libstagefright_soft_hevcdec.so:libstagefright_soft_mp3dec.so:libstagefright_soft_mpeg2dec.so:libstagefright_soft_mpeg4dec.so:libstagefright_soft_mpeg4enc.so:libstagefright_soft_opusdec.so:libstagefright_soft_rawdec.so:libstagefright_soft_vorbisdec.so:libstagefright_soft_vpxdec.so:libstagefright_soft_vpxenc.so:libstagefright_xmlparser.so:libsuspend.so:libsysutils.so:libtinyalsa.so:libtinyxml2.so:libui.so:libusbhost.so:libvixl-arm.so:libvixl-arm64.so:libvorbisidec.so:libwifi-system-iface.so:libxml2.so:libyuv.so:libziparchive.so
+# "vndk" namespace
+# This namespace is where VNDK and VNDK-SP libraries are loaded for
+# a vendor process.
+namespace.vndk.isolated = false
+namespace.vndk.search.paths  = /odm/${LIB}/vndk
+namespace.vndk.search.paths += /odm/${LIB}/vndk-sp
+namespace.vndk.search.paths += /vendor/${LIB}/vndk
+namespace.vndk.search.paths += /vendor/${LIB}/vndk-sp
+namespace.vndk.search.paths += /system/${LIB}/vndk-sp-28
+namespace.vndk.search.paths += /system/${LIB}/vndk-28
+namespace.vndk.asan.search.paths  = /data/asan/odm/${LIB}/vndk
+namespace.vndk.asan.search.paths +=           /odm/${LIB}/vndk
+namespace.vndk.asan.search.paths += /data/asan/odm/${LIB}/vndk-sp
+namespace.vndk.asan.search.paths +=           /odm/${LIB}/vndk-sp
+namespace.vndk.asan.search.paths += /data/asan/vendor/${LIB}/vndk
+namespace.vndk.asan.search.paths +=           /vendor/${LIB}/vndk
+namespace.vndk.asan.search.paths += /data/asan/vendor/${LIB}/vndk-sp
+namespace.vndk.asan.search.paths +=           /vendor/${LIB}/vndk-sp
+namespace.vndk.asan.search.paths += /data/asan/system/${LIB}/vndk-sp-28
+namespace.vndk.asan.search.paths +=           /system/${LIB}/vndk-sp-28
+namespace.vndk.asan.search.paths += /data/asan/system/${LIB}/vndk-28
+namespace.vndk.asan.search.paths +=           /system/${LIB}/vndk-28
+# When these NDK libs are required inside this namespace, then it is redirected
+# to the system namespace. This is possible since their ABI is stable across
+# Android releases.
+namespace.vndk.links = system,default
+namespace.vndk.link.system.shared_libs  = libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libRS.so:libandroid_net.so:libc.so:libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libdl.so:liblog.so:libm.so:libmediandk.so:libnativewindow.so:libneuralnetworks.so:libsync.so:libvndksupport.so:libvulkan.so
+namespace.vndk.link.system.shared_libs += libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.tsan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.tsan-arm-android.so
+namespace.vndk.link.default.allow_all_shared_libs = true
+# "system" namespace
+# This namespace is where system libs (VNDK and LLNDK libs) are loaded for
+# a vendor process.
+namespace.system.isolated = false
+namespace.system.search.paths  = /system/${LIB}
+namespace.system.search.paths += /product/${LIB}
+namespace.system.asan.search.paths  = /data/asan/system/${LIB}
+namespace.system.asan.search.paths +=           /system/${LIB}
+namespace.system.asan.search.paths += /data/asan/product/${LIB}
+namespace.system.asan.search.paths +=           /product/${LIB}
+# Namespace config for binaries under /postinstall.
+# Only one default namespace is defined and it has no directories other than
+# /system/lib in the search paths. This is because linker calls realpath on the
+# search paths and this causes selinux denial if the paths (/vendor, /odm) are
+# not allowed to the poinstall binaries. There is no reason to allow the
+# binaries to access the paths.
+namespace.default.isolated = false
+namespace.default.search.paths  = /system/${LIB}
+namespace.default.search.paths += /product/${LIB}
diff --git a/system/system/etc/llndk.libraries.28.txt b/system/system/etc/llndk.libraries.28.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c1020260ecede7998e5be4b9ff98adb53c01c58d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/llndk.libraries.28.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
diff --git a/system/system/etc/media_profiles_V1_0.dtd b/system/system/etc/media_profiles_V1_0.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..40900e07c5bcddd6ef3ba68cf6f47924268a8fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/media_profiles_V1_0.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<!ELEMENT MediaSettings (CamcorderProfiles+,
+                         EncoderOutputFileFormat+,
+                         VideoEncoderCap+,
+                         AudioEncoderCap+,
+                         VideoDecoderCap,
+                         AudioDecoderCap)>
+<!ELEMENT CamcorderProfiles (EncoderProfile|ImageEncoding|ImageDecoding|Camera)+>
+<!ATTLIST CamcorderProfiles cameraId (0|1) #REQUIRED>
+<!ELEMENT EncoderProfile (Video, Audio)>
+<!ATTLIST EncoderProfile quality CDATA #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST EncoderProfile fileFormat (mp4|3gp) #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST EncoderProfile duration (30|60) #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST Video codec (h264|h263|m4v) #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST Audio codec (amrnb|amrwb|aac) #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST Audio sampleRate CDATA #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST Audio channels (1|2) #REQUIRED>
+<!ELEMENT ImageEncoding EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST ImageEncoding quality (95|90|80|70|60|50|40) #REQUIRED>
+<!ELEMENT ImageDecoding EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST ImageDecoding memCap CDATA #REQUIRED>
+<!ELEMENT EncoderOutputFileFormat EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST EncoderOutputFileFormat name (mp4|3gp) #REQUIRED>
+<!ELEMENT VideoEncoderCap EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST VideoEncoderCap name (hevc|h264|h263|m4v|wmv) #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST VideoEncoderCap enabled (true|false) #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST VideoEncoderCap minBitRate CDATA #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST VideoEncoderCap maxBitRate CDATA #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST VideoEncoderCap minFrameWidth CDATA #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST VideoEncoderCap maxFrameWidth CDATA #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST VideoEncoderCap minFrameHeight CDATA #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST VideoEncoderCap maxFrameHeight CDATA #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST VideoEncoderCap minFrameRate CDATA #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST VideoEncoderCap maxFrameRate CDATA #REQUIRED>
+<!ELEMENT AudioEncoderCap EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST AudioEncoderCap name (amrnb|amrwb|aac|wma|heaac|aaceld) #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST AudioEncoderCap enabled (true|false) #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST AudioEncoderCap minBitRate CDATA #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST AudioEncoderCap maxBitRate CDATA #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST AudioEncoderCap minSampleRate CDATA #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST AudioEncoderCap maxSampleRate CDATA #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST AudioEncoderCap minChannels (1|2) #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST AudioEncoderCap maxChannels (1|2) #REQUIRED>
+<!ELEMENT VideoDecoderCap EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST VideoDecoderCap name (wmv) #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST VideoDecoderCap enabled (true|false) #REQUIRED>
+<!ELEMENT AudioDecoderCap EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST AudioDecoderCap name (wma) #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST AudioDecoderCap enabled (true|false) #REQUIRED>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/mke2fs.conf b/system/system/etc/mke2fs.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db77173c3f19700e99b84117f53914f6ed93af17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/mke2fs.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+    base_features = sparse_super,large_file,filetype,resize_inode,dir_index,ext_attr
+    default_mntopts = acl,user_xattr
+    enable_periodic_fsck = 0
+    blocksize = 4096
+    inode_size = 256
+    inode_ratio = 16384
+    reserved_ratio = 1.0
+    ext3 = {
+        features = has_journal
+    }
+    ext4 = {
+        features = has_journal,extent,huge_file,flex_bg,dir_nlink,extra_isize,uninit_bg
+        inode_size = 256
+    }
+    ext4dev = {
+        features = has_journal,extent,huge_file,flex_bg,inline_data,64bit,dir_nlink,extra_isize
+        inode_size = 256
+        options = test_fs=1
+    }
+    small = {
+        blocksize = 1024
+        inode_size = 128
+        inode_ratio = 4096
+    }
+    floppy = {
+        blocksize = 1024
+        inode_size = 128
+        inode_ratio = 8192
+    }
+    big = {
+        inode_ratio = 32768
+    }
+    huge = {
+        inode_ratio = 65536
+    }
+    news = {
+        inode_ratio = 4096
+    }
+    largefile = {
+        inode_ratio = 1048576
+        blocksize = -1
+    }
+    largefile4 = {
+        inode_ratio = 4194304
+        blocksize = -1
+    }
+    hurd = {
+         blocksize = 4096
+         inode_size = 128
+    }
diff --git a/system/system/etc/mkshrc b/system/system/etc/mkshrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..778cf09077cceb5c6c334db843223333b6309ee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/mkshrc
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014
+#	Thorsten Glaser <tg@mirbsd.org>
+# This file is provided under the same terms as mksh.
+# Minimal /system/etc/mkshrc for Android
+# Support: https://launchpad.net/mksh
+if (( USER_ID )); then PS1='$'; else PS1='#'; fi
+PS4='[$EPOCHREALTIME] '; PS1='${|
+	local e=$?
+	(( e )) && REPLY+="$e|"
+	return $e
+}$HOSTNAME:${PWD:-?} '"$PS1 "
diff --git a/system/system/etc/mmosal_logmask.cfg b/system/system/etc/mmosal_logmask.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..74284b47581e57fdb547fb604c994c50719de493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/mmosal_logmask.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#Specify LOGMASK for a chosen system as <diag system ID>:<log mask> pair
+#Use the following reference for constructing log mask
+#   0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 <- bit mask
+#       D F E H M L <- log priority
+#SysID 6034 means all sub-systems
+LOGMASK = 6013:16
diff --git a/system/system/etc/mmosal_logmask_debug.cfg b/system/system/etc/mmosal_logmask_debug.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..718a55c4e6d6f170d379cab89f603791b89149e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/mmosal_logmask_debug.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#Specify LOGMASK for a chosen system as <diag system ID>:<log mask> pair
+#Use the following reference for constructing log mask
+#   0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 <- bit mask
+#       D F E H M L <- log priority
+#SysID 6034 means all sub-systems
+LOGMASK = 6013:63
+LOGMASK = 6015:63
diff --git a/system/system/etc/nqnfcee_access.xml b/system/system/etc/nqnfcee_access.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6bc8d7fc25d3d098a24a9b62540e8935c2a7d29e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/nqnfcee_access.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+Copyright (c) 2015, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+      disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+      with the distribution.
+    * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+      contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+      from this software without specific prior written permission.
+<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
+    <debug />
+    <!-- SmartCardService APIs -->
+    <signer android:signature="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">
+        <package android:name="org.simalliance.openmobileapi.service" />
+    </signer>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/nqnfcse_access.xml b/system/system/etc/nqnfcse_access.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6bc8d7fc25d3d098a24a9b62540e8935c2a7d29e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/nqnfcse_access.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+Copyright (c) 2015, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+      disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+      with the distribution.
+    * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+      contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+      from this software without specific prior written permission.
+<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
+    <debug />
+    <!-- SmartCardService APIs -->
+    <signer android:signature="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">
+        <package android:name="org.simalliance.openmobileapi.service" />
+    </signer>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/perf/whitelistedapps.xml b/system/system/etc/perf/whitelistedapps.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cfc03f41e297baa83c48e7313bbd942b4e9b0a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/perf/whitelistedapps.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
+/* Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ * Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+ */
+    <ResolutionOverrideApps>
+    </ResolutionOverrideApps>
+    <GameTriggerApps>
+    </GameTriggerApps>
+    <GameColocateApps>
+    </GameColocateApps>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/LteDirectDiscovery.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/LteDirectDiscovery.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e89fc141433f444a51b7b56f6a2cdba49ba88e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/LteDirectDiscovery.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  Copyright (c) 2016 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+  All Rights Reserved.
+  Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+ <library name="com.qualcomm.qti.ltedirectdiscoverylibrary"
+          file="/system/framework/LteDirectDiscoveryLibrary.jar"/>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/RemoteSimlock.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/RemoteSimlock.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17cf54f644e9a16eada1a5573e1b12a20febfb28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/RemoteSimlock.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+  All Rights Reserved.
+  Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+ <library name="com.qualcomm.qti.remoteSimlock.uimremotesimlocklibrary"
+          file="/system/framework/uimremotesimlocklibrary.jar"/>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/UimService.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/UimService.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e2627c44ec86aa8bc05c9166ac455e263e013d87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/UimService.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+  All Rights Reserved.
+  Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+ <library name="com.qualcomm.qti.uim.uimservicelibrary"
+          file="/system/framework/uimservicelibrary.jar"/>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/android.software.live_wallpaper.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/android.software.live_wallpaper.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bf2b12dd81ad6f4e784d092d73a383ffbf5f242c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/android.software.live_wallpaper.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
+     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     You may obtain a copy of the License at
+          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+     limitations under the License.
+<!-- This feature should be defined for devices that support live wallpapers.
+     There are minimum hardware requirements to be able to support this
+     feature: robust multiple GL context support, fast enough CPU, enough
+     RAM to allow the wallpaper to be running all of the time. -->
+    <feature name="android.software.live_wallpaper" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/android.software.verified_boot.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/android.software.verified_boot.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7a9a9c5fe2768569102df2117062179763e44c27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/android.software.verified_boot.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     You may obtain a copy of the License at
+          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+     limitations under the License.
+    <feature name="android.software.verified_boot" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/android.software.webview.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/android.software.webview.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d84320947ead9abb033bf17d818c849223e26cd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/android.software.webview.xml
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+<!-- Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     You may obtain a copy of the License at
+          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+     limitations under the License.
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+    <!--
+        Copyright (c) 2016, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+        All Rights Reserved.
+        Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+    -->
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+            file="/system/framework/audiosphere.jar" />
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+<!--Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.  All Rights Reserved. Qualcomm Technologies Proprietary and Confidential.-->
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+        file="/system/framework/cneapiclient.jar"/>
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+<!-- Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
+     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     You may obtain a copy of the License at
+          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+     limitations under the License.
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+            file="/system/framework/com.android.location.provider.jar" />
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+<!-- Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     You may obtain a copy of the License at
+          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+     limitations under the License.
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+            file="/system/framework/com.android.media.remotedisplay.jar" />
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+<!-- Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     You may obtain a copy of the License at
+          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+     limitations under the License.
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+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ -->
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+            file="/system/framework/com.asus.fm.jar"/>
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+<!-- Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
+     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     You may obtain a copy of the License at
+          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+     limitations under the License.
+    <library name="com.google.android.maps"
+            file="/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/com.gsma.services.nfc.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.gsma.services.nfc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc48b5fb5e0250bdec2e0a8ee48c012d4b4692b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.gsma.services.nfc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     You may obtain a copy of the License at
+          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+     limitations under the License.
+    <library name="com.gsma.services.nfc"
+            file="/system/framework/com.gsma.services.nfc.jar" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/com.nxp.nfc.nq.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.nxp.nfc.nq.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6366059782f275dc1c49115fd9392c9d17725646
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.nxp.nfc.nq.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+Copyright (c) 2015, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+<!-- Assist library for NQ NFC extensions. -->
+    <library name="com.nxp.nfc.nq"
+        file="/system/framework/com.nxp.nfc.nq.jar" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qrd.wappush.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qrd.wappush.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..81698c7aa25590937bacffa8f7c7e2c743cd8cc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qrd.wappush.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <!--
+        Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+        All Rights Reserved.
+        Qualcomm Technologies Proprietary and Confidential.
+    -->
+    <library name="com.qrd.wappush"
+            file="/system/framework/com.qrd.wappush.jar" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qti.dpmframework.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qti.dpmframework.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fb50f51eb44feba96bedc53bf682a8709d50bbcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qti.dpmframework.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!--Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+    All Rights Reserved.
+    Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.-->
+    <library name="com.qti.dpmframework"
+        file="/system/framework/com.qti.dpmframework.jar"/>
+    <permission name="com.qualcomm.permission.READPROC" >
+    <group gid="readproc" />
+    </permission>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qti.location.sdk.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qti.location.sdk.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bf39b947cc9c327eb0fa51195331188d9bf3945e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qti.location.sdk.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+* @file    com.qti.location.sdk.xml
+* @brief   configuration file for permission mapping and library publishing
+*  Copyright (c) 2015 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+*  All Rights Reserved.
+*  Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+*  *****************************************************************************-->
+<library name="com.qti.location.sdk" file="/system/framework/com.qti.location.sdk.jar"/>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qti.snapdragon.sdk.display.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qti.snapdragon.sdk.display.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e263f611b7b5dfbd877cb98bc362bd6a5cb41b23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qti.snapdragon.sdk.display.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ /* ====================================================================
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ * Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+ * =====================================================================
+ * @file com.qti.snapdragon.sdk.display.xml
+ *
+ */
+    <library
+        name="com.qti.snapdragon.sdk.display"
+        file="/system/framework/com.qti.snapdragon.sdk.display.jar" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qualcomm.location.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qualcomm.location.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..79d740849a567fb14b78ffb8058992f4bb6a32b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qualcomm.location.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+* @file    com.qualcomm.location.xml
+* @brief   configuration file for permission mapping
+*  Copyright (c) 2012 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.
+*  All Rights Reserved.
+*  Qualcomm Atheros Confidential and Proprietary.
+*  *****************************************************************************-->
+<library name="com.android.services" file="/system/framework/services.jar"/>
+<permission name="com.qualcomm.permission.IZAT" >
+    <group gid="gps" />
+    <group gid="system" />
+    <group gid="diag" />
+    <group gid="sdcard_rw" />
+    <group gid="media_rw" />
+    <group gid="wifi" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qualcomm.qti.imscmservice-V2.0-java.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qualcomm.qti.imscmservice-V2.0-java.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb3e941ef94354958bc04bd53235b105666d718f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qualcomm.qti.imscmservice-V2.0-java.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+    All Rights Reserved.
+    Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+    <library name="com.qualcomm.qti.imscmservice-V2.0-java"
+            file="/system/framework/com.qualcomm.qti.imscmservice-V2.0-java.jar" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qualcomm.qti.imscmservice-V2.1-java.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qualcomm.qti.imscmservice-V2.1-java.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bfc027080a535daa2510e94dea0dddc4fb9852b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qualcomm.qti.imscmservice-V2.1-java.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (c) 2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+     All Rights Reserved.
+     Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. -->
+    <library name="com.qualcomm.qti.imscmservice-V2.1-java" file="/system/framework/com.qualcomm.qti.imscmservice-V2.1-java.jar" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qualcomm.qti.imscmservice.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qualcomm.qti.imscmservice.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0801b79ea3967f36181382f463157fbc001a57a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.qualcomm.qti.imscmservice.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+    All Rights Reserved.
+    Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+    <library name="com.qualcomm.qti.imscmservice@1.0-java"
+            file="/system/framework/com.qualcomm.qti.imscmservice@1.0-java.jar" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/com.quicinc.cne.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.quicinc.cne.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0dabdea06c19fc9a5bafcba8992370bb60d2c160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/com.quicinc.cne.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+   Copyright (c) 2015 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+   All Rights Reserved.
+   Qualcomm Technologies Proprietary and Confidential.
+   <library name="com.quicinc.cne" file="/system/framework/com.quicinc.cne.jar"/>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/dpmapi.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/dpmapi.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6551894a7b22286b9e629e88a221f7fb6ef8eaa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/dpmapi.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!--Copyright (c) 2014 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.  All Rights Reserved. Qualcomm Technologies Proprietary and Confidential.-->
+    <library name="com.qti.dpmapi"
+        file="/system/framework/dpmapi.jar"/>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/embms.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/embms.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8efa56ba5510521a3018c9ae5e68ed17a1670779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/embms.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ <library name="com.qualcomm.embmslibrary"
+          file="/system/framework/embmslibrary.jar"/>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/izat.xt.srv.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/izat.xt.srv.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd30f8958cca790a6a63fca8a94de73207d0cb90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/izat.xt.srv.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ *  Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+ *  All Rights Reserved.
+ *  Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+  <library name="izat.xt.srv" file="/system/framework/izat.xt.srv.jar"/>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/lpa.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/lpa.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bfe73ea7c671f2f0a8aab92aaf06c2cd8a98ae1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/lpa.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  Copyright (c) 2016 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+  All Rights Reserved.
+  Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+ <library name="com.qualcomm.qti.lpa.uimlpalibrary"
+          file="/system/framework/uimlpalibrary.jar"/>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/platform.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/platform.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ab90e1b702d51c6d8cc62f243e9257fb726ec8c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/platform.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
+     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     You may obtain a copy of the License at
+          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+     limitations under the License.
+<!-- This file is used to define the mappings between lower-level system
+     user and group IDs and the higher-level permission names managed
+     by the platform.
+     Be VERY careful when editing this file!  Mistakes made here can open
+     big security holes.
+    <!-- ================================================================== -->
+    <!-- ================================================================== -->
+    <!-- ================================================================== -->
+    <!-- The following tags are associating low-level group IDs with
+         permission names.  By specifying such a mapping, you are saying
+         that any application process granted the given permission will
+         also be running with the given group ID attached to its process,
+         so it can perform any filesystem (read, write, execute) operations
+         allowed for that group. -->
+    <permission name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" >
+        <group gid="net_bt_admin" />
+    </permission>
+    <permission name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" >
+        <group gid="net_bt" />
+    </permission>
+    <permission name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_STACK" >
+        <group gid="bluetooth" />
+        <group gid="wakelock" />
+        <group gid="uhid" />
+    </permission>
+    <permission name="android.permission.NET_TUNNELING" >
+        <group gid="vpn" />
+    </permission>
+    <permission name="android.permission.INTERNET" >
+        <group gid="inet" />
+    </permission>
+    <permission name="android.permission.READ_LOGS" >
+        <group gid="log" />
+    </permission>
+    <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE" >
+        <group gid="media_rw" />
+    </permission>
+    <permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_MTP" >
+        <group gid="mtp" />
+    </permission>
+    <permission name="android.permission.NET_ADMIN" >
+        <group gid="net_admin" />
+    </permission>
+    <!-- The group that /cache belongs to, linked to the permission
+         set on the applications that can access /cache -->
+    <permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_CACHE_FILESYSTEM" >
+        <group gid="cache" />
+    </permission>
+    <!-- RW permissions to any system resources owned by group 'diag'.
+         This is for carrier and manufacture diagnostics tools that must be
+         installable from the framework. Be careful. -->
+    <permission name="android.permission.DIAGNOSTIC" >
+        <group gid="input" />
+        <group gid="diag" />
+    </permission>
+    <!-- Group that can read detailed network usage statistics -->
+    <permission name="android.permission.READ_NETWORK_USAGE_HISTORY">
+        <group gid="net_bw_stats" />
+    </permission>
+    <!-- Group that can modify how network statistics are accounted -->
+    <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS">
+        <group gid="net_bw_acct" />
+    </permission>
+    <permission name="android.permission.LOOP_RADIO" >
+        <group gid="loop_radio" />
+    </permission>
+    <!-- Hotword training apps sometimes need a GID to talk with low-level
+         hardware; give them audio for now until full HAL support is added. -->
+    <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_VOICE_KEYPHRASES">
+        <group gid="audio" />
+    </permission>
+    <permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_BROADCAST_RADIO" >
+        <!-- /dev/fm is gid media, not audio -->
+        <group gid="media" />
+    </permission>
+    <permission name="android.permission.USE_RESERVED_DISK">
+        <group gid="reserved_disk" />
+    </permission>
+    <!-- These are permissions that were mapped to gids but we need
+         to keep them here until an upgrade from L to the current
+         version is to be supported. These permissions are built-in
+         and in L were not stored in packages.xml as a result if they
+         are not defined here while parsing packages.xml we would
+         ignore these permissions being granted to apps and not
+         propagate the granted state. From N we are storing the
+         built-in permissions in packages.xml as the saved storage
+         is negligible (one tag with the permission) compared to
+         the fragility as one can remove a built-in permission which
+         no longer needs to be mapped to gids and break grant propagation. -->
+    <permission name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
+    <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
+    <!-- ================================================================== -->
+    <!-- ================================================================== -->
+    <!-- ================================================================== -->
+    <!-- The following tags are assigning high-level permissions to specific
+         user IDs.  These are used to allow specific core system users to
+         perform the given operations with the higher-level framework.  For
+         example, we give a wide variety of permissions to the shell user
+         since that is the user the adb shell runs under and developers and
+         others should have a fairly open environment in which to
+         interact with the system. -->
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" uid="media" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER" uid="media" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" uid="media" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS" uid="media" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS" uid="media" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.GET_PROCESS_STATE_AND_OOM_SCORE" uid="media" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" uid="audioserver" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER" uid="audioserver" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" uid="audioserver" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS" uid="audioserver" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS" uid="audioserver" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS" uid="audioserver" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" uid="cameraserver" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER" uid="cameraserver" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" uid="cameraserver" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS" uid="cameraserver" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS" uid="cameraserver" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.GET_PROCESS_STATE_AND_OOM_SCORE" uid="cameraserver" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS" uid="cameraserver" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.WATCH_APPOPS" uid="cameraserver" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER" uid="graphics" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.DUMP" uid="incidentd" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS" uid="incidentd" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS" uid="incidentd" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_LOWPAN_STATE" uid="lowpan" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_LOWPAN_INTERFACES" uid="lowpan" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.DUMP" uid="statsd" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS" uid="statsd" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.STATSCOMPANION" uid="statsd" />
+    <assign-permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS" uid="statsd" />
+    <!-- This is a list of all the libraries available for application
+         code to link against. -->
+    <library name="android.test.base"
+            file="/system/framework/android.test.base.jar" />
+    <library name="android.test.mock"
+            file="/system/framework/android.test.mock.jar" />
+    <library name="android.test.runner"
+            file="/system/framework/android.test.runner.jar" />
+    <library name="javax.obex"
+            file="/system/framework/javax.obex.jar" />
+    <library name="org.apache.http.legacy"
+            file="/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar" />
+    <!-- These are the standard packages that are white-listed to always have internet
+         access while in power save mode, even if they aren't in the foreground. -->
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.android.providers.downloads" />
+    <!-- These are the standard packages that are white-listed to always have internet
+         access while in data mode, even if they aren't in the foreground. -->
+    <allow-in-data-usage-save package="com.android.providers.downloads" />
+    <!-- This is a core platform component that needs to freely run in the background -->
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver" />
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.android.shell" />
+    <!-- Whitelist system providers -->
+    <allow-in-power-save-except-idle package="com.android.providers.calendar" />
+    <allow-in-power-save-except-idle package="com.android.providers.contacts" />
+    <!-- These are the packages that are white-listed to be able to run as system user -->
+    <system-user-whitelisted-app package="com.android.settings" />
+    <!-- These are the packages that shouldn't run as system user -->
+    <system-user-blacklisted-app package="com.android.wallpaper.livepicker" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-Z01R.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-Z01R.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..307378a17a72d2666b0c7b2cdf5c13c99a381feb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-Z01R.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <!-- Additional permissions on top of privapp-permissions-platform.xml -->
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver">
+        <permission name="android.permission.STATUS_BAR"/>
+        <permission name="com.asus.permission.BROADCASTRECEIVER_ASUS_KEY"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <!-- Additional permissions on top of privapp-permissions-platform.xml -->
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.emergency">
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <!-- Additional permissions on top of privapp-permissions-platform.xml -->
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.server.telecom">
+        <permission name="android.permission.SERIAL_PORT"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <!-- Additional permissions on top of privapp-permissions-platform.xml -->
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.settings">
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_DAY_NIGHT_MODE"/>
+        <permission name="com.asus.permission.OPTIFLEX"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <!-- Additional permissions on top of privapp-permissions-platform.xml -->
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.systemui">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CRYPT_KEEPER"/>
+        <permission name="com.asus.permission.MANAGE_APP_ASPECT"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <!-- Additional permissions on top of privapp-permissions-platform.xml -->
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.vending">
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REBOOT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.asusincallui">
+        <permission name="android.permission.ALLOW_ANY_CODEC_FOR_PLAYBACK"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONTROL_INCALL_EXPERIENCE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STOP_APP_SWITCHES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+        <permission name="com.android.voicemail.permission.READ_VOICEMAIL"/>
+        <permission name="com.android.voicemail.permission.WRITE_VOICEMAIL"/>
+        <permission name="com.asus.permission.BROADCASTRECEIVER_ASUS_KEY"/>
+        <permission name="com.asus.permission.HIDE_NAVIGATION_FOREVER"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.batterysoh">
+        <permission name="android.permission.BATTERY_STATS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.camera">
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.contacts">
+        <permission name="android.permission.ALLOW_ANY_CODEC_FOR_PLAYBACK"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_DIRECTORY_SEARCH"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+        <permission name="com.android.voicemail.permission.READ_VOICEMAIL"/>
+        <permission name="com.android.voicemail.permission.WRITE_VOICEMAIL"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.emergencyhelp">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CALL_PRIVILEGED"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.ephotoburst">
+        <permission name="android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.filemanager">
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.LOCAL_MAC_ADDRESS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.gallery">
+        <permission name="android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.LOCAL_MAC_ADDRESS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.gamewidget">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"/>
+        <permission name="com.asus.permission.MANAGE_APP_ASPECT"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.ia.asusapp">
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.launcher">
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_APPWIDGET"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONTROL_REMOTE_APP_TRANSITION_ANIMATIONS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STATUS_BAR"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+        <permission name="com.asus.permission.HIDE_NAVIGATION_FOREVER"/>
+        <permission name="com.asus.permission.MANAGE_APP_ASPECT"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.livedemo">
+        <permission name="android.permission.LOCAL_MAC_ADDRESS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.livedemoservice">
+        <permission name="android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.LOCAL_MAC_ADDRESS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MASTER_CLEAR"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REBOOT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.lockscreen2">
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.loguploader">
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_LOGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.loguploaderproxy">
+        <permission name="android.permission.DUMP"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.mobilemanager">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_ANIMATION_SCALE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.TETHER_PRIVILEGED"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.nextapp">
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="com.asus.permission.OPTIFLEX"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.packageinstaller">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.USE_RESERVED_DISK"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.powersaver">
+        <permission name="android.permission.BATTERY_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONTROL_LOCATION_UPDATES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.selfiemaster">
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.smartreading">
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.soundrecorder">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.splendid">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.stitchimage">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CAPTURE_VIDEO_OUTPUT"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.sysdiagnostic">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONTROL_LOCATION_UPDATES"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.asus.sysmonitor">
+        <permission name="android.permission.BATTERY_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DUMP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_LOGS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.futuredial.asusdatatransfer">
+        <permission name="android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.OVERRIDE_WIFI_CONFIG"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.TETHER_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="com.asus.permission.MARKETS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="ru.yandex.searchplugin">
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-com.qualcomm.location.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-com.qualcomm.location.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..95e938b1d91d83ac1feee9e28579dacf3ada04c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-com.qualcomm.location.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+  Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+  All Rights Reserved.
+  Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.qualcomm.location">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONTROL_LOCATION_UPDATES" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.qualcomm.location.XT">
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_ADMINS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-facebook.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-facebook.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..84038362d9d7a3b734ad43745a43889d6176e3d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-facebook.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  <privapp-permissions package="com.facebook.system">
+    <permission name="android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS"/>
+    <permission name="android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES"/>
+    <permission name="android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES"/>
+    <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE"/>
+  </privapp-permissions>
+  <privapp-permissions package="com.facebook.services">
+    <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_DEVICE_IDLE_TEMP_WHITELIST"/>
+  </privapp-permissions>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-google.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-google.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..59bcd795546fdd6a796c698d748ab3fb5a7a7ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-google.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  ~ Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+  ~
+  ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  ~
+  ~      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+  ~
+  ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+  ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  ~ limitations under the License
+  -->
+This XML file declares which signature|privileged permissions should be granted to privileged
+applications on GMS or Google-branded devices.
+It allows additional grants on top of privapp-permissions-platform.xml
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.carrierconfig">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.connectivity.metrics">
+        <permission name="android.permission.DUMP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>.
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.hotspot2">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_WIFI_CREDENTIAL"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.hotwordenrollment.okgoogle">
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_VOICE_KEYPHRASES"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.hotwordenrollment.xgoogle">
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_VOICE_KEYPHRASES"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.hotwordenrollment.tgoogle">
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_VOICE_KEYPHRASES"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.systemui">
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTIONS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER_COMPONENT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.LOCATION_HARDWARE"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.vending">
+        <permission name="android.permission.ALLOCATE_AGGRESSIVE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BACKUP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BATTERY_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_DEVICE_IDLE_TEMP_WHITELIST"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DUMP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.GET_APP_OPS_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_VERIFICATION_AGENT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_RUNTIME_PROFILES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STATUS_BAR"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.apps.gcs">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONTROL_VPN"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.GET_APP_OPS_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.OVERRIDE_WIFI_CONFIG"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKET_KEEPALIVE_OFFLOAD"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SCORE_NETWORKS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.launcher3">
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_APPWIDGET"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.apps.restore">
+        <permission name="android.permission.BACKUP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.apps.nbu.files">
+        <permission name="android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DELETE_CACHE_FILES"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.apps.turbo">
+        <permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_AMBIENT_LIGHT_STATS" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.BATTERY_STATS" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.BRIGHTNESS_SLIDER_USAGE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_APP_IDLE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONFIGURE_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.apps.work.oobconfig">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DISPATCH_PROVISIONING_MESSAGE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_CARRIER_OEM_UNLOCK_STATE" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.MASTER_CLEAR"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.backuptransport">
+        <permission name="android.permission.BACKUP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.configupdater">
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_CONFIG"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.dialer">
+        <permission name="android.permission.ALLOW_ANY_CODEC_FOR_PLAYBACK"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONTROL_INCALL_EXPERIENCE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_ROUTING"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REGISTER_CONNECTION_MANAGER"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STATUS_BAR"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STOP_APP_SWITCHES"/>
+        <permission name="com.android.voicemail.permission.READ_VOICEMAIL"/>
+        <permission name="com.android.voicemail.permission.WRITE_VOICEMAIL"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.ext.services">
+        <permission name="android.permission.PROVIDE_RESOLVER_RANKER_SERVICE" />
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.feedback">
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_LOGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.gms">
+        <permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_CONDITIONS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.ACTIVITY_EMBEDDING"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.ALLOCATE_AGGRESSIVE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BACKUP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CALL_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CAPTURE_SECURE_VIDEO_OUTPUT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CAPTURE_VIDEO_OUTPUT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_DEVICE_IDLE_TEMP_WHITELIST"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_USE_RESTRICTED_NETWORKS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONTROL_INCALL_EXPERIENCE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONTROL_DISPLAY_SATURATION"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DISPATCH_PROVISIONING_MESSAGE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DUMP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.GET_APP_OPS_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTENT_FILTER_VERIFICATION_AGENT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INVOKE_CARRIER_SETUP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.LOCAL_MAC_ADDRESS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.LOCATION_HARDWARE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_ACTIVITY_STACKS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_ADMINS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_SOUND_TRIGGER"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTION_PLANS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USB"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_VOICE_KEYPHRASES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_ROUTING"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_NETWORK_ACCOUNTING"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.NOTIFY_PENDING_SYSTEM_UPDATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.OBSERVE_GRANT_REVOKE_PERMISSIONS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.OVERRIDE_WIFI_CONFIG"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PROVIDE_RESOLVER_RANKER_SERVICE" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.PROVIDE_TRUST_AGENT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_LOGS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_OEM_UNLOCK_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_WIFI_CREDENTIAL"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.RECEIVE_DATA_ACTIVITY_CHANGE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.RECOVER_KEYSTORE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.RECOVERY"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REGISTER_CALL_PROVIDER"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SCORE_NETWORKS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_TIME"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_TIME_ZONE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.START_TASKS_FROM_RECENTS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.TETHER_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.USE_RESERVED_DISK"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.USER_ACTIVITY"/>
+        <permission name="com.android.voicemail.permission.READ_VOICEMAIL"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox">
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_APPWIDGET"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CALL_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCH"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_VOICE_KEYPHRASES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_MEDIA_KEY_LISTENER"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_VOLUME_KEY_LONG_PRESS_LISTENER"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SHOW_KEYGUARD_MESSAGE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STATUS_BAR"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STOP_APP_SWITCHES"/>
+        <permission name="com.google.android.permission.SET_WATCH_FACE_PRIVILEGED"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.apps.searchlite">
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_APPWIDGET"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCH"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_VOICE_KEYPHRASES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STATUS_BAR"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STOP_APP_SWITCHES"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.apps.speechservices">
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_APPWIDGET" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCH" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_VOICE_KEYPHRASES" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.STATUS_BAR" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.STOP_APP_SWITCHES" />
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.apps.actionsservice">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CALL_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.apps.assistant">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CALL_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.gsf">
+        <permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_CACHE_FILESYSTEM"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BACKUP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DUMP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INVOKE_CARRIER_SETUP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MASTER_CLEAR"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_LOGS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_NETWORK_USAGE_HISTORY"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REBOOT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.RECEIVE_DATA_ACTIVITY_CHANGE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.RECOVERY"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_TIME"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STATUS_BAR"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_GSERVICES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.ims">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_USE_RESTRICTED_NETWORKS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKET_KEEPALIVE_OFFLOAD"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.onetimeinitializer">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.packageinstaller">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.OBSERVE_GRANT_REVOKE_PERMISSIONS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.USE_RESERVED_DISK"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.partnersetup">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.setupwizard">
+        <permission name="android.permission.BACKUP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DISPATCH_PROVISIONING_MESSAGE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INVOKE_CARRIER_SETUP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.LOCAL_MAC_ADDRESS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_ADMINS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_FINGERPRINT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USB"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MASTER_CLEAR"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.NOTIFICATION_DURING_SETUP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.OVERRIDE_WIFI_CONFIG"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PERFORM_CDMA_PROVISIONING"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REBOOT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_TIME"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_TIME_ZONE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SHUTDOWN"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STATUS_BAR"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_APN_SETTINGS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.tag">
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.apps.wallpaper">
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_WALLPAPER_INTERNAL"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER_COMPONENT"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.google.android.apps.wellbeing">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONTROL_DISPLAY_SATURATION"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.OBSERVE_APP_USAGE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SUSPEND_APPS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-platform.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-platform.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..82b6a22d27408a3d80bb7c72c534e7122bce5ae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-platform.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  ~ Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+  ~
+  ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  ~
+  ~      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+  ~
+  ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+  ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  ~ limitations under the License
+  -->
+This XML file declares which signature|privileged permissions should be granted to privileged
+applications that come with the platform
+    <privapp-permissions package="android.ext.services">
+        <permission name="android.permission.PROVIDE_RESOLVER_RANKER_SERVICE" />
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.apps.tag">
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.backupconfirm">
+        <permission name="android.permission.BACKUP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CRYPT_KEEPER"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver">
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.RECEIVE_EMERGENCY_BROADCAST"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.contacts">
+        <permission name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="com.android.voicemail.permission.READ_VOICEMAIL"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.defcontainer">
+        <permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_CACHE_FILESYSTEM"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.ALLOCATE_AGGRESSIVE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.dialer">
+        <permission name="android.permission.ALLOW_ANY_CODEC_FOR_PLAYBACK"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONTROL_INCALL_EXPERIENCE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STATUS_BAR"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STOP_APP_SWITCHES"/>
+        <permission name="com.android.voicemail.permission.READ_VOICEMAIL"/>
+        <permission name="com.android.voicemail.permission.WRITE_VOICEMAIL"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.emergency">
+        <!-- Required to place emergency calls from emergency info screen. -->
+        <permission name="android.permission.CALL_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.externalstorage">
+        <permission name="android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.launcher3">
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_APPWIDGET"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONTROL_REMOTE_APP_TRANSITION_ANIMATIONS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVILEGED"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.location.fused">
+        <permission name="android.permission.INSTALL_LOCATION_PROVIDER"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.managedprovisioning">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CRYPT_KEEPER"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_ADMINS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MASTER_CLEAR"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PERFORM_CDMA_PROVISIONING"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_TIME"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_TIME_ZONE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SHUTDOWN"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.mms.service">
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_CARRIER_MESSAGING_SERVICE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_CARRIER_SERVICES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.mtp">
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USB"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.musicfx">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.networkrecommendation">
+        <permission name="android.permission.SCORE_NETWORKS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.omadm.service">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_APN_SETTINGS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.packageinstaller">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.OBSERVE_GRANT_REVOKE_PERMISSIONS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.USE_RESERVED_DISK"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.phone">
+        <permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_IMS_CALL_SERVICE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_CARRIER_MESSAGING_SERVICE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_CARRIER_SERVICES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_IMS_SERVICE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_TELEPHONY_DATA_SERVICE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_VISUAL_VOICEMAIL_SERVICE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CALL_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_DEVICE_IDLE_TEMP_WHITELIST"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONTROL_INCALL_EXPERIENCE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DUMP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.LOCAL_MAC_ADDRESS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PERFORM_CDMA_PROVISIONING"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_NETWORK_USAGE_HISTORY"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_SEARCH_INDEXABLES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REBOOT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REGISTER_CALL_PROVIDER"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REGISTER_SIM_SUBSCRIPTION"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SEND_RESPOND_VIA_MESSAGE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_TIME"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_TIME_ZONE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SHUTDOWN"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STATUS_BAR"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STOP_APP_SWITCHES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_LOCK"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_APN_SETTINGS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTIONS"/>
+        <permission name="com.android.voicemail.permission.READ_VOICEMAIL"/>
+        <permission name="com.android.voicemail.permission.WRITE_VOICEMAIL"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.providers.calendar">
+        <permission name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.USE_RESERVED_DISK"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.providers.contacts">
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_DIRECTORY_SEARCH"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.USE_RESERVED_DISK"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.providers.downloads">
+        <permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_CACHE_FILESYSTEM"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.providers.media">
+        <permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_MTP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.USE_RESERVED_DISK"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.providers.telephony">
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.USE_RESERVED_DISK"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.provision">
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.server.telecom">
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_CONNECTION_SERVICE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_INCALL_SERVICE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CALL_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_ROUTING" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STOP_APP_SWITCHES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.settings">
+        <permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_CHECKIN_PROPERTIES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_NOTIFICATIONS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BACKUP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BATTERY_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_APP_IDLE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.LOCAL_MAC_ADDRESS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_ADMINS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_FINGERPRINT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USB"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USER_OEM_UNLOCK_STATE" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.MASTER_CLEAR"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MOVE_PACKAGE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.OVERRIDE_WIFI_CONFIG"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_SEARCH_INDEXABLES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REBOOT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_TIME"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STATUS_BAR"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.TETHER_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.USE_RESERVED_DISK"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.USER_ACTIVITY"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_APN_SETTINGS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.settings.intelligence">
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_FINGERPRINT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_SEARCH_INDEXABLES"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.sharedstoragebackup">
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.shell">
+        <permission name="android.permission.ACCESS_LOWPAN_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BACKUP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BATTERY_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_APPWIDGET"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_APP_IDLE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_DEVICE_IDLE_TEMP_WHITELIST" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_LOWPAN_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_OVERLAY_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DELETE_CACHE_FILES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DUMP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.ACTIVITY_EMBEDDING"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.GET_APP_OPS_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INSTALL_LOCATION_PROVIDER"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.LOCAL_MAC_ADDRESS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_ACTIVITY_STACKS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_ADMINS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USB"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_APPWIDGET_BIND_PERMISSIONS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MOUNT_FORMAT_FILESYSTEMS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MOVE_PACKAGE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_LOWPAN_CREDENTIAL"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REGISTER_CALL_PROVIDER"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REGISTER_CONNECTION_MANAGER"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REGISTER_SIM_SUBSCRIPTION"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.RETRIEVE_WINDOW_CONTENT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_ALWAYS_FINISH"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_ANIMATION_SCALE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_DEBUG_APP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_PROCESS_LIMIT"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_TIME"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SET_TIME_ZONE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SIGNAL_PERSISTENT_PROCESSES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.START_TASKS_FROM_RECENTS" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.STOP_APP_SWITCHES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.USE_RESERVED_DISK"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.statementservice">
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTENT_FILTER_VERIFICATION_AGENT"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.storagemanager">
+        <permission name="android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.USE_RESERVED_DISK"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.systemui">
+        <permission name="android.permission.BATTERY_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BIND_APPWIDGET"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_DEVICE_IDLE_TEMP_WHITELIST"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_OVERLAY_PACKAGES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONTROL_REMOTE_APP_TRANSITION_ANIMATIONS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONTROL_VPN"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DUMP"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.GET_APP_OPS_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_ACTIVITY_STACKS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USB"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MASTER_CLEAR"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.OVERRIDE_WIFI_CONFIG"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_NETWORK_USAGE_HISTORY"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.RECEIVE_MEDIA_RESOURCE_USAGE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.START_TASKS_FROM_RECENTS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STATUS_BAR"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STOP_APP_SWITCHES"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.TETHER_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.USE_RESERVED_DISK"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_DREAM_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTIONS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.tv">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_HDMI_CEC_ACTIVE_SOURCE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.DVB_DEVICE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCH"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.HDMI_CEC"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PARENTAL_CONTROLS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_CONTENT_RATING_SYSTEMS"/>
+        <permission name="com.android.providers.tv.permission.ACCESS_ALL_EPG_DATA"/>
+        <permission name="com.android.providers.tv.permission.ACCESS_WATCHED_PROGRAMS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.vpndialogs">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONTROL_VPN"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-qti.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-qti.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c49b90534df63cc76e4d414d6b449cde7bf5fd98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-qti.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  ~ Copyright (c) 2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+  ~ Not a Contribution.
+  ~ Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+  ~
+  ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  ~
+  ~      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+  ~
+  ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+  ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  ~ limitations under the License
+  -->
+This XML file declares which signature|privileged permissions should be
+granted to privileged applications on QTI devices.
+It allows additional grants on top of privapp-permissions-platform.xml
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.quicinc.cne.CNEService">
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.PACKET_KEEPALIVE_OFFLOAD"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.qti.dpmserviceapp">
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel">
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="org.codeaurora.dialer">
+        <permission name="android.permission.ALLOW_ANY_CODEC_FOR_PLAYBACK"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CONTROL_INCALL_EXPERIENCE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STATUS_BAR"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.STOP_APP_SWITCHES"/>
+        <permission name="com.android.voicemail.permission.READ_VOICEMAIL"/>
+        <permission name="com.android.voicemail.permission.WRITE_VOICEMAIL"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="org.codeaurora.qti.qtiNetworkApp">
+        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="org.codeaurora.ims">
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.soundrecorder">
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.quicinc.voice.activation">
+        <permission name="android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.MANAGE_SOUND_TRIGGER"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.qualcomm.qti.carrierswitch">
+        <permission name="android.permission.REBOOT"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.qualcomm.wfd.service">
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.android.mms">
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_APN_SETTINGS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="org.codeaurora.bluetooth.batestapp">
+        <permission name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_PRIVILEGED"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.LOCAL_MAC_ADDRESS"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="org.codeaurora.snapcam">
+        <permission name="android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS"/>
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"/>
+    </privapp-permissions>
+    <privapp-permissions package="com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement">
+        <permission name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.READ_BLOCKED_NUMBERS" />
+        <permission name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />
+    </privapp-permissions>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/qcrilhook.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/qcrilhook.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6ca9c571ec5577971223ae8b7859605a622dc8ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/qcrilhook.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ <library name="com.qualcomm.qcrilhook"
+          file="/system/framework/qcrilhook.jar"/>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/qti_libpermissions.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/qti_libpermissions.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1f897af6712b5f9c830f38cc700d5d889096a8f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/qti_libpermissions.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+    All Rights Reserved.
+    Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+ -->
+    <library name="android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java"
+          file="/system/framework/android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java.jar"/>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/qti_permissions.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/qti_permissions.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cca66c291104ca19996fb9f035798c12693f6725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/qti_permissions.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+  Copyright (c) 2016 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
+  Qualcomm Technologies Proprietary and Confidential.
+    <permission name="com.qti.permission.DIAG">
+        <group gid="oem_2901" />
+    </permission>
+    <permission name="com.qti.permission.AUDIO">
+        <group gid="audio" />
+    </permission>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/permissions/telephonyservice.xml b/system/system/etc/permissions/telephonyservice.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e86b1316ea2ec13e9490cffb2212d113fdb4e21d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/permissions/telephonyservice.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+Copyright (c) 2014 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
+Qualcomm Technologies Proprietary and Confidential.
+<library name="com.qualcomm.qti.QtiTelephonyServicelibrary"
+         file="/system/framework/QtiTelephonyServicelibrary.jar"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/etc/ppp/ip-up-vpn b/system/system/etc/ppp/ip-up-vpn
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1afcce86cf754a8cf2e737c4d271fc4cc910d5be
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/etc/ppp/ip-up-vpn differ
diff --git a/system/system/etc/preferred-apps/asus.xml b/system/system/etc/preferred-apps/asus.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f416ae8bef15ee7c3be105f925756a77e1a84fb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/preferred-apps/asus.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'?>
+    <item name="com.asus.gallery/.app.EPhotoActivity">
+        <filter>
+            <action name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
+            <cat name="android.intent.category.APP_GALLERY" />
+            <cat name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
+        </filter>
+    </item>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/preferred-apps/google.xml b/system/system/etc/preferred-apps/google.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..82c908873fd8b299cdd3040ad049a0da2916fe64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/preferred-apps/google.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
+     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     You may obtain a copy of the License at
+          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+     limitations under the License.
+    These are the default set of preferred applications for various standard
+    web URIs of Google properties to built-in Google Android applications.
+    To generate new entries, set whatever app you want to be the default as
+    normal through the UI, and then use "adb shell dumpsys package preferred-xml"
+    to get the XML structure for the current preferred apps.  You will probably
+    want to clean up the output some, such as adding the BROWSABLE category.  See
+    the other entries here for guides.
+ -->
+    <!-- <item name="com.google.android.apps.photos/.home.HomeActivity"> -->
+    <!--     <filter> -->
+    <!--         <action name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> -->
+    <!--         <cat name="android.intent.category.APP_GALLERY" /> -->
+    <!--         <cat name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> -->
+    <!--     </filter> -->
+    <!-- </item> -->
+    <!--<item name="com.google.android.apps.photos/.pager.HostPhotoPagerActivity">-->
+        <!--<filter>-->
+            <!--<action name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />-->
+            <!--<cat name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />-->
+            <!--&lt;!&ndash; get from /libcore/luni/src/main/java/libcore/net/MimeUtils.java, because "image/*" "image/" "image" invalid &ndash;&gt;-->
+            <!--<type name="image/bmp" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/gif" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/ico" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/ief" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/jpeg" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/pcx" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/png" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/svg+xml" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/tiff" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/vnd.djvu" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/vnd.wap.wbmp" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/webp" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-adobe-dng" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-canon-cr2" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-cmu-raster" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-coreldraw" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-coreldrawpattern" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-coreldrawtemplate" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-corelphotopaint" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-fuji-raf" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-icon" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-jg" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-jng" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-ms-bmp" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-nikon-nef" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-nikon-nrw" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-olympus-orf" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-panasonic-rw2" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-pentax-pef" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-photoshop" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-portable-anymap" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-portable-bitmap" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-portable-graymap" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-portable-pixmap" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-rgb" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-samsung-srw" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-sony-arw" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-xbitmap" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-xpixmap" />-->
+            <!--<type name="image/x-xwindowdump" />-->
+            <!--&lt;!&ndash; get from Photos AndroidManifest.xml &ndash;&gt;-->
+            <!--<type name="video/3gpp" />-->
+            <!--<type name="video/3gpp" />-->
+            <!--<type name="video/3gpp2" />-->
+            <!--<type name="video/avi" />-->
+            <!--<type name="video/mp4" />-->
+            <!--<type name="video/mpeg" />-->
+            <!--<type name="video/mpeg4" />-->
+            <!--<type name="video/quicktime" />-->
+            <!--<type name="video/webm" />-->
+            <!--<type name="video/x-matroska" />-->
+        <!--</filter>-->
+    <!--</item>-->
+    <item name="com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.sheets/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.trix.quicksheet.QuickSheetDocumentOpenerActivityAlias">
+        <filter>
+            <action name="android.intent.action.EDIT" />
+            <cat name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
+            <type name="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" />
+            <type name="application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroenabled.12" />
+            <type name="application/vnd.ms-excel" />
+            <type name="application/vnd.ms-excel.addin.macroenabled.12" />
+            <type name="application/vnd.ms-excel.template.macroenabled.12" />
+            <type name="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template" />
+            <type name="application/x-msexcel" />
+        </filter>
+    </item>
+    <item name="com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.docs/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.kix.quickword.QuickWordDocumentOpenerActivityAlias">
+      <filter>
+            <action name="android.intent.action.EDIT" />
+            <cat name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
+            <type name="application/vnd.ms-word" />
+            <type name="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" />
+            <type name="application/vnd.ms-word.document.macroenabled.12" />
+            <type name="application/msword" />
+            <type name="application/vnd.ms-word.template.macroenabled.12" />
+            <type name="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template" />
+            <type name="application/x-msword" />
+      </filter>
+    </item>
+    <item name="com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.slides/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.kix.quickword.QuickWordDocumentOpenerActivityAlias">
+      <filter>
+            <action name="android.intent.action.EDIT" />
+            <cat name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
+            <type name="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation" />
+            <type name="application/vnd.ms-powerpoint" />
+            <type name="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template" />
+            <type name="application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.presentation.macroenabled.12" />
+            <type name="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow" />
+            <type name="application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.slideshow.macroenabled.12" />
+            <type name="application/x-mspowerpoint" />
+      </filter>
+    </item>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/preloaded-classes b/system/system/etc/preloaded-classes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..001479370fb9ba72c76b837343ffa621e9ead8b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/preloaded-classes
@@ -0,0 +1,6558 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Preloaded-classes filter file for phones.
+# Classes in this file will be allocated into the boot image, and forcibly initialized in
+# the zygote during initialization. This is a trade-off, using virtual address space to share
+# common heap between apps.
+# This file has been derived for mainline phone (and tablet) usage.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/prop.default b/system/system/etc/prop.default
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d3d9c5dd391a23f35a2f77bc5c73306ce6e3887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/prop.default
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ro.bootimage.build.date=Tue Oct 8 14:40:30 CST 2019
diff --git a/system/system/etc/public.libraries-qti.txt b/system/system/etc/public.libraries-qti.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/system/system/etc/public.libraries.txt b/system/system/etc/public.libraries.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e20b95d0cb484a4270f71a4f5e75dc6f5faae8be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/public.libraries.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# See https://android.googlesource.com/platform/ndk/+/master/docs/PlatformApis.md
diff --git a/system/system/etc/qvr/ov7251_640x480_cam_config.xml b/system/system/etc/qvr/ov7251_640x480_cam_config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7f6b2c773b5267cd988a2e7609a4bf1dc8fd770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/qvr/ov7251_640x480_cam_config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+* Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+* All Rights Reserved
+* Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+     this file needs to be updated with calibration values specific to the
+     individual device!
+    <Camera id="0" name="left">
+        <Calibration size="640 480 " principal_point="320.3172 236.58478 " focal_length="269.62891 269.62891 " fish_eye="true" radial_distortion_8="0.076505646 -0.050256696 0.23803455 -0.13134412 0 0 0 0 " />
+        <Rig stereo_rig="0 0 0 0 0 0 " />
+    </Camera>
+    <Image />
+    <SFConfig>
+        <Stateinit ombc="1.7523631 -1.89599 0.071323365 " tbc="0.011388524 -0.05343863 -0.068415083 " aBias="0.14205168 0.11820986 -0.31702432 " wBias="-0.00017690445 0.02965593 0.0076321699 " ka="-0.0045475163 -0.0018873089 -0.00057031418 " kg="-0.0039448594 -0.00036525866 -0.0024788459 " delta="-0.003896" />
+    </SFConfig>
+<!--Device ID not_configured
+Tue, 26 Jun 2018 23:35:23 GMT
+***Pattern detection***
+Pattern detection success 895/905 (98.895%)
+numFailForMultipleApexCandidates 10/905 (1.10497%)
+***Pattern selection***
+Remove redundant detections: Selected 173/895 timestamps
+***Intrinsic calibration***
+Prior-numRDParams4 2159 constraints, 0.258562 pixels RMS residual.
+Full-numRDParams4 127905 constraints, 0.203806 pixels RMS residual.
+***Extrinsic/IMU calibration***
+CalibrateIMU-OptimizeIMUOnly_Init 894 constraints, 0.189402 pixels RMS residual.
+Ombc/Tbc as (R | t) matrix:
+(0.00278002, -0.935017, -0.354593, 0.0113885)
+(-0.905734, 0.147937, -0.397192, -0.0534386)
+(0.423839, 0.322271, -0.846465, -0.0684151)
+***Pattern detection time 7.33122s, calibration time 1.37742s, total 8.70864s-->
diff --git a/system/system/etc/qvr/ov9282_640x400_cam_config.xml b/system/system/etc/qvr/ov9282_640x400_cam_config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a8335b4f5d6536136494df510eaef1472461203c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/qvr/ov9282_640x400_cam_config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+* Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+* All Rights Reserved
+* Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+     this file needs to be updated with calibration values specific to the
+     individual device!
+	<Camera name="left" id="0">
+		<Calibration
+			size="640 400"
+			principal_point="323.192169 198.308716"
+			focal_length="289.082520 289.359375"
+			fish_eye="true"
+			radial_distortion_4="-0.029295 0.070526 -0.071657 0.025787 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000"
+			iterations="2" />
+		<Rig stereo_rig="0 0 0 0 0 0"/>
+	</Camera>
+	<Image format="separate" />
+	<SFConfig>
+		<Stateinit ombc="2.221441469079183 2.221441469079183 0.0" delta="0.00" tbc="-0.025 0.08 -0.023" />
+	</SFConfig>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/qvr/ov9282_stereo_1280x400_cam_config.xml b/system/system/etc/qvr/ov9282_stereo_1280x400_cam_config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d0f74144f9d26d59b1aa08c2015215a4e86a905f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/qvr/ov9282_stereo_1280x400_cam_config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+* Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+* All Rights Reserved
+* Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+     this file needs to be updated with calibration values specific to the
+     individual device!
+	<Camera name="left" id="0">
+		<Calibration
+			size="640 400"
+			principal_point="323.192169 198.308716"
+			focal_length="289.082520 289.359375"
+			fish_eye="true"
+			radial_distortion_4="-0.029295 0.070526 -0.071657 0.025787 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000"
+			iterations="2" />
+		<Rig stereo_rig="0 0 0 0 0 0"/>
+	</Camera>
+	<Camera name="right" id="1">
+		<Calibration
+			size="640 400"
+			principal_point="321.590454 195.245880"
+			focal_length="285.350739 285.624725"
+			fish_eye="true"
+			radial_distortion_4="-0.011950 0.049432 -0.069833 0.031949 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000"
+			iterations="2"/>
+		<Rig stereo_rig="-0.079185 -0.000427 -0.000261 0.035792 -0.027083 0.000067"/>
+	</Camera>
+	<Image format="interleaved" />
+	<SFConfig>
+		<Stateinit ombc="2.221441469079183 -2.221441469079183 0.000000" delta="0.00" tbc="0.0214316 -0.0148008 -0.0227021" />
+	</SFConfig>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/qvr/ov9282_stereo_2560x800_cam_config.xml b/system/system/etc/qvr/ov9282_stereo_2560x800_cam_config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9044ba309d0a2f46ea6e054776199422856c3554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/qvr/ov9282_stereo_2560x800_cam_config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+* Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+* All Rights Reserved
+* Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+     this file needs to be updated with calibration values specific to the
+     individual device!
+	<Camera name="left" id="0">
+		<Calibration
+			size="1280 800"
+			principal_point="325.589081 231.327423"
+			focal_length="269.598206 269.991791"
+			fish_eye="true"
+			radial_distortion_4="0.013868 -0.007836 0.027832 -0.019043 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000"
+			iterations="2"/>
+		<Rig stereo_rig="0 0 0 0 0 0"/>
+	</Camera>
+	<Camera name="right" id="1">
+		<Calibration
+			size="1280 800"
+			principal_point="325.589081 231.327423"
+			focal_length="269.598206 269.991791"
+			fish_eye="true"
+			radial_distortion_4="0.013868 -0.007836 0.027832 -0.019043 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000"
+			iterations="2"/>
+		<Rig stereo_rig="-0.082846 0.003686 0.003153   0.018326 -0.002509 0.147714"/>
+	</Camera>
+	<Image format="interleaved" />
+	<SFConfig>
+		<Stateinit ombc="2.221441469079183 2.221441469079183 0.0" delta="0.00" tbc="-0.025 0.08 -0.023" />
+	</SFConfig>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/qvr/qvrservice_6dof_config.xml b/system/system/etc/qvr/qvrservice_6dof_config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d8bb9b8643eb1839df4437c418648d6d5d249fbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/qvr/qvrservice_6dof_config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+* Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+* Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+  <SFConfig>
+    <SliceMapping enabled="false" />
+    <Logging level="3" />
+    <Warmstart enabled="true" />
+    <Stereo useStereoVIO="false" />
+    <Relocator enabled="false"/>
+    <Autocal enabled="true"/>
+    <Mapping enabled="true" />
+  </SFConfig>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/qvr/qvrservice_6dof_config_stereo.xml b/system/system/etc/qvr/qvrservice_6dof_config_stereo.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22b75bfcb922d7c43bea779afa9e5d4d41e14128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/qvr/qvrservice_6dof_config_stereo.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+* Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+* Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+  <SFConfig>
+    <SliceMapping enabled="false" />
+    <Logging level="3" />
+    <Warmstart enabled="true" />
+    <Stereo useStereoVIO="true" />
+    <Relocator enabled="false"/>
+    <Autocal enabled="true"/>
+    <Mapping enabled="true" />
+  </SFConfig>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/qvr/qvrservice_config.txt b/system/system/etc/qvr/qvrservice_config.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3169020c9d6e46e5deb0e523135a114264afb813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/qvr/qvrservice_config.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved
+# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+# Configuration parameters for qvr service
+# Calibration data path
+# If device-specific calibration data is present in an alternate location
+# (typically one that wouldn't get wiped during a build update), specify
+# that path here and the VR service will attempt to load calibration data
+# from that path first before loading it from its default location.
+#calibration_path =
+# 6Dof configuration file
+6dof_conf_file = qvrservice_6dof_config.xml
+# Stereo 6dof config file; will be loaded if _stereo
+# is part of tracking_camera_sensor name
+6dof_conf_file_stereo = qvrservice_6dof_config_stereo.xml
+# 6DoF warmstart polling period
+# This setting controls how often the VR service will poll 6DoF for its
+# warmstart info (value is in seconds). If it reports that the warmstart
+# info has improved, the VR service will up update the contents of the
+# warmstart binary file accordingly. Set to 0 to disable polling.
+# Regardless of this setting, the warmstart info will also be queried
+# when VR mode is stopped.
+6dof_warmstart_poll_period = 10
+# 6DoF Roomscale tracking
+# This setting specifies whether 6DoF uses roomscale tracking with mDSP offloading
+6dof_roomscale_enabled = false
+# External Sensor related configurations
+#external_sensor_lib =
+# External Camera related configurations
+#external_camera_lib =
+# EyeTracking Plugin related configurations
+plugin_eye_tracking_lib = libqvr_eyetracking_plugin.so
+# Sensor orientation: default is: 1 2 3 (Android Portrait)
+# 1 represents x, 2 represents y and 3 represents z
+# The 3DOF and 6DOF tracking algorithms require IMU data
+# to be in Android Portrait orientation. If the device's
+# default orientation is *not* Android Portrait, these values
+# are used to convert from device orientation to Android
+# Portrait orientation.
+# For Android landscape sensor orientation, use 2 -1 3
+#sensor_orientation = 2 -1 3
+sensor_orientation = 1 2 3
+#sensor frequency configuration in Hz
+#sensor_frequency_hz = 800
+# tracking camera properties
+tracking_camera_id                  = 0
+tracking_camera_sensor              = ov9282_stereo
+tracking_camera_res                 = 2560 800
+tracking_camera_quarter_res         = 1280 400
+tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode      = false
+tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
+tracking_camera_auto_exposure       = true
+tracking_camera_hvx_mode            = false
+tracking_camera_hvx_algo            = qvrcam_receiver
+tracking_camera_master_only         = false
+tracking_camera_control_protected   = true
+tracking_camera_privileged_client   = 0
+# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
+tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode  = disabled
+tracking_camera_hvx_sensor          = ov9282
+tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
+tracking_camera_default_flash_mode  = off
+tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode  = quarter
+# eye tracking camera properties
+eye-tracking_camera_id                  = 1
+eye-tracking_camera_sensor              = ov6211_stereo
+eye-tracking_camera_res                 = 800 400
+eye-tracking_camera_quarter_res         = 416 200 60 220
+eye-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode      = true
+eye-tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
+eye-tracking_camera_auto_exposure       = false
+eye-tracking_camera_hvx_mode            = false
+eye-tracking_camera_hvx_algo            = qvrcam_receiver
+eye-tracking_camera_master_only         = true
+eye-tracking_camera_control_protected   = true
+eye-tracking_camera_privileged_client   = 2
+# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
+eye-tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode  = disabled
+eye-tracking_camera_hvx_sensor          = ov6211
+eye-tracking_camera_hvx_stereo_slave_camera_id = -1
+eye-tracking_camera_default_flash_mode  = torch
+eye-tracking_camera_default_resolution_mode  = full
+# 6dof pose logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
+tracking_6dof_pose_logging_mode    = disabled
+# the service will expose display interrupts to its clients from
+# /dev/graphics/fb[display_id] (default is fb0)
+#display_id = 0
+#force to mag sensor based drift free 3dof
+#force_drift_free_3dof = true
+#Received mag sensor data should be in the range of Earth's magnetic field magnitude range (0.25 to 0.65 gauss)
+#if not, then either mag is not calibrated or indicates presence of external noise
+#use (0 0) to disable this checking
+mag_validity_range_gauss = 0.25 0.65
+# kgsl workqueue configuration
+kgsl_ev_cpumask = f
+kgsl_ev_nice = -20
+kgsl_wq_cpumask = f
+kgsl_wq_nice = -20
+# kgsl power scale control
+kgsl_pwrscale = 1
+# performance: thread_attributes
+# format -> [thread type]:[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];
+# cpu_affinity is given as bit mask
+performance_thread_attributes = render:0>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,48,0xF0
+performance_thread_attributes = warp:0>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xFF;1>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;2>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0;3>SCHED_FIFO,49,0xF0
+performance_thread_attributes = controller:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
+performance_thread_attributes = normal:0>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xFF;1>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF;2>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0;3>SCHED_OTHER,0,0xF0
+# performance: hints for gpu and cpu levels
+# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml] [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml]
+# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level] - lower byte for gpu level and next higher byte for cpu_level. Max level 255
+performance_perf_hints = 0x0101:0x0000130A 0x0102:0x0000130B 0x0103:0x0000130C
+performance_perf_hints = 0x0201:0x0000130D 0x0202:0x0000130E 0x0203:0x0000130F
+performance_perf_hints = 0x0301:0x00001310 0x0302:0x00001311 0x0303:0x00001312
+# performance thermal rules to be enabled
+# format -> [thermal rule name]:[algo type]>[hardware type]
+performance_thermal_rules = QVR_Rule_G:monitor>gpu QVR_Rule_C:monitor>cpu
+# performance: temperature to temperature level mapping
+# format -> [hardware type]:[temperature]>[temperature level];[temperature]>[temperature level]
+performance_temp_levels = gpu:30000>1;32000>2;34000>3;36000>4 cpu:38000>1;41000>2;42000>3;43000>4
+# performance: thermal rule threshold index to mitigation actions mapping
+# format -> [thermal rule name]:[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2];[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2]
+# mit_actions: fpsup & fpsdown -> increase & decrease fps , resup & reddown -> increase & decrease eye buffer resolution
+performance_mitigation_actions = QVR_Rule_G:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsdown,resdown;3>fpsdown,resup;4>fpsup,resdown;5>fpsdown,resdown;6>fpsdown,resup;7>fpsup,resup QVR_Rule_C:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsup,resup
+# A hw_transform setting defines a physical transform between two hardware
+# components in the Android Portrait coordinate system. The format is as follows:
+#   hw_transform = [from] [to] [4x3 float matrix]
+# The values of the matrix are in meters and are flattened as follows:
+#   R00 R01 R02 T1
+#   R10 R11 R12 T2  --> [ R00 R01 R02 T1 R10 R11 R12 T2 R20 R21 R22 T3 ]
+#   R20 R21 R22 T3
+# Valid values for [from] and [to] are:
+#   hmd  = virtual HMD reference point
+#   imu  = IMU
+#   eyeL = left eye tracking camera
+#   eyeR = right eye tracking camera
+hw_transform = imu hmd  1.0 0.0 0.0 0.095 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
+hw_transform = imu eyeL 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
+hw_transform = imu eyeR 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
+# Early initialization of the Tracker module
+6dof_tracker_early_init = true
+# Reload the service when the app closes
+reload_when_closed = true
diff --git a/system/system/etc/seccomp_policy/crash_dump.arm.policy b/system/system/etc/seccomp_policy/crash_dump.arm.policy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..254330d5125b354b72f46ab3b3ff8fb2620622d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/seccomp_policy/crash_dump.arm.policy
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+read: 1
+write: 1
+exit: 1
+rt_sigreturn: 1
+sigreturn: 1
+exit_group: 1
+clock_gettime: 1
+gettimeofday: 1
+futex: 1
+getrandom: 1
+getpid: 1
+gettid: 1
+ppoll: 1
+pipe2: 1
+openat: 1
+dup: 1
+close: 1
+lseek: 1
+getdents64: 1
+faccessat: 1
+recvmsg: 1
+process_vm_readv: 1
+tgkill: 1
+rt_sigprocmask: 1
+rt_sigaction: 1
+rt_tgsigqueueinfo: 1
+prctl: arg0 == PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS || arg0 == 0x53564d41
+madvise: 1
+mprotect: arg2 in 0x1|0x2
+munmap: 1
+getuid32: 1
+fstat64: 1
+mmap2: arg2 in 0x1|0x2
+geteuid32: 1
+getgid32: 1
+getegid32: 1
+getgroups32: 1
diff --git a/system/system/etc/seccomp_policy/crash_dump.arm64.policy b/system/system/etc/seccomp_policy/crash_dump.arm64.policy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b3ef09ef98b2672971df59ccd19143d8d6c9932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/seccomp_policy/crash_dump.arm64.policy
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+read: 1
+write: 1
+exit: 1
+rt_sigreturn: 1
+exit_group: 1
+clock_gettime: 1
+gettimeofday: 1
+futex: 1
+getrandom: 1
+getpid: 1
+gettid: 1
+ppoll: 1
+pipe2: 1
+openat: 1
+dup: 1
+close: 1
+lseek: 1
+getdents64: 1
+faccessat: 1
+recvmsg: 1
+process_vm_readv: 1
+tgkill: 1
+rt_sigprocmask: 1
+rt_sigaction: 1
+rt_tgsigqueueinfo: 1
+prctl: arg0 == PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS || arg0 == 0x53564d41
+madvise: 1
+mprotect: arg2 in 0x1|0x2
+munmap: 1
+getuid: 1
+fstat: 1
+mmap: arg2 in 0x1|0x2
+geteuid: 1
+getgid: 1
+getegid: 1
+getgroups: 1
diff --git a/system/system/etc/seccomp_policy/mediacodec.policy b/system/system/etc/seccomp_policy/mediacodec.policy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6ec8895787d360ba08f760ebaa69a3dcb33f612f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/seccomp_policy/mediacodec.policy
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Organized by frequency of systemcall - in descending order for
+# best performance.
+futex: 1
+ioctl: 1
+write: 1
+prctl: 1
+clock_gettime: 1
+getpriority: 1
+read: 1
+close: 1
+writev: 1
+dup: 1
+ppoll: 1
+mmap2: 1
+getrandom: 1
+# mremap: Ensure |flags| are (MREMAP_MAYMOVE | MREMAP_FIXED) TODO: Once minijail
+# parser support for '<' is in this needs to be modified to also prevent
+# |old_address| and |new_address| from touching the exception vector page, which
+# on ARM is statically loaded at 0xffff 0000. See
+# http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0211h/Babfeega.html
+# for more details.
+mremap: arg3 == 3
+munmap: 1
+mprotect: 1
+madvise: 1
+openat: 1
+sigaltstack: 1
+clone: 1
+setpriority: 1
+getuid32: 1
+fstat64: 1
+fstatfs64: 1
+pread64: 1
+faccessat: 1
+readlinkat: 1
+exit: 1
+rt_sigprocmask: 1
+set_tid_address: 1
+restart_syscall: 1
+exit_group: 1
+rt_sigreturn: 1
+pipe2: 1
+gettimeofday: 1
+sched_yield: 1
+nanosleep: 1
+lseek: 1
+_llseek: 1
+sched_get_priority_max: 1
+sched_get_priority_min: 1
+statfs64: 1
+sched_setscheduler: 1
+fstatat64: 1
+ugetrlimit: 1
+getdents64: 1
+getrandom: 1
+@include /system/etc/seccomp_policy/crash_dump.arm.policy
diff --git a/system/system/etc/seccomp_policy/mediaextractor.policy b/system/system/etc/seccomp_policy/mediaextractor.policy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d70e27b95bb64c065add74490849336a13779886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/seccomp_policy/mediaextractor.policy
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Organized by frequency of systemcall - in descending order for
+# best performance.
+ioctl: 1
+futex: 1
+prctl: 1
+write: 1
+getpriority: 1
+close: 1
+dup: 1
+mmap: 1
+munmap: 1
+openat: 1
+mprotect: 1
+madvise: 1
+getuid: 1
+fstat: 1
+fstatfs: 1
+read: 1
+setpriority: 1
+sigaltstack: 1
+clone: 1
+sched_setscheduler: 1
+lseek: 1
+newfstatat: 1
+faccessat: 1
+restart_syscall: 1
+exit: 1
+exit_group: 1
+rt_sigreturn: 1
+getrlimit: 1
+nanosleep: 1
+getrandom: 1
+# for FileSource
+readlinkat: 1
+# for dynamically loading extractors
+getdents64: 1
+readlinkat: 1
+pread64: 1
+mremap: 1
+@include /system/etc/seccomp_policy/crash_dump.arm64.policy
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/00673b5b.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/00673b5b.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ccea509428c5bbbec4c007e438c3bf5ae2746b81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/00673b5b.0
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            34:4e:d5:57:20:d5:ed:ec:49:f4:2f:ce:37:db:2b:6d
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=thawte, Inc., OU=Certification Services Division, OU=(c) 2006 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=thawte Primary Root CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 17 00:00:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Jul 16 23:59:59 2036 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=thawte, Inc., OU=Certification Services Division, OU=(c) 2006 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=thawte Primary Root CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ac:a0:f0:fb:80:59:d4:9c:c7:a4:cf:9d:a1:59:
+                    73:09:10:45:0c:0d:2c:6e:68:f1:6c:5b:48:68:49:
+                    59:37:fc:0b:33:19:c2:77:7f:cc:10:2d:95:34:1c:
+                    e6:eb:4d:09:a7:1c:d2:b8:c9:97:36:02:b7:89:d4:
+                    24:5f:06:c0:cc:44:94:94:8d:02:62:6f:eb:5a:dd:
+                    11:8d:28:9a:5c:84:90:10:7a:0d:bd:74:66:2f:6a:
+                    38:a0:e2:d5:54:44:eb:1d:07:9f:07:ba:6f:ee:e9:
+                    fd:4e:0b:29:f5:3e:84:a0:01:f1:9c:ab:f8:1c:7e:
+                    89:a4:e8:a1:d8:71:65:0d:a3:51:7b:ee:bc:d2:22:
+                    60:0d:b9:5b:9d:df:ba:fc:51:5b:0b:af:98:b2:e9:
+                    2e:e9:04:e8:62:87:de:2b:c8:d7:4e:c1:4c:64:1e:
+                    dd:cf:87:58:ba:4a:4f:ca:68:07:1d:1c:9d:4a:c6:
+                    d5:2f:91:cc:7c:71:72:1c:c5:c0:67:eb:32:fd:c9:
+                    92:5c:94:da:85:c0:9b:bf:53:7d:2b:09:f4:8c:9d:
+                    91:1f:97:6a:52:cb:de:09:36:a4:77:d8:7b:87:50:
+                    44:d5:3e:6e:29:69:fb:39:49:26:1e:09:a5:80:7b:
+                    40:2d:eb:e8:27:85:c9:fe:61:fd:7e:e6:7c:97:1d:
+                    d5:9d
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                7B:5B:45:CF:AF:CE:CB:7A:FD:31:92:1A:6A:B6:F3:46:EB:57:48:50
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         79:11:c0:4b:b3:91:b6:fc:f0:e9:67:d4:0d:6e:45:be:55:e8:
+         93:d2:ce:03:3f:ed:da:25:b0:1d:57:cb:1e:3a:76:a0:4c:ec:
+         50:76:e8:64:72:0c:a4:a9:f1:b8:8b:d6:d6:87:84:bb:32:e5:
+         41:11:c0:77:d9:b3:60:9d:eb:1b:d5:d1:6e:44:44:a9:a6:01:
+         ec:55:62:1d:77:b8:5c:8e:48:49:7c:9c:3b:57:11:ac:ad:73:
+         37:8e:2f:78:5c:90:68:47:d9:60:60:e6:fc:07:3d:22:20:17:
+         c4:f7:16:e9:c4:d8:72:f9:c8:73:7c:df:16:2f:15:a9:3e:fd:
+         6a:27:b6:a1:eb:5a:ba:98:1f:d5:e3:4d:64:0a:9d:13:c8:61:
+         ba:f5:39:1c:87:ba:b8:bd:7b:22:7f:f6:fe:ac:40:79:e5:ac:
+         10:6f:3d:8f:1b:79:76:8b:c4:37:b3:21:18:84:e5:36:00:eb:
+         63:20:99:b9:e9:fe:33:04:bb:41:c8:c1:02:f9:44:63:20:9e:
+         81:ce:42:d3:d6:3f:2c:76:d3:63:9c:59:dd:8f:a6:e1:0e:a0:
+         2e:41:f7:2e:95:47:cf:bc:fd:33:f3:f6:0b:61:7e:7e:91:2b:
+         81:47:c2:27:30:ee:a7:10:5d:37:8f:5c:39:2b:e4:04:f0:7b:
+         8d:56:8c:68
+SHA1 Fingerprint=91:C6:D6:EE:3E:8A:C8:63:84:E5:48:C2:99:29:5C:75:6C:81:7B:81
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/02756ea4.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/02756ea4.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e4787e581bfba5e8b70b6942f97ad270891c1cb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/02756ea4.0
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            11:20:55:83:e4:2d:3e:54:56:85:2d:83:37:b7:2c:dc:46:11
+    Signature Algorithm: sha512WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=FR, O=Certplus, CN=Certplus Root CA G1
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 26 00:00:00 2014 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 15 00:00:00 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=FR, O=Certplus, CN=Certplus Root CA G1
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:da:50:87:b6:da:b8:a9:3e:9d:64:fa:56:33:9a:
+                    56:3d:16:e5:03:95:b2:34:1c:9a:6d:62:05:d4:d8:
+                    8f:e7:89:64:9f:ba:db:64:8b:64:e6:79:2a:61:cd:
+                    af:8f:5a:89:91:65:b9:58:fc:b4:03:5f:91:3f:2d:
+                    10:15:e0:7e:cf:bc:fc:7f:43:67:a8:ad:5e:36:23:
+                    d8:98:b3:4d:f3:43:9e:39:7c:2a:fc:ec:88:d5:88:
+                    ee:70:bd:85:16:2d:ea:4b:89:3c:a3:71:42:fe:1c:
+                    fd:d3:1c:2d:10:b8:86:54:ea:43:b8:db:c6:87:da:
+                    a8:ae:80:25:cf:7a:26:1d:aa:91:b0:48:6f:ae:b5:
+                    de:9e:d8:d7:fa:00:fd:c6:8f:d0:51:bb:62:7d:a4:
+                    b1:8c:b2:ff:20:11:ba:35:63:05:86:47:60:43:33:
+                    90:f6:47:a2:03:4f:96:4d:9d:4f:c1:ea:ea:9c:a2:
+                    fe:34:2e:de:b7:ca:1b:76:a4:b7:ad:9f:e9:a8:d4:
+                    78:3f:78:fe:f2:38:09:36:1d:d2:16:02:c8:ec:2a:
+                    68:af:f5:8e:94:ef:2d:13:7a:1e:42:4a:1d:15:31:
+                    ae:0c:04:57:fc:61:73:f3:31:56:86:31:80:a0:c4:
+                    11:6e:30:76:e3:94:f0:5f:04:c4:ac:87:72:89:98:
+                    c5:9d:cc:57:08:9a:f4:0c:fc:7d:7a:05:3a:fa:47:
+                    80:39:b6:cf:84:13:77:6f:27:ea:ff:96:67:17:08:
+                    6d:e9:0d:d6:23:50:30:b0:15:74:13:3e:e5:2f:ff:
+                    0e:cd:c4:0b:4a:5d:f0:d8:00:33:49:66:eb:a1:18:
+                    7c:59:2e:3d:28:b9:61:71:cb:b5:a5:ba:b8:ea:dc:
+                    e2:70:6f:08:6a:dc:87:67:34:ef:df:30:72:dd:f3:
+                    c9:3f:23:ff:35:e1:be:21:29:20:30:81:e4:19:a5:
+                    20:e9:25:ca:73:31:74:29:be:e2:42:d5:f3:b2:26:
+                    66:c7:68:fd:19:b3:e7:20:93:99:e8:5d:e0:5e:87:
+                    e7:46:e8:25:9c:0a:29:24:d4:cd:58:86:52:40:24:
+                    b2:7b:0f:98:12:20:24:f6:90:6c:47:c8:0d:bb:18:
+                    20:2e:d9:fd:fc:8b:f2:29:ea:87:74:95:e0:42:50:
+                    78:84:04:41:61:b0:f4:21:23:8f:2d:cb:28:21:f2:
+                    6a:6c:f4:1a:a6:c5:14:b4:37:65:4f:95:fd:80:c8:
+                    f8:72:e5:25:6b:c4:60:b1:7b:6d:8e:4a:8a:73:ce:
+                    59:fb:70:7a:73:06:13:d9:d3:74:37:24:41:0a:11:
+                    6f:97:dc:e7:e4:7e:a1:bd:15:f2:ba:87:0f:3d:68:
+                    8a:16:07
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                A8:C1:C0:9B:91:A8:43:15:7C:5D:06:27:B4:2A:51:D8:97:0B:81:B1
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:A8:C1:C0:9B:91:A8:43:15:7C:5D:06:27:B4:2A:51:D8:97:0B:81:B1
+    Signature Algorithm: sha512WithRSAEncryption
+         9c:56:6f:01:7e:d1:bd:4c:f5:8a:c6:f0:26:1f:e4:e0:38:18:
+         cc:32:c3:29:3b:9d:41:29:34:61:c6:d7:f0:00:a1:eb:a4:72:
+         8f:94:17:bc:13:2c:75:b4:57:ee:0a:7c:09:7a:dc:d5:ca:a1:
+         d0:34:13:f8:77:ab:9f:e5:fe:d8:1e:74:8a:85:07:8f:7f:cc:
+         79:7a:ca:96:cd:cd:fd:4f:fb:fd:23:0d:90:f5:f4:5e:d3:c6:
+         61:7d:9e:11:e0:02:ee:09:04:d9:07:dd:a6:8a:b7:0c:83:24:
+         bb:83:50:92:fe:60:75:11:3e:d8:9d:b0:8a:7a:b5:e0:9d:9b:
+         cb:90:52:4b:b0:93:2a:d4:3e:16:33:e5:9e:c6:65:15:3e:64:
+         3b:04:3f:db:0c:8f:5f:5c:1d:69:1f:af:f3:e9:21:8c:f3:ef:
+         97:f6:9a:b7:19:b6:84:74:9c:a3:54:b5:70:4e:63:d8:57:5d:
+         53:21:9b:40:92:43:fa:d6:77:55:33:4f:64:d5:fb:d0:2c:6a:
+         8e:6d:25:a6:ef:85:e8:02:c4:53:3e:b9:9e:87:bc:cc:35:1a:
+         de:a1:e9:8a:63:87:65:1e:11:2a:db:63:77:97:14:be:9a:14:
+         99:11:b2:c0:ee:b0:4f:f8:14:21:32:43:4f:9f:ab:a2:cb:a8:
+         0f:aa:3b:06:55:c6:12:29:57:08:d4:37:d7:87:27:ad:49:59:
+         a7:91:ab:44:7a:5e:8d:70:db:97:ce:48:50:b1:73:93:f6:f0:
+         83:60:f9:cd:f1:e1:31:fd:5b:7c:71:21:63:14:14:aa:af:c5:
+         de:93:7e:68:b1:ec:22:a2:aa:90:75:9e:b5:43:72:ea:64:a3:
+         84:4b:fd:0c:a8:26:6b:71:97:ee:56:63:66:e8:42:54:f9:c7:
+         1d:df:d0:8f:5b:df:c8:30:6f:88:fe:0d:c4:33:1c:53:a8:a3:
+         fd:48:10:f2:e4:0a:4e:e1:15:57:fc:6e:64:30:c2:55:11:dc:
+         ea:a9:cd:4a:54:ac:29:63:44:cf:4a:40:a0:d6:68:59:1b:33:
+         f9:ef:3a:8b:db:20:92:dc:42:84:bf:01:ab:87:c0:d5:20:82:
+         db:c6:b9:83:85:42:5c:0f:43:3b:6a:49:35:d5:98:f4:15:bf:
+         fa:61:81:0c:09:20:18:d2:d0:17:0c:cb:48:00:50:e9:76:82:
+         8c:64:d7:3a:a0:07:55:cc:1e:31:c0:ef:3a:b4:65:fb:e3:bf:
+         42:6b:9e:0f:a8:bd:6b:98:dc:d8:db:cb:8b:a4:dd:d7:59:f4:
+         6e:dd:fe:aa:c3:91:d0:2e:42:07:c0:0c:4d:53:cd:24:b1:4c:
+         5b:1e:51:f4:df:e9:92:fa
+SHA1 Fingerprint=22:FD:D0:B7:FD:A2:4E:0D:AC:49:2C:A0:AC:A6:7B:6A:1F:E3:F7:66
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/04f60c28.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/04f60c28.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dec2f4ed8a62dcf13602cf3f49f8d9725313c9c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/04f60c28.0
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            5c:8b:99:c5:5a:94:c5:d2:71:56:de:cd:89:80:cc:26
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=New Jersey, L=Jersey City, O=The USERTRUST Network, CN=USERTrust ECC Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Feb  1 00:00:00 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 18 23:59:59 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=New Jersey, L=Jersey City, O=The USERTRUST Network, CN=USERTrust ECC Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:1a:ac:54:5a:a9:f9:68:23:e7:7a:d5:24:6f:53:
+                    c6:5a:d8:4b:ab:c6:d5:b6:d1:e6:73:71:ae:dd:9c:
+                    d6:0c:61:fd:db:a0:89:03:b8:05:14:ec:57:ce:ee:
+                    5d:3f:e2:21:b3:ce:f7:d4:8a:79:e0:a3:83:7e:2d:
+                    97:d0:61:c4:f1:99:dc:25:91:63:ab:7f:30:a3:b4:
+                    70:e2:c7:a1:33:9c:f3:bf:2e:5c:53:b1:5f:b3:7d:
+                    32:7f:8a:34:e3:79:79
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                3A:E1:09:86:D4:CF:19:C2:96:76:74:49:76:DC:E0:35:C6:63:63:9A
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:65:02:30:36:67:a1:16:08:dc:e4:97:00:41:1d:4e:be:e1:
+         63:01:cf:3b:aa:42:11:64:a0:9d:94:39:02:11:79:5c:7b:1d:
+         fa:64:b9:ee:16:42:b3:bf:8a:c2:09:c4:ec:e4:b1:4d:02:31:
+         00:e9:2a:61:47:8c:52:4a:4b:4e:18:70:f6:d6:44:d6:6e:f5:
+         83:ba:6d:58:bd:24:d9:56:48:ea:ef:c4:a2:46:81:88:6a:3a:
+         46:d1:a9:9b:4d:c9:61:da:d1:5d:57:6a:18
+SHA1 Fingerprint=D1:CB:CA:5D:B2:D5:2A:7F:69:3B:67:4D:E5:F0:5A:1D:0C:95:7D:F0
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/0d5a4e1c.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/0d5a4e1c.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a40cf60ad77c354fbfeca2cc7758affbea3430f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/0d5a4e1c.0
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 156233699172481 (0x8e17fe242081)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=TR, L=Ankara, O=T\xC3\x9CRKTRUST Bilgi \xC4\xB0leti\xC5\x9Fim ve Bili\xC5\x9Fim G\xC3\xBCvenli\xC4\x9Fi Hizmetleri A.\xC5\x9E., CN=T\xC3\x9CRKTRUST Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet Sa\xC4\x9Flay\xC4\xB1c\xC4\xB1s\xC4\xB1 H5
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Apr 30 08:07:01 2013 GMT
+            Not After : Apr 28 08:07:01 2023 GMT
+        Subject: C=TR, L=Ankara, O=T\xC3\x9CRKTRUST Bilgi \xC4\xB0leti\xC5\x9Fim ve Bili\xC5\x9Fim G\xC3\xBCvenli\xC4\x9Fi Hizmetleri A.\xC5\x9E., CN=T\xC3\x9CRKTRUST Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet Sa\xC4\x9Flay\xC4\xB1c\xC4\xB1s\xC4\xB1 H5
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:a4:25:19:e1:65:9e:eb:48:21:50:4a:08:e5:11:
+                    f0:5a:ba:26:ff:83:59:ce:44:2a:2f:fe:e1:ce:60:
+                    03:fc:8d:03:a5:ed:ff:6b:a8:ba:cc:34:06:9f:59:
+                    35:f6:ec:2c:bb:9d:fb:8d:52:69:e3:9c:27:10:53:
+                    f3:a4:02:c5:a7:f9:11:1a:69:75:6e:c3:1d:8b:d1:
+                    98:8d:93:87:a7:71:97:0d:21:c7:99:f9:52:d3:2c:
+                    63:5d:55:bc:e8:1f:01:48:b9:60:fe:42:4a:f6:c8:
+                    80:ae:cd:66:7a:9e:45:8a:68:77:e2:48:68:9f:a2:
+                    da:f1:e1:c1:10:9f:eb:3c:29:81:a7:e1:32:08:d4:
+                    a0:05:b1:8c:fb:8d:96:00:0e:3e:25:df:53:86:22:
+                    3b:fc:f4:bd:f3:09:7e:77:ec:86:eb:0f:33:e5:43:
+                    4f:f4:54:75:6d:29:99:2e:66:5a:43:df:cb:5c:ca:
+                    c8:e5:38:f1:7e:3b:35:9d:0f:f4:c5:5a:a1:cc:f3:
+                    20:80:24:d3:57:ec:15:ba:75:25:9b:e8:64:4b:b3:
+                    34:84:ef:04:b8:f6:c9:6c:aa:02:3e:b6:55:e2:32:
+                    37:5f:fc:66:97:5f:cd:d6:9e:c7:20:bf:4d:c6:ac:
+                    3f:75:5f:1c:ed:32:9c:7c:69:00:69:91:e3:23:18:
+                    53:e9
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                56:99:07:1E:D3:AC:0C:69:64:B4:0C:50:47:DE:43:2C:BE:20:C0:FB
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         9e:45:76:7b:17:48:32:f2:38:8b:29:bd:ee:96:4a:4e:81:18:
+         b1:51:47:20:cd:d0:64:b1:0e:c9:d9:01:d9:09:ce:c8:99:dc:
+         68:25:13:d4:5c:f2:a3:e8:04:fe:72:09:c7:0b:aa:1d:25:55:
+         7e:96:9a:57:b7:ba:c5:11:7a:19:e6:a7:7e:3d:85:0e:f5:f9:
+         2e:29:2f:e7:f9:6c:58:16:57:50:25:f6:3e:2e:3e:aa:ed:77:
+         71:aa:aa:99:96:46:0a:ae:8e:ec:2a:51:16:b0:5e:cd:ea:67:
+         04:1c:58:30:f5:60:8a:bd:a6:bd:4d:e5:96:b4:fc:42:89:01:
+         6b:f6:70:c8:50:39:0c:2d:d5:66:d9:c8:d2:b3:32:b7:1b:19:
+         6d:cb:33:f9:df:a5:e6:15:84:37:f0:c2:f2:65:96:92:90:77:
+         f0:ad:f4:90:e9:11:78:d7:93:89:c0:3d:0b:ba:29:f4:e8:99:
+         9d:72:8e:ed:9d:2f:ee:92:7d:a1:f1:ff:5d:ba:33:60:85:62:
+         fe:07:02:a1:84:56:46:be:96:0a:9a:13:d7:21:4c:b7:7c:07:
+         9f:4e:4e:3f:91:74:fb:27:9d:11:cc:dd:e6:b1:ca:71:4d:13:
+         17:39:26:c5:29:21:2b:93:29:6a:96:fa:ab:41:e1:4b:b6:35:
+         0b:c0:9b:15
+SHA1 Fingerprint=C4:18:F6:4D:46:D1:DF:00:3D:27:30:13:72:43:A9:12:11:C6:75:FB
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/0d69c7e1.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/0d69c7e1.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..84c387e89a838f8d00ee098e654ef88f9873e07e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/0d69c7e1.0
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            2a:38:a4:1c:96:0a:04:de:42:b2:28:a5:0b:e8:34:98:02
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
+        Issuer: OU=GlobalSign ECC Root CA - R4, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 13 00:00:00 2012 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 19 03:14:07 2038 GMT
+        Subject: OU=GlobalSign ECC Root CA - R4, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (256 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:b8:c6:79:d3:8f:6c:25:0e:9f:2e:39:19:1c:03:
+                    a4:ae:9a:e5:39:07:09:16:ca:63:b1:b9:86:f8:8a:
+                    57:c1:57:ce:42:fa:73:a1:f7:65:42:ff:1e:c1:00:
+                    b2:6e:73:0e:ff:c7:21:e5:18:a4:aa:d9:71:3f:a8:
+                    d4:b9:ce:8c:1d
+                ASN1 OID: prime256v1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                54:B0:7B:AD:45:B8:E2:40:7F:FB:0A:6E:FB:BE:33:C9:3C:A3:84:D5
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
+         30:45:02:21:00:dc:92:a1:a0:13:a6:cf:03:b0:e6:c4:21:97:
+         90:fa:14:57:2d:03:ec:ee:3c:d3:6e:ca:a8:6c:76:bc:a2:de:
+         bb:02:20:27:a8:85:27:35:9b:56:c6:a3:f2:47:d2:b7:6e:1b:
+         02:00:17:aa:67:a6:15:91:de:fa:94:ec:7b:0b:f8:9f:84
+SHA1 Fingerprint=69:69:56:2E:40:80:F4:24:A1:E7:19:9F:14:BA:F3:EE:58:AB:6A:BB
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/10531352.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/10531352.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be3e88cd333b4f2d3eeb622ee4a3ed22219a2afb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/10531352.0
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O=Starfield Technologies, Inc., CN=Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority - G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Sep  1 00:00:00 2009 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2037 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O=Starfield Technologies, Inc., CN=Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority - G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:d5:0c:3a:c4:2a:f9:4e:e2:f5:be:19:97:5f:8e:
+                    88:53:b1:1f:3f:cb:cf:9f:20:13:6d:29:3a:c8:0f:
+                    7d:3c:f7:6b:76:38:63:d9:36:60:a8:9b:5e:5c:00:
+                    80:b2:2f:59:7f:f6:87:f9:25:43:86:e7:69:1b:52:
+                    9a:90:e1:71:e3:d8:2d:0d:4e:6f:f6:c8:49:d9:b6:
+                    f3:1a:56:ae:2b:b6:74:14:eb:cf:fb:26:e3:1a:ba:
+                    1d:96:2e:6a:3b:58:94:89:47:56:ff:25:a0:93:70:
+                    53:83:da:84:74:14:c3:67:9e:04:68:3a:df:8e:40:
+                    5a:1d:4a:4e:cf:43:91:3b:e7:56:d6:00:70:cb:52:
+                    ee:7b:7d:ae:3a:e7:bc:31:f9:45:f6:c2:60:cf:13:
+                    59:02:2b:80:cc:34:47:df:b9:de:90:65:6d:02:cf:
+                    2c:91:a6:a6:e7:de:85:18:49:7c:66:4e:a3:3a:6d:
+                    a9:b5:ee:34:2e:ba:0d:03:b8:33:df:47:eb:b1:6b:
+                    8d:25:d9:9b:ce:81:d1:45:46:32:96:70:87:de:02:
+                    0e:49:43:85:b6:6c:73:bb:64:ea:61:41:ac:c9:d4:
+                    54:df:87:2f:c7:22:b2:26:cc:9f:59:54:68:9f:fc:
+                    be:2a:2f:c4:55:1c:75:40:60:17:85:02:55:39:8b:
+                    7f:05
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                9C:5F:00:DF:AA:01:D7:30:2B:38:88:A2:B8:6D:4A:9C:F2:11:91:83
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         4b:36:a6:84:77:69:dd:3b:19:9f:67:23:08:6f:0e:61:c9:fd:
+         84:dc:5f:d8:36:81:cd:d8:1b:41:2d:9f:60:dd:c7:1a:68:d9:
+         d1:6e:86:e1:88:23:cf:13:de:43:cf:e2:34:b3:04:9d:1f:29:
+         d5:bf:f8:5e:c8:d5:c1:bd:ee:92:6f:32:74:f2:91:82:2f:bd:
+         82:42:7a:ad:2a:b7:20:7d:4d:bc:7a:55:12:c2:15:ea:bd:f7:
+         6a:95:2e:6c:74:9f:cf:1c:b4:f2:c5:01:a3:85:d0:72:3e:ad:
+         73:ab:0b:9b:75:0c:6d:45:b7:8e:94:ac:96:37:b5:a0:d0:8f:
+         15:47:0e:e3:e8:83:dd:8f:fd:ef:41:01:77:cc:27:a9:62:85:
+         33:f2:37:08:ef:71:cf:77:06:de:c8:19:1d:88:40:cf:7d:46:
+         1d:ff:1e:c7:e1:ce:ff:23:db:c6:fa:8d:55:4e:a9:02:e7:47:
+         11:46:3e:f4:fd:bd:7b:29:26:bb:a9:61:62:37:28:b6:2d:2a:
+         f6:10:86:64:c9:70:a7:d2:ad:b7:29:70:79:ea:3c:da:63:25:
+         9f:fd:68:b7:30:ec:70:fb:75:8a:b7:6d:60:67:b2:1e:c8:b9:
+         e9:d8:a8:6f:02:8b:67:0d:4d:26:57:71:da:20:fc:c1:4a:50:
+         8d:b1:28:ba
+SHA1 Fingerprint=92:5A:8F:8D:2C:6D:04:E0:66:5F:59:6A:FF:22:D8:63:E8:25:6F:3F
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/111e6273.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/111e6273.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..97aa17a0788dea210ab8d2908d33d08ed248f138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/111e6273.0
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            04:00:00:00:00:01:0f:86:26:e6:0d
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R2, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec 15 08:00:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 15 08:00:00 2021 GMT
+        Subject: OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R2, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:a6:cf:24:0e:be:2e:6f:28:99:45:42:c4:ab:3e:
+                    21:54:9b:0b:d3:7f:84:70:fa:12:b3:cb:bf:87:5f:
+                    c6:7f:86:d3:b2:30:5c:d6:fd:ad:f1:7b:dc:e5:f8:
+                    60:96:09:92:10:f5:d0:53:de:fb:7b:7e:73:88:ac:
+                    52:88:7b:4a:a6:ca:49:a6:5e:a8:a7:8c:5a:11:bc:
+                    7a:82:eb:be:8c:e9:b3:ac:96:25:07:97:4a:99:2a:
+                    07:2f:b4:1e:77:bf:8a:0f:b5:02:7c:1b:96:b8:c5:
+                    b9:3a:2c:bc:d6:12:b9:eb:59:7d:e2:d0:06:86:5f:
+                    5e:49:6a:b5:39:5e:88:34:ec:bc:78:0c:08:98:84:
+                    6c:a8:cd:4b:b4:a0:7d:0c:79:4d:f0:b8:2d:cb:21:
+                    ca:d5:6c:5b:7d:e1:a0:29:84:a1:f9:d3:94:49:cb:
+                    24:62:91:20:bc:dd:0b:d5:d9:cc:f9:ea:27:0a:2b:
+                    73:91:c6:9d:1b:ac:c8:cb:e8:e0:a0:f4:2f:90:8b:
+                    4d:fb:b0:36:1b:f6:19:7a:85:e0:6d:f2:61:13:88:
+                    5c:9f:e0:93:0a:51:97:8a:5a:ce:af:ab:d5:f7:aa:
+                    09:aa:60:bd:dc:d9:5f:df:72:a9:60:13:5e:00:01:
+                    c9:4a:fa:3f:a4:ea:07:03:21:02:8e:82:ca:03:c2:
+                    9b:8f
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                9B:E2:07:57:67:1C:1E:C0:6A:06:DE:59:B4:9A:2D:DF:DC:19:86:2E
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.globalsign.net/root-r2.crl
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:9B:E2:07:57:67:1C:1E:C0:6A:06:DE:59:B4:9A:2D:DF:DC:19:86:2E
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         99:81:53:87:1c:68:97:86:91:ec:e0:4a:b8:44:0b:ab:81:ac:
+         27:4f:d6:c1:b8:1c:43:78:b3:0c:9a:fc:ea:2c:3c:6e:61:1b:
+         4d:4b:29:f5:9f:05:1d:26:c1:b8:e9:83:00:62:45:b6:a9:08:
+         93:b9:a9:33:4b:18:9a:c2:f8:87:88:4e:db:dd:71:34:1a:c1:
+         54:da:46:3f:e0:d3:2a:ab:6d:54:22:f5:3a:62:cd:20:6f:ba:
+         29:89:d7:dd:91:ee:d3:5c:a2:3e:a1:5b:41:f5:df:e5:64:43:
+         2d:e9:d5:39:ab:d2:a2:df:b7:8b:d0:c0:80:19:1c:45:c0:2d:
+         8c:e8:f8:2d:a4:74:56:49:c5:05:b5:4f:15:de:6e:44:78:39:
+         87:a8:7e:bb:f3:79:18:91:bb:f4:6f:9d:c1:f0:8c:35:8c:5d:
+         01:fb:c3:6d:b9:ef:44:6d:79:46:31:7e:0a:fe:a9:82:c1:ff:
+         ef:ab:6e:20:c4:50:c9:5f:9d:4d:9b:17:8c:0c:e5:01:c9:a0:
+         41:6a:73:53:fa:a5:50:b4:6e:25:0f:fb:4c:18:f4:fd:52:d9:
+         8e:69:b1:e8:11:0f:de:88:d8:fb:1d:49:f7:aa:de:95:cf:20:
+         78:c2:60:12:db:25:40:8c:6a:fc:7e:42:38:40:64:12:f7:9e:
+         81:e1:93:2e
+SHA1 Fingerprint=75:E0:AB:B6:13:85:12:27:1C:04:F8:5F:DD:DE:38:E4:B7:24:2E:FE
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/12d55845.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/12d55845.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..29cbb95e842dc6d8b3e7d7fd9ddd93d0687f19e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/12d55845.0
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            44:af:b0:80:d6:a3:27:ba:89:30:39:86:2e:f8:40:6b
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: O=Digital Signature Trust Co., CN=DST Root CA X3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Sep 30 21:12:19 2000 GMT
+            Not After : Sep 30 14:01:15 2021 GMT
+        Subject: O=Digital Signature Trust Co., CN=DST Root CA X3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:df:af:e9:97:50:08:83:57:b4:cc:62:65:f6:90:
+                    82:ec:c7:d3:2c:6b:30:ca:5b:ec:d9:c3:7d:c7:40:
+                    c1:18:14:8b:e0:e8:33:76:49:2a:e3:3f:21:49:93:
+                    ac:4e:0e:af:3e:48:cb:65:ee:fc:d3:21:0f:65:d2:
+                    2a:d9:32:8f:8c:e5:f7:77:b0:12:7b:b5:95:c0:89:
+                    a3:a9:ba:ed:73:2e:7a:0c:06:32:83:a2:7e:8a:14:
+                    30:cd:11:a0:e1:2a:38:b9:79:0a:31:fd:50:bd:80:
+                    65:df:b7:51:63:83:c8:e2:88:61:ea:4b:61:81:ec:
+                    52:6b:b9:a2:e2:4b:1a:28:9f:48:a3:9e:0c:da:09:
+                    8e:3e:17:2e:1e:dd:20:df:5b:c6:2a:8a:ab:2e:bd:
+                    70:ad:c5:0b:1a:25:90:74:72:c5:7b:6a:ab:34:d6:
+                    30:89:ff:e5:68:13:7b:54:0b:c8:d6:ae:ec:5a:9c:
+                    92:1e:3d:64:b3:8c:c6:df:bf:c9:41:70:ec:16:72:
+                    d5:26:ec:38:55:39:43:d0:fc:fd:18:5c:40:f1:97:
+                    eb:d5:9a:9b:8d:1d:ba:da:25:b9:c6:d8:df:c1:15:
+                    02:3a:ab:da:6e:f1:3e:2e:f5:5c:08:9c:3c:d6:83:
+                    69:e4:10:9b:19:2a:b6:29:57:e3:e5:3d:9b:9f:f0:
+                    02:5d
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                C4:A7:B1:A4:7B:2C:71:FA:DB:E1:4B:90:75:FF:C4:15:60:85:89:10
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         a3:1a:2c:9b:17:00:5c:a9:1e:ee:28:66:37:3a:bf:83:c7:3f:
+         4b:c3:09:a0:95:20:5d:e3:d9:59:44:d2:3e:0d:3e:bd:8a:4b:
+         a0:74:1f:ce:10:82:9c:74:1a:1d:7e:98:1a:dd:cb:13:4b:b3:
+         20:44:e4:91:e9:cc:fc:7d:a5:db:6a:e5:fe:e6:fd:e0:4e:dd:
+         b7:00:3a:b5:70:49:af:f2:e5:eb:02:f1:d1:02:8b:19:cb:94:
+         3a:5e:48:c4:18:1e:58:19:5f:1e:02:5a:f0:0c:f1:b1:ad:a9:
+         dc:59:86:8b:6e:e9:91:f5:86:ca:fa:b9:66:33:aa:59:5b:ce:
+         e2:a7:16:73:47:cb:2b:cc:99:b0:37:48:cf:e3:56:4b:f5:cf:
+         0f:0c:72:32:87:c6:f0:44:bb:53:72:6d:43:f5:26:48:9a:52:
+         67:b7:58:ab:fe:67:76:71:78:db:0d:a2:56:14:13:39:24:31:
+         85:a2:a8:02:5a:30:47:e1:dd:50:07:bc:02:09:90:00:eb:64:
+         63:60:9b:16:bc:88:c9:12:e6:d2:7d:91:8b:f9:3d:32:8d:65:
+         b4:e9:7c:b1:57:76:ea:c5:b6:28:39:bf:15:65:1c:c8:f6:77:
+         96:6a:0a:8d:77:0b:d8:91:0b:04:8e:07:db:29:b6:0a:ee:9d:
+         82:35:35:10
+SHA1 Fingerprint=DA:C9:02:4F:54:D8:F6:DF:94:93:5F:B1:73:26:38:CA:6A:D7:7C:13
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/17b51fe6.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/17b51fe6.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f47a60f06a0a254926d9f0e64abc794db3ec3074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/17b51fe6.0
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            85:bd:4b:f3:d8:da:e3:69:f6:94:d7:5f:c3:a5:44:23
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=FR, O=Certplus, CN=Class 2 Primary CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jul  7 17:05:00 1999 GMT
+            Not After : Jul  6 23:59:59 2019 GMT
+        Subject: C=FR, O=Certplus, CN=Class 2 Primary CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:dc:50:96:d0:12:f8:35:d2:08:78:7a:b6:52:70:
+                    fd:6f:ee:cf:b9:11:cb:5d:77:e1:ec:e9:7e:04:8d:
+                    d6:cc:6f:73:43:57:60:ac:33:0a:44:ec:03:5f:1c:
+                    80:24:91:e5:a8:91:56:12:82:f7:e0:2b:f4:db:ae:
+                    61:2e:89:10:8d:6b:6c:ba:b3:02:bd:d5:36:c5:48:
+                    37:23:e2:f0:5a:37:52:33:17:12:e2:d1:60:4d:be:
+                    2f:41:11:e3:f6:17:25:0c:8b:91:c0:1b:99:7b:99:
+                    56:0d:af:ee:d2:bc:47:57:e3:79:49:7b:34:89:27:
+                    24:84:de:b1:ec:e9:58:4e:fe:4e:df:5a:be:41:ad:
+                    ac:08:c5:18:0e:ef:d2:53:ee:6c:d0:9d:12:01:13:
+                    8d:dc:80:62:f7:95:a9:44:88:4a:71:4e:60:55:9e:
+                    db:23:19:79:56:07:0c:3f:63:0b:5c:b0:e2:be:7e:
+                    15:fc:94:33:58:41:38:74:c4:e1:8f:8b:df:26:ac:
+                    1f:b5:8b:3b:b7:43:59:6b:b0:24:a6:6d:90:8b:c4:
+                    72:ea:5d:33:98:b7:cb:de:5e:7b:ef:94:f1:1b:3e:
+                    ca:c9:21:c1:c5:98:02:aa:a2:f6:5b:77:9b:f5:7e:
+                    96:55:34:1c:67:69:c0:f1:42:e3:47:ac:fc:28:1c:
+                    66:55
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
+                CA:TRUE, pathlen:10
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                E3:73:2D:DF:CB:0E:28:0C:DE:DD:B3:A4:CA:79:B8:8E:BB:E8:30:89
+            Netscape Cert Type: 
+                SSL CA, S/MIME CA
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://www.certplus.com/CRL/class2.crl
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         a7:54:cf:88:44:19:cb:df:d4:7f:00:df:56:33:62:b5:f7:51:
+         01:90:eb:c3:3f:d1:88:44:e9:24:5d:ef:e7:14:bd:20:b7:9a:
+         3c:00:fe:6d:9f:db:90:dc:d7:f4:62:d6:8b:70:5d:e7:e5:04:
+         48:a9:68:7c:c9:f1:42:f3:6c:7f:c5:7a:7c:1d:51:88:ba:d2:
+         0a:3e:27:5d:de:2d:51:4e:d3:13:64:69:e4:2e:e3:d3:e7:9b:
+         09:99:a6:e0:95:9b:ce:1a:d7:7f:be:3c:ce:52:b3:11:15:c1:
+         0f:17:cd:03:bb:9c:25:15:ba:a2:76:89:fc:06:f1:18:d0:93:
+         4b:0e:7c:82:b7:a5:f4:f6:5f:fe:ed:40:a6:9d:84:74:39:b9:
+         dc:1e:85:16:da:29:1b:86:23:00:c9:bb:89:7e:6e:80:88:1e:
+         2f:14:b4:03:24:a8:32:6f:03:9a:47:2c:30:be:56:c6:a7:42:
+         02:70:1b:ea:40:d8:ba:05:03:70:07:a4:96:ff:fd:48:33:0a:
+         e1:dc:a5:81:90:9b:4d:dd:7d:e7:e7:b2:cd:5c:c8:6a:95:f8:
+         a5:f6:8d:c4:5d:78:08:be:7b:06:d6:49:cf:19:36:50:23:2e:
+         08:e6:9e:05:4d:47:18:d5:16:e9:b1:d6:b6:10:d5:bb:97:bf:
+         a2:8e:b4:54
+SHA1 Fingerprint=74:20:74:41:72:9C:DD:92:EC:79:31:D8:23:10:8D:C2:81:92:E2:BB
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/1dcd6f4c.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/1dcd6f4c.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d21efc607967d2b198509dcc5ef432900b989b05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/1dcd6f4c.0
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            1f:9d:59:5a:d7:2f:c2:06:44:a5:80:08:69:e3:5e:f6
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=TW, O=Government Root Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec  5 13:23:33 2002 GMT
+            Not After : Dec  5 13:23:33 2032 GMT
+        Subject: C=TW, O=Government Root Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:9a:25:b8:ec:cc:a2:75:a8:7b:f7:ce:5b:59:8a:
+                    c9:d1:86:12:08:54:ec:9c:f2:e7:46:f6:88:f3:7c:
+                    e9:a5:df:4c:47:36:a4:1b:01:1c:7f:1e:57:8a:8d:
+                    c3:c5:d1:21:e3:da:24:3f:48:2b:fb:9f:2e:a1:94:
+                    e7:2c:1c:93:d1:bf:1b:01:87:53:99:ce:a7:f5:0a:
+                    21:76:77:ff:a9:b7:c6:73:94:4f:46:f7:10:49:37:
+                    fa:a8:59:49:5d:6a:81:07:56:f2:8a:f9:06:d0:f7:
+                    70:22:4d:b4:b7:41:b9:32:b8:b1:f0:b1:c3:9c:3f:
+                    70:fd:53:dd:81:aa:d8:63:78:f6:d8:53:6e:a1:ac:
+                    6a:84:24:72:54:86:c6:d2:b2:ca:1c:0e:79:81:d6:
+                    b5:70:62:08:01:2e:4e:4f:0e:d5:11:af:a9:af:e5:
+                    9a:bf:dc:cc:87:6d:26:e4:c9:57:a2:fb:96:f9:cc:
+                    e1:3f:53:8c:6c:4c:7e:9b:53:08:0b:6c:17:fb:67:
+                    c8:c2:ad:b1:cd:80:b4:97:dc:76:01:16:15:e9:6a:
+                    d7:a4:e1:78:47:ce:86:d5:fb:31:f3:fa:31:be:34:
+                    aa:28:fb:70:4c:1d:49:c7:af:2c:9d:6d:66:a6:b6:
+                    8d:64:7e:b5:20:6a:9d:3b:81:b6:8f:40:00:67:4b:
+                    89:86:b8:cc:65:fe:15:53:e9:04:c1:d6:5f:1d:44:
+                    d7:0a:2f:27:9a:46:7d:a1:0d:75:ad:54:86:15:dc:
+                    49:3b:f1:96:ce:0f:9b:a0:ec:a3:7a:5d:be:d5:2a:
+                    75:42:e5:7b:de:a5:b6:aa:af:28:ac:ac:90:ac:38:
+                    b7:d5:68:35:26:7a:dc:f7:3b:f3:fd:45:9b:d1:bb:
+                    43:78:6e:6f:f1:42:54:6a:98:f0:0d:ad:97:e9:52:
+                    5e:e9:d5:6a:72:de:6a:f7:1b:60:14:f4:a5:e4:b6:
+                    71:67:aa:1f:ea:e2:4d:c1:42:40:fe:67:46:17:38:
+                    2f:47:3f:71:9c:ae:e5:21:ca:61:2d:6d:07:a8:84:
+                    7c:2d:ee:51:25:f1:63:90:9e:fd:e1:57:88:6b:ef:
+                    8a:23:6d:b1:e6:bd:3f:ad:d1:3d:96:0b:85:8d:cd:
+                    6b:27:bb:b7:05:9b:ec:bb:91:a9:0a:07:12:02:97:
+                    4e:20:90:f0:ff:0d:1e:e2:41:3b:d3:40:3a:e7:8d:
+                    5d:da:66:e4:02:b0:07:52:98:5c:0e:8e:33:9c:c2:
+                    a6:95:fb:55:19:6e:4c:8e:ae:4b:0f:bd:c1:38:4d:
+                    5e:8f:84:1d:66:cd:c5:60:96:b4:52:5a:05:89:8e:
+                    95:7a:98:c1:91:3c:95:23:b2:0e:f4:79:b4:c9:7c:
+                    c1:4a:21
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                CC:CC:EF:CC:29:60:A4:3B:B1:92:B6:3C:FA:32:62:8F:AC:25:15:3B
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
+                CA:TRUE
+            setCext-hashedRoot: 
+                0/0-...0...+......0...g*........"...(6....2.1:.Qe
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         40:80:4a:fa:26:c9:ce:5e:30:dd:4f:86:74:76:58:f5:ae:b3:
+         83:33:78:a4:7a:74:17:19:4e:e9:52:b5:b9:e0:0a:74:62:aa:
+         68:ca:78:a0:4c:9a:8e:2c:23:2e:d5:6a:12:24:bf:d4:68:d3:
+         8a:d0:d8:9c:9f:b4:1f:0c:de:38:7e:57:38:fc:8d:e2:4f:5e:
+         0c:9f:ab:3b:d2:ff:75:97:cb:a4:e3:67:08:ff:e5:c0:16:b5:
+         48:01:7d:e9:f9:0a:ff:1b:e5:6a:69:bf:78:21:a8:c2:a7:23:
+         a9:86:ab:76:56:e8:0e:0c:f6:13:dd:2a:66:8a:64:49:3d:1a:
+         18:87:90:04:9f:42:52:b7:4f:cb:fe:47:41:76:35:ef:ff:00:
+         76:36:45:32:9b:c6:46:85:5d:e2:24:b0:1e:e3:48:96:98:57:
+         47:94:55:7a:0f:41:b1:44:24:f3:c1:fe:1a:6b:bf:88:fd:c1:
+         a6:da:93:60:5e:81:4a:99:20:9c:48:66:19:b5:00:79:54:0f:
+         b8:2c:2f:4b:bc:a9:5d:5b:60:7f:8c:87:a5:e0:52:63:2a:be:
+         d8:3b:85:40:15:fe:1e:b6:65:3f:c5:4b:da:7e:b5:7a:35:29:
+         a3:2e:7a:98:60:22:a3:f4:7d:27:4e:2d:ea:b4:74:3c:e9:0f:
+         a4:33:0f:10:11:bc:13:01:d6:e5:0e:d3:bf:b5:12:a2:e1:45:
+         23:c0:cc:08:6e:61:b7:89:ab:83:e3:24:1e:e6:5d:07:e7:1f:
+         20:3e:cf:67:c8:e7:ac:30:6d:27:4b:68:6e:4b:2a:5c:02:08:
+         34:db:f8:76:e4:67:a3:26:9c:3f:a2:32:c2:4a:c5:81:18:31:
+         10:56:aa:84:ef:2d:0a:ff:b8:1f:77:d2:bf:a5:58:a0:62:e4:
+         d7:4b:91:75:8d:89:80:98:7e:6d:cb:53:4e:5e:af:f6:b2:97:
+         85:97:b9:da:55:06:b9:24:ee:d7:c6:38:1e:63:1b:12:3b:95:
+         e1:58:ac:f2:df:84:d5:5f:99:2f:0d:55:5b:e6:38:db:2e:3f:
+         72:e9:48:85:cb:bb:29:13:8f:1e:38:55:b9:f3:b2:c4:30:99:
+         23:4e:5d:f2:48:a1:12:0c:dc:12:90:09:90:54:91:03:3c:47:
+         e5:d5:c9:65:e0:b7:4b:7d:ec:47:d3:b3:0b:3e:ad:9e:d0:74:
+         00:0e:eb:bd:51:ad:c0:de:2c:c0:c3:6a:fe:ef:dc:0b:a7:fa:
+         46:df:60:db:9c:a6:59:50:75:23:69:73:93:b2:f9:fc:02:d3:
+         47:e6:71:ce:10:02:ee:27:8c:84:ff:ac:45:0d:13:5c:83:32:
+         e0:25:a5:86:2c:7c:f4:12
+SHA1 Fingerprint=F4:8B:11:BF:DE:AB:BE:94:54:20:71:E6:41:DE:6B:BE:88:2B:40:B9
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/1df5a75f.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/1df5a75f.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d325e8384c5222f08b9b34beb0e69068ca470069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/1df5a75f.0
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 623603 (0x983f3)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=DE, O=D-Trust GmbH, CN=D-TRUST Root Class 3 CA 2 2009
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov  5 08:35:58 2009 GMT
+            Not After : Nov  5 08:35:58 2029 GMT
+        Subject: C=DE, O=D-Trust GmbH, CN=D-TRUST Root Class 3 CA 2 2009
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:d3:b2:4a:cf:7a:47:ef:75:9b:23:fa:3a:2f:d6:
+                    50:45:89:35:3a:c6:6b:db:fe:db:00:68:a8:e0:03:
+                    11:1d:37:50:08:9f:4d:4a:68:94:35:b3:53:d1:94:
+                    63:a7:20:56:af:de:51:78:ec:2a:3d:f3:48:48:50:
+                    3e:0a:df:46:55:8b:27:6d:c3:10:4d:0d:91:52:43:
+                    d8:87:e0:5d:4e:36:b5:21:ca:5f:39:40:04:5f:5b:
+                    7e:cc:a3:c6:2b:a9:40:1e:d9:36:84:d6:48:f3:92:
+                    1e:34:46:20:24:c1:a4:51:8e:4a:1a:ef:50:3f:69:
+                    5d:19:7f:45:c3:c7:01:8f:51:c9:23:e8:72:ae:b4:
+                    bc:56:09:7f:12:cb:1c:b1:af:29:90:0a:c9:55:cc:
+                    0f:d3:b4:1a:ed:47:35:5a:4a:ed:9c:73:04:21:d0:
+                    aa:bd:0c:13:b5:00:ca:26:6c:c4:6b:0c:94:5a:95:
+                    94:da:50:9a:f1:ff:a5:2b:66:31:a4:c9:38:a0:df:
+                    1d:1f:b8:09:2e:f3:a7:e8:67:52:ab:95:1f:e0:46:
+                    3e:d8:a4:c3:ca:5a:c5:31:80:e8:48:9a:9f:94:69:
+                    fe:19:dd:d8:73:7c:81:ca:96:de:8e:ed:b3:32:05:
+                    65:84:34:e6:e6:fd:57:10:b5:5f:76:bf:2f:b0:10:
+                    0d:c5
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                FD:DA:14:C4:9F:30:DE:21:BD:1E:42:39:FC:AB:63:23:49:E0:F1:84
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:ldap://directory.d-trust.net/CN=D-TRUST%20Root%20Class%203%20CA%202%202009,O=D-Trust%20GmbH,C=DE?certificaterevocationlist
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://www.d-trust.net/crl/d-trust_root_class_3_ca_2_2009.crl
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         7f:97:db:30:c8:df:a4:9c:7d:21:7a:80:70:ce:14:12:69:88:
+         14:95:60:44:01:ac:b2:e9:30:4f:9b:50:c2:66:d8:7e:8d:30:
+         b5:70:31:e9:e2:69:c7:f3:70:db:20:15:86:d0:0d:f0:be:ac:
+         01:75:84:ce:7e:9f:4d:bf:b7:60:3b:9c:f3:ca:1d:e2:5e:68:
+         d8:a3:9d:97:e5:40:60:d2:36:21:fe:d0:b4:b8:17:da:74:a3:
+         7f:d4:df:b0:98:02:ac:6f:6b:6b:2c:25:24:72:a1:65:ee:25:
+         5a:e5:e6:32:e7:f2:df:ab:49:fa:f3:90:69:23:db:04:d9:e7:
+         5c:58:fc:65:d4:97:be:cc:fc:2e:0a:cc:25:2a:35:04:f8:60:
+         91:15:75:3d:41:ff:23:1f:19:c8:6c:eb:82:53:04:a6:e4:4c:
+         22:4d:8d:8c:ba:ce:5b:73:ec:64:54:50:6d:d1:9c:55:fb:69:
+         c3:36:c3:8c:bc:3c:85:a6:6b:0a:26:0d:e0:93:98:60:ae:7e:
+         c6:24:97:8a:61:5f:91:8e:66:92:09:87:36:cd:8b:9b:2d:3e:
+         f6:51:d4:50:d4:59:28:bd:83:f2:cc:28:7b:53:86:6d:d8:26:
+         88:70:d7:ea:91:cd:3e:b9:ca:c0:90:6e:5a:c6:5e:74:65:d7:
+         5c:fe:a3:e2
+SHA1 Fingerprint=58:E8:AB:B0:36:15:33:FB:80:F7:9B:1B:6D:29:D3:FF:8D:5F:00:F0
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/1e1eab7c.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/1e1eab7c.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6a4788c977f36430f54cb98b3448aa2f63c4db0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/1e1eab7c.0
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=DE, O=T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH, OU=T-Systems Trust Center, CN=T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Oct  1 10:29:56 2008 GMT
+            Not After : Oct  1 23:59:59 2033 GMT
+        Subject: C=DE, O=T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH, OU=T-Systems Trust Center, CN=T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:bd:75:93:f0:62:22:6f:24:ae:e0:7a:76:ac:7d:
+                    bd:d9:24:d5:b8:b7:fc:cd:f0:42:e0:eb:78:88:56:
+                    5e:9b:9a:54:1d:4d:0c:8a:f6:d3:cf:70:f4:52:b5:
+                    d8:93:04:e3:46:86:71:41:4a:2b:f0:2a:2c:55:03:
+                    d6:48:c3:e0:39:38:ed:f2:5c:3c:3f:44:bc:93:3d:
+                    61:ab:4e:cd:0d:be:f0:20:27:58:0e:44:7f:04:1a:
+                    87:a5:d7:96:14:36:90:d0:49:7b:a1:75:fb:1a:6b:
+                    73:b1:f8:ce:a9:09:2c:f2:53:d5:c3:14:44:b8:86:
+                    a5:f6:8b:2b:39:da:a3:33:54:d9:fa:72:1a:f7:22:
+                    15:1c:88:91:6b:7f:66:e5:c3:6a:80:b0:24:f3:df:
+                    86:45:88:fd:19:7f:75:87:1f:1f:b1:1b:0a:73:24:
+                    5b:b9:65:e0:2c:54:c8:60:d3:66:17:3f:e1:cc:54:
+                    33:73:91:02:3a:a6:7f:7b:76:39:a2:1f:96:b6:38:
+                    ae:b5:c8:93:74:1d:9e:b9:b4:e5:60:9d:2f:56:d1:
+                    e0:eb:5e:5b:4c:12:70:0c:6c:44:20:ab:11:d8:f4:
+                    19:f6:d2:9c:52:37:e7:fa:b6:c2:31:3b:4a:d4:14:
+                    99:ad:c7:1a:f5:5d:5f:fa:07:b8:7c:0d:1f:d6:83:
+                    1e:b3
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                B5:03:F7:76:3B:61:82:6A:12:AA:18:53:EB:03:21:94:BF:FE:CE:CA
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         56:3d:ef:94:d5:bd:da:73:b2:58:be:ae:90:ad:98:27:97:fe:
+         01:b1:b0:52:00:b8:4d:e4:1b:21:74:1b:7e:c0:ee:5e:69:2a:
+         25:af:5c:d6:1d:da:d2:79:c9:f3:97:29:e0:86:87:de:04:59:
+         0f:f1:59:d4:64:85:4b:99:af:25:04:1e:c9:46:a9:97:de:82:
+         b2:1b:70:9f:9c:f6:af:71:31:dd:7b:05:a5:2c:d3:b9:ca:47:
+         f6:ca:f2:f6:e7:ad:b9:48:3f:bc:16:b7:c1:6d:f4:ea:09:af:
+         ec:f3:b5:e7:05:9e:a6:1e:8a:53:51:d6:93:81:cc:74:93:f6:
+         b9:da:a6:25:05:74:79:5a:7e:40:3e:82:4b:26:11:30:6e:e1:
+         3f:41:c7:47:00:35:d5:f5:d3:f7:54:3e:81:3d:da:49:6a:9a:
+         b3:ef:10:3d:e6:eb:6f:d1:c8:22:47:cb:cc:cf:01:31:92:d9:
+         18:e3:22:be:09:1e:1a:3e:5a:b2:e4:6b:0c:54:7a:7d:43:4e:
+         b8:89:a5:7b:d7:a2:3d:96:86:cc:f2:26:34:2d:6a:92:9d:9a:
+         1a:d0:30:e2:5d:4e:04:b0:5f:8b:20:7e:77:c1:3d:95:82:d1:
+         46:9a:3b:3c:78:b8:6f:a1:d0:0d:64:a2:78:1e:29:4e:93:c3:
+         a4:54:14:5b
+SHA1 Fingerprint=55:A6:72:3E:CB:F2:EC:CD:C3:23:74:70:19:9D:2A:BE:11:E3:81:D1
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/1e8e7201.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/1e8e7201.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..224b3d55e95d06d7b8246ca4026f75cc8c2e73e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/1e8e7201.0
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            04:00:00:00:00:01:21:58:53:08:a2
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R3, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Mar 18 10:00:00 2009 GMT
+            Not After : Mar 18 10:00:00 2029 GMT
+        Subject: OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R3, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:cc:25:76:90:79:06:78:22:16:f5:c0:83:b6:84:
+                    ca:28:9e:fd:05:76:11:c5:ad:88:72:fc:46:02:43:
+                    c7:b2:8a:9d:04:5f:24:cb:2e:4b:e1:60:82:46:e1:
+                    52:ab:0c:81:47:70:6c:dd:64:d1:eb:f5:2c:a3:0f:
+                    82:3d:0c:2b:ae:97:d7:b6:14:86:10:79:bb:3b:13:
+                    80:77:8c:08:e1:49:d2:6a:62:2f:1f:5e:fa:96:68:
+                    df:89:27:95:38:9f:06:d7:3e:c9:cb:26:59:0d:73:
+                    de:b0:c8:e9:26:0e:83:15:c6:ef:5b:8b:d2:04:60:
+                    ca:49:a6:28:f6:69:3b:f6:cb:c8:28:91:e5:9d:8a:
+                    61:57:37:ac:74:14:dc:74:e0:3a:ee:72:2f:2e:9c:
+                    fb:d0:bb:bf:f5:3d:00:e1:06:33:e8:82:2b:ae:53:
+                    a6:3a:16:73:8c:dd:41:0e:20:3a:c0:b4:a7:a1:e9:
+                    b2:4f:90:2e:32:60:e9:57:cb:b9:04:92:68:68:e5:
+                    38:26:60:75:b2:9f:77:ff:91:14:ef:ae:20:49:fc:
+                    ad:40:15:48:d1:02:31:61:19:5e:b8:97:ef:ad:77:
+                    b7:64:9a:7a:bf:5f:c1:13:ef:9b:62:fb:0d:6c:e0:
+                    54:69:16:a9:03:da:6e:e9:83:93:71:76:c6:69:85:
+                    82:17
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                8F:F0:4B:7F:A8:2E:45:24:AE:4D:50:FA:63:9A:8B:DE:E2:DD:1B:BC
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         4b:40:db:c0:50:aa:fe:c8:0c:ef:f7:96:54:45:49:bb:96:00:
+         09:41:ac:b3:13:86:86:28:07:33:ca:6b:e6:74:b9:ba:00:2d:
+         ae:a4:0a:d3:f5:f1:f1:0f:8a:bf:73:67:4a:83:c7:44:7b:78:
+         e0:af:6e:6c:6f:03:29:8e:33:39:45:c3:8e:e4:b9:57:6c:aa:
+         fc:12:96:ec:53:c6:2d:e4:24:6c:b9:94:63:fb:dc:53:68:67:
+         56:3e:83:b8:cf:35:21:c3:c9:68:fe:ce:da:c2:53:aa:cc:90:
+         8a:e9:f0:5d:46:8c:95:dd:7a:58:28:1a:2f:1d:de:cd:00:37:
+         41:8f:ed:44:6d:d7:53:28:97:7e:f3:67:04:1e:15:d7:8a:96:
+         b4:d3:de:4c:27:a4:4c:1b:73:73:76:f4:17:99:c2:1f:7a:0e:
+         e3:2d:08:ad:0a:1c:2c:ff:3c:ab:55:0e:0f:91:7e:36:eb:c3:
+         57:49:be:e1:2e:2d:7c:60:8b:c3:41:51:13:23:9d:ce:f7:32:
+         6b:94:01:a8:99:e7:2c:33:1f:3a:3b:25:d2:86:40:ce:3b:2c:
+         86:78:c9:61:2f:14:ba:ee:db:55:6f:df:84:ee:05:09:4d:bd:
+         28:d8:72:ce:d3:62:50:65:1e:eb:92:97:83:31:d9:b3:b5:ca:
+         47:58:3f:5f
+SHA1 Fingerprint=D6:9B:56:11:48:F0:1C:77:C5:45:78:C1:09:26:DF:5B:85:69:76:AD
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/1eb37bdf.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/1eb37bdf.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51c658f0bbd636a73cae491b99dd4728519a17ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/1eb37bdf.0
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 11806822484801597146 (0xa3da427ea4b1aeda)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=EU, L=Madrid (see current address at www.camerfirma.com/address)/serialNumber=A82743287, O=AC Camerfirma S.A., CN=Chambers of Commerce Root - 2008
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Aug  1 12:29:50 2008 GMT
+            Not After : Jul 31 12:29:50 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=EU, L=Madrid (see current address at www.camerfirma.com/address)/serialNumber=A82743287, O=AC Camerfirma S.A., CN=Chambers of Commerce Root - 2008
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:af:00:cb:70:37:2b:80:5a:4a:3a:6c:78:94:7d:
+                    a3:7f:1a:1f:f6:35:d5:bd:db:cb:0d:44:72:3e:26:
+                    b2:90:52:ba:63:3b:28:58:6f:a5:b3:6d:94:a6:f3:
+                    dd:64:0c:55:f6:f6:e7:f2:22:22:80:5e:e1:62:c6:
+                    b6:29:e1:81:6c:f2:bf:e5:7d:32:6a:54:a0:32:19:
+                    59:fe:1f:8b:d7:3d:60:86:85:24:6f:e3:11:b3:77:
+                    3e:20:96:35:21:6b:b3:08:d9:70:2e:64:f7:84:92:
+                    53:d6:0e:b0:90:8a:8a:e3:87:8d:06:d3:bd:90:0e:
+                    e2:99:a1:1b:86:0e:da:9a:0a:bb:0b:61:50:06:52:
+                    f1:9e:7f:76:ec:cb:0f:d0:1e:0d:cf:99:30:3d:1c:
+                    c4:45:10:58:ac:d6:d3:e8:d7:e5:ea:c5:01:07:77:
+                    d6:51:e6:03:7f:8a:48:a5:4d:68:75:b9:e9:bc:9e:
+                    4e:19:71:f5:32:4b:9c:6d:60:19:0b:fb:cc:9d:75:
+                    dc:bf:26:cd:8f:93:78:39:79:73:5e:25:0e:ca:5c:
+                    eb:77:12:07:cb:64:41:47:72:93:ab:50:c3:eb:09:
+                    76:64:34:d2:39:b7:76:11:09:0d:76:45:c4:a9:ae:
+                    3d:6a:af:b5:7d:65:2f:94:58:10:ec:5c:7c:af:7e:
+                    e2:b6:18:d9:d0:9b:4e:5a:49:df:a9:66:0b:cc:3c:
+                    c6:78:7c:a7:9c:1d:e3:ce:8e:53:be:05:de:60:0f:
+                    6b:e5:1a:db:3f:e3:e1:21:c9:29:c1:f1:eb:07:9c:
+                    52:1b:01:44:51:3c:7b:25:d7:c4:e5:52:54:5d:25:
+                    07:ca:16:20:b8:ad:e4:41:ee:7a:08:fe:99:6f:83:
+                    a6:91:02:b0:6c:36:55:6a:e7:7d:f5:96:e6:ca:81:
+                    d6:97:f1:94:83:e9:ed:b0:b1:6b:12:69:1e:ac:fb:
+                    5d:a9:c5:98:e9:b4:5b:58:7a:be:3d:a2:44:3a:63:
+                    59:d4:0b:25:de:1b:4f:bd:e5:01:9e:cd:d2:29:d5:
+                    9f:17:19:0a:6f:bf:0c:90:d3:09:5f:d9:e3:8a:35:
+                    cc:79:5a:4d:19:37:92:b7:c4:c1:ad:af:f4:79:24:
+                    9a:b2:01:0b:b1:af:5c:96:f3:80:32:fb:5c:3d:98:
+                    f1:a0:3f:4a:de:be:af:94:2e:d9:55:9a:17:6e:60:
+                    9d:63:6c:b8:63:c9:ae:81:5c:18:35:e0:90:bb:be:
+                    3c:4f:37:22:b9:7e:eb:cf:9e:77:21:a6:3d:38:81:
+                    fb:48:da:31:3d:2b:e3:89:f5:d0:b5:bd:7e:e0:50:
+                    c4:12:89:b3:23:9a:10:31:85:db:ae:6f:ef:38:33:
+                    18:76:11
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE, pathlen:12
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                F9:24:AC:0F:B2:B5:F8:79:C0:FA:60:88:1B:C4:D9:4D:02:9E:17:19
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:F9:24:AC:0F:B2:B5:F8:79:C0:FA:60:88:1B:C4:D9:4D:02:9E:17:19
+                DirName:/C=EU/L=Madrid (see current address at www.camerfirma.com/address)/serialNumber=A82743287/O=AC Camerfirma S.A./CN=Chambers of Commerce Root - 2008
+                serial:A3:DA:42:7E:A4:B1:AE:DA
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Certificate Policies: 
+                Policy: X509v3 Any Policy
+                  CPS: http://policy.camerfirma.com
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         90:12:af:22:35:c2:a3:39:f0:2e:de:e9:b5:e9:78:7c:48:be:
+         3f:7d:45:92:5e:e9:da:b1:19:fc:16:3c:9f:b4:5b:66:9e:6a:
+         e7:c3:b9:5d:88:e8:0f:ad:cf:23:0f:de:25:3a:5e:cc:4f:a5:
+         c1:b5:2d:ac:24:d2:58:07:de:a2:cf:69:84:60:33:e8:10:0d:
+         13:a9:23:d0:85:e5:8e:7b:a6:9e:3d:72:13:72:33:f5:aa:7d:
+         c6:63:1f:08:f4:fe:01:7f:24:cf:2b:2c:54:09:de:e2:2b:6d:
+         92:c6:39:4f:16:ea:3c:7e:7a:46:d4:45:6a:46:a8:eb:75:82:
+         56:a7:ab:a0:7c:68:13:33:f6:9d:30:f0:6f:27:39:24:23:2a:
+         90:fd:90:29:35:f2:93:df:34:a5:c6:f7:f8:ef:8c:0f:62:4a:
+         7c:ae:d3:f5:54:f8:8d:b6:9a:56:87:16:82:3a:33:ab:5a:22:
+         08:f7:82:ba:ea:2e:e0:47:9a:b4:b5:45:a3:05:3b:d9:dc:2e:
+         45:40:3b:ea:dc:7f:e8:3b:eb:d1:ec:26:d8:35:a4:30:c5:3a:
+         ac:57:9e:b3:76:a5:20:7b:f9:1e:4a:05:62:01:a6:28:75:60:
+         97:92:0d:6e:3e:4d:37:43:0d:92:15:9c:18:22:cd:51:99:a0:
+         29:1a:3c:5f:8a:32:33:5b:30:c7:89:2f:47:98:0f:a3:03:c6:
+         f6:f1:ac:df:32:f0:d9:81:1a:e4:9c:bd:f6:80:14:f0:d1:2c:
+         b9:85:f5:d8:a3:b1:c8:a5:21:e5:1c:13:97:ee:0e:bd:df:29:
+         a9:ef:34:53:5b:d3:e4:6a:13:84:06:b6:32:02:c4:52:ae:22:
+         d2:dc:b2:21:42:1a:da:40:f0:29:c9:ec:0a:0c:5c:e2:d0:ba:
+         cc:48:d3:37:0a:cc:12:0a:8a:79:b0:3d:03:7f:69:4b:f4:34:
+         20:7d:b3:34:ea:8e:4b:64:f5:3e:fd:b3:23:67:15:0d:04:b8:
+         f0:2d:c1:09:51:3c:b2:6c:15:f0:a5:23:d7:83:74:e4:e5:2e:
+         c9:fe:98:27:42:c6:ab:c6:9e:b0:d0:5b:38:a5:9b:50:de:7e:
+         18:98:b5:45:3b:f6:79:b4:e8:f7:1a:7b:06:83:fb:d0:8b:da:
+         bb:c7:bd:18:ab:08:6f:3c:80:6b:40:3f:19:19:ba:65:8a:e6:
+         be:d5:5c:d3:36:d7:ef:40:52:24:60:38:67:04:31:ec:8f:f3:
+         82:c6:de:b9:55:f3:3b:31:91:5a:dc:b5:08:15:ad:76:25:0a:
+         0d:7b:2e:87:e2:0c:a6:06:bc:26:10:6d:37:9d:ec:dd:78:8c:
+         7c:80:c5:f0:d9:77:48:d0
+SHA1 Fingerprint=78:6A:74:AC:76:AB:14:7F:9C:6A:30:50:BA:9E:A8:7E:FE:9A:CE:3C
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/1f58a078.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/1f58a078.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ac07485aa017b502f95e47831aebe79bf4aad40a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/1f58a078.0
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            44:57:34:24:5b:81:89:9b:35:f2:ce:b8:2b:3b:5b:a7:26:f0:75:28
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 2 G3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan 12 18:59:32 2012 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 12 18:59:32 2042 GMT
+        Subject: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 2 G3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:a1:ae:25:b2:01:18:dc:57:88:3f:46:eb:f9:af:
+                    e2:eb:23:71:e2:9a:d1:61:66:21:5f:aa:af:27:51:
+                    e5:6e:1b:16:d4:2d:7d:50:b0:53:77:bd:78:3a:60:
+                    e2:64:02:9b:7c:86:9b:d6:1a:8e:ad:ff:1f:15:7f:
+                    d5:95:1e:12:cb:e6:14:84:04:c1:df:36:b3:16:9f:
+                    8a:e3:c9:db:98:34:ce:d8:33:17:28:46:fc:a7:c9:
+                    f0:d2:b4:d5:4d:09:72:49:f9:f2:87:e3:a9:da:7d:
+                    a1:7d:6b:b2:3a:25:a9:6d:52:44:ac:f8:be:6e:fb:
+                    dc:a6:73:91:90:61:a6:03:14:20:f2:e7:87:a3:88:
+                    ad:ad:a0:8c:ff:a6:0b:25:52:25:e7:16:01:d5:cb:
+                    b8:35:81:0c:a3:3b:f0:e1:e1:fc:5a:5d:ce:80:71:
+                    6d:f8:49:ab:3e:3b:ba:b8:d7:80:01:fb:a5:eb:5b:
+                    b3:c5:5e:60:2a:31:a0:af:37:e8:20:3a:9f:a8:32:
+                    2c:0c:cc:09:1d:d3:9e:8e:5d:bc:4c:98:ee:c5:1a:
+                    68:7b:ec:53:a6:e9:14:35:a3:df:cd:80:9f:0c:48:
+                    fb:1c:f4:f1:bf:4a:b8:fa:d5:8c:71:4a:c7:1f:ad:
+                    fe:41:9a:b3:83:5d:f2:84:56:ef:a5:57:43:ce:29:
+                    ad:8c:ab:55:bf:c4:fb:5b:01:dd:23:21:a1:58:00:
+                    8e:c3:d0:6a:13:ed:13:e3:12:2b:80:dc:67:e6:95:
+                    b2:cd:1e:22:6e:2a:f8:41:d4:f2:ca:14:07:8d:8a:
+                    55:12:c6:69:f5:b8:86:68:2f:53:5e:b0:d2:aa:21:
+                    c1:98:e6:30:e3:67:55:c7:9b:6e:ac:19:a8:55:a6:
+                    45:06:d0:23:3a:db:eb:65:5d:2a:11:11:f0:3b:4f:
+                    ca:6d:f4:34:c4:71:e4:ff:00:5a:f6:5c:ae:23:60:
+                    85:73:f1:e4:10:b1:25:ae:d5:92:bb:13:c1:0c:e0:
+                    39:da:b4:39:57:b5:ab:35:aa:72:21:3b:83:35:e7:
+                    31:df:7a:21:6e:b8:32:08:7d:1d:32:91:15:4a:62:
+                    72:cf:e3:77:a1:bc:d5:11:1b:76:01:67:08:e0:41:
+                    0b:c3:eb:15:6e:f8:a4:19:d9:a2:ab:af:e2:27:52:
+                    56:2b:02:8a:2c:14:24:f9:bf:42:02:bf:26:c8:c6:
+                    8f:e0:6e:38:7d:53:2d:e5:ed:98:b3:95:63:68:7f:
+                    f9:35:f4:df:88:c5:60:35:92:c0:7c:69:1c:61:95:
+                    16:d0:eb:de:0b:af:3e:04:10:45:65:58:50:38:af:
+                    48:f2:59:b6:16:f2:3c:0d:90:02:c6:70:2e:01:ad:
+                    3c:15:d7
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                ED:E7:6F:76:5A:BF:60:EC:49:5B:C6:A5:77:BB:72:16:71:9B:C4:3D
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         91:df:80:3f:43:09:7e:71:c2:f7:eb:b3:88:8f:e1:51:b2:bc:
+         3d:75:f9:28:5d:c8:bc:99:9b:7b:5d:aa:e5:ca:e1:0a:f7:e8:
+         b2:d3:9f:dd:67:31:7e:ba:01:aa:c7:6a:41:3b:90:d4:08:5c:
+         b2:60:6a:90:f0:c8:ce:03:62:f9:8b:ed:fb:6e:2a:dc:06:4d:
+         3c:29:0f:89:16:8a:58:4c:48:0f:e8:84:61:ea:3c:72:a6:77:
+         e4:42:ae:88:a3:43:58:79:7e:ae:ca:a5:53:0d:a9:3d:70:bd:
+         20:19:61:a4:6c:38:fc:43:32:e1:c1:47:ff:f8:ec:f1:11:22:
+         32:96:9c:c2:f6:5b:69:96:7b:20:0c:43:41:9a:5b:f6:59:19:
+         88:de:55:88:37:51:0b:78:5c:0a:1e:a3:42:fd:c7:9d:88:0f:
+         c0:f2:78:02:24:54:93:af:89:87:88:c9:4a:80:1d:ea:d0:6e:
+         3e:61:2e:36:bb:35:0e:27:96:fd:66:34:3b:61:72:73:f1:16:
+         5c:47:06:54:49:00:7a:58:12:b0:0a:ef:85:fd:b1:b8:33:75:
+         6a:93:1c:12:e6:60:5e:6f:1d:7f:c9:1f:23:cb:84:61:9f:1e:
+         82:44:f9:5f:ad:62:55:24:9a:52:98:ed:51:e7:a1:7e:97:3a:
+         e6:2f:1f:11:da:53:80:2c:85:9e:ab:35:10:db:22:5f:6a:c5:
+         5e:97:53:f2:32:02:09:30:a3:58:f0:0d:01:d5:72:c6:b1:7c:
+         69:7b:c3:f5:36:45:cc:61:6e:5e:4c:94:c5:5e:ae:e8:0e:5e:
+         8b:bf:f7:cd:e0:ed:a1:0e:1b:33:ee:54:18:fe:0f:be:ef:7e:
+         84:6b:43:e3:70:98:db:5d:75:b2:0d:59:07:85:15:23:39:d6:
+         f1:df:a9:26:0f:d6:48:c7:b3:a6:22:f5:33:37:5a:95:47:9f:
+         7b:ba:18:15:6f:ff:d6:14:64:83:49:d2:0a:67:21:db:0f:35:
+         63:60:28:22:e3:b1:95:83:cd:85:a6:dd:2f:0f:e7:67:52:6e:
+         bb:2f:85:7c:f5:4a:73:e7:c5:3e:c0:bd:21:12:05:3f:fc:b7:
+         03:49:02:5b:c8:25:e6:e2:54:38:f5:79:87:8c:1d:53:b2:4e:
+         85:7b:06:38:c7:2c:f8:f8:b0:72:8d:25:e5:77:52:f4:03:1c:
+         48:a6:50:5f:88:20:30:6e:f2:82:43:ab:3d:97:84:e7:53:fb:
+         21:c1:4f:0f:22:9a:86:b8:59:2a:f6:47:3d:19:88:2d:e8:85:
+         e1:9e:ec:85:08:6a:b1:6c:34:c9:1d:ec:48:2b:3b:78:ed:66:
+         c4:8e:79:69:83:de:7f:8c
+SHA1 Fingerprint=09:3C:61:F3:8B:8B:DC:7D:55:DF:75:38:02:05:00:E1:25:F5:C8:36
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/21855f49.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/21855f49.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..afaaf34f4c651a6c94ad4ae9d7d452fef86d87ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/21855f49.0
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 14052245610670616104 (0xc3039aee50906e28)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=SK, L=Bratislava, O=Disig a.s., CN=CA Disig Root R1
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jul 19 09:06:56 2012 GMT
+            Not After : Jul 19 09:06:56 2042 GMT
+        Subject: C=SK, L=Bratislava, O=Disig a.s., CN=CA Disig Root R1
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:aa:c3:78:f7:dc:98:a3:a7:5a:5e:77:18:b2:dd:
+                    04:64:0f:63:fd:9b:96:09:80:d5:e8:aa:a5:e2:9c:
+                    26:94:3a:e8:99:73:8c:9d:df:d7:df:83:f3:78:4f:
+                    40:e1:7f:d2:a7:d2:e5:ca:13:93:e7:ed:c6:77:5f:
+                    36:b5:94:af:e8:38:8e:db:9b:e5:7c:bb:cc:8d:eb:
+                    75:73:e1:24:cd:e6:a7:2d:19:2e:d8:d6:8a:6b:14:
+                    eb:08:62:0a:d8:dc:b3:00:4d:c3:23:7c:5f:43:08:
+                    23:32:12:dc:ed:0c:ad:c0:7d:0f:a5:7a:42:d9:5a:
+                    70:d9:bf:a7:d7:01:1c:f6:9b:ab:8e:b7:4a:86:78:
+                    a0:1e:56:31:ae:ef:82:0a:80:41:f7:1b:c9:ae:ab:
+                    32:26:d4:2c:6b:ed:7d:6b:e4:e2:5e:22:0a:45:cb:
+                    84:31:4d:ac:fe:db:d1:47:ba:f9:60:97:39:b1:65:
+                    c7:de:fb:99:e4:0a:22:b1:2d:4d:e5:48:26:69:ab:
+                    e2:aa:f3:fb:fc:92:29:32:e9:b3:3e:4d:1f:27:a1:
+                    cd:8e:b9:17:fb:25:3e:c9:6e:f3:77:da:0d:12:f6:
+                    5d:c7:bb:36:10:d5:54:d6:f3:e0:e2:47:48:e6:de:
+                    14:da:61:52:af:26:b4:f5:71:4f:c9:d7:d2:06:df:
+                    63:ca:ff:21:e8:59:06:e0:08:d5:84:15:53:f7:43:
+                    e5:7c:c5:a0:89:98:6b:73:c6:68:ce:65:de:bd:7f:
+                    05:f7:b1:ee:f6:57:a1:60:95:c5:cc:ea:93:3a:be:
+                    99:ae:9b:02:a3:ad:c9:16:b5:ce:dd:5e:99:78:7e:
+                    1a:39:7e:b2:c0:05:a4:c0:82:a5:a3:47:9e:8c:ea:
+                    5c:b6:bc:67:db:e6:2a:4d:d2:04:dc:a3:ae:45:f7:
+                    bc:8b:9c:1c:a7:d6:d5:03:dc:08:cb:2e:16:ca:5c:
+                    40:33:e8:67:c3:2e:e7:a6:44:ea:11:45:1c:35:65:
+                    2d:1e:45:61:24:1b:82:2e:a5:9d:33:5d:65:f8:41:
+                    f9:2e:cb:94:3f:1f:a3:0c:31:24:44:ed:c7:5e:ad:
+                    50:ba:c6:41:9b:ac:f0:17:65:c0:f8:5d:6f:5b:a0:
+                    0a:34:3c:ee:d7:ea:88:9f:98:f9:af:4e:24:fa:97:
+                    b2:64:76:da:ab:f4:ed:e3:c3:60:ef:d5:f9:02:c8:
+                    2d:9f:83:af:67:69:06:a7:31:55:d5:cf:4b:6f:ff:
+                    04:05:c7:58:ac:5f:16:1b:e5:d2:a3:eb:31:db:1f:
+                    33:15:4d:d0:f2:a5:53:f5:cb:e1:3d:4e:68:2d:d8:
+                    12:dd:aa:f2:e6:4d:9b:49:e5:c5:28:a1:ba:b0:5a:
+                    c6:a0:b5
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                89:0A:B4:38:93:1A:E6:AB:EE:9B:91:18:F9:F5:3C:3E:35:D0:D3:82
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         32:8b:f6:9d:4a:c9:be:14:e5:8c:ac:38:ca:3a:09:d4:1b:ce:
+         86:b3:dd:eb:d4:ba:28:be:12:ae:45:2c:04:74:ac:13:51:c5:
+         58:18:66:4d:82:da:d5:dc:93:c0:27:e1:be:7c:9f:52:9e:12:
+         56:f6:d5:9c:a9:f4:75:9c:fa:37:12:8f:1c:93:ec:57:fe:07:
+         0f:ab:d5:12:f7:0f:ae:61:5e:56:80:49:f5:fc:30:f5:9b:4f:
+         1f:41:2f:1c:84:d3:89:c7:e2:da:02:76:ed:09:cf:6c:c1:b8:
+         1c:83:1c:16:fa:94:cd:7d:a0:c8:18:d2:c8:9d:6e:f5:bd:69:
+         d4:6d:3d:35:e8:1e:a2:4f:60:d7:07:29:fc:b2:a3:a4:9d:6e:
+         15:92:56:19:4c:0a:b0:e9:7c:d2:19:4d:42:46:ec:bd:fd:f6:
+         57:5b:dd:98:7e:a4:4d:cc:72:03:83:58:5d:ef:93:3a:41:7a:
+         63:aa:7c:3a:a8:f5:ac:a4:d1:dd:a2:2d:b6:2a:fc:9f:01:8e:
+         e2:10:b1:c4:ca:e4:67:db:55:25:19:3f:fd:e8:36:7e:b3:e1:
+         e1:81:af:11:16:8b:50:97:60:19:82:00:c0:6b:4d:73:b8:d1:
+         13:07:3e:ea:b6:31:4f:f0:42:9a:6d:e2:11:74:e5:94:ac:8d:
+         84:95:3c:21:af:c5:da:47:c8:df:39:62:62:cb:5b:50:0b:d7:
+         81:40:05:9c:9b:ed:ba:b6:8b:1e:04:6f:96:20:39:ed:a4:7d:
+         29:db:48:ce:82:dc:d4:02:8d:1d:04:31:5a:c7:4b:f0:6c:61:
+         52:d7:b4:51:c2:81:6c:cd:e1:fb:a7:a1:d2:92:76:cf:b1:0f:
+         37:58:a4:f2:52:71:67:3f:0c:88:78:80:89:c1:c8:b5:1f:92:
+         63:be:a7:7a:8a:56:2c:1a:a8:a6:9c:b5:5d:b3:63:d0:13:20:
+         a1:eb:91:6c:d0:8d:7d:af:df:0b:e4:17:b9:86:9e:38:b1:94:
+         0c:58:8c:e0:55:aa:3b:63:6d:9a:89:60:b8:64:2a:92:c6:37:
+         f4:7e:43:43:b7:73:e8:01:e7:7f:97:0f:d7:f2:7b:19:fd:1a:
+         d7:8f:c9:fa:85:6b:7a:9d:9e:89:b6:a6:28:99:93:88:40:f7:
+         3e:cd:51:a3:ca:ea:ef:79:47:21:b5:fe:32:e2:c7:c3:51:6f:
+         be:80:74:f0:a4:c3:3a:f2:4f:e9:5f:df:19:0a:f2:3b:13:43:
+         ac:31:a4:b3:e7:eb:fc:18:d6:01:a9:f3:2a:8f:36:0e:eb:b4:
+         b1:bc:b7:4c:c9:6b:bf:a1:f3:d9:f4:ed:e2:f0:e3:ed:64:9e:
+         3d:2f:96:52:4f:80:53:8b
+SHA1 Fingerprint=8E:1C:74:F8:A6:20:B9:E5:8A:F4:61:FA:EC:2B:47:56:51:1A:52:C6
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/219d9499.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/219d9499.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..90790d336463e5a594e07abd9a680dfbe27d60ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/219d9499.0
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=The Go Daddy Group, Inc., OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jun 29 17:06:20 2004 GMT
+            Not After : Jun 29 17:06:20 2034 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=The Go Daddy Group, Inc., OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:de:9d:d7:ea:57:18:49:a1:5b:eb:d7:5f:48:86:
+                    ea:be:dd:ff:e4:ef:67:1c:f4:65:68:b3:57:71:a0:
+                    5e:77:bb:ed:9b:49:e9:70:80:3d:56:18:63:08:6f:
+                    da:f2:cc:d0:3f:7f:02:54:22:54:10:d8:b2:81:d4:
+                    c0:75:3d:4b:7f:c7:77:c3:3e:78:ab:1a:03:b5:20:
+                    6b:2f:6a:2b:b1:c5:88:7e:c4:bb:1e:b0:c1:d8:45:
+                    27:6f:aa:37:58:f7:87:26:d7:d8:2d:f6:a9:17:b7:
+                    1f:72:36:4e:a6:17:3f:65:98:92:db:2a:6e:5d:a2:
+                    fe:88:e0:0b:de:7f:e5:8d:15:e1:eb:cb:3a:d5:e2:
+                    12:a2:13:2d:d8:8e:af:5f:12:3d:a0:08:05:08:b6:
+                    5c:a5:65:38:04:45:99:1e:a3:60:60:74:c5:41:a5:
+                    72:62:1b:62:c5:1f:6f:5f:1a:42:be:02:51:65:a8:
+                    ae:23:18:6a:fc:78:03:a9:4d:7f:80:c3:fa:ab:5a:
+                    fc:a1:40:a4:ca:19:16:fe:b2:c8:ef:5e:73:0d:ee:
+                    77:bd:9a:f6:79:98:bc:b1:07:67:a2:15:0d:dd:a0:
+                    58:c6:44:7b:0a:3e:62:28:5f:ba:41:07:53:58:cf:
+                    11:7e:38:74:c5:f8:ff:b5:69:90:8f:84:74:ea:97:
+                    1b:af
+                Exponent: 3 (0x3)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                D2:C4:B0:D2:91:D4:4C:11:71:B3:61:CB:3D:A1:FE:DD:A8:6A:D4:E3
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:D2:C4:B0:D2:91:D4:4C:11:71:B3:61:CB:3D:A1:FE:DD:A8:6A:D4:E3
+                DirName:/C=US/O=The Go Daddy Group, Inc./OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority
+                serial:00
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         32:4b:f3:b2:ca:3e:91:fc:12:c6:a1:07:8c:8e:77:a0:33:06:
+         14:5c:90:1e:18:f7:08:a6:3d:0a:19:f9:87:80:11:6e:69:e4:
+         96:17:30:ff:34:91:63:72:38:ee:cc:1c:01:a3:1d:94:28:a4:
+         31:f6:7a:c4:54:d7:f6:e5:31:58:03:a2:cc:ce:62:db:94:45:
+         73:b5:bf:45:c9:24:b5:d5:82:02:ad:23:79:69:8d:b8:b6:4d:
+         ce:cf:4c:ca:33:23:e8:1c:88:aa:9d:8b:41:6e:16:c9:20:e5:
+         89:9e:cd:3b:da:70:f7:7e:99:26:20:14:54:25:ab:6e:73:85:
+         e6:9b:21:9d:0a:6c:82:0e:a8:f8:c2:0c:fa:10:1e:6c:96:ef:
+         87:0d:c4:0f:61:8b:ad:ee:83:2b:95:f8:8e:92:84:72:39:eb:
+         20:ea:83:ed:83:cd:97:6e:08:bc:eb:4e:26:b6:73:2b:e4:d3:
+         f6:4c:fe:26:71:e2:61:11:74:4a:ff:57:1a:87:0f:75:48:2e:
+         cf:51:69:17:a0:02:12:61:95:d5:d1:40:b2:10:4c:ee:c4:ac:
+         10:43:a6:a5:9e:0a:d5:95:62:9a:0d:cf:88:82:c5:32:0c:e4:
+         2b:9f:45:e6:0d:9f:28:9c:b1:b9:2a:5a:57:ad:37:0f:af:1d:
+         7f:db:bd:9f
+SHA1 Fingerprint=27:96:BA:E6:3F:18:01:E2:77:26:1B:A0:D7:77:70:02:8F:20:EE:E4
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/23f4c490.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/23f4c490.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22c6ee21217dd5ae7f104b6a246164161a7adcb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/23f4c490.0
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=Starfield Technologies, Inc., OU=Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jun 29 17:39:16 2004 GMT
+            Not After : Jun 29 17:39:16 2034 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=Starfield Technologies, Inc., OU=Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b7:32:c8:fe:e9:71:a6:04:85:ad:0c:11:64:df:
+                    ce:4d:ef:c8:03:18:87:3f:a1:ab:fb:3c:a6:9f:f0:
+                    c3:a1:da:d4:d8:6e:2b:53:90:fb:24:a4:3e:84:f0:
+                    9e:e8:5f:ec:e5:27:44:f5:28:a6:3f:7b:de:e0:2a:
+                    f0:c8:af:53:2f:9e:ca:05:01:93:1e:8f:66:1c:39:
+                    a7:4d:fa:5a:b6:73:04:25:66:eb:77:7f:e7:59:c6:
+                    4a:99:25:14:54:eb:26:c7:f3:7f:19:d5:30:70:8f:
+                    af:b0:46:2a:ff:ad:eb:29:ed:d7:9f:aa:04:87:a3:
+                    d4:f9:89:a5:34:5f:db:43:91:82:36:d9:66:3c:b1:
+                    b8:b9:82:fd:9c:3a:3e:10:c8:3b:ef:06:65:66:7a:
+                    9b:19:18:3d:ff:71:51:3c:30:2e:5f:be:3d:77:73:
+                    b2:5d:06:6c:c3:23:56:9a:2b:85:26:92:1c:a7:02:
+                    b3:e4:3f:0d:af:08:79:82:b8:36:3d:ea:9c:d3:35:
+                    b3:bc:69:ca:f5:cc:9d:e8:fd:64:8d:17:80:33:6e:
+                    5e:4a:5d:99:c9:1e:87:b4:9d:1a:c0:d5:6e:13:35:
+                    23:5e:df:9b:5f:3d:ef:d6:f7:76:c2:ea:3e:bb:78:
+                    0d:1c:42:67:6b:04:d8:f8:d6:da:6f:8b:f2:44:a0:
+                    01:ab
+                Exponent: 3 (0x3)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                BF:5F:B7:D1:CE:DD:1F:86:F4:5B:55:AC:DC:D7:10:C2:0E:A9:88:E7
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:BF:5F:B7:D1:CE:DD:1F:86:F4:5B:55:AC:DC:D7:10:C2:0E:A9:88:E7
+                DirName:/C=US/O=Starfield Technologies, Inc./OU=Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority
+                serial:00
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         05:9d:3f:88:9d:d1:c9:1a:55:a1:ac:69:f3:f3:59:da:9b:01:
+         87:1a:4f:57:a9:a1:79:09:2a:db:f7:2f:b2:1e:cc:c7:5e:6a:
+         d8:83:87:a1:97:ef:49:35:3e:77:06:41:58:62:bf:8e:58:b8:
+         0a:67:3f:ec:b3:dd:21:66:1f:c9:54:fa:72:cc:3d:4c:40:d8:
+         81:af:77:9e:83:7a:bb:a2:c7:f5:34:17:8e:d9:11:40:f4:fc:
+         2c:2a:4d:15:7f:a7:62:5d:2e:25:d3:00:0b:20:1a:1d:68:f9:
+         17:b8:f4:bd:8b:ed:28:59:dd:4d:16:8b:17:83:c8:b2:65:c7:
+         2d:7a:a5:aa:bc:53:86:6d:dd:57:a4:ca:f8:20:41:0b:68:f0:
+         f4:fb:74:be:56:5d:7a:79:f5:f9:1d:85:e3:2d:95:be:f5:71:
+         90:43:cc:8d:1f:9a:00:0a:87:29:e9:55:22:58:00:23:ea:e3:
+         12:43:29:5b:47:08:dd:8c:41:6a:65:06:a8:e5:21:aa:41:b4:
+         95:21:95:b9:7d:d1:34:ab:13:d6:ad:bc:dc:e2:3d:39:cd:bd:
+         3e:75:70:a1:18:59:03:c9:22:b4:8f:9c:d5:5e:2a:d7:a5:b6:
+         d4:0a:6d:f8:b7:40:11:46:9a:1f:79:0e:62:bf:0f:97:ec:e0:
+         2f:1f:17:94
+SHA1 Fingerprint=AD:7E:1C:28:B0:64:EF:8F:60:03:40:20:14:C3:D0:E3:37:0E:B5:8A
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/27af790d.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/27af790d.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7de9d2fb82ddbc90eb8ab4a7f264a2b0a554cfcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/27af790d.0
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            3c:b2:f4:48:0a:00:e2:fe:eb:24:3b:5e:60:3e:c3:6b
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., OU=(c) 2007 GeoTrust Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov  5 00:00:00 2007 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 18 23:59:59 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., OU=(c) 2007 GeoTrust Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:15:b1:e8:fd:03:15:43:e5:ac:eb:87:37:11:62:
+                    ef:d2:83:36:52:7d:45:57:0b:4a:8d:7b:54:3b:3a:
+                    6e:5f:15:02:c0:50:a6:cf:25:2f:7d:ca:48:b8:c7:
+                    50:63:1c:2a:21:08:7c:9a:36:d8:0b:fe:d1:26:c5:
+                    58:31:30:28:25:f3:5d:5d:a3:b8:b6:a5:b4:92:ed:
+                    6c:2c:9f:eb:dd:43:89:a2:3c:4b:48:91:1d:50:ec:
+                    26:df:d6:60:2e:bd:21
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                15:5F:35:57:51:55:FB:25:B2:AD:03:69:FC:01:A3:FA:BE:11:55:D5
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:64:02:30:64:96:59:a6:e8:09:de:8b:ba:fa:5a:88:88:f0:
+         1f:91:d3:46:a8:f2:4a:4c:02:63:fb:6c:5f:38:db:2e:41:93:
+         a9:0e:e6:9d:dc:31:1c:b2:a0:a7:18:1c:79:e1:c7:36:02:30:
+         3a:56:af:9a:74:6c:f6:fb:83:e0:33:d3:08:5f:a1:9c:c2:5b:
+         9f:46:d6:b6:cb:91:06:63:a2:06:e7:33:ac:3e:a8:81:12:d0:
+         cb:ba:d0:92:0b:b6:9e:96:aa:04:0f:8a
+SHA1 Fingerprint=8D:17:84:D5:37:F3:03:7D:EC:70:FE:57:8B:51:9A:99:E6:10:D7:B0
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/2add47b6.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/2add47b6.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aa885397c79774fcfa6aa4c4fe2b51afe8ecf368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/2add47b6.0
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            60:59:49:e0:26:2e:bb:55:f9:0a:77:8a:71:f9:4a:d8:6c
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: OU=GlobalSign ECC Root CA - R5, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 13 00:00:00 2012 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 19 03:14:07 2038 GMT
+        Subject: OU=GlobalSign ECC Root CA - R5, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:47:45:0e:96:fb:7d:5d:bf:e9:39:d1:21:f8:9f:
+                    0b:b6:d5:7b:1e:92:3a:48:59:1c:f0:62:31:2d:c0:
+                    7a:28:fe:1a:a7:5c:b3:b6:cc:97:e7:45:d4:58:fa:
+                    d1:77:6d:43:a2:c0:87:65:34:0a:1f:7a:dd:eb:3c:
+                    33:a1:c5:9d:4d:a4:6f:41:95:38:7f:c9:1e:84:eb:
+                    d1:9e:49:92:87:94:87:0c:3a:85:4a:66:9f:9d:59:
+                    93:4d:97:61:06:86:4a
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                3D:E6:29:48:9B:EA:07:CA:21:44:4A:26:DE:6E:DE:D2:83:D0:9F:59
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:65:02:31:00:e5:69:12:c9:6e:db:c6:31:ba:09:41:e1:97:
+         f8:fb:fd:9a:e2:7d:12:c9:ed:7c:64:d3:cb:05:25:8b:56:d9:
+         a0:e7:5e:5d:4e:0b:83:9c:5b:76:29:a0:09:26:21:6a:62:02:
+         30:71:d2:b5:8f:5c:ea:3b:e1:78:09:85:a8:75:92:3b:c8:5c:
+         fd:48:ef:0d:74:22:a8:08:e2:6e:c5:49:ce:c7:0c:bc:a7:61:
+         69:f1:f7:3b:e1:2a:cb:f9:2b:f3:66:90:37
+SHA1 Fingerprint=1F:24:C6:30:CD:A4:18:EF:20:69:FF:AD:4F:DD:5F:46:3A:1B:69:AA
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/2d9dafe4.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/2d9dafe4.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b99db9593060c69d53f7756e72665600914721a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/2d9dafe4.0
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 2 (0x2)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=NO, O=Buypass AS-983163327, CN=Buypass Class 3 Root CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Oct 26 08:28:58 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Oct 26 08:28:58 2040 GMT
+        Subject: C=NO, O=Buypass AS-983163327, CN=Buypass Class 3 Root CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:a5:da:0a:95:16:50:e3:95:f2:5e:9d:76:31:06:
+                    32:7a:9b:f1:10:76:b8:00:9a:b5:52:36:cd:24:47:
+                    b0:9f:18:64:bc:9a:f6:fa:d5:79:d8:90:62:4c:22:
+                    2f:de:38:3d:d6:e0:a8:e9:1c:2c:db:78:11:e9:8e:
+                    68:51:15:72:c7:f3:33:87:e4:a0:5d:0b:5c:e0:57:
+                    07:2a:30:f5:cd:c4:37:77:28:4d:18:91:e6:bf:d5:
+                    52:fd:71:2d:70:3e:e7:c6:c4:8a:e3:f0:28:0b:f4:
+                    76:98:a1:8b:87:55:b2:3a:13:fc:b7:3e:27:37:8e:
+                    22:e3:a8:4f:2a:ef:60:bb:3d:b7:39:c3:0e:01:47:
+                    99:5d:12:4f:db:43:fa:57:a1:ed:f9:9d:be:11:47:
+                    26:5b:13:98:ab:5d:16:8a:b0:37:1c:57:9d:45:ff:
+                    88:96:36:bf:bb:ca:07:7b:6f:87:63:d7:d0:32:6a:
+                    d6:5d:6c:0c:f1:b3:6e:39:e2:6b:31:2e:39:00:27:
+                    14:de:38:c0:ec:19:66:86:12:e8:9d:72:16:13:64:
+                    52:c7:a9:37:1c:fd:82:30:ed:84:18:1d:f4:ae:5c:
+                    ff:70:13:00:eb:b1:f5:33:7a:4b:d6:55:f8:05:8d:
+                    4b:69:b0:f5:b3:28:36:5c:14:c4:51:73:4d:6b:0b:
+                    f1:34:07:db:17:39:d7:dc:28:7b:6b:f5:9f:f3:2e:
+                    c1:4f:17:2a:10:f3:cc:ca:e8:eb:fd:6b:ab:2e:9a:
+                    9f:2d:82:6e:04:d4:52:01:93:2d:3d:86:fc:7e:fc:
+                    df:ef:42:1d:a6:6b:ef:b9:20:c6:f7:bd:a0:a7:95:
+                    fd:a7:e6:89:24:d8:cc:8c:34:6c:e2:23:2f:d9:12:
+                    1a:21:b9:55:91:6f:0b:91:79:19:0c:ad:40:88:0b:
+                    70:e2:7a:d2:0e:d8:68:48:bb:82:13:39:10:58:e9:
+                    d8:2a:07:c6:12:db:58:db:d2:3b:55:10:47:05:15:
+                    67:62:7e:18:63:a6:46:3f:09:0e:54:32:5e:bf:0d:
+                    62:7a:27:ef:80:e8:db:d9:4b:06:5a:37:5a:25:d0:
+                    08:12:77:d4:6f:09:50:97:3d:c8:1d:c3:df:8c:45:
+                    30:56:c6:d3:64:ab:66:f3:c0:5e:96:9c:c3:c4:ef:
+                    c3:7c:6b:8b:3a:79:7f:b3:49:cf:3d:e2:89:9f:a0:
+                    30:4b:85:b9:9c:94:24:79:8f:7d:6b:a9:45:68:0f:
+                    2b:d0:f1:da:1c:cb:69:b8:ca:49:62:6d:c8:d0:63:
+                    62:dd:60:0f:58:aa:8f:a1:bc:05:a5:66:a2:cf:1b:
+                    76:b2:84:64:b1:4c:39:52:c0:30:ba:f0:8c:4b:02:
+                    b0:b6:b7
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                47:B8:CD:FF:E5:6F:EE:F8:B2:EC:2F:4E:0E:F9:25:B0:8E:3C:6B:C3
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         00:20:23:41:35:04:90:c2:40:62:60:ef:e2:35:4c:d7:3f:ac:
+         e2:34:90:b8:a1:6f:76:fa:16:16:a4:48:37:2c:e9:90:c2:f2:
+         3c:f8:0a:9f:d8:81:e5:bb:5b:da:25:2c:a4:a7:55:71:24:32:
+         f6:c8:0b:f2:bc:6a:f8:93:ac:b2:07:c2:5f:9f:db:cc:c8:8a:
+         aa:be:6a:6f:e1:49:10:cc:31:d7:80:bb:bb:c8:d8:a2:0e:64:
+         57:ea:a2:f5:c2:a9:31:15:d2:20:6a:ec:fc:22:01:28:cf:86:
+         b8:80:1e:a9:cc:11:a5:3c:f2:16:b3:47:9d:fc:d2:80:21:c4:
+         cb:d0:47:70:41:a1:ca:83:19:08:2c:6d:f2:5d:77:9c:8a:14:
+         13:d4:36:1c:92:f0:e5:06:37:dc:a6:e6:90:9b:38:8f:5c:6b:
+         1b:46:86:43:42:5f:3e:01:07:53:54:5d:65:7d:f7:8a:73:a1:
+         9a:54:5a:1f:29:43:14:27:c2:85:0f:b5:88:7b:1a:3b:94:b7:
+         1d:60:a7:b5:9c:e7:29:69:57:5a:9b:93:7a:43:30:1b:03:d7:
+         62:c8:40:a6:aa:fc:64:e4:4a:d7:91:53:01:a8:20:88:6e:9c:
+         5f:44:b9:cb:60:81:34:ec:6f:d3:7d:da:48:5f:eb:b4:90:bc:
+         2d:a9:1c:0b:ac:1c:d5:a2:68:20:80:04:d6:fc:b1:8f:2f:bb:
+         4a:31:0d:4a:86:1c:eb:e2:36:29:26:f5:da:d8:c4:f2:75:61:
+         cf:7e:ae:76:63:4a:7a:40:65:93:87:f8:1e:80:8c:86:e5:86:
+         d6:8f:0e:fc:53:2c:60:e8:16:61:1a:a2:3e:43:7b:cd:39:60:
+         54:6a:f5:f2:89:26:01:68:83:48:a2:33:e8:c9:04:91:b2:11:
+         34:11:3e:ea:d0:43:19:1f:03:93:90:0c:ff:51:3d:57:f4:41:
+         6e:e1:cb:a0:be:eb:c9:63:cd:6d:cc:e4:f8:36:aa:68:9d:ed:
+         bd:5d:97:70:44:0d:b6:0e:35:dc:e1:0c:5d:bb:a0:51:94:cb:
+         7e:16:eb:11:2f:a3:92:45:c8:4c:71:d9:bc:c9:99:52:57:46:
+         2f:50:cf:bd:35:69:f4:3d:15:ce:06:a5:2c:0f:3e:f6:81:ba:
+         94:bb:c3:bb:bf:65:78:d2:86:79:ff:49:3b:1a:83:0c:f0:de:
+         78:ec:c8:f2:4d:4c:1a:de:82:29:f8:c1:5a:da:ed:ee:e6:27:
+         5e:e8:45:d0:9d:1c:51:a8:68:ab:44:e3:d0:8b:6a:e3:f8:3b:
+         bb:dc:4d:d7:64:f2:51:be:e6:aa:ab:5a:e9:31:ee:06:bc:73:
+         bf:13:62:0a:9f:c7:b9:97
+SHA1 Fingerprint=DA:FA:F7:FA:66:84:EC:06:8F:14:50:BD:C7:C2:81:A5:BC:A9:64:57
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/2fa87019.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/2fa87019.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..530392735562e7ef0be936605d33a80c301e66ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/2fa87019.0
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            57:cb:33:6f:c2:5c:16:e6:47:16:17:e3:90:31:68:e0
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=Network Solutions L.L.C., CN=Network Solutions Certificate Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec  1 00:00:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2029 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=Network Solutions L.L.C., CN=Network Solutions Certificate Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:e4:bc:7e:92:30:6d:c6:d8:8e:2b:0b:bc:46:ce:
+                    e0:27:96:de:de:f9:fa:12:d3:3c:33:73:b3:04:2f:
+                    bc:71:8c:e5:9f:b6:22:60:3e:5f:5d:ce:09:ff:82:
+                    0c:1b:9a:51:50:1a:26:89:dd:d5:61:5d:19:dc:12:
+                    0f:2d:0a:a2:43:5d:17:d0:34:92:20:ea:73:cf:38:
+                    2c:06:26:09:7a:72:f7:fa:50:32:f8:c2:93:d3:69:
+                    a2:23:ce:41:b1:cc:e4:d5:1f:36:d1:8a:3a:f8:8c:
+                    63:e2:14:59:69:ed:0d:d3:7f:6b:e8:b8:03:e5:4f:
+                    6a:e5:98:63:69:48:05:be:2e:ff:33:b6:e9:97:59:
+                    69:f8:67:19:ae:93:61:96:44:15:d3:72:b0:3f:bc:
+                    6a:7d:ec:48:7f:8d:c3:ab:aa:71:2b:53:69:41:53:
+                    34:b5:b0:b9:c5:06:0a:c4:b0:45:f5:41:5d:6e:89:
+                    45:7b:3d:3b:26:8c:74:c2:e5:d2:d1:7d:b2:11:d4:
+                    fb:58:32:22:9a:80:c9:dc:fd:0c:e9:7f:5e:03:97:
+                    ce:3b:00:14:87:27:70:38:a9:8e:6e:b3:27:76:98:
+                    51:e0:05:e3:21:ab:1a:d5:85:22:3c:29:b5:9a:16:
+                    c5:80:a8:f4:bb:6b:30:8f:2f:46:02:a2:b1:0c:22:
+                    e0:d3
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                21:30:C9:FB:00:D7:4E:98:DA:87:AA:2A:D0:A7:2E:B1:40:31:A7:4C
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.netsolssl.com/NetworkSolutionsCertificateAuthority.crl
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         bb:ae:4b:e7:b7:57:eb:7f:aa:2d:b7:73:47:85:6a:c1:e4:a5:
+         1d:e4:e7:3c:e9:f4:59:65:77:b5:7a:5b:5a:8d:25:36:e0:7a:
+         97:2e:38:c0:57:60:83:98:06:83:9f:b9:76:7a:6e:50:e0:ba:
+         88:2c:fc:45:cc:18:b0:99:95:51:0e:ec:1d:b8:88:ff:87:50:
+         1c:82:c2:e3:e0:32:80:bf:a0:0b:47:c8:c3:31:ef:99:67:32:
+         80:4f:17:21:79:0c:69:5c:de:5e:34:ae:02:b5:26:ea:50:df:
+         7f:18:65:2c:c9:f2:63:e1:a9:07:fe:7c:71:1f:6b:33:24:6a:
+         1e:05:f7:05:68:c0:6a:12:cb:2e:5e:61:cb:ae:28:d3:7e:c2:
+         b4:66:91:26:5f:3c:2e:24:5f:cb:58:0f:eb:28:ec:af:11:96:
+         f3:dc:7b:6f:c0:a7:88:f2:53:77:b3:60:5e:ae:ae:28:da:35:
+         2c:6f:34:45:d3:26:e1:de:ec:5b:4f:27:6b:16:7c:bd:44:04:
+         18:82:b3:89:79:17:10:71:3d:7a:a2:16:4e:f5:01:cd:a4:6c:
+         65:68:a1:49:76:5c:43:c9:d8:bc:36:67:6c:a5:94:b5:d4:cc:
+         b9:bd:6a:35:56:21:de:d8:c3:eb:fb:cb:a4:60:4c:b0:55:a0:
+         a0:7b:57:b2
+SHA1 Fingerprint=74:F8:A3:C3:EF:E7:B3:90:06:4B:83:90:3C:21:64:60:20:E5:DF:CE
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/31188b5e.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/31188b5e.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6d4419c8d70336ced68e7f3f90bcfbdb3f83aa7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/31188b5e.0
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=TR, L=Gebze - Kocaeli, O=Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu - TUBITAK, OU=Kamu Sertifikasyon Merkezi - Kamu SM, CN=TUBITAK Kamu SM SSL Kok Sertifikasi - Surum 1
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 25 08:25:55 2013 GMT
+            Not After : Oct 25 08:25:55 2043 GMT
+        Subject: C=TR, L=Gebze - Kocaeli, O=Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu - TUBITAK, OU=Kamu Sertifikasyon Merkezi - Kamu SM, CN=TUBITAK Kamu SM SSL Kok Sertifikasi - Surum 1
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:af:75:30:33:aa:bb:6b:d3:99:2c:12:37:84:d9:
+                    8d:7b:97:80:d3:6e:e7:ff:9b:50:95:3e:90:95:56:
+                    42:d7:19:7c:26:84:8d:92:fa:01:1d:3a:0f:e2:64:
+                    38:b7:8c:bc:e8:88:f9:8b:24:ab:2e:a3:f5:37:e4:
+                    40:8e:18:25:79:83:75:1f:3b:ff:6c:a8:c5:c6:56:
+                    f8:b4:ed:8a:44:a3:ab:6c:4c:fc:1d:d0:dc:ef:68:
+                    bd:cf:e4:aa:ce:f0:55:f7:a2:34:d4:83:6b:37:7c:
+                    1c:c2:fe:b5:03:ec:57:ce:bc:b4:b5:c5:ed:00:0f:
+                    53:37:2a:4d:f4:4f:0c:83:fb:86:cf:cb:fe:8c:4e:
+                    bd:87:f9:a7:8b:21:57:9c:7a:df:03:67:89:2c:9d:
+                    97:61:a7:10:b8:55:90:7f:0e:2d:27:38:74:df:e7:
+                    fd:da:4e:12:e3:4d:15:22:02:c8:e0:e0:fc:0f:ad:
+                    8a:d7:c9:54:50:cc:3b:0f:ca:16:80:84:d0:51:56:
+                    c3:8e:56:7f:89:22:33:2f:e6:85:0a:bd:a5:a8:1b:
+                    36:de:d3:dc:2c:6d:3b:c7:13:bd:59:23:2c:e6:e5:
+                    a4:f7:d8:0b:ed:ea:90:40:44:a8:95:bb:93:d5:d0:
+                    80:34:b6:46:78:0e:1f:00:93:46:e1:ee:e9:f9:ec:
+                    4f:17
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                65:3F:C7:8A:86:C6:3C:DD:3C:54:5C:35:F8:3A:ED:52:0C:47:57:C8
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         2a:3f:e1:f1:32:8e:ae:e1:98:5c:4b:5e:cf:6b:1e:6a:09:d2:
+         22:a9:12:c7:5e:57:7d:73:56:64:80:84:7a:93:e4:09:b9:10:
+         cd:9f:2a:27:e1:00:77:be:48:c8:35:a8:81:9f:e4:b8:2c:c9:
+         7f:0e:b0:d2:4b:37:5d:ea:b9:d5:0b:5e:34:bd:f4:73:29:c3:
+         ed:26:15:9c:7e:08:53:8a:58:8d:d0:4b:28:df:c1:b3:df:20:
+         f3:f9:e3:e3:3a:df:cc:9c:94:d8:4e:4f:c3:6b:17:b7:f7:72:
+         e8:ad:66:33:b5:25:53:ab:e0:f8:4c:a9:9d:fd:f2:0d:ba:ae:
+         b9:d9:aa:c6:6b:f9:93:bb:ae:ab:b8:97:3c:03:1a:ba:43:c6:
+         96:b9:45:72:38:b3:a7:a1:96:3d:91:7b:7e:c0:21:53:4c:87:
+         ed:f2:0b:54:95:51:93:d5:22:a5:0d:8a:f1:93:0e:3e:54:0e:
+         b0:d8:c9:4e:dc:f2:31:32:56:ea:64:f9:ea:b5:9d:16:66:42:
+         72:f3:7f:d3:b1:31:43:fc:a4:8e:17:f1:6d:23:ab:94:66:f8:
+         ad:fb:0f:08:6e:26:2d:7f:17:07:09:b2:8c:fb:50:c0:9f:96:
+         8d:cf:b6:fd:00:9d:5a:14:9a:bf:02:44:f5:c1:c2:9f:22:5e:
+         a2:0f:a1:e3
+SHA1 Fingerprint=31:43:64:9B:EC:CE:27:EC:ED:3A:3F:0B:8F:0D:E4:E8:91:DD:EE:CA
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/33ee480d.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/33ee480d.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c0a7b21f8ed15372563bb75d566f5bc13776e1b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/33ee480d.0
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 8875640296558310041 (0x7b2c9bd316803299)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=Texas, L=Houston, O=SSL Corporation, CN=SSL.com Root Certification Authority RSA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Feb 12 17:39:39 2016 GMT
+            Not After : Feb 12 17:39:39 2041 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=Texas, L=Houston, O=SSL Corporation, CN=SSL.com Root Certification Authority RSA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:f9:0f:dd:a3:2b:7d:cb:d0:2a:fe:ec:67:85:a6:
+                    e7:2e:1b:ba:77:e1:e3:f5:af:a4:ec:fa:4a:5d:91:
+                    c4:57:47:6b:18:77:6b:76:f2:fd:93:e4:3d:0f:c2:
+                    16:9e:0b:66:c3:56:94:9e:17:83:85:ce:56:ef:f2:
+                    16:fd:00:62:f5:22:09:54:e8:65:17:4e:41:b9:e0:
+                    4f:46:97:aa:1b:c8:b8:6e:62:5e:69:b1:5f:db:2a:
+                    02:7e:fc:6c:ca:f3:41:d8:ed:d0:e8:fc:3f:61:48:
+                    ed:b0:03:14:1d:10:0e:4b:19:e0:bb:4e:ec:86:65:
+                    ff:36:f3:5e:67:02:0b:9d:86:55:61:fd:7a:38:ed:
+                    fe:e2:19:00:b7:6f:a1:50:62:75:74:3c:a0:fa:c8:
+                    25:92:b4:6e:7a:22:c7:f8:1e:a1:e3:b2:dd:91:31:
+                    ab:2b:1d:04:ff:a5:4a:04:37:e9:85:a4:33:2b:fd:
+                    e2:d6:55:34:7c:19:a4:4a:68:c7:b2:a8:d3:b7:ca:
+                    a1:93:88:eb:c1:97:bc:8c:f9:1d:d9:22:84:24:74:
+                    c7:04:3d:6a:a9:29:93:cc:eb:b8:5b:e1:fe:5f:25:
+                    aa:34:58:c8:c1:23:54:9d:1b:98:11:c3:38:9c:7e:
+                    3d:86:6c:a5:0f:40:86:7c:02:f4:5c:02:4f:28:cb:
+                    ae:71:9f:0f:3a:c8:33:fe:11:25:35:ea:fc:ba:c5:
+                    60:3d:d9:7c:18:d5:b2:a9:d3:75:78:03:72:22:ca:
+                    3a:c3:1f:ef:2c:e5:2e:a9:fa:9e:2c:b6:51:46:fd:
+                    af:03:d6:ea:60:68:ea:85:16:36:6b:85:e9:1e:c0:
+                    b3:dd:c4:24:dc:80:2a:81:41:6d:94:3e:c8:e0:c9:
+                    81:41:00:9e:5e:bf:7f:c5:08:98:a2:18:2c:42:40:
+                    b3:f9:6f:38:27:4b:4e:80:f4:3d:81:47:e0:88:7c:
+                    ea:1c:ce:b5:75:5c:51:2e:1c:2b:7f:1a:72:28:e7:
+                    00:b5:d1:74:c6:d7:e4:9f:ad:07:93:b6:53:35:35:
+                    fc:37:e4:c3:f6:5d:16:be:21:73:de:92:0a:f8:a0:
+                    63:6a:bc:96:92:6a:3e:f8:bc:65:55:9b:de:f5:0d:
+                    89:26:04:fc:25:1a:a6:25:69:cb:c2:6d:ca:7c:e2:
+                    59:5f:97:ac:eb:ef:2e:c8:bc:d7:1b:59:3c:2b:cc:
+                    f2:19:c8:93:6b:27:63:19:cf:fc:e9:26:f8:ca:71:
+                    9b:7f:93:fe:34:67:84:4e:99:eb:fc:b3:78:09:33:
+                    70:ba:66:a6:76:ed:1b:73:eb:1a:a5:0d:c4:22:13:
+                    20:94:56:0a:4e:2c:6c:4e:b1:fd:cf:9c:09:ba:a2:
+                    33:ed:87
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                DD:04:09:07:A2:F5:7A:7D:52:53:12:92:95:EE:38:80:25:0D:A6:59
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:DD:04:09:07:A2:F5:7A:7D:52:53:12:92:95:EE:38:80:25:0D:A6:59
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         20:18:11:94:29:fb:26:9d:1c:1e:1e:70:61:f1:95:72:93:71:
+         24:ad:68:93:58:8e:32:af:1b:b3:70:03:fc:25:2b:74:85:90:
+         3d:78:6a:f4:b9:8b:a5:97:3b:b5:18:91:bb:1e:a7:f9:40:5b:
+         91:f9:55:99:af:1e:11:d0:5c:1d:a7:66:e3:b1:94:07:0c:32:
+         39:a6:ea:1b:b0:79:d8:1d:9c:70:44:e3:8a:dd:c4:f9:95:1f:
+         8a:38:43:3f:01:85:a5:47:a7:3d:46:b2:bc:e5:22:68:f7:7b:
+         9c:d8:2c:3e:0a:21:c8:2d:33:ac:bf:c5:81:99:31:74:c1:75:
+         71:c5:be:b1:f0:23:45:f4:9d:6b:fc:19:63:9d:a3:bc:04:c6:
+         18:0b:25:bb:53:89:0f:b3:80:50:de:45:ee:44:7f:ab:94:78:
+         64:98:d3:f6:28:dd:87:d8:70:65:74:fb:0e:b9:13:eb:a7:0f:
+         61:a9:32:96:cc:de:bb:ed:63:4c:18:bb:a9:40:f7:a0:54:6e:
+         20:88:71:75:18:ea:7a:b4:34:72:e0:23:27:77:5c:b6:90:ea:
+         86:25:40:ab:ef:33:0f:cb:9f:82:be:a2:20:fb:f6:b5:2d:1a:
+         e6:c2:85:b1:74:0f:fb:c8:65:02:a4:52:01:47:dd:49:22:c1:
+         bf:d8:eb:6b:ac:7e:de:ec:63:33:15:b7:23:08:8f:c6:0f:8d:
+         41:5a:dd:8e:c5:b9:8f:e5:45:3f:78:db:ba:d2:1b:40:b1:fe:
+         71:4d:3f:e0:81:a2:ba:5e:b4:ec:15:e0:93:dd:08:1f:7e:e1:
+         55:99:0b:21:de:93:9e:0a:fb:e6:a3:49:bd:36:30:fe:e7:77:
+         b2:a0:75:97:b5:2d:81:88:17:65:20:f7:da:90:00:9f:c9:52:
+         cc:32:ca:35:7c:f5:3d:0f:d8:2b:d7:f5:26:6c:c9:06:34:96:
+         16:ea:70:59:1a:32:79:79:0b:b6:88:7f:0f:52:48:3d:bf:6c:
+         d8:a2:44:2e:d1:4e:b7:72:58:d3:89:13:95:fe:44:ab:f8:d7:
+         8b:1b:6e:9c:bc:2c:a0:5b:d5:6a:00:af:5f:37:e1:d5:fa:10:
+         0b:98:9c:86:e7:26:8f:ce:f0:ec:6e:8a:57:0b:80:e3:4e:b2:
+         c0:a0:63:61:90:ba:55:68:37:74:6a:b6:92:db:9f:a1:86:22:
+         b6:65:27:0e:ec:b6:9f:42:60:e4:67:c2:b5:da:41:0b:c4:d3:
+         8b:61:1b:bc:fa:1f:91:2b:d7:44:07:5e:ba:29:ac:d9:c5:e9:
+         ef:53:48:5a:eb:80:f1:28:58:21:cd:b0:06:55:fb:27:3f:53:
+         90:70:a9:04:1e:57:27:b9
+SHA1 Fingerprint=B7:AB:33:08:D1:EA:44:77:BA:14:80:12:5A:6F:BD:A9:36:49:0C:BB
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/343eb6cb.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/343eb6cb.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ef2f4062602ca85d798b891c614555083fae93b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/343eb6cb.0
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            04:00:00:00:00:01:0f:85:aa:2d:48
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: O=Cybertrust, Inc, CN=Cybertrust Global Root
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec 15 08:00:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 15 08:00:00 2021 GMT
+        Subject: O=Cybertrust, Inc, CN=Cybertrust Global Root
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:f8:c8:bc:bd:14:50:66:13:ff:f0:d3:79:ec:23:
+                    f2:b7:1a:c7:8e:85:f1:12:73:a6:19:aa:10:db:9c:
+                    a2:65:74:5a:77:3e:51:7d:56:f6:dc:23:b6:d4:ed:
+                    5f:58:b1:37:4d:d5:49:0e:6e:f5:6a:87:d6:d2:8c:
+                    d2:27:c6:e2:ff:36:9f:98:65:a0:13:4e:c6:2a:64:
+                    9b:d5:90:12:cf:14:06:f4:3b:e3:d4:28:be:e8:0e:
+                    f8:ab:4e:48:94:6d:8e:95:31:10:5c:ed:a2:2d:bd:
+                    d5:3a:6d:b2:1c:bb:60:c0:46:4b:01:f5:49:ae:7e:
+                    46:8a:d0:74:8d:a1:0c:02:ce:ee:fc:e7:8f:b8:6b:
+                    66:f3:7f:44:00:bf:66:25:14:2b:dd:10:30:1d:07:
+                    96:3f:4d:f6:6b:b8:8f:b7:7b:0c:a5:38:eb:de:47:
+                    db:d5:5d:39:fc:88:a7:f3:d7:2a:74:f1:e8:5a:a2:
+                    3b:9f:50:ba:a6:8c:45:35:c2:50:65:95:dc:63:82:
+                    ef:dd:bf:77:4d:9c:62:c9:63:73:16:d0:29:0f:49:
+                    a9:48:f0:b3:aa:b7:6c:c5:a7:30:39:40:5d:ae:c4:
+                    e2:5d:26:53:f0:ce:1c:23:08:61:a8:94:19:ba:04:
+                    62:40:ec:1f:38:70:77:12:06:71:a7:30:18:5d:25:
+                    27:a5
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                B6:08:7B:0D:7A:CC:AC:20:4C:86:56:32:5E:CF:AB:6E:85:2D:70:57
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://www2.public-trust.com/crl/ct/ctroot.crl
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:B6:08:7B:0D:7A:CC:AC:20:4C:86:56:32:5E:CF:AB:6E:85:2D:70:57
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         56:ef:0a:23:a0:54:4e:95:97:c9:f8:89:da:45:c1:d4:a3:00:
+         25:f4:1f:13:ab:b7:a3:85:58:69:c2:30:ad:d8:15:8a:2d:e3:
+         c9:cd:81:5a:f8:73:23:5a:a7:7c:05:f3:fd:22:3b:0e:d1:06:
+         c4:db:36:4c:73:04:8e:e5:b0:22:e4:c5:f3:2e:a5:d9:23:e3:
+         b8:4e:4a:20:a7:6e:02:24:9f:22:60:67:7b:8b:1d:72:09:c5:
+         31:5c:e9:79:9f:80:47:3d:ad:a1:0b:07:14:3d:47:ff:03:69:
+         1a:0c:0b:44:e7:63:25:a7:7f:b2:c9:b8:76:84:ed:23:f6:7d:
+         07:ab:45:7e:d3:df:b3:bf:e9:8a:b6:cd:a8:a2:67:2b:52:d5:
+         b7:65:f0:39:4c:63:a0:91:79:93:52:0f:54:dd:83:bb:9f:d1:
+         8f:a7:53:73:c3:cb:ff:30:ec:7c:04:b8:d8:44:1f:93:5f:71:
+         09:22:b7:6e:3e:ea:1c:03:4e:9d:1a:20:61:fb:81:37:ec:5e:
+         fc:0a:45:ab:d7:e7:17:55:d0:a0:ea:60:9b:a6:f6:e3:8c:5b:
+         29:c2:06:60:14:9d:2d:97:4c:a9:93:15:9d:61:c4:01:5f:48:
+         d6:58:bd:56:31:12:4e:11:c8:21:e0:b3:11:91:65:db:b4:a6:
+         88:38:ce:55
+SHA1 Fingerprint=5F:43:E5:B1:BF:F8:78:8C:AC:1C:C7:CA:4A:9A:C6:22:2B:CC:34:C6
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/35105088.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/35105088.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3728c3b7346893d7264496d05ffdfe0af039517a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/35105088.0
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            01:fd:6d:30:fc:a3:ca:51:a8:1b:bc:64:0e:35:03:2d
+    Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=New Jersey, L=Jersey City, O=The USERTRUST Network, CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Feb  1 00:00:00 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 18 23:59:59 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=New Jersey, L=Jersey City, O=The USERTRUST Network, CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:80:12:65:17:36:0e:c3:db:08:b3:d0:ac:57:0d:
+                    76:ed:cd:27:d3:4c:ad:50:83:61:e2:aa:20:4d:09:
+                    2d:64:09:dc:ce:89:9f:cc:3d:a9:ec:f6:cf:c1:dc:
+                    f1:d3:b1:d6:7b:37:28:11:2b:47:da:39:c6:bc:3a:
+                    19:b4:5f:a6:bd:7d:9d:a3:63:42:b6:76:f2:a9:3b:
+                    2b:91:f8:e2:6f:d0:ec:16:20:90:09:3e:e2:e8:74:
+                    c9:18:b4:91:d4:62:64:db:7f:a3:06:f1:88:18:6a:
+                    90:22:3c:bc:fe:13:f0:87:14:7b:f6:e4:1f:8e:d4:
+                    e4:51:c6:11:67:46:08:51:cb:86:14:54:3f:bc:33:
+                    fe:7e:6c:9c:ff:16:9d:18:bd:51:8e:35:a6:a7:66:
+                    c8:72:67:db:21:66:b1:d4:9b:78:03:c0:50:3a:e8:
+                    cc:f0:dc:bc:9e:4c:fe:af:05:96:35:1f:57:5a:b7:
+                    ff:ce:f9:3d:b7:2c:b6:f6:54:dd:c8:e7:12:3a:4d:
+                    ae:4c:8a:b7:5c:9a:b4:b7:20:3d:ca:7f:22:34:ae:
+                    7e:3b:68:66:01:44:e7:01:4e:46:53:9b:33:60:f7:
+                    94:be:53:37:90:73:43:f3:32:c3:53:ef:db:aa:fe:
+                    74:4e:69:c7:6b:8c:60:93:de:c4:c7:0c:df:e1:32:
+                    ae:cc:93:3b:51:78:95:67:8b:ee:3d:56:fe:0c:d0:
+                    69:0f:1b:0f:f3:25:26:6b:33:6d:f7:6e:47:fa:73:
+                    43:e5:7e:0e:a5:66:b1:29:7c:32:84:63:55:89:c4:
+                    0d:c1:93:54:30:19:13:ac:d3:7d:37:a7:eb:5d:3a:
+                    6c:35:5c:db:41:d7:12:da:a9:49:0b:df:d8:80:8a:
+                    09:93:62:8e:b5:66:cf:25:88:cd:84:b8:b1:3f:a4:
+                    39:0f:d9:02:9e:eb:12:4c:95:7c:f3:6b:05:a9:5e:
+                    16:83:cc:b8:67:e2:e8:13:9d:cc:5b:82:d3:4c:b3:
+                    ed:5b:ff:de:e5:73:ac:23:3b:2d:00:bf:35:55:74:
+                    09:49:d8:49:58:1a:7f:92:36:e6:51:92:0e:f3:26:
+                    7d:1c:4d:17:bc:c9:ec:43:26:d0:bf:41:5f:40:a9:
+                    44:44:f4:99:e7:57:87:9e:50:1f:57:54:a8:3e:fd:
+                    74:63:2f:b1:50:65:09:e6:58:42:2e:43:1a:4c:b4:
+                    f0:25:47:59:fa:04:1e:93:d4:26:46:4a:50:81:b2:
+                    de:be:78:b7:fc:67:15:e1:c9:57:84:1e:0f:63:d6:
+                    e9:62:ba:d6:5f:55:2e:ea:5c:c6:28:08:04:25:39:
+                    b8:0e:2b:a9:f2:4c:97:1c:07:3f:0d:52:f5:ed:ef:
+                    2f:82:0f
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                53:79:BF:5A:AA:2B:4A:CF:54:80:E1:D8:9B:C0:9D:F2:B2:03:66:CB
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption
+         5c:d4:7c:0d:cf:f7:01:7d:41:99:65:0c:73:c5:52:9f:cb:f8:
+         cf:99:06:7f:1b:da:43:15:9f:9e:02:55:57:96:14:f1:52:3c:
+         27:87:94:28:ed:1f:3a:01:37:a2:76:fc:53:50:c0:84:9b:c6:
+         6b:4e:ba:8c:21:4f:a2:8e:55:62:91:f3:69:15:d8:bc:88:e3:
+         c4:aa:0b:fd:ef:a8:e9:4b:55:2a:06:20:6d:55:78:29:19:ee:
+         5f:30:5c:4b:24:11:55:ff:24:9a:6e:5e:2a:2b:ee:0b:4d:9f:
+         7f:f7:01:38:94:14:95:43:07:09:fb:60:a9:ee:1c:ab:12:8c:
+         a0:9a:5e:a7:98:6a:59:6d:8b:3f:08:fb:c8:d1:45:af:18:15:
+         64:90:12:0f:73:28:2e:c5:e2:24:4e:fc:58:ec:f0:f4:45:fe:
+         22:b3:eb:2f:8e:d2:d9:45:61:05:c1:97:6f:a8:76:72:8f:8b:
+         8c:36:af:bf:0d:05:ce:71:8d:e6:a6:6f:1f:6c:a6:71:62:c5:
+         d8:d0:83:72:0c:f1:67:11:89:0c:9c:13:4c:72:34:df:bc:d5:
+         71:df:aa:71:dd:e1:b9:6c:8c:3c:12:5d:65:da:bd:57:12:b6:
+         43:6b:ff:e5:de:4d:66:11:51:cf:99:ae:ec:17:b6:e8:71:91:
+         8c:de:49:fe:dd:35:71:a2:15:27:94:1c:cf:61:e3:26:bb:6f:
+         a3:67:25:21:5d:e6:dd:1d:0b:2e:68:1b:3b:82:af:ec:83:67:
+         85:d4:98:51:74:b1:b9:99:80:89:ff:7f:78:19:5c:79:4a:60:
+         2e:92:40:ae:4c:37:2a:2c:c9:c7:62:c8:0e:5d:f7:36:5b:ca:
+         e0:25:25:01:b4:dd:1a:07:9c:77:00:3f:d0:dc:d5:ec:3d:d4:
+         fa:bb:3f:cc:85:d6:6f:7f:a9:2d:df:b9:02:f7:f5:97:9a:b5:
+         35:da:c3:67:b0:87:4a:a9:28:9e:23:8e:ff:5c:27:6b:e1:b0:
+         4f:f3:07:ee:00:2e:d4:59:87:cb:52:41:95:ea:f4:47:d7:ee:
+         64:41:55:7c:8d:59:02:95:dd:62:9d:c2:b9:ee:5a:28:74:84:
+         a5:9b:b7:90:c7:0c:07:df:f5:89:36:74:32:d6:28:c1:b0:b0:
+         0b:e0:9c:4c:c3:1c:d6:fc:e3:69:b5:47:46:81:2f:a2:82:ab:
+         d3:63:44:70:c4:8d:ff:2d:33:ba:ad:8f:7b:b5:70:88:ae:3e:
+         19:cf:40:28:d8:fc:c8:90:bb:5d:99:22:f5:52:e6:58:c5:1f:
+         88:31:43:ee:88:1d:d7:c6:8e:3c:43:6a:1d:a7:18:de:7d:3d:
+         16:f1:62:f9:ca:90:a8:fd
+SHA1 Fingerprint=2B:8F:1B:57:33:0D:BB:A2:D0:7A:6C:51:F7:0E:E9:0D:DA:B9:AD:8E
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3929ec9f.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3929ec9f.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc31d157ae4b8555d93ac7e35a4a680c2b26fd20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3929ec9f.0
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            11:20:a1:69:1b:bf:bd:b9:bd:52:96:8f:23:e8:48:bf:26:11
+    Signature Algorithm: sha512WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=FR, O=OpenTrust, CN=OpenTrust Root CA G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 26 00:00:00 2014 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 15 00:00:00 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=FR, O=OpenTrust, CN=OpenTrust Root CA G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:cc:b6:57:a5:33:94:10:81:32:53:df:61:7e:0f:
+                    76:39:cf:5c:c2:53:75:1d:49:7a:96:38:dd:a2:73:
+                    6a:f1:6f:de:5e:a2:5a:b9:71:21:be:36:d9:a1:fc:
+                    bc:ee:6c:a8:7c:34:1a:71:1a:e8:1a:d8:5f:0e:44:
+                    06:ed:a7:e0:f3:d2:61:0b:e0:32:a2:96:d1:38:f0:
+                    c2:da:01:17:fc:e4:ac:4f:e8:ee:89:1e:74:ab:4f:
+                    bf:1e:09:b6:36:6a:56:f3:e1:ee:96:89:66:24:06:
+                    e4:cd:42:3a:4a:dd:e0:9a:b0:c4:82:45:b3:fe:c9:
+                    ab:5c:7c:3e:c9:eb:17:2f:0c:7d:6e:ae:a5:8f:c8:
+                    ac:25:0a:6f:fa:d5:45:98:d2:35:09:f6:03:43:94:
+                    fe:d9:bf:20:95:79:80:98:8a:d9:89:35:bb:51:1b:
+                    a4:37:7d:fc:99:3b:ab:ff:bf:ac:0d:8f:43:b1:99:
+                    7b:16:10:7e:1d:6f:47:c4:15:8f:04:96:08:06:42:
+                    04:f8:84:d6:1d:bc:91:a6:42:be:49:d5:6a:88:3f:
+                    bc:2d:51:d1:9e:8d:e0:52:cc:57:dd:35:35:58:db:
+                    b4:8f:24:88:e4:8b:df:dc:6b:54:d2:81:2b:b2:ce:
+                    92:4b:1c:1f:46:fa:1d:d8:92:cb:76:67:b5:09:99:
+                    09:e5:ac:17:14:55:70:c6:3c:a0:56:0a:03:b3:dc:
+                    62:19:df:c8:b5:30:7f:f5:3c:26:75:11:bd:d7:1b:
+                    b3:87:9e:07:af:65:71:e5:a0:cf:1a:a7:09:10:1d:
+                    93:89:66:5b:e8:3c:62:32:b5:b5:3a:6e:e9:85:01:
+                    8b:9e:43:8c:67:73:28:59:5b:eb:e3:dc:2c:cc:a5:
+                    26:72:62:12:b4:e6:9c:83:44:f6:51:a4:e2:c0:7a:
+                    24:57:ca:0e:a5:3f:3a:b5:3b:8b:e5:76:ee:70:e6:
+                    92:de:16:5c:28:5b:97:19:27:92:fe:7a:92:54:ce:
+                    93:39:0a:16:87:bc:63:b3:f5:b1:93:5c:e0:6e:b7:
+                    d0:ea:f9:62:32:88:44:fb:bf:27:28:b6:30:95:5d:
+                    12:28:b9:95:be:8f:53:18:e5:a2:18:16:e2:56:a4:
+                    b2:2c:10:f5:1d:37:a6:f8:b7:f6:d0:59:5c:89:f7:
+                    c2:d5:b5:94:74:d1:d5:fe:1b:b6:f0:e6:d6:1e:7b:
+                    d2:3c:cb:a8:e3:f5:18:f3:21:1f:6e:ef:4d:68:06:
+                    7b:2d:5d:6e:43:89:a6:c0:f9:a0:bf:82:1e:cf:53:
+                    7f:b4:eb:2c:db:5d:f6:6a:7d:40:24:05:72:89:38:
+                    01:93:cb:71:c2:39:5d:06:11:f6:6f:78:f8:37:0d:
+                    39:84:27
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                6A:39:FA:42:22:F7:E6:89:00:4D:5E:7D:33:83:CB:B8:6E:77:86:AF
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:6A:39:FA:42:22:F7:E6:89:00:4D:5E:7D:33:83:CB:B8:6E:77:86:AF
+    Signature Algorithm: sha512WithRSAEncryption
+         98:cb:ab:40:3c:e5:33:02:97:7f:2d:87:a6:8f:d4:5e:4a:af:
+         b8:1e:e7:bb:71:fb:80:64:25:a9:b3:1a:3e:68:5d:27:26:a7:
+         ba:2a:e1:f0:57:83:0a:64:4f:1e:22:74:1b:e9:90:5f:f0:ac:
+         cf:ff:4f:68:7a:38:a4:10:6c:0d:b1:c7:a4:77:80:18:b6:a2:
+         28:44:76:a7:34:9d:71:84:2f:ca:59:d2:47:88:99:41:22:c9:
+         30:98:61:6e:3d:a8:a8:05:6d:d1:1f:c0:51:44:56:7f:27:35:
+         02:dd:5e:98:0a:42:eb:30:bf:8d:a1:9b:51:aa:3b:ea:93:46:
+         64:c5:00:79:de:21:6b:f6:57:a0:86:d7:06:72:ec:70:46:4b:
+         8b:73:dd:a0:21:75:3e:dc:1d:c0:8f:d3:4f:73:1c:85:d9:fe:
+         7f:62:c8:95:6f:b6:d3:7b:8c:ba:53:c2:6f:9b:44:4c:79:d0:
+         1d:70:b3:d7:9f:02:f4:b2:07:b0:c7:e5:f8:ad:23:0e:a6:56:
+         c9:29:12:77:48:d9:2f:46:fd:3b:f0:fc:74:70:92:a5:8e:38:
+         08:1f:64:30:b6:b7:4b:fb:36:ac:10:8e:a0:52:33:63:9d:03:
+         35:56:c5:69:bd:c6:23:5a:27:94:f6:a4:12:f8:2d:33:3c:a1:
+         56:a5:5f:d6:19:e9:ed:7c:08:bd:77:cd:27:64:cc:94:da:4e:
+         46:50:87:e0:f9:c1:53:80:1e:bb:ad:fb:47:52:8b:1b:fd:a2:
+         f9:de:0e:22:b7:3d:33:59:6c:d4:de:f5:95:06:32:0d:51:19:
+         41:5c:3e:4f:06:f7:b9:2b:80:27:f6:a3:aa:7a:7c:06:e1:43:
+         c3:13:39:62:1a:36:bd:e0:28:2e:94:02:e4:29:2e:60:55:ae:
+         40:3d:b0:74:92:5e:f0:20:64:96:3f:5f:45:5d:88:b5:8a:da:
+         02:a0:5b:45:54:de:38:3d:09:c0:a8:4a:65:46:16:fc:aa:bf:
+         54:4e:4d:5b:be:38:43:b7:28:ca:8b:33:aa:1a:25:ba:25:5c:
+         29:2f:5b:4a:6e:8c:ea:2d:9c:2a:f6:05:76:e0:77:97:80:88:
+         dd:67:13:6f:1d:68:24:8b:4f:b7:74:81:e5:f4:60:9f:7a:55:
+         d7:3e:37:da:16:6b:3e:77:ac:ae:18:70:95:08:79:29:03:8a:
+         fe:c1:3b:b3:3f:1a:0f:a4:3b:5e:1f:58:a1:95:c9:ab:2f:73:
+         4a:d0:2d:6e:9a:59:0f:55:18:78:2d:3c:51:a6:97:8b:e6:bb:
+         b2:70:aa:4c:11:de:ff:7c:2b:37:d4:7a:d1:77:34:8f:e7:f9:
+         42:f7:3c:81:0c:4b:52:0a
+SHA1 Fingerprint=79:5F:88:60:C5:AB:7C:3D:92:E6:CB:F4:8D:E1:45:CD:11:EF:60:0B
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/399e7759.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/399e7759.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e73ab67919c91bba3a8334f3a527e3553e59ef23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/399e7759.0
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            08:3b:e0:56:90:42:46:b1:a1:75:6a:c9:59:91:c7:4a
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Global Root CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 10 00:00:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Nov 10 00:00:00 2031 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Global Root CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:e2:3b:e1:11:72:de:a8:a4:d3:a3:57:aa:50:a2:
+                    8f:0b:77:90:c9:a2:a5:ee:12:ce:96:5b:01:09:20:
+                    cc:01:93:a7:4e:30:b7:53:f7:43:c4:69:00:57:9d:
+                    e2:8d:22:dd:87:06:40:00:81:09:ce:ce:1b:83:bf:
+                    df:cd:3b:71:46:e2:d6:66:c7:05:b3:76:27:16:8f:
+                    7b:9e:1e:95:7d:ee:b7:48:a3:08:da:d6:af:7a:0c:
+                    39:06:65:7f:4a:5d:1f:bc:17:f8:ab:be:ee:28:d7:
+                    74:7f:7a:78:99:59:85:68:6e:5c:23:32:4b:bf:4e:
+                    c0:e8:5a:6d:e3:70:bf:77:10:bf:fc:01:f6:85:d9:
+                    a8:44:10:58:32:a9:75:18:d5:d1:a2:be:47:e2:27:
+                    6a:f4:9a:33:f8:49:08:60:8b:d4:5f:b4:3a:84:bf:
+                    a1:aa:4a:4c:7d:3e:cf:4f:5f:6c:76:5e:a0:4b:37:
+                    91:9e:dc:22:e6:6d:ce:14:1a:8e:6a:cb:fe:cd:b3:
+                    14:64:17:c7:5b:29:9e:32:bf:f2:ee:fa:d3:0b:42:
+                    d4:ab:b7:41:32:da:0c:d4:ef:f8:81:d5:bb:8d:58:
+                    3f:b5:1b:e8:49:28:a2:70:da:31:04:dd:f7:b2:16:
+                    f2:4c:0a:4e:07:a8:ed:4a:3d:5e:b5:7f:a3:90:c3:
+                    af:27
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                03:DE:50:35:56:D1:4C:BB:66:F0:A3:E2:1B:1B:C3:97:B2:3D:D1:55
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:03:DE:50:35:56:D1:4C:BB:66:F0:A3:E2:1B:1B:C3:97:B2:3D:D1:55
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         cb:9c:37:aa:48:13:12:0a:fa:dd:44:9c:4f:52:b0:f4:df:ae:
+         04:f5:79:79:08:a3:24:18:fc:4b:2b:84:c0:2d:b9:d5:c7:fe:
+         f4:c1:1f:58:cb:b8:6d:9c:7a:74:e7:98:29:ab:11:b5:e3:70:
+         a0:a1:cd:4c:88:99:93:8c:91:70:e2:ab:0f:1c:be:93:a9:ff:
+         63:d5:e4:07:60:d3:a3:bf:9d:5b:09:f1:d5:8e:e3:53:f4:8e:
+         63:fa:3f:a7:db:b4:66:df:62:66:d6:d1:6e:41:8d:f2:2d:b5:
+         ea:77:4a:9f:9d:58:e2:2b:59:c0:40:23:ed:2d:28:82:45:3e:
+         79:54:92:26:98:e0:80:48:a8:37:ef:f0:d6:79:60:16:de:ac:
+         e8:0e:cd:6e:ac:44:17:38:2f:49:da:e1:45:3e:2a:b9:36:53:
+         cf:3a:50:06:f7:2e:e8:c4:57:49:6c:61:21:18:d5:04:ad:78:
+         3c:2c:3a:80:6b:a7:eb:af:15:14:e9:d8:89:c1:b9:38:6c:e2:
+         91:6c:8a:ff:64:b9:77:25:57:30:c0:1b:24:a3:e1:dc:e9:df:
+         47:7c:b5:b4:24:08:05:30:ec:2d:bd:0b:bf:45:bf:50:b9:a9:
+         f3:eb:98:01:12:ad:c8:88:c6:98:34:5f:8d:0a:3c:c6:e9:d5:
+         95:95:6d:de
+SHA1 Fingerprint=A8:98:5D:3A:65:E5:E5:C4:B2:D7:D6:6D:40:C6:DD:2F:B1:9C:54:36
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3a3b02ce.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3a3b02ce.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a01f1c555cfde8ef514c26be8efbb85a658c7e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3a3b02ce.0
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            41:3d:72:c7:f4:6b:1f:81:43:7d:f1:d2:28:54:df:9a
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=CH, O=WISeKey, OU=Copyright (c) 2005, OU=OISTE Foundation Endorsed, CN=OISTE WISeKey Global Root GA CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec 11 16:03:44 2005 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 11 16:09:51 2037 GMT
+        Subject: C=CH, O=WISeKey, OU=Copyright (c) 2005, OU=OISTE Foundation Endorsed, CN=OISTE WISeKey Global Root GA CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:cb:4f:b3:00:9b:3d:36:dd:f9:d1:49:6a:6b:10:
+                    49:1f:ec:d8:2b:b2:c6:f8:32:81:29:43:95:4c:9a:
+                    19:23:21:15:45:de:e3:c8:1c:51:55:5b:ae:93:e8:
+                    37:ff:2b:6b:e9:d4:ea:be:2a:dd:a8:51:2b:d7:66:
+                    c3:61:5c:60:02:c8:f5:ce:72:7b:3b:b8:f2:4e:65:
+                    08:9a:cd:a4:6a:19:c1:01:bb:73:a6:d7:f6:c3:dd:
+                    cd:bc:a4:8b:b5:99:61:b8:01:a2:a3:d4:4d:d4:05:
+                    3d:91:ad:f8:b4:08:71:64:af:70:f1:1c:6b:7e:f6:
+                    c3:77:9d:24:73:7b:e4:0c:8c:e1:d9:36:e1:99:8b:
+                    05:99:0b:ed:45:31:09:ca:c2:00:db:f7:72:a0:96:
+                    aa:95:87:d0:8e:c7:b6:61:73:0d:76:66:8c:dc:1b:
+                    b4:63:a2:9f:7f:93:13:30:f1:a1:27:db:d9:ff:2c:
+                    55:88:91:a0:e0:4f:07:b0:28:56:8c:18:1b:97:44:
+                    8e:89:dd:e0:17:6e:e7:2a:ef:8f:39:0a:31:84:82:
+                    d8:40:14:49:2e:7a:41:e4:a7:fe:e3:64:cc:c1:59:
+                    71:4b:2c:21:a7:5b:7d:e0:1d:d1:2e:81:9b:c3:d8:
+                    68:f7:bd:96:1b:ac:70:b1:16:14:0b:db:60:b9:26:
+                    01:05
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                B3:03:7E:AE:36:BC:B0:79:D1:DC:94:26:B6:11:BE:21:B2:69:86:94
+                ...
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         4b:a1:ff:0b:87:6e:b3:f9:c1:43:b1:48:f3:28:c0:1d:2e:c9:
+         09:41:fa:94:00:1c:a4:a4:ab:49:4f:8f:3d:1e:ef:4d:6f:bd:
+         bc:a4:f6:f2:26:30:c9:10:ca:1d:88:fb:74:19:1f:85:45:bd:
+         b0:6c:51:f9:36:7e:db:f5:4c:32:3a:41:4f:5b:47:cf:e8:0b:
+         2d:b6:c4:19:9d:74:c5:47:c6:3b:6a:0f:ac:14:db:3c:f4:73:
+         9c:a9:05:df:00:dc:74:78:fa:f8:35:60:59:02:13:18:7c:bc:
+         fb:4d:b0:20:6d:43:bb:60:30:7a:67:33:5c:c5:99:d1:f8:2d:
+         39:52:73:fb:8c:aa:97:25:5c:72:d9:08:1e:ab:4e:3c:e3:81:
+         31:9f:03:a6:fb:c0:fe:29:88:55:da:84:d5:50:03:b6:e2:84:
+         a3:a6:36:aa:11:3a:01:e1:18:4b:d6:44:68:b3:3d:f9:53:74:
+         84:b3:46:91:46:96:00:b7:80:2c:b6:e1:e3:10:e2:db:a2:e7:
+         28:8f:01:96:62:16:3e:00:e3:1c:a5:36:81:18:a2:4c:52:76:
+         c0:11:a3:6e:e6:1d:ba:e3:5a:be:36:53:c5:3e:75:8f:86:69:
+         29:58:53:b5:9c:bb:6f:9f:5c:c5:18:ec:dd:2f:e1:98:c9:fc:
+         be:df:0a:0d
+SHA1 Fingerprint=59:22:A1:E1:5A:EA:16:35:21:F8:98:39:6A:46:46:B0:44:1B:0F:A9
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3ad48a91.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3ad48a91.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4bda9fb09396d469c7f445687cbcb6ac7c27aab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3ad48a91.0
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 33554617 (0x20000b9)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=IE, O=Baltimore, OU=CyberTrust, CN=Baltimore CyberTrust Root
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 12 18:46:00 2000 GMT
+            Not After : May 12 23:59:00 2025 GMT
+        Subject: C=IE, O=Baltimore, OU=CyberTrust, CN=Baltimore CyberTrust Root
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:a3:04:bb:22:ab:98:3d:57:e8:26:72:9a:b5:79:
+                    d4:29:e2:e1:e8:95:80:b1:b0:e3:5b:8e:2b:29:9a:
+                    64:df:a1:5d:ed:b0:09:05:6d:db:28:2e:ce:62:a2:
+                    62:fe:b4:88:da:12:eb:38:eb:21:9d:c0:41:2b:01:
+                    52:7b:88:77:d3:1c:8f:c7:ba:b9:88:b5:6a:09:e7:
+                    73:e8:11:40:a7:d1:cc:ca:62:8d:2d:e5:8f:0b:a6:
+                    50:d2:a8:50:c3:28:ea:f5:ab:25:87:8a:9a:96:1c:
+                    a9:67:b8:3f:0c:d5:f7:f9:52:13:2f:c2:1b:d5:70:
+                    70:f0:8f:c0:12:ca:06:cb:9a:e1:d9:ca:33:7a:77:
+                    d6:f8:ec:b9:f1:68:44:42:48:13:d2:c0:c2:a4:ae:
+                    5e:60:fe:b6:a6:05:fc:b4:dd:07:59:02:d4:59:18:
+                    98:63:f5:a5:63:e0:90:0c:7d:5d:b2:06:7a:f3:85:
+                    ea:eb:d4:03:ae:5e:84:3e:5f:ff:15:ed:69:bc:f9:
+                    39:36:72:75:cf:77:52:4d:f3:c9:90:2c:b9:3d:e5:
+                    c9:23:53:3f:1f:24:98:21:5c:07:99:29:bd:c6:3a:
+                    ec:e7:6e:86:3a:6b:97:74:63:33:bd:68:18:31:f0:
+                    78:8d:76:bf:fc:9e:8e:5d:2a:86:a7:4d:90:dc:27:
+                    1a:39
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                E5:9D:59:30:82:47:58:CC:AC:FA:08:54:36:86:7B:3A:B5:04:4D:F0
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE, pathlen:3
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         85:0c:5d:8e:e4:6f:51:68:42:05:a0:dd:bb:4f:27:25:84:03:
+         bd:f7:64:fd:2d:d7:30:e3:a4:10:17:eb:da:29:29:b6:79:3f:
+         76:f6:19:13:23:b8:10:0a:f9:58:a4:d4:61:70:bd:04:61:6a:
+         12:8a:17:d5:0a:bd:c5:bc:30:7c:d6:e9:0c:25:8d:86:40:4f:
+         ec:cc:a3:7e:38:c6:37:11:4f:ed:dd:68:31:8e:4c:d2:b3:01:
+         74:ee:be:75:5e:07:48:1a:7f:70:ff:16:5c:84:c0:79:85:b8:
+         05:fd:7f:be:65:11:a3:0f:c0:02:b4:f8:52:37:39:04:d5:a9:
+         31:7a:18:bf:a0:2a:f4:12:99:f7:a3:45:82:e3:3c:5e:f5:9d:
+         9e:b5:c8:9e:7c:2e:c8:a4:9e:4e:08:14:4b:6d:fd:70:6d:6b:
+         1a:63:bd:64:e6:1f:b7:ce:f0:f2:9f:2e:bb:1b:b7:f2:50:88:
+         73:92:c2:e2:e3:16:8d:9a:32:02:ab:8e:18:dd:e9:10:11:ee:
+         7e:35:ab:90:af:3e:30:94:7a:d0:33:3d:a7:65:0f:f5:fc:8e:
+         9e:62:cf:47:44:2c:01:5d:bb:1d:b5:32:d2:47:d2:38:2e:d0:
+         fe:81:dc:32:6a:1e:b5:ee:3c:d5:fc:e7:81:1d:19:c3:24:42:
+         ea:63:39:a9
+SHA1 Fingerprint=D4:DE:20:D0:5E:66:FC:53:FE:1A:50:88:2C:78:DB:28:52:CA:E4:74
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3c58f906.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3c58f906.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d776bacc7ca3198e0301f5935a628e084118e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3c58f906.0
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=SE, O=AddTrust AB, OU=AddTrust External TTP Network, CN=AddTrust External CA Root
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 30 10:48:38 2000 GMT
+            Not After : May 30 10:48:38 2020 GMT
+        Subject: C=SE, O=AddTrust AB, OU=AddTrust External TTP Network, CN=AddTrust External CA Root
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b7:f7:1a:33:e6:f2:00:04:2d:39:e0:4e:5b:ed:
+                    1f:bc:6c:0f:cd:b5:fa:23:b6:ce:de:9b:11:33:97:
+                    a4:29:4c:7d:93:9f:bd:4a:bc:93:ed:03:1a:e3:8f:
+                    cf:e5:6d:50:5a:d6:97:29:94:5a:80:b0:49:7a:db:
+                    2e:95:fd:b8:ca:bf:37:38:2d:1e:3e:91:41:ad:70:
+                    56:c7:f0:4f:3f:e8:32:9e:74:ca:c8:90:54:e9:c6:
+                    5f:0f:78:9d:9a:40:3c:0e:ac:61:aa:5e:14:8f:9e:
+                    87:a1:6a:50:dc:d7:9a:4e:af:05:b3:a6:71:94:9c:
+                    71:b3:50:60:0a:c7:13:9d:38:07:86:02:a8:e9:a8:
+                    69:26:18:90:ab:4c:b0:4f:23:ab:3a:4f:84:d8:df:
+                    ce:9f:e1:69:6f:bb:d7:42:d7:6b:44:e4:c7:ad:ee:
+                    6d:41:5f:72:5a:71:08:37:b3:79:65:a4:59:a0:94:
+                    37:f7:00:2f:0d:c2:92:72:da:d0:38:72:db:14:a8:
+                    45:c4:5d:2a:7d:b7:b4:d6:c4:ee:ac:cd:13:44:b7:
+                    c9:2b:dd:43:00:25:fa:61:b9:69:6a:58:23:11:b7:
+                    a7:33:8f:56:75:59:f5:cd:29:d7:46:b7:0a:2b:65:
+                    b6:d3:42:6f:15:b2:b8:7b:fb:ef:e9:5d:53:d5:34:
+                    5a:27
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                AD:BD:98:7A:34:B4:26:F7:FA:C4:26:54:EF:03:BD:E0:24:CB:54:1A
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:AD:BD:98:7A:34:B4:26:F7:FA:C4:26:54:EF:03:BD:E0:24:CB:54:1A
+                DirName:/C=SE/O=AddTrust AB/OU=AddTrust External TTP Network/CN=AddTrust External CA Root
+                serial:01
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         b0:9b:e0:85:25:c2:d6:23:e2:0f:96:06:92:9d:41:98:9c:d9:
+         84:79:81:d9:1e:5b:14:07:23:36:65:8f:b0:d8:77:bb:ac:41:
+         6c:47:60:83:51:b0:f9:32:3d:e7:fc:f6:26:13:c7:80:16:a5:
+         bf:5a:fc:87:cf:78:79:89:21:9a:e2:4c:07:0a:86:35:bc:f2:
+         de:51:c4:d2:96:b7:dc:7e:4e:ee:70:fd:1c:39:eb:0c:02:51:
+         14:2d:8e:bd:16:e0:c1:df:46:75:e7:24:ad:ec:f4:42:b4:85:
+         93:70:10:67:ba:9d:06:35:4a:18:d3:2b:7a:cc:51:42:a1:7a:
+         63:d1:e6:bb:a1:c5:2b:c2:36:be:13:0d:e6:bd:63:7e:79:7b:
+         a7:09:0d:40:ab:6a:dd:8f:8a:c3:f6:f6:8c:1a:42:05:51:d4:
+         45:f5:9f:a7:62:21:68:15:20:43:3c:99:e7:7c:bd:24:d8:a9:
+         91:17:73:88:3f:56:1b:31:38:18:b4:71:0f:9a:cd:c8:0e:9e:
+         8e:2e:1b:e1:8c:98:83:cb:1f:31:f1:44:4c:c6:04:73:49:76:
+         60:0f:c7:f8:bd:17:80:6b:2e:e9:cc:4c:0e:5a:9a:79:0f:20:
+         0a:2e:d5:9e:63:26:1e:55:92:94:d8:82:17:5a:7b:d0:bc:c7:
+         8f:4e:86:04
+SHA1 Fingerprint=02:FA:F3:E2:91:43:54:68:60:78:57:69:4D:F5:E4:5B:68:85:18:68
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3c6676aa.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3c6676aa.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2905a249ed07e171c6a2c755abede8ada3290198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3c6676aa.0
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 10000013 (0x98968d)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=NL, O=Staat der Nederlanden, CN=Staat der Nederlanden EV Root CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec  8 11:19:29 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Dec  8 11:10:28 2022 GMT
+        Subject: C=NL, O=Staat der Nederlanden, CN=Staat der Nederlanden EV Root CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:e3:c7:7e:89:f9:24:4b:3a:d2:33:83:35:2c:69:
+                    ec:dc:09:a4:e3:51:a8:25:2b:79:b8:08:3d:e0:91:
+                    ba:84:85:c6:85:a4:ca:e6:c9:2e:53:a4:c9:24:1e:
+                    fd:55:66:71:5d:2c:c5:60:68:04:b7:d9:c2:52:26:
+                    38:88:a4:d6:3b:40:a6:c2:cd:3f:cd:98:93:b3:54:
+                    14:58:96:55:d5:50:fe:86:ad:a4:63:7f:5c:87:f6:
+                    8e:e6:27:92:67:17:92:02:03:2c:dc:d6:66:74:ed:
+                    dd:67:ff:c1:61:8d:63:4f:0f:9b:6d:17:30:26:ef:
+                    ab:d2:1f:10:a0:f9:c5:7f:16:69:81:03:47:ed:1e:
+                    68:8d:72:a1:4d:b2:26:c6:ba:6c:5f:6d:d6:af:d1:
+                    b1:13:8e:a9:ad:f3:5e:69:75:26:18:3e:41:2b:21:
+                    7f:ee:8b:5d:07:06:9d:43:c4:29:0a:2b:fc:2a:3e:
+                    86:cb:3c:83:3a:f9:c9:0d:da:c5:99:e2:bc:78:41:
+                    33:76:e1:bf:2f:5d:e5:a4:98:50:0c:15:dd:e0:fa:
+                    9c:7f:38:68:d0:b2:a6:7a:a7:d1:31:bd:7e:8a:58:
+                    27:43:b3:ba:33:91:d3:a7:98:15:5c:9a:e6:d3:0f:
+                    75:d9:fc:41:98:97:3e:aa:25:db:8f:92:2e:b0:7b:
+                    0c:5f:f1:63:a9:37:f9:9b:75:69:4c:28:26:25:da:
+                    d5:f2:12:70:45:55:e3:df:73:5e:37:f5:21:6c:90:
+                    8e:35:5a:c9:d3:23:eb:d3:c0:be:78:ac:42:28:58:
+                    66:a5:46:6d:70:02:d7:10:f9:4b:54:fc:5d:86:4a:
+                    87:cf:7f:ca:45:ac:11:5a:b5:20:51:8d:2f:88:47:
+                    97:39:c0:cf:ba:c0:42:01:40:99:48:21:0b:6b:a7:
+                    d2:fd:96:d5:d1:be:46:9d:49:e0:0b:a6:a0:22:4e:
+                    38:d0:c1:3c:30:bc:70:8f:2c:75:cc:d0:c5:8c:51:
+                    3b:3d:94:08:64:26:61:7d:b9:c3:65:8f:14:9c:21:
+                    d0:aa:fd:17:72:03:8f:bd:9b:8c:e6:5e:53:9e:b9:
+                    9d:ef:82:bb:e1:bc:e2:72:41:5b:21:94:d3:45:37:
+                    94:d1:df:09:39:5d:e7:23:aa:9a:1d:ca:6d:a8:0a:
+                    86:85:8a:82:be:42:07:d6:f2:38:82:73:da:87:5b:
+                    e5:3c:d3:9e:3e:a7:3b:9e:f4:03:b3:f9:f1:7d:13:
+                    74:02:ff:bb:a1:e5:fa:00:79:1c:a6:66:41:88:5c:
+                    60:57:a6:2e:09:c4:ba:fd:9a:cf:a7:1f:40:c3:bb:
+                    cc:5a:0a:55:4b:3b:38:76:51:b8:63:8b:84:94:16:
+                    e6:56:f3
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                FE:AB:00:90:98:9E:24:FC:A9:CC:1A:8A:FB:27:B8:BF:30:6E:A8:3B
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         cf:77:2c:6e:56:be:4e:b3:b6:84:00:94:ab:47:c9:0d:d2:76:
+         c7:86:9f:1d:07:d3:b6:b4:bb:08:78:af:69:d2:0b:49:de:33:
+         c5:ac:ad:c2:88:02:7d:06:b7:35:02:c1:60:c9:bf:c4:e8:94:
+         de:d4:d3:a9:13:25:5a:fe:6e:a2:ae:7d:05:dc:7d:f3:6c:f0:
+         7e:a6:8d:ee:d9:d7:ce:58:17:e8:a9:29:ae:73:48:87:e7:9b:
+         ca:6e:29:a1:64:5f:19:13:f7:ae:06:10:ff:51:c6:9b:4d:55:
+         25:4f:93:99:10:01:53:75:f1:13:ce:c7:a6:41:41:d2:bf:88:
+         a5:7f:45:fc:ac:b8:a5:b5:33:0c:82:c4:fb:07:f6:6a:e5:25:
+         84:5f:06:ca:c1:86:39:11:db:58:cd:77:3b:2c:c2:4c:0f:5e:
+         9a:e3:f0:ab:3e:61:1b:50:24:c2:c0:f4:f1:19:f0:11:29:b6:
+         a5:18:02:9b:d7:63:4c:70:8c:47:a3:03:43:5c:b9:5d:46:a0:
+         0d:6f:ff:59:8e:be:dd:9f:72:c3:5b:2b:df:8c:5b:ce:e5:0c:
+         46:6c:92:b2:0a:a3:4c:54:42:18:15:12:18:bd:da:fc:ba:74:
+         6e:ff:c1:b6:a0:64:d8:a9:5f:55:ae:9f:5c:6a:76:96:d8:73:
+         67:87:fb:4d:7f:5c:ee:69:ca:73:10:fb:8a:a9:fd:9e:bd:36:
+         38:49:49:87:f4:0e:14:f0:e9:87:b8:3f:a7:4f:7a:5a:8e:79:
+         d4:93:e4:bb:68:52:84:ac:6c:e9:f3:98:70:55:72:32:f9:34:
+         ab:2b:49:b5:cd:20:62:e4:3a:7a:67:63:ab:96:dc:6d:ae:97:
+         ec:fc:9f:76:56:88:2e:66:cf:5b:b6:c9:a4:b0:d7:05:ba:e1:
+         27:2f:93:bb:26:2a:a2:93:b0:1b:f3:8e:be:1d:40:a3:b9:36:
+         8f:3e:82:1a:1a:5e:88:ea:50:f8:59:e2:83:46:29:0b:e3:44:
+         5c:e1:95:b6:69:90:9a:14:6f:97:ae:81:cf:68:ef:99:9a:be:
+         b5:e7:e1:7f:f8:fa:13:47:16:4c:cc:6d:08:40:e7:8b:78:6f:
+         50:82:44:50:3f:66:06:8a:ab:43:84:56:4a:0f:20:2d:86:0e:
+         f5:d2:db:d2:7a:8a:4b:cd:a5:e8:4e:f1:5e:26:25:01:59:23:
+         a0:7e:d2:f6:7e:21:57:d7:27:bc:15:57:4c:a4:46:c1:e0:83:
+         1e:0c:4c:4d:1f:4f:06:19:e2:f9:a8:f4:3a:82:a1:b2:79:43:
+         79:d6:ad:6f:7a:27:90:03:a4:ea:24:87:3f:d9:bd:d9:e9:f2:
+         5f:50:49:1c:ee:ec:d7:2e
+SHA1 Fingerprint=76:E2:7E:C1:4F:DB:82:C1:C0:A6:75:B5:05:BE:3D:29:B4:ED:DB:BB
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3c860d51.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3c860d51.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c71616e16333715592361be382fb593b8ee8aa9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3c860d51.0
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 13492815561806991280 (0xbb401c43f55e4fb0)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=CH, O=SwissSign AG, CN=SwissSign Gold CA - G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Oct 25 08:30:35 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Oct 25 08:30:35 2036 GMT
+        Subject: C=CH, O=SwissSign AG, CN=SwissSign Gold CA - G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:af:e4:ee:7e:8b:24:0e:12:6e:a9:50:2d:16:44:
+                    3b:92:92:5c:ca:b8:5d:84:92:42:13:2a:bc:65:57:
+                    82:40:3e:57:24:cd:50:8b:25:2a:b7:6f:fc:ef:a2:
+                    d0:c0:1f:02:24:4a:13:96:8f:23:13:e6:28:58:00:
+                    a3:47:c7:06:a7:84:23:2b:bb:bd:96:2b:7f:55:cc:
+                    8b:c1:57:1f:0e:62:65:0f:dd:3d:56:8a:73:da:ae:
+                    7e:6d:ba:81:1c:7e:42:8c:20:35:d9:43:4d:84:fa:
+                    84:db:52:2c:f3:0e:27:77:0b:6b:bf:11:2f:72:78:
+                    9f:2e:d8:3e:e6:18:37:5a:2a:72:f9:da:62:90:92:
+                    95:ca:1f:9c:e9:b3:3c:2b:cb:f3:01:13:bf:5a:cf:
+                    c1:b5:0a:60:bd:dd:b5:99:64:53:b8:a0:96:b3:6f:
+                    e2:26:77:91:8c:e0:62:10:02:9f:34:0f:a4:d5:92:
+                    33:51:de:be:8d:ba:84:7a:60:3c:6a:db:9f:2b:ec:
+                    de:de:01:3f:6e:4d:e5:50:86:cb:b4:af:ed:44:40:
+                    c5:ca:5a:8c:da:d2:2b:7c:a8:ee:be:a6:e5:0a:aa:
+                    0e:a5:df:05:52:b7:55:c7:22:5d:32:6a:97:97:63:
+                    13:db:c9:db:79:36:7b:85:3a:4a:c5:52:89:f9:24:
+                    e7:9d:77:a9:82:ff:55:1c:a5:71:69:2b:d1:02:24:
+                    f2:b3:26:d4:6b:da:04:55:e5:c1:0a:c7:6d:30:37:
+                    90:2a:e4:9e:14:33:5e:16:17:55:c5:5b:b5:cb:34:
+                    89:92:f1:9d:26:8f:a1:07:d4:c6:b2:78:50:db:0c:
+                    0c:0b:7c:0b:8c:41:d7:b9:e9:dd:8c:88:f7:a3:4d:
+                    b2:32:cc:d8:17:da:cd:b7:ce:66:9d:d4:fd:5e:ff:
+                    bd:97:3e:29:75:e7:7e:a7:62:58:af:25:34:a5:41:
+                    c7:3d:bc:0d:50:ca:03:03:0f:08:5a:1f:95:73:78:
+                    62:bf:af:72:14:69:0e:a5:e5:03:0e:78:8e:26:28:
+                    42:f0:07:0b:62:20:10:67:39:46:fa:a9:03:cc:04:
+                    38:7a:66:ef:20:83:b5:8c:4a:56:8e:91:00:fc:8e:
+                    5c:82:de:88:a0:c3:e2:68:6e:7d:8d:ef:3c:dd:65:
+                    f4:5d:ac:51:ef:24:80:ae:aa:56:97:6f:f9:ad:7d:
+                    da:61:3f:98:77:3c:a5:91:b6:1c:8c:26:da:65:a2:
+                    09:6d:c1:e2:54:e3:b9:ca:4c:4c:80:8f:77:7b:60:
+                    9a:1e:df:b6:f2:48:1e:0e:ba:4e:54:6d:98:e0:e1:
+                    a2:1a:a2:77:50:cf:c4:63:92:ec:47:19:9d:eb:e6:
+                    6b:ce:c1
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                5B:25:7B:96:A4:65:51:7E:B8:39:F3:C0:78:66:5E:E8:3A:E7:F0:EE
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:5B:25:7B:96:A4:65:51:7E:B8:39:F3:C0:78:66:5E:E8:3A:E7:F0:EE
+            X509v3 Certificate Policies: 
+                Policy: 2.16.756.
+                  CPS: http://repository.swisssign.com/
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         27:ba:e3:94:7c:f1:ae:c0:de:17:e6:e5:d8:d5:f5:54:b0:83:
+         f4:bb:cd:5e:05:7b:4f:9f:75:66:af:3c:e8:56:7e:fc:72:78:
+         38:03:d9:2b:62:1b:00:b9:f8:e9:60:cd:cc:ce:51:8a:c7:50:
+         31:6e:e1:4a:7e:18:2f:69:59:b6:3d:64:81:2b:e3:83:84:e6:
+         22:87:8e:7d:e0:ee:02:99:61:b8:1e:f4:b8:2b:88:12:16:84:
+         c2:31:93:38:96:31:a6:b9:3b:53:3f:c3:24:93:56:5b:69:92:
+         ec:c5:c1:bb:38:00:e3:ec:17:a9:b8:dc:c7:7c:01:83:9f:32:
+         47:ba:52:22:34:1d:32:7a:09:56:a7:7c:25:36:a9:3d:4b:da:
+         c0:82:6f:0a:bb:12:c8:87:4b:27:11:f9:1e:2d:c7:93:3f:9e:
+         db:5f:26:6b:52:d9:2e:8a:f1:14:c6:44:8d:15:a9:b7:bf:bd:
+         de:a6:1a:ee:ae:2d:fb:48:77:17:fe:bb:ec:af:18:f5:2a:51:
+         f0:39:84:97:95:6c:6e:1b:c3:2b:c4:74:60:79:25:b0:0a:27:
+         df:df:5e:d2:39:cf:45:7d:42:4b:df:b3:2c:1e:c5:c6:5d:ca:
+         55:3a:a0:9c:69:9a:8f:da:ef:b2:b0:3c:9f:87:6c:12:2b:65:
+         70:15:52:31:1a:24:cf:6f:31:23:50:1f:8c:4f:8f:23:c3:74:
+         41:63:1c:55:a8:14:dd:3e:e0:51:50:cf:f1:1b:30:56:0e:92:
+         b0:82:85:d8:83:cb:22:64:bc:2d:b8:25:d5:54:a2:b8:06:ea:
+         ad:92:a4:24:a0:c1:86:b5:4a:13:6a:47:cf:2e:0b:56:95:54:
+         cb:ce:9a:db:6a:b4:a6:b2:db:41:08:86:27:77:f7:6a:a0:42:
+         6c:0b:38:ce:d7:75:50:32:92:c2:df:2b:30:22:48:d0:d5:41:
+         38:25:5d:a4:e9:5d:9f:c6:94:75:d0:45:fd:30:97:43:8f:90:
+         ab:0a:c7:86:73:60:4a:69:2d:de:a5:78:d7:06:da:6a:9e:4b:
+         3e:77:3a:20:13:22:01:d0:bf:68:9e:63:60:6b:35:4d:0b:6d:
+         ba:a1:3d:c0:93:e0:7f:23:b3:55:ad:72:25:4e:46:f9:d2:16:
+         ef:b0:64:c1:01:9e:e9:ca:a0:6a:98:0e:cf:d8:60:f2:2f:49:
+         b8:e4:42:e1:38:35:16:f4:c8:6e:4f:f7:81:56:e8:ba:a3:be:
+         23:af:ae:fd:6f:03:e0:02:3b:30:76:fa:1b:6d:41:cf:01:b1:
+         e9:b8:c9:66:f4:db:26:f3:3a:a4:74:f2:49:24:5b:c9:b0:d0:
+         57:c1:fa:3e:7a:e1:97:c9
+SHA1 Fingerprint=D8:C5:38:8A:B7:30:1B:1B:6E:D4:7A:E6:45:25:3A:6F:9F:1A:27:61
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3c9a4d3b.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3c9a4d3b.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c6e312ceb629cecdde26ba38b8e2676f6e4c9c85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3c9a4d3b.0
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 6828503384748696800 (0x5ec3b7a6437fa4e0)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May  5 09:37:37 2011 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 09:37:37 2030 GMT
+        Subject: CN=ACCVRAIZ1, OU=PKIACCV, O=ACCV, C=ES
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:9b:a9:ab:bf:61:4a:97:af:2f:97:66:9a:74:5f:
+                    d0:d9:96:fd:cf:e2:e4:66:ef:1f:1f:47:33:c2:44:
+                    a3:df:9a:de:1f:b5:54:dd:15:7c:69:35:11:6f:bb:
+                    c8:0c:8e:6a:18:1e:d8:8f:d9:16:bc:10:48:36:5c:
+                    f0:63:b3:90:5a:5c:24:37:d7:a3:d6:cb:09:71:b9:
+                    f1:01:72:84:b0:7d:db:4d:80:cd:fc:d3:6f:c9:f8:
+                    da:b6:0e:82:d2:45:85:a8:1b:68:a8:3d:e8:f4:44:
+                    6c:bd:a1:c2:cb:03:be:8c:3e:13:00:84:df:4a:48:
+                    c0:e3:22:0a:e8:e9:37:a7:18:4c:b1:09:0d:23:56:
+                    7f:04:4d:d9:17:84:18:a5:c8:da:40:94:73:eb:ce:
+                    0e:57:3c:03:81:3a:9d:0a:a1:57:43:69:ac:57:6d:
+                    79:90:78:e5:b5:b4:3b:d8:bc:4c:8d:28:a1:a7:a3:
+                    a7:ba:02:4e:25:d1:2a:ae:ed:ae:03:22:b8:6b:20:
+                    0f:30:28:54:95:7f:e0:ee:ce:0a:66:9d:d1:40:2d:
+                    6e:22:af:9d:1a:c1:05:19:d2:6f:c0:f2:9f:f8:7b:
+                    b3:02:42:fb:50:a9:1d:2d:93:0f:23:ab:c6:c1:0f:
+                    92:ff:d0:a2:15:f5:53:09:71:1c:ff:45:13:84:e6:
+                    26:5e:f8:e0:88:1c:0a:fc:16:b6:a8:73:06:b8:f0:
+                    63:84:02:a0:c6:5a:ec:e7:74:df:70:ae:a3:83:25:
+                    ea:d6:c7:97:87:93:a7:c6:8a:8a:33:97:60:37:10:
+                    3e:97:3e:6e:29:15:d6:a1:0f:d1:88:2c:12:9f:6f:
+                    aa:a4:c6:42:eb:41:a2:e3:95:43:d3:01:85:6d:8e:
+                    bb:3b:f3:23:36:c7:fe:3b:e0:a1:25:07:48:ab:c9:
+                    89:74:ff:08:8f:80:bf:c0:96:65:f3:ee:ec:4b:68:
+                    bd:9d:88:c3:31:b3:40:f1:e8:cf:f6:38:bb:9c:e4:
+                    d1:7f:d4:e5:58:9b:7c:fa:d4:f3:0e:9b:75:91:e4:
+                    ba:52:2e:19:7e:d1:f5:cd:5a:19:fc:ba:06:f6:fb:
+                    52:a8:4b:99:04:dd:f8:f9:b4:8b:50:a3:4e:62:89:
+                    f0:87:24:fa:83:42:c1:87:fa:d5:2d:29:2a:5a:71:
+                    7a:64:6a:d7:27:60:63:0d:db:ce:49:f5:8d:1f:90:
+                    89:32:17:f8:73:43:b8:d2:5a:93:86:61:d6:e1:75:
+                    0a:ea:79:66:76:88:4f:71:eb:04:25:d6:0a:5a:7a:
+                    93:e5:b9:4b:17:40:0f:b1:b6:b9:f5:de:4f:dc:e0:
+                    b3:ac:3b:11:70:60:84:4a:43:6e:99:20:c0:29:71:
+                    0a:c0:65
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            Authority Information Access: 
+                CA Issuers - URI:http://www.accv.es/fileadmin/Archivos/certificados/raizaccv1.crt
+                OCSP - URI:http://ocsp.accv.es
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                D2:87:B4:E3:DF:37:27:93:55:F6:56:EA:81:E5:36:CC:8C:1E:3F:BD
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:D2:87:B4:E3:DF:37:27:93:55:F6:56:EA:81:E5:36:CC:8C:1E:3F:BD
+            X509v3 Certificate Policies: 
+                Policy: X509v3 Any Policy
+                  User Notice:
+                    Explicit Text: 
+                  CPS: http://www.accv.es/legislacion_c.htm
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://www.accv.es/fileadmin/Archivos/certificados/raizaccv1_der.crl
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: 
+                email:accv@accv.es
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         97:31:02:9f:e7:fd:43:67:48:44:14:e4:29:87:ed:4c:28:66:
+         d0:8f:35:da:4d:61:b7:4a:97:4d:b5:db:90:e0:05:2e:0e:c6:
+         79:d0:f2:97:69:0f:bd:04:47:d9:be:db:b5:29:da:9b:d9:ae:
+         a9:99:d5:d3:3c:30:93:f5:8d:a1:a8:fc:06:8d:44:f4:ca:16:
+         95:7c:33:dc:62:8b:a8:37:f8:27:d8:09:2d:1b:ef:c8:14:27:
+         20:a9:64:44:ff:2e:d6:75:aa:6c:4d:60:40:19:49:43:54:63:
+         da:e2:cc:ba:66:e5:4f:44:7a:5b:d9:6a:81:2b:40:d5:7f:f9:
+         01:27:58:2c:c8:ed:48:91:7c:3f:a6:00:cf:c4:29:73:11:36:
+         de:86:19:3e:9d:ee:19:8a:1b:d5:b0:ed:8e:3d:9c:2a:c0:0d:
+         d8:3d:66:e3:3c:0d:bd:d5:94:5c:e2:e2:a7:35:1b:04:00:f6:
+         3f:5a:8d:ea:43:bd:5f:89:1d:a9:c1:b0:cc:99:e2:4d:00:0a:
+         da:c9:27:5b:e7:13:90:5c:e4:f5:33:a2:55:6d:dc:e0:09:4d:
+         2f:b1:26:5b:27:75:00:09:c4:62:77:29:08:5f:9e:59:ac:b6:
+         7e:ad:9f:54:30:22:03:c1:1e:71:64:fe:f9:38:0a:96:18:dd:
+         02:14:ac:23:cb:06:1c:1e:a4:7d:8d:0d:de:27:41:e8:ad:da:
+         15:b7:b0:23:dd:2b:a8:d3:da:25:87:ed:e8:55:44:4d:88:f4:
+         36:7e:84:9a:78:ac:f7:0e:56:49:0e:d6:33:25:d6:84:50:42:
+         6c:20:12:1d:2a:d5:be:bc:f2:70:81:a4:70:60:be:05:b5:9b:
+         9e:04:44:be:61:23:ac:e9:a5:24:8c:11:80:94:5a:a2:a2:b9:
+         49:d2:c1:dc:d1:a7:ed:31:11:2c:9e:19:a6:ee:e1:55:e1:c0:
+         ea:cf:0d:84:e4:17:b7:a2:7c:a5:de:55:25:06:ee:cc:c0:87:
+         5c:40:da:cc:95:3f:55:e0:35:c7:b8:84:be:b4:5d:cd:7a:83:
+         01:72:ee:87:e6:5f:1d:ae:b5:85:c6:26:df:e6:c1:9a:e9:1e:
+         02:47:9f:2a:a8:6d:a9:5b:cf:ec:45:77:7f:98:27:9a:32:5d:
+         2a:e3:84:ee:c5:98:66:2f:96:20:1d:dd:d8:c3:27:d7:b0:f9:
+         fe:d9:7d:cd:d0:9f:8f:0b:14:58:51:9f:2f:8b:c3:38:2d:de:
+         e8:8f:d6:8d:87:a4:f5:56:43:16:99:2c:f4:a4:56:b4:34:b8:
+         61:37:c9:c2:58:80:1b:a0:97:a1:fc:59:8d:e9:11:f6:d1:0f:
+         4b:55:34:46:2a:8b:86:3b
+SHA1 Fingerprint=93:05:7A:88:15:C6:4F:CE:88:2F:FA:91:16:52:28:78:BC:53:64:17
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3d441de8.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3d441de8.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d8c9824f6bcb666049ffe4db05f021494c2313b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3d441de8.0
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 10000012 (0x98968c)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=NL, O=Staat der Nederlanden, CN=Staat der Nederlanden Root CA - G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Mar 26 11:18:17 2008 GMT
+            Not After : Mar 25 11:03:10 2020 GMT
+        Subject: C=NL, O=Staat der Nederlanden, CN=Staat der Nederlanden Root CA - G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c5:59:e7:6f:75:aa:3e:4b:9c:b5:b8:ac:9e:0b:
+                    e4:f9:d9:ca:ab:5d:8f:b5:39:10:82:d7:af:51:e0:
+                    3b:e1:00:48:6a:cf:da:e1:06:43:11:99:aa:14:25:
+                    12:ad:22:e8:00:6d:43:c4:a9:b8:e5:1f:89:4b:67:
+                    bd:61:48:ef:fd:d2:e0:60:88:e5:b9:18:60:28:c3:
+                    77:2b:ad:b0:37:aa:37:de:64:59:2a:46:57:e4:4b:
+                    b9:f8:37:7c:d5:36:e7:80:c1:b6:f3:d4:67:9b:96:
+                    e8:ce:d7:c6:0a:53:d0:6b:49:96:f3:a3:0b:05:77:
+                    48:f7:25:e5:70:ac:30:14:20:25:e3:7f:75:5a:e5:
+                    48:f8:4e:7b:03:07:04:fa:82:61:87:6e:f0:3b:c4:
+                    a4:c7:d0:f5:74:3e:a5:5d:1a:08:f2:9b:25:d2:f6:
+                    ac:04:26:3e:55:3a:62:28:a5:7b:b2:30:af:f8:37:
+                    c2:d1:ba:d6:38:fd:f4:ef:49:30:37:99:26:21:48:
+                    85:01:a9:e5:16:e7:dc:90:55:df:0f:e8:38:cd:99:
+                    37:21:4f:5d:f5:22:6f:6a:c5:12:16:60:17:55:f2:
+                    65:66:a6:a7:30:91:38:c1:38:1d:86:04:84:ba:1a:
+                    25:78:5e:9d:af:cc:50:60:d6:13:87:52:ed:63:1f:
+                    6d:65:7d:c2:15:18:74:ca:e1:7e:64:29:8c:72:d8:
+                    16:13:7d:0b:49:4a:f1:28:1b:20:74:6b:c5:3d:dd:
+                    b0:aa:48:09:3d:2e:82:94:cd:1a:65:d9:2b:88:9a:
+                    99:bc:18:7e:9f:ee:7d:66:7c:3e:bd:94:b8:81:ce:
+                    cd:98:30:78:c1:6f:67:d0:be:5f:e0:68:ed:de:e2:
+                    b1:c9:2c:59:78:92:aa:df:2b:60:63:f2:e5:5e:b9:
+                    e3:ca:fa:7f:50:86:3e:a2:34:18:0c:09:68:28:11:
+                    1c:e4:e1:b9:5c:3e:47:ba:32:3f:18:cc:5b:84:f5:
+                    f3:6b:74:c4:72:74:e1:e3:8b:a0:4a:bd:8d:66:2f:
+                    ea:ad:35:da:20:d3:88:82:61:f0:12:22:b6:bc:d0:
+                    d5:a4:ec:af:54:88:25:24:3c:a7:6d:b1:72:29:3f:
+                    3e:57:a6:7f:55:af:6e:26:c6:fe:e7:cc:40:5c:51:
+                    44:81:0a:78:de:4a:ce:55:bf:1d:d5:d9:b7:56:ef:
+                    f0:76:ff:0b:79:b5:af:bd:fb:a9:69:91:46:97:68:
+                    80:14:36:1d:b3:7f:bb:29:98:36:a5:20:fa:82:60:
+                    62:33:a4:ec:d6:ba:07:a7:6e:c5:cf:14:a6:e7:d6:
+                    92:34:d8:81:f5:fc:1d:5d:aa:5c:1e:f6:a3:4d:3b:
+                    b8:f7:39
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Certificate Policies: 
+                Policy: X509v3 Any Policy
+                  CPS: http://www.pkioverheid.nl/policies/root-policy-G2
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                91:68:32:87:15:1D:89:E2:B5:F1:AC:36:28:34:8D:0B:7C:62:88:EB
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         a8:41:4a:67:2a:92:81:82:50:6e:e1:d7:d8:b3:39:3b:f3:02:
+         15:09:50:51:ef:2d:bd:24:7b:88:86:3b:f9:b4:bc:92:09:96:
+         b9:f6:c0:ab:23:60:06:79:8c:11:4e:51:d2:79:80:33:fb:9d:
+         48:be:ec:41:43:81:1f:7e:47:40:1c:e5:7a:08:ca:aa:8b:75:
+         ad:14:c4:c2:e8:66:3c:82:07:a7:e6:27:82:5b:18:e6:0f:6e:
+         d9:50:3e:8a:42:18:29:c6:b4:56:fc:56:10:a0:05:17:bd:0c:
+         23:7f:f4:93:ed:9c:1a:51:be:dd:45:41:bf:91:24:b4:1f:8c:
+         e9:5f:cf:7b:21:99:9f:95:9f:39:3a:46:1c:6c:f9:cd:7b:9c:
+         90:cd:28:a9:c7:a9:55:bb:ac:62:34:62:35:13:4b:14:3a:55:
+         83:b9:86:8d:92:a6:c6:f4:07:25:54:cc:16:57:12:4a:82:78:
+         c8:14:d9:17:82:26:2d:5d:20:1f:79:ae:fe:d4:70:16:16:95:
+         83:d8:35:39:ff:52:5d:75:1c:16:c5:13:55:cf:47:cc:75:65:
+         52:4a:de:f0:b0:a7:e4:0a:96:0b:fb:ad:c2:e2:25:84:b2:dd:
+         e4:bd:7e:59:6c:9b:f0:f0:d8:e7:ca:f2:e9:97:38:7e:89:be:
+         cc:fb:39:17:61:3f:72:db:3a:91:d8:65:01:19:1d:ad:50:a4:
+         57:0a:7c:4b:bc:9c:71:73:2a:45:51:19:85:cc:8e:fd:47:a7:
+         74:95:1d:a8:d1:af:4e:17:b1:69:26:c2:aa:78:57:5b:c5:4d:
+         a7:e5:9e:05:17:94:ca:b2:5f:a0:49:18:8d:34:e9:26:6c:48:
+         1e:aa:68:92:05:e1:82:73:5a:9b:dc:07:5b:08:6d:7d:9d:d7:
+         8d:21:d9:fc:14:20:aa:c2:45:df:3f:e7:00:b2:51:e4:c2:f8:
+         05:b9:79:1a:8c:34:f3:9e:5b:e4:37:5b:6b:4a:df:2c:57:8a:
+         40:5a:36:ba:dd:75:44:08:37:42:70:0c:fe:dc:5e:21:a0:a3:
+         8a:c0:90:9c:68:da:50:e6:45:10:47:78:b6:4e:d2:65:c9:c3:
+         37:df:e1:42:63:b0:57:37:45:2d:7b:8a:9c:bf:05:ea:65:55:
+         33:f7:39:10:c5:28:2a:21:7a:1b:8a:c4:24:f9:3f:15:c8:9a:
+         15:20:f5:55:62:96:ed:6d:93:50:bc:e4:aa:78:ad:d9:cb:0a:
+         65:87:a6:66:c1:c4:81:a3:77:3a:58:1e:0b:ee:83:8b:9d:1e:
+         d2:52:a4:cc:1d:6f:b0:98:6d:94:31:b5:f8:71:0a:dc:b9:fc:
+         7d:32:60:e6:eb:af:8a:01
+SHA1 Fingerprint=59:AF:82:79:91:86:C7:B4:75:07:CB:CF:03:57:46:EB:04:DD:B7:16
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3e7271e8.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3e7271e8.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..91dd4f9954c8a162a0a426f686d8a19d4e0b25e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/3e7271e8.0
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 946069240 (0x3863def8)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: O=Entrust.net, OU=www.entrust.net/CPS_2048 incorp. by ref. (limits liab.), OU=(c) 1999 Entrust.net Limited, CN=Entrust.net Certification Authority (2048)
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec 24 17:50:51 1999 GMT
+            Not After : Jul 24 14:15:12 2029 GMT
+        Subject: O=Entrust.net, OU=www.entrust.net/CPS_2048 incorp. by ref. (limits liab.), OU=(c) 1999 Entrust.net Limited, CN=Entrust.net Certification Authority (2048)
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ad:4d:4b:a9:12:86:b2:ea:a3:20:07:15:16:64:
+                    2a:2b:4b:d1:bf:0b:4a:4d:8e:ed:80:76:a5:67:b7:
+                    78:40:c0:73:42:c8:68:c0:db:53:2b:dd:5e:b8:76:
+                    98:35:93:8b:1a:9d:7c:13:3a:0e:1f:5b:b7:1e:cf:
+                    e5:24:14:1e:b1:81:a9:8d:7d:b8:cc:6b:4b:03:f1:
+                    02:0c:dc:ab:a5:40:24:00:7f:74:94:a1:9d:08:29:
+                    b3:88:0b:f5:87:77:9d:55:cd:e4:c3:7e:d7:6a:64:
+                    ab:85:14:86:95:5b:97:32:50:6f:3d:c8:ba:66:0c:
+                    e3:fc:bd:b8:49:c1:76:89:49:19:fd:c0:a8:bd:89:
+                    a3:67:2f:c6:9f:bc:71:19:60:b8:2d:e9:2c:c9:90:
+                    76:66:7b:94:e2:af:78:d6:65:53:5d:3c:d6:9c:b2:
+                    cf:29:03:f9:2f:a4:50:b2:d4:48:ce:05:32:55:8a:
+                    fd:b2:64:4c:0e:e4:98:07:75:db:7f:df:b9:08:55:
+                    60:85:30:29:f9:7b:48:a4:69:86:e3:35:3f:1e:86:
+                    5d:7a:7a:15:bd:ef:00:8e:15:22:54:17:00:90:26:
+                    93:bc:0e:49:68:91:bf:f8:47:d3:9d:95:42:c1:0e:
+                    4d:df:6f:26:cf:c3:18:21:62:66:43:70:d6:d5:c0:
+                    07:e1
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                55:E4:81:D1:11:80:BE:D8:89:B9:08:A3:31:F9:A1:24:09:16:B9:70
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         3b:9b:8f:56:9b:30:e7:53:99:7c:7a:79:a7:4d:97:d7:19:95:
+         90:fb:06:1f:ca:33:7c:46:63:8f:96:66:24:fa:40:1b:21:27:
+         ca:e6:72:73:f2:4f:fe:31:99:fd:c8:0c:4c:68:53:c6:80:82:
+         13:98:fa:b6:ad:da:5d:3d:f1:ce:6e:f6:15:11:94:82:0c:ee:
+         3f:95:af:11:ab:0f:d7:2f:de:1f:03:8f:57:2c:1e:c9:bb:9a:
+         1a:44:95:eb:18:4f:a6:1f:cd:7d:57:10:2f:9b:04:09:5a:84:
+         b5:6e:d8:1d:3a:e1:d6:9e:d1:6c:79:5e:79:1c:14:c5:e3:d0:
+         4c:93:3b:65:3c:ed:df:3d:be:a6:e5:95:1a:c3:b5:19:c3:bd:
+         5e:5b:bb:ff:23:ef:68:19:cb:12:93:27:5c:03:2d:6f:30:d0:
+         1e:b6:1a:ac:de:5a:f7:d1:aa:a8:27:a6:fe:79:81:c4:79:99:
+         33:57:ba:12:b0:a9:e0:42:6c:93:ca:56:de:fe:6d:84:0b:08:
+         8b:7e:8d:ea:d7:98:21:c6:f3:e7:3c:79:2f:5e:9c:d1:4c:15:
+         8d:e1:ec:22:37:cc:9a:43:0b:97:dc:80:90:8d:b3:67:9b:6f:
+         48:08:15:56:cf:bf:f1:2b:7c:5e:9a:76:e9:59:90:c5:7c:83:
+         35:11:65:51
+SHA1 Fingerprint=50:30:06:09:1D:97:D4:F5:AE:39:F7:CB:E7:92:7D:7D:65:2D:34:31
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/40dc992e.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/40dc992e.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..847cec60807d25da6521d6104219710a2f92aece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/40dc992e.0
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=GR, O=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Cert. Authority, CN=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions RootCA 2011
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec  6 13:49:52 2011 GMT
+            Not After : Dec  1 13:49:52 2031 GMT
+        Subject: C=GR, O=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Cert. Authority, CN=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions RootCA 2011
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:a9:53:00:e3:2e:a6:f6:8e:fa:60:d8:2d:95:3e:
+                    f8:2c:2a:54:4e:cd:b9:84:61:94:58:4f:8f:3d:8b:
+                    e4:43:f3:75:89:8d:51:e4:c3:37:d2:8a:88:4d:79:
+                    1e:b7:12:dd:43:78:4a:8a:92:e6:d7:48:d5:0f:a4:
+                    3a:29:44:35:b8:07:f6:68:1d:55:cd:38:51:f0:8c:
+                    24:31:85:af:83:c9:7d:e9:77:af:ed:1a:7b:9d:17:
+                    f9:b3:9d:38:50:0f:a6:5a:79:91:80:af:37:ae:a6:
+                    d3:31:fb:b5:26:09:9d:3c:5a:ef:51:c5:2b:df:96:
+                    5d:eb:32:1e:02:da:70:49:ec:6e:0c:c8:9a:37:8d:
+                    f7:f1:36:60:4b:26:2c:82:9e:d0:78:f3:0d:0f:63:
+                    a4:51:30:e1:f9:2b:27:12:07:d8:ea:bd:18:62:98:
+                    b0:59:37:7d:be:ee:f3:20:51:42:5a:83:ef:93:ba:
+                    69:15:f1:62:9d:9f:99:39:82:a1:b7:74:2e:8b:d4:
+                    c5:0b:7b:2f:f0:c8:0a:da:3d:79:0a:9a:93:1c:a5:
+                    28:72:73:91:43:9a:a7:d1:4d:85:84:b9:a9:74:8f:
+                    14:40:c7:dc:de:ac:41:64:6c:b4:19:9b:02:63:6d:
+                    24:64:8f:44:b2:25:ea:ce:5d:74:0c:63:32:5c:8d:
+                    87:e5
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                A6:91:42:FD:13:61:4A:23:9E:08:A4:29:E5:D8:13:04:23:EE:41:25
+            X509v3 Name Constraints: 
+                Permitted:
+                  DNS:.gr
+                  DNS:.eu
+                  DNS:.edu
+                  DNS:.org
+                  email:.gr
+                  email:.eu
+                  email:.edu
+                  email:.org
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         1f:ef:79:41:e1:7b:6e:3f:b2:8c:86:37:42:4a:4e:1c:37:1e:
+         8d:66:ba:24:81:c9:4f:12:0f:21:c0:03:97:86:25:6d:5d:d3:
+         22:29:a8:6c:a2:0d:a9:eb:3d:06:5b:99:3a:c7:cc:c3:9a:34:
+         7f:ab:0e:c8:4e:1c:e1:fa:e4:dc:cd:0d:be:bf:24:fe:6c:e7:
+         6b:c2:0d:c8:06:9e:4e:8d:61:28:a6:6a:fd:e5:f6:62:ea:18:
+         3c:4e:a0:53:9d:b2:3a:9c:eb:a5:9c:91:16:b6:4d:82:e0:0c:
+         05:48:a9:6c:f5:cc:f8:cb:9d:49:b4:f0:02:a5:fd:70:03:ed:
+         8a:21:a5:ae:13:86:49:c3:33:73:be:87:3b:74:8b:17:45:26:
+         4c:16:91:83:fe:67:7d:cd:4d:63:67:fa:f3:03:12:96:78:06:
+         8d:b1:67:ed:8e:3f:be:9f:4f:02:f5:b3:09:2f:f3:4c:87:df:
+         2a:cb:95:7c:01:cc:ac:36:7a:bf:a2:73:7a:f7:8f:c1:b5:9a:
+         a1:14:b2:8f:33:9f:0d:ef:22:dc:66:7b:84:bd:45:17:06:3d:
+         3c:ca:b9:77:34:8f:ca:ea:cf:3f:31:3e:e3:88:e3:80:49:25:
+         c8:97:b5:9d:9a:99:4d:b0:3c:f8:4a:00:9b:64:dd:9f:39:4b:
+         d1:27:d7:b8
+SHA1 Fingerprint=FE:45:65:9B:79:03:5B:98:A1:61:B5:51:2E:AC:DA:58:09:48:22:4D
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/455f1b52.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/455f1b52.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f1d0471c26b619fbee1e8565c6a3044a6d7fa6b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/455f1b52.0
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1246989352 (0x4a538c28)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=Entrust, Inc., OU=See www.entrust.net/legal-terms, OU=(c) 2009 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only, CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jul  7 17:25:54 2009 GMT
+            Not After : Dec  7 17:55:54 2030 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=Entrust, Inc., OU=See www.entrust.net/legal-terms, OU=(c) 2009 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only, CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ba:84:b6:72:db:9e:0c:6b:e2:99:e9:30:01:a7:
+                    76:ea:32:b8:95:41:1a:c9:da:61:4e:58:72:cf:fe:
+                    f6:82:79:bf:73:61:06:0a:a5:27:d8:b3:5f:d3:45:
+                    4e:1c:72:d6:4e:32:f2:72:8a:0f:f7:83:19:d0:6a:
+                    80:80:00:45:1e:b0:c7:e7:9a:bf:12:57:27:1c:a3:
+                    68:2f:0a:87:bd:6a:6b:0e:5e:65:f3:1c:77:d5:d4:
+                    85:8d:70:21:b4:b3:32:e7:8b:a2:d5:86:39:02:b1:
+                    b8:d2:47:ce:e4:c9:49:c4:3b:a7:de:fb:54:7d:57:
+                    be:f0:e8:6e:c2:79:b2:3a:0b:55:e2:50:98:16:32:
+                    13:5c:2f:78:56:c1:c2:94:b3:f2:5a:e4:27:9a:9f:
+                    24:d7:c6:ec:d0:9b:25:82:e3:cc:c2:c4:45:c5:8c:
+                    97:7a:06:6b:2a:11:9f:a9:0a:6e:48:3b:6f:db:d4:
+                    11:19:42:f7:8f:07:bf:f5:53:5f:9c:3e:f4:17:2c:
+                    e6:69:ac:4e:32:4c:62:77:ea:b7:e8:e5:bb:34:bc:
+                    19:8b:ae:9c:51:e7:b7:7e:b5:53:b1:33:22:e5:6d:
+                    cf:70:3c:1a:fa:e2:9b:67:b6:83:f4:8d:a5:af:62:
+                    4c:4d:e0:58:ac:64:34:12:03:f8:b6:8d:94:63:24:
+                    a4:71
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                6A:72:26:7A:D0:1E:EF:7D:E7:3B:69:51:D4:6C:8D:9F:90:12:66:AB
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         79:9f:1d:96:c6:b6:79:3f:22:8d:87:d3:87:03:04:60:6a:6b:
+         9a:2e:59:89:73:11:ac:43:d1:f5:13:ff:8d:39:2b:c0:f2:bd:
+         4f:70:8c:a9:2f:ea:17:c4:0b:54:9e:d4:1b:96:98:33:3c:a8:
+         ad:62:a2:00:76:ab:59:69:6e:06:1d:7e:c4:b9:44:8d:98:af:
+         12:d4:61:db:0a:19:46:47:f3:eb:f7:63:c1:40:05:40:a5:d2:
+         b7:f4:b5:9a:36:bf:a9:88:76:88:04:55:04:2b:9c:87:7f:1a:
+         37:3c:7e:2d:a5:1a:d8:d4:89:5e:ca:bd:ac:3d:6c:d8:6d:af:
+         d5:f3:76:0f:cd:3b:88:38:22:9d:6c:93:9a:c4:3d:bf:82:1b:
+         65:3f:a6:0f:5d:aa:fc:e5:b2:15:ca:b5:ad:c6:bc:3d:d0:84:
+         e8:ea:06:72:b0:4d:39:32:78:bf:3e:11:9c:0b:a4:9d:9a:21:
+         f3:f0:9b:0b:30:78:db:c1:dc:87:43:fe:bc:63:9a:ca:c5:c2:
+         1c:c9:c7:8d:ff:3b:12:58:08:e6:b6:3d:ec:7a:2c:4e:fb:83:
+         96:ce:0c:3c:69:87:54:73:a4:73:c2:93:ff:51:10:ac:15:54:
+         01:d8:fc:05:b1:89:a1:7f:74:83:9a:49:d7:dc:4e:7b:8a:48:
+         6f:8b:45:f6
+SHA1 Fingerprint=8C:F4:27:FD:79:0C:3A:D1:66:06:8D:E8:1E:57:EF:BB:93:22:72:D4
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/48a195d8.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/48a195d8.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..46530f10db718c5ea57c726c397eb92c85bc84b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/48a195d8.0
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            b0:b7:5a:16:48:5f:bf:e1:cb:f5:8b:d7:19:e6:7d
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=ES, O=IZENPE S.A., CN=Izenpe.com
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec 13 13:08:28 2007 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 13 08:27:25 2037 GMT
+        Subject: C=ES, O=IZENPE S.A., CN=Izenpe.com
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c9:d3:7a:ca:0f:1e:ac:a7:86:e8:16:65:6a:b1:
+                    c2:1b:45:32:71:95:d9:fe:10:5b:cc:af:e7:a5:79:
+                    01:8f:89:c3:ca:f2:55:71:f7:77:be:77:94:f3:72:
+                    a4:2c:44:d8:9e:92:9b:14:3a:a1:e7:24:90:0a:0a:
+                    56:8e:c5:d8:26:94:e1:d9:48:e1:2d:3e:da:0a:72:
+                    dd:a3:99:15:da:81:a2:87:f4:7b:6e:26:77:89:58:
+                    ad:d6:eb:0c:b2:41:7a:73:6e:6d:db:7a:78:41:e9:
+                    08:88:12:7e:87:2e:66:11:63:6c:54:fb:3c:9d:72:
+                    c0:bc:2e:ff:c2:b7:dd:0d:76:e3:3a:d7:f7:b4:68:
+                    be:a2:f5:e3:81:6e:c1:46:6f:5d:8d:e0:4d:c6:54:
+                    55:89:1a:33:31:0a:b1:57:b9:a3:8a:98:c3:ec:3b:
+                    34:c5:95:41:69:7e:75:c2:3c:20:c5:61:ba:51:47:
+                    a0:20:90:93:a1:90:4b:f3:4e:7c:85:45:54:9a:d1:
+                    05:26:41:b0:b5:4d:1d:33:be:c4:03:c8:25:7c:c1:
+                    70:db:3b:f4:09:2d:54:27:48:ac:2f:e1:c4:ac:3e:
+                    c8:cb:92:4c:53:39:37:23:ec:d3:01:f9:e0:09:44:
+                    4d:4d:64:c0:e1:0d:5a:87:22:bc:ad:1b:a3:fe:26:
+                    b5:15:f3:a7:fc:84:19:e9:ec:a1:88:b4:44:69:84:
+                    83:f3:89:d1:74:06:a9:cc:0b:d6:c2:de:27:85:50:
+                    26:ca:17:b8:c9:7a:87:56:2c:1a:01:1e:6c:be:13:
+                    ad:10:ac:b5:24:f5:38:91:a1:d6:4b:da:f1:bb:d2:
+                    de:47:b5:f1:bc:81:f6:59:6b:cf:19:53:e9:8d:15:
+                    cb:4a:cb:a9:6f:44:e5:1b:41:cf:e1:86:a7:ca:d0:
+                    6a:9f:bc:4c:8d:06:33:5a:a2:85:e5:90:35:a0:62:
+                    5c:16:4e:f0:e3:a2:fa:03:1a:b4:2c:71:b3:58:2c:
+                    de:7b:0b:db:1a:0f:eb:de:21:1f:06:77:06:03:b0:
+                    c9:ef:99:fc:c0:b9:4f:0b:86:28:fe:d2:b9:ea:e3:
+                    da:a5:c3:47:69:12:e0:db:f0:f6:19:8b:ed:7b:70:
+                    d7:02:d6:ed:87:18:28:2c:04:24:4c:77:e4:48:8a:
+                    1a:c6:3b:9a:d4:0f:ca:fa:75:d2:01:40:5a:8d:79:
+                    bf:8b:cf:4b:cf:aa:16:c1:95:e4:ad:4c:8a:3e:17:
+                    91:d4:b1:62:e5:82:e5:80:04:a4:03:7e:8d:bf:da:
+                    7f:a2:0f:97:4f:0c:d3:0d:fb:d7:d1:e5:72:7e:1c:
+                    c8:77:ff:5b:9a:0f:b7:ae:05:46:e5:f1:a8:16:ec:
+                    47:a4:17
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: 
+                email:info@izenpe.com, DirName:/O=IZENPE S.A. - CIF A01337260-RMerc.Vitoria-Gasteiz T1055 F62 S8/street=Avda del Mediterraneo Etorbidea 14 - 01010 Vitoria-Gasteiz
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                1D:1C:65:0E:A8:F2:25:7B:B4:91:CF:E4:B1:B1:E6:BD:55:74:6C:05
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         78:a6:0c:16:4a:9f:4c:88:3a:c0:cb:0e:a5:16:7d:9f:b9:48:
+         5f:18:8f:0d:62:36:f6:cd:19:6b:ac:ab:d5:f6:91:7d:ae:71:
+         f3:3f:b3:0e:78:85:9b:95:a4:27:21:47:42:4a:7c:48:3a:f5:
+         45:7c:b3:0c:8e:51:78:ac:95:13:de:c6:fd:7d:b8:1a:90:4c:
+         ab:92:03:c7:ed:42:01:ce:0f:d8:b1:fa:a2:92:e1:60:6d:ae:
+         7a:6b:09:aa:c6:29:ee:68:49:67:30:80:24:7a:31:16:39:5b:
+         7e:f1:1c:2e:dd:6c:09:ad:f2:31:c1:82:4e:b9:bb:f9:be:bf:
+         2a:85:3f:c0:40:a3:3a:59:fc:59:4b:3c:28:24:db:b4:15:75:
+         ae:0d:88:ba:2e:73:c0:bd:58:87:e5:42:f2:eb:5e:ee:1e:30:
+         22:99:cb:37:d1:c4:21:6c:81:ec:be:6d:26:e6:1c:e4:42:20:
+         9e:47:b0:ac:83:59:70:2c:35:d6:af:36:34:b4:cd:3b:f8:32:
+         a8:ef:e3:78:89:fb:8d:45:2c:da:9c:b8:7e:40:1c:61:e7:3e:
+         a2:92:2c:4b:f2:cd:fa:98:b6:29:ff:f3:f2:7b:a9:1f:2e:a0:
+         93:57:2b:de:85:03:f9:69:37:cb:9e:78:6a:05:b4:c5:31:78:
+         89:ec:7a:a7:85:e1:b9:7b:3c:de:be:1e:79:84:ce:9f:70:0e:
+         59:c2:35:2e:90:2a:31:d9:e4:45:7a:41:a4:2e:13:9b:34:0e:
+         66:7b:49:ab:64:97:d0:46:c3:79:9d:72:50:63:a6:98:5b:06:
+         bd:48:6d:d8:39:83:70:e8:35:f0:05:d1:aa:bc:e3:db:c8:02:
+         ea:7c:fd:82:da:c2:5b:52:35:ae:98:3a:ad:ba:35:93:23:a7:
+         1f:48:dd:35:46:98:b2:10:68:e4:a5:31:c2:0a:58:2e:19:81:
+         10:c9:50:75:fc:ea:5a:16:ce:11:d7:ee:ef:50:88:2d:61:ff:
+         3f:42:73:05:94:43:d5:8e:3c:4e:01:3a:19:a5:1f:46:4e:77:
+         d0:5d:e5:81:22:21:87:fe:94:7d:84:d8:93:ad:d6:68:43:48:
+         b2:db:eb:73:24:e7:91:7f:54:a4:b6:80:3e:9d:a3:3c:4c:72:
+         c2:57:c4:a0:d4:cc:38:27:ce:d5:06:9e:a2:48:d9:e9:9f:ce:
+         82:70:36:93:9a:3b:df:96:21:e3:59:b7:0c:da:91:37:f0:fd:
+         59:5a:b3:99:c8:69:6c:43:26:01:35:63:60:55:89:03:3a:75:
+         d8:ba:4a:d9:54:ff:ee:de:80:d8:2d:d1:38:d5:5e:2d:0b:98:
+         7d:3e:6c:db:fc:26:88:c7
+SHA1 Fingerprint=2F:78:3D:25:52:18:A7:4A:65:39:71:B5:2C:A2:9C:45:15:6F:E9:19
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/4be590e0.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/4be590e0.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..788aff7d9a4530657045e954b81bc5706517a4fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/4be590e0.0
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            0a:01:42:80:00:00:01:45:23:cf:46:7c:00:00:00:02
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Public Sector Root CA 1
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan 16 17:53:32 2014 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 16 17:53:32 2034 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Public Sector Root CA 1
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b6:22:94:fc:a4:48:af:e8:47:6b:0a:fb:27:76:
+                    e4:f2:3f:8a:3b:7a:4a:2c:31:2a:8c:8d:b0:a9:c3:
+                    31:6b:a8:77:76:84:26:b6:ac:81:42:0d:08:eb:55:
+                    58:bb:7a:f8:bc:65:7d:f2:a0:6d:8b:a8:47:e9:62:
+                    76:1e:11:ee:08:14:d1:b2:44:16:f4:ea:d0:fa:1e:
+                    2f:5e:db:cb:73:41:ae:bc:00:b0:4a:2b:40:b2:ac:
+                    e1:3b:4b:c2:2d:9d:e4:a1:9b:ec:1a:3a:1e:f0:08:
+                    b3:d0:e4:24:35:07:9f:9c:b4:c9:52:6d:db:07:ca:
+                    8f:b5:5b:f0:83:f3:4f:c7:2d:a5:c8:ad:cb:95:20:
+                    a4:31:28:57:58:5a:e4:8d:1b:9a:ab:9e:0d:0c:f2:
+                    0a:33:39:22:39:0a:97:2e:f3:53:77:b9:44:45:fd:
+                    84:cb:36:20:81:59:2d:9a:6f:6d:48:48:61:ca:4c:
+                    df:53:d1:af:52:bc:44:9f:ab:2f:6b:83:72:ef:75:
+                    80:da:06:33:1b:5d:c8:da:63:c6:4d:cd:ac:66:31:
+                    cd:d1:de:3e:87:10:36:e1:b9:a4:7a:ef:60:50:b2:
+                    cb:ca:a6:56:e0:37:af:ab:34:13:39:25:e8:39:66:
+                    e4:98:7a:aa:12:98:9c:59:66:86:3e:ad:f1:b0:ca:
+                    3e:06:0f:7b:f0:11:4b:37:a0:44:6d:7b:cb:a8:8c:
+                    71:f4:d5:b5:91:36:cc:f0:15:c6:2b:de:51:17:b1:
+                    97:4c:50:3d:b1:95:59:7c:05:7d:2d:21:d5:00:bf:
+                    01:67:a2:5e:7b:a6:5c:f2:f7:22:f1:90:0d:93:db:
+                    aa:44:51:66:cc:7d:76:03:eb:6a:a8:2a:38:19:97:
+                    76:0d:6b:8a:61:f9:bc:f6:ee:76:fd:70:2b:dd:29:
+                    3c:f8:0a:1e:5b:42:1c:8b:56:2f:55:1b:1c:a1:2e:
+                    b5:c7:16:e6:f8:aa:3c:92:8e:69:b6:01:c1:b5:86:
+                    9d:89:0f:0b:38:94:54:e8:ea:dc:9e:3d:25:bc:53:
+                    26:ed:d5:ab:39:aa:c5:40:4c:54:ab:b2:b4:d9:d9:
+                    f8:d7:72:db:1c:bc:6d:bd:65:5f:ef:88:35:2a:66:
+                    2f:ee:f6:b3:65:f0:33:8d:7c:98:41:69:46:0f:43:
+                    1c:69:fa:9b:b5:d0:61:6a:cd:ca:4b:d9:4c:90:46:
+                    ab:15:59:a1:47:54:29:2e:83:28:5f:1c:c2:a2:ab:
+                    72:17:00:06:8e:45:ec:8b:e2:33:3d:7f:da:19:44:
+                    e4:62:72:c3:df:22:c6:f2:56:d4:dd:5f:95:72:ed:
+                    6d:5f:f7:48:03:5b:fd:c5:2a:a0:f6:73:23:84:10:
+                    1b:01:e7
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                E3:71:E0:9E:D8:A7:42:D9:DB:71:91:6B:94:93:EB:C3:A3:D1:14:A3
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         47:fa:dd:0a:b0:11:91:38:ad:4d:5d:f7:e5:0e:97:54:19:82:
+         48:87:54:8c:aa:64:99:d8:5a:fe:88:01:c5:58:a5:99:b1:23:
+         54:23:b7:6a:1d:20:57:e5:01:62:41:17:d3:09:db:75:cb:6e:
+         54:90:75:fe:1a:9f:81:0a:c2:dd:d7:f7:09:d0:5b:72:15:e4:
+         1e:09:6a:3d:33:f3:21:9a:e6:15:7e:ad:51:d5:0d:10:ed:7d:
+         42:c0:8f:ee:c0:9a:08:d5:41:d6:5c:0e:21:69:6e:80:61:0e:
+         15:c0:b8:cf:c5:49:12:52:cc:be:3a:cc:d4:2e:38:05:de:35:
+         fd:1f:6f:b8:80:68:98:3d:4d:a0:ca:40:65:d2:73:7c:f5:8b:
+         d9:0a:95:3f:d8:3f:23:6d:1a:d1:2a:24:19:d9:85:b3:17:ef:
+         78:6e:a9:58:d1:23:d3:c7:13:ed:72:25:7f:5d:b1:73:70:d0:
+         7f:06:97:09:84:29:80:61:1d:fa:5e:ff:73:ac:a0:e3:89:b8:
+         1c:71:15:c6:de:31:7f:12:dc:e1:6d:9b:af:e7:e8:9f:75:78:
+         4c:ab:46:3b:9a:ce:bf:05:18:5d:4d:15:3c:16:9a:19:50:04:
+         9a:b2:9a:6f:65:8b:52:5f:3c:58:04:28:25:c0:66:61:31:7e:
+         b9:e0:75:b9:1a:a8:81:d6:72:17:b3:c5:03:31:35:11:78:78:
+         a2:e0:e9:30:8c:7f:80:df:58:df:3c:ba:27:96:e2:80:34:6d:
+         e3:98:d3:64:27:ac:48:7e:28:77:5c:c6:25:61:25:f8:85:0c:
+         65:fa:c4:32:2f:a5:98:05:e4:f8:0b:67:16:16:c6:82:b8:32:
+         19:f9:f9:b9:79:dc:1f:cd:eb:af:ab:0e:dd:1b:db:45:e4:7a:
+         e7:02:e2:95:5d:fc:69:f0:53:69:61:95:75:79:0b:5e:55:e6:
+         38:1c:94:a9:59:33:9e:c8:71:74:79:7f:51:89:b6:c8:6a:b8:
+         30:c8:6a:38:c3:6e:9e:e1:37:16:ea:05:62:4c:5b:12:47:ed:
+         a7:b4:b3:58:56:c7:49:f3:7f:12:68:09:31:71:f0:6d:f8:4e:
+         47:fb:d6:85:ee:c5:58:40:19:a4:1d:a7:f9:4b:43:37:dc:68:
+         5a:4f:cf:eb:c2:64:74:de:b4:15:d9:f4:54:54:1a:2f:1c:d7:
+         97:71:54:90:8e:d9:20:9d:53:2b:7f:ab:8f:e2:ea:30:bc:50:
+         37:ef:f1:47:b5:7d:7c:2c:04:ec:68:9d:b4:49:44:10:f4:72:
+         4b:1c:64:e7:fc:e6:6b:90:dd:69:7d:69:fd:00:56:a5:b7:ac:
+         b6:ad:b7:ca:3e:01:ef:9c
+SHA1 Fingerprint=BA:29:41:60:77:98:3F:F4:F3:EF:F2:31:05:3B:2E:EA:6D:4D:45:FD
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/4e18c148.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/4e18c148.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..23828ec87d1fb9854ea97bd506f1f13dc7c2864c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/4e18c148.0
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 38 (0x26)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=DE, O=Deutsche Telekom AG, OU=T-TeleSec Trust Center, CN=Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jul  9 12:11:00 1999 GMT
+            Not After : Jul  9 23:59:00 2019 GMT
+        Subject: C=DE, O=Deutsche Telekom AG, OU=T-TeleSec Trust Center, CN=Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ab:0b:a3:35:e0:8b:29:14:b1:14:85:af:3c:10:
+                    e4:39:6f:35:5d:4a:ae:dd:ea:61:8d:95:49:f4:6f:
+                    64:a3:1a:60:66:a4:a9:40:22:84:d9:d4:a5:e5:78:
+                    93:0e:68:01:ad:b9:4d:5c:3a:ce:d3:b8:a8:42:40:
+                    df:cf:a3:ba:82:59:6a:92:1b:ac:1c:9a:da:08:2b:
+                    25:27:f9:69:23:47:f1:e0:eb:2c:7a:9b:f5:13:02:
+                    d0:7e:34:7c:c2:9e:3c:00:59:ab:f5:da:0c:f5:32:
+                    3c:2b:ac:50:da:d6:c3:de:83:94:ca:a8:0c:99:32:
+                    0e:08:48:56:5b:6a:fb:da:e1:58:58:01:49:5f:72:
+                    41:3c:15:06:01:8e:5d:ad:aa:b8:93:b4:cd:9e:eb:
+                    a7:e8:6a:2d:52:34:db:3a:ef:5c:75:51:da:db:f3:
+                    31:f9:ee:71:98:32:c4:54:15:44:0c:f9:9b:55:ed:
+                    ad:df:18:08:a0:a3:86:8a:49:ee:53:05:8f:19:4c:
+                    d5:de:58:79:9b:d2:6a:1c:42:ab:c5:d5:a7:cf:68:
+                    0f:96:e4:e1:61:98:76:61:c8:91:7c:d6:3e:00:e2:
+                    91:50:87:e1:9d:0a:e6:ad:97:d2:1d:c6:3a:7d:cb:
+                    bc:da:03:34:d5:8e:5b:01:f5:6a:07:b7:16:b6:6e:
+                    4a:7f
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                31:C3:79:1B:BA:F5:53:D7:17:E0:89:7A:2D:17:6C:0A:B3:2B:9D:33
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
+                CA:TRUE, pathlen:5
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         94:64:59:ad:39:64:e7:29:eb:13:fe:5a:c3:8b:13:57:c8:04:
+         24:f0:74:77:c0:60:e3:67:fb:e9:89:a6:83:bf:96:82:7c:6e:
+         d4:c3:3d:ef:9e:80:6e:bb:29:b4:98:7a:b1:3b:54:eb:39:17:
+         47:7e:1a:8e:0b:fc:1f:31:59:31:04:b2:ce:17:f3:2c:c7:62:
+         36:55:e2:22:d8:89:55:b4:98:48:aa:64:fa:d6:1c:36:d8:44:
+         78:5a:5a:23:3a:57:97:f5:7a:30:4f:ae:9f:6a:4c:4b:2b:8e:
+         a0:03:e3:3e:e0:a9:d4:d2:7b:d2:b3:a8:e2:72:3c:ad:9e:ff:
+         80:59:e4:9b:45:b4:f6:3b:b0:cd:39:19:98:32:e5:ea:21:61:
+         90:e4:31:21:8e:34:b1:f7:2f:35:4a:85:10:da:e7:8a:37:21:
+         be:59:63:e0:f2:85:88:31:53:d4:54:14:85:70:79:f4:2e:06:
+         77:27:75:2f:1f:b8:8a:f9:fe:c5:ba:d8:36:e4:83:ec:e7:65:
+         b7:bf:63:5a:f3:46:af:81:94:37:d4:41:8c:d6:23:d6:1e:cf:
+         f5:68:1b:44:63:a2:5a:ba:a7:35:59:a1:e5:70:05:9b:0e:23:
+         57:99:94:0a:6d:ba:39:63:28:86:92:f3:18:84:d8:fb:d1:cf:
+         05:56:64:57
+SHA1 Fingerprint=85:A4:08:C0:9C:19:3E:5D:51:58:7D:CD:D6:13:30:FD:8C:DE:37:BF
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/5046c355.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/5046c355.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..229de34cad46fcdb555ca9a31e922f3e01de5816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/5046c355.0
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 5700383053117599563 (0x4f1bd42f54bb2f4b)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=CH, O=SwissSign AG, CN=SwissSign Silver CA - G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Oct 25 08:32:46 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Oct 25 08:32:46 2036 GMT
+        Subject: C=CH, O=SwissSign AG, CN=SwissSign Silver CA - G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c4:f1:87:7f:d3:78:31:f7:38:c9:f8:c3:99:43:
+                    bc:c7:f7:bc:37:e7:4e:71:ba:4b:8f:a5:73:1d:5c:
+                    6e:98:ae:03:57:ae:38:37:43:2f:17:3d:1f:c8:ce:
+                    68:10:c1:78:ae:19:03:2b:10:fa:2c:79:83:f6:e8:
+                    b9:68:b9:55:f2:04:44:a7:39:f9:fc:04:8b:1e:f1:
+                    a2:4d:27:f9:61:7b:ba:b7:e5:a2:13:b6:eb:61:3e:
+                    d0:6c:d1:e6:fb:fa:5e:ed:1d:b4:9e:a0:35:5b:a1:
+                    92:cb:f0:49:92:fe:85:0a:05:3e:e6:d9:0b:e2:4f:
+                    bb:dc:95:37:fc:91:e9:32:35:22:d1:1f:3a:4e:27:
+                    85:9d:b0:15:94:32:da:61:0d:47:4d:60:42:ae:92:
+                    47:e8:83:5a:50:58:e9:8a:8b:b9:5d:a1:dc:dd:99:
+                    4a:1f:36:67:bb:48:e4:83:b6:37:eb:48:3a:af:0f:
+                    67:8f:17:07:e8:04:ca:ef:6a:31:87:d4:c0:b6:f9:
+                    94:71:7b:67:64:b8:b6:91:4a:42:7b:65:2e:30:6a:
+                    0c:f5:90:ee:95:e6:f2:cd:82:ec:d9:a1:4a:ec:f6:
+                    b2:4b:e5:45:85:e6:6d:78:93:04:2e:9c:82:6d:36:
+                    a9:c4:31:64:1f:86:83:0b:2a:f4:35:0a:78:c9:55:
+                    cf:41:b0:47:e9:30:9f:99:be:61:a8:06:84:b9:28:
+                    7a:5f:38:d9:1b:a9:38:b0:83:7f:73:c1:c3:3b:48:
+                    2a:82:0f:21:9b:b8:cc:a8:35:c3:84:1b:83:b3:3e:
+                    be:a4:95:69:01:3a:89:00:78:04:d9:c9:f4:99:19:
+                    ab:56:7e:5b:8b:86:39:15:91:a4:10:2c:09:32:80:
+                    60:b3:93:c0:2a:b6:18:0b:9d:7e:8d:49:f2:10:4a:
+                    7f:f9:d5:46:2f:19:92:a3:99:a7:26:ac:bb:8c:3c:
+                    e6:0e:bc:47:07:dc:73:51:f1:70:64:2f:08:f9:b4:
+                    47:1d:30:6c:44:ea:29:37:85:92:68:66:bc:83:38:
+                    fe:7b:39:2e:d3:50:f0:1f:fb:5e:60:b6:a9:a6:fa:
+                    27:41:f1:9b:18:72:f2:f5:84:74:4a:c9:67:c4:54:
+                    ae:48:64:df:8c:d1:6e:b0:1d:e1:07:8f:08:1e:99:
+                    9c:71:e9:4c:d8:a5:f7:47:12:1f:74:d1:51:9e:86:
+                    f3:c2:a2:23:40:0b:73:db:4b:a6:e7:73:06:8c:c1:
+                    a0:e9:c1:59:ac:46:fa:e6:2f:f8:cf:71:9c:46:6d:
+                    b9:c4:15:8d:38:79:03:45:48:ef:c4:5d:d7:08:ee:
+                    87:39:22:86:b2:0d:0f:58:43:f7:71:a9:48:2e:fd:
+                    ea:d6:1f
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                17:A0:CD:C1:E4:41:B6:3A:5B:3B:CB:45:9D:BD:1C:C2:98:FA:86:58
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:17:A0:CD:C1:E4:41:B6:3A:5B:3B:CB:45:9D:BD:1C:C2:98:FA:86:58
+            X509v3 Certificate Policies: 
+                Policy: 2.16.756.
+                  CPS: http://repository.swisssign.com/
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         73:c6:81:e0:27:d2:2d:0f:e0:95:30:e2:9a:41:7f:50:2c:5f:
+         5f:62:61:a9:86:6a:69:18:0c:74:49:d6:5d:84:ea:41:52:18:
+         6f:58:ad:50:56:20:6a:c6:bd:28:69:58:91:dc:91:11:35:a9:
+         3a:1d:bc:1a:a5:60:9e:d8:1f:7f:45:91:69:d9:7e:bb:78:72:
+         c1:06:0f:2a:ce:8f:85:70:61:ac:a0:cd:0b:b8:39:29:56:84:
+         32:4e:86:bb:3d:c4:2a:d9:d7:1f:72:ee:fe:51:a1:22:41:b1:
+         71:02:63:1a:82:b0:62:ab:5e:57:12:1f:df:cb:dd:75:a0:c0:
+         5d:79:90:8c:1b:e0:50:e6:de:31:fe:98:7b:70:5f:a5:90:d8:
+         ad:f8:02:b6:6f:d3:60:dd:40:4b:22:c5:3d:ad:3a:7a:9f:1a:
+         1a:47:91:79:33:ba:82:dc:32:69:03:96:6e:1f:4b:f0:71:fe:
+         e3:67:72:a0:b1:bf:5c:8b:e4:fa:99:22:c7:84:b9:1b:8d:23:
+         97:3f:ed:25:e0:cf:65:bb:f5:61:04:ef:dd:1e:b2:5a:41:22:
+         5a:a1:9f:5d:2c:e8:5b:c9:6d:a9:0c:0c:78:aa:60:c6:56:8f:
+         01:5a:0c:68:bc:69:19:79:c4:1f:7e:97:05:bf:c5:e9:24:51:
+         5e:d4:d5:4b:53:ed:d9:23:5a:36:03:65:a3:c1:03:ad:41:30:
+         f3:46:1b:85:90:af:65:b5:d5:b1:e4:16:5b:78:75:1d:97:7a:
+         6d:59:a9:2a:8f:7b:de:c3:87:89:10:99:49:73:78:c8:3d:bd:
+         51:35:74:2a:d5:f1:7e:69:1b:2a:bb:3b:bd:25:b8:9a:5a:3d:
+         72:61:90:66:87:ee:0c:d6:4d:d4:11:74:0b:6a:fe:0b:03:fc:
+         a3:55:57:89:fe:4a:cb:ae:5b:17:05:c8:f2:8d:23:31:53:38:
+         d2:2d:6a:3f:82:b9:8d:08:6a:f7:5e:41:74:6e:c3:11:7e:07:
+         ac:29:60:91:3f:38:ca:57:10:0d:bd:30:2f:c7:a5:e6:41:a0:
+         da:ae:05:87:9a:a0:a4:65:6c:4c:09:0c:89:ba:b8:d3:b9:c0:
+         93:8a:30:fa:8d:e5:9a:6b:15:01:4e:67:aa:da:62:56:3e:84:
+         08:66:d2:c4:36:7d:a7:3e:10:fc:88:e0:d4:80:e5:00:bd:aa:
+         f3:4e:06:a3:7a:6a:f9:62:72:e3:09:4f:eb:9b:0e:01:23:f1:
+         9f:bb:7c:dc:dc:6c:11:97:25:b2:f2:b4:63:14:d2:06:2a:67:
+         8c:83:f5:ce:ea:07:d8:9a:6a:1e:ec:e4:0a:bb:2a:4c:eb:09:
+         60:39:ce:ca:62:d8:2e:6e
+SHA1 Fingerprint=9B:AA:E5:9F:56:EE:21:CB:43:5A:BE:25:93:DF:A7:F0:40:D1:1D:CB
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/524d9b43.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/524d9b43.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0fa8453f54d99424e2a3b9f72400e18ed553aa6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/524d9b43.0
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            40:1a:c4:64:21:b3:13:21:03:0e:bb:e4:12:1a:c5:1d
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 2008 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Apr  2 00:00:00 2008 GMT
+            Not After : Dec  1 23:59:59 2037 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 2008 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c7:61:37:5e:b1:01:34:db:62:d7:15:9b:ff:58:
+                    5a:8c:23:23:d6:60:8e:91:d7:90:98:83:7a:e6:58:
+                    19:38:8c:c5:f6:e5:64:85:b4:a2:71:fb:ed:bd:b9:
+                    da:cd:4d:00:b4:c8:2d:73:a5:c7:69:71:95:1f:39:
+                    3c:b2:44:07:9c:e8:0e:fa:4d:4a:c4:21:df:29:61:
+                    8f:32:22:61:82:c5:87:1f:6e:8c:7c:5f:16:20:51:
+                    44:d1:70:4f:57:ea:e3:1c:e3:cc:79:ee:58:d8:0e:
+                    c2:b3:45:93:c0:2c:e7:9a:17:2b:7b:00:37:7a:41:
+                    33:78:e1:33:e2:f3:10:1a:7f:87:2c:be:f6:f5:f7:
+                    42:e2:e5:bf:87:62:89:5f:00:4b:df:c5:dd:e4:75:
+                    44:32:41:3a:1e:71:6e:69:cb:0b:75:46:08:d1:ca:
+                    d2:2b:95:d0:cf:fb:b9:40:6b:64:8c:57:4d:fc:13:
+                    11:79:84:ed:5e:54:f6:34:9f:08:01:f3:10:25:06:
+                    17:4a:da:f1:1d:7a:66:6b:98:60:66:a4:d9:ef:d2:
+                    2e:82:f1:f0:ef:09:ea:44:c9:15:6a:e2:03:6e:33:
+                    d3:ac:9f:55:00:c7:f6:08:6a:94:b9:5f:dc:e0:33:
+                    f1:84:60:f9:5b:27:11:b4:fc:16:f2:bb:56:6a:80:
+                    25:8d
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+                0_.].[0Y0W0U..image/gif0!0.0...+..............k...j.H.,{..0%.#http://logo.verisign.com/vslogo.gif
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                B6:77:FA:69:48:47:9F:53:12:D5:C2:EA:07:32:76:07:D1:97:07:19
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         4a:f8:f8:b0:03:e6:2c:67:7b:e4:94:77:63:cc:6e:4c:f9:7d:
+         0e:0d:dc:c8:b9:35:b9:70:4f:63:fa:24:fa:6c:83:8c:47:9d:
+         3b:63:f3:9a:f9:76:32:95:91:b1:77:bc:ac:9a:be:b1:e4:31:
+         21:c6:81:95:56:5a:0e:b1:c2:d4:b1:a6:59:ac:f1:63:cb:b8:
+         4c:1d:59:90:4a:ef:90:16:28:1f:5a:ae:10:fb:81:50:38:0c:
+         6c:cc:f1:3d:c3:f5:63:e3:b3:e3:21:c9:24:39:e9:fd:15:66:
+         46:f4:1b:11:d0:4d:73:a3:7d:46:f9:3d:ed:a8:5f:62:d4:f1:
+         3f:f8:e0:74:57:2b:18:9d:81:b4:c4:28:da:94:97:a5:70:eb:
+         ac:1d:be:07:11:f0:d5:db:dd:e5:8c:f0:d5:32:b0:83:e6:57:
+         e2:8f:bf:be:a1:aa:bf:3d:1d:b5:d4:38:ea:d7:b0:5c:3a:4f:
+         6a:3f:8f:c0:66:6c:63:aa:e9:d9:a4:16:f4:81:d1:95:14:0e:
+         7d:cd:95:34:d9:d2:8f:70:73:81:7b:9c:7e:bd:98:61:d8:45:
+         87:98:90:c5:eb:86:30:c6:35:bf:f0:ff:c3:55:88:83:4b:ef:
+         05:92:06:71:f2:b8:98:93:b7:ec:cd:82:61:f1:38:e6:4f:97:
+         98:2a:5a:8d
+SHA1 Fingerprint=36:79:CA:35:66:87:72:30:4D:30:A5:FB:87:3B:0F:A7:7B:B7:0D:54
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/52b525c7.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/52b525c7.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..98adef0ef163dd516550d23e5ae760e64f451944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/52b525c7.0
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            78:58:5f:2e:ad:2c:19:4b:e3:37:07:35:34:13:28:b5:96:d4:65:93
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 1 G3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan 12 17:27:44 2012 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 12 17:27:44 2042 GMT
+        Subject: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 1 G3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:a0:be:50:10:8e:e9:f2:6c:40:b4:04:9c:85:b9:
+                    31:ca:dc:2d:e4:11:a9:04:3c:1b:55:c1:e7:58:30:
+                    1d:24:b4:c3:ef:85:de:8c:2c:e1:c1:3d:df:82:e6:
+                    4f:ad:47:87:6c:ec:5b:49:c1:4a:d5:bb:8f:ec:87:
+                    ac:7f:82:9a:86:ec:3d:03:99:52:01:d2:35:9e:ac:
+                    da:f0:53:c9:66:3c:d4:ac:02:01:da:24:d3:3b:a8:
+                    02:46:af:a4:1c:e3:f8:73:58:76:b7:f6:0e:90:0d:
+                    b5:f0:cf:cc:fa:f9:c6:4c:e5:c3:86:30:0a:8d:17:
+                    7e:35:eb:c5:df:bb:0e:9c:c0:8d:87:e3:88:38:85:
+                    67:fa:3e:c7:ab:e0:13:9c:05:18:98:cf:93:f5:b1:
+                    92:b4:fc:23:d3:cf:d5:c4:27:49:e0:9e:3c:9b:08:
+                    a3:8b:5d:2a:21:e0:fc:39:aa:53:da:7d:7e:cf:1a:
+                    09:53:bc:5d:05:04:cf:a1:4a:8f:8b:76:82:0d:a1:
+                    f8:d2:c7:14:77:5b:90:36:07:81:9b:3e:06:fa:52:
+                    5e:63:c5:a6:00:fe:a5:e9:52:1b:52:b5:92:39:72:
+                    03:09:62:bd:b0:60:16:6e:a6:dd:25:c2:03:66:dd:
+                    f3:04:d1:40:e2:4e:8b:86:f4:6f:e5:83:a0:27:84:
+                    5e:04:c1:f5:90:bd:30:3d:c4:ef:a8:69:bc:38:9b:
+                    a4:a4:96:d1:62:da:69:c0:01:96:ae:cb:c4:51:34:
+                    ea:0c:aa:ff:21:8e:59:8f:4a:5c:e4:61:9a:a7:d2:
+                    e9:2a:78:8d:51:3d:3a:15:ee:a2:59:8e:a9:5c:de:
+                    c5:f9:90:22:e5:88:45:71:dd:91:99:6c:7a:9f:3d:
+                    3d:98:7c:5e:f6:be:16:68:a0:5e:ae:0b:23:fc:5a:
+                    0f:aa:22:76:2d:c9:a1:10:1d:e4:d3:44:23:90:88:
+                    9f:c6:2a:e6:d7:f5:9a:b3:58:1e:2f:30:89:08:1b:
+                    54:a2:b5:98:23:ec:08:77:1c:95:5d:61:d1:cb:89:
+                    9c:5f:a2:4a:91:9a:ef:21:aa:49:16:08:a8:bd:61:
+                    28:31:c9:74:ad:85:f6:d9:c5:b1:8b:d1:e5:10:32:
+                    4d:5f:8b:20:3a:3c:49:1f:33:85:59:0d:db:cb:09:
+                    75:43:69:73:fb:6b:71:7d:f0:df:c4:4c:7d:c6:a3:
+                    2e:c8:95:79:cb:73:a2:8e:4e:4d:24:fb:5e:e4:04:
+                    be:72:1b:a6:27:2d:49:5a:99:7a:d7:5c:09:20:b7:
+                    7f:94:b9:4f:f1:0d:1c:5e:88:42:1b:11:b7:e7:91:
+                    db:9e:6c:f4:6a:df:8c:06:98:03:ad:cc:28:ef:a5:
+                    47:f3:53
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                A3:97:D6:F3:5E:A2:10:E1:AB:45:9F:3C:17:64:3C:EE:01:70:9C:CC
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         18:fa:5b:75:fc:3e:7a:c7:5f:77:c7:ca:df:cf:5f:c3:12:c4:
+         40:5d:d4:32:aa:b8:6a:d7:d5:15:15:46:98:23:a5:e6:90:5b:
+         18:99:4c:e3:ad:42:a3:82:31:36:88:cd:e9:fb:c4:04:96:48:
+         8b:01:c7:8d:01:cf:5b:33:06:96:46:66:74:1d:4f:ed:c1:b6:
+         b9:b4:0d:61:cc:63:7e:d7:2e:77:8c:96:1c:2a:23:68:6b:85:
+         57:76:70:33:13:fe:e1:4f:a6:23:77:18:fa:1a:8c:e8:bd:65:
+         c9:cf:3f:f4:c9:17:dc:eb:c7:bc:c0:04:2e:2d:46:2f:69:66:
+         c3:1b:8f:fe:ec:3e:d3:ca:94:bf:76:0a:25:0d:a9:7b:02:1c:
+         a9:d0:3b:5f:0b:c0:81:3a:3d:64:e1:bf:a7:2d:4e:bd:4d:c4:
+         d8:29:c6:22:18:d0:c5:ac:72:02:82:3f:aa:3a:a2:3a:22:97:
+         31:dd:08:63:c3:75:14:b9:60:28:2d:5b:68:e0:16:a9:66:82:
+         23:51:f5:eb:53:d8:31:9b:7b:e9:b7:9d:4b:eb:88:16:cf:f9:
+         5d:38:8a:49:30:8f:ed:f1:eb:19:f4:77:1a:31:18:4d:67:54:
+         6c:2f:6f:65:f9:db:3d:ec:21:ec:5e:f4:f4:8b:ca:60:65:54:
+         d1:71:64:f4:f9:a6:a3:81:33:36:33:71:f0:a4:78:5f:4e:ad:
+         83:21:de:34:49:8d:e8:59:ac:9d:f2:76:5a:36:f2:13:f4:af:
+         e0:09:c7:61:2a:6c:f7:e0:9d:ae:bb:86:4a:28:6f:2e:ee:b4:
+         79:cd:90:33:c3:b3:76:fa:f5:f0:6c:9d:01:90:fa:9e:90:f6:
+         9c:72:cf:47:da:c3:1f:e4:35:20:53:f2:54:d1:df:61:83:a6:
+         02:e2:25:38:de:85:32:2d:5e:73:90:52:5d:42:c4:ce:3d:4b:
+         e1:f9:19:84:1d:d5:a2:50:cc:41:fb:41:14:c3:bd:d6:c9:5a:
+         a3:63:66:02:80:bd:05:3a:3b:47:9c:ec:00:26:4c:f5:88:51:
+         bf:a8:23:7f:18:07:b0:0b:ed:8b:26:a1:64:d3:61:4a:eb:5c:
+         9f:de:b3:af:67:03:b3:1f:dd:6d:5d:69:68:69:ab:5e:3a:ec:
+         7c:69:bc:c7:3b:85:4e:9e:15:b9:b4:15:4f:c3:95:7a:58:d7:
+         c9:6c:e9:6c:b9:f3:29:63:5e:b4:2c:f0:2d:3d:ed:5a:65:e0:
+         a9:5b:40:c2:48:99:81:6d:9e:1f:06:2a:3c:12:b4:8b:0f:9b:
+         a2:24:f0:a6:8d:d6:7a:e0:4b:b6:64:96:63:95:84:c2:4a:cd:
+         1c:2e:24:87:33:60:e5:c3
+SHA1 Fingerprint=1B:8E:EA:57:96:29:1A:C9:39:EA:B8:0A:81:1A:73:73:C0:93:79:67
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/559f7c71.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/559f7c71.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c37db955e18405d5d66679e839b984dac0e8e513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/559f7c71.0
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            11:20:e6:f8:4c:fc:24:b0:be:05:40:ac:da:83:1b:34:60:3f
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=FR, O=OpenTrust, CN=OpenTrust Root CA G3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 26 00:00:00 2014 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 15 00:00:00 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=FR, O=OpenTrust, CN=OpenTrust Root CA G3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:4a:ee:58:ae:4d:ca:66:de:06:3a:a3:11:fc:e0:
+                    18:f0:6e:1c:ba:2d:30:0c:89:d9:d6:ee:9b:73:83:
+                    a9:23:15:8c:2f:59:8a:5a:dd:14:ea:9d:59:2b:43:
+                    b7:06:ec:32:b6:ba:ee:41:b5:ad:5d:a1:85:cc:ea:
+                    1d:14:66:a3:67:7e:46:e2:94:f3:e7:b6:56:a1:15:
+                    59:a1:4f:37:97:b9:22:1e:bd:11:eb:f4:b2:1f:5e:
+                    c3:14:9a:e5:d9:97:99
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                47:77:C3:14:8B:62:39:0C:C9:6F:E1:50:4D:D0:10:58:DC:95:88:6D
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:47:77:C3:14:8B:62:39:0C:C9:6F:E1:50:4D:D0:10:58:DC:95:88:6D
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:66:02:31:00:8f:a8:dc:9d:ba:0c:04:17:fa:15:e9:3d:2f:
+         29:01:97:bf:81:16:33:40:93:6c:fc:f9:ed:80:70:6f:aa:8f:
+         db:84:c2:8b:f5:35:ca:06:dc:64:6f:68:16:e1:8f:91:b9:02:
+         31:00:d8:4b:a5:cb:c2:d0:08:6c:e9:18:fb:5a:dd:4d:5f:24:
+         0b:b0:00:21:25:ef:8f:a7:04:26:71:e2:7c:69:e5:5d:9a:f8:
+         41:1f:3b:39:93:93:9d:55:ea:cd:8d:f1:fb:c1
+SHA1 Fingerprint=6E:26:64:F3:56:BF:34:55:BF:D1:93:3F:7C:01:DE:D8:13:DA:8A:A6
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/583d0756.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/583d0756.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..65a1ae8eb9c7bd8fbb13ecbc16eb301ca1b79744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/583d0756.0
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 6248227494352943350 (0x56b629cd34bc78f6)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=Texas, L=Houston, O=SSL Corporation, CN=SSL.com EV Root Certification Authority RSA R2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 31 18:14:37 2017 GMT
+            Not After : May 30 18:14:37 2042 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=Texas, L=Houston, O=SSL Corporation, CN=SSL.com EV Root Certification Authority RSA R2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:8f:36:65:40:e1:d6:4d:c0:d7:b4:e9:46:da:6b:
+                    ea:33:47:cd:4c:f9:7d:7d:be:bd:2d:3d:f0:db:78:
+                    e1:86:a5:d9:ba:09:57:68:ed:57:3e:a0:d0:08:41:
+                    83:e7:28:41:24:1f:e3:72:15:d0:01:1a:fb:5e:70:
+                    23:b2:cb:9f:39:e3:cf:c5:4e:c6:92:6d:26:c6:7b:
+                    bb:b3:da:27:9d:0a:86:e9:81:37:05:fe:f0:71:71:
+                    ec:c3:1c:e9:63:a2:17:14:9d:ef:1b:67:d3:85:55:
+                    02:02:d6:49:c9:cc:5a:e1:b1:f7:6f:32:9f:c9:d4:
+                    3b:88:41:a8:9c:bd:cb:ab:db:6d:7b:09:1f:a2:4c:
+                    72:90:da:2b:08:fc:cf:3c:54:ce:67:0f:a8:cf:5d:
+                    96:19:0b:c4:e3:72:eb:ad:d1:7d:1d:27:ef:92:eb:
+                    10:bf:5b:eb:3b:af:cf:80:dd:c1:d2:96:04:5b:7a:
+                    7e:a4:a9:3c:38:76:a4:62:8e:a0:39:5e:ea:77:cf:
+                    5d:00:59:8f:66:2c:3e:07:a2:a3:05:26:11:69:97:
+                    ea:85:b7:0f:96:0b:4b:c8:40:e1:50:ba:2e:8a:cb:
+                    f7:0f:9a:22:e7:7f:9a:37:13:cd:f2:4d:13:6b:21:
+                    d1:c0:cc:22:f2:a1:46:f6:44:69:9c:ca:61:35:07:
+                    00:6f:d6:61:08:11:ea:ba:b8:f6:e9:b3:60:e5:4d:
+                    b9:ec:9f:14:66:c9:57:58:db:cd:87:69:f8:8a:86:
+                    12:03:47:bf:66:13:76:ac:77:7d:34:24:85:83:cd:
+                    d7:aa:9c:90:1a:9f:21:2c:7f:78:b7:64:b8:d8:e8:
+                    a6:f4:78:b3:55:cb:84:d2:32:c4:78:ae:a3:8f:61:
+                    dd:ce:08:53:ad:ec:88:fc:15:e4:9a:0d:e6:9f:1a:
+                    77:ce:4c:8f:b8:14:15:3d:62:9c:86:38:06:00:66:
+                    12:e4:59:76:5a:53:c0:02:98:a2:10:2b:68:44:7b:
+                    8e:79:ce:33:4a:76:aa:5b:81:16:1b:b5:8a:d8:d0:
+                    00:7b:5e:62:b4:09:d6:86:63:0e:a6:05:95:49:ba:
+                    28:8b:88:93:b2:34:1c:d8:a4:55:6e:b7:1c:d0:de:
+                    99:55:3b:23:f4:22:e0:f9:29:66:26:ec:20:50:77:
+                    db:4a:0b:8f:be:e5:02:60:70:41:5e:d4:ae:50:39:
+                    22:14:26:cb:b2:3b:73:74:55:47:07:79:81:39:a8:
+                    30:13:44:e5:04:8a:ae:96:13:25:42:0f:b9:53:c4:
+                    9b:fc:cd:e4:1c:de:3c:fa:ab:d6:06:4a:1f:67:a6:
+                    98:30:1c:dd:2c:db:dc:18:95:57:66:c6:ff:5c:8b:
+                    56:f5:77
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:F9:60:BB:D4:E3:D5:34:F6:B8:F5:06:80:25:A7:73:DB:46:69:A8:9E
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                F9:60:BB:D4:E3:D5:34:F6:B8:F5:06:80:25:A7:73:DB:46:69:A8:9E
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         56:b3:8e:cb:0a:9d:49:8e:bf:a4:c4:91:bb:66:17:05:51:98:
+         75:fb:e5:50:2c:7a:9e:f1:14:fa:ab:d3:8a:3e:ff:91:29:8f:
+         63:8b:d8:b4:a9:54:01:0d:be:93:86:2f:f9:4a:6d:c7:5e:f5:
+         57:f9:ca:55:1c:12:be:47:0f:36:c5:df:6a:b7:db:75:c2:47:
+         25:7f:b9:f1:63:f8:68:2d:55:04:d1:f2:8d:b0:a4:cf:bc:3c:
+         5e:1f:78:e7:a5:a0:20:70:b0:04:c5:b7:f7:72:a7:de:22:0d:
+         bd:33:25:46:8c:64:92:26:e3:3e:2e:63:96:da:9b:8c:3d:f8:
+         18:09:d7:03:cc:7d:86:82:e0:ca:04:07:51:50:d7:ff:92:d5:
+         0c:ef:da:86:9f:99:d7:eb:b7:af:68:e2:39:26:94:ba:68:b7:
+         bf:83:d3:ea:7a:67:3d:62:67:ae:25:e5:72:e8:e2:e4:ec:ae:
+         12:f6:4b:2b:3c:9f:e9:b0:40:f3:38:54:b3:fd:b7:68:c8:da:
+         c6:8f:51:3c:b2:fb:91:dc:1c:e7:9b:9d:e1:b7:0d:72:8f:e2:
+         a4:c4:a9:78:f9:eb:14:ac:c6:43:05:c2:65:39:28:18:02:c3:
+         82:b2:9d:05:be:65:ed:96:5f:65:74:3c:fb:09:35:2e:7b:9c:
+         13:fd:1b:0f:5d:c7:6d:81:3a:56:0f:cc:3b:e1:af:02:2f:22:
+         ac:46:ca:46:3c:a0:1c:4c:d6:44:b4:5e:2e:5c:15:66:09:e1:
+         26:29:fe:c6:52:61:ba:b1:73:ff:c3:0c:9c:e5:6c:6a:94:3f:
+         14:ca:40:16:95:84:f3:59:a9:ac:5f:4c:61:93:6d:d1:3b:cc:
+         a2:95:0c:22:a6:67:67:44:2e:b9:d9:d2:8a:41:b3:66:0b:5a:
+         fb:7d:23:a5:f2:1a:b0:ff:de:9b:83:94:2e:d1:3f:df:92:b7:
+         91:af:05:3b:65:c7:a0:6c:b1:cd:62:12:c3:90:1b:e3:25:ce:
+         34:bc:6f:77:76:b1:10:c3:f7:05:1a:c0:d6:af:74:62:48:17:
+         77:92:69:90:61:1c:de:95:80:74:54:8f:18:1c:c3:f3:03:d0:
+         bf:a4:43:75:86:53:18:7a:0a:2e:09:1c:36:9f:91:fd:82:8a:
+         22:4b:d1:0e:50:25:dd:cb:03:0c:17:c9:83:00:08:4e:35:4d:
+         8a:8b:ed:f0:02:94:66:2c:44:7f:cb:95:27:96:17:ad:09:30:
+         ac:b6:71:17:6e:8b:17:f6:1c:09:d4:2d:3b:98:a5:71:d3:54:
+         13:d9:60:f3:f5:4b:66:4f:fa:f1:ee:20:12:8d:b4:ac:57:b1:
+         45:63:a1:ac:76:a9:c2:fb
+SHA1 Fingerprint=74:3A:F0:52:9B:D0:32:A0:F4:4A:83:CD:D4:BA:A9:7B:7C:2E:C4:9A
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/5a250ea7.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/5a250ea7.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4561d51b7695f2f466eb0a8969894fad7e0b9096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/5a250ea7.0
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 10003001 (0x98a239)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=NL, O=Staat der Nederlanden, CN=Staat der Nederlanden Root CA - G3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 14 11:28:42 2013 GMT
+            Not After : Nov 13 23:00:00 2028 GMT
+        Subject: C=NL, O=Staat der Nederlanden, CN=Staat der Nederlanden Root CA - G3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:be:32:a2:54:0f:70:fb:2c:5c:59:eb:6c:c4:a4:
+                    51:e8:85:2a:b3:cc:4a:34:f2:b0:5f:f3:0e:c7:1c:
+                    3d:53:1e:88:08:68:d8:6f:3d:ad:c2:9e:cc:82:67:
+                    07:27:87:68:71:3a:9f:75:96:22:46:05:b0:ed:ad:
+                    c7:5b:9e:2a:de:9c:fc:3a:c6:95:a7:f5:17:67:18:
+                    e7:2f:49:08:0c:5c:cf:e6:cc:34:ed:78:fb:50:b1:
+                    dc:6b:32:f0:a2:fe:b6:3c:e4:ec:5a:97:c7:3f:1e:
+                    70:08:30:a0:dc:c5:b3:6d:6f:d0:82:72:11:ab:d2:
+                    81:68:59:82:17:b7:78:92:60:fa:cc:de:3f:84:eb:
+                    8d:38:33:90:0a:72:23:fa:35:cc:26:71:31:d1:72:
+                    28:92:d9:5b:23:6d:66:b5:6d:07:42:eb:a6:33:ce:
+                    92:db:c0:f6:6c:63:78:cd:ca:4e:3d:b5:e5:52:9b:
+                    f1:be:3b:e6:54:60:b0:66:1e:09:ab:07:fe:54:89:
+                    11:42:d1:f7:24:ba:60:78:1a:98:f7:c9:11:fd:16:
+                    c1:35:1a:54:75:ef:43:d3:e5:ae:4e:ce:e7:7b:c3:
+                    c6:4e:61:51:4b:ab:9a:45:4b:a1:1f:41:bd:48:53:
+                    15:71:64:0b:86:b3:e5:2e:be:ce:a4:1b:c1:29:84:
+                    a2:b5:cb:08:23:76:43:22:24:1f:17:04:d4:6e:9c:
+                    c6:fc:7f:2b:66:1a:ec:8a:e5:d6:cf:4d:f5:63:09:
+                    b7:15:39:d6:7b:ac:eb:e3:7c:e9:4e:fc:75:42:c8:
+                    ed:58:95:0c:06:42:a2:9c:f7:e4:70:b3:df:72:6f:
+                    5a:37:40:89:d8:85:a4:d7:f1:0b:de:43:19:d4:4a:
+                    58:2c:8c:8a:39:9e:bf:84:87:f1:16:3b:36:0c:e9:
+                    d3:b4:ca:6c:19:41:52:09:a1:1d:b0:6a:bf:82:ef:
+                    70:51:21:32:dc:05:76:8c:cb:f7:64:e4:03:50:af:
+                    8c:91:67:ab:c5:f2:ee:58:d8:de:be:f7:e7:31:cf:
+                    6c:c9:3b:71:c1:d5:88:b5:65:bc:c0:e8:17:17:07:
+                    12:b5:5c:d2:ab:20:93:b4:e6:82:83:70:36:c5:cd:
+                    a3:8d:ad:8b:ec:a3:c1:43:87:e6:43:e2:34:be:95:
+                    8b:35:ed:07:39:da:a8:1d:7a:9f:36:9e:12:b0:0c:
+                    65:12:90:15:60:d9:26:40:44:e3:56:60:a5:10:d4:
+                    6a:3c:fd:41:dc:0e:5a:47:b6:ef:97:61:75:4f:d9:
+                    fe:c7:b2:1d:d4:ed:5d:49:b3:a9:6a:cb:66:84:13:
+                    d5:5c:a0:dc:df:6e:77:06:d1:71:75:c8:57:6f:af:
+                    0f:77:5b
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                54:AD:FA:C7:92:57:AE:CA:35:9C:2E:12:FB:E4:BA:5D:20:DC:94:57
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         30:99:9d:05:32:c8:5e:0e:3b:98:01:3a:8a:a4:e7:07:f7:7a:
+         f8:e7:9a:df:50:43:53:97:2a:3d:ca:3c:47:98:2e:e1:15:7b:
+         f1:92:f3:61:da:90:25:16:65:c0:9f:54:5d:0e:03:3b:5b:77:
+         02:9c:84:b6:0d:98:5f:34:dd:3b:63:c2:c3:28:81:c2:9c:29:
+         2e:29:e2:c8:c3:01:f2:33:ea:2a:aa:cc:09:08:f7:65:67:c6:
+         cd:df:d3:b6:2b:a7:bd:cc:d1:0e:70:5f:b8:23:d1:cb:91:4e:
+         0a:f4:c8:7a:e5:d9:63:36:c1:d4:df:fc:22:97:f7:60:5d:ea:
+         29:2f:58:b2:bd:58:bd:8d:96:4f:10:75:bf:48:7b:3d:51:87:
+         a1:3c:74:22:c2:fc:07:7f:80:dc:c4:ac:fe:6a:c1:70:30:b0:
+         e9:8e:69:e2:2c:69:81:94:09:ba:dd:fe:4d:c0:83:8c:94:58:
+         c0:46:20:af:9c:1f:02:f8:35:55:49:2f:46:d4:c0:f0:a0:96:
+         02:0f:33:c5:71:f3:9e:23:7d:94:b7:fd:3a:d3:09:83:06:21:
+         fd:60:3d:ae:32:c0:d2:ee:8d:a6:f0:e7:b4:82:7c:0a:cc:70:
+         c9:79:80:f8:fe:4c:f7:35:84:19:8a:31:fb:0a:d9:d7:7f:9b:
+         f0:a2:9a:6b:c3:05:4a:ed:41:60:14:30:d1:aa:11:42:6e:d3:
+         23:02:04:0b:c6:65:dd:dd:52:77:da:81:6b:b2:a8:fa:01:38:
+         b9:96:ea:2a:6c:67:97:89:94:9e:bc:e1:54:d5:e4:6a:78:ef:
+         4a:bd:2b:9a:3d:40:7e:c6:c0:75:d2:6e:fb:68:30:ec:ec:8b:
+         9d:f9:49:35:9a:1a:2c:d9:b3:95:39:d5:1e:92:f7:a6:b9:65:
+         2f:e5:3d:6d:3a:48:4c:08:dc:e4:28:12:28:be:7d:35:5c:ea:
+         e0:16:7e:13:1b:6a:d7:3e:d7:9e:fc:2d:75:b2:c1:14:d5:23:
+         03:db:5b:6f:0b:3e:78:2f:0d:de:33:8d:16:b7:48:e7:83:9a:
+         81:0f:7b:c1:43:4d:55:04:17:38:4a:51:d5:59:a2:89:74:d3:
+         9f:be:1e:4b:d7:c6:6d:b7:88:24:6f:60:91:a4:82:85:5b:56:
+         41:bc:d0:44:ab:6a:13:be:d1:2c:58:b7:12:33:58:b2:37:63:
+         dc:13:f5:94:1d:3f:40:51:f5:4f:f5:3a:ed:c8:c5:eb:c2:1e:
+         1d:16:95:7a:c7:7e:42:71:93:6e:4b:15:b7:30:df:aa:ed:57:
+         85:48:ac:1d:6a:dd:39:69:e4:e1:79:78:be:ce:05:bf:a1:0c:
+         f7:80:7b:21:67:27:30:59
+SHA1 Fingerprint=D8:EB:6B:41:51:92:59:E0:F3:E7:85:00:C0:3D:B6:88:97:C9:EE:FC
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/5a3f0ff8.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/5a3f0ff8.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0c27347c4aeae0a634610c266df4ee0ab6deaaa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/5a3f0ff8.0
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            4e:81:2d:8a:82:65:e0:0b:02:ee:3e:35:02:46:e5:3d
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec  1 00:00:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2029 GMT
+        Subject: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:d0:40:8b:8b:72:e3:91:1b:f7:51:c1:1b:54:04:
+                    98:d3:a9:bf:c1:e6:8a:5d:3b:87:fb:bb:88:ce:0d:
+                    e3:2f:3f:06:96:f0:a2:29:50:99:ae:db:3b:a1:57:
+                    b0:74:51:71:cd:ed:42:91:4d:41:fe:a9:c8:d8:6a:
+                    86:77:44:bb:59:66:97:50:5e:b4:d4:2c:70:44:cf:
+                    da:37:95:42:69:3c:30:c4:71:b3:52:f0:21:4d:a1:
+                    d8:ba:39:7c:1c:9e:a3:24:9d:f2:83:16:98:aa:16:
+                    7c:43:9b:15:5b:b7:ae:34:91:fe:d4:62:26:18:46:
+                    9a:3f:eb:c1:f9:f1:90:57:eb:ac:7a:0d:8b:db:72:
+                    30:6a:66:d5:e0:46:a3:70:dc:68:d9:ff:04:48:89:
+                    77:de:b5:e9:fb:67:6d:41:e9:bc:39:bd:32:d9:62:
+                    02:f1:b1:a8:3d:6e:37:9c:e2:2f:e2:d3:a2:26:8b:
+                    c6:b8:55:43:88:e1:23:3e:a5:d2:24:39:6a:47:ab:
+                    00:d4:a1:b3:a9:25:fe:0d:3f:a7:1d:ba:d3:51:c1:
+                    0b:a4:da:ac:38:ef:55:50:24:05:65:46:93:34:4f:
+                    2d:8d:ad:c6:d4:21:19:d2:8e:ca:05:61:71:07:73:
+                    47:e5:8a:19:12:bd:04:4d:ce:4e:9c:a5:48:ac:bb:
+                    26:f7
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                0B:58:E5:8B:C6:4C:15:37:A4:40:A9:30:A9:21:BE:47:36:5A:56:FF
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.comodoca.com/COMODOCertificationAuthority.crl
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         3e:98:9e:9b:f6:1b:e9:d7:39:b7:78:ae:1d:72:18:49:d3:87:
+         e4:43:82:eb:3f:c9:aa:f5:a8:b5:ef:55:7c:21:52:65:f9:d5:
+         0d:e1:6c:f4:3e:8c:93:73:91:2e:02:c4:4e:07:71:6f:c0:8f:
+         38:61:08:a8:1e:81:0a:c0:2f:20:2f:41:8b:91:dc:48:45:bc:
+         f1:c6:de:ba:76:6b:33:c8:00:2d:31:46:4c:ed:e7:9d:cf:88:
+         94:ff:33:c0:56:e8:24:86:26:b8:d8:38:38:df:2a:6b:dd:12:
+         cc:c7:3f:47:17:4c:a2:c2:06:96:09:d6:db:fe:3f:3c:46:41:
+         df:58:e2:56:0f:3c:3b:c1:1c:93:35:d9:38:52:ac:ee:c8:ec:
+         2e:30:4e:94:35:b4:24:1f:4b:78:69:da:f2:02:38:cc:95:52:
+         93:f0:70:25:59:9c:20:67:c4:ee:f9:8b:57:61:f4:92:76:7d:
+         3f:84:8d:55:b7:e8:e5:ac:d5:f1:f5:19:56:a6:5a:fb:90:1c:
+         af:93:eb:e5:1c:d4:67:97:5d:04:0e:be:0b:83:a6:17:83:b9:
+         30:12:a0:c5:33:15:05:b9:0d:fb:c7:05:76:e3:d8:4a:8d:fc:
+         34:17:a3:c6:21:28:be:30:45:31:1e:c7:78:be:58:61:38:ac:
+         3b:e2:01:65
+SHA1 Fingerprint=66:31:BF:9E:F7:4F:9E:B6:C9:D5:A6:0C:BA:6A:BE:D1:F7:BD:EF:7B
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/5cf9d536.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/5cf9d536.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2232561562388f5740c9f89ab8f5e4833760a938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/5cf9d536.0
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 985026699 (0x3ab6508b)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, OU=Root Certification Authority, CN=QuoVadis Root Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Mar 19 18:33:33 2001 GMT
+            Not After : Mar 17 18:33:33 2021 GMT
+        Subject: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, OU=Root Certification Authority, CN=QuoVadis Root Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:bf:61:b5:95:53:ba:57:fc:fa:f2:67:0b:3a:1a:
+                    df:11:80:64:95:b4:d1:bc:cd:7a:cf:f6:29:96:2e:
+                    24:54:40:24:38:f7:1a:85:dc:58:4c:cb:a4:27:42:
+                    97:d0:9f:83:8a:c3:e4:06:03:5b:00:a5:51:1e:70:
+                    04:74:e2:c1:d4:3a:ab:d7:ad:3b:07:18:05:8e:fd:
+                    83:ac:ea:66:d9:18:1b:68:8a:f5:57:1a:98:ba:f5:
+                    ed:76:3d:7c:d9:de:94:6a:3b:4b:17:c1:d5:8f:bd:
+                    65:38:3a:95:d0:3d:55:36:4e:df:79:57:31:2a:1e:
+                    d8:59:65:49:58:20:98:7e:ab:5f:7e:9f:e9:d6:4d:
+                    ec:83:74:a9:c7:6c:d8:ee:29:4a:85:2a:06:14:f9:
+                    54:e6:d3:da:65:07:8b:63:37:12:d7:d0:ec:c3:7b:
+                    20:41:44:a3:ed:cb:a0:17:e1:71:65:ce:1d:66:31:
+                    f7:76:01:19:c8:7d:03:58:b6:95:49:1d:a6:12:26:
+                    e8:c6:0c:76:e0:e3:66:cb:ea:5d:a6:26:ee:e5:cc:
+                    5f:bd:67:a7:01:27:0e:a2:ca:54:c5:b1:7a:95:1d:
+                    71:1e:4a:29:8a:03:dc:6a:45:c1:a4:19:5e:6f:36:
+                    cd:c3:a2:b0:b7:fe:5c:38:e2:52:bc:f8:44:43:e6:
+                    90:bb
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            Authority Information Access: 
+                OCSP - URI:https://ocsp.quovadisoffshore.com
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Certificate Policies: 
+                Policy:
+                  User Notice:
+                    Explicit Text: Reliance on the QuoVadis Root Certificate by any party assumes acceptance of the then applicable standard terms and conditions of use, certification practices, and the QuoVadis Certificate Policy.
+                  CPS: http://www.quovadis.bm
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                8B:4B:6D:ED:D3:29:B9:06:19:EC:39:39:A9:F0:97:84:6A:CB:EF:DF
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:8B:4B:6D:ED:D3:29:B9:06:19:EC:39:39:A9:F0:97:84:6A:CB:EF:DF
+                DirName:/C=BM/O=QuoVadis Limited/OU=Root Certification Authority/CN=QuoVadis Root Certification Authority
+                serial:3A:B6:50:8B
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         8a:d4:14:b5:fe:f4:9a:92:a7:19:d4:a4:7e:72:18:8f:d9:68:
+         7c:52:24:dd:67:6f:39:7a:c4:aa:5e:3d:e2:58:b0:4d:70:98:
+         84:61:e8:1b:e3:69:18:0e:ce:fb:47:50:a0:4e:ff:f0:24:1f:
+         bd:b2:ce:f5:27:fc:ec:2f:53:aa:73:7b:03:3d:74:6e:e6:16:
+         9e:eb:a5:2e:c4:bf:56:27:50:2b:62:ba:be:4b:1c:3c:55:5c:
+         41:1d:24:be:82:20:47:5d:d5:44:7e:7a:16:68:df:7d:4d:51:
+         70:78:57:1d:33:1e:fd:02:99:9c:0c:cd:0a:05:4f:c7:bb:8e:
+         a4:75:fa:4a:6d:b1:80:8e:09:56:b9:9c:1a:60:fe:5d:c1:d7:
+         7a:dc:11:78:d0:d6:5d:c1:b7:d5:ad:32:99:03:3a:8a:cc:54:
+         25:39:31:81:7b:13:22:51:ba:46:6c:a1:bb:9e:fa:04:6c:49:
+         26:74:8f:d2:73:eb:cc:30:a2:e6:ea:59:22:87:f8:97:f5:0e:
+         fd:ea:cc:92:a4:16:c4:52:18:ea:21:ce:b1:f1:e6:84:81:e5:
+         ba:a9:86:28:f2:43:5a:5d:12:9d:ac:1e:d9:a8:e5:0a:6a:a7:
+         7f:a0:87:29:cf:f2:89:4d:d4:ec:c5:e2:e6:7a:d0:36:23:8a:
+         4a:74:36:f9
+SHA1 Fingerprint=DE:3F:40:BD:50:93:D3:9B:6C:60:F6:DA:BC:07:62:01:00:89:76:C9
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/5e4e69e7.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/5e4e69e7.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43b6bdaa481289b8d14ed4345d7ffa2afa3d919a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/5e4e69e7.0
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            2f:80:fe:23:8c:0e:22:0f:48:67:12:28:91:87:ac:b3
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 2007 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G4
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov  5 00:00:00 2007 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 18 23:59:59 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 2007 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G4
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:a7:56:7a:7c:52:da:64:9b:0e:2d:5c:d8:5e:ac:
+                    92:3d:fe:01:e6:19:4a:3d:14:03:4b:fa:60:27:20:
+                    d9:83:89:69:fa:54:c6:9a:18:5e:55:2a:64:de:06:
+                    f6:8d:4a:3b:ad:10:3c:65:3d:90:88:04:89:e0:30:
+                    61:b3:ae:5d:01:a7:7b:de:7c:b2:be:ca:65:61:00:
+                    86:ae:da:8f:7b:d0:89:ad:4d:1d:59:9a:41:b1:bc:
+                    47:80:dc:9e:62:c3:f9
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+                0_.].[0Y0W0U..image/gif0!0.0...+..............k...j.H.,{..0%.#http://logo.verisign.com/vslogo.gif
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                B3:16:91:FD:EE:A6:6E:E4:B5:2E:49:8F:87:78:81:80:EC:E5:B1:B5
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:65:02:30:66:21:0c:18:26:60:5a:38:7b:56:42:e0:a7:fc:
+         36:84:51:91:20:2c:76:4d:43:3d:c4:1d:84:23:d0:ac:d6:7c:
+         35:06:ce:cd:69:bd:90:0d:db:6c:48:42:1d:0e:aa:42:02:31:
+         00:9c:3d:48:39:23:39:58:1a:15:12:59:6a:9e:ef:d5:59:b2:
+         1d:52:2c:99:71:cd:c7:29:df:1b:2a:61:7b:71:d1:de:f3:c0:
+         e5:0d:3a:4a:aa:2d:a7:d8:86:2a:dd:2e:10
+SHA1 Fingerprint=22:D5:D8:DF:8F:02:31:D1:8D:F7:9D:B7:CF:8A:2D:64:C9:3F:6C:3A
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/5f47b495.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/5f47b495.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..87cd7150ca7ee3bb7008daaa9a5367d8a5022d9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/5f47b495.0
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 6271844772424770508 (0x570a119742c4e3cc)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=IT, L=Milan, O=Actalis S.p.A./03358520967, CN=Actalis Authentication Root CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Sep 22 11:22:02 2011 GMT
+            Not After : Sep 22 11:22:02 2030 GMT
+        Subject: C=IT, L=Milan, O=Actalis S.p.A./03358520967, CN=Actalis Authentication Root CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:a7:c6:c4:a5:29:a4:2c:ef:e5:18:c5:b0:50:a3:
+                    6f:51:3b:9f:0a:5a:c9:c2:48:38:0a:c2:1c:a0:18:
+                    7f:91:b5:87:b9:40:3f:dd:1d:68:1f:08:83:d5:2d:
+                    1e:88:a0:f8:8f:56:8f:6d:99:02:92:90:16:d5:5f:
+                    08:6c:89:d7:e1:ac:bc:20:c2:b1:e0:83:51:8a:69:
+                    4d:00:96:5a:6f:2f:c0:44:7e:a3:0e:e4:91:cd:58:
+                    ee:dc:fb:c7:1e:45:47:dd:27:b9:08:01:9f:a6:21:
+                    1d:f5:41:2d:2f:4c:fd:28:ad:e0:8a:ad:22:b4:56:
+                    65:8e:86:54:8f:93:43:29:de:39:46:78:a3:30:23:
+                    ba:cd:f0:7d:13:57:c0:5d:d2:83:6b:48:4c:c4:ab:
+                    9f:80:5a:5b:3a:bd:c9:a7:22:3f:80:27:33:5b:0e:
+                    b7:8a:0c:5d:07:37:08:cb:6c:d2:7a:47:22:44:35:
+                    c5:cc:cc:2e:8e:dd:2a:ed:b7:7d:66:0d:5f:61:51:
+                    22:55:1b:e3:46:e3:e3:3d:d0:35:62:9a:db:af:14:
+                    c8:5b:a1:cc:89:1b:e1:30:26:fc:a0:9b:1f:81:a7:
+                    47:1f:04:eb:a3:39:92:06:9f:99:d3:bf:d3:ea:4f:
+                    50:9c:19:fe:96:87:1e:3c:65:f6:a3:18:24:83:86:
+                    10:e7:54:3e:a8:3a:76:24:4f:81:21:c5:e3:0f:02:
+                    f8:93:94:47:20:bb:fe:d4:0e:d3:68:b9:dd:c4:7a:
+                    84:82:e3:53:54:79:dd:db:9c:d2:f2:07:9b:2e:b6:
+                    bc:3e:ed:85:6d:ef:25:11:f2:97:1a:42:61:f7:4a:
+                    97:e8:8b:b1:10:07:fa:65:81:b2:a2:39:cf:f7:3c:
+                    ff:18:fb:c6:f1:5a:8b:59:e2:02:ac:7b:92:d0:4e:
+                    14:4f:59:45:f6:0c:5e:28:5f:b0:e8:3f:45:cf:cf:
+                    af:9b:6f:fb:84:d3:77:5a:95:6f:ac:94:84:9e:ee:
+                    bc:c0:4a:8f:4a:93:f8:44:21:e2:31:45:61:50:4e:
+                    10:d8:e3:35:7c:4c:19:b4:de:05:bf:a3:06:9f:c8:
+                    b5:cd:e4:1f:d7:17:06:0d:7a:95:74:55:0d:68:1a:
+                    fc:10:1b:62:64:9d:6d:e0:95:a0:c3:94:07:57:0d:
+                    14:e6:bd:05:fb:b8:9f:e6:df:8b:e2:c6:e7:7e:96:
+                    f6:53:c5:80:34:50:28:58:f0:12:50:71:17:30:ba:
+                    e6:78:63:bc:f4:b2:ad:9b:2b:b2:fe:e1:39:8c:5e:
+                    ba:0b:20:94:de:7b:83:b8:ff:e3:56:8d:b7:11:e9:
+                    3b:8c:f2:b1:c1:5d:9d:a4:0b:4c:2b:d9:b2:18:f5:
+                    b5:9f:4b
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                52:D8:88:3A:C8:9F:78:66:ED:89:F3:7B:38:70:94:C9:02:02:36:D0
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:52:D8:88:3A:C8:9F:78:66:ED:89:F3:7B:38:70:94:C9:02:02:36:D0
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         0b:7b:72:87:c0:60:a6:49:4c:88:58:e6:1d:88:f7:14:64:48:
+         a6:d8:58:0a:0e:4f:13:35:df:35:1d:d4:ed:06:31:c8:81:3e:
+         6a:d5:dd:3b:1a:32:ee:90:3d:11:d2:2e:f4:8e:c3:63:2e:23:
+         66:b0:67:be:6f:b6:c0:13:39:60:aa:a2:34:25:93:75:52:de:
+         a7:9d:ad:0e:87:89:52:71:6a:16:3c:19:1d:83:f8:9a:29:65:
+         be:f4:3f:9a:d9:f0:f3:5a:87:21:71:80:4d:cb:e0:38:9b:3f:
+         bb:fa:e0:30:4d:cf:86:d3:65:10:19:18:d1:97:02:b1:2b:72:
+         42:68:ac:a0:bd:4e:5a:da:18:bf:6b:98:81:d0:fd:9a:be:5e:
+         15:48:cd:11:15:b9:c0:29:5c:b4:e8:88:f7:3e:36:ae:b7:62:
+         fd:1e:62:de:70:78:10:1c:48:5b:da:bc:a4:38:ba:67:ed:55:
+         3e:5e:57:df:d4:03:40:4c:81:a4:d2:4f:63:a7:09:42:09:14:
+         fc:00:a9:c2:80:73:4f:2e:c0:40:d9:11:7b:48:ea:7a:02:c0:
+         d3:eb:28:01:26:58:74:c1:c0:73:22:6d:93:95:fd:39:7d:bb:
+         2a:e3:f6:82:e3:2c:97:5f:4e:1f:91:94:fa:fe:2c:a3:d8:76:
+         1a:b8:4d:b2:38:4f:9b:fa:1d:48:60:79:26:e2:f3:fd:a9:d0:
+         9a:e8:70:8f:49:7a:d6:e5:bd:0a:0e:db:2d:f3:8d:bf:eb:e3:
+         a4:7d:cb:c7:95:71:e8:da:a3:7c:c5:c2:f8:74:92:04:1b:86:
+         ac:a4:22:53:40:b6:ac:fe:4c:76:cf:fb:94:32:c0:35:9f:76:
+         3f:6e:e5:90:6e:a0:a6:26:a2:b8:2c:be:d1:2b:85:fd:a7:68:
+         c8:ba:01:2b:b1:6c:74:1d:b8:73:95:e7:ee:b7:c7:25:f0:00:
+         4c:00:b2:7e:b6:0b:8b:1c:f3:c0:50:9e:25:b9:e0:08:de:36:
+         66:ff:37:a5:d1:bb:54:64:2c:c9:27:b5:4b:92:7e:65:ff:d3:
+         2d:e1:b9:4e:bc:7f:a4:41:21:90:41:77:a6:39:1f:ea:9e:e3:
+         9f:d0:66:6f:05:ec:aa:76:7e:bf:6b:16:a0:eb:b5:c7:fc:92:
+         54:2f:2b:11:27:25:37:78:4c:51:6a:b0:f3:cc:58:5d:14:f1:
+         6a:48:15:ff:c2:07:b6:b1:8d:0f:8e:5c:50:46:b3:3d:bf:01:
+         98:4f:b2:59:54:47:3e:34:7b:78:6d:56:93:2e:73:ea:66:28:
+         78:cd:1d:14:bf:a0:8f:2f:2e:b8:2e:8e:f2:14:8a:cc:e9:b5:
+         7c:fb:6c:9d:0c:a5:e1:96
+SHA1 Fingerprint=F3:73:B3:87:06:5A:28:84:8A:F2:F3:4A:CE:19:2B:DD:C7:8E:9C:AC
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/60afe812.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/60afe812.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f673145cabb4f0d1450ab9af1516698fcd9ad202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/60afe812.0
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 80544274841616 (0x49412ce40010)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=HU, L=Budapest, O=NetLock Kft., OU=Tan\xC3\xBAs\xC3\xADtv\xC3\xA1nykiad\xC3\xB3k (Certification Services), CN=NetLock Arany (Class Gold) F\xC5\x91tan\xC3\xBAs\xC3\xADtv\xC3\xA1ny
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec 11 15:08:21 2008 GMT
+            Not After : Dec  6 15:08:21 2028 GMT
+        Subject: C=HU, L=Budapest, O=NetLock Kft., OU=Tan\xC3\xBAs\xC3\xADtv\xC3\xA1nykiad\xC3\xB3k (Certification Services), CN=NetLock Arany (Class Gold) F\xC5\x91tan\xC3\xBAs\xC3\xADtv\xC3\xA1ny
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c4:24:5e:73:be:4b:6d:14:c3:a1:f4:e3:97:90:
+                    6e:d2:30:45:1e:3c:ee:67:d9:64:e0:1a:8a:7f:ca:
+                    30:ca:83:e3:20:c1:e3:f4:3a:d3:94:5f:1a:7c:5b:
+                    6d:bf:30:4f:84:27:f6:9f:1f:49:bc:c6:99:0a:90:
+                    f2:0f:f5:7f:43:84:37:63:51:8b:7a:a5:70:fc:7a:
+                    58:cd:8e:9b:ed:c3:46:6c:84:70:5d:da:f3:01:90:
+                    23:fc:4e:30:a9:7e:e1:27:63:e7:ed:64:3c:a0:b8:
+                    c9:33:63:fe:16:90:ff:b0:b8:fd:d7:a8:c0:c0:94:
+                    43:0b:b6:d5:59:a6:9e:56:d0:24:1f:70:79:af:db:
+                    39:54:0d:65:75:d9:15:41:94:01:af:5e:ec:f6:8d:
+                    f1:ff:ad:64:fe:20:9a:d7:5c:eb:fe:a6:1f:08:64:
+                    a3:8b:76:55:ad:1e:3b:28:60:2e:87:25:e8:aa:af:
+                    1f:c6:64:46:20:b7:70:7f:3c:de:48:db:96:53:b7:
+                    39:77:e4:1a:e2:c7:16:84:76:97:5b:2f:bb:19:15:
+                    85:f8:69:85:f5:99:a7:a9:f2:34:a7:a9:b6:a6:03:
+                    fc:6f:86:3d:54:7c:76:04:9b:6b:f9:40:5d:00:34:
+                    c7:2e:99:75:9d:e5:88:03:aa:4d:f8:03:d2:42:76:
+                    c0:1b
+                Exponent: 43147 (0xa88b)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE, pathlen:4
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                CC:FA:67:93:F0:B6:B8:D0:A5:C0:1E:F3:53:FD:8C:53:DF:83:D7:96
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         ab:7f:ee:1c:16:a9:9c:3c:51:00:a0:c0:11:08:05:a7:99:e6:
+         6f:01:88:54:61:6e:f1:b9:18:ad:4a:ad:fe:81:40:23:94:2f:
+         fb:75:7c:2f:28:4b:62:24:81:82:0b:f5:61:f1:1c:6e:b8:61:
+         38:eb:81:fa:62:a1:3b:5a:62:d3:94:65:c4:e1:e6:6d:82:f8:
+         2f:25:70:b2:21:26:c1:72:51:1f:8c:2c:c3:84:90:c3:5a:8f:
+         ba:cf:f4:a7:65:a5:eb:98:d1:fb:05:b2:46:75:15:23:6a:6f:
+         85:63:30:80:f0:d5:9e:1f:29:1c:c2:6c:b0:50:59:5d:90:5b:
+         3b:a8:0d:30:cf:bf:7d:7f:ce:f1:9d:83:bd:c9:46:6e:20:a6:
+         f9:61:51:ba:21:2f:7b:be:a5:15:63:a1:d4:95:87:f1:9e:b9:
+         f3:89:f3:3d:85:b8:b8:db:be:b5:b9:29:f9:da:37:05:00:49:
+         94:03:84:44:e7:bf:43:31:cf:75:8b:25:d1:f4:a6:64:f5:92:
+         f6:ab:05:eb:3d:e9:a5:0b:36:62:da:cc:06:5f:36:8b:b6:5e:
+         31:b8:2a:fb:5e:f6:71:df:44:26:9e:c4:e6:0d:91:b4:2e:75:
+         95:80:51:6a:4b:30:a6:b0:62:a1:93:f1:9b:d8:ce:c4:63:75:
+         3f:59:47:b1
+SHA1 Fingerprint=06:08:3F:59:3F:15:A1:04:A0:69:A4:6B:A9:03:D0:06:B7:97:09:91
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/6187b673.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/6187b673.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa79829285b9b2dd1d46e096c071c35f5c85e97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/6187b673.0
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            82:10:cf:b0:d2:40:e3:59:44:63:e0:bb:63:82:8b:00
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=Internet Security Research Group, CN=ISRG Root X1
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jun  4 11:04:38 2015 GMT
+            Not After : Jun  4 11:04:38 2035 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=Internet Security Research Group, CN=ISRG Root X1
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ad:e8:24:73:f4:14:37:f3:9b:9e:2b:57:28:1c:
+                    87:be:dc:b7:df:38:90:8c:6e:3c:e6:57:a0:78:f7:
+                    75:c2:a2:fe:f5:6a:6e:f6:00:4f:28:db:de:68:86:
+                    6c:44:93:b6:b1:63:fd:14:12:6b:bf:1f:d2:ea:31:
+                    9b:21:7e:d1:33:3c:ba:48:f5:dd:79:df:b3:b8:ff:
+                    12:f1:21:9a:4b:c1:8a:86:71:69:4a:66:66:6c:8f:
+                    7e:3c:70:bf:ad:29:22:06:f3:e4:c0:e6:80:ae:e2:
+                    4b:8f:b7:99:7e:94:03:9f:d3:47:97:7c:99:48:23:
+                    53:e8:38:ae:4f:0a:6f:83:2e:d1:49:57:8c:80:74:
+                    b6:da:2f:d0:38:8d:7b:03:70:21:1b:75:f2:30:3c:
+                    fa:8f:ae:dd:da:63:ab:eb:16:4f:c2:8e:11:4b:7e:
+                    cf:0b:e8:ff:b5:77:2e:f4:b2:7b:4a:e0:4c:12:25:
+                    0c:70:8d:03:29:a0:e1:53:24:ec:13:d9:ee:19:bf:
+                    10:b3:4a:8c:3f:89:a3:61:51:de:ac:87:07:94:f4:
+                    63:71:ec:2e:e2:6f:5b:98:81:e1:89:5c:34:79:6c:
+                    76:ef:3b:90:62:79:e6:db:a4:9a:2f:26:c5:d0:10:
+                    e1:0e:de:d9:10:8e:16:fb:b7:f7:a8:f7:c7:e5:02:
+                    07:98:8f:36:08:95:e7:e2:37:96:0d:36:75:9e:fb:
+                    0e:72:b1:1d:9b:bc:03:f9:49:05:d8:81:dd:05:b4:
+                    2a:d6:41:e9:ac:01:76:95:0a:0f:d8:df:d5:bd:12:
+                    1f:35:2f:28:17:6c:d2:98:c1:a8:09:64:77:6e:47:
+                    37:ba:ce:ac:59:5e:68:9d:7f:72:d6:89:c5:06:41:
+                    29:3e:59:3e:dd:26:f5:24:c9:11:a7:5a:a3:4c:40:
+                    1f:46:a1:99:b5:a7:3a:51:6e:86:3b:9e:7d:72:a7:
+                    12:05:78:59:ed:3e:51:78:15:0b:03:8f:8d:d0:2f:
+                    05:b2:3e:7b:4a:1c:4b:73:05:12:fc:c6:ea:e0:50:
+                    13:7c:43:93:74:b3:ca:74:e7:8e:1f:01:08:d0:30:
+                    d4:5b:71:36:b4:07:ba:c1:30:30:5c:48:b7:82:3b:
+                    98:a6:7d:60:8a:a2:a3:29:82:cc:ba:bd:83:04:1b:
+                    a2:83:03:41:a1:d6:05:f1:1b:c2:b6:f0:a8:7c:86:
+                    3b:46:a8:48:2a:88:dc:76:9a:76:bf:1f:6a:a5:3d:
+                    19:8f:eb:38:f3:64:de:c8:2b:0d:0a:28:ff:f7:db:
+                    e2:15:42:d4:22:d0:27:5d:e1:79:fe:18:e7:70:88:
+                    ad:4e:e6:d9:8b:3a:c6:dd:27:51:6e:ff:bc:64:f5:
+                    33:43:4f
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                79:B4:59:E6:7B:B6:E5:E4:01:73:80:08:88:C8:1A:58:F6:E9:9B:6E
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         55:1f:58:a9:bc:b2:a8:50:d0:0c:b1:d8:1a:69:20:27:29:08:
+         ac:61:75:5c:8a:6e:f8:82:e5:69:2f:d5:f6:56:4b:b9:b8:73:
+         10:59:d3:21:97:7e:e7:4c:71:fb:b2:d2:60:ad:39:a8:0b:ea:
+         17:21:56:85:f1:50:0e:59:eb:ce:e0:59:e9:ba:c9:15:ef:86:
+         9d:8f:84:80:f6:e4:e9:91:90:dc:17:9b:62:1b:45:f0:66:95:
+         d2:7c:6f:c2:ea:3b:ef:1f:cf:cb:d6:ae:27:f1:a9:b0:c8:ae:
+         fd:7d:7e:9a:fa:22:04:eb:ff:d9:7f:ea:91:2b:22:b1:17:0e:
+         8f:f2:8a:34:5b:58:d8:fc:01:c9:54:b9:b8:26:cc:8a:88:33:
+         89:4c:2d:84:3c:82:df:ee:96:57:05:ba:2c:bb:f7:c4:b7:c7:
+         4e:3b:82:be:31:c8:22:73:73:92:d1:c2:80:a4:39:39:10:33:
+         23:82:4c:3c:9f:86:b2:55:98:1d:be:29:86:8c:22:9b:9e:e2:
+         6b:3b:57:3a:82:70:4d:dc:09:c7:89:cb:0a:07:4d:6c:e8:5d:
+         8e:c9:ef:ce:ab:c7:bb:b5:2b:4e:45:d6:4a:d0:26:cc:e5:72:
+         ca:08:6a:a5:95:e3:15:a1:f7:a4:ed:c9:2c:5f:a5:fb:ff:ac:
+         28:02:2e:be:d7:7b:bb:e3:71:7b:90:16:d3:07:5e:46:53:7c:
+         37:07:42:8c:d3:c4:96:9c:d5:99:b5:2a:e0:95:1a:80:48:ae:
+         4c:39:07:ce:cc:47:a4:52:95:2b:ba:b8:fb:ad:d2:33:53:7d:
+         e5:1d:4d:6d:d5:a1:b1:c7:42:6f:e6:40:27:35:5c:a3:28:b7:
+         07:8d:e7:8d:33:90:e7:23:9f:fb:50:9c:79:6c:46:d5:b4:15:
+         b3:96:6e:7e:9b:0c:96:3a:b8:52:2d:3f:d6:5b:e1:fb:08:c2:
+         84:fe:24:a8:a3:89:da:ac:6a:e1:18:2a:b1:a8:43:61:5b:d3:
+         1f:dc:3b:8d:76:f2:2d:e8:8d:75:df:17:33:6c:3d:53:fb:7b:
+         cb:41:5f:ff:dc:a2:d0:61:38:e1:96:b8:ac:5d:8b:37:d7:75:
+         d5:33:c0:99:11:ae:9d:41:c1:72:75:84:be:02:41:42:5f:67:
+         24:48:94:d1:9b:27:be:07:3f:b9:b8:4f:81:74:51:e1:7a:b7:
+         ed:9d:23:e2:be:e0:d5:28:04:13:3c:31:03:9e:dd:7a:6c:8f:
+         c6:07:18:c6:7f:de:47:8e:3f:28:9e:04:06:cf:a5:54:34:77:
+         bd:ec:89:9b:e9:17:43:df:5b:db:5f:fe:8e:1e:57:a2:cd:40:
+         9d:7e:62:22:da:de:18:27
+SHA1 Fingerprint=CA:BD:2A:79:A1:07:6A:31:F2:1D:25:36:35:CB:03:9D:43:29:A5:E8
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/63a2c897.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/63a2c897.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..46f7b140d92e49bea8afff456150e1f458f5ef0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/63a2c897.0
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            95:be:16:a0:f7:2e:46:f1:7b:39:82:72:fa:8b:cd:96
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: O=TeliaSonera, CN=TeliaSonera Root CA v1
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Oct 18 12:00:50 2007 GMT
+            Not After : Oct 18 12:00:50 2032 GMT
+        Subject: O=TeliaSonera, CN=TeliaSonera Root CA v1
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c2:be:eb:27:f0:21:a3:f3:69:26:55:7e:9d:c5:
+                    55:16:91:5c:fd:ef:21:bf:53:80:7a:2d:d2:91:8c:
+                    63:31:f0:ec:24:f0:c3:a5:d2:72:7c:10:6d:f4:37:
+                    b7:e5:e6:7c:79:ea:8c:b5:82:8b:ae:48:b6:ac:00:
+                    dc:65:75:ec:2a:4d:5f:c1:87:f5:20:65:2b:81:a8:
+                    47:3e:89:23:95:30:16:90:7f:e8:57:07:48:e7:19:
+                    ae:bf:45:67:b1:37:1b:06:2a:fe:de:f9:ac:7d:83:
+                    fb:5e:ba:e4:8f:97:67:be:4b:8e:8d:64:07:57:38:
+                    55:69:34:36:3d:13:48:ef:4f:e2:d3:66:1e:a4:cf:
+                    1a:b7:5e:36:33:d4:b4:06:bd:18:01:fd:77:84:50:
+                    00:45:f5:8c:5d:e8:23:bc:7e:fe:35:e1:ed:50:7b:
+                    a9:30:8d:19:d3:09:8e:68:67:5d:bf:3c:97:18:53:
+                    bb:29:62:c5:ca:5e:72:c1:c7:96:d4:db:2d:a0:b4:
+                    1f:69:03:ec:ea:e2:50:f1:0c:3c:f0:ac:f3:53:2d:
+                    f0:1c:f5:ed:6c:39:39:73:80:16:c8:52:b0:23:cd:
+                    e0:3e:dc:dd:3c:47:a0:bb:35:8a:e2:98:68:8b:be:
+                    e5:bf:72:ee:d2:fa:a5:ed:12:ed:fc:98:18:a9:26:
+                    76:dc:28:4b:10:20:1c:d3:7f:16:77:2d:ed:6f:80:
+                    f7:49:bb:53:05:bb:5d:68:c7:d4:c8:75:16:3f:89:
+                    5a:8b:f7:17:47:d4:4c:f1:d2:89:79:3e:4d:3d:98:
+                    a8:61:de:3a:1e:d2:f8:5e:03:e0:c1:c9:1c:8c:d3:
+                    8d:4d:d3:95:36:b3:37:5f:63:63:9b:33:14:f0:2d:
+                    26:6b:53:7c:89:8c:32:c2:6e:ec:3d:21:00:39:c9:
+                    a1:68:e2:50:83:2e:b0:3a:2b:f3:36:a0:ac:2f:e4:
+                    6f:61:c2:51:09:39:3e:8b:53:b9:bb:67:da:dc:53:
+                    b9:76:59:36:9d:43:e5:20:e0:3d:32:60:85:22:51:
+                    b7:c7:33:bb:dd:15:2f:a4:78:a6:07:7b:81:46:36:
+                    04:86:dd:79:35:c7:95:2c:3b:b0:a3:17:35:e5:73:
+                    1f:b4:5c:59:ef:da:ea:10:65:7b:7a:d0:7f:9f:b3:
+                    b4:2a:37:3b:70:8b:9b:5b:b9:2b:b7:ec:b2:51:12:
+                    97:53:29:5a:d4:f0:12:10:dc:4f:02:bb:12:92:2f:
+                    62:d4:3f:69:43:7c:0d:d6:fc:58:75:01:88:9d:58:
+                    16:4b:de:ba:90:ff:47:01:89:06:6a:f6:5f:b2:90:
+                    6a:b3:02:a6:02:88:bf:b3:47:7e:2a:d9:d5:fa:68:
+                    78:35:4d
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                F0:8F:59:38:00:B3:F5:8F:9A:96:0C:D5:EB:FA:7B:AA:17:E8:13:12
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         be:e4:5c:62:4e:24:f4:0c:08:ff:f0:d3:0c:68:e4:93:49:22:
+         3f:44:27:6f:bb:6d:de:83:66:ce:a8:cc:0d:fc:f5:9a:06:e5:
+         77:14:91:eb:9d:41:7b:99:2a:84:e5:ff:fc:21:c1:5d:f0:e4:
+         1f:57:b7:75:a9:a1:5f:02:26:ff:d7:c7:f7:4e:de:4f:f8:f7:
+         1c:46:c0:7a:4f:40:2c:22:35:f0:19:b1:d0:6b:67:2c:b0:a8:
+         e0:c0:40:37:35:f6:84:5c:5c:e3:af:42:78:fe:a7:c9:0d:50:
+         ea:0d:84:76:f6:51:ef:83:53:c6:7a:ff:0e:56:49:2e:8f:7a:
+         d6:0c:e6:27:54:e3:4d:0a:60:72:62:cd:91:07:d6:a5:bf:c8:
+         99:6b:ed:c4:19:e6:ab:4c:11:38:c5:6f:31:e2:6e:49:c8:3f:
+         76:80:26:03:26:29:e0:36:f6:f6:20:53:e3:17:70:34:17:9d:
+         63:68:1e:6b:ec:c3:4d:86:b8:13:30:2f:5d:46:0d:47:43:d5:
+         1b:aa:59:0e:b9:5c:8d:06:48:ad:74:87:5f:c7:fc:31:54:41:
+         13:e2:c7:21:0e:9e:e0:1e:0d:e1:c0:7b:43:85:90:c5:8a:58:
+         c6:65:0a:78:57:f2:c6:23:0f:01:d9:20:4b:de:0f:fb:92:85:
+         75:2a:5c:73:8d:6d:7b:25:91:ca:ee:45:ae:06:4b:00:cc:d3:
+         b1:59:50:da:3a:88:3b:29:43:46:5e:97:2b:54:ce:53:6f:8d:
+         4a:e7:96:fa:bf:71:0e:42:8b:7c:fd:28:a0:d0:48:ca:da:c4:
+         81:4c:bb:a2:73:93:26:c8:eb:0c:d6:26:88:b6:c0:24:cf:bb:
+         bd:5b:eb:75:7d:e9:08:8e:86:33:2c:79:77:09:69:a5:89:fc:
+         b3:70:90:87:76:8f:d3:22:bb:42:ce:bd:73:0b:20:26:2a:d0:
+         9b:3d:70:1e:24:6c:cd:87:76:a9:17:96:b7:cf:0d:92:fb:8e:
+         18:a9:98:49:d1:9e:fe:60:44:72:21:b9:19:ed:c2:f5:31:f1:
+         39:48:88:90:24:75:54:16:ad:ce:f4:f8:69:14:64:39:fb:a3:
+         b8:ba:70:40:c7:27:1c:bf:c4:56:53:fa:63:65:d0:f3:1c:0e:
+         16:f5:6b:86:58:4d:18:d4:e4:0d:8e:a5:9d:5b:91:dc:76:24:
+         50:3f:c6:2a:fb:d9:b7:9c:b5:d6:e6:d0:d9:e8:19:8b:15:71:
+         48:ad:b7:ea:d8:59:88:d4:90:bf:16:b3:d9:e9:ac:59:61:54:
+         c8:1c:ba:ca:c1:ca:e1:b9:20:4c:8f:3a:93:89:a5:a0:cc:bf:
+         d3:f6:75:a4:75:96:6d:56
+SHA1 Fingerprint=43:13:BB:96:F1:D5:86:9B:C1:4E:6A:92:F6:CF:F6:34:69:87:82:37
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/67495436.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/67495436.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..23a6ebe6b55f1e84b3ebf7c73dfb161082b13ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/67495436.0
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            60:01:97:b7:46:a7:ea:b4:b4:9a:d6:4b:2f:f7:90:fb
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=thawte, Inc., OU=Certification Services Division, OU=(c) 2008 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=thawte Primary Root CA - G3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Apr  2 00:00:00 2008 GMT
+            Not After : Dec  1 23:59:59 2037 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=thawte, Inc., OU=Certification Services Division, OU=(c) 2008 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=thawte Primary Root CA - G3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b2:bf:27:2c:fb:db:d8:5b:dd:78:7b:1b:9e:77:
+                    66:81:cb:3e:bc:7c:ae:f3:a6:27:9a:34:a3:68:31:
+                    71:38:33:62:e4:f3:71:66:79:b1:a9:65:a3:a5:8b:
+                    d5:8f:60:2d:3f:42:cc:aa:6b:32:c0:23:cb:2c:41:
+                    dd:e4:df:fc:61:9c:e2:73:b2:22:95:11:43:18:5f:
+                    c4:b6:1f:57:6c:0a:05:58:22:c8:36:4c:3a:7c:a5:
+                    d1:cf:86:af:88:a7:44:02:13:74:71:73:0a:42:59:
+                    02:f8:1b:14:6b:42:df:6f:5f:ba:6b:82:a2:9d:5b:
+                    e7:4a:bd:1e:01:72:db:4b:74:e8:3b:7f:7f:7d:1f:
+                    04:b4:26:9b:e0:b4:5a:ac:47:3d:55:b8:d7:b0:26:
+                    52:28:01:31:40:66:d8:d9:24:bd:f6:2a:d8:ec:21:
+                    49:5c:9b:f6:7a:e9:7f:55:35:7e:96:6b:8d:93:93:
+                    27:cb:92:bb:ea:ac:40:c0:9f:c2:f8:80:cf:5d:f4:
+                    5a:dc:ce:74:86:a6:3e:6c:0b:53:ca:bd:92:ce:19:
+                    06:72:e6:0c:5c:38:69:c7:04:d6:bc:6c:ce:5b:f6:
+                    f7:68:9c:dc:25:15:48:88:a1:e9:a9:f8:98:9c:e0:
+                    f3:d5:31:28:61:11:6c:67:96:8d:39:99:cb:c2:45:
+                    24:39
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                AD:6C:AA:94:60:9C:ED:E4:FF:FA:3E:0A:74:2B:63:03:F7:B6:59:BF
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         1a:40:d8:95:65:ac:09:92:89:c6:39:f4:10:e5:a9:0e:66:53:
+         5d:78:de:fa:24:91:bb:e7:44:51:df:c6:16:34:0a:ef:6a:44:
+         51:ea:2b:07:8a:03:7a:c3:eb:3f:0a:2c:52:16:a0:2b:43:b9:
+         25:90:3f:70:a9:33:25:6d:45:1a:28:3b:27:cf:aa:c3:29:42:
+         1b:df:3b:4c:c0:33:34:5b:41:88:bf:6b:2b:65:af:28:ef:b2:
+         f5:c3:aa:66:ce:7b:56:ee:b7:c8:cb:67:c1:c9:9c:1a:18:b8:
+         c4:c3:49:03:f1:60:0e:50:cd:46:c5:f3:77:79:f7:b6:15:e0:
+         38:db:c7:2f:28:a0:0c:3f:77:26:74:d9:25:12:da:31:da:1a:
+         1e:dc:29:41:91:22:3c:69:a7:bb:02:f2:b6:5c:27:03:89:f4:
+         06:ea:9b:e4:72:82:e3:a1:09:c1:e9:00:19:d3:3e:d4:70:6b:
+         ba:71:a6:aa:58:ae:f4:bb:e9:6c:b6:ef:87:cc:9b:bb:ff:39:
+         e6:56:61:d3:0a:a7:c4:5c:4c:60:7b:05:77:26:7a:bf:d8:07:
+         52:2c:62:f7:70:63:d9:39:bc:6f:1c:c2:79:dc:76:29:af:ce:
+         c5:2c:64:04:5e:88:36:6e:31:d4:40:1a:62:34:36:3f:35:01:
+         ae:ac:63:a0
+SHA1 Fingerprint=F1:8B:53:8D:1B:E9:03:B6:A6:F0:56:43:5B:17:15:89:CA:F3:6B:F2
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/69105f4f.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/69105f4f.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a9364ac2f46cd829d1514f86f9a3e4a4010f6afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/69105f4f.0
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            0c:e7:e0:e5:17:d8:46:fe:8f:e5:60:fc:1b:f0:30:39
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 10 00:00:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Nov 10 00:00:00 2031 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ad:0e:15:ce:e4:43:80:5c:b1:87:f3:b7:60:f9:
+                    71:12:a5:ae:dc:26:94:88:aa:f4:ce:f5:20:39:28:
+                    58:60:0c:f8:80:da:a9:15:95:32:61:3c:b5:b1:28:
+                    84:8a:8a:dc:9f:0a:0c:83:17:7a:8f:90:ac:8a:e7:
+                    79:53:5c:31:84:2a:f6:0f:98:32:36:76:cc:de:dd:
+                    3c:a8:a2:ef:6a:fb:21:f2:52:61:df:9f:20:d7:1f:
+                    e2:b1:d9:fe:18:64:d2:12:5b:5f:f9:58:18:35:bc:
+                    47:cd:a1:36:f9:6b:7f:d4:b0:38:3e:c1:1b:c3:8c:
+                    33:d9:d8:2f:18:fe:28:0f:b3:a7:83:d6:c3:6e:44:
+                    c0:61:35:96:16:fe:59:9c:8b:76:6d:d7:f1:a2:4b:
+                    0d:2b:ff:0b:72:da:9e:60:d0:8e:90:35:c6:78:55:
+                    87:20:a1:cf:e5:6d:0a:c8:49:7c:31:98:33:6c:22:
+                    e9:87:d0:32:5a:a2:ba:13:82:11:ed:39:17:9d:99:
+                    3a:72:a1:e6:fa:a4:d9:d5:17:31:75:ae:85:7d:22:
+                    ae:3f:01:46:86:f6:28:79:c8:b1:da:e4:57:17:c4:
+                    7e:1c:0e:b0:b4:92:a6:56:b3:bd:b2:97:ed:aa:a7:
+                    f0:b7:c5:a8:3f:95:16:d0:ff:a1:96:eb:08:5f:18:
+                    77:4f
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                45:EB:A2:AF:F4:92:CB:82:31:2D:51:8B:A7:A7:21:9D:F3:6D:C8:0F
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:45:EB:A2:AF:F4:92:CB:82:31:2D:51:8B:A7:A7:21:9D:F3:6D:C8:0F
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         a2:0e:bc:df:e2:ed:f0:e3:72:73:7a:64:94:bf:f7:72:66:d8:
+         32:e4:42:75:62:ae:87:eb:f2:d5:d9:de:56:b3:9f:cc:ce:14:
+         28:b9:0d:97:60:5c:12:4c:58:e4:d3:3d:83:49:45:58:97:35:
+         69:1a:a8:47:ea:56:c6:79:ab:12:d8:67:81:84:df:7f:09:3c:
+         94:e6:b8:26:2c:20:bd:3d:b3:28:89:f7:5f:ff:22:e2:97:84:
+         1f:e9:65:ef:87:e0:df:c1:67:49:b3:5d:eb:b2:09:2a:eb:26:
+         ed:78:be:7d:3f:2b:f3:b7:26:35:6d:5f:89:01:b6:49:5b:9f:
+         01:05:9b:ab:3d:25:c1:cc:b6:7f:c2:f1:6f:86:c6:fa:64:68:
+         eb:81:2d:94:eb:42:b7:fa:8c:1e:dd:62:f1:be:50:67:b7:6c:
+         bd:f3:f1:1f:6b:0c:36:07:16:7f:37:7c:a9:5b:6d:7a:f1:12:
+         46:60:83:d7:27:04:be:4b:ce:97:be:c3:67:2a:68:11:df:80:
+         e7:0c:33:66:bf:13:0d:14:6e:f3:7f:1f:63:10:1e:fa:8d:1b:
+         25:6d:6c:8f:a5:b7:61:01:b1:d2:a3:26:a1:10:71:9d:ad:e2:
+         c3:f9:c3:99:51:b7:2b:07:08:ce:2e:e6:50:b2:a7:fa:0a:45:
+         2f:a2:f0:f2
+SHA1 Fingerprint=05:63:B8:63:0D:62:D7:5A:BB:C8:AB:1E:4B:DF:B5:A8:99:B2:4D:43
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/6fcc125d.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/6fcc125d.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..60564f32a62ef6011d22b4052c16ae59e2198964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/6fcc125d.0
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            13:86:35:4d:1d:3f:06:f2:c1:f9:65:05:d5:90:1c:62
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=VISA, OU=Visa International Service Association, CN=Visa eCommerce Root
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jun 26 02:18:36 2002 GMT
+            Not After : Jun 24 00:16:12 2022 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=VISA, OU=Visa International Service Association, CN=Visa eCommerce Root
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:af:57:de:56:1e:6e:a1:da:60:b1:94:27:cb:17:
+                    db:07:3f:80:85:4f:c8:9c:b6:d0:f4:6f:4f:cf:99:
+                    d8:e1:db:c2:48:5c:3a:ac:39:33:c7:1f:6a:8b:26:
+                    3d:2b:35:f5:48:b1:91:c1:02:4e:04:96:91:7b:b0:
+                    33:f0:b1:14:4e:11:6f:b5:40:af:1b:45:a5:4a:ef:
+                    7e:b6:ac:f2:a0:1f:58:3f:12:46:60:3c:8d:a1:e0:
+                    7d:cf:57:3e:33:1e:fb:47:f1:aa:15:97:07:55:66:
+                    a5:b5:2d:2e:d8:80:59:b2:a7:0d:b7:46:ec:21:63:
+                    ff:35:ab:a5:02:cf:2a:f4:4c:fe:7b:f5:94:5d:84:
+                    4d:a8:f2:60:8f:db:0e:25:3c:9f:73:71:cf:94:df:
+                    4a:ea:db:df:72:38:8c:f3:96:bd:f1:17:bc:d2:ba:
+                    3b:45:5a:c6:a7:f6:c6:17:8b:01:9d:fc:19:a8:2a:
+                    83:16:b8:3a:48:fe:4e:3e:a0:ab:06:19:e9:53:f3:
+                    80:13:07:ed:2d:bf:3f:0a:3c:55:20:39:2c:2c:00:
+                    69:74:95:4a:bc:20:b2:a9:79:e5:18:89:91:a8:dc:
+                    1c:4d:ef:bb:7e:37:0b:5d:fe:39:a5:88:52:8c:00:
+                    6c:ec:18:7c:41:bd:f6:8b:75:77:ba:60:9d:84:e7:
+                    fe:2d
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                15:38:83:0F:3F:2C:3F:70:33:1E:CD:46:FE:07:8C:20:E0:D7:C3:B7
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         5f:f1:41:7d:7c:5c:08:b9:2b:e0:d5:92:47:fa:67:5c:a5:13:
+         c3:03:21:9b:2b:4c:89:46:cf:59:4d:c9:fe:a5:40:b6:63:cd:
+         dd:71:28:95:67:11:cc:24:ac:d3:44:6c:71:ae:01:20:6b:03:
+         a2:8f:18:b7:29:3a:7d:e5:16:60:53:78:3c:c0:af:15:83:f7:
+         8f:52:33:24:bd:64:93:97:ee:8b:f7:db:18:a8:6d:71:b3:f7:
+         2c:17:d0:74:25:69:f7:fe:6b:3c:94:be:4d:4b:41:8c:4e:e2:
+         73:d0:e3:90:22:73:43:cd:f3:ef:ea:73:ce:45:8a:b0:a6:49:
+         ff:4c:7d:9d:71:88:c4:76:1d:90:5b:1d:ee:fd:cc:f7:ee:fd:
+         60:a5:b1:7a:16:71:d1:16:d0:7c:12:3c:6c:69:97:db:ae:5f:
+         39:9a:70:2f:05:3c:19:46:04:99:20:36:d0:60:6e:61:06:bb:
+         16:42:8c:70:f7:30:fb:e0:db:66:a3:00:01:bd:e6:2c:da:91:
+         5f:a0:46:8b:4d:6a:9c:3d:3d:dd:05:46:fe:76:bf:a0:0a:3c:
+         e4:00:e6:27:b7:ff:84:2d:de:ba:22:27:96:10:71:eb:22:ed:
+         df:df:33:9c:cf:e3:ad:ae:8e:d4:8e:e6:4f:51:af:16:92:e0:
+         5c:f6:07:0f
+SHA1 Fingerprint=70:17:9B:86:8C:00:A4:FA:60:91:52:22:3F:9F:3E:32:BD:E0:05:62
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/75680d2e.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/75680d2e.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..59329ba860c12681ac2c81f5f83a00f3ca523f8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/75680d2e.0
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=Comodo CA Limited, CN=AAA Certificate Services
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan  1 00:00:00 2004 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2028 GMT
+        Subject: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=Comodo CA Limited, CN=AAA Certificate Services
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:be:40:9d:f4:6e:e1:ea:76:87:1c:4d:45:44:8e:
+                    be:46:c8:83:06:9d:c1:2a:fe:18:1f:8e:e4:02:fa:
+                    f3:ab:5d:50:8a:16:31:0b:9a:06:d0:c5:70:22:cd:
+                    49:2d:54:63:cc:b6:6e:68:46:0b:53:ea:cb:4c:24:
+                    c0:bc:72:4e:ea:f1:15:ae:f4:54:9a:12:0a:c3:7a:
+                    b2:33:60:e2:da:89:55:f3:22:58:f3:de:dc:cf:ef:
+                    83:86:a2:8c:94:4f:9f:68:f2:98:90:46:84:27:c7:
+                    76:bf:e3:cc:35:2c:8b:5e:07:64:65:82:c0:48:b0:
+                    a8:91:f9:61:9f:76:20:50:a8:91:c7:66:b5:eb:78:
+                    62:03:56:f0:8a:1a:13:ea:31:a3:1e:a0:99:fd:38:
+                    f6:f6:27:32:58:6f:07:f5:6b:b8:fb:14:2b:af:b7:
+                    aa:cc:d6:63:5f:73:8c:da:05:99:a8:38:a8:cb:17:
+                    78:36:51:ac:e9:9e:f4:78:3a:8d:cf:0f:d9:42:e2:
+                    98:0c:ab:2f:9f:0e:01:de:ef:9f:99:49:f1:2d:df:
+                    ac:74:4d:1b:98:b5:47:c5:e5:29:d1:f9:90:18:c7:
+                    62:9c:be:83:c7:26:7b:3e:8a:25:c7:c0:dd:9d:e6:
+                    35:68:10:20:9d:8f:d8:de:d2:c3:84:9c:0d:5e:e8:
+                    2f:c9
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                A0:11:0A:23:3E:96:F1:07:EC:E2:AF:29:EF:82:A5:7F:D0:30:A4:B4
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.comodoca.com/AAACertificateServices.crl
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.comodo.net/AAACertificateServices.crl
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         08:56:fc:02:f0:9b:e8:ff:a4:fa:d6:7b:c6:44:80:ce:4f:c4:
+         c5:f6:00:58:cc:a6:b6:bc:14:49:68:04:76:e8:e6:ee:5d:ec:
+         02:0f:60:d6:8d:50:18:4f:26:4e:01:e3:e6:b0:a5:ee:bf:bc:
+         74:54:41:bf:fd:fc:12:b8:c7:4f:5a:f4:89:60:05:7f:60:b7:
+         05:4a:f3:f6:f1:c2:bf:c4:b9:74:86:b6:2d:7d:6b:cc:d2:f3:
+         46:dd:2f:c6:e0:6a:c3:c3:34:03:2c:7d:96:dd:5a:c2:0e:a7:
+         0a:99:c1:05:8b:ab:0c:2f:f3:5c:3a:cf:6c:37:55:09:87:de:
+         53:40:6c:58:ef:fc:b6:ab:65:6e:04:f6:1b:dc:3c:e0:5a:15:
+         c6:9e:d9:f1:59:48:30:21:65:03:6c:ec:e9:21:73:ec:9b:03:
+         a1:e0:37:ad:a0:15:18:8f:fa:ba:02:ce:a7:2c:a9:10:13:2c:
+         d4:e5:08:26:ab:22:97:60:f8:90:5e:74:d4:a2:9a:53:bd:f2:
+         a9:68:e0:a2:6e:c2:d7:6c:b1:a3:0f:9e:bf:eb:68:e7:56:f2:
+         ae:f2:e3:2b:38:3a:09:81:b5:6b:85:d7:be:2d:ed:3f:1a:b7:
+         b2:63:e2:f5:62:2c:82:d4:6a:00:41:50:f1:39:83:9f:95:e9:
+         36:96:98:6e
+SHA1 Fingerprint=D1:EB:23:A4:6D:17:D6:8F:D9:25:64:C2:F1:F1:60:17:64:D8:E3:49
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/76579174.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/76579174.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9672db2c2f510745d59a8489fc05102f134bf56c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/76579174.0
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            50:94:6c:ec:18:ea:d5:9c:4d:d5:97:ef:75:8f:a0:ad
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, OU=www.xrampsecurity.com, O=XRamp Security Services Inc, CN=XRamp Global Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov  1 17:14:04 2004 GMT
+            Not After : Jan  1 05:37:19 2035 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, OU=www.xrampsecurity.com, O=XRamp Security Services Inc, CN=XRamp Global Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:98:24:1e:bd:15:b4:ba:df:c7:8c:a5:27:b6:38:
+                    0b:69:f3:b6:4e:a8:2c:2e:21:1d:5c:44:df:21:5d:
+                    7e:23:74:fe:5e:7e:b4:4a:b7:a6:ad:1f:ae:e0:06:
+                    16:e2:9b:5b:d9:67:74:6b:5d:80:8f:29:9d:86:1b:
+                    d9:9c:0d:98:6d:76:10:28:58:e4:65:b0:7f:4a:98:
+                    79:9f:e0:c3:31:7e:80:2b:b5:8c:c0:40:3b:11:86:
+                    d0:cb:a2:86:36:60:a4:d5:30:82:6d:d9:6e:d0:0f:
+                    12:04:33:97:5f:4f:61:5a:f0:e4:f9:91:ab:e7:1d:
+                    3b:bc:e8:cf:f4:6b:2d:34:7c:e2:48:61:1c:8e:f3:
+                    61:44:cc:6f:a0:4a:a9:94:b0:4d:da:e7:a9:34:7a:
+                    72:38:a8:41:cc:3c:94:11:7d:eb:c8:a6:8c:b7:86:
+                    cb:ca:33:3b:d9:3d:37:8b:fb:7a:3e:86:2c:e7:73:
+                    d7:0a:57:ac:64:9b:19:eb:f4:0f:04:08:8a:ac:03:
+                    17:19:64:f4:5a:25:22:8d:34:2c:b2:f6:68:1d:12:
+                    6d:d3:8a:1e:14:da:c4:8f:a6:e2:23:85:d5:7a:0d:
+                    bd:6a:e0:e9:ec:ec:17:bb:42:1b:67:aa:25:ed:45:
+                    83:21:fc:c1:c9:7c:d5:62:3e:fa:f2:c5:2d:d3:fd:
+                    d4:65
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+                ...C.A
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                C6:4F:A2:3D:06:63:84:09:9C:CE:62:E4:04:AC:8D:5C:B5:E9:B6:1B
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.xrampsecurity.com/XGCA.crl
+                ...
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         91:15:39:03:01:1b:67:fb:4a:1c:f9:0a:60:5b:a1:da:4d:97:
+         62:f9:24:53:27:d7:82:64:4e:90:2e:c3:49:1b:2b:9a:dc:fc:
+         a8:78:67:35:f1:1d:f0:11:bd:b7:48:e3:10:f6:0d:df:3f:d2:
+         c9:b6:aa:55:a4:48:ba:02:db:de:59:2e:15:5b:3b:9d:16:7d:
+         47:d7:37:ea:5f:4d:76:12:36:bb:1f:d7:a1:81:04:46:20:a3:
+         2c:6d:a9:9e:01:7e:3f:29:ce:00:93:df:fd:c9:92:73:89:89:
+         64:9e:e7:2b:e4:1c:91:2c:d2:b9:ce:7d:ce:6f:31:99:d3:e6:
+         be:d2:1e:90:f0:09:14:79:5c:23:ab:4d:d2:da:21:1f:4d:99:
+         79:9d:e1:cf:27:9f:10:9b:1c:88:0d:b0:8a:64:41:31:b8:0e:
+         6c:90:24:a4:9b:5c:71:8f:ba:bb:7e:1c:1b:db:6a:80:0f:21:
+         bc:e9:db:a6:b7:40:f4:b2:8b:a9:b1:e4:ef:9a:1a:d0:3d:69:
+         99:ee:a8:28:a3:e1:3c:b3:f0:b2:11:9c:cf:7c:40:e6:dd:e7:
+         43:7d:a2:d8:3a:b5:a9:8d:f2:34:99:c4:d4:10:e1:06:fd:09:
+         84:10:3b:ee:c4:4c:f4:ec:27:7c:42:c2:74:7c:82:8a:09:c9:
+         b4:03:25:bc
+SHA1 Fingerprint=B8:01:86:D1:EB:9C:86:A5:41:04:CF:30:54:F3:4C:52:B7:E5:58:C6
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/7892ad52.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/7892ad52.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9d9bc090193fe1c569a0581893c23b54d2259076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/7892ad52.0
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 3182246526754555285 (0x2c299c5b16ed0595)
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=Texas, L=Houston, O=SSL Corporation, CN=SSL.com EV Root Certification Authority ECC
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Feb 12 18:15:23 2016 GMT
+            Not After : Feb 12 18:15:23 2041 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=Texas, L=Houston, O=SSL Corporation, CN=SSL.com EV Root Certification Authority ECC
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:aa:12:47:90:98:1b:fb:ef:c3:40:07:83:20:4e:
+                    f1:30:82:a2:06:d1:f2:92:86:61:f2:f6:21:68:ca:
+                    00:c4:c7:ea:43:00:54:86:dc:fd:1f:df:00:b8:41:
+                    62:5c:dc:70:16:32:de:1f:99:d4:cc:c5:07:c8:08:
+                    1f:61:16:07:51:3d:7d:5c:07:53:e3:35:38:8c:df:
+                    cd:9f:d9:2e:0d:4a:b6:19:2e:5a:70:5a:06:ed:be:
+                    f0:a1:b0:ca:d0:09:29
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                5B:CA:5E:E5:DE:D2:81:AA:CD:A8:2D:64:51:B6:D9:72:9B:97:E6:4F
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:5B:CA:5E:E5:DE:D2:81:AA:CD:A8:2D:64:51:B6:D9:72:9B:97:E6:4F
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
+         30:65:02:31:00:8a:e6:40:89:37:eb:e9:d5:13:d9:ca:d4:6b:
+         24:f3:b0:3d:87:46:58:1a:ec:b1:df:6f:fb:56:ba:70:6b:c7:
+         38:cc:e8:b1:8c:4f:0f:f7:f1:67:76:0e:83:d0:1e:51:8f:02:
+         30:3d:f6:23:28:26:4c:c6:60:87:93:26:9b:b2:35:1e:ba:d6:
+         f7:3c:d1:1c:ce:fa:25:3c:a6:1a:81:15:5b:f3:12:0f:6c:ee:
+         65:8a:c9:87:a8:f9:07:e0:62:9a:8c:5c:4a
+SHA1 Fingerprint=4C:DD:51:A3:D1:F5:20:32:14:B0:C6:C5:32:23:03:91:C7:46:42:6D
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/7999be0d.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/7999be0d.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..077c03b0a64314c338f883be47dc76d515e14784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/7999be0d.0
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 144470 (0x23456)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust Global CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 21 04:00:00 2002 GMT
+            Not After : May 21 04:00:00 2022 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust Global CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:da:cc:18:63:30:fd:f4:17:23:1a:56:7e:5b:df:
+                    3c:6c:38:e4:71:b7:78:91:d4:bc:a1:d8:4c:f8:a8:
+                    43:b6:03:e9:4d:21:07:08:88:da:58:2f:66:39:29:
+                    bd:05:78:8b:9d:38:e8:05:b7:6a:7e:71:a4:e6:c4:
+                    60:a6:b0:ef:80:e4:89:28:0f:9e:25:d6:ed:83:f3:
+                    ad:a6:91:c7:98:c9:42:18:35:14:9d:ad:98:46:92:
+                    2e:4f:ca:f1:87:43:c1:16:95:57:2d:50:ef:89:2d:
+                    80:7a:57:ad:f2:ee:5f:6b:d2:00:8d:b9:14:f8:14:
+                    15:35:d9:c0:46:a3:7b:72:c8:91:bf:c9:55:2b:cd:
+                    d0:97:3e:9c:26:64:cc:df:ce:83:19:71:ca:4e:e6:
+                    d4:d5:7b:a9:19:cd:55:de:c8:ec:d2:5e:38:53:e5:
+                    5c:4f:8c:2d:fe:50:23:36:fc:66:e6:cb:8e:a4:39:
+                    19:00:b7:95:02:39:91:0b:0e:fe:38:2e:d1:1d:05:
+                    9a:f6:4d:3e:6f:0f:07:1d:af:2c:1e:8f:60:39:e2:
+                    fa:36:53:13:39:d4:5e:26:2b:db:3d:a8:14:bd:32:
+                    eb:18:03:28:52:04:71:e5:ab:33:3d:e1:38:bb:07:
+                    36:84:62:9c:79:ea:16:30:f4:5f:c0:2b:e8:71:6b:
+                    e4:f9
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                C0:7A:98:68:8D:89:FB:AB:05:64:0C:11:7D:AA:7D:65:B8:CA:CC:4E
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:C0:7A:98:68:8D:89:FB:AB:05:64:0C:11:7D:AA:7D:65:B8:CA:CC:4E
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         35:e3:29:6a:e5:2f:5d:54:8e:29:50:94:9f:99:1a:14:e4:8f:
+         78:2a:62:94:a2:27:67:9e:d0:cf:1a:5e:47:e9:c1:b2:a4:cf:
+         dd:41:1a:05:4e:9b:4b:ee:4a:6f:55:52:b3:24:a1:37:0a:eb:
+         64:76:2a:2e:2c:f3:fd:3b:75:90:bf:fa:71:d8:c7:3d:37:d2:
+         b5:05:95:62:b9:a6:de:89:3d:36:7b:38:77:48:97:ac:a6:20:
+         8f:2e:a6:c9:0c:c2:b2:99:45:00:c7:ce:11:51:22:22:e0:a5:
+         ea:b6:15:48:09:64:ea:5e:4f:74:f7:05:3e:c7:8a:52:0c:db:
+         15:b4:bd:6d:9b:e5:c6:b1:54:68:a9:e3:69:90:b6:9a:a5:0f:
+         b8:b9:3f:20:7d:ae:4a:b5:b8:9c:e4:1d:b6:ab:e6:94:a5:c1:
+         c7:83:ad:db:f5:27:87:0e:04:6c:d5:ff:dd:a0:5d:ed:87:52:
+         b7:2b:15:02:ae:39:a6:6a:74:e9:da:c4:e7:bc:4d:34:1e:a9:
+         5c:4d:33:5f:92:09:2f:88:66:5d:77:97:c7:1d:76:13:a9:d5:
+         e5:f1:16:09:11:35:d5:ac:db:24:71:70:2c:98:56:0b:d9:17:
+         b4:d1:e3:51:2b:5e:75:e8:d5:d0:dc:4f:34:ed:c2:05:66:80:
+         a1:cb:e6:33
+SHA1 Fingerprint=DE:28:F4:A4:FF:E5:B9:2F:A3:C5:03:D1:A3:49:A7:F9:96:2A:82:12
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/7a7c655d.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/7a7c655d.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..380ee978d7ef91467d4ac73814e67fc22bccf2e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/7a7c655d.0
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            06:6c:9f:d5:74:97:36:66:3f:3b:0b:9a:d9:e8:9e:76:03:f2:4a
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
+        Issuer: C=US, O=Amazon, CN=Amazon Root CA 3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 26 00:00:00 2015 GMT
+            Not After : May 26 00:00:00 2040 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=Amazon, CN=Amazon Root CA 3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (256 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:29:97:a7:c6:41:7f:c0:0d:9b:e8:01:1b:56:c6:
+                    f2:52:a5:ba:2d:b2:12:e8:d2:2e:d7:fa:c9:c5:d8:
+                    aa:6d:1f:73:81:3b:3b:98:6b:39:7c:33:a5:c5:4e:
+                    86:8e:80:17:68:62:45:57:7d:44:58:1d:b3:37:e5:
+                    67:08:eb:66:de
+                ASN1 OID: prime256v1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                AB:B6:DB:D7:06:9E:37:AC:30:86:07:91:70:C7:9C:C4:19:B1:78:C0
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
+         30:46:02:21:00:e0:85:92:a3:17:b7:8d:f9:2b:06:a5:93:ac:
+         1a:98:68:61:72:fa:e1:a1:d0:fb:1c:78:60:a6:43:99:c5:b8:
+         c4:02:21:00:9c:02:ef:f1:94:9c:b3:96:f9:eb:c6:2a:f8:b6:
+         2c:fe:3a:90:14:16:d7:8c:63:24:48:1c:df:30:7d:d5:68:3b
+SHA1 Fingerprint=0D:44:DD:8C:3C:8C:1A:1A:58:75:64:81:E9:0F:2E:2A:FF:B3:D2:6E
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/7a819ef2.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/7a819ef2.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..091009f026cbfef5e18a15577adb5af9c804a953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/7a819ef2.0
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1289 (0x509)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 24 18:27:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Nov 24 18:23:33 2031 GMT
+        Subject: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:9a:18:ca:4b:94:0d:00:2d:af:03:29:8a:f0:0f:
+                    81:c8:ae:4c:19:85:1d:08:9f:ab:29:44:85:f3:2f:
+                    81:ad:32:1e:90:46:bf:a3:86:26:1a:1e:fe:7e:1c:
+                    18:3a:5c:9c:60:17:2a:3a:74:83:33:30:7d:61:54:
+                    11:cb:ed:ab:e0:e6:d2:a2:7e:f5:6b:6f:18:b7:0a:
+                    0b:2d:fd:e9:3e:ef:0a:c6:b3:10:e9:dc:c2:46:17:
+                    f8:5d:fd:a4:da:ff:9e:49:5a:9c:e6:33:e6:24:96:
+                    f7:3f:ba:5b:2b:1c:7a:35:c2:d6:67:fe:ab:66:50:
+                    8b:6d:28:60:2b:ef:d7:60:c3:c7:93:bc:8d:36:91:
+                    f3:7f:f8:db:11:13:c4:9c:77:76:c1:ae:b7:02:6a:
+                    81:7a:a9:45:83:e2:05:e6:b9:56:c1:94:37:8f:48:
+                    71:63:22:ec:17:65:07:95:8a:4b:df:8f:c6:5a:0a:
+                    e5:b0:e3:5f:5e:6b:11:ab:0c:f9:85:eb:44:e9:f8:
+                    04:73:f2:e9:fe:5c:98:8c:f5:73:af:6b:b4:7e:cd:
+                    d4:5c:02:2b:4c:39:e1:b2:95:95:2d:42:87:d7:d5:
+                    b3:90:43:b7:6c:13:f1:de:dd:f6:c4:f8:89:3f:d1:
+                    75:f5:92:c3:91:d5:8a:88:d0:90:ec:dc:6d:de:89:
+                    c2:65:71:96:8b:0d:03:fd:9c:bf:5b:16:ac:92:db:
+                    ea:fe:79:7c:ad:eb:af:f7:16:cb:db:cd:25:2b:e5:
+                    1f:fb:9a:9f:e2:51:cc:3a:53:0c:48:e6:0e:bd:c9:
+                    b4:76:06:52:e6:11:13:85:72:63:03:04:e0:04:36:
+                    2b:20:19:02:e8:74:a7:1f:b6:c9:56:66:f0:75:25:
+                    dc:67:c1:0e:61:60:88:b3:3e:d1:a8:fc:a3:da:1d:
+                    b0:d1:b1:23:54:df:44:76:6d:ed:41:d8:c1:b2:22:
+                    b6:53:1c:df:35:1d:dc:a1:77:2a:31:e4:2d:f5:e5:
+                    e5:db:c8:e0:ff:e5:80:d7:0b:63:a0:ff:33:a1:0f:
+                    ba:2c:15:15:ea:97:b3:d2:a2:b5:be:f2:8c:96:1e:
+                    1a:8f:1d:6c:a4:61:37:b9:86:73:33:d7:97:96:9e:
+                    23:7d:82:a4:4c:81:e2:a1:d1:ba:67:5f:95:07:a3:
+                    27:11:ee:16:10:7b:bc:45:4a:4c:b2:04:d2:ab:ef:
+                    d5:fd:0c:51:ce:50:6a:08:31:f9:91:da:0c:8f:64:
+                    5c:03:c3:3a:8b:20:3f:6e:8d:67:3d:3a:d6:fe:7d:
+                    5b:88:c9:5e:fb:cc:61:dc:8b:33:77:d3:44:32:35:
+                    09:62:04:92:16:10:d8:9e:27:47:fb:3b:21:e3:f8:
+                    eb:1d:5b
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                1A:84:62:BC:48:4C:33:25:04:D4:EE:D0:F6:03:C4:19:46:D1:94:6B
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:1A:84:62:BC:48:4C:33:25:04:D4:EE:D0:F6:03:C4:19:46:D1:94:6B
+                DirName:/C=BM/O=QuoVadis Limited/CN=QuoVadis Root CA 2
+                serial:05:09
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         3e:0a:16:4d:9f:06:5b:a8:ae:71:5d:2f:05:2f:67:e6:13:45:
+         83:c4:36:f6:f3:c0:26:0c:0d:b5:47:64:5d:f8:b4:72:c9:46:
+         a5:03:18:27:55:89:78:7d:76:ea:96:34:80:17:20:dc:e7:83:
+         f8:8d:fc:07:b8:da:5f:4d:2e:67:b2:84:fd:d9:44:fc:77:50:
+         81:e6:7c:b4:c9:0d:0b:72:53:f8:76:07:07:41:47:96:0c:fb:
+         e0:82:26:93:55:8c:fe:22:1f:60:65:7c:5f:e7:26:b3:f7:32:
+         90:98:50:d4:37:71:55:f6:92:21:78:f7:95:79:fa:f8:2d:26:
+         87:66:56:30:77:a6:37:78:33:52:10:58:ae:3f:61:8e:f2:6a:
+         b1:ef:18:7e:4a:59:63:ca:8d:a2:56:d5:a7:2f:bc:56:1f:cf:
+         39:c1:e2:fb:0a:a8:15:2c:7d:4d:7a:63:c6:6c:97:44:3c:d2:
+         6f:c3:4a:17:0a:f8:90:d2:57:a2:19:51:a5:2d:97:41:da:07:
+         4f:a9:50:da:90:8d:94:46:e1:3e:f0:94:fd:10:00:38:f5:3b:
+         e8:40:e1:b4:6e:56:1a:20:cc:6f:58:8d:ed:2e:45:8f:d6:e9:
+         93:3f:e7:b1:2c:df:3a:d6:22:8c:dc:84:bb:22:6f:d0:f8:e4:
+         c6:39:e9:04:88:3c:c3:ba:eb:55:7a:6d:80:99:24:f5:6c:01:
+         fb:f8:97:b0:94:5b:eb:fd:d2:6f:f1:77:68:0d:35:64:23:ac:
+         b8:55:a1:03:d1:4d:42:19:dc:f8:75:59:56:a3:f9:a8:49:79:
+         f8:af:0e:b9:11:a0:7c:b7:6a:ed:34:d0:b6:26:62:38:1a:87:
+         0c:f8:e8:fd:2e:d3:90:7f:07:91:2a:1d:d6:7e:5c:85:83:99:
+         b0:38:08:3f:e9:5e:f9:35:07:e4:c9:62:6e:57:7f:a7:50:95:
+         f7:ba:c8:9b:e6:8e:a2:01:c5:d6:66:bf:79:61:f3:3c:1c:e1:
+         b9:82:5c:5d:a0:c3:e9:d8:48:bd:19:a2:11:14:19:6e:b2:86:
+         1b:68:3e:48:37:1a:88:b7:5d:96:5e:9c:c7:ef:27:62:08:e2:
+         91:19:5c:d2:f1:21:dd:ba:17:42:82:97:71:81:53:31:a9:9f:
+         f6:7d:62:bf:72:e1:a3:93:1d:cc:8a:26:5a:09:38:d0:ce:d7:
+         0d:80:16:b4:78:a5:3a:87:4c:8d:8a:a5:d5:46:97:f2:2c:10:
+         b9:bc:54:22:c0:01:50:69:43:9e:f4:b2:ef:6d:f8:ec:da:f1:
+         e3:b1:ef:df:91:8f:54:2a:0b:25:c1:26:19:c4:52:10:05:65:
+         d5:82:10:ea:c2:31:cd:2e
+SHA1 Fingerprint=CA:3A:FB:CF:12:40:36:4B:44:B2:16:20:88:80:48:39:19:93:7C:F7
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/7c302982.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/7c302982.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c6143247231601e1cdc848228a45c3994aecbe2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/7c302982.0
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 15752444095811006489 (0xda9bec71f303b019)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=PA, ST=Panama, L=Panama City, O=TrustCor Systems S. de R.L., OU=TrustCor Certificate Authority, CN=TrustCor RootCert CA-1
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Feb  4 12:32:16 2016 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 17:23:16 2029 GMT
+        Subject: C=PA, ST=Panama, L=Panama City, O=TrustCor Systems S. de R.L., OU=TrustCor Certificate Authority, CN=TrustCor RootCert CA-1
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:bf:8e:b7:95:e2:c2:26:12:6b:33:19:c7:40:58:
+                    0a:ab:59:aa:8d:00:a3:fc:80:c7:50:7b:8e:d4:20:
+                    26:ba:32:12:d8:23:54:49:25:10:22:98:9d:46:d2:
+                    c1:c9:9e:4e:1b:2e:2c:0e:38:f3:1a:25:68:1c:a6:
+                    5a:05:e6:1e:8b:48:bf:98:96:74:3e:69:ca:e9:b5:
+                    78:a5:06:bc:d5:00:5e:09:0a:f2:27:7a:52:fc:2d:
+                    d5:b1:ea:b4:89:61:24:f3:1a:13:db:a9:cf:52:ed:
+                    0c:24:ba:b9:9e:ec:7e:00:74:fa:93:ad:6c:29:92:
+                    ae:51:b4:bb:d3:57:bf:b3:f3:a8:8d:9c:f4:24:4b:
+                    2a:d6:99:9e:f4:9e:fe:c0:7e:42:3a:e7:0b:95:53:
+                    da:b7:68:0e:90:4c:fb:70:3f:8f:4a:2c:94:f3:26:
+                    dd:63:69:a9:94:d8:10:4e:c5:47:08:90:99:1b:17:
+                    4d:b9:6c:6e:ef:60:95:11:8e:21:80:b5:bd:a0:73:
+                    d8:d0:b2:77:c4:45:ea:5a:26:fb:66:76:76:f8:06:
+                    1f:61:6d:0f:55:c5:83:b7:10:56:72:06:07:a5:f3:
+                    b1:1a:03:05:64:0e:9d:5a:8a:d6:86:70:1b:24:de:
+                    fe:28:8a:2b:d0:6a:b0:fc:7a:a2:dc:b2:79:0e:8b:
+                    65:0f
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                EE:6B:49:3C:7A:3F:0D:E3:B1:09:B7:8A:C8:AB:19:9F:73:33:50:E7
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:EE:6B:49:3C:7A:3F:0D:E3:B1:09:B7:8A:C8:AB:19:9F:73:33:50:E7
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         25:18:d4:91:8f:13:ee:8f:1e:1d:11:53:da:2d:44:29:19:a0:
+         1e:6b:31:9e:4d:0e:9e:ad:3d:5c:41:6f:95:2b:24:a1:79:98:
+         3a:38:36:fb:bb:66:9e:48:ff:90:90:ef:3d:d4:b8:9b:b4:87:
+         75:3f:20:9b:ce:72:cf:a1:55:c1:4d:64:a2:19:06:a1:07:33:
+         0c:0b:29:e5:f1:ea:ab:a3:ec:b5:0a:74:90:c7:7d:72:f2:d7:
+         5c:9f:91:ef:91:8b:b7:dc:ed:66:a2:cf:8e:66:3b:bc:9f:3a:
+         02:e0:27:dd:16:98:c0:95:d4:0a:a4:e4:81:9a:75:94:35:9c:
+         90:5f:88:37:06:ad:59:95:0a:b0:d1:67:d3:19:ca:89:e7:32:
+         5a:36:1c:3e:82:a8:5a:93:be:c6:d0:64:91:b6:cf:d9:b6:18:
+         cf:db:7e:d2:65:a3:a6:c4:8e:17:31:c1:fb:7e:76:db:d3:85:
+         e3:58:b2:77:7a:76:3b:6c:2f:50:1c:e7:db:f6:67:79:1f:f5:
+         82:95:9a:07:a7:14:af:8f:dc:28:21:67:09:d2:d6:4d:5a:1c:
+         19:1c:8e:77:5c:c3:94:24:3d:32:6b:4b:7e:d4:78:94:83:be:
+         37:4d:ce:5f:c7:1e:4e:3c:e0:89:33:95:0b:0f:a5:32:d6:3c:
+         5a:79:2c:19
+SHA1 Fingerprint=FF:BD:CD:E7:82:C8:43:5E:3C:6F:26:86:5C:CA:A8:3A:45:5B:C3:0A
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/7d453d8f.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/7d453d8f.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..832001846b3a27187037cf82d34033d6110f6a0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/7d453d8f.0
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 1 (0x0)
+        Serial Number:
+            9b:7e:06:49:a3:3e:62:b9:d5:ee:90:48:71:29:ef:57
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 1999 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Oct  1 00:00:00 1999 GMT
+            Not After : Jul 16 23:59:59 2036 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 1999 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:cb:ba:9c:52:fc:78:1f:1a:1e:6f:1b:37:73:bd:
+                    f8:c9:6b:94:12:30:4f:f0:36:47:f5:d0:91:0a:f5:
+                    17:c8:a5:61:c1:16:40:4d:fb:8a:61:90:e5:76:20:
+                    c1:11:06:7d:ab:2c:6e:a6:f5:11:41:8e:fa:2d:ad:
+                    2a:61:59:a4:67:26:4c:d0:e8:bc:52:5b:70:20:04:
+                    58:d1:7a:c9:a4:69:bc:83:17:64:ad:05:8b:bc:d0:
+                    58:ce:8d:8c:f5:eb:f0:42:49:0b:9d:97:27:67:32:
+                    6e:e1:ae:93:15:1c:70:bc:20:4d:2f:18:de:92:88:
+                    e8:6c:85:57:11:1a:e9:7e:e3:26:11:54:a2:45:96:
+                    55:83:ca:30:89:e8:dc:d8:a3:ed:2a:80:3f:7f:79:
+                    65:57:3e:15:20:66:08:2f:95:93:bf:aa:47:2f:a8:
+                    46:97:f0:12:e2:fe:c2:0a:2b:51:e6:76:e6:b7:46:
+                    b7:e2:0d:a6:cc:a8:c3:4c:59:55:89:e6:e8:53:5c:
+                    1c:ea:9d:f0:62:16:0b:a7:c9:5f:0c:f0:de:c2:76:
+                    ce:af:f7:6a:f2:fa:41:a6:a2:33:14:c9:e5:7a:63:
+                    d3:9e:62:37:d5:85:65:9e:0e:e6:53:24:74:1b:5e:
+                    1d:12:53:5b:c7:2c:e7:83:49:3b:15:ae:8a:68:b9:
+                    57:97
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         11:14:96:c1:ab:92:08:f7:3f:2f:c9:b2:fe:e4:5a:9f:64:de:
+         db:21:4f:86:99:34:76:36:57:dd:d0:15:2f:c5:ad:7f:15:1f:
+         37:62:73:3e:d4:e7:5f:ce:17:03:db:35:fa:2b:db:ae:60:09:
+         5f:1e:5f:8f:6e:bb:0b:3d:ea:5a:13:1e:0c:60:6f:b5:c0:b5:
+         23:22:2e:07:0b:cb:a9:74:cb:47:bb:1d:c1:d7:a5:6b:cc:2f:
+         d2:42:fd:49:dd:a7:89:cf:53:ba:da:00:5a:28:bf:82:df:f8:
+         ba:13:1d:50:86:82:fd:8e:30:8f:29:46:b0:1e:3d:35:da:38:
+         62:16:18:4a:ad:e6:b6:51:6c:de:af:62:eb:01:d0:1e:24:fe:
+         7a:8f:12:1a:12:68:b8:fb:66:99:14:14:45:5c:ae:e7:ae:69:
+         17:81:2b:5a:37:c9:5e:2a:f4:c6:e2:a1:5c:54:9b:a6:54:00:
+         cf:f0:f1:c1:c7:98:30:1a:3b:36:16:db:a3:6e:ea:fd:ad:b2:
+         c2:da:ef:02:47:13:8a:c0:f1:b3:31:ad:4f:1c:e1:4f:9c:af:
+         0f:0c:9d:f7:78:0d:d8:f4:35:56:80:da:b7:6d:17:8f:9d:1e:
+         81:64:e1:fe:c5:45:ba:ad:6b:b9:0a:7a:4e:4f:4b:84:ee:4b:
+         f1:7d:dd:11
+SHA1 Fingerprint=13:2D:0D:45:53:4B:69:97:CD:B2:D5:C3:39:E2:55:76:60:9B:5C:C6
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/81b9768f.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/81b9768f.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3593254c03940f89ee06bee4dc2894f71888750c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/81b9768f.0
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            02:ac:5c:26:6a:0b:40:9b:8f:0b:79:f2:ae:46:25:77
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 10 00:00:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Nov 10 00:00:00 2031 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c6:cc:e5:73:e6:fb:d4:bb:e5:2d:2d:32:a6:df:
+                    e5:81:3f:c9:cd:25:49:b6:71:2a:c3:d5:94:34:67:
+                    a2:0a:1c:b0:5f:69:a6:40:b1:c4:b7:b2:8f:d0:98:
+                    a4:a9:41:59:3a:d3:dc:94:d6:3c:db:74:38:a4:4a:
+                    cc:4d:25:82:f7:4a:a5:53:12:38:ee:f3:49:6d:71:
+                    91:7e:63:b6:ab:a6:5f:c3:a4:84:f8:4f:62:51:be:
+                    f8:c5:ec:db:38:92:e3:06:e5:08:91:0c:c4:28:41:
+                    55:fb:cb:5a:89:15:7e:71:e8:35:bf:4d:72:09:3d:
+                    be:3a:38:50:5b:77:31:1b:8d:b3:c7:24:45:9a:a7:
+                    ac:6d:00:14:5a:04:b7:ba:13:eb:51:0a:98:41:41:
+                    22:4e:65:61:87:81:41:50:a6:79:5c:89:de:19:4a:
+                    57:d5:2e:e6:5d:1c:53:2c:7e:98:cd:1a:06:16:a4:
+                    68:73:d0:34:04:13:5c:a1:71:d3:5a:7c:55:db:5e:
+                    64:e1:37:87:30:56:04:e5:11:b4:29:80:12:f1:79:
+                    39:88:a2:02:11:7c:27:66:b7:88:b7:78:f2:ca:0a:
+                    a8:38:ab:0a:64:c2:bf:66:5d:95:84:c1:a1:25:1e:
+                    87:5d:1a:50:0b:20:12:cc:41:bb:6e:0b:51:38:b8:
+                    4b:cb
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                B1:3E:C3:69:03:F8:BF:47:01:D4:98:26:1A:08:02:EF:63:64:2B:C3
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:B1:3E:C3:69:03:F8:BF:47:01:D4:98:26:1A:08:02:EF:63:64:2B:C3
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         1c:1a:06:97:dc:d7:9c:9f:3c:88:66:06:08:57:21:db:21:47:
+         f8:2a:67:aa:bf:18:32:76:40:10:57:c1:8a:f3:7a:d9:11:65:
+         8e:35:fa:9e:fc:45:b5:9e:d9:4c:31:4b:b8:91:e8:43:2c:8e:
+         b3:78:ce:db:e3:53:79:71:d6:e5:21:94:01:da:55:87:9a:24:
+         64:f6:8a:66:cc:de:9c:37:cd:a8:34:b1:69:9b:23:c8:9e:78:
+         22:2b:70:43:e3:55:47:31:61:19:ef:58:c5:85:2f:4e:30:f6:
+         a0:31:16:23:c8:e7:e2:65:16:33:cb:bf:1a:1b:a0:3d:f8:ca:
+         5e:8b:31:8b:60:08:89:2d:0c:06:5c:52:b7:c4:f9:0a:98:d1:
+         15:5f:9f:12:be:7c:36:63:38:bd:44:a4:7f:e4:26:2b:0a:c4:
+         97:69:0d:e9:8c:e2:c0:10:57:b8:c8:76:12:91:55:f2:48:69:
+         d8:bc:2a:02:5b:0f:44:d4:20:31:db:f4:ba:70:26:5d:90:60:
+         9e:bc:4b:17:09:2f:b4:cb:1e:43:68:c9:07:27:c1:d2:5c:f7:
+         ea:21:b9:68:12:9c:3c:9c:bf:9e:fc:80:5c:9b:63:cd:ec:47:
+         aa:25:27:67:a0:37:f3:00:82:7d:54:d7:a9:f8:e9:2e:13:a3:
+         77:e8:1f:4a
+SHA1 Fingerprint=5F:B7:EE:06:33:E2:59:DB:AD:0C:4C:9A:E6:D3:8F:1A:61:C7:DC:25
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/82223c44.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/82223c44.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ab5bf83a2082040d641637ff666f2acef721b7c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/82223c44.0
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 2 (0x2)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=NO, O=Buypass AS-983163327, CN=Buypass Class 2 Root CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Oct 26 08:38:03 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Oct 26 08:38:03 2040 GMT
+        Subject: C=NO, O=Buypass AS-983163327, CN=Buypass Class 2 Root CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:d7:c7:5e:f7:c1:07:d4:77:fb:43:21:f4:f4:f5:
+                    69:e4:ee:32:01:db:a3:86:1f:e4:59:0d:ba:e7:75:
+                    83:52:eb:ea:1c:61:15:48:bb:1d:07:ca:8c:ae:b0:
+                    dc:96:9d:ea:c3:60:92:86:82:28:73:9c:56:06:ff:
+                    4b:64:f0:0c:2a:37:49:b5:e5:cf:0c:7c:ee:f1:4a:
+                    bb:73:30:65:f3:d5:2f:83:b6:7e:e3:e7:f5:9e:ab:
+                    60:f9:d3:f1:9d:92:74:8a:e4:1c:96:ac:5b:80:e9:
+                    b5:f4:31:87:a3:51:fc:c7:7e:a1:6f:8e:53:77:d4:
+                    97:c1:55:33:92:3e:18:2f:75:d4:ad:86:49:cb:95:
+                    af:54:06:6c:d8:06:13:8d:5b:ff:e1:26:19:59:c0:
+                    24:ba:81:71:79:90:44:50:68:24:94:5f:b8:b3:11:
+                    f1:29:41:61:a3:41:cb:23:36:d5:c1:f1:32:50:10:
+                    4e:7f:f4:86:93:ec:84:d3:8e:bc:4b:bf:5c:01:4e:
+                    07:3d:dc:14:8a:94:0a:a4:ea:73:fb:0b:51:e8:13:
+                    07:18:fa:0e:f1:2b:d1:54:15:7d:3c:e1:f7:b4:19:
+                    42:67:62:5e:77:e0:a2:55:ec:b6:d9:69:17:d5:3a:
+                    af:44:ed:4a:c5:9e:e4:7a:27:7c:e5:75:d7:aa:cb:
+                    25:e7:df:6b:0a:db:0f:4d:93:4e:a8:a0:cd:7b:2e:
+                    f2:59:01:6a:b7:0d:b8:07:81:7e:8b:38:1b:38:e6:
+                    0a:57:99:3d:ee:21:e8:a3:f5:0c:16:dd:8b:ec:34:
+                    8e:9c:2a:1c:00:15:17:8d:68:83:d2:70:9f:18:08:
+                    cd:11:68:d5:c9:6b:52:cd:c4:46:8f:dc:b5:f3:d8:
+                    57:73:1e:e9:94:39:04:bf:d3:de:38:de:b4:53:ec:
+                    69:1c:a2:7e:c4:8f:e4:1b:70:ad:f2:a2:f9:fb:f7:
+                    16:64:66:69:9f:49:51:a2:e2:15:18:67:06:4a:7f:
+                    d5:6c:b5:4d:b3:33:e0:61:eb:5d:be:e9:98:0f:32:
+                    d7:1d:4b:3c:2e:5a:01:52:91:09:f2:df:ea:8d:d8:
+                    06:40:63:aa:11:e4:fe:c3:37:9e:14:52:3f:f4:e2:
+                    cc:f2:61:93:d1:fd:67:6b:d7:52:ae:bf:68:ab:40:
+                    43:a0:57:35:53:78:f0:53:f8:61:42:07:64:c6:d7:
+                    6f:9b:4c:38:0d:63:ac:62:af:36:8b:a2:73:0a:0d:
+                    f5:21:bd:74:aa:4d:ea:72:03:49:db:c7:5f:1d:62:
+                    63:c7:fd:dd:91:ec:33:ee:f5:6d:b4:6e:30:68:de:
+                    c8:d6:26:b0:75:5e:7b:b4:07:20:98:a1:76:32:b8:
+                    4d:6c:4f
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                C9:80:77:E0:62:92:82:F5:46:9C:F3:BA:F7:4C:C3:DE:B8:A3:AD:39
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         53:5f:21:f5:ba:b0:3a:52:39:2c:92:b0:6c:00:c9:ef:ce:20:
+         ef:06:f2:96:9e:e9:a4:74:7f:7a:16:fc:b7:f5:b6:fb:15:1b:
+         3f:ab:a6:c0:72:5d:10:b1:71:ee:bc:4f:e3:ad:ac:03:6d:2e:
+         71:2e:af:c4:e3:ad:a3:bd:0c:11:a7:b4:ff:4a:b2:7b:10:10:
+         1f:a7:57:41:b2:c0:ae:f4:2c:59:d6:47:10:88:f3:21:51:29:
+         30:ca:60:86:af:46:ab:1d:ed:3a:5b:b0:94:de:44:e3:41:08:
+         a2:c1:ec:1d:d6:fd:4f:b6:d6:47:d0:14:0b:ca:e6:ca:b5:7b:
+         77:7e:41:1f:5e:83:c7:b6:8c:39:96:b0:3f:96:81:41:6f:60:
+         90:e2:e8:f9:fb:22:71:d9:7d:b3:3d:46:bf:b4:84:af:90:1c:
+         0f:8f:12:6a:af:ef:ee:1e:7a:ae:02:4a:8a:17:2b:76:fe:ac:
+         54:89:24:2c:4f:3f:b6:b2:a7:4e:8c:a8:91:97:fb:29:c6:7b:
+         5c:2d:b9:cb:66:b6:b7:a8:5b:12:51:85:b5:09:7e:62:78:70:
+         fe:a9:6a:60:b6:1d:0e:79:0c:fd:ca:ea:24:80:72:c3:97:3f:
+         f2:77:ab:43:22:0a:c7:eb:b6:0c:84:82:2c:80:6b:41:8a:08:
+         c0:eb:a5:6b:df:99:12:cb:8a:d5:5e:80:0c:91:e0:26:08:36:
+         48:c5:fa:38:11:35:ff:25:83:2d:f2:7a:bf:da:fd:8e:fe:a5:
+         cb:45:2c:1f:c4:88:53:ae:77:0e:d9:9a:76:c5:8e:2c:1d:a3:
+         ba:d5:ec:32:ae:c0:aa:ac:f7:d1:7a:4d:eb:d4:07:e2:48:f7:
+         22:8e:b0:a4:9f:6a:ce:8e:b2:b2:60:f4:a3:22:d0:23:eb:94:
+         5a:7a:69:dd:0f:bf:40:57:ac:6b:59:50:d9:a3:99:e1:6e:fe:
+         8d:01:79:27:23:15:de:92:9d:7b:09:4d:5a:e7:4b:48:30:5a:
+         18:e6:0a:6d:e6:8f:e0:d2:bb:e6:df:7c:6e:21:82:c1:68:39:
+         4d:b4:98:58:66:62:cc:4a:90:5e:c3:fa:27:04:b1:79:15:74:
+         99:cc:be:ad:20:de:26:60:1c:eb:56:51:a6:a3:ea:e4:a3:3f:
+         a7:ff:61:dc:f1:5a:4d:6c:32:23:43:ee:ac:a8:ee:ee:4a:12:
+         09:3c:5d:71:c2:be:79:fa:c2:87:68:1d:0b:fd:5c:69:cc:06:
+         d0:9a:7d:54:99:2a:c9:39:1a:19:af:4b:2a:43:f3:63:5d:5a:
+         58:e2:2f:e3:1d:e4:a9:d6:d0:0a:d0:9e:bf:d7:81:09:f1:c9:
+         c7:26:0d:ac:98:16:56:a0
+SHA1 Fingerprint=49:0A:75:74:DE:87:0A:47:FE:58:EE:F6:C7:6B:EB:C6:0B:12:40:99
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/85cde254.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/85cde254.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..08be8a683d3137d1a4e8f55315615302d1a350c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/85cde254.0
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O=Starfield Technologies, Inc., CN=Starfield Root Certificate Authority - G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Sep  1 00:00:00 2009 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2037 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O=Starfield Technologies, Inc., CN=Starfield Root Certificate Authority - G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:bd:ed:c1:03:fc:f6:8f:fc:02:b1:6f:5b:9f:48:
+                    d9:9d:79:e2:a2:b7:03:61:56:18:c3:47:b6:d7:ca:
+                    3d:35:2e:89:43:f7:a1:69:9b:de:8a:1a:fd:13:20:
+                    9c:b4:49:77:32:29:56:fd:b9:ec:8c:dd:22:fa:72:
+                    dc:27:61:97:ee:f6:5a:84:ec:6e:19:b9:89:2c:dc:
+                    84:5b:d5:74:fb:6b:5f:c5:89:a5:10:52:89:46:55:
+                    f4:b8:75:1c:e6:7f:e4:54:ae:4b:f8:55:72:57:02:
+                    19:f8:17:71:59:eb:1e:28:07:74:c5:9d:48:be:6c:
+                    b4:f4:a4:b0:f3:64:37:79:92:c0:ec:46:5e:7f:e1:
+                    6d:53:4c:62:af:cd:1f:0b:63:bb:3a:9d:fb:fc:79:
+                    00:98:61:74:cf:26:82:40:63:f3:b2:72:6a:19:0d:
+                    99:ca:d4:0e:75:cc:37:fb:8b:89:c1:59:f1:62:7f:
+                    5f:b3:5f:65:30:f8:a7:b7:4d:76:5a:1e:76:5e:34:
+                    c0:e8:96:56:99:8a:b3:f0:7f:a4:cd:bd:dc:32:31:
+                    7c:91:cf:e0:5f:11:f8:6b:aa:49:5c:d1:99:94:d1:
+                    a2:e3:63:5b:09:76:b5:56:62:e1:4b:74:1d:96:d4:
+                    26:d4:08:04:59:d0:98:0e:0e:e6:de:fc:c3:ec:1f:
+                    90:f1
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                7C:0C:32:1F:A7:D9:30:7F:C4:7D:68:A3:62:A8:A1:CE:AB:07:5B:27
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         11:59:fa:25:4f:03:6f:94:99:3b:9a:1f:82:85:39:d4:76:05:
+         94:5e:e1:28:93:6d:62:5d:09:c2:a0:a8:d4:b0:75:38:f1:34:
+         6a:9d:e4:9f:8a:86:26:51:e6:2c:d1:c6:2d:6e:95:20:4a:92:
+         01:ec:b8:8a:67:7b:31:e2:67:2e:8c:95:03:26:2e:43:9d:4a:
+         31:f6:0e:b5:0c:bb:b7:e2:37:7f:22:ba:00:a3:0e:7b:52:fb:
+         6b:bb:3b:c4:d3:79:51:4e:cd:90:f4:67:07:19:c8:3c:46:7a:
+         0d:01:7d:c5:58:e7:6d:e6:85:30:17:9a:24:c4:10:e0:04:f7:
+         e0:f2:7f:d4:aa:0a:ff:42:1d:37:ed:94:e5:64:59:12:20:77:
+         38:d3:32:3e:38:81:75:96:73:fa:68:8f:b1:cb:ce:1f:c5:ec:
+         fa:9c:7e:cf:7e:b1:f1:07:2d:b6:fc:bf:ca:a4:bf:d0:97:05:
+         4a:bc:ea:18:28:02:90:bd:54:78:09:21:71:d3:d1:7d:1d:d9:
+         16:b0:a9:61:3d:d0:0a:00:22:fc:c7:7b:cb:09:64:45:0b:3b:
+         40:81:f7:7d:7c:32:f5:98:ca:58:8e:7d:2a:ee:90:59:73:64:
+         f9:36:74:5e:25:a1:f5:66:05:2e:7f:39:15:a9:2a:fb:50:8b:
+         8e:85:69:f4
+SHA1 Fingerprint=B5:1C:06:7C:EE:2B:0C:3D:F8:55:AB:2D:92:F4:FE:39:D4:E7:0F:0E
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/86212b19.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/86212b19.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ac1ad6bd810e893e9f52256e15b70db6fd504a94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/86212b19.0
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 8957382827206547757 (0x7c4f04391cd4992d)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Networking
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan 29 14:08:24 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 14:08:24 2030 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Networking
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b4:84:cc:33:17:2e:6b:94:6c:6b:61:52:a0:eb:
+                    a3:cf:79:94:4c:e5:94:80:99:cb:55:64:44:65:8f:
+                    67:64:e2:06:e3:5c:37:49:f6:2f:9b:84:84:1e:2d:
+                    f2:60:9d:30:4e:cc:84:85:e2:2c:cf:1e:9e:fe:36:
+                    ab:33:77:35:44:d8:35:96:1a:3d:36:e8:7a:0e:d8:
+                    d5:47:a1:6a:69:8b:d9:fc:bb:3a:ae:79:5a:d5:f4:
+                    d6:71:bb:9a:90:23:6b:9a:b7:88:74:87:0c:1e:5f:
+                    b9:9e:2d:fa:ab:53:2b:dc:bb:76:3e:93:4c:08:08:
+                    8c:1e:a2:23:1c:d4:6a:ad:22:ba:99:01:2e:6d:65:
+                    cb:be:24:66:55:24:4b:40:44:b1:1b:d7:e1:c2:85:
+                    c0:de:10:3f:3d:ed:b8:fc:f1:f1:23:53:dc:bf:65:
+                    97:6f:d9:f9:40:71:8d:7d:bd:95:d4:ce:be:a0:5e:
+                    27:23:de:fd:a6:d0:26:0e:00:29:eb:3c:46:f0:3d:
+                    60:bf:3f:50:d2:dc:26:41:51:9e:14:37:42:04:a3:
+                    70:57:a8:1b:87:ed:2d:fa:7b:ee:8c:0a:e3:a9:66:
+                    89:19:cb:41:f9:dd:44:36:61:cf:e2:77:46:c8:7d:
+                    f6:f4:92:81:36:fd:db:34:f1:72:7e:f3:0c:16:bd:
+                    b4:15
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                07:1F:D2:E7:9C:DA:C2:6E:A2:40:B4:B0:7A:50:10:50:74:C4:C8:BD
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         89:57:b2:16:7a:a8:c2:fd:d6:d9:9b:9b:34:c2:9c:b4:32:14:
+         4d:a7:a4:df:ec:be:a7:be:f8:43:db:91:37:ce:b4:32:2e:50:
+         55:1a:35:4e:76:43:71:20:ef:93:77:4e:15:70:2e:87:c3:c1:
+         1d:6d:dc:cb:b5:27:d4:2c:56:d1:52:53:3a:44:d2:73:c8:c4:
+         1b:05:65:5a:62:92:9c:ee:41:8d:31:db:e7:34:ea:59:21:d5:
+         01:7a:d7:64:b8:64:39:cd:c9:ed:af:ed:4b:03:48:a7:a0:99:
+         01:80:dc:65:a3:36:ae:65:59:48:4f:82:4b:c8:65:f1:57:1d:
+         e5:59:2e:0a:3f:6c:d8:d1:f5:e5:09:b4:6c:54:00:0a:e0:15:
+         4d:87:75:6d:b7:58:96:5a:dd:6d:d2:00:a0:f4:9b:48:be:c3:
+         37:a4:ba:36:e0:7c:87:85:97:1a:15:a2:de:2e:a2:5b:bd:af:
+         18:f9:90:50:cd:70:59:f8:27:67:47:cb:c7:a0:07:3a:7d:d1:
+         2c:5d:6c:19:3a:66:b5:7d:fd:91:6f:82:b1:be:08:93:db:14:
+         47:f1:a2:37:c7:45:9e:3c:c7:77:af:64:a8:93:df:f6:69:83:
+         82:60:f2:49:42:34:ed:5a:00:54:85:1c:16:36:92:0c:5c:fa:
+         a6:ad:bf:db
+SHA1 Fingerprint=29:36:21:02:8B:20:ED:02:F5:66:C5:32:D1:D6:ED:90:9F:45:00:2F
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/87753b0d.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/87753b0d.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..18405ece61c01fefca902bbd317fa5d37cbfadb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/87753b0d.0
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust Universal CA 2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Mar  4 05:00:00 2004 GMT
+            Not After : Mar  4 05:00:00 2029 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust Universal CA 2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b3:54:52:c1:c9:3e:f2:d9:dc:b1:53:1a:59:29:
+                    e7:b1:c3:45:28:e5:d7:d1:ed:c5:c5:4b:a1:aa:74:
+                    7b:57:af:4a:26:fc:d8:f5:5e:a7:6e:19:db:74:0c:
+                    4f:35:5b:32:0b:01:e3:db:eb:7a:77:35:ea:aa:5a:
+                    e0:d6:e8:a1:57:94:f0:90:a3:74:56:94:44:30:03:
+                    1e:5c:4e:2b:85:26:74:82:7a:0c:76:a0:6f:4d:ce:
+                    41:2d:a0:15:06:14:5f:b7:42:cd:7b:8f:58:61:34:
+                    dc:2a:08:f9:2e:c3:01:a6:22:44:1c:4c:07:82:e6:
+                    5b:ce:d0:4a:7c:04:d3:19:73:27:f0:aa:98:7f:2e:
+                    af:4e:eb:87:1e:24:77:6a:5d:b6:e8:5b:45:ba:dc:
+                    c3:a1:05:6f:56:8e:8f:10:26:a5:49:c3:2e:d7:41:
+                    87:22:e0:4f:86:ca:60:b5:ea:a1:63:c0:01:97:10:
+                    79:bd:00:3c:12:6d:2b:15:b1:ac:4b:b1:ee:18:b9:
+                    4e:96:dc:dc:76:ff:3b:be:cf:5f:03:c0:fc:3b:e8:
+                    be:46:1b:ff:da:40:c2:52:f7:fe:e3:3a:f7:6a:77:
+                    35:d0:da:8d:eb:5e:18:6a:31:c7:1e:ba:3c:1b:28:
+                    d6:6b:54:c6:aa:5b:d7:a2:2c:1b:19:cc:a2:02:f6:
+                    9b:59:bd:37:6b:86:b5:6d:82:ba:d8:ea:c9:56:bc:
+                    a9:36:58:fd:3e:19:f3:ed:0c:26:a9:93:38:f8:4f:
+                    c1:5d:22:06:d0:97:ea:e1:ad:c6:55:e0:81:2b:28:
+                    83:3a:fa:f4:7b:21:51:00:be:52:38:ce:cd:66:79:
+                    a8:f4:81:56:e2:d0:83:09:47:51:5b:50:6a:cf:db:
+                    48:1a:5d:3e:f7:cb:f6:65:f7:6c:f1:95:f8:02:3b:
+                    32:56:82:39:7a:5b:bd:2f:89:1b:bf:a1:b4:e8:ff:
+                    7f:8d:8c:df:03:f1:60:4e:58:11:4c:eb:a3:3f:10:
+                    2b:83:9a:01:73:d9:94:6d:84:00:27:66:ac:f0:70:
+                    40:09:42:92:ad:4f:93:0d:61:09:51:24:d8:92:d5:
+                    0b:94:61:b2:87:b2:ed:ff:9a:35:ff:85:54:ca:ed:
+                    44:43:ac:1b:3c:16:6b:48:4a:0a:1c:40:88:1f:92:
+                    c2:0b:00:05:ff:f2:c8:02:4a:a4:aa:a9:cc:99:96:
+                    9c:2f:58:e0:7d:e1:be:bb:07:dc:5f:04:72:5c:31:
+                    34:c3:ec:5f:2d:e0:3d:64:90:22:e6:d1:ec:b8:2e:
+                    dd:59:ae:d9:a1:37:bf:54:35:dc:73:32:4f:8c:04:
+                    1e:33:b2:c9:46:f1:d8:5c:c8:55:50:c9:68:bd:a8:
+                    ba:36:09
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                76:F3:55:E1:FA:A4:36:FB:F0:9F:5C:62:71:ED:3C:F4:47:38:10:2B
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:76:F3:55:E1:FA:A4:36:FB:F0:9F:5C:62:71:ED:3C:F4:47:38:10:2B
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         66:c1:c6:23:f3:d9:e0:2e:6e:5f:e8:cf:ae:b0:b0:25:4d:2b:
+         f8:3b:58:9b:40:24:37:5a:cb:ab:16:49:ff:b3:75:79:33:a1:
+         2f:6d:70:17:34:91:fe:67:7e:8f:ec:9b:e5:5e:82:a9:55:1f:
+         2f:dc:d4:51:07:12:fe:ac:16:3e:2c:35:c6:63:fc:dc:10:eb:
+         0d:a3:aa:d0:7c:cc:d1:d0:2f:51:2e:c4:14:5a:de:e8:19:e1:
+         3e:c6:cc:a4:29:e7:2e:84:aa:06:30:78:76:54:73:28:98:59:
+         38:e0:00:0d:62:d3:42:7d:21:9f:ae:3d:3a:8c:d5:fa:77:0d:
+         18:2b:16:0e:5f:36:e1:fc:2a:b5:30:24:cf:e0:63:0c:7b:58:
+         1a:fe:99:ba:42:12:b1:91:f4:7c:68:e2:c8:e8:af:2c:ea:c9:
+         7e:ae:bb:2a:3d:0d:15:dc:34:95:b6:18:74:a8:6a:0f:c7:b4:
+         f4:13:c4:e4:5b:ed:0a:d2:a4:97:4c:2a:ed:2f:6c:12:89:3d:
+         f1:27:70:aa:6a:03:52:21:9f:40:a8:67:50:f2:f3:5a:1f:df:
+         df:23:f6:dc:78:4e:e6:98:4f:55:3a:53:e3:ef:f2:f4:9f:c7:
+         7c:d8:58:af:29:22:97:b8:e0:bd:91:2e:b0:76:ec:57:11:cf:
+         ef:29:44:f3:e9:85:7a:60:63:e4:5d:33:89:17:d9:31:aa:da:
+         d6:f3:18:35:72:cf:87:2b:2f:63:23:84:5d:84:8c:3f:57:a0:
+         88:fc:99:91:28:26:69:99:d4:8f:97:44:be:8e:d5:48:b1:a4:
+         28:29:f1:15:b4:e1:e5:9e:dd:f8:8f:a6:6f:26:d7:09:3c:3a:
+         1c:11:0e:a6:6c:37:f7:ad:44:87:2c:28:c7:d8:74:82:b3:d0:
+         6f:4a:57:bb:35:29:27:a0:8b:e8:21:a7:87:64:36:5d:cc:d8:
+         16:ac:c7:b2:27:40:92:55:38:28:8d:51:6e:dd:14:67:53:6c:
+         71:5c:26:84:4d:75:5a:b6:7e:60:56:a9:4d:ad:fb:9b:1e:97:
+         f3:0d:d9:d2:97:54:77:da:3d:12:b7:e0:1e:ef:08:06:ac:f9:
+         85:87:e9:a2:dc:af:7e:18:12:83:fd:56:17:41:2e:d5:29:82:
+         7d:99:f4:31:f6:71:a9:cf:2c:01:27:a5:05:b9:aa:b2:48:4e:
+         2a:ef:9f:93:52:51:95:3c:52:73:8e:56:4c:17:40:c0:09:28:
+         e4:8b:6a:48:53:db:ec:cd:55:55:f1:c6:f8:e9:a2:2c:4c:a6:
+         d1:26:5f:7e:af:5a:4c:da:1f:a6:f2:1c:2c:7e:ae:02:16:d2:
+         56:d0:2f:57:53:47:e8:92
+SHA1 Fingerprint=37:9A:19:7B:41:85:45:35:0C:A6:03:69:F3:3C:2E:AF:47:4F:20:79
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/882de061.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/882de061.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e15b2af53c757bf72f59935a1130edcb7e044055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/882de061.0
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 35210227249154 (0x200605167002)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=RO, O=certSIGN, OU=certSIGN ROOT CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jul  4 17:20:04 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Jul  4 17:20:04 2031 GMT
+        Subject: C=RO, O=certSIGN, OU=certSIGN ROOT CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b7:33:b9:7e:c8:25:4a:8e:b5:db:b4:28:1b:aa:
+                    57:90:e8:d1:22:d3:64:ba:d3:93:e8:d4:ac:86:61:
+                    40:6a:60:57:68:54:84:4d:bc:6a:54:02:05:ff:df:
+                    9b:9a:2a:ae:5d:07:8f:4a:c3:28:7f:ef:fb:2b:fa:
+                    79:f1:c7:ad:f0:10:53:24:90:8b:66:c9:a8:88:ab:
+                    af:5a:a3:00:e9:be:ba:46:ee:5b:73:7b:2c:17:82:
+                    81:5e:62:2c:a1:02:65:b3:bd:c5:2b:00:7e:c4:fc:
+                    03:33:57:0d:ed:e2:fa:ce:5d:45:d6:38:cd:35:b6:
+                    b2:c1:d0:9c:81:4a:aa:e4:b2:01:5c:1d:8f:5f:99:
+                    c4:b1:ad:db:88:21:eb:90:08:82:80:f3:30:a3:43:
+                    e6:90:82:ae:55:28:49:ed:5b:d7:a9:10:38:0e:fe:
+                    8f:4c:5b:9b:46:ea:41:f5:b0:08:74:c3:d0:88:33:
+                    b6:7c:d7:74:df:dc:84:d1:43:0e:75:39:a1:25:40:
+                    28:ea:78:cb:0e:2c:2e:39:9d:8c:8b:6e:16:1c:2f:
+                    26:82:10:e2:e3:65:94:0a:04:c0:5e:f7:5d:5b:f8:
+                    10:e2:d0:ba:7a:4b:fb:de:37:00:00:1a:5b:28:e3:
+                    d2:9c:73:3e:32:87:98:a1:c9:51:2f:d7:de:ac:33:
+                    b3:4f
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                E0:8C:9B:DB:25:49:B3:F1:7C:86:D6:B2:42:87:0B:D0:6B:A0:D9:E4
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         3e:d2:1c:89:2e:35:fc:f8:75:dd:e6:7f:65:88:f4:72:4c:c9:
+         2c:d7:32:4e:f3:dd:19:79:47:bd:8e:3b:5b:93:0f:50:49:24:
+         13:6b:14:06:72:ef:09:d3:a1:a1:e3:40:84:c9:e7:18:32:74:
+         3c:48:6e:0f:9f:4b:d4:f7:1e:d3:93:86:64:54:97:63:72:50:
+         d5:55:cf:fa:20:93:02:a2:9b:c3:23:93:4e:16:55:76:a0:70:
+         79:6d:cd:21:1f:cf:2f:2d:bc:19:e3:88:31:f8:59:1a:81:09:
+         c8:97:a6:74:c7:60:c4:5b:cc:57:8e:b2:75:fd:1b:02:09:db:
+         59:6f:72:93:69:f7:31:41:d6:88:38:bf:87:b2:bd:16:79:f9:
+         aa:e4:be:88:25:dd:61:27:23:1c:b5:31:07:04:36:b4:1a:90:
+         bd:a0:74:71:50:89:6d:bc:14:e3:0f:86:ae:f1:ab:3e:c7:a0:
+         09:cc:a3:48:d1:e0:db:64:e7:92:b5:cf:af:72:43:70:8b:f9:
+         c3:84:3c:13:aa:7e:92:9b:57:53:93:fa:70:c2:91:0e:31:f9:
+         9b:67:5d:e9:96:38:5e:5f:b3:73:4e:88:15:67:de:9e:76:10:
+         62:20:be:55:69:95:43:00:39:4d:f6:ee:b0:5a:4e:49:44:54:
+         58:5f:42:83
+SHA1 Fingerprint=FA:B7:EE:36:97:26:62:FB:2D:B0:2A:F6:BF:03:FD:E8:7C:4B:2F:9B
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/88950faa.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/88950faa.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf42c69c833b160d8031b80cbf6c22ea4b2f8a53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/88950faa.0
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 8495723813297216424 (0x75e6dfcbc1685ba8)
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=Texas, L=Houston, O=SSL Corporation, CN=SSL.com Root Certification Authority ECC
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Feb 12 18:14:03 2016 GMT
+            Not After : Feb 12 18:14:03 2041 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=Texas, L=Houston, O=SSL Corporation, CN=SSL.com Root Certification Authority ECC
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:45:6e:a9:50:c4:a6:23:36:9e:5f:28:8d:17:cb:
+                    96:22:64:3f:dc:7a:8e:1d:cc:08:b3:a2:71:24:ba:
+                    8e:49:b9:04:1b:47:96:58:ab:2d:95:c8:ed:9e:08:
+                    35:c8:27:eb:89:8c:53:58:eb:62:8a:fe:f0:5b:0f:
+                    6b:31:52:63:41:3b:89:cd:ec:ec:b6:8d:19:d3:34:
+                    07:dc:bb:c6:06:7f:c2:45:95:ec:cb:7f:a8:23:e0:
+                    09:e9:81:fa:f3:47:d3
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                82:D1:85:73:30:E7:35:04:D3:8E:02:92:FB:E5:A4:D1:C4:21:E8:CD
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:82:D1:85:73:30:E7:35:04:D3:8E:02:92:FB:E5:A4:D1:C4:21:E8:CD
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
+         30:64:02:30:6f:e7:eb:59:11:a4:60:cf:61:b0:96:7b:ed:05:
+         f9:2f:13:91:dc:ed:e5:fc:50:6b:11:46:46:b3:1c:21:00:62:
+         bb:be:c3:e7:e8:cd:07:99:f9:0d:0b:5d:72:3e:c4:aa:02:30:
+         1f:bc:ba:0b:e2:30:24:fb:7c:6d:80:55:0a:99:3e:80:0d:33:
+         e5:66:a3:b3:a3:bb:a5:d5:8b:8f:09:2c:a6:5d:7e:e2:f0:07:
+         08:68:6d:d2:7c:69:6e:5f:df:e5:6a:65
+SHA1 Fingerprint=C3:19:7C:39:24:E6:54:AF:1B:C4:AB:20:95:7A:E2:C3:0E:13:02:6A
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/89c02a45.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/89c02a45.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f3190b7dd876db47ef0c7ff3840e65b07783bd27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/89c02a45.0
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            1f:47:af:aa:62:00:70:50:54:4c:01:9e:9b:63:99:2a
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO ECC Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Mar  6 00:00:00 2008 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 18 23:59:59 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO ECC Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:03:47:7b:2f:75:c9:82:15:85:fb:75:e4:91:16:
+                    d4:ab:62:99:f5:3e:52:0b:06:ce:41:00:7f:97:e1:
+                    0a:24:3c:1d:01:04:ee:3d:d2:8d:09:97:0c:e0:75:
+                    e4:fa:fb:77:8a:2a:f5:03:60:4b:36:8b:16:23:16:
+                    ad:09:71:f4:4a:f4:28:50:b4:fe:88:1c:6e:3f:6c:
+                    2f:2f:09:59:5b:a5:5b:0b:33:99:e2:c3:3d:89:f9:
+                    6a:2c:ef:b2:d3:06:e9
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                75:71:A7:19:48:19:BC:9D:9D:EA:41:47:DF:94:C4:48:77:99:D3:79
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:65:02:31:00:ef:03:5b:7a:ac:b7:78:0a:72:b7:88:df:ff:
+         b5:46:14:09:0a:fa:a0:e6:7d:08:c6:1a:87:bd:18:a8:73:bd:
+         26:ca:60:0c:9d:ce:99:9f:cf:5c:0f:30:e1:be:14:31:ea:02:
+         30:14:f4:93:3c:49:a7:33:7a:90:46:47:b3:63:7d:13:9b:4e:
+         b7:6f:18:37:80:53:fe:dd:20:e0:35:9a:36:d1:c7:01:b9:e6:
+         dc:dd:f3:ff:1d:2c:3a:16:57:d9:92:39:d6
+SHA1 Fingerprint=9F:74:4E:9F:2B:4D:BA:EC:0F:31:2C:50:B6:56:3B:8E:2D:93:C3:11
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/8d6437c3.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/8d6437c3.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2097b642d6d3df381521aad5338ef300fcd8ef22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/8d6437c3.0
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            0b:93:1c:3a:d6:39:67:ea:67:23:bf:c3:af:9a:f4:4b
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Aug  1 12:00:00 2013 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 15 12:00:00 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:d9:e7:28:2f:52:3f:36:72:49:88:93:34:f3:f8:
+                    6a:1e:31:54:80:9f:ad:54:41:b5:47:df:96:a8:d4:
+                    af:80:2d:b9:0a:cf:75:fd:89:a5:7d:24:fa:e3:22:
+                    0c:2b:bc:95:17:0b:33:bf:19:4d:41:06:90:00:bd:
+                    0c:4d:10:fe:07:b5:e7:1c:6e:22:55:31:65:97:bd:
+                    d3:17:d2:1e:62:f3:db:ea:6c:50:8c:3f:84:0c:96:
+                    cf:b7:cb:03:e0:ca:6d:a1:14:4c:1b:89:dd:ed:00:
+                    b0:52:7c:af:91:6c:b1:38:13:d1:e9:12:08:c0:00:
+                    b0:1c:2b:11:da:77:70:36:9b:ae:ce:79:87:dc:82:
+                    70:e6:09:74:70:55:69:af:a3:68:9f:bf:dd:b6:79:
+                    b3:f2:9d:70:29:55:f4:ab:ff:95:61:f3:c9:40:6f:
+                    1d:d1:be:93:bb:d3:88:2a:bb:9d:bf:72:5a:56:71:
+                    3b:3f:d4:f3:d1:0a:fe:28:ef:a3:ee:d9:99:af:03:
+                    d3:8f:60:b7:f2:92:a1:b1:bd:89:89:1f:30:cd:c3:
+                    a6:2e:62:33:ae:16:02:77:44:5a:e7:81:0a:3c:a7:
+                    44:2e:79:b8:3f:04:bc:5c:a0:87:e1:1b:af:51:8e:
+                    cd:ec:2c:fa:f8:fe:6d:f0:3a:7c:aa:8b:e4:67:95:
+                    31:8d
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                CE:C3:4A:B9:99:55:F2:B8:DB:60:BF:A9:7E:BD:56:B5:97:36:A7:D6
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         ca:a5:55:8c:e3:c8:41:6e:69:27:a7:75:11:ef:3c:86:36:6f:
+         d2:9d:c6:78:38:1d:69:96:a2:92:69:2e:38:6c:9b:7d:04:d4:
+         89:a5:b1:31:37:8a:c9:21:cc:ab:6c:cd:8b:1c:9a:d6:bf:48:
+         d2:32:66:c1:8a:c0:f3:2f:3a:ef:c0:e3:d4:91:86:d1:50:e3:
+         03:db:73:77:6f:4a:39:53:ed:de:26:c7:b5:7d:af:2b:42:d1:
+         75:62:e3:4a:2b:02:c7:50:4b:e0:69:e2:96:6c:0e:44:66:10:
+         44:8f:ad:05:eb:f8:79:ac:a6:1b:e8:37:34:9d:53:c9:61:aa:
+         a2:52:af:4a:70:16:86:c2:3a:c8:b1:13:70:36:d8:cf:ee:f4:
+         0a:34:d5:5b:4c:fd:07:9c:a2:ba:d9:01:72:5c:f3:4d:c1:dd:
+         0e:b1:1c:0d:c4:63:be:ad:f4:14:fb:89:ec:a2:41:0e:4c:cc:
+         c8:57:40:d0:6e:03:aa:cd:0c:8e:89:99:99:6c:f0:3c:30:af:
+         38:df:6f:bc:a3:be:29:20:27:ab:74:ff:13:22:78:de:97:52:
+         55:1e:83:b5:54:20:03:ee:ae:c0:4f:56:de:37:cc:c3:7f:aa:
+         04:27:bb:d3:77:b8:62:db:17:7c:9c:28:22:13:73:6c:cf:26:
+         f5:8a:29:e7
+SHA1 Fingerprint=A1:4B:48:D9:43:EE:0A:0E:40:90:4F:3C:E0:A4:C0:91:93:51:5D:3F
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/91739615.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/91739615.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3549e543ac91a2c0eeb74329314e24f551b820e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/91739615.0
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            54:80:f9:a0:73:ed:3f:00:4c:ca:89:d8:e3:71:e6:4a
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=EE, O=AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus, CN=EE Certification Centre Root CA/emailAddress=pki@sk.ee
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Oct 30 10:10:30 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 17 23:59:59 2030 GMT
+        Subject: C=EE, O=AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus, CN=EE Certification Centre Root CA/emailAddress=pki@sk.ee
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c8:20:c0:ec:e0:c5:4b:ab:07:78:95:f3:44:ee:
+                    fb:0b:0c:ff:74:8e:61:bb:b1:62:ea:23:d8:ab:a1:
+                    65:32:7a:eb:8e:17:4f:96:d8:0a:7b:91:a2:63:6c:
+                    c7:8c:4c:2e:79:bf:a9:05:fc:69:5c:95:8d:62:f9:
+                    b9:70:ed:c3:51:7d:d0:93:e6:6c:eb:30:4b:e1:bc:
+                    7d:bf:52:9b:ce:6e:7b:65:f2:38:b1:c0:a2:32:ef:
+                    62:b2:68:e0:61:53:c1:36:95:ff:ec:94:ba:36:ae:
+                    9c:1c:a7:32:0f:e5:7c:b4:c6:6f:74:fd:7b:18:e8:
+                    ac:57:ed:06:20:4b:32:30:58:5b:fd:cd:a8:e6:a1:
+                    fc:70:bc:8e:92:73:db:97:a7:7c:21:ae:3d:c1:f5:
+                    48:87:6c:27:bd:9f:25:74:81:55:b0:f7:75:f6:3d:
+                    a4:64:6b:d6:4f:e7:ce:40:ad:0f:dd:32:d3:bc:8a:
+                    12:53:98:c9:89:fb:10:1d:4d:7e:cd:7e:1f:56:0d:
+                    21:70:85:f6:20:83:1f:f6:ba:1f:04:8f:ea:77:88:
+                    35:c4:ff:ea:4e:a1:8b:4d:3f:63:1b:44:c3:44:d4:
+                    25:76:ca:b7:8d:d7:1e:4a:66:64:cd:5c:c5:9c:83:
+                    e1:c2:08:88:9a:ec:4e:a3:f1:3e:1c:2c:d9:6c:1d:
+                    a1:4b
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                12:F2:5A:3E:EA:56:1C:BF:CD:06:AC:F1:F1:25:C9:A9:4B:D4:14:99
+            X509v3 Extended Key Usage: 
+                TLS Web Client Authentication, TLS Web Server Authentication, Code Signing, E-mail Protection, Time Stamping, OCSP Signing
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         7b:f6:e4:c0:0d:aa:19:47:b7:4d:57:a3:fe:ad:bb:b1:6a:d5:
+         0f:9e:db:e4:63:c5:8e:a1:50:56:93:96:b8:38:c0:24:22:66:
+         bc:53:14:61:95:bf:d0:c7:2a:96:39:3f:7d:28:b3:10:40:21:
+         6a:c4:af:b0:52:77:18:e1:96:d8:56:5d:e3:dd:36:5e:1d:a7:
+         50:54:a0:c5:2a:e4:aa:8c:94:8a:4f:9d:35:ff:76:a4:06:13:
+         91:a2:a2:7d:00:44:3f:55:d3:82:3c:1a:d5:5b:bc:56:4c:22:
+         2e:46:43:8a:24:40:2d:f3:12:b8:3b:70:1a:a4:96:b9:1a:af:
+         87:41:1a:6a:18:0d:06:4f:c7:3e:6e:b9:29:4d:0d:49:89:11:
+         87:32:5b:e6:4b:04:c8:e4:5c:e6:74:73:94:5d:16:98:13:95:
+         fe:fb:db:b1:44:e5:3a:70:ac:37:6b:e6:b3:33:72:28:c9:b3:
+         57:a0:f6:02:16:88:06:0b:b6:a6:4b:20:28:d4:de:3d:8b:ad:
+         37:05:53:74:fe:6e:cc:bc:43:17:71:5e:f9:c5:cc:1a:a9:61:
+         ee:f7:76:0c:f3:72:f4:72:ad:cf:72:02:36:07:47:cf:ef:19:
+         50:89:60:cc:e9:24:95:0f:c2:cb:1d:f2:6f:76:90:c7:cc:75:
+         c1:96:c5:9d
+SHA1 Fingerprint=C9:A8:B9:E7:55:80:5E:58:E3:53:77:A7:25:EB:AF:C3:7B:27:CC:D7
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9282e51c.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9282e51c.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f2a9f945700af1a18248c04a104d6b187577860e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9282e51c.0
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 407555286 (0x184accd6)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=CN, O=China Financial Certification Authority, CN=CFCA EV ROOT
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Aug  8 03:07:01 2012 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 03:07:01 2029 GMT
+        Subject: C=CN, O=China Financial Certification Authority, CN=CFCA EV ROOT
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:d7:5d:6b:cd:10:3f:1f:05:59:d5:05:4d:37:b1:
+                    0e:ec:98:2b:8e:15:1d:fa:93:4b:17:82:21:71:10:
+                    52:d7:51:64:70:16:c2:55:69:4d:8e:15:6d:9f:bf:
+                    0c:1b:c2:e0:a3:67:d6:0c:ac:cf:22:ae:af:77:54:
+                    2a:4b:4c:8a:53:52:7a:c3:ee:2e:de:b3:71:25:c1:
+                    e9:5d:3d:ee:a1:2f:a3:f7:2a:3c:c9:23:1d:6a:ab:
+                    1d:a1:a7:f1:f3:ec:a0:d5:44:cf:15:cf:72:2f:1d:
+                    63:97:e8:99:f9:fd:93:a4:54:80:4c:52:d4:52:ab:
+                    2e:49:df:90:cd:b8:5f:be:3f:de:a1:ca:4d:20:d4:
+                    25:e8:84:29:53:b7:b1:88:1f:ff:fa:da:90:9f:0a:
+                    a9:2d:41:3f:b1:f1:18:29:ee:16:59:2c:34:49:1a:
+                    a8:06:d7:a8:88:d2:03:72:7a:32:e2:ea:68:4d:6e:
+                    2c:96:65:7b:ca:59:fa:f2:e2:dd:ee:30:2c:fb:cc:
+                    46:ac:c4:63:eb:6f:7f:36:2b:34:73:12:94:7f:df:
+                    cc:26:9e:f1:72:5d:50:65:59:8f:69:b3:87:5e:32:
+                    6f:c3:18:8a:b5:95:8f:b0:7a:37:de:5a:45:3b:c7:
+                    36:e1:ef:67:d1:39:d3:97:5b:73:62:19:48:2d:87:
+                    1c:06:fb:74:98:20:49:73:f0:05:d2:1b:b1:a0:a3:
+                    b7:1b:70:d3:88:69:b9:5a:d6:38:f4:62:dc:25:8b:
+                    78:bf:f8:e8:7e:b8:5c:c9:95:4f:5f:a7:2d:b9:20:
+                    6b:cf:6b:dd:f5:0d:f4:82:b7:f4:b2:66:2e:10:28:
+                    f6:97:5a:7b:96:16:8f:01:19:2d:6c:6e:7f:39:58:
+                    06:64:83:01:83:83:c3:4d:92:dd:32:c6:87:a4:37:
+                    e9:16:ce:aa:2d:68:af:0a:81:65:3a:70:c1:9b:ad:
+                    4d:6d:54:ca:2a:2d:4b:85:1b:b3:80:e6:70:45:0d:
+                    6b:5e:35:f0:7f:3b:b8:9c:e4:04:70:89:12:25:93:
+                    da:0a:99:22:60:6a:63:60:4e:76:06:98:4e:bd:83:
+                    ad:1d:58:8a:25:85:d2:c7:65:1e:2d:8e:c6:df:b6:
+                    c6:e1:7f:8a:04:21:15:29:74:f0:3e:9c:90:9d:0c:
+                    2e:f1:8a:3e:5a:aa:0c:09:1e:c7:d5:3c:a3:ed:97:
+                    c3:1e:34:fa:38:f9:08:0e:e3:c0:5d:2b:83:d1:56:
+                    6a:c9:b6:a8:54:53:2e:78:32:67:3d:82:7f:74:d0:
+                    fb:e1:b6:05:60:b9:70:db:8e:0b:f9:13:58:6f:71:
+                    60:10:52:10:b9:c1:41:09:ef:72:1f:67:31:78:ff:
+                    96:05:8d
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:E3:FE:2D:FD:28:D0:0B:B5:BA:B6:A2:C4:BF:06:AA:05:8C:93:FB:2F
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                E3:FE:2D:FD:28:D0:0B:B5:BA:B6:A2:C4:BF:06:AA:05:8C:93:FB:2F
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         25:c6:ba:6b:eb:87:cb:de:82:39:96:3d:f0:44:a7:6b:84:73:
+         03:de:9d:2b:4f:ba:20:7f:bc:78:b2:cf:97:b0:1b:9c:f3:d7:
+         79:2e:f5:48:b6:d2:fb:17:88:e6:d3:7a:3f:ed:53:13:d0:e2:
+         2f:6a:79:cb:00:23:28:e6:1e:37:57:35:89:84:c2:76:4f:34:
+         36:ad:67:c3:ce:41:06:88:c5:f7:ee:d8:1a:b8:d6:0b:7f:50:
+         ff:93:aa:17:4b:8c:ec:ed:52:60:b2:a4:06:ea:4e:eb:f4:6b:
+         19:fd:eb:f5:1a:e0:25:2a:9a:dc:c7:41:36:f7:c8:74:05:84:
+         39:95:39:d6:0b:3b:a4:27:fa:08:d8:5c:1e:f8:04:60:52:11:
+         28:28:03:ff:ef:53:66:00:a5:4a:34:16:66:7c:fd:09:a4:ae:
+         9e:67:1a:6f:41:0b:6b:06:13:9b:8f:86:71:05:b4:2f:8d:89:
+         66:33:29:76:54:9a:11:f8:27:fa:b2:3f:91:e0:ce:0d:1b:f3:
+         30:1a:ad:bf:22:5d:1b:d3:bf:25:05:4d:e1:92:1a:7f:99:9f:
+         3c:44:93:ca:d4:40:49:6c:80:87:d7:04:3a:c3:32:52:35:0e:
+         56:f8:a5:dd:7d:c4:8b:0d:11:1f:53:cb:1e:b2:17:b6:68:77:
+         5a:e0:d4:cb:c8:07:ae:f5:3a:2e:8e:37:b7:d0:01:4b:43:29:
+         77:8c:39:97:8f:82:5a:f8:51:e5:89:a0:18:e7:68:7f:5d:0a:
+         2e:fb:a3:47:0e:3d:a6:23:7a:c6:01:c7:8f:c8:5e:bf:6d:80:
+         56:be:8a:24:ba:33:ea:9f:e1:32:11:9e:f1:d2:4f:80:f6:1b:
+         40:af:38:9e:11:50:79:73:12:12:cd:e6:6c:9d:2c:88:72:3c:
+         30:81:06:91:22:ea:59:ad:da:19:2e:22:c2:8d:b9:8c:87:e0:
+         66:bc:73:23:5f:21:64:63:80:48:f5:a0:3c:18:3d:94:c8:48:
+         41:1d:40:ba:5e:fe:fe:56:39:a1:c8:cf:5e:9e:19:64:46:10:
+         da:17:91:b7:05:80:ac:8b:99:92:7d:e7:a2:d8:07:0b:36:27:
+         e7:48:79:60:8a:c3:d7:13:5c:f8:72:40:df:4a:cb:cf:99:00:
+         0a:00:0b:11:95:da:56:45:03:88:0a:9f:67:d0:d5:79:b1:a8:
+         8d:40:6d:0d:c2:7a:40:fa:f3:5f:64:47:92:cb:53:b9:bb:59:
+         ce:4f:fd:d0:15:53:01:d8:df:eb:d9:e6:76:ef:d0:23:bb:3b:
+         a9:79:b3:d5:02:29:cd:89:a3:96:0f:4a:35:e7:4e:42:c0:75:
+         cd:07:cf:e6:2c:eb:7b:2e
+SHA1 Fingerprint=E2:B8:29:4B:55:84:AB:6B:58:C2:90:46:6C:AC:3F:B8:39:8F:84:83
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9339512a.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9339512a.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c6dc40cf0fa0ebfd09e5ae0c63ff3e2869394cb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9339512a.0
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1478 (0x5c6)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 24 19:11:23 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Nov 24 19:06:44 2031 GMT
+        Subject: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:cc:57:42:16:54:9c:e6:98:d3:d3:4d:ee:fe:ed:
+                    c7:9f:43:39:4a:65:b3:e8:16:88:34:db:0d:59:91:
+                    74:cf:92:b8:04:40:ad:02:4b:31:ab:bc:8d:91:68:
+                    d8:20:0e:1a:01:e2:1a:7b:4e:17:5d:e2:8a:b7:3f:
+                    99:1a:cd:eb:61:ab:c2:65:a6:1f:b7:b7:bd:b7:8f:
+                    fc:fd:70:8f:0b:a0:67:be:01:a2:59:cf:71:e6:0f:
+                    29:76:ff:b1:56:79:45:2b:1f:9e:7a:54:e8:a3:29:
+                    35:68:a4:01:4f:0f:a4:2e:37:ef:1b:bf:e3:8f:10:
+                    a8:72:ab:58:57:e7:54:86:c8:c9:f3:5b:da:2c:da:
+                    5d:8e:6e:3c:a3:3e:da:fb:82:e5:dd:f2:5c:b2:05:
+                    33:6f:8a:36:ce:d0:13:4e:ff:bf:4a:0c:34:4c:a6:
+                    c3:21:bd:50:04:55:eb:b1:bb:9d:fb:45:1e:64:15:
+                    de:55:01:8c:02:76:b5:cb:a1:3f:42:69:bc:2f:bd:
+                    68:43:16:56:89:2a:37:61:91:fd:a6:ae:4e:c0:cb:
+                    14:65:94:37:4b:92:06:ef:04:d0:c8:9c:88:db:0b:
+                    7b:81:af:b1:3d:2a:c4:65:3a:78:b6:ee:dc:80:b1:
+                    d2:d3:99:9c:3a:ee:6b:5a:6b:b3:8d:b7:d5:ce:9c:
+                    c2:be:a5:4b:2f:16:b1:9e:68:3b:06:6f:ae:7d:9f:
+                    f8:de:ec:cc:29:a7:98:a3:25:43:2f:ef:f1:5f:26:
+                    e1:88:4d:f8:5e:6e:d7:d9:14:6e:19:33:69:a7:3b:
+                    84:89:93:c4:53:55:13:a1:51:78:40:f8:b8:c9:a2:
+                    ee:7b:ba:52:42:83:9e:14:ed:05:52:5a:59:56:a7:
+                    97:fc:9d:3f:0a:29:d8:dc:4f:91:0e:13:bc:de:95:
+                    a4:df:8b:99:be:ac:9b:33:88:ef:b5:81:af:1b:c6:
+                    22:53:c8:f6:c7:ee:97:14:b0:c5:7c:78:52:c8:f0:
+                    ce:6e:77:60:84:a6:e9:2a:76:20:ed:58:01:17:30:
+                    93:e9:1a:8b:e0:73:63:d9:6a:92:94:49:4e:b4:ad:
+                    4a:85:c4:a3:22:30:fc:09:ed:68:22:73:a6:88:0c:
+                    55:21:58:c5:e1:3a:9f:2a:dd:ca:e1:90:e0:d9:73:
+                    ab:6c:80:b8:e8:0b:64:93:a0:9c:8c:19:ff:b3:d2:
+                    0c:ec:91:26:87:8a:b3:a2:e1:70:8f:2c:0a:e5:cd:
+                    6d:68:51:eb:da:3f:05:7f:8b:32:e6:13:5c:6b:fe:
+                    5f:40:e2:22:c8:b4:b4:64:4f:d6:ba:7d:48:3e:a8:
+                    69:0c:d7:bb:86:71:c9:73:b8:3f:3b:9d:25:4b:da:
+                    ff:40:eb
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Certificate Policies: 
+                Policy:
+                  User Notice:
+                    Explicit Text: Any use of this Certificate constitutes acceptance of the QuoVadis Root CA 3 Certificate Policy / Certification Practice Statement.
+                  CPS: http://www.quovadisglobal.com/cps
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                F2:C0:13:E0:82:43:3E:FB:EE:2F:67:32:96:35:5C:DB:B8:CB:02:D0
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:F2:C0:13:E0:82:43:3E:FB:EE:2F:67:32:96:35:5C:DB:B8:CB:02:D0
+                DirName:/C=BM/O=QuoVadis Limited/CN=QuoVadis Root CA 3
+                serial:05:C6
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         4f:ad:a0:2c:4c:fa:c0:f2:6f:f7:66:55:ab:23:34:ee:e7:29:
+         da:c3:5b:b6:b0:83:d9:d0:d0:e2:21:fb:f3:60:a7:3b:5d:60:
+         53:27:a2:9b:f6:08:22:2a:e7:bf:a0:72:e5:9c:24:6a:31:b1:
+         90:7a:27:db:84:11:89:27:a6:77:5a:38:d7:bf:ac:86:fc:ee:
+         5d:83:bc:06:c6:d1:77:6b:0f:6d:24:2f:4b:7a:6c:a7:07:96:
+         ca:e3:84:9f:ad:88:8b:1d:ab:16:8d:5b:66:17:d9:16:f4:8b:
+         80:d2:dd:f8:b2:76:c3:fc:38:13:aa:0c:de:42:69:2b:6e:f3:
+         3c:eb:80:27:db:f5:a6:44:0d:9f:5a:55:59:0b:d5:0d:52:48:
+         c5:ae:9f:f2:2f:80:c5:ea:32:50:35:12:97:2e:c1:e1:ff:f1:
+         23:88:51:38:9f:f2:66:56:76:e7:0f:51:97:a5:52:0c:4d:49:
+         51:95:36:3d:bf:a2:4b:0c:10:1d:86:99:4c:aa:f3:72:11:93:
+         e4:ea:f6:9b:da:a8:5d:a7:4d:b7:9e:02:ae:73:00:c8:da:23:
+         03:e8:f9:ea:19:74:62:00:94:cb:22:20:be:94:a7:59:b5:82:
+         6a:be:99:79:7a:a9:f2:4a:24:52:f7:74:fd:ba:4e:e6:a8:1d:
+         02:6e:b1:0d:80:44:c1:ae:d3:23:37:5f:bb:85:7c:2b:92:2e:
+         e8:7e:a5:8b:dd:99:e1:bf:27:6f:2d:5d:aa:7b:87:fe:0a:dd:
+         4b:fc:8e:f5:26:e4:6e:70:42:6e:33:ec:31:9e:7b:93:c1:e4:
+         c9:69:1a:3d:c0:6b:4e:22:6d:ee:ab:58:4d:c6:d0:41:c1:2b:
+         ea:4f:12:87:5e:eb:45:d8:6c:f5:98:02:d3:a0:d8:55:8a:06:
+         99:19:a2:a0:77:d1:30:9e:ac:cc:75:ee:83:f5:b0:62:39:cf:
+         6c:57:e2:4c:d2:91:0b:0e:75:28:1b:9a:bf:fd:1a:43:f1:ca:
+         77:fb:3b:8f:61:b8:69:28:16:42:04:5e:70:2a:1c:21:d8:8f:
+         e1:bd:23:5b:2d:74:40:92:d9:63:19:0d:73:dd:69:bc:62:47:
+         bc:e0:74:2b:b2:eb:7d:be:41:1b:b5:c0:46:c5:a1:22:cb:5f:
+         4e:c1:28:92:de:18:ba:d5:2a:28:bb:11:8b:17:93:98:99:60:
+         94:5c:23:cf:5a:27:97:5e:0b:05:06:93:37:1e:3b:69:36:eb:
+         a9:9e:61:1d:8f:32:da:8e:0c:d6:74:3e:7b:09:24:da:01:77:
+         47:c4:3b:cd:34:8c:99:f5:ca:e1:25:61:33:b2:59:1b:e2:6e:
+         d7:37:57:b6:0d:a9:12:da
+SHA1 Fingerprint=1F:49:14:F7:D8:74:95:1D:DD:AE:02:C0:BE:FD:3A:2D:82:75:51:85
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9479c8c3.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9479c8c3.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..691e322327337dbe0bbaab81f53e3763ff1f4459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9479c8c3.0
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
+        Issuer: C=GR, L=Athens, O=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Cert. Authority, CN=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions ECC RootCA 2015
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jul  7 10:37:12 2015 GMT
+            Not After : Jun 30 10:37:12 2040 GMT
+        Subject: C=GR, L=Athens, O=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Cert. Authority, CN=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions ECC RootCA 2015
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:92:a0:41:e8:4b:82:84:5c:e2:f8:31:11:99:86:
+                    64:4e:09:25:2f:9d:41:2f:0a:ae:35:4f:74:95:b2:
+                    51:64:6b:8d:6b:e6:3f:70:95:f0:05:44:47:a6:72:
+                    38:50:76:95:02:5a:8e:ae:28:9e:f9:2d:4e:99:ef:
+                    2c:48:6f:4c:25:29:e8:d1:71:5b:df:1d:c1:75:37:
+                    b4:d7:fa:7b:7a:42:9c:6a:0a:56:5a:7c:69:0b:aa:
+                    80:09:24:6c:7e:c1:46
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                B4:22:0B:82:99:24:01:0E:9C:BB:E4:0E:FD:BF:FB:97:20:93:99:2A
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
+         30:64:02:30:67:ce:16:62:38:a2:ac:62:45:a7:a9:95:24:c0:
+         1a:27:9c:32:3b:c0:c0:d5:ba:a9:e7:f8:04:43:53:85:ee:52:
+         21:de:9d:f5:25:83:3e:9e:58:4b:2f:d7:67:13:0e:21:02:30:
+         05:e1:75:01:de:68:ed:2a:1f:4d:4c:09:08:0d:ec:4b:ad:64:
+         17:28:e7:75:ce:45:65:72:21:17:cb:22:41:0e:8c:13:98:38:
+         9a:54:6d:9b:ca:e2:7c:ea:02:58:22:91
+SHA1 Fingerprint=9F:F1:71:8D:92:D5:9A:F3:7D:74:97:B4:BC:6F:84:68:0B:BA:B6:66
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9576d26b.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9576d26b.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e77a90c7d37708954e20c7ab3d9249e981c90de9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9576d26b.0
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 10572350602393338211 (0x92b888dbb08ac163)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=SK, L=Bratislava, O=Disig a.s., CN=CA Disig Root R2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jul 19 09:15:30 2012 GMT
+            Not After : Jul 19 09:15:30 2042 GMT
+        Subject: C=SK, L=Bratislava, O=Disig a.s., CN=CA Disig Root R2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:a2:a3:c4:00:09:d6:85:5d:2d:6d:14:f6:c2:c3:
+                    73:9e:35:c2:71:55:7e:81:fb:ab:46:50:e0:c1:7c:
+                    49:78:e6:ab:79:58:3c:da:ff:7c:1c:9f:d8:97:02:
+                    78:3e:6b:41:04:e9:41:bd:be:03:2c:45:f6:2f:64:
+                    d4:ab:5d:a3:47:3d:64:9b:e9:68:9a:c6:cc:1b:3f:
+                    ba:be:b2:8b:34:02:2e:98:55:19:fc:8c:6f:aa:5f:
+                    da:4c:ce:4d:03:21:a3:d8:d2:34:93:56:96:cb:4c:
+                    0c:00:16:3c:5f:1a:cd:c8:c7:6c:a6:ad:d3:31:a7:
+                    bc:e8:e5:e1:66:d6:d2:fb:03:b4:41:65:c9:10:ae:
+                    0e:05:63:c6:80:6a:69:30:fd:d2:ee:90:ef:0d:27:
+                    df:9f:95:73:f4:e1:25:da:6c:16:de:41:38:34:ea:
+                    8b:fc:d1:e8:04:14:61:2d:41:7e:ac:c7:77:4e:cb:
+                    51:54:fb:5e:92:18:1b:04:5a:68:c6:c9:c4:fa:b7:
+                    13:a0:98:b7:11:2b:b7:d6:57:cc:7c:9e:17:d1:cb:
+                    25:fe:86:4e:24:2e:56:0c:78:4d:9e:01:12:a6:2b:
+                    a7:01:65:6e:7c:62:1d:84:84:df:ea:c0:6b:b5:a5:
+                    2a:95:83:c3:53:11:0c:73:1d:0b:b2:46:90:d1:42:
+                    3a:ce:40:6e:95:ad:ff:c6:94:ad:6e:97:84:8e:7d:
+                    6f:9e:8a:80:0d:49:6d:73:e2:7b:92:1e:c3:f3:c1:
+                    f3:eb:2e:05:6f:d9:1b:cf:37:76:04:c8:b4:5a:e4:
+                    17:a7:cb:dd:76:1f:d0:19:76:e8:2c:05:b3:d6:9c:
+                    34:d8:96:dc:61:87:91:05:e4:44:08:33:c1:da:b9:
+                    08:65:d4:ae:b2:36:0d:eb:ba:38:ba:0c:e5:9b:9e:
+                    eb:8d:66:dd:99:cf:d6:89:41:f6:04:92:8a:29:29:
+                    6d:6b:3a:1c:e7:75:7d:02:71:0e:f3:c0:e7:bd:cb:
+                    19:dd:9d:60:b2:c2:66:60:b6:b1:04:ee:c9:e6:86:
+                    b9:9a:66:40:a8:e7:11:ed:81:45:03:8b:f6:67:59:
+                    e8:c1:06:11:bd:dd:cf:80:02:4f:65:40:78:5c:47:
+                    50:c8:9b:e6:1f:81:7b:e4:44:a8:5b:85:9a:e2:de:
+                    5a:d5:c7:f9:3a:44:66:4b:e4:32:54:7c:e4:6c:9c:
+                    b3:0e:3d:17:a2:b2:34:12:d6:7e:b2:a8:49:bb:d1:
+                    7a:28:40:be:a2:16:1f:df:e4:37:1f:11:73:fb:90:
+                    0a:65:43:a2:0d:7c:f8:06:01:55:33:7d:b0:0d:b8:
+                    f4:f5:ae:a5:42:57:7c:36:11:8c:7b:5e:c4:03:9d:
+                    8c:79:9d
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                B5:99:F8:AF:B0:94:F5:E3:20:D6:0A:AD:CE:4E:56:A4:2E:6E:42:ED
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         26:06:5e:70:e7:65:33:c8:82:6e:d9:9c:17:3a:1b:7a:66:b2:
+         01:f6:78:3b:69:5e:2f:ea:ff:4e:f9:28:c3:98:2a:61:4c:b4:
+         24:12:8a:7d:6d:11:14:f7:9c:b5:ca:e6:bc:9e:27:8e:4c:19:
+         c8:a9:bd:7a:c0:d7:36:0e:6d:85:72:6e:a8:c6:a2:6d:f6:fa:
+         73:63:7f:bc:6e:79:08:1c:9d:8a:9f:1a:8a:53:a6:d8:bb:d9:
+         35:55:b1:11:c5:a9:03:b3:56:3b:b9:84:93:22:5e:7e:c1:f6:
+         12:52:8b:ea:2c:67:bc:fe:36:4c:f5:b8:cf:d1:b3:49:92:3b:
+         d3:29:0e:99:1b:96:f7:61:b8:3b:c4:2b:b6:78:6c:b4:23:6f:
+         f0:fd:d3:b2:5e:75:1f:99:95:a8:ac:f6:da:e1:c5:31:7b:fb:
+         d1:46:b3:d2:bc:67:b4:62:54:ba:09:f7:63:b0:93:a2:9a:f9:
+         e9:52:2e:8b:60:12:ab:fc:f5:60:56:ef:10:5c:8b:c4:1a:42:
+         dc:83:5b:64:0e:cb:b5:bc:d6:4f:c1:7c:3c:6e:8d:13:6d:fb:
+         7b:eb:30:d0:dc:4d:af:c5:d5:b6:a5:4c:5b:71:c9:e8:31:be:
+         e8:38:06:48:a1:1a:e2:ea:d2:de:12:39:58:1a:ff:80:0e:82:
+         75:e6:b7:c9:07:6c:0e:ef:ff:38:f1:98:71:c4:b7:7f:0e:15:
+         d0:25:69:bd:22:9d:2b:ed:05:f6:46:47:ac:ed:c0:f0:d4:3b:
+         e2:ec:ee:96:5b:90:13:4e:1e:56:3a:eb:b0:ef:96:bb:96:23:
+         11:ba:f2:43:86:74:64:95:c8:28:75:df:1d:35:ba:d2:37:83:
+         38:53:38:36:3b:cf:6c:e9:f9:6b:0e:d0:fb:04:e8:4f:77:d7:
+         65:01:78:86:0c:7a:3e:21:62:f1:7f:63:71:0c:c9:9f:44:db:
+         a8:27:a2:75:be:6e:81:3e:d7:c0:eb:1b:98:0f:70:5c:34:b2:
+         8a:cc:c0:85:18:eb:6e:7a:b3:f7:5a:a1:07:bf:a9:42:92:f3:
+         60:22:97:e4:14:a1:07:9b:4e:76:c0:8e:7d:fd:a4:25:c7:47:
+         ed:ff:1f:73:ac:cc:c3:a5:e9:6f:0a:8e:9b:65:c2:50:85:b5:
+         a3:a0:53:12:cc:55:87:61:f3:81:ae:10:46:61:bd:44:21:b8:
+         c2:3d:74:cf:7e:24:35:fa:1c:07:0e:9b:3d:22:ca:ef:31:2f:
+         8c:ac:12:bd:ef:40:28:fc:29:67:9f:b2:13:4f:66:24:c4:53:
+         19:e9:1e:29:15:ef:e6:6d:b0:7f:2d:67:fd:f3:6c:1b:75:46:
+         a3:e5:4a:17:e9:a4:d7:0b
+SHA1 Fingerprint=B5:61:EB:EA:A4:DE:E4:25:4B:69:1A:98:A5:57:47:C2:34:C7:D9:71
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/95aff9e3.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/95aff9e3.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a063620d0cbb1877c39e6d5873b8f857b778bac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/95aff9e3.0
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 279744 (0x444c0)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=PL, O=Unizeto Technologies S.A., OU=Certum Certification Authority, CN=Certum Trusted Network CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Oct 22 12:07:37 2008 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 12:07:37 2029 GMT
+        Subject: C=PL, O=Unizeto Technologies S.A., OU=Certum Certification Authority, CN=Certum Trusted Network CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:e3:fb:7d:a3:72:ba:c2:f0:c9:14:87:f5:6b:01:
+                    4e:e1:6e:40:07:ba:6d:27:5d:7f:f7:5b:2d:b3:5a:
+                    c7:51:5f:ab:a4:32:a6:61:87:b6:6e:0f:86:d2:30:
+                    02:97:f8:d7:69:57:a1:18:39:5d:6a:64:79:c6:01:
+                    59:ac:3c:31:4a:38:7c:d2:04:d2:4b:28:e8:20:5f:
+                    3b:07:a2:cc:4d:73:db:f3:ae:4f:c7:56:d5:5a:a7:
+                    96:89:fa:f3:ab:68:d4:23:86:59:27:cf:09:27:bc:
+                    ac:6e:72:83:1c:30:72:df:e0:a2:e9:d2:e1:74:75:
+                    19:bd:2a:9e:7b:15:54:04:1b:d7:43:39:ad:55:28:
+                    c5:e2:1a:bb:f4:c0:e4:ae:38:49:33:cc:76:85:9f:
+                    39:45:d2:a4:9e:f2:12:8c:51:f8:7c:e4:2d:7f:f5:
+                    ac:5f:eb:16:9f:b1:2d:d1:ba:cc:91:42:77:4c:25:
+                    c9:90:38:6f:db:f0:cc:fb:8e:1e:97:59:3e:d5:60:
+                    4e:e6:05:28:ed:49:79:13:4b:ba:48:db:2f:f9:72:
+                    d3:39:ca:fe:1f:d8:34:72:f5:b4:40:cf:31:01:c3:
+                    ec:de:11:2d:17:5d:1f:b8:50:d1:5e:19:a7:69:de:
+                    07:33:28:ca:50:95:f9:a7:54:cb:54:86:50:45:a9:
+                    f9:49
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                08:76:CD:CB:07:FF:24:F6:C5:CD:ED:BB:90:BC:E2:84:37:46:75:F7
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         a6:a8:ad:22:ce:01:3d:a6:a3:ff:62:d0:48:9d:8b:5e:72:b0:
+         78:44:e3:dc:1c:af:09:fd:23:48:fa:bd:2a:c4:b9:55:04:b5:
+         10:a3:8d:27:de:0b:82:63:d0:ee:de:0c:37:79:41:5b:22:b2:
+         b0:9a:41:5c:a6:70:e0:d4:d0:77:cb:23:d3:00:e0:6c:56:2f:
+         e1:69:0d:0d:d9:aa:bf:21:81:50:d9:06:a5:a8:ff:95:37:d0:
+         aa:fe:e2:b3:f5:99:2d:45:84:8a:e5:42:09:d7:74:02:2f:f7:
+         89:d8:99:e9:bc:27:d4:47:8d:ba:0d:46:1c:77:cf:14:a4:1c:
+         b9:a4:31:c4:9c:28:74:03:34:ff:33:19:26:a5:e9:0d:74:b7:
+         3e:97:c6:76:e8:27:96:a3:66:dd:e1:ae:f2:41:5b:ca:98:56:
+         83:73:70:e4:86:1a:d2:31:41:ba:2f:be:2d:13:5a:76:6f:4e:
+         e8:4e:81:0e:3f:5b:03:22:a0:12:be:66:58:11:4a:cb:03:c4:
+         b4:2a:2a:2d:96:17:e0:39:54:bc:48:d3:76:27:9d:9a:2d:06:
+         a6:c9:ec:39:d2:ab:db:9f:9a:0b:27:02:35:29:b1:40:95:e7:
+         f9:e8:9c:55:88:19:46:d6:b7:34:f5:7e:ce:39:9a:d9:38:f1:
+         51:f7:4f:2c
+SHA1 Fingerprint=07:E0:32:E0:20:B7:2C:3F:19:2F:06:28:A2:59:3A:19:A7:0F:06:9E
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9685a493.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9685a493.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f3a792577d5356a6d7ef2b4ac576226183dd13d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9685a493.0
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1000 (0x3e8)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=HK, O=Hongkong Post, CN=Hongkong Post Root CA 1
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 15 05:13:14 2003 GMT
+            Not After : May 15 04:52:29 2023 GMT
+        Subject: C=HK, O=Hongkong Post, CN=Hongkong Post Root CA 1
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ac:ff:38:b6:e9:66:02:49:e3:a2:b4:e1:90:f9:
+                    40:8f:79:f9:e2:bd:79:fe:02:bd:ee:24:92:1d:22:
+                    f6:da:85:72:69:fe:d7:3f:09:d4:dd:91:b5:02:9c:
+                    d0:8d:5a:e1:55:c3:50:86:b9:29:26:c2:e3:d9:a0:
+                    f1:69:03:28:20:80:45:22:2d:56:a7:3b:54:95:56:
+                    22:59:1f:28:df:1f:20:3d:6d:a2:36:be:23:a0:b1:
+                    6e:b5:b1:27:3f:39:53:09:ea:ab:6a:e8:74:b2:c2:
+                    65:5c:8e:bf:7c:c3:78:84:cd:9e:16:fc:f5:2e:4f:
+                    20:2a:08:9f:77:f3:c5:1e:c4:9a:52:66:1e:48:5e:
+                    e3:10:06:8f:22:98:e1:65:8e:1b:5d:23:66:3b:b8:
+                    a5:32:51:c8:86:aa:a1:a9:9e:7f:76:94:c2:a6:6c:
+                    b7:41:f0:d5:c8:06:38:e6:d4:0c:e2:f3:3b:4c:6d:
+                    50:8c:c4:83:27:c1:13:84:59:3d:9e:75:74:b6:d8:
+                    02:5e:3a:90:7a:c0:42:36:72:ec:6a:4d:dc:ef:c4:
+                    00:df:13:18:57:5f:26:78:c8:d6:0a:79:77:bf:f7:
+                    af:b7:76:b9:a5:0b:84:17:5d:10:ea:6f:e1:ab:95:
+                    11:5f:6d:3c:a3:5c:4d:83:5b:f2:b3:19:8a:80:8b:
+                    0b:87
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE, pathlen:3
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         0e:46:d5:3c:ae:e2:87:d9:5e:81:8b:02:98:41:08:8c:4c:bc:
+         da:db:ee:27:1b:82:e7:6a:45:ec:16:8b:4f:85:a0:f3:b2:70:
+         bd:5a:96:ba:ca:6e:6d:ee:46:8b:6e:e7:2a:2e:96:b3:19:33:
+         eb:b4:9f:a8:b2:37:ee:98:a8:97:b6:2e:b6:67:27:d4:a6:49:
+         fd:1c:93:65:76:9e:42:2f:dc:22:6c:9a:4f:f2:5a:15:39:b1:
+         71:d7:2b:51:e8:6d:1c:98:c0:d9:2a:f4:a1:82:7b:d5:c9:41:
+         a2:23:01:74:38:55:8b:0f:b9:2e:67:a2:20:04:37:da:9c:0b:
+         d3:17:21:e0:8f:97:79:34:6f:84:48:02:20:33:1b:e6:34:44:
+         9f:91:70:f4:80:5e:84:43:c2:29:d2:6c:12:14:e4:61:8d:ac:
+         10:90:9e:84:50:bb:f0:96:6f:45:9f:8a:f3:ca:6c:4f:fa:11:
+         3a:15:15:46:c3:cd:1f:83:5b:2d:41:12:ed:50:67:41:13:3d:
+         21:ab:94:8a:aa:4e:7c:c1:b1:fb:a7:d6:b5:27:2f:97:ab:6e:
+         e0:1d:e2:d1:1c:2c:1f:44:e2:fc:be:91:a1:9c:fb:d6:29:53:
+         73:86:9f:53:d8:43:0e:5d:d6:63:82:71:1d:80:74:ca:f6:e2:
+         02:6b:d9:5a
+SHA1 Fingerprint=D6:DA:A8:20:8D:09:D2:15:4D:24:B5:2F:CB:34:6E:B2:58:B2:8A:58
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9772ca32.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9772ca32.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..70fbfbbeddb3b19baa8b7ccad09f4649421d1488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9772ca32.0
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            18:ac:b5:6a:fd:69:b6:15:3a:63:6c:af:da:fa:c4:a1
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 27 00:00:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Jul 16 23:59:59 2036 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:be:b8:15:7b:ff:d4:7c:7d:67:ad:83:64:7b:c8:
+                    42:53:2d:df:f6:84:08:20:61:d6:01:59:6a:9c:44:
+                    11:af:ef:76:fd:95:7e:ce:61:30:bb:7a:83:5f:02:
+                    bd:01:66:ca:ee:15:8d:6f:a1:30:9c:bd:a1:85:9e:
+                    94:3a:f3:56:88:00:31:cf:d8:ee:6a:96:02:d9:ed:
+                    03:8c:fb:75:6d:e7:ea:b8:55:16:05:16:9a:f4:e0:
+                    5e:b1:88:c0:64:85:5c:15:4d:88:c7:b7:ba:e0:75:
+                    e9:ad:05:3d:9d:c7:89:48:e0:bb:28:c8:03:e1:30:
+                    93:64:5e:52:c0:59:70:22:35:57:88:8a:f1:95:0a:
+                    83:d7:bc:31:73:01:34:ed:ef:46:71:e0:6b:02:a8:
+                    35:72:6b:97:9b:66:e0:cb:1c:79:5f:d8:1a:04:68:
+                    1e:47:02:e6:9d:60:e2:36:97:01:df:ce:35:92:df:
+                    be:67:c7:6d:77:59:3b:8f:9d:d6:90:15:94:bc:42:
+                    34:10:c1:39:f9:b1:27:3e:7e:d6:8a:75:c5:b2:af:
+                    96:d3:a2:de:9b:e4:98:be:7d:e1:e9:81:ad:b6:6f:
+                    fc:d7:0e:da:e0:34:b0:0d:1a:77:e7:e3:08:98:ef:
+                    58:fa:9c:84:b7:36:af:c2:df:ac:d2:f4:10:06:70:
+                    71:35
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                2C:D5:50:41:97:15:8B:F0:8F:36:61:5B:4A:FB:6B:D9:99:C9:33:92
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         5a:70:7f:2c:dd:b7:34:4f:f5:86:51:a9:26:be:4b:b8:aa:f1:
+         71:0d:dc:61:c7:a0:ea:34:1e:7a:77:0f:04:35:e8:27:8f:6c:
+         90:bf:91:16:24:46:3e:4a:4e:ce:2b:16:d5:0b:52:1d:fc:1f:
+         67:a2:02:45:31:4f:ce:f3:fa:03:a7:79:9d:53:6a:d9:da:63:
+         3a:f8:80:d7:d3:99:e1:a5:e1:be:d4:55:71:98:35:3a:be:93:
+         ea:ae:ad:42:b2:90:6f:e0:fc:21:4d:35:63:33:89:49:d6:9b:
+         4e:ca:c7:e7:4e:09:00:f7:da:c7:ef:99:62:99:77:b6:95:22:
+         5e:8a:a0:ab:f4:b8:78:98:ca:38:19:99:c9:72:9e:78:cd:4b:
+         ac:af:19:a0:73:12:2d:fc:c2:41:ba:81:91:da:16:5a:31:b7:
+         f9:b4:71:80:12:48:99:72:73:5a:59:53:c1:63:52:33:ed:a7:
+         c9:d2:39:02:70:fa:e0:b1:42:66:29:aa:9b:51:ed:30:54:22:
+         14:5f:d9:ab:1d:c1:e4:94:f0:f8:f5:2b:f7:ea:ca:78:46:d6:
+         b8:91:fd:a6:0d:2b:1a:14:01:3e:80:f0:42:a0:95:07:5e:6d:
+         cd:cc:4b:a4:45:8d:ab:12:e8:b3:de:5a:e5:a0:7c:e8:0f:22:
+         1d:5a:e9:59
+SHA1 Fingerprint=32:3C:11:8E:1B:F7:B8:B6:52:54:E2:E2:10:0D:D6:02:90:37:F0:96
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9c3323d4.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9c3323d4.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..91e856529e0149dcf2a92ad45c496807410f205d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9c3323d4.0
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            11:20:b3:90:55:39:7d:7f:36:6d:64:c2:a7:9f:6b:63:8e:67
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=FR, O=OpenTrust, CN=OpenTrust Root CA G1
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 26 08:45:50 2014 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 15 00:00:00 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=FR, O=OpenTrust, CN=OpenTrust Root CA G1
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:f8:79:46:da:96:c5:30:5e:8a:71:03:2d:70:a4:
+                    bb:b0:c5:08:dc:cd:e6:35:c0:80:a4:11:2d:dd:e6:
+                    87:ae:5d:3d:91:d2:87:6c:37:b7:da:62:9e:9b:c2:
+                    24:d7:8f:f1:db:a6:a6:df:46:6f:51:a6:71:cb:3e:
+                    1b:31:67:62:f7:11:5b:34:27:d5:79:4e:8c:9b:58:
+                    bd:22:10:0d:5c:27:0c:dd:30:e5:a8:d3:5d:21:38:
+                    74:17:fe:e3:1f:b6:4f:3b:6b:2d:db:7d:60:1f:8c:
+                    7d:4c:05:c2:eb:01:16:15:98:14:8e:d1:90:77:22:
+                    3f:ec:c2:39:b8:79:3a:f0:49:24:e2:95:91:dc:61:
+                    34:92:8c:54:74:ef:b1:7d:8c:01:e2:38:7d:c1:5f:
+                    6a:5f:24:b2:8e:62:17:ad:79:20:ad:ab:1d:b7:e0:
+                    b4:96:48:4f:66:43:10:06:16:24:03:e1:e0:9c:8e:
+                    c6:46:4f:8e:1a:99:e1:8f:b9:8e:33:6c:69:de:58:
+                    ad:a0:0e:a7:64:54:11:69:44:66:4f:4c:12:a7:8e:
+                    2c:7d:c4:d4:5b:c5:00:34:30:c1:d9:99:fe:32:ce:
+                    07:84:b4:4e:cd:0a:ff:36:4d:62:f1:a7:63:57:e4:
+                    db:6a:a7:ae:bf:2b:b9:c9:e6:b2:27:89:e5:7e:9a:
+                    1c:4d:68:c6:c1:18:de:33:2b:51:46:4b:1c:8e:f7:
+                    3d:0c:f9:8a:34:14:c4:fb:33:35:23:f1:cc:f1:2a:
+                    c7:a5:bb:b0:a2:ce:fe:53:6b:4d:41:1b:66:28:b2:
+                    96:fa:a7:ae:0a:4e:b9:39:33:44:9c:74:c1:93:1c:
+                    f8:e0:9e:24:25:43:f1:9b:23:82:aa:df:2c:20:b0:
+                    dc:36:4e:03:b3:7c:02:d4:e6:7b:1a:aa:87:13:bf:
+                    3e:a1:74:bb:9b:0e:e1:c0:93:9f:d7:a4:66:ca:bb:
+                    1b:3b:e3:30:f4:33:59:8a:07:72:03:55:e7:73:6a:
+                    03:31:6e:6f:96:1b:e3:a2:9f:af:92:c7:ed:f5:42:
+                    b7:25:4c:3b:13:04:cf:1c:96:af:1c:22:a3:d0:ab:
+                    05:b2:4c:12:23:52:dc:fd:19:5b:27:9c:1e:3b:7a:
+                    fd:42:23:db:23:80:13:f0:bc:51:15:54:94:a6:77:
+                    3e:d0:74:51:bd:51:14:08:39:37:cb:1f:34:a9:30:
+                    9d:52:84:2e:55:90:b1:ba:df:55:00:0b:d8:56:2d:
+                    b1:49:49:72:80:a9:62:d7:c0:f6:18:11:04:55:cd:
+                    74:7b:cf:61:70:79:f4:7b:2c:5c:5c:92:fc:e5:b8:
+                    5a:ab:4c:93:95:a1:27:ee:a5:be:cf:71:23:42:ba:
+                    9b:76:2d
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                97:46:21:57:21:35:DA:36:55:C7:F3:F1:37:70:E5:08:F6:93:29:B6
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:97:46:21:57:21:35:DA:36:55:C7:F3:F1:37:70:E5:08:F6:93:29:B6
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         1d:dd:02:60:7c:e0:35:a7:e6:98:7b:ea:44:ce:67:40:4f:f2:
+         93:6e:66:d4:39:89:26:ac:d3:4d:04:3c:bb:87:21:3f:37:f4:
+         71:25:da:4b:ba:ab:96:82:81:91:b6:ed:d9:b1:a4:65:97:e2:
+         6f:64:59:a4:96:ee:60:ca:1f:23:fb:45:ba:ff:8f:24:f0:ca:
+         a9:31:7f:79:1f:80:b3:2d:32:ba:64:67:60:af:b9:59:cd:df:
+         9a:49:d3:a8:82:b1:f9:98:94:8a:cc:e0:bb:e0:04:1b:99:60:
+         b1:46:65:dc:08:a2:b2:46:9e:44:88:ea:93:7e:57:16:d2:15:
+         72:5f:2e:4b:ab:d4:9d:63:b8:e3:48:e5:fe:84:2e:58:0a:9f:
+         43:1d:fe:b7:18:92:86:43:4b:0e:9c:32:86:2c:60:f5:e9:48:
+         ea:95:ed:70:29:f1:d5:2f:fd:35:b4:57:cf:db:85:48:99:b9:
+         c2:6f:6c:8f:cd:78:95:ac:64:28:fd:56:b0:c3:6f:c3:be:59:
+         52:e1:5f:84:8f:80:f2:f4:0d:36:ad:76:b3:a3:b5:e1:64:76:
+         3a:58:dc:7d:4f:5e:56:6c:e5:55:59:57:a5:df:f1:8a:66:30:
+         8c:d4:52:62:38:77:b4:be:28:d7:ca:36:c4:9b:05:f0:f8:15:
+         db:db:f1:ef:34:9d:1d:78:4a:88:56:67:6e:60:ff:8f:c8:8b:
+         e1:8e:bd:42:a9:33:0a:59:42:12:12:2a:fa:b1:9d:43:8e:05:
+         9b:99:da:62:ad:57:36:b3:1d:b6:0d:79:2d:96:b8:eb:f2:0c:
+         4b:0c:a5:94:c6:30:a7:26:19:2d:ed:4c:06:50:30:f1:fd:58:
+         3d:b9:4b:17:5f:19:b4:6a:84:54:b4:38:4f:39:a2:0d:96:68:
+         c3:28:94:fd:ed:2d:1f:4a:6b:43:96:2e:90:01:10:fb:38:a6:
+         81:0b:d0:bf:75:d3:d4:b9:ce:f1:3f:6f:0e:1c:1e:37:71:e5:
+         18:87:75:19:3f:50:b9:5e:a4:45:34:ad:b0:ca:e6:e5:13:76:
+         0f:31:14:a9:8e:2d:94:d6:d5:85:4d:73:15:4f:4b:f2:b2:3e:
+         ed:6c:bd:fd:0e:9d:66:73:b0:3d:b4:f7:bf:a8:e0:11:a4:c4:
+         ae:75:09:4a:63:00:48:20:a6:c6:9d:0b:09:8a:b4:e0:e6:ce:
+         3e:c7:3e:26:38:e9:2b:de:a6:08:49:03:04:90:8a:e9:8f:bf:
+         e8:b6:b4:2a:a3:23:8d:1c:1c:b2:39:92:a8:8f:02:5c:40:39:
+         75:d4:73:41:02:77:de:cd:e0:43:87:d6:e4:ba:4a:c3:6c:12:
+         7f:fe:2a:e6:23:d6:8c:71
+SHA1 Fingerprint=79:91:E8:34:F7:E2:EE:DD:08:95:01:52:E9:55:2D:14:E9:58:D5:7E
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9d6523ce.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9d6523ce.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6053f55a0bceba6feab27329c53ffb21d4b733c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9d6523ce.0
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            15:c8:bd:65:47:5c:af:b8:97:00:5e:e4:06:d2:bc:9d
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=TW, O=Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd., OU=ePKI Root Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec 20 02:31:27 2004 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 20 02:31:27 2034 GMT
+        Subject: C=TW, O=Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd., OU=ePKI Root Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:e1:25:0f:ee:8d:db:88:33:75:67:cd:ad:1f:7d:
+                    3a:4e:6d:9d:d3:2f:14:f3:63:74:cb:01:21:6a:37:
+                    ea:84:50:07:4b:26:5b:09:43:6c:21:9e:6a:c8:d5:
+                    03:f5:60:69:8f:cc:f0:22:e4:1f:e7:f7:6a:22:31:
+                    b7:2c:15:f2:e0:fe:00:6a:43:ff:87:65:c6:b5:1a:
+                    c1:a7:4c:6d:22:70:21:8a:31:f2:97:74:89:09:12:
+                    26:1c:9e:ca:d9:12:a2:95:3c:da:e9:67:bf:08:a0:
+                    64:e3:d6:42:b7:45:ef:97:f4:f6:f5:d7:b5:4a:15:
+                    02:58:7d:98:58:4b:60:bc:cd:d7:0d:9a:13:33:53:
+                    d1:61:f9:7a:d5:d7:78:b3:9a:33:f7:00:86:ce:1d:
+                    4d:94:38:af:a8:ec:78:51:70:8a:5c:10:83:51:21:
+                    f7:11:3d:34:86:5e:e5:48:cd:97:81:82:35:4c:19:
+                    ec:65:f6:6b:c5:05:a1:ee:47:13:d6:b3:21:27:94:
+                    10:0a:d9:24:3b:ba:be:44:13:46:30:3f:97:3c:d8:
+                    d7:d7:6a:ee:3b:38:e3:2b:d4:97:0e:b9:1b:e7:07:
+                    49:7f:37:2a:f9:77:78:cf:54:ed:5b:46:9d:a3:80:
+                    0e:91:43:c1:d6:5b:5f:14:ba:9f:a6:8d:24:47:40:
+                    59:bf:72:38:b2:36:6c:37:ff:99:d1:5d:0e:59:0a:
+                    ab:69:f7:c0:b2:04:45:7a:54:00:ae:be:53:f6:b5:
+                    e7:e1:f8:3c:a3:31:d2:a9:fe:21:52:64:c5:a6:67:
+                    f0:75:07:06:94:14:81:55:c6:27:e4:01:8f:17:c1:
+                    6a:71:d7:be:4b:fb:94:58:7d:7e:11:33:b1:42:f7:
+                    62:6c:18:d6:cf:09:68:3e:7f:6c:f6:1e:8f:62:ad:
+                    a5:63:db:09:a7:1f:22:42:41:1e:6f:99:8a:3e:d7:
+                    f9:3f:40:7a:79:b0:a5:01:92:d2:9d:3d:08:15:a5:
+                    10:01:2d:b3:32:76:a8:95:0d:b3:7a:9a:fb:07:10:
+                    78:11:6f:e1:8f:c7:ba:0f:25:1a:74:2a:e5:1c:98:
+                    41:99:df:21:87:e8:95:06:6a:0a:b3:6a:47:76:65:
+                    f6:3a:cf:8f:62:17:19:7b:0a:28:cd:1a:d2:83:1e:
+                    21:c7:2c:bf:be:ff:61:68:b7:67:1b:bb:78:4d:8d:
+                    ce:67:e5:e4:c1:8e:b7:23:66:e2:9d:90:75:34:98:
+                    a9:36:2b:8a:9a:94:b9:9d:ec:cc:8a:b1:f8:25:89:
+                    5c:5a:b6:2f:8c:1f:6d:79:24:a7:52:68:c3:84:35:
+                    e2:66:8d:63:0e:25:4d:d5:19:b2:e6:79:37:a7:22:
+                    9d:54:31
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                1E:0C:F7:B6:67:F2:E1:92:26:09:45:C0:55:39:2E:77:3F:42:4A:A2
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
+                CA:TRUE
+            setCext-hashedRoot: 
+                0/0-...0...+......0...g*.....E...
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         09:b3:83:53:59:01:3e:95:49:b9:f1:81:ba:f9:76:20:23:b5:
+         27:60:74:d4:6a:99:34:5e:6c:00:53:d9:9f:f2:a6:b1:24:07:
+         44:6a:2a:c6:a5:8e:78:12:e8:47:d9:58:1b:13:2a:5e:79:9b:
+         9f:0a:2a:67:a6:25:3f:06:69:56:73:c3:8a:66:48:fb:29:81:
+         57:74:06:ca:9c:ea:28:e8:38:67:26:2b:f1:d5:b5:3f:65:93:
+         f8:36:5d:8e:8d:8d:40:20:87:19:ea:ef:27:c0:3d:b4:39:0f:
+         25:7b:68:50:74:55:9c:0c:59:7d:5a:3d:41:94:25:52:08:e0:
+         47:2c:15:31:19:d5:bf:07:55:c6:bb:12:b5:97:f4:5f:83:85:
+         ba:71:c1:d9:6c:81:11:76:0a:0a:b0:bf:82:97:f7:ea:3d:fa:
+         fa:ec:2d:a9:28:94:3b:56:dd:d2:51:2e:ae:c0:bd:08:15:8c:
+         77:52:34:96:d6:9b:ac:d3:1d:8e:61:0f:35:7b:9b:ae:39:69:
+         0b:62:60:40:20:36:8f:af:fb:36:ee:2d:08:4a:1d:b8:bf:9b:
+         5c:f8:ea:a5:1b:a0:73:a6:d8:f8:6e:e0:33:04:5f:68:aa:27:
+         87:ed:d9:c1:90:9c:ed:bd:e3:6a:35:af:63:df:ab:18:d9:ba:
+         e6:e9:4a:ea:50:8a:0f:61:93:1e:e2:2d:19:e2:30:94:35:92:
+         5d:0e:b6:07:af:19:80:8f:47:90:51:4b:2e:4d:dd:85:e2:d2:
+         0a:52:0a:17:9a:fc:1a:b0:50:02:e5:01:a3:63:37:21:4c:44:
+         c4:9b:51:99:11:0e:73:9c:06:8f:54:2e:a7:28:5e:44:39:87:
+         56:2d:37:bd:85:44:94:e1:0c:4b:2c:9c:c3:92:85:34:61:cb:
+         0f:b8:9b:4a:43:52:fe:34:3a:7d:b8:e9:29:dc:76:a9:c8:30:
+         f8:14:71:80:c6:1e:36:48:74:22:41:5c:87:82:e8:18:71:8b:
+         41:89:44:e7:7e:58:5b:a8:b8:8d:13:e9:a7:6c:c3:47:ed:b3:
+         1a:9d:62:ae:8d:82:ea:94:9e:dd:59:10:c3:ad:dd:e2:4d:e3:
+         31:d5:c7:ec:e8:f2:b0:fe:92:1e:16:0a:1a:fc:d9:f3:f8:27:
+         b6:c9:be:1d:b4:6c:64:90:7f:f4:e4:c4:5b:d7:37:ae:42:0e:
+         dd:a4:1a:6f:7c:88:54:c5:16:6e:e1:7a:68:2e:f8:3a:bf:0d:
+         a4:3c:89:3b:78:a7:4e:63:83:04:21:08:67:8d:f2:82:49:d0:
+         5b:fd:b1:cd:0f:83:84:d4:3e:20:85:f7:4a:3d:2b:9c:fd:2a:
+         0a:09:4d:ea:81:f8:11:9c
+SHA1 Fingerprint=67:65:0D:F1:7E:8E:7E:5B:82:40:A4:F4:56:4B:CF:E2:3D:69:C6:F0
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9dbefe7b.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9dbefe7b.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d72f3070c5fedc72bb3ecee6693826cef5bf688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9dbefe7b.0
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=JP, O=SECOM Trust Systems CO.,LTD., OU=Security Communication EV RootCA1
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jun  6 02:12:32 2007 GMT
+            Not After : Jun  6 02:12:32 2037 GMT
+        Subject: C=JP, O=SECOM Trust Systems CO.,LTD., OU=Security Communication EV RootCA1
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:bc:7f:ec:57:9b:24:e0:fe:9c:ba:42:79:a9:88:
+                    8a:fa:80:e0:f5:07:29:43:ea:8e:0a:34:36:8d:1c:
+                    fa:a7:b5:39:78:ff:97:75:f7:2f:e4:aa:6b:04:84:
+                    44:ca:a6:e2:68:8e:fd:55:50:62:0f:a4:71:0e:ce:
+                    07:38:2d:42:85:50:ad:3c:96:6f:8b:d5:a2:0e:cf:
+                    de:49:89:3d:d6:64:2e:38:e5:1e:6c:b5:57:8a:9e:
+                    ef:48:0e:cd:7a:69:16:87:44:b5:90:e4:06:9d:ae:
+                    a1:04:97:58:79:ef:20:4a:82:6b:8c:22:bf:ec:1f:
+                    0f:e9:84:71:ed:f1:0e:e4:b8:18:13:cc:56:36:5d:
+                    d1:9a:1e:51:6b:39:6e:60:76:88:34:0b:f3:b3:d1:
+                    b0:9d:ca:61:e2:64:1d:c1:46:07:b8:63:dd:1e:33:
+                    65:b3:8e:09:55:52:3d:b5:bd:ff:07:eb:ad:61:55:
+                    18:2c:a9:69:98:4a:aa:40:c5:33:14:65:74:00:f9:
+                    91:de:af:03:48:c5:40:54:dc:0f:84:90:68:20:c5:
+                    92:96:dc:2e:e5:02:45:aa:c0:5f:54:f8:6d:ea:49:
+                    cf:5d:6c:4b:af:ef:9a:c2:56:5c:c6:35:56:42:6a:
+                    30:5f:c2:ab:f6:e2:3d:3f:b3:c9:11:8f:31:4c:d7:
+                    9f:49
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                35:4A:F5:4D:AF:3F:D7:82:38:AC:AB:71:65:17:75:8C:9D:55:93:E6
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         a8:87:e9:ec:f8:40:67:5d:c3:c1:66:c7:40:4b:97:fc:87:13:
+         90:5a:c4:ef:a0:ca:5f:8b:b7:a7:b7:f1:d6:b5:64:b7:8a:b3:
+         b8:1b:cc:da:fb:ac:66:88:41:ce:e8:fc:e4:db:1e:88:a6:ed:
+         27:50:1b:02:30:24:46:79:fe:04:87:70:97:40:73:d1:c0:c1:
+         57:19:9a:69:a5:27:99:ab:9d:62:84:f6:51:c1:2c:c9:23:15:
+         d8:28:b7:ab:25:13:b5:46:e1:86:02:ff:26:8c:c4:88:92:1d:
+         56:fe:19:67:f2:55:e4:80:a3:6b:9c:ab:77:e1:51:71:0d:20:
+         db:10:9a:db:bd:76:79:07:77:99:28:ad:9a:5e:da:b1:4f:44:
+         2c:35:8e:a5:96:c7:fd:83:f0:58:c6:79:d6:98:7c:a8:8d:fe:
+         86:3e:07:16:92:e1:7b:e7:1d:ec:33:76:7e:42:2e:4a:85:f9:
+         91:89:68:84:03:81:a5:9b:9a:be:e3:37:c5:54:ab:56:3b:18:
+         2d:41:a4:0c:f8:42:db:99:a0:e0:72:6f:bb:5d:e1:16:4f:53:
+         0a:64:f9:4e:f4:bf:4e:54:bd:78:6c:88:ea:bf:9c:13:24:c2:
+         70:69:a2:7f:0f:c8:3c:ad:08:c9:b0:98:40:a3:2a:e7:88:83:
+         ed:77:8f:74
+SHA1 Fingerprint=FE:B8:C4:32:DC:F9:76:9A:CE:AE:3D:D8:90:8F:FD:28:86:65:64:7D
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9f533518.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9f533518.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aeda5bffd944f6a2ae9a8874afd12cb623887a5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/9f533518.0
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 14541511773111788494 (0xc9cdd3e9d57d23ce)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=EU, L=Madrid (see current address at www.camerfirma.com/address)/serialNumber=A82743287, O=AC Camerfirma S.A., CN=Global Chambersign Root - 2008
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Aug  1 12:31:40 2008 GMT
+            Not After : Jul 31 12:31:40 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=EU, L=Madrid (see current address at www.camerfirma.com/address)/serialNumber=A82743287, O=AC Camerfirma S.A., CN=Global Chambersign Root - 2008
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c0:df:56:d3:e4:3a:9b:76:45:b4:13:db:ff:c1:
+                    b6:19:8b:37:41:18:95:52:47:eb:17:9d:29:88:8e:
+                    35:6c:06:32:2e:47:62:f3:49:04:bf:7d:44:36:b1:
+                    71:cc:bd:5a:09:73:d5:d9:85:44:ff:91:57:25:df:
+                    5e:36:8e:70:d1:5c:71:43:1d:d9:da:ef:5c:d2:fb:
+                    1b:bd:3a:b5:cb:ad:a3:cc:44:a7:0d:ae:21:15:3f:
+                    b9:7a:5b:92:75:d8:a4:12:38:89:19:8a:b7:80:d2:
+                    e2:32:6f:56:9c:91:d6:88:10:0b:b3:74:64:92:74:
+                    60:f3:f6:cf:18:4f:60:b2:23:d0:c7:3b:ce:61:4b:
+                    99:8f:c2:0c:d0:40:b2:98:dc:0d:a8:4e:a3:b9:0a:
+                    ae:60:a0:ad:45:52:63:ba:66:bd:68:e0:f9:be:1a:
+                    a8:81:bb:1e:41:78:75:d3:c1:fe:00:55:b0:87:54:
+                    e8:27:90:35:1d:4c:33:ad:97:fc:97:2e:98:84:bf:
+                    2c:c9:a3:bf:d1:98:11:14:ed:63:f8:ca:98:88:58:
+                    17:99:ed:45:03:97:7e:3c:86:1e:88:8c:be:f2:91:
+                    84:8f:65:34:d8:00:4c:7d:b7:31:17:5a:29:7a:0a:
+                    18:24:30:a3:37:b5:7a:a9:01:7d:26:d6:f9:0e:8e:
+                    59:f1:fd:1b:33:b5:29:3b:17:3b:41:b6:21:dd:d4:
+                    c0:3d:a5:9f:9f:1f:43:50:c9:bb:bc:6c:7a:97:98:
+                    ee:cd:8c:1f:fb:9c:51:ae:8b:70:bd:27:9f:71:c0:
+                    6b:ac:7d:90:66:e8:d7:5d:3a:0d:b0:d5:c2:8d:d5:
+                    c8:9d:9d:c1:6d:d0:d0:bf:51:e4:e3:f8:c3:38:36:
+                    ae:d6:a7:75:e6:af:84:43:5d:93:92:0c:6a:07:de:
+                    3b:1d:98:22:d6:ac:c1:35:db:a3:a0:25:ff:72:b5:
+                    76:1d:de:6d:e9:2c:66:2c:52:84:d0:45:92:ce:1c:
+                    e5:e5:33:1d:dc:07:53:54:a3:aa:82:3b:9a:37:2f:
+                    dc:dd:a0:64:e9:e6:dd:bd:ae:fc:64:85:1d:3c:a7:
+                    c9:06:de:84:ff:6b:e8:6b:1a:3c:c5:a2:b3:42:fb:
+                    8b:09:3e:5f:08:52:c7:62:c4:d4:05:71:bf:c4:64:
+                    e4:f8:a1:83:e8:3e:12:9b:a8:1e:d4:36:4d:2f:71:
+                    f6:8d:28:f6:83:a9:13:d2:61:c1:91:bb:48:c0:34:
+                    8f:41:8c:4b:4c:db:69:12:ff:50:94:9c:20:83:59:
+                    73:ed:7c:a1:f2:f1:fd:dd:f7:49:d3:43:58:a0:56:
+                    63:ca:3d:3d:e5:35:56:59:e9:0e:ca:20:cc:2b:4b:
+                    93:29:0f
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE, pathlen:12
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                B9:09:CA:9C:1E:DB:D3:6C:3A:6B:AE:ED:54:F1:5B:93:06:35:2E:5E
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:B9:09:CA:9C:1E:DB:D3:6C:3A:6B:AE:ED:54:F1:5B:93:06:35:2E:5E
+                DirName:/C=EU/L=Madrid (see current address at www.camerfirma.com/address)/serialNumber=A82743287/O=AC Camerfirma S.A./CN=Global Chambersign Root - 2008
+                serial:C9:CD:D3:E9:D5:7D:23:CE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Certificate Policies: 
+                Policy: X509v3 Any Policy
+                  CPS: http://policy.camerfirma.com
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         80:88:7f:70:de:92:28:d9:05:94:46:ff:90:57:a9:f1:2f:df:
+         1a:0d:6b:fa:7c:0e:1c:49:24:79:27:d8:46:aa:6f:29:59:52:
+         88:70:12:ea:dd:3d:f5:9b:53:54:6f:e1:60:a2:a8:09:b9:ec:
+         eb:59:7c:c6:35:f1:dc:18:e9:f1:67:e5:af:ba:45:e0:09:de:
+         ca:44:0f:c2:17:0e:77:91:45:7a:33:5f:5f:96:2c:68:8b:c1:
+         47:8f:98:9b:3d:c0:ec:cb:f5:d5:82:92:84:35:d1:be:36:38:
+         56:72:31:5b:47:2d:aa:17:a4:63:51:eb:0a:01:ad:7f:ec:75:
+         9e:cb:a1:1f:f1:7f:12:b1:b9:e4:64:7f:67:d6:23:2a:f4:b8:
+         39:5d:98:e8:21:a7:e1:bd:3d:42:1a:74:9a:70:af:68:6c:50:
+         5d:49:cf:ff:fb:0e:5d:e6:2c:47:d7:81:3a:59:00:b5:73:6b:
+         63:20:f6:31:45:08:39:0e:f4:70:7e:40:70:5a:3f:d0:6b:42:
+         a9:74:3d:28:2f:02:6d:75:72:95:09:8d:48:63:c6:c6:23:57:
+         92:93:5e:35:c1:8d:f9:0a:f7:2c:9d:62:1c:f6:ad:7c:dd:a6:
+         31:1e:b6:b1:c7:7e:85:26:fa:a4:6a:b5:da:63:30:d1:ef:93:
+         37:b2:66:2f:7d:05:f7:e7:b7:4b:98:94:35:c0:d9:3a:29:c1:
+         9d:b2:50:33:1d:4a:a9:5a:a6:c9:03:ef:ed:f4:e7:a8:6e:8a:
+         b4:57:84:eb:a4:3f:d0:ee:aa:aa:87:5b:63:e8:93:e2:6b:a8:
+         d4:b8:72:78:6b:1b:ed:39:e4:5d:cb:9b:aa:87:d5:4f:4e:00:
+         fe:d9:6a:9f:3c:31:0f:28:02:01:7d:98:e8:a7:b0:a2:64:9e:
+         79:f8:48:f2:15:a9:cc:e6:c8:44:eb:3f:78:99:f2:7b:71:3e:
+         3c:f1:98:a7:c5:18:12:3f:e6:bb:28:33:42:e9:45:0a:7c:6d:
+         f2:86:79:2f:c5:82:19:7d:09:89:7c:b2:54:76:88:ae:de:c1:
+         f3:cc:e1:6e:db:31:d6:93:ae:99:a0:ef:25:6a:73:98:89:5b:
+         3a:2e:13:88:1e:bf:c0:92:94:34:1b:e3:27:b7:8b:1e:6f:42:
+         ff:e7:e9:37:9b:50:1d:2d:a2:f9:02:ee:cb:58:58:3a:71:bc:
+         68:e3:aa:c1:af:1c:28:1f:a2:dc:23:65:3f:81:ea:ae:99:d3:
+         d8:30:cf:13:0d:4f:15:c9:84:bc:a7:48:2d:f8:30:23:77:d8:
+         46:4b:79:6d:f6:8c:ed:3a:7f:60:11:78:f4:e9:9b:ae:d5:54:
+         c0:74:80:d1:0b:42:9f:c1
+SHA1 Fingerprint=4A:BD:EE:EC:95:0D:35:9C:89:AE:C7:52:A1:2C:5B:29:F6:D6:AA:0C
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/a0bc6fbb.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/a0bc6fbb.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f93d996a6f0d6742c524f8a738e0bbc69262d6d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/a0bc6fbb.0
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=EU, O=AC Camerfirma SA CIF A82743287, OU=http://www.chambersign.org, CN=Global Chambersign Root
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Sep 30 16:14:18 2003 GMT
+            Not After : Sep 30 16:14:18 2037 GMT
+        Subject: C=EU, O=AC Camerfirma SA CIF A82743287, OU=http://www.chambersign.org, CN=Global Chambersign Root
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:a2:70:a2:d0:9f:42:ae:5b:17:c7:d8:7d:cf:14:
+                    83:fc:4f:c9:a1:b7:13:af:8a:d7:9e:3e:04:0a:92:
+                    8b:60:56:fa:b4:32:2f:88:4d:a1:60:08:f4:b7:09:
+                    4e:a0:49:2f:49:d6:d3:df:9d:97:5a:9f:94:04:70:
+                    ec:3f:59:d9:b7:cc:66:8b:98:52:28:09:02:df:c5:
+                    2f:84:8d:7a:97:77:bf:ec:40:9d:25:72:ab:b5:3f:
+                    32:98:fb:b7:b7:fc:72:84:e5:35:87:f9:55:fa:a3:
+                    1f:0e:6f:2e:28:dd:69:a0:d9:42:10:c6:f8:b5:44:
+                    c2:d0:43:7f:db:bc:e4:a2:3c:6a:55:78:0a:77:a9:
+                    d8:ea:19:32:b7:2f:fe:5c:3f:1b:ee:b1:98:ec:ca:
+                    ad:7a:69:45:e3:96:0f:55:f6:e6:ed:75:ea:65:e8:
+                    32:56:93:46:89:a8:25:8a:65:06:ee:6b:bf:79:07:
+                    d0:f1:b7:af:ed:2c:4d:92:bb:c0:a8:5f:a7:67:7d:
+                    04:f2:15:08:70:ac:92:d6:7d:04:d2:33:fb:4c:b6:
+                    0b:0b:fb:1a:c9:c4:8d:03:a9:7e:5c:f2:50:ab:12:
+                    a5:a1:cf:48:50:a5:ef:d2:c8:1a:13:fa:b0:7f:b1:
+                    82:1c:77:6a:0f:5f:dc:0b:95:8f:ef:43:7e:e6:45:
+                    09:25
+                Exponent: 3 (0x3)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE, pathlen:12
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.chambersign.org/chambersignroot.crl
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                43:9C:36:9F:B0:9E:30:4D:C6:CE:5F:AD:10:AB:E5:03:A5:FA:A9:14
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            Netscape Cert Type: 
+                SSL CA, S/MIME CA, Object Signing CA
+            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: 
+                email:chambersignroot@chambersign.org
+            X509v3 Issuer Alternative Name: 
+                email:chambersignroot@chambersign.org
+            X509v3 Certificate Policies: 
+                Policy:
+                  CPS: http://cps.chambersign.org/cps/chambersignroot.html
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         3c:3b:70:91:f9:04:54:27:91:e1:ed:ed:fe:68:7f:61:5d:e5:
+         41:65:4f:32:f1:18:05:94:6a:1c:de:1f:70:db:3e:7b:32:02:
+         34:b5:0c:6c:a1:8a:7c:a5:f4:8f:ff:d4:d8:ad:17:d5:2d:04:
+         d1:3f:58:80:e2:81:59:88:be:c0:e3:46:93:24:fe:90:bd:26:
+         a2:30:2d:e8:97:26:57:35:89:74:96:18:f6:15:e2:af:24:19:
+         56:02:02:b2:ba:0f:14:ea:c6:8a:66:c1:86:45:55:8b:be:92:
+         be:9c:a4:04:c7:49:3c:9e:e8:29:7a:89:d7:fe:af:ff:68:f5:
+         a5:17:90:bd:ac:99:cc:a5:86:57:09:67:46:db:d6:16:c2:46:
+         f1:e4:a9:50:f5:8f:d1:92:15:d3:5f:3e:c6:00:49:3a:6e:58:
+         b2:d1:d1:27:0d:25:c8:32:f8:20:11:cd:7d:32:33:48:94:54:
+         4c:dd:dc:79:c4:30:9f:eb:8e:b8:55:b5:d7:88:5c:c5:6a:24:
+         3d:b2:d3:05:03:51:c6:07:ef:cc:14:72:74:3d:6e:72:ce:18:
+         28:8c:4a:a0:77:e5:09:2b:45:44:47:ac:b7:67:7f:01:8a:05:
+         5a:93:be:a1:c1:ff:f8:e7:0e:67:a4:47:49:76:5d:75:90:1a:
+         f5:26:8f:f0
+SHA1 Fingerprint=33:9B:6B:14:50:24:9B:55:7A:01:87:72:84:D9:E0:2F:C3:D2:D8:E9
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/a2c66da8.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/a2c66da8.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f92240822bca59bad8f34d165d7f7b64d1507fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/a2c66da8.0
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            05:9b:1b:57:9e:8e:21:32:e2:39:07:bd:a7:77:75:5c
+    Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Trusted Root G4
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Aug  1 12:00:00 2013 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 15 12:00:00 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Trusted Root G4
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:bf:e6:90:73:68:de:bb:e4:5d:4a:3c:30:22:30:
+                    69:33:ec:c2:a7:25:2e:c9:21:3d:f2:8a:d8:59:c2:
+                    e1:29:a7:3d:58:ab:76:9a:cd:ae:7b:1b:84:0d:c4:
+                    30:1f:f3:1b:a4:38:16:eb:56:c6:97:6d:1d:ab:b2:
+                    79:f2:ca:11:d2:e4:5f:d6:05:3c:52:0f:52:1f:c6:
+                    9e:15:a5:7e:be:9f:a9:57:16:59:55:72:af:68:93:
+                    70:c2:b2:ba:75:99:6a:73:32:94:d1:10:44:10:2e:
+                    df:82:f3:07:84:e6:74:3b:6d:71:e2:2d:0c:1b:ee:
+                    20:d5:c9:20:1d:63:29:2d:ce:ec:5e:4e:c8:93:f8:
+                    21:61:9b:34:eb:05:c6:5e:ec:5b:1a:bc:eb:c9:cf:
+                    cd:ac:34:40:5f:b1:7a:66:ee:77:c8:48:a8:66:57:
+                    57:9f:54:58:8e:0c:2b:b7:4f:a7:30:d9:56:ee:ca:
+                    7b:5d:e3:ad:c9:4f:5e:e5:35:e7:31:cb:da:93:5e:
+                    dc:8e:8f:80:da:b6:91:98:40:90:79:c3:78:c7:b6:
+                    b1:c4:b5:6a:18:38:03:10:8d:d8:d4:37:a4:2e:05:
+                    7d:88:f5:82:3e:10:91:70:ab:55:82:41:32:d7:db:
+                    04:73:2a:6e:91:01:7c:21:4c:d4:bc:ae:1b:03:75:
+                    5d:78:66:d9:3a:31:44:9a:33:40:bf:08:d7:5a:49:
+                    a4:c2:e6:a9:a0:67:dd:a4:27:bc:a1:4f:39:b5:11:
+                    58:17:f7:24:5c:46:8f:64:f7:c1:69:88:76:98:76:
+                    3d:59:5d:42:76:87:89:97:69:7a:48:f0:e0:a2:12:
+                    1b:66:9a:74:ca:de:4b:1e:e7:0e:63:ae:e6:d4:ef:
+                    92:92:3a:9e:3d:dc:00:e4:45:25:89:b6:9a:44:19:
+                    2b:7e:c0:94:b4:d2:61:6d:eb:33:d9:c5:df:4b:04:
+                    00:cc:7d:1c:95:c3:8f:f7:21:b2:b2:11:b7:bb:7f:
+                    f2:d5:8c:70:2c:41:60:aa:b1:63:18:44:95:1a:76:
+                    62:7e:f6:80:b0:fb:e8:64:a6:33:d1:89:07:e1:bd:
+                    b7:e6:43:a4:18:b8:a6:77:01:e1:0f:94:0c:21:1d:
+                    b2:54:29:25:89:6c:e5:0e:52:51:47:74:be:26:ac:
+                    b6:41:75:de:7a:ac:5f:8d:3f:c9:bc:d3:41:11:12:
+                    5b:e5:10:50:eb:31:c5:ca:72:16:22:09:df:7c:4c:
+                    75:3f:63:ec:21:5f:c4:20:51:6b:6f:b1:ab:86:8b:
+                    4f:c2:d6:45:5f:9d:20:fc:a1:1e:c5:c0:8f:a2:b1:
+                    7e:0a:26:99:f5:e4:69:2f:98:1d:2d:f5:d9:a9:b2:
+                    1d:e5:1b
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                EC:D7:E3:82:D2:71:5D:64:4C:DF:2E:67:3F:E7:BA:98:AE:1C:0F:4F
+    Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption
+         bb:61:d9:7d:a9:6c:be:17:c4:91:1b:c3:a1:a2:00:8d:e3:64:
+         68:0f:56:cf:77:ae:70:f9:fd:9a:4a:99:b9:c9:78:5c:0c:0c:
+         5f:e4:e6:14:29:56:0b:36:49:5d:44:63:e0:ad:9c:96:18:66:
+         1b:23:0d:3d:79:e9:6d:6b:d6:54:f8:d2:3c:c1:43:40:ae:1d:
+         50:f5:52:fc:90:3b:bb:98:99:69:6b:c7:c1:a7:a8:68:a4:27:
+         dc:9d:f9:27:ae:30:85:b9:f6:67:4d:3a:3e:8f:59:39:22:53:
+         44:eb:c8:5d:03:ca:ed:50:7a:7d:62:21:0a:80:c8:73:66:d1:
+         a0:05:60:5f:e8:a5:b4:a7:af:a8:f7:6d:35:9c:7c:5a:8a:d6:
+         a2:38:99:f3:78:8b:f4:4d:d2:20:0b:de:04:ee:8c:9b:47:81:
+         72:0d:c0:14:32:ef:30:59:2e:ae:e0:71:f2:56:e4:6a:97:6f:
+         92:50:6d:96:8d:68:7a:9a:b2:36:14:7a:06:f2:24:b9:09:11:
+         50:d7:08:b1:b8:89:7a:84:23:61:42:29:e5:a3:cd:a2:20:41:
+         d7:d1:9c:64:d9:ea:26:a1:8b:14:d7:4c:19:b2:50:41:71:3d:
+         3f:4d:70:23:86:0c:4a:dc:81:d2:cc:32:94:84:0d:08:09:97:
+         1c:4f:c0:ee:6b:20:74:30:d2:e0:39:34:10:85:21:15:01:08:
+         e8:55:32:de:71:49:d9:28:17:50:4d:e6:be:4d:d1:75:ac:d0:
+         ca:fb:41:b8:43:a5:aa:d3:c3:05:44:4f:2c:36:9b:e2:fa:e2:
+         45:b8:23:53:6c:06:6f:67:55:7f:46:b5:4c:3f:6e:28:5a:79:
+         26:d2:a4:a8:62:97:d2:1e:e2:ed:4a:8b:bc:1b:fd:47:4a:0d:
+         df:67:66:7e:b2:5b:41:d0:3b:e4:f4:3b:f4:04:63:e9:ef:c2:
+         54:00:51:a0:8a:2a:c9:ce:78:cc:d5:ea:87:04:18:b3:ce:af:
+         49:88:af:f3:92:99:b6:b3:e6:61:0f:d2:85:00:e7:50:1a:e4:
+         1b:95:9d:19:a1:b9:9c:b1:9b:b1:00:1e:ef:d0:0f:4f:42:6c:
+         c9:0a:bc:ee:43:fa:3a:71:a5:c8:4d:26:a5:35:fd:89:5d:bc:
+         85:62:1d:32:d2:a0:2b:54:ed:9a:57:c1:db:fa:10:cf:19:b7:
+         8b:4a:1b:8f:01:b6:27:95:53:e8:b6:89:6d:5b:bc:68:d4:23:
+         e8:8b:51:a2:56:f9:f0:a6:80:a0:d6:1e:b3:bc:0f:0f:53:75:
+         29:aa:ea:13:77:e4:de:8c:81:21:ad:07:10:47:11:ad:87:3d:
+         07:d1:75:bc:cf:f3:66:7e
+SHA1 Fingerprint=DD:FB:16:CD:49:31:C9:73:A2:03:7D:3F:C8:3A:4D:7D:77:5D:05:E4
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/a3896b44.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/a3896b44.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f570c1dd3a5d11c07f5ab34e75d9f0d16db9445a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/a3896b44.0
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=JP, O=SECOM Trust.net, OU=Security Communication RootCA1
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Sep 30 04:20:49 2003 GMT
+            Not After : Sep 30 04:20:49 2023 GMT
+        Subject: C=JP, O=SECOM Trust.net, OU=Security Communication RootCA1
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b3:b3:fe:7f:d3:6d:b1:ef:16:7c:57:a5:0c:6d:
+                    76:8a:2f:4b:bf:64:fb:4c:ee:8a:f0:f3:29:7c:f5:
+                    ff:ee:2a:e0:e9:e9:ba:5b:64:22:9a:9a:6f:2c:3a:
+                    26:69:51:05:99:26:dc:d5:1c:6a:71:c6:9a:7d:1e:
+                    9d:dd:7c:6c:c6:8c:67:67:4a:3e:f8:71:b0:19:27:
+                    a9:09:0c:a6:95:bf:4b:8c:0c:fa:55:98:3b:d8:e8:
+                    22:a1:4b:71:38:79:ac:97:92:69:b3:89:7e:ea:21:
+                    68:06:98:14:96:87:d2:61:36:bc:6d:27:56:9e:57:
+                    ee:c0:c0:56:fd:32:cf:a4:d9:8e:c2:23:d7:8d:a8:
+                    f3:d8:25:ac:97:e4:70:38:f4:b6:3a:b4:9d:3b:97:
+                    26:43:a3:a1:bc:49:59:72:4c:23:30:87:01:58:f6:
+                    4e:be:1c:68:56:66:af:cd:41:5d:c8:b3:4d:2a:55:
+                    46:ab:1f:da:1e:e2:40:3d:db:cd:7d:b9:92:80:9c:
+                    37:dd:0c:96:64:9d:dc:22:f7:64:8b:df:61:de:15:
+                    94:52:15:a0:7d:52:c9:4b:a8:21:c9:c6:b1:ed:cb:
+                    c3:95:60:d1:0f:f0:ab:70:f8:df:cb:4d:7e:ec:d6:
+                    fa:ab:d9:bd:7f:54:f2:a5:e9:79:fa:d9:d6:76:24:
+                    28:73
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                A0:73:49:99:68:DC:85:5B:65:E3:9B:28:2F:57:9F:BD:33:BC:07:48
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         68:40:a9:a8:bb:e4:4f:5d:79:b3:05:b5:17:b3:60:13:eb:c6:
+         92:5d:e0:d1:d3:6a:fe:fb:be:9b:6d:bf:c7:05:6d:59:20:c4:
+         1c:f0:b7:da:84:58:02:63:fa:48:16:ef:4f:a5:0b:f7:4a:98:
+         f2:3f:9e:1b:ad:47:6b:63:ce:08:47:eb:52:3f:78:9c:af:4d:
+         ae:f8:d5:4f:cf:9a:98:2a:10:41:39:52:c4:dd:d9:9b:0e:ef:
+         93:01:ae:b2:2e:ca:68:42:24:42:6c:b0:b3:3a:3e:cd:e9:da:
+         48:c4:15:cb:e9:f9:07:0f:92:50:49:8a:dd:31:97:5f:c9:e9:
+         37:aa:3b:59:65:97:94:32:c9:b3:9f:3e:3a:62:58:c5:49:ad:
+         62:0e:71:a5:32:aa:2f:c6:89:76:43:40:13:13:67:3d:a2:54:
+         25:10:cb:f1:3a:f2:d9:fa:db:49:56:bb:a6:fe:a7:41:35:c3:
+         e0:88:61:c9:88:c7:df:36:10:22:98:59:ea:b0:4a:fb:56:16:
+         73:6e:ac:4d:f7:22:a1:4f:ad:1d:7a:2d:45:27:e5:30:c1:5e:
+         f2:da:13:cb:25:42:51:95:47:03:8c:6c:21:cc:74:42:ed:53:
+         ff:33:8b:8f:0f:57:01:16:2f:cf:a6:ee:c9:70:22:14:bd:fd:
+         be:6c:0b:03
+SHA1 Fingerprint=36:B1:2B:49:F9:81:9E:D7:4C:9E:BC:38:0F:C6:56:8F:5D:AC:B2:F7
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/a7605362.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/a7605362.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..112d40fe00b390af59f547c1b95aba9045df424a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/a7605362.0
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 29 (0x1d)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=FI, O=Sonera, CN=Sonera Class2 CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Apr  6 07:29:40 2001 GMT
+            Not After : Apr  6 07:29:40 2021 GMT
+        Subject: C=FI, O=Sonera, CN=Sonera Class2 CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:90:17:4a:35:9d:ca:f0:0d:96:c7:44:fa:16:37:
+                    fc:48:bd:bd:7f:80:2d:35:3b:e1:6f:a8:67:a9:bf:
+                    03:1c:4d:8c:6f:32:47:d5:41:68:a4:13:04:c1:35:
+                    0c:9a:84:43:fc:5c:1d:ff:89:b3:e8:17:18:cd:91:
+                    5f:fb:89:e3:ea:bf:4e:5d:7c:1b:26:d3:75:79:ed:
+                    e6:84:e3:57:e5:ad:29:c4:f4:3a:28:e7:a5:7b:84:
+                    36:69:b3:fd:5e:76:bd:a3:2d:99:d3:90:4e:23:28:
+                    7d:18:63:f1:54:3b:26:9d:76:5b:97:42:b2:ff:ae:
+                    f0:4e:ec:dd:39:95:4e:83:06:7f:e7:49:40:c8:c5:
+                    01:b2:54:5a:66:1d:3d:fc:f9:e9:3c:0a:9e:81:b8:
+                    70:f0:01:8b:e4:23:54:7c:c8:ae:f8:90:1e:00:96:
+                    72:d4:54:cf:61:23:bc:ea:fb:9d:02:95:d1:b6:b9:
+                    71:3a:69:08:3f:0f:b4:e1:42:c7:88:f5:3f:98:a8:
+                    a7:ba:1c:e0:71:71:ef:58:57:81:50:7a:5c:6b:74:
+                    46:0e:83:03:98:c3:8e:a8:6e:f2:76:32:6e:27:83:
+                    c2:73:f3:dc:18:e8:b4:93:ea:75:44:6b:04:60:20:
+                    71:57:87:9d:f3:be:a0:90:23:3d:8a:24:e1:da:21:
+                    db:c3
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                4A:A0:AA:58:84:D3:5E:3C
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         5a:ce:87:f9:16:72:15:57:4b:1d:d9:9b:e7:a2:26:30:ec:93:
+         67:df:d6:2d:d2:34:af:f7:38:a5:ce:ab:16:b9:ab:2f:7c:35:
+         cb:ac:d0:0f:b4:4c:2b:fc:80:ef:6b:8c:91:5f:36:76:f7:db:
+         b3:1b:19:ea:f4:b2:11:fd:61:71:44:bf:28:b3:3a:1d:bf:b3:
+         43:e8:9f:bf:dc:31:08:71:b0:9d:8d:d6:34:47:32:90:c6:65:
+         24:f7:a0:4a:7c:04:73:8f:39:6f:17:8c:72:b5:bd:4b:c8:7a:
+         f8:7b:83:c3:28:4e:9c:09:ea:67:3f:b2:67:04:1b:c3:14:da:
+         f8:e7:49:24:91:d0:1d:6a:fa:61:39:ef:6b:e7:21:75:06:07:
+         d8:12:b4:21:20:70:42:71:81:da:3c:9a:36:be:a6:5b:0d:6a:
+         6c:9a:1f:91:7b:f9:f9:ef:42:ba:4e:4e:9e:cc:0c:8d:94:dc:
+         d9:45:9c:5e:ec:42:50:63:ae:f4:5d:c4:b1:12:dc:ca:3b:a8:
+         2e:9d:14:5a:05:75:b7:ec:d7:63:e2:ba:35:b6:04:08:91:e8:
+         da:9d:9c:f6:66:b5:18:ac:0a:a6:54:26:34:33:d2:1b:c1:d4:
+         7f:1a:3a:8e:0b:aa:32:6e:db:fc:4f:25:9f:d9:32:c7:96:5a:
+         70:ac:df:4c
+SHA1 Fingerprint=37:F7:6D:E6:07:7C:90:C5:B1:3E:93:1A:B7:41:10:B4:F2:E4:9A:27
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/a7d2cf64.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/a7d2cf64.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4720f4bffb278e146964435e6a97842d157bcda8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/a7d2cf64.0
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            35:fc:26:5c:d9:84:4f:c9:3d:26:3d:57:9b:ae:d7:56
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=US, O=thawte, Inc., OU=(c) 2007 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=thawte Primary Root CA - G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov  5 00:00:00 2007 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 18 23:59:59 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=thawte, Inc., OU=(c) 2007 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=thawte Primary Root CA - G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:a2:d5:9c:82:7b:95:9d:f1:52:78:87:fe:8a:16:
+                    bf:05:e6:df:a3:02:4f:0d:07:c6:00:51:ba:0c:02:
+                    52:2d:22:a4:42:39:c4:fe:8f:ea:c9:c1:be:d4:4d:
+                    ff:9f:7a:9e:e2:b1:7c:9a:ad:a7:86:09:73:87:d1:
+                    e7:9a:e3:7a:a5:aa:6e:fb:ba:b3:70:c0:67:88:a2:
+                    35:d4:a3:9a:b1:fd:ad:c2:ef:31:fa:a8:b9:f3:fb:
+                    08:c6:91:d1:fb:29:95
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                9A:D8:00:30:00:E7:6B:7F:85:18:EE:8B:B6:CE:8A:0C:F8:11:E1:BB
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:66:02:31:00:dd:f8:e0:57:47:5b:a7:e6:0a:c3:bd:f5:80:
+         8a:97:35:0d:1b:89:3c:54:86:77:28:ca:a1:f4:79:de:b5:e6:
+         38:b0:f0:65:70:8c:7f:02:54:c2:bf:ff:d8:a1:3e:d9:cf:02:
+         31:00:c4:8d:94:fc:dc:53:d2:dc:9d:78:16:1f:15:33:23:53:
+         52:e3:5a:31:5d:9d:ca:ae:bd:13:29:44:0d:27:5b:a8:e7:68:
+         9c:12:f7:58:3f:2e:72:02:57:a3:8f:a1:14:2e
+SHA1 Fingerprint=AA:DB:BC:22:23:8F:C4:01:A1:27:BB:38:DD:F4:1D:DB:08:9E:F0:12
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/a81e292b.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/a81e292b.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf52a805c734b587397dbcb71dfe8edc6d7e3c7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/a81e292b.0
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            3e:8a:5d:07:ec:55:d2:32:d5:b7:e3:b6:5f:01:eb:2d:dc:e4:d6:e4
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=PL, O=Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa S.A., CN=SZAFIR ROOT CA2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Oct 19 07:43:30 2015 GMT
+            Not After : Oct 19 07:43:30 2035 GMT
+        Subject: C=PL, O=Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa S.A., CN=SZAFIR ROOT CA2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b7:bc:3e:50:a8:4b:cd:40:b5:ce:61:e7:96:ca:
+                    b4:a1:da:0c:22:b0:fa:b5:7b:76:00:77:8c:0b:cf:
+                    7d:a8:86:cc:26:51:e4:20:3d:85:0c:d6:58:e3:e7:
+                    f4:2a:18:9d:da:d1:ae:26:ee:eb:53:dc:f4:90:d6:
+                    13:4a:0c:90:3c:c3:f4:da:d2:8e:0d:92:3a:dc:b1:
+                    b1:ff:38:de:c3:ba:2d:5f:80:b9:02:bd:4a:9d:1b:
+                    0f:b4:c3:c2:c1:67:03:dd:dc:1b:9c:3d:b3:b0:de:
+                    00:1e:a8:34:47:bb:9a:eb:fe:0b:14:bd:36:84:da:
+                    0d:20:bf:fa:5b:cb:a9:16:20:ad:39:60:ee:2f:75:
+                    b6:e7:97:9c:f9:3e:fd:7e:4d:6f:4d:2f:ef:88:0d:
+                    6a:fa:dd:f1:3d:6e:20:a5:a0:12:b4:4d:70:b9:ce:
+                    d7:72:3b:89:93:a7:80:84:1c:27:49:72:49:b5:ff:
+                    3b:95:9e:c1:cc:c8:01:ec:e8:0e:8a:0a:96:e7:b3:
+                    a6:87:e5:d6:f9:05:2b:0d:97:40:70:3c:ba:ac:75:
+                    5a:9c:d5:4d:9d:02:0a:d2:4b:9b:66:4b:46:07:17:
+                    65:ad:9f:6c:88:00:dc:22:89:e0:e1:64:d4:67:bc:
+                    31:79:61:3c:bb:ca:41:cd:5c:6a:00:c8:3c:38:8e:
+                    58:af
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                2E:16:A9:4A:18:B5:CB:CC:F5:6F:50:F3:23:5F:F8:5D:E7:AC:F0:C8
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         b5:73:f8:03:dc:59:5b:1d:76:e9:a3:2a:7b:90:28:b2:4d:c0:
+         33:4f:aa:9a:b1:d4:b8:e4:27:ff:a9:96:99:ce:46:e0:6d:7c:
+         4c:a2:38:a4:06:70:f0:f4:41:11:ec:3f:47:8d:3f:72:87:f9:
+         3b:fd:a4:6f:2b:53:00:e0:ff:39:b9:6a:07:0e:eb:1d:1c:f6:
+         a2:72:90:cb:82:3d:11:82:8b:d2:bb:9f:2a:af:21:e6:63:86:
+         9d:79:19:ef:f7:bb:0c:35:90:c3:8a:ed:4f:0f:f5:cc:12:d9:
+         a4:3e:bb:a0:fc:20:95:5f:4f:26:2f:11:23:83:4e:75:07:0f:
+         bf:9b:d1:b4:1d:e9:10:04:fe:ca:60:8f:a2:4c:b8:ad:cf:e1:
+         90:0f:cd:ae:0a:c7:5d:7b:b7:50:d2:d4:61:fa:d5:15:db:d7:
+         9f:87:51:54:eb:a5:e3:eb:c9:85:a0:25:20:37:fb:8e:ce:0c:
+         34:84:e1:3c:81:b2:77:4e:43:a5:88:5f:86:67:a1:3d:e6:b4:
+         5c:61:b6:3e:db:fe:b7:28:c5:a2:07:ae:b5:ca:ca:8d:2a:12:
+         ef:97:ed:c2:30:a4:c9:2a:7a:fb:f3:4d:23:1b:99:33:34:a0:
+         2e:f5:a9:0b:3f:d4:5d:e1:cf:84:9f:e2:19:c2:5f:8a:d6:20:
+         1e:e3:73:b7
+SHA1 Fingerprint=E2:52:FA:95:3F:ED:DB:24:60:BD:6E:28:F3:9C:CC:CF:5E:B3:3F:DE
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/ab5346f4.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/ab5346f4.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cd7e3787148e4e6c3f3058ccf65e7b9b92b99f6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/ab5346f4.0
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=JP, O=Japan Certification Services, Inc., CN=SecureSign RootCA11
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Apr  8 04:56:47 2009 GMT
+            Not After : Apr  8 04:56:47 2029 GMT
+        Subject: C=JP, O=Japan Certification Services, Inc., CN=SecureSign RootCA11
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:fd:77:aa:a5:1c:90:05:3b:cb:4c:9b:33:8b:5a:
+                    14:45:a4:e7:90:16:d1:df:57:d2:21:10:a4:17:fd:
+                    df:ac:d6:1f:a7:e4:db:7c:f7:ec:df:b8:03:da:94:
+                    58:fd:5d:72:7c:8c:3f:5f:01:67:74:15:96:e3:02:
+                    3c:87:db:ae:cb:01:8e:c2:f3:66:c6:85:45:f4:02:
+                    c6:3a:b5:62:b2:af:fa:9c:bf:a4:e6:d4:80:30:98:
+                    f3:0d:b6:93:8f:a9:d4:d8:36:f2:b0:fc:8a:ca:2c:
+                    a1:15:33:95:31:da:c0:1b:f2:ee:62:99:86:63:3f:
+                    bf:dd:93:2a:83:a8:76:b9:13:1f:b7:ce:4e:42:85:
+                    8f:22:e7:2e:1a:f2:95:09:b2:05:b5:44:4e:77:a1:
+                    20:bd:a9:f2:4e:0a:7d:50:ad:f5:05:0d:45:4f:46:
+                    71:fd:28:3e:53:fb:04:d8:2d:d7:65:1d:4a:1b:fa:
+                    cf:3b:b0:31:9a:35:6e:c8:8b:06:d3:00:91:f2:94:
+                    08:65:4c:b1:34:06:00:7a:89:e2:f0:c7:03:59:cf:
+                    d5:d6:e8:a7:32:b3:e6:98:40:86:c5:cd:27:12:8b:
+                    cc:7b:ce:b7:11:3c:62:60:07:23:3e:2b:40:6e:94:
+                    80:09:6d:b6:b3:6f:77:6f:35:08:50:fb:02:87:c5:
+                    3e:89
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                5B:F8:4D:4F:B2:A5:86:D4:3A:D2:F1:63:9A:A0:BE:09:F6:57:B7:DE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         a0:a1:38:16:66:2e:a7:56:1f:21:9c:06:fa:1d:ed:b9:22:c5:
+         38:26:d8:4e:4f:ec:a3:7f:79:de:46:21:a1:87:77:8f:07:08:
+         9a:b2:a4:c5:af:0f:32:98:0b:7c:66:29:b6:9b:7d:25:52:49:
+         43:ab:4c:2e:2b:6e:7a:70:af:16:0e:e3:02:6c:fb:42:e6:18:
+         9d:45:d8:55:c8:e8:3b:dd:e7:e1:f4:2e:0b:1c:34:5c:6c:58:
+         4a:fb:8c:88:50:5f:95:1c:bf:ed:ab:22:b5:65:b3:85:ba:9e:
+         0f:b8:ad:e5:7a:1b:8a:50:3a:1d:bd:0d:bc:7b:54:50:0b:b9:
+         42:af:55:a0:18:81:ad:65:99:ef:be:e4:9c:bf:c4:85:ab:41:
+         b2:54:6f:dc:25:cd:ed:78:e2:8e:0c:8d:09:49:dd:63:7b:5a:
+         69:96:02:21:a8:bd:52:59:e9:7d:35:cb:c8:52:ca:7f:81:fe:
+         d9:6b:d3:f7:11:ed:25:df:f8:e7:f9:a4:fa:72:97:84:53:0d:
+         a5:d0:32:18:51:76:59:14:6c:0f:eb:ec:5f:80:8c:75:43:83:
+         c3:85:98:ff:4c:9e:2d:0d:e4:77:83:93:4e:b5:96:07:8b:28:
+         13:9b:8c:19:8d:41:27:49:40:ee:de:e6:23:44:39:dc:a1:22:
+         d6:ba:03:f2
+SHA1 Fingerprint=3B:C4:9F:48:F8:F3:73:A0:9C:1E:BD:F8:5B:B1:C3:65:C7:D8:11:B3
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/ab59055e.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/ab59055e.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c370e86d24c5f1997219a9a5c8e422f3cd0394d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/ab59055e.0
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 9009899650740120186 (0x7d0997fef047ea7a)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 26 05:13:15 2014 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 15:59:59 2040 GMT
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:d9:a3:16:f0:c8:74:74:77:9b:ef:33:0d:3b:06:
+                    7e:55:fc:b5:60:8f:76:86:12:42:7d:56:66:3e:88:
+                    82:ed:72:63:0e:9e:8b:dd:34:2c:02:51:51:c3:19:
+                    fd:59:54:84:c9:f1:6b:b3:4c:b0:e9:e8:46:5d:38:
+                    c6:a2:a7:2e:11:57:ba:82:15:a2:9c:8f:6d:b0:99:
+                    4a:0a:f2:eb:89:70:63:4e:79:c4:b7:5b:bd:a2:5d:
+                    b1:f2:41:02:2b:ad:a9:3a:a3:ec:79:0a:ec:5f:3a:
+                    e3:fd:ef:80:3c:ad:34:9b:1a:ab:88:26:7b:56:a2:
+                    82:86:1f:eb:35:89:83:7f:5f:ae:29:4e:3d:b6:6e:
+                    ec:ae:c1:f0:27:9b:ae:e3:f4:ec:ef:ae:7f:f7:86:
+                    3d:72:7a:eb:a5:fb:59:4e:a7:eb:95:8c:22:39:79:
+                    e1:2d:08:8f:cc:bc:91:b8:41:f7:14:c1:23:a9:c3:
+                    ad:9a:45:44:b3:b2:d7:2c:cd:c6:29:e2:50:10:ae:
+                    5c:cb:82:8e:17:18:36:7d:97:e6:88:9a:b0:4d:34:
+                    09:f4:2c:b9:5a:66:2a:b0:17:9b:9e:1e:76:9d:4a:
+                    66:31:41:df:3f:fb:c5:06:ef:1b:b6:7e:1a:46:36:
+                    f7:64:63:3b:e3:39:18:23:e7:67:75:14:d5:75:57:
+                    92:37:bd:be:6a:1b:26:50:f2:36:26:06:90:c5:70:
+                    01:64:6d:76:66:e1:91:db:6e:07:c0:61:80:2e:b2:
+                    2e:2f:8c:70:a7:d1:3b:3c:b3:91:e4:6e:b6:c4:3b:
+                    70:f2:6c:92:97:09:cd:47:7d:18:c0:f3:bb:9e:0f:
+                    d6:8b:ae:07:b6:5a:0f:ce:0b:0c:47:a7:e5:3e:b8:
+                    bd:7d:c7:9b:35:a0:61:97:3a:41:75:17:cc:2b:96:
+                    77:2a:92:21:1e:d9:95:76:20:67:68:cf:0d:bd:df:
+                    d6:1f:09:6a:9a:e2:cc:73:71:a4:2f:7d:12:80:b7:
+                    53:30:46:5e:4b:54:99:0f:67:c9:a5:c8:f2:20:c1:
+                    82:ec:9d:11:df:c2:02:fb:1a:3b:d1:ed:20:9a:ef:
+                    65:64:92:10:0d:2a:e2:de:70:f1:18:67:82:8c:61:
+                    de:b8:bc:d1:2f:9c:fb:0f:d0:2b:ed:1b:76:b9:e4:
+                    39:55:f8:f8:a1:1d:b8:aa:80:00:4c:82:e7:b2:7f:
+                    09:b8:bc:30:a0:2f:0d:f5:52:9e:8e:f7:92:b3:0a:
+                    00:1d:00:54:97:06:e0:b1:07:d9:c7:0f:5c:65:7d:
+                    3c:6d:59:57:e4:ed:a5:8d:e9:40:53:9f:15:4b:a0:
+                    71:f6:1a:21:e3:da:70:06:21:58:14:87:85:77:79:
+                    aa:82:79
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                E2:C9:40:9F:4D:CE:E8:9A:A1:7C:CF:0E:3F:65:C5:29:88:6A:19:51
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         d1:49:57:e0:a7:cc:68:58:ba:01:0f:2b:19:cd:8d:b0:61:45:
+         ac:11:ed:63:50:69:f8:1f:7f:be:16:8f:fd:9d:eb:0b:aa:32:
+         47:76:d2:67:24:ed:bd:7c:33:32:97:2a:c7:05:86:66:0d:17:
+         7d:14:15:1b:d4:eb:fd:1f:9a:f6:5e:97:69:b7:1a:25:a4:0a:
+         b3:91:3f:5f:36:ac:8b:ec:57:a8:3e:e7:81:8a:18:57:39:85:
+         74:1a:42:c7:e9:5b:13:5f:8f:f9:08:e9:92:74:8d:f5:47:d2:
+         ab:3b:d6:fb:78:66:4e:36:7d:f9:e9:92:e9:04:de:fd:49:63:
+         fc:6d:fb:14:71:93:67:2f:47:4a:b7:b9:ff:1e:2a:73:70:46:
+         30:bf:5a:f2:2f:79:a5:e1:8d:0c:d9:f9:b2:63:37:8c:37:65:
+         85:70:6a:5c:5b:09:72:b9:ad:63:3c:b1:dd:f8:fc:32:bf:37:
+         86:e4:bb:8e:98:27:7e:ba:1f:16:e1:70:11:f2:03:df:25:62:
+         32:27:26:18:32:84:9f:ff:00:3a:13:ba:9a:4d:f4:4f:b8:14:
+         70:22:b1:ca:2b:90:ce:29:c1:70:f4:2f:9d:7f:f2:90:1e:d6:
+         5a:df:b7:46:fc:e6:86:fa:cb:e0:20:76:7a:ba:a6:cb:f5:7c:
+         de:62:a5:b1:8b:ee:de:82:66:8a:4e:3a:30:1f:3f:80:cb:ad:
+         27:ba:0c:5e:d7:d0:b1:56:ca:77:71:b2:b5:75:a1:50:a9:40:
+         43:17:c2:28:d9:cf:52:8b:5b:c8:63:d4:42:3e:a0:33:7a:46:
+         2e:f7:0a:20:46:54:7e:6a:4f:31:f1:81:7e:42:74:38:65:73:
+         27:ee:c6:7c:b8:8e:d7:a5:3a:d7:98:a1:9c:8c:10:55:d3:db:
+         4b:ec:40:90:f2:cd:6e:57:d2:62:0e:7c:57:93:b1:a7:6d:cd:
+         9d:83:bb:2a:e7:e5:b6:3b:71:58:ad:fd:d1:45:bc:5a:91:ee:
+         53:15:6f:d3:45:09:75:6e:ba:90:5d:1e:04:cf:37:df:1e:a8:
+         66:b1:8c:e6:20:6a:ef:fc:48:4e:74:98:42:af:29:6f:2e:6a:
+         c7:fb:7d:d1:66:31:22:cc:86:00:7e:66:83:0c:42:f4:bd:34:
+         92:c3:1a:ea:4f:ca:7e:72:4d:0b:70:8c:a6:48:bb:a6:a1:14:
+         f6:fb:58:44:99:14:ae:aa:0b:93:69:a0:29:25:4a:a5:cb:2b:
+         dd:8a:66:07:16:78:15:57:71:1b:ec:f5:47:84:f3:9e:31:37:
+         7a:d5:7f:24:ad:e4:bc:fd:fd:cc:6e:83:e8:0c:a8:b7:41:6c:
+         07:dd:bd:3c:86:97:2f:d2
+SHA1 Fingerprint=0F:36:38:5B:81:1A:25:C3:9B:31:4E:83:CA:E9:34:66:70:CC:74:B4
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/aeb67534.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/aeb67534.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fdabb5f0ed849fc4e6e6879271d4476b763c9c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/aeb67534.0
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+             (Negative)11:d4:c2:14:2b:de:21:eb:57:9d:53:fb:0c:22:3b:ff
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=ES, O=Agencia Catalana de Certificacio (NIF Q-0801176-I), OU=Serveis Publics de Certificacio, OU=Vegeu https://www.catcert.net/verarrel (c)03, OU=Jerarquia Entitats de Certificacio Catalanes, CN=EC-ACC
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan  7 23:00:00 2003 GMT
+            Not After : Jan  7 22:59:59 2031 GMT
+        Subject: C=ES, O=Agencia Catalana de Certificacio (NIF Q-0801176-I), OU=Serveis Publics de Certificacio, OU=Vegeu https://www.catcert.net/verarrel (c)03, OU=Jerarquia Entitats de Certificacio Catalanes, CN=EC-ACC
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b3:22:c7:4f:e2:97:42:95:88:47:83:40:f6:1d:
+                    17:f3:83:73:24:1e:51:f3:98:8a:c3:92:b8:ff:40:
+                    90:05:70:87:60:c9:00:a9:b5:94:65:19:22:15:17:
+                    c2:43:6c:66:44:9a:0d:04:3e:39:6f:a5:4b:7a:aa:
+                    63:b7:8a:44:9d:d9:63:91:84:66:e0:28:0f:ba:42:
+                    e3:6e:8e:f7:14:27:93:69:ee:91:0e:a3:5f:0e:b1:
+                    eb:66:a2:72:4f:12:13:86:65:7a:3e:db:4f:07:f4:
+                    a7:09:60:da:3a:42:99:c7:b2:7f:b3:16:95:1c:c7:
+                    f9:34:b5:94:85:d5:99:5e:a0:48:a0:7e:e7:17:65:
+                    b8:a2:75:b8:1e:f3:e5:42:7d:af:ed:f3:8a:48:64:
+                    5d:82:14:93:d8:c0:e4:ff:b3:50:72:f2:76:f6:b3:
+                    5d:42:50:79:d0:94:3e:6b:0c:00:be:d8:6b:0e:4e:
+                    2a:ec:3e:d2:cc:82:a2:18:65:33:13:77:9e:9a:5d:
+                    1a:13:d8:c3:db:3d:c8:97:7a:ee:70:ed:a7:e6:7c:
+                    db:71:cf:2d:94:62:df:6d:d6:f5:38:be:3f:a5:85:
+                    0a:19:b8:a8:d8:09:75:42:70:c4:ea:ef:cb:0e:c8:
+                    34:a8:12:22:98:0c:b8:13:94:b6:4b:ec:f0:d0:90:
+                    e7:27
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: 
+                email:ec_acc@catcert.net
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                A0:C3:8B:44:AA:37:A5:45:BF:97:80:5A:D1:F1:78:A2:9B:E9:5D:8D
+            X509v3 Certificate Policies: 
+                Policy:
+                  CPS: https://www.catcert.net/verarrel
+                  User Notice:
+                    Explicit Text: Vegeu https://www.catcert.net/verarrel 
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         a0:48:5b:82:01:f6:4d:48:b8:39:55:35:9c:80:7a:53:99:d5:
+         5a:ff:b1:71:3b:cc:39:09:94:5e:d6:da:ef:be:01:5b:5d:d3:
+         1e:d8:fd:7d:4f:cd:a0:41:e0:34:93:bf:cb:e2:86:9c:37:92:
+         90:56:1c:dc:eb:29:05:e5:c4:9e:c7:35:df:8a:0c:cd:c5:21:
+         43:e9:aa:88:e5:35:c0:19:42:63:5a:02:5e:a4:48:18:3a:85:
+         6f:dc:9d:bc:3f:9d:9c:c1:87:b8:7a:61:08:e9:77:0b:7f:70:
+         ab:7a:dd:d9:97:2c:64:1e:85:bf:bc:74:96:a1:c3:7a:12:ec:
+         0c:1a:6e:83:0c:3c:e8:72:46:9f:fb:48:d5:5e:97:e6:b1:a1:
+         f8:e4:ef:46:25:94:9c:89:db:69:38:be:ec:5c:0e:56:c7:65:
+         51:e5:50:88:88:bf:42:d5:2b:3d:e5:f9:ba:9e:2e:b3:ca:f4:
+         73:92:02:0b:be:4c:66:eb:20:fe:b9:cb:b5:99:7f:e6:b6:13:
+         fa:ca:4b:4d:d9:ee:53:46:06:3b:c6:4e:ad:93:5a:81:7e:6c:
+         2a:4b:6a:05:45:8c:f2:21:a4:31:90:87:6c:65:9c:9d:a5:60:
+         95:3a:52:7f:f5:d1:ab:08:6e:f3:ee:5b:f9:88:3d:7e:b8:6f:
+         6e:03:e4:42
+SHA1 Fingerprint=28:90:3A:63:5B:52:80:FA:E6:77:4C:0B:6D:A7:D6:BA:A6:4A:F2:E8
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/b0ed035a.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/b0ed035a.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b06f96379b77af6801edfa8147bd04dd13d3988c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/b0ed035a.0
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 3262 (0xcbe)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=TW, O=TAIWAN-CA, OU=Root CA, CN=TWCA Global Root CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jun 27 06:28:33 2012 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 15:59:59 2030 GMT
+        Subject: C=TW, O=TAIWAN-CA, OU=Root CA, CN=TWCA Global Root CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b0:05:db:c8:eb:8c:c4:6e:8a:21:ef:8e:4d:9c:
+                    71:0a:1f:52:70:ed:6d:82:9c:97:c5:d7:4c:4e:45:
+                    49:cb:40:42:b5:12:34:6c:19:c2:74:a4:31:5f:85:
+                    02:97:ec:43:33:0a:53:d2:9c:8c:8e:b7:b8:79:db:
+                    2b:d5:6a:f2:8e:66:c4:ee:2b:01:07:92:d4:b3:d0:
+                    02:df:50:f6:55:af:66:0e:cb:e0:47:60:2f:2b:32:
+                    39:35:52:3a:28:83:f8:7b:16:c6:18:b8:62:d6:47:
+                    25:91:ce:f0:19:12:4d:ad:63:f5:d3:3f:75:5f:29:
+                    f0:a1:30:1c:2a:a0:98:a6:15:bd:ee:fd:19:36:f0:
+                    e2:91:43:8f:fa:ca:d6:10:27:49:4c:ef:dd:c1:f1:
+                    85:70:9b:ca:ea:a8:5a:43:fc:6d:86:6f:73:e9:37:
+                    45:a9:f0:36:c7:cc:88:75:1e:bb:6c:06:ff:9b:6b:
+                    3e:17:ec:61:aa:71:7c:c6:1d:a2:f7:49:e9:15:b5:
+                    3c:d6:a1:61:f5:11:f7:05:6f:1d:fd:11:be:d0:30:
+                    07:c2:29:b0:09:4e:26:dc:e3:a2:a8:91:6a:1f:c2:
+                    91:45:88:5c:e5:98:b8:71:a5:15:19:c9:7c:75:11:
+                    cc:70:74:4f:2d:9b:1d:91:44:fd:56:28:a0:fe:bb:
+                    86:6a:c8:fa:5c:0b:58:dc:c6:4b:76:c8:ab:22:d9:
+                    73:0f:a5:f4:5a:02:89:3f:4f:9e:22:82:ee:a2:74:
+                    53:2a:3d:53:27:69:1d:6c:8e:32:2c:64:00:26:63:
+                    61:36:4e:a3:46:b7:3f:7d:b3:2d:ac:6d:90:a2:95:
+                    a2:ce:cf:da:82:e7:07:34:19:96:e9:b8:21:aa:29:
+                    7e:a6:38:be:8e:29:4a:21:66:79:1f:b3:c3:b5:09:
+                    67:de:d6:d4:07:46:f3:2a:da:e6:22:37:60:cb:81:
+                    b6:0f:a0:0f:e9:c8:95:7f:bf:55:91:05:7a:cf:3d:
+                    15:c0:6f:de:09:94:01:83:d7:34:1b:cc:40:a5:f0:
+                    b8:9b:67:d5:98:91:3b:a7:84:78:95:26:a4:5a:08:
+                    f8:2b:74:b4:00:04:3c:df:b8:14:8e:e8:df:a9:8d:
+                    6c:67:92:33:1d:c0:b7:d2:ec:92:c8:be:09:bf:2c:
+                    29:05:6f:02:6b:9e:ef:bc:bf:2a:bc:5b:c0:50:8f:
+                    41:70:71:87:b2:4d:b7:04:a9:84:a3:32:af:ae:ee:
+                    6b:17:8b:b2:b1:fe:6c:e1:90:8c:88:a8:97:48:ce:
+                    c8:4d:cb:f3:06:cf:5f:6a:0a:42:b1:1e:1e:77:2f:
+                    8e:a0:e6:92:0e:06:fc:05:22:d2:26:e1:31:51:7d:
+                    32:dc:0f
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         5f:34:81:76:ef:96:1d:d5:e5:b5:d9:02:63:84:16:c1:ae:a0:
+         70:51:a7:f7:4c:47:35:c8:0b:d7:28:3d:89:71:d9:aa:33:41:
+         ea:14:1b:6c:21:00:c0:6c:42:19:7e:9f:69:5b:20:42:df:a2:
+         d2:da:c4:7c:97:4b:8d:b0:e8:ac:c8:ee:a5:69:04:99:0a:92:
+         a6:ab:27:2e:1a:4d:81:bf:84:d4:70:1e:ad:47:fe:fd:4a:9d:
+         33:e0:f2:b9:c4:45:08:21:0a:da:69:69:73:72:0d:be:34:fe:
+         94:8b:ad:c3:1e:35:d7:a2:83:ef:e5:38:c7:a5:85:1f:ab:cf:
+         34:ec:3f:28:fe:0c:f1:57:86:4e:c9:55:f7:1c:d4:d8:a5:7d:
+         06:7a:6f:d5:df:10:df:81:4e:21:65:b1:b6:e1:17:79:95:45:
+         06:ce:5f:cc:dc:46:89:63:68:44:8d:93:f4:64:70:a0:3d:9d:
+         28:05:c3:39:70:b8:62:7b:20:fd:e4:db:e9:08:a1:b8:9e:3d:
+         09:c7:4f:fb:2c:f8:93:76:41:de:52:e0:e1:57:d2:9d:03:bc:
+         77:9e:fe:9e:29:5e:f7:c1:51:60:1f:de:da:0b:b2:2d:75:b7:
+         43:48:93:e7:f6:79:c6:84:5d:80:59:60:94:fc:78:98:8f:3c:
+         93:51:ed:40:90:07:df:64:63:24:cb:4e:71:05:a1:d7:94:1a:
+         88:32:f1:22:74:22:ae:a5:a6:d8:12:69:4c:60:a3:02:ee:2b:
+         ec:d4:63:92:0b:5e:be:2f:76:6b:a3:b6:26:bc:8f:03:d8:0a:
+         f2:4c:64:46:bd:39:62:e5:96:eb:34:63:11:28:cc:95:f1:ad:
+         ef:ef:dc:80:58:48:e9:4b:b8:ea:65:ac:e9:fc:80:b5:b5:c8:
+         45:f9:ac:c1:9f:d9:b9:ea:62:88:8e:c4:f1:4b:83:12:ad:e6:
+         8b:84:d6:9e:c2:eb:83:18:9f:6a:bb:1b:24:60:33:70:cc:ec:
+         f7:32:f3:5c:d9:79:7d:ef:9e:a4:fe:c9:23:c3:24:ee:15:92:
+         b1:3d:91:4f:26:86:bd:66:73:24:13:ea:a4:ae:63:c1:ad:7d:
+         84:03:3c:10:78:86:1b:79:e3:c4:f3:f2:04:95:20:ae:23:82:
+         c4:b3:3a:00:62:bf:e6:36:24:e1:57:ba:c7:1e:90:75:d5:5f:
+         3f:95:61:2b:c1:3b:cd:e5:b3:68:61:d0:46:26:a9:21:52:69:
+         2d:eb:2e:c7:eb:77:ce:a6:3a:b5:03:33:4f:76:d1:e7:5c:54:
+         01:5d:cb:78:f4:c9:0c:bf:cf:12:8e:17:2d:23:68:94:e7:ab:
+         fe:a9:b2:2b:06:d0:04:cd
+SHA1 Fingerprint=9C:BB:48:53:F6:A4:F6:D3:52:A4:E8:32:52:55:60:13:F5:AD:AF:65
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/b0f3e76e.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/b0f3e76e.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..929f29fb167a6bd451271c1d6f4dfed207744660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/b0f3e76e.0
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            04:00:00:00:00:01:15:4b:5a:c3:94
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=BE, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, OU=Root CA, CN=GlobalSign Root CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Sep  1 12:00:00 1998 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 28 12:00:00 2028 GMT
+        Subject: C=BE, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, OU=Root CA, CN=GlobalSign Root CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:da:0e:e6:99:8d:ce:a3:e3:4f:8a:7e:fb:f1:8b:
+                    83:25:6b:ea:48:1f:f1:2a:b0:b9:95:11:04:bd:f0:
+                    63:d1:e2:67:66:cf:1c:dd:cf:1b:48:2b:ee:8d:89:
+                    8e:9a:af:29:80:65:ab:e9:c7:2d:12:cb:ab:1c:4c:
+                    70:07:a1:3d:0a:30:cd:15:8d:4f:f8:dd:d4:8c:50:
+                    15:1c:ef:50:ee:c4:2e:f7:fc:e9:52:f2:91:7d:e0:
+                    6d:d5:35:30:8e:5e:43:73:f2:41:e9:d5:6a:e3:b2:
+                    89:3a:56:39:38:6f:06:3c:88:69:5b:2a:4d:c5:a7:
+                    54:b8:6c:89:cc:9b:f9:3c:ca:e5:fd:89:f5:12:3c:
+                    92:78:96:d6:dc:74:6e:93:44:61:d1:8d:c7:46:b2:
+                    75:0e:86:e8:19:8a:d5:6d:6c:d5:78:16:95:a2:e9:
+                    c8:0a:38:eb:f2:24:13:4f:73:54:93:13:85:3a:1b:
+                    bc:1e:34:b5:8b:05:8c:b9:77:8b:b1:db:1f:20:91:
+                    ab:09:53:6e:90:ce:7b:37:74:b9:70:47:91:22:51:
+                    63:16:79:ae:b1:ae:41:26:08:c8:19:2b:d1:46:aa:
+                    48:d6:64:2a:d7:83:34:ff:2c:2a:c1:6c:19:43:4a:
+                    07:85:e7:d3:7c:f6:21:68:ef:ea:f2:52:9f:7f:93:
+                    90:cf
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                60:7B:66:1A:45:0D:97:CA:89:50:2F:7D:04:CD:34:A8:FF:FC:FD:4B
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         d6:73:e7:7c:4f:76:d0:8d:bf:ec:ba:a2:be:34:c5:28:32:b5:
+         7c:fc:6c:9c:2c:2b:bd:09:9e:53:bf:6b:5e:aa:11:48:b6:e5:
+         08:a3:b3:ca:3d:61:4d:d3:46:09:b3:3e:c3:a0:e3:63:55:1b:
+         f2:ba:ef:ad:39:e1:43:b9:38:a3:e6:2f:8a:26:3b:ef:a0:50:
+         56:f9:c6:0a:fd:38:cd:c4:0b:70:51:94:97:98:04:df:c3:5f:
+         94:d5:15:c9:14:41:9c:c4:5d:75:64:15:0d:ff:55:30:ec:86:
+         8f:ff:0d:ef:2c:b9:63:46:f6:aa:fc:df:bc:69:fd:2e:12:48:
+         64:9a:e0:95:f0:a6:ef:29:8f:01:b1:15:b5:0c:1d:a5:fe:69:
+         2c:69:24:78:1e:b3:a7:1c:71:62:ee:ca:c8:97:ac:17:5d:8a:
+         c2:f8:47:86:6e:2a:c4:56:31:95:d0:67:89:85:2b:f9:6c:a6:
+         5d:46:9d:0c:aa:82:e4:99:51:dd:70:b7:db:56:3d:61:e4:6a:
+         e1:5c:d6:f6:fe:3d:de:41:cc:07:ae:63:52:bf:53:53:f4:2b:
+         e9:c7:fd:b6:f7:82:5f:85:d2:41:18:db:81:b3:04:1c:c5:1f:
+         a4:80:6f:15:20:c9:de:0c:88:0a:1d:d6:66:55:e2:fc:48:c9:
+         29:26:69:e0
+SHA1 Fingerprint=B1:BC:96:8B:D4:F4:9D:62:2A:A8:9A:81:F2:15:01:52:A4:1D:82:9C
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/b3fb433b.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/b3fb433b.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..de880c1bb864ebb3040fa92e3d255e8f026ea69a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/b3fb433b.0
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            a6:8b:79:29:00:00:00:00:50:d0:91:f9
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=US, O=Entrust, Inc., OU=See www.entrust.net/legal-terms, OU=(c) 2012 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only, CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - EC1
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec 18 15:25:36 2012 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 18 15:55:36 2037 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=Entrust, Inc., OU=See www.entrust.net/legal-terms, OU=(c) 2012 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only, CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - EC1
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:84:13:c9:d0:ba:6d:41:7b:e2:6c:d0:eb:55:5f:
+                    66:02:1a:24:f4:5b:89:69:47:e3:b8:c2:7d:f1:f2:
+                    02:c5:9f:a0:f6:5b:d5:8b:06:19:86:4f:53:10:6d:
+                    07:24:27:a1:a0:f8:d5:47:19:61:4c:7d:ca:93:27:
+                    ea:74:0c:ef:6f:96:09:fe:63:ec:70:5d:36:ad:67:
+                    77:ae:c9:9d:7c:55:44:3a:a2:63:51:1f:f5:e3:62:
+                    d4:a9:47:07:3e:cc:20
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                B7:63:E7:1A:DD:8D:E9:08:A6:55:83:A4:E0:6A:50:41:65:11:42:49
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:64:02:30:61:79:d8:e5:42:47:df:1c:ae:53:99:17:b6:6f:
+         1c:7d:e1:bf:11:94:d1:03:88:75:e4:8d:89:a4:8a:77:46:de:
+         6d:61:ef:02:f5:fb:b5:df:cc:fe:4e:ff:fe:a9:e6:a7:02:30:
+         5b:99:d7:85:37:06:b5:7b:08:fd:eb:27:8b:4a:94:f9:e1:fa:
+         a7:8e:26:08:e8:7c:92:68:6d:73:d8:6f:26:ac:21:02:b8:99:
+         b7:26:41:5b:25:60:ae:d0:48:1a:ee:06
+SHA1 Fingerprint=20:D8:06:40:DF:9B:25:F5:12:25:3A:11:EA:F7:59:8A:EB:14:B5:47
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/b7db1890.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/b7db1890.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..626e5a302735758a17e556b6ada9439663da36a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/b7db1890.0
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=TW, O=TAIWAN-CA, OU=Root CA, CN=TWCA Root Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Aug 28 07:24:33 2008 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 15:59:59 2030 GMT
+        Subject: C=TW, O=TAIWAN-CA, OU=Root CA, CN=TWCA Root Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b0:7e:72:b8:a4:03:94:e6:a7:de:09:38:91:4a:
+                    11:40:87:a7:7c:59:64:14:7b:b5:11:10:dd:fe:bf:
+                    d5:c0:bb:56:e2:85:25:f4:35:72:0f:f8:53:d0:41:
+                    e1:44:01:c2:b4:1c:c3:31:42:16:47:85:33:22:76:
+                    b2:0a:6f:0f:e5:25:50:4f:85:86:be:bf:98:2e:10:
+                    67:1e:be:11:05:86:05:90:c4:59:d0:7c:78:10:b0:
+                    80:5c:b7:e1:c7:2b:75:cb:7c:9f:ae:b5:d1:9d:23:
+                    37:63:a7:dc:42:a2:2d:92:04:1b:50:c1:7b:b8:3e:
+                    1b:c9:56:04:8b:2f:52:9b:ad:a9:56:e9:c1:ff:ad:
+                    a9:58:87:30:b6:81:f7:97:45:fc:19:57:3b:2b:6f:
+                    e4:47:f4:99:45:fe:1d:f1:f8:97:a3:88:1d:37:1c:
+                    5c:8f:e0:76:25:9a:50:f8:a0:54:ff:44:90:76:23:
+                    d2:32:c6:c3:ab:06:bf:fc:fb:bf:f3:ad:7d:92:62:
+                    02:5b:29:d3:35:a3:93:9a:43:64:60:5d:b2:fa:32:
+                    ff:3b:04:af:4d:40:6a:f9:c7:e3:ef:23:fd:6b:cb:
+                    e5:0f:8b:38:0d:ee:0a:fc:fe:0f:98:9f:30:31:dd:
+                    6c:52:65:f9:8b:81:be:22:e1:1c:58:03:ba:91:1b:
+                    89:07
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                6A:38:5B:26:8D:DE:8B:5A:F2:4F:7A:54:83:19:18:E3:08:35:A6:BA
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         3c:d5:77:3d:da:df:89:ba:87:0c:08:54:6a:20:50:92:be:b0:
+         41:3d:b9:26:64:83:0a:2f:e8:40:c0:97:28:27:82:30:4a:c9:
+         93:ff:6a:e7:a6:00:7f:89:42:9a:d6:11:e5:53:ce:2f:cc:f2:
+         da:05:c4:fe:e2:50:c4:3a:86:7d:cc:da:7e:10:09:3b:92:35:
+         2a:53:b2:fe:eb:2b:05:d9:6c:5d:e6:d0:ef:d3:6a:66:9e:15:
+         28:85:7a:e8:82:00:ac:1e:a7:09:69:56:42:d3:68:51:18:be:
+         54:9a:bf:44:41:ba:49:be:20:ba:69:5c:ee:b8:77:cd:ce:6c:
+         1f:ad:83:96:18:7d:0e:b5:14:39:84:f1:28:e9:2d:a3:9e:7b:
+         1e:7a:72:5a:83:b3:79:6f:ef:b4:fc:d0:0a:a5:58:4f:46:df:
+         fb:6d:79:59:f2:84:22:52:ae:0f:cc:fb:7c:3b:e7:6a:ca:47:
+         61:c3:7a:f8:d3:92:04:1f:b8:20:84:e1:36:54:16:c7:40:de:
+         3b:8a:73:dc:df:c6:09:4c:df:ec:da:ff:d4:53:42:a1:c9:f2:
+         62:1d:22:83:3c:97:c5:f9:19:62:27:ac:65:22:d7:d3:3c:c6:
+         e5:8e:b2:53:cc:49:ce:bc:30:fe:7b:0e:33:90:fb:ed:d2:14:
+         91:1f:07:af
+SHA1 Fingerprint=CF:9E:87:6D:D3:EB:FC:42:26:97:A3:B5:A3:7A:A0:76:A9:06:23:48
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/b872f2b4.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/b872f2b4.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e99bbe982bf50f6189fdcabb4ddcc3c3f336e65f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/b872f2b4.0
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 6643877497813316402 (0x5c33cb622c5fb332)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: CN=Atos TrustedRoot 2011, O=Atos, C=DE
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jul  7 14:58:30 2011 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2030 GMT
+        Subject: CN=Atos TrustedRoot 2011, O=Atos, C=DE
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:95:85:3b:97:6f:2a:3b:2e:3b:cf:a6:f3:29:35:
+                    be:cf:18:ac:3e:aa:d9:f8:4d:a0:3e:1a:47:b9:bc:
+                    9a:df:f2:fe:cc:3e:47:e8:7a:96:c2:24:8e:35:f4:
+                    a9:0c:fc:82:fd:6d:c1:72:62:27:bd:ea:6b:eb:e7:
+                    8a:cc:54:3e:90:50:cf:80:d4:95:fb:e8:b5:82:d4:
+                    14:c5:b6:a9:55:25:57:db:b1:50:f6:b0:60:64:59:
+                    7a:69:cf:03:b7:6f:0d:be:ca:3e:6f:74:72:ea:aa:
+                    30:2a:73:62:be:49:91:61:c8:11:fe:0e:03:2a:f7:
+                    6a:20:dc:02:15:0d:5e:15:6a:fc:e3:82:c1:b5:c5:
+                    9d:64:09:6c:a3:59:98:07:27:c7:1b:96:2b:61:74:
+                    71:6c:43:f1:f7:35:89:10:e0:9e:ec:55:a1:37:22:
+                    a2:87:04:05:2c:47:7d:b4:1c:b9:62:29:66:28:ca:
+                    b7:e1:93:f5:a4:94:03:99:b9:70:85:b5:e6:48:ea:
+                    8d:50:fc:d9:de:cc:6f:07:0e:dd:0b:72:9d:80:30:
+                    16:07:95:3f:28:0e:fd:c5:75:4f:53:d6:74:9a:b4:
+                    24:2e:8e:02:91:cf:76:c5:9b:1e:55:74:9c:78:21:
+                    b1:f0:2d:f1:0b:9f:c2:d5:96:18:1f:f0:54:22:7a:
+                    8c:07
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                A7:A5:06:B1:2C:A6:09:60:EE:D1:97:E9:70:AE:BC:3B:19:6C:DB:21
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:A7:A5:06:B1:2C:A6:09:60:EE:D1:97:E9:70:AE:BC:3B:19:6C:DB:21
+            X509v3 Certificate Policies: 
+                Policy:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         26:77:34:db:94:48:86:2a:41:9d:2c:3e:06:90:60:c4:8c:ac:
+         0b:54:b8:1f:b9:7b:d3:07:39:e4:fa:3e:7b:b2:3d:4e:ed:9f:
+         23:bd:97:f3:6b:5c:ef:ee:fd:40:a6:df:a1:93:a1:0a:86:ac:
+         ef:20:d0:79:01:bd:78:f7:19:d8:24:31:34:04:01:a6:ba:15:
+         9a:c3:27:dc:d8:4f:0f:cc:18:63:ff:99:0f:0e:91:6b:75:16:
+         e1:21:fc:d8:26:c7:47:b7:a6:cf:58:72:71:7e:ba:e1:4d:95:
+         47:3b:c9:af:6d:a1:b4:c1:ec:89:f6:b4:0f:38:b5:e2:64:dc:
+         25:cf:a6:db:eb:9a:5c:99:a1:c5:08:de:fd:e6:da:d5:d6:5a:
+         45:0c:c4:b7:c2:b5:14:ef:b4:11:ff:0e:15:b5:f5:f5:db:c6:
+         bd:eb:5a:a7:f0:56:22:a9:3c:65:54:c6:15:a8:bd:86:9e:cd:
+         83:96:68:7a:71:81:89:e1:0b:e1:ea:11:1b:68:08:cc:69:9e:
+         ec:9e:41:9e:44:32:26:7a:e2:87:0a:71:3d:eb:e4:5a:a4:d2:
+         db:c5:cd:c6:de:60:7f:b9:f3:4f:44:92:ef:2a:b7:18:3e:a7:
+         19:d9:0b:7d:b1:37:41:42:b0:ba:60:1d:f2:fe:09:11:b0:f0:
+         87:7b:a7:9d
+SHA1 Fingerprint=2B:B1:F5:3E:55:0C:1D:C5:F1:D4:E6:B7:6A:46:4B:55:06:02:AC:21
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/b936d1c6.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/b936d1c6.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5a8d8e694da3c1cddeb54593d1c29f117daa666f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/b936d1c6.0
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            5d:93:8d:30:67:36:c8:06:1d:1a:c7:54:84:69:07
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=ES, O=FNMT-RCM, OU=AC RAIZ FNMT-RCM
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Oct 29 15:59:56 2008 GMT
+            Not After : Jan  1 00:00:00 2030 GMT
+        Subject: C=ES, O=FNMT-RCM, OU=AC RAIZ FNMT-RCM
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ba:71:80:7a:4c:86:6e:7f:c8:13:6d:c0:c6:7d:
+                    1c:00:97:8f:2c:0c:23:bb:10:9a:40:a9:1a:b7:87:
+                    88:f8:9b:56:6a:fb:e6:7b:8e:8b:92:8e:a7:25:5d:
+                    59:11:db:36:2e:b7:51:17:1f:a9:08:1f:04:17:24:
+                    58:aa:37:4a:18:df:e5:39:d4:57:fd:d7:c1:2c:91:
+                    01:91:e2:22:d4:03:c0:58:fc:77:47:ec:8f:3e:74:
+                    43:ba:ac:34:8d:4d:38:76:67:8e:b0:c8:6f:30:33:
+                    58:71:5c:b4:f5:6b:6e:d4:01:50:b8:13:7e:6c:4a:
+                    a3:49:d1:20:19:ee:bc:c0:29:18:65:a7:de:fe:ef:
+                    dd:0a:90:21:e7:1a:67:92:42:10:98:5f:4f:30:bc:
+                    3e:1c:45:b4:10:d7:68:40:14:c0:40:fa:e7:77:17:
+                    7a:e6:0b:8f:65:5b:3c:d9:9a:52:db:b5:bd:9e:46:
+                    cf:3d:eb:91:05:02:c0:96:b2:76:4c:4d:10:96:3b:
+                    92:fa:9c:7f:0f:99:df:be:23:35:45:1e:02:5c:fe:
+                    b5:a8:9b:99:25:da:5e:f3:22:c3:39:f5:e4:2a:2e:
+                    d3:c6:1f:c4:6c:aa:c5:1c:6a:01:05:4a:2f:d2:c5:
+                    c1:a8:34:26:5d:66:a5:d2:02:21:f9:18:b7:06:f5:
+                    4e:99:6f:a8:ab:4c:51:e8:cf:50:18:c5:77:c8:39:
+                    09:2c:49:92:32:99:a8:bb:17:17:79:b0:5a:c5:e6:
+                    a3:c4:59:65:47:35:83:5e:a9:e8:35:0b:99:bb:e4:
+                    cd:20:c6:9b:4a:06:39:b5:68:fc:22:ba:ee:55:8c:
+                    2b:4e:ea:f3:b1:e3:fc:b6:99:9a:d5:42:fa:71:4d:
+                    08:cf:87:1e:6a:71:7d:f9:d3:b4:e9:a5:71:81:7b:
+                    c2:4e:47:96:a5:f6:76:85:a3:28:8f:e9:80:6e:81:
+                    53:a5:6d:5f:b8:48:f9:c2:f9:36:a6:2e:49:ff:b8:
+                    96:c2:8c:07:b3:9b:88:58:fc:eb:1b:1c:de:2d:70:
+                    e2:97:92:30:a1:89:e3:bc:55:a8:27:d6:4b:ed:90:
+                    ad:8b:fa:63:25:59:2d:a8:35:dd:ca:97:33:bc:e5:
+                    cd:c7:9d:d1:ec:ef:5e:0e:4a:90:06:26:63:ad:b9:
+                    d9:35:2d:07:ba:76:65:2c:ac:57:8f:7d:f4:07:94:
+                    d7:81:02:96:5d:a3:07:49:d5:7a:d0:57:f9:1b:e7:
+                    53:46:75:aa:b0:79:42:cb:68:71:08:e9:60:bd:39:
+                    69:ce:f4:af:c3:56:40:c7:ad:52:a2:09:e4:6f:86:
+                    47:8a:1f:eb:28:27:5d:83:20:af:04:c9:6c:56:9a:
+                    8b:46:f5
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                F7:7D:C5:FD:C4:E8:9A:1B:77:64:A7:F5:1D:A0:CC:BF:87:60:9A:6D
+            X509v3 Certificate Policies: 
+                Policy: X509v3 Any Policy
+                  CPS: http://www.cert.fnmt.es/dpcs/
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         07:90:4a:df:f3:23:4e:f0:c3:9c:51:65:9b:9c:22:a2:8a:0c:
+         85:f3:73:29:6b:4d:fe:01:e2:a9:0c:63:01:bf:04:67:a5:9d:
+         98:5f:fd:01:13:fa:ec:9a:62:e9:86:fe:b6:62:d2:6e:4c:94:
+         fb:c0:75:45:7c:65:0c:f8:b2:37:cf:ac:0f:cf:8d:6f:f9:19:
+         f7:8f:ec:1e:f2:70:9e:f0:ca:b8:ef:b7:ff:76:37:76:5b:f6:
+         6e:88:f3:af:62:32:22:93:0d:3a:6a:8e:14:66:0c:2d:53:74:
+         57:65:1e:d5:b2:dd:23:81:3b:a5:66:23:27:67:09:8f:e1:77:
+         aa:43:cd:65:51:08:ed:51:58:fe:e6:39:f9:cb:47:84:a4:15:
+         f1:76:bb:a4:ee:a4:3b:c4:5f:ef:b2:33:96:11:18:b7:c9:65:
+         be:18:e1:a3:a4:dc:fa:18:f9:d3:bc:13:9b:39:7a:34:ba:d3:
+         41:fb:fa:32:8a:2a:b7:2b:86:0b:69:83:38:be:cd:8a:2e:0b:
+         70:ad:8d:26:92:ee:1e:f5:01:2b:0a:d9:d6:97:9b:6e:e0:a8:
+         19:1c:3a:21:8b:0c:1e:40:ad:03:e7:dd:66:7e:f5:b9:20:0d:
+         03:e8:96:f9:82:45:d4:39:e0:a0:00:5d:d7:98:e6:7d:9e:67:
+         73:c3:9a:2a:f7:ab:8b:a1:3a:14:ef:34:bc:52:0e:89:98:9a:
+         04:40:84:1d:7e:45:69:93:57:ce:eb:ce:f8:50:7c:4f:1c:6e:
+         04:43:9b:f9:d6:3b:23:18:e9:ea:8e:d1:4d:46:8d:f1:3b:e4:
+         6a:ca:ba:fb:23:b7:9b:fa:99:01:29:5a:58:5a:2d:e3:f9:d4:
+         6d:0e:26:ad:c1:6e:34:bc:32:f8:0c:05:fa:65:a3:db:3b:37:
+         83:22:e9:d6:dc:72:33:fd:5d:f2:20:bd:76:3c:23:da:28:f7:
+         f9:1b:eb:59:64:d5:dc:5f:72:7e:20:fc:cd:89:b5:90:67:4d:
+         62:7a:3f:4e:ad:1d:c3:39:fe:7a:f4:28:16:df:41:f6:48:80:
+         05:d7:0f:51:79:ac:10:ab:d4:ec:03:66:e6:6a:b0:ba:31:92:
+         42:40:6a:be:3a:d3:72:e1:6a:37:55:bc:ac:1d:95:b7:69:61:
+         f2:43:91:74:e6:a0:d3:0a:24:46:a1:08:af:d6:da:45:19:96:
+         d4:53:1d:5b:84:79:f0:c0:f7:47:ef:8b:8f:c5:06:ae:9d:4c:
+         62:9d:ff:46:04:f8:d3:c9:b6:10:25:40:75:fe:16:aa:c9:4a:
+         60:86:2f:ba:ef:30:77:e4:54:e2:b8:84:99:58:80:aa:13:8b:
+         51:3a:4f:48:f6:8b:b6:b3
+SHA1 Fingerprint=EC:50:35:07:B2:15:C4:95:62:19:E2:A8:9A:5B:42:99:2C:4C:2C:20
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/bc3f2570.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/bc3f2570.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b8fd42607287f86510a4f02e4c46ffb3ff02471a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/bc3f2570.0
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O=GoDaddy.com, Inc., CN=Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Sep  1 00:00:00 2009 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2037 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O=GoDaddy.com, Inc., CN=Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:bf:71:62:08:f1:fa:59:34:f7:1b:c9:18:a3:f7:
+                    80:49:58:e9:22:83:13:a6:c5:20:43:01:3b:84:f1:
+                    e6:85:49:9f:27:ea:f6:84:1b:4e:a0:b4:db:70:98:
+                    c7:32:01:b1:05:3e:07:4e:ee:f4:fa:4f:2f:59:30:
+                    22:e7:ab:19:56:6b:e2:80:07:fc:f3:16:75:80:39:
+                    51:7b:e5:f9:35:b6:74:4e:a9:8d:82:13:e4:b6:3f:
+                    a9:03:83:fa:a2:be:8a:15:6a:7f:de:0b:c3:b6:19:
+                    14:05:ca:ea:c3:a8:04:94:3b:46:7c:32:0d:f3:00:
+                    66:22:c8:8d:69:6d:36:8c:11:18:b7:d3:b2:1c:60:
+                    b4:38:fa:02:8c:ce:d3:dd:46:07:de:0a:3e:eb:5d:
+                    7c:c8:7c:fb:b0:2b:53:a4:92:62:69:51:25:05:61:
+                    1a:44:81:8c:2c:a9:43:96:23:df:ac:3a:81:9a:0e:
+                    29:c5:1c:a9:e9:5d:1e:b6:9e:9e:30:0a:39:ce:f1:
+                    88:80:fb:4b:5d:cc:32:ec:85:62:43:25:34:02:56:
+                    27:01:91:b4:3b:70:2a:3f:6e:b1:e8:9c:88:01:7d:
+                    9f:d4:f9:db:53:6d:60:9d:bf:2c:e7:58:ab:b8:5f:
+                    46:fc:ce:c4:1b:03:3c:09:eb:49:31:5c:69:46:b3:
+                    e0:47
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                3A:9A:85:07:10:67:28:B6:EF:F6:BD:05:41:6E:20:C1:94:DA:0F:DE
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         99:db:5d:79:d5:f9:97:59:67:03:61:f1:7e:3b:06:31:75:2d:
+         a1:20:8e:4f:65:87:b4:f7:a6:9c:bc:d8:e9:2f:d0:db:5a:ee:
+         cf:74:8c:73:b4:38:42:da:05:7b:f8:02:75:b8:fd:a5:b1:d7:
+         ae:f6:d7:de:13:cb:53:10:7e:8a:46:d1:97:fa:b7:2e:2b:11:
+         ab:90:b0:27:80:f9:e8:9f:5a:e9:37:9f:ab:e4:df:6c:b3:85:
+         17:9d:3d:d9:24:4f:79:91:35:d6:5f:04:eb:80:83:ab:9a:02:
+         2d:b5:10:f4:d8:90:c7:04:73:40:ed:72:25:a0:a9:9f:ec:9e:
+         ab:68:12:99:57:c6:8f:12:3a:09:a4:bd:44:fd:06:15:37:c1:
+         9b:e4:32:a3:ed:38:e8:d8:64:f3:2c:7e:14:fc:02:ea:9f:cd:
+         ff:07:68:17:db:22:90:38:2d:7a:8d:d1:54:f1:69:e3:5f:33:
+         ca:7a:3d:7b:0a:e3:ca:7f:5f:39:e5:e2:75:ba:c5:76:18:33:
+         ce:2c:f0:2f:4c:ad:f7:b1:e7:ce:4f:a8:c4:9b:4a:54:06:c5:
+         7f:7d:d5:08:0f:e2:1c:fe:7e:17:b8:ac:5e:f6:d4:16:b2:43:
+         09:0c:4d:f6:a7:6b:b4:99:84:65:ca:7a:88:e2:e2:44:be:5c:
+         f7:ea:1c:f5
+SHA1 Fingerprint=47:BE:AB:C9:22:EA:E8:0E:78:78:34:62:A7:9F:45:C2:54:FD:E6:8B
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/bdacca6f.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/bdacca6f.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f08bdcf6e682cd043d872d0b94562057e69f1d04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/bdacca6f.0
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            07:56:22:a4:e8:d4:8a:89:4d:f4:13:c8:f0:f8:ea:a5
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=SecureTrust Corporation, CN=Secure Global CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov  7 19:42:28 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 19:52:06 2029 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=SecureTrust Corporation, CN=Secure Global CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:af:35:2e:d8:ac:6c:55:69:06:71:e5:13:68:24:
+                    b3:4f:d8:cc:21:47:f8:f1:60:38:89:89:03:e9:bd:
+                    ea:5e:46:53:09:dc:5c:f5:5a:e8:f7:45:2a:02:eb:
+                    31:61:d7:29:33:4c:ce:c7:7c:0a:37:7e:0f:ba:32:
+                    98:e1:1d:97:af:8f:c7:dc:c9:38:96:f3:db:1a:fc:
+                    51:ed:68:c6:d0:6e:a4:7c:24:d1:ae:42:c8:96:50:
+                    63:2e:e0:fe:75:fe:98:a7:5f:49:2e:95:e3:39:33:
+                    64:8e:1e:a4:5f:90:d2:67:3c:b2:d9:fe:41:b9:55:
+                    a7:09:8e:72:05:1e:8b:dd:44:85:82:42:d0:49:c0:
+                    1d:60:f0:d1:17:2c:95:eb:f6:a5:c1:92:a3:c5:c2:
+                    a7:08:60:0d:60:04:10:96:79:9e:16:34:e6:a9:b6:
+                    fa:25:45:39:c8:1e:65:f9:93:f5:aa:f1:52:dc:99:
+                    98:3d:a5:86:1a:0c:35:33:fa:4b:a5:04:06:15:1c:
+                    31:80:ef:aa:18:6b:c2:7b:d7:da:ce:f9:33:20:d5:
+                    f5:bd:6a:33:2d:81:04:fb:b0:5c:d4:9c:a3:e2:5c:
+                    1d:e3:a9:42:75:5e:7b:d4:77:ef:39:54:ba:c9:0a:
+                    18:1b:12:99:49:2f:88:4b:fd:50:62:d1:73:e7:8f:
+                    7a:43
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+                ...C.A
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                AF:44:04:C2:41:7E:48:83:DB:4E:39:02:EC:EC:84:7A:E6:CE:C9:A4
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.securetrust.com/SGCA.crl
+                ...
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         63:1a:08:40:7d:a4:5e:53:0d:77:d8:7a:ae:1f:0d:0b:51:16:
+         03:ef:18:7c:c8:e3:af:6a:58:93:14:60:91:b2:84:dc:88:4e:
+         be:39:8a:3a:f3:e6:82:89:5d:01:37:b3:ab:24:a4:15:0e:92:
+         35:5a:4a:44:5e:4e:57:fa:75:ce:1f:48:ce:66:f4:3c:40:26:
+         92:98:6c:1b:ee:24:46:0c:17:b3:52:a5:db:a5:91:91:cf:37:
+         d3:6f:e7:27:08:3a:4e:19:1f:3a:a7:58:5c:17:cf:79:3f:8b:
+         e4:a7:d3:26:23:9d:26:0f:58:69:fc:47:7e:b2:d0:8d:8b:93:
+         bf:29:4f:43:69:74:76:67:4b:cf:07:8c:e6:02:f7:b5:e1:b4:
+         43:b5:4b:2d:14:9f:f9:dc:26:0d:bf:a6:47:74:06:d8:88:d1:
+         3a:29:30:84:ce:d2:39:80:62:1b:a8:c7:57:49:bc:6a:55:51:
+         67:15:4a:be:35:07:e4:d5:75:98:37:79:30:14:db:29:9d:6c:
+         c5:69:cc:47:55:a2:30:f7:cc:5c:7f:c2:c3:98:1c:6b:4e:16:
+         80:eb:7a:78:65:45:a2:00:1a:af:0c:0d:55:64:34:48:b8:92:
+         b9:f1:b4:50:29:f2:4f:23:1f:da:6c:ac:1f:44:e1:dd:23:78:
+         51:5b:c7:16
+SHA1 Fingerprint=3A:44:73:5A:E5:81:90:1F:24:86:61:46:1E:3B:9C:C4:5F:F5:3A:1B
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/bf64f35b.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/bf64f35b.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f75710b32edf79447afeeb0178ab7d1f4a1611fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/bf64f35b.0
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1164660820 (0x456b5054)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=Entrust, Inc., OU=www.entrust.net/CPS is incorporated by reference, OU=(c) 2006 Entrust, Inc., CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 27 20:23:42 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Nov 27 20:53:42 2026 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=Entrust, Inc., OU=www.entrust.net/CPS is incorporated by reference, OU=(c) 2006 Entrust, Inc., CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b6:95:b6:43:42:fa:c6:6d:2a:6f:48:df:94:4c:
+                    39:57:05:ee:c3:79:11:41:68:36:ed:ec:fe:9a:01:
+                    8f:a1:38:28:fc:f7:10:46:66:2e:4d:1e:1a:b1:1a:
+                    4e:c6:d1:c0:95:88:b0:c9:ff:31:8b:33:03:db:b7:
+                    83:7b:3e:20:84:5e:ed:b2:56:28:a7:f8:e0:b9:40:
+                    71:37:c5:cb:47:0e:97:2a:68:c0:22:95:62:15:db:
+                    47:d9:f5:d0:2b:ff:82:4b:c9:ad:3e:de:4c:db:90:
+                    80:50:3f:09:8a:84:00:ec:30:0a:3d:18:cd:fb:fd:
+                    2a:59:9a:23:95:17:2c:45:9e:1f:6e:43:79:6d:0c:
+                    5c:98:fe:48:a7:c5:23:47:5c:5e:fd:6e:e7:1e:b4:
+                    f6:68:45:d1:86:83:5b:a2:8a:8d:b1:e3:29:80:fe:
+                    25:71:88:ad:be:bc:8f:ac:52:96:4b:aa:51:8d:e4:
+                    13:31:19:e8:4e:4d:9f:db:ac:b3:6a:d5:bc:39:54:
+                    71:ca:7a:7a:7f:90:dd:7d:1d:80:d9:81:bb:59:26:
+                    c2:11:fe:e6:93:e2:f7:80:e4:65:fb:34:37:0e:29:
+                    80:70:4d:af:38:86:2e:9e:7f:57:af:9e:17:ae:eb:
+                    1c:cb:28:21:5f:b6:1c:d8:e7:a2:04:22:f9:d3:da:
+                    d8:cb
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Private Key Usage Period: 
+                Not Before: Nov 27 20:23:42 2006 GMT, Not After: Nov 27 20:53:42 2026 GMT
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:68:90:E4:67:A4:A6:53:80:C7:86:66:A4:F1:F7:4B:43:FB:84:BD:6D
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                68:90:E4:67:A4:A6:53:80:C7:86:66:A4:F1:F7:4B:43:FB:84:BD:6D
+            1.2.840.113533.7.65.0: 
+                0...V7.1:4.0....
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         93:d4:30:b0:d7:03:20:2a:d0:f9:63:e8:91:0c:05:20:a9:5f:
+         19:ca:7b:72:4e:d4:b1:db:d0:96:fb:54:5a:19:2c:0c:08:f7:
+         b2:bc:85:a8:9d:7f:6d:3b:52:b3:2a:db:e7:d4:84:8c:63:f6:
+         0f:cb:26:01:91:50:6c:f4:5f:14:e2:93:74:c0:13:9e:30:3a:
+         50:e3:b4:60:c5:1c:f0:22:44:8d:71:47:ac:c8:1a:c9:e9:9b:
+         9a:00:60:13:ff:70:7e:5f:11:4d:49:1b:b3:15:52:7b:c9:54:
+         da:bf:9d:95:af:6b:9a:d8:9e:e9:f1:e4:43:8d:e2:11:44:3a:
+         bf:af:bd:83:42:73:52:8b:aa:bb:a7:29:cf:f5:64:1c:0a:4d:
+         d1:bc:aa:ac:9f:2a:d0:ff:7f:7f:da:7d:ea:b1:ed:30:25:c1:
+         84:da:34:d2:5b:78:83:56:ec:9c:36:c3:26:e2:11:f6:67:49:
+         1d:92:ab:8c:fb:eb:ff:7a:ee:85:4a:a7:50:80:f0:a7:5c:4a:
+         94:2e:5f:05:99:3c:52:41:e0:cd:b4:63:cf:01:43:ba:9c:83:
+         dc:8f:60:3b:f3:5a:b4:b4:7b:ae:da:0b:90:38:75:ef:81:1d:
+         66:d2:f7:57:70:36:b3:bf:fc:28:af:71:25:85:5b:13:fe:1e:
+         7f:5a:b4:3c
+SHA1 Fingerprint=B3:1E:B1:B7:40:E3:6C:84:02:DA:DC:37:D4:4D:F5:D4:67:49:52:F9
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/c2c1704e.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/c2c1704e.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bffde53e1c5ab0ae0e8ed7665533cc9857a4f510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/c2c1704e.0
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 9548242946988625984 (0x84822c5f1c62d040)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=PA, ST=Panama, L=Panama City, O=TrustCor Systems S. de R.L., OU=TrustCor Certificate Authority, CN=TrustCor ECA-1
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Feb  4 12:32:33 2016 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 17:28:07 2029 GMT
+        Subject: C=PA, ST=Panama, L=Panama City, O=TrustCor Systems S. de R.L., OU=TrustCor Certificate Authority, CN=TrustCor ECA-1
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:cf:8f:e0:11:b5:9f:a8:76:76:db:df:0f:54:ef:
+                    73:63:29:82:ad:47:c6:a3:6b:ed:fe:5f:33:f8:43:
+                    51:e9:1a:33:91:31:17:a0:74:c4:d4:a7:01:e6:b2:
+                    92:3e:6a:9d:ed:0e:f9:74:98:40:d3:3f:03:80:06:
+                    82:40:e8:b1:e2:a7:51:a7:1d:83:26:6b:ab:de:fa:
+                    17:91:2b:d8:c6:ac:1e:b1:9e:19:01:d5:97:a6:ea:
+                    0d:b7:c4:55:1f:27:7c:d2:08:d5:76:1f:29:15:87:
+                    40:39:dd:38:45:11:75:d0:9a:a7:34:e0:bf:cd:c8:
+                    52:1d:b9:47:7e:0d:b8:bb:c6:0c:f6:73:57:16:5a:
+                    7e:43:91:1f:55:3a:c6:6d:44:04:aa:9c:a9:9c:a7:
+                    4c:89:17:83:ae:a3:04:5e:52:80:8b:1e:12:25:11:
+                    19:d7:0c:7d:7d:31:44:41:ea:db:af:b0:1c:ef:81:
+                    d0:2c:c5:9a:21:9b:3d:ed:42:3b:50:26:f2:ec:ce:
+                    71:61:06:62:21:54:4e:7f:c1:9d:3e:7f:20:8c:80:
+                    cb:2a:d8:97:62:c8:83:33:91:7d:b0:a2:5a:0f:57:
+                    e8:3b:cc:f2:25:b2:d4:7c:2f:ec:4d:c6:a1:3a:15:
+                    7a:e7:b6:5d:35:f5:f6:48:4a:36:45:66:d4:ba:98:
+                    58:c1
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                44:9E:48:F5:CC:6D:48:D4:A0:4B:7F:FE:59:24:2F:83:97:99:9A:86
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:44:9E:48:F5:CC:6D:48:D4:A0:4B:7F:FE:59:24:2F:83:97:99:9A:86
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         05:3e:35:5c:15:70:9b:c9:c7:73:61:6f:72:2b:d4:c2:8f:f2:
+         43:5d:02:ce:c4:94:b9:94:11:83:67:5d:e2:67:6c:75:76:bf:
+         bb:0c:aa:36:c6:ad:47:93:63:dc:1e:7e:d6:de:2e:fe:e9:19:
+         32:38:03:7f:14:f6:00:73:2c:59:b1:21:06:e1:fb:ac:18:95:
+         0c:a3:ff:99:96:f7:2b:27:9b:d5:24:cc:1d:dd:c1:3a:e0:98:
+         44:b0:c4:e4:3e:77:b1:73:a9:64:2c:f6:1c:01:7c:3f:5d:45:
+         85:c0:85:e7:25:8f:95:dc:17:f3:3c:9f:1a:6e:b0:ca:e3:1d:
+         2a:e9:4c:63:fa:24:61:62:d6:da:7e:b6:1c:6c:f5:02:1d:d4:
+         2a:dd:55:90:eb:2a:11:47:3c:2e:5e:74:b2:82:22:a5:7d:53:
+         1f:45:ec:27:91:7d:e7:22:16:e8:c0:68:36:d8:c6:f1:4f:80:
+         44:32:f9:e1:d1:d1:1d:aa:de:a8:ab:9c:04:af:ad:20:0e:64:
+         98:4d:a5:6b:c0:48:58:96:69:4d:dc:07:8c:51:93:a2:df:9f:
+         0f:3d:8b:60:b4:82:8d:aa:08:4e:62:45:e0:f9:0b:d2:e0:e0:
+         3c:5b:de:5c:71:27:25:c2:e6:03:81:8b:10:53:e3:c7:55:a2:
+         b4:9f:d7:e6
+SHA1 Fingerprint=58:D1:DF:95:95:67:6B:63:C0:F0:5B:1C:17:4D:8B:84:0B:C8:78:BD
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/c491639e.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/c491639e.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ec9e42242473fee5b503f7f91772202841c79cb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/c491639e.0
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            0b:a1:5a:fa:1d:df:a0:b5:49:44:af:cd:24:a0:6c:ec
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root G3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Aug  1 12:00:00 2013 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 15 12:00:00 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root G3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:19:e7:bc:ac:44:65:ed:cd:b8:3f:58:fb:8d:b1:
+                    57:a9:44:2d:05:15:f2:ef:0b:ff:10:74:9f:b5:62:
+                    52:5f:66:7e:1f:e5:dc:1b:45:79:0b:cc:c6:53:0a:
+                    9d:8d:5d:02:d9:a9:59:de:02:5a:f6:95:2a:0e:8d:
+                    38:4a:8a:49:c6:bc:c6:03:38:07:5f:55:da:7e:09:
+                    6e:e2:7f:5e:d0:45:20:0f:59:76:10:d6:a0:24:f0:
+                    2d:de:36:f2:6c:29:39
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                CB:D0:BD:A9:E1:98:05:51:A1:4D:37:A2:83:79:CE:8D:1D:2A:E4:84
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:64:02:30:25:a4:81:45:02:6b:12:4b:75:74:4f:c8:23:e3:
+         70:f2:75:72:de:7c:89:f0:cf:91:72:61:9e:5e:10:92:59:56:
+         b9:83:c7:10:e7:38:e9:58:26:36:7d:d5:e4:34:86:39:02:30:
+         7c:36:53:f0:30:e5:62:63:3a:99:e2:b6:a3:3b:9b:34:fa:1e:
+         da:10:92:71:5e:91:13:a7:dd:a4:6e:92:cc:32:d6:f5:21:66:
+         c7:2f:ea:96:63:6a:65:45:92:95:01:b4
+SHA1 Fingerprint=F5:17:A2:4F:9A:48:C6:C9:F8:A2:00:26:9F:DC:0F:48:2C:AB:30:89
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/c51c224c.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/c51c224c.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6bf7f224e2db37e4bebdad644b94f01e82b1f144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/c51c224c.0
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            1b:1f:ad:b6:20:f9:24:d3:36:6b:f7:c7:f1:8c:a0:59
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=GB, O=Trustis Limited, OU=Trustis FPS Root CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec 23 12:14:06 2003 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 21 11:36:54 2024 GMT
+        Subject: C=GB, O=Trustis Limited, OU=Trustis FPS Root CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c5:50:7b:9e:3b:35:d0:df:c4:8c:cd:8e:9b:ed:
+                    a3:c0:36:99:f4:42:ea:a7:3e:80:83:0f:a6:a7:59:
+                    87:c9:90:45:43:7e:00:ea:86:79:2a:03:bd:3d:37:
+                    99:89:66:b7:e5:8a:56:86:93:9c:68:4b:68:04:8c:
+                    93:93:02:3e:30:d2:37:3a:22:61:89:1c:85:4e:7d:
+                    8f:d5:af:7b:35:f6:7e:28:47:89:31:dc:0e:79:64:
+                    1f:99:d2:5b:ba:fe:7f:60:bf:ad:eb:e7:3c:38:29:
+                    6a:2f:e5:91:0b:55:ff:ec:6f:58:d5:2d:c9:de:4c:
+                    66:71:8f:0c:d7:04:da:07:e6:1e:18:e3:bd:29:02:
+                    a8:fa:1c:e1:5b:b9:83:a8:41:48:bc:1a:71:8d:e7:
+                    62:e5:2d:b2:eb:df:7c:cf:db:ab:5a:ca:31:f1:4c:
+                    22:f3:05:13:f7:82:f9:73:79:0c:be:d7:4b:1c:c0:
+                    d1:15:3c:93:41:64:d1:e6:be:23:17:22:00:89:5e:
+                    1f:6b:a5:ac:6e:a7:4b:8c:ed:a3:72:e6:af:63:4d:
+                    2f:85:d2:14:35:9a:2e:4e:8c:ea:32:98:28:86:a1:
+                    91:09:41:3a:b4:e1:e3:f2:fa:f0:c9:0a:a2:41:dd:
+                    a9:e3:03:c7:88:15:3b:1c:d4:1a:94:d7:9f:64:59:
+                    12:6d
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:BA:FA:71:25:79:8B:57:41:25:21:86:0B:71:EB:B2:64:0E:8B:21:67
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                BA:FA:71:25:79:8B:57:41:25:21:86:0B:71:EB:B2:64:0E:8B:21:67
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         7e:58:ff:fd:35:19:7d:9c:18:4f:9e:b0:2b:bc:8e:8c:14:ff:
+         2c:a0:da:47:5b:c3:ef:81:2d:af:05:ea:74:48:5b:f3:3e:4e:
+         07:c7:6d:c5:b3:93:cf:22:35:5c:b6:3f:75:27:5f:09:96:cd:
+         a0:fe:be:40:0c:5c:12:55:f8:93:82:ca:29:e9:5e:3f:56:57:
+         8b:38:36:f7:45:1a:4c:28:cd:9e:41:b8:ed:56:4c:84:a4:40:
+         c8:b8:b0:a5:2b:69:70:04:6a:c3:f8:d4:12:32:f9:0e:c3:b1:
+         dc:32:84:44:2c:6f:cb:46:0f:ea:66:41:0f:4f:f1:58:a5:a6:
+         0d:0d:0f:61:de:a5:9e:5d:7d:65:a1:3c:17:e7:a8:55:4e:ef:
+         a0:c7:ed:c6:44:7f:54:f5:a3:e0:8f:f0:7c:55:22:8f:29:b6:
+         81:a3:e1:6d:4e:2c:1b:80:67:ec:ad:20:9f:0c:62:61:d5:97:
+         ff:43:ed:2d:c1:da:5d:29:2a:85:3f:ac:65:ee:86:0f:05:8d:
+         90:5f:df:ee:9f:f4:bf:ee:1d:fb:98:e4:7f:90:2b:84:78:10:
+         0e:6c:49:53:ef:15:5b:65:46:4a:5d:af:ba:fb:3a:72:1d:cd:
+         f6:25:88:1e:97:cc:21:9c:29:01:0d:65:eb:57:d9:f3:57:96:
+         bb:48:cd:81
+SHA1 Fingerprint=3B:C0:38:0B:33:C3:F6:A6:0C:86:15:22:93:D9:DF:F5:4B:81:C0:04
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/c7e2a638.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/c7e2a638.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c5a3c92898e155a708f56e844b37c6c74e01846f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/c7e2a638.0
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            15:ac:6e:94:19:b2:79:4b:41:f6:27:a9:c3:18:0f:1f
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., OU=(c) 2008 GeoTrust Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Apr  2 00:00:00 2008 GMT
+            Not After : Dec  1 23:59:59 2037 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., OU=(c) 2008 GeoTrust Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:dc:e2:5e:62:58:1d:33:57:39:32:33:fa:eb:cb:
+                    87:8c:a7:d4:4a:dd:06:88:ea:64:8e:31:98:a5:38:
+                    90:1e:98:cf:2e:63:2b:f0:46:bc:44:b2:89:a1:c0:
+                    28:0c:49:70:21:95:9f:64:c0:a6:93:12:02:65:26:
+                    86:c6:a5:89:f0:fa:d7:84:a0:70:af:4f:1a:97:3f:
+                    06:44:d5:c9:eb:72:10:7d:e4:31:28:fb:1c:61:e6:
+                    28:07:44:73:92:22:69:a7:03:88:6c:9d:63:c8:52:
+                    da:98:27:e7:08:4c:70:3e:b4:c9:12:c1:c5:67:83:
+                    5d:33:f3:03:11:ec:6a:d0:53:e2:d1:ba:36:60:94:
+                    80:bb:61:63:6c:5b:17:7e:df:40:94:1e:ab:0d:c2:
+                    21:28:70:88:ff:d6:26:6c:6c:60:04:25:4e:55:7e:
+                    7d:ef:bf:94:48:de:b7:1d:dd:70:8d:05:5f:88:a5:
+                    9b:f2:c2:ee:ea:d1:40:41:6d:62:38:1d:56:06:c5:
+                    03:47:51:20:19:fc:7b:10:0b:0e:62:ae:76:55:bf:
+                    5f:77:be:3e:49:01:53:3d:98:25:03:76:24:5a:1d:
+                    b4:db:89:ea:79:e5:b6:b3:3b:3f:ba:4c:28:41:7f:
+                    06:ac:6a:8e:c1:d0:f6:05:1d:7d:e6:42:86:e3:a5:
+                    d5:47
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                C4:79:CA:8E:A1:4E:03:1D:1C:DC:6B:DB:31:5B:94:3E:3F:30:7F:2D
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         2d:c5:13:cf:56:80:7b:7a:78:bd:9f:ae:2c:99:e7:ef:da:df:
+         94:5e:09:69:a7:e7:6e:68:8c:bd:72:be:47:a9:0e:97:12:b8:
+         4a:f1:64:d3:39:df:25:34:d4:c1:cd:4e:81:f0:0f:04:c4:24:
+         b3:34:96:c6:a6:aa:30:df:68:61:73:d7:f9:8e:85:89:ef:0e:
+         5e:95:28:4a:2a:27:8f:10:8e:2e:7c:86:c4:02:9e:da:0c:77:
+         65:0e:44:0d:92:fd:fd:b3:16:36:fa:11:0d:1d:8c:0e:07:89:
+         6a:29:56:f7:72:f4:dd:15:9c:77:35:66:57:ab:13:53:d8:8e:
+         c1:40:c5:d7:13:16:5a:72:c7:b7:69:01:c4:7a:b1:83:01:68:
+         7d:8d:41:a1:94:18:c1:25:5c:fc:f0:fe:83:02:87:7c:0d:0d:
+         cf:2e:08:5c:4a:40:0d:3e:ec:81:61:e6:24:db:ca:e0:0e:2d:
+         07:b2:3e:56:dc:8d:f5:41:85:07:48:9b:0c:0b:cb:49:3f:7d:
+         ec:b7:fd:cb:8d:67:89:1a:ab:ed:bb:1e:a3:00:08:08:17:2a:
+         82:5c:31:5d:46:8a:2d:0f:86:9b:74:d9:45:fb:d4:40:b1:7a:
+         aa:68:2d:86:b2:99:22:e1:c1:2b:c7:9c:f8:f3:5f:a8:82:12:
+         eb:19:11:2d
+SHA1 Fingerprint=03:9E:ED:B8:0B:E7:A0:3C:69:53:89:3B:20:D2:D9:32:3A:4C:2A:FD
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/c907e29b.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/c907e29b.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..934468f3f1d374065735a681f753e1f0a074044d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/c907e29b.0
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            0a:7e:a6:df:4b:44:9e:da:6a:24:85:9e:e6:b8:15:d3:16:7f:bb:b1
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=LU, O=LuxTrust S.A., CN=LuxTrust Global Root 2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Mar  5 13:21:57 2015 GMT
+            Not After : Mar  5 13:21:57 2035 GMT
+        Subject: C=LU, O=LuxTrust S.A., CN=LuxTrust Global Root 2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:d7:85:97:bf:11:98:e9:f0:62:83:4c:3c:87:f9:
+                    53:6a:37:0b:f2:0f:3c:87:ce:6f:dc:26:29:bd:c5:
+                    89:ba:c9:83:3d:f7:ee:ca:5b:c6:6d:49:73:b4:c9:
+                    46:a3:1b:34:13:3f:c1:89:45:57:f4:d9:b1:fb:36:
+                    65:4b:fb:08:e2:48:71:11:c8:6e:3b:9e:9d:df:89:
+                    65:37:a6:85:f6:3b:44:18:b6:c6:37:30:62:44:92:
+                    97:69:7d:42:30:24:e4:0d:0c:89:6b:63:de:c5:e1:
+                    df:4e:a9:14:6c:53:e0:61:ce:f6:17:2f:1d:3c:bd:
+                    e6:22:4c:1d:93:f5:10:c4:a1:76:ec:6a:de:c5:6c:
+                    df:96:b4:56:40:42:c0:62:92:30:a1:2d:15:94:a0:
+                    d2:20:06:09:6e:6a:6d:e5:eb:b7:be:d4:f0:f1:15:
+                    7c:8b:e6:4e:ba:13:cc:4b:27:5e:99:3c:17:5d:8f:
+                    81:7f:33:3d:4f:d3:3f:1b:ec:5c:3f:f0:3c:4c:75:
+                    6e:f2:a6:d5:9d:da:2d:07:63:02:c6:72:e9:94:bc:
+                    4c:49:95:4f:88:52:c8:db:e8:69:82:f8:cc:34:5b:
+                    22:f0:86:a7:89:bd:48:0a:6d:66:81:6d:c8:c8:64:
+                    fb:01:e1:f4:e1:de:d9:9e:dd:db:5b:d4:2a:99:26:
+                    15:1b:1e:4c:92:29:82:9e:d5:92:81:92:41:70:19:
+                    f7:a4:e5:93:4b:bc:77:67:31:dd:1c:fd:31:70:0d:
+                    17:99:0c:f9:0c:39:19:2a:17:b5:30:71:55:d5:0f:
+                    ae:58:e1:3d:2f:34:9b:cf:9f:f6:78:85:c2:93:7a:
+                    72:3e:66:8f:9c:16:11:60:8f:9e:89:6f:67:be:e0:
+                    47:5a:3b:0c:9a:67:8b:cf:46:c6:ae:38:a3:f2:a7:
+                    bc:e6:d6:85:6b:33:24:70:22:4b:cb:08:9b:bb:c8:
+                    f8:02:29:1d:be:20:0c:46:bf:6b:87:9b:b3:2a:66:
+                    42:35:46:6c:aa:ba:ad:f9:98:7b:e9:50:55:14:31:
+                    bf:b1:da:2d:ed:80:ad:68:24:fb:69:ab:d8:71:13:
+                    30:e6:67:b3:87:40:fd:89:7e:f2:43:d1:11:df:2f:
+                    65:2f:64:ce:5f:14:b9:b1:bf:31:bd:87:78:5a:59:
+                    65:88:aa:fc:59:32:48:86:d6:4c:b9:29:4b:95:d3:
+                    76:f3:77:25:6d:42:1c:38:83:4d:fd:a3:5f:9b:7f:
+                    2d:ac:79:1b:0e:42:31:97:63:a4:fb:8a:69:d5:22:
+                    0d:34:90:30:2e:a8:b4:e0:6d:b6:94:ac:bc:8b:4e:
+                    d7:70:fc:c5:38:8e:64:25:e1:4d:39:90:ce:c9:87:
+                    84:58:71
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Certificate Policies: 
+                Policy:
+                  CPS: https://repository.luxtrust.lu
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:FF:18:28:76:F9:48:05:2C:A1:AE:F1:2B:1B:2B:B2:53:F8:4B:7C:B3
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                FF:18:28:76:F9:48:05:2C:A1:AE:F1:2B:1B:2B:B2:53:F8:4B:7C:B3
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         6a:19:14:ed:6e:79:c1:2c:87:d4:0d:70:7e:d7:f6:78:c9:0b:
+         04:4e:c4:b1:ce:93:70:fe:b0:54:c0:32:cd:99:30:64:17:bf:
+         0f:e5:e2:33:fd:07:36:40:72:0e:1a:b6:6a:59:d6:00:e5:68:
+         20:dd:2e:72:0d:1f:6a:64:31:20:84:7d:49:a6:5a:37:eb:45:
+         c9:85:f5:d4:c7:17:99:07:e6:9b:55:e4:0c:e8:a9:b4:ce:8c:
+         5b:b5:11:5c:cf:8a:0e:0d:d6:ac:77:81:fe:32:9c:24:9e:72:
+         ce:54:f3:d0:6f:a2:56:d6:ec:c3:37:2c:65:58:be:57:00:1a:
+         f2:35:fa:eb:7b:31:5d:c2:c1:12:3d:96:81:88:96:89:c1:59:
+         5c:7a:e6:7f:70:34:e7:83:e2:b1:e1:e1:b8:58:ef:d4:95:e4:
+         60:9c:f0:96:97:72:8c:eb:84:02:2e:65:8f:a4:b7:d2:7f:67:
+         dd:c8:d3:9e:5c:aa:a9:a4:a0:25:14:06:9b:ec:4f:7e:2d:0b:
+         7f:1d:75:f1:33:d8:ed:ce:b8:75:6d:3e:5b:b9:98:1d:31:0d:
+         56:d8:43:0f:30:91:b2:04:6b:dd:56:be:95:80:55:67:be:d8:
+         cd:83:d9:18:ee:2e:0f:86:2d:92:9e:70:13:ec:de:51:c9:43:
+         78:02:a5:4d:c8:f9:5f:c4:91:58:46:16:77:5a:74:aa:40:bc:
+         07:9f:30:b9:b1:f7:12:17:dd:e3:ff:24:40:1d:7a:6a:d1:4f:
+         18:0a:aa:90:1d:eb:40:1e:df:a1:1e:44:92:10:9a:f2:8d:e1:
+         d1:4b:46:9e:e8:45:42:97:ea:45:99:f3:ec:66:d5:02:fa:f2:
+         a6:4a:24:aa:de:ce:b9:ca:f9:3f:93:6f:f9:a3:ba:ea:a5:3e:
+         99:ad:fd:ff:7b:99:f5:65:ee:f0:59:28:67:d7:90:95:a4:13:
+         84:a9:84:c1:e8:ce:ce:75:93:63:1a:bc:3c:ea:d5:64:1f:2d:
+         2a:12:39:c6:c3:5a:32:ed:47:91:16:0e:bc:38:c1:50:de:8f:
+         ca:2a:90:34:1c:ee:41:94:9c:5e:19:2e:f8:45:49:99:74:91:
+         b0:04:6f:e3:04:5a:b1:ab:2a:ab:fe:c7:d0:96:b6:da:e1:4a:
+         64:06:6e:60:4d:bd:42:4e:ff:78:da:24:ca:1b:b4:d7:96:39:
+         6c:ae:f1:0e:aa:a7:7d:48:8b:20:4c:cf:64:d6:b8:97:46:b0:
+         4e:d1:2a:56:3a:a0:93:bd:af:80:24:e0:0a:7e:e7:ca:d5:ca:
+         e8:85:55:dc:36:2a:e1:94:68:93:c7:66:72:44:0f:80:21:32:
+         6c:25:c7:23:80:83:0a:eb
+SHA1 Fingerprint=1E:0E:56:19:0A:D1:8B:25:98:B2:04:44:FF:66:8A:04:17:99:5F:3F
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/c90bc37d.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/c90bc37d.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e4460c126231233ec8a13852c365b6449a11ec66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/c90bc37d.0
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            03:3a:f1:e6:a7:11:a9:a0:bb:28:64:b1:1d:09:fa:e5
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Global Root G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Aug  1 12:00:00 2013 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 15 12:00:00 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Global Root G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:bb:37:cd:34:dc:7b:6b:c9:b2:68:90:ad:4a:75:
+                    ff:46:ba:21:0a:08:8d:f5:19:54:c9:fb:88:db:f3:
+                    ae:f2:3a:89:91:3c:7a:e6:ab:06:1a:6b:cf:ac:2d:
+                    e8:5e:09:24:44:ba:62:9a:7e:d6:a3:a8:7e:e0:54:
+                    75:20:05:ac:50:b7:9c:63:1a:6c:30:dc:da:1f:19:
+                    b1:d7:1e:de:fd:d7:e0:cb:94:83:37:ae:ec:1f:43:
+                    4e:dd:7b:2c:d2:bd:2e:a5:2f:e4:a9:b8:ad:3a:d4:
+                    99:a4:b6:25:e9:9b:6b:00:60:92:60:ff:4f:21:49:
+                    18:f7:67:90:ab:61:06:9c:8f:f2:ba:e9:b4:e9:92:
+                    32:6b:b5:f3:57:e8:5d:1b:cd:8c:1d:ab:95:04:95:
+                    49:f3:35:2d:96:e3:49:6d:dd:77:e3:fb:49:4b:b4:
+                    ac:55:07:a9:8f:95:b3:b4:23:bb:4c:6d:45:f0:f6:
+                    a9:b2:95:30:b4:fd:4c:55:8c:27:4a:57:14:7c:82:
+                    9d:cd:73:92:d3:16:4a:06:0c:8c:50:d1:8f:1e:09:
+                    be:17:a1:e6:21:ca:fd:83:e5:10:bc:83:a5:0a:c4:
+                    67:28:f6:73:14:14:3d:46:76:c3:87:14:89:21:34:
+                    4d:af:0f:45:0c:a6:49:a1:ba:bb:9c:c5:b1:33:83:
+                    29:85
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                4E:22:54:20:18:95:E6:E3:6E:E6:0F:FA:FA:B9:12:ED:06:17:8F:39
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         60:67:28:94:6f:0e:48:63:eb:31:dd:ea:67:18:d5:89:7d:3c:
+         c5:8b:4a:7f:e9:be:db:2b:17:df:b0:5f:73:77:2a:32:13:39:
+         81:67:42:84:23:f2:45:67:35:ec:88:bf:f8:8f:b0:61:0c:34:
+         a4:ae:20:4c:84:c6:db:f8:35:e1:76:d9:df:a6:42:bb:c7:44:
+         08:86:7f:36:74:24:5a:da:6c:0d:14:59:35:bd:f2:49:dd:b6:
+         1f:c9:b3:0d:47:2a:3d:99:2f:bb:5c:bb:b5:d4:20:e1:99:5f:
+         53:46:15:db:68:9b:f0:f3:30:d5:3e:31:e2:8d:84:9e:e3:8a:
+         da:da:96:3e:35:13:a5:5f:f0:f9:70:50:70:47:41:11:57:19:
+         4e:c0:8f:ae:06:c4:95:13:17:2f:1b:25:9f:75:f2:b1:8e:99:
+         a1:6f:13:b1:41:71:fe:88:2a:c8:4f:10:20:55:d7:f3:14:45:
+         e5:e0:44:f4:ea:87:95:32:93:0e:fe:53:46:fa:2c:9d:ff:8b:
+         22:b9:4b:d9:09:45:a4:de:a4:b8:9a:58:dd:1b:7d:52:9f:8e:
+         59:43:88:81:a4:9e:26:d5:6f:ad:dd:0d:c6:37:7d:ed:03:92:
+         1b:e5:77:5f:76:ee:3c:8d:c4:5d:56:5b:a2:d9:66:6e:b3:35:
+         37:e5:32:b6
+SHA1 Fingerprint=DF:3C:24:F9:BF:D6:66:76:1B:26:80:73:FE:06:D1:CC:8D:4F:82:A4
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/cb156124.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/cb156124.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a5311ba6f92df423657627f845b55217da5dc344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/cb156124.0
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 7667447206703254355 (0x6a683e9c519bcb53)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=TR, L=Ankara, O=E-Tu\xC4\x9Fra EBG Bili\xC5\x9Fim Teknolojileri ve Hizmetleri A.\xC5\x9E., OU=E-Tugra Sertifikasyon Merkezi, CN=E-Tugra Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Mar  5 12:09:48 2013 GMT
+            Not After : Mar  3 12:09:48 2023 GMT
+        Subject: C=TR, L=Ankara, O=E-Tu\xC4\x9Fra EBG Bili\xC5\x9Fim Teknolojileri ve Hizmetleri A.\xC5\x9E., OU=E-Tugra Sertifikasyon Merkezi, CN=E-Tugra Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:e2:f5:3f:93:05:51:1e:85:62:54:5e:7a:0b:f5:
+                    18:07:83:ae:7e:af:7c:f7:d4:8a:6b:a5:63:43:39:
+                    b9:4b:f7:c3:c6:64:89:3d:94:2e:54:80:52:39:39:
+                    07:4b:4b:dd:85:07:76:87:cc:bf:2f:95:4c:cc:7d:
+                    a7:3d:bc:47:0f:98:70:f8:8c:85:1e:74:8e:92:6d:
+                    1b:40:d1:99:0d:bb:75:6e:c8:a9:6b:9a:c0:84:31:
+                    af:ca:43:cb:eb:2b:34:e8:8f:97:6b:01:9b:d5:0e:
+                    4a:08:aa:5b:92:74:85:43:d3:80:ae:a1:88:5b:ae:
+                    b3:ea:5e:cb:16:9a:77:44:c8:a1:f6:54:68:ce:de:
+                    8f:97:2b:ba:5b:40:02:0c:64:17:c0:b5:93:cd:e1:
+                    f1:13:66:ce:0c:79:ef:d1:91:28:ab:5f:a0:12:52:
+                    30:73:19:8e:8f:e1:8c:07:a2:c3:bb:4a:f0:ea:1f:
+                    15:a8:ee:25:cc:a4:46:f8:1b:22:ef:b3:0e:43:ba:
+                    2c:24:b8:c5:2c:5c:d4:1c:f8:5d:64:bd:c3:93:5e:
+                    28:a7:3f:27:f1:8e:1e:d3:2a:50:05:a3:55:d9:cb:
+                    e7:39:53:c0:98:9e:8c:54:62:8b:26:b0:f7:7d:8d:
+                    7c:e4:c6:9e:66:42:55:82:47:e7:b2:58:8d:66:f7:
+                    07:7c:2e:36:e6:50:1c:3f:db:43:24:c5:bf:86:47:
+                    79:b3:79:1c:f7:5a:f4:13:ec:6c:f8:3f:e2:59:1f:
+                    95:ee:42:3e:b9:ad:a8:32:85:49:97:46:fe:4b:31:
+                    8f:5a:cb:ad:74:47:1f:e9:91:b7:df:28:04:22:a0:
+                    d4:0f:5d:e2:79:4f:ea:6c:85:86:bd:a8:a6:ce:e4:
+                    fa:c3:e1:b3:ae:de:3c:51:ee:cb:13:7c:01:7f:84:
+                    0e:5d:51:94:9e:13:0c:b6:2e:a5:4c:f9:39:70:36:
+                    6f:96:ca:2e:0c:44:55:c5:ca:fa:5d:02:a3:df:d6:
+                    64:8c:5a:b3:01:0a:a9:b5:0a:47:17:ff:ef:91:40:
+                    2a:8e:a1:46:3a:31:98:e5:11:fc:cc:bb:49:56:8a:
+                    fc:b9:d0:61:9a:6f:65:6c:e6:c3:cb:3e:75:49:fe:
+                    8f:a7:e2:89:c5:67:d7:9d:46:13:4e:31:76:3b:24:
+                    b3:9e:11:65:86:ab:7f:ef:1d:d4:f8:bc:e7:ac:5a:
+                    5c:b7:5a:47:5c:55:ce:55:b4:22:71:5b:5b:0b:f0:
+                    cf:dc:a0:61:64:ea:a9:d7:68:0a:63:a7:e0:0d:3f:
+                    a0:af:d3:aa:d2:7e:ef:51:a0:e6:51:2b:55:92:15:
+                    17:53:cb:b7:66:0e:66:4c:f8:f9:75:4c:90:e7:12:
+                    70:c7:45
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                2E:E3:DB:B2:49:D0:9C:54:79:5C:FA:27:2A:FE:CC:4E:D2:E8:4E:54
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:2E:E3:DB:B2:49:D0:9C:54:79:5C:FA:27:2A:FE:CC:4E:D2:E8:4E:54
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         05:37:3a:f4:4d:b7:45:e2:45:75:24:8f:b6:77:52:e8:1c:d8:
+         10:93:65:f3:f2:59:06:a4:3e:1e:29:ec:5d:d1:d0:ab:7c:e0:
+         0a:90:48:78:ed:4e:98:03:99:fe:28:60:91:1d:30:1d:b8:63:
+         7c:a8:e6:35:b5:fa:d3:61:76:e6:d6:07:4b:ca:69:9a:b2:84:
+         7a:77:93:45:17:15:9f:24:d0:98:13:12:ff:bb:a0:2e:fd:4e:
+         4c:87:f8:ce:5c:aa:98:1b:05:e0:00:46:4a:82:80:a5:33:8b:
+         28:dc:ed:38:d3:df:e5:3e:e9:fe:fb:59:dd:61:84:4f:d2:54:
+         96:13:61:13:3e:8f:80:69:be:93:47:b5:35:43:d2:5a:bb:3d:
+         5c:ef:b3:42:47:cd:3b:55:13:06:b0:09:db:fd:63:f6:3a:88:
+         0a:99:6f:7e:e1:ce:1b:53:6a:44:66:23:51:08:7b:bc:5b:52:
+         a2:fd:06:37:38:40:61:8f:4a:96:b8:90:37:f8:66:c7:78:90:
+         00:15:2e:8b:ad:51:35:53:07:a8:6b:68:ae:f9:4e:3c:07:26:
+         cd:08:05:70:cc:39:3f:76:bd:a5:d3:67:26:01:86:a6:53:d2:
+         60:3b:7c:43:7f:55:8a:bc:95:1a:c1:28:39:4c:1f:43:d2:91:
+         f4:72:59:8a:b9:56:fc:3f:b4:9d:da:70:9c:76:5a:8c:43:50:
+         ee:8e:30:72:4d:df:ff:49:f7:c6:a9:67:d9:6d:ac:02:11:e2:
+         3a:16:25:a7:58:08:cb:6f:53:41:9c:48:38:47:68:33:d1:d7:
+         c7:8f:d4:74:21:d4:c3:05:90:7a:ff:ce:96:88:b1:15:29:5d:
+         23:ab:d0:60:a1:12:4f:de:f4:17:cd:32:e5:c9:bf:c8:43:ad:
+         fd:2e:8e:f1:af:e2:f4:98:fa:12:1f:20:d8:c0:a7:0c:85:c5:
+         90:f4:3b:2d:96:26:b1:2c:be:4c:ab:eb:b1:d2:8a:c9:db:78:
+         13:0f:1e:09:9d:6d:8f:00:9f:02:da:c1:fa:1f:7a:7a:09:c4:
+         4a:e6:88:2a:97:9f:89:8b:fd:37:5f:5f:3a:ce:38:59:86:4b:
+         af:71:0b:b4:d8:f2:70:4f:9f:32:13:e3:b0:a7:57:e5:da:da:
+         43:cb:84:34:f2:28:c4:ea:6d:f4:2a:ef:c1:6b:76:da:fb:7e:
+         bb:85:3c:d2:53:c2:4d:be:71:e1:45:d1:fd:23:67:0d:13:75:
+         fb:cf:65:67:22:9d:ae:b0:09:d1:09:ff:1d:34:bf:fe:23:97:
+         37:d2:39:fa:3d:0d:06:0b:b4:db:3b:a3:ab:6f:5c:1d:b6:7e:
+         e8:b3:82:34:ed:06:5c:24
+SHA1 Fingerprint=51:C6:E7:08:49:06:6E:F3:92:D4:5C:A0:0D:6D:A3:62:8F:C3:52:39
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/cb1c3204.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/cb1c3204.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..36e988c94c9811d2480970e3fed64beae2ea7573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/cb1c3204.0
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            21:d6:d0:4a:4f:25:0f:c9:32:37:fc:aa:5e:12:8d:e9
+    Signature Algorithm: sha512WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=PL, O=Unizeto Technologies S.A., OU=Certum Certification Authority, CN=Certum Trusted Network CA 2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Oct  6 08:39:56 2011 GMT
+            Not After : Oct  6 08:39:56 2046 GMT
+        Subject: C=PL, O=Unizeto Technologies S.A., OU=Certum Certification Authority, CN=Certum Trusted Network CA 2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:bd:f9:78:f8:e6:d5:80:0c:64:9d:86:1b:96:64:
+                    67:3f:22:3a:1e:75:01:7d:ef:fb:5c:67:8c:c9:cc:
+                    5c:6b:a9:91:e6:b9:42:e5:20:4b:9b:da:9b:7b:b9:
+                    99:5d:d9:9b:80:4b:d7:84:40:2b:27:d3:e8:ba:30:
+                    bb:3e:09:1a:a7:49:95:ef:2b:40:24:c2:97:c7:a7:
+                    ee:9b:25:ef:a8:0a:00:97:85:5a:aa:9d:dc:29:c9:
+                    e2:35:07:eb:70:4d:4a:d6:c1:b3:56:b8:a1:41:38:
+                    9b:d1:fb:31:7f:8f:e0:5f:e1:b1:3f:0f:8e:16:49:
+                    60:d7:06:8d:18:f9:aa:26:10:ab:2a:d3:d0:d1:67:
+                    8d:1b:46:be:47:30:d5:2e:72:d1:c5:63:da:e7:63:
+                    79:44:7e:4b:63:24:89:86:2e:34:3f:29:4c:52:8b:
+                    2a:a7:c0:e2:91:28:89:b9:c0:5b:f9:1d:d9:e7:27:
+                    ad:ff:9a:02:97:c1:c6:50:92:9b:02:2c:bd:a9:b9:
+                    34:59:0a:bf:84:4a:ff:df:fe:b3:9f:eb:d9:9e:e0:
+                    98:23:ec:a6:6b:77:16:2a:db:cc:ad:3b:1c:a4:87:
+                    dc:46:73:5e:19:62:68:45:57:e4:90:82:42:bb:42:
+                    d6:f0:61:e0:c1:a3:3d:66:a3:5d:f4:18:ee:88:c9:
+                    8d:17:45:29:99:32:75:02:31:ee:29:26:c8:6b:02:
+                    e6:b5:62:45:7f:37:15:5a:23:68:89:d4:3e:de:4e:
+                    27:b0:f0:40:0c:bc:4d:17:cb:4d:a2:b3:1e:d0:06:
+                    5a:dd:f6:93:cf:57:75:99:f5:fa:86:1a:67:78:b3:
+                    bf:96:fe:34:dc:bd:e7:52:56:e5:b3:e5:75:7b:d7:
+                    41:91:05:dc:5d:69:e3:95:0d:43:b9:fc:83:96:39:
+                    95:7b:6c:80:5a:4f:13:72:c6:d7:7d:29:7a:44:ba:
+                    52:a4:2a:d5:41:46:09:20:fe:22:a0:b6:5b:30:8d:
+                    bc:89:0c:d5:d7:70:f8:87:52:fd:da:ef:ac:51:2e:
+                    07:b3:4e:fe:d0:09:da:70:ef:98:fa:56:e6:6d:db:
+                    b5:57:4b:dc:e5:2c:25:15:c8:9e:2e:78:4e:f8:da:
+                    9c:9e:86:2c:ca:57:f3:1a:e5:c8:92:8b:1a:82:96:
+                    7a:c3:bc:50:12:69:d8:0e:5a:46:8b:3a:eb:26:fa:
+                    23:c9:b6:b0:81:be:42:00:a4:f8:d6:fe:30:2e:c7:
+                    d2:46:f6:e5:8e:75:fd:f2:cc:b9:d0:87:5b:cc:06:
+                    10:60:bb:83:35:b7:5e:67:de:47:ec:99:48:f1:a4:
+                    a1:15:fe:ad:8c:62:8e:39:55:4f:39:16:b9:b1:63:
+                    9d:ff:b7
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                B6:A1:54:39:02:C3:A0:3F:8E:8A:BC:FA:D4:F8:1C:A6:D1:3A:0E:FD
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha512WithRSAEncryption
+         71:a5:0e:ce:e4:e9:bf:3f:38:d5:89:5a:c4:02:61:fb:4c:c5:
+         14:17:2d:8b:4f:53:6b:10:17:fc:65:84:c7:10:49:90:de:db:
+         c7:26:93:88:26:6f:70:d6:02:5e:39:a0:f7:8f:ab:96:b5:a5:
+         13:5c:81:14:6d:0e:81:82:11:1b:8a:4e:c6:4f:a5:dd:62:1e:
+         44:df:09:59:f4:5b:77:0b:37:e9:8b:20:c6:f8:0a:4e:2e:58:
+         1c:eb:33:d0:cf:86:60:c9:da:fb:80:2f:9e:4c:60:84:78:3d:
+         21:64:d6:fb:41:1f:18:0f:e7:c9:75:71:bd:bd:5c:de:34:87:
+         3e:41:b0:0e:f6:b9:d6:3f:09:13:96:14:2f:de:9a:1d:5a:b9:
+         56:ce:35:3a:b0:5f:70:4d:5e:e3:29:f1:23:28:72:59:b6:ab:
+         c2:8c:66:26:1c:77:2c:26:76:35:8b:28:a7:69:a0:f9:3b:f5:
+         23:dd:85:10:74:c9:90:03:56:91:e7:af:ba:47:d4:12:97:11:
+         22:e3:a2:49:94:6c:e7:b7:94:4b:ba:2d:a4:da:33:8b:4c:a6:
+         44:ff:5a:3c:c6:1d:64:d8:b5:31:e4:a6:3c:7a:a8:57:0b:db:
+         ed:61:1a:cb:f1:ce:73:77:63:a4:87:6f:4c:51:38:d6:e4:5f:
+         c7:9f:b6:81:2a:e4:85:48:79:58:5e:3b:f8:db:02:82:67:c1:
+         39:db:c3:74:4b:3d:36:1e:f9:29:93:88:68:5b:a8:44:19:21:
+         f0:a7:e8:81:0d:2c:e8:93:36:b4:37:b2:ca:b0:1b:26:7a:9a:
+         25:1f:9a:9a:80:9e:4b:2a:3f:fb:a3:9a:fe:73:32:71:c2:9e:
+         c6:72:e1:8a:68:27:f1:e4:0f:b4:c4:4c:a5:61:93:f8:97:10:
+         07:2a:30:25:a9:b9:c8:71:b8:ef:68:cc:2d:7e:f5:e0:7e:0f:
+         82:a8:6f:b6:ba:6c:83:43:77:cd:8a:92:17:a1:9e:5b:78:16:
+         3d:45:e2:33:72:dd:e1:66:ca:99:d3:c9:c5:26:fd:0d:68:04:
+         46:ae:b6:d9:9b:8c:be:19:be:b1:c6:f2:19:e3:5c:02:ca:2c:
+         d8:6f:4a:07:d9:c9:35:da:40:75:f2:c4:a7:19:6f:9e:42:10:
+         98:75:e6:95:8b:60:bc:ed:c5:12:d7:8a:ce:d5:98:5c:56:96:
+         03:c5:ee:77:06:35:ff:cf:e4:ee:3f:13:61:ee:db:da:2d:85:
+         f0:cd:ae:9d:b2:18:09:45:c3:92:a1:72:17:fc:47:b6:a0:0b:
+         2c:f1:c4:de:43:68:08:6a:5f:3b:f0:76:63:fb:cc:06:2c:a6:
+         c6:e2:0e:b5:b9:be:24:8f
+SHA1 Fingerprint=D3:DD:48:3E:2B:BF:4C:05:E8:AF:10:F5:FA:76:26:CF:D3:DC:30:92
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/ccc52f49.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/ccc52f49.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b01469018934a6abb7dca2cb103a34106ebbe44b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/ccc52f49.0
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 8401224907861490260 (0x7497258ac73f7a54)
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Premium ECC
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan 29 14:20:24 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 14:20:24 2040 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Premium ECC
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:0d:30:5e:1b:15:9d:03:d0:a1:79:35:b7:3a:3c:
+                    92:7a:ca:15:1c:cd:62:f3:9c:26:5c:07:3d:e5:54:
+                    fa:a3:d6:cc:12:ea:f4:14:5f:e8:8e:19:ab:2f:2e:
+                    48:e6:ac:18:43:78:ac:d0:37:c3:bd:b2:cd:2c:e6:
+                    47:e2:1a:e6:63:b8:3d:2e:2f:78:c4:4f:db:f4:0f:
+                    a4:68:4c:55:72:6b:95:1d:4e:18:42:95:78:cc:37:
+                    3c:91:e2:9b:65:2b:29
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                9A:AF:29:7A:C0:11:35:35:26:51:30:00:C3:6A:FE:40:D5:AE:D6:3C
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:64:02:30:17:09:f3:87:88:50:5a:af:c8:c0:42:bf:47:5f:
+         f5:6c:6a:86:e0:c4:27:74:e4:38:53:d7:05:7f:1b:34:e3:c6:
+         2f:b3:ca:09:3c:37:9d:d7:e7:b8:46:f1:fd:a1:e2:71:02:30:
+         42:59:87:43:d4:51:df:ba:d3:09:32:5a:ce:88:7e:57:3d:9c:
+         5f:42:6b:f5:07:2d:b5:f0:82:93:f9:59:6f:ae:64:fa:58:e5:
+         8b:1e:e3:63:be:b5:81:cd:6f:02:8c:79
+SHA1 Fingerprint=B8:23:6B:00:2F:1D:16:86:53:01:55:6C:11:A4:37:CA:EB:FF:C3:BB
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/cf701eeb.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/cf701eeb.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f6e70a51561e68a96117dd18cc6154a2cca451f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/cf701eeb.0
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            0c:f0:8e:5c:08:16:a5:ad:42:7f:f0:eb:27:18:59:d0
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=SecureTrust Corporation, CN=SecureTrust CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov  7 19:31:18 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 19:40:55 2029 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=SecureTrust Corporation, CN=SecureTrust CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ab:a4:81:e5:95:cd:f5:f6:14:8e:c2:4f:ca:d4:
+                    e2:78:95:58:9c:41:e1:0d:99:40:24:17:39:91:33:
+                    66:e9:be:e1:83:af:62:5c:89:d1:fc:24:5b:61:b3:
+                    e0:11:11:41:1c:1d:6e:f0:b8:bb:f8:de:a7:81:ba:
+                    a6:48:c6:9f:1d:bd:be:8e:a9:41:3e:b8:94:ed:29:
+                    1a:d4:8e:d2:03:1d:03:ef:6d:0d:67:1c:57:d7:06:
+                    ad:ca:c8:f5:fe:0e:af:66:25:48:04:96:0b:5d:a3:
+                    ba:16:c3:08:4f:d1:46:f8:14:5c:f2:c8:5e:01:99:
+                    6d:fd:88:cc:86:a8:c1:6f:31:42:6c:52:3e:68:cb:
+                    f3:19:34:df:bb:87:18:56:80:26:c4:d0:dc:c0:6f:
+                    df:de:a0:c2:91:16:a0:64:11:4b:44:bc:1e:f6:e7:
+                    fa:63:de:66:ac:76:a4:71:a3:ec:36:94:68:7a:77:
+                    a4:b1:e7:0e:2f:81:7a:e2:b5:72:86:ef:a2:6b:8b:
+                    f0:0f:db:d3:59:3f:ba:72:bc:44:24:9c:e3:73:b3:
+                    f7:af:57:2f:42:26:9d:a9:74:ba:00:52:f2:4b:cd:
+                    53:7c:47:0b:36:85:0e:66:a9:08:97:16:34:57:c1:
+                    66:f7:80:e3:ed:70:54:c7:93:e0:2e:28:15:59:87:
+                    ba:bb
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+                ...C.A
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                42:32:B6:16:FA:04:FD:FE:5D:4B:7A:C3:FD:F7:4C:40:1D:5A:43:AF
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.securetrust.com/STCA.crl
+                ...
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         30:ed:4f:4a:e1:58:3a:52:72:5b:b5:a6:a3:65:18:a6:bb:51:
+         3b:77:e9:9d:ea:d3:9f:5c:e0:45:65:7b:0d:ca:5b:e2:70:50:
+         b2:94:05:14:ae:49:c7:8d:41:07:12:73:94:7e:0c:23:21:fd:
+         bc:10:7f:60:10:5a:72:f5:98:0e:ac:ec:b9:7f:dd:7a:6f:5d:
+         d3:1c:f4:ff:88:05:69:42:a9:05:71:c8:b7:ac:26:e8:2e:b4:
+         8c:6a:ff:71:dc:b8:b1:df:99:bc:7c:21:54:2b:e4:58:a2:bb:
+         57:29:ae:9e:a9:a3:19:26:0f:99:2e:08:b0:ef:fd:69:cf:99:
+         1a:09:8d:e3:a7:9f:2b:c9:36:34:7b:24:b3:78:4c:95:17:a4:
+         06:26:1e:b6:64:52:36:5f:60:67:d9:9c:c5:05:74:0b:e7:67:
+         23:d2:08:fc:88:e9:ae:8b:7f:e1:30:f4:37:7e:fd:c6:32:da:
+         2d:9e:44:30:30:6c:ee:07:de:d2:34:fc:d2:ff:40:f6:4b:f4:
+         66:46:06:54:a6:f2:32:0a:63:26:30:6b:9b:d1:dc:8b:47:ba:
+         e1:b9:d5:62:d0:a2:a0:f4:67:05:78:29:63:1a:6f:04:d6:f8:
+         c6:4c:a3:9a:b1:37:b4:8d:e5:28:4b:1d:9e:2c:c2:b8:68:bc:
+         ed:02:ee:31
+SHA1 Fingerprint=87:82:C6:C3:04:35:3B:CF:D2:96:92:D2:59:3E:7D:44:D9:34:FF:11
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d06393bb.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d06393bb.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..002941024e3c33d9d034c1a2cd455986b177dca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d06393bb.0
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=DE, O=T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH, OU=T-Systems Trust Center, CN=T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Oct  1 10:40:14 2008 GMT
+            Not After : Oct  1 23:59:59 2033 GMT
+        Subject: C=DE, O=T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH, OU=T-Systems Trust Center, CN=T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:aa:5f:da:1b:5f:e8:73:91:e5:da:5c:f4:a2:e6:
+                    47:e5:f3:68:55:60:05:1d:02:a4:b3:9b:59:f3:1e:
+                    8a:af:34:ad:fc:0d:c2:d9:48:19:ee:69:8f:c9:20:
+                    fc:21:aa:07:19:ed:b0:5c:ac:65:c7:5f:ed:02:7c:
+                    7b:7c:2d:1b:d6:ba:b9:80:c2:18:82:16:84:fa:66:
+                    b0:08:c6:54:23:81:e4:cd:b9:49:3f:f6:4f:6e:37:
+                    48:28:38:0f:c5:be:e7:68:70:fd:39:97:4d:d2:c7:
+                    98:91:50:aa:c4:44:b3:23:7d:39:47:e9:52:62:d6:
+                    12:93:5e:b7:31:96:42:05:fb:76:a7:1e:a3:f5:c2:
+                    fc:e9:7a:c5:6c:a9:71:4f:ea:cb:78:bc:60:af:c7:
+                    de:f4:d9:cb:be:7e:33:a5:6e:94:83:f0:34:fa:21:
+                    ab:ea:8e:72:a0:3f:a4:de:30:5b:ef:86:4d:6a:95:
+                    5b:43:44:a8:10:15:1c:e5:01:57:c5:98:f1:e6:06:
+                    28:91:aa:20:c5:b7:53:26:51:43:b2:0b:11:95:58:
+                    e1:c0:0f:76:d9:c0:8d:7c:81:f3:72:70:9e:6f:fe:
+                    1a:8e:d9:5f:35:c6:b2:6f:34:7c:be:48:4f:e2:5a:
+                    39:d7:d8:9d:78:9e:9f:86:3e:03:5e:19:8b:44:a2:
+                    d5:c7
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                BF:59:20:36:00:79:A0:A0:22:6B:8C:D5:F2:61:D2:B8:2C:CB:82:4A
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         31:03:a2:61:0b:1f:74:e8:72:36:c6:6d:f9:4d:9e:fa:22:a8:
+         e1:81:56:cf:cd:bb:9f:ea:ab:91:19:38:af:aa:7c:15:4d:f3:
+         b6:a3:8d:a5:f4:8e:f6:44:a9:a7:e8:21:95:ad:3e:00:62:16:
+         88:f0:02:ba:fc:61:23:e6:33:9b:30:7a:6b:36:62:7b:ad:04:
+         23:84:58:65:e2:db:2b:8a:e7:25:53:37:62:53:5f:bc:da:01:
+         62:29:a2:a6:27:71:e6:3a:22:7e:c1:6f:1d:95:70:20:4a:07:
+         34:df:ea:ff:15:80:e5:ba:d7:7a:d8:5b:75:7c:05:7a:29:47:
+         7e:40:a8:31:13:77:cd:40:3b:b4:51:47:7a:2e:11:e3:47:11:
+         de:9d:66:d0:8b:d5:54:66:fa:83:55:ea:7c:c2:29:89:1b:e9:
+         6f:b3:ce:e2:05:84:c9:2f:3e:78:85:62:6e:c9:5f:c1:78:63:
+         74:58:c0:48:18:0c:99:39:eb:a4:cc:1a:b5:79:5a:8d:15:9c:
+         d8:14:0d:f6:7a:07:57:c7:22:83:05:2d:3c:9b:25:26:3d:18:
+         b3:a9:43:7c:c8:c8:ab:64:8f:0e:a3:bf:9c:1b:9d:30:db:da:
+         d0:19:2e:aa:3c:f1:fb:33:80:76:e4:cd:ad:19:4f:05:27:8e:
+         13:a1:6e:c2
+SHA1 Fingerprint=59:0D:2D:7D:88:4F:40:2E:61:7E:A5:62:32:17:65:CF:17:D8:94:E9
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d0cddf45.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d0cddf45.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bee7260c9702dcaf71aaa7da8a0544e93d6a379d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d0cddf45.0
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 2711694510199101698 (0x25a1dfca33cb5902)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=PA, ST=Panama, L=Panama City, O=TrustCor Systems S. de R.L., OU=TrustCor Certificate Authority, CN=TrustCor RootCert CA-2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Feb  4 12:32:23 2016 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 17:26:39 2034 GMT
+        Subject: C=PA, ST=Panama, L=Panama City, O=TrustCor Systems S. de R.L., OU=TrustCor Certificate Authority, CN=TrustCor RootCert CA-2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:a7:20:6e:c2:2a:a2:62:24:95:90:76:c8:38:7e:
+                    80:d2:ab:c1:9b:65:05:94:f4:c1:0a:10:d5:02:ac:
+                    ed:9f:93:c7:87:c8:b0:27:2b:42:0c:3d:0a:3e:41:
+                    5a:9e:75:dd:8d:ca:e0:9b:ec:68:32:a4:69:92:68:
+                    8c:0b:81:0e:56:a0:3e:1a:dd:2c:25:14:82:2f:97:
+                    d3:64:46:f4:54:a9:dc:3a:54:2d:31:2b:99:82:f2:
+                    d9:2a:d7:ef:71:00:b8:31:a4:be:7a:24:07:c3:42:
+                    20:f2:8a:d4:92:04:1b:65:56:4c:6c:d4:fb:b6:61:
+                    5a:47:23:b4:d8:69:b4:b7:3a:d0:74:3c:0c:75:a1:
+                    8c:4e:76:a1:e9:db:2a:a5:3b:fa:ce:b0:ff:7e:6a:
+                    28:fd:27:1c:c8:b1:e9:29:f1:57:6e:64:b4:d0:c1:
+                    15:6d:0e:be:2e:0e:46:c8:5e:f4:51:fe:ef:0e:63:
+                    3a:3b:71:ba:cf:6f:59:ca:0c:e3:9b:5d:49:b8:4c:
+                    e2:57:b1:98:8a:42:57:9c:76:ef:ef:bd:d1:68:a8:
+                    d2:f4:09:bb:77:35:be:25:82:08:c4:16:2c:44:20:
+                    56:a9:44:11:77:ef:5d:b4:1d:aa:5e:6b:3e:8b:32:
+                    f6:07:2f:57:04:92:ca:f5:fe:9d:c2:e9:e8:b3:8e:
+                    4c:4b:02:31:d9:e4:3c:48:82:27:f7:18:82:76:48:
+                    3a:71:b1:13:a1:39:d5:2e:c5:34:c2:1d:62:85:df:
+                    03:fe:4d:f4:af:3d:df:5c:5b:8d:fa:70:e1:a5:7e:
+                    27:c7:86:2e:6a:8f:12:c6:84:5e:43:51:50:9c:19:
+                    9b:78:e6:fc:f6:ed:47:7e:7b:3d:66:ef:13:13:88:
+                    5f:3c:a1:63:fb:f9:ac:87:35:9f:f3:82:9e:a4:3f:
+                    0a:9c:31:69:8b:99:a4:88:4a:8e:6e:66:4d:ef:16:
+                    c4:0f:79:28:21:60:0d:85:16:7d:d7:54:38:f1:92:
+                    56:fd:b5:33:4c:83:dc:d7:10:9f:4b:fd:c6:f8:42:
+                    bd:ba:7c:73:02:e0:ff:7d:cd:5b:e1:d4:ac:61:7b:
+                    57:d5:4a:7b:5b:d4:85:58:27:5d:bf:f8:2b:60:ac:
+                    a0:26:ae:14:21:27:c6:77:9a:33:80:3c:5e:46:3f:
+                    f7:c3:b1:a3:86:33:c6:e8:5e:0d:b9:35:2c:aa:46:
+                    c1:85:02:75:80:a0:eb:24:fb:15:aa:e4:67:7f:6e:
+                    77:3f:f4:04:8a:2f:7c:7b:e3:17:61:f0:dd:09:a9:
+                    20:c8:be:09:a4:d0:7e:44:c3:b2:30:4a:38:aa:a9:
+                    ec:18:9a:07:82:2b:db:b8:9c:18:ad:da:e0:46:17:
+                    ac:cf:5d
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                D9:FE:21:40:6E:94:9E:BC:9B:3D:9C:7D:98:20:19:E5:8C:30:62:B2
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:D9:FE:21:40:6E:94:9E:BC:9B:3D:9C:7D:98:20:19:E5:8C:30:62:B2
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         9e:45:9e:0c:3b:b6:ef:e1:3a:c8:7c:d1:00:3d:cf:e2:ea:06:
+         b5:b2:3a:bb:06:4b:68:7a:d0:23:97:74:a7:2c:f0:08:d8:79:
+         5a:d7:5a:84:8a:d8:12:9a:1b:d9:7d:5c:4d:70:c5:a5:f9:ab:
+         e5:a3:89:89:dd:01:fa:ec:dd:f9:e9:92:97:db:b0:46:42:f3:
+         d3:62:aa:95:fe:31:67:14:69:58:90:0a:aa:0b:ee:37:23:c7:
+         50:51:b4:f5:7e:9e:e3:7b:f7:e4:cc:42:32:2d:49:0c:cb:ff:
+         49:0c:9b:1e:34:fd:6e:6e:96:8a:79:03:b6:6f:db:09:cb:fd:
+         5f:65:14:37:e1:38:f5:f3:61:16:58:e4:b5:6d:0d:0b:04:1b:
+         3f:50:2d:7f:b3:c7:7a:1a:16:80:60:f8:8a:1f:e9:1b:2a:c6:
+         f9:ba:01:1a:69:bf:d2:58:c7:54:57:08:8f:e1:39:60:77:4b:
+         ac:59:84:1a:88:f1:dd:cb:4f:78:d7:e7:e1:33:2d:fc:ee:41:
+         fa:20:b0:be:cb:f7:38:94:c0:e1:d0:85:0f:bb:ed:2c:73:ab:
+         ed:fe:92:76:1a:64:7f:5b:0d:33:09:07:33:7b:06:3f:11:a4:
+         5c:70:3c:85:c0:cf:e3:90:a8:83:77:fa:db:e6:c5:8c:68:67:
+         10:67:a5:52:2d:f0:c4:99:8f:7f:bf:d1:6b:e2:b5:47:d6:d9:
+         d0:85:99:4d:94:9b:0f:4b:8d:ee:00:5a:47:1d:11:03:ac:41:
+         18:af:87:b7:6f:0c:3a:8f:ca:cf:dc:03:c1:a2:09:c8:e5:fd:
+         80:5e:c8:60:42:01:1b:1a:53:5a:bb:37:a6:b7:bc:ba:84:e9:
+         1e:6c:1a:d4:64:da:d4:43:fe:93:8b:4b:f2:2c:79:16:10:d4:
+         93:0b:88:8f:a1:d8:86:14:46:91:47:9b:28:24:ef:57:52:4e:
+         5c:42:9c:aa:f7:49:ec:27:e8:40:1e:b3:a6:89:22:72:9c:f5:
+         0d:33:b4:58:a3:30:3b:dd:d4:6a:54:93:be:1a:4d:f3:93:94:
+         f7:fc:84:0b:3f:84:20:5c:34:03:44:c5:da:ad:bc:0a:c1:02:
+         cf:1e:e5:94:d9:f3:8e:5b:d8:4c:f0:9d:ec:61:17:bb:14:32:
+         54:0c:02:29:93:1e:92:86:f6:7f:ef:e7:92:05:0e:59:dd:99:
+         08:2e:2e:fa:9c:00:52:d3:c5:66:29:e4:a7:97:44:a4:0e:28:
+         81:13:35:c5:f6:6f:64:e6:41:c4:d5:2f:cc:34:45:25:cf:41:
+         00:96:3d:4a:2e:c2:96:98:4f:4e:4a:9c:97:b7:db:1f:92:32:
+         c8:ff:0f:51:6e:d6:ec:09
+SHA1 Fingerprint=B8:BE:6D:CB:56:F1:55:B9:63:D4:12:CA:4E:06:34:C7:94:B2:1C:C0
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d16a5865.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d16a5865.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..35228a37c0f9988520f887f9fd14c9c7b4e03da2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d16a5865.0
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 6047274297262753887 (0x53ec3beefbb2485f)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=ES, CN=Autoridad de Certificacion Firmaprofesional CIF A62634068
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 20 08:38:15 2009 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 08:38:15 2030 GMT
+        Subject: C=ES, CN=Autoridad de Certificacion Firmaprofesional CIF A62634068
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ca:96:6b:8e:ea:f8:fb:f1:a2:35:e0:7f:4c:da:
+                    e0:c3:52:d7:7d:b6:10:c8:02:5e:b3:43:2a:c4:4f:
+                    6a:b2:ca:1c:5d:28:9a:78:11:1a:69:59:57:af:b5:
+                    20:42:e4:8b:0f:e6:df:5b:a6:03:92:2f:f5:11:e4:
+                    62:d7:32:71:38:d9:04:0c:71:ab:3d:51:7e:0f:07:
+                    df:63:05:5c:e9:bf:94:6f:c1:29:82:c0:b4:da:51:
+                    b0:c1:3c:bb:ad:37:4a:5c:ca:f1:4b:36:0e:24:ab:
+                    bf:c3:84:77:fd:a8:50:f4:b1:e7:c6:2f:d2:2d:59:
+                    8d:7a:0a:4e:96:69:52:02:aa:36:98:ec:fc:fa:14:
+                    83:0c:37:1f:c9:92:37:7f:d7:81:2d:e5:c4:b9:e0:
+                    3e:34:fe:67:f4:3e:66:d1:d3:f4:40:cf:5e:62:34:
+                    0f:70:06:3e:20:18:5a:ce:f7:72:1b:25:6c:93:74:
+                    14:93:a3:73:b1:0e:aa:87:10:23:59:5f:20:05:19:
+                    47:ed:68:8e:92:12:ca:5d:fc:d6:2b:b2:92:3c:20:
+                    cf:e1:5f:af:20:be:a0:76:7f:76:e5:ec:1a:86:61:
+                    33:3e:e7:7b:b4:3f:a0:0f:8e:a2:b9:6a:6f:b9:87:
+                    26:6f:41:6c:88:a6:50:fd:6a:63:0b:f5:93:16:1b:
+                    19:8f:b2:ed:9b:9b:c9:90:f5:01:0c:df:19:3d:0f:
+                    3e:38:23:c9:2f:8f:0c:d1:02:fe:1b:55:d6:4e:d0:
+                    8d:3c:af:4f:a4:f3:fe:af:2a:d3:05:9d:79:08:a1:
+                    cb:57:31:b4:9c:c8:90:b2:67:f4:18:16:93:3a:fc:
+                    47:d8:d1:78:96:31:1f:ba:2b:0c:5f:5d:99:ad:63:
+                    89:5a:24:20:76:d8:df:fd:ab:4e:a6:22:aa:9d:5e:
+                    e6:27:8a:7d:68:29:a3:e7:8a:b8:da:11:bb:17:2d:
+                    99:9d:13:24:46:f7:c5:e2:d8:9f:8e:7f:c7:8f:74:
+                    6d:5a:b2:e8:72:f5:ac:ee:24:10:ad:2f:14:da:ff:
+                    2d:9a:46:71:47:be:42:df:bb:01:db:f4:7f:d3:28:
+                    8f:31:59:5b:d3:c9:02:a6:b4:52:ca:6e:97:fb:43:
+                    c5:08:26:6f:8a:f4:bb:fd:9f:28:aa:0d:d5:45:f3:
+                    13:3a:1d:d8:c0:78:8f:41:67:3c:1e:94:64:ae:7b:
+                    0b:c5:e8:d9:01:88:39:1a:97:86:64:41:d5:3b:87:
+                    0c:6e:fa:0f:c6:bd:48:14:bf:39:4d:d4:9e:41:b6:
+                    8f:96:1d:63:96:93:d9:95:06:78:31:68:9e:37:06:
+                    3b:80:89:45:61:39:23:c7:1b:44:a3:15:e5:1c:f8:
+                    92:30:bb
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE, pathlen:1
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                65:CD:EB:AB:35:1E:00:3E:7E:D5:74:C0:1C:B4:73:47:0E:1A:64:2F
+            X509v3 Certificate Policies: 
+                Policy: X509v3 Any Policy
+                  CPS: http://www.firmaprofesional.com/cps
+                  User Notice:
+                    Explicit Text: 
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         17:7d:a0:f9:b4:dd:c5:c5:eb:ad:4b:24:b5:a1:02:ab:dd:a5:
+         88:4a:b2:0f:55:4b:2b:57:8c:3b:e5:31:dd:fe:c4:32:f1:e7:
+         5b:64:96:36:32:18:ec:a5:32:77:d7:e3:44:b6:c0:11:2a:80:
+         b9:3d:6a:6e:7c:9b:d3:ad:fc:c3:d6:a3:e6:64:29:7c:d1:e1:
+         38:1e:82:2b:ff:27:65:af:fb:16:15:c4:2e:71:84:e5:b5:ff:
+         fa:a4:47:bd:64:32:bb:f6:25:84:a2:27:42:f5:20:b0:c2:13:
+         10:11:cd:10:15:ba:42:90:2a:d2:44:e1:96:26:eb:31:48:12:
+         fd:2a:da:c9:06:cf:74:1e:a9:4b:d5:87:28:f9:79:34:92:3e:
+         2e:44:e8:f6:8f:4f:8f:35:3f:25:b3:39:dc:63:2a:90:6b:20:
+         5f:c4:52:12:4e:97:2c:2a:ac:9d:97:de:48:f2:a3:66:db:c2:
+         d2:83:95:a6:66:a7:9e:25:0f:e9:0b:33:91:65:0a:5a:c3:d9:
+         54:12:dd:af:c3:4e:0e:1f:26:5e:0d:dc:b3:8d:ec:d5:81:70:
+         de:d2:4f:24:05:f3:6c:4e:f5:4c:49:66:8d:d1:ff:d2:0b:25:
+         41:48:fe:51:84:c6:42:af:80:04:cf:d0:7e:64:49:e4:f2:df:
+         a2:ec:b1:4c:c0:2a:1d:e7:b4:b1:65:a2:c4:bc:f1:98:f4:aa:
+         70:07:63:b4:b8:da:3b:4c:fa:40:22:30:5b:11:a6:f0:05:0e:
+         c6:02:03:48:ab:86:9b:85:dd:db:dd:ea:a2:76:80:73:7d:f5:
+         9c:04:c4:45:8d:e7:b9:1c:8b:9e:ea:d7:75:d1:72:b1:de:75:
+         44:e7:42:7d:e2:57:6b:7d:dc:99:bc:3d:83:28:ea:80:93:8d:
+         c5:4c:65:c1:70:81:b8:38:fc:43:31:b2:f6:03:34:47:b2:ac:
+         fb:22:06:cb:1e:dd:17:47:1c:5f:66:b9:d3:1a:a2:da:11:b1:
+         a4:bc:23:c9:e4:be:87:ff:b9:94:b6:f8:5d:20:4a:d4:5f:e7:
+         bd:68:7b:65:f2:15:1e:d2:3a:a9:2d:e9:d8:6b:24:ac:97:58:
+         44:47:ad:59:18:f1:21:65:70:de:ce:34:60:a8:40:f1:f3:3c:
+         a4:c3:28:23:8c:fe:27:33:43:40:a0:17:3c:eb:ea:3b:b0:72:
+         a6:a3:b9:4a:4b:5e:16:48:f4:b2:bc:c8:8c:92:c5:9d:9f:ac:
+         72:36:bc:34:80:34:6b:a9:8b:92:c0:b8:17:ed:ec:76:53:f5:
+         24:01:8c:b3:22:e8:4b:7c:55:c6:9d:fa:a3:14:bb:65:85:6e:
+         6e:4f:12:7e:0a:3c:9d:95
+SHA1 Fingerprint=AE:C5:FB:3F:C8:E1:BF:C4:E5:4F:03:07:5A:9A:E8:00:B7:F7:B6:FA
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d18e9066.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d18e9066.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd686a65f3851b2dea1be874b0a609786284b375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d18e9066.0
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            0a:01:42:80:00:00:01:45:23:c8:44:b5:00:00:00:02
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan 16 18:12:23 2014 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 16 18:12:23 2034 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:a7:50:19:de:3f:99:3d:d4:33:46:f1:6f:51:61:
+                    82:b2:a9:4f:8f:67:89:5d:84:d9:53:dd:0c:28:d9:
+                    d7:f0:ff:ae:95:43:72:99:f9:b5:5d:7c:8a:c1:42:
+                    e1:31:50:74:d1:81:0d:7c:cd:9b:21:ab:43:e2:ac:
+                    ad:5e:86:6e:f3:09:8a:1f:5a:32:bd:a2:eb:94:f9:
+                    e8:5c:0a:ec:ff:98:d2:af:71:b3:b4:53:9f:4e:87:
+                    ef:92:bc:bd:ec:4f:32:30:88:4b:17:5e:57:c4:53:
+                    c2:f6:02:97:8d:d9:62:2b:bf:24:1f:62:8d:df:c3:
+                    b8:29:4b:49:78:3c:93:60:88:22:fc:99:da:36:c8:
+                    c2:a2:d4:2c:54:00:67:35:6e:73:bf:02:58:f0:a4:
+                    dd:e5:b0:a2:26:7a:ca:e0:36:a5:19:16:f5:fd:b7:
+                    ef:ae:3f:40:f5:6d:5a:04:fd:ce:34:ca:24:dc:74:
+                    23:1b:5d:33:13:12:5d:c4:01:25:f6:30:dd:02:5d:
+                    9f:e0:d5:47:bd:b4:eb:1b:a1:bb:49:49:d8:9f:5b:
+                    02:f3:8a:e4:24:90:e4:62:4f:4f:c1:af:8b:0e:74:
+                    17:a8:d1:72:88:6a:7a:01:49:cc:b4:46:79:c6:17:
+                    b1:da:98:1e:07:59:fa:75:21:85:65:dd:90:56:ce:
+                    fb:ab:a5:60:9d:c4:9d:f9:52:b0:8b:bd:87:f9:8f:
+                    2b:23:0a:23:76:3b:f7:33:e1:c9:00:f3:69:f9:4b:
+                    a2:e0:4e:bc:7e:93:39:84:07:f7:44:70:7e:fe:07:
+                    5a:e5:b1:ac:d1:18:cc:f2:35:e5:49:49:08:ca:56:
+                    c9:3d:fb:0f:18:7d:8b:3b:c1:13:c2:4d:8f:c9:4f:
+                    0e:37:e9:1f:a1:0e:6a:df:62:2e:cb:35:06:51:79:
+                    2c:c8:25:38:f4:fa:4b:a7:89:5c:9c:d2:e3:0d:39:
+                    86:4a:74:7c:d5:59:87:c2:3f:4e:0c:5c:52:f4:3d:
+                    f7:52:82:f1:ea:a3:ac:fd:49:34:1a:28:f3:41:88:
+                    3a:13:ee:e8:de:ff:99:1d:5f:ba:cb:e8:1e:f2:b9:
+                    50:60:c0:31:d3:73:e5:ef:be:a0:ed:33:0b:74:be:
+                    20:20:c4:67:6c:f0:08:03:7a:55:80:7f:46:4e:96:
+                    a7:f4:1e:3e:e1:f6:d8:09:e1:33:64:2b:63:d7:32:
+                    5e:9f:f9:c0:7b:0f:78:6f:97:bc:93:9a:f9:9c:12:
+                    90:78:7a:80:87:15:d7:72:74:9c:55:74:78:b1:ba:
+                    e1:6e:70:04:ba:4f:a0:ba:68:c3:7b:ff:31:f0:73:
+                    3d:3d:94:2a:b1:0b:41:0e:a0:fe:4d:88:65:6b:79:
+                    33:b4:d7
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                ED:44:19:C0:D3:F0:06:8B:EE:A4:7B:BE:42:E7:26:54:C8:8E:36:76
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         0d:ae:90:32:f6:a6:4b:7c:44:76:19:61:1e:27:28:cd:5e:54:
+         ef:25:bc:e3:08:90:f9:29:d7:ae:68:08:e1:94:00:58:ef:2e:
+         2e:7e:53:52:8c:b6:5c:07:ea:88:ba:99:8b:50:94:d7:82:80:
+         df:61:09:00:93:ad:0d:14:e6:ce:c1:f2:37:94:78:b0:5f:9c:
+         b3:a2:73:b8:8f:05:93:38:cd:8d:3e:b0:b8:fb:c0:cf:b1:f2:
+         ec:2d:2d:1b:cc:ec:aa:9a:b3:aa:60:82:1b:2d:3b:c3:84:3d:
+         57:8a:96:1e:9c:75:b8:d3:30:cd:60:08:83:90:d3:8e:54:f1:
+         4d:66:c0:5d:74:03:40:a3:ee:85:7e:c2:1f:77:9c:06:e8:c1:
+         a7:18:5d:52:95:ed:c9:dd:25:9e:6d:fa:a9:ed:a3:3a:34:d0:
+         59:7b:da:ed:50:f3:35:bf:ed:eb:14:4d:31:c7:60:f4:da:f1:
+         87:9c:e2:48:e2:c6:c5:37:fb:06:10:fa:75:59:66:31:47:29:
+         da:76:9a:1c:e9:82:ae:ef:9a:b9:51:f7:88:23:9a:69:95:62:
+         3c:e5:55:80:36:d7:54:02:ff:f1:b9:5d:ce:d4:23:6f:d8:45:
+         84:4a:5b:65:ef:89:0c:dd:14:a7:20:cb:18:a5:25:b4:0d:f9:
+         01:f0:a2:d2:f4:00:c8:74:8e:a1:2a:48:8e:65:db:13:c4:e2:
+         25:17:7d:eb:be:87:5b:17:20:54:51:93:4a:53:03:0b:ec:5d:
+         ca:33:ed:62:fd:45:c7:2f:5b:dc:58:a0:80:39:e6:fa:d7:fe:
+         13:14:a6:ed:3d:94:4a:42:74:d4:c3:77:59:73:cd:8f:46:be:
+         55:38:ef:fa:e8:91:32:ea:97:58:04:22:de:38:c3:cc:bc:6d:
+         c9:33:3a:6a:0a:69:3f:a0:c8:ea:72:8f:8c:63:86:23:bd:6d:
+         3c:96:9e:95:e0:49:4c:aa:a2:b9:2a:1b:9c:36:81:78:ed:c3:
+         e8:46:e2:26:59:44:75:1e:d9:75:89:51:cd:10:84:9d:61:60:
+         cb:5d:f9:97:22:4d:8e:98:e6:e3:7f:f6:5b:bb:ae:cd:ca:4a:
+         81:6b:5e:0b:f3:51:e1:74:2b:e9:7e:27:a7:d9:99:49:4e:f8:
+         a5:80:db:25:0f:1c:63:62:8a:c9:33:67:6b:3c:10:83:c6:ad:
+         de:a8:cd:16:8e:8d:f0:07:37:71:9f:f2:ab:fc:41:f5:c1:8b:
+         ec:00:37:5d:09:e5:4e:80:ef:fa:b1:5c:38:06:a5:1b:4a:e1:
+         dc:38:2d:3c:dc:ab:1f:90:1a:d5:4a:9c:ee:d1:70:6c:cc:ee:
+         f4:57:f8:18:ba:84:6e:87
+SHA1 Fingerprint=DF:71:7E:AA:4A:D9:4E:C9:55:84:99:60:2D:48:DE:5F:BC:F0:3A:25
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d41b5e2a.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d41b5e2a.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..640c21f0153592cacc7697f311e755659a1575e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d41b5e2a.0
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            06:6c:9f:d7:c1:bb:10:4c:29:43:e5:71:7b:7b:2c:c8:1a:c1:0e
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=US, O=Amazon, CN=Amazon Root CA 4
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 26 00:00:00 2015 GMT
+            Not After : May 26 00:00:00 2040 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=Amazon, CN=Amazon Root CA 4
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:d2:ab:8a:37:4f:a3:53:0d:fe:c1:8a:7b:4b:a8:
+                    7b:46:4b:63:b0:62:f6:2d:1b:db:08:71:21:d2:00:
+                    e8:63:bd:9a:27:fb:f0:39:6e:5d:ea:3d:a5:c9:81:
+                    aa:a3:5b:20:98:45:5d:16:db:fd:e8:10:6d:e3:9c:
+                    e0:e3:bd:5f:84:62:f3:70:64:33:a0:cb:24:2f:70:
+                    ba:88:a1:2a:a0:75:f8:81:ae:62:06:c4:81:db:39:
+                    6e:29:b0:1e:fa:2e:5c
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                D3:EC:C7:3A:65:6E:CC:E1:DA:76:9A:56:FB:9C:F3:86:6D:57:E5:81
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:65:02:30:3a:8b:21:f1:bd:7e:11:ad:d0:ef:58:96:2f:d6:
+         eb:9d:7e:90:8d:2b:cf:66:55:c3:2c:e3:28:a9:70:0a:47:0e:
+         f0:37:59:12:ff:2d:99:94:28:4e:2a:4f:35:4d:33:5a:02:31:
+         00:ea:75:00:4e:3b:c4:3a:94:12:91:c9:58:46:9d:21:13:72:
+         a7:88:9c:8a:e4:4c:4a:db:96:d4:ac:8b:6b:6b:49:12:53:33:
+         ad:d7:e4:be:24:fc:b5:0a:76:d4:a5:bc:10
+SHA1 Fingerprint=F6:10:84:07:D6:F8:BB:67:98:0C:C2:E2:44:C2:EB:AE:1C:EF:63:BE
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d4c339cb.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d4c339cb.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f5e924e839ef990cf9494d6dfc2eb42a2f9fb34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d4c339cb.0
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            4c:aa:f9:ca:db:63:6f:e0:1f:f7:4e:d8:5b:03:86:9d
+    Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO RSA Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan 19 00:00:00 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 18 23:59:59 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO RSA Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:91:e8:54:92:d2:0a:56:b1:ac:0d:24:dd:c5:cf:
+                    44:67:74:99:2b:37:a3:7d:23:70:00:71:bc:53:df:
+                    c4:fa:2a:12:8f:4b:7f:10:56:bd:9f:70:72:b7:61:
+                    7f:c9:4b:0f:17:a7:3d:e3:b0:04:61:ee:ff:11:97:
+                    c7:f4:86:3e:0a:fa:3e:5c:f9:93:e6:34:7a:d9:14:
+                    6b:e7:9c:b3:85:a0:82:7a:76:af:71:90:d7:ec:fd:
+                    0d:fa:9c:6c:fa:df:b0:82:f4:14:7e:f9:be:c4:a6:
+                    2f:4f:7f:99:7f:b5:fc:67:43:72:bd:0c:00:d6:89:
+                    eb:6b:2c:d3:ed:8f:98:1c:14:ab:7e:e5:e3:6e:fc:
+                    d8:a8:e4:92:24:da:43:6b:62:b8:55:fd:ea:c1:bc:
+                    6c:b6:8b:f3:0e:8d:9a:e4:9b:6c:69:99:f8:78:48:
+                    30:45:d5:ad:e1:0d:3c:45:60:fc:32:96:51:27:bc:
+                    67:c3:ca:2e:b6:6b:ea:46:c7:c7:20:a0:b1:1f:65:
+                    de:48:08:ba:a4:4e:a9:f2:83:46:37:84:eb:e8:cc:
+                    81:48:43:67:4e:72:2a:9b:5c:bd:4c:1b:28:8a:5c:
+                    22:7b:b4:ab:98:d9:ee:e0:51:83:c3:09:46:4e:6d:
+                    3e:99:fa:95:17:da:7c:33:57:41:3c:8d:51:ed:0b:
+                    b6:5c:af:2c:63:1a:df:57:c8:3f:bc:e9:5d:c4:9b:
+                    af:45:99:e2:a3:5a:24:b4:ba:a9:56:3d:cf:6f:aa:
+                    ff:49:58:be:f0:a8:ff:f4:b8:ad:e9:37:fb:ba:b8:
+                    f4:0b:3a:f9:e8:43:42:1e:89:d8:84:cb:13:f1:d9:
+                    bb:e1:89:60:b8:8c:28:56:ac:14:1d:9c:0a:e7:71:
+                    eb:cf:0e:dd:3d:a9:96:a1:48:bd:3c:f7:af:b5:0d:
+                    22:4c:c0:11:81:ec:56:3b:f6:d3:a2:e2:5b:b7:b2:
+                    04:22:52:95:80:93:69:e8:8e:4c:65:f1:91:03:2d:
+                    70:74:02:ea:8b:67:15:29:69:52:02:bb:d7:df:50:
+                    6a:55:46:bf:a0:a3:28:61:7f:70:d0:c3:a2:aa:2c:
+                    21:aa:47:ce:28:9c:06:45:76:bf:82:18:27:b4:d5:
+                    ae:b4:cb:50:e6:6b:f4:4c:86:71:30:e9:a6:df:16:
+                    86:e0:d8:ff:40:dd:fb:d0:42:88:7f:a3:33:3a:2e:
+                    5c:1e:41:11:81:63:ce:18:71:6b:2b:ec:a6:8a:b7:
+                    31:5c:3a:6a:47:e0:c3:79:59:d6:20:1a:af:f2:6a:
+                    98:aa:72:bc:57:4a:d2:4b:9d:bb:10:fc:b0:4c:41:
+                    e5:ed:1d:3d:5e:28:9d:9c:cc:bf:b3:51:da:a7:47:
+                    e5:84:53
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                BB:AF:7E:02:3D:FA:A6:F1:3C:84:8E:AD:EE:38:98:EC:D9:32:32:D4
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption
+         0a:f1:d5:46:84:b7:ae:51:bb:6c:b2:4d:41:14:00:93:4c:9c:
+         cb:e5:c0:54:cf:a0:25:8e:02:f9:fd:b0:a2:0d:f5:20:98:3c:
+         13:2d:ac:56:a2:b0:d6:7e:11:92:e9:2e:ba:9e:2e:9a:72:b1:
+         bd:19:44:6c:61:35:a2:9a:b4:16:12:69:5a:8c:e1:d7:3e:a4:
+         1a:e8:2f:03:f4:ae:61:1d:10:1b:2a:a4:8b:7a:c5:fe:05:a6:
+         e1:c0:d6:c8:fe:9e:ae:8f:2b:ba:3d:99:f8:d8:73:09:58:46:
+         6e:a6:9c:f4:d7:27:d3:95:da:37:83:72:1c:d3:73:e0:a2:47:
+         99:03:38:5d:d5:49:79:00:29:1c:c7:ec:9b:20:1c:07:24:69:
+         57:78:b2:39:fc:3a:84:a0:b5:9c:7c:8d:bf:2e:93:62:27:b7:
+         39:da:17:18:ae:bd:3c:09:68:ff:84:9b:3c:d5:d6:0b:03:e3:
+         57:9e:14:f7:d1:eb:4f:c8:bd:87:23:b7:b6:49:43:79:85:5c:
+         ba:eb:92:0b:a1:c6:e8:68:a8:4c:16:b1:1a:99:0a:e8:53:2c:
+         92:bb:a1:09:18:75:0c:65:a8:7b:cb:23:b7:1a:c2:28:85:c3:
+         1b:ff:d0:2b:62:ef:a4:7b:09:91:98:67:8c:14:01:cd:68:06:
+         6a:63:21:75:03:80:88:8a:6e:81:c6:85:f2:a9:a4:2d:e7:f4:
+         a5:24:10:47:83:ca:cd:f4:8d:79:58:b1:06:9b:e7:1a:2a:d9:
+         9d:01:d7:94:7d:ed:03:4a:ca:f0:db:e8:a9:01:3e:f5:56:99:
+         c9:1e:8e:49:3d:bb:e5:09:b9:e0:4f:49:92:3d:16:82:40:cc:
+         cc:59:c6:e6:3a:ed:12:2e:69:3c:6c:95:b1:fd:aa:1d:7b:7f:
+         86:be:1e:0e:32:46:fb:fb:13:8f:75:7f:4c:8b:4b:46:63:fe:
+         00:34:40:70:c1:c3:b9:a1:dd:a6:70:e2:04:b3:41:bc:e9:80:
+         91:ea:64:9c:7a:e1:22:03:a9:9c:6e:6f:0e:65:4f:6c:87:87:
+         5e:f3:6e:a0:f9:75:a5:9b:40:e8:53:b2:27:9d:4a:b9:c0:77:
+         21:8d:ff:87:f2:de:bc:8c:ef:17:df:b7:49:0b:d1:f2:6e:30:
+         0b:1a:0e:4e:76:ed:11:fc:f5:e9:56:b2:7d:bf:c7:6d:0a:93:
+         8c:a5:d0:c0:b6:1d:be:3a:4e:94:a2:d7:6e:6c:0b:c2:8a:7c:
+         fa:20:f3:c4:e4:e5:cd:0d:a8:cb:91:92:b1:7c:85:ec:b5:14:
+         69:66:0e:82:e7:cd:ce:c8:2d:a6:51:7f:21:c1:35:53:85:06:
+         4a:5d:9f:ad:bb:1b:5f:74
+SHA1 Fingerprint=AF:E5:D2:44:A8:D1:19:42:30:FF:47:9F:E2:F8:97:BB:CD:7A:8C:B4
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d59297b8.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d59297b8.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..31c3e8a6b4ded582844b00b6e8757cb86ffae81e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d59297b8.0
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=JP, O=SECOM Trust Systems CO.,LTD., OU=Security Communication RootCA2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 29 05:00:39 2009 GMT
+            Not After : May 29 05:00:39 2029 GMT
+        Subject: C=JP, O=SECOM Trust Systems CO.,LTD., OU=Security Communication RootCA2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:d0:15:39:52:b1:52:b3:ba:c5:59:82:c4:5d:52:
+                    ae:3a:43:65:80:4b:c7:f2:96:bc:db:36:97:d6:a6:
+                    64:8c:a8:5e:f0:e3:0a:1c:f7:df:97:3d:4b:ae:f6:
+                    5d:ec:21:b5:41:ab:cd:b9:7e:76:9f:be:f9:3e:36:
+                    34:a0:3b:c1:f6:31:11:45:74:93:3d:57:80:c5:f9:
+                    89:99:ca:e5:ab:6a:d4:b5:da:41:90:10:c1:d6:d6:
+                    42:89:c2:bf:f4:38:12:95:4c:54:05:f7:36:e4:45:
+                    83:7b:14:65:d6:dc:0c:4d:d1:de:7e:0c:ab:3b:c4:
+                    15:be:3a:56:a6:5a:6f:76:69:52:a9:7a:b9:c8:eb:
+                    6a:9a:5d:52:d0:2d:0a:6b:35:16:09:10:84:d0:6a:
+                    ca:3a:06:00:37:47:e4:7e:57:4f:3f:8b:eb:67:b8:
+                    88:aa:c5:be:53:55:b2:91:c4:7d:b9:b0:85:19:06:
+                    78:2e:db:61:1a:fa:85:f5:4a:91:a1:e7:16:d5:8e:
+                    a2:39:df:94:b8:70:1f:28:3f:8b:fc:40:5e:63:83:
+                    3c:83:2a:1a:99:6b:cf:de:59:6a:3b:fc:6f:16:d7:
+                    1f:fd:4a:10:eb:4e:82:16:3a:ac:27:0c:53:f1:ad:
+                    d5:24:b0:6b:03:50:c1:2d:3c:16:dd:44:34:27:1a:
+                    75:fb
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                0A:85:A9:77:65:05:98:7C:40:81:F8:0F:97:2C:38:F1:0A:EC:3C:CF
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         4c:3a:a3:44:ac:b9:45:b1:c7:93:7e:c8:0b:0a:42:df:64:ea:
+         1c:ee:59:6c:08:ba:89:5f:6a:ca:4a:95:9e:7a:8f:07:c5:da:
+         45:72:82:71:0e:3a:d2:cc:6f:a7:b4:a1:23:bb:f6:24:9f:cb:
+         17:fe:8c:a6:ce:c2:d2:db:cc:8d:fc:71:fc:03:29:c1:6c:5d:
+         33:5f:64:b6:65:3b:89:6f:18:76:78:f5:dc:a2:48:1f:19:3f:
+         8e:93:eb:f1:fa:17:ee:cd:4e:e3:04:12:55:d6:e5:e4:dd:fb:
+         3e:05:7c:e2:1d:5e:c6:a7:bc:97:4f:68:3a:f5:e9:2e:0a:43:
+         b6:af:57:5c:62:68:7c:b7:fd:a3:8a:84:a0:ac:62:be:2b:09:
+         87:34:f0:6a:01:bb:9b:29:56:3c:fe:00:37:cf:23:6c:f1:4e:
+         aa:b6:74:46:12:6c:91:ee:34:d5:ec:9a:91:e7:44:be:90:31:
+         72:d5:49:02:f6:02:e5:f4:1f:eb:7c:d9:96:55:a9:ff:ec:8a:
+         f9:99:47:ff:35:5a:02:aa:04:cb:8a:5b:87:71:29:91:bd:a4:
+         b4:7a:0d:bd:9a:f5:57:23:00:07:21:17:3f:4a:39:d1:05:49:
+         0b:a7:b6:37:81:a5:5d:8c:aa:33:5e:81:28:7c:a7:7d:27:eb:
+         00:ae:8d:37
+SHA1 Fingerprint=5F:3B:8C:F2:F8:10:B3:7D:78:B4:CE:EC:19:19:C3:73:34:B9:C7:74
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d6e6eab9.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d6e6eab9.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aff6bdf53fdacc946eac2ff2a64ddfd023eacc2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d6e6eab9.0
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=FR, O=Certinomis, OU=0002 433998903, CN=Certinomis - Root CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Oct 21 09:17:18 2013 GMT
+            Not After : Oct 21 09:17:18 2033 GMT
+        Subject: C=FR, O=Certinomis, OU=0002 433998903, CN=Certinomis - Root CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:d4:cc:09:0a:2c:3f:92:f6:7f:14:9e:0b:9c:9a:
+                    6a:1d:40:30:64:fd:aa:df:0e:1e:06:5b:9f:50:85:
+                    ea:cd:8d:ab:43:67:de:b0:fa:7e:80:96:9e:84:78:
+                    92:48:d6:e3:39:ee:ce:e4:59:58:97:e5:2e:27:98:
+                    ea:93:a8:77:9b:4a:f0:ef:74:80:2d:eb:30:1f:b5:
+                    d9:c7:80:9c:62:27:91:88:f0:4a:89:dd:dc:88:e6:
+                    14:f9:d5:03:2f:ff:95:db:bd:9f:ec:2c:fa:14:15:
+                    59:95:0a:c6:47:7c:69:18:b9:a7:03:f9:ca:76:a9:
+                    cf:c7:6f:b4:5e:05:fe:ee:c1:52:b2:75:32:87:ec:
+                    ed:29:66:3b:f3:4a:16:82:f6:d6:9a:db:72:98:e9:
+                    de:f0:c5:4c:a5:ab:b5:ea:01:e2:8c:2e:64:7f:64:
+                    6f:fd:a3:25:93:8b:c8:a2:0e:49:8d:34:f0:1f:ec:
+                    58:45:2e:34:aa:84:50:bd:e7:b2:4a:13:b8:b0:0f:
+                    ae:38:5d:b0:a9:1b:e6:73:c9:5a:a1:d9:66:40:aa:
+                    a9:4d:a6:34:02:ad:84:7e:b2:23:c1:fb:2a:c6:67:
+                    f4:34:b6:b0:95:6a:33:4f:71:44:b5:ad:c0:79:33:
+                    88:e0:bf:ed:a3:a0:14:b4:9c:09:b0:0a:e3:60:be:
+                    f8:f8:66:88:cd:5b:f1:77:05:e0:b5:73:6e:c1:7d:
+                    46:2e:8e:4b:27:a6:cd:35:0a:fd:e5:4d:7d:aa:2a:
+                    a3:29:c7:5a:68:04:e8:e5:d6:93:a4:62:c2:c5:e6:
+                    f4:4f:c6:f9:9f:1a:8d:82:49:19:8a:ca:59:43:3a:
+                    e8:0d:32:c1:f4:4c:13:03:6f:6e:a6:3f:91:73:cb:
+                    ca:73:6f:12:20:8b:ee:c0:82:78:de:4b:2e:c2:49:
+                    c3:1d:ed:16:f6:24:f4:27:1b:5c:57:31:dc:55:ee:
+                    a8:1e:6f:6c:ac:e2:45:cc:57:57:8a:75:57:19:e0:
+                    b5:58:99:49:36:31:3c:33:01:6d:16:4a:cd:b8:2a:
+                    83:84:86:9b:f9:60:d2:1f:6d:91:03:d3:60:a6:d5:
+                    3d:9a:dd:77:90:3d:35:a4:9f:0f:5e:f5:52:44:69:
+                    b9:c0:ba:dc:cf:7d:df:7c:d9:c4:ac:86:22:32:bc:
+                    7b:6b:91:ef:7a:f8:17:68:b0:e2:53:55:60:2d:af:
+                    3e:c2:83:d8:d9:09:2b:f0:c0:64:db:87:8b:91:cc:
+                    91:eb:04:fd:76:b4:95:9a:e6:14:06:1b:d5:34:1d:
+                    be:d8:ff:74:1c:53:85:99:e0:59:52:4a:61:ed:88:
+                    9e:6b:49:89:46:7e:20:5a:d9:e7:4a:e5:6a:ee:d2:
+                    65:11:43
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                EF:91:4C:F5:A5:C3:30:E8:2F:08:EA:D3:71:22:A4:92:68:78:74:D9
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:EF:91:4C:F5:A5:C3:30:E8:2F:08:EA:D3:71:22:A4:92:68:78:74:D9
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         7e:3d:54:da:22:5d:1a:58:3e:3b:54:27:ba:ba:cc:c8:e3:1a:
+         6a:ea:3e:f9:12:eb:56:5f:3d:50:ce:e0:ea:48:26:26:cf:79:
+         56:7e:91:1c:99:3f:d0:a1:91:1c:2c:0f:4f:98:95:59:53:bd:
+         d0:22:d8:88:5d:9c:37:fc:fb:64:c1:78:8c:8b:9a:60:09:ea:
+         d5:fa:21:5f:d0:74:65:e7:50:c5:bf:2e:b9:0b:0b:ad:b5:b0:
+         17:a6:12:8c:d4:62:78:ea:56:6a:ec:0a:d2:40:c3:3c:05:30:
+         3e:4d:94:b7:9f:4a:03:d3:7d:27:4b:b6:fe:44:ce:fa:19:33:
+         1a:6d:a4:42:d1:dd:cc:c8:c8:d7:16:52:83:4f:35:94:b3:12:
+         55:7d:e5:e2:42:eb:e4:9c:93:09:c0:4c:5b:07:ab:c7:6d:11:
+         a0:50:17:94:23:a8:b5:0a:92:0f:b2:7a:c1:60:2c:38:cc:1a:
+         a6:5b:ff:f2:0c:e3:aa:1f:1c:dc:b8:a0:93:27:de:63:e3:7f:
+         21:9f:3a:e5:9e:fa:e0:13:6a:75:eb:96:5c:62:91:94:8e:67:
+         53:b6:89:f8:12:09:cb:6f:52:5b:03:72:86:50:95:08:d4:8d:
+         87:86:15:1f:95:24:d8:a4:6f:9a:ce:a4:9d:9b:6d:d2:b2:76:
+         06:86:c6:56:08:c5:eb:09:da:36:c2:1b:5b:41:be:61:2a:e3:
+         70:e6:b8:a6:f8:b6:5a:c4:bd:21:f7:ff:aa:5f:a1:6c:76:39:
+         66:d6:ea:4c:55:e1:00:33:9b:13:98:63:c9:6f:d0:01:20:09:
+         37:52:e7:0c:4f:3e:cd:bc:f5:5f:96:27:a7:20:02:95:e0:2e:
+         e8:07:41:05:1f:15:6e:d6:b0:e4:19:e0:0f:02:93:00:27:72:
+         c5:8b:d1:54:1f:5d:4a:c3:40:97:7e:55:a6:7c:c1:33:04:14:
+         01:1d:49:20:69:0b:19:93:9d:6e:58:22:f7:40:0c:46:0c:23:
+         63:f3:39:d2:7f:76:51:a7:f4:c8:a1:f1:0c:76:22:23:46:52:
+         29:2d:e2:a3:41:07:56:69:98:d2:05:09:bc:69:c7:5a:61:cd:
+         8f:81:60:15:4d:80:dd:90:e2:7d:c4:50:f2:8c:3b:6e:4a:c7:
+         c6:e6:80:2b:3c:81:bc:11:80:16:10:27:d7:f0:cd:3f:79:cc:
+         73:2a:c3:7e:53:91:d6:6e:f8:f5:f3:c7:d0:51:4d:8e:4b:a5:
+         5b:e6:19:17:3b:d6:81:09:dc:22:dc:ee:8e:b9:c4:8f:53:e1:
+         67:bb:33:b8:88:15:46:cf:ed:69:35:ff:75:0d:46:f3:ce:71:
+         e1:c5:6b:86:42:06:b9:41
+SHA1 Fingerprint=9D:70:BB:01:A5:A4:A0:18:11:2E:F7:1C:01:B9:32:C5:34:E7:88:A8
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d7746a63.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d7746a63.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..507ab7037573a98a76e0384032a8d0a6813e83ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d7746a63.0
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 623604 (0x983f4)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=DE, O=D-Trust GmbH, CN=D-TRUST Root Class 3 CA 2 EV 2009
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov  5 08:50:46 2009 GMT
+            Not After : Nov  5 08:50:46 2029 GMT
+        Subject: C=DE, O=D-Trust GmbH, CN=D-TRUST Root Class 3 CA 2 EV 2009
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:99:f1:84:34:70:ba:2f:b7:30:a0:8e:bd:7c:04:
+                    cf:be:62:bc:99:fd:82:97:d2:7a:0a:67:96:38:09:
+                    f6:10:4e:95:22:73:99:8d:da:15:2d:e7:05:fc:19:
+                    73:22:b7:8e:98:00:bc:3c:3d:ac:a1:6c:fb:d6:79:
+                    25:4b:ad:f0:cc:64:da:88:3e:29:b8:0f:09:d3:34:
+                    dd:33:f5:62:d1:e1:cd:19:e9:ee:18:4f:4c:58:ae:
+                    e2:1e:d6:0c:5b:15:5a:d8:3a:b8:c4:18:64:1e:e3:
+                    33:b2:b5:89:77:4e:0c:bf:d9:94:6b:13:97:6f:12:
+                    a3:fe:99:a9:04:cc:15:ec:60:68:36:ed:08:7b:b7:
+                    f5:bf:93:ed:66:31:83:8c:c6:71:34:87:4e:17:ea:
+                    af:8b:91:8d:1c:56:41:ae:22:37:5e:37:f2:1d:d9:
+                    d1:2d:0d:2f:69:51:a7:be:66:a6:8a:3a:2a:bd:c7:
+                    1a:b1:e1:14:f0:be:3a:1d:b9:cf:5b:b1:6a:fe:b4:
+                    b1:46:20:a2:fb:1e:3b:70:ef:93:98:7d:8c:73:96:
+                    f2:c5:ef:85:70:ad:29:26:fc:1e:04:3e:1c:a0:d8:
+                    0f:cb:52:83:62:7c:ee:8b:53:95:90:a9:57:a2:ea:
+                    61:05:d8:f9:4d:c4:27:fa:6e:ad:ed:f9:d7:51:f7:
+                    6b:a5
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                D3:94:8A:4C:62:13:2A:19:2E:CC:AF:72:8A:7D:36:D7:9A:1C:DC:67
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:ldap://directory.d-trust.net/CN=D-TRUST%20Root%20Class%203%20CA%202%20EV%202009,O=D-Trust%20GmbH,C=DE?certificaterevocationlist
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://www.d-trust.net/crl/d-trust_root_class_3_ca_2_ev_2009.crl
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         34:ed:7b:5a:3c:a4:94:88:ef:1a:11:75:07:2f:b3:fe:3c:fa:
+         1e:51:26:eb:87:f6:29:de:e0:f1:d4:c6:24:09:e9:c1:cf:55:
+         1b:b4:30:d9:ce:1a:fe:06:51:a6:15:a4:2d:ef:b2:4b:bf:20:
+         28:25:49:d1:a6:36:77:34:e8:64:df:52:b1:11:c7:73:7a:cd:
+         39:9e:c2:ad:8c:71:21:f2:5a:6b:af:df:3c:4e:55:af:b2:84:
+         65:14:89:b9:77:cb:2a:31:be:cf:a3:6d:cf:6f:48:94:32:46:
+         6f:e7:71:8c:a0:a6:84:19:37:07:f2:03:45:09:2b:86:75:7c:
+         df:5f:69:57:00:db:6e:d8:a6:72:22:4b:50:d4:75:98:56:df:
+         b7:18:ff:43:43:50:ae:7a:44:7b:f0:79:51:d7:43:3d:a7:d3:
+         81:d3:f0:c9:4f:b9:da:c6:97:86:d0:82:c3:e4:42:6d:fe:b0:
+         e2:64:4e:0e:26:e7:40:34:26:b5:08:89:d7:08:63:63:38:27:
+         75:1e:33:ea:6e:a8:dd:9f:99:4f:74:4d:81:89:80:4b:dd:9a:
+         97:29:5c:2f:be:81:41:b9:8c:ff:ea:7d:60:06:9e:cd:d7:3d:
+         d3:2e:a3:15:bc:a8:e6:26:e5:6f:c3:dc:b8:03:21:ea:9f:16:
+         f1:2c:54:b5
+SHA1 Fingerprint=96:C9:1B:0B:95:B4:10:98:42:FA:D0:D8:22:79:FE:60:FA:B9:16:83
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d8317ada.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d8317ada.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c6dfe5fdf7cc8f449facf1750cda190f6daa8c10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/d8317ada.0
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            11:20:d9:91:ce:ae:a3:e8:c5:e7:ff:e9:02:af:cf:73:bc:55
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=FR, O=Certplus, CN=Certplus Root CA G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 26 00:00:00 2014 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 15 00:00:00 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=FR, O=Certplus, CN=Certplus Root CA G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:cd:0f:5b:56:82:df:f0:45:1a:d6:ad:f7:79:f0:
+                    1d:c9:ac:96:d6:9e:4e:9c:1f:b4:42:11:ca:86:bf:
+                    6d:fb:85:a3:c5:e5:19:5c:d7:ee:a6:3f:69:67:d8:
+                    78:e2:a6:c9:c4:db:2d:79:2e:e7:8b:8d:02:6f:31:
+                    22:4d:06:e3:60:72:45:9d:0e:42:77:9e:ce:cf:e5:
+                    7f:85:9b:18:e4:fc:cc:2e:72:d3:16:93:4e:ca:99:
+                    63:5c:a1:05:2a:6c:06
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                DA:83:63:02:79:8E:DA:4C:C6:3C:23:14:D8:8F:C3:20:AB:28:60:59
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:DA:83:63:02:79:8E:DA:4C:C6:3C:23:14:D8:8F:C3:20:AB:28:60:59
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:65:02:30:70:fe:b0:0b:d9:f7:83:97:ec:f3:55:1d:d4:dc:
+         b3:06:0e:fe:33:98:9d:8b:39:90:6b:94:21:ed:b6:d7:5d:d6:
+         4c:d7:21:a7:e7:bf:21:0f:2b:cd:f7:2a:dc:85:07:9d:02:31:
+         00:86:14:16:e5:dc:b0:65:c2:c0:8e:14:9f:bf:24:16:68:e5:
+         bc:f9:79:69:dc:ad:45:2b:f7:b6:31:73:cc:06:a5:53:93:91:
+         1a:93:ae:70:6a:67:ba:d7:9e:e5:61:1a:5f
+SHA1 Fingerprint=4F:65:8E:1F:E9:06:D8:28:02:E9:54:47:41:C9:54:25:5D:69:CC:1A
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/dbc54cab.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/dbc54cab.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..904ac7321794eb714e3c873c6b22353a5191bc4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/dbc54cab.0
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 7893706540734352110 (0x6d8c1446b1a60aee)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Premium
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan 29 14:10:36 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 14:10:36 2040 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Premium
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c4:12:df:a9:5f:fe:41:dd:dd:f5:9f:8a:e3:f6:
+                    ac:e1:3c:78:9a:bc:d8:f0:7f:7a:a0:33:2a:dc:8d:
+                    20:5b:ae:2d:6f:e7:93:d9:36:70:6a:68:cf:8e:51:
+                    a3:85:5b:67:04:a0:10:24:6f:5d:28:82:c1:97:57:
+                    d8:48:29:13:b6:e1:be:91:4d:df:85:0c:53:18:9a:
+                    1e:24:a2:4f:8f:f0:a2:85:0b:cb:f4:29:7f:d2:a4:
+                    58:ee:26:4d:c9:aa:a8:7b:9a:d9:fa:38:de:44:57:
+                    15:e5:f8:8c:c8:d9:48:e2:0d:16:27:1d:1e:c8:83:
+                    85:25:b7:ba:aa:55:41:cc:03:22:4b:2d:91:8d:8b:
+                    e6:89:af:66:c7:e9:ff:2b:e9:3c:ac:da:d2:b3:c3:
+                    e1:68:9c:89:f8:7a:00:56:de:f4:55:95:6c:fb:ba:
+                    64:dd:62:8b:df:0b:77:32:eb:62:cc:26:9a:9b:bb:
+                    aa:62:83:4c:b4:06:7a:30:c8:29:bf:ed:06:4d:97:
+                    b9:1c:c4:31:2b:d5:5f:bc:53:12:17:9c:99:57:29:
+                    66:77:61:21:31:07:2e:25:49:9d:18:f2:ee:f3:2b:
+                    71:8c:b5:ba:39:07:49:77:fc:ef:2e:92:90:05:8d:
+                    2d:2f:77:7b:ef:43:bf:35:bb:9a:d8:f9:73:a7:2c:
+                    f2:d0:57:ee:28:4e:26:5f:8f:90:68:09:2f:b8:f8:
+                    dc:06:e9:2e:9a:3e:51:a7:d1:22:c4:0a:a7:38:48:
+                    6c:b3:f9:ff:7d:ab:86:57:e3:ba:d6:85:78:77:ba:
+                    43:ea:48:7f:f6:d8:be:23:6d:1e:bf:d1:36:6c:58:
+                    5c:f1:ee:a4:19:54:1a:f5:03:d2:76:e6:e1:8c:bd:
+                    3c:b3:d3:48:4b:e2:c8:f8:7f:92:a8:76:46:9c:42:
+                    65:3e:a4:1e:c1:07:03:5a:46:2d:b8:97:f3:b7:d5:
+                    b2:55:21:ef:ba:dc:4c:00:97:fb:14:95:27:33:bf:
+                    e8:43:47:46:d2:08:99:16:60:3b:9a:7e:d2:e6:ed:
+                    38:ea:ec:01:1e:3c:48:56:49:09:c7:4c:37:00:9e:
+                    88:0e:c0:73:e1:6f:66:e9:72:47:30:3e:10:e5:0b:
+                    03:c9:9a:42:00:6c:c5:94:7e:61:c4:8a:df:7f:82:
+                    1a:0b:59:c4:59:32:77:b3:bc:60:69:56:39:fd:b4:
+                    06:7b:2c:d6:64:36:d9:bd:48:ed:84:1f:7e:a5:22:
+                    8f:2a:b8:42:f4:82:b7:d4:53:90:78:4e:2d:1a:fd:
+                    81:6f:44:d7:3b:01:74:96:42:e0:00:e2:2e:6b:ea:
+                    c5:ee:72:ac:bb:bf:fe:ea:aa:a8:f8:dc:f6:b2:79:
+                    8a:b6:67
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                9D:C0:67:A6:0C:22:D9:26:F5:45:AB:A6:65:52:11:27:D8:45:AC:63
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption
+         b3:57:4d:10:62:4e:3a:e4:ac:ea:b8:1c:af:32:23:c8:b3:49:
+         5a:51:9c:76:28:8d:79:aa:57:46:17:d5:f5:52:f6:b7:44:e8:
+         08:44:bf:18:84:d2:0b:80:cd:c5:12:fd:00:55:05:61:87:41:
+         dc:b5:24:9e:3c:c4:d8:c8:fb:70:9e:2f:78:96:83:20:36:de:
+         7c:0f:69:13:88:a5:75:36:98:08:a6:c6:df:ac:ce:e3:58:d6:
+         b7:3e:de:ba:f3:eb:34:40:d8:a2:81:f5:78:3f:2f:d5:a5:fc:
+         d9:a2:d4:5e:04:0e:17:ad:fe:41:f0:e5:b2:72:fa:44:82:33:
+         42:e8:2d:58:f7:56:8c:62:3f:ba:42:b0:9c:0c:5c:7e:2e:65:
+         26:5c:53:4f:00:b2:78:7e:a1:0d:99:2d:8d:b8:1d:8e:a2:c4:
+         b0:fd:60:d0:30:a4:8e:c8:04:62:a9:c4:ed:35:de:7a:97:ed:
+         0e:38:5e:92:2f:93:70:a5:a9:9c:6f:a7:7d:13:1d:7e:c6:08:
+         48:b1:5e:67:eb:51:08:25:e9:e6:25:6b:52:29:91:9c:d2:39:
+         73:08:57:de:99:06:b4:5b:9d:10:06:e1:c2:00:a8:b8:1c:4a:
+         02:0a:14:d0:c1:41:ca:fb:8c:35:21:7d:82:38:f2:a9:54:91:
+         19:35:93:94:6d:6a:3a:c5:b2:d0:bb:89:86:93:e8:9b:c9:0f:
+         3a:a7:7a:b8:a1:f0:78:46:fa:fc:37:2f:e5:8a:84:f3:df:fe:
+         04:d9:a1:68:a0:2f:24:e2:09:95:06:d5:95:ca:e1:24:96:eb:
+         7c:f6:93:05:bb:ed:73:e9:2d:d1:75:39:d7:e7:24:db:d8:4e:
+         5f:43:8f:9e:d0:14:39:bf:55:70:48:99:57:31:b4:9c:ee:4a:
+         98:03:96:30:1f:60:06:ee:1b:23:fe:81:60:23:1a:47:62:85:
+         a5:cc:19:34:80:6f:b3:ac:1a:e3:9f:f0:7b:48:ad:d5:01:d9:
+         67:b6:a9:72:93:ea:2d:66:b5:b2:b8:e4:3d:3c:b2:ef:4c:8c:
+         ea:eb:07:bf:ab:35:9a:55:86:bc:18:a6:b5:a8:5e:b4:83:6c:
+         6b:69:40:d3:9f:dc:f1:c3:69:6b:b9:e1:6d:09:f4:f1:aa:50:
+         76:0a:7a:7d:7a:17:a1:55:96:42:99:31:09:dd:60:11:8d:05:
+         30:7e:e6:8e:46:d1:9d:14:da:c7:17:e4:05:96:8c:c4:24:b5:
+         1b:cf:14:07:b2:40:f8:a3:9e:41:86:bc:04:d0:6b:96:c8:2a:
+         80:34:fd:bf:ef:06:a3:dd:58:c5:85:3d:3e:8f:fe:9e:29:e0:
+         b6:b8:09:68:19:1c:18:43
+SHA1 Fingerprint=D8:A6:33:2C:E0:03:6F:B1:85:F6:63:4F:7D:6A:06:65:26:32:28:27
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/dc99f41e.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/dc99f41e.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04eb0467343f60c84757b863dae338de83a2a044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/dc99f41e.0
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=GR, L=Athens, O=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Cert. Authority, CN=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions RootCA 2015
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jul  7 10:11:21 2015 GMT
+            Not After : Jun 30 10:11:21 2040 GMT
+        Subject: C=GR, L=Athens, O=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Cert. Authority, CN=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions RootCA 2015
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c2:f8:a9:3f:1b:89:fc:3c:3c:04:5d:3d:90:36:
+                    b0:91:3a:79:3c:66:5a:ef:6d:39:01:49:1a:b4:b7:
+                    cf:7f:4d:23:53:b7:90:00:e3:13:2a:28:a6:31:f1:
+                    91:00:e3:28:ec:ae:21:41:ce:1f:da:fd:7d:12:5b:
+                    01:83:0f:b9:b0:5f:99:e1:f2:12:83:80:4d:06:3e:
+                    df:ac:af:e7:a1:88:6b:31:af:f0:8b:d0:18:33:b8:
+                    db:45:6a:34:f4:02:80:24:28:0a:02:15:95:5e:76:
+                    2a:0d:99:3a:14:5b:f6:cb:cb:53:bc:13:4d:01:88:
+                    37:94:25:1b:42:bc:22:d8:8e:a3:96:5e:3a:d9:32:
+                    db:3e:e8:f0:10:65:ed:74:e1:2f:a7:7c:af:27:34:
+                    bb:29:7d:9b:b6:cf:09:c8:e5:d3:0a:fc:88:65:65:
+                    74:0a:dc:73:1c:5c:cd:40:b1:1c:d4:b6:84:8c:4c:
+                    50:cf:68:8e:a8:59:ae:c2:27:4e:82:a2:35:dd:14:
+                    f4:1f:ff:b2:77:d5:87:2f:aa:6e:7d:24:27:e7:c6:
+                    cb:26:e6:e5:fe:67:07:63:d8:45:0d:dd:3a:59:65:
+                    39:58:7a:92:99:72:3d:9c:84:5e:88:21:b8:d5:f4:
+                    2c:fc:d9:70:52:4f:78:b8:bd:3c:2b:8b:95:98:f5:
+                    b3:d1:68:cf:20:14:7e:4c:5c:5f:e7:8b:e5:f5:35:
+                    81:19:37:d7:11:08:b7:66:be:d3:4a:ce:83:57:00:
+                    3a:c3:81:f8:17:cb:92:36:5d:d1:a3:d8:75:1b:e1:
+                    8b:27:ea:7a:48:41:fd:45:19:06:ad:27:99:4e:c1:
+                    70:47:dd:b5:9f:81:53:12:e5:b1:8c:48:5d:31:43:
+                    17:e3:8c:c6:7a:63:96:4b:29:30:4e:84:4e:62:19:
+                    5e:3c:ce:97:90:a5:7f:01:eb:9d:e0:f8:8b:89:dd:
+                    25:98:3d:92:b6:7e:ef:d9:f1:51:51:7d:2d:26:c8:
+                    69:59:61:e0:ac:6a:b8:2a:36:11:04:7a:50:bd:32:
+                    84:be:2f:dc:72:d5:d7:1d:16:47:e4:47:66:20:3f:
+                    f4:96:c5:af:8e:01:7a:a5:0f:7a:64:f5:0d:18:87:
+                    d9:ae:88:d5:fa:84:c1:3a:c0:69:28:2d:f2:0d:68:
+                    51:aa:e3:a5:77:c6:a4:90:0e:a1:37:8b:31:23:47:
+                    c1:09:08:eb:6e:f7:78:9b:d7:82:fc:84:20:99:49:
+                    19:b6:12:46:b1:fb:45:55:16:a9:a3:65:ac:9c:07:
+                    0f:ea:6b:dc:1f:2e:06:72:ec:86:88:12:e4:2d:db:
+                    5f:05:2f:e4:f0:03:d3:26:33:e7:80:c2:cd:42:a1:
+                    17:34:0b
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                71:15:67:C8:C8:C9:BD:75:5D:72:D0:38:18:6A:9D:F3:71:24:54:0B
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         75:bb:6d:54:4b:aa:10:58:46:34:f2:62:d7:16:36:5d:08:5e:
+         d5:6c:c8:87:bd:b4:2e:46:f2:31:f8:7c:ea:42:b5:93:16:55:
+         dc:a1:0c:12:a0:da:61:7e:0f:58:58:73:64:72:c7:e8:45:8e:
+         dc:a9:f2:26:3f:c6:79:8c:b1:53:08:33:81:b0:56:13:be:e6:
+         51:5c:d8:9b:0a:4f:4b:9c:56:53:02:e9:4f:f6:0d:60:ea:4d:
+         42:55:e8:7c:1b:21:21:d3:1b:3a:cc:77:f2:b8:90:f1:68:c7:
+         f9:5a:fe:fa:2d:f4:bf:c9:f5:45:1b:ce:38:10:2a:37:8a:79:
+         a3:b4:e3:09:6c:85:86:93:ff:89:96:27:78:81:8f:67:e3:46:
+         74:54:8e:d9:0d:69:e2:4a:f4:4d:74:03:ff:b2:77:ed:95:67:
+         97:e4:b1:c5:ab:bf:6a:23:e8:d4:94:e2:44:28:62:c4:4b:e2:
+         f0:d8:e2:29:6b:1a:70:7e:24:61:93:7b:4f:03:32:25:0d:45:
+         24:2b:96:b4:46:6a:bf:4a:0b:f7:9a:8f:c1:ac:1a:c5:67:f3:
+         6f:34:d2:fa:73:63:8c:ef:16:b0:a8:a4:46:2a:f8:eb:12:ec:
+         72:b4:ef:f8:2b:7e:8c:52:c0:8b:84:54:f9:2f:3e:e3:55:a8:
+         dc:66:b1:d9:e1:5f:d8:b3:8c:59:34:59:a4:ab:4f:6c:bb:1f:
+         18:db:75:ab:d8:cb:92:cd:94:38:61:0e:07:06:1f:4b:46:10:
+         f1:15:be:8d:85:5c:3b:4a:2b:81:79:0f:b4:69:9f:49:50:97:
+         4d:f7:0e:56:5d:c0:95:6a:c2:36:c3:1b:68:c9:f5:2a:dc:47:
+         9a:be:b2:ce:c5:25:e8:fa:03:b9:da:f9:16:6e:91:84:f5:1c:
+         28:c8:fc:26:cc:d7:1c:90:56:a7:5f:6f:3a:04:bc:cd:78:89:
+         0b:8e:0f:2f:a3:aa:4f:a2:1b:12:3d:16:08:40:0f:f1:46:4c:
+         d7:aa:7b:08:c1:0a:f5:6d:27:de:02:8f:ca:c3:b5:2b:ca:e9:
+         eb:c8:21:53:38:a5:cc:3b:d8:77:37:30:a2:4f:d9:6f:d1:f2:
+         40:ad:41:7a:17:c5:d6:4a:35:89:b7:41:d5:7c:86:7f:55:4d:
+         83:4a:a5:73:20:c0:3a:af:90:f1:9a:24:8e:d9:8e:71:ca:7b:
+         b8:86:da:b2:8f:99:3e:1d:13:0d:12:11:ee:d4:ab:f0:e9:15:
+         76:02:e4:e0:df:aa:20:1e:5b:61:85:64:40:a9:90:97:0d:ad:
+         53:d2:5a:1d:87:6a:00:97:65:62:b4:be:6f:6a:a7:f5:2c:42:
+         ed:32:ad:b6:21:9e:be:bc
+SHA1 Fingerprint=01:0C:06:95:A6:98:19:14:FF:BF:5F:C6:B0:B6:95:EA:29:E9:12:A6
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/dfc0fe80.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/dfc0fe80.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9fc28904c3c4e1b88682e4bc944a8c965c7dc565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/dfc0fe80.0
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            76:b1:20:52:74:f0:85:87:46:b3:f8:23:1a:f6:c2:c0
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=CH, O=WISeKey, OU=OISTE Foundation Endorsed, CN=OISTE WISeKey Global Root GB CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec  1 15:00:32 2014 GMT
+            Not After : Dec  1 15:10:31 2039 GMT
+        Subject: C=CH, O=WISeKey, OU=OISTE Foundation Endorsed, CN=OISTE WISeKey Global Root GB CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:d8:17:b7:1c:4a:24:2a:d6:97:b1:ca:e2:1e:fb:
+                    7d:38:ef:98:f5:b2:39:98:4e:27:b8:11:5d:7b:d2:
+                    25:94:88:82:15:26:6a:1b:31:bb:a8:5b:21:21:2b:
+                    d8:0f:4e:9f:5a:f1:b1:5a:e4:79:d6:32:23:2b:e1:
+                    53:cc:99:45:5c:7b:4f:ad:bc:bf:87:4a:0b:4b:97:
+                    5a:a8:f6:48:ec:7d:7b:0d:cd:21:06:df:9e:15:fd:
+                    41:8a:48:b7:20:f4:a1:7a:1b:57:d4:5d:50:ff:ba:
+                    67:d8:23:99:1f:c8:3f:e3:de:ff:6f:5b:77:b1:6b:
+                    6e:b8:c9:64:f7:e1:ca:41:46:0e:29:71:d0:b9:23:
+                    fc:c9:81:5f:4e:f7:6f:df:bf:84:ad:73:64:bb:b7:
+                    42:8e:69:f6:d4:76:1d:7e:9d:a7:b8:57:8a:51:67:
+                    72:d7:d4:a8:b8:95:54:40:73:03:f6:ea:f4:eb:fe:
+                    28:42:77:3f:9d:23:1b:b2:b6:3d:80:14:07:4c:2e:
+                    4f:f7:d5:0a:16:0d:bd:66:43:37:7e:23:43:79:c3:
+                    40:86:f5:4c:29:da:8e:9a:ad:0d:a5:04:87:88:1e:
+                    85:e3:e9:53:d5:9b:c8:8b:03:63:78:eb:e0:19:4a:
+                    6e:bb:2f:6b:33:64:58:93:ad:69:bf:8f:1b:ef:82:
+                    48:c7
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                35:0F:C8:36:63:5E:E2:A3:EC:F9:3B:66:15:CE:51:52:E3:91:9A:3D
+                ...
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         40:4c:fb:87:b2:99:81:90:7e:9d:c5:b0:b0:26:cd:88:7b:2b:
+         32:8d:6e:b8:21:71:58:97:7d:ae:37:14:af:3e:e7:f7:9a:e2:
+         7d:f6:71:98:99:04:aa:43:74:78:a3:e3:49:61:3e:73:8c:4d:
+         94:e0:f9:71:c4:b6:16:0e:53:78:1f:d6:a2:87:2f:02:39:81:
+         29:3c:af:15:98:21:30:fe:28:90:00:8c:d1:e1:cb:fa:5e:c8:
+         fd:f8:10:46:3b:a2:78:42:91:17:74:55:0a:de:50:67:4d:66:
+         d1:a7:ff:fd:d9:c0:b5:a8:a3:8a:ce:66:f5:0f:43:cd:a7:2b:
+         57:7b:63:46:6a:aa:2e:52:d8:f4:ed:e1:6d:ad:29:90:78:48:
+         ba:e1:23:aa:a3:89:ec:b5:ab:96:c0:b4:4b:a2:1d:97:9e:7a:
+         f2:6e:40:71:df:68:f1:65:4d:ce:7c:05:df:53:65:a9:a5:f0:
+         b1:97:04:70:15:46:03:98:d4:d2:bf:54:b4:a0:58:7d:52:6f:
+         da:56:26:62:d4:d8:db:89:31:6f:1c:f0:22:c2:d3:62:1c:35:
+         cd:4c:69:15:54:1a:90:98:de:eb:1e:5f:ca:77:c7:cb:8e:3d:
+         43:69:9c:9a:58:d0:24:3b:df:1b:40:96:7e:35:ad:81:c7:4e:
+         71:ba:88:13
+SHA1 Fingerprint=0F:F9:40:76:18:D3:D7:6A:4B:98:F0:A8:35:9E:0C:FD:27:AC:CC:ED
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/e442e424.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/e442e424.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c7156602f8d4f5e07b29fd39795c79f46c93eeae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/e442e424.0
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            2e:f5:9b:02:28:a7:db:7a:ff:d5:a3:a9:ee:bd:03:a0:cf:12:6a:1d
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 3 G3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan 12 20:26:32 2012 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 12 20:26:32 2042 GMT
+        Subject: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 3 G3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b3:cb:0e:10:67:8e:ea:14:97:a7:32:2a:0a:56:
+                    36:7f:68:4c:c7:b3:6f:3a:23:14:91:ff:19:7f:a5:
+                    ca:ac:ee:b3:76:9d:7a:e9:8b:1b:ab:6b:31:db:fa:
+                    0b:53:4c:af:c5:a5:1a:79:3c:8a:4c:ff:ac:df:25:
+                    de:4e:d9:82:32:0b:44:de:ca:db:8c:ac:a3:6e:16:
+                    83:3b:a6:64:4b:32:89:fb:16:16:38:7e:eb:43:e2:
+                    d3:74:4a:c2:62:0a:73:0a:dd:49:b3:57:d2:b0:0a:
+                    85:9d:71:3c:de:a3:cb:c0:32:f3:01:39:20:43:1b:
+                    35:d1:53:b3:b1:ee:c5:93:69:82:3e:16:b5:28:46:
+                    a1:de:ea:89:09:ed:43:b8:05:46:8a:86:f5:59:47:
+                    be:1b:6f:01:21:10:b9:fd:a9:d2:28:ca:10:39:09:
+                    ca:13:36:cf:9c:ad:ad:40:74:79:2b:02:3f:34:ff:
+                    fa:20:69:7d:d3:ee:61:f5:ba:b3:e7:30:d0:37:23:
+                    86:72:61:45:29:48:59:68:6f:77:a6:2e:81:be:07:
+                    4d:6f:af:ce:c4:45:13:91:14:70:06:8f:1f:9f:f8:
+                    87:69:b1:0e:ef:c3:89:19:eb:ea:1c:61:fc:7a:6c:
+                    8a:dc:d6:03:0b:9e:26:ba:12:dd:d4:54:39:ab:26:
+                    a3:33:ea:75:81:da:2d:cd:0f:4f:e4:03:d1:ef:15:
+                    97:1b:6b:90:c5:02:90:93:66:02:21:b1:47:de:8b:
+                    9a:4a:80:b9:55:8f:b5:a2:2f:c0:d6:33:67:da:7e:
+                    c4:a7:b4:04:44:eb:47:fb:e6:58:b9:f7:0c:f0:7b:
+                    2b:b1:c0:70:29:c3:40:62:2d:3b:48:69:dc:23:3c:
+                    48:eb:7b:09:79:a9:6d:da:a8:30:98:cf:80:72:03:
+                    88:a6:5b:46:ae:72:79:7c:08:03:21:65:ae:b7:e1:
+                    1c:a5:b1:2a:a2:31:de:66:04:f7:c0:74:e8:71:de:
+                    ff:3d:59:cc:96:26:12:8b:85:95:57:1a:ab:6b:75:
+                    0b:44:3d:11:28:3c:7b:61:b7:e2:8f:67:4f:e5:ec:
+                    3c:4c:60:80:69:57:38:1e:01:5b:8d:55:e8:c7:df:
+                    c0:cc:77:23:34:49:75:7c:f6:98:11:eb:2d:de:ed:
+                    41:2e:14:05:02:7f:e0:fe:20:eb:35:e7:11:ac:22:
+                    ce:57:3d:de:c9:30:6d:10:03:85:cd:f1:ff:8c:16:
+                    b5:c1:b2:3e:88:6c:60:7f:90:4f:95:f7:f6:2d:ad:
+                    01:39:07:04:fa:75:80:7d:bf:49:50:ed:ef:c9:c4:
+                    7c:1c:eb:80:7e:db:b6:d0:dd:13:fe:c9:d3:9c:d7:
+                    b2:97:a9
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                C6:17:D0:BC:A8:EA:02:43:F2:1B:06:99:5D:2B:90:20:B9:D7:9C:E4
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         34:61:d9:56:b5:12:87:55:4d:dd:a3:35:31:46:bb:a4:07:72:
+         bc:5f:61:62:e8:a5:fb:0b:37:b1:3c:b6:b3:fa:29:9d:7f:02:
+         f5:a4:c9:a8:93:b7:7a:71:28:69:8f:73:e1:52:90:da:d5:be:
+         3a:e5:b7:76:6a:56:80:21:df:5d:e6:e9:3a:9e:e5:3e:f6:a2:
+         69:c7:2a:0a:b0:18:47:dc:20:70:7d:52:a3:3e:59:7c:c1:ba:
+         c9:c8:15:40:61:ca:72:d6:70:ac:d2:b7:f0:1c:e4:86:29:f0:
+         ce:ef:68:63:d0:b5:20:8a:15:61:9a:7e:86:98:b4:c9:c2:76:
+         fb:cc:ba:30:16:cc:a3:61:c6:74:13:e5:6b:ef:a3:15:ea:03:
+         fe:13:8b:64:e4:d3:c1:d2:e8:84:fb:49:d1:10:4d:79:66:eb:
+         aa:fd:f4:8d:31:1e:70:14:ad:dc:de:67:13:4c:81:15:61:bc:
+         b7:d9:91:77:71:19:81:60:bb:f0:58:a5:b5:9c:0b:f7:8f:22:
+         55:27:c0:4b:01:6d:3b:99:0d:d4:1d:9b:63:67:2f:d0:ee:0d:
+         ca:66:bc:94:4f:a6:ad:ed:fc:ee:63:ac:57:3f:65:25:cf:b2:
+         86:8f:d0:08:ff:b8:76:14:6e:de:e5:27:ec:ab:78:b5:53:b9:
+         b6:3f:e8:20:f9:d2:a8:be:61:46:ca:87:8c:84:f3:f9:f1:a0:
+         68:9b:22:1e:81:26:9b:10:04:91:71:c0:06:1f:dc:a0:d3:b9:
+         56:a7:e3:98:2d:7f:83:9d:df:8c:2b:9c:32:8e:32:94:f0:01:
+         3c:22:2a:9f:43:c2:2e:c3:98:39:07:38:7b:fc:5e:00:42:1f:
+         f3:32:26:79:83:84:f6:e5:f0:c1:51:12:c0:0b:1e:04:23:0c:
+         54:a5:4c:2f:49:c5:4a:d1:b6:6e:60:0d:6b:fc:6b:8b:85:24:
+         64:b7:89:0e:ab:25:47:5b:3c:cf:7e:49:bd:c7:e9:0a:c6:da:
+         f7:7e:0e:17:08:d3:48:97:d0:71:92:f0:0f:39:3e:34:6a:1c:
+         7d:d8:f2:22:ae:bb:69:f4:33:b4:a6:48:55:d1:0f:0e:26:e8:
+         ec:b6:0b:2d:a7:85:35:cd:fd:59:c8:9f:d1:cd:3e:5a:29:34:
+         b9:3d:84:ce:b1:65:d4:59:91:91:56:75:21:c1:77:9e:f9:7a:
+         e1:60:9d:d3:ad:04:18:f4:7c:eb:5e:93:8f:53:4a:22:29:f8:
+         48:2b:3e:4d:86:ac:5b:7f:cb:06:99:59:60:d8:58:65:95:8d:
+         44:d1:f7:7f:7e:27:7f:7d:ae:80:f5:07:4c:b6:3e:9c:71:54:
+         99:04:4b:fd:58:f9:98:f4
+SHA1 Fingerprint=48:12:BD:92:3C:A8:C4:39:06:E7:30:6D:27:96:E6:A4:CF:22:2E:7D
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/e48193cf.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/e48193cf.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7883ef35d940e502c59f03abdf34eb4adbd7b73e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/e48193cf.0
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 8608355977964138876 (0x7777062726a9b17c)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Commercial
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan 29 14:06:06 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 14:06:06 2030 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Commercial
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:f6:1b:4f:67:07:2b:a1:15:f5:06:22:cb:1f:01:
+                    b2:e3:73:45:06:44:49:2c:bb:49:25:14:d6:ce:c3:
+                    b7:ab:2c:4f:c6:41:32:94:57:fa:12:a7:5b:0e:e2:
+                    8f:1f:1e:86:19:a7:aa:b5:2d:b9:5f:0d:8a:c2:af:
+                    85:35:79:32:2d:bb:1c:62:37:f2:b1:5b:4a:3d:ca:
+                    cd:71:5f:e9:42:be:94:e8:c8:de:f9:22:48:64:c6:
+                    e5:ab:c6:2b:6d:ad:05:f0:fa:d5:0b:cf:9a:e5:f0:
+                    50:a4:8b:3b:47:a5:23:5b:7a:7a:f8:33:3f:b8:ef:
+                    99:97:e3:20:c1:d6:28:89:cf:94:fb:b9:45:ed:e3:
+                    40:17:11:d4:74:f0:0b:31:e2:2b:26:6a:9b:4c:57:
+                    ae:ac:20:3e:ba:45:7a:05:f3:bd:9b:69:15:ae:7d:
+                    4e:20:63:c4:35:76:3a:07:02:c9:37:fd:c7:47:ee:
+                    e8:f1:76:1d:73:15:f2:97:a4:b5:c8:7a:79:d9:42:
+                    aa:2b:7f:5c:fe:ce:26:4f:a3:66:81:35:af:44:ba:
+                    54:1e:1c:30:32:65:9d:e6:3c:93:5e:50:4e:7a:e3:
+                    3a:d4:6e:cc:1a:fb:f9:d2:37:ae:24:2a:ab:57:03:
+                    22:28:0d:49:75:7f:b7:28:da:75:bf:8e:e3:dc:0e:
+                    79:31
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                9D:93:C6:53:8B:5E:CA:AF:3F:9F:1E:0F:E5:99:95:BC:24:F6:94:8F
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         58:ac:f4:04:0e:cd:c0:0d:ff:0a:fd:d4:ba:16:5f:29:bd:7b:
+         68:99:58:49:d2:b4:1d:37:4d:7f:27:7d:46:06:5d:43:c6:86:
+         2e:3e:73:b2:26:7d:4f:93:a9:b6:c4:2a:9a:ab:21:97:14:b1:
+         de:8c:d3:ab:89:15:d8:6b:24:d4:f1:16:ae:d8:a4:5c:d4:7f:
+         51:8e:ed:18:01:b1:93:63:bd:bc:f8:61:80:9a:9e:b1:ce:42:
+         70:e2:a9:7d:06:25:7d:27:a1:fe:6f:ec:b3:1e:24:da:e3:4b:
+         55:1a:00:3b:35:b4:3b:d9:d7:5d:30:fd:81:13:89:f2:c2:06:
+         2b:ed:67:c4:8e:c9:43:b2:5c:6b:15:89:02:bc:62:fc:4e:f2:
+         b5:33:aa:b2:6f:d3:0a:a2:50:e3:f6:3b:e8:2e:44:c2:db:66:
+         38:a9:33:56:48:f1:6d:1b:33:8d:0d:8c:3f:60:37:9d:d3:ca:
+         6d:7e:34:7e:0d:9f:72:76:8b:1b:9f:72:fd:52:35:41:45:02:
+         96:2f:1c:b2:9a:73:49:21:b1:49:47:45:47:b4:ef:6a:34:11:
+         c9:4d:9a:cc:59:b7:d6:02:9e:5a:4e:65:b5:94:ae:1b:df:29:
+         b0:16:f1:bf:00:9e:07:3a:17:64:b5:04:b5:23:21:99:0a:95:
+         3b:97:7c:ef
+SHA1 Fingerprint=F9:B5:B6:32:45:5F:9C:BE:EC:57:5F:80:DC:E9:6E:2C:C7:B2:78:B7
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/e775ed2d.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/e775ed2d.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ec2620f48dc74adb938ceeb8c04be2bc88032ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/e775ed2d.0
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust Universal CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Mar  4 05:00:00 2004 GMT
+            Not After : Mar  4 05:00:00 2029 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust Universal CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:a6:15:55:a0:a3:c6:e0:1f:8c:9d:21:50:d7:c1:
+                    be:2b:5b:b5:a4:9e:a1:d9:72:58:bd:00:1b:4c:bf:
+                    61:c9:14:1d:45:82:ab:c6:1d:80:d6:3d:eb:10:9c:
+                    3a:af:6d:24:f8:bc:71:01:9e:06:f5:7c:5f:1e:c1:
+                    0e:55:ca:83:9a:59:30:ae:19:cb:30:48:95:ed:22:
+                    37:8d:f4:4a:9a:72:66:3e:ad:95:c0:e0:16:00:e0:
+                    10:1f:2b:31:0e:d7:94:54:d3:42:33:a0:34:1d:1e:
+                    45:76:dd:4f:ca:18:37:ec:85:15:7a:19:08:fc:d5:
+                    c7:9c:f0:f2:a9:2e:10:a9:92:e6:3d:58:3d:a9:16:
+                    68:3c:2f:75:21:18:7f:28:77:a5:e1:61:17:b7:a6:
+                    e9:f8:1e:99:db:73:6e:f4:0a:a2:21:6c:ee:da:aa:
+                    85:92:66:af:f6:7a:6b:82:da:ba:22:08:35:0f:cf:
+                    42:f1:35:fa:6a:ee:7e:2b:25:cc:3a:11:e4:6d:af:
+                    73:b2:76:1d:ad:d0:b2:78:67:1a:a4:39:1c:51:0b:
+                    67:56:83:fd:38:5d:0d:ce:dd:f0:bb:2b:96:1f:de:
+                    7b:32:52:fd:1d:bb:b5:06:a1:b2:21:5e:a5:d6:95:
+                    68:7f:f0:99:9e:dc:45:08:3e:e7:d2:09:0d:35:94:
+                    dd:80:4e:53:97:d7:b5:09:44:20:64:16:17:03:02:
+                    4c:53:0d:68:de:d5:aa:72:4d:93:6d:82:0e:db:9c:
+                    bd:cf:b4:f3:5c:5d:54:7a:69:09:96:d6:db:11:c1:
+                    8d:75:a8:b4:cf:39:c8:ce:3c:bc:24:7c:e6:62:ca:
+                    e1:bd:7d:a7:bd:57:65:0b:e4:fe:25:ed:b6:69:10:
+                    dc:28:1a:46:bd:01:1d:d0:97:b5:e1:98:3b:c0:37:
+                    64:d6:3d:94:ee:0b:e1:f5:28:ae:0b:56:bf:71:8b:
+                    23:29:41:8e:86:c5:4b:52:7b:d8:71:ab:1f:8a:15:
+                    a6:3b:83:5a:d7:58:01:51:c6:4c:41:d9:7f:d8:41:
+                    67:72:a2:28:df:60:83:a9:9e:c8:7b:fc:53:73:72:
+                    59:f5:93:7a:17:76:0e:ce:f7:e5:5c:d9:0b:55:34:
+                    a2:aa:5b:b5:6a:54:e7:13:ca:57:ec:97:6d:f4:5e:
+                    06:2f:45:8b:58:d4:23:16:92:e4:16:6e:28:63:59:
+                    30:df:50:01:9c:63:89:1a:9f:db:17:94:82:70:37:
+                    c3:24:9e:9a:47:d6:5a:ca:4e:a8:69:89:72:1f:91:
+                    6c:db:7e:9e:1b:ad:c7:1f:73:dd:2c:4f:19:65:fd:
+                    7f:93:40:10:2e:d2:f0:ed:3c:9e:2e:28:3e:69:26:
+                    33:c5:7b
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                DA:BB:2E:AA:B0:0C:B8:88:26:51:74:5C:6D:03:D3:C0:D8:8F:7A:D6
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:DA:BB:2E:AA:B0:0C:B8:88:26:51:74:5C:6D:03:D3:C0:D8:8F:7A:D6
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         31:78:e6:c7:b5:df:b8:94:40:c9:71:c4:a8:35:ec:46:1d:c2:
+         85:f3:28:58:86:b0:0b:fc:8e:b2:39:8f:44:55:ab:64:84:5c:
+         69:a9:d0:9a:38:3c:fa:e5:1f:35:e5:44:e3:80:79:94:68:a4:
+         bb:c4:9f:3d:e1:34:cd:30:46:8b:54:2b:95:a5:ef:f7:3f:99:
+         84:fd:35:e6:cf:31:c6:dc:6a:bf:a7:d7:23:08:e1:98:5e:c3:
+         5a:08:76:a9:a6:af:77:2f:b7:60:bd:44:46:6a:ef:97:ff:73:
+         95:c1:8e:e8:93:fb:fd:31:b7:ec:57:11:11:45:9b:30:f1:1a:
+         88:39:c1:4f:3c:a7:00:d5:c7:fc:ab:6d:80:22:70:a5:0c:e0:
+         5d:04:29:02:fb:cb:a0:91:d1:7c:d6:c3:7e:50:d5:9d:58:be:
+         41:38:eb:b9:75:3c:15:d9:9b:c9:4a:83:59:c0:da:53:fd:33:
+         bb:36:18:9b:85:0f:15:dd:ee:2d:ac:76:93:b9:d9:01:8d:48:
+         10:a8:fb:f5:38:86:f1:db:0a:c6:bd:84:a3:23:41:de:d6:77:
+         6f:85:d4:85:1c:50:e0:ae:51:8a:ba:8d:3e:76:e2:b9:ca:27:
+         f2:5f:9f:ef:6e:59:0d:06:d8:2b:17:a4:d2:7c:6b:bb:5f:14:
+         1a:48:8f:1a:4c:e7:b3:47:1c:8e:4c:45:2b:20:ee:48:df:e7:
+         dd:09:8e:18:a8:da:40:8d:92:26:11:53:61:73:5d:eb:bd:e7:
+         c4:4d:29:37:61:eb:ac:39:2d:67:2e:16:d6:f5:00:83:85:a1:
+         cc:7f:76:c4:7d:e4:b7:4b:66:ef:03:45:60:69:b6:0c:52:96:
+         92:84:5e:a6:a3:b5:a4:3e:2b:d9:cc:d8:1b:47:aa:f2:44:da:
+         4f:f9:03:e8:f0:14:cb:3f:f3:83:de:d0:c1:54:e3:b7:e8:0a:
+         37:4d:8b:20:59:03:30:19:a1:2c:c8:bd:11:1f:df:ae:c9:4a:
+         c5:f3:27:66:66:86:ac:68:91:ff:d9:e6:53:1c:0f:8b:5c:69:
+         65:0a:26:c8:1e:34:c3:5d:51:7b:d7:a9:9c:06:a1:36:dd:d5:
+         89:94:bc:d9:e4:2d:0c:5e:09:6c:08:97:7c:a3:3d:7c:93:ff:
+         3f:a1:14:a7:cf:b5:5d:eb:db:db:1c:c4:76:df:88:b9:bd:45:
+         05:95:1b:ae:fc:46:6a:4c:af:48:e3:ce:ae:0f:d2:7e:eb:e6:
+         6c:9c:4f:81:6a:7a:64:ac:bb:3e:d5:e7:cb:76:2e:c5:a7:48:
+         c1:5c:90:0f:cb:c8:3f:fa:e6:32:e1:8d:1b:6f:a4:e6:8e:d8:
+         f9:29:48:8a:ce:73:fe:2c
+SHA1 Fingerprint=E6:21:F3:35:43:79:05:9A:4B:68:30:9D:8A:2F:74:22:15:87:EC:79
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/e8651083.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/e8651083.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..afb6f8ca1efcb01751a2590bc992f27889064506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/e8651083.0
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 14014712776195784473 (0xc27e43044e473f19)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=HU, L=Budapest, O=Microsec Ltd., CN=Microsec e-Szigno Root CA 2009/emailAddress=info@e-szigno.hu
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jun 16 11:30:18 2009 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 30 11:30:18 2029 GMT
+        Subject: C=HU, L=Budapest, O=Microsec Ltd., CN=Microsec e-Szigno Root CA 2009/emailAddress=info@e-szigno.hu
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:e9:f8:8f:f3:63:ad:da:86:d8:a7:e0:42:fb:cf:
+                    91:de:a6:26:f8:99:a5:63:70:ad:9b:ae:ca:33:40:
+                    7d:6d:96:6e:a1:0e:44:ee:e1:13:9d:94:42:52:9a:
+                    bd:75:85:74:2c:a8:0e:1d:93:b6:18:b7:8c:2c:a8:
+                    cf:fb:5c:71:b9:da:ec:fe:e8:7e:8f:e4:2f:1d:b2:
+                    a8:75:87:d8:b7:a1:e5:3b:cf:99:4a:46:d0:83:19:
+                    7d:c0:a1:12:1c:95:6d:4a:f4:d8:c7:a5:4d:33:2e:
+                    85:39:40:75:7e:14:7c:80:12:98:50:c7:41:67:b8:
+                    a0:80:61:54:a6:6c:4e:1f:e0:9d:0e:07:e9:c9:ba:
+                    33:e7:fe:c0:55:28:2c:02:80:a7:19:f5:9e:dc:55:
+                    53:03:97:7b:07:48:ff:99:fb:37:8a:24:c4:59:cc:
+                    50:10:63:8e:aa:a9:1a:b0:84:1a:86:f9:5f:bb:b1:
+                    50:6e:a4:d1:0a:cc:d5:71:7e:1f:a7:1b:7c:f5:53:
+                    6e:22:5f:cb:2b:e6:d4:7c:5d:ae:d6:c2:c6:4c:e5:
+                    05:01:d9:ed:57:fc:c1:23:79:fc:fa:c8:24:83:95:
+                    f3:b5:6a:51:01:d0:77:d6:e9:12:a1:f9:1a:83:fb:
+                    82:1b:b9:b0:97:f4:76:06:33:43:49:a0:ff:0b:b5:
+                    fa:b5
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                CB:0F:C6:DF:42:43:CC:3D:CB:B5:48:23:A1:1A:7A:A6:2A:BB:34:68
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:CB:0F:C6:DF:42:43:CC:3D:CB:B5:48:23:A1:1A:7A:A6:2A:BB:34:68
+            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: 
+                email:info@e-szigno.hu
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         c9:d1:0e:5e:2e:d5:cc:b3:7c:3e:cb:fc:3d:ff:0d:28:95:93:
+         04:c8:bf:da:cd:79:b8:43:90:f0:a4:be:ef:f2:ef:21:98:bc:
+         d4:d4:5d:06:f6:ee:42:ec:30:6c:a0:aa:a9:ca:f1:af:8a:fa:
+         3f:0b:73:6a:3e:ea:2e:40:7e:1f:ae:54:61:79:eb:2e:08:37:
+         d7:23:f3:8c:9f:be:1d:b1:e1:a4:75:db:a0:e2:54:14:b1:ba:
+         1c:29:a4:18:f6:12:ba:a2:14:14:e3:31:35:c8:40:ff:b7:e0:
+         05:76:57:c1:1c:59:f2:f8:bf:e4:ed:25:62:5c:84:f0:7e:7e:
+         1f:b3:be:f9:b7:21:11:cc:03:01:56:70:a7:10:92:1e:1b:34:
+         81:1e:ad:9c:1a:c3:04:3c:ed:02:61:d6:1e:06:f3:5f:3a:87:
+         f2:2b:f1:45:87:e5:3d:ac:d1:c7:57:84:bd:6b:ae:dc:d8:f9:
+         b6:1b:62:70:0b:3d:36:c9:42:f2:32:d7:7a:61:e6:d2:db:3d:
+         cf:c8:a9:c9:9b:dc:db:58:44:d7:6f:38:af:7f:78:d3:a3:ad:
+         1a:75:ba:1c:c1:36:7c:8f:1e:6d:1c:c3:75:46:ae:35:05:a6:
+         f6:5c:3d:21:ee:56:f0:c9:82:22:2d:7a:54:ab:70:c3:7d:22:
+         65:82:70:96
+SHA1 Fingerprint=89:DF:74:FE:5C:F4:0F:4A:80:F9:E3:37:7D:54:DA:91:E1:01:31:8E
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/ed39abd0.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/ed39abd0.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..188e37528742a013cdd6809ebc1f09cc8d75fda5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/ed39abd0.0
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            05:55:56:bc:f2:5e:a4:35:35:c3:a4:0f:d5:ab:45:72
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Global Root G3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Aug  1 12:00:00 2013 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 15 12:00:00 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Global Root G3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:dd:a7:d9:bb:8a:b8:0b:fb:0b:7f:21:d2:f0:be:
+                    be:73:f3:33:5d:1a:bc:34:ea:de:c6:9b:bc:d0:95:
+                    f6:f0:cc:d0:0b:ba:61:5b:51:46:7e:9e:2d:9f:ee:
+                    8e:63:0c:17:ec:07:70:f5:cf:84:2e:40:83:9c:e8:
+                    3f:41:6d:3b:ad:d3:a4:14:59:36:78:9d:03:43:ee:
+                    10:13:6c:72:de:ae:88:a7:a1:6b:b5:43:ce:67:dc:
+                    23:ff:03:1c:a3:e2:3e
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                B3:DB:48:A4:F9:A1:C5:D8:AE:36:41:CC:11:63:69:62:29:BC:4B:C6
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:65:02:31:00:ad:bc:f2:6c:3f:12:4a:d1:2d:39:c3:0a:09:
+         97:73:f4:88:36:8c:88:27:bb:e6:88:8d:50:85:a7:63:f9:9e:
+         32:de:66:93:0f:f1:cc:b1:09:8f:dd:6c:ab:fa:6b:7f:a0:02:
+         30:39:66:5b:c2:64:8d:b8:9e:50:dc:a8:d5:49:a2:ed:c7:dc:
+         d1:49:7f:17:01:b8:c8:86:8f:4e:8c:88:2b:a8:9a:a9:8a:c5:
+         d1:00:bd:f8:54:e2:9a:e5:5b:7c:b3:27:17
+SHA1 Fingerprint=7E:04:DE:89:6A:3E:66:6D:00:E6:87:D3:3F:FA:D9:3B:E8:3D:34:9E
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/ee7cd6fb.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/ee7cd6fb.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..69b359af8b1b05d9fc0f11e8df1ebf44887c551d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/ee7cd6fb.0
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=EU, O=AC Camerfirma SA CIF A82743287, OU=http://www.chambersign.org, CN=Chambers of Commerce Root
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Sep 30 16:13:43 2003 GMT
+            Not After : Sep 30 16:13:44 2037 GMT
+        Subject: C=EU, O=AC Camerfirma SA CIF A82743287, OU=http://www.chambersign.org, CN=Chambers of Commerce Root
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b7:36:55:e5:a5:5d:18:30:e0:da:89:54:91:fc:
+                    c8:c7:52:f8:2f:50:d9:ef:b1:75:73:65:47:7d:1b:
+                    5b:ba:75:c5:fc:a1:88:24:fa:2f:ed:ca:08:4a:39:
+                    54:c4:51:7a:b5:da:60:ea:38:3c:81:b2:cb:f1:bb:
+                    d9:91:23:3f:48:01:70:75:a9:05:2a:ad:1f:71:f3:
+                    c9:54:3d:1d:06:6a:40:3e:b3:0c:85:ee:5c:1b:79:
+                    c2:62:c4:b8:36:8e:35:5d:01:0c:23:04:47:35:aa:
+                    9b:60:4e:a0:66:3d:cb:26:0a:9c:40:a1:f4:5d:98:
+                    bf:71:ab:a5:00:68:2a:ed:83:7a:0f:a2:14:b5:d4:
+                    22:b3:80:b0:3c:0c:5a:51:69:2d:58:18:8f:ed:99:
+                    9e:f1:ae:e2:95:e6:f6:47:a8:d6:0c:0f:b0:58:58:
+                    db:c3:66:37:9e:9b:91:54:33:37:d2:94:1c:6a:48:
+                    c9:c9:f2:a5:da:a5:0c:23:f7:23:0e:9c:32:55:5e:
+                    71:9c:84:05:51:9a:2d:fd:e6:4e:2a:34:5a:de:ca:
+                    40:37:67:0c:54:21:55:77:da:0a:0c:cc:97:ae:80:
+                    dc:94:36:4a:f4:3e:ce:36:13:1e:53:e4:ac:4e:3a:
+                    05:ec:db:ae:72:9c:38:8b:d0:39:3b:89:0a:3e:77:
+                    fe:75
+                Exponent: 3 (0x3)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE, pathlen:12
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.chambersign.org/chambersroot.crl
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                E3:94:F5:B1:4D:E9:DB:A1:29:5B:57:8B:4D:76:06:76:E1:D1:A2:8A
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            Netscape Cert Type: 
+                SSL CA, S/MIME CA, Object Signing CA
+            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: 
+                email:chambersroot@chambersign.org
+            X509v3 Issuer Alternative Name: 
+                email:chambersroot@chambersign.org
+            X509v3 Certificate Policies: 
+                Policy:
+                  CPS: http://cps.chambersign.org/cps/chambersroot.html
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         0c:41:97:c2:1a:86:c0:22:7c:9f:fb:90:f3:1a:d1:03:b1:ef:
+         13:f9:21:5f:04:9c:da:c9:a5:8d:27:6c:96:87:91:be:41:90:
+         01:72:93:e7:1e:7d:5f:f6:89:c6:5d:a7:40:09:3d:ac:49:45:
+         45:dc:2e:8d:30:68:b2:09:ba:fb:c3:2f:cc:ba:0b:df:3f:77:
+         7b:46:7d:3a:12:24:8e:96:8f:3c:05:0a:6f:d2:94:28:1d:6d:
+         0c:c0:2e:88:22:d5:d8:cf:1d:13:c7:f0:48:d7:d7:05:a7:cf:
+         c7:47:9e:3b:3c:34:c8:80:4f:d4:14:bb:fc:0d:50:f7:fa:b3:
+         ec:42:5f:a9:dd:6d:c8:f4:75:cf:7b:c1:72:26:b1:01:1c:5c:
+         2c:fd:7a:4e:b4:01:c5:05:57:b9:e7:3c:aa:05:d9:88:e9:07:
+         46:41:ce:ef:41:81:ae:58:df:83:a2:ae:ca:d7:77:1f:e7:00:
+         3c:9d:6f:8e:e4:32:09:1d:4d:78:34:78:34:3c:94:9b:26:ed:
+         4f:71:c6:19:7a:bd:20:22:48:5a:fe:4b:7d:03:b7:e7:58:be:
+         c6:32:4e:74:1e:68:dd:a8:68:5b:b3:3e:ee:62:7d:d9:80:e8:
+         0a:75:7a:b7:ee:b4:65:9a:21:90:e0:aa:d0:98:bc:38:b5:73:
+         3c:8b:f8:dc
+SHA1 Fingerprint=6E:3A:55:A4:19:0C:19:5C:93:84:3C:C0:DB:72:2E:31:30:61:F0:B1
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/facacbc6.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/facacbc6.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b2120a7ba9f412da136b5d562a9689973fec798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/facacbc6.0
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            18:da:d1:9e:26:7d:e8:bb:4a:21:58:cd:cc:6b:3b:4a
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov  8 00:00:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Jul 16 23:59:59 2036 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:af:24:08:08:29:7a:35:9e:60:0c:aa:e7:4b:3b:
+                    4e:dc:7c:bc:3c:45:1c:bb:2b:e0:fe:29:02:f9:57:
+                    08:a3:64:85:15:27:f5:f1:ad:c8:31:89:5d:22:e8:
+                    2a:aa:a6:42:b3:8f:f8:b9:55:b7:b1:b7:4b:b3:fe:
+                    8f:7e:07:57:ec:ef:43:db:66:62:15:61:cf:60:0d:
+                    a4:d8:de:f8:e0:c3:62:08:3d:54:13:eb:49:ca:59:
+                    54:85:26:e5:2b:8f:1b:9f:eb:f5:a1:91:c2:33:49:
+                    d8:43:63:6a:52:4b:d2:8f:e8:70:51:4d:d1:89:69:
+                    7b:c7:70:f6:b3:dc:12:74:db:7b:5d:4b:56:d3:96:
+                    bf:15:77:a1:b0:f4:a2:25:f2:af:1c:92:67:18:e5:
+                    f4:06:04:ef:90:b9:e4:00:e4:dd:3a:b5:19:ff:02:
+                    ba:f4:3c:ee:e0:8b:eb:37:8b:ec:f4:d7:ac:f2:f6:
+                    f0:3d:af:dd:75:91:33:19:1d:1c:40:cb:74:24:19:
+                    21:93:d9:14:fe:ac:2a:52:c7:8f:d5:04:49:e4:8d:
+                    63:47:88:3c:69:83:cb:fe:47:bd:2b:7e:4f:c5:95:
+                    ae:0e:9d:d4:d1:43:c0:67:73:e3:14:08:7e:e5:3f:
+                    9f:73:b8:33:0a:cf:5d:3f:34:87:96:8a:ee:53:e8:
+                    25:15
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+                0_.].[0Y0W0U..image/gif0!0.0...+..............k...j.H.,{..0%.#http://logo.verisign.com/vslogo.gif
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                7F:D3:65:A7:C2:DD:EC:BB:F0:30:09:F3:43:39:FA:02:AF:33:31:33
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         93:24:4a:30:5f:62:cf:d8:1a:98:2f:3d:ea:dc:99:2d:bd:77:
+         f6:a5:79:22:38:ec:c4:a7:a0:78:12:ad:62:0e:45:70:64:c5:
+         e7:97:66:2d:98:09:7e:5f:af:d6:cc:28:65:f2:01:aa:08:1a:
+         47:de:f9:f9:7c:92:5a:08:69:20:0d:d9:3e:6d:6e:3c:0d:6e:
+         d8:e6:06:91:40:18:b9:f8:c1:ed:df:db:41:aa:e0:96:20:c9:
+         cd:64:15:38:81:c9:94:ee:a2:84:29:0b:13:6f:8e:db:0c:dd:
+         25:02:db:a4:8b:19:44:d2:41:7a:05:69:4a:58:4f:60:ca:7e:
+         82:6a:0b:02:aa:25:17:39:b5:db:7f:e7:84:65:2a:95:8a:bd:
+         86:de:5e:81:16:83:2d:10:cc:de:fd:a8:82:2a:6d:28:1f:0d:
+         0b:c4:e5:e7:1a:26:19:e1:f4:11:6f:10:b5:95:fc:e7:42:05:
+         32:db:ce:9d:51:5e:28:b6:9e:85:d3:5b:ef:a5:7d:45:40:72:
+         8e:b7:0e:6b:0e:06:fb:33:35:48:71:b8:9d:27:8b:c4:65:5f:
+         0d:86:76:9c:44:7a:f6:95:5c:f6:5d:32:08:33:a4:54:b6:18:
+         3f:68:5c:f2:42:4a:85:38:54:83:5f:d1:e8:2c:f2:ac:11:d6:
+         a8:ed:63:6a
+SHA1 Fingerprint=4E:B6:D5:78:49:9B:1C:CF:5F:58:1E:AD:56:BE:3D:9B:67:44:A5:E5
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/fb5fa911.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/fb5fa911.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8758d19b80a151efa468525498960b6e1f2e42c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/fb5fa911.0
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            06:6c:9f:d2:96:35:86:9f:0a:0f:e5:86:78:f8:5b:26:bb:8a:37
+    Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=Amazon, CN=Amazon Root CA 2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 26 00:00:00 2015 GMT
+            Not After : May 26 00:00:00 2040 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=Amazon, CN=Amazon Root CA 2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ad:96:9f:2d:9c:4a:4c:4a:81:79:51:99:ec:8a:
+                    cb:6b:60:51:13:bc:4d:6d:06:fc:b0:08:8d:dd:19:
+                    10:6a:c7:26:0c:35:d8:c0:6f:20:84:e9:94:b1:9b:
+                    85:03:c3:5b:db:4a:e8:c8:f8:90:76:d9:5b:4f:e3:
+                    4c:e8:06:36:4d:cc:9a:ac:3d:0c:90:2b:92:d4:06:
+                    19:60:ac:37:44:79:85:81:82:ad:5a:37:e0:0d:cc:
+                    9d:a6:4c:52:76:ea:43:9d:b7:04:d1:50:f6:55:e0:
+                    d5:d2:a6:49:85:e9:37:e9:ca:7e:ae:5c:95:4d:48:
+                    9a:3f:ae:20:5a:6d:88:95:d9:34:b8:52:1a:43:90:
+                    b0:bf:6c:05:b9:b6:78:b7:ea:d0:e4:3a:3c:12:53:
+                    62:ff:4a:f2:7b:be:35:05:a9:12:34:e3:f3:64:74:
+                    62:2c:3d:00:49:5a:28:fe:32:44:bb:87:dd:65:27:
+                    02:71:3b:da:4a:f7:1f:da:cd:f7:21:55:90:4f:0f:
+                    ec:ae:82:e1:9f:6b:d9:45:d3:bb:f0:5f:87:ed:3c:
+                    2c:39:86:da:3f:de:ec:72:55:eb:79:a3:ad:db:dd:
+                    7c:b0:ba:1c:ce:fc:de:4f:35:76:cf:0f:f8:78:1f:
+                    6a:36:51:46:27:61:5b:e9:9e:cf:f0:a2:55:7d:7c:
+                    25:8a:6f:2f:b4:c5:cf:84:2e:2b:fd:0d:51:10:6c:
+                    fb:5f:1b:bc:1b:7e:c5:ae:3b:98:01:31:92:ff:0b:
+                    57:f4:9a:b2:b9:57:e9:ab:ef:0d:76:d1:f0:ee:f4:
+                    ce:86:a7:e0:6e:e9:b4:69:a1:df:69:f6:33:c6:69:
+                    2e:97:13:9e:a5:87:b0:57:10:81:37:c9:53:b3:bb:
+                    7f:f6:92:d1:9c:d0:18:f4:92:6e:da:83:4f:a6:63:
+                    99:4c:a5:fb:5e:ef:21:64:7a:20:5f:6c:64:85:15:
+                    cb:37:e9:62:0c:0b:2a:16:dc:01:2e:32:da:3e:4b:
+                    f5:9e:3a:f6:17:40:94:ef:9e:91:08:86:fa:be:63:
+                    a8:5a:33:ec:cb:74:43:95:f9:6c:69:52:36:c7:29:
+                    6f:fc:55:03:5c:1f:fb:9f:bd:47:eb:e7:49:47:95:
+                    0b:4e:89:22:09:49:e0:f5:61:1e:f1:bf:2e:8a:72:
+                    6e:80:59:ff:57:3a:f9:75:32:a3:4e:5f:ec:ed:28:
+                    62:d9:4d:73:f2:cc:81:17:60:ed:cd:eb:dc:db:a7:
+                    ca:c5:7e:02:bd:f2:54:08:54:fd:b4:2d:09:2c:17:
+                    54:4a:98:d1:54:e1:51:67:08:d2:ed:6e:7e:6f:3f:
+                    d2:2d:81:59:29:66:cb:90:39:95:11:1e:74:27:fe:
+                    dd:eb:af
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                B0:0C:F0:4C:30:F4:05:58:02:48:FD:33:E5:52:AF:4B:84:E3:66:52
+    Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption
+         aa:a8:80:8f:0e:78:a3:e0:a2:d4:cd:e6:f5:98:7a:3b:ea:00:
+         03:b0:97:0e:93:bc:5a:a8:f6:2c:8c:72:87:a9:b1:fc:7f:73:
+         fd:63:71:78:a5:87:59:cf:30:e1:0d:10:b2:13:5a:6d:82:f5:
+         6a:e6:80:9f:a0:05:0b:68:e4:47:6b:c7:6a:df:b6:fd:77:32:
+         72:e5:18:fa:09:f4:a0:93:2c:5d:d2:8c:75:85:76:65:90:0c:
+         03:79:b7:31:23:63:ad:78:83:09:86:68:84:ca:ff:f9:cf:26:
+         9a:92:79:e7:cd:4b:c5:e7:61:a7:17:cb:f3:a9:12:93:93:6b:
+         a7:e8:2f:53:92:c4:60:58:b0:cc:02:51:18:5b:85:8d:62:59:
+         63:b6:ad:b4:de:9a:fb:26:f7:00:27:c0:5d:55:37:74:99:c9:
+         50:7f:e3:59:2e:44:e3:2c:25:ee:ec:4c:32:77:b4:9f:1a:e9:
+         4b:5d:20:c5:da:fd:1c:87:16:c6:43:e8:d4:bb:26:9a:45:70:
+         5e:a9:0b:37:53:e2:46:7b:27:fd:e0:46:f2:89:b7:cc:42:b6:
+         cb:28:26:6e:d9:a5:c9:3a:c8:41:13:60:f7:50:8c:15:ae:b2:
+         6d:1a:15:1a:57:78:e6:92:2a:d9:65:90:82:3f:6c:02:af:ae:
+         12:3a:27:96:36:04:d7:1d:a2:80:63:a9:9b:f1:e5:ba:b4:7c:
+         14:b0:4e:c9:b1:1f:74:5f:38:f6:51:ea:9b:fa:2c:a2:11:d4:
+         a9:2d:27:1a:45:b1:af:b2:4e:71:0d:c0:58:46:d6:69:06:cb:
+         53:cb:b3:fe:6b:41:cd:41:7e:7d:4c:0f:7c:72:79:7a:59:cd:
+         5e:4a:0e:ac:9b:a9:98:73:79:7c:b4:f4:cc:b9:b8:07:0c:b2:
+         74:5c:b8:c7:6f:88:a1:90:a7:f4:aa:f9:bf:67:3a:f4:1a:15:
+         62:1e:b7:9f:be:3d:b1:29:af:67:a1:12:f2:58:10:19:53:03:
+         30:1b:b8:1a:89:f6:9c:bd:97:03:8e:a3:09:f3:1d:8b:21:f1:
+         b4:df:e4:1c:d1:9f:65:02:06:ea:5c:d6:13:b3:84:ef:a2:a5:
+         5c:8c:77:29:a7:68:c0:6b:ae:40:d2:a8:b4:ea:cd:f0:8d:4b:
+         38:9c:19:9a:1b:28:54:b8:89:90:ef:ca:75:81:3e:1e:f2:64:
+         24:c7:18:af:4e:ff:47:9e:07:f6:35:65:a4:d3:0a:56:ff:f5:
+         17:64:6c:ef:a8:22:25:49:93:b6:df:00:17:da:58:7e:5d:ee:
+         c5:1b:b0:d1:d1:5f:21:10:c7:f9:f3:ba:02:0a:27:07:c5:f1:
+         d6:c7:d3:e0:fb:09:60:6c
+SHA1 Fingerprint=5A:8C:EF:45:D7:A6:98:59:76:7A:8C:8B:44:96:B5:78:CF:47:4B:1A
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/fd08c599.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/fd08c599.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3468f7f5f8d0df007c012cdf2ecc82675bd3a98f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/fd08c599.0
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            06:6c:9f:cf:99:bf:8c:0a:39:e2:f0:78:8a:43:e6:96:36:5b:ca
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=Amazon, CN=Amazon Root CA 1
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 26 00:00:00 2015 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 17 00:00:00 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=Amazon, CN=Amazon Root CA 1
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b2:78:80:71:ca:78:d5:e3:71:af:47:80:50:74:
+                    7d:6e:d8:d7:88:76:f4:99:68:f7:58:21:60:f9:74:
+                    84:01:2f:ac:02:2d:86:d3:a0:43:7a:4e:b2:a4:d0:
+                    36:ba:01:be:8d:db:48:c8:07:17:36:4c:f4:ee:88:
+                    23:c7:3e:eb:37:f5:b5:19:f8:49:68:b0:de:d7:b9:
+                    76:38:1d:61:9e:a4:fe:82:36:a5:e5:4a:56:e4:45:
+                    e1:f9:fd:b4:16:fa:74:da:9c:9b:35:39:2f:fa:b0:
+                    20:50:06:6c:7a:d0:80:b2:a6:f9:af:ec:47:19:8f:
+                    50:38:07:dc:a2:87:39:58:f8:ba:d5:a9:f9:48:67:
+                    30:96:ee:94:78:5e:6f:89:a3:51:c0:30:86:66:a1:
+                    45:66:ba:54:eb:a3:c3:91:f9:48:dc:ff:d1:e8:30:
+                    2d:7d:2d:74:70:35:d7:88:24:f7:9e:c4:59:6e:bb:
+                    73:87:17:f2:32:46:28:b8:43:fa:b7:1d:aa:ca:b4:
+                    f2:9f:24:0e:2d:4b:f7:71:5c:5e:69:ff:ea:95:02:
+                    cb:38:8a:ae:50:38:6f:db:fb:2d:62:1b:c5:c7:1e:
+                    54:e1:77:e0:67:c8:0f:9c:87:23:d6:3f:40:20:7f:
+                    20:80:c4:80:4c:3e:3b:24:26:8e:04:ae:6c:9a:c8:
+                    aa:0d
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                84:18:CC:85:34:EC:BC:0C:94:94:2E:08:59:9C:C7:B2:10:4E:0A:08
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         98:f2:37:5a:41:90:a1:1a:c5:76:51:28:20:36:23:0e:ae:e6:
+         28:bb:aa:f8:94:ae:48:a4:30:7f:1b:fc:24:8d:4b:b4:c8:a1:
+         97:f6:b6:f1:7a:70:c8:53:93:cc:08:28:e3:98:25:cf:23:a4:
+         f9:de:21:d3:7c:85:09:ad:4e:9a:75:3a:c2:0b:6a:89:78:76:
+         44:47:18:65:6c:8d:41:8e:3b:7f:9a:cb:f4:b5:a7:50:d7:05:
+         2c:37:e8:03:4b:ad:e9:61:a0:02:6e:f5:f2:f0:c5:b2:ed:5b:
+         b7:dc:fa:94:5c:77:9e:13:a5:7f:52:ad:95:f2:f8:93:3b:de:
+         8b:5c:5b:ca:5a:52:5b:60:af:14:f7:4b:ef:a3:fb:9f:40:95:
+         6d:31:54:fc:42:d3:c7:46:1f:23:ad:d9:0f:48:70:9a:d9:75:
+         78:71:d1:72:43:34:75:6e:57:59:c2:02:5c:26:60:29:cf:23:
+         19:16:8e:88:43:a5:d4:e4:cb:08:fb:23:11:43:e8:43:29:72:
+         62:a1:a9:5d:5e:08:d4:90:ae:b8:d8:ce:14:c2:d0:55:f2:86:
+         f6:c4:93:43:77:66:61:c0:b9:e8:41:d7:97:78:60:03:6e:4a:
+         72:ae:a5:d1:7d:ba:10:9e:86:6c:1b:8a:b9:59:33:f8:eb:c4:
+         90:be:f1:b9
+SHA1 Fingerprint=8D:A7:F9:65:EC:5E:FC:37:91:0F:1C:6E:59:FD:C1:CC:6A:6E:DE:16
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/fde84897.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/fde84897.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c87478cc4dafef11c49b40841cf09d47b0f200de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts/fde84897.0
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 18364802974209362175 (0xfedce3010fc948ff)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=FR, O=Dhimyotis, CN=Certigna
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jun 29 15:13:05 2007 GMT
+            Not After : Jun 29 15:13:05 2027 GMT
+        Subject: C=FR, O=Dhimyotis, CN=Certigna
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c8:68:f1:c9:d6:d6:b3:34:75:26:82:1e:ec:b4:
+                    be:ea:5c:e1:26:ed:11:47:61:e1:a2:7c:16:78:40:
+                    21:e4:60:9e:5a:c8:63:e1:c4:b1:96:92:ff:18:6d:
+                    69:23:e1:2b:62:f7:dd:e2:36:2f:91:07:b9:48:cf:
+                    0e:ec:79:b6:2c:e7:34:4b:70:08:25:a3:3c:87:1b:
+                    19:f2:81:07:0f:38:90:19:d3:11:fe:86:b4:f2:d1:
+                    5e:1e:1e:96:cd:80:6c:ce:3b:31:93:b6:f2:a0:d0:
+                    a9:95:12:7d:a5:9a:cc:6b:c8:84:56:8a:33:a9:e7:
+                    22:15:53:16:f0:cc:17:ec:57:5f:e9:a2:0a:98:09:
+                    de:e3:5f:9c:6f:dc:48:e3:85:0b:15:5a:a6:ba:9f:
+                    ac:48:e3:09:b2:f7:f4:32:de:5e:34:be:1c:78:5d:
+                    42:5b:ce:0e:22:8f:4d:90:d7:7d:32:18:b3:0b:2c:
+                    6a:bf:8e:3f:14:11:89:20:0e:77:14:b5:3d:94:08:
+                    87:f7:25:1e:d5:b2:60:00:ec:6f:2a:28:25:6e:2a:
+                    3e:18:63:17:25:3f:3e:44:20:16:f6:26:c8:25:ae:
+                    05:4a:b4:e7:63:2c:f3:8c:16:53:7e:5c:fb:11:1a:
+                    08:c1:46:62:9f:22:b8:f1:c2:8d:69:dc:fa:3a:58:
+                    06:df
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                1A:ED:FE:41:39:90:B4:24:59:BE:01:F2:52:D5:45:F6:5A:39:DC:11
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:1A:ED:FE:41:39:90:B4:24:59:BE:01:F2:52:D5:45:F6:5A:39:DC:11
+                DirName:/C=FR/O=Dhimyotis/CN=Certigna
+                serial:FE:DC:E3:01:0F:C9:48:FF
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            Netscape Cert Type: 
+                SSL CA, S/MIME CA, Object Signing CA
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         85:03:1e:92:71:f6:42:af:e1:a3:61:9e:eb:f3:c0:0f:f2:a5:
+         d4:da:95:e6:d6:be:68:36:3d:7e:6e:1f:4c:8a:ef:d1:0f:21:
+         6d:5e:a5:52:63:ce:12:f8:ef:2a:da:6f:eb:37:fe:13:02:c7:
+         cb:3b:3e:22:6b:da:61:2e:7f:d4:72:3d:dd:30:e1:1e:4c:40:
+         19:8c:0f:d7:9c:d1:83:30:7b:98:59:dc:7d:c6:b9:0c:29:4c:
+         a1:33:a2:eb:67:3a:65:84:d3:96:e2:ed:76:45:70:8f:b5:2b:
+         de:f9:23:d6:49:6e:3c:14:b5:c6:9f:35:1e:50:d0:c1:8f:6a:
+         70:44:02:62:cb:ae:1d:68:41:a7:aa:57:e8:53:aa:07:d2:06:
+         f6:d5:14:06:0b:91:03:75:2c:6c:72:b5:61:95:9a:0d:8b:b9:
+         0d:e7:f5:df:54:cd:de:e6:d8:d6:09:08:97:63:e5:c1:2e:b0:
+         b7:44:26:c0:26:c0:af:55:30:9e:3b:d5:36:2a:19:04:f4:5c:
+         1e:ff:cf:2c:b7:ff:d0:fd:87:40:11:d5:11:23:bb:48:c0:21:
+         a9:a4:28:2d:fd:15:f8:b0:4e:2b:f4:30:5b:21:fc:11:91:34:
+         be:41:ef:7b:9d:97:75:ff:97:95:c0:96:58:2f:ea:bb:46:d7:
+         bb:e4:d9:2e
+SHA1 Fingerprint=B1:2E:13:63:45:86:A4:6F:1A:B2:60:68:37:58:2D:C4:AC:FD:94:97
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/00673b5b.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/00673b5b.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ccea509428c5bbbec4c007e438c3bf5ae2746b81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/00673b5b.0
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            34:4e:d5:57:20:d5:ed:ec:49:f4:2f:ce:37:db:2b:6d
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=thawte, Inc., OU=Certification Services Division, OU=(c) 2006 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=thawte Primary Root CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 17 00:00:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Jul 16 23:59:59 2036 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=thawte, Inc., OU=Certification Services Division, OU=(c) 2006 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=thawte Primary Root CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ac:a0:f0:fb:80:59:d4:9c:c7:a4:cf:9d:a1:59:
+                    73:09:10:45:0c:0d:2c:6e:68:f1:6c:5b:48:68:49:
+                    59:37:fc:0b:33:19:c2:77:7f:cc:10:2d:95:34:1c:
+                    e6:eb:4d:09:a7:1c:d2:b8:c9:97:36:02:b7:89:d4:
+                    24:5f:06:c0:cc:44:94:94:8d:02:62:6f:eb:5a:dd:
+                    11:8d:28:9a:5c:84:90:10:7a:0d:bd:74:66:2f:6a:
+                    38:a0:e2:d5:54:44:eb:1d:07:9f:07:ba:6f:ee:e9:
+                    fd:4e:0b:29:f5:3e:84:a0:01:f1:9c:ab:f8:1c:7e:
+                    89:a4:e8:a1:d8:71:65:0d:a3:51:7b:ee:bc:d2:22:
+                    60:0d:b9:5b:9d:df:ba:fc:51:5b:0b:af:98:b2:e9:
+                    2e:e9:04:e8:62:87:de:2b:c8:d7:4e:c1:4c:64:1e:
+                    dd:cf:87:58:ba:4a:4f:ca:68:07:1d:1c:9d:4a:c6:
+                    d5:2f:91:cc:7c:71:72:1c:c5:c0:67:eb:32:fd:c9:
+                    92:5c:94:da:85:c0:9b:bf:53:7d:2b:09:f4:8c:9d:
+                    91:1f:97:6a:52:cb:de:09:36:a4:77:d8:7b:87:50:
+                    44:d5:3e:6e:29:69:fb:39:49:26:1e:09:a5:80:7b:
+                    40:2d:eb:e8:27:85:c9:fe:61:fd:7e:e6:7c:97:1d:
+                    d5:9d
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                7B:5B:45:CF:AF:CE:CB:7A:FD:31:92:1A:6A:B6:F3:46:EB:57:48:50
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         79:11:c0:4b:b3:91:b6:fc:f0:e9:67:d4:0d:6e:45:be:55:e8:
+         93:d2:ce:03:3f:ed:da:25:b0:1d:57:cb:1e:3a:76:a0:4c:ec:
+         50:76:e8:64:72:0c:a4:a9:f1:b8:8b:d6:d6:87:84:bb:32:e5:
+         41:11:c0:77:d9:b3:60:9d:eb:1b:d5:d1:6e:44:44:a9:a6:01:
+         ec:55:62:1d:77:b8:5c:8e:48:49:7c:9c:3b:57:11:ac:ad:73:
+         37:8e:2f:78:5c:90:68:47:d9:60:60:e6:fc:07:3d:22:20:17:
+         c4:f7:16:e9:c4:d8:72:f9:c8:73:7c:df:16:2f:15:a9:3e:fd:
+         6a:27:b6:a1:eb:5a:ba:98:1f:d5:e3:4d:64:0a:9d:13:c8:61:
+         ba:f5:39:1c:87:ba:b8:bd:7b:22:7f:f6:fe:ac:40:79:e5:ac:
+         10:6f:3d:8f:1b:79:76:8b:c4:37:b3:21:18:84:e5:36:00:eb:
+         63:20:99:b9:e9:fe:33:04:bb:41:c8:c1:02:f9:44:63:20:9e:
+         81:ce:42:d3:d6:3f:2c:76:d3:63:9c:59:dd:8f:a6:e1:0e:a0:
+         2e:41:f7:2e:95:47:cf:bc:fd:33:f3:f6:0b:61:7e:7e:91:2b:
+         81:47:c2:27:30:ee:a7:10:5d:37:8f:5c:39:2b:e4:04:f0:7b:
+         8d:56:8c:68
+SHA1 Fingerprint=91:C6:D6:EE:3E:8A:C8:63:84:E5:48:C2:99:29:5C:75:6C:81:7B:81
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/02b73561.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/02b73561.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..573528b15524dcfbdb3d57c7156f1c63692c6360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/02b73561.0
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=Comodo CA Limited, CN=Secure Certificate Services
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan  1 00:00:00 2004 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2028 GMT
+        Subject: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=Comodo CA Limited, CN=Secure Certificate Services
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c0:71:33:82:8a:d0:70:eb:73:87:82:40:d5:1d:
+                    e4:cb:c9:0e:42:90:f9:de:34:b9:a1:ba:11:f4:25:
+                    85:f3:cc:72:6d:f2:7b:97:6b:b3:07:f1:77:24:91:
+                    5f:25:8f:f6:74:3d:e4:80:c2:f8:3c:0d:f3:bf:40:
+                    ea:f7:c8:52:d1:72:6f:ef:c8:ab:41:b8:6e:2e:17:
+                    2a:95:69:0c:cd:d2:1e:94:7b:2d:94:1d:aa:75:d7:
+                    b3:98:cb:ac:bc:64:53:40:bc:8f:ac:ac:36:cb:5c:
+                    ad:bb:dd:e0:94:17:ec:d1:5c:d0:bf:ef:a5:95:c9:
+                    90:c5:b0:ac:fb:1b:43:df:7a:08:5d:b7:b8:f2:40:
+                    1b:2b:27:9e:50:ce:5e:65:82:88:8c:5e:d3:4e:0c:
+                    7a:ea:08:91:b6:36:aa:2b:42:fb:ea:c2:a3:39:e5:
+                    db:26:38:ad:8b:0a:ee:19:63:c7:1c:24:df:03:78:
+                    da:e6:ea:c1:47:1a:0b:0b:46:09:dd:02:fc:de:cb:
+                    87:5f:d7:30:63:68:a1:ae:dc:32:a1:ba:be:fe:44:
+                    ab:68:b6:a5:17:15:fd:bd:d5:a7:a7:9a:e4:44:33:
+                    e9:88:8e:fc:ed:51:eb:93:71:4e:ad:01:e7:44:8e:
+                    ab:2d:cb:a8:fe:01:49:48:f0:c0:dd:c7:68:d8:92:
+                    fe:3d
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                3C:D8:93:88:C2:C0:82:09:CC:01:99:06:93:20:E9:9E:70:09:63:4F
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.comodoca.com/SecureCertificateServices.crl
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.comodo.net/SecureCertificateServices.crl
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         87:01:6d:23:1d:7e:5b:17:7d:c1:61:32:cf:8f:e7:f3:8a:94:
+         59:66:e0:9e:28:a8:5e:d3:b7:f4:34:e6:aa:39:b2:97:16:c5:
+         82:6f:32:a4:e9:8c:e7:af:fd:ef:c2:e8:b9:4b:aa:a3:f4:e6:
+         da:8d:65:21:fb:ba:80:eb:26:28:85:1a:fe:39:8c:de:5b:04:
+         04:b4:54:f9:a3:67:9e:41:fa:09:52:cc:05:48:a8:c9:3f:21:
+         04:1e:ce:48:6b:fc:85:e8:c2:7b:af:7f:b7:cc:f8:5f:3a:fd:
+         35:c6:0d:ef:97:dc:4c:ab:11:e1:6b:cb:31:d1:6c:fb:48:80:
+         ab:dc:9c:37:b8:21:14:4b:0d:71:3d:ec:83:33:6e:d1:6e:32:
+         16:ec:98:c7:16:8b:59:a6:34:ab:05:57:2d:93:f7:aa:13:cb:
+         d2:13:e2:b7:2e:3b:cd:6b:50:17:09:68:3e:b5:26:57:ee:b6:
+         e0:b6:dd:b9:29:80:79:7d:8f:a3:f0:a4:28:a4:15:c4:85:f4:
+         27:d4:6b:bf:e5:5c:e4:65:02:76:54:b4:e3:37:66:24:d3:19:
+         61:c8:52:10:e5:8b:37:9a:b9:a9:f9:1d:bf:ea:99:92:61:96:
+         ff:01:cd:a1:5f:0d:bc:71:bc:0e:ac:0b:1d:47:45:1d:c1:ec:
+         7c:ec:fd:29
+SHA1 Fingerprint=4A:65:D5:F4:1D:EF:39:B8:B8:90:4A:4A:D3:64:81:33:CF:C7:A1:D1
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/04f60c28.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/04f60c28.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dec2f4ed8a62dcf13602cf3f49f8d9725313c9c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/04f60c28.0
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            5c:8b:99:c5:5a:94:c5:d2:71:56:de:cd:89:80:cc:26
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=New Jersey, L=Jersey City, O=The USERTRUST Network, CN=USERTrust ECC Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Feb  1 00:00:00 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 18 23:59:59 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=New Jersey, L=Jersey City, O=The USERTRUST Network, CN=USERTrust ECC Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:1a:ac:54:5a:a9:f9:68:23:e7:7a:d5:24:6f:53:
+                    c6:5a:d8:4b:ab:c6:d5:b6:d1:e6:73:71:ae:dd:9c:
+                    d6:0c:61:fd:db:a0:89:03:b8:05:14:ec:57:ce:ee:
+                    5d:3f:e2:21:b3:ce:f7:d4:8a:79:e0:a3:83:7e:2d:
+                    97:d0:61:c4:f1:99:dc:25:91:63:ab:7f:30:a3:b4:
+                    70:e2:c7:a1:33:9c:f3:bf:2e:5c:53:b1:5f:b3:7d:
+                    32:7f:8a:34:e3:79:79
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                3A:E1:09:86:D4:CF:19:C2:96:76:74:49:76:DC:E0:35:C6:63:63:9A
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:65:02:30:36:67:a1:16:08:dc:e4:97:00:41:1d:4e:be:e1:
+         63:01:cf:3b:aa:42:11:64:a0:9d:94:39:02:11:79:5c:7b:1d:
+         fa:64:b9:ee:16:42:b3:bf:8a:c2:09:c4:ec:e4:b1:4d:02:31:
+         00:e9:2a:61:47:8c:52:4a:4b:4e:18:70:f6:d6:44:d6:6e:f5:
+         83:ba:6d:58:bd:24:d9:56:48:ea:ef:c4:a2:46:81:88:6a:3a:
+         46:d1:a9:9b:4d:c9:61:da:d1:5d:57:6a:18
+SHA1 Fingerprint=D1:CB:CA:5D:B2:D5:2A:7F:69:3B:67:4D:E5:F0:5A:1D:0C:95:7D:F0
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/052e396b.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/052e396b.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..009c813a1ba4c3184243281e3a50f46b5bee6405
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/052e396b.0
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=SE, O=AddTrust AB, OU=AddTrust TTP Network, CN=AddTrust Qualified CA Root
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 30 10:44:50 2000 GMT
+            Not After : May 30 10:44:50 2020 GMT
+        Subject: C=SE, O=AddTrust AB, OU=AddTrust TTP Network, CN=AddTrust Qualified CA Root
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:e4:1e:9a:fe:dc:09:5a:87:a4:9f:47:be:11:5f:
+                    af:84:34:db:62:3c:79:78:b7:e9:30:b5:ec:0c:1c:
+                    2a:c4:16:ff:e0:ec:71:eb:8a:f5:11:6e:ed:4f:0d:
+                    91:d2:12:18:2d:49:15:01:c2:a4:22:13:c7:11:64:
+                    ff:22:12:9a:b9:8e:5c:2f:08:cf:71:6a:b3:67:01:
+                    59:f1:5d:46:f3:b0:78:a5:f6:0e:42:7a:e3:7f:1b:
+                    cc:d0:f0:b7:28:fd:2a:ea:9e:b3:b0:b9:04:aa:fd:
+                    f6:c7:b4:b1:b8:2a:a0:fb:58:f1:19:a0:6f:70:25:
+                    7e:3e:69:4a:7f:0f:22:d8:ef:ad:08:11:9a:29:99:
+                    e1:aa:44:45:9a:12:5e:3e:9d:6d:52:fc:e7:a0:3d:
+                    68:2f:f0:4b:70:7c:13:38:ad:bc:15:25:f1:d6:ce:
+                    ab:a2:c0:31:d6:2f:9f:e0:ff:14:59:fc:84:93:d9:
+                    87:7c:4c:54:13:eb:9f:d1:2d:11:f8:18:3a:3a:de:
+                    25:d9:f7:d3:40:ed:a4:06:12:c4:3b:e1:91:c1:56:
+                    35:f0:14:dc:65:36:09:6e:ab:a4:07:c7:35:d1:c2:
+                    03:33:36:5b:75:26:6d:42:f1:12:6b:43:6f:4b:71:
+                    94:fa:34:1d:ed:13:6e:ca:80:7f:98:2f:6c:b9:65:
+                    d8:e9
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                39:95:8B:62:8B:5C:C9:D4:80:BA:58:0F:97:3F:15:08:43:CC:98:A7
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:39:95:8B:62:8B:5C:C9:D4:80:BA:58:0F:97:3F:15:08:43:CC:98:A7
+                DirName:/C=SE/O=AddTrust AB/OU=AddTrust TTP Network/CN=AddTrust Qualified CA Root
+                serial:01
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         19:ab:75:ea:f8:8b:65:61:95:13:ba:69:04:ef:86:ca:13:a0:
+         c7:aa:4f:64:1b:3f:18:f6:a8:2d:2c:55:8f:05:b7:30:ea:42:
+         6a:1d:c0:25:51:2d:a7:bf:0c:b3:ed:ef:08:7f:6c:3c:46:1a:
+         ea:18:43:df:76:cc:f9:66:86:9c:2c:68:f5:e9:17:f8:31:b3:
+         18:c4:d6:48:7d:23:4c:68:c1:7e:bb:01:14:6f:c5:d9:6e:de:
+         bb:04:42:6a:f8:f6:5c:7d:e5:da:fa:87:eb:0d:35:52:67:d0:
+         9e:97:76:05:93:3f:95:c7:01:e6:69:55:38:7f:10:61:99:c9:
+         e3:5f:a6:ca:3e:82:63:48:aa:e2:08:48:3e:aa:f2:b2:85:62:
+         a6:b4:a7:d9:bd:37:9c:68:b5:2d:56:7d:b0:b7:3f:a0:b1:07:
+         d6:e9:4f:dc:de:45:71:30:32:7f:1b:2e:09:f9:bf:52:a1:ee:
+         c2:80:3e:06:5c:2e:55:40:c1:1b:f5:70:45:b0:dc:5d:fa:f6:
+         72:5a:77:d2:63:cd:cf:58:89:00:42:63:3f:79:39:d0:44:b0:
+         82:6e:41:19:e8:dd:e0:c1:88:5a:d1:1e:71:93:1f:24:30:74:
+         e5:1e:a8:de:3c:27:37:7f:83:ae:9e:77:cf:f0:30:b1:ff:4b:
+         99:e8:c6:a1
+SHA1 Fingerprint=4D:23:78:EC:91:95:39:B5:00:7F:75:8F:03:3B:21:1E:C5:4D:8B:CF
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/0d69c7e1.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/0d69c7e1.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..84c387e89a838f8d00ee098e654ef88f9873e07e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/0d69c7e1.0
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            2a:38:a4:1c:96:0a:04:de:42:b2:28:a5:0b:e8:34:98:02
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
+        Issuer: OU=GlobalSign ECC Root CA - R4, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 13 00:00:00 2012 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 19 03:14:07 2038 GMT
+        Subject: OU=GlobalSign ECC Root CA - R4, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (256 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:b8:c6:79:d3:8f:6c:25:0e:9f:2e:39:19:1c:03:
+                    a4:ae:9a:e5:39:07:09:16:ca:63:b1:b9:86:f8:8a:
+                    57:c1:57:ce:42:fa:73:a1:f7:65:42:ff:1e:c1:00:
+                    b2:6e:73:0e:ff:c7:21:e5:18:a4:aa:d9:71:3f:a8:
+                    d4:b9:ce:8c:1d
+                ASN1 OID: prime256v1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                54:B0:7B:AD:45:B8:E2:40:7F:FB:0A:6E:FB:BE:33:C9:3C:A3:84:D5
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
+         30:45:02:21:00:dc:92:a1:a0:13:a6:cf:03:b0:e6:c4:21:97:
+         90:fa:14:57:2d:03:ec:ee:3c:d3:6e:ca:a8:6c:76:bc:a2:de:
+         bb:02:20:27:a8:85:27:35:9b:56:c6:a3:f2:47:d2:b7:6e:1b:
+         02:00:17:aa:67:a6:15:91:de:fa:94:ec:7b:0b:f8:9f:84
+SHA1 Fingerprint=69:69:56:2E:40:80:F4:24:A1:E7:19:9F:14:BA:F3:EE:58:AB:6A:BB
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/111e6273.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/111e6273.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..97aa17a0788dea210ab8d2908d33d08ed248f138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/111e6273.0
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            04:00:00:00:00:01:0f:86:26:e6:0d
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R2, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec 15 08:00:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 15 08:00:00 2021 GMT
+        Subject: OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R2, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:a6:cf:24:0e:be:2e:6f:28:99:45:42:c4:ab:3e:
+                    21:54:9b:0b:d3:7f:84:70:fa:12:b3:cb:bf:87:5f:
+                    c6:7f:86:d3:b2:30:5c:d6:fd:ad:f1:7b:dc:e5:f8:
+                    60:96:09:92:10:f5:d0:53:de:fb:7b:7e:73:88:ac:
+                    52:88:7b:4a:a6:ca:49:a6:5e:a8:a7:8c:5a:11:bc:
+                    7a:82:eb:be:8c:e9:b3:ac:96:25:07:97:4a:99:2a:
+                    07:2f:b4:1e:77:bf:8a:0f:b5:02:7c:1b:96:b8:c5:
+                    b9:3a:2c:bc:d6:12:b9:eb:59:7d:e2:d0:06:86:5f:
+                    5e:49:6a:b5:39:5e:88:34:ec:bc:78:0c:08:98:84:
+                    6c:a8:cd:4b:b4:a0:7d:0c:79:4d:f0:b8:2d:cb:21:
+                    ca:d5:6c:5b:7d:e1:a0:29:84:a1:f9:d3:94:49:cb:
+                    24:62:91:20:bc:dd:0b:d5:d9:cc:f9:ea:27:0a:2b:
+                    73:91:c6:9d:1b:ac:c8:cb:e8:e0:a0:f4:2f:90:8b:
+                    4d:fb:b0:36:1b:f6:19:7a:85:e0:6d:f2:61:13:88:
+                    5c:9f:e0:93:0a:51:97:8a:5a:ce:af:ab:d5:f7:aa:
+                    09:aa:60:bd:dc:d9:5f:df:72:a9:60:13:5e:00:01:
+                    c9:4a:fa:3f:a4:ea:07:03:21:02:8e:82:ca:03:c2:
+                    9b:8f
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                9B:E2:07:57:67:1C:1E:C0:6A:06:DE:59:B4:9A:2D:DF:DC:19:86:2E
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.globalsign.net/root-r2.crl
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:9B:E2:07:57:67:1C:1E:C0:6A:06:DE:59:B4:9A:2D:DF:DC:19:86:2E
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         99:81:53:87:1c:68:97:86:91:ec:e0:4a:b8:44:0b:ab:81:ac:
+         27:4f:d6:c1:b8:1c:43:78:b3:0c:9a:fc:ea:2c:3c:6e:61:1b:
+         4d:4b:29:f5:9f:05:1d:26:c1:b8:e9:83:00:62:45:b6:a9:08:
+         93:b9:a9:33:4b:18:9a:c2:f8:87:88:4e:db:dd:71:34:1a:c1:
+         54:da:46:3f:e0:d3:2a:ab:6d:54:22:f5:3a:62:cd:20:6f:ba:
+         29:89:d7:dd:91:ee:d3:5c:a2:3e:a1:5b:41:f5:df:e5:64:43:
+         2d:e9:d5:39:ab:d2:a2:df:b7:8b:d0:c0:80:19:1c:45:c0:2d:
+         8c:e8:f8:2d:a4:74:56:49:c5:05:b5:4f:15:de:6e:44:78:39:
+         87:a8:7e:bb:f3:79:18:91:bb:f4:6f:9d:c1:f0:8c:35:8c:5d:
+         01:fb:c3:6d:b9:ef:44:6d:79:46:31:7e:0a:fe:a9:82:c1:ff:
+         ef:ab:6e:20:c4:50:c9:5f:9d:4d:9b:17:8c:0c:e5:01:c9:a0:
+         41:6a:73:53:fa:a5:50:b4:6e:25:0f:fb:4c:18:f4:fd:52:d9:
+         8e:69:b1:e8:11:0f:de:88:d8:fb:1d:49:f7:aa:de:95:cf:20:
+         78:c2:60:12:db:25:40:8c:6a:fc:7e:42:38:40:64:12:f7:9e:
+         81:e1:93:2e
+SHA1 Fingerprint=75:E0:AB:B6:13:85:12:27:1C:04:F8:5F:DD:DE:38:E4:B7:24:2E:FE
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/124bbd54.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/124bbd54.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..67e0675ea2f63211b5186c487905923176f3dba4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/124bbd54.0
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=Comodo CA Limited, CN=Trusted Certificate Services
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan  1 00:00:00 2004 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2028 GMT
+        Subject: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=Comodo CA Limited, CN=Trusted Certificate Services
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:df:71:6f:36:58:53:5a:f2:36:54:57:80:c4:74:
+                    08:20:ed:18:7f:2a:1d:e6:35:9a:1e:25:ac:9c:e5:
+                    96:7e:72:52:a0:15:42:db:59:dd:64:7a:1a:d0:b8:
+                    7b:dd:39:15:bc:55:48:c4:ed:3a:00:ea:31:11:ba:
+                    f2:71:74:1a:67:b8:cf:33:cc:a8:31:af:a3:e3:d7:
+                    7f:bf:33:2d:4c:6a:3c:ec:8b:c3:92:d2:53:77:24:
+                    74:9c:07:6e:70:fc:bd:0b:5b:76:ba:5f:f2:ff:d7:
+                    37:4b:4a:60:78:f7:f0:fa:ca:70:b4:ea:59:aa:a3:
+                    ce:48:2f:a9:c3:b2:0b:7e:17:72:16:0c:a6:07:0c:
+                    1b:38:cf:c9:62:b7:3f:a0:93:a5:87:41:f2:b7:70:
+                    40:77:d8:be:14:7c:e3:a8:c0:7a:8e:e9:63:6a:d1:
+                    0f:9a:c6:d2:f4:8b:3a:14:04:56:d4:ed:b8:cc:6e:
+                    f5:fb:e2:2c:58:bd:7f:4f:6b:2b:f7:60:24:58:24:
+                    ce:26:ef:34:91:3a:d5:e3:81:d0:b2:f0:04:02:d7:
+                    5b:b7:3e:92:ac:6b:12:8a:f9:e4:05:b0:3b:91:49:
+                    5c:b2:eb:53:ea:f8:9f:47:86:ee:bf:95:c0:c0:06:
+                    9f:d2:5b:5e:11:1b:f4:c7:04:35:29:d2:55:5c:e4:
+                    ed:eb
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                C5:7B:58:BD:ED:DA:25:69:D2:F7:59:16:A8:B3:32:C0:7B:27:5B:F4
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.comodoca.com/TrustedCertificateServices.crl
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.comodo.net/TrustedCertificateServices.crl
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         c8:93:81:3b:89:b4:af:b8:84:12:4c:8d:d2:f0:db:70:ba:57:
+         86:15:34:10:b9:2f:7f:1e:b0:a8:89:60:a1:8a:c2:77:0c:50:
+         4a:9b:00:8b:d8:8b:f4:41:e2:d0:83:8a:4a:1c:14:06:b0:a3:
+         68:05:70:31:30:a7:53:9b:0e:e9:4a:a0:58:69:67:0e:ae:9d:
+         f6:a5:2c:41:bf:3c:06:6b:e4:59:cc:6d:10:f1:96:6f:1f:df:
+         f4:04:02:a4:9f:45:3e:c8:d8:fa:36:46:44:50:3f:82:97:91:
+         1f:28:db:18:11:8c:2a:e4:65:83:57:12:12:8c:17:3f:94:36:
+         fe:5d:b0:c0:04:77:13:b8:f4:15:d5:3f:38:cc:94:3a:55:d0:
+         ac:98:f5:ba:00:5f:e0:86:19:81:78:2f:28:c0:7e:d3:cc:42:
+         0a:f5:ae:50:a0:d1:3e:c6:a1:71:ec:3f:a0:20:8c:66:3a:89:
+         b4:8e:d4:d8:b1:4d:25:47:ee:2f:88:c8:b5:e1:05:45:c0:be:
+         14:71:de:7a:fd:8e:7b:7d:4d:08:96:a5:12:73:f0:2d:ca:37:
+         27:74:12:27:4c:cb:b6:97:e9:d9:ae:08:6d:5a:39:40:dd:05:
+         47:75:6a:5a:21:b3:a3:18:cf:4e:f7:2e:57:b7:98:70:5e:c8:
+         c4:78:b0:62
+SHA1 Fingerprint=E1:9F:E3:0E:8B:84:60:9E:80:9B:17:0D:72:A8:C5:BA:6E:14:09:BD
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/1e8e7201.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/1e8e7201.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..224b3d55e95d06d7b8246ca4026f75cc8c2e73e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/1e8e7201.0
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            04:00:00:00:00:01:21:58:53:08:a2
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R3, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Mar 18 10:00:00 2009 GMT
+            Not After : Mar 18 10:00:00 2029 GMT
+        Subject: OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R3, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:cc:25:76:90:79:06:78:22:16:f5:c0:83:b6:84:
+                    ca:28:9e:fd:05:76:11:c5:ad:88:72:fc:46:02:43:
+                    c7:b2:8a:9d:04:5f:24:cb:2e:4b:e1:60:82:46:e1:
+                    52:ab:0c:81:47:70:6c:dd:64:d1:eb:f5:2c:a3:0f:
+                    82:3d:0c:2b:ae:97:d7:b6:14:86:10:79:bb:3b:13:
+                    80:77:8c:08:e1:49:d2:6a:62:2f:1f:5e:fa:96:68:
+                    df:89:27:95:38:9f:06:d7:3e:c9:cb:26:59:0d:73:
+                    de:b0:c8:e9:26:0e:83:15:c6:ef:5b:8b:d2:04:60:
+                    ca:49:a6:28:f6:69:3b:f6:cb:c8:28:91:e5:9d:8a:
+                    61:57:37:ac:74:14:dc:74:e0:3a:ee:72:2f:2e:9c:
+                    fb:d0:bb:bf:f5:3d:00:e1:06:33:e8:82:2b:ae:53:
+                    a6:3a:16:73:8c:dd:41:0e:20:3a:c0:b4:a7:a1:e9:
+                    b2:4f:90:2e:32:60:e9:57:cb:b9:04:92:68:68:e5:
+                    38:26:60:75:b2:9f:77:ff:91:14:ef:ae:20:49:fc:
+                    ad:40:15:48:d1:02:31:61:19:5e:b8:97:ef:ad:77:
+                    b7:64:9a:7a:bf:5f:c1:13:ef:9b:62:fb:0d:6c:e0:
+                    54:69:16:a9:03:da:6e:e9:83:93:71:76:c6:69:85:
+                    82:17
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                8F:F0:4B:7F:A8:2E:45:24:AE:4D:50:FA:63:9A:8B:DE:E2:DD:1B:BC
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         4b:40:db:c0:50:aa:fe:c8:0c:ef:f7:96:54:45:49:bb:96:00:
+         09:41:ac:b3:13:86:86:28:07:33:ca:6b:e6:74:b9:ba:00:2d:
+         ae:a4:0a:d3:f5:f1:f1:0f:8a:bf:73:67:4a:83:c7:44:7b:78:
+         e0:af:6e:6c:6f:03:29:8e:33:39:45:c3:8e:e4:b9:57:6c:aa:
+         fc:12:96:ec:53:c6:2d:e4:24:6c:b9:94:63:fb:dc:53:68:67:
+         56:3e:83:b8:cf:35:21:c3:c9:68:fe:ce:da:c2:53:aa:cc:90:
+         8a:e9:f0:5d:46:8c:95:dd:7a:58:28:1a:2f:1d:de:cd:00:37:
+         41:8f:ed:44:6d:d7:53:28:97:7e:f3:67:04:1e:15:d7:8a:96:
+         b4:d3:de:4c:27:a4:4c:1b:73:73:76:f4:17:99:c2:1f:7a:0e:
+         e3:2d:08:ad:0a:1c:2c:ff:3c:ab:55:0e:0f:91:7e:36:eb:c3:
+         57:49:be:e1:2e:2d:7c:60:8b:c3:41:51:13:23:9d:ce:f7:32:
+         6b:94:01:a8:99:e7:2c:33:1f:3a:3b:25:d2:86:40:ce:3b:2c:
+         86:78:c9:61:2f:14:ba:ee:db:55:6f:df:84:ee:05:09:4d:bd:
+         28:d8:72:ce:d3:62:50:65:1e:eb:92:97:83:31:d9:b3:b5:ca:
+         47:58:3f:5f
+SHA1 Fingerprint=D6:9B:56:11:48:F0:1C:77:C5:45:78:C1:09:26:DF:5B:85:69:76:AD
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/219d9499.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/219d9499.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..90790d336463e5a594e07abd9a680dfbe27d60ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/219d9499.0
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=The Go Daddy Group, Inc., OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jun 29 17:06:20 2004 GMT
+            Not After : Jun 29 17:06:20 2034 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=The Go Daddy Group, Inc., OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:de:9d:d7:ea:57:18:49:a1:5b:eb:d7:5f:48:86:
+                    ea:be:dd:ff:e4:ef:67:1c:f4:65:68:b3:57:71:a0:
+                    5e:77:bb:ed:9b:49:e9:70:80:3d:56:18:63:08:6f:
+                    da:f2:cc:d0:3f:7f:02:54:22:54:10:d8:b2:81:d4:
+                    c0:75:3d:4b:7f:c7:77:c3:3e:78:ab:1a:03:b5:20:
+                    6b:2f:6a:2b:b1:c5:88:7e:c4:bb:1e:b0:c1:d8:45:
+                    27:6f:aa:37:58:f7:87:26:d7:d8:2d:f6:a9:17:b7:
+                    1f:72:36:4e:a6:17:3f:65:98:92:db:2a:6e:5d:a2:
+                    fe:88:e0:0b:de:7f:e5:8d:15:e1:eb:cb:3a:d5:e2:
+                    12:a2:13:2d:d8:8e:af:5f:12:3d:a0:08:05:08:b6:
+                    5c:a5:65:38:04:45:99:1e:a3:60:60:74:c5:41:a5:
+                    72:62:1b:62:c5:1f:6f:5f:1a:42:be:02:51:65:a8:
+                    ae:23:18:6a:fc:78:03:a9:4d:7f:80:c3:fa:ab:5a:
+                    fc:a1:40:a4:ca:19:16:fe:b2:c8:ef:5e:73:0d:ee:
+                    77:bd:9a:f6:79:98:bc:b1:07:67:a2:15:0d:dd:a0:
+                    58:c6:44:7b:0a:3e:62:28:5f:ba:41:07:53:58:cf:
+                    11:7e:38:74:c5:f8:ff:b5:69:90:8f:84:74:ea:97:
+                    1b:af
+                Exponent: 3 (0x3)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                D2:C4:B0:D2:91:D4:4C:11:71:B3:61:CB:3D:A1:FE:DD:A8:6A:D4:E3
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:D2:C4:B0:D2:91:D4:4C:11:71:B3:61:CB:3D:A1:FE:DD:A8:6A:D4:E3
+                DirName:/C=US/O=The Go Daddy Group, Inc./OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority
+                serial:00
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         32:4b:f3:b2:ca:3e:91:fc:12:c6:a1:07:8c:8e:77:a0:33:06:
+         14:5c:90:1e:18:f7:08:a6:3d:0a:19:f9:87:80:11:6e:69:e4:
+         96:17:30:ff:34:91:63:72:38:ee:cc:1c:01:a3:1d:94:28:a4:
+         31:f6:7a:c4:54:d7:f6:e5:31:58:03:a2:cc:ce:62:db:94:45:
+         73:b5:bf:45:c9:24:b5:d5:82:02:ad:23:79:69:8d:b8:b6:4d:
+         ce:cf:4c:ca:33:23:e8:1c:88:aa:9d:8b:41:6e:16:c9:20:e5:
+         89:9e:cd:3b:da:70:f7:7e:99:26:20:14:54:25:ab:6e:73:85:
+         e6:9b:21:9d:0a:6c:82:0e:a8:f8:c2:0c:fa:10:1e:6c:96:ef:
+         87:0d:c4:0f:61:8b:ad:ee:83:2b:95:f8:8e:92:84:72:39:eb:
+         20:ea:83:ed:83:cd:97:6e:08:bc:eb:4e:26:b6:73:2b:e4:d3:
+         f6:4c:fe:26:71:e2:61:11:74:4a:ff:57:1a:87:0f:75:48:2e:
+         cf:51:69:17:a0:02:12:61:95:d5:d1:40:b2:10:4c:ee:c4:ac:
+         10:43:a6:a5:9e:0a:d5:95:62:9a:0d:cf:88:82:c5:32:0c:e4:
+         2b:9f:45:e6:0d:9f:28:9c:b1:b9:2a:5a:57:ad:37:0f:af:1d:
+         7f:db:bd:9f
+SHA1 Fingerprint=27:96:BA:E6:3F:18:01:E2:77:26:1B:A0:D7:77:70:02:8F:20:EE:E4
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/23f4c490.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/23f4c490.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22c6ee21217dd5ae7f104b6a246164161a7adcb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/23f4c490.0
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=Starfield Technologies, Inc., OU=Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jun 29 17:39:16 2004 GMT
+            Not After : Jun 29 17:39:16 2034 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=Starfield Technologies, Inc., OU=Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b7:32:c8:fe:e9:71:a6:04:85:ad:0c:11:64:df:
+                    ce:4d:ef:c8:03:18:87:3f:a1:ab:fb:3c:a6:9f:f0:
+                    c3:a1:da:d4:d8:6e:2b:53:90:fb:24:a4:3e:84:f0:
+                    9e:e8:5f:ec:e5:27:44:f5:28:a6:3f:7b:de:e0:2a:
+                    f0:c8:af:53:2f:9e:ca:05:01:93:1e:8f:66:1c:39:
+                    a7:4d:fa:5a:b6:73:04:25:66:eb:77:7f:e7:59:c6:
+                    4a:99:25:14:54:eb:26:c7:f3:7f:19:d5:30:70:8f:
+                    af:b0:46:2a:ff:ad:eb:29:ed:d7:9f:aa:04:87:a3:
+                    d4:f9:89:a5:34:5f:db:43:91:82:36:d9:66:3c:b1:
+                    b8:b9:82:fd:9c:3a:3e:10:c8:3b:ef:06:65:66:7a:
+                    9b:19:18:3d:ff:71:51:3c:30:2e:5f:be:3d:77:73:
+                    b2:5d:06:6c:c3:23:56:9a:2b:85:26:92:1c:a7:02:
+                    b3:e4:3f:0d:af:08:79:82:b8:36:3d:ea:9c:d3:35:
+                    b3:bc:69:ca:f5:cc:9d:e8:fd:64:8d:17:80:33:6e:
+                    5e:4a:5d:99:c9:1e:87:b4:9d:1a:c0:d5:6e:13:35:
+                    23:5e:df:9b:5f:3d:ef:d6:f7:76:c2:ea:3e:bb:78:
+                    0d:1c:42:67:6b:04:d8:f8:d6:da:6f:8b:f2:44:a0:
+                    01:ab
+                Exponent: 3 (0x3)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                BF:5F:B7:D1:CE:DD:1F:86:F4:5B:55:AC:DC:D7:10:C2:0E:A9:88:E7
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:BF:5F:B7:D1:CE:DD:1F:86:F4:5B:55:AC:DC:D7:10:C2:0E:A9:88:E7
+                DirName:/C=US/O=Starfield Technologies, Inc./OU=Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority
+                serial:00
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         05:9d:3f:88:9d:d1:c9:1a:55:a1:ac:69:f3:f3:59:da:9b:01:
+         87:1a:4f:57:a9:a1:79:09:2a:db:f7:2f:b2:1e:cc:c7:5e:6a:
+         d8:83:87:a1:97:ef:49:35:3e:77:06:41:58:62:bf:8e:58:b8:
+         0a:67:3f:ec:b3:dd:21:66:1f:c9:54:fa:72:cc:3d:4c:40:d8:
+         81:af:77:9e:83:7a:bb:a2:c7:f5:34:17:8e:d9:11:40:f4:fc:
+         2c:2a:4d:15:7f:a7:62:5d:2e:25:d3:00:0b:20:1a:1d:68:f9:
+         17:b8:f4:bd:8b:ed:28:59:dd:4d:16:8b:17:83:c8:b2:65:c7:
+         2d:7a:a5:aa:bc:53:86:6d:dd:57:a4:ca:f8:20:41:0b:68:f0:
+         f4:fb:74:be:56:5d:7a:79:f5:f9:1d:85:e3:2d:95:be:f5:71:
+         90:43:cc:8d:1f:9a:00:0a:87:29:e9:55:22:58:00:23:ea:e3:
+         12:43:29:5b:47:08:dd:8c:41:6a:65:06:a8:e5:21:aa:41:b4:
+         95:21:95:b9:7d:d1:34:ab:13:d6:ad:bc:dc:e2:3d:39:cd:bd:
+         3e:75:70:a1:18:59:03:c9:22:b4:8f:9c:d5:5e:2a:d7:a5:b6:
+         d4:0a:6d:f8:b7:40:11:46:9a:1f:79:0e:62:bf:0f:97:ec:e0:
+         2f:1f:17:94
+SHA1 Fingerprint=AD:7E:1C:28:B0:64:EF:8F:60:03:40:20:14:C3:D0:E3:37:0E:B5:8A
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/27af790d.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/27af790d.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7de9d2fb82ddbc90eb8ab4a7f264a2b0a554cfcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/27af790d.0
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            3c:b2:f4:48:0a:00:e2:fe:eb:24:3b:5e:60:3e:c3:6b
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., OU=(c) 2007 GeoTrust Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov  5 00:00:00 2007 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 18 23:59:59 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., OU=(c) 2007 GeoTrust Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:15:b1:e8:fd:03:15:43:e5:ac:eb:87:37:11:62:
+                    ef:d2:83:36:52:7d:45:57:0b:4a:8d:7b:54:3b:3a:
+                    6e:5f:15:02:c0:50:a6:cf:25:2f:7d:ca:48:b8:c7:
+                    50:63:1c:2a:21:08:7c:9a:36:d8:0b:fe:d1:26:c5:
+                    58:31:30:28:25:f3:5d:5d:a3:b8:b6:a5:b4:92:ed:
+                    6c:2c:9f:eb:dd:43:89:a2:3c:4b:48:91:1d:50:ec:
+                    26:df:d6:60:2e:bd:21
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                15:5F:35:57:51:55:FB:25:B2:AD:03:69:FC:01:A3:FA:BE:11:55:D5
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:64:02:30:64:96:59:a6:e8:09:de:8b:ba:fa:5a:88:88:f0:
+         1f:91:d3:46:a8:f2:4a:4c:02:63:fb:6c:5f:38:db:2e:41:93:
+         a9:0e:e6:9d:dc:31:1c:b2:a0:a7:18:1c:79:e1:c7:36:02:30:
+         3a:56:af:9a:74:6c:f6:fb:83:e0:33:d3:08:5f:a1:9c:c2:5b:
+         9f:46:d6:b6:cb:91:06:63:a2:06:e7:33:ac:3e:a8:81:12:d0:
+         cb:ba:d0:92:0b:b6:9e:96:aa:04:0f:8a
+SHA1 Fingerprint=8D:17:84:D5:37:F3:03:7D:EC:70:FE:57:8B:51:9A:99:E6:10:D7:B0
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/2add47b6.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/2add47b6.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aa885397c79774fcfa6aa4c4fe2b51afe8ecf368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/2add47b6.0
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            60:59:49:e0:26:2e:bb:55:f9:0a:77:8a:71:f9:4a:d8:6c
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: OU=GlobalSign ECC Root CA - R5, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 13 00:00:00 2012 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 19 03:14:07 2038 GMT
+        Subject: OU=GlobalSign ECC Root CA - R5, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:47:45:0e:96:fb:7d:5d:bf:e9:39:d1:21:f8:9f:
+                    0b:b6:d5:7b:1e:92:3a:48:59:1c:f0:62:31:2d:c0:
+                    7a:28:fe:1a:a7:5c:b3:b6:cc:97:e7:45:d4:58:fa:
+                    d1:77:6d:43:a2:c0:87:65:34:0a:1f:7a:dd:eb:3c:
+                    33:a1:c5:9d:4d:a4:6f:41:95:38:7f:c9:1e:84:eb:
+                    d1:9e:49:92:87:94:87:0c:3a:85:4a:66:9f:9d:59:
+                    93:4d:97:61:06:86:4a
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                3D:E6:29:48:9B:EA:07:CA:21:44:4A:26:DE:6E:DE:D2:83:D0:9F:59
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:65:02:31:00:e5:69:12:c9:6e:db:c6:31:ba:09:41:e1:97:
+         f8:fb:fd:9a:e2:7d:12:c9:ed:7c:64:d3:cb:05:25:8b:56:d9:
+         a0:e7:5e:5d:4e:0b:83:9c:5b:76:29:a0:09:26:21:6a:62:02:
+         30:71:d2:b5:8f:5c:ea:3b:e1:78:09:85:a8:75:92:3b:c8:5c:
+         fd:48:ef:0d:74:22:a8:08:e2:6e:c5:49:ce:c7:0c:bc:a7:61:
+         69:f1:f7:3b:e1:2a:cb:f9:2b:f3:66:90:37
+SHA1 Fingerprint=1F:24:C6:30:CD:A4:18:EF:20:69:FF:AD:4F:DD:5F:46:3A:1B:69:AA
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/2afc57aa.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/2afc57aa.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aefb4adbd2385f0c8f9b70e3de43354ad09220a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/2afc57aa.0
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            2e:6a:00:01:00:02:1f:d7:52:21:2c:11:5c:3b
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=DE, O=TC TrustCenter GmbH, OU=TC TrustCenter Class 2 CA, CN=TC TrustCenter Class 2 CA II
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan 12 14:38:43 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 22:59:59 2025 GMT
+        Subject: C=DE, O=TC TrustCenter GmbH, OU=TC TrustCenter Class 2 CA, CN=TC TrustCenter Class 2 CA II
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ab:80:87:9b:8e:f0:c3:7c:87:d7:e8:24:82:11:
+                    b3:3c:dd:43:62:ee:f8:c3:45:da:e8:e1:a0:5f:d1:
+                    2a:b2:ea:93:68:df:b4:c8:d6:43:e9:c4:75:59:7f:
+                    fc:e1:1d:f8:31:70:23:1b:88:9e:27:b9:7b:fd:3a:
+                    d2:c9:a9:e9:14:2f:90:be:03:52:c1:49:cd:f6:fd:
+                    e4:08:66:0b:57:8a:a2:42:a0:b8:d5:7f:69:5c:90:
+                    32:b2:97:0d:ca:4a:dc:46:3e:02:55:89:53:e3:1a:
+                    5a:cb:36:c6:07:56:f7:8c:cf:11:f4:4c:bb:30:70:
+                    04:95:a5:f6:39:8c:fd:73:81:08:7d:89:5e:32:1e:
+                    22:a9:22:45:4b:b0:66:2e:30:cc:9f:65:fd:fc:cb:
+                    81:a9:f1:e0:3b:af:a3:86:d1:89:ea:c4:45:79:50:
+                    5d:ae:e9:21:74:92:4d:8b:59:82:8f:94:e3:e9:4a:
+                    f1:e7:49:b0:14:e3:f5:62:cb:d5:72:bd:1f:b9:d2:
+                    9f:a0:cd:a8:fa:01:c8:d9:0d:df:da:fc:47:9d:b3:
+                    c8:54:df:49:4a:f1:21:a9:fe:18:4e:ee:48:d4:19:
+                    bb:ef:7d:e4:e2:9d:cb:5b:b6:6e:ff:e3:cd:5a:e7:
+                    74:82:05:ba:80:25:38:cb:e4:69:9e:af:41:aa:1a:
+                    84:f5
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                E3:AB:54:4C:80:A1:DB:56:43:B7:91:4A:CB:F3:82:7A:13:5C:08:AB
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://www.trustcenter.de/crl/v2/tc_class_2_ca_II.crl
+                  URI:ldap://www.trustcenter.de/CN=TC%20TrustCenter%20Class%202%20CA%20II,O=TC%20TrustCenter%20GmbH,OU=rootcerts,DC=trustcenter,DC=de?certificateRevocationList?base?
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         8c:d7:df:7e:ee:1b:80:10:b3:83:f5:db:11:ea:6b:4b:a8:92:
+         18:d9:f7:07:39:f5:2c:be:06:75:7a:68:53:15:1c:ea:4a:ed:
+         5e:fc:23:b2:13:a0:d3:09:ff:f6:f6:2e:6b:41:71:79:cd:e2:
+         6d:fd:ae:59:6b:85:1d:b8:4e:22:9a:ed:66:39:6e:4b:94:e6:
+         55:fc:0b:1b:8b:77:c1:53:13:66:89:d9:28:d6:8b:f3:45:4a:
+         63:b7:fd:7b:0b:61:5d:b8:6d:be:c3:dc:5b:79:d2:ed:86:e5:
+         a2:4d:be:5e:74:7c:6a:ed:16:38:1f:7f:58:81:5a:1a:eb:32:
+         88:2d:b2:f3:39:77:80:af:5e:b6:61:75:29:db:23:4d:88:ca:
+         50:28:cb:85:d2:d3:10:a2:59:6e:d3:93:54:00:7a:a2:46:95:
+         86:05:9c:a9:19:98:e5:31:72:0c:00:e2:67:d9:40:e0:24:33:
+         7b:6f:2c:b9:5c:ab:65:9d:2c:ac:76:ea:35:99:f5:97:b9:0f:
+         24:ec:c7:76:21:28:65:ae:57:e8:07:88:75:4a:56:a0:d2:05:
+         3a:a4:e6:8d:92:88:2c:f3:f2:e1:c1:c6:61:db:41:c5:c7:9b:
+         f7:0e:1a:51:45:c2:61:6b:dc:64:27:17:8c:5a:b7:da:74:28:
+         cd:97:e4:bd
+SHA1 Fingerprint=AE:50:83:ED:7C:F4:5C:BC:8F:61:C6:21:FE:68:5D:79:42:21:15:6E
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/343eb6cb.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/343eb6cb.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ef2f4062602ca85d798b891c614555083fae93b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/343eb6cb.0
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            04:00:00:00:00:01:0f:85:aa:2d:48
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: O=Cybertrust, Inc, CN=Cybertrust Global Root
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec 15 08:00:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 15 08:00:00 2021 GMT
+        Subject: O=Cybertrust, Inc, CN=Cybertrust Global Root
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:f8:c8:bc:bd:14:50:66:13:ff:f0:d3:79:ec:23:
+                    f2:b7:1a:c7:8e:85:f1:12:73:a6:19:aa:10:db:9c:
+                    a2:65:74:5a:77:3e:51:7d:56:f6:dc:23:b6:d4:ed:
+                    5f:58:b1:37:4d:d5:49:0e:6e:f5:6a:87:d6:d2:8c:
+                    d2:27:c6:e2:ff:36:9f:98:65:a0:13:4e:c6:2a:64:
+                    9b:d5:90:12:cf:14:06:f4:3b:e3:d4:28:be:e8:0e:
+                    f8:ab:4e:48:94:6d:8e:95:31:10:5c:ed:a2:2d:bd:
+                    d5:3a:6d:b2:1c:bb:60:c0:46:4b:01:f5:49:ae:7e:
+                    46:8a:d0:74:8d:a1:0c:02:ce:ee:fc:e7:8f:b8:6b:
+                    66:f3:7f:44:00:bf:66:25:14:2b:dd:10:30:1d:07:
+                    96:3f:4d:f6:6b:b8:8f:b7:7b:0c:a5:38:eb:de:47:
+                    db:d5:5d:39:fc:88:a7:f3:d7:2a:74:f1:e8:5a:a2:
+                    3b:9f:50:ba:a6:8c:45:35:c2:50:65:95:dc:63:82:
+                    ef:dd:bf:77:4d:9c:62:c9:63:73:16:d0:29:0f:49:
+                    a9:48:f0:b3:aa:b7:6c:c5:a7:30:39:40:5d:ae:c4:
+                    e2:5d:26:53:f0:ce:1c:23:08:61:a8:94:19:ba:04:
+                    62:40:ec:1f:38:70:77:12:06:71:a7:30:18:5d:25:
+                    27:a5
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                B6:08:7B:0D:7A:CC:AC:20:4C:86:56:32:5E:CF:AB:6E:85:2D:70:57
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://www2.public-trust.com/crl/ct/ctroot.crl
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:B6:08:7B:0D:7A:CC:AC:20:4C:86:56:32:5E:CF:AB:6E:85:2D:70:57
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         56:ef:0a:23:a0:54:4e:95:97:c9:f8:89:da:45:c1:d4:a3:00:
+         25:f4:1f:13:ab:b7:a3:85:58:69:c2:30:ad:d8:15:8a:2d:e3:
+         c9:cd:81:5a:f8:73:23:5a:a7:7c:05:f3:fd:22:3b:0e:d1:06:
+         c4:db:36:4c:73:04:8e:e5:b0:22:e4:c5:f3:2e:a5:d9:23:e3:
+         b8:4e:4a:20:a7:6e:02:24:9f:22:60:67:7b:8b:1d:72:09:c5:
+         31:5c:e9:79:9f:80:47:3d:ad:a1:0b:07:14:3d:47:ff:03:69:
+         1a:0c:0b:44:e7:63:25:a7:7f:b2:c9:b8:76:84:ed:23:f6:7d:
+         07:ab:45:7e:d3:df:b3:bf:e9:8a:b6:cd:a8:a2:67:2b:52:d5:
+         b7:65:f0:39:4c:63:a0:91:79:93:52:0f:54:dd:83:bb:9f:d1:
+         8f:a7:53:73:c3:cb:ff:30:ec:7c:04:b8:d8:44:1f:93:5f:71:
+         09:22:b7:6e:3e:ea:1c:03:4e:9d:1a:20:61:fb:81:37:ec:5e:
+         fc:0a:45:ab:d7:e7:17:55:d0:a0:ea:60:9b:a6:f6:e3:8c:5b:
+         29:c2:06:60:14:9d:2d:97:4c:a9:93:15:9d:61:c4:01:5f:48:
+         d6:58:bd:56:31:12:4e:11:c8:21:e0:b3:11:91:65:db:b4:a6:
+         88:38:ce:55
+SHA1 Fingerprint=5F:43:E5:B1:BF:F8:78:8C:AC:1C:C7:CA:4A:9A:C6:22:2B:CC:34:C6
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/35105088.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/35105088.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3728c3b7346893d7264496d05ffdfe0af039517a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/35105088.0
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            01:fd:6d:30:fc:a3:ca:51:a8:1b:bc:64:0e:35:03:2d
+    Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=New Jersey, L=Jersey City, O=The USERTRUST Network, CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Feb  1 00:00:00 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 18 23:59:59 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=New Jersey, L=Jersey City, O=The USERTRUST Network, CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:80:12:65:17:36:0e:c3:db:08:b3:d0:ac:57:0d:
+                    76:ed:cd:27:d3:4c:ad:50:83:61:e2:aa:20:4d:09:
+                    2d:64:09:dc:ce:89:9f:cc:3d:a9:ec:f6:cf:c1:dc:
+                    f1:d3:b1:d6:7b:37:28:11:2b:47:da:39:c6:bc:3a:
+                    19:b4:5f:a6:bd:7d:9d:a3:63:42:b6:76:f2:a9:3b:
+                    2b:91:f8:e2:6f:d0:ec:16:20:90:09:3e:e2:e8:74:
+                    c9:18:b4:91:d4:62:64:db:7f:a3:06:f1:88:18:6a:
+                    90:22:3c:bc:fe:13:f0:87:14:7b:f6:e4:1f:8e:d4:
+                    e4:51:c6:11:67:46:08:51:cb:86:14:54:3f:bc:33:
+                    fe:7e:6c:9c:ff:16:9d:18:bd:51:8e:35:a6:a7:66:
+                    c8:72:67:db:21:66:b1:d4:9b:78:03:c0:50:3a:e8:
+                    cc:f0:dc:bc:9e:4c:fe:af:05:96:35:1f:57:5a:b7:
+                    ff:ce:f9:3d:b7:2c:b6:f6:54:dd:c8:e7:12:3a:4d:
+                    ae:4c:8a:b7:5c:9a:b4:b7:20:3d:ca:7f:22:34:ae:
+                    7e:3b:68:66:01:44:e7:01:4e:46:53:9b:33:60:f7:
+                    94:be:53:37:90:73:43:f3:32:c3:53:ef:db:aa:fe:
+                    74:4e:69:c7:6b:8c:60:93:de:c4:c7:0c:df:e1:32:
+                    ae:cc:93:3b:51:78:95:67:8b:ee:3d:56:fe:0c:d0:
+                    69:0f:1b:0f:f3:25:26:6b:33:6d:f7:6e:47:fa:73:
+                    43:e5:7e:0e:a5:66:b1:29:7c:32:84:63:55:89:c4:
+                    0d:c1:93:54:30:19:13:ac:d3:7d:37:a7:eb:5d:3a:
+                    6c:35:5c:db:41:d7:12:da:a9:49:0b:df:d8:80:8a:
+                    09:93:62:8e:b5:66:cf:25:88:cd:84:b8:b1:3f:a4:
+                    39:0f:d9:02:9e:eb:12:4c:95:7c:f3:6b:05:a9:5e:
+                    16:83:cc:b8:67:e2:e8:13:9d:cc:5b:82:d3:4c:b3:
+                    ed:5b:ff:de:e5:73:ac:23:3b:2d:00:bf:35:55:74:
+                    09:49:d8:49:58:1a:7f:92:36:e6:51:92:0e:f3:26:
+                    7d:1c:4d:17:bc:c9:ec:43:26:d0:bf:41:5f:40:a9:
+                    44:44:f4:99:e7:57:87:9e:50:1f:57:54:a8:3e:fd:
+                    74:63:2f:b1:50:65:09:e6:58:42:2e:43:1a:4c:b4:
+                    f0:25:47:59:fa:04:1e:93:d4:26:46:4a:50:81:b2:
+                    de:be:78:b7:fc:67:15:e1:c9:57:84:1e:0f:63:d6:
+                    e9:62:ba:d6:5f:55:2e:ea:5c:c6:28:08:04:25:39:
+                    b8:0e:2b:a9:f2:4c:97:1c:07:3f:0d:52:f5:ed:ef:
+                    2f:82:0f
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                53:79:BF:5A:AA:2B:4A:CF:54:80:E1:D8:9B:C0:9D:F2:B2:03:66:CB
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption
+         5c:d4:7c:0d:cf:f7:01:7d:41:99:65:0c:73:c5:52:9f:cb:f8:
+         cf:99:06:7f:1b:da:43:15:9f:9e:02:55:57:96:14:f1:52:3c:
+         27:87:94:28:ed:1f:3a:01:37:a2:76:fc:53:50:c0:84:9b:c6:
+         6b:4e:ba:8c:21:4f:a2:8e:55:62:91:f3:69:15:d8:bc:88:e3:
+         c4:aa:0b:fd:ef:a8:e9:4b:55:2a:06:20:6d:55:78:29:19:ee:
+         5f:30:5c:4b:24:11:55:ff:24:9a:6e:5e:2a:2b:ee:0b:4d:9f:
+         7f:f7:01:38:94:14:95:43:07:09:fb:60:a9:ee:1c:ab:12:8c:
+         a0:9a:5e:a7:98:6a:59:6d:8b:3f:08:fb:c8:d1:45:af:18:15:
+         64:90:12:0f:73:28:2e:c5:e2:24:4e:fc:58:ec:f0:f4:45:fe:
+         22:b3:eb:2f:8e:d2:d9:45:61:05:c1:97:6f:a8:76:72:8f:8b:
+         8c:36:af:bf:0d:05:ce:71:8d:e6:a6:6f:1f:6c:a6:71:62:c5:
+         d8:d0:83:72:0c:f1:67:11:89:0c:9c:13:4c:72:34:df:bc:d5:
+         71:df:aa:71:dd:e1:b9:6c:8c:3c:12:5d:65:da:bd:57:12:b6:
+         43:6b:ff:e5:de:4d:66:11:51:cf:99:ae:ec:17:b6:e8:71:91:
+         8c:de:49:fe:dd:35:71:a2:15:27:94:1c:cf:61:e3:26:bb:6f:
+         a3:67:25:21:5d:e6:dd:1d:0b:2e:68:1b:3b:82:af:ec:83:67:
+         85:d4:98:51:74:b1:b9:99:80:89:ff:7f:78:19:5c:79:4a:60:
+         2e:92:40:ae:4c:37:2a:2c:c9:c7:62:c8:0e:5d:f7:36:5b:ca:
+         e0:25:25:01:b4:dd:1a:07:9c:77:00:3f:d0:dc:d5:ec:3d:d4:
+         fa:bb:3f:cc:85:d6:6f:7f:a9:2d:df:b9:02:f7:f5:97:9a:b5:
+         35:da:c3:67:b0:87:4a:a9:28:9e:23:8e:ff:5c:27:6b:e1:b0:
+         4f:f3:07:ee:00:2e:d4:59:87:cb:52:41:95:ea:f4:47:d7:ee:
+         64:41:55:7c:8d:59:02:95:dd:62:9d:c2:b9:ee:5a:28:74:84:
+         a5:9b:b7:90:c7:0c:07:df:f5:89:36:74:32:d6:28:c1:b0:b0:
+         0b:e0:9c:4c:c3:1c:d6:fc:e3:69:b5:47:46:81:2f:a2:82:ab:
+         d3:63:44:70:c4:8d:ff:2d:33:ba:ad:8f:7b:b5:70:88:ae:3e:
+         19:cf:40:28:d8:fc:c8:90:bb:5d:99:22:f5:52:e6:58:c5:1f:
+         88:31:43:ee:88:1d:d7:c6:8e:3c:43:6a:1d:a7:18:de:7d:3d:
+         16:f1:62:f9:ca:90:a8:fd
+SHA1 Fingerprint=2B:8F:1B:57:33:0D:BB:A2:D0:7A:6C:51:F7:0E:E9:0D:DA:B9:AD:8E
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/399e7759.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/399e7759.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e73ab67919c91bba3a8334f3a527e3553e59ef23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/399e7759.0
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            08:3b:e0:56:90:42:46:b1:a1:75:6a:c9:59:91:c7:4a
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Global Root CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 10 00:00:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Nov 10 00:00:00 2031 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Global Root CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:e2:3b:e1:11:72:de:a8:a4:d3:a3:57:aa:50:a2:
+                    8f:0b:77:90:c9:a2:a5:ee:12:ce:96:5b:01:09:20:
+                    cc:01:93:a7:4e:30:b7:53:f7:43:c4:69:00:57:9d:
+                    e2:8d:22:dd:87:06:40:00:81:09:ce:ce:1b:83:bf:
+                    df:cd:3b:71:46:e2:d6:66:c7:05:b3:76:27:16:8f:
+                    7b:9e:1e:95:7d:ee:b7:48:a3:08:da:d6:af:7a:0c:
+                    39:06:65:7f:4a:5d:1f:bc:17:f8:ab:be:ee:28:d7:
+                    74:7f:7a:78:99:59:85:68:6e:5c:23:32:4b:bf:4e:
+                    c0:e8:5a:6d:e3:70:bf:77:10:bf:fc:01:f6:85:d9:
+                    a8:44:10:58:32:a9:75:18:d5:d1:a2:be:47:e2:27:
+                    6a:f4:9a:33:f8:49:08:60:8b:d4:5f:b4:3a:84:bf:
+                    a1:aa:4a:4c:7d:3e:cf:4f:5f:6c:76:5e:a0:4b:37:
+                    91:9e:dc:22:e6:6d:ce:14:1a:8e:6a:cb:fe:cd:b3:
+                    14:64:17:c7:5b:29:9e:32:bf:f2:ee:fa:d3:0b:42:
+                    d4:ab:b7:41:32:da:0c:d4:ef:f8:81:d5:bb:8d:58:
+                    3f:b5:1b:e8:49:28:a2:70:da:31:04:dd:f7:b2:16:
+                    f2:4c:0a:4e:07:a8:ed:4a:3d:5e:b5:7f:a3:90:c3:
+                    af:27
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                03:DE:50:35:56:D1:4C:BB:66:F0:A3:E2:1B:1B:C3:97:B2:3D:D1:55
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:03:DE:50:35:56:D1:4C:BB:66:F0:A3:E2:1B:1B:C3:97:B2:3D:D1:55
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         cb:9c:37:aa:48:13:12:0a:fa:dd:44:9c:4f:52:b0:f4:df:ae:
+         04:f5:79:79:08:a3:24:18:fc:4b:2b:84:c0:2d:b9:d5:c7:fe:
+         f4:c1:1f:58:cb:b8:6d:9c:7a:74:e7:98:29:ab:11:b5:e3:70:
+         a0:a1:cd:4c:88:99:93:8c:91:70:e2:ab:0f:1c:be:93:a9:ff:
+         63:d5:e4:07:60:d3:a3:bf:9d:5b:09:f1:d5:8e:e3:53:f4:8e:
+         63:fa:3f:a7:db:b4:66:df:62:66:d6:d1:6e:41:8d:f2:2d:b5:
+         ea:77:4a:9f:9d:58:e2:2b:59:c0:40:23:ed:2d:28:82:45:3e:
+         79:54:92:26:98:e0:80:48:a8:37:ef:f0:d6:79:60:16:de:ac:
+         e8:0e:cd:6e:ac:44:17:38:2f:49:da:e1:45:3e:2a:b9:36:53:
+         cf:3a:50:06:f7:2e:e8:c4:57:49:6c:61:21:18:d5:04:ad:78:
+         3c:2c:3a:80:6b:a7:eb:af:15:14:e9:d8:89:c1:b9:38:6c:e2:
+         91:6c:8a:ff:64:b9:77:25:57:30:c0:1b:24:a3:e1:dc:e9:df:
+         47:7c:b5:b4:24:08:05:30:ec:2d:bd:0b:bf:45:bf:50:b9:a9:
+         f3:eb:98:01:12:ad:c8:88:c6:98:34:5f:8d:0a:3c:c6:e9:d5:
+         95:95:6d:de
+SHA1 Fingerprint=A8:98:5D:3A:65:E5:E5:C4:B2:D7:D6:6D:40:C6:DD:2F:B1:9C:54:36
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/3ad48a91.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/3ad48a91.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4bda9fb09396d469c7f445687cbcb6ac7c27aab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/3ad48a91.0
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 33554617 (0x20000b9)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=IE, O=Baltimore, OU=CyberTrust, CN=Baltimore CyberTrust Root
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 12 18:46:00 2000 GMT
+            Not After : May 12 23:59:00 2025 GMT
+        Subject: C=IE, O=Baltimore, OU=CyberTrust, CN=Baltimore CyberTrust Root
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:a3:04:bb:22:ab:98:3d:57:e8:26:72:9a:b5:79:
+                    d4:29:e2:e1:e8:95:80:b1:b0:e3:5b:8e:2b:29:9a:
+                    64:df:a1:5d:ed:b0:09:05:6d:db:28:2e:ce:62:a2:
+                    62:fe:b4:88:da:12:eb:38:eb:21:9d:c0:41:2b:01:
+                    52:7b:88:77:d3:1c:8f:c7:ba:b9:88:b5:6a:09:e7:
+                    73:e8:11:40:a7:d1:cc:ca:62:8d:2d:e5:8f:0b:a6:
+                    50:d2:a8:50:c3:28:ea:f5:ab:25:87:8a:9a:96:1c:
+                    a9:67:b8:3f:0c:d5:f7:f9:52:13:2f:c2:1b:d5:70:
+                    70:f0:8f:c0:12:ca:06:cb:9a:e1:d9:ca:33:7a:77:
+                    d6:f8:ec:b9:f1:68:44:42:48:13:d2:c0:c2:a4:ae:
+                    5e:60:fe:b6:a6:05:fc:b4:dd:07:59:02:d4:59:18:
+                    98:63:f5:a5:63:e0:90:0c:7d:5d:b2:06:7a:f3:85:
+                    ea:eb:d4:03:ae:5e:84:3e:5f:ff:15:ed:69:bc:f9:
+                    39:36:72:75:cf:77:52:4d:f3:c9:90:2c:b9:3d:e5:
+                    c9:23:53:3f:1f:24:98:21:5c:07:99:29:bd:c6:3a:
+                    ec:e7:6e:86:3a:6b:97:74:63:33:bd:68:18:31:f0:
+                    78:8d:76:bf:fc:9e:8e:5d:2a:86:a7:4d:90:dc:27:
+                    1a:39
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                E5:9D:59:30:82:47:58:CC:AC:FA:08:54:36:86:7B:3A:B5:04:4D:F0
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE, pathlen:3
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         85:0c:5d:8e:e4:6f:51:68:42:05:a0:dd:bb:4f:27:25:84:03:
+         bd:f7:64:fd:2d:d7:30:e3:a4:10:17:eb:da:29:29:b6:79:3f:
+         76:f6:19:13:23:b8:10:0a:f9:58:a4:d4:61:70:bd:04:61:6a:
+         12:8a:17:d5:0a:bd:c5:bc:30:7c:d6:e9:0c:25:8d:86:40:4f:
+         ec:cc:a3:7e:38:c6:37:11:4f:ed:dd:68:31:8e:4c:d2:b3:01:
+         74:ee:be:75:5e:07:48:1a:7f:70:ff:16:5c:84:c0:79:85:b8:
+         05:fd:7f:be:65:11:a3:0f:c0:02:b4:f8:52:37:39:04:d5:a9:
+         31:7a:18:bf:a0:2a:f4:12:99:f7:a3:45:82:e3:3c:5e:f5:9d:
+         9e:b5:c8:9e:7c:2e:c8:a4:9e:4e:08:14:4b:6d:fd:70:6d:6b:
+         1a:63:bd:64:e6:1f:b7:ce:f0:f2:9f:2e:bb:1b:b7:f2:50:88:
+         73:92:c2:e2:e3:16:8d:9a:32:02:ab:8e:18:dd:e9:10:11:ee:
+         7e:35:ab:90:af:3e:30:94:7a:d0:33:3d:a7:65:0f:f5:fc:8e:
+         9e:62:cf:47:44:2c:01:5d:bb:1d:b5:32:d2:47:d2:38:2e:d0:
+         fe:81:dc:32:6a:1e:b5:ee:3c:d5:fc:e7:81:1d:19:c3:24:42:
+         ea:63:39:a9
+SHA1 Fingerprint=D4:DE:20:D0:5E:66:FC:53:FE:1A:50:88:2C:78:DB:28:52:CA:E4:74
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/3c58f906.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/3c58f906.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d776bacc7ca3198e0301f5935a628e084118e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/3c58f906.0
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=SE, O=AddTrust AB, OU=AddTrust External TTP Network, CN=AddTrust External CA Root
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 30 10:48:38 2000 GMT
+            Not After : May 30 10:48:38 2020 GMT
+        Subject: C=SE, O=AddTrust AB, OU=AddTrust External TTP Network, CN=AddTrust External CA Root
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b7:f7:1a:33:e6:f2:00:04:2d:39:e0:4e:5b:ed:
+                    1f:bc:6c:0f:cd:b5:fa:23:b6:ce:de:9b:11:33:97:
+                    a4:29:4c:7d:93:9f:bd:4a:bc:93:ed:03:1a:e3:8f:
+                    cf:e5:6d:50:5a:d6:97:29:94:5a:80:b0:49:7a:db:
+                    2e:95:fd:b8:ca:bf:37:38:2d:1e:3e:91:41:ad:70:
+                    56:c7:f0:4f:3f:e8:32:9e:74:ca:c8:90:54:e9:c6:
+                    5f:0f:78:9d:9a:40:3c:0e:ac:61:aa:5e:14:8f:9e:
+                    87:a1:6a:50:dc:d7:9a:4e:af:05:b3:a6:71:94:9c:
+                    71:b3:50:60:0a:c7:13:9d:38:07:86:02:a8:e9:a8:
+                    69:26:18:90:ab:4c:b0:4f:23:ab:3a:4f:84:d8:df:
+                    ce:9f:e1:69:6f:bb:d7:42:d7:6b:44:e4:c7:ad:ee:
+                    6d:41:5f:72:5a:71:08:37:b3:79:65:a4:59:a0:94:
+                    37:f7:00:2f:0d:c2:92:72:da:d0:38:72:db:14:a8:
+                    45:c4:5d:2a:7d:b7:b4:d6:c4:ee:ac:cd:13:44:b7:
+                    c9:2b:dd:43:00:25:fa:61:b9:69:6a:58:23:11:b7:
+                    a7:33:8f:56:75:59:f5:cd:29:d7:46:b7:0a:2b:65:
+                    b6:d3:42:6f:15:b2:b8:7b:fb:ef:e9:5d:53:d5:34:
+                    5a:27
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                AD:BD:98:7A:34:B4:26:F7:FA:C4:26:54:EF:03:BD:E0:24:CB:54:1A
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:AD:BD:98:7A:34:B4:26:F7:FA:C4:26:54:EF:03:BD:E0:24:CB:54:1A
+                DirName:/C=SE/O=AddTrust AB/OU=AddTrust External TTP Network/CN=AddTrust External CA Root
+                serial:01
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         b0:9b:e0:85:25:c2:d6:23:e2:0f:96:06:92:9d:41:98:9c:d9:
+         84:79:81:d9:1e:5b:14:07:23:36:65:8f:b0:d8:77:bb:ac:41:
+         6c:47:60:83:51:b0:f9:32:3d:e7:fc:f6:26:13:c7:80:16:a5:
+         bf:5a:fc:87:cf:78:79:89:21:9a:e2:4c:07:0a:86:35:bc:f2:
+         de:51:c4:d2:96:b7:dc:7e:4e:ee:70:fd:1c:39:eb:0c:02:51:
+         14:2d:8e:bd:16:e0:c1:df:46:75:e7:24:ad:ec:f4:42:b4:85:
+         93:70:10:67:ba:9d:06:35:4a:18:d3:2b:7a:cc:51:42:a1:7a:
+         63:d1:e6:bb:a1:c5:2b:c2:36:be:13:0d:e6:bd:63:7e:79:7b:
+         a7:09:0d:40:ab:6a:dd:8f:8a:c3:f6:f6:8c:1a:42:05:51:d4:
+         45:f5:9f:a7:62:21:68:15:20:43:3c:99:e7:7c:bd:24:d8:a9:
+         91:17:73:88:3f:56:1b:31:38:18:b4:71:0f:9a:cd:c8:0e:9e:
+         8e:2e:1b:e1:8c:98:83:cb:1f:31:f1:44:4c:c6:04:73:49:76:
+         60:0f:c7:f8:bd:17:80:6b:2e:e9:cc:4c:0e:5a:9a:79:0f:20:
+         0a:2e:d5:9e:63:26:1e:55:92:94:d8:82:17:5a:7b:d0:bc:c7:
+         8f:4e:86:04
+SHA1 Fingerprint=02:FA:F3:E2:91:43:54:68:60:78:57:69:4D:F5:E4:5B:68:85:18:68
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/3e7271e8.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/3e7271e8.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7cf40900eca2638f0e3e8968d087434932318b21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/3e7271e8.0
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 946059622 (0x3863b966)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: O=Entrust.net, OU=www.entrust.net/CPS_2048 incorp. by ref. (limits liab.), OU=(c) 1999 Entrust.net Limited, CN=Entrust.net Certification Authority (2048)
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec 24 17:50:51 1999 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 24 18:20:51 2019 GMT
+        Subject: O=Entrust.net, OU=www.entrust.net/CPS_2048 incorp. by ref. (limits liab.), OU=(c) 1999 Entrust.net Limited, CN=Entrust.net Certification Authority (2048)
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ad:4d:4b:a9:12:86:b2:ea:a3:20:07:15:16:64:
+                    2a:2b:4b:d1:bf:0b:4a:4d:8e:ed:80:76:a5:67:b7:
+                    78:40:c0:73:42:c8:68:c0:db:53:2b:dd:5e:b8:76:
+                    98:35:93:8b:1a:9d:7c:13:3a:0e:1f:5b:b7:1e:cf:
+                    e5:24:14:1e:b1:81:a9:8d:7d:b8:cc:6b:4b:03:f1:
+                    02:0c:dc:ab:a5:40:24:00:7f:74:94:a1:9d:08:29:
+                    b3:88:0b:f5:87:77:9d:55:cd:e4:c3:7e:d7:6a:64:
+                    ab:85:14:86:95:5b:97:32:50:6f:3d:c8:ba:66:0c:
+                    e3:fc:bd:b8:49:c1:76:89:49:19:fd:c0:a8:bd:89:
+                    a3:67:2f:c6:9f:bc:71:19:60:b8:2d:e9:2c:c9:90:
+                    76:66:7b:94:e2:af:78:d6:65:53:5d:3c:d6:9c:b2:
+                    cf:29:03:f9:2f:a4:50:b2:d4:48:ce:05:32:55:8a:
+                    fd:b2:64:4c:0e:e4:98:07:75:db:7f:df:b9:08:55:
+                    60:85:30:29:f9:7b:48:a4:69:86:e3:35:3f:1e:86:
+                    5d:7a:7a:15:bd:ef:00:8e:15:22:54:17:00:90:26:
+                    93:bc:0e:49:68:91:bf:f8:47:d3:9d:95:42:c1:0e:
+                    4d:df:6f:26:cf:c3:18:21:62:66:43:70:d6:d5:c0:
+                    07:e1
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            Netscape Cert Type: 
+                SSL CA, S/MIME CA, Object Signing CA
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:55:E4:81:D1:11:80:BE:D8:89:B9:08:A3:31:F9:A1:24:09:16:B9:70
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                55:E4:81:D1:11:80:BE:D8:89:B9:08:A3:31:F9:A1:24:09:16:B9:70
+            1.2.840.113533.7.65.0: 
+                0...V5.0:4.0....
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         59:47:ac:21:84:8a:17:c9:9c:89:53:1e:ba:80:85:1a:c6:3c:
+         4e:3e:b1:9c:b6:7c:c6:92:5d:18:64:02:e3:d3:06:08:11:61:
+         7c:63:e3:2b:9d:31:03:70:76:d2:a3:28:a0:f4:bb:9a:63:73:
+         ed:6d:e5:2a:db:ed:14:a9:2b:c6:36:11:d0:2b:eb:07:8b:a5:
+         da:9e:5c:19:9d:56:12:f5:54:29:c8:05:ed:b2:12:2a:8d:f4:
+         03:1b:ff:e7:92:10:87:b0:3a:b5:c3:9d:05:37:12:a3:c7:f4:
+         15:b9:d5:a4:39:16:9b:53:3a:23:91:f1:a8:82:a2:6a:88:68:
+         c1:79:02:22:bc:aa:a6:d6:ae:df:b0:14:5f:b8:87:d0:dd:7c:
+         7f:7b:ff:af:1c:cf:e6:db:07:ad:5e:db:85:9d:d0:2b:0d:33:
+         db:04:d1:e6:49:40:13:2b:76:fb:3e:e9:9c:89:0f:15:ce:18:
+         b0:85:78:21:4f:6b:4f:0e:fa:36:67:cd:07:f2:ff:08:d0:e2:
+         de:d9:bf:2a:af:b8:87:86:21:3c:04:ca:b7:94:68:7f:cf:3c:
+         e9:98:d7:38:ff:ec:c0:d9:50:f0:2e:4b:58:ae:46:6f:d0:2e:
+         c3:60:da:72:55:72:bd:4c:45:9e:61:ba:bf:84:81:92:03:d1:
+         d2:69:7c:c5
+SHA1 Fingerprint=80:1D:62:D0:7B:44:9D:5C:5C:03:5C:98:EA:61:FA:44:3C:2A:58:FE
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/455f1b52.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/455f1b52.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f1d0471c26b619fbee1e8565c6a3044a6d7fa6b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/455f1b52.0
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1246989352 (0x4a538c28)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=Entrust, Inc., OU=See www.entrust.net/legal-terms, OU=(c) 2009 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only, CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jul  7 17:25:54 2009 GMT
+            Not After : Dec  7 17:55:54 2030 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=Entrust, Inc., OU=See www.entrust.net/legal-terms, OU=(c) 2009 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only, CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ba:84:b6:72:db:9e:0c:6b:e2:99:e9:30:01:a7:
+                    76:ea:32:b8:95:41:1a:c9:da:61:4e:58:72:cf:fe:
+                    f6:82:79:bf:73:61:06:0a:a5:27:d8:b3:5f:d3:45:
+                    4e:1c:72:d6:4e:32:f2:72:8a:0f:f7:83:19:d0:6a:
+                    80:80:00:45:1e:b0:c7:e7:9a:bf:12:57:27:1c:a3:
+                    68:2f:0a:87:bd:6a:6b:0e:5e:65:f3:1c:77:d5:d4:
+                    85:8d:70:21:b4:b3:32:e7:8b:a2:d5:86:39:02:b1:
+                    b8:d2:47:ce:e4:c9:49:c4:3b:a7:de:fb:54:7d:57:
+                    be:f0:e8:6e:c2:79:b2:3a:0b:55:e2:50:98:16:32:
+                    13:5c:2f:78:56:c1:c2:94:b3:f2:5a:e4:27:9a:9f:
+                    24:d7:c6:ec:d0:9b:25:82:e3:cc:c2:c4:45:c5:8c:
+                    97:7a:06:6b:2a:11:9f:a9:0a:6e:48:3b:6f:db:d4:
+                    11:19:42:f7:8f:07:bf:f5:53:5f:9c:3e:f4:17:2c:
+                    e6:69:ac:4e:32:4c:62:77:ea:b7:e8:e5:bb:34:bc:
+                    19:8b:ae:9c:51:e7:b7:7e:b5:53:b1:33:22:e5:6d:
+                    cf:70:3c:1a:fa:e2:9b:67:b6:83:f4:8d:a5:af:62:
+                    4c:4d:e0:58:ac:64:34:12:03:f8:b6:8d:94:63:24:
+                    a4:71
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                6A:72:26:7A:D0:1E:EF:7D:E7:3B:69:51:D4:6C:8D:9F:90:12:66:AB
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         79:9f:1d:96:c6:b6:79:3f:22:8d:87:d3:87:03:04:60:6a:6b:
+         9a:2e:59:89:73:11:ac:43:d1:f5:13:ff:8d:39:2b:c0:f2:bd:
+         4f:70:8c:a9:2f:ea:17:c4:0b:54:9e:d4:1b:96:98:33:3c:a8:
+         ad:62:a2:00:76:ab:59:69:6e:06:1d:7e:c4:b9:44:8d:98:af:
+         12:d4:61:db:0a:19:46:47:f3:eb:f7:63:c1:40:05:40:a5:d2:
+         b7:f4:b5:9a:36:bf:a9:88:76:88:04:55:04:2b:9c:87:7f:1a:
+         37:3c:7e:2d:a5:1a:d8:d4:89:5e:ca:bd:ac:3d:6c:d8:6d:af:
+         d5:f3:76:0f:cd:3b:88:38:22:9d:6c:93:9a:c4:3d:bf:82:1b:
+         65:3f:a6:0f:5d:aa:fc:e5:b2:15:ca:b5:ad:c6:bc:3d:d0:84:
+         e8:ea:06:72:b0:4d:39:32:78:bf:3e:11:9c:0b:a4:9d:9a:21:
+         f3:f0:9b:0b:30:78:db:c1:dc:87:43:fe:bc:63:9a:ca:c5:c2:
+         1c:c9:c7:8d:ff:3b:12:58:08:e6:b6:3d:ec:7a:2c:4e:fb:83:
+         96:ce:0c:3c:69:87:54:73:a4:73:c2:93:ff:51:10:ac:15:54:
+         01:d8:fc:05:b1:89:a1:7f:74:83:9a:49:d7:dc:4e:7b:8a:48:
+         6f:8b:45:f6
+SHA1 Fingerprint=8C:F4:27:FD:79:0C:3A:D1:66:06:8D:E8:1E:57:EF:BB:93:22:72:D4
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/4fbd6bfa.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/4fbd6bfa.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b3c8590f1cf59f2b2f047863a62fb37cbb88bbbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/4fbd6bfa.0
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            44:be:0c:8b:50:00:21:b4:11:d3:2a:68:06:a9:ad:69
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=UT, L=Salt Lake City, O=The USERTRUST Network, OU=http://www.usertrust.com, CN=UTN - DATACorp SGC
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jun 24 18:57:21 1999 GMT
+            Not After : Jun 24 19:06:30 2019 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=UT, L=Salt Lake City, O=The USERTRUST Network, OU=http://www.usertrust.com, CN=UTN - DATACorp SGC
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:df:ee:58:10:a2:2b:6e:55:c4:8e:bf:2e:46:09:
+                    e7:e0:08:0f:2e:2b:7a:13:94:1b:bd:f6:b6:80:8e:
+                    65:05:93:00:1e:bc:af:e2:0f:8e:19:0d:12:47:ec:
+                    ac:ad:a3:fa:2e:70:f8:de:6e:fb:56:42:15:9e:2e:
+                    5c:ef:23:de:21:b9:05:76:27:19:0f:4f:d6:c3:9c:
+                    b4:be:94:19:63:f2:a6:11:0a:eb:53:48:9c:be:f2:
+                    29:3b:16:e8:1a:a0:4c:a6:c9:f4:18:59:68:c0:70:
+                    f2:53:00:c0:5e:50:82:a5:56:6f:36:f9:4a:e0:44:
+                    86:a0:4d:4e:d6:47:6e:49:4a:cb:67:d7:a6:c4:05:
+                    b9:8e:1e:f4:fc:ff:cd:e7:36:e0:9c:05:6c:b2:33:
+                    22:15:d0:b4:e0:cc:17:c0:b2:c0:f4:fe:32:3f:29:
+                    2a:95:7b:d8:f2:a7:4e:0f:54:7c:a1:0d:80:b3:09:
+                    03:c1:ff:5c:dd:5e:9a:3e:bc:ae:bc:47:8a:6a:ae:
+                    71:ca:1f:b1:2a:b8:5f:42:05:0b:ec:46:30:d1:72:
+                    0b:ca:e9:56:6d:f5:ef:df:78:be:61:ba:b2:a5:ae:
+                    04:4c:bc:a8:ac:69:15:97:bd:ef:eb:b4:8c:bf:35:
+                    f8:d4:c3:d1:28:0e:5c:3a:9f:70:18:33:20:77:c4:
+                    a2:af
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                53:32:D1:B3:CF:7F:FA:E0:F1:A0:5D:85:4E:92:D2:9E:45:1D:B4:4F
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.usertrust.com/UTN-DATACorpSGC.crl
+            X509v3 Extended Key Usage: 
+                TLS Web Server Authentication, Microsoft Server Gated Crypto, Netscape Server Gated Crypto
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         27:35:97:00:8a:8b:28:bd:c6:33:30:1e:29:fc:e2:f7:d5:98:
+         d4:40:bb:60:ca:bf:ab:17:2c:09:36:7f:50:fa:41:dc:ae:96:
+         3a:0a:23:3e:89:59:c9:a3:07:ed:1b:37:ad:fc:7c:be:51:49:
+         5a:de:3a:0a:54:08:16:45:c2:99:b1:87:cd:8c:68:e0:69:03:
+         e9:c4:4e:98:b2:3b:8c:16:b3:0e:a0:0c:98:50:9b:93:a9:70:
+         09:c8:2c:a3:8f:df:02:e4:e0:71:3a:f1:b4:23:72:a0:aa:01:
+         df:df:98:3e:14:50:a0:31:26:bd:28:e9:5a:30:26:75:f9:7b:
+         60:1c:8d:f3:cd:50:26:6d:04:27:9a:df:d5:0d:45:47:29:6b:
+         2c:e6:76:d9:a9:29:7d:32:dd:c9:36:3c:bd:ae:35:f1:11:9e:
+         1d:bb:90:3f:12:47:4e:8e:d7:7e:0f:62:73:1d:52:26:38:1c:
+         18:49:fd:30:74:9a:c4:e5:22:2f:d8:c0:8d:ed:91:7a:4c:00:
+         8f:72:7f:5d:da:dd:1b:8b:45:6b:e7:dd:69:97:a8:c5:56:4c:
+         0f:0c:f6:9f:7a:91:37:f6:97:82:e0:dd:71:69:ff:76:3f:60:
+         4d:3c:cf:f7:99:f9:c6:57:f4:c9:55:39:78:ba:2c:79:c9:a6:
+         88:2b:f4:08
+SHA1 Fingerprint=58:11:9F:0E:12:82:87:EA:50:FD:D9:87:45:6F:4F:78:DC:FA:D6:D4
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/5021a0a2.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/5021a0a2.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..15f5213fc68f1705fd69773ae77fdd1beb2e43d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/5021a0a2.0
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            1d:a2:00:01:00:02:ec:b7:60:80:78:8d:b6:06
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=DE, O=TC TrustCenter GmbH, OU=TC TrustCenter Universal CA, CN=TC TrustCenter Universal CA I
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Mar 22 15:54:28 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 22:59:59 2025 GMT
+        Subject: C=DE, O=TC TrustCenter GmbH, OU=TC TrustCenter Universal CA, CN=TC TrustCenter Universal CA I
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:a4:77:23:96:44:af:90:f4:31:a7:10:f4:26:87:
+                    9c:f3:38:d9:0f:5e:de:cf:41:e8:31:ad:c6:74:91:
+                    24:96:78:1e:09:a0:9b:9a:95:4a:4a:f5:62:7c:02:
+                    a8:ca:ac:fb:5a:04:76:39:de:5f:f1:f9:b3:bf:f3:
+                    03:58:55:d2:aa:b7:e3:04:22:d1:f8:94:da:22:08:
+                    00:8d:d3:7c:26:5d:cc:77:79:e7:2c:78:39:a8:26:
+                    73:0e:a2:5d:25:69:85:4f:55:0e:9a:ef:c6:b9:44:
+                    e1:57:3d:df:1f:54:22:e5:6f:65:aa:33:84:3a:f3:
+                    ce:7a:be:55:97:ae:8d:12:0f:14:33:e2:50:70:c3:
+                    49:87:13:bc:51:de:d7:98:12:5a:ef:3a:83:33:92:
+                    06:75:8b:92:7c:12:68:7b:70:6a:0f:b5:9b:b6:77:
+                    5b:48:59:9d:e4:ef:5a:ad:f3:c1:9e:d4:d7:45:4e:
+                    ca:56:34:21:bc:3e:17:5b:6f:77:0c:48:01:43:29:
+                    b0:dd:3f:96:6e:e6:95:aa:0c:c0:20:b6:fd:3e:36:
+                    27:9c:e3:5c:cf:4e:81:dc:19:bb:91:90:7d:ec:e6:
+                    97:04:1e:93:cc:22:49:d7:97:86:b6:13:0a:3c:43:
+                    23:77:7e:f0:dc:e6:cd:24:1f:3b:83:9b:34:3a:83:
+                    34:e3
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:92:A4:75:2C:A4:9E:BE:81:44:EB:79:FC:8A:C5:95:A5:EB:10:75:73
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                92:A4:75:2C:A4:9E:BE:81:44:EB:79:FC:8A:C5:95:A5:EB:10:75:73
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         28:d2:e0:86:d5:e6:f8:7b:f0:97:dc:22:6b:3b:95:14:56:0f:
+         11:30:a5:9a:4f:3a:b0:3a:e0:06:cb:65:f5:ed:c6:97:27:fe:
+         25:f2:57:e6:5e:95:8c:3e:64:60:15:5a:7f:2f:0d:01:c5:b1:
+         60:fd:45:35:cf:f0:b2:bf:06:d9:ef:5a:be:b3:62:21:b4:d7:
+         ab:35:7c:53:3e:a6:27:f1:a1:2d:da:1a:23:9d:cc:dd:ec:3c:
+         2d:9e:27:34:5d:0f:c2:36:79:bc:c9:4a:62:2d:ed:6b:d9:7d:
+         41:43:7c:b6:aa:ca:ed:61:b1:37:82:15:09:1a:8a:16:30:d8:
+         ec:c9:d6:47:72:78:4b:10:46:14:8e:5f:0e:af:ec:c7:2f:ab:
+         10:d7:b6:f1:6e:ec:86:b2:c2:e8:0d:92:73:dc:a2:f4:0f:3a:
+         bf:61:23:10:89:9c:48:40:6e:70:00:b3:d3:ba:37:44:58:11:
+         7a:02:6a:88:f0:37:34:f0:19:e9:ac:d4:65:73:f6:69:8c:64:
+         94:3a:79:85:29:b0:16:2b:0c:82:3f:06:9c:c7:fd:10:2b:9e:
+         0f:2c:b6:9e:e3:15:bf:d9:36:1c:ba:25:1a:52:3d:1a:ec:22:
+         0c:1c:e0:a4:a2:3d:f0:e8:39:cf:81:c0:7b:ed:5d:1f:6f:c5:
+         d0:0b:d7:98
+SHA1 Fingerprint=6B:2F:34:AD:89:58:BE:62:FD:B0:6B:5C:CE:BB:9D:D9:4F:4E:39:F3
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/524d9b43.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/524d9b43.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0fa8453f54d99424e2a3b9f72400e18ed553aa6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/524d9b43.0
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            40:1a:c4:64:21:b3:13:21:03:0e:bb:e4:12:1a:c5:1d
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 2008 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Apr  2 00:00:00 2008 GMT
+            Not After : Dec  1 23:59:59 2037 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 2008 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c7:61:37:5e:b1:01:34:db:62:d7:15:9b:ff:58:
+                    5a:8c:23:23:d6:60:8e:91:d7:90:98:83:7a:e6:58:
+                    19:38:8c:c5:f6:e5:64:85:b4:a2:71:fb:ed:bd:b9:
+                    da:cd:4d:00:b4:c8:2d:73:a5:c7:69:71:95:1f:39:
+                    3c:b2:44:07:9c:e8:0e:fa:4d:4a:c4:21:df:29:61:
+                    8f:32:22:61:82:c5:87:1f:6e:8c:7c:5f:16:20:51:
+                    44:d1:70:4f:57:ea:e3:1c:e3:cc:79:ee:58:d8:0e:
+                    c2:b3:45:93:c0:2c:e7:9a:17:2b:7b:00:37:7a:41:
+                    33:78:e1:33:e2:f3:10:1a:7f:87:2c:be:f6:f5:f7:
+                    42:e2:e5:bf:87:62:89:5f:00:4b:df:c5:dd:e4:75:
+                    44:32:41:3a:1e:71:6e:69:cb:0b:75:46:08:d1:ca:
+                    d2:2b:95:d0:cf:fb:b9:40:6b:64:8c:57:4d:fc:13:
+                    11:79:84:ed:5e:54:f6:34:9f:08:01:f3:10:25:06:
+                    17:4a:da:f1:1d:7a:66:6b:98:60:66:a4:d9:ef:d2:
+                    2e:82:f1:f0:ef:09:ea:44:c9:15:6a:e2:03:6e:33:
+                    d3:ac:9f:55:00:c7:f6:08:6a:94:b9:5f:dc:e0:33:
+                    f1:84:60:f9:5b:27:11:b4:fc:16:f2:bb:56:6a:80:
+                    25:8d
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+                0_.].[0Y0W0U..image/gif0!0.0...+..............k...j.H.,{..0%.#http://logo.verisign.com/vslogo.gif
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                B6:77:FA:69:48:47:9F:53:12:D5:C2:EA:07:32:76:07:D1:97:07:19
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         4a:f8:f8:b0:03:e6:2c:67:7b:e4:94:77:63:cc:6e:4c:f9:7d:
+         0e:0d:dc:c8:b9:35:b9:70:4f:63:fa:24:fa:6c:83:8c:47:9d:
+         3b:63:f3:9a:f9:76:32:95:91:b1:77:bc:ac:9a:be:b1:e4:31:
+         21:c6:81:95:56:5a:0e:b1:c2:d4:b1:a6:59:ac:f1:63:cb:b8:
+         4c:1d:59:90:4a:ef:90:16:28:1f:5a:ae:10:fb:81:50:38:0c:
+         6c:cc:f1:3d:c3:f5:63:e3:b3:e3:21:c9:24:39:e9:fd:15:66:
+         46:f4:1b:11:d0:4d:73:a3:7d:46:f9:3d:ed:a8:5f:62:d4:f1:
+         3f:f8:e0:74:57:2b:18:9d:81:b4:c4:28:da:94:97:a5:70:eb:
+         ac:1d:be:07:11:f0:d5:db:dd:e5:8c:f0:d5:32:b0:83:e6:57:
+         e2:8f:bf:be:a1:aa:bf:3d:1d:b5:d4:38:ea:d7:b0:5c:3a:4f:
+         6a:3f:8f:c0:66:6c:63:aa:e9:d9:a4:16:f4:81:d1:95:14:0e:
+         7d:cd:95:34:d9:d2:8f:70:73:81:7b:9c:7e:bd:98:61:d8:45:
+         87:98:90:c5:eb:86:30:c6:35:bf:f0:ff:c3:55:88:83:4b:ef:
+         05:92:06:71:f2:b8:98:93:b7:ec:cd:82:61:f1:38:e6:4f:97:
+         98:2a:5a:8d
+SHA1 Fingerprint=36:79:CA:35:66:87:72:30:4D:30:A5:FB:87:3B:0F:A7:7B:B7:0D:54
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/57692373.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/57692373.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..29f91990b0d78062ec5560520eee6c2da7b20209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/57692373.0
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust Global CA 2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Mar  4 05:00:00 2004 GMT
+            Not After : Mar  4 05:00:00 2019 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust Global CA 2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ef:3c:4d:40:3d:10:df:3b:53:00:e1:67:fe:94:
+                    60:15:3e:85:88:f1:89:0d:90:c8:28:23:99:05:e8:
+                    2b:20:9d:c6:f3:60:46:d8:c1:b2:d5:8c:31:d9:dc:
+                    20:79:24:81:bf:35:32:fc:63:69:db:b1:2a:6b:ee:
+                    21:58:f2:08:e9:78:cb:6f:cb:fc:16:52:c8:91:c4:
+                    ff:3d:73:de:b1:3e:a7:c2:7d:66:c1:f5:7e:52:24:
+                    1a:e2:d5:67:91:d0:82:10:d7:78:4b:4f:2b:42:39:
+                    bd:64:2d:40:a0:b0:10:d3:38:48:46:88:a1:0c:bb:
+                    3a:33:2a:62:98:fb:00:9d:13:59:7f:6f:3b:72:aa:
+                    ee:a6:0f:86:f9:05:61:ea:67:7f:0c:37:96:8b:e6:
+                    69:16:47:11:c2:27:59:03:b3:a6:60:c2:21:40:56:
+                    fa:a0:c7:7d:3a:13:e3:ec:57:c7:b3:d6:ae:9d:89:
+                    80:f7:01:e7:2c:f6:96:2b:13:0d:79:2c:d9:c0:e4:
+                    86:7b:4b:8c:0c:72:82:8a:fb:17:cd:00:6c:3a:13:
+                    3c:b0:84:87:4b:16:7a:29:b2:4f:db:1d:d4:0b:f3:
+                    66:37:bd:d8:f6:57:bb:5e:24:7a:b8:3c:8b:b9:fa:
+                    92:1a:1a:84:9e:d8:74:8f:aa:1b:7f:5e:f4:fe:45:
+                    22:21
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                71:38:36:F2:02:31:53:47:2B:6E:BA:65:46:A9:10:15:58:20:05:09
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:71:38:36:F2:02:31:53:47:2B:6E:BA:65:46:A9:10:15:58:20:05:09
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         03:f7:b5:2b:ab:5d:10:fc:7b:b2:b2:5e:ac:9b:0e:7e:53:78:
+         59:3e:42:04:fe:75:a3:ad:ac:81:4e:d7:02:8b:5e:c4:2d:c8:
+         52:76:c7:2c:1f:fc:81:32:98:d1:4b:c6:92:93:33:35:31:2f:
+         fc:d8:1d:44:dd:e0:81:7f:9d:e9:8b:e1:64:91:62:0b:39:08:
+         8c:ac:74:9d:59:d9:7a:59:52:97:11:b9:16:7b:6f:45:d3:96:
+         d9:31:7d:02:36:0f:9c:3b:6e:cf:2c:0d:03:46:45:eb:a0:f4:
+         7f:48:44:c6:08:40:cc:de:1b:70:b5:29:ad:ba:8b:3b:34:65:
+         75:1b:71:21:1d:2c:14:0a:b0:96:95:b8:d6:ea:f2:65:fb:29:
+         ba:4f:ea:91:93:74:69:b6:f2:ff:e1:1a:d0:0c:d1:76:85:cb:
+         8a:25:bd:97:5e:2c:6f:15:99:26:e7:b6:29:ff:22:ec:c9:02:
+         c7:56:00:cd:49:b9:b3:6c:7b:53:04:1a:e2:a8:c9:aa:12:05:
+         23:c2:ce:e7:bb:04:02:cc:c0:47:a2:e4:c4:29:2f:5b:45:57:
+         89:51:ee:3c:eb:52:08:ff:07:35:1e:9f:35:6a:47:4a:56:98:
+         d1:5a:85:1f:8c:f5:22:bf:ab:ce:83:f3:e2:22:29:ae:7d:83:
+         40:a8:ba:6c
+SHA1 Fingerprint=A9:E9:78:08:14:37:58:88:F2:05:19:B0:6D:2B:0D:2B:60:16:90:7D
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/594f1775.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/594f1775.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a34822a02cad7fefd39bd450fe90e9291e907cfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/594f1775.0
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 903804111 (0x35def4cf)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=Equifax, OU=Equifax Secure Certificate Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Aug 22 16:41:51 1998 GMT
+            Not After : Aug 22 16:41:51 2018 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=Equifax, OU=Equifax Secure Certificate Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (1024 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c1:5d:b1:58:67:08:62:ee:a0:9a:2d:1f:08:6d:
+                    91:14:68:98:0a:1e:fe:da:04:6f:13:84:62:21:c3:
+                    d1:7c:ce:9f:05:e0:b8:01:f0:4e:34:ec:e2:8a:95:
+                    04:64:ac:f1:6b:53:5f:05:b3:cb:67:80:bf:42:02:
+                    8e:fe:dd:01:09:ec:e1:00:14:4f:fc:fb:f0:0c:dd:
+                    43:ba:5b:2b:e1:1f:80:70:99:15:57:93:16:f1:0f:
+                    97:6a:b7:c2:68:23:1c:cc:4d:59:30:ac:51:1e:3b:
+                    af:2b:d6:ee:63:45:7b:c5:d9:5f:50:d2:e3:50:0f:
+                    3a:88:e7:bf:14:fd:e0:c7:b9
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  DirName: C = US, O = Equifax, OU = Equifax Secure Certificate Authority, CN = CRL1
+            X509v3 Private Key Usage Period: 
+                Not After: Aug 22 16:41:51 2018 GMT
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:48:E6:68:F9:2B:D2:B2:95:D7:47:D8:23:20:10:4F:33:98:90:9F:D4
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                48:E6:68:F9:2B:D2:B2:95:D7:47:D8:23:20:10:4F:33:98:90:9F:D4
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
+                CA:TRUE
+            1.2.840.113533.7.65.0: 
+                0...V3.0c....
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         58:ce:29:ea:fc:f7:de:b5:ce:02:b9:17:b5:85:d1:b9:e3:e0:
+         95:cc:25:31:0d:00:a6:92:6e:7f:b6:92:63:9e:50:95:d1:9a:
+         6f:e4:11:de:63:85:6e:98:ee:a8:ff:5a:c8:d3:55:b2:66:71:
+         57:de:c0:21:eb:3d:2a:a7:23:49:01:04:86:42:7b:fc:ee:7f:
+         a2:16:52:b5:67:67:d3:40:db:3b:26:58:b2:28:77:3d:ae:14:
+         77:61:d6:fa:2a:66:27:a0:0d:fa:a7:73:5c:ea:70:f1:94:21:
+         65:44:5f:fa:fc:ef:29:68:a9:a2:87:79:ef:79:ef:4f:ac:07:
+         77:38
+SHA1 Fingerprint=D2:32:09:AD:23:D3:14:23:21:74:E4:0D:7F:9D:62:13:97:86:63:3A
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/5a3f0ff8.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/5a3f0ff8.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0c27347c4aeae0a634610c266df4ee0ab6deaaa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/5a3f0ff8.0
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            4e:81:2d:8a:82:65:e0:0b:02:ee:3e:35:02:46:e5:3d
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec  1 00:00:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2029 GMT
+        Subject: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:d0:40:8b:8b:72:e3:91:1b:f7:51:c1:1b:54:04:
+                    98:d3:a9:bf:c1:e6:8a:5d:3b:87:fb:bb:88:ce:0d:
+                    e3:2f:3f:06:96:f0:a2:29:50:99:ae:db:3b:a1:57:
+                    b0:74:51:71:cd:ed:42:91:4d:41:fe:a9:c8:d8:6a:
+                    86:77:44:bb:59:66:97:50:5e:b4:d4:2c:70:44:cf:
+                    da:37:95:42:69:3c:30:c4:71:b3:52:f0:21:4d:a1:
+                    d8:ba:39:7c:1c:9e:a3:24:9d:f2:83:16:98:aa:16:
+                    7c:43:9b:15:5b:b7:ae:34:91:fe:d4:62:26:18:46:
+                    9a:3f:eb:c1:f9:f1:90:57:eb:ac:7a:0d:8b:db:72:
+                    30:6a:66:d5:e0:46:a3:70:dc:68:d9:ff:04:48:89:
+                    77:de:b5:e9:fb:67:6d:41:e9:bc:39:bd:32:d9:62:
+                    02:f1:b1:a8:3d:6e:37:9c:e2:2f:e2:d3:a2:26:8b:
+                    c6:b8:55:43:88:e1:23:3e:a5:d2:24:39:6a:47:ab:
+                    00:d4:a1:b3:a9:25:fe:0d:3f:a7:1d:ba:d3:51:c1:
+                    0b:a4:da:ac:38:ef:55:50:24:05:65:46:93:34:4f:
+                    2d:8d:ad:c6:d4:21:19:d2:8e:ca:05:61:71:07:73:
+                    47:e5:8a:19:12:bd:04:4d:ce:4e:9c:a5:48:ac:bb:
+                    26:f7
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                0B:58:E5:8B:C6:4C:15:37:A4:40:A9:30:A9:21:BE:47:36:5A:56:FF
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.comodoca.com/COMODOCertificationAuthority.crl
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         3e:98:9e:9b:f6:1b:e9:d7:39:b7:78:ae:1d:72:18:49:d3:87:
+         e4:43:82:eb:3f:c9:aa:f5:a8:b5:ef:55:7c:21:52:65:f9:d5:
+         0d:e1:6c:f4:3e:8c:93:73:91:2e:02:c4:4e:07:71:6f:c0:8f:
+         38:61:08:a8:1e:81:0a:c0:2f:20:2f:41:8b:91:dc:48:45:bc:
+         f1:c6:de:ba:76:6b:33:c8:00:2d:31:46:4c:ed:e7:9d:cf:88:
+         94:ff:33:c0:56:e8:24:86:26:b8:d8:38:38:df:2a:6b:dd:12:
+         cc:c7:3f:47:17:4c:a2:c2:06:96:09:d6:db:fe:3f:3c:46:41:
+         df:58:e2:56:0f:3c:3b:c1:1c:93:35:d9:38:52:ac:ee:c8:ec:
+         2e:30:4e:94:35:b4:24:1f:4b:78:69:da:f2:02:38:cc:95:52:
+         93:f0:70:25:59:9c:20:67:c4:ee:f9:8b:57:61:f4:92:76:7d:
+         3f:84:8d:55:b7:e8:e5:ac:d5:f1:f5:19:56:a6:5a:fb:90:1c:
+         af:93:eb:e5:1c:d4:67:97:5d:04:0e:be:0b:83:a6:17:83:b9:
+         30:12:a0:c5:33:15:05:b9:0d:fb:c7:05:76:e3:d8:4a:8d:fc:
+         34:17:a3:c6:21:28:be:30:45:31:1e:c7:78:be:58:61:38:ac:
+         3b:e2:01:65
+SHA1 Fingerprint=66:31:BF:9E:F7:4F:9E:B6:C9:D5:A6:0C:BA:6A:BE:D1:F7:BD:EF:7B
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/5e4e69e7.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/5e4e69e7.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43b6bdaa481289b8d14ed4345d7ffa2afa3d919a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/5e4e69e7.0
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            2f:80:fe:23:8c:0e:22:0f:48:67:12:28:91:87:ac:b3
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 2007 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G4
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov  5 00:00:00 2007 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 18 23:59:59 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 2007 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G4
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:a7:56:7a:7c:52:da:64:9b:0e:2d:5c:d8:5e:ac:
+                    92:3d:fe:01:e6:19:4a:3d:14:03:4b:fa:60:27:20:
+                    d9:83:89:69:fa:54:c6:9a:18:5e:55:2a:64:de:06:
+                    f6:8d:4a:3b:ad:10:3c:65:3d:90:88:04:89:e0:30:
+                    61:b3:ae:5d:01:a7:7b:de:7c:b2:be:ca:65:61:00:
+                    86:ae:da:8f:7b:d0:89:ad:4d:1d:59:9a:41:b1:bc:
+                    47:80:dc:9e:62:c3:f9
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+                0_.].[0Y0W0U..image/gif0!0.0...+..............k...j.H.,{..0%.#http://logo.verisign.com/vslogo.gif
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                B3:16:91:FD:EE:A6:6E:E4:B5:2E:49:8F:87:78:81:80:EC:E5:B1:B5
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:65:02:30:66:21:0c:18:26:60:5a:38:7b:56:42:e0:a7:fc:
+         36:84:51:91:20:2c:76:4d:43:3d:c4:1d:84:23:d0:ac:d6:7c:
+         35:06:ce:cd:69:bd:90:0d:db:6c:48:42:1d:0e:aa:42:02:31:
+         00:9c:3d:48:39:23:39:58:1a:15:12:59:6a:9e:ef:d5:59:b2:
+         1d:52:2c:99:71:cd:c7:29:df:1b:2a:61:7b:71:d1:de:f3:c0:
+         e5:0d:3a:4a:aa:2d:a7:d8:86:2a:dd:2e:10
+SHA1 Fingerprint=22:D5:D8:DF:8F:02:31:D1:8D:F7:9D:B7:CF:8A:2D:64:C9:3F:6C:3A
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/67495436.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/67495436.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..23a6ebe6b55f1e84b3ebf7c73dfb161082b13ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/67495436.0
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            60:01:97:b7:46:a7:ea:b4:b4:9a:d6:4b:2f:f7:90:fb
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=thawte, Inc., OU=Certification Services Division, OU=(c) 2008 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=thawte Primary Root CA - G3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Apr  2 00:00:00 2008 GMT
+            Not After : Dec  1 23:59:59 2037 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=thawte, Inc., OU=Certification Services Division, OU=(c) 2008 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=thawte Primary Root CA - G3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b2:bf:27:2c:fb:db:d8:5b:dd:78:7b:1b:9e:77:
+                    66:81:cb:3e:bc:7c:ae:f3:a6:27:9a:34:a3:68:31:
+                    71:38:33:62:e4:f3:71:66:79:b1:a9:65:a3:a5:8b:
+                    d5:8f:60:2d:3f:42:cc:aa:6b:32:c0:23:cb:2c:41:
+                    dd:e4:df:fc:61:9c:e2:73:b2:22:95:11:43:18:5f:
+                    c4:b6:1f:57:6c:0a:05:58:22:c8:36:4c:3a:7c:a5:
+                    d1:cf:86:af:88:a7:44:02:13:74:71:73:0a:42:59:
+                    02:f8:1b:14:6b:42:df:6f:5f:ba:6b:82:a2:9d:5b:
+                    e7:4a:bd:1e:01:72:db:4b:74:e8:3b:7f:7f:7d:1f:
+                    04:b4:26:9b:e0:b4:5a:ac:47:3d:55:b8:d7:b0:26:
+                    52:28:01:31:40:66:d8:d9:24:bd:f6:2a:d8:ec:21:
+                    49:5c:9b:f6:7a:e9:7f:55:35:7e:96:6b:8d:93:93:
+                    27:cb:92:bb:ea:ac:40:c0:9f:c2:f8:80:cf:5d:f4:
+                    5a:dc:ce:74:86:a6:3e:6c:0b:53:ca:bd:92:ce:19:
+                    06:72:e6:0c:5c:38:69:c7:04:d6:bc:6c:ce:5b:f6:
+                    f7:68:9c:dc:25:15:48:88:a1:e9:a9:f8:98:9c:e0:
+                    f3:d5:31:28:61:11:6c:67:96:8d:39:99:cb:c2:45:
+                    24:39
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                AD:6C:AA:94:60:9C:ED:E4:FF:FA:3E:0A:74:2B:63:03:F7:B6:59:BF
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         1a:40:d8:95:65:ac:09:92:89:c6:39:f4:10:e5:a9:0e:66:53:
+         5d:78:de:fa:24:91:bb:e7:44:51:df:c6:16:34:0a:ef:6a:44:
+         51:ea:2b:07:8a:03:7a:c3:eb:3f:0a:2c:52:16:a0:2b:43:b9:
+         25:90:3f:70:a9:33:25:6d:45:1a:28:3b:27:cf:aa:c3:29:42:
+         1b:df:3b:4c:c0:33:34:5b:41:88:bf:6b:2b:65:af:28:ef:b2:
+         f5:c3:aa:66:ce:7b:56:ee:b7:c8:cb:67:c1:c9:9c:1a:18:b8:
+         c4:c3:49:03:f1:60:0e:50:cd:46:c5:f3:77:79:f7:b6:15:e0:
+         38:db:c7:2f:28:a0:0c:3f:77:26:74:d9:25:12:da:31:da:1a:
+         1e:dc:29:41:91:22:3c:69:a7:bb:02:f2:b6:5c:27:03:89:f4:
+         06:ea:9b:e4:72:82:e3:a1:09:c1:e9:00:19:d3:3e:d4:70:6b:
+         ba:71:a6:aa:58:ae:f4:bb:e9:6c:b6:ef:87:cc:9b:bb:ff:39:
+         e6:56:61:d3:0a:a7:c4:5c:4c:60:7b:05:77:26:7a:bf:d8:07:
+         52:2c:62:f7:70:63:d9:39:bc:6f:1c:c2:79:dc:76:29:af:ce:
+         c5:2c:64:04:5e:88:36:6e:31:d4:40:1a:62:34:36:3f:35:01:
+         ae:ac:63:a0
+SHA1 Fingerprint=F1:8B:53:8D:1B:E9:03:B6:A6:F0:56:43:5B:17:15:89:CA:F3:6B:F2
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/69105f4f.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/69105f4f.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a9364ac2f46cd829d1514f86f9a3e4a4010f6afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/69105f4f.0
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            0c:e7:e0:e5:17:d8:46:fe:8f:e5:60:fc:1b:f0:30:39
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 10 00:00:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Nov 10 00:00:00 2031 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ad:0e:15:ce:e4:43:80:5c:b1:87:f3:b7:60:f9:
+                    71:12:a5:ae:dc:26:94:88:aa:f4:ce:f5:20:39:28:
+                    58:60:0c:f8:80:da:a9:15:95:32:61:3c:b5:b1:28:
+                    84:8a:8a:dc:9f:0a:0c:83:17:7a:8f:90:ac:8a:e7:
+                    79:53:5c:31:84:2a:f6:0f:98:32:36:76:cc:de:dd:
+                    3c:a8:a2:ef:6a:fb:21:f2:52:61:df:9f:20:d7:1f:
+                    e2:b1:d9:fe:18:64:d2:12:5b:5f:f9:58:18:35:bc:
+                    47:cd:a1:36:f9:6b:7f:d4:b0:38:3e:c1:1b:c3:8c:
+                    33:d9:d8:2f:18:fe:28:0f:b3:a7:83:d6:c3:6e:44:
+                    c0:61:35:96:16:fe:59:9c:8b:76:6d:d7:f1:a2:4b:
+                    0d:2b:ff:0b:72:da:9e:60:d0:8e:90:35:c6:78:55:
+                    87:20:a1:cf:e5:6d:0a:c8:49:7c:31:98:33:6c:22:
+                    e9:87:d0:32:5a:a2:ba:13:82:11:ed:39:17:9d:99:
+                    3a:72:a1:e6:fa:a4:d9:d5:17:31:75:ae:85:7d:22:
+                    ae:3f:01:46:86:f6:28:79:c8:b1:da:e4:57:17:c4:
+                    7e:1c:0e:b0:b4:92:a6:56:b3:bd:b2:97:ed:aa:a7:
+                    f0:b7:c5:a8:3f:95:16:d0:ff:a1:96:eb:08:5f:18:
+                    77:4f
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                45:EB:A2:AF:F4:92:CB:82:31:2D:51:8B:A7:A7:21:9D:F3:6D:C8:0F
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:45:EB:A2:AF:F4:92:CB:82:31:2D:51:8B:A7:A7:21:9D:F3:6D:C8:0F
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         a2:0e:bc:df:e2:ed:f0:e3:72:73:7a:64:94:bf:f7:72:66:d8:
+         32:e4:42:75:62:ae:87:eb:f2:d5:d9:de:56:b3:9f:cc:ce:14:
+         28:b9:0d:97:60:5c:12:4c:58:e4:d3:3d:83:49:45:58:97:35:
+         69:1a:a8:47:ea:56:c6:79:ab:12:d8:67:81:84:df:7f:09:3c:
+         94:e6:b8:26:2c:20:bd:3d:b3:28:89:f7:5f:ff:22:e2:97:84:
+         1f:e9:65:ef:87:e0:df:c1:67:49:b3:5d:eb:b2:09:2a:eb:26:
+         ed:78:be:7d:3f:2b:f3:b7:26:35:6d:5f:89:01:b6:49:5b:9f:
+         01:05:9b:ab:3d:25:c1:cc:b6:7f:c2:f1:6f:86:c6:fa:64:68:
+         eb:81:2d:94:eb:42:b7:fa:8c:1e:dd:62:f1:be:50:67:b7:6c:
+         bd:f3:f1:1f:6b:0c:36:07:16:7f:37:7c:a9:5b:6d:7a:f1:12:
+         46:60:83:d7:27:04:be:4b:ce:97:be:c3:67:2a:68:11:df:80:
+         e7:0c:33:66:bf:13:0d:14:6e:f3:7f:1f:63:10:1e:fa:8d:1b:
+         25:6d:6c:8f:a5:b7:61:01:b1:d2:a3:26:a1:10:71:9d:ad:e2:
+         c3:f9:c3:99:51:b7:2b:07:08:ce:2e:e6:50:b2:a7:fa:0a:45:
+         2f:a2:f0:f2
+SHA1 Fingerprint=05:63:B8:63:0D:62:D7:5A:BB:C8:AB:1E:4B:DF:B5:A8:99:B2:4D:43
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/75680d2e.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/75680d2e.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..59329ba860c12681ac2c81f5f83a00f3ca523f8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/75680d2e.0
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=Comodo CA Limited, CN=AAA Certificate Services
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan  1 00:00:00 2004 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2028 GMT
+        Subject: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=Comodo CA Limited, CN=AAA Certificate Services
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:be:40:9d:f4:6e:e1:ea:76:87:1c:4d:45:44:8e:
+                    be:46:c8:83:06:9d:c1:2a:fe:18:1f:8e:e4:02:fa:
+                    f3:ab:5d:50:8a:16:31:0b:9a:06:d0:c5:70:22:cd:
+                    49:2d:54:63:cc:b6:6e:68:46:0b:53:ea:cb:4c:24:
+                    c0:bc:72:4e:ea:f1:15:ae:f4:54:9a:12:0a:c3:7a:
+                    b2:33:60:e2:da:89:55:f3:22:58:f3:de:dc:cf:ef:
+                    83:86:a2:8c:94:4f:9f:68:f2:98:90:46:84:27:c7:
+                    76:bf:e3:cc:35:2c:8b:5e:07:64:65:82:c0:48:b0:
+                    a8:91:f9:61:9f:76:20:50:a8:91:c7:66:b5:eb:78:
+                    62:03:56:f0:8a:1a:13:ea:31:a3:1e:a0:99:fd:38:
+                    f6:f6:27:32:58:6f:07:f5:6b:b8:fb:14:2b:af:b7:
+                    aa:cc:d6:63:5f:73:8c:da:05:99:a8:38:a8:cb:17:
+                    78:36:51:ac:e9:9e:f4:78:3a:8d:cf:0f:d9:42:e2:
+                    98:0c:ab:2f:9f:0e:01:de:ef:9f:99:49:f1:2d:df:
+                    ac:74:4d:1b:98:b5:47:c5:e5:29:d1:f9:90:18:c7:
+                    62:9c:be:83:c7:26:7b:3e:8a:25:c7:c0:dd:9d:e6:
+                    35:68:10:20:9d:8f:d8:de:d2:c3:84:9c:0d:5e:e8:
+                    2f:c9
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                A0:11:0A:23:3E:96:F1:07:EC:E2:AF:29:EF:82:A5:7F:D0:30:A4:B4
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.comodoca.com/AAACertificateServices.crl
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.comodo.net/AAACertificateServices.crl
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         08:56:fc:02:f0:9b:e8:ff:a4:fa:d6:7b:c6:44:80:ce:4f:c4:
+         c5:f6:00:58:cc:a6:b6:bc:14:49:68:04:76:e8:e6:ee:5d:ec:
+         02:0f:60:d6:8d:50:18:4f:26:4e:01:e3:e6:b0:a5:ee:bf:bc:
+         74:54:41:bf:fd:fc:12:b8:c7:4f:5a:f4:89:60:05:7f:60:b7:
+         05:4a:f3:f6:f1:c2:bf:c4:b9:74:86:b6:2d:7d:6b:cc:d2:f3:
+         46:dd:2f:c6:e0:6a:c3:c3:34:03:2c:7d:96:dd:5a:c2:0e:a7:
+         0a:99:c1:05:8b:ab:0c:2f:f3:5c:3a:cf:6c:37:55:09:87:de:
+         53:40:6c:58:ef:fc:b6:ab:65:6e:04:f6:1b:dc:3c:e0:5a:15:
+         c6:9e:d9:f1:59:48:30:21:65:03:6c:ec:e9:21:73:ec:9b:03:
+         a1:e0:37:ad:a0:15:18:8f:fa:ba:02:ce:a7:2c:a9:10:13:2c:
+         d4:e5:08:26:ab:22:97:60:f8:90:5e:74:d4:a2:9a:53:bd:f2:
+         a9:68:e0:a2:6e:c2:d7:6c:b1:a3:0f:9e:bf:eb:68:e7:56:f2:
+         ae:f2:e3:2b:38:3a:09:81:b5:6b:85:d7:be:2d:ed:3f:1a:b7:
+         b2:63:e2:f5:62:2c:82:d4:6a:00:41:50:f1:39:83:9f:95:e9:
+         36:96:98:6e
+SHA1 Fingerprint=D1:EB:23:A4:6D:17:D6:8F:D9:25:64:C2:F1:F1:60:17:64:D8:E3:49
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/7999be0d.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/7999be0d.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..077c03b0a64314c338f883be47dc76d515e14784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/7999be0d.0
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 144470 (0x23456)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust Global CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 21 04:00:00 2002 GMT
+            Not After : May 21 04:00:00 2022 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust Global CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:da:cc:18:63:30:fd:f4:17:23:1a:56:7e:5b:df:
+                    3c:6c:38:e4:71:b7:78:91:d4:bc:a1:d8:4c:f8:a8:
+                    43:b6:03:e9:4d:21:07:08:88:da:58:2f:66:39:29:
+                    bd:05:78:8b:9d:38:e8:05:b7:6a:7e:71:a4:e6:c4:
+                    60:a6:b0:ef:80:e4:89:28:0f:9e:25:d6:ed:83:f3:
+                    ad:a6:91:c7:98:c9:42:18:35:14:9d:ad:98:46:92:
+                    2e:4f:ca:f1:87:43:c1:16:95:57:2d:50:ef:89:2d:
+                    80:7a:57:ad:f2:ee:5f:6b:d2:00:8d:b9:14:f8:14:
+                    15:35:d9:c0:46:a3:7b:72:c8:91:bf:c9:55:2b:cd:
+                    d0:97:3e:9c:26:64:cc:df:ce:83:19:71:ca:4e:e6:
+                    d4:d5:7b:a9:19:cd:55:de:c8:ec:d2:5e:38:53:e5:
+                    5c:4f:8c:2d:fe:50:23:36:fc:66:e6:cb:8e:a4:39:
+                    19:00:b7:95:02:39:91:0b:0e:fe:38:2e:d1:1d:05:
+                    9a:f6:4d:3e:6f:0f:07:1d:af:2c:1e:8f:60:39:e2:
+                    fa:36:53:13:39:d4:5e:26:2b:db:3d:a8:14:bd:32:
+                    eb:18:03:28:52:04:71:e5:ab:33:3d:e1:38:bb:07:
+                    36:84:62:9c:79:ea:16:30:f4:5f:c0:2b:e8:71:6b:
+                    e4:f9
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                C0:7A:98:68:8D:89:FB:AB:05:64:0C:11:7D:AA:7D:65:B8:CA:CC:4E
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:C0:7A:98:68:8D:89:FB:AB:05:64:0C:11:7D:AA:7D:65:B8:CA:CC:4E
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         35:e3:29:6a:e5:2f:5d:54:8e:29:50:94:9f:99:1a:14:e4:8f:
+         78:2a:62:94:a2:27:67:9e:d0:cf:1a:5e:47:e9:c1:b2:a4:cf:
+         dd:41:1a:05:4e:9b:4b:ee:4a:6f:55:52:b3:24:a1:37:0a:eb:
+         64:76:2a:2e:2c:f3:fd:3b:75:90:bf:fa:71:d8:c7:3d:37:d2:
+         b5:05:95:62:b9:a6:de:89:3d:36:7b:38:77:48:97:ac:a6:20:
+         8f:2e:a6:c9:0c:c2:b2:99:45:00:c7:ce:11:51:22:22:e0:a5:
+         ea:b6:15:48:09:64:ea:5e:4f:74:f7:05:3e:c7:8a:52:0c:db:
+         15:b4:bd:6d:9b:e5:c6:b1:54:68:a9:e3:69:90:b6:9a:a5:0f:
+         b8:b9:3f:20:7d:ae:4a:b5:b8:9c:e4:1d:b6:ab:e6:94:a5:c1:
+         c7:83:ad:db:f5:27:87:0e:04:6c:d5:ff:dd:a0:5d:ed:87:52:
+         b7:2b:15:02:ae:39:a6:6a:74:e9:da:c4:e7:bc:4d:34:1e:a9:
+         5c:4d:33:5f:92:09:2f:88:66:5d:77:97:c7:1d:76:13:a9:d5:
+         e5:f1:16:09:11:35:d5:ac:db:24:71:70:2c:98:56:0b:d9:17:
+         b4:d1:e3:51:2b:5e:75:e8:d5:d0:dc:4f:34:ed:c2:05:66:80:
+         a1:cb:e6:33
+SHA1 Fingerprint=DE:28:F4:A4:FF:E5:B9:2F:A3:C5:03:D1:A3:49:A7:F9:96:2A:82:12
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/7d453d8f.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/7d453d8f.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..832001846b3a27187037cf82d34033d6110f6a0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/7d453d8f.0
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 1 (0x0)
+        Serial Number:
+            9b:7e:06:49:a3:3e:62:b9:d5:ee:90:48:71:29:ef:57
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 1999 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Oct  1 00:00:00 1999 GMT
+            Not After : Jul 16 23:59:59 2036 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 1999 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:cb:ba:9c:52:fc:78:1f:1a:1e:6f:1b:37:73:bd:
+                    f8:c9:6b:94:12:30:4f:f0:36:47:f5:d0:91:0a:f5:
+                    17:c8:a5:61:c1:16:40:4d:fb:8a:61:90:e5:76:20:
+                    c1:11:06:7d:ab:2c:6e:a6:f5:11:41:8e:fa:2d:ad:
+                    2a:61:59:a4:67:26:4c:d0:e8:bc:52:5b:70:20:04:
+                    58:d1:7a:c9:a4:69:bc:83:17:64:ad:05:8b:bc:d0:
+                    58:ce:8d:8c:f5:eb:f0:42:49:0b:9d:97:27:67:32:
+                    6e:e1:ae:93:15:1c:70:bc:20:4d:2f:18:de:92:88:
+                    e8:6c:85:57:11:1a:e9:7e:e3:26:11:54:a2:45:96:
+                    55:83:ca:30:89:e8:dc:d8:a3:ed:2a:80:3f:7f:79:
+                    65:57:3e:15:20:66:08:2f:95:93:bf:aa:47:2f:a8:
+                    46:97:f0:12:e2:fe:c2:0a:2b:51:e6:76:e6:b7:46:
+                    b7:e2:0d:a6:cc:a8:c3:4c:59:55:89:e6:e8:53:5c:
+                    1c:ea:9d:f0:62:16:0b:a7:c9:5f:0c:f0:de:c2:76:
+                    ce:af:f7:6a:f2:fa:41:a6:a2:33:14:c9:e5:7a:63:
+                    d3:9e:62:37:d5:85:65:9e:0e:e6:53:24:74:1b:5e:
+                    1d:12:53:5b:c7:2c:e7:83:49:3b:15:ae:8a:68:b9:
+                    57:97
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         11:14:96:c1:ab:92:08:f7:3f:2f:c9:b2:fe:e4:5a:9f:64:de:
+         db:21:4f:86:99:34:76:36:57:dd:d0:15:2f:c5:ad:7f:15:1f:
+         37:62:73:3e:d4:e7:5f:ce:17:03:db:35:fa:2b:db:ae:60:09:
+         5f:1e:5f:8f:6e:bb:0b:3d:ea:5a:13:1e:0c:60:6f:b5:c0:b5:
+         23:22:2e:07:0b:cb:a9:74:cb:47:bb:1d:c1:d7:a5:6b:cc:2f:
+         d2:42:fd:49:dd:a7:89:cf:53:ba:da:00:5a:28:bf:82:df:f8:
+         ba:13:1d:50:86:82:fd:8e:30:8f:29:46:b0:1e:3d:35:da:38:
+         62:16:18:4a:ad:e6:b6:51:6c:de:af:62:eb:01:d0:1e:24:fe:
+         7a:8f:12:1a:12:68:b8:fb:66:99:14:14:45:5c:ae:e7:ae:69:
+         17:81:2b:5a:37:c9:5e:2a:f4:c6:e2:a1:5c:54:9b:a6:54:00:
+         cf:f0:f1:c1:c7:98:30:1a:3b:36:16:db:a3:6e:ea:fd:ad:b2:
+         c2:da:ef:02:47:13:8a:c0:f1:b3:31:ad:4f:1c:e1:4f:9c:af:
+         0f:0c:9d:f7:78:0d:d8:f4:35:56:80:da:b7:6d:17:8f:9d:1e:
+         81:64:e1:fe:c5:45:ba:ad:6b:b9:0a:7a:4e:4f:4b:84:ee:4b:
+         f1:7d:dd:11
+SHA1 Fingerprint=13:2D:0D:45:53:4B:69:97:CD:B2:D5:C3:39:E2:55:76:60:9B:5C:C6
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/81b9768f.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/81b9768f.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3593254c03940f89ee06bee4dc2894f71888750c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/81b9768f.0
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            02:ac:5c:26:6a:0b:40:9b:8f:0b:79:f2:ae:46:25:77
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 10 00:00:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Nov 10 00:00:00 2031 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c6:cc:e5:73:e6:fb:d4:bb:e5:2d:2d:32:a6:df:
+                    e5:81:3f:c9:cd:25:49:b6:71:2a:c3:d5:94:34:67:
+                    a2:0a:1c:b0:5f:69:a6:40:b1:c4:b7:b2:8f:d0:98:
+                    a4:a9:41:59:3a:d3:dc:94:d6:3c:db:74:38:a4:4a:
+                    cc:4d:25:82:f7:4a:a5:53:12:38:ee:f3:49:6d:71:
+                    91:7e:63:b6:ab:a6:5f:c3:a4:84:f8:4f:62:51:be:
+                    f8:c5:ec:db:38:92:e3:06:e5:08:91:0c:c4:28:41:
+                    55:fb:cb:5a:89:15:7e:71:e8:35:bf:4d:72:09:3d:
+                    be:3a:38:50:5b:77:31:1b:8d:b3:c7:24:45:9a:a7:
+                    ac:6d:00:14:5a:04:b7:ba:13:eb:51:0a:98:41:41:
+                    22:4e:65:61:87:81:41:50:a6:79:5c:89:de:19:4a:
+                    57:d5:2e:e6:5d:1c:53:2c:7e:98:cd:1a:06:16:a4:
+                    68:73:d0:34:04:13:5c:a1:71:d3:5a:7c:55:db:5e:
+                    64:e1:37:87:30:56:04:e5:11:b4:29:80:12:f1:79:
+                    39:88:a2:02:11:7c:27:66:b7:88:b7:78:f2:ca:0a:
+                    a8:38:ab:0a:64:c2:bf:66:5d:95:84:c1:a1:25:1e:
+                    87:5d:1a:50:0b:20:12:cc:41:bb:6e:0b:51:38:b8:
+                    4b:cb
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                B1:3E:C3:69:03:F8:BF:47:01:D4:98:26:1A:08:02:EF:63:64:2B:C3
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:B1:3E:C3:69:03:F8:BF:47:01:D4:98:26:1A:08:02:EF:63:64:2B:C3
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         1c:1a:06:97:dc:d7:9c:9f:3c:88:66:06:08:57:21:db:21:47:
+         f8:2a:67:aa:bf:18:32:76:40:10:57:c1:8a:f3:7a:d9:11:65:
+         8e:35:fa:9e:fc:45:b5:9e:d9:4c:31:4b:b8:91:e8:43:2c:8e:
+         b3:78:ce:db:e3:53:79:71:d6:e5:21:94:01:da:55:87:9a:24:
+         64:f6:8a:66:cc:de:9c:37:cd:a8:34:b1:69:9b:23:c8:9e:78:
+         22:2b:70:43:e3:55:47:31:61:19:ef:58:c5:85:2f:4e:30:f6:
+         a0:31:16:23:c8:e7:e2:65:16:33:cb:bf:1a:1b:a0:3d:f8:ca:
+         5e:8b:31:8b:60:08:89:2d:0c:06:5c:52:b7:c4:f9:0a:98:d1:
+         15:5f:9f:12:be:7c:36:63:38:bd:44:a4:7f:e4:26:2b:0a:c4:
+         97:69:0d:e9:8c:e2:c0:10:57:b8:c8:76:12:91:55:f2:48:69:
+         d8:bc:2a:02:5b:0f:44:d4:20:31:db:f4:ba:70:26:5d:90:60:
+         9e:bc:4b:17:09:2f:b4:cb:1e:43:68:c9:07:27:c1:d2:5c:f7:
+         ea:21:b9:68:12:9c:3c:9c:bf:9e:fc:80:5c:9b:63:cd:ec:47:
+         aa:25:27:67:a0:37:f3:00:82:7d:54:d7:a9:f8:e9:2e:13:a3:
+         77:e8:1f:4a
+SHA1 Fingerprint=5F:B7:EE:06:33:E2:59:DB:AD:0C:4C:9A:E6:D3:8F:1A:61:C7:DC:25
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/85cde254.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/85cde254.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..08be8a683d3137d1a4e8f55315615302d1a350c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/85cde254.0
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O=Starfield Technologies, Inc., CN=Starfield Root Certificate Authority - G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Sep  1 00:00:00 2009 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2037 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O=Starfield Technologies, Inc., CN=Starfield Root Certificate Authority - G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:bd:ed:c1:03:fc:f6:8f:fc:02:b1:6f:5b:9f:48:
+                    d9:9d:79:e2:a2:b7:03:61:56:18:c3:47:b6:d7:ca:
+                    3d:35:2e:89:43:f7:a1:69:9b:de:8a:1a:fd:13:20:
+                    9c:b4:49:77:32:29:56:fd:b9:ec:8c:dd:22:fa:72:
+                    dc:27:61:97:ee:f6:5a:84:ec:6e:19:b9:89:2c:dc:
+                    84:5b:d5:74:fb:6b:5f:c5:89:a5:10:52:89:46:55:
+                    f4:b8:75:1c:e6:7f:e4:54:ae:4b:f8:55:72:57:02:
+                    19:f8:17:71:59:eb:1e:28:07:74:c5:9d:48:be:6c:
+                    b4:f4:a4:b0:f3:64:37:79:92:c0:ec:46:5e:7f:e1:
+                    6d:53:4c:62:af:cd:1f:0b:63:bb:3a:9d:fb:fc:79:
+                    00:98:61:74:cf:26:82:40:63:f3:b2:72:6a:19:0d:
+                    99:ca:d4:0e:75:cc:37:fb:8b:89:c1:59:f1:62:7f:
+                    5f:b3:5f:65:30:f8:a7:b7:4d:76:5a:1e:76:5e:34:
+                    c0:e8:96:56:99:8a:b3:f0:7f:a4:cd:bd:dc:32:31:
+                    7c:91:cf:e0:5f:11:f8:6b:aa:49:5c:d1:99:94:d1:
+                    a2:e3:63:5b:09:76:b5:56:62:e1:4b:74:1d:96:d4:
+                    26:d4:08:04:59:d0:98:0e:0e:e6:de:fc:c3:ec:1f:
+                    90:f1
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                7C:0C:32:1F:A7:D9:30:7F:C4:7D:68:A3:62:A8:A1:CE:AB:07:5B:27
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         11:59:fa:25:4f:03:6f:94:99:3b:9a:1f:82:85:39:d4:76:05:
+         94:5e:e1:28:93:6d:62:5d:09:c2:a0:a8:d4:b0:75:38:f1:34:
+         6a:9d:e4:9f:8a:86:26:51:e6:2c:d1:c6:2d:6e:95:20:4a:92:
+         01:ec:b8:8a:67:7b:31:e2:67:2e:8c:95:03:26:2e:43:9d:4a:
+         31:f6:0e:b5:0c:bb:b7:e2:37:7f:22:ba:00:a3:0e:7b:52:fb:
+         6b:bb:3b:c4:d3:79:51:4e:cd:90:f4:67:07:19:c8:3c:46:7a:
+         0d:01:7d:c5:58:e7:6d:e6:85:30:17:9a:24:c4:10:e0:04:f7:
+         e0:f2:7f:d4:aa:0a:ff:42:1d:37:ed:94:e5:64:59:12:20:77:
+         38:d3:32:3e:38:81:75:96:73:fa:68:8f:b1:cb:ce:1f:c5:ec:
+         fa:9c:7e:cf:7e:b1:f1:07:2d:b6:fc:bf:ca:a4:bf:d0:97:05:
+         4a:bc:ea:18:28:02:90:bd:54:78:09:21:71:d3:d1:7d:1d:d9:
+         16:b0:a9:61:3d:d0:0a:00:22:fc:c7:7b:cb:09:64:45:0b:3b:
+         40:81:f7:7d:7c:32:f5:98:ca:58:8e:7d:2a:ee:90:59:73:64:
+         f9:36:74:5e:25:a1:f5:66:05:2e:7f:39:15:a9:2a:fb:50:8b:
+         8e:85:69:f4
+SHA1 Fingerprint=B5:1C:06:7C:EE:2B:0C:3D:F8:55:AB:2D:92:F4:FE:39:D4:E7:0F:0E
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/86212b19.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/86212b19.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ac1ad6bd810e893e9f52256e15b70db6fd504a94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/86212b19.0
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 8957382827206547757 (0x7c4f04391cd4992d)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Networking
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan 29 14:08:24 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 14:08:24 2030 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Networking
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b4:84:cc:33:17:2e:6b:94:6c:6b:61:52:a0:eb:
+                    a3:cf:79:94:4c:e5:94:80:99:cb:55:64:44:65:8f:
+                    67:64:e2:06:e3:5c:37:49:f6:2f:9b:84:84:1e:2d:
+                    f2:60:9d:30:4e:cc:84:85:e2:2c:cf:1e:9e:fe:36:
+                    ab:33:77:35:44:d8:35:96:1a:3d:36:e8:7a:0e:d8:
+                    d5:47:a1:6a:69:8b:d9:fc:bb:3a:ae:79:5a:d5:f4:
+                    d6:71:bb:9a:90:23:6b:9a:b7:88:74:87:0c:1e:5f:
+                    b9:9e:2d:fa:ab:53:2b:dc:bb:76:3e:93:4c:08:08:
+                    8c:1e:a2:23:1c:d4:6a:ad:22:ba:99:01:2e:6d:65:
+                    cb:be:24:66:55:24:4b:40:44:b1:1b:d7:e1:c2:85:
+                    c0:de:10:3f:3d:ed:b8:fc:f1:f1:23:53:dc:bf:65:
+                    97:6f:d9:f9:40:71:8d:7d:bd:95:d4:ce:be:a0:5e:
+                    27:23:de:fd:a6:d0:26:0e:00:29:eb:3c:46:f0:3d:
+                    60:bf:3f:50:d2:dc:26:41:51:9e:14:37:42:04:a3:
+                    70:57:a8:1b:87:ed:2d:fa:7b:ee:8c:0a:e3:a9:66:
+                    89:19:cb:41:f9:dd:44:36:61:cf:e2:77:46:c8:7d:
+                    f6:f4:92:81:36:fd:db:34:f1:72:7e:f3:0c:16:bd:
+                    b4:15
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                07:1F:D2:E7:9C:DA:C2:6E:A2:40:B4:B0:7A:50:10:50:74:C4:C8:BD
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         89:57:b2:16:7a:a8:c2:fd:d6:d9:9b:9b:34:c2:9c:b4:32:14:
+         4d:a7:a4:df:ec:be:a7:be:f8:43:db:91:37:ce:b4:32:2e:50:
+         55:1a:35:4e:76:43:71:20:ef:93:77:4e:15:70:2e:87:c3:c1:
+         1d:6d:dc:cb:b5:27:d4:2c:56:d1:52:53:3a:44:d2:73:c8:c4:
+         1b:05:65:5a:62:92:9c:ee:41:8d:31:db:e7:34:ea:59:21:d5:
+         01:7a:d7:64:b8:64:39:cd:c9:ed:af:ed:4b:03:48:a7:a0:99:
+         01:80:dc:65:a3:36:ae:65:59:48:4f:82:4b:c8:65:f1:57:1d:
+         e5:59:2e:0a:3f:6c:d8:d1:f5:e5:09:b4:6c:54:00:0a:e0:15:
+         4d:87:75:6d:b7:58:96:5a:dd:6d:d2:00:a0:f4:9b:48:be:c3:
+         37:a4:ba:36:e0:7c:87:85:97:1a:15:a2:de:2e:a2:5b:bd:af:
+         18:f9:90:50:cd:70:59:f8:27:67:47:cb:c7:a0:07:3a:7d:d1:
+         2c:5d:6c:19:3a:66:b5:7d:fd:91:6f:82:b1:be:08:93:db:14:
+         47:f1:a2:37:c7:45:9e:3c:c7:77:af:64:a8:93:df:f6:69:83:
+         82:60:f2:49:42:34:ed:5a:00:54:85:1c:16:36:92:0c:5c:fa:
+         a6:ad:bf:db
+SHA1 Fingerprint=29:36:21:02:8B:20:ED:02:F5:66:C5:32:D1:D6:ED:90:9F:45:00:2F
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/87753b0d.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/87753b0d.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..18405ece61c01fefca902bbd317fa5d37cbfadb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/87753b0d.0
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust Universal CA 2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Mar  4 05:00:00 2004 GMT
+            Not After : Mar  4 05:00:00 2029 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust Universal CA 2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b3:54:52:c1:c9:3e:f2:d9:dc:b1:53:1a:59:29:
+                    e7:b1:c3:45:28:e5:d7:d1:ed:c5:c5:4b:a1:aa:74:
+                    7b:57:af:4a:26:fc:d8:f5:5e:a7:6e:19:db:74:0c:
+                    4f:35:5b:32:0b:01:e3:db:eb:7a:77:35:ea:aa:5a:
+                    e0:d6:e8:a1:57:94:f0:90:a3:74:56:94:44:30:03:
+                    1e:5c:4e:2b:85:26:74:82:7a:0c:76:a0:6f:4d:ce:
+                    41:2d:a0:15:06:14:5f:b7:42:cd:7b:8f:58:61:34:
+                    dc:2a:08:f9:2e:c3:01:a6:22:44:1c:4c:07:82:e6:
+                    5b:ce:d0:4a:7c:04:d3:19:73:27:f0:aa:98:7f:2e:
+                    af:4e:eb:87:1e:24:77:6a:5d:b6:e8:5b:45:ba:dc:
+                    c3:a1:05:6f:56:8e:8f:10:26:a5:49:c3:2e:d7:41:
+                    87:22:e0:4f:86:ca:60:b5:ea:a1:63:c0:01:97:10:
+                    79:bd:00:3c:12:6d:2b:15:b1:ac:4b:b1:ee:18:b9:
+                    4e:96:dc:dc:76:ff:3b:be:cf:5f:03:c0:fc:3b:e8:
+                    be:46:1b:ff:da:40:c2:52:f7:fe:e3:3a:f7:6a:77:
+                    35:d0:da:8d:eb:5e:18:6a:31:c7:1e:ba:3c:1b:28:
+                    d6:6b:54:c6:aa:5b:d7:a2:2c:1b:19:cc:a2:02:f6:
+                    9b:59:bd:37:6b:86:b5:6d:82:ba:d8:ea:c9:56:bc:
+                    a9:36:58:fd:3e:19:f3:ed:0c:26:a9:93:38:f8:4f:
+                    c1:5d:22:06:d0:97:ea:e1:ad:c6:55:e0:81:2b:28:
+                    83:3a:fa:f4:7b:21:51:00:be:52:38:ce:cd:66:79:
+                    a8:f4:81:56:e2:d0:83:09:47:51:5b:50:6a:cf:db:
+                    48:1a:5d:3e:f7:cb:f6:65:f7:6c:f1:95:f8:02:3b:
+                    32:56:82:39:7a:5b:bd:2f:89:1b:bf:a1:b4:e8:ff:
+                    7f:8d:8c:df:03:f1:60:4e:58:11:4c:eb:a3:3f:10:
+                    2b:83:9a:01:73:d9:94:6d:84:00:27:66:ac:f0:70:
+                    40:09:42:92:ad:4f:93:0d:61:09:51:24:d8:92:d5:
+                    0b:94:61:b2:87:b2:ed:ff:9a:35:ff:85:54:ca:ed:
+                    44:43:ac:1b:3c:16:6b:48:4a:0a:1c:40:88:1f:92:
+                    c2:0b:00:05:ff:f2:c8:02:4a:a4:aa:a9:cc:99:96:
+                    9c:2f:58:e0:7d:e1:be:bb:07:dc:5f:04:72:5c:31:
+                    34:c3:ec:5f:2d:e0:3d:64:90:22:e6:d1:ec:b8:2e:
+                    dd:59:ae:d9:a1:37:bf:54:35:dc:73:32:4f:8c:04:
+                    1e:33:b2:c9:46:f1:d8:5c:c8:55:50:c9:68:bd:a8:
+                    ba:36:09
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                76:F3:55:E1:FA:A4:36:FB:F0:9F:5C:62:71:ED:3C:F4:47:38:10:2B
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:76:F3:55:E1:FA:A4:36:FB:F0:9F:5C:62:71:ED:3C:F4:47:38:10:2B
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         66:c1:c6:23:f3:d9:e0:2e:6e:5f:e8:cf:ae:b0:b0:25:4d:2b:
+         f8:3b:58:9b:40:24:37:5a:cb:ab:16:49:ff:b3:75:79:33:a1:
+         2f:6d:70:17:34:91:fe:67:7e:8f:ec:9b:e5:5e:82:a9:55:1f:
+         2f:dc:d4:51:07:12:fe:ac:16:3e:2c:35:c6:63:fc:dc:10:eb:
+         0d:a3:aa:d0:7c:cc:d1:d0:2f:51:2e:c4:14:5a:de:e8:19:e1:
+         3e:c6:cc:a4:29:e7:2e:84:aa:06:30:78:76:54:73:28:98:59:
+         38:e0:00:0d:62:d3:42:7d:21:9f:ae:3d:3a:8c:d5:fa:77:0d:
+         18:2b:16:0e:5f:36:e1:fc:2a:b5:30:24:cf:e0:63:0c:7b:58:
+         1a:fe:99:ba:42:12:b1:91:f4:7c:68:e2:c8:e8:af:2c:ea:c9:
+         7e:ae:bb:2a:3d:0d:15:dc:34:95:b6:18:74:a8:6a:0f:c7:b4:
+         f4:13:c4:e4:5b:ed:0a:d2:a4:97:4c:2a:ed:2f:6c:12:89:3d:
+         f1:27:70:aa:6a:03:52:21:9f:40:a8:67:50:f2:f3:5a:1f:df:
+         df:23:f6:dc:78:4e:e6:98:4f:55:3a:53:e3:ef:f2:f4:9f:c7:
+         7c:d8:58:af:29:22:97:b8:e0:bd:91:2e:b0:76:ec:57:11:cf:
+         ef:29:44:f3:e9:85:7a:60:63:e4:5d:33:89:17:d9:31:aa:da:
+         d6:f3:18:35:72:cf:87:2b:2f:63:23:84:5d:84:8c:3f:57:a0:
+         88:fc:99:91:28:26:69:99:d4:8f:97:44:be:8e:d5:48:b1:a4:
+         28:29:f1:15:b4:e1:e5:9e:dd:f8:8f:a6:6f:26:d7:09:3c:3a:
+         1c:11:0e:a6:6c:37:f7:ad:44:87:2c:28:c7:d8:74:82:b3:d0:
+         6f:4a:57:bb:35:29:27:a0:8b:e8:21:a7:87:64:36:5d:cc:d8:
+         16:ac:c7:b2:27:40:92:55:38:28:8d:51:6e:dd:14:67:53:6c:
+         71:5c:26:84:4d:75:5a:b6:7e:60:56:a9:4d:ad:fb:9b:1e:97:
+         f3:0d:d9:d2:97:54:77:da:3d:12:b7:e0:1e:ef:08:06:ac:f9:
+         85:87:e9:a2:dc:af:7e:18:12:83:fd:56:17:41:2e:d5:29:82:
+         7d:99:f4:31:f6:71:a9:cf:2c:01:27:a5:05:b9:aa:b2:48:4e:
+         2a:ef:9f:93:52:51:95:3c:52:73:8e:56:4c:17:40:c0:09:28:
+         e4:8b:6a:48:53:db:ec:cd:55:55:f1:c6:f8:e9:a2:2c:4c:a6:
+         d1:26:5f:7e:af:5a:4c:da:1f:a6:f2:1c:2c:7e:ae:02:16:d2:
+         56:d0:2f:57:53:47:e8:92
+SHA1 Fingerprint=37:9A:19:7B:41:85:45:35:0C:A6:03:69:F3:3C:2E:AF:47:4F:20:79
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/89c02a45.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/89c02a45.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f3190b7dd876db47ef0c7ff3840e65b07783bd27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/89c02a45.0
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            1f:47:af:aa:62:00:70:50:54:4c:01:9e:9b:63:99:2a
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO ECC Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Mar  6 00:00:00 2008 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 18 23:59:59 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO ECC Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:03:47:7b:2f:75:c9:82:15:85:fb:75:e4:91:16:
+                    d4:ab:62:99:f5:3e:52:0b:06:ce:41:00:7f:97:e1:
+                    0a:24:3c:1d:01:04:ee:3d:d2:8d:09:97:0c:e0:75:
+                    e4:fa:fb:77:8a:2a:f5:03:60:4b:36:8b:16:23:16:
+                    ad:09:71:f4:4a:f4:28:50:b4:fe:88:1c:6e:3f:6c:
+                    2f:2f:09:59:5b:a5:5b:0b:33:99:e2:c3:3d:89:f9:
+                    6a:2c:ef:b2:d3:06:e9
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                75:71:A7:19:48:19:BC:9D:9D:EA:41:47:DF:94:C4:48:77:99:D3:79
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:65:02:31:00:ef:03:5b:7a:ac:b7:78:0a:72:b7:88:df:ff:
+         b5:46:14:09:0a:fa:a0:e6:7d:08:c6:1a:87:bd:18:a8:73:bd:
+         26:ca:60:0c:9d:ce:99:9f:cf:5c:0f:30:e1:be:14:31:ea:02:
+         30:14:f4:93:3c:49:a7:33:7a:90:46:47:b3:63:7d:13:9b:4e:
+         b7:6f:18:37:80:53:fe:dd:20:e0:35:9a:36:d1:c7:01:b9:e6:
+         dc:dd:f3:ff:1d:2c:3a:16:57:d9:92:39:d6
+SHA1 Fingerprint=9F:74:4E:9F:2B:4D:BA:EC:0F:31:2C:50:B6:56:3B:8E:2D:93:C3:11
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/8d6437c3.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/8d6437c3.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2097b642d6d3df381521aad5338ef300fcd8ef22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/8d6437c3.0
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            0b:93:1c:3a:d6:39:67:ea:67:23:bf:c3:af:9a:f4:4b
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Aug  1 12:00:00 2013 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 15 12:00:00 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:d9:e7:28:2f:52:3f:36:72:49:88:93:34:f3:f8:
+                    6a:1e:31:54:80:9f:ad:54:41:b5:47:df:96:a8:d4:
+                    af:80:2d:b9:0a:cf:75:fd:89:a5:7d:24:fa:e3:22:
+                    0c:2b:bc:95:17:0b:33:bf:19:4d:41:06:90:00:bd:
+                    0c:4d:10:fe:07:b5:e7:1c:6e:22:55:31:65:97:bd:
+                    d3:17:d2:1e:62:f3:db:ea:6c:50:8c:3f:84:0c:96:
+                    cf:b7:cb:03:e0:ca:6d:a1:14:4c:1b:89:dd:ed:00:
+                    b0:52:7c:af:91:6c:b1:38:13:d1:e9:12:08:c0:00:
+                    b0:1c:2b:11:da:77:70:36:9b:ae:ce:79:87:dc:82:
+                    70:e6:09:74:70:55:69:af:a3:68:9f:bf:dd:b6:79:
+                    b3:f2:9d:70:29:55:f4:ab:ff:95:61:f3:c9:40:6f:
+                    1d:d1:be:93:bb:d3:88:2a:bb:9d:bf:72:5a:56:71:
+                    3b:3f:d4:f3:d1:0a:fe:28:ef:a3:ee:d9:99:af:03:
+                    d3:8f:60:b7:f2:92:a1:b1:bd:89:89:1f:30:cd:c3:
+                    a6:2e:62:33:ae:16:02:77:44:5a:e7:81:0a:3c:a7:
+                    44:2e:79:b8:3f:04:bc:5c:a0:87:e1:1b:af:51:8e:
+                    cd:ec:2c:fa:f8:fe:6d:f0:3a:7c:aa:8b:e4:67:95:
+                    31:8d
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                CE:C3:4A:B9:99:55:F2:B8:DB:60:BF:A9:7E:BD:56:B5:97:36:A7:D6
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         ca:a5:55:8c:e3:c8:41:6e:69:27:a7:75:11:ef:3c:86:36:6f:
+         d2:9d:c6:78:38:1d:69:96:a2:92:69:2e:38:6c:9b:7d:04:d4:
+         89:a5:b1:31:37:8a:c9:21:cc:ab:6c:cd:8b:1c:9a:d6:bf:48:
+         d2:32:66:c1:8a:c0:f3:2f:3a:ef:c0:e3:d4:91:86:d1:50:e3:
+         03:db:73:77:6f:4a:39:53:ed:de:26:c7:b5:7d:af:2b:42:d1:
+         75:62:e3:4a:2b:02:c7:50:4b:e0:69:e2:96:6c:0e:44:66:10:
+         44:8f:ad:05:eb:f8:79:ac:a6:1b:e8:37:34:9d:53:c9:61:aa:
+         a2:52:af:4a:70:16:86:c2:3a:c8:b1:13:70:36:d8:cf:ee:f4:
+         0a:34:d5:5b:4c:fd:07:9c:a2:ba:d9:01:72:5c:f3:4d:c1:dd:
+         0e:b1:1c:0d:c4:63:be:ad:f4:14:fb:89:ec:a2:41:0e:4c:cc:
+         c8:57:40:d0:6e:03:aa:cd:0c:8e:89:99:99:6c:f0:3c:30:af:
+         38:df:6f:bc:a3:be:29:20:27:ab:74:ff:13:22:78:de:97:52:
+         55:1e:83:b5:54:20:03:ee:ae:c0:4f:56:de:37:cc:c3:7f:aa:
+         04:27:bb:d3:77:b8:62:db:17:7c:9c:28:22:13:73:6c:cf:26:
+         f5:8a:29:e7
+SHA1 Fingerprint=A1:4B:48:D9:43:EE:0A:0E:40:90:4F:3C:E0:A4:C0:91:93:51:5D:3F
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/9772ca32.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/9772ca32.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..70fbfbbeddb3b19baa8b7ccad09f4649421d1488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/9772ca32.0
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            18:ac:b5:6a:fd:69:b6:15:3a:63:6c:af:da:fa:c4:a1
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 27 00:00:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Jul 16 23:59:59 2036 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:be:b8:15:7b:ff:d4:7c:7d:67:ad:83:64:7b:c8:
+                    42:53:2d:df:f6:84:08:20:61:d6:01:59:6a:9c:44:
+                    11:af:ef:76:fd:95:7e:ce:61:30:bb:7a:83:5f:02:
+                    bd:01:66:ca:ee:15:8d:6f:a1:30:9c:bd:a1:85:9e:
+                    94:3a:f3:56:88:00:31:cf:d8:ee:6a:96:02:d9:ed:
+                    03:8c:fb:75:6d:e7:ea:b8:55:16:05:16:9a:f4:e0:
+                    5e:b1:88:c0:64:85:5c:15:4d:88:c7:b7:ba:e0:75:
+                    e9:ad:05:3d:9d:c7:89:48:e0:bb:28:c8:03:e1:30:
+                    93:64:5e:52:c0:59:70:22:35:57:88:8a:f1:95:0a:
+                    83:d7:bc:31:73:01:34:ed:ef:46:71:e0:6b:02:a8:
+                    35:72:6b:97:9b:66:e0:cb:1c:79:5f:d8:1a:04:68:
+                    1e:47:02:e6:9d:60:e2:36:97:01:df:ce:35:92:df:
+                    be:67:c7:6d:77:59:3b:8f:9d:d6:90:15:94:bc:42:
+                    34:10:c1:39:f9:b1:27:3e:7e:d6:8a:75:c5:b2:af:
+                    96:d3:a2:de:9b:e4:98:be:7d:e1:e9:81:ad:b6:6f:
+                    fc:d7:0e:da:e0:34:b0:0d:1a:77:e7:e3:08:98:ef:
+                    58:fa:9c:84:b7:36:af:c2:df:ac:d2:f4:10:06:70:
+                    71:35
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                2C:D5:50:41:97:15:8B:F0:8F:36:61:5B:4A:FB:6B:D9:99:C9:33:92
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         5a:70:7f:2c:dd:b7:34:4f:f5:86:51:a9:26:be:4b:b8:aa:f1:
+         71:0d:dc:61:c7:a0:ea:34:1e:7a:77:0f:04:35:e8:27:8f:6c:
+         90:bf:91:16:24:46:3e:4a:4e:ce:2b:16:d5:0b:52:1d:fc:1f:
+         67:a2:02:45:31:4f:ce:f3:fa:03:a7:79:9d:53:6a:d9:da:63:
+         3a:f8:80:d7:d3:99:e1:a5:e1:be:d4:55:71:98:35:3a:be:93:
+         ea:ae:ad:42:b2:90:6f:e0:fc:21:4d:35:63:33:89:49:d6:9b:
+         4e:ca:c7:e7:4e:09:00:f7:da:c7:ef:99:62:99:77:b6:95:22:
+         5e:8a:a0:ab:f4:b8:78:98:ca:38:19:99:c9:72:9e:78:cd:4b:
+         ac:af:19:a0:73:12:2d:fc:c2:41:ba:81:91:da:16:5a:31:b7:
+         f9:b4:71:80:12:48:99:72:73:5a:59:53:c1:63:52:33:ed:a7:
+         c9:d2:39:02:70:fa:e0:b1:42:66:29:aa:9b:51:ed:30:54:22:
+         14:5f:d9:ab:1d:c1:e4:94:f0:f8:f5:2b:f7:ea:ca:78:46:d6:
+         b8:91:fd:a6:0d:2b:1a:14:01:3e:80:f0:42:a0:95:07:5e:6d:
+         cd:cc:4b:a4:45:8d:ab:12:e8:b3:de:5a:e5:a0:7c:e8:0f:22:
+         1d:5a:e9:59
+SHA1 Fingerprint=32:3C:11:8E:1B:F7:B8:B6:52:54:E2:E2:10:0D:D6:02:90:37:F0:96
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/a2c66da8.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/a2c66da8.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f92240822bca59bad8f34d165d7f7b64d1507fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/a2c66da8.0
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            05:9b:1b:57:9e:8e:21:32:e2:39:07:bd:a7:77:75:5c
+    Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Trusted Root G4
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Aug  1 12:00:00 2013 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 15 12:00:00 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Trusted Root G4
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:bf:e6:90:73:68:de:bb:e4:5d:4a:3c:30:22:30:
+                    69:33:ec:c2:a7:25:2e:c9:21:3d:f2:8a:d8:59:c2:
+                    e1:29:a7:3d:58:ab:76:9a:cd:ae:7b:1b:84:0d:c4:
+                    30:1f:f3:1b:a4:38:16:eb:56:c6:97:6d:1d:ab:b2:
+                    79:f2:ca:11:d2:e4:5f:d6:05:3c:52:0f:52:1f:c6:
+                    9e:15:a5:7e:be:9f:a9:57:16:59:55:72:af:68:93:
+                    70:c2:b2:ba:75:99:6a:73:32:94:d1:10:44:10:2e:
+                    df:82:f3:07:84:e6:74:3b:6d:71:e2:2d:0c:1b:ee:
+                    20:d5:c9:20:1d:63:29:2d:ce:ec:5e:4e:c8:93:f8:
+                    21:61:9b:34:eb:05:c6:5e:ec:5b:1a:bc:eb:c9:cf:
+                    cd:ac:34:40:5f:b1:7a:66:ee:77:c8:48:a8:66:57:
+                    57:9f:54:58:8e:0c:2b:b7:4f:a7:30:d9:56:ee:ca:
+                    7b:5d:e3:ad:c9:4f:5e:e5:35:e7:31:cb:da:93:5e:
+                    dc:8e:8f:80:da:b6:91:98:40:90:79:c3:78:c7:b6:
+                    b1:c4:b5:6a:18:38:03:10:8d:d8:d4:37:a4:2e:05:
+                    7d:88:f5:82:3e:10:91:70:ab:55:82:41:32:d7:db:
+                    04:73:2a:6e:91:01:7c:21:4c:d4:bc:ae:1b:03:75:
+                    5d:78:66:d9:3a:31:44:9a:33:40:bf:08:d7:5a:49:
+                    a4:c2:e6:a9:a0:67:dd:a4:27:bc:a1:4f:39:b5:11:
+                    58:17:f7:24:5c:46:8f:64:f7:c1:69:88:76:98:76:
+                    3d:59:5d:42:76:87:89:97:69:7a:48:f0:e0:a2:12:
+                    1b:66:9a:74:ca:de:4b:1e:e7:0e:63:ae:e6:d4:ef:
+                    92:92:3a:9e:3d:dc:00:e4:45:25:89:b6:9a:44:19:
+                    2b:7e:c0:94:b4:d2:61:6d:eb:33:d9:c5:df:4b:04:
+                    00:cc:7d:1c:95:c3:8f:f7:21:b2:b2:11:b7:bb:7f:
+                    f2:d5:8c:70:2c:41:60:aa:b1:63:18:44:95:1a:76:
+                    62:7e:f6:80:b0:fb:e8:64:a6:33:d1:89:07:e1:bd:
+                    b7:e6:43:a4:18:b8:a6:77:01:e1:0f:94:0c:21:1d:
+                    b2:54:29:25:89:6c:e5:0e:52:51:47:74:be:26:ac:
+                    b6:41:75:de:7a:ac:5f:8d:3f:c9:bc:d3:41:11:12:
+                    5b:e5:10:50:eb:31:c5:ca:72:16:22:09:df:7c:4c:
+                    75:3f:63:ec:21:5f:c4:20:51:6b:6f:b1:ab:86:8b:
+                    4f:c2:d6:45:5f:9d:20:fc:a1:1e:c5:c0:8f:a2:b1:
+                    7e:0a:26:99:f5:e4:69:2f:98:1d:2d:f5:d9:a9:b2:
+                    1d:e5:1b
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                EC:D7:E3:82:D2:71:5D:64:4C:DF:2E:67:3F:E7:BA:98:AE:1C:0F:4F
+    Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption
+         bb:61:d9:7d:a9:6c:be:17:c4:91:1b:c3:a1:a2:00:8d:e3:64:
+         68:0f:56:cf:77:ae:70:f9:fd:9a:4a:99:b9:c9:78:5c:0c:0c:
+         5f:e4:e6:14:29:56:0b:36:49:5d:44:63:e0:ad:9c:96:18:66:
+         1b:23:0d:3d:79:e9:6d:6b:d6:54:f8:d2:3c:c1:43:40:ae:1d:
+         50:f5:52:fc:90:3b:bb:98:99:69:6b:c7:c1:a7:a8:68:a4:27:
+         dc:9d:f9:27:ae:30:85:b9:f6:67:4d:3a:3e:8f:59:39:22:53:
+         44:eb:c8:5d:03:ca:ed:50:7a:7d:62:21:0a:80:c8:73:66:d1:
+         a0:05:60:5f:e8:a5:b4:a7:af:a8:f7:6d:35:9c:7c:5a:8a:d6:
+         a2:38:99:f3:78:8b:f4:4d:d2:20:0b:de:04:ee:8c:9b:47:81:
+         72:0d:c0:14:32:ef:30:59:2e:ae:e0:71:f2:56:e4:6a:97:6f:
+         92:50:6d:96:8d:68:7a:9a:b2:36:14:7a:06:f2:24:b9:09:11:
+         50:d7:08:b1:b8:89:7a:84:23:61:42:29:e5:a3:cd:a2:20:41:
+         d7:d1:9c:64:d9:ea:26:a1:8b:14:d7:4c:19:b2:50:41:71:3d:
+         3f:4d:70:23:86:0c:4a:dc:81:d2:cc:32:94:84:0d:08:09:97:
+         1c:4f:c0:ee:6b:20:74:30:d2:e0:39:34:10:85:21:15:01:08:
+         e8:55:32:de:71:49:d9:28:17:50:4d:e6:be:4d:d1:75:ac:d0:
+         ca:fb:41:b8:43:a5:aa:d3:c3:05:44:4f:2c:36:9b:e2:fa:e2:
+         45:b8:23:53:6c:06:6f:67:55:7f:46:b5:4c:3f:6e:28:5a:79:
+         26:d2:a4:a8:62:97:d2:1e:e2:ed:4a:8b:bc:1b:fd:47:4a:0d:
+         df:67:66:7e:b2:5b:41:d0:3b:e4:f4:3b:f4:04:63:e9:ef:c2:
+         54:00:51:a0:8a:2a:c9:ce:78:cc:d5:ea:87:04:18:b3:ce:af:
+         49:88:af:f3:92:99:b6:b3:e6:61:0f:d2:85:00:e7:50:1a:e4:
+         1b:95:9d:19:a1:b9:9c:b1:9b:b1:00:1e:ef:d0:0f:4f:42:6c:
+         c9:0a:bc:ee:43:fa:3a:71:a5:c8:4d:26:a5:35:fd:89:5d:bc:
+         85:62:1d:32:d2:a0:2b:54:ed:9a:57:c1:db:fa:10:cf:19:b7:
+         8b:4a:1b:8f:01:b6:27:95:53:e8:b6:89:6d:5b:bc:68:d4:23:
+         e8:8b:51:a2:56:f9:f0:a6:80:a0:d6:1e:b3:bc:0f:0f:53:75:
+         29:aa:ea:13:77:e4:de:8c:81:21:ad:07:10:47:11:ad:87:3d:
+         07:d1:75:bc:cf:f3:66:7e
+SHA1 Fingerprint=DD:FB:16:CD:49:31:C9:73:A2:03:7D:3F:C8:3A:4D:7D:77:5D:05:E4
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/a2df7ad7.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/a2df7ad7.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..da5a4d08301dfd6a7d18f35fc937e8a14f0e3041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/a2df7ad7.0
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=SE, O=AddTrust AB, OU=AddTrust TTP Network, CN=AddTrust Public CA Root
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 30 10:41:50 2000 GMT
+            Not After : May 30 10:41:50 2020 GMT
+        Subject: C=SE, O=AddTrust AB, OU=AddTrust TTP Network, CN=AddTrust Public CA Root
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:e9:1a:30:8f:83:88:14:c1:20:d8:3c:9b:8f:1b:
+                    7e:03:74:bb:da:69:d3:46:a5:f8:8e:c2:0c:11:90:
+                    51:a5:2f:66:54:40:55:ea:db:1f:4a:56:ee:9f:23:
+                    6e:f4:39:cb:a1:b9:6f:f2:7e:f9:5d:87:26:61:9e:
+                    1c:f8:e2:ec:a6:81:f8:21:c5:24:cc:11:0c:3f:db:
+                    26:72:7a:c7:01:97:07:17:f9:d7:18:2c:30:7d:0e:
+                    7a:1e:62:1e:c6:4b:c0:fd:7d:62:77:d3:44:1e:27:
+                    f6:3f:4b:44:b3:b7:38:d9:39:1f:60:d5:51:92:73:
+                    03:b4:00:69:e3:f3:14:4e:ee:d1:dc:09:cf:77:34:
+                    46:50:b0:f8:11:f2:fe:38:79:f7:07:39:fe:51:92:
+                    97:0b:5b:08:5f:34:86:01:ad:88:97:eb:66:cd:5e:
+                    d1:ff:dc:7d:f2:84:da:ba:77:ad:dc:80:08:c7:a7:
+                    87:d6:55:9f:97:6a:e8:c8:11:64:ba:e7:19:29:3f:
+                    11:b3:78:90:84:20:52:5b:11:ef:78:d0:83:f6:d5:
+                    48:90:d0:30:1c:cf:80:f9:60:fe:79:e4:88:f2:dd:
+                    00:eb:94:45:eb:65:94:69:40:ba:c0:d5:b4:b8:ba:
+                    7d:04:11:a8:eb:31:05:96:94:4e:58:21:8e:9f:d0:
+                    60:fd
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                81:3E:37:D8:92:B0:1F:77:9F:5C:B4:AB:73:AA:E7:F6:34:60:2F:FA
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:81:3E:37:D8:92:B0:1F:77:9F:5C:B4:AB:73:AA:E7:F6:34:60:2F:FA
+                DirName:/C=SE/O=AddTrust AB/OU=AddTrust TTP Network/CN=AddTrust Public CA Root
+                serial:01
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         03:f7:15:4a:f8:24:da:23:56:16:93:76:dd:36:28:b9:ae:1b:
+         b8:c3:f1:64:ba:20:18:78:95:29:27:57:05:bc:7c:2a:f4:b9:
+         51:55:da:87:02:de:0f:16:17:31:f8:aa:79:2e:09:13:bb:af:
+         b2:20:19:12:e5:93:f9:4b:f9:83:e8:44:d5:b2:41:25:bf:88:
+         75:6f:ff:10:fc:4a:54:d0:5f:f0:fa:ef:36:73:7d:1b:36:45:
+         c6:21:6d:b4:15:b8:4e:cf:9c:5c:a5:3d:5a:00:8e:06:e3:3c:
+         6b:32:7b:f2:9f:f0:b6:fd:df:f0:28:18:48:f0:c6:bc:d0:bf:
+         34:80:96:c2:4a:b1:6d:8e:c7:90:45:de:2f:67:ac:45:04:a3:
+         7a:dc:55:92:c9:47:66:d8:1a:8c:c7:ed:9c:4e:9a:e0:12:bb:
+         b5:6a:4c:84:e1:e1:22:0d:87:00:64:fe:8c:7d:62:39:65:a6:
+         ef:42:b6:80:25:12:61:01:a8:24:13:70:00:11:26:5f:fa:35:
+         50:c5:48:cc:06:47:e8:27:d8:70:8d:5f:64:e6:a1:44:26:5e:
+         22:ec:92:cd:ff:42:9a:44:21:6d:5c:c5:e3:22:1d:5f:47:12:
+         e7:ce:5f:5d:fa:d8:aa:b1:33:2d:d9:76:f2:4e:3a:33:0c:2b:
+         b3:2d:90:06
+SHA1 Fingerprint=2A:B6:28:48:5E:78:FB:F3:AD:9E:79:10:DD:6B:DF:99:72:2C:96:E5
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/a7d2cf64.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/a7d2cf64.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4720f4bffb278e146964435e6a97842d157bcda8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/a7d2cf64.0
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            35:fc:26:5c:d9:84:4f:c9:3d:26:3d:57:9b:ae:d7:56
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=US, O=thawte, Inc., OU=(c) 2007 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=thawte Primary Root CA - G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov  5 00:00:00 2007 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 18 23:59:59 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=thawte, Inc., OU=(c) 2007 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=thawte Primary Root CA - G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:a2:d5:9c:82:7b:95:9d:f1:52:78:87:fe:8a:16:
+                    bf:05:e6:df:a3:02:4f:0d:07:c6:00:51:ba:0c:02:
+                    52:2d:22:a4:42:39:c4:fe:8f:ea:c9:c1:be:d4:4d:
+                    ff:9f:7a:9e:e2:b1:7c:9a:ad:a7:86:09:73:87:d1:
+                    e7:9a:e3:7a:a5:aa:6e:fb:ba:b3:70:c0:67:88:a2:
+                    35:d4:a3:9a:b1:fd:ad:c2:ef:31:fa:a8:b9:f3:fb:
+                    08:c6:91:d1:fb:29:95
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                9A:D8:00:30:00:E7:6B:7F:85:18:EE:8B:B6:CE:8A:0C:F8:11:E1:BB
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:66:02:31:00:dd:f8:e0:57:47:5b:a7:e6:0a:c3:bd:f5:80:
+         8a:97:35:0d:1b:89:3c:54:86:77:28:ca:a1:f4:79:de:b5:e6:
+         38:b0:f0:65:70:8c:7f:02:54:c2:bf:ff:d8:a1:3e:d9:cf:02:
+         31:00:c4:8d:94:fc:dc:53:d2:dc:9d:78:16:1f:15:33:23:53:
+         52:e3:5a:31:5d:9d:ca:ae:bd:13:29:44:0d:27:5b:a8:e7:68:
+         9c:12:f7:58:3f:2e:72:02:57:a3:8f:a1:14:2e
+SHA1 Fingerprint=AA:DB:BC:22:23:8F:C4:01:A1:27:BB:38:DD:F4:1D:DB:08:9E:F0:12
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/b0f3e76e.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/b0f3e76e.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..929f29fb167a6bd451271c1d6f4dfed207744660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/b0f3e76e.0
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            04:00:00:00:00:01:15:4b:5a:c3:94
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=BE, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, OU=Root CA, CN=GlobalSign Root CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Sep  1 12:00:00 1998 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 28 12:00:00 2028 GMT
+        Subject: C=BE, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, OU=Root CA, CN=GlobalSign Root CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:da:0e:e6:99:8d:ce:a3:e3:4f:8a:7e:fb:f1:8b:
+                    83:25:6b:ea:48:1f:f1:2a:b0:b9:95:11:04:bd:f0:
+                    63:d1:e2:67:66:cf:1c:dd:cf:1b:48:2b:ee:8d:89:
+                    8e:9a:af:29:80:65:ab:e9:c7:2d:12:cb:ab:1c:4c:
+                    70:07:a1:3d:0a:30:cd:15:8d:4f:f8:dd:d4:8c:50:
+                    15:1c:ef:50:ee:c4:2e:f7:fc:e9:52:f2:91:7d:e0:
+                    6d:d5:35:30:8e:5e:43:73:f2:41:e9:d5:6a:e3:b2:
+                    89:3a:56:39:38:6f:06:3c:88:69:5b:2a:4d:c5:a7:
+                    54:b8:6c:89:cc:9b:f9:3c:ca:e5:fd:89:f5:12:3c:
+                    92:78:96:d6:dc:74:6e:93:44:61:d1:8d:c7:46:b2:
+                    75:0e:86:e8:19:8a:d5:6d:6c:d5:78:16:95:a2:e9:
+                    c8:0a:38:eb:f2:24:13:4f:73:54:93:13:85:3a:1b:
+                    bc:1e:34:b5:8b:05:8c:b9:77:8b:b1:db:1f:20:91:
+                    ab:09:53:6e:90:ce:7b:37:74:b9:70:47:91:22:51:
+                    63:16:79:ae:b1:ae:41:26:08:c8:19:2b:d1:46:aa:
+                    48:d6:64:2a:d7:83:34:ff:2c:2a:c1:6c:19:43:4a:
+                    07:85:e7:d3:7c:f6:21:68:ef:ea:f2:52:9f:7f:93:
+                    90:cf
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                60:7B:66:1A:45:0D:97:CA:89:50:2F:7D:04:CD:34:A8:FF:FC:FD:4B
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         d6:73:e7:7c:4f:76:d0:8d:bf:ec:ba:a2:be:34:c5:28:32:b5:
+         7c:fc:6c:9c:2c:2b:bd:09:9e:53:bf:6b:5e:aa:11:48:b6:e5:
+         08:a3:b3:ca:3d:61:4d:d3:46:09:b3:3e:c3:a0:e3:63:55:1b:
+         f2:ba:ef:ad:39:e1:43:b9:38:a3:e6:2f:8a:26:3b:ef:a0:50:
+         56:f9:c6:0a:fd:38:cd:c4:0b:70:51:94:97:98:04:df:c3:5f:
+         94:d5:15:c9:14:41:9c:c4:5d:75:64:15:0d:ff:55:30:ec:86:
+         8f:ff:0d:ef:2c:b9:63:46:f6:aa:fc:df:bc:69:fd:2e:12:48:
+         64:9a:e0:95:f0:a6:ef:29:8f:01:b1:15:b5:0c:1d:a5:fe:69:
+         2c:69:24:78:1e:b3:a7:1c:71:62:ee:ca:c8:97:ac:17:5d:8a:
+         c2:f8:47:86:6e:2a:c4:56:31:95:d0:67:89:85:2b:f9:6c:a6:
+         5d:46:9d:0c:aa:82:e4:99:51:dd:70:b7:db:56:3d:61:e4:6a:
+         e1:5c:d6:f6:fe:3d:de:41:cc:07:ae:63:52:bf:53:53:f4:2b:
+         e9:c7:fd:b6:f7:82:5f:85:d2:41:18:db:81:b3:04:1c:c5:1f:
+         a4:80:6f:15:20:c9:de:0c:88:0a:1d:d6:66:55:e2:fc:48:c9:
+         29:26:69:e0
+SHA1 Fingerprint=B1:BC:96:8B:D4:F4:9D:62:2A:A8:9A:81:F2:15:01:52:A4:1D:82:9C
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/b3fb433b.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/b3fb433b.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..de880c1bb864ebb3040fa92e3d255e8f026ea69a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/b3fb433b.0
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            a6:8b:79:29:00:00:00:00:50:d0:91:f9
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=US, O=Entrust, Inc., OU=See www.entrust.net/legal-terms, OU=(c) 2012 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only, CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - EC1
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec 18 15:25:36 2012 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 18 15:55:36 2037 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=Entrust, Inc., OU=See www.entrust.net/legal-terms, OU=(c) 2012 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only, CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - EC1
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:84:13:c9:d0:ba:6d:41:7b:e2:6c:d0:eb:55:5f:
+                    66:02:1a:24:f4:5b:89:69:47:e3:b8:c2:7d:f1:f2:
+                    02:c5:9f:a0:f6:5b:d5:8b:06:19:86:4f:53:10:6d:
+                    07:24:27:a1:a0:f8:d5:47:19:61:4c:7d:ca:93:27:
+                    ea:74:0c:ef:6f:96:09:fe:63:ec:70:5d:36:ad:67:
+                    77:ae:c9:9d:7c:55:44:3a:a2:63:51:1f:f5:e3:62:
+                    d4:a9:47:07:3e:cc:20
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                B7:63:E7:1A:DD:8D:E9:08:A6:55:83:A4:E0:6A:50:41:65:11:42:49
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:64:02:30:61:79:d8:e5:42:47:df:1c:ae:53:99:17:b6:6f:
+         1c:7d:e1:bf:11:94:d1:03:88:75:e4:8d:89:a4:8a:77:46:de:
+         6d:61:ef:02:f5:fb:b5:df:cc:fe:4e:ff:fe:a9:e6:a7:02:30:
+         5b:99:d7:85:37:06:b5:7b:08:fd:eb:27:8b:4a:94:f9:e1:fa:
+         a7:8e:26:08:e8:7c:92:68:6d:73:d8:6f:26:ac:21:02:b8:99:
+         b7:26:41:5b:25:60:ae:d0:48:1a:ee:06
+SHA1 Fingerprint=20:D8:06:40:DF:9B:25:F5:12:25:3A:11:EA:F7:59:8A:EB:14:B5:47
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/bc3f2570.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/bc3f2570.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b8fd42607287f86510a4f02e4c46ffb3ff02471a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/bc3f2570.0
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O=GoDaddy.com, Inc., CN=Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Sep  1 00:00:00 2009 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2037 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O=GoDaddy.com, Inc., CN=Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:bf:71:62:08:f1:fa:59:34:f7:1b:c9:18:a3:f7:
+                    80:49:58:e9:22:83:13:a6:c5:20:43:01:3b:84:f1:
+                    e6:85:49:9f:27:ea:f6:84:1b:4e:a0:b4:db:70:98:
+                    c7:32:01:b1:05:3e:07:4e:ee:f4:fa:4f:2f:59:30:
+                    22:e7:ab:19:56:6b:e2:80:07:fc:f3:16:75:80:39:
+                    51:7b:e5:f9:35:b6:74:4e:a9:8d:82:13:e4:b6:3f:
+                    a9:03:83:fa:a2:be:8a:15:6a:7f:de:0b:c3:b6:19:
+                    14:05:ca:ea:c3:a8:04:94:3b:46:7c:32:0d:f3:00:
+                    66:22:c8:8d:69:6d:36:8c:11:18:b7:d3:b2:1c:60:
+                    b4:38:fa:02:8c:ce:d3:dd:46:07:de:0a:3e:eb:5d:
+                    7c:c8:7c:fb:b0:2b:53:a4:92:62:69:51:25:05:61:
+                    1a:44:81:8c:2c:a9:43:96:23:df:ac:3a:81:9a:0e:
+                    29:c5:1c:a9:e9:5d:1e:b6:9e:9e:30:0a:39:ce:f1:
+                    88:80:fb:4b:5d:cc:32:ec:85:62:43:25:34:02:56:
+                    27:01:91:b4:3b:70:2a:3f:6e:b1:e8:9c:88:01:7d:
+                    9f:d4:f9:db:53:6d:60:9d:bf:2c:e7:58:ab:b8:5f:
+                    46:fc:ce:c4:1b:03:3c:09:eb:49:31:5c:69:46:b3:
+                    e0:47
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                3A:9A:85:07:10:67:28:B6:EF:F6:BD:05:41:6E:20:C1:94:DA:0F:DE
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         99:db:5d:79:d5:f9:97:59:67:03:61:f1:7e:3b:06:31:75:2d:
+         a1:20:8e:4f:65:87:b4:f7:a6:9c:bc:d8:e9:2f:d0:db:5a:ee:
+         cf:74:8c:73:b4:38:42:da:05:7b:f8:02:75:b8:fd:a5:b1:d7:
+         ae:f6:d7:de:13:cb:53:10:7e:8a:46:d1:97:fa:b7:2e:2b:11:
+         ab:90:b0:27:80:f9:e8:9f:5a:e9:37:9f:ab:e4:df:6c:b3:85:
+         17:9d:3d:d9:24:4f:79:91:35:d6:5f:04:eb:80:83:ab:9a:02:
+         2d:b5:10:f4:d8:90:c7:04:73:40:ed:72:25:a0:a9:9f:ec:9e:
+         ab:68:12:99:57:c6:8f:12:3a:09:a4:bd:44:fd:06:15:37:c1:
+         9b:e4:32:a3:ed:38:e8:d8:64:f3:2c:7e:14:fc:02:ea:9f:cd:
+         ff:07:68:17:db:22:90:38:2d:7a:8d:d1:54:f1:69:e3:5f:33:
+         ca:7a:3d:7b:0a:e3:ca:7f:5f:39:e5:e2:75:ba:c5:76:18:33:
+         ce:2c:f0:2f:4c:ad:f7:b1:e7:ce:4f:a8:c4:9b:4a:54:06:c5:
+         7f:7d:d5:08:0f:e2:1c:fe:7e:17:b8:ac:5e:f6:d4:16:b2:43:
+         09:0c:4d:f6:a7:6b:b4:99:84:65:ca:7a:88:e2:e2:44:be:5c:
+         f7:ea:1c:f5
+SHA1 Fingerprint=47:BE:AB:C9:22:EA:E8:0E:78:78:34:62:A7:9F:45:C2:54:FD:E6:8B
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/bf64f35b.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/bf64f35b.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f75710b32edf79447afeeb0178ab7d1f4a1611fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/bf64f35b.0
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1164660820 (0x456b5054)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=Entrust, Inc., OU=www.entrust.net/CPS is incorporated by reference, OU=(c) 2006 Entrust, Inc., CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 27 20:23:42 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Nov 27 20:53:42 2026 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=Entrust, Inc., OU=www.entrust.net/CPS is incorporated by reference, OU=(c) 2006 Entrust, Inc., CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b6:95:b6:43:42:fa:c6:6d:2a:6f:48:df:94:4c:
+                    39:57:05:ee:c3:79:11:41:68:36:ed:ec:fe:9a:01:
+                    8f:a1:38:28:fc:f7:10:46:66:2e:4d:1e:1a:b1:1a:
+                    4e:c6:d1:c0:95:88:b0:c9:ff:31:8b:33:03:db:b7:
+                    83:7b:3e:20:84:5e:ed:b2:56:28:a7:f8:e0:b9:40:
+                    71:37:c5:cb:47:0e:97:2a:68:c0:22:95:62:15:db:
+                    47:d9:f5:d0:2b:ff:82:4b:c9:ad:3e:de:4c:db:90:
+                    80:50:3f:09:8a:84:00:ec:30:0a:3d:18:cd:fb:fd:
+                    2a:59:9a:23:95:17:2c:45:9e:1f:6e:43:79:6d:0c:
+                    5c:98:fe:48:a7:c5:23:47:5c:5e:fd:6e:e7:1e:b4:
+                    f6:68:45:d1:86:83:5b:a2:8a:8d:b1:e3:29:80:fe:
+                    25:71:88:ad:be:bc:8f:ac:52:96:4b:aa:51:8d:e4:
+                    13:31:19:e8:4e:4d:9f:db:ac:b3:6a:d5:bc:39:54:
+                    71:ca:7a:7a:7f:90:dd:7d:1d:80:d9:81:bb:59:26:
+                    c2:11:fe:e6:93:e2:f7:80:e4:65:fb:34:37:0e:29:
+                    80:70:4d:af:38:86:2e:9e:7f:57:af:9e:17:ae:eb:
+                    1c:cb:28:21:5f:b6:1c:d8:e7:a2:04:22:f9:d3:da:
+                    d8:cb
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Private Key Usage Period: 
+                Not Before: Nov 27 20:23:42 2006 GMT, Not After: Nov 27 20:53:42 2026 GMT
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:68:90:E4:67:A4:A6:53:80:C7:86:66:A4:F1:F7:4B:43:FB:84:BD:6D
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                68:90:E4:67:A4:A6:53:80:C7:86:66:A4:F1:F7:4B:43:FB:84:BD:6D
+            1.2.840.113533.7.65.0: 
+                0...V7.1:4.0....
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         93:d4:30:b0:d7:03:20:2a:d0:f9:63:e8:91:0c:05:20:a9:5f:
+         19:ca:7b:72:4e:d4:b1:db:d0:96:fb:54:5a:19:2c:0c:08:f7:
+         b2:bc:85:a8:9d:7f:6d:3b:52:b3:2a:db:e7:d4:84:8c:63:f6:
+         0f:cb:26:01:91:50:6c:f4:5f:14:e2:93:74:c0:13:9e:30:3a:
+         50:e3:b4:60:c5:1c:f0:22:44:8d:71:47:ac:c8:1a:c9:e9:9b:
+         9a:00:60:13:ff:70:7e:5f:11:4d:49:1b:b3:15:52:7b:c9:54:
+         da:bf:9d:95:af:6b:9a:d8:9e:e9:f1:e4:43:8d:e2:11:44:3a:
+         bf:af:bd:83:42:73:52:8b:aa:bb:a7:29:cf:f5:64:1c:0a:4d:
+         d1:bc:aa:ac:9f:2a:d0:ff:7f:7f:da:7d:ea:b1:ed:30:25:c1:
+         84:da:34:d2:5b:78:83:56:ec:9c:36:c3:26:e2:11:f6:67:49:
+         1d:92:ab:8c:fb:eb:ff:7a:ee:85:4a:a7:50:80:f0:a7:5c:4a:
+         94:2e:5f:05:99:3c:52:41:e0:cd:b4:63:cf:01:43:ba:9c:83:
+         dc:8f:60:3b:f3:5a:b4:b4:7b:ae:da:0b:90:38:75:ef:81:1d:
+         66:d2:f7:57:70:36:b3:bf:fc:28:af:71:25:85:5b:13:fe:1e:
+         7f:5a:b4:3c
+SHA1 Fingerprint=B3:1E:B1:B7:40:E3:6C:84:02:DA:DC:37:D4:4D:F5:D4:67:49:52:F9
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/c491639e.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/c491639e.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ec9e42242473fee5b503f7f91772202841c79cb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/c491639e.0
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            0b:a1:5a:fa:1d:df:a0:b5:49:44:af:cd:24:a0:6c:ec
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root G3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Aug  1 12:00:00 2013 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 15 12:00:00 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root G3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:19:e7:bc:ac:44:65:ed:cd:b8:3f:58:fb:8d:b1:
+                    57:a9:44:2d:05:15:f2:ef:0b:ff:10:74:9f:b5:62:
+                    52:5f:66:7e:1f:e5:dc:1b:45:79:0b:cc:c6:53:0a:
+                    9d:8d:5d:02:d9:a9:59:de:02:5a:f6:95:2a:0e:8d:
+                    38:4a:8a:49:c6:bc:c6:03:38:07:5f:55:da:7e:09:
+                    6e:e2:7f:5e:d0:45:20:0f:59:76:10:d6:a0:24:f0:
+                    2d:de:36:f2:6c:29:39
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                CB:D0:BD:A9:E1:98:05:51:A1:4D:37:A2:83:79:CE:8D:1D:2A:E4:84
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:64:02:30:25:a4:81:45:02:6b:12:4b:75:74:4f:c8:23:e3:
+         70:f2:75:72:de:7c:89:f0:cf:91:72:61:9e:5e:10:92:59:56:
+         b9:83:c7:10:e7:38:e9:58:26:36:7d:d5:e4:34:86:39:02:30:
+         7c:36:53:f0:30:e5:62:63:3a:99:e2:b6:a3:3b:9b:34:fa:1e:
+         da:10:92:71:5e:91:13:a7:dd:a4:6e:92:cc:32:d6:f5:21:66:
+         c7:2f:ea:96:63:6a:65:45:92:95:01:b4
+SHA1 Fingerprint=F5:17:A2:4F:9A:48:C6:C9:F8:A2:00:26:9F:DC:0F:48:2C:AB:30:89
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/c527e4ab.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/c527e4ab.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee66156c760c043dd74bde4d73242d44996cab7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/c527e4ab.0
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 1 (0x0)
+        Serial Number:
+            ec:a0:a7:8b:6e:75:6a:01:cf:c4:7c:cc:2f:94:5e:d7
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 1999 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class 4 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Oct  1 00:00:00 1999 GMT
+            Not After : Jul 16 23:59:59 2036 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 1999 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class 4 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ad:cb:a5:11:69:c6:59:ab:f1:8f:b5:19:0f:56:
+                    ce:cc:b5:1f:20:e4:9e:26:25:4b:e0:73:65:89:59:
+                    de:d0:83:e4:f5:0f:b5:bb:ad:f1:7c:e8:21:fc:e4:
+                    e8:0c:ee:7c:45:22:19:76:92:b4:13:b7:20:5b:09:
+                    fa:61:ae:a8:f2:a5:8d:85:c2:2a:d6:de:66:36:d2:
+                    9b:02:f4:a8:92:60:7c:9c:69:b4:8f:24:1e:d0:86:
+                    52:f6:32:9c:41:58:1e:22:bd:cd:45:62:95:08:6e:
+                    d0:66:dd:53:a2:cc:f0:10:dc:54:73:8b:04:a1:46:
+                    33:33:5c:17:40:b9:9e:4d:d3:f3:be:55:83:e8:b1:
+                    89:8e:5a:7c:9a:96:22:90:3b:88:25:f2:d2:53:88:
+                    02:0c:0b:78:f2:e6:37:17:4b:30:46:07:e4:80:6d:
+                    a6:d8:96:2e:e8:2c:f8:11:b3:38:0d:66:a6:9b:ea:
+                    c9:23:5b:db:8e:e2:f3:13:8e:1a:59:2d:aa:02:f0:
+                    ec:a4:87:66:dc:c1:3f:f5:d8:b9:f4:ec:82:c6:d2:
+                    3d:95:1d:e5:c0:4f:84:c9:d9:a3:44:28:06:6a:d7:
+                    45:ac:f0:6b:6a:ef:4e:5f:f8:11:82:1e:38:63:34:
+                    66:50:d4:3e:93:73:fa:30:c3:66:ad:ff:93:2d:97:
+                    ef:03
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         8f:fa:25:6b:4f:5b:e4:a4:4e:27:55:ab:22:15:59:3c:ca:b5:
+         0a:d4:4a:db:ab:dd:a1:5f:53:c5:a0:57:39:c2:ce:47:2b:be:
+         3a:c8:56:bf:c2:d9:27:10:3a:b1:05:3c:c0:77:31:bb:3a:d3:
+         05:7b:6d:9a:1c:30:8c:80:cb:93:93:2a:83:ab:05:51:82:02:
+         00:11:67:6b:f3:88:61:47:5f:03:93:d5:5b:0d:e0:f1:d4:a1:
+         32:35:85:b2:3a:db:b0:82:ab:d1:cb:0a:bc:4f:8c:5b:c5:4b:
+         00:3b:1f:2a:82:a6:7e:36:85:dc:7e:3c:67:00:b5:e4:3b:52:
+         e0:a8:eb:5d:15:f9:c6:6d:f0:ad:1d:0e:85:b7:a9:9a:73:14:
+         5a:5b:8f:41:28:c0:d5:e8:2d:4d:a4:5e:cd:aa:d9:ed:ce:dc:
+         d8:d5:3c:42:1d:17:c1:12:5d:45:38:c3:38:f3:fc:85:2e:83:
+         46:48:b2:d7:20:5f:92:36:8f:e7:79:0f:98:5e:99:e8:f0:d0:
+         a4:bb:f5:53:bd:2a:ce:59:b0:af:6e:7f:6c:bb:d2:1e:00:b0:
+         21:ed:f8:41:62:82:b9:d8:b2:c4:bb:46:50:f3:31:c5:8f:01:
+         a8:74:eb:f5:78:27:da:e7:f7:66:43:f3:9e:83:3e:20:aa:c3:
+         35:60:91:ce
+SHA1 Fingerprint=C8:EC:8C:87:92:69:CB:4B:AB:39:E9:8D:7E:57:67:F3:14:95:73:9D
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/c7e2a638.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/c7e2a638.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c5a3c92898e155a708f56e844b37c6c74e01846f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/c7e2a638.0
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            15:ac:6e:94:19:b2:79:4b:41:f6:27:a9:c3:18:0f:1f
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., OU=(c) 2008 GeoTrust Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Apr  2 00:00:00 2008 GMT
+            Not After : Dec  1 23:59:59 2037 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., OU=(c) 2008 GeoTrust Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:dc:e2:5e:62:58:1d:33:57:39:32:33:fa:eb:cb:
+                    87:8c:a7:d4:4a:dd:06:88:ea:64:8e:31:98:a5:38:
+                    90:1e:98:cf:2e:63:2b:f0:46:bc:44:b2:89:a1:c0:
+                    28:0c:49:70:21:95:9f:64:c0:a6:93:12:02:65:26:
+                    86:c6:a5:89:f0:fa:d7:84:a0:70:af:4f:1a:97:3f:
+                    06:44:d5:c9:eb:72:10:7d:e4:31:28:fb:1c:61:e6:
+                    28:07:44:73:92:22:69:a7:03:88:6c:9d:63:c8:52:
+                    da:98:27:e7:08:4c:70:3e:b4:c9:12:c1:c5:67:83:
+                    5d:33:f3:03:11:ec:6a:d0:53:e2:d1:ba:36:60:94:
+                    80:bb:61:63:6c:5b:17:7e:df:40:94:1e:ab:0d:c2:
+                    21:28:70:88:ff:d6:26:6c:6c:60:04:25:4e:55:7e:
+                    7d:ef:bf:94:48:de:b7:1d:dd:70:8d:05:5f:88:a5:
+                    9b:f2:c2:ee:ea:d1:40:41:6d:62:38:1d:56:06:c5:
+                    03:47:51:20:19:fc:7b:10:0b:0e:62:ae:76:55:bf:
+                    5f:77:be:3e:49:01:53:3d:98:25:03:76:24:5a:1d:
+                    b4:db:89:ea:79:e5:b6:b3:3b:3f:ba:4c:28:41:7f:
+                    06:ac:6a:8e:c1:d0:f6:05:1d:7d:e6:42:86:e3:a5:
+                    d5:47
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                C4:79:CA:8E:A1:4E:03:1D:1C:DC:6B:DB:31:5B:94:3E:3F:30:7F:2D
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         2d:c5:13:cf:56:80:7b:7a:78:bd:9f:ae:2c:99:e7:ef:da:df:
+         94:5e:09:69:a7:e7:6e:68:8c:bd:72:be:47:a9:0e:97:12:b8:
+         4a:f1:64:d3:39:df:25:34:d4:c1:cd:4e:81:f0:0f:04:c4:24:
+         b3:34:96:c6:a6:aa:30:df:68:61:73:d7:f9:8e:85:89:ef:0e:
+         5e:95:28:4a:2a:27:8f:10:8e:2e:7c:86:c4:02:9e:da:0c:77:
+         65:0e:44:0d:92:fd:fd:b3:16:36:fa:11:0d:1d:8c:0e:07:89:
+         6a:29:56:f7:72:f4:dd:15:9c:77:35:66:57:ab:13:53:d8:8e:
+         c1:40:c5:d7:13:16:5a:72:c7:b7:69:01:c4:7a:b1:83:01:68:
+         7d:8d:41:a1:94:18:c1:25:5c:fc:f0:fe:83:02:87:7c:0d:0d:
+         cf:2e:08:5c:4a:40:0d:3e:ec:81:61:e6:24:db:ca:e0:0e:2d:
+         07:b2:3e:56:dc:8d:f5:41:85:07:48:9b:0c:0b:cb:49:3f:7d:
+         ec:b7:fd:cb:8d:67:89:1a:ab:ed:bb:1e:a3:00:08:08:17:2a:
+         82:5c:31:5d:46:8a:2d:0f:86:9b:74:d9:45:fb:d4:40:b1:7a:
+         aa:68:2d:86:b2:99:22:e1:c1:2b:c7:9c:f8:f3:5f:a8:82:12:
+         eb:19:11:2d
+SHA1 Fingerprint=03:9E:ED:B8:0B:E7:A0:3C:69:53:89:3B:20:D2:D9:32:3A:4C:2A:FD
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/c90bc37d.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/c90bc37d.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e4460c126231233ec8a13852c365b6449a11ec66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/c90bc37d.0
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            03:3a:f1:e6:a7:11:a9:a0:bb:28:64:b1:1d:09:fa:e5
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Global Root G2
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Aug  1 12:00:00 2013 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 15 12:00:00 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Global Root G2
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:bb:37:cd:34:dc:7b:6b:c9:b2:68:90:ad:4a:75:
+                    ff:46:ba:21:0a:08:8d:f5:19:54:c9:fb:88:db:f3:
+                    ae:f2:3a:89:91:3c:7a:e6:ab:06:1a:6b:cf:ac:2d:
+                    e8:5e:09:24:44:ba:62:9a:7e:d6:a3:a8:7e:e0:54:
+                    75:20:05:ac:50:b7:9c:63:1a:6c:30:dc:da:1f:19:
+                    b1:d7:1e:de:fd:d7:e0:cb:94:83:37:ae:ec:1f:43:
+                    4e:dd:7b:2c:d2:bd:2e:a5:2f:e4:a9:b8:ad:3a:d4:
+                    99:a4:b6:25:e9:9b:6b:00:60:92:60:ff:4f:21:49:
+                    18:f7:67:90:ab:61:06:9c:8f:f2:ba:e9:b4:e9:92:
+                    32:6b:b5:f3:57:e8:5d:1b:cd:8c:1d:ab:95:04:95:
+                    49:f3:35:2d:96:e3:49:6d:dd:77:e3:fb:49:4b:b4:
+                    ac:55:07:a9:8f:95:b3:b4:23:bb:4c:6d:45:f0:f6:
+                    a9:b2:95:30:b4:fd:4c:55:8c:27:4a:57:14:7c:82:
+                    9d:cd:73:92:d3:16:4a:06:0c:8c:50:d1:8f:1e:09:
+                    be:17:a1:e6:21:ca:fd:83:e5:10:bc:83:a5:0a:c4:
+                    67:28:f6:73:14:14:3d:46:76:c3:87:14:89:21:34:
+                    4d:af:0f:45:0c:a6:49:a1:ba:bb:9c:c5:b1:33:83:
+                    29:85
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                4E:22:54:20:18:95:E6:E3:6E:E6:0F:FA:FA:B9:12:ED:06:17:8F:39
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         60:67:28:94:6f:0e:48:63:eb:31:dd:ea:67:18:d5:89:7d:3c:
+         c5:8b:4a:7f:e9:be:db:2b:17:df:b0:5f:73:77:2a:32:13:39:
+         81:67:42:84:23:f2:45:67:35:ec:88:bf:f8:8f:b0:61:0c:34:
+         a4:ae:20:4c:84:c6:db:f8:35:e1:76:d9:df:a6:42:bb:c7:44:
+         08:86:7f:36:74:24:5a:da:6c:0d:14:59:35:bd:f2:49:dd:b6:
+         1f:c9:b3:0d:47:2a:3d:99:2f:bb:5c:bb:b5:d4:20:e1:99:5f:
+         53:46:15:db:68:9b:f0:f3:30:d5:3e:31:e2:8d:84:9e:e3:8a:
+         da:da:96:3e:35:13:a5:5f:f0:f9:70:50:70:47:41:11:57:19:
+         4e:c0:8f:ae:06:c4:95:13:17:2f:1b:25:9f:75:f2:b1:8e:99:
+         a1:6f:13:b1:41:71:fe:88:2a:c8:4f:10:20:55:d7:f3:14:45:
+         e5:e0:44:f4:ea:87:95:32:93:0e:fe:53:46:fa:2c:9d:ff:8b:
+         22:b9:4b:d9:09:45:a4:de:a4:b8:9a:58:dd:1b:7d:52:9f:8e:
+         59:43:88:81:a4:9e:26:d5:6f:ad:dd:0d:c6:37:7d:ed:03:92:
+         1b:e5:77:5f:76:ee:3c:8d:c4:5d:56:5b:a2:d9:66:6e:b3:35:
+         37:e5:32:b6
+SHA1 Fingerprint=DF:3C:24:F9:BF:D6:66:76:1B:26:80:73:FE:06:D1:CC:8D:4F:82:A4
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/ccc52f49.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/ccc52f49.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b01469018934a6abb7dca2cb103a34106ebbe44b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/ccc52f49.0
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 8401224907861490260 (0x7497258ac73f7a54)
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Premium ECC
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan 29 14:20:24 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 14:20:24 2040 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Premium ECC
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:0d:30:5e:1b:15:9d:03:d0:a1:79:35:b7:3a:3c:
+                    92:7a:ca:15:1c:cd:62:f3:9c:26:5c:07:3d:e5:54:
+                    fa:a3:d6:cc:12:ea:f4:14:5f:e8:8e:19:ab:2f:2e:
+                    48:e6:ac:18:43:78:ac:d0:37:c3:bd:b2:cd:2c:e6:
+                    47:e2:1a:e6:63:b8:3d:2e:2f:78:c4:4f:db:f4:0f:
+                    a4:68:4c:55:72:6b:95:1d:4e:18:42:95:78:cc:37:
+                    3c:91:e2:9b:65:2b:29
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                9A:AF:29:7A:C0:11:35:35:26:51:30:00:C3:6A:FE:40:D5:AE:D6:3C
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:64:02:30:17:09:f3:87:88:50:5a:af:c8:c0:42:bf:47:5f:
+         f5:6c:6a:86:e0:c4:27:74:e4:38:53:d7:05:7f:1b:34:e3:c6:
+         2f:b3:ca:09:3c:37:9d:d7:e7:b8:46:f1:fd:a1:e2:71:02:30:
+         42:59:87:43:d4:51:df:ba:d3:09:32:5a:ce:88:7e:57:3d:9c:
+         5f:42:6b:f5:07:2d:b5:f0:82:93:f9:59:6f:ae:64:fa:58:e5:
+         8b:1e:e3:63:be:b5:81:cd:6f:02:8c:79
+SHA1 Fingerprint=B8:23:6B:00:2F:1D:16:86:53:01:55:6C:11:A4:37:CA:EB:FF:C3:BB
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/d4c339cb.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/d4c339cb.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f5e924e839ef990cf9494d6dfc2eb42a2f9fb34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/d4c339cb.0
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            4c:aa:f9:ca:db:63:6f:e0:1f:f7:4e:d8:5b:03:86:9d
+    Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO RSA Certification Authority
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan 19 00:00:00 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 18 23:59:59 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO RSA Certification Authority
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:91:e8:54:92:d2:0a:56:b1:ac:0d:24:dd:c5:cf:
+                    44:67:74:99:2b:37:a3:7d:23:70:00:71:bc:53:df:
+                    c4:fa:2a:12:8f:4b:7f:10:56:bd:9f:70:72:b7:61:
+                    7f:c9:4b:0f:17:a7:3d:e3:b0:04:61:ee:ff:11:97:
+                    c7:f4:86:3e:0a:fa:3e:5c:f9:93:e6:34:7a:d9:14:
+                    6b:e7:9c:b3:85:a0:82:7a:76:af:71:90:d7:ec:fd:
+                    0d:fa:9c:6c:fa:df:b0:82:f4:14:7e:f9:be:c4:a6:
+                    2f:4f:7f:99:7f:b5:fc:67:43:72:bd:0c:00:d6:89:
+                    eb:6b:2c:d3:ed:8f:98:1c:14:ab:7e:e5:e3:6e:fc:
+                    d8:a8:e4:92:24:da:43:6b:62:b8:55:fd:ea:c1:bc:
+                    6c:b6:8b:f3:0e:8d:9a:e4:9b:6c:69:99:f8:78:48:
+                    30:45:d5:ad:e1:0d:3c:45:60:fc:32:96:51:27:bc:
+                    67:c3:ca:2e:b6:6b:ea:46:c7:c7:20:a0:b1:1f:65:
+                    de:48:08:ba:a4:4e:a9:f2:83:46:37:84:eb:e8:cc:
+                    81:48:43:67:4e:72:2a:9b:5c:bd:4c:1b:28:8a:5c:
+                    22:7b:b4:ab:98:d9:ee:e0:51:83:c3:09:46:4e:6d:
+                    3e:99:fa:95:17:da:7c:33:57:41:3c:8d:51:ed:0b:
+                    b6:5c:af:2c:63:1a:df:57:c8:3f:bc:e9:5d:c4:9b:
+                    af:45:99:e2:a3:5a:24:b4:ba:a9:56:3d:cf:6f:aa:
+                    ff:49:58:be:f0:a8:ff:f4:b8:ad:e9:37:fb:ba:b8:
+                    f4:0b:3a:f9:e8:43:42:1e:89:d8:84:cb:13:f1:d9:
+                    bb:e1:89:60:b8:8c:28:56:ac:14:1d:9c:0a:e7:71:
+                    eb:cf:0e:dd:3d:a9:96:a1:48:bd:3c:f7:af:b5:0d:
+                    22:4c:c0:11:81:ec:56:3b:f6:d3:a2:e2:5b:b7:b2:
+                    04:22:52:95:80:93:69:e8:8e:4c:65:f1:91:03:2d:
+                    70:74:02:ea:8b:67:15:29:69:52:02:bb:d7:df:50:
+                    6a:55:46:bf:a0:a3:28:61:7f:70:d0:c3:a2:aa:2c:
+                    21:aa:47:ce:28:9c:06:45:76:bf:82:18:27:b4:d5:
+                    ae:b4:cb:50:e6:6b:f4:4c:86:71:30:e9:a6:df:16:
+                    86:e0:d8:ff:40:dd:fb:d0:42:88:7f:a3:33:3a:2e:
+                    5c:1e:41:11:81:63:ce:18:71:6b:2b:ec:a6:8a:b7:
+                    31:5c:3a:6a:47:e0:c3:79:59:d6:20:1a:af:f2:6a:
+                    98:aa:72:bc:57:4a:d2:4b:9d:bb:10:fc:b0:4c:41:
+                    e5:ed:1d:3d:5e:28:9d:9c:cc:bf:b3:51:da:a7:47:
+                    e5:84:53
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                BB:AF:7E:02:3D:FA:A6:F1:3C:84:8E:AD:EE:38:98:EC:D9:32:32:D4
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption
+         0a:f1:d5:46:84:b7:ae:51:bb:6c:b2:4d:41:14:00:93:4c:9c:
+         cb:e5:c0:54:cf:a0:25:8e:02:f9:fd:b0:a2:0d:f5:20:98:3c:
+         13:2d:ac:56:a2:b0:d6:7e:11:92:e9:2e:ba:9e:2e:9a:72:b1:
+         bd:19:44:6c:61:35:a2:9a:b4:16:12:69:5a:8c:e1:d7:3e:a4:
+         1a:e8:2f:03:f4:ae:61:1d:10:1b:2a:a4:8b:7a:c5:fe:05:a6:
+         e1:c0:d6:c8:fe:9e:ae:8f:2b:ba:3d:99:f8:d8:73:09:58:46:
+         6e:a6:9c:f4:d7:27:d3:95:da:37:83:72:1c:d3:73:e0:a2:47:
+         99:03:38:5d:d5:49:79:00:29:1c:c7:ec:9b:20:1c:07:24:69:
+         57:78:b2:39:fc:3a:84:a0:b5:9c:7c:8d:bf:2e:93:62:27:b7:
+         39:da:17:18:ae:bd:3c:09:68:ff:84:9b:3c:d5:d6:0b:03:e3:
+         57:9e:14:f7:d1:eb:4f:c8:bd:87:23:b7:b6:49:43:79:85:5c:
+         ba:eb:92:0b:a1:c6:e8:68:a8:4c:16:b1:1a:99:0a:e8:53:2c:
+         92:bb:a1:09:18:75:0c:65:a8:7b:cb:23:b7:1a:c2:28:85:c3:
+         1b:ff:d0:2b:62:ef:a4:7b:09:91:98:67:8c:14:01:cd:68:06:
+         6a:63:21:75:03:80:88:8a:6e:81:c6:85:f2:a9:a4:2d:e7:f4:
+         a5:24:10:47:83:ca:cd:f4:8d:79:58:b1:06:9b:e7:1a:2a:d9:
+         9d:01:d7:94:7d:ed:03:4a:ca:f0:db:e8:a9:01:3e:f5:56:99:
+         c9:1e:8e:49:3d:bb:e5:09:b9:e0:4f:49:92:3d:16:82:40:cc:
+         cc:59:c6:e6:3a:ed:12:2e:69:3c:6c:95:b1:fd:aa:1d:7b:7f:
+         86:be:1e:0e:32:46:fb:fb:13:8f:75:7f:4c:8b:4b:46:63:fe:
+         00:34:40:70:c1:c3:b9:a1:dd:a6:70:e2:04:b3:41:bc:e9:80:
+         91:ea:64:9c:7a:e1:22:03:a9:9c:6e:6f:0e:65:4f:6c:87:87:
+         5e:f3:6e:a0:f9:75:a5:9b:40:e8:53:b2:27:9d:4a:b9:c0:77:
+         21:8d:ff:87:f2:de:bc:8c:ef:17:df:b7:49:0b:d1:f2:6e:30:
+         0b:1a:0e:4e:76:ed:11:fc:f5:e9:56:b2:7d:bf:c7:6d:0a:93:
+         8c:a5:d0:c0:b6:1d:be:3a:4e:94:a2:d7:6e:6c:0b:c2:8a:7c:
+         fa:20:f3:c4:e4:e5:cd:0d:a8:cb:91:92:b1:7c:85:ec:b5:14:
+         69:66:0e:82:e7:cd:ce:c8:2d:a6:51:7f:21:c1:35:53:85:06:
+         4a:5d:9f:ad:bb:1b:5f:74
+SHA1 Fingerprint=AF:E5:D2:44:A8:D1:19:42:30:FF:47:9F:E2:F8:97:BB:CD:7A:8C:B4
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/dbc54cab.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/dbc54cab.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..904ac7321794eb714e3c873c6b22353a5191bc4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/dbc54cab.0
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 7893706540734352110 (0x6d8c1446b1a60aee)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Premium
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan 29 14:10:36 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 14:10:36 2040 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Premium
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c4:12:df:a9:5f:fe:41:dd:dd:f5:9f:8a:e3:f6:
+                    ac:e1:3c:78:9a:bc:d8:f0:7f:7a:a0:33:2a:dc:8d:
+                    20:5b:ae:2d:6f:e7:93:d9:36:70:6a:68:cf:8e:51:
+                    a3:85:5b:67:04:a0:10:24:6f:5d:28:82:c1:97:57:
+                    d8:48:29:13:b6:e1:be:91:4d:df:85:0c:53:18:9a:
+                    1e:24:a2:4f:8f:f0:a2:85:0b:cb:f4:29:7f:d2:a4:
+                    58:ee:26:4d:c9:aa:a8:7b:9a:d9:fa:38:de:44:57:
+                    15:e5:f8:8c:c8:d9:48:e2:0d:16:27:1d:1e:c8:83:
+                    85:25:b7:ba:aa:55:41:cc:03:22:4b:2d:91:8d:8b:
+                    e6:89:af:66:c7:e9:ff:2b:e9:3c:ac:da:d2:b3:c3:
+                    e1:68:9c:89:f8:7a:00:56:de:f4:55:95:6c:fb:ba:
+                    64:dd:62:8b:df:0b:77:32:eb:62:cc:26:9a:9b:bb:
+                    aa:62:83:4c:b4:06:7a:30:c8:29:bf:ed:06:4d:97:
+                    b9:1c:c4:31:2b:d5:5f:bc:53:12:17:9c:99:57:29:
+                    66:77:61:21:31:07:2e:25:49:9d:18:f2:ee:f3:2b:
+                    71:8c:b5:ba:39:07:49:77:fc:ef:2e:92:90:05:8d:
+                    2d:2f:77:7b:ef:43:bf:35:bb:9a:d8:f9:73:a7:2c:
+                    f2:d0:57:ee:28:4e:26:5f:8f:90:68:09:2f:b8:f8:
+                    dc:06:e9:2e:9a:3e:51:a7:d1:22:c4:0a:a7:38:48:
+                    6c:b3:f9:ff:7d:ab:86:57:e3:ba:d6:85:78:77:ba:
+                    43:ea:48:7f:f6:d8:be:23:6d:1e:bf:d1:36:6c:58:
+                    5c:f1:ee:a4:19:54:1a:f5:03:d2:76:e6:e1:8c:bd:
+                    3c:b3:d3:48:4b:e2:c8:f8:7f:92:a8:76:46:9c:42:
+                    65:3e:a4:1e:c1:07:03:5a:46:2d:b8:97:f3:b7:d5:
+                    b2:55:21:ef:ba:dc:4c:00:97:fb:14:95:27:33:bf:
+                    e8:43:47:46:d2:08:99:16:60:3b:9a:7e:d2:e6:ed:
+                    38:ea:ec:01:1e:3c:48:56:49:09:c7:4c:37:00:9e:
+                    88:0e:c0:73:e1:6f:66:e9:72:47:30:3e:10:e5:0b:
+                    03:c9:9a:42:00:6c:c5:94:7e:61:c4:8a:df:7f:82:
+                    1a:0b:59:c4:59:32:77:b3:bc:60:69:56:39:fd:b4:
+                    06:7b:2c:d6:64:36:d9:bd:48:ed:84:1f:7e:a5:22:
+                    8f:2a:b8:42:f4:82:b7:d4:53:90:78:4e:2d:1a:fd:
+                    81:6f:44:d7:3b:01:74:96:42:e0:00:e2:2e:6b:ea:
+                    c5:ee:72:ac:bb:bf:fe:ea:aa:a8:f8:dc:f6:b2:79:
+                    8a:b6:67
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                9D:C0:67:A6:0C:22:D9:26:F5:45:AB:A6:65:52:11:27:D8:45:AC:63
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption
+         b3:57:4d:10:62:4e:3a:e4:ac:ea:b8:1c:af:32:23:c8:b3:49:
+         5a:51:9c:76:28:8d:79:aa:57:46:17:d5:f5:52:f6:b7:44:e8:
+         08:44:bf:18:84:d2:0b:80:cd:c5:12:fd:00:55:05:61:87:41:
+         dc:b5:24:9e:3c:c4:d8:c8:fb:70:9e:2f:78:96:83:20:36:de:
+         7c:0f:69:13:88:a5:75:36:98:08:a6:c6:df:ac:ce:e3:58:d6:
+         b7:3e:de:ba:f3:eb:34:40:d8:a2:81:f5:78:3f:2f:d5:a5:fc:
+         d9:a2:d4:5e:04:0e:17:ad:fe:41:f0:e5:b2:72:fa:44:82:33:
+         42:e8:2d:58:f7:56:8c:62:3f:ba:42:b0:9c:0c:5c:7e:2e:65:
+         26:5c:53:4f:00:b2:78:7e:a1:0d:99:2d:8d:b8:1d:8e:a2:c4:
+         b0:fd:60:d0:30:a4:8e:c8:04:62:a9:c4:ed:35:de:7a:97:ed:
+         0e:38:5e:92:2f:93:70:a5:a9:9c:6f:a7:7d:13:1d:7e:c6:08:
+         48:b1:5e:67:eb:51:08:25:e9:e6:25:6b:52:29:91:9c:d2:39:
+         73:08:57:de:99:06:b4:5b:9d:10:06:e1:c2:00:a8:b8:1c:4a:
+         02:0a:14:d0:c1:41:ca:fb:8c:35:21:7d:82:38:f2:a9:54:91:
+         19:35:93:94:6d:6a:3a:c5:b2:d0:bb:89:86:93:e8:9b:c9:0f:
+         3a:a7:7a:b8:a1:f0:78:46:fa:fc:37:2f:e5:8a:84:f3:df:fe:
+         04:d9:a1:68:a0:2f:24:e2:09:95:06:d5:95:ca:e1:24:96:eb:
+         7c:f6:93:05:bb:ed:73:e9:2d:d1:75:39:d7:e7:24:db:d8:4e:
+         5f:43:8f:9e:d0:14:39:bf:55:70:48:99:57:31:b4:9c:ee:4a:
+         98:03:96:30:1f:60:06:ee:1b:23:fe:81:60:23:1a:47:62:85:
+         a5:cc:19:34:80:6f:b3:ac:1a:e3:9f:f0:7b:48:ad:d5:01:d9:
+         67:b6:a9:72:93:ea:2d:66:b5:b2:b8:e4:3d:3c:b2:ef:4c:8c:
+         ea:eb:07:bf:ab:35:9a:55:86:bc:18:a6:b5:a8:5e:b4:83:6c:
+         6b:69:40:d3:9f:dc:f1:c3:69:6b:b9:e1:6d:09:f4:f1:aa:50:
+         76:0a:7a:7d:7a:17:a1:55:96:42:99:31:09:dd:60:11:8d:05:
+         30:7e:e6:8e:46:d1:9d:14:da:c7:17:e4:05:96:8c:c4:24:b5:
+         1b:cf:14:07:b2:40:f8:a3:9e:41:86:bc:04:d0:6b:96:c8:2a:
+         80:34:fd:bf:ef:06:a3:dd:58:c5:85:3d:3e:8f:fe:9e:29:e0:
+         b6:b8:09:68:19:1c:18:43
+SHA1 Fingerprint=D8:A6:33:2C:E0:03:6F:B1:85:F6:63:4F:7D:6A:06:65:26:32:28:27
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/e268a4c5.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/e268a4c5.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9f7dd8527e2f2ad322840e8cb96367a97d3c7e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/e268a4c5.0
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=SE, O=AddTrust AB, OU=AddTrust TTP Network, CN=AddTrust Class 1 CA Root
+        Validity
+            Not Before: May 30 10:38:31 2000 GMT
+            Not After : May 30 10:38:31 2020 GMT
+        Subject: C=SE, O=AddTrust AB, OU=AddTrust TTP Network, CN=AddTrust Class 1 CA Root
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:96:96:d4:21:49:60:e2:6b:e8:41:07:0c:de:c4:
+                    e0:dc:13:23:cd:c1:35:c7:fb:d6:4e:11:0a:67:5e:
+                    f5:06:5b:6b:a5:08:3b:5b:29:16:3a:e7:87:b2:34:
+                    06:c5:bc:05:a5:03:7c:82:cb:29:10:ae:e1:88:81:
+                    bd:d6:9e:d3:fe:2d:56:c1:15:ce:e3:26:9d:15:2e:
+                    10:fb:06:8f:30:04:de:a7:b4:63:b4:ff:b1:9c:ae:
+                    3c:af:77:b6:56:c5:b5:ab:a2:e9:69:3a:3d:0e:33:
+                    79:32:3f:70:82:92:99:61:6d:8d:30:08:8f:71:3f:
+                    a6:48:57:19:f8:25:dc:4b:66:5c:a5:74:8f:98:ae:
+                    c8:f9:c0:06:22:e7:ac:73:df:a5:2e:fb:52:dc:b1:
+                    15:65:20:fa:35:66:69:de:df:2c:f1:6e:bc:30:db:
+                    2c:24:12:db:eb:35:35:68:90:cb:00:b0:97:21:3d:
+                    74:21:23:65:34:2b:bb:78:59:a3:d6:e1:76:39:9a:
+                    a4:49:8e:8c:74:af:6e:a4:9a:a3:d9:9b:d2:38:5c:
+                    9b:a2:18:cc:75:23:84:be:eb:e2:4d:33:71:8e:1a:
+                    f0:c2:f8:c7:1d:a2:ad:03:97:2c:f8:cf:25:c6:f6:
+                    b8:24:31:b1:63:5d:92:7f:63:f0:25:c9:53:2e:1f:
+                    bf:4d
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                95:B1:B4:F0:94:B6:BD:C7:DA:D1:11:09:21:BE:C1:AF:49:FD:10:7B
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:95:B1:B4:F0:94:B6:BD:C7:DA:D1:11:09:21:BE:C1:AF:49:FD:10:7B
+                DirName:/C=SE/O=AddTrust AB/OU=AddTrust TTP Network/CN=AddTrust Class 1 CA Root
+                serial:01
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         2c:6d:64:1b:1f:cd:0d:dd:b9:01:fa:96:63:34:32:48:47:99:
+         ae:97:ed:fd:72:16:a6:73:47:5a:f4:eb:dd:e9:f5:d6:fb:45:
+         cc:29:89:44:5d:bf:46:39:3d:e8:ee:bc:4d:54:86:1e:1d:6c:
+         e3:17:27:43:e1:89:56:2b:a9:6f:72:4e:49:33:e3:72:7c:2a:
+         23:9a:bc:3e:ff:28:2a:ed:a3:ff:1c:23:ba:43:57:09:67:4d:
+         4b:62:06:2d:f8:ff:6c:9d:60:1e:d8:1c:4b:7d:b5:31:2f:d9:
+         d0:7c:5d:f8:de:6b:83:18:78:37:57:2f:e8:33:07:67:df:1e:
+         c7:6b:2a:95:76:ae:8f:57:a3:f0:f4:52:b4:a9:53:08:cf:e0:
+         4f:d3:7a:53:8b:fd:bb:1c:56:36:f2:fe:b2:b6:e5:76:bb:d5:
+         22:65:a7:3f:fe:d1:66:ad:0b:bc:6b:99:86:ef:3f:7d:f3:18:
+         32:ca:7b:c6:e3:ab:64:46:95:f8:26:69:d9:55:83:7b:2c:96:
+         07:ff:59:2c:44:a3:c6:e5:e9:a9:dc:a1:63:80:5a:21:5e:21:
+         cf:53:54:f0:ba:6f:89:db:a8:aa:95:cf:8b:e3:71:cc:1e:1b:
+         20:44:08:c0:7a:b6:40:fd:c4:e4:35:e1:1d:16:1c:d0:bc:2b:
+         8e:d6:71:d9
+SHA1 Fingerprint=CC:AB:0E:A0:4C:23:01:D6:69:7B:DD:37:9F:CD:12:EB:24:E3:94:9D
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/e48193cf.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/e48193cf.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7883ef35d940e502c59f03abdf34eb4adbd7b73e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/e48193cf.0
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 8608355977964138876 (0x7777062726a9b17c)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Commercial
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan 29 14:06:06 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 14:06:06 2030 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Commercial
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:f6:1b:4f:67:07:2b:a1:15:f5:06:22:cb:1f:01:
+                    b2:e3:73:45:06:44:49:2c:bb:49:25:14:d6:ce:c3:
+                    b7:ab:2c:4f:c6:41:32:94:57:fa:12:a7:5b:0e:e2:
+                    8f:1f:1e:86:19:a7:aa:b5:2d:b9:5f:0d:8a:c2:af:
+                    85:35:79:32:2d:bb:1c:62:37:f2:b1:5b:4a:3d:ca:
+                    cd:71:5f:e9:42:be:94:e8:c8:de:f9:22:48:64:c6:
+                    e5:ab:c6:2b:6d:ad:05:f0:fa:d5:0b:cf:9a:e5:f0:
+                    50:a4:8b:3b:47:a5:23:5b:7a:7a:f8:33:3f:b8:ef:
+                    99:97:e3:20:c1:d6:28:89:cf:94:fb:b9:45:ed:e3:
+                    40:17:11:d4:74:f0:0b:31:e2:2b:26:6a:9b:4c:57:
+                    ae:ac:20:3e:ba:45:7a:05:f3:bd:9b:69:15:ae:7d:
+                    4e:20:63:c4:35:76:3a:07:02:c9:37:fd:c7:47:ee:
+                    e8:f1:76:1d:73:15:f2:97:a4:b5:c8:7a:79:d9:42:
+                    aa:2b:7f:5c:fe:ce:26:4f:a3:66:81:35:af:44:ba:
+                    54:1e:1c:30:32:65:9d:e6:3c:93:5e:50:4e:7a:e3:
+                    3a:d4:6e:cc:1a:fb:f9:d2:37:ae:24:2a:ab:57:03:
+                    22:28:0d:49:75:7f:b7:28:da:75:bf:8e:e3:dc:0e:
+                    79:31
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                9D:93:C6:53:8B:5E:CA:AF:3F:9F:1E:0F:E5:99:95:BC:24:F6:94:8F
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         58:ac:f4:04:0e:cd:c0:0d:ff:0a:fd:d4:ba:16:5f:29:bd:7b:
+         68:99:58:49:d2:b4:1d:37:4d:7f:27:7d:46:06:5d:43:c6:86:
+         2e:3e:73:b2:26:7d:4f:93:a9:b6:c4:2a:9a:ab:21:97:14:b1:
+         de:8c:d3:ab:89:15:d8:6b:24:d4:f1:16:ae:d8:a4:5c:d4:7f:
+         51:8e:ed:18:01:b1:93:63:bd:bc:f8:61:80:9a:9e:b1:ce:42:
+         70:e2:a9:7d:06:25:7d:27:a1:fe:6f:ec:b3:1e:24:da:e3:4b:
+         55:1a:00:3b:35:b4:3b:d9:d7:5d:30:fd:81:13:89:f2:c2:06:
+         2b:ed:67:c4:8e:c9:43:b2:5c:6b:15:89:02:bc:62:fc:4e:f2:
+         b5:33:aa:b2:6f:d3:0a:a2:50:e3:f6:3b:e8:2e:44:c2:db:66:
+         38:a9:33:56:48:f1:6d:1b:33:8d:0d:8c:3f:60:37:9d:d3:ca:
+         6d:7e:34:7e:0d:9f:72:76:8b:1b:9f:72:fd:52:35:41:45:02:
+         96:2f:1c:b2:9a:73:49:21:b1:49:47:45:47:b4:ef:6a:34:11:
+         c9:4d:9a:cc:59:b7:d6:02:9e:5a:4e:65:b5:94:ae:1b:df:29:
+         b0:16:f1:bf:00:9e:07:3a:17:64:b5:04:b5:23:21:99:0a:95:
+         3b:97:7c:ef
+SHA1 Fingerprint=F9:B5:B6:32:45:5F:9C:BE:EC:57:5F:80:DC:E9:6E:2C:C7:B2:78:B7
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/e775ed2d.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/e775ed2d.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ec2620f48dc74adb938ceeb8c04be2bc88032ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/e775ed2d.0
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust Universal CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Mar  4 05:00:00 2004 GMT
+            Not After : Mar  4 05:00:00 2029 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust Universal CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:a6:15:55:a0:a3:c6:e0:1f:8c:9d:21:50:d7:c1:
+                    be:2b:5b:b5:a4:9e:a1:d9:72:58:bd:00:1b:4c:bf:
+                    61:c9:14:1d:45:82:ab:c6:1d:80:d6:3d:eb:10:9c:
+                    3a:af:6d:24:f8:bc:71:01:9e:06:f5:7c:5f:1e:c1:
+                    0e:55:ca:83:9a:59:30:ae:19:cb:30:48:95:ed:22:
+                    37:8d:f4:4a:9a:72:66:3e:ad:95:c0:e0:16:00:e0:
+                    10:1f:2b:31:0e:d7:94:54:d3:42:33:a0:34:1d:1e:
+                    45:76:dd:4f:ca:18:37:ec:85:15:7a:19:08:fc:d5:
+                    c7:9c:f0:f2:a9:2e:10:a9:92:e6:3d:58:3d:a9:16:
+                    68:3c:2f:75:21:18:7f:28:77:a5:e1:61:17:b7:a6:
+                    e9:f8:1e:99:db:73:6e:f4:0a:a2:21:6c:ee:da:aa:
+                    85:92:66:af:f6:7a:6b:82:da:ba:22:08:35:0f:cf:
+                    42:f1:35:fa:6a:ee:7e:2b:25:cc:3a:11:e4:6d:af:
+                    73:b2:76:1d:ad:d0:b2:78:67:1a:a4:39:1c:51:0b:
+                    67:56:83:fd:38:5d:0d:ce:dd:f0:bb:2b:96:1f:de:
+                    7b:32:52:fd:1d:bb:b5:06:a1:b2:21:5e:a5:d6:95:
+                    68:7f:f0:99:9e:dc:45:08:3e:e7:d2:09:0d:35:94:
+                    dd:80:4e:53:97:d7:b5:09:44:20:64:16:17:03:02:
+                    4c:53:0d:68:de:d5:aa:72:4d:93:6d:82:0e:db:9c:
+                    bd:cf:b4:f3:5c:5d:54:7a:69:09:96:d6:db:11:c1:
+                    8d:75:a8:b4:cf:39:c8:ce:3c:bc:24:7c:e6:62:ca:
+                    e1:bd:7d:a7:bd:57:65:0b:e4:fe:25:ed:b6:69:10:
+                    dc:28:1a:46:bd:01:1d:d0:97:b5:e1:98:3b:c0:37:
+                    64:d6:3d:94:ee:0b:e1:f5:28:ae:0b:56:bf:71:8b:
+                    23:29:41:8e:86:c5:4b:52:7b:d8:71:ab:1f:8a:15:
+                    a6:3b:83:5a:d7:58:01:51:c6:4c:41:d9:7f:d8:41:
+                    67:72:a2:28:df:60:83:a9:9e:c8:7b:fc:53:73:72:
+                    59:f5:93:7a:17:76:0e:ce:f7:e5:5c:d9:0b:55:34:
+                    a2:aa:5b:b5:6a:54:e7:13:ca:57:ec:97:6d:f4:5e:
+                    06:2f:45:8b:58:d4:23:16:92:e4:16:6e:28:63:59:
+                    30:df:50:01:9c:63:89:1a:9f:db:17:94:82:70:37:
+                    c3:24:9e:9a:47:d6:5a:ca:4e:a8:69:89:72:1f:91:
+                    6c:db:7e:9e:1b:ad:c7:1f:73:dd:2c:4f:19:65:fd:
+                    7f:93:40:10:2e:d2:f0:ed:3c:9e:2e:28:3e:69:26:
+                    33:c5:7b
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                DA:BB:2E:AA:B0:0C:B8:88:26:51:74:5C:6D:03:D3:C0:D8:8F:7A:D6
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:DA:BB:2E:AA:B0:0C:B8:88:26:51:74:5C:6D:03:D3:C0:D8:8F:7A:D6
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         31:78:e6:c7:b5:df:b8:94:40:c9:71:c4:a8:35:ec:46:1d:c2:
+         85:f3:28:58:86:b0:0b:fc:8e:b2:39:8f:44:55:ab:64:84:5c:
+         69:a9:d0:9a:38:3c:fa:e5:1f:35:e5:44:e3:80:79:94:68:a4:
+         bb:c4:9f:3d:e1:34:cd:30:46:8b:54:2b:95:a5:ef:f7:3f:99:
+         84:fd:35:e6:cf:31:c6:dc:6a:bf:a7:d7:23:08:e1:98:5e:c3:
+         5a:08:76:a9:a6:af:77:2f:b7:60:bd:44:46:6a:ef:97:ff:73:
+         95:c1:8e:e8:93:fb:fd:31:b7:ec:57:11:11:45:9b:30:f1:1a:
+         88:39:c1:4f:3c:a7:00:d5:c7:fc:ab:6d:80:22:70:a5:0c:e0:
+         5d:04:29:02:fb:cb:a0:91:d1:7c:d6:c3:7e:50:d5:9d:58:be:
+         41:38:eb:b9:75:3c:15:d9:9b:c9:4a:83:59:c0:da:53:fd:33:
+         bb:36:18:9b:85:0f:15:dd:ee:2d:ac:76:93:b9:d9:01:8d:48:
+         10:a8:fb:f5:38:86:f1:db:0a:c6:bd:84:a3:23:41:de:d6:77:
+         6f:85:d4:85:1c:50:e0:ae:51:8a:ba:8d:3e:76:e2:b9:ca:27:
+         f2:5f:9f:ef:6e:59:0d:06:d8:2b:17:a4:d2:7c:6b:bb:5f:14:
+         1a:48:8f:1a:4c:e7:b3:47:1c:8e:4c:45:2b:20:ee:48:df:e7:
+         dd:09:8e:18:a8:da:40:8d:92:26:11:53:61:73:5d:eb:bd:e7:
+         c4:4d:29:37:61:eb:ac:39:2d:67:2e:16:d6:f5:00:83:85:a1:
+         cc:7f:76:c4:7d:e4:b7:4b:66:ef:03:45:60:69:b6:0c:52:96:
+         92:84:5e:a6:a3:b5:a4:3e:2b:d9:cc:d8:1b:47:aa:f2:44:da:
+         4f:f9:03:e8:f0:14:cb:3f:f3:83:de:d0:c1:54:e3:b7:e8:0a:
+         37:4d:8b:20:59:03:30:19:a1:2c:c8:bd:11:1f:df:ae:c9:4a:
+         c5:f3:27:66:66:86:ac:68:91:ff:d9:e6:53:1c:0f:8b:5c:69:
+         65:0a:26:c8:1e:34:c3:5d:51:7b:d7:a9:9c:06:a1:36:dd:d5:
+         89:94:bc:d9:e4:2d:0c:5e:09:6c:08:97:7c:a3:3d:7c:93:ff:
+         3f:a1:14:a7:cf:b5:5d:eb:db:db:1c:c4:76:df:88:b9:bd:45:
+         05:95:1b:ae:fc:46:6a:4c:af:48:e3:ce:ae:0f:d2:7e:eb:e6:
+         6c:9c:4f:81:6a:7a:64:ac:bb:3e:d5:e7:cb:76:2e:c5:a7:48:
+         c1:5c:90:0f:cb:c8:3f:fa:e6:32:e1:8d:1b:6f:a4:e6:8e:d8:
+         f9:29:48:8a:ce:73:fe:2c
+SHA1 Fingerprint=E6:21:F3:35:43:79:05:9A:4B:68:30:9D:8A:2F:74:22:15:87:EC:79
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/ed39abd0.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/ed39abd0.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..188e37528742a013cdd6809ebc1f09cc8d75fda5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/ed39abd0.0
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            05:55:56:bc:f2:5e:a4:35:35:c3:a4:0f:d5:ab:45:72
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+        Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Global Root G3
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Aug  1 12:00:00 2013 GMT
+            Not After : Jan 15 12:00:00 2038 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Global Root G3
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+                Public-Key: (384 bit)
+                pub: 
+                    04:dd:a7:d9:bb:8a:b8:0b:fb:0b:7f:21:d2:f0:be:
+                    be:73:f3:33:5d:1a:bc:34:ea:de:c6:9b:bc:d0:95:
+                    f6:f0:cc:d0:0b:ba:61:5b:51:46:7e:9e:2d:9f:ee:
+                    8e:63:0c:17:ec:07:70:f5:cf:84:2e:40:83:9c:e8:
+                    3f:41:6d:3b:ad:d3:a4:14:59:36:78:9d:03:43:ee:
+                    10:13:6c:72:de:ae:88:a7:a1:6b:b5:43:ce:67:dc:
+                    23:ff:03:1c:a3:e2:3e
+                ASN1 OID: secp384r1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                B3:DB:48:A4:F9:A1:C5:D8:AE:36:41:CC:11:63:69:62:29:BC:4B:C6
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
+         30:65:02:31:00:ad:bc:f2:6c:3f:12:4a:d1:2d:39:c3:0a:09:
+         97:73:f4:88:36:8c:88:27:bb:e6:88:8d:50:85:a7:63:f9:9e:
+         32:de:66:93:0f:f1:cc:b1:09:8f:dd:6c:ab:fa:6b:7f:a0:02:
+         30:39:66:5b:c2:64:8d:b8:9e:50:dc:a8:d5:49:a2:ed:c7:dc:
+         d1:49:7f:17:01:b8:c8:86:8f:4e:8c:88:2b:a8:9a:a9:8a:c5:
+         d1:00:bd:f8:54:e2:9a:e5:5b:7c:b3:27:17
+SHA1 Fingerprint=7E:04:DE:89:6A:3E:66:6D:00:E6:87:D3:3F:FA:D9:3B:E8:3D:34:9E
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/facacbc6.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/facacbc6.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b2120a7ba9f412da136b5d562a9689973fec798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/facacbc6.0
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            18:da:d1:9e:26:7d:e8:bb:4a:21:58:cd:cc:6b:3b:4a
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov  8 00:00:00 2006 GMT
+            Not After : Jul 16 23:59:59 2036 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:af:24:08:08:29:7a:35:9e:60:0c:aa:e7:4b:3b:
+                    4e:dc:7c:bc:3c:45:1c:bb:2b:e0:fe:29:02:f9:57:
+                    08:a3:64:85:15:27:f5:f1:ad:c8:31:89:5d:22:e8:
+                    2a:aa:a6:42:b3:8f:f8:b9:55:b7:b1:b7:4b:b3:fe:
+                    8f:7e:07:57:ec:ef:43:db:66:62:15:61:cf:60:0d:
+                    a4:d8:de:f8:e0:c3:62:08:3d:54:13:eb:49:ca:59:
+                    54:85:26:e5:2b:8f:1b:9f:eb:f5:a1:91:c2:33:49:
+                    d8:43:63:6a:52:4b:d2:8f:e8:70:51:4d:d1:89:69:
+                    7b:c7:70:f6:b3:dc:12:74:db:7b:5d:4b:56:d3:96:
+                    bf:15:77:a1:b0:f4:a2:25:f2:af:1c:92:67:18:e5:
+                    f4:06:04:ef:90:b9:e4:00:e4:dd:3a:b5:19:ff:02:
+                    ba:f4:3c:ee:e0:8b:eb:37:8b:ec:f4:d7:ac:f2:f6:
+                    f0:3d:af:dd:75:91:33:19:1d:1c:40:cb:74:24:19:
+                    21:93:d9:14:fe:ac:2a:52:c7:8f:d5:04:49:e4:8d:
+                    63:47:88:3c:69:83:cb:fe:47:bd:2b:7e:4f:c5:95:
+                    ae:0e:9d:d4:d1:43:c0:67:73:e3:14:08:7e:e5:3f:
+                    9f:73:b8:33:0a:cf:5d:3f:34:87:96:8a:ee:53:e8:
+                    25:15
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+                0_.].[0Y0W0U..image/gif0!0.0...+..............k...j.H.,{..0%.#http://logo.verisign.com/vslogo.gif
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                7F:D3:65:A7:C2:DD:EC:BB:F0:30:09:F3:43:39:FA:02:AF:33:31:33
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         93:24:4a:30:5f:62:cf:d8:1a:98:2f:3d:ea:dc:99:2d:bd:77:
+         f6:a5:79:22:38:ec:c4:a7:a0:78:12:ad:62:0e:45:70:64:c5:
+         e7:97:66:2d:98:09:7e:5f:af:d6:cc:28:65:f2:01:aa:08:1a:
+         47:de:f9:f9:7c:92:5a:08:69:20:0d:d9:3e:6d:6e:3c:0d:6e:
+         d8:e6:06:91:40:18:b9:f8:c1:ed:df:db:41:aa:e0:96:20:c9:
+         cd:64:15:38:81:c9:94:ee:a2:84:29:0b:13:6f:8e:db:0c:dd:
+         25:02:db:a4:8b:19:44:d2:41:7a:05:69:4a:58:4f:60:ca:7e:
+         82:6a:0b:02:aa:25:17:39:b5:db:7f:e7:84:65:2a:95:8a:bd:
+         86:de:5e:81:16:83:2d:10:cc:de:fd:a8:82:2a:6d:28:1f:0d:
+         0b:c4:e5:e7:1a:26:19:e1:f4:11:6f:10:b5:95:fc:e7:42:05:
+         32:db:ce:9d:51:5e:28:b6:9e:85:d3:5b:ef:a5:7d:45:40:72:
+         8e:b7:0e:6b:0e:06:fb:33:35:48:71:b8:9d:27:8b:c4:65:5f:
+         0d:86:76:9c:44:7a:f6:95:5c:f6:5d:32:08:33:a4:54:b6:18:
+         3f:68:5c:f2:42:4a:85:38:54:83:5f:d1:e8:2c:f2:ac:11:d6:
+         a8:ed:63:6a
+SHA1 Fingerprint=4E:B6:D5:78:49:9B:1C:CF:5F:58:1E:AD:56:BE:3D:9B:67:44:A5:E5
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/ff783690.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/ff783690.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..29bf947ca78e9942f178a93bc2304729c2413c12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_google/ff783690.0
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            44:be:0c:8b:50:00:24:b4:11:d3:36:2a:fe:65:0a:fd
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=UT, L=Salt Lake City, O=The USERTRUST Network, OU=http://www.usertrust.com, CN=UTN-USERFirst-Hardware
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jul  9 18:10:42 1999 GMT
+            Not After : Jul  9 18:19:22 2019 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=UT, L=Salt Lake City, O=The USERTRUST Network, OU=http://www.usertrust.com, CN=UTN-USERFirst-Hardware
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:b1:f7:c3:38:3f:b4:a8:7f:cf:39:82:51:67:d0:
+                    6d:9f:d2:ff:58:f3:e7:9f:2b:ec:0d:89:54:99:b9:
+                    38:99:16:f7:e0:21:79:48:c2:bb:61:74:12:96:1d:
+                    3c:6a:72:d5:3c:10:67:3a:39:ed:2b:13:cd:66:eb:
+                    95:09:33:a4:6c:97:b1:e8:c6:ec:c1:75:79:9c:46:
+                    5e:8d:ab:d0:6a:fd:b9:2a:55:17:10:54:b3:19:f0:
+                    9a:f6:f1:b1:5d:b6:a7:6d:fb:e0:71:17:6b:a2:88:
+                    fb:00:df:fe:1a:31:77:0c:9a:01:7a:b1:32:e3:2b:
+                    01:07:38:6e:c3:a5:5e:23:bc:45:9b:7b:50:c1:c9:
+                    30:8f:db:e5:2b:7a:d3:5b:fb:33:40:1e:a0:d5:98:
+                    17:bc:8b:87:c3:89:d3:5d:a0:8e:b2:aa:aa:f6:8e:
+                    69:88:06:c5:fa:89:21:f3:08:9d:69:2e:09:33:9b:
+                    29:0d:46:0f:8c:cc:49:34:b0:69:51:bd:f9:06:cd:
+                    68:ad:66:4c:bc:3e:ac:61:bd:0a:88:0e:c8:df:3d:
+                    ee:7c:04:4c:9d:0a:5e:6b:91:d6:ee:c7:ed:28:8d:
+                    ab:4d:87:89:73:d0:6e:a4:d0:1e:16:8b:14:e1:76:
+                    44:03:7f:63:ac:e4:cd:49:9c:c5:92:f4:ab:32:a1:
+                    48:5b
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Key Usage: 
+                Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                A1:72:5F:26:1B:28:98:43:95:5D:07:37:D5:85:96:9D:4B:D2:C3:45
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:http://crl.usertrust.com/UTN-USERFirst-Hardware.crl
+            X509v3 Extended Key Usage: 
+                TLS Web Server Authentication, IPSec End System, IPSec Tunnel, IPSec User
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+         47:19:0f:de:74:c6:99:97:af:fc:ad:28:5e:75:8e:eb:2d:67:
+         ee:4e:7b:2b:d7:0c:ff:f6:de:cb:55:a2:0a:e1:4c:54:65:93:
+         60:6b:9f:12:9c:ad:5e:83:2c:eb:5a:ae:c0:e4:2d:f4:00:63:
+         1d:b8:c0:6c:f2:cf:49:bb:4d:93:6f:06:a6:0a:22:b2:49:62:
+         08:4e:ff:c8:c8:14:b2:88:16:5d:e7:01:e4:12:95:e5:45:34:
+         b3:8b:69:bd:cf:b4:85:8f:75:51:9e:7d:3a:38:3a:14:48:12:
+         c6:fb:a7:3b:1a:8d:0d:82:40:07:e8:04:08:90:a1:89:cb:19:
+         50:df:ca:1c:01:bc:1d:04:19:7b:10:76:97:3b:ee:90:90:ca:
+         c4:0e:1f:16:6e:75:ef:33:f8:d3:6f:5b:1e:96:e3:e0:74:77:
+         74:7b:8a:a2:6e:2d:dd:76:d6:39:30:82:f0:ab:9c:52:f2:2a:
+         c7:af:49:5e:7e:c7:68:e5:82:81:c8:6a:27:f9:27:88:2a:d5:
+         58:50:95:1f:f0:3b:1c:57:bb:7d:14:39:62:2b:9a:c9:94:92:
+         2a:a3:22:0c:ff:89:26:7d:5f:23:2b:47:d7:15:1d:a9:6a:9e:
+         51:0d:2a:51:9e:81:f9:d4:3b:5e:70:12:7f:10:32:9c:1e:bb:
+         9d:f8:66:a8
+SHA1 Fingerprint=04:83:ED:33:99:AC:36:08:05:87:22:ED:BC:5E:46:00:E3:BE:F9:D7
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_wfa/21125ccd.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_wfa/21125ccd.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b56d33cb8aedee27f82f4b450dfc5340cdc497c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_wfa/21125ccd.0
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            68:05:7c:35:0b:ff:5d:db:ac:8b:82:14:fa:da:54:7e
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=WFA Hotspot 2.0, CN=Hotspot 2.0 Trust Root CA - 01
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Nov 20 00:00:00 2013 GMT
+            Not After : Nov 19 23:59:59 2043 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=WFA Hotspot 2.0, CN=Hotspot 2.0 Trust Root CA - 01
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:bf:81:fe:02:1f:15:a3:af:61:1c:92:d0:19:a4:
+                    74:f8:cf:5c:85:61:92:0b:0f:76:55:aa:fc:f3:5c:
+                    12:be:60:a8:d6:86:3b:20:67:6f:19:d5:5c:17:aa:
+                    ee:75:26:f5:73:c1:31:83:6a:53:df:e6:6e:f3:31:
+                    c2:56:0a:93:ed:3c:17:71:c7:04:3f:70:10:cf:2b:
+                    8c:3e:fe:c0:ae:61:84:9d:76:53:0b:cf:06:7f:22:
+                    0c:05:8a:47:b5:da:d2:93:47:b2:a4:ec:d9:3a:82:
+                    1a:d8:6b:10:86:47:e4:04:64:35:6b:c4:84:e3:ef:
+                    db:c6:a6:09:36:a2:d5:67:30:8e:1d:dc:7f:66:5a:
+                    dd:68:e8:bc:7e:85:58:a8:c8:18:0e:be:6a:36:39:
+                    61:d1:da:e2:a4:6e:0e:61:b6:4b:57:aa:60:44:b7:
+                    32:be:a8:3a:88:21:46:38:59:14:59:1f:19:4e:68:
+                    5d:bf:11:d2:08:1a:15:e5:7f:e5:65:af:5d:da:3e:
+                    a3:8f:88:38:84:d3:ca:3e:18:04:73:4c:8a:7c:06:
+                    b5:b6:6e:8a:34:fb:69:29:10:55:0a:8a:a7:38:db:
+                    bb:ce:60:49:14:75:23:1f:c2:ee:1a:18:e7:2e:39:
+                    ec:1c:f2:c9:3a:ce:da:ae:2f:f2:5c:3d:13:8b:55:
+                    21:52:48:54:77:1c:a8:54:b6:8f:04:25:c1:c4:10:
+                    6f:70:cd:c3:a2:d4:e3:bf:38:e4:95:c6:33:70:89:
+                    a5:7f:84:1f:44:77:5c:2f:a0:18:62:27:e0:be:43:
+                    cf:ca:1d:79:a8:1f:f6:a7:91:70:da:07:4e:b2:8e:
+                    dd:8e:8d:e9:ad:d2:73:b8:e6:a9:5a:ad:18:fc:b4:
+                    ee:f3:6e:98:21:26:e2:71:ce:db:ab:e3:b5:3b:3c:
+                    9b:5a:ed:97:20:cf:b9:0e:3c:93:d3:01:bc:e6:39:
+                    4d:93:5e:dd:69:5c:ed:61:56:74:a5:57:e3:35:ad:
+                    1c:1e:ee:a8:af:9d:23:0c:ad:39:e4:5f:5e:58:5a:
+                    6c:8a:db:bf:ed:80:97:ae:9a:e4:76:63:3b:cf:c0:
+                    fb:45:fe:6d:4d:d1:b4:4a:23:b1:56:d3:93:58:83:
+                    7b:26:22:d1:6a:d0:4f:de:c9:ff:e8:ae:0a:25:71:
+                    74:d9:ef:33:51:c9:11:a7:8d:63:6c:ff:0f:52:0d:
+                    b7:5b:cb:4b:95:51:f7:4d:e1:5f:f9:b8:2e:07:06:
+                    60:35:ae:29:28:05:b1:99:fa:7c:c2:b5:eb:18:e3:
+                    25:bc:78:4c:0c:7e:0b:95:a4:d4:f7:b9:e6:94:ab:
+                    7d:27:b9:f7:98:d9:59:c0:dd:1b:f5:58:7f:13:69:
+                    e6:54:fb
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                F9:18:C6:55:96:DE:6E:3A:73:10:F7:ED:85:A4:CB:A9:BB:D7:32:21
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         18:f7:2c:fd:54:5d:56:b5:e8:76:1e:5c:2d:7e:19:4d:5d:5f:
+         f7:25:6b:59:f5:6f:0a:48:97:14:67:09:9e:7f:dc:8d:f3:1b:
+         0f:e7:46:7b:0b:51:39:06:7f:ca:b7:5c:28:22:9f:e8:d7:db:
+         69:32:cf:34:0d:ae:07:a9:9f:4c:ea:06:c9:80:8f:ea:63:51:
+         4c:16:cd:84:14:ce:98:5c:53:39:a0:e0:f2:51:59:a1:1a:18:
+         6d:e4:bc:3f:b0:24:40:b4:a5:6b:c8:85:ee:3c:a9:ca:bc:15:
+         90:82:9a:36:ef:79:c1:15:9f:99:8c:d2:c9:8f:cc:fc:94:8d:
+         ff:e8:7e:35:0c:42:f5:56:aa:e8:3f:15:fe:47:4f:a9:1b:c8:
+         35:a1:0b:79:c3:fb:c2:19:e4:f8:f2:3b:ce:4e:9e:80:67:42:
+         4a:fc:59:8c:2b:db:85:c9:80:ed:87:4b:6a:ec:5b:8d:02:cd:
+         07:b7:29:d8:3b:1c:7c:9e:7f:ef:e2:c8:b6:13:04:91:fb:11:
+         42:4f:08:71:95:42:d6:77:ab:46:8d:a9:44:64:ba:d5:c9:fc:
+         2c:4a:25:83:1c:35:31:01:c7:e6:b4:f4:48:59:e8:33:87:40:
+         3a:ac:75:3b:80:a8:68:77:57:2a:f1:84:59:3e:de:cb:8d:b3:
+         1a:21:e9:76:91:2b:5d:15:b2:5b:dd:34:1f:f5:60:a7:d4:f0:
+         35:9e:57:a5:df:0c:7f:d3:47:43:48:2f:4e:1e:c5:4a:77:ac:
+         44:7c:b0:44:6e:96:92:46:04:e9:da:1b:a3:90:2a:1e:1b:15:
+         80:c1:e3:4e:be:41:fb:ac:42:7b:ce:d1:a6:11:51:72:73:7f:
+         4d:41:d7:91:d1:26:0a:59:b2:08:29:22:e7:b1:d1:40:dc:26:
+         14:d3:a6:44:5f:4e:3f:0b:e1:ac:94:71:ed:99:46:c1:a7:dd:
+         d0:5a:4f:d6:4c:c7:8a:3d:13:f6:2c:43:23:a9:7f:0d:bc:80:
+         ce:6e:fb:36:6d:e0:12:73:e2:00:1a:44:66:e9:e2:be:2c:93:
+         95:66:fc:fd:7f:d0:45:c9:ef:40:ee:e8:af:5d:d0:70:07:b6:
+         91:2f:63:de:16:c3:95:ba:7e:93:03:77:20:0a:61:35:d9:06:
+         04:d7:dd:ca:ad:8a:43:64:2d:7f:e4:1c:7f:25:e2:8f:d7:5b:
+         6b:17:a9:4d:d7:ee:f3:98:aa:07:95:62:80:fd:36:78:59:5d:
+         80:9e:ac:7e:12:7b:92:e0:8f:cf:ca:85:7c:51:5a:d7:27:dd:
+         77:6e:31:d9:02:e9:44:c0:a4:ca:28:03:ae:15:b3:9d:3c:d7:
+         bd:d9:de:52:67:d9:27:90
+SHA1 Fingerprint=BB:49:24:83:18:47:95:2B:DB:1A:12:B0:38:EC:51:54:AD:CB:DE:43
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_wfa/674b5f5b.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_wfa/674b5f5b.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2939e0d0903ff1bb0c162f9fd6b93bdbb2a5a83d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_wfa/674b5f5b.0
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=WFA Hotspot 2.0, CN=Hotspot 2.0 Trust Root CA - 02
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec  2 20:57:57 2013 GMT
+            Not After : Dec  2 20:55:03 2043 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=WFA Hotspot 2.0, CN=Hotspot 2.0 Trust Root CA - 02
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c2:4a:83:2a:36:1b:53:c1:b9:c8:b0:83:69:ea:
+                    75:21:c7:95:05:ba:af:59:42:84:ef:f8:a0:e4:bc:
+                    06:a3:4f:47:62:eb:e7:10:1b:7b:00:56:f6:4b:c9:
+                    29:89:a2:20:40:bf:73:e2:cd:86:0b:38:3e:1e:18:
+                    ca:c5:41:1a:a2:ec:f9:92:27:cd:d6:a8:db:f6:dd:
+                    96:05:af:21:45:26:2c:bf:51:15:dc:fc:02:c3:b8:
+                    1d:dd:80:49:4f:b7:6e:0c:c7:b9:f6:c4:33:c0:87:
+                    db:7c:d8:74:e6:ba:c9:29:41:1a:ec:ca:0f:50:3e:
+                    88:b9:ad:14:52:0e:39:b9:9a:31:49:8c:a0:a1:ab:
+                    df:51:59:cc:1e:35:5f:ca:18:7d:6c:4f:07:26:94:
+                    39:8d:31:27:0a:d7:a0:3e:04:13:62:4a:f9:99:96:
+                    c1:89:80:09:4f:df:af:64:96:73:6a:b7:a5:22:0e:
+                    17:a9:72:4b:6e:2a:91:e6:4a:f3:5e:97:e7:3f:c6:
+                    ac:d1:d2:05:11:7d:49:d7:71:98:73:8f:34:bd:e1:
+                    1c:79:3b:e0:8d:58:be:04:1a:22:6a:a8:a0:1f:93:
+                    df:63:fe:56:c3:d0:c5:98:a3:b4:61:d1:42:90:95:
+                    74:9d:a2:15:83:89:5f:77:87:1b:ef:7e:e8:1e:8f:
+                    c2:94:38:86:fe:d7:09:9d:d4:58:be:97:00:d9:6d:
+                    1d:b2:83:67:f4:ab:2c:5b:0b:fb:40:57:82:49:36:
+                    7b:83:2c:56:f5:f6:57:83:ef:cc:7e:eb:c7:80:9e:
+                    56:cc:8b:ec:4c:1f:99:48:36:cd:79:fb:6e:ac:d8:
+                    7e:5d:97:1f:64:c1:10:c1:26:ad:36:2e:e1:e7:7a:
+                    7e:85:2d:a7:d6:8d:e8:e7:9c:14:3f:3e:e1:83:d0:
+                    00:af:05:e8:12:b0:32:83:68:2b:93:02:74:cd:4b:
+                    a3:03:99:0a:f8:c3:36:b4:f2:25:f7:eb:46:4d:f8:
+                    16:d2:02:70:8a:d5:81:9a:ff:b2:7b:7e:1c:b2:77:
+                    0c:4b:27:bb:39:12:8d:1b:e9:25:0c:63:ce:c5:31:
+                    ce:57:9a:40:24:e3:1c:4b:30:ba:92:d8:73:2d:aa:
+                    c1:81:23:92:50:4f:44:a0:1f:48:21:13:a0:e3:31:
+                    60:2b:05:36:5c:0f:eb:30:bb:34:e2:d7:f0:b3:e7:
+                    e6:7d:12:cf:31:27:73:0f:bd:26:56:a4:98:ba:55:
+                    50:76:79:53:00:a9:f1:ce:8f:8a:33:1e:85:69:bc:
+                    9c:a9:21:51:91:c1:60:73:55:15:a8:9b:be:91:e3:
+                    bb:ad:b9:12:ba:b8:ac:e8:2e:20:75:8f:01:39:bf:
+                    01:e9:51
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                E4:2F:5C:D4:E3:2C:07:EF:CC:3B:09:7D:38:A1:B6:0F:F5:D2:C2:B5
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         65:0b:60:4f:d5:ae:70:37:2b:4a:6d:80:7a:d6:95:0a:0f:7e:
+         9e:70:1a:f4:9c:82:c9:b2:d3:0a:7d:a8:4d:db:ea:7f:f8:6c:
+         b7:a1:04:a6:f9:c3:86:37:25:50:3d:82:3c:68:43:9c:44:da:
+         cb:03:b5:42:d9:de:72:a7:19:69:8c:37:7a:8e:06:84:59:08:
+         0e:8a:8c:ab:35:f3:ad:29:d3:db:66:d5:27:14:b1:a8:c3:27:
+         5e:53:a7:59:c8:cd:f4:74:a0:fe:b7:fb:66:c9:c7:e2:57:33:
+         c7:cf:28:e2:5e:db:8e:61:8f:6a:ec:d5:cd:c9:5e:c1:82:7b:
+         e5:15:ae:51:ac:a2:d1:be:c1:1d:0f:76:b7:a3:69:72:7c:1d:
+         b8:41:40:77:1b:86:08:ec:0f:51:9b:e8:48:26:e1:8c:51:28:
+         0b:5c:55:8d:ea:f4:42:8a:58:01:a1:6c:2d:6a:bc:28:75:88:
+         b3:4a:a3:71:5e:1a:09:b6:af:71:06:2f:87:18:24:16:f6:7e:
+         14:8a:96:d8:c8:4a:a0:83:85:8a:b8:b6:99:4e:21:e4:12:24:
+         9c:89:0b:c8:1f:5b:f0:67:31:4d:fd:95:38:cd:82:74:a3:8c:
+         63:cb:41:71:95:f9:49:5b:fc:28:0d:30:9d:d1:85:12:5d:06:
+         82:dc:a4:89:bf:11:e2:f1:e8:92:ea:ff:61:2b:c7:2e:c2:c6:
+         36:92:39:c0:f4:50:a6:b5:e3:e7:73:2d:21:d5:b1:77:ed:1d:
+         9b:8e:cb:9e:3c:5f:c9:b5:f0:aa:ee:49:9b:1f:e6:e0:13:dd:
+         ce:cd:aa:55:ed:af:d6:20:39:55:2a:48:9c:a4:34:01:d3:1a:
+         2f:c1:1c:1d:5d:0b:67:25:2a:fc:4d:12:57:cb:59:6a:c6:f7:
+         26:80:77:94:c5:5b:4f:b7:c2:c6:83:23:04:59:2f:9f:38:02:
+         c1:70:c0:00:f7:28:ca:35:a1:4f:f6:cd:1b:ed:9b:41:3e:56:
+         08:6c:b8:3f:d9:20:4d:71:69:51:93:3d:a2:fb:a6:1f:d8:80:
+         2f:7e:d2:b1:87:89:e6:ae:4f:c4:97:cf:a4:72:a7:78:74:46:
+         d6:0c:2c:56:4e:31:32:8c:ef:18:e6:71:b3:19:0f:0a:ce:73:
+         e2:7f:5e:32:bd:75:b8:82:aa:5c:79:fc:1f:0f:d3:15:9a:61:
+         81:f3:bc:4e:7f:7d:a7:e2:3d:8c:e8:1b:21:55:51:7a:ae:bb:
+         47:45:08:24:2b:be:31:7f:cb:4b:42:4c:f9:b8:85:08:a6:de:
+         4d:45:fb:93:42:85:c6:de:36:08:0d:fa:4a:be:55:d9:52:a8:
+         f8:50:12:e3:98:fa:43:6f
+SHA1 Fingerprint=38:D6:63:9F:51:D7:24:21:AD:75:3C:C6:07:54:99:B7:1F:EC:F7:FC
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_wfa/ea93cb5b.0 b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_wfa/ea93cb5b.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..14c237b828cfcda9209279661b9eff3c69c96570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/security/cacerts_wfa/ea93cb5b.0
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            0c:b3:0f:70:f2:86:a4:33:e0:b9:09:89:de:01:ed:b7
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, O=WFA Hotspot 2.0, CN=Hotspot 2.0 Trust Root CA - 03
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec  8 12:00:00 2013 GMT
+            Not After : Dec  8 12:00:00 2043 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, O=WFA Hotspot 2.0, CN=Hotspot 2.0 Trust Root CA - 03
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ac:74:4b:51:78:85:1b:32:53:be:85:1e:9b:c9:
+                    09:38:9c:65:48:4e:fd:e6:79:84:da:0d:e5:70:66:
+                    74:15:6a:5f:04:8c:7b:ae:e0:a7:7c:f6:0f:32:45:
+                    85:53:bf:72:75:92:af:6e:90:4e:c2:0e:b0:de:86:
+                    b5:ca:ca:6f:bc:56:54:7b:ae:8d:25:07:f9:70:47:
+                    23:64:dd:6e:f2:35:c7:20:dc:09:27:43:4c:79:7c:
+                    a5:70:70:5c:e7:c0:3f:c5:62:0d:fb:a3:01:a6:84:
+                    61:6d:a4:c4:c1:73:1c:eb:79:06:8b:5e:f2:ed:6b:
+                    c6:0d:94:95:35:d1:99:1f:a6:eb:41:a7:38:bd:6c:
+                    b3:d6:b0:b3:a4:22:b4:30:ec:a1:f5:59:cf:8e:8b:
+                    2e:21:50:c5:1b:4e:54:a2:72:3a:9a:70:a3:d1:d7:
+                    cf:26:54:8a:31:c5:4a:08:08:7c:95:57:52:af:32:
+                    66:19:ad:57:5c:fd:be:5d:6e:67:74:85:a3:07:c4:
+                    2d:15:4a:a6:f2:75:7c:71:4b:bb:ef:fe:50:ab:0b:
+                    67:79:a9:b2:84:eb:a3:e2:b8:13:e4:87:3c:94:ed:
+                    22:3d:0b:c1:94:fd:2e:da:91:89:b5:30:c4:93:9f:
+                    95:bb:95:2a:76:01:64:43:9d:ff:4b:42:0e:75:74:
+                    bb:c3:c4:9e:ed:d9:fa:ee:5e:d4:a4:92:a1:bf:73:
+                    06:35:c9:02:3c:3b:e5:99:60:f0:d3:84:a3:dc:0e:
+                    63:5b:6b:15:44:f6:53:a2:cc:01:d7:15:5b:1f:62:
+                    b5:c0:3d:b6:cc:3a:4c:ca:7a:16:30:68:88:a4:98:
+                    d8:1c:a7:1b:50:37:0f:b0:8a:42:62:65:bf:4d:f1:
+                    5c:30:b7:01:ca:ef:55:c4:16:2f:a7:e4:31:a5:3d:
+                    af:55:0d:88:01:62:40:5c:c6:f5:68:da:b6:c4:de:
+                    2d:ed:79:08:07:9b:ea:56:64:d3:f4:f1:a1:4d:5b:
+                    03:24:f7:24:24:9b:f4:8e:19:d2:ea:d6:32:db:40:
+                    0f:72:77:b7:f2:47:50:ad:5b:51:8b:cc:a8:b5:3a:
+                    3a:ff:e9:78:81:f7:f9:e8:2f:7a:31:3f:ff:a0:6f:
+                    c3:92:81:ca:95:7e:46:69:e1:02:ef:ac:67:65:2a:
+                    23:88:d9:f1:3b:06:c9:66:ce:7e:a5:07:75:13:a4:
+                    0a:63:69:be:c1:43:df:6b:09:7c:c3:c2:dd:d7:77:
+                    b2:2b:0a:d0:09:36:4c:62:df:4d:89:ee:4e:a1:9c:
+                    69:56:f1:2e:28:3d:00:44:96:43:ad:a0:7f:72:5c:
+                    48:69:f6:b3:52:d2:56:62:bb:0b:45:99:65:b6:ab:
+                    9d:1f:91
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                67:0E:49:2C:61:17:9E:EB:ED:E0:54:E7:84:D9:9B:AD:64:60:73:65
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         53:e8:18:50:f2:cc:58:3d:07:df:a3:25:43:c6:5b:7d:a8:99:
+         fb:41:84:28:55:72:08:e5:94:8d:3b:44:28:9e:29:33:01:8b:
+         8e:fe:6a:eb:8b:82:23:28:c7:7c:51:c8:fe:ff:75:7e:d8:69:
+         47:8c:5c:44:35:04:cb:fa:9e:5a:ec:5d:6b:f5:94:7e:32:bb:
+         e4:4d:b9:e8:4f:96:a4:6c:7d:8d:f9:d6:60:1f:3e:d4:3a:e7:
+         84:81:52:2d:16:83:ef:bd:8b:24:ce:7e:01:79:6b:d2:16:10:
+         3b:78:96:74:99:32:f0:38:be:5c:3c:a5:40:b3:eb:3a:4a:5c:
+         79:c0:45:72:ab:a5:8d:db:53:ed:9d:9e:b1:43:29:1d:17:42:
+         19:80:41:da:3b:52:f7:6c:4f:57:a5:56:81:48:c4:78:4b:a7:
+         07:f3:c7:e9:29:12:1b:6b:5f:0d:e7:1a:0b:7e:33:88:cd:a7:
+         af:38:5e:85:a9:c5:51:9a:43:85:6f:bf:4d:12:9b:60:d0:f2:
+         3a:b6:b1:ff:45:fa:44:56:b3:36:69:40:e4:e2:30:62:99:af:
+         49:57:d8:22:39:73:0c:35:75:f9:9d:d4:19:00:8c:8f:5c:21:
+         62:e4:0f:c6:12:79:a8:20:67:3b:d8:7b:5a:3d:77:b7:bb:94:
+         a7:dd:26:68:c3:95:24:34:b8:18:86:ef:b9:1e:50:ae:2d:17:
+         67:e2:c4:54:f1:89:bb:4f:bb:1e:7a:a7:71:98:43:61:9d:46:
+         c0:5a:2a:31:f7:03:71:cc:25:22:97:c0:81:91:fb:06:f5:b2:
+         0c:ff:6c:17:65:c8:94:b2:94:6f:21:60:3f:ff:d0:7c:a8:f9:
+         4a:cc:52:cc:c0:76:cc:e8:3e:13:18:fb:83:a5:dd:01:37:41:
+         15:b3:5e:2f:96:fc:db:4a:79:80:f6:2b:cc:54:ce:36:4c:d7:
+         4c:0c:77:10:9f:a0:53:9a:f1:bc:f3:5a:7c:59:42:59:ee:f3:
+         cd:14:2d:44:87:23:10:cf:78:4f:83:0d:96:18:39:a3:75:85:
+         5d:91:87:f8:6b:14:ab:ef:57:e8:09:8f:67:97:1c:5e:46:ef:
+         2f:6e:62:0e:e7:1d:80:82:7f:b1:f2:f1:44:c8:5c:3b:40:01:
+         e0:c2:40:da:27:d5:17:8d:f0:6f:97:3a:a8:4b:43:d4:da:96:
+         69:c9:e5:4e:40:46:d0:b4:31:d4:03:86:de:d3:0d:9a:56:78:
+         45:6f:fa:94:07:01:15:fd:18:35:7f:4f:ce:4c:57:64:4f:25:
+         62:aa:7d:9e:a4:2b:48:2f:40:39:2e:9c:00:dd:83:c2:21:64:
+         08:f0:30:cc:77:93:a0:7f
+SHA1 Fingerprint=51:50:1F:BF:CE:69:18:9D:60:9C:FA:F1:40:C5:76:75:5D:CC:1F:DF
diff --git a/system/system/etc/security/otacerts.zip b/system/system/etc/security/otacerts.zip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..69c783bc7a5643ab23b6e97c7f48ff2395655b33
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/etc/security/otacerts.zip differ
diff --git a/system/system/etc/select_mic.sh b/system/system/etc/select_mic.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2e47b4e5cd7bd417faaca37ce0410a22316f807e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/select_mic.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+setprop persist.asus.mic.selected ${value}
+current=`getprop persist.asus.mic.selected`
+if [[ ${current} -eq ${value} ]]; then
+	echo 1
+	echo 0
diff --git a/system/system/etc/selinux/mapping/26.0.cil b/system/system/etc/selinux/mapping/26.0.cil
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0478a56b1b6c97bacda4f584011909ef85be046d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/selinux/mapping/26.0.cil
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+;; attributes removed from current policy
+(typeattribute hal_wifi_keystore)
+(typeattribute hal_wifi_keystore_client)
+(typeattribute hal_wifi_keystore_server)
+;; types removed from current policy
+(type asan_reboot_prop)
+(type log_device)
+(type mediacasserver_service)
+(type reboot_data_file)
+(type tracing_shell_writable)
+(type tracing_shell_writable_debug)
+(type vold_socket)
+(type webview_zygote_socket)
+(type rild)
+(typeattributeset accessibility_service_26_0 (accessibility_service))
+(typeattributeset account_service_26_0 (account_service))
+(typeattributeset activity_service_26_0 (activity_service))
+(typeattributeset adbd_26_0 (adbd))
+(typeattributeset adb_data_file_26_0 (adb_data_file))
+(typeattributeset adbd_socket_26_0 (adbd_socket))
+(typeattributeset adb_keys_file_26_0 (adb_keys_file))
+(typeattributeset alarm_device_26_0 (alarm_device))
+(typeattributeset alarm_service_26_0 (alarm_service))
+(typeattributeset anr_data_file_26_0 (anr_data_file))
+(typeattributeset apk_data_file_26_0 (apk_data_file))
+(typeattributeset apk_private_data_file_26_0 (apk_private_data_file))
+(typeattributeset apk_private_tmp_file_26_0 (apk_private_tmp_file))
+(typeattributeset apk_tmp_file_26_0 (apk_tmp_file))
+(typeattributeset app_data_file_26_0 (app_data_file))
+(typeattributeset app_fuse_file_26_0 (app_fuse_file))
+(typeattributeset app_fusefs_26_0 (app_fusefs))
+(typeattributeset appops_service_26_0 (appops_service))
+(typeattributeset appwidget_service_26_0 (appwidget_service))
+(typeattributeset asan_reboot_prop_26_0 (asan_reboot_prop))
+(typeattributeset asec_apk_file_26_0 (asec_apk_file))
+(typeattributeset asec_image_file_26_0 (asec_image_file))
+(typeattributeset asec_public_file_26_0 (asec_public_file))
+(typeattributeset ashmem_device_26_0 (ashmem_device))
+(typeattributeset assetatlas_service_26_0 (assetatlas_service))
+(typeattributeset audio_data_file_26_0 (audio_data_file))
+(typeattributeset audio_device_26_0 (audio_device))
+(typeattributeset audiohal_data_file_26_0 (audiohal_data_file))
+(typeattributeset audio_prop_26_0 (audio_prop))
+(typeattributeset audio_seq_device_26_0 (audio_seq_device))
+(typeattributeset audioserver_26_0 (audioserver))
+(typeattributeset audioserver_data_file_26_0 (audioserver_data_file))
+(typeattributeset audioserver_service_26_0 (audioserver_service))
+(typeattributeset audio_service_26_0 (audio_service))
+(typeattributeset audio_timer_device_26_0 (audio_timer_device))
+(typeattributeset autofill_service_26_0 (autofill_service))
+(typeattributeset backup_data_file_26_0 (backup_data_file))
+(typeattributeset backup_service_26_0 (backup_service))
+(typeattributeset batteryproperties_service_26_0 (batteryproperties_service))
+(typeattributeset battery_service_26_0 (battery_service))
+(typeattributeset batterystats_service_26_0 (batterystats_service))
+(typeattributeset binder_device_26_0 (binder_device))
+(typeattributeset binfmt_miscfs_26_0 (binfmt_miscfs))
+(typeattributeset blkid_26_0 (blkid))
+(typeattributeset blkid_untrusted_26_0 (blkid_untrusted))
+(typeattributeset block_device_26_0 (block_device))
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_26_0 (bluetooth))
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_data_file_26_0 (bluetooth_data_file))
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_efs_file_26_0 (bluetooth_efs_file))
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_logs_data_file_26_0 (bluetooth_logs_data_file))
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_manager_service_26_0 (bluetooth_manager_service))
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_prop_26_0 (bluetooth_prop))
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_service_26_0 (bluetooth_service))
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_socket_26_0 (bluetooth_socket))
+(typeattributeset bootanim_26_0 (bootanim))
+(typeattributeset bootanim_exec_26_0 (bootanim_exec))
+(typeattributeset boot_block_device_26_0 (boot_block_device))
+(typeattributeset bootchart_data_file_26_0 (bootchart_data_file))
+(typeattributeset bootstat_26_0 (bootstat))
+(typeattributeset bootstat_data_file_26_0 (bootstat_data_file))
+(typeattributeset bootstat_exec_26_0 (bootstat_exec))
+(typeattributeset boottime_prop_26_0 (boottime_prop))
+(typeattributeset boottrace_data_file_26_0 (boottrace_data_file))
+(typeattributeset bufferhubd_26_0 (bufferhubd))
+(typeattributeset bufferhubd_exec_26_0 (bufferhubd_exec))
+(typeattributeset cache_backup_file_26_0 (cache_backup_file))
+(typeattributeset cache_block_device_26_0 (cache_block_device))
+(typeattributeset cache_file_26_0 (cache_file))
+(typeattributeset cache_private_backup_file_26_0 (cache_private_backup_file))
+(typeattributeset cache_recovery_file_26_0 (cache_recovery_file))
+(typeattributeset camera_data_file_26_0 (camera_data_file))
+(typeattributeset camera_device_26_0 (camera_device))
+(typeattributeset cameraproxy_service_26_0 (cameraproxy_service))
+(typeattributeset cameraserver_26_0 (cameraserver))
+(typeattributeset cameraserver_exec_26_0 (cameraserver_exec))
+(typeattributeset cameraserver_service_26_0 (cameraserver_service))
+(typeattributeset cgroup_26_0 (cgroup))
+(typeattributeset charger_26_0 (charger))
+(typeattributeset clatd_26_0 (clatd))
+(typeattributeset clatd_exec_26_0 (clatd_exec))
+(typeattributeset clipboard_service_26_0 (clipboard_service))
+(typeattributeset commontime_management_service_26_0 (commontime_management_service))
+(typeattributeset companion_device_service_26_0 (companion_device_service))
+(typeattributeset configfs_26_0 (configfs))
+(typeattributeset config_prop_26_0 (config_prop))
+(typeattributeset connectivity_service_26_0 (connectivity_service))
+(typeattributeset connmetrics_service_26_0 (connmetrics_service))
+(typeattributeset console_device_26_0 (console_device))
+(typeattributeset consumer_ir_service_26_0 (consumer_ir_service))
+(typeattributeset content_service_26_0 (content_service))
+(typeattributeset contexthub_service_26_0 (contexthub_service))
+(typeattributeset coredump_file_26_0 (coredump_file))
+(typeattributeset country_detector_service_26_0 (country_detector_service))
+(typeattributeset coverage_service_26_0 (coverage_service))
+(typeattributeset cppreopt_prop_26_0 (cppreopt_prop))
+(typeattributeset cppreopts_26_0 (cppreopts))
+(typeattributeset cppreopts_exec_26_0 (cppreopts_exec))
+(typeattributeset cpuctl_device_26_0 (cpuctl_device))
+(typeattributeset cpuinfo_service_26_0 (cpuinfo_service))
+(typeattributeset crash_dump_26_0 (crash_dump))
+(typeattributeset crash_dump_exec_26_0 (crash_dump_exec))
+(typeattributeset ctl_bootanim_prop_26_0 (ctl_bootanim_prop))
+(typeattributeset ctl_bugreport_prop_26_0 (ctl_bugreport_prop))
+(typeattributeset ctl_console_prop_26_0 (ctl_console_prop))
+(typeattributeset ctl_default_prop_26_0 (ctl_default_prop ctl_restart_prop ctl_start_prop ctl_stop_prop))
+(typeattributeset ctl_dumpstate_prop_26_0 (ctl_dumpstate_prop))
+(typeattributeset ctl_fuse_prop_26_0 (ctl_fuse_prop))
+(typeattributeset ctl_mdnsd_prop_26_0 (ctl_mdnsd_prop))
+(typeattributeset ctl_rildaemon_prop_26_0 (ctl_rildaemon_prop))
+(typeattributeset dalvikcache_data_file_26_0 (dalvikcache_data_file))
+(typeattributeset dalvik_prop_26_0 (dalvik_prop))
+(typeattributeset dbinfo_service_26_0 (dbinfo_service))
+(typeattributeset debugfs_26_0
+  ( debugfs
+    debugfs_wakeup_sources
+  ))
+(typeattributeset debugfs_mmc_26_0 (debugfs_mmc))
+(typeattributeset debugfs_trace_marker_26_0 (debugfs_trace_marker))
+(typeattributeset debugfs_tracing_26_0 (debugfs_tracing))
+(typeattributeset debugfs_tracing_instances_26_0 (debugfs_tracing_instances))
+(typeattributeset debugfs_wifi_tracing_26_0 (debugfs_wifi_tracing))
+(typeattributeset debuggerd_prop_26_0 (debuggerd_prop))
+(typeattributeset debug_prop_26_0 (debug_prop))
+(typeattributeset default_android_hwservice_26_0 (default_android_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset default_android_service_26_0 (default_android_service))
+(typeattributeset default_android_vndservice_26_0 (default_android_vndservice))
+(typeattributeset default_prop_26_0
+  ( default_prop pm_prop))
+(typeattributeset device_26_0 (device))
+(typeattributeset device_identifiers_service_26_0 (device_identifiers_service))
+(typeattributeset deviceidle_service_26_0 (deviceidle_service))
+(typeattributeset device_logging_prop_26_0 (device_logging_prop))
+(typeattributeset device_policy_service_26_0 (device_policy_service))
+(typeattributeset devicestoragemonitor_service_26_0 (devicestoragemonitor_service))
+(typeattributeset devpts_26_0 (devpts))
+(typeattributeset dex2oat_26_0 (dex2oat))
+(typeattributeset dex2oat_exec_26_0 (dex2oat_exec))
+(typeattributeset dhcp_26_0 (dhcp))
+(typeattributeset dhcp_data_file_26_0 (dhcp_data_file))
+(typeattributeset dhcp_exec_26_0 (dhcp_exec))
+(typeattributeset dhcp_prop_26_0 (dhcp_prop))
+(typeattributeset diskstats_service_26_0 (diskstats_service))
+(typeattributeset display_service_26_0 (display_service))
+(typeattributeset dm_device_26_0 (dm_device))
+(typeattributeset dnsmasq_26_0 (dnsmasq))
+(typeattributeset dnsmasq_exec_26_0 (dnsmasq_exec))
+(typeattributeset dnsproxyd_socket_26_0 (dnsproxyd_socket))
+(typeattributeset DockObserver_service_26_0 (DockObserver_service))
+(typeattributeset dreams_service_26_0 (dreams_service))
+(typeattributeset drm_data_file_26_0 (drm_data_file))
+(typeattributeset drmserver_26_0 (drmserver))
+(typeattributeset drmserver_exec_26_0 (drmserver_exec))
+(typeattributeset drmserver_service_26_0 (drmserver_service))
+(typeattributeset drmserver_socket_26_0 (drmserver_socket))
+(typeattributeset dropbox_service_26_0 (dropbox_service))
+(typeattributeset dumpstate_26_0 (dumpstate))
+(typeattributeset dumpstate_exec_26_0 (dumpstate_exec))
+(typeattributeset dumpstate_options_prop_26_0 (dumpstate_options_prop))
+(typeattributeset dumpstate_prop_26_0 (dumpstate_prop))
+(typeattributeset dumpstate_service_26_0 (dumpstate_service))
+(typeattributeset dumpstate_socket_26_0 (dumpstate_socket))
+(typeattributeset efs_file_26_0 (efs_file))
+(typeattributeset ephemeral_app_26_0 (ephemeral_app))
+(typeattributeset ethernet_service_26_0 (ethernet_service))
+(typeattributeset ffs_prop_26_0 (ffs_prop))
+(typeattributeset file_contexts_file_26_0 (file_contexts_file))
+(typeattributeset fingerprintd_26_0 (fingerprintd))
+(typeattributeset fingerprintd_data_file_26_0 (fingerprintd_data_file))
+(typeattributeset fingerprintd_exec_26_0 (fingerprintd_exec))
+(typeattributeset fingerprintd_service_26_0 (fingerprintd_service))
+(typeattributeset fingerprint_prop_26_0 (fingerprint_prop))
+(typeattributeset fingerprint_service_26_0 (fingerprint_service))
+(typeattributeset firstboot_prop_26_0 (firstboot_prop))
+(typeattributeset font_service_26_0 (font_service))
+(typeattributeset frp_block_device_26_0 (frp_block_device))
+(typeattributeset fsck_26_0 (fsck))
+(typeattributeset fsck_exec_26_0 (fsck_exec))
+(typeattributeset fscklogs_26_0 (fscklogs))
+(typeattributeset fsck_untrusted_26_0 (fsck_untrusted))
+(typeattributeset full_device_26_0 (full_device))
+(typeattributeset functionfs_26_0 (functionfs))
+(typeattributeset fuse_26_0 (fuse))
+(typeattributeset fuse_device_26_0 (fuse_device))
+(typeattributeset fwk_display_hwservice_26_0 (fwk_display_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset fwk_scheduler_hwservice_26_0 (fwk_scheduler_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset fwk_sensor_hwservice_26_0 (fwk_sensor_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset fwmarkd_socket_26_0 (fwmarkd_socket))
+(typeattributeset gatekeeperd_26_0 (gatekeeperd))
+(typeattributeset gatekeeper_data_file_26_0 (gatekeeper_data_file))
+(typeattributeset gatekeeperd_exec_26_0 (gatekeeperd_exec))
+(typeattributeset gatekeeper_service_26_0 (gatekeeper_service))
+(typeattributeset gfxinfo_service_26_0 (gfxinfo_service))
+(typeattributeset gps_control_26_0 (gps_control))
+(typeattributeset gpu_device_26_0 (gpu_device))
+(typeattributeset gpu_service_26_0 (gpu_service))
+(typeattributeset graphics_device_26_0 (graphics_device))
+(typeattributeset graphicsstats_service_26_0 (graphicsstats_service))
+(typeattributeset hal_audio_hwservice_26_0 (hal_audio_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_bluetooth_hwservice_26_0 (hal_bluetooth_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_bootctl_hwservice_26_0 (hal_bootctl_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_camera_hwservice_26_0 (hal_camera_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_configstore_ISurfaceFlingerConfigs_26_0 (hal_configstore_ISurfaceFlingerConfigs))
+(typeattributeset hal_contexthub_hwservice_26_0 (hal_contexthub_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_drm_hwservice_26_0 (hal_drm_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_dumpstate_hwservice_26_0 (hal_dumpstate_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_fingerprint_hwservice_26_0 (hal_fingerprint_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_fingerprint_service_26_0 (hal_fingerprint_service))
+(typeattributeset hal_gatekeeper_hwservice_26_0 (hal_gatekeeper_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_gnss_hwservice_26_0 (hal_gnss_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_graphics_allocator_hwservice_26_0 (hal_graphics_allocator_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_graphics_composer_hwservice_26_0 (hal_graphics_composer_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_graphics_mapper_hwservice_26_0 (hal_graphics_mapper_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_health_hwservice_26_0 (hal_health_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_ir_hwservice_26_0 (hal_ir_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_keymaster_hwservice_26_0 (hal_keymaster_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_light_hwservice_26_0 (hal_light_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_memtrack_hwservice_26_0 (hal_memtrack_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_nfc_hwservice_26_0 (hal_nfc_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_oemlock_hwservice_26_0 (hal_oemlock_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_omx_hwservice_26_0 (hal_omx_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_power_hwservice_26_0 (hal_power_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_renderscript_hwservice_26_0 (hal_renderscript_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_sensors_hwservice_26_0 (hal_sensors_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_telephony_hwservice_26_0 (hal_telephony_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_thermal_hwservice_26_0 (hal_thermal_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_tv_cec_hwservice_26_0 (hal_tv_cec_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_tv_input_hwservice_26_0 (hal_tv_input_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_usb_hwservice_26_0 (hal_usb_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_vibrator_hwservice_26_0 (hal_vibrator_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_vr_hwservice_26_0 (hal_vr_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_weaver_hwservice_26_0 (hal_weaver_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_wifi_hwservice_26_0 (hal_wifi_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice_26_0 (hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hardware_properties_service_26_0 (hardware_properties_service))
+(typeattributeset hardware_service_26_0 (hardware_service))
+(typeattributeset hci_attach_dev_26_0 (hci_attach_dev))
+(typeattributeset hdmi_control_service_26_0 (hdmi_control_service))
+(typeattributeset healthd_26_0 (healthd))
+(typeattributeset healthd_exec_26_0 (healthd_exec))
+(typeattributeset heapdump_data_file_26_0 (heapdump_data_file))
+(typeattributeset hidl_allocator_hwservice_26_0 (hidl_allocator_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hidl_base_hwservice_26_0 (hidl_base_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hidl_manager_hwservice_26_0 (hidl_manager_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hidl_memory_hwservice_26_0 (hidl_memory_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hidl_token_hwservice_26_0 (hidl_token_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hwbinder_device_26_0 (hwbinder_device))
+(typeattributeset hw_random_device_26_0 (hw_random_device))
+(typeattributeset hwservice_contexts_file_26_0 (hwservice_contexts_file))
+(typeattributeset hwservicemanager_26_0 (hwservicemanager))
+(typeattributeset hwservicemanager_exec_26_0 (hwservicemanager_exec))
+(typeattributeset hwservicemanager_prop_26_0 (hwservicemanager_prop))
+(typeattributeset i2c_device_26_0 (i2c_device))
+(typeattributeset icon_file_26_0 (icon_file))
+(typeattributeset idmap_26_0 (idmap))
+(typeattributeset idmap_exec_26_0 (idmap_exec))
+(typeattributeset iio_device_26_0 (iio_device))
+(typeattributeset imms_service_26_0 (imms_service))
+(typeattributeset incident_26_0 (incident))
+(typeattributeset incidentd_26_0 (incidentd))
+(typeattributeset incident_data_file_26_0 (incident_data_file))
+(typeattributeset incident_service_26_0 (incident_service))
+(typeattributeset init_26_0 (init))
+(typeattributeset init_exec_26_0 (init_exec))
+(typeattributeset inotify_26_0 (inotify))
+(typeattributeset input_device_26_0 (input_device))
+(typeattributeset inputflinger_26_0 (inputflinger))
+(typeattributeset inputflinger_exec_26_0 (inputflinger_exec))
+(typeattributeset inputflinger_service_26_0 (inputflinger_service))
+(typeattributeset input_method_service_26_0 (input_method_service))
+(typeattributeset input_service_26_0 (input_service))
+(typeattributeset installd_26_0 (installd))
+(typeattributeset install_data_file_26_0 (install_data_file))
+(typeattributeset installd_exec_26_0 (installd_exec))
+(typeattributeset installd_service_26_0 (installd_service))
+(typeattributeset install_recovery_26_0 (install_recovery))
+(typeattributeset install_recovery_exec_26_0 (install_recovery_exec))
+(typeattributeset ion_device_26_0 (ion_device))
+(typeattributeset IProxyService_service_26_0 (IProxyService_service))
+(typeattributeset ipsec_service_26_0 (ipsec_service))
+(typeattributeset isolated_app_26_0 (isolated_app))
+(typeattributeset jobscheduler_service_26_0 (jobscheduler_service))
+(typeattributeset kernel_26_0 (kernel))
+(typeattributeset keychain_data_file_26_0 (keychain_data_file))
+(typeattributeset keychord_device_26_0 (keychord_device))
+(typeattributeset keystore_26_0 (keystore))
+(typeattributeset keystore_data_file_26_0 (keystore_data_file))
+(typeattributeset keystore_exec_26_0 (keystore_exec))
+(typeattributeset keystore_service_26_0 (keystore_service))
+(typeattributeset kmem_device_26_0 (kmem_device))
+(typeattributeset kmsg_device_26_0 (kmsg_device))
+(typeattributeset labeledfs_26_0 (labeledfs))
+(typeattributeset launcherapps_service_26_0 (launcherapps_service))
+(typeattributeset lmkd_26_0 (lmkd))
+(typeattributeset lmkd_exec_26_0 (lmkd_exec))
+(typeattributeset lmkd_socket_26_0 (lmkd_socket))
+(typeattributeset location_service_26_0 (location_service))
+(typeattributeset lock_settings_service_26_0 (lock_settings_service))
+(typeattributeset logcat_exec_26_0 (logcat_exec))
+(typeattributeset logd_26_0 (logd))
+(typeattributeset log_device_26_0 (log_device))
+(typeattributeset logd_exec_26_0 (logd_exec))
+(typeattributeset logd_prop_26_0 (logd_prop))
+(typeattributeset logdr_socket_26_0 (logdr_socket))
+(typeattributeset logd_socket_26_0 (logd_socket))
+(typeattributeset logdw_socket_26_0 (logdw_socket))
+(typeattributeset logpersist_26_0 (logpersist))
+(typeattributeset logpersistd_logging_prop_26_0 (logpersistd_logging_prop))
+(typeattributeset log_prop_26_0 (log_prop))
+(typeattributeset log_tag_prop_26_0 (log_tag_prop))
+(typeattributeset loop_control_device_26_0 (loop_control_device))
+(typeattributeset loop_device_26_0 (loop_device))
+(typeattributeset mac_perms_file_26_0 (mac_perms_file))
+(typeattributeset mdnsd_26_0 (mdnsd))
+(typeattributeset mdnsd_socket_26_0 (mdnsd_socket))
+(typeattributeset mdns_socket_26_0 (mdns_socket))
+(typeattributeset mediacasserver_service_26_0 (mediacasserver_service))
+(typeattributeset mediacodec_26_0 (mediacodec))
+(typeattributeset mediacodec_exec_26_0 (mediacodec_exec))
+(typeattributeset mediacodec_service_26_0 (mediacodec_service))
+(typeattributeset media_data_file_26_0 (media_data_file))
+(typeattributeset mediadrmserver_26_0 (mediadrmserver))
+(typeattributeset mediadrmserver_exec_26_0 (mediadrmserver_exec))
+(typeattributeset mediadrmserver_service_26_0 (mediadrmserver_service))
+(typeattributeset mediaextractor_26_0 (mediaextractor))
+(typeattributeset mediaextractor_exec_26_0 (mediaextractor_exec))
+(typeattributeset mediaextractor_service_26_0 (mediaextractor_service))
+(typeattributeset mediametrics_26_0 (mediametrics))
+(typeattributeset mediametrics_exec_26_0 (mediametrics_exec))
+(typeattributeset mediametrics_service_26_0 (mediametrics_service))
+(typeattributeset media_projection_service_26_0 (media_projection_service))
+(typeattributeset media_router_service_26_0 (media_router_service))
+(typeattributeset media_rw_data_file_26_0 (media_rw_data_file))
+(typeattributeset mediaserver_26_0 (mediaserver))
+(typeattributeset mediaserver_exec_26_0 (mediaserver_exec))
+(typeattributeset mediaserver_service_26_0 (mediaserver_service))
+(typeattributeset media_session_service_26_0 (media_session_service))
+(typeattributeset meminfo_service_26_0 (meminfo_service))
+(typeattributeset metadata_block_device_26_0 (metadata_block_device))
+(typeattributeset method_trace_data_file_26_0 (method_trace_data_file))
+(typeattributeset midi_service_26_0 (midi_service))
+(typeattributeset misc_block_device_26_0 (misc_block_device))
+(typeattributeset misc_logd_file_26_0 (misc_logd_file))
+(typeattributeset misc_user_data_file_26_0 (misc_user_data_file))
+(typeattributeset mmc_prop_26_0 (mmc_prop))
+(typeattributeset mnt_expand_file_26_0 (mnt_expand_file))
+(typeattributeset mnt_media_rw_file_26_0 (mnt_media_rw_file))
+(typeattributeset mnt_media_rw_stub_file_26_0 (mnt_media_rw_stub_file))
+(typeattributeset mnt_user_file_26_0 (mnt_user_file))
+(typeattributeset modprobe_26_0 (modprobe))
+(typeattributeset mount_service_26_0 (mount_service))
+(typeattributeset mqueue_26_0 (mqueue))
+(typeattributeset mtd_device_26_0 (mtd_device))
+(typeattributeset mtp_26_0 (mtp))
+(typeattributeset mtp_device_26_0 (mtp_device))
+(typeattributeset mtpd_socket_26_0 (mtpd_socket))
+(typeattributeset mtp_exec_26_0 (mtp_exec))
+(typeattributeset nativetest_data_file_26_0 (nativetest_data_file))
+(typeattributeset netd_26_0 (netd))
+(typeattributeset net_data_file_26_0 (net_data_file))
+(typeattributeset netd_exec_26_0 (netd_exec))
+(typeattributeset netd_listener_service_26_0 (netd_listener_service))
+(typeattributeset net_dns_prop_26_0 (net_dns_prop))
+(typeattributeset netd_service_26_0 (netd_service))
+(typeattributeset netd_socket_26_0 (netd_socket))
+(typeattributeset netif_26_0 (netif))
+(typeattributeset netpolicy_service_26_0 (netpolicy_service))
+(typeattributeset net_radio_prop_26_0 (net_radio_prop))
+(typeattributeset netstats_service_26_0 (netstats_service))
+(typeattributeset netutils_wrapper_26_0 (netutils_wrapper))
+(typeattributeset netutils_wrapper_exec_26_0 (netutils_wrapper_exec))
+(typeattributeset network_management_service_26_0 (network_management_service))
+(typeattributeset network_score_service_26_0 (network_score_service))
+(typeattributeset network_time_update_service_26_0 (network_time_update_service))
+(typeattributeset nfc_26_0 (nfc))
+(typeattributeset nfc_data_file_26_0 (nfc_data_file))
+(typeattributeset nfc_device_26_0 (nfc_device))
+(typeattributeset nfc_prop_26_0 (nfc_prop))
+(typeattributeset nfc_service_26_0 (nfc_service))
+(typeattributeset node_26_0 (node))
+(typeattributeset notification_service_26_0 (notification_service))
+(typeattributeset null_device_26_0 (null_device))
+(typeattributeset oemfs_26_0 (oemfs))
+(typeattributeset oem_lock_service_26_0 (oem_lock_service))
+(typeattributeset ota_data_file_26_0 (ota_data_file))
+(typeattributeset otadexopt_service_26_0 (otadexopt_service))
+(typeattributeset ota_package_file_26_0 (ota_package_file))
+(typeattributeset otapreopt_chroot_26_0 (otapreopt_chroot))
+(typeattributeset otapreopt_chroot_exec_26_0 (otapreopt_chroot_exec))
+(typeattributeset otapreopt_slot_26_0 (otapreopt_slot))
+(typeattributeset otapreopt_slot_exec_26_0 (otapreopt_slot_exec))
+(typeattributeset overlay_prop_26_0 (overlay_prop))
+(typeattributeset overlay_service_26_0 (overlay_service))
+(typeattributeset owntty_device_26_0 (owntty_device))
+(typeattributeset package_service_26_0 (package_service))
+(typeattributeset pan_result_prop_26_0 (pan_result_prop))
+(typeattributeset pdx_bufferhub_client_channel_socket_26_0 (pdx_bufferhub_client_channel_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket_26_0 (pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_bufferhub_dir_26_0 (pdx_bufferhub_dir))
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_client_channel_socket_26_0 (pdx_display_client_channel_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket_26_0 (pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_dir_26_0 (pdx_display_dir))
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_manager_channel_socket_26_0 (pdx_display_manager_channel_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket_26_0 (pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_screenshot_channel_socket_26_0 (pdx_display_screenshot_channel_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket_26_0 (pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_vsync_channel_socket_26_0 (pdx_display_vsync_channel_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket_26_0 (pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_performance_client_channel_socket_26_0 (pdx_performance_client_channel_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket_26_0 (pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_performance_dir_26_0 (pdx_performance_dir))
+(typeattributeset performanced_26_0 (performanced))
+(typeattributeset performanced_exec_26_0 (performanced_exec))
+(typeattributeset perfprofd_26_0 (perfprofd))
+(typeattributeset perfprofd_data_file_26_0 (perfprofd_data_file))
+(typeattributeset perfprofd_exec_26_0 (perfprofd_exec))
+(typeattributeset permission_service_26_0 (permission_service))
+(typeattributeset persist_debug_prop_26_0 (persist_debug_prop))
+(typeattributeset persistent_data_block_service_26_0 (persistent_data_block_service))
+(typeattributeset persistent_properties_ready_prop_26_0 (persistent_properties_ready_prop))
+(typeattributeset pinner_service_26_0 (pinner_service))
+(typeattributeset pipefs_26_0 (pipefs))
+(typeattributeset platform_app_26_0 (platform_app))
+(typeattributeset pmsg_device_26_0 (pmsg_device))
+(typeattributeset port_26_0 (port))
+(typeattributeset port_device_26_0 (port_device))
+(typeattributeset postinstall_26_0 (postinstall))
+(typeattributeset postinstall_dexopt_26_0 (postinstall_dexopt))
+(typeattributeset postinstall_file_26_0 (postinstall_file))
+(typeattributeset postinstall_mnt_dir_26_0 (postinstall_mnt_dir))
+(typeattributeset powerctl_prop_26_0 (powerctl_prop))
+(typeattributeset power_service_26_0 (power_service))
+(typeattributeset ppp_26_0 (ppp))
+(typeattributeset ppp_device_26_0 (ppp_device))
+(typeattributeset ppp_exec_26_0 (ppp_exec))
+(typeattributeset preloads_data_file_26_0 (preloads_data_file))
+(typeattributeset preloads_media_file_26_0 (preloads_media_file))
+(typeattributeset preopt2cachename_26_0 (preopt2cachename))
+(typeattributeset preopt2cachename_exec_26_0 (preopt2cachename_exec))
+(typeattributeset print_service_26_0 (print_service))
+(typeattributeset priv_app_26_0 (mediaprovider priv_app))
+(typeattributeset proc_26_0
+  ( proc
+    proc_abi
+    proc_asound
+    proc_buddyinfo
+    proc_cmdline
+    proc_dirty
+    proc_diskstats
+    proc_extra_free_kbytes
+    proc_filesystems
+    proc_hostname
+    proc_hung_task
+    proc_kmsg
+    proc_loadavg
+    proc_max_map_count
+    proc_min_free_order_shift
+    proc_mounts
+    proc_page_cluster
+    proc_pagetypeinfo
+    proc_panic
+    proc_pid_max
+    proc_pipe_conf
+    proc_random
+    proc_sched
+    proc_swaps
+    proc_uid_time_in_state
+    proc_uid_concurrent_active_time
+    proc_uid_concurrent_policy_time
+    proc_uid_cpupower
+    proc_uptime
+    proc_version
+    proc_vmallocinfo
+    proc_vmstat))
+(typeattributeset proc_bluetooth_writable_26_0 (proc_bluetooth_writable))
+(typeattributeset proc_cpuinfo_26_0 (proc_cpuinfo))
+(typeattributeset proc_drop_caches_26_0 (proc_drop_caches))
+(typeattributeset processinfo_service_26_0 (processinfo_service))
+(typeattributeset proc_interrupts_26_0 (proc_interrupts))
+(typeattributeset proc_iomem_26_0 (proc_iomem))
+(typeattributeset proc_meminfo_26_0 (proc_meminfo))
+(typeattributeset proc_misc_26_0 (proc_misc))
+(typeattributeset proc_modules_26_0 (proc_modules))
+(typeattributeset proc_net_26_0
+  ( proc_net
+    proc_qtaguid_stat))
+(typeattributeset proc_overcommit_memory_26_0 (proc_overcommit_memory))
+(typeattributeset proc_perf_26_0 (proc_perf))
+(typeattributeset proc_security_26_0 (proc_security))
+(typeattributeset proc_stat_26_0 (proc_stat))
+(typeattributeset procstats_service_26_0 (procstats_service))
+(typeattributeset proc_sysrq_26_0 (proc_sysrq))
+(typeattributeset proc_timer_26_0 (proc_timer))
+(typeattributeset proc_tty_drivers_26_0 (proc_tty_drivers))
+(typeattributeset proc_uid_cputime_removeuid_26_0 (proc_uid_cputime_removeuid))
+(typeattributeset proc_uid_cputime_showstat_26_0 (proc_uid_cputime_showstat))
+(typeattributeset proc_uid_io_stats_26_0 (proc_uid_io_stats))
+(typeattributeset proc_uid_procstat_set_26_0 (proc_uid_procstat_set))
+(typeattributeset proc_zoneinfo_26_0 (proc_zoneinfo))
+(typeattributeset profman_26_0 (profman))
+(typeattributeset profman_dump_data_file_26_0 (profman_dump_data_file))
+(typeattributeset profman_exec_26_0 (profman_exec))
+(typeattributeset properties_device_26_0 (properties_device))
+(typeattributeset properties_serial_26_0 (properties_serial))
+(typeattributeset property_contexts_file_26_0 (property_contexts_file))
+(typeattributeset property_data_file_26_0 (property_data_file))
+(typeattributeset property_socket_26_0 (property_socket))
+(typeattributeset pstorefs_26_0 (pstorefs))
+(typeattributeset ptmx_device_26_0 (ptmx_device))
+(typeattributeset qtaguid_device_26_0 (qtaguid_device))
+(typeattributeset qtaguid_proc_26_0 (qtaguid_proc))
+(typeattributeset racoon_26_0 (racoon))
+(typeattributeset racoon_exec_26_0 (racoon_exec))
+(typeattributeset racoon_socket_26_0 (racoon_socket))
+(typeattributeset radio_26_0 (radio))
+(typeattributeset radio_data_file_26_0 (radio_data_file))
+(typeattributeset radio_device_26_0 (radio_device))
+(typeattributeset radio_prop_26_0 (radio_prop))
+(typeattributeset radio_service_26_0 (radio_service))
+(typeattributeset ram_device_26_0 (ram_device))
+(typeattributeset random_device_26_0 (random_device))
+(typeattributeset reboot_data_file_26_0 (reboot_data_file))
+(typeattributeset recovery_26_0 (recovery))
+(typeattributeset recovery_block_device_26_0 (recovery_block_device))
+(typeattributeset recovery_data_file_26_0 (recovery_data_file))
+(typeattributeset recovery_persist_26_0 (recovery_persist))
+(typeattributeset recovery_persist_exec_26_0 (recovery_persist_exec))
+(typeattributeset recovery_refresh_26_0 (recovery_refresh))
+(typeattributeset recovery_refresh_exec_26_0 (recovery_refresh_exec))
+(typeattributeset recovery_service_26_0 (recovery_service))
+(typeattributeset registry_service_26_0 (registry_service))
+(typeattributeset resourcecache_data_file_26_0 (resourcecache_data_file))
+(typeattributeset restorecon_prop_26_0 (restorecon_prop))
+(typeattributeset restrictions_service_26_0 (restrictions_service))
+(typeattributeset rild_26_0 (rild))
+(typeattributeset rild_debug_socket_26_0 (rild_debug_socket))
+(typeattributeset rild_socket_26_0 (rild_socket))
+(typeattributeset ringtone_file_26_0 (ringtone_file))
+(typeattributeset root_block_device_26_0 (root_block_device))
+(typeattributeset rootfs_26_0 (rootfs))
+(typeattributeset rpmsg_device_26_0 (rpmsg_device))
+(typeattributeset rtc_device_26_0 (rtc_device))
+(typeattributeset rttmanager_service_26_0 (rttmanager_service))
+(typeattributeset runas_26_0 (runas))
+(typeattributeset runas_exec_26_0 (runas_exec))
+(typeattributeset runtime_event_log_tags_file_26_0 (runtime_event_log_tags_file))
+(typeattributeset safemode_prop_26_0 (safemode_prop))
+(typeattributeset same_process_hal_file_26_0 (same_process_hal_file))
+(typeattributeset samplingprofiler_service_26_0 (samplingprofiler_service))
+(typeattributeset scheduling_policy_service_26_0 (scheduling_policy_service))
+(typeattributeset sdcardd_26_0 (sdcardd))
+(typeattributeset sdcardd_exec_26_0 (sdcardd_exec))
+(typeattributeset sdcardfs_26_0 (sdcardfs))
+(typeattributeset seapp_contexts_file_26_0 (seapp_contexts_file))
+(typeattributeset search_service_26_0 (search_service))
+(typeattributeset sec_key_att_app_id_provider_service_26_0 (sec_key_att_app_id_provider_service))
+(typeattributeset selinuxfs_26_0 (selinuxfs))
+(typeattributeset sensors_device_26_0 (sensors_device))
+(typeattributeset sensorservice_service_26_0 (sensorservice_service))
+(typeattributeset sepolicy_file_26_0 (sepolicy_file))
+(typeattributeset serial_device_26_0 (serial_device))
+(typeattributeset serialno_prop_26_0 (serialno_prop))
+(typeattributeset serial_service_26_0 (serial_service))
+(typeattributeset service_contexts_file_26_0 (service_contexts_file nonplat_service_contexts_file))
+(typeattributeset servicediscovery_service_26_0 (servicediscovery_service))
+(typeattributeset servicemanager_26_0 (servicemanager))
+(typeattributeset servicemanager_exec_26_0 (servicemanager_exec))
+(typeattributeset settings_service_26_0 (settings_service))
+(typeattributeset sgdisk_26_0 (sgdisk))
+(typeattributeset sgdisk_exec_26_0 (sgdisk_exec))
+(typeattributeset shared_relro_26_0 (shared_relro))
+(typeattributeset shared_relro_file_26_0 (shared_relro_file))
+(typeattributeset shell_26_0 (shell))
+(typeattributeset shell_data_file_26_0 (shell_data_file))
+(typeattributeset shell_exec_26_0 (shell_exec))
+(typeattributeset shell_prop_26_0 (shell_prop))
+(typeattributeset shm_26_0 (shm))
+(typeattributeset shortcut_manager_icons_26_0 (shortcut_manager_icons))
+(typeattributeset shortcut_service_26_0 (shortcut_service))
+(typeattributeset slideshow_26_0 (slideshow))
+(typeattributeset socket_device_26_0 (socket_device))
+(typeattributeset sockfs_26_0 (sockfs))
+(typeattributeset statusbar_service_26_0 (statusbar_service))
+(typeattributeset storaged_service_26_0 (storaged_service))
+(typeattributeset storage_file_26_0 (storage_file))
+(typeattributeset storagestats_service_26_0 (storagestats_service))
+(typeattributeset storage_stub_file_26_0 (storage_stub_file))
+(typeattributeset su_26_0 (su))
+(typeattributeset su_exec_26_0 (su_exec))
+(typeattributeset surfaceflinger_26_0 (surfaceflinger))
+(typeattributeset surfaceflinger_service_26_0 (surfaceflinger_service))
+(typeattributeset swap_block_device_26_0 (swap_block_device))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_26_0
+  ( sysfs
+    sysfs_android_usb
+    sysfs_dm
+    sysfs_dt_firmware_android
+    sysfs_ipv4
+    sysfs_kernel_notes
+    sysfs_net
+    sysfs_power
+    sysfs_rtc
+    sysfs_switch
+    sysfs_wakeup_reasons))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_batteryinfo_26_0 (sysfs_batteryinfo))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_bluetooth_writable_26_0 (sysfs_bluetooth_writable))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_devices_system_cpu_26_0 (sysfs_devices_system_cpu))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_hwrandom_26_0 (sysfs_hwrandom))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_leds_26_0 (sysfs_leds))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_lowmemorykiller_26_0 (sysfs_lowmemorykiller))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_mac_address_26_0 (sysfs_mac_address))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_nfc_power_writable_26_0 (sysfs_nfc_power_writable))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_thermal_26_0 (sysfs_thermal))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_uio_26_0 (sysfs_uio))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_usb_26_0 (sysfs_usb))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_vibrator_26_0 (sysfs_vibrator))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_wake_lock_26_0 (sysfs_wake_lock))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_wlan_fwpath_26_0 (sysfs_wlan_fwpath))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_zram_26_0 (sysfs_zram))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_zram_uevent_26_0 (sysfs_zram_uevent))
+(typeattributeset system_app_26_0 (system_app))
+(typeattributeset system_app_data_file_26_0 (system_app_data_file))
+(typeattributeset system_app_service_26_0 (system_app_service))
+(typeattributeset system_block_device_26_0 (system_block_device))
+(typeattributeset system_data_file_26_0
+  ( system_data_file
+    vendor_data_file))
+(typeattributeset system_file_26_0 (system_file))
+(typeattributeset systemkeys_data_file_26_0 (systemkeys_data_file))
+(typeattributeset system_ndebug_socket_26_0 (system_ndebug_socket))
+(typeattributeset system_prop_26_0 (system_prop))
+(typeattributeset system_radio_prop_26_0 (system_radio_prop))
+(typeattributeset system_server_26_0 (system_server))
+(typeattributeset system_wifi_keystore_hwservice_26_0 (system_wifi_keystore_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset system_wpa_socket_26_0 (system_wpa_socket))
+(typeattributeset task_service_26_0 (task_service))
+(typeattributeset tee_26_0 (tee))
+(typeattributeset tee_data_file_26_0 (tee_data_file))
+(typeattributeset tee_device_26_0 (tee_device))
+(typeattributeset telecom_service_26_0 (telecom_service))
+(typeattributeset textclassification_service_26_0 (textclassification_service))
+(typeattributeset textclassifier_data_file_26_0 (textclassifier_data_file))
+(typeattributeset textservices_service_26_0 (textservices_service))
+(typeattributeset tmpfs_26_0 (tmpfs))
+(typeattributeset tombstoned_26_0 (tombstoned))
+(typeattributeset tombstone_data_file_26_0 (tombstone_data_file))
+(typeattributeset tombstoned_crash_socket_26_0 (tombstoned_crash_socket))
+(typeattributeset tombstoned_exec_26_0 (tombstoned_exec))
+(typeattributeset tombstoned_intercept_socket_26_0 (tombstoned_intercept_socket))
+(typeattributeset toolbox_26_0 (toolbox))
+(typeattributeset toolbox_exec_26_0 (toolbox_exec))
+(typeattributeset tracing_shell_writable_26_0 (debugfs_tracing tracing_shell_writable))
+(typeattributeset tracing_shell_writable_debug_26_0 (debugfs_tracing_debug tracing_shell_writable_debug))
+(typeattributeset trust_service_26_0 (trust_service))
+(typeattributeset tty_device_26_0 (tty_device))
+(typeattributeset tun_device_26_0 (tun_device))
+(typeattributeset tv_input_service_26_0 (tv_input_service))
+(typeattributeset tzdatacheck_26_0 (tzdatacheck))
+(typeattributeset tzdatacheck_exec_26_0 (tzdatacheck_exec))
+(typeattributeset ueventd_26_0 (ueventd))
+(typeattributeset uhid_device_26_0 (uhid_device))
+(typeattributeset uimode_service_26_0 (uimode_service))
+(typeattributeset uio_device_26_0 (uio_device))
+(typeattributeset uncrypt_26_0 (uncrypt))
+(typeattributeset uncrypt_exec_26_0 (uncrypt_exec))
+(typeattributeset uncrypt_socket_26_0 (uncrypt_socket))
+(typeattributeset unencrypted_data_file_26_0 (unencrypted_data_file))
+(typeattributeset unlabeled_26_0 (unlabeled))
+(typeattributeset untrusted_app_25_26_0 (untrusted_app_25))
+(typeattributeset untrusted_app_26_0
+  ( untrusted_app
+    untrusted_app_27))
+(typeattributeset untrusted_v2_app_26_0 (untrusted_v2_app))
+(typeattributeset update_engine_26_0 (update_engine))
+(typeattributeset update_engine_data_file_26_0 (update_engine_data_file))
+(typeattributeset update_engine_exec_26_0 (update_engine_exec))
+(typeattributeset update_engine_service_26_0 (update_engine_service))
+(typeattributeset updatelock_service_26_0 (updatelock_service))
+(typeattributeset update_verifier_26_0 (update_verifier))
+(typeattributeset update_verifier_exec_26_0 (update_verifier_exec))
+(typeattributeset usagestats_service_26_0 (usagestats_service))
+(typeattributeset usbaccessory_device_26_0 (usbaccessory_device))
+(typeattributeset usb_device_26_0 (usb_device))
+(typeattributeset usbfs_26_0 (usbfs))
+(typeattributeset usb_service_26_0 (usb_service))
+(typeattributeset userdata_block_device_26_0 (userdata_block_device))
+(typeattributeset usermodehelper_26_0 (sysfs_usermodehelper usermodehelper))
+(typeattributeset user_profile_data_file_26_0 (user_profile_data_file))
+(typeattributeset user_service_26_0 (user_service))
+(typeattributeset vcs_device_26_0 (vcs_device))
+(typeattributeset vdc_26_0 (vdc))
+(typeattributeset vdc_exec_26_0 (vdc_exec))
+(typeattributeset vendor_app_file_26_0 (vendor_app_file))
+(typeattributeset vendor_configs_file_26_0 (vendor_configs_file))
+(typeattributeset vendor_file_26_0 (vendor_file))
+(typeattributeset vendor_framework_file_26_0 (vendor_framework_file))
+(typeattributeset vendor_hal_file_26_0 (vendor_hal_file))
+(typeattributeset vendor_overlay_file_26_0 (vendor_overlay_file))
+(typeattributeset vendor_shell_exec_26_0 (vendor_shell_exec))
+(typeattributeset vendor_toolbox_exec_26_0 (vendor_toolbox_exec))
+(typeattributeset vfat_26_0 (vfat))
+(typeattributeset vibrator_service_26_0 (vibrator_service))
+(typeattributeset video_device_26_0 (video_device))
+(typeattributeset virtual_touchpad_26_0 (virtual_touchpad))
+(typeattributeset virtual_touchpad_exec_26_0 (virtual_touchpad_exec))
+(typeattributeset virtual_touchpad_service_26_0 (virtual_touchpad_service))
+(typeattributeset vndbinder_device_26_0 (vndbinder_device))
+(typeattributeset vndk_sp_file_26_0 (vndk_sp_file))
+(typeattributeset vndservice_contexts_file_26_0 (vndservice_contexts_file))
+(typeattributeset vndservicemanager_26_0 (vndservicemanager))
+(typeattributeset voiceinteraction_service_26_0 (voiceinteraction_service))
+(typeattributeset vold_26_0 (vold))
+(typeattributeset vold_data_file_26_0 (vold_data_file))
+(typeattributeset vold_device_26_0 (vold_device))
+(typeattributeset vold_exec_26_0 (vold_exec))
+(typeattributeset vold_prop_26_0 (vold_prop))
+(typeattributeset vold_socket_26_0 (vold_socket))
+(typeattributeset vpn_data_file_26_0 (vpn_data_file))
+(typeattributeset vr_hwc_26_0 (vr_hwc))
+(typeattributeset vr_hwc_exec_26_0 (vr_hwc_exec))
+(typeattributeset vr_hwc_service_26_0 (vr_hwc_service))
+(typeattributeset vr_manager_service_26_0 (vr_manager_service))
+(typeattributeset wallpaper_file_26_0 (wallpaper_file))
+(typeattributeset wallpaper_service_26_0 (wallpaper_service))
+(typeattributeset watchdogd_26_0 (watchdogd))
+(typeattributeset watchdog_device_26_0 (watchdog_device))
+(typeattributeset webviewupdate_service_26_0 (webviewupdate_service))
+(typeattributeset webview_zygote_26_0 (webview_zygote))
+(typeattributeset webview_zygote_exec_26_0 (webview_zygote_exec))
+(typeattributeset webview_zygote_socket_26_0 (webview_zygote_socket))
+(typeattributeset wifiaware_service_26_0 (wifiaware_service))
+(typeattributeset wificond_26_0 (wificond))
+(typeattributeset wificond_exec_26_0 (wificond_exec))
+(typeattributeset wificond_service_26_0 (wificond_service))
+(typeattributeset wifi_data_file_26_0 (wifi_data_file))
+(typeattributeset wifi_log_prop_26_0 (wifi_log_prop))
+(typeattributeset wifip2p_service_26_0 (wifip2p_service))
+(typeattributeset wifi_prop_26_0 (wifi_prop))
+(typeattributeset wifiscanner_service_26_0 (wifiscanner_service))
+(typeattributeset wifi_service_26_0 (wifi_service))
+(typeattributeset window_service_26_0 (window_service))
+(typeattributeset wpa_socket_26_0 (wpa_socket))
+(typeattributeset zero_device_26_0 (zero_device))
+(typeattributeset zoneinfo_data_file_26_0 (zoneinfo_data_file))
+(typeattributeset zygote_26_0 (zygote))
+(typeattributeset zygote_exec_26_0 (zygote_exec))
+(typeattributeset zygote_socket_26_0 (zygote_socket))
diff --git a/system/system/etc/selinux/mapping/27.0.cil b/system/system/etc/selinux/mapping/27.0.cil
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dbe3e885be879e34e62215453ac7e8f591ccfab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/selinux/mapping/27.0.cil
@@ -0,0 +1,1484 @@
+;; types removed from current policy
+(type webview_zygote_socket)
+(type reboot_data_file)
+(type vold_socket)
+(type rild)
+(expandtypeattribute (accessibility_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (account_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (activity_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (adbd_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (adb_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (adbd_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (adbd_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (adb_keys_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (alarm_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (alarm_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (anr_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (apk_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (apk_private_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (apk_private_tmp_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (apk_tmp_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (app_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (app_fuse_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (app_fusefs_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (appops_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (appwidget_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (asec_apk_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (asec_image_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (asec_public_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ashmem_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (assetatlas_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (audio_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (audio_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (audiohal_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (audio_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (audio_seq_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (audioserver_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (audioserver_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (audioserver_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (audio_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (audio_timer_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (autofill_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (backup_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (backup_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (batteryproperties_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (battery_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (batterystats_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (binder_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (binfmt_miscfs_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (blkid_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (blkid_untrusted_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (block_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (bluetooth_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (bluetooth_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (bluetooth_efs_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (bluetooth_logs_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (bluetooth_manager_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (bluetooth_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (bluetooth_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (bluetooth_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (bootanim_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (bootanim_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (boot_block_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (bootchart_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (bootstat_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (bootstat_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (bootstat_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (boottime_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (boottrace_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (broadcastradio_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (bufferhubd_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (bufferhubd_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (cache_backup_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (cache_block_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (cache_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (cache_private_backup_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (cache_recovery_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (camera_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (camera_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (cameraproxy_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (cameraserver_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (cameraserver_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (cameraserver_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (cgroup_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (charger_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (clatd_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (clatd_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (clipboard_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (commontime_management_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (companion_device_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (configfs_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (config_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (connectivity_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (connmetrics_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (console_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (consumer_ir_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (content_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (contexthub_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (coredump_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (country_detector_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (coverage_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (cppreopt_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (cppreopts_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (cppreopts_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (cpuctl_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (cpuinfo_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (crash_dump_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (crash_dump_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_bootanim_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_bugreport_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_console_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_default_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_dumpstate_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_fuse_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_mdnsd_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_rildaemon_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dalvikcache_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dalvik_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dbinfo_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (debugfs_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (debugfs_mmc_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (debugfs_trace_marker_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (debugfs_tracing_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (debugfs_tracing_debug_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (debugfs_tracing_instances_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (debugfs_wifi_tracing_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (debuggerd_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (debug_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (default_android_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (default_android_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (default_android_vndservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (default_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (device_identifiers_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (deviceidle_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (device_logging_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (device_policy_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (devicestoragemonitor_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (devpts_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dex2oat_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dex2oat_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dhcp_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dhcp_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dhcp_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dhcp_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (diskstats_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (display_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dm_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dnsmasq_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dnsmasq_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dnsproxyd_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (DockObserver_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dreams_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (drm_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (drmserver_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (drmserver_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (drmserver_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (drmserver_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dropbox_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dumpstate_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dumpstate_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dumpstate_options_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dumpstate_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dumpstate_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (dumpstate_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (e2fs_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (e2fs_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (efs_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ephemeral_app_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ethernet_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ffs_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (file_contexts_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (fingerprintd_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (fingerprintd_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (fingerprintd_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (fingerprintd_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (fingerprint_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (fingerprint_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (firstboot_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (font_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (frp_block_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (fsck_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (fsck_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (fscklogs_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (fsck_untrusted_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (full_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (functionfs_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (fuse_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (fuse_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (fwk_display_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (fwk_scheduler_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (fwk_sensor_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (fwmarkd_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (gatekeeperd_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (gatekeeper_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (gatekeeperd_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (gatekeeper_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (gfxinfo_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (gps_control_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (gpu_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (gpu_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (graphics_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (graphicsstats_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_audio_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_bluetooth_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_bootctl_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_broadcastradio_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_camera_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_cas_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_configstore_ISurfaceFlingerConfigs_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_contexthub_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_drm_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_dumpstate_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_fingerprint_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_fingerprint_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_gatekeeper_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_gnss_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_graphics_allocator_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_graphics_composer_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_graphics_mapper_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_health_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_ir_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_keymaster_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_light_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_memtrack_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_neuralnetworks_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_nfc_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_oemlock_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_omx_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_power_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_renderscript_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_sensors_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_telephony_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_tetheroffload_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_thermal_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_tv_cec_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_tv_input_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_usb_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_vibrator_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_vr_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_weaver_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_wifi_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_wifi_offload_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hardware_properties_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hardware_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hci_attach_dev_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hdmi_control_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (healthd_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (healthd_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (heapdump_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hidl_allocator_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hidl_base_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hidl_manager_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hidl_memory_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hidl_token_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hwbinder_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hw_random_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hwservice_contexts_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hwservicemanager_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hwservicemanager_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (hwservicemanager_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (i2c_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (icon_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (idmap_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (idmap_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (iio_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (imms_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (incident_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (incidentd_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (incident_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (incident_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (init_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (init_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (inotify_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (input_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (inputflinger_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (inputflinger_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (inputflinger_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (input_method_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (input_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (installd_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (install_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (installd_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (installd_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (install_recovery_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (install_recovery_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ion_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (IProxyService_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ipsec_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (isolated_app_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (jobscheduler_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (kernel_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (keychain_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (keychord_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (keystore_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (keystore_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (keystore_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (keystore_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (kmem_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (kmsg_debug_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (kmsg_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (labeledfs_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (launcherapps_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (lmkd_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (lmkd_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (lmkd_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (location_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (lock_settings_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (logcat_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (logd_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (logd_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (logd_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (logdr_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (logd_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (logdw_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (logpersist_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (logpersistd_logging_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (log_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (log_tag_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (loop_control_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (loop_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mac_perms_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mdnsd_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mdnsd_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mdns_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mediacodec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mediacodec_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mediacodec_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (media_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mediadrmserver_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mediadrmserver_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mediadrmserver_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mediaextractor_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mediaextractor_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mediaextractor_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mediametrics_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mediametrics_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mediametrics_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (media_projection_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mediaprovider_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (media_router_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (media_rw_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mediaserver_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mediaserver_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mediaserver_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (media_session_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (meminfo_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (metadata_block_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (method_trace_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (midi_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (misc_block_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (misc_logd_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (misc_user_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mmc_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mnt_expand_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mnt_media_rw_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mnt_media_rw_stub_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mnt_user_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (modprobe_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mount_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mqueue_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mtd_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mtp_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mtp_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mtpd_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (mtp_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (nativetest_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (netd_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (net_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (netd_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (netd_listener_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (net_dns_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (netd_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (netd_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (netd_stable_secret_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (netif_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (netpolicy_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (net_radio_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (netstats_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (netutils_wrapper_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (netutils_wrapper_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (network_management_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (network_score_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (network_time_update_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (nfc_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (nfc_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (nfc_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (nfc_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (nfc_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (node_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (nonplat_service_contexts_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (notification_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (null_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (oemfs_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (oem_lock_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ota_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (otadexopt_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ota_package_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (otapreopt_chroot_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (otapreopt_chroot_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (otapreopt_slot_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (otapreopt_slot_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (overlay_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (overlay_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (owntty_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (package_native_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (package_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pan_result_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_bufferhub_client_channel_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_bufferhub_dir_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_display_client_channel_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_display_dir_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_display_manager_channel_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_display_screenshot_channel_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_display_vsync_channel_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_performance_client_channel_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_performance_dir_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (performanced_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (performanced_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (perfprofd_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (perfprofd_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (perfprofd_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (permission_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (persist_debug_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (persistent_data_block_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (persistent_properties_ready_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pinner_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pipefs_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (platform_app_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pmsg_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (port_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (port_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (postinstall_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (postinstall_dexopt_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (postinstall_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (postinstall_mnt_dir_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (powerctl_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (power_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ppp_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ppp_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ppp_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (preloads_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (preloads_media_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (preopt2cachename_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (preopt2cachename_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (print_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (priv_app_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_bluetooth_writable_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_cpuinfo_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_drop_caches_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (processinfo_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_interrupts_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_iomem_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_meminfo_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_misc_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_modules_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_net_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_overcommit_memory_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_perf_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_security_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_stat_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (procstats_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_sysrq_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_timer_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_tty_drivers_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_uid_cputime_removeuid_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_uid_cputime_showstat_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_uid_io_stats_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_uid_procstat_set_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_uid_time_in_state_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_zoneinfo_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (profman_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (profman_dump_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (profman_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (properties_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (properties_serial_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (property_contexts_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (property_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (property_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (pstorefs_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ptmx_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (qtaguid_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (qtaguid_proc_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (racoon_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (racoon_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (racoon_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (radio_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (radio_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (radio_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (radio_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (radio_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ram_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (random_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (reboot_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (recovery_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (recovery_block_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (recovery_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (recovery_persist_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (recovery_persist_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (recovery_refresh_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (recovery_refresh_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (recovery_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (registry_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (resourcecache_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (restorecon_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (restrictions_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (rild_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (rild_debug_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (rild_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ringtone_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (root_block_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (rootfs_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (rpmsg_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (rtc_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (rttmanager_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (runas_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (runas_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (runtime_event_log_tags_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (safemode_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (same_process_hal_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (samplingprofiler_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (scheduling_policy_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sdcardd_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sdcardd_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sdcardfs_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (seapp_contexts_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (search_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sec_key_att_app_id_provider_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (selinuxfs_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sensors_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sensorservice_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sepolicy_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (serial_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (serialno_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (serial_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (service_contexts_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (servicediscovery_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (servicemanager_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (servicemanager_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (settings_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sgdisk_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sgdisk_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (shared_relro_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (shared_relro_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (shell_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (shell_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (shell_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (shell_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (shm_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (shortcut_manager_icons_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (shortcut_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (slideshow_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (socket_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sockfs_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (statusbar_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (storaged_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (storage_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (storagestats_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (storage_stub_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (su_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (su_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (surfaceflinger_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (surfaceflinger_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (swap_block_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_batteryinfo_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_bluetooth_writable_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_devices_system_cpu_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_fs_ext4_features_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_hwrandom_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_leds_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_lowmemorykiller_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_mac_address_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_nfc_power_writable_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_thermal_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_uio_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_usb_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_usermodehelper_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_vibrator_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_wake_lock_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_wlan_fwpath_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_zram_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_zram_uevent_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (system_app_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (system_app_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (system_app_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (system_block_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (system_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (system_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (systemkeys_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (system_ndebug_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (system_net_netd_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (system_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (system_radio_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (system_server_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (system_wifi_keystore_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (system_wpa_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (task_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (tee_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (tee_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (tee_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (telecom_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (textclassification_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (textclassifier_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (textservices_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (thermalcallback_hwservice_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (thermal_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (thermalserviced_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (thermalserviced_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (timezone_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (tmpfs_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (tombstoned_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (tombstone_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (tombstoned_crash_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (tombstoned_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (tombstoned_intercept_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (tombstoned_java_trace_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (toolbox_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (toolbox_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (trust_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (tty_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (tun_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (tv_input_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (tzdatacheck_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (tzdatacheck_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (ueventd_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (uhid_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (uimode_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (uio_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (uncrypt_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (uncrypt_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (uncrypt_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (unencrypted_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (unlabeled_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (untrusted_app_25_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (untrusted_app_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (untrusted_v2_app_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (update_engine_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (update_engine_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (update_engine_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (update_engine_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (updatelock_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (update_verifier_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (update_verifier_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (usagestats_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (usbaccessory_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (usb_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (usbfs_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (usb_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (userdata_block_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (usermodehelper_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (user_profile_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (user_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vcs_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vdc_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vdc_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_app_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_configs_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_framework_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_hal_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_overlay_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_shell_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_toolbox_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vfat_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vibrator_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (video_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (virtual_touchpad_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (virtual_touchpad_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (virtual_touchpad_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vndbinder_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vndk_sp_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vndservice_contexts_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vndservicemanager_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (voiceinteraction_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vold_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vold_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vold_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vold_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vold_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vold_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vpn_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vr_hwc_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vr_hwc_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vr_hwc_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (vr_manager_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (wallpaper_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (wallpaper_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (watchdogd_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (watchdog_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (webviewupdate_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (webview_zygote_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (webview_zygote_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (webview_zygote_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (wifiaware_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (wificond_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (wificond_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (wificond_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (wifi_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (wifi_log_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (wifip2p_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (wifi_prop_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (wifiscanner_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (wifi_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (window_service_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (wpa_socket_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (zero_device_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (zoneinfo_data_file_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (zygote_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (zygote_exec_27_0) true)
+(expandtypeattribute (zygote_socket_27_0) true)
+(typeattributeset accessibility_service_27_0 (accessibility_service))
+(typeattributeset account_service_27_0 (account_service))
+(typeattributeset activity_service_27_0 (activity_service))
+(typeattributeset adbd_27_0 (adbd))
+(typeattributeset adb_data_file_27_0 (adb_data_file))
+(typeattributeset adbd_exec_27_0 (adbd_exec))
+(typeattributeset adbd_socket_27_0 (adbd_socket))
+(typeattributeset adb_keys_file_27_0 (adb_keys_file))
+(typeattributeset alarm_device_27_0 (alarm_device))
+(typeattributeset alarm_service_27_0 (alarm_service))
+(typeattributeset anr_data_file_27_0 (anr_data_file))
+(typeattributeset apk_data_file_27_0 (apk_data_file))
+(typeattributeset apk_private_data_file_27_0 (apk_private_data_file))
+(typeattributeset apk_private_tmp_file_27_0 (apk_private_tmp_file))
+(typeattributeset apk_tmp_file_27_0 (apk_tmp_file))
+(typeattributeset app_data_file_27_0 (app_data_file))
+(typeattributeset app_fuse_file_27_0 (app_fuse_file))
+(typeattributeset app_fusefs_27_0 (app_fusefs))
+(typeattributeset appops_service_27_0 (appops_service))
+(typeattributeset appwidget_service_27_0 (appwidget_service))
+(typeattributeset asec_apk_file_27_0 (asec_apk_file))
+(typeattributeset asec_image_file_27_0 (asec_image_file))
+(typeattributeset asec_public_file_27_0 (asec_public_file))
+(typeattributeset ashmem_device_27_0 (ashmem_device))
+(typeattributeset assetatlas_service_27_0 (assetatlas_service))
+(typeattributeset audio_data_file_27_0 (audio_data_file))
+(typeattributeset audio_device_27_0 (audio_device))
+(typeattributeset audiohal_data_file_27_0 (audiohal_data_file))
+(typeattributeset audio_prop_27_0 (audio_prop))
+(typeattributeset audio_seq_device_27_0 (audio_seq_device))
+(typeattributeset audioserver_27_0 (audioserver))
+(typeattributeset audioserver_data_file_27_0 (audioserver_data_file))
+(typeattributeset audioserver_service_27_0 (audioserver_service))
+(typeattributeset audio_service_27_0 (audio_service))
+(typeattributeset audio_timer_device_27_0 (audio_timer_device))
+(typeattributeset autofill_service_27_0 (autofill_service))
+(typeattributeset backup_data_file_27_0 (backup_data_file))
+(typeattributeset backup_service_27_0 (backup_service))
+(typeattributeset batteryproperties_service_27_0 (batteryproperties_service))
+(typeattributeset battery_service_27_0 (battery_service))
+(typeattributeset batterystats_service_27_0 (batterystats_service))
+(typeattributeset binder_device_27_0 (binder_device))
+(typeattributeset binfmt_miscfs_27_0 (binfmt_miscfs))
+(typeattributeset blkid_27_0 (blkid))
+(typeattributeset blkid_untrusted_27_0 (blkid_untrusted))
+(typeattributeset block_device_27_0 (block_device))
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_27_0 (bluetooth))
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_data_file_27_0 (bluetooth_data_file))
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_efs_file_27_0 (bluetooth_efs_file))
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_logs_data_file_27_0 (bluetooth_logs_data_file))
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_manager_service_27_0 (bluetooth_manager_service))
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_prop_27_0 (bluetooth_prop))
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_service_27_0 (bluetooth_service))
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_socket_27_0 (bluetooth_socket))
+(typeattributeset bootanim_27_0 (bootanim))
+(typeattributeset bootanim_exec_27_0 (bootanim_exec))
+(typeattributeset boot_block_device_27_0 (boot_block_device))
+(typeattributeset bootchart_data_file_27_0 (bootchart_data_file))
+(typeattributeset bootstat_27_0 (bootstat))
+(typeattributeset bootstat_data_file_27_0 (bootstat_data_file))
+(typeattributeset bootstat_exec_27_0 (bootstat_exec))
+(typeattributeset boottime_prop_27_0 (boottime_prop))
+(typeattributeset boottrace_data_file_27_0 (boottrace_data_file))
+(typeattributeset broadcastradio_service_27_0 (broadcastradio_service))
+(typeattributeset bufferhubd_27_0 (bufferhubd))
+(typeattributeset bufferhubd_exec_27_0 (bufferhubd_exec))
+(typeattributeset cache_backup_file_27_0 (cache_backup_file))
+(typeattributeset cache_block_device_27_0 (cache_block_device))
+(typeattributeset cache_file_27_0 (cache_file))
+(typeattributeset cache_private_backup_file_27_0 (cache_private_backup_file))
+(typeattributeset cache_recovery_file_27_0 (cache_recovery_file))
+(typeattributeset camera_data_file_27_0 (camera_data_file))
+(typeattributeset camera_device_27_0 (camera_device))
+(typeattributeset cameraproxy_service_27_0 (cameraproxy_service))
+(typeattributeset cameraserver_27_0 (cameraserver))
+(typeattributeset cameraserver_exec_27_0 (cameraserver_exec))
+(typeattributeset cameraserver_service_27_0 (cameraserver_service))
+(typeattributeset cgroup_27_0 (cgroup))
+(typeattributeset charger_27_0 (charger))
+(typeattributeset clatd_27_0 (clatd))
+(typeattributeset clatd_exec_27_0 (clatd_exec))
+(typeattributeset clipboard_service_27_0 (clipboard_service))
+(typeattributeset commontime_management_service_27_0 (commontime_management_service))
+(typeattributeset companion_device_service_27_0 (companion_device_service))
+(typeattributeset configfs_27_0 (configfs))
+(typeattributeset config_prop_27_0 (config_prop))
+(typeattributeset connectivity_service_27_0 (connectivity_service))
+(typeattributeset connmetrics_service_27_0 (connmetrics_service))
+(typeattributeset console_device_27_0 (console_device))
+(typeattributeset consumer_ir_service_27_0 (consumer_ir_service))
+(typeattributeset content_service_27_0 (content_service))
+(typeattributeset contexthub_service_27_0 (contexthub_service))
+(typeattributeset coredump_file_27_0 (coredump_file))
+(typeattributeset country_detector_service_27_0 (country_detector_service))
+(typeattributeset coverage_service_27_0 (coverage_service))
+(typeattributeset cppreopt_prop_27_0 (cppreopt_prop))
+(typeattributeset cppreopts_27_0 (cppreopts))
+(typeattributeset cppreopts_exec_27_0 (cppreopts_exec))
+(typeattributeset cpuctl_device_27_0 (cpuctl_device))
+(typeattributeset cpuinfo_service_27_0 (cpuinfo_service))
+(typeattributeset crash_dump_27_0 (crash_dump))
+(typeattributeset crash_dump_exec_27_0 (crash_dump_exec))
+(typeattributeset ctl_bootanim_prop_27_0 (ctl_bootanim_prop))
+(typeattributeset ctl_bugreport_prop_27_0 (ctl_bugreport_prop))
+(typeattributeset ctl_console_prop_27_0 (ctl_console_prop))
+(typeattributeset ctl_default_prop_27_0 (ctl_default_prop ctl_restart_prop ctl_start_prop ctl_stop_prop))
+(typeattributeset ctl_dumpstate_prop_27_0 (ctl_dumpstate_prop))
+(typeattributeset ctl_fuse_prop_27_0 (ctl_fuse_prop))
+(typeattributeset ctl_mdnsd_prop_27_0 (ctl_mdnsd_prop))
+(typeattributeset ctl_rildaemon_prop_27_0 (ctl_rildaemon_prop))
+(typeattributeset dalvikcache_data_file_27_0 (dalvikcache_data_file))
+(typeattributeset dalvik_prop_27_0 (dalvik_prop))
+(typeattributeset dbinfo_service_27_0 (dbinfo_service))
+(typeattributeset debugfs_27_0
+  ( debugfs
+    debugfs_wakeup_sources))
+(typeattributeset debugfs_mmc_27_0 (debugfs_mmc))
+(typeattributeset debugfs_trace_marker_27_0 (debugfs_trace_marker))
+(typeattributeset debugfs_tracing_27_0 (debugfs_tracing))
+(typeattributeset debugfs_tracing_debug_27_0 (debugfs_tracing_debug))
+(typeattributeset debugfs_tracing_instances_27_0 (debugfs_tracing_instances))
+(typeattributeset debugfs_wifi_tracing_27_0 (debugfs_wifi_tracing))
+(typeattributeset debuggerd_prop_27_0 (debuggerd_prop))
+(typeattributeset debug_prop_27_0 (debug_prop))
+(typeattributeset default_android_hwservice_27_0 (default_android_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset default_android_service_27_0 (default_android_service))
+(typeattributeset default_android_vndservice_27_0 (default_android_vndservice))
+(typeattributeset default_prop_27_0
+  ( default_prop
+    pm_prop))
+(typeattributeset device_27_0 (device))
+(typeattributeset device_identifiers_service_27_0 (device_identifiers_service))
+(typeattributeset deviceidle_service_27_0 (deviceidle_service))
+(typeattributeset device_logging_prop_27_0 (device_logging_prop))
+(typeattributeset device_policy_service_27_0 (device_policy_service))
+(typeattributeset devicestoragemonitor_service_27_0 (devicestoragemonitor_service))
+(typeattributeset devpts_27_0 (devpts))
+(typeattributeset dex2oat_27_0 (dex2oat))
+(typeattributeset dex2oat_exec_27_0 (dex2oat_exec))
+(typeattributeset dhcp_27_0 (dhcp))
+(typeattributeset dhcp_data_file_27_0 (dhcp_data_file))
+(typeattributeset dhcp_exec_27_0 (dhcp_exec))
+(typeattributeset dhcp_prop_27_0 (dhcp_prop))
+(typeattributeset diskstats_service_27_0 (diskstats_service))
+(typeattributeset display_service_27_0 (display_service))
+(typeattributeset dm_device_27_0 (dm_device))
+(typeattributeset dnsmasq_27_0 (dnsmasq))
+(typeattributeset dnsmasq_exec_27_0 (dnsmasq_exec))
+(typeattributeset dnsproxyd_socket_27_0 (dnsproxyd_socket))
+(typeattributeset DockObserver_service_27_0 (DockObserver_service))
+(typeattributeset dreams_service_27_0 (dreams_service))
+(typeattributeset drm_data_file_27_0 (drm_data_file))
+(typeattributeset drmserver_27_0 (drmserver))
+(typeattributeset drmserver_exec_27_0 (drmserver_exec))
+(typeattributeset drmserver_service_27_0 (drmserver_service))
+(typeattributeset drmserver_socket_27_0 (drmserver_socket))
+(typeattributeset dropbox_service_27_0 (dropbox_service))
+(typeattributeset dumpstate_27_0 (dumpstate))
+(typeattributeset dumpstate_exec_27_0 (dumpstate_exec))
+(typeattributeset dumpstate_options_prop_27_0 (dumpstate_options_prop))
+(typeattributeset dumpstate_prop_27_0 (dumpstate_prop))
+(typeattributeset dumpstate_service_27_0 (dumpstate_service))
+(typeattributeset dumpstate_socket_27_0 (dumpstate_socket))
+(typeattributeset e2fs_27_0 (e2fs))
+(typeattributeset e2fs_exec_27_0 (e2fs_exec))
+(typeattributeset efs_file_27_0 (efs_file))
+(typeattributeset ephemeral_app_27_0 (ephemeral_app))
+(typeattributeset ethernet_service_27_0 (ethernet_service))
+(typeattributeset ffs_prop_27_0 (ffs_prop))
+(typeattributeset file_contexts_file_27_0 (file_contexts_file))
+(typeattributeset fingerprintd_27_0 (fingerprintd))
+(typeattributeset fingerprintd_data_file_27_0 (fingerprintd_data_file))
+(typeattributeset fingerprintd_exec_27_0 (fingerprintd_exec))
+(typeattributeset fingerprintd_service_27_0 (fingerprintd_service))
+(typeattributeset fingerprint_prop_27_0 (fingerprint_prop))
+(typeattributeset fingerprint_service_27_0 (fingerprint_service))
+(typeattributeset firstboot_prop_27_0 (firstboot_prop))
+(typeattributeset font_service_27_0 (font_service))
+(typeattributeset frp_block_device_27_0 (frp_block_device))
+(typeattributeset fsck_27_0 (fsck))
+(typeattributeset fsck_exec_27_0 (fsck_exec))
+(typeattributeset fscklogs_27_0 (fscklogs))
+(typeattributeset fsck_untrusted_27_0 (fsck_untrusted))
+(typeattributeset full_device_27_0 (full_device))
+(typeattributeset functionfs_27_0 (functionfs))
+(typeattributeset fuse_27_0 (fuse))
+(typeattributeset fuse_device_27_0 (fuse_device))
+(typeattributeset fwk_display_hwservice_27_0 (fwk_display_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset fwk_scheduler_hwservice_27_0 (fwk_scheduler_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset fwk_sensor_hwservice_27_0 (fwk_sensor_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset fwmarkd_socket_27_0 (fwmarkd_socket))
+(typeattributeset gatekeeperd_27_0 (gatekeeperd))
+(typeattributeset gatekeeper_data_file_27_0 (gatekeeper_data_file))
+(typeattributeset gatekeeperd_exec_27_0 (gatekeeperd_exec))
+(typeattributeset gatekeeper_service_27_0 (gatekeeper_service))
+(typeattributeset gfxinfo_service_27_0 (gfxinfo_service))
+(typeattributeset gps_control_27_0 (gps_control))
+(typeattributeset gpu_device_27_0 (gpu_device))
+(typeattributeset gpu_service_27_0 (gpu_service))
+(typeattributeset graphics_device_27_0 (graphics_device))
+(typeattributeset graphicsstats_service_27_0 (graphicsstats_service))
+(typeattributeset hal_audio_hwservice_27_0 (hal_audio_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_bluetooth_hwservice_27_0 (hal_bluetooth_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_bootctl_hwservice_27_0 (hal_bootctl_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_broadcastradio_hwservice_27_0 (hal_broadcastradio_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_camera_hwservice_27_0 (hal_camera_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_cas_hwservice_27_0 (hal_cas_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_configstore_ISurfaceFlingerConfigs_27_0 (hal_configstore_ISurfaceFlingerConfigs))
+(typeattributeset hal_contexthub_hwservice_27_0 (hal_contexthub_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_drm_hwservice_27_0 (hal_drm_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_dumpstate_hwservice_27_0 (hal_dumpstate_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_fingerprint_hwservice_27_0 (hal_fingerprint_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_fingerprint_service_27_0 (hal_fingerprint_service))
+(typeattributeset hal_gatekeeper_hwservice_27_0 (hal_gatekeeper_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_gnss_hwservice_27_0 (hal_gnss_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_graphics_allocator_hwservice_27_0 (hal_graphics_allocator_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_graphics_composer_hwservice_27_0 (hal_graphics_composer_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_graphics_mapper_hwservice_27_0 (hal_graphics_mapper_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_health_hwservice_27_0 (hal_health_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_ir_hwservice_27_0 (hal_ir_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_keymaster_hwservice_27_0 (hal_keymaster_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_light_hwservice_27_0 (hal_light_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_memtrack_hwservice_27_0 (hal_memtrack_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_neuralnetworks_hwservice_27_0 (hal_neuralnetworks_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_nfc_hwservice_27_0 (hal_nfc_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_oemlock_hwservice_27_0 (hal_oemlock_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_omx_hwservice_27_0 (hal_omx_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_power_hwservice_27_0 (hal_power_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_renderscript_hwservice_27_0 (hal_renderscript_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_sensors_hwservice_27_0 (hal_sensors_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_telephony_hwservice_27_0 (hal_telephony_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_tetheroffload_hwservice_27_0 (hal_tetheroffload_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_thermal_hwservice_27_0 (hal_thermal_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_tv_cec_hwservice_27_0 (hal_tv_cec_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_tv_input_hwservice_27_0 (hal_tv_input_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_usb_hwservice_27_0 (hal_usb_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_vibrator_hwservice_27_0 (hal_vibrator_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_vr_hwservice_27_0 (hal_vr_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_weaver_hwservice_27_0 (hal_weaver_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_wifi_hwservice_27_0 (hal_wifi_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_wifi_offload_hwservice_27_0 (hal_wifi_offload_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice_27_0 (hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hardware_properties_service_27_0 (hardware_properties_service))
+(typeattributeset hardware_service_27_0 (hardware_service))
+(typeattributeset hci_attach_dev_27_0 (hci_attach_dev))
+(typeattributeset hdmi_control_service_27_0 (hdmi_control_service))
+(typeattributeset healthd_27_0 (healthd))
+(typeattributeset healthd_exec_27_0 (healthd_exec))
+(typeattributeset heapdump_data_file_27_0 (heapdump_data_file))
+(typeattributeset hidl_allocator_hwservice_27_0 (hidl_allocator_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hidl_base_hwservice_27_0 (hidl_base_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hidl_manager_hwservice_27_0 (hidl_manager_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hidl_memory_hwservice_27_0 (hidl_memory_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hidl_token_hwservice_27_0 (hidl_token_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset hwbinder_device_27_0 (hwbinder_device))
+(typeattributeset hw_random_device_27_0 (hw_random_device))
+(typeattributeset hwservice_contexts_file_27_0 (hwservice_contexts_file))
+(typeattributeset hwservicemanager_27_0 (hwservicemanager))
+(typeattributeset hwservicemanager_exec_27_0 (hwservicemanager_exec))
+(typeattributeset hwservicemanager_prop_27_0 (hwservicemanager_prop))
+(typeattributeset i2c_device_27_0 (i2c_device))
+(typeattributeset icon_file_27_0 (icon_file))
+(typeattributeset idmap_27_0 (idmap))
+(typeattributeset idmap_exec_27_0 (idmap_exec))
+(typeattributeset iio_device_27_0 (iio_device))
+(typeattributeset imms_service_27_0 (imms_service))
+(typeattributeset incident_27_0 (incident))
+(typeattributeset incidentd_27_0 (incidentd))
+(typeattributeset incident_data_file_27_0 (incident_data_file))
+(typeattributeset incident_service_27_0 (incident_service))
+(typeattributeset init_27_0 (init))
+(typeattributeset init_exec_27_0 (init_exec))
+(typeattributeset inotify_27_0 (inotify))
+(typeattributeset input_device_27_0 (input_device))
+(typeattributeset inputflinger_27_0 (inputflinger))
+(typeattributeset inputflinger_exec_27_0 (inputflinger_exec))
+(typeattributeset inputflinger_service_27_0 (inputflinger_service))
+(typeattributeset input_method_service_27_0 (input_method_service))
+(typeattributeset input_service_27_0 (input_service))
+(typeattributeset installd_27_0 (installd))
+(typeattributeset install_data_file_27_0 (install_data_file))
+(typeattributeset installd_exec_27_0 (installd_exec))
+(typeattributeset installd_service_27_0 (installd_service))
+(typeattributeset install_recovery_27_0 (install_recovery))
+(typeattributeset install_recovery_exec_27_0 (install_recovery_exec))
+(typeattributeset ion_device_27_0 (ion_device))
+(typeattributeset IProxyService_service_27_0 (IProxyService_service))
+(typeattributeset ipsec_service_27_0 (ipsec_service))
+(typeattributeset isolated_app_27_0 (isolated_app))
+(typeattributeset jobscheduler_service_27_0 (jobscheduler_service))
+(typeattributeset kernel_27_0 (kernel))
+(typeattributeset keychain_data_file_27_0 (keychain_data_file))
+(typeattributeset keychord_device_27_0 (keychord_device))
+(typeattributeset keystore_27_0 (keystore))
+(typeattributeset keystore_data_file_27_0 (keystore_data_file))
+(typeattributeset keystore_exec_27_0 (keystore_exec))
+(typeattributeset keystore_service_27_0 (keystore_service))
+(typeattributeset kmem_device_27_0 (kmem_device))
+(typeattributeset kmsg_debug_device_27_0 (kmsg_debug_device))
+(typeattributeset kmsg_device_27_0 (kmsg_device))
+(typeattributeset labeledfs_27_0 (labeledfs))
+(typeattributeset launcherapps_service_27_0 (launcherapps_service))
+(typeattributeset lmkd_27_0 (lmkd))
+(typeattributeset lmkd_exec_27_0 (lmkd_exec))
+(typeattributeset lmkd_socket_27_0 (lmkd_socket))
+(typeattributeset location_service_27_0 (location_service))
+(typeattributeset lock_settings_service_27_0 (lock_settings_service))
+(typeattributeset logcat_exec_27_0 (logcat_exec))
+(typeattributeset logd_27_0 (logd))
+(typeattributeset logd_exec_27_0 (logd_exec))
+(typeattributeset logd_prop_27_0 (logd_prop))
+(typeattributeset logdr_socket_27_0 (logdr_socket))
+(typeattributeset logd_socket_27_0 (logd_socket))
+(typeattributeset logdw_socket_27_0 (logdw_socket))
+(typeattributeset logpersist_27_0 (logpersist))
+(typeattributeset logpersistd_logging_prop_27_0 (logpersistd_logging_prop))
+(typeattributeset log_prop_27_0 (log_prop))
+(typeattributeset log_tag_prop_27_0 (log_tag_prop))
+(typeattributeset loop_control_device_27_0 (loop_control_device))
+(typeattributeset loop_device_27_0 (loop_device))
+(typeattributeset mac_perms_file_27_0 (mac_perms_file))
+(typeattributeset mdnsd_27_0 (mdnsd))
+(typeattributeset mdnsd_socket_27_0 (mdnsd_socket))
+(typeattributeset mdns_socket_27_0 (mdns_socket))
+(typeattributeset mediacodec_27_0 (mediacodec))
+(typeattributeset mediacodec_exec_27_0 (mediacodec_exec))
+(typeattributeset mediacodec_service_27_0 (mediacodec_service))
+(typeattributeset media_data_file_27_0 (media_data_file))
+(typeattributeset mediadrmserver_27_0 (mediadrmserver))
+(typeattributeset mediadrmserver_exec_27_0 (mediadrmserver_exec))
+(typeattributeset mediadrmserver_service_27_0 (mediadrmserver_service))
+(typeattributeset mediaextractor_27_0 (mediaextractor))
+(typeattributeset mediaextractor_exec_27_0 (mediaextractor_exec))
+(typeattributeset mediaextractor_service_27_0 (mediaextractor_service))
+(typeattributeset mediametrics_27_0 (mediametrics))
+(typeattributeset mediametrics_exec_27_0 (mediametrics_exec))
+(typeattributeset mediametrics_service_27_0 (mediametrics_service))
+(typeattributeset media_projection_service_27_0 (media_projection_service))
+(typeattributeset mediaprovider_27_0 (mediaprovider))
+(typeattributeset media_router_service_27_0 (media_router_service))
+(typeattributeset media_rw_data_file_27_0 (media_rw_data_file))
+(typeattributeset mediaserver_27_0 (mediaserver))
+(typeattributeset mediaserver_exec_27_0 (mediaserver_exec))
+(typeattributeset mediaserver_service_27_0 (mediaserver_service))
+(typeattributeset media_session_service_27_0 (media_session_service))
+(typeattributeset meminfo_service_27_0 (meminfo_service))
+(typeattributeset metadata_block_device_27_0 (metadata_block_device))
+(typeattributeset method_trace_data_file_27_0 (method_trace_data_file))
+(typeattributeset midi_service_27_0 (midi_service))
+(typeattributeset misc_block_device_27_0 (misc_block_device))
+(typeattributeset misc_logd_file_27_0 (misc_logd_file))
+(typeattributeset misc_user_data_file_27_0 (misc_user_data_file))
+(typeattributeset mmc_prop_27_0 (mmc_prop))
+(typeattributeset mnt_expand_file_27_0 (mnt_expand_file))
+(typeattributeset mnt_media_rw_file_27_0 (mnt_media_rw_file))
+(typeattributeset mnt_media_rw_stub_file_27_0 (mnt_media_rw_stub_file))
+(typeattributeset mnt_user_file_27_0 (mnt_user_file))
+(typeattributeset modprobe_27_0 (modprobe))
+(typeattributeset mount_service_27_0 (mount_service))
+(typeattributeset mqueue_27_0 (mqueue))
+(typeattributeset mtd_device_27_0 (mtd_device))
+(typeattributeset mtp_27_0 (mtp))
+(typeattributeset mtp_device_27_0 (mtp_device))
+(typeattributeset mtpd_socket_27_0 (mtpd_socket))
+(typeattributeset mtp_exec_27_0 (mtp_exec))
+(typeattributeset nativetest_data_file_27_0 (nativetest_data_file))
+(typeattributeset netd_27_0 (netd))
+(typeattributeset net_data_file_27_0 (net_data_file))
+(typeattributeset netd_exec_27_0 (netd_exec))
+(typeattributeset netd_listener_service_27_0 (netd_listener_service))
+(typeattributeset net_dns_prop_27_0 (net_dns_prop))
+(typeattributeset netd_service_27_0 (netd_service))
+(typeattributeset netd_socket_27_0 (netd_socket))
+(typeattributeset netd_stable_secret_prop_27_0 (netd_stable_secret_prop))
+(typeattributeset netif_27_0 (netif))
+(typeattributeset netpolicy_service_27_0 (netpolicy_service))
+(typeattributeset net_radio_prop_27_0 (net_radio_prop))
+(typeattributeset netstats_service_27_0 (netstats_service))
+(typeattributeset netutils_wrapper_27_0 (netutils_wrapper))
+(typeattributeset netutils_wrapper_exec_27_0 (netutils_wrapper_exec))
+(typeattributeset network_management_service_27_0 (network_management_service))
+(typeattributeset network_score_service_27_0 (network_score_service))
+(typeattributeset network_time_update_service_27_0 (network_time_update_service))
+(typeattributeset nfc_27_0 (nfc))
+(typeattributeset nfc_data_file_27_0 (nfc_data_file))
+(typeattributeset nfc_device_27_0 (nfc_device))
+(typeattributeset nfc_prop_27_0 (nfc_prop))
+(typeattributeset nfc_service_27_0 (nfc_service))
+(typeattributeset node_27_0 (node))
+(typeattributeset nonplat_service_contexts_file_27_0 (nonplat_service_contexts_file))
+(typeattributeset notification_service_27_0 (notification_service))
+(typeattributeset null_device_27_0 (null_device))
+(typeattributeset oemfs_27_0 (oemfs))
+(typeattributeset oem_lock_service_27_0 (oem_lock_service))
+(typeattributeset ota_data_file_27_0 (ota_data_file))
+(typeattributeset otadexopt_service_27_0 (otadexopt_service))
+(typeattributeset ota_package_file_27_0 (ota_package_file))
+(typeattributeset otapreopt_chroot_27_0 (otapreopt_chroot))
+(typeattributeset otapreopt_chroot_exec_27_0 (otapreopt_chroot_exec))
+(typeattributeset otapreopt_slot_27_0 (otapreopt_slot))
+(typeattributeset otapreopt_slot_exec_27_0 (otapreopt_slot_exec))
+(typeattributeset overlay_prop_27_0 (overlay_prop))
+(typeattributeset overlay_service_27_0 (overlay_service))
+(typeattributeset owntty_device_27_0 (owntty_device))
+(typeattributeset package_native_service_27_0 (package_native_service))
+(typeattributeset package_service_27_0 (package_service))
+(typeattributeset pan_result_prop_27_0 (pan_result_prop))
+(typeattributeset pdx_bufferhub_client_channel_socket_27_0 (pdx_bufferhub_client_channel_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket_27_0 (pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_bufferhub_dir_27_0 (pdx_bufferhub_dir))
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_client_channel_socket_27_0 (pdx_display_client_channel_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket_27_0 (pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_dir_27_0 (pdx_display_dir))
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_manager_channel_socket_27_0 (pdx_display_manager_channel_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket_27_0 (pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_screenshot_channel_socket_27_0 (pdx_display_screenshot_channel_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket_27_0 (pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_vsync_channel_socket_27_0 (pdx_display_vsync_channel_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket_27_0 (pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_performance_client_channel_socket_27_0 (pdx_performance_client_channel_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket_27_0 (pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket))
+(typeattributeset pdx_performance_dir_27_0 (pdx_performance_dir))
+(typeattributeset performanced_27_0 (performanced))
+(typeattributeset performanced_exec_27_0 (performanced_exec))
+(typeattributeset perfprofd_27_0 (perfprofd))
+(typeattributeset perfprofd_data_file_27_0 (perfprofd_data_file))
+(typeattributeset perfprofd_exec_27_0 (perfprofd_exec))
+(typeattributeset permission_service_27_0 (permission_service))
+(typeattributeset persist_debug_prop_27_0 (persist_debug_prop))
+(typeattributeset persistent_data_block_service_27_0 (persistent_data_block_service))
+(typeattributeset persistent_properties_ready_prop_27_0 (persistent_properties_ready_prop))
+(typeattributeset pinner_service_27_0 (pinner_service))
+(typeattributeset pipefs_27_0 (pipefs))
+(typeattributeset platform_app_27_0 (platform_app))
+(typeattributeset pmsg_device_27_0 (pmsg_device))
+(typeattributeset port_27_0 (port))
+(typeattributeset port_device_27_0 (port_device))
+(typeattributeset postinstall_27_0 (postinstall))
+(typeattributeset postinstall_dexopt_27_0 (postinstall_dexopt))
+(typeattributeset postinstall_file_27_0 (postinstall_file))
+(typeattributeset postinstall_mnt_dir_27_0 (postinstall_mnt_dir))
+(typeattributeset powerctl_prop_27_0 (powerctl_prop))
+(typeattributeset power_service_27_0 (power_service))
+(typeattributeset ppp_27_0 (ppp))
+(typeattributeset ppp_device_27_0 (ppp_device))
+(typeattributeset ppp_exec_27_0 (ppp_exec))
+(typeattributeset preloads_data_file_27_0 (preloads_data_file))
+(typeattributeset preloads_media_file_27_0 (preloads_media_file))
+(typeattributeset preopt2cachename_27_0 (preopt2cachename))
+(typeattributeset preopt2cachename_exec_27_0 (preopt2cachename_exec))
+(typeattributeset print_service_27_0 (print_service))
+(typeattributeset priv_app_27_0 (priv_app))
+(typeattributeset proc_27_0
+  ( proc
+    proc_abi
+    proc_asound
+    proc_buddyinfo
+    proc_cmdline
+    proc_dirty
+    proc_diskstats
+    proc_extra_free_kbytes
+    proc_filesystems
+    proc_hostname
+    proc_hung_task
+    proc_kmsg
+    proc_loadavg
+    proc_max_map_count
+    proc_min_free_order_shift
+    proc_mounts
+    proc_page_cluster
+    proc_pagetypeinfo
+    proc_panic
+    proc_pid_max
+    proc_pipe_conf
+    proc_random
+    proc_sched
+    proc_swaps
+    proc_uid_concurrent_active_time
+    proc_uid_concurrent_policy_time
+    proc_uid_cpupower
+    proc_uptime
+    proc_version
+    proc_vmallocinfo
+    proc_vmstat))
+(typeattributeset proc_bluetooth_writable_27_0 (proc_bluetooth_writable))
+(typeattributeset proc_cpuinfo_27_0 (proc_cpuinfo))
+(typeattributeset proc_drop_caches_27_0 (proc_drop_caches))
+(typeattributeset processinfo_service_27_0 (processinfo_service))
+(typeattributeset proc_interrupts_27_0 (proc_interrupts))
+(typeattributeset proc_iomem_27_0 (proc_iomem))
+(typeattributeset proc_meminfo_27_0 (proc_meminfo))
+(typeattributeset proc_misc_27_0 (proc_misc))
+(typeattributeset proc_modules_27_0 (proc_modules))
+(typeattributeset proc_net_27_0
+  ( proc_net
+    proc_qtaguid_stat))
+(typeattributeset proc_overcommit_memory_27_0 (proc_overcommit_memory))
+(typeattributeset proc_perf_27_0 (proc_perf))
+(typeattributeset proc_security_27_0 (proc_security))
+(typeattributeset proc_stat_27_0 (proc_stat))
+(typeattributeset procstats_service_27_0 (procstats_service))
+(typeattributeset proc_sysrq_27_0 (proc_sysrq))
+(typeattributeset proc_timer_27_0 (proc_timer))
+(typeattributeset proc_tty_drivers_27_0 (proc_tty_drivers))
+(typeattributeset proc_uid_cputime_removeuid_27_0 (proc_uid_cputime_removeuid))
+(typeattributeset proc_uid_cputime_showstat_27_0 (proc_uid_cputime_showstat))
+(typeattributeset proc_uid_io_stats_27_0 (proc_uid_io_stats))
+(typeattributeset proc_uid_procstat_set_27_0 (proc_uid_procstat_set))
+(typeattributeset proc_uid_time_in_state_27_0 (proc_uid_time_in_state))
+(typeattributeset proc_zoneinfo_27_0 (proc_zoneinfo))
+(typeattributeset profman_27_0 (profman))
+(typeattributeset profman_dump_data_file_27_0 (profman_dump_data_file))
+(typeattributeset profman_exec_27_0 (profman_exec))
+(typeattributeset properties_device_27_0 (properties_device))
+(typeattributeset properties_serial_27_0 (properties_serial))
+(typeattributeset property_contexts_file_27_0 (property_contexts_file))
+(typeattributeset property_data_file_27_0 (property_data_file))
+(typeattributeset property_socket_27_0 (property_socket))
+(typeattributeset pstorefs_27_0 (pstorefs))
+(typeattributeset ptmx_device_27_0 (ptmx_device))
+(typeattributeset qtaguid_device_27_0 (qtaguid_device))
+(typeattributeset qtaguid_proc_27_0 (qtaguid_proc))
+(typeattributeset racoon_27_0 (racoon))
+(typeattributeset racoon_exec_27_0 (racoon_exec))
+(typeattributeset racoon_socket_27_0 (racoon_socket))
+(typeattributeset radio_27_0 (radio))
+(typeattributeset radio_data_file_27_0 (radio_data_file))
+(typeattributeset radio_device_27_0 (radio_device))
+(typeattributeset radio_prop_27_0 (radio_prop))
+(typeattributeset radio_service_27_0 (radio_service))
+(typeattributeset ram_device_27_0 (ram_device))
+(typeattributeset random_device_27_0 (random_device))
+(typeattributeset reboot_data_file_27_0 (reboot_data_file))
+(typeattributeset recovery_27_0 (recovery))
+(typeattributeset recovery_block_device_27_0 (recovery_block_device))
+(typeattributeset recovery_data_file_27_0 (recovery_data_file))
+(typeattributeset recovery_persist_27_0 (recovery_persist))
+(typeattributeset recovery_persist_exec_27_0 (recovery_persist_exec))
+(typeattributeset recovery_refresh_27_0 (recovery_refresh))
+(typeattributeset recovery_refresh_exec_27_0 (recovery_refresh_exec))
+(typeattributeset recovery_service_27_0 (recovery_service))
+(typeattributeset registry_service_27_0 (registry_service))
+(typeattributeset resourcecache_data_file_27_0 (resourcecache_data_file))
+(typeattributeset restorecon_prop_27_0 (restorecon_prop))
+(typeattributeset restrictions_service_27_0 (restrictions_service))
+(typeattributeset rild_27_0 (rild))
+(typeattributeset rild_debug_socket_27_0 (rild_debug_socket))
+(typeattributeset rild_socket_27_0 (rild_socket))
+(typeattributeset ringtone_file_27_0 (ringtone_file))
+(typeattributeset root_block_device_27_0 (root_block_device))
+(typeattributeset rootfs_27_0 (rootfs))
+(typeattributeset rpmsg_device_27_0 (rpmsg_device))
+(typeattributeset rtc_device_27_0 (rtc_device))
+(typeattributeset rttmanager_service_27_0 (rttmanager_service))
+(typeattributeset runas_27_0 (runas))
+(typeattributeset runas_exec_27_0 (runas_exec))
+(typeattributeset runtime_event_log_tags_file_27_0 (runtime_event_log_tags_file))
+(typeattributeset safemode_prop_27_0 (safemode_prop))
+(typeattributeset same_process_hal_file_27_0 (same_process_hal_file))
+(typeattributeset samplingprofiler_service_27_0 (samplingprofiler_service))
+(typeattributeset scheduling_policy_service_27_0 (scheduling_policy_service))
+(typeattributeset sdcardd_27_0 (sdcardd))
+(typeattributeset sdcardd_exec_27_0 (sdcardd_exec))
+(typeattributeset sdcardfs_27_0 (sdcardfs))
+(typeattributeset seapp_contexts_file_27_0 (seapp_contexts_file))
+(typeattributeset search_service_27_0 (search_service))
+(typeattributeset sec_key_att_app_id_provider_service_27_0 (sec_key_att_app_id_provider_service))
+(typeattributeset selinuxfs_27_0 (selinuxfs))
+(typeattributeset sensors_device_27_0 (sensors_device))
+(typeattributeset sensorservice_service_27_0 (sensorservice_service))
+(typeattributeset sepolicy_file_27_0 (sepolicy_file))
+(typeattributeset serial_device_27_0 (serial_device))
+(typeattributeset serialno_prop_27_0 (serialno_prop))
+(typeattributeset serial_service_27_0 (serial_service))
+(typeattributeset service_contexts_file_27_0 (service_contexts_file))
+(typeattributeset servicediscovery_service_27_0 (servicediscovery_service))
+(typeattributeset servicemanager_27_0 (servicemanager))
+(typeattributeset servicemanager_exec_27_0 (servicemanager_exec))
+(typeattributeset settings_service_27_0 (settings_service))
+(typeattributeset sgdisk_27_0 (sgdisk))
+(typeattributeset sgdisk_exec_27_0 (sgdisk_exec))
+(typeattributeset shared_relro_27_0 (shared_relro))
+(typeattributeset shared_relro_file_27_0 (shared_relro_file))
+(typeattributeset shell_27_0 (shell))
+(typeattributeset shell_data_file_27_0 (shell_data_file))
+(typeattributeset shell_exec_27_0 (shell_exec))
+(typeattributeset shell_prop_27_0 (shell_prop))
+(typeattributeset shm_27_0 (shm))
+(typeattributeset shortcut_manager_icons_27_0 (shortcut_manager_icons))
+(typeattributeset shortcut_service_27_0 (shortcut_service))
+(typeattributeset slideshow_27_0 (slideshow))
+(typeattributeset socket_device_27_0 (socket_device))
+(typeattributeset sockfs_27_0 (sockfs))
+(typeattributeset statusbar_service_27_0 (statusbar_service))
+(typeattributeset storaged_service_27_0 (storaged_service))
+(typeattributeset storage_file_27_0 (storage_file))
+(typeattributeset storagestats_service_27_0 (storagestats_service))
+(typeattributeset storage_stub_file_27_0 (storage_stub_file))
+(typeattributeset su_27_0 (su))
+(typeattributeset su_exec_27_0 (su_exec))
+(typeattributeset surfaceflinger_27_0 (surfaceflinger))
+(typeattributeset surfaceflinger_service_27_0 (surfaceflinger_service))
+(typeattributeset swap_block_device_27_0 (swap_block_device))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_27_0
+  ( sysfs
+    sysfs_android_usb
+    sysfs_dm
+    sysfs_dt_firmware_android
+    sysfs_ipv4
+    sysfs_kernel_notes
+    sysfs_net
+    sysfs_power
+    sysfs_rtc
+    sysfs_switch
+    sysfs_wakeup_reasons))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_batteryinfo_27_0 (sysfs_batteryinfo))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_bluetooth_writable_27_0 (sysfs_bluetooth_writable))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_devices_system_cpu_27_0 (sysfs_devices_system_cpu))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_fs_ext4_features_27_0 (sysfs_fs_ext4_features))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_hwrandom_27_0 (sysfs_hwrandom))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_leds_27_0 (sysfs_leds))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_lowmemorykiller_27_0 (sysfs_lowmemorykiller))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_mac_address_27_0 (sysfs_mac_address))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_nfc_power_writable_27_0 (sysfs_nfc_power_writable))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_thermal_27_0 (sysfs_thermal))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_uio_27_0 (sysfs_uio))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_usb_27_0 (sysfs_usb))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_usermodehelper_27_0 (sysfs_usermodehelper))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_vibrator_27_0 (sysfs_vibrator))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_wake_lock_27_0 (sysfs_wake_lock))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_wlan_fwpath_27_0 (sysfs_wlan_fwpath))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_zram_27_0 (sysfs_zram))
+(typeattributeset sysfs_zram_uevent_27_0 (sysfs_zram_uevent))
+(typeattributeset system_app_27_0 (system_app))
+(typeattributeset system_app_data_file_27_0 (system_app_data_file))
+(typeattributeset system_app_service_27_0 (system_app_service))
+(typeattributeset system_block_device_27_0 (system_block_device))
+(typeattributeset system_data_file_27_0
+  ( system_data_file
+    vendor_data_file))
+(typeattributeset system_file_27_0 (system_file))
+(typeattributeset systemkeys_data_file_27_0 (systemkeys_data_file))
+(typeattributeset system_ndebug_socket_27_0 (system_ndebug_socket))
+(typeattributeset system_net_netd_hwservice_27_0 (system_net_netd_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset system_prop_27_0 (system_prop))
+(typeattributeset system_radio_prop_27_0 (system_radio_prop))
+(typeattributeset system_server_27_0 (system_server))
+(typeattributeset system_wifi_keystore_hwservice_27_0 (system_wifi_keystore_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset system_wpa_socket_27_0 (system_wpa_socket))
+(typeattributeset task_service_27_0 (task_service))
+(typeattributeset tee_27_0 (tee))
+(typeattributeset tee_data_file_27_0 (tee_data_file))
+(typeattributeset tee_device_27_0 (tee_device))
+(typeattributeset telecom_service_27_0 (telecom_service))
+(typeattributeset textclassification_service_27_0 (textclassification_service))
+(typeattributeset textclassifier_data_file_27_0 (textclassifier_data_file))
+(typeattributeset textservices_service_27_0 (textservices_service))
+(typeattributeset thermalcallback_hwservice_27_0 (thermalcallback_hwservice))
+(typeattributeset thermal_service_27_0 (thermal_service))
+(typeattributeset thermalserviced_27_0 (thermalserviced))
+(typeattributeset thermalserviced_exec_27_0 (thermalserviced_exec))
+(typeattributeset timezone_service_27_0 (timezone_service))
+(typeattributeset tmpfs_27_0 (tmpfs))
+(typeattributeset tombstoned_27_0 (tombstoned))
+(typeattributeset tombstone_data_file_27_0 (tombstone_data_file))
+(typeattributeset tombstoned_crash_socket_27_0 (tombstoned_crash_socket))
+(typeattributeset tombstoned_exec_27_0 (tombstoned_exec))
+(typeattributeset tombstoned_intercept_socket_27_0 (tombstoned_intercept_socket))
+(typeattributeset tombstoned_java_trace_socket_27_0 (tombstoned_java_trace_socket))
+(typeattributeset toolbox_27_0 (toolbox))
+(typeattributeset toolbox_exec_27_0 (toolbox_exec))
+(typeattributeset trust_service_27_0 (trust_service))
+(typeattributeset tty_device_27_0 (tty_device))
+(typeattributeset tun_device_27_0 (tun_device))
+(typeattributeset tv_input_service_27_0 (tv_input_service))
+(typeattributeset tzdatacheck_27_0 (tzdatacheck))
+(typeattributeset tzdatacheck_exec_27_0 (tzdatacheck_exec))
+(typeattributeset ueventd_27_0 (ueventd))
+(typeattributeset uhid_device_27_0 (uhid_device))
+(typeattributeset uimode_service_27_0 (uimode_service))
+(typeattributeset uio_device_27_0 (uio_device))
+(typeattributeset uncrypt_27_0 (uncrypt))
+(typeattributeset uncrypt_exec_27_0 (uncrypt_exec))
+(typeattributeset uncrypt_socket_27_0 (uncrypt_socket))
+(typeattributeset unencrypted_data_file_27_0 (unencrypted_data_file))
+(typeattributeset unlabeled_27_0 (unlabeled))
+(typeattributeset untrusted_app_25_27_0 (untrusted_app_25))
+(typeattributeset untrusted_app_27_0
+  ( untrusted_app
+    untrusted_app_27))
+(typeattributeset untrusted_v2_app_27_0 (untrusted_v2_app))
+(typeattributeset update_engine_27_0 (update_engine))
+(typeattributeset update_engine_data_file_27_0 (update_engine_data_file))
+(typeattributeset update_engine_exec_27_0 (update_engine_exec))
+(typeattributeset update_engine_service_27_0 (update_engine_service))
+(typeattributeset updatelock_service_27_0 (updatelock_service))
+(typeattributeset update_verifier_27_0 (update_verifier))
+(typeattributeset update_verifier_exec_27_0 (update_verifier_exec))
+(typeattributeset usagestats_service_27_0 (usagestats_service))
+(typeattributeset usbaccessory_device_27_0 (usbaccessory_device))
+(typeattributeset usb_device_27_0 (usb_device))
+(typeattributeset usbfs_27_0 (usbfs))
+(typeattributeset usb_service_27_0 (usb_service))
+(typeattributeset userdata_block_device_27_0 (userdata_block_device))
+(typeattributeset usermodehelper_27_0 (usermodehelper))
+(typeattributeset user_profile_data_file_27_0 (user_profile_data_file))
+(typeattributeset user_service_27_0 (user_service))
+(typeattributeset vcs_device_27_0 (vcs_device))
+(typeattributeset vdc_27_0 (vdc))
+(typeattributeset vdc_exec_27_0 (vdc_exec))
+(typeattributeset vendor_app_file_27_0 (vendor_app_file))
+(typeattributeset vendor_configs_file_27_0 (vendor_configs_file))
+(typeattributeset vendor_file_27_0 (vendor_file))
+(typeattributeset vendor_framework_file_27_0 (vendor_framework_file))
+(typeattributeset vendor_hal_file_27_0 (vendor_hal_file))
+(typeattributeset vendor_overlay_file_27_0 (vendor_overlay_file))
+(typeattributeset vendor_shell_exec_27_0 (vendor_shell_exec))
+(typeattributeset vendor_toolbox_exec_27_0 (vendor_toolbox_exec))
+(typeattributeset vfat_27_0 (vfat))
+(typeattributeset vibrator_service_27_0 (vibrator_service))
+(typeattributeset video_device_27_0 (video_device))
+(typeattributeset virtual_touchpad_27_0 (virtual_touchpad))
+(typeattributeset virtual_touchpad_exec_27_0 (virtual_touchpad_exec))
+(typeattributeset virtual_touchpad_service_27_0 (virtual_touchpad_service))
+(typeattributeset vndbinder_device_27_0 (vndbinder_device))
+(typeattributeset vndk_sp_file_27_0 (vndk_sp_file))
+(typeattributeset vndservice_contexts_file_27_0 (vndservice_contexts_file))
+(typeattributeset vndservicemanager_27_0 (vndservicemanager))
+(typeattributeset voiceinteraction_service_27_0 (voiceinteraction_service))
+(typeattributeset vold_27_0 (vold))
+(typeattributeset vold_data_file_27_0 (vold_data_file))
+(typeattributeset vold_device_27_0 (vold_device))
+(typeattributeset vold_exec_27_0 (vold_exec))
+(typeattributeset vold_prop_27_0 (vold_prop))
+(typeattributeset vold_socket_27_0 (vold_socket))
+(typeattributeset vpn_data_file_27_0 (vpn_data_file))
+(typeattributeset vr_hwc_27_0 (vr_hwc))
+(typeattributeset vr_hwc_exec_27_0 (vr_hwc_exec))
+(typeattributeset vr_hwc_service_27_0 (vr_hwc_service))
+(typeattributeset vr_manager_service_27_0 (vr_manager_service))
+(typeattributeset wallpaper_file_27_0 (wallpaper_file))
+(typeattributeset wallpaper_service_27_0 (wallpaper_service))
+(typeattributeset watchdogd_27_0 (watchdogd))
+(typeattributeset watchdog_device_27_0 (watchdog_device))
+(typeattributeset webviewupdate_service_27_0 (webviewupdate_service))
+(typeattributeset webview_zygote_27_0 (webview_zygote))
+(typeattributeset webview_zygote_exec_27_0 (webview_zygote_exec))
+(typeattributeset webview_zygote_socket_27_0 (webview_zygote_socket))
+(typeattributeset wifiaware_service_27_0 (wifiaware_service))
+(typeattributeset wificond_27_0 (wificond))
+(typeattributeset wificond_exec_27_0 (wificond_exec))
+(typeattributeset wificond_service_27_0 (wificond_service))
+(typeattributeset wifi_data_file_27_0 (wifi_data_file))
+(typeattributeset wifi_log_prop_27_0 (wifi_log_prop))
+(typeattributeset wifip2p_service_27_0 (wifip2p_service))
+(typeattributeset wifi_prop_27_0 (wifi_prop))
+(typeattributeset wifiscanner_service_27_0 (wifiscanner_service))
+(typeattributeset wifi_service_27_0 (wifi_service))
+(typeattributeset window_service_27_0 (window_service))
+(typeattributeset wpa_socket_27_0 (wpa_socket))
+(typeattributeset zero_device_27_0 (zero_device))
+(typeattributeset zoneinfo_data_file_27_0 (zoneinfo_data_file))
+(typeattributeset zygote_27_0 (zygote))
+(typeattributeset zygote_exec_27_0 (zygote_exec))
+(typeattributeset zygote_socket_27_0 (zygote_socket))
diff --git a/system/system/etc/selinux/mapping/28.0.cil b/system/system/etc/selinux/mapping/28.0.cil
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6a3bd07589b04b97f9642d847eaab15f82b6888c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/selinux/mapping/28.0.cil
@@ -0,0 +1,2574 @@
+(typeattributeset mediadrmserver_service_28_0 (mediadrmserver_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (mediadrmserver_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mediadrmserver_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset recovery_refresh_28_0 (recovery_refresh))
+(expandtypeattribute (recovery_refresh_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute recovery_refresh_28_0)
+(typeattributeset slice_service_28_0 (slice_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (slice_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute slice_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_dir_28_0 (pdx_display_dir))
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_display_dir_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pdx_display_dir_28_0)
+(typeattributeset processinfo_service_28_0 (processinfo_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (processinfo_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute processinfo_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_ipv4_28_0 (sysfs_ipv4))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_ipv4_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_ipv4_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vdc_28_0 (vdc))
+(expandtypeattribute (vdc_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vdc_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mediadrmserver_exec_28_0 (mediadrmserver_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (mediadrmserver_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mediadrmserver_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset serial_service_28_0 (serial_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (serial_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute serial_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vendor_shell_28_0 (vendor_shell))
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_shell_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vendor_shell_28_0)
+(typeattributeset system_ndebug_socket_28_0 (system_ndebug_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (system_ndebug_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute system_ndebug_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset fingerprint_service_28_0 (fingerprint_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (fingerprint_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute fingerprint_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_fingerprint_service_28_0 (hal_fingerprint_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_fingerprint_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_fingerprint_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset recovery_block_device_28_0 (recovery_block_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (recovery_block_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute recovery_block_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset drmserver_28_0 (drmserver))
+(expandtypeattribute (drmserver_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute drmserver_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vr_hwc_service_28_0 (vr_hwc_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (vr_hwc_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vr_hwc_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset secure_element_device_28_0 (secure_element_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (secure_element_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute secure_element_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_sensors_hwservice_28_0 (hal_sensors_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_sensors_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_sensors_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset audiohal_data_file_28_0 (audiohal_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (audiohal_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute audiohal_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset wifi_service_28_0 (wifi_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (wifi_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute wifi_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_qtaguid_stat_28_0 (proc_qtaguid_stat))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_qtaguid_stat_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_qtaguid_stat_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exfat_28_0 (exfat))
+(expandtypeattribute (exfat_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exfat_28_0)
+(typeattributeset system_prop_28_0 (system_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (system_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute system_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vfat_28_0 (vfat))
+(expandtypeattribute (vfat_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vfat_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket_28_0 (pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset property_info_28_0 (property_info))
+(expandtypeattribute (property_info_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute property_info_28_0)
+(typeattributeset keystore_exec_28_0 (keystore_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (keystore_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute keystore_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset netpolicy_service_28_0 (netpolicy_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (netpolicy_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute netpolicy_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset video_device_28_0 (video_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (video_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute video_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset serialno_prop_28_0 (serialno_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (serialno_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute serialno_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset midi_service_28_0 (midi_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (midi_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute midi_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset persistent_properties_ready_prop_28_0 (persistent_properties_ready_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (persistent_properties_ready_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute persistent_properties_ready_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset file_contexts_file_28_0 (file_contexts_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (file_contexts_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute file_contexts_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset tzdatacheck_28_0 (tzdatacheck))
+(expandtypeattribute (tzdatacheck_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute tzdatacheck_28_0)
+(typeattributeset persist_dpm_prop_28_0 (persist_dpm_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (persist_dpm_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute persist_dpm_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_diskstats_28_0 (proc_diskstats))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_diskstats_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_diskstats_28_0)
+(typeattributeset property_contexts_file_28_0 (property_contexts_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (property_contexts_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute property_contexts_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset firstboot_prop_28_0 (firstboot_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (firstboot_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute firstboot_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pan_result_prop_28_0 (pan_result_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (pan_result_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pan_result_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ctl_rildaemon_prop_28_0 (ctl_rildaemon_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_rildaemon_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ctl_rildaemon_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_logs_data_file_28_0 (bluetooth_logs_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (bluetooth_logs_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute bluetooth_logs_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_atfwd_hwservice_28_0 (hal_atfwd_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_atfwd_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_atfwd_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_light_hwservice_28_0 (hal_light_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_light_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_light_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset print_service_28_0 (print_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (print_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute print_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_hung_task_28_0 (proc_hung_task))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_hung_task_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_hung_task_28_0)
+(typeattributeset same_process_hal_file_28_0 (same_process_hal_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (same_process_hal_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute same_process_hal_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_vibrator_hwservice_28_0 (hal_vibrator_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_vibrator_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_vibrator_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset location_service_28_0 (location_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (location_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute location_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mediaprovider_28_0 (mediaprovider))
+(expandtypeattribute (mediaprovider_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mediaprovider_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_confirmationui_hwservice_28_0 (hal_confirmationui_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_confirmationui_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_confirmationui_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset device_policy_service_28_0 (device_policy_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (device_policy_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute device_policy_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset preopt2cachename_28_0 (preopt2cachename))
+(expandtypeattribute (preopt2cachename_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute preopt2cachename_28_0)
+(typeattributeset autofill_service_28_0 (autofill_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (autofill_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute autofill_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported_default_prop_28_0 (exported_default_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported_default_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported_default_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_swaps_28_0 (proc_swaps))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_swaps_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_swaps_28_0)
+(typeattributeset debugfs_28_0 (debugfs))
+(expandtypeattribute (debugfs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute debugfs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset configfs_28_0 (configfs))
+(expandtypeattribute (configfs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute configfs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset config_prop_28_0 (config_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (config_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute config_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset charger_28_0 (charger))
+(expandtypeattribute (charger_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute charger_28_0)
+(typeattributeset system_block_device_28_0 (system_block_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (system_block_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute system_block_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset postinstall_28_0 (postinstall))
+(expandtypeattribute (postinstall_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute postinstall_28_0)
+(typeattributeset updatelock_service_28_0 (updatelock_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (updatelock_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute updatelock_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset apk_data_file_28_0 (apk_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (apk_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute apk_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hidl_base_hwservice_28_0 (hidl_base_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hidl_base_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hidl_base_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset system_app_28_0 (system_app))
+(expandtypeattribute (system_app_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute system_app_28_0)
+(typeattributeset qvrd_28_0 (qvrd))
+(expandtypeattribute (qvrd_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute qvrd_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hidl_manager_hwservice_28_0 (hidl_manager_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hidl_manager_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hidl_manager_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hidl_memory_hwservice_28_0 (hidl_memory_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hidl_memory_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hidl_memory_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset preloads_media_file_28_0 (preloads_media_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (preloads_media_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute preloads_media_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset surfaceflinger_28_0 (surfaceflinger))
+(expandtypeattribute (surfaceflinger_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute surfaceflinger_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_screenshot_channel_socket_28_0 (pdx_display_screenshot_channel_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_display_screenshot_channel_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pdx_display_screenshot_channel_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset debugfs_tracing_instances_28_0 (debugfs_tracing_instances))
+(expandtypeattribute (debugfs_tracing_instances_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute debugfs_tracing_instances_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_contexthub_hwservice_28_0 (hal_contexthub_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_contexthub_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_contexthub_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_zoneinfo_28_0 (proc_zoneinfo))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_zoneinfo_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_zoneinfo_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_tty_drivers_28_0 (proc_tty_drivers))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_tty_drivers_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_tty_drivers_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sec_key_att_app_id_provider_service_28_0 (sec_key_att_app_id_provider_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (sec_key_att_app_id_provider_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sec_key_att_app_id_provider_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset activity_service_28_0 (activity_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (activity_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute activity_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mediaextractor_exec_28_0 (mediaextractor_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (mediaextractor_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mediaextractor_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset tombstoned_java_trace_socket_28_0 (tombstoned_java_trace_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (tombstoned_java_trace_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute tombstoned_java_trace_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset watchdog_device_28_0 (watchdog_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (watchdog_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute watchdog_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset graphics_device_28_0 (graphics_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (graphics_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute graphics_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset method_trace_data_file_28_0 (method_trace_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (method_trace_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute method_trace_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vndservicemanager_28_0 (vndservicemanager))
+(expandtypeattribute (vndservicemanager_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vndservicemanager_28_0)
+(typeattributeset tombstone_wifi_data_file_28_0 (tombstone_wifi_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (tombstone_wifi_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute tombstone_wifi_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset apk_private_data_file_28_0 (apk_private_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (apk_private_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute apk_private_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vold_prepare_subdirs_28_0 (vold_prepare_subdirs))
+(expandtypeattribute (vold_prepare_subdirs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vold_prepare_subdirs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hwservicemanager_28_0 (hwservicemanager))
+(expandtypeattribute (hwservicemanager_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hwservicemanager_28_0)
+(typeattributeset keychord_device_28_0 (keychord_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (keychord_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute keychord_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset secure_element_28_0 (secure_element))
+(expandtypeattribute (secure_element_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute secure_element_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_graphics_composer_hwservice_28_0 (hal_graphics_composer_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_graphics_composer_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_graphics_composer_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset servicemanager_28_0 (servicemanager))
+(expandtypeattribute (servicemanager_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute servicemanager_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ashmem_device_28_0 (ashmem_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (ashmem_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ashmem_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset virtual_touchpad_28_0 (virtual_touchpad))
+(expandtypeattribute (virtual_touchpad_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute virtual_touchpad_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_telephony_hwservice_28_0 (hal_telephony_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_telephony_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_telephony_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset fingerprint_prop_28_0 (fingerprint_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (fingerprint_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute fingerprint_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported2_vold_prop_28_0 (exported2_vold_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported2_vold_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported2_vold_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_stat_28_0 (proc_stat))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_stat_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_stat_28_0)
+(typeattributeset rootfs_28_0 (rootfs))
+(expandtypeattribute (rootfs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute rootfs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sdcardfs_28_0 (sdcardfs))
+(expandtypeattribute (sdcardfs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sdcardfs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported_overlay_prop_28_0 (exported_overlay_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported_overlay_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported_overlay_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset netd_28_0 (netd))
+(expandtypeattribute (netd_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute netd_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_usb_28_0 (sysfs_usb))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_usb_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_usb_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_perf_28_0 (proc_perf))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_perf_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_perf_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mqueue_28_0 (mqueue))
+(expandtypeattribute (mqueue_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mqueue_28_0)
+(typeattributeset tee_28_0 (tee))
+(expandtypeattribute (tee_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute tee_28_0)
+(typeattributeset media_session_service_28_0 (media_session_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (media_session_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute media_session_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset adbd_28_0 (adbd))
+(expandtypeattribute (adbd_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute adbd_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_dirty_28_0 (proc_dirty))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_dirty_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_dirty_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_fs_ext4_features_28_0 (sysfs_fs_ext4_features))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_fs_ext4_features_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_fs_ext4_features_28_0)
+(typeattributeset textclassifier_data_file_28_0 (textclassifier_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (textclassifier_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute textclassifier_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset untrusted_v2_app_28_0 (untrusted_v2_app))
+(expandtypeattribute (untrusted_v2_app_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute untrusted_v2_app_28_0)
+(typeattributeset fuse_28_0 (fuse))
+(expandtypeattribute (fuse_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute fuse_28_0)
+(typeattributeset recovery_28_0 (recovery))
+(expandtypeattribute (recovery_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute recovery_28_0)
+(typeattributeset bootstat_28_0 (bootstat))
+(expandtypeattribute (bootstat_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute bootstat_28_0)
+(typeattributeset labeledfs_28_0 (labeledfs))
+(expandtypeattribute (labeledfs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute labeledfs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported_fingerprint_prop_28_0 (exported_fingerprint_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported_fingerprint_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported_fingerprint_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_loadavg_28_0 (proc_loadavg))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_loadavg_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_loadavg_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pdx_bufferhub_dir_28_0 (pdx_bufferhub_dir))
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_bufferhub_dir_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pdx_bufferhub_dir_28_0)
+(typeattributeset usermodehelper_28_0 (usermodehelper))
+(expandtypeattribute (usermodehelper_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute usermodehelper_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mediaextractor_service_28_0 (mediaextractor_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (mediaextractor_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mediaextractor_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset debug_prop_28_0 (debug_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (debug_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute debug_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_omx_hwservice_28_0 (hal_omx_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_omx_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_omx_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset update_engine_service_28_0 (update_engine_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (update_engine_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute update_engine_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset lock_settings_service_28_0 (lock_settings_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (lock_settings_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute lock_settings_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ctl_interface_restart_prop_28_0 (ctl_interface_restart_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_interface_restart_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ctl_interface_restart_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset cameraproxy_service_28_0 (cameraproxy_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (cameraproxy_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute cameraproxy_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset audio_prop_28_0 (audio_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (audio_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute audio_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset healthd_28_0 (healthd))
+(expandtypeattribute (healthd_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute healthd_28_0)
+(typeattributeset keychain_data_file_28_0 (keychain_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (keychain_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute keychain_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset kmem_device_28_0 (kmem_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (kmem_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute kmem_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset kmsg_device_28_0 (kmsg_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (kmsg_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute kmsg_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset netif_28_0 (netif))
+(expandtypeattribute (netif_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute netif_28_0)
+(typeattributeset webview_zygote_exec_28_0 (webview_zygote_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (webview_zygote_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute webview_zygote_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_tetheroffload_hwservice_28_0 (hal_tetheroffload_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_tetheroffload_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_tetheroffload_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset zoneinfo_data_file_28_0 (zoneinfo_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (zoneinfo_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute zoneinfo_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset radio_28_0 (radio))
+(expandtypeattribute (radio_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute radio_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pipefs_28_0 (pipefs))
+(expandtypeattribute (pipefs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pipefs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pstorefs_28_0 (pstorefs))
+(expandtypeattribute (pstorefs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pstorefs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_sysrq_28_0 (proc_sysrq))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_sysrq_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_sysrq_28_0)
+(typeattributeset gatekeeperd_28_0 (gatekeeperd))
+(expandtypeattribute (gatekeeperd_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute gatekeeperd_28_0)
+(typeattributeset consumer_ir_service_28_0 (consumer_ir_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (consumer_ir_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute consumer_ir_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported_wifi_prop_28_0 (exported_wifi_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported_wifi_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported_wifi_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported_vold_prop_28_0 (exported_vold_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported_vold_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported_vold_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_zram_28_0 (sysfs_zram))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_zram_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_zram_28_0)
+(typeattributeset cgroup_bpf_28_0 (cgroup_bpf))
+(expandtypeattribute (cgroup_bpf_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute cgroup_bpf_28_0)
+(typeattributeset wifi_data_file_28_0 (wifi_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (wifi_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute wifi_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mediametrics_service_28_0 (mediametrics_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (mediametrics_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mediametrics_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset system_boot_reason_prop_28_0 (system_boot_reason_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (system_boot_reason_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute system_boot_reason_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_lowpan_hwservice_28_0 (hal_lowpan_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_lowpan_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_lowpan_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dataservice_app_28_0 (dataservice_app))
+(expandtypeattribute (dataservice_app_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dataservice_app_28_0)
+(typeattributeset assetatlas_service_28_0 (assetatlas_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (assetatlas_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute assetatlas_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_filesystems_28_0 (proc_filesystems))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_filesystems_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_filesystems_28_0)
+(typeattributeset backup_service_28_0 (backup_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (backup_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute backup_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_manager_channel_socket_28_0 (pdx_display_manager_channel_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_display_manager_channel_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pdx_display_manager_channel_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset traced_probes_28_0 (traced_probes))
+(expandtypeattribute (traced_probes_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute traced_probes_28_0)
+(typeattributeset zero_device_28_0 (zero_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (zero_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute zero_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset wpantund_28_0 (wpantund))
+(expandtypeattribute (wpantund_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute wpantund_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hwservice_contexts_file_28_0 (hwservice_contexts_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (hwservice_contexts_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hwservice_contexts_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset service_contexts_file_28_0 (service_contexts_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (service_contexts_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute service_contexts_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported_bluetooth_prop_28_0 (exported_bluetooth_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported_bluetooth_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported_bluetooth_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_uio_28_0 (sysfs_uio))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_uio_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_uio_28_0)
+(typeattributeset preopt2cachename_exec_28_0 (preopt2cachename_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (preopt2cachename_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute preopt2cachename_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vndservice_contexts_file_28_0 (vndservice_contexts_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (vndservice_contexts_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vndservice_contexts_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset incident_28_0 (incident))
+(expandtypeattribute (incident_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute incident_28_0)
+(typeattributeset cache_block_device_28_0 (cache_block_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (cache_block_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute cache_block_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset crash_dump_exec_28_0 (crash_dump_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (crash_dump_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute crash_dump_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset shell_28_0 (shell))
+(expandtypeattribute (shell_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute shell_28_0)
+(typeattributeset network_time_update_service_28_0 (network_time_update_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (network_time_update_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute network_time_update_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported2_radio_prop_28_0 (exported2_radio_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported2_radio_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported2_radio_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported3_radio_prop_28_0 (exported3_radio_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported3_radio_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported3_radio_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset seapp_contexts_file_28_0 (seapp_contexts_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (seapp_contexts_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute seapp_contexts_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset textclassification_service_28_0 (textclassification_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (textclassification_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute textclassification_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset blkid_untrusted_28_0 (blkid_untrusted))
+(expandtypeattribute (blkid_untrusted_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute blkid_untrusted_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dumpstate_prop_28_0 (dumpstate_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (dumpstate_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dumpstate_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset zygote_exec_28_0 (zygote_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (zygote_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute zygote_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset cppreopt_prop_28_0 (cppreopt_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (cppreopt_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute cppreopt_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset radio_prop_28_0 (radio_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (radio_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute radio_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset postinstall_mnt_dir_28_0 (postinstall_mnt_dir))
+(expandtypeattribute (postinstall_mnt_dir_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute postinstall_mnt_dir_28_0)
+(typeattributeset misc_user_data_file_28_0 (misc_user_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (misc_user_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute misc_user_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset debugfs_wifi_tracing_28_0 (debugfs_wifi_tracing))
+(expandtypeattribute (debugfs_wifi_tracing_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute debugfs_wifi_tracing_28_0)
+(typeattributeset shell_prop_28_0 (shell_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (shell_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute shell_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset isolated_app_28_0 (isolated_app))
+(expandtypeattribute (isolated_app_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute isolated_app_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_vibrator_28_0 (sysfs_vibrator))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_vibrator_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_vibrator_28_0)
+(typeattributeset network_management_service_28_0 (network_management_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (network_management_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute network_management_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_hwrandom_28_0 (sysfs_hwrandom))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_hwrandom_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_hwrandom_28_0)
+(typeattributeset system_server_28_0 (system_server))
+(expandtypeattribute (system_server_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute system_server_28_0)
+(typeattributeset device_identifiers_service_28_0 (device_identifiers_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (device_identifiers_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute device_identifiers_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset network_score_service_28_0 (network_score_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (network_score_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute network_score_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset e2fs_28_0 (e2fs))
+(expandtypeattribute (e2fs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute e2fs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset usbfs_28_0 (usbfs))
+(expandtypeattribute (usbfs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute usbfs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset debugfs_wakeup_sources_28_0 (debugfs_wakeup_sources))
+(expandtypeattribute (debugfs_wakeup_sources_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute debugfs_wakeup_sources_28_0)
+(typeattributeset incident_helper_28_0 (incident_helper))
+(expandtypeattribute (incident_helper_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute incident_helper_28_0)
+(typeattributeset system_wifi_keystore_hwservice_28_0 (system_wifi_keystore_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (system_wifi_keystore_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute system_wifi_keystore_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sdcardd_28_0 (sdcardd))
+(expandtypeattribute (sdcardd_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sdcardd_28_0)
+(typeattributeset thermal_service_28_0 (thermal_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (thermal_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute thermal_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset logdr_socket_28_0 (logdr_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (logdr_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute logdr_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset logdw_socket_28_0 (logdw_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (logdw_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute logdw_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vpn_data_file_28_0 (vpn_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (vpn_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vpn_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dalvikcache_data_file_28_0 (dalvikcache_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (dalvikcache_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dalvikcache_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mediaserver_service_28_0 (mediaserver_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (mediaserver_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mediaserver_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset property_data_file_28_0 (property_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (property_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute property_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset wifi_log_prop_28_0 (wifi_log_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (wifi_log_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute wifi_log_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset accessibility_service_28_0 (accessibility_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (accessibility_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute accessibility_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset camera_device_28_0 (camera_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (camera_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute camera_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset recovery_data_file_28_0 (recovery_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (recovery_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute recovery_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset system_app_data_file_28_0 (system_app_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (system_app_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute system_app_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_leds_28_0 (sysfs_leds))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_leds_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_leds_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mediacodec_28_0 (mediacodec))
+(expandtypeattribute (mediacodec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mediacodec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pm_prop_28_0 (pm_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (pm_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pm_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset restrictions_service_28_0 (restrictions_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (restrictions_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute restrictions_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ffs_prop_28_0 (ffs_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (ffs_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ffs_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset log_prop_28_0 (log_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (log_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute log_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mmc_prop_28_0 (mmc_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (mmc_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mmc_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset nfc_prop_28_0 (nfc_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (nfc_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute nfc_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset toolbox_28_0 (toolbox))
+(expandtypeattribute (toolbox_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute toolbox_28_0)
+(typeattributeset IProxyService_service_28_0 (IProxyService_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (IProxyService_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute IProxyService_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mnt_media_rw_stub_file_28_0 (mnt_media_rw_stub_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (mnt_media_rw_stub_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mnt_media_rw_stub_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_28_0 (proc))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_28_0)
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_socket_28_0 (bluetooth_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (bluetooth_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute bluetooth_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset logcat_exec_28_0 (logcat_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (logcat_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute logcat_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset inputflinger_exec_28_0 (inputflinger_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (inputflinger_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute inputflinger_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset overlay_prop_28_0 (overlay_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (overlay_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute overlay_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset last_boot_reason_prop_28_0 (last_boot_reason_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (last_boot_reason_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute last_boot_reason_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset test_boot_reason_prop_28_0 (test_boot_reason_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (test_boot_reason_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute test_boot_reason_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_wifi_hostapd_hwservice_28_0 (hal_wifi_hostapd_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_wifi_hostapd_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_wifi_hostapd_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_wifi_offload_hwservice_28_0 (hal_wifi_offload_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_wifi_offload_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_wifi_offload_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset safemode_prop_28_0 (safemode_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (safemode_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute safemode_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset wallpaper_file_28_0 (wallpaper_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (wallpaper_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute wallpaper_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset shortcut_manager_icons_28_0 (shortcut_manager_icons))
+(expandtypeattribute (shortcut_manager_icons_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute shortcut_manager_icons_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_asound_28_0 (proc_asound))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_asound_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_asound_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_neuralnetworks_hwservice_28_0 (hal_neuralnetworks_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_neuralnetworks_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_neuralnetworks_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dhcp_prop_28_0 (dhcp_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (dhcp_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dhcp_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset gps_control_28_0 (gps_control))
+(expandtypeattribute (gps_control_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute gps_control_28_0)
+(typeattributeset logd_prop_28_0 (logd_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (logd_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute logd_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dumpstate_options_prop_28_0 (dumpstate_options_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (dumpstate_options_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dumpstate_options_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_uid_concurrent_active_time_28_0 (proc_uid_concurrent_active_time))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_uid_concurrent_active_time_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_uid_concurrent_active_time_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vold_prop_28_0 (vold_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (vold_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vold_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset wifi_prop_28_0 (wifi_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (wifi_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute wifi_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset imms_service_28_0 (imms_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (imms_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute imms_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset netd_socket_28_0 (netd_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (netd_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute netd_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_28_0 (sysfs))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset default_android_service_28_0 (default_android_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (default_android_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute default_android_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset bufferhubd_28_0 (bufferhubd))
+(expandtypeattribute (bufferhubd_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute bufferhubd_28_0)
+(typeattributeset thermalserviced_exec_28_0 (thermalserviced_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (thermalserviced_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute thermalserviced_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_devices_system_cpu_28_0 (sysfs_devices_system_cpu))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_devices_system_cpu_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_devices_system_cpu_28_0)
+(typeattributeset untrusted_app_28_0 (untrusted_app))
+(expandtypeattribute (untrusted_app_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute untrusted_app_28_0)
+(typeattributeset shared_relro_28_0 (shared_relro))
+(expandtypeattribute (shared_relro_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute shared_relro_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_wifi_hwservice_28_0 (hal_wifi_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_wifi_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_wifi_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_vmstat_28_0 (proc_vmstat))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_vmstat_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_vmstat_28_0)
+(typeattributeset alarm_device_28_0 (alarm_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (alarm_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute alarm_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_graphics_mapper_hwservice_28_0 (hal_graphics_mapper_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_graphics_mapper_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_graphics_mapper_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_uid_concurrent_policy_time_28_0 (proc_uid_concurrent_policy_time))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_uid_concurrent_policy_time_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_uid_concurrent_policy_time_28_0)
+(typeattributeset audio_data_file_28_0 (audio_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (audio_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute audio_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset radio_data_file_28_0 (radio_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (radio_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute radio_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset traceur_app_28_0 (traceur_app))
+(expandtypeattribute (traceur_app_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute traceur_app_28_0)
+(typeattributeset display_service_28_0 (display_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (display_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute display_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset overlay_service_28_0 (overlay_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (overlay_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute overlay_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice_28_0 (hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset performanced_exec_28_0 (performanced_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (performanced_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute performanced_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset usbd_28_0 (usbd))
+(expandtypeattribute (usbd_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute usbd_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_page_cluster_28_0 (proc_page_cluster))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_page_cluster_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_page_cluster_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_health_hwservice_28_0 (hal_health_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_health_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_health_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset system_wpa_socket_28_0 (system_wpa_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (system_wpa_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute system_wpa_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_rtc_28_0 (sysfs_rtc))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_rtc_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_rtc_28_0)
+(typeattributeset fsck_28_0 (fsck))
+(expandtypeattribute (fsck_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute fsck_28_0)
+(typeattributeset fs_bpf_28_0 (fs_bpf))
+(expandtypeattribute (fs_bpf_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute fs_bpf_28_0)
+(typeattributeset netd_listener_service_28_0 (netd_listener_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (netd_listener_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute netd_listener_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset app_fusefs_28_0 (app_fusefs))
+(expandtypeattribute (app_fusefs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute app_fusefs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_overcommit_memory_28_0 (proc_overcommit_memory))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_overcommit_memory_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_overcommit_memory_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ctl_dumpstate_prop_28_0 (ctl_dumpstate_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_dumpstate_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ctl_dumpstate_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset connmetrics_service_28_0 (connmetrics_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (connmetrics_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute connmetrics_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_uid_cputime_removeuid_28_0 (proc_uid_cputime_removeuid))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_uid_cputime_removeuid_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_uid_cputime_removeuid_28_0)
+(typeattributeset boot_block_device_28_0 (boot_block_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (boot_block_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute boot_block_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset powerctl_prop_28_0 (powerctl_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (powerctl_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute powerctl_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_android_usb_28_0 (sysfs_android_usb))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_android_usb_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_android_usb_28_0)
+(typeattributeset misc_block_device_28_0 (misc_block_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (misc_block_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute misc_block_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset root_block_device_28_0 (root_block_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (root_block_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute root_block_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset swap_block_device_28_0 (swap_block_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (swap_block_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute swap_block_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset block_device_28_0 (block_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (block_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute block_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset frp_block_device_28_0 (frp_block_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (frp_block_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute frp_block_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_power_28_0 (sysfs_power))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_power_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_power_28_0)
+(typeattributeset loop_device_28_0 (loop_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (loop_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute loop_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_random_28_0 (proc_random))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_random_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_random_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dnsproxyd_socket_28_0 (dnsproxyd_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (dnsproxyd_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dnsproxyd_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset crash_dump_28_0 (crash_dump))
+(expandtypeattribute (crash_dump_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute crash_dump_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_keymaster_hwservice_28_0 (hal_keymaster_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_keymaster_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_keymaster_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ctl_interface_start_prop_28_0 (ctl_interface_start_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_interface_start_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ctl_interface_start_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_wakeup_reasons_28_0 (sysfs_wakeup_reasons))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_wakeup_reasons_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_wakeup_reasons_28_0)
+(typeattributeset shm_28_0 (shm))
+(expandtypeattribute (shm_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute shm_28_0)
+(typeattributeset installd_service_28_0 (installd_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (installd_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute installd_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_extra_free_kbytes_28_0 (proc_extra_free_kbytes))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_extra_free_kbytes_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_extra_free_kbytes_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_uid_cputime_showstat_28_0 (proc_uid_cputime_showstat))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_uid_cputime_showstat_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_uid_cputime_showstat_28_0)
+(typeattributeset bootstat_exec_28_0 (bootstat_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (bootstat_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute bootstat_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vendor_bt_prop_28_0 (vendor_bt_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_bt_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vendor_bt_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mdns_socket_28_0 (mdns_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (mdns_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mdns_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset oem_lock_service_28_0 (oem_lock_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (oem_lock_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute oem_lock_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset audioserver_28_0 (audioserver))
+(expandtypeattribute (audioserver_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute audioserver_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dun-server_28_0 (dun-server))
+(expandtypeattribute (dun-server_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dun-server_28_0)
+(typeattributeset tmpfs_28_0 (tmpfs))
+(expandtypeattribute (tmpfs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute tmpfs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset bootanim_exec_28_0 (bootanim_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (bootanim_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute bootanim_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vendor_configs_file_28_0 (vendor_configs_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_configs_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vendor_configs_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vendor_shell_exec_28_0 (vendor_shell_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_shell_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vendor_shell_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hwservicemanager_prop_28_0 (hwservicemanager_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (hwservicemanager_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hwservicemanager_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset perfprofd_service_28_0 (perfprofd_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (perfprofd_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute perfprofd_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset clatd_28_0 (clatd))
+(expandtypeattribute (clatd_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute clatd_28_0)
+(typeattributeset input_device_28_0 (input_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (input_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute input_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset DockObserver_service_28_0 (DockObserver_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (DockObserver_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute DockObserver_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset shell_data_file_28_0 (shell_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (shell_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute shell_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_manager_service_28_0 (bluetooth_manager_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (bluetooth_manager_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute bluetooth_manager_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset contexthub_service_28_0 (contexthub_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (contexthub_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute contexthub_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dnsmasq_28_0 (dnsmasq))
+(expandtypeattribute (dnsmasq_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dnsmasq_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dumpstate_28_0 (dumpstate))
+(expandtypeattribute (dumpstate_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dumpstate_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_vehicle_hwservice_28_0 (hal_vehicle_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_vehicle_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_vehicle_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset bootloader_boot_reason_prop_28_0 (bootloader_boot_reason_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (bootloader_boot_reason_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute bootloader_boot_reason_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset install_data_file_28_0 (install_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (install_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute install_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset asec_image_file_28_0 (asec_image_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (asec_image_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute asec_image_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hardware_properties_service_28_0 (hardware_properties_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (hardware_properties_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hardware_properties_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vendor_mmi_sys_28_0 (vendor_mmi_sys))
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_mmi_sys_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vendor_mmi_sys_28_0)
+(typeattributeset owntty_device_28_0 (owntty_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (owntty_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute owntty_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset null_device_28_0 (null_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (null_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute null_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset uimode_service_28_0 (uimode_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (uimode_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute uimode_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset uncrypt_exec_28_0 (uncrypt_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (uncrypt_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute uncrypt_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset priv_app_28_0 (priv_app))
+(expandtypeattribute (priv_app_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute priv_app_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_bluetooth_hwservice_28_0 (hal_bluetooth_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_bluetooth_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_bluetooth_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset wifiscanner_service_28_0 (wifiscanner_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (wifiscanner_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute wifiscanner_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset audio_timer_device_28_0 (audio_timer_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (audio_timer_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute audio_timer_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_data_file_28_0 (bluetooth_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (bluetooth_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute bluetooth_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset loop_control_device_28_0 (loop_control_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (loop_control_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute loop_control_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket_28_0 (pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset net_dns_prop_28_0 (net_dns_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (net_dns_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute net_dns_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset fingerprintd_28_0 (fingerprintd))
+(expandtypeattribute (fingerprintd_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute fingerprintd_28_0)
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_prop_28_0 (bluetooth_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (bluetooth_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute bluetooth_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_power_hwservice_28_0 (hal_power_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_power_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_power_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dpmd_28_0 (dpmd))
+(expandtypeattribute (dpmd_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dpmd_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_fingerprint_hwservice_28_0 (hal_fingerprint_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_fingerprint_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_fingerprint_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported_pm_prop_28_0 (exported_pm_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported_pm_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported_pm_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ctl_restart_prop_28_0 (ctl_restart_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_restart_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ctl_restart_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset font_service_28_0 (font_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (font_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute font_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset timezone_service_28_0 (timezone_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (timezone_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute timezone_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset wificond_service_28_0 (wificond_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (wificond_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute wificond_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset postinstall_file_28_0 (postinstall_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (postinstall_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute postinstall_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported2_system_prop_28_0 (exported2_system_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported2_system_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported2_system_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported3_system_prop_28_0 (exported3_system_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported3_system_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported3_system_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported_dumpstate_prop_28_0 (exported_dumpstate_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported_dumpstate_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported_dumpstate_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset qtaguid_proc_28_0 (qtaguid_proc))
+(expandtypeattribute (qtaguid_proc_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute qtaguid_proc_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ctl_bugreport_prop_28_0 (ctl_bugreport_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_bugreport_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ctl_bugreport_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vold_service_28_0 (vold_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (vold_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vold_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_tv_input_hwservice_28_0 (hal_tv_input_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_tv_input_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_tv_input_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dalvik_prop_28_0 (dalvik_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (dalvik_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dalvik_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset inputflinger_service_28_0 (inputflinger_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (inputflinger_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute inputflinger_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset audio_seq_device_28_0 (audio_seq_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (audio_seq_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute audio_seq_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dpmtcm_socket_28_0 (dpmtcm_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (dpmtcm_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dpmtcm_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mtpd_socket_28_0 (mtpd_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (mtpd_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mtpd_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset keystore_service_28_0 (keystore_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (keystore_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute keystore_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_service_28_0 (bluetooth_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (bluetooth_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute bluetooth_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset appops_service_28_0 (appops_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (appops_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute appops_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_kernel_notes_28_0 (sysfs_kernel_notes))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_kernel_notes_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_kernel_notes_28_0)
+(typeattributeset system_data_file_28_0 (system_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (system_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute system_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset devpts_28_0 (devpts))
+(expandtypeattribute (devpts_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute devpts_28_0)
+(typeattributeset drm_data_file_28_0 (drm_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (drm_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute drm_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_broadcastradio_hwservice_28_0 (hal_broadcastradio_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_broadcastradio_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_broadcastradio_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset system_net_netd_hwservice_28_0 (system_net_netd_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (system_net_netd_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute system_net_netd_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset su_28_0 (su))
+(expandtypeattribute (su_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute su_28_0)
+(typeattributeset update_engine_log_data_file_28_0 (update_engine_log_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (update_engine_log_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute update_engine_log_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset otadexopt_service_28_0 (otadexopt_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (otadexopt_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute otadexopt_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_abi_28_0 (proc_abi))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_abi_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_abi_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_security_28_0 (proc_security))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_security_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_security_28_0)
+(typeattributeset nfc_service_28_0 (nfc_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (nfc_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute nfc_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset settings_service_28_0 (settings_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (settings_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute settings_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset cppreopts_28_0 (cppreopts))
+(expandtypeattribute (cppreopts_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute cppreopts_28_0)
+(typeattributeset debugfs_tracing_debug_28_0 (debugfs_tracing_debug))
+(expandtypeattribute (debugfs_tracing_debug_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute debugfs_tracing_debug_28_0)
+(typeattributeset cpuinfo_service_28_0 (cpuinfo_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (cpuinfo_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute cpuinfo_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dbinfo_service_28_0 (dbinfo_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (dbinfo_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dbinfo_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset gfxinfo_service_28_0 (gfxinfo_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (gfxinfo_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute gfxinfo_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset meminfo_service_28_0 (meminfo_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (meminfo_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute meminfo_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dnsmasq_exec_28_0 (dnsmasq_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (dnsmasq_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dnsmasq_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ppp_28_0 (ppp))
+(expandtypeattribute (ppp_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ppp_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vndbinder_device_28_0 (vndbinder_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (vndbinder_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vndbinder_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ethernet_service_28_0 (ethernet_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (ethernet_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ethernet_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pinner_service_28_0 (pinner_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (pinner_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pinner_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset performanced_28_0 (performanced))
+(expandtypeattribute (performanced_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute performanced_28_0)
+(typeattributeset systemkeys_data_file_28_0 (systemkeys_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (systemkeys_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute systemkeys_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset network_watchlist_data_file_28_0 (network_watchlist_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (network_watchlist_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute network_watchlist_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset binder_device_28_0 (binder_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (binder_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute binder_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hwbinder_device_28_0 (hwbinder_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (hwbinder_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hwbinder_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hw_random_device_28_0 (hw_random_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (hw_random_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hw_random_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset random_device_28_0 (random_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (random_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute random_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ctl_default_prop_28_0 (ctl_default_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_default_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ctl_default_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset userdata_block_device_28_0 (userdata_block_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (userdata_block_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute userdata_block_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset default_prop_28_0 (default_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (default_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute default_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vndk_sp_file_28_0 (vndk_sp_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (vndk_sp_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vndk_sp_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset cameraserver_28_0 (cameraserver))
+(expandtypeattribute (cameraserver_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute cameraserver_28_0)
+(typeattributeset otapreopt_slot_exec_28_0 (otapreopt_slot_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (otapreopt_slot_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute otapreopt_slot_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset debuggerd_prop_28_0 (debuggerd_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (debuggerd_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute debuggerd_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vendor_toolbox_exec_28_0 (vendor_toolbox_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_toolbox_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vendor_toolbox_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset shared_relro_file_28_0 (shared_relro_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (shared_relro_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute shared_relro_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset lmkd_socket_28_0 (lmkd_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (lmkd_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute lmkd_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported2_config_prop_28_0 (exported2_config_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported2_config_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported2_config_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_drm_hwservice_28_0 (hal_drm_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_drm_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_drm_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ringtone_file_28_0 (ringtone_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (ringtone_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ringtone_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset toolbox_exec_28_0 (toolbox_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (toolbox_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute toolbox_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset permission_service_28_0 (permission_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (permission_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute permission_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset metadata_block_device_28_0 (metadata_block_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (metadata_block_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute metadata_block_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset logd_socket_28_0 (logd_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (logd_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute logd_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vendor_default_prop_28_0 (vendor_default_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_default_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vendor_default_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mac_perms_file_28_0 (mac_perms_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (mac_perms_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mac_perms_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vendor_app_file_28_0 (vendor_app_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_app_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vendor_app_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vendor_hal_file_28_0 (vendor_hal_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_hal_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vendor_hal_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported_ffs_prop_28_0 (exported_ffs_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported_ffs_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported_ffs_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_wlan_fwpath_28_0 (sysfs_wlan_fwpath))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_wlan_fwpath_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_wlan_fwpath_28_0)
+(typeattributeset nfc_28_0 (nfc))
+(expandtypeattribute (nfc_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute nfc_28_0)
+(typeattributeset default_android_vndservice_28_0 (default_android_vndservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (default_android_vndservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute default_android_vndservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset rtc_device_28_0 (rtc_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (rtc_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute rtc_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ram_device_28_0 (ram_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (ram_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ram_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset perfprofd_data_file_28_0 (perfprofd_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (perfprofd_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute perfprofd_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset nativetest_data_file_28_0 (nativetest_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (nativetest_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute nativetest_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset country_detector_service_28_0 (country_detector_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (country_detector_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute country_detector_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset cgroup_28_0 (cgroup))
+(expandtypeattribute (cgroup_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute cgroup_28_0)
+(typeattributeset drmserver_socket_28_0 (drmserver_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (drmserver_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute drmserver_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ppp_device_28_0 (ppp_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (ppp_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ppp_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_net_28_0 (proc_net))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_net_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_net_28_0)
+(typeattributeset zygote_28_0 (zygote))
+(expandtypeattribute (zygote_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute zygote_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vendor_data_file_28_0 (vendor_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vendor_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset untrusted_app_25_28_0 (untrusted_app_25))
+(expandtypeattribute (untrusted_app_25_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute untrusted_app_25_28_0)
+(typeattributeset untrusted_app_27_28_0 (untrusted_app_27))
+(expandtypeattribute (untrusted_app_27_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute untrusted_app_27_28_0)
+(typeattributeset adb_data_file_28_0 (adb_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (adb_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute adb_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset anr_data_file_28_0 (anr_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (anr_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute anr_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset adb_keys_file_28_0 (adb_keys_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (adb_keys_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute adb_keys_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset kernel_28_0 (kernel))
+(expandtypeattribute (kernel_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute kernel_28_0)
+(typeattributeset servicediscovery_service_28_0 (servicediscovery_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (servicediscovery_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute servicediscovery_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset coverage_service_28_0 (coverage_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (coverage_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute coverage_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset keystore_28_0 (keystore))
+(expandtypeattribute (keystore_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute keystore_28_0)
+(typeattributeset package_service_28_0 (package_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (package_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute package_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset wfdservice_28_0 (wfdservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (wfdservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute wfdservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ephemeral_app_28_0 (ephemeral_app))
+(expandtypeattribute (ephemeral_app_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ephemeral_app_28_0)
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_28_0 (bluetooth))
+(expandtypeattribute (bluetooth_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute bluetooth_28_0)
+(typeattributeset inputflinger_28_0 (inputflinger))
+(expandtypeattribute (inputflinger_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute inputflinger_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_net_28_0 (sysfs_net))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_net_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_net_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vcs_device_28_0 (vcs_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (vcs_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vcs_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_oemlock_hwservice_28_0 (hal_oemlock_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_oemlock_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_oemlock_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset port_28_0 (port))
+(expandtypeattribute (port_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute port_28_0)
+(typeattributeset virtual_touchpad_exec_28_0 (virtual_touchpad_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (virtual_touchpad_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute virtual_touchpad_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset runas_28_0 (runas))
+(expandtypeattribute (runas_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute runas_28_0)
+(typeattributeset tty_device_28_0 (tty_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (tty_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute tty_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset tun_device_28_0 (tun_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (tun_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute tun_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset clatd_exec_28_0 (clatd_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (clatd_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute clatd_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset uio_device_28_0 (uio_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (uio_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute uio_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset usb_device_28_0 (usb_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (usb_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute usb_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset tv_input_service_28_0 (tv_input_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (tv_input_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute tv_input_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset input_service_28_0 (input_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (input_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute input_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset tee_device_28_0 (tee_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (tee_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute tee_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_memtrack_hwservice_28_0 (hal_memtrack_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_memtrack_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_memtrack_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset radio_device_28_0 (radio_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (radio_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute radio_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset bootstat_data_file_28_0 (bootstat_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (bootstat_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute bootstat_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ptmx_device_28_0 (ptmx_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (ptmx_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ptmx_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset textservices_service_28_0 (textservices_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (textservices_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute textservices_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset usbaccessory_device_28_0 (usbaccessory_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (usbaccessory_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute usbaccessory_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset asec_public_file_28_0 (asec_public_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (asec_public_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute asec_public_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_min_free_order_shift_28_0 (proc_min_free_order_shift))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_min_free_order_shift_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_min_free_order_shift_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_usb_hwservice_28_0 (hal_usb_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_usb_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_usb_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset recovery_refresh_exec_28_0 (recovery_refresh_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (recovery_refresh_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute recovery_refresh_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket_28_0 (pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset user_profile_data_file_28_0 (user_profile_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (user_profile_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute user_profile_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset input_method_service_28_0 (input_method_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (input_method_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute input_method_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset media_projection_service_28_0 (media_projection_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (media_projection_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute media_projection_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset racoon_socket_28_0 (racoon_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (racoon_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute racoon_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_vmallocinfo_28_0 (proc_vmallocinfo))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_vmallocinfo_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_vmallocinfo_28_0)
+(typeattributeset cameraserver_service_28_0 (cameraserver_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (cameraserver_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute cameraserver_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset idmap_exec_28_0 (idmap_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (idmap_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute idmap_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset uncrypt_socket_28_0 (uncrypt_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (uncrypt_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute uncrypt_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset install_recovery_28_0 (install_recovery))
+(expandtypeattribute (install_recovery_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute install_recovery_28_0)
+(typeattributeset logpersistd_logging_prop_28_0 (logpersistd_logging_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (logpersistd_logging_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute logpersistd_logging_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_configstore_ISurfaceFlingerConfigs_28_0 (hal_configstore_ISurfaceFlingerConfigs))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_configstore_ISurfaceFlingerConfigs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_configstore_ISurfaceFlingerConfigs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_ir_hwservice_28_0 (hal_ir_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_ir_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_ir_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_vr_hwservice_28_0 (hal_vr_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_vr_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_vr_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset incident_data_file_28_0 (incident_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (incident_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute incident_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset webview_zygote_28_0 (webview_zygote))
+(expandtypeattribute (webview_zygote_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute webview_zygote_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_uid_procstat_set_28_0 (proc_uid_procstat_set))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_uid_procstat_set_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_uid_procstat_set_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vendor_init_28_0 (vendor_init))
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_init_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vendor_init_28_0)
+(typeattributeset connectivity_service_28_0 (connectivity_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (connectivity_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute connectivity_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset notification_service_28_0 (notification_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (notification_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute notification_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset init_28_0 (init))
+(expandtypeattribute (init_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute init_28_0)
+(typeattributeset logpersist_28_0 (logpersist))
+(expandtypeattribute (logpersist_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute logpersist_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dreams_service_28_0 (dreams_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (dreams_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dreams_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset companion_device_service_28_0 (companion_device_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (companion_device_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute companion_device_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset bootanim_28_0 (bootanim))
+(expandtypeattribute (bootanim_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute bootanim_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_uptime_28_0 (proc_uptime))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_uptime_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_uptime_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ota_package_file_28_0 (ota_package_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (ota_package_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ota_package_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset diskstats_service_28_0 (diskstats_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (diskstats_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute diskstats_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset wallpaper_service_28_0 (wallpaper_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (wallpaper_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute wallpaper_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset fscklogs_28_0 (fscklogs))
+(expandtypeattribute (fscklogs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute fscklogs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset task_service_28_0 (task_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (task_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute task_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hardware_service_28_0 (hardware_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (hardware_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hardware_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset logd_28_0 (logd))
+(expandtypeattribute (logd_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute logd_28_0)
+(typeattributeset procstats_service_28_0 (procstats_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (procstats_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute procstats_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dumpstate_service_28_0 (dumpstate_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (dumpstate_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dumpstate_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset fingerprintd_exec_28_0 (fingerprintd_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (fingerprintd_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute fingerprintd_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset alarm_service_28_0 (alarm_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (alarm_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute alarm_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset rttmanager_service_28_0 (rttmanager_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (rttmanager_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute rttmanager_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset fwk_sensor_hwservice_28_0 (fwk_sensor_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (fwk_sensor_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute fwk_sensor_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ueventd_28_0 (ueventd))
+(expandtypeattribute (ueventd_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ueventd_28_0)
+(typeattributeset node_28_0 (node))
+(expandtypeattribute (node_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute node_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vold_prepare_subdirs_exec_28_0 (vold_prepare_subdirs_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (vold_prepare_subdirs_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vold_prepare_subdirs_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_dm_28_0 (sysfs_dm))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_dm_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_dm_28_0)
+(typeattributeset lowpan_service_28_0 (lowpan_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (lowpan_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute lowpan_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mirrorlink_28_0 (mirrorlink))
+(expandtypeattribute (mirrorlink_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mirrorlink_28_0)
+(typeattributeset nfc_data_file_28_0 (nfc_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (nfc_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute nfc_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset misc_logd_file_28_0 (misc_logd_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (misc_logd_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute misc_logd_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sepolicy_file_28_0 (sepolicy_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (sepolicy_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sepolicy_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset audioserver_service_28_0 (audioserver_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (audioserver_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute audioserver_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_sched_28_0 (proc_sched))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_sched_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_sched_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_mac_address_28_0 (sysfs_mac_address))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_mac_address_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_mac_address_28_0)
+(typeattributeset modprobe_28_0 (modprobe))
+(expandtypeattribute (modprobe_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute modprobe_28_0)
+(typeattributeset incidentd_28_0 (incidentd))
+(expandtypeattribute (incidentd_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute incidentd_28_0)
+(typeattributeset apk_tmp_file_28_0 (apk_tmp_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (apk_tmp_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute apk_tmp_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset gpu_device_28_0 (gpu_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (gpu_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute gpu_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mdnsd_28_0 (mdnsd))
+(expandtypeattribute (mdnsd_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mdnsd_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_uid_io_stats_28_0 (proc_uid_io_stats))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_uid_io_stats_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_uid_io_stats_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sensorservice_service_28_0 (sensorservice_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (sensorservice_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sensorservice_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset runas_exec_28_0 (runas_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (runas_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute runas_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dex2oat_28_0 (dex2oat))
+(expandtypeattribute (dex2oat_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dex2oat_28_0)
+(typeattributeset wifiaware_service_28_0 (wifiaware_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (wifiaware_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute wifiaware_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset netstats_service_28_0 (netstats_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (netstats_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute netstats_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vr_manager_service_28_0 (vr_manager_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (vr_manager_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vr_manager_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset watchdogd_28_0 (watchdogd))
+(expandtypeattribute (watchdogd_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute watchdogd_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vendor_security_patch_level_prop_28_0 (vendor_security_patch_level_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_security_patch_level_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vendor_security_patch_level_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mediacodec_exec_28_0 (mediacodec_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (mediacodec_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mediacodec_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset tzdatacheck_exec_28_0 (tzdatacheck_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (tzdatacheck_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute tzdatacheck_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset shell_exec_28_0 (shell_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (shell_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute shell_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hdmi_control_service_28_0 (hdmi_control_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (hdmi_control_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hdmi_control_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset clipboard_service_28_0 (clipboard_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (clipboard_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute clipboard_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dumpstate_exec_28_0 (dumpstate_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (dumpstate_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dumpstate_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset perfservice_28_0 (perfservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (perfservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute perfservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset perfprofd_28_0 (perfprofd))
+(expandtypeattribute (perfprofd_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute perfprofd_28_0)
+(typeattributeset netutils_wrapper_exec_28_0 (netutils_wrapper_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (netutils_wrapper_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute netutils_wrapper_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_max_map_count_28_0 (proc_max_map_count))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_max_map_count_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_max_map_count_28_0)
+(typeattributeset tombstoned_intercept_socket_28_0 (tombstoned_intercept_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (tombstoned_intercept_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute tombstoned_intercept_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset wificond_28_0 (wificond))
+(expandtypeattribute (wificond_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute wificond_28_0)
+(typeattributeset debugfs_mmc_28_0 (debugfs_mmc))
+(expandtypeattribute (debugfs_mmc_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute debugfs_mmc_28_0)
+(typeattributeset netutils_wrapper_28_0 (netutils_wrapper))
+(expandtypeattribute (netutils_wrapper_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute netutils_wrapper_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported_dalvik_prop_28_0 (exported_dalvik_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported_dalvik_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported_dalvik_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset racoon_28_0 (racoon))
+(expandtypeattribute (racoon_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute racoon_28_0)
+(typeattributeset wpantund_exec_28_0 (wpantund_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (wpantund_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute wpantund_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_cas_hwservice_28_0 (hal_cas_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_cas_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_cas_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_evs_hwservice_28_0 (hal_evs_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_evs_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_evs_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_nfc_hwservice_28_0 (hal_nfc_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_nfc_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_nfc_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vold_28_0 (vold))
+(expandtypeattribute (vold_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vold_28_0)
+(typeattributeset iio_device_28_0 (iio_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (iio_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute iio_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket_28_0 (pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ion_device_28_0 (ion_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (ion_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ion_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_secure_element_hwservice_28_0 (hal_secure_element_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_secure_element_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_secure_element_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset port_device_28_0 (port_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (port_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute port_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset nfc_device_28_0 (nfc_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (nfc_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute nfc_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset rild_socket_28_0 (rild_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (rild_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute rild_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset keystore_data_file_28_0 (keystore_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (keystore_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute keystore_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset recovery_persist_exec_28_0 (recovery_persist_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (recovery_persist_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute recovery_persist_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pmsg_device_28_0 (pmsg_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (pmsg_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pmsg_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset rpmsg_device_28_0 (rpmsg_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (rpmsg_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute rpmsg_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset i2c_device_28_0 (i2c_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (i2c_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute i2c_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset cache_file_28_0 (cache_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (cache_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute cache_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset fingerprintd_service_28_0 (fingerprintd_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (fingerprintd_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute fingerprintd_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mtp_device_28_0 (mtp_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (mtp_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mtp_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset netd_stable_secret_prop_28_0 (netd_stable_secret_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (netd_stable_secret_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute netd_stable_secret_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mtd_device_28_0 (mtd_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (mtd_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mtd_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset adbd_socket_28_0 (adbd_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (adbd_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute adbd_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset debugfs_trace_marker_28_0 (debugfs_trace_marker))
+(expandtypeattribute (debugfs_trace_marker_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute debugfs_trace_marker_28_0)
+(typeattributeset otapreopt_chroot_28_0 (otapreopt_chroot))
+(expandtypeattribute (otapreopt_chroot_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute otapreopt_chroot_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_renderscript_hwservice_28_0 (hal_renderscript_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_renderscript_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_renderscript_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset cppreopts_exec_28_0 (cppreopts_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (cppreopts_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute cppreopts_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset installd_exec_28_0 (installd_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (installd_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute installd_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset tombstoned_exec_28_0 (tombstoned_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (tombstoned_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute tombstoned_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset runtime_event_log_tags_file_28_0 (runtime_event_log_tags_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (runtime_event_log_tags_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute runtime_event_log_tags_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_kmsg_28_0 (proc_kmsg))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_kmsg_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_kmsg_28_0)
+(typeattributeset wpa_socket_28_0 (wpa_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (wpa_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute wpa_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mtp_28_0 (mtp))
+(expandtypeattribute (mtp_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mtp_28_0)
+(typeattributeset backup_data_file_28_0 (backup_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (backup_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute backup_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset app_fuse_file_28_0 (app_fuse_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (app_fuse_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute app_fuse_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset app_data_file_28_0 (app_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (app_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute app_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dhcp_data_file_28_0 (dhcp_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (dhcp_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dhcp_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset racoon_exec_28_0 (racoon_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (racoon_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute racoon_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset unlabeled_28_0 (unlabeled))
+(expandtypeattribute (unlabeled_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute unlabeled_28_0)
+(typeattributeset binder_calls_stats_service_28_0 (binder_calls_stats_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (binder_calls_stats_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute binder_calls_stats_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ipsec_service_28_0 (ipsec_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (ipsec_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ipsec_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset user_service_28_0 (user_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (user_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute user_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset persistent_data_block_service_28_0 (persistent_data_block_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (persistent_data_block_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute persistent_data_block_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset profman_dump_data_file_28_0 (profman_dump_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (profman_dump_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute profman_dump_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset socket_device_28_0 (socket_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (socket_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute socket_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset broadcastradio_service_28_0 (broadcastradio_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (broadcastradio_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute broadcastradio_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset scheduling_policy_service_28_0 (scheduling_policy_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (scheduling_policy_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute scheduling_policy_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset update_engine_exec_28_0 (update_engine_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (update_engine_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute update_engine_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset installd_28_0 (installd))
+(expandtypeattribute (installd_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute installd_28_0)
+(typeattributeset profman_exec_28_0 (profman_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (profman_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute profman_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset bootchart_data_file_28_0 (bootchart_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (bootchart_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute bootchart_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset persist_debug_prop_28_0 (persist_debug_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (persist_debug_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute persist_debug_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset telecom_service_28_0 (telecom_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (telecom_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute telecom_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset audioserver_data_file_28_0 (audioserver_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (audioserver_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute audioserver_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset console_device_28_0 (console_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (console_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute console_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sensors_device_28_0 (sensors_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (sensors_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sensors_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vold_metadata_file_28_0 (vold_metadata_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (vold_metadata_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vold_metadata_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset nonplat_service_contexts_file_28_0 (nonplat_service_contexts_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (nonplat_service_contexts_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute nonplat_service_contexts_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset smd7_device_28_0 (smd7_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (smd7_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute smd7_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset samplingprofiler_service_28_0 (samplingprofiler_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (samplingprofiler_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute samplingprofiler_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_graphics_allocator_hwservice_28_0 (hal_graphics_allocator_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_graphics_allocator_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_graphics_allocator_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_version_28_0 (proc_version))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_version_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_version_28_0)
+(typeattributeset search_service_28_0 (search_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (search_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute search_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mediaserver_28_0 (mediaserver))
+(expandtypeattribute (mediaserver_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mediaserver_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mediaserver_exec_28_0 (mediaserver_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (mediaserver_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mediaserver_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset oemfs_28_0 (oemfs))
+(expandtypeattribute (oemfs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute oemfs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_cmdline_28_0 (proc_cmdline))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_cmdline_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_cmdline_28_0)
+(typeattributeset drmserver_exec_28_0 (drmserver_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (drmserver_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute drmserver_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sgdisk_exec_28_0 (sgdisk_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (sgdisk_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sgdisk_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket_28_0 (pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset camera_data_file_28_0 (camera_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (camera_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute camera_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_efs_file_28_0 (bluetooth_efs_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (bluetooth_efs_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute bluetooth_efs_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset media_data_file_28_0 (media_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (media_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute media_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ota_data_file_28_0 (ota_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (ota_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ota_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset system_file_28_0 (system_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (system_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute system_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset apk_private_tmp_file_28_0 (apk_private_tmp_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (apk_private_tmp_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute apk_private_tmp_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hci_attach_dev_28_0 (hci_attach_dev))
+(expandtypeattribute (hci_attach_dev_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hci_attach_dev_28_0)
+(typeattributeset statusbar_service_28_0 (statusbar_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (statusbar_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute statusbar_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset traced_producer_socket_28_0 (traced_producer_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (traced_producer_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute traced_producer_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset idmap_28_0 (idmap))
+(expandtypeattribute (idmap_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute idmap_28_0)
+(typeattributeset fwmarkd_socket_28_0 (fwmarkd_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (fwmarkd_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute fwmarkd_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported_system_radio_prop_28_0 (exported_system_radio_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported_system_radio_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported_system_radio_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset cameraserver_exec_28_0 (cameraserver_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (cameraserver_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute cameraserver_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset shortcut_service_28_0 (shortcut_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (shortcut_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute shortcut_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset profman_28_0 (profman))
+(expandtypeattribute (profman_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute profman_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ctl_sigstop_prop_28_0 (ctl_sigstop_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_sigstop_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ctl_sigstop_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset media_rw_data_file_28_0 (media_rw_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (media_rw_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute media_rw_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset coredump_file_28_0 (coredump_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (coredump_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute coredump_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ctl_interface_stop_prop_28_0 (ctl_interface_stop_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_interface_stop_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ctl_interface_stop_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset serial_device_28_0 (serial_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (serial_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute serial_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset traced_consumer_socket_28_0 (traced_consumer_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (traced_consumer_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute traced_consumer_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset devicestoragemonitor_service_28_0 (devicestoragemonitor_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (devicestoragemonitor_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute devicestoragemonitor_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset boottrace_data_file_28_0 (boottrace_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (boottrace_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute boottrace_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_uid_time_in_state_28_0 (proc_uid_time_in_state))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_uid_time_in_state_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_uid_time_in_state_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_audio_hwservice_28_0 (hal_audio_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_audio_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_audio_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset cache_backup_file_28_0 (cache_backup_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (cache_backup_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute cache_backup_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_usb_gadget_hwservice_28_0 (hal_usb_gadget_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_usb_gadget_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_usb_gadget_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mediacodec_service_28_0 (mediacodec_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (mediacodec_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mediacodec_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset lmkd_28_0 (lmkd))
+(expandtypeattribute (lmkd_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute lmkd_28_0)
+(typeattributeset deviceidle_service_28_0 (deviceidle_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (deviceidle_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute deviceidle_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dropbox_service_28_0 (dropbox_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (dropbox_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dropbox_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hidl_token_hwservice_28_0 (hidl_token_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hidl_token_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hidl_token_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset storagestats_service_28_0 (storagestats_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (storagestats_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute storagestats_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset thermalcallback_hwservice_28_0 (thermalcallback_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (thermalcallback_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute thermalcallback_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset wifip2p_service_28_0 (wifip2p_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (wifip2p_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute wifip2p_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_switch_28_0 (sysfs_switch))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_switch_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_switch_28_0)
+(typeattributeset registry_service_28_0 (registry_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (registry_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute registry_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset platform_app_28_0 (platform_app))
+(expandtypeattribute (platform_app_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute platform_app_28_0)
+(typeattributeset cpuctl_device_28_0 (cpuctl_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (cpuctl_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute cpuctl_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_batteryinfo_28_0 (sysfs_batteryinfo))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_batteryinfo_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_batteryinfo_28_0)
+(typeattributeset recovery_persist_28_0 (recovery_persist))
+(expandtypeattribute (recovery_persist_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute recovery_persist_28_0)
+(typeattributeset package_native_service_28_0 (package_native_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (package_native_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute package_native_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset jobscheduler_service_28_0 (jobscheduler_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (jobscheduler_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute jobscheduler_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_iomem_28_0 (proc_iomem))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_iomem_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_iomem_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_camera_hwservice_28_0 (hal_camera_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_camera_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_camera_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_timer_28_0 (proc_timer))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_timer_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_timer_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pdx_performance_client_channel_socket_28_0 (pdx_performance_client_channel_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_performance_client_channel_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pdx_performance_client_channel_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset wfdservice_exec_28_0 (wfdservice_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (wfdservice_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute wfdservice_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sdcardd_exec_28_0 (sdcardd_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (sdcardd_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sdcardd_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset kmsg_debug_device_28_0 (kmsg_debug_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (kmsg_debug_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute kmsg_debug_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mediametrics_28_0 (mediametrics))
+(expandtypeattribute (mediametrics_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mediametrics_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mediametrics_exec_28_0 (mediametrics_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (mediametrics_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mediametrics_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset audio_device_28_0 (audio_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (audio_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute audio_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset webviewupdate_service_28_0 (webviewupdate_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (webviewupdate_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute webviewupdate_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset bufferhubd_exec_28_0 (bufferhubd_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (bufferhubd_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute bufferhubd_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dex2oat_exec_28_0 (dex2oat_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (dex2oat_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dex2oat_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_lowmemorykiller_28_0 (sysfs_lowmemorykiller))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_lowmemorykiller_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_lowmemorykiller_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hwservicemanager_exec_28_0 (hwservicemanager_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (hwservicemanager_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hwservicemanager_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset servicemanager_exec_28_0 (servicemanager_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (servicemanager_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute servicemanager_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pdx_performance_dir_28_0 (pdx_performance_dir))
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_performance_dir_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pdx_performance_dir_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_cpuinfo_28_0 (proc_cpuinfo))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_cpuinfo_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_cpuinfo_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_meminfo_28_0 (proc_meminfo))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_meminfo_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_meminfo_28_0)
+(typeattributeset zygote_socket_28_0 (zygote_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (zygote_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute zygote_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vendor_framework_file_28_0 (vendor_framework_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_framework_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vendor_framework_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset boottime_prop_28_0 (boottime_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (boottime_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute boottime_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset system_radio_prop_28_0 (system_radio_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (system_radio_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute system_radio_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset fsck_untrusted_28_0 (fsck_untrusted))
+(expandtypeattribute (fsck_untrusted_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute fsck_untrusted_28_0)
+(typeattributeset uhid_device_28_0 (uhid_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (uhid_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute uhid_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ctl_start_prop_28_0 (ctl_start_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_start_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ctl_start_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset incident_service_28_0 (incident_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (incident_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute incident_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ctl_bootanim_prop_28_0 (ctl_bootanim_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_bootanim_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ctl_bootanim_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset restorecon_prop_28_0 (restorecon_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (restorecon_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute restorecon_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset account_service_28_0 (account_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (account_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute account_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset content_service_28_0 (content_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (content_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute content_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mount_service_28_0 (mount_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (mount_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mount_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset net_radio_prop_28_0 (net_radio_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (net_radio_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute net_radio_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_usermodehelper_28_0 (sysfs_usermodehelper))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_usermodehelper_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_usermodehelper_28_0)
+(typeattributeset asec_apk_file_28_0 (asec_apk_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (asec_apk_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute asec_apk_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset wpantund_service_28_0 (wpantund_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (wpantund_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute wpantund_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset heapdump_data_file_28_0 (heapdump_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (heapdump_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute heapdump_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_dt_firmware_android_28_0 (sysfs_dt_firmware_android))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_dt_firmware_android_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_dt_firmware_android_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_authsecret_hwservice_28_0 (hal_authsecret_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_authsecret_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_authsecret_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset update_verifier_exec_28_0 (update_verifier_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (update_verifier_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute update_verifier_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_dumpstate_hwservice_28_0 (hal_dumpstate_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_dumpstate_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_dumpstate_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset cache_private_backup_file_28_0 (cache_private_backup_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (cache_private_backup_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute cache_private_backup_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset usb_service_28_0 (usb_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (usb_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute usb_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ctl_stop_prop_28_0 (ctl_stop_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_stop_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ctl_stop_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset battery_service_28_0 (battery_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (battery_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute battery_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset recovery_service_28_0 (recovery_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (recovery_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute recovery_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ctl_fuse_prop_28_0 (ctl_fuse_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_fuse_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ctl_fuse_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ctl_console_prop_28_0 (ctl_console_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_console_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ctl_console_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset gatekeeperd_exec_28_0 (gatekeeperd_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (gatekeeperd_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute gatekeeperd_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sockfs_28_0 (sockfs))
+(expandtypeattribute (sockfs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sockfs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset trust_service_28_0 (trust_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (trust_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute trust_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset binfmt_miscfs_28_0 (binfmt_miscfs))
+(expandtypeattribute (binfmt_miscfs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute binfmt_miscfs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset storage_file_28_0 (storage_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (storage_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute storage_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset update_verifier_28_0 (update_verifier))
+(expandtypeattribute (update_verifier_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute update_verifier_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ctl_mdnsd_prop_28_0 (ctl_mdnsd_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (ctl_mdnsd_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ctl_mdnsd_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mnt_media_rw_file_28_0 (mnt_media_rw_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (mnt_media_rw_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mnt_media_rw_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset update_engine_data_file_28_0 (update_engine_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (update_engine_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute update_engine_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset healthd_exec_28_0 (healthd_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (healthd_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute healthd_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mnt_expand_file_28_0 (mnt_expand_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (mnt_expand_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mnt_expand_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset system_update_service_28_0 (system_update_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (system_update_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute system_update_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset fwk_display_hwservice_28_0 (fwk_display_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (fwk_display_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute fwk_display_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset postinstall_dexopt_28_0 (postinstall_dexopt))
+(expandtypeattribute (postinstall_dexopt_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute postinstall_dexopt_28_0)
+(typeattributeset tombstoned_crash_socket_28_0 (tombstoned_crash_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (tombstoned_crash_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute tombstoned_crash_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_drop_caches_28_0 (proc_drop_caches))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_drop_caches_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_drop_caches_28_0)
+(typeattributeset resourcecache_data_file_28_0 (resourcecache_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (resourcecache_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute resourcecache_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset netd_service_28_0 (netd_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (netd_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute netd_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset fwk_scheduler_hwservice_28_0 (fwk_scheduler_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (fwk_scheduler_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute fwk_scheduler_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset log_tag_prop_28_0 (log_tag_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (log_tag_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute log_tag_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop_28_0 (bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset tombstone_data_file_28_0 (tombstone_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (tombstone_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute tombstone_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset audio_service_28_0 (audio_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (audio_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute audio_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset radio_service_28_0 (radio_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (radio_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute radio_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset otapreopt_chroot_exec_28_0 (otapreopt_chroot_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (otapreopt_chroot_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute otapreopt_chroot_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset unencrypted_data_file_28_0 (unencrypted_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (unencrypted_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute unencrypted_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset otapreopt_slot_28_0 (otapreopt_slot))
+(expandtypeattribute (otapreopt_slot_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute otapreopt_slot_28_0)
+(typeattributeset properties_device_28_0 (properties_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (properties_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute properties_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vibrator_service_28_0 (vibrator_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (vibrator_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vibrator_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset metadata_file_28_0 (metadata_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (metadata_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute metadata_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset window_service_28_0 (window_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (window_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute window_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset update_engine_28_0 (update_engine))
+(expandtypeattribute (update_engine_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute update_engine_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mediaextractor_28_0 (mediaextractor))
+(expandtypeattribute (mediaextractor_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mediaextractor_28_0)
+(typeattributeset blkid_28_0 (blkid))
+(expandtypeattribute (blkid_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute blkid_28_0)
+(typeattributeset properties_serial_28_0 (properties_serial))
+(expandtypeattribute (properties_serial_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute properties_serial_28_0)
+(typeattributeset functionfs_28_0 (functionfs))
+(expandtypeattribute (functionfs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute functionfs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset lowpan_prop_28_0 (lowpan_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (lowpan_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute lowpan_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset rild_debug_socket_28_0 (rild_debug_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (rild_debug_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute rild_debug_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset surfaceflinger_service_28_0 (surfaceflinger_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (surfaceflinger_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute surfaceflinger_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset appwidget_service_28_0 (appwidget_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (appwidget_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute appwidget_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset gatekeeper_data_file_28_0 (gatekeeper_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (gatekeeper_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute gatekeeper_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset launcherapps_service_28_0 (launcherapps_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (launcherapps_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute launcherapps_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_misc_28_0 (proc_misc))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_misc_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_misc_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mnt_user_file_28_0 (mnt_user_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (mnt_user_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mnt_user_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported_radio_prop_28_0 (exported_radio_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported_radio_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported_radio_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset su_exec_28_0 (su_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (su_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute su_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset ppp_exec_28_0 (ppp_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (ppp_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute ppp_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vdc_exec_28_0 (vdc_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (vdc_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vdc_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mtp_exec_28_0 (mtp_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (mtp_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mtp_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset net_data_file_28_0 (net_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (net_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute net_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vold_data_file_28_0 (vold_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (vold_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vold_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dhcp_28_0 (dhcp))
+(expandtypeattribute (dhcp_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dhcp_28_0)
+(typeattributeset usbd_exec_28_0 (usbd_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (usbd_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute usbd_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset preloads_data_file_28_0 (preloads_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (preloads_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute preloads_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vold_exec_28_0 (vold_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (vold_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vold_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset usagestats_service_28_0 (usagestats_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (usagestats_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute usagestats_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_uid_cpupower_28_0 (proc_uid_cpupower))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_uid_cpupower_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_uid_cpupower_28_0)
+(typeattributeset thermalserviced_28_0 (thermalserviced))
+(expandtypeattribute (thermalserviced_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute thermalserviced_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dhcp_exec_28_0 (dhcp_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (dhcp_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dhcp_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset fsck_exec_28_0 (fsck_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (fsck_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute fsck_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_tv_cec_hwservice_28_0 (hal_tv_cec_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_tv_cec_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_tv_cec_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset adbd_exec_28_0 (adbd_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (adbd_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute adbd_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset e2fs_exec_28_0 (e2fs_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (e2fs_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute e2fs_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset lmkd_exec_28_0 (lmkd_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (lmkd_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute lmkd_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset logd_exec_28_0 (logd_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (logd_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute logd_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset netd_exec_28_0 (netd_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (netd_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute netd_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sgdisk_28_0 (sgdisk))
+(expandtypeattribute (sgdisk_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sgdisk_28_0)
+(typeattributeset init_exec_28_0 (init_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (init_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute init_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset media_router_service_28_0 (media_router_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (media_router_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute media_router_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset batteryproperties_service_28_0 (batteryproperties_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (batteryproperties_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute batteryproperties_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset storaged_service_28_0 (storaged_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (storaged_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute storaged_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset selinuxfs_28_0 (selinuxfs))
+(expandtypeattribute (selinuxfs_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute selinuxfs_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_thermal_28_0 (sysfs_thermal))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_thermal_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_thermal_28_0)
+(typeattributeset system_app_service_28_0 (system_app_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (system_app_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute system_app_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset full_device_28_0 (full_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (full_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute full_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported_config_prop_28_0 (exported_config_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported_config_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported_config_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset fuse_device_28_0 (fuse_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (fuse_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute fuse_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset power_service_28_0 (power_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (power_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute power_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset uncrypt_28_0 (uncrypt))
+(expandtypeattribute (uncrypt_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute uncrypt_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_mounts_28_0 (proc_mounts))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_mounts_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_mounts_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_client_channel_socket_28_0 (pdx_display_client_channel_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_display_client_channel_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pdx_display_client_channel_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset secure_element_service_28_0 (secure_element_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (secure_element_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute secure_element_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset debugfs_tracing_28_0 (debugfs_tracing))
+(expandtypeattribute (debugfs_tracing_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute debugfs_tracing_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_buddyinfo_28_0 (proc_buddyinfo))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_buddyinfo_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_buddyinfo_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_zram_uevent_28_0 (sysfs_zram_uevent))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_zram_uevent_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_zram_uevent_28_0)
+(typeattributeset fingerprint_vendor_data_file_28_0 (fingerprint_vendor_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (fingerprint_vendor_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute fingerprint_vendor_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_modules_28_0 (proc_modules))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_modules_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_modules_28_0)
+(typeattributeset virtual_touchpad_service_28_0 (virtual_touchpad_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (virtual_touchpad_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute virtual_touchpad_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset wificond_exec_28_0 (wificond_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (wificond_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute wificond_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset commontime_management_service_28_0 (commontime_management_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (commontime_management_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute commontime_management_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_interrupts_28_0 (proc_interrupts))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_interrupts_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_interrupts_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported_secure_prop_28_0 (exported_secure_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported_secure_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported_secure_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_hostname_28_0 (proc_hostname))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_hostname_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_hostname_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pdx_bufferhub_client_channel_socket_28_0 (pdx_bufferhub_client_channel_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_bufferhub_client_channel_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pdx_bufferhub_client_channel_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_gatekeeper_hwservice_28_0 (hal_gatekeeper_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_gatekeeper_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_gatekeeper_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset slideshow_28_0 (slideshow))
+(expandtypeattribute (slideshow_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute slideshow_28_0)
+(typeattributeset qtelephony_28_0 (qtelephony))
+(expandtypeattribute (qtelephony_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute qtelephony_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_pipe_conf_28_0 (proc_pipe_conf))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_pipe_conf_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_pipe_conf_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported_system_prop_28_0 (exported_system_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported_system_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported_system_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset graphicsstats_service_28_0 (graphicsstats_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (graphicsstats_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute graphicsstats_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset drmserver_service_28_0 (drmserver_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (drmserver_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute drmserver_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset fingerprintd_data_file_28_0 (fingerprintd_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (fingerprintd_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute fingerprintd_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vr_hwc_28_0 (vr_hwc))
+(expandtypeattribute (vr_hwc_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vr_hwc_28_0)
+(typeattributeset inotify_28_0 (inotify))
+(expandtypeattribute (inotify_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute inotify_28_0)
+(typeattributeset tombstoned_28_0 (tombstoned))
+(expandtypeattribute (tombstoned_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute tombstoned_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_vsync_channel_socket_28_0 (pdx_display_vsync_channel_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_display_vsync_channel_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pdx_display_vsync_channel_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset gpu_service_28_0 (gpu_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (gpu_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute gpu_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_gnss_hwservice_28_0 (hal_gnss_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_gnss_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_gnss_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_bluetooth_writable_28_0 (sysfs_bluetooth_writable))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_bluetooth_writable_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_bluetooth_writable_28_0)
+(typeattributeset lowpan_device_28_0 (lowpan_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (lowpan_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute lowpan_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_bluetooth_writable_28_0 (proc_bluetooth_writable))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_bluetooth_writable_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_bluetooth_writable_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dm_device_28_0 (dm_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (dm_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dm_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset tee_data_file_28_0 (tee_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (tee_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute tee_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset trace_data_file_28_0 (trace_data_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (trace_data_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute trace_data_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset default_android_hwservice_28_0 (default_android_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (default_android_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute default_android_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset dumpstate_socket_28_0 (dumpstate_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (dumpstate_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute dumpstate_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket_28_0 (pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset perfprofd_exec_28_0 (perfprofd_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (perfprofd_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute perfprofd_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_thermal_hwservice_28_0 (hal_thermal_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_thermal_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_thermal_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vr_hwc_exec_28_0 (vr_hwc_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (vr_hwc_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vr_hwc_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset cache_recovery_file_28_0 (cache_recovery_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (cache_recovery_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute cache_recovery_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset batterystats_service_28_0 (batterystats_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (batterystats_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute batterystats_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mediadrmserver_28_0 (mediadrmserver))
+(expandtypeattribute (mediadrmserver_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mediadrmserver_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_weaver_hwservice_28_0 (hal_weaver_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_weaver_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_weaver_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_codec2_hwservice_28_0 (hal_codec2_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_codec2_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_codec2_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset device_28_0 (device))
+(expandtypeattribute (device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset storage_stub_file_28_0 (storage_stub_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (storage_stub_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute storage_stub_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_nfc_power_writable_28_0 (sysfs_nfc_power_writable))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_nfc_power_writable_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_nfc_power_writable_28_0)
+(typeattributeset voiceinteraction_service_28_0 (voiceinteraction_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (voiceinteraction_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute voiceinteraction_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_bootctl_hwservice_28_0 (hal_bootctl_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_bootctl_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_bootctl_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset gatekeeper_service_28_0 (gatekeeper_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (gatekeeper_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute gatekeeper_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hidl_allocator_hwservice_28_0 (hidl_allocator_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hidl_allocator_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hidl_allocator_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_pagetypeinfo_28_0 (proc_pagetypeinfo))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_pagetypeinfo_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_pagetypeinfo_28_0)
+(typeattributeset qtaguid_device_28_0 (qtaguid_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (qtaguid_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute qtaguid_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset crossprofileapps_service_28_0 (crossprofileapps_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (crossprofileapps_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute crossprofileapps_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset property_socket_28_0 (property_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (property_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute property_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_panic_28_0 (proc_panic))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_panic_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_panic_28_0)
+(typeattributeset install_recovery_exec_28_0 (install_recovery_exec))
+(expandtypeattribute (install_recovery_exec_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute install_recovery_exec_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mnt_vendor_file_28_0 (mnt_vendor_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (mnt_vendor_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mnt_vendor_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vendor_file_28_0 (vendor_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vendor_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset efs_file_28_0 (efs_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (efs_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute efs_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mediaextractor_update_service_28_0 (mediaextractor_update_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (mediaextractor_update_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mediaextractor_update_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset device_logging_prop_28_0 (device_logging_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (device_logging_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute device_logging_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset mdnsd_socket_28_0 (mdnsd_socket))
+(expandtypeattribute (mdnsd_socket_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute mdnsd_socket_28_0)
+(typeattributeset traced_enabled_prop_28_0 (traced_enabled_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (traced_enabled_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute traced_enabled_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset hal_audiocontrol_hwservice_28_0 (hal_audiocontrol_hwservice))
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_audiocontrol_hwservice_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute hal_audiocontrol_hwservice_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vendor_overlay_file_28_0 (vendor_overlay_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_overlay_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vendor_overlay_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset icon_file_28_0 (icon_file))
+(expandtypeattribute (icon_file_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute icon_file_28_0)
+(typeattributeset smcinvoke_device_28_0 (smcinvoke_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (smcinvoke_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute smcinvoke_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset vold_device_28_0 (vold_device))
+(expandtypeattribute (vold_device_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute vold_device_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported2_default_prop_28_0 (exported2_default_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported2_default_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported2_default_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset exported3_default_prop_28_0 (exported3_default_prop))
+(expandtypeattribute (exported3_default_prop_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute exported3_default_prop_28_0)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_wake_lock_28_0 (sysfs_wake_lock))
+(expandtypeattribute (sysfs_wake_lock_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute sysfs_wake_lock_28_0)
+(typeattributeset network_watchlist_service_28_0 (network_watchlist_service))
+(expandtypeattribute (network_watchlist_service_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute network_watchlist_service_28_0)
+(typeattributeset proc_pid_max_28_0 (proc_pid_max))
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_pid_max_28_0) true)
+(typeattribute proc_pid_max_28_0)
diff --git a/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_and_mapping_sepolicy.cil.sha256 b/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_and_mapping_sepolicy.cil.sha256
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6cf8918058912e3823233603694550c8d3c5eaf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_and_mapping_sepolicy.cil.sha256
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_file_contexts b/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_file_contexts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e0994329c722bbadc9fbdf323fb7623f9e797558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_file_contexts
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+/(odm|vendor/odm)(/.*)?		u:object_r:vendor_file:s0
+/(odm|vendor/odm)/bin/sh		u:object_r:vendor_shell_exec:s0
+/(odm|vendor/odm)/etc(/.*)?		u:object_r:vendor_configs_file:s0
+/(odm|vendor/odm)/app(/.*)?		u:object_r:vendor_app_file:s0
+/(odm|vendor/odm)/lib(64)?/hw		u:object_r:vendor_hal_file:s0
+/(vendor|system/vendor)(/.*)?		u:object_r:vendor_file:s0
+/(vendor|system/vendor)/bin/sh		u:object_r:vendor_shell_exec:s0
+/(product|system/product)(/.*)?		u:object_r:system_file:s0
+/(odm|vendor/odm)/overlay(/.*)?		u:object_r:vendor_overlay_file:s0
+/(odm|vendor/odm)/priv-app(/.*)?		u:object_r:vendor_app_file:s0
+/(odm|vendor/odm)/framework(/.*)?		u:object_r:vendor_framework_file:s0
+/(vendor|system/vendor)/etc(/.*)?		u:object_r:vendor_configs_file:s0
+/(vendor|system/vendor)/app(/.*)?		u:object_r:vendor_app_file:s0
+/(vendor|system/vendor)/bin/toolbox		u:object_r:vendor_toolbox_exec:s0
+/(vendor|system/vendor)/lib(64)?/hw		u:object_r:vendor_hal_file:s0
+/(odm|vendor/odm)/lib(64)?/egl(/.*)?		u:object_r:same_process_hal_file:s0
+/(vendor|system/vendor)/manifest.xml		u:object_r:vendor_configs_file:s0
+/(vendor|system/vendor)/overlay(/.*)?		u:object_r:vendor_overlay_file:s0
+/(vendor|system/vendor)/priv-app(/.*)?		u:object_r:vendor_app_file:s0
+/(vendor|system/vendor)/etc/vintf(/.*)?		u:object_r:vendor_configs_file:s0
+/(vendor|system/vendor)/framework(/.*)?		u:object_r:vendor_framework_file:s0
+/(odm|vendor/odm)/lib(64)?/vndk-sp(/.*)?		u:object_r:vndk_sp_file:s0
+/(vendor|system/vendor)/bin/toybox_vendor		u:object_r:vendor_toolbox_exec:s0
+/(vendor|system/vendor)/lib(64)?/egl(/.*)?		u:object_r:same_process_hal_file:s0
+/(odm|vendor/odm)/etc/selinux/odm_sepolicy.cil		u:object_r:sepolicy_file:s0
+/(vendor|system/vendor)/lib(64)?/vndk-sp(/.*)?		u:object_r:vndk_sp_file:s0
+/(odm|vendor/odm)/etc/selinux/odm_file_contexts		u:object_r:file_contexts_file:s0
+/(odm|vendor/odm)/etc/selinux/odm_seapp_contexts		u:object_r:seapp_contexts_file:s0
+/(vendor|system/vendor)/compatibility_matrix.xml		u:object_r:vendor_configs_file:s0
+/(odm|vendor/odm)/etc/selinux/odm_property_contexts		u:object_r:property_contexts_file:s0
+/(odm|vendor/odm)/etc/selinux/odm_hwservice_contexts		u:object_r:hwservice_contexts_file:s0
+/(odm|vendor/odm)/etc/selinux/odm_mac_permissions.xml		u:object_r:mac_perms_file:s0
+/res(/.*)?		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/dev(/.*)?		u:object_r:device:s0
+/lib(/.*)?		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/efs(/.*)?		u:object_r:efs_file:s0
+/oem(/.*)?		u:object_r:oemfs:s0
+/sbin(/.*)?		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/data(/.*)?		u:object_r:system_data_file:s0
+/init\..*		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/cores(/.*)?		u:object_r:coredump_file:s0
+/cache(/.*)?		u:object_r:cache_file:s0
+/data/.layout_version		u:object_r:install_data_file:s0
+/fstab\..*		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/system(/.*)?		u:object_r:system_file:s0
+/dev/rtc[0-9]		u:object_r:rtc_device:s0
+/dev/tty[0-9]*		u:object_r:tty_device:s0
+/dev/uio[0-9]*		u:object_r:uio_device:s0
+/dev/mtd(/.*)?		u:object_r:mtd_device:s0
+/dev/snd(/.*)?		u:object_r:audio_device:s0
+/dev/adf[0-9]*		u:object_r:graphics_device:s0
+/storage(/.*)?		u:object_r:storage_file:s0
+/dev/vcs[0-9a-z]*		u:object_r:vcs_device:s0
+/ueventd\..*		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/dev/ttyS[0-9]*		u:object_r:serial_device:s0
+/dev/i2c-[0-9]+		u:object_r:i2c_device:s0
+/data/nfc(/.*)?		u:object_r:nfc_data_file:s0
+/data/dpm(/.*)?		u:object_r:dpmd_data_file:s0
+/metadata(/.*)?		u:object_r:metadata_file:s0
+/mnt/asec(/.*)?		u:object_r:asec_apk_file:s0
+/mnt/user(/.*)?		u:object_r:mnt_user_file:s0
+/data/app(/.*)?		u:object_r:apk_data_file:s0
+/data/drm(/.*)?		u:object_r:drm_data_file:s0
+/data/ota(/.*)?		u:object_r:ota_data_file:s0
+/data/adb(/.*)?		u:object_r:adb_data_file:s0
+/data/anr(/.*)?		u:object_r:anr_data_file:s0
+/dev/tegra.*		u:object_r:video_device:s0
+/dev/modem.*		u:object_r:radio_device:s0
+/dev/audio.*		u:object_r:audio_device:s0
+/dev/video[0-9]*		u:object_r:video_device:s0
+/dev/memcg(/.*)?		u:object_r:cgroup:s0
+/dev/input(/.*)?		u:object_r:input_device:s0
+/dev/block(/.*)?		u:object_r:block_device:s0
+/mnt/asec/[^/]+/[^/]+\.zip		u:object_r:asec_public_file:s0
+/mnt/asec/[^/]+/lib(/.*)?		u:object_r:asec_public_file:s0
+/data/app/[^/]+/oat(/.*)?		u:object_r:dalvikcache_data_file:s0
+/dev/cpuctl(/.*)?		u:object_r:cpuctl_device:s0
+/dev/socket(/.*)?		u:object_r:socket_device:s0
+/data/cache(/.*)?		u:object_r:cache_file:s0
+/mnt/vendor(/.*)?		u:object_r:mnt_vendor_file:s0
+/mnt/expand(/.*)?		u:object_r:mnt_expand_file:s0
+/data/media(/.*)?		u:object_r:media_rw_data_file:s0
+/dev/akm8973.*		u:object_r:sensors_device:s0
+/dev/bus/usb(.*)?		u:object_r:usb_device:s0
+/mnt/runtime(/.*)?		u:object_r:storage_file:s0
+/data/vendor(/.*)?		u:object_r:vendor_data_file:s0
+/data/backup(/.*)?		u:object_r:backup_data_file:s0
+/mnt/expand/[^/]+(/.*)?		u:object_r:system_data_file:s0
+/mnt/expand/[^/]+/app(/.*)?		u:object_r:apk_data_file:s0
+/mnt/expand/[^/]+/media(/.*)?		u:object_r:media_rw_data_file:s0
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+/mnt/expand/[^/]+/misc/vold(/.*)?		u:object_r:vold_data_file:s0
+/mnt/expand/[^/]+/app/[^/]+/oat(/.*)?		u:object_r:dalvikcache_data_file:s0
+/mnt/expand/[^/]+/app/vmdl[^/]+\.tmp(/.*)?		u:object_r:apk_tmp_file:s0
+/mnt/expand/[^/]+/app/vmdl[^/]+\.tmp/oat(/.*)?		u:object_r:dalvikcache_data_file:s0
+/dev/fscklogs(/.*)?		u:object_r:fscklogs:s0
+/dev/graphics(/.*)?		u:object_r:graphics_device:s0
+/mnt/media_rw(/.*)?		u:object_r:mnt_media_rw_file:s0
+/cache/backup(/.*)?		u:object_r:cache_private_backup_file:s0
+/dev/spdif_out.*		u:object_r:audio_device:s0
+/dev/rpmsg-omx[0-9]		u:object_r:rpmsg_device:s0
+/dev/v4l-touch[0-9]*		u:object_r:input_device:s0
+/dev/block/ram[0-9]*		u:object_r:ram_device:s0
+/dev/block/dm-[0-9]+		u:object_r:dm_device:s0
+/data/misc/qvr(/.*)?		u:object_r:qvrd_data_file:s0
+/data/app-asec(/.*)?		u:object_r:asec_image_file:s0
+/metadata/vold(/.*)?		u:object_r:vold_metadata_file:s0
+/data/mt_fonts(/.*)?		u:object_r:flipfont_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/net(/.*)?		u:object_r:net_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/vpn(/.*)?		u:object_r:vpn_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/sms(/.*)?		u:object_r:radio_data_file:s0
+/data/preloads(/.*)?		u:object_r:preloads_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/adb(/.*)?		u:object_r:adb_keys_file:s0
+/data/mediadrm(/.*)?		u:object_r:media_data_file:s0
+/data/property(/.*)?		u:object_r:property_data_file:s0
+/data/app/vmdl[^/]+\.tmp(/.*)?		u:object_r:apk_tmp_file:s0
+/data/misc_de/[0-9]+/vold(/.*)?		u:object_r:vold_data_file:s0
+/data/misc_ce/[0-9]+/vold(/.*)?		u:object_r:vold_data_file:s0
+/data/app/vmdl[^/]+\.tmp/oat(/.*)?		u:object_r:dalvikcache_data_file:s0
+/data/misc_de/[0-9]+/storaged(/.*)?		u:object_r:storaged_data_file:s0
+/data/misc_ce/[0-9]+/storaged(/.*)?		u:object_r:storaged_data_file:s0
+/data/mt_fonts/[0-9]		u:object_r:flipfont_data_file:s0
+/dev/iio:device[0-9]+		u:object_r:iio_device:s0
+/dev/block/loop[0-9]*		u:object_r:loop_device:s0
+/dev/block/zram[0-9]*		u:object_r:ram_device:s0
+/cache/recovery(/.*)?		u:object_r:cache_recovery_file:s0
+/data/vendor_ce(/.*)?		u:object_r:vendor_data_file:s0
+/data/vendor_de(/.*)?		u:object_r:vendor_data_file:s0
+/data/bootchart(/.*)?		u:object_r:bootchart_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/vold(/.*)?		u:object_r:vold_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/user(/.*)?		u:object_r:misc_user_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/wifi(/.*)?		u:object_r:wifi_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/dhcp(/.*)?		u:object_r:dhcp_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/logd(/.*)?		u:object_r:misc_logd_file:s0
+/data/misc/apns(/.*)?		u:object_r:radio_data_file:s0
+/data/local/tmp(/.*)?		u:object_r:shell_data_file:s0
+/data/mt_fonts/[0-9]+(/.*)?		u:object_r:flipfont_data_file:s0
+/data/mt_fonts/[0-9]+/[^/]+(/.*)?		u:object_r:flipfont_data_file:s0
+/dev/block/vold/.+		u:object_r:vold_device:s0
+/data/misc/seemp(/.*)?		u:object_r:seemp_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/trace(/.*)?		u:object_r:method_trace_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/media(/.*)?		u:object_r:media_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/audio(/.*)?		u:object_r:audio_data_file:s0
+/data/nativetest(/.*)?		u:object_r:nativetest_data_file:s0
+/data/tombstones(/.*)?		u:object_r:tombstone_data_file:s0
+/data/vendor_de/[0-9]+/fpdata(/.*)?		u:object_r:fingerprint_vendor_data_file:s0
+/data/system_de/[0-9]+/ringtones(/.*)?		u:object_r:ringtone_file:s0
+/data/system_ce/[0-9]+/shortcut_service/bitmaps(/.*)?		u:object_r:shortcut_manager_icons:s0
+/data/misc/camera(/.*)?		u:object_r:camera_data_file:s0
+/data/app-private(/.*)?		u:object_r:apk_private_data_file:s0
+/data/ota_package(/.*)?		u:object_r:ota_package_file:s0
+/data/unencrypted(/.*)?		u:object_r:unencrypted_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/dhcp-6.8.2(/.*)?		u:object_r:dhcp_data_file:s0
+/data/cache/backup(/.*)?		u:object_r:cache_private_backup_file:s0
+/data/misc/profman(/.*)?		u:object_r:profman_dump_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/wmtrace(/.*)?		u:object_r:wm_trace_data_file:s0
+/data/nativetest64(/.*)?		u:object_r:nativetest_data_file:s0
+/data/local/traces(/.*)?		u:object_r:trace_data_file:s0
+/data/dalvik-cache(/.*)?		u:object_r:dalvikcache_data_file:s0
+/dev/adf-interface[0-9]*\.[0-9]*		u:object_r:graphics_device:s0
+/system/bin/dex2oat(d)?		u:object_r:dex2oat_exec:s0
+/system/bin/profman(d)?		u:object_r:profman_exec:s0
+/dev/socket/wpa_eth[0-9]		u:object_r:wpa_socket:s0
+/cache/backup_stage(/.*)?		u:object_r:cache_backup_file:s0
+/data/misc/zoneinfo(/.*)?		u:object_r:zoneinfo_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/keychain(/.*)?		u:object_r:keychain_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/keystore(/.*)?		u:object_r:keystore_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/recovery(/.*)?		u:object_r:recovery_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/bootstat(/.*)?		u:object_r:bootstat_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/audiohal(/.*)?		u:object_r:audiohal_data_file:s0
+/data/preloads/demo(/.*)?		u:object_r:preloads_media_file:s0
+/data/local/tmp/ltp(/.*)?		u:object_r:nativetest_data_file:s0
+/data/secure/backup(/.*)?		u:object_r:backup_data_file:s0
+/data/system/users/[0-9]+/photo.png		u:object_r:icon_file:s0
+/data/system/users/[0-9]+/wallpaper		u:object_r:wallpaper_file:s0
+/data/system/users/[0-9]+/fpdata(/.*)?		u:object_r:fingerprintd_data_file:s0
+/data/system/users/[0-9]+/wallpaper_lock		u:object_r:wallpaper_file:s0
+/data/system/users/[0-9]+/wallpaper_orig		u:object_r:wallpaper_file:s0
+/data/system/users/[0-9]+/wallpaper_lock_orig		u:object_r:wallpaper_file:s0
+/system/bin/dhcpcd-6.8.2		u:object_r:dhcp_exec:s0
+/system/bin/patchoat(d)?		u:object_r:dex2oat_exec:s0
+/dev/socket/wpa_wlan[0-9]		u:object_r:wpa_socket:s0
+/data/cache/recovery(/.*)?		u:object_r:cache_recovery_file:s0
+/data/misc/perfprofd(/.*)?		u:object_r:perfprofd_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/incidents(/.*)?		u:object_r:incident_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/carrierid(/.*)?		u:object_r:radio_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/bluetooth(/.*)?		u:object_r:bluetooth_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/boottrace(/.*)?		u:object_r:boottrace_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/bluedroid(/.*)?		u:object_r:bluetooth_data_file:s0
+/data/preloads/media(/.*)?		u:object_r:preloads_media_file:s0
+/data/resource-cache(/.*)?		u:object_r:resourcecache_data_file:s0
+/system/bin/cppreopts.sh		u:object_r:cppreopts_exec:s0
+/data/system/heapdump(/.*)?		u:object_r:heapdump_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/systemkeys(/.*)?		u:object_r:systemkeys_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/gatekeeper(/.*)?		u:object_r:gatekeeper_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/stats-data(/.*)?		u:object_r:stats_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/audioserver(/.*)?		u:object_r:audioserver_data_file:s0
+/data/app-private/vmdl.*\.tmp(/.*)?		u:object_r:apk_private_tmp_file:s0
+/data/misc/profiles/cur(/.*)?		u:object_r:user_profile_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/profiles/ref(/.*)?		u:object_r:user_profile_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/wifi/sockets(/.*)?		u:object_r:wpa_socket:s0
+/data/misc/shared_relro(/.*)?		u:object_r:shared_relro_file:s0
+/dev/adf-overlay-engine[0-9]*\.[0-9]*		u:object_r:graphics_device:s0
+/data/cache/backup_stage(/.*)?		u:object_r:cache_backup_file:s0
+/data/misc/update_engine(/.*)?		u:object_r:update_engine_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/stats-service(/.*)?		u:object_r:stats_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/textclassifier(/.*)?		u:object_r:textclassifier_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/bluetooth/logs(/.*)?		u:object_r:bluetooth_logs_data_file:s0
+/system/bin/dexoptanalyzer(d)?		u:object_r:dexoptanalyzer_exec:s0
+/data/misc/perfetto-traces(/.*)?		u:object_r:perfetto_traces_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/mirrorlinkserver(/.*)?		u:object_r:mirrorlink_data_file:s0
+/system/bin/install-recovery.sh		u:object_r:install_recovery_exec:s0
+/data/misc/update_engine_log(/.*)?		u:object_r:update_engine_log_data_file:s0
+/data/misc/network_watchlist(/.*)?		u:object_r:network_watchlist_data_file:s0
+/data/vendor/tombstones/wifi(/.*)?		u:object_r:tombstone_wifi_data_file:s0
+/system/etc/selinux/mapping/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.cil		u:object_r:sepolicy_file:s0
+/data/misc/wifi/sockets/wpa_ctrl.*		u:object_r:system_wpa_socket:s0
+/system/etc/selinux/plat_sepolicy.cil		u:object_r:sepolicy_file:s0
+/		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/d		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/mnt		u:object_r:tmpfs:s0
+/sys		u:object_r:sysfs:s0
+/bin		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/etc		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/proc		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/init		u:object_r:init_exec:s0
+/acct		u:object_r:cgroup:s0
+/config		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/sdcard		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/dev/tun		u:object_r:tun_device:s0
+/dev/tty		u:object_r:owntty_device:s0
+/dev/cam		u:object_r:camera_device:s0
+/dev/eac		u:object_r:audio_device:s0
+/dev/ppp		u:object_r:ppp_device:s0
+/dev/ion		u:object_r:ion_device:s0
+/dev/mem		u:object_r:kmem_device:s0
+/charger		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/dev/uhid		u:object_r:uhid_device:s0
+/dev/zero		u:object_r:zero_device:s0
+/dev/fuse		u:object_r:fuse_device:s0
+/dev/full		u:object_r:full_device:s0
+/dev/port		u:object_r:port_device:s0
+/dev/kmsg		u:object_r:kmsg_device:s0
+/dev/ptmx		u:object_r:ptmx_device:s0
+/dev/kmem		u:object_r:kmem_device:s0
+/dev/null		u:object_r:null_device:s0
+/sepolicy		u:object_r:sepolicy_file:s0
+/adb_keys		u:object_r:adb_keys_file:s0
+/dev/smd7		u:object_r:smd7_device:s0
+/dev/pmsg0		u:object_r:pmsg_device:s0
+/dev/pn544		u:object_r:nfc_device:s0
+/dev/alarm		u:object_r:alarm_device:s0
+/dev/uinput		u:object_r:uhid_device:s0
+/dev/random		u:object_r:random_device:s0
+/dev/binder		u:object_r:binder_device:s0
+/dev/ashmem		u:object_r:ashmem_device:s0
+/bugreports		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/verity_key		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/lost\+found		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/build\.prop		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/dev/urandom		u:object_r:random_device:s0
+/dev/console		u:object_r:console_device:s0
+/dev/mtp_usb		u:object_r:mtp_device:s0
+/dev/nvhdcp1		u:object_r:video_device:s0
+/postinstall		u:object_r:postinstall_mnt_dir:s0
+/dev/watchdog		u:object_r:watchdog_device:s0
+/dev/hwbinder		u:object_r:hwbinder_device:s0
+/dev/pvrsrvkm		u:object_r:gpu_device:s0
+/dev/keychord		u:object_r:keychord_device:s0
+/default\.prop		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/dev/seemplog		u:object_r:seemplog_device:s0
+/dev/vndbinder		u:object_r:vndbinder_device:s0
+/dev/hw_random		u:object_r:hw_random_device:s0
+/dev/smcinvoke		u:object_r:smcinvoke_device:s0
+/system/bin/sh		--	u:object_r:shell_exec:s0
+/system/xbin/su		u:object_r:su_exec:s0
+/system/bin/vdc		u:object_r:vdc_exec:s0
+/dev/xt_qtaguid		u:object_r:qtaguid_device:s0
+/dev/kmsg_debug		u:object_r:kmsg_debug_device:s0
+/dev/rproc_user		u:object_r:rpmsg_device:s0
+/seapp_contexts		u:object_r:seapp_contexts_file:s0
+/system/bin/mmi		u:object_r:vendor_mmi_sys_exec:s0
+/dev/socket/tcm		u:object_r:dpmtcm_socket:s0
+/system/bin/vold		u:object_r:vold_exec:s0
+/system/bin/netd		u:object_r:netd_exec:s0
+/system/bin/pppd		u:object_r:ppp_exec:s0
+/system/bin/mtpd		u:object_r:mtp_exec:s0
+/system/bin/lmkd		u:object_r:lmkd_exec:s0
+/system/bin/usbd		u:object_r:usbd_exec:s0
+/system/bin/logd		u:object_r:logd_exec:s0
+/dev/socket/rild		u:object_r:rild_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/logd		u:object_r:logd_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/mdns		u:object_r:mdns_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/mtpd		u:object_r:mtpd_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/netd		u:object_r:netd_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/lmkd		u:object_r:lmkd_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/adbd		u:object_r:adbd_socket:s0
+/selinux_version		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/system/bin/dpmd		u:object_r:dpmd_exec:s0
+/dev/socket/dpmd		u:object_r:dpmd_socket:s0
+/system/bin/adbd		u:object_r:adbd_exec:s0
+/system/bin/mdnsd		u:object_r:mdnsd_exec:s0
+/system/bin/clatd		u:object_r:clatd_exec:s0
+/system/bin/idmap		u:object_r:idmap_exec:s0
+/system/bin/blkid		u:object_r:blkid_exec:s0
+/dev/loop-control		u:object_r:loop_control_device:s0
+/dev/socket/mdnsd		u:object_r:mdnsd_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/logdw		u:object_r:logdw_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/logdr		u:object_r:logdr_socket:s0
+/system/bin/stats		u:object_r:stats_exec:s0
+/system/bin/racoon		u:object_r:racoon_exec:s0
+/system/bin/sdcard		u:object_r:sdcardd_exec:s0
+/system/bin/dhcpcd		u:object_r:dhcp_exec:s0
+/system/bin/traced		u:object_r:traced_exec:s0
+/system/bin/sgdisk		u:object_r:sgdisk_exec:s0
+/dev/socket/racoon		u:object_r:racoon_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/zygote		u:object_r:zygote_socket:s0
+/dev/usb_accessory		u:object_r:usbaccessory_device:s0
+/system/bin/atrace		u:object_r:atrace_exec:s0
+/system/bin/mke2fs		u:object_r:e2fs_exec:s0
+/dev/device-mapper		u:object_r:dm_device:s0
+/plat_sepolicy\.cil		u:object_r:sepolicy_file:s0
+/dev/accelerometer		u:object_r:sensors_device:s0
+/system/bin/seempd		u:object_r:seempd_exec:s0
+/system/bin/statsd		u:object_r:statsd_exec:s0
+/system/bin/vr_hwc		u:object_r:vr_hwc_exec:s0
+/system/bin/logcat		--	u:object_r:logcat_exec:s0
+/system/bin/run-as		--	u:object_r:runas_exec:s0
+/system/bin/e2fsck		--	u:object_r:fsck_exec:s0
+/system/bin/toybox		--	u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0
+/system/bin/dnsmasq		u:object_r:dnsmasq_exec:s0
+/system/bin/healthd		u:object_r:healthd_exec:s0
+/system/bin/uncrypt		u:object_r:uncrypt_exec:s0
+/system/bin/bspatch		u:object_r:update_engine_exec:s0
+/dev/socket/uncrypt		u:object_r:uncrypt_socket:s0
+/dev/__properties__		u:object_r:properties_device:s0
+/dev/event-log-tags		u:object_r:runtime_event_log_tags_file:s0
+/dev/socket/statsdw		u:object_r:statsdw_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/fwmarkd		u:object_r:fwmarkd_socket:s0
+/plat_file_contexts		u:object_r:file_contexts_file:s0
+/dev/socket/seempdw		u:object_r:seempdw_socket:s0
+/system/bin/logcatd		--	u:object_r:logcat_exec:s0
+/system/bin/tune2fs		--	u:object_r:fsck_exec:s0
+/system/bin/toolbox		--	u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0
+/system/bin/installd		u:object_r:installd_exec:s0
+/system/bin/wificond		u:object_r:wificond_exec:s0
+/system/bin/keystore		u:object_r:keystore_exec:s0
+/system/bin/perfetto		u:object_r:perfetto_exec:s0
+/system/bin/wpantund		u:object_r:wpantund_exec:s0
+/system/bin/storaged		u:object_r:storaged_exec:s0
+/system/bin/incident		u:object_r:incident_exec:s0
+/system/bin/bootstat		u:object_r:bootstat_exec:s0
+/plat_seapp_contexts		u:object_r:seapp_contexts_file:s0
+/vndservice_contexts		u:object_r:vndservice_contexts_file:s0
+/system/bin/mmi_diag		u:object_r:vendor_mmi_sys_exec:s0
+/system/bin/incidentd		u:object_r:incidentd_exec:s0
+/system/bin/perfprofd		u:object_r:perfprofd_exec:s0
+/system/bin/drmserver		u:object_r:drmserver_exec:s0
+/system/bin/dumpstate		u:object_r:dumpstate_exec:s0
+/system/bin/e2fsdroid		u:object_r:e2fs_exec:s0
+/dev/socket/dnsproxyd		u:object_r:dnsproxyd_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/dumpstate		u:object_r:dumpstate_socket:s0
+/mapping_sepolicy\.cil		u:object_r:sepolicy_file:s0
+/nonplat_sepolicy\.cil		u:object_r:sepolicy_file:s0
+/vendor_file_contexts		u:object_r:file_contexts_file:s0
+/system/bin/bt_logger		u:object_r:bt_logger_exec:s0
+/system/bin/bpfloader		u:object_r:bpfloader_exec:s0
+/system/bin/make_f2fs		--	u:object_r:e2fs_exec:s0
+/system/bin/fsck\.f2fs		--	u:object_r:fsck_exec:s0
+/system/bin/tombstoned		u:object_r:tombstoned_exec:s0
+/system/bin/logwrapper		u:object_r:system_file:s0
+/dev/socket/rild-debug		u:object_r:rild_debug_socket:s0
+/system/bin/bufferhubd		u:object_r:bufferhubd_exec:s0
+/vendor_seapp_contexts		u:object_r:seapp_contexts_file:s0
+/plat_service_contexts		u:object_r:service_contexts_file:s0
+/firmware/firmware_mnt		u:object_r:rootfs:s0
+/nonplat_file_contexts		u:object_r:file_contexts_file:s0
+/system/bin/smcinvoked		u:object_r:smcinvoke_daemon_exec:s0
+/system/bin/dun-server		u:object_r:dun-server_exec:s0
+/system/bin/qvrservice		u:object_r:qvrd_exec:s0
+/system/bin/wfdservice		u:object_r:wfdservice_exec:s0
+/dev/socket/qvrservice		u:object_r:qvrd_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/dpmwrapper		u:object_r:dpmwrapper_socket:s0
+/system/bin/fsck_msdos		--	u:object_r:fsck_exec:s0
+/system/bin/sload_f2fs		--	u:object_r:e2fs_exec:s0
+/system/bin/mediaserver		u:object_r:mediaserver_exec:s0
+/system/bin/audioserver		u:object_r:audioserver_exec:s0
+/system/bin/gatekeeperd		u:object_r:gatekeeperd_exec:s0
+/system/bin/tzdatacheck		u:object_r:tzdatacheck_exec:s0
+/plat_property_contexts		u:object_r:property_contexts_file:s0
+/nonplat_seapp_contexts		u:object_r:seapp_contexts_file:s0
+/system/bin/perfservice		u:object_r:perfservice_exec:s0
+/system/bin/cameraserver		u:object_r:cameraserver_exec:s0
+/system/bin/mediametrics		u:object_r:mediametrics_exec:s0
+/system/bin/crash_dump64		u:object_r:crash_dump_exec:s0
+/system/bin/crash_dump32		u:object_r:crash_dump_exec:s0
+/system/bin/fingerprintd		u:object_r:fingerprintd_exec:s0
+/system/bin/inputflinger		u:object_r:inputflinger_exec:s0
+/system/bin/performanced		u:object_r:performanced_exec:s0
+/system/bin/blank_screen		u:object_r:blank_screen_exec:s0
+/vendor_service_contexts		u:object_r:nonplat_service_contexts_file:s0
+/plat_hwservice_contexts		u:object_r:hwservice_contexts_file:s0
+/system/bin/traced_probes		u:object_r:traced_probes_exec:s0
+/system/bin/update_engine		u:object_r:update_engine_exec:s0
+/system/bin/app_process32		u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0
+/system/bin/app_process64		u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0
+/system/bin/bootanimation		u:object_r:bootanim_exec:s0
+/dev/snd/audio_seq_device		u:object_r:audio_seq_device:s0
+/vendor_property_contexts		u:object_r:property_contexts_file:s0
+/nonplat_service_contexts		u:object_r:nonplat_service_contexts_file:s0
+/data/system/ndebugsocket		u:object_r:system_ndebug_socket:s0
+/system/bin/mediaextractor		u:object_r:mediaextractor_exec:s0
+/system/bin/otapreopt_slot		u:object_r:otapreopt_slot_exec:s0
+/system/bin/mediadrmserver		u:object_r:mediadrmserver_exec:s0
+/system/bin/servicemanager		u:object_r:servicemanager_exec:s0
+/system/bin/surfaceflinger		u:object_r:surfaceflinger_exec:s0
+/nonplat_property_contexts		u:object_r:property_contexts_file:s0
+/vendor_hwservice_contexts		u:object_r:hwservice_contexts_file:s0
+/system/bin/incident_helper		u:object_r:incident_helper_exec:s0
+/system/bin/update_verifier		u:object_r:update_verifier_exec:s0
+/system/bin/thermalserviced		u:object_r:thermalserviced_exec:s0
+/dev/socket/traced_producer		u:object_r:traced_producer_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/traced_consumer		u:object_r:traced_consumer_socket:s0
+/dev/snd/audio_timer_device		u:object_r:audio_timer_device:s0
+/nonplat_hwservice_contexts		u:object_r:hwservice_contexts_file:s0
+/system/bin/otapreopt_chroot		u:object_r:otapreopt_chroot_exec:s0
+/system/bin/recovery-persist		u:object_r:recovery_persist_exec:s0
+/system/bin/recovery-refresh		u:object_r:recovery_refresh_exec:s0
+/system/bin/preopt2cachename		u:object_r:preopt2cachename_exec:s0
+/system/bin/virtual_touchpad		u:object_r:virtual_touchpad_exec:s0
+/dev/socket/tombstoned_crash		u:object_r:tombstoned_crash_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/property_service		u:object_r:property_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/zygote_secondary		u:object_r:zygote_socket:s0
+/system/bin/hwservicemanager		u:object_r:hwservicemanager_exec:s0
+/system/bin/mirrorlinkserver		u:object_r:mirrorlink_exec:s0
+/dev/socket/qvrservice_camera		u:object_r:qvrd_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/mirrorlinkserverah		u:object_r:mirrorlink_socket:s0
+/system/bin/wait_for_keymaster		u:object_r:wait_for_keymaster_exec:s0
+/dev/socket/mirrorlinkserverapi		u:object_r:mirrorlink_socket:s0
+/data/misc/bluedroid/\.a2dp_ctrl		u:object_r:bluetooth_socket:s0
+/data/misc/bluedroid/\.a2dp_data		u:object_r:bluetooth_socket:s0
+/system/bin/netutils-wrapper-1\.0		u:object_r:netutils_wrapper_exec:s0
+/dev/socket/tombstoned_intercept		u:object_r:tombstoned_intercept_socket:s0
+/system/bin/vold_prepare_subdirs		u:object_r:vold_prepare_subdirs_exec:s0
+/dev/socket/tombstoned_java_trace		u:object_r:tombstoned_java_trace_socket:s0
+/dev/__properties__/property_info		u:object_r:property_info:s0
+/dev/socket/pdx/system/buffer_hub		u:object_r:pdx_bufferhub_dir:s0
+/dev/socket/pdx/system/vr/display		u:object_r:pdx_display_dir:s0
+/dev/socket/qvrservice_hvx_camera		u:object_r:qvrd_hvx_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/pdx/system/performance		u:object_r:pdx_performance_dir:s0
+/system/etc/init\.qcom\.testscripts\.sh		u:object_r:qti-testscripts_exec:s0
+/odm/etc/selinux/precompiled_sepolicy		u:object_r:sepolicy_file:s0
+/system/etc/selinux/plat_file_contexts		u:object_r:file_contexts_file:s0
+/dev/socket/pdx/system/vr/display/vsync		u:object_r:pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket:s0
+/system/etc/selinux/plat_seapp_contexts		u:object_r:seapp_contexts_file:s0
+/dev/socket/pdx/system/vr/display/client		u:object_r:pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/pdx/system/buffer_hub/client		u:object_r:pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/pdx/system/vr/display/manager		u:object_r:pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket:s0
+/dev/socket/pdx/system/performance/client		u:object_r:pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket:s0
+/system/etc/selinux/plat_service_contexts		u:object_r:service_contexts_file:s0
+/system/etc/selinux/plat_property_contexts		u:object_r:property_contexts_file:s0
+/system/etc/selinux/plat_hwservice_contexts		u:object_r:hwservice_contexts_file:s0
+/dev/socket/pdx/system/vr/display/screenshot		u:object_r:pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket:s0
+/system/etc/selinux/plat_mac_permissions\.xml		u:object_r:mac_perms_file:s0
+/system/bin/hw/android\.hidl\.allocator@1\.0-service		u:object_r:hal_allocator_default_exec:s0
+/system/etc/selinux/plat_and_mapping_sepolicy\.cil\.sha256		u:object_r:sepolicy_file:s0
+/odm/etc/selinux/precompiled_sepolicy\.plat_and_mapping\.sha256		u:object_r:sepolicy_file:s0
diff --git a/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_hwservice_contexts b/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_hwservice_contexts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c75c0a57660e1f2f68dc6416809b94b7f9c39d39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_hwservice_contexts
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+android.frameworks.displayservice::IDisplayService              u:object_r:fwk_display_hwservice:s0
+android.frameworks.schedulerservice::ISchedulingPolicyService   u:object_r:fwk_scheduler_hwservice:s0
+android.frameworks.sensorservice::ISensorManager                u:object_r:fwk_sensor_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.audio.effect::IEffectsFactory                  u:object_r:hal_audio_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.audio::IDevicesFactory                         u:object_r:hal_audio_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.authsecret::IAuthSecret                        u:object_r:hal_authsecret_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.automotive.audiocontrol::IAudioControl         u:object_r:hal_audiocontrol_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.automotive.evs::IEvsEnumerator                 u:object_r:hal_evs_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.automotive.vehicle::IVehicle                   u:object_r:hal_vehicle_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint::IBiometricsFingerprint u:object_r:hal_fingerprint_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.bluetooth::IBluetoothHci                       u:object_r:hal_bluetooth_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.bluetooth.a2dp::IBluetoothAudioOffload         u:object_r:hal_audio_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.boot::IBootControl                             u:object_r:hal_bootctl_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.broadcastradio::IBroadcastRadio                u:object_r:hal_broadcastradio_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.broadcastradio::IBroadcastRadioFactory         u:object_r:hal_broadcastradio_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.camera.provider::ICameraProvider               u:object_r:hal_camera_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.configstore::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs            u:object_r:hal_configstore_ISurfaceFlingerConfigs:s0
+android.hardware.confirmationui::IConfirmationUI                u:object_r:hal_confirmationui_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.contexthub::IContexthub                        u:object_r:hal_contexthub_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.cas::IMediaCasService                          u:object_r:hal_cas_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.drm::ICryptoFactory                            u:object_r:hal_drm_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.drm::IDrmFactory                               u:object_r:hal_drm_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.dumpstate::IDumpstateDevice                    u:object_r:hal_dumpstate_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.gatekeeper::IGatekeeper                        u:object_r:hal_gatekeeper_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.gnss::IGnss                                    u:object_r:hal_gnss_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.graphics.allocator::IAllocator                 u:object_r:hal_graphics_allocator_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.graphics.composer::IComposer                   u:object_r:hal_graphics_composer_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.graphics.mapper::IMapper                       u:object_r:hal_graphics_mapper_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.health::IHealth                                u:object_r:hal_health_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.ir::IConsumerIr                                u:object_r:hal_ir_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.keymaster::IKeymasterDevice                    u:object_r:hal_keymaster_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.light::ILight                                  u:object_r:hal_light_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.lowpan::ILowpanDevice                          u:object_r:hal_lowpan_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.media.omx::IOmx                                u:object_r:hal_omx_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.media.omx::IOmxStore                           u:object_r:hal_omx_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.memtrack::IMemtrack                            u:object_r:hal_memtrack_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.neuralnetworks::IDevice                        u:object_r:hal_neuralnetworks_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.nfc::INfc                                      u:object_r:hal_nfc_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.oemlock::IOemLock                              u:object_r:hal_oemlock_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.power::IPower                                  u:object_r:hal_power_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.radio.config::IRadioConfig                     u:object_r:hal_telephony_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.radio.deprecated::IOemHook                     u:object_r:hal_telephony_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.radio::IRadio                                  u:object_r:hal_telephony_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.radio::ISap                                    u:object_r:hal_telephony_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.renderscript::IDevice                          u:object_r:hal_renderscript_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.secure_element::ISecureElement                 u:object_r:hal_secure_element_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.sensors::ISensors                              u:object_r:hal_sensors_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.soundtrigger::ISoundTriggerHw                  u:object_r:hal_audio_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.tetheroffload.config::IOffloadConfig           u:object_r:hal_tetheroffload_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.tetheroffload.control::IOffloadControl         u:object_r:hal_tetheroffload_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.thermal::IThermal                              u:object_r:hal_thermal_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.thermal::IThermalCallback                      u:object_r:thermalcallback_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.tv.cec::IHdmiCec                               u:object_r:hal_tv_cec_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.tv.input::ITvInput                             u:object_r:hal_tv_input_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.usb::IUsb                                      u:object_r:hal_usb_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.usb.gadget::IUsbGadget                         u:object_r:hal_usb_gadget_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.vibrator::IVibrator                            u:object_r:hal_vibrator_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.vr::IVr                                        u:object_r:hal_vr_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.weaver::IWeaver                                u:object_r:hal_weaver_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.wifi::IWifi                                    u:object_r:hal_wifi_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.wifi.hostapd::IHostapd                         u:object_r:hal_wifi_hostapd_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.wifi.offload::IOffload                         u:object_r:hal_wifi_offload_hwservice:s0
+android.hardware.wifi.supplicant::ISupplicant                   u:object_r:hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice:s0
+android.hidl.allocator::IAllocator                              u:object_r:hidl_allocator_hwservice:s0
+android.hidl.base::IBase                                        u:object_r:hidl_base_hwservice:s0
+android.hidl.manager::IServiceManager                           u:object_r:hidl_manager_hwservice:s0
+android.hidl.memory::IMapper                                    u:object_r:hidl_memory_hwservice:s0
+android.hidl.token::ITokenManager                               u:object_r:hidl_token_hwservice:s0
+android.system.net.netd::INetd                                  u:object_r:system_net_netd_hwservice:s0
+android.system.wifi.keystore::IKeystore                         u:object_r:system_wifi_keystore_hwservice:s0
+*                                                               u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0
diff --git a/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_mac_permissions.xml b/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_mac_permissions.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bea1f269305b455279d480a116ab53b9c7965383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_mac_permissions.xml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?><!-- AUTOGENERATED FILE DO NOT MODIFY --><policy><signer signature="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"><seinfo value="platform"/></signer><signer signature="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"><seinfo value="media"/></signer></policy>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_property_contexts b/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_property_contexts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d3af24ae0daa5736e2e23cf8768f9b0925eb5c5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_property_contexts
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#line 1 "system/sepolicy/private/property_contexts"
+# property service keys
+net.rmnet               u:object_r:net_radio_prop:s0
+net.gprs                u:object_r:net_radio_prop:s0
+net.ppp                 u:object_r:net_radio_prop:s0
+net.qmi                 u:object_r:net_radio_prop:s0
+net.lte                 u:object_r:net_radio_prop:s0
+net.cdma                u:object_r:net_radio_prop:s0
+net.dns                 u:object_r:net_dns_prop:s0
+sys.usb.config          u:object_r:system_radio_prop:s0
+ril.                    u:object_r:radio_prop:s0
+ro.ril.                 u:object_r:radio_prop:s0
+gsm.                    u:object_r:radio_prop:s0
+persist.radio           u:object_r:radio_prop:s0
+net.                    u:object_r:system_prop:s0
+dev.                    u:object_r:system_prop:s0
+ro.runtime.             u:object_r:system_prop:s0
+ro.runtime.firstboot    u:object_r:firstboot_prop:s0
+hw.                     u:object_r:system_prop:s0
+ro.hw.                  u:object_r:system_prop:s0
+sys.                    u:object_r:system_prop:s0
+sys.cppreopt            u:object_r:cppreopt_prop:s0
+sys.powerctl            u:object_r:powerctl_prop:s0
+sys.usb.ffs.            u:object_r:ffs_prop:s0
+service.                u:object_r:system_prop:s0
+dhcp.                   u:object_r:dhcp_prop:s0
+dhcp.bt-pan.result      u:object_r:pan_result_prop:s0
+bluetooth.              u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0
+debug.                  u:object_r:debug_prop:s0
+debug.db.               u:object_r:debuggerd_prop:s0
+dumpstate.              u:object_r:dumpstate_prop:s0
+dumpstate.options       u:object_r:dumpstate_options_prop:s0
+log.                    u:object_r:log_prop:s0
+log.tag                 u:object_r:log_tag_prop:s0
+log.tag.WifiHAL         u:object_r:wifi_log_prop:s0
+security.perf_harden    u:object_r:shell_prop:s0
+service.adb.root        u:object_r:shell_prop:s0
+service.adb.tcp.port    u:object_r:shell_prop:s0
+persist.audio.          u:object_r:audio_prop:s0
+persist.bluetooth.      u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0
+persist.debug.          u:object_r:persist_debug_prop:s0
+persist.logd.           u:object_r:logd_prop:s0
+ro.logd.                u:object_r:logd_prop:s0
+persist.logd.security   u:object_r:device_logging_prop:s0
+persist.logd.logpersistd        u:object_r:logpersistd_logging_prop:s0
+logd.logpersistd        u:object_r:logpersistd_logging_prop:s0
+persist.log.tag         u:object_r:log_tag_prop:s0
+persist.mmc.            u:object_r:mmc_prop:s0
+persist.netd.stable_secret      u:object_r:netd_stable_secret_prop:s0
+persist.sys.            u:object_r:system_prop:s0
+persist.sys.safemode    u:object_r:safemode_prop:s0
+ro.sys.safemode         u:object_r:safemode_prop:s0
+persist.sys.audit_safemode      u:object_r:safemode_prop:s0
+persist.service.        u:object_r:system_prop:s0
+persist.service.bdroid. u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0
+persist.security.       u:object_r:system_prop:s0
+persist.traced.enable   u:object_r:traced_enabled_prop:s0
+persist.vendor.overlay.  u:object_r:overlay_prop:s0
+ro.boot.vendor.overlay.  u:object_r:overlay_prop:s0
+ro.boottime.             u:object_r:boottime_prop:s0
+ro.serialno             u:object_r:serialno_prop:s0
+ro.boot.btmacaddr       u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0
+ro.boot.serialno        u:object_r:serialno_prop:s0
+ro.bt.                  u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0
+ro.boot.bootreason      u:object_r:bootloader_boot_reason_prop:s0
+persist.sys.boot.reason u:object_r:last_boot_reason_prop:s0
+sys.boot.reason         u:object_r:system_boot_reason_prop:s0
+pm.                     u:object_r:pm_prop:s0
+test.sys.boot.reason    u:object_r:test_boot_reason_prop:s0
+# Boolean property set by system server upon boot indicating
+# if device owner is provisioned.
+ro.device_owner         u:object_r:device_logging_prop:s0
+# selinux non-persistent properties
+selinux.restorecon_recursive   u:object_r:restorecon_prop:s0
+# default property context
+*                       u:object_r:default_prop:s0
+# data partition encryption properties
+vold.                   u:object_r:vold_prop:s0
+ro.crypto.              u:object_r:vold_prop:s0
+# ro.build.fingerprint is either set in /system/build.prop, or is
+# set at runtime by system_server.
+ro.build.fingerprint    u:object_r:fingerprint_prop:s0
+ro.persistent_properties.ready  u:object_r:persistent_properties_ready_prop:s0
+# ctl properties
+ctl.bootanim            u:object_r:ctl_bootanim_prop:s0
+ctl.android.hardware.dumpstate u:object_r:ctl_dumpstate_prop:s0
+ctl.dumpstate           u:object_r:ctl_dumpstate_prop:s0
+ctl.fuse_               u:object_r:ctl_fuse_prop:s0
+ctl.mdnsd               u:object_r:ctl_mdnsd_prop:s0
+ctl.ril-daemon          u:object_r:ctl_rildaemon_prop:s0
+ctl.bugreport           u:object_r:ctl_bugreport_prop:s0
+ctl.console             u:object_r:ctl_console_prop:s0
+ctl.                    u:object_r:ctl_default_prop:s0
+# Don't allow blind access to all services
+ctl.sigstop_on$         u:object_r:ctl_sigstop_prop:s0
+ctl.sigstop_off$        u:object_r:ctl_sigstop_prop:s0
+ctl.start$              u:object_r:ctl_start_prop:s0
+ctl.stop$               u:object_r:ctl_stop_prop:s0
+ctl.restart$            u:object_r:ctl_restart_prop:s0
+ctl.interface_start$    u:object_r:ctl_interface_start_prop:s0
+ctl.interface_stop$     u:object_r:ctl_interface_stop_prop:s0
+ctl.interface_restart$  u:object_r:ctl_interface_restart_prop:s0
+# NFC properties
+nfc.                    u:object_r:nfc_prop:s0
+# These properties are not normally set by processes other than init.
+# They are only distinguished here for setting by qemu-props on the
+# emulator/goldfish.
+config.                 u:object_r:config_prop:s0
+ro.config.              u:object_r:config_prop:s0
+dalvik.                 u:object_r:dalvik_prop:s0
+ro.dalvik.              u:object_r:dalvik_prop:s0
+# Shared between system server and wificond
+wlan.                   u:object_r:wifi_prop:s0
+# Lowpan properties
+lowpan.                 u:object_r:lowpan_prop:s0
+ro.lowpan.              u:object_r:lowpan_prop:s0
+# hwservicemanager properties
+hwservicemanager.       u:object_r:hwservicemanager_prop:s0
+# Common default properties for vendor and odm.
+init.svc.odm.           u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0
+init.svc.vendor.        u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0
+ro.hardware.            u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0
+ro.odm.                 u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0
+ro.vendor.              u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0
+odm.                    u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0
+persist.odm.            u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0
+persist.vendor.         u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0
+vendor.                 u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0
+#line 1 "device/qcom/sepolicy/private/property_contexts"
+# Copyright (c) 2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met:
+#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+#       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+#       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+#       with the distribution.
+#     * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+#       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+#       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+persist.vendor.dpm.        u:object_r:persist_dpm_prop:s0
+#persist.vendor.bluetooth.  u:object_r:vendor_bt_prop:s0
+persist.vendor.btstack      u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0
+persist.vendor.bluetooth.emailaccountcount u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0
+persist.vendor.bt.a2dp.    u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0
+vendor.bt.pts.             u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0
+persist.vendor.service.bt. u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0
+ro.vendor.btstack.         u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0
+vendor.bluetooth.          u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0
diff --git a/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_seapp_contexts b/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_seapp_contexts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ca04324534b0c81d01bd82b9a6d888138654d18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_seapp_contexts
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+isSystemServer=true domain=system_server
+user=_app seinfo=platform name=com.android.traceur domain=traceur_app type=app_data_file levelFrom=all
+user=system seinfo=platform domain=system_app type=system_app_data_file
+user=bluetooth seinfo=platform domain=bluetooth type=bluetooth_data_file
+user=nfc seinfo=platform domain=nfc type=nfc_data_file
+user=secure_element seinfo=platform domain=secure_element levelFrom=all
+user=radio seinfo=platform domain=radio type=radio_data_file
+user=shared_relro domain=shared_relro
+user=shell seinfo=platform domain=shell name=com.android.shell type=shell_data_file
+user=webview_zygote seinfo=webview_zygote domain=webview_zygote
+user=_isolated domain=isolated_app levelFrom=all
+user=_app seinfo=media domain=mediaprovider name=android.process.media type=app_data_file levelFrom=user
+user=_app seinfo=platform domain=platform_app type=app_data_file levelFrom=user
+user=_app isV2App=true isEphemeralApp=true domain=ephemeral_app type=app_data_file levelFrom=all
+user=_app isPrivApp=true domain=priv_app type=app_data_file levelFrom=user
+user=_app minTargetSdkVersion=28 domain=untrusted_app type=app_data_file levelFrom=all
+user=_app minTargetSdkVersion=26 domain=untrusted_app_27 type=app_data_file levelFrom=user
+user=_app domain=untrusted_app_25 type=app_data_file levelFrom=user
+user=system seinfo=platform name=.dataservices domain=dataservice_app type=system_app_data_file
diff --git a/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_sepolicy.cil b/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_sepolicy.cil
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..220829dd6e4d611bb13974f912f988b16ba47b05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_sepolicy.cil
@@ -0,0 +1,17273 @@
+(role object_r)
+(role auditadm_r)
+(role secadm_r)
+(typeattribute cil_gen_require)
+(roleattribute cil_gen_require)
+(handleunknown deny)
+(mls true)
+(policycap network_peer_controls)
+(policycap open_perms)
+(policycap extended_socket_class)
+(sid devnull)
+(sidcontext devnull (u object_r null_device ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid scmp_packet)
+(sidcontext scmp_packet (u object_r unlabeled ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid policy)
+(sidcontext policy (u object_r unlabeled ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid kmod)
+(sidcontext kmod (u object_r unlabeled ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid sysctl_dev)
+(sidcontext sysctl_dev (u object_r unlabeled ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid sysctl_vm)
+(sidcontext sysctl_vm (u object_r unlabeled ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid sysctl_net_unix)
+(sidcontext sysctl_net_unix (u object_r unlabeled ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid sysctl_net)
+(sidcontext sysctl_net (u object_r unlabeled ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid sysctl_kernel)
+(sidcontext sysctl_kernel (u object_r unlabeled ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid sysctl_fs)
+(sidcontext sysctl_fs (u object_r unlabeled ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid sysctl)
+(sidcontext sysctl (u object_r proc ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid sysctl_modprobe)
+(sidcontext sysctl_modprobe (u object_r unlabeled ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid tcp_socket)
+(sidcontext tcp_socket (u object_r unlabeled ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid icmp_socket)
+(sidcontext icmp_socket (u object_r unlabeled ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid igmp_packet)
+(sidcontext igmp_packet (u object_r unlabeled ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid node)
+(sidcontext node (u object_r node ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid netmsg)
+(sidcontext netmsg (u object_r unlabeled ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid netif)
+(sidcontext netif (u object_r netif ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid port)
+(sidcontext port (u object_r port ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid any_socket)
+(sidcontext any_socket (u object_r unlabeled ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid init)
+(sidcontext init (u object_r unlabeled ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid file_labels)
+(sidcontext file_labels (u object_r unlabeled ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid file)
+(sidcontext file (u object_r unlabeled ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid fs)
+(sidcontext fs (u object_r labeledfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid unlabeled)
+(sidcontext unlabeled (u object_r unlabeled ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid security)
+(sidcontext security (u object_r kernel ((s0) (s0))))
+(sid kernel)
+(sidcontext kernel (u r kernel ((s0) (s0))))
+(sidorder (kernel security unlabeled fs file file_labels init any_socket port netif netmsg node igmp_packet icmp_socket tcp_socket sysctl_modprobe sysctl sysctl_fs sysctl_kernel sysctl_net sysctl_net_unix sysctl_vm sysctl_dev kmod policy scmp_packet devnull ))
+(fsuse trans mqueue (u object_r mqueue ((s0) (s0))))
+(fsuse trans shm (u object_r shm ((s0) (s0))))
+(fsuse trans devtmpfs (u object_r device ((s0) (s0))))
+(fsuse trans tmpfs (u object_r tmpfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(fsuse trans devpts (u object_r devpts ((s0) (s0))))
+(fsuse task sockfs (u object_r sockfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(fsuse task pipefs (u object_r pipefs ((s0) (s0))))
+(fsuse xattr squashfs (u object_r labeledfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(fsuse xattr f2fs (u object_r labeledfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(fsuse xattr btrfs (u object_r labeledfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(fsuse xattr xfs (u object_r labeledfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(fsuse xattr ext4 (u object_r labeledfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(fsuse xattr ext3 (u object_r labeledfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(fsuse xattr ext2 (u object_r labeledfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(fsuse xattr jffs2 (u object_r labeledfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(fsuse xattr yaffs2 (u object_r labeledfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon binfmt_misc / (u object_r binfmt_miscfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon bpf / (u object_r fs_bpf ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon cgroup / (u object_r cgroup ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon cgroup2 / (u object_r cgroup_bpf ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon configfs / (u object_r configfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/vmscan/mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/vmscan/mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/binder/binder_transaction_received/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/vmscan/mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/vmscan/mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/sched/sched_blocked_reason/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/power/cpu_frequency_limits/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/f2fs/f2fs_sync_file_enter/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/ext4/ext4_sync_file_enter/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/binder/binder_transaction/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/f2fs/f2fs_sync_file_exit/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/ext4/ext4_da_write_begin/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/ext4/ext4_sync_file_exit/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/block/block_rq_complete/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/sched/sched_cpu_hotplug/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/ext4/ext4_da_write_end/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/f2fs/f2fs_write_begin/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/block/block_rq_issue/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/power/clock_set_rate/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/binder/binder_locked/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/binder/binder_unlock/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/f2fs/f2fs_write_end/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/power/cpu_frequency/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/cpufreq_interactive/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/sched/sched_switch/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/sched/sched_wakeup/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/binder/binder_lock/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/lowmemorykiller/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/power/cpu_idle/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/saved_cmdlines_size (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/options/print-tgid (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/workqueue/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing_debug ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/regulator/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing_debug ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/pagecache/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing_debug ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/options/overwrite (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/instances/wifi (u object_r debugfs_wifi_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/buffer_size_kb (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/cgroup/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/fence/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/trace_marker (u object_r debugfs_trace_marker ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/sync/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/per_cpu/cpu (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/irq/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing_debug ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/events/ipi/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing_debug ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/trace_clock (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/tracing_on (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/instances (u object_r debugfs_tracing_instances ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /wakeup_sources (u object_r debugfs_wakeup_sources ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing/trace (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /tracing (u object_r debugfs_tracing_debug ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs /mmc0 (u object_r debugfs_mmc ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon debugfs / (u object_r debugfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon esdfs / (u object_r sdcardfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon exfat / (u object_r exfat ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon functionfs / (u object_r functionfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon fuse / (u object_r fuse ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon inotifyfs / (u object_r inotify ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/sched_wakeup_granularity_ns (u object_r proc_sched ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/perf_event_max_sample_rate (u object_r proc_perf ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs (u object_r proc_hung_task ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/sched_child_runs_first (u object_r proc_sched ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/sched_tunable_scaling (u object_r proc_sched ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid (u object_r proc_perf ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/sched_rt_runtime_us (u object_r proc_sched ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/randomize_va_space (u object_r proc_security ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/sched_rt_period_us (u object_r proc_sched ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio (u object_r proc_dirty ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/vm/dirty_expire_centisecs (u object_r proc_dirty ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /uid_cputime/remove_uid_range (u object_r proc_uid_cputime_removeuid ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/modules_disabled (u object_r proc_security ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/sched_latency_ns (u object_r proc_sched ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/sched_schedstats (u object_r proc_sched ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/vm/mmap_rnd_compat_bits (u object_r proc_security ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/vm/min_free_order_shift (u object_r proc_min_free_order_shift ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/fs/protected_hardlinks (u object_r proc_security ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/core_pipe_limit (u object_r usermodehelper ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /uid_concurrent_active_time (u object_r proc_uid_concurrent_active_time ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /uid_concurrent_policy_time (u object_r proc_uid_concurrent_policy_time ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/fs/protected_symlinks (u object_r proc_security ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/dmesg_restrict (u object_r proc_security ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/usermodehelper (u object_r usermodehelper ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /uid_cputime/show_uid_stat (u object_r proc_uid_cputime_showstat ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/kptr_restrict (u object_r proc_security ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/panic_on_oops (u object_r proc_panic ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/vm/extra_free_kbytes (u object_r proc_extra_free_kbytes ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/vm/overcommit_memory (u object_r proc_overcommit_memory ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/core_pattern (u object_r usermodehelper ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/poweroff_cmd (u object_r usermodehelper ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/domainname (u object_r proc_hostname ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/fs/pipe-max-size (u object_r proc_pipe_conf ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/fs/suid_dumpable (u object_r proc_security ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/vm/max_map_count (u object_r proc_max_map_count ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/vm/mmap_min_addr (u object_r proc_security ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/vm/mmap_rnd_bits (u object_r proc_security ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /net/xt_qtaguid/ctrl (u object_r qtaguid_proc ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/hostname (u object_r proc_hostname ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/modprobe (u object_r usermodehelper ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/vm/page-cluster (u object_r proc_page_cluster ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/hotplug (u object_r usermodehelper ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/pid_max (u object_r proc_pid_max ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/vm/drop_caches (u object_r proc_drop_caches ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/random (u object_r proc_random ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /uid_time_in_state (u object_r proc_uid_time_in_state ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/kernel/sysrq (u object_r proc_sysrq ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /uid_procstat/set (u object_r proc_uid_procstat_set ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /net/xt_qtaguid/ (u object_r proc_qtaguid_stat ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sysrq-trigger (u object_r proc_sysrq ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /uid_cpupower/ (u object_r proc_uid_cpupower ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /pagetypeinfo (u object_r proc_pagetypeinfo ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /uid_io/stats (u object_r proc_uid_io_stats ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /filesystems (u object_r proc_filesystems ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/abi/swp (u object_r proc_abi ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /timer_stats (u object_r proc_timer ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /tty/drivers (u object_r proc_tty_drivers ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /vmallocinfo (u object_r proc_vmallocinfo ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /interrupts (u object_r proc_interrupts ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /timer_list (u object_r proc_timer ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /buddyinfo (u object_r proc_buddyinfo ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /config.gz (u object_r config_gz ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /diskstats (u object_r proc_diskstats ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /softirqs (u object_r proc_timer ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /zoneinfo (u object_r proc_zoneinfo ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /cmdline (u object_r proc_cmdline ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /loadavg (u object_r proc_loadavg ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /meminfo (u object_r proc_meminfo ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /modules (u object_r proc_modules ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /cpuinfo (u object_r proc_cpuinfo ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /sys/net (u object_r proc_net ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /version (u object_r proc_version ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /asound (u object_r proc_asound ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /mounts (u object_r proc_mounts ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /uptime (u object_r proc_uptime ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /vmstat (u object_r proc_vmstat ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /iomem (u object_r proc_iomem ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /swaps (u object_r proc_swaps ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /kmsg (u object_r proc_kmsg ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /misc (u object_r proc_misc ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /stat (u object_r proc_stat ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /uid/ (u object_r proc_uid_time_in_state ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc /net (u object_r proc_net ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon proc / (u object_r proc ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon pstore / (u object_r pstorefs ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon rootfs / (u object_r rootfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sdcardfs / (u object_r sdcardfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon selinuxfs / (u object_r selinuxfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /devices/virtual/timed_output/vibrator/enable (u object_r sysfs_vibrator ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /firmware/devicetree/base/firmware/android (u object_r sysfs_dt_firmware_android ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /devices/platform/nfc-power/nfc_power (u object_r sysfs_nfc_power_writable ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /devices/virtual/block/zram0/uevent (u object_r sysfs_zram_uevent ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /devices/virtual/block/zram1/uevent (u object_r sysfs_zram_uevent ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /devices/virtual/misc/hw_random (u object_r sysfs_hwrandom ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /module/wlan/parameters/fwpath (u object_r sysfs_wlan_fwpath ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /devices/virtual/android_usb (u object_r sysfs_android_usb ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /devices/virtual/block/zram0 (u object_r sysfs_zram ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /devices/virtual/block/zram1 (u object_r sysfs_zram ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /devices/virtual/block/dm- (u object_r sysfs_dm ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /kernel/memory_state_time (u object_r sysfs_power ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /devices/virtual/switch (u object_r sysfs_switch ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /module/lowmemorykiller (u object_r sysfs_lowmemorykiller ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /kernel/wakeup_reasons (u object_r sysfs_wakeup_reasons ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /kernel/uevent_helper (u object_r sysfs_usermodehelper ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /devices/system/cpu (u object_r sysfs_devices_system_cpu ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /power/wakeup_count (u object_r sysfs_power ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /class/android_usb (u object_r sysfs_android_usb ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /power/wake_unlock (u object_r sysfs_wake_lock ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /fs/ext4/features (u object_r sysfs_fs_ext4_features ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /power/autosleep (u object_r sysfs_power ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /power/wake_lock (u object_r sysfs_wake_lock ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /class/switch (u object_r sysfs_switch ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /kernel/notes (u object_r sysfs_kernel_notes ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /power/state (u object_r sysfs_power ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /kernel/ipv4 (u object_r sysfs_ipv4 ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /class/leds (u object_r sysfs_leds ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /class/net (u object_r sysfs_net ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs /class/rtc (u object_r sysfs_rtc ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon sysfs / (u object_r sysfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/vmscan/mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/vmscan/mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/binder/binder_transaction_received/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/vmscan/mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/vmscan/mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/sched/sched_blocked_reason/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/power/cpu_frequency_limits/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/f2fs/f2fs_sync_file_enter/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/ext4/ext4_sync_file_enter/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/binder/binder_transaction/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/f2fs/f2fs_sync_file_exit/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/ext4/ext4_da_write_begin/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/ext4/ext4_sync_file_exit/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/block/block_rq_complete/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/sched/sched_cpu_hotplug/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/ext4/ext4_da_write_end/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/f2fs/f2fs_write_begin/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/block/block_rq_issue/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/power/clock_set_rate/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/binder/binder_locked/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/binder/binder_unlock/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/f2fs/f2fs_write_end/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/power/cpu_frequency/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/cpufreq_interactive/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/sched/sched_switch/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/sched/sched_wakeup/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/binder/binder_lock/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/lowmemorykiller/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/power/cpu_idle/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /saved_cmdlines_size (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /options/print-tgid (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/workqueue/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing_debug ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/regulator/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing_debug ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/pagecache/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing_debug ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /options/overwrite (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /instances/wifi (u object_r debugfs_wifi_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /buffer_size_kb (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/cgroup/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/fence/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /trace_marker (u object_r debugfs_trace_marker ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/sync/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /per_cpu/cpu (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/irq/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing_debug ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /events/ipi/ (u object_r debugfs_tracing_debug ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /trace_clock (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /tracing_on (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /instances (u object_r debugfs_tracing_instances ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs /trace (u object_r debugfs_tracing ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon tracefs / (u object_r debugfs_tracing_debug ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon usbfs / (u object_r usbfs ((s0) (s0))))
+(genfscon vfat / (u object_r vfat ((s0) (s0))))
+(common cap (chown dac_override dac_read_search fowner fsetid kill setgid setuid setpcap linux_immutable net_bind_service net_broadcast net_admin net_raw ipc_lock ipc_owner sys_module sys_rawio sys_chroot sys_ptrace sys_pacct sys_admin sys_boot sys_nice sys_resource sys_time sys_tty_config mknod lease audit_write audit_control setfcap ))
+(common cap2 (mac_override mac_admin syslog wake_alarm block_suspend audit_read ))
+(common socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind ))
+(common file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton ))
+(common ipc (create destroy getattr setattr read write associate unix_read unix_write ))
+(typealias location_app_data_file)
+(typealiasactual location_app_data_file system_app_data_file)
+(class security (compute_av compute_create compute_member check_context load_policy compute_relabel compute_user setenforce setbool setsecparam setcheckreqprot read_policy validate_trans ))
+(class process (fork transition sigchld sigkill sigstop signull signal ptrace getsched setsched getsession getpgid setpgid getcap setcap share getattr setexec setfscreate noatsecure siginh setrlimit rlimitinh dyntransition setcurrent execmem execstack execheap setkeycreate setsockcreate getrlimit ))
+(mlsconstrain (process (sigkill sigstop signal ptrace setsched setpgid setcap share setrlimit)) (or (eq l1 l2) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(mlsconstrain (process (ptrace getsched getsession getpgid getcap share getattr)) (or (dom l1 l2) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(mlsconstrain (process (transition dyntransition)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class system (ipc_info syslog_read syslog_mod syslog_console module_request module_load ))
+(class capability ())
+(classcommon capability cap)
+(class filesystem (mount remount unmount getattr relabelfrom relabelto associate quotamod quotaget ))
+(class file (execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access ))
+(classcommon file file)
+(mlsconstrain (file (write setattr append unlink link rename)) (or (or (or (eq t2 app_data_file) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)) (eq t2 mlstrustedobject)))
+(mlsconstrain (file (read getattr execute)) (or (or (or (eq t2 app_data_file) (dom l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)) (eq t2 mlstrustedobject)))
+(mlsconstrain (file (setattr unlink link rename open)) (or (or (neq t2 app_data_file) (dom l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(mlsconstrain (file (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (and (eq l2 h2) (or (eq l1 l2) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject))))
+(class dir (add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod ))
+(classcommon dir file)
+(mlsconstrain (dir (write setattr rename add_name remove_name reparent rmdir)) (or (or (or (eq t2 app_data_file) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)) (eq t2 mlstrustedobject)))
+(mlsconstrain (dir (read getattr search)) (or (or (or (eq t2 app_data_file) (dom l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)) (eq t2 mlstrustedobject)))
+(mlsconstrain (dir (setattr rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)) (or (or (neq t2 app_data_file) (dom l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(mlsconstrain (dir (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (and (eq l2 h2) (or (eq l1 l2) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject))))
+(class fd (use ))
+(class lnk_file (open audit_access execmod ))
+(classcommon lnk_file file)
+(mlsconstrain (lnk_file (write setattr append unlink link rename)) (or (or (or (eq t2 app_data_file) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)) (eq t2 mlstrustedobject)))
+(mlsconstrain (lnk_file (read getattr execute)) (or (or (or (eq t2 app_data_file) (dom l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)) (eq t2 mlstrustedobject)))
+(mlsconstrain (lnk_file (setattr unlink link rename open)) (or (or (neq t2 app_data_file) (dom l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(mlsconstrain (lnk_file (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (and (eq l2 h2) (or (eq l1 l2) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject))))
+(class chr_file (execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access ))
+(classcommon chr_file file)
+(mlsconstrain (chr_file (write setattr append unlink link rename)) (or (or (or (eq t2 app_data_file) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)) (eq t2 mlstrustedobject)))
+(mlsconstrain (chr_file (read getattr execute)) (or (or (or (eq t2 app_data_file) (dom l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)) (eq t2 mlstrustedobject)))
+(mlsconstrain (chr_file (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (and (eq l2 h2) (or (eq l1 l2) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject))))
+(class blk_file (open audit_access execmod ))
+(classcommon blk_file file)
+(mlsconstrain (blk_file (write setattr append unlink link rename)) (or (or (or (eq t2 app_data_file) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)) (eq t2 mlstrustedobject)))
+(mlsconstrain (blk_file (read getattr execute)) (or (or (or (eq t2 app_data_file) (dom l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)) (eq t2 mlstrustedobject)))
+(mlsconstrain (blk_file (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (and (eq l2 h2) (or (eq l1 l2) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject))))
+(class sock_file (open audit_access execmod ))
+(classcommon sock_file file)
+(mlsconstrain (sock_file (write setattr append unlink link rename)) (or (or (or (eq t2 app_data_file) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)) (eq t2 mlstrustedobject)))
+(mlsconstrain (sock_file (read getattr execute)) (or (or (or (eq t2 app_data_file) (dom l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)) (eq t2 mlstrustedobject)))
+(mlsconstrain (sock_file (setattr unlink link rename open)) (or (or (neq t2 app_data_file) (dom l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(mlsconstrain (sock_file (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (and (eq l2 h2) (or (eq l1 l2) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject))))
+(class fifo_file (open audit_access execmod ))
+(classcommon fifo_file file)
+(mlsconstrain (fifo_file (write setattr append unlink link rename)) (or (or (or (eq l1 l2) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)) (eq t2 mlstrustedobject)) (eq t2 domain)))
+(mlsconstrain (fifo_file (read getattr)) (or (or (or (dom l1 l2) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)) (eq t2 mlstrustedobject)) (eq t2 domain)))
+(mlsconstrain (fifo_file (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (and (eq l2 h2) (or (eq l1 l2) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject))))
+(class socket ())
+(classcommon socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class tcp_socket (node_bind name_connect ))
+(classcommon tcp_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (tcp_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class udp_socket (node_bind ))
+(classcommon udp_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (udp_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class rawip_socket (node_bind ))
+(classcommon rawip_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (rawip_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class node (recvfrom sendto ))
+(class netif (ingress egress ))
+(class netlink_socket ())
+(classcommon netlink_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (netlink_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class packet_socket ())
+(classcommon packet_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (packet_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class key_socket ())
+(classcommon key_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (key_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class unix_stream_socket (connectto ))
+(classcommon unix_stream_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (unix_stream_socket (connectto)) (or (or (eq l1 l2) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)) (eq t2 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(mlsconstrain (unix_stream_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class unix_dgram_socket ())
+(classcommon unix_dgram_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (unix_dgram_socket (sendto)) (or (or (eq l1 l2) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)) (eq t2 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(mlsconstrain (unix_dgram_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class bpf (map_create map_read map_write prog_load prog_run ))
+(class sem ())
+(classcommon sem ipc)
+(class msg (send receive ))
+(class msgq (enqueue ))
+(classcommon msgq ipc)
+(class shm (lock ))
+(classcommon shm ipc)
+(class ipc ())
+(classcommon ipc ipc)
+(class netlink_route_socket (nlmsg_read nlmsg_write ))
+(classcommon netlink_route_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (netlink_route_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class netlink_tcpdiag_socket (nlmsg_read nlmsg_write ))
+(classcommon netlink_tcpdiag_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (netlink_tcpdiag_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class netlink_nflog_socket ())
+(classcommon netlink_nflog_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (netlink_nflog_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class netlink_xfrm_socket (nlmsg_read nlmsg_write ))
+(classcommon netlink_xfrm_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (netlink_xfrm_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class netlink_selinux_socket ())
+(classcommon netlink_selinux_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (netlink_selinux_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class netlink_audit_socket (nlmsg_read nlmsg_write nlmsg_relay nlmsg_readpriv nlmsg_tty_audit ))
+(classcommon netlink_audit_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (netlink_audit_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class netlink_dnrt_socket ())
+(classcommon netlink_dnrt_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (netlink_dnrt_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class association (sendto recvfrom setcontext polmatch ))
+(class netlink_kobject_uevent_socket ())
+(classcommon netlink_kobject_uevent_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class appletalk_socket ())
+(classcommon appletalk_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (appletalk_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class packet (send recv relabelto flow_in flow_out forward_in forward_out ))
+(class key (view read write search link setattr create ))
+(class dccp_socket (node_bind name_connect ))
+(classcommon dccp_socket socket)
+(class memprotect (mmap_zero ))
+(class peer (recv ))
+(class capability2 ())
+(classcommon capability2 cap2)
+(class kernel_service (use_as_override create_files_as ))
+(class tun_socket (attach_queue ))
+(classcommon tun_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (tun_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class binder (impersonate call set_context_mgr transfer ))
+(class netlink_iscsi_socket ())
+(classcommon netlink_iscsi_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (netlink_iscsi_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class netlink_fib_lookup_socket ())
+(classcommon netlink_fib_lookup_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (netlink_fib_lookup_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class netlink_connector_socket ())
+(classcommon netlink_connector_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (netlink_connector_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class netlink_netfilter_socket ())
+(classcommon netlink_netfilter_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (netlink_netfilter_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class netlink_generic_socket ())
+(classcommon netlink_generic_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (netlink_generic_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class netlink_scsitransport_socket ())
+(classcommon netlink_scsitransport_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (netlink_scsitransport_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class netlink_rdma_socket ())
+(classcommon netlink_rdma_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (netlink_rdma_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class netlink_crypto_socket ())
+(classcommon netlink_crypto_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (netlink_crypto_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class cap_userns ())
+(classcommon cap_userns cap)
+(class cap2_userns ())
+(classcommon cap2_userns cap2)
+(class sctp_socket (node_bind ))
+(classcommon sctp_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (sctp_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class icmp_socket (node_bind ))
+(classcommon icmp_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (icmp_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class ax25_socket ())
+(classcommon ax25_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (ax25_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class ipx_socket ())
+(classcommon ipx_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (ipx_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class netrom_socket ())
+(classcommon netrom_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (netrom_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class atmpvc_socket ())
+(classcommon atmpvc_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (atmpvc_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class x25_socket ())
+(classcommon x25_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (x25_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class rose_socket ())
+(classcommon rose_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (rose_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class decnet_socket ())
+(classcommon decnet_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (decnet_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class atmsvc_socket ())
+(classcommon atmsvc_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (atmsvc_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class rds_socket ())
+(classcommon rds_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (rds_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class irda_socket ())
+(classcommon irda_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (irda_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class pppox_socket ())
+(classcommon pppox_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (pppox_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class llc_socket ())
+(classcommon llc_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (llc_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class can_socket ())
+(classcommon can_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (can_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class tipc_socket ())
+(classcommon tipc_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (tipc_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class bluetooth_socket ())
+(classcommon bluetooth_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (bluetooth_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class iucv_socket ())
+(classcommon iucv_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (iucv_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class rxrpc_socket ())
+(classcommon rxrpc_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (rxrpc_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class isdn_socket ())
+(classcommon isdn_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (isdn_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class phonet_socket ())
+(classcommon phonet_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (phonet_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class ieee802154_socket ())
+(classcommon ieee802154_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (ieee802154_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class caif_socket ())
+(classcommon caif_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (caif_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class alg_socket ())
+(classcommon alg_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (alg_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class nfc_socket ())
+(classcommon nfc_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (nfc_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class vsock_socket ())
+(classcommon vsock_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (vsock_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class kcm_socket ())
+(classcommon kcm_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (kcm_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class qipcrtr_socket ())
+(classcommon qipcrtr_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (qipcrtr_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class smc_socket ())
+(classcommon smc_socket socket)
+(mlsconstrain (smc_socket (create relabelfrom relabelto)) (or (and (eq h1 h2) (eq l1 l2)) (eq t1 mlstrustedsubject)))
+(class property_service (set ))
+(class service_manager (add find list ))
+(class hwservice_manager (add find list ))
+(class keystore_key (get_state get insert delete exist list reset password lock unlock is_empty sign verify grant duplicate clear_uid add_auth user_changed gen_unique_id ))
+(class drmservice (consumeRights setPlaybackStatus openDecryptSession closeDecryptSession initializeDecryptUnit decrypt finalizeDecryptUnit pread ))
+(classorder (security process system capability filesystem file dir fd lnk_file chr_file blk_file sock_file fifo_file socket tcp_socket udp_socket rawip_socket node netif netlink_socket packet_socket key_socket unix_stream_socket unix_dgram_socket bpf sem msg msgq shm ipc netlink_route_socket netlink_tcpdiag_socket netlink_nflog_socket netlink_xfrm_socket netlink_selinux_socket netlink_audit_socket netlink_dnrt_socket association netlink_kobject_uevent_socket appletalk_socket packet key dccp_socket memprotect peer capability2 kernel_service tun_socket binder netlink_iscsi_socket netlink_fib_lookup_socket netlink_connector_socket netlink_netfilter_socket netlink_generic_socket netlink_scsitransport_socket netlink_rdma_socket netlink_crypto_socket cap_userns cap2_userns sctp_socket icmp_socket ax25_socket ipx_socket netrom_socket atmpvc_socket x25_socket rose_socket decnet_socket atmsvc_socket rds_socket irda_socket pppox_socket llc_socket can_socket tipc_socket bluetooth_socket iucv_socket rxrpc_socket isdn_socket phonet_socket ieee802154_socket caif_socket alg_socket nfc_socket vsock_socket kcm_socket qipcrtr_socket smc_socket property_service service_manager hwservice_manager keystore_key drmservice ))
+(role r)
+(roletype r domain)
+(typeattribute dev_type)
+(typeattributeset dev_type (device alarm_device ashmem_device audio_device audio_timer_device audio_seq_device binder_device hwbinder_device vndbinder_device block_device camera_device dm_device keychord_device loop_control_device loop_device pmsg_device radio_device ram_device rtc_device vold_device console_device cpuctl_device fscklogs full_device gpu_device graphics_device hw_random_device input_device kmem_device port_device lowpan_device mtd_device mtp_device nfc_device ptmx_device kmsg_device kmsg_debug_device null_device random_device secure_element_device sensors_device serial_device socket_device owntty_device tty_device video_device vcs_device zero_device fuse_device iio_device ion_device qtaguid_device watchdog_device uhid_device uio_device tun_device usbaccessory_device usb_device properties_device properties_serial property_info i2c_device hci_attach_dev rpmsg_device root_block_device frp_block_device system_block_device recovery_block_device boot_block_device userdata_block_device cache_block_device swap_block_device metadata_block_device misc_block_device ppp_device tee_device smcinvoke_device smd7_device seemplog_device ))
+(typeattribute domain)
+(typeattributeset domain (adbd audioserver blkid blkid_untrusted bluetooth bootanim bootstat bufferhubd cameraserver charger clatd cppreopts crash_dump dex2oat dhcp dnsmasq drmserver dumpstate e2fs ephemeral_app fingerprintd fsck fsck_untrusted gatekeeperd healthd hwservicemanager idmap incident incident_helper incidentd init inputflinger install_recovery installd isolated_app kernel keystore lmkd logd logpersist mdnsd mediacodec mediadrmserver mediaextractor mediametrics mediaprovider mediaserver modprobe mtp netd netutils_wrapper nfc otapreopt_chroot otapreopt_slot performanced perfprofd platform_app postinstall postinstall_dexopt ppp preopt2cachename priv_app profman racoon radio recovery recovery_persist recovery_refresh runas sdcardd secure_element servicemanager sgdisk shared_relro shell slideshow su surfaceflinger system_app system_server tee thermalserviced tombstoned toolbox traced_probes traceur_app tzdatacheck ueventd uncrypt untrusted_app untrusted_app_27 untrusted_app_25 untrusted_v2_app update_engine update_verifier usbd vdc vendor_init vendor_shell virtual_touchpad vndservicemanager vold vold_prepare_subdirs vr_hwc watchdogd webview_zygote wificond wpantund zygote dataservice_app dpmd dun-server mirrorlink vendor_mmi_sys perfservice qtelephony qvrd wfdservice atrace blank_screen bpfloader dexoptanalyzer hal_allocator_default perfetto stats statsd storaged traced wait_for_keymaster bt_logger seempd smcinvoke_daemon ))
+(typeattribute fs_type)
+(typeattributeset fs_type (device labeledfs pipefs sockfs rootfs proc proc_security proc_drop_caches proc_overcommit_memory proc_min_free_order_shift usermodehelper sysfs_usermodehelper qtaguid_proc proc_qtaguid_stat proc_bluetooth_writable proc_abi proc_asound proc_buddyinfo proc_cmdline proc_cpuinfo proc_dirty proc_diskstats proc_extra_free_kbytes proc_filesystems proc_hostname proc_hung_task proc_interrupts proc_iomem proc_kmsg proc_loadavg proc_max_map_count proc_meminfo proc_misc proc_modules proc_mounts proc_net proc_page_cluster proc_pagetypeinfo proc_panic proc_perf proc_pid_max proc_pipe_conf proc_random proc_sched proc_stat proc_swaps proc_sysrq proc_timer proc_tty_drivers proc_uid_cputime_showstat proc_uid_cputime_removeuid proc_uid_io_stats proc_uid_procstat_set proc_uid_time_in_state proc_uid_concurrent_active_time proc_uid_concurrent_policy_time proc_uid_cpupower proc_uptime proc_version proc_vmallocinfo proc_vmstat proc_zoneinfo selinuxfs cgroup cgroup_bpf sysfs sysfs_android_usb sysfs_uio sysfs_batteryinfo sysfs_bluetooth_writable sysfs_dm sysfs_dt_firmware_android sysfs_ipv4 sysfs_kernel_notes sysfs_leds sysfs_hwrandom sysfs_nfc_power_writable sysfs_wake_lock sysfs_mac_address sysfs_net sysfs_power sysfs_rtc sysfs_switch sysfs_usb sysfs_wakeup_reasons sysfs_fs_ext4_features fs_bpf configfs sysfs_devices_system_cpu sysfs_lowmemorykiller sysfs_wlan_fwpath sysfs_vibrator sysfs_thermal sysfs_zram sysfs_zram_uevent inotify devpts tmpfs shm mqueue fuse sdcardfs vfat exfat debugfs debugfs_mmc debugfs_trace_marker debugfs_tracing debugfs_tracing_debug debugfs_tracing_instances debugfs_wakeup_sources debugfs_wifi_tracing pstorefs functionfs oemfs usbfs binfmt_miscfs app_fusefs config_gz priv_app_devpts untrusted_app_all_devpts ))
+(typeattribute contextmount_type)
+(typeattributeset contextmount_type (oemfs app_fusefs ))
+(typeattribute file_type)
+(typeattributeset file_type (adbd_exec bootanim_exec bootstat_exec bufferhubd_exec cameraserver_exec clatd_exec cppreopts_exec crash_dump_exec dex2oat_exec dhcp_exec dnsmasq_exec drmserver_exec drmserver_socket dumpstate_exec e2fs_exec unlabeled system_file vendor_hal_file vendor_file vendor_app_file vendor_configs_file same_process_hal_file vndk_sp_file vendor_framework_file vendor_overlay_file metadata_file vold_metadata_file runtime_event_log_tags_file logcat_exec coredump_file system_data_file vendor_data_file unencrypted_data_file install_data_file drm_data_file adb_data_file anr_data_file tombstone_data_file tombstone_wifi_data_file apk_data_file apk_tmp_file apk_private_data_file apk_private_tmp_file dalvikcache_data_file ota_data_file ota_package_file user_profile_data_file profman_dump_data_file resourcecache_data_file shell_data_file property_data_file bootchart_data_file heapdump_data_file nativetest_data_file ringtone_file preloads_data_file preloads_media_file dhcp_data_file mnt_media_rw_file mnt_user_file mnt_expand_file storage_file mnt_media_rw_stub_file storage_stub_file mnt_vendor_file postinstall_mnt_dir postinstall_file adb_keys_file audio_data_file audioserver_data_file bluetooth_data_file bluetooth_logs_data_file bootstat_data_file boottrace_data_file camera_data_file gatekeeper_data_file incident_data_file keychain_data_file keystore_data_file media_data_file media_rw_data_file misc_user_data_file net_data_file network_watchlist_data_file nfc_data_file radio_data_file recovery_data_file shared_relro_file systemkeys_data_file textclassifier_data_file trace_data_file vpn_data_file wifi_data_file zoneinfo_data_file vold_data_file perfprofd_data_file tee_data_file update_engine_data_file update_engine_log_data_file method_trace_data_file app_data_file system_app_data_file cache_file cache_backup_file cache_private_backup_file cache_recovery_file efs_file wallpaper_file shortcut_manager_icons icon_file asec_apk_file asec_public_file asec_image_file backup_data_file bluetooth_efs_file fingerprintd_data_file fingerprint_vendor_data_file app_fuse_file adbd_socket bluetooth_socket dnsproxyd_socket dumpstate_socket fwmarkd_socket lmkd_socket logd_socket logdr_socket logdw_socket mdns_socket mdnsd_socket misc_logd_file mtpd_socket netd_socket property_socket racoon_socket rild_socket rild_debug_socket system_wpa_socket system_ndebug_socket tombstoned_crash_socket tombstoned_java_trace_socket tombstoned_intercept_socket traced_producer_socket traced_consumer_socket uncrypt_socket wpa_socket zygote_socket gps_control pdx_display_dir pdx_performance_dir pdx_bufferhub_dir pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket file_contexts_file mac_perms_file property_contexts_file seapp_contexts_file sepolicy_file service_contexts_file nonplat_service_contexts_file hwservice_contexts_file vndservice_contexts_file audiohal_data_file fingerprintd_exec fsck_exec gatekeeperd_exec healthd_exec hwservicemanager_exec idmap_exec init_exec inputflinger_exec install_recovery_exec installd_exec keystore_exec lmkd_exec logd_exec mediacodec_exec mediadrmserver_exec mediaextractor_exec mediametrics_exec mediaserver_exec mtp_exec netd_exec netutils_wrapper_exec otapreopt_chroot_exec otapreopt_slot_exec performanced_exec perfprofd_exec ppp_exec preopt2cachename_exec profman_exec racoon_exec recovery_persist_exec recovery_refresh_exec runas_exec sdcardd_exec servicemanager_exec sgdisk_exec shell_exec su_exec thermalserviced_exec tombstoned_exec toolbox_exec tzdatacheck_exec uncrypt_exec update_engine_exec update_verifier_exec usbd_exec vdc_exec vendor_shell_exec vendor_toolbox_exec virtual_touchpad_exec vold_exec vold_prepare_subdirs_exec vr_hwc_exec webview_zygote_exec wificond_exec wpantund_exec zygote_exec dpmtcm_socket wfdservice_exec adbd_tmpfs atrace_exec audioserver_exec audioserver_tmpfs blank_screen_exec blank_screen_tmpfs blkid_exec bluetooth_tmpfs bootanim_tmpfs bootstat_tmpfs bpfloader_exec bufferhubd_tmpfs cameraserver_tmpfs cppreopts_tmpfs dexoptanalyzer_exec dexoptanalyzer_tmpfs dhcp_tmpfs drmserver_tmpfs dumpstate_tmpfs ephemeral_app_tmpfs stats_data_file statsdw_socket storaged_data_file wm_trace_data_file perfetto_traces_data_file fingerprintd_tmpfs fsck_tmpfs gatekeeperd_tmpfs hal_allocator_default_exec hal_allocator_default_tmpfs healthd_tmpfs hwservicemanager_tmpfs incident_exec incident_helper_exec incidentd_tmpfs incidentd_exec init_tmpfs inputflinger_tmpfs install_recovery_tmpfs installd_tmpfs isolated_app_tmpfs keystore_tmpfs lmkd_tmpfs logd_tmpfs mdnsd_exec mdnsd_tmpfs mediadrmserver_tmpfs mediaextractor_tmpfs mediametrics_tmpfs mediaprovider_tmpfs mediaserver_tmpfs mtp_tmpfs netd_tmpfs nfc_tmpfs otapreopt_slot_tmpfs perfetto_exec perfetto_tmpfs performanced_tmpfs platform_app_tmpfs priv_app_tmpfs racoon_tmpfs radio_tmpfs recovery_persist_tmpfs recovery_refresh_tmpfs secure_element_tmpfs servicemanager_tmpfs shared_relro_tmpfs shell_tmpfs stats_exec statsd_tmpfs statsd_exec storaged_exec storaged_tmpfs surfaceflinger_exec surfaceflinger_tmpfs system_app_tmpfs system_server_tmpfs thermalserviced_tmpfs tombstoned_tmpfs toolbox_tmpfs traced_exec traced_tmpfs traced_probes_exec traced_probes_tmpfs traceur_app_tmpfs tzdatacheck_tmpfs ueventd_tmpfs uncrypt_tmpfs untrusted_app_tmpfs untrusted_app_25_tmpfs untrusted_app_27_tmpfs untrusted_v2_app_tmpfs update_engine_tmpfs update_verifier_tmpfs usbd_tmpfs vdc_tmpfs virtual_touchpad_tmpfs vold_tmpfs vr_hwc_tmpfs wait_for_keymaster_exec wait_for_keymaster_tmpfs webview_zygote_tmpfs wificond_tmpfs wpantund_tmpfs zygote_tmpfs flipfont_data_file bt_logger_exec bt_logger_tmpfs dataservice_app_tmpfs dpmd_exec dpmd_tmpfs dun-server_exec dun-server_tmpfs seemp_data_file seempdw_socket dpmd_socket dpmd_data_file dpmwrapper_socket qvrd_data_file qvrd_socket qvrd_hvx_socket mirrorlink_data_file mirrorlink_socket mirrorlink_exec mirrorlink_tmpfs vendor_mmi_sys_exec vendor_mmi_sys_tmpfs perfservice_exec perfservice_tmpfs qtelephony_tmpfs qti-testscripts_exec qvrd_exec qvrd_tmpfs seempd_exec seempd_tmpfs smcinvoke_daemon_exec smcinvoke_daemon_tmpfs wfdservice_tmpfs ))
+(typeattribute exec_type)
+(typeattributeset exec_type (adbd_exec bootanim_exec bootstat_exec bufferhubd_exec cameraserver_exec clatd_exec cppreopts_exec crash_dump_exec dex2oat_exec dhcp_exec dnsmasq_exec drmserver_exec dumpstate_exec e2fs_exec logcat_exec fingerprintd_exec fsck_exec gatekeeperd_exec healthd_exec hwservicemanager_exec idmap_exec init_exec inputflinger_exec install_recovery_exec installd_exec keystore_exec lmkd_exec logd_exec mediacodec_exec mediadrmserver_exec mediaextractor_exec mediametrics_exec mediaserver_exec mtp_exec netd_exec netutils_wrapper_exec otapreopt_chroot_exec otapreopt_slot_exec performanced_exec perfprofd_exec ppp_exec preopt2cachename_exec profman_exec racoon_exec recovery_persist_exec recovery_refresh_exec runas_exec sdcardd_exec servicemanager_exec sgdisk_exec shell_exec su_exec thermalserviced_exec tombstoned_exec toolbox_exec tzdatacheck_exec uncrypt_exec update_engine_exec update_verifier_exec usbd_exec vdc_exec vendor_shell_exec vendor_toolbox_exec virtual_touchpad_exec vold_exec vold_prepare_subdirs_exec vr_hwc_exec webview_zygote_exec wificond_exec wpantund_exec zygote_exec wfdservice_exec atrace_exec audioserver_exec blank_screen_exec blkid_exec bpfloader_exec dexoptanalyzer_exec hal_allocator_default_exec incident_exec incident_helper_exec incidentd_exec mdnsd_exec perfetto_exec stats_exec statsd_exec storaged_exec surfaceflinger_exec traced_exec traced_probes_exec wait_for_keymaster_exec bt_logger_exec dpmd_exec dun-server_exec mirrorlink_exec vendor_mmi_sys_exec perfservice_exec qti-testscripts_exec qvrd_exec seempd_exec smcinvoke_daemon_exec ))
+(typeattribute data_file_type)
+(expandtypeattribute (data_file_type) false)
+(typeattributeset data_file_type (system_data_file vendor_data_file unencrypted_data_file install_data_file drm_data_file adb_data_file anr_data_file tombstone_data_file tombstone_wifi_data_file apk_data_file apk_tmp_file apk_private_data_file apk_private_tmp_file dalvikcache_data_file ota_data_file ota_package_file user_profile_data_file profman_dump_data_file resourcecache_data_file shell_data_file property_data_file bootchart_data_file heapdump_data_file nativetest_data_file ringtone_file preloads_data_file preloads_media_file dhcp_data_file adb_keys_file audio_data_file audioserver_data_file bluetooth_data_file bluetooth_logs_data_file bootstat_data_file boottrace_data_file camera_data_file gatekeeper_data_file incident_data_file keychain_data_file keystore_data_file media_data_file media_rw_data_file misc_user_data_file net_data_file network_watchlist_data_file nfc_data_file radio_data_file recovery_data_file shared_relro_file systemkeys_data_file textclassifier_data_file trace_data_file vpn_data_file wifi_data_file zoneinfo_data_file vold_data_file perfprofd_data_file tee_data_file update_engine_data_file update_engine_log_data_file method_trace_data_file app_data_file system_app_data_file cache_file cache_backup_file cache_private_backup_file cache_recovery_file wallpaper_file shortcut_manager_icons icon_file asec_apk_file asec_public_file asec_image_file backup_data_file fingerprintd_data_file fingerprint_vendor_data_file app_fuse_file bluetooth_socket misc_logd_file system_wpa_socket system_ndebug_socket wpa_socket audiohal_data_file stats_data_file storaged_data_file wm_trace_data_file perfetto_traces_data_file flipfont_data_file seemp_data_file dpmd_data_file qvrd_data_file mirrorlink_data_file ))
+(typeattribute core_data_file_type)
+(expandtypeattribute (core_data_file_type) false)
+(typeattributeset core_data_file_type (system_data_file unencrypted_data_file install_data_file drm_data_file adb_data_file anr_data_file tombstone_data_file apk_data_file apk_tmp_file apk_private_data_file apk_private_tmp_file dalvikcache_data_file ota_data_file ota_package_file user_profile_data_file profman_dump_data_file resourcecache_data_file shell_data_file property_data_file bootchart_data_file heapdump_data_file nativetest_data_file ringtone_file preloads_data_file preloads_media_file dhcp_data_file adb_keys_file audio_data_file audioserver_data_file bluetooth_data_file bluetooth_logs_data_file bootstat_data_file boottrace_data_file camera_data_file gatekeeper_data_file incident_data_file keychain_data_file keystore_data_file media_data_file media_rw_data_file misc_user_data_file net_data_file network_watchlist_data_file nfc_data_file radio_data_file recovery_data_file shared_relro_file systemkeys_data_file textclassifier_data_file trace_data_file vpn_data_file wifi_data_file zoneinfo_data_file vold_data_file perfprofd_data_file update_engine_data_file update_engine_log_data_file method_trace_data_file app_data_file system_app_data_file cache_file cache_backup_file cache_private_backup_file cache_recovery_file wallpaper_file shortcut_manager_icons icon_file asec_apk_file asec_public_file asec_image_file backup_data_file fingerprintd_data_file app_fuse_file bluetooth_socket misc_logd_file system_wpa_socket system_ndebug_socket wpa_socket audiohal_data_file stats_data_file storaged_data_file wm_trace_data_file perfetto_traces_data_file flipfont_data_file seemp_data_file dpmd_data_file qvrd_data_file mirrorlink_data_file ))
+(typeattribute vendor_file_type)
+(typeattributeset vendor_file_type (vendor_hal_file vendor_file vendor_app_file vendor_configs_file same_process_hal_file vndk_sp_file vendor_framework_file vendor_overlay_file mediacodec_exec vendor_shell_exec vendor_toolbox_exec ))
+(typeattribute proc_type)
+(expandtypeattribute (proc_type) false)
+(typeattributeset proc_type (proc proc_security proc_drop_caches proc_overcommit_memory proc_min_free_order_shift usermodehelper qtaguid_proc proc_qtaguid_stat proc_bluetooth_writable proc_abi proc_asound proc_buddyinfo proc_cmdline proc_cpuinfo proc_dirty proc_diskstats proc_extra_free_kbytes proc_filesystems proc_hostname proc_hung_task proc_interrupts proc_iomem proc_kmsg proc_loadavg proc_max_map_count proc_meminfo proc_misc proc_modules proc_mounts proc_net proc_page_cluster proc_pagetypeinfo proc_panic proc_perf proc_pid_max proc_pipe_conf proc_random proc_sched proc_stat proc_swaps proc_sysrq proc_timer proc_tty_drivers proc_uid_cputime_showstat proc_uid_cputime_removeuid proc_uid_io_stats proc_uid_procstat_set proc_uid_time_in_state proc_uid_concurrent_active_time proc_uid_concurrent_policy_time proc_uid_cpupower proc_uptime proc_version proc_vmallocinfo proc_vmstat proc_zoneinfo config_gz ))
+(typeattribute sysfs_type)
+(typeattributeset sysfs_type (sysfs_usermodehelper sysfs sysfs_android_usb sysfs_uio sysfs_batteryinfo sysfs_bluetooth_writable sysfs_dm sysfs_dt_firmware_android sysfs_ipv4 sysfs_kernel_notes sysfs_leds sysfs_hwrandom sysfs_nfc_power_writable sysfs_wake_lock sysfs_mac_address sysfs_net sysfs_power sysfs_rtc sysfs_switch sysfs_usb sysfs_wakeup_reasons sysfs_fs_ext4_features sysfs_devices_system_cpu sysfs_lowmemorykiller sysfs_wlan_fwpath sysfs_vibrator sysfs_thermal sysfs_zram sysfs_zram_uevent ))
+(typeattribute debugfs_type)
+(typeattributeset debugfs_type (debugfs debugfs_mmc debugfs_trace_marker debugfs_tracing debugfs_tracing_debug debugfs_tracing_instances debugfs_wakeup_sources debugfs_wifi_tracing ))
+(typeattribute sdcard_type)
+(typeattributeset sdcard_type (fuse sdcardfs vfat exfat ))
+(typeattribute node_type)
+(typeattributeset node_type (node ))
+(typeattribute netif_type)
+(typeattributeset netif_type (netif ))
+(typeattribute port_type)
+(typeattributeset port_type (port ))
+(typeattribute property_type)
+(typeattributeset property_type (audio_prop boottime_prop bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop bluetooth_prop bootloader_boot_reason_prop config_prop cppreopt_prop ctl_bootanim_prop ctl_bugreport_prop ctl_console_prop ctl_default_prop ctl_dumpstate_prop ctl_fuse_prop ctl_interface_restart_prop ctl_interface_start_prop ctl_interface_stop_prop ctl_mdnsd_prop ctl_restart_prop ctl_rildaemon_prop ctl_sigstop_prop ctl_start_prop ctl_stop_prop dalvik_prop debuggerd_prop debug_prop default_prop device_logging_prop dhcp_prop dumpstate_options_prop dumpstate_prop exported_secure_prop ffs_prop fingerprint_prop firstboot_prop hwservicemanager_prop last_boot_reason_prop logd_prop logpersistd_logging_prop log_prop log_tag_prop lowpan_prop mmc_prop net_dns_prop net_radio_prop netd_stable_secret_prop nfc_prop overlay_prop pan_result_prop persist_debug_prop persistent_properties_ready_prop pm_prop powerctl_prop radio_prop restorecon_prop safemode_prop serialno_prop shell_prop system_boot_reason_prop system_prop system_radio_prop test_boot_reason_prop traced_enabled_prop vold_prop wifi_log_prop wifi_prop vendor_security_patch_level_prop exported_bluetooth_prop exported_config_prop exported_dalvik_prop exported_default_prop exported_dumpstate_prop exported_ffs_prop exported_fingerprint_prop exported_overlay_prop exported_pm_prop exported_radio_prop exported_system_prop exported_system_radio_prop exported_vold_prop exported_wifi_prop exported2_config_prop exported2_default_prop exported2_radio_prop exported2_system_prop exported2_vold_prop exported3_default_prop exported3_radio_prop exported3_system_prop vendor_default_prop persist_dpm_prop vendor_bt_prop ))
+(typeattribute core_property_type)
+(typeattributeset core_property_type (audio_prop config_prop cppreopt_prop dalvik_prop debuggerd_prop debug_prop default_prop dhcp_prop dumpstate_prop ffs_prop fingerprint_prop logd_prop net_radio_prop nfc_prop pan_result_prop persist_debug_prop powerctl_prop radio_prop restorecon_prop shell_prop system_prop system_radio_prop vold_prop ))
+(typeattribute log_property_type)
+(typeattributeset log_property_type (log_prop log_tag_prop wifi_log_prop ))
+(typeattribute extended_core_property_type)
+(typeattribute system_server_service)
+(typeattributeset system_server_service (accessibility_service account_service activity_service alarm_service appops_service appwidget_service assetatlas_service audio_service autofill_service backup_service batterystats_service battery_service binder_calls_stats_service bluetooth_manager_service broadcastradio_service cameraproxy_service clipboard_service contexthub_service crossprofileapps_service IProxyService_service commontime_management_service companion_device_service connectivity_service connmetrics_service consumer_ir_service content_service country_detector_service coverage_service cpuinfo_service dbinfo_service device_policy_service deviceidle_service device_identifiers_service devicestoragemonitor_service diskstats_service display_service font_service netd_listener_service network_watchlist_service DockObserver_service dreams_service dropbox_service lowpan_service ethernet_service fingerprint_service gfxinfo_service graphicsstats_service hardware_service hardware_properties_service hdmi_control_service input_method_service input_service imms_service ipsec_service jobscheduler_service launcherapps_service location_service lock_settings_service media_projection_service media_router_service media_session_service meminfo_service midi_service mount_service netpolicy_service netstats_service network_management_service network_score_service network_time_update_service notification_service oem_lock_service otadexopt_service overlay_service package_service package_native_service permission_service persistent_data_block_service pinner_service power_service print_service processinfo_service procstats_service recovery_service registry_service restrictions_service rttmanager_service samplingprofiler_service scheduling_policy_service search_service sec_key_att_app_id_provider_service sensorservice_service serial_service servicediscovery_service settings_service shortcut_service slice_service statusbar_service storagestats_service system_update_service task_service textclassification_service textservices_service telecom_service timezone_service trust_service tv_input_service uimode_service updatelock_service usagestats_service usb_service user_service vibrator_service voiceinteraction_service vr_manager_service wallpaper_service webviewupdate_service wifip2p_service wifiscanner_service wifi_service wifiaware_service window_service statscompanion_service optiflex_service wigigp2p_service wigig_service ))
+(typeattribute app_api_service)
+(typeattributeset app_api_service (batteryproperties_service gatekeeper_service surfaceflinger_service accessibility_service account_service activity_service alarm_service appops_service appwidget_service assetatlas_service audio_service autofill_service backup_service batterystats_service bluetooth_manager_service clipboard_service contexthub_service crossprofileapps_service IProxyService_service companion_device_service connectivity_service connmetrics_service consumer_ir_service content_service country_detector_service device_policy_service deviceidle_service device_identifiers_service display_service font_service dreams_service dropbox_service ethernet_service fingerprint_service graphicsstats_service hardware_properties_service input_method_service input_service imms_service ipsec_service jobscheduler_service launcherapps_service location_service media_projection_service media_router_service media_session_service midi_service mount_service netpolicy_service netstats_service network_management_service notification_service package_service permission_service power_service print_service procstats_service registry_service restrictions_service rttmanager_service search_service sec_key_att_app_id_provider_service sensorservice_service servicediscovery_service settings_service shortcut_service slice_service statusbar_service storagestats_service textclassification_service textservices_service telecom_service trust_service tv_input_service uimode_service usagestats_service usb_service user_service vibrator_service voiceinteraction_service wallpaper_service webviewupdate_service wifip2p_service wifi_service wifiaware_service MinkBinderSvc izat_service wigigp2p_service wigig_service vendor_perf_service ))
+(typeattribute ephemeral_app_api_service)
+(typeattributeset ephemeral_app_api_service (batteryproperties_service surfaceflinger_service accessibility_service account_service activity_service alarm_service appops_service appwidget_service assetatlas_service audio_service autofill_service backup_service batterystats_service bluetooth_manager_service clipboard_service IProxyService_service companion_device_service connectivity_service connmetrics_service consumer_ir_service content_service country_detector_service deviceidle_service device_identifiers_service display_service font_service dreams_service dropbox_service graphicsstats_service hardware_properties_service input_method_service input_service imms_service ipsec_service jobscheduler_service launcherapps_service location_service media_projection_service media_router_service media_session_service midi_service mount_service netpolicy_service netstats_service network_management_service notification_service package_service permission_service power_service print_service procstats_service registry_service restrictions_service rttmanager_service search_service sensorservice_service servicediscovery_service settings_service statusbar_service storagestats_service textclassification_service textservices_service telecom_service tv_input_service uimode_service usagestats_service user_service vibrator_service voiceinteraction_service webviewupdate_service ))
+(typeattribute system_api_service)
+(typeattributeset system_api_service (cpuinfo_service dbinfo_service diskstats_service lowpan_service gfxinfo_service hdmi_control_service lock_settings_service meminfo_service network_score_service oem_lock_service overlay_service persistent_data_block_service serial_service updatelock_service wifiscanner_service window_service wpantund_service izat_service regionalization_service ))
+(typeattribute service_manager_type)
+(typeattributeset service_manager_type (audioserver_service batteryproperties_service bluetooth_service cameraserver_service default_android_service drmserver_service dumpstate_service fingerprintd_service hal_fingerprint_service gatekeeper_service gpu_service inputflinger_service incident_service installd_service keystore_service mediaserver_service mediametrics_service mediaextractor_service mediaextractor_update_service mediacodec_service mediadrmserver_service netd_service nfc_service perfprofd_service radio_service secure_element_service storaged_service surfaceflinger_service system_app_service thermal_service update_engine_service virtual_touchpad_service vold_service vr_hwc_service accessibility_service account_service activity_service alarm_service appops_service appwidget_service assetatlas_service audio_service autofill_service backup_service batterystats_service battery_service binder_calls_stats_service bluetooth_manager_service broadcastradio_service cameraproxy_service clipboard_service contexthub_service crossprofileapps_service IProxyService_service commontime_management_service companion_device_service connectivity_service connmetrics_service consumer_ir_service content_service country_detector_service coverage_service cpuinfo_service dbinfo_service device_policy_service deviceidle_service device_identifiers_service devicestoragemonitor_service diskstats_service display_service font_service netd_listener_service network_watchlist_service DockObserver_service dreams_service dropbox_service lowpan_service ethernet_service fingerprint_service gfxinfo_service graphicsstats_service hardware_service hardware_properties_service hdmi_control_service input_method_service input_service imms_service ipsec_service jobscheduler_service launcherapps_service location_service lock_settings_service media_projection_service media_router_service media_session_service meminfo_service midi_service mount_service netpolicy_service netstats_service network_management_service network_score_service network_time_update_service notification_service oem_lock_service otadexopt_service overlay_service package_service package_native_service permission_service persistent_data_block_service pinner_service power_service print_service processinfo_service procstats_service recovery_service registry_service restrictions_service rttmanager_service samplingprofiler_service scheduling_policy_service search_service sec_key_att_app_id_provider_service sensorservice_service serial_service servicediscovery_service settings_service shortcut_service slice_service statusbar_service storagestats_service system_update_service task_service textclassification_service textservices_service telecom_service timezone_service trust_service tv_input_service uimode_service updatelock_service usagestats_service usb_service user_service vibrator_service voiceinteraction_service vr_manager_service wallpaper_service webviewupdate_service wifip2p_service wifiscanner_service wifi_service wificond_service wifiaware_service window_service wpantund_service stats_service statscompanion_service optiflex_service seemp_service cne_service dpmservice uce_service color_service MinkBinderSvc izat_service regionalization_service wigigp2p_service wigig_service vendor_perf_service wfdservice_service ))
+(typeattribute hwservice_manager_type)
+(typeattributeset hwservice_manager_type (default_android_hwservice fwk_display_hwservice fwk_scheduler_hwservice fwk_sensor_hwservice hal_audiocontrol_hwservice hal_audio_hwservice hal_authsecret_hwservice hal_bluetooth_hwservice hal_bootctl_hwservice hal_broadcastradio_hwservice hal_camera_hwservice hal_codec2_hwservice hal_configstore_ISurfaceFlingerConfigs hal_confirmationui_hwservice hal_contexthub_hwservice hal_drm_hwservice hal_cas_hwservice hal_dumpstate_hwservice hal_evs_hwservice hal_fingerprint_hwservice hal_gatekeeper_hwservice hal_gnss_hwservice hal_graphics_allocator_hwservice hal_graphics_composer_hwservice hal_graphics_mapper_hwservice hal_health_hwservice hal_ir_hwservice hal_keymaster_hwservice hal_light_hwservice hal_lowpan_hwservice hal_memtrack_hwservice hal_neuralnetworks_hwservice hal_nfc_hwservice hal_oemlock_hwservice hal_omx_hwservice hal_power_hwservice hal_renderscript_hwservice hal_secure_element_hwservice hal_sensors_hwservice hal_telephony_hwservice hal_tetheroffload_hwservice hal_thermal_hwservice hal_tv_cec_hwservice hal_tv_input_hwservice hal_usb_hwservice hal_usb_gadget_hwservice hal_vehicle_hwservice hal_vibrator_hwservice hal_vr_hwservice hal_weaver_hwservice hal_wifi_hwservice hal_wifi_hostapd_hwservice hal_wifi_offload_hwservice hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice hidl_allocator_hwservice hidl_base_hwservice hidl_manager_hwservice hidl_memory_hwservice hidl_token_hwservice system_net_netd_hwservice system_wifi_keystore_hwservice thermalcallback_hwservice hal_atfwd_hwservice ))
+(typeattribute same_process_hwservice)
+(typeattributeset same_process_hwservice (hal_graphics_mapper_hwservice hal_renderscript_hwservice ))
+(typeattribute coredomain_hwservice)
+(typeattributeset coredomain_hwservice (fwk_display_hwservice fwk_scheduler_hwservice fwk_sensor_hwservice hidl_allocator_hwservice hidl_manager_hwservice hidl_memory_hwservice hidl_token_hwservice system_net_netd_hwservice system_wifi_keystore_hwservice hal_atfwd_hwservice ))
+(typeattribute vndservice_manager_type)
+(typeattributeset vndservice_manager_type (default_android_vndservice ))
+(typeattribute mlstrustedsubject)
+(typeattributeset mlstrustedsubject (adbd bufferhubd cppreopts drmserver dumpstate pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket hwservicemanager incidentd init installd kernel keystore lmkd logd mdnsd mediacodec mediadrmserver mediaextractor mediaserver netd otapreopt_slot performanced racoon radio runas servicemanager shell surfaceflinger system_server tombstoned traced_probes uncrypt vendor_init vold webview_zygote zygote dataservice_app dpmd qvrd dexoptanalyzer statsd storaged traced seempd ))
+(typeattribute mlstrustedobject)
+(typeattributeset mlstrustedobject (alarm_device ashmem_device binder_device hwbinder_device pmsg_device gpu_device mtp_device ptmx_device null_device random_device owntty_device zero_device fuse_device ion_device tun_device usbaccessory_device usb_device qtaguid_proc proc_qtaguid_stat selinuxfs cgroup sysfs sysfs_bluetooth_writable sysfs_kernel_notes sysfs_nfc_power_writable inotify devpts fuse sdcardfs vfat exfat debugfs_trace_marker debugfs_tracing debugfs_tracing_debug functionfs anr_data_file tombstone_data_file apk_tmp_file apk_private_tmp_file ota_package_file user_profile_data_file shell_data_file heapdump_data_file ringtone_file media_rw_data_file radio_data_file trace_data_file perfprofd_data_file method_trace_data_file system_app_data_file cache_file cache_backup_file cache_recovery_file wallpaper_file shortcut_manager_icons asec_apk_file backup_data_file app_fuse_file dnsproxyd_socket fwmarkd_socket logd_socket logdr_socket logdw_socket mdnsd_socket property_socket system_ndebug_socket tombstoned_crash_socket tombstoned_java_trace_socket traced_producer_socket pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket dpmtcm_socket statsdw_socket traced_tmpfs flipfont_data_file seempdw_socket dpmwrapper_socket qvrd_socket ))
+(typeattribute appdomain)
+(typeattributeset appdomain (bluetooth ephemeral_app isolated_app mediaprovider nfc platform_app priv_app radio secure_element shared_relro shell system_app traceur_app untrusted_app untrusted_app_27 untrusted_app_25 untrusted_v2_app dataservice_app qtelephony ))
+(typeattribute untrusted_app_all)
+(typeattributeset untrusted_app_all (untrusted_app untrusted_app_27 untrusted_app_25 ))
+(typeattribute netdomain)
+(typeattributeset netdomain (adbd bluetooth clatd dhcp dnsmasq drmserver dumpstate ephemeral_app mdnsd mediadrmserver mediaprovider mediaserver mtp netd nfc platform_app ppp priv_app racoon radio shell system_app system_server untrusted_app untrusted_app_27 untrusted_app_25 untrusted_v2_app update_engine wpantund dataservice_app dpmd mirrorlink wfdservice ))
+(typeattribute bluetoothdomain)
+(typeattributeset bluetoothdomain (platform_app priv_app radio system_server untrusted_app untrusted_app_27 untrusted_app_25 untrusted_v2_app dun-server bt_logger ))
+(typeattribute binderservicedomain)
+(typeattributeset binderservicedomain (audioserver cameraserver drmserver gatekeeperd inputflinger keystore mediadrmserver mediaextractor mediametrics mediaserver nfc radio secure_element surfaceflinger system_app system_server thermalserviced virtual_touchpad vr_hwc perfservice wfdservice smcinvoke_daemon ))
+(typeattribute update_engine_common)
+(typeattributeset update_engine_common (update_engine ))
+(typeattribute coredomain)
+(typeattributeset coredomain (adbd audioserver blkid blkid_untrusted bluetooth bootanim bootstat bufferhubd cameraserver charger clatd cppreopts crash_dump dex2oat dhcp dnsmasq drmserver dumpstate e2fs ephemeral_app fingerprintd fsck fsck_untrusted gatekeeperd healthd hwservicemanager idmap incident incident_helper incidentd init inputflinger install_recovery installd isolated_app kernel keystore lmkd logd logpersist mdnsd mediadrmserver mediaextractor mediametrics mediaprovider mediaserver modprobe mtp netd netutils_wrapper nfc otapreopt_chroot otapreopt_slot performanced platform_app postinstall postinstall_dexopt ppp preopt2cachename priv_app profman racoon radio recovery recovery_persist recovery_refresh runas sdcardd secure_element servicemanager sgdisk shared_relro shell slideshow surfaceflinger system_app system_server thermalserviced tombstoned toolbox traced_probes traceur_app tzdatacheck ueventd uncrypt untrusted_app untrusted_app_27 untrusted_app_25 untrusted_v2_app update_engine update_verifier usbd vdc virtual_touchpad vold vold_prepare_subdirs vr_hwc watchdogd webview_zygote wificond wpantund zygote dataservice_app dpmd dun-server mirrorlink vendor_mmi_sys perfservice qtelephony qvrd wfdservice atrace blank_screen bpfloader dexoptanalyzer hal_allocator_default perfetto stats statsd storaged traced wait_for_keymaster bt_logger seempd smcinvoke_daemon ))
+(typeattribute coredomain_socket)
+(expandtypeattribute (coredomain_socket) false)
+(typeattributeset coredomain_socket (drmserver_socket adbd_socket bluetooth_socket dnsproxyd_socket dumpstate_socket fwmarkd_socket lmkd_socket logd_socket logdr_socket logdw_socket mdns_socket mdnsd_socket misc_logd_file mtpd_socket netd_socket property_socket racoon_socket system_wpa_socket system_ndebug_socket tombstoned_crash_socket tombstoned_intercept_socket traced_producer_socket traced_consumer_socket uncrypt_socket zygote_socket pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket pdx_display_client_channel_socket pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket pdx_display_manager_channel_socket pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket pdx_display_screenshot_channel_socket pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket pdx_display_vsync_channel_socket pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket pdx_performance_client_channel_socket pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket pdx_bufferhub_client_channel_socket dpmtcm_socket statsdw_socket seempdw_socket dpmd_socket dpmwrapper_socket qvrd_socket qvrd_hvx_socket mirrorlink_socket ))
+(typeattribute binder_in_vendor_violators)
+(expandtypeattribute (binder_in_vendor_violators) false)
+(typeattribute socket_between_core_and_vendor_violators)
+(expandtypeattribute (socket_between_core_and_vendor_violators) false)
+(typeattribute vendor_executes_system_violators)
+(expandtypeattribute (vendor_executes_system_violators) false)
+(typeattribute data_between_core_and_vendor_violators)
+(expandtypeattribute (data_between_core_and_vendor_violators) false)
+(typeattribute system_executes_vendor_violators)
+(expandtypeattribute (system_executes_vendor_violators) false)
+(typeattribute system_writes_vendor_properties_violators)
+(expandtypeattribute (system_writes_vendor_properties_violators) false)
+(typeattributeset system_writes_vendor_properties_violators (dataservice_app dpmd vendor_mmi_sys qvrd ))
+(typeattribute untrusted_app_visible_hwservice)
+(expandtypeattribute (untrusted_app_visible_hwservice) false)
+(typeattribute untrusted_app_visible_halserver)
+(expandtypeattribute (untrusted_app_visible_halserver) false)
+(typeattribute pdx_endpoint_dir_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_endpoint_dir_type (pdx_display_dir pdx_performance_dir pdx_bufferhub_dir ))
+(typeattribute pdx_endpoint_socket_type)
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_endpoint_socket_type) false)
+(typeattributeset pdx_endpoint_socket_type (pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket ))
+(typeattribute pdx_channel_socket_type)
+(expandtypeattribute (pdx_channel_socket_type) false)
+(typeattributeset pdx_channel_socket_type (pdx_display_client_channel_socket pdx_display_manager_channel_socket pdx_display_screenshot_channel_socket pdx_display_vsync_channel_socket pdx_performance_client_channel_socket pdx_bufferhub_client_channel_socket ))
+(typeattribute pdx_display_client_endpoint_dir_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_client_endpoint_dir_type (pdx_display_dir ))
+(typeattribute pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket_type (pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket ))
+(typeattribute pdx_display_client_channel_socket_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_client_channel_socket_type (pdx_display_client_channel_socket ))
+(typeattribute pdx_display_client_server_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_client_server_type (surfaceflinger ))
+(typeattribute pdx_display_manager_endpoint_dir_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_manager_endpoint_dir_type (pdx_display_dir ))
+(typeattribute pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket_type (pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket ))
+(typeattribute pdx_display_manager_channel_socket_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_manager_channel_socket_type (pdx_display_manager_channel_socket ))
+(typeattribute pdx_display_manager_server_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_manager_server_type (surfaceflinger ))
+(typeattribute pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_dir_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_dir_type (pdx_display_dir ))
+(typeattribute pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket_type (pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket ))
+(typeattribute pdx_display_screenshot_channel_socket_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_screenshot_channel_socket_type (pdx_display_screenshot_channel_socket ))
+(typeattribute pdx_display_screenshot_server_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_screenshot_server_type (surfaceflinger ))
+(typeattribute pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_dir_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_dir_type (pdx_display_dir ))
+(typeattribute pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket_type (pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket ))
+(typeattribute pdx_display_vsync_channel_socket_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_vsync_channel_socket_type (pdx_display_vsync_channel_socket ))
+(typeattribute pdx_display_vsync_server_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_display_vsync_server_type (surfaceflinger ))
+(typeattribute pdx_performance_client_endpoint_dir_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_performance_client_endpoint_dir_type (pdx_performance_dir ))
+(typeattribute pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket_type (pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket ))
+(typeattribute pdx_performance_client_channel_socket_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_performance_client_channel_socket_type (pdx_performance_client_channel_socket ))
+(typeattribute pdx_performance_client_server_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_performance_client_server_type (performanced ))
+(typeattribute pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_dir_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_dir_type (pdx_bufferhub_dir ))
+(typeattribute pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket_type (pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket ))
+(typeattribute pdx_bufferhub_client_channel_socket_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_bufferhub_client_channel_socket_type (pdx_bufferhub_client_channel_socket ))
+(typeattribute pdx_bufferhub_client_server_type)
+(typeattributeset pdx_bufferhub_client_server_type (bufferhubd ))
+(typeattribute halserverdomain)
+(typeattributeset halserverdomain (healthd vr_hwc hal_allocator_default ))
+(typeattribute halclientdomain)
+(expandtypeattribute (halclientdomain) true)
+(typeattributeset halclientdomain (adbd audioserver bluetooth bootanim bufferhubd cameraserver dumpstate gatekeeperd healthd keystore mediacodec mediadrmserver mediaextractor mediaserver nfc radio secure_element surfaceflinger system_server thermalserviced update_engine update_verifier usbd vold vr_hwc wificond wpantund mirrorlink vendor_mmi_sys qvrd blank_screen statsd storaged wait_for_keymaster ))
+(typeattribute hal_automotive_socket_exemption)
+(typeattribute hal_audio)
+(typeattribute hal_audio_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_audio_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_audio_client (audioserver bluetooth ))
+(typeattribute hal_audio_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_audio_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_bootctl)
+(typeattribute hal_bootctl_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_bootctl_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_bootctl_client (update_engine update_verifier ))
+(typeattribute hal_bootctl_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_bootctl_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_camera)
+(typeattribute hal_camera_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_camera_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_camera_client (cameraserver ))
+(typeattribute hal_camera_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_camera_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_drm)
+(typeattribute hal_drm_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_drm_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_drm_client (mediadrmserver ))
+(typeattribute hal_drm_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_drm_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_cas)
+(typeattribute hal_cas_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_cas_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_cas_client (mediacodec mediaextractor ))
+(typeattribute hal_cas_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_cas_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_allocator)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_allocator) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_allocator (hal_allocator_default ))
+(typeattribute hal_allocator_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_allocator_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_allocator_client (audioserver mediacodec mediaserver system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_allocator_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_allocator_server) false)
+(typeattributeset hal_allocator_server (hal_allocator_default ))
+(typeattribute hal_audiocontrol)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_audiocontrol) true)
+(typeattribute hal_audiocontrol_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_audiocontrol_client) true)
+(typeattribute hal_audiocontrol_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_audiocontrol_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_authsecret)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_authsecret) true)
+(typeattribute hal_authsecret_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_authsecret_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_authsecret_client (system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_authsecret_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_authsecret_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_bluetooth)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_bluetooth) true)
+(typeattribute hal_bluetooth_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_bluetooth_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_bluetooth_client (bluetooth ))
+(typeattribute hal_bluetooth_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_bluetooth_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_broadcastradio)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_broadcastradio) true)
+(typeattribute hal_broadcastradio_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_broadcastradio_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_broadcastradio_client (system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_broadcastradio_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_broadcastradio_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_configstore)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_configstore) true)
+(typeattribute hal_configstore_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_configstore_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_configstore_client (bootanim surfaceflinger system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_configstore_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_configstore_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_confirmationui)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_confirmationui) true)
+(typeattribute hal_confirmationui_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_confirmationui_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_confirmationui_client (keystore ))
+(typeattribute hal_confirmationui_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_confirmationui_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_contexthub)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_contexthub) true)
+(typeattribute hal_contexthub_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_contexthub_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_contexthub_client (system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_contexthub_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_contexthub_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_dumpstate)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_dumpstate) true)
+(typeattribute hal_dumpstate_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_dumpstate_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_dumpstate_client (dumpstate ))
+(typeattribute hal_dumpstate_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_dumpstate_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_evs)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_evs) true)
+(typeattribute hal_evs_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_evs_client) true)
+(typeattribute hal_evs_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_evs_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_fingerprint)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_fingerprint) true)
+(typeattribute hal_fingerprint_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_fingerprint_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_fingerprint_client (system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_fingerprint_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_fingerprint_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_gatekeeper)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_gatekeeper) true)
+(typeattribute hal_gatekeeper_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_gatekeeper_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_gatekeeper_client (gatekeeperd ))
+(typeattribute hal_gatekeeper_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_gatekeeper_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_gnss)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_gnss) true)
+(typeattribute hal_gnss_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_gnss_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_gnss_client (system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_gnss_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_gnss_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_graphics_allocator)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_graphics_allocator) true)
+(typeattribute hal_graphics_allocator_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_graphics_allocator_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_graphics_allocator_client (adbd bootanim bufferhubd cameraserver dumpstate mediacodec mediadrmserver mediaserver surfaceflinger system_server vr_hwc mirrorlink vendor_mmi_sys qvrd ))
+(typeattribute hal_graphics_allocator_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_graphics_allocator_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_graphics_composer)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_graphics_composer) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_graphics_composer (vr_hwc ))
+(typeattribute hal_graphics_composer_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_graphics_composer_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_graphics_composer_client (bootanim surfaceflinger mirrorlink qvrd ))
+(typeattribute hal_graphics_composer_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_graphics_composer_server) false)
+(typeattributeset hal_graphics_composer_server (vr_hwc ))
+(typeattribute hal_health)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_health) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_health (healthd ))
+(typeattribute hal_health_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_health_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_health_client (healthd system_server statsd storaged ))
+(typeattribute hal_health_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_health_server) false)
+(typeattributeset hal_health_server (healthd ))
+(typeattribute hal_ir)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_ir) true)
+(typeattribute hal_ir_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_ir_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_ir_client (system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_ir_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_ir_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_keymaster)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_keymaster) true)
+(typeattribute hal_keymaster_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_keymaster_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_keymaster_client (keystore vold wait_for_keymaster ))
+(typeattribute hal_keymaster_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_keymaster_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_light)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_light) true)
+(typeattribute hal_light_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_light_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_light_client (system_server blank_screen ))
+(typeattribute hal_light_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_light_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_lowpan)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_lowpan) true)
+(typeattribute hal_lowpan_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_lowpan_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_lowpan_client (wpantund ))
+(typeattribute hal_lowpan_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_lowpan_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_memtrack)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_memtrack) true)
+(typeattribute hal_memtrack_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_memtrack_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_memtrack_client (system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_memtrack_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_memtrack_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_neuralnetworks)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_neuralnetworks) true)
+(typeattribute hal_neuralnetworks_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_neuralnetworks_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_neuralnetworks_client (system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_neuralnetworks_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_neuralnetworks_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_nfc)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_nfc) true)
+(typeattribute hal_nfc_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_nfc_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_nfc_client (nfc ))
+(typeattribute hal_nfc_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_nfc_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_oemlock)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_oemlock) true)
+(typeattribute hal_oemlock_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_oemlock_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_oemlock_client (system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_oemlock_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_oemlock_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_power)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_power) true)
+(typeattribute hal_power_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_power_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_power_client (system_server statsd ))
+(typeattribute hal_power_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_power_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_secure_element)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_secure_element) true)
+(typeattribute hal_secure_element_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_secure_element_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_secure_element_client (secure_element ))
+(typeattribute hal_secure_element_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_secure_element_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_sensors)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_sensors) true)
+(typeattribute hal_sensors_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_sensors_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_sensors_client (system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_sensors_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_sensors_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_telephony)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_telephony) true)
+(typeattribute hal_telephony_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_telephony_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_telephony_client (bluetooth radio ))
+(typeattribute hal_telephony_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_telephony_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_tetheroffload)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_tetheroffload) true)
+(typeattribute hal_tetheroffload_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_tetheroffload_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_tetheroffload_client (system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_tetheroffload_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_tetheroffload_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_thermal)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_thermal) true)
+(typeattribute hal_thermal_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_thermal_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_thermal_client (system_server thermalserviced statsd ))
+(typeattribute hal_thermal_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_thermal_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_tv_cec)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_tv_cec) true)
+(typeattribute hal_tv_cec_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_tv_cec_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_tv_cec_client (system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_tv_cec_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_tv_cec_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_tv_input)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_tv_input) true)
+(typeattribute hal_tv_input_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_tv_input_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_tv_input_client (system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_tv_input_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_tv_input_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_usb)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_usb) true)
+(typeattribute hal_usb_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_usb_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_usb_client (system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_usb_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_usb_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_usb_gadget)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_usb_gadget) true)
+(typeattribute hal_usb_gadget_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_usb_gadget_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_usb_gadget_client (system_server usbd ))
+(typeattribute hal_usb_gadget_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_usb_gadget_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_vehicle)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_vehicle) true)
+(typeattribute hal_vehicle_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_vehicle_client) true)
+(typeattribute hal_vehicle_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_vehicle_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_vibrator)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_vibrator) true)
+(typeattribute hal_vibrator_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_vibrator_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_vibrator_client (dumpstate system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_vibrator_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_vibrator_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_vr)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_vr) true)
+(typeattribute hal_vr_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_vr_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_vr_client (system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_vr_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_vr_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_weaver)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_weaver) true)
+(typeattribute hal_weaver_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_weaver_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_weaver_client (system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_weaver_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_weaver_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_wifi)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_wifi) true)
+(typeattribute hal_wifi_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_wifi_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_wifi_client (system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_wifi_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_wifi_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_wifi_hostapd)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_wifi_hostapd) true)
+(typeattribute hal_wifi_hostapd_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_wifi_hostapd_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_wifi_hostapd_client (system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_wifi_hostapd_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_wifi_hostapd_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_wifi_offload)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_wifi_offload) true)
+(typeattribute hal_wifi_offload_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_wifi_offload_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_wifi_offload_client (system_server wificond ))
+(typeattribute hal_wifi_offload_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_wifi_offload_server) false)
+(typeattribute hal_wifi_supplicant)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_wifi_supplicant) true)
+(typeattribute hal_wifi_supplicant_client)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_wifi_supplicant_client) true)
+(typeattributeset hal_wifi_supplicant_client (system_server ))
+(typeattribute hal_wifi_supplicant_server)
+(expandtypeattribute (hal_wifi_supplicant_server) false)
+(typeattribute display_service_server)
+(typeattributeset display_service_server (surfaceflinger ))
+(typeattribute wifi_keystore_service_server)
+(typeattributeset wifi_keystore_service_server (keystore ))
+(type adbd)
+(roletype object_r adbd)
+(type adbd_exec)
+(roletype object_r adbd_exec)
+(type audioserver)
+(roletype object_r audioserver)
+(type blkid)
+(roletype object_r blkid)
+(type blkid_untrusted)
+(roletype object_r blkid_untrusted)
+(type bluetooth)
+(roletype object_r bluetooth)
+(type bootanim)
+(roletype object_r bootanim)
+(type bootanim_exec)
+(roletype object_r bootanim_exec)
+(type bootstat)
+(roletype object_r bootstat)
+(type bootstat_exec)
+(roletype object_r bootstat_exec)
+(type bufferhubd)
+(roletype object_r bufferhubd)
+(type bufferhubd_exec)
+(roletype object_r bufferhubd_exec)
+(type cameraserver)
+(roletype object_r cameraserver)
+(type cameraserver_exec)
+(roletype object_r cameraserver_exec)
+(type charger)
+(roletype object_r charger)
+(type clatd)
+(roletype object_r clatd)
+(type clatd_exec)
+(roletype object_r clatd_exec)
+(type cppreopts)
+(roletype object_r cppreopts)
+(type cppreopts_exec)
+(roletype object_r cppreopts_exec)
+(type crash_dump)
+(roletype object_r crash_dump)
+(type crash_dump_exec)
+(roletype object_r crash_dump_exec)
+(type device)
+(roletype object_r device)
+(type alarm_device)
+(roletype object_r alarm_device)
+(type ashmem_device)
+(roletype object_r ashmem_device)
+(type audio_device)
+(roletype object_r audio_device)
+(type audio_timer_device)
+(roletype object_r audio_timer_device)
+(type audio_seq_device)
+(roletype object_r audio_seq_device)
+(type binder_device)
+(roletype object_r binder_device)
+(type hwbinder_device)
+(roletype object_r hwbinder_device)
+(type vndbinder_device)
+(roletype object_r vndbinder_device)
+(type block_device)
+(roletype object_r block_device)
+(type camera_device)
+(roletype object_r camera_device)
+(type dm_device)
+(roletype object_r dm_device)
+(type keychord_device)
+(roletype object_r keychord_device)
+(type loop_control_device)
+(roletype object_r loop_control_device)
+(type loop_device)
+(roletype object_r loop_device)
+(type pmsg_device)
+(roletype object_r pmsg_device)
+(type radio_device)
+(roletype object_r radio_device)
+(type ram_device)
+(roletype object_r ram_device)
+(type rtc_device)
+(roletype object_r rtc_device)
+(type vold_device)
+(roletype object_r vold_device)
+(type console_device)
+(roletype object_r console_device)
+(type cpuctl_device)
+(roletype object_r cpuctl_device)
+(type fscklogs)
+(roletype object_r fscklogs)
+(type full_device)
+(roletype object_r full_device)
+(type gpu_device)
+(roletype object_r gpu_device)
+(type graphics_device)
+(roletype object_r graphics_device)
+(type hw_random_device)
+(roletype object_r hw_random_device)
+(type input_device)
+(roletype object_r input_device)
+(type kmem_device)
+(roletype object_r kmem_device)
+(type port_device)
+(roletype object_r port_device)
+(type lowpan_device)
+(roletype object_r lowpan_device)
+(type mtd_device)
+(roletype object_r mtd_device)
+(type mtp_device)
+(roletype object_r mtp_device)
+(type nfc_device)
+(roletype object_r nfc_device)
+(type ptmx_device)
+(roletype object_r ptmx_device)
+(type kmsg_device)
+(roletype object_r kmsg_device)
+(type kmsg_debug_device)
+(roletype object_r kmsg_debug_device)
+(type null_device)
+(roletype object_r null_device)
+(type random_device)
+(roletype object_r random_device)
+(type secure_element_device)
+(roletype object_r secure_element_device)
+(type sensors_device)
+(roletype object_r sensors_device)
+(type serial_device)
+(roletype object_r serial_device)
+(type socket_device)
+(roletype object_r socket_device)
+(type owntty_device)
+(roletype object_r owntty_device)
+(type tty_device)
+(roletype object_r tty_device)
+(type video_device)
+(roletype object_r video_device)
+(type vcs_device)
+(roletype object_r vcs_device)
+(type zero_device)
+(roletype object_r zero_device)
+(type fuse_device)
+(roletype object_r fuse_device)
+(type iio_device)
+(roletype object_r iio_device)
+(type ion_device)
+(roletype object_r ion_device)
+(type qtaguid_device)
+(roletype object_r qtaguid_device)
+(type watchdog_device)
+(roletype object_r watchdog_device)
+(type uhid_device)
+(roletype object_r uhid_device)
+(type uio_device)
+(roletype object_r uio_device)
+(type tun_device)
+(roletype object_r tun_device)
+(type usbaccessory_device)
+(roletype object_r usbaccessory_device)
+(type usb_device)
+(roletype object_r usb_device)
+(type properties_device)
+(roletype object_r properties_device)
+(type properties_serial)
+(roletype object_r properties_serial)
+(type property_info)
+(roletype object_r property_info)
+(type i2c_device)
+(roletype object_r i2c_device)
+(type hci_attach_dev)
+(roletype object_r hci_attach_dev)
+(type rpmsg_device)
+(roletype object_r rpmsg_device)
+(type root_block_device)
+(roletype object_r root_block_device)
+(type frp_block_device)
+(roletype object_r frp_block_device)
+(type system_block_device)
+(roletype object_r system_block_device)
+(type recovery_block_device)
+(roletype object_r recovery_block_device)
+(type boot_block_device)
+(roletype object_r boot_block_device)
+(type userdata_block_device)
+(roletype object_r userdata_block_device)
+(type cache_block_device)
+(roletype object_r cache_block_device)
+(type swap_block_device)
+(roletype object_r swap_block_device)
+(type metadata_block_device)
+(roletype object_r metadata_block_device)
+(type misc_block_device)
+(roletype object_r misc_block_device)
+(type dex2oat)
+(roletype object_r dex2oat)
+(type dex2oat_exec)
+(roletype object_r dex2oat_exec)
+(type dhcp)
+(roletype object_r dhcp)
+(type dhcp_exec)
+(roletype object_r dhcp_exec)
+(type dnsmasq)
+(roletype object_r dnsmasq)
+(type dnsmasq_exec)
+(roletype object_r dnsmasq_exec)
+(type drmserver)
+(roletype object_r drmserver)
+(type drmserver_exec)
+(roletype object_r drmserver_exec)
+(type drmserver_socket)
+(roletype object_r drmserver_socket)
+(type dumpstate)
+(roletype object_r dumpstate)
+(type dumpstate_exec)
+(roletype object_r dumpstate_exec)
+(type e2fs)
+(roletype object_r e2fs)
+(type e2fs_exec)
+(roletype object_r e2fs_exec)
+(type ephemeral_app)
+(roletype object_r ephemeral_app)
+(type labeledfs)
+(roletype object_r labeledfs)
+(type pipefs)
+(roletype object_r pipefs)
+(type sockfs)
+(roletype object_r sockfs)
+(type rootfs)
+(roletype object_r rootfs)
+(type proc)
+(roletype object_r proc)
+(type proc_security)
+(roletype object_r proc_security)
+(type proc_drop_caches)
+(roletype object_r proc_drop_caches)
+(type proc_overcommit_memory)
+(roletype object_r proc_overcommit_memory)
+(type proc_min_free_order_shift)
+(roletype object_r proc_min_free_order_shift)
+(type usermodehelper)
+(roletype object_r usermodehelper)
+(type sysfs_usermodehelper)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_usermodehelper)
+(type qtaguid_proc)
+(roletype object_r qtaguid_proc)
+(type proc_qtaguid_stat)
+(roletype object_r proc_qtaguid_stat)
+(type proc_bluetooth_writable)
+(roletype object_r proc_bluetooth_writable)
+(type proc_abi)
+(roletype object_r proc_abi)
+(type proc_asound)
+(roletype object_r proc_asound)
+(type proc_buddyinfo)
+(roletype object_r proc_buddyinfo)
+(type proc_cmdline)
+(roletype object_r proc_cmdline)
+(type proc_cpuinfo)
+(roletype object_r proc_cpuinfo)
+(type proc_dirty)
+(roletype object_r proc_dirty)
+(type proc_diskstats)
+(roletype object_r proc_diskstats)
+(type proc_extra_free_kbytes)
+(roletype object_r proc_extra_free_kbytes)
+(type proc_filesystems)
+(roletype object_r proc_filesystems)
+(type proc_hostname)
+(roletype object_r proc_hostname)
+(type proc_hung_task)
+(roletype object_r proc_hung_task)
+(type proc_interrupts)
+(roletype object_r proc_interrupts)
+(type proc_iomem)
+(roletype object_r proc_iomem)
+(type proc_kmsg)
+(roletype object_r proc_kmsg)
+(type proc_loadavg)
+(roletype object_r proc_loadavg)
+(type proc_max_map_count)
+(roletype object_r proc_max_map_count)
+(type proc_meminfo)
+(roletype object_r proc_meminfo)
+(type proc_misc)
+(roletype object_r proc_misc)
+(type proc_modules)
+(roletype object_r proc_modules)
+(type proc_mounts)
+(roletype object_r proc_mounts)
+(type proc_net)
+(roletype object_r proc_net)
+(type proc_page_cluster)
+(roletype object_r proc_page_cluster)
+(type proc_pagetypeinfo)
+(roletype object_r proc_pagetypeinfo)
+(type proc_panic)
+(roletype object_r proc_panic)
+(type proc_perf)
+(roletype object_r proc_perf)
+(type proc_pid_max)
+(roletype object_r proc_pid_max)
+(type proc_pipe_conf)
+(roletype object_r proc_pipe_conf)
+(type proc_random)
+(roletype object_r proc_random)
+(type proc_sched)
+(roletype object_r proc_sched)
+(type proc_stat)
+(roletype object_r proc_stat)
+(type proc_swaps)
+(roletype object_r proc_swaps)
+(type proc_sysrq)
+(roletype object_r proc_sysrq)
+(type proc_timer)
+(roletype object_r proc_timer)
+(type proc_tty_drivers)
+(roletype object_r proc_tty_drivers)
+(type proc_uid_cputime_showstat)
+(roletype object_r proc_uid_cputime_showstat)
+(type proc_uid_cputime_removeuid)
+(roletype object_r proc_uid_cputime_removeuid)
+(type proc_uid_io_stats)
+(roletype object_r proc_uid_io_stats)
+(type proc_uid_procstat_set)
+(roletype object_r proc_uid_procstat_set)
+(type proc_uid_time_in_state)
+(roletype object_r proc_uid_time_in_state)
+(type proc_uid_concurrent_active_time)
+(roletype object_r proc_uid_concurrent_active_time)
+(type proc_uid_concurrent_policy_time)
+(roletype object_r proc_uid_concurrent_policy_time)
+(type proc_uid_cpupower)
+(roletype object_r proc_uid_cpupower)
+(type proc_uptime)
+(roletype object_r proc_uptime)
+(type proc_version)
+(roletype object_r proc_version)
+(type proc_vmallocinfo)
+(roletype object_r proc_vmallocinfo)
+(type proc_vmstat)
+(roletype object_r proc_vmstat)
+(type proc_zoneinfo)
+(roletype object_r proc_zoneinfo)
+(type selinuxfs)
+(roletype object_r selinuxfs)
+(type cgroup)
+(roletype object_r cgroup)
+(type cgroup_bpf)
+(roletype object_r cgroup_bpf)
+(type sysfs)
+(roletype object_r sysfs)
+(type sysfs_android_usb)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_android_usb)
+(type sysfs_uio)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_uio)
+(type sysfs_batteryinfo)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_batteryinfo)
+(type sysfs_bluetooth_writable)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_bluetooth_writable)
+(type sysfs_dm)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_dm)
+(type sysfs_dt_firmware_android)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_dt_firmware_android)
+(type sysfs_ipv4)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_ipv4)
+(type sysfs_kernel_notes)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_kernel_notes)
+(type sysfs_leds)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_leds)
+(type sysfs_hwrandom)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_hwrandom)
+(type sysfs_nfc_power_writable)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_nfc_power_writable)
+(type sysfs_wake_lock)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_wake_lock)
+(type sysfs_mac_address)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_mac_address)
+(type sysfs_net)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_net)
+(type sysfs_power)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_power)
+(type sysfs_rtc)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_rtc)
+(type sysfs_switch)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_switch)
+(type sysfs_usb)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_usb)
+(type sysfs_wakeup_reasons)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_wakeup_reasons)
+(type sysfs_fs_ext4_features)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_fs_ext4_features)
+(type fs_bpf)
+(roletype object_r fs_bpf)
+(type configfs)
+(roletype object_r configfs)
+(type sysfs_devices_system_cpu)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_devices_system_cpu)
+(type sysfs_lowmemorykiller)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_lowmemorykiller)
+(type sysfs_wlan_fwpath)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_wlan_fwpath)
+(type sysfs_vibrator)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_vibrator)
+(type sysfs_thermal)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_thermal)
+(type sysfs_zram)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_zram)
+(type sysfs_zram_uevent)
+(roletype object_r sysfs_zram_uevent)
+(type inotify)
+(roletype object_r inotify)
+(type devpts)
+(roletype object_r devpts)
+(type tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r tmpfs)
+(type shm)
+(roletype object_r shm)
+(type mqueue)
+(roletype object_r mqueue)
+(type fuse)
+(roletype object_r fuse)
+(type sdcardfs)
+(roletype object_r sdcardfs)
+(type vfat)
+(roletype object_r vfat)
+(type exfat)
+(roletype object_r exfat)
+(type debugfs)
+(roletype object_r debugfs)
+(type debugfs_mmc)
+(roletype object_r debugfs_mmc)
+(type debugfs_trace_marker)
+(roletype object_r debugfs_trace_marker)
+(type debugfs_tracing)
+(roletype object_r debugfs_tracing)
+(type debugfs_tracing_debug)
+(roletype object_r debugfs_tracing_debug)
+(type debugfs_tracing_instances)
+(roletype object_r debugfs_tracing_instances)
+(type debugfs_wakeup_sources)
+(roletype object_r debugfs_wakeup_sources)
+(type debugfs_wifi_tracing)
+(roletype object_r debugfs_wifi_tracing)
+(type pstorefs)
+(roletype object_r pstorefs)
+(type functionfs)
+(roletype object_r functionfs)
+(type oemfs)
+(roletype object_r oemfs)
+(type usbfs)
+(roletype object_r usbfs)
+(type binfmt_miscfs)
+(roletype object_r binfmt_miscfs)
+(type app_fusefs)
+(roletype object_r app_fusefs)
+(type unlabeled)
+(roletype object_r unlabeled)
+(type system_file)
+(roletype object_r system_file)
+(type vendor_hal_file)
+(roletype object_r vendor_hal_file)
+(type vendor_file)
+(roletype object_r vendor_file)
+(type vendor_app_file)
+(roletype object_r vendor_app_file)
+(type vendor_configs_file)
+(roletype object_r vendor_configs_file)
+(type same_process_hal_file)
+(roletype object_r same_process_hal_file)
+(type vndk_sp_file)
+(roletype object_r vndk_sp_file)
+(type vendor_framework_file)
+(roletype object_r vendor_framework_file)
+(type vendor_overlay_file)
+(roletype object_r vendor_overlay_file)
+(type metadata_file)
+(roletype object_r metadata_file)
+(type vold_metadata_file)
+(roletype object_r vold_metadata_file)
+(type runtime_event_log_tags_file)
+(roletype object_r runtime_event_log_tags_file)
+(type logcat_exec)
+(roletype object_r logcat_exec)
+(type coredump_file)
+(roletype object_r coredump_file)
+(type system_data_file)
+(roletype object_r system_data_file)
+(type vendor_data_file)
+(roletype object_r vendor_data_file)
+(type unencrypted_data_file)
+(roletype object_r unencrypted_data_file)
+(type install_data_file)
+(roletype object_r install_data_file)
+(type drm_data_file)
+(roletype object_r drm_data_file)
+(type adb_data_file)
+(roletype object_r adb_data_file)
+(type anr_data_file)
+(roletype object_r anr_data_file)
+(type tombstone_data_file)
+(roletype object_r tombstone_data_file)
+(type tombstone_wifi_data_file)
+(roletype object_r tombstone_wifi_data_file)
+(type apk_data_file)
+(roletype object_r apk_data_file)
+(type apk_tmp_file)
+(roletype object_r apk_tmp_file)
+(type apk_private_data_file)
+(roletype object_r apk_private_data_file)
+(type apk_private_tmp_file)
+(roletype object_r apk_private_tmp_file)
+(type dalvikcache_data_file)
+(roletype object_r dalvikcache_data_file)
+(type ota_data_file)
+(roletype object_r ota_data_file)
+(type ota_package_file)
+(roletype object_r ota_package_file)
+(type user_profile_data_file)
+(roletype object_r user_profile_data_file)
+(type profman_dump_data_file)
+(roletype object_r profman_dump_data_file)
+(type resourcecache_data_file)
+(roletype object_r resourcecache_data_file)
+(type shell_data_file)
+(roletype object_r shell_data_file)
+(type property_data_file)
+(roletype object_r property_data_file)
+(type bootchart_data_file)
+(roletype object_r bootchart_data_file)
+(type heapdump_data_file)
+(roletype object_r heapdump_data_file)
+(type nativetest_data_file)
+(roletype object_r nativetest_data_file)
+(type ringtone_file)
+(roletype object_r ringtone_file)
+(type preloads_data_file)
+(roletype object_r preloads_data_file)
+(type preloads_media_file)
+(roletype object_r preloads_media_file)
+(type dhcp_data_file)
+(roletype object_r dhcp_data_file)
+(type mnt_media_rw_file)
+(roletype object_r mnt_media_rw_file)
+(type mnt_user_file)
+(roletype object_r mnt_user_file)
+(type mnt_expand_file)
+(roletype object_r mnt_expand_file)
+(type storage_file)
+(roletype object_r storage_file)
+(type mnt_media_rw_stub_file)
+(roletype object_r mnt_media_rw_stub_file)
+(type storage_stub_file)
+(roletype object_r storage_stub_file)
+(type mnt_vendor_file)
+(roletype object_r mnt_vendor_file)
+(type postinstall_mnt_dir)
+(roletype object_r postinstall_mnt_dir)
+(type postinstall_file)
+(roletype object_r postinstall_file)
+(type adb_keys_file)
+(roletype object_r adb_keys_file)
+(type audio_data_file)
+(roletype object_r audio_data_file)
+(type audioserver_data_file)
+(roletype object_r audioserver_data_file)
+(type bluetooth_data_file)
+(roletype object_r bluetooth_data_file)
+(type bluetooth_logs_data_file)
+(roletype object_r bluetooth_logs_data_file)
+(type bootstat_data_file)
+(roletype object_r bootstat_data_file)
+(type boottrace_data_file)
+(roletype object_r boottrace_data_file)
+(type camera_data_file)
+(roletype object_r camera_data_file)
+(type gatekeeper_data_file)
+(roletype object_r gatekeeper_data_file)
+(type incident_data_file)
+(roletype object_r incident_data_file)
+(type keychain_data_file)
+(roletype object_r keychain_data_file)
+(type keystore_data_file)
+(roletype object_r keystore_data_file)
+(type media_data_file)
+(roletype object_r media_data_file)
+(type media_rw_data_file)
+(roletype object_r media_rw_data_file)
+(type misc_user_data_file)
+(roletype object_r misc_user_data_file)
+(type net_data_file)
+(roletype object_r net_data_file)
+(type network_watchlist_data_file)
+(roletype object_r network_watchlist_data_file)
+(type nfc_data_file)
+(roletype object_r nfc_data_file)
+(type radio_data_file)
+(roletype object_r radio_data_file)
+(type recovery_data_file)
+(roletype object_r recovery_data_file)
+(type shared_relro_file)
+(roletype object_r shared_relro_file)
+(type systemkeys_data_file)
+(roletype object_r systemkeys_data_file)
+(type textclassifier_data_file)
+(roletype object_r textclassifier_data_file)
+(type trace_data_file)
+(roletype object_r trace_data_file)
+(type vpn_data_file)
+(roletype object_r vpn_data_file)
+(type wifi_data_file)
+(roletype object_r wifi_data_file)
+(type zoneinfo_data_file)
+(roletype object_r zoneinfo_data_file)
+(type vold_data_file)
+(roletype object_r vold_data_file)
+(type perfprofd_data_file)
+(roletype object_r perfprofd_data_file)
+(type tee_data_file)
+(roletype object_r tee_data_file)
+(type update_engine_data_file)
+(roletype object_r update_engine_data_file)
+(type update_engine_log_data_file)
+(roletype object_r update_engine_log_data_file)
+(type method_trace_data_file)
+(roletype object_r method_trace_data_file)
+(type app_data_file)
+(roletype object_r app_data_file)
+(type system_app_data_file)
+(roletype object_r system_app_data_file)
+(type cache_file)
+(roletype object_r cache_file)
+(type cache_backup_file)
+(roletype object_r cache_backup_file)
+(type cache_private_backup_file)
+(roletype object_r cache_private_backup_file)
+(type cache_recovery_file)
+(roletype object_r cache_recovery_file)
+(type efs_file)
+(roletype object_r efs_file)
+(type wallpaper_file)
+(roletype object_r wallpaper_file)
+(type shortcut_manager_icons)
+(roletype object_r shortcut_manager_icons)
+(type icon_file)
+(roletype object_r icon_file)
+(type asec_apk_file)
+(roletype object_r asec_apk_file)
+(type asec_public_file)
+(roletype object_r asec_public_file)
+(type asec_image_file)
+(roletype object_r asec_image_file)
+(type backup_data_file)
+(roletype object_r backup_data_file)
+(type bluetooth_efs_file)
+(roletype object_r bluetooth_efs_file)
+(type fingerprintd_data_file)
+(roletype object_r fingerprintd_data_file)
+(type fingerprint_vendor_data_file)
+(roletype object_r fingerprint_vendor_data_file)
+(type app_fuse_file)
+(roletype object_r app_fuse_file)
+(type adbd_socket)
+(roletype object_r adbd_socket)
+(type bluetooth_socket)
+(roletype object_r bluetooth_socket)
+(type dnsproxyd_socket)
+(roletype object_r dnsproxyd_socket)
+(type dumpstate_socket)
+(roletype object_r dumpstate_socket)
+(type fwmarkd_socket)
+(roletype object_r fwmarkd_socket)
+(type lmkd_socket)
+(roletype object_r lmkd_socket)
+(type logd_socket)
+(roletype object_r logd_socket)
+(type logdr_socket)
+(roletype object_r logdr_socket)
+(type logdw_socket)
+(roletype object_r logdw_socket)
+(type mdns_socket)
+(roletype object_r mdns_socket)
+(type mdnsd_socket)
+(roletype object_r mdnsd_socket)
+(type misc_logd_file)
+(roletype object_r misc_logd_file)
+(type mtpd_socket)
+(roletype object_r mtpd_socket)
+(type netd_socket)
+(roletype object_r netd_socket)
+(type property_socket)
+(roletype object_r property_socket)
+(type racoon_socket)
+(roletype object_r racoon_socket)
+(type rild_socket)
+(roletype object_r rild_socket)
+(type rild_debug_socket)
+(roletype object_r rild_debug_socket)
+(type system_wpa_socket)
+(roletype object_r system_wpa_socket)
+(type system_ndebug_socket)
+(roletype object_r system_ndebug_socket)
+(type tombstoned_crash_socket)
+(roletype object_r tombstoned_crash_socket)
+(type tombstoned_java_trace_socket)
+(roletype object_r tombstoned_java_trace_socket)
+(type tombstoned_intercept_socket)
+(roletype object_r tombstoned_intercept_socket)
+(type traced_producer_socket)
+(roletype object_r traced_producer_socket)
+(type traced_consumer_socket)
+(roletype object_r traced_consumer_socket)
+(type uncrypt_socket)
+(roletype object_r uncrypt_socket)
+(type wpa_socket)
+(roletype object_r wpa_socket)
+(type zygote_socket)
+(roletype object_r zygote_socket)
+(type gps_control)
+(roletype object_r gps_control)
+(type pdx_display_dir)
+(roletype object_r pdx_display_dir)
+(type pdx_performance_dir)
+(roletype object_r pdx_performance_dir)
+(type pdx_bufferhub_dir)
+(roletype object_r pdx_bufferhub_dir)
+(type pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket)
+(roletype object_r pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket)
+(type pdx_display_client_channel_socket)
+(roletype object_r pdx_display_client_channel_socket)
+(type pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket)
+(roletype object_r pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket)
+(type pdx_display_manager_channel_socket)
+(roletype object_r pdx_display_manager_channel_socket)
+(type pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket)
+(roletype object_r pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket)
+(type pdx_display_screenshot_channel_socket)
+(roletype object_r pdx_display_screenshot_channel_socket)
+(type pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket)
+(roletype object_r pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket)
+(type pdx_display_vsync_channel_socket)
+(roletype object_r pdx_display_vsync_channel_socket)
+(type pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket)
+(roletype object_r pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket)
+(type pdx_performance_client_channel_socket)
+(roletype object_r pdx_performance_client_channel_socket)
+(type pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket)
+(roletype object_r pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket)
+(type pdx_bufferhub_client_channel_socket)
+(roletype object_r pdx_bufferhub_client_channel_socket)
+(type file_contexts_file)
+(roletype object_r file_contexts_file)
+(type mac_perms_file)
+(roletype object_r mac_perms_file)
+(type property_contexts_file)
+(roletype object_r property_contexts_file)
+(type seapp_contexts_file)
+(roletype object_r seapp_contexts_file)
+(type sepolicy_file)
+(roletype object_r sepolicy_file)
+(type service_contexts_file)
+(roletype object_r service_contexts_file)
+(type nonplat_service_contexts_file)
+(roletype object_r nonplat_service_contexts_file)
+(type hwservice_contexts_file)
+(roletype object_r hwservice_contexts_file)
+(type vndservice_contexts_file)
+(roletype object_r vndservice_contexts_file)
+(type audiohal_data_file)
+(roletype object_r audiohal_data_file)
+(type fingerprintd)
+(roletype object_r fingerprintd)
+(type fingerprintd_exec)
+(roletype object_r fingerprintd_exec)
+(type fsck)
+(roletype object_r fsck)
+(type fsck_exec)
+(roletype object_r fsck_exec)
+(type fsck_untrusted)
+(roletype object_r fsck_untrusted)
+(type gatekeeperd)
+(roletype object_r gatekeeperd)
+(type gatekeeperd_exec)
+(roletype object_r gatekeeperd_exec)
+(type healthd)
+(roletype object_r healthd)
+(type healthd_exec)
+(roletype object_r healthd_exec)
+(type default_android_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r default_android_hwservice)
+(type fwk_display_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r fwk_display_hwservice)
+(type fwk_scheduler_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r fwk_scheduler_hwservice)
+(type fwk_sensor_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r fwk_sensor_hwservice)
+(type hal_audiocontrol_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_audiocontrol_hwservice)
+(type hal_audio_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_audio_hwservice)
+(type hal_authsecret_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_authsecret_hwservice)
+(type hal_bluetooth_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_bluetooth_hwservice)
+(type hal_bootctl_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_bootctl_hwservice)
+(type hal_broadcastradio_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_broadcastradio_hwservice)
+(type hal_camera_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_camera_hwservice)
+(type hal_codec2_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_codec2_hwservice)
+(type hal_configstore_ISurfaceFlingerConfigs)
+(roletype object_r hal_configstore_ISurfaceFlingerConfigs)
+(type hal_confirmationui_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_confirmationui_hwservice)
+(type hal_contexthub_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_contexthub_hwservice)
+(type hal_drm_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_drm_hwservice)
+(type hal_cas_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_cas_hwservice)
+(type hal_dumpstate_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_dumpstate_hwservice)
+(type hal_evs_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_evs_hwservice)
+(type hal_fingerprint_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_fingerprint_hwservice)
+(type hal_gatekeeper_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_gatekeeper_hwservice)
+(type hal_gnss_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_gnss_hwservice)
+(type hal_graphics_allocator_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_graphics_allocator_hwservice)
+(type hal_graphics_composer_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_graphics_composer_hwservice)
+(type hal_graphics_mapper_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_graphics_mapper_hwservice)
+(type hal_health_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_health_hwservice)
+(type hal_ir_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_ir_hwservice)
+(type hal_keymaster_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_keymaster_hwservice)
+(type hal_light_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_light_hwservice)
+(type hal_lowpan_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_lowpan_hwservice)
+(type hal_memtrack_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_memtrack_hwservice)
+(type hal_neuralnetworks_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_neuralnetworks_hwservice)
+(type hal_nfc_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_nfc_hwservice)
+(type hal_oemlock_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_oemlock_hwservice)
+(type hal_omx_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_omx_hwservice)
+(type hal_power_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_power_hwservice)
+(type hal_renderscript_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_renderscript_hwservice)
+(type hal_secure_element_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_secure_element_hwservice)
+(type hal_sensors_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_sensors_hwservice)
+(type hal_telephony_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_telephony_hwservice)
+(type hal_tetheroffload_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_tetheroffload_hwservice)
+(type hal_thermal_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_thermal_hwservice)
+(type hal_tv_cec_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_tv_cec_hwservice)
+(type hal_tv_input_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_tv_input_hwservice)
+(type hal_usb_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_usb_hwservice)
+(type hal_usb_gadget_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_usb_gadget_hwservice)
+(type hal_vehicle_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_vehicle_hwservice)
+(type hal_vibrator_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_vibrator_hwservice)
+(type hal_vr_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_vr_hwservice)
+(type hal_weaver_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_weaver_hwservice)
+(type hal_wifi_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_wifi_hwservice)
+(type hal_wifi_hostapd_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_wifi_hostapd_hwservice)
+(type hal_wifi_offload_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_wifi_offload_hwservice)
+(type hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice)
+(type hidl_allocator_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hidl_allocator_hwservice)
+(type hidl_base_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hidl_base_hwservice)
+(type hidl_manager_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hidl_manager_hwservice)
+(type hidl_memory_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hidl_memory_hwservice)
+(type hidl_token_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hidl_token_hwservice)
+(type system_net_netd_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r system_net_netd_hwservice)
+(type system_wifi_keystore_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r system_wifi_keystore_hwservice)
+(type thermalcallback_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r thermalcallback_hwservice)
+(type hwservicemanager)
+(roletype object_r hwservicemanager)
+(type hwservicemanager_exec)
+(roletype object_r hwservicemanager_exec)
+(type idmap)
+(roletype object_r idmap)
+(type idmap_exec)
+(roletype object_r idmap_exec)
+(type incident)
+(roletype object_r incident)
+(type incident_helper)
+(roletype object_r incident_helper)
+(type incidentd)
+(roletype object_r incidentd)
+(type init)
+(roletype object_r init)
+(type init_exec)
+(roletype object_r init_exec)
+(type inputflinger)
+(roletype object_r inputflinger)
+(type inputflinger_exec)
+(roletype object_r inputflinger_exec)
+(type install_recovery)
+(roletype object_r install_recovery)
+(type install_recovery_exec)
+(roletype object_r install_recovery_exec)
+(type installd)
+(roletype object_r installd)
+(type installd_exec)
+(roletype object_r installd_exec)
+(type isolated_app)
+(roletype object_r isolated_app)
+(type kernel)
+(roletype object_r kernel)
+(type keystore)
+(roletype object_r keystore)
+(type keystore_exec)
+(roletype object_r keystore_exec)
+(type lmkd)
+(roletype object_r lmkd)
+(type lmkd_exec)
+(roletype object_r lmkd_exec)
+(type logd)
+(roletype object_r logd)
+(type logd_exec)
+(roletype object_r logd_exec)
+(type logpersist)
+(roletype object_r logpersist)
+(type mdnsd)
+(roletype object_r mdnsd)
+(type mediacodec)
+(roletype object_r mediacodec)
+(type mediacodec_exec)
+(roletype object_r mediacodec_exec)
+(type mediadrmserver)
+(roletype object_r mediadrmserver)
+(type mediadrmserver_exec)
+(roletype object_r mediadrmserver_exec)
+(type mediaextractor)
+(roletype object_r mediaextractor)
+(type mediaextractor_exec)
+(roletype object_r mediaextractor_exec)
+(type mediametrics)
+(roletype object_r mediametrics)
+(type mediametrics_exec)
+(roletype object_r mediametrics_exec)
+(type mediaprovider)
+(roletype object_r mediaprovider)
+(type mediaserver)
+(roletype object_r mediaserver)
+(type mediaserver_exec)
+(roletype object_r mediaserver_exec)
+(type modprobe)
+(roletype object_r modprobe)
+(type mtp)
+(roletype object_r mtp)
+(type mtp_exec)
+(roletype object_r mtp_exec)
+(type node)
+(roletype object_r node)
+(type netif)
+(roletype object_r netif)
+(type port)
+(roletype object_r port)
+(type netd)
+(roletype object_r netd)
+(type netd_exec)
+(roletype object_r netd_exec)
+(type netutils_wrapper)
+(roletype object_r netutils_wrapper)
+(type netutils_wrapper_exec)
+(roletype object_r netutils_wrapper_exec)
+(type nfc)
+(roletype object_r nfc)
+(type otapreopt_chroot)
+(roletype object_r otapreopt_chroot)
+(type otapreopt_chroot_exec)
+(roletype object_r otapreopt_chroot_exec)
+(type otapreopt_slot)
+(roletype object_r otapreopt_slot)
+(type otapreopt_slot_exec)
+(roletype object_r otapreopt_slot_exec)
+(type performanced)
+(roletype object_r performanced)
+(type performanced_exec)
+(roletype object_r performanced_exec)
+(type perfprofd)
+(roletype object_r perfprofd)
+(type perfprofd_exec)
+(roletype object_r perfprofd_exec)
+(type platform_app)
+(roletype object_r platform_app)
+(type postinstall)
+(roletype object_r postinstall)
+(type postinstall_dexopt)
+(roletype object_r postinstall_dexopt)
+(type ppp)
+(roletype object_r ppp)
+(type ppp_device)
+(roletype object_r ppp_device)
+(type ppp_exec)
+(roletype object_r ppp_exec)
+(type preopt2cachename)
+(roletype object_r preopt2cachename)
+(type preopt2cachename_exec)
+(roletype object_r preopt2cachename_exec)
+(type priv_app)
+(roletype object_r priv_app)
+(type profman)
+(roletype object_r profman)
+(type profman_exec)
+(roletype object_r profman_exec)
+(type audio_prop)
+(roletype object_r audio_prop)
+(type boottime_prop)
+(roletype object_r boottime_prop)
+(type bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop)
+(roletype object_r bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop)
+(type bluetooth_prop)
+(roletype object_r bluetooth_prop)
+(type bootloader_boot_reason_prop)
+(roletype object_r bootloader_boot_reason_prop)
+(type config_prop)
+(roletype object_r config_prop)
+(type cppreopt_prop)
+(roletype object_r cppreopt_prop)
+(type ctl_bootanim_prop)
+(roletype object_r ctl_bootanim_prop)
+(type ctl_bugreport_prop)
+(roletype object_r ctl_bugreport_prop)
+(type ctl_console_prop)
+(roletype object_r ctl_console_prop)
+(type ctl_default_prop)
+(roletype object_r ctl_default_prop)
+(type ctl_dumpstate_prop)
+(roletype object_r ctl_dumpstate_prop)
+(type ctl_fuse_prop)
+(roletype object_r ctl_fuse_prop)
+(type ctl_interface_restart_prop)
+(roletype object_r ctl_interface_restart_prop)
+(type ctl_interface_start_prop)
+(roletype object_r ctl_interface_start_prop)
+(type ctl_interface_stop_prop)
+(roletype object_r ctl_interface_stop_prop)
+(type ctl_mdnsd_prop)
+(roletype object_r ctl_mdnsd_prop)
+(type ctl_restart_prop)
+(roletype object_r ctl_restart_prop)
+(type ctl_rildaemon_prop)
+(roletype object_r ctl_rildaemon_prop)
+(type ctl_sigstop_prop)
+(roletype object_r ctl_sigstop_prop)
+(type ctl_start_prop)
+(roletype object_r ctl_start_prop)
+(type ctl_stop_prop)
+(roletype object_r ctl_stop_prop)
+(type dalvik_prop)
+(roletype object_r dalvik_prop)
+(type debuggerd_prop)
+(roletype object_r debuggerd_prop)
+(type debug_prop)
+(roletype object_r debug_prop)
+(type default_prop)
+(roletype object_r default_prop)
+(type device_logging_prop)
+(roletype object_r device_logging_prop)
+(type dhcp_prop)
+(roletype object_r dhcp_prop)
+(type dumpstate_options_prop)
+(roletype object_r dumpstate_options_prop)
+(type dumpstate_prop)
+(roletype object_r dumpstate_prop)
+(type exported_secure_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported_secure_prop)
+(type ffs_prop)
+(roletype object_r ffs_prop)
+(type fingerprint_prop)
+(roletype object_r fingerprint_prop)
+(type firstboot_prop)
+(roletype object_r firstboot_prop)
+(type hwservicemanager_prop)
+(roletype object_r hwservicemanager_prop)
+(type last_boot_reason_prop)
+(roletype object_r last_boot_reason_prop)
+(type logd_prop)
+(roletype object_r logd_prop)
+(type logpersistd_logging_prop)
+(roletype object_r logpersistd_logging_prop)
+(type log_prop)
+(roletype object_r log_prop)
+(type log_tag_prop)
+(roletype object_r log_tag_prop)
+(type lowpan_prop)
+(roletype object_r lowpan_prop)
+(type mmc_prop)
+(roletype object_r mmc_prop)
+(type net_dns_prop)
+(roletype object_r net_dns_prop)
+(type net_radio_prop)
+(roletype object_r net_radio_prop)
+(type netd_stable_secret_prop)
+(roletype object_r netd_stable_secret_prop)
+(type nfc_prop)
+(roletype object_r nfc_prop)
+(type overlay_prop)
+(roletype object_r overlay_prop)
+(type pan_result_prop)
+(roletype object_r pan_result_prop)
+(type persist_debug_prop)
+(roletype object_r persist_debug_prop)
+(type persistent_properties_ready_prop)
+(roletype object_r persistent_properties_ready_prop)
+(type pm_prop)
+(roletype object_r pm_prop)
+(type powerctl_prop)
+(roletype object_r powerctl_prop)
+(type radio_prop)
+(roletype object_r radio_prop)
+(type restorecon_prop)
+(roletype object_r restorecon_prop)
+(type safemode_prop)
+(roletype object_r safemode_prop)
+(type serialno_prop)
+(roletype object_r serialno_prop)
+(type shell_prop)
+(roletype object_r shell_prop)
+(type system_boot_reason_prop)
+(roletype object_r system_boot_reason_prop)
+(type system_prop)
+(roletype object_r system_prop)
+(type system_radio_prop)
+(roletype object_r system_radio_prop)
+(type test_boot_reason_prop)
+(roletype object_r test_boot_reason_prop)
+(type traced_enabled_prop)
+(roletype object_r traced_enabled_prop)
+(type vold_prop)
+(roletype object_r vold_prop)
+(type wifi_log_prop)
+(roletype object_r wifi_log_prop)
+(type wifi_prop)
+(roletype object_r wifi_prop)
+(type vendor_security_patch_level_prop)
+(roletype object_r vendor_security_patch_level_prop)
+(type exported_bluetooth_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported_bluetooth_prop)
+(type exported_config_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported_config_prop)
+(type exported_dalvik_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported_dalvik_prop)
+(type exported_default_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported_default_prop)
+(type exported_dumpstate_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported_dumpstate_prop)
+(type exported_ffs_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported_ffs_prop)
+(type exported_fingerprint_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported_fingerprint_prop)
+(type exported_overlay_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported_overlay_prop)
+(type exported_pm_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported_pm_prop)
+(type exported_radio_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported_radio_prop)
+(type exported_system_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported_system_prop)
+(type exported_system_radio_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported_system_radio_prop)
+(type exported_vold_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported_vold_prop)
+(type exported_wifi_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported_wifi_prop)
+(type exported2_config_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported2_config_prop)
+(type exported2_default_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported2_default_prop)
+(type exported2_radio_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported2_radio_prop)
+(type exported2_system_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported2_system_prop)
+(type exported2_vold_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported2_vold_prop)
+(type exported3_default_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported3_default_prop)
+(type exported3_radio_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported3_radio_prop)
+(type exported3_system_prop)
+(roletype object_r exported3_system_prop)
+(type vendor_default_prop)
+(roletype object_r vendor_default_prop)
+(type racoon)
+(roletype object_r racoon)
+(type racoon_exec)
+(roletype object_r racoon_exec)
+(type radio)
+(roletype object_r radio)
+(type recovery)
+(roletype object_r recovery)
+(type recovery_persist)
+(roletype object_r recovery_persist)
+(type recovery_persist_exec)
+(roletype object_r recovery_persist_exec)
+(type recovery_refresh)
+(roletype object_r recovery_refresh)
+(type recovery_refresh_exec)
+(roletype object_r recovery_refresh_exec)
+(type runas)
+(roletype object_r runas)
+(type runas_exec)
+(roletype object_r runas_exec)
+(type sdcardd)
+(roletype object_r sdcardd)
+(type sdcardd_exec)
+(roletype object_r sdcardd_exec)
+(type secure_element)
+(roletype object_r secure_element)
+(type audioserver_service)
+(roletype object_r audioserver_service)
+(type batteryproperties_service)
+(roletype object_r batteryproperties_service)
+(type bluetooth_service)
+(roletype object_r bluetooth_service)
+(type cameraserver_service)
+(roletype object_r cameraserver_service)
+(type default_android_service)
+(roletype object_r default_android_service)
+(type drmserver_service)
+(roletype object_r drmserver_service)
+(type dumpstate_service)
+(roletype object_r dumpstate_service)
+(type fingerprintd_service)
+(roletype object_r fingerprintd_service)
+(type hal_fingerprint_service)
+(roletype object_r hal_fingerprint_service)
+(type gatekeeper_service)
+(roletype object_r gatekeeper_service)
+(type gpu_service)
+(roletype object_r gpu_service)
+(type inputflinger_service)
+(roletype object_r inputflinger_service)
+(type incident_service)
+(roletype object_r incident_service)
+(type installd_service)
+(roletype object_r installd_service)
+(type keystore_service)
+(roletype object_r keystore_service)
+(type mediaserver_service)
+(roletype object_r mediaserver_service)
+(type mediametrics_service)
+(roletype object_r mediametrics_service)
+(type mediaextractor_service)
+(roletype object_r mediaextractor_service)
+(type mediaextractor_update_service)
+(roletype object_r mediaextractor_update_service)
+(type mediacodec_service)
+(roletype object_r mediacodec_service)
+(type mediadrmserver_service)
+(roletype object_r mediadrmserver_service)
+(type netd_service)
+(roletype object_r netd_service)
+(type nfc_service)
+(roletype object_r nfc_service)
+(type perfprofd_service)
+(roletype object_r perfprofd_service)
+(type radio_service)
+(roletype object_r radio_service)
+(type secure_element_service)
+(roletype object_r secure_element_service)
+(type storaged_service)
+(roletype object_r storaged_service)
+(type surfaceflinger_service)
+(roletype object_r surfaceflinger_service)
+(type system_app_service)
+(roletype object_r system_app_service)
+(type thermal_service)
+(roletype object_r thermal_service)
+(type update_engine_service)
+(roletype object_r update_engine_service)
+(type virtual_touchpad_service)
+(roletype object_r virtual_touchpad_service)
+(type vold_service)
+(roletype object_r vold_service)
+(type vr_hwc_service)
+(roletype object_r vr_hwc_service)
+(type accessibility_service)
+(roletype object_r accessibility_service)
+(type account_service)
+(roletype object_r account_service)
+(type activity_service)
+(roletype object_r activity_service)
+(type alarm_service)
+(roletype object_r alarm_service)
+(type appops_service)
+(roletype object_r appops_service)
+(type appwidget_service)
+(roletype object_r appwidget_service)
+(type assetatlas_service)
+(roletype object_r assetatlas_service)
+(type audio_service)
+(roletype object_r audio_service)
+(type autofill_service)
+(roletype object_r autofill_service)
+(type backup_service)
+(roletype object_r backup_service)
+(type batterystats_service)
+(roletype object_r batterystats_service)
+(type battery_service)
+(roletype object_r battery_service)
+(type binder_calls_stats_service)
+(roletype object_r binder_calls_stats_service)
+(type bluetooth_manager_service)
+(roletype object_r bluetooth_manager_service)
+(type broadcastradio_service)
+(roletype object_r broadcastradio_service)
+(type cameraproxy_service)
+(roletype object_r cameraproxy_service)
+(type clipboard_service)
+(roletype object_r clipboard_service)
+(type contexthub_service)
+(roletype object_r contexthub_service)
+(type crossprofileapps_service)
+(roletype object_r crossprofileapps_service)
+(type IProxyService_service)
+(roletype object_r IProxyService_service)
+(type commontime_management_service)
+(roletype object_r commontime_management_service)
+(type companion_device_service)
+(roletype object_r companion_device_service)
+(type connectivity_service)
+(roletype object_r connectivity_service)
+(type connmetrics_service)
+(roletype object_r connmetrics_service)
+(type consumer_ir_service)
+(roletype object_r consumer_ir_service)
+(type content_service)
+(roletype object_r content_service)
+(type country_detector_service)
+(roletype object_r country_detector_service)
+(type coverage_service)
+(roletype object_r coverage_service)
+(type cpuinfo_service)
+(roletype object_r cpuinfo_service)
+(type dbinfo_service)
+(roletype object_r dbinfo_service)
+(type device_policy_service)
+(roletype object_r device_policy_service)
+(type deviceidle_service)
+(roletype object_r deviceidle_service)
+(type device_identifiers_service)
+(roletype object_r device_identifiers_service)
+(type devicestoragemonitor_service)
+(roletype object_r devicestoragemonitor_service)
+(type diskstats_service)
+(roletype object_r diskstats_service)
+(type display_service)
+(roletype object_r display_service)
+(type font_service)
+(roletype object_r font_service)
+(type netd_listener_service)
+(roletype object_r netd_listener_service)
+(type network_watchlist_service)
+(roletype object_r network_watchlist_service)
+(type DockObserver_service)
+(roletype object_r DockObserver_service)
+(type dreams_service)
+(roletype object_r dreams_service)
+(type dropbox_service)
+(roletype object_r dropbox_service)
+(type lowpan_service)
+(roletype object_r lowpan_service)
+(type ethernet_service)
+(roletype object_r ethernet_service)
+(type fingerprint_service)
+(roletype object_r fingerprint_service)
+(type gfxinfo_service)
+(roletype object_r gfxinfo_service)
+(type graphicsstats_service)
+(roletype object_r graphicsstats_service)
+(type hardware_service)
+(roletype object_r hardware_service)
+(type hardware_properties_service)
+(roletype object_r hardware_properties_service)
+(type hdmi_control_service)
+(roletype object_r hdmi_control_service)
+(type input_method_service)
+(roletype object_r input_method_service)
+(type input_service)
+(roletype object_r input_service)
+(type imms_service)
+(roletype object_r imms_service)
+(type ipsec_service)
+(roletype object_r ipsec_service)
+(type jobscheduler_service)
+(roletype object_r jobscheduler_service)
+(type launcherapps_service)
+(roletype object_r launcherapps_service)
+(type location_service)
+(roletype object_r location_service)
+(type lock_settings_service)
+(roletype object_r lock_settings_service)
+(type media_projection_service)
+(roletype object_r media_projection_service)
+(type media_router_service)
+(roletype object_r media_router_service)
+(type media_session_service)
+(roletype object_r media_session_service)
+(type meminfo_service)
+(roletype object_r meminfo_service)
+(type midi_service)
+(roletype object_r midi_service)
+(type mount_service)
+(roletype object_r mount_service)
+(type netpolicy_service)
+(roletype object_r netpolicy_service)
+(type netstats_service)
+(roletype object_r netstats_service)
+(type network_management_service)
+(roletype object_r network_management_service)
+(type network_score_service)
+(roletype object_r network_score_service)
+(type network_time_update_service)
+(roletype object_r network_time_update_service)
+(type notification_service)
+(roletype object_r notification_service)
+(type oem_lock_service)
+(roletype object_r oem_lock_service)
+(type otadexopt_service)
+(roletype object_r otadexopt_service)
+(type overlay_service)
+(roletype object_r overlay_service)
+(type package_service)
+(roletype object_r package_service)
+(type package_native_service)
+(roletype object_r package_native_service)
+(type permission_service)
+(roletype object_r permission_service)
+(type persistent_data_block_service)
+(roletype object_r persistent_data_block_service)
+(type pinner_service)
+(roletype object_r pinner_service)
+(type power_service)
+(roletype object_r power_service)
+(type print_service)
+(roletype object_r print_service)
+(type processinfo_service)
+(roletype object_r processinfo_service)
+(type procstats_service)
+(roletype object_r procstats_service)
+(type recovery_service)
+(roletype object_r recovery_service)
+(type registry_service)
+(roletype object_r registry_service)
+(type restrictions_service)
+(roletype object_r restrictions_service)
+(type rttmanager_service)
+(roletype object_r rttmanager_service)
+(type samplingprofiler_service)
+(roletype object_r samplingprofiler_service)
+(type scheduling_policy_service)
+(roletype object_r scheduling_policy_service)
+(type search_service)
+(roletype object_r search_service)
+(type sec_key_att_app_id_provider_service)
+(roletype object_r sec_key_att_app_id_provider_service)
+(type sensorservice_service)
+(roletype object_r sensorservice_service)
+(type serial_service)
+(roletype object_r serial_service)
+(type servicediscovery_service)
+(roletype object_r servicediscovery_service)
+(type settings_service)
+(roletype object_r settings_service)
+(type shortcut_service)
+(roletype object_r shortcut_service)
+(type slice_service)
+(roletype object_r slice_service)
+(type statusbar_service)
+(roletype object_r statusbar_service)
+(type storagestats_service)
+(roletype object_r storagestats_service)
+(type system_update_service)
+(roletype object_r system_update_service)
+(type task_service)
+(roletype object_r task_service)
+(type textclassification_service)
+(roletype object_r textclassification_service)
+(type textservices_service)
+(roletype object_r textservices_service)
+(type telecom_service)
+(roletype object_r telecom_service)
+(type timezone_service)
+(roletype object_r timezone_service)
+(type trust_service)
+(roletype object_r trust_service)
+(type tv_input_service)
+(roletype object_r tv_input_service)
+(type uimode_service)
+(roletype object_r uimode_service)
+(type updatelock_service)
+(roletype object_r updatelock_service)
+(type usagestats_service)
+(roletype object_r usagestats_service)
+(type usb_service)
+(roletype object_r usb_service)
+(type user_service)
+(roletype object_r user_service)
+(type vibrator_service)
+(roletype object_r vibrator_service)
+(type voiceinteraction_service)
+(roletype object_r voiceinteraction_service)
+(type vr_manager_service)
+(roletype object_r vr_manager_service)
+(type wallpaper_service)
+(roletype object_r wallpaper_service)
+(type webviewupdate_service)
+(roletype object_r webviewupdate_service)
+(type wifip2p_service)
+(roletype object_r wifip2p_service)
+(type wifiscanner_service)
+(roletype object_r wifiscanner_service)
+(type wifi_service)
+(roletype object_r wifi_service)
+(type wificond_service)
+(roletype object_r wificond_service)
+(type wifiaware_service)
+(roletype object_r wifiaware_service)
+(type window_service)
+(roletype object_r window_service)
+(type wpantund_service)
+(roletype object_r wpantund_service)
+(type servicemanager)
+(roletype object_r servicemanager)
+(type servicemanager_exec)
+(roletype object_r servicemanager_exec)
+(type sgdisk)
+(roletype object_r sgdisk)
+(type sgdisk_exec)
+(roletype object_r sgdisk_exec)
+(type shared_relro)
+(roletype object_r shared_relro)
+(type shell)
+(roletype object_r shell)
+(type shell_exec)
+(roletype object_r shell_exec)
+(type slideshow)
+(roletype object_r slideshow)
+(type su)
+(roletype object_r su)
+(type su_exec)
+(roletype object_r su_exec)
+(type surfaceflinger)
+(roletype object_r surfaceflinger)
+(type system_app)
+(roletype object_r system_app)
+(type system_server)
+(roletype object_r system_server)
+(type tee)
+(roletype object_r tee)
+(type tee_device)
+(roletype object_r tee_device)
+(type thermalserviced)
+(roletype object_r thermalserviced)
+(type thermalserviced_exec)
+(roletype object_r thermalserviced_exec)
+(type tombstoned)
+(roletype object_r tombstoned)
+(type tombstoned_exec)
+(roletype object_r tombstoned_exec)
+(type toolbox)
+(roletype object_r toolbox)
+(type toolbox_exec)
+(roletype object_r toolbox_exec)
+(type traced_probes)
+(roletype object_r traced_probes)
+(type traceur_app)
+(roletype object_r traceur_app)
+(type tzdatacheck)
+(roletype object_r tzdatacheck)
+(type tzdatacheck_exec)
+(roletype object_r tzdatacheck_exec)
+(type ueventd)
+(roletype object_r ueventd)
+(type uncrypt)
+(roletype object_r uncrypt)
+(type uncrypt_exec)
+(roletype object_r uncrypt_exec)
+(type untrusted_app)
+(roletype object_r untrusted_app)
+(type untrusted_app_27)
+(roletype object_r untrusted_app_27)
+(type untrusted_app_25)
+(roletype object_r untrusted_app_25)
+(type untrusted_v2_app)
+(roletype object_r untrusted_v2_app)
+(type update_engine)
+(roletype object_r update_engine)
+(type update_engine_exec)
+(roletype object_r update_engine_exec)
+(type update_verifier)
+(roletype object_r update_verifier)
+(type update_verifier_exec)
+(roletype object_r update_verifier_exec)
+(type usbd)
+(roletype object_r usbd)
+(type usbd_exec)
+(roletype object_r usbd_exec)
+(type vdc)
+(roletype object_r vdc)
+(type vdc_exec)
+(roletype object_r vdc_exec)
+(type vendor_init)
+(roletype object_r vendor_init)
+(type vendor_shell)
+(roletype object_r vendor_shell)
+(type vendor_shell_exec)
+(roletype object_r vendor_shell_exec)
+(type vendor_toolbox_exec)
+(roletype object_r vendor_toolbox_exec)
+(type virtual_touchpad)
+(roletype object_r virtual_touchpad)
+(type virtual_touchpad_exec)
+(roletype object_r virtual_touchpad_exec)
+(type default_android_vndservice)
+(roletype object_r default_android_vndservice)
+(type vndservicemanager)
+(roletype object_r vndservicemanager)
+(type vold)
+(roletype object_r vold)
+(type vold_exec)
+(roletype object_r vold_exec)
+(type vold_prepare_subdirs)
+(roletype object_r vold_prepare_subdirs)
+(type vold_prepare_subdirs_exec)
+(roletype object_r vold_prepare_subdirs_exec)
+(type vr_hwc)
+(roletype object_r vr_hwc)
+(type vr_hwc_exec)
+(roletype object_r vr_hwc_exec)
+(type watchdogd)
+(roletype object_r watchdogd)
+(type webview_zygote)
+(roletype object_r webview_zygote)
+(type webview_zygote_exec)
+(roletype object_r webview_zygote_exec)
+(type wificond)
+(roletype object_r wificond)
+(type wificond_exec)
+(roletype object_r wificond_exec)
+(type wpantund)
+(roletype object_r wpantund)
+(type wpantund_exec)
+(roletype object_r wpantund_exec)
+(type zygote)
+(roletype object_r zygote)
+(type zygote_exec)
+(roletype object_r zygote_exec)
+(type dataservice_app)
+(roletype object_r dataservice_app)
+(type smcinvoke_device)
+(roletype object_r smcinvoke_device)
+(type smd7_device)
+(roletype object_r smd7_device)
+(type dpmd)
+(roletype object_r dpmd)
+(type dun-server)
+(roletype object_r dun-server)
+(type dpmtcm_socket)
+(roletype object_r dpmtcm_socket)
+(type hal_atfwd_hwservice)
+(roletype object_r hal_atfwd_hwservice)
+(type mirrorlink)
+(roletype object_r mirrorlink)
+(type vendor_mmi_sys)
+(roletype object_r vendor_mmi_sys)
+(type perfservice)
+(roletype object_r perfservice)
+(type persist_dpm_prop)
+(roletype object_r persist_dpm_prop)
+(type vendor_bt_prop)
+(roletype object_r vendor_bt_prop)
+(type qtelephony)
+(roletype object_r qtelephony)
+(type qvrd)
+(roletype object_r qvrd)
+(type wfdservice)
+(roletype object_r wfdservice)
+(type wfdservice_exec)
+(roletype object_r wfdservice_exec)
+(type adbd_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r adbd_tmpfs)
+(type atrace)
+(roletype object_r atrace)
+(type atrace_exec)
+(roletype object_r atrace_exec)
+(type audioserver_exec)
+(roletype object_r audioserver_exec)
+(type audioserver_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r audioserver_tmpfs)
+(type blank_screen)
+(roletype object_r blank_screen)
+(type blank_screen_exec)
+(roletype object_r blank_screen_exec)
+(type blank_screen_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r blank_screen_tmpfs)
+(type blkid_exec)
+(roletype object_r blkid_exec)
+(type bluetooth_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r bluetooth_tmpfs)
+(type bootanim_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r bootanim_tmpfs)
+(type bootstat_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r bootstat_tmpfs)
+(type bpfloader)
+(roletype object_r bpfloader)
+(type bpfloader_exec)
+(roletype object_r bpfloader_exec)
+(type bufferhubd_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r bufferhubd_tmpfs)
+(type cameraserver_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r cameraserver_tmpfs)
+(type cppreopts_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r cppreopts_tmpfs)
+(type dexoptanalyzer)
+(roletype object_r dexoptanalyzer)
+(type dexoptanalyzer_exec)
+(roletype object_r dexoptanalyzer_exec)
+(type dexoptanalyzer_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r dexoptanalyzer_tmpfs)
+(type dhcp_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r dhcp_tmpfs)
+(type drmserver_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r drmserver_tmpfs)
+(type dumpstate_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r dumpstate_tmpfs)
+(type ephemeral_app_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r ephemeral_app_tmpfs)
+(type config_gz)
+(roletype object_r config_gz)
+(type stats_data_file)
+(roletype object_r stats_data_file)
+(type statsdw_socket)
+(roletype object_r statsdw_socket)
+(type storaged_data_file)
+(roletype object_r storaged_data_file)
+(type wm_trace_data_file)
+(roletype object_r wm_trace_data_file)
+(type perfetto_traces_data_file)
+(roletype object_r perfetto_traces_data_file)
+(type fingerprintd_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r fingerprintd_tmpfs)
+(type fsck_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r fsck_tmpfs)
+(type gatekeeperd_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r gatekeeperd_tmpfs)
+(type hal_allocator_default)
+(roletype object_r hal_allocator_default)
+(type hal_allocator_default_exec)
+(roletype object_r hal_allocator_default_exec)
+(type hal_allocator_default_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r hal_allocator_default_tmpfs)
+(type healthd_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r healthd_tmpfs)
+(type hwservicemanager_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r hwservicemanager_tmpfs)
+(type incident_exec)
+(roletype object_r incident_exec)
+(type incident_helper_exec)
+(roletype object_r incident_helper_exec)
+(type incidentd_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r incidentd_tmpfs)
+(type incidentd_exec)
+(roletype object_r incidentd_exec)
+(type init_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r init_tmpfs)
+(type inputflinger_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r inputflinger_tmpfs)
+(type install_recovery_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r install_recovery_tmpfs)
+(type installd_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r installd_tmpfs)
+(type isolated_app_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r isolated_app_tmpfs)
+(type keystore_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r keystore_tmpfs)
+(type lmkd_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r lmkd_tmpfs)
+(type logd_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r logd_tmpfs)
+(type mdnsd_exec)
+(roletype object_r mdnsd_exec)
+(type mdnsd_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r mdnsd_tmpfs)
+(type mediadrmserver_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r mediadrmserver_tmpfs)
+(type mediaextractor_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r mediaextractor_tmpfs)
+(type mediametrics_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r mediametrics_tmpfs)
+(type mediaprovider_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r mediaprovider_tmpfs)
+(type mediaserver_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r mediaserver_tmpfs)
+(type mtp_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r mtp_tmpfs)
+(type netd_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r netd_tmpfs)
+(type nfc_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r nfc_tmpfs)
+(type otapreopt_slot_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r otapreopt_slot_tmpfs)
+(type perfetto)
+(roletype object_r perfetto)
+(type perfetto_exec)
+(roletype object_r perfetto_exec)
+(type perfetto_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r perfetto_tmpfs)
+(type performanced_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r performanced_tmpfs)
+(type platform_app_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r platform_app_tmpfs)
+(type priv_app_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r priv_app_tmpfs)
+(type priv_app_devpts)
+(roletype object_r priv_app_devpts)
+(type racoon_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r racoon_tmpfs)
+(type radio_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r radio_tmpfs)
+(type recovery_persist_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r recovery_persist_tmpfs)
+(type recovery_refresh_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r recovery_refresh_tmpfs)
+(type secure_element_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r secure_element_tmpfs)
+(type stats_service)
+(roletype object_r stats_service)
+(type statscompanion_service)
+(roletype object_r statscompanion_service)
+(type servicemanager_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r servicemanager_tmpfs)
+(type shared_relro_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r shared_relro_tmpfs)
+(type shell_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r shell_tmpfs)
+(type stats)
+(roletype object_r stats)
+(type stats_exec)
+(roletype object_r stats_exec)
+(type statsd)
+(roletype object_r statsd)
+(type statsd_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r statsd_tmpfs)
+(type statsd_exec)
+(roletype object_r statsd_exec)
+(type storaged)
+(roletype object_r storaged)
+(type storaged_exec)
+(roletype object_r storaged_exec)
+(type storaged_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r storaged_tmpfs)
+(type surfaceflinger_exec)
+(roletype object_r surfaceflinger_exec)
+(type surfaceflinger_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r surfaceflinger_tmpfs)
+(type system_app_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r system_app_tmpfs)
+(type system_server_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r system_server_tmpfs)
+(type thermalserviced_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r thermalserviced_tmpfs)
+(type tombstoned_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r tombstoned_tmpfs)
+(type toolbox_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r toolbox_tmpfs)
+(type traced)
+(roletype object_r traced)
+(type traced_exec)
+(roletype object_r traced_exec)
+(type traced_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r traced_tmpfs)
+(type traced_probes_exec)
+(roletype object_r traced_probes_exec)
+(type traced_probes_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r traced_probes_tmpfs)
+(type traceur_app_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r traceur_app_tmpfs)
+(type tzdatacheck_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r tzdatacheck_tmpfs)
+(type ueventd_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r ueventd_tmpfs)
+(type uncrypt_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r uncrypt_tmpfs)
+(type untrusted_app_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r untrusted_app_tmpfs)
+(type untrusted_app_25_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r untrusted_app_25_tmpfs)
+(type untrusted_app_27_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r untrusted_app_27_tmpfs)
+(type untrusted_app_all_devpts)
+(roletype object_r untrusted_app_all_devpts)
+(type untrusted_v2_app_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r untrusted_v2_app_tmpfs)
+(type update_engine_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r update_engine_tmpfs)
+(type update_verifier_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r update_verifier_tmpfs)
+(type usbd_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r usbd_tmpfs)
+(type vdc_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r vdc_tmpfs)
+(type virtual_touchpad_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r virtual_touchpad_tmpfs)
+(type vold_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r vold_tmpfs)
+(type vr_hwc_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r vr_hwc_tmpfs)
+(type wait_for_keymaster)
+(roletype object_r wait_for_keymaster)
+(type wait_for_keymaster_exec)
+(roletype object_r wait_for_keymaster_exec)
+(type wait_for_keymaster_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r wait_for_keymaster_tmpfs)
+(type webview_zygote_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r webview_zygote_tmpfs)
+(type wificond_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r wificond_tmpfs)
+(type wpantund_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r wpantund_tmpfs)
+(type zygote_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r zygote_tmpfs)
+(type flipfont_data_file)
+(roletype object_r flipfont_data_file)
+(type optiflex_service)
+(roletype object_r optiflex_service)
+(type bt_logger)
+(roletype object_r bt_logger)
+(type bt_logger_exec)
+(roletype object_r bt_logger_exec)
+(type bt_logger_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r bt_logger_tmpfs)
+(type dataservice_app_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r dataservice_app_tmpfs)
+(type seemplog_device)
+(roletype object_r seemplog_device)
+(type dpmd_exec)
+(roletype object_r dpmd_exec)
+(type dpmd_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r dpmd_tmpfs)
+(type dun-server_exec)
+(roletype object_r dun-server_exec)
+(type dun-server_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r dun-server_tmpfs)
+(type seemp_data_file)
+(roletype object_r seemp_data_file)
+(type seempdw_socket)
+(roletype object_r seempdw_socket)
+(type dpmd_socket)
+(roletype object_r dpmd_socket)
+(type dpmd_data_file)
+(roletype object_r dpmd_data_file)
+(type dpmwrapper_socket)
+(roletype object_r dpmwrapper_socket)
+(type qvrd_data_file)
+(roletype object_r qvrd_data_file)
+(type qvrd_socket)
+(roletype object_r qvrd_socket)
+(type qvrd_hvx_socket)
+(roletype object_r qvrd_hvx_socket)
+(type mirrorlink_data_file)
+(roletype object_r mirrorlink_data_file)
+(type mirrorlink_socket)
+(roletype object_r mirrorlink_socket)
+(type mirrorlink_exec)
+(roletype object_r mirrorlink_exec)
+(type mirrorlink_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r mirrorlink_tmpfs)
+(type vendor_mmi_sys_exec)
+(roletype object_r vendor_mmi_sys_exec)
+(type vendor_mmi_sys_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r vendor_mmi_sys_tmpfs)
+(type perfservice_exec)
+(roletype object_r perfservice_exec)
+(type perfservice_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r perfservice_tmpfs)
+(type qtelephony_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r qtelephony_tmpfs)
+(type qti-testscripts_exec)
+(roletype object_r qti-testscripts_exec)
+(type qvrd_exec)
+(roletype object_r qvrd_exec)
+(type qvrd_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r qvrd_tmpfs)
+(type seempd)
+(roletype object_r seempd)
+(type seempd_exec)
+(roletype object_r seempd_exec)
+(type seempd_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r seempd_tmpfs)
+(type seemp_service)
+(roletype object_r seemp_service)
+(type cne_service)
+(roletype object_r cne_service)
+(type dpmservice)
+(roletype object_r dpmservice)
+(type uce_service)
+(roletype object_r uce_service)
+(type color_service)
+(roletype object_r color_service)
+(type MinkBinderSvc)
+(roletype object_r MinkBinderSvc)
+(type izat_service)
+(roletype object_r izat_service)
+(type regionalization_service)
+(roletype object_r regionalization_service)
+(type wigigp2p_service)
+(roletype object_r wigigp2p_service)
+(type wigig_service)
+(roletype object_r wigig_service)
+(type vendor_perf_service)
+(roletype object_r vendor_perf_service)
+(type wfdservice_service)
+(roletype object_r wfdservice_service)
+(type smcinvoke_daemon)
+(roletype object_r smcinvoke_daemon)
+(type smcinvoke_daemon_exec)
+(roletype object_r smcinvoke_daemon_exec)
+(type smcinvoke_daemon_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r smcinvoke_daemon_tmpfs)
+(type wfdservice_tmpfs)
+(roletype object_r wfdservice_tmpfs)
+(user u)
+(userrole u object_r)
+(userrole u r)
+(userlevel u (s0 ))
+(userrange u ((s0 ) (s0 (range c0 c1023))))
+(sensitivity s0)
+(sensitivitycategory s0 (c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 c11 c12 c13 c14 c15 c16 c17 c18 c19 c20 c21 c22 c23 c24 c25 c26 c27 c28 c29 c30 c31 c32 c33 c34 c35 c36 c37 c38 c39 c40 c41 c42 c43 c44 c45 c46 c47 c48 c49 c50 c51 c52 c53 c54 c55 c56 c57 c58 c59 c60 c61 c62 c63 c64 c65 c66 c67 c68 c69 c70 c71 c72 c73 c74 c75 c76 c77 c78 c79 c80 c81 c82 c83 c84 c85 c86 c87 c88 c89 c90 c91 c92 c93 c94 c95 c96 c97 c98 c99 c100 c101 c102 c103 c104 c105 c106 c107 c108 c109 c110 c111 c112 c113 c114 c115 c116 c117 c118 c119 c120 c121 c122 c123 c124 c125 c126 c127 c128 c129 c130 c131 c132 c133 c134 c135 c136 c137 c138 c139 c140 c141 c142 c143 c144 c145 c146 c147 c148 c149 c150 c151 c152 c153 c154 c155 c156 c157 c158 c159 c160 c161 c162 c163 c164 c165 c166 c167 c168 c169 c170 c171 c172 c173 c174 c175 c176 c177 c178 c179 c180 c181 c182 c183 c184 c185 c186 c187 c188 c189 c190 c191 c192 c193 c194 c195 c196 c197 c198 c199 c200 c201 c202 c203 c204 c205 c206 c207 c208 c209 c210 c211 c212 c213 c214 c215 c216 c217 c218 c219 c220 c221 c222 c223 c224 c225 c226 c227 c228 c229 c230 c231 c232 c233 c234 c235 c236 c237 c238 c239 c240 c241 c242 c243 c244 c245 c246 c247 c248 c249 c250 c251 c252 c253 c254 c255 c256 c257 c258 c259 c260 c261 c262 c263 c264 c265 c266 c267 c268 c269 c270 c271 c272 c273 c274 c275 c276 c277 c278 c279 c280 c281 c282 c283 c284 c285 c286 c287 c288 c289 c290 c291 c292 c293 c294 c295 c296 c297 c298 c299 c300 c301 c302 c303 c304 c305 c306 c307 c308 c309 c310 c311 c312 c313 c314 c315 c316 c317 c318 c319 c320 c321 c322 c323 c324 c325 c326 c327 c328 c329 c330 c331 c332 c333 c334 c335 c336 c337 c338 c339 c340 c341 c342 c343 c344 c345 c346 c347 c348 c349 c350 c351 c352 c353 c354 c355 c356 c357 c358 c359 c360 c361 c362 c363 c364 c365 c366 c367 c368 c369 c370 c371 c372 c373 c374 c375 c376 c377 c378 c379 c380 c381 c382 c383 c384 c385 c386 c387 c388 c389 c390 c391 c392 c393 c394 c395 c396 c397 c398 c399 c400 c401 c402 c403 c404 c405 c406 c407 c408 c409 c410 c411 c412 c413 c414 c415 c416 c417 c418 c419 c420 c421 c422 c423 c424 c425 c426 c427 c428 c429 c430 c431 c432 c433 c434 c435 c436 c437 c438 c439 c440 c441 c442 c443 c444 c445 c446 c447 c448 c449 c450 c451 c452 c453 c454 c455 c456 c457 c458 c459 c460 c461 c462 c463 c464 c465 c466 c467 c468 c469 c470 c471 c472 c473 c474 c475 c476 c477 c478 c479 c480 c481 c482 c483 c484 c485 c486 c487 c488 c489 c490 c491 c492 c493 c494 c495 c496 c497 c498 c499 c500 c501 c502 c503 c504 c505 c506 c507 c508 c509 c510 c511 c512 c513 c514 c515 c516 c517 c518 c519 c520 c521 c522 c523 c524 c525 c526 c527 c528 c529 c530 c531 c532 c533 c534 c535 c536 c537 c538 c539 c540 c541 c542 c543 c544 c545 c546 c547 c548 c549 c550 c551 c552 c553 c554 c555 c556 c557 c558 c559 c560 c561 c562 c563 c564 c565 c566 c567 c568 c569 c570 c571 c572 c573 c574 c575 c576 c577 c578 c579 c580 c581 c582 c583 c584 c585 c586 c587 c588 c589 c590 c591 c592 c593 c594 c595 c596 c597 c598 c599 c600 c601 c602 c603 c604 c605 c606 c607 c608 c609 c610 c611 c612 c613 c614 c615 c616 c617 c618 c619 c620 c621 c622 c623 c624 c625 c626 c627 c628 c629 c630 c631 c632 c633 c634 c635 c636 c637 c638 c639 c640 c641 c642 c643 c644 c645 c646 c647 c648 c649 c650 c651 c652 c653 c654 c655 c656 c657 c658 c659 c660 c661 c662 c663 c664 c665 c666 c667 c668 c669 c670 c671 c672 c673 c674 c675 c676 c677 c678 c679 c680 c681 c682 c683 c684 c685 c686 c687 c688 c689 c690 c691 c692 c693 c694 c695 c696 c697 c698 c699 c700 c701 c702 c703 c704 c705 c706 c707 c708 c709 c710 c711 c712 c713 c714 c715 c716 c717 c718 c719 c720 c721 c722 c723 c724 c725 c726 c727 c728 c729 c730 c731 c732 c733 c734 c735 c736 c737 c738 c739 c740 c741 c742 c743 c744 c745 c746 c747 c748 c749 c750 c751 c752 c753 c754 c755 c756 c757 c758 c759 c760 c761 c762 c763 c764 c765 c766 c767 c768 c769 c770 c771 c772 c773 c774 c775 c776 c777 c778 c779 c780 c781 c782 c783 c784 c785 c786 c787 c788 c789 c790 c791 c792 c793 c794 c795 c796 c797 c798 c799 c800 c801 c802 c803 c804 c805 c806 c807 c808 c809 c810 c811 c812 c813 c814 c815 c816 c817 c818 c819 c820 c821 c822 c823 c824 c825 c826 c827 c828 c829 c830 c831 c832 c833 c834 c835 c836 c837 c838 c839 c840 c841 c842 c843 c844 c845 c846 c847 c848 c849 c850 c851 c852 c853 c854 c855 c856 c857 c858 c859 c860 c861 c862 c863 c864 c865 c866 c867 c868 c869 c870 c871 c872 c873 c874 c875 c876 c877 c878 c879 c880 c881 c882 c883 c884 c885 c886 c887 c888 c889 c890 c891 c892 c893 c894 c895 c896 c897 c898 c899 c900 c901 c902 c903 c904 c905 c906 c907 c908 c909 c910 c911 c912 c913 c914 c915 c916 c917 c918 c919 c920 c921 c922 c923 c924 c925 c926 c927 c928 c929 c930 c931 c932 c933 c934 c935 c936 c937 c938 c939 c940 c941 c942 c943 c944 c945 c946 c947 c948 c949 c950 c951 c952 c953 c954 c955 c956 c957 c958 c959 c960 c961 c962 c963 c964 c965 c966 c967 c968 c969 c970 c971 c972 c973 c974 c975 c976 c977 c978 c979 c980 c981 c982 c983 c984 c985 c986 c987 c988 c989 c990 c991 c992 c993 c994 c995 c996 c997 c998 c999 c1000 c1001 c1002 c1003 c1004 c1005 c1006 c1007 c1008 c1009 c1010 c1011 c1012 c1013 c1014 c1015 c1016 c1017 c1018 c1019 c1020 c1021 c1022 c1023 ))
+(sensitivityorder (s0 ))
+(category c0)
+(category c1)
+(category c2)
+(category c3)
+(category c4)
+(category c5)
+(category c6)
+(category c7)
+(category c8)
+(category c9)
+(category c10)
+(category c11)
+(category c12)
+(category c13)
+(category c14)
+(category c15)
+(category c16)
+(category c17)
+(category c18)
+(category c19)
+(category c20)
+(category c21)
+(category c22)
+(category c23)
+(category c24)
+(category c25)
+(category c26)
+(category c27)
+(category c28)
+(category c29)
+(category c30)
+(category c31)
+(category c32)
+(category c33)
+(category c34)
+(category c35)
+(category c36)
+(category c37)
+(category c38)
+(category c39)
+(category c40)
+(category c41)
+(category c42)
+(category c43)
+(category c44)
+(category c45)
+(category c46)
+(category c47)
+(category c48)
+(category c49)
+(category c50)
+(category c51)
+(category c52)
+(category c53)
+(category c54)
+(category c55)
+(category c56)
+(category c57)
+(category c58)
+(category c59)
+(category c60)
+(category c61)
+(category c62)
+(category c63)
+(category c64)
+(category c65)
+(category c66)
+(category c67)
+(category c68)
+(category c69)
+(category c70)
+(category c71)
+(category c72)
+(category c73)
+(category c74)
+(category c75)
+(category c76)
+(category c77)
+(category c78)
+(category c79)
+(category c80)
+(category c81)
+(category c82)
+(category c83)
+(category c84)
+(category c85)
+(category c86)
+(category c87)
+(category c88)
+(category c89)
+(category c90)
+(category c91)
+(category c92)
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+(category c94)
+(category c95)
+(category c96)
+(category c97)
+(category c98)
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+(category c100)
+(category c101)
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+(category c103)
+(category c104)
+(category c105)
+(category c106)
+(category c107)
+(category c108)
+(category c109)
+(category c110)
+(category c111)
+(category c112)
+(category c113)
+(category c114)
+(category c115)
+(category c116)
+(category c117)
+(category c118)
+(category c119)
+(category c120)
+(category c121)
+(category c122)
+(category c123)
+(category c124)
+(category c125)
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+(category c127)
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+(category c130)
+(category c131)
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+(category c133)
+(category c134)
+(category c135)
+(category c136)
+(category c137)
+(category c138)
+(category c139)
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+(category c179)
+(category c180)
+(category c181)
+(category c182)
+(category c183)
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+(category c186)
+(category c187)
+(category c188)
+(category c189)
+(category c190)
+(category c191)
+(category c192)
+(category c193)
+(category c194)
+(category c195)
+(category c196)
+(category c197)
+(category c198)
+(category c199)
+(category c200)
+(category c201)
+(category c202)
+(category c203)
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+(category c205)
+(category c206)
+(category c207)
+(category c208)
+(category c209)
+(category c210)
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+(category c219)
+(category c220)
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+(category c245)
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+(category c249)
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+(category c255)
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+(category c259)
+(category c260)
+(category c261)
+(category c262)
+(category c263)
+(category c264)
+(category c265)
+(category c266)
+(category c267)
+(category c268)
+(category c269)
+(category c270)
+(category c271)
+(category c272)
+(category c273)
+(category c274)
+(category c275)
+(category c276)
+(category c277)
+(category c278)
+(category c279)
+(category c280)
+(category c281)
+(category c282)
+(category c283)
+(category c284)
+(category c285)
+(category c286)
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+(category c288)
+(category c289)
+(category c290)
+(category c291)
+(category c292)
+(category c293)
+(category c294)
+(category c295)
+(category c296)
+(category c297)
+(category c298)
+(category c299)
+(category c300)
+(category c301)
+(category c302)
+(category c303)
+(category c304)
+(category c305)
+(category c306)
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+(category c309)
+(category c310)
+(category c311)
+(category c312)
+(category c313)
+(category c314)
+(category c315)
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+(category c317)
+(category c318)
+(category c319)
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+(category c330)
+(category c331)
+(category c332)
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+(category c349)
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+(category c359)
+(category c360)
+(category c361)
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+(category c363)
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+(category c365)
+(category c366)
+(category c367)
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+(category c369)
+(category c370)
+(category c371)
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+(category c373)
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+(category c375)
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+(category c377)
+(category c378)
+(category c379)
+(category c380)
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+(category c386)
+(category c387)
+(category c388)
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+(category c390)
+(category c391)
+(category c392)
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+(category c395)
+(category c396)
+(category c397)
+(category c398)
+(category c399)
+(category c400)
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+(category c402)
+(category c403)
+(category c404)
+(category c405)
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+(category c409)
+(category c410)
+(category c411)
+(category c412)
+(category c413)
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+(category c415)
+(category c416)
+(category c417)
+(category c418)
+(category c419)
+(category c420)
+(category c421)
+(category c422)
+(category c423)
+(category c424)
+(category c425)
+(category c426)
+(category c427)
+(category c428)
+(category c429)
+(category c430)
+(category c431)
+(category c432)
+(category c433)
+(category c434)
+(category c435)
+(category c436)
+(category c437)
+(category c438)
+(category c439)
+(category c440)
+(category c441)
+(category c442)
+(category c443)
+(category c444)
+(category c445)
+(category c446)
+(category c447)
+(category c448)
+(category c449)
+(category c450)
+(category c451)
+(category c452)
+(category c453)
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+(category c455)
+(category c456)
+(category c457)
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+(category c459)
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+(category c522)
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+(category c527)
+(category c528)
+(category c529)
+(category c530)
+(category c531)
+(category c532)
+(category c533)
+(category c534)
+(category c535)
+(category c536)
+(category c537)
+(category c538)
+(category c539)
+(category c540)
+(category c541)
+(category c542)
+(category c543)
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+(category c549)
+(category c550)
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+(category c569)
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+(category c578)
+(category c579)
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+(category c581)
+(category c582)
+(category c583)
+(category c584)
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+(category c586)
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+(category c618)
+(category c619)
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+(category c621)
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+(category c688)
+(category c689)
+(category c690)
+(category c691)
+(category c692)
+(category c693)
+(category c694)
+(category c695)
+(category c696)
+(category c697)
+(category c698)
+(category c699)
+(category c700)
+(category c701)
+(category c702)
+(category c703)
+(category c704)
+(category c705)
+(category c706)
+(category c707)
+(category c708)
+(category c709)
+(category c710)
+(category c711)
+(category c712)
+(category c713)
+(category c714)
+(category c715)
+(category c716)
+(category c717)
+(category c718)
+(category c719)
+(category c720)
+(category c721)
+(category c722)
+(category c723)
+(category c724)
+(category c725)
+(category c726)
+(category c727)
+(category c728)
+(category c729)
+(category c730)
+(category c731)
+(category c732)
+(category c733)
+(category c734)
+(category c735)
+(category c736)
+(category c737)
+(category c738)
+(category c739)
+(category c740)
+(category c741)
+(category c742)
+(category c743)
+(category c744)
+(category c745)
+(category c746)
+(category c747)
+(category c748)
+(category c749)
+(category c750)
+(category c751)
+(category c752)
+(category c753)
+(category c754)
+(category c755)
+(category c756)
+(category c757)
+(category c758)
+(category c759)
+(category c760)
+(category c761)
+(category c762)
+(category c763)
+(category c764)
+(category c765)
+(category c766)
+(category c767)
+(category c768)
+(category c769)
+(category c770)
+(category c771)
+(category c772)
+(category c773)
+(category c774)
+(category c775)
+(category c776)
+(category c777)
+(category c778)
+(category c779)
+(category c780)
+(category c781)
+(category c782)
+(category c783)
+(category c784)
+(category c785)
+(category c786)
+(category c787)
+(category c788)
+(category c789)
+(category c790)
+(category c791)
+(category c792)
+(category c793)
+(category c794)
+(category c795)
+(category c796)
+(category c797)
+(category c798)
+(category c799)
+(category c800)
+(category c801)
+(category c802)
+(category c803)
+(category c804)
+(category c805)
+(category c806)
+(category c807)
+(category c808)
+(category c809)
+(category c810)
+(category c811)
+(category c812)
+(category c813)
+(category c814)
+(category c815)
+(category c816)
+(category c817)
+(category c818)
+(category c819)
+(category c820)
+(category c821)
+(category c822)
+(category c823)
+(category c824)
+(category c825)
+(category c826)
+(category c827)
+(category c828)
+(category c829)
+(category c830)
+(category c831)
+(category c832)
+(category c833)
+(category c834)
+(category c835)
+(category c836)
+(category c837)
+(category c838)
+(category c839)
+(category c840)
+(category c841)
+(category c842)
+(category c843)
+(category c844)
+(category c845)
+(category c846)
+(category c847)
+(category c848)
+(category c849)
+(category c850)
+(category c851)
+(category c852)
+(category c853)
+(category c854)
+(category c855)
+(category c856)
+(category c857)
+(category c858)
+(category c859)
+(category c860)
+(category c861)
+(category c862)
+(category c863)
+(category c864)
+(category c865)
+(category c866)
+(category c867)
+(category c868)
+(category c869)
+(category c870)
+(category c871)
+(category c872)
+(category c873)
+(category c874)
+(category c875)
+(category c876)
+(category c877)
+(category c878)
+(category c879)
+(category c880)
+(category c881)
+(category c882)
+(category c883)
+(category c884)
+(category c885)
+(category c886)
+(category c887)
+(category c888)
+(category c889)
+(category c890)
+(category c891)
+(category c892)
+(category c893)
+(category c894)
+(category c895)
+(category c896)
+(category c897)
+(category c898)
+(category c899)
+(category c900)
+(category c901)
+(category c902)
+(category c903)
+(category c904)
+(category c905)
+(category c906)
+(category c907)
+(category c908)
+(category c909)
+(category c910)
+(category c911)
+(category c912)
+(category c913)
+(category c914)
+(category c915)
+(category c916)
+(category c917)
+(category c918)
+(category c919)
+(category c920)
+(category c921)
+(category c922)
+(category c923)
+(category c924)
+(category c925)
+(category c926)
+(category c927)
+(category c928)
+(category c929)
+(category c930)
+(category c931)
+(category c932)
+(category c933)
+(category c934)
+(category c935)
+(category c936)
+(category c937)
+(category c938)
+(category c939)
+(category c940)
+(category c941)
+(category c942)
+(category c943)
+(category c944)
+(category c945)
+(category c946)
+(category c947)
+(category c948)
+(category c949)
+(category c950)
+(category c951)
+(category c952)
+(category c953)
+(category c954)
+(category c955)
+(category c956)
+(category c957)
+(category c958)
+(category c959)
+(category c960)
+(category c961)
+(category c962)
+(category c963)
+(category c964)
+(category c965)
+(category c966)
+(category c967)
+(category c968)
+(category c969)
+(category c970)
+(category c971)
+(category c972)
+(category c973)
+(category c974)
+(category c975)
+(category c976)
+(category c977)
+(category c978)
+(category c979)
+(category c980)
+(category c981)
+(category c982)
+(category c983)
+(category c984)
+(category c985)
+(category c986)
+(category c987)
+(category c988)
+(category c989)
+(category c990)
+(category c991)
+(category c992)
+(category c993)
+(category c994)
+(category c995)
+(category c996)
+(category c997)
+(category c998)
+(category c999)
+(category c1000)
+(category c1001)
+(category c1002)
+(category c1003)
+(category c1004)
+(category c1005)
+(category c1006)
+(category c1007)
+(category c1008)
+(category c1009)
+(category c1010)
+(category c1011)
+(category c1012)
+(category c1013)
+(category c1014)
+(category c1015)
+(category c1016)
+(category c1017)
+(category c1018)
+(category c1019)
+(category c1020)
+(category c1021)
+(category c1022)
+(category c1023)
+(categoryorder (c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 c11 c12 c13 c14 c15 c16 c17 c18 c19 c20 c21 c22 c23 c24 c25 c26 c27 c28 c29 c30 c31 c32 c33 c34 c35 c36 c37 c38 c39 c40 c41 c42 c43 c44 c45 c46 c47 c48 c49 c50 c51 c52 c53 c54 c55 c56 c57 c58 c59 c60 c61 c62 c63 c64 c65 c66 c67 c68 c69 c70 c71 c72 c73 c74 c75 c76 c77 c78 c79 c80 c81 c82 c83 c84 c85 c86 c87 c88 c89 c90 c91 c92 c93 c94 c95 c96 c97 c98 c99 c100 c101 c102 c103 c104 c105 c106 c107 c108 c109 c110 c111 c112 c113 c114 c115 c116 c117 c118 c119 c120 c121 c122 c123 c124 c125 c126 c127 c128 c129 c130 c131 c132 c133 c134 c135 c136 c137 c138 c139 c140 c141 c142 c143 c144 c145 c146 c147 c148 c149 c150 c151 c152 c153 c154 c155 c156 c157 c158 c159 c160 c161 c162 c163 c164 c165 c166 c167 c168 c169 c170 c171 c172 c173 c174 c175 c176 c177 c178 c179 c180 c181 c182 c183 c184 c185 c186 c187 c188 c189 c190 c191 c192 c193 c194 c195 c196 c197 c198 c199 c200 c201 c202 c203 c204 c205 c206 c207 c208 c209 c210 c211 c212 c213 c214 c215 c216 c217 c218 c219 c220 c221 c222 c223 c224 c225 c226 c227 c228 c229 c230 c231 c232 c233 c234 c235 c236 c237 c238 c239 c240 c241 c242 c243 c244 c245 c246 c247 c248 c249 c250 c251 c252 c253 c254 c255 c256 c257 c258 c259 c260 c261 c262 c263 c264 c265 c266 c267 c268 c269 c270 c271 c272 c273 c274 c275 c276 c277 c278 c279 c280 c281 c282 c283 c284 c285 c286 c287 c288 c289 c290 c291 c292 c293 c294 c295 c296 c297 c298 c299 c300 c301 c302 c303 c304 c305 c306 c307 c308 c309 c310 c311 c312 c313 c314 c315 c316 c317 c318 c319 c320 c321 c322 c323 c324 c325 c326 c327 c328 c329 c330 c331 c332 c333 c334 c335 c336 c337 c338 c339 c340 c341 c342 c343 c344 c345 c346 c347 c348 c349 c350 c351 c352 c353 c354 c355 c356 c357 c358 c359 c360 c361 c362 c363 c364 c365 c366 c367 c368 c369 c370 c371 c372 c373 c374 c375 c376 c377 c378 c379 c380 c381 c382 c383 c384 c385 c386 c387 c388 c389 c390 c391 c392 c393 c394 c395 c396 c397 c398 c399 c400 c401 c402 c403 c404 c405 c406 c407 c408 c409 c410 c411 c412 c413 c414 c415 c416 c417 c418 c419 c420 c421 c422 c423 c424 c425 c426 c427 c428 c429 c430 c431 c432 c433 c434 c435 c436 c437 c438 c439 c440 c441 c442 c443 c444 c445 c446 c447 c448 c449 c450 c451 c452 c453 c454 c455 c456 c457 c458 c459 c460 c461 c462 c463 c464 c465 c466 c467 c468 c469 c470 c471 c472 c473 c474 c475 c476 c477 c478 c479 c480 c481 c482 c483 c484 c485 c486 c487 c488 c489 c490 c491 c492 c493 c494 c495 c496 c497 c498 c499 c500 c501 c502 c503 c504 c505 c506 c507 c508 c509 c510 c511 c512 c513 c514 c515 c516 c517 c518 c519 c520 c521 c522 c523 c524 c525 c526 c527 c528 c529 c530 c531 c532 c533 c534 c535 c536 c537 c538 c539 c540 c541 c542 c543 c544 c545 c546 c547 c548 c549 c550 c551 c552 c553 c554 c555 c556 c557 c558 c559 c560 c561 c562 c563 c564 c565 c566 c567 c568 c569 c570 c571 c572 c573 c574 c575 c576 c577 c578 c579 c580 c581 c582 c583 c584 c585 c586 c587 c588 c589 c590 c591 c592 c593 c594 c595 c596 c597 c598 c599 c600 c601 c602 c603 c604 c605 c606 c607 c608 c609 c610 c611 c612 c613 c614 c615 c616 c617 c618 c619 c620 c621 c622 c623 c624 c625 c626 c627 c628 c629 c630 c631 c632 c633 c634 c635 c636 c637 c638 c639 c640 c641 c642 c643 c644 c645 c646 c647 c648 c649 c650 c651 c652 c653 c654 c655 c656 c657 c658 c659 c660 c661 c662 c663 c664 c665 c666 c667 c668 c669 c670 c671 c672 c673 c674 c675 c676 c677 c678 c679 c680 c681 c682 c683 c684 c685 c686 c687 c688 c689 c690 c691 c692 c693 c694 c695 c696 c697 c698 c699 c700 c701 c702 c703 c704 c705 c706 c707 c708 c709 c710 c711 c712 c713 c714 c715 c716 c717 c718 c719 c720 c721 c722 c723 c724 c725 c726 c727 c728 c729 c730 c731 c732 c733 c734 c735 c736 c737 c738 c739 c740 c741 c742 c743 c744 c745 c746 c747 c748 c749 c750 c751 c752 c753 c754 c755 c756 c757 c758 c759 c760 c761 c762 c763 c764 c765 c766 c767 c768 c769 c770 c771 c772 c773 c774 c775 c776 c777 c778 c779 c780 c781 c782 c783 c784 c785 c786 c787 c788 c789 c790 c791 c792 c793 c794 c795 c796 c797 c798 c799 c800 c801 c802 c803 c804 c805 c806 c807 c808 c809 c810 c811 c812 c813 c814 c815 c816 c817 c818 c819 c820 c821 c822 c823 c824 c825 c826 c827 c828 c829 c830 c831 c832 c833 c834 c835 c836 c837 c838 c839 c840 c841 c842 c843 c844 c845 c846 c847 c848 c849 c850 c851 c852 c853 c854 c855 c856 c857 c858 c859 c860 c861 c862 c863 c864 c865 c866 c867 c868 c869 c870 c871 c872 c873 c874 c875 c876 c877 c878 c879 c880 c881 c882 c883 c884 c885 c886 c887 c888 c889 c890 c891 c892 c893 c894 c895 c896 c897 c898 c899 c900 c901 c902 c903 c904 c905 c906 c907 c908 c909 c910 c911 c912 c913 c914 c915 c916 c917 c918 c919 c920 c921 c922 c923 c924 c925 c926 c927 c928 c929 c930 c931 c932 c933 c934 c935 c936 c937 c938 c939 c940 c941 c942 c943 c944 c945 c946 c947 c948 c949 c950 c951 c952 c953 c954 c955 c956 c957 c958 c959 c960 c961 c962 c963 c964 c965 c966 c967 c968 c969 c970 c971 c972 c973 c974 c975 c976 c977 c978 c979 c980 c981 c982 c983 c984 c985 c986 c987 c988 c989 c990 c991 c992 c993 c994 c995 c996 c997 c998 c999 c1000 c1001 c1002 c1003 c1004 c1005 c1006 c1007 c1008 c1009 c1010 c1011 c1012 c1013 c1014 c1015 c1016 c1017 c1018 c1019 c1020 c1021 c1022 c1023 ))
+;;* lmx 260 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_1 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 261 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_2 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 262 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_3 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 263 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_4 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 264 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_5 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 265 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_6 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 266 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_7 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 267 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_8 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 268 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_9 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 269 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_10 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 270 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_11 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 271 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_12 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 272 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_13 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 273 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_14 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 274 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_15 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 275 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_16 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 276 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_17 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 277 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_18 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 278 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_19 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 279 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_20 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 280 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_21 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 281 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_22 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 282 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_23 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 283 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_24 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 284 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_25 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 285 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_26 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 286 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_27 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 287 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_28 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 288 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_29 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 289 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_30 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 290 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_31 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 291 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_32 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 292 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_33 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 293 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_34 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 294 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_35 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 295 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_36 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 296 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_37 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 297 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_38 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 298 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_39 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 299 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_40 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 300 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_41 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 301 system/sepolicy/public/attributes
+(neverallow base_typeattr_42 domain (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+(allow appdomain self (process (execmem)))
+(allow appdomain ashmem_device (chr_file (execute)))
+(allow appdomain zygote (fd (use)))
+(allow appdomain zygote_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow appdomain zygote (process (sigchld)))
+(allow appdomain cgroup (dir (write search)))
+(allow appdomain cgroup (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow appdomain dalvikcache_data_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow appdomain dalvikcache_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 rootfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 tmpfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow appdomain tmpfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow appdomain zygote (fifo_file (write)))
+(allow appdomain shell (process (sigchld)))
+(allow appdomain adbd (process (sigchld)))
+(allow appdomain devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr)))
+(allow appdomain system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow appdomain system_server (fifo_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow appdomain system_server (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow appdomain system_server (tcp_socket (read write getattr getopt shutdown)))
+(allow appdomain appdomain (fifo_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow appdomain surfaceflinger (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 app_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 app_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 app_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 app_data_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 app_data_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow appdomain mnt_expand_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow appdomain keychain_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow appdomain keychain_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow appdomain keychain_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow appdomain misc_user_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow appdomain misc_user_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 textclassifier_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 textclassifier_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 textclassifier_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow appdomain oemfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow appdomain oemfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_44 shell_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_44 toolbox_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_45 system_file (file (getattr map execute execute_no_trans)))
+(allow appdomain system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow appdomain system_file (lnk_file (read getattr open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 vendor_file (dir (read open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_44 vendor_app_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_44 vendor_app_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_44 vendor_app_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_44 vendor_app_file (file (execute)))
+(allow appdomain vendor_overlay_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow appdomain vendor_overlay_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow appdomain vendor_overlay_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow appdomain vendor_framework_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow appdomain vendor_framework_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow appdomain vendor_framework_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow appdomain dex2oat_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow appdomain wallpaper_file (file (read write getattr)))
+(allow appdomain ringtone_file (file (read write getattr)))
+(allow appdomain shortcut_manager_icons (file (read getattr)))
+(allow appdomain icon_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow appdomain anr_data_file (dir (search)))
+(allow appdomain anr_data_file (file (append open)))
+(allow appdomain tombstoned_java_trace_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow appdomain tombstoned (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow appdomain tombstoned (fd (use)))
+(allow appdomain dumpstate (fifo_file (append)))
+(allow appdomain incidentd (fifo_file (append)))
+(allow appdomain dumpstate (fd (use)))
+(allow appdomain dumpstate (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr getopt shutdown)))
+(allow appdomain dumpstate (fifo_file (write getattr)))
+(allow appdomain shell_data_file (file (write getattr)))
+(allow appdomain incidentd (fd (use)))
+(allow appdomain incidentd (fifo_file (write getattr)))
+(allow appdomain user_profile_data_file (dir (write add_name search)))
+(allow appdomain user_profile_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow platform_app qtaguid_proc (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow priv_app qtaguid_proc (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow shell qtaguid_proc (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_app qtaguid_proc (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_27 qtaguid_proc (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_25 qtaguid_proc (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 proc_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 proc_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow platform_app proc_qtaguid_stat (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow priv_app proc_qtaguid_stat (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow shell proc_qtaguid_stat (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_app proc_qtaguid_stat (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_27 proc_qtaguid_stat (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_25 proc_qtaguid_stat (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow platform_app proc_qtaguid_stat (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow platform_app proc_qtaguid_stat (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app proc_qtaguid_stat (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app proc_qtaguid_stat (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell proc_qtaguid_stat (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell proc_qtaguid_stat (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app proc_qtaguid_stat (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app proc_qtaguid_stat (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_27 proc_qtaguid_stat (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_27 proc_qtaguid_stat (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_25 proc_qtaguid_stat (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_25 proc_qtaguid_stat (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow platform_app qtaguid_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app qtaguid_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell qtaguid_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app qtaguid_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_27 qtaguid_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_25 qtaguid_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 gpu_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow appdomain servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager appdomain (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager appdomain (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager appdomain (process (getattr)))
+(allow appdomain binderservicedomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow binderservicedomain appdomain (binder (transfer)))
+(allow appdomain binderservicedomain (fd (use)))
+(allow appdomain appdomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow appdomain appdomain (binder (transfer)))
+(allow appdomain appdomain (fd (use)))
+(allow appdomain ephemeral_app (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow ephemeral_app appdomain (binder (transfer)))
+(allow appdomain ephemeral_app (fd (use)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 hwservicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager base_typeattr_43 (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager base_typeattr_43 (dir (search)))
+(allow hwservicemanager base_typeattr_43 (file (read open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager base_typeattr_43 (process (getattr)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 hal_codec2_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 hal_omx_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 hidl_token_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow appdomain hal_graphics_composer (fd (use)))
+(allow appdomain appdomain (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr getopt shutdown)))
+(allow appdomain backup_data_file (file (read write getattr)))
+(allow appdomain cache_backup_file (file (read write getattr)))
+(allow appdomain cache_backup_file (dir (getattr)))
+(allow appdomain system_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow appdomain system_data_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 media_rw_data_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 radio_data_file (file (read write getattr)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 storage_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 storage_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 mnt_user_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 mnt_user_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 sdcard_type (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 sdcard_type (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 media_rw_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 media_rw_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 usb_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 usbaccessory_device (chr_file (read write getattr)))
+(allow appdomain dalvikcache_data_file (file (execute)))
+(allow appdomain dalvikcache_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow appdomain shared_relro_file (dir (search)))
+(allow appdomain shared_relro_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow appdomain apk_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow appdomain apk_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow appdomain resourcecache_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow appdomain resourcecache_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow appdomain logcat_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow appdomain logdr_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow appdomain logd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow base_typeattr_47 logd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow base_typeattr_47 logd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow appdomain zygote (unix_dgram_socket (write)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 keystore (keystore_key (get_state get insert delete exist list sign verify)))
+(allow keystore base_typeattr_46 (dir (search)))
+(allow keystore base_typeattr_46 (file (read open)))
+(allow keystore base_typeattr_46 (process (getattr)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 keystore_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 keystore (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow keystore base_typeattr_46 (binder (transfer)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 keystore (fd (use)))
+(allow keystore base_typeattr_46 (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 keystore (binder (transfer)))
+(allow keystore base_typeattr_46 (fd (use)))
+(allow appdomain console_device (chr_file (read write)))
+(allowx base_typeattr_48 self (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x5401 0x5403) 0x540b (range 0x540e 0x5411) (range 0x5413 0x5414) 0x5451)))
+(allowx base_typeattr_48 self (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x5401 0x5403) 0x540b (range 0x540e 0x5411) (range 0x5413 0x5414) 0x5451)))
+(allowx base_typeattr_48 self (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x5401 0x5403) 0x540b (range 0x540e 0x5411) (range 0x5413 0x5414) 0x5451)))
+(allowx base_typeattr_48 self (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x8906 0x8907) 0x8910 (range 0x8912 0x8913) 0x8915 0x8917 0x8919 0x891b 0x8921 0x8933 0x8938 0x8942)))
+(allowx base_typeattr_48 self (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x8906 0x8907) 0x8910 (range 0x8912 0x8913) 0x8915 0x8917 0x8919 0x891b 0x8921 0x8933 0x8938 0x8942)))
+(allowx base_typeattr_48 self (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x8906 0x8907) 0x8910 (range 0x8912 0x8913) 0x8915 0x8917 0x8919 0x891b 0x8921 0x8933 0x8938 0x8942)))
+(allowx base_typeattr_48 self (ioctl tcp_socket (0x8b01 0x8b05 0x8b07 0x8b09 0x8b0b 0x8b0d 0x8b0f (range 0x8b11 0x8b13) 0x8b21 0x8b23 0x8b25 0x8b27 0x8b29 0x8b2d)))
+(allowx base_typeattr_48 self (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b01 0x8b05 0x8b07 0x8b09 0x8b0b 0x8b0d 0x8b0f (range 0x8b11 0x8b13) 0x8b21 0x8b23 0x8b25 0x8b27 0x8b29 0x8b2d)))
+(allowx base_typeattr_48 self (ioctl rawip_socket (0x8b01 0x8b05 0x8b07 0x8b09 0x8b0b 0x8b0d 0x8b0f (range 0x8b11 0x8b13) 0x8b21 0x8b23 0x8b25 0x8b27 0x8b29 0x8b2d)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(auditallow appdomain ion_device (chr_file (write append)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 hwservicemanager_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 mediacodec (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow mediacodec base_typeattr_43 (binder (transfer)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 mediacodec (fd (use)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 hal_audio (fd (use)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 hal_camera (fd (use)))
+(allow base_typeattr_43 hal_renderscript_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow appdomain proc_meminfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow appdomain app_fuse_file (file (read write getattr append)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_display_client_endpoint_dir_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket_type (sock_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write shutdown connectto)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_display_client_channel_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr setattr lock append getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_display_client_server_type (fd (use)))
+(allow pdx_display_client_server_type base_typeattr_46 (fd (use)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_display_manager_endpoint_dir_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket_type (sock_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write shutdown connectto)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_display_manager_channel_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr setattr lock append getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_display_manager_server_type (fd (use)))
+(allow pdx_display_manager_server_type base_typeattr_46 (fd (use)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_dir_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket_type (sock_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write shutdown connectto)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_display_vsync_channel_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr setattr lock append getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_display_vsync_server_type (fd (use)))
+(allow pdx_display_vsync_server_type base_typeattr_46 (fd (use)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_performance_client_endpoint_dir_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket_type (sock_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write shutdown connectto)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_performance_client_channel_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr setattr lock append getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_performance_client_server_type (fd (use)))
+(allow pdx_performance_client_server_type base_typeattr_46 (fd (use)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_bufferhub_client_channel_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr setattr lock append getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 pdx_bufferhub_client_server_type (fd (use)))
+(allow pdx_bufferhub_client_server_type base_typeattr_46 (fd (use)))
+(allow appdomain runas_exec (file (getattr)))
+(allow base_typeattr_46 tun_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr append)))
+(allow appdomain adbd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow appdomain adbd (fd (use)))
+(allow appdomain adbd (unix_stream_socket (ioctl read write getattr getopt shutdown)))
+(allow appdomain cache_file (dir (getattr)))
+;;* lmx 371 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_48 self (capability (chown dac_override dac_read_search fowner fsetid kill setgid setuid setpcap linux_immutable net_bind_service net_broadcast net_admin net_raw ipc_lock ipc_owner sys_module sys_rawio sys_chroot sys_ptrace sys_pacct sys_admin sys_boot sys_nice sys_resource sys_time sys_tty_config mknod lease audit_write audit_control setfcap)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_48 self (capability2 (mac_override mac_admin syslog wake_alarm block_suspend audit_read)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_48 self (cap_userns (chown dac_override dac_read_search fowner fsetid kill setgid setuid setpcap linux_immutable net_bind_service net_broadcast net_admin net_raw ipc_lock ipc_owner sys_module sys_rawio sys_chroot sys_ptrace sys_pacct sys_admin sys_boot sys_nice sys_resource sys_time sys_tty_config mknod lease audit_write audit_control setfcap)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_48 self (cap2_userns (mac_override mac_admin syslog wake_alarm block_suspend audit_read)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 374 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain dev_type (blk_file (read write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 384 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain audio_device (chr_file (read write)))
+(neverallow appdomain camera_device (chr_file (read write)))
+(neverallow appdomain dm_device (chr_file (read write)))
+(neverallow appdomain radio_device (chr_file (read write)))
+(neverallow appdomain video_device (chr_file (read write)))
+(neverallow appdomain rpmsg_device (chr_file (read write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 387 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app graphics_device (chr_file (read write)))
+(neverallow shell graphics_device (chr_file (read write)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app graphics_device (chr_file (read write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 390 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_49 nfc_device (chr_file (read write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 392 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_48 hci_attach_dev (chr_file (read write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 393 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain tee_device (chr_file (read write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 403 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain domain (netlink_tcpdiag_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow appdomain domain (netlink_nflog_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow appdomain domain (netlink_xfrm_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow appdomain domain (netlink_audit_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write nlmsg_relay nlmsg_readpriv nlmsg_tty_audit)))
+(neverallow appdomain domain (netlink_dnrt_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 408 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain domain (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (write append)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 411 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain socket_device (sock_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 414 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain adbd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 415 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_50 rild_socket (sock_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 416 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain zygote_socket (sock_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 419 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain base_typeattr_51 (process (ptrace)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 423 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain base_typeattr_51 (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 424 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 base_typeattr_51 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 431 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain base_typeattr_51 (process (sigkill sigstop signal)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 437 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 base_typeattr_53 (process (transition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 439 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 base_typeattr_51 (process (dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 443 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain rootfs (file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain rootfs (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain rootfs (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain rootfs (chr_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain rootfs (blk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain rootfs (sock_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain rootfs (fifo_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 447 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain system_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain system_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain system_file (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain system_file (chr_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain system_file (blk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain system_file (sock_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain system_file (fifo_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 451 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain exec_type (file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 458 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain system_data_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain system_data_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain system_data_file (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain system_data_file (chr_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain system_data_file (blk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain system_data_file (sock_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain system_data_file (fifo_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 462 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain drm_data_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain drm_data_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain drm_data_file (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain drm_data_file (chr_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain drm_data_file (blk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain drm_data_file (sock_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain drm_data_file (fifo_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 465 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_data_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_data_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_data_file (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_data_file (chr_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_data_file (blk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_data_file (sock_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_data_file (fifo_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 468 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_tmp_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_tmp_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_tmp_file (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_tmp_file (chr_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_tmp_file (blk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_tmp_file (sock_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_tmp_file (fifo_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 471 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_private_data_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_private_data_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_private_data_file (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_private_data_file (chr_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_private_data_file (blk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_private_data_file (sock_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_private_data_file (fifo_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 474 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_private_tmp_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_private_tmp_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_private_tmp_file (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_private_tmp_file (chr_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_private_tmp_file (blk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_private_tmp_file (sock_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_54 apk_private_tmp_file (fifo_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 477 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 shell_data_file (file (create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 shell_data_file (dir (create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 shell_data_file (lnk_file (create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 shell_data_file (chr_file (create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 shell_data_file (blk_file (create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 shell_data_file (sock_file (create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 shell_data_file (fifo_file (create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 480 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_48 bluetooth_data_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_48 bluetooth_data_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_48 bluetooth_data_file (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_48 bluetooth_data_file (chr_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_48 bluetooth_data_file (blk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_48 bluetooth_data_file (sock_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_48 bluetooth_data_file (fifo_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 483 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain keystore_data_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain keystore_data_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain keystore_data_file (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain keystore_data_file (chr_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain keystore_data_file (blk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain keystore_data_file (sock_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain keystore_data_file (fifo_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 486 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain systemkeys_data_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain systemkeys_data_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain systemkeys_data_file (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain systemkeys_data_file (chr_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain systemkeys_data_file (blk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain systemkeys_data_file (sock_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain systemkeys_data_file (fifo_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 489 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain wifi_data_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain wifi_data_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain wifi_data_file (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain wifi_data_file (chr_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain wifi_data_file (blk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain wifi_data_file (sock_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain wifi_data_file (fifo_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 492 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain dhcp_data_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain dhcp_data_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain dhcp_data_file (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain dhcp_data_file (chr_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain dhcp_data_file (blk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain dhcp_data_file (sock_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain dhcp_data_file (fifo_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 496 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_55 apk_tmp_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_55 apk_tmp_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_55 apk_tmp_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_55 apk_tmp_file (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_55 apk_tmp_file (blk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_55 apk_tmp_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_55 apk_tmp_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_55 apk_private_tmp_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_55 apk_private_tmp_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_55 apk_private_tmp_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_55 apk_private_tmp_file (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_55 apk_private_tmp_file (blk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_55 apk_private_tmp_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_55 apk_private_tmp_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 498 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all apk_tmp_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all apk_tmp_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all apk_tmp_file (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all apk_tmp_file (blk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all apk_tmp_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all apk_tmp_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all apk_private_tmp_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all apk_private_tmp_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all apk_private_tmp_file (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all apk_private_tmp_file (blk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all apk_private_tmp_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all apk_private_tmp_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 499 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all apk_tmp_file (file (ioctl write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all apk_private_tmp_file (file (ioctl write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 502 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain efs_file (file (write)))
+(neverallow appdomain efs_file (dir (write)))
+(neverallow appdomain efs_file (lnk_file (write)))
+(neverallow appdomain efs_file (chr_file (write)))
+(neverallow appdomain efs_file (blk_file (write)))
+(neverallow appdomain efs_file (sock_file (write)))
+(neverallow appdomain efs_file (fifo_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 503 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 efs_file (file (read)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 efs_file (dir (read)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 efs_file (lnk_file (read)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 efs_file (chr_file (read)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 efs_file (blk_file (read)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 efs_file (sock_file (read)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 efs_file (fifo_file (read)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 507 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_56 sysfs (file (write)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_56 sysfs (dir (write)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_56 sysfs (lnk_file (write)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_56 sysfs (chr_file (write)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_56 sysfs (blk_file (write)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_56 sysfs (sock_file (write)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_56 sysfs (fifo_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 509 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain proc (file (write)))
+(neverallow appdomain proc (dir (write)))
+(neverallow appdomain proc (lnk_file (write)))
+(neverallow appdomain proc (chr_file (write)))
+(neverallow appdomain proc (blk_file (write)))
+(neverallow appdomain proc (sock_file (write)))
+(neverallow appdomain proc (fifo_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 512 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain kernel (system (syslog_read syslog_mod syslog_console)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 515 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 base_typeattr_57 (security (compute_av check_context)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 516 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_selinux_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 520 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain fs_type (filesystem (mount remount unmount relabelfrom relabelto associate quotamod quotaget)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 531 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain dev_type (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain rootfs (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain tmpfs (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain system_file (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain apk_data_file (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain cache_file (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow appdomain cache_recovery_file (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 546 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow bluetooth base_typeattr_58 (file (execute execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_58 (file (execute execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow nfc base_typeattr_58 (file (execute execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow radio base_typeattr_58 (file (execute execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow shared_relro base_typeattr_58 (file (execute execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow system_app base_typeattr_58 (file (execute execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 552 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 input_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 560 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_59 bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_59 bluetooth_prop (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_59 exported_bluetooth_prop (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 563 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain proc_uid_time_in_state (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 566 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain proc_uid_concurrent_active_time (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 569 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain proc_uid_concurrent_policy_time (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 572 system/sepolicy/public/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain proc_uid_cpupower (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+(allow bootanim servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager bootanim (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager bootanim (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager bootanim (process (getattr)))
+(allow bootanim surfaceflinger (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow surfaceflinger bootanim (binder (transfer)))
+(allow bootanim surfaceflinger (fd (use)))
+(allow bootanim audioserver (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow audioserver bootanim (binder (transfer)))
+(allow bootanim audioserver (fd (use)))
+(allow bootanim hwservicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager bootanim (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager bootanim (dir (search)))
+(allow hwservicemanager bootanim (file (read open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager bootanim (process (getattr)))
+(allow bootanim gpu_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow bootanim oemfs (dir (search)))
+(allow bootanim oemfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow bootanim audio_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow bootanim audio_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow bootanim audioserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow bootanim surfaceflinger_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow bootanim ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow bootanim hal_graphics_allocator (fd (use)))
+(allow bootanim hal_graphics_composer (fd (use)))
+(allow bootanim proc_meminfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow bootanim system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow bootanim bootloader_boot_reason_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow bootstat runtime_event_log_tags_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow bootstat bootstat_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow bootstat bootstat_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow bootstat boottime_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow bootstat property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow bootstat init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow bootstat bootloader_boot_reason_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow bootstat bootloader_boot_reason_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow bootstat property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow bootstat init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow bootstat system_boot_reason_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow bootstat system_boot_reason_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow bootstat property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow bootstat init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow bootstat last_boot_reason_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow bootstat last_boot_reason_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow bootstat pstorefs (dir (search)))
+(allow bootstat pstorefs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow bootstat kernel (system (syslog_read)))
+(allow bootstat logcat_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow bootstat logdr_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow bootstat logd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+;;* lmx 40 system/sepolicy/public/bootstat.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_60 bootloader_boot_reason_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_60 last_boot_reason_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 42 system/sepolicy/public/bootstat.te
+(neverallow bootanim last_boot_reason_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(neverallow recovery last_boot_reason_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 49 system/sepolicy/public/bootstat.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_61 bootloader_boot_reason_prop (property_service (set)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_61 last_boot_reason_prop (property_service (set)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 51 system/sepolicy/public/bootstat.te
+(neverallow system_server bootloader_boot_reason_prop (property_service (set)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 57 system/sepolicy/public/bootstat.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_62 system_boot_reason_prop (property_service (set)))
+;;* lme
+(allow init pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (create bind)))
+(allow bufferhubd pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr setattr lock append listen accept getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow bufferhubd self (process (setsockcreate)))
+(allow bufferhubd pdx_bufferhub_client_channel_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown)))
+;;* lmx 7 system/sepolicy/public/bufferhubd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_63 pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (listen accept)))
+;;* lme
+(allow bufferhubd pdx_performance_client_endpoint_dir_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow bufferhubd pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket_type (sock_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow bufferhubd pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write shutdown connectto)))
+(allow bufferhubd pdx_performance_client_channel_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr setattr lock append getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow bufferhubd pdx_performance_client_server_type (fd (use)))
+(allow pdx_performance_client_server_type bufferhubd (fd (use)))
+(allow bufferhubd gpu_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow bufferhubd ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow bufferhubd mediacodec (fd (use)))
+(allow cameraserver servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager cameraserver (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager cameraserver (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager cameraserver (process (getattr)))
+(allow cameraserver binderservicedomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow binderservicedomain cameraserver (binder (transfer)))
+(allow cameraserver binderservicedomain (fd (use)))
+(allow cameraserver appdomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow appdomain cameraserver (binder (transfer)))
+(allow cameraserver appdomain (fd (use)))
+(allow cameraserver ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow cameraserver hal_graphics_composer (fd (use)))
+(allow cameraserver cameraserver_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 19 system/sepolicy/public/cameraserver.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_64 cameraserver_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow cameraserver activity_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow cameraserver appops_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow cameraserver audioserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow cameraserver batterystats_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow cameraserver cameraproxy_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow cameraserver mediaserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow cameraserver processinfo_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow cameraserver scheduling_policy_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow cameraserver surfaceflinger_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow cameraserver hidl_token_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+;;* lmx 39 system/sepolicy/public/cameraserver.te
+(neverallow cameraserver fs_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow cameraserver file_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 51 system/sepolicy/public/cameraserver.te
+(neverallow cameraserver domain (tcp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind name_connect)))
+(neverallow cameraserver domain (udp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+(neverallow cameraserver domain (rawip_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+;;* lme
+(allow cameraserver adbd (fd (use)))
+(allow cameraserver adbd (unix_stream_socket (read write)))
+(allow cameraserver shell (fd (use)))
+(allow cameraserver shell (unix_stream_socket (read write)))
+(allow cameraserver shell (fifo_file (read write)))
+(allow charger kmsg_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow charger rootfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow charger rootfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow charger rootfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow charger cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow charger cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow charger cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow charger sysfs_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow charger self (capability (sys_tty_config)))
+(allow charger self (cap_userns (sys_tty_config)))
+(allow charger self (capability (sys_boot)))
+(allow charger self (cap_userns (sys_boot)))
+(allow charger sysfs_wake_lock (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow charger self (capability2 (block_suspend)))
+(allow charger self (cap2_userns (block_suspend)))
+(allow charger self (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow charger sysfs_power (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow charger sysfs_batteryinfo (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow charger sysfs_batteryinfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow charger sysfs_batteryinfo (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow charger pstorefs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow charger pstorefs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow charger graphics_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow charger graphics_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow charger input_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow charger input_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow charger tty_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow charger proc_sysrq (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow charger property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow charger init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow charger system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow charger system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow charger property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow charger init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow charger exported_system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow charger exported_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow charger property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow charger init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow charger exported2_system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow charger exported2_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow charger property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow charger init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow charger exported3_system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow charger exported3_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow clatd proc_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow clatd proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow clatd proc_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow clatd netd (fd (use)))
+(allow clatd netd (fifo_file (read write)))
+(allow clatd netd (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (read write)))
+(allow clatd netd (netlink_nflog_socket (read write)))
+(allow clatd netd (netlink_route_socket (read write)))
+(allow clatd netd (udp_socket (read write)))
+(allow clatd netd (unix_stream_socket (read write)))
+(allow clatd netd (unix_dgram_socket (read write)))
+(allow clatd self (capability (setgid setuid net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow clatd self (cap_userns (setgid setuid net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow clatd self (capability (ipc_lock)))
+(allow clatd self (cap_userns (ipc_lock)))
+(allow clatd self (netlink_route_socket (nlmsg_write)))
+(allow clatd self (rawip_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow clatd self (packet_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow clatd self (tun_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow clatd tun_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow cppreopts dalvikcache_data_file (dir (write add_name remove_name search)))
+(allow cppreopts dalvikcache_data_file (file (read write create getattr unlink rename open)))
+(allow cppreopts shell_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow cppreopts system_file (dir (read open)))
+(allow cppreopts toolbox_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow crash_dump base_typeattr_65 (process (sigchld sigkill sigstop signal ptrace)))
+(dontaudit crash_dump self (capability (sys_ptrace)))
+(dontaudit crash_dump self (cap_userns (sys_ptrace)))
+(allow crash_dump domain (fd (use)))
+(allow crash_dump domain (fifo_file (read write)))
+(allow crash_dump domain (fifo_file (append)))
+(allow crash_dump domain (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow crash_dump domain (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow crash_dump domain (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow crash_dump exec_type (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow crash_dump dalvikcache_data_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow crash_dump dalvikcache_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow crash_dump apk_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow crash_dump apk_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow crash_dump apk_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow crash_dump vendor_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow crash_dump same_process_hal_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow crash_dump vendor_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow crash_dump vendor_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow crash_dump same_process_hal_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow crash_dump same_process_hal_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow crash_dump tombstoned_crash_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow crash_dump tombstoned (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow crash_dump system_ndebug_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow crash_dump system_server (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow crash_dump anr_data_file (file (getattr append)))
+(allow crash_dump tombstone_data_file (file (getattr append)))
+(allow crash_dump logcat_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow crash_dump logdr_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow crash_dump logd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(dontaudit crash_dump core_data_file_type (dir (search)))
+(dontaudit crash_dump vendor_file_type (dir (search)))
+(dontaudit crash_dump system_data_file (file (read)))
+;;* lmx 73 system/sepolicy/public/crash_dump.te
+(neverallow domain crash_dump_exec (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+(allow dex2oat apk_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow dex2oat apk_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dex2oat apk_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dex2oat vendor_app_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow dex2oat vendor_app_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dex2oat vendor_app_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dex2oat vendor_framework_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow dex2oat vendor_framework_file (file (read getattr open)))
+(allow dex2oat tmpfs (file (read getattr)))
+(allow dex2oat dalvikcache_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow dex2oat dalvikcache_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dex2oat dalvikcache_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dex2oat dalvikcache_data_file (file (write)))
+(allow dex2oat dalvikcache_data_file (lnk_file (read)))
+(allow dex2oat installd (fd (use)))
+(allow dex2oat system_file (file (lock)))
+(allow dex2oat asec_apk_file (file (read)))
+(allow dex2oat unlabeled (file (read)))
+(allow dex2oat oemfs (file (read)))
+(allow dex2oat apk_tmp_file (dir (search)))
+(allow dex2oat apk_tmp_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dex2oat user_profile_data_file (file (read getattr lock)))
+(allow dex2oat app_data_file (file (read write getattr lock)))
+(allow dex2oat postinstall_dexopt (fd (use)))
+(allow dex2oat postinstall_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow dex2oat postinstall_file (filesystem (getattr)))
+(allow dex2oat postinstall_file (lnk_file (read getattr)))
+(allow dex2oat ota_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name search open)))
+(allow dex2oat ota_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dex2oat ota_data_file (lnk_file (read create)))
+(allow dex2oat ota_data_file (file (write create setattr lock append map open)))
+;;* lmx 66 system/sepolicy/public/dex2oat.te
+(neverallow dex2oat app_data_file (file (open)))
+(neverallow dex2oat app_data_file (lnk_file (open)))
+(neverallow dex2oat app_data_file (sock_file (open)))
+(neverallow dex2oat app_data_file (fifo_file (open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow dhcp cgroup (dir (write create add_name)))
+(allow dhcp self (capability (setgid setuid net_bind_service net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow dhcp self (cap_userns (setgid setuid net_bind_service net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow dhcp self (packet_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow dhcp self (netlink_route_socket (nlmsg_write)))
+(allow dhcp shell_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow dhcp system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow dhcp toolbox_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow dhcp proc_net (file (write)))
+(allow dhcp property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow dhcp init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow dhcp dhcp_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow dhcp dhcp_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dhcp property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow dhcp init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow dhcp pan_result_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow dhcp pan_result_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dhcp dhcp_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow dhcp dhcp_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow dhcp netd (fd (use)))
+(allow dhcp netd (fifo_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow dhcp netd (udp_socket (read write)))
+(allow dhcp netd (unix_stream_socket (read write)))
+(allow dhcp netd (unix_dgram_socket (read write)))
+(allow dhcp netd (netlink_route_socket (read write)))
+(allow dhcp netd (netlink_nflog_socket (read write)))
+(allow dhcp netd (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (read write)))
+(allow display_service_server fwk_display_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow display_service_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 1 system/sepolicy/public/display_service_server.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_66 fwk_display_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allowx dnsmasq self (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(allowx dnsmasq self (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(allowx dnsmasq self (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(allow dnsmasq self (capability (dac_override)))
+(allow dnsmasq self (cap_userns (dac_override)))
+(allow dnsmasq self (capability (setgid setuid net_bind_service net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow dnsmasq self (cap_userns (setgid setuid net_bind_service net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow dnsmasq dhcp_data_file (dir (write lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow dnsmasq dhcp_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow dnsmasq netd (fd (use)))
+(allow dnsmasq netd (fifo_file (read write)))
+(allow dnsmasq netd (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (read write)))
+(allow dnsmasq netd (netlink_nflog_socket (read write)))
+(allow dnsmasq netd (netlink_route_socket (read write)))
+(allow dnsmasq netd (unix_stream_socket (read write)))
+(allow dnsmasq netd (unix_dgram_socket (read write)))
+(allow dnsmasq netd (udp_socket (read write)))
+(allow domain init (process (sigchld)))
+(allow domain self (process (fork sigchld sigkill sigstop signull signal getsched setsched getsession getpgid setpgid getcap setcap getattr setrlimit)))
+(allow domain self (fd (use)))
+(allow domain proc (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow domain proc_net (dir (search)))
+(allow domain self (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow domain self (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain self (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain self (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow domain self (fifo_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow domain self (unix_dgram_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown sendto)))
+(allow domain self (unix_stream_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown connectto)))
+(allow domain init (fd (use)))
+(allow domain rootfs (dir (search)))
+(allow domain rootfs (lnk_file (read getattr)))
+(allow domain device (dir (search)))
+(allow domain dev_type (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain devpts (dir (search)))
+(allow domain socket_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow domain owntty_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow domain null_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow domain zero_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow domain ashmem_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_67 binder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_68 hwbinder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow domain ptmx_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow domain alarm_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain random_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow domain proc_random (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow domain proc_random (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain properties_device (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow domain properties_serial (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain property_info (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain core_property_type (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain exported_dalvik_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain exported_ffs_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain exported_system_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain exported2_config_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain exported2_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain exported2_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain exported2_vold_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain exported3_default_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain exported3_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain exported3_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain vendor_default_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain debug_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain exported_config_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain exported_default_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain exported_dumpstate_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain exported_fingerprint_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain exported_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain exported_secure_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain exported_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain exported_vold_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain exported2_default_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain logd_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain log_property_type (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(dontaudit domain property_type (file (audit_access)))
+(allow domain property_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain init (key (search)))
+(allow domain vold (key (search)))
+(allow domain logdw_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow domain logd (unix_dgram_socket (sendto)))
+(allow domain pmsg_device (chr_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow domain system_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow domain system_file (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow domain system_file (lnk_file (read getattr)))
+(allow domain vendor_hal_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow domain same_process_hal_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow domain same_process_hal_file (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow domain vndk_sp_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow domain vndk_sp_file (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow domain vendor_configs_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow domain vendor_configs_file (file (read getattr open)))
+(allow domain vendor_file_type (lnk_file (read getattr open)))
+(allow domain vendor_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow base_typeattr_69 vendor_file_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_69 vendor_file_type (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_69 vendor_file_type (lnk_file (read getattr)))
+(allow domain sysfs (lnk_file (read getattr)))
+(allow domain zoneinfo_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain zoneinfo_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow domain sysfs_devices_system_cpu (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow domain sysfs_devices_system_cpu (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain sysfs_devices_system_cpu (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain sysfs_usb (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow domain sysfs_usb (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain sysfs_usb (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow appdomain system_data_file (dir (getattr)))
+(allow coredomain system_data_file (dir (getattr)))
+(allow domain system_data_file (dir (search)))
+(allow domain vendor_data_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow domain proc (lnk_file (read getattr)))
+(allow domain proc_cpuinfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain proc_overcommit_memory (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain proc_perf (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow domain selinuxfs (dir (search)))
+(allow domain selinuxfs (file (getattr)))
+(allow domain sysfs (dir (search)))
+(allow domain selinuxfs (filesystem (getattr)))
+(allow domain cgroup (dir (write search)))
+(allow domain cgroup (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow domain debugfs (dir (search)))
+(allow domain debugfs_tracing (dir (search)))
+(allow domain debugfs_tracing_debug (dir (search)))
+(allow domain debugfs_trace_marker (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow domain fs_type (filesystem (getattr)))
+(allow domain fs_type (dir (getattr)))
+(allowx domain domain (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x5401 0x5403) 0x540b (range 0x540e 0x5411) (range 0x5413 0x5414) 0x5451)))
+(allowx domain domain (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x5401 0x5403) 0x540b (range 0x540e 0x5411) (range 0x5413 0x5414) 0x5451)))
+(allowx domain domain (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x5401 0x5403) 0x540b (range 0x540e 0x5411) (range 0x5413 0x5414) 0x5451)))
+(allowx domain domain (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x8906 0x8907) 0x8910 (range 0x8912 0x8913) 0x8915 0x8917 0x8919 0x891b 0x8921 0x8933 0x8938 0x8942)))
+(allowx domain domain (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x8906 0x8907) 0x8910 (range 0x8912 0x8913) 0x8915 0x8917 0x8919 0x891b 0x8921 0x8933 0x8938 0x8942)))
+(allowx domain domain (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x8906 0x8907) 0x8910 (range 0x8912 0x8913) 0x8915 0x8917 0x8919 0x891b 0x8921 0x8933 0x8938 0x8942)))
+(allowx domain domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x8b01 0x8b05 0x8b07 0x8b09 0x8b0b 0x8b0d 0x8b0f (range 0x8b11 0x8b13) 0x8b21 0x8b23 0x8b25 0x8b27 0x8b29 0x8b2d)))
+(allowx domain domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b01 0x8b05 0x8b07 0x8b09 0x8b0b 0x8b0d 0x8b0f (range 0x8b11 0x8b13) 0x8b21 0x8b23 0x8b25 0x8b27 0x8b29 0x8b2d)))
+(allowx domain domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x8b01 0x8b05 0x8b07 0x8b09 0x8b0b 0x8b0d 0x8b0f (range 0x8b11 0x8b13) 0x8b21 0x8b23 0x8b25 0x8b27 0x8b29 0x8b2d)))
+(allowx domain domain (ioctl unix_stream_socket (0x5401 0x5411 (range 0x5413 0x5414) 0x541b 0x5451)))
+(allowx domain domain (ioctl unix_dgram_socket (0x5401 0x5411 (range 0x5413 0x5414) 0x541b 0x5451)))
+(allowx domain devpts (ioctl chr_file ((range 0x5401 0x5403) 0x540b (range 0x540e 0x5411) (range 0x5413 0x5414) 0x5451)))
+(allow base_typeattr_70 hwservice_manager_type (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow base_typeattr_70 vndservice_manager_type (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 292 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl packet_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl key_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl unix_stream_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl unix_dgram_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_route_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_tcpdiag_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_nflog_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_xfrm_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_selinux_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_audit_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_dnrt_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl appletalk_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl tun_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_iscsi_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_fib_lookup_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_connector_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_netfilter_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_generic_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_scsitransport_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_rdma_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_crypto_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl sctp_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl icmp_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl ax25_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl ipx_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netrom_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl atmpvc_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl x25_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl rose_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl decnet_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl atmsvc_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl rds_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl irda_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl pppox_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl llc_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl can_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl tipc_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl bluetooth_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl iucv_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl rxrpc_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl isdn_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl phonet_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl ieee802154_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl caif_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl alg_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl nfc_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl vsock_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl kcm_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl qipcrtr_socket (0x0)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl smc_socket (0x0)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 296 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl packet_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl key_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl unix_stream_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl unix_dgram_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_route_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_tcpdiag_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_nflog_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_xfrm_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_selinux_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_audit_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_dnrt_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl appletalk_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl tun_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_iscsi_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_fib_lookup_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_connector_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_netfilter_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_generic_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_scsitransport_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_rdma_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netlink_crypto_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl sctp_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl icmp_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl ax25_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl ipx_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl netrom_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl atmpvc_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl x25_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl rose_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl decnet_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl atmsvc_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl rds_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl irda_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl pppox_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl llc_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl can_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl tipc_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl bluetooth_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl iucv_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl rxrpc_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl isdn_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl phonet_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl ieee802154_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl caif_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl alg_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl nfc_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl vsock_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl kcm_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl qipcrtr_socket (0x8905)))
+(neverallowx domain domain (ioctl smc_socket (0x8905)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 301 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallowx base_typeattr_57 devpts (ioctl chr_file (0x5412)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 304 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_71 unlabeled (file (create)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_71 unlabeled (dir (create)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_71 unlabeled (lnk_file (create)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_71 unlabeled (chr_file (create)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_71 unlabeled (blk_file (create)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_71 unlabeled (sock_file (create)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_71 unlabeled (fifo_file (create)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 313 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_72 self (capability (mknod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_72 self (cap_userns (mknod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 326 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_73 self (capability (sys_rawio)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_73 self (cap_userns (sys_rawio)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 329 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 self (memprotect (mmap_zero)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 332 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 self (capability2 (mac_override)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 self (cap2_userns (mac_override)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 337 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 self (capability2 (mac_admin)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 self (cap2_userns (mac_admin)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 341 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 kernel (security (load_policy)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 347 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 kernel (security (setenforce)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 348 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 kernel (security (setcheckreqprot)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 351 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 kernel (security (setbool)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 356 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 kernel (security (setsecparam)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 365 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_76 hw_random_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 373 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_77 keychord_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 376 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 base_typeattr_78 (file (entrypoint)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 383 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_79 kmem_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 384 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 kmem_device (chr_file (ioctl read write lock relabelfrom append map link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 391 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_79 port_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 392 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 port_device (chr_file (ioctl read write lock relabelfrom append map link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 395 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 usermodehelper (file (write append)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 396 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_80 sysfs_usermodehelper (file (write append)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 397 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_81 proc_security (file (read write append open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 400 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 init (process (ptrace)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 404 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 init (binder (impersonate call set_context_mgr transfer)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 405 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 vendor_init (binder (impersonate call set_context_mgr transfer)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 409 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_82 block_device (blk_file (read write open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 414 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 base_typeattr_57 (chr_file (rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 base_typeattr_57 (blk_file (rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 418 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow domain device (chr_file (read write open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 423 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_83 base_typeattr_84 (filesystem (mount remount relabelfrom relabelto)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 445 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_85 base_typeattr_86 (file (execute)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 452 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_87 base_typeattr_88 (file (execute)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 455 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow domain cache_file (file (execute)))
+(neverallow domain cache_backup_file (file (execute)))
+(neverallow domain cache_private_backup_file (file (execute)))
+(neverallow domain cache_recovery_file (file (execute)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 466 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_51 base_typeattr_58 (file (execute execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 469 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow domain nativetest_data_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain nativetest_data_file (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain nativetest_data_file (chr_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain nativetest_data_file (blk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain nativetest_data_file (sock_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain nativetest_data_file (fifo_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 470 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow domain nativetest_data_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom link rename add_name remove_name reparent rmdir)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 471 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow domain nativetest_data_file (file (execute execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 474 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 property_data_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom link rename add_name remove_name reparent rmdir)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 475 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 property_data_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 476 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 property_type (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 477 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 properties_device (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 478 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 properties_serial (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 491 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow domain exec_type (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain exec_type (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain exec_type (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain exec_type (chr_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain exec_type (blk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain exec_type (sock_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain exec_type (fifo_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain vendor_file_type (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain vendor_file_type (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain vendor_file_type (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain vendor_file_type (chr_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain vendor_file_type (blk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain vendor_file_type (sock_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain vendor_file_type (fifo_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain system_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain system_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain system_file (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain system_file (chr_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain system_file (blk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain system_file (sock_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow domain system_file (fifo_file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 493 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 exec_type (file (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 exec_type (dir (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 exec_type (lnk_file (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 exec_type (chr_file (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 exec_type (blk_file (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 exec_type (sock_file (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 exec_type (fifo_file (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 vendor_file_type (file (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 vendor_file_type (dir (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 vendor_file_type (lnk_file (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 vendor_file_type (chr_file (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 vendor_file_type (blk_file (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 vendor_file_type (sock_file (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 vendor_file_type (fifo_file (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 system_file (file (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 system_file (dir (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 system_file (lnk_file (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 system_file (chr_file (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 system_file (blk_file (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 system_file (sock_file (relabelto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 system_file (fifo_file (relabelto)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 496 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 exec_type (file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 exec_type (dir (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 exec_type (lnk_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 exec_type (chr_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 exec_type (blk_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 exec_type (sock_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 exec_type (fifo_file (mounton)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 497 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 vendor_file_type (file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 vendor_file_type (dir (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 vendor_file_type (lnk_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 vendor_file_type (chr_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 vendor_file_type (blk_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 vendor_file_type (sock_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 vendor_file_type (fifo_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 system_file (file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 system_file (dir (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 system_file (lnk_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 system_file (chr_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 system_file (blk_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 system_file (sock_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 system_file (fifo_file (mounton)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 500 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 rootfs (file (write create setattr relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 504 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 base_typeattr_89 (filesystem (relabelto)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 510 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 contextmount_type (file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 contextmount_type (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 contextmount_type (lnk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 contextmount_type (chr_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 contextmount_type (blk_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 contextmount_type (sock_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 contextmount_type (fifo_file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 517 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 default_android_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 518 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 default_android_vndservice (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 519 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 default_android_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 528 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 532 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_81 default_prop (property_service (set)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 533 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_81 mmc_prop (property_service (set)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 546 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_90 pm_prop (property_service (set)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 547 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_69 pm_prop (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 568 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_91 serialno_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 571 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_92 firstboot_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 580 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_93 frp_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 592 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_94 metadata_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write lock append link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 595 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_95 system_block_device (blk_file (write append)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 598 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_96 recovery_block_device (blk_file (write append)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 615 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_97 misc_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write lock relabelfrom append link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 618 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_98 base_typeattr_57 (binder (set_context_mgr)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 620 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow servicemanager hwbinder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 621 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow servicemanager vndbinder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 622 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow hwservicemanager binder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 623 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow hwservicemanager vndbinder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 624 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow vndservicemanager binder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 625 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow vndservicemanager hwbinder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 630 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_99 binder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 638 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_99 service_manager_type (service_manager (find)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 646 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_100 base_typeattr_101 (service_manager (find)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 671 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_99 servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 681 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_102 vndbinder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 689 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow ueventd vndbinder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write append)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 692 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_103 vndservice_manager_type (service_manager (add find list)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 699 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_103 vndservicemanager (binder (impersonate call set_context_mgr transfer)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 716 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (tcp_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (udp_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (rawip_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (netlink_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (packet_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (key_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (unix_stream_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (unix_dgram_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (netlink_route_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (netlink_tcpdiag_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (netlink_nflog_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (netlink_xfrm_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (netlink_selinux_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (netlink_audit_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (netlink_dnrt_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (appletalk_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (tun_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (netlink_iscsi_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (netlink_fib_lookup_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (netlink_connector_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (netlink_netfilter_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (netlink_generic_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (netlink_scsitransport_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (netlink_rdma_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (netlink_crypto_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (sctp_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (icmp_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (ax25_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (ipx_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (netrom_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (atmpvc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (x25_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (rose_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (decnet_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (atmsvc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (rds_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (irda_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (pppox_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (llc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (can_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (tipc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (bluetooth_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (iucv_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (rxrpc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (isdn_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (phonet_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (ieee802154_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (caif_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (alg_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (nfc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (vsock_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (kcm_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (qipcrtr_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (smc_socket (connect sendto)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 716 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_104 base_typeattr_105 (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 728 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (tcp_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (udp_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (rawip_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (netlink_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (packet_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (key_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (unix_stream_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (unix_dgram_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (netlink_route_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (netlink_tcpdiag_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (netlink_nflog_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (netlink_xfrm_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (netlink_selinux_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (netlink_audit_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (netlink_dnrt_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (appletalk_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (tun_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (netlink_iscsi_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (netlink_fib_lookup_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (netlink_connector_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (netlink_netfilter_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (netlink_generic_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (netlink_scsitransport_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (netlink_rdma_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (netlink_crypto_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (sctp_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (icmp_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (ax25_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (ipx_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (netrom_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (atmpvc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (x25_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (rose_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (decnet_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (atmsvc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (rds_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (irda_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (pppox_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (llc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (can_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (tipc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (bluetooth_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (iucv_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (rxrpc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (isdn_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (phonet_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (ieee802154_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (caif_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (alg_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (nfc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (vsock_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (kcm_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (qipcrtr_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (smc_socket (connect sendto)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 728 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_106 base_typeattr_107 (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 747 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (tcp_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (udp_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (rawip_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (netlink_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (packet_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (key_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (unix_stream_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (unix_dgram_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (netlink_route_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (netlink_tcpdiag_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (netlink_nflog_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (netlink_xfrm_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (netlink_selinux_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (netlink_audit_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (netlink_dnrt_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (appletalk_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (tun_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (netlink_iscsi_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (netlink_fib_lookup_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (netlink_connector_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (netlink_netfilter_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (netlink_generic_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (netlink_scsitransport_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (netlink_rdma_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (netlink_crypto_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (sctp_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (icmp_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (ax25_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (ipx_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (netrom_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (atmpvc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (x25_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (rose_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (decnet_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (atmsvc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (rds_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (irda_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (pppox_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (llc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (can_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (tipc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (bluetooth_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (iucv_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (rxrpc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (isdn_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (phonet_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (ieee802154_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (caif_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (alg_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (nfc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (vsock_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (kcm_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (qipcrtr_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (smc_socket (connect sendto)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 747 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_108 netd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 757 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_109 core_data_file_type (sock_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_109 coredomain_socket (sock_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_109 unlabeled (sock_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 771 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_100 base_typeattr_110 (sock_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 786 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_111 base_typeattr_112 (sock_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 809 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_113 base_typeattr_114 (file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_113 base_typeattr_114 (lnk_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_113 base_typeattr_114 (chr_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_113 base_typeattr_114 (blk_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_113 base_typeattr_114 (sock_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_113 base_typeattr_114 (fifo_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 823 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_113 base_typeattr_115 (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 839 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_116 base_typeattr_117 (file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_116 base_typeattr_117 (lnk_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_116 base_typeattr_117 (chr_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_116 base_typeattr_117 (blk_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_116 base_typeattr_117 (sock_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_116 base_typeattr_117 (fifo_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 839 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_118 base_typeattr_119 (file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_118 base_typeattr_119 (lnk_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_118 base_typeattr_119 (chr_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_118 base_typeattr_119 (blk_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_118 base_typeattr_119 (sock_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_118 base_typeattr_119 (fifo_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 839 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow vendor_init unencrypted_data_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 866 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_116 base_typeattr_120 (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 866 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_118 base_typeattr_121 (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 866 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow vendor_init unencrypted_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 894 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_122 system_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 906 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_123 vendor_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 919 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_124 vendor_data_file (file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_124 vendor_data_file (lnk_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_124 vendor_data_file (chr_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_124 vendor_data_file (blk_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_124 vendor_data_file (sock_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_124 vendor_data_file (fifo_file (create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 932 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_125 vendor_app_file (dir (read getattr search open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 947 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_125 vendor_app_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 961 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_126 vendor_overlay_file (dir (read getattr search open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 975 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_126 vendor_overlay_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 988 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_127 vendor_shell_exec (file (execute execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 998 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_128 base_typeattr_129 (file (execute execute_no_trans entrypoint)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1015 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_130 base_typeattr_131 (file (execute)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1031 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_132 vendor_file_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1049 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_133 dalvikcache_data_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1060 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_133 dalvikcache_data_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom link rename add_name remove_name reparent rmdir)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1063 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_134 zygote (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1064 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_135 zygote_socket (sock_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1066 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_136 webview_zygote (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1067 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_135 webview_zygote (sock_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1080 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_137 tombstoned_crash_socket (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1084 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_138 tombstoned_intercept_socket (sock_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1085 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_138 tombstoned_intercept_socket (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1103 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 base_typeattr_57 (sem (create destroy getattr setattr read write associate unix_read unix_write)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 base_typeattr_57 (msg (send receive)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 base_typeattr_57 (msgq (create destroy getattr setattr read write associate unix_read unix_write enqueue)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 base_typeattr_57 (shm (create destroy getattr setattr read write associate unix_read unix_write lock)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1107 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 dev_type (lnk_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 dev_type (sock_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 dev_type (fifo_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 fs_type (lnk_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 fs_type (sock_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 fs_type (fifo_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 file_type (lnk_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 file_type (sock_file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 file_type (fifo_file (mounton)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1112 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow domain su_exec (file (execute execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1124 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 base_typeattr_139 (file (execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1129 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 self (process (execstack execheap)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1133 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_140 file_type (file (execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1135 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 proc (file (mounton)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 proc (dir (mounton)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1143 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_141 domain (process (transition dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1161 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_142 system_data_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1164 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow installd system_data_file (file (write create setattr relabelto append link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1175 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_143 system_app_data_file (file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_143 system_app_data_file (dir (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_143 system_app_data_file (lnk_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_143 system_app_data_file (chr_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_143 system_app_data_file (blk_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_143 system_app_data_file (sock_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_143 system_app_data_file (fifo_file (create unlink open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1181 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all system_app_data_file (file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all system_app_data_file (dir (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all system_app_data_file (lnk_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all system_app_data_file (chr_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all system_app_data_file (blk_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all system_app_data_file (sock_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all system_app_data_file (fifo_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app system_app_data_file (file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app system_app_data_file (dir (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app system_app_data_file (lnk_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app system_app_data_file (chr_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app system_app_data_file (blk_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app system_app_data_file (sock_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app system_app_data_file (fifo_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app system_app_data_file (file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app system_app_data_file (dir (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app system_app_data_file (lnk_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app system_app_data_file (chr_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app system_app_data_file (blk_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app system_app_data_file (sock_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app system_app_data_file (fifo_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow priv_app system_app_data_file (file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow priv_app system_app_data_file (dir (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow priv_app system_app_data_file (lnk_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow priv_app system_app_data_file (chr_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow priv_app system_app_data_file (blk_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow priv_app system_app_data_file (sock_file (create unlink open)))
+(neverallow priv_app system_app_data_file (fifo_file (create unlink open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1189 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_144 app_data_file (file (create unlink)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_144 app_data_file (dir (create unlink)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_144 app_data_file (lnk_file (create unlink)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_144 app_data_file (chr_file (create unlink)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_144 app_data_file (blk_file (create unlink)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_144 app_data_file (sock_file (create unlink)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_144 app_data_file (fifo_file (create unlink)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1202 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_145 shell (process (transition dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1207 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_146 base_typeattr_52 (process (transition dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1216 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_147 app_data_file (lnk_file (read)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1223 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_148 shell_data_file (lnk_file (read)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1237 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_149 shell_data_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom link rename add_name remove_name reparent rmdir)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1248 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_150 shell_data_file (dir (search open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1259 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_151 shell_data_file (file (open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1266 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 base_typeattr_152 (service_manager (list)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1271 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 base_typeattr_153 (hwservice_manager (list)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1290 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 domain (file (execute execute_no_trans entrypoint)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1296 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_154 debugfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1304 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_155 profman_exec (file (execute execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1309 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 base_typeattr_156 (system (module_load)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1313 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 self (capability (setfcap)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 self (cap_userns (setfcap)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1316 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow domain crash_dump (process (noatsecure)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1320 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_157 coredomain_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1325 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 same_process_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1329 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_158 vendor_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1365 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_159 self (capability (dac_override)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1366 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_160 self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+;;* lme
+(dontaudit dnsmasq self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+(dontaudit dumpstate self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+(dontaudit init self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+(dontaudit install_recovery self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+(dontaudit installd self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+(dontaudit lmkd self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+(dontaudit netd self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+(dontaudit perfprofd self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+(dontaudit postinstall_dexopt self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+(dontaudit recovery self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+(dontaudit sdcardd self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+(dontaudit tee self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+(dontaudit ueventd self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+(dontaudit uncrypt self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+(dontaudit vendor_init self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+(dontaudit vold self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+(dontaudit vold_prepare_subdirs self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+(dontaudit zygote self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+;;* lmx 1404 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow domain proc_type (dir (write create link rename add_name remove_name reparent rmdir)))
+(neverallow domain sysfs_type (dir (write create link rename add_name remove_name reparent rmdir)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 1407 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow domain cgroup (file (create)))
+;;* lme
+(dontaudit domain proc_type (dir (write)))
+(dontaudit domain sysfs_type (dir (write)))
+(dontaudit domain cgroup (file (create)))
+;;* lmx 1427 system/sepolicy/public/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_161 mnt_vendor_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+(allow drmserver servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager drmserver (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager drmserver (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager drmserver (process (getattr)))
+(allow drmserver system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server drmserver (binder (transfer)))
+(allow drmserver system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow drmserver appdomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow appdomain drmserver (binder (transfer)))
+(allow drmserver appdomain (fd (use)))
+(allow drmserver system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow drmserver mediaserver (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow mediaserver drmserver (binder (transfer)))
+(allow drmserver mediaserver (fd (use)))
+(allow drmserver sdcard_type (dir (search)))
+(allow drmserver drm_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow drmserver drm_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow drmserver tee_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow drmserver app_data_file (file (read write getattr)))
+(allow drmserver sdcard_type (file (read write getattr)))
+(allow drmserver efs_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow drmserver efs_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow drmserver efs_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow drmserver apk_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow drmserver drmserver_socket (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow drmserver apk_data_file (sock_file (unlink)))
+(allow drmserver media_rw_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow drmserver media_rw_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow drmserver media_rw_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow drmserver apk_data_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow drmserver asec_apk_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow drmserver ringtone_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow drmserver radio_data_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow drmserver oemfs (dir (search)))
+(allow drmserver oemfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow drmserver drmserver_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 52 system/sepolicy/public/drmserver.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_162 drmserver_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow drmserver permission_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow drmserver selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow drmserver selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow drmserver selinuxfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow drmserver selinuxfs (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow drmserver kernel (security (compute_av)))
+(allow drmserver self (netlink_selinux_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(allow drmserver cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow drmserver cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow drmserver cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow drmserver system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow drmserver system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow drmserver system_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager dumpstate (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager dumpstate (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager dumpstate (process (getattr)))
+(allow dumpstate sysfs_wake_lock (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow dumpstate self (capability2 (block_suspend)))
+(allow dumpstate self (cap2_userns (block_suspend)))
+(allow dumpstate self (capability (setgid setuid sys_resource)))
+(allow dumpstate self (cap_userns (setgid setuid sys_resource)))
+(allow dumpstate domain (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow dumpstate domain (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate domain (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate self (capability (kill net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow dumpstate self (cap_userns (kill net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow dumpstate system_file (file (execute_no_trans)))
+(allow dumpstate toolbox_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow dumpstate system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow dumpstate self (capability (chown dac_override fowner fsetid)))
+(allow dumpstate self (cap_userns (chown dac_override fowner fsetid)))
+(allow dumpstate anr_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow dumpstate anr_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow dumpstate system_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate self (capability2 (syslog)))
+(allow dumpstate self (cap2_userns (syslog)))
+(allow dumpstate kernel (system (syslog_read)))
+(allow dumpstate pstorefs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow dumpstate pstorefs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate domain (process (getattr)))
+(allow dumpstate appdomain (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate system_server (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate hal_audio_server (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate hal_camera_server (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate hal_drm_server (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate hal_bluetooth_server (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate hal_graphics_composer_server (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate hal_sensors_server (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate hal_vr_server (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate audioserver (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate cameraserver (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate drmserver (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate inputflinger (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate mediacodec (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate mediadrmserver (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate mediaextractor (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate mediametrics (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate mediaserver (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate sdcardd (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate surfaceflinger (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate tombstoned_intercept_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow dumpstate tombstoned (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow dumpstate sysfs_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow dumpstate sysfs_dm (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate sysfs_usb (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate sysfs_zram (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate qtaguid_proc (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate debugfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate block_device (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow dumpstate rootfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow dumpstate selinuxfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow dumpstate tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow dumpstate metadata_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow dumpstate storage_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow dumpstate cache_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow dumpstate fuse_device (chr_file (getattr)))
+(allow dumpstate dm_device (blk_file (getattr)))
+(allow dumpstate cache_block_device (blk_file (getattr)))
+(allow dumpstate rootfs (lnk_file (read getattr)))
+(allow dumpstate cache_file (lnk_file (read getattr)))
+(allow dumpstate cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow dumpstate cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate binderservicedomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow binderservicedomain dumpstate (binder (transfer)))
+(allow dumpstate binderservicedomain (fd (use)))
+(allow dumpstate appdomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow dumpstate netd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow dumpstate wificond (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow appdomain dumpstate (binder (transfer)))
+(allow netd dumpstate (binder (transfer)))
+(allow wificond dumpstate (binder (transfer)))
+(allow dumpstate appdomain (fd (use)))
+(allow dumpstate netd (fd (use)))
+(allow dumpstate wificond (fd (use)))
+(allow dumpstate self (capability (sys_ptrace)))
+(allow dumpstate self (cap_userns (sys_ptrace)))
+(allow dumpstate shell_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow dumpstate shell_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow dumpstate shell_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow dumpstate zygote_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow dumpstate ashmem_device (chr_file (execute)))
+(allow dumpstate self (process (execmem)))
+(allow dumpstate dalvikcache_data_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow dumpstate dalvikcache_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute open)))
+(allow dumpstate dalvikcache_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate bluetooth_data_file (dir (search)))
+(allow dumpstate bluetooth_logs_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow dumpstate bluetooth_logs_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate gpu_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow dumpstate logcat_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow dumpstate logdr_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow dumpstate logd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow dumpstate logd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow dumpstate logd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow dumpstate runtime_event_log_tags_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate proc_qtaguid_stat (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate proc_buddyinfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate proc_cmdline (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate proc_meminfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate proc_modules (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate proc_pagetypeinfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate proc_pipe_conf (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate proc_version (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate proc_vmallocinfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate proc_vmstat (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate net_data_file (dir (search)))
+(allow dumpstate net_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate self (netlink_tcpdiag_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown nlmsg_read)))
+(allow dumpstate tombstone_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow dumpstate tombstone_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate cache_recovery_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow dumpstate cache_recovery_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate recovery_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow dumpstate recovery_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate update_engine_log_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow dumpstate update_engine_log_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate base_typeattr_163 (service_manager (find)))
+(dontaudit dumpstate dumpstate_service (service_manager (find)))
+(dontaudit dumpstate gatekeeper_service (service_manager (find)))
+(dontaudit dumpstate incident_service (service_manager (find)))
+(dontaudit dumpstate virtual_touchpad_service (service_manager (find)))
+(dontaudit dumpstate vold_service (service_manager (find)))
+(dontaudit dumpstate vr_hwc_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow dumpstate servicemanager (service_manager (list)))
+(allow dumpstate hwservicemanager (hwservice_manager (list)))
+(allow dumpstate devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow dumpstate property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow dumpstate init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow dumpstate dumpstate_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow dumpstate dumpstate_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow dumpstate init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow dumpstate exported_dumpstate_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow dumpstate exported_dumpstate_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow dumpstate init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow dumpstate dumpstate_options_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow dumpstate dumpstate_options_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate property_type (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate media_rw_data_file (dir (getattr)))
+(allow dumpstate proc_interrupts (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate proc_zoneinfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate dumpstate_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 252 system/sepolicy/public/dumpstate.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_164 dumpstate_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow dumpstate ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate proc_stat (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate installd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow installd dumpstate (binder (transfer)))
+(allow dumpstate installd (fd (use)))
+(allow dumpstate self (netlink_xfrm_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown nlmsg_read)))
+(allow dumpstate self (netlink_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow dumpstate self (netlink_generic_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow dumpstate property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow dumpstate init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow dumpstate ctl_dumpstate_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow dumpstate ctl_dumpstate_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lmx 280 system/sepolicy/public/dumpstate.te
+(neverallow dumpstate base_typeattr_57 (process (ptrace)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 289 system/sepolicy/public/dumpstate.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_165 dumpstate_service (service_manager (find)))
+;;* lme
+(allow e2fs devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr)))
+(allow e2fs dev_type (blk_file (getattr)))
+(allow e2fs block_device (dir (search)))
+(allow e2fs userdata_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow e2fs metadata_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow e2fs proc_filesystems (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow e2fs proc_mounts (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow e2fs proc_swaps (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow e2fs sysfs_fs_ext4_features (dir (search)))
+(allow e2fs sysfs_fs_ext4_features (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow e2fs file_contexts_file (file (read getattr open)))
+(allow fs_type self (filesystem (associate)))
+(allow cgroup tmpfs (filesystem (associate)))
+(allow cgroup_bpf tmpfs (filesystem (associate)))
+(allow sysfs_type sysfs (filesystem (associate)))
+(allow debugfs_type debugfs (filesystem (associate)))
+(allow debugfs_type debugfs_tracing (filesystem (associate)))
+(allow debugfs_type debugfs_tracing_debug (filesystem (associate)))
+(allow file_type labeledfs (filesystem (associate)))
+(allow file_type tmpfs (filesystem (associate)))
+(allow file_type rootfs (filesystem (associate)))
+(allow dev_type tmpfs (filesystem (associate)))
+(allow app_fuse_file app_fusefs (filesystem (associate)))
+(allow postinstall_file self (filesystem (associate)))
+;;* lmx 411 system/sepolicy/public/file.te
+(neverallow fs_type file_type (filesystem (associate)))
+;;* lme
+(allow fingerprintd servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager fingerprintd (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager fingerprintd (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager fingerprintd (process (getattr)))
+(allow fingerprintd system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow fingerprintd fingerprintd_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 10 system/sepolicy/public/fingerprintd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_166 fingerprintd_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow fingerprintd fingerprintd_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow fingerprintd fingerprintd_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow keystore fingerprintd (dir (search)))
+(allow keystore fingerprintd (file (read open)))
+(allow keystore fingerprintd (process (getattr)))
+(allow fingerprintd keystore_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow fingerprintd keystore (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow keystore fingerprintd (binder (transfer)))
+(allow fingerprintd keystore (fd (use)))
+(allow keystore fingerprintd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow fingerprintd keystore (binder (transfer)))
+(allow keystore fingerprintd (fd (use)))
+(allow fingerprintd keystore (keystore_key (add_auth)))
+(allow fingerprintd system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server fingerprintd (binder (transfer)))
+(allow fingerprintd system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow fingerprintd permission_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow fingerprintd ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow fsck tmpfs (chr_file (ioctl read write)))
+(allow fsck devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr)))
+(allow fsck vold (fd (use)))
+(allow fsck vold (fifo_file (read write getattr)))
+(allow fsck block_device (dir (search)))
+(allow fsck userdata_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow fsck cache_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow fsck dm_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow fsck dev_type (blk_file (getattr)))
+(allow fsck proc_mounts (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow fsck proc_swaps (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow fsck rootfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+;;* lmx 53 system/sepolicy/public/fsck.te
+(neverallow fsck vold_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow fsck root_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow fsck frp_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow fsck system_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow fsck recovery_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow fsck boot_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow fsck swap_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 56 system/sepolicy/public/fsck.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_167 fsck (process (transition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 57 system/sepolicy/public/fsck.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 fsck (process (dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 58 system/sepolicy/public/fsck.te
+(neverallow fsck base_typeattr_168 (file (entrypoint)))
+;;* lme
+(allow fsck_untrusted devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr)))
+(allow fsck_untrusted vold (fd (use)))
+(allow fsck_untrusted vold (fifo_file (read write getattr)))
+(allow fsck_untrusted block_device (dir (search)))
+(allow fsck_untrusted vold_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow fsck_untrusted proc_mounts (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow fsck_untrusted dev_type (blk_file (getattr)))
+;;* lmx 45 system/sepolicy/public/fsck_untrusted.te
+(neverallow fsck_untrusted dm_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow fsck_untrusted root_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow fsck_untrusted frp_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow fsck_untrusted system_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow fsck_untrusted recovery_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow fsck_untrusted boot_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow fsck_untrusted userdata_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow fsck_untrusted cache_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow fsck_untrusted swap_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow fsck_untrusted metadata_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 48 system/sepolicy/public/fsck_untrusted.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_169 fsck_untrusted (process (transition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 49 system/sepolicy/public/fsck_untrusted.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 fsck_untrusted (process (dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 50 system/sepolicy/public/fsck_untrusted.te
+(neverallow fsck_untrusted base_typeattr_168 (file (entrypoint)))
+;;* lme
+(allow gatekeeperd servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager gatekeeperd (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager gatekeeperd (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager gatekeeperd (process (getattr)))
+(allow gatekeeperd tee_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow gatekeeperd ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow gatekeeperd system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow gatekeeperd gatekeeper_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 22 system/sepolicy/public/gatekeeperd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_170 gatekeeper_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow keystore gatekeeperd (dir (search)))
+(allow keystore gatekeeperd (file (read open)))
+(allow keystore gatekeeperd (process (getattr)))
+(allow gatekeeperd keystore_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow gatekeeperd keystore (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow keystore gatekeeperd (binder (transfer)))
+(allow gatekeeperd keystore (fd (use)))
+(allow keystore gatekeeperd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow gatekeeperd keystore (binder (transfer)))
+(allow keystore gatekeeperd (fd (use)))
+(allow gatekeeperd keystore (keystore_key (add_auth)))
+(allow gatekeeperd system_server (binder (call)))
+(allow gatekeeperd permission_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow gatekeeperd gatekeeper_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow gatekeeperd gatekeeper_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow gatekeeperd hardware_properties_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow gatekeeperd cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow gatekeeperd cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow gatekeeperd cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_allocator_client hal_allocator_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_allocator_server hal_allocator_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_allocator_client hal_allocator_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_allocator_server hidl_allocator_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_allocator_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 4 system/sepolicy/public/hal_allocator.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_171 hidl_allocator_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_allocator_client hidl_allocator_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_allocator_client hidl_memory_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_audio_client hal_audio_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_audio_server hal_audio_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_audio_client hal_audio_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_audio_server hal_audio_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_audio_client hal_audio_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_audio_server hal_audio_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_audio_server hal_audio_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_audio_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_audio.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_172 hal_audio_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_audio_client hal_audio_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_audio ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_audio proc (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_audio proc (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_audio proc (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_audio proc_asound (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_audio proc_asound (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_audio proc_asound (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_audio_server audio_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_audio_server audio_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_audio shell (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_audio shell (fifo_file (write)))
+(allow hal_audio dumpstate (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_audio dumpstate (fifo_file (write)))
+(allow hal_audio vndbinder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_audio vndservicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow vndservicemanager hal_audio (dir (search)))
+(allow vndservicemanager hal_audio (file (read open)))
+(allow vndservicemanager hal_audio (process (getattr)))
+;;* lmx 29 system/sepolicy/public/hal_audio.te
+(neverallow hal_audio_server fs_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow hal_audio_server file_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 33 system/sepolicy/public/hal_audio.te
+(neverallow hal_audio_server domain (tcp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind name_connect)))
+(neverallow hal_audio_server domain (udp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_audio_server domain (rawip_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 36 system/sepolicy/public/hal_audio.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_173 audio_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_audio bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_audiocontrol_client hal_audiocontrol_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_audiocontrol_server hal_audiocontrol_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_audiocontrol_client hal_audiocontrol_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_audiocontrol_server hal_audiocontrol_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_audiocontrol_client hal_audiocontrol_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_audiocontrol_server hal_audiocontrol_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_audiocontrol_server hal_audiocontrol_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_audiocontrol_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_audiocontrol.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_174 hal_audiocontrol_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_audiocontrol_client hal_audiocontrol_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_authsecret_client hal_authsecret_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_authsecret_server hal_authsecret_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_authsecret_client hal_authsecret_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_authsecret_server hal_authsecret_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_authsecret_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 4 system/sepolicy/public/hal_authsecret.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_175 hal_authsecret_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_authsecret_client hal_authsecret_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth_client hal_bluetooth_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth_server hal_bluetooth_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth_client hal_bluetooth_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth_server hal_bluetooth_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth_client hal_bluetooth_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth_server hal_bluetooth_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth_server hal_bluetooth_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_bluetooth.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_176 hal_bluetooth_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_bluetooth_client hal_bluetooth_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth sysfs_wake_lock (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth self (capability2 (block_suspend)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth self (cap2_userns (block_suspend)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth self (capability (net_admin)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth self (cap_userns (net_admin)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth bluetooth_efs_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth bluetooth_efs_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth bluetooth_efs_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth uhid_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth hci_attach_dev (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth sysfs_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth sysfs_type (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth sysfs_type (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth sysfs_bluetooth_writable (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth self (capability2 (wake_alarm)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth self (cap2_userns (wake_alarm)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth bluetooth_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth bluetooth_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth exported_bluetooth_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth exported_bluetooth_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth proc_bluetooth_writable (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth self (capability (sys_nice)))
+(allow hal_bluetooth self (cap_userns (sys_nice)))
+(allow hal_bootctl_client hal_bootctl_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_bootctl_server hal_bootctl_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_bootctl_client hal_bootctl_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_bootctl_server hal_bootctl_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_bootctl_client hal_bootctl_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_bootctl_server hal_bootctl_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_bootctl_server hal_bootctl_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_bootctl_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_bootctl.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_177 hal_bootctl_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_bootctl_client hal_bootctl_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(dontaudit hal_bootctl self (capability (sys_rawio)))
+(allow hal_broadcastradio_client hal_broadcastradio_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_broadcastradio_server hal_broadcastradio_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_broadcastradio_client hal_broadcastradio_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_broadcastradio_server hal_broadcastradio_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_broadcastradio_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 3 system/sepolicy/public/hal_broadcastradio.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_178 hal_broadcastradio_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_broadcastradio_client hal_broadcastradio_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_camera_client hal_camera_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_camera_server hal_camera_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_camera_client hal_camera_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_camera_server hal_camera_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_camera_client hal_camera_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_camera_server hal_camera_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_camera_server hal_camera_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_camera_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_camera.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_179 hal_camera_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_camera_client hal_camera_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_camera device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_camera video_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_camera video_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_camera camera_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_camera ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_camera_client hal_graphics_allocator (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_camera_server hal_graphics_allocator (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_camera base_typeattr_43 (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_camera surfaceflinger (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_camera hal_allocator_server (fd (use)))
+;;* lmx 27 system/sepolicy/public/hal_camera.te
+(neverallow hal_camera_server fs_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow hal_camera_server file_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 30 system/sepolicy/public/hal_camera.te
+(neverallow hal_camera_server domain (tcp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind name_connect)))
+(neverallow hal_camera_server domain (udp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_camera_server domain (rawip_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 33 system/sepolicy/public/hal_camera.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_180 camera_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_cas_client hal_cas_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_cas_server hal_cas_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_cas_client hal_cas_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_cas_server hal_cas_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_cas_client hal_cas_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_cas_server hal_cas_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_cas_server hal_cas_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_cas_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_cas.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_181 hal_cas_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_cas_client hal_cas_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_cas_server hidl_memory_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_cas_server serialno_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_cas system_data_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow hal_cas cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_cas cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_cas cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_cas cgroup (dir (write search)))
+(allow hal_cas cgroup (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_cas ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_cas hal_graphics_allocator (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_cas tee_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+;;* lmx 32 system/sepolicy/public/hal_cas.te
+(neverallow hal_cas_server fs_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow hal_cas_server file_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 35 system/sepolicy/public/hal_cas.te
+(neverallowx hal_cas_server domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx hal_cas_server domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx hal_cas_server domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 35 system/sepolicy/public/hal_cas.te
+(neverallowx hal_cas_server domain (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx hal_cas_server domain (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx hal_cas_server domain (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 35 system/sepolicy/public/hal_cas.te
+(neverallowx hal_cas_server domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx hal_cas_server domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx hal_cas_server domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_configstore_client hal_configstore_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_configstore_server hal_configstore_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_configstore_client hal_configstore_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_configstore_client hal_configstore_ISurfaceFlingerConfigs (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_configstore_server hal_configstore_ISurfaceFlingerConfigs (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_configstore_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 6 system/sepolicy/public/hal_configstore.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_182 hal_configstore_ISurfaceFlingerConfigs (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_configstore_server anr_data_file (file (append)))
+(allow hal_configstore_server dumpstate (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_configstore_server incidentd (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_configstore_server dumpstate (fifo_file (write append)))
+(allow hal_configstore_server incidentd (fifo_file (write append)))
+(allow hal_configstore_server system_server (fifo_file (write append)))
+(allow hal_configstore_server tombstoned (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow hal_configstore_server tombstoned (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_configstore_server tombstoned_crash_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow hal_configstore_server tombstone_data_file (file (append)))
+;;* lmx 20 system/sepolicy/public/hal_configstore.te
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server fs_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server file_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 34 system/sepolicy/public/hal_configstore.te
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (tcp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind name_connect)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (udp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (rawip_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (packet_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (key_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (netlink_route_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (netlink_tcpdiag_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (netlink_nflog_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (netlink_xfrm_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (netlink_selinux_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (netlink_audit_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write nlmsg_relay nlmsg_readpriv nlmsg_tty_audit)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (netlink_dnrt_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (appletalk_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (tun_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind attach_queue)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (netlink_iscsi_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (netlink_fib_lookup_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (netlink_connector_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (netlink_netfilter_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (netlink_generic_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (netlink_scsitransport_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (netlink_rdma_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server domain (netlink_crypto_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 41 system/sepolicy/public/hal_configstore.te
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server base_typeattr_183 (unix_stream_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind connectto)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server base_typeattr_183 (unix_dgram_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 49 system/sepolicy/public/hal_configstore.te
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server base_typeattr_184 (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server base_typeattr_184 (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server base_typeattr_184 (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 55 system/sepolicy/public/hal_configstore.te
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server sdcard_type (dir (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server fuse (dir (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server sdcardfs (dir (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server vfat (dir (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server exfat (dir (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 59 system/sepolicy/public/hal_configstore.te
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server sdcard_type (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server fuse (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server sdcardfs (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server vfat (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server exfat (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 62 system/sepolicy/public/hal_configstore.te
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server base_typeattr_57 (service_manager (add find list)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 65 system/sepolicy/public/hal_configstore.te
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server self (capability (chown dac_override dac_read_search fowner fsetid kill setgid setuid setpcap linux_immutable net_bind_service net_broadcast net_admin net_raw ipc_lock ipc_owner sys_module sys_rawio sys_chroot sys_ptrace sys_pacct sys_admin sys_boot sys_nice sys_resource sys_time sys_tty_config mknod lease audit_write audit_control setfcap)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server self (capability2 (mac_override mac_admin syslog wake_alarm block_suspend audit_read)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server self (cap_userns (chown dac_override dac_read_search fowner fsetid kill setgid setuid setpcap linux_immutable net_bind_service net_broadcast net_admin net_raw ipc_lock ipc_owner sys_module sys_rawio sys_chroot sys_ptrace sys_pacct sys_admin sys_boot sys_nice sys_resource sys_time sys_tty_config mknod lease audit_write audit_control setfcap)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server self (cap2_userns (mac_override mac_admin syslog wake_alarm block_suspend audit_read)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 68 system/sepolicy/public/hal_configstore.te
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server base_typeattr_57 (process (ptrace)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 71 system/sepolicy/public/hal_configstore.te
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server base_typeattr_57 (file (relabelfrom relabelto)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server base_typeattr_57 (dir (relabelfrom relabelto)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server base_typeattr_57 (lnk_file (relabelfrom relabelto)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server base_typeattr_57 (chr_file (relabelfrom relabelto)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server base_typeattr_57 (blk_file (relabelfrom relabelto)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server base_typeattr_57 (sock_file (relabelfrom relabelto)))
+(neverallow hal_configstore_server base_typeattr_57 (fifo_file (relabelfrom relabelto)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_confirmationui_client hal_confirmationui_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_confirmationui_server hal_confirmationui_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_confirmationui_client hal_confirmationui_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_confirmationui_server hal_confirmationui_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_confirmationui_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 4 system/sepolicy/public/hal_confirmationui.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_185 hal_confirmationui_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_confirmationui_client hal_confirmationui_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_contexthub_client hal_contexthub_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_contexthub_server hal_contexthub_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_contexthub_client hal_contexthub_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_contexthub_server hal_contexthub_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_contexthub_client hal_contexthub_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_contexthub_server hal_contexthub_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_contexthub_server hal_contexthub_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_contexthub_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_contexthub.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_186 hal_contexthub_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_contexthub_client hal_contexthub_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_drm_client hal_drm_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_drm_server hal_drm_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_drm_client hal_drm_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_drm_server hal_drm_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_drm_client hal_drm_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_drm_server hal_drm_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_drm_server hal_drm_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_drm_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_drm.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_187 hal_drm_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_drm_client hal_drm_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_drm hidl_memory_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_drm self (process (execmem)))
+(allow hal_drm serialno_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_drm system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_drm system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_drm system_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_drm system_data_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow hal_drm cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_drm cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_drm cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_drm cgroup (dir (write search)))
+(allow hal_drm cgroup (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_drm ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_drm hal_graphics_allocator (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_drm mediaserver (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_drm sysfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_drm tee_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allowx hal_drm self (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x5401 0x5403) 0x540b (range 0x540e 0x5411) (range 0x5413 0x5414) 0x5451)))
+(allowx hal_drm self (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x5401 0x5403) 0x540b (range 0x540e 0x5411) (range 0x5413 0x5414) 0x5451)))
+(allowx hal_drm self (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x5401 0x5403) 0x540b (range 0x540e 0x5411) (range 0x5413 0x5414) 0x5451)))
+(allowx hal_drm self (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x8906 0x8907) 0x8910 (range 0x8912 0x8913) 0x8915 0x8917 0x8919 0x891b 0x8921 0x8933 0x8938 0x8942)))
+(allowx hal_drm self (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x8906 0x8907) 0x8910 (range 0x8912 0x8913) 0x8915 0x8917 0x8919 0x891b 0x8921 0x8933 0x8938 0x8942)))
+(allowx hal_drm self (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x8906 0x8907) 0x8910 (range 0x8912 0x8913) 0x8915 0x8917 0x8919 0x891b 0x8921 0x8933 0x8938 0x8942)))
+(allowx hal_drm self (ioctl tcp_socket (0x8b01 0x8b05 0x8b07 0x8b09 0x8b0b 0x8b0d 0x8b0f (range 0x8b11 0x8b13) 0x8b21 0x8b23 0x8b25 0x8b27 0x8b29 0x8b2d)))
+(allowx hal_drm self (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b01 0x8b05 0x8b07 0x8b09 0x8b0b 0x8b0d 0x8b0f (range 0x8b11 0x8b13) 0x8b21 0x8b23 0x8b25 0x8b27 0x8b29 0x8b2d)))
+(allowx hal_drm self (ioctl rawip_socket (0x8b01 0x8b05 0x8b07 0x8b09 0x8b0b 0x8b0d 0x8b0f (range 0x8b11 0x8b13) 0x8b21 0x8b23 0x8b25 0x8b27 0x8b29 0x8b2d)))
+;;* lmx 50 system/sepolicy/public/hal_drm.te
+(neverallow hal_drm_server fs_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow hal_drm_server file_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 53 system/sepolicy/public/hal_drm.te
+(neverallowx hal_drm_server domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx hal_drm_server domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx hal_drm_server domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 53 system/sepolicy/public/hal_drm.te
+(neverallowx hal_drm_server domain (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx hal_drm_server domain (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx hal_drm_server domain (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 53 system/sepolicy/public/hal_drm.te
+(neverallowx hal_drm_server domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx hal_drm_server domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx hal_drm_server domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_dumpstate_client hal_dumpstate_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_dumpstate_server hal_dumpstate_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_dumpstate_client hal_dumpstate_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_dumpstate_server hal_dumpstate_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_dumpstate_client hal_dumpstate_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_dumpstate_server hal_dumpstate_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_dumpstate_server hal_dumpstate_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_dumpstate_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_dumpstate.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_188 hal_dumpstate_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_dumpstate_client hal_dumpstate_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_dumpstate shell_data_file (file (write)))
+(allow hal_dumpstate proc_interrupts (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_evs_client hwservicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager hal_evs_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager hal_evs_client (dir (search)))
+(allow hwservicemanager hal_evs_client (file (read open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager hal_evs_client (process (getattr)))
+(allow hal_evs_server hwservicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager hal_evs_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager hal_evs_server (dir (search)))
+(allow hwservicemanager hal_evs_server (file (read open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager hal_evs_server (process (getattr)))
+(allow hal_evs_client hal_evs_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_evs_server hal_evs_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_evs_client hal_evs_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_evs_server hal_evs_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_evs_client hal_evs_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_evs_server hal_evs_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_fingerprint_client hal_fingerprint_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_fingerprint_server hal_fingerprint_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_fingerprint_client hal_fingerprint_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_fingerprint_server hal_fingerprint_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_fingerprint_client hal_fingerprint_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_fingerprint_server hal_fingerprint_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_fingerprint_server hal_fingerprint_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_fingerprint_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_fingerprint.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_189 hal_fingerprint_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_fingerprint_client hal_fingerprint_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_fingerprint ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_fingerprint fingerprint_vendor_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow hal_fingerprint fingerprint_vendor_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow hal_fingerprint cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_fingerprint cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_fingerprint cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_fingerprint sysfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_fingerprint sysfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_fingerprint sysfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_gatekeeper_client hal_gatekeeper_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_gatekeeper_server hal_gatekeeper_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_gatekeeper_client hal_gatekeeper_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_gatekeeper_server hal_gatekeeper_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_gatekeeper_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 3 system/sepolicy/public/hal_gatekeeper.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_190 hal_gatekeeper_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_gatekeeper_client hal_gatekeeper_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_gatekeeper tee_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_gatekeeper ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_gnss_client hal_gnss_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_gnss_server hal_gnss_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_gnss_client hal_gnss_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_gnss_server hal_gnss_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_gnss_client hal_gnss_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_gnss_server hal_gnss_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_gnss_server hal_gnss_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_gnss_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_gnss.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_191 hal_gnss_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_gnss_client hal_gnss_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_graphics_allocator_client hal_graphics_allocator_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_graphics_allocator_server hal_graphics_allocator_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_graphics_allocator_client hal_graphics_allocator_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_graphics_allocator_server hal_graphics_allocator_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_graphics_allocator_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 4 system/sepolicy/public/hal_graphics_allocator.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_192 hal_graphics_allocator_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_graphics_allocator_client hal_graphics_allocator_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_graphics_allocator_client hal_graphics_mapper_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_graphics_allocator gpu_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_graphics_allocator ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_graphics_allocator self (capability (sys_nice)))
+(allow hal_graphics_allocator self (cap_userns (sys_nice)))
+(allow hal_graphics_composer_client hal_graphics_composer_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_graphics_composer_server hal_graphics_composer_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_graphics_composer_client hal_graphics_composer_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_graphics_composer_server hal_graphics_composer_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_graphics_composer_client hal_graphics_composer_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_graphics_composer_server hal_graphics_composer_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_graphics_composer_server hal_graphics_composer_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_graphics_composer_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_graphics_composer.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_193 hal_graphics_composer_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_graphics_composer_client hal_graphics_composer_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_graphics_composer_server hal_graphics_mapper_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_graphics_composer gpu_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_graphics_composer ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_graphics_composer hal_graphics_allocator (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_graphics_composer graphics_device (dir (search)))
+(allow hal_graphics_composer graphics_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_graphics_composer system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_graphics_composer bootanim (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_graphics_composer appdomain (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_graphics_composer self (capability (sys_nice)))
+(allow hal_graphics_composer self (cap_userns (sys_nice)))
+(allow hal_health_client hal_health_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_health_server hal_health_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_health_client hal_health_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_health_server hal_health_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_health_client hal_health_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_health_server hal_health_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_health_server hal_health_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_health_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_health.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_194 hal_health_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_health_client hal_health_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_health system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_health system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_health system_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_health_server self (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow hal_health_server sysfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_health_server sysfs_batteryinfo (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_health_server sysfs_batteryinfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_health_server sysfs_batteryinfo (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_health_server sysfs_wake_lock (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_health_server self (capability2 (block_suspend)))
+(allow hal_health_server self (cap2_userns (block_suspend)))
+(allow hal_health_server kmsg_device (chr_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_ir_client hal_ir_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_ir_server hal_ir_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_ir_client hal_ir_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_ir_server hal_ir_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_ir_client hal_ir_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_ir_server hal_ir_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_ir_server hal_ir_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_ir_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_ir.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_195 hal_ir_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_ir_client hal_ir_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_keymaster_client hal_keymaster_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_keymaster_server hal_keymaster_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_keymaster_client hal_keymaster_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_keymaster_server hal_keymaster_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_keymaster_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 4 system/sepolicy/public/hal_keymaster.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_196 hal_keymaster_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_keymaster_client hal_keymaster_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_keymaster tee_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_keymaster ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_light_client hal_light_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_light_server hal_light_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_light_client hal_light_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_light_server hal_light_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_light_client hal_light_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_light_server hal_light_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_light_server hal_light_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_light_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_light.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_197 hal_light_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_light_client hal_light_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_light sysfs_leds (lnk_file (read)))
+(allow hal_light sysfs_leds (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_light sysfs_leds (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_lowpan_client hal_lowpan_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_lowpan_server hal_lowpan_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_lowpan_client hal_lowpan_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_lowpan_server hal_lowpan_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_lowpan_client hal_lowpan_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_lowpan_server hal_lowpan_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_lowpan_server hal_lowpan_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_lowpan_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_lowpan.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_198 hal_lowpan_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_lowpan_client hal_lowpan_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_lowpan_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow hal_lowpan_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow hal_lowpan_server lowpan_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow hal_lowpan_server lowpan_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_lowpan_server lowpan_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+;;* lmx 21 system/sepolicy/public/hal_lowpan.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_199 lowpan_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_memtrack_client hal_memtrack_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_memtrack_server hal_memtrack_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_memtrack_client hal_memtrack_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_memtrack_server hal_memtrack_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_memtrack_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 4 system/sepolicy/public/hal_memtrack.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_200 hal_memtrack_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_memtrack_client hal_memtrack_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_neuralnetworks_client hal_neuralnetworks_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_neuralnetworks_server hal_neuralnetworks_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_neuralnetworks_client hal_neuralnetworks_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_neuralnetworks_server hal_neuralnetworks_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_neuralnetworks_client hal_neuralnetworks_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_neuralnetworks_server hal_neuralnetworks_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_neuralnetworks_server hal_neuralnetworks_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_neuralnetworks_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_neuralnetworks.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_201 hal_neuralnetworks_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_neuralnetworks_client hal_neuralnetworks_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_neuralnetworks hidl_memory_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_neuralnetworks hal_allocator (fd (use)))
+;;* lmx 11 system/sepolicy/public/hal_neverallows.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_202 self (capability (net_admin net_raw)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_202 self (cap_userns (net_admin net_raw)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 27 system/sepolicy/public/hal_neverallows.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_203 domain (tcp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind name_connect)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_203 domain (udp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_203 domain (rawip_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 54 system/sepolicy/public/hal_neverallows.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_204 fs_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_204 file_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 56 system/sepolicy/public/hal_neverallows.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 halserverdomain (process (transition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 60 system/sepolicy/public/hal_neverallows.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 halserverdomain (process (dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_nfc_client hal_nfc_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_nfc_server hal_nfc_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_nfc_client hal_nfc_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_nfc_server hal_nfc_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_nfc_client hal_nfc_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_nfc_server hal_nfc_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_nfc_server hal_nfc_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_nfc_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_nfc.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_205 hal_nfc_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_nfc_client hal_nfc_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_nfc property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow hal_nfc init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow hal_nfc nfc_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow hal_nfc nfc_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_nfc nfc_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_oemlock_client hal_oemlock_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_oemlock_server hal_oemlock_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_oemlock_client hal_oemlock_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_oemlock_server hal_oemlock_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_oemlock_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 4 system/sepolicy/public/hal_oemlock.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_206 hal_oemlock_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_oemlock_client hal_oemlock_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_power_client hal_power_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_power_server hal_power_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_power_client hal_power_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_power_server hal_power_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_power_client hal_power_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_power_server hal_power_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_power_server hal_power_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_power_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_power.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_207 hal_power_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_power_client hal_power_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_secure_element_client hal_secure_element_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_secure_element_server hal_secure_element_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_secure_element_client hal_secure_element_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_secure_element_server hal_secure_element_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_secure_element_client hal_secure_element_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_secure_element_server hal_secure_element_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_secure_element_server hal_secure_element_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_secure_element_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_secure_element.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_208 hal_secure_element_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_secure_element_client hal_secure_element_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_sensors_client hal_sensors_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_sensors_server hal_sensors_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_sensors_client hal_sensors_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_sensors_server hal_sensors_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_sensors_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 4 system/sepolicy/public/hal_sensors.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_209 hal_sensors_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_sensors_client hal_sensors_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_sensors base_typeattr_43 (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_sensors hal_allocator (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_sensors self (capability (sys_nice)))
+(allow hal_sensors self (cap_userns (sys_nice)))
+(allow hal_telephony_client hal_telephony_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server hal_telephony_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_telephony_client hal_telephony_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server hal_telephony_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_telephony_client hal_telephony_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server hal_telephony_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server hal_telephony_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_telephony.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_210 hal_telephony_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_telephony_client hal_telephony_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allowx hal_telephony_server self (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(allowx hal_telephony_server self (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(allowx hal_telephony_server self (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(allow hal_telephony_server self (netlink_route_socket (nlmsg_write)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server kernel (system (module_request)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server self (capability (setgid setuid setpcap net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server self (cap_userns (setgid setuid setpcap net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server alarm_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server cgroup (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server radio_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server radio_device (blk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server mtd_device (dir (search)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server efs_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server efs_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server vendor_shell_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server bluetooth_efs_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server bluetooth_efs_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server exported_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server exported_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server exported2_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server exported2_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server exported3_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server exported3_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server tty_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server self (netlink_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server self (netlink_generic_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server self (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server sysfs_wake_lock (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server self (capability2 (block_suspend)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server self (cap2_userns (block_suspend)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server proc_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server proc_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server sysfs_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server sysfs_type (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server sysfs_type (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server system_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_telephony_server self (socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow hal_tetheroffload_client hal_tetheroffload_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_tetheroffload_server hal_tetheroffload_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_tetheroffload_client hal_tetheroffload_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_tetheroffload_server hal_tetheroffload_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_tetheroffload_client hal_tetheroffload_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_tetheroffload_server hal_tetheroffload_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_tetheroffload_client hal_tetheroffload_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_tetheroffload_server hal_tetheroffload_client (netlink_netfilter_socket (read write getattr setopt)))
+(allow hal_thermal_client hal_thermal_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_thermal_server hal_thermal_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_thermal_client hal_thermal_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_thermal_server hal_thermal_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_thermal_client hal_thermal_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_thermal_server hal_thermal_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_thermal_server hal_thermal_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_thermal_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_thermal.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_211 hal_thermal_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_thermal_client hal_thermal_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_tv_cec_client hal_tv_cec_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_tv_cec_server hal_tv_cec_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_tv_cec_client hal_tv_cec_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_tv_cec_server hal_tv_cec_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_tv_cec_client hal_tv_cec_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_tv_cec_server hal_tv_cec_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_tv_cec_server hal_tv_cec_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_tv_cec_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_tv_cec.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_212 hal_tv_cec_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_tv_cec_client hal_tv_cec_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_tv_input_client hal_tv_input_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_tv_input_server hal_tv_input_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_tv_input_client hal_tv_input_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_tv_input_server hal_tv_input_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_tv_input_client hal_tv_input_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_tv_input_server hal_tv_input_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_tv_input_server hal_tv_input_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_tv_input_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_tv_input.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_213 hal_tv_input_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_tv_input_client hal_tv_input_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_usb_client hal_usb_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_usb_server hal_usb_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_usb_client hal_usb_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_usb_server hal_usb_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_usb_client hal_usb_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_usb_server hal_usb_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_usb_server hal_usb_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_usb_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_usb.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_214 hal_usb_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_usb_client hal_usb_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_usb self (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (create)))
+(allow hal_usb self (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (setopt)))
+(allow hal_usb self (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (bind)))
+(allow hal_usb self (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (read)))
+(allow hal_usb sysfs (dir (open)))
+(allow hal_usb sysfs (dir (read)))
+(allow hal_usb sysfs (file (read)))
+(allow hal_usb sysfs (file (open)))
+(allow hal_usb sysfs (file (write)))
+(allow hal_usb sysfs (file (getattr)))
+(allow hal_usb_gadget_client hal_usb_gadget_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_usb_gadget_server hal_usb_gadget_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_usb_gadget_client hal_usb_gadget_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_usb_gadget_server hal_usb_gadget_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_usb_gadget_client hal_usb_gadget_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_usb_gadget_server hal_usb_gadget_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_usb_gadget_server hal_usb_gadget_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_usb_gadget_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_usb_gadget.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_215 hal_usb_gadget_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_usb_gadget_client hal_usb_gadget_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_usb_gadget_server configfs (lnk_file (read create unlink)))
+(allow hal_usb_gadget_server configfs (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow hal_usb_gadget_server configfs (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_usb_gadget_server functionfs (dir (read search)))
+(allow hal_usb_gadget_server functionfs (file (read)))
+(allow hal_vehicle_client hal_vehicle_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_vehicle_server hal_vehicle_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_vehicle_client hal_vehicle_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_vehicle_server hal_vehicle_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_vehicle_client hal_vehicle_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_vehicle_server hal_vehicle_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_vehicle_server hal_vehicle_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_vehicle_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_vehicle.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_216 hal_vehicle_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_vehicle_client hal_vehicle_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_vibrator_client hal_vibrator_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_vibrator_server hal_vibrator_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_vibrator_client hal_vibrator_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_vibrator_server hal_vibrator_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_vibrator_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 4 system/sepolicy/public/hal_vibrator.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_217 hal_vibrator_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_vibrator_client hal_vibrator_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_vibrator sysfs_vibrator (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_vibrator sysfs_vibrator (dir (search)))
+(allow hal_vr_client hal_vr_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_vr_server hal_vr_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_vr_client hal_vr_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_vr_server hal_vr_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_vr_client hal_vr_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_vr_server hal_vr_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_vr_server hal_vr_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_vr_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_vr.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_218 hal_vr_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_vr_client hal_vr_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_weaver_client hal_weaver_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_weaver_server hal_weaver_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_weaver_client hal_weaver_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_weaver_server hal_weaver_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_weaver_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 4 system/sepolicy/public/hal_weaver.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_219 hal_weaver_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_weaver_client hal_weaver_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_wifi_client hal_wifi_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_wifi_server hal_wifi_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_wifi_client hal_wifi_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_wifi_server hal_wifi_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_wifi_client hal_wifi_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_wifi_server hal_wifi_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_wifi_server hal_wifi_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_wifi_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_wifi.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_220 hal_wifi_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_wifi_client hal_wifi_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_wifi proc_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_wifi proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_wifi proc_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_wifi sysfs_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_wifi sysfs_type (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_wifi sysfs_type (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_wifi property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow hal_wifi init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow hal_wifi exported_wifi_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow hal_wifi exported_wifi_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_wifi property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow hal_wifi init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow hal_wifi wifi_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow hal_wifi wifi_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_wifi self (udp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allowx hal_wifi self (ioctl udp_socket (0x8914 0x8924)))
+(allow hal_wifi self (capability (net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow hal_wifi self (cap_userns (net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow hal_wifi self (netlink_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow hal_wifi self (netlink_generic_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow hal_wifi sysfs_wlan_fwpath (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow hal_wifi proc_modules (file (read getattr open)))
+(allow hal_wifi_hostapd_client hal_wifi_hostapd_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_wifi_hostapd_server hal_wifi_hostapd_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_wifi_hostapd_client hal_wifi_hostapd_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_wifi_hostapd_server hal_wifi_hostapd_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_wifi_hostapd_client hal_wifi_hostapd_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_wifi_hostapd_server hal_wifi_hostapd_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_wifi_hostapd_server hal_wifi_hostapd_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_wifi_hostapd_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_wifi_hostapd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_221 hal_wifi_hostapd_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_wifi_hostapd_client hal_wifi_hostapd_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_wifi_hostapd_server self (capability (net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow hal_wifi_hostapd_server self (cap_userns (net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow hal_wifi_hostapd_server sysfs_net (dir (search)))
+(allow hal_wifi_hostapd_server proc_net (file (read getattr open)))
+(allowx hal_wifi_hostapd_server self (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(allowx hal_wifi_hostapd_server self (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(allowx hal_wifi_hostapd_server self (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(allow hal_wifi_hostapd_server self (netlink_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow hal_wifi_hostapd_server self (netlink_generic_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow hal_wifi_hostapd_server self (packet_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow hal_wifi_hostapd_server self (netlink_route_socket (nlmsg_write)))
+;;* lmx 27 system/sepolicy/public/hal_wifi_hostapd.te
+(neverallow hal_wifi_hostapd_server sdcard_type (dir (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 28 system/sepolicy/public/hal_wifi_hostapd.te
+(neverallow hal_wifi_hostapd_server sdcard_type (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_wifi_offload_client hal_wifi_offload_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_wifi_offload_server hal_wifi_offload_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_wifi_offload_client hal_wifi_offload_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_wifi_offload_server hal_wifi_offload_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_wifi_offload_client hal_wifi_offload_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_wifi_offload_server hal_wifi_offload_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_wifi_offload_server hal_wifi_offload_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_wifi_offload_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_wifi_offload.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_222 hal_wifi_offload_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_wifi_offload_client hal_wifi_offload_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow hal_wifi_offload proc_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_wifi_offload proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_wifi_offload proc_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_wifi_offload sysfs_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_wifi_offload sysfs_type (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_wifi_offload sysfs_type (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant_client hal_wifi_supplicant_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant_server hal_wifi_supplicant_client (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant_client hal_wifi_supplicant_server (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant_server hal_wifi_supplicant_client (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant_client hal_wifi_supplicant_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant_server hal_wifi_supplicant_client (fd (use)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant_server hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/hal_wifi_supplicant.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_223 hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant_client hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allowx hal_wifi_supplicant self (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(allowx hal_wifi_supplicant self (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(allowx hal_wifi_supplicant self (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant sysfs_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant sysfs_type (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant sysfs_type (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant proc_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant proc_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant kernel (system (module_request)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant self (capability (setgid setuid net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant self (cap_userns (setgid setuid net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant cgroup (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant self (netlink_route_socket (nlmsg_write)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant self (netlink_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant self (netlink_generic_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow hal_wifi_supplicant self (packet_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allowx hal_wifi_supplicant self (ioctl packet_socket ((range 0x5401 0x5403) 0x540b (range 0x540e 0x5411) (range 0x5413 0x5414) 0x5451)))
+(allowx hal_wifi_supplicant self (ioctl packet_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(allowx hal_wifi_supplicant self (ioctl packet_socket ((range 0x8906 0x8907) (range 0x890b 0x890d) (range 0x8910 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8939) (range 0x8940 0x8943) (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(allowx hal_wifi_supplicant self (ioctl packet_socket ((range 0x8b00 0x8b02) (range 0x8b04 0x8b1d) (range 0x8b20 0x8b2d) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+;;* lmx 28 system/sepolicy/public/hal_wifi_supplicant.te
+(neverallow hal_wifi_supplicant_server sdcard_type (dir (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 29 system/sepolicy/public/hal_wifi_supplicant.te
+(neverallow hal_wifi_supplicant_server sdcard_type (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+(allow healthd kmsg_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow healthd sysfs_type (dir (search)))
+(allow healthd rootfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow healthd rootfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow healthd rootfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow healthd cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow healthd cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow healthd cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow healthd system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow healthd system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow healthd system_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow healthd self (capability (sys_tty_config)))
+(allow healthd self (cap_userns (sys_tty_config)))
+(allow healthd self (capability (sys_boot)))
+(allow healthd self (cap_userns (sys_boot)))
+(allow healthd self (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow healthd sysfs_wake_lock (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow healthd self (capability2 (block_suspend)))
+(allow healthd self (cap2_userns (block_suspend)))
+(allow healthd sysfs_power (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow healthd sysfs_usb (file (write)))
+(allow healthd sysfs_batteryinfo (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow healthd sysfs_batteryinfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow healthd sysfs_batteryinfo (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow healthd pstorefs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow healthd pstorefs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow healthd graphics_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow healthd graphics_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow healthd input_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow healthd input_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow healthd tty_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow healthd ashmem_device (chr_file (execute)))
+(allow healthd self (process (execmem)))
+(allow healthd proc_sysrq (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow healthd property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow healthd init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow healthd system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow healthd system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow healthd property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow healthd init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow healthd exported_system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow healthd exported_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow healthd property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow healthd init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow healthd exported2_system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow healthd exported2_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow healthd property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow healthd init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow healthd exported3_system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow healthd exported3_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager self (binder (set_context_mgr)))
+(allow hwservicemanager property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow hwservicemanager init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow hwservicemanager hwservicemanager_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow hwservicemanager hwservicemanager_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager hwservice_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager selinuxfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager selinuxfs (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager kernel (security (compute_av)))
+(allow hwservicemanager self (netlink_selinux_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(allow idmap installd (fd (use)))
+(allow idmap resourcecache_data_file (file (read write getattr)))
+(dontaudit idmap installd (file (read)))
+(allow idmap apk_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow idmap apk_data_file (dir (search)))
+(allow idmap vendor_app_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow idmap vendor_app_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow idmap vendor_app_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow idmap vendor_overlay_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow idmap vendor_overlay_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow idmap vendor_overlay_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init tmpfs (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink open)))
+(allow init tmpfs (chr_file (relabelfrom)))
+(allow init kmsg_device (chr_file (write relabelto)))
+(allow init properties_device (dir (relabelto)))
+(allow init properties_serial (file (write relabelto)))
+(allow init property_type (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow init properties_device (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow init property_info (file (relabelto)))
+(allow init device (file (relabelfrom)))
+(allow init runtime_event_log_tags_file (file (write create setattr relabelto open)))
+(allow init device (dir (relabelto)))
+(allow init socket_device (dir (relabelto)))
+(allow init random_device (chr_file (relabelto)))
+(allow init tmpfs (chr_file (relabelfrom)))
+(allow init tmpfs (blk_file (relabelfrom)))
+(allow init tmpfs (blk_file (getattr)))
+(allow init block_device (dir (relabelto)))
+(allow init block_device (lnk_file (relabelto)))
+(allow init block_device (blk_file (relabelto)))
+(allow init dm_device (chr_file (relabelto)))
+(allow init dm_device (blk_file (relabelto)))
+(allow init kernel (fd (use)))
+(allow init tmpfs (lnk_file (read getattr relabelfrom)))
+(allow init system_block_device (lnk_file (relabelto)))
+(allow init system_block_device (blk_file (relabelto)))
+(allow init recovery_block_device (lnk_file (relabelto)))
+(allow init recovery_block_device (blk_file (relabelto)))
+(allow init misc_block_device (lnk_file (relabelto)))
+(allow init misc_block_device (blk_file (relabelto)))
+(allow init self (capability (sys_resource)))
+(allow init self (cap_userns (sys_resource)))
+(allow init tmpfs (file (unlink)))
+(allow init devpts (chr_file (read write open)))
+(allow init fscklogs (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow init tmpfs (chr_file (write)))
+(allow init console_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow init tty_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow init self (capability (sys_admin)))
+(allow init self (cap_userns (sys_admin)))
+(allow init rootfs (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow init rootfs (dir (mounton)))
+(allow init cgroup (dir (mounton)))
+(allow init system_file (dir (mounton)))
+(allow init vendor_file (dir (mounton)))
+(allow init system_data_file (dir (mounton)))
+(allow init storage_file (dir (mounton)))
+(allow init postinstall_mnt_dir (dir (mounton)))
+(allow init cache_file (dir (mounton)))
+(allow init cgroup_bpf (dir (create mounton)))
+(allow init fs_bpf (dir (mounton)))
+(allow init device (dir (mounton)))
+(allow init rootfs (lnk_file (create unlink)))
+(allow init sysfs (dir (mounton)))
+(allow init tmpfs (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow init tmpfs (dir (mounton)))
+(allow init cgroup (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow init cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow init cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init cpuctl_device (dir (create mounton)))
+(allow init configfs (dir (mounton)))
+(allow init configfs (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow init configfs (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow init configfs (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow init metadata_file (dir (mounton)))
+(allow init tmpfs (dir (relabelfrom)))
+(allow init self (capability (dac_override)))
+(allow init self (cap_userns (dac_override)))
+(allow init self (capability (sys_time)))
+(allow init self (cap_userns (sys_time)))
+(allow init self (capability (sys_rawio mknod)))
+(allow init self (cap_userns (sys_rawio mknod)))
+(allow init dev_type (blk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init fs_type (filesystem (mount remount unmount getattr relabelfrom associate quotamod quotaget)))
+(allow init unlabeled (filesystem (mount remount unmount getattr relabelfrom associate quotamod quotaget)))
+(allow init contextmount_type (filesystem (relabelto)))
+(allow init contextmount_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow init contextmount_type (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init contextmount_type (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init contextmount_type (sock_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init contextmount_type (fifo_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init rootfs (file (relabelfrom)))
+(allow init rootfs (dir (relabelfrom)))
+(allow init self (capability (chown fowner fsetid)))
+(allow init self (cap_userns (chown fowner fsetid)))
+(allow init base_typeattr_224 (dir (ioctl read create getattr setattr search open)))
+(allow init base_typeattr_225 (dir (write relabelfrom add_name remove_name rmdir)))
+(allow init base_typeattr_226 (file (read write create getattr setattr relabelfrom unlink open)))
+(allow init base_typeattr_225 (sock_file (read create getattr setattr relabelfrom unlink open)))
+(allow init base_typeattr_225 (fifo_file (read create getattr setattr relabelfrom unlink open)))
+(allow init base_typeattr_225 (lnk_file (create getattr setattr relabelfrom unlink)))
+(allow init cache_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init base_typeattr_227 (file (relabelto)))
+(allow init base_typeattr_227 (dir (relabelto)))
+(allow init base_typeattr_227 (lnk_file (relabelto)))
+(allow init base_typeattr_227 (chr_file (relabelto)))
+(allow init base_typeattr_227 (blk_file (relabelto)))
+(allow init base_typeattr_227 (sock_file (relabelto)))
+(allow init base_typeattr_227 (fifo_file (relabelto)))
+(allow init sysfs (file (getattr relabelfrom)))
+(allow init sysfs (dir (getattr relabelfrom)))
+(allow init sysfs (lnk_file (getattr relabelfrom)))
+(allow init debugfs (file (getattr relabelfrom)))
+(allow init debugfs (dir (getattr relabelfrom)))
+(allow init debugfs (lnk_file (getattr relabelfrom)))
+(allow init debugfs_tracing (file (getattr relabelfrom)))
+(allow init debugfs_tracing (dir (getattr relabelfrom)))
+(allow init debugfs_tracing (lnk_file (getattr relabelfrom)))
+(allow init debugfs_tracing_debug (file (getattr relabelfrom)))
+(allow init debugfs_tracing_debug (dir (getattr relabelfrom)))
+(allow init debugfs_tracing_debug (lnk_file (getattr relabelfrom)))
+(allow init sysfs_type (file (getattr relabelto)))
+(allow init sysfs_type (dir (getattr relabelto)))
+(allow init sysfs_type (lnk_file (getattr relabelto)))
+(allow init debugfs_type (file (getattr relabelto)))
+(allow init debugfs_type (dir (getattr relabelto)))
+(allow init debugfs_type (lnk_file (getattr relabelto)))
+(allow init dev_type (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow init dev_type (lnk_file (create)))
+(allow init debugfs_tracing (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init debugfs_tracing_instances (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow init debugfs_tracing_instances (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init debugfs_wifi_tracing (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init base_typeattr_228 (file (read setattr open)))
+(allow init base_typeattr_229 (dir (read setattr search open)))
+(allow init base_typeattr_230 (chr_file (read open)))
+(auditallow init base_typeattr_231 (chr_file (read open)))
+(allow init base_typeattr_232 (chr_file (setattr)))
+(allow init unlabeled (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow init unlabeled (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow init unlabeled (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow init unlabeled (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow init unlabeled (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow init kernel (system (syslog_mod)))
+(allow init self (capability2 (syslog)))
+(allow init self (cap2_userns (syslog)))
+(allow init proc_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow init proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init proc_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init proc_cmdline (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init proc_diskstats (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init proc_kmsg (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init proc_meminfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init proc_stat (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init proc_uptime (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init proc_version (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init proc_overcommit_memory (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init proc_min_free_order_shift (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init proc_abi (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init proc_dirty (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init proc_extra_free_kbytes (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init proc_hostname (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init proc_hung_task (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init proc_max_map_count (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init proc_net (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init proc_page_cluster (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init proc_panic (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init proc_perf (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init proc_sched (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init proc_sysrq (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init proc_security (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow init sysfs_android_usb (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init sysfs_leds (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init sysfs_power (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init sysfs_dt_firmware_android (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init sysfs_zram (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow init sysfs_vibrator (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init sysfs_android_usb (file (setattr)))
+(allow init sysfs_ipv4 (file (setattr)))
+(allow init sysfs_leds (file (setattr)))
+(allow init sysfs_wake_lock (file (setattr)))
+(allow init sysfs_power (file (setattr)))
+(allow init sysfs_devices_system_cpu (file (setattr)))
+(allow init sysfs_lowmemorykiller (file (setattr)))
+(allow init sysfs_vibrator (file (setattr)))
+(allow init usermodehelper (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow init sysfs_usermodehelper (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow init self (capability (net_admin)))
+(allow init self (cap_userns (net_admin)))
+(allow init self (capability (sys_boot)))
+(allow init self (cap_userns (sys_boot)))
+(allow init misc_logd_file (dir (read write create getattr setattr add_name search open)))
+(allow init misc_logd_file (file (write create getattr setattr open)))
+(allow init self (capability (kill)))
+(allow init self (cap_userns (kill)))
+(allow init domain (process (sigkill signal getpgid)))
+(allow init keystore_data_file (dir (read create getattr setattr search open)))
+(allow init keystore_data_file (file (getattr)))
+(allow init vold_data_file (dir (read create getattr setattr search open)))
+(allow init vold_data_file (file (getattr)))
+(allow init shell_data_file (dir (read create getattr setattr search open)))
+(allow init shell_data_file (file (getattr)))
+(allow init self (capability (setgid setuid setpcap)))
+(allow init self (cap_userns (setgid setuid setpcap)))
+(allow init domain (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow init domain (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init domain (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init self (process (setexec setfscreate setsockcreate)))
+(allow init file_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init sepolicy_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow init selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init selinuxfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init selinuxfs (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init kernel (security (compute_av)))
+(allow init self (netlink_selinux_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(allow init kernel (security (compute_create)))
+(allow init domain (unix_stream_socket (create bind setopt)))
+(allow init domain (unix_dgram_socket (create bind setopt)))
+(allow init property_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow init property_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow init property_type (property_service (set)))
+(allow init self (netlink_audit_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown nlmsg_relay)))
+(allow init self (capability (audit_write)))
+(allow init self (cap_userns (audit_write)))
+(allow init self (udp_socket (ioctl create)))
+(allowx init self (ioctl udp_socket (0x8914)))
+(allow init self (capability (net_raw)))
+(allow init self (cap_userns (net_raw)))
+(allow init kernel (process (setsched)))
+(allow init swap_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow init hw_random_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init device (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow init self (capability (sys_tty_config)))
+(allow init self (cap_userns (sys_tty_config)))
+(allow init keychord_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow init dm_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow init dm_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow init metadata_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow init pstorefs (dir (search)))
+(allow init pstorefs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init kernel (system (syslog_read)))
+(allow init init (key (write search setattr)))
+(allow init unencrypted_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow init proc_overcommit_memory (file (write)))
+(allow init misc_block_device (blk_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow init system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow init system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init system_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init vendor_file_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow init vendor_file_type (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init vendor_file_type (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init system_data_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow init system_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init vendor_shell_exec (file (execute)))
+(allow init vold_metadata_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow init vold_metadata_file (file (getattr)))
+;;* lmx 490 system/sepolicy/public/init.te
+(neverallow domain init (process (dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 491 system/sepolicy/public/init.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_74 init (process (transition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 492 system/sepolicy/public/init.te
+(neverallow init base_typeattr_233 (file (entrypoint)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 495 system/sepolicy/public/init.te
+(neverallow init shell_data_file (lnk_file (read)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 496 system/sepolicy/public/init.te
+(neverallow init app_data_file (lnk_file (read)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 499 system/sepolicy/public/init.te
+(neverallow init fs_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow init file_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 502 system/sepolicy/public/init.te
+(neverallow init service_manager_type (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 503 system/sepolicy/public/init.te
+(neverallow init servicemanager (service_manager (list)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 506 system/sepolicy/public/init.te
+(neverallow init shell_data_file (dir (write add_name remove_name)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 509 system/sepolicy/public/init.te
+(neverallow init sysfs (file (read write open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow inputflinger servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager inputflinger (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager inputflinger (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager inputflinger (process (getattr)))
+(allow inputflinger system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server inputflinger (binder (transfer)))
+(allow inputflinger system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow inputflinger sysfs_wake_lock (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow inputflinger self (capability2 (block_suspend)))
+(allow inputflinger self (cap2_userns (block_suspend)))
+(allow inputflinger inputflinger_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 12 system/sepolicy/public/inputflinger.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_234 inputflinger_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow inputflinger input_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow inputflinger input_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow inputflinger cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow inputflinger cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow inputflinger cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow install_recovery self (capability (dac_override)))
+(allow install_recovery self (cap_userns (dac_override)))
+(allow install_recovery shell_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow install_recovery system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow install_recovery toolbox_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow install_recovery block_device (dir (search)))
+(allow install_recovery boot_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow install_recovery recovery_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow install_recovery cache_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow install_recovery cache_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow install_recovery proc_drop_caches (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow installd self (capability (chown dac_override fowner fsetid setgid setuid sys_admin)))
+(allow installd self (cap_userns (chown dac_override fowner fsetid setgid setuid sys_admin)))
+(allow installd dalvikcache_data_file (dir (relabelto)))
+(allow installd dalvikcache_data_file (file (relabelto link)))
+(allow installd apk_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow installd apk_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom append map unlink link rename open)))
+(allow installd apk_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read create getattr lock map unlink open)))
+(allow installd asec_apk_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow installd apk_tmp_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map unlink open)))
+(allow installd apk_tmp_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow installd oemfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow installd oemfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow installd cgroup (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow installd mnt_expand_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow installd selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow installd selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow installd selinuxfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow installd selinuxfs (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow installd kernel (security (check_context)))
+(allow installd rootfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow installd rootfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow installd rootfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow installd system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow installd system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow installd system_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow installd vendor_app_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow installd vendor_app_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow installd vendor_app_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow installd vendor_overlay_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow installd vendor_overlay_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow installd vendor_overlay_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow installd file_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow installd seapp_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow installd asec_image_file (dir (search)))
+(allow installd asec_image_file (file (getattr)))
+(allow installd system_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow installd system_data_file (lnk_file (read create getattr setattr unlink)))
+(allow installd media_rw_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow installd media_rw_data_file (file (getattr unlink)))
+(allow installd system_data_file (dir (relabelfrom)))
+(allow installd media_rw_data_file (dir (relabelto)))
+(allow installd tmpfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow installd storage_file (dir (search)))
+(allow installd sdcardfs (dir (read write getattr remove_name search rmdir open)))
+(allow installd sdcardfs (file (getattr unlink)))
+(allow installd misc_user_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow installd misc_user_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd keychain_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow installd keychain_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map unlink open)))
+(allow installd install_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd dalvikcache_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow installd dalvikcache_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd dalvikcache_data_file (lnk_file (getattr)))
+(allow installd resourcecache_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow installd resourcecache_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd unlabeled (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock relabelfrom add_name remove_name search rmdir open)))
+(allow installd unlabeled (file (getattr setattr relabelfrom unlink rename)))
+(allow installd unlabeled (lnk_file (getattr setattr relabelfrom unlink rename)))
+(allow installd unlabeled (sock_file (getattr setattr relabelfrom unlink rename)))
+(allow installd unlabeled (fifo_file (getattr setattr relabelfrom unlink rename)))
+(allow installd unlabeled (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow installd system_data_file (file (getattr relabelfrom unlink)))
+(allow installd system_data_file (lnk_file (getattr relabelfrom unlink)))
+(allow installd system_data_file (sock_file (getattr relabelfrom unlink)))
+(allow installd system_data_file (fifo_file (getattr relabelfrom unlink)))
+(allow installd shell_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow installd bluetooth_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow installd nfc_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow installd radio_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow installd app_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow installd system_app_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow installd shell_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd shell_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd shell_data_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd shell_data_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd bluetooth_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd bluetooth_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd bluetooth_data_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd bluetooth_data_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd nfc_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd nfc_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd nfc_data_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd nfc_data_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd radio_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd radio_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd radio_data_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd radio_data_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd app_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd app_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd app_data_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd app_data_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd system_app_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd system_app_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd system_app_data_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd system_app_data_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd user_profile_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow installd user_profile_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow installd user_profile_data_file (dir (rmdir)))
+(allow installd user_profile_data_file (file (unlink)))
+(allow installd profman_dump_data_file (dir (write add_name search)))
+(allow installd profman_dump_data_file (file (write create setattr open)))
+(allow installd devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow installd toolbox_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow installd servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager installd (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager installd (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager installd (process (getattr)))
+(allow installd installd_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 135 system/sepolicy/public/installd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_235 installd_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow installd dumpstate (fifo_file (write getattr)))
+(allow installd system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server installd (binder (transfer)))
+(allow installd system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow installd permission_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow installd block_device (dir (search)))
+(allow installd labeledfs (filesystem (quotamod quotaget)))
+(allow installd preloads_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map unlink open)))
+(allow installd preloads_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock remove_name search rmdir open)))
+(allow installd preloads_media_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map unlink open)))
+(allow installd preloads_media_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock remove_name search rmdir open)))
+;;* lmx 158 system/sepolicy/public/installd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_236 installd_service (service_manager (find)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 159 system/sepolicy/public/installd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_237 installd (binder (call)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 160 system/sepolicy/public/installd.te
+(neverallow installd base_typeattr_238 (binder (call)))
+;;* lme
+(allow kernel self (capability (sys_nice)))
+(allow kernel self (cap_userns (sys_nice)))
+(allow kernel rootfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow kernel rootfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow kernel rootfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow kernel proc_cmdline (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow kernel selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow kernel selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow kernel file_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow kernel rootfs (file (relabelfrom)))
+(allow kernel init_exec (file (relabelto)))
+(allow kernel init (process (share)))
+(allow kernel unlabeled (dir (search)))
+(allow kernel usbfs (filesystem (mount)))
+(allow kernel usbfs (dir (search)))
+(dontaudit kernel self (security (setenforce)))
+(allow kernel self (capability (sys_resource)))
+(allow kernel self (cap_userns (sys_resource)))
+(allow kernel self (capability (sys_boot)))
+(allow kernel self (cap_userns (sys_boot)))
+(allow kernel proc_sysrq (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow kernel tmpfs (chr_file (write)))
+(allow kernel selinuxfs (file (write)))
+(allow kernel self (security (setcheckreqprot)))
+(allow kernel sdcard_type (file (read write)))
+(allow kernel mediaprovider (fd (use)))
+(allow kernel vold (fd (use)))
+(allow kernel app_data_file (file (read)))
+(allow kernel asec_image_file (file (read)))
+(allow kernel media_rw_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow kernel media_rw_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow kernel vold_data_file (file (read)))
+;;* lmx 90 system/sepolicy/public/kernel.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 kernel (process (transition dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 100 system/sepolicy/public/kernel.te
+(neverallow kernel base_typeattr_57 (file (execute_no_trans entrypoint)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 105 system/sepolicy/public/kernel.te
+(neverallow kernel self (capability (dac_override dac_read_search)))
+(neverallow kernel self (cap_userns (dac_override dac_read_search)))
+;;* lme
+(allow keystore servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager keystore (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager keystore (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager keystore (process (getattr)))
+(allow keystore system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server keystore (binder (transfer)))
+(allow keystore system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow keystore keystore_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow keystore keystore_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow keystore keystore_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow keystore keystore_data_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow keystore keystore_data_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow keystore keystore_exec (file (getattr)))
+(allow keystore keystore_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 14 system/sepolicy/public/keystore.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_239 keystore_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow keystore sec_key_att_app_id_provider_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow keystore dropbox_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow keystore selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow keystore selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow keystore selinuxfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow keystore selinuxfs (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow keystore kernel (security (compute_av)))
+(allow keystore self (netlink_selinux_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(allow keystore cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow keystore cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow keystore cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lmx 29 system/sepolicy/public/keystore.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_239 keystore_data_file (dir (write lock relabelfrom append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 30 system/sepolicy/public/keystore.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_239 keystore_data_file (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_239 keystore_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_239 keystore_data_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_239 keystore_data_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 32 system/sepolicy/public/keystore.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_240 keystore_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 33 system/sepolicy/public/keystore.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_240 keystore_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_240 keystore_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_240 keystore_data_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_240 keystore_data_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 35 system/sepolicy/public/keystore.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 keystore (process (ptrace)))
+;;* lme
+(allow lmkd self (capability (dac_override kill sys_resource)))
+(allow lmkd self (cap_userns (dac_override kill sys_resource)))
+(allow lmkd self (capability (ipc_lock)))
+(allow lmkd self (cap_userns (ipc_lock)))
+(allow lmkd appdomain (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow lmkd appdomain (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow lmkd appdomain (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow lmkd appdomain (file (write)))
+(allow lmkd system_server (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow lmkd system_server (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow lmkd system_server (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow lmkd system_server (file (write)))
+(allow lmkd sysfs_lowmemorykiller (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow lmkd sysfs_lowmemorykiller (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow lmkd sysfs_lowmemorykiller (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow lmkd sysfs_lowmemorykiller (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow lmkd appdomain (process (sigkill)))
+(allow lmkd cgroup (dir (remove_name rmdir)))
+(allow lmkd cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow lmkd self (capability (sys_nice)))
+(allow lmkd self (cap_userns (sys_nice)))
+(allow lmkd proc_zoneinfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow lmkd domain (dir (read search open)))
+(allow lmkd domain (file (read open)))
+(allow lmkd proc_sysrq (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow lmkd proc_meminfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lmx 52 system/sepolicy/public/lmkd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 lmkd (process (noatsecure)))
+;;* lme
+(allow logd cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow logd cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow logd cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow logd proc_kmsg (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow logd proc_kmsg (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow logd proc_kmsg (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow logd proc_meminfo (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow logd proc_meminfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow logd proc_meminfo (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow logd proc_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow logd proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow logd proc_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow logd self (capability (setgid setuid setpcap sys_nice audit_control)))
+(allow logd self (cap_userns (setgid setuid setpcap sys_nice audit_control)))
+(allow logd self (capability2 (syslog)))
+(allow logd self (cap2_userns (syslog)))
+(allow logd self (netlink_audit_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown nlmsg_write)))
+(allow logd kernel (system (syslog_read)))
+(allow logd kmsg_device (chr_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow logd system_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow logd system_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow logd pstorefs (dir (search)))
+(allow logd pstorefs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow logd runtime_event_log_tags_file (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow logd device_logging_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow logd domain (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow logd domain (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow logd domain (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow logd kernel (system (syslog_mod)))
+(allow logd logd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow logd logd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow logd runtime_event_log_tags_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow runtime_event_log_tags_file tmpfs (filesystem (associate)))
+(dontaudit domain runtime_event_log_tags_file (file (read open)))
+;;* lmx 50 system/sepolicy/public/logd.te
+(neverallow logd dev_type (blk_file (read write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 53 system/sepolicy/public/logd.te
+(neverallow logd domain (process (ptrace)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 56 system/sepolicy/public/logd.te
+(neverallow domain logd (process (ptrace)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 59 system/sepolicy/public/logd.te
+(neverallow logd system_file (file (write)))
+(neverallow logd system_file (dir (write)))
+(neverallow logd system_file (lnk_file (write)))
+(neverallow logd system_file (chr_file (write)))
+(neverallow logd system_file (blk_file (write)))
+(neverallow logd system_file (sock_file (write)))
+(neverallow logd system_file (fifo_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 62 system/sepolicy/public/logd.te
+(neverallow logd system_data_file (file (write)))
+(neverallow logd system_data_file (dir (write)))
+(neverallow logd system_data_file (lnk_file (write)))
+(neverallow logd system_data_file (chr_file (write)))
+(neverallow logd system_data_file (blk_file (write)))
+(neverallow logd system_data_file (sock_file (write)))
+(neverallow logd system_data_file (fifo_file (write)))
+(neverallow logd app_data_file (file (write)))
+(neverallow logd app_data_file (dir (write)))
+(neverallow logd app_data_file (lnk_file (write)))
+(neverallow logd app_data_file (chr_file (write)))
+(neverallow logd app_data_file (blk_file (write)))
+(neverallow logd app_data_file (sock_file (write)))
+(neverallow logd app_data_file (fifo_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 65 system/sepolicy/public/logd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 logd (process (transition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 66 system/sepolicy/public/logd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 logd (process (dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 73 system/sepolicy/public/logd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_241 runtime_event_log_tags_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 11 system/sepolicy/public/logpersist.te
+(neverallow logpersist dev_type (blk_file (read write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 14 system/sepolicy/public/logpersist.te
+(neverallow logpersist domain (process (ptrace)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 17 system/sepolicy/public/logpersist.te
+(neverallow logpersist system_data_file (file (write)))
+(neverallow logpersist system_data_file (dir (write)))
+(neverallow logpersist system_data_file (lnk_file (write)))
+(neverallow logpersist system_data_file (chr_file (write)))
+(neverallow logpersist system_data_file (blk_file (write)))
+(neverallow logpersist system_data_file (sock_file (write)))
+(neverallow logpersist system_data_file (fifo_file (write)))
+(neverallow logpersist app_data_file (file (write)))
+(neverallow logpersist app_data_file (dir (write)))
+(neverallow logpersist app_data_file (lnk_file (write)))
+(neverallow logpersist app_data_file (chr_file (write)))
+(neverallow logpersist app_data_file (blk_file (write)))
+(neverallow logpersist app_data_file (sock_file (write)))
+(neverallow logpersist app_data_file (fifo_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 27 system/sepolicy/public/logpersist.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 logpersist (process (dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+(allow mediacodec hwservicemanager_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mediacodec vndbinder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow mediacodec vndservicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow vndservicemanager mediacodec (dir (search)))
+(allow vndservicemanager mediacodec (file (read open)))
+(allow vndservicemanager mediacodec (process (getattr)))
+(allow mediacodec binderservicedomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow binderservicedomain mediacodec (binder (transfer)))
+(allow mediacodec binderservicedomain (fd (use)))
+(allow mediacodec appdomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow appdomain mediacodec (binder (transfer)))
+(allow mediacodec appdomain (fd (use)))
+(allow mediacodec hal_graphics_composer (fd (use)))
+(allow mediacodec gpu_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow mediacodec video_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow mediacodec video_device (dir (search)))
+(allow mediacodec ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow mediacodec hal_camera (fd (use)))
+(allow mediacodec anr_data_file (file (append)))
+(allow mediacodec dumpstate (fd (use)))
+(allow mediacodec incidentd (fd (use)))
+(allow mediacodec dumpstate (fifo_file (write append)))
+(allow mediacodec incidentd (fifo_file (write append)))
+(allow mediacodec system_server (fifo_file (write append)))
+(allow mediacodec tombstoned (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow mediacodec tombstoned (fd (use)))
+(allow mediacodec tombstoned_crash_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow mediacodec tombstone_data_file (file (append)))
+(allow mediacodec hal_codec2_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow mediacodec hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 36 system/sepolicy/public/mediacodec.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_242 hal_codec2_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow mediacodec hal_omx_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow mediacodec hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 37 system/sepolicy/public/mediacodec.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_242 hal_omx_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow mediacodec bufferhubd (fd (use)))
+;;* lmx 58 system/sepolicy/public/mediacodec.te
+(neverallow mediacodec fs_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow mediacodec file_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 70 system/sepolicy/public/mediacodec.te
+(neverallow mediacodec domain (tcp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind name_connect)))
+(neverallow mediacodec domain (udp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+(neverallow mediacodec domain (rawip_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+;;* lme
+(allow mediadrmserver servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager mediadrmserver (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager mediadrmserver (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager mediadrmserver (process (getattr)))
+(allow mediadrmserver binderservicedomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow binderservicedomain mediadrmserver (binder (transfer)))
+(allow mediadrmserver binderservicedomain (fd (use)))
+(allow mediadrmserver appdomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow appdomain mediadrmserver (binder (transfer)))
+(allow mediadrmserver appdomain (fd (use)))
+(allow mediadrmserver mediadrmserver_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 14 system/sepolicy/public/mediadrmserver.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_243 mediadrmserver_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow mediadrmserver mediaserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediadrmserver mediametrics_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediadrmserver processinfo_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediadrmserver surfaceflinger_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediadrmserver system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow mediadrmserver mediacodec (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow mediacodec mediadrmserver (binder (transfer)))
+(allow mediadrmserver mediacodec (fd (use)))
+;;* lmx 28 system/sepolicy/public/mediadrmserver.te
+(neverallow mediadrmserver fs_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow mediadrmserver file_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 31 system/sepolicy/public/mediadrmserver.te
+(neverallowx mediadrmserver domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx mediadrmserver domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx mediadrmserver domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 31 system/sepolicy/public/mediadrmserver.te
+(neverallowx mediadrmserver domain (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx mediadrmserver domain (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx mediadrmserver domain (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 31 system/sepolicy/public/mediadrmserver.te
+(neverallowx mediadrmserver domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx mediadrmserver domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx mediadrmserver domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+;;* lme
+(allow mediaextractor servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager mediaextractor (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager mediaextractor (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager mediaextractor (process (getattr)))
+(allow mediaextractor binderservicedomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow binderservicedomain mediaextractor (binder (transfer)))
+(allow mediaextractor binderservicedomain (fd (use)))
+(allow mediaextractor appdomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow appdomain mediaextractor (binder (transfer)))
+(allow mediaextractor appdomain (fd (use)))
+(allow mediaextractor mediaextractor_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 12 system/sepolicy/public/mediaextractor.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_244 mediaextractor_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow mediaextractor mediametrics_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaextractor hidl_token_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaextractor system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow mediaextractor cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow mediaextractor cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mediaextractor cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mediaextractor proc_meminfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mediaextractor anr_data_file (file (append)))
+(allow mediaextractor dumpstate (fd (use)))
+(allow mediaextractor incidentd (fd (use)))
+(allow mediaextractor dumpstate (fifo_file (write append)))
+(allow mediaextractor incidentd (fifo_file (write append)))
+(allow mediaextractor system_server (fifo_file (write append)))
+(allow mediaextractor tombstoned (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow mediaextractor tombstoned (fd (use)))
+(allow mediaextractor tombstoned_crash_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow mediaextractor tombstone_data_file (file (append)))
+(allow mediaextractor sdcardfs (file (read getattr)))
+(allow mediaextractor media_rw_data_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow mediaextractor app_data_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow mediaextractor apk_data_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow mediaextractor asec_apk_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow mediaextractor ringtone_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow mediaextractor system_file (dir (read open)))
+;;* lmx 53 system/sepolicy/public/mediaextractor.te
+(neverallow mediaextractor fs_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow mediaextractor file_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 65 system/sepolicy/public/mediaextractor.te
+(neverallow mediaextractor domain (tcp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind name_connect)))
+(neverallow mediaextractor domain (udp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+(neverallow mediaextractor domain (rawip_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 74 system/sepolicy/public/mediaextractor.te
+(neverallow mediaextractor base_typeattr_245 (file (open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow mediametrics servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager mediametrics (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager mediametrics (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager mediametrics (process (getattr)))
+(allow mediametrics binderservicedomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow binderservicedomain mediametrics (binder (transfer)))
+(allow mediametrics binderservicedomain (fd (use)))
+(allow mediametrics mediametrics_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 10 system/sepolicy/public/mediametrics.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_246 mediametrics_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow mediametrics system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow mediametrics cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow mediametrics cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mediametrics cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mediametrics proc_meminfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mediametrics app_data_file (file (write)))
+(allow mediametrics package_native_service (service_manager (find)))
+;;* lmx 29 system/sepolicy/public/mediametrics.te
+(neverallow mediametrics fs_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow mediametrics file_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 41 system/sepolicy/public/mediametrics.te
+(neverallow mediametrics domain (tcp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind name_connect)))
+(neverallow mediametrics domain (udp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+(neverallow mediametrics domain (rawip_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+;;* lme
+(allow mediaserver sdcard_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow mediaserver sdcard_type (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mediaserver sdcard_type (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mediaserver cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow mediaserver cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mediaserver cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mediaserver proc (lnk_file (getattr)))
+(allow mediaserver system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow mediaserver servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager mediaserver (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager mediaserver (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager mediaserver (process (getattr)))
+(allow mediaserver binderservicedomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow binderservicedomain mediaserver (binder (transfer)))
+(allow mediaserver binderservicedomain (fd (use)))
+(allow mediaserver appdomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow appdomain mediaserver (binder (transfer)))
+(allow mediaserver appdomain (fd (use)))
+(allow mediaserver media_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow mediaserver media_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow mediaserver app_data_file (dir (search)))
+(allow mediaserver app_data_file (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow mediaserver sdcard_type (file (write)))
+(allow mediaserver gpu_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow mediaserver video_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow mediaserver video_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow mediaserver property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow mediaserver init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow mediaserver audio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow mediaserver audio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mediaserver apk_data_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow mediaserver asec_apk_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow mediaserver ringtone_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow mediaserver radio_data_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow mediaserver appdomain (fifo_file (read write getattr)))
+(allow mediaserver rpmsg_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow mediaserver system_server (fifo_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mediaserver media_rw_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow mediaserver media_rw_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mediaserver media_rw_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mediaserver app_fuse_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow mediaserver qtaguid_proc (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow mediaserver qtaguid_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mediaserver drmserver_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow mediaserver drmserver (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow mediaserver bluetooth_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow mediaserver bluetooth (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow mediaserver mediaserver_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 75 system/sepolicy/public/mediaserver.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_247 mediaserver_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow mediaserver activity_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaserver appops_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaserver audioserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaserver cameraserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaserver batterystats_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaserver drmserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaserver mediaextractor_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaserver mediacodec_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaserver mediametrics_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaserver media_session_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaserver permission_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaserver power_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaserver processinfo_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaserver scheduling_policy_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaserver surfaceflinger_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaserver mediadrmserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaserver hidl_token_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaserver oemfs (dir (search)))
+(allow mediaserver oemfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow drmserver mediaserver (dir (search)))
+(allow drmserver mediaserver (file (read open)))
+(allow drmserver mediaserver (process (getattr)))
+(allow mediaserver drmserver (drmservice (consumeRights setPlaybackStatus openDecryptSession closeDecryptSession initializeDecryptUnit decrypt finalizeDecryptUnit pread)))
+(allowx mediaserver self (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x5401 0x5403) 0x540b (range 0x540e 0x5411) (range 0x5413 0x5414) 0x5451)))
+(allowx mediaserver self (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x5401 0x5403) 0x540b (range 0x540e 0x5411) (range 0x5413 0x5414) 0x5451)))
+(allowx mediaserver self (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x5401 0x5403) 0x540b (range 0x540e 0x5411) (range 0x5413 0x5414) 0x5451)))
+(allowx mediaserver self (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x8906 0x8907) 0x8910 (range 0x8912 0x8913) 0x8915 0x8917 0x8919 0x891b 0x8921 0x8933 0x8938 0x8942)))
+(allowx mediaserver self (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x8906 0x8907) 0x8910 (range 0x8912 0x8913) 0x8915 0x8917 0x8919 0x891b 0x8921 0x8933 0x8938 0x8942)))
+(allowx mediaserver self (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x8906 0x8907) 0x8910 (range 0x8912 0x8913) 0x8915 0x8917 0x8919 0x891b 0x8921 0x8933 0x8938 0x8942)))
+(allowx mediaserver self (ioctl tcp_socket (0x8b01 0x8b05 0x8b07 0x8b09 0x8b0b 0x8b0d 0x8b0f (range 0x8b11 0x8b13) 0x8b21 0x8b23 0x8b25 0x8b27 0x8b29 0x8b2d)))
+(allowx mediaserver self (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b01 0x8b05 0x8b07 0x8b09 0x8b0b 0x8b0d 0x8b0f (range 0x8b11 0x8b13) 0x8b21 0x8b23 0x8b25 0x8b27 0x8b29 0x8b2d)))
+(allowx mediaserver self (ioctl rawip_socket (0x8b01 0x8b05 0x8b07 0x8b09 0x8b0b 0x8b0d 0x8b0f (range 0x8b11 0x8b13) 0x8b21 0x8b23 0x8b25 0x8b27 0x8b29 0x8b2d)))
+(allow mediaserver media_rw_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow mediaserver media_rw_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow mediaserver preloads_media_file (file (ioctl read getattr)))
+(allow mediaserver ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mediaserver hal_graphics_allocator (fd (use)))
+(allow mediaserver hal_graphics_composer (fd (use)))
+(allow mediaserver hal_camera (fd (use)))
+(allow mediaserver system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow mediaserver mediacodec (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow mediacodec mediaserver (binder (transfer)))
+(allow mediaserver mediacodec (fd (use)))
+;;* lmx 144 system/sepolicy/public/mediaserver.te
+(neverallow mediaserver fs_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow mediaserver file_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 147 system/sepolicy/public/mediaserver.te
+(neverallowx mediaserver domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx mediaserver domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx mediaserver domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 147 system/sepolicy/public/mediaserver.te
+(neverallowx mediaserver domain (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx mediaserver domain (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx mediaserver domain (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 147 system/sepolicy/public/mediaserver.te
+(neverallowx mediaserver domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx mediaserver domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx mediaserver domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+;;* lme
+(allow modprobe proc_modules (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow modprobe self (capability (sys_module)))
+(allow modprobe self (cap_userns (sys_module)))
+(allow modprobe kernel (key (search)))
+(allow mtp self (socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow mtp self (capability (net_raw)))
+(allow mtp self (cap_userns (net_raw)))
+(allow mtp ppp (process (signal)))
+(allow mtp vpn_data_file (dir (search)))
+(allowx netd self (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(allowx netd self (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(allowx netd self (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(allow netd cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow netd cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow netd cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow netd system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow netd self (capability (kill net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow netd self (cap_userns (kill net_admin net_raw)))
+(dontaudit netd self (capability (fsetid)))
+(dontaudit netd self (cap_userns (fsetid)))
+(allow netd self (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow netd self (netlink_route_socket (nlmsg_write)))
+(allow netd self (netlink_nflog_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow netd self (netlink_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow netd self (netlink_tcpdiag_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(allow netd self (netlink_generic_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow netd self (netlink_netfilter_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow netd shell_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow netd system_file (file (getattr map execute execute_no_trans)))
+(allow netd devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow netd system_file (file (lock)))
+(allow netd qtaguid_proc (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow netd qtaguid_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow netd proc_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow netd proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow netd proc_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow netd proc_net (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow netd sysfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow netd sysfs_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow netd sysfs_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow netd sysfs_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow netd sysfs_net (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow netd sysfs_usb (file (write)))
+(allow netd fs_bpf (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow netd fs_bpf (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow netd self (capability (chown dac_override)))
+(allow netd self (cap_userns (chown dac_override)))
+(allow netd net_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow netd net_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow netd self (capability (fowner)))
+(allow netd self (cap_userns (fowner)))
+(allow netd system_file (file (lock)))
+(allow netd dnsmasq (process (signal)))
+(allow netd clatd (process (signal)))
+(allow netd property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow netd init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow netd ctl_mdnsd_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow netd ctl_mdnsd_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow netd property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow netd init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow netd netd_stable_secret_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow netd netd_stable_secret_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow netd servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager netd (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager netd (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager netd (process (getattr)))
+(allow netd netd_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 85 system/sepolicy/public/netd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_248 netd_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow netd dumpstate (fifo_file (write getattr)))
+(allow netd system_server (binder (call)))
+(allow netd permission_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow netd netd_listener_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow netd netdomain (tcp_socket (read write getattr setattr getopt setopt)))
+(allow netd netdomain (udp_socket (read write getattr setattr getopt setopt)))
+(allow netd netdomain (rawip_socket (read write getattr setattr getopt setopt)))
+(allow netd netdomain (tun_socket (read write getattr setattr getopt setopt)))
+(allow netd netdomain (fd (use)))
+(allow netd self (netlink_xfrm_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(allow netd self (bpf (map_create map_read map_write)))
+(allow netd system_net_netd_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow netd hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 111 system/sepolicy/public/netd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_248 system_net_netd_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow netd hwservicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager netd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager netd (dir (search)))
+(allow hwservicemanager netd (file (read open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager netd (process (getattr)))
+(allow netd hwservicemanager_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lmx 121 system/sepolicy/public/netd.te
+(neverallow netd dev_type (blk_file (read write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 124 system/sepolicy/public/netd.te
+(neverallow netd domain (process (ptrace)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 127 system/sepolicy/public/netd.te
+(neverallow netd system_file (file (write)))
+(neverallow netd system_file (dir (write)))
+(neverallow netd system_file (lnk_file (write)))
+(neverallow netd system_file (chr_file (write)))
+(neverallow netd system_file (blk_file (write)))
+(neverallow netd system_file (sock_file (write)))
+(neverallow netd system_file (fifo_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 130 system/sepolicy/public/netd.te
+(neverallow netd system_data_file (file (write)))
+(neverallow netd system_data_file (dir (write)))
+(neverallow netd system_data_file (lnk_file (write)))
+(neverallow netd system_data_file (chr_file (write)))
+(neverallow netd system_data_file (blk_file (write)))
+(neverallow netd system_data_file (sock_file (write)))
+(neverallow netd system_data_file (fifo_file (write)))
+(neverallow netd app_data_file (file (write)))
+(neverallow netd app_data_file (dir (write)))
+(neverallow netd app_data_file (lnk_file (write)))
+(neverallow netd app_data_file (chr_file (write)))
+(neverallow netd app_data_file (blk_file (write)))
+(neverallow netd app_data_file (sock_file (write)))
+(neverallow netd app_data_file (fifo_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 133 system/sepolicy/public/netd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_249 netd_service (service_manager (find)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 136 system/sepolicy/public/netd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_248 netd (bpf (map_create)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 139 system/sepolicy/public/netd.te
+(neverallow appdomain netd (binder (call)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 140 system/sepolicy/public/netd.te
+(neverallow netd appdomain (binder (call)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 144 system/sepolicy/public/netd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_250 netd_stable_secret_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 148 system/sepolicy/public/netd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_251 netd_stable_secret_prop (property_service (set)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/public/netutils_wrapper.te
+(neverallow domain netutils_wrapper_exec (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+(allow otapreopt_chroot postinstall_file (dir (mounton search)))
+(allow otapreopt_chroot self (capability (sys_chroot sys_admin)))
+(allow otapreopt_chroot self (cap_userns (sys_chroot sys_admin)))
+(allow otapreopt_chroot block_device (dir (search)))
+(allow otapreopt_chroot labeledfs (filesystem (mount)))
+(dontaudit otapreopt_chroot kernel (process (setsched)))
+(allow otapreopt_chroot postinstall (fd (use)))
+(allow otapreopt_chroot update_engine (fd (use)))
+(allow otapreopt_chroot update_engine (fifo_file (write)))
+(allow otapreopt_slot ota_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow otapreopt_slot ota_data_file (file (getattr)))
+(allow otapreopt_slot ota_data_file (lnk_file (getattr)))
+(allow otapreopt_slot ota_data_file (lnk_file (read)))
+(allow otapreopt_slot dalvikcache_data_file (dir (read write getattr add_name remove_name search rmdir open)))
+(allow otapreopt_slot dalvikcache_data_file (file (getattr unlink)))
+(allow otapreopt_slot dalvikcache_data_file (lnk_file (read getattr unlink)))
+(allow otapreopt_slot shell_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow otapreopt_slot toolbox_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow performanced servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager performanced (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager performanced (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager performanced (process (getattr)))
+(allow performanced system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server performanced (binder (transfer)))
+(allow performanced system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow performanced permission_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow init pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (create bind)))
+(allow performanced pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr setattr lock append listen accept getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow performanced self (process (setsockcreate)))
+(allow performanced pdx_performance_client_channel_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown)))
+;;* lmx 10 system/sepolicy/public/performanced.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_252 pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (listen accept)))
+;;* lme
+(allow performanced self (capability (setgid setuid sys_nice)))
+(allow performanced self (cap_userns (setgid setuid sys_nice)))
+(allow performanced appdomain (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow performanced bufferhubd (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow performanced kernel (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow performanced surfaceflinger (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow performanced appdomain (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow performanced appdomain (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow performanced bufferhubd (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow performanced bufferhubd (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow performanced kernel (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow performanced kernel (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow performanced surfaceflinger (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow performanced surfaceflinger (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(dontaudit performanced domain (dir (read)))
+(allow performanced appdomain (process (setsched)))
+(allow performanced bufferhubd (process (setsched)))
+(allow performanced kernel (process (setsched)))
+(allow performanced surfaceflinger (process (setsched)))
+(allow performanced cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow performanced cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow performanced cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow postinstall update_engine_common (fd (use)))
+(allow postinstall update_engine_common (fifo_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow postinstall postinstall_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow postinstall postinstall_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow postinstall postinstall_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow postinstall shell_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow postinstall system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow postinstall toolbox_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow postinstall servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager postinstall (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager postinstall (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager postinstall (process (getattr)))
+(allow postinstall system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server postinstall (binder (transfer)))
+(allow postinstall system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow postinstall otadexopt_service (service_manager (find)))
+;;* lmx 36 system/sepolicy/public/postinstall.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_95 postinstall (process (transition dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+(allow postinstall_dexopt self (capability (chown dac_override fowner fsetid setgid setuid)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt self (cap_userns (chown dac_override fowner fsetid setgid setuid)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt postinstall_file (filesystem (getattr)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt postinstall_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt postinstall_file (lnk_file (read getattr)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt proc_filesystems (file (read getattr open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt tmpfs (file (read)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt apk_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt apk_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt apk_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt vendor_app_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt vendor_app_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt vendor_app_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt dalvikcache_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt dalvikcache_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt dalvikcache_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt user_profile_data_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt user_profile_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(dontaudit postinstall_dexopt user_profile_data_file (file (write)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt ota_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt ota_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt ota_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt dalvikcache_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt dalvikcache_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt dalvikcache_data_file (dir (relabelto)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt dalvikcache_data_file (file (relabelto link)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt selinuxfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt selinuxfs (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt kernel (security (check_context)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt selinuxfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt selinuxfs (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt kernel (security (compute_av)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt self (netlink_selinux_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt postinstall (process (sigchld)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt otapreopt_chroot (fd (use)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt cpuctl_device (dir (search)))
+(allow ppp proc_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow ppp proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow ppp proc_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow ppp mtp (socket (ioctl read write getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allowx ppp self (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(allowx ppp self (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(allowx ppp self (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(allowx ppp mtp (ioctl socket ((range 0x7436 0x7441) (range 0x7446 0x7447) (range 0x744b 0x745a) (range 0x7480 0x7488))))
+(allow ppp mtp (unix_dgram_socket (ioctl read write getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow ppp ppp_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow ppp self (capability (net_admin)))
+(allow ppp self (cap_userns (net_admin)))
+(allow ppp system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow ppp vpn_data_file (dir (write lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow ppp vpn_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow ppp mtp (fd (use)))
+(allow preopt2cachename cppreopts (fd (use)))
+(allow preopt2cachename cppreopts (fifo_file (read write getattr)))
+(allow preopt2cachename proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow profman user_profile_data_file (file (read write getattr lock)))
+(allow profman asec_apk_file (file (read)))
+(allow profman apk_data_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow profman apk_data_file (dir (read getattr search)))
+(allow profman oemfs (file (read)))
+(allow profman tmpfs (file (read)))
+(allow profman profman_dump_data_file (file (write)))
+(allow profman installd (fd (use)))
+(allow profman app_data_file (file (read write getattr lock)))
+(allow profman app_data_file (dir (read getattr search)))
+;;* lmx 30 system/sepolicy/public/profman.te
+(neverallow profman app_data_file (file (open)))
+(neverallow profman app_data_file (lnk_file (open)))
+(neverallow profman app_data_file (sock_file (open)))
+(neverallow profman app_data_file (fifo_file (open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow property_type tmpfs (filesystem (associate)))
+;;* lmx 132 system/sepolicy/public/property.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 base_typeattr_253 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 140 system/sepolicy/public/property.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_81 ctl_sigstop_prop (property_service (set)))
+;;* lme
+(dontaudit domain ctl_bootanim_prop (property_service (set)))
+(dontaudit domain ctl_bugreport_prop (property_service (set)))
+(dontaudit domain ctl_console_prop (property_service (set)))
+(dontaudit domain ctl_default_prop (property_service (set)))
+(dontaudit domain ctl_dumpstate_prop (property_service (set)))
+(dontaudit domain ctl_fuse_prop (property_service (set)))
+(dontaudit domain ctl_mdnsd_prop (property_service (set)))
+(dontaudit domain ctl_rildaemon_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allowx racoon self (ioctl udp_socket (0x8914 0x8916 0x891c)))
+(allow racoon servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager racoon (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager racoon (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager racoon (process (getattr)))
+(allow racoon tun_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow racoon cgroup (dir (create add_name)))
+(allow racoon kernel (system (module_request)))
+(allow racoon self (key_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow racoon self (tun_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow racoon self (capability (net_bind_service net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow racoon self (cap_userns (net_bind_service net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow racoon system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow racoon vpn_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow racoon vpn_data_file (dir (write lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow keystore racoon (dir (search)))
+(allow keystore racoon (file (read open)))
+(allow keystore racoon (process (getattr)))
+(allow racoon keystore_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow racoon keystore (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow keystore racoon (binder (transfer)))
+(allow racoon keystore (fd (use)))
+(allow keystore racoon (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow racoon keystore (binder (transfer)))
+(allow keystore racoon (fd (use)))
+(allow racoon keystore (keystore_key (get sign verify)))
+(allow radio radio_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow radio radio_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow radio radio_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow radio radio_data_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow radio radio_data_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow radio alarm_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow radio net_data_file (dir (search)))
+(allow radio net_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow radio property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow radio init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow radio radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow radio radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow radio property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow radio init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow radio exported_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow radio exported_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow radio property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow radio init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow radio exported2_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow radio exported2_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow radio property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow radio init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow radio exported3_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow radio exported3_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow radio property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow radio init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow radio net_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow radio net_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow radio property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow radio init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow radio ctl_rildaemon_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow radio ctl_rildaemon_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow radio radio_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 30 system/sepolicy/public/radio.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_254 radio_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow radio audioserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow radio cameraserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow radio drmserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow radio mediaserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow radio nfc_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow radio app_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow radio system_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow radio hwservicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager radio (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager radio (dir (search)))
+(allow hwservicemanager radio (file (read open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager radio (process (getattr)))
+;;* lmx 156 system/sepolicy/public/recovery.te
+(neverallow recovery base_typeattr_255 (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 161 system/sepolicy/public/recovery.te
+(neverallow recovery base_typeattr_255 (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom link rename add_name remove_name reparent rmdir)))
+;;* lme
+(allow recovery_persist pstorefs (dir (search)))
+(allow recovery_persist pstorefs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow recovery_persist recovery_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow recovery_persist recovery_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+;;* lmx 18 system/sepolicy/public/recovery_persist.te
+(neverallow recovery_persist dev_type (blk_file (read write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 21 system/sepolicy/public/recovery_persist.te
+(neverallow recovery_persist domain (process (ptrace)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 24 system/sepolicy/public/recovery_persist.te
+(neverallow recovery_persist system_file (file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_persist system_file (dir (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_persist system_file (lnk_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_persist system_file (chr_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_persist system_file (blk_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_persist system_file (sock_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_persist system_file (fifo_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 27 system/sepolicy/public/recovery_persist.te
+(neverallow recovery_persist system_data_file (file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_persist system_data_file (dir (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_persist system_data_file (lnk_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_persist system_data_file (chr_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_persist system_data_file (blk_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_persist system_data_file (sock_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_persist system_data_file (fifo_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_persist app_data_file (file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_persist app_data_file (dir (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_persist app_data_file (lnk_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_persist app_data_file (chr_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_persist app_data_file (blk_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_persist app_data_file (sock_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_persist app_data_file (fifo_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+(allow recovery_refresh pstorefs (dir (search)))
+(allow recovery_refresh pstorefs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lmx 16 system/sepolicy/public/recovery_refresh.te
+(neverallow recovery_refresh dev_type (blk_file (read write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 19 system/sepolicy/public/recovery_refresh.te
+(neverallow recovery_refresh domain (process (ptrace)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 22 system/sepolicy/public/recovery_refresh.te
+(neverallow recovery_refresh system_file (file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_refresh system_file (dir (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_refresh system_file (lnk_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_refresh system_file (chr_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_refresh system_file (blk_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_refresh system_file (sock_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_refresh system_file (fifo_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 25 system/sepolicy/public/recovery_refresh.te
+(neverallow recovery_refresh system_data_file (file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_refresh system_data_file (dir (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_refresh system_data_file (lnk_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_refresh system_data_file (chr_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_refresh system_data_file (blk_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_refresh system_data_file (sock_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_refresh system_data_file (fifo_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_refresh app_data_file (file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_refresh app_data_file (dir (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_refresh app_data_file (lnk_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_refresh app_data_file (chr_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_refresh app_data_file (blk_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_refresh app_data_file (sock_file (write)))
+(neverallow recovery_refresh app_data_file (fifo_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+(allow runas adbd (fd (use)))
+(allow runas adbd (process (sigchld)))
+(allow runas adbd (unix_stream_socket (read write)))
+(allow runas shell (fd (use)))
+(allow runas shell (fifo_file (read write)))
+(allow runas shell (unix_stream_socket (read write)))
+(allow runas devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write)))
+(allow runas shell_data_file (file (read write)))
+(allow runas system_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow runas system_data_file (lnk_file (getattr)))
+(allow runas system_data_file (lnk_file (read)))
+(dontaudit runas self (capability (dac_override)))
+(dontaudit runas self (cap_userns (dac_override)))
+(allow runas app_data_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow runas self (capability (setgid setuid)))
+(allow runas self (cap_userns (setgid setuid)))
+(allow runas selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow runas selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow runas selinuxfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow runas selinuxfs (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow runas kernel (security (check_context)))
+(allow runas self (process (setcurrent)))
+(allow runas base_typeattr_256 (process (dyntransition)))
+(allow runas seapp_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lmx 41 system/sepolicy/public/runas.te
+(neverallow runas self (capability (chown dac_override dac_read_search fowner fsetid kill setpcap linux_immutable net_bind_service net_broadcast net_admin net_raw ipc_lock ipc_owner sys_module sys_rawio sys_chroot sys_ptrace sys_pacct sys_admin sys_boot sys_nice sys_resource sys_time sys_tty_config mknod lease audit_write audit_control setfcap)))
+(neverallow runas self (cap_userns (chown dac_override dac_read_search fowner fsetid kill setpcap linux_immutable net_bind_service net_broadcast net_admin net_raw ipc_lock ipc_owner sys_module sys_rawio sys_chroot sys_ptrace sys_pacct sys_admin sys_boot sys_nice sys_resource sys_time sys_tty_config mknod lease audit_write audit_control setfcap)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 42 system/sepolicy/public/runas.te
+(neverallow runas self (capability2 (mac_override mac_admin syslog wake_alarm block_suspend audit_read)))
+(neverallow runas self (cap2_userns (mac_override mac_admin syslog wake_alarm block_suspend audit_read)))
+;;* lme
+(allow sdcardd cgroup (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow sdcardd fuse_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow sdcardd rootfs (dir (mounton)))
+(allow sdcardd sdcardfs (filesystem (remount)))
+(allow sdcardd tmpfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow sdcardd mnt_media_rw_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow sdcardd storage_file (dir (search)))
+(allow sdcardd storage_stub_file (dir (mounton search)))
+(allow sdcardd sdcard_type (filesystem (mount unmount)))
+(allow sdcardd self (capability (dac_override setgid setuid sys_admin sys_resource)))
+(allow sdcardd self (cap_userns (dac_override setgid setuid sys_admin sys_resource)))
+(allow sdcardd sdcard_type (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow sdcardd sdcard_type (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow sdcardd media_rw_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow sdcardd media_rw_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow sdcardd system_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow sdcardd install_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow sdcardd vold (fd (use)))
+(allow sdcardd vold (fifo_file (read write getattr)))
+(allow sdcardd mnt_expand_file (dir (search)))
+(allow sdcardd proc_filesystems (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lmx 43 system/sepolicy/public/sdcardd.te
+(neverallow init sdcardd_exec (file (execute)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 44 system/sepolicy/public/sdcardd.te
+(neverallow init sdcardd (process (transition dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+(allow servicemanager self (binder (set_context_mgr)))
+(allow servicemanager base_typeattr_257 (binder (transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager service_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow servicemanager selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow servicemanager selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow servicemanager selinuxfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow servicemanager selinuxfs (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow servicemanager kernel (security (compute_av)))
+(allow servicemanager self (netlink_selinux_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(allow sgdisk block_device (dir (search)))
+(allow sgdisk vold_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow sgdisk devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr)))
+(allow sgdisk vold (fd (use)))
+(allow sgdisk vold (fifo_file (read write getattr)))
+(allow sgdisk self (capability (sys_admin)))
+(allow sgdisk self (cap_userns (sys_admin)))
+;;* lmx 21 system/sepolicy/public/sgdisk.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_169 sgdisk (process (transition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 22 system/sepolicy/public/sgdisk.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 sgdisk (process (dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 23 system/sepolicy/public/sgdisk.te
+(neverallow sgdisk base_typeattr_258 (file (entrypoint)))
+;;* lme
+(allow shared_relro shared_relro_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow shared_relro shared_relro_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow shared_relro activity_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow shared_relro webviewupdate_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow shell logcat_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow shell logdr_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow shell logd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow shell logd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow shell logd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow shell pstorefs (dir (search)))
+(allow shell pstorefs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell rootfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow shell anr_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow shell anr_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell shell_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow shell shell_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow shell shell_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow shell shell_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow shell trace_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map unlink open)))
+(allow shell trace_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock remove_name search open)))
+(allow shell profman_dump_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock remove_name search open)))
+(allow shell profman_dump_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map unlink open)))
+(allow shell dumpstate_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow shell dumpstate (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow shell devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow shell tty_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow shell console_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow shell input_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow shell input_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow shell system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow shell system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell system_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell system_file (file (getattr map execute execute_no_trans)))
+(allow shell toolbox_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow shell tzdatacheck_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow shell shell_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow shell zygote_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow shell apk_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow shell apk_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell apk_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow shell init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow shell shell_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow shell shell_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow shell init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow shell ctl_bugreport_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow shell ctl_bugreport_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow shell init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow shell ctl_dumpstate_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow shell ctl_dumpstate_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow shell init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow shell dumpstate_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow shell dumpstate_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow shell init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow shell exported_dumpstate_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow shell exported_dumpstate_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow shell init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow shell debug_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow shell debug_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow shell init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow shell powerctl_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow shell powerctl_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow shell init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow shell log_tag_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow shell log_tag_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow shell init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow shell wifi_log_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow shell wifi_log_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow shell init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow shell traced_enabled_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow shell traced_enabled_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell serialno_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell vendor_security_patch_level_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell device_logging_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell bootloader_boot_reason_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell last_boot_reason_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell system_boot_reason_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell servicemanager (service_manager (list)))
+(allow shell base_typeattr_259 (service_manager (find)))
+(allow shell dumpstate (binder (call)))
+(allow shell hwservicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager shell (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager shell (dir (search)))
+(allow hwservicemanager shell (file (read open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager shell (process (getattr)))
+(allow shell hwservicemanager (hwservice_manager (list)))
+(allow shell proc_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow shell proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell proc_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell proc_asound (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell proc_filesystems (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell proc_interrupts (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell proc_meminfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell proc_modules (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell proc_pid_max (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell proc_stat (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell proc_timer (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell proc_uptime (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell proc_version (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell proc_zoneinfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell sysfs_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow shell cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow shell cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell domain (dir (read getattr search open)))
+(allow shell domain (file (read getattr open)))
+(allow shell domain (lnk_file (read getattr open)))
+(allow shell labeledfs (filesystem (getattr)))
+(allow shell proc (filesystem (getattr)))
+(allow shell device (dir (getattr)))
+(allow shell domain (process (getattr)))
+(allow shell selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow shell selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell bootchart_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow shell bootchart_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow shell self (process (ptrace)))
+(allow shell sysfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow shell sysfs_batteryinfo (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow shell sysfs_batteryinfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow shell dev_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow shell dev_type (chr_file (getattr)))
+(allow shell proc (lnk_file (getattr)))
+(allow shell dev_type (blk_file (getattr)))
+(allow shell file_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell property_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell seapp_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell service_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell sepolicy_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell vendor_shell_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+;;* lmx 211 system/sepolicy/public/shell.te
+(neverallow shell file_type (file (link)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 214 system/sepolicy/public/shell.te
+(neverallowx shell domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx shell domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx shell domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 214 system/sepolicy/public/shell.te
+(neverallowx shell domain (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx shell domain (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx shell domain (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 214 system/sepolicy/public/shell.te
+(neverallowx shell domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx shell domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx shell domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 223 system/sepolicy/public/shell.te
+(neverallow shell hw_random_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow shell kmem_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow shell port_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow shell fuse_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 226 system/sepolicy/public/shell.te
+(neverallow shell dev_type (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+(allow slideshow kmsg_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow slideshow sysfs_wake_lock (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow slideshow self (capability2 (block_suspend)))
+(allow slideshow self (cap2_userns (block_suspend)))
+(allow slideshow device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow slideshow self (capability (sys_tty_config)))
+(allow slideshow self (cap_userns (sys_tty_config)))
+(allow slideshow graphics_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow slideshow graphics_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow slideshow input_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow slideshow input_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow slideshow tty_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow tee fingerprint_vendor_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow tee fingerprint_vendor_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow thermalserviced servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager thermalserviced (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager thermalserviced (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager thermalserviced (process (getattr)))
+(allow thermalserviced thermal_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 7 system/sepolicy/public/thermalserviced.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_260 thermal_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow thermalserviced hwservicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager thermalserviced (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager thermalserviced (dir (search)))
+(allow hwservicemanager thermalserviced (file (read open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager thermalserviced (process (getattr)))
+(allow thermalserviced thermalcallback_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow thermalserviced hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 11 system/sepolicy/public/thermalserviced.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_260 thermalcallback_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow thermalserviced platform_app (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow platform_app thermalserviced (binder (transfer)))
+(allow thermalserviced platform_app (fd (use)))
+(allow tombstoned domain (fd (use)))
+(allow tombstoned domain (fifo_file (write)))
+(allow tombstoned domain (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow tombstoned domain (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow tombstoned tombstone_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow tombstoned tombstone_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink link rename open)))
+(allow tombstoned anr_data_file (file (write append)))
+(auditallow tombstoned anr_data_file (file (write append)))
+(allow tombstoned anr_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow tombstoned anr_data_file (file (create getattr unlink link open)))
+(allow toolbox tmpfs (chr_file (ioctl read write)))
+(allow toolbox devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr)))
+(allow toolbox block_device (dir (search)))
+(allow toolbox swap_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+;;* lmx 23 system/sepolicy/public/toolbox.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 toolbox (process (transition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 24 system/sepolicy/public/toolbox.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 toolbox (process (dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 25 system/sepolicy/public/toolbox.te
+(neverallow toolbox base_typeattr_261 (file (entrypoint)))
+;;* lme
+(allow traceur_app servicemanager (service_manager (list)))
+(allow traceur_app hwservicemanager (hwservice_manager (list)))
+(allow traceur_app property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow traceur_app init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow traceur_app debug_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow traceur_app debug_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow traceur_app base_typeattr_259 (service_manager (find)))
+(dontaudit traceur_app service_manager_type (service_manager (find)))
+(dontaudit traceur_app hwservice_manager_type (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(dontaudit traceur_app domain (binder (call)))
+(allow tzdatacheck zoneinfo_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow tzdatacheck zoneinfo_data_file (file (unlink)))
+;;* lmx 18 system/sepolicy/public/tzdatacheck.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_262 zoneinfo_data_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 19 system/sepolicy/public/tzdatacheck.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_262 zoneinfo_data_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom link rename add_name remove_name reparent rmdir)))
+;;* lme
+(allow ueventd kmsg_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow ueventd self (capability (chown dac_override fowner fsetid setgid net_admin sys_rawio mknod)))
+(allow ueventd self (cap_userns (chown dac_override fowner fsetid setgid net_admin sys_rawio mknod)))
+(allow ueventd device (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow ueventd rootfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow ueventd rootfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow ueventd rootfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow ueventd sysfs_type (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow ueventd sysfs_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow ueventd sysfs_type (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow ueventd sysfs_type (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow ueventd sysfs_type (file (setattr relabelfrom relabelto)))
+(allow ueventd sysfs_type (lnk_file (setattr relabelfrom relabelto)))
+(allow ueventd sysfs_type (dir (setattr relabelfrom relabelto)))
+(allow ueventd tmpfs (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow ueventd dev_type (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow ueventd dev_type (lnk_file (create unlink)))
+(allow ueventd dev_type (chr_file (create getattr setattr unlink)))
+(allow ueventd dev_type (blk_file (create getattr setattr relabelfrom relabelto unlink)))
+(allow ueventd self (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow ueventd efs_file (dir (search)))
+(allow ueventd efs_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow ueventd selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow ueventd selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow ueventd selinuxfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow ueventd base_typeattr_263 (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow ueventd base_typeattr_263 (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow ueventd base_typeattr_263 (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow ueventd file_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow ueventd self (process (setfscreate)))
+(allow ueventd proc_cmdline (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lmx 49 system/sepolicy/public/ueventd.te
+(neverallow ueventd property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 50 system/sepolicy/public/ueventd.te
+(neverallow ueventd init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 51 system/sepolicy/public/ueventd.te
+(neverallow ueventd property_type (property_service (set)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 54 system/sepolicy/public/ueventd.te
+(neverallow ueventd dev_type (blk_file (ioctl read write lock append map link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 57 system/sepolicy/public/ueventd.te
+(neverallow ueventd kmem_device (chr_file (ioctl read write lock relabelfrom append map link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow ueventd port_device (chr_file (ioctl read write lock relabelfrom append map link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+(allow uncrypt self (capability (dac_override)))
+(allow uncrypt self (cap_userns (dac_override)))
+(allow uncrypt app_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow uncrypt app_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow uncrypt app_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow uncrypt cache_file (dir (search)))
+(allow uncrypt cache_recovery_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow uncrypt cache_recovery_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow uncrypt ota_package_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow uncrypt ota_package_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow uncrypt uncrypt_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow uncrypt uncrypt (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow uncrypt property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow uncrypt init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow uncrypt powerctl_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow uncrypt powerctl_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow uncrypt self (capability (sys_rawio)))
+(allow uncrypt self (cap_userns (sys_rawio)))
+(allow uncrypt misc_block_device (blk_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow uncrypt block_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow uncrypt userdata_block_device (blk_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow uncrypt rootfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow uncrypt rootfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow uncrypt rootfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow uncrypt proc_cmdline (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow uncrypt sysfs_dt_firmware_android (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow uncrypt sysfs_dt_firmware_android (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow uncrypt sysfs_dt_firmware_android (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow update_engine qtaguid_proc (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow update_engine qtaguid_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow update_engine self (process (setsched)))
+(allow update_engine self (capability (fowner sys_admin)))
+(allow update_engine self (cap_userns (fowner sys_admin)))
+(dontaudit update_engine self (capability (fsetid)))
+(dontaudit update_engine self (cap_userns (fsetid)))
+(allow update_engine kmsg_device (chr_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow update_engine update_engine_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow update_engine sysfs_wake_lock (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow update_engine self (capability2 (block_suspend)))
+(allow update_engine self (cap2_userns (block_suspend)))
+(dontaudit update_engine kernel (process (setsched)))
+(dontaudit update_engine self (capability (sys_rawio)))
+(allow update_engine update_engine_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow update_engine update_engine_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow update_engine update_engine_log_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow update_engine update_engine_log_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(dontaudit update_engine kernel (system (module_request)))
+(allow update_engine servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager update_engine (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager update_engine (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager update_engine (process (getattr)))
+(allow update_engine update_engine_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 42 system/sepolicy/public/update_engine.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_264 update_engine_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow update_engine priv_app (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow priv_app update_engine (binder (transfer)))
+(allow update_engine priv_app (fd (use)))
+(allow update_engine ota_package_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow update_engine ota_package_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow update_engine proc_misc (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow update_engine system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow update_engine_common block_device (dir (search)))
+(allow update_engine_common boot_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow update_engine_common system_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow update_engine_common misc_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow update_engine_common rootfs (dir (getattr)))
+(allow update_engine_common rootfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow update_engine_common postinstall_mnt_dir (dir (getattr mounton search)))
+(allow update_engine_common postinstall_file (filesystem (mount unmount relabelfrom relabelto)))
+(allow update_engine_common labeledfs (filesystem (relabelfrom)))
+(allow update_engine_common postinstall_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow update_engine_common postinstall_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow update_engine_common postinstall_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow update_engine_common cache_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow update_engine_common cache_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow update_engine_common cache_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow update_engine_common shell_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow update_engine_common postinstall (process (sigkill sigstop signal)))
+(allow update_engine_common proc_cmdline (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow update_engine_common sysfs_dt_firmware_android (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow update_engine_common sysfs_dt_firmware_android (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow update_engine_common sysfs_dt_firmware_android (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow update_verifier block_device (dir (search)))
+(allow update_verifier ota_package_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow update_verifier ota_package_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow update_verifier sysfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow update_verifier sysfs_dm (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow update_verifier sysfs_dm (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow update_verifier dm_device (blk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow update_verifier kmsg_device (chr_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow update_verifier property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow update_verifier init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow update_verifier powerctl_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow update_verifier powerctl_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vdc devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow vdc kmsg_device (chr_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow vdc servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager vdc (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager vdc (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager vdc (process (getattr)))
+(allow vdc vold (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow vold vdc (binder (transfer)))
+(allow vdc vold (fd (use)))
+(allow vdc vold_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (read write)))
+;;* lmx 8 system/sepolicy/public/vendor_init.te
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (tcp_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (udp_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (rawip_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (netlink_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (packet_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (key_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (unix_stream_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (unix_dgram_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (netlink_route_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (netlink_tcpdiag_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (netlink_nflog_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (netlink_xfrm_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (netlink_selinux_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (netlink_audit_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (netlink_dnrt_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (appletalk_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (tun_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (netlink_iscsi_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (netlink_fib_lookup_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (netlink_connector_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (netlink_netfilter_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (netlink_generic_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (netlink_scsitransport_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (netlink_rdma_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (netlink_crypto_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (sctp_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (icmp_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (ax25_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (ipx_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (netrom_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (atmpvc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (x25_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (rose_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (decnet_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (atmsvc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (rds_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (irda_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (pppox_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (llc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (can_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (tipc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (bluetooth_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (iucv_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (rxrpc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (isdn_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (phonet_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (ieee802154_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (caif_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (alg_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (nfc_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (vsock_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (kcm_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (qipcrtr_socket (connect sendto)))
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (smc_socket (connect sendto)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 8 system/sepolicy/public/vendor_init.te
+(neverallow vendor_init base_typeattr_265 (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+;;* lme
+(allow vendor_init kmsg_device (chr_file (write open)))
+(allow vendor_init device (dir (mounton)))
+(allow vendor_init rootfs (lnk_file (create unlink)))
+(allow vendor_init cgroup (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vendor_init configfs (dir (mounton)))
+(allow vendor_init configfs (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vendor_init configfs (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow vendor_init configfs (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow vendor_init self (capability (dac_override)))
+(allow vendor_init self (cap_userns (dac_override)))
+(allow vendor_init self (capability (chown fowner fsetid)))
+(allow vendor_init self (cap_userns (chown fowner fsetid)))
+(allow vendor_init unencrypted_data_file (dir (search)))
+(allow vendor_init unencrypted_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init system_data_file (dir (getattr)))
+(allow vendor_init base_typeattr_266 (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr relabelfrom add_name remove_name search rmdir open)))
+(allow vendor_init base_typeattr_267 (file (read write create getattr setattr relabelfrom unlink open)))
+(allow vendor_init base_typeattr_266 (sock_file (read create getattr setattr relabelfrom unlink open)))
+(allow vendor_init base_typeattr_266 (fifo_file (read create getattr setattr relabelfrom unlink open)))
+(allow vendor_init base_typeattr_266 (lnk_file (create getattr setattr relabelfrom unlink)))
+(allow vendor_init base_typeattr_268 (file (relabelto)))
+(allow vendor_init base_typeattr_268 (dir (relabelto)))
+(allow vendor_init base_typeattr_268 (lnk_file (relabelto)))
+(allow vendor_init base_typeattr_268 (chr_file (relabelto)))
+(allow vendor_init base_typeattr_268 (blk_file (relabelto)))
+(allow vendor_init base_typeattr_268 (sock_file (relabelto)))
+(allow vendor_init base_typeattr_268 (fifo_file (relabelto)))
+(allow vendor_init dev_type (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vendor_init dev_type (lnk_file (create)))
+(allow vendor_init debugfs_tracing (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow vendor_init base_typeattr_269 (file (read setattr open)))
+(allow vendor_init base_typeattr_269 (dir (read setattr search open)))
+(allow vendor_init base_typeattr_270 (chr_file (setattr)))
+(allow vendor_init dev_type (blk_file (getattr)))
+(allow vendor_init proc_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow vendor_init proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init proc_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init proc_net (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow vendor_init self (capability (net_admin)))
+(allow vendor_init self (cap_userns (net_admin)))
+(allow vendor_init proc_page_cluster (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow vendor_init sysfs_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow vendor_init sysfs_type (lnk_file (read)))
+(allow vendor_init base_typeattr_271 (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow vendor_init self (process (setfscreate)))
+(allow vendor_init vendor_file_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow vendor_init vendor_file_type (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init vendor_file_type (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init serialno_prop (file (read getattr open)))
+(allow vendor_init self (capability (sys_admin)))
+(allow vendor_init self (cap_userns (sys_admin)))
+(allow vendor_init misc_block_device (blk_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init base_typeattr_272 (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init base_typeattr_272 (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init debug_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init debug_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_bluetooth_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_bluetooth_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_config_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_config_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_dalvik_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_dalvik_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_default_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_default_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_ffs_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_ffs_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_overlay_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_overlay_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_pm_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_pm_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_system_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_system_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_wifi_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init exported_wifi_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init exported2_config_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init exported2_config_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init exported2_system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init exported2_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init exported2_vold_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init exported2_vold_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init exported3_default_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init exported3_default_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init exported3_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init exported3_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init logd_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init logd_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init log_tag_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init log_tag_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init log_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init log_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init serialno_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init serialno_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init vendor_default_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init vendor_default_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init vendor_security_patch_level_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init vendor_security_patch_level_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vendor_init init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vendor_init wifi_log_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vendor_init wifi_log_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init exported2_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_init exported3_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_shell vendor_shell_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow vendor_shell vendor_toolbox_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow vendor_shell shell (fd (use)))
+(allow vendor_shell adbd (fd (use)))
+(allow vendor_shell adbd (process (sigchld)))
+(allow vendor_shell adbd (unix_stream_socket (ioctl read write getattr)))
+(allow vendor_shell devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow vendor_shell tty_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow vendor_shell console_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow vendor_shell input_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow vendor_shell input_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+;;* lmx 8 system/sepolicy/public/vendor_toolbox.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_273 vendor_toolbox_exec (file (execute execute_no_trans entrypoint)))
+;;* lme
+(allow virtual_touchpad servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager virtual_touchpad (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager virtual_touchpad (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager virtual_touchpad (process (getattr)))
+(allow virtual_touchpad virtual_touchpad_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 6 system/sepolicy/public/virtual_touchpad.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_274 virtual_touchpad_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow virtual_touchpad system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server virtual_touchpad (binder (transfer)))
+(allow virtual_touchpad system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow virtual_touchpad uhid_device (chr_file (ioctl write lock append map open)))
+(allow virtual_touchpad permission_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow vold cache_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow vold cache_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow vold cache_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold proc_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow vold proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold proc_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold sysfs_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow vold sysfs_type (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold sysfs_type (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold sysfs (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow vold sysfs_dm (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow vold sysfs_usb (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow vold sysfs_zram_uevent (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow vold rootfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow vold rootfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold rootfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold metadata_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow vold metadata_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold metadata_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold proc (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold proc_drop_caches (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold proc_cmdline (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold proc_filesystems (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold proc_meminfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold proc_mounts (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold file_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold self (process (setexec)))
+(allow vold shell_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow vold e2fs_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow vold self (process (setfscreate)))
+(allow vold system_file (file (getattr map execute execute_no_trans)))
+(allow vold block_device (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vold device (dir (write)))
+(allow vold devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow vold rootfs (dir (mounton)))
+(allow vold sdcard_type (dir (mounton)))
+(allow vold sdcard_type (filesystem (mount remount unmount)))
+(allow vold sdcard_type (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vold sdcard_type (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow vold sdcard_type (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vold mnt_media_rw_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vold storage_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vold sdcard_type (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow vold mnt_media_rw_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow vold storage_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow vold media_rw_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vold media_rw_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow vold mnt_media_rw_stub_file (dir (create getattr setattr mounton rmdir)))
+(allow vold storage_stub_file (dir (create getattr setattr mounton rmdir)))
+(allow vold mnt_user_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vold mnt_user_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow vold mnt_expand_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vold apk_data_file (dir (create getattr setattr)))
+(allow vold shell_data_file (dir (create getattr setattr)))
+(allow vold tmpfs (filesystem (mount unmount)))
+(allow vold tmpfs (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vold tmpfs (dir (mounton)))
+(allow vold self (capability (chown dac_override fowner fsetid net_admin sys_admin mknod)))
+(allow vold self (cap_userns (chown dac_override fowner fsetid net_admin sys_admin mknod)))
+(allow vold self (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow vold app_data_file (dir (search)))
+(allow vold app_data_file (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow vold loop_control_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow vold loop_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink open)))
+(allow vold vold_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink open)))
+(allow vold dm_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow vold dm_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow vold domain (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow vold domain (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold domain (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold domain (process (sigkill signal)))
+(allow vold self (capability (kill sys_ptrace)))
+(allow vold self (cap_userns (kill sys_ptrace)))
+(allow vold kmsg_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow vold fsck_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute open)))
+(allow vold fscklogs (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow vold fscklogs (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow vold labeledfs (filesystem (mount unmount)))
+(allow vold efs_file (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow vold system_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock mounton add_name remove_name search rmdir open)))
+(allow vold system_data_file (lnk_file (getattr)))
+(allow vold vendor_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vold system_data_file (file (read)))
+(allow vold kernel (process (setsched)))
+(allow vold property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vold init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vold vold_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vold vold_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vold init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vold exported_vold_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vold exported_vold_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vold init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vold exported2_vold_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vold exported2_vold_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vold init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vold powerctl_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vold powerctl_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vold init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vold ctl_fuse_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vold ctl_fuse_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow vold init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow vold restorecon_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow vold restorecon_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold asec_image_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow vold asec_image_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow vold asec_apk_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto rename mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vold asec_public_file (dir (setattr relabelto)))
+(allow vold asec_apk_file (file (ioctl read getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map open)))
+(allow vold asec_public_file (file (setattr relabelto)))
+(allow vold unlabeled (dir (ioctl read getattr setattr lock relabelfrom search open)))
+(allow vold unlabeled (file (ioctl read getattr setattr lock relabelfrom map open)))
+(allow vold sysfs_wake_lock (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow vold self (capability2 (block_suspend)))
+(allow vold self (cap2_userns (block_suspend)))
+(allow vold servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager vold (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager vold (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager vold (process (getattr)))
+(allow vold vold_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 150 system/sepolicy/public/vold.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_169 vold_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow vold system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server vold (binder (transfer)))
+(allow vold system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow vold permission_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow vold healthd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow healthd vold (binder (transfer)))
+(allow vold healthd (fd (use)))
+(allow vold userdata_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow vold metadata_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow vold unencrypted_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow vold unencrypted_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vold proc_drop_caches (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow vold vold_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vold vold_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow vold vold_metadata_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vold vold_metadata_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow vold init (key (write search setattr)))
+(allow vold vold (key (write search setattr)))
+(allow vold self (capability (sys_nice)))
+(allow vold self (cap_userns (sys_nice)))
+(allow vold self (capability (sys_chroot)))
+(allow vold self (cap_userns (sys_chroot)))
+(allow vold storage_file (dir (mounton)))
+(allow vold fuse_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow vold fuse (filesystem (relabelfrom)))
+(allow vold app_fusefs (filesystem (relabelfrom relabelto)))
+(allow vold app_fusefs (filesystem (mount unmount)))
+(allow vold toolbox_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow vold user_profile_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vold misc_block_device (blk_file (write lock append map open)))
+;;* lmx 213 system/sepolicy/public/vold.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_275 vold_data_file (dir (write lock relabelfrom append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 220 system/sepolicy/public/vold.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_276 vold_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 227 system/sepolicy/public/vold.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_277 vold_metadata_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 234 system/sepolicy/public/vold.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_278 vold_data_file (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_278 vold_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_278 vold_data_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_278 vold_data_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 241 system/sepolicy/public/vold.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_276 vold_metadata_file (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_276 vold_metadata_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_276 vold_metadata_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_276 vold_metadata_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 250 system/sepolicy/public/vold.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_279 vold_metadata_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_279 vold_metadata_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_279 vold_metadata_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_279 vold_metadata_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_279 vold_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_279 vold_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_279 vold_data_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_279 vold_data_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 252 system/sepolicy/public/vold.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_167 restorecon_prop (property_service (set)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 255 system/sepolicy/public/vold.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_280 vold_service (service_manager (find)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 264 system/sepolicy/public/vold.te
+(neverallow vold base_typeattr_281 (binder (call)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 266 system/sepolicy/public/vold.te
+(neverallow vold fsck_exec (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 267 system/sepolicy/public/vold.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 vold (process (transition dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 268 system/sepolicy/public/vold.te
+(neverallow vold base_typeattr_57 (process (ptrace)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 269 system/sepolicy/public/vold.te
+(neverallow vold base_typeattr_57 (rawip_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+;;* lme
+(allow vr_hwc servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager vr_hwc (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager vr_hwc (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager vr_hwc (process (getattr)))
+(allow vr_hwc surfaceflinger (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow surfaceflinger vr_hwc (binder (transfer)))
+(allow vr_hwc surfaceflinger (fd (use)))
+(allow vr_hwc system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server vr_hwc (binder (transfer)))
+(allow vr_hwc system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow vr_hwc vr_hwc_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 14 system/sepolicy/public/vr_hwc.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_282 vr_hwc_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow vr_hwc hwservicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager vr_hwc (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager vr_hwc (dir (search)))
+(allow hwservicemanager vr_hwc (file (read open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager vr_hwc (process (getattr)))
+(allow vr_hwc system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow vr_hwc ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vr_hwc pdx_display_client_endpoint_dir_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow vr_hwc pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket_type (sock_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow vr_hwc pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write shutdown connectto)))
+(allow vr_hwc pdx_display_client_channel_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr setattr lock append getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow vr_hwc pdx_display_client_server_type (fd (use)))
+(allow pdx_display_client_server_type vr_hwc (fd (use)))
+(allow vr_hwc permission_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow watchdogd watchdog_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow watchdogd kmsg_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow wificond servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager wificond (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager wificond (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager wificond (process (getattr)))
+(allow wificond system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server wificond (binder (transfer)))
+(allow wificond system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow wificond wificond_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 8 system/sepolicy/public/wificond.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_283 wificond_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow wificond property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow wificond init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow wificond exported_wifi_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow wificond exported_wifi_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow wificond property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow wificond init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow wificond wifi_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow wificond wifi_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow wificond property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow wificond init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow wificond ctl_default_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow wificond ctl_default_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow wificond self (udp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allowx wificond self (ioctl udp_socket (0x8914 0x8924)))
+(allow wificond self (capability (net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow wificond self (cap_userns (net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow wificond self (netlink_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow wificond self (netlink_generic_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow wificond proc_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow wificond proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow wificond proc_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow wificond permission_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow wificond dumpstate (fd (use)))
+(allow wificond dumpstate (fifo_file (write)))
+(allow wpantund servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager wpantund (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager wpantund (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager wpantund (process (getattr)))
+(allow wpantund system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server wpantund (binder (transfer)))
+(allow wpantund system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow wpantund lowpan_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow wpantund priv_app (binder (call)))
+(allow wpantund shell (binder (call)))
+(allow wpantund self (udp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allowx wpantund self (ioctl udp_socket (0x8914 0x8922)))
+(allow wpantund tun_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow wpantund self (capability (net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow wpantund self (cap_userns (net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow wpantund self (tun_socket (create)))
+(allow domain persist_dpm_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init adbd_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init adbd (process (transition)))
+(allow adbd adbd_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init adbd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init adbd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init adbd_exec process adbd)
+(typetransition adbd tmpfs file adbd_tmpfs)
+(allow adbd adbd_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow adbd tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow adbd shell_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow adbd shell (process (transition)))
+(allow shell shell_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow shell adbd (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit adbd shell (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow adbd shell (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition adbd shell_exec process shell)
+(allow adbd shell (process (signal noatsecure)))
+(allow adbd self (capability (setgid setuid)))
+(allow adbd self (cap_userns (setgid setuid)))
+(allow adbd self (capability (setpcap)))
+(allow adbd self (cap_userns (setpcap)))
+(allow adbd functionfs (dir (search)))
+(allow adbd functionfs (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow adbd devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow adbd shell_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow adbd shell_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow adbd trace_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow adbd trace_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd profman_dump_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow adbd profman_dump_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd tmpfs (dir (search)))
+(allow adbd rootfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd tmpfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd sdcard_type (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow adbd sdcard_type (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow adbd anr_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow adbd anr_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow adbd init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow adbd shell_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow adbd shell_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow adbd init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow adbd powerctl_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow adbd powerctl_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow adbd init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow adbd ffs_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow adbd ffs_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow adbd init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow adbd exported_ffs_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow adbd exported_ffs_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd device_logging_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd serialno_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow adbd servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager adbd (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager adbd (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager adbd (process (getattr)))
+(allow adbd surfaceflinger (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow surfaceflinger adbd (binder (transfer)))
+(allow adbd surfaceflinger (fd (use)))
+(allow adbd gpu_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow adbd ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow adbd system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow adbd system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd system_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd adb_keys_file (dir (search)))
+(allow adbd adb_keys_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd app_data_file (dir (search)))
+(allow adbd app_data_file (sock_file (write)))
+(allow adbd appdomain (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow adbd zygote_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow adbd selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd kernel (security (read_policy)))
+(allow adbd service_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd file_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd seapp_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd property_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd sepolicy_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd config_gz (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd surfaceflinger_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow adbd bootchart_data_file (dir (search)))
+(allow adbd bootchart_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd storage_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow adbd storage_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd mnt_user_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow adbd mnt_user_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd media_rw_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow adbd media_rw_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow adbd apk_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow adbd apk_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd apk_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow adbd rootfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+;;* lmx 147 system/sepolicy/private/adbd.te
+(neverallow adbd base_typeattr_284 (process (transition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 148 system/sepolicy/private/adbd.te
+(neverallow adbd domain (process (dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+(allow appdomain zygote_tmpfs (file (read)))
+;;* lmx 8 system/sepolicy/private/app.te
+(neverallow appdomain system_server (udp_socket (ioctl create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append bind listen accept shutdown name_bind)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 16 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all domain (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app domain (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow isolated_app domain (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider domain (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app domain (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 domain (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 domain (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app domain (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 19 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all domain (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app domain (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow isolated_app domain (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider domain (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app domain (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 domain (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 domain (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app domain (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 23 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all debugfs_type (file (read)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app debugfs_type (file (read)))
+(neverallow isolated_app debugfs_type (file (read)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider debugfs_type (file (read)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app debugfs_type (file (read)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 debugfs_type (file (read)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 debugfs_type (file (read)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app debugfs_type (file (read)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 28 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all service_manager_type (service_manager (add)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app service_manager_type (service_manager (add)))
+(neverallow isolated_app service_manager_type (service_manager (add)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider service_manager_type (service_manager (add)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app service_manager_type (service_manager (add)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 service_manager_type (service_manager (add)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 service_manager_type (service_manager (add)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app service_manager_type (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 31 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all vndbinder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app vndbinder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow isolated_app vndbinder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider vndbinder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app vndbinder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 vndbinder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 vndbinder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app vndbinder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 32 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all vndservice_manager_type (service_manager (add find list)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app vndservice_manager_type (service_manager (add find list)))
+(neverallow isolated_app vndservice_manager_type (service_manager (add find list)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider vndservice_manager_type (service_manager (add find list)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app vndservice_manager_type (service_manager (add find list)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 vndservice_manager_type (service_manager (add find list)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 vndservice_manager_type (service_manager (add find list)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app vndservice_manager_type (service_manager (add find list)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 36 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_285 property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 37 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_285 init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 38 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_285 property_type (property_service (set)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 42 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_286 net_dns_prop (file (read)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 52 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all mlstrustedsubject (process (fork)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app mlstrustedsubject (process (fork)))
+(neverallow isolated_app mlstrustedsubject (process (fork)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider mlstrustedsubject (process (fork)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app mlstrustedsubject (process (fork)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 mlstrustedsubject (process (fork)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 mlstrustedsubject (process (fork)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app mlstrustedsubject (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 60 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all file_type (file (link)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app file_type (file (link)))
+(neverallow isolated_app file_type (file (link)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider file_type (file (link)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app file_type (file (link)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 file_type (file (link)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 file_type (file (link)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app file_type (file (link)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 63 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all sysfs_mac_address (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app sysfs_mac_address (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app sysfs_mac_address (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider sysfs_mac_address (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app sysfs_mac_address (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 sysfs_mac_address (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 sysfs_mac_address (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app sysfs_mac_address (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 66 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all sysfs_type (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app sysfs_type (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow isolated_app sysfs_type (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider sysfs_type (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app sysfs_type (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 sysfs_type (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 sysfs_type (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app sysfs_type (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 69 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all sysfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app sysfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app sysfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider sysfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app sysfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 sysfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 sysfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app sysfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 73 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_all domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_all domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_all domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx ephemeral_app domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx ephemeral_app domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx ephemeral_app domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx isolated_app domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx isolated_app domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx isolated_app domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx mediaprovider domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx mediaprovider domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx mediaprovider domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_27 domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_27 domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_27 domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_25 domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_25 domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_25 domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx untrusted_v2_app domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx untrusted_v2_app domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(neverallowx untrusted_v2_app domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 73 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_all domain (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_all domain (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_all domain (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx ephemeral_app domain (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx ephemeral_app domain (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx ephemeral_app domain (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx isolated_app domain (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx isolated_app domain (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx isolated_app domain (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx mediaprovider domain (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx mediaprovider domain (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx mediaprovider domain (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app domain (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app domain (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app domain (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_27 domain (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_27 domain (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_27 domain (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_25 domain (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_25 domain (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_25 domain (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_v2_app domain (ioctl tcp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_v2_app domain (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_v2_app domain (ioctl rawip_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 73 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_all domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_all domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_all domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx ephemeral_app domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx ephemeral_app domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx ephemeral_app domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx isolated_app domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx isolated_app domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx isolated_app domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx mediaprovider domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx mediaprovider domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx mediaprovider domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_27 domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_27 domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_27 domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_25 domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_25 domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_app_25 domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_v2_app domain (ioctl tcp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_v2_app domain (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(neverallowx untrusted_v2_app domain (ioctl rawip_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 74 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (netlink_route_socket (ioctl)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (netlink_selinux_socket (ioctl)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_route_socket (ioctl)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_selinux_socket (ioctl)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_route_socket (ioctl)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_selinux_socket (ioctl)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (netlink_route_socket (ioctl)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (netlink_selinux_socket (ioctl)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_route_socket (ioctl)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_selinux_socket (ioctl)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_route_socket (ioctl)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_selinux_socket (ioctl)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_route_socket (ioctl)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_selinux_socket (ioctl)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_route_socket (ioctl)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_selinux_socket (ioctl)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 83 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (packet_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (key_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (netlink_tcpdiag_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (netlink_nflog_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (netlink_xfrm_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (netlink_audit_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write nlmsg_relay nlmsg_readpriv nlmsg_tty_audit)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (netlink_dnrt_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (appletalk_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (tun_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind attach_queue)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (netlink_iscsi_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (netlink_fib_lookup_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (netlink_connector_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (netlink_netfilter_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (netlink_generic_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (netlink_scsitransport_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (netlink_rdma_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (netlink_crypto_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (packet_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (key_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_tcpdiag_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_nflog_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_xfrm_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_audit_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write nlmsg_relay nlmsg_readpriv nlmsg_tty_audit)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_dnrt_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (appletalk_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (tun_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind attach_queue)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_iscsi_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_fib_lookup_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_connector_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_netfilter_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_generic_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_scsitransport_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_rdma_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_crypto_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (packet_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (key_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_tcpdiag_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_nflog_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_xfrm_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_audit_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write nlmsg_relay nlmsg_readpriv nlmsg_tty_audit)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_dnrt_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (appletalk_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (tun_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind attach_queue)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_iscsi_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_fib_lookup_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_connector_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_netfilter_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_generic_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_scsitransport_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_rdma_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_crypto_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (packet_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (key_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (netlink_tcpdiag_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (netlink_nflog_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (netlink_xfrm_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (netlink_audit_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write nlmsg_relay nlmsg_readpriv nlmsg_tty_audit)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (netlink_dnrt_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (appletalk_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (tun_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind attach_queue)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (netlink_iscsi_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (netlink_fib_lookup_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (netlink_connector_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (netlink_netfilter_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (netlink_generic_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (netlink_scsitransport_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (netlink_rdma_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (netlink_crypto_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (packet_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (key_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_tcpdiag_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_nflog_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_xfrm_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_audit_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write nlmsg_relay nlmsg_readpriv nlmsg_tty_audit)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_dnrt_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (appletalk_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (tun_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind attach_queue)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_iscsi_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_fib_lookup_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_connector_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_netfilter_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_generic_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_scsitransport_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_rdma_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_crypto_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (packet_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (key_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_tcpdiag_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_nflog_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_xfrm_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_audit_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write nlmsg_relay nlmsg_readpriv nlmsg_tty_audit)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_dnrt_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (appletalk_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (tun_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind attach_queue)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_iscsi_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_fib_lookup_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_connector_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_netfilter_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_generic_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_scsitransport_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_rdma_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_crypto_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (packet_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (key_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_tcpdiag_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_nflog_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_xfrm_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_audit_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write nlmsg_relay nlmsg_readpriv nlmsg_tty_audit)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_dnrt_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (appletalk_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (tun_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind attach_queue)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_iscsi_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_fib_lookup_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_connector_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_netfilter_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_generic_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_scsitransport_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_rdma_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (netlink_crypto_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (packet_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (key_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_tcpdiag_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_nflog_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_xfrm_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_audit_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write nlmsg_relay nlmsg_readpriv nlmsg_tty_audit)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_dnrt_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (appletalk_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (tun_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind attach_queue)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_iscsi_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_fib_lookup_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_connector_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_netfilter_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_generic_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_scsitransport_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_rdma_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (netlink_crypto_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 86 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_285 cache_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_285 cache_recovery_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 87 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_285 cache_file (file (ioctl write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_285 cache_recovery_file (file (ioctl write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 106 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_285 base_typeattr_287 (file (create unlink)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_285 base_typeattr_287 (dir (create unlink)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_285 base_typeattr_287 (lnk_file (create unlink)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_285 base_typeattr_287 (chr_file (create unlink)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_285 base_typeattr_287 (blk_file (create unlink)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_285 base_typeattr_287 (sock_file (create unlink)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_285 base_typeattr_287 (fifo_file (create unlink)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 109 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all fuse_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app fuse_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow isolated_app fuse_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider fuse_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app fuse_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 fuse_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 fuse_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app fuse_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 112 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all tun_device (chr_file (open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app tun_device (chr_file (open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app tun_device (chr_file (open)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider tun_device (chr_file (open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app tun_device (chr_file (open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 tun_device (chr_file (open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 tun_device (chr_file (open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app tun_device (chr_file (open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 115 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all anr_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod audit_access)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app anr_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod audit_access)))
+(neverallow isolated_app anr_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod audit_access)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider anr_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod audit_access)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app anr_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod audit_access)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 anr_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod audit_access)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 anr_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod audit_access)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app anr_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 116 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all anr_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app anr_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow isolated_app anr_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider anr_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app anr_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 anr_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 anr_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app anr_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 134 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all proc (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all proc_asound (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all proc_filesystems (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all proc_kmsg (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all proc_loadavg (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all proc_mounts (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all proc_pagetypeinfo (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all proc_stat (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all proc_swaps (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all proc_uptime (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all proc_version (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all proc_vmallocinfo (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all proc_vmstat (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app proc (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app proc_asound (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app proc_filesystems (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app proc_kmsg (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app proc_loadavg (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app proc_mounts (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app proc_pagetypeinfo (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app proc_stat (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app proc_swaps (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app proc_uptime (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app proc_version (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app proc_vmallocinfo (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app proc_vmstat (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app proc (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app proc_asound (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app proc_filesystems (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app proc_kmsg (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app proc_loadavg (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app proc_mounts (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app proc_pagetypeinfo (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app proc_stat (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app proc_swaps (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app proc_uptime (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app proc_version (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app proc_vmallocinfo (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app proc_vmstat (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider proc (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider proc_asound (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider proc_filesystems (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider proc_kmsg (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider proc_loadavg (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider proc_mounts (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider proc_pagetypeinfo (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider proc_stat (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider proc_swaps (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider proc_uptime (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider proc_version (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider proc_vmallocinfo (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider proc_vmstat (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app proc (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app proc_asound (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app proc_filesystems (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app proc_kmsg (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app proc_loadavg (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app proc_mounts (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app proc_pagetypeinfo (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app proc_stat (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app proc_swaps (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app proc_uptime (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app proc_version (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app proc_vmallocinfo (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app proc_vmstat (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 proc (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 proc_asound (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 proc_filesystems (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 proc_kmsg (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 proc_loadavg (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 proc_mounts (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 proc_pagetypeinfo (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 proc_stat (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 proc_swaps (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 proc_uptime (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 proc_version (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 proc_vmallocinfo (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 proc_vmstat (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 proc (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 proc_asound (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 proc_filesystems (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 proc_kmsg (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 proc_loadavg (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 proc_mounts (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 proc_pagetypeinfo (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 proc_stat (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 proc_swaps (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 proc_uptime (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 proc_version (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 proc_vmallocinfo (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 proc_vmstat (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app proc (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app proc_asound (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app proc_filesystems (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app proc_kmsg (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app proc_loadavg (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app proc_mounts (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app proc_pagetypeinfo (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app proc_stat (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app proc_swaps (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app proc_uptime (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app proc_version (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app proc_vmallocinfo (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app proc_vmstat (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 137 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all config_gz (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app config_gz (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app config_gz (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider config_gz (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app config_gz (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 config_gz (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 config_gz (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app config_gz (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 140 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all preloads_data_file (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app preloads_data_file (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app preloads_data_file (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider preloads_data_file (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app preloads_data_file (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 preloads_data_file (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 preloads_data_file (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app preloads_data_file (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 144 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all system_file (file (lock)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app system_file (file (lock)))
+(neverallow isolated_app system_file (file (lock)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider system_file (file (lock)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app system_file (file (lock)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 system_file (file (lock)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 system_file (file (lock)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app system_file (file (lock)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 148 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_57 (hwservice_manager (add list)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_57 (hwservice_manager (add list)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (hwservice_manager (add list)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_57 (hwservice_manager (add list)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_57 (hwservice_manager (add list)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_57 (hwservice_manager (add list)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_57 (hwservice_manager (add list)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_57 (hwservice_manager (add list)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 188 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_288 (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_288 (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_288 (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_288 (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_288 (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_288 (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_288 (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_288 (hwservice_manager (find)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 230 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all default_android_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_audio_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_authsecret_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_bluetooth_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_bootctl_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_camera_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_confirmationui_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_contexthub_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_drm_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_dumpstate_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_fingerprint_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_gatekeeper_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_gnss_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_graphics_composer_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_health_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_ir_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_keymaster_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_light_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_memtrack_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_nfc_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_oemlock_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_power_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_secure_element_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_sensors_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_telephony_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_thermal_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_tv_cec_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_tv_input_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_usb_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_vibrator_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_vr_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_weaver_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_wifi_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_wifi_offload_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all system_net_netd_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all thermalcallback_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app default_android_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_audio_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_authsecret_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_bluetooth_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_bootctl_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_camera_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_confirmationui_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_contexthub_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_drm_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_dumpstate_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_fingerprint_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_gatekeeper_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_gnss_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_graphics_composer_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_health_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_ir_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_keymaster_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_light_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_memtrack_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_nfc_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_oemlock_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_power_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_secure_element_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_sensors_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_telephony_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_thermal_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_tv_cec_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_tv_input_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_usb_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_vibrator_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_vr_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_weaver_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_wifi_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_wifi_offload_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app system_net_netd_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app thermalcallback_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app default_android_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_audio_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_authsecret_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_bluetooth_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_bootctl_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_camera_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_confirmationui_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_contexthub_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_drm_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_dumpstate_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_fingerprint_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_gatekeeper_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_gnss_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_graphics_composer_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_health_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_ir_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_keymaster_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_light_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_memtrack_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_nfc_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_oemlock_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_power_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_secure_element_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_sensors_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_telephony_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_thermal_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_tv_cec_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_tv_input_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_usb_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_vibrator_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_vr_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_weaver_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_wifi_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_wifi_offload_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app system_net_netd_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app thermalcallback_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider default_android_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_audio_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_authsecret_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_bluetooth_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_bootctl_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_camera_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_confirmationui_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_contexthub_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_drm_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_dumpstate_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_fingerprint_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_gatekeeper_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_gnss_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_graphics_composer_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_health_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_ir_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_keymaster_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_light_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_memtrack_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_nfc_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_oemlock_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_power_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_secure_element_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_sensors_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_telephony_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_thermal_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_tv_cec_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_tv_input_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_usb_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_vibrator_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_vr_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_weaver_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_wifi_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_wifi_offload_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider system_net_netd_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider thermalcallback_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app default_android_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_audio_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_authsecret_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_bluetooth_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_bootctl_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_camera_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_confirmationui_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_contexthub_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_drm_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_dumpstate_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_fingerprint_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_gatekeeper_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_gnss_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_graphics_composer_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_health_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_ir_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_keymaster_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_light_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_memtrack_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_nfc_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_oemlock_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_power_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_secure_element_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_sensors_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_telephony_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_thermal_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_tv_cec_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_tv_input_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_usb_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_vibrator_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_vr_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_weaver_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_wifi_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_wifi_offload_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app system_net_netd_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app thermalcallback_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 default_android_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_audio_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_authsecret_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_bluetooth_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_bootctl_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_camera_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_confirmationui_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_contexthub_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_drm_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_dumpstate_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_fingerprint_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_gatekeeper_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_gnss_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_graphics_composer_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_health_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_ir_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_keymaster_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_light_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_memtrack_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_nfc_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_oemlock_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_power_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_secure_element_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_sensors_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_telephony_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_thermal_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_tv_cec_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_tv_input_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_usb_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_vibrator_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_vr_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_weaver_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_wifi_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_wifi_offload_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 system_net_netd_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 thermalcallback_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 default_android_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_audio_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_authsecret_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_bluetooth_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_bootctl_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_camera_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_confirmationui_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_contexthub_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_drm_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_dumpstate_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_fingerprint_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_gatekeeper_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_gnss_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_graphics_composer_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_health_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_ir_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_keymaster_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_light_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_memtrack_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_nfc_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_oemlock_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_power_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_secure_element_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_sensors_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_telephony_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_thermal_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_tv_cec_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_tv_input_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_usb_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_vibrator_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_vr_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_weaver_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_wifi_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_wifi_offload_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 system_net_netd_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 thermalcallback_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app default_android_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_audio_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_authsecret_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_bluetooth_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_bootctl_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_camera_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_confirmationui_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_contexthub_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_drm_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_dumpstate_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_fingerprint_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_gatekeeper_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_gnss_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_graphics_composer_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_health_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_ir_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_keymaster_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_light_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_memtrack_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_nfc_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_oemlock_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_power_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_secure_element_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_sensors_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_telephony_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_thermal_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_tv_cec_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_tv_input_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_usb_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_vibrator_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_vr_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_weaver_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_wifi_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_wifi_offload_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hal_wifi_supplicant_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app system_net_netd_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app thermalcallback_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 240 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_289 (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_289 (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_289 (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_289 (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_289 (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_289 (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_289 (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_289 (hwservice_manager (find)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 243 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all selinuxfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app selinuxfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow isolated_app selinuxfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider selinuxfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app selinuxfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 selinuxfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 selinuxfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app selinuxfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 248 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all base_typeattr_290 (binder (call transfer)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app base_typeattr_290 (binder (call transfer)))
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_290 (binder (call transfer)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider base_typeattr_290 (binder (call transfer)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app base_typeattr_290 (binder (call transfer)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 base_typeattr_290 (binder (call transfer)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 base_typeattr_290 (binder (call transfer)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app base_typeattr_290 (binder (call transfer)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 262 system/sepolicy/private/app_neverallows.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all mediaextractor_update_service (service_manager (find)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app mediaextractor_update_service (service_manager (find)))
+(neverallow isolated_app mediaextractor_update_service (service_manager (find)))
+(neverallow mediaprovider mediaextractor_update_service (service_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app mediaextractor_update_service (service_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_27 mediaextractor_update_service (service_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_app_25 mediaextractor_update_service (service_manager (find)))
+(neverallow untrusted_v2_app mediaextractor_update_service (service_manager (find)))
+;;* lme
+(allow atrace boottrace_data_file (dir (search)))
+(allow atrace boottrace_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow atrace debugfs_tracing (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow atrace debugfs_tracing (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow atrace debugfs_trace_marker (file (getattr)))
+(allow atrace property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow atrace init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow atrace debug_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow atrace debug_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow atrace servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager atrace (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager atrace (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager atrace (process (getattr)))
+(allow atrace healthd (binder (call)))
+(allow atrace surfaceflinger (binder (call)))
+(allow atrace hwservicemanager_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow atrace base_typeattr_291 (service_manager (find)))
+(allow atrace servicemanager (service_manager (list)))
+(allow init audioserver_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init audioserver (process (transition)))
+(allow audioserver audioserver_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init audioserver (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init audioserver (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init audioserver_exec process audioserver)
+(typetransition audioserver tmpfs file audioserver_tmpfs)
+(allow audioserver audioserver_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow audioserver tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow audioserver sdcard_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow audioserver sdcard_type (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow audioserver sdcard_type (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow audioserver servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager audioserver (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager audioserver (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager audioserver (process (getattr)))
+(allow audioserver binderservicedomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow binderservicedomain audioserver (binder (transfer)))
+(allow audioserver binderservicedomain (fd (use)))
+(allow audioserver appdomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow appdomain audioserver (binder (transfer)))
+(allow audioserver appdomain (fd (use)))
+(allow audioserver system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow audioserver system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow audioserver system_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow audioserver audioserver_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 31 system/sepolicy/private/audioserver.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_292 audioserver_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow audioserver activity_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow audioserver appops_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow audioserver batterystats_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow audioserver permission_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow audioserver power_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow audioserver scheduling_policy_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow audioserver mediametrics_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow audioserver property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow audioserver init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow audioserver bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow audioserver bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow audioserver property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow audioserver init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow audioserver bluetooth_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow audioserver bluetooth_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow audioserver property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow audioserver init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow audioserver exported_bluetooth_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow audioserver exported_bluetooth_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow audioserver audio_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name search open)))
+(allow audioserver audio_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow audioserver audio_device (chr_file (read write)))
+(allow audioserver bluetooth_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow audioserver bluetooth (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow audioserver adbd (fd (use)))
+(allow audioserver adbd (unix_stream_socket (read write)))
+(allow audioserver shell (fifo_file (read write)))
+;;* lmx 76 system/sepolicy/private/audioserver.te
+(neverallow audioserver fs_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+(neverallow audioserver file_type (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 88 system/sepolicy/private/audioserver.te
+(neverallow audioserver domain (tcp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind name_connect)))
+(neverallow audioserver domain (udp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+(neverallow audioserver domain (rawip_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+;;* lme
+(allow binder_in_vendor_violators binder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow binderservicedomain dumpstate (fd (use)))
+(allow binderservicedomain incidentd (fd (use)))
+(allow binderservicedomain dumpstate (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr getopt)))
+(allow binderservicedomain incidentd (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr getopt)))
+(allow binderservicedomain dumpstate (fifo_file (write getattr)))
+(allow binderservicedomain incidentd (fifo_file (write getattr)))
+(allow binderservicedomain shell_data_file (file (write getattr)))
+(allow binderservicedomain devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow binderservicedomain console_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow binderservicedomain appdomain (fd (use)))
+(allow binderservicedomain appdomain (fifo_file (write)))
+(allow binderservicedomain permission_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow binderservicedomain keystore (keystore_key (get_state get insert delete exist list sign verify)))
+(allow keystore binderservicedomain (dir (search)))
+(allow keystore binderservicedomain (file (read open)))
+(allow keystore binderservicedomain (process (getattr)))
+(allow binderservicedomain keystore_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow binderservicedomain keystore (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow keystore binderservicedomain (binder (transfer)))
+(allow binderservicedomain keystore (fd (use)))
+(allow keystore binderservicedomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow binderservicedomain keystore (binder (transfer)))
+(allow keystore binderservicedomain (fd (use)))
+(allow init blank_screen_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init blank_screen (process (transition)))
+(allow blank_screen blank_screen_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init blank_screen (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init blank_screen (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init blank_screen_exec process blank_screen)
+(typetransition blank_screen tmpfs file blank_screen_tmpfs)
+(allow blank_screen blank_screen_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow blank_screen tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow blkid block_device (dir (search)))
+(allow blkid userdata_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow blkid dm_device (blk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow blkid vold (fd (use)))
+(allow blkid vold (fifo_file (read write getattr)))
+(allow blkid blkid_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+;;* lmx 21 system/sepolicy/private/blkid.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_169 blkid (process (transition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 22 system/sepolicy/private/blkid.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 blkid (process (dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 23 system/sepolicy/private/blkid.te
+(neverallow blkid base_typeattr_293 (file (entrypoint)))
+;;* lme
+(allow blkid_untrusted block_device (dir (search)))
+(allow blkid_untrusted vold_device (blk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow blkid_untrusted vold (fd (use)))
+(allow blkid_untrusted vold (fifo_file (read write getattr)))
+(allow blkid_untrusted blkid_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+;;* lmx 33 system/sepolicy/private/blkid_untrusted.te
+(neverallow blkid_untrusted dm_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow blkid_untrusted root_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow blkid_untrusted frp_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow blkid_untrusted system_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow blkid_untrusted recovery_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow blkid_untrusted boot_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow blkid_untrusted userdata_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow blkid_untrusted cache_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow blkid_untrusted swap_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow blkid_untrusted metadata_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 36 system/sepolicy/private/blkid_untrusted.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_169 blkid_untrusted (process (transition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 37 system/sepolicy/private/blkid_untrusted.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 blkid_untrusted (process (dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 38 system/sepolicy/private/blkid_untrusted.te
+(neverallow blkid_untrusted base_typeattr_293 (file (entrypoint)))
+;;* lme
+(typetransition bluetooth tmpfs file bluetooth_tmpfs)
+(allow bluetooth bluetooth_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow bluetooth tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow bluetooth bluetooth_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/private/bluetooth.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_294 base_typeattr_295 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/private/bluetooth.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_296 bluetooth (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(typetransition bluetooth bluetooth_data_file sock_file bluetooth_socket)
+(allowx bluetooth self (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(allowx bluetooth self (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(allowx bluetooth self (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(allow bluetooth sysfs_wake_lock (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow bluetooth self (capability2 (block_suspend)))
+(allow bluetooth self (cap2_userns (block_suspend)))
+(allow bluetooth bluetooth_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow bluetooth bluetooth_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow bluetooth bluetooth_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow bluetooth bluetooth_data_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow bluetooth bluetooth_data_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow bluetooth bluetooth_logs_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow bluetooth bluetooth_logs_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow bluetooth bluetooth_socket (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow bluetooth self (capability (net_admin)))
+(allow bluetooth self (cap_userns (net_admin)))
+(allow bluetooth self (capability2 (wake_alarm)))
+(allow bluetooth self (cap2_userns (wake_alarm)))
+(allow bluetooth self (packet_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow bluetooth self (capability (net_bind_service net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow bluetooth self (cap_userns (net_bind_service net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow bluetooth self (tun_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow bluetooth tun_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow bluetooth efs_file (dir (search)))
+(allow bluetooth uhid_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow bluetooth proc_bluetooth_writable (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow bluetooth property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow bluetooth init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow bluetooth bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow bluetooth bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow bluetooth property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow bluetooth init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow bluetooth bluetooth_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow bluetooth bluetooth_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow bluetooth property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow bluetooth init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow bluetooth exported_bluetooth_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow bluetooth exported_bluetooth_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow bluetooth property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow bluetooth init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow bluetooth pan_result_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow bluetooth pan_result_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow bluetooth audioserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow bluetooth bluetooth_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow bluetooth drmserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow bluetooth mediaserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow bluetooth radio_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow bluetooth app_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow bluetooth system_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow bluetooth shell_data_file (file (read)))
+(allow bluetooth self (capability (sys_nice)))
+(allow bluetooth self (cap_userns (sys_nice)))
+(allow bluetooth runtime_event_log_tags_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lmx 79 system/sepolicy/private/bluetooth.te
+(neverallow bluetooth self (capability (chown dac_override dac_read_search fowner fsetid kill setgid setuid setpcap linux_immutable net_broadcast ipc_lock ipc_owner sys_module sys_rawio sys_chroot sys_ptrace sys_pacct sys_admin sys_boot sys_resource sys_time sys_tty_config mknod lease audit_write audit_control setfcap)))
+(neverallow bluetooth self (cap_userns (chown dac_override dac_read_search fowner fsetid kill setgid setuid setpcap linux_immutable net_broadcast ipc_lock ipc_owner sys_module sys_rawio sys_chroot sys_ptrace sys_pacct sys_admin sys_boot sys_resource sys_time sys_tty_config mknod lease audit_write audit_control setfcap)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 80 system/sepolicy/private/bluetooth.te
+(neverallow bluetooth self (capability2 (mac_override mac_admin syslog audit_read)))
+(neverallow bluetooth self (cap2_userns (mac_override mac_admin syslog audit_read)))
+;;* lme
+(allow bluetoothdomain bluetooth (unix_stream_socket (ioctl read write getattr getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow init bootanim_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init bootanim (process (transition)))
+(allow bootanim bootanim_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init bootanim (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init bootanim (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init bootanim_exec process bootanim)
+(typetransition bootanim tmpfs file bootanim_tmpfs)
+(allow bootanim bootanim_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow bootanim tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(dontaudit bootanim unlabeled (dir (search)))
+(allow init bootstat_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init bootstat (process (transition)))
+(allow bootstat bootstat_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init bootstat (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init bootstat (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init bootstat_exec process bootstat)
+(typetransition bootstat tmpfs file bootstat_tmpfs)
+(allow bootstat bootstat_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow bootstat tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow bpfloader self (capability (net_admin)))
+(allow bpfloader self (cap_userns (net_admin)))
+(allow bpfloader cgroup_bpf (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow bpfloader cgroup_bpf (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow bpfloader cgroup_bpf (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow bpfloader fs_bpf (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow bpfloader fs_bpf (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow bpfloader devpts (chr_file (read write)))
+(allow bpfloader netd (fd (use)))
+(allow bpfloader netd (bpf (map_read map_write)))
+(allow bpfloader self (bpf (prog_load prog_run)))
+;;* lmx 23 system/sepolicy/private/bpfloader.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_297 base_typeattr_57 (bpf (prog_load)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 24 system/sepolicy/private/bpfloader.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_298 base_typeattr_57 (bpf (prog_run)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 25 system/sepolicy/private/bpfloader.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_299 bpfloader_exec (file (execute execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 26 system/sepolicy/private/bpfloader.te
+(neverallow bpfloader domain (tcp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind name_connect)))
+(neverallow bpfloader domain (udp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+(neverallow bpfloader domain (rawip_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 28 system/sepolicy/private/bpfloader.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_300 netd (bpf (map_read map_write)))
+;;* lme
+(dontaudit bpfloader self (capability (sys_admin)))
+(allow init bufferhubd_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init bufferhubd (process (transition)))
+(allow bufferhubd bufferhubd_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init bufferhubd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init bufferhubd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init bufferhubd_exec process bufferhubd)
+(typetransition bufferhubd tmpfs file bufferhubd_tmpfs)
+(allow bufferhubd bufferhubd_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow bufferhubd tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow init cameraserver_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init cameraserver (process (transition)))
+(allow cameraserver cameraserver_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init cameraserver (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init cameraserver (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init cameraserver_exec process cameraserver)
+(typetransition cameraserver tmpfs file cameraserver_tmpfs)
+(allow cameraserver cameraserver_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow cameraserver tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow coredomain pm_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow coredomain exported_pm_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lmx 4 system/sepolicy/private/coredomain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_301 sysfs_leds (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+(allow init cppreopts_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init cppreopts (process (transition)))
+(allow cppreopts cppreopts_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init cppreopts (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init cppreopts (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init cppreopts_exec process cppreopts)
+(typetransition cppreopts tmpfs file cppreopts_tmpfs)
+(allow cppreopts cppreopts_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow cppreopts tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow cppreopts preopt2cachename_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow cppreopts preopt2cachename (process (transition)))
+(allow preopt2cachename preopt2cachename_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow preopt2cachename cppreopts (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit cppreopts preopt2cachename (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow cppreopts preopt2cachename (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition cppreopts preopt2cachename_exec process preopt2cachename)
+(typetransition dexoptanalyzer tmpfs file dexoptanalyzer_tmpfs)
+(allow dexoptanalyzer dexoptanalyzer_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow dexoptanalyzer tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow dexoptanalyzer dalvikcache_data_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow dexoptanalyzer dalvikcache_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dexoptanalyzer dalvikcache_data_file (lnk_file (read)))
+(allow dexoptanalyzer installd (fd (use)))
+(allow dexoptanalyzer app_data_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow dexoptanalyzer app_data_file (file (read getattr)))
+(dontaudit dexoptanalyzer app_data_file (dir (audit_access)))
+(allow dexoptanalyzer system_data_file (lnk_file (getattr)))
+(allow init dhcp_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init dhcp (process (transition)))
+(allow dhcp dhcp_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init dhcp (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init dhcp (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init dhcp_exec process dhcp)
+(typetransition dhcp tmpfs file dhcp_tmpfs)
+(allow dhcp dhcp_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow dhcp tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(typetransition dhcp system_data_file dir dhcp_data_file)
+(typetransition dhcp system_data_file file dhcp_data_file)
+(allow domain crash_dump_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow domain crash_dump (process (transition)))
+(allow crash_dump crash_dump_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow crash_dump domain (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit domain crash_dump (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow domain crash_dump (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition domain crash_dump_exec process crash_dump)
+(allow domain crash_dump (process (sigchld)))
+;;* lmx 16 system/sepolicy/private/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_302 self (capability (sys_ptrace)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_302 self (cap_userns (sys_ptrace)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 19 system/sepolicy/private/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_303 base_typeattr_57 (keystore_key (gen_unique_id)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 26 system/sepolicy/private/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_81 debugfs_tracing_debug (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 31 system/sepolicy/private/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_304 proc (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 31 system/sepolicy/private/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_301 sysfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 31 system/sepolicy/private/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_305 device (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_305 device (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 31 system/sepolicy/private/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_306 debugfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 31 system/sepolicy/private/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_307 debugfs_tracing (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 31 system/sepolicy/private/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_308 inotify (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 31 system/sepolicy/private/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_309 pstorefs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 31 system/sepolicy/private/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_310 configfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 31 system/sepolicy/private/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_311 functionfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 31 system/sepolicy/private/domain.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_308 usbfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+(neverallow base_typeattr_308 binfmt_miscfs (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow init drmserver_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init drmserver (process (transition)))
+(allow drmserver drmserver_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init drmserver (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init drmserver (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init drmserver_exec process drmserver)
+(typetransition drmserver tmpfs file drmserver_tmpfs)
+(allow drmserver drmserver_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow drmserver tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(typetransition drmserver apk_data_file sock_file drmserver_socket)
+(allow init dumpstate_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init dumpstate (process (transition)))
+(allow dumpstate dumpstate_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init dumpstate (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init dumpstate (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init dumpstate_exec process dumpstate)
+(typetransition dumpstate tmpfs file dumpstate_tmpfs)
+(allow dumpstate dumpstate_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow dumpstate tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow dumpstate vdc_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow dumpstate vdc (process (transition)))
+(allow vdc vdc_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow vdc dumpstate (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit dumpstate vdc (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow dumpstate vdc (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition dumpstate vdc_exec process vdc)
+(allow dumpstate system_file (file (lock)))
+(allow dumpstate dumpstate_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+(allow dumpstate debugfs_tracing (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow dumpstate debugfs_tracing (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow dumpstate debugfs_tracing_debug (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow dumpstate debugfs_trace_marker (file (getattr)))
+(allow dumpstate atrace_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow dumpstate storaged_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow dumpstate storaged (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow storaged dumpstate (binder (transfer)))
+(allow dumpstate storaged (fd (use)))
+(allow dumpstate statsd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow statsd dumpstate (binder (transfer)))
+(allow dumpstate statsd (fd (use)))
+(allow dumpstate boottime_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate statsd (process (signal)))
+(allow dumpstate debugfs_wakeup_sources (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dumpstate dev_type (blk_file (getattr)))
+(allow dumpstate webview_zygote (process (signal)))
+(dontaudit dumpstate perfprofd (binder (call)))
+(dontaudit dumpstate update_engine (binder (call)))
+(typetransition ephemeral_app tmpfs file ephemeral_app_tmpfs)
+(allow ephemeral_app ephemeral_app_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow ephemeral_app tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow ephemeral_app ephemeral_app_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lmx 17 system/sepolicy/private/ephemeral_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_312 base_typeattr_313 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 17 system/sepolicy/private/ephemeral_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_314 ephemeral_app (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow ephemeral_app sdcard_type (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append)))
+(allow ephemeral_app media_rw_data_file (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append)))
+(allow ephemeral_app app_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute open)))
+(allow ephemeral_app audioserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow ephemeral_app cameraserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow ephemeral_app mediaserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow ephemeral_app mediaextractor_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow ephemeral_app mediacodec_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow ephemeral_app mediametrics_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow ephemeral_app mediadrmserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow ephemeral_app drmserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow ephemeral_app radio_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow ephemeral_app ephemeral_app_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow ephemeral_app traced (fd (use)))
+(allow ephemeral_app traced_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow ephemeral_app traced_producer_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow ephemeral_app traced (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow ephemeral_app system_server (udp_socket (read write getattr connect getopt setopt recvfrom sendto)))
+;;* lmx 53 system/sepolicy/private/ephemeral_app.te
+(neverallow ephemeral_app app_data_file (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 56 system/sepolicy/private/ephemeral_app.te
+(neverallow ephemeral_app domain (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 59 system/sepolicy/private/ephemeral_app.te
+(neverallow ephemeral_app domain (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 63 system/sepolicy/private/ephemeral_app.te
+(neverallow ephemeral_app debugfs (file (read)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 66 system/sepolicy/private/ephemeral_app.te
+(neverallow ephemeral_app gpu_device (chr_file (execute)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 69 system/sepolicy/private/ephemeral_app.te
+(neverallow ephemeral_app sysfs (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 73 system/sepolicy/private/ephemeral_app.te
+(neverallow ephemeral_app proc (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 76 system/sepolicy/private/ephemeral_app.te
+(neverallow ephemeral_app sdcard_type (file (create open)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app media_rw_data_file (file (create open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 77 system/sepolicy/private/ephemeral_app.te
+(neverallow ephemeral_app sdcard_type (dir (search)))
+(neverallow ephemeral_app media_rw_data_file (dir (search)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 81 system/sepolicy/private/ephemeral_app.te
+(neverallow ephemeral_app proc_net (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow init fingerprintd_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init fingerprintd (process (transition)))
+(allow fingerprintd fingerprintd_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init fingerprintd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init fingerprintd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init fingerprintd_exec process fingerprintd)
+(typetransition fingerprintd tmpfs file fingerprintd_tmpfs)
+(allow fingerprintd fingerprintd_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow fingerprintd tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow init fsck_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init fsck (process (transition)))
+(allow fsck fsck_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init fsck (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init fsck (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init fsck_exec process fsck)
+(typetransition fsck tmpfs file fsck_tmpfs)
+(allow fsck fsck_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow fsck tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow fsck metadata_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow init gatekeeperd_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init gatekeeperd (process (transition)))
+(allow gatekeeperd gatekeeperd_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init gatekeeperd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init gatekeeperd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init gatekeeperd_exec process gatekeeperd)
+(typetransition gatekeeperd tmpfs file gatekeeperd_tmpfs)
+(allow gatekeeperd gatekeeperd_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow gatekeeperd tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow init hal_allocator_default_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init hal_allocator_default (process (transition)))
+(allow hal_allocator_default hal_allocator_default_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init hal_allocator_default (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init hal_allocator_default (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init hal_allocator_default_exec process hal_allocator_default)
+(typetransition hal_allocator_default tmpfs file hal_allocator_default_tmpfs)
+(allow hal_allocator_default hal_allocator_default_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow hal_allocator_default tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow halclientdomain hwservicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager halclientdomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager halclientdomain (dir (search)))
+(allow hwservicemanager halclientdomain (file (read open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager halclientdomain (process (getattr)))
+(allow halclientdomain hwservicemanager_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow halclientdomain hidl_manager_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow halserverdomain hwservicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager halserverdomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager halserverdomain (dir (search)))
+(allow hwservicemanager halserverdomain (file (read open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager halserverdomain (process (getattr)))
+(allow halserverdomain system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow halserverdomain hwservicemanager_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init healthd_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init healthd (process (transition)))
+(allow healthd healthd_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init healthd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init healthd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init healthd_exec process healthd)
+(typetransition healthd tmpfs file healthd_tmpfs)
+(allow healthd healthd_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow healthd tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow init hwservicemanager_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init hwservicemanager (process (transition)))
+(allow hwservicemanager hwservicemanager_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init hwservicemanager (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init hwservicemanager (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init hwservicemanager_exec process hwservicemanager)
+(typetransition hwservicemanager tmpfs file hwservicemanager_tmpfs)
+(allow hwservicemanager hwservicemanager_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow hwservicemanager tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow hwservicemanager hidl_manager_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hwservicemanager hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/private/hwservicemanager.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_315 hidl_manager_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hwservicemanager hidl_token_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow hwservicemanager hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 6 system/sepolicy/private/hwservicemanager.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_315 hidl_token_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow hwservicemanager property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow hwservicemanager init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow hwservicemanager ctl_interface_start_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow hwservicemanager ctl_interface_start_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell incident_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow shell incident (process (transition)))
+(allow incident incident_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow incident shell (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit shell incident (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow shell incident (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition shell incident_exec process incident)
+(allow incident shell (fd (use)))
+(allow incident devpts (chr_file (read write)))
+(allow incident adbd (fd (use)))
+(allow incident adbd (unix_stream_socket (read write)))
+(allow incident adbd (process (sigchld)))
+(allow incident servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager incident (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager incident (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager incident (process (getattr)))
+(allow incident incident_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow incident incidentd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow incidentd incident (binder (transfer)))
+(allow incident incidentd (fd (use)))
+(allow incident incidentd (fifo_file (write)))
+;;* lmx 30 system/sepolicy/private/incident.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_316 incident_exec (file (execute execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+(allow incidentd incident_helper_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow incidentd incident_helper (process (transition)))
+(allow incident_helper incident_helper_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow incident_helper incidentd (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit incidentd incident_helper (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow incidentd incident_helper (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition incidentd incident_helper_exec process incident_helper)
+(allow incident_helper incident (fd (use)))
+(allow incident_helper incidentd (fd (use)))
+(allow incident_helper shell (fd (use)))
+(allow incident_helper incident (fifo_file (read write getattr)))
+(allow incident_helper incidentd (fifo_file (read write getattr)))
+(allow incident_helper shell (fifo_file (read write getattr)))
+(allow incident_helper incidentd (unix_stream_socket (read write)))
+;;* lmx 14 system/sepolicy/private/incident_helper.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_317 incident_helper_exec (file (execute execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+(allow init incidentd_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init incidentd (process (transition)))
+(allow incidentd incidentd_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init incidentd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init incidentd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init incidentd_exec process incidentd)
+(typetransition incidentd tmpfs file incidentd_tmpfs)
+(allow incidentd incidentd_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow incidentd tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow incidentd servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager incidentd (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager incidentd (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager incidentd (process (getattr)))
+(allow incidentd sysfs_wake_lock (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow incidentd self (capability2 (block_suspend)))
+(allow incidentd self (cap2_userns (block_suspend)))
+(allow incidentd domain (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow incidentd domain (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow incidentd domain (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow incidentd incident_helper (process (sigkill)))
+(allow incidentd system_file (file (execute_no_trans)))
+(allow incidentd toolbox_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow incidentd proc_pagetypeinfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow incidentd debugfs_wakeup_sources (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow incidentd proc_meminfo (file (read open)))
+(allow incidentd sysfs_devices_system_cpu (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow incidentd domain (process (getattr)))
+(allow incidentd sysfs_batteryinfo (dir (search)))
+(allow incidentd sysfs_batteryinfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow incidentd incident_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow incidentd incident_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow incidentd servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager incidentd (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager incidentd (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager incidentd (process (getattr)))
+(allow incidentd hwservicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager incidentd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager incidentd (dir (search)))
+(allow hwservicemanager incidentd (file (read open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager incidentd (process (getattr)))
+(allow incidentd hwservicemanager (hwservice_manager (list)))
+(allow incidentd hwservicemanager_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow incidentd hidl_manager_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow incidentd proc_cmdline (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow incidentd proc_pipe_conf (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow incidentd proc_stat (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow incidentd appdomain (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd ephemeral_app (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd system_server (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd hal_audio_server (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd hal_camera_server (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd hal_bluetooth_server (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd hal_graphics_composer_server (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd hal_sensors_server (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd hal_vr_server (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd audioserver (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd cameraserver (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd drmserver (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd inputflinger (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd mediacodec (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd mediadrmserver (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd mediaextractor (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd mediametrics (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd mediaserver (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd sdcardd (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd surfaceflinger (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd statsd (process (signal)))
+(allow incidentd system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server incidentd (binder (transfer)))
+(allow incidentd system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow incidentd appdomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow appdomain incidentd (binder (transfer)))
+(allow incidentd appdomain (fd (use)))
+;;* lmx 100 system/sepolicy/private/incidentd.te
+(neverallow incidentd base_typeattr_57 (process (ptrace)))
+;;* lme
+(allow incidentd self (capability (kill)))
+(allow incidentd self (cap_userns (kill)))
+(allow incidentd tombstoned_intercept_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow incidentd tombstoned (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow incidentd shell_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow incidentd system_server_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow incidentd app_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow incidentd system_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow incidentd incident_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 126 system/sepolicy/private/incidentd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_318 incident_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow incidentd incident (fd (use)))
+(allow incidentd incident (fifo_file (write)))
+(allow incidentd incident (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow incident incidentd (binder (transfer)))
+(allow incidentd incident (fd (use)))
+;;* lmx 147 system/sepolicy/private/incidentd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_319 incident_service (service_manager (find)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 161 system/sepolicy/private/incidentd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_320 incident_data_file (file (write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename execute execute_no_trans open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 163 system/sepolicy/private/incidentd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_321 incident_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 165 system/sepolicy/private/incidentd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_320 incident_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+;;* lme
+(typetransition init tmpfs file init_tmpfs)
+(allow init init_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow init tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow init rootfs (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init charger (process (transition)))
+(allow charger rootfs (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init charger (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init charger (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(allow init rootfs (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init healthd (process (transition)))
+(allow healthd rootfs (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init healthd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init healthd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(allow init rootfs (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init slideshow (process (transition)))
+(allow slideshow rootfs (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init slideshow (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init slideshow (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(allow init e2fs_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init e2fs (process (transition)))
+(allow e2fs e2fs_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init e2fs (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init e2fs (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init e2fs_exec process e2fs)
+(allow init shell_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init shell (process (transition)))
+(allow shell shell_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init shell (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init shell (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(allow init init_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init ueventd (process (transition)))
+(allow ueventd init_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init ueventd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init ueventd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(allow init init_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init watchdogd (process (transition)))
+(allow watchdogd init_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init watchdogd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init watchdogd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(allow init init_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init vendor_init (process (transition)))
+(allow vendor_init init_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init vendor_init (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init vendor_init (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(allow init rootfs (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init toolbox_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init modprobe (process (transition)))
+(allow modprobe rootfs (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow modprobe toolbox_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init modprobe (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init modprobe (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(allow init inputflinger_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init inputflinger (process (transition)))
+(allow inputflinger inputflinger_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init inputflinger (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init inputflinger (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init inputflinger_exec process inputflinger)
+(typetransition inputflinger tmpfs file inputflinger_tmpfs)
+(allow inputflinger inputflinger_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow inputflinger tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow init install_recovery_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init install_recovery (process (transition)))
+(allow install_recovery install_recovery_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init install_recovery (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init install_recovery (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init install_recovery_exec process install_recovery)
+(typetransition install_recovery tmpfs file install_recovery_tmpfs)
+(allow install_recovery install_recovery_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow install_recovery tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow init installd_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init installd (process (transition)))
+(allow installd installd_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init installd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init installd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init installd_exec process installd)
+(typetransition installd tmpfs file installd_tmpfs)
+(allow installd installd_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow installd tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow installd dex2oat_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow installd dex2oat (process (transition)))
+(allow dex2oat dex2oat_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow dex2oat installd (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit installd dex2oat (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow installd dex2oat (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition installd dex2oat_exec process dex2oat)
+(allow installd dexoptanalyzer_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow installd dexoptanalyzer (process (transition)))
+(allow dexoptanalyzer dexoptanalyzer_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow dexoptanalyzer installd (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit installd dexoptanalyzer (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow installd dexoptanalyzer (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition installd dexoptanalyzer_exec process dexoptanalyzer)
+(allow installd profman_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow installd profman (process (transition)))
+(allow profman profman_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow profman installd (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit installd profman (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow installd profman (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition installd profman_exec process profman)
+(allow installd idmap_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow installd idmap (process (transition)))
+(allow idmap idmap_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow idmap installd (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit installd idmap (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow installd idmap (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition installd idmap_exec process idmap)
+(typetransition installd system_data_file file install_data_file)
+(allow installd dumpstate (fd (use)))
+(allow installd dumpstate (fifo_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(typetransition isolated_app tmpfs file isolated_app_tmpfs)
+(allow isolated_app isolated_app_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow isolated_app tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow isolated_app isolated_app_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lmx 11 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_322 base_typeattr_323 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 11 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_324 isolated_app (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow isolated_app app_data_file (file (read write getattr lock append)))
+(allow isolated_app activity_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow isolated_app display_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow isolated_app webviewupdate_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow isolated_app self (process (ptrace)))
+(allow isolated_app sdcard_type (file (read write getattr lock append)))
+(allow isolated_app media_rw_data_file (file (read write getattr lock append)))
+(allow isolated_app webview_zygote (fd (use)))
+(allow isolated_app webview_zygote (process (sigchld)))
+(allow isolated_app webview_zygote (unix_dgram_socket (write)))
+(allow isolated_app webview_zygote_tmpfs (file (read)))
+(dontaudit isolated_app shell_data_file (dir (search)))
+(allow isolated_app traced (fd (use)))
+(allow isolated_app traced_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow isolated_app traced_producer_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow isolated_app traced (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+;;* lmx 61 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app tun_device (chr_file (open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 64 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app app_data_file (file (open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 69 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app anr_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 70 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app anr_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 73 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app hwbinder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 74 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (hwservice_manager (add find list)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 77 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app vndbinder_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 81 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_57 (service_manager (add list)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 91 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_325 (service_manager (find)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 94 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app gpu_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map execute open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 97 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app cache_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 98 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app cache_file (file (ioctl write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 102 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app sdcard_type (dir (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow isolated_app mnt_user_file (dir (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow isolated_app storage_file (dir (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 103 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app mnt_user_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow isolated_app mnt_user_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow isolated_app mnt_user_file (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow isolated_app mnt_user_file (blk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow isolated_app mnt_user_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow isolated_app mnt_user_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow isolated_app storage_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow isolated_app storage_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow isolated_app storage_file (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow isolated_app storage_file (blk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow isolated_app storage_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow isolated_app storage_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 104 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app sdcard_type (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow isolated_app sdcard_type (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow isolated_app sdcard_type (blk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow isolated_app sdcard_type (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+(neverallow isolated_app sdcard_type (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 105 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app sdcard_type (file (ioctl create setattr relabelfrom relabelto map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 108 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app usbaccessory_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+(neverallow isolated_app usb_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 111 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app webview_zygote (sock_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 119 system/sepolicy/private/isolated_app.te
+(neverallow isolated_app base_typeattr_326 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow kernel init_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow kernel init (process (transition)))
+(allow init init_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow init kernel (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit kernel init (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow kernel init (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition kernel init_exec process init)
+(allow init keystore_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init keystore (process (transition)))
+(allow keystore keystore_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init keystore (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init keystore (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init keystore_exec process keystore)
+(typetransition keystore tmpfs file keystore_tmpfs)
+(allow keystore keystore_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow keystore tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow keystore platform_app (binder (call)))
+(allow keystore system_wifi_keystore_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow keystore hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 16 system/sepolicy/private/keystore.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_239 system_wifi_keystore_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow keystore device_logging_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init lmkd_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init lmkd (process (transition)))
+(allow lmkd lmkd_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init lmkd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init lmkd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init lmkd_exec process lmkd)
+(typetransition lmkd tmpfs file lmkd_tmpfs)
+(allow lmkd lmkd_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow lmkd tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow init logd_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init logd (process (transition)))
+(allow logd logd_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init logd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init logd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init logd_exec process logd)
+(typetransition logd tmpfs file logd_tmpfs)
+(allow logd logd_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow logd tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+;;* lmx 13 system/sepolicy/private/logd.te
+(neverallow logd base_typeattr_327 (file (write create append)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 28 system/sepolicy/private/logd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_328 runtime_event_log_tags_file (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 39 system/sepolicy/private/logd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_329 runtime_event_log_tags_file (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 22 system/sepolicy/private/logpersist.te
+(neverallow logpersist file_type (file (write create append)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 23 system/sepolicy/private/logpersist.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 misc_logd_file (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 24 system/sepolicy/private/logpersist.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 misc_logd_file (dir (write relabelfrom link rename add_name remove_name reparent rmdir)))
+;;* lme
+(allow init mdnsd_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init mdnsd (process (transition)))
+(allow mdnsd mdnsd_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init mdnsd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init mdnsd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init mdnsd_exec process mdnsd)
+(typetransition mdnsd tmpfs file mdnsd_tmpfs)
+(allow mdnsd mdnsd_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow mdnsd tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow mdnsd proc_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow mdnsd proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mdnsd proc_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init mediadrmserver_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init mediadrmserver (process (transition)))
+(allow mediadrmserver mediadrmserver_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init mediadrmserver (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init mediadrmserver (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init mediadrmserver_exec process mediadrmserver)
+(typetransition mediadrmserver tmpfs file mediadrmserver_tmpfs)
+(allow mediadrmserver mediadrmserver_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow mediadrmserver tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(auditallow mediadrmserver hal_graphics_allocator_server (binder (call)))
+(allow init mediaextractor_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init mediaextractor (process (transition)))
+(allow mediaextractor mediaextractor_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init mediaextractor (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init mediaextractor (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init mediaextractor_exec process mediaextractor)
+(typetransition mediaextractor tmpfs file mediaextractor_tmpfs)
+(allow mediaextractor mediaextractor_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow mediaextractor tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow init mediametrics_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init mediametrics (process (transition)))
+(allow mediametrics mediametrics_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init mediametrics (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init mediametrics (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init mediametrics_exec process mediametrics)
+(typetransition mediametrics tmpfs file mediametrics_tmpfs)
+(allow mediametrics mediametrics_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow mediametrics tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(typetransition mediaprovider tmpfs file mediaprovider_tmpfs)
+(allow mediaprovider mediaprovider_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow mediaprovider tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow mediaprovider mediaprovider_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lmx 7 system/sepolicy/private/mediaprovider.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_330 base_typeattr_331 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 7 system/sepolicy/private/mediaprovider.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_332 mediaprovider (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow mediaprovider cache_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow mediaprovider cache_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow mediaprovider cache_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(dontaudit mediaprovider cache_private_backup_file (dir (getattr)))
+(dontaudit mediaprovider cache_recovery_file (dir (getattr)))
+(allow mediaprovider mnt_media_rw_file (dir (search)))
+(allow mediaprovider app_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaprovider audioserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaprovider drmserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaprovider mediaextractor_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaprovider mediaserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaprovider ringtone_file (file (read write getattr)))
+(allow mediaprovider mtp_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow mediaprovider functionfs (dir (search)))
+(allow mediaprovider functionfs (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow mediaprovider property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow mediaprovider init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow mediaprovider ffs_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow mediaprovider ffs_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mediaprovider property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow mediaprovider init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow mediaprovider exported_ffs_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow mediaprovider exported_ffs_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init mediaserver_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init mediaserver (process (transition)))
+(allow mediaserver mediaserver_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init mediaserver (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init mediaserver (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init mediaserver_exec process mediaserver)
+(typetransition mediaserver tmpfs file mediaserver_tmpfs)
+(allow mediaserver mediaserver_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow mediaserver tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow mediaserver hal_codec2_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow mediaserver hal_omx_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow init mtp_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init mtp (process (transition)))
+(allow mtp mtp_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init mtp (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init mtp (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init mtp_exec process mtp)
+(typetransition mtp tmpfs file mtp_tmpfs)
+(allow mtp mtp_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow mtp tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow netdomain self (tcp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow netdomain self (udp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow netdomain self (rawip_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow netdomain port_type (tcp_socket (name_connect)))
+(allow base_typeattr_333 node_type (tcp_socket (node_bind)))
+(allow base_typeattr_333 node_type (udp_socket (node_bind)))
+(allow base_typeattr_333 port_type (udp_socket (name_bind)))
+(allow base_typeattr_333 port_type (tcp_socket (name_bind)))
+(allow netdomain self (netlink_route_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown nlmsg_read)))
+(allow netdomain dnsproxyd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow netdomain netd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow netdomain fwmarkd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow netdomain netd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow netdomain mdnsd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow netdomain mdnsd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow init netd_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init netd (process (transition)))
+(allow netd netd_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init netd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init netd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init netd_exec process netd)
+(typetransition netd tmpfs file netd_tmpfs)
+(allow netd netd_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow netd tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow netd dnsmasq_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow netd dnsmasq (process (transition)))
+(allow dnsmasq dnsmasq_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow dnsmasq netd (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit netd dnsmasq (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow netd dnsmasq (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition netd dnsmasq_exec process dnsmasq)
+(allow netd clatd_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow netd clatd (process (transition)))
+(allow clatd clatd_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow clatd netd (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit netd clatd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow netd clatd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition netd clatd_exec process clatd)
+(allow netd bpfloader_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow netd bpfloader (process (transition)))
+(allow bpfloader bpfloader_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow bpfloader netd (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit netd bpfloader (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow netd bpfloader (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition netd bpfloader_exec process bpfloader)
+(allow netd bpfloader (bpf (prog_run)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper system_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper self (capability (net_raw)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper self (cap_userns (net_raw)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper system_file (file (execute execute_no_trans)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper proc_net (file (read getattr open)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper self (rawip_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper self (udp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper self (capability (net_admin)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper self (cap_userns (net_admin)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper self (netlink_route_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper self (netlink_xfrm_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper netd_socket (sock_file (read write getattr append open)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper netd (unix_stream_socket (read getattr connectto)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper fs_bpf (dir (search)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper fs_bpf (file (read write)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper bpfloader (bpf (prog_run)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper net_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper net_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper net_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_334 netutils_wrapper_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_334 netutils_wrapper (process (transition)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper netutils_wrapper_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow netutils_wrapper base_typeattr_334 (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit base_typeattr_334 netutils_wrapper (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow base_typeattr_334 netutils_wrapper (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition base_typeattr_334 netutils_wrapper_exec process netutils_wrapper)
+(dontaudit netutils_wrapper self (capability (sys_resource)))
+(dontaudit netutils_wrapper self (cap_userns (sys_resource)))
+;;* lmx 41 system/sepolicy/private/netutils_wrapper.te
+(neverallow netutils_wrapper self (capability (chown dac_override dac_read_search fowner fsetid kill setgid setuid setpcap linux_immutable net_bind_service net_broadcast ipc_lock ipc_owner sys_module sys_rawio sys_chroot sys_ptrace sys_pacct sys_admin sys_boot sys_nice sys_resource sys_time sys_tty_config mknod lease audit_write audit_control setfcap)))
+(neverallow netutils_wrapper self (cap_userns (chown dac_override dac_read_search fowner fsetid kill setgid setuid setpcap linux_immutable net_bind_service net_broadcast ipc_lock ipc_owner sys_module sys_rawio sys_chroot sys_ptrace sys_pacct sys_admin sys_boot sys_nice sys_resource sys_time sys_tty_config mknod lease audit_write audit_control setfcap)))
+;;* lme
+(typetransition nfc tmpfs file nfc_tmpfs)
+(allow nfc nfc_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow nfc tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow nfc nfc_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lmx 3 system/sepolicy/private/nfc.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_335 base_typeattr_336 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 3 system/sepolicy/private/nfc.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_337 nfc (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow nfc nfc_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 7 system/sepolicy/private/nfc.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_336 nfc_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow nfc nfc_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow nfc nfc_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow nfc nfc_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow nfc nfc_data_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow nfc nfc_data_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow nfc audioserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow nfc drmserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow nfc mediacodec_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow nfc mediametrics_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow nfc mediaextractor_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow nfc mediaserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow nfc radio_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow nfc app_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow nfc system_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow nfc vr_manager_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow nfc secure_element_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow nfc property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow nfc init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow nfc nfc_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow nfc nfc_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow nfc shell_data_file (file (read)))
+(allow otapreopt_chroot postinstall_file (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow otapreopt_chroot postinstall_dexopt (process (transition)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt postinstall_file (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt otapreopt_chroot (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit otapreopt_chroot postinstall_dexopt (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow otapreopt_chroot postinstall_dexopt (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition otapreopt_chroot postinstall_file process postinstall_dexopt)
+(allow init otapreopt_slot_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init otapreopt_slot (process (transition)))
+(allow otapreopt_slot otapreopt_slot_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init otapreopt_slot (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init otapreopt_slot (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init otapreopt_slot_exec process otapreopt_slot)
+(typetransition otapreopt_slot tmpfs file otapreopt_slot_tmpfs)
+(allow otapreopt_slot otapreopt_slot_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow otapreopt_slot tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(typetransition perfetto tmpfs file perfetto_tmpfs)
+(allow perfetto perfetto_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow perfetto tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow perfetto traced_consumer_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow perfetto traced (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow perfetto perfetto_traces_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow perfetto perfetto_traces_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow perfetto servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager perfetto (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager perfetto (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager perfetto (process (getattr)))
+(allow perfetto system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server perfetto (binder (transfer)))
+(allow perfetto system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow perfetto dropbox_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow perfetto statsd (fd (use)))
+(allow perfetto statsd (fifo_file (read write getattr)))
+(allow perfetto shell (fd (use)))
+(allow perfetto shell (fifo_file (read write getattr)))
+(allow perfetto adbd (fd (use)))
+(allow perfetto adbd (unix_stream_socket (read write)))
+(allow perfetto adbd (process (sigchld)))
+(allow perfetto devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+;;* lmx 47 system/sepolicy/private/perfetto.te
+(neverallow perfetto self (process (execmem)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 50 system/sepolicy/private/perfetto.te
+(neverallow perfetto dev_type (blk_file (read write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 53 system/sepolicy/private/perfetto.te
+(neverallow perfetto domain (process (ptrace)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 64 system/sepolicy/private/perfetto.te
+(neverallow perfetto base_typeattr_338 (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 65 system/sepolicy/private/perfetto.te
+(neverallow perfetto base_typeattr_339 (dir (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 66 system/sepolicy/private/perfetto.te
+(neverallow perfetto zoneinfo_data_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 67 system/sepolicy/private/perfetto.te
+(neverallow perfetto base_typeattr_340 (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 68 system/sepolicy/private/perfetto.te
+(neverallow perfetto base_typeattr_340 (file (ioctl read create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+(allow init performanced_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init performanced (process (transition)))
+(allow performanced performanced_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init performanced (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init performanced (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init performanced_exec process performanced)
+(typetransition performanced tmpfs file performanced_tmpfs)
+(allow performanced performanced_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow performanced tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+;;* lmx 8 system/sepolicy/private/performanced.te
+(neverallow domain perfprofd (binder (call)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 9 system/sepolicy/private/performanced.te
+(neverallow perfprofd domain (binder (call)))
+;;* lme
+(typetransition platform_app tmpfs file platform_app_tmpfs)
+(allow platform_app platform_app_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow platform_app tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow platform_app platform_app_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lmx 7 system/sepolicy/private/platform_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_341 base_typeattr_342 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 7 system/sepolicy/private/platform_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_343 platform_app (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow platform_app shell_data_file (dir (search)))
+(allow platform_app shell_data_file (file (read getattr open)))
+(allow platform_app icon_file (file (read getattr open)))
+(allow platform_app apk_tmp_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow platform_app apk_private_tmp_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow platform_app apk_tmp_file (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow platform_app apk_private_tmp_file (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow platform_app apk_private_data_file (dir (search)))
+(allow platform_app asec_apk_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow platform_app asec_apk_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow platform_app media_rw_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow platform_app media_rw_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow platform_app cache_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow platform_app cache_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow platform_app mnt_media_rw_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow platform_app sdcard_type (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow platform_app sdcard_type (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow platform_app rootfs (dir (getattr)))
+(allow platform_app proc_vmstat (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow platform_app audioserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow platform_app cameraserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow platform_app drmserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow platform_app mediaserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow platform_app mediametrics_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow platform_app mediaextractor_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow platform_app mediacodec_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow platform_app mediadrmserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow platform_app persistent_data_block_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow platform_app radio_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow platform_app thermal_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow platform_app timezone_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow platform_app app_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow platform_app system_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow platform_app vr_manager_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow platform_app preloads_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow platform_app preloads_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow platform_app preloads_media_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow platform_app preloads_media_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow platform_app runtime_event_log_tags_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow platform_app system_server (udp_socket (read write getattr connect getopt setopt recvfrom sendto)))
+(allow platform_app property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow platform_app init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow platform_app test_boot_reason_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow platform_app test_boot_reason_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lmx 85 system/sepolicy/private/platform_app.te
+(neverallow platform_app fuse_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+(allow postinstall otapreopt_chroot_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow postinstall otapreopt_chroot (process (transition)))
+(allow otapreopt_chroot otapreopt_chroot_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow otapreopt_chroot postinstall (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit postinstall otapreopt_chroot (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow postinstall otapreopt_chroot (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition postinstall otapreopt_chroot_exec process otapreopt_chroot)
+(allow postinstall_dexopt postinstall_file (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt dex2oat (process (transition)))
+(allow dex2oat postinstall_file (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow dex2oat postinstall_dexopt (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit postinstall_dexopt dex2oat (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow postinstall_dexopt dex2oat (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition postinstall_dexopt postinstall_file process dex2oat)
+(allow mtp ppp_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow mtp ppp (process (transition)))
+(allow ppp ppp_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow ppp mtp (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit mtp ppp (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow mtp ppp (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition mtp ppp_exec process ppp)
+(typetransition priv_app tmpfs file priv_app_tmpfs)
+(allow priv_app priv_app_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow priv_app tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow priv_app priv_app_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lmx 6 system/sepolicy/private/priv_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_344 base_typeattr_303 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 6 system/sepolicy/private/priv_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_345 priv_app (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(typetransition priv_app devpts chr_file priv_app_devpts)
+(allow priv_app priv_app_devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr open)))
+(allowx priv_app priv_app_devpts (ioctl chr_file ((range 0x5401 0x5403) 0x540b (range 0x540e 0x5411) (range 0x5413 0x5414) 0x5451)))
+;;* lmx 15 system/sepolicy/private/priv_app.te
+(neverallowx base_typeattr_57 priv_app_devpts (ioctl chr_file (0x5412)))
+;;* lme
+(allow priv_app self (process (ptrace)))
+(allow priv_app app_data_file (file (execute)))
+(allow priv_app app_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app audioserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app cameraserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app drmserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app mediacodec_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app mediadrmserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app mediaextractor_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app mediametrics_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app mediaserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app network_watchlist_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app nfc_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app oem_lock_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app persistent_data_block_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app radio_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app recovery_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app stats_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app system_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app cache_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow priv_app cache_recovery_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow priv_app cache_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow priv_app cache_recovery_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow priv_app cache_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app ota_package_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow priv_app ota_package_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow priv_app media_rw_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow priv_app media_rw_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow priv_app shell_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app shell_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow priv_app trace_data_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow priv_app apk_tmp_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow priv_app apk_private_tmp_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow priv_app apk_tmp_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app apk_private_tmp_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app anr_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app vold (fd (use)))
+(allow priv_app fuse_device (chr_file (read write)))
+(allow priv_app proc_vmstat (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app sysfs_type (dir (search)))
+(allow priv_app sysfs_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow priv_app sysfs_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app sysfs_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app sysfs_zram (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow priv_app sysfs_zram (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app sysfs_zram (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app rootfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow priv_app rootfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app rootfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app config_gz (file (read getattr open)))
+(allowx priv_app self (ioctl udp_socket (0x8927)))
+(allow priv_app update_engine (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow update_engine priv_app (binder (transfer)))
+(allow priv_app update_engine (fd (use)))
+(allow priv_app update_engine_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app storaged (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow storaged priv_app (binder (transfer)))
+(allow priv_app storaged (fd (use)))
+(allow priv_app storaged_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app system_update_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app statsd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow statsd priv_app (binder (transfer)))
+(allow priv_app statsd (fd (use)))
+(allow priv_app ringtone_file (file (read write getattr)))
+(allow priv_app preloads_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app preloads_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow priv_app preloads_media_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app preloads_media_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow priv_app keystore (keystore_key (gen_unique_id)))
+(allow priv_app selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app runtime_event_log_tags_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app traced (fd (use)))
+(allow priv_app traced_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow priv_app traced_producer_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow priv_app traced (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(dontaudit priv_app exec_type (file (getattr)))
+(dontaudit priv_app device (dir (read)))
+(dontaudit priv_app fs_bpf (dir (search)))
+(dontaudit priv_app net_dns_prop (file (read)))
+(dontaudit priv_app proc (file (read)))
+(dontaudit priv_app proc_interrupts (file (read)))
+(dontaudit priv_app proc_modules (file (read)))
+(dontaudit priv_app proc_stat (file (read)))
+(dontaudit priv_app proc_version (file (read)))
+(dontaudit priv_app sysfs (dir (read)))
+(dontaudit priv_app sysfs_android_usb (file (read)))
+(dontaudit priv_app wifi_prop (file (read)))
+(dontaudit priv_app wifi_prop (file (read)))
+(dontaudit priv_app exported_wifi_prop (file (read)))
+(allow priv_app system_server (udp_socket (read write getattr connect getopt setopt recvfrom sendto)))
+;;* lmx 165 system/sepolicy/private/priv_app.te
+(neverallow priv_app domain (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 168 system/sepolicy/private/priv_app.te
+(neverallow priv_app domain (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 172 system/sepolicy/private/priv_app.te
+(neverallow priv_app debugfs (file (read)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 177 system/sepolicy/private/priv_app.te
+(neverallow priv_app service_manager_type (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 181 system/sepolicy/private/priv_app.te
+(neverallow priv_app property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 182 system/sepolicy/private/priv_app.te
+(neverallow priv_app init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 183 system/sepolicy/private/priv_app.te
+(neverallow priv_app property_type (property_service (set)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 193 system/sepolicy/private/priv_app.te
+(neverallow priv_app mlstrustedsubject (process (fork)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 201 system/sepolicy/private/priv_app.te
+(neverallow priv_app file_type (file (link)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 205 system/sepolicy/private/priv_app.te
+(neverallow priv_app trace_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 206 system/sepolicy/private/priv_app.te
+(neverallow priv_app trace_data_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow init racoon_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init racoon (process (transition)))
+(allow racoon racoon_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init racoon (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init racoon (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init racoon_exec process racoon)
+(typetransition racoon tmpfs file racoon_tmpfs)
+(allow racoon racoon_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow racoon tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(typetransition radio tmpfs file radio_tmpfs)
+(allow radio radio_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow radio tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow radio radio_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lmx 3 system/sepolicy/private/radio.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_346 base_typeattr_254 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 3 system/sepolicy/private/radio.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_347 radio (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow radio runtime_event_log_tags_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init recovery_persist_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init recovery_persist (process (transition)))
+(allow recovery_persist recovery_persist_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init recovery_persist (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init recovery_persist (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init recovery_persist_exec process recovery_persist)
+(typetransition recovery_persist tmpfs file recovery_persist_tmpfs)
+(allow recovery_persist recovery_persist_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow recovery_persist tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+;;* lmx 7 system/sepolicy/private/recovery_persist.te
+(neverallow recovery_persist base_typeattr_348 (file (write)))
+;;* lme
+(allow init recovery_refresh_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init recovery_refresh (process (transition)))
+(allow recovery_refresh recovery_refresh_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init recovery_refresh (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init recovery_refresh (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init recovery_refresh_exec process recovery_refresh)
+(typetransition recovery_refresh tmpfs file recovery_refresh_tmpfs)
+(allow recovery_refresh recovery_refresh_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow recovery_refresh tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+;;* lmx 7 system/sepolicy/private/recovery_refresh.te
+(neverallow recovery_refresh base_typeattr_349 (file (write)))
+;;* lme
+(allow shell runas_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow shell runas (process (transition)))
+(allow runas runas_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow runas shell (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit shell runas (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow shell runas (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition shell runas_exec process runas)
+(typetransition sdcardd system_data_file dir media_rw_data_file)
+(typetransition sdcardd system_data_file file media_rw_data_file)
+(typetransition secure_element tmpfs file secure_element_tmpfs)
+(allow secure_element secure_element_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow secure_element tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow secure_element secure_element_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lmx 3 system/sepolicy/private/secure_element.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_350 base_typeattr_351 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 3 system/sepolicy/private/secure_element.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_352 secure_element (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow secure_element secure_element_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 6 system/sepolicy/private/secure_element.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_351 secure_element_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow secure_element app_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow secure_element shell_data_file (file (read)))
+(allow init servicemanager_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init servicemanager (process (transition)))
+(allow servicemanager servicemanager_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init servicemanager (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init servicemanager (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init servicemanager_exec process servicemanager)
+(typetransition servicemanager tmpfs file servicemanager_tmpfs)
+(allow servicemanager servicemanager_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow servicemanager tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow servicemanager runtime_event_log_tags_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(typetransition shared_relro tmpfs file shared_relro_tmpfs)
+(allow shared_relro shared_relro_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow shared_relro tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow shared_relro shared_relro_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/private/shared_relro.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_353 base_typeattr_354 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 5 system/sepolicy/private/shared_relro.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_355 shared_relro (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow shell uhid_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow shell debugfs_tracing_debug (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow shell debugfs_tracing (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow shell debugfs_tracing (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow shell debugfs_trace_marker (file (getattr)))
+(allow shell atrace_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow shell config_gz (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(typetransition shell tmpfs file shell_tmpfs)
+(allow shell shell_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow shell tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow shell shell_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lmx 22 system/sepolicy/private/shell.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_356 base_typeattr_357 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 22 system/sepolicy/private/shell.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_52 shell (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow shell storaged (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow storaged shell (binder (transfer)))
+(allow shell storaged (fd (use)))
+(allow shell selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow shell selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell selinuxfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell selinuxfs (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow shell kernel (security (compute_av)))
+(allow shell self (netlink_selinux_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(allow shell selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow shell selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell selinuxfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell selinuxfs (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow shell kernel (security (check_context)))
+(allow shell traced_consumer_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow shell traced (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow shell traced (fd (use)))
+(allow shell traced_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow shell traced_producer_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow shell traced (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow shell vendor_shell_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow shell vendor_shell (process (transition)))
+(allow vendor_shell vendor_shell_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow vendor_shell shell (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit shell vendor_shell (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow shell vendor_shell (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition shell vendor_shell_exec process vendor_shell)
+(allow shell perfetto_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow shell perfetto (process (transition)))
+(allow perfetto perfetto_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow perfetto shell (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit shell perfetto (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow shell perfetto (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition shell perfetto_exec process perfetto)
+(allow shell statsd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow statsd shell (binder (transfer)))
+(allow shell statsd (fd (use)))
+(allow shell perfetto_traces_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow shell perfetto_traces_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow shell stats_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow shell stats (process (transition)))
+(allow stats stats_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow stats shell (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit shell stats (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow shell stats (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition shell stats_exec process stats)
+(allow stats shell (fd (use)))
+(allow stats adbd (fd (use)))
+(allow stats adbd (unix_stream_socket (read write)))
+(allow stats adbd (process (sigchld)))
+(allow stats servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager stats (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager stats (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager stats (process (getattr)))
+(allow stats stats_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow stats statsd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow statsd stats (binder (transfer)))
+(allow stats statsd (fd (use)))
+(allow stats statsd (fifo_file (write)))
+(allow init statsd_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init statsd (process (transition)))
+(allow statsd statsd_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init statsd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init statsd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init statsd_exec process statsd)
+(typetransition statsd tmpfs file statsd_tmpfs)
+(allow statsd statsd_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow statsd tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow statsd servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager statsd (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager statsd (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager statsd (process (getattr)))
+(allow statsd domain (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow statsd domain (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow statsd domain (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow statsd devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr)))
+(allow statsd shell_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow statsd system_file (file (execute_no_trans)))
+(allow statsd toolbox_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow statsd stats_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow statsd stats_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow statsd appdomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow appdomain statsd (binder (transfer)))
+(allow statsd appdomain (fd (use)))
+(allow statsd healthd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow healthd statsd (binder (transfer)))
+(allow statsd healthd (fd (use)))
+(allow statsd incidentd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow incidentd statsd (binder (transfer)))
+(allow statsd incidentd (fd (use)))
+(allow statsd statscompanion_service (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow statscompanion_service statsd (binder (transfer)))
+(allow statsd statscompanion_service (fd (use)))
+(allow statsd system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server statsd (binder (transfer)))
+(allow statsd system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow statsd logcat_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow statsd logdr_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow statsd logd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow statsd logd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow statsd logd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow statsd perfetto_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow statsd perfetto_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow statsd perfetto (process (transition)))
+(allow perfetto perfetto_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow perfetto statsd (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit statsd perfetto (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow statsd perfetto (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition statsd perfetto_exec process perfetto)
+(allow statsd app_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow statsd system_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow statsd incident_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow statsd statscompanion_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow statsd hal_health_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow statsd stats_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 61 system/sepolicy/private/statsd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_358 stats_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow statsd stats (fd (use)))
+(allow statsd stats (fifo_file (write)))
+(allow statsd dumpstate (fd (use)))
+(allow statsd dumpstate (fifo_file (write getattr)))
+(allow statsd stats (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow stats statsd (binder (transfer)))
+(allow statsd stats (fd (use)))
+(allow statsd proc_uid_cputime_showstat (file (read getattr open)))
+(allow statsd adbd (fd (use)))
+(allow statsd adbd (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr)))
+(allow statsd shell (fifo_file (read getattr)))
+(allow bluetooth statsdw_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow bluetooth statsd (unix_dgram_socket (sendto)))
+(allow bootstat statsdw_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow bootstat statsd (unix_dgram_socket (sendto)))
+(allow lmkd statsdw_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow lmkd statsd (unix_dgram_socket (sendto)))
+(allow platform_app statsdw_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow platform_app statsd (unix_dgram_socket (sendto)))
+(allow radio statsdw_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow radio statsd (unix_dgram_socket (sendto)))
+(allow statsd statsdw_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow statsd statsd (unix_dgram_socket (sendto)))
+(allow system_server statsdw_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server statsd (unix_dgram_socket (sendto)))
+;;* lmx 108 system/sepolicy/private/statsd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_359 stats_service (service_manager (find)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 113 system/sepolicy/private/statsd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_360 stats_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 116 system/sepolicy/private/statsd.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_360 stats_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+(allow init storaged_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init storaged (process (transition)))
+(allow storaged storaged_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init storaged (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init storaged (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init storaged_exec process storaged)
+(typetransition storaged tmpfs file storaged_tmpfs)
+(allow storaged storaged_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow storaged tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow storaged proc_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow storaged proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow storaged proc_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow storaged domain (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow storaged domain (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow storaged domain (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow storaged proc_uid_io_stats (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow storaged system_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow storaged storaged_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow storaged storaged_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow storaged shell (fd (use)))
+(allow storaged shell (fifo_file (write)))
+(allow storaged priv_app (fd (use)))
+(allow storaged app_data_file (file (write)))
+(allow storaged permission_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow storaged storaged_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 37 system/sepolicy/private/storaged.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_361 storaged_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow storaged servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager storaged (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager storaged (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager storaged (process (getattr)))
+(allow storaged system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server storaged (binder (transfer)))
+(allow storaged system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow storaged dumpstate (fd (use)))
+(allow storaged package_native_service (service_manager (find)))
+(dontaudit storaged self (capability (dac_override)))
+(dontaudit storaged self (cap_userns (dac_override)))
+(allow storaged dumpstate (fifo_file (write)))
+;;* lmx 60 system/sepolicy/private/storaged.te
+(neverallow storaged domain (process (ptrace)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 61 system/sepolicy/private/storaged.te
+(neverallow storaged self (capability (chown dac_override dac_read_search fowner fsetid kill setgid setuid setpcap linux_immutable net_bind_service net_broadcast net_admin net_raw ipc_lock ipc_owner sys_module sys_rawio sys_chroot sys_ptrace sys_pacct sys_admin sys_boot sys_nice sys_resource sys_time sys_tty_config mknod lease audit_write audit_control setfcap)))
+(neverallow storaged self (capability2 (mac_override mac_admin syslog wake_alarm block_suspend audit_read)))
+(neverallow storaged self (cap_userns (chown dac_override dac_read_search fowner fsetid kill setgid setuid setpcap linux_immutable net_bind_service net_broadcast net_admin net_raw ipc_lock ipc_owner sys_module sys_rawio sys_chroot sys_ptrace sys_pacct sys_admin sys_boot sys_nice sys_resource sys_time sys_tty_config mknod lease audit_write audit_control setfcap)))
+(neverallow storaged self (cap2_userns (mac_override mac_admin syslog wake_alarm block_suspend audit_read)))
+;;* lme
+(allow init surfaceflinger_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init surfaceflinger (process (transition)))
+(allow surfaceflinger surfaceflinger_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init surfaceflinger (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init surfaceflinger (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init surfaceflinger_exec process surfaceflinger)
+(typetransition surfaceflinger tmpfs file surfaceflinger_tmpfs)
+(allow surfaceflinger surfaceflinger_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow surfaceflinger tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow surfaceflinger runtime_event_log_tags_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger hidl_token_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow surfaceflinger servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager surfaceflinger (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager surfaceflinger (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager surfaceflinger (process (getattr)))
+(allow surfaceflinger binderservicedomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow binderservicedomain surfaceflinger (binder (transfer)))
+(allow surfaceflinger binderservicedomain (fd (use)))
+(allow surfaceflinger appdomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow appdomain surfaceflinger (binder (transfer)))
+(allow surfaceflinger appdomain (fd (use)))
+(allow surfaceflinger bootanim (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow bootanim surfaceflinger (binder (transfer)))
+(allow surfaceflinger bootanim (fd (use)))
+(allow surfaceflinger adbd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow adbd surfaceflinger (binder (transfer)))
+(allow surfaceflinger adbd (fd (use)))
+(allow surfaceflinger binderservicedomain (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger binderservicedomain (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger binderservicedomain (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger appdomain (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger appdomain (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger appdomain (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger gpu_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger graphics_device (dir (search)))
+(allow surfaceflinger graphics_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger video_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger video_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger self (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow surfaceflinger property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow surfaceflinger init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow surfaceflinger system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow surfaceflinger system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow surfaceflinger init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow surfaceflinger exported_system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow surfaceflinger exported_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow surfaceflinger init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow surfaceflinger exported2_system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow surfaceflinger exported2_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow surfaceflinger init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow surfaceflinger exported3_system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow surfaceflinger exported3_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow surfaceflinger init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow surfaceflinger ctl_bootanim_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow surfaceflinger ctl_bootanim_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger appdomain (fd (use)))
+(allow surfaceflinger app_data_file (file (read write)))
+(allow surfaceflinger adbd (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr)))
+(allow surfaceflinger dumpstate (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow dumpstate surfaceflinger (binder (transfer)))
+(allow surfaceflinger dumpstate (fd (use)))
+(allow surfaceflinger shell (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow shell surfaceflinger (binder (transfer)))
+(allow surfaceflinger shell (fd (use)))
+(allow surfaceflinger dumpstate (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger dumpstate (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger dumpstate (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger tee_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger gpu_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 78 system/sepolicy/private/surfaceflinger.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_362 gpu_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow surfaceflinger surfaceflinger_service (service_manager (add find)))
+(allow surfaceflinger mediaserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow surfaceflinger permission_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow surfaceflinger power_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow surfaceflinger vr_manager_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow surfaceflinger window_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow surfaceflinger self (capability (sys_nice)))
+(allow surfaceflinger self (cap_userns (sys_nice)))
+(allow surfaceflinger proc_meminfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger system_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger tmpfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow surfaceflinger ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (create bind)))
+(allow surfaceflinger pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr setattr lock append listen accept getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow surfaceflinger self (process (setsockcreate)))
+(allow surfaceflinger pdx_display_client_channel_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown)))
+;;* lmx 102 system/sepolicy/private/surfaceflinger.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_362 pdx_display_client_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (listen accept)))
+;;* lme
+(allow init pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (create bind)))
+(allow surfaceflinger pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr setattr lock append listen accept getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow surfaceflinger self (process (setsockcreate)))
+(allow surfaceflinger pdx_display_manager_channel_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown)))
+;;* lmx 103 system/sepolicy/private/surfaceflinger.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_362 pdx_display_manager_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (listen accept)))
+;;* lme
+(allow init pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (create bind)))
+(allow surfaceflinger pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr setattr lock append listen accept getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow surfaceflinger self (process (setsockcreate)))
+(allow surfaceflinger pdx_display_screenshot_channel_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown)))
+;;* lmx 104 system/sepolicy/private/surfaceflinger.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_362 pdx_display_screenshot_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (listen accept)))
+;;* lme
+(allow init pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (create bind)))
+(allow surfaceflinger pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr setattr lock append listen accept getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow surfaceflinger self (process (setsockcreate)))
+(allow surfaceflinger pdx_display_vsync_channel_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown)))
+;;* lmx 105 system/sepolicy/private/surfaceflinger.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_362 pdx_display_vsync_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (listen accept)))
+;;* lme
+(allow surfaceflinger pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_dir_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket_type (sock_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger pdx_bufferhub_client_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write shutdown connectto)))
+(allow surfaceflinger pdx_bufferhub_client_channel_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr setattr lock append getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow surfaceflinger pdx_bufferhub_client_server_type (fd (use)))
+(allow pdx_bufferhub_client_server_type surfaceflinger (fd (use)))
+(allow surfaceflinger pdx_performance_client_endpoint_dir_type (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket_type (sock_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow surfaceflinger pdx_performance_client_endpoint_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write shutdown connectto)))
+(allow surfaceflinger pdx_performance_client_channel_socket_type (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr setattr lock append getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow surfaceflinger pdx_performance_client_server_type (fd (use)))
+(allow pdx_performance_client_server_type surfaceflinger (fd (use)))
+;;* lmx 117 system/sepolicy/private/surfaceflinger.te
+(neverallow surfaceflinger sdcard_type (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+;;* lme
+(dontaudit surfaceflinger unlabeled (dir (search)))
+(typetransition system_app tmpfs file system_app_tmpfs)
+(allow system_app system_app_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow system_app tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow system_app system_app_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lmx 9 system/sepolicy/private/system_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_363 base_typeattr_364 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 9 system/sepolicy/private/system_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_365 system_app (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow system_app rootfs (dir (getattr)))
+(allow system_app system_app_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_app system_app_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_app system_app_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_app misc_user_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_app misc_user_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_app mnt_media_rw_file (dir (search)))
+(allow system_app wallpaper_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app icon_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_app init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_app bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_app bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_app init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_app bluetooth_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_app bluetooth_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_app init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_app debug_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_app debug_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_app init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_app system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_app system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_app init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_app exported_bluetooth_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_app exported_bluetooth_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_app init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_app exported_system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_app exported_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_app init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_app exported2_system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_app exported2_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_app init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_app exported3_system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_app exported3_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_app init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_app logd_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_app logd_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_app init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_app net_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_app net_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_app init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_app system_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_app system_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_app init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_app exported_system_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_app exported_system_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_app init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_app log_tag_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_app log_tag_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(auditallow system_app net_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(auditallow system_app system_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(auditallow system_app exported_system_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_app property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_app init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_app ctl_default_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_app ctl_default_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_app init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_app ctl_bugreport_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_app ctl_bugreport_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app anr_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name search open)))
+(allow system_app anr_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_app asec_apk_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app statsd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow statsd system_app (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_app statsd (fd (use)))
+(allow system_app incidentd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow incidentd system_app (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_app incidentd (fd (use)))
+(allow system_app servicemanager (service_manager (list)))
+(allow system_app base_typeattr_366 (service_manager (find)))
+(dontaudit system_app dumpstate_service (service_manager (find)))
+(dontaudit system_app installd_service (service_manager (find)))
+(dontaudit system_app netd_service (service_manager (find)))
+(dontaudit system_app virtual_touchpad_service (service_manager (find)))
+(dontaudit system_app vold_service (service_manager (find)))
+(dontaudit system_app vr_hwc_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_app keystore (keystore_key (get_state get insert delete exist list reset password lock unlock is_empty sign verify grant duplicate clear_uid user_changed)))
+(allow system_app proc_version (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app logd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_app logd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_app runtime_event_log_tags_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app device_logging_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app system_server (udp_socket (read write getattr connect getopt setopt recvfrom sendto)))
+;;* lmx 129 system/sepolicy/private/system_app.te
+(neverallow system_app fuse_device (chr_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+(typetransition system_server tmpfs file system_server_tmpfs)
+(allow system_server system_server_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow system_server tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow system_server zygote_tmpfs (file (read)))
+(allow system_server dalvikcache_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server dalvikcache_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server resourcecache_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server resourcecache_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server self (process (ptrace)))
+(allow system_server zygote (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server zygote (process (sigchld)))
+(allow system_server zygote (process (sigkill)))
+(allow system_server crash_dump (process (sigkill)))
+(allow system_server webview_zygote (process (sigkill)))
+(allow system_server zygote_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server zygote (unix_stream_socket (getattr getopt)))
+(allowx system_server self (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(allowx system_server self (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(allowx system_server self (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(allow system_server self (capability (kill net_bind_service net_broadcast net_admin net_raw ipc_lock sys_ptrace sys_boot sys_nice sys_time sys_tty_config)))
+(allow system_server self (cap_userns (kill net_bind_service net_broadcast net_admin net_raw ipc_lock sys_ptrace sys_boot sys_nice sys_time sys_tty_config)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_wake_lock (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server self (capability2 (block_suspend)))
+(allow system_server self (cap2_userns (block_suspend)))
+(allow system_server kernel (system (module_request)))
+(allow system_server self (capability2 (wake_alarm)))
+(allow system_server self (cap2_userns (wake_alarm)))
+(allow system_server self (netlink_netfilter_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow system_server self (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow system_server self (netlink_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow system_server self (netlink_generic_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow system_server config_gz (file (read open)))
+(allow system_server self (socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow system_server self (netlink_route_socket (nlmsg_write)))
+(allow system_server appdomain (process (sigkill signal getpgid)))
+(allow system_server appdomain (process (getsched setsched)))
+(allow system_server audioserver (process (getsched setsched)))
+(allow system_server hal_audio (process (getsched setsched)))
+(allow system_server hal_bluetooth (process (getsched setsched)))
+(allow system_server mediacodec (process (getsched setsched)))
+(allow system_server cameraserver (process (getsched setsched)))
+(allow system_server hal_camera (process (getsched setsched)))
+(allow system_server mediaserver (process (getsched setsched)))
+(allow system_server bootanim (process (getsched setsched)))
+(allow system_server appdomain (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server audioserver (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server mediacodec (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server cameraserver (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server hal_audio_server (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server domain (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server domain (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server domain (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server qtaguid_proc (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server qtaguid_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_uid_cputime_removeuid (file (write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_uid_procstat_set (file (write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_sysrq (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server debugfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server debugfs_wakeup_sources (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server stats_data_file (dir (read write remove_name search open)))
+(allow system_server stats_data_file (file (unlink)))
+(allow system_server self (packet_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow system_server node (rawip_socket (node_bind)))
+(allow system_server self (tun_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow system_server lmkd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server lmkd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server mtpd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server mtp (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server netd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server netd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server zygote_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server zygote (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server racoon_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server racoon (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server uncrypt_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server uncrypt (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server surfaceflinger (unix_stream_socket (read write setopt)))
+(allow system_server webview_zygote (unix_stream_socket (read write setopt connectto)))
+(allow system_server servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager system_server (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager system_server (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager system_server (process (getattr)))
+(allow system_server appdomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow appdomain system_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_server appdomain (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server binderservicedomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow binderservicedomain system_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_server binderservicedomain (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server dumpstate (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow dumpstate system_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_server dumpstate (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server fingerprintd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow fingerprintd system_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_server fingerprintd (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server gatekeeperd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow gatekeeperd system_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_server gatekeeperd (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server installd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow installd system_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_server installd (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server incidentd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow incidentd system_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_server incidentd (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server netd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow netd system_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_server netd (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server statsd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow statsd system_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_server statsd (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server storaged (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow storaged system_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_server storaged (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server vold (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow vold system_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_server vold (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server wificond (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow wificond system_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_server wificond (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server wpantund (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow wpantund system_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_server wpantund (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server hal_codec2_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server hal_omx_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server hidl_token_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server mediacodec (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow mediacodec system_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_server mediacodec (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server hal_graphics_composer (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server hal_renderscript_hwservice (hwservice_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server fwk_scheduler_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow system_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 232 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_135 fwk_scheduler_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow system_server fwk_sensor_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow system_server hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 233 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_135 fwk_sensor_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow system_server tombstoned_intercept_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server tombstoned (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server hwservicemanager (hwservice_manager (list)))
+(allow system_server hal_audio_server (process (signal)))
+(allow system_server hal_camera_server (process (signal)))
+(allow system_server hal_bluetooth_server (process (signal)))
+(allow system_server hal_graphics_composer_server (process (signal)))
+(allow system_server hal_sensors_server (process (signal)))
+(allow system_server hal_vr_server (process (signal)))
+(allow system_server audioserver (process (signal)))
+(allow system_server cameraserver (process (signal)))
+(allow system_server drmserver (process (signal)))
+(allow system_server inputflinger (process (signal)))
+(allow system_server mediacodec (process (signal)))
+(allow system_server mediadrmserver (process (signal)))
+(allow system_server mediaextractor (process (signal)))
+(allow system_server mediametrics (process (signal)))
+(allow system_server mediaserver (process (signal)))
+(allow system_server sdcardd (process (signal)))
+(allow system_server surfaceflinger (process (signal)))
+(allow system_server statsd (process (signal)))
+(allow system_server audioserver (tcp_socket (ioctl read write getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow system_server audioserver (udp_socket (ioctl read write getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow system_server mediaserver (tcp_socket (ioctl read write getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow system_server mediaserver (udp_socket (ioctl read write getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow system_server mediadrmserver (tcp_socket (ioctl read write getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow system_server mediadrmserver (udp_socket (ioctl read write getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow system_server file_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server mac_perms_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server selinuxfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server selinuxfs (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server kernel (security (compute_av)))
+(allow system_server self (netlink_selinux_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_type (dir (search)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_android_usb (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_android_usb (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_android_usb (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_android_usb (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_ipv4 (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_ipv4 (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_ipv4 (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_ipv4 (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_rtc (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_rtc (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_rtc (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_switch (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_switch (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_switch (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_wakeup_reasons (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_wakeup_reasons (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_wakeup_reasons (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_nfc_power_writable (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_mac_address (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_power (dir (search)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_power (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_thermal (dir (search)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_thermal (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_vibrator (file (write append)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_usb (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server mdns_socket (sock_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server alarm_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server gpu_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server iio_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server input_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server input_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server radio_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server tty_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server usbaccessory_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server video_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server video_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server adbd_socket (sock_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server rtc_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server audio_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server audio_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server tun_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server system_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server system_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server system_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server system_data_file (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server system_data_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server keychain_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server keychain_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server keychain_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server apk_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server apk_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink link rename open)))
+(allow system_server apk_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink link rename open)))
+(allow system_server apk_tmp_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server apk_tmp_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server vendor_app_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server vendor_app_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server vendor_app_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server vendor_framework_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server vendor_framework_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server vendor_framework_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server vendor_overlay_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server vendor_overlay_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server vendor_overlay_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server apk_private_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server apk_private_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server apk_private_tmp_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server apk_private_tmp_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server asec_apk_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server asec_apk_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server asec_public_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server anr_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server anr_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server tombstoned_java_trace_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server tombstoned (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server tombstoned (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server dumpstate (fifo_file (append)))
+(allow system_server incidentd (fifo_file (append)))
+(allow system_server incident_data_file (file (read)))
+(allow system_server perfetto_traces_data_file (file (read)))
+(allow system_server perfetto (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server backup_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server backup_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server heapdump_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow system_server heapdump_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server adb_keys_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server adb_keys_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server network_watchlist_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server network_watchlist_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server radio_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server radio_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server systemkeys_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server systemkeys_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server textclassifier_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server textclassifier_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server tombstone_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server tombstone_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server vpn_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server vpn_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server wifi_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server wifi_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server zoneinfo_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server zoneinfo_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server shell_data_file (dir (read getattr search)))
+(allow system_server bluetooth_data_file (dir (read getattr search)))
+(allow system_server nfc_data_file (dir (read getattr search)))
+(allow system_server radio_data_file (dir (read getattr search)))
+(allow system_server app_data_file (dir (read getattr search)))
+(allow system_server system_app_data_file (dir (read getattr search)))
+(allow system_server unlabeled (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server unlabeled (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server system_app_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server system_app_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server shell_data_file (file (read write getattr append map)))
+(allow system_server bluetooth_data_file (file (read write getattr append map)))
+(allow system_server nfc_data_file (file (read write getattr append map)))
+(allow system_server radio_data_file (file (read write getattr append map)))
+(allow system_server app_data_file (file (read write getattr append map)))
+(allow system_server system_app_data_file (file (read write getattr append map)))
+(allow system_server media_rw_data_file (dir (read getattr search open)))
+(allow system_server media_rw_data_file (file (read write getattr append)))
+(allow system_server apk_tmp_file (file (relabelfrom relabelto)))
+(allow system_server apk_tmp_file (dir (relabelfrom relabelto)))
+(allow system_server apk_private_tmp_file (file (relabelfrom relabelto)))
+(allow system_server apk_private_tmp_file (dir (relabelfrom relabelto)))
+(allow system_server apk_data_file (file (relabelfrom relabelto)))
+(allow system_server apk_data_file (dir (relabelfrom relabelto)))
+(allow system_server apk_private_data_file (file (relabelfrom relabelto)))
+(allow system_server apk_private_data_file (dir (relabelfrom relabelto)))
+(allow system_server system_data_file (file (relabelfrom)))
+(allow system_server wallpaper_file (file (relabelto)))
+(allow system_server wallpaper_file (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server system_data_file (file (link)))
+(allow system_server wallpaper_file (file (link)))
+(allow system_server system_data_file (dir (relabelfrom)))
+(allow system_server shortcut_manager_icons (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelto rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server shortcut_manager_icons (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server ringtone_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelto rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server ringtone_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server icon_file (file (relabelto)))
+(allow system_server icon_file (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map unlink open)))
+(allow system_server system_data_file (dir (relabelfrom)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server exported_system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server exported_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server exported2_system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server exported2_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server exported3_system_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server exported3_system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server safemode_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server safemode_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server dhcp_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server dhcp_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server net_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server net_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server net_dns_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server net_dns_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server system_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server system_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server exported_system_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server exported_system_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server debug_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server debug_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server powerctl_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server powerctl_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server fingerprint_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server fingerprint_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server exported_fingerprint_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server exported_fingerprint_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server device_logging_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server device_logging_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server dumpstate_options_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server dumpstate_options_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server overlay_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server overlay_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server exported_overlay_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server exported_overlay_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server pm_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server pm_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server exported_pm_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server exported_pm_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server ctl_default_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server ctl_default_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server ctl_bugreport_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server ctl_bugreport_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server cppreopt_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server cppreopt_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server bootloader_boot_reason_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server last_boot_reason_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server boottime_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server serialno_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server firstboot_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow system_server firstboot_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server system_ndebug_socket (sock_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server cache_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server cache_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server cache_recovery_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server cache_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server cache_recovery_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server cache_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server cache_recovery_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server system_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server gps_control (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server appdomain (tcp_socket (read write getattr getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow system_server appdomain (udp_socket (read write getattr getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow system_server appdomain (fifo_file (read write getattr)))
+(allow system_server appdomain (unix_stream_socket (read write getattr)))
+(allow system_server cache_backup_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow system_server cache_backup_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server cache_private_backup_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server cache_private_backup_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server usb_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server usb_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server hw_random_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server fscklogs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server fscklogs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server fscklogs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server fscklogs (dir (write remove_name)))
+(allow system_server fscklogs (file (unlink)))
+(allow system_server zygote (unix_dgram_socket (write)))
+(allow system_server logcat_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow system_server logdr_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server logd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server runtime_event_log_tags_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_lowmemorykiller (file (write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server pstorefs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server pstorefs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_zram (dir (search)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_zram (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server system_server_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 601 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_135 system_server_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow system_server audioserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server batteryproperties_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server cameraserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server drmserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server dumpstate_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server fingerprintd_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server hal_fingerprint_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server gatekeeper_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server incident_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server installd_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server keystore_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server mediaserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server mediametrics_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server mediaextractor_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server mediacodec_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server mediadrmserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server netd_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server nfc_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server radio_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server stats_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server storaged_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server surfaceflinger_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server vold_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server wificond_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server batteryproperties_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 627 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_135 batteryproperties_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow system_server keystore (keystore_key (get_state get insert delete exist list reset password lock unlock is_empty sign verify grant duplicate clear_uid add_auth user_changed)))
+(allow system_server block_device (dir (search)))
+(allow system_server frp_block_device (blk_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server cgroup (dir (remove_name rmdir)))
+(allow system_server oemfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server oemfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server oemfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server mnt_user_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow system_server storage_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow system_server mnt_user_file (lnk_file (read getattr)))
+(allow system_server storage_file (lnk_file (read getattr)))
+(allow system_server sdcard_type (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow system_server mnt_expand_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server fingerprintd_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock relabelto remove_name search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server fingerprintd_data_file (file (getattr unlink)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_mac_address (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server vold (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server fuse_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr)))
+(allow system_server app_fuse_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow system_server app_fuse_file (file (read write getattr append open)))
+(allow system_server configfs (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server configfs (file (write create getattr unlink open)))
+(allow system_server adbd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server adbd (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server adbd (unix_stream_socket (ioctl read write getattr getopt shutdown)))
+(allow system_server toolbox_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow system_server postinstall (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow postinstall system_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_server postinstall (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server postinstall (fifo_file (write)))
+(allow system_server update_engine (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server update_engine (fifo_file (write)))
+(allow system_server preloads_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map unlink open)))
+(allow system_server preloads_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock remove_name search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server preloads_media_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map unlink open)))
+(allow system_server preloads_media_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock remove_name search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server cgroup (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_asound (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server proc_asound (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_asound (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_qtaguid_stat (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server proc_qtaguid_stat (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_qtaguid_stat (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_loadavg (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_meminfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_pagetypeinfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_pipe_conf (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_stat (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_uid_cputime_showstat (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_uid_time_in_state (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_uid_concurrent_active_time (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_uid_concurrent_policy_time (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_version (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_vmallocinfo (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server proc_uid_time_in_state (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server proc_uid_cpupower (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server rootfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_server rootfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server rootfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_server debugfs_tracing_instances (dir (search)))
+(allow system_server debugfs_wifi_tracing (dir (search)))
+(allow system_server debugfs_wifi_tracing (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server fs_bpf (dir (search)))
+(allow system_server fs_bpf (file (read)))
+(allow system_server netd (bpf (map_read)))
+(allow system_server user_profile_data_file (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow system_server user_profile_data_file (file (read getattr open)))
+(allow system_server profman_dump_data_file (file (write create getattr setattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server profman_dump_data_file (dir (write lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow system_server functionfs (dir (search)))
+(allow system_server functionfs (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+;;* lmx 804 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow system_server sdcard_type (dir (read write open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 805 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow system_server sdcard_type (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 812 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow system_server shell_data_file (file (create unlink link open)))
+(neverallow system_server bluetooth_data_file (file (create unlink link open)))
+(neverallow system_server nfc_data_file (file (create unlink link open)))
+(neverallow system_server app_data_file (file (create unlink link open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 823 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow system_server base_typeattr_367 (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 827 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow system_server base_typeattr_368 (process (transition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 828 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow system_server base_typeattr_57 (process (dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 831 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_369 system_ndebug_socket (sock_file (write open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 837 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow system_server dex2oat_exec (file (execute execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 841 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow system_server data_file_type (file (execute execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 846 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow system_server base_typeattr_370 (blk_file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 849 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow system_server self (process (execmem)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 850 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow system_server ashmem_device (chr_file (execute)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 853 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow system_server system_server_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 857 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow system_server dexoptanalyzer_exec (file (execute execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 860 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow system_server base_typeattr_135 (process (ptrace)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 864 system/sepolicy/private/system_server.te
+(neverallow system_server system_server (capability (sys_resource)))
+(neverallow system_server system_server (cap_userns (sys_resource)))
+;;* lme
+(allow init thermalserviced_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init thermalserviced (process (transition)))
+(allow thermalserviced thermalserviced_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init thermalserviced (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init thermalserviced (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init thermalserviced_exec process thermalserviced)
+(typetransition thermalserviced tmpfs file thermalserviced_tmpfs)
+(allow thermalserviced thermalserviced_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow thermalserviced tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow init tombstoned_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init tombstoned (process (transition)))
+(allow tombstoned tombstoned_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init tombstoned (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init tombstoned (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init tombstoned_exec process tombstoned)
+(typetransition tombstoned tmpfs file tombstoned_tmpfs)
+(allow tombstoned tombstoned_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow tombstoned tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow init toolbox_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init toolbox (process (transition)))
+(allow toolbox toolbox_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init toolbox (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init toolbox (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init toolbox_exec process toolbox)
+(typetransition toolbox tmpfs file toolbox_tmpfs)
+(allow toolbox toolbox_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow toolbox tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow init traced_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init traced (process (transition)))
+(allow traced traced_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init traced (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init traced (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init traced_exec process traced)
+(typetransition traced tmpfs file traced_tmpfs)
+(allow traced traced_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow traced tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow traced self (capability (sys_nice)))
+(allow traced self (cap_userns (sys_nice)))
+(allow traced perfetto (fd (use)))
+(allow traced shell (fd (use)))
+(allow traced perfetto_traces_data_file (file (read write)))
+;;* lmx 31 system/sepolicy/private/traced.te
+(neverallow traced self (process (execmem)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 34 system/sepolicy/private/traced.te
+(neverallow traced dev_type (blk_file (read write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 37 system/sepolicy/private/traced.te
+(neverallow traced domain (process (ptrace)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 48 system/sepolicy/private/traced.te
+(neverallow traced base_typeattr_371 (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 49 system/sepolicy/private/traced.te
+(neverallow traced system_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 50 system/sepolicy/private/traced.te
+(neverallow traced zoneinfo_data_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 51 system/sepolicy/private/traced.te
+(neverallow traced base_typeattr_245 (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 56 system/sepolicy/private/traced.te
+(neverallow traced base_typeattr_340 (file (ioctl read create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 59 system/sepolicy/private/traced.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 traced (process (transition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 60 system/sepolicy/private/traced.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 traced (process (dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+(allow init traced_probes_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init traced_probes (process (transition)))
+(allow traced_probes traced_probes_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init traced_probes (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init traced_probes (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init traced_probes_exec process traced_probes)
+(typetransition traced_probes tmpfs file traced_probes_tmpfs)
+(allow traced_probes traced_probes_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow traced_probes tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow traced_probes traced (fd (use)))
+(allow traced_probes traced_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow traced_probes traced_producer_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow traced_probes traced (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow traced_probes debugfs_tracing (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow traced_probes debugfs_tracing (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow traced_probes debugfs_trace_marker (file (getattr)))
+(allow traced_probes self (capability (sys_nice)))
+(allow traced_probes self (cap_userns (sys_nice)))
+(allow traced_probes domain (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow traced_probes domain (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow traced_probes domain (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow traced_probes kmsg_device (chr_file (write)))
+(allow traced_probes system_file (dir (read open)))
+(allow traced_probes self (capability (dac_read_search)))
+(allow traced_probes apk_data_file (dir (read getattr search open)))
+(allow traced_probes dalvikcache_data_file (dir (read getattr search open)))
+(allow traced_probes system_app_data_file (dir (read getattr search open)))
+(allow traced_probes backup_data_file (dir (read getattr search open)))
+(allow traced_probes bootstat_data_file (dir (read getattr search open)))
+(allow traced_probes update_engine_data_file (dir (read getattr search open)))
+(allow traced_probes update_engine_log_data_file (dir (read getattr search open)))
+(allow traced_probes user_profile_data_file (dir (read getattr search open)))
+(allow traced_probes atrace_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow traced_probes atrace (process (transition)))
+(allow atrace atrace_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow atrace traced_probes (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit traced_probes atrace (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow traced_probes atrace (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition traced_probes atrace_exec process atrace)
+(allow atrace traced_probes (fd (use)))
+;;* lmx 67 system/sepolicy/private/traced_probes.te
+(neverallow traced_probes self (process (execmem)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 70 system/sepolicy/private/traced_probes.te
+(neverallow traced_probes dev_type (blk_file (read write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 73 system/sepolicy/private/traced_probes.te
+(neverallow traced_probes domain (process (ptrace)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 91 system/sepolicy/private/traced_probes.te
+(neverallow traced_probes base_typeattr_372 (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 92 system/sepolicy/private/traced_probes.te
+(neverallow traced_probes system_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 93 system/sepolicy/private/traced_probes.te
+(neverallow traced_probes zoneinfo_data_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 94 system/sepolicy/private/traced_probes.te
+(neverallow traced_probes base_typeattr_245 (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 95 system/sepolicy/private/traced_probes.te
+(neverallow traced_probes base_typeattr_245 (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 98 system/sepolicy/private/traced_probes.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_75 traced_probes (process (transition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 99 system/sepolicy/private/traced_probes.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_57 traced_probes (process (dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+(typetransition traceur_app tmpfs file traceur_app_tmpfs)
+(allow traceur_app traceur_app_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow traceur_app tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow traceur_app traceur_app_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lmx 3 system/sepolicy/private/traceur_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_373 base_typeattr_374 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 3 system/sepolicy/private/traceur_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_375 traceur_app (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow traceur_app debugfs_tracing (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow traceur_app debugfs_tracing_debug (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow traceur_app trace_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow traceur_app trace_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow traceur_app atrace_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(dontaudit traceur_app debugfs_tracing_debug (file (audit_access)))
+(allow init tzdatacheck_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init tzdatacheck (process (transition)))
+(allow tzdatacheck tzdatacheck_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init tzdatacheck (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init tzdatacheck (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init tzdatacheck_exec process tzdatacheck)
+(typetransition tzdatacheck tmpfs file tzdatacheck_tmpfs)
+(allow tzdatacheck tzdatacheck_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow tzdatacheck tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(typetransition ueventd tmpfs file ueventd_tmpfs)
+(allow ueventd ueventd_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow ueventd tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow init uncrypt_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init uncrypt (process (transition)))
+(allow uncrypt uncrypt_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init uncrypt (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init uncrypt (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init uncrypt_exec process uncrypt)
+(typetransition uncrypt tmpfs file uncrypt_tmpfs)
+(allow uncrypt uncrypt_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow uncrypt tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(typetransition untrusted_app tmpfs file untrusted_app_tmpfs)
+(allow untrusted_app untrusted_app_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow untrusted_app tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow untrusted_app untrusted_app_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lmx 22 system/sepolicy/private/untrusted_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_376 base_typeattr_377 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 22 system/sepolicy/private/untrusted_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_378 untrusted_app (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(typetransition untrusted_app_25 tmpfs file untrusted_app_25_tmpfs)
+(allow untrusted_app_25 untrusted_app_25_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow untrusted_app_25 tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow untrusted_app_25 untrusted_app_25_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lmx 24 system/sepolicy/private/untrusted_app_25.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_379 base_typeattr_380 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 24 system/sepolicy/private/untrusted_app_25.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_381 untrusted_app_25 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow untrusted_app_25 net_dns_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_25 proc_misc (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_25 proc_tty_drivers (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(typetransition untrusted_app_27 tmpfs file untrusted_app_27_tmpfs)
+(allow untrusted_app_27 untrusted_app_27_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow untrusted_app_27 tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow untrusted_app_27 untrusted_app_27_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lmx 25 system/sepolicy/private/untrusted_app_27.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_382 base_typeattr_383 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 25 system/sepolicy/private/untrusted_app_27.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_384 untrusted_app_27 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow untrusted_app_all apk_data_file (file (execmod)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all app_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans execmod open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all asec_apk_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all asec_apk_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all asec_public_file (file (execute execmod)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all shell_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all shell_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all trace_data_file (file (read getattr)))
+;;* lmx 51 system/sepolicy/private/untrusted_app_all.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all trace_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 52 system/sepolicy/private/untrusted_app_all.te
+(neverallow untrusted_app_all trace_data_file (file (write create setattr relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow untrusted_app_all apk_tmp_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all apk_private_tmp_file (file (read getattr)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all system_app_data_file (file (read write getattr)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all media_rw_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all media_rw_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all mnt_media_rw_file (dir (search)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all servicemanager (service_manager (list)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all audioserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all cameraserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all drmserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all mediaserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all mediaextractor_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all mediacodec_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all mediametrics_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all mediadrmserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all nfc_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all radio_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all app_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all vr_manager_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all self (process (ptrace)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all sysfs_hwrandom (dir (search)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all sysfs_hwrandom (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all preloads_media_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all preloads_media_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all preloads_data_file (dir (search)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all vendor_app_file (dir (read getattr search open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all vendor_app_file (file (read getattr execute open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all vendor_app_file (lnk_file (read getattr open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all traced (fd (use)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all traced_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all traced_producer_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all traced (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow untrusted_app_all system_server (udp_socket (read write getattr connect getopt setopt recvfrom sendto)))
+(typetransition untrusted_app_all devpts chr_file untrusted_app_all_devpts)
+(allow untrusted_app_all untrusted_app_all_devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr open)))
+(allowx untrusted_app_all untrusted_app_all_devpts (ioctl chr_file ((range 0x5401 0x5403) 0x540b (range 0x540e 0x5411) (range 0x5413 0x5414) 0x5451)))
+;;* lmx 131 system/sepolicy/private/untrusted_app_all.te
+(neverallowx base_typeattr_57 untrusted_app_all_devpts (ioctl chr_file (0x5412)))
+;;* lme
+(dontaudit untrusted_app_all net_dns_prop (file (read)))
+(dontaudit untrusted_app_all proc_stat (file (read)))
+(dontaudit untrusted_app_all proc_vmstat (file (read)))
+(dontaudit untrusted_app_all proc_uptime (file (read)))
+(typetransition untrusted_v2_app tmpfs file untrusted_v2_app_tmpfs)
+(allow untrusted_v2_app untrusted_v2_app_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app untrusted_v2_app_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lmx 7 system/sepolicy/private/untrusted_v2_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_385 base_typeattr_386 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 7 system/sepolicy/private/untrusted_v2_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_387 untrusted_v2_app (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow untrusted_v2_app system_app_data_file (file (read write getattr)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app media_rw_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app media_rw_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app mnt_media_rw_file (dir (search)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app servicemanager (service_manager (list)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app audioserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app cameraserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app drmserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app mediaserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app mediaextractor_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app mediacodec_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app mediametrics_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app mediadrmserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app nfc_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app radio_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app app_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app self (process (ptrace)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app traced (fd (use)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app traced_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app traced_producer_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow untrusted_v2_app traced (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow init update_engine_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init update_engine (process (transition)))
+(allow update_engine update_engine_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init update_engine (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init update_engine (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init update_engine_exec process update_engine)
+(typetransition update_engine tmpfs file update_engine_tmpfs)
+(allow update_engine update_engine_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow update_engine tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow update_engine_common postinstall_file (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow update_engine_common postinstall (process (transition)))
+(allow postinstall postinstall_file (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow postinstall update_engine_common (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit update_engine_common postinstall (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow update_engine_common postinstall (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition update_engine_common postinstall_file process postinstall)
+(allow init update_verifier_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init update_verifier (process (transition)))
+(allow update_verifier update_verifier_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init update_verifier (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init update_verifier (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init update_verifier_exec process update_verifier)
+(typetransition update_verifier tmpfs file update_verifier_tmpfs)
+(allow update_verifier update_verifier_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow update_verifier tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow init usbd_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init usbd (process (transition)))
+(allow usbd usbd_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init usbd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init usbd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init usbd_exec process usbd)
+(typetransition usbd tmpfs file usbd_tmpfs)
+(allow usbd usbd_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow usbd tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow usbd system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow usbd property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow usbd init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow usbd ctl_default_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow usbd ctl_default_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init vdc_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init vdc (process (transition)))
+(allow vdc vdc_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init vdc (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init vdc (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init vdc_exec process vdc)
+(typetransition vdc tmpfs file vdc_tmpfs)
+(allow vdc vdc_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow vdc tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(dontaudit vendor_init sysfs (dir (write)))
+(allow init virtual_touchpad_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init virtual_touchpad (process (transition)))
+(allow virtual_touchpad virtual_touchpad_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init virtual_touchpad (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init virtual_touchpad (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init virtual_touchpad_exec process virtual_touchpad)
+(typetransition virtual_touchpad tmpfs file virtual_touchpad_tmpfs)
+(allow virtual_touchpad virtual_touchpad_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow virtual_touchpad tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow init vold_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init vold (process (transition)))
+(allow vold vold_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init vold (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init vold (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init vold_exec process vold)
+(typetransition vold tmpfs file vold_tmpfs)
+(allow vold vold_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow vold tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow vold sgdisk_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow vold sgdisk (process (transition)))
+(allow sgdisk sgdisk_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow sgdisk vold (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit vold sgdisk (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow vold sgdisk (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition vold sgdisk_exec process sgdisk)
+(allow vold sdcardd_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow vold sdcardd (process (transition)))
+(allow sdcardd sdcardd_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow sdcardd vold (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit vold sdcardd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow vold sdcardd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition vold sdcardd_exec process sdcardd)
+(allow vold shell_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow vold blkid (process (transition)))
+(allow blkid shell_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow blkid vold (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit vold blkid (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow vold blkid (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(allow vold shell_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow vold blkid_untrusted (process (transition)))
+(allow blkid_untrusted shell_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow blkid_untrusted vold (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit vold blkid_untrusted (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow vold blkid_untrusted (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(allow vold fsck_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow vold fsck (process (transition)))
+(allow fsck fsck_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow fsck vold (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit vold fsck (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow vold fsck (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(allow vold fsck_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow vold fsck_untrusted (process (transition)))
+(allow fsck_untrusted fsck_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow fsck_untrusted vold (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit vold fsck_untrusted (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow vold fsck_untrusted (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition vold storage_file dir storage_stub_file)
+(typetransition vold mnt_media_rw_file dir mnt_media_rw_stub_file)
+(allow vold vold_prepare_subdirs_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow vold vold_prepare_subdirs (process (transition)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs vold_prepare_subdirs_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs vold (process (sigchld)))
+(dontaudit vold vold_prepare_subdirs (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow vold vold_prepare_subdirs (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition vold vold_prepare_subdirs_exec process vold_prepare_subdirs)
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs system_file (file (execute_no_trans)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs shell_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs toolbox_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs devpts (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs vold (fd (use)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs vold (fifo_file (read write)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs file_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs self (capability (chown dac_override fowner)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs self (cap_userns (chown dac_override fowner)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs self (process (setfscreate)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs system_data_file (dir (read write relabelfrom add_name remove_name rmdir open)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs vendor_data_file (dir (read write relabelfrom add_name remove_name rmdir open)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs vold_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelto rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs fingerprint_vendor_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelto rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs storaged_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelto rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs system_data_file (file (getattr unlink)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs vold_data_file (file (getattr unlink)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs fingerprint_vendor_data_file (file (getattr unlink)))
+(allow vold_prepare_subdirs storaged_data_file (file (getattr unlink)))
+(allow init vr_hwc_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init vr_hwc (process (transition)))
+(allow vr_hwc vr_hwc_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init vr_hwc (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init vr_hwc (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init vr_hwc_exec process vr_hwc)
+(typetransition vr_hwc tmpfs file vr_hwc_tmpfs)
+(allow vr_hwc vr_hwc_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow vr_hwc tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow init wait_for_keymaster_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init wait_for_keymaster (process (transition)))
+(allow wait_for_keymaster wait_for_keymaster_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init wait_for_keymaster (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init wait_for_keymaster (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init wait_for_keymaster_exec process wait_for_keymaster)
+(typetransition wait_for_keymaster tmpfs file wait_for_keymaster_tmpfs)
+(allow wait_for_keymaster wait_for_keymaster_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow wait_for_keymaster tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow wait_for_keymaster kmsg_device (chr_file (write lock append map open)))
+(typetransition webview_zygote tmpfs file webview_zygote_tmpfs)
+(allow webview_zygote webview_zygote_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow webview_zygote tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow webview_zygote apk_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow webview_zygote apk_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute open)))
+(allow webview_zygote shared_relro_file (dir (search)))
+(allow webview_zygote shared_relro_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow webview_zygote self (capability (setgid setuid)))
+(allow webview_zygote self (cap_userns (setgid setuid)))
+(allow webview_zygote self (capability (setpcap)))
+(allow webview_zygote self (cap_userns (setpcap)))
+(allow webview_zygote self (process (setcurrent)))
+(allow webview_zygote isolated_app (process (dyntransition)))
+(allow webview_zygote dalvikcache_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow webview_zygote dalvikcache_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow webview_zygote dalvikcache_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute open)))
+(allow webview_zygote debugfs_trace_marker (file (getattr)))
+(allow webview_zygote system_server (process (getpgid)))
+(allow webview_zygote isolated_app (process (setpgid)))
+(dontaudit webview_zygote mnt_expand_file (dir (getattr)))
+(dontaudit webview_zygote dex2oat_exec (file (execute)))
+(allow webview_zygote seapp_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow webview_zygote selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow webview_zygote selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow webview_zygote selinuxfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow webview_zygote selinuxfs (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow webview_zygote kernel (security (check_context)))
+(allow webview_zygote selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow webview_zygote selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow webview_zygote selinuxfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow webview_zygote selinuxfs (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow webview_zygote kernel (security (compute_av)))
+(allow webview_zygote self (netlink_selinux_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(allow webview_zygote system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow webview_zygote zygote_tmpfs (file (read)))
+(allow webview_zygote zygote (fd (use)))
+(allow webview_zygote zygote (process (sigchld)))
+(allow webview_zygote vendor_overlay_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow webview_zygote vendor_overlay_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow webview_zygote vendor_overlay_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lmx 78 system/sepolicy/private/webview_zygote.te
+(neverallow webview_zygote base_typeattr_323 (process (dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 81 system/sepolicy/private/webview_zygote.te
+(neverallow webview_zygote base_typeattr_368 (process (transition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 85 system/sepolicy/private/webview_zygote.te
+(neverallow webview_zygote base_typeattr_57 (file (execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 89 system/sepolicy/private/webview_zygote.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_388 webview_zygote (process (dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 92 system/sepolicy/private/webview_zygote.te
+(neverallow webview_zygote property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 93 system/sepolicy/private/webview_zygote.te
+(neverallow webview_zygote property_type (property_service (set)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 103 system/sepolicy/private/webview_zygote.te
+(neverallow webview_zygote shell_data_file (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote bluetooth_data_file (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote nfc_data_file (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote radio_data_file (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote app_data_file (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote system_app_data_file (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 109 system/sepolicy/private/webview_zygote.te
+(neverallow webview_zygote base_typeattr_389 (service_manager (find)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 112 system/sepolicy/private/webview_zygote.te
+(neverallow webview_zygote gpu_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 115 system/sepolicy/private/webview_zygote.te
+(neverallow webview_zygote cache_file (dir (write create setattr relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton add_name remove_name reparent rmdir audit_access execmod)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 116 system/sepolicy/private/webview_zygote.te
+(neverallow webview_zygote cache_file (file (ioctl write create setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map unlink link rename execute quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod open audit_access)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 132 system/sepolicy/private/webview_zygote.te
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (tcp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind name_connect)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (udp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (rawip_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (netlink_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (packet_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (key_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (netlink_route_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (netlink_tcpdiag_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (netlink_nflog_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (netlink_xfrm_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (netlink_audit_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind nlmsg_read nlmsg_write nlmsg_relay nlmsg_readpriv nlmsg_tty_audit)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (netlink_dnrt_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (appletalk_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (tun_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind attach_queue)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (netlink_iscsi_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (netlink_fib_lookup_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (netlink_connector_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (netlink_netfilter_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (netlink_generic_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (netlink_scsitransport_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (netlink_rdma_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (netlink_crypto_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (sctp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (icmp_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind node_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (ax25_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (ipx_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (netrom_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (atmpvc_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (x25_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (rose_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (decnet_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (atmsvc_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (rds_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (irda_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (pppox_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (llc_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (can_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (tipc_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (bluetooth_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (iucv_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (rxrpc_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (isdn_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (phonet_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (ieee802154_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (caif_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (alg_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (nfc_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (vsock_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (kcm_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (qipcrtr_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote domain (smc_socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append map bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 140 system/sepolicy/private/webview_zygote.te
+(neverallow webview_zygote bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote bluetooth_prop (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(neverallow webview_zygote exported_bluetooth_prop (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow init wificond_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init wificond (process (transition)))
+(allow wificond wificond_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init wificond (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init wificond (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init wificond_exec process wificond)
+(typetransition wificond tmpfs file wificond_tmpfs)
+(allow wificond wificond_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow wificond tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow init wpantund_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init wpantund (process (transition)))
+(allow wpantund wpantund_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init wpantund (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init wpantund (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init wpantund_exec process wpantund)
+(typetransition wpantund tmpfs file wpantund_tmpfs)
+(allow wpantund wpantund_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow wpantund tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow init zygote_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init zygote (process (transition)))
+(allow zygote zygote_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init zygote (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init zygote (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init zygote_exec process zygote)
+(typetransition zygote tmpfs file zygote_tmpfs)
+(allow zygote zygote_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow zygote tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow zygote runtime_event_log_tags_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote self (capability (chown dac_override fowner setgid setuid)))
+(allow zygote self (cap_userns (chown dac_override fowner setgid setuid)))
+(allow zygote self (capability (setpcap)))
+(allow zygote self (cap_userns (setpcap)))
+(allow zygote self (process (setcurrent)))
+(allow zygote system_server (process (dyntransition)))
+(allow zygote appdomain (process (dyntransition)))
+(allow zygote webview_zygote (process (dyntransition)))
+(allow zygote appdomain (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow zygote appdomain (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote system_server (process (getpgid setpgid)))
+(allow zygote appdomain (process (getpgid setpgid)))
+(allow zygote webview_zygote (process (getpgid setpgid)))
+(allow zygote system_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow zygote system_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote dalvikcache_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow zygote dalvikcache_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow zygote dalvikcache_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow zygote resourcecache_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow zygote resourcecache_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow base_typeattr_390 dalvikcache_data_file (file (execute)))
+(allow zygote idmap_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow zygote dex2oat_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow zygote vendor_overlay_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow zygote vendor_overlay_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote vendor_overlay_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote cgroup (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow zygote cgroup (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote cgroup (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote self (capability (sys_admin)))
+(allow zygote self (cap_userns (sys_admin)))
+(allow zygote pmsg_device (chr_file (getattr)))
+(allow zygote debugfs_trace_marker (file (getattr)))
+(allow zygote seapp_contexts_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow zygote selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote selinuxfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote selinuxfs (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow zygote kernel (security (check_context)))
+(allow zygote selinuxfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow zygote selinuxfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote selinuxfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote selinuxfs (file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow zygote kernel (security (compute_av)))
+(allow zygote self (netlink_selinux_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto name_bind)))
+(allow zygote proc_cpuinfo (file (mounton)))
+(allow zygote rootfs (dir (mounton)))
+(allow zygote tmpfs (filesystem (mount unmount)))
+(allow zygote fuse (filesystem (unmount)))
+(allow zygote sdcardfs (filesystem (unmount)))
+(allow zygote mnt_user_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow zygote mnt_user_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow zygote storage_file (dir (mounton search)))
+(allow zygote zygote_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(allow zygote proc_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow zygote proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote proc_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote rootfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow zygote rootfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote rootfs (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow zygote system_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote system_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote tmpfs (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow zygote overlay_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote exported_overlay_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+;;* lmx 127 system/sepolicy/private/zygote.te
+(neverallow zygote base_typeattr_391 (process (dyntransition)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 133 system/sepolicy/private/zygote.te
+(neverallow zygote base_typeattr_392 (file (execute execute_no_trans)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 140 system/sepolicy/private/zygote.te
+(neverallow zygote bluetooth_a2dp_offload_prop (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(neverallow zygote bluetooth_prop (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(neverallow zygote exported_bluetooth_prop (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow appdomain flipfont_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow appdomain flipfont_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow platform_app flipfont_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow platform_app flipfont_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow priv_app flipfont_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow priv_app flipfont_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow priv_app mnt_media_rw_file (dir (search)))
+(allow system_app cache_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_app cache_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_app flipfont_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_app flipfont_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server flipfont_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelto rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server flipfont_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server sysfs_lowmemorykiller (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app flipfont_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app flipfont_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow appdomain persist_dpm_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow appdomain seempdw_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow appdomain seempd (unix_dgram_socket (sendto)))
+(allow audioserver mirrorlink (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow mirrorlink audioserver (binder (transfer)))
+(allow audioserver mirrorlink (fd (use)))
+(allow init bt_logger_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init bt_logger (process (transition)))
+(allow bt_logger bt_logger_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init bt_logger (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init bt_logger (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init bt_logger_exec process bt_logger)
+(typetransition bt_logger tmpfs file bt_logger_tmpfs)
+(allow bt_logger bt_logger_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow bt_logger tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow bluetooth bt_logger (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow bt_logger bluetooth (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow bt_logger bluetooth_data_file (dir (search)))
+(allow bt_logger bluetooth_logs_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow bt_logger bluetooth_logs_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(typetransition dataservice_app tmpfs file dataservice_app_tmpfs)
+(allow dataservice_app dataservice_app_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow dataservice_app tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow dataservice_app dataservice_app_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lmx 31 device/qcom/sepolicy/private/dataservice_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_393 base_typeattr_394 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 31 device/qcom/sepolicy/private/dataservice_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_395 dataservice_app (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow dataservice_app cne_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 34 device/qcom/sepolicy/private/dataservice_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_394 cne_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow dataservice_app uce_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 35 device/qcom/sepolicy/private/dataservice_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_394 uce_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow dataservice_app dpmservice (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 36 device/qcom/sepolicy/private/dataservice_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_394 dpmservice (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow dataservice_app app_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow dataservice_app system_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow dataservice_app audioserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow dataservice_app radio_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow dataservice_app system_app_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow dataservice_app system_app_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow dataservice_app system_app_data_file (lnk_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow dataservice_app dpmd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow dataservice_app dpmd_data_file (dir (ioctl read write getattr lock add_name remove_name search open)))
+(allow dataservice_app dpmd_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(dontaudit dataservice_app domain (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow dataservice_app self (socket (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allowx dataservice_app self (ioctl socket ((range 0xc300 0xc305))))
+(allow dataservice_app netd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow dataservice_app netd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow dataservice_app dpmd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow dataservice_app dpmd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow dataservice_app hwservicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager dataservice_app (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager dataservice_app (dir (search)))
+(allow hwservicemanager dataservice_app (file (read open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager dataservice_app (process (getattr)))
+(allow dataservice_app property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow dataservice_app init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow dataservice_app persist_dpm_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow dataservice_app persist_dpm_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init dpmd_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init dpmd (process (transition)))
+(allow dpmd dpmd_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init dpmd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init dpmd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init dpmd_exec process dpmd)
+(typetransition dpmd tmpfs file dpmd_tmpfs)
+(allow dpmd dpmd_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow dpmd tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow dpmd system_file (file (getattr map execute execute_no_trans)))
+(allow dpmd dpmd_exec (file (getattr map execute execute_no_trans)))
+(allow dpmd dpmd_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow dpmd dpmd_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow dpmd proc_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow dpmd proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dpmd proc_net (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dpmd self (capability (setuid net_admin net_raw)))
+(allow dpmd self (capability2 (wake_alarm)))
+(allow dpmd appdomain (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow dpmd appdomain (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dpmd appdomain (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dpmd sysfs_wake_lock (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow dpmd self (capability2 (block_suspend)))
+(allow dpmd self (cap2_userns (block_suspend)))
+(allow dpmd shell_exec (file (ioctl read getattr lock map execute execute_no_trans open)))
+(dontaudit dpmd self (capability (sys_module)))
+(allow dpmd property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow dpmd init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow dpmd persist_dpm_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow dpmd persist_dpm_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dpmd persist_dpm_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow dpmd self (socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow dpmd self (netlink_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow dpmd self (netlink_generic_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow dpmd priv_app (fd (use)))
+(allow dpmd priv_app (tcp_socket (ioctl read write getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow dpmd system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow dpmd system_server (tcp_socket (ioctl read write getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow dpmd system_app (fd (use)))
+(allow dpmd system_app (tcp_socket (ioctl read write getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow dpmd untrusted_app (fd (use)))
+(allow dpmd untrusted_app (tcp_socket (ioctl read write getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow dpmd untrusted_app_25 (fd (use)))
+(allow dpmd untrusted_app_25 (tcp_socket (ioctl read write getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow dpmd platform_app (fd (use)))
+(allow dpmd platform_app (tcp_socket (ioctl read write getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow dpmd proc_net (file (write)))
+(allow bluetooth dun-server (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow dun-server serial_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow dun-server smd7_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow init dun-server_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init dun-server (process (transition)))
+(allow dun-server dun-server_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init dun-server (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init dun-server (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init dun-server_exec process dun-server)
+(typetransition dun-server tmpfs file dun-server_tmpfs)
+(allow dun-server dun-server_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow dun-server tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow mediaprovider dpmtcm_socket (sock_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow mediaprovider dpmwrapper_socket (sock_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow mediaprovider dpmd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow mediaserver seempdw_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow mediaserver seempd (unix_dgram_socket (sendto)))
+(allow init mirrorlink_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init mirrorlink (process (transition)))
+(allow mirrorlink mirrorlink_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init mirrorlink (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init mirrorlink (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init mirrorlink_exec process mirrorlink)
+(typetransition mirrorlink tmpfs file mirrorlink_tmpfs)
+(allow mirrorlink mirrorlink_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow mirrorlink tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow mirrorlink self (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allowx mirrorlink self (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x8912 0x8915) 0x8921)))
+(allow mirrorlink mirrorlink_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow mirrorlink mirrorlink_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow mirrorlink mirrorlink_socket (sock_file (read write)))
+(allow mirrorlink netd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow mirrorlink netd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow mirrorlink proc_net (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow mirrorlink ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mirrorlink gpu_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow mirrorlink uhid_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow mirrorlink audioserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mirrorlink surfaceflinger_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mirrorlink mediametrics_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow mirrorlink servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager mirrorlink (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager mirrorlink (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager mirrorlink (process (getattr)))
+(allow mirrorlink surfaceflinger (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow surfaceflinger mirrorlink (binder (transfer)))
+(allow mirrorlink surfaceflinger (fd (use)))
+(allow mirrorlink audioserver (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow audioserver mirrorlink (binder (transfer)))
+(allow mirrorlink audioserver (fd (use)))
+(allow mirrorlink system_app (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_app mirrorlink (binder (transfer)))
+(allow mirrorlink system_app (fd (use)))
+(allow mirrorlink audio_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow mirrorlink audio_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow mirrorlink property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow mirrorlink init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow mirrorlink exported_system_radio_prop (property_service (set)))
+(allow mirrorlink exported_system_radio_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mirrorlink system_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mirrorlink sysfs_net (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow mirrorlink sysfs_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow mirrorlink system_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow init vendor_mmi_sys_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init vendor_mmi_sys (process (transition)))
+(allow vendor_mmi_sys vendor_mmi_sys_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init vendor_mmi_sys (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init vendor_mmi_sys (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init vendor_mmi_sys_exec process vendor_mmi_sys)
+(typetransition vendor_mmi_sys tmpfs file vendor_mmi_sys_tmpfs)
+(allow vendor_mmi_sys vendor_mmi_sys_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow vendor_mmi_sys tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow vendor_mmi_sys surfaceflinger (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow surfaceflinger vendor_mmi_sys (binder (transfer)))
+(allow vendor_mmi_sys surfaceflinger (fd (use)))
+(allow vendor_mmi_sys servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager vendor_mmi_sys (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager vendor_mmi_sys (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager vendor_mmi_sys (process (getattr)))
+(allow vendor_mmi_sys ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow vendor_mmi_sys kmsg_device (chr_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow vendor_mmi_sys surfaceflinger_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow vendor_mmi_sys vendor_mmi_sys_exec (file (execute_no_trans)))
+(allow init perfservice_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init perfservice (process (transition)))
+(allow perfservice perfservice_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init perfservice (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init perfservice (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init perfservice_exec process perfservice)
+(typetransition perfservice tmpfs file perfservice_tmpfs)
+(allow perfservice perfservice_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow perfservice tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow perfservice vendor_perf_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 32 device/qcom/sepolicy/private/perfservice.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_396 vendor_perf_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow perfservice servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager perfservice (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager perfservice (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager perfservice (process (getattr)))
+(allow perfservice system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server perfservice (binder (transfer)))
+(allow perfservice system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow platform_app cne_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow platform_app dpmservice (service_manager (find)))
+(allow platform_app dpmtcm_socket (sock_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow platform_app dpmd_socket (sock_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow platform_app dpmwrapper_socket (sock_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow platform_app dpmd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow platform_app color_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow priv_app dpmtcm_socket (sock_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow priv_app dpmwrapper_socket (sock_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow priv_app dpmd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(typetransition qtelephony tmpfs file qtelephony_tmpfs)
+(allow qtelephony qtelephony_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow qtelephony tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow qtelephony qtelephony_tmpfs (file (execute)))
+;;* lmx 31 device/qcom/sepolicy/private/qtelephony.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_397 base_typeattr_398 (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+;;* lmx 31 device/qcom/sepolicy/private/qtelephony.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_399 qtelephony (file (ioctl read write create setattr lock relabelfrom append unlink link rename open)))
+;;* lme
+(allow qtelephony hwservicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager qtelephony (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager qtelephony (dir (search)))
+(allow hwservicemanager qtelephony (file (read open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager qtelephony (process (getattr)))
+(allow qtelephony hwservicemanager_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow qtelephony hal_atfwd_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add find)))
+(allow qtelephony hidl_base_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lmx 35 device/qcom/sepolicy/private/qtelephony.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_398 hal_atfwd_hwservice (hwservice_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow qtelephony system_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow qtelephony app_api_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow init qvrd_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init qvrd (process (transition)))
+(allow qvrd qvrd_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init qvrd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init qvrd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init qvrd_exec process qvrd)
+(typetransition qvrd tmpfs file qvrd_tmpfs)
+(allow qvrd qvrd_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow qvrd tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow qvrd system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server qvrd (binder (transfer)))
+(allow qvrd system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow qvrd qvrd_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow qvrd qvrd_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow qvrd hwservicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager qvrd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow hwservicemanager qvrd (dir (search)))
+(allow hwservicemanager qvrd (file (read open)))
+(allow hwservicemanager qvrd (process (getattr)))
+(allow qvrd hwservicemanager_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow qvrd qvrd_socket (sock_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow qvrd system_file (dir (read)))
+(allow qvrd self (socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow qvrd graphics_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow qvrd graphics_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow qvrd self (capability (sys_nice)))
+(allow qvrd appdomain (process (setsched)))
+(allowx qvrd self (ioctl socket ((range 0xc300 0xc305))))
+(allow qvrd self (socket (ioctl)))
+(allow init seempd_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init seempd (process (transition)))
+(allow seempd seempd_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init seempd (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init seempd (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init seempd_exec process seempd)
+(typetransition seempd tmpfs file seempd_tmpfs)
+(allow seempd seempd_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow seempd tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow seempd tee_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow seempd seemplog_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow seempd seemp_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow seempd seemp_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow seempd seemp_data_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow seempd system_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow seempd servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager seempd (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager seempd (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager seempd (process (getattr)))
+(allow seempd system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server seempd (binder (transfer)))
+(allow seempd system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow seempd appdomain (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow appdomain seempd (binder (transfer)))
+(allow seempd appdomain (fd (use)))
+(allow seempd smcinvoke_daemon (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow smcinvoke_daemon seempd (binder (transfer)))
+(allow seempd smcinvoke_daemon (fd (use)))
+(allow seempd MinkBinderSvc (service_manager (find)))
+(allow seempd seemp_service (service_manager (add find)))
+(allow seempd self (binder (call)))
+(allow seempd ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow seempd apk_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow seempd apk_tmp_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow seempd apk_private_tmp_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow seempd apk_data_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow seempd apk_tmp_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow seempd apk_private_tmp_file (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow seempd storage_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow seempd storage_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow seempd mnt_user_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow seempd mnt_user_file (lnk_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow seempd fuse (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow seempd fuse (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow seempd proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow seempd proc_qtaguid_stat (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow init smcinvoke_daemon_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init smcinvoke_daemon (process (transition)))
+(allow smcinvoke_daemon smcinvoke_daemon_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init smcinvoke_daemon (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init smcinvoke_daemon (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init smcinvoke_daemon_exec process smcinvoke_daemon)
+(typetransition smcinvoke_daemon tmpfs file smcinvoke_daemon_tmpfs)
+(allow smcinvoke_daemon smcinvoke_daemon_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow smcinvoke_daemon tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow smcinvoke_daemon servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager smcinvoke_daemon (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager smcinvoke_daemon (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager smcinvoke_daemon (process (getattr)))
+(allow smcinvoke_daemon system_app (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_app smcinvoke_daemon (binder (transfer)))
+(allow smcinvoke_daemon system_app (fd (use)))
+(allow smcinvoke_daemon smcinvoke_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow smcinvoke_daemon MinkBinderSvc (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 45 device/qcom/sepolicy/private/smcinvoked.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_400 MinkBinderSvc (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow smcinvoke_daemon system_app (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow surfaceflinger mirrorlink (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow mirrorlink surfaceflinger (binder (transfer)))
+(allow surfaceflinger mirrorlink (fd (use)))
+(allow system_app seemp_data_file (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow system_app seemp_data_file (file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_app seemp_data_file (fifo_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow system_app seempd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow seempd system_app (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_app seempd (fd (use)))
+(allow system_app dpmtcm_socket (sock_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow system_app dpmwrapper_socket (sock_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow system_app dpmd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_app color_service (service_manager (add)))
+(allow system_app bluetooth_prop (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow system_app smcinvoke_daemon (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow smcinvoke_daemon system_app (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_app smcinvoke_daemon (fd (use)))
+(allow system_app mirrorlink (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow mirrorlink system_app (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_app mirrorlink (fd (use)))
+(allow system_app mirrorlink_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_app mirrorlink (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server seempd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow seempd system_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_server seempd (fd (use)))
+(allow system_server seempdw_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server seempd (unix_dgram_socket (sendto)))
+(allow system_server dpmd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow system_server dpmd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow system_server dpmtcm_socket (sock_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server dpmd_socket (sock_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server dpmwrapper_socket (sock_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow system_server dpmd_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow system_server dpmd_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow system_server izat_service (service_manager (add)))
+(allow system_server regionalization_service (service_manager (add find)))
+;;* lmx 41 device/qcom/sepolicy/private/system_app.te
+(neverallow base_typeattr_135 regionalization_service (service_manager (add)))
+;;* lme
+(allow system_server vendor_perf_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow system_server qvrd (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow qvrd system_server (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_server qvrd (fd (use)))
+(allow untrusted_app dpmtcm_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow untrusted_app dpmd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow untrusted_app dpmtcm_socket (sock_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app dpmwrapper_socket (sock_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app dpmd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow untrusted_app qvrd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow untrusted_app qvrd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow untrusted_app qvrd (fd (use)))
+(allow untrusted_app_25 dpmtcm_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow untrusted_app_25 dpmd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow untrusted_app_25 dpmtcm_socket (sock_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_25 dpmwrapper_socket (sock_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_25 dpmd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow untrusted_app_25 qvrd_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow untrusted_app_25 qvrd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow untrusted_app_25 qvrd (fd (use)))
+(allow untrusted_app_27 dpmtcm_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow untrusted_app_27 dpmd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow untrusted_app_27 dpmtcm_socket (sock_file (write lock append map open)))
+(allow untrusted_app_27 dpmd (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow init wfdservice_exec (file (read getattr map execute open)))
+(allow init wfdservice (process (transition)))
+(allow wfdservice wfdservice_exec (file (read getattr map execute entrypoint open)))
+(dontaudit init wfdservice (process (noatsecure)))
+(allow init wfdservice (process (siginh rlimitinh)))
+(typetransition init wfdservice_exec process wfdservice)
+(typetransition wfdservice tmpfs file wfdservice_tmpfs)
+(allow wfdservice wfdservice_tmpfs (file (read write getattr map)))
+(allow wfdservice tmpfs (dir (getattr search)))
+(allow wfdservice servicemanager (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow servicemanager wfdservice (dir (search)))
+(allow servicemanager wfdservice (file (read open)))
+(allow servicemanager wfdservice (process (getattr)))
+(allow wfdservice surfaceflinger (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow surfaceflinger wfdservice (binder (transfer)))
+(allow wfdservice surfaceflinger (fd (use)))
+(allow surfaceflinger wfdservice (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow wfdservice surfaceflinger (binder (transfer)))
+(allow surfaceflinger wfdservice (fd (use)))
+(allow wfdservice platform_app (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow platform_app wfdservice (binder (transfer)))
+(allow wfdservice platform_app (fd (use)))
+(allow platform_app wfdservice (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow wfdservice platform_app (binder (transfer)))
+(allow platform_app wfdservice (fd (use)))
+(allow wfdservice system_app (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_app wfdservice (binder (transfer)))
+(allow wfdservice system_app (fd (use)))
+(allow system_app wfdservice (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow wfdservice system_app (binder (transfer)))
+(allow system_app wfdservice (fd (use)))
+(allow wfdservice audioserver (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow audioserver wfdservice (binder (transfer)))
+(allow wfdservice audioserver (fd (use)))
+(allow wfdservice system_server (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow system_server wfdservice (binder (transfer)))
+(allow wfdservice system_server (fd (use)))
+(allow wfdservice wfdservice_service (service_manager (add)))
+(allow wfdservice audio_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow wfdservice audio_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow wfdservice graphics_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow wfdservice gpu_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow wfdservice property_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow wfdservice init (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
+(allow wfdservice video_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow wfdservice video_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow wfdservice tee_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow wfdservice uhid_device (chr_file (ioctl read write getattr lock append map open)))
+(allow wfdservice self (process (execmem)))
+(allow wfdservice media_rw_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open)))
+(allow wfdservice media_rw_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open)))
+(allow wfdservice self (netlink_kobject_uevent_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow wfdservice input_device (dir (ioctl read getattr lock search open)))
+(allow wfdservice input_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow wfdservice audioserver_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow wfdservice mediametrics_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow wfdservice surfaceflinger_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow wfdservice permission_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow wfdservice wfdservice_service (service_manager (find)))
+(allow wfdservice self (capability (net_admin)))
+(allow wfdservice mediacodec (binder (call transfer)))
+(allow mediacodec wfdservice (binder (transfer)))
+(allow wfdservice mediacodec (fd (use)))
+(allow wfdservice self (netlink_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow wfdservice self (netlink_generic_socket (read write create getattr setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown)))
+(allow wfdservice ion_device (chr_file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow wfdservice self (udp_socket (ioctl)))
+(allowx wfdservice self (ioctl udp_socket (0x6900 0x6902)))
+(allowx wfdservice self (ioctl udp_socket ((range 0x890b 0x890d) 0x8911 0x8914 0x8916 0x8918 0x891a (range 0x891c 0x8920) (range 0x8922 0x8927) 0x8929 (range 0x8930 0x8932) (range 0x8934 0x8937) 0x8939 (range 0x8940 0x8941) 0x8943 (range 0x8946 0x894b) (range 0x8953 0x8955) (range 0x8960 0x8962) (range 0x8970 0x8971) (range 0x8980 0x8983) (range 0x8990 0x8995) (range 0x89a0 0x89a3) 0x89b0 (range 0x89e0 0x89ff))))
+(allowx wfdservice self (ioctl udp_socket (0x8b00 0x8b02 0x8b04 0x8b06 0x8b08 0x8b0a 0x8b0c 0x8b0e 0x8b10 (range 0x8b14 0x8b1d) 0x8b20 0x8b22 0x8b24 0x8b26 0x8b28 (range 0x8b2a 0x8b2c) (range 0x8b30 0x8b36) (range 0x8be0 0x8bff))))
+(allow wfdservice proc_net (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open)))
+(allow zygote seempdw_socket (sock_file (write)))
+(allow zygote seempd (unix_dgram_socket (sendto)))
+(typetransition system_server system_data_file sock_file "ndebugsocket" system_ndebug_socket)
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_400)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_400 (and (domain ) (not (smcinvoke_daemon ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_399)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_399 (and (appdomain ) (not (shell qtelephony ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_398)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_398 (and (domain ) (not (qtelephony ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_397)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_397 (and (qtelephony ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_396)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_396 (and (domain ) (not (perfservice ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_395)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_395 (and (appdomain ) (not (shell dataservice_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_394)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_394 (and (domain ) (not (dataservice_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_393)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_393 (and (dataservice_app ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_392)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_392 (and (data_file_type ) (not (dalvikcache_data_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_391)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_391 (not (appdomain system_server webview_zygote ) ))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_390)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_390 (and (zygote ) (not (zygote ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_389)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_389 (and (service_manager_type ) (not (activity_service webviewupdate_service ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_388)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_388 (and (domain ) (not (zygote ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_387)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_387 (and (appdomain ) (not (shell untrusted_v2_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_386)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_386 (and (domain ) (not (untrusted_v2_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_385)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_385 (and (untrusted_v2_app ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_384)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_384 (and (appdomain ) (not (shell untrusted_app_27 ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_383)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_383 (and (domain ) (not (untrusted_app_27 ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_382)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_382 (and (untrusted_app_27 ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_381)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_381 (and (appdomain ) (not (shell untrusted_app_25 ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_380)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_380 (and (domain ) (not (untrusted_app_25 ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_379)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_379 (and (untrusted_app_25 ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_378)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_378 (and (appdomain ) (not (shell untrusted_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_377)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_377 (and (domain ) (not (untrusted_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_376)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_376 (and (untrusted_app ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_375)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_375 (and (appdomain ) (not (shell traceur_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_374)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_374 (and (domain ) (not (traceur_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_373)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_373 (and (traceur_app ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_372)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_372 (and (data_file_type ) (not (system_data_file vendor_data_file apk_data_file dalvikcache_data_file user_profile_data_file bootstat_data_file zoneinfo_data_file update_engine_data_file update_engine_log_data_file system_app_data_file backup_data_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_371)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_371 (and (data_file_type ) (not (system_data_file vendor_data_file zoneinfo_data_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_370)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_370 (and (dev_type ) (not (frp_block_device ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_369)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_369 (and (domain ) (not (crash_dump init system_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_368)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_368 (and (domain ) (not (crash_dump ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_367)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_367 (and (file_type ) (not (logcat_exec toolbox_exec ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_366)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_366 (and (service_manager_type ) (not (dumpstate_service installd_service netd_service virtual_touchpad_service vold_service vr_hwc_service ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_365)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_365 (and (appdomain ) (not (shell system_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_364)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_364 (and (domain ) (not (system_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_363)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_363 (and (system_app ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_362)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_362 (and (domain ) (not (surfaceflinger ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_361)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_361 (and (domain ) (not (storaged ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_360)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_360 (and (domain ) (not (init system_server vold statsd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_359)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_359 (and (domain ) (not (dumpstate priv_app shell system_app system_server traceur_app stats statsd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_358)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_358 (and (domain ) (not (statsd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_357)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_357 (and (domain ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_356)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_356 (and (shell ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_355)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_355 (and (appdomain ) (not (shared_relro shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_354)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_354 (and (domain ) (not (shared_relro ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_353)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_353 (and (shared_relro ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_352)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_352 (and (appdomain ) (not (secure_element shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_351)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_351 (and (domain ) (not (secure_element ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_350)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_350 (and (secure_element ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_349)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_349 (and (file_type ) (not (recovery_refresh_tmpfs ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_348)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_348 (and (file_type ) (not (recovery_data_file recovery_persist_tmpfs ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_347)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_347 (and (appdomain ) (not (radio shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_346)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_346 (and (radio ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_345)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_345 (and (appdomain ) (not (priv_app shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_344)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_344 (and (priv_app ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_343)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_343 (and (appdomain ) (not (platform_app shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_342)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_342 (and (domain ) (not (platform_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_341)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_341 (and (platform_app ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_340)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_340 (and (data_file_type ) (not (zoneinfo_data_file perfetto_traces_data_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_339)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_339 (and (system_data_file ) (not (perfetto_traces_data_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_338)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_338 (and (data_file_type ) (not (system_data_file vendor_data_file zoneinfo_data_file perfetto_traces_data_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_337)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_337 (and (appdomain ) (not (nfc shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_336)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_336 (and (domain ) (not (nfc ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_335)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_335 (and (nfc ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_334)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_334 (and (domain ) (not (appdomain coredomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_333)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_333 (and (netdomain ) (not (ephemeral_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_332)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_332 (and (appdomain ) (not (mediaprovider shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_331)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_331 (and (domain ) (not (mediaprovider ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_330)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_330 (and (mediaprovider ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_329)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_329 (and (appdomain ) (not (bluetooth platform_app priv_app radio shell system_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_328)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_328 (and (domain ) (not (appdomain bootstat dumpstate init logd servicemanager surfaceflinger system_server zygote ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_327)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_327 (and (file_type ) (not (runtime_event_log_tags_file logd_tmpfs ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_326)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_326 (and (sysfs_type ) (not (sysfs_usb sysfs_devices_system_cpu ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_325)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_325 (and (service_manager_type ) (not (activity_service display_service webviewupdate_service ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_324)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_324 (and (appdomain ) (not (isolated_app shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_323)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_323 (and (domain ) (not (isolated_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_322)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_322 (and (isolated_app ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_321)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_321 (and (domain ) (not (incidentd init system_server vold ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_320)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_320 (and (domain ) (not (incidentd init vold ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_319)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_319 (and (domain ) (not (incident incidentd system_app system_server statsd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_318)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_318 (and (domain ) (not (incidentd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_317)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_317 (and (domain ) (not (incident_helper incidentd shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_316)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_316 (and (domain ) (not (incident shell su ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_315)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_315 (and (domain ) (not (hwservicemanager ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_314)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_314 (and (appdomain ) (not (ephemeral_app shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_313)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_313 (and (domain ) (not (ephemeral_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_312)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_312 (and (ephemeral_app ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_311)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_311 (and (coredomain ) (not (adbd init mediaprovider system_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_310)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_310 (and (coredomain ) (not (init system_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_309)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_309 (and (coredomain ) (not (bootstat charger dumpstate healthd init logd logpersist recovery_persist recovery_refresh shell system_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_308)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_308 (and (coredomain ) (not (init ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_307)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_307 (and (coredomain ) (not (dumpstate init shell traced_probes traceur_app atrace ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_306)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_306 (and (coredomain ) (not (dumpstate init system_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_305)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_305 (and (coredomain ) (not (fsck init ueventd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_304)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_304 (and (coredomain ) (not (vold ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_303)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_303 (and (domain ) (not (priv_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_302)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_302 (and (domain ) (not (dumpstate system_server vold storaged ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_301)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_301 (and (coredomain ) (not (init ueventd vold ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_300)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_300 (and (domain ) (not (netd system_server bpfloader ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_299)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_299 (and (domain ) (not (netd bpfloader ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_298)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_298 (and (domain ) (not (netd netutils_wrapper bpfloader ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_297)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_297 (and (domain ) (not (bpfloader ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_296)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_296 (and (appdomain ) (not (bluetooth shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_295)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_295 (and (domain ) (not (bluetooth ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_294)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_294 (and (bluetooth ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_293)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_293 (and (fs_type file_type ) (not (shell_exec blkid_exec ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_292)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_292 (and (domain ) (not (audioserver ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_291)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_291 (and (service_manager_type ) (not (dumpstate_service incident_service installd_service netd_service vold_service stats_service ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_290)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_290 (and (halserverdomain ) (not (coredomain binder_in_vendor_violators untrusted_app_visible_halserver hal_cas_server hal_configstore_server hal_graphics_allocator_server hal_neuralnetworks_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_289)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_289 (and (coredomain_hwservice ) (not (same_process_hwservice hidl_allocator_hwservice hidl_manager_hwservice hidl_memory_hwservice hidl_token_hwservice ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_288)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_288 (and (hwservice_manager_type ) (not (same_process_hwservice coredomain_hwservice untrusted_app_visible_hwservice hal_codec2_hwservice hal_configstore_ISurfaceFlingerConfigs hal_cas_hwservice hal_graphics_allocator_hwservice hal_neuralnetworks_hwservice hal_omx_hwservice ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_287)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_287 (and (fs_type file_type ) (not (sdcard_type user_profile_data_file media_rw_data_file app_data_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_286)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_286 (and (untrusted_app_all ephemeral_app isolated_app mediaprovider untrusted_app untrusted_app_27 untrusted_app_25 untrusted_v2_app ) (not (untrusted_app_25 ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_285)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_285 (and (untrusted_app_all ephemeral_app isolated_app mediaprovider untrusted_app untrusted_app_27 untrusted_app_25 untrusted_v2_app ) (not (mediaprovider ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_284)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_284 (and (domain ) (not (crash_dump shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_283)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_283 (and (domain ) (not (wificond ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_282)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_282 (and (domain ) (not (vr_hwc ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_281)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_281 (and (domain ) (not (hal_keymaster_server healthd hwservicemanager servicemanager system_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_280)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_280 (and (domain ) (not (system_server vdc vold ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_279)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_279 (and (domain ) (not (init kernel vendor_init vold vold_prepare_subdirs ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_278)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_278 (and (domain ) (not (kernel vold vold_prepare_subdirs ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_277)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_277 (and (domain ) (not (init vendor_init vold ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_276)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_276 (and (domain ) (not (init vold vold_prepare_subdirs ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_275)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_275 (and (domain ) (not (vold vold_prepare_subdirs ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_274)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_274 (and (domain ) (not (virtual_touchpad ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_273)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_273 (and (coredomain ) (not (init modprobe ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_272)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_272 (and (property_type ) (not (bootloader_boot_reason_prop firstboot_prop last_boot_reason_prop netd_stable_secret_prop pm_prop restorecon_prop system_boot_reason_prop ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_271)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_271 (and (sysfs_type ) (not (sysfs_usermodehelper ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_270)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_270 (and (dev_type ) (not (hw_random_device kmem_device port_device lowpan_device ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_269)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_269 (and (fs_type ) (not (contextmount_type sdcard_type rootfs proc_uid_time_in_state proc_uid_concurrent_active_time proc_uid_concurrent_policy_time ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_268)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_268 (and (file_type ) (not (exec_type core_data_file_type vendor_file_type system_file vold_metadata_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_267)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_267 (and (file_type ) (not (exec_type core_data_file_type vendor_file_type unlabeled system_file vold_metadata_file runtime_event_log_tags_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_266)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_266 (and (file_type ) (not (exec_type core_data_file_type vendor_file_type unlabeled system_file vold_metadata_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_265)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_265 (and (domain ) (not (init logd su vendor_init ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_264)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_264 (and (domain ) (not (update_engine ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_263)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_263 (and (vendor_file_type ) (not (vendor_app_file vendor_overlay_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_262)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_262 (and (domain ) (not (init system_server tzdatacheck ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_261)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_261 (and (fs_type file_type ) (not (toolbox_exec ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_260)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_260 (and (domain ) (not (thermalserviced ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_259)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_259 (and (service_manager_type ) (not (gatekeeper_service incident_service installd_service netd_service virtual_touchpad_service vold_service vr_hwc_service ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_258)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_258 (and (fs_type file_type ) (not (sgdisk_exec ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_257)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_257 (and (domain ) (not (hwservicemanager init vendor_init vndservicemanager ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_256)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_256 (and (appdomain ) (not (system_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_255)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_255 (and (data_file_type ) (not (cache_file cache_recovery_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_254)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_254 (and (domain ) (not (radio ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_253)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_253 (and (core_property_type ) (not (audio_prop config_prop cppreopt_prop dalvik_prop debuggerd_prop debug_prop default_prop dhcp_prop dumpstate_prop ffs_prop fingerprint_prop logd_prop net_radio_prop nfc_prop pan_result_prop persist_debug_prop powerctl_prop radio_prop restorecon_prop shell_prop system_prop system_radio_prop vold_prop ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_252)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_252 (and (domain ) (not (performanced ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_251)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_251 (and (domain ) (not (init netd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_250)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_250 (and (domain ) (not (dumpstate init netd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_249)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_249 (and (domain ) (not (dumpstate netd system_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_248)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_248 (and (domain ) (not (netd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_247)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_247 (and (domain ) (not (mediaserver ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_246)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_246 (and (domain ) (not (mediametrics ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_245)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_245 (and (data_file_type ) (not (zoneinfo_data_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_244)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_244 (and (domain ) (not (mediaextractor ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_243)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_243 (and (domain ) (not (mediadrmserver ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_242)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_242 (and (domain ) (not (mediacodec ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_241)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_241 (and (domain ) (not (init logd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_240)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_240 (and (domain ) (not (init keystore ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_239)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_239 (and (domain ) (not (keystore ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_238)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_238 (and (domain ) (not (servicemanager system_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_237)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_237 (and (domain ) (not (dumpstate system_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_236)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_236 (and (domain ) (not (dumpstate installd system_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_235)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_235 (and (domain ) (not (installd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_234)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_234 (and (domain ) (not (inputflinger ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_233)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_233 (and (fs_type file_type ) (not (init_exec ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_232)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_232 (and (dev_type ) (not (kmem_device port_device ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_231)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_231 (and (dev_type ) (not (device alarm_device ashmem_device binder_device hwbinder_device dm_device keychord_device console_device hw_random_device kmem_device port_device ptmx_device kmsg_device null_device random_device owntty_device zero_device devpts ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_230)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_230 (and (dev_type ) (not (device vndbinder_device kmem_device port_device ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_229)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_229 (and (fs_type ) (not (contextmount_type sdcard_type rootfs ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_228)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_228 (and (fs_type ) (not (contextmount_type sysfs_type sdcard_type rootfs proc ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_227)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_227 (and (file_type ) (not (exec_type vendor_file_type system_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_226)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_226 (and (file_type ) (not (exec_type vendor_file_type system_file runtime_event_log_tags_file shell_data_file nativetest_data_file keystore_data_file vold_data_file app_data_file system_app_data_file misc_logd_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_225)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_225 (and (file_type ) (not (exec_type vendor_file_type system_file shell_data_file nativetest_data_file keystore_data_file vold_data_file app_data_file system_app_data_file misc_logd_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_224)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_224 (and (file_type ) (not (exec_type vendor_file_type system_file nativetest_data_file app_data_file system_app_data_file misc_logd_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_223)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_223 (and (domain ) (not (hal_wifi_supplicant_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_222)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_222 (and (domain ) (not (hal_wifi_offload_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_221)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_221 (and (domain ) (not (hal_wifi_hostapd_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_220)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_220 (and (domain ) (not (hal_wifi_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_219)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_219 (and (domain ) (not (hal_weaver_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_218)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_218 (and (domain ) (not (hal_vr_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_217)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_217 (and (domain ) (not (hal_vibrator_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_216)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_216 (and (domain ) (not (hal_vehicle_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_215)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_215 (and (domain ) (not (hal_usb_gadget_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_214)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_214 (and (domain ) (not (hal_usb_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_213)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_213 (and (domain ) (not (hal_tv_input_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_212)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_212 (and (domain ) (not (hal_tv_cec_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_211)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_211 (and (domain ) (not (hal_thermal_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_210)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_210 (and (domain ) (not (hal_telephony_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_209)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_209 (and (domain ) (not (hal_sensors_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_208)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_208 (and (domain ) (not (hal_secure_element_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_207)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_207 (and (domain ) (not (hal_power_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_206)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_206 (and (domain ) (not (hal_oemlock_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_205)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_205 (and (domain ) (not (hal_nfc_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_204)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_204 (and (halserverdomain ) (not (hal_dumpstate_server hal_telephony_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_203)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_203 (and (halserverdomain ) (not (hal_automotive_socket_exemption hal_telephony_server hal_tetheroffload_server hal_wifi_server hal_wifi_hostapd_server hal_wifi_supplicant_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_202)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_202 (and (halserverdomain ) (not (hal_bluetooth_server hal_telephony_server hal_wifi_server hal_wifi_hostapd_server hal_wifi_supplicant_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_201)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_201 (and (domain ) (not (hal_neuralnetworks_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_200)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_200 (and (domain ) (not (hal_memtrack_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_199)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_199 (and (domain ) (not (hal_lowpan_server init ueventd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_198)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_198 (and (domain ) (not (hal_lowpan_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_197)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_197 (and (domain ) (not (hal_light_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_196)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_196 (and (domain ) (not (hal_keymaster_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_195)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_195 (and (domain ) (not (hal_ir_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_194)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_194 (and (domain ) (not (hal_health_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_193)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_193 (and (domain ) (not (hal_graphics_composer_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_192)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_192 (and (domain ) (not (hal_graphics_allocator_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_191)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_191 (and (domain ) (not (hal_gnss_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_190)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_190 (and (domain ) (not (hal_gatekeeper_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_189)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_189 (and (domain ) (not (hal_fingerprint_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_188)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_188 (and (domain ) (not (hal_dumpstate_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_187)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_187 (and (domain ) (not (hal_drm_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_186)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_186 (and (domain ) (not (hal_contexthub_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_185)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_185 (and (domain ) (not (hal_confirmationui_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_184)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_184 (and (data_file_type ) (not (anr_data_file tombstone_data_file zoneinfo_data_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_183)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_183 (and (domain ) (not (hal_configstore_server logd tombstoned ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_182)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_182 (and (domain ) (not (hal_configstore_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_181)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_181 (and (domain ) (not (hal_cas_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_180)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_180 (and (halserverdomain ) (not (hal_camera_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_179)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_179 (and (domain ) (not (hal_camera_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_178)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_178 (and (domain ) (not (hal_broadcastradio_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_177)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_177 (and (domain ) (not (hal_bootctl_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_176)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_176 (and (domain ) (not (hal_bluetooth_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_175)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_175 (and (domain ) (not (hal_authsecret_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_174)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_174 (and (domain ) (not (hal_audiocontrol_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_173)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_173 (and (halserverdomain ) (not (hal_audio_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_172)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_172 (and (domain ) (not (hal_audio_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_171)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_171 (and (domain ) (not (hal_allocator_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_170)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_170 (and (domain ) (not (gatekeeperd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_169)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_169 (and (domain ) (not (vold ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_168)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_168 (and (fs_type file_type ) (not (fsck_exec ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_167)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_167 (and (domain ) (not (init vold ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_166)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_166 (and (domain ) (not (fingerprintd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_165)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_165 (and (domain ) (not (dumpstate shell system_server traceur_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_164)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_164 (and (domain ) (not (dumpstate ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_163)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_163 (and (service_manager_type ) (not (dumpstate_service gatekeeper_service incident_service virtual_touchpad_service vold_service vr_hwc_service ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_162)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_162 (and (domain ) (not (drmserver ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_161)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_161 (and (coredomain ) (not (init ueventd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_160)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_160 (and (domain ) (not (traced_probes ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_159)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_159 (and (domain ) (not (dnsmasq dumpstate init install_recovery installd lmkd netd perfprofd postinstall_dexopt recovery sdcardd tee ueventd uncrypt vendor_init vold vold_prepare_subdirs zygote ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_158)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_158 (and (coredomain ) (not (appdomain bootanim crash_dump init kernel perfprofd ueventd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_157)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_157 (not (coredomain ) ))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_156)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_156 (not (rootfs system_file vendor_file ) ))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_155)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_155 (and (domain ) (not (installd profman ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_154)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_154 (and (domain ) (not (dumpstate init system_server vendor_init ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_153)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_153 (not (hwservicemanager ) ))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_152)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_152 (not (servicemanager vndservicemanager ) ))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_151)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_151 (and (domain ) (not (appdomain adbd dumpstate installd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_150)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_150 (and (domain ) (not (appdomain adbd dumpstate init installd system_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_149)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_149 (and (domain ) (not (adbd dumpstate init installd shell vold ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_148)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_148 (and (domain ) (not (installd shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_147)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_147 (and (domain ) (not (appdomain installd uncrypt ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_146)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_146 (and (domain ) (not (runas webview_zygote zygote ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_145)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_145 (and (domain ) (not (adbd init runas zygote ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_144)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_144 (and (domain ) (not (appdomain installd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_143)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_143 (and (domain ) (not (appdomain installd system_server traced_probes ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_142)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_142 (and (domain ) (not (init installd system_app system_server vold_prepare_subdirs ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_141)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_141 (not (domain ) ))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_140)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_140 (and (domain ) (not (untrusted_app_all ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_139)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_139 (and (file_type ) (not (apk_data_file app_data_file asec_public_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_138)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_138 (and (domain ) (not (dumpstate incidentd system_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_137)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_137 (and (domain ) (not (crash_dump dumpstate incidentd mediacodec mediaextractor system_server tombstoned ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_136)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_136 (and (domain ) (not (system_server webview_zygote ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_135)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_135 (and (domain ) (not (system_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_134)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_134 (and (domain ) (not (system_server zygote ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_133)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_133 (and (domain ) (not (cppreopts dex2oat init installd otapreopt_slot postinstall_dexopt zygote ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_132)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_132 (and (coredomain ) (not (system_executes_vendor_violators shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_131)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_131 (and (vendor_file_type ) (not (vendor_app_file same_process_hal_file vndk_sp_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_130)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_130 (and (coredomain ) (not (system_executes_vendor_violators init shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_129)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_129 (and (exec_type ) (not (vendor_file_type crash_dump_exec netutils_wrapper_exec ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_128)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_128 (and (domain ) (not (appdomain coredomain vendor_executes_system_violators vendor_init ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_127)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_127 (and (coredomain ) (not (init shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_126)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_126 (and (coredomain ) (not (appdomain idmap init installd system_server webview_zygote zygote ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_125)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_125 (and (coredomain ) (not (appdomain dex2oat idmap init installd postinstall_dexopt system_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_124)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_124 (and (coredomain ) (not (data_between_core_and_vendor_violators init ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_123)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_123 (and (coredomain ) (not (data_between_core_and_vendor_violators init vold vold_prepare_subdirs ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_122)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_122 (and (domain ) (not (appdomain coredomain data_between_core_and_vendor_violators ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_121)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_121 (and (core_data_file_type ) (not (system_data_file vendor_data_file unencrypted_data_file zoneinfo_data_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_120)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_120 (and (core_data_file_type ) (not (system_data_file vendor_data_file zoneinfo_data_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_119)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_119 (and (core_data_file_type ) (not (unencrypted_data_file zoneinfo_data_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_118)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_118 (and (vendor_init ) (not (data_between_core_and_vendor_violators ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_117)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_117 (and (core_data_file_type ) (not (zoneinfo_data_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_116)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_116 (and (domain ) (not (appdomain coredomain data_between_core_and_vendor_violators vendor_init ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_115)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_115 (and (data_file_type ) (not (core_data_file_type vendor_data_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_114)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_114 (and (data_file_type ) (not (core_data_file_type ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_113)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_113 (and (coredomain ) (not (appdomain data_between_core_and_vendor_violators init vold_prepare_subdirs ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_112)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_112 (and (dev_type file_type ) (not (core_data_file_type coredomain_socket unlabeled ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_111)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_111 (and (coredomain ) (not (socket_between_core_and_vendor_violators init ueventd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_110)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_110 (and (core_data_file_type coredomain_socket unlabeled ) (not (pdx_endpoint_socket_type pdx_channel_socket_type app_data_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_109)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_109 (and (domain ) (not (appdomain coredomain socket_between_core_and_vendor_violators data_between_core_and_vendor_violators vendor_init ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_108)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_108 (and (domain ) (not (netdomain coredomain socket_between_core_and_vendor_violators ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_107)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_107 (and (coredomain ) (not (incidentd init logd mdnsd netd tombstoned ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_106)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_106 (and (domain ) (not (appdomain coredomain socket_between_core_and_vendor_violators ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_105)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_105 (and (domain ) (not (coredomain socket_between_core_and_vendor_violators ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_104)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_104 (and (coredomain ) (not (adbd init ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_103)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_103 (and (coredomain ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_102)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_102 (and (coredomain ) (not (shell ueventd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_101)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_101 (and (service_manager_type ) (not (app_api_service ephemeral_app_api_service audioserver_service cameraserver_service drmserver_service keystore_service mediaserver_service mediametrics_service mediaextractor_service mediadrmserver_service nfc_service radio_service virtual_touchpad_service vr_hwc_service vr_manager_service ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_100)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_100 (and (appdomain ) (not (coredomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_99)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_99 (and (domain ) (not (appdomain coredomain binder_in_vendor_violators ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_98)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_98 (and (domain ) (not (hwservicemanager servicemanager vndservicemanager ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_97)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_97 (and (domain ) (not (hal_bootctl_server init recovery ueventd uncrypt update_engine vendor_init vold ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_96)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_96 (and (domain ) (not (install_recovery recovery ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_95)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_95 (and (domain ) (not (recovery update_engine ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_94)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_94 (and (domain ) (not (e2fs fsck init recovery vold ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_93)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_93 (and (domain ) (not (init recovery shell system_server ueventd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_92)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_92 (and (domain ) (not (dumpstate init system_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_91)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_91 (and (domain ) (not (hal_drm_server hal_cas_server adbd dumpstate init mediadrmserver recovery shell system_server vendor_init ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_90)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_90 (and (domain ) (not (init system_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_89)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_89 (and (fs_type ) (not (contextmount_type ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_88)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_88 (and (fs_type ) (not (rootfs ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_87)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_87 (and (domain ) (not (appdomain bootanim recovery ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_86)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_86 (and (file_type ) (not (exec_type vendor_file_type system_file postinstall_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_85)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_85 (and (domain ) (not (appdomain dumpstate shell webview_zygote zygote ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_84)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_84 (and (fs_type ) (not (sdcard_type ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_83)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_83 (and (domain ) (not (init kernel otapreopt_chroot recovery update_engine vold zygote ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_82)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_82 (and (domain ) (not (init kernel recovery ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_81)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_81 (and (domain ) (not (init vendor_init ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_80)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_80 (and (domain ) (not (init ueventd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_79)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_79 (and (domain ) (not (shell ueventd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_78)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_78 (and (file_type ) (not (exec_type postinstall_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_77)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_77 (and (domain ) (not (init shell ueventd vendor_init ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_76)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_76 (and (domain ) (not (init shell system_server ueventd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_75)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_75 (and (domain ) (not (init ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_74)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_74 (and (domain ) (not (kernel ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_73)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_73 (and (domain ) (not (healthd init kernel recovery tee ueventd uncrypt ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_72)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_72 (and (domain ) (not (init kernel ueventd vold ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_71)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_71 (and (domain ) (not (init recovery ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_70)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_70 (and (domain ) (not (domain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_69)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_69 (and (domain ) (not (coredomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_68)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_68 (and (domain ) (not (isolated_app servicemanager vndservicemanager ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_67)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_67 (and (appdomain coredomain binder_in_vendor_violators ) (not (hwservicemanager ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_66)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_66 (and (domain ) (not (display_service_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_65)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_65 (and (domain ) (not (crash_dump init keystore logd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_64)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_64 (and (domain ) (not (cameraserver ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_63)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_63 (and (domain ) (not (bufferhubd ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_62)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_62 (and (domain ) (not (bootstat init ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_61)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_61 (and (domain ) (not (bootstat init system_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_60)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_60 (and (domain ) (not (bootanim bootstat dumpstate init recovery shell system_server ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_59)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_59 (and (appdomain ) (not (bluetooth system_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_58)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_58 (and (data_file_type ) (not (system_data_file apk_data_file dalvikcache_data_file ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_57)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_57 (all))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_56)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_56 (and (appdomain ) (not (bluetooth nfc ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_55)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_55 (and (appdomain ) (not (untrusted_app_all platform_app priv_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_54)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_54 (and (appdomain ) (not (platform_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_53)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_53 (and (domain ) (not (appdomain crash_dump ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_52)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_52 (and (appdomain ) (not (shell ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_51)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_51 (and (domain ) (not (appdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_50)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_50 (and (appdomain ) (not (radio ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_49)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_49 (and (appdomain ) (not (nfc ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_48)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_48 (and (appdomain ) (not (bluetooth ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_47)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_47 (and (appdomain untrusted_v2_app ) (not (ephemeral_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_46)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_46 (and (appdomain ) (not (ephemeral_app isolated_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_45)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_45 (and (appdomain ) (not (untrusted_v2_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_44)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_44 (and (appdomain ) (not (ephemeral_app untrusted_v2_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_43)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_43 (and (appdomain ) (not (isolated_app ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_42)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_42 (and (hal_wifi_supplicant_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_41)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_41 (and (hal_wifi_offload_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_40)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_40 (and (hal_wifi_hostapd_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_39)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_39 (and (hal_wifi_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_38)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_38 (and (hal_weaver_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_37)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_37 (and (hal_vr_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_36)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_36 (and (hal_vibrator_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_35)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_35 (and (hal_vehicle_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_34)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_34 (and (hal_usb_gadget_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_33)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_33 (and (hal_usb_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_32)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_32 (and (hal_tv_input_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_31)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_31 (and (hal_tv_cec_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_30)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_30 (and (hal_thermal_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_29)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_29 (and (hal_tetheroffload_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_28)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_28 (and (hal_telephony_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_27)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_27 (and (hal_sensors_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_26)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_26 (and (hal_secure_element_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_25)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_25 (and (hal_power_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_24)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_24 (and (hal_oemlock_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_23)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_23 (and (hal_nfc_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_22)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_22 (and (hal_neuralnetworks_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_21)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_21 (and (hal_memtrack_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_20)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_20 (and (hal_lowpan_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_19)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_19 (and (hal_light_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_18)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_18 (and (hal_keymaster_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_17)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_17 (and (hal_ir_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_16)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_16 (and (hal_health_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_15)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_15 (and (hal_graphics_composer_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_14)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_14 (and (hal_graphics_allocator_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_13)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_13 (and (hal_gnss_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_12)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_12 (and (hal_gatekeeper_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_11)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_11 (and (hal_fingerprint_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_10)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_10 (and (hal_evs_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_9)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_9 (and (hal_dumpstate_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_8)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_8 (and (hal_contexthub_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_7)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_7 (and (hal_confirmationui_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_6)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_6 (and (hal_configstore_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_5)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_5 (and (hal_broadcastradio_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_4)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_4 (and (hal_bluetooth_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_3)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_3 (and (hal_authsecret_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_2)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_2 (and (hal_audiocontrol_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+(typeattribute base_typeattr_1)
+(typeattributeset base_typeattr_1 (and (hal_allocator_server ) (not (halserverdomain ))))
+; THIS IS A WORKAROUND for the current limitations of the module policy language
+; This should be used sparingly until we figure out a saner way to achieve the
+; stuff below, for example, by improving typeattribute statement of module
+; language.
+; NOTE: This file has no effect on recovery policy.
+; Apps, except isolated apps, are clients of Allocator HAL
+; Unfortunately, we can't currently express this in module policy language:
+;     typeattribute { appdomain -isolated_app } hal_allocator_client;
+;     typeattribute hal_allocator_client halclientdomain;
+(typeattributeset hal_allocator_client ((and (appdomain) ((not (isolated_app))))))
+(typeattributeset halclientdomain (hal_allocator_client))
+; Apps, except isolated apps, are clients of Configstore HAL
+; Unfortunately, we can't currently express this in module policy language:
+;     typeattribute { appdomain -isolated_app } hal_configstore_client;
+(typeattributeset hal_configstore_client ((and (appdomain) ((not (isolated_app))))))
+; Apps, except isolated apps, are clients of Graphics Allocator HAL
+; Unfortunately, we can't currently express this in module policy language:
+;     typeattribute { appdomain -isolated_app } hal_graphics_allocator_client;
+(typeattributeset hal_graphics_allocator_client ((and (appdomain) ((not (isolated_app))))))
+; Apps, except isolated apps, are clients of Cas HAL
+; Unfortunately, we can't currently express this in module policy language:
+;     typeattribute { appdomain -isolated_app } hal_cas_client;
+(typeattributeset hal_cas_client ((and (appdomain) ((not (isolated_app))))))
+; Domains hosting Camera HAL implementations are clients of Allocator HAL
+; Unfortunately, we can't currently express this in module policy language:
+;     typeattribute hal_camera hal_allocator_client;
+(typeattributeset hal_allocator_client (hal_camera))
+; Apps, except isolated apps, are clients of Neuralnetworks HAL
+; Unfortunately, we can't currently express this in module policy language:
+;     typeattribute { appdomain -isolated_app } hal_neuralnetworks_client;
+(typeattributeset hal_neuralnetworks_client ((and (appdomain) ((not (isolated_app))))))
diff --git a/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_service_contexts b/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_service_contexts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1c26e501d8b4af99e0b5a462fce111844f7e59a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/selinux/plat_service_contexts
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+accessibility                             u:object_r:accessibility_service:s0
+account                                   u:object_r:account_service:s0
+activity                                  u:object_r:activity_service:s0
+alarm                                     u:object_r:alarm_service:s0
+android.os.UpdateEngineService            u:object_r:update_engine_service:s0
+android.security.keystore                 u:object_r:keystore_service:s0
+android.service.gatekeeper.IGateKeeperService    u:object_r:gatekeeper_service:s0
+appops                                    u:object_r:appops_service:s0
+appwidget                                 u:object_r:appwidget_service:s0
+assetatlas                                u:object_r:assetatlas_service:s0
+audio                                     u:object_r:audio_service:s0
+autofill                                  u:object_r:autofill_service:s0
+backup                                    u:object_r:backup_service:s0
+batteryproperties                         u:object_r:batteryproperties_service:s0
+batterystats                              u:object_r:batterystats_service:s0
+battery                                   u:object_r:battery_service:s0
+binder_calls_stats                        u:object_r:binder_calls_stats_service:s0
+bluetooth_manager                         u:object_r:bluetooth_manager_service:s0
+bluetooth                                 u:object_r:bluetooth_service:s0
+broadcastradio                            u:object_r:broadcastradio_service:s0
+carrier_config                            u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+clipboard                                 u:object_r:clipboard_service:s0
+com.android.net.IProxyService             u:object_r:IProxyService_service:s0
+commontime_management                     u:object_r:commontime_management_service:s0
+common_time.clock                         u:object_r:mediaserver_service:s0
+common_time.config                        u:object_r:mediaserver_service:s0
+companiondevice                           u:object_r:companion_device_service:s0
+connectivity                              u:object_r:connectivity_service:s0
+connmetrics                               u:object_r:connmetrics_service:s0
+consumer_ir                               u:object_r:consumer_ir_service:s0
+content                                   u:object_r:content_service:s0
+contexthub                                u:object_r:contexthub_service:s0
+country_detector                          u:object_r:country_detector_service:s0
+coverage                                  u:object_r:coverage_service:s0
+cpuinfo                                   u:object_r:cpuinfo_service:s0
+crossprofileapps                          u:object_r:crossprofileapps_service:s0
+dbinfo                                    u:object_r:dbinfo_service:s0
+device_policy                             u:object_r:device_policy_service:s0
+device_identifiers                        u:object_r:device_identifiers_service:s0
+deviceidle                                u:object_r:deviceidle_service:s0
+devicestoragemonitor                      u:object_r:devicestoragemonitor_service:s0
+diskstats                                 u:object_r:diskstats_service:s0
+display                                   u:object_r:display_service:s0
+netd_listener                             u:object_r:netd_listener_service:s0
+network_watchlist                         u:object_r:network_watchlist_service:s0
+DockObserver                              u:object_r:DockObserver_service:s0
+dreams                                    u:object_r:dreams_service:s0
+drm.drmManager                            u:object_r:drmserver_service:s0
+dropbox                                   u:object_r:dropbox_service:s0
+dumpstate                                 u:object_r:dumpstate_service:s0
+econtroller                               u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+euicc_card_controller                     u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+lowpan                                    u:object_r:lowpan_service:s0
+ethernet                                  u:object_r:ethernet_service:s0
+fingerprint                               u:object_r:fingerprint_service:s0
+font                                      u:object_r:font_service:s0
+android.hardware.fingerprint.IFingerprintDaemon u:object_r:fingerprintd_service:s0
+gfxinfo                                   u:object_r:gfxinfo_service:s0
+graphicsstats                             u:object_r:graphicsstats_service:s0
+gpu                                       u:object_r:gpu_service:s0
+hardware                                  u:object_r:hardware_service:s0
+hardware_properties                       u:object_r:hardware_properties_service:s0
+hdmi_control                              u:object_r:hdmi_control_service:s0
+incident                                  u:object_r:incident_service:s0
+inputflinger                              u:object_r:inputflinger_service:s0
+input_method                              u:object_r:input_method_service:s0
+input                                     u:object_r:input_service:s0
+installd                                  u:object_r:installd_service:s0
+iphonesubinfo_msim                        u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+iphonesubinfo2                            u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+iphonesubinfo                             u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+ims                                       u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+imms                                      u:object_r:imms_service:s0
+ipsec                                     u:object_r:ipsec_service:s0
+isms_msim                                 u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+isms2                                     u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+isms                                      u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+isub                                      u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+jobscheduler                              u:object_r:jobscheduler_service:s0
+launcherapps                              u:object_r:launcherapps_service:s0
+location                                  u:object_r:location_service:s0
+lock_settings                             u:object_r:lock_settings_service:s0
+media.aaudio                              u:object_r:audioserver_service:s0
+media.audio_flinger                       u:object_r:audioserver_service:s0
+media.audio_policy                        u:object_r:audioserver_service:s0
+media.camera                              u:object_r:cameraserver_service:s0
+media.camera.proxy                        u:object_r:cameraproxy_service:s0
+media.log                                 u:object_r:audioserver_service:s0
+media.player                              u:object_r:mediaserver_service:s0
+media.metrics                             u:object_r:mediametrics_service:s0
+media.extractor                           u:object_r:mediaextractor_service:s0
+media.extractor.update                    u:object_r:mediaextractor_update_service:s0
+media.codec                               u:object_r:mediacodec_service:s0
+media.resource_manager                    u:object_r:mediaserver_service:s0
+media.sound_trigger_hw                    u:object_r:audioserver_service:s0
+media.drm                                 u:object_r:mediadrmserver_service:s0
+media_projection                          u:object_r:media_projection_service:s0
+media_resource_monitor                    u:object_r:media_session_service:s0
+media_router                              u:object_r:media_router_service:s0
+media_session                             u:object_r:media_session_service:s0
+meminfo                                   u:object_r:meminfo_service:s0
+midi                                      u:object_r:midi_service:s0
+mount                                     u:object_r:mount_service:s0
+netd                                      u:object_r:netd_service:s0
+netpolicy                                 u:object_r:netpolicy_service:s0
+netstats                                  u:object_r:netstats_service:s0
+network_management                        u:object_r:network_management_service:s0
+network_score                             u:object_r:network_score_service:s0
+network_time_update_service               u:object_r:network_time_update_service:s0
+nfc                                       u:object_r:nfc_service:s0
+notification                              u:object_r:notification_service:s0
+oem_lock                                  u:object_r:oem_lock_service:s0
+otadexopt                                 u:object_r:otadexopt_service:s0
+overlay                                   u:object_r:overlay_service:s0
+package                                   u:object_r:package_service:s0
+package_native                            u:object_r:package_native_service:s0
+perfprofd                                 u:object_r:perfprofd_service:s0
+permission                                u:object_r:permission_service:s0
+persistent_data_block                     u:object_r:persistent_data_block_service:s0
+phone_msim                                u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+phone1                                    u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+phone2                                    u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+phone                                     u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+pinner                                    u:object_r:pinner_service:s0
+power                                     u:object_r:power_service:s0
+print                                     u:object_r:print_service:s0
+processinfo                               u:object_r:processinfo_service:s0
+procstats                                 u:object_r:procstats_service:s0
+radio.phonesubinfo                        u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+radio.phone                               u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+radio.sms                                 u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+recovery                                  u:object_r:recovery_service:s0
+restrictions                              u:object_r:restrictions_service:s0
+rttmanager                                u:object_r:rttmanager_service:s0
+samplingprofiler                          u:object_r:samplingprofiler_service:s0
+scheduling_policy                         u:object_r:scheduling_policy_service:s0
+search                                    u:object_r:search_service:s0
+secure_element                            u:object_r:secure_element_service:s0
+sec_key_att_app_id_provider               u:object_r:sec_key_att_app_id_provider_service:s0
+sensorservice                             u:object_r:sensorservice_service:s0
+serial                                    u:object_r:serial_service:s0
+servicediscovery                          u:object_r:servicediscovery_service:s0
+settings                                  u:object_r:settings_service:s0
+shortcut                                  u:object_r:shortcut_service:s0
+simphonebook_msim                         u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+simphonebook2                             u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+simphonebook                              u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+sip                                       u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+slice                                     u:object_r:slice_service:s0
+stats                                     u:object_r:stats_service:s0
+statscompanion                            u:object_r:statscompanion_service:s0
+soundtrigger                              u:object_r:voiceinteraction_service:s0
+statusbar                                 u:object_r:statusbar_service:s0
+storaged                                  u:object_r:storaged_service:s0
+storaged_pri                              u:object_r:storaged_service:s0
+storagestats                              u:object_r:storagestats_service:s0
+SurfaceFlinger                            u:object_r:surfaceflinger_service:s0
+system_update                             u:object_r:system_update_service:s0
+task                                      u:object_r:task_service:s0
+telecom                                   u:object_r:telecom_service:s0
+telephony.registry                        u:object_r:registry_service:s0
+textclassification                        u:object_r:textclassification_service:s0
+textservices                              u:object_r:textservices_service:s0
+timezone                                  u:object_r:timezone_service:s0
+thermalservice                            u:object_r:thermal_service:s0
+trust                                     u:object_r:trust_service:s0
+tv_input                                  u:object_r:tv_input_service:s0
+uimode                                    u:object_r:uimode_service:s0
+updatelock                                u:object_r:updatelock_service:s0
+usagestats                                u:object_r:usagestats_service:s0
+usb                                       u:object_r:usb_service:s0
+user                                      u:object_r:user_service:s0
+vibrator                                  u:object_r:vibrator_service:s0
+virtual_touchpad                          u:object_r:virtual_touchpad_service:s0
+voiceinteraction                          u:object_r:voiceinteraction_service:s0
+vold                                      u:object_r:vold_service:s0
+vr_hwc                                    u:object_r:vr_hwc_service:s0
+vrmanager                                 u:object_r:vr_manager_service:s0
+wallpaper                                 u:object_r:wallpaper_service:s0
+webviewupdate                             u:object_r:webviewupdate_service:s0
+wifip2p                                   u:object_r:wifip2p_service:s0
+wifiscanner                               u:object_r:wifiscanner_service:s0
+wifi                                      u:object_r:wifi_service:s0
+wificond                                  u:object_r:wificond_service:s0
+wifiaware                                 u:object_r:wifiaware_service:s0
+wifirtt                                   u:object_r:rttmanager_service:s0
+window                                    u:object_r:window_service:s0
+*                                         u:object_r:default_android_service:s0
+optiflex                                  u:object_r:optiflex_service:s0
+qti.security.seemp                             u:object_r:seemp_service:s0
+seempservice                                   u:object_r:seemp_service:s0
+qti.security.seempspa                          u:object_r:seemp_service:s0
+cneservice                                     u:object_r:cne_service:s0
+dpmservice                                     u:object_r:dpmservice:s0
+uce                                            u:object_r:uce_service:s0
+vendor.audio.vrservice                         u:object_r:audioserver_service:s0
+MinkBinderSvc                                  u:object_r:MinkBinderSvc:s0
+com.qualcomm.location.izat.IzatService         u:object_r:izat_service:s0
+sms-sec                                        u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+extphone                                       u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+qti.ims.ext                                    u:object_r:radio_service:s0
+com.qti.snapdragon.sdk.display.IColorService   u:object_r:color_service:s0
+regionalization                                u:object_r:regionalization_service:s0
+wigigp2p                                       u:object_r:wigigp2p_service:s0
+wigig                                          u:object_r:wigig_service:s0
+vendor.perfservice                             u:object_r:vendor_perf_service:s0
+wfdservice                                     u:object_r:wfdservice_service:s0
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/descriptor.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/descriptor.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..08b155548beb90ed850bd92e882a8896a7f29577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/descriptor.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,803 @@
+// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.  All rights reserved.
+// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Author: kenton@google.com (Kenton Varda)
+//  Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
+//  Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
+// The messages in this file describe the definitions found in .proto files.
+// A valid .proto file can be translated directly to a FileDescriptorProto
+// without any other information (e.g. without reading its imports).
+syntax = "proto2";
+package google.protobuf;
+option go_package = "descriptor";
+option java_package = "com.google.protobuf";
+option java_outer_classname = "DescriptorProtos";
+option csharp_namespace = "Google.Protobuf.Reflection";
+option objc_class_prefix = "GPB";
+// descriptor.proto must be optimized for speed because reflection-based
+// algorithms don't work during bootstrapping.
+option optimize_for = SPEED;
+// The protocol compiler can output a FileDescriptorSet containing the .proto
+// files it parses.
+message FileDescriptorSet {
+  repeated FileDescriptorProto file = 1;
+// Describes a complete .proto file.
+message FileDescriptorProto {
+  optional string name = 1;       // file name, relative to root of source tree
+  optional string package = 2;    // e.g. "foo", "foo.bar", etc.
+  // Names of files imported by this file.
+  repeated string dependency = 3;
+  // Indexes of the public imported files in the dependency list above.
+  repeated int32 public_dependency = 10;
+  // Indexes of the weak imported files in the dependency list.
+  // For Google-internal migration only. Do not use.
+  repeated int32 weak_dependency = 11;
+  // All top-level definitions in this file.
+  repeated DescriptorProto message_type = 4;
+  repeated EnumDescriptorProto enum_type = 5;
+  repeated ServiceDescriptorProto service = 6;
+  repeated FieldDescriptorProto extension = 7;
+  optional FileOptions options = 8;
+  // This field contains optional information about the original source code.
+  // You may safely remove this entire field without harming runtime
+  // functionality of the descriptors -- the information is needed only by
+  // development tools.
+  optional SourceCodeInfo source_code_info = 9;
+  // The syntax of the proto file.
+  // The supported values are "proto2" and "proto3".
+  optional string syntax = 12;
+// Describes a message type.
+message DescriptorProto {
+  optional string name = 1;
+  repeated FieldDescriptorProto field = 2;
+  repeated FieldDescriptorProto extension = 6;
+  repeated DescriptorProto nested_type = 3;
+  repeated EnumDescriptorProto enum_type = 4;
+  message ExtensionRange {
+    optional int32 start = 1;
+    optional int32 end = 2;
+  }
+  repeated ExtensionRange extension_range = 5;
+  repeated OneofDescriptorProto oneof_decl = 8;
+  optional MessageOptions options = 7;
+  // Range of reserved tag numbers. Reserved tag numbers may not be used by
+  // fields or extension ranges in the same message. Reserved ranges may
+  // not overlap.
+  message ReservedRange {
+    optional int32 start = 1; // Inclusive.
+    optional int32 end = 2;   // Exclusive.
+  }
+  repeated ReservedRange reserved_range = 9;
+  // Reserved field names, which may not be used by fields in the same message.
+  // A given name may only be reserved once.
+  repeated string reserved_name = 10;
+// Describes a field within a message.
+message FieldDescriptorProto {
+  enum Type {
+    // 0 is reserved for errors.
+    // Order is weird for historical reasons.
+    TYPE_DOUBLE         = 1;
+    TYPE_FLOAT          = 2;
+    // Not ZigZag encoded.  Negative numbers take 10 bytes.  Use TYPE_SINT64 if
+    // negative values are likely.
+    TYPE_INT64          = 3;
+    TYPE_UINT64         = 4;
+    // Not ZigZag encoded.  Negative numbers take 10 bytes.  Use TYPE_SINT32 if
+    // negative values are likely.
+    TYPE_INT32          = 5;
+    TYPE_FIXED64        = 6;
+    TYPE_FIXED32        = 7;
+    TYPE_BOOL           = 8;
+    TYPE_STRING         = 9;
+    TYPE_GROUP          = 10;  // Tag-delimited aggregate.
+    TYPE_MESSAGE        = 11;  // Length-delimited aggregate.
+    // New in version 2.
+    TYPE_BYTES          = 12;
+    TYPE_UINT32         = 13;
+    TYPE_ENUM           = 14;
+    TYPE_SFIXED32       = 15;
+    TYPE_SFIXED64       = 16;
+    TYPE_SINT32         = 17;  // Uses ZigZag encoding.
+    TYPE_SINT64         = 18;  // Uses ZigZag encoding.
+  };
+  enum Label {
+    // 0 is reserved for errors
+    LABEL_OPTIONAL      = 1;
+    LABEL_REQUIRED      = 2;
+    LABEL_REPEATED      = 3;
+    // TODO(sanjay): Should we add LABEL_MAP?
+  };
+  optional string name = 1;
+  optional int32 number = 3;
+  optional Label label = 4;
+  // If type_name is set, this need not be set.  If both this and type_name
+  // are set, this must be one of TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_MESSAGE or TYPE_GROUP.
+  optional Type type = 5;
+  // For message and enum types, this is the name of the type.  If the name
+  // starts with a '.', it is fully-qualified.  Otherwise, C++-like scoping
+  // rules are used to find the type (i.e. first the nested types within this
+  // message are searched, then within the parent, on up to the root
+  // namespace).
+  optional string type_name = 6;
+  // For extensions, this is the name of the type being extended.  It is
+  // resolved in the same manner as type_name.
+  optional string extendee = 2;
+  // For numeric types, contains the original text representation of the value.
+  // For booleans, "true" or "false".
+  // For strings, contains the default text contents (not escaped in any way).
+  // For bytes, contains the C escaped value.  All bytes >= 128 are escaped.
+  // TODO(kenton):  Base-64 encode?
+  optional string default_value = 7;
+  // If set, gives the index of a oneof in the containing type's oneof_decl
+  // list.  This field is a member of that oneof.
+  optional int32 oneof_index = 9;
+  // JSON name of this field. The value is set by protocol compiler. If the
+  // user has set a "json_name" option on this field, that option's value
+  // will be used. Otherwise, it's deduced from the field's name by converting
+  // it to camelCase.
+  optional string json_name = 10;
+  optional FieldOptions options = 8;
+// Describes a oneof.
+message OneofDescriptorProto {
+  optional string name = 1;
+// Describes an enum type.
+message EnumDescriptorProto {
+  optional string name = 1;
+  repeated EnumValueDescriptorProto value = 2;
+  optional EnumOptions options = 3;
+// Describes a value within an enum.
+message EnumValueDescriptorProto {
+  optional string name = 1;
+  optional int32 number = 2;
+  optional EnumValueOptions options = 3;
+// Describes a service.
+message ServiceDescriptorProto {
+  optional string name = 1;
+  repeated MethodDescriptorProto method = 2;
+  optional ServiceOptions options = 3;
+// Describes a method of a service.
+message MethodDescriptorProto {
+  optional string name = 1;
+  // Input and output type names.  These are resolved in the same way as
+  // FieldDescriptorProto.type_name, but must refer to a message type.
+  optional string input_type = 2;
+  optional string output_type = 3;
+  optional MethodOptions options = 4;
+  // Identifies if client streams multiple client messages
+  optional bool client_streaming = 5 [default=false];
+  // Identifies if server streams multiple server messages
+  optional bool server_streaming = 6 [default=false];
+// ===================================================================
+// Options
+// Each of the definitions above may have "options" attached.  These are
+// just annotations which may cause code to be generated slightly differently
+// or may contain hints for code that manipulates protocol messages.
+// Clients may define custom options as extensions of the *Options messages.
+// These extensions may not yet be known at parsing time, so the parser cannot
+// store the values in them.  Instead it stores them in a field in the *Options
+// message called uninterpreted_option. This field must have the same name
+// across all *Options messages. We then use this field to populate the
+// extensions when we build a descriptor, at which point all protos have been
+// parsed and so all extensions are known.
+// Extension numbers for custom options may be chosen as follows:
+// * For options which will only be used within a single application or
+//   organization, or for experimental options, use field numbers 50000
+//   through 99999.  It is up to you to ensure that you do not use the
+//   same number for multiple options.
+// * For options which will be published and used publicly by multiple
+//   independent entities, e-mail protobuf-global-extension-registry@google.com
+//   to reserve extension numbers. Simply provide your project name (e.g.
+//   Objective-C plugin) and your project website (if available) -- there's no
+//   need to explain how you intend to use them. Usually you only need one
+//   extension number. You can declare multiple options with only one extension
+//   number by putting them in a sub-message. See the Custom Options section of
+//   the docs for examples:
+//   https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto#options
+//   If this turns out to be popular, a web service will be set up
+//   to automatically assign option numbers.
+message FileOptions {
+  // Sets the Java package where classes generated from this .proto will be
+  // placed.  By default, the proto package is used, but this is often
+  // inappropriate because proto packages do not normally start with backwards
+  // domain names.
+  optional string java_package = 1;
+  // If set, all the classes from the .proto file are wrapped in a single
+  // outer class with the given name.  This applies to both Proto1
+  // (equivalent to the old "--one_java_file" option) and Proto2 (where
+  // a .proto always translates to a single class, but you may want to
+  // explicitly choose the class name).
+  optional string java_outer_classname = 8;
+  // If set true, then the Java code generator will generate a separate .java
+  // file for each top-level message, enum, and service defined in the .proto
+  // file.  Thus, these types will *not* be nested inside the outer class
+  // named by java_outer_classname.  However, the outer class will still be
+  // generated to contain the file's getDescriptor() method as well as any
+  // top-level extensions defined in the file.
+  optional bool java_multiple_files = 10 [default=false];
+  // If set true, then the Java code generator will generate equals() and
+  // hashCode() methods for all messages defined in the .proto file.
+  // This increases generated code size, potentially substantially for large
+  // protos, which may harm a memory-constrained application.
+  // - In the full runtime this is a speed optimization, as the
+  // AbstractMessage base class includes reflection-based implementations of
+  // these methods.
+  // - In the lite runtime, setting this option changes the semantics of
+  // equals() and hashCode() to more closely match those of the full runtime;
+  // the generated methods compute their results based on field values rather
+  // than object identity. (Implementations should not assume that hashcodes
+  // will be consistent across runtimes or versions of the protocol compiler.)
+  optional bool java_generate_equals_and_hash = 20 [default=false];
+  // If set true, then the Java2 code generator will generate code that
+  // throws an exception whenever an attempt is made to assign a non-UTF-8
+  // byte sequence to a string field.
+  // Message reflection will do the same.
+  // However, an extension field still accepts non-UTF-8 byte sequences.
+  // This option has no effect on when used with the lite runtime.
+  optional bool java_string_check_utf8 = 27 [default=false];
+  // Generated classes can be optimized for speed or code size.
+  enum OptimizeMode {
+    SPEED = 1;        // Generate complete code for parsing, serialization,
+                      // etc.
+    CODE_SIZE = 2;    // Use ReflectionOps to implement these methods.
+    LITE_RUNTIME = 3; // Generate code using MessageLite and the lite runtime.
+  }
+  optional OptimizeMode optimize_for = 9 [default=SPEED];
+  // Sets the Go package where structs generated from this .proto will be
+  // placed. If omitted, the Go package will be derived from the following:
+  //   - The basename of the package import path, if provided.
+  //   - Otherwise, the package statement in the .proto file, if present.
+  //   - Otherwise, the basename of the .proto file, without extension.
+  optional string go_package = 11;
+  // Should generic services be generated in each language?  "Generic" services
+  // are not specific to any particular RPC system.  They are generated by the
+  // main code generators in each language (without additional plugins).
+  // Generic services were the only kind of service generation supported by
+  // early versions of google.protobuf.
+  //
+  // Generic services are now considered deprecated in favor of using plugins
+  // that generate code specific to your particular RPC system.  Therefore,
+  // these default to false.  Old code which depends on generic services should
+  // explicitly set them to true.
+  optional bool cc_generic_services = 16 [default=false];
+  optional bool java_generic_services = 17 [default=false];
+  optional bool py_generic_services = 18 [default=false];
+  // Is this file deprecated?
+  // Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations
+  // for everything in the file, or it will be completely ignored; in the very
+  // least, this is a formalization for deprecating files.
+  optional bool deprecated = 23 [default=false];
+  // Enables the use of arenas for the proto messages in this file. This applies
+  // only to generated classes for C++.
+  optional bool cc_enable_arenas = 31 [default=false];
+  // Sets the objective c class prefix which is prepended to all objective c
+  // generated classes from this .proto. There is no default.
+  optional string objc_class_prefix = 36;
+  // Namespace for generated classes; defaults to the package.
+  optional string csharp_namespace = 37;
+  // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
+  repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
+  // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
+  extensions 1000 to max;
+  reserved 38;
+message MessageOptions {
+  // Set true to use the old proto1 MessageSet wire format for extensions.
+  // This is provided for backwards-compatibility with the MessageSet wire
+  // format.  You should not use this for any other reason:  It's less
+  // efficient, has fewer features, and is more complicated.
+  //
+  // The message must be defined exactly as follows:
+  //   message Foo {
+  //     option message_set_wire_format = true;
+  //     extensions 4 to max;
+  //   }
+  // Note that the message cannot have any defined fields; MessageSets only
+  // have extensions.
+  //
+  // All extensions of your type must be singular messages; e.g. they cannot
+  // be int32s, enums, or repeated messages.
+  //
+  // Because this is an option, the above two restrictions are not enforced by
+  // the protocol compiler.
+  optional bool message_set_wire_format = 1 [default=false];
+  // Disables the generation of the standard "descriptor()" accessor, which can
+  // conflict with a field of the same name.  This is meant to make migration
+  // from proto1 easier; new code should avoid fields named "descriptor".
+  optional bool no_standard_descriptor_accessor = 2 [default=false];
+  // Is this message deprecated?
+  // Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations
+  // for the message, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least,
+  // this is a formalization for deprecating messages.
+  optional bool deprecated = 3 [default=false];
+  // Whether the message is an automatically generated map entry type for the
+  // maps field.
+  //
+  // For maps fields:
+  //     map<KeyType, ValueType> map_field = 1;
+  // The parsed descriptor looks like:
+  //     message MapFieldEntry {
+  //         option map_entry = true;
+  //         optional KeyType key = 1;
+  //         optional ValueType value = 2;
+  //     }
+  //     repeated MapFieldEntry map_field = 1;
+  //
+  // Implementations may choose not to generate the map_entry=true message, but
+  // use a native map in the target language to hold the keys and values.
+  // The reflection APIs in such implementions still need to work as
+  // if the field is a repeated message field.
+  //
+  // NOTE: Do not set the option in .proto files. Always use the maps syntax
+  // instead. The option should only be implicitly set by the proto compiler
+  // parser.
+  optional bool map_entry = 7;
+  // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
+  repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
+  // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
+  extensions 1000 to max;
+message FieldOptions {
+  // The ctype option instructs the C++ code generator to use a different
+  // representation of the field than it normally would.  See the specific
+  // options below.  This option is not yet implemented in the open source
+  // release -- sorry, we'll try to include it in a future version!
+  optional CType ctype = 1 [default = STRING];
+  enum CType {
+    // Default mode.
+    STRING = 0;
+    CORD = 1;
+    STRING_PIECE = 2;
+  }
+  // The packed option can be enabled for repeated primitive fields to enable
+  // a more efficient representation on the wire. Rather than repeatedly
+  // writing the tag and type for each element, the entire array is encoded as
+  // a single length-delimited blob. In proto3, only explicit setting it to
+  // false will avoid using packed encoding.
+  optional bool packed = 2;
+  // The jstype option determines the JavaScript type used for values of the
+  // field.  The option is permitted only for 64 bit integral and fixed types
+  // (int64, uint64, sint64, fixed64, sfixed64).  By default these types are
+  // represented as JavaScript strings.  This avoids loss of precision that can
+  // happen when a large value is converted to a floating point JavaScript
+  // numbers.  Specifying JS_NUMBER for the jstype causes the generated
+  // JavaScript code to use the JavaScript "number" type instead of strings.
+  // This option is an enum to permit additional types to be added,
+  // e.g. goog.math.Integer.
+  optional JSType jstype = 6 [default = JS_NORMAL];
+  enum JSType {
+    // Use the default type.
+    JS_NORMAL = 0;
+    // Use JavaScript strings.
+    JS_STRING = 1;
+    // Use JavaScript numbers.
+    JS_NUMBER = 2;
+  }
+  // Should this field be parsed lazily?  Lazy applies only to message-type
+  // fields.  It means that when the outer message is initially parsed, the
+  // inner message's contents will not be parsed but instead stored in encoded
+  // form.  The inner message will actually be parsed when it is first accessed.
+  //
+  // This is only a hint.  Implementations are free to choose whether to use
+  // eager or lazy parsing regardless of the value of this option.  However,
+  // setting this option true suggests that the protocol author believes that
+  // using lazy parsing on this field is worth the additional bookkeeping
+  // overhead typically needed to implement it.
+  //
+  // This option does not affect the public interface of any generated code;
+  // all method signatures remain the same.  Furthermore, thread-safety of the
+  // interface is not affected by this option; const methods remain safe to
+  // call from multiple threads concurrently, while non-const methods continue
+  // to require exclusive access.
+  //
+  //
+  // Note that implementations may choose not to check required fields within
+  // a lazy sub-message.  That is, calling IsInitialized() on the outher message
+  // may return true even if the inner message has missing required fields.
+  // This is necessary because otherwise the inner message would have to be
+  // parsed in order to perform the check, defeating the purpose of lazy
+  // parsing.  An implementation which chooses not to check required fields
+  // must be consistent about it.  That is, for any particular sub-message, the
+  // implementation must either *always* check its required fields, or *never*
+  // check its required fields, regardless of whether or not the message has
+  // been parsed.
+  optional bool lazy = 5 [default=false];
+  // Is this field deprecated?
+  // Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations
+  // for accessors, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this
+  // is a formalization for deprecating fields.
+  optional bool deprecated = 3 [default=false];
+  // For Google-internal migration only. Do not use.
+  optional bool weak = 10 [default=false];
+  // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
+  repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
+  // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
+  extensions 1000 to max;
+message EnumOptions {
+  // Set this option to true to allow mapping different tag names to the same
+  // value.
+  optional bool allow_alias = 2;
+  // Is this enum deprecated?
+  // Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations
+  // for the enum, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this
+  // is a formalization for deprecating enums.
+  optional bool deprecated = 3 [default=false];
+  // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
+  repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
+  // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
+  extensions 1000 to max;
+message EnumValueOptions {
+  // Is this enum value deprecated?
+  // Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations
+  // for the enum value, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least,
+  // this is a formalization for deprecating enum values.
+  optional bool deprecated = 1 [default=false];
+  // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
+  repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
+  // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
+  extensions 1000 to max;
+message ServiceOptions {
+  // Note:  Field numbers 1 through 32 are reserved for Google's internal RPC
+  //   framework.  We apologize for hoarding these numbers to ourselves, but
+  //   we were already using them long before we decided to release Protocol
+  //   Buffers.
+  // Is this service deprecated?
+  // Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations
+  // for the service, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least,
+  // this is a formalization for deprecating services.
+  optional bool deprecated = 33 [default=false];
+  // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
+  repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
+  // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
+  extensions 1000 to max;
+message MethodOptions {
+  // Note:  Field numbers 1 through 32 are reserved for Google's internal RPC
+  //   framework.  We apologize for hoarding these numbers to ourselves, but
+  //   we were already using them long before we decided to release Protocol
+  //   Buffers.
+  // Is this method deprecated?
+  // Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations
+  // for the method, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least,
+  // this is a formalization for deprecating methods.
+  optional bool deprecated = 33 [default=false];
+  // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
+  repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
+  // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
+  extensions 1000 to max;
+// A message representing a option the parser does not recognize. This only
+// appears in options protos created by the compiler::Parser class.
+// DescriptorPool resolves these when building Descriptor objects. Therefore,
+// options protos in descriptor objects (e.g. returned by Descriptor::options(),
+// or produced by Descriptor::CopyTo()) will never have UninterpretedOptions
+// in them.
+message UninterpretedOption {
+  // The name of the uninterpreted option.  Each string represents a segment in
+  // a dot-separated name.  is_extension is true iff a segment represents an
+  // extension (denoted with parentheses in options specs in .proto files).
+  // E.g.,{ ["foo", false], ["bar.baz", true], ["qux", false] } represents
+  // "foo.(bar.baz).qux".
+  message NamePart {
+    required string name_part = 1;
+    required bool is_extension = 2;
+  }
+  repeated NamePart name = 2;
+  // The value of the uninterpreted option, in whatever type the tokenizer
+  // identified it as during parsing. Exactly one of these should be set.
+  optional string identifier_value = 3;
+  optional uint64 positive_int_value = 4;
+  optional int64 negative_int_value = 5;
+  optional double double_value = 6;
+  optional bytes string_value = 7;
+  optional string aggregate_value = 8;
+// ===================================================================
+// Optional source code info
+// Encapsulates information about the original source file from which a
+// FileDescriptorProto was generated.
+message SourceCodeInfo {
+  // A Location identifies a piece of source code in a .proto file which
+  // corresponds to a particular definition.  This information is intended
+  // to be useful to IDEs, code indexers, documentation generators, and similar
+  // tools.
+  //
+  // For example, say we have a file like:
+  //   message Foo {
+  //     optional string foo = 1;
+  //   }
+  // Let's look at just the field definition:
+  //   optional string foo = 1;
+  //   ^       ^^     ^^  ^  ^^^
+  //   a       bc     de  f  ghi
+  // We have the following locations:
+  //   span   path               represents
+  //   [a,i)  [ 4, 0, 2, 0 ]     The whole field definition.
+  //   [a,b)  [ 4, 0, 2, 0, 4 ]  The label (optional).
+  //   [c,d)  [ 4, 0, 2, 0, 5 ]  The type (string).
+  //   [e,f)  [ 4, 0, 2, 0, 1 ]  The name (foo).
+  //   [g,h)  [ 4, 0, 2, 0, 3 ]  The number (1).
+  //
+  // Notes:
+  // - A location may refer to a repeated field itself (i.e. not to any
+  //   particular index within it).  This is used whenever a set of elements are
+  //   logically enclosed in a single code segment.  For example, an entire
+  //   extend block (possibly containing multiple extension definitions) will
+  //   have an outer location whose path refers to the "extensions" repeated
+  //   field without an index.
+  // - Multiple locations may have the same path.  This happens when a single
+  //   logical declaration is spread out across multiple places.  The most
+  //   obvious example is the "extend" block again -- there may be multiple
+  //   extend blocks in the same scope, each of which will have the same path.
+  // - A location's span is not always a subset of its parent's span.  For
+  //   example, the "extendee" of an extension declaration appears at the
+  //   beginning of the "extend" block and is shared by all extensions within
+  //   the block.
+  // - Just because a location's span is a subset of some other location's span
+  //   does not mean that it is a descendent.  For example, a "group" defines
+  //   both a type and a field in a single declaration.  Thus, the locations
+  //   corresponding to the type and field and their components will overlap.
+  // - Code which tries to interpret locations should probably be designed to
+  //   ignore those that it doesn't understand, as more types of locations could
+  //   be recorded in the future.
+  repeated Location location = 1;
+  message Location {
+    // Identifies which part of the FileDescriptorProto was defined at this
+    // location.
+    //
+    // Each element is a field number or an index.  They form a path from
+    // the root FileDescriptorProto to the place where the definition.  For
+    // example, this path:
+    //   [ 4, 3, 2, 7, 1 ]
+    // refers to:
+    //   file.message_type(3)  // 4, 3
+    //       .field(7)         // 2, 7
+    //       .name()           // 1
+    // This is because FileDescriptorProto.message_type has field number 4:
+    //   repeated DescriptorProto message_type = 4;
+    // and DescriptorProto.field has field number 2:
+    //   repeated FieldDescriptorProto field = 2;
+    // and FieldDescriptorProto.name has field number 1:
+    //   optional string name = 1;
+    //
+    // Thus, the above path gives the location of a field name.  If we removed
+    // the last element:
+    //   [ 4, 3, 2, 7 ]
+    // this path refers to the whole field declaration (from the beginning
+    // of the label to the terminating semicolon).
+    repeated int32 path = 1 [packed=true];
+    // Always has exactly three or four elements: start line, start column,
+    // end line (optional, otherwise assumed same as start line), end column.
+    // These are packed into a single field for efficiency.  Note that line
+    // and column numbers are zero-based -- typically you will want to add
+    // 1 to each before displaying to a user.
+    repeated int32 span = 2 [packed=true];
+    // If this SourceCodeInfo represents a complete declaration, these are any
+    // comments appearing before and after the declaration which appear to be
+    // attached to the declaration.
+    //
+    // A series of line comments appearing on consecutive lines, with no other
+    // tokens appearing on those lines, will be treated as a single comment.
+    //
+    // leading_detached_comments will keep paragraphs of comments that appear
+    // before (but not connected to) the current element. Each paragraph,
+    // separated by empty lines, will be one comment element in the repeated
+    // field.
+    //
+    // Only the comment content is provided; comment markers (e.g. //) are
+    // stripped out.  For block comments, leading whitespace and an asterisk
+    // will be stripped from the beginning of each line other than the first.
+    // Newlines are included in the output.
+    //
+    // Examples:
+    //
+    //   optional int32 foo = 1;  // Comment attached to foo.
+    //   // Comment attached to bar.
+    //   optional int32 bar = 2;
+    //
+    //   optional string baz = 3;
+    //   // Comment attached to baz.
+    //   // Another line attached to baz.
+    //
+    //   // Comment attached to qux.
+    //   //
+    //   // Another line attached to qux.
+    //   optional double qux = 4;
+    //
+    //   // Detached comment for corge. This is not leading or trailing comments
+    //   // to qux or corge because there are blank lines separating it from
+    //   // both.
+    //
+    //   // Detached comment for corge paragraph 2.
+    //
+    //   optional string corge = 5;
+    //   /* Block comment attached
+    //    * to corge.  Leading asterisks
+    //    * will be removed. */
+    //   /* Block comment attached to
+    //    * grault. */
+    //   optional int32 grault = 6;
+    //
+    //   // ignored detached comments.
+    optional string leading_comments = 3;
+    optional string trailing_comments = 4;
+    repeated string leading_detached_comments = 6;
+  }
+// Describes the relationship between generated code and its original source
+// file. A GeneratedCodeInfo message is associated with only one generated
+// source file, but may contain references to different source .proto files.
+message GeneratedCodeInfo {
+  // An Annotation connects some span of text in generated code to an element
+  // of its generating .proto file.
+  repeated Annotation annotation = 1;
+  message Annotation {
+    // Identifies the element in the original source .proto file. This field
+    // is formatted the same as SourceCodeInfo.Location.path.
+    repeated int32 path = 1 [packed=true];
+    // Identifies the filesystem path to the original source .proto.
+    optional string source_file = 2;
+    // Identifies the starting offset in bytes in the generated code
+    // that relates to the identified object.
+    optional int32 begin = 3;
+    // Identifies the ending offset in bytes in the generated code that
+    // relates to the identified offset. The end offset should be one past
+    // the last relevant byte (so the length of the text = end - begin).
+    optional int32 end = 4;
+  }
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/nanopb.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/nanopb.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b2f0fbce0005adca8463a29c1076946e357adc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/nanopb.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// Custom options for defining:
+// - Maximum size of string/bytes
+// - Maximum number of elements in array
+// These are used by nanopb to generate statically allocable structures
+// for memory-limited environments.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
+option java_package = "fi.kapsi.koti.jpa.nanopb";
+enum FieldType {
+    FT_DEFAULT = 0; // Automatically decide field type, generate static field if possible.
+    FT_CALLBACK = 1; // Always generate a callback field.
+    FT_POINTER = 4; // Always generate a dynamically allocated field.
+    FT_STATIC = 2; // Generate a static field or raise an exception if not possible.
+    FT_IGNORE = 3; // Ignore the field completely.
+enum IntSize {
+    IS_DEFAULT = 0; // Default, 32/64bit based on type in .proto
+    IS_8 = 8;
+    IS_16 = 16;
+    IS_32 = 32;
+    IS_64 = 64;
+// This is the inner options message, which basically defines options for
+// a field. When it is used in message or file scope, it applies to all
+// fields.
+message NanoPBOptions {
+  // Allocated size for 'bytes' and 'string' fields.
+  optional int32 max_size = 1;
+  // Allocated number of entries in arrays ('repeated' fields)
+  optional int32 max_count = 2;
+  // Size of integer fields. Can save some memory if you don't need
+  // full 32 bits for the value.
+  optional IntSize int_size = 7 [default = IS_DEFAULT];
+  // Force type of field (callback or static allocation)
+  optional FieldType type = 3 [default = FT_DEFAULT];
+  // Use long names for enums, i.e. EnumName_EnumValue.
+  optional bool long_names = 4 [default = true];
+  // Add 'packed' attribute to generated structs.
+  // Note: this cannot be used on CPUs that break on unaligned
+  // accesses to variables.
+  optional bool packed_struct = 5 [default = false];
+  // Add 'packed' attribute to generated enums.
+  optional bool packed_enum = 10 [default = false];
+  // Skip this message
+  optional bool skip_message = 6 [default = false];
+  // Generate oneof fields as normal optional fields instead of union.
+  optional bool no_unions = 8 [default = false];
+  // integer type tag for a message
+  optional uint32 msgid = 9;
+  // decode oneof as anonymous union
+  optional bool anonymous_oneof = 11 [default = false];
+// Extensions to protoc 'Descriptor' type in order to define options
+// inside a .proto file.
+// Protocol Buffers extension number registry
+// --------------------------------
+// Project:  Nanopb
+// Contact:  Petteri Aimonen <jpa@kapsi.fi>
+// Web site: http://kapsi.fi/~jpa/nanopb
+// Extensions: 1010 (all types)
+// --------------------------------
+extend google.protobuf.FileOptions {
+    optional NanoPBOptions nanopb_fileopt = 1010;
+extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions {
+    optional NanoPBOptions nanopb_msgopt = 1010;
+extend google.protobuf.EnumOptions {
+    optional NanoPBOptions nanopb_enumopt = 1010;
+extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
+    optional NanoPBOptions nanopb = 1010;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/qti_gravity.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/qti_gravity.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1348f23dcb65e8b5c20fe670ccb8850a7d463d41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/qti_gravity.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// @file qti_gravity.proto
+// Defines standard message types for the QTI Gravity Proto
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_gravity.proto";
+enum qti_gravity_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Device Motion State detected by the gravity sensor
+enum qti_gravity_device_motion_state
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Device motion state is unknown
+  // Device is at absolute rest, an example of which
+  // would be lying undisturbed on a desk
+  // Device is at relative rest, an example of which
+  // would be held steady in the user hand undergoing
+  // no orientation change
+  // Device is in motion
+// Configuration Message
+// Used to either request for a certain configuration of the qti gravity sensor or
+// alter an already existing configuration of the qti gravity sensor
+// Uses sns_std_sensor_config defined in sns_std_sensor.proto
+// The message field definitions are as follows:
+// 1) float sample_rate
+//      containing the required sample rate of the qti gravity sensor in hertz
+// Data Message
+// Output data event generated by the qti gravity sensor.
+message qti_gravity_motion_data_event
+  // Device motion state detected using the gravity vector
+  required qti_gravity_device_motion_state device_motion_state = 1 [default=QTI_GRAVITY_DEVICE_MOTION_STATE_UNKNOWN];
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_accel.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_accel.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0d5bb8849d19df698d112c9b22e1022edc9b0f2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_accel.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+// @file sns_accel.proto
+// Defines the API for Accelerometer Sensors.
+// All Accelerometer Sensor drivers are required to comply with this API.
+// Any new functionality for Accelerometer Sensor can be defined in a
+// device specific API file.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_physical_sensor_test.proto";
+import "sns_std_event_gated_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_cal.proto";
+// Attribute requirements:
+// The Accelerometer Sensor publishes:
+// 1. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE attribute value as "accel".
+// 2. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RESOLUTIONS attribute values in mg/LSB unit.
+// 3. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RANGES attribute values in +/-g unit.
+// 4. See sns_std_sensor.proto for other attributes.
+// Handling stream requests:
+// 1. The Accelerometer Sensor handles the sns_std_sensor_config
+//    message request with msgid SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_SENSOR_CONFIG
+//    for all non-gated stream enable/update requests.
+// 2. The Accelerometer Sensor handles the sns_std_sensor_config
+//    for all gated stream enable/update requests.
+//    a. Accelerometer stream is gated on the motion detection feature
+//       available on most accel hardware. This feature is published via the
+//       "motion_detect" Sensor by the same driver library as "accel" Sensor.
+//    b. If "motion_detect" is not supported then the Sensor does not support
+//       stream gating. Any gated client request is rejected in this case.
+// 3. The Accelerometer Sensor uses batching_period item in
+//    sns_std_request as the requested batching rate to determine
+//    hardware FIFO watermark.
+// Handling stream events:
+// 1. The Accelerometer Sensor publishes acceleration data stream events
+//    using the sns_std_sensor_event message.
+// 2. Each stream event contains three output data fields where data is
+//    in m/s2 units and is factory calibrated.
+// 3. Data in the stream is adjusted to Android coordinate system relative to a
+//    mobile device held with screen facing the user in it's natural orientation:
+//    X-axis: parallel to the screen pointing to the right
+//    Y-axis: parallel to the screen pointing to the top
+//    Z-axis: perpendicular to the screen pointing towards the user
+//    This conforms to the mobile device axes orientation as specified by the
+//    Android Sensor API.
+// 4. Data in the stream event is ordered as:
+//    data[0] = X-axis
+//    data[1] = Y-axis
+//    data[2] = Z-axis
+// 5. Each stream event publishes an accuracy field:
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE to mark invalid samples when hardware is
+//    yet to stabilize after the sensor is configured.
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH to mark samples when they are valid.
+// 6. The Accelerometer Sensor publishes a configuration event using the
+//    sns_std_sensor_physical_config_event message.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in hardware config of the sensor
+//    and contains current physical sensor config of the sensor.
+// 7. The Accelerometer Sensor publishes a factory calibration event using the
+//    sns_cal_event message. It uses bias and comp_matrix fields in this event.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in it's factory calibration
+//    data or when a client sends a new streaming request.
+// 8. When all outstanding requests to the Sensor are gated requests and if the
+//    "motion_detect" Sensor is enabled then the accel Sensor stops generating
+//    output events.
+//    a. When motion detect interrupt fires:
+//       - All existing accel gated stream requests are converted to non-gated
+//         stream requests.
+//         The accel Sensor publishes an event with message ID
+//         to indicate this change to it's gated clients.
+//       - The accel Sensor resumes generating output to all clients.
+//       So in effect motion_detect Sensor and accel gated Sensor stream have
+//       a one shot behavior.
+//    b. The Sensor resumes generating output events if motion detect interrupt
+//       is disabled potentially due to a new non-gated accel stream request or
+//       the request to motion_detect Sensor is disabled.
+// 9. When all outstanding requests to the Sensor are gated requests but if
+//    "motion_detect" Sensor is not enabled then the Sensor continues to generate
+//    output events.
+// Handling self-test requests:
+// 1. The Accelerometer Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_COM test
+//    type using the physical sensor test API.
+// 2. The Accelerometer Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_FACTORY test
+//    type to determine factory calibration parameters using the physical
+//    sensor test API.
+// 3. The Accelerometer Sensor could implement other test types.
+// Handling test events:
+// 1. The Accelerometer Sensor uses sns_physical_sensor_test_event message to publish
+//    a test completion event.
+// 2. The test_passed field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event is used to output the
+//    pass/fail result of self-test execution.
+// 3. The test_data field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event could be used to output any
+//    driver-specific error data.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_accel_cal.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_accel_cal.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bbe04a094f1f444bce449fb714ca506f12fab46e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_accel_cal.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// @file sns_accel_cal.proto
+// Defines message types for the Accel Calibration Sensor.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_cal.proto";
+// The Accel Calibration Sensor determines the calibration parameters
+// for accel sensor
+// Accel Calibration Sensor Attributes:
+// - SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE: "accel_cal"
+// Stream Requests:
+//      enable the sensor
+// - SNS_CAL_MSGID_SNS_CAL_RESET message ID is used to reset the algorithm
+//      and any previously determined calibration parameters.
+// Stream Events:
+// - SNS_CAL_MSGID_SNS_CAL_EVENT message ID is used to report calibration
+//      parameters to the client of the sensor. The sns_cal_event message as
+//      defined in sns_cal.proto is used to report this data event where the
+//      units for the bias field in the message are in rad / s
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ambient_light.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ambient_light.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..09cceff4312703fdfaf4cb1d20683d2dc9bda5db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ambient_light.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// @file sns_ambient_light.proto
+// Defines the API for Ambient Light Sensors.
+// All Ambient Light Sensor drivers are required to comply with this API.
+// Any new functionality for Ambient Light Sensor can be defined in a
+// device specific API file.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_physical_sensor_test.proto";
+import "sns_cal.proto";
+// Attribute requirements:
+// The Ambient Light Sensor publishes:
+// 1. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE attribute value as "ambient_light".
+// 2. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RESOLUTIONS attribute value in Lux/LSB.
+// 3. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RANGES attribute values in Lux unit.
+// 4. See sns_std_sensor.proto for other attributes.
+// Handling stream requests:
+// 1. The Ambient Light Sensor supports both streaming and on-change
+//    modes and the operating mode is configured in the Registry.
+// 2. The streaming Ambient Light Sensor handles the sns_std_sensor_config
+//    request for all stream enable/update requests.
+// 3. The on-change Ambient Light Sensor handles the
+//    all stream enable/update requests.
+// 4. In on-change mode the Sensor uses interrupt operation and reports
+//    samples for only significant change in ambient light.
+//    Example: +/- 10% change.
+// Handling stream events:
+// 1. The Ambient Light Sensor publishes current illumination data stream
+//    events using the sns_std_sensor_event message.
+// 2. Each stream event contains two output data fields where data is
+//    factory calibrated and ordered as:
+//    data[0] = ambient light in Lux
+//    data[1] = raw ADC value associated with data[0]
+// 3. Each stream event publishes an accuracy field:
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE to mark invalid samples when hardware is
+//    yet to stabilize after the sensor is configured.
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH to mark samples when they are valid.
+// 4. The Ambient Light Sensor publishes a configuration event using the
+//    sns_std_sensor_physical_config_event message.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in hardware config of the sensor
+//    and contains current physical sensor config of the sensor.
+// 5. The Ambient Light Sensor publishes a factory calibration event using the
+//    sns_cal_event message. It uses bias and scale_factor fields in this event.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in it's factory calibration
+//    data or when a client sends a new request.
+// Handling self-test requests:
+// 1. The Ambient Light Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_COM test
+//    type using the physical sensor test API.
+// 2. The Ambient Light Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_FACTORY test
+//    type to determine factory calibration parameters using the physical
+//    sensor test API. The factory test for Ambient Light Sensor calibrates
+//    the sensor such that it's output Lux value is comparable to a standard
+//    Luxmeter output in any lighting condition.
+// 3. The Ambient Light Sensor could implement other test types.
+// Handling test events:
+// 1. The Ambient Light Sensor uses sns_physical_sensor_test_event message to publish
+//    a test completion event.
+// 2. The test_passed field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event is used to output the
+//    pass/fail result of self-test execution.
+// 3. The test_data field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event could be used to output any
+//    driver-specific error data.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ambient_temperature.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ambient_temperature.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6f8b8df49f54bd5a1ec1e3e7da22cdcba6f568ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ambient_temperature.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// @file sns_ambient_temperature.proto
+// Defines the API for Ambient Temperature Sensors.
+// All Ambient Temperature Sensor drivers are required to comply with this API.
+// Any new functionality for Ambient Temperature Sensor can be defined in a
+// device specific API file.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_physical_sensor_test.proto";
+import "sns_cal.proto";
+// Attribute requirements:
+// The Ambient Temperature Sensor publishes:
+// 1. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE attribute value as "ambient_temperature".
+// 2. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RESOLUTIONS attribute value in degrees Celsius/LSB.
+// 3. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RANGES attribute values in degrees Celsius unit.
+// 4. The ambient_temperature sensor is an on-change sensor.
+// 5. The SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RATES attribute is not applicable
+//    since this is an on-change sensor.
+// 6. See sns_std_sensor.proto for other attributes.
+// Handling stream requests:
+// 1. The Ambient Temperature Sensor handles the SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_ON_CHANGE_CONFIG
+//    message ID for all stream enable/update requests.
+// 2. If the physical sensor supports hardware FIFO then the Ambient Temperature
+//    Sensor uses batching_period item in sns_std_request as the requested
+//    batching rate to determine hardware FIFO watermark.
+// Handling stream events:
+// 1. The Ambient Temperature Sensor publishes data stream events using the
+//    sns_std_sensor_event message.
+// 2. Each stream event contains one output data field where data is
+//    factory calibrated and ordered as:
+//    data[0] = Ambient Temperature data in degrees Celsius
+// 3. Each stream event publishs an accuracy field:
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE to mark invalid samples when hardware is
+//    yet to stabilize after the sensor is configured.
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH to mark samples when they are valid.
+// 4. The Ambient Temperature Sensor publishes a configuration event using the
+//    sns_std_sensor_physical_config_event message.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in hardware config of the sensor
+//    and contains current physical sensor config of the sensor.
+// 5. The Ambient Temperature Sensor publishes a factory calibration event using the
+//    sns_cal_event message. It uses bias and scale_factor fields in this event.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in it's factory calibration
+//    data or when a client sends a new streaming request.
+// Handling self-test requests:
+// 1. The Ambient Temperature Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_COM test
+//    type using the physical sensor test API.
+// 2. The Ambient Temperature Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_FACTORY test
+//    type to determine factory calibration parameters using the physical
+//    sensor test API.
+// 3. The Ambient Temperature Sensor could implement other test types.
+// Handling test events:
+// 1. The Ambient Temperature Sensor uses sns_physical_sensor_test_event message to publish
+//    a test completion event.
+// 2. The test_passed field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event is used to output the
+//    pass/fail result of self-test execution.
+// 3. The test_data field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event could be used to output any
+//    driver-specific error data.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_amd.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_amd.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1e3f9670202a8b0106edc780aff8e4fe31030081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_amd.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// @file sns_amd.proto
+// Defines message types for the Absolute Motion Detector (AMD) Sensor.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// AMD calculates motion and stationary states. AMD will initially start in an
+// unknown state, and later transition to motion or stationary.
+// AMD Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// Stream Requests:
+// - SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_ON_CHANGE_CONFIG is used to enable the sensor
+// Message IDs for AMD Sensor
+enum sns_amd_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+enum sns_amd_event_type
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  SNS_AMD_EVENT_TYPE_MOTION           = 2;
+message sns_amd_event
+  // AMD motion state
+  required sns_amd_event_type state = 1 [default = SNS_AMD_EVENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN];
+// Stream events:
+// The sns_amd_event message is used to publish updated state
+// AMD does not publish configuration events.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_aont.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_aont.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..de4b136a4e7c79c5689fe51d2afe0fbf52d474f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_aont.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// @file sns_aont.proto
+// Defines message types for the AONT(Always On Test) Sensor.
+// Copyright (c) 2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// The Always On Test Sensor runs an Always On sensors usecase for stability test coverage
+// Always On Test Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE: "always_on_test"
+// Stream Requests:
+// - SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_ON_CHANGE_CONFIG is used to enable the sensor
+// Stream Events:
+enum sns_aont_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Data Message
+// Output data event generated by the aont sensor.
+message sns_aont_data
+  // AONT output - Accel data along axis x,y,z in m/s2
+  repeated float aont = 1 [(nanopb).max_count = 3];
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_async_com_port.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_async_com_port.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9d492f2ec884d70ecd02b692385bbbe6cad7fd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_async_com_port.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+//  @file sns_async_com_port.proto
+//  Defines standard message types for the Async Com Port
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std.proto";
+// Asynchronous Com Port
+// The Asynchronous Com Port provides access to buses like I2C, I3C, SPI and others.
+// A complete list of all buses available in the sns_async_com_port_bus_type enum.
+// The Asynchronous Com Port can perform read and write operations on these buses
+// asynchronously. This is the recommended way to perform large bus reads (example:
+// reading a large FIFO buffer). This file describes the use of the async com port
+// (ascp) API.
+// First, the client must configure the port using the sns_async_com_port_config
+// message.
+// To perform one or more read or write operations, the client should send the
+// sns_async_com_port_vector_rw message.
+// A single sns_async_com_port_vector_rw message can contain multiple
+// sns_async_com_port_vector messages, the async com port will efficiently perform
+// all the transactions that are part of the parent sns_async_com_port_vector_rw
+// message. The results of the transaction will be sent as an sns_async_com_port_vector_rw
+// event.
+// The async com port will internally manage efficiently opening and closing the
+// bus power lines and clock settings. The async com port can safely be used along
+// with the synchronous com port service.
+// To help with encoding and decoding the sns_async_com_port_vector_rw messages,
+// utility functions are provided in sns_async_com_port_pb_utils.h
+// The operation to be performed by the async com port
+enum sns_async_com_port_operation_type
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// The bus type to be accessed by the async com port
+enum sns_async_com_port_bus_type
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // I2C bus:
+  SNS_ASYNC_COM_PORT_BUS_TYPE_I2C            = 0;
+  // SPI bus:
+  SNS_ASYNC_COM_PORT_BUS_TYPE_SPI            = 1;
+  // I3C bus, standard data rate:
+  // I3C bus, double data rate:
+  // I3C bus, legacy I2C device attached to I3C bus:
+// The registry address type to be used by async com port
+enum sns_async_com_port_reg_addr_type
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Configuration message
+message sns_async_com_port_config
+  // The bus type
+  required sns_async_com_port_bus_type bus_type = 1;
+  // Slave Address for I2C.
+  // Dynamic slave address for I3C.
+  // Chip Select for SPI.
+  required fixed32 slave_control = 2;
+  // Register address type for the slave
+  required sns_async_com_port_reg_addr_type reg_addr_type = 3;
+  // Minimum bus clock supported by slave in kHz
+  required fixed32 min_bus_speed_kHz = 4;
+  // Maximum bus clock supported by slave in kHz
+  required fixed32 max_bus_speed_kHz = 5;
+  // Platform bus instance number (BLSP number)
+  required fixed32 bus_instance = 6;
+// A single read or write operation.
+message sns_async_com_port_vector
+  // Read or write operation
+  required sns_async_com_port_operation_type operation = 1;
+  // Register address
+  required fixed32 reg_addr = 2;
+  // Number of bytes to read or write.
+  // The async com port will ignore this field for a write
+  // operation and use the size of the buffer present in the message.
+  //
+  // For events generated by the async com port, this field will always match the
+  // size of the buffer when it is present.
+  optional fixed32 num_bytes = 3;
+  // Buffer
+  // The async com port will ignore this field in a request for a read operation.
+  optional bytes buffer = 4;
+// A collection of read and write operations
+message sns_async_com_port_vector_rw
+  // Number of operations
+  required fixed32 num_vectors = 1;
+  // Read/write operations
+  repeated sns_async_com_port_vector vectors = 2;
+// Notifies the client of an error during a transaction
+message sns_async_com_port_error
+  // Registry address
+  required fixed32 reg_addr = 1;
+  // Number of bytes that was to be read/written
+  required fixed32 num_bytes = 2;
+  // Error code
+  required sns_std_error error_code = 3;
+// Message IDs
+enum sns_async_com_port_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_basic_gestures.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_basic_gestures.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dfec6ba870349a321a401567e60516063347257c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_basic_gestures.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// @file sns_basic_gestures.proto
+// Defines message types for the the basic_gestures sensor
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+// Basic Gestures algorithm provides the ability to detect a Push, Pull,
+// or Shake gesture.
+// Basic Gestures reports "Axis Unknown", when the direction of a shake cannot
+// be reliably determined.
+// Basic gestures Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE: "basic_gestures"
+// Stream Requests:
+// Message IDs for Basic gestures Sensor
+enum sns_basic_gestures_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+//To mask Basic gesture algorithm output states
+enum sns_basic_gestures_event_mask
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // For masking push and pull states
+  // For masking shake left and right states
+  // For masking shake top and bottom states
+  //For masking shake other state
+// Device Basic gesture detected by Basic gestures sensor
+enum sns_basic_gestures_event_type
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  //Phone is pulled away from the user in a direction perpendicular to the screen
+  //Phone is pulled toward the user in a direction perpendicular to the screen
+  //Phone is shaken toward the left
+  //Phone is shaken toward the right
+  //Phone is shaken toward the top
+  //Phone is shaken toward the bottom
+  //Phone is shaken, but phone shake direction cannot be clearly determined
+// Event Message
+// Output data event generated by the basic_gestures sensor.
+// Default values of optional fields added in registry
+message sns_basic_gestures_config
+  //Sleep time in seconds
+  optional float sleep           = 1;
+  //Push threshold m/s/s(default = 1.5G),where G=9.81188
+  //min_push_threshold:1G, max_push_threshold:5G
+  optional float push_threshold  = 2;
+  //Pull threshold m/s/s (default = 1.5G)
+  //min_pull_threshold:1G, max_pull_threshold:5G
+  optional float pull_threshold  = 3;
+  //Shake threshold m/s/s(default = 1.5G)
+  //min_shake_threshold:1G, max_shake_threshold:5G
+  optional float shake_threshold = 4;
+  //For masking output events.
+  //By default, All states reported.
+  //Client should use sns_basic_gestures_event_mask fields for masking,
+  //specific events
+  //Example: If client doesn't want push and pull events,then,
+  //client updates event_mask with SNS_BASIC_GESTURES_EVENT_MASK_PUSH_AND_PULL
+  optional bytes event_mask    = 5;
+// Event Message
+// Output data event generated by the basic_gestures sensor.
+message sns_basic_gestures_event
+ // basic_gestures sensor state info
+ required sns_basic_gestures_event_type state=1;
+// Stream events:
+// The sns_basic_gestures_event message is used to publish updated state
+// Basic_gestures sensor does not publish configuration events.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_bring_to_ear.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_bring_to_ear.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a8937f02acfeabc37f47c4c90b59a2ffaa77709a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_bring_to_ear.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// @file sns_bring_to_ear.proto
+// Defines message types for the the Bring_To_Ear sensor
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// Bring_to_ear sensor detects bring to ear event,
+// When a device has been held in a face-up position,
+// afterwhich the device is brought to the user's ear, with the top of the device facing upwards.
+// Bring to ear Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE: "bring_to_ear"
+// No configuration is available for this sensor.
+// Reported upon new detection of bring_to_ear event
+// Message IDs for Bring to ear Sensor
+enum sns_bring_to_ear_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Empty Message
+// Stream events:
+// The sns_bring_to_ear_event message is used to publish updated state
+// Bring_to_ear sensor does not publish configuration events.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_cal.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_cal.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0c436692f65660860f9d61512cb33533cda5a434
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_cal.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// @file sns_cal.proto
+// Defines standard message types pertaining to calibration
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// For dynamic calibration supported by Calibration Sensors:
+// Client will use the standard on change config message id to enable 
+// Calibration Sensor. Calibration algorithms are inherently on change in
+// behavior.
+// For both dynamic calibration supported by Calibration Sensors &
+// factory calibration supported by Physical Sensors:
+// Client can send an empty request with the msg id for reset
+// to reset the calibration parameters.
+enum sns_cal_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Calibration Event
+// Used as an output data event by Calibration Sensors to convey
+// dynamic calibration estimates and 
+// as a config event by Physical Sensors to convey factory calibration
+// being applied
+// A) The data field of the sns_cal_event message
+// 1) float bias[] (Nx1 vector)
+//      The zero bias (B) correction subtracted to get calibrated sample.(Nx1 vector)
+// 2) float scale_factor (Nx1 vector)
+//      The scaling (SF) to be done before doing any bias correction.
+// 3) float comp_matrix (NxN matrix)
+//      The compensation matrix (CM). The matrix elements are in row major order ie:
+//      CM =  CM0  CM1  CM2
+//            CM3  CM4  CM5
+//            CM6  CM7  CM8
+//      The calibrated sample (Sc) is computed as following.
+//      if SF, B and CM are available,
+//          Sc = CM * ((S .* SF) - B)
+//      if only B and CM are available,
+//          Sc = CM * (S - B)
+//      if only SF and B are available,
+//          Sc = ((S .* SF) - B)
+//      if only SF is available,
+//          Sc = S .* SF
+//      if only B is available,
+//          Sc = (S - B)
+//      if only CM is available
+//          Sc = CM * S
+//      where:
+//          Sc = Calibrated sensor sample
+//          S = Sensor sample (Nx1 vector)
+//          SF = Scaling factor to be applied to S
+//          CM = compensation_matrix
+//          B = bias
+//          "*" represents matrix multiplication
+//          ".*" represents element-by-element multiplication
+// B) The status field of the sns_std_sensor_event message contains
+//    the quality of calibration defined by sns_std_sensor_sample_status as
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE = 0; // Sample is unreliable.
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_ACCURACY_LOW = 1; // Sample is low accuracy.
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_ACCURACY_MEDIUM = 2;// Sample is medium accuracy.
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH = 3; // Sample is high accuracy.
+message sns_cal_event
+  //Optional bias value
+  //If no bias is being published this will be of size 0.  
+  //Generic for different axes biases.
+  //Size is defined by axes value inherently.
+  repeated float bias = 1;
+  //Optional scaling factor
+  //If no scaling factor is published this will be of size 0.
+  //Size if published is has to be equal to the axes of the data
+  repeated float scale_factor = 2;
+  //If no CM is being published this will be of size 0.
+  //Optional CM values . 
+  //Size if published should be equal to matrix of size [axes*axes] 
+  repeated float comp_matrix = 3;
+  // Event sample status.
+  required sns_std_sensor_sample_status status = 4 [default = SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE];
+  // Calibration ID, a unique identifier for the calibration set being used
+  // As an example, could be set when there are distinct calibration sets for different
+  // device modes being maintained
+  optional fixed32 cal_id = 5;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ccd_ttw.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ccd_ttw.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e26d1cf746a54d4e0092f89c8ee70920ba40e542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ccd_ttw.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// @file sns_ccd_ttw.proto
+// Defines message types for the ccd_ttw Sensor.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// The CCD ttw (tilt_to_wake) detects substantial phone rotation (gesture) within
+// limited period ending in a specific range of the pitch and roll angles.
+// tilt_to_wake Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// Stream Requests:
+// - SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_ON_CHANGE_CONFIG is used to enable the sensor
+// Message IDs for ccd_ttw Sensor
+enum sns_ccd_ttw_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Stream events:
+// A NULL message with message ID SNS_CCD_TTW_MSGID_SNS_CCD_TTW_EVENT is used to
+// publish ccd_ttw event
+// ccd_ttw does not publish configuration events.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ccd_walk.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ccd_walk.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a100c1eab2e682c05a055da59f5dcc610c04756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ccd_walk.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// @file sns_ccd_walk.proto
+// Defines message types for the Walk CCD.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// CCD Walk calculates a walk state.
+// When a walk is detected, the sensor will send one WALK event.
+// To send additional walk events, the sensor must be re-armed with the
+// No events are generated when not in the walk state.
+// CCD Walk Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// Stream Requests:
+// - SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_ON_CHANGE_CONFIG is used to enable the sensor
+// Message IDs for Walk Sensor
+enum sns_ccd_walk_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Stream events:
+// A NULL message with message ID SNS_CCD_WALK_MSGID_SNS_CCD_WALK_EVENT is used to
+// publish the walk event.
+// Walk does not publish configuration events.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_client.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_client.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..75fda302827f3d0eddb1fde9a7829eef444a193a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_client.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+// @file sns_client.proto
+// Defines the interface between external clients and the Sensors QMI Client
+// Manager.  The Client Manager is the primary path for external clients
+// to communicate with the SSC.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std.proto";
+import "sns_std_type.proto";
+// Message IDs
+// Message IDs uniquely identify a particular message amongst all message
+// supported by a Sensor, both requests and events; they need not be unique
+// between different Sensors.  IDs are subdivided into several reserved pools.
+// These reservations are made so that Framework components can appropriately
+// optimize their processing.
+// Reserved for Framework use only:
+// 0-127   - Request Messages
+// 128-255 - Non-recurrent events (configuration updates, one-time events, etc)
+// 256-511 - Recurrent and/or periodic events (e.g. sensor samples)
+// Sensor use:
+// 512-767  - Request messages
+// 768-1023 - Non-recurrent events
+// 1024-1536 - Recurrent events
+// Note that messages serving as request messages can also be sent as
+// configuration events back to the client (with the same ID).  While batching
+// data for a non-wakeup client, if the AP is in suspend and all batching space
+// exhausted, the oldest recurrent events may be dropped.
+// Framework-defined message IDs:
+enum sns_client_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Disable request explicitly handled only on the client interface.
+  // NOTE: 120-127 Are reserved
+enum sns_client_delivery {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Send events whenever available (at sample rate or batch period)
+  // - If a batch_period larger than system capacity is requested, all data
+  //   will be sent upon capacity exhaustion.
+  // - The flush_period will be effectively ignored, as unsent batched
+  //   data will not accrue in the buffer.
+  // Send events only when client processor is awake; batch otherwise.  Once
+  // the target processor exits suspend, any/all pending events will be sent.
+// Request Message
+message sns_client_request_msg {
+  // SUID associated with this request; intended destination
+  required sns_std_suid suid = 1;
+  // See comment above
+  required fixed32 msg_id = 2;
+  // Whether to wakeup the client processor (if it is in suspend), when an
+  // event is generated and ready to send.  The Qualcomm Client Manager will
+  // enforce these criteria for all clients; this information is made available
+  // to sensors for optimization purposes only.
+  message suspend_config {
+    // Processor on which the client resides; If a flush occurs for one client
+    // on an external processor, all clients will receive a flush of data.
+    required sns_std_client_processor client_proc_type = 1 [default = SNS_STD_CLIENT_PROCESSOR_APSS];
+    // Whether to send events while the specified processor is in suspend.
+    required sns_client_delivery  delivery_type = 2 [default = SNS_CLIENT_DELIVERY_WAKEUP];
+    //The client expects that, when the message with an id specified in this list
+    //is generated, the message should only be delivered to the client if data
+    //is already being delivered to the processor mentioned above.
+    repeated fixed32 nowakeup_msg_ids = 3;
+  }
+  required suspend_config susp_config = 3;
+  // Base message payload; contents will be partially specified by Sensor developer
+  required sns_std_request request = 4;
+message sns_client_event_msg {
+  // SUID associated with this Event; source of data
+  required sns_std_suid suid = 1;
+  // An event generated by a Sensor; used within sns_client_event_msg and SensorBatchMessage
+  message sns_client_event {
+    // See comment above
+    required fixed32 msg_id = 1;
+    // Timestamp associated with this event
+    // For most events, this timestamp is specified by the Sensor.
+    // For events generated by the Framework (such as configuration updates or
+    // error events), this timestamp refers to the time at which the event was
+    // created.
+    required fixed64 timestamp = 2;
+    // Dynamic length payload, containing the actual data/event
+    // This payload will need to be decoded separately, using the Sensor-specific
+    // header file
+    required bytes payload = 3;
+  }
+  repeated sns_client_event events = 2;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_cmc.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_cmc.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2bdb0188946f5cd404a3a95e0493957c0eebac49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_cmc.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// @file sns_cmc.proto
+// Defines message types for the Coarse Motion Classifier (CMC) Sensor.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// CMC Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE: "coarse_motion_classifier"
+// Stream Requests:
+// - SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_ON_CHANGE_CONFIG is used to enable the sensor
+// Message IDs for CMC Sensor
+enum sns_cmc_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Gives the state which the algorithm is capable
+// of detecting
+enum sns_cmc_motion_state
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // stated with 1 to match with algo where 0
+  // is for UNKNOWN
+  SNS_CMC_MOVE        = 2;
+  SNS_CMC_FIDDLE      = 3;
+  SNS_CMC_VEHICLE     = 5;
+  SNS_CMC_WALK        = 6;
+  SNS_CMC_RUN         = 7;
+  SNS_CMC_BIKE        = 8;
+// Gives the information about the states represented
+// by sns_cmc_motion_state
+enum sns_cmc_motion_state_event
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // when any state of any of the motion state cannot
+  // be determined. The first event of first client will
+  // typically have all states as SNS_MS_UNKNOWN
+  // A given motion state is ACTIVE
+  SNS_MS_ACTIVE   = 1;
+  // A given motion state is INACTIVE
+message sns_cmc_event
+  message data
+  {
+     // motion state by CMC
+     required sns_cmc_motion_state ms_state = 1;
+     // gives UNKNOWN/ACTIVE/INACTIVE information for the motion state
+     required sns_cmc_motion_state_event ms_state_event = 2  [default = SNS_MS_UNKNOWN];
+  }
+  repeated data events = 1;
+// Stream events:
+// The sns_cmc_event message is used to publish updated state
+// CMC does not publish configuration events.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_cmd.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_cmd.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..722181511529c80b8f58abe44869430efd202298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_cmd.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// @file sns_cmd.proto
+// Defines message types for the Continuous Motion Detector (CMD) Sensor.
+// Copyright (c) 2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// CMD identified continuous motions such as vehicle and walk. CMD will initially start in an
+// unknown state, and later transition to motion or stationary.
+// CMD Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// Stream Requests:
+// - SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_ON_CHANGE_CONFIG is used to enable the sensor
+// Message IDs for CMD Sensor
+enum sns_cmd_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Stream events:
+// A NULL message with message ID SNS_CMD_MSGID_SNS_CMD_EVENT is used to
+// publish CMD event
+// CMD does not publish configuration events.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_da_test.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_da_test.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..59ab8f432c22845d096b625122d100571b3b15f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_da_test.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// @file sns_da_test.proto
+// Defines the API for communicating with the Driver acceptance
+// test sensor.
+// This is to used by the linux command line partner application
+// to send string messages to the sns_da_test_sensor
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+enum sns_da_test_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+//This message contains the test parameters as a single string in the format below
+//-testcase=<not_mandatory> -sample_rate=< any +tive value > -sensor=<data_type>
+//-duration=< any +tive value in seconds> -batch_period=<+tive value in seconds>
+message sns_da_test_req {
+  optional string test_args = 1;
+//This message contains any return data from the test driver including PASS/FAIL
+//msg. and explainations if applicable
+message sns_da_test_event {
+  optional string test_event = 1;
+// Sensor State log message
+// This definition is used by da_test sensor to log test
+// information when publishing sensor api event
+message sns_da_test_log {
+  //Time elapsed between streaming start request time and first sample received
+  required uint64 time_to_first_event = 1;
+  //Time elapsed between streaming stop request time and last sample received
+  required sfixed32 time_to_last_event = 2;
+  //Time when last sample was received
+  required uint64 sample_ts = 3;
+  //Total number of samples received
+  required uint32 total_samples = 4;
+  //time delta between samples avegraged over number of samples
+  required uint32 avg_delta = 5;
+  //configures sample rate received in the SNS_STD_SENSOR_PHYSICAL_CONFIG_EVENT
+  required sfixed32 recvd_phy_config_sample_rate = 6;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_dae.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_dae.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..784ebc0f7f5ff0c43c06ff880c7de96e4f007475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_dae.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+// @file sns_dae.proto
+// Defines all high-level messages sent to/from the Nano sensor environment
+// Copyright (c) 2017,2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_type.proto";
+import "sns_interrupt.proto";
+import "sns_async_com_port.proto";
+enum sns_dae_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // to initialize the nano sensor before it can be used
+  // provides nano sensor with S4S config info after the initial S4S synch period
+  // to start nano sensor streaming
+  // no message body
+  // to flush FIFO data before changing ODR and/or WM
+  // no data event will be generated
+  SNS_DAE_MSGID_SNS_DAE_FLUSH_HW             = 603;
+  // no message body
+  // to request nano sensor to generate data event from the available data
+  // HW flush will NOT be done
+  // no message body
+  // to stop nano sensor streaming
+  // no message body
+  // to stop S4S schedule
+  // response from DAE sensor for each request
+  SNS_DAE_MSGID_SNS_DAE_RESP                 = 800;
+  // message from DAE sensor to deliver all available data
+  SNS_DAE_MSGID_SNS_DAE_DATA_EVENT           = 1200;
+  // message from DAE sensor to deliver unhandle interrupts
+// S4S static information
+// This contains S4S information which does not change during the life of the S4S sensor
+message sns_s4s_static_info {
+  // Register address of the S4S ST command
+  required int32   st_reg_addr = 1;
+  // Optional data byte which needs to be sent along with ST
+  optional int32   st_reg_data = 2;
+  // Register address of the S4S DT command
+  required int32   dt_reg_addr = 3;
+// Triaxial sensor input to output axis conversion
+message sensor_to_phone_conversion {
+  // input axis index (x=0, y=1, z=2)
+  required uint32 ipaxis = 1;
+  // output axis index the above input axis maps to
+  required uint32 opaxis = 2;
+  // whether the input needs to be negated when
+  // translating to the output axis
+  required bool invert = 3;
+// Accel static informtaion
+// Accel configuration setting that is not expected to change at run time
+message sns_accel_static_info {
+  // Factory calibration: offset, in g's (DEPRECATED - moved to sns_accel_dynamic_info)
+  repeated float offset_cal = 1 [(nanopb).max_count = 3, deprecated = true];
+  // Factory calibration: scale factor (DEPRECATED - moved to sns_accel_dynamic_info)
+  repeated float scale_cal = 2[(nanopb).max_count = 3, deprecated = true];
+  // range in G
+  required int32 accel_range = 3;
+  // axis map to convert from sensor to phone
+  repeated sensor_to_phone_conversion axis_map = 4 [(nanopb).max_count = 3];
+// Accel dynamic informtaion
+// This data may be updated each time the accel configuration changes
+message sns_accel_dynamic_info {
+  // ODR
+  required float odr = 1;
+  // How many initial samples after ODR change are invalid
+  required uint32 num_initial_invalid_samples = 2;
+  // Factory calibration: offset, in g's
+  repeated float offset_cal = 3 [(nanopb).max_count = 3];
+  // Factory calibration: scale factor
+  repeated float scale_cal = 4 [(nanopb).max_count = 3];
+// Polling config info
+message sns_polling_config_info {
+  // Absolute time, in 19.2MHz ticks since boot, at which to poll the sensor
+  required fixed64 polling_offset = 1;
+  // interval between polling
+  required fixed64 polling_interval_ticks = 2;
+// Sensor static configuration
+// This data may not change for the life of the sensor, and should be configured
+// at initilization/boot time.
+message sns_dae_set_static_config {
+  // name of the function table for the nano version of the physical sensor
+  required string func_table_name = 1 [(nanopb).max_size = 32];
+  // Operational mode of the sensor:
+  // 0 --> Polling
+  // 1 --> Interrupt
+  // 2 --> IBI (I3C In Band Interrupt)
+  required int32 interrupt = 2;
+  // x/y/z axis map for this sensor (DEPRECATED - moved to sns_accel_static_info)
+  repeated int32           axis_map = 3 [(nanopb).max_count = 3, deprecated = true];
+  // irq_config required if interrupt == 1
+  optional sns_interrupt_req     irq_config = 4;
+  // ibi_config required if interrupt == 2
+  optional sns_ibi_req           ibi_config = 8;
+  // s4s_config required if sensor supports S4S
+  optional sns_s4s_static_info s4s_config = 5;
+  // port configuration
+  required sns_async_com_port_config ascp_config = 6;
+  // Only for accel sensors
+  optional sns_accel_static_info accel_info = 7;
+// S4S dynamic information
+// This contains S4S information which may change with S4S configuration
+message sns_dae_s4s_dynamic_config {
+  // Absolute time, in 19.2MHz ticks since boot, of the start of an S4S T_PH period
+  required fixed64 ideal_sync_offset = 1;
+  // Time, in 19.2MHz ticks, in one S4S T_PH period
+  required fixed64 sync_interval = 2;
+  // S4S resolution ratio (RR), as defined in the S4S spec. The final S4S RR will
+  // be 2^-(11+resolution_ratio).
+  required int32  resolution_ratio = 3;
+  // Minimum time, in 19.2MHz ticks, after the S4S T_PH period to send ST/DT
+  // messages. Will depend on clock accuracy of the sensor, as well as current
+  // sync_interval
+  required int32  st_delay = 4;
+message sns_dae_set_streaming_config {
+  // minimum number of samples between data events; may still receive fewer samples
+  required uint32 dae_watermark = 1;
+  // discard data older than this limit (relative to current system time)
+  optional fixed64 data_age_limit_ticks = 2;
+  // required for polling sensors
+  optional sns_polling_config_info polling_config = 3;
+  // Only for accel sensors
+  optional sns_accel_dynamic_info accel_info = 4;
+  // Expected number of bytes read from sensor for each call to the DAE environment
+  // "get_data" driver function.
+  // If not included, default value is 100 bytes.
+  optional uint32 expected_get_data_bytes = 5;
+message sns_dae_resp {
+  // Message ID this error code is associated with
+  required int32              msg_id = 1;
+  // result of the request associated with this response
+  required sns_std_error      err    = 2;
+message sns_dae_data_event {
+  // Timestamp: For interrupt based sensors, this is the timestamp of the IRQ.
+  // For polling sensors, this is the timestamp of when get_data() was called
+  required fixed64 timestamp = 1;
+  // Format of the sensor_data is vendor specific, and up to the nano sensor
+  // implementation.
+  required bytes  sensor_data = 2;
+message sns_dae_interrupt_event {
+  // timestamp of the IRQ.
+  required fixed64 timestamp = 1;
+  // Format of registers are vendor specific, and up to the nano sensor implementation.
+  required bytes registers = 2 [(nanopb).max_size = 8];
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_dae_ccd.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_dae_ccd.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f4aa61257d758da9ff9464d688806abcebcf4a39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_dae_ccd.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// @file sns_dae_ccd.proto
+// Defines message for sending CCD enable message
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_dae.proto";
+enum sns_dae_ccd_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Command from CCD sensor to tell SDC to enable CCD
+  // No body
+  // Command from CCD sensor to get axis mapping
+  // No body
+  // Event to CCD sensor contaning axis mapping
+  // This event may be sent immediately, or as soon as the DAE sensor discovers
+  // the axis map.
+message sns_dae_axis_map_event {
+  repeated sensor_to_phone_conversion map = 1 [(nanopb).max_count = 3];
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_device_mode.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_device_mode.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66b5efd26786c4b90ac668ef00a3fdbcb0df8fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_device_mode.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// @file sns_device_mode.proto
+// Defines message types for the Device Mode Sensor.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// DEVICE_MODE determine the current mode of the device
+// DEVICE_MODE Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE: "device_mode"
+// Stream Requests:
+// - SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_ON_CHANGE_CONFIG is used to enable the sensor
+// - Client must remove stream to disable the sensor
+// Message IDs for DEVICE_MODE Sensor
+enum sns_device_mode_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+enum sns_device_mode
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+enum sns_device_state
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+message sns_device_mode_event
+  message mode_spec {
+    required sns_device_mode mode = 1;
+    required sns_device_state state = 2;
+  }
+  // Device Mode
+  repeated mode_spec device_mode = 1;
+// Stream events:
+// The sns_device_mode_event message is used to publish updated mode
+// DEVICE_MODE does not publish configuration events.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_device_orient.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_device_orient.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d667df03eb53302562a637b3c2c1181fec71c3d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_device_orient.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// @file sns_device_orient.proto
+// Defines the API for the Device Orientation sensors
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// A device orientation sensor reports the current orientation of the device.
+// Minor or transient rotations should not cause a new event to be reported,
+// and this sensor should only be implemented with the help of an accelerometer.
+// Moving the device to an orientation where the Z axis is vertical (either up
+// or down) should not cause a new event to be reported.
+// ## Device Orientation sensor attributes:
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE is "device_orient"
+// No configuration is available for this sensor.
+// Message IDs for Device Orientation Sensor
+enum sns_device_orient_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+enum sns_device_orient_event_type
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Device is in default orientation (Y axis is vertical and points up)
+  // Device is rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise from default orientation
+  // (X axis is vertical and points up)
+  // Device is rotated 180 degrees from default orientation (Y axis is
+  // vertical and points down)
+  // Device is rotated 90 degrees clockwise from default orientation (X axis
+  // is vertical and points down)
+message sns_device_orient_event
+  // Detected state
+  required sns_device_orient_event_type state = 1;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_diag.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_diag.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..122b6197045a9aa99ec254b3c139eea045256b2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_diag.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+// @file sns_diag.proto
+// Defines log messages used by the sensors diag service
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_client.proto";
+// Batch Sample Type
+enum sns_diag_batch_sample_type
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // This is the only sample in the batch
+  // This is the first sample of the batch
+  // This is an intermediate sample of the batch
+  // This is the last sample of the batch
+// Sensor Interrupts
+enum sns_diag_interrupt
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Interrupt caused by detection of a threshold being
+  // exceeded
+  // Interrupt caused by detection of movement of the device
+  // Interrupt caused by detection of tilting of the device
+// Opaque Payload
+// This message defines the fields used to log an
+// undefined payload
+message sns_diag_opaque_payload
+  required bytes payload = 1;
+// Batch Sample
+// This message defines the fields used to log batched data.
+message sns_diag_batch_sample
+  // Indicates if the sample is the first, intermediate, last or only
+  // sample of a batch
+  required sns_diag_batch_sample_type sample_type = 1 [default = SNS_DIAG_BATCH_SAMPLE_TYPE_ONLY];
+  // Timestamp of the sensor state data sample
+  required fixed64 timestamp = 2;
+  // Sensor state data sample
+  repeated float sample = 3;
+  // Data status.
+  required sns_std_sensor_sample_status status = 4 [default = SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE];
+// Sensor State Hardware Interrupt Log Packet
+// This message defines the fields used to log sensor state information
+// pertaining to hardware interrupts
+// This message is used as the payload field of sns_diag_sensor_log
+message sns_diag_sensor_state_interrupt
+  // Type of sensor hardware interrupt
+  required sns_diag_interrupt interrupt = 1;
+  // Timestamp when the interrupt occurred
+  required fixed64 timestamp = 2;
+// Sensor State Raw
+// This message defines the fields used to log sensor state information
+// pertaining to raw uncalibrated physical sensor data.
+// This message is used as the payload field of sns_diag_sensor_log
+message sns_diag_sensor_state_raw
+  repeated sns_diag_batch_sample sample = 1;
+// Client API Response Message
+message sns_diag_client_resp_msg
+  // The error response sent to the client
+  required sns_std_error error = 1;
+// Client API log packet
+// This message defines the fields to log all
+// Request, Response and Event messages at the Client API
+// This message is used as the payload field of sns_diag_sensor_log
+message sns_diag_client_api_log
+  // The client id that identifies the client connection
+  required fixed64 client_id = 1;
+  // Data type of the source sensor
+  required string src_sensor_type = 2;
+  // The Client API log packet payload
+  oneof client_api_log_payload
+  {
+    // Client API Request message as defined in sns_client.proto
+    sns_client_request_msg request_payload = 100;
+    // Client API Event message as defined in sns_client.proto
+    sns_client_event_msg event_payload = 101;
+    // Client API Response message as defined in sns_diag.proto
+    sns_diag_client_resp_msg resp_payload = 102;
+  }
+// Sensor API log packet
+// This message defines the fields to log all Request and
+// Event messages at the Sensor API
+// This message is used as the payload field of sns_diag_sensor_log
+message sns_diag_sensor_api_log
+  // The message id of the message being logged
+  required fixed32 message_id = 1;
+  // Timestamp associated with this message
+  required fixed64 timestamp = 2;
+  // Data stream associated with this message
+  optional fixed64 stream_id = 3;
+  // The Sensor API log packet payload
+  oneof sensor_api_log_payload
+  {
+    // Sensor API Event message containing sensor specific event message
+    // as defined in the sensor's proto api file
+    sns_diag_opaque_payload opaque_payload = 100;
+    // Sensor API Request message as defined in sns_std.proto
+    sns_std_request request_payload = 101;
+  }
+// Sensor log packet
+// This message defines the fields to log all sensor specific
+// messages. This includes Sensor API messages, Client API messages,
+// HW Interrupt messages, Sensor State messages
+message sns_diag_sensor_log
+  // Log ID for the log packet
+  required fixed32 log_id = 1;
+  // Timestamp when log packet.was generated
+  required fixed64 timestamp = 2;
+  // Sensor UID for the log packet
+  required sns_std_suid suid = 3;
+  // Data type provided by the Sensor UID
+  required string sensor_type = 4;
+  // The instance id of the sensor to which this
+  // message was passed to or obtained from
+  required fixed64 instance_id = 5;
+  // The log packet payload
+  oneof sensor_log_payload
+  {
+    // Sensor specific Sensor State Algo message
+    sns_diag_opaque_payload opaque_payload = 100;
+    // Sensor API message
+    sns_diag_sensor_api_log sensor_api_payload = 101;
+    // Client API message
+    sns_diag_client_api_log client_api_payload = 102;
+    // Sensor State Raw message
+    sns_diag_sensor_state_raw sensor_state_raw_payload = 103;
+    // Sensor State Hardware Interrupt message
+    sns_diag_sensor_state_interrupt sensor_state_interrupt_payload = 104;
+  }
+// Sensor Instance Mapping Log Packet
+// This message defines the fields used to log
+// sensor instance mapping information
+// This message is used as the payload field of sns_diag_fw_log
+message sns_diag_instance_map_log
+  // The instance id of the source sensor instance
+  required fixed64 src_instance_id = 1;
+  // Array of destination sensor instance ids that the
+  // source sensor instance is feeding to.
+  // If no destination instance ids are specified it signifies
+  // deletion of the source instance
+  repeated fixed64 dest_instance_id = 2;
+  // Array of data stream ids that the
+  // source sensor instance is feeding to
+  repeated fixed64 stream_id = 3;
+// Island mode states
+enum sns_diag_island_state
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // In Island mode
+  // Not in Island Mode
+  // Island mode disabled
+// Island mode transition Log Packet
+// This message defines the fields used to log
+// transitions into and out of island mode
+// This log packet is generated each time the system
+// transitions into or out of island mode or when
+// island mode is disabled or when triggered by
+// a request to the diag sensor
+// This message is used as the payload field of sns_diag_fw_log
+message sns_diag_island_transition_log
+  // Timestamp of the transition
+  //
+  // When logpacket is triggered, this timestamp will retain
+  // the timestamp when the current state became effective.
+  required fixed64 timestamp = 1;
+  // Island state after transition is completed
+  required sns_diag_island_state island_state = 2;
+  // User defined cookie
+  // Used by test scripts to identify logs triggered
+  // by messages sent to the SSC
+  optional fixed64 cookie = 3;
+// Island exit vote Log Packet
+// This message defines the fields used to log
+// vote for island mode exits.
+// This log packet is generated at each call
+// to island_exit()
+message sns_diag_island_exit_vote_log
+  // Timestamp
+  required fixed64 timestamp = 1;
+  // SUID of the Sensor responsible for the vote
+  optional sns_std_suid sensor = 2;
+// Heap IDs
+enum sns_diag_heap_id
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Primary Heap
+  // Island Heap
+  // PRAM Heap
+  // EVENT Heap
+  // BATCH Heap
+  // Event buffer
+// Memory status Log Packet
+// This message defines the fields used to log
+// the memory utilization
+// This log packet is generated when a request
+// is sent to the diag sensor
+message sns_diag_mem_utilization_log
+  // Timestamp
+  required fixed64 timestamp = 1;
+  // Heap ID
+  required sns_diag_heap_id heap_id = 2;
+  // Total Memory
+  required fixed32 total_memory = 3;
+  // Used Memory
+  required fixed32 used_memory = 4;
+  // User defined cookie
+  // Used by test scripts to identify logs triggered
+  // by messages sent to the SSC
+  optional fixed64 cookie = 5;
+// Framework log packet
+// This message defines the fields to log all framework
+// messages. This includes memory, island, instance mapping
+// messages
+message sns_diag_fw_log
+  // Log ID for the log packet
+  required fixed32 log_id = 1;
+  // Timestamp when log packet.was generated
+  required fixed64 timestamp = 2;
+  // The log packet payload
+  oneof fw_log_payload
+  {
+    // Sensor Instance Map message
+    sns_diag_instance_map_log instance_map_payload = 100;
+    // Sensor Island Mode
+    sns_diag_island_transition_log island_mode_payload = 101;
+    // Sensors Island Exit vote
+    sns_diag_island_exit_vote_log island_exit_vote_payload = 102;
+    // Sensors Memory Utilization
+    sns_diag_mem_utilization_log memory_utilization_payload = 103;
+  }
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_diag_sensor.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_diag_sensor.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..20f47abbe34968a51ffba804bc4e139ceed4bafb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_diag_sensor.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// @file sns_diag_sensor.proto
+// Defines standard message types to communicate with the
+// diag service
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_type.proto";
+enum sns_diag_sensor_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Log packets that can be triggered by the diag sensor
+enum sns_diag_triggered_log_type {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Triggers generation of sns_diag_island_transition_log
+  // Only one log is generated per request
+  // Triggers generation of sns_diag_mem_utilization_log
+  // A single request will generate a log for each separate memory
+  // pool in the system
+// Trigger generation of log packets. Depending upon
+// the type of log packet that is being triggered,
+// multiple log packets can be triggered for each
+// request.
+// If the log packet that is triggered has been disabled
+// no log will be generated.
+message sns_diag_log_trigger_req {
+  // User defined cookie
+  // Used by test scripts to identify logs triggered
+  // by messages sent to the SSC
+  optional fixed64 cookie = 1;
+  // The type of log packets that the diag sensor must
+  // generate.
+  required sns_diag_triggered_log_type log_type = 2;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_distance_bound.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_distance_bound.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ab849711c2d9485354b52402e5f0289c2e387dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_distance_bound.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+// @file sns_distance_bound.proto
+// Defines message types for the Distance Bound (DB) Sensor.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// Distance Bound (DB) algorithm tracks the distance covered in meters
+// It expects, as part of its request, distance in meters. DB reports the client
+// when this distance is covered from the instant the request was received.
+// After a client sends a DB request for distance, it can query DB for
+// distance accumulated at any instant before the final breach occurs
+// DB Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE: "distance_bound"
+// Stream Requests:
+// Message IDs for DB Sensor
+enum sns_distance_bound_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Uses message: sns_set_distance_bound
+  // Purpose:
+  // A distance bound request from the client
+  // Uses message: None
+  // Purpose:
+  // client can query the distance accumulated at a given instance
+  // before final breach occurs.
+  // Note: This message should be preceeded by a
+  // Uses message: sns_distance_bound_event
+  // Purpose:
+  // This event corresponds to request:
+  // This event is raised  when the breach occurs.
+  // Uses message: sns_get_distance_accumulated_event
+  // Purpose:
+  // This event corresponds to request:
+  // This event reports the distance accumulated at a given
+  // instance when the request is received
+// Gives the state which the algorithm is capable
+// of detecting
+enum sns_distance_bound_motion_state
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  SNS_DB_MS_UNKNOWN     = 0;
+  SNS_DB_MS_MOVE        = 2;
+  SNS_DB_MS_FIDDLE      = 3;
+  SNS_DB_MS_VEHICLE     = 5;
+  SNS_DB_MS_WALK        = 6;
+  SNS_DB_MS_RUN         = 7;
+  SNS_DB_MS_BIKE        = 8;
+  SNS_DB_MS_MAX         = 9;
+// Request message
+// This message will result in atmost one sns_distance_bound_event when
+// the requested distance is covered
+// If client resends a fresh sns_set_distance_bound before the older is serviced
+// the older request will be lost and new distance will be calculated from that
+// instant
+message sns_set_distance_bound
+  //  The distance bound in meters. When the distance travelled exceeds this,
+  //  an event is sent to the requestor
+  required float distance_bound = 1;
+  //  speeds associated with different motion states.
+  //  if client does not send any motion state speed,
+  //  default values will be taken for that motion state
+  message speeds {
+    required sns_distance_bound_motion_state state = 1;
+    required  float speed = 2;
+  }
+  repeated speeds speed_bound = 2;
+// Event message
+// This event corresponds to request:
+// This event will be raised after the breach occurs.
+message sns_distance_bound_event
+  // Distance accumulated in meters since the last sns_set_distance_bound
+  required float distance_accumulated = 1;
+// Event message
+// message associated with
+// This event corresponds to request:
+// This event will be raised instantly upon receiveing the above request,
+// reporting the distance accumulated till that instance.
+// NOTE:
+// In following situation an error event,
+// SNS_STD_MSGID_SNS_STD_ERROR_EVENT, with payload sns_std_error_event, having
+// appropriate error code, will be raised:
+//    error event with error code SNS_STD_ERROR_FAILED will be raised.
+// 2. If a breach has already occurred for a prior
+//    with error code  SNS_STD_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE will be raised.
+message sns_get_distance_accumulated_event
+  // Distance accumulated in meters since the last sns_set_distance_bound
+  required float distance_accumulated = 1;
+// DB does not publish configuration events.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_dpc.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_dpc.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b173f81922a84508055363decfabfeceb65551b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_dpc.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// @file sns_dpc.proto
+// Defines message types for the DPC(Device Position Classifier) Sensor.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// The DPC Sensor provides device position information
+// DPC Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE: "device_position_classifier"
+// Stream Requests:
+// - SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_ON_CHANGE_CONFIG is used to enable the sensor
+// Message IDs for DPC Sensor
+enum sns_dpc_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  //send to new client immediatly to inform current device position
+  //send when detect device position change
+// Stream events:
+// The sns_dpc_event message is used to publish updated device position
+// The sns_dpc_event_config message is sent immediately to new client to inform the current device position
+enum sns_dpc_state
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // when algo cannot identify other states
+  SNS_DPC_UNKNOWN         = 1;
+  // Device stationary and display within +/-15 deg of horizontal plane
+  // Device is not in FLAT_STATIC state and prox close
+  SNS_DPC_HIDDEN          = 3;
+  // User picks up the device
+  SNS_DPC_IN_HAND         = 4;
+  // User hold the device and facing the display
+  SNS_DPC_FACING          = 5;
+// Events types from DPC Sensor
+message sns_dpc_event
+  required sns_dpc_state dpc_state = 1;
+message sns_dpc_event_config
+  //current dpc state
+  required sns_dpc_state dpc_state = 1;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ext_svc.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ext_svc.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dd5b9998c41a6d16c56b6f86d48715d253e23da3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ext_svc.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// @file sns_ext_svc.proto
+// Sensor provides access to external QMI services.
+// This Sensor will create a QMI connection to the external service upon
+// receipt of the first request.  Subsequent requests will be sent upon the
+// same connection.  The connection will be closed after the client closes
+// the data stream.
+// An error event will be sent upon any received QMI error, including upon
+// the error callback.  It is then the responsibility of the client to close
+// the data stream, and re-open a new one if desired.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+enum sns_ext_svc_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Send a QMI request message
+  // Asynchronously received response message
+  // Asynchronously received indication message
+// External services supported by this Sensor
+enum sns_ext_svc
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // QMI_LOC; see location_service_v02.idl
+message sns_ext_svc_req
+  required sns_ext_svc svc_id = 1;
+  // QMI/IDL Message ID
+  required int32 msg_id = 2;
+  // Client-specified transaction ID, to be returned in sns_ext_svc_resp
+  optional int32 transaction_id = 3;
+  // Contains the QMI-decoded request message.
+  required bytes payload = 4;
+message sns_ext_svc_resp
+  // QMI/IDL Message ID
+  required int32 msg_id = 1;
+  // Transport error, as defined in qmi_client.h; Defaults to QMI_NO_ERR
+  required int32 transp_err = 2;
+  // Client-specified transaction ID, as provided in sns_ext_svc_req
+  optional int32 transaction_id = 3;
+  // Contains the QMI-decoded response message
+  // May be empty if transport_err != QMI_NO_ERR
+  required bytes payload = 4;
+message sns_ext_svc_ind
+  // QMI/IDL Message ID
+  required int32 msg_id = 1;
+  // Contains the QMI-decoded indication message.
+  required bytes payload = 2;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_facing.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_facing.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8decd9ffd738d19a90c20d931d8fde78eee39516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_facing.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+// @file sns_facing.proto
+// Defines message types for the the facing sensor
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// Facing calculates face up, down and neutral states. Facing will initially start in an
+// unknown state, and later transition to face up, down and neutral. 
+// Neutral state reported to client on demand
+// Facing Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// Stream Requests:
+// - SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_ON_CHANGE_CONFIG is used to enable the sensor
+// Message IDs for Facing Sensor
+enum sns_facing_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Device Facing state detected by Facing sensor
+enum sns_facing_event_state
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  //Phone has just moved to a facing-up phone posture
+  //which is defined as screen up.  
+  //Phone has just moved to a facing-down phone posture,
+  //which is defined as screen down.
+  //Phone has just left either the facing-up  
+  //or the facing-down phone posture
+// Event Message
+// Output data event generated by the facing sensor.
+message sns_facing_event
+ // Facing sensor state info 
+ required sns_facing_event_state state = 1[default = SNS_FACING_EVENT_STATE_UNKNOWN];
+// Stream events:
+// The sns_facing_event message is used to publish updated state
+// Facing sensor does not publish configuration events.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_fmv.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_fmv.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a56cba6c28d2f0e5d78e5786d90fc72b00f7bca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_fmv.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// @file sns_fmv.proto
+// Defines the API for Filtered Magnetic Vector.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// A FMV sensor reports the filtered magnetic vector
+// ## FMV sensor attributes:
+// ## Request Message: sns_std_sensor_config
+// sns_std_sensor_config::sample_rate is used to specify the sampling rate (Hz)
+// of the FMV sensor. Sensor will generate data events at this rate.
+// ## Event Message: sns_std_sensor_event
+// 1. Output of the FMV sensor will be populated in sns_std_sensor_event
+// 2. Each stream event contains three output data fields in µT (micro Tesla)
+// 3. Data in the stream is adjusted to Android coordinate system relative to a
+//    mobile device held with screen facing the user in it's natural orientation:
+//    X-axis: parallel to the screen pointing to the right
+//    Y-axis: parallel to the screen pointing to the top
+//    Z-axis: perpendicular to the screen pointing towards the user
+// 4. Data in the stream event is ordered as: 
+//    data[0] = X-axis
+//    data[1] = Y-axis
+//    data[2] = Z-axis
+// 5. Each stream event publishes an accuracy field:
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE to mark invalid samples when hardware is
+//    yet to stabilize after the sensor is configured.
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH to mark samples when they are valid.
+// sns_std_sensor_event::status specifies the reliability of the sample value
+// value is of type sns_std_sensor_sample_status. see sns_std_sensor.proto for
+// details.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_fw.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_fw.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3cededdf7f7669e80e8e6ba7adbb970328566be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_fw.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// @file sns_fw.proto
+// Defines Framework internal values.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+// Internal Framework message IDs
+// Note: These message IDs must not conflict with those in sns_std_msgid
+enum sns_fw_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Special message only sent by the Framework; not processed by Sensors
+  // Empty Message
+  // Special message only sent by the Framework; not processed by Sensors
+  // Empty Message
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_game_rv.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_game_rv.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ea0dee6bbe1c6234e979ad5c8cf264fc1014d10e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_game_rv.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// @file sns_game_rv.proto
+// Defines the API for Game Rotation Vector sensors
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// A GameRV sensor reports the orientation of the device relative to an
+// unspecified coordinates frame. It is obtained by integration of
+// accelerometer and gyroscope readings. Therefore the Y axis doesn't point
+// north but instead to an arbitrary reference.
+// ## GameRV sensor attributes:
+// 1. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE is "game_rv"
+// ## Request Message: sns_std_sensor_config
+// sns_std_sensor_config::sample_rate is used to specify the sampling rate (Hz)
+// of the GameRV sensor. Sensor will generate data events at this rate.
+// ## Event Message: sns_std_sensor_event
+// Output of the GameRV sensor will be populated in sns_std_sensor_event
+// The orientation is represented by the rotation necessary to align
+// the coordinate frame with the device's coordinates. That is,
+// applying the rotation to the world frame (X,Y,Z) would align them with
+// the device coordinates (x,y,z).
+// The rotation can be seen as rotating the device by an angle theta around an
+// axis rot_axis to go from the reference device orientation to the current
+// device orientation. The rotation is encoded as the four unitless x, y, z, w
+// components of a unit quaternion:
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[0] = rot_axis.x*sin(theta/2)
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[1] = rot_axis.y*sin(theta/2)
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[2] = rot_axis.z*sin(theta/2)
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[3] = cos(theta/2)
+// Where:
+// - the x, y and z fields of rot_axis are the East-North-Up coordinates
+// of a unit length vector representing the rotation axis
+// - theta is the rotation angle
+// sns_std_sensor_event::status specifies the reliability of the sample value
+// value is of type sns_std_sensor_sample_status. see sns_std_sensor.proto for
+// details.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_geomag_rv.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_geomag_rv.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5da31514ad1de2a0d71cd26d3f9731e1f7db8428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_geomag_rv.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// @file sns_geomag_rv.proto
+// Defines the API for Geomagnetic Rotation Vector sensors.
+// This Sensor is similar to Rotation Vector, but uses a magnetometer instead
+// of a gyroscope.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// A GeoMagRV sensor reports the orientation of the device relative to the
+// East-North-Up coordinates frame. It is obtained by integration of
+// accelerometer and magnetometer readings.
+// ## GeoMagRV sensor attributes:
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE is "geomag_rv"
+// ## Request Message: sns_std_sensor_config
+// sns_std_sensor_config::sample_rate is used to specify the sampling rate (Hz)
+// of the GeoMagRV sensor. Sensor will generate data events at this rate.
+// ## Event Message: sns_std_sensor_event
+// Output of the GeoMagRV sensor will be populated in sns_std_sensor_event
+// The East-North-Up coordinate system is defined as a direct orthonormal
+// basis where:
+// - X points east and is tangential to the ground.
+// - Y points north and is tangential to the ground.
+// - Z points towards the sky and is perpendicular to the ground.
+// The rotation can be seen as rotating the device by an angle theta around an
+// axis rot_axis to go from the reference device orientation to the current
+// device orientation. The rotation is encoded as the four unitless x, y, z, w
+// components of a unit quaternion:
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[0] = rot_axis.x*sin(theta/2)
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[1] = rot_axis.y*sin(theta/2)
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[2] = rot_axis.z*sin(theta/2)
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[3] = cos(theta/2)
+// Where:
+// - the x, y and z fields of rot_axis are the East-North-Up coordinates
+// of a unit length vector representing the rotation axis
+// - theta is the rotation angle
+// sns_std_sensor_event::status specifies the reliability of the sample value
+// value is of type sns_std_sensor_sample_status. see sns_std_sensor.proto for
+// details.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_gravity.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_gravity.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b520a08c08f7d459fe5f1415384c29db125d94a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_gravity.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// @file sns_gravity.proto
+// Defines standard message types for the Gravity Sensor
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// Configuration Message
+// Used to either request for a certain configuration of the gravity sensor or
+// alter an already existing configuration of the gravity sensor
+// Uses sns_std_sensor_config defined in sns_std_sensor.proto
+// The message field definitions are as follows:
+// 1) float sample_rate
+//      containing the required sample rate of the gravity sensor in hertz
+// Data Message
+// Data event generated by the gravity.
+// Uses sns_std_sensor_event message defined in sns_std_sensor.proto
+// The data field of the sns_std_sensor_event message
+// contains a float array of length 6 with the following definition
+// 1) float data[0] to data[2]
+//      Representing the gravity values along x,y,z axes in m/s2.
+// 2) float data[3] to data[5]
+//      Representing the linear acceleration values along x,y,z axes in m/s2.
+//      Determined as the delta between the accel and the gravity values
+//      along that axis.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_gyro.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_gyro.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5eb4ff18365ce41d0e17b4fcffe7e320ebe1dba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_gyro.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// @file sns_gyro.proto
+// Defines the API for Gyroscope Sensors.
+// All Gyroscope Sensor drivers are required to comply with this API.
+// Any new functionality for Gyroscope Sensor can be defined in a
+// device specific API file.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_physical_sensor_test.proto";
+import "sns_cal.proto";
+// Attribute requirements:
+// The Gyroscope Sensor publishes:
+// 1. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE attribute value as "gyro".
+// 2. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RESOLUTIONS attribute value in dps/LSB.
+// 3. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RANGES attribute values in dps unit.
+// 4. See sns_std_sensor.proto for other attributes.
+// Handling stream requests:
+// 1. The Gyroscope Sensor handles the sns_std_sensor_config
+//    message request for all stream enable/update requests.
+// 2. The Gyroscope Sensor uses batching_period item in
+//    sns_std_request as the requested batching rate to determine
+//    hardware FIFO watermark.
+// Handling stream events:
+// 1. The Gyroscope Sensor publishes device rotation data stream events
+//    using the sns_std_sensor_event message.
+// 2. Each stream event contains three output data fields where data is
+//    in radians/sec units and is factory calibrated.
+// 3. Data in the stream is adjusted to Android coordinate system relative to a
+//    mobile device held with screen facing the user in it's natural orientation:
+//    X-axis: parallel to the screen pointing to the right
+//    Y-axis: parallel to the screen pointing to the top
+//    Z-axis: perpendicular to the screen pointing towards the user
+//    This conforms to the mobile device axes orientation as specified by the
+//    Android Sensor API.
+// 4. Data in the stream event is ordered as:
+//    data[0] = X-axis
+//    data[1] = Y-axis
+//    data[2] = Z-axis
+// 5. Each stream event publishes an accuracy field:
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE to mark invalid samples when hardware is
+//    yet to stabilize after the sensor is configured.
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH to mark samples when they are valid.
+// 6. The Gyroscope Sensor publishes a configuration event using the
+//    sns_std_sensor_physical_config_event message.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in hardware config of the sensor
+//    and contains current physical sensor config of the sensor.
+// 7. The Gyroscope Sensor publishes a factory calibration event using the
+//    sns_cal_event message. It uses bias and comp_matrix fields in this event.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in it's factory calibration
+//    data or when a client sends a new streaming request.
+// Handling self-test requests:
+// 1. The Gyroscope Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_COM test
+//    type using the physical sensor test API.
+// 2. The Gyroscope Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_FACTORY test
+//    type to determine factory calibration parameters using the physical
+//    sensor test API.
+// 3. The Gyroscope Sensor could implement other test types.
+// Handling test events:
+// 1. The Gyroscope Sensor uses sns_physical_sensor_test_event message to publish
+//    a test completion event.
+// 2. The test_passed field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event is used to output the
+//    pass/fail result of self-test execution.
+// 3. The test_data field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event could be used to output any
+//    driver-specific error data.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_gyro_cal.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_gyro_cal.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5b5ac30401f48d79cb08d0cc85436a4c6031d58e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_gyro_cal.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// @file sns_gyro_cal.proto
+// Defines message types for the Gyro Calibration Sensor.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_cal.proto";
+// The Gyro Calibration Sensor determines the calibration parameters
+// for gyro sensor
+// Gyro Calibration Sensor Attributes:
+// - SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE: "gyro_cal"
+// Stream Requests:
+//      enable the sensor
+// - SNS_CAL_MSGID_SNS_CAL_RESET message ID is used to reset the algorithm
+//      and any previously determined calibration parameters.
+// Stream Events:
+// - SNS_CAL_MSGID_SNS_CAL_EVENT message ID is used to report calibration
+//      parameters to the client of the sensor. The sns_cal_event message as
+//      defined in sns_cal.proto is used to report this data event where the
+//      units for the bias field in the message are in rad / s
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_gyro_rot_matrix.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_gyro_rot_matrix.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..32614fc92954f1532b375f02e36e60063fd4a312
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_gyro_rot_matrix.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// @file sns_gyro_rot_matrix.proto
+// Defines standard message types for the Gyro Rotation Matrix
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+enum sns_gyro_rot_matrix_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Data Message
+// Data event generated by the gyro rotation matrix.
+// Uses sns_std_sensor_event message defined in sns_std_sensor.proto
+// The data field of the sns_std_sensor_event message
+// contains a float array of length 10 with the following definition
+// 1) float data[0] to data[8]
+//      3 by 3 Gyro Rotation Matrix output
+//      Representing the rotation from previously sampled gyro values
+//      to the current one.
+//      The matrix definition is as follows:
+//      curr_gyro_XYZ[3X1] = gyro_rot_matrix[3X3] * prev_gyro_XYZ[3X1]
+//      data[0] = gyro_rot_matrix[0,0]
+//      data[1] = gyro_rot_matrix[0,1]
+//      data[2] = gyro_rot_matrix[0,2]
+//      data[3] = gyro_rot_matrix[1,0]
+//      data[4] = gyro_rot_matrix[1,1]
+//      data[5] = gyro_rot_matrix[1,2]
+//      data[6] = gyro_rot_matrix[2,0]
+//      data[7] = gyro_rot_matrix[2,1]
+//      data[8] = gyro_rot_matrix[2,2]
+// 2) float data[9]
+//      Gyro Norm of the currently sampled gyro data
+//      determined as the sum of squares of gyro on each of the axes
+//      i.e. curr_gyro_X^2 + curr_gyro_Y^2 + curr_gyro_Z^2
+// Configuration Message
+// Used to either request for a certain configuration of the Gyro Rotation Matrix Sensor or
+// alter an already existing configuration of the Simulation Sensor
+// Uses sns_std_sensor_config defined in sns_std_sensor.proto
+// The message field definitions are as follows:
+// 1) float sample_rate
+//      containing the required sample rate of the Gyro Rotation Matrix sensor in hertz
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_hall.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_hall.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..31aaa06b22306a126c3bb5c127b7ce4517a48e6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_hall.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// @file sns_hall.proto
+// Defines the API for Hall Sensors.
+// All Hall Sensor drivers are required to comply with this API.
+// Any new functionality for Hall Sensor can be defined in a
+// device specific API file.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_physical_sensor_test.proto";
+// Attribute requirements:
+// The Hall Sensor publishes:
+// 1. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE attribute value as "hall".
+// 2. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RESOLUTIONS attribute is not applicable since this is an event
+//    sensor.
+// 3. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RANGES attribute values as 0 and 1.
+// 4. See sns_std_sensor.proto for other attributes.
+// Handling stream requests:
+// 1. The Hall Sensor handles the SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_ON_CHANGE_CONFIG
+//    message ID for all stream enable/update requests.
+// 2. The Hall Sensor operates in on-change mode and report
+//    samples only for magnet NEAR/FAR transitions.
+// Message IDs for hall Sensor
+enum sns_hall_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Uses message: sns_hall_event
+  // Purpose: An output data event from the hall sensor to it's client.
+enum sns_hall_event_type {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Events types from hall Sensor
+message sns_hall_event
+  // Hall NEAR/FAR output event
+  required sns_hall_event_type hall_event_type = 1 [default = SNS_HALL_EVENT_TYPE_FAR];
+  // Hall sensor sample status
+  required sns_std_sensor_sample_status status = 2 [default = SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE];
+// Handling stream events:
+// 1. The Hall Sensor publishes magnetic field proximity data stream
+//    events using the sns_hall_event message.
+// 2. Each stream event publishes an accuracy field:
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE to mark invalid samples when hardware is
+//    yet to stabilize after the sensor is configured.
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH to mark samples when they are valid.
+// 3. The Hall Sensor publishes a configuration event using the
+//    sns_std_sensor_physical_config_event message.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in hardware config of the sensor
+//    and contains current physical sensor config of the sensor.
+// Handling self-test requests:
+// 1. The Hall Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_COM test
+//    type using the physical sensor test API.
+// 2. The Hall Sensor could implement other test types.
+// Handling test events:
+// 1. The Hall Sensor uses sns_physical_sensor_test_event message to publish
+//    a test completion event.
+// 2. The test_passed field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event is used to output the
+//    pass/fail result of self-test execution.
+// 3. The test_data field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event could be used to output any
+//    driver-specific error data.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_heart_beat.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_heart_beat.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db785a0f1a94bf7358cc6659b36a5b4abfcde9e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_heart_beat.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// @file sns_heart_beat.proto
+// Defines the API for Heart Beat sensors
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// A heart beat sensor reports everytime a heart beat peak is detected.
+// Peak ideally corresponds to the positive peak in the QRS complex of
+// an ECG signal, and the event timestamp should correspond to the time this
+// peak occured.
+// The sensor is not expected to be optimized for latency. As a guide, a
+// receipt latency of up to 10 seconds is acceptable.
+// ## Heart Beat sensor attributes:
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE is "heart_beat"
+// No configuration is available for this sensor.
+// ## Event Message: sns_std_sensor_event
+// Output of the Heart Beat sensor will be populated in sns_std_sensor_event.
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[0] = confidence in the detection of the peak
+//    where 0.0 represent no information at all, and 1.0 represents certainty.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_heart_rate.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_heart_rate.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c6f90f5e14fa45573f247702f2d0dc32075038b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_heart_rate.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// @file sns_heart_rate.proto
+// Defines the API for Heart Rate Detection Sensors.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// A sensor of this type returns the current heart rate in beats per minute
+// (BPM).  Because this sensor is on-change, events must be generated when and
+// only when BPM or status have changed since the last event.
+// Upon the first activation, unless the device is known to not be on the
+// body, the status field of the first event must be set to UNRELIABLE.
+// ## Heart Rate sensor attributes:
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE is "heart_rate"
+// No configuration is available for this sensor.
+// ## Event Message: sns_std_sensor_event
+// Output of the Heart Rate sensor will be populated in sns_std_sensor_event.
+// SNS_HEART_RATE_MSGID_SNS_HEART_RATE_EVENT::data[0] = current heart rate in beats per minute (BPM)
+// SNS_HEART_RATE_MSGID_SNS_HEART_RATE_EVENT::status specifies the reliability of the sample value
+// value is of type sns_heart_rate_event_type.
+enum sns_heart_rate_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+enum sns_heart_rate_event_type {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Events types from heart_rate Sensor
+message sns_heart_rate_event
+  required float heart_rate = 1;
+  required sns_heart_rate_event_type heart_rate_event_type = 2 [default = SNS_HR_STATUS_NO_CONTACT];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_humidity.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_humidity.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7ae47bcc48e82045487d7497d25ca18278152ebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_humidity.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// @file sns_humidity.proto
+// Defines the API for Humidity Sensors.
+// All Humidity Sensor drivers are required to comply with this API.
+// Any new functionality for Humidity Sensor can be defined in a
+// device specific API file.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_physical_sensor_test.proto";
+import "sns_cal.proto";
+// Attribute requirements:
+// The Humidity Sensor publishes:
+// 1. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE attribute value as "humidity".
+// 2. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RESOLUTIONS attribute value in %RH/LSB.
+// 3. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RANGES attribute values in %RH unit.
+// 4. The Humidity Sensor is an on-change sensor.
+// 5. See sns_std_sensor.proto for other attributes.
+// Handling stream requests:
+// 1. The Humidity Sensor handles the SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_ON_CHANGE_CONFIG
+//    message ID for all stream enable/update requests.
+// 2. The Humidity Sensor supports on-change mode of operation.
+// 3. In on-change mode the Sensor could use interrupt operation and
+//    reports samples for only significant change in humidity.
+//    Example: +/- 5% change.
+// Handling stream events:
+// 1. The Humidity Sensor publishes ambient relative humidity data stream
+//    events using the sns_std_sensor_event message.
+// 2. Each stream event contains one output data field where data is
+//    factory calibrated and ordered as:
+//    data[0] = Humidity data in %RH (% Relative Humidity)
+// 3. Each stream event publishes an accuracy field:
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE to mark invalid samples when hardware is
+//    yet to stabilize after the sensor is configured.
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH to mark samples when they are valid.
+// 4. The Humidity Sensor publishes a configuration event using the
+//    sns_std_sensor_physical_config_event message.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in hardware config of the sensor
+//    and contains current physical sensor config of the sensor.
+// 5. The Humidity Sensor publishes a factory calibration event using the
+//    sns_cal_event message. It uses bias and scale_factor fields in this event.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in it's factory calibration
+//    data or when a client sends a new streaming request.
+// Handling self-test requests:
+// 1. The Humidity Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_COM test
+//    type using the physical sensor test API.
+// 2. The Humidity Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_FACTORY test
+//    type to determine factory calibration parameters using the physical
+//    sensor test API.
+// 3. The Humidity Sensor could implement other test types.
+// Handling test events:
+// 1. The Humidity Sensor uses sns_physical_sensor_test_event message to publish
+//    a test completion event.
+// 2. The test_passed field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event is used to output the
+//    pass/fail result of self-test execution.
+// 3. The test_data field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event could be used to output any
+//    driver-specific error data.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_interrupt.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_interrupt.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ed9f8c2ecfcd7eb28d9f85f6bcb05569478658a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_interrupt.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+// @file sns_interrupt.proto
+// Defines standard message types for the Interrupt Sensor. The Interrupt
+// Sensor is a QC written platform Sensor which is used by physical Sensor
+// drivers that use interrupts like data-ready interrupt (DRI), FIFO watermark
+// interrupt, etc. These physical Sensors must use the API defined in this file
+// to send requests to and parse events from the Interrupt Sensor.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+enum sns_interrupt_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // This message is used to register for notifications for a physical interrupt
+  // pin with the interrupt sensor.
+  // This message is used to register for notifications for an In Band
+  // Interrupt (IBI).
+  // Data event from interrupt Sensor.
+  //
+  // This message is generated each time a registered
+  // interrupt fires. This message ID corresponds to
+  // the message sns_interrupt_event
+  // Interrupt sensor event marking it as registered
+  //
+  // This message is generated when an interrupt has
+  // been successfully registered. Sensors should not
+  // turn on the hardware interrupts until this
+  // event has been recieved from the interrupt sensor.
+  // This event has no body and the event length is 0
+  // Notification message to the interrupt Sensor that
+  // a level triggered interrupt has been serviced and cleared.
+  //
+  // In case of level triggered interrupts, when the interrupt
+  // fires, the interrupt sensor disables the interrupt until
+  // it is serviced and cleared at it's source. This message
+  // is used to notify the interrupt sensor that the interrupt
+  // has been serviced and cleared so that it can be re-enabled.
+  // This message is not applicable to edge triggered interrupts.
+  // This message does not have any payload.
+// Types of interrupt triggers.
+enum sns_interrupt_trigger_type
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  SNS_INTERRUPT_TRIGGER_TYPE_RISING = 0;      // Trigger type rising edge.
+  SNS_INTERRUPT_TRIGGER_TYPE_FALLING = 1;     // Trigger type falling edge.
+  SNS_INTERRUPT_TRIGGER_TYPE_DUAL_EDGE = 2;   // Trigger type rising and falling edge.
+  SNS_INTERRUPT_TRIGGER_TYPE_HIGH = 3;        // Trigger type high level.
+  SNS_INTERRUPT_TRIGGER_TYPE_LOW = 4;         // Trigger type low level.
+// Types of interrupt pin drive strength.
+enum sns_interrupt_drive_strength
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  SNS_INTERRUPT_DRIVE_STRENGTH_2_MILLI_AMP = 0;  // Specify a 2 mA drive.
+  SNS_INTERRUPT_DRIVE_STRENGTH_4_MILLI_AMP = 1;  // Specify a 4 mA drive.
+  SNS_INTERRUPT_DRIVE_STRENGTH_6_MILLI_AMP = 2;  // Specify a 6 mA drive.
+  SNS_INTERRUPT_DRIVE_STRENGTH_8_MILLI_AMP = 3;  // Specify an 8 mA drive.
+  SNS_INTERRUPT_DRIVE_STRENGTH_10_MILLI_AMP = 4; // Specify a 10 mA drive.
+  SNS_INTERRUPT_DRIVE_STRENGTH_12_MILLI_AMP = 5; // Specify a 12 mA drive.
+  SNS_INTERRUPT_DRIVE_STRENGTH_14_MILLI_AMP = 6; // Specify a 14 mA drive.
+  SNS_INTERRUPT_DRIVE_STRENGTH_16_MILLI_AMP = 7; // Specify a 16 mA drive.
+// Types of interrupt pin pull.
+enum sns_interrupt_pull_type
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  SNS_INTERRUPT_PULL_TYPE_NO_PULL = 0;     // Do not specify a pull.
+  SNS_INTERRUPT_PULL_TYPE_PULL_DOWN = 1;   // Pull the GPIO down.
+  SNS_INTERRUPT_PULL_TYPE_KEEPER = 2;      // Designate as a Keeper.
+  SNS_INTERRUPT_PULL_TYPE_PULL_UP = 3;     // Pull the pin up.
+// Client request message for Interrupt Sensor.
+message sns_interrupt_req
+  // Interrupt pin number.
+  required uint32 interrupt_num = 1;
+  // Interrupt trigger type.
+  required sns_interrupt_trigger_type interrupt_trigger_type = 2;
+  // Interrupt pin drive strength configuration.
+  required sns_interrupt_drive_strength interrupt_drive_strength = 3;
+  // Interrupt pin pull configuration.
+  required sns_interrupt_pull_type interrupt_pull_type = 4;
+  // Interrupt pin type. True if this is a chip
+  // TLMM GPIO. False if this is an SSC TLMM GPIO.
+  required bool is_chip_pin = 5;
+// Client request message for Interrupt Sensor.
+message sns_ibi_req
+  // Slave address for I3C
+  required uint32 dynamic_slave_addr = 1;
+  // Platform bus instance number (BLSP number)
+  required uint32 bus_instance = 2;
+  // Number of optional + mandatory bytes supported by the sensor hardware
+  required fixed32 ibi_data_bytes = 3;
+// Event generated by the Interrupt Sensor.
+message sns_interrupt_event
+  // Interrupt pin number or dynamic slave address
+  required fixed32 interrupt_num = 1;
+  // Timestamp when trigger event on the interrupt
+  // was detected.
+  required fixed64 timestamp = 2;
+  // If an IBI event, the data associated with the event
+  optional bytes   ibi_data = 3 [(nanopb).max_size = 32];
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_mag.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_mag.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c8868fcfd568bdfff047efbe7106b278c23fab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_mag.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// @file sns_mag.proto
+// Defines the API for Magnetometer Sensors.
+// All Magnetometer Sensor drivers are required to comply with this API.
+// Any new functionality for Magnetometer Sensor can be defined in a
+// device specific API file.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_physical_sensor_test.proto";
+import "sns_cal.proto";
+// Attribute requirements:
+// The Magnetometer Sensor publishes:
+// 1. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE attribute value as "mag".
+// 2. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RESOLUTIONS attribute value in µT/LSB.
+// 3. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RANGES attribute values in µT unit.
+// 4. See sns_std_sensor.proto for other attributes.
+// Handling stream requests:
+// 1. The Magnetometer Sensor handles the sns_std_sensor_config
+//    message request for all stream enable/update requests.
+// 2. If the physical sensor supports hardware FIFO then the Magnetometer
+//    Sensor uses batching_period item in sns_std_request as the requested
+//    batching rate to determine hardware FIFO watermark.
+// Handling stream events:
+// 1. The Magnetometer Sensor publishes ambient magnetic field data events
+//    using the sns_std_sensor_event message.
+// 2. Each stream event contains three output data fields where data is
+//    in µT (micro Tesla) units and is factory calibrated.
+// 3. Data in the stream is adjusted to Android coordinate system relative to a
+//    mobile device held with screen facing the user in it's natural orientation:
+//    X-axis: parallel to the screen pointing to the right
+//    Y-axis: parallel to the screen pointing to the top
+//    Z-axis: perpendicular to the screen pointing towards the user
+//    This conforms to the mobile device axes orientation as specified by the
+//    Android Sensor API.
+// 4. Data in the stream event is ordered as:
+//    data[0] = X-axis
+//    data[1] = Y-axis
+//    data[2] = Z-axis
+// 5. Each stream event publishes an accuracy field:
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE to mark invalid samples when hardware is
+//    yet to stabilize after the sensor is configured.
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH to mark samples when they are valid.
+// 6. The Magnetometer Sensor publishes a configuration event using the
+//    sns_std_sensor_physical_config_event message.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in hardware config of the sensor
+//    and contains current physical sensor config of the sensor.
+// 7. The Magnetometer Sensor publishes a factory calibration event using the
+//    sns_cal_event message. It uses bias and comp_matrix fields in this event.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in it's factory calibration
+//    data or when a client sends a new streaming request.
+// Handling self-test requests:
+// 1. The Magnetometer Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_COM test
+//    type using the physical sensor test API.
+// 2. The Magnetometer Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_FACTORY test
+//    type to determine factory calibration parameters using the physical
+//    sensor test API.
+// 3. The Magnetometer Sensor could implement other test types.
+// Handling test events:
+// 1. The Magnetometer Sensor uses sns_physical_sensor_test_event message to publish
+//    a test completion event.
+// 2. The test_passed field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event is used to output the
+//    pass/fail result of self-test execution.
+// 3. The test_data field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event could be used to output any
+//    driver-specific error data.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_mag_cal.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_mag_cal.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3ce0441bbe4ff3748330d774bef22ee8acf8d643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_mag_cal.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// @file sns_mag_cal.proto
+// Defines message types for the Mag Calibration Sensor.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_cal.proto";
+// The Mag Calibration Sensor determines the calibration parameters
+// for magnetometer sensor
+// Mag Calibration Sensor Attributes:
+// Stream Requests:
+//      enable the sensor
+// - SNS_CAL_MSGID_SNS_CAL_RESET message ID is used to reset the algorithm
+//      and any previously determined calibration parameters.
+// Stream Events:
+// - SNS_CAL_MSGID_SNS_CAL_EVENT message ID is used to report calibration
+//      parameters to the client of the sensor. The sns_cal_event message as
+//      defined in sns_cal.proto is used to report this data event where the
+//      units for the bias field in the message are in micro Tesla.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_mcmd.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_mcmd.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8554ca0317152129b30da6945cd041f860e87d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_mcmd.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+// @file sns_mcmd.proto
+// Defines the API for Magnitude Change Motion Detection Sensors.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// A magnitude change motion sensor reports once
+// - The device is moving
+// - The device is detected to be stationary
+// The period of time to monitor for stationarity is 5 seconds.
+// After reporting, conceptually the algorithm's state is reset,
+// and detection begins again.
+// Motion here refers to any change in accelerometer greater than 78ug in
+// any direction
+// Stationarity here refers to change in accelerometer smaller than 78ug in
+// any direction for 5 seconds.
+// ## Magnitude Change Motion Detect sensor attributes:
+// Message IDs for Magnitude Change Motion Sensor
+enum sns_mcmd_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Configuration Request
+  // Empty Event
+  // Indicates that the requested state has been detected
+// Detected states supported by the MC Motion Detector
+enum sns_mcmd_type
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Configuration Message
+// Used to specify the MCMD configuration
+message sns_mcmd_config
+  // Which detector type to enable
+  required sns_mcmd_type type = 1;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_motion_detect.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_motion_detect.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..781d52a110793cd947e30f50378f5706a1214d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_motion_detect.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+// @file sns_motion_detect.proto
+// Defines standard message types for Motion Detect Sensor. All physical Sensor
+// drivers that support Motion Detect Sensor are required to support the
+// event messages as defined in this file.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_physical_sensor_test.proto";
+// Attribute requirements:
+// The Motion Detect Sensor publishes:
+// 1. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE attribute value as "motion_detect".
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RATES attributes are not applicable since this is
+//    a single output sensor.
+// 3. See sns_std_sensor.proto for other attributes.
+// Handling stream requests:
+//    enable request to the motion_detect sensor.
+// 2. A client deletes the data stream with motion_detect Sensor to disable it's
+//    original enable request.
+// Message IDs for motion_detect Sensor
+enum sns_motion_detect_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // The motion_detect Sensor publishes an event with this message ID
+enum sns_motion_detect_event_type {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Events types from motion detect Sensor
+message sns_motion_detect_event
+  required sns_motion_detect_event_type motion_detect_event_type = 1 [default = SNS_MOTION_DETECT_EVENT_TYPE_DISABLED];
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_multishake.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_multishake.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c608751a3ed07473bd808ea2cfc6bea9a2181155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_multishake.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// @file sns_multishake.proto
+// Defines message types for the the multishake sensor
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+// The multishake sensor detects shakes along an axis and
+// generates an event when a client specified number of consecutive shakes
+// to the device occur. There is a sleep period after a multishake event
+// is reported during which shakes are not detected. This sleep period
+// is configurable through the registry.
+// ## Multishake sensor attributes:
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE is "multishake"
+// No configuration is available for this sensor.
+// Reported upon new detection of multishake event.
+// ## Configuration Message: Multishake does not publish configuration
+// messages.
+enum sns_multishake_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+enum multishake_axis
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Phone is shaken, but phone shake direction cannot be clearly determined
+  // Phone is shaken in the X axis according
+  // to the android coordinate system
+  // Phone is shaken in the Y axis according
+  // to the android coordinate system
+message sns_multishake_config
+  // Select the shake axis along which shake events are detected by
+  // the algorithm instance. Multiple axes can be selected.
+  // To detect shakes starting from a left shake or a right shake, use
+  //
+  // If shake_axis is not provided, then a multishake event along any
+  // axis will be reported.
+  repeated multishake_axis shake_axis = 1 [(nanopb).max_count = 3];
+message sns_multishake_event
+  // Specifies the axis along which the shakes were detected  If shakes in
+  // multiple axes were detected, the direction of the first shake is reported
+  // in this field.
+  required multishake_axis shake_axis = 1;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_oem1.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_oem1.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..570f8d7f68d5fd2445e43b432552500a2cf1b2e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_oem1.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// @file sns_oem1.proto
+// Defines standard message types for the OEM1
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+enum sns_oem1_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Configuration Message
+// Used to either request for a certain configuration of the Sim Sensor or
+// alter an already existing configuration of the Simulation Sensor
+// Uses sns_std_sensor_config defined in sns_std_sensor.proto
+// The message field definitions are as follows:
+// 1) float sample_rate
+//      containing the required sample rate of the Sim sensor in hertz
+// Data Message
+// Output data event generated by the oem1 sensor.
+message sns_oem1_data
+  // oem1 Vector along axis x,y,z in m/s2
+  repeated float oem1 = 1 [(nanopb).max_count = 3];
+  // Accuracy of the data
+  required sns_std_sensor_sample_status accuracy = 2;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_offbody_detect.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_offbody_detect.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04255c9a2bac5267c152c0da69ec61772a5ec369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_offbody_detect.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// @file sns_offbody_detect.proto
+// Defines the API for Offbody Detection Sensors.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// An offbody detect sensor reports every time the device transitions from
+// off-body to on-body and from on-body to off-body (e.g. a wearable device
+// being removed from the wrist would trigger an event indicating an off-body
+// transition).
+// This sensor must be able to detect and report an on-body to off-body
+// transition within 1 second of the device being removed from the body,
+// and must be able to detect and report an off-body to on-body transition
+// within 5 seconds of the device being put back onto the body.
+// ## Offbody Detection sensor attributes:
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE is "offbody_detect"
+// No configuration is available for this sensor.
+// Message IDs for Offbody Detection Sensor
+enum sns_offbody_detect_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+enum sns_offbody_detect_event_type
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Current state is unknown: not yet detected
+  // Device has been detected to be on-body
+  // Device has been detected to be off-body
+message sns_offbody_detect_event
+  // Detected state
+  required sns_offbody_detect_event_type state = 1 [default = SNS_OFFBODY_DETECT_EVENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN];
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_pedometer.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_pedometer.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..800ac74e949020f091f2702a7050f04c317e8b45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_pedometer.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// @file sns_pedometer.proto
+// Defines message types for the Pedometer Sensor.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// The Pedometer Sensor detects steps taken by the user
+// The Pedometer Step event is generated when the user takes a step.
+// The event includes the latest step count accumulated since activation.
+// All clients to Pedometer get the same step event.
+// The timestamp of the event indicates the time of the latest detected step.
+// Pedometer Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// Stream Requests:
+// - SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_ON_CHANGE_CONFIG is used to enable the sensor
+// Message IDs for Pedometer Sensor
+enum sns_pedometer_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  //send to client immediatly to inform current step count
+  //msg body same as sns_step_event
+// Events types from Pedometer Sensor
+message sns_step_event
+  //an incrementing step count
+  required uint32 step_count = 1;
+message sns_step_event_config
+  //current step count
+  required uint32 step_count = 1;
+// Stream events:
+// The sns_step_event message is used to publish updated step count
+// Pedometer does not publish configuration events.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_pedometer_wrist.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_pedometer_wrist.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..65a63482d88e95d8373db4bda51fc9a830731d6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_pedometer_wrist.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// @file sns_pedometer_wrist.proto
+// Defines message types for the Pedometer_wrist Sensor.
+// Copyright (c) 2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// The Pedometer_wrist Sensor detects steps taken by the user
+// The Pedometer_wrist Step event is generated when the user takes a step.
+// The event includes the latest step count accumulated since activation.
+// All clients to Pedometer_wrist get the same step event.
+// The timestamp of the event indicates the time of the latest detected step.
+// Pedometer_wrist Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE: "pedometer_wrist"
+// Stream Requests:
+// - SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_ON_CHANGE_CONFIG is used to enable the sensor
+// Message IDs for Pedometer_wrist Sensor
+enum sns_pedometer_wrist_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  //send to client immediatly to inform current step count
+  //msg body same as sns_step_event
+// Events types from Pedometer_wrist Sensor
+message sns_pedometer_step_event
+  //an incrementing step count
+  required uint32 step_count = 1;
+message sns_pedometer_step_event_config
+  //current step count
+  required uint32 step_count = 1;
+// Stream events:
+// The sns_step_event message is used to publish updated step count
+// Pedometer_wrist does not publish configuration events.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_physical_sensor_test.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_physical_sensor_test.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f15c7f4c095e995b4ee607b1f41f30b349b5fa38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_physical_sensor_test.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+// @file sns_physical_sensor_test.proto
+// Defines test API message types for physical sensors.
+// All physical Sensor drivers are required to use this API to support
+// self-test. SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_COM is a mandatory test type and must be
+// implemented in all physical Sensor drivers. Any new or device-specific
+// test type may be defined in the Sensor-specific API.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+enum sns_physical_sensor_test_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Test config request to a physical Sensor
+  // Test event message from a physical Sensor
+// Supported test types for physical sensors
+enum sns_physical_sensor_test_type
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Software test.
+  // Sensor Hardware test.
+  // Factory test used for Sensor calibration.
+  // Communication bus test.
+// Physical Sensor test configuration request
+message sns_physical_sensor_test_config
+  // Requested test type.
+  required sns_physical_sensor_test_type test_type = 1;
+// Physical Sensor test event
+message sns_physical_sensor_test_event
+  // Result if the test execution was successful:
+  // true for success
+  // false for failure
+  required bool test_passed = 1 [default = true];
+  // test_type from sns_physical_sensor_test_config that
+  // this event corresponds to
+  required sns_physical_sensor_test_type test_type = 2 [default = SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_COM];
+  // Driver specific test data. This field can be used
+  // to pass additional information like failure codes, debug data, etc.
+  optional bytes test_data = 3;
+// Self-test and streaming concurrency requirements:
+// 1. If the sensor is streaming and there is a client request to run
+//    self-test (any test type) then the driver:
+//      a. Pauses the stream
+//      b. Executes the self-test request to completion
+//      c. Resumes stream
+// 2. If the self-test is running and there is a client request to start
+//    a sensor stream then the driver:
+//      a. Rejects the stream request
+//      b. Continues executing the self-test request to completion
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_pose_6dof.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_pose_6dof.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ba9ee2e2b912b3a7b095846fe213ef31c14a7b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_pose_6dof.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// @file sns_pose_6dof.proto
+// Defines the API for Pose Six Degrees of Freedom sensors.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// A pose 6dof sensor events consists of a rotation expressed as a quaternion
+// and a translation expressed in SI units.  Pose of the device is defined as
+// the orientation of the device from a Earth Centered Earth Fixed frame and
+// the translation from an arbitrary point at subscription.
+// ## Pose 6DOF sensor attributes:
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE is "pose_6dof"
+// ## Request Message: sns_std_sensor_config
+// sns_std_sensor_config::sample_rate is used to specify the sampling rate (Hz)
+// of the Pose 6DOF sensor. Sensor will generate data events at this rate.
+// ## Event Message: sns_std_sensor_event
+// Output of the Pose 6DOF sensor will be populated in sns_std_sensor_event
+// A Pose 6DOF sensor reports the orientation of the device relative
+// to the East-North-Up coordinates frame. It is obtained by
+// integration of accelerometer and gyroscope readings.
+// The East-North-Up coordinate system is defined as a direct
+// orthonormal basis where:
+// - X points east and is tangential to the ground.
+// - Y points north and is tangential to the ground.
+// - Z points towards the sky and is perpendicular to the ground.
+// The orientation is represented by the rotation necessary to align
+// the East-North-Up coordinates with the device's coordinates. That is,
+// applying the rotation to the world frame (X,Y,Z) would align them with
+// the device coordinates (x,y,z).
+// The rotation can be seen as rotating the device by an angle theta around an
+// axis rot_axis to go from the reference (East-North-Up aligned) device
+// orientation to the current device orientation. The rotation is encoded
+// as the four unitless x, y, z, w components of a unit quaternion:
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[0] = x*sin(theta/2)
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[1] = y*sin(theta/2)
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[2] = z*sin(theta/2)
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[3] = cos(theta/2)
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[4] = Translation along x axis from an arbitrary origin.
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[5] = Translation along y axis from an arbitrary origin.
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[6] = Translation along z axis from an arbitrary origin.
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[7] = Delta quaternion rotation x*sin(theta/2)
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[8] = Delta quaternion rotation y*sin(theta/2)
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[9] = Delta quaternion rotation z*sin(theta/2)
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[10] = Delta quaternion rotation cos(theta/2)
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[11] = Delta translation along x axis.
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[12] = Delta translation along y axis.
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[13] = Delta translation along z axis.
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[14] = Sequence number; ascending sequentially from 0
+// Where:
+// - the x, y and z fields of rot_axis are the East-North-Up coordinates
+// of a unit length vector representing the rotation axis
+// - theta is the rotation angle
+// sns_std_sensor_event::status specifies the reliability of the sample value
+// value is of type sns_std_sensor_sample_status. see sns_std_sensor.proto for
+// details.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ppg.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ppg.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c3fc279c2e61bbf74333eec71d6d8ca29e72ac4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ppg.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// @file sns_ppg.proto
+// Defines the API for PPG Sensors.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_physical_sensor_test.proto";
+// Attribute requirements:
+// The PPG Sensor publishes:
+// 1. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE attribute value as "ppg".
+// 2. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RATES attribute values in Hz.
+// Handling stream requests:
+// 1. The PPG Sensor handles the sns_std_sensor_config
+//    message request with msgid SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_SENSOR_CONFIG
+//    for all stream enable/update requests.
+// 2. The PPG Sensor uses batching_period item in
+//    sns_std_request as the requested batching rate to determine
+//    hardware FIFO watermark.
+// Handling stream events:
+// 1. The PPG Sensor publishes PPG data stream events
+//    using the sns_std_sensor_event message.
+// 2. Each stream event contains three output data fields
+//    data[0] => PPG ch1
+//    data[1] => PPG ch2
+//    data[2] => 128 if touched,  0 otherwise
+// 3. Each stream event publishes an accuracy field:
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE to mark invalid samples when hardware is
+//    yet to stabilize after the sensor is configured.
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH to mark samples when they are valid.
+// 4. The PPG Sensor publishes a configuration event using the
+//    sns_std_sensor_physical_config_event message.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in hardware config of the sensor
+//    and contains current physical sensor config of the sensor.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_pressure.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_pressure.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c62bdc93592a34ce460d6da62597e35a49566db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_pressure.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// @file sns_pressure.proto
+// Defines the API for Pressure Sensors.
+// All Pressure Sensor drivers are required to comply with this API.
+// Any new functionality for Pressure Sensor can be defined in a
+// device specific API file.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_physical_sensor_test.proto";
+import "sns_cal.proto";
+// Attribute requirements:
+// The Pressure Sensor publishes:
+// 1. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE attribute value as "pressure".
+// 2. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RESOLUTIONS attribute values in hectoPascal/LSB unit.
+// 3. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RANGES attribute values in hectoPascal unit.
+// 4. See sns_std_sensor.proto for other attributes.
+// Handling stream requests:
+// 1. The Pressure Sensor handles the sns_std_sensor_config
+//    message request for all stream enable/update requests.
+// 2. If the physical sensor supports hardware FIFO then the Pressure
+//    Sensor uses batching_period item in sns_std_request as the requested
+//    batching rate to determine hardware FIFO watermark.
+// Handling stream events:
+// 1. The Pressure Sensor publishes atmospheric pressure data stream events
+//    using the sns_std_sensor_event message.
+// 2. Each stream event contains one output data field where data is
+//    factory calibrated and ordered as:
+//    data[0] = Pressure data in hPa (hectoPascal)
+// 3. Each stream event publishes an accuracy field:
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE to mark invalid samples when hardware is
+//    yet to stabilize after the sensor is configured.
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH to mark samples when they are valid.
+// 4. The Pressure Sensor publishes a configuration event using the
+//    sns_std_sensor_physical_config_event message.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in hardware config of the sensor
+//    and contains current physical sensor config of the sensor.
+// 5. The Pressure Sensor publishes a factory calibration event using the
+//    sns_cal_event message. It uses bias and scale_factor fields in this event.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in it's factory calibration
+//    data or when a client sends a new streaming request.
+// Handling self-test requests:
+// 1. The Pressure Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_COM test
+//    type using the physical sensor test API.
+// 2. The Pressure Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_FACTORY test
+//    type to determine factory calibration parameters using the physical
+//    sensor test API.
+// 3. The Pressure Sensor could implement other test types.
+// Handling test events:
+// 1. The Pressure Sensor uses sns_physical_sensor_test_event message to publish
+//    a test completion event.
+// 2. The test_passed field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event is used to output the
+//    pass/fail result of self-test execution.
+// 3. The test_data field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event could be used to output any
+//    driver-specific error data.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_proximity.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_proximity.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5879644264446cd43949c8c385cb9c3fad5b4249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_proximity.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+// @file sns_proximity.proto
+// Defines the API for Proximity Sensors.
+// All Proximity Sensor drivers are required to comply with this API.
+// Any new functionality for Proximity Sensor can be defined in a
+// device specific API file.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_physical_sensor_test.proto";
+import "sns_cal.proto";
+// Attribute requirements:
+// The Proximity Sensor publishes:
+// 1. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE attribute value as "proximity".
+// 2. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RESOLUTIONS attribute is not applicable since this
+//    is an event sensor.
+// 3. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RANGES attribute values in cm unit (proximity distance).
+// 4. See sns_std_sensor.proto for other attributes.
+// Handling stream requests:
+// 1. The Proximity Sensor supports both streaming and on-change
+//    modes and the operating mode is configured in the Registry.
+// 2. The streaming Proximity Sensor handles the sns_std_sensor_config request
+//    for all stream enable/update requests.
+// 3. The on-change Proximity Sensor handles the
+//    all stream enable/update requests.
+// 4. In on-change mode the Sensor uses interrupt operation and reports
+//    samples only for NEAR/FAR transitions.
+// Message IDs for proximity Sensor
+enum sns_proximity_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Uses message: sns_proximity_event
+  // Purpose: An output data event from the proximity sensor to it's client.
+enum sns_proximity_event_type {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Events types from proximity Sensor
+message sns_proximity_event
+  // Proximity NEAR/FAR output event
+  required sns_proximity_event_type proximity_event_type = 1 [default = SNS_PROXIMITY_EVENT_TYPE_FAR];
+  // Proimity sensor raw data
+  required uint32 raw_adc = 2;
+  // Proximity sensor sample status
+  required sns_std_sensor_sample_status status = 3 [default = SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE];
+// Handling stream events:
+// 1. The Proximity Sensor publishes object proximity data stream events
+//    using sns_proximity_event message.
+// 2. Each stream event publishes an accuracy field:
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE to mark invalid samples when hardware is
+//    yet to stabilize after the sensor is configured.
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH to mark samples when they are valid.
+// 3. The Proximity Sensor publishes a configuration event using the
+//    sns_std_sensor_physical_config_event message.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in hardware config of the sensor
+//    and contains current physical sensor config of the sensor.
+// Handling self-test requests:
+// 1. The Proximity Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_COM test
+//    type using the physical sensor test API.
+// 2. The Proximity Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_FACTORY test
+//    type to determine factory calibration parameters using the physical
+//    sensor test API. The factory test for Proximity Sensor calibrates
+//    the sensor to detect an object (including light and dark colored)
+//    at 5cm distance from the physical sensor.
+// 3. The Proximity Sensor could implement other test types.
+// Handling test events:
+// 1. The Proximity Sensor uses sns_physical_sensor_test_event message to publish
+//    a test completion event.
+// 2. The test_passed field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event is used to output the
+//    pass/fail result of self-test execution.
+// 3. The test_data field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event could be used to output any
+//    driver-specific error data.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_psmd.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_psmd.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c3eab9f611716bc81d5230ff819df0756d3ad3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_psmd.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// @file sns_psmd.proto
+// Defines the API for Persistent Stationary/Motion Detection Sensors.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// A persistent stationary/motion sensor reports once
+// - The device is moving/not still
+// - The device is detected to be still/stationary
+// The period of time to monitor for motion and stationarity should be greater
+// than 5 seconds, and less than 10 seconds.  After reporting, conceptually
+// the algorithm's state is reset, and detection begins again.
+// Motion here refers to any mechanism in which the device is causes to be
+// moved in its inertial frame. eg: Picking up the device and walking with it
+// to a nearby room may trigger motion whereas keeping the device on a table
+// on a smooth train moving at constant velocity may not trigger motion.
+// Stationarity here refers to absolute stationarity. eg: device on desk.
+// ## Persistent Stationary/Motion Detect sensor attributes:
+// Message IDs for Persistent Stationary/Motion Sensor
+enum sns_psmd_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Configuration Request
+  // Empty Event
+  // Indicates that the requested state has been detected
+// Detected states supported by the PSM Detector
+enum sns_psmd_type
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Configuration Message
+// Used to specify the PSMD configuration
+message sns_psmd_config
+  // Which detector type to enable
+  required sns_psmd_type type = 1;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_registry.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_registry.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e671efea155871e732482deccc5d9bd1c5cdbe7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_registry.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// @file sns_registry.proto
+// Sensors Registry message definitions for internal and external clients
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+// Registry Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// Registry Sensor message IDs:
+enum sns_registry_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+message sns_registry_data
+  message item
+  {
+    option (nanopb_msgopt).no_unions = true;
+    // Item name (i.e. Only item-specific name, sans group name)
+    required string name = 1;
+    optional fixed32 version = 2;
+    oneof data
+    {
+      sns_registry_data subgroup = 10;
+      string str = 11;
+      float flt = 12;
+      sfixed64 sint = 13;
+    }
+  }
+  repeated item items = 3;
+message sns_registry_read_req
+  // Full name of the item or group to be read
+  required string name = 1;
+message sns_registry_write_req
+  // Full name of the group to be written
+  required string name = 1;
+  required sns_registry_data data = 2;
+message sns_registry_read_event
+  // Full name of the group which was read
+  required string name = 1;
+  required sns_registry_data data = 2;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_remote_proc_state.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_remote_proc_state.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f5933e6076e628661c42841f65f6185afc1ea806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_remote_proc_state.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// @file sns_remote_proc_state.proto
+// Defines standard message types for the Remote Processor State sensor
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_type.proto";
+// remote_proc_state sensor receives remote processor state 
+// notifications and sends these notifications to its clients
+// remote_proc_state Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_NAME: "Remote Processor State"
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE: "remote_proc_state"
+enum sns_remote_proc_state_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Uses message: sns_remote_proc_state_config
+  // Config request to receive remote processor stat updates
+  // Uses message: sns_remote_proc_state_event  
+  // This event is generated when the remote_proc_state service
+  // sends out the remote processor state change notification
+// Remote processor state config request
+// Note: Currently the only supported processor is Apps:
+message sns_remote_proc_state_config
+  // Requested processor type
+  required sns_std_client_processor proc_type = 1;
+// Supported processor state event types
+enum sns_remote_proc_state_event_type
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Processor is suspended
+  // Processor is awake
+// Remote processor state event
+message sns_remote_proc_state_event
+  // Processor type whose state is updated
+  required sns_std_client_processor proc_type = 1;
+  // Event type with state of the processor
+  required sns_remote_proc_state_event_type event_type = 2;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_resampler.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_resampler.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c9b7d7cdbea7d352c384c007051bf321cc75555
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_resampler.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// @file sns_resampler.proto
+// Defines standard message types for the Resampler
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_std_event_gated_sensor.proto";
+// Resampler Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// Sensor output event:
+// Resampler use sns_std_sensor_event for it's output event
+enum sns_resampler_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Type of requested resampled rate
+enum sns_resampler_rate
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Requested resampled rate is fixed
+  // Requested resampled rate is the minimum required
+// Resampler output quality
+enum sns_resampler_quality
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Resampler output is the same as input sensor data
+  // Resampler output is filtered down from input sensor data
+  // Resampler output is interpolated and filtered down from input sensor data
+  // Resampler output is interpolated down from input sensor data
+// Configuration Message
+// Used to either request for a new configuration of the Resampler Sensor or
+// alter an already existing configuration
+message sns_resampler_config
+  // UID of the Sensor to be resampled
+  required sns_std_suid sensor_uid = 1;
+  // The requested resampled rate in Hz
+  required float resampled_rate = 2;
+  // The requested rate type as defined in sns_resampler_rate
+  required sns_resampler_rate rate_type = 3;
+  // Set to true to enable filtering, else false
+  required bool filter = 4;
+  // Set to true if sensor to be resampled is event gated
+  optional bool event_gated = 5;
+  // Number of axes of the sensor data
+  optional uint32 axis_cnt = 6;
+// Config event to inform client sample quality
+// of all subsequent sns_std_sensor_event from resampler
+message sns_resampler_config_event
+  // Quality of the resampled sensor data as defined in
+  // sns_resampler_quality
+  required sns_resampler_quality quality = 1;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_rgb.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_rgb.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63a63abd7db885cfe2ff28416998a647d2796ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_rgb.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// @file sns_rgb.proto
+// Defines the API for RGB Sensors.
+// All RGB Sensor drivers are required to comply with this API.
+// Any new functionality for RGB Sensor can be defined in a
+// device specific API file.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_physical_sensor_test.proto";
+import "sns_cal.proto";
+// Attribute requirements:
+// The RGB Sensor publishes:
+// 1. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE attribute value as "rgb".
+// 2. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RESOLUTIONS attribute values in µW/cm2/LSB unit.
+// 3. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RANGES attribute values in µW/cm2 unit.
+// 4. See sns_std_sensor.proto for other attributes.
+// Handling stream requests:
+// 1. The RGB Sensor supports both streaming and on-change
+//    modes and the operating mode is configured in the Registry.
+// 2. The streaming RGB Sensor handles the sns_std_sensor_config
+//    request for all stream enable/update requests.
+// 3. The on-change RGB Sensor handles the
+//    all stream enable/update requests.
+// 4. In on-change mode the Sensor uses interrupt operation and reports
+//    samples for only significant change in R/G/B/clear channel irradiance.
+//    Example: +/- 10% change.
+// Handling stream events:
+// 1. The RGB Sensor publishes color data in ambient light using the
+//    sns_std_sensor_event message.
+// 2. Each stream event contains six output data fields where data is
+//    factory calibrated and ordered as:
+//    data[0] = Red channel irradiance in µW/cm2
+//    data[1] = Green channel irradiance in µW/cm2
+//    data[2] = Blue channel irradiance in µW/cm2
+//    data[3] = Clear channel irradiance in µW/cm2
+//    data[4] = Color Temperature in Kelvin
+//    data[5] = raw clear channel ADC value
+// 3. Each stream event publishes an accuracy field:
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE to mark invalid samples when hardware is
+//    yet to stabilize after the sensor is configured.
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH to mark samples when they are valid.
+// 4. The RGB Sensor publishes a configuration event using the
+//    sns_std_sensor_physical_config_event message.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in hardware config of the sensor
+//    and contains current physical sensor config of the sensor.
+// 5. The RGB Sensor publishes a factory calibration event using the
+//    sns_cal_event message. It uses bias and scale_factor fields in this event.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in it's factory calibration
+//    data or when a client sends a new streaming request.
+// Handling self-test requests:
+// 1. The RGB Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_COM test
+//    type using the physical sensor test API.
+// 2. The RGB Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_FACTORY test
+//    type to determine factory calibration parameters using the physical
+//    sensor test API. The factory test for RGB Sensor calibrates
+//    the sensor such that it's output is comparable to a standard Chromemeter
+//    output in any lighting condition.
+// 3. The RGB Sensor could implement other test types.
+// Handling test events:
+// 1. The RGB Sensor uses sns_physical_sensor_test_event message to publish
+//    a test completion event.
+// 2. The test_passed field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event is used to output the
+//    pass/fail result of self-test execution. 
+// 3. The test_data field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event could be used to output any
+//    driver-specific error data.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_rmd.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_rmd.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b66ed1860aec6d62ba34e1c2908a728c77b50d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_rmd.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// @file sns_rmd.proto
+// Defines message types for the Absolute Motion Detector (RMD) Sensor.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// RMD calculates motion and stationary states. RMD will initially start in an
+// unknown state, and later transition to motion or stationary.
+// RMD Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// Stream Requests:
+// - SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_ON_CHANGE_CONFIG is used to enable the sensor
+// Message IDs for RMD Sensor
+enum sns_rmd_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+enum sns_rmd_event_type
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  SNS_RMD_EVENT_TYPE_MOTION           = 2;
+message sns_rmd_event
+  // RMD motion state
+  required sns_rmd_event_type state = 1 [default = SNS_RMD_EVENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN];
+// Stream events:
+// The sns_rmd_event message is used to publish updated state
+// RMD does not publish configuration events.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_rotv.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_rotv.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8dde922366d09b009b2923785eb45e1ed658ceb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_rotv.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// @file sns_rotv.proto
+// Defines the API for Rotation Vector sensors.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// A ROTV sensor reports the orientation of the device relative to the
+// East-North-Up coordinates frame. It is obtained by integration of
+// accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer readings.
+// ## ROTV sensor attributes:
+// ## Request Message: sns_std_sensor_config
+// sns_std_sensor_config::sample_rate is used to specify the sampling rate (Hz)
+// of the ROTV sensor. Sensor will generate data events at this rate.
+// ## Event Message: sns_std_sensor_event
+// Output of the ROTV sensor will be populated in sns_std_sensor_event
+// The East-North-Up coordinate system is defined as a direct orthonormal
+// basis where:
+// - X points east and is tangential to the ground.
+// - Y points north and is tangential to the ground.
+// - Z points towards the sky and is perpendicular to the ground.
+// The orientation is represented by the rotation necessary to align
+// the East-North-Up coordinates with the device's coordinates. That is,
+// applying the rotation to the world frame (X,Y,Z) would align them with
+// the device coordinates (x,y,z).
+// The rotation can be seen as rotating the device by an angle theta around an
+// axis rot_axis to go from the reference device orientation to the current
+// device orientation. The rotation is encoded as the four unitless x, y, z, w
+// components of a unit quaternion:
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[0] = rot_axis.x*sin(theta/2)
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[1] = rot_axis.y*sin(theta/2)
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[2] = rot_axis.z*sin(theta/2)
+// sns_std_sensor_event::data[3] = cos(theta/2)
+// Where:
+// - the x, y and z fields of rot_axis are the East-North-Up coordinates
+// of a unit length vector representing the rotation axis
+// - theta is the rotation angle
+// sns_std_sensor_event::status specifies the reliability of the sample value
+// value is of type sns_std_sensor_sample_status. see sns_std_sensor.proto for
+// details.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_sar.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_sar.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c69bef578de4aa2ea8ffed48d5c32ff8b4e8375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_sar.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// @file sns_sar.proto
+// Defines the API for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Sensors.
+// SAR sensors typically detect human object proximity using change in capacitance
+// levels of copper touch pads/buttons.
+// All SAR Sensor drivers are required to comply with this API.
+// Any new functionality for SAR Sensor can be defined in a
+// device specific API file.
+// Copyright (c) 2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_physical_sensor_test.proto";
+// Attribute requirements:
+// The SAR Sensor publishes:
+// 1. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE attribute value as "sar".
+//    Each SAR sensor (example individual capacitive button) shall be published
+//    as an independent sensor with a unique Sensor UID.
+// 2. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RESOLUTIONS attribute is not applicable since this
+//    is an event sensor.
+// 3. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RANGES attribute values in cm unit (proximity distance).
+// 4. See sns_std_sensor.proto for other attributes.
+// Handling stream requests:
+//    message ID for all stream enable/update requests.
+// 2. The SAR Sensor operates in on-change mode and reports
+//    samples only for object (typically human) NEAR/FAR transitions.
+//    Since it is an on-change sensor, the sar sensor publishes an initial data event
+//    event for each new client request.
+// Message IDs for SAR Sensor
+enum sns_sar_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Uses message: sns_sar_event
+  // Purpose: An output data event from the SAR sensor to it's client.
+enum sns_sar_event_type {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Events types from SAR Sensor
+message sns_sar_event
+  // SAR NEAR/FAR output event
+  required sns_sar_event_type sar_event_type = 1 [default = SNS_SAR_EVENT_TYPE_FAR];
+  // SAR sensor raw data.
+  // Format of this data is driver specific.
+  optional bytes additional_sar_data = 2;
+  // SAR sensor sample status
+  required sns_std_sensor_sample_status status = 3 [default = SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE];
+// Handling stream events:
+// 1. The SAR Sensor publishes human object proximity data events using sns_sar_event message.
+// 2. Each stream event publishes an accuracy field:
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE to mark invalid samples when hardware is
+//    yet to stabilize after the sensor is configured.
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH to mark samples when they are valid.
+// 3. The SAR Sensor publishes a configuration event using the
+//    sns_std_sensor_physical_config_event message.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in hardware config of the sensor
+//    and contains current physical sensor config of the sensor.
+// Handling self-test requests:
+// 1. The SAR Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_COM test
+//    type using the physical sensor test API.
+// 2. The SAR Sensor may implement SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_FACTORY test
+//    type to determine factory calibration parameters using the physical
+//    sensor test API.
+// 3. The SAR Sensor could implement other test types.
+// Handling test events:
+// 1. The SAR Sensor uses sns_physical_sensor_test_event message to publish
+//    a test completion event.
+// 2. The test_passed field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event is used to output the
+//    pass/fail result of self-test execution.
+// 3. The test_data field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event could be used to output any
+//    driver-specific error data.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_sensor_temperature.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_sensor_temperature.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d9da6b913d81bcc353c757162ab6aa471df3c7e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_sensor_temperature.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// @file sns_sensor_temperature.proto
+// Defines the API for physical Sensor Temperature Sensors.
+// All Sensor Temperature Sensor drivers are required to comply with this API.
+// Any new functionality for Sensor Temperature Sensor can be defined in a
+// device specific API file.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_physical_sensor_test.proto";
+import "sns_cal.proto";
+// Attribute requirements:
+// The Sensor Temperature Sensor publishes:
+// 1. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE attribute value as "sensor_temperature".
+// 2. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RESOLUTIONS attribute value in degrees Celsius/LSB.
+// 3. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RANGES attribute values in degrees Celsius unit.
+// 4. See sns_std_sensor.proto for other attributes.
+// Handling stream requests:
+// 1. The Sensor Temperature Sensor handles the sns_std_sensor_config
+//    message request for all stream enable/update requests.
+// 2. If the physical sensor supports hardware FIFO then the Sensor Temperature
+//    Sensor uses batching_period item in sns_std_request as the requested
+//    batching rate to determine hardware FIFO watermark.
+// Handling stream events:
+// 1. The Sensor Temperature Sensor publishes physical sensor temperature data
+//    stream events using the sns_std_sensor_event message.
+// 2. Each stream event contains one output data field where data is
+//    factory calibrated and ordered as:
+//    data[0] = physical Sensor Temperature data in degrees Celsius
+// 3. Each stream event publishes an accuracy field:
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE to mark invalid samples when hardware is
+//    yet to stabilize after the sensor is configured.
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH to mark samples when they are valid.
+// 4. The Sensor Temperature Sensor publishes a configuration event using the
+//    sns_std_sensor_physical_config_event message.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in hardware config of the sensor
+//    and contains current physical sensor config of the sensor.
+// 5. The Sensor Temperature Sensor publishes a factory calibration event using the
+//    sns_cal_event message. It uses bias and scale_factor fields in this event.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in it's factory calibration
+//    data or when a client sends a new streaming request.
+// Handling self-test requests:
+// 1. The Sensor Temperature Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_COM test
+//    type using the physical sensor test API.
+// 2. The Sensor Temperature Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_FACTORY test
+//    type to determine factory calibration parameters using the physical
+//    sensor test API.
+// 3. The Sensor Temperature Sensor could implement other test types.
+// Handling test events:
+// 1. The Sensor Temperature Sensor uses sns_physical_sensor_test_event message to publish
+//    a test completion event.
+// 2. The test_passed field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event is used to output the
+//    pass/fail result of self-test execution.
+// 3. The test_data field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event could be used to output any
+//    driver-specific error data.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_sig_motion.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_sig_motion.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..98908615b557d30a78be7adf705ee079da1deda1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_sig_motion.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// @file sns_sig_motion.proto
+// Defines the API for Significant Motion Detection Sensors.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// A significant motion sensor reports once if "significant motion"
+// is detected.  After reporting, conceptually the algorithm's state is reset,
+// and detection begins again.
+// ## Significant Motion sensor attributes:
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE is "sig_motion"
+// No configuration is available for this sensor.
+// Reported upon new detection of significant motion.
+// Message IDs for Significant Motion Detect Sensor
+enum sns_sig_motion_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Empty Message
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_signal_sensor.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_signal_sensor.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3269575ef439a87aa66c6377cbdeaf367b12b066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_signal_sensor.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+//  @file sns_signal_sensor.proto
+//  Defines standard message types for the Signal Sensor
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+// Signal sensor
+// The signal sensor provides a mechanism to turn asynchronous callbacks into
+// events that are passed to the client. The client subscribes to this sensor
+// using the sns_signal_sensor_req message.
+// The signal sensor provides a thread and a flag to the client via the
+// sns_signal_sensor_token_event event upon subscribing to the service.
+// Message IDs
+enum sns_signal_sensor_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Signal sensor request
+// Subscribe to the signal sensor.
+message sns_signal_sensor_req
+  required bool enable = 1;
+// Signal sensor token
+// Provides the thread and flag to the client
+message sns_signal_sensor_token
+  required fixed64 thread = 1;
+  required fixed32 flag = 2;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_sim.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_sim.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..256ee738a526ad17e7451002d977ecce82155394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_sim.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// @file sns_sim.proto
+// Defines Header config packet strcture for finding out sim sensors config info
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_std_type.proto";
+enum sns_sim_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // message not required
+  // Purpose: Created only for Offline/Online Playback to inform end of the 
+  // file status to client 
+/*Header config packet proto message. It will come as a first packet in event dlf file*/
+message header_info {
+  message sensor_info{
+      required sns_std_suid suid = 1;
+      required string data_type = 2;
+      repeated sns_std_attr attributes = 3;
+  }
+  repeated sensor_info info= 1;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_sim_legacy.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_sim_legacy.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7067fa33fbd095f99214d620cde01ad2655ae876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_sim_legacy.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// @file sns_sim_legacy.proto
+// Defines standard message types for the Simulation Sensor
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// Data Message
+// Data event generated by the simulation sensor.
+// Uses sns_std_sensor_event message defined in sns_std_sensor.proto
+// The data field of the sns_std_sensor_event message
+// contains a float array of length 3 with the following definition
+// 1) float data[0] to data[2]
+//      containing the triaxial sensor data in floating point.
+//      Units for different sensors are as follows
+//      Accel: m/s2
+//      Gyro: rad/s
+// 2) sns_std_sensor_sample_status status;
+//      containing the sample status as defined by the sns_std_sensor_sample_status enum
+//      in sns_std_sensor.proto
+// Configuration Message
+// Used to either request for a certain configuration of the Sim Sensor or
+// alter an already existing configuration of the Simulation Sensor
+// Uses sns_std_sensor_config defined in sns_std_sensor.proto
+// The message field definitions are as follows:
+// 1) float sample_rate
+//      containing the required sample rate of the Sim sensor in hertz
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_std.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_std.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..08897b4c57251e8ac2eae041cf17e2e077d54ecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_std.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+// @file sns_std.proto
+// Defines standard messages used across multiple Sensor API definitions
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import public "sns_std_type.proto";
+// Framework-defined message IDs:
+enum sns_std_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Query a Sensor for all attributes
+  // @event sns_std_error_event
+  // Flush a Sensor.
+  // When a sensor receives a flush request it publishes any unpublished
+  // samples. The sensor always  publishes a SNS_STD_MSGID_SNS_STD_FLUSH_EVENT
+  // event to indicate completion of a flush request.
+  // All Sensors handle this flush request message.
+  // Empty Message
+  // @event sns_pb_flush_event
+  // NOTE: 10 - 20 Are reserved for Client Manager
+  // NOTE: 120-127 Are reserved
+  // All published attributes for a Sensor
+  // Indicates no further events will be generated in response to a flush req.
+  // Empty Message
+  // Indicates an error has occurred
+  // NOTE: 250-255 Are reserved
+// Base message payload, from which all other Request payloads must extend
+// The message will be delivered decoded within the Sensor API
+message sns_std_request {
+  message batch_spec {
+    // Logically a timer will be registered for this many microseconds.
+    // All events generated since the last timer expiration will be saved
+    // until the next timer has fired.  This period is interpreted as a maximum
+    // period specified by the client; events may be delivered to client at a
+    // faster rate (smaller batch period).
+    // A batch period of 0 indicates that no batching shall occur.
+    required uint32 batch_period = 1;
+    // Sensor supporting Data Acquisition Engine shall support flush_period.
+    // Sensor shall not drop data that is more recent than flush_period.
+    // Sensor may drop data that is older than the flush_period.
+    // Effective flush period may be smaller due to system constraints,
+    // or larger in the case of a concurrent client with a larger value.
+    // flush_period, if set, should be greater than or equal to batch_period.
+    // If flush_period is less than batch period the behavior is undefined.
+    // Value defaults to value set for batch_period; units in microseconds
+    optional uint32 flush_period = 2;
+    // If flush_only = true, the sensor should only send data to the client
+    // on receiving a flush request or if the sensor cannot accumulate flush
+    // period worth of data.
+    optional bool flush_only = 3 [default = false];
+    // If max_batch = true for all requests, the sensor should operate at
+    // maximum batching capacity. If a request has both max_batch = true
+    // and flush_only = true, flush_only takes precedence.
+    optional bool max_batch = 4 [default = false];
+  }
+  // Batching is disabled by default
+  optional batch_spec batching = 1;
+  // Dynamic length payload, containing the actual data/configuration request
+  // This payload will need to be decoded separately, using the Sensor-specific
+  // header file. If the request does not contain any message body then this
+  // field is not present.
+  optional bytes payload = 2;
+  // Set to true if a client intends to be a passive client. Else it is an
+  // active client request. Absence of this field shall be treated as an active
+  // request.
+  // If all requests to the sensor are passive then it shall be in off
+  // state and stop streaming.
+  // If the sensor has at least one active request then it shall be enabled
+  // and configured according to all active and passive requests.
+  // When all active clients are flush_only then passive clients are also treated
+  // as flush_only.
+  // When all active clients are event gated then passive clients are also treated
+  // as event gated.
+  // delivery_type field in passive requests shall be configured as
+  // Actively enabling one sensor shall not lead to enabling of another
+  // sensor having only passive requests. For example: enabling gyro shall not
+  // lead to enabling of sensor_temperature, and vice versa.
+  optional bool is_passive = 3 [default = false];
+// Query a Sensor for its list of attributes
+message sns_std_attr_req {
+  // Register for updates when the attributes of a Sensor change
+  // This option is not presently supported
+  optional bool register_updates = 2;
+// Contains all Sensor attributes; sent in response to an sns_std_attr_req,
+// or upon an attribute change to a registered Sensor
+message sns_std_attr_event {
+  repeated sns_std_attr attributes = 1;
+// An Error Event generated by a Sensor/Instance or the Framework
+message sns_std_error_event {
+  // SNS_STD_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE - Transitory error in the Sensor; some data
+  //    may have been lost or dropped, but streaming should resume.
+  // SNS_STD_ERROR_INVALID_STATE - Catastrophic error in the Sensor; do not
+  //    expect any further data.  Client may try sending enable-request again.
+  // SNS_STD_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED - Sensor received an unsupported request; or a
+  //    supported request at an unexpected time.
+  required sns_std_error error = 1;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_std_event_gated_sensor.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_std_event_gated_sensor.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..46555c70469ccaca07bd304401ab728d1849b6d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_std_event_gated_sensor.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// @file sns_std_event_gated_sensor.proto
+// Defines standard message types for Sensors with output streams that can be
+// gated on an event from another Sensor.
+// Example: "accel" Sensor can be gated by motion detect event published by
+//          the "motion_detect" Sensor.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+enum sns_std_event_gated_sensor_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Message ID to send a gated request to a Sensor.
+  // Note that the client is responsible to send separate
+  // requests to the Sensor that provides the gating event.
+  // An event gated Sensors uses this event message ID to indicate to it's
+  // clients that the gated stream is converted to a non-gated stream.
+  // This typically happens when the gating event occurs.
+  // Example: When "accel" is gated on "motion_detect" and if the
+  //          motion detect interrupt fires then the "accel" Sensor publishes
+  //          this event to it's clients before the accel data stream starts.
+// Request and Event messages:
+// 1. An enable request to an event gated sensor uses message
+//    sns_std_sensor_config with message ID
+// 2. An event gated sensor publishes an output event to it's clients when
+//    the gated request is converted to a non-gated request. It uses event
+//    with no message payload.
+// 3. An output data event from an event gated sensor uses message
+//    sns_std_sensor_event. See sns_std_sensor.proto and sensor-specific
+//    proto file for details.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_std_sensor.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_std_sensor.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c1f46d7ff94fbb9af55a7485d03136e5f1a5d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_std_sensor.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+// @file sns_std_sensor.proto
+// Defines standard message types for all Sensors. All physical Sensors are
+// required to implement this API as is or derive from it. For all other
+// Sensors, these messages are highly recommended. That being said, Sensor
+// developers may choose to define Sensor-specific message API for any
+// new/Sensor-specific functionality.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+enum sns_std_sensor_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Uses message: sns_std_sensor_config
+  // Purpose:
+  //   1. A stream request from a client to a sensor.
+  //   2. A config/ack event from a sensor to the client.
+  // Does not use any message body.
+  // Purpose:
+  //   1. An enable request from a client to an on-change sensor.
+  //      Subsequent request from same client will be treated as NOP
+  //   2. A config/ack event from an on-change sensor to the client.
+  // Uses message: sns_std_sensor_physical_config_event
+  // Purpose: A configuration event from a Physical Sensor (streaming and event)
+  //          to the client.
+  // Uses message: sns_std_sensor_event
+  // Purpose: A data event from a Sensor.
+// Status for each sensor sample
+enum sns_std_sensor_sample_status
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Sample is unreliable.
+  // Sample is low accuracy.
+  // Sample is medium accuracy.
+  // Sample is high accuracy.
+// Attribute IDs available for use by Sensors
+// Some are marked as REQUIRED, and must be published by every Sensor.  Others
+// are OPTIONAL, and may be only necessary for physical Sensors.
+// Each Sensor may define their own custom attributes, using the form:
+// <proto_name>_attr_id.  Attribute IDs have the following reserved ranges:
+// 0-511 : Held for sns_std_sensor_attr_id
+// 512-1023 : Reserved for internal QTI use
+// 1024-1535 : Available for use by Sensor developers
+enum sns_std_sensor_attr_id
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // String
+  // Human-readable sensor name
+  // String
+  // Human-readable vendor name
+  // String
+  // Data Type used by this Sensor
+  // Boolean
+  // Whether this Sensor is available for clients
+  // Integer
+  // Sensor version
+  // [String]
+  // .proto files specifying the incoming request and outgoing event messages
+  // [Float]
+  // Supported sample rates in Hz
+  // [Float]
+  // Supported resolutions
+  // Integer
+  // Supported FIFO depth in number of samples
+  // [Integer]
+  // Active currents in uA for all sns_attr_op_modes. Length of the array
+  // of active currents must match the length of the array of operation modes.
+  // Integer
+  // Inactive current in uA
+  // [{float,float}]
+  // Supported operating ranges
+  // String
+  // Operating Modes ("LPM", "HIGH_PERF", "NORMAL", "OFF")
+  // Boolean
+  // Whether the Sensor supports Data Ready Interrupt (DRI) or IBI
+  // (In Band Interrupt).
+  // Boolean
+  // Whether a Sensor support synchronized streaming.
+  // Integer
+  // Encoded message size of the data event generated most often by the Sensor
+  // Integer: sns_std_sensor_stream_type
+  // Streaming Type
+  // Boolean
+  // Whether this Sensor is dynamic (connected/disconnected at runtime)
+  // Integer
+  // When multiple Sensors of the same hardware exist, this attribute differentiates.
+  // Integer: sns_std_sensor_rigid_body_type
+  // The rigid body on which the Sensor is placed.
+  // float[12]
+  // Location and orientation of sensor element in the device frame.
+  // Boolean
+  // Boolean: True for a physical sensor
+  // [Integer]
+  // List of supported self-test types from sns_physical_sensor_test_type.
+  // Float
+  // Sensors chosen resolution in it's engineering units.
+  // float[2]
+  // Sensors chosen {min, max} range in it's engineering units.
+  // [float]
+  // List of additional sample rates for low latency clients in Hz.
+  // These are additional rates for low latency clients extended from list
+  // of rates published in attribute SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RATES.
+  // This is supported for internal clients only. External clients shall not use this API.
+  // Boolean
+  // Boolean: True if the sensor supports passive request, False otherwise.
+  // If this attribute is not supported, then the sensor does not support passive requests.
+  // Sensors that do not support passive requests, will service all requests as active requests.
+// Sensor stream configuration request
+// or configuration change message
+message sns_std_sensor_config
+  // Sample rate in Hz.
+  required float sample_rate = 1;
+// Sensor data event
+message sns_std_sensor_event
+  // Output data field for all Sensor.
+  repeated float data = 1;
+  // Event sample status.
+  required sns_std_sensor_sample_status status = 2 [default = SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE];
+// Stream types
+enum sns_std_sensor_stream_type
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Used for Sensors that report data periodically.
+  // Example: accel, gyro, mag
+  // Used for Sensors that report data only on change in value.
+  // Example: proximity, hall
+  // Used for Sensors that have a single data event in reponse to a request.
+  // Example: SUID, motion detect
+// Rigid body types
+enum sns_std_sensor_rigid_body_type
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Used for a Sensor mounted on the same rigid body as the display.
+  // Used for a Sensor mounted on the same rigid body as a keyboard.
+  // Used for a Sensor that is mounted on an external device.
+// Sensor stream configuration event
+message sns_std_sensor_config_event
+  // Current sample rate in Hz
+   required float sample_rate = 1;
+// Physical sensor stream configuration. This message reflects the current
+// configuration of the physical sensor.
+message sns_std_sensor_physical_config_event
+  // Current sample rate in Hz for streaming sensors or highest rate of value
+  // change for on-change sensors. 0 if sensor is disabled.
+  // Note: if stream will be synchronized via S4S or I3C, this is the sample
+  // rate after synchronization is complete.
+  optional float sample_rate = 1;
+  // Current hardware water mark setting. 1 if FIFO not in use.
+  optional uint32 water_mark = 2;
+  // Sensor sample value min and max range
+  repeated float range = 3 [(nanopb).max_count = 2];
+  // Sensor sample value Resolution
+  optional float resolution = 4;
+  // Sensor operation mode
+  // If all requests to the sensor are passive then it shall use
+  // operating_mode = "OFF"
+  optional string operation_mode = 5;
+  // Sensor active current in uA
+  optional uint32 active_current = 6;
+  // Sensor streaming is synchronized via methods like S4S and/or I3C.
+  // Note: if the stream is not yet synchronized, this field should be
+  // false, and an additional config event sent with stream_is_synchronous
+  // set to true once the clocks have been synchronized.
+  optional bool stream_is_synchronous = 7;
+  // Sensor has enabled Data Ready Interrupt
+  optional bool dri_enabled = 8;
+  // Current DAE water mark setting. 0 if non-DAE sensor.
+  optional uint32 DAE_watermark = 9;
+  // The sync anchor is only valid for polled or synchronized sensors.
+  // It is a timestamp of a future (or past) sns_std_sensor_event.
+  // For synchronous sensors: this may be used by clients to determine the
+  // synchronized timeline before it is synchronized.
+  optional uint64 sync_ts_anchor = 10;
+// Attribute requirements:
+// The Physical Sensor publishes:
+// 1. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_AVAILABLE attribute value (bool) as true when it's dependencies
+//    are met and the hardware is present and responsive.
+// 2. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_NAME attribute value (string) as the name of the sensor model.
+// 3. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_VENDOR attribute value (string) as the name of the sensor vendor.
+// 4. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_VERSION attribute value (decimal) as the version of the driver.
+// 5. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RATES attribute as a float array of supported sample rates in Hz
+//    for streaming sensors. On-change sensors publish the highest rate of value change.
+// 6. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_FIFO_SIZE attribute value (decimal) as the maximum FIFO depth in
+//    number of sensor samples available to it when enabled standalone.
+//    The value can be zero if FIFO is not supported.
+// 7. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_ACTIVE_CURRENT attribute as an integer  array representing active
+//    currents in uA corresponding to the sns_attr_op_modes attribute.
+// 8. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_SLEEP_CURRENT attribute value (float) as the current in uA when
+//    the sensor is in power down mode.
+// 9. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_OP_MODES attribute value as an array of string values
+//     representing different hardware operating modes.
+// 10. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_DRI attribute value (bool) as true when it supports
+//     interrupt based streaming else false when polling.
+//     The source of data ready interrupt (DRI) could be completion of measurement
+//     cycle, FIFO water mark (if sns_attr_fifo_size value is greater than 0),
+//     threshold, etc.
+//     If the sensor is capable of streaming in both polling and DRI modes then
+//     it publishes separate Sensors for each mode such that the one with DRI
+//     publishes SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_DRI value as true and the one with polling
+//     publishes SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_DRI as false.
+// 11. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_STREAM_SYNC attribute value (bool) as true when it
+//     it supports a synchronous streaming mechanism like S4S and/or I3C.
+// 12. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_EVENT_SIZE attribute value (decimal) as number of bytes in the
+//     output data event for the Sensor.
+// 13. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_STREAM_TYPE attribute value (sns_std_sensor_stream_type) as the
+//     supported stream type.
+// 14. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_DYNAMIC attribute value (bool) to indicate whether the sensor
+//     can be added at runtime.
+// 15. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_HW_ID attribute value (string) to uniquely identify multiple
+//     sensor hardware of the same model on a platform.
+// 16. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RIGID_BODY attribute value (sns_std_sensor_rigid_body_type) as the rigid
+//     body on which the sensor is mounted.
+// 17. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_PLACEMENT attribute value as the location and orientation of
+//     the sensor hardware.
+// 18. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_PHYSICAL_SENSOR attribute value (bool) to indicate if the sensor is
+//     a physical sensor
+// 19. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TESTS attribute value as array of supported
+//     sns_physical_sensor_test_type test types.
+// 20. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_SELECTED_RESOLUTION attribute value chosen from the
+//     SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RESOLUTIONS attribute array.
+// 21. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_SELECTED_RANGE attribute value chosen from the
+// 22. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_ADDITIONAL_LOW_LATENCY_RATES attribute as a float array of supported
+//     sample rates in Hz additional to rates in SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RATES, this is only for low
+//     latency clients like direct report mode.
+// See sensor specific .proto files for sensor specific attribute information.
+// Recommendation for device drivers to select configuration:
+// 1. Choose fastest sample_rate among all client requests.
+// 2. Choose fastest batch rate (using batch_period) among all client requests. For streaming clients,
+//    treat batch rate equal to requested sample rate for that request.
+// 3. If HW FIFO is supported then:
+//     a. If all requests are max_batch then the driver configures highest FIFO watermark.
+//        If DAE is supported, the DAE watermark should be INT_MAX.
+//     b. Else FIFO watermark is determined based on sample_rate from #1 and batch rate from #2.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_std_type.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_std_type.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9d9f7444e27c913fd5fa43e941f00e7c53cf6f31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_std_type.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// @file sns_std_type.proto
+// Defines standard data types used across multiple Sensor API definitions
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+// Represents an unique Sensor
+message sns_std_suid {
+  required fixed64 suid_low = 1;
+  required fixed64 suid_high = 2;
+// Represents an attribute value
+// Attribute values may be a single value, array of simple values, or
+// an array of complex tuples
+message sns_std_attr_value {
+  // "data" submessage required to support recursion
+  message data {
+    option (nanopb_msgopt).no_unions = true;
+    oneof value {
+      sns_std_attr_value subtype = 1;
+      string str = 2;
+      float flt = 3;
+      sfixed64 sint = 4;
+      bool boolean = 5;
+    }
+  }
+  repeated data values = 1;
+// An individual attribute from a Sensor
+message sns_std_attr {
+  // A standard list of attributes is available within sns_std_sensor_attr_id
+  // Additional attributes may be defined by sensors, using the format:
+  // Additional IDs must fall within the range of 1024-2047
+  required int32 attr_id = 1;
+  // Attribute value
+  required sns_std_attr_value value = 2;
+// Error codes
+enum sns_std_error {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  /* No error occurred; success. */
+  /* Unfixable or internal error occurred. */
+  /* This API is not supported or is not implemented. */
+  /* Message contains invalid data type,
+   * e.g., unknown message ID, unknown registry group, or unexpected
+   * Sensor UID. */
+  /* Catastrophic error; expect no further data */
+  /* One or more argument values were outside of the valid range */
+  /* This operation is not available at this time */
+  /* This action was rejected due to the current policy settings */
+//The enum contains all the processor types supported.
+enum sns_std_client_processor {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_suid.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_suid.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..508fd8211d3253fc5eddc83c216ce7c5cd927be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_suid.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// @file sns_suid.proto
+// Defines standard message types to request and receive SUIDs.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_type.proto";
+enum sns_suid_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Well-known SUID for use by all clients.
+// All other Sensor UIDs must be discovered dynamically
+message sns_suid_sensor {
+  required fixed64 suid_low = 1 [default = 0xabababababababab];
+  required fixed64 suid_high = 2 [default = 0xabababababababab];
+// Request sent by internal or external client for the list of SUIDs that
+// advertise the specified Data Type
+// Note: Additional requests arriving on the same connection, will not result
+// in a replaced request, but instead the new request will be appended to any
+// active registrations.
+message sns_suid_req {
+  required string data_type = 1;
+  // Register for updates to the list of SUIDs advertising data_type
+  optional bool register_updates = 2;
+  // Each datatype has one sensor configured to be "default". If following
+  // field is set to true, only the SUID of the default sensor will be
+  // sent via the suid event
+  optional bool default_only = 3 [default = true];
+// Event specifying the list of SUIDs associated with the given Data Type
+// Receipt of this event indicates that a change to this list has occurred
+// since the previous event.
+message sns_suid_event {
+  // Direct copy of sns_suid_req:data_type
+  required string data_type = 1;
+  repeated sns_std_suid suid = 2;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_thermopile.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_thermopile.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2e24181ce26097618a85781d3cfe9fac14b31006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_thermopile.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+// @file sns_thermopile.proto
+// Defines the API for Thermopile Sensors.
+// All Thermopile Sensor drivers are required to comply with this API.
+// Any new functionality for Thermopile Sensor can be defined in a
+// device specific API file.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_physical_sensor_test.proto";
+import "sns_cal.proto";
+// Attribute requirements:
+// The Thermopile Temperature Sensor publishes:
+// 1. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE attribute value as "thermopile".
+// 2. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RESOLUTIONS attribute value in degrees Celsius/LSB.
+// 3. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RANGES attribute values in degrees Celsius unit.
+// 4. See sns_std_sensor.proto for other attributes.
+// Handling stream requests:
+// 1. The Thermopile Sensor handles the sns_std_sensor_config
+//    message request for all stream enable/update requests.
+// Handling stream events:
+// 1. The Thermopile Sensor publishes data stream events using the
+//    sns_std_sensor_event message.
+// 2. Each stream event contains one output data field where data is
+//    factory calibrated and ordered as:
+//    data[0] = Object temperature in degrees Celsius
+// 3. Each stream event publishes an accuracy field:
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE to mark invalid samples when hardware is
+//    yet to stabilize after the sensor is configured.
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH to mark samples when they are valid.
+// 4. The Thermopile Sensor publishes a configuration event using the
+//    sns_std_sensor_physical_config_event message.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in hardware config of the sensor
+//    and contains current physical sensor config of the sensor.
+// 5. The Thermopile Sensor publishes a factory calibration event using the
+//    sns_cal_event message. It uses bias and scale_factor fields in this event.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in it's factory calibration
+//    data or when a client sends a new streaming request.
+// Handling self-test requests:
+// 1. The Thermopile Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_COM test
+//    type using the physical sensor test API.
+// 2. The Thermopile Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_FACTORY test
+//    type to determine factory calibration parameters using the physical
+//    sensor test API.
+// 3. The Thermopile Sensor could implement other test types.
+// Handling test events:
+// 1. The Thermopile Sensor uses sns_physical_sensor_test_event message to publish
+//    a test completion event.
+// 2. The test_passed field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event is used to output the
+//    pass/fail result of self-test execution.
+// 3. The test_data field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event could be used to output any
+//    driver-specific error data.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_threshold.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_threshold.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ac03d2a1ae238317002181fefb78dcf0ae115ba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_threshold.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// @file sns_threshold.proto
+// Defines standard message types for the Threshold Algorithm
+// Copyright (c) 2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_resampler.proto";
+// Threshold Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// Sensor output event:
+// Threshold uses sns_std_sensor_event for it's output event.
+// An event is generated by the threshold algorithm only if the threshold is met
+// on any of the axis for the sensor.
+// Thresholding can be done as value based delta between current value and
+// the last generated output. Or thresholding can be done as the delta between
+// current value and the last output, as a percentage of the last output.
+// Thresholding can also be done based on the current value going beyond a particular
+// absolute threshold value.
+// When thresholding criteria is met , an event is generated by the algorithm.
+enum sns_threshold_msgid
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+//Thresholding types
+enum sns_threshold_type
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Provide thresholding as a delta between current value
+  // and last reported value, exceeding above the configured threshold.
+  // Provide thresholding as a delta between current value
+  // and last reported value, compared as a percentage of the last reported value,
+  // where the percentage is the configured threshold.
+  // Provides thresholding of the current value against a fixed configured
+  // threshold value.
+// Configuration Message
+// Used to either request for a new configuration of the threshold Sensor or
+// alter an already existing configuration or query the current configuration.
+message sns_threshold_config
+  // UID of the sensor from which data is being requested from.
+  required sns_std_suid sensor_uid = 1;
+  //The threshold value per axis.
+  repeated float threshold_val = 2;
+  // Tells us how to use the thresholding value provided.
+  required  sns_threshold_type  threshold_type = 3;
+  // The message id to be used to configure the underlying sensor.
+  // This is used together with the below payload field.
+  required uint32 payload_cfg_msg_id = 4;
+  // Dynamic length payload, containing the actual data/configuration request
+  // This payload will need to be decoded separately, using the Sensor-specific
+  // header file.
+  required bytes payload = 5;
+// Config is used to inform the client of the configuration that was set,
+// after a configuration is done .
+// The config message is sent back to the client
+// in the threshold config message.
+// All data events are generated as sns_std_sensor_event.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_tilt.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_tilt.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..84587760e2b85dcdbe26fffa920c1240e8043ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_tilt.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// @file sns_tilt.proto
+// Defines message types for the Tilt Sensor.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// The Tilt Sensor looks for a change in angle of a gravity vector from an
+// anchor vector.
+// The initial anchor vector is based on an average of one second of
+// accel data after initial activation.
+// The gravity vector is calculated based on an average of two seconds of
+// accel data.
+// The anchor vector is reset to the current gravity vector each time the
+// Tilt event is generated.
+// There is only one anchor vector shared amongst all clients.
+// The Tilt event is generated when the current gravity vector is 35 degrees
+// or more from the anchor vector.
+// Tilt Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// Stream Requests:
+// - SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_ON_CHANGE_CONFIG is used to enable the sensor
+// Message IDs for Tilt Sensor
+enum sns_tilt_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Stream events:
+// A NULL message with message ID SNS_TILT_MSGID_SNS_TILT_EVENT is used to
+// publish tilt event
+// Tilt does not publish configuration events.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_tilt_to_wake.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_tilt_to_wake.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ceabc924754255e399a4a6e973453fc31db76226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_tilt_to_wake.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// @file sns_tilt_to_wake.proto
+// Defines message types for the tilt_to_wake Sensor.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// The tilt_to_wake detects substantial phone rotation (gesture) within
+// limited period ending in a specific range of the pitch and roll angles.
+// It uses proximity sensor to block the tilt event reporting in pocket or purse
+// tilt_to_wake Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE: "tilt_to_wake"
+// Stream Requests:
+// - SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_ON_CHANGE_CONFIG is used to enable the sensor
+// Message IDs for tilt_to_wake Sensor
+enum sns_tilt_to_wake_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Stream events:
+// A NULL message with message ID SNS_TILT_TO_WAKE_MSGID_SNS_TILT_TO_WAKE_EVENT is used to
+// publish tilt_to_wake event
+// tilt_to_wake does not publish configuration events.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_timer.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_timer.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..82bcc01678929b3482dff3d82463a4c5b04d20e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_timer.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+// @file sns_timer.proto
+// Defines standard message types for the Timer Sensor
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+enum sns_timer_sensor_timeout
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+enum sns_timer_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Timer config message.
+  //
+  //Corresponds to the message sns_timer_sensor_config.
+  // This message is used to start, reconfigure or
+  // stop the timer sensor
+  // Timer event message.
+  //
+  // Corresponds to the message sns_timer_sensor_event.
+  // This event is generated when a timer's timeout
+  // occurs.
+  // Timer registration message
+  //
+  // This message is used to acknowledge that a timer was successfully
+  // registered. This event contains the sns_timer_reg_event with the
+  // options selected by the timer sensor. The event will be re-sent each time
+  // the timer sensor automatically adjusts the period of a periodic timer.
+// Priority of timer events
+enum sns_timer_priority {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+  // Priority LOWEST is used for low priority timers
+  // Priority OTHER is used for general timer events, and should be used
+  // by default
+  // Priority POLLING is used for polling physical sensors
+  // Priority S4S is used for S4S schedules
+  SNS_TIMER_PRIORITY_S4S     = 100;
+// Timer configuration message.
+// The minimum time resolution supported by the timer is
+// min_timeout_nanosec
+message sns_timer_sensor_config
+  // The time of starting the timer in ticks. This is typically current time.
+  required uint64 start_time = 1;
+  // The timeout period starting from start_time, in ticks.
+  required uint64 timeout_period = 2;
+  // If this timer is periodic. If true, the timer will be rearmed to
+  // timeout_period when the timer fires. If false, the timer will be disarmed
+  // after firing once. The memory associated with this timer will not be
+  // released until this connection is terminated.
+  required bool is_periodic = 3;
+  // The start_config allows the timer sensor to modify the start_time. This may
+  // allow the timer sensor to synchronize with other nearby timers to save power
+  // if the exact value of start_time is flexible.
+  // If this message is not present, default values are 0.
+  message start_config_message {
+    // The start_time may be adjusted to start early by this many ticks.
+    required uint32 early_start_delta = 1;
+    // The start_time may be adjusted to start late by this many ticks.
+    required uint32 late_start_delta = 2;
+  }
+  optional start_config_message start_config = 4;
+  // The timeout_config allows the timer sensor to modify the timeout_period.
+  // This may allow the timer sensor to synchronize with other timers to save
+  // power if the exact perodicity is flexible.
+  // If this message is not present, default values are 0.
+  message timeout_config_message {
+    // The initial timeout_period may be adjusted smaller by this many ticks.
+    required uint32 low_timeout_delta = 1;
+    // The initial timeout_period may be adjusted larger by this many ticks.
+    required uint32 high_timeout_delta = 2;
+    // jitter_ticks only applies if "is_periodic" is true. After the first
+    // TIMER_SENSOR_EVENT, the timeout_period will only be adjusted by this many
+    // ticks in each period. The accumulated adjustments will stay within the
+    // low/high bounds defined in this message.
+    optional uint32 jitter_ticks = 3;
+  }
+  optional timeout_config_message timeout_config = 5;
+  // Set this to true to cause the timer sensor to send a TIMER_SENSOR_REG_EVENT
+  // and include this timer as part of the timers to be synchronized, but the
+  // timer will not actually be started, and no TIMER_SENSOR_EVENTs will
+  // be generated.
+  // This is useful to know how to synchronize to other timers on the system
+  // without actually causing timer events to occur.
+  optional bool is_dry_run = 6 [default = false];
+  // If multiple timers expire at the same time, timer events with higher
+  // priority will be sent first.
+  // default: other
+  optional sns_timer_priority priority = 7 [default = SNS_TIMER_PRIORITY_OTHER];
+// Timer Sensor event
+// This event is generated each time the timer fires. The time at which the timer
+// fires can differ from the requested timeout by up to min_timeout_nanosec.
+// The client is responsible for checking the requested_timeout_time and the
+// timeout_time fields and determine if additional delays must be added.
+message sns_timer_sensor_event
+  // The timeout period generated from the timer_sensor_config message in ticks.
+  required uint64 requested_timeout_time = 1;
+  // The time at which the timer fired, in ticks.
+  required uint64 timeout_time = 2;
+// Timer registration message
+// This message is used to acknowledge that a timer was successfully
+// registered. This event contains options selected by the timer sensor based
+// on the config event.
+// The event will be re-sent each time the timer sensor automatically adjusts
+// the period of a periodic timer.
+message sns_timer_sensor_reg_event
+  required uint64             start_time     = 1;
+  required uint64             timeout_period = 2;
+  required bool               is_periodic    = 3;
+  required bool               is_dry_run     = 4;
+  required sns_timer_priority priority       = 5;
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ultra_violet.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ultra_violet.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7bb7fd22b55a9ee9f969e207f2db87620143606f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_ultra_violet.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+// @file sns_ultra_violet.proto
+// Defines the API for Ultra Violet (UV) Sensors.
+// All UV Sensor drivers are required to comply with this API.
+// Any new functionality for UV Sensor can be defined in a
+// device specific API file.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+import "sns_physical_sensor_test.proto";
+import "sns_cal.proto";
+// Attribute requirements:
+// The UV Sensor publishes:
+// 1. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE attribute value as "ultra_violet".
+// 2. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RESOLUTIONS attribute value in degrees mW/cm2/LSB.
+// 3. SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_RANGES attribute values in degrees mW/cm2 unit.
+// 4. See sns_std_sensor.proto for other attributes.
+// Handling stream requests:
+// 1. The UV Sensor handles the sns_std_sensor_config
+//    message request for all stream enable/update requests.
+// Handling stream events:
+// 1. The UV Sensor publishes UV data in ambient light using the
+//    sns_std_sensor_event message.
+// 2. Each stream event contains following factory calibrated data fields:
+//    data[0] = Bit mask to determine which outputs are supported:
+//              bit[0]: 1 if UV-A is supported else 0
+//              bit[1]: 1 if UV-B is supported else 0
+//              bit[2]: 1 if Total UV is supported else 0
+//              bit[3]: 1 if UV index is supported else 0
+//              all other bits are 0
+//    data[1] = UV-A radiation in mW/cm2
+//    data[2] = UV-B radiation in mW/cm2
+//    data[3] = Total UV radiation in mW/cm2
+//    data[4] = Unitless UV index number
+// 3. Each stream event publishes an accuracy field:
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_UNRELIABLE to mark invalid samples when hardware is
+//    yet to stabilize after the sensor is configured.
+//    SNS_STD_SENSOR_SAMPLE_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH to mark samples when they are valid.
+// 4. The UV Sensor publishes a configuration event using the
+//    sns_std_sensor_physical_config_event message.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in hardware config of the sensor
+//    and contains current physical sensor config of the sensor.
+// 5. The UV Sensor publishes a factory calibration event using the
+//    sns_cal_event message. It uses bias and scale_factor fields in this event.
+//    It publishes this event each time there is change in it's factory calibration
+//    data or when a client sends a new streaming request.
+// Handling self-test requests:
+// 1. The UV Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_COM test
+//    type using the physical sensor test API.
+// 2. The UV Sensor implements SNS_PHYSICAL_SENSOR_TEST_TYPE_FACTORY test
+//    type to determine factory calibration parameters using the physical
+//    sensor test API. The factory test for UV Sensor calibrates
+//    the sensor such that it's output is comparable to a standard
+//    UV Meter output in any lighting condition.
+// 3. The UV Sensor could implement other test types.
+// Handling test events:
+// 1. The UV Sensor uses sns_physical_sensor_test_event message to publish
+//    a test completion event.
+// 2. The test_passed field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event is used to output the
+//    pass/fail result of self-test execution.
+// 3. The test_data field in sns_physical_sensor_test_event could be used to output any
+//    driver-specific error data.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_wrist_tilt_gesture.proto b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_wrist_tilt_gesture.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..37482d974a40969f0161c827519e3666650e014e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sensors/proto/sns_wrist_tilt_gesture.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// @file sns_wrist_tilt_gesture.proto
+// Defines message types for the wrist_tilt_gesture Sensor.
+// Copyright (c) 2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+import "sns_std_sensor.proto";
+// The Tilt Sensor looks for a change in angle of a gravity vector from an
+// anchor vector.
+// The initial anchor vector is based on an average of one second of
+// accel data after initial activation.
+// The gravity vector is calculated based on an average of two seconds of
+// accel data.
+// The anchor vector is reset to the current gravity vector each time the
+// Tilt event is generated.
+// There is only one anchor vector shared amongst all clients.
+// The Tilt event is generated when the current gravity vector is 35 degrees
+// or more from the anchor vector.
+// Tilt Sensor Attribute Requirements:
+// SNS_STD_SENSOR_ATTRID_TYPE: "wrist_tilt_gesture"
+// Stream Requests:
+// - SNS_STD_SENSOR_MSGID_SNS_STD_ON_CHANGE_CONFIG is used to enable the sensor
+// Message IDs for Wrist Tilt Gesture Sensor
+enum sns_wrist_tilt_gesture_msgid {
+  option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+// Stream events:
+// A NULL message with message ID SNS_TILT_MSGID_SNS_TILT_EVENT is used to
+// publish tilt event
+// Tilt does not publish configuration events.
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sepolicy_freeze_test b/system/system/etc/sepolicy_freeze_test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sepolicy_tests b/system/system/etc/sepolicy_tests
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/system/system/etc/spn-conf.xml b/system/system/etc/spn-conf.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6eb20b858e11c354e720fc4e91ea22be93d7d02e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/spn-conf.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,2016, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ * Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+ */
+    <!-- China -->
+    <spnOverride numeric="46000" spn="China Mobile" />
+    <spnOverride numeric="46001" spn="China Unicom" />
+    <spnOverride numeric="46002" spn="China Mobile" />
+    <spnOverride numeric="46003" spn="China Telecom" />
+    <spnOverride numeric="46005" spn="China Telecom" />
+    <spnOverride numeric="46006" spn="China Unicom" />
+    <spnOverride numeric="46007" spn="China Mobile" />
+    <!-- Taiwan -->
+    <spnOverride numeric="46601" spn="FarEasTone" />
+    <spnOverride numeric="46605" spn="APBW" />
+    <spnOverride numeric="46606" spn="Tuntex" />
+    <spnOverride numeric="46688" spn="KG Telecom" />
+    <spnOverride numeric="46689" spn="VIBO" />
+    <spnOverride numeric="46692" spn="Chungwa" />
+    <spnOverride numeric="46693" spn="MobiTai" />
+    <spnOverride numeric="46697" spn="Taiwan Mobile" />
+    <spnOverride numeric="46699" spn="TransAsia" />
+    <!--Hong Kong -->
+    <spnOverride numeric="45429" spn="PCCW" />
+    <spnOverride numeric="45404" spn="Hutchison"  />
+    <spnOverride numeric="45406" spn="Smartone"  />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sysconfig/app_aspect_ratio_config.xml b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/app_aspect_ratio_config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b83a545b60eda9b418a271eb9309fa00abb6eb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/app_aspect_ratio_config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <fullscreen package="air.com.peppapig.paintbox" />
+    <fullscreen package="com.camera.beautycam" />
+    <fullscreen package="com.cht.easyrent.irent" />
+    <fullscreen package="com.cwj.hsing" />
+    <fullscreen package="com.dianping.v1" />
+    <fullscreen package="com.facebook.lite" />
+    <fullscreen package="com.feib.appbank" />
+    <fullscreen package="com.google.android.media.gts" />
+    <fullscreen package="com.google.samples.apps.cardboarddemo" />
+    <fullscreen package="com.netflix.mediaclient" />
+    <fullscreen package="com.ninemgames.tennis.google" />
+    <fullscreen package="com.opera.mini.native" />
+    <fullscreen package="com.uc.vmate" />
+    <fullscreen package="com.vng.inputmethod.labankey" />
+    <fullscreen package="jp.gungho.padHT" />
+    <sixteen-nine package="com.appon.kitchenstory" />
+    <sixteen-nine package="com.fingersoft.makemore" />
+    <sixteen-nine package="com.jiannianggame.tw" />
+    <sixteen-nine package="com.square_enix.android_googleplay.FFBEWW" />
+    <sixteen-nine package="jp.co.mixi.monsterstrikeTW" />
+    <sixteen-nine package="jp.co.ponos.battlecatstw" />
+    <sixteen-nine package="si.pilcom.apps.pizzamakerkids" />
+    <sixteen-nine package="tw.wonderplanet.CrashFever" />
+    <sixteen-nine package="tw.sonet.wiz" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sysconfig/app_notch_config.xml b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/app_notch_config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1bb54bf0fee3096494b07be5ae257f1afd4ba075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/app_notch_config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <package name="com.asus.stitchimage" fillNotch="false" locked="true" />
+    <package name="com.bbqstudio.bbqqoversea" restart="true" />
+    <package name="com.com2us.smon.normal.freefull.google.kr.android.common" restart="true" />
+    <package name="com.efun.twszqy" restart="true" />
+    <package name="com.elex.coq.gp" restart="true" />
+    <package name="com.futuredial.asusdatatransfer" fillNotch="true" locked="true" />
+    <package name="com.google.android.gms" fillNotch="true" locked="true" />
+    <package name="com.google.android.setupwizard" fillNotch="true" locked="true" />
+    <package name="com.longtech.lastwars.gp" restart="true" />
+    <package name="com.netease.ko" restart="true" />
+    <package name="com.nianticlabs.pokemongo" fillNotch="true" locked="false" />
+    <package name="com.supercell.clashroyale" restart="true" />
+    <package name="jp.co.ponos.battlecatstw" fillNotch="true" locked="true" />
+    <window name="com.google.android.youtube/com.google.android.apps.youtube.app.WatchWhileActivity" fillNotch="true" locked="true" minAspect="2.0" />
+    <window name="com.bilibili.app.in/tv.danmaku.bili.ui.video.VideoDetailsActivity" fillNotch="true" locked="true" minAspect="2.0" />
+    <window name="com.google.android.apps.docs/com.google.android.apps.viewer.ProjectorActivity" fillNotch="false" locked="true" />
+    <window name="com.google.samples.apps.cardboarddemo/com.google.vr.app.CardboardPaperscope.CardboardPaperscope" fillNotch="true" locked="true" />
+    <switch name="gamegenie" enable="true" />
+    <switch name="system" enable="true" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sysconfig/asus_doze_default_config.xml b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/asus_doze_default_config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e9f1e11f2d8f1455458ef481b6edae9b3d19f268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/asus_doze_default_config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Configurations are parsed in Systemconfig.java -->
+    <!-- These are the standard packages that are white-listed to always have internet
+         access while in power save mode, even if they aren't in the foreground. -->
+    <!--<allow-in-power-save package="com.asus.calendar" />-->
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sysconfig/facebook-hiddenapi-package-whitelist.xml b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/facebook-hiddenapi-package-whitelist.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1e88b0ecf35a187fb8f0e3d22c8d57edd01c0a49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/facebook-hiddenapi-package-whitelist.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.facebook.appmanager" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.facebook.system" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.facebook.services" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sysconfig/facebook.xml b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/facebook.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..75c9c2e10a5f8630e1c118e8cf167062a90765b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/facebook.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <allow-in-power-save-except-idle package="com.facebook.appmanager" />
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.facebook.services" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sysconfig/framework-sysconfig.xml b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/framework-sysconfig.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dd3a2a3fdf904e0241b400e0cf39a92aad099129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/framework-sysconfig.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     You may obtain a copy of the License at
+          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+     limitations under the License.
+<!-- These are configurations that must exist on all Android devices. -->
+    <!-- Broadcast actions that are currently exempted from O+ background
+         delivery restrictions. -->
+    <allow-implicit-broadcast action="android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED" />
+    <allow-implicit-broadcast action="android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED" />
+    <allow-implicit-broadcast action="android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE" />
+    <allow-implicit-broadcast action="android.media.action.OPEN_AUDIO_EFFECT_CONTROL_SESSION" />
+    <allow-implicit-broadcast action="android.media.action.CLOSE_AUDIO_EFFECT_CONTROL_SESSION" />
+    <allow-implicit-broadcast action="asus.intent.action.ACTION_ADN_INIT_DONE" />
+    <!-- Whitelist of what components are permitted as backup data transports.  The
+         'service' attribute here is a flattened ComponentName string. -->
+    <backup-transport-whitelisted-service
+        service="android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService" />
+    <!-- Whitelist of bundled applications which all handle URLs to their websites by default -->
+    <app-link package="com.android.carrierdefaultapp" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sysconfig/google-hiddenapi-package-whitelist.xml b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/google-hiddenapi-package-whitelist.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1721a105fb0280814c33351edcfb62a96068bcdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/google-hiddenapi-package-whitelist.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  ~ Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+  ~
+  ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  ~
+  ~      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+  ~
+  ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+  ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  ~ limitations under the License
+  -->
+This XML file declares which platform apps that need to access internal APIs.
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="android.car.cluster.maserati" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.apps.tag" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.auto.embedded.cts.verifier" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.car.carlauncher" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.car.home" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.car.retaildemo" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.car.settingslib.robotests" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.car.setupwizardlib.robotests" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.cardock" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.connectivity.metrics" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.facelock" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.google.gce.gceservice" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.hotwordenrollment.okgoogle" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.hotwordenrollment.tgoogle" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.hotwordenrollment.xgoogle" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.inputmethod.latin" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.media.update" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.netspeed" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.onemedia" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.pixellogger" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.ramdump" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.settingslib.robotests" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.simappdialog" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.statsd.dogfood" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.statsd.loadtest" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.systemui.shared" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.test.power" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.test.voiceenrollment" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.tv.provision" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.SSRestartDetector" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.asdiv" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.athome.globalkeyinterceptor" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.car.bugreport" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.car.defaultstoragemonitoringcompanionapp" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.car.diagnosticrecorder" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.car.diagnosticverifier" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.car.diskwriteapp" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.car.flashapp" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.car.kitchensink" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.car.obd2app" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.car.setupwizard" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.car.usb.aoap.host" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.car.vms.subscriber" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.carrier" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.carriersetup" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.connectivitymonitor" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.edu.harnesssettings" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.ext.services" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.factoryota" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.feedback" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.gsf" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.hardwareinfo" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.hiddenmenu" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.onetimeinitializer" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.packageinstaller" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.partner.provisioning" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.partnersetup" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.preloaded_drawable_viewer" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.printservice.recommendation" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.sampledeviceowner" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.apps.scone" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.sdksetup" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.setupwizard" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.storagemanager" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.tag" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.tungsten.overscan" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.tungsten.setupwraith" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.tv.bugreportsender" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.tv.frameworkpackagestubs" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.tv.pairedsetup" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.vendorloggingservice" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.volta" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.wfcactivation" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.mds" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.google.modemservice" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.htc.omadm.trigger" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="org.chromium.arc.accessibilityhelper" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="org.chromium.arc.apkcacheprovider" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="org.chromium.arc.applauncher" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="org.chromium.arc.backup_settings" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="org.chromium.arc.cast_receiver" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="org.chromium.arc.crash_collector" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="org.chromium.arc.file_system" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="org.chromium.arc.gms" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="org.chromium.arc.home" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="org.chromium.arc.intent_helper" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="org.chromium.arc.tts" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sysconfig/google.xml b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/google.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f993911c3ba43c2e17fa7e79ef00b76348243a5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/google.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     You may obtain a copy of the License at
+          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+     limitations under the License.
+<!-- These are configurations that must exist on all GMS devices. -->
+    <!-- These are the standard packages that are white-listed to always have internet
+         access while in power save mode, even if they aren't in the foreground. -->
+    <!-- GmsCore must always have network access for GCM and other things. -->
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.google.android.gms" />
+    <allow-in-data-usage-save package="com.google.android.gms" />
+    <allow-unthrottled-location package="com.google.android.gms" />
+    <!-- OobConfig must always have network access to fetch enterprise and carrier lock config. -->
+    <allow-in-power-save-except-idle package="com.google.android.apps.work.oobconfig" />
+    <allow-in-data-usage-save package="com.google.android.apps.work.oobconfig" />
+    <!-- Turbo must not have App Standby restrictions in order to push new
+         App Standby buckets to the platform periodically -->
+    <allow-in-power-save-except-idle package="com.google.android.apps.turbo" />
+    <!-- Certain broadcasts must still go to legacy implicit receivers -->
+    <allow-implicit-broadcast action="com.google.android.checkin.CHECKIN_COMPLETE" />
+    <allow-implicit-broadcast action="com.google.gservices.intent.action.GSERVICES_CHANGED" />
+    <allow-implicit-broadcast action="com.google.gservices.intent.action.GSERVICES_OVERRIDE" />
+    <allow-implicit-broadcast action="com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RECEIVE" />
+    <!-- TODO: This is a temporary workaround for allowing GmsCore to receive this broadcast.
+         This can be removed once OneTimeInitializer functionality is moved to GmsCore. -->
+    <allow-implicit-broadcast action="com.google.android.onetimeinitializer.ONE_TIME_INITIALIZED" />
+    <!-- Play Store likewise must have network access to support other applications. -->
+    <allow-in-power-save-except-idle package="com.android.vending" />
+    <!-- If the volta app is pre-installed (for monitoring power use), let it do checkins. -->
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.google.android.volta" />
+    <!-- If CarrierServices is installed, it must always have network access to
+         reliably receive IMS messages. -->
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.google.android.ims" />
+    <allow-in-data-usage-save package="com.google.android.ims" />
+    <!-- These Google applications all handle URLs to their websites by default -->
+    <!-- Apps below are required on all GMS devices -->
+    <app-link package="com.android.vending" />
+    <app-link package="com.google.android.apps.maps" />
+    <app-link package="com.google.android.youtube" />
+    <app-link package="com.google.android.apps.docs" />
+    <app-link package="com.google.android.talk" />
+    <app-link package="com.google.android.apps.photos" />
+    <app-link package="com.google.android.music" />
+    <!-- Apps below are optional on GMS devices -->
+    <app-link package="com.google.android.apps.tycho" />
+    <app-link package="com.google.android.apps.plus" />
+    <app-link package="com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.sheets" />
+    <app-link package="com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.slides" />
+    <app-link package="com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.docs" />
+    <app-link package="com.google.android.talk" />
+    <app-link package="com.google.android.videos" />
+    <app-link package="com.google.android.calendar" />
+    <!-- These are the packages that are white-listed to be able to run as system user -->
+    <system-user-whitelisted-app package="com.android.vending" />
+    <system-user-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.gms" />
+    <system-user-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.gms.policy_auth" />
+    <system-user-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.play.games" />
+    <system-user-whitelisted-app package="com.google.android.tts" />
+    <!-- These are the packages that are uninstalled for system user -->
+    <!-- Apps below are required on all GMS devices -->
+    <system-user-blacklisted-app package="com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox" />
+    <!-- Apps below are optional on GMS devices -->
+    <system-user-blacklisted-app package="com.google.android.launcher" />
+    <!-- Whitelist of what components are permitted as backup data transports.  The
+         'service' attribute here is a flattened ComponentName string. -->
+    <backup-transport-whitelisted-service
+        service="com.google.android.gms/.backup.BackupTransportService" />
+    <backup-transport-whitelisted-service
+        service="com.google.android.gms/.backup.component.D2dTransportService" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sysconfig/hiddenapi-package-whitelist.xml b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/hiddenapi-package-whitelist.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e09c69b6779f4dfed657e7f005ebbe15cf1068d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/hiddenapi-package-whitelist.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  ~ Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+  ~
+  ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  ~
+  ~      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+  ~
+  ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+  ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  ~ limitations under the License
+  -->
+This XML file declares which system apps should be exempted from the hidden API blacklisting, i.e.
+which apps should be allowed to access the entire private API. Only apps NOT signed with the
+platform cert need to be included, as apps signed with the platform cert are exempted by default.
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="android.ext.services" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.apps.tag" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.basicsmsreceiver" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.bookmarkprovider" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.calllogbackup" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.camera" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.car.dialer" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.car.messenger" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.car.overview" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.car.stream" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.companiondevicemanager" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.dreams.basic" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.gallery" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.launcher3" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.mtp" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.musicfx" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.packageinstaller" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.printservice.recommendation" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.printspooler" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.providers.blockednumber" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.providers.calendar" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.providers.contacts" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.providers.downloads" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.providers.downloads.ui" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.providers.media" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.providers.tv" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.providers.userdictionary" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.smspush" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.spare_parts" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.statementservice" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.storagemanager" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.systemui.plugins" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.terminal" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="jp.co.omronsoft.openwnn" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sysconfig/ims-hiddenapi-package-whitelist.xml b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/ims-hiddenapi-package-whitelist.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bca212a261e18831b4bd21edfa765735ace3dcc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/ims-hiddenapi-package-whitelist.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  ~ Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+  ~
+  ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  ~
+  ~      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+  ~
+  ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+  ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  ~ limitations under the License
+  -->
+This XML file declares which platform apps that need to access internal APIs.
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.asus.mobilemanager" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.asus.launcher" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.asus.soundrecorder" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.asus.userfeedback" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.asus.gamewidget" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sysconfig/qti_whitelist.xml b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/qti_whitelist.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9d59daa846ac1b2900a1688a6ff0bc6fb18280d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/qti_whitelist.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
+/* Copyright (c) 2017-2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met:
+ *     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ *       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ *       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+ *       with the distribution.
+ *     * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ *       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ *       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+    <!-- These are telephony components that need to freely run in the background -->
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.qualcomm.atfwd" />
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.qualcomm.qti.telephonyservice" />
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.qulacomm.qcrilmsgtunnel" />
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.qualcomm.qti.ims" />
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.qualcomm.qti.radioconfiginterface" />
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.qualcomm.simcontacts" />
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.qualcomm.qti.autoregistration" />
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.qualcomm.qti.server.wigigapp" />
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.qualcomm.qti.StatsPollManager" />
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.qualcomm.qti.gsma.services.nfc" />
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.qualcomm.qti.smcinvokepkgmgr" />
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.quicinc.voice.activation" />
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.android.mms" />
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement" />
+    <allow-in-power-save package="com.qualcomm.qti.smartassistant" />
+    <!-- These telephony applications need access to non-[System]SDK APIs -->
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.uimremoteserver" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.uimremoteclient" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.atfwd" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.autoregistration" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.callfeaturessetting" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.confdialer" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="org.codeaurora.dialer" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qti.qualcomm.datastatusnotification" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qti.qualcomm.deviceinfo" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.modemtestmode" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.networksetting" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.qtisystemservice" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.telephonyservice" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.radioconfiginterface" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.radioconfigtest" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.roamingsettings" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.simcontacts" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.simsettings" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="org.codeaurora.ims" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.ims" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qti.xdivert" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qti.confuridialer" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qti.editnumber" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.embmstest" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.ltedirect" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.MultiplePdpTest" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.app" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.embms" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.embmstuneaway" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.uimlpatest" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.lpa" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.uim" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="org.codeaurora.snapcam" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.mms" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.carrierswitch" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.carrierconfigure" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.sva" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.smartassistant" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.quicinc.voice.activation" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.backup" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.contacts" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.exchange" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.soundrecorder" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.camera2" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="org.codeaurora.gallery" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.example.connmgr" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.email" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.cyanogenmod.filemanager" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.presenceappSub2" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.secureindicator" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.sysmonappExternal" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.biometrics.voiceprint.voiceprintdemo" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qti.vtloopback " />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.android.bluetooth" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="org.codeaurora.bluetooth" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="org.codeaurora.bluetooth.hidtestapp" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.qmmi" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.perfdump" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.wfd.client" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.wfd.service" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qualcomm.qti.server.wigigapp" />
+    <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.qti.service.colorservice" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sysconfig/sysconfig.xml b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/sysconfig.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7a59aad0697c1b69c0837bfaf82d052ddc8ac3d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/sysconfig.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     You may obtain a copy of the License at
+          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+     limitations under the License.
+<!-- These are configurations that must exist on all Android devices. -->
+    <!-- Broadcast actions that are currently exempted from O+ background
+         delivery restrictions. -->
+    <allow-implicit-broadcast action="android.intent.action.BADGE_COUNT_UPDATE" />
+    <allow-implicit-broadcast action="com.verizon.ACTION_CHANGE_BADGE" />
+    <!-- Whitelist of what components are permitted as backup data transports.  The
+         'service' attribute here is a flattened ComponentName string. -->
+   <backup-transport-whitelisted-service
+        service="android/com.android.internal.backup.AsusTransportService" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/sysconfig/whitelist_verizon_packages.xml b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/whitelist_verizon_packages.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..55c754c0f902a0e074ddcc25e84aca43fbdafca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/sysconfig/whitelist_verizon_packages.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<allow-implicit-broadcast action="com.verizon.provider.Settings.PHONE_STATE_MODIFY" />
+<allow-implicit-broadcast action="com.verizon.net.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE" />
+<allow-implicit-broadcast action="com.verizon.net.IMS_REGISTRATION" />
+<allow-implicit-broadcast action="com.verizon.provider.ACTION_SETTING_CHANGED" />
diff --git a/system/system/etc/textclassifier/textclassifier.en.model b/system/system/etc/textclassifier/textclassifier.en.model
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a40f94033533975fa86f0289e81bd565fe8b4cfa
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/etc/textclassifier/textclassifier.en.model differ
diff --git a/system/system/etc/textclassifier/textclassifier.universal.model b/system/system/etc/textclassifier/textclassifier.universal.model
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c4220f1814c3ef92d13ba098f77841968fbccc8
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/etc/textclassifier/textclassifier.universal.model differ
diff --git a/system/system/etc/treble_sepolicy_tests_26.0 b/system/system/etc/treble_sepolicy_tests_26.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/system/system/etc/treble_sepolicy_tests_27.0 b/system/system/etc/treble_sepolicy_tests_27.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/system/system/etc/twinapps/twinapps_disallowed_apps.xml b/system/system/etc/twinapps/twinapps_disallowed_apps.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c970f562ee89d5577c4255aeacb8ea8091221caa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/twinapps/twinapps_disallowed_apps.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+    <!-- A list of apps to be retained on the managed device.
+            Takes precedence over the disallowed apps lists. -->
+    <string-array name="twinapps_disallowed_apps">
+        <item>com.android.server.telecom</item>
+        <item>com.asus.asuszenuipcsuite</item>
+        <item>com.asus.launcher</item>
+        <item>com.asus.launcher3</item>
+        <item>com.asus.easylauncher</item>
+        <item>com.asus.kidslauncher</item>
+        <item>com.asus.launcher.twinviewmode</item>
+        <item>dk.icepower.icesound</item>
+        <item>com.asus.mobilemanagerservice</item>
+        <item>com.asus.taskwidget</item>
+        <item>com.asus.system.api</item>
+        <item>com.asus.visualmaster</item>
+        <item>com.asus.audiowizard</item>
+        <item>com.android.documentsui</item>
+        <item>com.android.providers.downloads.ui</item>
+        <item>com.asus.contacts.theme.dark</item>
+        <item>com.asus.flipcover2</item>
+        <item>com.asus.flipcover3</item>
+        <item>com.asus.webview</item>
+        <item>com.asus.asusbrowserproviderproxy</item>
+        <item>com.asus.keyboard</item>
+        <item>com.asus.linkrim.service</item>
+        <item>com.asus.lockscreen</item>
+        <item>com.asus.quickmemoservice</item>
+        <item>com.asus.shim</item>
+        <item>com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver</item>
+        <item>com.android.apps.tag</item>
+        <item>com.asus.focusapplistener</item>
+        <item>com.asus.dm</item>
+        <item>com.asus.setupwizard</item>
+        <item>com.android.bluetooth</item>
+        <item>com.android.bluetoothmidiservice</item>
+        <item>com.asus.playto</item>
+        <item>com.android.nfc</item>
+        <item>com.android.htmlviewer</item>
+        <item>com.monotype.android.font.syndor</item>
+        <item>com.monotype.android.font.felbridge</item>
+        <item>com.android.systemui</item>
+        <item>com.android.basicsmsreceiver</item>
+        <item>com.asus.powerstatistics</item>
+        <item>com.asus.alwayson</item>
+        <item>com.asus.UpdateLauncher</item>
+        <item>com.asus.configupdater</item>
+        <!-- frameworks/base/packages -->
+        <item>com.android.captiveportallogin</item>
+        <item>com.android.backupconfirm</item>
+        <item>com.android.sharedstoragebackup</item>
+        <item>com.android.smspush</item>
+        <item>com.android.wallpapercropper</item>
+        <item>com.android.externalstorage</item>
+        <item>com.asus.inputdevices</item>
+        <item>com.android.inputdevices</item>
+        <item>com.android.defcontainer</item>
+        <item>com.android.shell</item>
+        <item>com.android.vpndialogs</item>
+        <!-- wallpaper -->
+        <item>com.android.wallpaper</item>
+        <item>com.android.wallpaper.livepicker</item>
+        <item>com.android.galaxy4</item>
+        <item>com.android.noisefield</item>
+        <item>com.android.wallpaper.holospiral</item>
+        <item>com.android.phasebeam</item>
+        <!-- packages/services -->
+        <item>com.android.phone</item>
+        <item>com.android.mms.service</item>
+        <item>com.android.dreams.basic</item>
+        <!-- packages/providers -->
+        <item>com.android.bookmarkprovider</item>
+        <item>com.android.providers.calendar</item>
+        <item>com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks</item>
+        <!-- Apps -->
+        <item>com.asus.asusincallui</item>
+        <item>com.asus.server.azs</item>
+        <item>com.asus.ephotoburst</item>
+        <item>com.android.certinstaller</item>
+        <item>com.asus.sensorapi.service</item>
+        <item>com.asus.DLNA</item>
+        <item>com.android.managedprovisioning</item>
+        <item>com.asus.maxxaudio</item>
+        <item>com.asus.drawres</item>
+        <item>com.asus.browsergenie</item>
+        <item>com.asus.as</item>
+        <item>com.asus.eehui</item>
+        <item>com.asus.csclogtool</item>
+        <item>com.asus.fmradio</item>
+        <item>com.asus.emergencyhelp</item>
+        <item>com.asus.livedemo</item>
+        <item>com.asus.lockscreen2</item>
+        <item>com.asus.zenheart</item>
+        <item>com.asus.zenheart.ripple</item>
+        <!-- vendor/app-prebuilt -->
+        <item>com.asus.packageinstaller</item>
+        <item>com.asus.visualmastercommandagent</item>
+        <item>com.google.android.apps.docs.oem</item>
+        <item>com.asus.davinci.locationpicker</item>
+        <item>com.android.pacprocessor</item>
+        <item>com.android.proxyhandler</item>
+        <item>com.asus.splendidcommandagent</item>
+        <item>android.autoinstalls.config.asus.pai</item>
+        <item>com.google.android.tts</item>
+        <item>com.asus.hardwarestub</item>
+        <item>com.asus.appinstallationservice</item>
+        <item>com.android.carrierconfig</item>
+        <item>com.android.statementservice</item>
+        <item>com.mediatek.mtklogger</item>
+        <item>com.google.android.backuptransport</item>
+        <item>com.google.android.configupdater</item>
+        <item>com.google.android.feedback</item>
+        <item>com.google.android.onetimeinitializer</item>
+        <item>com.google.android.setupwizard</item>
+        <!-- CN -->
+        <item>com.asus.cnsetupwizard</item>
+        <item>com.monotype.android.font.mfinanceprcbold</item>
+        <item>com.monotype.android.font.myinghei18030m</item>
+        <item>com.monotype.android.font.myuppymediumsc</item>
+        <item>com.amax.livewallpaper.parallaxwallpaper</item>
+        <item>com.lovelyfont.defcontainer</item>
+        <!-- ODM -->
+        <item>com.wind.windruntimetest</item>
+        <item>com.qualcomm.atfwd</item>
+        <item>com.qualcomm.qti.qdma</item>
+        <item>com.qualcomm.qti.smcinvokepkgmgr</item>
+        <item>com.qti.qualcomm.datastatusnotification</item>
+    </string-array>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..766f4db9227abef6cba6a9461c6332113cd74601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/update_engine/update-payload-key.pub.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/versions/amax.system.appsd.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3b1a35f600103d6ba576113e69e8d340211d081c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/versions/amax.system.sound.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <feature name="VolumePanel" version=""/>
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e66c31e16fe4ee56a153ee4d967afdc54fa581de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/versions/amax.system.textview.magnifier.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <feature name="amax.system.textview.magnifier" version=""/>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27a11bfe4ecaa3332555de8e237f3e573c917ab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/versions/amax.system.whole_system_onehand.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <feature name="amax.system.whole_system_onehand" version="2.1.0"/>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..39a81549eb3b484c0792cdecb34f4a00b1e72dd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/versions/asusres.overlays.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <feature name="asusres.overlays" version=""/>
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fcc339c05d8af149bdcf99dcf62d9ec739e54ead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vintf/compatibility_matrix.1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2280 @@
+    Input:
+        compatibility_matrix.1.xml
+<compatibility-matrix version="1.0" type="framework" level="1">
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.audio</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDevicesFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.audio.effect</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IEffectsFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.automotive.evs</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IEvsEnumerator</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.automotive.vehicle</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IVehicle</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint</name>
+        <version>2.1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBiometricsFingerprint</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.bluetooth</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBluetoothHci</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.boot</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBootControl</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.broadcastradio</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBroadcastRadioFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.camera.provider</name>
+        <version>2.4</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ICameraProvider</name>
+            <instance>legacy/0</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.configstore</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISurfaceFlingerConfigs</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.contexthub</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
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+            <name>IContexthub</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.drm</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
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+            <name>ICryptoFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDrmFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.dumpstate</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
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+            <name>IDumpstateDevice</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.gatekeeper</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IGatekeeper</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.gnss</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
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+            <name>IGnss</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.graphics.allocator</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
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+            <name>IAllocator</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.graphics.composer</name>
+        <version>2.1</version>
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+            <name>IComposer</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.graphics.mapper</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
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+            <name>IMapper</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.health</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IHealth</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.ir</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+    </hal>
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+        <name>android.hardware.keymaster</name>
+        <version>3.0</version>
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+            <name>IKeymasterDevice</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.light</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ILight</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.media.omx</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
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+            <name>IOmx</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOmxStore</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.memtrack</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
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+            <name>IMemtrack</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.nfc</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
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+            <name>INfc</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.power</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IPower</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.radio</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IRadio</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISap</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.radio.deprecated</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
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+            <name>IOemHook</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.renderscript</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
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+            <name>IDevice</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.sensors</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISensors</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.soundtrigger</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISoundTriggerHw</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.thermal</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IThermal</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.tv.cec</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
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+            <name>IHdmiCec</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.tv.input</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ITvInput</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.usb</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
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+            <name>IUsb</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.vibrator</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IVibrator</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.vr</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
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+            <name>IVr</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.wifi</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
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+            <name>IWifi</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.wifi.supplicant</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
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+            <name>ISupplicant</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
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+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_ACC</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_AUDIO_SRC</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_FS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_MIDI</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_MTP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_PTP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_UEVENT</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_GADGET</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USELIB</key>
+            <value type="tristate">n</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_XFRM_USER</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+    </kernel>
+    <kernel version="4.9.0">
+        <conditions>
+            <config>
+                <key>CONFIG_ARM64</key>
+                <value type="tristate">y</value>
+            </config>
+        </conditions>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_ARMV8_DEPRECATED</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_CP15_BARRIER_EMULATION</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SETEND_EMULATION</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SWP_EMULATION</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+    </kernel>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vintf/compatibility_matrix.2.xml b/system/system/etc/vintf/compatibility_matrix.2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f24f6f719a6b73b9feb1d6c81f8aab1a038ac75e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vintf/compatibility_matrix.2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2352 @@
+    Input:
+        compatibility_matrix.2.xml
+<compatibility-matrix version="1.0" type="framework" level="2">
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.audio</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDevicesFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.audio.effect</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IEffectsFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.automotive.evs</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IEvsEnumerator</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.automotive.vehicle</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IVehicle</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint</name>
+        <version>2.1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBiometricsFingerprint</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.bluetooth</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBluetoothHci</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.boot</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBootControl</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.broadcastradio</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBroadcastRadioFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.camera.provider</name>
+        <version>2.4</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ICameraProvider</name>
+            <instance>legacy/0</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.cas</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IMediaCasService</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.configstore</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISurfaceFlingerConfigs</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.contexthub</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IContexthub</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.drm</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ICryptoFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDrmFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.dumpstate</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDumpstateDevice</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.gatekeeper</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IGatekeeper</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.gnss</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IGnss</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.graphics.allocator</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IAllocator</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.graphics.composer</name>
+        <version>2.1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IComposer</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.graphics.mapper</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IMapper</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.health</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IHealth</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.ir</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.keymaster</name>
+        <version>3.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IKeymasterDevice</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.light</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ILight</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.media.omx</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOmx</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOmxStore</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.memtrack</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IMemtrack</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.nfc</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>INfc</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.oemlock</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOemLock</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.power</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IPower</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.radio</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IRadio</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISap</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.radio.deprecated</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOemHook</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.renderscript</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDevice</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.sensors</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISensors</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.soundtrigger</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISoundTriggerHw</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.tetheroffload.config</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOffloadConfig</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.tetheroffload.control</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOffloadControl</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.thermal</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IThermal</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.tv.cec</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IHdmiCec</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.tv.input</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ITvInput</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.usb</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IUsb</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.vibrator</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IVibrator</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.vr</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IVr</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.weaver</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IWeaver</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.wifi</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IWifi</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.wifi.offload</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOffload</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.wifi.supplicant</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISupplicant</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
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+            <key>CONFIG_ANDROID_LOW_MEMORY_KILLER</key>
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+            <key>CONFIG_ASHMEM</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
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+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
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+            <key>CONFIG_HARDENED_USERCOPY</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
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+            <key>CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS</key>
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+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
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+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
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+            <key>CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_NFLOG</key>
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+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
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+            <key>CONFIG_NET_CLS_ACT</key>
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+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_H323</key>
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+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_IPV6</key>
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+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_IRC</key>
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+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_PPTP</key>
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+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_SANE</key>
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+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_SECMARK</key>
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+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TFTP</key>
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+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK</key>
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+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CT_PROTO_UDPLITE</key>
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+            <key>CONFIG_NF_NAT</key>
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+            <key>CONFIG_NO_HZ</key>
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+            <key>CONFIG_OABI_COMPAT</key>
+            <value type="tristate">n</value>
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+            <key>CONFIG_PACKET</key>
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+            <key>CONFIG_PM_AUTOSLEEP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
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+            <key>CONFIG_PM_WAKELOCKS</key>
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+            <key>CONFIG_PPP</key>
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+            <key>CONFIG_PPPOLAC</key>
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+            <key>CONFIG_PPPOPNS</key>
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+            <key>CONFIG_PPP_BSDCOMP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
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+            <key>CONFIG_PPP_DEFLATE</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
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+            <key>CONFIG_PPP_MPPE</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
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+            <key>CONFIG_PREEMPT</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
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+            <key>CONFIG_PROFILING</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
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+            <key>CONFIG_RTC_CLASS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
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+            <key>CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SECCOMP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
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+            <key>CONFIG_SECURITY</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
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+            <key>CONFIG_SECURITY_NETWORK</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SECURITY_SELINUX</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_STAGING</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SYSVIPC</key>
+            <value type="tristate">n</value>
+        </config>
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+            <key>CONFIG_TUN</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_UID_SYS_STATS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_UNIX</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
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+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
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+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_ACC</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
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+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_AUDIO_SRC</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
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+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_FS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
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+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_MIDI</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_MTP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_PTP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_UEVENT</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_GADGET</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USELIB</key>
+            <value type="tristate">n</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_XFRM_USER</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+    </kernel>
+    <kernel version="4.9.0">
+        <conditions>
+            <config>
+                <key>CONFIG_ARM64</key>
+                <value type="tristate">y</value>
+            </config>
+        </conditions>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_ARMV8_DEPRECATED</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_CP15_BARRIER_EMULATION</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SETEND_EMULATION</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SWP_EMULATION</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+    </kernel>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vintf/compatibility_matrix.3.xml b/system/system/etc/vintf/compatibility_matrix.3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..862cd841a552b2212deedee0d8c1abb9e2daef8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vintf/compatibility_matrix.3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2836 @@
+    Input:
+        compatibility_matrix.3.xml
+<compatibility-matrix version="1.0" type="framework" level="3">
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.audio</name>
+        <version>4.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDevicesFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.audio.effect</name>
+        <version>4.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IEffectsFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.authsecret</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IAuthSecret</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.automotive.audiocontrol</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IAudioControl</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.automotive.evs</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IEvsEnumerator</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.automotive.vehicle</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IVehicle</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint</name>
+        <version>2.1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBiometricsFingerprint</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.bluetooth</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBluetoothHci</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.bluetooth.a2dp</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBluetoothAudioOffload</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.boot</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBootControl</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.broadcastradio</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBroadcastRadioFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.broadcastradio</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBroadcastRadio</name>
+            <regex-instance>.*</regex-instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.camera.provider</name>
+        <version>2.4</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ICameraProvider</name>
+            <regex-instance>[^/]+/[0-9]+</regex-instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.cas</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IMediaCasService</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.configstore</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISurfaceFlingerConfigs</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.confirmationui</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IConfirmationUI</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.contexthub</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IContexthub</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.drm</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ICryptoFactory</name>
+            <regex-instance>.*</regex-instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDrmFactory</name>
+            <regex-instance>.*</regex-instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.drm</name>
+        <version>1.1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ICryptoFactory</name>
+            <regex-instance>.*</regex-instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDrmFactory</name>
+            <regex-instance>.*</regex-instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.dumpstate</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDumpstateDevice</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.gatekeeper</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IGatekeeper</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.gnss</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IGnss</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.graphics.allocator</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IAllocator</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.graphics.composer</name>
+        <version>2.1-2</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IComposer</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.graphics.mapper</name>
+        <version>2.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IMapper</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.health</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IHealth</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.ir</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.keymaster</name>
+        <version>3.0</version>
+        <version>4.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IKeymasterDevice</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.keymaster</name>
+        <version>4.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IKeymasterDevice</name>
+            <instance>strongbox</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.light</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ILight</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.media.omx</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOmx</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOmxStore</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.memtrack</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IMemtrack</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.neuralnetworks</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDevice</name>
+            <regex-instance>.*</regex-instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.nfc</name>
+        <version>1.1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>INfc</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.oemlock</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOemLock</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.power</name>
+        <version>1.0-2</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IPower</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.radio</name>
+        <version>1.0-2</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IRadio</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+            <instance>slot2</instance>
+            <instance>slot3</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISap</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.radio.config</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IRadioConfig</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.renderscript</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDevice</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.secure_element</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISecureElement</name>
+            <regex-instance>SIM[1-9][0-9]*</regex-instance>
+            <regex-instance>eSE[1-9][0-9]*</regex-instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.sensors</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISensors</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.soundtrigger</name>
+        <version>2.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISoundTriggerHw</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.tetheroffload.config</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOffloadConfig</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.tetheroffload.control</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOffloadControl</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.thermal</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IThermal</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.tv.cec</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
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+            <name>IHdmiCec</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.tv.input</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ITvInput</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.usb</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
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+            <name>IUsb</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
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+        <name>android.hardware.usb.gadget</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
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+            <name>IUsbGadget</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.vibrator</name>
+        <version>1.0-2</version>
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+            <name>IVibrator</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.vr</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
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+            <name>IVr</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.weaver</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IWeaver</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.wifi</name>
+        <version>1.0-2</version>
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+            <name>IWifi</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.wifi.hostapd</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
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+            <name>IHostapd</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.wifi.offload</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOffload</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.wifi.supplicant</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
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+            <name>ISupplicant</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
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+        <name>vendor.goodix.hardware.fingerprintextension</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IGoodixBiometricsFingerprint</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
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+            <key>CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_NFLOG</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_TRACE</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NET_CLS_ACT</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NET_CLS_U32</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NET_EMATCH</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NET_EMATCH_U32</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NET_IPVTI</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NET_KEY</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NET_SCHED</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NET_SCH_HTB</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NFSD</key>
+            <value type="tristate">n</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NFS_FS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">n</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_AMANDA</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_EVENTS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_FTP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_H323</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_IPV4</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_IPV6</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_IRC</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_NETBIOS_NS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_PPTP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_SANE</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_SECMARK</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TFTP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CT_PROTO_DCCP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CT_PROTO_SCTP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CT_PROTO_UDPLITE</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_NAT</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_SOCKET_IPV4</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_SOCKET_IPV6</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NO_HZ</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PACKET</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PM_WAKELOCKS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PPP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PPP_BSDCOMP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PPP_DEFLATE</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PPP_MPPE</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PREEMPT</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PROC_FS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PROFILING</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_RTC_CLASS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SECCOMP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SECCOMP_FILTER</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SECURITY</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SECURITY_NETWORK</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SECURITY_SELINUX</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SHMEM</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SIGNALFD</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_STAGING</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SUSPEND</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SYNC_FILE</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SYSFS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SYSVIPC</key>
+            <value type="tristate">n</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_TIMERFD</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_TUN</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_UID_SYS_STATS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_UNIX</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_ACC</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_AUDIO_SRC</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_FS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_MIDI</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_UEVENT</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_GADGET</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_SUPPORT</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USELIB</key>
+            <value type="tristate">n</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_XFRM_USER</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+    </kernel>
+    <kernel version="4.14.42">
+        <conditions>
+            <config>
+                <key>CONFIG_ARM</key>
+                <value type="tristate">y</value>
+            </config>
+        </conditions>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_OABI_COMPAT</key>
+            <value type="tristate">n</value>
+        </config>
+    </kernel>
+    <kernel version="4.14.42">
+        <conditions>
+            <config>
+                <key>CONFIG_ARM64</key>
+                <value type="tristate">y</value>
+            </config>
+        </conditions>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_ARMV8_DEPRECATED</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_CP15_BARRIER_EMULATION</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SETEND_EMULATION</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SWP_EMULATION</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+    </kernel>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vintf/compatibility_matrix.device.xml b/system/system/etc/vintf/compatibility_matrix.device.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..030e771996bebebe85ffe1d41d0d0bfd9fffe188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vintf/compatibility_matrix.device.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+    Input:
+        vendor_framework_compatibility_matrix.xml
+<compatibility-matrix version="1.0" type="framework">
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.gnss</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IGnss</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.gnss</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IGnss</name>
+            <instance>gnss_vendor</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.nfc</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>INfc</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.radio</name>
+        <version>1.0-2</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IRadio</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+            <instance>slot2</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISap</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+            <instance>slot2</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.wifi.supplicant</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISupplicant</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>com.qualcomm.qti.ant</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IAntHci</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>com.qualcomm.qti.bluetooth_audio</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBluetoothAudio</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>com.qualcomm.qti.dpm.api</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IdpmQmi</name>
+            <instance>dpmQmiService</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>com.qualcomm.qti.imscmservice</name>
+        <version>2.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IImsCmService</name>
+            <instance>qti.ims.connectionmanagerservice</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IUceService</name>
+            <instance>com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>com.qualcomm.qti.wifidisplayhal</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDSManager</name>
+            <instance>wifidisplaydshal</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IHDCPSession</name>
+            <instance>wifidisplayhdcphal</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.display.color</name>
+        <version>1.0-2</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDisplayColor</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.display.config</name>
+        <version>1.0-2</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDisplayConfig</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.display.postproc</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDisplayPostproc</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.nxp.hardware.nfc</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>INqNfc</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.data.factory</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.esepowermanager</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IEsePowerManager</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.gnss</name>
+        <version>1.0-2</version>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ILocHidlGnss</name>
+            <instance>gnss_vendor</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.alarm</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IAlarm</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.data.latency</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ILinkLatency</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.factory</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.fm</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IFmHci</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.iop</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IIop</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.perf</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IPerf</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.qdutils_disp</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IQdutilsDisp</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.qteeconnector</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IAppConnector</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IGPAppConnector</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IQcRilAudio</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+            <instance>slot2</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims</name>
+        <version>1.0-4</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IImsRadio</name>
+            <instance>imsradio0</instance>
+            <instance>imsradio1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IUimLpa</name>
+            <instance>UimLpa0</instance>
+            <instance>UimLpa1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qcrilhook</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IQtiOemHook</name>
+            <instance>oemhook0</instance>
+            <instance>oemhook1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IQtiRadio</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+            <instance>slot2</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IQtiRadio</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+            <instance>slot2</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim</name>
+        <version>1.1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IUim</name>
+            <instance>Uim0</instance>
+            <instance>Uim1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim_remote_client</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IUimRemoteServiceClient</name>
+            <instance>uimRemoteClient0</instance>
+            <instance>uimRemoteClient1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim_remote_server</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IUimRemoteServiceServer</name>
+            <instance>uimRemoteServer0</instance>
+            <instance>uimRemoteServer1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.sensorscalibrate</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISensorsCalibrate</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.soter</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISoter</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.tui_comm</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ITuiComm</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.vpp</name>
+        <version>1.0-1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IHidlVppService</name>
+            <instance>vppService</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.wifi.hostapd</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IHostapdVendor</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.wifi.supplicant</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISupplicantVendor</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.wigig.netperftuner</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>INetPerfTuner</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.wigig.supptunnel</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISuppTunnelProvider</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.ims.callinfo</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IService</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.imsrtpservice</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IRTPService</name>
+            <instance>imsrtpservice</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>vendor.qti.voiceprint</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IQtiVoicePrintService</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <sepolicy>
+        <kernel-sepolicy-version>30</kernel-sepolicy-version>
+        <sepolicy-version>26.0</sepolicy-version>
+        <sepolicy-version>27.0</sepolicy-version>
+        <sepolicy-version>28.0</sepolicy-version>
+    </sepolicy>
+    <avb>
+        <vbmeta-version>1.0</vbmeta-version>
+    </avb>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vintf/compatibility_matrix.legacy.xml b/system/system/etc/vintf/compatibility_matrix.legacy.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c006ebf364cc24171a50482fdc5cde5dd329e75e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vintf/compatibility_matrix.legacy.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2280 @@
+    Input:
+        compatibility_matrix.legacy.xml
+<compatibility-matrix version="1.0" type="framework" level="legacy">
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.audio</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDevicesFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.audio.effect</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IEffectsFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.automotive.evs</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IEvsEnumerator</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.automotive.vehicle</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IVehicle</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint</name>
+        <version>2.1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBiometricsFingerprint</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.bluetooth</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBluetoothHci</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.boot</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBootControl</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.broadcastradio</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IBroadcastRadioFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.camera.provider</name>
+        <version>2.4</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ICameraProvider</name>
+            <instance>legacy/0</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.configstore</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISurfaceFlingerConfigs</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.contexthub</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IContexthub</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.drm</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ICryptoFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDrmFactory</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.dumpstate</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDumpstateDevice</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.gatekeeper</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IGatekeeper</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.gnss</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IGnss</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.graphics.allocator</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IAllocator</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.graphics.composer</name>
+        <version>2.1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IComposer</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.graphics.mapper</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IMapper</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.health</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IHealth</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.ir</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.keymaster</name>
+        <version>3.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IKeymasterDevice</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.light</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ILight</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="false">
+        <name>android.hardware.media.omx</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOmx</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOmxStore</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.memtrack</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IMemtrack</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.nfc</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>INfc</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.power</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IPower</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.radio</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IRadio</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISap</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.radio.deprecated</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IOemHook</name>
+            <instance>slot1</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.renderscript</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDevice</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.sensors</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISensors</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.soundtrigger</name>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISoundTriggerHw</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.thermal</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IThermal</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.tv.cec</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IHdmiCec</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.tv.input</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ITvInput</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.usb</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IUsb</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.vibrator</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IVibrator</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.vr</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IVr</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.wifi</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IWifi</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
+        <name>android.hardware.wifi.supplicant</name>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISupplicant</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
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+            <key>CONFIG_ANDROID_LOW_MEMORY_KILLER</key>
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+            <key>CONFIG_ASHMEM</key>
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+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
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+            <key>CONFIG_CGROUP_SCHED</key>
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+        <config>
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+            <key>CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS</key>
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+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_FTP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_H323</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_IPV4</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_IPV6</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_IRC</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_NETBIOS_NS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_PPTP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_SANE</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_SECMARK</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TFTP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CT_PROTO_DCCP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CT_PROTO_SCTP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_CT_PROTO_UDPLITE</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NF_NAT</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_NO_HZ</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_OABI_COMPAT</key>
+            <value type="tristate">n</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PACKET</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PM_AUTOSLEEP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PM_WAKELOCKS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PPP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PPPOLAC</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PPPOPNS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PPP_BSDCOMP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PPP_DEFLATE</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PPP_MPPE</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PREEMPT</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_PROFILING</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_RTC_CLASS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SECCOMP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SECURITY</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SECURITY_NETWORK</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SECURITY_SELINUX</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_STAGING</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SYSVIPC</key>
+            <value type="tristate">n</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_TUN</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_UID_SYS_STATS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_UNIX</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_ACC</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_AUDIO_SRC</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_FS</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_MIDI</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_MTP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_PTP</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_UEVENT</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USB_GADGET</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_USELIB</key>
+            <value type="tristate">n</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_XFRM_USER</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+    </kernel>
+    <kernel version="4.9.0">
+        <conditions>
+            <config>
+                <key>CONFIG_ARM64</key>
+                <value type="tristate">y</value>
+            </config>
+        </conditions>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_ARMV8_DEPRECATED</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_CP15_BARRIER_EMULATION</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SETEND_EMULATION</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+        <config>
+            <key>CONFIG_SWP_EMULATION</key>
+            <value type="tristate">y</value>
+        </config>
+    </kernel>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vintf/manifest.xml b/system/system/etc/vintf/manifest.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2989e9cda88be80470bdf70d7f0cd6a74b347b04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vintf/manifest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+<manifest version="1.0" type="framework">
+    <hal format="hidl">
+        <name>android.frameworks.displayservice</name>
+        <transport>hwbinder</transport>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IDisplayService</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <fqname>@1.0::IDisplayService/default</fqname>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl">
+        <name>android.frameworks.schedulerservice</name>
+        <transport>hwbinder</transport>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISchedulingPolicyService</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <fqname>@1.0::ISchedulingPolicyService/default</fqname>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl">
+        <name>android.frameworks.sensorservice</name>
+        <transport>hwbinder</transport>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ISensorManager</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <fqname>@1.0::ISensorManager/default</fqname>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl">
+        <name>android.hardware.graphics.composer</name>
+        <transport>hwbinder</transport>
+        <version>2.1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IComposer</name>
+            <instance>vr</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <fqname>@2.1::IComposer/vr</fqname>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl">
+        <name>android.hardware.health</name>
+        <transport>hwbinder</transport>
+        <version>2.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IHealth</name>
+            <instance>backup</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <fqname>@2.0::IHealth/backup</fqname>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl">
+        <name>android.hidl.allocator</name>
+        <transport>hwbinder</transport>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IAllocator</name>
+            <instance>ashmem</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <fqname>@1.0::IAllocator/ashmem</fqname>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl">
+        <name>android.hidl.manager</name>
+        <transport>hwbinder</transport>
+        <version>1.1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IServiceManager</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <fqname>@1.1::IServiceManager/default</fqname>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl">
+        <name>android.hidl.memory</name>
+        <transport arch="32+64">passthrough</transport>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IMapper</name>
+            <instance>ashmem</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <fqname>@1.0::IMapper/ashmem</fqname>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl">
+        <name>android.hidl.token</name>
+        <transport>hwbinder</transport>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>ITokenManager</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <fqname>@1.0::ITokenManager/default</fqname>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl">
+        <name>android.system.net.netd</name>
+        <transport>hwbinder</transport>
+        <version>1.1</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>INetd</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <fqname>@1.1::INetd/default</fqname>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl">
+        <name>android.system.wifi.keystore</name>
+        <transport>hwbinder</transport>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IKeystore</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <fqname>@1.0::IKeystore/default</fqname>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="native">
+        <name>netutils-wrapper</name>
+        <transport></transport>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.radio.atcmdfwd</name>
+        <transport>hwbinder</transport>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IAtCmdFwd</name>
+            <instance>AtCmdFwdService</instance>
+        </interface>
+        <fqname>@1.0::IAtCmdFwd/AtCmdFwdService</fqname>
+    </hal>
+    <vendor-ndk>
+        <version>28</version>
+    </vendor-ndk>
+    <system-sdk>
+        <version>28</version>
+    </system-sdk>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vndksp.libraries.28.txt b/system/system/etc/vndksp.libraries.28.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bf6b6d1f0fd2a0770e36a446b99ae49c2ad55d7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vndksp.libraries.28.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vold.fstab b/system/system/etc/vold.fstab
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..635e586928e81967b725ca6ccf9d55a9b07c837b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vold.fstab
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met:
+#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+#       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+#       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+#       with the distribution.
+#     * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+#       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+#       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+dev_mount sdcard /storage/sdcard1 auto /devices/msm_sdcc.2/mmc_host
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vstab_db_0_1080p_video_30fps.config b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_0_1080p_video_30fps.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fefd0f691448d4ec0101f0138d36a0cf892dbb45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_0_1080p_video_30fps.config
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+focalLength= 1366.743474   #1644.561663  #1642.920823 #1709.150410 #from calibration, in pixels
+gridVrtxCntH=11   #number of warp grid points in H
+gridVrtxCntV=11   #number of warp grid points in V
+# averageGyroTime=    2666666 # 375Hz - Ave = 3
+averageGyroTime=    5000000   #4444445 # 225Hz - Ave = 5
+# averageGyroTime=    8888889 # 112.5Hz - Ave = 10
+maxFrmDeliveryDelay = 2000000000  #max expected delay of delivering a frame to VSTAB
+minFrmTime=25000000 #not used
+maxFrmTime=1000000000 #not used
+maxFrmWarpDelay=150000000 #not used
+frmCropFctrH=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+frmCropFctrV=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+#gyroToCameraRot = { 0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+gyroToCameraRot = { 0, 0.707106781, 0.707106781, 0 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+isGyroZInverted=1  #gyro-to-camera rotation: invert Z axis
+frmDelayMinusGyroDelay= -45485959 # #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+shtrDuration= 29084206   #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+isGridNormalized=1  #1 for OpenGL warper
+gyroJitter = 500000   //expected maximum deviation of gyro period in the timestamps
+gyroSmplsBeforehand = 20  #not used
+isToLimitGrid = 1  #enb/disb grid limiting
+isDisplaySideCamera = 1 #1 for fron camera (on display side)
+gyroDataCorrection = 0
+isToCorrectMotionBlur = 1 #enb/dsb decreasing VSTAB strength at long exposure
+noiseFctrDark = 0.4 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurDark = 20000000 # nanoseconds
+noiseFctrLight = 0 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurLight = 10000000 # nanoseconds
+# FIR filter width in ns used in low light if noiseFctrDark=0
+lowLightFiltWidth = 50000000
+isToDetectFlckr = 1   #not used
+expectPwrNetFreq = 50 # Hz 50 or 60 #not used
+expectExpoDurFrmDelay = 4 #not used
+constGainVal = 0 # not used
+maxCntNonConstGainVals = 4 # not used
+frmJitter = 0.05 # not used
+expoDurationAccuracy = 0.0001 #not used
+# Added in version 2
+avgFltrCoreTime =    300000000   # 300000000 #prediction during panning MIN(300ms, Future*2)
+panFltrCoreTime =   1000000000    #1000000000 #panning detection core - if less then future_samples*2+1, it is extended implicitly. MAX(1sec, Future*2)
+fltrInertTime =     4000000000    #10000000000 #IIR filter time constant,  example: Future*20
+predictTime =        500000000    #500000000 # 500000000 # 500000000  # 500000000 #future limit,  example: Future
+panBackTrendFctr = 0.06 #not used
+isToShowBorders = 0
+isCalibrationMode = 0
+# Added in version 3
+panMinVelocity = 50 #rad/sec
+panOnTime =  2000000000 #not used
+panOffTime = 1000000000 #not used
+panGainFctr = 1  #panning correction enable (>0)/disable(=0)
+panIirTau = 1000000000 #not used
+# Timestamp synchronization
+gyroTmrInx = 7		#7 - CLOCK_BOOTTIME 	#gyro timer corresponding to gyro time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+frmTmrInx = 7		#1 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC	#frames timer corresponding to frames time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+# FSync expected delta
+expected_delta = 0
+# For calibration and debug.
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_sensor_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_19201080_0_sensor.txt
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_metadata_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_19201080_0_metadata.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_grid_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = dump-gyro.dump
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-params.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-grids.dump
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.fixedFiltOrientQuaternion = { 1, 0, 0, 0 }
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vstab_db_0_1080p_video_60fps.config b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_0_1080p_video_60fps.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..10de0edc719eccc2c64ee11c76ed00337dd0186e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_0_1080p_video_60fps.config
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+focalLength= 1364.496480  #1532.599499 #1531.839990 #1539.245434  #1534.341793   #1673.490981      #1544.647262   #1644.561663  #1642.920823 #1709.150410 #from calibration, in pixels
+gridVrtxCntH=11   #number of warp grid points in H
+gridVrtxCntV=11   #number of warp grid points in V
+# averageGyroTime=    2666666 # 375Hz - Ave = 3
+averageGyroTime=    5000000   #4444445 # 225Hz - Ave = 5
+# averageGyroTime=    8888889 # 112.5Hz - Ave = 10
+maxFrmDeliveryDelay = 2000000000  #max expected delay of delivering a frame to VSTAB
+minFrmTime=25000000 #not used
+maxFrmTime=1000000000 #not used
+maxFrmWarpDelay=150000000 #not used
+frmCropFctrH=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+frmCropFctrV=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+#gyroToCameraRot = { 0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+gyroToCameraRot = { 0, 0.707106781, 0.707106781, 0 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+isGyroZInverted=1  #gyro-to-camera rotation: invert Z axis
+frmDelayMinusGyroDelay= -29844807  # -1886580  #-1722751 # -1781731    #-1231803   #9344696   #-2123817 # -2214655    #-2149235  #-9364508  #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+shtrDuration= 13769248  #24197832   #23802257 #24078211    #24092528  #22700305     # 24300852    # 23938175   # 23858828   #27625747 #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+isGridNormalized= 1  #1 for OpenGL warper
+gyroJitter = 500000   //expected maximum deviation of gyro period in the timestamps
+gyroSmplsBeforehand = 20  #not used
+isToLimitGrid = 1  #enb/disb grid limiting
+isDisplaySideCamera = 1 #1 for fron camera (on display side)
+gyroDataCorrection = 0
+isToCorrectMotionBlur = 1 #enb/dsb decreasing VSTAB strength at long exposure
+noiseFctrDark = 0.4 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurDark = 20000000 # nanoseconds
+noiseFctrLight = 0 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurLight = 10000000 # nanoseconds
+# FIR filter width in ns used in low light if noiseFctrDark=0
+lowLightFiltWidth = 50000000
+isToDetectFlckr = 1   #not used
+expectPwrNetFreq = 50 # Hz 50 or 60 #not used
+expectExpoDurFrmDelay = 4 #not used
+constGainVal = 0 # not used
+maxCntNonConstGainVals = 4 # not used
+frmJitter = 0.05 # not used
+expoDurationAccuracy = 0.0001 #not used
+# Added in version 2
+avgFltrCoreTime =    300000000   # 300000000 #prediction during panning MIN(300ms, Future*2)
+panFltrCoreTime =   1000000000    #1000000000 #panning detection core - if less then future_samples*2+1, it is extended implicitly. MAX(1sec, Future*2)
+fltrInertTime =     4000000000    #10000000000 #IIR filter time constant,  example: Future*20
+predictTime =        500000000    #500000000 # 500000000 # 500000000  # 500000000 #future limit,  example: Future
+panBackTrendFctr = 0.06 #not used
+isToShowBorders = 0
+isCalibrationMode = 0
+# Added in version 3
+panMinVelocity = 50 #rad/sec
+panOnTime =  2000000000 #not used
+panOffTime = 1000000000 #not used
+panGainFctr = 1  #panning correction enable (>0)/disable(=0)
+panIirTau = 1000000000 #not used
+# Timestamp synchronization
+gyroTmrInx = 7		#7 - CLOCK_BOOTTIME 	#gyro timer corresponding to gyro time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+frmTmrInx = 7		#1 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC	#frames timer corresponding to frames time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+# FSync expected delta
+expected_delta = 0
+# For calibration and debug.
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_sensor_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_19201080_60_0_sensor.txt
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_metadata_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_19201080_60_0_metadata.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_grid_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = dump-gyro.dump
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-params.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-grids.dump
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.fixedFiltOrientQuaternion = { 1, 0, 0, 0 }
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vstab_db_0_21601080p_video_30fps.config b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_0_21601080p_video_30fps.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6582b16ef9b41d314d089229fe80d784d96f339d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_0_21601080p_video_30fps.config
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+focalLength= 1539.092828   #1644.561663  #1642.920823 #1709.150410 #from calibration, in pixels
+gridVrtxCntH=11   #number of warp grid points in H
+gridVrtxCntV=11   #number of warp grid points in V
+# averageGyroTime=    2666666 # 375Hz - Ave = 3
+averageGyroTime=    5000000   #4444445 # 225Hz - Ave = 5
+# averageGyroTime=    8888889 # 112.5Hz - Ave = 10
+maxFrmDeliveryDelay = 2000000000  #max expected delay of delivering a frame to VSTAB
+minFrmTime=25000000 #not used
+maxFrmTime=1000000000 #not used
+maxFrmWarpDelay=150000000 #not used
+frmCropFctrH=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+frmCropFctrV=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+#gyroToCameraRot = { 0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+gyroToCameraRot = { 0, 0.707106781, 0.707106781, 0 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+isGyroZInverted=1  #gyro-to-camera rotation: invert Z axis
+frmDelayMinusGyroDelay= -43755320 # #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+shtrDuration= 25712726   #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+isGridNormalized=1  #1 for OpenGL warper
+gyroJitter = 500000   //expected maximum deviation of gyro period in the timestamps
+gyroSmplsBeforehand = 20  #not used
+isToLimitGrid = 1  #enb/disb grid limiting
+isDisplaySideCamera = 1 #1 for fron camera (on display side)
+gyroDataCorrection = 0
+isToCorrectMotionBlur = 1 #enb/dsb decreasing VSTAB strength at long exposure
+noiseFctrDark = 0.4 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurDark = 20000000 # nanoseconds
+noiseFctrLight = 0 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurLight = 10000000 # nanoseconds
+# FIR filter width in ns used in low light if noiseFctrDark=0
+lowLightFiltWidth = 50000000
+isToDetectFlckr = 1   #not used
+expectPwrNetFreq = 50 # Hz 50 or 60 #not used
+expectExpoDurFrmDelay = 4 #not used
+constGainVal = 0 # not used
+maxCntNonConstGainVals = 4 # not used
+frmJitter = 0.05 # not used
+expoDurationAccuracy = 0.0001 #not used
+# Added in version 2
+avgFltrCoreTime =    300000000   # 300000000 #prediction during panning MIN(300ms, Future*2)
+panFltrCoreTime =   1000000000    #1000000000 #panning detection core - if less then future_samples*2+1, it is extended implicitly. MAX(1sec, Future*2)
+fltrInertTime =     4000000000    #10000000000 #IIR filter time constant,  example: Future*20
+predictTime =        500000000    #500000000 # 500000000 # 500000000  # 500000000 #future limit,  example: Future
+panBackTrendFctr = 0.06 #not used
+isToShowBorders = 0
+isCalibrationMode = 0
+# Added in version 3
+panMinVelocity = 50 #rad/sec
+panOnTime =  2000000000 #not used
+panOffTime = 1000000000 #not used
+panGainFctr = 1  #panning correction enable (>0)/disable(=0)
+panIirTau = 1000000000 #not used
+# Timestamp synchronization
+gyroTmrInx = 7		#7 - CLOCK_BOOTTIME 	#gyro timer corresponding to gyro time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+frmTmrInx = 7		#1 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC	#frames timer corresponding to frames time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+# FSync expected delta
+expected_delta = 0
+# For calibration and debug.
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_sensor_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_21601080_0_sensor.txt
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_metadata_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_21601080_0_metadata.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_grid_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = dump-gyro.dump
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-params.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-grids.dump
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.fixedFiltOrientQuaternion = { 1, 0, 0, 0 }
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vstab_db_0_480p_video_30fps.config b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_0_480p_video_30fps.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca982366cb2ac4317961fcd4cd3c7e5a243584cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_0_480p_video_30fps.config
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+focalLength= 454.239880 #1532.599499 #1531.839990 #1539.245434  #1534.341793   #1673.490981      #1544.647262   #1644.561663  #1642.920823 #1709.150410 #from calibration, in pixels
+gridVrtxCntH=11   #number of warp grid points in H
+gridVrtxCntV=11   #number of warp grid points in V
+# averageGyroTime=    2666666 # 375Hz - Ave = 3
+averageGyroTime=    5000000   #4444445 # 225Hz - Ave = 5
+# averageGyroTime=    8888889 # 112.5Hz - Ave = 10
+maxFrmDeliveryDelay = 2000000000  #max expected delay of delivering a frame to VSTAB
+minFrmTime=25000000 #not used
+maxFrmTime=1000000000 #not used
+maxFrmWarpDelay=150000000 #not used
+frmCropFctrH=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+frmCropFctrV=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+#gyroToCameraRot = { 0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+gyroToCameraRot = { 0, 0.707106781, 0.707106781, 0 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+isGyroZInverted=1  #gyro-to-camera rotation: invert Z axis
+frmDelayMinusGyroDelay= -45692010  # -1886580  #-1722751 # -1781731    #-1231803   #9344696   #-2123817 # -2214655    #-2149235  #-9364508  #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+shtrDuration= 27871131  #24197832   #23802257 #24078211    #24092528  #22700305     # 24300852    # 23938175   # 23858828   #27625747 #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+isGridNormalized= 1  #1 for OpenGL warper
+gyroJitter = 500000   //expected maximum deviation of gyro period in the timestamps
+gyroSmplsBeforehand = 20  #not used
+isToLimitGrid = 1  #enb/disb grid limiting
+isDisplaySideCamera = 1 #1 for fron camera (on display side)
+gyroDataCorrection = 0
+isToCorrectMotionBlur = 1 #enb/dsb decreasing VSTAB strength at long exposure
+noiseFctrDark = 0.4 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurDark = 20000000 # nanoseconds
+noiseFctrLight = 0 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurLight = 10000000 # nanoseconds
+# FIR filter width in ns used in low light if noiseFctrDark=0
+lowLightFiltWidth = 50000000
+isToDetectFlckr = 1   #not used
+expectPwrNetFreq = 50 # Hz 50 or 60 #not used
+expectExpoDurFrmDelay = 4 #not used
+constGainVal = 0 # not used
+maxCntNonConstGainVals = 4 # not used
+frmJitter = 0.05 # not used
+expoDurationAccuracy = 0.0001 #not used
+# Added in version 2
+avgFltrCoreTime =    300000000   # 300000000 #prediction during panning MIN(300ms, Future*2)
+panFltrCoreTime =   1000000000    #1000000000 #panning detection core - if less then future_samples*2+1, it is extended implicitly. MAX(1sec, Future*2)
+fltrInertTime =     4000000000    #10000000000 #IIR filter time constant,  example: Future*20
+predictTime =        500000000    #500000000 # 500000000 # 500000000  # 500000000 #future limit,  example: Future
+panBackTrendFctr = 0.06 #not used
+isToShowBorders = 0
+isCalibrationMode = 0
+# Added in version 3
+panMinVelocity = 50 #rad/sec
+panOnTime =  2000000000 #not used
+panOffTime = 1000000000 #not used
+panGainFctr = 1  #panning correction enable (>0)/disable(=0)
+panIirTau = 1000000000 #not used
+# Timestamp synchronization
+gyroTmrInx = 7		#7 - CLOCK_BOOTTIME 	#gyro timer corresponding to gyro time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+frmTmrInx = 7		#1 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC	#frames timer corresponding to frames time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+# FSync expected delta
+expected_delta = 0
+# For calibration and debug.
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_sensor_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_640480_0_sensor.txt
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_metadata_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_640480_0_metadata.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_grid_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = dump-gyro.dump
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-params.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-grids.dump
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.fixedFiltOrientQuaternion = { 1, 0, 0, 0 }
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vstab_db_0_4k_video_30fps.config b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_0_4k_video_30fps.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a14349a80efd7ee12cc03fd7af4fc21bb52220b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_0_4k_video_30fps.config
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+focalLength= 2842.588170  #1532.599499 #1531.839990 #1539.245434  #1534.341793   #1673.490981      #1544.647262   #1644.561663  #1642.920823 #1709.150410 #from calibration, in pixels
+frmHeight= 2160
+gridVrtxCntH=11   #number of warp grid points in H
+gridVrtxCntV=11   #number of warp grid points in V
+# averageGyroTime=    2666666 # 375Hz - Ave = 3
+averageGyroTime=    5000000   #4444445 # 225Hz - Ave = 5
+# averageGyroTime=    8888889 # 112.5Hz - Ave = 10
+maxFrmDeliveryDelay = 2000000000  #max expected delay of delivering a frame to VSTAB
+minFrmTime=25000000 #not used
+maxFrmTime=1000000000 #not used
+maxFrmWarpDelay=150000000 #not used
+frmCropFctrH=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+frmCropFctrV=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+#gyroToCameraRot = { 0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+gyroToCameraRot = { 0, 0.707106781, 0.707106781, 0 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+isGyroZInverted=1  #gyro-to-camera rotation: invert Z axis
+frmDelayMinusGyroDelay= -44400762  # -1886580  #-1722751 # -1781731    #-1231803   #9344696   #-2123817 # -2214655    #-2149235  #-9364508  #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+shtrDuration= 26654517 #24197832   #23802257 #24078211    #24092528  #22700305     # 24300852    # 23938175   # 23858828   #27625747 #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+isGridNormalized= 1  #1 for OpenGL warper
+gyroJitter = 500000   //expected maximum deviation of gyro period in the timestamps
+gyroSmplsBeforehand = 20  #not used
+isToLimitGrid = 1  #enb/disb grid limiting
+isDisplaySideCamera = 1 #1 for fron camera (on display side)
+gyroDataCorrection = 0
+isToCorrectMotionBlur = 1 #enb/dsb decreasing VSTAB strength at long exposure
+noiseFctrDark = 0.4 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurDark = 20000000 # nanoseconds
+noiseFctrLight = 0 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurLight = 10000000 # nanoseconds
+# FIR filter width in ns used in low light if noiseFctrDark=0
+lowLightFiltWidth = 50000000
+isToDetectFlckr = 1   #not used
+expectPwrNetFreq = 50 # Hz 50 or 60 #not used
+expectExpoDurFrmDelay = 4 #not used
+constGainVal = 0 # not used
+maxCntNonConstGainVals = 4 # not used
+frmJitter = 0.05 # not used
+expoDurationAccuracy = 0.0001 #not used
+# Added in version 2
+avgFltrCoreTime =    300000000   # 300000000 #prediction during panning MIN(300ms, Future*2)
+panFltrCoreTime =   1000000000    #1000000000 #panning detection core - if less then future_samples*2+1, it is extended implicitly. MAX(1sec, Future*2)
+fltrInertTime =     4000000000    #10000000000 #IIR filter time constant,  example: Future*20
+predictTime =        500000000    #500000000 # 500000000 # 500000000  # 500000000 #future limit,  example: Future
+panBackTrendFctr = 0.06 #not used
+isToShowBorders = 0
+isCalibrationMode = 0
+# Added in version 3
+panMinVelocity = 50 #rad/sec
+panOnTime =  2000000000 #not used
+panOffTime = 1000000000 #not used
+panGainFctr = 1  #panning correction enable (>0)/disable(=0)
+panIirTau = 1000000000 #not used
+# Timestamp synchronization
+gyroTmrInx = 7		#7 - CLOCK_BOOTTIME 	#gyro timer corresponding to gyro time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+frmTmrInx = 7		#1 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC	#frames timer corresponding to frames time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+# FSync expected delta
+expected_delta = 0
+# For calibration and debug.
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_sensor_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_38402160_0_sensor.txt
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_metadata_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_38402160_0_metadata.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_grid_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = dump-gyro.dump
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-params.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-grids.dump
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.fixedFiltOrientQuaternion = { 1, 0, 0, 0 }
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vstab_db_0_720p_video_30fps.config b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_0_720p_video_30fps.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..763c69ac95f72b356dc3239ce1eef9feccdcf9ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_0_720p_video_30fps.config
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+focalLength= 911.844977 #1532.599499 #1531.839990 #1539.245434  #1534.341793   #1673.490981      #1544.647262   #1644.561663  #1642.920823 #1709.150410 #from calibration, in pixels
+gridVrtxCntH=11   #number of warp grid points in H
+gridVrtxCntV=11   #number of warp grid points in V
+# averageGyroTime=    2666666 # 375Hz - Ave = 3
+averageGyroTime=    5000000   #4444445 # 225Hz - Ave = 5
+# averageGyroTime=    8888889 # 112.5Hz - Ave = 10
+maxFrmDeliveryDelay = 2000000000  #max expected delay of delivering a frame to VSTAB
+minFrmTime=25000000 #not used
+maxFrmTime=1000000000 #not used
+maxFrmWarpDelay=150000000 #not used
+frmCropFctrH=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+frmCropFctrV=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+#gyroToCameraRot = { 0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+gyroToCameraRot = { 0, 0.707106781, 0.707106781, 0 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+isGyroZInverted=1  #gyro-to-camera rotation: invert Z axis
+frmDelayMinusGyroDelay= -45962402  # -1886580  #-1722751 # -1781731    #-1231803   #9344696   #-2123817 # -2214655    #-2149235  #-9364508  #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+shtrDuration= 29863620  #24197832   #23802257 #24078211    #24092528  #22700305     # 24300852    # 23938175   # 23858828   #27625747 #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+isGridNormalized= 1  #1 for OpenGL warper
+gyroJitter = 500000   //expected maximum deviation of gyro period in the timestamps
+gyroSmplsBeforehand = 20  #not used
+isToLimitGrid = 1  #enb/disb grid limiting
+isDisplaySideCamera = 1 #1 for fron camera (on display side)
+gyroDataCorrection = 0
+isToCorrectMotionBlur = 1 #enb/dsb decreasing VSTAB strength at long exposure
+noiseFctrDark = 0.4 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurDark = 20000000 # nanoseconds
+noiseFctrLight = 0 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurLight = 10000000 # nanoseconds
+# FIR filter width in ns used in low light if noiseFctrDark=0
+lowLightFiltWidth = 50000000
+isToDetectFlckr = 1   #not used
+expectPwrNetFreq = 50 # Hz 50 or 60 #not used
+expectExpoDurFrmDelay = 4 #not used
+constGainVal = 0 # not used
+maxCntNonConstGainVals = 4 # not used
+frmJitter = 0.05 # not used
+expoDurationAccuracy = 0.0001 #not used
+# Added in version 2
+avgFltrCoreTime =    300000000   # 300000000 #prediction during panning MIN(300ms, Future*2)
+panFltrCoreTime =   1000000000    #1000000000 #panning detection core - if less then future_samples*2+1, it is extended implicitly. MAX(1sec, Future*2)
+fltrInertTime =     4000000000    #10000000000 #IIR filter time constant,  example: Future*20
+predictTime =        500000000    #500000000 # 500000000 # 500000000  # 500000000 #future limit,  example: Future
+panBackTrendFctr = 0.06 #not used
+isToShowBorders = 0
+isCalibrationMode = 0
+# Added in version 3
+panMinVelocity = 50 #rad/sec
+panOnTime =  2000000000 #not used
+panOffTime = 1000000000 #not used
+panGainFctr = 1  #panning correction enable (>0)/disable(=0)
+panIirTau = 1000000000 #not used
+# Timestamp synchronization
+gyroTmrInx = 7		#7 - CLOCK_BOOTTIME 	#gyro timer corresponding to gyro time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+frmTmrInx = 7		#1 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC	#frames timer corresponding to frames time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+# FSync expected delta
+expected_delta = 0
+# For calibration and debug.
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_sensor_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_1280720_0_sensor.txt
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_metadata_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_1280720_0_metadata.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_grid_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = dump-gyro.dump
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-params.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-grids.dump
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.fixedFiltOrientQuaternion = { 1, 0, 0, 0 }
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vstab_db_1_1080p_video_30fps.config b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_1_1080p_video_30fps.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3445215b70b2df7248dd8886a871a729d5e336bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_1_1080p_video_30fps.config
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+focalLength= 1343.299609  #1532.599499 #1531.839990 #1539.245434  #1534.341793   #1673.490981      #1544.647262   #1644.561663  #1642.920823 #1709.150410 #from calibration, in pixels
+frmHeight= 1080
+gridVrtxCntH=11   #number of warp grid points in H
+gridVrtxCntV=11   #number of warp grid points in V
+# averageGyroTime=    2666666 # 375Hz - Ave = 3
+averageGyroTime=    5000000   #4444445 # 225Hz - Ave = 5
+# averageGyroTime=    8888889 # 112.5Hz - Ave = 10
+maxFrmDeliveryDelay = 2000000000  #max expected delay of delivering a frame to VSTAB
+minFrmTime=25000000 #not used
+maxFrmTime=1000000000 #not used
+maxFrmWarpDelay=150000000 #not used
+frmCropFctrH=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+frmCropFctrV=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+gyroToCameraRot = { 0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+#gyroToCameraRot = { 0, 0.707106781, 0.707106781, 0 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+isGyroZInverted=1  #gyro-to-camera rotation: invert Z axis
+frmDelayMinusGyroDelay= -47193196  # -1886580  #-1722751 # -1781731    #-1231803   #9344696   #-2123817 # -2214655    #-2149235  #-9364508  #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+shtrDuration= 32236206  #24197832   #23802257 #24078211    #24092528  #22700305     # 24300852    # 23938175   # 23858828   #27625747 #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+isGridNormalized= 1  #1 for OpenGL warper
+gyroJitter = 500000   //expected maximum deviation of gyro period in the timestamps
+gyroSmplsBeforehand = 20  #not used
+isToLimitGrid = 1  #enb/disb grid limiting
+isDisplaySideCamera = 1 #1 for fron camera (on display side)
+gyroDataCorrection = 0
+isToCorrectMotionBlur = 1 #enb/dsb decreasing VSTAB strength at long exposure
+noiseFctrDark = 0.4 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurDark = 20000000 # nanoseconds
+noiseFctrLight = 0 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurLight = 10000000 # nanoseconds
+# FIR filter width in ns used in low light if noiseFctrDark=0
+lowLightFiltWidth = 50000000
+isToDetectFlckr = 1   #not used
+expectPwrNetFreq = 50 # Hz 50 or 60 #not used
+expectExpoDurFrmDelay = 4 #not used
+constGainVal = 0 # not used
+maxCntNonConstGainVals = 4 # not used
+frmJitter = 0.05 # not used
+expoDurationAccuracy = 0.0001 #not used
+# Added in version 2
+avgFltrCoreTime =    300000000   # 300000000 #prediction during panning MIN(300ms, Future*2)
+panFltrCoreTime =   1000000000    #1000000000 #panning detection core - if less then future_samples*2+1, it is extended implicitly. MAX(1sec, Future*2)
+fltrInertTime =     4000000000    #10000000000 #IIR filter time constant,  example: Future*20
+predictTime =        500000000    #500000000 # 500000000 # 500000000  # 500000000 #future limit,  example: Future
+panBackTrendFctr = 0.06 #not used
+isToShowBorders = 0
+isCalibrationMode = 0
+# Added in version 3
+panMinVelocity = 50 #rad/sec
+panOnTime =  2000000000 #not used
+panOffTime = 1000000000 #not used
+panGainFctr = 1  #panning correction enable (>0)/disable(=0)
+panIirTau = 1000000000 #not used
+# Timestamp synchronization
+gyroTmrInx = 7		#7 - CLOCK_BOOTTIME 	#gyro timer corresponding to gyro time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+frmTmrInx = 7		#1 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC	#frames timer corresponding to frames time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+# FSync expected delta
+expected_delta = 0
+# For calibration and debug.
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_sensor_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_19201080_1_sensor.txt
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_metadata_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_19201080_1_metadata.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_grid_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = dump-gyro.dump
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-params.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-grids.dump
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.fixedFiltOrientQuaternion = { 1, 0, 0, 0 }
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vstab_db_1_21601080p_video_30fps.config b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_1_21601080p_video_30fps.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..25313b723c1b19e8f33b426c3a2221f8cad5e4b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_1_21601080p_video_30fps.config
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+focalLength= 1510.250566  #1532.599499 #1531.839990 #1539.245434  #1534.341793   #1673.490981      #1544.647262   #1644.561663  #1642.920823 #1709.150410 #from calibration, in pixels
+frmHeight= 1080
+gridVrtxCntH=11   #number of warp grid points in H
+gridVrtxCntV=11   #number of warp grid points in V
+# averageGyroTime=    2666666 # 375Hz - Ave = 3
+averageGyroTime=    5000000   #4444445 # 225Hz - Ave = 5
+# averageGyroTime=    8888889 # 112.5Hz - Ave = 10
+maxFrmDeliveryDelay = 2000000000  #max expected delay of delivering a frame to VSTAB
+minFrmTime=25000000 #not used
+maxFrmTime=1000000000 #not used
+maxFrmWarpDelay=150000000 #not used
+frmCropFctrH=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+frmCropFctrV=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+gyroToCameraRot = { 0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+#gyroToCameraRot = { 0, 0.707106781, 0.707106781, 0 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+isGyroZInverted=1  #gyro-to-camera rotation: invert Z axis
+frmDelayMinusGyroDelay= -45421007  # -1886580  #-1722751 # -1781731    #-1231803   #9344696   #-2123817 # -2214655    #-2149235  #-9364508  #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+shtrDuration= 28641436  #24197832   #23802257 #24078211    #24092528  #22700305     # 24300852    # 23938175   # 23858828   #27625747 #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+isGridNormalized= 1  #1 for OpenGL warper
+gyroJitter = 500000   //expected maximum deviation of gyro period in the timestamps
+gyroSmplsBeforehand = 20  #not used
+isToLimitGrid = 1  #enb/disb grid limiting
+isDisplaySideCamera = 1 #1 for fron camera (on display side)
+gyroDataCorrection = 0
+isToCorrectMotionBlur = 1 #enb/dsb decreasing VSTAB strength at long exposure
+noiseFctrDark = 0.4 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurDark = 20000000 # nanoseconds
+noiseFctrLight = 0 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurLight = 10000000 # nanoseconds
+# FIR filter width in ns used in low light if noiseFctrDark=0
+lowLightFiltWidth = 50000000
+isToDetectFlckr = 1   #not used
+expectPwrNetFreq = 50 # Hz 50 or 60 #not used
+expectExpoDurFrmDelay = 4 #not used
+constGainVal = 0 # not used
+maxCntNonConstGainVals = 4 # not used
+frmJitter = 0.05 # not used
+expoDurationAccuracy = 0.0001 #not used
+# Added in version 2
+avgFltrCoreTime =    300000000   # 300000000 #prediction during panning MIN(300ms, Future*2)
+panFltrCoreTime =   1000000000    #1000000000 #panning detection core - if less then future_samples*2+1, it is extended implicitly. MAX(1sec, Future*2)
+fltrInertTime =     4000000000    #10000000000 #IIR filter time constant,  example: Future*20
+predictTime =        500000000    #500000000 # 500000000 # 500000000  # 500000000 #future limit,  example: Future
+panBackTrendFctr = 0.06 #not used
+isToShowBorders = 0
+isCalibrationMode = 0
+# Added in version 3
+panMinVelocity = 50 #rad/sec
+panOnTime =  2000000000 #not used
+panOffTime = 1000000000 #not used
+panGainFctr = 1  #panning correction enable (>0)/disable(=0)
+panIirTau = 1000000000 #not used
+# Timestamp synchronization
+gyroTmrInx = 7		#7 - CLOCK_BOOTTIME 	#gyro timer corresponding to gyro time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+frmTmrInx = 7		#1 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC	#frames timer corresponding to frames time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+# FSync expected delta
+expected_delta = 0
+# For calibration and debug.
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_sensor_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_21601080_1_sensor.txt
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_metadata_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_21601080_1_metadata.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_grid_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = dump-gyro.dump
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-params.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-grids.dump
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.fixedFiltOrientQuaternion = { 1, 0, 0, 0 }
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vstab_db_1_480p_video_30fps.config b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_1_480p_video_30fps.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6606ae51cd61a3afe62a2afba75acd742a4bde56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_1_480p_video_30fps.config
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+focalLength= 448.792671  #1532.599499 #1531.839990 #1539.245434  #1534.341793   #1673.490981      #1544.647262   #1644.561663  #1642.920823 #1709.150410 #from calibration, in pixels
+frmHeight= 480
+gridVrtxCntH=11   #number of warp grid points in H
+gridVrtxCntV=11   #number of warp grid points in V
+# averageGyroTime=    2666666 # 375Hz - Ave = 3
+averageGyroTime=    5000000   #4444445 # 225Hz - Ave = 5
+# averageGyroTime=    8888889 # 112.5Hz - Ave = 10
+maxFrmDeliveryDelay = 2000000000  #max expected delay of delivering a frame to VSTAB
+minFrmTime=25000000 #not used
+maxFrmTime=1000000000 #not used
+maxFrmWarpDelay=150000000 #not used
+frmCropFctrH=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+frmCropFctrV=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+gyroToCameraRot = { 0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+#gyroToCameraRot = { 0, 0.707106781, 0.707106781, 0 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+isGyroZInverted=1  #gyro-to-camera rotation: invert Z axis
+frmDelayMinusGyroDelay= -47356509   # -1886580  #-1722751 # -1781731    #-1231803   #9344696   #-2123817 # -2214655    #-2149235  #-9364508  #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+shtrDuration= 31535525  #24197832   #23802257 #24078211    #24092528  #22700305     # 24300852    # 23938175   # 23858828   #27625747 #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+isGridNormalized= 1  #1 for OpenGL warper
+gyroJitter = 500000   //expected maximum deviation of gyro period in the timestamps
+gyroSmplsBeforehand = 20  #not used
+isToLimitGrid = 1  #enb/disb grid limiting
+isDisplaySideCamera = 1 #1 for fron camera (on display side)
+gyroDataCorrection = 0
+isToCorrectMotionBlur = 1 #enb/dsb decreasing VSTAB strength at long exposure
+noiseFctrDark = 0.4 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurDark = 20000000 # nanoseconds
+noiseFctrLight = 0 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurLight = 10000000 # nanoseconds
+# FIR filter width in ns used in low light if noiseFctrDark=0
+lowLightFiltWidth = 50000000
+isToDetectFlckr = 1   #not used
+expectPwrNetFreq = 50 # Hz 50 or 60 #not used
+expectExpoDurFrmDelay = 4 #not used
+constGainVal = 0 # not used
+maxCntNonConstGainVals = 4 # not used
+frmJitter = 0.05 # not used
+expoDurationAccuracy = 0.0001 #not used
+# Added in version 2
+avgFltrCoreTime =    300000000   # 300000000 #prediction during panning MIN(300ms, Future*2)
+panFltrCoreTime =   1000000000    #1000000000 #panning detection core - if less then future_samples*2+1, it is extended implicitly. MAX(1sec, Future*2)
+fltrInertTime =     4000000000    #10000000000 #IIR filter time constant,  example: Future*20
+predictTime =        500000000    #500000000 # 500000000 # 500000000  # 500000000 #future limit,  example: Future
+panBackTrendFctr = 0.06 #not used
+isToShowBorders = 0
+isCalibrationMode = 0
+# Added in version 3
+panMinVelocity = 50 #rad/sec
+panOnTime =  2000000000 #not used
+panOffTime = 1000000000 #not used
+panGainFctr = 1  #panning correction enable (>0)/disable(=0)
+panIirTau = 1000000000 #not used
+# Timestamp synchronization
+gyroTmrInx = 7		#7 - CLOCK_BOOTTIME 	#gyro timer corresponding to gyro time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+frmTmrInx = 7		#1 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC	#frames timer corresponding to frames time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+# FSync expected delta
+expected_delta = 0
+# For calibration and debug.
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_sensor_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_640480_1_sensor.txt
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_metadata_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_640480_1_metadata.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_grid_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = dump-gyro.dump
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-params.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-grids.dump
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.fixedFiltOrientQuaternion = { 1, 0, 0, 0 }
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vstab_db_1_720p_video_30fps.config b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_1_720p_video_30fps.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..90a923bd4197be52673d745964b2b5b5078578e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_1_720p_video_30fps.config
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+focalLength= 895.552040  #1532.599499 #1531.839990 #1539.245434  #1534.341793   #1673.490981      #1544.647262   #1644.561663  #1642.920823 #1709.150410 #from calibration, in pixels
+frmHeight= 720
+gridVrtxCntH=11   #number of warp grid points in H
+gridVrtxCntV=11   #number of warp grid points in V
+# averageGyroTime=    2666666 # 375Hz - Ave = 3
+averageGyroTime=    5000000   #4444445 # 225Hz - Ave = 5
+# averageGyroTime=    8888889 # 112.5Hz - Ave = 10
+maxFrmDeliveryDelay = 2000000000  #max expected delay of delivering a frame to VSTAB
+minFrmTime=25000000 #not used
+maxFrmTime=1000000000 #not used
+maxFrmWarpDelay=150000000 #not used
+frmCropFctrH=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+frmCropFctrV=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+gyroToCameraRot = { 0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+#gyroToCameraRot = { 0, 0.707106781, 0.707106781, 0 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+isGyroZInverted=1  #gyro-to-camera rotation: invert Z axis
+frmDelayMinusGyroDelay= -47204148   # -1886580  #-1722751 # -1781731    #-1231803   #9344696   #-2123817 # -2214655    #-2149235  #-9364508  #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+shtrDuration= 31922735  #24197832   #23802257 #24078211    #24092528  #22700305     # 24300852    # 23938175   # 23858828   #27625747 #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+isGridNormalized= 1  #1 for OpenGL warper
+gyroJitter = 500000   //expected maximum deviation of gyro period in the timestamps
+gyroSmplsBeforehand = 20  #not used
+isToLimitGrid = 1  #enb/disb grid limiting
+isDisplaySideCamera = 1 #1 for fron camera (on display side)
+gyroDataCorrection = 0
+isToCorrectMotionBlur = 1 #enb/dsb decreasing VSTAB strength at long exposure
+noiseFctrDark = 0.4 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurDark = 20000000 # nanoseconds
+noiseFctrLight = 0 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurLight = 10000000 # nanoseconds
+# FIR filter width in ns used in low light if noiseFctrDark=0
+lowLightFiltWidth = 50000000
+isToDetectFlckr = 1   #not used
+expectPwrNetFreq = 50 # Hz 50 or 60 #not used
+expectExpoDurFrmDelay = 4 #not used
+constGainVal = 0 # not used
+maxCntNonConstGainVals = 4 # not used
+frmJitter = 0.05 # not used
+expoDurationAccuracy = 0.0001 #not used
+# Added in version 2
+avgFltrCoreTime =    300000000   # 300000000 #prediction during panning MIN(300ms, Future*2)
+panFltrCoreTime =   1000000000    #1000000000 #panning detection core - if less then future_samples*2+1, it is extended implicitly. MAX(1sec, Future*2)
+fltrInertTime =     4000000000    #10000000000 #IIR filter time constant,  example: Future*20
+predictTime =        500000000    #500000000 # 500000000 # 500000000  # 500000000 #future limit,  example: Future
+panBackTrendFctr = 0.06 #not used
+isToShowBorders = 0
+isCalibrationMode = 0
+# Added in version 3
+panMinVelocity = 50 #rad/sec
+panOnTime =  2000000000 #not used
+panOffTime = 1000000000 #not used
+panGainFctr = 1  #panning correction enable (>0)/disable(=0)
+panIirTau = 1000000000 #not used
+# Timestamp synchronization
+gyroTmrInx = 7		#7 - CLOCK_BOOTTIME 	#gyro timer corresponding to gyro time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+frmTmrInx = 7		#1 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC	#frames timer corresponding to frames time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+# FSync expected delta
+expected_delta = 0
+# For calibration and debug.
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_sensor_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_1280720_1_sensor.txt
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_metadata_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_1280720_1_metadata.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_grid_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = dump-gyro.dump
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-params.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-grids.dump
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.fixedFiltOrientQuaternion = { 1, 0, 0, 0 }
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vstab_db_2_1080p_video_30fps.config b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_2_1080p_video_30fps.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6b909810b30bd5adabe970b67ae7f163998e17ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_2_1080p_video_30fps.config
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+focalLength= 957.804048  #1532.599499 #1531.839990 #1539.245434  #1534.341793   #1673.490981      #1544.647262   #1644.561663  #1642.920823 #1709.150410 #from calibration, in pixels
+frmHeight= 1080
+gridVrtxCntH=11   #number of warp grid points in H
+gridVrtxCntV=11   #number of warp grid points in V
+# averageGyroTime=    2666666 # 375Hz - Ave = 3
+averageGyroTime=    5000000   #4444445 # 225Hz - Ave = 5
+# averageGyroTime=    8888889 # 112.5Hz - Ave = 10
+maxFrmDeliveryDelay = 2000000000  #max expected delay of delivering a frame to VSTAB
+minFrmTime=25000000 #not used
+maxFrmTime=1000000000 #not used
+maxFrmWarpDelay=150000000 #not used
+frmCropFctrH=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+frmCropFctrV=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+#gyroToCameraRot = { 0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+gyroToCameraRot = { 0, 0.707106781, 0.707106781, 0 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+isGyroZInverted=1  #gyro-to-camera rotation: invert Z axis
+frmDelayMinusGyroDelay= -46373026  # -1886580  #-1722751 # -1781731    #-1231803   #9344696   #-2123817 # -2214655    #-2149235  #-9364508  #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+shtrDuration= 28333163  #24197832   #23802257 #24078211    #24092528  #22700305     # 24300852    # 23938175   # 23858828   #27625747 #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+isGridNormalized= 1  #1 for OpenGL warper
+gyroJitter = 500000   //expected maximum deviation of gyro period in the timestamps
+gyroSmplsBeforehand = 20  #not used
+isToLimitGrid = 1  #enb/disb grid limiting
+isDisplaySideCamera = 1 #1 for fron camera (on display side)
+gyroDataCorrection = 0
+isToCorrectMotionBlur = 1 #enb/dsb decreasing VSTAB strength at long exposure
+noiseFctrDark = 0.4 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurDark = 20000000 # nanoseconds
+noiseFctrLight = 0 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurLight = 10000000 # nanoseconds
+# FIR filter width in ns used in low light if noiseFctrDark=0
+lowLightFiltWidth = 50000000
+isToDetectFlckr = 1   #not used
+expectPwrNetFreq = 50 # Hz 50 or 60 #not used
+expectExpoDurFrmDelay = 4 #not used
+constGainVal = 0 # not used
+maxCntNonConstGainVals = 4 # not used
+frmJitter = 0.05 # not used
+expoDurationAccuracy = 0.0001 #not used
+# Added in version 2
+avgFltrCoreTime =    300000000   # 300000000 #prediction during panning MIN(300ms, Future*2)
+panFltrCoreTime =   1000000000    #1000000000 #panning detection core - if less then future_samples*2+1, it is extended implicitly. MAX(1sec, Future*2)
+fltrInertTime =     4000000000    #10000000000 #IIR filter time constant,  example: Future*20
+predictTime =        500000000    #500000000 # 500000000 # 500000000  # 500000000 #future limit,  example: Future
+panBackTrendFctr = 0.06 #not used
+isToShowBorders = 0
+isCalibrationMode = 0
+# Added in version 3
+panMinVelocity = 50 #rad/sec
+panOnTime =  2000000000 #not used
+panOffTime = 1000000000 #not used
+panGainFctr = 1  #panning correction enable (>0)/disable(=0)
+panIirTau = 1000000000 #not used
+# Timestamp synchronization
+gyroTmrInx = 7		#7 - CLOCK_BOOTTIME 	#gyro timer corresponding to gyro time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+frmTmrInx = 7		#1 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC	#frames timer corresponding to frames time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+# FSync expected delta
+expected_delta = 0
+# For calibration and debug.
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_sensor_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_19201080_2_sensor.txt
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_metadata_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_19201080_2_metadata.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_grid_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = dump-gyro.dump
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-params.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-grids.dump
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.fixedFiltOrientQuaternion = { 1, 0, 0, 0 }
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vstab_db_2_21601080p_video_30fps.config b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_2_21601080p_video_30fps.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7faa7c6e7c0dc6cdfdcbd6c24eea0c44fa303c29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_2_21601080p_video_30fps.config
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+focalLength= 1079.664463  #1532.599499 #1531.839990 #1539.245434  #1534.341793   #1673.490981      #1544.647262   #1644.561663  #1642.920823 #1709.150410 #from calibration, in pixels
+frmHeight= 1080
+gridVrtxCntH=11   #number of warp grid points in H
+gridVrtxCntV=11   #number of warp grid points in V
+# averageGyroTime=    2666666 # 375Hz - Ave = 3
+averageGyroTime=    5000000   #4444445 # 225Hz - Ave = 5
+# averageGyroTime=    8888889 # 112.5Hz - Ave = 10
+maxFrmDeliveryDelay = 2000000000  #max expected delay of delivering a frame to VSTAB
+minFrmTime=25000000 #not used
+maxFrmTime=1000000000 #not used
+maxFrmWarpDelay=150000000 #not used
+frmCropFctrH=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+frmCropFctrV=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+#gyroToCameraRot = { 0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+gyroToCameraRot = { 0, 0.707106781, 0.707106781, 0 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+isGyroZInverted=1  #gyro-to-camera rotation: invert Z axis
+frmDelayMinusGyroDelay= -44371822  # -1886580  #-1722751 # -1781731    #-1231803   #9344696   #-2123817 # -2214655    #-2149235  #-9364508  #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+shtrDuration= 25206018  #24197832   #23802257 #24078211    #24092528  #22700305     # 24300852    # 23938175   # 23858828   #27625747 #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+isGridNormalized= 1  #1 for OpenGL warper
+gyroJitter = 500000   //expected maximum deviation of gyro period in the timestamps
+gyroSmplsBeforehand = 20  #not used
+isToLimitGrid = 1  #enb/disb grid limiting
+isDisplaySideCamera = 1 #1 for fron camera (on display side)
+gyroDataCorrection = 0
+isToCorrectMotionBlur = 1 #enb/dsb decreasing VSTAB strength at long exposure
+noiseFctrDark = 0.4 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurDark = 20000000 # nanoseconds
+noiseFctrLight = 0 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurLight = 10000000 # nanoseconds
+# FIR filter width in ns used in low light if noiseFctrDark=0
+lowLightFiltWidth = 50000000
+isToDetectFlckr = 1   #not used
+expectPwrNetFreq = 50 # Hz 50 or 60 #not used
+expectExpoDurFrmDelay = 4 #not used
+constGainVal = 0 # not used
+maxCntNonConstGainVals = 4 # not used
+frmJitter = 0.05 # not used
+expoDurationAccuracy = 0.0001 #not used
+# Added in version 2
+avgFltrCoreTime =    300000000   # 300000000 #prediction during panning MIN(300ms, Future*2)
+panFltrCoreTime =   1000000000    #1000000000 #panning detection core - if less then future_samples*2+1, it is extended implicitly. MAX(1sec, Future*2)
+fltrInertTime =     4000000000    #10000000000 #IIR filter time constant,  example: Future*20
+predictTime =        500000000    #500000000 # 500000000 # 500000000  # 500000000 #future limit,  example: Future
+panBackTrendFctr = 0.06 #not used
+isToShowBorders = 0
+isCalibrationMode = 0
+# Added in version 3
+panMinVelocity = 50 #rad/sec
+panOnTime =  2000000000 #not used
+panOffTime = 1000000000 #not used
+panGainFctr = 1  #panning correction enable (>0)/disable(=0)
+panIirTau = 1000000000 #not used
+# Timestamp synchronization
+gyroTmrInx = 7		#7 - CLOCK_BOOTTIME 	#gyro timer corresponding to gyro time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+frmTmrInx = 7		#1 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC	#frames timer corresponding to frames time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+# FSync expected delta
+expected_delta = 0
+# For calibration and debug.
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_sensor_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_21601080_2_sensor.txt
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_metadata_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_21601080_2_metadata.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_grid_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = dump-gyro.dump
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-params.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-grids.dump
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.fixedFiltOrientQuaternion = { 1, 0, 0, 0 }
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vstab_db_2_480p_video_30fps.config b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_2_480p_video_30fps.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..10829d5c52a1305560c6da4fc952b3d98dee1893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_2_480p_video_30fps.config
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+focalLength= 314.973876 #1532.599499 #1531.839990 #1539.245434  #1534.341793   #1673.490981      #1544.647262   #1644.561663  #1642.920823 #1709.150410 #from calibration, in pixels
+gridVrtxCntH=11   #number of warp grid points in H
+gridVrtxCntV=11   #number of warp grid points in V
+# averageGyroTime=    2666666 # 375Hz - Ave = 3
+averageGyroTime=    5000000   #4444445 # 225Hz - Ave = 5
+# averageGyroTime=    8888889 # 112.5Hz - Ave = 10
+maxFrmDeliveryDelay = 2000000000  #max expected delay of delivering a frame to VSTAB
+minFrmTime=25000000 #not used
+maxFrmTime=1000000000 #not used
+maxFrmWarpDelay=150000000 #not used
+frmCropFctrH=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+frmCropFctrV=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+#gyroToCameraRot = { 0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+gyroToCameraRot = { 0, 0.707106781, 0.707106781, 0 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+isGyroZInverted=1  #gyro-to-camera rotation: invert Z axis
+frmDelayMinusGyroDelay= -45142798  # -1886580  #-1722751 # -1781731    #-1231803   #9344696   #-2123817 # -2214655    #-2149235  #-9364508  #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+shtrDuration= 26128858  #24197832   #23802257 #24078211    #24092528  #22700305     # 24300852    # 23938175   # 23858828   #27625747 #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+isGridNormalized= 1  #1 for OpenGL warper
+gyroJitter = 500000   //expected maximum deviation of gyro period in the timestamps
+gyroSmplsBeforehand = 20  #not used
+isToLimitGrid = 1  #enb/disb grid limiting
+isDisplaySideCamera = 1 #1 for fron camera (on display side)
+gyroDataCorrection = 0
+isToCorrectMotionBlur = 1 #enb/dsb decreasing VSTAB strength at long exposure
+noiseFctrDark = 0.4 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurDark = 20000000 # nanoseconds
+noiseFctrLight = 0 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurLight = 10000000 # nanoseconds
+# FIR filter width in ns used in low light if noiseFctrDark=0
+lowLightFiltWidth = 50000000
+isToDetectFlckr = 1   #not used
+expectPwrNetFreq = 50 # Hz 50 or 60 #not used
+expectExpoDurFrmDelay = 4 #not used
+constGainVal = 0 # not used
+maxCntNonConstGainVals = 4 # not used
+frmJitter = 0.05 # not used
+expoDurationAccuracy = 0.0001 #not used
+# Added in version 2
+avgFltrCoreTime =    300000000   # 300000000 #prediction during panning MIN(300ms, Future*2)
+panFltrCoreTime =   1000000000    #1000000000 #panning detection core - if less then future_samples*2+1, it is extended implicitly. MAX(1sec, Future*2)
+fltrInertTime =     4000000000    #10000000000 #IIR filter time constant,  example: Future*20
+predictTime =        500000000    #500000000 # 500000000 # 500000000  # 500000000 #future limit,  example: Future
+panBackTrendFctr = 0.06 #not used
+isToShowBorders = 0
+isCalibrationMode = 0
+# Added in version 3
+panMinVelocity = 50 #rad/sec
+panOnTime =  2000000000 #not used
+panOffTime = 1000000000 #not used
+panGainFctr = 1  #panning correction enable (>0)/disable(=0)
+panIirTau = 1000000000 #not used
+# Timestamp synchronization
+gyroTmrInx = 7		#7 - CLOCK_BOOTTIME 	#gyro timer corresponding to gyro time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+frmTmrInx = 7		#1 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC	#frames timer corresponding to frames time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+# FSync expected delta
+expected_delta = 0
+# For calibration and debug.
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_sensor_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_640480_2_sensor.txt
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_metadata_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_640480_2_metadata.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_grid_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = dump-gyro.dump
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-params.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-grids.dump
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.fixedFiltOrientQuaternion = { 1, 0, 0, 0 }
diff --git a/system/system/etc/vstab_db_2_720p_video_30fps.config b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_2_720p_video_30fps.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c56685df83a4e324d82b652c998c0ded9ea30d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/vstab_db_2_720p_video_30fps.config
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+focalLength= 636.658930  #1532.599499 #1531.839990 #1539.245434  #1534.341793   #1673.490981      #1544.647262   #1644.561663  #1642.920823 #1709.150410 #from calibration, in pixels
+frmHeight= 720
+gridVrtxCntH=11   #number of warp grid points in H
+gridVrtxCntV=11   #number of warp grid points in V
+# averageGyroTime=    2666666 # 375Hz - Ave = 3
+averageGyroTime=    5000000   #4444445 # 225Hz - Ave = 5
+# averageGyroTime=    8888889 # 112.5Hz - Ave = 10
+maxFrmDeliveryDelay = 2000000000  #max expected delay of delivering a frame to VSTAB
+minFrmTime=25000000 #not used
+maxFrmTime=1000000000 #not used
+maxFrmWarpDelay=150000000 #not used
+frmCropFctrH=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+frmCropFctrV=0.1  #VSTAB crop border (relative to frames size, keep H=V)
+#gyroToCameraRot = { 0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+gyroToCameraRot = { 0, 0.707106781, 0.707106781, 0 } #gyro-to-camera rotation quarternion
+isGyroZInverted=1  #gyro-to-camera rotation: invert Z axis
+frmDelayMinusGyroDelay= -45670621   # -1886580  #-1722751 # -1781731    #-1231803   #9344696   #-2123817 # -2214655    #-2149235  #-9364508  #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+shtrDuration= 27698325  #24197832   #23802257 #24078211    #24092528  #22700305     # 24300852    # 23938175   # 23858828   #27625747 #from calibration for each resolution/frame rate
+isGridNormalized= 1  #1 for OpenGL warper
+gyroJitter = 500000   //expected maximum deviation of gyro period in the timestamps
+gyroSmplsBeforehand = 20  #not used
+isToLimitGrid = 1  #enb/disb grid limiting
+isDisplaySideCamera = 1 #1 for fron camera (on display side)
+gyroDataCorrection = 0
+isToCorrectMotionBlur = 1 #enb/dsb decreasing VSTAB strength at long exposure
+noiseFctrDark = 0.4 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurDark = 20000000 # nanoseconds
+noiseFctrLight = 0 # part of remaining shake 0..1, 0:full stabilization, 1:no stabilization
+expoDurLight = 10000000 # nanoseconds
+# FIR filter width in ns used in low light if noiseFctrDark=0
+lowLightFiltWidth = 50000000
+isToDetectFlckr = 1   #not used
+expectPwrNetFreq = 50 # Hz 50 or 60 #not used
+expectExpoDurFrmDelay = 4 #not used
+constGainVal = 0 # not used
+maxCntNonConstGainVals = 4 # not used
+frmJitter = 0.05 # not used
+expoDurationAccuracy = 0.0001 #not used
+# Added in version 2
+avgFltrCoreTime =    300000000   # 300000000 #prediction during panning MIN(300ms, Future*2)
+panFltrCoreTime =   1000000000    #1000000000 #panning detection core - if less then future_samples*2+1, it is extended implicitly. MAX(1sec, Future*2)
+fltrInertTime =     4000000000    #10000000000 #IIR filter time constant,  example: Future*20
+predictTime =        500000000    #500000000 # 500000000 # 500000000  # 500000000 #future limit,  example: Future
+panBackTrendFctr = 0.06 #not used
+isToShowBorders = 0
+isCalibrationMode = 0
+# Added in version 3
+panMinVelocity = 50 #rad/sec
+panOnTime =  2000000000 #not used
+panOffTime = 1000000000 #not used
+panGainFctr = 1  #panning correction enable (>0)/disable(=0)
+panIirTau = 1000000000 #not used
+# Timestamp synchronization
+gyroTmrInx = 7		#7 - CLOCK_BOOTTIME 	#gyro timer corresponding to gyro time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+frmTmrInx = 7		#1 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC	#frames timer corresponding to frames time stamps (a parameter of clock_gettime())
+# FSync expected delta
+expected_delta = 0
+# For calibration and debug.
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_sensor_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_1280720_2_sensor.txt
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_metadata_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_1280720_2_metadata.txt
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = /data/misc/camera/video_grid_%d.txt
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = /data/misc/media/process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.originalCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-origCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.filteredCameraOrientationsFilePath = dump-filtCamOrient.dump
+#debugInfo.gyroInDumpFilePath = dump-gyro.dump
+#debugInfo.warpGridStatusDumpFilePath = dump-warp-grid-status.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameParamsDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-params.dump
+#debugInfo.warpedFrameGridsOutDumpFilePath = dump-warped-frm-grids.dump
+#debugInfo.statisticsFilePath = process-statistics.dump
+#debugInfo.fixedFiltOrientQuaternion = { 1, 0, 0, 0 }
diff --git a/system/system/etc/wfdconfig.xml b/system/system/etc/wfdconfig.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..adadafe2b5099264c611e421fedc9ceeb2fa6361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/wfdconfig.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,749 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
+    <!--
+        Copyright (C) 2012 - 2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+        All Rights Reserved.
+        Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+    -->
+    <Capability>
+        <!--
+            Audio capabilities
+        -->
+        <AudioLPCM>
+            <Name>LPCM</Name>
+            <Valid>1</Valid>
+            <Channels>2</Channels>
+            <SamplingFreq>48000</SamplingFreq>
+            <Latency>33</Latency>
+        </AudioLPCM>
+        <AudioAAC>
+            <Name>AAC</Name>
+            <Valid>1</Valid>
+            <Channels>6</Channels>
+            <SamplingFreq>48000</SamplingFreq>
+            <Latency>0</Latency>
+        </AudioAAC>
+        <AudioAC3>
+            <Name>AC3</Name>
+            <Valid>0</Valid>
+            <Channels>0</Channels>
+            <SamplingFreq>0</SamplingFreq>
+            <Latency>0</Latency>
+        </AudioAC3>
+        <!--
+            Video extended capabilities for H264 codec
+        -->
+        <VideoFormats>
+        <VideoCodecHeader>
+        <TotalProfiles>3</TotalProfiles>
+        <PreferredDisplaySupport>0</PreferredDisplaySupport>
+        </VideoCodecHeader>
+             <!-- AVC Profile 0 - Constrained Baseline,
+                              1 - Constrained High,
+                              2 - Constrained High2,
+                              3 - BaseLine
+                              4 - Main
+                              5 - High
+                  HEVC Profile 0 - Main
+            -->
+            <!-- Level  0 - 3.1,
+                        1 - 3.2,
+                        2 - 4.0,
+                        3 - 4.1,
+                        4 - 4.2,
+                        5 - 5,
+                        6 - 5.1,
+                        7 - 5.2
+            -->
+            <VideoCodec1>
+                <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+                <Profile>0</Profile>
+                <Level>6</Level>
+                <HorizontalResolution>3840</HorizontalResolution>
+                <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
+                <Latency>0</Latency>
+                <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+                <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+                <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+                <VideoFps>30</VideoFps>
+                <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+                <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+            </VideoCodec1>
+            <VideoCodec2>
+                <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+                <Profile>1</Profile>
+                <Level>6</Level>
+                <HorizontalResolution>3840</HorizontalResolution>
+                <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
+                <Latency>0</Latency>
+                <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+                <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+                <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+                <VideoFps>30</VideoFps>
+                <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+                <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+            </VideoCodec2>
+            <VideoCodec3>
+                <CodecName>H.265</CodecName>
+                <Profile>0</Profile>
+                <Level>6</Level>
+                <HorizontalResolution>3840</HorizontalResolution>
+                <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
+                <Latency>0</Latency>
+                <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+                <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+                <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+                <VideoFps>30</VideoFps>
+                <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+                <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+            </VideoCodec3>
+        </VideoFormats>
+      <!--
+          Aux streaming addition added for Direct streaming
+        -->
+        <AuxStreamInfo>
+            <Codec>
+            <Count>1</Count>
+            <Name1>PNG</Name1>
+            </Codec>
+            <!--
+                Limiting the number of layers to 5 in the overlay
+                Resolution is 720P
+            -->
+            <MaxOverlay>5</MaxOverlay>
+            <HRes>1280</HRes>
+            <VRes>720</VRes>
+            <Mode>CEA</Mode>
+        </AuxStreamInfo>
+        <!--
+            Standby Resume capability is supported
+        -->
+        <StandbyResumeCapability>
+            <Valid>1</Valid>
+        </StandbyResumeCapability>
+        <!--
+            Explicit AV format change
+            Not supported
+        -->
+        <AVFormatChange>
+            <Valid>0</Valid>
+            <AVInterval>0</AVInterval>
+        </AVFormatChange>
+        <!--
+            Frame skipping interval is in the scale of 500 msec or half second.
+            FrameInterval can be between 1 to 7,  according to the WFD spec.
+            0 means Frame skipping interval is infinite and recommended value is 0
+        -->
+        <FrameSkipping>
+            <Valid>1</Valid>
+            <FrameInterval>0</FrameInterval>
+        </FrameSkipping>
+        <!--  disable HDCP by default -->
+        <ContentProtection>
+            <Valid>0</Valid>
+            <!--
+                Valid values WFD_HDCP_2_0,
+                WFD_HDCP_2_1 and WFD_HDCP_2_2
+            -->
+            <Version>WFD_HDCP_2_2</Version>
+            <CPPort>6789</CPPort>
+            <!--
+                turn on/off audio encryption
+            -->
+            <EncryptAudio>0</EncryptAudio>
+        </ContentProtection>
+        <!--
+            To enable RTP dump at source
+        -->
+        <RTPDumpEnable>
+            <!-- DEPRECATED -->
+            <!-- For enabling RTP encoder dumping set
+                 persist.vendor.debug.rtp.enable_dump to 1
+                 /data/media/dump.ts
+            -->
+        </RTPDumpEnable>
+        <!--
+            UIBC settings
+        -->
+        <UIBC>
+            <UIBCValid>1</UIBCValid>                <!-- UIBC by default enabled -->
+            <M4Enable>1</M4Enable>                  <!-- 0/1 send UIBC enable in M4 or not -->
+            <M14Support>0</M14Support>              <!-- 0/1 M14 supported or not -->
+            <InputCategory>
+                <Generic>1</Generic>                <!-- 0/1 - support generic or not -->
+                <HID>0</HID>                        <!-- 0/1 - support HID or not -->
+            </InputCategory>
+            <!--  Supported input events  -->
+            <InputEvents>
+                <GenericInputEvents>
+                    <!-- 0/1 for all Input Event Types -->
+                    <Mouse>1</Mouse>
+                    <Keyboard>1</Keyboard>
+                    <SingleTouch>1</SingleTouch>
+                    <MultiTouch>1</MultiTouch>
+                    <JoyStick>0</JoyStick>
+                    <Camera>0</Camera>
+                    <Gesture>0</Gesture>
+                    <RemoteControl>0</RemoteControl>
+                </GenericInputEvents>
+                <!--
+                    Each input path will have a byte and support
+                    for the input types is indicated by setting a bit:
+                    KEYBOARD              BIT0
+                    MOUSE                 BIT1
+                    SINGLETOUCH           BIT2
+                    MULTITOUCH            BIT3
+                    JOYSTICK              BIT4
+                    CAMERA                BIT5
+                    GESTURE               BIT6
+                    REMOTECONTROL         BIT7
+                -->
+                <HIDInputPaths>
+                    <Infrared>0</Infrared>
+                    <USB>3</USB>
+                    <BT>0</BT>
+                    <Zigbee>0</Zigbee>
+                    <Wifi>0</Wifi>
+                    <NoSP>0</NoSP>
+                </HIDInputPaths>
+            </InputEvents>
+            <!--  TCP port on which UIBC connection established -->
+            <TcpPort>4321</TcpPort>
+        </UIBC>
+    </Capability>
+    <!--
+        Enabling Rtcp
+    -->
+    <RTCP>
+        <RtcpRRNotificationEnabled>1</RtcpRRNotificationEnabled>
+    </RTCP>
+    <!--
+        Dynamic bitrate adaptation is supported based on link speed
+        Based on the available link speed change video bitrate dynamically
+    -->
+    <DynamicBitrateAdaptation>1</DynamicBitrateAdaptation>
+    <!--
+        Send keep alive messages for every 50sec
+    -->
+    <SendKeepAlive>1</SendKeepAlive>
+    <!--
+        RTSP port on which RTSP server is running
+    -->
+    <RTSPPort>5550</RTSPPort>
+    <!--
+        To configure video core in SVS mode
+    -->
+    <PerformanceLevelSVSMode>0</PerformanceLevelSVSMode>
+    <!--
+        To configure video core in Nominal mode
+    -->
+    <PerformanceLevelNominalMode>0</PerformanceLevelNominalMode>
+    <!--
+        To configure video core in Turbo mode
+    -->
+    <PerformanceLevelTurboMode>0</PerformanceLevelTurboMode>
+    <!--
+        To configure minqp value
+    -->
+    <MinQPValue>22</MinQPValue>
+    <!--
+        To configure maxqp value
+    -->
+    <MaxQPValue>44</MaxQPValue>
+    <!--
+        Bitrate settings for each mode
+    -->
+    <BitrateTable>
+        <!--
+            Bitrate table for Audio formats
+        -->
+        <AAC>
+        <!--
+            Bitrate table for AAC
+        -->
+            <BIT0>
+                <MaxBitrate>256000</MaxBitrate>
+                <MinBitrate>256000</MinBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+            <BIT1>
+                <MaxBitrate>384000</MaxBitrate>
+                <MinBitrate>384000</MinBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+            <BIT2>
+                <MaxBitrate>512000</MaxBitrate>
+                <MinBitrate>512000</MinBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+        </AAC>
+        <!--
+            CEA Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
+            Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
+            Based on the available link speed video bitrate
+            can go upto MinBitrate
+        -->
+        <CEA>
+          <!-- 640x480p60  -->
+            <BIT0>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+          <!-- 720x480p60 -->
+            <BIT1>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+          <!-- 720x480i60 -->
+            <BIT2>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+          <!-- 720x576p50  -->
+            <BIT3>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT3>
+          <!-- 720x576i50  -->
+            <BIT4>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT4>
+          <!-- 1280x720p30  -->
+            <BIT5>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT5>
+          <!-- 1280x720p60  -->
+            <BIT6>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT6>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p30  -->
+            <BIT7>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT7>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p60  -->
+            <BIT8>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT8>
+          <!-- 1920x1080i60  -->
+            <BIT9>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT9>
+          <!-- 1280x720p25  -->
+            <BIT10>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT10>
+          <!-- 1280x720p50  -->
+            <BIT11>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT11>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p25  -->
+            <BIT12>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT12>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p50  -->
+            <BIT13>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT13>
+          <!-- 1920x1080i50  -->
+            <BIT14>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT14>
+          <!-- 1280x720p24  -->
+            <BIT15>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT15>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p24  -->
+            <BIT16>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT16>
+          <!--  3840x2160p24  -->
+            <BIT17>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT17>
+          <!--  3840x2160 p25  -->
+            <BIT18>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT18>
+          <!--  3840x2160p30 -->
+            <BIT19>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT19>
+          <!--  3840x2160p50  -->
+            <BIT20>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT20>
+          <!--  3840x2160p60 -->
+            <BIT21>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT21>
+          <!--  4096x2160p24  -->
+            <BIT22>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT22>
+          <!--  4096x2160p25  -->
+            <BIT23>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT23>
+          <!--  4096x2160p30  -->
+            <BIT24>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT24>
+          <!--  4096x2160p50  -->
+            <BIT25>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT25>
+          <!--  4096x2160 p60 -->
+            <BIT26>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT26>
+        </CEA>
+        <!--
+            VESA Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
+            Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
+            Based on the available link speed video bitrate
+            can go upto MinBitrate
+        -->
+        <VESA>
+          <!--  800x600p30 -->
+            <BIT0>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+          <!--  800x600p60 -->
+            <BIT1>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>5000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+          <!--  1024x768p30 -->
+            <BIT2>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+          <!--  1024x768p60 -->
+            <BIT3>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT3>
+          <!--  1152x864p30 -->
+            <BIT4>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT4>
+          <!--  1152x864p60 -->
+            <BIT5>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT5>
+          <!--  1280x768p30 -->
+            <BIT6>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT6>
+          <!--  1280x768p60 -->
+            <BIT7>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT7>
+          <!--  1280x800p30 -->
+            <BIT8>
+                <MinBitrate>3500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT8>
+          <!--  1280x800p60 -->
+            <BIT9>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT9>
+          <!--  1360x768p30 -->
+            <BIT10>
+                <MinBitrate>3500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT10>
+          <!--  1360x768p60 -->
+            <BIT11>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT11>
+          <!--  1366x768p30 -->
+            <BIT12>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT12>
+          <!--  1366x768p60 -->
+            <BIT13>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT13>
+          <!--  1280x1024p30 -->
+            <BIT14>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT14>
+          <!--  1280x1024p60 -->
+            <BIT15>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT15>
+          <!--  1400x1050p30 -->
+            <BIT16>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT16>
+          <!--  1400x1050p60 -->
+            <BIT17>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT17>
+          <!--  1440x900p30 -->
+            <BIT18>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT18>
+          <!--  1440x900p60 -->
+            <BIT19>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT19>
+          <!--  1600x900p30 -->
+            <BIT20>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT20>
+          <!--  1600x900p60 -->
+            <BIT21>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT21>
+          <!--  1600x1200p30 -->
+            <BIT22>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT22>
+          <!--  1600x1200p60 -->
+            <BIT23>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT23>
+          <!--  1680x1024p30 -->
+            <BIT24>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT24>
+          <!--  1680x1024p60 -->
+            <BIT25>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT25>
+          <!--  1680x1050p30 -->
+            <BIT26>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT26>
+          <!--  1680x1050p60 -->
+            <BIT27>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT27>
+          <!--  1920x1200p30 -->
+            <BIT28>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT28>
+          <!--  1920x1200p60 -->
+            <BIT29>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT29>
+          <!--  2560x1440p30  -->
+            <BIT30>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT30>
+          <!--  2560x1440p60  -->
+            <BIT31>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT31>
+          <!--  2560x1600p30  -->
+            <BIT32>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT32>
+          <!--  2560x1600p60  -->
+            <BIT33>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT33>
+        </VESA>
+        <!--
+            HH Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
+            Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
+            Based on the available link speed video bitrate
+            can go upto MinBitrate
+        -->
+        <HH>
+          <!--  800x480p30  -->
+            <BIT0>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+          <!--  800x480p60  -->
+            <BIT1>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+          <!--  854x480p30  -->
+            <BIT2>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+          <!--  854x480p60  -->
+            <BIT3>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT3>
+          <!--  864x480p30  -->
+            <BIT4>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT4>
+          <!--  864x480p60  -->
+            <BIT5>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT5>
+          <!--  640x360p30  -->
+            <BIT6>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT6>
+          <!--  640x360p60  -->
+            <BIT7>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT7>
+          <!--  960x540p30  -->
+            <BIT8>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT8>
+          <!--  960x540p60  -->
+            <BIT9>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT9>
+          <!--  848x480p30  -->
+            <BIT10>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT10>
+          <!--  848x480p60  -->
+            <BIT11>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT11>
+        </HH>
+    </BitrateTable>
+    <!--
+        To disable/enable audio stream playback
+        support during power suspend - 0 or 1
+    -->
+    <AudioStreamInSuspend>1</AudioStreamInSuspend>
+    <!--
+        Compensation delay for audio
+        This is maintain good AV sync in the mux TS A + V stream Recommended
+        value is 150 msec arrived at this number after fine tuning OEMs can
+        change this value in case they want
+    -->
+    <AudioAVSyncDelay>-150</AudioAVSyncDelay>
+    <!--
+        enable/disable CyclicIntraRefresh
+    -->
+    <CyclicIntraRefresh>0</CyclicIntraRefresh>
+    <!--
+        NumberOfMacroBlocks for V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_CYCLIC_INTRA_REFRESH_MB
+    -->
+    <CIRNumberOfMacroBlocks>50</CIRNumberOfMacroBlocks>
+    <!--
+        Enable/Disable NALU byte to detect end of AU
+    -->
+    <DisableFillerNalU>1</DisableFillerNalU>
+    <!--
+        Enable/Disable to generate blank frame during suspend/resume
+    -->
+    <GenerateBlankFrame>0</GenerateBlankFrame>
+    <!--
+        To disable fixed interval of IDR frames, set PeriodicIDRValid to 0.
+        Set the duration in seconds after which full refresh is required in
+        the PeriodicIDRInterval
+        Recommended value is 5 secs
+    -->
+    <PeriodicIDRSettings>
+        <PeriodicIDRValid>1</PeriodicIDRValid>
+        <PeriodicIDRInterval>1</PeriodicIDRInterval>
+    </PeriodicIDRSettings>
+    <!-- Direct Streaming Feature support -->
+    <StreamingSupport>1</StreamingSupport>
+    <!-- Enfore HDCP for Direct Streaming -->
+    <DSRequiresHDCP>1</DSRequiresHDCP>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/wfdconfig_720.xml b/system/system/etc/wfdconfig_720.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cebe28e1275964230ad8902be0b4024ca20b5982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/wfdconfig_720.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,750 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
+    <!--
+        Copyright (C) 2012 - 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+        All Rights Reserved.
+        Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+    -->
+    <Capability>
+        <!--
+            Audio capabilities
+        -->
+        <AudioLPCM>
+            <Name>LPCM</Name>
+            <Valid>1</Valid>
+            <Channels>2</Channels>
+            <SamplingFreq>48000</SamplingFreq>
+            <Latency>33</Latency>
+        </AudioLPCM>
+        <AudioAAC>
+            <Name>AAC</Name>
+            <Valid>1</Valid>
+            <Channels>2</Channels>
+            <SamplingFreq>48000</SamplingFreq>
+            <Latency>0</Latency>
+        </AudioAAC>
+        <AudioAC3>
+            <Name>AC3</Name>
+            <Valid>0</Valid>
+            <Channels>0</Channels>
+            <SamplingFreq>0</SamplingFreq>
+            <Latency>0</Latency>
+        </AudioAC3>
+        <!--
+            Video extended capabilities for H264 codec
+        -->
+        <VideoFormats>
+        <VideoCodecHeader>
+        <TotalProfiles>3</TotalProfiles>
+        <PreferredDisplaySupport>0</PreferredDisplaySupport>
+        </VideoCodecHeader>
+             <!-- AVC Profile 0 - Constrained Baseline,
+                              1 - Constrained High,
+                              2 - Constrained High2,
+                              3 - BaseLine
+                              4 - Main
+                              5 - High
+                  HEVC Profile 0 - Main
+            -->
+            <!-- Level  0 - 3.1,
+                        1 - 3.2,
+                        2 - 4.0,
+                        3 - 4.1,
+                        4 - 4.2,
+                        5 - 5,
+                        6 - 5.1,
+                        7 - 5.2
+            -->
+            <VideoCodec1>
+                <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+                <Profile>0</Profile>
+                <Level>2</Level>
+                <HorizontalResolution>1280</HorizontalResolution>
+                <VerticalResolution>720</VerticalResolution>
+                <Latency>0</Latency>
+                <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+                <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+                <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+                <VideoFps>30</VideoFps>
+                <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+                <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+            </VideoCodec1>
+            <VideoCodec2>
+                <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+                <Profile>0</Profile>
+                <Level>2</Level>
+                <HorizontalResolution>1280</HorizontalResolution>
+                <VerticalResolution>720</VerticalResolution>
+                <Latency>0</Latency>
+                <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+                <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+                <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+                <VideoFps>30</VideoFps>
+                <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+                <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+            </VideoCodec2>
+            <VideoCodec3>
+                <CodecName>H.265</CodecName>
+                <Profile>0</Profile>
+                <Level>2</Level>
+                <HorizontalResolution>1280</HorizontalResolution>
+                <VerticalResolution>720</VerticalResolution>
+                <Latency>0</Latency>
+                <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+                <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+                <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+                <VideoFps>30</VideoFps>
+                <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+                <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+            </VideoCodec3>
+        </VideoFormats>
+      <!--
+          Aux streaming addition added for Direct streaming
+        -->
+        <AuxStreamInfo>
+            <Codec>
+            <Count>1</Count>
+            <Name1>PNG</Name1>
+            </Codec>
+            <!--
+                Limiting the number of layers to 5 in the overlay
+                Resolution is 720P
+            -->
+            <MaxOverlay>5</MaxOverlay>
+            <BlendMode>0</BlendMode>
+            <HRes>1280</HRes>
+            <VRes>720</VRes>
+            <Mode>CEA</Mode>
+        </AuxStreamInfo>
+        <!--
+            Standby Resume capability is supported
+        -->
+        <StandbyResumeCapability>
+            <Valid>1</Valid>
+        </StandbyResumeCapability>
+        <!--
+            Explicit AV format change
+            Not supported
+        -->
+        <AVFormatChange>
+            <Valid>0</Valid>
+            <AVInterval>0</AVInterval>
+        </AVFormatChange>
+        <!--
+            Frame skipping interval is in the scale of 500 msec or half second.
+            FrameInterval can be between 1 to 7,  according to the WFD spec.
+            0 means Frame skipping interval is infinite and recommended value is 0
+        -->
+        <FrameSkipping>
+            <Valid>1</Valid>
+            <FrameInterval>0</FrameInterval>
+        </FrameSkipping>
+        <!--  enable HDCP by default -->
+        <ContentProtection>
+            <Valid>0</Valid>
+            <!--
+                Valid values WFD_HDCP_2_0,
+                WFD_HDCP_2_1 and WFD_HDCP_2_2
+            -->
+            <Version>WFD_HDCP_2_2</Version>
+            <CPPort>6789</CPPort>
+            <!--
+                turn on/off audio encryption
+            -->
+            <EncryptAudio>0</EncryptAudio>
+        </ContentProtection>
+        <!--
+            To enable RTP dump at source
+        -->
+        <RTPDumpEnable>
+            <!-- DEPRECATED -->
+            <!-- For enabling RTP encoder dumping
+                 persist.sys.enable_RTPDumps to  1
+                 /data/media/dump.ts
+            -->
+        </RTPDumpEnable>
+        <!--
+            UIBC settings
+        -->
+        <UIBC>
+            <UIBCValid>1</UIBCValid>                <!-- UIBC by default enabled -->
+            <M4Enable>1</M4Enable>                  <!-- 0/1 send UIBC enable in M4 or not -->
+            <M14Support>0</M14Support>              <!-- 0/1 M14 supported or not -->
+            <InputCategory>
+                <Generic>1</Generic>                <!-- 0/1 - support generic or not -->
+                <HID>1</HID>                        <!-- 0/1 - support HID or not -->
+            </InputCategory>
+            <!--  Supported input events  -->
+            <InputEvents>
+                <GenericInputEvents>
+                    <!-- 0/1 for all Input Event Types -->
+                    <Mouse>1</Mouse>
+                    <Keyboard>1</Keyboard>
+                    <SingleTouch>1</SingleTouch>
+                    <MultiTouch>1</MultiTouch>
+                    <JoyStick>0</JoyStick>
+                    <Camera>0</Camera>
+                    <Gesture>0</Gesture>
+                    <RemoteControl>0</RemoteControl>
+                </GenericInputEvents>
+                <!--
+                    Each input path will have a byte and support
+                    for the input types is indicated by setting a bit:
+                    KEYBOARD              BIT0
+                    MOUSE                 BIT1
+                    SINGLETOUCH           BIT2
+                    MULTITOUCH            BIT3
+                    JOYSTICK              BIT4
+                    CAMERA                BIT5
+                    GESTURE               BIT6
+                    REMOTECONTROL         BIT7
+                -->
+                <HIDInputPaths>
+                    <Infrared>0</Infrared>
+                    <USB>3</USB>
+                    <BT>0</BT>
+                    <Zigbee>0</Zigbee>
+                    <Wifi>0</Wifi>
+                    <NoSP>0</NoSP>
+                </HIDInputPaths>
+            </InputEvents>
+            <!--  TCP port on which UIBC connection established -->
+            <TcpPort>4321</TcpPort>
+        </UIBC>
+    </Capability>
+    <!--
+        Enabling Rtcp
+    -->
+    <RTCP>
+        <RtcpRRNotificationEnabled>1</RtcpRRNotificationEnabled>
+    </RTCP>
+    <!--
+        Dynamic bitrate adaptation is supported based on link speed
+        Based on the available link speed change video bitrate dynamically
+    -->
+    <DynamicBitrateAdaptation>1</DynamicBitrateAdaptation>
+    <!--
+        Send keep alive messages for every 50sec
+    -->
+    <SendKeepAlive>1</SendKeepAlive>
+    <!--
+        RTSP port on which RTSP server is running
+    -->
+    <RTSPPort>5550</RTSPPort>
+    <!--
+        To configure video core in SVS mode
+    -->
+    <PerformanceLevelSVSMode>0</PerformanceLevelSVSMode>
+    <!--
+        To configure video core in Nominal mode
+    -->
+    <PerformanceLevelNominalMode>0</PerformanceLevelNominalMode>
+    <!--
+        To configure video core in Turbo mode
+    -->
+    <PerformanceLevelTurboMode>0</PerformanceLevelTurboMode>
+    <!--
+        To configure minqp value
+    -->
+    <MinQPValue>22</MinQPValue>
+    <!--
+        To configure maxqp value
+    -->
+    <MaxQPValue>44</MaxQPValue>
+    <!--
+        Bitrate settings for each mode
+    -->
+    <BitrateTable>
+        <!--
+            Bitrate table for Audio formats
+        -->
+        <AAC>
+        <!--
+            Bitrate table for AAC
+        -->
+            <BIT0>
+                <MaxBitrate>256000</MaxBitrate>
+                <MinBitrate>256000</MinBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+            <BIT1>
+                <MaxBitrate>384000</MaxBitrate>
+                <MinBitrate>384000</MinBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+            <BIT2>
+                <MaxBitrate>512000</MaxBitrate>
+                <MinBitrate>512000</MinBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+        </AAC>
+        <!--
+            CEA Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
+            Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
+            Based on the available link speed video bitrate
+            can go upto MinBitrate
+        -->
+        <CEA>
+          <!-- 640x480p60  -->
+            <BIT0>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+          <!-- 720x480p60 -->
+            <BIT1>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+          <!-- 720x480i60 -->
+            <BIT2>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+          <!-- 720x576p50  -->
+            <BIT3>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT3>
+          <!-- 720x576i50  -->
+            <BIT4>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT4>
+          <!-- 1280x720p30  -->
+            <BIT5>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT5>
+          <!-- 1280x720p60  -->
+            <BIT6>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT6>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p30  -->
+            <BIT7>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT7>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p60  -->
+            <BIT8>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT8>
+          <!-- 1920x1080i60  -->
+            <BIT9>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT9>
+          <!-- 1280x720p25  -->
+            <BIT10>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT10>
+          <!-- 1280x720p50  -->
+            <BIT11>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT11>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p25  -->
+            <BIT12>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT12>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p50  -->
+            <BIT13>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT13>
+          <!-- 1920x1080i50  -->
+            <BIT14>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT14>
+          <!-- 1280x720p24  -->
+            <BIT15>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT15>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p24  -->
+            <BIT16>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT16>
+          <!--  3840x2160p24  -->
+            <BIT17>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT17>
+          <!--  3840x2160 p25  -->
+            <BIT18>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT18>
+          <!--  3840x2160p30 -->
+            <BIT19>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT19>
+          <!--  3840x2160p50  -->
+            <BIT20>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT20>
+          <!--  3840x2160p60 -->
+            <BIT21>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT21>
+          <!--  4096x2160p24  -->
+            <BIT22>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT22>
+          <!--  4096x2160p25  -->
+            <BIT23>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT23>
+          <!--  4096x2160p30  -->
+            <BIT24>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT24>
+          <!--  4096x2160p50  -->
+            <BIT25>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT25>
+          <!--  4096x2160 p60 -->
+            <BIT26>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT26>
+        </CEA>
+        <!--
+            VESA Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
+            Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
+            Based on the available link speed video bitrate
+            can go upto MinBitrate
+        -->
+        <VESA>
+          <!--  800x600p30 -->
+            <BIT0>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+          <!--  800x600p60 -->
+            <BIT1>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>5000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+          <!--  1024x768p30 -->
+            <BIT2>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+          <!--  1024x768p60 -->
+            <BIT3>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT3>
+          <!--  1152x864p30 -->
+            <BIT4>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT4>
+          <!--  1152x864p60 -->
+            <BIT5>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT5>
+          <!--  1280x768p30 -->
+            <BIT6>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT6>
+          <!--  1280x768p60 -->
+            <BIT7>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT7>
+          <!--  1280x800p30 -->
+            <BIT8>
+                <MinBitrate>3500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT8>
+          <!--  1280x800p60 -->
+            <BIT9>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT9>
+          <!--  1360x768p30 -->
+            <BIT10>
+                <MinBitrate>3500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT10>
+          <!--  1360x768p60 -->
+            <BIT11>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT11>
+          <!--  1366x768p30 -->
+            <BIT12>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT12>
+          <!--  1366x768p60 -->
+            <BIT13>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT13>
+          <!--  1280x1024p30 -->
+            <BIT14>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT14>
+          <!--  1280x1024p60 -->
+            <BIT15>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT15>
+          <!--  1400x1050p30 -->
+            <BIT16>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT16>
+          <!--  1400x1050p60 -->
+            <BIT17>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT17>
+          <!--  1440x900p30 -->
+            <BIT18>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT18>
+          <!--  1440x900p60 -->
+            <BIT19>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT19>
+          <!--  1600x900p30 -->
+            <BIT20>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT20>
+          <!--  1600x900p60 -->
+            <BIT21>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT21>
+          <!--  1600x1200p30 -->
+            <BIT22>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT22>
+          <!--  1600x1200p60 -->
+            <BIT23>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT23>
+          <!--  1680x1024p30 -->
+            <BIT24>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT24>
+          <!--  1680x1024p60 -->
+            <BIT25>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT25>
+          <!--  1680x1050p30 -->
+            <BIT26>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT26>
+          <!--  1680x1050p60 -->
+            <BIT27>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT27>
+          <!--  1920x1200p30 -->
+            <BIT28>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT28>
+          <!--  1920x1200p60 -->
+            <BIT29>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT29>
+          <!--  2560x1440p30  -->
+            <BIT30>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT30>
+          <!--  2560x1440p60  -->
+            <BIT31>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT31>
+          <!--  2560x1600p30  -->
+            <BIT32>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT32>
+          <!--  2560x1600p60  -->
+            <BIT33>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT33>
+        </VESA>
+        <!--
+            HH Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
+            Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
+            Based on the available link speed video bitrate
+            can go upto MinBitrate
+        -->
+        <HH>
+          <!--  800x480p30  -->
+            <BIT0>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+          <!--  800x480p60  -->
+            <BIT1>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+          <!--  854x480p30  -->
+            <BIT2>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+          <!--  854x480p60  -->
+            <BIT3>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT3>
+          <!--  864x480p30  -->
+            <BIT4>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT4>
+          <!--  864x480p60  -->
+            <BIT5>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT5>
+          <!--  640x360p30  -->
+            <BIT6>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT6>
+          <!--  640x360p60  -->
+            <BIT7>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT7>
+          <!--  960x540p30  -->
+            <BIT8>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT8>
+          <!--  960x540p60  -->
+            <BIT9>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT9>
+          <!--  848x480p30  -->
+            <BIT10>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT10>
+          <!--  848x480p60  -->
+            <BIT11>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT11>
+        </HH>
+    </BitrateTable>
+    <!--
+        To disable/enable audio stream playback
+        support during power suspend - 0 or 1
+    -->
+    <AudioStreamInSuspend>1</AudioStreamInSuspend>
+    <!--
+        Compensation delay for audio
+        This is maintain good AV sync in the mux TS A + V stream Recommended
+        value is 150 msec arrived at this number after fine tuning OEMs can
+        change this value in case they want
+    -->
+    <AudioAVSyncDelay>-150</AudioAVSyncDelay>
+    <!--
+        enable/disable CyclicIntraRefresh
+    -->
+    <CyclicIntraRefresh>0</CyclicIntraRefresh>
+    <!--
+        NumberOfMacroBlocks for V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_CYCLIC_INTRA_REFRESH_MB
+    -->
+    <CIRNumberOfMacroBlocks>50</CIRNumberOfMacroBlocks>
+    <!--
+        Enable/Disable NALU byte to detect end of AU
+    -->
+    <DisableFillerNalU>1</DisableFillerNalU>
+    <!--
+        Enable/Disable to generate blank frame during suspend/resume
+    -->
+    <GenerateBlankFrame>0</GenerateBlankFrame>
+    <!--
+        To disable fixed interval of IDR frames, set PeriodicIDRValid to 0.
+        Set the duration in seconds after which full refresh is required in
+        the PeriodicIDRInterval
+        Recommended value is 5 secs
+    -->
+    <PeriodicIDRSettings>
+        <PeriodicIDRValid>1</PeriodicIDRValid>
+        <PeriodicIDRInterval>5</PeriodicIDRInterval>
+    </PeriodicIDRSettings>
+    <!-- Direct Streaming Feature support -->
+    <StreamingSupport>1</StreamingSupport>
+    <!-- Enfore HDCP for Direct Streaming -->
+    <DSRequiresHDCP>1</DSRequiresHDCP>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/wfdconfig_MI.xml b/system/system/etc/wfdconfig_MI.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c812ce420f92ee85cad2f4f20efed39a790d666f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/wfdconfig_MI.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,750 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
+    <!--
+        Copyright (C) 2012 - 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+        All Rights Reserved.
+        Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+    -->
+    <Capability>
+        <!--
+            Audio capabilities
+        -->
+        <AudioLPCM>
+            <Name>LPCM</Name>
+            <Valid>1</Valid>
+            <Channels>2</Channels>
+            <SamplingFreq>48000</SamplingFreq>
+            <Latency>33</Latency>
+        </AudioLPCM>
+        <AudioAAC>
+            <Name>AAC</Name>
+            <Valid>1</Valid>
+            <Channels>2</Channels>
+            <SamplingFreq>48000</SamplingFreq>
+            <Latency>0</Latency>
+        </AudioAAC>
+        <AudioAC3>
+            <Name>AC3</Name>
+            <Valid>0</Valid>
+            <Channels>0</Channels>
+            <SamplingFreq>0</SamplingFreq>
+            <Latency>0</Latency>
+        </AudioAC3>
+        <!--
+            Video extended capabilities for H264 codec
+        -->
+        <VideoFormats>
+        <VideoCodecHeader>
+        <TotalProfiles>3</TotalProfiles>
+        <PreferredDisplaySupport>0</PreferredDisplaySupport>
+        </VideoCodecHeader>
+             <!-- AVC Profile 0 - Constrained Baseline,
+                              1 - Constrained High,
+                              2 - Constrained High2,
+                              3 - BaseLine
+                              4 - Main
+                              5 - High
+                  HEVC Profile 0 - Main
+            -->
+            <!-- Level  0 - 3.1,
+                        1 - 3.2,
+                        2 - 4.0,
+                        3 - 4.1,
+                        4 - 4.2,
+                        5 - 5,
+                        6 - 5.1,
+                        7 - 5.2
+            -->
+            <VideoCodec1>
+                <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+                <Profile>0</Profile>
+                <Level>4</Level>
+                <HorizontalResolution>1920</HorizontalResolution>
+                <VerticalResolution>1080</VerticalResolution>
+                <Latency>0</Latency>
+                <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+                <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+                <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+                <VideoFps>30</VideoFps>
+                <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+                <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+            </VideoCodec1>
+            <VideoCodec2>
+                <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+                <Profile>1</Profile>
+                <Level>4</Level>
+                <HorizontalResolution>1920</HorizontalResolution>
+                <VerticalResolution>1080</VerticalResolution>
+                <Latency>0</Latency>
+                <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+                <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+                <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+                <VideoFps>30</VideoFps>
+                <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+                <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+            </VideoCodec2>
+            <VideoCodec3>
+                <CodecName>H.265</CodecName>
+                <Profile>0</Profile>
+                <Level>4</Level>
+                <HorizontalResolution>1920</HorizontalResolution>
+                <VerticalResolution>1080</VerticalResolution>
+                <Latency>0</Latency>
+                <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+                <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+                <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+                <VideoFps>30</VideoFps>
+                <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+                <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+            </VideoCodec3>
+        </VideoFormats>
+      <!--
+          Aux streaming addition added for Direct streaming
+        -->
+        <AuxStreamInfo>
+            <Codec>
+            <Count>1</Count>
+            <Name1>PNG</Name1>
+            </Codec>
+            <!--
+                Limiting the number of layers to 5 in the overlay
+                Resolution is 720P
+            -->
+            <MaxOverlay>5</MaxOverlay>
+            <BlendMode>0</BlendMode>
+            <HRes>1280</HRes>
+            <VRes>720</VRes>
+            <Mode>CEA</Mode>
+        </AuxStreamInfo>
+        <!--
+            Standby Resume capability is supported
+        -->
+        <StandbyResumeCapability>
+            <Valid>1</Valid>
+        </StandbyResumeCapability>
+        <!--
+            Explicit AV format change
+            Not supported
+        -->
+        <AVFormatChange>
+            <Valid>0</Valid>
+            <AVInterval>0</AVInterval>
+        </AVFormatChange>
+        <!--
+            Frame skipping interval is in the scale of 500 msec or half second.
+            FrameInterval can be between 1 to 7,  according to the WFD spec.
+            0 means Frame skipping interval is infinite and recommended value is 0
+        -->
+        <FrameSkipping>
+            <Valid>1</Valid>
+            <FrameInterval>0</FrameInterval>
+        </FrameSkipping>
+        <!--  enable HDCP by default -->
+        <ContentProtection>
+            <Valid>0</Valid>
+            <!--
+                Valid values WFD_HDCP_2_0,
+                WFD_HDCP_2_1 and WFD_HDCP_2_2
+            -->
+            <Version>WFD_HDCP_2_2</Version>
+            <CPPort>6789</CPPort>
+            <!--
+                turn on/off audio encryption
+            -->
+            <EncryptAudio>0</EncryptAudio>
+        </ContentProtection>
+        <!--
+            To enable RTP dump at source
+        -->
+        <RTPDumpEnable>
+            <!-- DEPRECATED -->
+            <!-- For enabling RTP encoder dumping
+                 persist.sys.enable_RTPDumps to  1
+                 /data/media/dump.ts
+            -->
+        </RTPDumpEnable>
+        <!--
+            UIBC settings
+        -->
+        <UIBC>
+            <UIBCValid>1</UIBCValid>                <!-- UIBC by default enabled -->
+            <M4Enable>1</M4Enable>                  <!-- 0/1 send UIBC enable in M4 or not -->
+            <M14Support>0</M14Support>              <!-- 0/1 M14 supported or not -->
+            <InputCategory>
+                <Generic>1</Generic>                <!-- 0/1 - support generic or not -->
+                <HID>1</HID>                        <!-- 0/1 - support HID or not -->
+            </InputCategory>
+            <!--  Supported input events  -->
+            <InputEvents>
+                <GenericInputEvents>
+                    <!-- 0/1 for all Input Event Types -->
+                    <Mouse>1</Mouse>
+                    <Keyboard>1</Keyboard>
+                    <SingleTouch>1</SingleTouch>
+                    <MultiTouch>1</MultiTouch>
+                    <JoyStick>0</JoyStick>
+                    <Camera>0</Camera>
+                    <Gesture>0</Gesture>
+                    <RemoteControl>0</RemoteControl>
+                </GenericInputEvents>
+                <!--
+                    Each input path will have a byte and support
+                    for the input types is indicated by setting a bit:
+                    KEYBOARD              BIT0
+                    MOUSE                 BIT1
+                    SINGLETOUCH           BIT2
+                    MULTITOUCH            BIT3
+                    JOYSTICK              BIT4
+                    CAMERA                BIT5
+                    GESTURE               BIT6
+                    REMOTECONTROL         BIT7
+                -->
+                <HIDInputPaths>
+                    <Infrared>0</Infrared>
+                    <USB>3</USB>
+                    <BT>0</BT>
+                    <Zigbee>0</Zigbee>
+                    <Wifi>0</Wifi>
+                    <NoSP>0</NoSP>
+                </HIDInputPaths>
+            </InputEvents>
+            <!--  TCP port on which UIBC connection established -->
+            <TcpPort>4321</TcpPort>
+        </UIBC>
+    </Capability>
+    <!--
+        Enabling Rtcp
+    -->
+    <RTCP>
+        <RtcpRRNotificationEnabled>1</RtcpRRNotificationEnabled>
+    </RTCP>
+    <!--
+        Dynamic bitrate adaptation is supported based on link speed
+        Based on the available link speed change video bitrate dynamically
+    -->
+    <DynamicBitrateAdaptation>1</DynamicBitrateAdaptation>
+    <!--
+        Send keep alive messages for every 50sec
+    -->
+    <SendKeepAlive>1</SendKeepAlive>
+    <!--
+        RTSP port on which RTSP server is running
+    -->
+    <RTSPPort>5550</RTSPPort>
+    <!--
+        To configure video core in SVS mode
+    -->
+    <PerformanceLevelSVSMode>0</PerformanceLevelSVSMode>
+    <!--
+        To configure video core in Nominal mode
+    -->
+    <PerformanceLevelNominalMode>0</PerformanceLevelNominalMode>
+    <!--
+        To configure video core in Turbo mode
+    -->
+    <PerformanceLevelTurboMode>0</PerformanceLevelTurboMode>
+    <!--
+        To configure minqp value
+    -->
+    <MinQPValue>22</MinQPValue>
+    <!--
+        To configure maxqp value
+    -->
+    <MaxQPValue>44</MaxQPValue>
+    <!--
+        Bitrate settings for each mode
+    -->
+    <BitrateTable>
+        <!--
+            Bitrate table for Audio formats
+        -->
+        <AAC>
+        <!--
+            Bitrate table for AAC
+        -->
+            <BIT0>
+                <MaxBitrate>256000</MaxBitrate>
+                <MinBitrate>256000</MinBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+            <BIT1>
+                <MaxBitrate>384000</MaxBitrate>
+                <MinBitrate>384000</MinBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+            <BIT2>
+                <MaxBitrate>512000</MaxBitrate>
+                <MinBitrate>512000</MinBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+        </AAC>
+        <!--
+            CEA Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
+            Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
+            Based on the available link speed video bitrate
+            can go upto MinBitrate
+        -->
+        <CEA>
+          <!-- 640x480p60  -->
+            <BIT0>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+          <!-- 720x480p60 -->
+            <BIT1>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+          <!-- 720x480i60 -->
+            <BIT2>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+          <!-- 720x576p50  -->
+            <BIT3>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT3>
+          <!-- 720x576i50  -->
+            <BIT4>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT4>
+          <!-- 1280x720p30  -->
+            <BIT5>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT5>
+          <!-- 1280x720p60  -->
+            <BIT6>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT6>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p30  -->
+            <BIT7>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT7>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p60  -->
+            <BIT8>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT8>
+          <!-- 1920x1080i60  -->
+            <BIT9>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT9>
+          <!-- 1280x720p25  -->
+            <BIT10>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT10>
+          <!-- 1280x720p50  -->
+            <BIT11>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT11>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p25  -->
+            <BIT12>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT12>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p50  -->
+            <BIT13>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT13>
+          <!-- 1920x1080i50  -->
+            <BIT14>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT14>
+          <!-- 1280x720p24  -->
+            <BIT15>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT15>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p24  -->
+            <BIT16>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT16>
+          <!--  3840x2160p24  -->
+            <BIT17>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT17>
+          <!--  3840x2160 p25  -->
+            <BIT18>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT18>
+          <!--  3840x2160p30 -->
+            <BIT19>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT19>
+          <!--  3840x2160p50  -->
+            <BIT20>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT20>
+          <!--  3840x2160p60 -->
+            <BIT21>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT21>
+          <!--  4096x2160p24  -->
+            <BIT22>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT22>
+          <!--  4096x2160p25  -->
+            <BIT23>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT23>
+          <!--  4096x2160p30  -->
+            <BIT24>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT24>
+          <!--  4096x2160p50  -->
+            <BIT25>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT25>
+          <!--  4096x2160 p60 -->
+            <BIT26>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT26>
+        </CEA>
+        <!--
+            VESA Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
+            Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
+            Based on the available link speed video bitrate
+            can go upto MinBitrate
+        -->
+        <VESA>
+          <!--  800x600p30 -->
+            <BIT0>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+          <!--  800x600p60 -->
+            <BIT1>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>5000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+          <!--  1024x768p30 -->
+            <BIT2>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+          <!--  1024x768p60 -->
+            <BIT3>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT3>
+          <!--  1152x864p30 -->
+            <BIT4>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT4>
+          <!--  1152x864p60 -->
+            <BIT5>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT5>
+          <!--  1280x768p30 -->
+            <BIT6>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT6>
+          <!--  1280x768p60 -->
+            <BIT7>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT7>
+          <!--  1280x800p30 -->
+            <BIT8>
+                <MinBitrate>3500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT8>
+          <!--  1280x800p60 -->
+            <BIT9>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT9>
+          <!--  1360x768p30 -->
+            <BIT10>
+                <MinBitrate>3500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT10>
+          <!--  1360x768p60 -->
+            <BIT11>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT11>
+          <!--  1366x768p30 -->
+            <BIT12>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT12>
+          <!--  1366x768p60 -->
+            <BIT13>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT13>
+          <!--  1280x1024p30 -->
+            <BIT14>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT14>
+          <!--  1280x1024p60 -->
+            <BIT15>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT15>
+          <!--  1400x1050p30 -->
+            <BIT16>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT16>
+          <!--  1400x1050p60 -->
+            <BIT17>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT17>
+          <!--  1440x900p30 -->
+            <BIT18>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT18>
+          <!--  1440x900p60 -->
+            <BIT19>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT19>
+          <!--  1600x900p30 -->
+            <BIT20>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT20>
+          <!--  1600x900p60 -->
+            <BIT21>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT21>
+          <!--  1600x1200p30 -->
+            <BIT22>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT22>
+          <!--  1600x1200p60 -->
+            <BIT23>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT23>
+          <!--  1680x1024p30 -->
+            <BIT24>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT24>
+          <!--  1680x1024p60 -->
+            <BIT25>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT25>
+          <!--  1680x1050p30 -->
+            <BIT26>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT26>
+          <!--  1680x1050p60 -->
+            <BIT27>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT27>
+          <!--  1920x1200p30 -->
+            <BIT28>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT28>
+          <!--  1920x1200p60 -->
+            <BIT29>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT29>
+          <!--  2560x1440p30  -->
+            <BIT30>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT30>
+          <!--  2560x1440p60  -->
+            <BIT31>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT31>
+          <!--  2560x1600p30  -->
+            <BIT32>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT32>
+          <!--  2560x1600p60  -->
+            <BIT33>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT33>
+        </VESA>
+        <!--
+            HH Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
+            Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
+            Based on the available link speed video bitrate
+            can go upto MinBitrate
+        -->
+        <HH>
+          <!--  800x480p30  -->
+            <BIT0>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+          <!--  800x480p60  -->
+            <BIT1>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+          <!--  854x480p30  -->
+            <BIT2>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+          <!--  854x480p60  -->
+            <BIT3>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT3>
+          <!--  864x480p30  -->
+            <BIT4>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT4>
+          <!--  864x480p60  -->
+            <BIT5>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT5>
+          <!--  640x360p30  -->
+            <BIT6>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT6>
+          <!--  640x360p60  -->
+            <BIT7>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT7>
+          <!--  960x540p30  -->
+            <BIT8>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT8>
+          <!--  960x540p60  -->
+            <BIT9>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT9>
+          <!--  848x480p30  -->
+            <BIT10>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT10>
+          <!--  848x480p60  -->
+            <BIT11>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT11>
+        </HH>
+    </BitrateTable>
+    <!--
+        To disable/enable audio stream playback
+        support during power suspend - 0 or 1
+    -->
+    <AudioStreamInSuspend>1</AudioStreamInSuspend>
+    <!--
+        Compensation delay for audio
+        This is maintain good AV sync in the mux TS A + V stream Recommended
+        value is 150 msec arrived at this number after fine tuning OEMs can
+        change this value in case they want
+    -->
+    <AudioAVSyncDelay>-150</AudioAVSyncDelay>
+    <!--
+        enable/disable CyclicIntraRefresh
+    -->
+    <CyclicIntraRefresh>0</CyclicIntraRefresh>
+    <!--
+        NumberOfMacroBlocks for V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_CYCLIC_INTRA_REFRESH_MB
+    -->
+    <CIRNumberOfMacroBlocks>50</CIRNumberOfMacroBlocks>
+    <!--
+        Enable/Disable NALU byte to detect end of AU
+    -->
+    <DisableFillerNalU>1</DisableFillerNalU>
+    <!--
+        Enable/Disable to generate blank frame during suspend/resume
+    -->
+    <GenerateBlankFrame>0</GenerateBlankFrame>
+    <!--
+        To disable fixed interval of IDR frames, set PeriodicIDRValid to 0.
+        Set the duration in seconds after which full refresh is required in
+        the PeriodicIDRInterval
+        Recommended value is 5 secs
+    -->
+    <PeriodicIDRSettings>
+        <PeriodicIDRValid>1</PeriodicIDRValid>
+        <PeriodicIDRInterval>5</PeriodicIDRInterval>
+    </PeriodicIDRSettings>
+    <!-- Direct Streaming Feature support -->
+    <StreamingSupport>1</StreamingSupport>
+    <!-- Enfore HDCP for Direct Streaming -->
+    <DSRequiresHDCP>1</DSRequiresHDCP>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/wfdconfig_aac-off.xml b/system/system/etc/wfdconfig_aac-off.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..13f7e160068787a85a9d8e1f9a159e04834260f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/wfdconfig_aac-off.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,749 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
+    <!--
+        Copyright (C) 2012 - 2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+        All Rights Reserved.
+        Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+    -->
+    <Capability>
+        <!--
+            Audio capabilities
+        -->
+        <AudioLPCM>
+            <Name>LPCM</Name>
+            <Valid>1</Valid>
+            <Channels>2</Channels>
+            <SamplingFreq>48000</SamplingFreq>
+            <Latency>33</Latency>
+        </AudioLPCM>
+        <AudioAAC>
+            <Name>AAC</Name>
+            <Valid>0</Valid>
+            <Channels>2</Channels>
+            <SamplingFreq>48000</SamplingFreq>
+            <Latency>0</Latency>
+        </AudioAAC>
+        <AudioAC3>
+            <Name>AC3</Name>
+            <Valid>0</Valid>
+            <Channels>0</Channels>
+            <SamplingFreq>0</SamplingFreq>
+            <Latency>0</Latency>
+        </AudioAC3>
+        <!--
+            Video extended capabilities for H264 codec
+        -->
+        <VideoFormats>
+        <VideoCodecHeader>
+        <TotalProfiles>3</TotalProfiles>
+        <PreferredDisplaySupport>0</PreferredDisplaySupport>
+        </VideoCodecHeader>
+             <!-- AVC Profile 0 - Constrained Baseline,
+                              1 - Constrained High,
+                              2 - Constrained High2,
+                              3 - BaseLine
+                              4 - Main
+                              5 - High
+                  HEVC Profile 0 - Main
+            -->
+            <!-- Level  0 - 3.1,
+                        1 - 3.2,
+                        2 - 4.0,
+                        3 - 4.1,
+                        4 - 4.2,
+                        5 - 5,
+                        6 - 5.1,
+                        7 - 5.2
+            -->
+            <VideoCodec1>
+                <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+                <Profile>0</Profile>
+                <Level>4</Level>
+                <HorizontalResolution>1920</HorizontalResolution>
+                <VerticalResolution>1080</VerticalResolution>
+                <Latency>0</Latency>
+                <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+                <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+                <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+                <VideoFps>30</VideoFps>
+                <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+                <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+            </VideoCodec1>
+            <VideoCodec2>
+                <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+                <Profile>0</Profile>
+                <Level>4</Level>
+                <HorizontalResolution>1920</HorizontalResolution>
+                <VerticalResolution>1080</VerticalResolution>
+                <Latency>0</Latency>
+                <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+                <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+                <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+                <VideoFps>30</VideoFps>
+                <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+                <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+            </VideoCodec2>
+            <VideoCodec3>
+                <CodecName>H.265</CodecName>
+                <Profile>0</Profile>
+                <Level>4</Level>
+                <HorizontalResolution>1920</HorizontalResolution>
+                <VerticalResolution>1080</VerticalResolution>
+                <Latency>0</Latency>
+                <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+                <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+                <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+                <VideoFps>30</VideoFps>
+                <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+                <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+            </VideoCodec3>
+        </VideoFormats>
+      <!--
+          Aux streaming addition added for Direct streaming
+        -->
+        <AuxStreamInfo>
+            <Codec>
+            <Count>1</Count>
+            <Name1>PNG</Name1>
+            </Codec>
+            <!--
+                Limiting the number of layers to 5 in the overlay
+                Resolution is 720P
+            -->
+            <MaxOverlay>5</MaxOverlay>
+            <HRes>1280</HRes>
+            <VRes>720</VRes>
+            <Mode>CEA</Mode>
+        </AuxStreamInfo>
+        <!--
+            Standby Resume capability is supported
+        -->
+        <StandbyResumeCapability>
+            <Valid>1</Valid>
+        </StandbyResumeCapability>
+        <!--
+            Explicit AV format change
+            Not supported
+        -->
+        <AVFormatChange>
+            <Valid>0</Valid>
+            <AVInterval>0</AVInterval>
+        </AVFormatChange>
+        <!--
+            Frame skipping interval is in the scale of 500 msec or half second.
+            FrameInterval can be between 1 to 7,  according to the WFD spec.
+            0 means Frame skipping interval is infinite and recommended value is 0
+        -->
+        <FrameSkipping>
+            <Valid>1</Valid>
+            <FrameInterval>0</FrameInterval>
+        </FrameSkipping>
+        <!--  enable HDCP by default -->
+        <ContentProtection>
+            <Valid>0</Valid>
+            <!--
+                Valid values WFD_HDCP_2_0,
+                WFD_HDCP_2_1 and WFD_HDCP_2_2
+            -->
+            <Version>WFD_HDCP_2_2</Version>
+            <CPPort>6789</CPPort>
+            <!--
+                turn on/off audio encryption
+            -->
+            <EncryptAudio>0</EncryptAudio>
+        </ContentProtection>
+        <!--
+            To enable RTP dump at source
+        -->
+        <RTPDumpEnable>
+            <!-- DEPRECATED -->
+            <!-- For enabling RTP encoder dumping
+                 persist.sys.enable_RTPDumps to  1
+                 /data/media/dump.ts
+            -->
+        </RTPDumpEnable>
+        <!--
+            UIBC settings
+        -->
+        <UIBC>
+            <UIBCValid>1</UIBCValid>                <!-- UIBC by default enabled -->
+            <M4Enable>1</M4Enable>                  <!-- 0/1 send UIBC enable in M4 or not -->
+            <M14Support>0</M14Support>              <!-- 0/1 M14 supported or not -->
+            <InputCategory>
+                <Generic>1</Generic>                <!-- 0/1 - support generic or not -->
+                <HID>1</HID>                        <!-- 0/1 - support HID or not -->
+            </InputCategory>
+            <!--  Supported input events  -->
+            <InputEvents>
+                <GenericInputEvents>
+                    <!-- 0/1 for all Input Event Types -->
+                    <Mouse>1</Mouse>
+                    <Keyboard>1</Keyboard>
+                    <SingleTouch>1</SingleTouch>
+                    <MultiTouch>1</MultiTouch>
+                    <JoyStick>0</JoyStick>
+                    <Camera>0</Camera>
+                    <Gesture>0</Gesture>
+                    <RemoteControl>0</RemoteControl>
+                </GenericInputEvents>
+                <!--
+                    Each input path will have a byte and support
+                    for the input types is indicated by setting a bit:
+                    KEYBOARD              BIT0
+                    MOUSE                 BIT1
+                    SINGLETOUCH           BIT2
+                    MULTITOUCH            BIT3
+                    JOYSTICK              BIT4
+                    CAMERA                BIT5
+                    GESTURE               BIT6
+                    REMOTECONTROL         BIT7
+                -->
+                <HIDInputPaths>
+                    <Infrared>0</Infrared>
+                    <USB>3</USB>
+                    <BT>0</BT>
+                    <Zigbee>0</Zigbee>
+                    <Wifi>0</Wifi>
+                    <NoSP>0</NoSP>
+                </HIDInputPaths>
+            </InputEvents>
+            <!--  TCP port on which UIBC connection established -->
+            <TcpPort>4321</TcpPort>
+        </UIBC>
+    </Capability>
+    <!--
+        Enabling Rtcp
+    -->
+    <RTCP>
+        <RtcpRRNotificationEnabled>1</RtcpRRNotificationEnabled>
+    </RTCP>
+    <!--
+        Dynamic bitrate adaptation is supported based on link speed
+        Based on the available link speed change video bitrate dynamically
+    -->
+    <DynamicBitrateAdaptation>1</DynamicBitrateAdaptation>
+    <!--
+        Send keep alive messages for every 50sec
+    -->
+    <SendKeepAlive>1</SendKeepAlive>
+    <!--
+        RTSP port on which RTSP server is running
+    -->
+    <RTSPPort>5550</RTSPPort>
+    <!--
+        To configure video core in SVS mode
+    -->
+    <PerformanceLevelSVSMode>0</PerformanceLevelSVSMode>
+    <!--
+        To configure video core in Nominal mode
+    -->
+    <PerformanceLevelNominalMode>0</PerformanceLevelNominalMode>
+    <!--
+        To configure video core in Turbo mode
+    -->
+    <PerformanceLevelTurboMode>0</PerformanceLevelTurboMode>
+    <!--
+        To configure minqp value
+    -->
+    <MinQPValue>22</MinQPValue>
+    <!--
+        To configure maxqp value
+    -->
+    <MaxQPValue>44</MaxQPValue>
+    <!--
+        Bitrate settings for each mode
+    -->
+    <BitrateTable>
+        <!--
+            Bitrate table for Audio formats
+        -->
+        <AAC>
+        <!--
+            Bitrate table for AAC
+        -->
+            <BIT0>
+                <MaxBitrate>256000</MaxBitrate>
+                <MinBitrate>256000</MinBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+            <BIT1>
+                <MaxBitrate>384000</MaxBitrate>
+                <MinBitrate>384000</MinBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+            <BIT2>
+                <MaxBitrate>512000</MaxBitrate>
+                <MinBitrate>512000</MinBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+        </AAC>
+        <!--
+            CEA Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
+            Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
+            Based on the available link speed video bitrate
+            can go upto MinBitrate
+        -->
+        <CEA>
+          <!-- 640x480p60  -->
+            <BIT0>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+          <!-- 720x480p60 -->
+            <BIT1>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+          <!-- 720x480i60 -->
+            <BIT2>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+          <!-- 720x576p50  -->
+            <BIT3>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT3>
+          <!-- 720x576i50  -->
+            <BIT4>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT4>
+          <!-- 1280x720p30  -->
+            <BIT5>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT5>
+          <!-- 1280x720p60  -->
+            <BIT6>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT6>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p30  -->
+            <BIT7>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT7>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p60  -->
+            <BIT8>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT8>
+          <!-- 1920x1080i60  -->
+            <BIT9>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT9>
+          <!-- 1280x720p25  -->
+            <BIT10>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT10>
+          <!-- 1280x720p50  -->
+            <BIT11>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT11>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p25  -->
+            <BIT12>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT12>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p50  -->
+            <BIT13>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT13>
+          <!-- 1920x1080i50  -->
+            <BIT14>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT14>
+          <!-- 1280x720p24  -->
+            <BIT15>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT15>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p24  -->
+            <BIT16>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT16>
+          <!--  3840x2160p24  -->
+            <BIT17>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT17>
+          <!--  3840x2160 p25  -->
+            <BIT18>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT18>
+          <!--  3840x2160p30 -->
+            <BIT19>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT19>
+          <!--  3840x2160p50  -->
+            <BIT20>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT20>
+          <!--  3840x2160p60 -->
+            <BIT21>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT21>
+          <!--  4096x2160p24  -->
+            <BIT22>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT22>
+          <!--  4096x2160p25  -->
+            <BIT23>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT23>
+          <!--  4096x2160p30  -->
+            <BIT24>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT24>
+          <!--  4096x2160p50  -->
+            <BIT25>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT25>
+          <!--  4096x2160 p60 -->
+            <BIT26>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT26>
+        </CEA>
+        <!--
+            VESA Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
+            Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
+            Based on the available link speed video bitrate
+            can go upto MinBitrate
+        -->
+        <VESA>
+          <!--  800x600p30 -->
+            <BIT0>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+          <!--  800x600p60 -->
+            <BIT1>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>5000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+          <!--  1024x768p30 -->
+            <BIT2>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+          <!--  1024x768p60 -->
+            <BIT3>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT3>
+          <!--  1152x864p30 -->
+            <BIT4>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT4>
+          <!--  1152x864p60 -->
+            <BIT5>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT5>
+          <!--  1280x768p30 -->
+            <BIT6>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT6>
+          <!--  1280x768p60 -->
+            <BIT7>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT7>
+          <!--  1280x800p30 -->
+            <BIT8>
+                <MinBitrate>3500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT8>
+          <!--  1280x800p60 -->
+            <BIT9>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT9>
+          <!--  1360x768p30 -->
+            <BIT10>
+                <MinBitrate>3500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT10>
+          <!--  1360x768p60 -->
+            <BIT11>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT11>
+          <!--  1366x768p30 -->
+            <BIT12>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT12>
+          <!--  1366x768p60 -->
+            <BIT13>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT13>
+          <!--  1280x1024p30 -->
+            <BIT14>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT14>
+          <!--  1280x1024p60 -->
+            <BIT15>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT15>
+          <!--  1400x1050p30 -->
+            <BIT16>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT16>
+          <!--  1400x1050p60 -->
+            <BIT17>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT17>
+          <!--  1440x900p30 -->
+            <BIT18>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT18>
+          <!--  1440x900p60 -->
+            <BIT19>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT19>
+          <!--  1600x900p30 -->
+            <BIT20>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT20>
+          <!--  1600x900p60 -->
+            <BIT21>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT21>
+          <!--  1600x1200p30 -->
+            <BIT22>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT22>
+          <!--  1600x1200p60 -->
+            <BIT23>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT23>
+          <!--  1680x1024p30 -->
+            <BIT24>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT24>
+          <!--  1680x1024p60 -->
+            <BIT25>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT25>
+          <!--  1680x1050p30 -->
+            <BIT26>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT26>
+          <!--  1680x1050p60 -->
+            <BIT27>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT27>
+          <!--  1920x1200p30 -->
+            <BIT28>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT28>
+          <!--  1920x1200p60 -->
+            <BIT29>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT29>
+          <!--  2560x1440p30  -->
+            <BIT30>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT30>
+          <!--  2560x1440p60  -->
+            <BIT31>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT31>
+          <!--  2560x1600p30  -->
+            <BIT32>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>15000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT32>
+          <!--  2560x1600p60  -->
+            <BIT33>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT33>
+        </VESA>
+        <!--
+            HH Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
+            Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
+            Based on the available link speed video bitrate
+            can go upto MinBitrate
+        -->
+        <HH>
+          <!--  800x480p30  -->
+            <BIT0>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+          <!--  800x480p60  -->
+            <BIT1>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+          <!--  854x480p30  -->
+            <BIT2>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+          <!--  854x480p60  -->
+            <BIT3>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT3>
+          <!--  864x480p30  -->
+            <BIT4>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT4>
+          <!--  864x480p60  -->
+            <BIT5>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT5>
+          <!--  640x360p30  -->
+            <BIT6>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT6>
+          <!--  640x360p60  -->
+            <BIT7>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT7>
+          <!--  960x540p30  -->
+            <BIT8>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT8>
+          <!--  960x540p60  -->
+            <BIT9>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT9>
+          <!--  848x480p30  -->
+            <BIT10>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT10>
+          <!--  848x480p60  -->
+            <BIT11>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT11>
+        </HH>
+    </BitrateTable>
+    <!--
+        To disable/enable audio stream playback
+        support during power suspend - 0 or 1
+    -->
+    <AudioStreamInSuspend>1</AudioStreamInSuspend>
+    <!--
+        Compensation delay for audio
+        This is maintain good AV sync in the mux TS A + V stream Recommended
+        value is 150 msec arrived at this number after fine tuning OEMs can
+        change this value in case they want
+    -->
+    <AudioAVSyncDelay>-150</AudioAVSyncDelay>
+    <!--
+        enable/disable CyclicIntraRefresh
+    -->
+    <CyclicIntraRefresh>0</CyclicIntraRefresh>
+    <!--
+        NumberOfMacroBlocks for V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_CYCLIC_INTRA_REFRESH_MB
+    -->
+    <CIRNumberOfMacroBlocks>50</CIRNumberOfMacroBlocks>
+    <!--
+        Enable/Disable NALU byte to detect end of AU
+    -->
+    <DisableFillerNalU>1</DisableFillerNalU>
+    <!--
+        Enable/Disable to generate blank frame during suspend/resume
+    -->
+    <GenerateBlankFrame>0</GenerateBlankFrame>
+    <!--
+        To disable fixed interval of IDR frames, set PeriodicIDRValid to 0.
+        Set the duration in seconds after which full refresh is required in
+        the PeriodicIDRInterval
+        Recommended value is 5 secs
+    -->
+    <PeriodicIDRSettings>
+        <PeriodicIDRValid>1</PeriodicIDRValid>
+        <PeriodicIDRInterval>5</PeriodicIDRInterval>
+    </PeriodicIDRSettings>
+    <!-- Direct Streaming Feature support -->
+    <StreamingSupport>1</StreamingSupport>
+    <!-- Enfore HDCP for Direct Streaming -->
+    <DSRequiresHDCP>1</DSRequiresHDCP>
diff --git a/system/system/etc/wfdconfigsink.xml b/system/system/etc/wfdconfigsink.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3106f86211739c75a527c42220e17165f4455d7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/wfdconfigsink.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,807 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
+    <!--
+        Copyright (C) 2012 - 2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+        All Rights Reserved.
+        Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
+    -->
+   <!-- This config file is to be used when local device is sink -->
+    <Capability>
+        <!--
+            Audio capabilities
+        -->
+        <AudioLPCM>
+            <Name>LPCM</Name>
+            <Valid>1</Valid>
+            <Channels>2</Channels>
+            <SamplingFreq>48000</SamplingFreq>
+            <Latency>33</Latency>
+        </AudioLPCM>
+        <AudioAAC>
+            <Name>AAC</Name>
+            <Valid>1</Valid>
+            <Channels>6</Channels>
+            <SamplingFreq>48000</SamplingFreq>
+            <Latency>0</Latency>
+        </AudioAAC>
+        <AudioAC3>
+            <Name>AC3</Name>
+            <Valid>0</Valid>
+            <Channels>0</Channels>
+            <SamplingFreq>0</SamplingFreq>
+            <Latency>0</Latency>
+        </AudioAC3>
+        <!--
+            Video capabilities additions for H264 codec
+        -->
+        <VideoFormats>
+            <VideoCodecHeader>
+                <TotalProfiles>7</TotalProfiles>
+                <PreferredDisplaySupport>0</PreferredDisplaySupport>
+            </VideoCodecHeader>
+             <!-- AVC Profile 0 - Constrained Baseline,
+                              1 - Constrained High,
+                              2 - Constrained High2,
+                              3 - BaseLine
+                              4 - Main
+                              5 - High
+                  HEVC Profile 0 - Main
+            -->
+            <!-- Level  0 - 3.1,
+                        1 - 3.2,
+                        2 - 4.0,
+                        3 - 4.1,
+                        4 - 4.2,
+                        5 - 5,
+                        6 - 5.1,
+                        7 - 5.2
+            -->
+            <VideoCodec1>
+                <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+                <Profile>0</Profile>
+                <Level>6</Level>
+                <HorizontalResolution>4096</HorizontalResolution>
+                <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
+                <Latency>0</Latency>
+                <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+                <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+                <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+                <VideoFps>30</VideoFps>
+                <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+                <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+            </VideoCodec1>
+            <VideoCodec2>
+                <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+                <Profile>1</Profile>
+                <Level>6</Level>
+                <HorizontalResolution>4096</HorizontalResolution>
+                <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
+                <Latency>0</Latency>
+                <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+                <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+                <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+                <VideoFps>30</VideoFps>
+                <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+                <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+            </VideoCodec2>
+            <VideoCodec3>
+                <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+                <Profile>2</Profile>
+                <Level>6</Level>
+                <HorizontalResolution>4096</HorizontalResolution>
+                <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
+                <Latency>0</Latency>
+                <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+                <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+                <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+                <VideoFps>30</VideoFps>
+                <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+                <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+            </VideoCodec3>
+            <VideoCodec4>
+                <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+                <Profile>3</Profile>
+                <Level>6</Level>
+                <HorizontalResolution>4096</HorizontalResolution>
+                <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
+                <Latency>0</Latency>
+                <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+                <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+                <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+                <VideoFps>30</VideoFps>
+                <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+                <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+            </VideoCodec4>
+            <VideoCodec5>
+                <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+                <Profile>4</Profile>
+                <Level>6</Level>
+                <HorizontalResolution>4096</HorizontalResolution>
+                <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
+                <Latency>0</Latency>
+                <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+                <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+                <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+                <VideoFps>30</VideoFps>
+                <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+                <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+            </VideoCodec5>
+            <VideoCodec6>
+                <CodecName>H.264</CodecName>
+                <Profile>5</Profile>
+                <Level>6</Level>
+                <HorizontalResolution>4096</HorizontalResolution>
+                <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
+                <Latency>0</Latency>
+                <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+                <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+                <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+                <VideoFps>30</VideoFps>
+                <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+                <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+            </VideoCodec6>
+            <VideoCodec7>
+                <CodecName>H.265</CodecName>
+                <Profile>0</Profile>
+                <Level>6</Level>
+                <HorizontalResolution>4096</HorizontalResolution>
+                <VerticalResolution>2160</VerticalResolution>
+                <Latency>0</Latency>
+                <MinimumSliceSize>0</MinimumSliceSize>
+                <SliceEncodingParams>0</SliceEncodingParams>
+                <FrameRateControlSupp>1</FrameRateControlSupp>
+                <VideoFps>30</VideoFps>
+                <TranscodingMode>1</TranscodingMode>
+                <NonTranscodingMode>1</NonTranscodingMode>
+            </VideoCodec7>
+        </VideoFormats>
+        <!--
+            Aux streaming is new addition
+            This is added for Direct streaming
+        -->
+        <AuxStreamInfo>
+            <Codec>
+                <Count>1</Count>
+                <Name1>PNG</Name1>
+            </Codec>
+        <!--
+            Limiting the number of layers to 5 in the overlay
+            Resolution is 1080P for Direct streaming
+        -->
+            <MaxOverlay>5</MaxOverlay>
+            <HRes>1280</HRes>
+            <VRes>720</VRes>
+            <Mode>CEA</Mode>
+        </AuxStreamInfo>
+        <!--
+            Standby Resume capability is supported
+        -->
+        <StandbyResumeCapability>
+            <Valid>1</Valid>
+        </StandbyResumeCapability>
+        <!--
+            Explicit AV format change
+            Not supported
+        -->
+        <AVFormatChange>
+            <Valid>0</Valid>
+            <AVInterval>0</AVInterval>
+        </AVFormatChange>
+        <!--
+            Frame skipping interval is in the scale of 500 msec or half second.
+            FrameInterval can be between 1 to 7,  according to the WFD spec.
+            0 means Frame skipping interval is infinite and recommended value is 0
+        -->
+        <FrameSkipping>
+            <Valid>1</Valid>
+            <FrameInterval>0</FrameInterval>
+        </FrameSkipping>
+        <!--  disable HDCP by default -->
+        <ContentProtection>
+            <Valid>0</Valid>
+            <!--
+                Valid values WFD_HDCP_2_0,
+                WFD_HDCP_2_1 and WFD_HDCP_2_2
+            -->
+            <Version>WFD_HDCP_2_2</Version>
+            <CPPort>6789</CPPort>
+        </ContentProtection>
+        <!--
+            To enable RTP dump at sink
+        -->
+        <RTPDumpEnable>
+            <!-- DEPRECATED -->
+            <!-- For enabling RTP parser dumping set
+                 persist.vendor.debug.rtp.enable_dump to 1
+                 /data/media/rtpdump.ts
+                 -->
+        </RTPDumpEnable>
+        <!--
+            UIBC by default enabled
+        -->
+        <UIBC>
+            <UIBCValid>1</UIBCValid>            <!-- 0/1 UIBC supported or not -->
+            <InputCategory>
+                <Generic>1</Generic>            <!-- 0/1 - support generic or not -->
+                <HID>1</HID>                    <!-- 0/1 - support HID or not -->
+            </InputCategory>
+            <!--  Supported input events  -->
+            <InputEvents>
+                <GenericInputEvents>
+                <!-- 0/1 for all Input Event Types -->
+                    <Mouse>0</Mouse>
+                    <Keyboard>1</Keyboard>
+                    <SingleTouch>1</SingleTouch>
+                    <MultiTouch>1</MultiTouch>
+                    <JoyStick>0</JoyStick>
+                    <Camera>0</Camera>
+                    <Gesture>0</Gesture>
+                    <RemoteControl>0</RemoteControl>
+                </GenericInputEvents>
+                <!--
+                Each input path will have a byte and support
+                for the input types is indicated by setting a bit:
+                KEYBOARD              BIT0
+                MOUSE                 BIT1
+                SINGLETOUCH           BIT2
+                MULTITOUCH            BIT3
+                JOYSTICK              BIT4
+                CAMERA                BIT5
+                GESTURE               BIT6
+                REMOTECONTROL         BIT7
+                -->
+                <HIDInputPaths>
+                    <Infrared>0</Infrared>
+                    <USB>1</USB>
+                    <BT>0</BT>
+                    <Zigbee>0</Zigbee>
+                    <Wifi>0</Wifi>
+                    <NoSP>0</NoSP>
+                </HIDInputPaths>
+            </InputEvents>
+            <!--  TCP port on which UIBC connection established -->
+            <TcpPort>4321</TcpPort>
+        </UIBC>
+    </Capability>
+    <!--
+         Enabling Rtcp
+    -->
+    <RTCP>
+        <RtcpRREnabled>1</RtcpRREnabled>
+        <RtcpRRIntervalMs>500</RtcpRRIntervalMs>
+    </RTCP>
+    <!--
+        Send keep alive messages for every 50sec
+    -->
+    <SendKeepAlive>1</SendKeepAlive>
+    <!--
+        RTSP port on which RTSP server is running
+    -->
+    <RTSPPort>5550</RTSPPort>
+    <!--
+        To configure video core in SVS mode
+    -->
+    <PerformanceLevelSVSMode>1</PerformanceLevelSVSMode>
+    <!--
+        To configure video core in Nominal mode
+    -->
+    <PerformanceLevelNominalMode>0</PerformanceLevelNominalMode>
+    <!--
+        To configure video core in Turbo mode
+    -->
+    <PerformanceLevelTurboMode>0</PerformanceLevelTurboMode>
+    <!--
+        Bitrate settings for each mode
+    -->
+    <BitrateTable>
+        <!--
+            Bitrate table for Audio formats
+        -->
+        <AAC>
+            <BIT0>
+                <MaxBitrate>256000</MaxBitrate>
+                <MinBitrate>256000</MinBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+            <BIT1>
+                <MaxBitrate>384000</MaxBitrate>
+                <MinBitrate>384000</MinBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+            <BIT2>
+                <MaxBitrate>512000</MaxBitrate>
+                <MinBitrate>512000</MinBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+        </AAC>
+        <!--
+            CEA Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
+            Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
+            Based on the available link speed video bitrate
+            can go upto MinBitrate
+        -->
+        <CEA>
+          <!-- 640x480p60  -->
+            <BIT0>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+          <!-- 720x480p60 -->
+            <BIT1>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+          <!-- 720x480i60 -->
+            <BIT2>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+          <!-- 720x576p50  -->
+            <BIT3>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT3>
+          <!-- 720x576i50  -->
+            <BIT4>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT4>
+          <!-- 1280x720p30  -->
+            <BIT5>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT5>
+          <!-- 1280x720p60  -->
+            <BIT6>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT6>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p30  -->
+            <BIT7>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT7>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p60  -->
+            <BIT8>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT8>
+          <!-- 1920x1080i60  -->
+            <BIT9>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT9>
+          <!-- 1280x720p25  -->
+            <BIT10>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT10>
+          <!-- 1280x720p50  -->
+            <BIT11>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT11>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p25  -->
+            <BIT12>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT12>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p50  -->
+            <BIT13>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT13>
+          <!-- 1920x1080i50  -->
+            <BIT14>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT14>
+          <!-- 1280x720p24  -->
+            <BIT15>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT15>
+          <!-- 1920x1080p24  -->
+            <BIT16>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT16>
+          <!--  3840x2160p24  -->
+            <BIT17>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT17>
+          <!--  3840x2160 p25  -->
+            <BIT18>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT18>
+          <!--  3840x2160p30 -->
+            <BIT19>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT19>
+          <!--  3840x2160p50  -->
+            <BIT20>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT20>
+          <!--  3840x2160p60 -->
+            <BIT21>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT21>
+          <!--  4096x2160p24  -->
+            <BIT22>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT22>
+          <!--  4096x2160p25  -->
+            <BIT23>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT23>
+          <!--  4096x2160p30  -->
+            <BIT24>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT24>
+          <!--  4096x2160p50  -->
+            <BIT25>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT25>
+          <!--  4096x2160 p60 -->
+            <BIT26>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT26>
+        </CEA>
+        <!--
+            VESA Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
+            Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
+            Based on the available link speed video bitrate
+            can go upto MinBitrate
+        -->
+        <VESA>
+            <!--  800x600p30 -->
+            <BIT0>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+            <!--  800x600p60 -->
+            <BIT1>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+            <!--  1024x768p30 -->
+            <BIT2>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+            <!--  1024x768p60 -->
+            <BIT3>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT3>
+            <!--  1152x864p30 -->
+            <BIT4>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT4>
+            <!--  1152x864p60 -->
+            <BIT5>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT5>
+            <!--  1280x768p30 -->
+            <BIT6>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT6>
+            <!--  1280x768p60 -->
+            <BIT7>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT7>
+            <!--  1280x800p30 -->
+            <BIT8>
+                <MinBitrate>3500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>14000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT8>
+            <!--  1280x800p60 -->
+            <BIT9>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT9>
+            <!--  1360x768p30 -->
+            <BIT10>
+                <MinBitrate>3500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>14000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT10>
+            <!--  1360x768p60 -->
+            <BIT11>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT11>
+            <!--  1366x768p30 -->
+            <BIT12>
+                <MinBitrate>2500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>10000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT12>
+            <!--  1366x768p60 -->
+            <BIT13>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT13>
+            <!--  1280x1024p30 -->
+            <BIT14>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT14>
+            <!--  1280x1024p60 -->
+            <BIT15>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT15>
+            <!--  1400x1050p30 -->
+            <BIT16>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT16>
+            <!--  1400x1050p60 -->
+            <BIT17>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT17>
+            <!--  1440x900p30 -->
+            <BIT18>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT18>
+            <!--  1440x900p60 -->
+            <BIT19>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT19>
+            <!--  1600x900p30 -->
+            <BIT20>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT20>
+            <!--  1600x900p60 -->
+            <BIT21>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT21>
+            <!--  1600x1200p30 -->
+            <BIT22>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT22>
+            <!--  1600x1200p60 -->
+            <BIT23>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT23>
+            <!--  1680x1024p30 -->
+            <BIT24>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT24>
+            <!--  1680x1024p60 -->
+            <BIT25>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT25>
+            <!--  1680x1050p30 -->
+            <BIT26>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT26>
+            <!--  1680x1050p60 -->
+            <BIT27>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT27>
+            <!--  1920x1200p30 -->
+            <BIT28>
+                <MinBitrate>5000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>20000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT28>
+            <!--  1920x1200p60 -->
+            <BIT29>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>40000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT29>
+            <!--  2560x1440p30  -->
+            <BIT30>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT30>
+            <!--  2560x1440p60  -->
+            <BIT31>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT31>
+            <!--  2560x1600p30  -->
+            <BIT32>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT32>
+            <!--  2560x1600p60  -->
+            <BIT33>
+                <MinBitrate>10000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>30000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT33>
+        </VESA>
+        <!--
+            HH Min and Max bit rates for each resolution
+            Will configure the video core with MaxBitrate
+            Based on the available link speed video bitrate
+            can go upto MinBitrate
+        -->
+        <HH>
+            <!--  800x480p30  -->
+            <BIT0>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT0>
+            <!--  800x480p60  -->
+            <BIT1>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT1>
+            <!--  854x480p30  -->
+            <BIT2>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT2>
+            <!--  854x480p60  -->
+            <BIT3>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT3>
+            <!--  864x480p30  -->
+            <BIT4>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT4>
+            <!--  864x480p60  -->
+            <BIT5>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT5>
+            <!--  640x360p30  -->
+            <BIT6>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT6>
+            <!--  640x360p60  -->
+            <BIT7>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT7>
+            <!--  960x540p30  -->
+            <BIT8>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT8>
+            <!--  960x540p60  -->
+            <BIT9>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT9>
+            <!--  848x480p30  -->
+            <BIT10>
+                <MinBitrate>500000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>2000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT10>
+            <!--  848x480p60  -->
+            <BIT11>
+                <MinBitrate>1000000</MinBitrate>
+                <MaxBitrate>4000000</MaxBitrate>
+            </BIT11>
+        </HH>
+    </BitrateTable>
+    <!--
+        RetryCount is Max no of times Client request to set-up Socket connect
+        This can be applicable only to sink
+    -->
+    <RetryCount>40</RetryCount>
+    <!--
+        To disable/enable audio stream playback
+        support during power suspend - 0 or 1
+    -->
+    <AudioStreamInSuspend>0</AudioStreamInSuspend>
+    <!--
+        Compensation delay for audio
+        This is maintain good AV sync in the mux TS A + V stream Recommended
+        value is 150 msec arrived at this number after fine tuning OEMs can
+        change this value in case they want
+    -->
+    <AudioAVSyncDelay>-150</AudioAVSyncDelay>
+    <!--
+        To disable/enable AV Sync - 1 or 0
+        By default AV sync is enabled
+        This is only for certification
+        The reason for introducing this flag is
+        there are some issues with some test bed sources
+        if we enable AV sync though our sink is properly
+        handling AV sync
+    -->
+    <DisableAVSync>0</DisableAVSync>
+    <!--
+        To drop video frame in case parser detects and reports packet loss over the air
+        Three modes are supported -
+        1. 0 - Don't drop any video frame
+        2. 1 - Drop only the video frame where parser reported packet loss
+        3. 2 - Parser reported packet loss, request an IDR and drop until IDR
+    -->
+    <DropFrameOnPacketLossMode>0</DropFrameOnPacketLossMode>
+    <!--
+        To disable/enable Audio Track Latency - 0 or 1.
+        This adds audio track latency to renderer to improve AV sync during BT use case.
+    -->
+    <EnableAudioTrackLatency>0</EnableAudioTrackLatency>
+    <!--
+        To Configure maximum capability for frame rate
+        of Max resolution supported.
+        It will be changed in code also based on target.
+    -->
+    <MaxFpsSupported>60</MaxFpsSupported>
+    <!--
+        Make audio AV Sync drop window configurable item.Sometimes if wlan
+        doesn't perform at required throughput,audio drops can happen due
+        to late arrival of audio frames.
+    -->
+    <AudioAVSyncDropWindow>-150000</AudioAVSyncDropWindow>
+    <!--
+        Make Video AV Sync drop window configurable item.Sometimes if wlan
+        doesn't perform at required throughput,Video drops can happen due
+        to late arrival of video frames.
+    -->
+    <VideoAVSyncDropWindow>-200000</VideoAVSyncDropWindow>
+    <!-- Direct Streaming Feature support -->
+    <StreamingSupport>1</StreamingSupport>
+    <Cursor>0</Cursor>
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/etc/wigig_logcollector.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// Log Module Levels
+// V - Verbose, I - Info, E - Error, W - Warning
diff --git a/system/system/etc/xtables.lock b/system/system/etc/xtables.lock
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/system/system/framework/arm/boot-WfdCommon.vdex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/system/system/framework/arm/boot-android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java.art.rel
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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+++ b/system/system/framework/arm/boot-tcmiface.art.rel
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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+++ b/system/system/framework/arm/boot-telephony-common.vdex
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+++ b/system/system/framework/arm/boot-telephony-ext.vdex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/system/system/framework/arm/boot-vendor.qti.voiceprint-V1.0-java.art.rel
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/framework/arm/boot-voip-common.vdex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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+++ b/system/system/framework/arm/boot.art.rel
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-android.hidl.base-V1.0-java.art.rel
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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new file mode 120000
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+++ b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-android.hidl.base-V1.0-java.vdex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java.art.rel
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-android.test.base.art.rel
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-android.test.base.vdex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-apache-xml.art.rel
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diff --git a/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-core-oj.oat b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-core-oj.oat
new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-core-oj.oat differ
diff --git a/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-core-oj.vdex b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-core-oj.vdex
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7c5e0b64fe5880c0d45711d686b57ca216506126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-core-oj.vdex
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diff --git a/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-ext.art b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-ext.art
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e052ff3410ab13db9ce4460a82917b6636a16f3f
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-ext.art differ
diff --git a/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-ext.art.rel b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-ext.art.rel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..46ebafe0eb6412640b4a7878780781281f6b17d3
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diff --git a/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-ext.oat b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-ext.oat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c93b0da5daf7d11f0471cbab902c4ef691cacb51
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-ext.oat differ
diff --git a/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-ext.vdex b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-ext.vdex
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..25d56b61a063ffb30eb853a48bbae5155e11523f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-ext.vdex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ad01f5982c8a37befcd653130428d638653e6072
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework-oahl-backward-compatibility.art differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework-oahl-backward-compatibility.art.rel differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework-oahl-backward-compatibility.oat differ
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new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..704ec1fb333c24949169e15f3f70dce947a6fa96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework-oahl-backward-compatibility.vdex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e7b10142ded34f91af34ad915659e893d8263162
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.art differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8443d48f214cc4137d7bd25af05202f2dd05f3a2
--- /dev/null
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+++ b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-tcmiface.vdex
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\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-telephony-common.vdex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-telephony-ext.art.rel
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-vendor.qti.voiceprint-V1.0-java.art.rel
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-voip-common.art.rel
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\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/framework/arm64/boot-voip-common.vdex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* route plan */
+/* must follow the order in DIT_Arch_Define.h */
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04f384f69e417d1d269df8d5dfd7d56ff58a3993
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diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/VideoStop.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/VideoStop.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5a4b3653eb77a5ece39356b922fea28d61bc2c48
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/VideoStop.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume01.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume01.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a4fd73ff73a018f38e093f94fdc8a3b9c67fdf9b
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume01.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume02.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume02.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e360c2d587bcaeb2f45498fc458e1e91d38a04aa
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume02.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume03.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume03.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f87428df89d5163b4578e58961f86860f5b716ca
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume03.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume04.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume04.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f37008cee6ee78331c36c0728e7dd343ceed42ec
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume04.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume05.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume05.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f90e64da84ffa018ff4266d808361930cf1143f
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume05.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume06.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume06.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b005b60ff9f18a7348816ce659ff81753faa3285
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume06.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume07.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume07.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..616d0698d7f515e3fe8f724e4d499b587311c048
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume07.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume1T.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume1T.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6e03d421be8bd9216dc4195afecaec0e33330fbc
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume1T.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume2T.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume2T.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aea3013d3662f762141808c669bbacf635c40657
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume2T.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume3T.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume3T.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0761620cbbf96d72c51c6d8496d2e4302bdaab3f
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume3T.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume4T.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume4T.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..861535659453076601050f9b2b5a921844b9c014
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume4T.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume5T.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume5T.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f319f647ef321822f68574966a7a01547becfa4
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume5T.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume6T.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume6T.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5323d79067e5f40237eac3ee58921116ab9d8c16
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume6T.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume7T.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume7T.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8aab83f8984831b3dc40f471ed64ba3dadce01e9
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/Volume7T.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/WirelessChargingStarted.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/WirelessChargingStarted.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66f6cd251822410b0031d8b8962fcdb2a4e2f5ac
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/WirelessChargingStarted.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00790c9989c4948146f86ade4b42ada5334c61ed
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/camera_focus.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/camera_focus.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..54d6bfc255d963c27220c6171aac733d7844524e
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/camera_focus.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/cameraclickslow.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/cameraclickslow.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..29925a39a8fc0ec95e826a42e59d454776872ac7
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/cameraclickslow.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/camerafocusfail.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/camerafocusfail.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..835d8f3bbe0ec26a8939e74c6b4ac832cc40663f
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/camerafocusfail.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/selftimer.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/selftimer.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d003f0f296f38ca7640e55e623f68a7bfe517326
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/selftimer.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui/selftimerfast.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui/selftimerfast.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..855c93ca0e3e93ea5c617c3f11aa9a8458f96216
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui/selftimerfast.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui_jp/VideoRecord.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui_jp/VideoRecord.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..44e2c74680f8b8bdbdf08e3a1c025876978166e7
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui_jp/VideoRecord.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui_jp/VideoStop.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui_jp/VideoStop.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5a4b3653eb77a5ece39356b922fea28d61bc2c48
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui_jp/VideoStop.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui_jp/camera_click.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui_jp/camera_click.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00790c9989c4948146f86ade4b42ada5334c61ed
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui_jp/camera_click.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/media/audio/ui_jp/camera_focus.ogg b/system/system/media/audio/ui_jp/camera_focus.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..302f6021c1e69bb503ff68ab5454d5b3daf24133
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/media/audio/ui_jp/camera_focus.ogg differ
diff --git a/system/system/product b/system/system/product
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a63c3064523b750f29ab25bbe55e3b6de672d30d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/product
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/scripts/monkey/EmptyActivity.obj b/system/system/scripts/monkey/EmptyActivity.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..76323eb79bc31845f31488cddb35b54c0ef16072
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/scripts/monkey/EmptyActivity.obj differ
diff --git a/system/system/scripts/monkey/TestIME.obj b/system/system/scripts/monkey/TestIME.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f880bda7b7158cd0d2c38b5d88e500f88bf4413
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/scripts/monkey/TestIME.obj differ
diff --git a/system/system/scripts/monkey/monkey_test_a b/system/system/scripts/monkey/monkey_test_a
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2517583efbb8c761a4a5ac96938567e54a06b73d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/scripts/monkey/monkey_test_a
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# Quinton_Cheng@asus.com #2972 2009/11/18 V1.0
+trap "" HUP
+#default value
+epoch=`date +%s`
+seed=$(( epoch % 10000 ))
+#epoch=$(expr $(date +%s) % 10000)
+#Print useage
+#useage() {
+#                echo "useage : monkey_test [--case # <test case #>]"
+#                echo "                     [-p ALLOWED_PACKAGE [-p ALLOWED_PACKAGE] ...]"
+#                echo "                     [-c MAIN_CATEGORY [-c MAIN_CATEGORY] ...]"
+#                echo "                     [-t <seconds>]"
+#                echo "                     [--seed # <seed #>]"
+#                echo "                     [--package-list <test case package list>]"
+#                echo "                     [--phonenumber # <fixed dial #>]"
+#                echo "                     [--IMETest]"
+#                echo "                     [--version]"
+#                echo "                     [-h]"
+#                exit 0
+#package="$package $@"
+#pm install EmptyActivity.apk
+#package="$package -p com.android.emptyactivity"
+#setting the argument
+argument=" \
+--pct-anyevent 0 \
+--pct-trackball 0 \
+--pct-flip 0 \
+--ignore-crashes \
+--ignore-timeouts \
+--ignore-security-exceptions \
+--monitor-native-crashes \
+--ignore-native-crashes \
+-v -v -v \
+-s $seed \
+--throttle 1000 \
+#combine the package info
+argumentPackage="$package $category $argument"
+# set the system proptery
+setprop ro.logSystem.disable 1
+setprop debug.monkey true
+export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/monkey.jar
+# Clean the log filder
+rm -r /sdcard/log
+#rm -r /data/logs
+#chanage the folder access right (Yufeng)
+#chmod 777 /data/misc
+#Set the Log Path
+mkdir /sdcard/log
+# Print the information on screen
+echo "The console will generate  console log at        $ConsolePath"
+echo "The console error will generate log at           $ConsoleErrPath"
+echo "The logcat will generate logcat.log at           $LogcatPath"
+echo "The kmsg   will generate kmsg.log at             $KmsgPath"
+echo "The monkey will generate monkey.log at           $ElapsePath"
+echo "monkey $argumentPackage"
+logcat -v time > $LogcatPath 2>$LogPath/logcat_main_err.log &
+logcat -b events -v time > $LogPath/events.log 2>$LogPath/logcat_event_err.log &
+logcat -b radio -v time > $LogPath/radio.log 2>$LogPath/logcat_radio_err.log &
+logcat -b system -v time > $LogPath/system.log 2>$LogPath/logcat_system_err.log  &
+monkey $argumentPackage 1>$ConsolePath 2>$ConsoleErrPath
+#exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.monkey.Monkey $argumentPackage 1>$ConsolePath 2>$ConsoleErrPath &
diff --git a/system/system/scripts/monkey/monkey_test_p b/system/system/scripts/monkey/monkey_test_p
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f0aa3c97f18bd2a44e1aa26fcd0aff0b5c99ccd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/scripts/monkey/monkey_test_p
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# Quinton_Cheng@asus.com #2972 2009/11/18 V1.0
+trap "" HUP
+#default value
+epoch=`date +%s`
+seed=$(( epoch % 10000 ))
+#epoch=$(expr $(date +%s) % 10000)
+#Print useage
+#useage() {
+#                echo "useage : monkey_test [--case # <test case #>]"
+#                echo "                     [-p ALLOWED_PACKAGE [-p ALLOWED_PACKAGE] ...]"
+#                echo "                     [-c MAIN_CATEGORY [-c MAIN_CATEGORY] ...]"
+#                echo "                     [-t <seconds>]"
+#                echo "                     [--seed # <seed #>]"
+#                echo "                     [--package-list <test case package list>]"
+#                echo "                     [--phonenumber # <fixed dial #>]"
+#                echo "                     [--IMETest]"
+#                echo "                     [--version]"
+#                echo "                     [-h]"
+#                exit 0
+package="$package $@"
+pm install EmptyActivity.obj
+package="$package -p com.android.emptyactivity"
+#setting the argument
+argument=" \
+--pct-anyevent 0 \
+--pct-trackball 0 \
+--pct-flip 0 \
+--ignore-crashes \
+--ignore-timeouts \
+--ignore-security-exceptions \
+--monitor-native-crashes \
+--ignore-native-crashes \
+-v -v -v \
+-s $seed \
+--throttle 1000 \
+#combine the package info
+argumentPackage="$package $category $argument"
+# set the system proptery
+setprop ro.logSystem.disable 1
+setprop debug.monkey true
+export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/monkey.jar
+# Clean the log filder
+rm -r /sdcard/log
+#rm -r /data/logs
+#chanage the folder access right (Yufeng)
+#chmod 777 /data/misc
+#Set the Log Path
+mkdir /sdcard/log
+# Print the information on screen
+echo "The console will generate  console log at        $ConsolePath"
+echo "The console error will generate log at           $ConsoleErrPath"
+echo "The logcat will generate logcat.log at           $LogcatPath"
+echo "The kmsg   will generate kmsg.log at             $KmsgPath"
+echo "The monkey will generate monkey.log at           $ElapsePath"
+echo "monkey $argumentPackage"
+logcat -v time > $LogcatPath 2>$LogPath/logcat_main_err.log &
+logcat -b events -v time > $LogPath/events.log 2>$LogPath/logcat_event_err.log &
+logcat -b radio -v time > $LogPath/radio.log 2>$LogPath/logcat_radio_err.log &
+logcat -b system -v time > $LogPath/system.log 2>$LogPath/logcat_system_err.log  &
+monkey $argumentPackage 1>$ConsolePath 2>$ConsoleErrPath
+#exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.monkey.Monkey $argumentPackage 1>$ConsolePath 2>$ConsoleErrPath &
diff --git a/system/system/scripts/monkey/package_list.txt b/system/system/scripts/monkey/package_list.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8aac8fa2ee166e5c8b5aa9950b55501fa6094e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/scripts/monkey/package_list.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+1 com.android.calendar                   calendar
+2 com.android.contacts                   contacts&phone
+3 com.android.mms                        mms
+4 com.android.settings                   settings
+6 com.android.stk                        stk
diff --git a/system/system/scripts/monkey/profiling b/system/system/scripts/monkey/profiling
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fffc9a037ed16a3c69628c037de4f0ebf917fbee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/scripts/monkey/profiling
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# V1.4.4
+# fix the Day counting bug
+trap "" HUP
+echo "-16" > /proc/$$/oom_adj
+chmod +x script2log
+while [ $counter -ne "300" ]; do
+ dateVar="$(/system/bin/expr $(date +%d) + $(/system/bin/expr $(/system/bin/expr $(date +%H) + 8) / 24))"
+ out="$(date +[%Y/%m/$dateVar]) $(date +%H:%M:%S)"
+ /system/scripts/monkey/script2log "============================= $counter ============================="
+ echo "$out ============================= $counter =============================" >> /sdcard/log/procrank.log
+ procrank >> /sdcard/log/procrank.log
+ counter=`/system/bin/expr $counter + 1`
+ sleep 300
+exit 0
diff --git a/system/system/scripts/monkey/script2log b/system/system/scripts/monkey/script2log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a5bbc96dc89c2501138d70afc48cc5da3aec2eb
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/scripts/monkey/script2log differ
diff --git a/system/system/scripts/monkey/timer b/system/system/scripts/monkey/timer
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e4f0277f069fd204981e863feb6558ee4b0fac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/scripts/monkey/timer
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+trap "" HUP
+echo "LogPath : $log"
+echo "CountDown Timer : $time Second"
+echo "-16" > /proc/$$/oom_adj
+sleep $time
+pid=`ps | /bin/grep monkey | /bin/awk '{print $2}'`
+if [ "$pid" == "" ]; then
+	echo "monkey_test timer: monkey died!"
+	exit 0
+/bin/kill $pid
+echo "############################################################################" > $log
+echo "##" >> $log
+echo "##               Time's up! Monkey success! ($time seconds)" >> $log
+echo "############################################################################" >> $log
+echo "==================  /proc/meminfo  =================" >> $log
+cat /proc/meminfo >> $log
+echo "================= procrank ==================" >> $log
+procrank >> $log
+exit 0
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-as.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-as.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43a9527faa7f8486040191961b2d73d678f314f0
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-as.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-as.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-as.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5e08205c2de12832dcb1b3da48d8eaf04e063e61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-as.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% These patterns originate from
+%    https://github.com/santhoshtr/hyphenation/)
+% and have been adapted for hyph-utf8 (for use in TeX).
+%  Hyphenation for Assamese
+%  Copyright (C) 2016 Santhosh Thottingal (santhosh dot thottingal at gmail dot com)
+%  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+%  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+%  "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+%  without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+%  distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+%  permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+%  the following conditions:
+%  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-be.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-be.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4da6b7497a78f9500a82aa195827af2431591643
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-be.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-be.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-be.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb51446026ee1fd18cb7383baaa393daf8aecb67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-be.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+% title: Hyphenation patterns for Belarusian
+% copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 Maksim Salau <maksim.salau at gmail.com>
+% notice: >
+%     This file is part of hyph-utf8 package.
+%     See http://www.hyphenation.org for more information
+%     Original source: https://github.com/hyphenation/hyph-be
+% language:
+%     name: Belarusian
+%     tag: be
+% version: 1.01 (October 2016)
+% authors:
+%   -
+%     name: Maksim Salau
+%     contact: maksim.salau at gmail.com
+% hyphenmins:
+%     typesetting:
+%         left: 2
+%         right: 2
+% license:
+%     name: MIT
+%     url: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+%     text: >
+%             Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+%             obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+%             files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+%             restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+%             copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+%             copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+%             Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+%             conditions:
+%             The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%             included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+% changes:
+%     - Version 1.01 <2016/10/03> Added YAML header
+%     - Version 1.00 <2016/09/29> Initial version
+% ==========================================
+% Many thanks to Aleś Bułojčyk <alex73mail@gmail.com> and
+% Sviatlana Liasovich <xelj.gjkz@bk.ru> for their work on
+% Belarusian hyphenation dictionary for OpenOffice.
+% http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/en/project/dict-be-official
+% Створана адпаведна правілаў, зацверджаных законам
+% ад 23 лiпеня 2008 г. No 420-З
+% Аб Правiлах беларускай арфаграфii i пунктуацыi
+% http://academy.edu.by/files/zak_420-3.pdf
+% § 41. Правiлы пераносу простых, складаных, складанаскарочаных слоў,
+%       умоўных графiчных скарачэнняў i iншых знакаў
+% Based on rules approved by the law No 420-3 dated 23 July 2008
+% About Belarusian orthography and punctuation
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-bg.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-bg.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f46fa1c951fa92322e532b53c1dabd88cb17cdf
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-bg.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-bg.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-bg.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..26fa73e85f860abc2ac51e4ed7caf6eb978e32ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-bg.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+% copyright: Copyright (c) 1994-2008, Georgi Boshnakov
+% title: Bulgarian hyphenation patterns
+% version: 1.7, July 2008
+% language:
+%     name: Bulgarian
+%     code: bg
+% notice: >
+%     This file is part of the hyph-utf8 package.
+%     See http://www.hyphenation.org for more information.
+% authors:
+%   -
+%     name:    Georgi Boshnakov
+%     contact: manchester.ac.uk:georgi.boshnakov
+% licence:
+%     name: MIT
+%     url: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+%     text: >
+%             Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+%             obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+%             files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+%             restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+%             copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+%             copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+%             Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+%             conditions:
+%             The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%             included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+% hyphenmins:
+%     for_typesetting:
+%         left: 2
+%         right: 2
+% changes:
+%   -
+%     date:        2008-06
+%     description: Changed encoding to UTF-8
+%   -
+%     date:        2006-05
+%     description: Added copyright notice
+%   -
+%     date:        2000-06
+%     description: Minor changes
+%   -
+%     date:        1994
+%     description: First version
+% ==========================================
+% Note: The original name of this file was 'bghyphsi.tex' which is
+%   part of the package 'bghyphen'. The package 'bghyphen' is now
+%   obsolete but it is still available on CTAN and currently (June 2008)
+%   gives the same hyphenation results.
+% To make TeX use these patterns:
+%    (1) Make sure that the hyph-utf8 package is present in your TeX
+%        system.
+%    (2) generate the necessary formats (TeX, LaTeX, pdfLaTeX, etc),
+%        instructing TeX to load 'loadhyph-bg.tex' for Bulgarian
+%        hyphenation.
+% The LaTeX babel package sets \lefthyphenmin and \righthyphenmin to 2
+%   when the language is switched to Bulgarian.  Developers who write
+%   support for Bulgarian outside LaTeX and/or babel need to take care
+%   of this.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-bn.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-bn.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43a9527faa7f8486040191961b2d73d678f314f0
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-bn.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-bn.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-bn.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1237413facadb880deee7226fd5abb346defd6de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-bn.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% These patterns originate from
+%    https://github.com/santhoshtr/hyphenation/)
+% and have been adapted for hyph-utf8 (for use in TeX).
+%  Hyphenation for Bengali
+%  Copyright (C) 2016 Santhosh Thottingal (santhosh dot thottingal at gmail dot com)
+%  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+%  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+%  "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+%  without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+%  distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+%  permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+%  the following conditions:
+%  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-cu.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-cu.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ec90d3983f98b3000f3709b84e57d88df9be00f
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-cu.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-cu.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-cu.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9833baf6baadc3745009dc4ea79ef07248044838
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-cu.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+% copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 Aleksandr Andreev and Mike Kroutikov
+% title: Hyphenation patterns for Church Slavonic
+% version: 1.1
+% notice: >
+%     This file is part of the hyph-utf8 package.
+%     See http://www.hyphenation.org for more information.
+% licence:
+%     name: MIT
+%     url: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+%     text: >
+%         Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+%         a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+%         "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+%         without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+%         distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+%         permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+%         the following conditions:
+%         The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%         included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+%         SOFTWARE.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-cy.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-cy.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5afe8aaaeb6157debe64bac35c5dd180b1513252
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-cy.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-cy.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-cy.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8f9217a0f981ead62f5497cc52b66ebaf9671487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-cy.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+% copyright: Copyright 1996 Yannis Haralambous
+% title: Welsh hyphenation patterns
+% version: 1996
+% notice: >
+%     This file is part of the hyph-utf8 package.
+%     See http://www.hyphenation.org for more information.
+% licence:
+%     - This file is available under the following license.
+%         name: MIT
+%         url: https://opensource.org/licences/MIT
+%         text: >
+%             Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+%             obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+%             files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+%             restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+%             copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+%             copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+%             Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+%             conditions:
+%             The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%             included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+% changes:
+%     - 1996 - last change to patterns
+%     - 2008 - inclusion into hyph-utf8 and file rename (cyhyph.tex -> hyph-cy.tex)
+%     - June 2011 - added LPPL licence
+%     - March 2016 - added MIT licence
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-da.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-da.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f33f4307adc7772b19df57dae56aa51993b669ba
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-da.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-da.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-da.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b582cbe5ad7240e554b75363fb9bbb813e1b5bad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-da.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+% copyright: Copyright 1994 Frank Jensen
+% title: Hyphenation patterns for Danish
+% version: 2011-01-11
+% notice: >
+%     This file is part of the hyph-utf8 package.
+%     See http://www.hyphenation.org for more information.
+% licence:
+%     - This file is available under the following license:
+%         name: MIT
+%         url: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+%         text: >
+%             Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+%             obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+%             files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+%             restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+%             copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+%             copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+%             Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+%             conditions:
+%             The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%             included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+% changes:
+%     - 2011-01-11 - remove support for OT1 encoding
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-de-1901.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-de-1901.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7de89ade47cd7873b6cd41d846a4863080f4cc60
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-de-1901.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-de-1901.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-de-1901.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a7cfcb9cbf140bb9beabd366af57a696b888fc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-de-1901.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+% title: TeX-Trennmuster für die traditionelle deutsche Rechtschreibung
+% copyright: >
+%     Copyright (c) 2013-2017
+%     Stephan Hennig, Werner Lemberg, Guenter Milde, Sander van Geloven,
+%     Georg Pfeiffer, Gisbert W. Selke, Tobias Wendorf
+% notice: This file is part of the hyph-utf8 package.
+%     See http://www.hyphenation.org for more information.
+% source: dehypht-x-2017-03-31.pat
+% language:
+%     name: German, traditional spelling
+%     tag: de-1901
+% licence:
+%     - This file is made available under the following licence:
+%         name: MIT
+%         url: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+%         text: >
+%             Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+%             obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+%             files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+%             restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+%             copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+%             copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+%             Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+%             conditions:
+%             The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%             included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+% ==========================================
+% The word list is available from
+%   http://repo.or.cz/w/wortliste.git?a=commit;h=5fd786fcb1ed48448e058672f1f58d185653d8c6
+% The used patgen parameters are
+%   1 1 | 2 5 | 1 1 1
+%   2 2 | 2 5 | 1 2 1
+%   3 3 | 2 6 | 1 1 1
+%   4 4 | 2 6 | 1 4 1
+%   5 5 | 2 7 | 1 1 1
+%   6 6 | 2 7 | 1 6 1
+%   7 7 | 2 13 | 1 4 1
+%   8 8 | 2 13 | 1 8 1
+\message{German Hyphenation Patterns (Traditional Orthography) `dehypht-x' 2017-03-31 (WL)}
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-de-1996.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-de-1996.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9880a9c3c44a48a458d5ac17d825c7ab9e122fbf
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-de-1996.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-de-1996.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-de-1996.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be142d3430fc53cba243c7462e3c35b79cd072e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-de-1996.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+% title: TeX-Trennmuster für die reformierte (2006) deutsche Rechtschreibung
+% copyright: >
+%     Copyright (c) 2013-2017
+%     Stephan Hennig, Werner Lemberg, Guenter Milde, Sander van Geloven,
+%     Georg Pfeiffer, Gisbert W. Selke, Tobias Wendorf
+% notice: This file is part of hyph-utf8 package.
+%     See http://www.hyphenation.org for more information.
+% source: dehyphn-x-2017-03-31.pat
+% language:
+%     name: German, reformed spelling
+%     tag: de-1996
+% licence:
+%     - This file is made available under the following licence:
+%         name: MIT
+%         url: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+%         text: >
+%             Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+%             obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+%             files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without
+%             restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+%             copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+%             copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+%             Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+%             conditions:
+%             The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%             included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+% ==========================================
+% The word list is available from
+%   http://repo.or.cz/w/wortliste.git?a=commit;h=5fd786fcb1ed48448e058672f1f58d185653d8c6
+% The used patgen parameters are
+%   1 1 | 2 5 | 1 1 1
+%   2 2 | 2 5 | 1 2 1
+%   3 3 | 2 6 | 1 1 1
+%   4 4 | 2 6 | 1 4 1
+%   5 5 | 2 7 | 1 1 1
+%   6 6 | 2 7 | 1 6 1
+%   7 7 | 2 13 | 1 4 1
+%   8 8 | 2 13 | 1 8 1
+\message{German Hyphenation Patterns (Reformed Orthography, 2006) `dehyphn-x' 2017-03-31 (WL)}
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-de-ch-1901.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-de-ch-1901.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e0b36acf8fd9d92d0ce3b46c67f3c6bbfd8de69
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-de-ch-1901.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-de-ch-1901.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-de-ch-1901.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fad83b192e83f6b0c757297ee8488aba443be497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-de-ch-1901.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+% title: >
+%     TeX-Trennmuster für die traditionelle deutsch-schweizerische
+%     Rechtschreibung
+% copyright: >
+%     Copyright (c) 2013-2017
+%     Stephan Hennig, Werner Lemberg, Guenter Milde, Sander van Geloven,
+%     Georg Pfeiffer, Gisbert W. Selke, Tobias Wendorf
+% notice: This file is part of the hyph-utf8 package.
+%     See http://www.hyphenation.org for more information.
+% source: dehyphts-x-2017-03-31.pat
+% language:
+%     name: German, Swiss spelling
+%     tag: de-CH-1901
+% licence:
+%     - This file is made available under the following licence:
+%         name: MIT
+%         url: https://opensourceo.org/licenses/MIT
+%         text: >
+%             Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+%             obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+%             files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+%             restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+%             copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+%             copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+%             Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+%             conditions:
+%             The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%             included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+% ==========================================
+% The word list is available from
+%   http://repo.or.cz/w/wortliste.git?a=commit;h=5fd786fcb1ed48448e058672f1f58d185653d8c6
+% The used patgen parameters are
+%   1 1 | 2 5 | 1 1 1
+%   2 2 | 2 5 | 1 2 1
+%   3 3 | 2 6 | 1 1 1
+%   4 4 | 2 6 | 1 4 1
+%   5 5 | 2 7 | 1 1 1
+%   6 6 | 2 7 | 1 6 1
+%   7 7 | 2 13 | 1 4 1
+%   8 8 | 2 13 | 1 8 1
+\message{Swiss-German Hyphenation Patterns (Traditional Orthography) `dehyphts-x' 2017-03-31 (WL)}
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-en-gb.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-en-gb.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b2ca3395de7a390675c9fbaa004ebcfc809560f
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-en-gb.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-en-gb.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-en-gb.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9c0ae23df0685393007c59c4c5376d53517d38f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-en-gb.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+% This file was renamed from hyph-en-gb.tex to hyph-en-gb.tex(unicode-licence) in December
+% 2015 following a request from 肖湘晔 (Xiangye Xiao) to modify the licence in order to allow it
+% to be included in the Unicode data files archive.  Following discussions between 肖湘晔,
+% Dominik Wujastyk and myself (Philip Taylor), it has been agreed that the version uploaded
+% to Unicode will have a unique name and carry the Unicode licence.
+% This file was previously renamed from ukhyphen.tex to hyph-en-gb.tex in June 2008
+% for consistency with other files with hyphenation patterns in hyph-utf8 package.
+% No other changes made. See http://www.tug.org/tex-hyphen for more details.
+% Original-file: ukhyphen.tex
+% TeX hyphenation patterns for UK English
+% This file is licensed under the UNICODE, INC. LICENCE AGREEMENT - DATA FILES AND SOFTWARE <http://unicode.org/copyright.html#Exhibit1>
+% Copyright (c) 1996 Dominik Wujastyk.
+% Distributed under the Terms of Use in 
+% http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html.
+% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+% a copy of the Unicode data files and any associated documentation
+% (the "Data Files") or Unicode software and any associated documentation
+% (the "Software") to deal in the Data Files or Software
+% without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+% copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of
+% the Data Files or Software, and to permit persons to whom the Data Files
+% or Software are furnished to do so, provided that
+% (a) this copyright and permission notice appear with all copies 
+% of the Data Files or Software,
+% (b) this copyright and permission notice appear in associated 
+% documentation, and
+% (c) there is clear notice in each modified Data File or in the Software
+% as well as in the documentation associated with the Data File(s) or
+% Software that the data or software has been modified.
+% Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder
+% shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale,
+% use or other dealings in these Data Files or Software without prior
+% written authorization of the copyright holder.
+%       $Log: ukhyph.tex $
+%       Revision 2.0  1996/09/10 15:04:04  ucgadkw
+%       o  added list of hyphenation exceptions at the end of this file.
+% Version 1.0a.  Released 18th October 2005/PT.
+% Created by Dominik Wujastyk and Graham Toal using Frank Liang's PATGEN 1.0.
+% Like the US patterns, these UK patterns correctly hyphenate about 90% of
+% the words in the input list, and produce no hyphens not in the list
+% (see TeXbook pp. 451--2).
+% These patterns are based on a file of 114925 British-hyphenated words
+% generously made available to Dominik Wujastyk by Oxford University Press.
+% This list of words is copyright to the OUP and may not be redistributed.
+% The hyphenation break points in the words in the abovementioned file is
+% also copyright to the OUP.
+% We are very grateful to Oxford University Press for allowing us to use
+% their list of hyphenated words to produce the following TeX hyphenation
+% patterns.  This file of hyphenation patterns may be freely distributed.
+% These patterns require a value of about 14000 for TeX's pattern memory size.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-en-us.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-en-us.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db1469a5488088df1c3eae0ca9669db5269bb399
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-en-us.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-en-us.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-en-us.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..88d2bfc0da9c6ccb7888b787a22703df51734788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-en-us.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Hyphenation patterns for American English
+(more info about the licence to be added later)
+% This file has been renamed from ushyphmax.tex to hyph-en-us.tex in June 2008
+% for consistency with other files with hyphenation patterns in hyph-utf8 package.
+% No other changes made. See http://www.tug.org/tex-hyphen for more details.
+% ushyphmax.tex -- patterns for more hyphenation pattern memory (12000+).
+% Also known as ushyphen.max.
+% version of 2005-05-30.
+% Patterns of March 1, 1990.
+% Copyright (C) 1990, 2004, 2005 Gerard D.C. Kuiken.
+% Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
+% are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
+% notice and this notice are preserved.
+% Needs extended pattern memory.
+% Hyphenation trie becomes 7283 with 377 ops.
+% These patterns are based on the Hyphenation Exception Log
+% published in TUGboat, Volume 10 (1989), No. 3, pp. 337-341,
+% and a large number of incorrectly hyphenated words not yet published.
+% If added to Liang's before the closing bracket } of \patterns,
+% the patterns run errorfree as far as known at this moment.
+% These patterns find all admissible hyphens of the words in
+% the Exception Log.  ushyph2.tex is a smaller set.
+% Please send bugs or suggestions to tex-live (at) tug.org.
+% 2005-05-30 (karl): in the past, ushyphmax.tex was a file containing
+% only the additional patterns, without the \patterns command, etc.
+% This turned out not to be very useful, since in practice the TeX
+% distributions need one self-contained file for a language.  Therefore,
+% ushyphmax.tex now contains both the additional patterns from
+% Dr. Kuiken, and the original patterns and hyphenations from Knuth's
+% hyphen.tex.
+% The Plain TeX hyphenation tables.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-es.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-es.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1ef23304b7e6919e67d8bdcc7e308f9db1876f16
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-es.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-es.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-es.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ad392de781fa981318d20c32a7eeda9777feee1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-es.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Spanish hyphenation patterns
+(more info about the licence to be added later)
+% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+% hyph-es.tex 4.7
+% License: MIT/X11
+% Copyright (c) 1993, 1997 Javier Bezos
+% Copyright (c) 2001-2015 Javier Bezos and CervanTeX
+% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+% furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+% all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+% For further info, bug reports and comments:
+%       http://www.tex-tipografia.com/spanish_hyphen.html
+% I would like to thanks Francesc Carmona for his permission
+% to steal parts of his work without restrictions. For his
+% patterns, (c) by Francesc Carmona
+% 2015-11-12
+% _____________________________________________________________
+% Javier Bezos                | http://www.cervantex.es/
+% .............................................................
+% TeX y tipografia            | http://www.tex-tipografia.com/
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-et.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-et.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc42bf3afd7ee07272088861282510c08a5999fb
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-et.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-et.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-et.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..08b3e87f34cbe8de1b40d24bb86b385f4a25a033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-et.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+% This file is part of hyph-utf8 package and resulted from
+% semi-manual conversions of hyphenation patterns into UTF-8 in June 2008.
+% Source: eehyph.tex (2015-12-22)
+% Author: Een Saar <saar at aai dot ee>
+% Estonian hyphenation patterns (T1 encoding).
+% Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Enn Saar <saar at aai dot ee>
+% The Estonian pattern data is licensed under the MIT License.
+% MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT):
+% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+% furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+% all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-eu.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-eu.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9d6f468f64c1c763190b9dcd7edb4243fcc1981
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-eu.hyb differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04a11715defa9304f561f2db08a6887a5c834661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-eu.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+% copyright: Copyright (c) Juan M. Aguirregabiria 1997, 2008
+% title: Hyphenation patterns for Basque.
+% version: June 2008
+% notice: >
+%     This file is part of the hyph-utf8 package.
+%     See http://www.hyphenation.org for more information on the package,
+%     and http://tp.lc.ehu.es/jma/basque.html for details on Basque hyphenation.
+% licence: >
+%     Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+%     a copy of this file and any associated documentation
+%     (the "Data Files") to deal in the Data Files
+%     without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+%     copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of
+%     the Data Files, and to permit persons to whom the Data Files
+%     are furnished to do so, provided that
+%     (a) this copyright and permission notice appear with all copies 
+%     of the Data Files,
+%     (b) this copyright and permission notice appear in associated 
+%     documentation, and
+%     (c) there is clear notice in each modified Data File
+%     as well as in the documentation associated with the Data File(s)
+%     that the data has been modified.
+%     Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder
+%     shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale,
+%     use or other dealings in these Data Files without prior
+%     written authorization of the copyright holder.
+% changes:
+%     - >
+%         February 1997 Patterns created by Juan M. Aguirregabiria, based on the
+%         shyphen.sh script for Spanish by Julio Sanchez, September 1991.
+%     - >
+%         June 2008 Generating script rewritten in Ruby and adapted for native
+%         UTF-8 TeX engines, patterns renamed from bahyph.tex to
+%         hyph-eu.tex and added to the hyph-utf8 package.  Functionality should
+%         not change apart from adding ñ by default.
+% ==========================================
+% Open vowels: a e o
+% Closed vowels: i u
+% Consonants: b c d f g j k l m n ñ p q r s t v w x y z
+% Some of the patterns below represent combinations that never
+% happen in Basque. Would they happen, they would be hyphenated
+% according to the rules.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-fr.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-fr.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b24b5a2a392660a47bc355d1d66b8fe9fca5d6da
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7d4579508392819faecf41f660c34cce931d8a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-fr.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+% copyright: Daniel Flipo, Bernard Gaulle 1994-2002
+% title: French hyphenation patterns
+% version: V2.12 2002/12/11
+% notice: >
+%     This file is part of the hyph-utf8 package.
+%     See http://www.hyphenation.org for more information.
+% licence:
+%     name: MIT
+%     url: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+%     text: >
+%         Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+%         a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+%         "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+%         without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+%         distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+%         permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+%         the following conditions:
+%         The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%         included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+%         SOFTWARE.
+% ==========================================
+%%%%%%%% The most famous good guys who worked hard to obtain something usable.
+% Jacques Desarmenien, Universite de Strasbourg :
+%          -  << how to run TeX in a French environment: hyphenation, fonts,
+%             typography. >> in Tugboat, 5 (1984) 91-102. and TeX85 conference
+%          -  << La division par ordinateur des mots francais :
+%             application a TeX >> in TSI vol. 5 No 4, 1986 (C) AFCET-
+%                                                             Gauthier-Villars
+% Norman Buckle, UQAH (nb; many additions)
+% Michael Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications (mjf) June 1988
+% Justin Bur, Universite de Montreal (jbb; checked against original list)
+%                    all patterns including apostrophe missing from nb list
+% after that, GUTenberg  and specially Daniel Flipo and Bernard Gaulle
+% did their best effort to improve the list of patterns.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-ga.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-ga.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3eb376f8db462ecb05a07fc6c68fc447dda4173b
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-ga.hyb differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7a027729722f336fb1e1620b25472023ae29cc0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-ga.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+% copyright: Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Kevin P. Scannell
+% title: Hyphenation patterns for Irish
+% version: 1.0 (2004-01-23:15:46:12 CST)
+% notice: >
+%     This file is part of the hyph-utf8 package.
+%     See http://www.hyphenation.org for more information on the package,
+%     and http://borel.slu.edu/fleiscin/index.html for details on Irish hyphenation.
+% license:
+%     - This file available under the following lincense.
+%     -
+%         name: MIT
+%         url: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+%         text: >
+%             Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+%             obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+%             files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+%             restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+%             copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+%             copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+%             Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+%             conditions:
+%             The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%             included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-gu.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-gu.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..908ea1ac14d8b4f4d7da66f567ae8c555d605d78
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..42a59cd63f0f18a132d3851d4bf10cf6ca0b01b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-gu.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% These patterns originate from
+%    https://github.com/santhoshtr/hyphenation/)
+% and have been adapted for hyph-utf8 (for use in TeX).
+%  Hyphenation for Gujarati
+%  Copyright (C) 2016 Santhosh Thottingal (santhosh dot thottingal at gmail dot com)
+%  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+%  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+%  "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+%  without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+%  distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+%  permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+%  the following conditions:
+%  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-hi.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-hi.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0b9680f703354453f357256b8ccff4559d0d39c
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7846ee09d2dda7c32a5fb4d0be7defd071d1ab2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-hi.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% These patterns originate from
+%    https://github.com/santhoshtr/hyphenation/)
+% and have been adapted for hyph-utf8 (for use in TeX).
+%  Hyphenation for Hindi
+%  Copyright (C) 2016 Santhosh Thottingal (santhosh dot thottingal at gmail dot com)
+%  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+%  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+%  "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+%  without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+%  distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+%  permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+%  the following conditions:
+%  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-hr.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-hr.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f73854cfe97d93bb95326b91f9cc55011e5a84df
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-hr.hyb differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..122943c9ffcf936d1498510135a340ad678321bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-hr.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+% copyright: Copyright (C) 1994, 1996, 2011, 2015 Igor Marinović
+% title: Hyphenation patterns for Croatian language
+% notice: >
+%    This file is part of the hyph-utf8 package.
+%    See http://www.hyphenation.org for more information.
+% license:
+%     - This file is available under the following license. 
+%         text: >
+%             Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+%             a copy of this file and any associated documentation
+%             (the "Data Files") to deal in the Data Files
+%             without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+%             copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of
+%             the Data Files, and to permit persons to whom the Data Files
+%             are furnished to do so, provided that
+%             (a) this copyright and permission notice appear with all copies 
+%             of the Data Files,
+%             (b) this copyright and permission notice appear in associated 
+%             documentation, and
+%             (c) there is clear notice in each modified Data File
+%             as well as in the documentation associated with the Data File(s)
+%             that the data has been modified.
+%             Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder
+%             shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale,
+%             use or other dealings in these Data Files without prior
+%             written authorization of the copyright holder.
+% changes:
+%     - Late 1994 first version
+%     - Beginning of 1996 much more improved version (date of last change: 19.03.1996).
+%     - In summer 2008 patterns incorporated into hyph-utf8 and renamed from hrhyph.tex to hyph-hr.tex.
+%     - 06.06.2011 LPPL licence added.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-hu.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-hu.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..95d819411a98baff4a75d175416ea5c4a9c0b67e
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ec8355b8bae0ff9e06220e00ada4dd6abcb3cac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-hu.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Hungarian hyphenation patterns (v20110815)
+(more info about the licence to be added later)
+% from https://github.com/nagybence/huhyphn/
+% ------------------------------------------
+% Huhyphn - hungarian hyphenation patterns v20110815
+% ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+% Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
+% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+% 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+% the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+% http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+% WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+% for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+% License.
+% The Original Code is the Huhyphn - hungarian hyphenation patterns.
+% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+% Bence Nagy.
+% Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2003
+% the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+% Contributor(s):
+%   Bence Nagy <bence.nagy@gmail.com>
+% Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+% either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
+% the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+% in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+% of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+% under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+% use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+% decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+% and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+% the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+% the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+% ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+% Encoding: UTF8
+\message{Huhyphn - hungarian hyphenation patterns v20110815}
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-hy.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-hy.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1bb183289f7d57c0c6f564804ef222de3075be34
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a44200b7c5fa9c742f3e50d40f486786480eadd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-hy.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Armenian hyphenation patterns
+(more info about the licence to be added later)
+% Hyphenation patterns for Armenian.
+% Written by Sahak Petrosyan <sahak at mit.edu>
+% 	for Hyphenator.js (http://code.google.com/p/hyphenator/)
+% 	and later adapted for TeX
+% Licence: LGPL
+% Version: May 2010
+% These are just primitive rules that hyphenate combinations like
+% <vowel> - <consonant><vowel>.
+% File auto-generated by a script (see source/generic/hyph-utf8/languages/hy)
+% Vowels:     Õ¡ Õ¥ Õ§ Õ¨ Õ« Õ¸ Ö…
+% Consonants: բ գ դ զ թ ժ լ խ ծ կ հ ձ ղ ճ մ յ ն շ չ պ ջ ռ ս վ տ ր ց փ ք
+% Some of the patterns below represent combinations that never
+% appear in Armenian, but they would be hyphenated according to the rules.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-kn.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-kn.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..46bdbcf4c01e257b7fec84204a5b520e483f3c9e
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8511c97db34b46ceced7e2812f6a033d88dc2f86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-kn.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% These patterns originate from
+%    https://github.com/santhoshtr/hyphenation/)
+% and have been adapted for hyph-utf8 (for use in TeX).
+%  Hyphenation for Kannada
+%  Copyright (C) 2016 Santhosh Thottingal (santhosh dot thottingal at gmail dot com)
+%  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+%  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+%  "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+%  without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+%  distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+%  permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+%  the following conditions:
+%  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-la.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-la.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c91ca2ffb20c17208aa8025e33131e2701e97e0f
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-la.hyb differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57817d550a1fdd4b2a190d100d0cdfe01868298d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-la.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+% title: Hyphenation patterns for modern and medieval Latin
+% copyright: Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Claudio Beccari
+%                                    e-mail claudio dot beccari at gmail dot com
+% notice: This file is part of the hyph-utf8 package.
+%     See http://www.hyphenation.org for more information.
+% language:
+%     name: Latin
+%     tag: la
+% version: 3.201 2016-08-28
+% licence:
+%     - This file is available under the following licence:
+%         name: MIT
+%         url: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+%         text: >
+%             Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+%             obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+%             files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without
+%             restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+%             copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+%             copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+%             Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+%             conditions:
+%             The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%             included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+% changes:
+%     -
+%         date: 1999
+%         version: 1.0
+%         author: Claudio Beccari
+%         description: First public release
+%     -
+%         date: 2007-04-16
+%         version: 3.1
+%         author: Claudio Beccari
+%     -
+%         date: 2010-05-31
+%         author: Claudio Beccari
+%         description: Removal of OT1 support
+%     -
+%         date: 2010-06-01
+%         version: 3.2
+%         author: Claudio Beccari
+%         description: Removal of pattern 2'2
+%     -
+%         date: 2016-08-28
+%         version: 3.201
+%         author: Claudio Beccari
+%         description: updated header with MIT licence notice;
+%                   added few missing patterns
+% ==========================================
+% Patterns for the latin language mainly in modern spelling
+% (u when u is needed and v when v is needed); medieval spelling
+% with the ligatures \ae and \oe  and the (uncial) lowercase `v'
+% written as a `u' is also supported; apparently there is no conflict
+% between the patterns of modern  Latin and those of medieval Latin.
+% For more information please read the babel-latin documentation.
+%  For documentation see:
+%  C. Beccari, "Computer aided hyphenation for Italian and Modern
+%        Latin", TUG vol. 13, n. 1, pp. 23-33 (1992)
+%  see also
+%  C. Beccari, "Typesetting of ancient languages",
+%              TUG vol.15, n.1, pp. 9-16 (1994)
+%  In the former paper  the  code  was  described  as  being contained in file
+%  ITALAT.TEX; this is substantially the same code,  but  the  file  has  been
+%  renamed and included in hyph-utf8.
+%  A corresponding file (ITHYPH.TEX) has been extracted in order to  eliminate
+%  the  (few)  patterns specific to Latin and leave those specific to Italian;
+%  ITHYPH.TEX has been further  extended  with  many  new patterns in order to
+%  cope with the many neologisms and technical terms with foreign roots.
+%  Should you find any word that gets hyphenated in a wrong way, please, AFTER
+%  CHECKING  ON A RELIABLE MODERN DICTIONARY, report to the author, preferably
+%  by e-mail.  Please  do  not  report  about  wrong  break  points concerning
+%  prefixes and/or suffixes; see at the bottom of this file.
+%  Compared with the previous versions, this file has been extended so  as  to
+%  cope also with the medieval Latin spelling, where the letter `V' played the
+%  roles of both `U' and `V', as in the Roman times, save that the Romans used
+%  only capitals. In the middle ages the availability of soft writing supports
+%  and the necessity of copying books with a reasonable speed, several scripts
+%  evolved  in  (practically)  all  of  which  there was a lower case alphabet
+%  different from the upper case  one,  and  where  the lower case `v' had the
+%  rounded shape of our modern lower case `u', and where the Latin  diphthongs
+%  `AE'  and  `OE',  both in upper and lower case, where written as ligatures,
+%  not to mention the habit of  substituting  them with their sound, that is a
+%  simple `E'.
+%  According  to  Leon  Battista  Alberti,  who  in  1466  wrote  a  book   on
+%  cryptography  where  he  thoroughly  analyzed  the hyphenation of the Latin
+%  language of his (still  medieval)  times,  the  differences from the Tuscan
+%  language (the Italian language, as it was named  at  his  time)  were  very
+%  limited,  in particular for what concerns the handling of the ascending and
+%  descending diphthongs; in  Central  and  Northern  Europe,  and later on in
+%  North America, the Scholars perceived the above diphthongs as made  of  two
+%  distinct  vowels;  the  hyphenation of medieval Latin, therefore, was quite
+%  different in the northern countries compared to the southern ones, at least
+%  for what concerns these  diphthongs.  If  you need hyphenation patterns for
+%  medieval Latin that suite you better according to the  habits  of  Northern
+%  Europe  you  should  resort  to the hyphenation patterns prepared by Yannis
+%  Haralambous (TUGboat, vol.13 n.4 (1992)).
+%                            PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES
+% For what concerns prefixes and suffixes, the latter are generally  separated
+% according  to  "natural"  syllabification,  while  the  former are generally
+% divided etimologically. In order to  avoid  an excessive number of patterns,
+% care has been paid to some prefixes,  especially  "ex",  "trans",  "circum",
+% "prae",  but  this set of patterns is NOT capable of separating the prefixes
+% in all circumstances.
+%                         BABEL SHORTCUTS AND FACILITIES
+% Read  the  documentation  coming  with the discription of the Latin language
+% interface of  Babel  in  order  to  see  the  shortcuts  and  the facilities
+% introduced in order to facilitate the insertion  of  "compound  word  marks"
+% which are very useful for inserting etymological break points.
+% Happy Latin and multilingual typesetting!
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-ml.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-ml.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c716ff2bd6ad3fb7457bc45e46bcb95fc4934b95
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-ml.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-ml.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-ml.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6627ff78dfb5b504605025c0522ac7f82d02ee4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-ml.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% These patterns originate from
+%    https://github.com/santhoshtr/hyphenation/)
+% and have been adapted for hyph-utf8 (for use in TeX).
+%  Hyphenation for Malayalam
+%  Copyright (C) 2016 Santhosh Thottingal (santhosh dot thottingal at gmail dot com)
+%  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+%  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+%  "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+%  without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+%  distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+%  permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+%  the following conditions:
+%  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-mn-cyrl.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-mn-cyrl.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c6a4a4d5072973662f419322208ffc69081860f
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-mn-cyrl.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-mn-cyrl.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-mn-cyrl.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..33084fbf600c0e03a80d110bfc6f60b9a365ed78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-mn-cyrl.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+% copyright: Copyright 2007-2015 by Dorjgotov Batmunkh, National University of Mongolia
+% title: Hyphenation patterns for Mongolian language
+% version: v1.2 2008/03/23
+% notice: >
+%     This file is part of the hyph-utf8 package.
+%     See http://www.hyphenation.org for more information.
+% license:
+%     - This file is available under the following license.
+%        name: MIT
+%        url: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+%        text: >
+%             Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+%             of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+%             in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+%             to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+%             copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+%             furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+%             The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+%             all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+%             THE SOFTWARE.
+% changes:
+%     - 2008/03/23 v1.2
+%     - 2008/06/08 Patterns added to hyph-utf8
+%     - 2015/12/05 Patterns released under the MIT license
+% ==========================================
+% Special thanks to: Jim Hefferon and Robin Fairbairns
+% There are few basic rules in mongolian
+% 1. If there is a consonant then it can use hyphen before it.
+%    And if there're two consonants then it can use hyphen before second consonant.
+%    Are there three consonants then it can put hyphen before third consonant,
+%    also are there four consonants then it can use hyphen before fourth consonant.
+% 2. In the case of hardsign or softsign, it's possible to hyphen after these signs.
+%    For instance, байгуулъ-я, үзүүль-е
+% 3. However one vowel can be belong to a syllable, it's not possible to use hyphen.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-mr.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-mr.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0b9680f703354453f357256b8ccff4559d0d39c
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-mr.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-mr.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-mr.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b9fb6d03950f845e214a3b431f7e251fbef3e84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-mr.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% These patterns originate from
+%    https://github.com/santhoshtr/hyphenation/)
+% and have been adapted for hyph-utf8 (for use in TeX).
+%  Hyphenation for Marathi
+%  Copyright (C) 2016 Santhosh Thottingal (santhosh dot thottingal at gmail dot com)
+%  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+%  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+%  "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+%  without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+%  distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+%  permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+%  the following conditions:
+%  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-nb.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-nb.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1e897a025d5425484a0d12ff31635aa442bfdade
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-nb.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-nb.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-nb.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0109a8e6728b772590aebf9d95ad8861146ba142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-nb.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Norwegian Bokmal hyphenation patterns
+(more info about the licence to be added later)
+% Adapted to the new pattern-loading scheme.
+% Original file name was nbhyph.tex
+% TeX hyphenation patterns for Norwegian Bokmal
+% Version 2007-02-10
+% Copyright (C) 2007 Karl Ove Hufthammer.
+% Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
+% are permitted in any medium without royalty, provided the copyright
+% notice and this notice are preserved.
+% This file contains hyphenation patterns for Norwegian Bokmal.
+% It uses the Norwegian hyphenation patterns from nohyphbx.tex,
+% created by Rune Kleveland and Ole Michael Selberg. Please see
+% that file for copyright information on those patterns.
+% The patterns in nohyphbx are based on both Norwegian Bokmal
+% and Norwegian Nynorsk, and works about equally well for both
+% languages. This file, nbhyph.tex, contains only a few hyphenation
+% exceptions, for words that needs to be hyphenated differently for
+% the two languages.
+% Please send bugs or suggestions to karl@huftis.org.
+\input hyph-no.tex
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-nn.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-nn.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..74cf56e491e108d0eeb4b9a8ee68f37538b19102
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-nn.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-nn.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-nn.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..af0a585a35b18cc02ba49c8936b0b0797f364b99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-nn.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Norwegian Nynorsk hyphenation patterns
+(more info about the licence to be added later)
+% Adapted to the new pattern-loading scheme.
+% Original file name was nnhyph.tex
+% TeX hyphenation patterns for Norwegian Nynorsk
+% Version 2007-02-10
+% Copyright (C) 2007 Karl Ove Hufthammer.
+% Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
+% are permitted in any medium without royalty, provided the copyright
+% notice and this notice are preserved.
+% This file contains hyphenation patterns for Norwegian Nynorsk.
+% It uses the Norwegian hyphenation patterns from nohyphbx.tex,
+% created by Rune Kleveland and Ole Michael Selberg. Please see
+% that file for copyright information on those patterns.
+% The patterns in nohyphbx are based on both Norwegian Bokmal
+% and Norwegian Nynorsk, and works about equally well for both
+% languages. This file, nnhyph.tex, contains only a few hyphenation
+% exceptions, for words that needs to be hyphenated differently for
+% the two languages.
+% Please send bugs or suggestions to karl@huftis.org.
+\input hyph-no.tex
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-or.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-or.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e320ce8c519e317871d354f8919f85bbb2fb5b14
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-or.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-or.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-or.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..42b3f66fef940c2139acbb4f7627e22587783d35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-or.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% These patterns originate from
+%    https://github.com/santhoshtr/hyphenation/)
+% and have been adapted for hyph-utf8 (for use in TeX).
+%  Hyphenation for Oriya
+%  Copyright (C) 2016 Santhosh Thottingal (santhosh dot thottingal at gmail dot com)
+%  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+%  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+%  "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+%  without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+%  distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+%  permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+%  the following conditions:
+%  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-pa.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-pa.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd61325961a85dc978ae89761846f425c6dd6c9b
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-pa.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-pa.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-pa.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d66a28f3298fafe477e6b622ee77dca0a60f9a69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-pa.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% These patterns originate from
+%    https://github.com/santhoshtr/hyphenation/)
+% and have been adapted for hyph-utf8 (for use in TeX).
+%  Hyphenation for Panjabi
+%  Copyright (C) 2016 Santhosh Thottingal (santhosh dot thottingal at gmail dot com)
+%  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+%  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+%  "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+%  without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+%  distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+%  permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+%  the following conditions:
+%  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-pt.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-pt.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..10a669be509a58d17ccf52ba7e7fa7f43dfe36c0
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-pt.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-pt.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-pt.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..175f6d84f13adeea9af79fc6889572b1cd9f4a49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-pt.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+% This file is part of hyph-utf8 package and resulted from
+% semi-manual conversions of hyphenation patterns into UTF-8 in June 2008.
+% Source: pthyph.tex (Version 1.2, 1996-07-21 - date in file)
+% Author: Pedro J. de Rezende <rezende at dcc.unicamp.br>, J.Joao Dias Almeida <jj at di.uminho.pt>
+% The above mentioned file should become obsolete,
+% and the author of the original file should preferably modify this file instead.
+% Modifications were needed in order to support native UTF-8 engines,
+% but functionality (hopefully) didn't change in any way, at least not intentionally.
+% This file is no longer stand-alone; at least for 8-bit engines
+% you probably want to use loadhyph-foo.tex (which will load this file) instead.
+% Modifications were done by Jonathan Kew, Mojca Miklavec & Arthur Reutenauer
+% with help & support from:
+% - Karl Berry, who gave us free hands and all resources
+% - Taco Hoekwater, with useful macros
+% - Hans Hagen, who did the unicodification of patterns already long before
+%               and helped with testing, suggestions and bug reports
+% - Norbert Preining, who tested & integrated patterns into TeX Live
+% However, the "copyright/copyleft" owner of patterns remains the original author.
+% The copyright statement of this file is thus:
+% BSD 3-Clause License (https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause):
+% Copyright (c) 1987, Pedro J. de Rezende (rezende@ic.unicamp.br) and J.Joao Dias Almeida (jj@di.uminho.pt)
+% All rights reserved.
+% Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+% modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+%     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+%       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+%     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+%       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+%       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+%     * Neither the name of the University of Campinas, of the University of
+%       Minho nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or
+%       promote products derived from this software without specific prior
+%       written permission.
+% If you want to change this file, rather than uploading directly to CTAN,
+% we would be grateful if you could send it to us (http://tug.org/tex-hyphen)
+% or ask for credentials for SVN repository and commit it yourself;
+% we will then upload the whole "package" to CTAN.
+% Before a new "pattern-revolution" starts,
+% please try to follow some guidelines if possible:
+% - \lccode is *forbidden*, and I really mean it
+% - all the patterns should be in UTF-8
+% - the only "allowed" TeX commands in this file are: \patterns, \hyphenation,
+%   and if you really cannot do without, also \input and \message
+% - in particular, please no \catcode or \lccode changes,
+%   they belong to loadhyph-foo.tex,
+%   and no \lefthyphenmin and \righthyphenmin,
+%   they have no influence here and belong elsewhere
+% - \begingroup and/or \endinput is not needed
+% - feel free to do whatever you want inside comments
+% We know that TeX is extremely powerful, but give a stupid parser
+% at least a chance to read your patterns.
+% For more information see
+%    http://tug.org/tex-hyphen
+% The Portuguese TeX hyphenation table.
+% (C) 2015 by  Pedro J. de Rezende (rezende@ic.unicamp.br)
+%          and J.Joao Dias Almeida (jj@di.uminho.pt)
+% Version: 1.3 Release date: 12/08/2015
+% (C) 1996 by  Pedro J. de Rezende (rezende@ic.unicamp.br)
+%          and J.Joao Dias Almeida (jj@di.uminho.pt)
+% Version: 1.2 Release date: 07/21/1996
+% (C) 1994 by Pedro J. de Rezende (rezende@ic.unicamp.br)
+% Version: 1.1 Release date: 04/12/1994
+% (C) 1987 by Pedro J. de Rezende
+% Version: 1.0 Release date: 02/13/1987
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------
+% Remember! If you *must* change it, then call the resulting file
+% something  else and attach your name to your *documented* changes.
+% =================================================================
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-sl.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-sl.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2215e70ab46e3c8b00b632b9f10563f2c85c03b2
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-sl.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-sl.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-sl.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a151dc4c98cc0e20fd6a26a9b065e28e8aa168a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-sl.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+% copyright: Copyright (C) 1990 Matjaž Vrečko, TeXCeX (SLO)
+% title: Slovenian hyphenation patterns
+% version: 2007-01-29
+% notice: >
+%     This file is part of the hyph-utf8 package.
+%     See http://www.hyphenation.org for more information.
+% licence:
+%     - This file is available under the following license.
+%         name: MIT
+%         url: https://opensource.org/licences/MIT
+%         text: >
+%             Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+%             obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+%             files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+%             restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+%             copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+%             copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+%             Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+%             conditions:
+%             The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%             included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+% changes:
+%     - 1990       First version of `hyphen.si' (Matjaž Vrečko, TeXCeX)
+%     - >
+%         Some cosmetic changes done later on, but none of these apply any more;
+%         the patterns are still the same as they were originally:
+%     - 1994-05-17 Use of code page 852 in patterns (Leon Žlajpah)
+%     - 1995-04-06 Release of `sihyph21.tex'
+%     - 1995-06-20 >
+%             Added \slovenehyphenmins
+%             Release of `sihyph22.tex'
+%     - 1997-15-04 >
+%             Some changes concerning "c, "s, "z and ...
+%             Release of `sihyph23.tex'
+%     - 2007-01-20 >
+%             `sihyph23.tex' renamed to `slhyph.tex'
+%             (sl is the proper language code for Slovenian)
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-ta.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-ta.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3cb21b5be02491408ac8b40544fa767ecd3a1da1
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-ta.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-ta.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-ta.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e8c8c40a0fab20666bacee1b359f1fb7b76c9883
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-ta.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% These patterns originate from
+%    https://github.com/santhoshtr/hyphenation/)
+% and have been adapted for hyph-utf8 (for use in TeX).
+%  Hyphenation for Tamil
+%  Copyright (C) 2016 Santhosh Thottingal (santhosh dot thottingal at gmail dot com)
+%  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+%  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+%  "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+%  without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+%  distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+%  permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+%  the following conditions:
+%  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-te.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-te.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b3490711ff9029f77111bc874aa4ba35fc07e77
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-te.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-te.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-te.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b380bbd0e45e79847f0edb56092096e27ae7a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-te.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% These patterns originate from
+%    https://github.com/santhoshtr/hyphenation/)
+% and have been adapted for hyph-utf8 (for use in TeX).
+%  Hyphenation for Telugu
+%  Copyright (C) 2016 Santhosh Thottingal (santhosh dot thottingal at gmail dot com)
+%  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+%  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+%  "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+%  without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+%  distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+%  permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+%  the following conditions:
+%  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-tk.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-tk.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1bc934528710426d91f61af083a82fdff0dc60b6
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-tk.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-tk.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-tk.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6cc40115a3071385185f595f738f6827c39d844e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-tk.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+% copyright: Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Nazar Annagurban
+% title: Hyphenation patterns for Turkmen language
+% version: 0.1 16 March 2010
+% notice: >
+%     This file is part of the hyph-utf8 package.
+%     See http://www.hyphenation.org for more information.
+% license:
+%     name: MIT
+%     url: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+%     text: >
+%         Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+%         of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+%         in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+%         to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+%         copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+%         furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+%         The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+%         all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+%         THE SOFTWARE.
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-und-ethi.hyb b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-und-ethi.hyb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c98edbd9ef2d852ab53cd95c8be13fec1d720e8
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-und-ethi.hyb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-und-ethi.lic.txt b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-und-ethi.lic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a100df0655bf7d17afa432ee03179606a392cad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/hyphen-data/hyph-und-ethi.lic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Pan-Ethiopic hyphenation patterns
+(more info about the licence to be added later)
+% Experimental pattern file for languages written using the Ethiopic script.
+% Arthur Reutenauer, London, 2011, for the hyph-utf8 project.
+% Copyright (c) TeX Users Group, 2011.
+% You may freely use, copy, modify and / or redistribute this file.
+% This is a generated file.  If you wish to edit it, consider adapting the
+% generating programme
+% (svn://tug.org/texhyphen/trunk/hyph-utf8/source/generic/hyph-utf8/languages/mul-ethi/generate_patterns_mul-ethi.lua).
+% The BCP 47 language tag for that file is "mul-ethi" to reflect the fact that
+% it can be used by multiple languages (and a single script, Ethiopic).  It is,
+% though, not supposed to be linguistically relevant and should, for proper
+% typography, be replaced by files tailored to individual languages.  What we
+% do for the moment is to simply allow break on either sides of Ethiopic
+% syllables, and to forbid it before some punctuation marks particular to
+% the Ethiopic script (which we thus make letters for this purpose).
diff --git a/system/system/usr/icu/icudt60l.dat b/system/system/usr/icu/icudt60l.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..abb3ed3e3b4a6bb661ae8b002ae69a6840336764
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/icu/icudt60l.dat differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/idc/AVRCP.idc b/system/system/usr/idc/AVRCP.idc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..610b7f9a008fb2e3bf47e498e6ec49367d23839a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/idc/AVRCP.idc
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+device.internal = 1
diff --git a/system/system/usr/idc/qwerty.idc b/system/system/usr/idc/qwerty.idc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..375d78576548ef91a3b97baa4ec019563b05defb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/idc/qwerty.idc
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Emulator keyboard configuration file #1.
+touch.deviceType = touchScreen
+touch.orientationAware = 1
+keyboard.layout = qwerty
+keyboard.characterMap = qwerty
+keyboard.orientationAware = 1
+keyboard.builtIn = 1
+cursor.mode = navigation
+cursor.orientationAware = 1
diff --git a/system/system/usr/idc/qwerty2.idc b/system/system/usr/idc/qwerty2.idc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..369205ea3f98339c144b0334c2fdba78566ebcbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/idc/qwerty2.idc
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Emulator keyboard configuration file #2.
+touch.deviceType = touchScreen
+touch.orientationAware = 1
+keyboard.layout = qwerty
+keyboard.characterMap = qwerty2
+keyboard.orientationAware = 1
+keyboard.builtIn = 1
+cursor.mode = navigation
+cursor.orientationAware = 1
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm b/system/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d0565ca7e8769e4b8ed8e2264a458c375b22e177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm
@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generic key character map for full alphabetic US English PC style external keyboards.
+# This file is intentionally very generic and is intended to support a broad rang of keyboards.
+# Do not edit the generic key character map to support a specific keyboard; instead, create
+# a new key character map file with the required keyboard configuration.
+type FULL
+### Basic QWERTY keys ###
+key A {
+    label:                              'A'
+    base:                               'a'
+    shift, capslock:                    'A'
+key B {
+    label:                              'B'
+    base:                               'b'
+    shift, capslock:                    'B'
+key C {
+    label:                              'C'
+    base:                               'c'
+    shift, capslock:                    'C'
+    alt:                                '\u00e7'
+    shift+alt:                          '\u00c7'
+key D {
+    label:                              'D'
+    base:                               'd'
+    shift, capslock:                    'D'
+key E {
+    label:                              'E'
+    base:                               'e'
+    shift, capslock:                    'E'
+    alt:                                '\u0301'
+key F {
+    label:                              'F'
+    base:                               'f'
+    shift, capslock:                    'F'
+key G {
+    label:                              'G'
+    base:                               'g'
+    shift, capslock:                    'G'
+key H {
+    label:                              'H'
+    base:                               'h'
+    shift, capslock:                    'H'
+key I {
+    label:                              'I'
+    base:                               'i'
+    shift, capslock:                    'I'
+    alt:                                '\u0302'
+key J {
+    label:                              'J'
+    base:                               'j'
+    shift, capslock:                    'J'
+key K {
+    label:                              'K'
+    base:                               'k'
+    shift, capslock:                    'K'
+key L {
+    label:                              'L'
+    base:                               'l'
+    shift, capslock:                    'L'
+key M {
+    label:                              'M'
+    base:                               'm'
+    shift, capslock:                    'M'
+key N {
+    label:                              'N'
+    base:                               'n'
+    shift, capslock:                    'N'
+    alt:                                '\u0303'
+key O {
+    label:                              'O'
+    base:                               'o'
+    shift, capslock:                    'O'
+key P {
+    label:                              'P'
+    base:                               'p'
+    shift, capslock:                    'P'
+key Q {
+    label:                              'Q'
+    base:                               'q'
+    shift, capslock:                    'Q'
+key R {
+    label:                              'R'
+    base:                               'r'
+    shift, capslock:                    'R'
+key S {
+    label:                              'S'
+    base:                               's'
+    shift, capslock:                    'S'
+    alt:                                '\u00df'
+key T {
+    label:                              'T'
+    base:                               't'
+    shift, capslock:                    'T'
+key U {
+    label:                              'U'
+    base:                               'u'
+    shift, capslock:                    'U'
+    alt:                                '\u0308'
+key V {
+    label:                              'V'
+    base:                               'v'
+    shift, capslock:                    'V'
+key W {
+    label:                              'W'
+    base:                               'w'
+    shift, capslock:                    'W'
+key X {
+    label:                              'X'
+    base:                               'x'
+    shift, capslock:                    'X'
+key Y {
+    label:                              'Y'
+    base:                               'y'
+    shift, capslock:                    'Y'
+key Z {
+    label:                              'Z'
+    base:                               'z'
+    shift, capslock:                    'Z'
+key 0 {
+    label:                              '0'
+    base:                               '0'
+    shift:                              ')'
+key 1 {
+    label:                              '1'
+    base:                               '1'
+    shift:                              '!'
+key 2 {
+    label:                              '2'
+    base:                               '2'
+    shift:                              '@'
+key 3 {
+    label:                              '3'
+    base:                               '3'
+    shift:                              '#'
+key 4 {
+    label:                              '4'
+    base:                               '4'
+    shift:                              '$'
+key 5 {
+    label:                              '5'
+    base:                               '5'
+    shift:                              '%'
+key 6 {
+    label:                              '6'
+    base:                               '6'
+    shift:                              '^'
+    alt+shift:                          '\u0302'
+key 7 {
+    label:                              '7'
+    base:                               '7'
+    shift:                              '&'
+key 8 {
+    label:                              '8'
+    base:                               '8'
+    shift:                              '*'
+key 9 {
+    label:                              '9'
+    base:                               '9'
+    shift:                              '('
+key SPACE {
+    label:                              ' '
+    base:                               ' '
+    alt, meta:                          fallback SEARCH
+    ctrl:                               fallback LANGUAGE_SWITCH
+key ENTER {
+    label:                              '\n'
+    base:                               '\n'
+key TAB {
+    label:                              '\t'
+    base:                               '\t'
+key COMMA {
+    label:                              ','
+    base:                               ','
+    shift:                              '<'
+key PERIOD {
+    label:                              '.'
+    base:                               '.'
+    shift:                              '>'
+key SLASH {
+    label:                              '/'
+    base:                               '/'
+    shift:                              '?'
+key GRAVE {
+    label:                              '`'
+    base:                               '`'
+    shift:                              '~'
+    alt:                                '\u0300'
+    alt+shift:                          '\u0303'
+key MINUS {
+    label:                              '-'
+    base:                               '-'
+    shift:                              '_'
+key EQUALS {
+    label:                              '='
+    base:                               '='
+    shift:                              '+'
+    label:                              '['
+    base:                               '['
+    shift:                              '{'
+    label:                              ']'
+    base:                               ']'
+    shift:                              '}'
+    label:                              '\\'
+    base:                               '\\'
+    shift:                              '|'
+    label:                              ';'
+    base:                               ';'
+    shift:                              ':'
+    label:                              '\''
+    base:                               '\''
+    shift:                              '"'
+### Numeric keypad ###
+key NUMPAD_0 {
+    label:                              '0'
+    base:                               fallback INSERT
+    numlock:                            '0'
+key NUMPAD_1 {
+    label:                              '1'
+    base:                               fallback MOVE_END
+    numlock:                            '1'
+key NUMPAD_2 {
+    label:                              '2'
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_DOWN
+    numlock:                            '2'
+key NUMPAD_3 {
+    label:                              '3'
+    base:                               fallback PAGE_DOWN
+    numlock:                            '3'
+key NUMPAD_4 {
+    label:                              '4'
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_LEFT
+    numlock:                            '4'
+key NUMPAD_5 {
+    label:                              '5'
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+    numlock:                            '5'
+key NUMPAD_6 {
+    label:                              '6'
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_RIGHT
+    numlock:                            '6'
+key NUMPAD_7 {
+    label:                              '7'
+    base:                               fallback MOVE_HOME
+    numlock:                            '7'
+key NUMPAD_8 {
+    label:                              '8'
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_UP
+    numlock:                            '8'
+key NUMPAD_9 {
+    label:                              '9'
+    base:                               fallback PAGE_UP
+    numlock:                            '9'
+    label:                              '('
+    base:                               '('
+    label:                              ')'
+    base:                               ')'
+    label:                              '/'
+    base:                               '/'
+    label:                              '*'
+    base:                               '*'
+    label:                              '-'
+    base:                               '-'
+    label:                              '+'
+    base:                               '+'
+    label:                              '.'
+    base:                               fallback FORWARD_DEL
+    numlock:                            '.'
+    label:                              ','
+    base:                               ','
+    label:                              '='
+    base:                               '='
+    label:                              '\n'
+    base:                               '\n' fallback ENTER
+    ctrl, alt, meta:                    none fallback ENTER
+### Special keys on phones ###
+key AT {
+    label:                              '@'
+    base:                               '@'
+key STAR {
+    label:                              '*'
+    base:                               '*'
+key POUND {
+    label:                              '#'
+    base:                               '#'
+key PLUS {
+    label:                              '+'
+    base:                               '+'
+### Non-printing keys ###
+key ESCAPE {
+    base:                               none
+    alt, meta:                          fallback HOME
+    ctrl:                               fallback MENU
+key DEL {
+    ctrl+alt:                           fallback BACK
+### Gamepad buttons ###
+key BUTTON_A {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_B {
+    base:                               fallback BACK
+key BUTTON_C {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_X {
+    base:                               fallback DEL
+key BUTTON_Y {
+    base:                               fallback SPACE
+key BUTTON_Z {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_L1 {
+    base:                               none
+key BUTTON_R1 {
+    base:                               none
+key BUTTON_L2 {
+    base:                               none
+key BUTTON_R2 {
+    base:                               none
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+    base:                               fallback MENU
+    base:                               fallback MENU
+key BUTTON_1 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_2 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_3 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_4 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_5 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_6 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_7 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_8 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_9 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_10 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_11 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_12 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_13 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_14 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_15 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_16 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keychars/Vendor_18d1_Product_5018.kcm b/system/system/usr/keychars/Vendor_18d1_Product_5018.kcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0ca85a20d7f36a5c7eb51f390975efc48006f48c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keychars/Vendor_18d1_Product_5018.kcm
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Key character map for Google Pixel C Keyboard
+type FULL
+### Basic QWERTY keys ###
+key A {
+    label:                              'A'
+    base:                               'a'
+    shift, capslock:                    'A'
+key B {
+    label:                              'B'
+    base:                               'b'
+    shift, capslock:                    'B'
+key C {
+    label:                              'C'
+    base:                               'c'
+    shift, capslock:                    'C'
+    alt:                                '\u00e7'
+    shift+alt:                          '\u00c7'
+key D {
+    label:                              'D'
+    base:                               'd'
+    shift, capslock:                    'D'
+key E {
+    label:                              'E'
+    base:                               'e'
+    shift, capslock:                    'E'
+    alt:                                '\u0301'
+key F {
+    label:                              'F'
+    base:                               'f'
+    shift, capslock:                    'F'
+key G {
+    label:                              'G'
+    base:                               'g'
+    shift, capslock:                    'G'
+key H {
+    label:                              'H'
+    base:                               'h'
+    shift, capslock:                    'H'
+key I {
+    label:                              'I'
+    base:                               'i'
+    shift, capslock:                    'I'
+    alt:                                '\u0302'
+key J {
+    label:                              'J'
+    base:                               'j'
+    shift, capslock:                    'J'
+key K {
+    label:                              'K'
+    base:                               'k'
+    shift, capslock:                    'K'
+key L {
+    label:                              'L'
+    base:                               'l'
+    shift, capslock:                    'L'
+key M {
+    label:                              'M'
+    base:                               'm'
+    shift, capslock:                    'M'
+key N {
+    label:                              'N'
+    base:                               'n'
+    shift, capslock:                    'N'
+    alt:                                '\u0303'
+key O {
+    label:                              'O'
+    base:                               'o'
+    shift, capslock:                    'O'
+    ralt:                               '['
+    ralt+shift:                         '{'
+key P {
+    label:                              'P'
+    base:                               'p'
+    shift, capslock:                    'P'
+    ralt:                               ']'
+    ralt+shift:                         '}'
+key Q {
+    label:                              'Q'
+    base:                               'q'
+    shift, capslock:                    'Q'
+key R {
+    label:                              'R'
+    base:                               'r'
+    shift, capslock:                    'R'
+key S {
+    label:                              'S'
+    base:                               's'
+    shift, capslock:                    'S'
+    alt:                                '\u00df'
+key T {
+    label:                              'T'
+    base:                               't'
+    shift, capslock:                    'T'
+key U {
+    label:                              'U'
+    base:                               'u'
+    shift, capslock:                    'U'
+    alt:                                '\u0308'
+key V {
+    label:                              'V'
+    base:                               'v'
+    shift, capslock:                    'V'
+key W {
+    label:                              'W'
+    base:                               'w'
+    shift, capslock:                    'W'
+key X {
+    label:                              'X'
+    base:                               'x'
+    shift, capslock:                    'X'
+key Y {
+    label:                              'Y'
+    base:                               'y'
+    shift, capslock:                    'Y'
+key Z {
+    label:                              'Z'
+    base:                               'z'
+    shift, capslock:                    'Z'
+key 0 {
+    label:                              '0'
+    base:                               '0'
+    shift:                              ')'
+key 1 {
+    label:                              '1'
+    base:                               '1'
+    shift:                              '!'
+    ralt:                               replace ESCAPE
+key 2 {
+    label:                              '2'
+    base:                               '2'
+    shift:                              '@'
+    ralt:                               '`'
+    ralt+shift:                         '~'
+key 3 {
+    label:                              '3'
+    base:                               '3'
+    shift:                              '#'
+key 4 {
+    label:                              '4'
+    base:                               '4'
+    shift:                              '$'
+key 5 {
+    label:                              '5'
+    base:                               '5'
+    shift:                              '%'
+key 6 {
+    label:                              '6'
+    base:                               '6'
+    shift:                              '^'
+    alt+shift:                          '\u0302'
+key 7 {
+    label:                              '7'
+    base:                               '7'
+    shift:                              '&'
+key 8 {
+    label:                              '8'
+    base:                               '8'
+    shift:                              '*'
+key 9 {
+    label:                              '9'
+    base:                               '9'
+    shift:                              '('
+key SPACE {
+    label:                              ' '
+    base:                               ' '
+    alt, meta:                          fallback SEARCH
+    ctrl:                               fallback LANGUAGE_SWITCH
+key ENTER {
+    label:                              '\n'
+    base:                               '\n'
+key TAB {
+    label:                              '\t'
+    base:                               '\t'
+key COMMA {
+    label:                              ','
+    base:                               ','
+    shift:                              '<'
+key PERIOD {
+    label:                              '.'
+    base:                               '.'
+    shift:                              '>'
+key SLASH {
+    label:                              '/'
+    base:                               '/'
+    shift:                              '?'
+key MINUS {
+    label:                              '-'
+    base:                               '-'
+    shift:                              '_'
+key EQUALS {
+    label:                              '='
+    base:                               '='
+    shift:                              '+'
+    ralt:                               '\\'
+    ralt+shift:                         '|'
+    label:                              ';'
+    base:                               ';'
+    shift:                              ':'
+    label:                              '\''
+    base:                               '\''
+    shift:                              '"'
+### Non-printing keys ###
+key ESCAPE {
+    base:                               fallback BACK
+    alt, meta:                          fallback HOME
+    ctrl:                               fallback MENU
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keychars/Virtual.kcm b/system/system/usr/keychars/Virtual.kcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c763cc0946622bc49a5f24d91511eff215e9947d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keychars/Virtual.kcm
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Key character map for a built-in generic virtual keyboard primarily used
+# for instrumentation and testing purposes.
+type FULL
+### Basic QWERTY keys ###
+key A {
+    label:                              'A'
+    base:                               'a'
+    shift, capslock:                    'A'
+key B {
+    label:                              'B'
+    base:                               'b'
+    shift, capslock:                    'B'
+key C {
+    label:                              'C'
+    base:                               'c'
+    shift, capslock:                    'C'
+    alt:                                '\u00e7'
+    shift+alt:                          '\u00c7'
+key D {
+    label:                              'D'
+    base:                               'd'
+    shift, capslock:                    'D'
+key E {
+    label:                              'E'
+    base:                               'e'
+    shift, capslock:                    'E'
+    alt:                                '\u0301'
+key F {
+    label:                              'F'
+    base:                               'f'
+    shift, capslock:                    'F'
+key G {
+    label:                              'G'
+    base:                               'g'
+    shift, capslock:                    'G'
+key H {
+    label:                              'H'
+    base:                               'h'
+    shift, capslock:                    'H'
+key I {
+    label:                              'I'
+    base:                               'i'
+    shift, capslock:                    'I'
+    alt:                                '\u0302'
+key J {
+    label:                              'J'
+    base:                               'j'
+    shift, capslock:                    'J'
+key K {
+    label:                              'K'
+    base:                               'k'
+    shift, capslock:                    'K'
+key L {
+    label:                              'L'
+    base:                               'l'
+    shift, capslock:                    'L'
+key M {
+    label:                              'M'
+    base:                               'm'
+    shift, capslock:                    'M'
+key N {
+    label:                              'N'
+    base:                               'n'
+    shift, capslock:                    'N'
+    alt:                                '\u0303'
+key O {
+    label:                              'O'
+    base:                               'o'
+    shift, capslock:                    'O'
+key P {
+    label:                              'P'
+    base:                               'p'
+    shift, capslock:                    'P'
+key Q {
+    label:                              'Q'
+    base:                               'q'
+    shift, capslock:                    'Q'
+key R {
+    label:                              'R'
+    base:                               'r'
+    shift, capslock:                    'R'
+key S {
+    label:                              'S'
+    base:                               's'
+    shift, capslock:                    'S'
+    alt:                                '\u00df'
+key T {
+    label:                              'T'
+    base:                               't'
+    shift, capslock:                    'T'
+key U {
+    label:                              'U'
+    base:                               'u'
+    shift, capslock:                    'U'
+    alt:                                '\u0308'
+key V {
+    label:                              'V'
+    base:                               'v'
+    shift, capslock:                    'V'
+key W {
+    label:                              'W'
+    base:                               'w'
+    shift, capslock:                    'W'
+key X {
+    label:                              'X'
+    base:                               'x'
+    shift, capslock:                    'X'
+key Y {
+    label:                              'Y'
+    base:                               'y'
+    shift, capslock:                    'Y'
+key Z {
+    label:                              'Z'
+    base:                               'z'
+    shift, capslock:                    'Z'
+key 0 {
+    label:                              '0'
+    base:                               '0'
+    shift:                              ')'
+key 1 {
+    label:                              '1'
+    base:                               '1'
+    shift:                              '!'
+key 2 {
+    label:                              '2'
+    base:                               '2'
+    shift:                              '@'
+key 3 {
+    label:                              '3'
+    base:                               '3'
+    shift:                              '#'
+key 4 {
+    label:                              '4'
+    base:                               '4'
+    shift:                              '$'
+key 5 {
+    label:                              '5'
+    base:                               '5'
+    shift:                              '%'
+key 6 {
+    label:                              '6'
+    base:                               '6'
+    shift:                              '^'
+    alt+shift:                          '\u0302'
+key 7 {
+    label:                              '7'
+    base:                               '7'
+    shift:                              '&'
+key 8 {
+    label:                              '8'
+    base:                               '8'
+    shift:                              '*'
+key 9 {
+    label:                              '9'
+    base:                               '9'
+    shift:                              '('
+key SPACE {
+    label:                              ' '
+    base:                               ' '
+    alt, meta:                          fallback SEARCH
+    ctrl:                               fallback LANGUAGE_SWITCH
+key ENTER {
+    label:                              '\n'
+    base:                               '\n'
+key TAB {
+    label:                              '\t'
+    base:                               '\t'
+key COMMA {
+    label:                              ','
+    base:                               ','
+    shift:                              '<'
+key PERIOD {
+    label:                              '.'
+    base:                               '.'
+    shift:                              '>'
+key SLASH {
+    label:                              '/'
+    base:                               '/'
+    shift:                              '?'
+key GRAVE {
+    label:                              '`'
+    base:                               '`'
+    shift:                              '~'
+    alt:                                '\u0300'
+    alt+shift:                          '\u0303'
+key MINUS {
+    label:                              '-'
+    base:                               '-'
+    shift:                              '_'
+key EQUALS {
+    label:                              '='
+    base:                               '='
+    shift:                              '+'
+    label:                              '['
+    base:                               '['
+    shift:                              '{'
+    label:                              ']'
+    base:                               ']'
+    shift:                              '}'
+    label:                              '\\'
+    base:                               '\\'
+    shift:                              '|'
+    label:                              ';'
+    base:                               ';'
+    shift:                              ':'
+    label:                              '\''
+    base:                               '\''
+    shift:                              '"'
+### Numeric keypad ###
+key NUMPAD_0 {
+    label:                              '0'
+    base:                               fallback INSERT
+    numlock:                            '0'
+key NUMPAD_1 {
+    label:                              '1'
+    base:                               fallback MOVE_END
+    numlock:                            '1'
+key NUMPAD_2 {
+    label:                              '2'
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_DOWN
+    numlock:                            '2'
+key NUMPAD_3 {
+    label:                              '3'
+    base:                               fallback PAGE_DOWN
+    numlock:                            '3'
+key NUMPAD_4 {
+    label:                              '4'
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_LEFT
+    numlock:                            '4'
+key NUMPAD_5 {
+    label:                              '5'
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+    numlock:                            '5'
+key NUMPAD_6 {
+    label:                              '6'
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_RIGHT
+    numlock:                            '6'
+key NUMPAD_7 {
+    label:                              '7'
+    base:                               fallback MOVE_HOME
+    numlock:                            '7'
+key NUMPAD_8 {
+    label:                              '8'
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_UP
+    numlock:                            '8'
+key NUMPAD_9 {
+    label:                              '9'
+    base:                               fallback PAGE_UP
+    numlock:                            '9'
+    label:                              '('
+    base:                               '('
+    label:                              ')'
+    base:                               ')'
+    label:                              '/'
+    base:                               '/'
+    label:                              '*'
+    base:                               '*'
+    label:                              '-'
+    base:                               '-'
+    label:                              '+'
+    base:                               '+'
+    label:                              '.'
+    base:                               fallback FORWARD_DEL
+    numlock:                            '.'
+    label:                              ','
+    base:                               ','
+    label:                              '='
+    base:                               '='
+    label:                              '\n'
+    base:                               '\n' fallback ENTER
+    ctrl, alt, meta:                    none fallback ENTER
+### Special keys on phones ###
+key AT {
+    label:                              '@'
+    base:                               '@'
+key STAR {
+    label:                              '*'
+    base:                               '*'
+key POUND {
+    label:                              '#'
+    base:                               '#'
+key PLUS {
+    label:                              '+'
+    base:                               '+'
+### Non-printing keys ###
+key ESCAPE {
+    base:                               none
+    alt, meta:                          fallback HOME
+    ctrl:                               fallback MENU
+key DEL {
+    ctrl+alt:                           fallback BACK
+### Gamepad buttons ###
+key BUTTON_A {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_B {
+    base:                               fallback BACK
+key BUTTON_C {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_X {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_Y {
+    base:                               fallback BACK
+key BUTTON_Z {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_L1 {
+    base:                               none
+key BUTTON_R1 {
+    base:                               none
+key BUTTON_L2 {
+    base:                               none
+key BUTTON_R2 {
+    base:                               none
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+    base:                               fallback MENU
+    base:                               fallback MENU
+key BUTTON_1 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_2 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_3 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_4 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_5 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_6 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_7 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_8 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_9 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_10 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_11 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_12 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_13 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_14 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_15 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
+key BUTTON_16 {
+    base:                               fallback DPAD_CENTER
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm b/system/system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f3e152418a4c3bb2948596ee4a2c46c5b09f7555
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Emulator keyboard character map #1.
+# This file is no longer used as the platform's default keyboard character map.
+# Refer to Generic.kcm and Virtual.kcm instead.
+type ALPHA
+key A {
+    label:                              'A'
+    number:                             '2'
+    base:                               'a'
+    shift, capslock:                    'A'
+    alt:                                '#'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            none
+key B {
+    label:                              'B'
+    number:                             '2'
+    base:                               'b'
+    shift, capslock:                    'B'
+    alt:                                '<'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            none
+key C {
+    label:                              'C'
+    number:                             '2'
+    base:                               'c'
+    shift, capslock:                    'C'
+    alt:                                '9'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00e7'
+key D {
+    label:                              'D'
+    number:                             '3'
+    base:                               'd'
+    shift, capslock:                    'D'
+    alt:                                '5'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            none
+key E {
+    label:                              'E'
+    number:                             '3'
+    base:                               'e'
+    shift, capslock:                    'E'
+    alt:                                '2'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u0301'
+key F {
+    label:                              'F'
+    number:                             '3'
+    base:                               'f'
+    shift, capslock:                    'F'
+    alt:                                '6'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00a5'
+key G {
+    label:                              'G'
+    number:                             '4'
+    base:                               'g'
+    shift, capslock:                    'G'
+    alt:                                '-'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '_'
+key H {
+    label:                              'H'
+    number:                             '4'
+    base:                               'h'
+    shift, capslock:                    'H'
+    alt:                                '['
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '{'
+key I {
+    label:                              'I'
+    number:                             '4'
+    base:                               'i'
+    shift, capslock:                    'I'
+    alt:                                '$'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u0302'
+key J {
+    label:                              'J'
+    number:                             '5'
+    base:                               'j'
+    shift, capslock:                    'J'
+    alt:                                ']'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '}'
+key K {
+    label:                              'K'
+    number:                             '5'
+    base:                               'k'
+    shift, capslock:                    'K'
+    alt:                                '"'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '~'
+key L {
+    label:                              'L'
+    number:                             '5'
+    base:                               'l'
+    shift, capslock:                    'L'
+    alt:                                '\''
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '`'
+key M {
+    label:                              'M'
+    number:                             '6'
+    base:                               'm'
+    shift, capslock:                    'M'
+    alt:                                '!'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            none
+key N {
+    label:                              'N'
+    number:                             '6'
+    base:                               'n'
+    shift, capslock:                    'N'
+    alt:                                '>'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u0303'
+key O {
+    label:                              'O'
+    number:                             '6'
+    base:                               'o'
+    shift, capslock:                    'O'
+    alt:                                '('
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            none
+key P {
+    label:                              'P'
+    number:                             '7'
+    base:                               'p'
+    shift, capslock:                    'P'
+    alt:                                ')'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            none
+key Q {
+    label:                              'Q'
+    number:                             '7'
+    base:                               'q'
+    shift, capslock:                    'Q'
+    alt:                                '*'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u0300'
+key R {
+    label:                              'R'
+    number:                             '7'
+    base:                               'r'
+    shift, capslock:                    'R'
+    alt:                                '3'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u20ac'
+key S {
+    label:                              'S'
+    number:                             '7'
+    base:                               's'
+    shift, capslock:                    'S'
+    alt:                                '4'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00df'
+key T {
+    label:                              'T'
+    number:                             '8'
+    base:                               't'
+    shift, capslock:                    'T'
+    alt:                                '+'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00a3'
+key U {
+    label:                              'U'
+    number:                             '8'
+    base:                               'u'
+    shift, capslock:                    'U'
+    alt:                                '&'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u0308'
+key V {
+    label:                              'V'
+    number:                             '8'
+    base:                               'v'
+    shift, capslock:                    'V'
+    alt:                                '='
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '^'
+key W {
+    label:                              'W'
+    number:                             '9'
+    base:                               'w'
+    shift, capslock:                    'W'
+    alt:                                '1'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            none
+key X {
+    label:                              'X'
+    number:                             '9'
+    base:                               'x'
+    shift, capslock:                    'X'
+    alt:                                '8'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\uef00'
+key Y {
+    label:                              'Y'
+    number:                             '9'
+    base:                               'y'
+    shift, capslock:                    'Y'
+    alt:                                '%'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00a1'
+key Z {
+    label:                              'Z'
+    number:                             '9'
+    base:                               'z'
+    shift, capslock:                    'Z'
+    alt:                                '7'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            none
+key COMMA {
+    label:                              ','
+    number:                             ','
+    base:                               ','
+    shift:                              ';'
+    alt:                                ';'
+    shift+alt:                          '|'
+key PERIOD {
+    label:                              '.'
+    number:                             '.'
+    base:                               '.'
+    shift:                              ':'
+    alt:                                ':'
+    shift+alt:                          '\u2026'
+key AT {
+    label:                              '@'
+    number:                             '0'
+    base:                               '@'
+    shift:                              '0'
+    alt:                                '0'
+    shift+alt:                          '\u2022'
+key SLASH {
+    label:                              '/'
+    number:                             '/'
+    base:                               '/'
+    shift:                              '?'
+    alt:                                '?'
+    shift+alt:                          '\\'
+key SPACE {
+    label:                              ' '
+    number:                             ' '
+    base:                               ' '
+    shift:                              ' '
+    alt:                                '\uef01'
+    shift+alt:                          '\uef01'
+key ENTER {
+    label:                              '\n'
+    number:                             '\n'
+    base:                               '\n'
+    shift:                              '\n'
+    alt:                                '\n'
+    shift+alt:                          '\n'
+key TAB {
+    label:                              '\t'
+    number:                             '\t'
+    base:                               '\t'
+    shift:                              '\t'
+    alt:                                '\t'
+    shift+alt:                          '\t'
+key 0 {
+    label:                              '0'
+    number:                             '0'
+    base:                               '0'
+    shift:                              ')'
+    alt:                                ')'
+    shift+alt:                          ')'
+key 1 {
+    label:                              '1'
+    number:                             '1'
+    base:                               '1'
+    shift:                              '!'
+    alt:                                '!'
+    shift+alt:                          '!'
+key 2 {
+    label:                              '2'
+    number:                             '2'
+    base:                               '2'
+    shift:                              '@'
+    alt:                                '@'
+    shift+alt:                          '@'
+key 3 {
+    label:                              '3'
+    number:                             '3'
+    base:                               '3'
+    shift:                              '#'
+    alt:                                '#'
+    shift+alt:                          '#'
+key 4 {
+    label:                              '4'
+    number:                             '4'
+    base:                               '4'
+    shift:                              '$'
+    alt:                                '$'
+    shift+alt:                          '$'
+key 5 {
+    label:                              '5'
+    number:                             '5'
+    base:                               '5'
+    shift:                              '%'
+    alt:                                '%'
+    shift+alt:                          '%'
+key 6 {
+    label:                              '6'
+    number:                             '6'
+    base:                               '6'
+    shift:                              '^'
+    alt:                                '^'
+    shift+alt:                          '^'
+key 7 {
+    label:                              '7'
+    number:                             '7'
+    base:                               '7'
+    shift:                              '&'
+    alt:                                '&'
+    shift+alt:                          '&'
+key 8 {
+    label:                              '8'
+    number:                             '8'
+    base:                               '8'
+    shift:                              '*'
+    alt:                                '*'
+    shift+alt:                          '*'
+key 9 {
+    label:                              '9'
+    number:                             '9'
+    base:                               '9'
+    shift:                              '('
+    alt:                                '('
+    shift+alt:                          '('
+key GRAVE {
+    label:                              '`'
+    number:                             '`'
+    base:                               '`'
+    shift:                              '~'
+    alt:                                '`'
+    shift+alt:                          '~'
+key MINUS {
+    label:                              '-'
+    number:                             '-'
+    base:                               '-'
+    shift:                              '_'
+    alt:                                '-'
+    shift+alt:                          '_'
+key EQUALS {
+    label:                              '='
+    number:                             '='
+    base:                               '='
+    shift:                              '+'
+    alt:                                '='
+    shift+alt:                          '+'
+    label:                              '['
+    number:                             '['
+    base:                               '['
+    shift:                              '{'
+    alt:                                '['
+    shift+alt:                          '{'
+    label:                              ']'
+    number:                             ']'
+    base:                               ']'
+    shift:                              '}'
+    alt:                                ']'
+    shift+alt:                          '}'
+    label:                              '\\'
+    number:                             '\\'
+    base:                               '\\'
+    shift:                              '|'
+    alt:                                '\\'
+    shift+alt:                          '|'
+    label:                              ';'
+    number:                             ';'
+    base:                               ';'
+    shift:                              ':'
+    alt:                                ';'
+    shift+alt:                          ':'
+    label:                              '\''
+    number:                             '\''
+    base:                               '\''
+    shift:                              '"'
+    alt:                                '\''
+    shift+alt:                          '"'
+key STAR {
+    label:                              '*'
+    number:                             '*'
+    base:                               '*'
+    shift:                              '*'
+    alt:                                '*'
+    shift+alt:                          '*'
+key POUND {
+    label:                              '#'
+    number:                             '#'
+    base:                               '#'
+    shift:                              '#'
+    alt:                                '#'
+    shift+alt:                          '#'
+key PLUS {
+    label:                              '+'
+    number:                             '+'
+    base:                               '+'
+    shift:                              '+'
+    alt:                                '+'
+    shift+alt:                          '+'
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keychars/qwerty2.kcm b/system/system/usr/keychars/qwerty2.kcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b981d835bdfb00670b4e36bb47ba884070293bdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keychars/qwerty2.kcm
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Emulator keyboard character map #2.
+type ALPHA
+key A {
+    label:                              'A'
+    number:                             '2'
+    base:                               'a'
+    shift, capslock:                    'A'
+    alt:                                '\u00e1'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00c1'
+key B {
+    label:                              'B'
+    number:                             '2'
+    base:                               'b'
+    shift, capslock:                    'B'
+    alt:                                'b'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            'B'
+key C {
+    label:                              'C'
+    number:                             '2'
+    base:                               'c'
+    shift, capslock:                    'C'
+    alt:                                '\u00a9'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00a2'
+key D {
+    label:                              'D'
+    number:                             '3'
+    base:                               'd'
+    shift, capslock:                    'D'
+    alt:                                '\u00f0'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00d0'
+key E {
+    label:                              'E'
+    number:                             '3'
+    base:                               'e'
+    shift, capslock:                    'E'
+    alt:                                '\u00e9'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00c9'
+key F {
+    label:                              'F'
+    number:                             '3'
+    base:                               'f'
+    shift, capslock:                    'F'
+    alt:                                '['
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '['
+key G {
+    label:                              'G'
+    number:                             '4'
+    base:                               'g'
+    shift, capslock:                    'G'
+    alt:                                ']'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            ']'
+key H {
+    label:                              'H'
+    number:                             '4'
+    base:                               'h'
+    shift, capslock:                    'H'
+    alt:                                '<'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '<'
+key I {
+    label:                              'I'
+    number:                             '4'
+    base:                               'i'
+    shift, capslock:                    'I'
+    alt:                                '\u00ed'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00cd'
+key J {
+    label:                              'J'
+    number:                             '5'
+    base:                               'j'
+    shift, capslock:                    'J'
+    alt:                                '>'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '>'
+key K {
+    label:                              'K'
+    number:                             '5'
+    base:                               'k'
+    shift, capslock:                    'K'
+    alt:                                ';'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '~'
+key L {
+    label:                              'L'
+    number:                             '5'
+    base:                               'l'
+    shift, capslock:                    'L'
+    alt:                                '\u00f8'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00d8'
+key M {
+    label:                              'M'
+    number:                             '6'
+    base:                               'm'
+    shift, capslock:                    'M'
+    alt:                                '\u00b5'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            none
+key N {
+    label:                              'N'
+    number:                             '6'
+    base:                               'n'
+    shift, capslock:                    'N'
+    alt:                                '\u00f1'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00d1'
+key O {
+    label:                              'O'
+    number:                             '6'
+    base:                               'o'
+    shift, capslock:                    'O'
+    alt:                                '\u00f3'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00d3'
+key P {
+    label:                              'P'
+    number:                             '7'
+    base:                               'p'
+    shift, capslock:                    'P'
+    alt:                                '\u00f6'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00d6'
+key Q {
+    label:                              'Q'
+    number:                             '7'
+    base:                               'q'
+    shift, capslock:                    'Q'
+    alt:                                '\u00e4'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00c4'
+key R {
+    label:                              'R'
+    number:                             '7'
+    base:                               'r'
+    shift, capslock:                    'R'
+    alt:                                '\u00ae'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            'R'
+key S {
+    label:                              'S'
+    number:                             '7'
+    base:                               's'
+    shift, capslock:                    'S'
+    alt:                                '\u00df'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00a7'
+key T {
+    label:                              'T'
+    number:                             '8'
+    base:                               't'
+    shift, capslock:                    'T'
+    alt:                                '\u00fe'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00de'
+key U {
+    label:                              'U'
+    number:                             '8'
+    base:                               'u'
+    shift, capslock:                    'U'
+    alt:                                '\u00fa'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00da'
+key V {
+    label:                              'V'
+    number:                             '8'
+    base:                               'v'
+    shift, capslock:                    'V'
+    alt:                                'v'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            'V'
+key W {
+    label:                              'W'
+    number:                             '9'
+    base:                               'w'
+    shift, capslock:                    'W'
+    alt:                                '\u00e5'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00c5'
+key X {
+    label:                              'X'
+    number:                             '9'
+    base:                               'x'
+    shift, capslock:                    'X'
+    alt:                                'x'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\uef00'
+key Y {
+    label:                              'Y'
+    number:                             '9'
+    base:                               'y'
+    shift, capslock:                    'Y'
+    alt:                                '\u00fc'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00dc'
+key Z {
+    label:                              'Z'
+    number:                             '9'
+    base:                               'z'
+    shift, capslock:                    'Z'
+    alt:                                '\u00e6'
+    shift+alt, capslock+alt:            '\u00c6'
+key COMMA {
+    label:                              ','
+    number:                             ','
+    base:                               ','
+    shift:                              '<'
+    alt:                                '\u00e7'
+    shift+alt:                          '\u00c7'
+key PERIOD {
+    label:                              '.'
+    number:                             '.'
+    base:                               '.'
+    shift:                              '>'
+    alt:                                '.'
+    shift+alt:                          '\u2026'
+key AT {
+    label:                              '@'
+    number:                             '@'
+    base:                               '@'
+    shift:                              '@'
+    alt:                                '@'
+    shift+alt:                          '\u2022'
+key SLASH {
+    label:                              '/'
+    number:                             '/'
+    base:                               '/'
+    shift:                              '?'
+    alt:                                '\u00bf'
+    shift+alt:                          '?'
+key SPACE {
+    label:                              ' '
+    number:                             ' '
+    base:                               ' '
+    shift:                              ' '
+    alt:                                '\uef01'
+    shift+alt:                          '\uef01'
+key ENTER {
+    label:                              '\n'
+    number:                             '\n'
+    base:                               '\n'
+    shift:                              '\n'
+    alt:                                '\n'
+    shift+alt:                          '\n'
+key TAB {
+    label:                              '\t'
+    number:                             '\t'
+    base:                               '\t'
+    shift:                              '\t'
+    alt:                                '\t'
+    shift+alt:                          '\t'
+key 0 {
+    label:                              '0'
+    number:                             '0'
+    base:                               '0'
+    shift:                              ')'
+    alt:                                '\u02bc'
+    shift+alt:                          ')'
+key 1 {
+    label:                              '1'
+    number:                             '1'
+    base:                               '1'
+    shift:                              '!'
+    alt:                                '\u00a1'
+    shift+alt:                          '\u00b9'
+key 2 {
+    label:                              '2'
+    number:                             '2'
+    base:                               '2'
+    shift:                              '@'
+    alt:                                '\u00b2'
+    shift+alt:                          '@'
+key 3 {
+    label:                              '3'
+    number:                             '3'
+    base:                               '3'
+    shift:                              '#'
+    alt:                                '\u00b3'
+    shift+alt:                          '#'
+key 4 {
+    label:                              '4'
+    number:                             '4'
+    base:                               '4'
+    shift:                              '$'
+    alt:                                '\u00a4'
+    shift+alt:                          '\u00a3'
+key 5 {
+    label:                              '5'
+    number:                             '5'
+    base:                               '5'
+    shift:                              '%'
+    alt:                                '\u20ac'
+    shift+alt:                          '%'
+key 6 {
+    label:                              '6'
+    number:                             '6'
+    base:                               '6'
+    shift:                              '^'
+    alt:                                '\u00bc'
+    shift+alt:                          '\u0302'
+key 7 {
+    label:                              '7'
+    number:                             '7'
+    base:                               '7'
+    shift:                              '&'
+    alt:                                '\u00bd'
+    shift+alt:                          '&'
+key 8 {
+    label:                              '8'
+    number:                             '8'
+    base:                               '8'
+    shift:                              '*'
+    alt:                                '\u00be'
+    shift+alt:                          '*'
+key 9 {
+    label:                              '9'
+    number:                             '9'
+    base:                               '9'
+    shift:                              '('
+    alt:                                '\u02bb'
+    shift+alt:                          '('
+key GRAVE {
+    label:                              '`'
+    number:                             '`'
+    base:                               '`'
+    shift:                              '~'
+    alt:                                '\u0300'
+    shift+alt:                          '\u0303'
+key MINUS {
+    label:                              '-'
+    number:                             '-'
+    base:                               '-'
+    shift:                              '_'
+    alt:                                '\u00a5'
+    shift+alt:                          '_'
+key EQUALS {
+    label:                              '='
+    number:                             '='
+    base:                               '='
+    shift:                              '+'
+    alt:                                '\u00d7'
+    shift+alt:                          '\u00f7'
+    label:                              '['
+    number:                             '['
+    base:                               '['
+    shift:                              '{'
+    alt:                                '\u00ab'
+    shift+alt:                          '{'
+    label:                              ']'
+    number:                             ']'
+    base:                               ']'
+    shift:                              '}'
+    alt:                                '\u00bb'
+    shift+alt:                          '}'
+    label:                              '\\'
+    number:                             '\\'
+    base:                               '\\'
+    shift:                              '|'
+    alt:                                '\u00ac'
+    shift+alt:                          '\u00a6'
+    label:                              ';'
+    number:                             ';'
+    base:                               ';'
+    shift:                              ':'
+    alt:                                '\u00b6'
+    shift+alt:                          '\u00b0'
+    label:                              '\''
+    number:                             '\''
+    base:                               '\''
+    shift:                              '"'
+    alt:                                '\u0301'
+    shift+alt:                          '\u0308'
+key STAR {
+    label:                              '*'
+    number:                             '*'
+    base:                               '*'
+    shift:                              '*'
+    alt:                                '*'
+    shift+alt:                          '*'
+key POUND {
+    label:                              '#'
+    number:                             '#'
+    base:                               '#'
+    shift:                              '#'
+    alt:                                '#'
+    shift+alt:                          '#'
+key PLUS {
+    label:                              '+'
+    number:                             '+'
+    base:                               '+'
+    shift:                              '+'
+    alt:                                '+'
+    shift+alt:                          '+'
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/AVRCP.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/AVRCP.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ccd0209a731d54601d248a436a2f7a1e47fb3b4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/AVRCP.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Key layout used for Bluetooth AVRCP support.
+key 200   MEDIA_PLAY
+key 201   MEDIA_PAUSE
+key 166   MEDIA_STOP
+key 163   MEDIA_NEXT
+key 168   MEDIA_REWIND
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Cellways.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Cellways.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..01b6e11a1f5e481ca36a51bc4809e2c60bd64e0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Cellways.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generic key layout file for full alphabetic US English PC style external keyboards.
+# This file is intentionally very generic and is intended to support a broad rang of keyboards.
+# Do not edit the generic key layout to support a specific keyboard; instead, create
+# a new key layout file with the required keyboard configuration.
+key 1     ESCAPE
+key 2     1
+key 3     2
+key 4     3
+key 5     4
+key 6     5
+key 7     6
+key 8     7
+key 9     8
+key 10    9
+key 11    0
+key 12    MINUS
+key 13    EQUALS
+key 14    DEL
+key 15    TAB
+key 16    Q
+key 17    W
+key 18    E
+key 19    R
+key 20    T
+key 21    Y
+key 22    U
+key 23    I
+key 24    O
+key 25    P
+key 26    LEFT_BRACKET
+key 27    RIGHT_BRACKET
+#key 28    ENTER
+key 29    CTRL_LEFT
+key 30    A
+key 31    S
+key 32    D
+key 33    F
+key 34    G
+key 35    H
+key 36    J
+key 37    K
+key 38    L
+key 39    SEMICOLON
+key 40    APOSTROPHE
+key 41    GRAVE
+key 42    SHIFT_LEFT
+key 43    BACKSLASH
+key 44    Z
+key 45    X
+key 46    C
+key 47    V
+key 48    B
+key 49    N
+key 50    M
+key 51    COMMA
+key 52    PERIOD
+key 53    SLASH
+key 54    SHIFT_RIGHT
+key 56    ALT_LEFT
+key 57    SPACE
+key 58    CAPS_LOCK
+key 59    F1
+key 60    F2
+key 61    F3
+key 62    F4
+key 63    F5
+key 64    F6
+key 65    F7
+key 66    F8
+key 67    F9
+key 68    F10
+key 69    NUM_LOCK
+key 70    SCROLL_LOCK
+key 71    NUMPAD_7
+key 72    NUMPAD_8
+key 73    NUMPAD_9
+key 75    NUMPAD_4
+key 76    NUMPAD_5
+key 77    NUMPAD_6
+key 78    NUMPAD_ADD
+key 79    NUMPAD_1
+key 80    NUMPAD_2
+key 81    NUMPAD_3
+key 82    NUMPAD_0
+key 83    NUMPAD_DOT
+# key 84 (undefined)
+key 86    BACKSLASH
+key 87    F11
+key 88    F12
+key 89    RO
+# key 90 "KEY_KATAKANA"
+# key 91 "KEY_HIRAGANA"
+key 92    HENKAN
+key 94    MUHENKAN
+key 95    NUMPAD_COMMA
+key 96    NUMPAD_ENTER
+key 97    CTRL_RIGHT
+key 98    NUMPAD_DIVIDE
+key 99    SYSRQ
+key 100   ALT_RIGHT
+# key 101 "KEY_LINEFEED"
+key 102   MOVE_HOME
+key 103   DPAD_UP
+key 104   PAGE_UP
+key 105   DPAD_LEFT
+key 106   DPAD_RIGHT
+key 107   MOVE_END
+key 108   DPAD_DOWN
+key 109   PAGE_DOWN
+key 110   INSERT
+key 111   FORWARD_DEL
+# key 112 "KEY_MACRO"
+key 113   VOLUME_MUTE
+key 114   VOLUME_DOWN
+key 115   VOLUME_UP
+key 116   POWER
+key 117   NUMPAD_EQUALS
+# key 118 "KEY_KPPLUSMINUS"
+key 119   BREAK
+# key 120 (undefined)
+key 121   NUMPAD_COMMA
+key 122   KANA
+key 123   EISU
+key 124   YEN
+key 125   META_LEFT
+key 126   META_RIGHT
+key 127   MENU
+key 128   MEDIA_STOP
+# key 129 "KEY_AGAIN"
+# key 130 "KEY_PROPS"
+# key 131 "KEY_UNDO"
+# key 132 "KEY_FRONT"
+key 133   COPY
+# key 134 "KEY_OPEN"
+key 135   PASTE
+# key 136 "KEY_FIND"
+key 137   CUT
+# key 138 "KEY_HELP"
+key 139   MENU
+key 140   CALCULATOR
+# key 141 "KEY_SETUP"
+key 142   SLEEP
+key 143   WAKEUP
+# key 144 "KEY_FILE"
+# key 145 "KEY_SENDFILE"
+# key 146 "KEY_DELETEFILE"
+# key 147 "KEY_XFER"
+# key 148 "KEY_PROG1"
+# key 149 "KEY_PROG2"
+key 150   EXPLORER
+# key 151 "KEY_MSDOS"
+key 152   POWER
+# key 153 "KEY_DIRECTION"
+key 155   ENVELOPE
+key 156   BOOKMARK
+# key 157 "KEY_COMPUTER"
+key 158   BACK
+key 159   FORWARD
+key 160   MEDIA_CLOSE
+key 161   MEDIA_EJECT
+key 162   MEDIA_EJECT
+key 163   MEDIA_NEXT
+key 166   MEDIA_STOP
+key 167   MEDIA_RECORD
+key 168   MEDIA_REWIND
+key 169   CALL
+# key 170 "KEY_ISO"
+key 171   MUSIC
+key 172   HOME
+# key 173 "KEY_REFRESH"
+# key 174 "KEY_EXIT"
+# key 175 "KEY_MOVE"
+# key 176 "KEY_EDIT"
+key 177   PAGE_UP
+key 178   PAGE_DOWN
+# key 181 "KEY_NEW"
+# key 182 "KEY_REDO"
+# key 183   F13
+# key 184   F14
+# key 185   F15
+# key 186   F16
+# key 187   F17
+# key 188   F18
+# key 189   F19
+# key 190   F20
+# key 191   F21
+# key 192   F22
+# key 193   F23
+# key 194   F24
+# key 195 (undefined)
+# key 196 (undefined)
+# key 197 (undefined)
+# key 198 (undefined)
+# key 199 (undefined)
+key 200   MEDIA_PLAY
+key 201   MEDIA_PAUSE
+# key 202 "KEY_PROG3"
+# key 203 "KEY_PROG4"
+# key 204 (undefined)
+# key 205 "KEY_SUSPEND"
+# key 206 "KEY_CLOSE"
+key 207   MEDIA_PLAY
+# key 209 "KEY_BASSBOOST"
+# key 210 "KEY_PRINT"
+# key 211 "KEY_HP"
+key 212   CAMERA
+key 213   MUSIC
+# key 214 "KEY_QUESTION"
+key 215   ENVELOPE
+# key 216 "KEY_CHAT"
+key 217   SEARCH
+# key 218 "KEY_CONNECT"
+# key 219 "KEY_FINANCE"
+# key 220 "KEY_SPORT"
+# key 221 "KEY_SHOP"
+# key 222 "KEY_ALTERASE"
+# key 223 "KEY_CANCEL"
+key 225   BRIGHTNESS_UP
+key 226   HEADSETHOOK
+key 256   BUTTON_1
+key 257   BUTTON_2
+key 258   BUTTON_3
+key 259   BUTTON_4
+key 260   BUTTON_5
+key 261   BUTTON_6
+key 262   BUTTON_7
+key 263   BUTTON_8
+key 264   BUTTON_9
+key 265   BUTTON_10
+key 266   BUTTON_11
+key 267   BUTTON_12
+key 268   BUTTON_13
+key 269   BUTTON_14
+key 270   BUTTON_15
+key 271   BUTTON_16
+key 288   BUTTON_1
+key 289   BUTTON_2
+key 290   BUTTON_3
+key 291   BUTTON_4
+key 292   BUTTON_5
+key 293   BUTTON_6
+key 294   BUTTON_7
+key 295   BUTTON_8
+key 296   BUTTON_9
+key 297   BUTTON_10
+key 298   BUTTON_11
+key 299   BUTTON_12
+key 300   BUTTON_13
+key 301   BUTTON_14
+key 302   BUTTON_15
+key 303   BUTTON_16
+key 304   BUTTON_A
+key 305   BUTTON_B
+key 306   BUTTON_C
+key 307   BUTTON_X
+key 308   BUTTON_Y
+key 309   BUTTON_Z
+key 310   BUTTON_L1
+key 311   BUTTON_R1
+key 312   BUTTON_L2
+key 313   BUTTON_R2
+key 314   BUTTON_SELECT
+key 315   BUTTON_START
+key 316   BUTTON_MODE
+key 317   BUTTON_THUMBL
+key 318   BUTTON_THUMBR
+# key 352 "KEY_OK"
+key 353   DPAD_CENTER
+# key 354 "KEY_GOTO"
+# key 355 "KEY_CLEAR"
+# key 356 "KEY_POWER2"
+# key 357 "KEY_OPTION"
+# key 358 "KEY_INFO"
+# key 359 "KEY_TIME"
+# key 360 "KEY_VENDOR"
+# key 361 "KEY_ARCHIVE"
+key 362   GUIDE
+# key 363 "KEY_CHANNEL"
+# key 364 "KEY_FAVORITES"
+# key 365 "KEY_EPG"
+key 366   DVR
+# key 367 "KEY_MHP"
+# key 368 "KEY_LANGUAGE"
+# key 369 "KEY_TITLE"
+# key 370 "KEY_SUBTITLE"
+# key 371 "KEY_ANGLE"
+# key 372 "KEY_ZOOM"
+# key 373 "KEY_MODE"
+# key 374 "KEY_KEYBOARD"
+# key 375 "KEY_SCREEN"
+# key 376 "KEY_PC"
+key 377   TV
+# key 378 "KEY_TV2"
+# key 379 "KEY_VCR"
+# key 380 "KEY_VCR2"
+# key 381 "KEY_SAT"
+# key 382 "KEY_SAT2"
+# key 383 "KEY_CD"
+# key 384 "KEY_TAPE"
+# key 385 "KEY_RADIO"
+# key 386 "KEY_TUNER"
+# key 387 "KEY_PLAYER"
+# key 388 "KEY_TEXT"
+# key 389 "KEY_DVD"
+# key 390 "KEY_AUX"
+# key 391 "KEY_MP3"
+# key 392 "KEY_AUDIO"
+# key 393 "KEY_VIDEO"
+# key 394 "KEY_DIRECTORY"
+# key 395 "KEY_LIST"
+# key 396 "KEY_MEMO"
+key 397   CALENDAR
+# key 398 "KEY_RED"
+# key 399 "KEY_GREEN"
+# key 400 "KEY_YELLOW"
+# key 401 "KEY_BLUE"
+key 402   CHANNEL_UP
+key 403   CHANNEL_DOWN
+# key 404 "KEY_FIRST"
+# key 405 "KEY_LAST"
+# key 406 "KEY_AB"
+# key 407 "KEY_NEXT"
+# key 408 "KEY_RESTART"
+# key 409 "KEY_SLOW"
+# key 410 "KEY_SHUFFLE"
+# key 411 "KEY_BREAK"
+# key 412 "KEY_PREVIOUS"
+# key 413 "KEY_DIGITS"
+# key 414 "KEY_TEEN"
+# key 415 "KEY_TWEN"
+key 429   CONTACTS
+# key 448 "KEY_DEL_EOL"
+# key 449 "KEY_DEL_EOS"
+# key 450 "KEY_INS_LINE"
+# key 451 "KEY_DEL_LINE"
+key 464   FUNCTION
+key 465   ESCAPE            FUNCTION
+key 466   F1                FUNCTION
+key 467   F2                FUNCTION
+key 468   F3                FUNCTION
+key 469   F4                FUNCTION
+key 470   F5                FUNCTION
+key 471   F6                FUNCTION
+key 472   F7                FUNCTION
+key 473   F8                FUNCTION
+key 474   F9                FUNCTION
+key 475   F10               FUNCTION
+key 476   F11               FUNCTION
+key 477   F12               FUNCTION
+key 478   1                 FUNCTION
+key 479   2                 FUNCTION
+key 480   D                 FUNCTION
+key 481   E                 FUNCTION
+key 482   F                 FUNCTION
+key 483   S                 FUNCTION
+key 484   B                 FUNCTION
+# key 497 KEY_BRL_DOT1
+# key 498 KEY_BRL_DOT2
+# key 499 KEY_BRL_DOT3
+# key 500 KEY_BRL_DOT4
+# key 501 KEY_BRL_DOT5
+# key 502 KEY_BRL_DOT6
+# key 503 KEY_BRL_DOT7
+# key 504 KEY_BRL_DOT8
+key 580   APP_SWITCH
+key 582   VOICE_ASSIST
+# Keys defined by HID usages
+key usage 0x0c006F BRIGHTNESS_UP
+key usage 0x0c0070 BRIGHTNESS_DOWN
+# Joystick and game controller axes.
+# Axes that are not mapped will be assigned generic axis numbers by the input subsystem.
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x02 Z
+axis 0x03 RX
+axis 0x04 RY
+axis 0x05 RZ
+axis 0x06 THROTTLE
+axis 0x07 RUDDER
+axis 0x08 WHEEL
+axis 0x09 GAS
+axis 0x0a BRAKE
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
+# LEDs
+led 0x00 NUM_LOCK
+led 0x01 CAPS_LOCK
+led 0x02 SCROLL_LOCK
+led 0x03 COMPOSE
+led 0x04 KANA
+led 0x05 SLEEP
+led 0x06 SUSPEND
+led 0x07 MUTE
+led 0x08 MISC
+led 0x09 MAIL
+led 0x0a CHARGING
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8699cb491dffa1b59c4b3f126c861cf2ee68f5e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generic key layout file for full alphabetic US English PC style external keyboards.
+# This file is intentionally very generic and is intended to support a broad range of keyboards.
+# Do not edit the generic key layout to support a specific keyboard; instead, create
+# a new key layout file with the required keyboard configuration.
+key 1     ESCAPE
+key 2     1
+key 3     2
+key 4     3
+key 5     4
+key 6     5
+key 7     6
+key 8     7
+key 9     8
+key 10    9
+key 11    0
+key 12    MINUS
+key 13    EQUALS
+key 14    DEL
+key 15    TAB
+key 16    Q
+key 17    W
+key 18    E
+key 19    R
+key 20    T
+key 21    Y
+key 22    U
+key 23    I
+key 24    O
+key 25    P
+key 26    LEFT_BRACKET
+key 27    RIGHT_BRACKET
+key 28    ENTER
+key 29    CTRL_LEFT
+key 30    A
+key 31    S
+key 32    D
+key 33    F
+key 34    G
+key 35    H
+key 36    J
+key 37    K
+key 38    L
+key 39    SEMICOLON
+key 40    APOSTROPHE
+key 41    GRAVE
+key 42    SHIFT_LEFT
+key 43    BACKSLASH
+key 44    Z
+key 45    X
+key 46    C
+key 47    V
+key 48    B
+key 49    N
+key 50    M
+key 51    COMMA
+key 52    PERIOD
+key 53    SLASH
+key 54    SHIFT_RIGHT
+key 56    ALT_LEFT
+key 57    SPACE
+key 58    CAPS_LOCK
+key 59    F1
+key 60    F2
+key 61    F3
+key 62    F4
+key 63    F5
+key 64    F6
+key 65    F7
+key 66    F8
+key 67    F9
+key 68    F10
+key 69    NUM_LOCK
+key 70    SCROLL_LOCK
+key 71    NUMPAD_7
+key 72    NUMPAD_8
+key 73    NUMPAD_9
+key 75    NUMPAD_4
+key 76    NUMPAD_5
+key 77    NUMPAD_6
+key 78    NUMPAD_ADD
+key 79    NUMPAD_1
+key 80    NUMPAD_2
+key 81    NUMPAD_3
+key 82    NUMPAD_0
+key 83    NUMPAD_DOT
+# key 84 (undefined)
+key 86    BACKSLASH
+key 87    F11
+key 88    F12
+key 89    RO
+# key 90 "KEY_KATAKANA"
+# key 91 "KEY_HIRAGANA"
+key 92    HENKAN
+key 94    MUHENKAN
+key 95    NUMPAD_COMMA
+key 96    NUMPAD_ENTER
+key 97    CTRL_RIGHT
+key 98    NUMPAD_DIVIDE
+key 99    SYSRQ
+key 100   ALT_RIGHT
+# key 101 "KEY_LINEFEED"
+key 102   MOVE_HOME
+key 103   DPAD_UP
+key 104   PAGE_UP
+key 105   DPAD_LEFT
+key 106   DPAD_RIGHT
+key 107   MOVE_END
+key 108   DPAD_DOWN
+key 109   PAGE_DOWN
+key 110   INSERT
+key 111   FORWARD_DEL
+# key 112 "KEY_MACRO"
+key 113   VOLUME_MUTE
+key 114   VOLUME_DOWN
+key 115   VOLUME_UP
+key 116   POWER
+key 117   NUMPAD_EQUALS
+# key 118 "KEY_KPPLUSMINUS"
+key 119   BREAK
+# key 120 (undefined)
+key 121   NUMPAD_COMMA
+key 122   KANA
+key 123   EISU
+key 124   YEN
+key 125   META_LEFT
+key 126   META_RIGHT
+key 127   MENU
+key 128   MEDIA_STOP
+# key 129 "KEY_AGAIN"
+# key 130 "KEY_PROPS"
+# key 131 "KEY_UNDO"
+# key 132 "KEY_FRONT"
+key 133   COPY
+# key 134 "KEY_OPEN"
+key 135   PASTE
+# key 136 "KEY_FIND"
+key 137   CUT
+# key 138 "KEY_HELP"
+key 139   MENU
+key 140   CALCULATOR
+# key 141 "KEY_SETUP"
+key 142   SLEEP
+key 143   WAKEUP
+# key 144 "KEY_FILE"
+# key 145 "KEY_SENDFILE"
+# key 146 "KEY_DELETEFILE"
+# key 147 "KEY_XFER"
+# key 148 "KEY_PROG1"
+# key 149 "KEY_PROG2"
+key 150   EXPLORER
+# key 151 "KEY_MSDOS"
+key 152   POWER
+# key 153 "KEY_DIRECTION"
+key 155   ENVELOPE
+key 156   BOOKMARK
+# key 157 "KEY_COMPUTER"
+key 158   BACK
+key 159   FORWARD
+key 160   MEDIA_CLOSE
+key 161   MEDIA_EJECT
+key 162   MEDIA_EJECT
+key 163   MEDIA_NEXT
+key 166   MEDIA_STOP
+key 167   MEDIA_RECORD
+key 168   MEDIA_REWIND
+key 169   CALL
+# key 170 "KEY_ISO"
+key 171   MUSIC
+key 172   HOME
+key 173   REFRESH
+# key 174 "KEY_EXIT"
+# key 175 "KEY_MOVE"
+# key 176 "KEY_EDIT"
+key 177   PAGE_UP
+key 178   PAGE_DOWN
+# key 181 "KEY_NEW"
+# key 182 "KEY_REDO"
+# key 183   F13
+# key 184   F14
+# key 185   F15
+# key 186   F16
+# key 187   F17
+# key 188   F18
+# key 189   F19
+# key 190   F20
+# key 191   F21
+# key 192   F22
+# key 193   F23
+# key 194   F24
+# key 195 (undefined)
+# key 196 (undefined)
+# key 197 (undefined)
+# key 198 (undefined)
+# key 199 (undefined)
+key 200   MEDIA_PLAY
+key 201   MEDIA_PAUSE
+# key 202 "KEY_PROG3"
+# key 203 "KEY_PROG4"
+# key 204 (undefined)
+# key 205 "KEY_SUSPEND"
+# key 206 "KEY_CLOSE"
+key 207   MEDIA_PLAY
+# key 209 "KEY_BASSBOOST"
+# key 210 "KEY_PRINT"
+# key 211 "KEY_HP"
+key 212   CAMERA
+key 213   MUSIC
+# key 214 "KEY_QUESTION"
+key 215   ENVELOPE
+# key 216 "KEY_CHAT"
+key 217   SEARCH
+# key 218 "KEY_CONNECT"
+# key 219 "KEY_FINANCE"
+# key 220 "KEY_SPORT"
+# key 221 "KEY_SHOP"
+# key 222 "KEY_ALTERASE"
+# key 223 "KEY_CANCEL"
+key 225   BRIGHTNESS_UP
+key 226   HEADSETHOOK
+key 256   BUTTON_1
+key 257   BUTTON_2
+key 258   BUTTON_3
+key 259   BUTTON_4
+key 260   BUTTON_5
+key 261   BUTTON_6
+key 262   BUTTON_7
+key 263   BUTTON_8
+key 264   BUTTON_9
+key 265   BUTTON_10
+key 266   BUTTON_11
+key 267   BUTTON_12
+key 268   BUTTON_13
+key 269   BUTTON_14
+key 270   BUTTON_15
+key 271   BUTTON_16
+key 288   BUTTON_1
+key 289   BUTTON_2
+key 290   BUTTON_3
+key 291   BUTTON_4
+key 292   BUTTON_5
+key 293   BUTTON_6
+key 294   BUTTON_7
+key 295   BUTTON_8
+key 296   BUTTON_9
+key 297   BUTTON_10
+key 298   BUTTON_11
+key 299   BUTTON_12
+key 300   BUTTON_13
+key 301   BUTTON_14
+key 302   BUTTON_15
+key 303   BUTTON_16
+key 304   BUTTON_A
+key 305   BUTTON_B
+key 306   BUTTON_C
+key 307   BUTTON_X
+key 308   BUTTON_Y
+key 309   BUTTON_Z
+key 310   BUTTON_L1
+key 311   BUTTON_R1
+key 312   BUTTON_L2
+key 313   BUTTON_R2
+key 314   BUTTON_SELECT
+key 315   BUTTON_START
+key 316   BUTTON_MODE
+key 317   BUTTON_THUMBL
+key 318   BUTTON_THUMBR
+# key 352 "KEY_OK"
+key 353   DPAD_CENTER
+# key 354 "KEY_GOTO"
+# key 355 "KEY_CLEAR"
+# key 356 "KEY_POWER2"
+# key 357 "KEY_OPTION"
+# key 358 "KEY_INFO"
+# key 359 "KEY_TIME"
+# key 360 "KEY_VENDOR"
+# key 361 "KEY_ARCHIVE"
+key 362   GUIDE
+# key 363 "KEY_CHANNEL"
+# key 364 "KEY_FAVORITES"
+# key 365 "KEY_EPG"
+key 366   DVR
+# key 367 "KEY_MHP"
+# key 368 "KEY_LANGUAGE"
+# key 369 "KEY_TITLE"
+# key 370 "KEY_SUBTITLE"
+# key 371 "KEY_ANGLE"
+# key 372 "KEY_ZOOM"
+# key 373 "KEY_MODE"
+# key 374 "KEY_KEYBOARD"
+# key 375 "KEY_SCREEN"
+# key 376 "KEY_PC"
+key 377   TV
+# key 378 "KEY_TV2"
+# key 379 "KEY_VCR"
+# key 380 "KEY_VCR2"
+# key 381 "KEY_SAT"
+# key 382 "KEY_SAT2"
+# key 383 "KEY_CD"
+# key 384 "KEY_TAPE"
+# key 385 "KEY_RADIO"
+# key 386 "KEY_TUNER"
+# key 387 "KEY_PLAYER"
+# key 388 "KEY_TEXT"
+# key 389 "KEY_DVD"
+# key 390 "KEY_AUX"
+# key 391 "KEY_MP3"
+# key 392 "KEY_AUDIO"
+# key 393 "KEY_VIDEO"
+# key 394 "KEY_DIRECTORY"
+# key 395 "KEY_LIST"
+# key 396 "KEY_MEMO"
+key 397   CALENDAR
+# key 398 "KEY_RED"
+# key 399 "KEY_GREEN"
+# key 400 "KEY_YELLOW"
+# key 401 "KEY_BLUE"
+key 402   CHANNEL_UP
+key 403   CHANNEL_DOWN
+# key 404 "KEY_FIRST"
+# key 405 "KEY_LAST"
+# key 406 "KEY_AB"
+# key 407 "KEY_NEXT"
+# key 408 "KEY_RESTART"
+# key 409 "KEY_SLOW"
+# key 410 "KEY_SHUFFLE"
+# key 411 "KEY_BREAK"
+# key 412 "KEY_PREVIOUS"
+# key 413 "KEY_DIGITS"
+# key 414 "KEY_TEEN"
+# key 415 "KEY_TWEN"
+key 429   CONTACTS
+# key 448 "KEY_DEL_EOL"
+# key 449 "KEY_DEL_EOS"
+# key 450 "KEY_INS_LINE"
+# key 451 "KEY_DEL_LINE"
+key 464   FUNCTION
+key 465   ESCAPE            FUNCTION
+key 466   F1                FUNCTION
+key 467   F2                FUNCTION
+key 468   F3                FUNCTION
+key 469   F4                FUNCTION
+key 470   F5                FUNCTION
+key 471   F6                FUNCTION
+key 472   F7                FUNCTION
+key 473   F8                FUNCTION
+key 474   F9                FUNCTION
+key 475   F10               FUNCTION
+key 476   F11               FUNCTION
+key 477   F12               FUNCTION
+key 478   1                 FUNCTION
+key 479   2                 FUNCTION
+key 480   D                 FUNCTION
+key 481   E                 FUNCTION
+key 482   F                 FUNCTION
+key 483   S                 FUNCTION
+key 484   B                 FUNCTION
+# key 497 KEY_BRL_DOT1
+# key 498 KEY_BRL_DOT2
+# key 499 KEY_BRL_DOT3
+# key 500 KEY_BRL_DOT4
+# key 501 KEY_BRL_DOT5
+# key 502 KEY_BRL_DOT6
+# key 503 KEY_BRL_DOT7
+# key 504 KEY_BRL_DOT8
+key 522   STAR
+key 523   POUND
+key 580   APP_SWITCH
+key 582   VOICE_ASSIST
+# Keys defined by HID usages
+key usage 0x0c006F BRIGHTNESS_UP
+key usage 0x0c0070 BRIGHTNESS_DOWN
+# Joystick and game controller axes.
+# Axes that are not mapped will be assigned generic axis numbers by the input subsystem.
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x02 Z
+axis 0x03 RX
+axis 0x04 RY
+axis 0x05 RZ
+axis 0x06 THROTTLE
+axis 0x07 RUDDER
+axis 0x08 WHEEL
+axis 0x09 GAS
+axis 0x0a BRAKE
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
+# LEDs
+led 0x00 NUM_LOCK
+led 0x01 CAPS_LOCK
+led 0x02 SCROLL_LOCK
+led 0x03 COMPOSE
+led 0x04 KANA
+led 0x05 SLEEP
+led 0x06 SUSPEND
+led 0x07 MUTE
+led 0x08 MISC
+led 0x09 MAIL
+led 0x0a CHARGING
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/OSM.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/OSM.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..01b6e11a1f5e481ca36a51bc4809e2c60bd64e0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/OSM.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generic key layout file for full alphabetic US English PC style external keyboards.
+# This file is intentionally very generic and is intended to support a broad rang of keyboards.
+# Do not edit the generic key layout to support a specific keyboard; instead, create
+# a new key layout file with the required keyboard configuration.
+key 1     ESCAPE
+key 2     1
+key 3     2
+key 4     3
+key 5     4
+key 6     5
+key 7     6
+key 8     7
+key 9     8
+key 10    9
+key 11    0
+key 12    MINUS
+key 13    EQUALS
+key 14    DEL
+key 15    TAB
+key 16    Q
+key 17    W
+key 18    E
+key 19    R
+key 20    T
+key 21    Y
+key 22    U
+key 23    I
+key 24    O
+key 25    P
+key 26    LEFT_BRACKET
+key 27    RIGHT_BRACKET
+#key 28    ENTER
+key 29    CTRL_LEFT
+key 30    A
+key 31    S
+key 32    D
+key 33    F
+key 34    G
+key 35    H
+key 36    J
+key 37    K
+key 38    L
+key 39    SEMICOLON
+key 40    APOSTROPHE
+key 41    GRAVE
+key 42    SHIFT_LEFT
+key 43    BACKSLASH
+key 44    Z
+key 45    X
+key 46    C
+key 47    V
+key 48    B
+key 49    N
+key 50    M
+key 51    COMMA
+key 52    PERIOD
+key 53    SLASH
+key 54    SHIFT_RIGHT
+key 56    ALT_LEFT
+key 57    SPACE
+key 58    CAPS_LOCK
+key 59    F1
+key 60    F2
+key 61    F3
+key 62    F4
+key 63    F5
+key 64    F6
+key 65    F7
+key 66    F8
+key 67    F9
+key 68    F10
+key 69    NUM_LOCK
+key 70    SCROLL_LOCK
+key 71    NUMPAD_7
+key 72    NUMPAD_8
+key 73    NUMPAD_9
+key 75    NUMPAD_4
+key 76    NUMPAD_5
+key 77    NUMPAD_6
+key 78    NUMPAD_ADD
+key 79    NUMPAD_1
+key 80    NUMPAD_2
+key 81    NUMPAD_3
+key 82    NUMPAD_0
+key 83    NUMPAD_DOT
+# key 84 (undefined)
+key 86    BACKSLASH
+key 87    F11
+key 88    F12
+key 89    RO
+# key 90 "KEY_KATAKANA"
+# key 91 "KEY_HIRAGANA"
+key 92    HENKAN
+key 94    MUHENKAN
+key 95    NUMPAD_COMMA
+key 96    NUMPAD_ENTER
+key 97    CTRL_RIGHT
+key 98    NUMPAD_DIVIDE
+key 99    SYSRQ
+key 100   ALT_RIGHT
+# key 101 "KEY_LINEFEED"
+key 102   MOVE_HOME
+key 103   DPAD_UP
+key 104   PAGE_UP
+key 105   DPAD_LEFT
+key 106   DPAD_RIGHT
+key 107   MOVE_END
+key 108   DPAD_DOWN
+key 109   PAGE_DOWN
+key 110   INSERT
+key 111   FORWARD_DEL
+# key 112 "KEY_MACRO"
+key 113   VOLUME_MUTE
+key 114   VOLUME_DOWN
+key 115   VOLUME_UP
+key 116   POWER
+key 117   NUMPAD_EQUALS
+# key 118 "KEY_KPPLUSMINUS"
+key 119   BREAK
+# key 120 (undefined)
+key 121   NUMPAD_COMMA
+key 122   KANA
+key 123   EISU
+key 124   YEN
+key 125   META_LEFT
+key 126   META_RIGHT
+key 127   MENU
+key 128   MEDIA_STOP
+# key 129 "KEY_AGAIN"
+# key 130 "KEY_PROPS"
+# key 131 "KEY_UNDO"
+# key 132 "KEY_FRONT"
+key 133   COPY
+# key 134 "KEY_OPEN"
+key 135   PASTE
+# key 136 "KEY_FIND"
+key 137   CUT
+# key 138 "KEY_HELP"
+key 139   MENU
+key 140   CALCULATOR
+# key 141 "KEY_SETUP"
+key 142   SLEEP
+key 143   WAKEUP
+# key 144 "KEY_FILE"
+# key 145 "KEY_SENDFILE"
+# key 146 "KEY_DELETEFILE"
+# key 147 "KEY_XFER"
+# key 148 "KEY_PROG1"
+# key 149 "KEY_PROG2"
+key 150   EXPLORER
+# key 151 "KEY_MSDOS"
+key 152   POWER
+# key 153 "KEY_DIRECTION"
+key 155   ENVELOPE
+key 156   BOOKMARK
+# key 157 "KEY_COMPUTER"
+key 158   BACK
+key 159   FORWARD
+key 160   MEDIA_CLOSE
+key 161   MEDIA_EJECT
+key 162   MEDIA_EJECT
+key 163   MEDIA_NEXT
+key 166   MEDIA_STOP
+key 167   MEDIA_RECORD
+key 168   MEDIA_REWIND
+key 169   CALL
+# key 170 "KEY_ISO"
+key 171   MUSIC
+key 172   HOME
+# key 173 "KEY_REFRESH"
+# key 174 "KEY_EXIT"
+# key 175 "KEY_MOVE"
+# key 176 "KEY_EDIT"
+key 177   PAGE_UP
+key 178   PAGE_DOWN
+# key 181 "KEY_NEW"
+# key 182 "KEY_REDO"
+# key 183   F13
+# key 184   F14
+# key 185   F15
+# key 186   F16
+# key 187   F17
+# key 188   F18
+# key 189   F19
+# key 190   F20
+# key 191   F21
+# key 192   F22
+# key 193   F23
+# key 194   F24
+# key 195 (undefined)
+# key 196 (undefined)
+# key 197 (undefined)
+# key 198 (undefined)
+# key 199 (undefined)
+key 200   MEDIA_PLAY
+key 201   MEDIA_PAUSE
+# key 202 "KEY_PROG3"
+# key 203 "KEY_PROG4"
+# key 204 (undefined)
+# key 205 "KEY_SUSPEND"
+# key 206 "KEY_CLOSE"
+key 207   MEDIA_PLAY
+# key 209 "KEY_BASSBOOST"
+# key 210 "KEY_PRINT"
+# key 211 "KEY_HP"
+key 212   CAMERA
+key 213   MUSIC
+# key 214 "KEY_QUESTION"
+key 215   ENVELOPE
+# key 216 "KEY_CHAT"
+key 217   SEARCH
+# key 218 "KEY_CONNECT"
+# key 219 "KEY_FINANCE"
+# key 220 "KEY_SPORT"
+# key 221 "KEY_SHOP"
+# key 222 "KEY_ALTERASE"
+# key 223 "KEY_CANCEL"
+key 225   BRIGHTNESS_UP
+key 226   HEADSETHOOK
+key 256   BUTTON_1
+key 257   BUTTON_2
+key 258   BUTTON_3
+key 259   BUTTON_4
+key 260   BUTTON_5
+key 261   BUTTON_6
+key 262   BUTTON_7
+key 263   BUTTON_8
+key 264   BUTTON_9
+key 265   BUTTON_10
+key 266   BUTTON_11
+key 267   BUTTON_12
+key 268   BUTTON_13
+key 269   BUTTON_14
+key 270   BUTTON_15
+key 271   BUTTON_16
+key 288   BUTTON_1
+key 289   BUTTON_2
+key 290   BUTTON_3
+key 291   BUTTON_4
+key 292   BUTTON_5
+key 293   BUTTON_6
+key 294   BUTTON_7
+key 295   BUTTON_8
+key 296   BUTTON_9
+key 297   BUTTON_10
+key 298   BUTTON_11
+key 299   BUTTON_12
+key 300   BUTTON_13
+key 301   BUTTON_14
+key 302   BUTTON_15
+key 303   BUTTON_16
+key 304   BUTTON_A
+key 305   BUTTON_B
+key 306   BUTTON_C
+key 307   BUTTON_X
+key 308   BUTTON_Y
+key 309   BUTTON_Z
+key 310   BUTTON_L1
+key 311   BUTTON_R1
+key 312   BUTTON_L2
+key 313   BUTTON_R2
+key 314   BUTTON_SELECT
+key 315   BUTTON_START
+key 316   BUTTON_MODE
+key 317   BUTTON_THUMBL
+key 318   BUTTON_THUMBR
+# key 352 "KEY_OK"
+key 353   DPAD_CENTER
+# key 354 "KEY_GOTO"
+# key 355 "KEY_CLEAR"
+# key 356 "KEY_POWER2"
+# key 357 "KEY_OPTION"
+# key 358 "KEY_INFO"
+# key 359 "KEY_TIME"
+# key 360 "KEY_VENDOR"
+# key 361 "KEY_ARCHIVE"
+key 362   GUIDE
+# key 363 "KEY_CHANNEL"
+# key 364 "KEY_FAVORITES"
+# key 365 "KEY_EPG"
+key 366   DVR
+# key 367 "KEY_MHP"
+# key 368 "KEY_LANGUAGE"
+# key 369 "KEY_TITLE"
+# key 370 "KEY_SUBTITLE"
+# key 371 "KEY_ANGLE"
+# key 372 "KEY_ZOOM"
+# key 373 "KEY_MODE"
+# key 374 "KEY_KEYBOARD"
+# key 375 "KEY_SCREEN"
+# key 376 "KEY_PC"
+key 377   TV
+# key 378 "KEY_TV2"
+# key 379 "KEY_VCR"
+# key 380 "KEY_VCR2"
+# key 381 "KEY_SAT"
+# key 382 "KEY_SAT2"
+# key 383 "KEY_CD"
+# key 384 "KEY_TAPE"
+# key 385 "KEY_RADIO"
+# key 386 "KEY_TUNER"
+# key 387 "KEY_PLAYER"
+# key 388 "KEY_TEXT"
+# key 389 "KEY_DVD"
+# key 390 "KEY_AUX"
+# key 391 "KEY_MP3"
+# key 392 "KEY_AUDIO"
+# key 393 "KEY_VIDEO"
+# key 394 "KEY_DIRECTORY"
+# key 395 "KEY_LIST"
+# key 396 "KEY_MEMO"
+key 397   CALENDAR
+# key 398 "KEY_RED"
+# key 399 "KEY_GREEN"
+# key 400 "KEY_YELLOW"
+# key 401 "KEY_BLUE"
+key 402   CHANNEL_UP
+key 403   CHANNEL_DOWN
+# key 404 "KEY_FIRST"
+# key 405 "KEY_LAST"
+# key 406 "KEY_AB"
+# key 407 "KEY_NEXT"
+# key 408 "KEY_RESTART"
+# key 409 "KEY_SLOW"
+# key 410 "KEY_SHUFFLE"
+# key 411 "KEY_BREAK"
+# key 412 "KEY_PREVIOUS"
+# key 413 "KEY_DIGITS"
+# key 414 "KEY_TEEN"
+# key 415 "KEY_TWEN"
+key 429   CONTACTS
+# key 448 "KEY_DEL_EOL"
+# key 449 "KEY_DEL_EOS"
+# key 450 "KEY_INS_LINE"
+# key 451 "KEY_DEL_LINE"
+key 464   FUNCTION
+key 465   ESCAPE            FUNCTION
+key 466   F1                FUNCTION
+key 467   F2                FUNCTION
+key 468   F3                FUNCTION
+key 469   F4                FUNCTION
+key 470   F5                FUNCTION
+key 471   F6                FUNCTION
+key 472   F7                FUNCTION
+key 473   F8                FUNCTION
+key 474   F9                FUNCTION
+key 475   F10               FUNCTION
+key 476   F11               FUNCTION
+key 477   F12               FUNCTION
+key 478   1                 FUNCTION
+key 479   2                 FUNCTION
+key 480   D                 FUNCTION
+key 481   E                 FUNCTION
+key 482   F                 FUNCTION
+key 483   S                 FUNCTION
+key 484   B                 FUNCTION
+# key 497 KEY_BRL_DOT1
+# key 498 KEY_BRL_DOT2
+# key 499 KEY_BRL_DOT3
+# key 500 KEY_BRL_DOT4
+# key 501 KEY_BRL_DOT5
+# key 502 KEY_BRL_DOT6
+# key 503 KEY_BRL_DOT7
+# key 504 KEY_BRL_DOT8
+key 580   APP_SWITCH
+key 582   VOICE_ASSIST
+# Keys defined by HID usages
+key usage 0x0c006F BRIGHTNESS_UP
+key usage 0x0c0070 BRIGHTNESS_DOWN
+# Joystick and game controller axes.
+# Axes that are not mapped will be assigned generic axis numbers by the input subsystem.
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x02 Z
+axis 0x03 RX
+axis 0x04 RY
+axis 0x05 RZ
+axis 0x06 THROTTLE
+axis 0x07 RUDDER
+axis 0x08 WHEEL
+axis 0x09 GAS
+axis 0x0a BRAKE
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
+# LEDs
+led 0x00 NUM_LOCK
+led 0x01 CAPS_LOCK
+led 0x02 SCROLL_LOCK
+led 0x03 COMPOSE
+led 0x04 KANA
+led 0x05 SLEEP
+led 0x06 SUSPEND
+led 0x07 MUTE
+led 0x08 MISC
+led 0x09 MAIL
+led 0x0a CHARGING
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_0079_Product_0011.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_0079_Product_0011.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..32f8c829cd65ee5cc14b31313c4620da40c63b3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_0079_Product_0011.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Classic [S]NES Controller
+key 288 BUTTON_X
+key 289 BUTTON_A
+key 290 BUTTON_B
+key 291 BUTTON_Y
+key 292 BUTTON_L1
+key 293 BUTTON_R1
+axis 0x00 HAT_X
+axis 0x01 HAT_Y
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_045e_Product_028e.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_045e_Product_028e.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..301601a1ffdd0eed787745f867a0cc90eca106ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_045e_Product_028e.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# XBox 360 USB Controller
+key 304   BUTTON_A
+key 305   BUTTON_B
+key 307   BUTTON_X
+key 308   BUTTON_Y
+key 310   BUTTON_L1
+key 311   BUTTON_R1
+key 314   BACK
+key 315   BUTTON_START
+key 316   HOME
+key 317   BUTTON_THUMBL
+key 318   BUTTON_THUMBR
+# Left and right stick.
+# The reported value for flat is 128 out of a range from -32767 to 32768, which is absurd.
+# This confuses applications that rely on the flat value because the joystick actually
+# settles in a flat range of +/- 4096 or so.
+axis 0x00 X flat 4096
+axis 0x01 Y flat 4096
+axis 0x03 Z flat 4096
+axis 0x04 RZ flat 4096
+# Triggers.
+axis 0x02 LTRIGGER
+axis 0x05 RTRIGGER
+# Hat.
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_045e_Product_02d1.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_045e_Product_02d1.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d1637bb012d209deb7d862db979a0cebdb724ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_045e_Product_02d1.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# XBox One USB Controller
+key 304   BUTTON_A
+key 305   BUTTON_B
+key 307   BUTTON_X
+key 308   BUTTON_Y
+key 310   BUTTON_L1
+key 311   BUTTON_R1
+key 314   BACK
+key 315   BUTTON_START
+key 316   HOME
+key 317   BUTTON_THUMBL
+key 318   BUTTON_THUMBR
+# Left and right stick.
+# The reported value for flat is 128 out of a range from -32767 to 32768, which is absurd.
+# This confuses applications that rely on the flat value because the joystick actually
+# settles in a flat range of +/- 4096 or so.
+axis 0x00 X flat 4096
+axis 0x01 Y flat 4096
+axis 0x03 Z flat 4096
+axis 0x04 RZ flat 4096
+# Triggers.
+axis 0x02 LTRIGGER
+axis 0x05 RTRIGGER
+# Hat.
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_045e_Product_02e0.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_045e_Product_02e0.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1012fb1eb28da979c3c0d73f7ec8d386e8c58666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_045e_Product_02e0.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Xbox Wireless Controller
+# Mapping according to https://developer.android.com/training/game-controllers/controller-input.html
+key 0x132    BUTTON_X
+key 0x130    BUTTON_A
+key 0x131    BUTTON_B
+key 0x133    BUTTON_Y
+key 0x134    BUTTON_L1
+key 0x135    BUTTON_R1
+# LT axis
+axis 0x02   LTRIGGER
+# RT axis
+axis 0x05   RTRIGGER
+# Left Analog Stick
+axis 0x00    X
+axis 0x01    Y
+# Right Analog Stick
+axis 0x03    Z
+axis 0x04    RZ
+# Left stick click
+key 0x138    BUTTON_THUMBL
+# Right stick click
+key 0x139    BUTTON_THUMBR
+# Hat
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
+# Mapping according to https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/gamepad.txt
+# Two overlapping rectangles
+key 0x136    BUTTON_SELECT
+# Hamburger - 3 parallel lines
+key 0x137    BUTTON_START
+# Xbox key
+key 0x8b    HOME
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_b501.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_b501.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..496ddc3eec06c860a7bbee48e932a7187ab8dad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_b501.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Logitech Bluetooth wireless gamepad (RedHawk)
+key 304 BUTTON_A
+key 305 BUTTON_B
+key 307 BUTTON_X
+key 308 BUTTON_Y
+key 310 BUTTON_L1
+key 311 BUTTON_R1
+key 312 BUTTON_L2
+key 313 BUTTON_R2
+key 316 BUTTON_MODE
+key 103 DPAD_UP
+key 105 DPAD_LEFT
+key 106 DPAD_RIGHT
+key 108 DPAD_DOWN
+key 353 DPAD_CENTER
+key 113 VOLUME_MUTE
+key 114 VOLUME_DOWN
+key 115 VOLUME_UP
+key 152 POWER
+key 163 MEDIA_NEXT
+key 158 BACK
+key 172 HOME
+key 217 SEARCH
+key 580 APP_SWITCH
+key 582 ASSIST
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x02 Z
+axis 0x05 RZ
+axis 0x09 RTRIGGER
+axis 0x0a LTRIGGER
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
+led 0x00 CONTROLLER_1
+led 0x01 CONTROLLER_2
+led 0x02 CONTROLLER_3
+led 0x03 CONTROLLER_4
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c216.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c216.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6743323d7db8c3ab17beec571011246016dad3cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c216.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Logitech Dual Action Controller
+key 0x120    BUTTON_A
+key 0x123    BUTTON_B
+key 0x121    BUTTON_X
+key 0x122    BUTTON_Y
+key 0x124    BUTTON_L1
+key 0x125    BUTTON_R1
+key 0x126    BUTTON_L2
+key 0x127    BUTTON_R2
+key 0x128    BUTTON_SELECT
+key 0x129    BUTTON_START
+key 0x12a    BUTTON_THUMBL
+key 0x12b    BUTTON_THUMBR
+axis 0x00    X
+axis 0x01    Y
+axis 0x02    Z
+axis 0x05    RZ
+axis 0x10    HAT_X
+axis 0x11    HAT_Y
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c219.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c219.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2fa964ce532eabf1e32185a82486b2abcfd98b5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c219.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Logitech Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2
+key 305 BUTTON_A
+key 306 BUTTON_B
+key 304 BUTTON_X
+key 307 BUTTON_Y
+key 308 BUTTON_L1
+key 309 BUTTON_R1
+key 310 BUTTON_L2
+key 311 BUTTON_R2
+key 312 BACK
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x02 Z
+axis 0x05 RZ
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c21d.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c21d.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3fbdecc1747e84e0096bf19417d17ab355401bab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c21d.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Logitech F310
+key 304 BUTTON_A
+key 305 BUTTON_B
+key 307 BUTTON_X
+key 308 BUTTON_Y
+key 310 BUTTON_L1
+key 311 BUTTON_R1
+key 314 BACK
+key 316 HOME
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x03 Z
+axis 0x04 RZ
+axis 0x05 GAS
+axis 0x02 BRAKE
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c21f.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c21f.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a9ba3781ec1b43f16a2e7ad4d9c54c6bab539a3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c21f.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Logitech Wireless Gamepad F710
+key 304 BUTTON_A
+key 305 BUTTON_B
+key 307 BUTTON_X
+key 308 BUTTON_Y
+key 310 BUTTON_L1
+key 311 BUTTON_R1
+key 314 BACK
+key 316 HOME
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x03 Z
+axis 0x04 RZ
+axis 0x05 RTRIGGER
+axis 0x02 LTRIGGER
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c294.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c294.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5492f49758f0eedb69429b68aedc5de089070e82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c294.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Logitech G25 Racing Wheel (in Compatibility Mode)
+# 4 way buttons above hat
+key 0x121    BUTTON_A
+key 0x123    BUTTON_B
+key 0x120    BUTTON_X
+key 0x122    BUTTON_Y
+# Row of buttons under hat
+key 0x12b    BUTTON_1
+key 0x128    BUTTON_2
+key 0x129    BUTTON_3
+key 0x12a    BUTTON_4
+# Gear shift positions
+#   0x12a top-left gear (aliased as BUTTON_4)
+#   0x12b bottom-left gear (aliased as BUTTON_1)
+# Buttons on wheel
+key 0x127    BUTTON_L1
+key 0x126    BUTTON_R1
+# Toggles under wheel
+key 0x125    BUTTON_L2
+key 0x124    BUTTON_R2
+# Hat
+axis 0x10    HAT_X
+axis 0x11    HAT_Y
+# Steering Wheel
+axis 0x00    WHEEL
+# Accelerator / Brake
+#   00..7e : accelerator
+#   80..ff : brake
+axis 0x01    split 0x7f GAS BRAKE
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c299.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c299.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d42963dbc961146fe5fc86837142b3f745dbc1ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c299.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Logitech G25 Racing Wheel (in Native Mode)
+# 4 way buttons above hat
+key 0x121    BUTTON_A
+key 0x123    BUTTON_B
+key 0x120    BUTTON_X
+key 0x122    BUTTON_Y
+# Row of buttons under hat
+key 0x12b    BUTTON_1
+key 0x128    BUTTON_2
+key 0x129    BUTTON_3
+key 0x12a    BUTTON_4
+# Gear shift positions
+key 0x12c    BUTTON_5
+key 0x12d    BUTTON_6
+key 0x12e    BUTTON_7
+key 0x12f    BUTTON_8
+key 0x2d0    BUTTON_9
+key 0x2d1    BUTTON_10
+key 0x2d2    BUTTON_11
+# Buttons on wheel
+key 0x127    BUTTON_L1
+key 0x126    BUTTON_R1
+# Toggles under wheel
+key 0x125    BUTTON_L2
+key 0x124    BUTTON_R2
+# Hat
+axis 0x10    HAT_X
+axis 0x11    HAT_Y
+# Steering Wheel
+axis 0x00    WHEEL
+# Clutch
+axis 0x01    invert GENERIC_1
+# Accelerator
+axis 0x02    invert GAS
+# Brake
+axis 0x05    invert BRAKE
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c532.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c532.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..741c2e18b228a4d84f4d5b132262a10e56126b67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c532.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Logitech Revue Wireless keyboard
+# Notes:
+# - The GRAVE key is emulated by the keyboard.
+#     ALT + LEFT_BRACKET produces GRAVE.
+#     ALT + RIGHT_BRACKET produces SHIFT + GRAVE.
+# - FORWARD_DEL is produced by fn + BACKSPACE
+# - PAGE_UP / PAGE_DOWN is produced by fn + CHANNEL_UP / CHANNEL_DOWN
+# - The AVR / STB / TV power and input buttons seem to be non-functional
+#   as well as several of the other fn buttons and the PIP button?
+key 1     ESCAPE
+key 2     1
+key 3     2
+key 4     3
+key 5     4
+key 6     5
+key 7     6
+key 8     7
+key 9     8
+key 10    9
+key 11    0
+key 12    MINUS
+key 13    EQUALS
+key 14    DEL
+key 15    TAB
+key 16    Q
+key 17    W
+key 18    E
+key 19    R
+key 20    T
+key 21    Y
+key 22    U
+key 23    I
+key 24    O
+key 25    P
+key 26    LEFT_BRACKET
+key 27    RIGHT_BRACKET
+key 28    ENTER
+key 29    CTRL_LEFT
+key 30    A
+key 31    S
+key 32    D
+key 33    F
+key 34    G
+key 35    H
+key 36    J
+key 37    K
+key 38    L
+key 39    SEMICOLON
+key 40    APOSTROPHE
+key 41    GRAVE
+key 42    SHIFT_LEFT
+key 43    BACKSLASH
+key 44    Z
+key 45    X
+key 46    C
+key 47    V
+key 48    B
+key 49    N
+key 50    M
+key 51    COMMA
+key 52    PERIOD
+key 53    SLASH
+key 54    SHIFT_RIGHT
+key 56    ALT_RIGHT
+key 57    SPACE
+key 58    CAPS_LOCK
+key 59    F1
+key 60    F2
+key 61    F3
+key 62    F4
+key 63    F5
+key 64    F6
+key 65    F7
+key 66    F8
+key 67    F9
+key 68    F10
+key 87    F11
+key 88    F12
+key 96    DPAD_CENTER
+key 97    CTRL_RIGHT
+key 102   MOVE_HOME
+key 103   DPAD_UP
+key 104   PAGE_UP
+key 105   DPAD_LEFT
+key 106   DPAD_RIGHT
+key 107   MOVE_END
+key 108   DPAD_DOWN
+key 109   PAGE_DOWN
+key 110   NUMPAD_ENTER
+key 111   FORWARD_DEL
+key 113   VOLUME_MUTE
+key 114   VOLUME_DOWN
+key 115   VOLUME_UP
+key 119   MEDIA_PAUSE
+key 125   SEARCH
+key 127   MENU
+key 156   BOOKMARK
+key 158   BACK
+key 163   MEDIA_NEXT
+key 166   MEDIA_STOP
+key 167   MEDIA_RECORD
+key 168   MEDIA_REWIND
+key 172   HOME
+key 207   MEDIA_PLAY
+# key 288  left mouse button
+# key 289  right mouse button (fn + button)
+key 362   GUIDE
+key 366   DVR
+key 377   TV
+key 402   CHANNEL_UP
+key 403   CHANNEL_DOWN
+key 418   ZOOM_IN
+key 419   ZOOM_OUT
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_054c_Product_0268.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_054c_Product_0268.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7c601373c2d0ab2c193b58e15332aa823273e1bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_054c_Product_0268.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Sony Playstation(R)3 Controller
+key 0x124    DPAD_UP
+key 0x125    DPAD_RIGHT
+key 0x126    DPAD_DOWN
+key 0x127    DPAD_LEFT
+key 0x120    BUTTON_SELECT
+key 0x123    BUTTON_START
+key 0x12e    BUTTON_A
+key 0x12d    BUTTON_B
+key 0x12f    BUTTON_X
+key 0x12c    BUTTON_Y
+key 0x12a    BUTTON_L1
+key 0x12b    BUTTON_R1
+key 0x128    BUTTON_L2
+key 0x129    BUTTON_R2
+key 0x121    BUTTON_THUMBL
+key 0x122    BUTTON_THUMBR
+# PS key
+key 0x2d0    HOME
+# Left Analog Stick
+axis 0x00    X
+axis 0x01    Y
+# Right Analog Stick
+axis 0x02    Z
+axis 0x05    RZ
+# axis 0x2c   -HAT_Y
+# axis 0x2d   +HAT_X
+# axis 0x2e   +HAT_Y
+# axis 0x2f   -HAT_X
+# L2 trigger
+axis 0x30   LTRIGGER
+# R2 trigger
+axis 0x31   RTRIGGER
+# L1 trigger
+# axis 0x32
+# R1 trigger
+# axis 0x33
+# Triangle
+# axis 0x34
+# Circle
+# axis 0x35
+# Cross
+# axis 0x36
+# Square
+# axis 0x37
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_054c_Product_05c4.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_054c_Product_05c4.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a1284a49dad620da3a575120ce4e09f983395dec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_054c_Product_05c4.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Sony Playstation(R) DualShock 4 Controller
+# Mapping according to https://developer.android.com/training/game-controllers/controller-input.html
+# Square
+key 0x130    BUTTON_X
+# Cross
+key 0x131    BUTTON_A
+# Circle
+key 0x132    BUTTON_B
+# Triangle
+key 0x133    BUTTON_Y
+key 0x134    BUTTON_L1
+key 0x135    BUTTON_R1
+key 0x136    BUTTON_L2
+key 0x137    BUTTON_R2
+# L2 axis
+axis 0x03   LTRIGGER
+# R2 axis
+axis 0x04   RTRIGGER
+# Left Analog Stick
+axis 0x00    X
+axis 0x01    Y
+# Right Analog Stick
+axis 0x02    Z
+axis 0x05    RZ
+# Left stick click
+key 0x13a    BUTTON_THUMBL
+# Right stick click
+key 0x13b    BUTTON_THUMBR
+# Hat
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
+# Mapping according to https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/gamepad.txt
+# Share
+key 0x138    BUTTON_SELECT
+# Options
+key 0x139    BUTTON_START
+# PS key
+key 0x13c    BUTTON_MODE
+# Touchpad press
+# The touchpad for this joystick will become a separate input device in future releases
+# and this button will be equivalent to left mouse button
+# Therefore, map it to KEYCODE_BUTTON_1 here to allow apps to still handle this on earlier versions
+key 0x13d   BUTTON_1
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_054c_Product_09cc.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_054c_Product_09cc.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a1284a49dad620da3a575120ce4e09f983395dec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_054c_Product_09cc.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Sony Playstation(R) DualShock 4 Controller
+# Mapping according to https://developer.android.com/training/game-controllers/controller-input.html
+# Square
+key 0x130    BUTTON_X
+# Cross
+key 0x131    BUTTON_A
+# Circle
+key 0x132    BUTTON_B
+# Triangle
+key 0x133    BUTTON_Y
+key 0x134    BUTTON_L1
+key 0x135    BUTTON_R1
+key 0x136    BUTTON_L2
+key 0x137    BUTTON_R2
+# L2 axis
+axis 0x03   LTRIGGER
+# R2 axis
+axis 0x04   RTRIGGER
+# Left Analog Stick
+axis 0x00    X
+axis 0x01    Y
+# Right Analog Stick
+axis 0x02    Z
+axis 0x05    RZ
+# Left stick click
+key 0x13a    BUTTON_THUMBL
+# Right stick click
+key 0x13b    BUTTON_THUMBR
+# Hat
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
+# Mapping according to https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/gamepad.txt
+# Share
+key 0x138    BUTTON_SELECT
+# Options
+key 0x139    BUTTON_START
+# PS key
+key 0x13c    BUTTON_MODE
+# Touchpad press
+# The touchpad for this joystick will become a separate input device in future releases
+# and this button will be equivalent to left mouse button
+# Therefore, map it to KEYCODE_BUTTON_1 here to allow apps to still handle this on earlier versions
+key 0x13d   BUTTON_1
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_0583_Product_2060.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_0583_Product_2060.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92c8a14a2fce17aad3fb9b80766553b75a7fb31b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_0583_Product_2060.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+key 288 BUTTON_A
+key 289 BUTTON_B
+key 290 BUTTON_X
+key 291 BUTTON_Y
+key 294 BUTTON_L1
+key 295 BUTTON_R1
+key 292 BUTTON_L2
+key 293 BUTTON_R2
+axis 0x00 HAT_X
+axis 0x01 HAT_Y
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_05ac_Product_0239.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_05ac_Product_0239.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0c358e7d86363b39b16c064de78ee4e18b1e1d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_05ac_Product_0239.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Apple Wireless Keyboard
+# Notes:
+# - Keys such as PAGE_UP and FORWARD_DEL are produced using the
+#   function key.
+# - Special function keys for brightness control, etc. are not
+#   implemented here.
+key 1     ESCAPE
+key 2     1
+key 3     2
+key 4     3
+key 5     4
+key 6     5
+key 7     6
+key 8     7
+key 9     8
+key 10    9
+key 11    0
+key 12    MINUS
+key 13    EQUALS
+key 14    DEL
+key 15    TAB
+key 16    Q
+key 17    W
+key 18    E
+key 19    R
+key 20    T
+key 21    Y
+key 22    U
+key 23    I
+key 24    O
+key 25    P
+key 26    LEFT_BRACKET
+key 27    RIGHT_BRACKET
+key 28    ENTER
+key 29    CTRL_LEFT
+key 30    A
+key 31    S
+key 32    D
+key 33    F
+key 34    G
+key 35    H
+key 36    J
+key 37    K
+key 38    L
+key 39    SEMICOLON
+key 40    APOSTROPHE
+key 41    GRAVE
+key 42    SHIFT_LEFT
+key 43    BACKSLASH
+key 44    Z
+key 45    X
+key 46    C
+key 47    V
+key 48    B
+key 49    N
+key 50    M
+key 51    COMMA
+key 52    PERIOD
+key 53    SLASH
+key 54    SHIFT_RIGHT
+key 56    ALT_LEFT
+key 57    SPACE
+key 58    CAPS_LOCK
+key 59    F1
+key 60    F2
+key 61    F3
+key 62    F4
+key 63    F5
+key 64    F6
+key 65    F7
+key 66    F8
+key 67    F9
+key 68    F10
+key 87    F11
+key 88    F12
+key 100   ALT_RIGHT
+key 102   MOVE_HOME
+key 103   DPAD_UP
+key 104   PAGE_UP
+key 105   DPAD_LEFT
+key 106   DPAD_RIGHT
+key 107   MOVE_END
+key 108   DPAD_DOWN
+key 109   PAGE_DOWN
+key 110   NUMPAD_ENTER
+key 111   FORWARD_DEL
+key 113   VOLUME_MUTE
+key 114   VOLUME_DOWN
+key 115   VOLUME_UP
+key 120   APP_SWITCH
+key 125   META_LEFT
+key 126   META_RIGHT
+key 161   MEDIA_EJECT
+key 163   MEDIA_NEXT
+# key 204  show gadgets
+key 225   BRIGHTNESS_UP
+# key 229  blank special function on F5
+# key 230  blank special function on F6
+key 464   FUNCTION
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_0b05_Product_4500.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_0b05_Product_4500.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7d519e903d7754a2664fb7207f416d518ab119f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_0b05_Product_4500.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Asus Gamepad
+key 304 BUTTON_A
+key 305 BUTTON_B
+key 307 BUTTON_X
+key 308 BUTTON_Y
+key 310 BUTTON_L1
+key 311 BUTTON_R1
+key 316 BUTTON_MODE
+key 158 BACK
+key 172 HOME
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x02 Z
+axis 0x05 RZ
+axis 0x09 RTRIGGER
+axis 0x0a LTRIGGER
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
+led 0x00 CONTROLLER_1
+led 0x01 CONTROLLER_2
+led 0x02 CONTROLLER_3
+led 0x03 CONTROLLER_4
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1038_Product_1412.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1038_Product_1412.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..551b0bd7562612b924d29ed574e86e29ec059dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1038_Product_1412.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Steelseries Free
+key 304 BUTTON_A
+key 305 BUTTON_B
+key 307 BUTTON_X
+key 308 BUTTON_Y
+key 310 BUTTON_L1
+key 311 BUTTON_R1
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x02 Z
+axis 0x05 RZ
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_12bd_Product_d015.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_12bd_Product_d015.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..557d62f135e064b3e0c95367cbac08a34a10caf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_12bd_Product_d015.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Hitgaming SNES Retro
+key 306 BUTTON_A
+key 305 BUTTON_B
+key 307 BUTTON_X
+key 304 BUTTON_Y
+key 308 BUTTON_L1
+key 309 BUTTON_R1
+axis 0x00 HAT_X
+axis 0x01 HAT_Y
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1532_Product_0900.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1532_Product_0900.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c2fc1b4f93653bd041831ac4a2807b98352bb9cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1532_Product_0900.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Razer Serval
+key 304 BUTTON_A
+key 305 BUTTON_B
+key 307 BUTTON_X
+key 308 BUTTON_Y
+key 310 BUTTON_L1
+key 311 BUTTON_R1
+key 316 BUTTON_MODE
+key 158 BACK
+key 172 HOME
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x02 Z
+axis 0x05 RZ
+axis 0x09 RTRIGGER
+axis 0x0a LTRIGGER
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
+led 0x00 CONTROLLER_1
+led 0x01 CONTROLLER_2
+led 0x02 CONTROLLER_3
+led 0x03 CONTROLLER_4
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1689_Product_fd00.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1689_Product_fd00.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8407b130647267e0cb9f894f5091676842841389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1689_Product_fd00.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Razer Onza Tournament Edition
+key 304 BUTTON_A
+key 305 BUTTON_B
+key 307 BUTTON_X
+key 308 BUTTON_Y
+key 310 BUTTON_L1
+key 311 BUTTON_R1
+key 314 BACK
+key 316 HOME
+key 706 DPAD_UP
+key 705 DPAD_RIGHT
+key 707 DPAD_DOWN
+key 704 DPAD_LEFT
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x03 Z
+axis 0x04 RZ
+axis 0x05 RTRIGGER
+axis 0x02 LTRIGGER
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1689_Product_fd01.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1689_Product_fd01.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cacc07526b153f49db881c4ed48f3fe33c2e19b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1689_Product_fd01.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Razer Xbox 360 Gamepad
+key 304 BUTTON_A
+key 305 BUTTON_B
+key 307 BUTTON_X
+key 308 BUTTON_Y
+key 310 BUTTON_L1
+key 311 BUTTON_R1
+key 314 BACK
+key 316 HOME
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x03 Z
+axis 0x04 RZ
+axis 0x05 RTRIGGER
+axis 0x02 LTRIGGER
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1689_Product_fe00.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1689_Product_fe00.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..467173f001589c4db70b010de1da65b12305ee39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1689_Product_fe00.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Razer Sabertooth Elite
+key 304 BUTTON_A
+key 305 BUTTON_B
+key 307 BUTTON_X
+key 308 BUTTON_Y
+key 310 BUTTON_L1
+key 311 BUTTON_R1
+key 314 BACK
+key 316 HOME
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x03 Z
+axis 0x04 RZ
+axis 0x05 RTRIGGER
+axis 0x02 LTRIGGER
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_18d1_Product_2c40.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_18d1_Product_2c40.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6efde4fa2cbc22465ac001a33c74e71d676ceda9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_18d1_Product_2c40.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Odie
+key 304 BUTTON_A
+key 305 BUTTON_B
+key 307 BUTTON_X
+key 308 BUTTON_Y
+key 310 BUTTON_L1
+key 311 BUTTON_R1
+key 316 BUTTON_MODE
+key 158 BACK
+key 172 HOME
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x02 Z
+axis 0x05 RZ
+axis 0x09 RTRIGGER
+axis 0x0a LTRIGGER
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
+led 0x00 CONTROLLER_1
+led 0x01 CONTROLLER_2
+led 0x02 CONTROLLER_3
+led 0x03 CONTROLLER_4
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_18d1_Product_5018.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_18d1_Product_5018.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e95ccb5c472c1ea53e7f8272b961eb2aa674cf31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_18d1_Product_5018.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Key layout for Google Pixel C Keyboard
+# Row 1
+key 2     1
+key 3     2
+key 4     3
+key 5     4
+key 6     5
+key 7     6
+key 8     7
+key 9     8
+key 10    9
+key 11    0
+key 12    MINUS
+key 14    DEL         # Backspace
+# Row 2
+key 15    TAB
+key 16    Q
+key 17    W
+key 18    E
+key 19    R
+key 20    T
+key 21    Y
+key 22    U
+key 23    I
+key 24    O
+key 25    P
+key 13    EQUALS
+key 28    ENTER
+# Row 3
+key 125   META_LEFT   # "Search key"
+key 30    A
+key 31    S
+key 32    D
+key 33    F
+key 34    G
+key 35    H
+key 36    J
+key 37    K
+key 38    L
+key 39    SEMICOLON
+key 40    APOSTROPHE
+# Row 4
+key 42    SHIFT_LEFT
+key 44    Z
+key 45    X
+key 46    C
+key 47    V
+key 48    B
+key 49    N
+key 50    M
+key 51    COMMA
+key 52    PERIOD
+key 53    SLASH
+key 54    SHIFT_RIGHT
+# Row 5
+key 29    CTRL_LEFT
+key 56    ALT_LEFT
+key 57    SPACE
+key 100   ALT_RIGHT
+key 103   DPAD_UP
+key 105   DPAD_LEFT
+key 106   DPAD_RIGHT
+key 108   DPAD_DOWN
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1949_Product_0401.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1949_Product_0401.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ab24bcdedaf3a2c5e02e3a3a2480ce7f3b2c979f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1949_Product_0401.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Amazon Fire TV remote
+key 103 DPAD_UP
+key 108 DPAD_DOWN
+key 105 DPAD_LEFT
+key 106 DPAD_RIGHT
+key 96  DPAD_CENTER
+key 158 BACK
+key 172 HOME
+key 217 ASSIST
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1bad_Product_f016.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1bad_Product_f016.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00f855915015f0930471992dcbef81096fbee0ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1bad_Product_f016.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Madcatz Gamepad
+key 304 BUTTON_A
+key 305 BUTTON_B
+key 307 BUTTON_X
+key 308 BUTTON_Y
+key 310 BUTTON_L1
+key 311 BUTTON_R1
+key 314 BACK
+key 316 HOME
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x03 Z
+axis 0x04 RZ
+axis 0x05 RTRIGGER
+axis 0x02 LTRIGGER
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1bad_Product_f023.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1bad_Product_f023.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..175a523b5b3e2c8308bfa156abef98db5ed79abd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1bad_Product_f023.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Mad Catz MLG GamePad for Xbox 360
+key 304 BUTTON_A
+key 305 BUTTON_B
+key 307 BUTTON_X
+key 308 BUTTON_Y
+key 310 BUTTON_L1
+key 311 BUTTON_R1
+key 314 BACK
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x03 Z
+axis 0x04 RZ
+axis 0x05 RTRIGGER
+axis 0x02 LTRIGGER
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1bad_Product_f027.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1bad_Product_f027.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..216e3daebb9c7a033888f7f26aee4cd1bf2d48d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1bad_Product_f027.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# MadCatz FPS Pro
+key 304 BUTTON_A
+key 305 BUTTON_B
+key 307 BUTTON_X
+key 308 BUTTON_Y
+key 310 BUTTON_L1
+key 311 BUTTON_R1
+key 314 BACK
+key 316 HOME
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x03 Z
+axis 0x04 RZ
+axis 0x05 RTRIGGER
+axis 0x02 LTRIGGER
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1bad_Product_f036.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1bad_Product_f036.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f27de1c0e4f2a525ab7ea8af0e8e1235d4a4bf3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1bad_Product_f036.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# MadCatz Generic XBox Controller
+key 304 BUTTON_A
+key 305 BUTTON_B
+key 307 BUTTON_X
+key 308 BUTTON_Y
+key 310 BUTTON_L1
+key 311 BUTTON_R1
+key 314 BACK
+key 316 HOME
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x03 Z
+axis 0x04 RZ
+axis 0x05 RTRIGGER
+axis 0x02 LTRIGGER
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1d79_Product_0009.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1d79_Product_0009.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a3d5bbdb3cc25f9182aed9cdf905087841482353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1d79_Product_0009.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Nyko Playpad / Playpad Pro
+key 304 BUTTON_A
+key 305 BUTTON_B
+key 307 BUTTON_X
+key 308 BUTTON_Y
+key 310 BUTTON_L1
+key 311 BUTTON_R1
+key 158 BACK
+key 172 HOME
+key 103 DPAD_UP
+key 105 DPAD_LEFT
+key 106 DPAD_RIGHT
+key 108 DPAD_DOWN
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x02 Z
+axis 0x05 RZ
+axis 0x09 RTRIGGER
+axis 0x0a LTRIGGER
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_22b8_Product_093d.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_22b8_Product_093d.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2749c5ba98b5fb7ded86f2b9ede395477091b4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_22b8_Product_093d.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Motorola Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard.
+key 1     BACK
+key 2     1
+key 3     2
+key 4     3
+key 5     4
+key 6     5
+key 7     6
+key 8     7
+key 9     8
+key 10    9
+key 11    0
+key 12    MINUS
+key 13    EQUALS
+key 14    DEL
+key 15    TAB
+key 16    Q
+key 17    W
+key 18    E
+key 19    R
+key 20    T
+key 21    Y
+key 22    U
+key 23    I
+key 24    O
+key 25    P
+key 26    LEFT_BRACKET
+key 27    RIGHT_BRACKET
+key 28    ENTER
+key 29    CTRL_LEFT
+key 30    A
+key 31    S
+key 32    D
+key 33    F
+key 34    G
+key 35    H
+key 36    J
+key 37    K
+key 38    L
+key 39    SEMICOLON
+key 40    APOSTROPHE
+key 41    GRAVE
+key 42    SHIFT_LEFT
+key 43    BACKSLASH
+key 44    Z
+key 45    X
+key 46    C
+key 47    V
+key 48    B
+key 49    N
+key 50    M
+key 51    COMMA
+key 52    PERIOD
+key 53    SLASH
+key 54    SHIFT_RIGHT
+key 56    ALT_LEFT
+key 57    SPACE
+key 58    CAPS_LOCK
+key 59    F1
+key 60    F2
+key 61    F3
+key 62    F4
+key 63    F5
+key 64    F6
+key 65    F7
+key 66    F8
+key 67    F9
+key 68    F10
+key 87    F11
+key 88    F12
+key 97    CTRL_RIGHT
+key 102   HOME
+key 103   DPAD_UP
+key 105   DPAD_LEFT
+key 106   DPAD_RIGHT
+key 107   MOVE_END
+key 108   DPAD_DOWN
+key 111   FORWARD_DEL
+key 113   VOLUME_MUTE
+key 114   VOLUME_DOWN
+key 115   VOLUME_UP
+key 125   MENU
+key 127   SEARCH
+key 163   MEDIA_NEXT
+key 166   MEDIA_STOP
+# key 226  tbd reserved key
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_2378_Product_1008.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_2378_Product_1008.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..478da03b9a78d188d9581c7d005f9000b63607f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_2378_Product_1008.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# OnLive, Inc. OnLive Wireless Controller, USB adapter
+key 304 BUTTON_A
+key 305 BUTTON_B
+key 307 BUTTON_X
+key 308 BUTTON_Y
+key 310 BUTTON_L1
+key 311 BUTTON_R1
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x03 Z
+axis 0x04 RZ
+axis 0x05 RTRIGGER
+axis 0x02 LTRIGGER
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_2378_Product_100a.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_2378_Product_100a.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d9cd1712046465fad9f484d02788c27eb353645b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_2378_Product_100a.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# OnLive, Inc. OnLive Wireless Controller
+key 304 BUTTON_A
+key 305 BUTTON_B
+key 307 BUTTON_X
+key 308 BUTTON_Y
+key 310 BUTTON_L1
+key 311 BUTTON_R1
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x03 Z
+axis 0x04 RZ
+axis 0x05 RTRIGGER
+axis 0x02 LTRIGGER
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/Winnersun.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Winnersun.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..01b6e11a1f5e481ca36a51bc4809e2c60bd64e0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/Winnersun.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generic key layout file for full alphabetic US English PC style external keyboards.
+# This file is intentionally very generic and is intended to support a broad rang of keyboards.
+# Do not edit the generic key layout to support a specific keyboard; instead, create
+# a new key layout file with the required keyboard configuration.
+key 1     ESCAPE
+key 2     1
+key 3     2
+key 4     3
+key 5     4
+key 6     5
+key 7     6
+key 8     7
+key 9     8
+key 10    9
+key 11    0
+key 12    MINUS
+key 13    EQUALS
+key 14    DEL
+key 15    TAB
+key 16    Q
+key 17    W
+key 18    E
+key 19    R
+key 20    T
+key 21    Y
+key 22    U
+key 23    I
+key 24    O
+key 25    P
+key 26    LEFT_BRACKET
+key 27    RIGHT_BRACKET
+#key 28    ENTER
+key 29    CTRL_LEFT
+key 30    A
+key 31    S
+key 32    D
+key 33    F
+key 34    G
+key 35    H
+key 36    J
+key 37    K
+key 38    L
+key 39    SEMICOLON
+key 40    APOSTROPHE
+key 41    GRAVE
+key 42    SHIFT_LEFT
+key 43    BACKSLASH
+key 44    Z
+key 45    X
+key 46    C
+key 47    V
+key 48    B
+key 49    N
+key 50    M
+key 51    COMMA
+key 52    PERIOD
+key 53    SLASH
+key 54    SHIFT_RIGHT
+key 56    ALT_LEFT
+key 57    SPACE
+key 58    CAPS_LOCK
+key 59    F1
+key 60    F2
+key 61    F3
+key 62    F4
+key 63    F5
+key 64    F6
+key 65    F7
+key 66    F8
+key 67    F9
+key 68    F10
+key 69    NUM_LOCK
+key 70    SCROLL_LOCK
+key 71    NUMPAD_7
+key 72    NUMPAD_8
+key 73    NUMPAD_9
+key 75    NUMPAD_4
+key 76    NUMPAD_5
+key 77    NUMPAD_6
+key 78    NUMPAD_ADD
+key 79    NUMPAD_1
+key 80    NUMPAD_2
+key 81    NUMPAD_3
+key 82    NUMPAD_0
+key 83    NUMPAD_DOT
+# key 84 (undefined)
+key 86    BACKSLASH
+key 87    F11
+key 88    F12
+key 89    RO
+# key 90 "KEY_KATAKANA"
+# key 91 "KEY_HIRAGANA"
+key 92    HENKAN
+key 94    MUHENKAN
+key 95    NUMPAD_COMMA
+key 96    NUMPAD_ENTER
+key 97    CTRL_RIGHT
+key 98    NUMPAD_DIVIDE
+key 99    SYSRQ
+key 100   ALT_RIGHT
+# key 101 "KEY_LINEFEED"
+key 102   MOVE_HOME
+key 103   DPAD_UP
+key 104   PAGE_UP
+key 105   DPAD_LEFT
+key 106   DPAD_RIGHT
+key 107   MOVE_END
+key 108   DPAD_DOWN
+key 109   PAGE_DOWN
+key 110   INSERT
+key 111   FORWARD_DEL
+# key 112 "KEY_MACRO"
+key 113   VOLUME_MUTE
+key 114   VOLUME_DOWN
+key 115   VOLUME_UP
+key 116   POWER
+key 117   NUMPAD_EQUALS
+# key 118 "KEY_KPPLUSMINUS"
+key 119   BREAK
+# key 120 (undefined)
+key 121   NUMPAD_COMMA
+key 122   KANA
+key 123   EISU
+key 124   YEN
+key 125   META_LEFT
+key 126   META_RIGHT
+key 127   MENU
+key 128   MEDIA_STOP
+# key 129 "KEY_AGAIN"
+# key 130 "KEY_PROPS"
+# key 131 "KEY_UNDO"
+# key 132 "KEY_FRONT"
+key 133   COPY
+# key 134 "KEY_OPEN"
+key 135   PASTE
+# key 136 "KEY_FIND"
+key 137   CUT
+# key 138 "KEY_HELP"
+key 139   MENU
+key 140   CALCULATOR
+# key 141 "KEY_SETUP"
+key 142   SLEEP
+key 143   WAKEUP
+# key 144 "KEY_FILE"
+# key 145 "KEY_SENDFILE"
+# key 146 "KEY_DELETEFILE"
+# key 147 "KEY_XFER"
+# key 148 "KEY_PROG1"
+# key 149 "KEY_PROG2"
+key 150   EXPLORER
+# key 151 "KEY_MSDOS"
+key 152   POWER
+# key 153 "KEY_DIRECTION"
+key 155   ENVELOPE
+key 156   BOOKMARK
+# key 157 "KEY_COMPUTER"
+key 158   BACK
+key 159   FORWARD
+key 160   MEDIA_CLOSE
+key 161   MEDIA_EJECT
+key 162   MEDIA_EJECT
+key 163   MEDIA_NEXT
+key 166   MEDIA_STOP
+key 167   MEDIA_RECORD
+key 168   MEDIA_REWIND
+key 169   CALL
+# key 170 "KEY_ISO"
+key 171   MUSIC
+key 172   HOME
+# key 173 "KEY_REFRESH"
+# key 174 "KEY_EXIT"
+# key 175 "KEY_MOVE"
+# key 176 "KEY_EDIT"
+key 177   PAGE_UP
+key 178   PAGE_DOWN
+# key 181 "KEY_NEW"
+# key 182 "KEY_REDO"
+# key 183   F13
+# key 184   F14
+# key 185   F15
+# key 186   F16
+# key 187   F17
+# key 188   F18
+# key 189   F19
+# key 190   F20
+# key 191   F21
+# key 192   F22
+# key 193   F23
+# key 194   F24
+# key 195 (undefined)
+# key 196 (undefined)
+# key 197 (undefined)
+# key 198 (undefined)
+# key 199 (undefined)
+key 200   MEDIA_PLAY
+key 201   MEDIA_PAUSE
+# key 202 "KEY_PROG3"
+# key 203 "KEY_PROG4"
+# key 204 (undefined)
+# key 205 "KEY_SUSPEND"
+# key 206 "KEY_CLOSE"
+key 207   MEDIA_PLAY
+# key 209 "KEY_BASSBOOST"
+# key 210 "KEY_PRINT"
+# key 211 "KEY_HP"
+key 212   CAMERA
+key 213   MUSIC
+# key 214 "KEY_QUESTION"
+key 215   ENVELOPE
+# key 216 "KEY_CHAT"
+key 217   SEARCH
+# key 218 "KEY_CONNECT"
+# key 219 "KEY_FINANCE"
+# key 220 "KEY_SPORT"
+# key 221 "KEY_SHOP"
+# key 222 "KEY_ALTERASE"
+# key 223 "KEY_CANCEL"
+key 225   BRIGHTNESS_UP
+key 226   HEADSETHOOK
+key 256   BUTTON_1
+key 257   BUTTON_2
+key 258   BUTTON_3
+key 259   BUTTON_4
+key 260   BUTTON_5
+key 261   BUTTON_6
+key 262   BUTTON_7
+key 263   BUTTON_8
+key 264   BUTTON_9
+key 265   BUTTON_10
+key 266   BUTTON_11
+key 267   BUTTON_12
+key 268   BUTTON_13
+key 269   BUTTON_14
+key 270   BUTTON_15
+key 271   BUTTON_16
+key 288   BUTTON_1
+key 289   BUTTON_2
+key 290   BUTTON_3
+key 291   BUTTON_4
+key 292   BUTTON_5
+key 293   BUTTON_6
+key 294   BUTTON_7
+key 295   BUTTON_8
+key 296   BUTTON_9
+key 297   BUTTON_10
+key 298   BUTTON_11
+key 299   BUTTON_12
+key 300   BUTTON_13
+key 301   BUTTON_14
+key 302   BUTTON_15
+key 303   BUTTON_16
+key 304   BUTTON_A
+key 305   BUTTON_B
+key 306   BUTTON_C
+key 307   BUTTON_X
+key 308   BUTTON_Y
+key 309   BUTTON_Z
+key 310   BUTTON_L1
+key 311   BUTTON_R1
+key 312   BUTTON_L2
+key 313   BUTTON_R2
+key 314   BUTTON_SELECT
+key 315   BUTTON_START
+key 316   BUTTON_MODE
+key 317   BUTTON_THUMBL
+key 318   BUTTON_THUMBR
+# key 352 "KEY_OK"
+key 353   DPAD_CENTER
+# key 354 "KEY_GOTO"
+# key 355 "KEY_CLEAR"
+# key 356 "KEY_POWER2"
+# key 357 "KEY_OPTION"
+# key 358 "KEY_INFO"
+# key 359 "KEY_TIME"
+# key 360 "KEY_VENDOR"
+# key 361 "KEY_ARCHIVE"
+key 362   GUIDE
+# key 363 "KEY_CHANNEL"
+# key 364 "KEY_FAVORITES"
+# key 365 "KEY_EPG"
+key 366   DVR
+# key 367 "KEY_MHP"
+# key 368 "KEY_LANGUAGE"
+# key 369 "KEY_TITLE"
+# key 370 "KEY_SUBTITLE"
+# key 371 "KEY_ANGLE"
+# key 372 "KEY_ZOOM"
+# key 373 "KEY_MODE"
+# key 374 "KEY_KEYBOARD"
+# key 375 "KEY_SCREEN"
+# key 376 "KEY_PC"
+key 377   TV
+# key 378 "KEY_TV2"
+# key 379 "KEY_VCR"
+# key 380 "KEY_VCR2"
+# key 381 "KEY_SAT"
+# key 382 "KEY_SAT2"
+# key 383 "KEY_CD"
+# key 384 "KEY_TAPE"
+# key 385 "KEY_RADIO"
+# key 386 "KEY_TUNER"
+# key 387 "KEY_PLAYER"
+# key 388 "KEY_TEXT"
+# key 389 "KEY_DVD"
+# key 390 "KEY_AUX"
+# key 391 "KEY_MP3"
+# key 392 "KEY_AUDIO"
+# key 393 "KEY_VIDEO"
+# key 394 "KEY_DIRECTORY"
+# key 395 "KEY_LIST"
+# key 396 "KEY_MEMO"
+key 397   CALENDAR
+# key 398 "KEY_RED"
+# key 399 "KEY_GREEN"
+# key 400 "KEY_YELLOW"
+# key 401 "KEY_BLUE"
+key 402   CHANNEL_UP
+key 403   CHANNEL_DOWN
+# key 404 "KEY_FIRST"
+# key 405 "KEY_LAST"
+# key 406 "KEY_AB"
+# key 407 "KEY_NEXT"
+# key 408 "KEY_RESTART"
+# key 409 "KEY_SLOW"
+# key 410 "KEY_SHUFFLE"
+# key 411 "KEY_BREAK"
+# key 412 "KEY_PREVIOUS"
+# key 413 "KEY_DIGITS"
+# key 414 "KEY_TEEN"
+# key 415 "KEY_TWEN"
+key 429   CONTACTS
+# key 448 "KEY_DEL_EOL"
+# key 449 "KEY_DEL_EOS"
+# key 450 "KEY_INS_LINE"
+# key 451 "KEY_DEL_LINE"
+key 464   FUNCTION
+key 465   ESCAPE            FUNCTION
+key 466   F1                FUNCTION
+key 467   F2                FUNCTION
+key 468   F3                FUNCTION
+key 469   F4                FUNCTION
+key 470   F5                FUNCTION
+key 471   F6                FUNCTION
+key 472   F7                FUNCTION
+key 473   F8                FUNCTION
+key 474   F9                FUNCTION
+key 475   F10               FUNCTION
+key 476   F11               FUNCTION
+key 477   F12               FUNCTION
+key 478   1                 FUNCTION
+key 479   2                 FUNCTION
+key 480   D                 FUNCTION
+key 481   E                 FUNCTION
+key 482   F                 FUNCTION
+key 483   S                 FUNCTION
+key 484   B                 FUNCTION
+# key 497 KEY_BRL_DOT1
+# key 498 KEY_BRL_DOT2
+# key 499 KEY_BRL_DOT3
+# key 500 KEY_BRL_DOT4
+# key 501 KEY_BRL_DOT5
+# key 502 KEY_BRL_DOT6
+# key 503 KEY_BRL_DOT7
+# key 504 KEY_BRL_DOT8
+key 580   APP_SWITCH
+key 582   VOICE_ASSIST
+# Keys defined by HID usages
+key usage 0x0c006F BRIGHTNESS_UP
+key usage 0x0c0070 BRIGHTNESS_DOWN
+# Joystick and game controller axes.
+# Axes that are not mapped will be assigned generic axis numbers by the input subsystem.
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x02 Z
+axis 0x03 RX
+axis 0x04 RY
+axis 0x05 RZ
+axis 0x06 THROTTLE
+axis 0x07 RUDDER
+axis 0x08 WHEEL
+axis 0x09 GAS
+axis 0x0a BRAKE
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
+# LEDs
+led 0x00 NUM_LOCK
+led 0x01 CAPS_LOCK
+led 0x02 SCROLL_LOCK
+led 0x03 COMPOSE
+led 0x04 KANA
+led 0x05 SLEEP
+led 0x06 SUSPEND
+led 0x07 MUTE
+led 0x08 MISC
+led 0x09 MAIL
+led 0x0a CHARGING
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/XMZPG.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/XMZPG.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..01b6e11a1f5e481ca36a51bc4809e2c60bd64e0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/XMZPG.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generic key layout file for full alphabetic US English PC style external keyboards.
+# This file is intentionally very generic and is intended to support a broad rang of keyboards.
+# Do not edit the generic key layout to support a specific keyboard; instead, create
+# a new key layout file with the required keyboard configuration.
+key 1     ESCAPE
+key 2     1
+key 3     2
+key 4     3
+key 5     4
+key 6     5
+key 7     6
+key 8     7
+key 9     8
+key 10    9
+key 11    0
+key 12    MINUS
+key 13    EQUALS
+key 14    DEL
+key 15    TAB
+key 16    Q
+key 17    W
+key 18    E
+key 19    R
+key 20    T
+key 21    Y
+key 22    U
+key 23    I
+key 24    O
+key 25    P
+key 26    LEFT_BRACKET
+key 27    RIGHT_BRACKET
+#key 28    ENTER
+key 29    CTRL_LEFT
+key 30    A
+key 31    S
+key 32    D
+key 33    F
+key 34    G
+key 35    H
+key 36    J
+key 37    K
+key 38    L
+key 39    SEMICOLON
+key 40    APOSTROPHE
+key 41    GRAVE
+key 42    SHIFT_LEFT
+key 43    BACKSLASH
+key 44    Z
+key 45    X
+key 46    C
+key 47    V
+key 48    B
+key 49    N
+key 50    M
+key 51    COMMA
+key 52    PERIOD
+key 53    SLASH
+key 54    SHIFT_RIGHT
+key 56    ALT_LEFT
+key 57    SPACE
+key 58    CAPS_LOCK
+key 59    F1
+key 60    F2
+key 61    F3
+key 62    F4
+key 63    F5
+key 64    F6
+key 65    F7
+key 66    F8
+key 67    F9
+key 68    F10
+key 69    NUM_LOCK
+key 70    SCROLL_LOCK
+key 71    NUMPAD_7
+key 72    NUMPAD_8
+key 73    NUMPAD_9
+key 75    NUMPAD_4
+key 76    NUMPAD_5
+key 77    NUMPAD_6
+key 78    NUMPAD_ADD
+key 79    NUMPAD_1
+key 80    NUMPAD_2
+key 81    NUMPAD_3
+key 82    NUMPAD_0
+key 83    NUMPAD_DOT
+# key 84 (undefined)
+key 86    BACKSLASH
+key 87    F11
+key 88    F12
+key 89    RO
+# key 90 "KEY_KATAKANA"
+# key 91 "KEY_HIRAGANA"
+key 92    HENKAN
+key 94    MUHENKAN
+key 95    NUMPAD_COMMA
+key 96    NUMPAD_ENTER
+key 97    CTRL_RIGHT
+key 98    NUMPAD_DIVIDE
+key 99    SYSRQ
+key 100   ALT_RIGHT
+# key 101 "KEY_LINEFEED"
+key 102   MOVE_HOME
+key 103   DPAD_UP
+key 104   PAGE_UP
+key 105   DPAD_LEFT
+key 106   DPAD_RIGHT
+key 107   MOVE_END
+key 108   DPAD_DOWN
+key 109   PAGE_DOWN
+key 110   INSERT
+key 111   FORWARD_DEL
+# key 112 "KEY_MACRO"
+key 113   VOLUME_MUTE
+key 114   VOLUME_DOWN
+key 115   VOLUME_UP
+key 116   POWER
+key 117   NUMPAD_EQUALS
+# key 118 "KEY_KPPLUSMINUS"
+key 119   BREAK
+# key 120 (undefined)
+key 121   NUMPAD_COMMA
+key 122   KANA
+key 123   EISU
+key 124   YEN
+key 125   META_LEFT
+key 126   META_RIGHT
+key 127   MENU
+key 128   MEDIA_STOP
+# key 129 "KEY_AGAIN"
+# key 130 "KEY_PROPS"
+# key 131 "KEY_UNDO"
+# key 132 "KEY_FRONT"
+key 133   COPY
+# key 134 "KEY_OPEN"
+key 135   PASTE
+# key 136 "KEY_FIND"
+key 137   CUT
+# key 138 "KEY_HELP"
+key 139   MENU
+key 140   CALCULATOR
+# key 141 "KEY_SETUP"
+key 142   SLEEP
+key 143   WAKEUP
+# key 144 "KEY_FILE"
+# key 145 "KEY_SENDFILE"
+# key 146 "KEY_DELETEFILE"
+# key 147 "KEY_XFER"
+# key 148 "KEY_PROG1"
+# key 149 "KEY_PROG2"
+key 150   EXPLORER
+# key 151 "KEY_MSDOS"
+key 152   POWER
+# key 153 "KEY_DIRECTION"
+key 155   ENVELOPE
+key 156   BOOKMARK
+# key 157 "KEY_COMPUTER"
+key 158   BACK
+key 159   FORWARD
+key 160   MEDIA_CLOSE
+key 161   MEDIA_EJECT
+key 162   MEDIA_EJECT
+key 163   MEDIA_NEXT
+key 166   MEDIA_STOP
+key 167   MEDIA_RECORD
+key 168   MEDIA_REWIND
+key 169   CALL
+# key 170 "KEY_ISO"
+key 171   MUSIC
+key 172   HOME
+# key 173 "KEY_REFRESH"
+# key 174 "KEY_EXIT"
+# key 175 "KEY_MOVE"
+# key 176 "KEY_EDIT"
+key 177   PAGE_UP
+key 178   PAGE_DOWN
+# key 181 "KEY_NEW"
+# key 182 "KEY_REDO"
+# key 183   F13
+# key 184   F14
+# key 185   F15
+# key 186   F16
+# key 187   F17
+# key 188   F18
+# key 189   F19
+# key 190   F20
+# key 191   F21
+# key 192   F22
+# key 193   F23
+# key 194   F24
+# key 195 (undefined)
+# key 196 (undefined)
+# key 197 (undefined)
+# key 198 (undefined)
+# key 199 (undefined)
+key 200   MEDIA_PLAY
+key 201   MEDIA_PAUSE
+# key 202 "KEY_PROG3"
+# key 203 "KEY_PROG4"
+# key 204 (undefined)
+# key 205 "KEY_SUSPEND"
+# key 206 "KEY_CLOSE"
+key 207   MEDIA_PLAY
+# key 209 "KEY_BASSBOOST"
+# key 210 "KEY_PRINT"
+# key 211 "KEY_HP"
+key 212   CAMERA
+key 213   MUSIC
+# key 214 "KEY_QUESTION"
+key 215   ENVELOPE
+# key 216 "KEY_CHAT"
+key 217   SEARCH
+# key 218 "KEY_CONNECT"
+# key 219 "KEY_FINANCE"
+# key 220 "KEY_SPORT"
+# key 221 "KEY_SHOP"
+# key 222 "KEY_ALTERASE"
+# key 223 "KEY_CANCEL"
+key 225   BRIGHTNESS_UP
+key 226   HEADSETHOOK
+key 256   BUTTON_1
+key 257   BUTTON_2
+key 258   BUTTON_3
+key 259   BUTTON_4
+key 260   BUTTON_5
+key 261   BUTTON_6
+key 262   BUTTON_7
+key 263   BUTTON_8
+key 264   BUTTON_9
+key 265   BUTTON_10
+key 266   BUTTON_11
+key 267   BUTTON_12
+key 268   BUTTON_13
+key 269   BUTTON_14
+key 270   BUTTON_15
+key 271   BUTTON_16
+key 288   BUTTON_1
+key 289   BUTTON_2
+key 290   BUTTON_3
+key 291   BUTTON_4
+key 292   BUTTON_5
+key 293   BUTTON_6
+key 294   BUTTON_7
+key 295   BUTTON_8
+key 296   BUTTON_9
+key 297   BUTTON_10
+key 298   BUTTON_11
+key 299   BUTTON_12
+key 300   BUTTON_13
+key 301   BUTTON_14
+key 302   BUTTON_15
+key 303   BUTTON_16
+key 304   BUTTON_A
+key 305   BUTTON_B
+key 306   BUTTON_C
+key 307   BUTTON_X
+key 308   BUTTON_Y
+key 309   BUTTON_Z
+key 310   BUTTON_L1
+key 311   BUTTON_R1
+key 312   BUTTON_L2
+key 313   BUTTON_R2
+key 314   BUTTON_SELECT
+key 315   BUTTON_START
+key 316   BUTTON_MODE
+key 317   BUTTON_THUMBL
+key 318   BUTTON_THUMBR
+# key 352 "KEY_OK"
+key 353   DPAD_CENTER
+# key 354 "KEY_GOTO"
+# key 355 "KEY_CLEAR"
+# key 356 "KEY_POWER2"
+# key 357 "KEY_OPTION"
+# key 358 "KEY_INFO"
+# key 359 "KEY_TIME"
+# key 360 "KEY_VENDOR"
+# key 361 "KEY_ARCHIVE"
+key 362   GUIDE
+# key 363 "KEY_CHANNEL"
+# key 364 "KEY_FAVORITES"
+# key 365 "KEY_EPG"
+key 366   DVR
+# key 367 "KEY_MHP"
+# key 368 "KEY_LANGUAGE"
+# key 369 "KEY_TITLE"
+# key 370 "KEY_SUBTITLE"
+# key 371 "KEY_ANGLE"
+# key 372 "KEY_ZOOM"
+# key 373 "KEY_MODE"
+# key 374 "KEY_KEYBOARD"
+# key 375 "KEY_SCREEN"
+# key 376 "KEY_PC"
+key 377   TV
+# key 378 "KEY_TV2"
+# key 379 "KEY_VCR"
+# key 380 "KEY_VCR2"
+# key 381 "KEY_SAT"
+# key 382 "KEY_SAT2"
+# key 383 "KEY_CD"
+# key 384 "KEY_TAPE"
+# key 385 "KEY_RADIO"
+# key 386 "KEY_TUNER"
+# key 387 "KEY_PLAYER"
+# key 388 "KEY_TEXT"
+# key 389 "KEY_DVD"
+# key 390 "KEY_AUX"
+# key 391 "KEY_MP3"
+# key 392 "KEY_AUDIO"
+# key 393 "KEY_VIDEO"
+# key 394 "KEY_DIRECTORY"
+# key 395 "KEY_LIST"
+# key 396 "KEY_MEMO"
+key 397   CALENDAR
+# key 398 "KEY_RED"
+# key 399 "KEY_GREEN"
+# key 400 "KEY_YELLOW"
+# key 401 "KEY_BLUE"
+key 402   CHANNEL_UP
+key 403   CHANNEL_DOWN
+# key 404 "KEY_FIRST"
+# key 405 "KEY_LAST"
+# key 406 "KEY_AB"
+# key 407 "KEY_NEXT"
+# key 408 "KEY_RESTART"
+# key 409 "KEY_SLOW"
+# key 410 "KEY_SHUFFLE"
+# key 411 "KEY_BREAK"
+# key 412 "KEY_PREVIOUS"
+# key 413 "KEY_DIGITS"
+# key 414 "KEY_TEEN"
+# key 415 "KEY_TWEN"
+key 429   CONTACTS
+# key 448 "KEY_DEL_EOL"
+# key 449 "KEY_DEL_EOS"
+# key 450 "KEY_INS_LINE"
+# key 451 "KEY_DEL_LINE"
+key 464   FUNCTION
+key 465   ESCAPE            FUNCTION
+key 466   F1                FUNCTION
+key 467   F2                FUNCTION
+key 468   F3                FUNCTION
+key 469   F4                FUNCTION
+key 470   F5                FUNCTION
+key 471   F6                FUNCTION
+key 472   F7                FUNCTION
+key 473   F8                FUNCTION
+key 474   F9                FUNCTION
+key 475   F10               FUNCTION
+key 476   F11               FUNCTION
+key 477   F12               FUNCTION
+key 478   1                 FUNCTION
+key 479   2                 FUNCTION
+key 480   D                 FUNCTION
+key 481   E                 FUNCTION
+key 482   F                 FUNCTION
+key 483   S                 FUNCTION
+key 484   B                 FUNCTION
+# key 497 KEY_BRL_DOT1
+# key 498 KEY_BRL_DOT2
+# key 499 KEY_BRL_DOT3
+# key 500 KEY_BRL_DOT4
+# key 501 KEY_BRL_DOT5
+# key 502 KEY_BRL_DOT6
+# key 503 KEY_BRL_DOT7
+# key 504 KEY_BRL_DOT8
+key 580   APP_SWITCH
+key 582   VOICE_ASSIST
+# Keys defined by HID usages
+key usage 0x0c006F BRIGHTNESS_UP
+key usage 0x0c0070 BRIGHTNESS_DOWN
+# Joystick and game controller axes.
+# Axes that are not mapped will be assigned generic axis numbers by the input subsystem.
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x02 Z
+axis 0x03 RX
+axis 0x04 RY
+axis 0x05 RZ
+axis 0x06 THROTTLE
+axis 0x07 RUDDER
+axis 0x08 WHEEL
+axis 0x09 GAS
+axis 0x0a BRAKE
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
+# LEDs
+led 0x00 NUM_LOCK
+led 0x01 CAPS_LOCK
+led 0x02 SCROLL_LOCK
+led 0x03 COMPOSE
+led 0x04 KANA
+led 0x05 SLEEP
+led 0x06 SUSPEND
+led 0x07 MUTE
+led 0x08 MISC
+led 0x09 MAIL
+led 0x0a CHARGING
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/fts_ts.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/fts_ts.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..446c42f28680a27adfecb8e4563db0f5861e8508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/fts_ts.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met:
+#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+#       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+#       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+#       with the distribution.
+#     * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+#       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+#       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+key 103    GESTURE_SWIPE_UP             WAKE    VIRTUAL
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/goodixfp.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/goodixfp.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5deff9cfae4154b2c6e542715d88812c7ef6e38a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/goodixfp.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/gpio-keys.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/gpio-keys.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7d143f70c5f352114d32c0dbd6c014dd947cdf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/gpio-keys.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met:
+#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+#       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+#       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+#       with the distribution.
+#     * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+#       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+#       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+key 115   VOLUME_UP
+key 114   VOLUME_DOWN
+key 102   HOME
+key 528   FOCUS
+key 766   CAMERA
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/i-rocks_Bluetooth_Keyboard.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/i-rocks_Bluetooth_Keyboard.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..01b6e11a1f5e481ca36a51bc4809e2c60bd64e0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/i-rocks_Bluetooth_Keyboard.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generic key layout file for full alphabetic US English PC style external keyboards.
+# This file is intentionally very generic and is intended to support a broad rang of keyboards.
+# Do not edit the generic key layout to support a specific keyboard; instead, create
+# a new key layout file with the required keyboard configuration.
+key 1     ESCAPE
+key 2     1
+key 3     2
+key 4     3
+key 5     4
+key 6     5
+key 7     6
+key 8     7
+key 9     8
+key 10    9
+key 11    0
+key 12    MINUS
+key 13    EQUALS
+key 14    DEL
+key 15    TAB
+key 16    Q
+key 17    W
+key 18    E
+key 19    R
+key 20    T
+key 21    Y
+key 22    U
+key 23    I
+key 24    O
+key 25    P
+key 26    LEFT_BRACKET
+key 27    RIGHT_BRACKET
+#key 28    ENTER
+key 29    CTRL_LEFT
+key 30    A
+key 31    S
+key 32    D
+key 33    F
+key 34    G
+key 35    H
+key 36    J
+key 37    K
+key 38    L
+key 39    SEMICOLON
+key 40    APOSTROPHE
+key 41    GRAVE
+key 42    SHIFT_LEFT
+key 43    BACKSLASH
+key 44    Z
+key 45    X
+key 46    C
+key 47    V
+key 48    B
+key 49    N
+key 50    M
+key 51    COMMA
+key 52    PERIOD
+key 53    SLASH
+key 54    SHIFT_RIGHT
+key 56    ALT_LEFT
+key 57    SPACE
+key 58    CAPS_LOCK
+key 59    F1
+key 60    F2
+key 61    F3
+key 62    F4
+key 63    F5
+key 64    F6
+key 65    F7
+key 66    F8
+key 67    F9
+key 68    F10
+key 69    NUM_LOCK
+key 70    SCROLL_LOCK
+key 71    NUMPAD_7
+key 72    NUMPAD_8
+key 73    NUMPAD_9
+key 75    NUMPAD_4
+key 76    NUMPAD_5
+key 77    NUMPAD_6
+key 78    NUMPAD_ADD
+key 79    NUMPAD_1
+key 80    NUMPAD_2
+key 81    NUMPAD_3
+key 82    NUMPAD_0
+key 83    NUMPAD_DOT
+# key 84 (undefined)
+key 86    BACKSLASH
+key 87    F11
+key 88    F12
+key 89    RO
+# key 90 "KEY_KATAKANA"
+# key 91 "KEY_HIRAGANA"
+key 92    HENKAN
+key 94    MUHENKAN
+key 95    NUMPAD_COMMA
+key 96    NUMPAD_ENTER
+key 97    CTRL_RIGHT
+key 98    NUMPAD_DIVIDE
+key 99    SYSRQ
+key 100   ALT_RIGHT
+# key 101 "KEY_LINEFEED"
+key 102   MOVE_HOME
+key 103   DPAD_UP
+key 104   PAGE_UP
+key 105   DPAD_LEFT
+key 106   DPAD_RIGHT
+key 107   MOVE_END
+key 108   DPAD_DOWN
+key 109   PAGE_DOWN
+key 110   INSERT
+key 111   FORWARD_DEL
+# key 112 "KEY_MACRO"
+key 113   VOLUME_MUTE
+key 114   VOLUME_DOWN
+key 115   VOLUME_UP
+key 116   POWER
+key 117   NUMPAD_EQUALS
+# key 118 "KEY_KPPLUSMINUS"
+key 119   BREAK
+# key 120 (undefined)
+key 121   NUMPAD_COMMA
+key 122   KANA
+key 123   EISU
+key 124   YEN
+key 125   META_LEFT
+key 126   META_RIGHT
+key 127   MENU
+key 128   MEDIA_STOP
+# key 129 "KEY_AGAIN"
+# key 130 "KEY_PROPS"
+# key 131 "KEY_UNDO"
+# key 132 "KEY_FRONT"
+key 133   COPY
+# key 134 "KEY_OPEN"
+key 135   PASTE
+# key 136 "KEY_FIND"
+key 137   CUT
+# key 138 "KEY_HELP"
+key 139   MENU
+key 140   CALCULATOR
+# key 141 "KEY_SETUP"
+key 142   SLEEP
+key 143   WAKEUP
+# key 144 "KEY_FILE"
+# key 145 "KEY_SENDFILE"
+# key 146 "KEY_DELETEFILE"
+# key 147 "KEY_XFER"
+# key 148 "KEY_PROG1"
+# key 149 "KEY_PROG2"
+key 150   EXPLORER
+# key 151 "KEY_MSDOS"
+key 152   POWER
+# key 153 "KEY_DIRECTION"
+key 155   ENVELOPE
+key 156   BOOKMARK
+# key 157 "KEY_COMPUTER"
+key 158   BACK
+key 159   FORWARD
+key 160   MEDIA_CLOSE
+key 161   MEDIA_EJECT
+key 162   MEDIA_EJECT
+key 163   MEDIA_NEXT
+key 166   MEDIA_STOP
+key 167   MEDIA_RECORD
+key 168   MEDIA_REWIND
+key 169   CALL
+# key 170 "KEY_ISO"
+key 171   MUSIC
+key 172   HOME
+# key 173 "KEY_REFRESH"
+# key 174 "KEY_EXIT"
+# key 175 "KEY_MOVE"
+# key 176 "KEY_EDIT"
+key 177   PAGE_UP
+key 178   PAGE_DOWN
+# key 181 "KEY_NEW"
+# key 182 "KEY_REDO"
+# key 183   F13
+# key 184   F14
+# key 185   F15
+# key 186   F16
+# key 187   F17
+# key 188   F18
+# key 189   F19
+# key 190   F20
+# key 191   F21
+# key 192   F22
+# key 193   F23
+# key 194   F24
+# key 195 (undefined)
+# key 196 (undefined)
+# key 197 (undefined)
+# key 198 (undefined)
+# key 199 (undefined)
+key 200   MEDIA_PLAY
+key 201   MEDIA_PAUSE
+# key 202 "KEY_PROG3"
+# key 203 "KEY_PROG4"
+# key 204 (undefined)
+# key 205 "KEY_SUSPEND"
+# key 206 "KEY_CLOSE"
+key 207   MEDIA_PLAY
+# key 209 "KEY_BASSBOOST"
+# key 210 "KEY_PRINT"
+# key 211 "KEY_HP"
+key 212   CAMERA
+key 213   MUSIC
+# key 214 "KEY_QUESTION"
+key 215   ENVELOPE
+# key 216 "KEY_CHAT"
+key 217   SEARCH
+# key 218 "KEY_CONNECT"
+# key 219 "KEY_FINANCE"
+# key 220 "KEY_SPORT"
+# key 221 "KEY_SHOP"
+# key 222 "KEY_ALTERASE"
+# key 223 "KEY_CANCEL"
+key 225   BRIGHTNESS_UP
+key 226   HEADSETHOOK
+key 256   BUTTON_1
+key 257   BUTTON_2
+key 258   BUTTON_3
+key 259   BUTTON_4
+key 260   BUTTON_5
+key 261   BUTTON_6
+key 262   BUTTON_7
+key 263   BUTTON_8
+key 264   BUTTON_9
+key 265   BUTTON_10
+key 266   BUTTON_11
+key 267   BUTTON_12
+key 268   BUTTON_13
+key 269   BUTTON_14
+key 270   BUTTON_15
+key 271   BUTTON_16
+key 288   BUTTON_1
+key 289   BUTTON_2
+key 290   BUTTON_3
+key 291   BUTTON_4
+key 292   BUTTON_5
+key 293   BUTTON_6
+key 294   BUTTON_7
+key 295   BUTTON_8
+key 296   BUTTON_9
+key 297   BUTTON_10
+key 298   BUTTON_11
+key 299   BUTTON_12
+key 300   BUTTON_13
+key 301   BUTTON_14
+key 302   BUTTON_15
+key 303   BUTTON_16
+key 304   BUTTON_A
+key 305   BUTTON_B
+key 306   BUTTON_C
+key 307   BUTTON_X
+key 308   BUTTON_Y
+key 309   BUTTON_Z
+key 310   BUTTON_L1
+key 311   BUTTON_R1
+key 312   BUTTON_L2
+key 313   BUTTON_R2
+key 314   BUTTON_SELECT
+key 315   BUTTON_START
+key 316   BUTTON_MODE
+key 317   BUTTON_THUMBL
+key 318   BUTTON_THUMBR
+# key 352 "KEY_OK"
+key 353   DPAD_CENTER
+# key 354 "KEY_GOTO"
+# key 355 "KEY_CLEAR"
+# key 356 "KEY_POWER2"
+# key 357 "KEY_OPTION"
+# key 358 "KEY_INFO"
+# key 359 "KEY_TIME"
+# key 360 "KEY_VENDOR"
+# key 361 "KEY_ARCHIVE"
+key 362   GUIDE
+# key 363 "KEY_CHANNEL"
+# key 364 "KEY_FAVORITES"
+# key 365 "KEY_EPG"
+key 366   DVR
+# key 367 "KEY_MHP"
+# key 368 "KEY_LANGUAGE"
+# key 369 "KEY_TITLE"
+# key 370 "KEY_SUBTITLE"
+# key 371 "KEY_ANGLE"
+# key 372 "KEY_ZOOM"
+# key 373 "KEY_MODE"
+# key 374 "KEY_KEYBOARD"
+# key 375 "KEY_SCREEN"
+# key 376 "KEY_PC"
+key 377   TV
+# key 378 "KEY_TV2"
+# key 379 "KEY_VCR"
+# key 380 "KEY_VCR2"
+# key 381 "KEY_SAT"
+# key 382 "KEY_SAT2"
+# key 383 "KEY_CD"
+# key 384 "KEY_TAPE"
+# key 385 "KEY_RADIO"
+# key 386 "KEY_TUNER"
+# key 387 "KEY_PLAYER"
+# key 388 "KEY_TEXT"
+# key 389 "KEY_DVD"
+# key 390 "KEY_AUX"
+# key 391 "KEY_MP3"
+# key 392 "KEY_AUDIO"
+# key 393 "KEY_VIDEO"
+# key 394 "KEY_DIRECTORY"
+# key 395 "KEY_LIST"
+# key 396 "KEY_MEMO"
+key 397   CALENDAR
+# key 398 "KEY_RED"
+# key 399 "KEY_GREEN"
+# key 400 "KEY_YELLOW"
+# key 401 "KEY_BLUE"
+key 402   CHANNEL_UP
+key 403   CHANNEL_DOWN
+# key 404 "KEY_FIRST"
+# key 405 "KEY_LAST"
+# key 406 "KEY_AB"
+# key 407 "KEY_NEXT"
+# key 408 "KEY_RESTART"
+# key 409 "KEY_SLOW"
+# key 410 "KEY_SHUFFLE"
+# key 411 "KEY_BREAK"
+# key 412 "KEY_PREVIOUS"
+# key 413 "KEY_DIGITS"
+# key 414 "KEY_TEEN"
+# key 415 "KEY_TWEN"
+key 429   CONTACTS
+# key 448 "KEY_DEL_EOL"
+# key 449 "KEY_DEL_EOS"
+# key 450 "KEY_INS_LINE"
+# key 451 "KEY_DEL_LINE"
+key 464   FUNCTION
+key 465   ESCAPE            FUNCTION
+key 466   F1                FUNCTION
+key 467   F2                FUNCTION
+key 468   F3                FUNCTION
+key 469   F4                FUNCTION
+key 470   F5                FUNCTION
+key 471   F6                FUNCTION
+key 472   F7                FUNCTION
+key 473   F8                FUNCTION
+key 474   F9                FUNCTION
+key 475   F10               FUNCTION
+key 476   F11               FUNCTION
+key 477   F12               FUNCTION
+key 478   1                 FUNCTION
+key 479   2                 FUNCTION
+key 480   D                 FUNCTION
+key 481   E                 FUNCTION
+key 482   F                 FUNCTION
+key 483   S                 FUNCTION
+key 484   B                 FUNCTION
+# key 497 KEY_BRL_DOT1
+# key 498 KEY_BRL_DOT2
+# key 499 KEY_BRL_DOT3
+# key 500 KEY_BRL_DOT4
+# key 501 KEY_BRL_DOT5
+# key 502 KEY_BRL_DOT6
+# key 503 KEY_BRL_DOT7
+# key 504 KEY_BRL_DOT8
+key 580   APP_SWITCH
+key 582   VOICE_ASSIST
+# Keys defined by HID usages
+key usage 0x0c006F BRIGHTNESS_UP
+key usage 0x0c0070 BRIGHTNESS_DOWN
+# Joystick and game controller axes.
+# Axes that are not mapped will be assigned generic axis numbers by the input subsystem.
+axis 0x00 X
+axis 0x01 Y
+axis 0x02 Z
+axis 0x03 RX
+axis 0x04 RY
+axis 0x05 RZ
+axis 0x06 THROTTLE
+axis 0x07 RUDDER
+axis 0x08 WHEEL
+axis 0x09 GAS
+axis 0x0a BRAKE
+axis 0x10 HAT_X
+axis 0x11 HAT_Y
+# LEDs
+led 0x00 NUM_LOCK
+led 0x01 CAPS_LOCK
+led 0x02 SCROLL_LOCK
+led 0x03 COMPOSE
+led 0x04 KANA
+led 0x05 SLEEP
+led 0x06 SUSPEND
+led 0x07 MUTE
+led 0x08 MISC
+led 0x09 MAIL
+led 0x0a CHARGING
diff --git a/system/system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl b/system/system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2fd99abbb9fe56a7765ad6cb0ac517ece3d8e6d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Emulator keyboard layout #1.
+# This file is no longer used as the platform's default keyboard layout.
+# Refer to Generic.kl instead.
+key 399   GRAVE
+key 2     1
+key 3     2
+key 4     3
+key 5     4
+key 6     5
+key 7     6
+key 8     7
+key 9     8
+key 10    9
+key 11    0
+key 158   BACK
+key 230   SOFT_RIGHT
+key 60    SOFT_LEFT
+key 107   ENDCALL
+key 62    ENDCALL
+key 229   MENU
+key 139   MENU
+key 59    MENU
+key 127   SEARCH
+key 217   SEARCH
+key 228   POUND
+key 227   STAR
+key 231   CALL
+key 61    CALL
+key 232   DPAD_CENTER
+key 108   DPAD_DOWN
+key 103   DPAD_UP
+key 102   HOME
+key 105   DPAD_LEFT
+key 106   DPAD_RIGHT
+key 115   VOLUME_UP
+key 114   VOLUME_DOWN
+key 116   POWER
+key 212   CAMERA
+key 16    Q
+key 17    W
+key 18    E
+key 19    R
+key 20    T
+key 21    Y
+key 22    U
+key 23    I
+key 24    O
+key 25    P
+key 26    LEFT_BRACKET
+key 27    RIGHT_BRACKET
+key 43    BACKSLASH
+key 30    A
+key 31    S
+key 32    D
+key 33    F
+key 34    G
+key 35    H
+key 36    J
+key 37    K
+key 38    L
+key 39    SEMICOLON
+key 40    APOSTROPHE
+key 14    DEL
+key 44    Z
+key 45    X
+key 46    C
+key 47    V
+key 48    B
+key 49    N
+key 50    M
+key 51    COMMA
+key 52    PERIOD
+key 53    SLASH
+key 28    ENTER
+key 56    ALT_LEFT
+key 100   ALT_RIGHT
+key 42    SHIFT_LEFT
+key 54    SHIFT_RIGHT
+key 15    TAB
+key 57    SPACE
+key 150   EXPLORER
+key 155   ENVELOPE
+key 12    MINUS
+key 13    EQUALS
+key 215   AT
+# On an AT keyboard: ESC, F10
+key 1     BACK
+key 68    MENU
+# App switch = Overview key
+key 580   APP_SWITCH
+# Media control keys
+key 160   MEDIA_CLOSE
+key 161   MEDIA_EJECT
+key 163   MEDIA_NEXT
+key 166   MEDIA_STOP
+key 167   MEDIA_RECORD
+key 168   MEDIA_REWIND
+key 142   SLEEP
+key 581   STEM_PRIMARY
+key 582   STEM_1
+key 583   STEM_2
+key 584   STEM_3
diff --git a/system/system/usr/share/bmd/RFFspeed_501.bmd b/system/system/usr/share/bmd/RFFspeed_501.bmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e7299a519902835c3216b96bbcc7a58bd473837d
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/share/bmd/RFFspeed_501.bmd differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/share/bmd/RFFstd_501.bmd b/system/system/usr/share/bmd/RFFstd_501.bmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..218739612fca0e64cd4bea17ebf706b5183ea2a6
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/share/bmd/RFFstd_501.bmd differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/share/zoneinfo/tzdata b/system/system/usr/share/zoneinfo/tzdata
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c55cd896e28cb7278c9058a134d1c65a2fa4353
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/share/zoneinfo/tzdata differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/share/zoneinfo/tzlookup.xml b/system/system/usr/share/zoneinfo/tzlookup.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a553fb49e4152f67c9e4c0676513a911b734300
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/share/zoneinfo/tzlookup.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,927 @@
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+ **** Autogenerated file - DO NOT EDIT ****
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Antigua</id>
+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+   <id>Australia/Lord_Howe</id>
+   <id>Australia/Adelaide</id>
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+   <id>Australia/Darwin</id>
+   <id>Australia/Perth</id>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Bahia</id>
+   <id notafter="1214280000000">America/Santarem</id>
+   <id>America/Manaus</id>
+   <id notafter="1076814000000">America/Campo_Grande</id>
+   <id>America/Cuiaba</id>
+   <id notafter="761713200000">America/Porto_Velho</id>
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+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Halifax</id>
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+   <id>America/Winnipeg</id>
+   <id>America/Regina</id>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+   <id>Indian/Christmas</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Nicosia</id>
+   <id>Asia/Famagusta</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Prague</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Berlin</id>
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+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Copenhagen</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Dominica</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Santo_Domingo</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Algiers</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Guayaquil</id>
+   <id>Pacific/Galapagos</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Tallinn</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Cairo</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/El_Aaiun</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Asmara</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Atlantic/Canary</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Addis_Ababa</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Helsinki</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Pacific/Fiji</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Atlantic/Stanley</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Pacific/Pohnpei</id>
+   <id>Pacific/Kosrae</id>
+   <id>Pacific/Chuuk</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Atlantic/Faroe</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Paris</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Libreville</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/London</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Grenada</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Tbilisi</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Cayenne</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Guernsey</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Accra</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Gibraltar</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Danmarkshavn</id>
+   <id>America/Scoresbysund</id>
+   <id>America/Godthab</id>
+   <id>America/Thule</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Banjul</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Conakry</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Guadeloupe</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Malabo</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Athens</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Atlantic/South_Georgia</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Guatemala</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Pacific/Guam</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Bissau</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Guyana</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Hong_Kong</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Tegucigalpa</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Zagreb</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Port-au-Prince</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Budapest</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Jayapura</id>
+   <id>Asia/Makassar</id>
+   <id>Asia/Jakarta</id>
+   <id notafter="567964800000">Asia/Pontianak</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Dublin</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Jerusalem</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Isle_of_Man</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Kolkata</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Indian/Chagos</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Baghdad</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Tehran</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Atlantic/Reykjavik</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Rome</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Jersey</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Jamaica</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Amman</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Tokyo</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Nairobi</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Bishkek</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Phnom_Penh</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Pacific/Enderbury</id>
+   <id>Pacific/Tarawa</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Indian/Comoro</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/St_Kitts</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Pyongyang</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Seoul</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Kuwait</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Cayman</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id notafter="1545328800000">Asia/Aqtobe</id>
+   <id notafter="922572000000">Asia/Atyrau</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Vientiane</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Beirut</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/St_Lucia</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Vaduz</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Colombo</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Monrovia</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Maseru</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Vilnius</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Luxembourg</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Riga</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Tripoli</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Casablanca</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Monaco</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Chisinau</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Podgorica</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Marigot</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Indian/Antananarivo</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Pacific/Majuro</id>
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+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Skopje</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Bamako</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Yangon</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Choibalsan</id>
+   <id>Asia/Ulaanbaatar</id>
+   <id>Asia/Hovd</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Macau</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Pacific/Saipan</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Martinique</id>
+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Montserrat</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Malta</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Indian/Mauritius</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Indian/Maldives</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Blantyre</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Matamoros</id>
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+   <id>America/Cancun</id>
+   <id>America/Chihuahua</id>
+   <id>America/Hermosillo</id>
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+   <id>America/Ojinaga</id>
+   <id>America/Tijuana</id>
+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Maputo</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Windhoek</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Pacific/Noumea</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Niamey</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Pacific/Norfolk</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Lagos</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Managua</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Amsterdam</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Oslo</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Kathmandu</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Pacific/Nauru</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Pacific/Niue</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Pacific/Auckland</id>
+   <id>Pacific/Chatham</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Muscat</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Panama</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Lima</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Pacific/Marquesas</id>
+   <id>Pacific/Tahiti</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Pacific/Port_Moresby</id>
+   <id>Pacific/Bougainville</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Manila</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Karachi</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Warsaw</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Miquelon</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Pacific/Pitcairn</id>
+  </country>
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+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Hebron</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Lisbon</id>
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+   <id>Atlantic/Azores</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Pacific/Palau</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Asuncion</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Qatar</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Indian/Reunion</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Bucharest</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Belgrade</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Kamchatka</id>
+   <id>Asia/Anadyr</id>
+   <id>Asia/Magadan</id>
+   <id>Asia/Sakhalin</id>
+   <id>Asia/Srednekolymsk</id>
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+   <id>Asia/Krasnoyarsk</id>
+   <id>Asia/Novosibirsk</id>
+   <id>Asia/Barnaul</id>
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+   <id>Asia/Omsk</id>
+   <id>Asia/Yekaterinburg</id>
+   <id>Europe/Samara</id>
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+   <id>Europe/Saratov</id>
+   <id>Europe/Volgograd</id>
+   <id>Europe/Moscow</id>
+   <id>Europe/Kirov</id>
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+   <id>Europe/Kaliningrad</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Kigali</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Riyadh</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Pacific/Guadalcanal</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Indian/Mahe</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Khartoum</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Stockholm</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Singapore</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Atlantic/St_Helena</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Ljubljana</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Arctic/Longyearbyen</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/Bratislava</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Freetown</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Europe/San_Marino</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Dakar</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Mogadishu</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Paramaribo</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Juba</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Sao_Tome</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/El_Salvador</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>America/Lower_Princes</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Asia/Damascus</id>
+  </country>
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+   <id>Africa/Mbabane</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="tc" default="America/Grand_Turk" everutc="n">
+   <id>America/Grand_Turk</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="td" default="Africa/Ndjamena" everutc="n">
+   <id>Africa/Ndjamena</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="tf" default="Indian/Kerguelen" everutc="n">
+   <id>Indian/Kerguelen</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="tg" default="Africa/Lome" everutc="y">
+   <id>Africa/Lome</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="th" default="Asia/Bangkok" everutc="n">
+   <id>Asia/Bangkok</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="tj" default="Asia/Dushanbe" everutc="n">
+   <id>Asia/Dushanbe</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="tk" default="Pacific/Fakaofo" everutc="n">
+   <id>Pacific/Fakaofo</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="tl" default="Asia/Dili" everutc="n">
+   <id>Asia/Dili</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="tm" default="Asia/Ashgabat" everutc="n">
+   <id>Asia/Ashgabat</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="tn" default="Africa/Tunis" everutc="n">
+   <id>Africa/Tunis</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="to" default="Pacific/Tongatapu" everutc="n">
+   <id>Pacific/Tongatapu</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="tr" default="Europe/Istanbul" everutc="n">
+   <id>Europe/Istanbul</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="tt" default="America/Port_of_Spain" everutc="n">
+   <id>America/Port_of_Spain</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="tv" default="Pacific/Funafuti" everutc="n">
+   <id>Pacific/Funafuti</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="tw" default="Asia/Taipei" everutc="n">
+   <id>Asia/Taipei</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="tz" default="Africa/Dar_es_Salaam" everutc="n">
+   <id>Africa/Dar_es_Salaam</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="ua" default="Europe/Kiev" everutc="n">
+   <id>Europe/Kiev</id>
+   <id notafter="686091600000">Europe/Uzhgorod</id>
+   <id notafter="686102400000">Europe/Zaporozhye</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="ug" default="Africa/Kampala" everutc="n">
+   <id>Africa/Kampala</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="um" default="Pacific/Wake" everutc="n">
+   <id>Pacific/Wake</id>
+   <id>Pacific/Midway</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="us" default="America/New_York" everutc="n">
+   <id>America/New_York</id>
+   <id notafter="167814000000">America/Detroit</id>
+   <id notafter="152089200000">America/Kentucky/Louisville</id>
+   <id notafter="972802800000">America/Kentucky/Monticello</id>
+   <id notafter="1130652000000">America/Indiana/Indianapolis</id>
+   <id notafter="1194159600000">America/Indiana/Vincennes</id>
+   <id notafter="1173600000000">America/Indiana/Winamac</id>
+   <id notafter="183535200000">America/Indiana/Marengo</id>
+   <id notafter="247042800000">America/Indiana/Petersburg</id>
+   <id notafter="89186400000">America/Indiana/Vevay</id>
+   <id>America/Chicago</id>
+   <id notafter="688546800000">America/Indiana/Knox</id>
+   <id notafter="104918400000">America/Menominee</id>
+   <id notafter="720000000000">America/North_Dakota/Center</id>
+   <id notafter="1067155200000">America/North_Dakota/New_Salem</id>
+   <id notafter="1143964800000">America/Indiana/Tell_City</id>
+   <id notafter="1289116800000">America/North_Dakota/Beulah</id>
+   <id>America/Denver</id>
+   <id notafter="129114000000">America/Boise</id>
+   <id>America/Phoenix</id>
+   <id>America/Los_Angeles</id>
+   <id>America/Anchorage</id>
+   <id notafter="436359600000">America/Juneau</id>
+   <id notafter="436356000000">America/Yakutat</id>
+   <id notafter="436363200000">America/Nome</id>
+   <id notafter="1552215600000">America/Metlakatla</id>
+   <id notafter="341402400000">America/Sitka</id>
+   <id>Pacific/Honolulu</id>
+   <id>America/Adak</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="uy" default="America/Montevideo" everutc="n">
+   <id>America/Montevideo</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="uz" default="Asia/Tashkent" everutc="n">
+   <id>Asia/Tashkent</id>
+   <id notafter="670366800000">Asia/Samarkand</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="va" default="Europe/Vatican" everutc="n">
+   <id>Europe/Vatican</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="vc" default="America/St_Vincent" everutc="n">
+   <id>America/St_Vincent</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="ve" default="America/Caracas" everutc="n">
+   <id>America/Caracas</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="vg" default="America/Tortola" everutc="n">
+   <id>America/Tortola</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="vi" default="America/St_Thomas" everutc="n">
+   <id>America/St_Thomas</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="vn" default="Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh" everutc="n">
+   <id>Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="vu" default="Pacific/Efate" everutc="n">
+   <id>Pacific/Efate</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="wf" default="Pacific/Wallis" everutc="n">
+   <id>Pacific/Wallis</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="ws" default="Pacific/Apia" everutc="n">
+   <id>Pacific/Apia</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="ye" default="Asia/Aden" everutc="n">
+   <id>Asia/Aden</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="yt" default="Indian/Mayotte" everutc="n">
+   <id>Indian/Mayotte</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="za" default="Africa/Johannesburg" everutc="n">
+   <id>Africa/Johannesburg</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="zm" default="Africa/Lusaka" everutc="n">
+   <id>Africa/Lusaka</id>
+  </country>
+  <country code="zw" default="Africa/Harare" everutc="n">
+   <id>Africa/Harare</id>
+  </country>
+ </countryzones>
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/APP_NAME.fst b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/APP_NAME.fst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0a862e51cb71f97940a606e890be5e98633a130
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/APP_NAME.fst differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/APP_NAME.syms b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/APP_NAME.syms
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..240ce73d643095c190b65babb21e3280b22b9666
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/APP_NAME.syms differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/CLG.prewalk.fst b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/CLG.prewalk.fst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4f0b24f46b203f76a7da595ba74d3492c41500a5
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/CLG.prewalk.fst differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/CONTACT_NAME.fst b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/CONTACT_NAME.fst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0a862e51cb71f97940a606e890be5e98633a130
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/CONTACT_NAME.fst differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/CONTACT_NAME.syms b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/CONTACT_NAME.syms
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..240ce73d643095c190b65babb21e3280b22b9666
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/CONTACT_NAME.syms differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/SONG_NAME.fst b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/SONG_NAME.fst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0a862e51cb71f97940a606e890be5e98633a130
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/SONG_NAME.fst differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/SONG_NAME.syms b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/SONG_NAME.syms
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..240ce73d643095c190b65babb21e3280b22b9666
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/SONG_NAME.syms differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/am_phonemes.syms b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/am_phonemes.syms
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d7be90c6d25ff3858b064dd019a1635b8bc5ae37
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/am_phonemes.syms differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/app_bias.fst b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/app_bias.fst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..81551947524186c5ec5ab884bae8b5bcee6bba6d
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/app_bias.fst differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/c_fst b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/c_fst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be016c7786c881e64a597f30435a496f1a80f275
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/c_fst differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/commands.abnf b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/commands.abnf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d3e51aa0f2f6436d1fc103becfadad0452d4b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/commands.abnf
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Grammar used for disambiguation of results and for confirming or
+// canceling a call.
+tag-semantics <literal>;
+$root = /0.15/ $COMMAND | /0.85/ $OTHER;
+$COMMAND = cancel {_cancel} | okay {_okay} | $DISAMBIG;
+$DISAMBIG = select $digit;
+$digit = $digit1 | $digit2 | $digit3;
+$digit1 = 1 {_select_1};
+$digit2 = 2 {_select_2};
+$digit3 = 3 {_select_3};
+$OTHER = ($OTHER_WORDS<1->) {_other};
+        the |
+        be |
+        to |
+        of |
+        and |
+        a |
+        in |
+        that |
+        have |
+        i |
+        it |
+        for |
+        not |
+        on |
+        with |
+        he |
+        as |
+        you |
+        do |
+        at |
+        this |
+        but |
+        his |
+        by |
+        from |
+        they |
+        we |
+        say |
+        her |
+        she |
+        or |
+        an |
+        will |
+        my |
+        all |
+        would |
+        there |
+        their |
+        what |
+        so |
+        up |
+        out |
+        if |
+        about |
+        who |
+        get |
+        which |
+        go |
+        me |
+        when |
+        make |
+        can |
+        like |
+        time |
+        no |
+        just |
+        him |
+        know |
+        take |
+        person |
+        into |
+        year |
+        your |
+        good |
+        some |
+        could |
+        them |
+        see |
+        other |
+        than |
+        then |
+        now |
+        look |
+        only |
+        come |
+        its |
+        over |
+        think |
+        also |
+        back |
+        after |
+        use |
+        how |
+        our |
+        work |
+        first |
+        well |
+        way |
+        even |
+        new |
+        want |
+        because |
+        any |
+        these |
+        give |
+        day |
+        most |
+        us
+        ;
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/compile_grammar.config b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/compile_grammar.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e81d17ab5fc961341e3f9ada4b8504d52b771a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/compile_grammar.config
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+	phonelistSymbolTableê÷/
+	phonelist)
+	phonelisthmmsymspron_generator"c_fst0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/config.pumpkin b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/config.pumpkin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c14360187ddb7ec985c8cb6cd777dd37183c59e
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/config.pumpkin differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/confirmation_bias.fst b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/confirmation_bias.fst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..50b3bb79199cc80db3e9d9d76e14f77425ce7cf0
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/confirmation_bias.fst differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/contacts.abnf b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/contacts.abnf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e9f85c9067a686b28225b2f5fd1613799aaf8ee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/contacts.abnf
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Contact dialing grammar.
+// For completeness. On the client side $CONTACT is added and $VOICE_DIALING
+// and $TARGET are defined either as:
+//       $TARGET = $CONTACT; or
+//    2) $VOICE_DIALING = $DIGIT_DIALING;  // If contact list is not available.
+tag-semantics <literal>;
+$root = /0.07/ $VOICE_DIALING | /0.93/ $OTHER;
+$CONTACT_CALLING = [please] ((/0.94/ $CONTACT_CALL | /0.03/ dial | /0.02/ phone | /0.01/ get)  {_call}) {___<scrub>___} $TARGET {___</scrub>___} $SUFFIX;
+      /0.87/ call |
+      /0.08/ (make a [phone] call to) |
+      /0.05/ (place a [phone] call to);
+$HOME = ([at | at $PRON] | [on | on $PRON_THE]) $HOME_BASE [phone];
+$ON_AT = /0.85/ on | /0.15/ at;
+$MOBILE = ([$ON_AT | $ON_AT $PRON] | [$ON_AT | $ON_AT $PRON_THE]) $MOBILE_BASE [phone];
+$WORK = ([at | at $PRON] | [on | on $PRON_THE]) $HOME_BASE [phone];
+$PRON = (his | her | their);
+$PRON_THE = $PRON | the;
+$HOME_BASE = (home | house) {_p1};
+$MOBILE_BASE = (mobile | cell | cellular) {_p2};
+$WORK_BASE = (business | work | office) {_p3};
+$DIGIT_DIALING = [please] ((/0.7/ $DIGIT_CALL | /0.22/ dial | /0.08/ phone) {_call}) [the number] {___<scrub>___} $LITERAL_NUM {___</scrub>___};
+      /0.75/ call |
+      /0.17/ (make a [phone] call to) |
+      /0.08/ (place a [phone] call to);
+$LITERAL_NUM = $digit<7-15>;
+$digit = $digit0 | $digit1 | $digit2 | $digit3 | $digit4 | $digit5 | $digit6 | $digit7 | $digit8 | $digit9;
+$digit0 = (0 {_d0});
+$digit1 = (1 {_d1});
+$digit2 = (2 {_d2});
+$digit3 = (3 {_d3});
+$digit4 = (4 {_d4});
+$digit5 = (5 {_d5});
+$digit6 = (6 {_d6});
+$digit7 = (7 {_d7});
+$digit8 = (8 {_d8});
+$digit9 = (9 {_d9});
+$OTHER = ($OTHER_WORDS<1->) {_other};
+        the |
+        be |
+        to |
+        of |
+        and |
+        a |
+        in |
+        that |
+        have |
+        i |
+        it |
+        for |
+        not |
+        on |
+        with |
+        he |
+        as |
+        you |
+        do |
+        at |
+        this |
+        but |
+        his |
+        by |
+        from |
+        they |
+        we |
+        say |
+        her |
+        she |
+        or |
+        an |
+        will |
+        my |
+        one |
+        all |
+        would |
+        there |
+        their |
+        what |
+        so |
+        up |
+        out |
+        if |
+        about |
+        who |
+        get |
+        which |
+        go |
+        me |
+        when |
+        make |
+        can |
+        like |
+        time |
+        no |
+        just |
+        him |
+        know |
+        take |
+        person |
+        into |
+        year |
+        your |
+        good |
+        some |
+        could |
+        them |
+        see |
+        other |
+        than |
+        then |
+        now |
+        look |
+        only |
+        come |
+        its |
+        over |
+        think |
+        also |
+        back |
+        after |
+        use |
+        two |
+        how |
+        our |
+        work |
+        first |
+        well |
+        way |
+        even |
+        new |
+        want |
+        because |
+        any |
+        these |
+        give |
+        day |
+        most |
+        us
+        ;
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/contacts_bias.fst b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/contacts_bias.fst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6bf37472f8da541ec88f18449855b6e5b66145b8
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/contacts_bias.fst differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/contacts_disambig.fst b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/contacts_disambig.fst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ff890b716e3a29929ac657b553a96a319b60c3dc
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/contacts_disambig.fst differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/dict b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/dict
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fb359fdca52fd7f5f9fd3354993b9f89e8ed7f6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/dict
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+<S>	sil
+</S>	sil
+<s>	sil
+</s>	sil
+0	ow
+0	z ih r ow
+1	w ah n
+2	t uw
+3	th r iy
+4	f ao r
+5	f ay v
+6	s ih k s
+7	s eh v ah n
+8	ey t
+9	n ay n
+call	k ao l
+cell	s eh l
+dial	d ay l
+email	iy m ey l
+home	hh ow m
+message	m eh s ih jh
+mobile	m ow b ax l
+mobile	m ow b iy l
+office	ao f ih s
+phone	f ow n
+send	s eh n d
+text	t eh k s t
+android	ae n d r oy d
+computer	k ax m p y uw t er
+cancel	k ae n s ax l
+okay	ow k ey
+the	dh ah
+the	dh iy
+be	b
+to	t ax
+to	t uw
+of	ao f
+and	ae n d
+a	ax
+a	ey
+in	ih n
+that	dh ae t
+have	hh ae v
+i	ay
+it	ih t
+for	f er
+for	f ao r
+not	n aa t
+on	aa n
+on	ao n
+with	w ih dh
+with	w ih th
+he	hh iy
+as	ae z
+you	y uw
+do	d uw
+at	ae t
+this	dh ih s
+but	b ah t
+his	hh ih z
+by	b ay
+from	f r ah m
+they	dh ey
+we	w iy
+say	s ey
+her	hh er
+she	sh iy
+or	ao r
+or	ow r
+an	ae n
+will	w ih l
+my	m ay
+one	w ah n
+all	ao l
+would	w uh d
+there	dh ey r
+their	dh ey r
+what	w aa t
+what	w ah t
+so	s ow
+up	ah p
+out	aw t
+if	ih f
+about	ax b aw t
+who	hh uw
+get	g eh t
+which	w ih ch
+go	g ow
+me	m iy
+when	w eh n
+make	m ey k
+can	k ae n
+like	l ay k
+time	t ay m
+no	n ow
+just	jh ah s t
+him	hh ih m
+know	n ow
+take	t ey k
+person	p er s ih n
+into	ih n t ax
+into	ih n t uw
+year	y iy r
+your	y ow r
+your	y uh r
+good	g uh d
+google	g uw g ax l
+google	g uw g l
+some	s ah m
+could	k uh d
+them	dh eh m
+them	th eh m
+see	s iy
+other	ah dh er
+than	dh ae n
+then	dh eh n
+now	n aw
+look	l uh k
+only	ow n l iy
+come	k ah m
+its	ih t s
+over	ow v er
+think	th ih nx k
+also	ao l s ow
+back	b ae k
+after	ae f t er
+use	y uw s
+use	y uw z
+two	t uw
+how	hh aw
+our	aw er
+our	aa r
+work	w er k
+first	f er s t
+well	w eh l
+way	w ey
+even	iy v ax n
+new	n uw
+want	w aa n t
+want	w ah n t
+because	b ax k ah z
+because	b ax k ao z
+any	eh n iy
+these	dh iy z
+give	g ih v
+day	d ey
+most	m ow s t
+us	ah s
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/dictation.config b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/dictation.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9708dcead7cf7fef15c706d2bacd729229a8de82
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/dictation.config differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/dnn b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/dnn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c634149be8fd67df58e8f8cb87f2ce849a13a139
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f94d35885cf2fa1a6ec24b69a8202eac455e0acb
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..91378fc472afb41da9a9675cdeccf46982639f26
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e2861bbe2043da1e6cc0dd50d6fb2eb202587c8c
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2628e135e8c19aecfa0e832d263fb2a02fb6d11
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/hmm_symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,6998 @@
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+w_1.4_w_2.5_w_3.14	6695
+w_1.4_w_2.2_w_3.2	6696
+w_1.4_w_2.2_w_3.11	6697
+w_1.4_w_2.4_w_3.6	6698
+w_1.4_w_2.6_w_3.11	6699
+w_1.4_w_2.8_w_3.4	6700
+w_1.4_w_2.8_w_3.9	6701
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+w_1.5_w_2.5_w_3.5	6706
+w_1.5_w_2.5_w_3.14	6707
+w_1.5_w_2.2_w_3.2	6708
+w_1.5_w_2.2_w_3.11	6709
+w_1.5_w_2.4_w_3.6	6710
+w_1.5_w_2.6_w_3.11	6711
+w_1.5_w_2.8_w_3.4	6712
+w_1.5_w_2.8_w_3.9	6713
+w_1.5_w_2.8_w_3.11	6714
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+w_1.6_w_2.9_w_3.12	6716
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+w_1.6_w_2.5_w_3.5	6718
+w_1.6_w_2.5_w_3.14	6719
+w_1.6_w_2.2_w_3.2	6720
+w_1.6_w_2.2_w_3.11	6721
+w_1.6_w_2.4_w_3.6	6722
+w_1.6_w_2.6_w_3.11	6723
+w_1.6_w_2.8_w_3.4	6724
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+w_1.6_w_2.8_w_3.11	6726
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+w_1.7_w_2.2_w_3.11	6733
+w_1.7_w_2.4_w_3.6	6734
+w_1.7_w_2.6_w_3.11	6735
+w_1.7_w_2.8_w_3.4	6736
+w_1.7_w_2.8_w_3.9	6737
+w_1.7_w_2.8_w_3.11	6738
+w_1.13_w_2.1_w_3.1	6739
+w_1.13_w_2.9_w_3.12	6740
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+w_1.13_w_2.5_w_3.14	6743
+w_1.13_w_2.2_w_3.2	6744
+w_1.13_w_2.2_w_3.11	6745
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+w_1.13_w_2.6_w_3.11	6747
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+w_1.11_w_2.2_w_3.2	6758
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+w_1.12_w_2.12_w_3.14	6772
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+w_1.15_w_2.10_w_3.10	6778
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+w_1.15_w_2.12_w_3.14	6780
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+w_1.14_w_2.2_w_3.11	6789
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+y_1.4_y_2.5_y_3.4	6843
+y_1.4_y_2.5_y_3.5	6844
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+z_1.1_z_2.6_z_3.3	6874
+z_1.1_z_2.6_z_3.7	6875
+z_1.1_z_2.6_z_3.8	6876
+z_1.3_z_2.1_z_3.1	6877
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+z_1.3_z_2.3_z_3.11	6884
+z_1.3_z_2.3_z_3.3	6885
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+z_1.3_z_2.3_z_3.8	6887
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+z_1.10_z_2.9_z_3.8	6899
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+z_1.7_z_2.9_z_3.3	6919
+z_1.7_z_2.9_z_3.7	6920
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+z_1.8_z_2.8_z_3.1	6924
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+z_1.8_z_2.9_z_3.11	6929
+z_1.8_z_2.9_z_3.3	6930
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+z_1.8_z_2.9_z_3.8	6932
+z_1.9_z_2.1_z_3.1	6933
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+z_1.9_z_2.8_z_3.1	6935
+z_1.9_z_2.8_z_3.9	6936
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+z_1.9_z_2.9_z_3.4	6939
+z_1.9_z_2.9_z_3.12	6940
+z_1.9_z_2.9_z_3.11	6941
+z_1.9_z_2.9_z_3.3	6942
+z_1.9_z_2.9_z_3.7	6943
+z_1.9_z_2.9_z_3.8	6944
+z_1.2_z_2.1_z_3.1	6945
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+z_1.2_z_2.8_z_3.1	6947
+z_1.2_z_2.8_z_3.9	6948
+z_1.2_z_2.2_z_3.2	6949
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+z_1.2_z_2.3_z_3.4	6951
+z_1.2_z_2.3_z_3.12	6952
+z_1.2_z_2.3_z_3.11	6953
+z_1.2_z_2.3_z_3.3	6954
+z_1.2_z_2.3_z_3.7	6955
+z_1.2_z_2.3_z_3.8	6956
+z_1.2_z_2.7_z_3.4	6957
+z_1.2_z_2.7_z_3.12	6958
+z_1.2_z_2.7_z_3.11	6959
+z_1.2_z_2.7_z_3.3	6960
+z_1.2_z_2.7_z_3.7	6961
+z_1.2_z_2.7_z_3.8	6962
+z_1.6_z_2.1_z_3.1	6963
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+z_1.6_z_2.8_z_3.1	6965
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+z_1.6_z_2.5_z_3.10	6967
+z_1.6_z_2.7_z_3.4	6968
+z_1.6_z_2.7_z_3.12	6969
+z_1.6_z_2.7_z_3.11	6970
+z_1.6_z_2.7_z_3.3	6971
+z_1.6_z_2.7_z_3.7	6972
+z_1.6_z_2.7_z_3.8	6973
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+z_1.11_z_2.1_z_3.5	6975
+z_1.11_z_2.8_z_3.1	6976
+z_1.11_z_2.8_z_3.9	6977
+z_1.11_z_2.5_z_3.6	6978
+z_1.11_z_2.5_z_3.10	6979
+z_1.11_z_2.7_z_3.4	6980
+z_1.11_z_2.7_z_3.12	6981
+z_1.11_z_2.7_z_3.11	6982
+z_1.11_z_2.7_z_3.3	6983
+z_1.11_z_2.7_z_3.7	6984
+z_1.11_z_2.7_z_3.8	6985
+z_1.12_z_2.1_z_3.1	6986
+z_1.12_z_2.1_z_3.5	6987
+z_1.12_z_2.8_z_3.1	6988
+z_1.12_z_2.8_z_3.9	6989
+z_1.12_z_2.5_z_3.10	6990
+z_1.12_z_2.7_z_3.4	6991
+z_1.12_z_2.7_z_3.12	6992
+z_1.12_z_2.7_z_3.11	6993
+z_1.12_z_2.7_z_3.3	6994
+z_1.12_z_2.7_z_3.7	6995
+z_1.12_z_2.7_z_3.8	6996
+zh_1.1_zh_2.1_zh_3.1	6997
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c739d8f3cb83d89313640f2e1e66b5689ae8b22b
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51d83db8f2381bdda050a39ae66fb81966773095
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diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/lexicon.U.fst b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/lexicon.U.fst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b04289e3a89e7ff0554701a63b8d58d3653de617
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/lexicon.U.fst differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5703648e223449a1f31af0a102bf0056ede7edf0
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8a42553fbbc1de00453e64e129daff5239b2408
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/magic_mic.config differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b2687117490c169f9a77b5e80d86046117ffce06
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/media_bias.fst differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..15727abd15d62457caf9dc155ef58c20a8139f22
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/metadata differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..21275756caab67bc32351326f86c0b56f1a00149
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/monastery_config.pumpkin differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..95c0171e1fc4d83767ce9ebd70a5f97b4ec1e2e2
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/norm_fst differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e9d4e9658450c476f82b2d5219547ddb55ef2d47
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/offensive_word_normalizer.mfar differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/offline_action_data.pb b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/offline_action_data.pb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d8faf6bbd27240da8e707017c9826ad8fae95c1
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/offline_action_data.pb differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/phonelist b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/phonelist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c4726d4ae10759f6a4b45ffdbceb991747bffa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/phonelist
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<epsilon>	0
+aa	1
+ae	2
+ah	3
+ao	4
+aw	5
+ax	6
+ay	7
+b	8
+ch	9
+d	10
+dh	11
+eh	12
+en	13
+er	14
+ey	15
+f	16
+g	17
+hh	18
+ih	19
+iy	20
+jh	21
+k	22
+l	23
+m	24
+n	25
+nx	26
+ow	27
+oy	28
+p	29
+r	30
+s	31
+sh	32
+sil	33
+t	34
+th	35
+uh	36
+uw	37
+v	38
+w	39
+y	40
+z	41
+zh	42
+*	43
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/portable_lstm b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/portable_lstm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee883849dca220c7f0f2bb68084f1a38e68405ee
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/portable_lstm differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/portable_meanstddev b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/portable_meanstddev
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d64e760d9c407b3831c33a1158676adf166742f8
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/portable_meanstddev differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/pumpkin.mmap b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/pumpkin.mmap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6941d3222f318b54e211bd5e6404e9e6bc2918cd
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/pumpkin.mmap differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/read_items_bias.fst b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/read_items_bias.fst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..245117037eea9c50028159f50c0c8f8f41964c60
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/read_items_bias.fst differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/rescoring.fst.compact b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/rescoring.fst.compact
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e267e998d9d6833c19593447ff39b928d6d40c9e
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/rescoring.fst.compact differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/semantics.pumpkin b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/semantics.pumpkin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4decf035c09bad6605ea53444d4a902d4a9bed66
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/semantics.pumpkin differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/skip_items_bias.fst b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/skip_items_bias.fst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..996edfbd5cbc734c65a2a261e8f38bece5d2e411
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/skip_items_bias.fst differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/time_bias.fst b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/time_bias.fst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aa678d8263bf7ddcce8642c1856c98f540ec223c
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/time_bias.fst differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/transform.mfar b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/transform.mfar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27d156a15704b93d0449320b639507cb5472adbe
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/transform.mfar differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/voice_actions.config b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/voice_actions.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8ded1d7f03216dc0edae5adf69ca54192c51fa04
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/voice_actions.config differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/voice_actions_compiler.config b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/voice_actions_compiler.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cd20b161a9d2a36d2133c2aa455fdfe48cd7fd77
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/voice_actions_compiler.config differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/word_confidence_classifier b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/word_confidence_classifier
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49c3d4e857ac443e54f08ff4eb8ccf3c63846e23
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/word_confidence_classifier differ
diff --git a/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/wordlist.syms b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/wordlist.syms
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f5f1554fe14cfc7807ff16a579db22ff4a347892
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/usr/srec/en-US/wordlist.syms
@@ -0,0 +1,64354 @@
+<epsilon>	0
+s	1
+c	2
+S	3
+p	4
+C	5
+M	6
+B	7
+b	8
+r	9
+d	10
+a	11
+t	12
+m	13
+A	14
+P	15
+f	16
+R	17
+D	18
+h	19
+T	20
+L	21
+H	22
+e	23
+G	24
+g	25
+i	26
+l	27
+w	28
+W	29
+F	30
+K	31
+E	32
+o	33
+N	34
+n	35
+J	36
+u	37
+O	38
+v	39
+I	40
+V	41
+k	42
+j	43
+1	44
+U	45
+2	46
+3	47
+Y	48
+4	49
+5	50
+y	51
+6	52
+7	53
+9	54
+q	55
+Z	56
+8	57
+Q	58
+z	59
+X	60
+x	61
+0	62
+:	63
+/	64
+.	65
+@	66
+&	67
+'	68
++	69
+!	70
+%	71
+,	72
+-	73
+?	74
+équipement	75
+st	76
+sh	77
+su	78
+sp	79
+se	80
+sa	81
+so	82
+si	83
+sy	84
+sq	85
+s.	86
+s1	87
+s2	88
+sd	89
+s3	90
+s4	91
+s5	92
+sOooo	94
+sbcglobal.net	95
+sf	96
+ss	97
+co	98
+ca	99
+ch	100
+ci	101
+c$contacts	102
+c1	103
+cc	104
+cn	105
+cz	106
+c'mon	107
+c-section	108
+c2	109
+c3	110
+c4	111
+c5	112
+c6	113
+c7	114
+cVS	116
+cd	117
+cf	118
+cm	119
+cv	120
+St	121
+Sh	122
+So	123
+Si	124
+SA	125
+SP	126
+SS	127
+ST	128
+SM	129
+SE	130
+SC	131
+SI	132
+SL	133
+SO	134
+SW	135
+SR	136
+SD	137
+SU	138
+SB	139
+SH	140
+SN	141
+SF	142
+SG	143
+SK	144
+SQ	145
+Sr	146
+S's	147
+SJ	148
+SX	149
+Sbarro	150
+Sgt	151
+Szechuan	152
+pa	153
+po	154
+pi	155
+pl	156
+pp	157
+pc	158
+pk	159
+pt	160
+p90	161
+pg	162
+pj	163
+pm	164
+p1	165
+p2	166
+p3	167
+pH	168
+pS	169
+pdf	170
+pffcu	171
+px	172
+Co	173
+Cl	174
+Cu	175
+CC	176
+CP	177
+CS	178
+CA	179
+CD	180
+CM	181
+CN	182
+CR	183
+CI	184
+CL	185
+CO	186
+CB	187
+CE	188
+CF	189
+CH	190
+CT	191
+CV	192
+CW	193
+CG	194
+CU	195
+CJ	196
+CK	197
+Ct	198
+Czech	199
+C's	200
+CQ	201
+CX	202
+CY	203
+CZ	204
+Ma	205
+Mo	206
+Mi	207
+Me	208
+My	209
+MS	210
+MC	211
+MO	212
+MT	213
+MI	214
+ML	215
+MM	216
+MA	217
+MD	218
+MG	219
+MP	220
+MJ	221
+MB	222
+MH	223
+MU	224
+MV	225
+MF	226
+Mr	227
+ME	228
+MK	229
+MW	230
+M's	231
+MN	232
+MX	233
+Mb	234
+Mk	235
+Ms	236
+Mt	237
+Br	238
+Be	239
+Bo	240
+Bi	241
+By	242
+BB	243
+BC	244
+BM	245
+BO	246
+BA	247
+BF	248
+BL	249
+BS	250
+BT	251
+BI	252
+BJ	253
+BN	254
+BP	255
+BR	256
+BD	257
+BG	258
+BH	259
+BW	260
+B's	261
+BK	262
+BQ	263
+BU	264
+BV	265
+BX	266
+BZ	267
+Bhutan	268
+Bjorn	269
+ba	270
+bo	271
+bu	272
+be	273
+bi	274
+by	275
+b1	276
+bf	277
+bw3	278
+b'ville	279
+b2	280
+b4	281
+b6	282
+b96	283
+bTW	284
+bc	285
+bgmu	286
+bhai	287
+bj	288
+bmw	289
+bn	290
+bs	291
+btw	292
+re	293
+ra	294
+ro	295
+ri	296
+ru	297
+rx	298
+ry	299
+r2	300
+rs	301
+r.i.p	302
+r1	303
+r4	304
+r5	305
+r6	306
+r8	307
+rETECH	308
+rd	309
+rg3	310
+rly	311
+rm	312
+rpm	313
+de	314
+di	315
+do	316
+dr	317
+da	318
+du	319
+d1	320
+d-bag	321
+d2	322
+d3	323
+dARCARS	324
+dB	325
+dc	326
+dd	327
+dfcu	328
+dj	329
+dk	330
+dlow	331
+dmv	332
+dnt	333
+dvd	334
+an	335
+al	336
+ac	337
+ad	338
+ar	339
+as	340
+ap	341
+am	342
+au	343
+ab	344
+at	345
+ai	346
+aw	347
+av	348
+ax	349
+aa	350
+ah	351
+a.	352
+az	353
+a1	354
+ay	355
+a2	356
+a4	357
+a/c	358
+a0	359
+a3	360
+a5	361
+a6	362
+a7	363
+a8	364
+a9	365
+aAA	366
+aI	367
+aT&T	368
+aja	369
+tr	370
+te	371
+ta	372
+to	373
+th	374
+ti	375
+tu	376
+ty	377
+tt	378
+ts	379
+tv	380
+t2	381
+t3	382
+t's	383
+t.i	384
+t1	385
+t5	386
+t6	387
+t8	388
+t9	389
+tAP	390
+tC	391
+tJ	392
+tSFL	393
+tUFF	394
+tXU	395
+tbh	396
+td	397
+tmobile	398
+tn	399
+txt	400
+ma	401
+mo	402
+mi	403
+me	404
+mu	405
+my	406
+mp	407
+mr	408
+ms	409
+m.	410
+mm	411
+m1	412
+mg	413
+m2	414
+m3	415
+m4	416
+m5	417
+m6	418
+m8	419
+mObridge	420
+mPerks	421
+mfg	422
+mhm	423
+mjna	424
+ml	425
+mn	426
+mx	427
+Al	428
+An	429
+Am	430
+As	431
+Ad	432
+At	433
+Ag	434
+AC	435
+AT	436
+AM	437
+AS	438
+AB	439
+AD	440
+AP	441
+AA	442
+AF	443
+AI	444
+AR	445
+AV	446
+AE	447
+AJ	448
+AL	449
+AW	450
+AG	451
+AK	452
+AO	453
+AH	454
+A's	455
+AQ	456
+AU	457
+AXA	458
+AZ	459
+Pa	460
+Pi	461
+PS	462
+PC	463
+PD	464
+PP	465
+PA	466
+PE	467
+PO	468
+PR	469
+PT	470
+PI	471
+PM	472
+PB	473
+PN	474
+PG	475
+PF	476
+PL	477
+PJ	478
+PV	479
+PK	480
+PU	481
+P's	482
+PQ	483
+PW	484
+PX	485
+Pt	486
+PvP	487
+PwC	488
+fi	489
+fo	490
+fa	491
+fr	492
+fe	493
+fu	494
+f-ing	495
+f.y.i	496
+f1	497
+fRANK	498
+fUCK	499
+fYI	500
+fb	501
+fm	502
+fsnb	503
+ft	504
+fwy	505
+fyi	506
+Ro	507
+RS	508
+RC	509
+RE	510
+RI	511
+RO	512
+RT	513
+RA	514
+RB	515
+RM	516
+RP	517
+RD	518
+RF	519
+RG	520
+RV	521
+RJ	522
+RK	523
+RN	524
+RR	525
+RW	526
+R's	527
+RH	528
+RL	529
+RX	530
+RYA	531
+Rd	532
+Rs	533
+Rt	534
+Rx	535
+De	536
+Da	537
+Do	538
+Di	539
+Du	540
+Dr	541
+DC	542
+DS	543
+DV	544
+DO	545
+DM	546
+DH	547
+DT	548
+DD	549
+DN	550
+DA	551
+DI	552
+DP	553
+DJ	554
+DF	555
+DW	556
+DB	557
+DL	558
+DR	559
+DX	560
+DG	561
+DK	562
+DQ	563
+DZ	564
+Django	565
+Dvorak	566
+ho	567
+ha	568
+he	569
+hi	570
+hu	571
+hy	572
+hm	573
+h2	574
+hd	575
+h&L	576
+h1	577
+h3	578
+hhgregg	579
+hrs	580
+hsn.com	581
+htc	582
+hville	583
+To	584
+Ti	585
+Ty	586
+TC	587
+TR	588
+TM	589
+TS	590
+TH	591
+TI	592
+TA	593
+TB	594
+TD	595
+TP	596
+TT	597
+TV	598
+TG	599
+TK	600
+TW	601
+TJ	602
+TL	603
+TN	604
+TF	605
+TX	606
+T's	607
+TQ	608
+Tso's	609
+La	610
+Le	611
+Lo	612
+Li	613
+Lu	614
+LE	615
+LA	616
+LM	617
+LC	618
+LS	619
+LT	620
+LP	621
+LD	622
+LG	623
+LL	624
+LB	625
+LK	626
+LV	627
+LH	628
+LJ	629
+LR	630
+Lt	631
+LF	632
+LQ	633
+LW	634
+LX	635
+Lhasa	636
+Ln	637
+Ho	638
+He	639
+Hi	640
+Hy	641
+HI	642
+HO	643
+HS	644
+HT	645
+HC	646
+HD	647
+HP	648
+HH	649
+HM	650
+HR	651
+HA	652
+HG	653
+HB	654
+HL	655
+H's	656
+HF	657
+HJ	658
+HK	659
+HQ	660
+HVAC	661
+HW	662
+HX	663
+Hsu	664
+Hwy	665
+ex	666
+en	667
+el	668
+em	669
+es	670
+ed	671
+er	672
+eye	673
+et	674
+eff	675
+eg	676
+ep	677
+ee	678
+eh	679
+e2	680
+e3	681
+e40	682
+e7	683
+eHarmony	684
+eNews	685
+eSPN	686
+eTown	687
+eV	688
+ek	689
+eons	690
+eww	691
+Go	692
+Gi	693
+GT	694
+GS	695
+GM	696
+GR	697
+GE	698
+GB	699
+GC	700
+GN	701
+GP	702
+GA	703
+GF	704
+GH	705
+GO	706
+GV	707
+GD	708
+GI	709
+G's	710
+GG	711
+GJ	712
+GK	713
+GL	714
+GQ	715
+GUI	716
+GW	717
+GX	718
+GYN	719
+Gd	720
+Gmail	721
+Gnarls	722
+gr	723
+ga	724
+go	725
+ge	726
+gi	727
+g2	728
+g3	729
+g4	730
+gf	731
+gmail	732
+g'night	733
+g1	734
+g5	735
+g6	736
+g8	737
+gM	738
+gTunes	739
+gb3	740
+gchat	741
+gg	742
+gps.com	743
+gs3	744
+in	745
+im	746
+id	747
+ir	748
+it	749
+il	750
+is	751
+ic	752
+if	753
+i3	754
+ia	755
+iz	756
+i4	757
+ie	758
+i25	759
+i5	760
+i7	761
+i9	762
+iBook	763
+iDoctor	764
+iHome	765
+iOS	766
+iRise	767
+ibuprofen	768
+ih	769
+iight	770
+ik	771
+iu	772
+la	773
+li	774
+lo	775
+le	776
+ly	777
+ll	778
+lb	779
+lg	780
+lmao	781
+l1	782
+l2	783
+l3	784
+l5	785
+lEGO	786
+lOL	787
+lP&L	788
+lds.org	789
+lr44	790
+wa	791
+we	792
+wo	793
+w/	794
+w2	795
+w-9	796
+w.e	797
+w4	798
+w9	799
+wTF	800
+wcsg	801
+wd40	802
+wg&r	803
+wk	804
+wqmx	805
+ws	806
+wyndham	807
+We	808
+WS	809
+WB	810
+WI	811
+WP	812
+Wu	813
+WA	814
+WC	815
+WG	816
+WN	817
+WR	818
+WT	819
+WL	820
+WF	821
+WH	822
+WM	823
+WV	824
+WX	825
+WY	826
+W's	827
+WD	828
+WJ	829
+Fi	830
+Fe	831
+Fu	832
+FA	833
+FC	834
+FS	835
+FD	836
+FI	837
+FM	838
+FP	839
+FB	840
+FF	841
+FL	842
+FW	843
+FH	844
+F's	845
+FG	846
+FJ	847
+FK	848
+FN	849
+FX	850
+Ku	851
+Ky	852
+KC	853
+KR	854
+KS	855
+KF	856
+KT	857
+KD	858
+KJ	859
+KK	860
+KL	861
+KO	862
+KP	863
+KA	864
+KB	865
+KU	866
+K's	867
+KETV	868
+KH	869
+KMEL	870
+KQED	871
+KWWL	872
+KX	873
+KY	874
+KZ	875
+Kb	876
+Kmart	877
+El	878
+Ed	879
+Ex	880
+ES	881
+ET	882
+EC	883
+EM	884
+EP	885
+Eq	886
+ED	887
+EV	888
+EA	889
+EB	890
+EE	891
+EF	892
+EI	893
+EO	894
+EX	895
+EJ	896
+EK	897
+ENT	898
+EW	899
+E's	900
+EQ	901
+ER	902
+EU	903
+EZ	904
+Ehrlich	905
+Eola	906
+ov	907
+ou	908
+or	909
+op	910
+ob	911
+of	912
+on	913
+ol	914
+om	915
+ox	916
+ok	917
+oo	918
+ot	919
+os	920
+od	921
+oh	922
+oi	923
+og	924
+oz	925
+o$contacts	926
+o1	927
+o2	928
+o3	929
+o6	930
+o7	931
+o8	932
+o9	933
+oK	934
+oj	935
+No	936
+Ne	937
+Ni	938
+Nu	939
+NA	940
+NO	941
+NC	942
+NF	943
+NY	944
+NH	945
+NE	946
+NS	947
+NB	948
+NT	949
+ND	950
+NP	951
+NG	952
+NR	953
+NW	954
+NJ	955
+NK	956
+NL	957
+NM	958
+NN	959
+NV	960
+NXT	961
+NZ	962
+Nguyen	963
+ne	964
+no	965
+na	966
+ni	967
+nu	968
+ny	969
+nf	970
+n/a	971
+n2	972
+n64	973
+n8	974
+nAPA	975
+nTelos	976
+nWTC	977
+nc	978
+nd	979
+ng	980
+nm	981
+nt	982
+nvm	983
+Ja	984
+Jo	985
+Ju	986
+Ji	987
+JC	988
+JB	989
+JT	990
+JA	991
+JM	992
+JP	993
+JD	994
+JF	995
+JJ	996
+JL	997
+JS	998
+JV	999
+JW	1000
+Jr	1001
+J's	1002
+JEA	1003
+JG	1004
+JH	1005
+JIT	1006
+JK	1007
+JN	1008
+JOHN	1009
+JR	1010
+JUNK	1011
+JX	1012
+Jhene	1013
+un	1014
+up	1015
+ur	1016
+us	1017
+ut	1018
+um	1019
+uh	1020
+u'd	1021
+u2	1022
+uCLA	1023
+uLTA	1024
+uPS	1025
+uRS	1026
+uSC	1027
+ukulele	1028
+uuuu	1029
+uverse	1030
+On	1031
+Ok	1032
+Om	1033
+OS	1034
+Oz	1035
+OP	1036
+Ox	1037
+OT	1038
+Of	1039
+OC	1040
+OM	1041
+OB	1042
+OR	1043
+Oi	1044
+OH	1045
+Oh	1046
+OD	1047
+OE	1048
+OU	1049
+OG	1050
+OK	1051
+OL	1052
+ON	1053
+OA	1054
+OFF	1055
+OIP	1056
+OJ	1057
+OO	1058
+OWN	1059
+Oelwein	1060
+Ooltewah	1061
+Oquirrh	1062
+Oyster	1063
+ve	1064
+va	1065
+vo	1066
+vu	1067
+v-neck	1068
+v1	1069
+v6	1070
+v8	1071
+vh1	1072
+vs	1073
+In	1074
+Is	1075
+Im	1076
+Il	1077
+IC	1078
+Id	1079
+IM	1080
+It	1081
+IS	1082
+IR	1083
+ID	1084
+IH	1085
+IP	1086
+IB	1087
+IN	1088
+IE	1089
+II	1090
+Ike	1091
+IG	1092
+IU	1093
+IV	1094
+IA	1095
+IL	1096
+IO	1097
+IT	1098
+I&I	1099
+IJ	1100
+IKEA	1101
+IQ	1102
+IX	1103
+If	1104
+Ipswich	1105
+Iuka	1106
+Ixtapa	1107
+Va	1108
+Vo	1109
+VI	1110
+VC	1111
+VG	1112
+VP	1113
+VS	1114
+VT	1115
+VA	1116
+VF	1117
+VM	1118
+VR	1119
+VZ	1120
+Vlad	1121
+V's	1122
+VB	1123
+VD	1124
+VERY	1125
+VHS	1126
+VJ	1127
+VLC	1128
+VNA	1129
+VOA	1130
+VUE	1131
+VV	1132
+VW	1133
+Vs	1134
+Vybz	1135
+ki	1136
+ka	1137
+ke	1138
+ko	1139
+kr	1140
+ku	1141
+km	1142
+k1	1143
+k2	1144
+k5	1145
+k9	1146
+kV	1147
+kW	1148
+kg	1149
+kp.org	1150
+ksl.com	1151
+kt	1152
+kwal	1153
+jo	1154
+je	1155
+ji	1156
+jcp	1157
+jk	1158
+jpay	1159
+j&P	1160
+j/o	1161
+jBK	1162
+jJ	1163
+jr	1164
+jw.org	1165
+10	1166
+11	1167
+12	1168
+19	1169
+14	1170
+15	1171
+17	1172
+13	1173
+16	1174
+18	1175
+1/2	1176
+1a	1177
+1c	1178
+1d	1179
+1g	1180
+1i	1181
+1k	1182
+1o	1183
+1st	1184
+1x	1185
+US	1186
+UN	1187
+UC	1188
+UM	1189
+Up	1190
+UT	1191
+UA	1192
+Us	1193
+UF	1194
+UP	1195
+UH	1196
+UB	1197
+UV	1198
+UD	1199
+UI	1200
+UW	1201
+Uinta	1202
+UE	1203
+UJ	1204
+UK	1205
+UL	1206
+UX	1207
+Ubisoft	1208
+Uccello's	1209
+Uhaul	1210
+Uxbridge	1211
+20	1212
+24	1213
+25	1214
+21	1215
+22	1216
+27	1217
+26	1218
+28	1219
+29	1220
+23	1221
+2k	1222
+2-	1223
+2d	1224
+2o	1225
+2's	1226
+2/2	1227
+2a	1228
+2c	1229
+2g	1230
+2i	1231
+2morrow	1232
+2p	1233
+2s	1234
+2t	1235
+2x	1236
+30	1237
+33	1238
+31	1239
+34	1240
+35	1241
+37	1242
+32	1243
+39	1244
+36	1245
+38	1246
+3-	1247
+3s	1248
+3G	1249
+3d	1250
+3o	1251
+3's	1252
+3a	1253
+3c	1254
+3i	1255
+3k	1256
+3m	1257
+3p	1258
+3rd	1259
+3t	1260
+3x	1261
+Yo	1262
+Ya	1263
+Yu	1264
+Yi	1265
+YES	1266
+YM	1267
+Ypsi	1268
+YA	1269
+YOU	1270
+YRC	1271
+YS	1272
+YUM	1273
+YWCA	1274
+YZ	1275
+Ybor	1276
+Ygnacio	1277
+Ynez	1278
+Yreka	1279
+Ysidro	1280
+40	1281
+49	1282
+41	1283
+42	1284
+43	1285
+44	1286
+47	1287
+45	1288
+46	1289
+48	1290
+4-	1291
+4s	1292
+4d	1293
+4o	1294
+4's	1295
+4G	1296
+4a	1297
+4chan	1298
+4gotten	1299
+4h	1300
+4i	1301
+4k	1302
+4p	1303
+4runner	1304
+4th	1305
+4x4	1306
+50	1307
+51	1308
+55	1309
+58	1310
+52	1311
+53	1312
+54	1313
+56	1314
+57	1315
+59	1316
+5-	1317
+5's	1318
+5a	1319
+5c	1320
+5d	1321
+5g	1322
+5i	1323
+5k	1324
+5o	1325
+5p	1326
+5s	1327
+5th	1328
+5w	1329
+yo	1330
+ye	1331
+ya	1332
+yu	1333
+y'all	1334
+y100	1335
+yOU	1336
+yds	1337
+yg	1338
+yr	1339
+60	1340
+61	1341
+62	1342
+64	1343
+65	1344
+63	1345
+66	1346
+68	1347
+67	1348
+69	1349
+6i	1350
+6p	1351
+6's	1352
+6a	1353
+6o	1354
+6s	1355
+6th	1356
+70	1357
+72	1358
+71	1359
+77	1360
+73	1361
+76	1362
+74	1363
+75	1364
+78	1365
+79	1366
+7's	1367
+7a	1368
+7d	1369
+7i	1370
+7o	1371
+7p	1372
+7th	1373
+7up	1374
+92	1375
+93	1376
+97	1377
+90	1378
+94	1379
+95	1380
+99	1381
+91	1382
+98	1383
+96	1384
+9/	1385
+9&i	1386
+9's	1387
+9-10	1388
+9.5	1389
+9a	1390
+9i	1391
+9mm	1392
+9th	1393
+9w	1394
+q-tip	1395
+q1	1396
+qt	1397
+qvc.com	1398
+Zi	1399
+ZZ	1400
+Z's	1401
+ZAR	1402
+ZIP	1403
+ZS	1404
+ZTE	1405
+ZX	1406
+Zhang's	1407
+80	1408
+82	1409
+83	1410
+85	1411
+81	1412
+84	1413
+86	1414
+88	1415
+87	1416
+89	1417
+8's	1418
+8-9	1419
+8i	1420
+8o	1421
+8p	1422
+8th	1423
+8x	1424
+QP	1425
+QR	1426
+QV	1427
+Qi	1428
+Qt	1429
+Q&A	1430
+Q's	1431
+QA	1432
+QB	1433
+QC	1434
+QFC	1435
+QQ	1436
+QS	1437
+QT	1438
+Qdoba	1439
+Qwest	1440
+zo	1441
+ze	1442
+za	1443
+z-pack	1444
+z100	1445
+z28	1446
+z71	1447
+zpizza	1448
+zr1	1449
+XL	1450
+XX	1451
+XC	1452
+XD	1453
+XM	1454
+XT	1455
+XY	1456
+Xbox	1457
+X's	1458
+XA	1459
+XE	1460
+XI	1461
+XJ	1462
+XO	1463
+XP	1464
+XQ	1465
+XR	1466
+XS	1467
+Xfinity	1468
+Xmas	1469
+Xsport	1470
+xx	1471
+xvideo	1472
+xbox	1473
+xi	1474
+xnxx	1475
+xray	1476
+x1	1477
+x2	1478
+x3	1479
+x5	1480
+xB	1481
+xD	1482
+xmas	1483
+xp	1484
+xtube	1485
+xylophone	1486
+$DAY	1488
+$OPERAND	1490
+$TIME	1491
+$UNKNOWN	1492
+$YEAR	1493
+00	1494
+01	1495
+02	1496
+03	1497
+04	1498
+05	1499
+06	1500
+07	1501
+08	1502
+09	1503
+0k	1504
+:-	1505
+:15	1506
+:20	1507
+:30	1508
+:45	1509
+:d	1510
+/2	1511
+/3	1512
+/4	1513
+/5	1514
+/7	1515
+/8	1516
+/a	1517
+/c	1518
+/url	1519
+.0	1520
+.22	1521
+.5	1522
+.:	1523
+.com/	1524
+@$contacts	1525
+@aol.com	1526
+@gmail.com	1527
+@work	1528
+&I	1529
+&c	1530
+'s	1531
++91	1532
+£	1533
+°c	1534
+ste	1535
+sty	1536
+st.	1537
+stcU	1538
+std	1539
+sho	1540
+sha	1541
+shi	1542
+she	1543
+shy	1544
+shh	1545
+sub	1546
+sup	1547
+sur	1548
+sun	1549
+sus	1550
+sum	1551
+sue	1552
+suture	1553
+sux	1554
+suave	1555
+suvios	1556
+suzanne	1557
+spa	1558
+spy	1559
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+ser	1561
+sec	1562
+see	1563
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+sex	1565
+sed	1566
+sew	1567
+sci	1568
+sclerosis	1569
+san	1570
+sam	1571
+sat	1572
+sad	1573
+sac	1574
+sag	1575
+saw	1576
+say	1577
+sap	1578
+sax	1579
+sol	1580
+son	1581
+soo	1582
+sob	1583
+sod	1584
+soy	1585
+sovereign	1586
+soggy	1587
+soshie	1588
+sow	1589
+sin	1590
+sig	1591
+sim	1592
+sit	1593
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+sis	1595
+sir	1596
+sip	1597
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+sift	1600
+sly	1601
+swung	1602
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+ski	1604
+sky	1605
+smh	1606
+sms	1607
+sys	1608
+sybian	1609
+sycamore	1610
+syphilis	1611
+s.h.i.t	1612
+sriracha	1613
+srt8	1614
+sry	1615
+s10	1616
+s2000	1617
+sdge	1618
+con	1619
+cor	1620
+coo	1621
+cop	1622
+cos	1623
+cod	1624
+cow	1625
+cob	1626
+cot	1627
+coke	1628
+coy	1629
+coz	1630
+co-op	1631
+co2	1632
+coqui	1633
+cox.net	1634
+car	1635
+can	1636
+cal	1637
+cat	1638
+cap	1639
+cam	1640
+cab	1641
+cake	1642
+caesar	1643
+cahoots	1644
+caitlin	1645
+cajun	1646
+cayenne	1647
+cazador	1648
+cha	1649
+che	1650
+chi	1651
+chu	1652
+cry	1653
+cut	1654
+cul	1655
+cum	1656
+cub	1657
+cup	1658
+cud	1659
+cuff	1660
+cue	1661
+cuisine	1662
+cuz	1663
+cel	1664
+cedar	1665
+cefco	1666
+cesspool	1667
+ceviche	1668
+cig	1669
+civ	1670
+cibelli's	1671
+ciconte's	1672
+cider	1673
+cierra	1674
+cimarelli	1675
+cipro	1676
+cistern	1677
+cyst	1678
+cya	1679
+cylinder	1680
+cymbal	1681
+cydia	1682
+cytoplasm	1683
+c$contactsl	1684
+c10	1685
+cb2	1686
+cbs.com	1687
+cc's	1688
+cnn.com	1689
+czar	1690
+Ste	1691
+Str	1692
+Stu	1693
+San	1694
+Sal	1695
+Sam	1696
+Sat	1697
+Sag	1698
+Sai	1699
+Sac	1700
+Saw	1701
+Say	1702
+Sao	1703
+She	1704
+Shi	1705
+Shh	1706
+Shyanne	1707
+Sea	1708
+Sen	1709
+Sec	1710
+See	1711
+Set	1712
+Sep	1713
+Sew	1714
+Sex	1715
+Seffner	1716
+Seoul	1717
+Seuss	1718
+Sun	1719
+Sur	1720
+Sub	1721
+Suz	1722
+Sue	1723
+Suwanee	1724
+Son	1725
+Sol	1726
+SoC	1727
+Soggy	1728
+Soho	1729
+Soquel	1730
+Sox	1731
+Soylent	1732
+Spa	1733
+Spur	1734
+Spy	1735
+Sin	1736
+Sis	1737
+Sig	1738
+Sir	1739
+Sit	1740
+Sid	1741
+Six	1742
+Siam	1743
+Sivan	1744
+Sci	1745
+Sky	1746
+Ski	1747
+Skull	1748
+Skrillex	1749
+Swype	1750
+Sly	1751
+Smurf	1752
+Sno	1753
+Snug	1754
+Snyder	1755
+Syd	1756
+Sykes	1757
+SyFy	1758
+Syosset	1759
+SAT	1760
+SAR	1761
+SAC	1762
+SAG	1763
+SAIC	1764
+SAMS	1765
+SAN	1766
+SAP	1767
+SAS	1768
+SAV	1769
+SPC	1770
+SPI	1771
+SPAM	1772
+SPD	1773
+SPF	1774
+SPG	1775
+SPJST	1776
+SPM	1777
+SPS	1778
+SSA	1779
+SSD	1780
+SSI	1781
+SSC	1782
+SSG	1783
+SSL	1784
+SSM	1785
+SSN	1786
+SSR	1787
+SSS	1788
+STD	1789
+STATUS	1790
+STC	1791
+STEM	1792
+STFU	1793
+STI	1794
+STL	1795
+STOP	1796
+STP	1797
+STS	1798
+STU	1799
+SME	1800
+SMU	1801
+SMART	1802
+SMB	1803
+SMC	1804
+SMG	1805
+SMH	1806
+SMO	1807
+SMS	1808
+SMX	1809
+SEAL	1810
+SEC	1811
+SELCO	1812
+SEMA	1813
+SEO	1814
+SEP	1815
+SES	1817
+SEZ	1818
+S&A	1819
+S&G	1820
+S&H	1821
+S&J	1822
+S&K	1823
+S&M	1824
+S&P	1825
+S&S	1826
+S&T	1827
+S&W	1828
+SCE	1829
+SCANA	1830
+SCC	1831
+SCI	1832
+SCP	1834
+SCS	1835
+SID	1836
+SIU	1837
+SIA	1838
+SIM	1839
+SIP	1840
+SIS	1841
+SLC	1842
+SLE	1843
+SLO	1844
+SLP	1845
+SLR	1846
+SLS	1847
+SLT	1848
+SLU	1849
+SOC	1850
+SOA	1851
+SOL	1852
+SOM	1853
+SOPA	1854
+SOS	1855
+SOUND	1856
+SWA	1857
+SWEPCO	1858
+SWH	1859
+SWS	1860
+SWTOR	1861
+SWV	1862
+SR's	1863
+SRC	1864
+SRP	1865
+SRS	1866
+SRT	1867
+SRX	1868
+SDS	1869
+SDA	1870
+SDC	1871
+SDG&E	1872
+SUN	1873
+SUV	1874
+SUP	1875
+SBA	1876
+SBC	1877
+SBS	1878
+SHED	1879
+SHINee	1880
+SHOP	1881
+SNAP	1882
+SNL	1883
+SNSD	1884
+SFO	1885
+SGI	1886
+SKS	1887
+SQL	1888
+SVS	1889
+SVT	1890
+Sri	1891
+pro	1892
+pre	1893
+pry	1894
+par	1895
+pat	1896
+pan	1897
+pas	1898
+pal	1899
+pay	1900
+pap	1901
+pad	1902
+pam	1903
+paw	1904
+pajama	1905
+pao	1906
+pax	1907
+pazzo	1908
+pol	1909
+por	1910
+pop	1911
+poo	1912
+pot	1913
+pow	1914
+pon	1915
+pom	1916
+pod	1917
+poach	1918
+poblano	1919
+pov	1920
+po-po	1921
+pof.com	1922
+pogo	1923
+poquito	1924
+pox	1925
+per	1926
+pen	1927
+pea	1928
+pee	1929
+pet	1930
+pep	1931
+peg	1932
+pew	1933
+pebble	1934
+pin	1935
+pic	1936
+pit	1937
+pie	1938
+pig	1939
+pip	1940
+pix	1941
+pike	1942
+pivot	1943
+piqued	1944
+ply	1945
+pls	1946
+plz	1947
+pun	1948
+pub	1949
+pus	1950
+put	1951
+pum	1952
+pup	1953
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+puck	1955
+pug	1956
+pueblo	1957
+pho	1958
+phrase	1959
+phucked	1960
+pseudo	1961
+ps1	1962
+ps2	1963
+ps3	1964
+ps4	1965
+psalm	1966
+psh	1967
+psi	1968
+psoriasis	1969
+psp	1970
+python	1971
+pygmy	1972
+pyzano's	1973
+p.o	1974
+p.m	1975
+p.s	1976
+p.y.t	1977
+pp&l	1978
+ppl	1979
+ppm	1980
+pch.com	1981
+pcs	1982
+pk.com	1983
+pkg	1984
+pterodactyl	1985
+pts	1986
+p90x	1987
+pg-13	1988
+pj's	1989
+pms-ing	1990
+pneumatic	1991
+pneumonia	1992
+Con	1993
+Cos	1994
+Cop	1995
+Cob	1996
+Cow	1997
+Cod	1998
+Coe	1999
+Cox	2000
+CoCo	2001
+CoServ	2002
+Coit	2003
+Car	2004
+Cal	2005
+Cam	2006
+Can	2007
+Cat	2008
+Cap	2009
+Cab	2010
+Cay	2011
+Caesar	2012
+Cake	2013
+Chi	2014
+Chu	2015
+Cho	2016
+Chloe	2017
+Chyna	2018
+Cru	2019
+Cry	2020
+Cle	2021
+CeCe	2022
+Ceasar	2023
+Cebu	2024
+Cee	2025
+Cemetery	2026
+Cetera	2027
+Cut	2028
+Cup	2029
+Cub	2030
+CuTE	2031
+Cujo	2032
+Cunningham	2033
+Cuomo	2034
+Cuyahoga	2035
+Cir	2036
+Cibo	2037
+Civ	2038
+Cisco	2039
+CiCi's	2040
+Ciara	2041
+Cider	2042
+Ciocca	2043
+Cyn	2044
+Cyber	2045
+Cydia	2046
+Cys	2047
+CCA	2048
+CCB	2049
+CCR	2050
+CCC	2051
+CCD	2052
+CCI	2053
+CCM	2054
+CCNA	2055
+CCP	2056
+CCS	2057
+CCTV	2058
+CCV	2059
+CCW	2060
+CPA	2061
+CPC	2062
+CPD	2063
+CPE	2064
+CPI	2065
+CPK	2066
+CPL	2067
+CPM	2068
+CPO	2069
+CPR	2070
+CPS	2071
+CPT	2072
+CPU	2073
+CPW	2074
+CSU	2075
+CSA	2076
+CSB	2077
+CSC	2078
+CSE	2079
+CSI	2080
+CSL	2081
+CSM	2082
+CSN	2083
+CSP	2084
+CSR	2085
+CSS	2086
+CST	2087
+CSX	2088
+CSpire	2089
+CAT	2090
+CAA	2091
+CAB	2092
+CAC	2093
+CAD	2094
+CAG	2095
+CALL	2096
+CAN	2097
+CAS	2099
+CAV	2100
+CDM	2101
+CD's	2102
+CDA	2103
+CDC	2104
+CDE	2105
+CDI	2106
+CDL	2107
+CDPHP	2108
+CDR	2109
+CDS	2110
+CDW	2111
+CDs	2112
+CMA	2113
+CMH	2114
+CMC	2115
+CME	2116
+CMG	2117
+CMI	2118
+CMOS	2119
+CMP	2120
+CMS	2121
+CMT	2122
+CMU	2123
+CNA	2124
+CNBC	2125
+CNC	2126
+CNG	2127
+CNM	2128
+CNN	2129
+CNR	2130
+CNS	2131
+CNY	2132
+CRS	2133
+CRA	2134
+CRC	2135
+CRF	2136
+CRM	2137
+CRT	2138
+CRV	2139
+CRX	2140
+CIA	2141
+CIBC	2142
+CIC	2143
+CID	2144
+CIF	2145
+CIMA	2146
+CIO	2147
+CIPS	2148
+CIS	2149
+CIT	2150
+CLE	2151
+CL&P	2152
+CLA	2153
+CLC	2154
+CLM	2155
+CLP	2156
+CLR	2157
+CLS	2158
+COC	2159
+COD	2160
+COO	2162
+COPD	2163
+CBA	2165
+CBC	2166
+CBD	2167
+CBN	2168
+CBR	2169
+CBS	2170
+CBT	2171
+CEO	2172
+CEC	2173
+CED	2174
+CEL	2175
+CEMEX	2176
+CES	2177
+CFA	2178
+CFC	2179
+CFE	2180
+CFL	2181
+CFM	2182
+CFS	2183
+CHC	2184
+CHF	2185
+CHKD	2186
+CHL	2187
+CHP	2188
+CHS	2189
+CTA	2190
+CTC	2191
+CTFxC	2192
+CTI	2193
+CTR	2194
+CTS	2195
+CVA	2196
+CVC	2197
+CVG	2198
+CVS	2199
+CVT	2200
+CVs	2201
+C&C	2202
+C&D	2203
+C&H	2204
+C&L	2205
+C&M	2206
+CWC	2207
+CWI	2208
+CWLP	2209
+CGH	2210
+CGI	2211
+CUNY	2212
+CUTE	2213
+CJ's	2214
+CKC	2215
+Cthulhu	2216
+Czechoslovakia	2217
+Mar	2218
+Man	2219
+Mat	2220
+Mac	2221
+Mas	2222
+Mad	2223
+May	2224
+Mai	2225
+Max	2226
+Mak	2227
+Map	2228
+Mae	2229
+Ma's	2230
+Mafia	2231
+Maquoketa	2232
+Mawr	2233
+Mon	2234
+Moo	2235
+Mol	2236
+Mob	2237
+Mod	2238
+Mom	2239
+Moe	2240
+Mop	2241
+Moxie	2242
+Mo's	2243
+MoMA	2244
+Mogadore	2245
+Moines	2246
+Mokena	2247
+Mowry	2248
+Min	2249
+Mic	2250
+Mid	2251
+Mis	2252
+Mir	2253
+Mia	2254
+Miz	2255
+Mifflin	2256
+MiFi	2257
+Miele	2258
+Mix	2259
+Men	2260
+Mel	2261
+Met	2262
+Med	2263
+Meg	2264
+Mex	2265
+Mei	2266
+Meyer	2267
+Mew	2268
+Me's	2269
+Mebane	2270
+Mehta	2271
+Mejia	2272
+Mekong	2273
+Meow	2274
+Mequon	2275
+Meza	2276
+McVey	2277
+McWilliams	2278
+Mud	2279
+Muck	2280
+Muir	2281
+Muppet	2282
+Muffler	2283
+Muggs	2284
+Muvico	2285
+Myer	2286
+Mya	2287
+MyAccount	2288
+MySpace	2289
+Myb	2290
+Mykonos	2291
+Mynatt	2292
+Mythbusters	2293
+MSD	2294
+MSN	2295
+MSP	2296
+MSA	2297
+MSC	2298
+MSG	2299
+MSI	2300
+MSM	2301
+MSRP	2302
+MSU	2303
+MSW	2304
+MCA	2305
+MC's	2306
+MCC	2307
+MCI	2308
+MCL	2309
+MCM	2310
+MCO	2311
+MCT	2312
+MCU	2313
+MCV	2314
+MOT	2315
+MOU	2316
+MOA	2317
+MOCA	2318
+MOG	2319
+MOLLE	2320
+MORE	2321
+MOS	2322
+MTC	2323
+MTS	2324
+MTA	2325
+MTG	2326
+MTI	2327
+MTM	2328
+MTV	2329
+MIL	2330
+MIA	2331
+MIDI	2332
+MIG	2333
+MISS	2335
+MIT	2336
+MLG	2337
+MLA	2338
+MLB	2339
+MLK	2340
+MLM	2341
+MLP	2342
+MLS	2343
+M&M	2344
+M&H	2345
+M&I	2346
+M&P	2347
+M&S	2348
+M&T	2349
+MMA	2350
+MMC	2351
+MMG	2352
+MMJ	2353
+MMK	2354
+MMO	2355
+MMS	2356
+MAC	2357
+MARTA	2358
+MAS	2359
+MATC	2360
+MAXX	2361
+MDC	2362
+MDF	2363
+MDMA	2364
+MDS	2365
+MDX	2366
+MGM	2367
+MGE	2368
+MGH	2369
+MGK	2370
+MPC	2371
+MPD	2372
+MPI	2373
+MPR	2374
+MPs	2375
+MJ's	2376
+MJG	2377
+MJM	2378
+MJR	2379
+MBA	2380
+MBNA	2381
+MBTA	2382
+MHC	2383
+MHMR	2384
+MHP	2385
+MUA	2386
+MVA	2387
+MVD	2388
+MVP	2389
+MFA	2390
+MFS	2391
+MRI	2392
+MRSA	2393
+Mraz	2394
+Mrs	2395
+MKT	2397
+MWR	2398
+Bro	2399
+Bri	2400
+Bru	2401
+Bar	2402
+Ban	2403
+Bal	2404
+Bat	2405
+Bay	2406
+Bab	2407
+Bad	2408
+Bag	2409
+Bai	2410
+Bam	2411
+Baal	2412
+Baja	2413
+Bao	2414
+Baptist	2415
+Bavarian	2416
+Bazaar	2417
+Bel	2418
+Ben	2419
+Bea	2420
+Bee	2421
+Bed	2422
+Bev	2423
+Bebop	2424
+Before	2425
+Bejeweled	2426
+Bekah	2427
+Beppo	2428
+Bexley	2429
+Bon	2430
+Boo	2431
+Bow	2432
+Boy	2433
+Bob	2434
+Boi	2435
+Box	2436
+Bom	2437
+Boz	2438
+Bop	2439
+Bo's	2440
+BoDeans	2441
+Bojangles	2442
+Bok	2443
+Bus	2444
+But	2445
+Bud	2446
+Bun	2447
+Bug	2448
+Buzz	2449
+Buy	2450
+Buhl	2451
+Buju	2452
+Buuren	2453
+Buxton	2454
+Blu	2455
+Blyth	2456
+Blvd	2457
+Big	2458
+Bic	2459
+Biz	2460
+Bijou	2461
+Biv	2462
+Bixby	2463
+Bye	2464
+Byberry	2465
+Byhalia	2466
+Byzantine	2467
+B&A	2468
+B&B	2469
+B&C	2470
+B&D	2471
+B&F	2472
+B&G	2473
+B&H	2474
+B&I	2475
+B&J	2476
+B&L	2477
+B&M	2478
+B&R	2479
+B&S	2480
+B&W	2481
+BBQ	2482
+BB&T	2483
+BB's	2484
+BBB	2485
+BBC	2486
+BBS	2487
+BBT	2488
+BBVA	2489
+BBW	2490
+BBY	2491
+BC's	2492
+BCAA	2493
+BCC	2494
+BCD	2495
+BCI	2496
+BCM	2497
+BCR	2498
+BCS	2499
+BMW	2500
+BMC	2501
+BMG	2502
+BMI	2503
+BMO	2504
+BMS	2505
+BMT	2506
+BMV	2507
+BMX	2508
+BOC	2509
+BOE	2510
+BOGO	2511
+BOM	2512
+BOOM	2513
+BOS	2514
+BAC	2515
+BAE	2516
+BAM	2517
+BAP	2518
+BART	2519
+BASF	2520
+BFF	2521
+BFG	2522
+BFI	2523
+BFS	2524
+BLT	2525
+BLD	2526
+BLM	2527
+BLS	2528
+BSA	2529
+BSC	2530
+BSF	2531
+BSN	2532
+BSing	2533
+BTC	2534
+BTO	2535
+BTR	2536
+BTS	2537
+BTU	2538
+BIA	2539
+BIC	2540
+BIG	2541
+BIOS	2542
+BJ's	2543
+BJCC	2544
+BJJ	2545
+BJs	2546
+BNA	2547
+BNC	2548
+BNI	2549
+BNSF	2550
+BEC	2551
+BEST	2552
+BET	2553
+BPA	2554
+BPI	2555
+BPM	2556
+BRB	2557
+BRC	2558
+BRE	2559
+BD's	2560
+BDSM	2561
+BGC	2562
+BGE	2563
+BHA	2564
+BHS	2565
+BWI	2566
+BWW	2567
+BYOB	2568
+BYU	2569
+bar	2570
+ban	2571
+bat	2572
+bad	2573
+bag	2574
+bak	2575
+bay	2576
+bam	2577
+baffle	2578
+bawl	2579
+bah	2580
+boo	2581
+bon	2582
+bot	2583
+boa	2584
+bod	2585
+bow	2586
+bob	2587
+bog	2588
+boy	2589
+boi	2590
+box	2591
+bop	2592
+bok	2593
+bozo	2594
+bocce	2595
+bohemian	2596
+bra	2597
+bro	2598
+bryce	2599
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+bus	2601
+bun	2602
+bum	2603
+buck	2604
+bud	2605
+bub	2606
+buff	2607
+bug	2608
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+buzz	2610
+buh	2611
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+bel	2613
+ben	2614
+bee	2615
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+blu	2623
+ble	2624
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+bin	2627
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+bib	2629
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+by:	2636
+bygones	2637
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+bystander	2640
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+bbm	2642
+bbw	2643
+b-day	2644
+b-lated	2645
+b.i.t.c.h	2646
+b.o.b	2647
+b12	2648
+bday	2649
+bdubs	2650
+bfs	2651
+bw3's	2652
+res	2653
+rec	2654
+rep	2655
+ref	2656
+ret	2657
+reg	2658
+rev	2659
+red	2660
+req	2661
+re-	2662
+re:	2663
+rez	2664
+ran	2665
+rat	2666
+rad	2667
+ram	2668
+rap	2669
+rag	2670
+rar	2671
+ray	2672
+raw	2673
+rah	2674
+raunchy	2675
+rob	2676
+rot	2677
+rom	2678
+rod	2679
+ron	2680
+row	2681
+royal	2682
+roe	2683
+roxy	2684
+roids	2685
+roku	2686
+rorke	2687
+rover	2688
+rid	2689
+rig	2690
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+rib	2692
+rim	2693
+riot	2694
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+rizzle	2697
+run	2698
+rub	2699
+rum	2700
+rug	2701
+rut	2702
+ruff	2703
+ruin	2704
+ruck	2705
+rue	2706
+rural	2707
+rhe	2708
+rhubarb	2709
+rx7	2710
+rx8	2711
+ryan	2712
+rye	2713
+r2d2	2714
+rst	2715
+des	2716
+del	2717
+def	2718
+dev	2719
+dem	2720
+den	2721
+deb	2722
+der	2723
+dee	2724
+deuce	2725
+dew	2726
+deitrick	2727
+dey	2728
+dis	2729
+dia	2730
+div	2731
+dir	2732
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+din	2734
+diff	2735
+die	2736
+dim	2737
+dip	2738
+did	2739
+diz	2740
+dike	2741
+don	2742
+doo	2743
+doc	2744
+dog	2745
+dor	2746
+dos	2747
+doe	2748
+dot	2749
+dove	2750
+doin	2751
+do's	2752
+doTERRA	2753
+doable	2754
+doh	2755
+dojo	2756
+doxycycline	2757
+dre	2758
+dry	2759
+dr.	2760
+dan	2761
+dar	2762
+dam	2763
+day	2764
+dat	2765
+dad	2766
+dal	2767
+das	2768
+dau	2769
+dag	2770
+dah	2771
+dab	2772
+dachshund	2773
+daffodil	2774
+dak	2775
+dapper	2776
+dum	2777
+dun	2778
+dur	2779
+dud	2780
+due	2781
+dub	2782
+dua	2783
+dug	2784
+duo	2785
+duh	2786
+duie	2787
+dukes	2788
+duvet	2789
+dye	2790
+dyke	2791
+dying	2792
+dyrdek	2793
+dwarf	2794
+dwindling	2795
+d.a	2796
+d.c	2797
+d.o.t.	2798
+d'Alene	2799
+d'oeuvres	2800
+d12	2801
+dhaba	2802
+dhcu	2803
+dpatrick	2804
+dps	2805
+ant	2806
+ann	2807
+ang	2808
+ana	2809
+any	2810
+and	2811
+ani	2812
+ano	2813
+ans	2814
+anh	2815
+ankle	2816
+anus	2817
+anvil	2818
+all	2819
+alt	2820
+ale	2821
+ala	2822
+alb	2823
+alum	2824
+alder	2825
+alka	2826
+als	2827
+alway	2828
+alvin	2829
+alyssa	2830
+acc	2831
+act	2832
+ace	2833
+acid	2834
+ac/dc	2835
+ac3	2836
+acne	2837
+add	2838
+ado	2839
+ada	2840
+ade	2841
+adult	2842
+adCare	2843
+adnoids	2844
+ads	2845
+art	2846
+arc	2847
+arm	2848
+ari	2849
+are	2850
+ara	2851
+ard	2852
+ar-15	2853
+ark	2854
+arnica	2855
+arugula	2856
+arvig	2857
+ary	2858
+ass	2859
+ast	2860
+ash	2861
+ask	2862
+asi	2863
+as:	2864
+asbestos	2865
+asdf	2866
+asleep	2867
+asurion	2868
+asylum	2869
+app	2870
+ape	2871
+apt	2872
+aphrodisiac	2873
+apiece	2874
+apk	2875
+apnea	2876
+apush	2877
+ama	2878
+amp	2879
+amo	2880
+ami	2881
+amy	2882
+auction	2883
+aunt	2884
+aur	2885
+aus	2886
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+abs	2889
+able	2890
+abc.com	2891
+abt	2892
+abyss	2893
+att	2894
+atm	2895
+at&t	2896
+ate	2897
+at:	2898
+atcha	2899
+atv	2900
+air	2901
+aid	2902
+aim	2903
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+aight	2905
+aiight	2906
+aite	2907
+aft	2908
+af&t	2909
+afar	2910
+afloat	2911
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+ago	2913
+agnostic	2914
+awe	2915
+awk	2916
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+aww	2919
+awhile	2920
+awry	2921
+awsome	2922
+ava	2923
+avi	2924
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+aesthetic	2928
+aqua	2929
+aqueduct	2930
+aqui	2931
+aaa	2932
+aaww	2933
+ahh	2934
+aha	2935
+ahead	2936
+ahold	2937
+a.m	2938
+a.c.t	2939
+a.k.a	2940
+a.s.a.p	2941
+ako	2942
+aka	2943
+akin	2944
+akunamatata	2945
+azalea	2946
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+azules	2948
+azz	2949
+a10	2950
+a1a	2951
+a1c	2952
+aya	2953
+aye	2954
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+a2z	2960
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+a4a	2962
+tra	2963
+tri	2964
+tre	2965
+try	2966
+trsvis	2967
+ter	2968
+ten	2969
+tel	2970
+tea	2971
+temp	2972
+tes	2973
+tee	2974
+tech	2975
+tequila	2976
+teh	2977
+teisha	2978
+teppanyaki	2979
+tezel	2980
+tan	2981
+tal	2982
+tar	2983
+tac	2984
+tai	2985
+tak	2986
+tam	2987
+tap	2988
+tab	2989
+tat	2990
+tax	2991
+tag	2992
+tad	2993
+taekwondo	2994
+taffy	2995
+tahini	2996
+taylor	2997
+taziki's	2998
+tor	2999
+too	3000
+ton	3001
+tow	3002
+tom	3003
+top	3004
+tot	3005
+tox	3006
+toe	3007
+toil	3008
+toke	3009
+toy	3010
+to:	3011
+the	3012
+thi	3013
+tha	3014
+tho	3015
+thy	3016
+thx	3017
+tim	3018
+tin	3019
+tic	3020
+tit	3021
+til	3022
+tip	3023
+tid	3024
+tie	3025
+tio	3026
+tis	3027
+tia	3028
+tibia	3029
+tique	3030
+tix	3031
+tizzy	3032
+tub	3033
+tum	3034
+tuck	3035
+tug	3036
+tux	3037
+tulip	3038
+tus	3039
+tuesday	3040
+tuff	3041
+tuition	3042
+tuk	3043
+two	3044
+tycoon	3045
+tying	3046
+tylenol	3047
+t-bone	3048
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+t-day	3050
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+tsunami	3055
+tv.com	3056
+tvs	3057
+t25	3058
+t3i	3059
+man	3060
+mas	3061
+mat	3062
+mag	3063
+mai	3064
+mac	3065
+mal	3066
+mad	3067
+mam	3068
+may	3069
+max	3070
+map	3071
+mah	3072
+maestro	3073
+ma'am	3074
+mabrook	3075
+mafia	3076
+mawmaw	3077
+mor	3078
+mod	3079
+mol	3080
+moo	3081
+mom	3082
+mos	3083
+mob	3084
+mop	3085
+moi	3086
+mow	3087
+moe	3088
+mofo	3089
+mohawk	3090
+moxy	3091
+mozzarella	3092
+mis	3093
+min	3094
+mil	3095
+mic	3096
+mid	3097
+mit	3098
+mix	3099
+mike	3100
+mia	3101
+mio	3102
+miyabi's	3103
+med	3104
+met	3105
+mer	3106
+men	3107
+mem	3108
+mes	3109
+mel	3110
+meg	3111
+mech	3112
+me.	3113
+meow	3114
+me:	3115
+mebbe	3116
+meh	3117
+mum	3118
+mug	3119
+muff	3120
+mud	3121
+muah	3122
+muzzle	3123
+muhahahaha	3124
+muy	3125
+myxer	3126
+myPay	3127
+myers	3128
+mylan	3129
+myyearbook	3130
+mcg	3131
+mcCormick	3132
+mcDonalds	3133
+mcFarland	3134
+mckameys	3135
+mcscrote	3136
+mp3	3137
+mp4	3138
+mp5	3139
+mpg	3140
+mph	3141
+mr.	3142
+mr2	3143
+mrs.	3144
+msn	3145
+msg	3146
+m.facebook	3147
+m.i.a	3148
+mmm	3149
+mw2	3150
+mw3	3151
+mwah	3152
+m16	3153
+mgmt	3154
+All	3155
+Ale	3156
+Ala	3157
+Ali	3158
+Alt	3159
+Alf	3160
+Aly	3161
+Alum	3162
+Al's	3163
+Alhambra	3164
+And	3165
+Ant	3166
+Ann	3167
+Ana	3168
+Ani	3169
+Any	3170
+Anberlin	3171
+Anheuser	3172
+Anjali	3173
+Anza	3174
+Arm	3175
+Arc	3176
+Ari	3177
+Art	3178
+Arg	3179
+Are	3180
+Ark	3181
+Arjun	3182
+Aryan	3183
+Ami	3184
+Amo	3185
+Ammon	3186
+Amy	3187
+Amco	3188
+Amherst	3189
+Amnicola	3190
+Amtrak	3191
+Ash	3192
+Ass	3193
+Asia	3194
+Ask	3195
+Asbury	3196
+Aslam	3197
+Asma	3198
+Asotin	3199
+Asus	3200
+Asylum	3201
+Ada	3202
+Add	3203
+Adi	3204
+AdWords	3205
+Adcock	3206
+Adhan	3207
+Adjustment	3208
+Adkins	3209
+Adler	3210
+Adult	3211
+Adwords	3212
+Aug	3213
+Aunt	3214
+Auxiliary	3215
+App	3216
+ApS	3217
+Aphrodite	3218
+Apizza	3219
+Aptos	3220
+Act	3221
+Ace	3222
+Acid	3223
+Acme	3224
+Acworth	3225
+Atkins	3226
+Atchison	3227
+Atoka	3228
+Air	3229
+Aid	3230
+Ailee	3231
+Aiea	3232
+Aimee	3233
+Aisha	3234
+Aitkin	3235
+Abe	3236
+Abaco	3237
+Abdul	3238
+Abu	3239
+Abner	3240
+About	3241
+Ave	3242
+Ava	3243
+Avon	3244
+Avril	3245
+Age	3246
+Aggie	3247
+Agway	3248
+ACL	3249
+ACA	3250
+ACC	3251
+ACM	3252
+ACU	3253
+AC's	3254
+ACDC	3255
+ACE	3256
+ACH	3257
+ACI	3258
+ACK	3259
+ACN	3260
+ACP	3261
+ACR	3262
+ACS	3263
+ACT	3264
+ATV	3265
+AT&T	3266
+ATC	3267
+ATM	3268
+ATA	3269
+ATB	3270
+ATF	3271
+ATI	3272
+ATK	3273
+ATL	3274
+ATP	3275
+ATS	3276
+ATT	3277
+ATX	3278
+AMA	3279
+AME	3280
+AMS	3281
+AMV	3282
+AMC	3283
+AMD	3284
+AMF	3285
+AMG	3286
+AMI	3287
+AMLI	3288
+AMR	3289
+Afghan	3290
+Aflac	3291
+ASC	3292
+ASA	3293
+ASP	3294
+ASI	3295
+ASL	3296
+ASM	3297
+AST	3298
+ASU	3299
+ASVAB	3300
+ABC	3301
+ABA	3302
+ABBA	3303
+ABF	3304
+ABI	3305
+ABM	3306
+ABQ	3307
+ABR	3308
+ABS	3309
+Aero	3310
+Aesop	3311
+Aetna	3312
+Aki	3313
+Akash	3314
+Akbar	3315
+Akers	3316
+Akon	3317
+Akron	3318
+Akshay	3319
+Aztec	3320
+Aziz	3321
+Azalea	3322
+Azle	3323
+ADT	3324
+ADA	3325
+ADD	3326
+ADESA	3327
+ADHD	3328
+ADM	3329
+ADP	3330
+ADVIA	3331
+APA	3332
+APC	3333
+APD	3334
+API	3335
+APL	3336
+APR	3337
+APS	3338
+APs	3339
+Aqua	3340
+A&A	3341
+A&B	3342
+A&D	3343
+A&E	3344
+A&M	3345
+A&P	3346
+A&T	3347
+A&W	3348
+AA's	3349
+AAA	3350
+AAMCO	3351
+AAU	3352
+AAdvantage	3353
+Awesome	3354
+AFA	3355
+AFB	3356
+AFC	3357
+AFF	3358
+AFI	3359
+AFL	3360
+AIDS	3361
+AIG	3362
+AII	3363
+AIM	3364
+AIS	3365
+AIT	3366
+Ayer	3367
+Ayala	3368
+Ayden	3369
+Aykroyd	3370
+Ayres	3371
+ARB	3372
+ARF	3373
+ARM	3374
+ARS	3375
+AVE	3376
+AVG	3377
+AVI	3378
+AVer's	3379
+Ahern	3380
+Ahoskie	3381
+Ahwatukee	3382
+AED	3383
+AEP	3384
+AES	3385
+AJ's	3386
+AJC	3387
+AJS	3388
+ALC	3389
+ALL	3390
+ALS	3391
+AWD	3392
+AWS	3394
+Aaron	3395
+Aaliyah	3396
+Axe	3397
+Axl	3398
+Axtell	3399
+AGGS	3400
+AGS	3401
+AKC	3402
+AKI	3403
+AND	3404
+AOK	3405
+AOL	3406
+AHA	3407
+Ajax	3408
+Ajo	3409
+Aoki	3410
+Aon	3411
+Pal	3412
+Pat	3413
+Pan	3414
+Pac	3415
+Pau	3416
+Pap	3417
+Pay	3418
+Pai	3419
+Pad	3420
+Pam	3421
+Paw	3422
+Pak	3423
+Pao	3424
+Paz	3425
+Pahrump	3426
+Paquiao	3427
+Paxton	3428
+Pen	3429
+Pet	3430
+Pea	3431
+Pep	3432
+Pee	3433
+Pekin	3434
+Pew	3435
+Pebble	3436
+Peyton	3437
+Pei	3438
+Pevely	3439
+Pez	3440
+Pow	3441
+Pot	3442
+Pop	3443
+Pok	3444
+Poe	3445
+Pogo	3446
+Poquoson	3447
+Povich	3448
+Pro	3449
+Pre	3450
+Pryor	3451
+Pin	3452
+Pit	3453
+Pie	3454
+Pig	3455
+Pia	3456
+Pio	3457
+Piqua	3458
+Pius	3459
+Plimpton	3460
+Plymouth	3461
+Pun	3462
+Pub	3463
+Pug	3464
+Puff	3465
+Pukalani	3466
+Puyallup	3467
+Phi	3468
+Pho	3469
+PhD	3470
+PSE	3471
+PSN	3472
+PSA	3473
+PST	3474
+PSC	3475
+PSD	3476
+PSI	3477
+PSL	3478
+PSO	3479
+PSP	3480
+PSR	3481
+PSS	3482
+PSU	3483
+PCA	3484
+PCB	3485
+PCC	3486
+PCH	3487
+PCI	3488
+PCL	3489
+PCM	3490
+PCOS	3491
+PCP	3492
+PCR	3493
+PCS	3494
+PCT	3495
+PCV	3496
+PCW	3497
+PCs	3498
+PDF	3499
+PDA	3500
+PDC	3501
+PDI	3502
+PDP	3503
+PDQ	3504
+PDR	3505
+PDS	3506
+PDX	3507
+PPC	3508
+PPD	3509
+PPG	3510
+PPI	3511
+PPL	3512
+PPO	3513
+PPP	3514
+PPR	3515
+PPS	3516
+PPT	3517
+PA's	3518
+PAC	3519
+PAL	3520
+PAM	3521
+PAP	3522
+PAS	3523
+PATH	3524
+PAX	3525
+PET	3526
+PEI	3527
+PEMCO	3528
+PEP	3529
+PERi	3530
+PEX	3531
+PO's	3532
+POA	3533
+POC	3534
+POF	3535
+POS	3536
+POTUS	3537
+POV	3538
+POW	3539
+PRC	3540
+PRI	3541
+PRL	3542
+PRN	3543
+PRP	3544
+PRS	3545
+PRTC	3546
+PT's	3547
+PTA	3548
+PTC	3549
+PTI	3550
+PTL	3551
+PTO	3552
+PTSD	3553
+PI's	3554
+PICC	3555
+PID	3556
+PIKE	3557
+PIN	3558
+PITA	3559
+PM's	3560
+PMC	3561
+PMI	3562
+PMP	3563
+PMS	3564
+PMT	3565
+Psych	3566
+Psalm	3567
+PB&J	3568
+PBA	3569
+PBI	3570
+PBR	3571
+PBS	3572
+PNC	3573
+PNG	3574
+PNL	3575
+PNM	3576
+PNP	3577
+Pye	3578
+Pyle	3579
+Python	3580
+Pyxis	3581
+PG&E	3582
+PGA	3583
+PGE	3584
+PGW	3585
+Pflugerville	3586
+PFC	3587
+PFG	3588
+PFI	3589
+PLC	3590
+PLEASE	3591
+PLUS	3592
+P&I	3593
+P&L	3594
+P&S	3595
+PHH	3596
+PHP	3597
+PHS	3598
+PJ's	3599
+PJs	3600
+PVC	3601
+PVR	3602
+PK's	3603
+PUD	3604
+fin	3605
+fir	3606
+fil	3607
+fig	3608
+fix	3609
+fib	3610
+fit	3611
+fic	3612
+five	3613
+fizz	3614
+fioptics	3615
+for	3616
+foo	3617
+fog	3618
+fox	3619
+fob	3620
+foe	3621
+foil	3622
+foyer	3623
+far	3624
+fat	3625
+fan	3626
+fab	3627
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+fam	3629
+fag	3630
+fad	3631
+fax	3632
+fajita	3633
+fap	3634
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+faze	3636
+flu	3637
+fly	3638
+fro	3639
+fry	3640
+fee	3641
+fed	3642
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+few	3644
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+feud	3646
+fun	3647
+fur	3648
+fuel	3649
+fuzz	3650
+fufu	3651
+fuk	3652
+fuq	3653
+fux	3654
+f'd	3655
+f'ing	3656
+f'n	3657
+Roc	3658
+Rob	3659
+Ron	3660
+Rod	3661
+Roo	3662
+Roy	3663
+Rox	3664
+Row	3665
+Roe	3666
+Rove	3667
+Rope	3668
+RoMac	3669
+Roku	3670
+Rory	3671
+Roz	3672
+Red	3673
+Ren	3674
+Res	3675
+Reg	3676
+Rea	3677
+Rev	3678
+Rec	3679
+Rep	3680
+Reb	3681
+Rex	3682
+Rey	3683
+Ref	3684
+Reward	3685
+ReStore	3686
+Requiem	3687
+Ram	3688
+Rai	3689
+Ray	3690
+Rap	3691
+Rav	3692
+Ras	3693
+Raz	3694
+Rat	3695
+Rab	3696
+Raw	3697
+Raj	3698
+Rae	3699
+Rao	3700
+Raquel	3701
+Raul	3702
+Ric	3703
+Riv	3704
+Rip	3705
+Rim	3706
+Rio	3707
+Riley	3708
+Rib	3709
+Rihanna	3710
+Riker	3711
+Rialto	3712
+Riyadh	3713
+Run	3714
+Rum	3715
+Rug	3716
+Rule	3717
+RuPaul	3718
+Rue	3719
+Rural	3720
+Rhapsody	3721
+Ryan	3722
+Rye	3723
+Ryback	3724
+Ryker	3725
+Ryobi	3726
+RSV	3727
+RSA	3728
+RSC	3729
+RSD	3730
+RSG	3731
+RSI	3732
+RSM	3733
+RSR	3734
+RSS	3735
+RSX	3736
+R&B	3737
+R&D	3738
+R&G	3739
+R&H	3740
+R&J	3741
+R&K	3742
+R&L	3743
+R&M	3744
+R&R	3745
+R&S	3746
+RCA	3747
+RCB	3748
+RCC	3749
+RCI	3750
+RCMP	3751
+RCN	3752
+RCP	3753
+RCS	3754
+RCU	3755
+REE	3756
+REM	3757
+REC	3759
+RED	3760
+REI	3761
+REO	3762
+RIM	3763
+RIA	3764
+RIGHT	3765
+RIP	3766
+RIT	3767
+ROC	3768
+ROG	3769
+ROM	3770
+ROS	3771
+ROTC	3772
+RTA	3773
+RTC	3774
+RTD	3775
+RTP	3776
+RTS	3777
+RAC	3778
+RAIL	3779
+RAM	3780
+RAZR	3781
+RBC	3782
+RBFCU	3783
+RBM	3784
+RBS	3785
+RMA	3786
+RMC	3787
+RMS	3788
+RMV	3789
+RPM	3790
+RPG	3791
+RPI	3792
+RDA	3793
+RDO	3794
+RDU	3795
+RFID	3796
+RFK	3797
+RFP	3798
+RG&E	3799
+RGA	3800
+RV's	3801
+RVs	3802
+RJ's	3803
+RKO	3804
+RNR	3805
+RRR	3806
+RWC	3807
+Del	3808
+Den	3809
+Des	3810
+Dee	3811
+Dev	3812
+Dec	3813
+Deb	3814
+Dew	3815
+Def	3816
+Dex	3817
+Dei	3818
+DeAngelo	3819
+DeJesus	3820
+DeKalb	3821
+DeNooyer	3822
+DeQueen	3823
+DeZavala	3824
+Dejan	3825
+Deo	3826
+Dequindre	3827
+Dez	3828
+Dan	3829
+Dam	3830
+Day	3831
+Dad	3832
+Daz	3833
+Dakota	3834
+Daphne	3835
+Daewoo	3836
+Dagsboro	3837
+Dax	3838
+Don	3839
+Dom	3840
+Dow	3841
+Doo	3842
+Doc	3843
+Dog	3844
+Dot	3845
+Doh	3846
+Doyle	3847
+Doe	3848
+Dos	3849
+Dove	3850
+DoD	3851
+Doppler	3852
+Din	3853
+Die	3854
+Dio	3855
+Dix	3856
+Dip	3857
+Did	3858
+DiMaggio	3859
+DiCaprio	3860
+DiFranco	3861
+DiGiorno	3862
+Dijon	3863
+Diwali	3864
+Dum	3865
+Duff	3866
+Dust	3867
+Duke	3868
+Duval	3869
+DuBois	3870
+DuQuoin	3871
+Dueling	3872
+Duquesne	3873
+Duxbury	3874
+Dre	3875
+Dru	3876
+Dro	3877
+Dry	3878
+Dr's	3879
+Dyna	3880
+Dyer	3881
+Dylan	3882
+Dyckman	3883
+Dying	3884
+DCF	3885
+DC's	3886
+DCA	3887
+DCC	3888
+DCH	3889
+DCI	3890
+DCS	3891
+DCU	3892
+DCs	3893
+DSL	3894
+DSC	3895
+DSHS	3896
+DSM	3897
+DSP	3898
+DSR	3899
+DSS	3900
+DSW	3901
+DSi	3902
+DVD	3903
+DVR	3904
+DVC	3905
+DVI	3906
+DVM	3907
+DVT	3908
+DOE	3909
+DOM	3910
+DOB	3911
+DOJ	3912
+DOL	3913
+DOS	3914
+DOT	3915
+D&B	3916
+D&C	3917
+D&D	3918
+D&I	3919
+D&J	3920
+D&L	3921
+D&R	3922
+D&S	3923
+D&W	3924
+DMACC	3925
+DMB	3926
+DMC	3927
+DMI	3928
+DMS	3929
+DMT	3930
+DMV	3931
+DMX	3932
+DHCP	3933
+DHEC	3934
+DHHR	3935
+DHL	3936
+DHR	3937
+DHS	3938
+DHT	3939
+DTA	3940
+DTC	3941
+DTE	3942
+DTF	3943
+DTLR	3944
+DTS	3945
+DTW	3946
+DD's	3947
+DDD	3948
+DDF	3949
+DDM	3950
+DDR	3951
+DDS	3952
+DNA	3953
+DNC	3954
+DND	3955
+DNL	3956
+DNR	3957
+DNS	3958
+DA's	3959
+DAC	3960
+DAG	3961
+DARS	3962
+DAV	3963
+DIA	3964
+DIN	3965
+DISH	3967
+DIY	3968
+DPS	3969
+DP&L	3970
+DPMS	3971
+DPW	3972
+D's	3973
+DEA	3974
+DEF	3975
+DEP	3976
+DES	3977
+DJing	3978
+DJs	3979
+DFAS	3980
+DFS	3981
+DFW	3982
+DWI	3983
+DWP	3984
+DWS	3985
+Dhoni	3986
+Dwight	3987
+Dwayne	3988
+Dwyer	3989
+DBA	3990
+DBZ	3991
+DLC	3992
+DLP	3993
+DRI	3994
+DRO	3995
+DUI	3996
+DUP	3997
+DXL	3998
+Dmitriy	3999
+Dmitry	4000
+hom	4001
+hoo	4002
+hol	4003
+hon	4004
+hos	4005
+hot	4006
+hop	4007
+hob	4008
+how	4009
+hoc	4010
+hog	4011
+hoe	4012
+hover	4013
+hoist	4014
+hokey	4015
+hoy	4016
+hozier	4017
+han	4018
+har	4019
+hai	4020
+ham	4021
+hat	4022
+hap	4023
+hah	4024
+hav	4025
+has	4026
+haz	4027
+hay	4028
+hag	4029
+haw	4030
+had	4031
+haaa	4032
+hakama	4033
+her	4034
+hem	4035
+hee	4036
+hed	4037
+hes	4038
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+hen	4040
+heh	4041
+hex	4042
+he/she	4043
+heb.com	4044
+hefty	4045
+hegenberger	4046
+heterosexual	4047
+high	4048
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+hid	4051
+his	4052
+him	4053
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+hiii	4055
+hiya	4056
+hum	4057
+hun	4058
+hug	4059
+hub	4060
+hut	4061
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+huddle	4063
+hue	4064
+huh	4065
+hybrid	4066
+hyena	4067
+hyacinth	4068
+hmm	4069
+h2o	4070
+hdmi	4071
+Tri	4072
+Tru	4073
+Tryon	4074
+Tan	4075
+Tam	4076
+Tar	4077
+Tap	4078
+Tai	4079
+Tab	4080
+Tay	4081
+Tac	4082
+Tag	4083
+Tax	4084
+Tao	4085
+Taz	4086
+Taekwondo	4087
+Taj	4088
+Tom	4089
+Top	4090
+Tot	4091
+Toy	4092
+Too	4093
+Tov	4094
+Tok	4095
+ToNight	4096
+Toxic	4097
+Tel	4098
+Ten	4099
+Tea	4100
+Tex	4101
+Tec	4102
+Ted	4103
+Tee	4104
+Tek	4105
+Tega	4106
+Tebow	4107
+Teflon	4108
+Teutonia	4109
+Tevin	4110
+Tewksbury	4111
+Tim	4112
+Tin	4113
+Til	4114
+Tic	4115
+Tia	4116
+Tik	4117
+Tire	4118
+TiVo	4119
+Tioga	4120
+The	4121
+Thu	4122
+Thy	4123
+Tub	4124
+Tue	4125
+Tut	4126
+Tudor	4127
+Tualatin	4128
+Tujunga	4129
+Tukwila	4130
+Tuxedo	4131
+Tyson	4132
+Ty's	4133
+Tybee	4134
+Tyco	4135
+Tye	4136
+Tyga	4137
+Tymers	4138
+Type	4139
+Twain	4140
+Two	4141
+TC's	4142
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+TCBY	4144
+TCC	4145
+TCF	4146
+TCH	4147
+TCI	4148
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+TCS	4151
+TCU	4152
+TRC	4153
+TREC	4154
+TRM	4156
+TRO	4157
+TRS	4158
+TRX	4160
+TMA	4161
+TMC	4162
+TMI	4163
+TMJ	4164
+TMR	4165
+TMS	4166
+TMZ	4167
+TSA	4168
+TSC	4169
+TSO	4170
+TSP	4171
+TSS	4172
+TSTC	4173
+TSX	4174
+THE	4175
+THC	4176
+THD	4177
+TIA	4178
+TIFF	4179
+TIG	4180
+TILs	4181
+TIMP	4182
+TAC	4183
+TAM	4184
+TARDIS	4185
+TAS	4186
+TAV	4187
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+TPI	4206
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+TTT	4211
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+TTY	4213
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+TWC	4223
+TWIC	4224
+TWRA	4225
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+T&T	4227
+T&W	4228
+TJ's	4229
+TJX	4230
+TLC	4231
+TLE	4232
+TNA	4233
+TNT	4234
+TODAY	4235
+TOMS	4236
+TFS	4238
+TURN	4239
+TUV	4240
+TXU	4241
+Tchaikovsky	4242
+Tchoupitoulas	4243
+Lau	4244
+Lam	4245
+Lac	4246
+Law	4247
+Lab	4248
+Las	4249
+Lay	4250
+Lal	4251
+Laz	4252
+Lai	4253
+LaDonna	4254
+LaMontagne	4255
+LaQuinta	4256
+Laos	4257
+Lea	4258
+Len	4259
+Leo	4260
+Lee	4261
+Les	4262
+Let	4263
+Lew	4264
+Lex	4265
+Led	4266
+LeAnn	4267
+LeConte	4268
+LeDoux	4269
+LeSabre	4270
+Lejeune	4271
+Leland	4272
+Leppard	4273
+Leyland	4274
+Lou	4275
+Log	4276
+Low	4277
+Lot	4278
+Los	4279
+Loa	4280
+Loft	4281
+Lok	4282
+Lo's	4283
+LoDo	4284
+LoJack	4285
+LoL	4286
+Lois	4287
+Lozano	4288
+Lin	4289
+Lil	4290
+Lim	4291
+Liv	4292
+Liz	4293
+Lia	4294
+Lion	4295
+Lie	4296
+Lido	4297
+Lihue	4298
+Like	4299
+Liu	4300
+Lux	4301
+Luz	4302
+Lu's	4303
+LuAnn	4304
+Luella	4305
+Luverne	4306
+Lyn	4307
+Lydia	4308
+Lyle	4309
+Lyall	4310
+Lyell	4311
+Lyfe	4312
+LED	4313
+LEFT	4314
+LEGO	4315
+LEM	4316
+LA's	4319
+LAKES	4320
+LAN	4321
+LAPD	4322
+LAX	4323
+LMC	4324
+LMFAO	4325
+LMK	4326
+LML	4327
+LMN	4328
+LMS	4329
+LMT	4330
+L&B	4331
+L&H	4332
+L&L	4333
+L&M	4334
+L&N	4335
+L&P	4336
+L&S	4337
+LCBO	4338
+LCC	4339
+LCD	4340
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+LIC	4344
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+LOI	4350
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+LORD	4352
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+LSG	4357
+LSI	4358
+LSU	4359
+LTC	4360
+LTE	4361
+LTL	4362
+LTR	4363
+LTZ	4364
+Lloyd	4365
+Llano	4366
+Llewellyn	4367
+LPGA	4368
+LPL	4369
+LPN	4370
+LPS	4371
+LDI	4372
+LDL	4373
+LDS	4374
+LG&E	4375
+LGA	4376
+LGBT	4377
+LLBean	4378
+LLC	4379
+LLS	4380
+L'Auberge	4381
+L'Oreal	4382
+L's	4383
+LBC	4384
+LBJ	4385
+LKL	4386
+LKQ	4387
+LVAC	4388
+LVN	4389
+LHS	4390
+LJ's	4391
+LRC	4392
+Ltd	4393
+Han	4394
+Hal	4395
+Ham	4396
+Hay	4397
+Hat	4398
+Haji	4399
+How	4400
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+Hog	4402
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+Hoxie	4409
+Her	4410
+Hen	4411
+Heb	4412
+Hep	4413
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+Him	4417
+His	4418
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+HiFi	4420
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+Hively	4422
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+Hun	4424
+Hub	4425
+Hut	4426
+Huck	4427
+Huff	4428
+HuHot	4429
+Huachuca	4430
+Huh	4431
+Hui	4432
+Huxley	4433
+Hylan	4434
+HyVee	4435
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+HIO	4441
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+Geppetto's	4626
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+Gio	4631
+Gia	4632
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+Guzman	4642
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+Glynn	4645
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+GTE	4648
+GTG	4649
+GTI	4650
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+GTM	4652
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+GRE	4672
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+Gwatney	4678
+Gwinnett	4679
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+GERD	4683
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+G&M	4686
+G&R	4687
+G&S	4688
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+irate	4802
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+irs.gov	4805
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+it.	4808
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+i10	4872
+i17	4873
+i40	4874
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+War	5006
+Wat	5007
+Way	5008
+Wan	5009
+Wah	5010
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+Wax	5012
+Wabash	5013
+Wawa	5014
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+Wamego	5016
+Waze	5017
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+Why	5043
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+WSB	5047
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+WBZ	5058
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+WCA	5071
+WCCO	5072
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+WWF	5093
+WWL	5094
+WFAN	5095
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+WMU	5097
+WOW	5099
+WVU	5100
+WXYZ	5101
+WYD	5102
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+Fajr	5111
+Fawcett	5112
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+Foam	5129
+Fed	5130
+Fest	5131
+Fei	5132
+Femmes	5133
+Feud	5134
+Fever	5135
+Fey	5136
+Fez	5137
+Flo	5138
+Fla	5139
+Fly	5140
+Flushing	5141
+Fun	5142
+Fur	5143
+Fuji	5144
+Fuqua	5145
+Fu's	5146
+Fuddruckers	5147
+Fugees	5148
+Fuzzy's	5149
+FAA	5150
+FAC	5151
+FAFSA	5152
+FAO	5153
+FAQ	5154
+FAT	5155
+FAU	5156
+FCA	5157
+FCB	5158
+FCC	5159
+FCI	5160
+FCS	5161
+FCU	5162
+FSC	5163
+FSA	5164
+FSM	5165
+FSSA	5166
+FSU	5167
+FDA	5168
+FDIC	5169
+FDR	5170
+FDS	5171
+FIA	5172
+FIFA	5173
+FINA	5174
+FIU	5175
+FML	5176
+FMC	5177
+FP&L	5178
+FPL	5179
+FPS	5180
+FBI	5181
+FBLA	5182
+FFA	5183
+FFL	5184
+FREE	5185
+FRG	5186
+FRS	5187
+FUCK	5188
+FUD	5189
+FWB	5190
+FWC	5191
+F&F	5192
+F&M	5193
+FEA	5194
+FEMA	5195
+FHA	5196
+FORT	5197
+FOX	5198
+FTD	5199
+FTP	5200
+FYE	5201
+FYI	5202
+Ken	5203
+Kel	5204
+Key	5205
+Kem	5206
+Kev	5207
+Kew	5208
+Keck	5209
+Kedzie	5210
+Keffer	5211
+Kepler	5212
+Keurig	5213
+Kim	5214
+Kit	5215
+Kid	5216
+Kia	5217
+Kip	5218
+Kiffin	5219
+Kihei	5220
+Kijiji	5221
+Kiowa	5222
+Kiva	5223
+Kix	5224
+Kat	5225
+Kar	5226
+Kay	5227
+Kan	5228
+Kai	5229
+Kaanapali	5230
+Kabul	5231
+Kacey	5232
+Kaepernick	5233
+Kavinsky	5234
+Koo	5235
+Kohl	5236
+Koko	5237
+Koch	5238
+Koi	5239
+Kop	5240
+Koz	5241
+Krystal	5242
+Knapp	5243
+Knutson	5244
+Kurt	5245
+Kuhn	5246
+Kuala	5247
+Kubota	5248
+Kuehl	5249
+Kuiken	5250
+Kullen	5251
+Kush	5252
+Kuwait	5253
+Klu	5254
+Kline	5255
+Kyoto	5256
+KCBS	5257
+KCC	5258
+KCI	5259
+KCK	5260
+KCMO	5261
+Khloe	5262
+K&D	5263
+K&G	5264
+K&K	5265
+K&L	5266
+K&M	5267
+K&N	5268
+K&R	5269
+K&S	5270
+K&W	5271
+Kwik	5272
+Kwon	5273
+KRC	5274
+KRIT	5275
+KROQ	5276
+KRT	5277
+KSB	5278
+KSA	5279
+KSL	5280
+KFC	5281
+KFI	5282
+KFYI	5283
+KTLA	5284
+KTM	5285
+KTVU	5286
+KDKA	5287
+KDWB	5288
+KJ's	5289
+KJLH	5290
+KK's	5291
+KKK	5292
+KLM	5293
+KLOVE	5294
+KOA	5295
+KOMO	5296
+KPLC	5297
+KPMG	5298
+KATU	5299
+KBB	5300
+KGB	5301
+KGO	5302
+KISS	5303
+KISW	5304
+KNBR	5305
+KNX	5306
+KUB	5307
+Eli	5308
+Elm	5309
+Elk	5310
+Els	5311
+Ely	5312
+Elco	5313
+Elf	5314
+Elton	5315
+Elum	5316
+End	5317
+Enzo	5318
+Enbrel	5319
+Enjoy	5320
+Enloe	5321
+Ennis	5322
+Enquirer	5323
+Enumclaw	5324
+Enya	5325
+Edd	5326
+Ed's	5327
+Edco	5328
+Edline	5329
+Edna	5330
+Edo	5331
+Eve	5332
+Eva	5333
+Evi	5334
+Evo	5335
+Ear	5336
+Eat	5337
+Eakin	5338
+Eau	5339
+Eazy	5340
+Emory	5341
+Emser	5342
+Esq	5343
+Esmeralda	5344
+Era	5345
+Erb	5346
+Erdman	5347
+Erhard	5348
+Erlanger	5349
+Ermas	5350
+Errol	5351
+Ertel	5352
+Ervin	5353
+Erwin	5354
+Erykah	5355
+Exit	5356
+Exxon	5357
+Eco	5358
+Eck	5359
+Echo	5360
+Ecuador	5361
+Eccles	5362
+Eclipse	5363
+Ector	5364
+Eubank	5365
+Eudora	5366
+Eufaula	5367
+Euless	5368
+Eunice	5369
+Eustis	5370
+Eutaw	5371
+Epcot	5372
+Eternal	5373
+Etiwanda	5374
+Etna	5375
+Etsy	5376
+ESC	5377
+ESP	5378
+ESA	5379
+ESG	5380
+ESL	5381
+ESN	5382
+ESO	5383
+ESS	5384
+EST	5385
+ESV	5386
+Egg	5387
+Egypt	5388
+Egan	5389
+Egret	5390
+Einstein	5391
+Eid	5392
+Eileen	5393
+Eiffel	5394
+ETS	5395
+ETA	5396
+ETEC	5397
+ETF	5398
+ETH	5399
+ETL	5400
+ETMC	5401
+Eye	5402
+Eyre	5403
+ECM	5404
+ECC	5405
+ECPI	5406
+ECS	5407
+ECT	5408
+ECU	5409
+EMT	5410
+EMC	5411
+EMG	5412
+EMP	5413
+EMS	5414
+EMU	5415
+EPC	5416
+EPA	5417
+EPB	5418
+EPMD	5419
+EPS	5420
+Ebbitt	5421
+EDC	5422
+EDD	5423
+EDI	5424
+EDM	5425
+EDS	5426
+EVE	5427
+EVGA	5428
+EVO	5429
+Efron	5430
+EADS	5431
+EAP	5432
+EARLY	5433
+EBC	5434
+EBS	5435
+EBT	5436
+EEOC	5437
+EEP	5438
+EFG	5439
+EFT	5440
+EIC	5441
+EIN	5442
+ELF	5443
+ELISA	5444
+ELMO	5445
+EOC	5446
+EOS	5447
+EXIT	5448
+EXO	5449
+Ezra	5450
+EJ's	5451
+EKG	5452
+ENTER	5453
+EWTN	5454
+Ewa	5455
+Ewing	5456
+ova	5457
+ovo	5458
+out	5459
+our	5460
+oun	5461
+ought	5462
+ouch	5463
+oui	5464
+ously	5465
+org	5466
+orb	5467
+ora	5468
+ore	5469
+orphan	5470
+orscheln	5471
+ork	5472
+orrow	5473
+opt	5474
+opp	5475
+ophthalmology	5476
+ops	5477
+opus	5478
+object	5479
+obv	5480
+obnoxious	5481
+oboe	5482
+off	5483
+often	5484
+of:	5485
+one	5486
+ons	5487
+onto	5488
+on's	5489
+on-call	5490
+on/off	5491
+on:	5492
+ona	5493
+onboard	5494
+ongoing	5495
+onomatopoeia	5496
+onramp	5497
+onward	5498
+onyx	5499
+ocean	5500
+ocarina	5501
+oclock	5502
+ocwen	5503
+old	5504
+ole	5505
+ollie	5506
+olums	5507
+oma	5508
+omg	5509
+ombre	5510
+oxy	5511
+oxo	5512
+oxtail	5513
+oxboro	5514
+oxen	5515
+own	5516
+owe	5517
+owl	5518
+owing	5519
+okay	5520
+okie	5521
+okkk	5522
+okok	5523
+okra	5524
+ooo	5525
+oop	5526
+oo.com.au	5527
+oodles	5528
+ooh	5529
+oovoo	5530
+other	5531
+otay	5532
+otolaryngology	5533
+oscopy	5534
+oshit	5535
+osmosis	5536
+ossip	5537
+oat	5538
+oak	5539
+oasis	5540
+odd	5541
+ode	5542
+ohm	5543
+oh-six-hundred	5544
+ohh	5545
+ohio	5546
+oil	5547
+ointment	5548
+o.o	5549
+o.r	5550
+o'clock	5551
+o'Bleness	5552
+ogle	5553
+ogre	5554
+oyster	5555
+oye	5556
+oMFG	5557
+oMG	5558
+ozone	5559
+Nor	5560
+Nov	5561
+Not	5562
+Nob	5563
+Noe	5564
+Non	5565
+Noah	5566
+Now	5567
+NoHo	5568
+NoMoreRack	5569
+Nodaway	5570
+Nogales	5571
+Nouveau	5572
+New	5573
+Net	5574
+Ned	5575
+Neff	5576
+Nekoosa	5577
+Nez	5578
+Nat	5579
+Nam	5580
+Naz	5581
+Naomi	5582
+Naamans	5583
+Najee	5584
+Naquin	5585
+Naylor	5586
+Nik	5587
+Nix	5588
+Nia	5589
+Nile	5590
+Nifong	5591
+Nivea	5592
+Niwot	5593
+Nut	5594
+Nubia	5595
+NuVision	5596
+NuWave	5597
+Nucor	5598
+Nuys	5599
+NAS	5600
+NAP	5601
+NAT	5602
+NAACP	5603
+NACA	5604
+NARS	5605
+NAU	5606
+NAWSA	5607
+NOP	5608
+NOAA	5609
+NOC	5610
+NOK	5611
+NOLA	5612
+NORAD	5613
+NOT	5614
+NOVUS	5615
+NOW	5616
+NCAA	5617
+NCC	5618
+NCG	5619
+NCO	5620
+NCR	5621
+NFC	5622
+NFL	5623
+NFM	5624
+NFR	5625
+NFS	5626
+NIC	5627
+NIDA	5628
+NIH	5629
+NIPSCO	5630
+NIS	5631
+NIT	5632
+NIV	5633
+NYS	5634
+NYC	5635
+NYE	5636
+NYLO	5637
+NYPD	5638
+NYU	5639
+NHA	5640
+NHC	5641
+NHL	5642
+NHRA	5643
+NHS	5644
+NHTI	5645
+NEA	5646
+NEC	5647
+NES	5648
+NEVER	5649
+NEX	5650
+NSA	5651
+NSF	5652
+NSTAR	5653
+NSYNC	5654
+NBA	5655
+NBC	5656
+NBT	5657
+NTB	5658
+NTTA	5659
+NTW	5660
+NDA	5661
+NDSU	5662
+NPR	5663
+NPS	5664
+Nyack	5665
+Nye	5666
+Nystrom	5667
+NGO	5668
+NRA	5669
+NWA	5670
+new	5671
+neg	5672
+net	5673
+nee	5674
+neo	5675
+nekter	5676
+nella	5677
+nemesis	5678
+nenas	5679
+neyo	5680
+not	5681
+non	5682
+nor	5683
+noo	5684
+nos	5685
+nom	5686
+now	5687
+nod	5688
+nog	5689
+noz	5690
+noe	5691
+noxious	5692
+nap	5693
+nan	5694
+nas	5695
+nai	5696
+nag	5697
+naaa	5698
+nabor	5699
+nae	5700
+nah	5701
+naomi	5702
+naw	5703
+nay	5704
+nazi	5705
+nig	5706
+nin	5707
+nit	5708
+nip	5709
+niacin	5710
+nifty	5711
+niice	5712
+nimble	5713
+nique	5714
+nis	5715
+nivia	5716
+nizzle	5717
+num	5718
+nut	5719
+nur	5720
+nun	5721
+nug	5722
+nuke	5723
+nub	5724
+nuances	5725
+nuevo	5726
+nuffin	5727
+nuh	5728
+nuisance	5729
+null	5730
+nuvaring	5731
+nympho	5732
+nya	5733
+nyomi	5734
+nyquil	5735
+nba.com	5736
+nbc.com	5737
+nfl.com	5738
+Jan	5739
+Jam	5740
+Jay	5741
+Jar	5742
+Jag	5743
+Jas	5744
+Jai	5745
+Jaz	5746
+Jap	5747
+Jah	5748
+Jaw	5749
+Jae	5750
+Jax	5751
+Jos	5752
+Jon	5753
+Joe	5754
+Joy	5755
+Job	5756
+Joc	5757
+JoJo	5758
+Joker	5759
+Jo's	5760
+Joint	5761
+Jojo	5762
+Joon	5763
+Jen	5764
+Jer	5765
+Jeff	5766
+Jean	5767
+Jet	5768
+Jew	5769
+Jem	5770
+Jed	5771
+Jehovah	5772
+Jebel	5773
+Jegs	5774
+Jekyll	5775
+Jeopardy	5776
+Jepsen	5777
+Jul	5778
+Jud	5779
+Jun	5780
+Just	5781
+Jug	5782
+Jubilee	5783
+Juke	5784
+Jupiter	5785
+Juvenile	5786
+Jim	5787
+Jill	5788
+Jin	5789
+Jia	5790
+Jif	5791
+JibJab	5792
+Jiu	5793
+J&B	5794
+J&G	5795
+J&I	5796
+J&J	5797
+J&K	5798
+J&L	5799
+J&M	5800
+J&R	5801
+J&S	5802
+J&W	5803
+JCP	5804
+JC's	5805
+JCC	5806
+JCW's	5807
+JB's	5808
+JBA	5809
+JBL	5810
+JBS	5811
+JT's	5812
+JTA	5813
+JTB	5814
+JTV	5815
+JAMES	5816
+JANAF	5817
+JATC	5818
+JMK	5819
+JMS	5820
+JMU	5821
+JP's	5822
+JPEG	5823
+JPS	5824
+JD's	5825
+JDM	5826
+JFC	5827
+JFK	5828
+JJ's	5829
+JLo	5830
+JSC	5831
+JVC	5832
+JWoww	5833
+Jr's	5834
+uni	5835
+uns	5836
+una	5837
+uno	5838
+unjust	5839
+unquote	5840
+unveiling	5841
+unzip	5842
+ups	5843
+up.	5844
+upward	5845
+up-to-date	5846
+upcoming	5847
+upfront	5848
+upkeep	5849
+upmost	5850
+upon	5851
+urn	5852
+urs	5853
+urban	5854
+use	5855
+usa	5856
+usb	5857
+usher	5858
+usual	5859
+us.com	5860
+us1	5861
+us:	5862
+using	5863
+usps.com	5864
+ute	5865
+utter	5866
+utmost	5867
+utopia	5868
+ulcer	5869
+ugg	5870
+ugh	5871
+uge	5872
+umm	5873
+umpire	5874
+ums	5875
+u-haul	5876
+u-turn	5877
+u-verse	5878
+uhh	5879
+uhm	5880
+u.p	5881
+u.s	5882
+uber	5883
+uble	5884
+Ora	5885
+Ori	5886
+Ord	5887
+Oro	5888
+Orr	5889
+Orfordville	5890
+Orkin	5891
+Orson	5892
+Oly	5893
+Ola	5894
+Old	5895
+Ole	5896
+Olga	5897
+Olmsted	5898
+Olney	5899
+Oltorf	5900
+Oso	5901
+Osgood	5902
+Oslo	5903
+Osprey	5904
+Osuna	5905
+O'Brien	5906
+O'Leary	5907
+O'Toole	5908
+O'Donnell	5909
+O'Grady's	5910
+O'Jays	5911
+O'Keefe	5912
+O's	5913
+Oct	5914
+Ocean	5915
+Ocilla	5916
+Ocwen	5917
+Opa	5918
+OpCo	5919
+Opdyke	5920
+Opie	5921
+Ops	5922
+Oak	5923
+Oahu	5924
+Oasis	5925
+One	5926
+Oni	5927
+Ono	5928
+OnPoint	5929
+OnStar	5930
+Onalaska	5931
+Onslow	5932
+Ontario	5933
+OkCupid	5934
+Oklahoma	5935
+Okmulgee	5936
+Oksana	5937
+Oktoberfest	5938
+Out	5939
+Our	5940
+Ouija	5941
+Ounces	5942
+Ovi	5943
+Oval	5944
+Oma	5945
+Omni	5946
+Ombudsman	5947
+Omid	5948
+Obama	5949
+Obi	5950
+Oblivion	5951
+Otis	5952
+Otay	5953
+Otero	5954
+Othello	5955
+Otsego	5956
+Owl	5957
+Owings	5958
+Owners	5959
+Owosso	5960
+Odd	5961
+Odana	5962
+Odin	5963
+Odom	5964
+Odyssey	5965
+Ogden	5966
+Ogallala	5967
+Ogeechee	5968
+Oggi's	5969
+Ogilvie	5970
+Ogontz	5971
+Ogunquit	5972
+OSA	5973
+OSH	5974
+OSF	5975
+OSS	5976
+OST	5977
+OSU	5978
+OPP	5979
+OP's	5980
+OPA	5981
+OPI	5982
+OPM	5983
+OPs	5984
+Oxendale	5985
+Oxford	5986
+Oxmoor	5987
+Oxnard	5988
+Oxon	5989
+OTA	5990
+OTC	5991
+OTG	5992
+OTR	5993
+OTT	5994
+OTW	5995
+Off	5996
+OCC	5997
+OCD	5998
+OCR	5999
+OCS	6000
+OCT	6001
+OMA	6002
+OMC	6003
+OMG	6004
+OMI	6005
+OMW	6006
+OBD	6007
+OBGYN	6008
+OBS	6009
+OBT	6010
+OREGON	6011
+ORF	6012
+ORNL	6013
+ORS	6014
+Oil	6015
+Oingo	6016
+OHS	6017
+OHIO	6018
+Ohio	6019
+Ohana	6020
+OD'd	6021
+ODST	6022
+OEC	6023
+OEM	6024
+OUC	6025
+OUT	6026
+OG&E	6027
+OKC	6028
+OLCC	6029
+ONeill	6030
+OVA	6031
+OVR	6032
+Ojai	6033
+Ojo	6034
+vis	6035
+vid	6036
+vil	6037
+vie	6038
+via	6039
+viper	6040
+vizio	6041
+ver	6042
+ven	6043
+vet	6044
+veg	6045
+vez	6046
+veal	6047
+vector	6048
+veer	6049
+val	6050
+vac	6051
+van	6052
+var	6053
+vas	6054
+vag	6055
+vamp	6056
+vault	6057
+vajayjay	6058
+vol	6059
+voc	6060
+vow	6061
+vomit	6062
+voy	6063
+vodka	6064
+vogue	6065
+von	6066
+vortex	6067
+vos	6068
+voxer	6069
+vyStar	6070
+vybzkartel	6071
+vyvanse	6072
+Int	6073
+Ind	6074
+Inc	6075
+Inn	6076
+Ino	6077
+InTown	6078
+Inbox	6079
+Inman	6080
+Inquisition	6081
+Inuyasha	6082
+Inwood	6083
+Ish	6084
+Isbell	6085
+Issaquah	6086
+Istanbul	6087
+Isuzu	6088
+Ira	6089
+Irv	6090
+Irwin	6091
+Irby	6092
+Irrigation	6093
+Imbruglia	6094
+Imelda	6095
+Imlay	6096
+Imogen	6097
+Imran	6098
+Ivan	6099
+Ive	6100
+Ivo	6101
+Ivy	6102
+Ivins	6103
+Ill	6104
+Ilan	6105
+Ile	6106
+Iliff	6107
+ICC	6108
+ICD	6109
+ICI	6110
+ICBC	6111
+ICM	6112
+ICP	6113
+ICS	6114
+ICU	6115
+Ice	6116
+Ichi	6117
+Icicle	6118
+Icona	6119
+Icy	6120
+Ida	6121
+Idle	6122
+Idiot	6123
+Idol	6124
+Idyllwild	6125
+IMAX	6126
+IMC	6127
+IMDB	6128
+IMEI	6129
+IMS	6131
+IMT	6132
+IMVU	6133
+It's	6134
+Ithaca	6135
+Its	6136
+ISA	6137
+ISD	6138
+ISM	6139
+ISO	6140
+ISP	6141
+ISS	6142
+ISU	6143
+Iglesia	6144
+IgA	6145
+Iggy	6146
+Igor	6147
+Iguana	6148
+I'm	6149
+I'd	6150
+I'll	6151
+I's	6152
+I've	6153
+IRA	6154
+IRB	6155
+IRC	6156
+IREA	6157
+IRS	6158
+IDE	6159
+ID's	6160
+IDoc	6161
+IDs	6162
+IHA	6163
+IHC	6164
+IHG	6165
+IHOP	6166
+IHSS	6167
+IPA	6168
+IPFW	6169
+IPL	6170
+IPO	6171
+IPS	6172
+IBC	6173
+IBEW	6174
+IBM	6175
+IBS	6176
+IND	6177
+ING	6178
+INR	6179
+INXS	6180
+Iberia	6181
+Ibrahim	6182
+Ion	6183
+Iola	6184
+Iowa	6185
+Izod	6186
+Izumi	6187
+IEEE	6188
+IELTS	6189
+IEP	6190
+III	6191
+IIT	6192
+Ike's	6193
+Ikea	6194
+Ikes	6195
+IGA	6196
+IGN	6197
+IUD	6198
+IUPUI	6199
+IVF	6200
+IVR	6201
+Ian	6202
+Iams	6203
+IAP	6204
+IFA	6205
+IFC	6206
+ILU	6207
+IOP	6208
+ITT	6209
+Vin	6210
+Vic	6211
+Via	6212
+Viper	6213
+Vijay	6214
+Violet	6215
+Vizio	6216
+Val	6217
+Van	6218
+Vail	6219
+Vagabond	6220
+Vampire	6221
+Vaquero	6222
+Vet	6223
+Vehicle	6224
+Vectren	6225
+Vee	6226
+Veolia	6227
+Veyron	6228
+Von	6229
+Vote	6230
+VoIP	6231
+Voe	6232
+Voice	6233
+Vortec	6234
+Voss	6235
+Vox	6236
+VIP	6237
+VIEW	6238
+VIN	6239
+VISTA	6240
+VCA	6241
+VCR	6242
+VCU	6243
+VG's	6244
+VGA	6245
+VGS	6246
+VPI	6247
+VPN	6248
+VPS	6249
+Vudu	6250
+Vue	6251
+Vuitton	6252
+Vulcan	6253
+VSL	6254
+VSP	6255
+VTA	6256
+VTech	6257
+VALLEY	6258
+VFW	6259
+VMware	6260
+VRBO	6261
+VZW	6262
+Vladimir	6263
+kin	6264
+kid	6265
+kick	6266
+kit	6267
+kiss	6268
+kik	6269
+kim	6270
+kiosk	6271
+kibbles	6272
+kips	6273
+kiwi	6274
+kar	6275
+kay	6276
+kal	6277
+kan	6278
+kat	6279
+kam	6280
+kai	6281
+kaala	6282
+kadens	6283
+kahneeta	6284
+kak	6285
+kaput	6286
+kasha	6287
+kava	6288
+kawaii	6289
+kazoo	6290
+key	6291
+kee	6292
+ken	6293
+keg	6294
+keV	6295
+kebab	6296
+ked	6297
+keflex	6298
+keith	6299
+keke	6300
+kept	6301
+kevin	6302
+kno	6303
+knack	6304
+koa	6305
+kohls.com	6306
+koi	6307
+kolaches	6308
+kosher	6309
+koto	6310
+kraut	6311
+kryptonite	6312
+kum	6313
+kua	6314
+kudos	6315
+kung	6316
+kurt	6317
+kush	6318
+khaki	6319
+khaled	6320
+khana	6321
+khari	6322
+klonopin	6323
+klick	6324
+klutz	6325
+klymaxx	6326
+kygo	6327
+k-8	6328
+k-i-s-s-i-n-g	6329
+k-state	6330
+kmart	6331
+k12	6332
+jam	6333
+jail	6334
+jan	6335
+jad	6336
+jar	6337
+jag	6338
+jak	6339
+jay	6340
+jab	6341
+jaw	6342
+jaan	6343
+jaelyn	6344
+jaja	6345
+japanese	6346
+jaundice	6347
+jus	6348
+jug	6349
+juke	6350
+jubitz	6351
+juut	6352
+joi	6353
+jour	6354
+jock	6355
+joe	6356
+joy	6357
+jon	6358
+job	6359
+jog	6360
+joan	6361
+jordan	6362
+jot	6363
+jen	6364
+jewel	6365
+jet	6366
+jeff	6367
+jeggings	6368
+jig	6369
+jim	6370
+jill	6371
+jizz	6372
+jibber	6373
+jiffy	6374
+jihad	6375
+jipped	6376
+jive	6377
+jcpenney	6378
+jkjk	6379
+jpay.com	6380
+100	6381
+101	6382
+102	6383
+103	6384
+105	6385
+107	6386
+104	6387
+106	6388
+108	6389
+109	6390
+10's	6391
+10.1	6392
+10/22	6393
+10k	6394
+10th	6395
+110	6396
+111	6397
+112	6398
+113	6399
+114	6400
+115	6401
+118	6402
+119	6403
+11's	6404
+11-12	6405
+116	6406
+117	6407
+11th	6408
+123	6409
+120	6410
+121	6411
+122	6412
+124	6413
+129	6414
+125	6415
+12's	6416
+126	6417
+127	6418
+128	6419
+12th	6420
+196	6421
+190	6422
+191	6423
+192	6424
+193	6425
+194	6426
+195	6427
+197	6428
+198	6429
+199	6430
+19-year-old	6431
+19th	6432
+144	6433
+149	6434
+140	6435
+143	6436
+145	6437
+148	6438
+141	6439
+142	6440
+146	6441
+147	6442
+14k	6443
+14th	6444
+150	6445
+154	6446
+155	6447
+15's	6448
+15-20	6449
+151	6450
+152	6451
+153	6452
+156	6453
+157	6454
+158	6455
+159	6456
+15th	6457
+179	6458
+170	6459
+175	6460
+177	6461
+171	6462
+172	6463
+173	6464
+174	6465
+176	6466
+178	6467
+17th	6468
+130	6469
+131	6470
+135	6471
+132	6472
+133	6473
+134	6474
+136	6475
+137	6476
+138	6477
+139	6478
+13th	6479
+160	6480
+165	6481
+169	6482
+161	6483
+162	6484
+163	6485
+164	6486
+166	6487
+167	6488
+168	6489
+16th	6490
+180	6491
+183	6492
+181	6493
+182	6494
+184	6495
+185	6496
+186	6497
+187	6498
+188	6499
+189	6500
+18th	6501
+1:30	6502
+1&2	6503
+1&3	6504
+1&4	6505
+1&a	6506
+1&i	6507
+1.0	6508
+1.4	6509
+1.5	6510
+1.6	6511
+1.8	6512
+1-10	6513
+1-800	6514
+Uno	6515
+Unger	6516
+Unknown	6517
+Unto	6518
+Unum	6519
+USA	6520
+USC	6521
+USD	6522
+USM	6523
+USP	6524
+USB	6525
+USF	6526
+USO	6527
+USS	6528
+USTA	6529
+USU	6530
+UNC	6531
+UNK	6532
+UNF	6533
+UNH	6534
+UNLV	6535
+UNM	6536
+UNR	6537
+UNT	6538
+UCD	6539
+UCF	6540
+UCI	6541
+UCLA	6542
+UCR	6543
+UConn	6544
+Ulm	6545
+Ulf	6546
+Uline	6547
+Ulster	6548
+Ulysses	6549
+UMB	6550
+UMC	6551
+UMD	6552
+UMKC	6553
+UMN	6554
+UMP	6555
+UMS	6556
+UMUC	6557
+UMass	6558
+Update	6559
+Upland	6560
+Upon	6561
+Upper	6562
+Urban	6563
+Uranus	6564
+Urgent	6565
+Uriah	6566
+Urkel	6567
+Urlacher	6568
+Ursula	6569
+Uruguay	6570
+UTA	6571
+UTC	6572
+UTEP	6573
+UTFO	6574
+UTI	6575
+UTSA	6576
+Umi	6577
+Umm	6578
+Umatilla	6579
+Umpqua	6580
+Umstead	6581
+UAB	6582
+UAE	6583
+UAH	6584
+UAL	6585
+UAMS	6586
+UAP	6587
+UAW	6588
+Use	6589
+Usher	6590
+UFC	6591
+UFO	6592
+UGA	6593
+UGG	6594
+UGI	6595
+UGK	6596
+UGS	6597
+UPC	6598
+UPG	6599
+UPMC	6600
+UPS	6601
+UHC	6602
+UHS	6603
+UHaul	6604
+Utah	6605
+UBC	6606
+UBS	6607
+URI	6608
+URL	6609
+URM	6610
+UVA	6611
+UVU	6612
+Ukiah	6613
+UDF	6614
+UIC	6615
+UWM	6616
+Uganda	6617
+Ugly	6618
+Uintah	6619
+Uvalde	6620
+Uverse	6621
+201	6622
+200	6623
+202	6624
+20's	6625
+20/20	6626
+203	6627
+204	6628
+205	6629
+206	6630
+207	6631
+208	6632
+209	6633
+20s	6634
+20th	6635
+240	6636
+242	6637
+245	6638
+246	6639
+249	6640
+24's	6641
+24/7	6642
+241	6643
+243	6644
+244	6645
+247	6646
+248	6647
+24th	6648
+250	6649
+252	6650
+255	6651
+25-30	6652
+251	6653
+253	6654
+254	6655
+256	6656
+257	6657
+258	6658
+259	6659
+25th	6660
+210	6661
+211	6662
+212	6663
+215	6664
+213	6665
+214	6666
+216	6667
+217	6668
+218	6669
+219	6670
+21st	6671
+220	6672
+222	6673
+223	6674
+22's	6675
+221	6676
+224	6677
+225	6678
+226	6679
+227	6680
+228	6681
+229	6682
+22nd	6683
+270	6684
+275	6685
+271	6686
+272	6687
+273	6688
+274	6689
+276	6690
+277	6691
+278	6692
+279	6693
+27th	6694
+260	6695
+265	6696
+261	6697
+262	6698
+263	6699
+264	6700
+266	6701
+267	6702
+268	6703
+269	6704
+26th	6705
+280	6706
+285	6707
+281	6708
+282	6709
+283	6710
+284	6711
+286	6712
+287	6713
+288	6714
+289	6715
+28th	6716
+290	6717
+292	6718
+291	6719
+293	6720
+294	6721
+295	6722
+296	6723
+297	6724
+298	6725
+299	6726
+29th	6727
+230	6728
+231	6729
+232	6730
+233	6731
+234	6732
+235	6733
+236	6734
+237	6735
+238	6736
+239	6737
+23rd	6738
+2:30	6739
+2.0	6740
+2.1	6741
+2.2	6742
+2.3	6743
+2.4	6744
+2.5	6745
+2&2	6746
+2&3	6747
+2&4	6748
+2&a	6749
+2&i	6750
+2-3	6751
+2ds	6752
+2nd	6753
+2ne1	6754
+2o2	6755
+300	6756
+30's	6757
+301	6758
+302	6759
+303	6760
+304	6761
+305	6762
+306	6763
+307	6764
+308	6765
+309	6766
+30s	6767
+30th	6768
+330	6769
+333	6770
+334	6771
+331	6772
+332	6773
+335	6774
+336	6775
+337	6776
+338	6777
+339	6778
+33rd	6779
+310	6780
+313	6781
+311	6782
+312	6783
+314	6784
+315	6785
+316	6786
+317	6787
+318	6788
+319	6789
+31st	6790
+340	6791
+341	6792
+342	6793
+343	6794
+344	6795
+345	6796
+346	6797
+347	6798
+348	6799
+349	6800
+34th	6801
+350	6802
+351	6803
+352	6804
+353	6805
+354	6806
+355	6807
+356	6808
+357	6809
+358	6810
+359	6811
+35th	6812
+35w	6813
+370	6814
+375	6815
+371	6816
+372	6817
+373	6818
+374	6819
+376	6820
+377	6821
+378	6822
+379	6823
+37th	6824
+320	6825
+321	6826
+322	6827
+323	6828
+324	6829
+325	6830
+326	6831
+327	6832
+328	6833
+329	6834
+32nd	6835
+390	6836
+391	6837
+392	6838
+393	6839
+394	6840
+395	6841
+396	6842
+397	6843
+398	6844
+399	6845
+39th	6846
+3:30	6847
+3:45	6848
+360	6849
+361	6850
+362	6851
+363	6852
+364	6853
+365	6854
+366	6855
+367	6856
+368	6857
+369	6858
+380	6859
+381	6860
+382	6861
+383	6862
+384	6863
+385	6864
+386	6865
+387	6866
+388	6867
+389	6868
+3.0	6869
+3.1	6870
+3.3	6871
+3.4	6872
+3.5	6873
+3.8	6874
+3&4	6875
+3&a	6876
+3&i	6877
+3-4	6878
+3-way	6879
+3some	6880
+3GS	6881
+3ds	6882
+3oh	6883
+You	6884
+Yoko	6885
+Yohe	6886
+Yan	6887
+Yak	6888
+Yas	6889
+Yadkin	6890
+Yaakov	6891
+Yacht	6892
+Yaghi's	6893
+Yahoo	6894
+Yale	6895
+Yao	6896
+Yap	6897
+Yates	6898
+Yavapai	6899
+Yaya	6900
+Yazoo	6901
+Yes	6902
+Yet	6903
+Yee	6904
+Yehuda	6905
+Yemen	6906
+Yen	6907
+Yeomans	6908
+Yerington	6909
+Yule	6910
+Yum	6911
+Yu's	6912
+Yuba	6913
+Yuengling	6914
+Yun	6915
+Yuval	6916
+Yin	6917
+Yvonne	6918
+Yvette	6919
+YESCO	6920
+YMCA	6921
+Ypsilanti	6922
+400	6923
+401	6924
+40's	6925
+402	6926
+403	6927
+404	6928
+405	6929
+406	6930
+407	6931
+408	6932
+409	6933
+40s	6934
+40th	6935
+490	6936
+499	6937
+491	6938
+492	6939
+494	6940
+495	6941
+496	6942
+497	6943
+498	6944
+49ers	6945
+49th	6946
+410	6947
+411	6948
+412	6949
+413	6950
+414	6951
+415	6952
+416	6953
+417	6954
+418	6955
+419	6956
+41st	6957
+420	6958
+421	6959
+422	6960
+423	6961
+424	6962
+425	6963
+426	6964
+427	6965
+428	6966
+429	6967
+42nd	6968
+430	6969
+431	6970
+432	6971
+433	6972
+434	6973
+435	6974
+436	6975
+437	6976
+438	6977
+439	6978
+43rd	6979
+440	6980
+441	6981
+442	6982
+443	6983
+444	6984
+445	6985
+446	6986
+447	6987
+448	6988
+449	6989
+44th	6990
+470	6991
+471	6992
+472	6993
+473	6994
+474	6995
+475	6996
+476	6997
+477	6998
+478	6999
+479	7000
+47th	7001
+450	7002
+451	7003
+452	7004
+454	7005
+455	7006
+456	7007
+457	7008
+458	7009
+459	7010
+45th	7011
+460	7012
+461	7013
+462	7014
+463	7015
+464	7016
+465	7017
+466	7018
+467	7019
+468	7020
+469	7021
+480	7022
+481	7023
+483	7024
+484	7025
+485	7026
+486	7027
+487	7028
+488	7029
+489	7030
+4:30	7031
+4:45	7032
+4.0	7033
+4.1	7034
+4.2	7035
+4.3	7036
+4.5	7037
+4.6	7038
+4.7	7039
+4&5	7040
+4&a	7041
+4&i	7042
+4-5	7043
+4-h	7044
+4shared	7045
+4dr	7046
+4o5	7047
+500	7048
+505	7049
+50's	7050
+50-50	7051
+50/50	7052
+501	7053
+502	7054
+503	7055
+504	7056
+506	7057
+507	7058
+508	7059
+509	7060
+50k	7061
+50s	7062
+50th	7063
+515	7064
+510	7065
+511	7066
+512	7067
+513	7068
+514	7069
+516	7070
+517	7071
+518	7072
+519	7073
+51st	7074
+550	7075
+555	7076
+551	7077
+552	7078
+553	7079
+554	7080
+556	7081
+557	7082
+558	7083
+559	7084
+55th	7085
+580	7086
+586	7087
+581	7088
+582	7089
+583	7090
+584	7091
+585	7092
+587	7093
+588	7094
+589	7095
+520	7096
+521	7097
+522	7098
+523	7099
+524	7100
+525	7101
+526	7102
+527	7103
+528	7104
+529	7105
+530	7106
+531	7107
+532	7108
+533	7109
+534	7110
+535	7111
+536	7112
+537	7113
+538	7114
+539	7115
+540	7116
+541	7117
+542	7118
+543	7119
+544	7120
+545	7121
+546	7122
+547	7123
+548	7124
+549	7125
+560	7126
+561	7127
+562	7128
+563	7129
+564	7130
+565	7131
+566	7132
+567	7133
+568	7134
+569	7135
+570	7136
+571	7137
+572	7138
+573	7139
+574	7140
+575	7141
+576	7142
+577	7143
+578	7144
+579	7145
+5:30	7146
+5:45	7147
+590	7148
+592	7149
+595	7150
+596	7151
+597	7152
+598	7153
+599	7154
+5.0	7155
+5.1	7156
+5.3	7157
+5.4	7158
+5.5	7159
+5.7	7160
+5.9	7161
+5&6	7162
+5&A	7163
+5&i	7164
+5-10	7165
+5-6	7166
+you	7167
+yoke	7168
+yon	7169
+yolk	7170
+york	7171
+yos	7172
+yoyo	7173
+yea	7174
+yes	7175
+yep	7176
+yeeha	7177
+yet	7178
+yeganeh	7179
+yen	7180
+yer	7181
+yeww	7182
+yar	7183
+yak	7184
+yah	7185
+yacht	7186
+yall	7187
+yam	7188
+yay	7189
+ya'll	7190
+yada	7191
+yapping	7192
+yatzy	7193
+yaz	7194
+yum	7195
+yup	7196
+yugioh	7197
+yuh	7198
+yung	7199
+yurt	7200
+yield	7201
+yin	7202
+yikes	7203
+yippee	7204
+600	7205
+60's	7206
+601	7207
+602	7208
+603	7209
+604	7210
+605	7211
+606	7212
+607	7213
+608	7214
+609	7215
+60s	7216
+60th	7217
+610	7218
+611	7219
+612	7220
+613	7221
+614	7222
+615	7223
+616	7224
+617	7225
+618	7226
+619	7227
+61st	7228
+620	7229
+625	7230
+621	7231
+622	7232
+623	7233
+624	7234
+626	7235
+627	7236
+628	7237
+629	7238
+640	7239
+641	7240
+642	7241
+643	7242
+644	7243
+645	7244
+646	7245
+647	7246
+648	7247
+649	7248
+650	7249
+651	7250
+652	7251
+653	7252
+654	7253
+655	7254
+656	7255
+657	7256
+659	7257
+65th	7258
+630	7259
+631	7260
+632	7261
+633	7262
+635	7263
+636	7264
+637	7265
+638	7266
+639	7267
+660	7268
+661	7269
+662	7270
+663	7271
+664	7272
+665	7273
+666	7274
+667	7275
+668	7276
+669	7277
+680	7278
+681	7279
+682	7280
+684	7281
+685	7282
+686	7283
+687	7284
+688	7285
+689	7286
+6:30	7287
+6:45	7288
+670	7289
+678	7290
+671	7291
+675	7292
+676	7293
+677	7294
+679	7295
+690	7296
+691	7297
+694	7298
+695	7299
+696	7300
+697	7301
+698	7302
+699	7303
+6-10	7304
+6-7	7305
+6-8	7306
+6-foot	7307
+6.0	7308
+6.1	7309
+6.5	7310
+6&7	7311
+6&a	7312
+6&i	7313
+6ish	7314
+6pm.com	7315
+700	7316
+70's	7317
+701	7318
+702	7319
+703	7320
+704	7321
+705	7322
+706	7323
+707	7324
+708	7325
+709	7326
+70s	7327
+70th	7328
+720	7329
+727	7330
+721	7331
+722	7332
+723	7333
+724	7334
+725	7335
+726	7336
+728	7337
+729	7338
+72nd	7339
+710	7340
+711	7341
+712	7342
+713	7343
+714	7344
+715	7345
+716	7346
+717	7347
+718	7348
+719	7349
+71st	7350
+770	7351
+777	7352
+771	7353
+772	7354
+773	7355
+774	7356
+775	7357
+776	7358
+778	7359
+779	7360
+730	7361
+731	7362
+732	7363
+733	7364
+734	7365
+735	7366
+736	7367
+737	7368
+738	7369
+739	7370
+760	7371
+761	7372
+762	7373
+763	7374
+765	7375
+766	7376
+767	7377
+768	7378
+769	7379
+76ers	7380
+740	7381
+741	7382
+742	7383
+743	7384
+744	7385
+745	7386
+746	7387
+747	7388
+748	7389
+749	7390
+750	7391
+751	7392
+753	7393
+754	7394
+755	7395
+756	7396
+757	7397
+758	7398
+75th	7399
+780	7400
+781	7401
+782	7402
+783	7403
+785	7404
+786	7405
+787	7406
+788	7407
+789	7408
+7:45	7409
+790	7410
+791	7411
+793	7412
+795	7413
+796	7414
+797	7415
+798	7416
+799	7417
+7-10	7418
+7-8	7419
+7-Eleven	7420
+7-inch	7421
+7-year-old	7422
+7&8	7423
+7&9	7424
+7&a	7425
+7&i	7426
+7.0	7427
+7.3	7428
+7.5	7429
+920	7430
+921	7431
+922	7432
+923	7433
+924	7434
+925	7435
+926	7436
+928	7437
+929	7438
+930	7439
+931	7440
+932	7441
+933	7442
+934	7443
+935	7444
+936	7445
+937	7446
+939	7447
+970	7448
+971	7449
+972	7450
+973	7451
+975	7452
+978	7453
+979	7454
+97x	7455
+900	7456
+902	7457
+90's	7458
+901	7459
+903	7460
+904	7461
+905	7462
+908	7463
+909	7464
+90s	7465
+90th	7466
+940	7467
+941	7468
+944	7469
+945	7470
+946	7471
+947	7472
+948	7473
+949	7474
+94th	7475
+950	7476
+951	7477
+952	7478
+954	7479
+955	7480
+956	7481
+95th	7482
+999	7483
+990	7484
+995	7485
+996	7486
+997	7487
+99cent	7488
+910	7489
+911	7490
+912	7491
+913	7492
+914	7493
+915	7494
+916	7495
+917	7496
+918	7497
+919	7498
+980	7499
+9843	7500
+985	7501
+989	7502
+960	7503
+966	7504
+968	7505
+969	7506
+9:30	7507
+9:45	7508
+9/11	7509
+qua	7510
+que	7511
+quo	7512
+q-tips	7513
+Zac	7514
+Zam	7515
+Zapp	7516
+Zak	7517
+Zagg	7518
+Zales	7519
+Zavala	7520
+Zaxby's	7521
+Zay	7522
+Zip	7523
+Zim	7524
+Zig	7525
+Zin	7526
+Zia	7527
+Zicam	7528
+Zee	7529
+Zen	7530
+Zeb	7531
+Zealand	7532
+Zedd	7533
+Zeigler	7534
+Zeke	7535
+Zero	7536
+Zeta	7537
+Zeus	7538
+Zevon	7539
+Zoo	7540
+Zoe	7541
+Zombie	7542
+Zodiac	7543
+Zohan	7544
+Zuckerberg	7545
+Zuni	7546
+Zupas	7547
+Zushi	7548
+ZZZ	7549
+Zynga	7550
+Zyrtec	7551
+800	7552
+80's	7553
+801	7554
+802	7555
+803	7556
+804	7557
+805	7558
+806	7559
+808	7560
+80s	7561
+80th	7562
+827	7563
+820	7564
+821	7565
+822	7566
+823	7567
+825	7568
+826	7569
+828	7570
+829	7571
+82nd	7572
+830	7573
+831	7574
+832	7575
+833	7576
+834	7577
+835	7578
+836	7579
+837	7580
+838	7581
+839	7582
+850	7583
+851	7584
+852	7585
+853	7586
+855	7587
+856	7588
+857	7589
+858	7590
+859	7591
+85th	7592
+810	7593
+811	7594
+812	7595
+813	7596
+814	7597
+815	7598
+816	7599
+817	7600
+818	7601
+819	7602
+840	7603
+841	7604
+843	7605
+844	7606
+845	7607
+846	7608
+847	7609
+848	7610
+849	7611
+860	7612
+862	7613
+863	7614
+864	7615
+865	7616
+866	7617
+8675309	7618
+868	7619
+888	7620
+88.3	7621
+880	7622
+881	7623
+883	7624
+885	7625
+886	7626
+887	7627
+870	7628
+871	7629
+872	7630
+875	7631
+876	7632
+877	7633
+879	7634
+8:30	7635
+8:45	7636
+890	7637
+895	7638
+896	7639
+898	7640
+899	7641
+8.1	7642
+8.5	7643
+8.com	7644
+8&9	7645
+8&a	7646
+Qui	7647
+Quonset	7648
+Quran	7649
+Qaeda	7650
+Qantas	7651
+Qatar	7652
+QPS	7653
+QRS	7654
+QVC	7655
+QWERTY	7656
+QWOP	7657
+Qik	7658
+Qt's	7659
+zip	7660
+zit	7661
+zig	7662
+zio	7663
+zirconia	7664
+zoo	7665
+zombie	7666
+zodiac	7667
+zoe	7668
+zofran	7669
+zoloft	7670
+zero	7671
+zest	7672
+zebra	7673
+zeal	7674
+zedge	7675
+zekos	7676
+zendaya	7677
+zap	7678
+zan	7679
+zag	7680
+zaxbys	7681
+zucchini	7682
+zukin's	7683
+zynga	7684
+zyrtec	7685
+zzzquil	7686
+zzzz	7687
+Xavier	7688
+XLR	7689
+XLT	7690
+XXL	7691
+XXX	7692
+Xerox	7693
+Xin	7694
+Xiao	7695
+Xpress	7696
+Xterra	7697
+XCX	7698
+XDM	7699
+XML	7700
+XTC	7701
+XYZ	7702
+Xboxes	7703
+Xcel	7704
+Xchange	7705
+x-ray	7706
+xxx	7707
+xxoo	7708
+xvideos	7709
+xanax	7710
+xannies	7711
+xbox.com	7712
+xie	7713
+xnxx.com	7714
+xoox	7715
+xoxo	7716
+xrays	7717
+xscape	7718
+xsport	7719
+$contacts-	7720
+$contacts.	7721
+$contactsl	7722
+$contacts/	7723
+$contacts:	7724
+$contactsall	7725
+$contactsend	7726
+$contactsssage	7727
+$contactst	7728
+$APP	7730
+$MONEY	7731
+$MONTH	7732
+$PERCENT	7733
+$SONG	7735
+$STREET	7736
+000	7737
+001	7738
+007	7739
+011	7740
+:01	7741
+:02	7742
+:03	7743
+:04	7744
+:05	7745
+:06	7746
+:07	7747
+:08	7748
+:09	7749
+star	7750
+stat	7751
+stan	7752
+stab	7753
+stag	7754
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+stadium	7757
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+stove	7766
+stole	7767
+stogie	7768
+stoic	7769
+stout	7770
+stow	7771
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+stir	7773
+stiff	7774
+stitch	7775
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+stuff	7780
+stutter	7781
+styrofoam	7782
+show	7783
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+shoe	7786
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+shot	7788
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+shoguns	7790
+shoneys	7791
+sham	7792
+shad	7793
+shaw	7794
+shack	7795
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+shaft	7797
+shag	7798
+shaimus	7799
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+shin	7801
+ship	7802
+shift	7803
+shim	7804
+shield	7805
+shiver	7806
+shish	7807
+shizz	7808
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+shemale	7813
+shebang	7814
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+shuck	7818
+shun	7819
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+shyla	7821
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+shystie	7823
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+surcharge	7833
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+sump	7857
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+suing	7864
+sued	7865
+sues	7866
+suey	7867
+sudden	7868
+sudafed	7869
+suds	7870
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+sperm	7878
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+spot	7890
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+spigot	7898
+spry	7899
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+spying	7906
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+sphincter	7909
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+sear	7911
+seat	7912
+seal	7913
+seam	7914
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+seacoast	7918
+seadoo	7919
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+seaport	7921
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+sera	7926
+serum	7927
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+send	7929
+senator	7930
+sen$contacts	7931
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+selmons	7935
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+secs	7941
+seed	7942
+seek	7943
+seem	7944
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+sex.com	7958
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+sewing	7965
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+seiner	7968
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+sesame	7972
+sesloc	7973
+scar	7974
+scan	7975
+scam	7976
+scat	7977
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+scaffold	7979
+scape	7980
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+scenario	7996
+scenic	7997
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+salsa	8000
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+sang	8003
+sana	8004
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+sanford	8007
+sank	8008
+sans	8009
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+sadly	8023
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+safro	8031
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+saint	8038
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+solo	8068
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+sour	8073
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+sous	8078
+some	8079
+soma	8080
+somo	8081
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+sony	8087
+son's	8088
+son-in-law	8089
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+sons	8092
+soft	8093
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+soffit	8095
+sort	8096
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+sorority	8100
+soon	8101
+sooo	8102
+sooper	8103
+soos	8104
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+soap	8106
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+soba	8109
+sobbing	8110
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+sodium	8114
+sodomy	8115
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+sinister	8127
+sino	8128
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+sigues	8132
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+simmer	8134
+sims	8135
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+silk	8138
+silhouette	8139
+silo	8140
+silt	8141
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+siding	8143
+site	8144
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+sits	8146
+sicko	8147
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+sicky	8150
+sis's	8151
+siskey	8152
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+sizing	8155
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+siri	8157
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+sirree	8159
+sirs	8160
+siphon	8161
+sips	8162
+six-month	8163
+sixes	8164
+siebenthaler	8165
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+slaughter	8175
+slash	8176
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+slag	8179
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+slaw	8182
+slip	8183
+slid	8184
+slim	8185
+slight	8186
+slit	8187
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+sled	8189
+sleigh	8190
+slender	8191
+slept	8192
+slew	8193
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+slob	8195
+slop	8196
+slot	8197
+slogan	8198
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+slum	8202
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+slut	8204
+sludge	8205
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+snot	8208
+snogging	8209
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+snozberries	8211
+snap	8212
+snack	8213
+snag	8214
+snake	8215
+snatch	8216
+snail	8217
+snafu	8218
+snazzy	8219
+snip	8220
+sniff	8221
+snitch	8222
+snicker	8223
+snide	8224
+snug	8225
+snuff	8226
+snub	8227
+snuck	8228
+sneak	8229
+snedaker	8230
+swell	8231
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+swim	8233
+switch	8234
+swirl	8235
+swift	8236
+swig	8237
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+swam	8239
+swan	8240
+swallow	8241
+swap	8242
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+swaddle	8247
+swains	8248
+swastika	8249
+skin	8250
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+care	8387
+card	8388
+cart	8389
+carb	8390
+carp	8391
+cara	8392
+cari	8393
+cars	8394
+car.	8395
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+cargo	8399
+carwash	8400
+cant	8401
+cane	8402
+canvas	8403
+canyon	8404
+can't	8405
+can.	8406
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+char	8460
+chan	8461
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+chum	8499
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+chug	8501
+chulo	8502
+chris	8503
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+crab	8510
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+cradle	8513
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+clay	8538
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+clot	8549
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+cloud	8551
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+cumin	8584
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+cubic	8588
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+cupid	8592
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+cues	8602
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+cert	8606
+ceramic	8607
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+ceasing	8609
+cember	8610
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+cinzetti's	8623
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+cigz	8626
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+cilia	8629
+cialis	8630
+ciao	8631
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+cylinders	8638
+cymbalta	8639
+cynical	8640
+cynicism	8641
+cypher	8642
+cypress	8643
+c$contactsll	8644
+Star	8645
+Stan	8646
+Staff	8647
+Staple	8648
+Stag	8649
+Stay	8650
+Stabler	8651
+Stadium	8652
+Staker	8653
+Stavros	8654
+Step	8655
+Stef	8656
+Stew	8657
+Stein	8658
+Steuben	8659
+Stebbins	8660
+Stedman	8661
+Steger	8662
+Stemmons	8663
+Stenton	8664
+Stetson	8665
+Stock	8666
+Stoke	8667
+Stop	8668
+Stow	8669
+Stoddard	8670
+Stompeez	8671
+Struthers	8672
+Stud	8673
+Stuart	8674
+Stuy	8675
+Stuebner	8676
+Stuff	8677
+Stupid	8678
+Stuttgart	8679
+Stick	8680
+Stigler	8681
+Stihl	8682
+Stimpy	8683
+Stirling	8684
+Stitch	8685
+Stivers	8686
+Stix	8687
+Style	8688
+Styrofoam	8689
+Styx	8690
+Sand	8691
+Sana	8692
+Sanja	8693
+SanDisk	8694
+SanMar	8695
+Sanborn	8696
+Sanel	8697
+Sanford	8698
+Sano	8699
+Sanyo	8700
+Sala	8701
+Salt	8702
+Sale	8703
+Sal's	8704
+Sals	8705
+Saluda	8706
+Salwa	8707
+Sams	8708
+Sami	8709
+Sam's	8710
+Sameer	8711
+Sampson	8712
+Sara	8713
+Sarge	8714
+Sartell	8715
+Sarver	8716
+Saba	8717
+Sabin	8718
+Sabbath	8719
+Sabetha	8720
+Saul	8721
+Sauk	8722
+Saudi	8723
+Sauer	8724
+Saunders	8725
+Saurus	8726
+Sausalito	8727
+Sauvignon	8728
+Satan	8729
+Satellite	8730
+Sato	8731
+Satriani	8732
+Savi	8733
+Save	8734
+Saga	8735
+Sage	8736
+Sagle	8737
+Saguaro	8738
+Sain	8739
+Sail	8740
+Said	8741
+Saigon	8742
+Saito's	8743
+Saiyan	8744
+Sachs	8745
+Sackville	8746
+Saco	8747
+Sadie	8748
+Sade	8749
+Sadler	8750
+Sasha	8751
+Sasa	8752
+Sasquatch	8753
+Sawyer	8754
+Sawgrass	8755
+Sawmill	8756
+Sawnee	8757
+Sawtelle	8758
+Safe	8759
+Safari	8760
+Safford	8761
+Sayre	8762
+Saybrook	8763
+Sayer	8764
+Saylor's	8765
+Says	8766
+Sayville	8767
+Saxon	8768
+Saxbys	8769
+Saxton	8770
+Sapp	8771
+Sapulpa	8772
+Sakana	8773
+Saks	8774
+Sakura	8775
+Saab	8776
+Saad	8777
+Sahara	8778
+Sahuarita	8779
+Shar	8780
+Shan	8781
+Shaw	8782
+Shay	8783
+Shah	8784
+Shaun	8785
+Shack	8786
+Shai	8787
+Shae	8788
+Shaggy	8789
+Shaolin	8790
+Shapiro	8791
+Shaquille	8792
+Shasta	8793
+Shazam	8794
+Shea	8795
+Shen	8796
+Sheila	8797
+Shedd	8798
+Sheffield	8799
+Shekinah	8800
+Shem	8801
+Shetland	8802
+Shop	8803
+Shot	8804
+Show	8805
+Shock	8806
+Shoe	8807
+Shoal	8808
+Shogun	8809
+Shout	8810
+Shovelhead	8811
+Ship	8812
+Shin	8813
+Shiv	8814
+Shia	8815
+Shiba	8816
+Shift	8817
+Shih	8818
+Shiki	8819
+Shimano	8820
+Shrugged	8821
+Shugart	8822
+Shula's	8823
+Shurmur	8824
+Seas	8825
+Seal	8826
+Sean	8827
+Seahawk	8828
+Seattle	8829
+SeaComm	8830
+SeaTac	8831
+SeaWorld	8832
+Seacrest	8833
+Seamus	8834
+Seaport	8835
+Seaquarium	8836
+Seaway	8837
+Serra	8838
+Serbia	8839
+Serato	8840
+Serpentini	8841
+Serta	8842
+Sena	8843
+Sent	8844
+Send	8845
+Seneca	8846
+Senior	8847
+Sennheiser	8848
+Selby	8849
+Selah	8850
+Selden	8851
+Self	8852
+Selkirk	8853
+Seltzer	8854
+Seco	8855
+Secret	8856
+Secaucus	8857
+Section	8858
+Sevan	8859
+See's	8860
+Seeburg	8861
+Seeger	8862
+Seekonk	8863
+Seema	8864
+Seether	8865
+Seth	8866
+Setauket	8867
+Seterus	8868
+Seton	8869
+Setzer	8870
+Sedona	8871
+Sedro	8872
+Semco	8873
+Semmes	8874
+Semoran	8875
+Semper	8876
+Sephora	8877
+Seppi's	8878
+Sega	8879
+Seger	8880
+Segway	8881
+Sebring	8882
+Seward	8883
+Sewickley	8884
+Seibert	8885
+Seiko	8886
+Seinfeld	8887
+Sequim	8888
+Sesame	8889
+Sexton	8890
+Sexy	8891
+Seybold	8892
+Seymour	8893
+Sunny	8894
+Suns	8895
+SunPass	8896
+SunTrust	8897
+Sunapee	8898
+Sunglass	8899
+Sunkist	8900
+Sunland	8901
+Sunmart	8902
+Sunoco	8903
+Sunwest	8904
+Super	8905
+Surf	8906
+Surin	8907
+Surla	8908
+Surprise	8909
+Sumerel	8910
+Sumner	8911
+Sumpter	8912
+Sumter	8913
+Susan	8914
+Susie	8915
+Sushi	8916
+Susquehanna	8917
+Sutliff	8918
+Sutphin	8919
+Sutra	8920
+Subaru	8921
+Suburban	8922
+SubFinder	8923
+Submarine	8924
+Subs	8925
+Subway	8926
+Sultan	8927
+Sulphur	8928
+Suzi	8929
+Suzanne	8930
+Suzette	8931
+Suzuki	8932
+Suzy	8933
+Sugar	8934
+Suggs	8935
+Suit	8936
+Suicide	8937
+Suisun	8938
+Sudan	8939
+Sudbury	8940
+Suddenlink	8941
+Sudley	8942
+Sudoku	8943
+Sucker	8944
+Sue's	8945
+Suey	8946
+Suffern	8947
+Suffield	8948
+Suffolk	8949
+Suki	8950
+Sukho	8951
+Suamico	8952
+Suarez	8953
+South	8954
+Sound	8955
+Soul	8956
+Soup	8957
+Sour	8958
+Souderton	8959
+Souza	8960
+Sony	8961
+Sona	8962
+Song	8963
+Sonny	8964
+Soncy	8965
+Sondra	8966
+Sonesta	8967
+Sonja	8968
+Sons	8969
+Sonu	8970
+Sola	8971
+Solo	8972
+Sole	8973
+Sol's	8974
+Solstice	8975
+Solutions	8976
+Some	8977
+Soma	8978
+Sombrero	8979
+Sommers	8980
+Sorcerer's	8981
+Socastee	8982
+Soccer	8983
+Socrates	8984
+Sofi	8985
+Soft	8986
+Sopranos	8987
+Sobe	8988
+Sobiech	8989
+Soboba	8990
+Sobrante	8991
+Soda	8992
+Soddy	8993
+Sodexo	8994
+SoCal	8995
+SoCo	8996
+Sovereign	8997
+Soap	8998
+Soaring	8999
+Sooners	9000
+Soopers	9001
+Sosa	9002
+Sossaman	9003
+Sotheby's	9004
+Soto	9005
+Space	9006
+Spade	9007
+Spaghetti	9008
+Spalding	9009
+Spahn	9010
+Spain	9011
+Spas	9012
+Spaulding	9013
+Sperry	9014
+Spektor	9015
+Spruce	9016
+Spin	9017
+Spice	9018
+Spider	9019
+Spike	9020
+Spiller	9021
+Spivey	9022
+Sport	9023
+Spot	9024
+Sponge	9025
+Spoon	9026
+Spock	9027
+Splash	9028
+Spurgeon	9029
+Spurrier	9030
+Spurs	9031
+Spyder	9032
+Spyro	9033
+Spherion	9034
+Sphinx	9035
+Silas	9036
+Silber	9037
+Silicon	9038
+Silk	9039
+Sill	9040
+Siloam	9041
+Silpada	9042
+Silsbee	9043
+Simon	9044
+Simi	9045
+Sims	9046
+SimCity	9047
+Simba	9048
+Simcoe	9049
+Simeon	9050
+Sing	9051
+Sina	9052
+Sinbad	9053
+Sinead	9054
+Sinking	9055
+Sinnissippi	9056
+Sinton	9057
+Sisk	9058
+Sisley	9059
+Sisqo	9060
+Sign	9061
+Sigalert	9062
+Sigel	9063
+Sigler	9064
+Sigourney	9065
+Sierra	9066
+Siemens	9067
+Siesta	9068
+Siri	9069
+Sirloin	9070
+Sirus	9071
+Sita	9072
+Site	9073
+Sitka	9074
+Sitting	9075
+Sick	9076
+Side	9077
+Siddiqui	9078
+Sidney	9079
+Sikes	9080
+Sikh	9081
+Sikorsky	9082
+Sixers	9083
+Sixt	9084
+Sixx	9085
+Size	9086
+Siberia	9087
+Sibley	9088
+Sioux	9089
+Siobhan	9090
+Siamese	9091
+Schlotzsky's	9092
+Scot	9093
+Scout	9094
+Scooby	9095
+Scopus	9096
+Scoville	9097
+Scaggs	9098
+Scala	9099
+Scappoose	9100
+Scissorhands	9101
+Scituate	9102
+Scent	9103
+Scenic	9104
+Scuba	9105
+Scully	9106
+Skype	9107
+SkyDrive	9108
+SkyMiles	9109
+Skyblock	9110
+Skye	9111
+Skyfall	9112
+Skyharbor	9113
+Skytop	9114
+Skyview	9115
+Skin	9116
+Skid	9117
+Skip	9118
+Skiatook	9119
+Skibo	9120
+Skittles	9121
+Skamania	9122
+Skaneateles	9123
+Skeet	9124
+Skechers	9125
+Skemp	9126
+Skoal	9127
+Skokie	9128
+Skout	9129
+Skowhegan	9130
+Skullcandy	9131
+Swan	9132
+Swain	9133
+Swamp	9134
+Swahili	9135
+Swap	9136
+Swayze	9137
+Sweat	9138
+Swenson	9139
+Sweitzer	9140
+Swick	9141
+Swim	9142
+Swiper	9143
+Swizz	9144
+Swope	9145
+Sword	9146
+Slam	9147
+Slab	9148
+Slacker	9149
+Slade	9150
+Slanted	9151
+Slappey	9152
+Slauson	9153
+Slavic	9154
+Slayer	9155
+Sligh	9156
+Slim	9157
+Slidell	9158
+Slope	9159
+Slough	9160
+Sleep	9161
+Slender	9162
+Sledge	9163
+Slurpee	9164
+Slugger	9165
+Smart	9166
+Small	9167
+Smash	9168
+Smile	9169
+Smiddy	9170
+Smirnoff	9171
+Smoot	9172
+Smosh	9173
+Smyth	9174
+Smyrna	9175
+Smurfs	9176
+Snow	9177
+Snodgrass	9178
+Snohomish	9179
+Snopes	9180
+Snoqualmie	9181
+Snap	9182
+Snack	9183
+Snake	9184
+Snell	9185
+Snead	9186
+Sneed	9187
+Snickers	9188
+Snider	9189
+Snipes	9190
+Snyders	9191
+Sylacauga	9192
+Syleena	9193
+Sylmar	9194
+Sync	9195
+Sydney	9196
+Syria	9197
+Syracuse	9198
+System	9199
+Sysco	9200
+Sybaris	9201
+Sybil	9202
+Sycamore	9203
+Sycuan	9204
+Sykesville	9205
+Symone	9206
+Symphony	9207
+Square	9208
+Squad	9209
+Squamish	9210
+Squatch	9211
+Squaw	9212
+Squier	9213
+Squishy	9214
+SAT's	9215
+SATA	9216
+SATs	9217
+SARS	9218
+SPCA	9219
+SPECT	9220
+SPEED	9221
+SPID	9222
+SSAT	9223
+SSDI	9224
+SSID	9225
+STD's	9226
+STDs	9227
+SMECO	9228
+SMUD	9229
+SEALs	9230
+SCE&G	9231
+SIDS	9232
+SIUE	9233
+SOCOM	9234
+SWAT	9235
+SDSU	9236
+SUNY	9237
+SUV's	9238
+prop	9239
+pros	9240
+prom	9241
+prof	9242
+prob	9243
+prod	9244
+project	9245
+proof	9246
+prohibit	9247
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+parvo	9279
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+patootie	9283
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+payPal	9321
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+porous	9364
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+popgo	9371
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+poplar	9374
+popo's	9375
+poop	9376
+pool	9377
+poor	9378
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+poke	9402
+poky	9403
+pomegranate	9404
+pomoco	9405
+poms	9406
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+poco	9409
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+poem	9415
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+pessimist	9463
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+peony	9475
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+pewter	9477
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+pinch	9481
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+pinball	9489
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+pinpoint	9491
+pinyin	9492
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+pico	9496
+pics	9497
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+pilgrim	9499
+pile	9500
+pilot	9501
+pilaf	9502
+piling	9503
+pitch	9504
+pitbull	9505
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+pitiful	9508
+pituitary	9509
+pity	9510
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+pies	9513
+piezoni's	9514
+pigeon	9515
+pigs	9516
+pigtail	9517
+pig's	9518
+piglet	9519
+pigment	9520
+piss	9521
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+pima	9523
+pimento	9524
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+piping	9526
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+pizano's	9528
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+piatti's	9530
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+pious	9533
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+pirate	9536
+piranha	9537
+pivotal	9538
+play	9539
+plan	9540
+plaque	9541
+plausible	9542
+plaza	9543
+plea	9544
+pled	9545
+plex	9546
+pleurisy	9547
+plum	9548
+plug	9549
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+plus	9551
+plural	9552
+plow	9553
+plot	9554
+plop	9555
+plover	9556
+ploy	9557
+plight	9558
+plywood	9559
+pure	9560
+purr	9561
+purty	9562
+punish	9563
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+punt	9565
+punjabi	9566
+puns	9567
+puny	9568
+pubic	9569
+pubs	9570
+push	9571
+puss	9572
+pull	9573
+pulp	9574
+putt	9575
+putz	9576
+puter	9577
+puth	9578
+puts	9579
+pump	9580
+pumice	9581
+pupil	9582
+pups	9583
+puffin	9584
+puffs	9585
+puffy	9586
+puke	9587
+puking	9588
+pucker	9589
+pucks	9590
+puzzle	9591
+puzzling	9592
+pugs	9593
+photo	9594
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+phyls	9597
+phase	9598
+phagans	9599
+phantom	9600
+phat	9601
+phil	9602
+phineasandferb	9603
+pheasant	9604
+phew	9605
+phlegm	9606
+phrased	9607
+phrases	9608
+psych	9609
+psyllium	9610
+pseudoephedrine	9611
+pyramid	9612
+pyro	9613
+pylon	9614
+pylori	9615
+pythons	9616
+p.o.	9617
+p.m.	9618
+Conn	9619
+Cone	9620
+ConAgra	9621
+Conicelli	9622
+Conklin	9623
+Conway	9624
+Conyers	9625
+Colo	9626
+Cole	9627
+Colt	9628
+Cold	9629
+Colma	9630
+Cola	9631
+Colchester	9632
+Colfax	9633
+Colgate	9634
+Corn	9635
+Cora	9636
+Cori	9637
+Corp	9638
+Core	9639
+Cork	9640
+Cory	9641
+Corcoran	9642
+Corgi	9643
+Cormier	9644
+Corunna	9645
+Corwin	9646
+Comm	9647
+Comp	9648
+Come	9649
+Como	9650
+ComEd	9651
+Comcast	9652
+Comfort	9653
+Comstock	9654
+Comus	9655
+Coupe	9656
+Couture	9657
+Cook	9658
+Cool	9659
+Coop	9660
+Coon	9661
+Coos	9662
+Cost	9663
+Cosby	9664
+Cosgrove	9665
+Coshocton	9666
+Cosi	9667
+Coss	9668
+Cope	9669
+Copa	9670
+Copy	9671
+Copiague	9672
+Copley	9673
+Coba	9674
+Cobb	9675
+Coble	9676
+Cobo	9677
+Cobra	9678
+Coby	9679
+Coach	9680
+Coal	9681
+Coat	9682
+Coast	9683
+Coakley	9684
+Coarsegold	9685
+Cota	9686
+Cotswold	9687
+Cotuit	9688
+Coco	9689
+Coca	9690
+Cocina	9691
+Cowboy	9692
+Coweta	9693
+Cowgirls	9694
+Cowsills	9695
+Cowtown	9696
+Cove	9697
+Cody	9698
+Code	9699
+Codman	9700
+Cohasset	9701
+Cohn	9702
+Cohoes	9703
+Coffman	9704
+Coggin	9705
+Cogdill	9706
+Cogswell	9707
+Coke	9708
+Cokato	9709
+Coquille	9710
+Coquina	9711
+Coquitlam	9712
+Coyote	9713
+Coyle	9714
+Coeur	9715
+Cox's	9716
+Cozad	9717
+Cozumel	9718
+Carl	9719
+Carr	9720
+Caro	9721
+Cart	9722
+Care	9723
+Card	9724
+Cara	9725
+Cary	9726
+Carbon	9727
+Cars	9728
+CarMax	9729
+Carfax	9730
+Carhartt	9731
+Call	9732
+Cali	9733
+Cale	9734
+Cala	9735
+Calhoun	9736
+Calm	9737
+CalPERS	9738
+Calkins	9739
+Calumet	9740
+Calypso	9741
+Camp	9742
+Came	9743
+Camden	9744
+Cam's	9745
+Cana	9746
+Cano	9747
+Cane	9748
+Canyon	9749
+Canby	9750
+Canfield	9751
+Canistota	9752
+Canucks	9753
+Cass	9754
+Case	9755
+Casa	9756
+Cash	9757
+Casual	9758
+Casbah	9759
+Cason	9760
+Cate	9761
+Cato	9762
+Catch	9763
+Cats	9764
+CatOS	9765
+Catwoman	9766
+Cape	9767
+Capp	9768
+Capco	9769
+Caputo	9770
+Cabo	9771
+Cabin	9772
+Cable	9773
+Cabbage	9774
+Cade	9775
+Cadbury	9776
+Cady	9777
+Cain	9778
+Caicos	9779
+Cairo	9780
+Cave	9781
+Cavs	9782
+Cayman	9783
+Cayce	9784
+Cayenne	9785
+Caylee	9786
+Cayuga	9787
+Caffe	9788
+Cafe	9789
+Cahaba	9790
+Cahill	9791
+Cahokia	9792
+Cahuenga	9793
+Caesar's	9794
+Caesars	9795
+Cajun	9796
+Cajon	9797
+Cakery	9798
+Cakes	9799
+Cause	9800
+Caucasian	9801
+Caza	9802
+Cazenovia	9803
+Cache	9804
+Cactus	9805
+Cage	9806
+Cagle	9807
+Chan	9808
+Chad	9809
+Chas	9810
+Chat	9811
+Chau	9812
+Chao	9813
+Chaya	9814
+ChaCha	9815
+Chabot	9816
+Chacho	9817
+Chagrin	9818
+Chaka	9819
+Chaz	9820
+Chee	9821
+Cher	9822
+Chev	9823
+Chen	9824
+Chem	9825
+Chek	9826
+Chet	9827
+Cheyenne	9828
+Cheboygan	9829
+Chef	9830
+Chegg	9831
+Chewbacca	9832
+Chex	9833
+Chin	9834
+Chip	9835
+Chia	9836
+Chief	9837
+Chihuahua	9838
+Chi's	9839
+Chiquita	9840
+Chiropractic	9841
+Chiwawa	9842
+Chris	9843
+Chun	9844
+Chubb	9845
+Chuck	9846
+Chu's	9847
+Chuggington	9848
+Chula	9849
+Chute	9850
+Chuy's	9851
+Chop	9852
+Chow	9853
+Choi	9854
+Chou	9855
+Chong	9856
+Choo	9857
+Chorus	9858
+Chloe's	9859
+Crow	9860
+Croft	9861
+Croatia	9862
+Croghan	9863
+Crohn's	9864
+Croix	9865
+Cromwell	9866
+Cronin	9867
+Cropsey	9868
+Croydon	9869
+Crew	9870
+Credit	9871
+Creighton	9872
+Crenshaw	9873
+Creole	9874
+Crepevine	9875
+Crete	9876
+Craft	9877
+Crab	9878
+Cray	9879
+Cramer	9880
+Crate	9881
+Craven	9882
+Cracker	9883
+Crashers	9884
+Crazy	9885
+Cribs	9886
+Cricket	9887
+Crivitz	9888
+Cruise	9889
+Crum	9890
+Crunch	9891
+Cruz	9892
+Crue	9893
+Crutchfield	9894
+Cryer	9895
+Crypt	9896
+Clay	9897
+Clan	9898
+Clackamas	9899
+Claddagh	9900
+Claggett	9901
+Clapton	9902
+Clatsop	9903
+Clawson	9904
+Claxton	9905
+Clem	9906
+Cleo	9907
+Cleve	9908
+Cleburne	9909
+Cleghorn	9910
+Clewiston	9911
+Clif	9912
+Clio	9913
+Clive	9914
+Cloud	9915
+Clock	9916
+Cloninger	9917
+Clooney	9918
+Clopay	9919
+Cloquet	9920
+Clorox	9921
+Clown	9922
+Club	9923
+Clue	9924
+Clute	9925
+Clyde	9926
+Clybourn	9927
+Cena	9928
+Cenex	9929
+Census	9930
+Cell	9931
+Celanese	9932
+Celsius	9933
+Ceres	9934
+Cermak	9935
+Cerny	9936
+Cervantes	9937
+Cedar	9938
+Cecil	9939
+Cece	9940
+Cecconi's	9941
+Cesar	9942
+Cessna	9943
+Curt	9944
+Curb	9945
+Cure	9946
+Cult	9947
+Culver	9948
+Culbertson	9949
+Culebra	9950
+Culinary	9951
+Culkin	9952
+Culpeper	9953
+Cutco	9954
+Cuthbert	9955
+Cutie	9956
+Cuts	9957
+Cupcake	9958
+Cupid	9959
+Cupertino	9960
+Cups	9961
+Cuba	9962
+Cube	9963
+Cubs	9964
+Cucamonga	9965
+Cucina	9966
+Cuckoo's	9967
+Cucos	9968
+Cudahy	9969
+Cuddy	9970
+Cudi	9971
+Cuero	9972
+Cuervo	9973
+Cuisinart	9974
+Cuisine	9975
+Cingular	9976
+Cintas	9977
+Citi	9978
+City	9979
+Citadel	9980
+Citgo	9981
+Cirby	9982
+Cirque	9983
+Cirro	9984
+Cicero	9985
+Cici	9986
+Cielo	9987
+Cienega	9988
+Ciera	9989
+Cimarron	9990
+Cimino's	9991
+Cimorelli	9992
+Cigar	9993
+Cigna	9994
+Cisco's	9995
+Cynthia	9996
+Cyndi	9997
+Cynwyd	9998
+Cycle	9999
+Cyclops	10000
+Cypress	10001
+Cyprus	10002
+Cyrus	10003
+Cyril	10004
+Cybertron	10005
+Cymbalta	10006
+Cymphonique	10007
+CC'd	10008
+CC's	10009
+CCAC	10010
+CCBC	10011
+CCRI	10012
+CPAP	10013
+CPAs	10014
+CPCC	10015
+CSUN	10016
+CARFAX	10017
+CARSTAR	10019
+CATI	10020
+CDMA	10021
+CMA's	10022
+CMHA	10023
+CNA's	10024
+CNAC	10025
+CREF	10026
+CREST	10027
+CRST	10028
+CLEAR	10029
+COBB	10030
+COBRA	10031
+CEOs	10032
+Mari	10033
+Mart	10034
+Marc	10035
+Mars	10036
+Marg	10037
+Mark	10038
+Mary	10039
+Mara	10040
+Marv	10041
+Marr	10042
+Marx	10043
+Marnie	10044
+Marple	10045
+Maru	10046
+Mann	10047
+Mans	10048
+Manya	10049
+Man's	10050
+Mane	10051
+Mankato	10052
+Manziel	10053
+Matt	10054
+Math	10055
+Mata	10056
+Matlock	10057
+Matos	10058
+Matrix	10059
+Mack	10060
+Mach	10061
+Macy	10062
+Mac's	10063
+MacArthur	10064
+MacBook	10065
+MacFarlane	10066
+MacGyver	10067
+MacNeal	10068
+Macbeth	10069
+Macclenny	10070
+Macduff	10071
+Macs	10072
+Macungie	10073
+Malo	10074
+Mali	10075
+Mall	10076
+Male	10077
+Malco	10078
+Malbis	10079
+Malkovich	10080
+Malmsteen	10081
+Malnati's	10082
+Malvern	10083
+Malwarebytes	10084
+Mass	10085
+Mast	10086
+Mason	10087
+Masco	10088
+Mash	10089
+Masi	10090
+Mask	10091
+Maspeth	10092
+Made	10093
+Madi	10094
+Madonna	10095
+Madness	10096
+Madsen	10097
+Maya	10098
+Mayo	10099
+Mays	10100
+Mayday	10101
+Mayhew	10102
+Mayport	10103
+Mayra	10104
+Maytag	10105
+Mayville	10106
+Magi	10107
+Maga	10108
+Magda	10109
+Magoo	10110
+Magpul	10111
+Magruder	10112
+Maguire	10113
+Main	10114
+Maid	10115
+Maia	10116
+Maier	10117
+Mail	10118
+Mahdi	10119
+Mahtomedi	10120
+Mahwah	10121
+Maur	10122
+Maul	10123
+Maus	10124
+Mauer	10125
+Maui	10126
+Maxwell	10127
+Max's	10128
+Maxey	10129
+Maxton	10130
+Maxx	10131
+Make	10132
+Maki	10133
+Mako	10134
+Maple	10135
+MapQuest	10136
+Mapco	10137
+Maps	10138
+Mama	10139
+Maze	10140
+Mazatlan	10141
+Mazda	10142
+Mabel	10143
+Mabank	10144
+Mableton	10145
+Mabry	10146
+Mavis	10147
+Mavs	10148
+Mae's	10149
+Maeve	10150
+Major	10151
+Maaco	10152
+Maalox	10153
+Mont	10154
+Mona	10155
+Mons	10156
+Monro	10157
+Mongo	10158
+Monmouth	10159
+Monnex	10160
+Monument	10161
+More	10162
+Mora	10163
+Morgan	10164
+Morning	10165
+Mormon	10166
+Morkie	10167
+Morse	10168
+Moor	10169
+Moon	10170
+Moos	10171
+Moto	10172
+Mother	10173
+Mott	10174
+Mota	10175
+Motel	10176
+Motion	10177
+Motley	10178
+Motrin	10179
+Mouse	10180
+Mouth	10181
+Moss	10182
+Mosby	10183
+Mosley	10184
+Most	10185
+Molalla	10186
+Molson	10187
+Mobil	10188
+Mobb	10189
+Moberly	10190
+Mobley	10191
+Moby	10192
+Mohican	10193
+Mohegan	10194
+Mohr	10195
+Mohsen	10196
+Move	10197
+Movado	10198
+Mode	10199
+Moda	10200
+Mom's	10201
+Momence	10202
+Momo	10203
+Moms	10204
+Mozza	10205
+Mocksville	10206
+Moe's	10207
+Moen	10208
+Moab	10209
+Moana	10210
+Moffett	10211
+Moffitt	10212
+Mojang	10213
+Mojave	10214
+Moxies	10215
+Moyer	10216
+Moyock	10217
+Mill	10218
+Mila	10219
+Mile	10220
+Milk	10221
+Milo	10222
+Milton	10223
+Mildred	10224
+Milford	10225
+Milgard	10226
+Milham	10227
+Milner	10228
+Milpitas	10229
+Mine	10230
+Mind	10231
+Ming	10232
+Mina	10233
+Mini	10234
+Mint	10235
+Minute	10236
+Minford	10237
+Minh	10238
+Mich	10239
+Mick	10240
+Micro	10241
+Miccosukee	10242
+Mice	10243
+Middle	10244
+MidAmerica	10245
+Midnight	10246
+MidCountry	10247
+MidFirst	10248
+MidSouth	10249
+Midas	10250
+Midkiff	10251
+Midori	10252
+Midtown	10253
+Midvale	10254
+Miss	10255
+Mist	10256
+Misha	10257
+Miserables	10258
+Misfits	10259
+Mira	10260
+Miri	10261
+Mirena	10262
+Miromar	10263
+Mirror	10264
+Mirza	10265
+Mike	10266
+Mika	10267
+Miki	10268
+Mikuni	10269
+Miko	10270
+Mitch	10271
+Mitt	10272
+Mitsubishi	10273
+Miami	10274
+Mia's	10275
+Miata	10276
+Mizu	10277
+Mizzou	10278
+Might	10279
+Miguel	10280
+Mimi	10281
+Mima	10282
+Mims	10283
+Mifflinburg	10284
+Miyabi	10285
+Miyako	10286
+Merc	10287
+Mert	10288
+Meredith	10289
+Meranda	10290
+Merkel	10291
+Mermaid	10292
+Merv	10293
+Meryl	10294
+Mena	10295
+Men's	10296
+Menendez	10297
+Menifee	10298
+Menlo	10299
+Mensa	10300
+Menu	10301
+Melo	10302
+Mela	10303
+Mel's	10304
+Melrose	10305
+Metzger	10306
+MetLife	10307
+Metcalf	10308
+Meter	10309
+Mets	10310
+Mettawa	10311
+Metuchen	10312
+Medi	10313
+MedStar	10314
+Medco	10315
+Medela	10316
+Medlock	10317
+Medspa	10318
+Medtronic	10319
+Medusa	10320
+Medved	10321
+Medway	10322
+Mead	10323
+Mean	10324
+Meal	10325
+Meat	10326
+Meacham	10327
+Mears	10328
+Mease	10329
+Mesa	10330
+Meshuggah	10331
+Mesilla	10332
+Meskwaki	10333
+Mesquite	10334
+Mega	10335
+Meghan	10336
+Mechanic	10337
+Meck	10338
+Mecca	10339
+Meek	10340
+Meet	10341
+Meech	10342
+Meier	10343
+Meister	10344
+Memo	10345
+Member	10346
+Mema	10347
+Memphis	10348
+Meyerland	10349
+Meyers	10350
+Mews	10351
+McKay	10352
+McKnight	10353
+McGavock	10354
+McGhee	10355
+McDuffie	10356
+McAfee	10357
+McAuliffe	10358
+McMenamins	10359
+McNugget	10360
+McNichols	10361
+McLoughlin	10362
+McFerrin	10363
+McFlurry	10364
+McBride	10365
+McBain	10366
+McBee	10367
+McRae	10368
+McRib	10369
+McElroy	10370
+McEntire	10371
+McEwen	10372
+McHale	10373
+McHenry	10374
+McPhillips	10375
+McIntosh	10376
+McIntyre	10377
+McQuade	10378
+McQueen	10379
+McShane	10380
+McStuffins	10381
+Muni	10382
+Munford	10383
+Munhall	10384
+Munn	10385
+Munoz	10386
+Munroe	10387
+Must	10388
+Muse	10389
+Mushroom	10390
+Muslim	10391
+Musgraves	10392
+Musselman	10393
+Murph	10394
+Murano	10395
+Murchison	10396
+Murfreesboro	10397
+Murieta	10398
+Murs	10399
+Muldoon	10400
+Mulan	10401
+Mulberry	10402
+Mule	10403
+Mulford	10404
+Mulholland	10405
+Mulvane	10406
+Mudd	10407
+Mudbugs	10408
+Mudvayne	10409
+Muckleshoot	10410
+Mueller	10411
+Muer	10412
+Muhammad	10413
+Muhlenberg	10414
+Muirfield	10415
+Mukilteo	10416
+Mukwonago	10417
+Mumbai	10418
+Mumford	10419
+Muppets	10420
+Mutant	10421
+Mutual	10422
+Myrtle	10423
+Myra	10424
+Myriam	10425
+Myrna	10426
+Myron	10427
+Myers	10428
+Myla	10429
+Myakka	10430
+MSDS	10431
+MSNBC	10432
+MSPCA	10433
+MCAS	10434
+MCAT	10435
+MOHAVE	10436
+MOHELA	10437
+MOTO	10438
+MTCN	10440
+MTSU	10441
+MILF	10442
+MLGW	10443
+M&M's	10444
+M&Ms	10445
+MACO	10446
+MGMT	10447
+MUSC	10448
+MUST	10449
+MRI's	10450
+Bron	10451
+Broad	10452
+Brock	10453
+Brother	10454
+Broil	10455
+BroMenn	10456
+Broly	10457
+Brophy	10458
+Bros	10459
+Broyles	10460
+Bran	10461
+Brad	10462
+Bray	10463
+Bram	10464
+Brae	10465
+Brawl	10466
+Bragg	10467
+Braxton	10468
+Braley	10469
+Brit	10470
+Brie	10471
+Brix	10472
+Brio	10473
+Bri's	10474
+Bren	10475
+Brew	10476
+Brea	10477
+Bree	10478
+Bret	10479
+Breck	10480
+Bredemann	10481
+Breitling	10482
+Brevard	10483
+Bruin	10484
+Bru's	10485
+Brule	10486
+Brumos	10487
+Bryan	10488
+Bryce	10489
+Bryn	10490
+Bryson	10491
+Brylee	10492
+Bryon	10493
+Barr	10494
+Barn	10495
+Bart	10496
+Barb	10497
+Bark	10498
+Bare	10499
+Bard	10500
+Bari	10501
+Baron	10502
+Bars	10503
+Barwood	10504
+Band	10505
+Bank	10506
+Bang	10507
+Bans	10508
+Banana	10509
+Banbury	10510
+Bane	10511
+Banjos	10512
+Banos	10513
+Banyan	10514
+Banzai	10515
+Ball	10516
+Bald	10517
+Balm	10518
+Bala	10519
+Bali	10520
+Balboa	10521
+Bale	10522
+Balfour	10523
+Balkan	10524
+Balvin	10525
+Base	10526
+Bass	10527
+Bash	10528
+Basco	10529
+Basque	10530
+Batch	10531
+Bath	10532
+Batavia	10533
+Batista	10534
+Baton	10535
+Batra	10536
+Batson	10537
+Bays	10538
+Bayer	10539
+BayCare	10540
+Bayport	10541
+Bach	10542
+Back	10543
+Baca	10544
+Baci	10545
+Bacon	10546
+Babe	10547
+Baba	10548
+Babs	10549
+Baby	10550
+Babbitt	10551
+Babcock	10552
+Babu	10553
+Bake	10554
+Baking	10555
+Bakken	10556
+Badger	10557
+Badass	10558
+Badcock	10559
+Badfinger	10560
+Badin	10561
+Badlands	10562
+Badu	10563
+Bagel	10564
+Bagan	10565
+Bagby	10566
+Bagdad	10567
+Baggins	10568
+Baghdad	10569
+Bagley	10570
+Bagwell	10571
+Bail	10572
+Bain	10573
+Baird	10574
+Baisden	10575
+Bama	10576
+Bahama	10577
+Bahia	10578
+Bahrain	10579
+Bauer	10580
+Baum	10581
+Bautista	10582
+Baxter	10583
+Baxley	10584
+Baer	10585
+Baez	10586
+Bell	10587
+Belt	10588
+Bela	10589
+Belk	10590
+Belen	10591
+Belhaven	10592
+Beloit	10593
+Belpre	10594
+Belsay	10595
+Belz	10596
+Bern	10597
+Berg	10598
+Bert	10599
+Bering	10600
+Berlin	10601
+Beryl	10602
+Bens	10603
+Bent	10604
+Bend	10605
+Benz	10606
+Ben's	10607
+Benbrook	10608
+Benoit	10609
+Beat	10610
+Bear	10611
+Beau	10612
+Bean	10613
+Beal	10614
+Beam	10615
+Beagle	10616
+Beazer	10617
+Beth	10618
+Beta	10619
+Betley	10620
+Between	10621
+Beech	10622
+Been	10623
+Beer	10624
+BeeGees	10625
+Beebe	10626
+Beef	10627
+Beekman	10628
+Beemer	10629
+Bees	10630
+Beeville	10631
+Beck	10632
+Becca	10633
+Because	10634
+Best	10635
+Bess	10636
+Bedard	10637
+Bedford	10638
+Bedingfield	10639
+Bedminster	10640
+Behavior	10641
+Behr	10642
+Behind	10643
+Beiber	10644
+Beijing	10645
+Being	10646
+Beirut	10647
+Beitel	10648
+Beverly	10649
+BevMo	10650
+Beville	10651
+Beyer	10652
+Beggs	10653
+Bemidji	10654
+Bemis	10655
+Beulah	10656
+Beulaville	10657
+Bona	10658
+Bond	10659
+Bone	10660
+Bono	10661
+BonChon	10662
+Bongo	10663
+Bonham	10664
+Bonjour	10665
+Bonton	10666
+Boot	10667
+Book	10668
+Booz	10669
+Boo's	10670
+Booey	10671
+Boom	10672
+Boop	10673
+Borg	10674
+Bora	10675
+Born	10676
+Boro	10677
+Boris	10678
+Borland	10679
+Boss	10680
+Bosa	10681
+Bosnia	10682
+Bose	10683
+Bosh	10684
+Bosley	10685
+Bosque	10686
+Bowl	10687
+Bowe	10688
+Bowman	10689
+Bowflex	10690
+Bowie	10691
+Bowser	10692
+Bowtech	10693
+Bought	10694
+Bouquet	10695
+Boutique	10696
+Boyd	10697
+Boys	10698
+Boyardee	10699
+Boyce	10700
+Boykin	10701
+Boyz	10702
+Bold	10703
+Boland	10704
+Boleyn	10705
+Bolger	10706
+Bologna	10707
+Bolsa	10708
+Bothell	10709
+Botox	10710
+Botsford	10711
+Bobo	10712
+Bobcat	10713
+Bob's	10714
+Body	10715
+Bodega	10716
+Bodhi	10717
+Bodom	10718
+Bogle	10719
+Bogota	10720
+Bogus	10721
+Boat	10722
+Boaz	10723
+Bois	10724
+Boingo	10725
+Boxford	10726
+Boxing	10727
+Boxster	10728
+Boca	10729
+Bocchino	10730
+Bocelli	10731
+Boch	10732
+Bock	10733
+Bohannon	10734
+Bohn	10735
+Boehner	10736
+Boeing	10737
+Boerne	10738
+Boethiah	10739
+Bomb	10740
+Bommarito	10741
+Bozeman	10742
+BofA	10743
+Bofill	10744
+Boppy	10745
+Burn	10746
+Burg	10747
+Burr	10748
+Burt	10749
+Burch	10750
+Burwell	10751
+Buck	10752
+Buccaneer	10753
+Buca	10754
+Bucyrus	10755
+Bush	10756
+Busey	10757
+Business	10758
+Bussey	10759
+Butt	10760
+Butch	10761
+Butera	10762
+Butler	10763
+Butner	10764
+Bull	10765
+Bulgaria	10766
+Bulverde	10767
+Budd	10768
+Buda	10769
+Bud's	10770
+Budget	10771
+Budweiser	10772
+Bunn	10773
+Bungie	10774
+Bunyan	10775
+Buell	10776
+Buehler	10777
+Buford	10778
+Buble	10779
+Build	10780
+Buick	10781
+Buie	10782
+Bugs	10783
+Buzzard	10784
+Buzz's	10785
+Buzzy's	10786
+Bumpus	10787
+Bukis	10788
+Bukit	10789
+Buy's	10790
+Blake	10791
+Blade	10792
+Blas	10793
+Blalock	10794
+Blarney	10795
+Blaylock	10796
+Blow	10797
+Block	10798
+Blount	10799
+Blodgett	10800
+Blog	10801
+Bloks	10802
+Blue	10803
+Bluff	10804
+Blum	10805
+Blunt	10806
+Bless	10807
+Bledsoe	10808
+Bleu	10809
+Blevins	10810
+Blimpie	10811
+Bliss	10812
+Blick	10813
+Blige	10814
+Blitz	10815
+Blizzard	10816
+Blythe	10817
+Bill	10818
+Bilt	10819
+Bilal	10820
+Bilbo	10821
+Biloxi	10822
+Bishop	10823
+Bisbee	10824
+Biskit	10825
+Bison	10826
+Bisquick	10827
+Bistro	10828
+Bird	10829
+Birch	10830
+Birth	10831
+Birmingham	10832
+Bigelow	10833
+Bing	10834
+Binford	10835
+Binks	10836
+Binswanger	10837
+BioLife	10838
+Biofreeze	10839
+Bionic	10840
+Bioshock	10841
+Biotest	10842
+Bicentennial	10843
+Bichon	10844
+Bicycle	10845
+Biden	10846
+Bidwell	10847
+Bieber	10848
+Biel	10849
+Bienville	10850
+Biersch	10851
+BitDefender	10852
+Bites	10853
+Bitterroot	10854
+Bibb	10855
+Bible	10856
+Bike	10857
+Bikram	10858
+Bizarros	10859
+Bizkit	10860
+Bimini	10861
+Bimmer	10862
+Byron	10863
+Byram	10864
+Byrd	10865
+Byrider	10866
+Byrne	10867
+Bynes	10868
+Bynum	10869
+BBQ's	10870
+BCBG	10871
+BCBS	10872
+BMWs	10873
+BOCES	10874
+BFF's	10875
+BLT's	10876
+BECU	10877
+barb	10878
+barn	10879
+bare	10880
+bark	10881
+barcode	10882
+bard	10883
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+back	10885
+bacon	10886
+bacliff	10887
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+bang	10889
+bank	10890
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+banjo	10892
+banquet	10893
+bans	10894
+banter	10895
+bane	10896
+banfield	10897
+banya	10898
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+bass	10901
+bash	10902
+basal	10903
+basolene	10904
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+bald	10906
+bale	10907
+balm	10908
+balsam	10909
+balk	10910
+baloney	10911
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+babie	10918
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+bada	10921
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+bawling	10944
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+boom	10950
+boos	10951
+boob	10952
+boon	10953
+booo	10954
+booed	10955
+boohoo	10956
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+botched	10981
+boar	10982
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+boast	10984
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+bode	10987
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+bulb	11065
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+man.	12577
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+mmmm	12893
+Alli	12894
+Ally	12895
+Allman	12896
+Alltel	12897
+Allure	12898
+Alba	12899
+Alborz	12900
+Alex	12901
+Alec	12902
+Aledo	12903
+Alegre	12904
+Alessandro	12905
+Aleve	12906
+Alan	12907
+Aladdin	12908
+Alaska	12909
+Alachua	12910
+Alafaya	12911
+Alagasco	12912
+Alaina	12913
+Aliant	12914
+Alina	12915
+Ali's	12916
+Aliquippa	12917
+Aliyah	12918
+Alta	12919
+Alto	12920
+Althea	12921
+Altima	12922
+Altman	12923
+Altru	12924
+Altus	12925
+Aldi	12926
+Aldo	12927
+Alco	12928
+Alchemist	12929
+Alfred	12930
+Alfa	12931
+Alfie	12932
+Alger	12933
+Algiers	12934
+Alma	12935
+Almeda	12936
+Almighty	12937
+Alon	12938
+Aloft	12939
+Aloha	12940
+Aloma	12941
+Alorica	12942
+Alpine	12943
+Alps	12944
+Alva	12945
+Alvernon	12946
+Alvin	12947
+Alvord	12948
+Alsco	12949
+Alstyne	12950
+Alyssa	12951
+Alycia	12952
+Alyeska	12953
+Alka	12954
+Alki	12955
+Aluma	12956
+Alumni	12957
+Alright	12958
+Alro	12959
+Alwan	12960
+Always	12961
+Alzheimer's	12962
+Alzheimers	12963
+Ando	12964
+Andi	12965
+Andy	12966
+Andhra	12967
+Anti	12968
+Antarctica	12969
+Antrim	12970
+Antvenom	12971
+Ange	12972
+Angie	12973
+Angola	12974
+Angry	12975
+Angus	12976
+Anna	12977
+Anne	12978
+Ann's	12979
+Annmarie	12980
+Annoying	12981
+Annville	12982
+Ana's	12983
+Anabelle	12984
+Anadarko	12985
+Anaheim	12986
+Anakin	12987
+Analytics	12988
+Anamosa	12989
+Anand	12990
+Anarchy	12991
+Anaya	12992
+Anita	12993
+Anchor	12994
+Ancaster	12995
+Anclote	12996
+Ancona	12997
+Ansel	12998
+Anson	12999
+Answer	13000
+Ansley	13001
+Anya	13002
+Anybody	13003
+Anytime	13004
+Anyway	13005
+Ankeny	13006
+Anoka	13007
+Anonymous	13008
+Another	13009
+Arms	13010
+Army	13011
+Arch	13012
+Arco	13013
+Arclight	13014
+Arctic	13015
+Aria	13016
+Arie	13017
+Ari's	13018
+Arius	13019
+Arab	13020
+Arapaho	13021
+Aragon	13022
+Arash	13023
+Arthur	13024
+Arturo	13025
+Art's	13026
+Artarama	13027
+Arts	13028
+Argo	13029
+Argus	13030
+Argyle	13031
+Arby	13032
+Arbella	13033
+Arbutus	13034
+Arne	13035
+Arnie	13036
+Arlington	13037
+Arlo	13038
+Arden	13039
+Ardmore	13040
+Ardsley	13041
+Arduino	13042
+Area	13043
+Arena	13044
+Aretha	13045
+Arkham	13046
+Arvada	13047
+Arvest	13048
+Arun	13049
+Aruba	13050
+Aroostook	13051
+Around	13052
+Arsenal	13053
+Arsenio	13054
+Amelia	13055
+Amen	13056
+Ames	13057
+Amedisys	13058
+Amegy	13059
+Amex	13060
+Amato	13061
+Amalfi's	13062
+Amaya	13063
+Amit	13064
+Amica	13065
+Amin	13066
+Amir	13067
+Amidon	13068
+Amie	13069
+Amish	13070
+Amber	13071
+Ambassador	13072
+Ambler	13073
+Amboy	13074
+Amoco	13075
+Amoeba	13076
+Amory	13077
+Amos	13078
+Amscot	13079
+Ammons	13080
+Amway	13081
+Amwell	13082
+Amy's	13083
+Ashe	13084
+Asha	13085
+Ash's	13086
+Ashdown	13087
+Ashford	13088
+Ashish	13089
+Ashok	13090
+Ashville	13091
+Assoc	13092
+Assassin	13093
+Astaire	13094
+Asterix	13095
+Asthma	13096
+Astley	13097
+Asian	13098
+Asia's	13099
+Asahi	13100
+Asaka	13101
+Ascension	13102
+Ascot	13103
+Ascuaga's	13104
+Adel	13105
+Aden	13106
+Adam	13107
+Adair	13108
+Adagio	13109
+Addams	13110
+Adderall	13111
+Address	13112
+Adria	13113
+Adrienne	13114
+Adopt	13115
+Adobe	13116
+Adonis	13117
+Adorama	13118
+Admiral	13119
+Admissions	13120
+Adidas	13121
+Adina	13122
+Adirondack	13123
+Auto	13124
+Autauga	13125
+Autism	13126
+Autry	13127
+Autumn	13128
+Audi	13129
+Audelia	13130
+Audubon	13131
+Aussie	13132
+August	13133
+Augie	13134
+Augsburg	13135
+Auntie	13136
+Auckland	13137
+Auction	13138
+Aulani	13139
+Aultman	13140
+Aurelio's	13141
+Aurora	13142
+Appomattox	13143
+Apps	13144
+Apollo	13145
+Apopka	13146
+Apartment	13147
+Apache	13148
+April	13149
+Apria	13150
+Apes	13151
+Apetit	13152
+Apex	13153
+Accu	13154
+Acts	13155
+Actually	13156
+Acapulco	13157
+Acker	13158
+Acre	13159
+Acer	13160
+Aces	13161
+Achilles	13162
+Acoma	13163
+Acorn	13164
+Acosta	13165
+Acura	13166
+Acushnet	13167
+Atta	13168
+Attorney	13169
+Attendance	13170
+Attleboro	13171
+Attraction	13172
+Athol	13173
+Atlee	13174
+Atari	13175
+Atria's	13176
+Atrisco	13177
+Atrium	13178
+Atrix	13179
+Atwood	13180
+Atwater	13181
+Atwells	13182
+Atkinson	13183
+Atmore	13184
+Atmos	13185
+Aire	13186
+Airline	13187
+AirTran	13188
+Aircraft	13189
+Airdrie	13190
+Airgas	13191
+Airstream	13192
+Airtec	13193
+Airy	13194
+Aida	13195
+Aiden	13196
+Aids	13197
+Aiken	13198
+Aikido	13199
+Aikman	13200
+Aiko	13201
+Aileen	13202
+Ainsley	13203
+Ainsworth	13204
+Abbot	13205
+Abby	13206
+Abba	13207
+Abbie	13208
+Abel	13209
+Abe's	13210
+Abigail	13211
+Abilene	13212
+Abita	13213
+Abra	13214
+Abreva	13215
+Abacoa	13216
+Abdullah	13217
+Absecon	13218
+Absolut	13219
+Abundant	13220
+Aveda	13221
+Avett	13222
+Avia	13223
+Avis	13224
+Aviv	13225
+Avicii	13226
+Avila	13227
+Avion	13228
+Avant	13229
+Ava's	13230
+Avast	13231
+Avatar	13232
+Avondale	13233
+Agri	13234
+Agra	13235
+Again	13236
+Agassi	13237
+Agatha	13238
+Agawam	13239
+Ages	13240
+Agua	13241
+Agustin	13242
+Aggie's	13243
+Aggieland	13244
+Aggies	13245
+Agora	13246
+Agoura	13247
+Agincourt	13248
+Aging	13249
+Agnes	13250
+Agnew	13251
+ACLU	13252
+ACLs	13253
+ACAC	13254
+ACCC	13255
+ACMC	13256
+ACU's	13257
+ATV's	13258
+ATVs	13259
+AT&T's	13260
+ATCO	13261
+ATM's	13262
+AMA's	13263
+AMEX	13264
+AMSOIL	13265
+AMVETS	13266
+Afro	13267
+Afraid	13268
+Affairs	13269
+Affleck	13270
+Affordable	13271
+Affton	13272
+Afghanistan	13273
+After	13274
+Afton	13275
+ASCAP	13276
+ASCII	13277
+ASCO	13278
+ASAP	13279
+ASPCA	13280
+ABC's	13281
+ABCD	13282
+ABCO	13283
+ABCs	13284
+Aeronautical	13285
+Aerosmith	13286
+Aerotek	13287
+Aegean	13288
+Aegis	13289
+Akins	13290
+Akira	13291
+Akita	13292
+Akasha	13293
+Azul	13294
+Azuma	13295
+Azure	13296
+Azusa	13297
+Azteca	13298
+Aziza	13299
+ADTR	13300
+APAC	13301
+Aquafina	13302
+Aquidneck	13303
+Aquinas	13304
+AARC	13305
+AARP	13306
+Awana	13307
+Awakening	13308
+Away	13309
+Ayers	13310
+Ahmad	13311
+Ahmed	13312
+Aaron's	13313
+Aarons	13314
+Axelrod	13315
+ANSI	13316
+ANSWER	13317
+Park	13318
+Part	13319
+Parr	13320
+Parent	13321
+Parc	13322
+Parham	13323
+Parvin	13324
+Palm	13325
+Pala	13326
+Palo	13327
+Pall	13328
+Palumbo	13329
+Pals	13330
+Patt	13331
+Path	13332
+Pats	13333
+Patch	13334
+Pat's	13335
+Pato	13336
+Patuxent	13337
+Panera	13338
+Panhandle	13339
+Panic	13340
+Panzer	13341
+Pack	13342
+Paco	13343
+PacSun	13344
+Pacman	13345
+Pacquiao	13346
+Pass	13347
+Pasadena	13348
+Paseo	13349
+Pasha	13350
+Paso	13351
+Paul	13352
+Papa	13353
+Pape	13354
+Payne	13355
+PayPal	13356
+Payette	13357
+Payless	13358
+Payment	13359
+Paypal	13360
+Payson	13361
+Payton	13362
+Pain	13363
+Paige	13364
+Paisley	13365
+Pail	13366
+Padre	13367
+Paddington	13368
+Paden	13369
+Padgett	13370
+Padilla	13371
+Padnos	13372
+Paducah	13373
+Pamela	13374
+Pam's	13375
+Pamlico	13376
+Pammy	13377
+Pawn	13378
+Pawcatuck	13379
+Pawhuska	13380
+Paws	13381
+Pawtucket	13382
+Page	13383
+Pagliacci	13384
+Pagosa	13385
+Pablo	13386
+Pabst	13387
+Pakistan	13388
+Pakwan	13389
+Pavarotti	13390
+Pavel	13391
+Pazzo's	13392
+Penn	13393
+Pena	13394
+Pens	13395
+Penguin	13396
+PenFed	13397
+Penca	13398
+Penfield	13399
+Penobscot	13400
+Peri	13401
+Pere	13402
+Peru	13403
+Peralta	13404
+Perham	13405
+Perot	13406
+Perpetual	13407
+Perth	13408
+Pete	13409
+Pets	13410
+PetSmart	13411
+Petaluma	13412
+Petco	13413
+Petfinder	13414
+Petite	13415
+Petland	13416
+Petoskey	13417
+Petula	13418
+Pear	13419
+Peabo	13420
+Peak	13421
+Peanut	13422
+Peapod	13423
+Peas	13424
+Peavey	13425
+Peay	13426
+Pepe	13427
+Pepsi	13428
+Pepco	13429
+Pepin	13430
+Pepto	13431
+Pell	13432
+Pelham	13433
+Pelican	13434
+Peltier	13435
+Pelzer	13436
+Pedro	13437
+Peebles	13438
+Peekskill	13439
+Peele	13440
+Peep	13441
+Pecan	13442
+Peco	13443
+Pechanga	13444
+Peck	13445
+People	13446
+Peoria	13447
+Peosta	13448
+Peotone	13449
+Peggy	13450
+Pegasus	13451
+Pegram	13452
+Peking	13453
+Pemberton	13454
+Pembina	13455
+Pembroke	13456
+Pest	13457
+PewDiePie	13458
+Pewaukee	13459
+Pebblebrook	13460
+Pequod's	13461
+Pequot	13462
+Peyton's	13463
+Port	13464
+Porky's	13465
+Porsche	13466
+Poli	13467
+Poly	13468
+Pole	13469
+Polk	13470
+Polo	13471
+Polson	13472
+Powder	13473
+Poway	13474
+Powhatan	13475
+Potsdam	13476
+Pond	13477
+Pony	13478
+Ponies	13479
+Ponzi	13480
+Post	13481
+Posner	13482
+Pope	13483
+Poplar	13484
+Pop's	13485
+Popo	13486
+Pops	13487
+Popular	13488
+Pool	13489
+Poochie	13490
+Pooh	13491
+Pooja	13492
+Poor	13493
+Poison	13494
+Pound	13495
+Poughkeepsie	13496
+Poulsbo	13497
+Pour	13498
+Pohanka	13499
+Pohl	13500
+Poydras	13501
+Poynter	13502
+Pros	13503
+Prop	13504
+Prof	13505
+ProBuild	13506
+ProCare	13507
+ProHealth	13508
+ProSource	13509
+Project	13510
+Proud	13511
+Prowler	13512
+Prozac	13513
+Prep	13514
+Predator	13515
+Preble	13516
+Preferred	13517
+Pregnancy	13518
+Prejudice	13519
+Prelude	13520
+Prior	13521
+Priya	13522
+Pride	13523
+Pripyat	13524
+Prius	13525
+Prix	13526
+Prize	13527
+Pray	13528
+Practice	13529
+Prancer	13530
+Pruitt	13531
+Prunedale	13532
+Prussia	13533
+Pine	13534
+Pink	13535
+Pino	13536
+Pina	13537
+Pinhook	13538
+Pini's	13539
+Pinnacle	13540
+Pick	13541
+Picture	13542
+Pico	13543
+Pitt	13544
+Pita	13545
+Pitbull	13546
+Pitfire	13547
+Pitkin	13548
+Pitman	13549
+Pitney	13550
+Pier	13551
+Pied	13552
+Pieces	13553
+Pietro's	13554
+Pilgrim	13555
+Pilot	13556
+Pilates	13557
+Pilchuck	13558
+Pilkington	13559
+Pisgah	13560
+Pismo	13561
+Pissin	13562
+Pike	13563
+Pikachu	13564
+Pigeon	13565
+Pimp	13566
+Pima	13567
+Pimlico	13568
+Pimsleur	13569
+Pippi	13570
+Pips	13571
+Piaf	13572
+Piatti	13573
+Piazza	13574
+Pixie	13575
+Pixar	13576
+Pixley	13577
+Pirate	13578
+Pirie	13579
+Pioneer	13580
+Pizza	13581
+Pizzeria	13582
+Plan	13583
+Play	13584
+Plaquemine	13585
+Plaxico	13586
+Plaza	13587
+Pleas	13588
+Pledge	13589
+Plex	13590
+Plum	13591
+Plus	13592
+Pluto	13593
+Pure	13594
+Purnell	13595
+Purolator	13596
+Pursuit	13597
+Purvis	13598
+Punjab	13599
+Punk	13600
+Punderson	13601
+Punisher	13602
+Punta	13603
+Punxsutawney	13604
+Pull	13605
+Pulaski	13606
+Pulitzer	13607
+Pulp	13608
+Pulse	13609
+Pump	13610
+Puma	13611
+Puck	13612
+Puccini's	13613
+Puente	13614
+Puerto	13615
+Puget	13616
+Pugh	13617
+Pugmire	13618
+Puppet	13619
+Puppies	13620
+Puppy	13621
+Puss	13622
+Puscifer	13623
+Pusha	13624
+Puddle	13625
+Pudge	13626
+Putnam	13627
+Putney	13628
+Phil	13629
+Phipps	13630
+Phish	13631
+Phiten	13632
+Photo	13633
+Phan	13634
+Pham	13635
+Pheasant	13636
+Phenix	13637
+PSE&G	13638
+PSECU	13639
+PSEG	13640
+PSNC	13641
+PSNH	13642
+PSAT	13643
+PSTA	13644
+PDF's	13645
+PETA	13646
+PETCO	13647
+Psycho	13648
+Psychiatric	13649
+Psalms	13650
+Pyramid	13651
+Pyrex	13652
+Pfeifer	13653
+Pfeiffer	13654
+Pfister	13655
+Pfizer	13656
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+fifteen	13695
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+fifty	13697
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+forum	13708
+for:	13709
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+foxnews.com	13730
+foxy	13731
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+faring	13745
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+fanny	13758
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+fab.com	13762
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+fake	13773
+fakin	13774
+fault	13775
+faucet	13776
+faux	13777
+fade	13778
+fading	13779
+fax:	13780
+faxing	13781
+fajitas	13782
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+flag	13784
+flap	13785
+flak	13786
+flan	13787
+flaw	13788
+flax	13789
+flaunt	13790
+flow	13791
+float	13792
+flop	13793
+flock	13794
+floss	13795
+flogging	13796
+flonase	13797
+flotation	13798
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+flick	13800
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+flix	13804
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+fluid	13807
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+flunk	13809
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+flesh	13816
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+flyin	13819
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+flyover	13821
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+freight	13826
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+frijolito	13837
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+frizzy	13841
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+froze	13847
+from	13848
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+fructose	13850
+frugal	13851
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+frutti	13853
+fryer	13854
+frying	13855
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+feed	13857
+feel	13858
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+feet	13862
+feezles	13863
+fell	13864
+felon	13865
+felt	13866
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+feral	13870
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+fennel	13873
+fentanyl	13874
+fenugreek	13875
+feta	13876
+fetch	13877
+fetish	13878
+fetus	13879
+fedloan	13880
+fedora	13881
+feds	13882
+fest	13883
+fess	13884
+female	13885
+femur	13886
+feverish	13887
+fevers	13888
+fecal	13889
+feces	13890
+fewer	13891
+fund	13892
+function	13893
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+funhouse	13896
+funs	13897
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+fuccillo	13899
+fuchsia	13900
+furious	13901
+furlough	13902
+furs	13903
+fury	13904
+full	13905
+fulfill	13906
+fulin's	13907
+fuse	13908
+fuss	13909
+fumes	13910
+futbol	13911
+futile	13912
+futon	13913
+fueled	13914
+fueling	13915
+fuels	13916
+fuzzies	13917
+fuzzy	13918
+fuddy	13919
+fudge	13920
+fugitive	13921
+fugly	13922
+Rose	13923
+Rosa	13924
+Ross	13925
+Rosharon	13926
+Rosner	13927
+Rostraver	13928
+Roswell	13929
+Rock	13930
+Rocco	13931
+Roche	13932
+Roco	13933
+Roca	13934
+Rocio	13935
+Rocsi	13936
+Robb	13937
+Robo	13938
+Roby	13939
+Rob's	13940
+Roma	13941
+Rome	13942
+Romi	13943
+Romney	13944
+Romo	13945
+Romulus	13946
+Rona	13947
+Roni	13948
+Ron's	13949
+Ronettes	13950
+Ronkonkoma	13951
+Rodney	13952
+Rod's	13953
+Rodan	13954
+Rodgers	13955
+Rodi	13956
+Rodman	13957
+Rodolfo	13958
+Roll	13959
+Root	13960
+Room	13961
+Roos	13962
+Roof	13963
+Rooney	13964
+Rotel	13965
+Roth	13966
+Roto	13967
+Rotary	13968
+Roya	13969
+Roys	13970
+Royers	13971
+Roy's	13972
+Royce	13973
+Road	13974
+Roast	13975
+Roach	13976
+Roaring	13977
+Roxie	13978
+Roxy	13979
+Roxette	13980
+Rowan	13981
+Rowe	13982
+Roger	13983
+Rogue	13984
+Round	13985
+Roush	13986
+Route	13987
+Rohan	13988
+Rohit	13989
+Rohnert	13990
+Roebuck	13991
+Roeland	13992
+Roethlisberger	13993
+Roja	13994
+Rojo	13995
+Rover	13996
+Roper	13997
+Redd	13998
+Reds	13999
+Redi	14000
+Redland	14001
+Red's	14002
+RedZone	14003
+Redan	14004
+Redken	14005
+Redondo	14006
+Rena	14007
+Rent	14008
+Rene	14009
+Reno	14010
+Renzo	14011
+Renner	14012
+Renwick	14013
+Renys	14014
+Rest	14015
+ResCare	14016
+Rescue	14017
+Resnick	14018
+Response	14019
+Ressler	14020
+Resurrection	14021
+Rego	14022
+Read	14023
+Real	14024
+Reach	14025
+Reaper	14026
+Reardon	14027
+Reavis	14028
+Revo	14029
+RevZilla	14030
+Revlon	14031
+Reed	14032
+Rees	14033
+Reeve	14034
+Reebok	14035
+Reece	14036
+Reef	14037
+Reel	14038
+Reems	14039
+Remi	14040
+Remo	14041
+Remy	14042
+Remax	14043
+Rembrandt	14044
+Remke	14045
+Remsen	14046
+Remus	14047
+Recall	14048
+Rector	14049
+Recycling	14050
+Reid	14051
+Reiki	14052
+Reilly	14053
+Reimer	14054
+Reisterstown	14055
+Republic	14056
+Report	14057
+RepHresh	14058
+Repair	14059
+Repertory	14060
+Rell	14061
+Reloaded	14062
+Reba	14063
+Return	14064
+Rex's	14065
+Rexall	14066
+Rexburg	14067
+Rexel	14068
+Rexford	14069
+Reyes	14070
+Refuge	14071
+Rehab	14072
+Rehm	14073
+Rehoboth	14074
+Reuben	14075
+Reunion	14076
+Reuters	14077
+Reza	14078
+Rezound	14079
+Rezurrection	14080
+Rejada	14081
+Rejects	14082
+Rewards	14083
+Rand	14084
+Range	14085
+Rana	14086
+Rankin	14087
+Ranson	14088
+Rantoul	14089
+Rams	14090
+Rama	14091
+Rami	14092
+Ramkota	14093
+Rammstein	14094
+Rampage	14095
+Rain	14096
+Rail	14097
+Raisin	14098
+Raible	14099
+Raitt	14100
+Ray's	14101
+Rayburn	14102
+Rayco	14103
+Raye	14104
+Rayford	14105
+Rays	14106
+Rayville	14107
+Race	14108
+Rack	14109
+Raccoon	14110
+Racquet	14111
+Radcliff	14112
+Rado	14113
+Rader	14114
+Radford	14115
+Radley	14116
+Radnor	14117
+Rapid	14118
+Raphael	14119
+Rappahannock	14120
+Rapunzel	14121
+Rave	14122
+Ravi	14123
+Ravalli	14124
+Ralph	14125
+Rally	14126
+Ralston	14127
+Rascal	14128
+Rasika	14129
+Rasmussen	14130
+Rasta	14131
+Razor	14132
+Raza	14133
+Razer	14134
+Razr	14135
+Rath	14136
+Ratchet	14137
+Ratliff	14138
+Raton	14139
+Rats	14140
+Ratt	14141
+Rabbi	14142
+Raben	14143
+Rabie	14144
+Rabobank	14145
+Rafael	14146
+Rafi	14147
+Rahal	14148
+Raheem	14149
+Rahim	14150
+Rahman	14151
+Rahul	14152
+Rahway	14153
+Rawson	14154
+Rage	14155
+Raggedy	14156
+Raging	14157
+Ragland	14158
+Ragsdale	14159
+Raja	14160
+Rajesh	14161
+Raju	14162
+Raeford	14163
+Raelynn	14164
+Rakesh	14165
+Rakim	14166
+Rare	14167
+Raritan	14168
+Rich	14169
+Rick	14170
+Rica	14171
+Rice	14172
+Rico	14173
+River	14174
+Riva	14175
+Ride	14176
+Rida	14177
+Riding	14178
+Ridley	14179
+Ring	14180
+Rina	14181
+Rincon	14182
+Rindge	14183
+Rini	14184
+Rinker	14185
+Rita	14186
+Ritchie	14187
+Ritz	14188
+Rite	14189
+Ripley	14190
+Riperton	14191
+Ripken	14192
+Ripon	14193
+Riptide	14194
+Right	14195
+Rigatoni's	14196
+Rigby	14197
+Rigo	14198
+Rigsby	14199
+Rise	14200
+Risa	14201
+Rishi	14202
+Rising	14203
+Rissa	14204
+Ristorante	14205
+Rimes	14206
+Rimmel	14207
+Rimrock	14208
+Rio's	14209
+Rios	14210
+Riot	14211
+Rizzo	14212
+Rizza	14213
+Riley's	14214
+Rileys	14215
+Ribbon	14216
+Riendo	14217
+Riesling	14218
+Rifkin	14219
+Rifle	14220
+Rihanna's	14221
+Rikers	14222
+Russ	14223
+Rush	14224
+Rusk	14225
+Rusnak	14226
+Runaway	14227
+Runkles	14228
+Runway	14229
+Runyon	14230
+Runza	14231
+Ruby	14232
+Ruben	14233
+Rubbermaid	14234
+Ruth	14235
+Rutgers	14236
+Rudy	14237
+Rudd	14238
+Rudisill	14239
+Rumford	14240
+Rumson	14241
+Rugby	14242
+Ruger	14243
+Ruggles	14244
+Rugrats	14245
+Ruff	14246
+Rufe	14247
+Rufus	14248
+Rucker	14249
+Rucka	14250
+Ruidoso	14251
+Ruiz	14252
+Rules	14253
+Rupert	14254
+Rupp	14255
+Rhonda	14256
+Rhea	14257
+Rheem	14258
+Rhett	14259
+Rhiannon	14260
+Rhymes	14261
+Rhys	14262
+Rhythm	14263
+Rylan	14264
+Rylee's	14265
+Ryan's	14266
+Ryans	14267
+Ryder	14268
+Rydell	14269
+Ryerson	14270
+RSVP	14271
+REEDS	14272
+REMC	14273
+RIMCO	14274
+ROCK	14275
+RPM's	14276
+Deli	14277
+Dell	14278
+Delco	14279
+Del's	14280
+Delbert	14281
+Delete	14282
+Delgado	14283
+Delhi	14284
+Delk	14285
+Delnor	14286
+Delsea	14287
+Deluxe	14288
+Dean	14289
+Dead	14290
+Dear	14291
+Deacon	14292
+Deal	14293
+Death	14294
+Deaf	14295
+Deaver	14296
+Dena	14297
+Denham	14298
+Denon	14299
+Denzel	14300
+Desi	14301
+Desk	14302
+DesPlaines	14303
+Desloge	14304
+Desmond	14305
+Desoto	14306
+Deer	14307
+Deen	14308
+Deep	14309
+Dee's	14310
+DeeDee	14311
+Deegan	14312
+Deeks	14313
+Deez	14314
+Devo	14315
+Devan	14316
+Devlin	14317
+Demi	14318
+Demco	14319
+December	14320
+Deck	14321
+Decca	14322
+Decherd	14323
+Decorah	14324
+Derek	14325
+Derr	14326
+Derby	14327
+Derda	14328
+Derick	14329
+Dermatology	14330
+Deron	14331
+Derulo	14332
+Derwood	14333
+Deborah	14334
+Deb's	14335
+Debian	14336
+Debra	14337
+Debs	14338
+Dept	14339
+Department	14340
+Depp	14341
+Depression	14342
+Deputy	14343
+Dewey	14344
+Dewberry	14345
+Dews	14346
+DeLuca	14347
+DeLand	14348
+DeLeon	14349
+DeVaughn	14350
+DeVoe	14351
+DeVry	14352
+Detail	14353
+Dethklok	14354
+Defiance	14355
+Deftones	14356
+Dexter	14357
+Dexcom	14358
+DeBarge	14359
+DeBarr	14360
+DeBary	14361
+DeFelice	14362
+DeForest	14363
+DeFuniak	14364
+DeGaulle	14365
+DeGeneres	14366
+DeGraw	14367
+DeMayo	14368
+DePaul	14369
+DePere	14370
+DePuy	14371
+DeSantis	14372
+DeShields	14373
+DeSoto	14374
+Dede	14375
+Dedham	14376
+Degree	14377
+Degrassi	14378
+Deion	14379
+Deitrick	14380
+Deuce	14381
+DeRenne	14382
+DeRidder	14383
+DeWalt	14384
+DeWitt	14385
+Dani	14386
+Dana	14387
+Danger	14388
+Dane	14389
+Dan's	14390
+Danbury	14391
+Danforth	14392
+Danube	14393
+Danya	14394
+Danzig	14395
+Dark	14396
+Darcy	14397
+Dart	14398
+Darby	14399
+Darwin	14400
+Daryl	14401
+Dara	14402
+Dare	14403
+Darnell	14404
+Darque	14405
+Daruma	14406
+Darvin	14407
+Dale	14408
+Dali	14409
+Dalmatian	14410
+Dalai	14411
+Dalhart	14412
+Daly	14413
+Dave	14414
+Davy	14415
+Damon	14416
+Dame	14417
+Damn	14418
+Damme	14419
+Days	14420
+Dayton	14421
+Daylight	14422
+Dayville	14423
+Dade	14424
+Daddy	14425
+Dad's	14426
+Dada	14427
+Dairy	14428
+Daisy	14429
+Daigle	14430
+Daingerfield	14431
+Dawson	14432
+Dawn	14433
+Dawes	14434
+Dawg	14435
+Dawkins	14436
+Dahl	14437
+Dahmer	14438
+Date	14439
+Data	14440
+Datsun	14441
+Dash	14442
+Dasia	14443
+Dauphin	14444
+DaVinci	14445
+DaVita	14446
+Dazs	14447
+Dazz	14448
+Dacia	14449
+Dacula	14450
+Daffy	14451
+Daft	14452
+Dakotas	14453
+Daphne's	14454
+Dona	14455
+Done	14456
+Donovan	14457
+Dong	14458
+Doncaster	14459
+Donkey	14460
+Donley	14461
+Dons	14462
+Donuts	14463
+Dora	14464
+Dori	14465
+Dorn	14466
+Doreen	14467
+Dorr	14468
+Dorchester	14469
+Dorfman	14470
+Dory	14471
+Dome	14472
+Dom's	14473
+Domo	14474
+Down	14475
+Dowagiac	14476
+Dowd	14477
+Dowell	14478
+Doll	14479
+Dolph	14480
+Dolan	14481
+Dolby	14482
+Dolce	14483
+Dole	14484
+Dolores	14485
+Dolton	14486
+Door	14487
+Doom	14488
+Doon	14489
+Doobie	14490
+Doogie	14491
+Dookie	14492
+Doug	14493
+Doucette	14494
+Dock	14495
+Doctor	14496
+Doc's	14497
+Docs	14498
+Dodge	14499
+Dodd	14500
+Dodi	14501
+Dodson	14502
+Dody	14503
+Dogg	14504
+Dogfish	14505
+Dogs	14506
+DotA	14507
+Dothan	14508
+Dotson	14509
+Doty	14510
+Doberman	14511
+Dobie	14512
+Dobson	14513
+Dokes	14514
+Doki	14515
+Dokken	14516
+Doyles	14517
+Does	14518
+Doster	14519
+Dover	14520
+Dozen	14521
+Dozier	14522
+Disco	14523
+Dish	14524
+Disney	14525
+Disease	14526
+Dismantlers	14527
+Diamond	14528
+Diagnostic	14529
+Dial	14530
+Diaper	14531
+Diaz	14532
+Dina	14533
+Dino	14534
+Diner	14535
+Ding	14536
+Dinner	14537
+Dindin	14538
+Dining	14539
+Dinkytown	14540
+Dinuba	14541
+Dinwiddie	14542
+Dick	14543
+Dice	14544
+Dirk	14545
+Dirt	14546
+Dilworth	14547
+Diver	14548
+Diva	14549
+Diet	14550
+Diego	14551
+Diehl	14552
+Diesel	14553
+Dimitri	14554
+Dimond	14555
+Dimas	14556
+Dimmitt	14557
+Digg	14558
+Digest	14559
+Dion	14560
+Diocese	14561
+Dior	14562
+Dios	14563
+Dixie	14564
+Dixon	14565
+Dixwell	14566
+Diplomat	14567
+Dipper	14568
+Dipset	14569
+Ditka	14570
+Ditch	14571
+Ditmars	14572
+Diddy	14573
+Dido	14574
+DiMaggio's	14575
+Diffie	14576
+Diffley	14577
+Duncan	14578
+Dunn	14579
+Dunbar	14580
+Dunford	14581
+Dunmore	14582
+Dunstable	14583
+Dunwoody	14584
+Durfee	14585
+Durham	14586
+Durk	14587
+Duro	14588
+Durst	14589
+Dumb	14590
+Dumas	14591
+Dumfries	14592
+Dumont	14593
+Dumpty	14594
+Dutch	14595
+Duty	14596
+Dutton	14597
+Dublin	14598
+Dubai	14599
+Dube	14600
+Dubin	14601
+Dubois	14602
+Dubsdread	14603
+Dubuque	14604
+Duffy	14605
+Dufferin	14606
+Duffield	14607
+Dugan	14608
+Dupo	14609
+Dupaco	14610
+Duplin	14611
+Duck	14612
+Ducati	14613
+Duchess	14614
+Dude	14615
+Dudley	14616
+Duds	14617
+Dustin	14618
+Dusty	14619
+Dulaney	14620
+Dulce	14621
+Dulles	14622
+Duluth	14623
+Duane	14624
+Duarte	14625
+Duke's	14626
+Dukes	14627
+DuPage	14628
+DuPont	14629
+Duvall	14630
+Drag	14631
+Draft	14632
+Drake	14633
+Drama	14634
+Draeger's	14635
+Drano	14636
+Draper	14637
+Draven	14638
+Draw	14639
+Dream	14640
+Drew	14641
+Dre's	14642
+Dredd	14643
+Dremel	14644
+Drexel	14645
+Drift	14646
+Driggs	14647
+Drink	14648
+Dripping	14649
+Driscoll	14650
+Drum	14651
+Drug	14652
+Drunk	14653
+Drudge	14654
+Druid	14655
+Drury	14656
+Drop	14657
+Drogo	14658
+Droid	14659
+Dryden	14660
+Dynasty	14661
+Dylan's	14662
+Dylans	14663
+Dysart	14664
+Dyslexic	14665
+Dyson	14666
+Dyke	14667
+Dykstra	14668
+DCFS	14669
+DSLR	14670
+DVD's	14671
+DVDs	14672
+DOE's	14673
+DOMA	14674
+DPSS	14675
+D'Amico	14676
+DEA's	14677
+DJ'ing	14678
+DJ's	14679
+Dhabi	14680
+Dhaka	14681
+Dharma	14682
+Dwight's	14683
+DUI's	14684
+home	14685
+homo	14686
+homage	14687
+hombre	14688
+hors	14689
+horn	14690
+horizon	14691
+horoscope	14692
+horde	14693
+hook	14694
+hood	14695
+hoop	14696
+hoot	14697
+hooch	14698
+hoo-ray	14699
+hoof	14700
+hooligans	14701
+hooman	14702
+hooray	14703
+hooves	14704
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+hole	14706
+holster	14707
+hola	14708
+holt	14709
+holy	14710
+hour	14711
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+honor	14714
+honk	14715
+honcho	14716
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+hose	14718
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+hott	14720
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+hotmail	14723
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+hotcakes	14725
+hotline	14726
+hotness	14727
+hotrod	14728
+hope	14729
+hopin	14730
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+hop.com	14732
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+howard	14736
+however	14737
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+hovering	14748
+hohoho	14749
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+hannah	14753
+hard	14754
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+harp	14758
+harsh	14759
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+harness	14761
+hark	14762
+harlot	14763
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+halo	14769
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+halal	14772
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+hazing	14798
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+hazy	14800
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+heebie	14844
+heed	14845
+heey	14846
+heck	14847
+hedge	14848
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+heyy	14850
+hey.	14851
+heypenny	14852
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+hilt	14882
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+hidin	14886
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+hiking	14896
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+hiring	14898
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+hijk	14901
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+himself	14906
+hives	14907
+human	14908
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+hunk	14912
+hundred	14913
+hunch	14914
+hunny	14915
+hurt	14916
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+hurl	14918
+hust	14919
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+husk	14921
+hush	14922
+hussy	14923
+huge	14924
+hugs	14925
+hubcap	14926
+hubs	14927
+hub.com	14928
+hutch	14929
+hut.com	14930
+huffing	14931
+huffy	14932
+hula	14933
+hull	14934
+hulu.com	14935
+huckleberry	14936
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+huddled	14938
+hypo	14939
+hype	14940
+hyphen	14941
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+hygenist	14944
+hymn	14945
+hymen	14946
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+hyenas	14948
+hmmm	14949
+Tran	14950
+Trac	14951
+Trap	14952
+Tramp	14953
+Trax	14954
+Trabuco	14955
+Traeger	14956
+Trautwein	14957
+Trayvon	14958
+Trip	14959
+Trim	14960
+Trio	14961
+Trix	14962
+TriMet	14963
+Trident	14964
+Trifexis	14965
+Trillium	14966
+Triumph	14967
+Truck	14968
+True	14969
+TruGreen	14970
+Truitt	14971
+Trujillo	14972
+Trunk	14973
+Truro	14974
+Truth	14975
+Tree	14976
+Tremont	14977
+Trey	14978
+Trek	14979
+Tressa	14980
+Trexlertown	14981
+Troy	14982
+Trot	14983
+Trojan	14984
+Tron	14985
+Trolley	14986
+Tang	14987
+Tana	14988
+Taney	14989
+Tank	14990
+Tanque	14991
+Tanya	14992
+Tansky	14993
+Tantrums	14994
+Tanzania	14995
+Tall	14996
+Tale	14997
+Tali	14998
+Talk	14999
+Talcott	15000
+Talon	15001
+Talquin	15002
+Tama	15003
+Tami	15004
+Tame	15005
+Tamra	15006
+Tams	15007
+Tamworth	15008
+Tara	15009
+Tart	15010
+Tarzan	15011
+Tarentum	15012
+Tarheel	15013
+Tariq	15014
+Tarleton	15015
+Tarot	15016
+Tarpon	15017
+Taryn	15018
+Tash	15019
+Task	15020
+Tasman	15021
+Taser	15022
+Tapco	15023
+Tape	15024
+Taphouse	15025
+Tapout	15026
+Tail	15027
+Taiwan	15028
+Tai's	15029
+Tainted	15030
+Taio	15031
+Taipei	15032
+Table	15033
+Tabo	15034
+Tabasco	15035
+Tabernacle	15036
+Tabitha	15037
+Tate	15038
+Tatum	15039
+Tata	15040
+Tatiana	15041
+Taylor	15042
+Taytay	15043
+Taco	15044
+Tackett	15045
+Tavares	15046
+Tavia	15047
+Tahiti	15048
+Tahlequah	15049
+Takara	15050
+Take	15051
+Taking	15052
+Takoma	15053
+Tagalog	15054
+Taggart	15055
+Taub	15056
+Taunton	15057
+Taurus	15058
+Taxation	15059
+Taxi	15060
+Tafel	15061
+Taft	15062
+Taos	15063
+Tawana	15064
+Tawas	15065
+Tazewell	15066
+Toma	15067
+Tomo	15068
+Tomb	15069
+Tomlin	15070
+Tomcat	15071
+Tommy	15072
+Tompkins	15073
+Tom's	15074
+TomTom	15075
+Tomkinson	15076
+Toms	15077
+Tori	15078
+Torch	15079
+Toro	15080
+Torah	15081
+Torx	15082
+Tory	15083
+Toni	15084
+Tony	15085
+Tong	15086
+Tonawanda	15087
+Tonopah	15088
+Tops	15089
+Topanga	15090
+Topeka	15091
+Topher	15092
+Topic	15093
+Topton	15094
+Tobi	15095
+Toby	15096
+Tobuscus	15097
+Town	15098
+Towanda	15099
+Towbin	15100
+Towson	15101
+Tour	15102
+Touch	15103
+Tough	15104
+Touhy	15105
+Tousley	15106
+Toll	15107
+Tolbert	15108
+Tolteca	15109
+Toluca	15110
+Toto	15111
+Totten	15112
+Total	15113
+Totem	15114
+Tots	15115
+Tosh	15116
+Toss	15117
+Tostitos	15118
+Toyo	15119
+Toya	15120
+Toys	15121
+Toyz	15122
+Toast	15123
+Toad	15124
+Toano	15125
+Tool	15126
+Tooele	15127
+Todd	15128
+Today	15129
+Tova	15130
+Tove	15131
+Toccoa	15132
+Toco	15133
+Together	15134
+Togo's	15135
+Tokyo	15136
+Tercel	15137
+Terps	15138
+Tervis	15139
+Tell	15140
+Telcom	15141
+Telstra	15142
+Telus	15143
+Tenn	15144
+Tender	15145
+Tenley	15146
+Tent	15147
+Tenkaichi	15148
+Team	15149
+Teague	15150
+Teaneck	15151
+Tears	15152
+Teasley	15153
+Teavana	15154
+Teays	15155
+Text	15156
+TexAgs	15157
+Texico	15158
+Texoma	15159
+Tech	15160
+Tecumseh	15161
+Tess	15162
+Test	15163
+Tesco	15164
+Tesla	15165
+Tesoro	15166
+Teddy	15167
+Ted's	15168
+Tedeschi's	15169
+Teds	15170
+Teen	15171
+Teeter	15172
+Tejeda	15173
+Tejon	15174
+Teton	15175
+Tegan	15176
+Tehachapi	15177
+Tehama	15178
+Tequesta	15179
+Tequila	15180
+Time	15181
+Tim's	15182
+Timken	15183
+Timnath	15184
+Timpanogos	15185
+Tina	15186
+Ting	15187
+Tino	15188
+Tinker	15189
+Tiny	15190
+Tindol	15191
+Tinley	15192
+Tinton	15193
+Tila	15194
+Tilden	15195
+Tile	15196
+Tilghman	15197
+Tita	15198
+Title	15199
+Tito	15200
+Titus	15201
+Tittabawassee	15202
+Tice	15203
+Tift	15204
+Tipp	15205
+Tips	15206
+Tipton	15207
+Tiana	15208
+Tia's	15209
+Tiago	15210
+Tiedeman	15211
+Tiesto	15212
+Tiger	15213
+Tigard	15214
+Tigger	15215
+Tigres	15216
+Tibet	15217
+Tibbetts	15218
+Tiburon	15219
+Tide	15220
+Tidwell	15221
+Tikes	15222
+Tiki	15223
+Tish	15224
+Tisdale	15225
+Tijera	15226
+Tijuana	15227
+Tires	15228
+Tiverton	15229
+Tivoli	15230
+Thor	15231
+Thou	15232
+Thonotosassa	15233
+Thea	15234
+Theo	15235
+Theft	15236
+Thelma	15237
+Then	15238
+They	15239
+Thunder	15240
+Thug	15241
+Thumb	15242
+Than	15243
+That	15244
+Thai	15245
+Thackerville	15246
+Thaddeus	15247
+Thames	15248
+Thayer	15249
+Thin	15250
+Thibodaux	15251
+Thicke	15252
+This	15253
+Thrasher	15254
+Thru	15255
+Three	15256
+Turk	15257
+Turf	15258
+Turtle	15259
+Turano	15260
+Turismo	15261
+Turpin	15262
+Tuck	15263
+Tucan	15264
+Tucson	15265
+Tucumcari	15266
+Tussing	15267
+Tustin	15268
+Tull	15269
+Tulsa	15270
+Tune	15271
+Tunas	15272
+Tundra	15273
+Tung	15274
+Tunkhannock	15275
+Tunnel	15276
+Tuba	15277
+Tube	15278
+Tubman	15279
+Tuesday	15280
+Tupper	15281
+Tupac	15282
+Tupelo	15283
+Tuffy	15284
+Tufts	15285
+Tumblr	15286
+Tumi	15287
+Tumwater	15288
+Tutor	15289
+Tuttle	15290
+Tudor's	15291
+Tyra	15292
+Tyrion	15293
+Tyrone	15294
+Tyrwhitt	15295
+Tyler	15296
+Tylenol	15297
+Tynan's	15298
+Tyndall	15299
+Tyngsboro	15300
+Tyson's	15301
+Tysons	15302
+Tyvek	15303
+Tyvola	15304
+Twin	15305
+Twist	15306
+Twickenham	15307
+Twix	15308
+Twizzlers	15309
+Tweaker	15310
+THANK	15311
+THAT	15312
+THERE	15313
+TIAA	15314
+TGIF	15315
+Land	15316
+Lang	15317
+Lane	15318
+Lana	15319
+Lani	15320
+Lano	15321
+Lanham	15322
+Lanza	15323
+Late	15324
+Lata	15325
+Lauder	15326
+Laugh	15327
+Lauer	15328
+Lauper	15329
+Lautner	15330
+Lamb	15331
+Lama	15332
+Lam's	15333
+Lamesa	15334
+Lamkin	15335
+Lark	15336
+Lars	15337
+Lara	15338
+Laredo	15339
+Larned	15340
+Larpenteur	15341
+Lake	15342
+Lakota	15343
+Lacey	15344
+Lacamas	15345
+Laclede	15346
+Lacs	15347
+Lawn	15348
+Lawson	15349
+Lawler	15350
+Lawton	15351
+Lawyer	15352
+Lava	15353
+LabCorp	15354
+Labadie	15355
+Labs	15356
+Ladd	15357
+Lady	15358
+Ladies	15359
+Ladson	15360
+Ladue	15361
+Laser	15362
+Lassiter	15363
+Last	15364
+Lapalco	15365
+Lapeer	15366
+Laplace	15367
+Laporte	15368
+LaRiche	15369
+LaRue	15370
+Layla	15371
+Layne	15372
+Lays	15373
+Layton	15374
+Lago	15375
+Lagrange	15376
+Laguna	15377
+Lala	15378
+Lally	15379
+Lazar	15380
+Lazer	15381
+Lazy	15382
+LaCava	15383
+LaCie	15384
+LaCosta	15385
+LaCrosse	15386
+LaGuardia	15387
+LaVale	15388
+Lafayette	15389
+Lair	15390
+Lainey	15391
+LaBelle	15392
+LaBrea	15393
+LaFollette	15394
+LaFontaine	15395
+LaPlata	15396
+LaPorte	15397
+LaSalle	15398
+LaShawn	15399
+Lahaina	15400
+Lahey	15401
+Lean	15402
+Lear	15403
+Leather	15404
+Leah	15405
+Leap	15406
+Leaf	15407
+League	15408
+Leal	15409
+Leamington	15410
+Lease	15411
+Leawood	15412
+Leno	15413
+Lena	15414
+Lent	15415
+Lenco	15416
+Lending	15417
+Lenexa	15418
+Leng	15419
+Leon	15420
+Leo's	15421
+Leola	15422
+Leominster	15423
+Levi	15424
+Level	15425
+Levy	15426
+Lev's	15427
+Lees	15428
+Leela	15429
+Lee's	15430
+LeeAnn	15431
+Leechburg	15432
+Leeds	15433
+Leetsdale	15434
+Lego	15435
+Legend	15436
+Leggett	15437
+Leghorn	15438
+Legion	15439
+Legrand	15440
+Lester	15441
+Lesbian	15442
+Lesh	15443
+Lesnar	15444
+Less	15445
+Let's	15446
+Letchworth	15447
+Letoya	15448
+Lewes	15449
+Lexi	15450
+LexA	15451
+Lexar	15452
+Lexmark	15453
+Lextran	15454
+Lexus	15455
+Lexy's	15456
+Ledge	15457
+Ledbetter	15458
+Ledford	15459
+Ledisi	15460
+Ledo	15461
+Leduc	15462
+Ledyard	15463
+Leila	15464
+Leigh	15465
+Leicester	15466
+Leif	15467
+Leisure	15468
+Leman	15469
+Lemieux	15470
+Lemmon	15471
+Left	15472
+Lefferts	15473
+Lehi	15474
+Lehman	15475
+LeMoyne	15476
+Lecanto	15477
+Leclaire	15478
+Lecrae	15479
+Lecter	15480
+Lebowski	15481
+Leroy	15482
+Lerner	15483
+LeBlanc	15484
+LeBron	15485
+Leucadia	15486
+Leupold	15487
+Long	15488
+Lone	15489
+Lona	15490
+Loncar	15491
+Lonoke	15492
+Lonsdale	15493
+Lord	15494
+Lori	15495
+Lora	15496
+Lorton	15497
+Lou's	15498
+Loucks	15499
+Louetta	15500
+Lounge	15501
+Lourdes	15502
+Lock	15503
+Loch	15504
+Loco	15505
+Loctite	15506
+Locust	15507
+Love	15508
+Lovato	15509
+Logan	15510
+Loggins	15511
+Logli	15512
+Logs	15513
+Lombard	15514
+Loma	15515
+Lomond	15516
+Lompoc	15517
+Lowe	15518
+Lowcountry	15519
+Lowndes	15520
+Lowville	15521
+Lott	15522
+Lotaburger	15523
+Lothian	15524
+Lots	15525
+Lotus	15526
+Look	15527
+Loom	15528
+Loon	15529
+Loop	15530
+Loblaw	15531
+Lobo	15532
+Lobby	15533
+Lobel	15534
+Lobster	15535
+Lola	15536
+Lolo	15537
+Lolita	15538
+Lollipop	15539
+Lost	15540
+Loan	15541
+Loathing	15542
+Loftis	15543
+Lofts	15544
+Loya	15545
+Loyd	15546
+Loyola	15547
+Lodge	15548
+Lodi	15549
+Loeb	15550
+Loews	15551
+Lohan	15552
+Lohman	15553
+Lokey	15554
+Lopes	15555
+Lopez	15556
+Loxahatchee	15557
+Loxley	15558
+Lind	15559
+Line	15560
+Link	15561
+Ling	15562
+Lino	15563
+Lin's	15564
+Lina	15565
+Linings	15566
+Linn	15567
+Linville	15568
+Linwood	15569
+Linz	15570
+Lili	15571
+Lily	15572
+Lila	15573
+Lilburn	15574
+Liles	15575
+Libya	15576
+Lite	15577
+Lita	15578
+Litchfield	15579
+Lititz	15580
+Lime	15581
+Limit	15582
+Lima	15583
+Limon	15584
+Limp	15585
+List	15586
+Lisa	15587
+Lisbon	15588
+Lisle	15589
+Lissa	15590
+Live	15591
+Livonia	15592
+Life	15593
+Liftmaster	15594
+Light	15595
+Ligonier	15596
+Liza	15597
+Liz's	15598
+Liam	15599
+Liar	15600
+Lions	15601
+Lionel	15602
+Lionheart	15603
+Lionville	15604
+Lick	15605
+Licht	15606
+Lieberman	15607
+Lies	15608
+Lieutenant	15609
+Lips	15610
+Lipa	15611
+Lipton	15612
+Liquid	15613
+Liquor	15614
+Luck	15615
+Luce	15616
+Luca	15617
+Lucy	15618
+Lumosity	15619
+Lumsden	15620
+Luna	15621
+Lunch	15622
+Lunenburg	15623
+Lunsford	15624
+Luther	15625
+Luton	15626
+Lutron	15627
+Lutz	15628
+Luda	15629
+Luddington	15630
+Ludington	15631
+Ludlow	15632
+Ludwig	15633
+Luis	15634
+Luigi	15635
+Luiz	15636
+Lupe	15637
+Lupton	15638
+Lupus	15639
+Luke	15640
+Lukas	15641
+Lulu	15642
+Lula	15643
+Luling	15644
+Lubbock	15645
+Lube	15646
+Lubrano's	15647
+Luby's	15648
+Luger	15649
+Lugoff	15650
+Lusby	15651
+Lusk	15652
+Lustine	15653
+Luxembourg	15654
+Luxor	15655
+Luzern	15656
+Lufkin	15657
+Lufthansa	15658
+Luray	15659
+Lure	15660
+Lynn	15661
+Lynch	15662
+Lynbrook	15663
+Lynette	15664
+Lynhurst	15665
+Lynwood	15666
+Lynx	15667
+Lynyrd	15668
+Lyme	15669
+Lyman	15670
+Lyon	15671
+Lyoko	15672
+Lyric	15673
+Lyra	15674
+Lycia	15675
+Lycoming	15676
+Lydia's	15677
+Lyles	15678
+Lysol	15679
+Lyssa	15680
+Lyte	15681
+Lytle	15682
+LED's	15683
+LEDs	15684
+LEED	15685
+LEEP	15686
+LASCO	15687
+LASIK	15688
+LICSW	15689
+Lloyd's	15690
+Lloydminster	15691
+Lloyds	15692
+Hart	15693
+Hard	15694
+Haro	15695
+Hara	15696
+Harford	15697
+Hari	15698
+Harshman	15699
+Hann	15700
+Hand	15701
+Hans	15702
+Hank	15703
+Hana	15704
+Han's	15705
+Hanbury	15706
+Hanford	15707
+Hanover	15708
+Hanukkah	15709
+Hall	15710
+Hale	15711
+Half	15712
+Halo	15713
+Halco	15714
+Haldeman	15715
+Halifax	15716
+Halpern	15717
+Hamm	15718
+Hama	15719
+Ham's	15720
+Hamden	15721
+Hamner	15722
+Hamot	15723
+Hamtramck	15724
+Hayden	15725
+Hayes	15726
+Hayne	15727
+Hays	15728
+Hayashi	15729
+Haygood	15730
+Haymarket	15731
+Hail	15732
+Hair	15733
+Haiti	15734
+Haines	15735
+Haight	15736
+Haik	15737
+Haim	15738
+Hate	15739
+Hatfield	15740
+Hathaway	15741
+Hatboro	15742
+Have	15743
+Havoline	15744
+Havre	15745
+Hagman	15746
+Hague	15747
+Hawk	15748
+Hawaii	15749
+Hawthorn	15750
+Hawley	15751
+Hawn	15752
+Hasbro	15753
+Hash	15754
+Hastings	15755
+Haze	15756
+Hazzard	15757
+Haul	15758
+Haus	15759
+Haubstadt	15760
+Haughton	15761
+Haunted	15762
+Hauppauge	15763
+Haute	15764
+Hades	15765
+Habana	15766
+Habra	15767
+Hacienda	15768
+Haag	15769
+Haan	15770
+Haas	15771
+Hapeville	15772
+Hahn	15773
+Haha	15774
+Haffner's	15775
+Hafner	15776
+Hakim	15777
+Hakkasan	15778
+Holm	15779
+Holt	15780
+Holy	15781
+Holcomb	15782
+Holabird	15783
+Holbrook	15784
+Hole	15785
+Holgate	15786
+Holocaust	15787
+Holzer	15788
+Horn	15789
+Horton	15790
+Horde	15791
+Horeb	15792
+Hormel	15793
+Horowitz	15794
+Home	15795
+Homa	15796
+Homo	15797
+Hough	15798
+Hound	15799
+Hour	15800
+Houdini	15801
+Houma	15802
+Houten	15803
+Hong	15804
+Hook	15805
+Hood	15806
+Hoover	15807
+Hoobastank	15808
+Howe	15809
+Howard	15810
+Howie	15811
+Howcast	15812
+Howdy	15813
+Hope	15814
+Hopatcong	15815
+Hopdoddy	15816
+Hopi	15817
+Hopsin	15818
+Host	15819
+Hoss	15820
+Hosanna	15821
+Hoselton	15822
+Hoskins	15823
+Hosmer	15824
+HobNob	15825
+Hobart	15826
+Hobe	15827
+Hoboken	15828
+Hobson	15829
+Hof's	15830
+Hofbrau	15831
+Hofstra	15832
+Hogan	15833
+Hogle	15834
+Hogs	15835
+Hogue	15836
+Hogwarts	15837
+Hotel	15838
+Hotchkiss	15839
+Hotlanta	15840
+Hotmail	15841
+Hots	15842
+Hotwire	15843
+Hocking	15844
+Hockley	15845
+Hodge	15846
+Hodgkins	15847
+Hodgson	15848
+Hoke	15849
+Hokie	15850
+Hokkaido	15851
+Hohenwald	15852
+Hohl	15853
+Hohner	15854
+Hoagland	15855
+Hoya	15856
+Hoyt	15857
+Herb	15858
+Herr	15859
+Hero	15860
+Here	15861
+Herald	15862
+Herff	15863
+Heritage	15864
+Herkimer	15865
+Herlong	15866
+Heat	15867
+Head	15868
+Heacock	15869
+Hell	15870
+Helen	15871
+Help	15872
+Helio	15873
+Helfman	15874
+Helga	15875
+Helotes	15876
+Helsing	15877
+Helzberg	15878
+Henagar	15879
+Henley	15880
+Heim	15881
+Heights	15882
+Heil	15883
+Hemingway	15884
+Hembree	15885
+Hemet	15886
+Hemsworth	15887
+Hedberg	15888
+Hedrick	15889
+Hedwig	15890
+Heber	15891
+Hesperia	15892
+Hess	15893
+Heep	15894
+Heffernan	15895
+Heflin	15896
+Hefner	15897
+Hepburn	15898
+Hephzibah	15899
+Hewett	15900
+Hewitt	15901
+Hewlett	15902
+Heyburn	15903
+Heywood	15904
+Hecht	15905
+Hector	15906
+Hill	15907
+Hilary	15908
+Hilbert	15909
+Hilfiger	15910
+Hilo	15911
+Hilson	15912
+High	15913
+Higa	15914
+Higdon	15915
+Higley	15916
+Hines	15917
+Hinckley	15918
+Hingham	15919
+Hinkle	15920
+Hinn	15921
+Hinton	15922
+Hitler	15923
+Hitachi	15924
+Hite	15925
+Hits	15926
+Himalaya	15927
+Himes	15928
+Himitsu	15929
+Himself	15930
+Hibachi	15931
+Hibdon	15932
+Hibernia	15933
+Hicks	15934
+Hickam	15935
+Hickey	15936
+Hickman	15937
+Hickory	15938
+Hiro	15939
+Hiram	15940
+Hirsch	15941
+Hispanic	15942
+Hialeah	15943
+Hiatt	15944
+Hidalgo	15945
+Hidden	15946
+Hideaway	15947
+Hidy	15948
+Hunt	15949
+Hunan	15950
+Hunchback	15951
+Hundai	15952
+Human	15953
+Hume	15954
+Humira	15955
+Humor	15956
+Hush	15957
+Husqvarna	15958
+Huber	15959
+Hubler	15960
+Hugh	15961
+Hugo	15962
+Hurst	15963
+Hurd	15964
+Huron	15965
+Hurt	15966
+Hutch	15967
+Hutto	15968
+Hutzel	15969
+Hudson	15970
+Huddleston	15971
+Hudiburg	15972
+Huey	15973
+Huebner	15974
+Hueneme	15975
+Huerta	15976
+Huckleberry	15977
+Huck's	15978
+Huckabee	15979
+Huffman	15980
+Hulbert	15981
+Hulen	15982
+Hulk	15983
+Hulu	15984
+Hyde	15985
+Hyatt	15986
+Hyannis	15987
+Hyland	15988
+Hyman	15989
+Hymn	15990
+Hyperion	15991
+Hypoluxo	15992
+Hyrule	15993
+Hyrum	15994
+HID's	15995
+HTC's	15996
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+ejected	16220
+Gran	16221
+Gram	16222
+Gray	16223
+Gras	16224
+Graham	16225
+Graber	16226
+Graeter's	16227
+Graziano's	16228
+Greg	16229
+Grey	16230
+Greiner	16231
+Grenada	16232
+Gresham	16233
+Grim	16234
+Grill	16235
+Grizz	16236
+Grid	16237
+Grier	16238
+Grips	16239
+Grove	16240
+Grogan	16241
+Gronk	16242
+Grow	16243
+Groban	16244
+Grocery	16245
+Groesbeck	16246
+Grohl	16247
+Groton	16248
+Gruden	16249
+Grullense	16250
+Grundy	16251
+Garcia	16252
+Gary	16253
+Garage	16254
+Garibaldi's	16255
+Garmin	16256
+Garwood	16257
+Garza	16258
+Gala	16259
+Gale	16260
+Galbraith	16261
+Galder	16262
+Galore	16263
+Galpin	16264
+Galt	16265
+Galway	16266
+Gabriel	16267
+Gabe	16268
+Gable	16269
+Gaby	16270
+Gabi	16271
+Gabus	16272
+Game	16273
+Gaming	16274
+Gammage	16275
+Gate	16276
+Gatlin	16277
+Gathering	16278
+Gatsby	16279
+Gast	16280
+Gaspar	16281
+GasBuddy	16282
+Gaskins	16283
+Gasoline	16284
+Gail	16285
+Gaither	16286
+Gaia	16287
+Gaiden	16288
+Gang	16289
+Ganahl	16290
+Ganesh	16291
+Ganley	16292
+Gannon	16293
+Gaye	16294
+Gaynor	16295
+Gayton	16296
+Gause	16297
+Gautier	16298
+Gaffey	16299
+Gaffigan	16300
+Gaffney	16301
+Gaga	16302
+Gage	16303
+Gavin's	16304
+Gavins	16305
+Gadget	16306
+Gadsden	16307
+Gaelic	16308
+Gaetano's	16309
+Gaza	16310
+Gazette	16311
+Gold	16312
+Golf	16313
+Goleta	16314
+Golling	16315
+Golondrinas	16316
+Good	16317
+Google	16318
+Gooch	16319
+Goofy's	16320
+Goonies	16321
+Goose	16322
+Gord	16323
+Gore	16324
+Gorilla	16325
+Gorham	16326
+Gorman	16327
+Gorno	16328
+Gods	16329
+God's	16330
+Godby	16331
+Godiva	16332
+Godley	16333
+Godwin	16334
+Godzilla	16335
+Goss	16336
+Gosch	16337
+Gosdin	16338
+Gosford	16339
+Goshen	16340
+Gosling	16341
+Gospel	16342
+Gott	16343
+Gotye	16344
+Gobble	16345
+Gobi	16346
+Gone	16347
+Gouda	16348
+Gourmet	16349
+Gomma	16350
+Goff	16351
+Goforth	16352
+Governor	16353
+Government	16354
+Goggles	16355
+Gogh	16356
+Gophers	16357
+Gowanda	16358
+Gower	16359
+Gene	16360
+Geno	16361
+Genco	16362
+Genda	16363
+Genji	16364
+Gennaro's	16365
+Gensco	16366
+Geri	16367
+Gerber	16368
+Gerdau	16369
+Gere	16370
+Geronimo	16371
+Gerry	16372
+Gervais	16373
+Geoff	16374
+Geographic	16375
+Geon	16376
+Geto	16377
+Gets	16378
+Getwell	16379
+Getz	16380
+Gear	16381
+Geauga	16382
+Geico	16383
+Geiger	16384
+Gemini	16385
+Gemma	16386
+Geek	16387
+Geer	16388
+Gees	16389
+Gellar	16390
+Gelson's	16391
+Gesa	16392
+Gill	16393
+Gilbert	16394
+Gilroy	16395
+Gil's	16396
+Gila	16397
+Gilchrist	16398
+Gilda	16399
+Gilford	16400
+Gilpin	16401
+Gilson	16402
+Gino	16403
+Gina	16404
+Ginny	16405
+Ginsberg	16406
+Ginter	16407
+Ginuwine	16408
+Ginza	16409
+Gibb	16410
+Gibson	16411
+Gibraltar	16412
+Gio's	16413
+Girl	16414
+Girard	16415
+Girdwood	16416
+Girt	16417
+Gigi	16418
+Gigabyte	16419
+Giuseppe	16420
+Giddings	16421
+Gideon	16422
+Gidget	16423
+Gift	16424
+Gifford	16425
+Give	16426
+Giving	16427
+Gisele	16428
+Giselle	16429
+Gunn	16430
+Guns	16431
+Gunbarrel	16432
+Guitar	16433
+Guatemala	16434
+Guam	16435
+Guantanamo	16436
+Guapo	16437
+Gulf	16438
+Gull	16439
+Gulch	16440
+Guelph	16441
+Guetta	16442
+Gus's	16443
+Guyana	16444
+Guymon	16445
+Guys	16446
+Guyton	16447
+Gumby	16448
+Gump	16449
+Gurnee	16450
+Guru	16451
+Guthrie	16452
+Gutierrez	16453
+Guttenberg	16454
+Guppies	16455
+Gupta	16456
+Glen	16457
+Gleason	16458
+Glebe	16459
+Glee	16460
+Glad	16461
+Glamis	16462
+Glarus	16463
+Glatt	16464
+Glove	16465
+Glock	16466
+Gloor	16467
+Gloster	16468
+Gloucester	16469
+Glick	16470
+Glisan	16471
+Glitch	16472
+GMAC	16473
+GMAT	16474
+Ghostbusters	16475
+Ghostface	16476
+Ghana	16477
+Ghazi	16478
+Gwendolyn	16479
+Gwyneth	16480
+Gwynn	16481
+Gymboree	16482
+Gymnastics	16483
+Gypsy	16484
+Gyptian	16485
+gran	16486
+grad	16487
+gram	16488
+grab	16489
+gray	16490
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+garment	16519
+garter	16520
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+gale	16524
+galore	16525
+gals	16526
+game	16527
+gaming	16528
+gasket	16529
+gasp	16530
+gas.	16531
+gases	16532
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+gato	16537
+gation	16538
+gattitown	16539
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+i-75	16821
+i-80	16822
+i-85	16823
+i-90	16824
+i-95	16825
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+iPods	16832
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+iCab	16838
+iCarly	16839
+iTunes	16840
+ions	16841
+ipaco	16842
+ipad	16843
+i.c.e.	16844
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+lees	17070
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+leftover	17072
+left-hand	17073
+left.	17074
+left:	17075
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+Walk	17351
+Walgreen	17352
+Walmart	17353
+Walnut	17354
+Walbridge	17355
+Walcott	17356
+Walford	17357
+Walhalla	17358
+Walpole	17359
+Walworth	17360
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+Ward	17362
+Ware	17363
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+Wars	17365
+Warby	17366
+Warcraft	17367
+Warpaint	17368
+Wartburg	17369
+Warwick	17370
+Water	17371
+Watch	17372
+Watt	17373
+Watkins	17374
+Watauga	17375
+Watford	17376
+Watley	17377
+Wayne	17378
+Wayans	17379
+Waycross	17380
+Wayfair	17381
+Wayman	17382
+Waypoint	17383
+Wayside	17384
+Wayzata	17385
+Wash	17386
+Wasco	17387
+Waseca	17388
+Wasilla	17389
+Waskom	17390
+Waste	17391
+Wait	17392
+Waianae	17393
+Waimea	17394
+Wainwright	17395
+Wang	17396
+Wan's	17397
+Wanamaker	17398
+Waugh	17399
+Waunakee	17400
+Wautoma	17401
+Wauwatosa	17402
+Waco	17403
+Waccamaw	17404
+Wacker	17405
+Wade	17406
+Waddell	17407
+Wadhams	17408
+Wading	17409
+Wadley	17410
+Wadsworth	17411
+Wake	17412
+Waka	17413
+Wakulla	17414
+Wagon	17415
+Wagner	17416
+Waggin	17417
+Wahiawa	17418
+Wahlberg	17419
+Wahoos	17420
+Wahpeton	17421
+Wappingers	17422
+Waveland	17423
+Waverly	17424
+Waxahachie	17425
+Waxhaw	17426
+Wabasha	17427
+Wawanesa	17428
+Will	17429
+Wild	17430
+Wilhelm	17431
+Wind	17432
+Winn	17433
+Wing	17434
+Wine	17435
+WinCo	17436
+Winrock	17437
+Winwood	17438
+With	17439
+Witt	17440
+Witch	17441
+Witness	17442
+Wichita	17443
+Wicomico	17444
+Wish	17445
+Wise	17446
+Wissahickon	17447
+Wight	17448
+Wimpy	17449
+Wimsatt	17450
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+Wireless	17452
+Wizard	17453
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+Widow	17455
+Wikipedia	17456
+Wixom	17457
+West	17458
+Wesco	17459
+Wes's	17460
+Well	17461
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+Welk	17463
+Welfare	17464
+Welsh	17465
+Welton	17466
+Weir	17467
+Weis	17468
+Weichert	17469
+Weiland	17470
+Weimer	17471
+Week	17472
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+Wee's	17474
+Weebly	17475
+Weegee	17476
+Weehawken	17477
+Weems	17478
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+Wealth	17482
+Weasley	17483
+Webb	17484
+Weber	17485
+WebEx	17486
+Webkinz	17487
+Went	17488
+Wenatchee	17489
+Wenham	17490
+Wenzel	17491
+Wednesday	17492
+Wedding	17493
+Wedgewood	17494
+Wedowee	17495
+Wethersfield	17496
+Wetmore	17497
+Wetumpka	17498
+Wetzel	17499
+Were	17500
+Werks	17501
+Werner	17502
+Wert	17503
+Weyburn	17504
+Weymouth	17505
+Wood	17506
+Woonsocket	17507
+Wooster	17508
+Wooten	17509
+Work	17510
+Word	17511
+Worth	17512
+Worcester	17513
+Wornall	17514
+Worx	17515
+Wolf	17516
+Wolcott	17517
+Woltz	17518
+Wonder	17519
+Wong	17520
+Wonka	17521
+Women	17522
+Wobble	17523
+Woburn	17524
+Would	17525
+Wounded	17526
+Whip	17527
+Whidbey	17528
+Whig	17529
+Wheat	17530
+Wheel	17531
+Where	17532
+Whelan	17533
+When	17534
+What	17535
+Wham	17536
+Whole	17537
+Who's	17538
+Whodini	17539
+Whoopi	17540
+Whopper	17541
+Whore	17542
+Wren	17543
+Wrangler	17544
+Wrap	17545
+Wrath	17546
+Wray	17547
+Wrong	17548
+Wrote	17549
+Wynn	17550
+Wyncote	17551
+Wyndham	17552
+Wynette	17553
+Wynonna	17554
+Wynton	17555
+Wyck	17556
+Wylde	17557
+Wyler	17558
+Wylie	17559
+WyoTech	17560
+Wyandotte	17561
+Wyatt	17562
+Wyte	17563
+Wytheville	17564
+WSSC	17565
+Wurstfest	17566
+Wurth	17567
+Wurzbach	17568
+Fran	17569
+Fray	17570
+Frackville	17571
+Fraggle	17572
+Frain	17573
+Fraley	17574
+Frappuccino	17575
+Fraser	17576
+Free	17577
+Fred	17578
+Freight	17579
+Freud	17580
+Frey	17581
+Freak	17582
+Fregoso	17583
+Fremont	17584
+Friar	17585
+Fringe	17586
+Frio	17587
+Front	17588
+Frog	17589
+Frost	17590
+Frodo	17591
+From	17592
+Fruita	17593
+Fruitland	17594
+Fruitport	17595
+Fruitridge	17596
+Fruity	17597
+Frye	17598
+Fry's	17599
+Frys	17600
+Farm	17601
+Farr	17602
+Fare	17603
+Fargo	17604
+Farley	17605
+Farah	17606
+Farber	17607
+Farkle	17608
+Faro	17609
+Farsi	17610
+Farve	17611
+Fair	17612
+Faith	17613
+Fall	17614
+Falco	17615
+Falk	17616
+Falbo's	17617
+Falmouth	17618
+Fanta	17619
+FanDuel	17620
+Fancy	17621
+Fandango	17622
+Faneuil	17623
+Fang	17624
+Fanshawe	17625
+Fanwood	17626
+Face	17627
+Factor	17628
+Faculty	17629
+Fate	17630
+Fatima	17631
+Fats	17632
+Fatty's	17633
+Fabric	17634
+Faber	17635
+Fabolous	17636
+Fabulous	17637
+Fame	17638
+Famous	17639
+Fast	17640
+FasTrak	17641
+Fashion	17642
+Faucet	17643
+Faust	17644
+Faye	17645
+Fagan	17646
+Fagen	17647
+Fazio's	17648
+Fazoli's	17649
+Finn	17650
+Find	17651
+Fink	17652
+Finger	17653
+Fine	17654
+Fino	17655
+Finch	17656
+Finity	17657
+Fire	17658
+First	17659
+Firm	17660
+Fircrest	17661
+Fish	17662
+Fischer	17663
+Fisk	17664
+Fist	17665
+File	17666
+Film	17667
+Fillmore	17668
+Fitz	17669
+Fitch	17670
+Fitbit	17671
+Fitness	17672
+Fitworks	17673
+Fight	17674
+Figaro	17675
+Field	17676
+Fiero	17677
+Fiesta	17678
+Fidel	17679
+Fiddlesticks	17680
+Fido	17681
+Fiamma	17682
+Fiasco	17683
+Fiat	17684
+Fife	17685
+Fiona	17686
+Fixx	17687
+Fort	17688
+Ford	17689
+Form	17690
+Fork	17691
+Force	17692
+Foristell	17693
+Forrest	17694
+Forum	17695
+Forward	17696
+Forza	17697
+Foot	17698
+Food	17699
+Fool	17700
+Foose	17701
+Foxy	17702
+Fox's	17703
+Foxboro	17704
+Foxcroft	17705
+Foxes	17706
+Foxfire	17707
+Foxon	17708
+Foxtrot	17709
+Foxx	17710
+Folds	17711
+Folgers	17712
+Folkston	17713
+Folsom	17714
+Four	17715
+Fouche	17716
+Fond	17717
+Fong	17718
+Fonk	17719
+Fogata	17720
+Foggy	17721
+Foghat	17722
+Fogo	17723
+Foss	17724
+Fosgate	17725
+Fowlers	17726
+Fowlerville	17727
+Fockers	17728
+Focus	17729
+Fern	17730
+Ferg	17731
+Ferdinand	17732
+Feria	17733
+Ferman	17734
+Felony	17735
+Felton	17736
+FedEx	17737
+Fedde	17738
+Fenn	17739
+Fence	17740
+Fenix	17741
+Fenkell	17742
+Fenton	17743
+Fear	17744
+Feast	17745
+Feat	17746
+Festa	17747
+Festus	17748
+Feel	17749
+Feed	17750
+Feet	17751
+Feinstein	17752
+Feist	17753
+Febreeze	17754
+Febreze	17755
+FetLife	17756
+Fetty	17757
+Flor	17758
+Floyd	17759
+Flour	17760
+Flo's	17761
+Flobots	17762
+Flocka	17763
+Floetry	17764
+Flogging	17765
+Flossmoor	17766
+Flat	17767
+Flag	17768
+Flash	17769
+Flair	17770
+Flavia	17771
+Flay	17772
+Fleet	17773
+Fleming	17774
+Fletch	17775
+Fleur	17776
+Flew	17777
+Flex	17778
+Flint	17779
+Flickr	17780
+Flies	17781
+Flight	17782
+Flip	17783
+Flixster	17784
+Flyer	17785
+Flynn	17786
+Flying	17787
+Flyleaf	17788
+Flyte	17789
+Funk	17790
+Fund	17791
+Funeral	17792
+Fung	17793
+Funplex	17794
+Funston	17795
+Funyuns	17796
+Fury	17797
+Furby	17798
+Furious	17799
+Furman	17800
+Furr	17801
+Furtado	17802
+Full	17803
+Fulton	17804
+Fulmer	17805
+Fuji's	17806
+Fujifilm	17807
+Fujitsu	17808
+Fujiyama	17809
+Fuente	17810
+Fuel	17811
+Fuchs	17812
+Fuck	17813
+Fuquay	17814
+Fusion	17815
+Fusz	17816
+Futurama	17817
+Future	17818
+FASFA	17819
+FSCJ	17821
+FMLA	17822
+FLORIST	17823
+FLOWER	17824
+FUCKING	17825
+Kent	17826
+Kens	17827
+Ken's	17828
+Kenco	17829
+Kenedy	17830
+Kenilworth	17831
+Kenji	17832
+Kenly	17833
+Kenmore	17834
+Kell	17835
+Kelby	17836
+Kelowna	17837
+Kelton	17838
+Kelvin	17839
+Keen	17840
+Keep	17841
+Keef	17842
+Keebler	17843
+Keesler	17844
+Keeton	17845
+Kern	17846
+Kerr	17847
+Kerala	17848
+Kerbey	17849
+Kercheval	17850
+Keri	17851
+Keys	17852
+KeyBank	17853
+Keyboard	17854
+Keyes	17855
+Keyport	17856
+Kean	17857
+Kemp	17858
+Kemah	17859
+Kemba	17860
+Kemmerer	17861
+Kemna	17862
+Keith	17863
+Keim	17864
+Keira	17865
+Keizer	17866
+Kessler	17867
+Keselowski	17868
+Kesha	17869
+Kester	17870
+Keswick	17871
+Kevin	17872
+KevJumba	17873
+Kevlar	17874
+Keokuk	17875
+Keowee	17876
+King	17877
+Kind	17878
+Kincaid	17879
+Kinley	17880
+Kill	17881
+Kilgore	17882
+Kiley	17883
+Kilimanjaro	17884
+Kilpatrick	17885
+Kilroys	17886
+Kilt	17887
+Kim's	17888
+Kimco	17889
+Kimi	17890
+Kimpton	17891
+Kims	17892
+Kirk	17893
+Kira	17894
+Kirby	17895
+Kiro	17896
+Kirtland	17897
+Kitchen	17898
+KitKat	17899
+Kitsap	17900
+Kiss	17901
+Kish	17902
+Kisco	17903
+Kistler	17904
+Kiehl	17905
+Kiefer	17906
+Kiel	17907
+Kiest	17908
+Kietzke	17909
+Kiev	17910
+Kiewit	17911
+Kids	17912
+Kidd	17913
+Kidman	17914
+Kidney	17915
+Kidz	17916
+Kiana	17917
+Kiara	17918
+Kiawah	17919
+Kiki	17920
+Kiko	17921
+Kiku	17922
+Kicks	17923
+Kickapoo	17924
+Kipling	17925
+Kipp	17926
+Kiwi	17927
+Kiwanis	17928
+Kate	17929
+Kati	17930
+Katrina	17931
+Kats	17932
+Katz	17933
+Kat's	17934
+Katahdin	17935
+Katniss	17936
+Kato	17937
+Katt	17938
+Katy	17939
+Kara	17940
+Kari	17941
+Kart	17942
+Karl	17943
+Karcher	17944
+Karsten	17945
+Karyn	17946
+Kaye	17947
+Kays	17948
+Kay's	17949
+Kayden	17950
+Kane	17951
+Kang	17952
+Kandy	17953
+Kankakee	17954
+Kannapolis	17955
+Kano	17956
+Kansas	17957
+Kant	17958
+Kanye	17959
+Kaiser	17960
+Kaimuki	17961
+Kali	17962
+Kalkaska	17963
+Kalona	17964
+Kama	17965
+Kami	17966
+Kamco	17967
+Kamen	17968
+Kamloops	17969
+Kampai	17970
+Kash	17971
+Kasey	17972
+Kasia	17973
+Kaskade	17974
+Kaspersky	17975
+Kasson	17976
+Kastner	17977
+Kapernick	17978
+Kapiolani	17979
+Kaplan	17980
+Kappa	17981
+Kahala	17982
+Kahn	17983
+Kahoots	17984
+Kauai	17985
+Kaukauna	17986
+Kaden	17987
+Kadlec	17988
+Kawkawlin	17989
+Kaka	17990
+Kaku	17991
+Korea	17992
+Korn	17993
+Koran	17994
+Korra	17995
+Kors	17996
+Korum	17997
+Kory	17998
+Koon	17999
+Koodo	18000
+Kool	18001
+Koopman	18002
+Kootenai	18003
+Kona	18004
+Kone	18005
+Kong	18006
+Konica	18007
+Kony	18008
+Kost	18009
+Kosh	18010
+Kohl's	18011
+Kohler	18012
+Kohls	18013
+Komando	18014
+Kombat	18015
+Komen	18016
+Komodo	18017
+Kobe	18018
+Kobo	18019
+Kodak	18020
+Kodiak	18021
+Kody	18022
+Kokomo	18023
+Kokopelli	18024
+Kotex	18025
+Kotobuki	18026
+Kottonmouth	18027
+Kourtney	18028
+Kowalski	18029
+Kowloon	18030
+Koehn	18031
+Koenig	18032
+Kolar	18033
+Kolb	18034
+Kovacs	18035
+Koval	18036
+Kris	18037
+Krieger	18038
+Krikorian	18039
+Kringle	18040
+Kraft	18041
+Kragen	18042
+Kramer	18043
+Krav	18044
+Krabs	18045
+Kracker	18046
+Kraddick	18047
+Kraken	18048
+Krall	18049
+Kranks	18050
+Krayzie	18051
+Krazy	18052
+Krueger	18053
+Kruger	18054
+Krum	18055
+Krung	18056
+Krutch	18057
+Kroger	18058
+Kron	18059
+Kroc	18060
+Kroll	18061
+Kreme	18062
+Kress	18063
+Know	18064
+Knob	18065
+Knox	18066
+Knock	18067
+Knopfler	18068
+Knotts	18069
+Knight	18070
+Knievel	18071
+Knife	18072
+Knitting	18073
+Knapps	18074
+Kuni	18075
+Kuna	18076
+Kunes	18077
+Kung	18078
+Kurt's	18079
+Kurtis	18080
+Kurtz	18081
+Kumo	18082
+Kumar	18083
+Kutcher	18084
+Kutless	18085
+Kutztown	18086
+Kuhns	18087
+Kuya	18088
+Kuykendahl	18089
+Klein	18090
+Kleberg	18091
+Klement	18092
+Klaben	18093
+Klahanie	18094
+Klamath	18095
+Klan	18096
+Klaus	18097
+Klos	18098
+Klugh	18099
+Klux	18100
+Kyle	18101
+Kylie	18102
+Kyla	18103
+Kyra	18104
+Kyrene	18105
+Kyrie	18106
+Kyoto's	18107
+KCP&L	18108
+KCPL	18109
+KCRA	18110
+KCRW	18111
+Khan	18112
+Kwan	18113
+Kwame	18114
+KSBJ	18115
+Elle	18116
+Ella	18117
+Ellsworth	18118
+Ellum	18119
+Ellwood	18120
+Ellyn	18121
+Eliza	18122
+Elis	18123
+Elia	18124
+Elijah	18125
+Elio	18126
+Eli's	18127
+Elida	18128
+Elie	18129
+Eliminator	18130
+Elite	18131
+Eleanor	18132
+Elephant	18133
+Elmo	18134
+Elms	18135
+Elma	18136
+Elmbrook	18137
+Elmhurst	18138
+Elmira	18139
+Elmwood	18140
+Elkin	18141
+Elko	18142
+Elkridge	18143
+Elks	18144
+Elkton	18145
+Elkview	18146
+Elsa	18147
+Elsmere	18148
+Elson	18149
+Elston	18150
+Elan	18151
+Elam	18152
+Elara	18153
+Elbert	18154
+Elba	18155
+Elburn	18156
+Elverta	18157
+Elyria	18158
+Elga	18159
+Elgin	18160
+Eloise	18161
+Elon	18162
+Eloy	18163
+Elway	18164
+Elwood	18165
+Elrod	18166
+Elroy	18167
+Engine	18168
+Engage	18169
+Engelbert	18170
+Ender	18171
+Endicott	18172
+Endwell	18173
+Encanto	18174
+Enchanted	18175
+Enclave	18176
+Enter	18177
+Entry	18178
+Enrollment	18179
+Enemy	18180
+Enfamil	18181
+Enfield	18182
+Enforcement	18183
+Enola	18184
+Enon	18185
+Enoteca	18186
+Environmental	18187
+Envoy	18188
+Envy	18189
+Enid	18190
+Enix	18191
+Ensenada	18192
+Ensley	18193
+Enzo's	18194
+Edge	18195
+Edgar	18196
+Edit	18197
+Edible	18198
+Edie	18199
+Edmund	18200
+Edmark	18201
+Eddy	18202
+Eddie	18203
+Edward	18204
+Edwin	18205
+Eden	18206
+Edelweiss	18207
+Eduardo	18208
+Edsall	18209
+Edsel	18210
+Edson	18211
+Even	18212
+Evel	18213
+Eve's	18214
+Evette	18215
+Evan	18216
+Eva's	18217
+Evaluation	18218
+Evart	18219
+Evie	18220
+Evil	18221
+Evinrude	18222
+Evolution	18223
+Evony	18224
+East	18225
+Easley	18226
+Eason	18227
+Easy	18228
+Earl	18229
+Earth	18230
+Earhart	18231
+Earnhardt	18232
+Earring	18233
+Eaton	18234
+Eater	18235
+Eagle	18236
+Eagan	18237
+Emma	18238
+Emmet	18239
+Emmy	18240
+Emmons	18241
+Emperor	18242
+Empire	18243
+Empty	18244
+Eminem	18245
+Emirates	18246
+Emerson	18247
+Emery	18248
+Emerald	18249
+Emergency	18250
+Emagine	18251
+Email	18252
+Ember	18253
+Embry	18254
+Esther	18255
+Estill	18256
+Estonia	18257
+Escrow	18258
+Esposito	18259
+Esperanza	18260
+Espinoza	18261
+Esplanade	18262
+Essington	18263
+Eskimo	18264
+Eskenazi	18265
+Eskridge	18266
+Esquire	18267
+Eric	18268
+Erik	18269
+Erin	18270
+Erie	18271
+Eritrea	18272
+Ernest	18273
+Ernie	18274
+Ern's	18275
+Ernst	18276
+Erasers	18277
+Express	18278
+Expo	18279
+Excel	18280
+Excalibur	18281
+Exchange	18282
+Executive	18283
+Exeter	18284
+Exton	18285
+Examiner	18286
+Exavier	18287
+Exodus	18288
+Exorcist	18289
+Econo	18290
+Ecolab	18291
+Ecorse	18292
+Eckhart	18293
+Echols	18294
+Ecuadorian	18295
+Euro	18296
+Eureka	18297
+Eugene	18298
+Eugenia	18299
+Eubanks	18300
+Eucharist	18301
+Euclid	18302
+Epic	18303
+EpiPen	18304
+Epilepsy	18305
+Epping	18306
+Eppley	18307
+Epps	18308
+Epstein	18309
+Ephraim	18310
+Ephrata	18311
+Ethan	18312
+Ethiopia	18313
+Etobicoke	18314
+Eton	18315
+Etowah	18316
+Etta	18317
+Etters	18318
+Ettrick	18319
+ESCO	18320
+ESPN	18321
+Eggleston	18322
+Eggs	18323
+Eglin	18324
+Egleston	18325
+Egyptian	18326
+Eisinger	18327
+Eisley	18328
+Einstein's	18329
+Einsteins	18330
+Eide	18331
+Eileen's	18332
+ETSU	18333
+EyeMed	18334
+Eyed	18335
+Eyeland	18336
+Eyes	18337
+ECMC	18338
+EMT's	18339
+EPCO	18340
+Ebert	18341
+Ebates	18342
+Ebay	18343
+Ebola	18344
+Ebonics	18345
+Equalization	18346
+Equestrian	18347
+EVER	18348
+Effect	18349
+Ezekiel	18350
+Ezell	18351
+over	18352
+oven	18353
+ovation	18354
+oval	18355
+ovulated	18356
+outs	18357
+outage	18358
+outta	18359
+out.	18360
+outhouse	18361
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+ours	18363
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+oughta	18365
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+orgy	18367
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+ortho	18372
+ortley	18373
+orchestra	18374
+orchard	18375
+orchid	18376
+orbit	18377
+orbs	18378
+oral	18379
+orange	18380
+oregano	18381
+oreilly	18382
+ornery	18383
+orphanage	18384
+orphans	18385
+orschelns	18386
+opted	18387
+opera	18388
+open	18389
+oppa	18390
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+opaque	18395
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+opossum	18397
+obsidian	18398
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+objects	18403
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+obtuse	18405
+obama	18406
+obaugh	18407
+obits	18408
+obvious	18409
+obnoxiously	18410
+offs	18411
+off.	18412
+offhand	18413
+offroad	18414
+oftentimes	18415
+ones	18416
+one's	18417
+onset	18418
+onslaught	18419
+once	18420
+online	18421
+only	18422
+onion	18423
+onin	18424
+ontology	18425
+occasion	18426
+oceanfront	18427
+oceanic	18428
+oceans	18429
+octopus	18430
+ocular	18431
+oculus	18432
+olde	18433
+oldie	18434
+old-fashioned	18435
+olds	18436
+olio	18437
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+ologist	18440
+ology	18441
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+omen	18443
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+ometer	18445
+omit	18446
+ominous	18447
+omission	18448
+omar	18449
+omgz	18450
+oxy's	18451
+oxygen	18452
+oxymoron	18453
+oxacillin	18454
+oxarc	18455
+oxidation	18456
+oxide	18457
+oxox	18458
+oxtails	18459
+owning	18460
+owns	18461
+owed	18462
+owes	18463
+owls	18464
+okay.	18465
+okayed	18466
+okays	18467
+okey	18468
+okee	18469
+oooo	18470
+oooh	18471
+oops	18472
+others	18473
+other's	18474
+otherwise	18475
+otter	18476
+ottoman	18477
+osteo	18478
+ostrich	18479
+oath	18480
+oatmeal	18481
+oats	18482
+oakley	18483
+oaks	18484
+oddly	18485
+odds	18486
+odor	18487
+odometer	18488
+ohms	18489
+oiled	18490
+oilfield	18491
+oils	18492
+oily	18493
+o.m.g	18494
+o.m.w	18495
+o'clock.	18496
+oysters	18497
+Norm	18498
+Nord	18499
+Nora	18500
+NorCal	18501
+Noriega	18502
+Norland	18503
+Norse	18504
+Nova	18505
+Novi	18506
+Novolog	18507
+Novus	18508
+Note	18509
+Notting	18510
+Notch	18511
+Nothing	18512
+Notice	18513
+Notorious	18514
+Notre	18515
+Nolan	18516
+Nolen	18517
+Noller	18518
+Nolte	18519
+Noble	18520
+Nobbies	18521
+Nobel	18522
+Nobu	18523
+Noon	18524
+Noor	18525
+Noodle	18526
+Nook	18527
+Noel	18528
+Noemi	18529
+Nonna	18530
+Nona	18531
+Nonpoint	18532
+Nosed	18533
+Noah's	18534
+Noahs	18535
+Nokesville	18536
+Nokia	18537
+Nokomis	18538
+Noma	18539
+Nome	18540
+Noir	18541
+Noise	18542
+Nopalera	18543
+Nopalito	18544
+Nowata	18545
+News	18546
+Newt	18547
+Newgate	18548
+Newington	18549
+Newkirk	18550
+Newland	18551
+Newnan	18552
+Newville	18553
+Nest	18554
+Nesbit	18555
+Ness	18556
+Neshaminy	18557
+Nespresso	18558
+Nesquik	18559
+Need	18560
+Neenah	18561
+Neeson	18562
+Nell	18563
+Nelson	18564
+Nelnet	18565
+Network	18566
+NetSpend	18567
+NetZero	18568
+Netcong	18569
+Netflix	18570
+Netgear	18571
+Netherlands	18572
+Nets	18573
+Neva	18574
+Never	18575
+Negley	18576
+Neil	18577
+Neiman	18578
+Neibauer	18579
+Neighborhood	18580
+Neuberger	18581
+Neumann	18582
+Neurological	18583
+Neuse	18584
+Next	18585
+Nexium	18586
+Nexus	18587
+Nepal	18588
+Neptune	18589
+Nephi	18590
+Nemo	18591
+Nemacolin	18592
+Nerd	18593
+Nerf	18594
+Nerium	18595
+Nero	18596
+Neal	18597
+Neapolitan	18598
+Near	18599
+Ned's	18600
+Nederland	18601
+Neon	18602
+Nebo	18603
+Nebraska	18604
+Neches	18605
+Neck	18606
+Neha	18607
+Nehemiah	18608
+Nena	18609
+Nene	18610
+Nathan	18611
+Nate	18612
+Nat's	18613
+Natomas	18614
+Natrona	18615
+Nats	18616
+Nana	18617
+Nanny	18618
+Nan's	18619
+Nanette	18620
+Nani	18621
+Nano	18622
+Nanuet	18623
+Nava	18624
+Naveen	18625
+Navy	18626
+Napa	18627
+Naperville	18628
+Napier	18629
+Napster	18630
+Nash	18631
+Nast	18632
+Nascar	18633
+Nason	18634
+Nassau	18635
+Nara	18636
+Narberth	18637
+Narnia	18638
+Naruto	18639
+Naga	18640
+Nagel	18641
+Nagle	18642
+Nagoya	18643
+Nags	18644
+Nagy	18645
+Namco	18646
+Name	18647
+Nami	18648
+Nampa	18649
+Nazi	18650
+Nail	18651
+Nair	18652
+Nabi	18653
+Nabors	18654
+Nall	18655
+Nalgene	18656
+Nacho	18657
+Nacogdoches	18658
+Nahla	18659
+Nahunta	18660
+Naked	18661
+Nakia	18662
+Naomi's	18663
+Nick	18664
+Nico	18665
+Nichol	18666
+Nice	18667
+Nicaragua	18668
+Night	18669
+Nigg	18670
+Nigro	18671
+Niguel	18672
+Niko	18673
+Nike	18674
+Niki	18675
+Nine	18676
+Nina	18677
+Ninja	18678
+Nino	18679
+Ning	18680
+Nini	18681
+Nintendo	18682
+Niskayuna	18683
+Nisqually	18684
+Nima	18685
+Nimbus	18686
+Nimitz	18687
+Nimmo	18688
+Nimrod	18689
+Nieman	18690
+Niecy	18691
+Nielsen	18692
+Nixon	18693
+Nixa	18694
+Niagara	18695
+Niantic	18696
+Nipomo	18697
+Nippon	18698
+Nipsey	18699
+Nita	18700
+Nitro	18701
+Nittany	18702
+Niles	18703
+Niro	18704
+Nirvana	18705
+Nutcracker	18706
+Nutella	18707
+Nutley	18708
+Nuts	18709
+Numa	18710
+Number	18711
+Nurse	18712
+Nursing	18713
+Nugget	18714
+Nugent	18715
+Nubian	18716
+Nueces	18717
+Nuevo	18718
+Nukem	18719
+Nuketown	18720
+Nunez	18721
+Nunn	18722
+NASA	18723
+NASCAR	18724
+NAPA	18725
+NATO	18726
+NOPA	18727
+NCIS	18728
+NCIX	18729
+NFCU	18730
+NFL's	18731
+NICU	18732
+NYSEG	18733
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+newly	18735
+newcomer	18736
+newfound	18737
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+newness	18739
+newton-john	18740
+negro	18741
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+netti	18744
+net.com	18745
+net10	18746
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+neti	18750
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+nerf	18761
+neroli	18762
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+nesco	18766
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+neon	18770
+neoprene	18771
+neosporin	18772
+nepotism	18773
+nexium	18774
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+nexus	18776
+nebula	18777
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+nota	18780
+notch	18781
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+notwithstanding	18786
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+none	18788
+noni	18789
+nonverbal	18790
+north	18791
+norm	18792
+nor'easter	18793
+nora	18794
+norcos	18795
+norful	18796
+nori	18797
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+noob	18800
+noodle	18801
+nooo	18802
+noose	18803
+nose	18804
+nosh	18805
+nosing	18806
+nosy	18807
+nova	18808
+novrozsky's	18809
+nomads	18810
+noms	18811
+now.	18812
+now's	18813
+now:	18814
+nowadays	18815
+nowhere	18816
+node	18817
+nods	18818
+nobody	18819
+noble	18820
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+nourish	18822
+noche	18823
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+nogalitos	18825
+noggin	18826
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+nozzle	18831
+noes	18832
+nate	18833
+nathan	18834
+natty	18835
+narc	18836
+nards	18837
+naruto	18838
+nary	18839
+name	18840
+nama	18841
+naming	18842
+napkin	18843
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+napolis	18845
+naproxen	18846
+naps	18847
+naptime	18848
+nana	18849
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+naner	18851
+nano	18852
+naval	18853
+navel	18854
+navy	18855
+nasal	18856
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+naseebo	18858
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+naive	18861
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+naked	18865
+nakama	18866
+niglet	18867
+nick	18868
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+nine	18871
+ninja	18872
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+nini	18875
+ninny	18876
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+nitty	18881
+nips	18882
+nibble	18883
+nibbling	18884
+niece	18885
+niello	18886
+nike	18887
+nirchi's	18888
+nirvana	18889
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+nude	18895
+nudge	18896
+nunchuck	18897
+nuns	18898
+nunzio's	18899
+nukes	18900
+nuketown	18901
+nubian	18902
+nuclear	18903
+nucleus	18904
+nylon	18905
+nylah	18906
+nyle	18907
+nymphomaniac	18908
+Jack	18909
+Jacob	18910
+Jaci	18911
+Jacaranda	18912
+Jace	18913
+Jaclyn	18914
+Jacuzzi	18915
+Jane	18916
+Jans	18917
+January	18918
+Jan's	18919
+JanSport	18920
+Jana	18921
+Jang	18922
+Janna	18923
+Jantzen	18924
+Jamrock	18925
+Jamz	18926
+Jays	18927
+Jay's	18928
+Jaya	18929
+Jayhawk	18930
+Jayme	18931
+Jayne	18932
+Jayo	18933
+Jared	18934
+Jaron	18935
+Jarvis	18936
+Jager	18937
+Jagger	18938
+Jaguar	18939
+Jags	18940
+Jasmin	18941
+Jason	18942
+Jasper	18943
+Jail	18944
+Jaide	18945
+Jaime	18946
+Jain	18947
+Jade	18948
+Jada	18949
+Java	18950
+Jazz	18951
+Jazmine	18952
+Jake	18953
+Jakarta	18954
+Japan	18955
+Japs	18956
+Jabra	18957
+Jahan	18958
+Jaheim	18959
+Jalisco	18960
+Jalen	18961
+Jaffe	18962
+Jaffrey	18963
+Jaws	18964
+John	18965
+Johan	18966
+Jose	18967
+Josh	18968
+Jost	18969
+Joss	18970
+Josue	18971
+Jones	18972
+Jon's	18973
+Jong	18974
+Joni	18975
+Jonny	18976
+Joan	18977
+Joaquin	18978
+Jord	18979
+Jorge	18980
+Jory	18981
+Joel	18982
+Joey	18983
+Joe's	18984
+Joes	18985
+Jolie	18986
+Jolene	18987
+Joyce	18988
+Joy's	18989
+Joya	18990
+Joyner	18991
+Joyride	18992
+Jodi	18993
+Jody	18994
+Jodeci	18995
+Jobe	18996
+Jobs	18997
+Jocelyn	18998
+Jockey	18999
+Joule	19000
+Jovi	19001
+Jovan	19002
+JoJo's	19003
+Jokers	19004
+Joplin	19005
+Joppa	19006
+Jenn	19007
+Jeni	19008
+Jens	19009
+Jen's	19010
+Jena	19011
+Jenelle	19012
+Jenga	19013
+Jerome	19014
+Jerk	19015
+Jersey	19016
+Jericho	19017
+Jermaine	19018
+Jerusalem	19019
+Jervis	19020
+Jess	19021
+Jeff's	19022
+Jeffco	19023
+Jeffs	19024
+Jeffy	19025
+Jeanette	19026
+Jean's	19027
+Jeans	19028
+Jethro	19029
+Jets	19030
+Jett	19031
+JetBlue	19032
+Jeter	19033
+Jewish	19034
+Jews	19035
+Jelly	19036
+Jellico	19037
+Jello	19038
+Jeep	19039
+Jeezy	19040
+Jedi	19041
+Jehovah's	19042
+Jules	19043
+July	19044
+Judi	19045
+Judd	19046
+Jude	19047
+Judy	19048
+Judge	19049
+Judson	19050
+June	19051
+Junction	19052
+Jungle	19053
+Junktion	19054
+Juno	19055
+Junta	19056
+JustFab	19057
+Juan	19058
+Juarez	19059
+Juice	19060
+Juicy	19061
+Jump	19062
+Jumanji	19063
+Juggalo	19064
+Jurassic	19065
+Jurupa	19066
+Jima	19067
+Jimbo	19068
+Jimi	19069
+Jim's	19070
+Jimenez	19071
+Jims	19072
+Jillian	19073
+Jill's	19074
+Jills	19075
+Jing	19076
+Jita	19077
+Jitney	19078
+Jitsu	19079
+Jiffy	19080
+JCPenney	19081
+JCP&L	19082
+undo	19083
+undress	19084
+undue	19085
+undying	19086
+unit	19087
+union	19088
+unique	19089
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+uncut	19093
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+unsigned	19095
+unfucking	19096
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+unable	19098
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+unauthorized	19100
+unaware	19101
+unpunished	19102
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+unbutton	19104
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+unbiased	19106
+unruly	19107
+unto	19108
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+unopened	19120
+unos	19121
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+unmute	19123
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+ungodly	19125
+unkind	19126
+unnatural	19127
+unnoticed	19128
+unusual	19129
+unusable	19130
+unused	19131
+upset	19132
+ups.com	19133
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+updating	19141
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+upgrading	19143
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+up.com	19149
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+upwards	19152
+uric	19153
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+urging	19155
+urology	19156
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+urea	19159
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+urns	19161
+urself	19162
+user	19163
+used	19164
+useful	19165
+useless	19166
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+usa.com	19168
+usaa.com	19169
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+utterly	19177
+ultra	19178
+ulterior	19179
+ulcers	19180
+ugly	19181
+uggs	19182
+ughh	19183
+umbrella	19184
+umbilical	19185
+ummm	19186
+Orange	19187
+Orab	19188
+Oracle	19189
+Oradell	19190
+Orajel	19191
+Oral	19192
+Orient	19193
+Orillia	19194
+Orinda	19195
+Oriskany	19196
+Oreo	19197
+Oreck	19198
+Orem	19199
+Orton	19200
+Ortega	19201
+Orca	19202
+Orcutt	19203
+Ordway	19204
+Orland	19205
+Orleans	19206
+Orloff	19207
+Orofino	19208
+Orono	19209
+Oroville	19210
+Orbeez	19211
+Orrington	19212
+Orrville	19213
+Organic	19214
+Organization	19215
+Orman	19216
+Ormond	19217
+Orphan	19218
+Orpheum	19219
+Orville	19220
+Orvis	19221
+Orwell	19222
+Orwigsburg	19223
+Olin	19224
+Olyphant	19225
+Olaf	19226
+Olan	19227
+Olas	19228
+Olathe	19229
+Olay	19230
+Olde	19231
+Oldfield	19232
+Oldham	19233
+Olean	19234
+Oleg	19235
+Olentangy	19236
+Oley	19237
+Olson	19238
+Olsen	19239
+Olsteen	19240
+Olga's	19241
+Olgas	19242
+Ollie	19243
+Olly	19244
+Oscar	19245
+Osco	19246
+Osceola	19247
+Oster	19248
+Osteen	19249
+Osteopathic	19250
+Osaka	19251
+Osage	19252
+Osama	19253
+Osborn	19254
+Osbourne	19255
+Oshawa	19256
+Oshkosh	19257
+Oshtemo	19258
+Osseo	19259
+Oskaloosa	19260
+Oskar	19261
+Osment	19262
+Osmond	19263
+Osos	19264
+O'Neil	19265
+O'Neal	19266
+O'Charley's	19267
+O'Brien's	19268
+O'Briens	19269
+O'Malley	19270
+O'Meara	19271
+O'Reilly	19272
+O'Rourke	19273
+O'Shea	19274
+O'Sullivan	19275
+O'Fallon	19276
+O'Farrell	19277
+O'Hara	19278
+O'Hare	19279
+O'Leary's	19280
+O'Toole's	19281
+Oceana	19282
+Oceano	19283
+Oceanport	19284
+Oceanside	19285
+Ocoee	19286
+Ocotillo	19287
+Ocho	19288
+Ochs	19289
+Occidental	19290
+Ocala	19291
+Ocarina	19292
+Opera	19293
+Opel	19294
+Open	19295
+Opeth	19296
+Optum	19297
+Oprah	19298
+Opry	19299
+Opart	19300
+Oppenheimer	19301
+Opportunity	19302
+Oakcrest	19303
+Oakdale	19304
+Oakfield	19305
+Oakhurst	19306
+Oakmont	19307
+Oakridge	19308
+Oaks	19309
+Oakton	19310
+Oakwood	19311
+Oates	19312
+Oats	19313
+OneRepublic	19314
+Oneal	19315
+Oneida	19316
+Oneonta	19317
+Ones	19318
+Onia	19319
+Onika	19320
+Onion	19321
+Onley	19322
+Online	19323
+Only	19324
+Once	19325
+Oncor	19326
+Onondaga	19327
+Okaloosa	19328
+Okama	19329
+Okanagan	19330
+Okatie	19331
+Okay	19332
+Okemo	19333
+Okeechobee	19334
+Okoboji	19335
+Okolona	19336
+Okotoks	19337
+Okies	19338
+Okinawa	19339
+Outback	19340
+Outdoor	19341
+Outer	19342
+Outfitters	19343
+Outkast	19344
+Outreach	19345
+Outsiders	19346
+Outta	19347
+Ourisman	19348
+Over	19349
+Oven	19350
+Ovid	19351
+Oviedo	19352
+Ovaltine	19353
+Omar	19354
+Oma's	19355
+Omaha	19356
+Omak	19357
+Oman	19358
+Omega	19359
+Omer	19360
+OmniSource	19361
+Ober	19362
+Obee	19363
+Obetz	19364
+Obama's	19365
+Obamacare	19366
+Obispo	19367
+Observatory	19368
+Observer	19369
+Otter	19370
+Otto	19371
+Ottawa	19372
+Ottumwa	19373
+Otisville	19374
+Owen	19375
+Owego	19376
+Owasso	19377
+Owatonna	19378
+Owls	19379
+Odell	19380
+Odem	19381
+Odeon	19382
+Odessa	19383
+Oddie	19384
+Ogden's	19385
+Ogdensburg	19386
+Oglesby	19387
+Oglethorpe	19388
+OSAP	19389
+OSHA	19390
+Ozark	19391
+Ozaukee	19392
+Ozona	19393
+Ozone	19394
+Ozzie	19395
+Ozzy	19396
+OPPD	19397
+Oxbow	19398
+Oxbridge	19399
+Office	19400
+Offutt	19401
+Oildale	19402
+Oilers	19403
+OHSU	19404
+Ohio's	19405
+visual	19406
+visa	19407
+vista	19408
+visor	19409
+vise	19410
+vici	19411
+vice	19412
+vicodin	19413
+vicariously	19414
+viola	19415
+violin	19416
+vide	19417
+vida	19418
+vids	19419
+vibra	19420
+vibe	19421
+vine	19422
+vinaigrette	19423
+vino	19424
+vinsetta	19425
+vintage	19426
+vinyl	19427
+vinz	19428
+virus	19429
+viral	19430
+vile	19431
+view	19432
+viejas	19433
+viene	19434
+vita	19435
+vitro	19436
+vittles	19437
+vial	19438
+viable	19439
+viaduct	19440
+vigil	19441
+vigorous	19442
+viva	19443
+vivo	19444
+vixen	19445
+vixion	19446
+vers	19447
+verb	19448
+vera	19449
+vero	19450
+verge	19451
+verlo	19452
+verve	19453
+very	19454
+vent	19455
+venue	19456
+venison	19457
+venmo	19458
+veto	19459
+vet's	19460
+vets	19461
+veggie	19462
+vegan	19463
+vest	19464
+vessel	19465
+vehicle	19466
+vehicular	19467
+veil	19468
+vein	19469
+velcro	19470
+velocity	19471
+velvet	19472
+vezzo	19473
+valley	19474
+valve	19475
+valance	19476
+valcher	19477
+valor	19478
+vals	19479
+vacuum	19480
+van's	19481
+vana	19482
+vances	19483
+vanessa	19484
+vans	19485
+vantage	19486
+vary	19487
+varmint	19488
+varnish	19489
+varsity	19490
+vase	19491
+vast	19492
+vascular	19493
+vagina	19494
+vague	19495
+vagabond	19496
+vapor	19497
+vape	19498
+vaping	19499
+vampire	19500
+vamps	19501
+vailable	19502
+vain	19503
+vaulted	19504
+volt	19505
+volley	19506
+volatile	19507
+void	19508
+vocelli's	19509
+vote	19510
+vows	19511
+vouch	19512
+vous	19513
+vomited	19514
+vomiting	19515
+voodoo	19516
+voom	19517
+vooom	19518
+voyage	19519
+voyeur	19520
+vulture	19521
+vulcanizing	19522
+vulgar	19523
+vulva	19524
+Intimates	19525
+Into	19526
+Intuit	19527
+Indo	19528
+Indy	19529
+Inskip	19530
+Insurance	19531
+Ingle	19532
+Inga	19533
+Ingersoll	19534
+Ingham	19535
+Inca	19536
+Incredible	19537
+Inch	19538
+Incline	19539
+Incubus	19540
+Info	19541
+Infante	19542
+Inns	19543
+Innisbrook	19544
+InnoTab	19545
+Ines	19546
+Inez	19547
+Inka	19548
+Inkster	19549
+Inland	19550
+Inlet	19551
+Inova	19552
+Isabel	19553
+Isagenix	19554
+Isanti	19555
+Isla	19556
+Isle	19557
+Israel	19558
+Israphel	19559
+Ishmael	19560
+Ishpeming	19561
+Iselin	19562
+Isengard	19563
+Ising	19564
+Isis	19565
+Iron	19566
+Iroquois	19567
+Iran	19568
+Iraq	19569
+Iration	19570
+Irvin	19571
+Irv's	19572
+Irene	19573
+Iredell	19574
+Ireland	19575
+Iris	19576
+Irina	19577
+Irma	19578
+Irmo	19579
+Irwindale	19580
+Imperial	19581
+Imani	19582
+Immigration	19583
+Ivan's	19584
+Ivana	19585
+Ivanhoe	19586
+Ivans	19587
+Iver	19588
+Ives	19589
+Ivonne	19590
+Ivory	19591
+Ivy's	19592
+Ilana	19593
+Ileana	19594
+ICCU	19595
+ICDC	19596
+ICIC	19597
+Icehouse	19598
+Iceland	19599
+Iceman	19600
+Iceoplex	19601
+Icewear	19602
+Ichiban	19603
+Ichigo	19604
+Idabel	19605
+Idaho	19606
+Ideal	19607
+Identity	19608
+IMO's	19609
+IMOS	19610
+Itasca	19611
+Iglesias	19612
+Ignacio	19613
+Ignatius	19614
+I'ma	19615
+I'mma	19616
+IRAs	19617
+IDEs	19618
+Iberian	19619
+Ibis	19620
+Ibiza	19621
+Iona	19622
+Ionia	19623
+Izzy	19624
+Izzie	19625
+IIIi	19626
+Ian's	19627
+Vine	19628
+Vina	19629
+Vinson	19630
+Vick	19631
+Vice	19632
+Vic's	19633
+Vicodin	19634
+Vics	19635
+Vista	19636
+Visa	19637
+Vishal	19638
+Visor	19639
+Visual	19640
+Vilma	19641
+Vilonia	19642
+Virtua	19643
+Viroqua	19644
+Virus	19645
+Vita	19646
+Vito	19647
+Vitis	19648
+Viet	19649
+View	19650
+Vienna	19651
+Viera	19652
+Vivi	19653
+Viva	19654
+Vida	19655
+Video	19656
+Vidor	19657
+Viking	19658
+Vikes	19659
+Vikki	19660
+Vikram	19661
+Viaero	19662
+Viagra	19663
+Vianney	19664
+Viborg	19665
+Vibrations	19666
+Viggle	19667
+Vigo	19668
+Vipers	19669
+Vale	19670
+Valu	19671
+Val's	19672
+Valarie	19673
+Valby	19674
+Valhalla	19675
+Valium	19676
+Valmont	19677
+Valor	19678
+Valrico	19679
+Valvoline	19680
+Valwood	19681
+Vann	19682
+Vanessa	19683
+VanCleave	19684
+VanDevere	19685
+Vanguard	19686
+Vanowen	19687
+Vans	19688
+Vantage	19689
+Vanya	19690
+Vargas	19691
+Varsity	19692
+Varun	19693
+Vascular	19694
+Vaseline	19695
+Vasilios	19696
+Vasquez	19697
+Vacation	19698
+Vacaville	19699
+Vadnais	19700
+Vado	19701
+Vauxhall	19702
+Vails	19703
+VapoRub	19704
+Vapor	19705
+Vatican	19706
+Vatterott	19707
+Vern	19708
+Vero	19709
+Vera	19710
+Verte	19711
+Verve	19712
+Very	19713
+Venice	19714
+Venoy	19715
+Venus	19716
+Venza	19717
+Vela	19718
+Velo	19719
+Velcro	19720
+Velde	19721
+Velma	19722
+Vega	19723
+Veggie	19724
+Vegeta	19725
+Vedder	19726
+Vedra	19727
+Vehicles	19728
+Veil	19729
+Vein	19730
+Volt	19731
+Volbeat	19732
+Volcan	19733
+Voldemort	19734
+Volkswagen	19735
+Volleyball	19736
+Volo	19737
+Volvo	19738
+Vonage	19739
+Vonda	19740
+Vonore	19741
+Vons	19742
+Vocelli	19743
+Vodafone	19744
+Vodka	19745
+Vogel	19746
+Vogue	19747
+Voodoo	19748
+Voorhees	19749
+Voters	19750
+Voyager	19751
+Voyles	19752
+VIP's	19753
+kind	19754
+king	19755
+kink	19756
+kine	19757
+kins	19758
+kinnucans	19759
+kino	19760
+kill	19761
+kilo	19762
+kilt	19763
+kildeer	19764
+kiln	19765
+kid's	19766
+kidless	19767
+kids	19768
+kidzone	19769
+kicks	19770
+kickin	19771
+kickass	19772
+kickflip	19773
+kickoff	19774
+kitchen	19775
+kite	19776
+kita	19777
+kits	19778
+kissy	19779
+kissable	19780
+kissing	19781
+kielbasa	19782
+kike	19783
+kiki	19784
+kimchi	19785
+kimonos	19786
+kiosks	19787
+kira	19788
+kirko	19789
+kara	19790
+karma	19791
+kart	19792
+kare	19793
+karina	19794
+karu	19795
+kaya	19796
+kaycan	19797
+kayo	19798
+kaytlin	19799
+kale	19800
+kala	19801
+kalmanash	19802
+kangaroo	19803
+kandi	19804
+kanji	19805
+kanki	19806
+kanpai	19807
+kansasland	19808
+katana	19809
+kate	19810
+katie	19811
+katlyn	19812
+kabab	19813
+kabuki	19814
+kama	19815
+kami	19816
+kammy	19817
+kailyn's	19818
+keyboard	19819
+keychain	19820
+keynote	19821
+keyword	19822
+keyed	19823
+keyhole	19824
+keyless	19825
+keypad	19826
+keyring	19827
+keys	19828
+keytones	19829
+keep	19830
+keel	19831
+keen	19832
+kennel	19833
+keno	19834
+kenzies	19835
+kernel	19836
+keras	19837
+kerby's	19838
+kerosene	19839
+kettle	19840
+ketamine	19841
+ketchup	19842
+kegger	19843
+kegs	19844
+kelly	19845
+kelp	19846
+kelsey	19847
+knock	19848
+know	19849
+knot	19850
+knob	19851
+knoll	19852
+knick	19853
+knit	19854
+knight	19855
+knife	19856
+knives	19857
+knee	19858
+knew	19859
+knuckle	19860
+knudtsen	19861
+knacks	19862
+koozie	19863
+kooks	19864
+kool	19865
+koney	19866
+koala	19867
+kombucha	19868
+komma	19869
+kori	19870
+korma	19871
+krill	19872
+kroger	19873
+krokus	19874
+kuma	19875
+khakis	19876
+klonopins	19877
+kylah	19878
+kyle	19879
+kylie	19880
+kmart.com	19881
+jamb	19882
+james	19883
+jamas	19884
+jamie	19885
+jams	19886
+jack	19887
+jacquees	19888
+jailhouse	19889
+jails	19890
+janitor	19891
+janay	19892
+janky	19893
+jade	19894
+jada	19895
+jared	19896
+jargon	19897
+jarred	19898
+jars	19899
+jasmine	19900
+jason	19901
+jasko	19902
+jagwire	19903
+jake	19904
+jalapeno	19905
+jaliscos	19906
+jalopy	19907
+jay-z	19908
+jaydens	19909
+jaye	19910
+jazz	19911
+jazmine	19912
+jabber	19913
+jabs	19914
+jawbone	19915
+jaws	19916
+javelin	19917
+javi	19918
+judy	19919
+judo	19920
+jump	19921
+junk	19922
+just	19923
+jugs	19924
+jugular	19925
+juice	19926
+juicing	19927
+juicy	19928
+juanita	19929
+juanitos	19930
+jujitsu	19931
+juju	19932
+jukebox	19933
+jurisdiction	19934
+jury	19935
+juvenile	19936
+juvie	19937
+join	19938
+joist	19939
+joke	19940
+jokin	19941
+john	19942
+johann	19943
+jockey	19944
+jocks	19945
+jocko's	19946
+joey	19947
+joe's	19948
+joel	19949
+joes	19950
+josh	19951
+joscelyn	19952
+joseph	19953
+joslyn's	19954
+joys	19955
+joyful	19956
+joyous	19957
+joyride	19958
+jonesin	19959
+jobs	19960
+jobless	19961
+joanna	19962
+jolly	19963
+jolt	19964
+jerk	19965
+jeremy	19966
+jersey	19967
+jerry	19968
+jervey	19969
+jenessa	19970
+jess	19971
+jest	19972
+jesus	19973
+jeep	19974
+jeez	19975
+jeebies	19976
+jeesh	19977
+jewella	19978
+jewelry	19979
+jewels	19980
+jets	19981
+jetpack	19982
+jetty	19983
+jealous	19984
+jean	19985
+jelly	19986
+jellies	19987
+jello	19988
+jeopardy	19989
+jigs	19990
+jigaboo	19991
+jigna	19992
+jimano's	19993
+jims	19994
+jinx	19995
+jingle	19996
+jitterbug	19997
+jitters	19998
+jittery	19999
+jillian	20000
+jizzed	20001
+jcpenney.com	20002
+1000	20003
+100's	20004
+1001	20005
+1002	20006
+1003	20007
+1004	20008
+1005	20009
+1006	20010
+1007	20011
+1008	20012
+1009	20013
+100th	20014
+101.5	20015
+1010	20016
+1015	20017
+1016	20018
+1017	20019
+1020	20020
+1025	20021
+1029	20022
+103.5	20023
+1030	20024
+1031	20025
+1035	20026
+105.1	20027
+1050	20028
+1051	20029
+1055	20030
+107.	20031
+1070	20032
+1075	20033
+10:15	20034
+10:20	20035
+10:30	20036
+10:45	20037
+10-11	20038
+10-12	20039
+10-15	20040
+1040	20041
+1045	20042
+1065	20043
+1066	20044
+1080	20045
+1086	20046
+1090	20047
+1099	20048
+1100	20049
+1101	20050
+1102	20051
+1103	20052
+1105	20053
+1108	20054
+1110	20055
+1111	20056
+1115	20057
+1116	20058
+1117	20059
+1118	20060
+11:15	20061
+11:20	20062
+11:30	20063
+11:45	20064
+11:55	20065
+1120	20066
+1121	20067
+1125	20068
+1130	20069
+1131	20070
+1135	20071
+1140	20072
+1145	20073
+1150	20074
+1155	20075
+1180	20076
+1187	20077
+1199	20078
+1234	20079
+1230	20080
+1231	20081
+1235	20082
+1200	20083
+1201	20084
+1205	20085
+1210	20086
+1212	20087
+1215	20088
+1220	20089
+1222	20090
+1225	20091
+1240	20092
+1245	20093
+1290	20094
+1299	20095
+12/12/12	20096
+12/21/12	20097
+1250	20098
+12:15	20099
+12:30	20100
+1960	20101
+1900	20102
+1911	20103
+1920s	20104
+1930s	20105
+1940s	20106
+1950s	20107
+1970s	20108
+1980s	20109
+1990s	20110
+1440	20111
+1441's	20112
+1495	20113
+1499	20114
+1400	20115
+1431	20116
+1450	20117
+1488	20118
+1500	20119
+1540	20120
+1550	20121
+1792	20122
+1799	20123
+1700	20124
+1750	20125
+1776	20126
+1300	20127
+1301	20128
+1311	20129
+1350	20130
+1600	20131
+1604	20132
+1650	20133
+1699	20134
+1800	20135
+1801	20136
+1830	20137
+1:01	20138
+1:02	20139
+1:03	20140
+1:04	20141
+1:05	20142
+1:06	20143
+1:07	20144
+1:08	20145
+1:09	20146
+Unit	20147
+Union	20148
+UniFirst	20149
+Unilever	20150
+Unisource	20151
+Undisputed	20152
+Uncasville	20153
+Unchained	20154
+Uncle	20155
+Unforgiven	20156
+Unfortunately	20157
+Unleashed	20158
+Unlimited	20159
+Unoka	20160
+USAA	20161
+USCIS	20162
+USDA	20163
+USMC	20164
+USPS	20165
+UNCC	20166
+UNCG	20167
+UNCW	20168
+UNICEF	20169
+UNITED	20170
+UNKLE	20171
+UCSB	20172
+UCSD	20173
+UCSF	20174
+UCCS	20175
+UCCU	20176
+Ultra	20177
+Ultima	20178
+Ulta	20179
+Ulmerton	20180
+UMBC	20181
+Upshur	20182
+Upson	20183
+Upstate	20184
+Upton	20185
+Uptown	20186
+Urbana	20187
+Urbandale	20188
+UTMB	20189
+UTMC	20190
+Umberto's	20191
+Umbria	20192
+Umizoomi	20193
+Ummah	20194
+Used	20195
+User	20196
+Ustick	20197
+Ustream	20198
+UFCU	20199
+UFCW	20200
+UFO's	20201
+Utica	20202
+Ukraine	20203
+Ukrainian	20204
+2010	20205
+2012	20206
+2013	20207
+20-25	20208
+20-30	20209
+20-year-old	20210
+2000	20211
+2020	20212
+2025	20213
+2400	20214
+2401	20215
+24-hour	20216
+24-year-old	20217
+2424	20218
+2450	20219
+2468	20220
+2499	20221
+2500	20222
+2501	20223
+2525	20224
+2550	20225
+2100	20226
+2111	20227
+2120	20228
+2150	20229
+2200	20230
+2222	20231
+223322	20232
+2700	20233
+2701	20234
+2750	20235
+2600	20236
+2650	20237
+2800	20238
+2850	20239
+2900	20240
+2920	20241
+2300	20242
+2:01	20243
+2:02	20244
+2:03	20245
+2:04	20246
+2:05	20247
+2:06	20248
+2:07	20249
+2:08	20250
+2:09	20251
+2k12	20252
+2k13	20253
+2k14	20254
+2k15	20255
+3000	20256
+3001	20257
+3009	20258
+30-30	20259
+30-day	20260
+3300	20261
+3333	20262
+33497254	20263
+3100	20264
+3131	20265
+3400	20266
+3401	20267
+3500	20268
+3700	20269
+3750	20270
+3200	20271
+3900	20272
+3:01	20273
+3:02	20274
+3:03	20275
+3:04	20276
+3:05	20277
+3:06	20278
+3:07	20279
+3:08	20280
+3:09	20281
+3:15	20282
+3:16	20283
+3600	20284
+3800	20285
+3somes	20286
+Your	20287
+You're	20288
+YouTube	20289
+York	20290
+Yorba	20291
+Yoshi	20292
+Yosemite	20293
+Yossi	20294
+Yost	20295
+Yoga	20296
+Yogi	20297
+Yogscast	20298
+Yogurtland	20299
+Yoder	20300
+Yoda	20301
+Yolanda	20302
+Yoli	20303
+Yolo	20304
+Yoakam	20305
+Yoakum	20306
+Yokohama	20307
+Yonge	20308
+Yonkers	20309
+YopP	20310
+Yoplait	20311
+Yang	20312
+Yancey	20313
+Yard	20314
+Yarbrough	20315
+Yaris	20316
+Yark	20317
+Yarmouth	20318
+Yama	20319
+Yamhill	20320
+Yampa	20321
+Yakama	20322
+Yakima	20323
+Yadkinville	20324
+Yelawolf	20325
+Yelm	20326
+Yelp	20327
+Year	20328
+Yeager	20329
+Yeah	20330
+Yeadon	20331
+Yesenia	20332
+Yessica	20333
+Yeti	20334
+Yucaipa	20335
+Yucca	20336
+Yuki	20337
+Yukon	20338
+Yulee	20339
+Yuma	20340
+Yuri	20341
+Yurman	20342
+Ying	20343
+Yvonne's	20344
+4000	20345
+4001	20346
+401k	20347
+4900	20348
+4999	20349
+4100	20350
+4200	20351
+4300	20352
+4400	20353
+4700	20354
+4500	20355
+4600	20356
+4800	20357
+4:01	20358
+4:02	20359
+4:03	20360
+4:04	20361
+4:05	20362
+4:06	20363
+4:07	20364
+4:08	20365
+4:09	20366
+4shared.com	20367
+5000	20368
+5001	20369
+5050	20370
+5150	20371
+515151	20372
+5100	20373
+5500	20374
+5555	20375
+5800	20376
+586's	20377
+5200	20378
+5300	20379
+5400	20380
+5600	20381
+5700	20382
+5:01	20383
+5:02	20384
+5:03	20385
+5:04	20386
+5:05	20387
+5:06	20388
+5:07	20389
+5:08	20390
+5:09	20391
+5900	20392
+young	20393
+your	20394
+you.	20395
+youjizz	20396
+yous	20397
+youuu	20398
+youve	20399
+yogi	20400
+yogurt	20401
+yoga	20402
+yoked	20403
+yokes	20404
+yonder	20405
+yoni	20406
+yooo	20407
+yoohoo	20408
+yolks	20409
+year	20410
+yeah	20411
+yeaa	20412
+yeast	20413
+yell	20414
+yelp	20415
+yesterday	20416
+yepper	20417
+yeehaw	20418
+yet.	20419
+yard	20420
+yarn	20421
+yank	20422
+yang	20423
+yaki	20424
+yakety	20425
+yahoo	20426
+yawn	20427
+yawls	20428
+yaaa	20429
+yaay	20430
+yachts	20431
+yalls	20432
+yams	20433
+yayas	20434
+yumm	20435
+yums	20436
+yupp	20437
+yuck	20438
+yucca	20439
+yields	20440
+ying	20441
+6000	20442
+6001	20443
+6100	20444
+611611	20445
+6200	20446
+62549899	20447
+6400	20448
+6500	20449
+6300	20450
+6800	20451
+6:01	20452
+6:02	20453
+6:03	20454
+6:04	20455
+6:05	20456
+6:06	20457
+6:07	20458
+6:08	20459
+6:09	20460
+6700	20461
+6789	20462
+6900	20463
+6.0.1	20464
+7000	20465
+7200	20466
+727272	20467
+7100	20468
+7700	20469
+7777	20470
+7300	20471
+7600	20472
+7500	20473
+7800	20474
+7:01	20475
+7:02	20476
+7:03	20477
+7:04	20478
+7:05	20479
+7:06	20480
+7:07	20481
+7:08	20482
+7:09	20483
+92.1	20484
+92.3	20485
+92.5	20486
+92.7	20487
+92.9	20488
+93.1	20489
+93.3	20490
+93.5	20491
+93.7	20492
+93.9	20493
+97.1	20494
+97.3	20495
+97.5	20496
+97.7	20497
+97.9	20498
+9700	20499
+9000	20500
+90210	20501
+94.1	20502
+94.5	20503
+94.7	20504
+94.9	20505
+95.1	20506
+95.3	20507
+95.5	20508
+95.7	20509
+95.9	20510
+9500	20511
+99.1	20512
+99.3	20513
+99.5	20514
+99.7	20515
+99.9	20516
+9999	20517
+98.1	20518
+98.3	20519
+98.5	20520
+98.7	20521
+98.9	20522
+9800	20523
+96.1	20524
+96.3	20525
+96.5	20526
+96.9	20527
+9:01	20528
+9:04	20529
+9:05	20530
+9:06	20531
+9:07	20532
+9:08	20533
+9:09	20534
+qual	20535
+quad	20536
+quack	20537
+quaaludes	20538
+quagmire	20539
+quake	20540
+quit	20541
+quirk	20542
+quiz	20543
+quiver	20544
+quid	20545
+quip	20546
+queasy	20547
+quelle	20548
+quench	20549
+quorum	20550
+Zach	20551
+Zack	20552
+Zane	20553
+Zanies	20554
+Zankou	20555
+Zanny	20556
+Zanzibar	20557
+Zamboni	20558
+Zamora	20559
+Zamzows	20560
+Zappa	20561
+Zappos	20562
+Zara	20563
+Zaria	20564
+Zaki	20565
+Zaza	20566
+Zazzle	20567
+Zipcar	20568
+Ziploc	20569
+Zimmer	20570
+Ziglar	20571
+Zilker	20572
+Zinburger	20573
+Zinfandel	20574
+Zingerman's	20575
+Zion	20576
+Zio's	20577
+Ziebart	20578
+Ziegler	20579
+Zeller	20580
+Zelda	20581
+Zelienople	20582
+Zeeks	20583
+Zeeland	20584
+Zenith	20585
+Zeno	20586
+Zephyr	20587
+Zeppelin	20588
+Zebulon	20589
+Zoom	20590
+Zoe's	20591
+Zoey	20592
+Zombieland	20593
+Zombies	20594
+Zona	20595
+Zone	20596
+Zoning	20597
+Zola	20598
+Zoloft	20599
+Zorba's	20600
+Zorro	20601
+Zuma	20602
+Zumiez	20603
+Zulily	20604
+Zulu	20605
+Zurchers	20606
+Zurich	20607
+8000	20608
+827438	20609
+8300	20610
+8500	20611
+8600	20612
+8888	20613
+8:01	20614
+8:02	20615
+8:03	20616
+8:04	20617
+8:05	20618
+8:08	20619
+8900	20620
+Quin	20621
+Quick	20622
+Quik	20623
+Quiet	20624
+Quigley	20625
+Quimby	20626
+Quitman	20627
+Quivira	20628
+Quixote	20629
+Quan	20630
+Quaker	20631
+Quad	20632
+Quapaw	20633
+Quay	20634
+Queen	20635
+Quest	20636
+Quebec	20637
+Quelf	20638
+Quentin	20639
+zips	20640
+zilch	20641
+zing	20642
+zinc	20643
+zithromax	20644
+ziti	20645
+zigzags	20646
+zoom	20647
+zoos	20648
+zookeeper	20649
+zone	20650
+zona	20651
+zoning	20652
+zonked	20653
+zombies	20654
+zerorez	20655
+zeros	20656
+zestos	20657
+zesty	20658
+zebras	20659
+zach	20660
+zack	20661
+zantac	20662
+zarape	20663
+zarzamora	20664
+Xander	20665
+Xena	20666
+Xenia	20667
+Xing	20668
+Xperia	20669
+Xperience	20670
+Xtra	20671
+Xtreme	20672
+x-mas	20673
+x-men	20674
+x-rays	20675
+xxxx	20676
+xvideos.com	20677
+$contacts'll	20678
+$contacts'm	20679
+$contacts're	20680
+$contacts's	20681
+$contacts-cell	20682
+$contacts-sarrategui	20683
+$contacts-work	20684
+$contacts.com	20685
+$contactsll	20686
+start	20687
+starr	20688
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+stator	20696
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+staging	20711
+stagnant	20712
+stack	20713
+stacey	20714
+stacy	20715
+stamp	20716
+stamina	20717
+staph	20718
+staff:	20719
+staffed	20720
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+shuffling	21005
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+submerged	21008
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+cycling	22755
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+cybelle's	22759
+Stark	22760
+Stars	22761
+Starcraft	22762
+Stardust	22763
+Stargate	22764
+Starnes	22765
+Starplex	22766
+Starr	22767
+Start	22768
+Starwood	22769
+Starz	22770
+Stand	22771
+Stan's	22772
+Stana	22773
+Stanhope	22774
+Stanislaus	22775
+Stanton	22776
+Stanwood	22777
+State	22778
+Statham	22779
+Statler	22780
+Staton	22781
+Stace	22782
+Staci	22783
+Stacy	22784
+Stackhouse	22785
+Staley	22786
+Stalin	22787
+Stamp	22788
+Stamford	22789
+Stamos	22790
+Stafford	22791
+Staffing	22792
+Staind	22793
+Staples	22794
+Stapleton	22795
+Stapley	22796
+Stage	22797
+Stagg	22798
+Staybridge	22799
+Stayton	22800
+Stash's	22801
+Stasia	22802
+Stauffers	22803
+Staunton	22804
+Steph	22805
+Steppenwolf	22806
+Steps	22807
+Steve	22808
+Stevi	22809
+Stevo	22810
+Steam	22811
+Steak	22812
+Steadman	22813
+Stearns	22814
+Steel	22815
+Steemer	22816
+Steen	22817
+Stefan	22818
+Steffy	22819
+Stefko	22820
+Stewart	22821
+Stewie	22822
+Steiner	22823
+Steinberg	22824
+Steinfeld	22825
+Steinhafels	22826
+Steinway	22827
+Sterling	22828
+Stern	22829
+Stereo	22830
+Sterrett	22831
+Stelton	22832
+Stelzer	22833
+Steubenville	22834
+Stone	22835
+Stonington	22836
+Stony	22837
+Stockman	22838
+Stockade	22839
+Stockbridge	22840
+Stockdale	22841
+Stockholm	22842
+Stockton	22843
+Stockwell	22844
+Store	22845
+Storm	22846
+Story	22847
+Storage	22848
+Storrs	22849
+Stokes	22850
+Stokely	22851
+Stoker	22852
+Stole	22853
+Stoli	22854
+Stoltz	22855
+Stooges	22856
+Stouffer's	22857
+Stoughton	22858
+Stout	22859
+Stoppers	22860
+Stovall	22861
+Stover	22862
+Stowe	22863
+Strat	22864
+Strack	22865
+Strada	22866
+Strafford	22867
+Strahan	22868
+Strasburg	22869
+Strayer	22870
+Straz	22871
+Strega	22872
+Streisand	22873
+Strength	22874
+Strong	22875
+Stroud	22876
+Strobel	22877
+Stroger	22878
+Stroh	22879
+Strokes	22880
+Stromboli	22881
+Stroop	22882
+Strickland	22883
+Stride	22884
+Strike	22885
+Strip	22886
+Stryker	22887
+Stryper	22888
+Studdard	22889
+Study	22890
+Sturbridge	22891
+Sturtevant	22892
+Stuarts	22893
+StubHub	22894
+Stubbs	22895
+Stuckey	22896
+Stucky	22897
+Stumpf	22898
+Stumpy's	22899
+Stuyvesant	22900
+Still	22901
+Stila	22902
+Stiles	22903
+Stilwell	22904
+Stine	22905
+Sting	22906
+Stinson	22907
+Stickley	22908
+Stickney	22909
+Styles	22910
+Sandi	22911
+Sandy	22912
+Sands	22913
+Sandwich	22914
+Sandman	22915
+Sandusky	22916
+Santa	22917
+Santi	22918
+Santo	22919
+Sante	22920
+Santucci's	22921
+Sancus	22922
+Sangamon	22923
+Sanger	22924
+Sango	22925
+Sanibel	22926
+Sansa	22927
+Sansing	22928
+Sansom	22929
+Sanatoga	22930
+Sanjay	22931
+Salad	22932
+Salam	22933
+Salaam	22934
+Salas	22935
+Salazar	22936
+Salto	22937
+Salty	22938
+Salter	22939
+Saltgrass	22940
+Saltillo	22941
+Saltsburg	22942
+Salina	22943
+Salim	22944
+Salvador	22945
+Salvage	22946
+Sally	22947
+Salle	22948
+Sales	22949
+Salem	22950
+Salerno	22951
+Salma	22952
+Salmon	22953
+Salon	22954
+Sammy	22955
+Sammi	22956
+Sammamish	22957
+Sammons	22958
+Samantha	22959
+Samaritan	22960
+Samson	22961
+Samsung	22962
+Samba	22963
+Samberg	22964
+Sambo	22965
+Samoa	22966
+Samoset	22967
+Samuel	22968
+Samurai	22969
+Samir	22970
+Sarah	22971
+Sara's	22972
+Saraland	22973
+Saranac	22974
+Sarasota	22975
+Saratoga	22976
+Sargeant	22977
+Sargent	22978
+Sarita	22979
+Sariah	22980
+Sardinia	22981
+Sardis	22982
+Sarnia	22983
+Sarno	22984
+Sarpino's	22985
+Sarpy	22986
+Sabai	22987
+Sabal	22988
+Saban	22989
+Sabre	22990
+Sabrina	22991
+Sabra	22992
+Sabina	22993
+Sabine	22994
+Sabino	22995
+Saugerties	22996
+Saugus	22997
+Sauls	22998
+Sault	22999
+Sauce	23000
+Saucon	23001
+Saukville	23002
+Saturday	23003
+Saturn	23004
+Saticoy	23005
+Satilla	23006
+Satish	23007
+Satan's	23008
+Satterfield	23009
+Sattler	23010
+Savin	23011
+Saviers	23012
+Savior	23013
+Savannah	23014
+Savage	23015
+Saved	23016
+Saver	23017
+Savoy	23018
+Savoie	23019
+Sagamore	23020
+Sagan	23021
+Sagar	23022
+Sager	23023
+Saginaw	23024
+Sagittarius	23025
+Saint	23026
+Sailor	23027
+Sacrament	23028
+Sacred	23029
+Sacco's	23030
+Saccos	23031
+Sachse	23032
+Saddle	23033
+Saddam	23034
+Sadies	23035
+SaskTel	23036
+Sasha's	23037
+Sasser	23038
+Sassy's	23039
+Sawadee	23040
+Sawaya	23041
+Sawyers	23042
+Safeco	23043
+Safety	23044
+Safeway	23045
+Sayreville	23046
+Saxonburg	23047
+Saxony	23048
+Sapphire	23049
+Sapporo	23050
+Sharp	23051
+Shark	23052
+Sharon	23053
+Shari	23054
+Share	23055
+Sharma	23056
+Shara	23057
+Shana	23058
+Shane	23059
+Shani	23060
+Shankar	23061
+Shake	23062
+Shaka	23063
+Shakira	23064
+Shaklee	23065
+Shakopee	23066
+Shakur	23067
+Shawn	23068
+Shaws	23069
+Shaw's	23070
+Shawano	23071
+Shalamar	23072
+Shade	23073
+Shadow	23074
+Shady	23075
+Shadle	23076
+Shama	23077
+Shamika	23078
+Shamokin	23079
+Shampoo	23080
+Shamrock	23081
+Shaye	23082
+Shayla	23083
+Shayna	23084
+Shays	23085
+Shafer	23086
+Shaffer	23087
+Shafter	23088
+Shaheen	23089
+Shahs	23090
+Shauna	23091
+Shauntay	23092
+Shabazz	23093
+Shabbat	23094
+Shackleford	23095
+Shaina	23096
+Shatner	23097
+Shattuck	23098
+Shave	23099
+Shaving	23100
+Sheri	23101
+Sherman	23102
+Sheree	23103
+Sherlock	23104
+Sheraton	23105
+Sheryl	23106
+Shell	23107
+Sheldon	23108
+Shelf	23109
+Shelia	23110
+Shelor	23111
+Sheen	23112
+Sheep	23113
+Sheeran	23114
+Sheetz	23115
+Shepherd	23116
+Shepard	23117
+Sheplers	23118
+Sheppard	23119
+Shear	23120
+Shealy	23121
+Shentel	23122
+Sheba	23123
+Sheboygan	23124
+Sheila's	23125
+Shopify	23126
+Shopko	23127
+Shops	23128
+Shore	23129
+Short	23130
+Shorr	23131
+Shotgun	23132
+Shoto	23133
+Shots	23134
+Shottenkirk	23135
+Shotwell	23136
+Shona	23137
+Shoney's	23138
+Shontelle	23139
+Showcase	23140
+Showtime	23141
+Shockley	23142
+Shoop	23143
+Shooz	23144
+ShoeDazzle	23145
+Shoes	23146
+Shoals	23147
+Shoshana	23148
+Shoshone	23149
+Shipley	23150
+Shipman	23151
+Shiprock	23152
+Shipshewana	23153
+Shipyard	23154
+Shine	23155
+Shing	23156
+Shining	23157
+Shinju	23158
+Shinnston	23159
+Shirl	23160
+Shira	23161
+Shire	23162
+Shilo	23163
+Shillington	23164
+Shield	23165
+Shiekh	23166
+Shiva	23167
+Shively	23168
+Shreve	23169
+Shrek	23170
+Shrewsbury	23171
+Shrine	23172
+Shriver	23173
+Shuman	23174
+Shumway	23175
+Shutterfly	23176
+Shuttle	23177
+Seagoville	23178
+Sease	23179
+Seaside	23180
+Seabiscuit	23181
+Seabury	23182
+Seals	23183
+Sealy	23184
+Sean's	23185
+Seans	23186
+Sears	23187
+Seafood	23188
+Seaford	23189
+Seahawks	23190
+Seattle's	23191
+Seaver	23192
+Seaview	23193
+Servall	23194
+Servco	23195
+Server	23196
+Serena	23197
+Serenity	23198
+Serengeti	23199
+Serrano	23200
+Serramonte	23201
+Serge	23202
+Sergio	23203
+Serbian	23204
+Series	23205
+Serio	23206
+Sentara	23207
+Senter	23208
+Sentinel	23209
+Sentra	23210
+Sensa	23211
+Sense	23212
+Senor	23213
+Senoia	23214
+Sendik's	23215
+Select	23216
+Sellwood	23217
+Selbyville	23218
+Selina	23219
+Selinsgrove	23220
+Selma	23221
+Selmer	23222
+Second	23223
+Secor	23224
+Secrets	23225
+Security	23226
+Securus	23227
+Seven	23228
+Severn	23229
+Sevier	23230
+Seeley	23231
+Seelye	23232
+Seth's	23233
+Settings	23234
+Settlers	23235
+Sedaka	23236
+Sedalia	23237
+Sedaris	23238
+Sedgefield	23239
+Sedgwick	23240
+Seminole	23241
+Seminary	23242
+September's	23243
+Septic	23244
+Sepultura	23245
+Sepulveda	23246
+Segal	23247
+Seguin	23248
+Segundo	23249
+Sebago	23250
+Sewell	23251
+Sewer	23252
+Sequoia	23253
+Sequoyah	23254
+Sessilee	23255
+Sessions	23256
+Sunnys	23257
+Sunny's	23258
+Sunnybrook	23259
+Sunnydale	23260
+Sunnymead	23261
+Sundberg	23262
+Sunderland	23263
+Sundrop	23264
+Sunbird	23265
+Sunbrook	23266
+Sunbury	23267
+Suncadia	23268
+Sunchase	23269
+Suncoast	23270
+Suncrest	23271
+Sunroc	23272
+Sunfire	23273
+Sunflower	23274
+Sunfresh	23275
+Sunset	23276
+Sunshine	23277
+Sunil	23278
+Sunita	23279
+Suntree	23280
+Suntrup	23281
+SuperValu	23282
+Superamerica	23283
+Superdome	23284
+Superette	23285
+Superfly	23286
+Supergirl	23287
+Superior	23288
+Supernatural	23289
+Supertramp	23290
+Supervisor	23291
+Supper	23292
+Support	23293
+Supra	23294
+Surfer	23295
+Surface	23296
+Surfside	23297
+Survey	23298
+SureWest	23299
+Suresh	23300
+Sureway	23301
+Surgery	23302
+Surgical	23303
+Surrey	23304
+Surry	23305
+Summer	23306
+Summa	23307
+Summit	23308
+Susan's	23309
+Susana	23310
+Susanna	23311
+Susans	23312
+Susanville	23313
+Susie's	23314
+Susies	23315
+Sussex	23316
+Sussman	23317
+Sutton	23318
+Sutter	23319
+Suttle	23320
+Sutherland	23321
+Sutherlin	23322
+Subarus	23323
+Suburbans	23324
+Sullivan	23325
+Sully	23326
+Sultans	23327
+Suzi's	23328
+Suzie	23329
+Suzanne's	23330
+Sugarbush	23331
+Sugarcreek	23332
+Sugarhill	23333
+Suite	23334
+Suitland	23335
+Succasunna	23336
+Success	23337
+Suki's	23338
+Southtown	23339
+Southdale	23340
+Southfield	23341
+Southridge	23342
+Southside	23343
+Southview	23344
+SoundCloud	23345
+SoundHound	23346
+Soundcloud	23347
+Sounders	23348
+Soundgarden	23349
+Sounds	23350
+Soundtrack	23351
+Soundview	23352
+Soulchild	23353
+Soulja	23354
+Souls	23355
+Souper	23356
+Souplantation	23357
+Source	23358
+Sonic	23359
+Sonia	23360
+Sonitrol	23361
+Sonora	23362
+Sonoco	23363
+Sonoma	23364
+Sonos	23365
+Sonya	23366
+Sony's	23367
+Sonata	23368
+Songz	23369
+Sonny's	23370
+Solar	23371
+Solace	23372
+Solomon	23373
+Solon	23374
+Soldier	23375
+Soldotna	23376
+Soledad	23377
+Soleil	23378
+Solid	23379
+Solis	23380
+Solvang	23381
+Solvay	23382
+Somebody	23383
+Someone	23384
+Something	23385
+Somali	23386
+Soren	23387
+Sorella	23388
+Sorrows	23389
+Sorry	23390
+Social	23391
+Society	23392
+Socomec	23393
+Socorro	23394
+Sofia	23395
+Sofitel	23396
+Softail	23397
+Software	23398
+Sophie	23399
+Sophia	23400
+Sobeys	23401
+SodaStream	23402
+Soviet	23403
+Sovine	23404
+Sparrow	23405
+Sparxxx	23406
+Spanky	23407
+Spano	23408
+Spanaway	23409
+Spandau	23410
+Spanx	23411
+Spaceballs	23412
+Spacey	23413
+Spades	23414
+SpaghettiOs	23415
+Spaldings	23416
+Speed	23417
+Speech	23418
+Speer	23419
+Special	23420
+Spence	23421
+Spenard	23422
+Spending	23423
+Speak	23424
+Spell	23425
+Spelman	23426
+Sperry's	23427
+Sperrys	23428
+Sprite	23429
+Sprague	23430
+Spray	23431
+Spradley	23432
+Sprocket	23433
+Spinal	23434
+Spindale	23435
+Spine	23436
+Spinjitzu	23437
+Spinx	23438
+Spirit	23439
+Spiro	23440
+Spire	23441
+Spicer	23442
+Spiceland	23443
+Spicewood	23444
+Spitz	23445
+Spitfire	23446
+Spiderman	23447
+Spiegel	23448
+Spielberg	23449
+Sports	23450
+Sportage	23451
+Sporting	23452
+Sporty's	23453
+Spotify	23454
+Spotted	23455
+Spokane	23456
+SpongeBob	23457
+Spongebob	23458
+Spooner	23459
+Splenda	23460
+Splendora	23461
+Splinter	23462
+Split	23463
+Spyderco	23464
+Silver	23465
+Silva	23466
+Siler	23467
+Simons	23468
+Simon's	23469
+Simona	23470
+Simone	23471
+Simoniz	23472
+Simonton	23473
+Simpson	23474
+Similac	23475
+Simmons	23476
+Simms	23477
+Simsbury	23478
+Single	23479
+Singer	23480
+Singh	23481
+Singapore	23482
+Sinai	23483
+Sinaloa	23484
+Sinatra	23485
+Sincerely	23486
+Sinclair	23487
+Sisson	23488
+Sisseton	23489
+Sissy	23490
+Sister	23491
+Sistine	23492
+Siskiyou	23493
+Sigma	23494
+Sigmund	23495
+Siegel	23496
+Siegen	23497
+Sierra's	23498
+Sierras	23499
+Siena	23500
+Sienna	23501
+Sirius	23502
+Sirena	23503
+Sirens	23504
+Sita's	23505
+Sitel	23506
+Sicilia	23507
+Sicily	23508
+Sicklerville	23509
+Sikeston	23510
+Sizemore	23511
+Sizzlers	23512
+Sizzlin	23513
+Siberian	23514
+Siouxland	23515
+School	23516
+Schoenherr	23517
+Schofield	23518
+Schomp	23519
+Schottenstein	23520
+Schubert	23521
+Schuck's	23522
+Schuster	23523
+Schutte	23524
+Schedule	23525
+Scheels	23526
+Schenectady	23527
+Schewels	23528
+Schmidt	23529
+Schmizza	23530
+Schwinn	23531
+Schaad	23532
+Schaller	23533
+Schaner	23534
+Schaumburg	23535
+Schiano's	23536
+Schiff	23537
+Schindler	23538
+Schreiber	23539
+Schnitzer	23540
+Schnucks	23541
+Scott	23542
+Scotia	23543
+Scots	23544
+Scotch	23545
+Scotland	23546
+Scorpio	23547
+ScoreSense	23548
+Scouting	23549
+Scouts	23550
+Scrabble	23551
+Scrambler	23552
+Scranton	23553
+Scrappy	23554
+Scrooge	23555
+Scrolls	23556
+Scruggs	23557
+Screen	23558
+Screw	23559
+Scarlet	23560
+Scarborough	23561
+Scarecrow	23562
+Scarface	23563
+Scarsdale	23564
+Scary	23565
+Scanlon	23566
+Science	23567
+Scion	23568
+Scioto	23569
+Scentsy	23570
+Skyler	23571
+Skywest	23572
+Skynet	23573
+Skynyrd	23574
+Skyped	23575
+Skyridge	23576
+Skyrim	23577
+Skins	23578
+Skidaway	23579
+Skidmore	23580
+Skillman	23581
+Skills	23582
+Skate	23583
+Skating	23584
+Skaggs	23585
+Skagit	23586
+Skelton	23587
+Skeeter	23588
+Swann	23589
+Swanton	23590
+Swanzey	23591
+Swarovski	23592
+Swaggart	23593
+Swagger	23594
+Swainsboro	23595
+Swampscott	23596
+Sweet	23597
+Swede	23598
+Swedish	23599
+Sweater	23600
+Sweatshirt	23601
+Swenson's	23602
+Swensons	23603
+Swift	23604
+Swiffer	23605
+Swisher	23606
+Swiss	23607
+Switzer	23608
+Switchfoot	23609
+Swindell	23610
+Swing	23611
+Slater	23612
+Slatington	23613
+Slaton	23614
+Slammers	23615
+Slipper	23616
+Slipknot	23617
+Slice	23618
+Slick	23619
+Slightly	23620
+SlimGenics	23621
+Slingbox	23622
+Slingerlands	23623
+Sloan	23624
+Sloat	23625
+Slocomb	23626
+Slocum	23627
+Slovakia	23628
+Slovenia	23629
+Sleepy	23630
+Sleeping	23631
+Sleepless	23632
+Slenderman	23633
+Slumberland	23634
+Slumdog	23635
+Slurpees	23636
+SmartGlass	23637
+SmartStyle	23638
+SmartWatch	23639
+Smarties	23640
+Smalley	23641
+Smallville	23642
+Smallwood	23643
+Smashburger	23644
+Smasher	23645
+Smashing	23646
+SmackDown	23647
+Smackdown	23648
+Smackover	23649
+Smith	23650
+Smitty	23651
+Smiley	23652
+Smiles	23653
+Smoke	23654
+Smokies	23655
+Smoky	23656
+Smoothie	23657
+Smythe	23658
+Snowden	23659
+Snowshoe	23660
+Snowville	23661
+Snowy	23662
+Snoop	23663
+Snapple	23664
+Snacks	23665
+Snelling	23666
+Snellville	23667
+Sneads	23668
+Snuggie	23669
+Snuggle	23670
+Sylva	23671
+Sylvester	23672
+Syndicate	23673
+Syndrome	23674
+Synod	23675
+Synovus	23676
+Sydney's	23677
+Syrian	23678
+Systems	23679
+SquarePants	23680
+SquareTrade	23681
+Squarepants	23682
+Squadron	23683
+Squire	23684
+Squirrel	23685
+Squidbillies	23686
+Squidward	23687
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+pioneer	24265
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+plank	24281
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+placing	24291
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+purchasing	24332
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+pullups	24363
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+pulsing	24366
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+putter	24369
+puttin	24370
+putty	24371
+putzing	24372
+pumpin	24373
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+pumps	24375
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+puppy	24377
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+puffing	24382
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+pudding	24384
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+puzzles	24392
+photos	24393
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+photon	24395
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+phony	24397
+phosphate	24398
+phosphorus	24399
+pharmaceutical	24400
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+pharmacology	24402
+pharmacy	24403
+phased	24404
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+philanthropist	24406
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+phentermine	24409
+pheasants	24410
+phlebotomist	24411
+phlebotomy	24412
+psycho	24413
+psyche	24414
+pyramids	24415
+p.o.f	24416
+p.o.s	24417
+Conn's	24418
+Const	24419
+Consol	24420
+Conshohocken	24421
+Conti	24422
+Conch	24423
+Concrete	24424
+Congaree	24425
+Congeniality	24426
+Congo	24427
+Confidential	24428
+Conflict	24429
+Confucius	24430
+Convalescent	24431
+Conan	24432
+Conair	24433
+Condell	24434
+Condit	24435
+Conejo	24436
+Conestoga	24437
+Coney	24438
+Conlin's	24439
+Conrad	24440
+Conoco	24441
+Conor	24442
+Conover	24443
+Conqueror	24444
+Conquistador	24445
+Collar	24446
+Color	24447
+Cologne	24448
+Coleman	24449
+Coles	24450
+Cole's	24451
+Colebrook	24452
+Coleen	24453
+Colefax	24454
+Colene	24455
+Colerain	24456
+Colette	24457
+Coley	24458
+Colton	24459
+Colter	24460
+Coltrane	24461
+Colts	24462
+Coldplay	24463
+Colin	24464
+Colima	24465
+Coliseum	24466
+Colusa	24467
+Colbert	24468
+Colbie	24469
+Colborne	24470
+Colburn	24471
+Colby	24472
+Colmar	24473
+Colson	24474
+Colston	24475
+Colville	24476
+Colvin	24477
+Cornhusker	24478
+Corry	24479
+Coral	24480
+Cora's	24481
+Coram's	24482
+Coraopolis	24483
+Corazon	24484
+Corte	24485
+Cortland	24486
+Corin	24487
+Corps	24488
+Corpus	24489
+Corona	24490
+Corolla	24491
+Corbin	24492
+Corbett	24493
+Corby	24494
+Corey	24495
+Corsica	24496
+Corsair	24497
+Corso	24498
+Corky	24499
+Corvette	24500
+Corvallis	24501
+Cory's	24502
+Corydon	24503
+Corley	24504
+Corliss	24505
+Compu	24506
+CompUSA	24507
+Compensation	24508
+Comporium	24509
+Comet	24510
+Comedy	24511
+Comerica	24512
+Comes	24513
+Comal	24514
+Comanche	24515
+Comay	24516
+Comba	24517
+Combee	24518
+Comic	24519
+Coming	24520
+Como's	24521
+Comox	24522
+Court	24523
+Course	24524
+Count	24525
+Counsel	24526
+Council	24527
+Could	24528
+Coulee	24529
+Cougar	24530
+Coughlin	24531
+Cousin	24532
+Coushatta	24533
+Cooke	24534
+Cook's	24535
+Cookman	24536
+Cooley	24537
+Coolatta	24538
+Coolpix	24539
+Cooper	24540
+Cooney	24541
+Coons	24542
+Coordinator	24543
+Coors	24544
+Coosa	24545
+Costa	24546
+Costco	24547
+Costello	24548
+Costner	24549
+Cosmo	24550
+Cosmic	24551
+Coppola	24552
+Copps	24553
+Copeland	24554
+Copenhagen	24555
+Copacabana	24556
+Copans	24557
+Copart	24558
+Copytalk	24559
+Cobain	24560
+Cobalt	24561
+Cobble	24562
+Cobbs	24563
+Coburn	24564
+Coburg	24565
+Cobleskill	24566
+Cobourg	24567
+Cobras	24568
+Coachworks	24569
+Coalville	24570
+Coates	24571
+Coastal	24572
+Cotto	24573
+Cottle	24574
+Cottage	24575
+Cotterman	24576
+Cottman	24577
+Cotati	24578
+Cocoa	24579
+Cocos	24580
+Cochran	24581
+Cochise	24582
+Cockrell	24583
+Cowlitz	24584
+Cowan	24585
+Cowardly	24586
+Cowboys	24587
+Cover	24588
+Covey	24589
+Covina	24590
+Covington	24591
+Cody's	24592
+Codys	24593
+Coddington	24594
+Coddingtown	24595
+Cohen	24596
+Coheed	24597
+Coffey	24598
+Coffee	24599
+Coggins	24600
+Coker	24601
+Coyotes	24602
+Carli	24603
+Carls	24604
+Carle	24605
+Carly	24606
+Carla	24607
+Carlo	24608
+Carl's	24609
+Carlton	24610
+Carluccio's	24611
+Carrboro	24612
+Carrs	24613
+Carruthers	24614
+Carol	24615
+Carondelet	24616
+Carothers	24617
+Carowinds	24618
+Carmi	24619
+Carman	24620
+Carter	24621
+Cartwright	24622
+Carta	24623
+Carthage	24624
+Cartier	24625
+Cartman	24626
+Cartoon	24627
+Career	24628
+Carey	24629
+CareFirst	24630
+CareLink	24631
+CareSource	24632
+Caremark	24633
+Carencro	24634
+Caressa	24635
+Cardenas	24636
+Cards	24637
+Cardwell	24638
+Carie	24639
+Carilion	24640
+Carissa	24641
+Caritas	24642
+Carnival	24643
+Cara's	24644
+Carabas	24645
+Caras	24646
+Caravan	24647
+Caray's	24648
+Carpinteria	24649
+Caryl	24650
+Caryn	24651
+Carytown	24652
+Caryville	24653
+Carbondale	24654
+Carbone	24655
+Carbonite	24656
+Carson	24657
+Caruso	24658
+Caruthersville	24659
+Cargill	24660
+Cargo	24661
+Carvel	24662
+Carver	24663
+Calle	24664
+Callie	24665
+Callum	24666
+Calif	24667
+Calico	24668
+Calimesa	24669
+Calistoga	24670
+Caleb	24671
+Caledonia	24672
+Calendar	24673
+Calera	24674
+Calexico	24675
+Calais	24676
+Calallen	24677
+Calandra's	24678
+Calaveras	24679
+Calvert	24680
+Calvin	24681
+Calvary	24682
+Calder	24683
+Caldwell	24684
+Calcasieu	24685
+Calcutta	24686
+Calgary	24687
+Calgon	24688
+Calhoun's	24689
+Calma	24690
+Caltrain	24691
+Caltrans	24692
+Campbell	24693
+Campo	24694
+Campana	24695
+Campground	24696
+Campland	24697
+Campton	24698
+Campus	24699
+Camel	24700
+Camacho	24701
+Camas	24702
+Cambodia	24703
+Camberley	24704
+Camby	24705
+Camden's	24706
+Camdenton	24707
+Cammie	24708
+Cammy	24709
+Camrose	24710
+Camry	24711
+Candle	24712
+Candi	24713
+Candy	24714
+Candace	24715
+Candelaria	24716
+Canaan	24717
+Canal	24718
+Canandaigua	24719
+Canary	24720
+Canasta	24721
+Canaveral	24722
+Cantina	24723
+Cantrell	24724
+Cannon	24725
+Cannibal	24726
+Canon	24727
+Canoe	24728
+Canoga	24729
+Cane's	24730
+Caney	24731
+Canyons	24732
+Canyonville	24733
+Cancer	24734
+Cancun	24735
+Cassville	24736
+Cassy	24737
+Castle	24738
+Castro	24739
+Castaic	24740
+Casey	24741
+Casella	24742
+Caseville	24743
+Casablanca	24744
+Casagrande	24745
+Casanova	24746
+Casas	24747
+Casco	24748
+Cash's	24749
+Cashin	24750
+Cashway	24751
+Casino	24752
+Casio	24753
+Casita	24754
+Casper	24755
+Caspian	24756
+Casualty	24757
+Catholic	24758
+Cathy	24759
+Cathleen	24760
+Category	24761
+Catena	24762
+Cates	24763
+Catalina	24764
+Catan	24765
+Cataracs	24766
+Catasauqua	24767
+Catawba	24768
+Caton	24769
+Catoosa	24770
+Cattle	24771
+Cattaraugus	24772
+Catching	24773
+Catlettsburg	24774
+Catlin	24775
+Catskill	24776
+Capilano	24777
+Capistrano	24778
+Capen	24779
+Capri	24780
+Caprock	24781
+Capone	24782
+Caporal	24783
+Capozzi's	24784
+Capps	24785
+Cappy	24786
+Captain	24787
+Captiva	24788
+Capcom	24789
+Caputo's	24790
+Caballero	24791
+Cabana	24792
+Cabazon	24793
+Cabrera	24794
+Cabos	24795
+Cabot	24796
+Cabinet	24797
+Cablevision	24798
+Caddy	24799
+Caddo	24800
+Caden	24801
+Cadet	24802
+Cadillac	24803
+Cadiz	24804
+Caitlin	24805
+Caitlyn	24806
+Caillat	24807
+Caillou	24808
+Caine	24809
+Cavender	24810
+Caverns	24811
+Caves	24812
+Cavalier	24813
+Cavanaugh	24814
+Caymans	24815
+Cafeteria	24816
+Cajuns	24817
+Causeway	24818
+Cazadores	24819
+Charm	24820
+Chart	24821
+Charge	24822
+Chardon	24823
+Charhouse	24824
+Charro	24825
+Chance	24826
+Chang	24827
+Chan's	24828
+Chanhassen	24829
+Chanute	24830
+Chama	24831
+Chamillionaire	24832
+Chapa	24833
+Chapel	24834
+Chaplin	24835
+Chapin	24836
+Chapman	24837
+Chapter	24838
+Chadbourn	24839
+Chadwick	24840
+Chad's	24841
+Chadds	24842
+Chadron	24843
+Chalk	24844
+Challenge	24845
+Chalet	24846
+Chalfont	24847
+Chase	24848
+Chaska	24849
+Chassity	24850
+Chastain	24851
+Chateau	24852
+Chatfield	24853
+Chatham	24854
+Chatsworth	24855
+Chain	24856
+Chair	24857
+Chauncey	24858
+Chautauqua	24859
+Chaffee	24860
+Chaffey	24861
+Chaos	24862
+Chavez	24863
+Chavis	24864
+Chayanne	24865
+Chest	24866
+Cheshire	24867
+Chesley	24868
+Cheese	24869
+Cheez	24870
+Cheeburger	24871
+Cheech	24872
+Cherry	24873
+Cheryl	24874
+Cheri	24875
+Cherokee	24876
+Cheraw	24877
+Chernobyl	24878
+Chevy	24879
+Cheviot	24880
+Chelten	24881
+Chelan	24882
+Chelle	24883
+Chelmsford	24884
+Chen's	24885
+Cheney	24886
+Cheng	24887
+Chennai	24888
+Chenoweth	24889
+Chemeketa	24890
+Chemical	24891
+Chemung	24892
+Cheaha	24893
+Cheap	24894
+Cheatham	24895
+Check	24896
+Checotah	24897
+Chehalem	24898
+Chehalis	24899
+Cheka	24900
+Chetek	24901
+Cheyennes	24902
+Child	24903
+Chill	24904
+Chile	24905
+Chili	24906
+Chilhowie	24907
+Chilson	24908
+Chilton	24909
+Chick	24910
+Chica	24911
+Chico	24912
+Chicco	24913
+Chichester	24914
+China	24915
+Chino	24916
+Chin's	24917
+Chincoteague	24918
+Chinese	24919
+Ching	24920
+Chinn's	24921
+Chinx	24922
+Chipotle	24923
+Chipettes	24924
+Chipley	24925
+Chips	24926
+Chiefland	24927
+Chiefs	24928
+Chihuahuas	24929
+Chima	24930
+Chimney	24931
+Chisago	24932
+Chisholm	24933
+Chittenango	24934
+Chitty	24935
+Chivas	24936
+Chive	24937
+Christ	24938
+Chrissy	24939
+Chris's	24940
+Chrisette	24941
+Chrisman	24942
+Chrome	24943
+Chronicle	24944
+Chrysler	24945
+Church	24946
+Churn	24947
+Chunk	24948
+Chung	24949
+Chubby	24950
+Chubbuck	24951
+Chuck's	24952
+Chuckanut	24953
+Chucky	24954
+Chopper	24955
+Chophouse	24956
+Chopin	24957
+Chopra	24958
+Chopstix	24959
+Chowan	24960
+Chowchilla	24961
+Chowder	24962
+Choctaw	24963
+Choice	24964
+Choir	24965
+Chola	24966
+Cholla	24967
+Chouteau	24968
+Cross	24969
+Crosby	24970
+Crosman	24971
+Croswell	24972
+Crown	24973
+Crowe	24974
+Crowley	24975
+Crows	24976
+Crock	24977
+Croce	24978
+Crocodile	24979
+Crocs	24980
+Crofton	24981
+Crofts	24982
+Croatian	24983
+Crooked	24984
+Crookston	24985
+Crothers	24986
+Croton	24987
+Crouch	24988
+Crouse	24989
+Crozer	24990
+Crozet	24991
+Crest	24992
+Crespo	24993
+Cresskill	24994
+Creswell	24995
+Creek	24996
+Creed	24997
+Creech	24998
+Cream	24999
+Creasy	25000
+Creve	25001
+Crevier	25002
+Crewcuts	25003
+Crane	25004
+Cranford	25005
+Cranston	25006
+Craig	25007
+Crain	25008
+Crafts	25009
+Crafton	25010
+Crawford	25011
+Crawley	25012
+Crabb	25013
+Crabtree	25014
+Craycroft	25015
+Crayola	25016
+Cramerton	25017
+Crater	25018
+Cravens	25019
+Crist	25020
+Crisp	25021
+Criss	25022
+Crisco	25023
+Crisfield	25024
+Crisis	25025
+Crismon	25026
+Criswell	25027
+Critic	25028
+Crime	25029
+Criminal	25030
+Crimson	25031
+Cripple	25032
+Crips	25033
+Crusade	25034
+Crush	25035
+Crusty's	25036
+Cruiser	25037
+Cruises	25038
+Cruces	25039
+Crucial	25040
+Crump	25041
+Crunchwrap	25042
+Cruze	25043
+Crystal	25044
+Crysis	25045
+Clark	25046
+Clare	25047
+Clara	25048
+Claro	25049
+Clarcona	25050
+Clary	25051
+Clair	25052
+Claim	25053
+Claiborne	25054
+Claus	25055
+Class	25056
+Clash	25057
+Clasico	25058
+Clayton	25059
+Claycomo	25060
+Claypool	25061
+Clancy	25062
+Clank	25063
+Clanton	25064
+Clear	25065
+Clean	25066
+Clemmons	25067
+Clemons	25068
+Clemson	25069
+Cleo's	25070
+Cleona	25071
+Cleopatra	25072
+Cleveland	25073
+Clevenger	25074
+Cleves	25075
+Clerk	25076
+Clermont	25077
+Cliff	25078
+Clift	25079
+Clint	25080
+Cline	25081
+Clipper	25082
+Clips	25083
+Cloudcroft	25084
+Clouds	25085
+Cloudy	25086
+Clover	25087
+Clovis	25088
+Close	25089
+Closter	25090
+Clockwork	25091
+Clubhouse	25092
+Clubs	25093
+Clues	25094
+Clydes	25095
+Clyde's	25096
+Cena's	25097
+Celia	25098
+Celica	25099
+Cellcom	25100
+Cellier	25101
+Cellular	25102
+Celtic	25103
+Celts	25104
+Cerro	25105
+CertainTeed	25106
+Certegy	25107
+Cedarcrest	25108
+Cedarhurst	25109
+Cedars	25110
+Cedartown	25111
+Cedarville	25112
+Cedric	25113
+Cedro	25114
+Cecilia	25115
+Cecil's	25116
+Cecile	25117
+Cecelia	25118
+Curran	25119
+Current	25120
+Curry	25121
+Curtis	25122
+Curtner	25123
+Curly's	25124
+Curig	25125
+Curious	25126
+Cullen	25127
+Culligan	25128
+Cullman	25129
+Culvers	25130
+Cutten	25131
+Cutlass	25132
+Cutler	25133
+Cupcakery	25134
+Cupcakes	25135
+Cupid's	25136
+Cuban	25137
+CubeSmart	25138
+Custom	25139
+Custer	25140
+Cushing	25141
+Cushman	25142
+Cumming	25143
+Cummins	25144
+Cumberland	25145
+Cumbre	25146
+Cinema	25147
+CineBistro	25148
+Cinebarre	25149
+Cinetopia	25150
+Cindy	25151
+Cinderella	25152
+Cincinnati	25153
+Cinco	25154
+Cincy	25155
+Cinnabon	25156
+Citizen	25157
+Citibank	25158
+Cities	25159
+Citigroup	25160
+Citra	25161
+Citrix	25162
+Citronelle	25163
+Citrus	25164
+City's	25165
+CityWalk	25166
+Cityside	25167
+Circle	25168
+Circa	25169
+Ciro's	25170
+Ciroc	25171
+Cicero's	25172
+Cici's	25173
+Cibola	25174
+Cibolo	25175
+Civic	25176
+Civil	25177
+Cynthia's	25178
+Cynthiana	25179
+Cyclery	25180
+Cycles	25181
+Cypresswood	25182
+Cyrus's	25183
+Maria	25184
+Marin	25185
+Marie	25186
+Mario	25187
+Maris	25188
+Maribel	25189
+Marigold	25190
+Marijuana	25191
+Mariposa	25192
+Maritime	25193
+Marius	25194
+Marti	25195
+Martha	25196
+Marty	25197
+Mart's	25198
+Marta	25199
+Martz	25200
+Marcel	25201
+Marco	25202
+Marci	25203
+Marcus	25204
+Marcy	25205
+Marc's	25206
+March	25207
+Marcs	25208
+Marlo	25209
+Marlboro	25210
+Marla	25211
+Marlin	25212
+Marlton	25213
+Marsh	25214
+Marsa	25215
+Marston	25216
+Marseilles	25217
+Marge	25218
+Margo	25219
+Margret	25220
+Marguerite	25221
+Market	25222
+Marks	25223
+Mark's	25224
+Markham	25225
+Markie	25226
+Markus	25227
+Marky	25228
+Maryland	25229
+Marys	25230
+Mary's	25231
+Marybeth	25232
+Marymount	25233
+Marywood	25234
+Marble	25235
+Marbach	25236
+Marada	25237
+Marais	25238
+Marathon	25239
+Marauder	25240
+Marvin	25241
+Marvel	25242
+Marv's	25243
+Marva	25244
+Marrero	25245
+Marron	25246
+Maren	25247
+Marella	25248
+Marez	25249
+Mardi	25250
+Marmora	25251
+Marjam	25252
+Marjorie	25253
+Maroney	25254
+Maroon	25255
+Marxist	25256
+Mande	25257
+Mandy	25258
+Mandi	25259
+Mandrell	25260
+Manito	25261
+Mani's	25262
+Mania	25263
+Manic	25264
+Manas	25265
+Manahawkin	25266
+Manalapan	25267
+Manatee	25268
+Manawa	25269
+Manayunk	25270
+Manny	25271
+Mann's	25272
+Mannheim	25273
+Mancini	25274
+Mancelona	25275
+Mancos	25276
+Mancuso	25277
+Manor	25278
+Manoa	25279
+Manos	25280
+Manowar	25281
+Mansi	25282
+Mansell	25283
+Mansfield	25284
+Manson	25285
+Manti	25286
+Manton	25287
+Mantua	25288
+Manuel	25289
+Manufacturing	25290
+Manulife	25291
+Mangeshkar	25292
+Mangione	25293
+Mango	25294
+Mangum	25295
+Manheim	25296
+Manley	25297
+Manlius	25298
+Manvel	25299
+Manville	25300
+Manyana	25301
+Matty	25302
+Matt's	25303
+Mattoon	25304
+Mattress	25305
+Mattson	25306
+Mathnasium	25307
+Matador	25308
+Matamoras	25309
+Matanuska	25310
+Matata	25311
+Matawan	25312
+Matia	25313
+Matic	25314
+Matilda	25315
+Matisyahu	25316
+Matix	25317
+Mateo	25318
+Matchbox	25319
+Matco	25320
+Matson	25321
+Matsu	25322
+Machado	25323
+Macau	25324
+Macatawa	25325
+Macayo's	25326
+MacDonald	25327
+MacDade	25328
+MacDill	25329
+Macedon	25330
+Macey's	25331
+Macleod	25332
+Macomb	25333
+Macon	25334
+Macoupin	25335
+Macy's	25336
+Macys	25337
+Macias	25338
+Macintosh	25339
+Malabar	25340
+Malamute	25341
+Malarkey's	25342
+Malawi's	25343
+Malone	25344
+Maloof	25345
+Malouf	25346
+Malik	25347
+Malia	25348
+Malibu	25349
+Malinda	25350
+Mallard	25351
+Mally	25352
+Maleah	25353
+Maleek	25354
+Maleficent	25355
+Malta	25356
+Maltby	25357
+Maltese	25358
+Maltsberger	25359
+Malcolm	25360
+Malcom	25361
+Malden	25362
+Maldonado	25363
+Massa	25364
+MassHealth	25365
+MassMutual	25366
+Mastodon	25367
+Mastro's	25368
+Mason's	25369
+Masonic	25370
+Masons	25371
+Mascoutah	25372
+Masekela	25373
+Maserati	25374
+Mashpee	25375
+Madea	25376
+Madeira	25377
+Mademoiselle	25378
+Madeon	25379
+Madera	25380
+Madewell	25381
+Maddie	25382
+Maddy	25383
+Madden	25384
+Madison	25385
+Madigan	25386
+Madill	25387
+Madras	25388
+Madre	25389
+Madrona	25390
+Madagascar	25391
+Madame	25392
+Madonna's	25393
+Mayan	25394
+Maya's	25395
+Mayas	25396
+Maybrook	25397
+Mayfair	25398
+Mayfield	25399
+Mayflower	25400
+Maynard	25401
+Mayne	25402
+Mayodan	25403
+Mayor	25404
+Mayse	25405
+Maysville	25406
+Mayer	25407
+Mayes	25408
+Mayweather	25409
+Maywood	25410
+Magna	25411
+Magnet	25412
+Magnificent	25413
+Magnolia	25414
+Maggie	25415
+Maggiano's	25416
+Magic	25417
+Magin	25418
+Magistrate	25419
+Magalia	25420
+Magazine	25421
+Magee	25422
+Magellan	25423
+Magen	25424
+Magoo's	25425
+Maine	25426
+Maingate	25427
+Mainstreet	25428
+Maintenance	25429
+Maiden	25430
+Maids	25431
+Maisie	25432
+Maison	25433
+Maisy	25434
+Maita	25435
+Maitland	25436
+Mahal	25437
+Mahaffey	25438
+Mahan	25439
+Mahaska	25440
+Mahomet	25441
+Mahopac	25442
+Mahendra	25443
+Maher	25444
+Maureen	25445
+Maura	25446
+Maury	25447
+Mauldin	25448
+Maumee	25449
+Maumelle	25450
+Mauston	25451
+Maxim	25452
+Maxie	25453
+Maxine	25454
+Maxis	25455
+Maxwell's	25456
+Makeover	25457
+Maker	25458
+Makes	25459
+Makaveli	25460
+Makayla	25461
+Makita	25462
+Makoto's	25463
+Maplecrest	25464
+Maplehurst	25465
+Maples	25466
+Mapleton	25467
+Mapleview	25468
+Maplewood	25469
+Mama's	25470
+Mamaroneck	25471
+Mamas	25472
+Mamaw	25473
+Mamba	25474
+Mambo	25475
+Mamma	25476
+Mammoth	25477
+Mazel	25478
+Mazen	25479
+Mazza	25480
+Mazzio's	25481
+Mabel's	25482
+Mabelvale	25483
+Maverick	25484
+Maverik	25485
+Majestic	25486
+Majesty	25487
+Monte	25488
+Monta	25489
+Montgomery	25490
+Monty	25491
+Month	25492
+Monticello	25493
+Montpelier	25494
+Montwood	25495
+Monica	25496
+Monique	25497
+Monia	25498
+Monika	25499
+Mona's	25500
+Monadnock	25501
+Monae	25502
+Monaghan	25503
+Monahans	25504
+Monarch	25505
+Monet	25506
+Money	25507
+Monee	25508
+Monessen	25509
+Monster	25510
+Monsanto	25511
+Monsey	25512
+Monsignor	25513
+Monson	25514
+Monroe	25515
+Monrovia	25516
+Monday	25517
+Mondovi	25518
+Mondrian	25519
+Mongol	25520
+Mongoose	25521
+Monon	25522
+Monocacy	25523
+Monopoly	25524
+Monkton	25525
+Moncks	25526
+Moncrief	25527
+Moncton	25528
+Morro	25529
+Morrell	25530
+Moreau	25531
+Moreno	25532
+Moretti's	25533
+Morey	25534
+Morton	25535
+Mortal	25536
+Mortgage	25537
+Mortimer	25538
+Mortuary	25539
+Morty	25540
+Moravia	25541
+Morada	25542
+Moraga	25543
+Moraine	25544
+Morales	25545
+Moran	25546
+Morgan's	25547
+Morganfield	25548
+Morgans	25549
+Morganville	25550
+Moriches	25551
+Morissette	25552
+Moron	25553
+Moross	25554
+Mordecai	25555
+Mordor	25556
+Morlan	25557
+Morley	25558
+Mormons	25559
+Moore	25560
+Moorhead	25561
+Moorpark	25562
+Moors	25563
+Moon's	25564
+Moonachie	25565
+Moondog	25566
+Mooney	25567
+Moonies	25568
+Moonville	25569
+Moose	25570
+Moosic	25571
+Moody	25572
+Moodle	25573
+Motor	25574
+Motown	25575
+Mother's	25576
+Motherhood	25577
+Mothers	25578
+Motte	25579
+Mount	25580
+Mound	25581
+Moulin	25582
+Moseley	25583
+Moser	25584
+Moses	25585
+Moshe	25586
+Moshi	25587
+Mossberg	25588
+Mosser	25589
+Moscato	25590
+Moscow	25591
+Mosier	25592
+Mosinee	25593
+Molino	25594
+Molina	25595
+Moline	25596
+Molly	25597
+Moller	25598
+Mollie	25599
+Mobile	25600
+Mohave	25601
+Mohawk	25602
+Mohicans	25603
+Movers	25604
+Movie	25605
+Moving	25606
+Model	25607
+Modest	25608
+Modern	25609
+Momma	25610
+Mommy	25611
+Mozambique	25612
+Mozart	25613
+Mozilla	25614
+Mozingo	25615
+Mockingbird	25616
+Mockingjay	25617
+Mopac	25618
+Mopar	25619
+Mille	25620
+Milli	25621
+Mills	25622
+Millard	25623
+Millhopper	25624
+Millman	25625
+Milltown	25626
+Millville	25627
+Millz	25628
+Milan	25629
+Milagro	25630
+Milaca	25631
+Milam	25632
+Miley	25633
+Mileage	25634
+Miles	25635
+Milian	25636
+Mililani	25637
+Military	25638
+Milbank	25639
+Milburn	25640
+Milky	25641
+Milos	25642
+Milsap	25643
+Milstead	25644
+Milton's	25645
+Milwaukee	25646
+Milwaukie	25647
+Mineo	25648
+Minecraft	25649
+Mines	25650
+Minette	25651
+Mindy	25652
+Minden	25653
+Mindi	25654
+Mindless	25655
+Minds	25656
+Minnie	25657
+Ming's	25658
+Minges	25659
+Mingledorff's	25660
+Mingo	25661
+Mingus	25662
+Minocqua	25663
+Minogue	25664
+Minolta	25665
+Minooka	25666
+Minor	25667
+Minot	25668
+Minaj	25669
+Minas	25670
+Minato	25671
+Mining	25672
+Minton	25673
+Mints	25674
+Minuteman	25675
+Minutes	25676
+Minsky's	25677
+Minster	25678
+Miche	25679
+Michi	25680
+Mickie	25681
+Micky	25682
+Microcenter	25683
+Microsoft	25684
+Micah	25685
+Micael	25686
+Micanopy	25687
+Middlefield	25688
+Middleport	25689
+Middleville	25690
+Midwest	25691
+Midway	25692
+Midwife	25693
+Midwood	25694
+Midland	25695
+Midler	25696
+Midlothian	25697
+MidAmerican	25698
+Midnighters	25699
+Missy	25700
+Misses	25701
+Misty	25702
+Mista	25703
+Mister	25704
+Mishawaka	25705
+Miranda	25706
+Mirabel	25707
+Miracle	25708
+Mirada	25709
+Mirage	25710
+Miriam	25711
+Mikey	25712
+Mike's	25713
+Mikes	25714
+Mikayla	25715
+Mikado	25716
+Mikimoto	25717
+Mikunis	25718
+Mitch's	25719
+Mitchum	25720
+Mittendorf	25721
+Mitzi	25722
+Mitzvah	25723
+Miami's	25724
+Miamisburg	25725
+Mizuki	25726
+Mizuno	25727
+Mighty	25728
+Miguel's	25729
+Mimi's	25730
+Mercy	25731
+Mercado	25732
+Mercury	25733
+Merrell	25734
+Merry	25735
+Merion	25736
+Merle	25737
+Merlin	25738
+Merlot	25739
+Merton	25740
+Mertz	25741
+Meredith's	25742
+Mendo	25743
+Mendham	25744
+Menard	25745
+Menace	25746
+Menands	25747
+Menasha	25748
+Menaul	25749
+Mental	25750
+Menominee	25751
+Menchie's	25752
+Mencia	25753
+Menna's	25754
+Mennonite	25755
+Melissa	25756
+Melia	25757
+Melody	25758
+Melo's	25759
+Meloche	25760
+Melon	25761
+Meloy	25762
+Mellencamp	25763
+Melly	25764
+Melanie	25765
+Melaleuca	25766
+Melvin	25767
+Melville	25768
+Melba	25769
+Melbourne	25770
+Melting	25771
+Melton	25772
+Metro	25773
+Metra	25774
+Metreon	25775
+Metal	25776
+Metairie	25777
+Method	25778
+Metheny	25779
+Methuen	25780
+Metzgers	25781
+Media	25782
+Medieval	25783
+Medifast	25784
+Medina	25785
+Medishare	25786
+Medium	25787
+Medal	25788
+Medawar	25789
+Medfield	25790
+Medford	25791
+Meade	25792
+Meadville	25793
+Meaningful	25794
+Means	25795
+Meagan	25796
+Meaghan	25797
+Meals	25798
+Meatballs	25799
+Messi	25800
+Message	25801
+Mesabi	25802
+Megan	25803
+Megabus	25804
+Megadeth	25805
+Megaforce	25806
+Megamind	25807
+Megatron	25808
+Mechanics	25809
+Mechanicville	25810
+Mecklenburg	25811
+Meconis	25812
+Mecosta	25813
+Meeka	25814
+Meeker	25815
+Meeks	25816
+MeetMe	25817
+Meeting	25818
+Meets	25819
+Mexia	25820
+Meijer	25821
+Meiji	25822
+Meinecke	25823
+Meineke	25824
+Membership	25825
+McCall	25826
+McCabe	25827
+McCain	25828
+McCauley	25829
+McCoy	25830
+McColl	25831
+McComb	25832
+McConnell	25833
+McChesney	25834
+McChicken	25835
+McChord	25836
+McCreery	25837
+McCulloch	25838
+McCullough	25839
+McKee	25840
+McKean	25841
+McKesson	25842
+McKinley	25843
+McKinsey	25844
+McKayla	25845
+McKay's	25846
+McKays	25847
+McGuckin	25848
+McGurk's	25849
+McGregor	25850
+McGee	25851
+McGehee	25852
+McGeorge	25853
+McGill	25854
+McGovern	25855
+McGowan	25856
+McDowell	25857
+McDaniel	25858
+McDade	25859
+McDavid	25860
+McDermott	25861
+McDevitt	25862
+McAlester	25863
+McAlpin	25864
+McAdams	25865
+McAdenville	25866
+McArdle	25867
+McArthur	25868
+McMuffin	25869
+McMullen	25870
+McMahon	25871
+McManus	25872
+McMaster	25873
+McMichael	25874
+McMillan	25875
+McMinnville	25876
+McNab	25877
+McNair	25878
+McNally	25879
+McNamara	25880
+McNeil	25881
+McNuggets	25882
+McLachlan	25883
+McLaughlin	25884
+McLean	25885
+McLennan	25886
+McLeod	25887
+McFadden	25888
+McFarland	25889
+McBrides	25890
+McRee	25891
+McReynolds	25892
+McHale's	25893
+McPhee	25894
+McPherson	25895
+Muncie	25896
+Muncy	25897
+Muniz	25898
+Munda	25899
+Mundelein	25900
+Mundy	25901
+Munster	25902
+Munson	25903
+Munfordville	25904
+Mungenast	25905
+Munger	25906
+Muskingum	25907
+Muskogee	25908
+Muscat	25909
+Muscle	25910
+Muscogee	25911
+Music	25912
+Musiq	25913
+Museum	25914
+Mushroomhead	25915
+Muslims	25916
+Murray	25917
+Murrieta	25918
+Murrysville	25919
+Murda	25920
+Murder	25921
+Murphy	25922
+Multi	25923
+Multnomah	25924
+Muldoon's	25925
+Mudder	25926
+Muddy	25927
+Myrtlewood	25928
+Mysterio	25929
+Mystery	25930
+Mystic	25931
+Mystikal	25932
+Myerstown	25933
+Myler	25934
+Myles	25935
+Brook	25936
+Brown	25937
+Broward	25938
+Brower	25939
+Browser	25940
+Bronco	25941
+Bronx	25942
+Brondes	25943
+Bronica	25944
+Bronner's	25945
+Bronson	25946
+Bronte	25947
+Broadcasting	25948
+Broadlands	25949
+Broadmoor	25950
+Broadstone	25951
+Broadview	25952
+Brock's	25953
+Brockett	25954
+Brockman	25955
+Brockport	25956
+Brocks	25957
+Brockton	25958
+Brockville	25959
+Brockway	25960
+Brodhead	25961
+Brodie	25962
+Brody	25963
+Broke	25964
+Brokaw	25965
+Brotherhood	25966
+Brothers	25967
+Brogan	25968
+Brogden	25969
+Broiler	25970
+Bromley	25971
+Brompton	25972
+Broughton	25973
+Broussard	25974
+Brand	25975
+Branch	25976
+Brant	25977
+Branbury	25978
+Branford	25979
+Branham	25980
+Branigan	25981
+Branson	25982
+Brady	25983
+Braden	25984
+Brad's	25985
+Bradbury	25986
+Braddock	25987
+Bradford	25988
+Bradington	25989
+Brave	25990
+Brava	25991
+Bravo	25992
+Brain	25993
+Braidwood	25994
+Braille	25995
+Brass	25996
+Brasa	25997
+Braselton	25998
+Braska	25999
+Brayden	26000
+Braylon	26001
+Brayton	26002
+Brazil	26003
+Bracebridge	26004
+Braman	26005
+Brambleton	26006
+Brampton	26007
+Bratz	26008
+Braemar	26009
+Braeswood	26010
+Braun	26011
+Brauer	26012
+Brawley	26013
+Braggs	26014
+Brahma	26015
+Brahms	26016
+Braxtons	26017
+Bridal	26018
+Bride	26019
+Bridford	26020
+Britt	26021
+Brita	26022
+Britney	26023
+Brite	26024
+British	26025
+Brits	26026
+Brian	26027
+Briar	26028
+Briggs	26029
+Brigitte	26030
+Brick	26031
+Bricco	26032
+Brice	26033
+Bring	26034
+Brinley	26035
+Brinson	26036
+Brisas	26037
+Brisbane	26038
+Briscoe	26039
+Brier	26040
+Brimfield	26041
+Brimhall	26042
+Brimley	26043
+Brixton	26044
+Brixx	26045
+Briley	26046
+Brillion	26047
+Brio's	26048
+Brent	26049
+Brenham	26050
+Brewer	26051
+Brewster	26052
+Brewbaker	26053
+Brewing	26054
+Brewton	26055
+Break	26056
+Bread	26057
+Breanna	26058
+Breast	26059
+Breathe	26060
+Breaux	26061
+Brees	26062
+Breen	26063
+Brett	26064
+Breton	26065
+Bretz	26066
+Breckenridge	26067
+Breckinridge	26068
+Brecksville	26069
+Bremer	26070
+Bremen	26071
+Breslin	26072
+Bresnan	26073
+Bressi	26074
+Bruno	26075
+Bruns	26076
+Brundage	26077
+Bruneel	26078
+Bruning	26079
+Brunner	26080
+Brunt	26081
+Bruce	26082
+Bruckner	26083
+Brush	26084
+Brusco's	26085
+Brussels	26086
+Brubaker	26087
+Brubeck	26088
+Bruegger's	26089
+Brueggers	26090
+Bruins	26091
+Bruton	26092
+Brutus	26093
+Bryant	26094
+Bryan's	26095
+Bryans	26096
+Bryce's	26097
+Bryner	26098
+Brysons	26099
+Barre	26100
+Barra	26101
+Barry	26102
+Barnum	26103
+Barnwell	26104
+Bartle	26105
+Barth	26106
+Barta	26107
+Bartram	26108
+Barts	26109
+Barber	26110
+Barb's	26111
+Barbra	26112
+Barbur	26113
+Barker	26114
+Barking	26115
+Barkley	26116
+Barksdale	26117
+Barclay	26118
+Barca	26119
+Barcelona	26120
+Bareburger	26121
+Barefoot	26122
+Bareilles	26123
+Barenaked	26124
+Baraboo	26125
+Barack	26126
+Baraga	26127
+Barataria	26128
+Barden	26129
+Bardstown	26130
+Barger	26131
+Bargain	26132
+Bariatric	26133
+Barlow	26134
+Barona	26135
+Barone	26136
+Barff	26137
+Barfield	26138
+Barstow	26139
+Bandera	26140
+Banda	26141
+Bandon	26142
+Banks	26143
+Banker	26144
+Bankhead	26145
+Banking	26146
+Banknorth	26147
+Bankruptcy	26148
+Bangalore	26149
+Bangerter	26150
+Bangkok	26151
+Bangladesh	26152
+Bangor	26153
+Bangz	26154
+Banco	26155
+BancFirst	26156
+Bancard	26157
+Bancroft	26158
+Bannock	26159
+Banner	26160
+Bannister	26161
+Banff	26162
+Banfield	26163
+Banshee	26164
+Bantam	26165
+Banton	26166
+Bally	26167
+Balls	26168
+Ballinger	26169
+Ballroom	26170
+Balltown	26171
+Baldy	26172
+Balmain	26173
+Balmoral	26174
+Balto	26175
+Balance	26176
+Balch	26177
+Balcones	26178
+Balise	26179
+Basel	26180
+Baseball	26181
+Basecamp	26182
+Basehor	26183
+Basement	26184
+Basic	26185
+Basia	26186
+Basie	26187
+Basin	26188
+Basket	26189
+Baskin	26190
+Bassett	26191
+Basshunter	26192
+Bassnectar	26193
+Basha	26194
+Bashford	26195
+Bastard	26196
+Bastille	26197
+Bastrop	26198
+Bascom	26199
+Battle	26200
+Battistelli	26201
+Bates	26202
+Bateman	26203
+Batman	26204
+Batmobile	26205
+Batchelor	26206
+Bathurst	26207
+Bayshore	26208
+Bayside	26209
+Baystate	26210
+Bayfair	26211
+Bayfield	26212
+Bayfront	26213
+Baywood	26214
+Bayboro	26215
+Baybrook	26216
+Bayers	26217
+Bayless	26218
+Baylor	26219
+Baymeadows	26220
+Baymont	26221
+Bayonne	26222
+Bayou	26223
+Baytown	26224
+Baytree	26225
+Bayview	26226
+Bayville	26227
+Bachelor	26228
+Bachman	26229
+Bacharach	26230
+Bachrodt	26231
+Backlick	26232
+Backpage	26233
+Backyardigans	26234
+Bacardi	26235
+Bacchus	26236
+Bacco	26237
+Baber	26238
+Babel	26239
+Baba's	26240
+Babas	26241
+Babies	26242
+Babin	26243
+Babson	26244
+Babylon	26245
+Baker	26246
+Baked	26247
+Bakehouse	26248
+Bakey	26249
+Baden	26250
+Bader	26251
+Badgers	26252
+Bagelry	26253
+Bagels	26254
+Bailey	26255
+Bainbridge	26256
+Bambi	26257
+Bamba	26258
+Bamberg	26259
+Bamboo	26260
+Bahamas	26261
+Baxters	26262
+Bella	26263
+Belle	26264
+Bello	26265
+Bell's	26266
+BellSouth	26267
+Bellbrook	26268
+Bellco	26269
+Bellport	26270
+Bells	26271
+Belltown	26272
+Bellville	26273
+Bellwood	26274
+Belly	26275
+Belton	26276
+Belterra	26277
+Beltline	26278
+Beltran	26279
+Beltsville	26280
+Beltway	26281
+Belfield	26282
+Belcher	26283
+Belcamp	26284
+Belcourt	26285
+Belinda	26286
+Believe	26287
+Belize	26288
+Belvedere	26289
+Belvoir	26290
+Belafonte	26291
+Belair	26292
+Belgrade	26293
+Belkin	26294
+Belknap	26295
+Belden	26296
+Belding	26297
+Belmar	26298
+Belmont	26299
+Beluga	26300
+Belushi	26301
+Berne	26302
+Bern's	26303
+Bernhardt	26304
+Bernstein	26305
+Berge	26306
+Bergan	26307
+Bergdorf	26308
+Berglund	26309
+Bergman	26310
+Bergstrom	26311
+Bert's	26312
+Berta	26313
+Bertera	26314
+Bertie	26315
+Berto	26316
+Berts	26317
+Bertucci's	26318
+Berks	26319
+Berkeley	26320
+Berkheimer	26321
+Berkley	26322
+Berkner	26323
+Berkowitz	26324
+Berry	26325
+Berea	26326
+Berenstain	26327
+Beres	26328
+Berman	26329
+Bermuda	26330
+Berwick	26331
+Berwyn	26332
+Benny	26333
+Benna	26334
+Benedict	26335
+Benelli	26336
+Benet	26337
+Beneva	26338
+Benson	26339
+Bensalem	26340
+Bensenville	26341
+Benicia	26342
+Benihana	26343
+Bentley	26344
+Benton	26345
+Benji	26346
+Benadryl	26347
+Benassi	26348
+Benatar	26349
+Bender	26350
+Bendix	26351
+Bengal	26352
+Benghazi	26353
+Benchley	26354
+Benchwarmers	26355
+Benzonia	26356
+Beatle	26357
+Beats	26358
+Beaty	26359
+Beatz	26360
+Bears	26361
+Bearno's	26362
+Beartooth	26363
+Beaufort	26364
+Beaumont	26365
+Beauregard	26366
+Beaver	26367
+Beavis	26368
+Beach	26369
+Beacon	26370
+Beans	26371
+Beanery	26372
+Beanie	26373
+Beantown	26374
+Beale	26375
+Bealls	26376
+Beals	26377
+Beaman	26378
+Beamer	26379
+Beast	26380
+Beasley	26381
+Beth's	26382
+Bethlehem	26383
+Bethpage	26384
+Beths	26385
+Bethune	26386
+Bette	26387
+Betty	26388
+Bettis	26389
+Betsy	26390
+Betsey	26391
+Beecher	26392
+Beechmont	26393
+Beechnut	26394
+Beethoven	26395
+Beetle	26396
+Beehive	26397
+Beehler	26398
+Beenie	26399
+Beerman	26400
+Becky	26401
+Beckham	26402
+Beckinsale	26403
+Beckley	26404
+Beckman	26405
+Becks	26406
+Beckwith	26407
+Becca's	26408
+Beccas	26409
+Bechtel	26410
+Bechtle	26411
+BestBuy	26412
+Besta	26413
+Bestway	26414
+Bessemer	26415
+Bessie	26416
+Behavioral	26417
+Behrman	26418
+Beverly's	26419
+Beyonce	26420
+Beyond	26421
+Beginnings	26422
+Begins	26423
+Bonne	26424
+Bonnie	26425
+Bonnyville	26426
+Bonamassa	26427
+Bonanza	26428
+Bonaparte	26429
+Bonaventure	26430
+Bondi	26431
+Bonds	26432
+Bondurant	26433
+Bonita	26434
+Bonefish	26435
+Bones	26436
+Bono's	26437
+Bonsack	26438
+Bonsall	26439
+Boone	26440
+Boondock	26441
+Boonsboro	26442
+Boonton	26443
+Boonville	26444
+Booth	26445
+Boots	26446
+Books	26447
+Booker	26448
+Bookmans	26449
+Boost	26450
+Boosie	26451
+Booga	26452
+Boogie	26453
+Boozer	26454
+Border	26455
+Borden	26456
+Bordeaux	26457
+Bordetella	26458
+Borgata	26459
+Borgman	26460
+Borgore	26461
+Borrego	26462
+Borriello	26463
+Borromeo	26464
+Borat	26465
+Borneo	26466
+Borough	26467
+Bortel	26468
+Borton	26469
+Bosco	26470
+Boscawen	26471
+Bosch	26472
+Bossa	26473
+Bosses	26474
+Bossier	26475
+Bosstones	26476
+Boston	26477
+Bostwick	26478
+Boswell	26479
+Bosworth	26480
+Bosak	26481
+Bosnian	26482
+Bowlin	26483
+Bowlarama	26484
+Bowles	26485
+Bowlmor	26486
+Bowls	26487
+Bower	26488
+Bowen	26489
+Bowes	26490
+Bowman's	26491
+Bowmanville	26492
+Bowden	26493
+Bowdoin	26494
+Bound	26495
+Bounce	26496
+Bourbon	26497
+Bourdain	26498
+Bourne	26499
+Bouchard	26500
+Boucher	26501
+Boudinot	26502
+Boudreau	26503
+Boughton	26504
+Boulder	26505
+Boulevard	26506
+Boyer	26507
+Boyette	26508
+Boyle	26509
+Boylan	26510
+Boylston	26511
+Boyd's	26512
+Boyds	26513
+Boyne	26514
+Boynton	26515
+Boyson	26516
+Bolin	26517
+Bolling	26518
+Bolles	26519
+Bollywood	26520
+Boldin	26521
+Bolton	26522
+Boltz	26523
+Bottom	26524
+Bottega	26525
+Botanic	26526
+Botany	26527
+Bobbi	26528
+Bobby	26529
+Bobo's	26530
+Bobos	26531
+Bobcats	26532
+Bodie	26533
+Bodine	26534
+Bogart	26535
+Bogalusa	26536
+Boggs	26537
+Boggy	26538
+Board	26539
+Boars	26540
+Boilermakers	26541
+Boiling	26542
+Boise	26543
+Boxee	26544
+Boxer	26545
+Bohemia	26546
+Boheme	26547
+Bombay	26548
+Bozard	26549
+Bozarth	26550
+Burns	26551
+Burnt	26552
+Burnaby	26553
+Burnham	26554
+Burgaw	26555
+Burgh	26556
+Burgundy	26557
+Burke	26558
+Burkburnett	26559
+Burks	26560
+Burroughs	26561
+Burrtec	26562
+Burton	26563
+Burt's	26564
+Burberry	26565
+Bureau	26566
+Buren	26567
+Buress	26568
+Burchfield	26569
+Burdette	26570
+Burdick	26571
+Buried	26572
+Burien	26573
+Burma	26574
+Burmese	26575
+Bursar's	26576
+Burst	26577
+Buckingham	26578
+Bucks	26579
+Bucky	26580
+Buckcherry	26581
+Buckman	26582
+Bucktown	26583
+Buchheit	26584
+Buccaneers	26585
+Bushnell	26586
+Bush's	26587
+Bushkill	26588
+Buster	26589
+Busta	26590
+Bustos	26591
+Busbee	26592
+Busboys	26593
+Busby	26594
+Busch	26595
+Buscemi's	26596
+Busken	26597
+Buskirk	26598
+Butte	26599
+Button	26600
+Butch's	26601
+Butcher	26602
+Bulldog	26603
+Bullet	26604
+Bullwinkle	26605
+Bullard	26606
+Bullhead	26607
+Bullitt	26608
+Bullock	26609
+Bulls	26610
+Bulluck	26611
+Bully	26612
+Bulgarian	26613
+Buddakan	26614
+Budden	26615
+Buddy	26616
+Budapest	26617
+Bunco	26618
+Bunch	26619
+Bunnell	26620
+Bunny	26621
+Bundle	26622
+Bundy	26623
+Bunker	26624
+Bunko	26625
+Bueller	26626
+Buellton	26627
+Bueno	26628
+Buena	26629
+Buehler's	26630
+Buffalo	26631
+Buffet	26632
+Buffington	26633
+Buffy	26634
+Bubba	26635
+Bubble	26636
+Buble's	26637
+Builder	26638
+Building	26639
+Bugaboo	26640
+Bugatti	26641
+Bugsy	26642
+Buzzards	26643
+Bumble	26644
+Bumbo	26645
+Black	26646
+Blacc	26647
+Blanc	26648
+Blank	26649
+Blanding	26650
+Blanton	26651
+Blair	26652
+Blakes	26653
+Blake's	26654
+Blakely	26655
+Blakeney	26656
+Blakey	26657
+Blaze	26658
+Blazing	26659
+Bladen	26660
+Blast	26661
+Bloom	26662
+Blood	26663
+Bloor	26664
+Blonde	26665
+Blondie	26666
+Blondo	26667
+Blowfish	26668
+Blowing	26669
+Blowout	26670
+Blockbuster	26671
+Blocker	26672
+Blossom	26673
+Blossman	26674
+Blountstown	26675
+Blountville	26676
+Bluefield	26677
+Bluemound	26678
+Bluenotes	26679
+Blues	26680
+Bluetooth	26681
+Bluffdale	26682
+Bluffs	26683
+Bluffton	26684
+Blend	26685
+Blenheim	26686
+Blessed	26687
+Bleach	26688
+Bleakley	26689
+Bleecker	26690
+Bleeding	26691
+Blind	26692
+Blink	26693
+Blinn	26694
+Blimpies	26695
+Blissfield	26696
+Blytheville	26697
+Blythewood	26698
+Billy	26699
+Bill's	26700
+Billabong	26701
+Billboard	26702
+Billerica	26703
+Bills	26704
+Biltmore	26705
+Biscuit	26706
+Biscayne	26707
+Bischoff	26708
+Biscoe	26709
+Bishop's	26710
+Bishopville	26711
+Bismarck	26712
+Bismol	26713
+Bissell	26714
+Bissonnet	26715
+Birds	26716
+Birdland	26717
+Birdman	26718
+Birdneck	26719
+Birchbox	26720
+Birchwood	26721
+Birkdale	26722
+Birkenstock	26723
+Birthday	26724
+Biggby	26725
+Biggie	26726
+Biggs	26727
+Bigfoot	26728
+Bigfork	26729
+Bigham	26730
+Bighorn	26731
+Bingham	26732
+Bingo	26733
+Binns	26734
+Binny's	26735
+Bianca	26736
+Bianchi	26737
+Bianco	26738
+Biaggi's	26739
+Biagio's	26740
+Biola	26741
+Biology	26742
+Bickford	26743
+Bicknell	26744
+Biddeford	26745
+Biddle	26746
+Biddy	26747
+Bieber's	26748
+Bitch	26749
+Bitcoin	26750
+Bibby	26751
+Bibles	26752
+Bikes	26753
+Byron's	26754
+Byerly's	26755
+Byers	26756
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+barge	26761
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+back.	26793
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+batty	26856
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+bathing	26860
+baths	26861
+bathwater	26862
+batches	26863
+batshit	26864
+babys	26865
+baby's	26866
+baby.	26867
+babycakes	26868
+babydoll	26869
+babyface	26870
+babying	26871
+babe.	26872
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+micki	29981
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+mid-january	29983
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+mitigate	30000
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+mighta	30004
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+miramont	30008
+miranda	30009
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+mixed	30013
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+methylone	30033
+metro	30034
+metric	30035
+meteor	30036
+meter	30037
+merch	30038
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+mercy	30041
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+menudo	30062
+menus	30063
+meningitis	30064
+meniscus	30065
+menopause	30066
+menorah	30067
+meander	30068
+meant	30069
+mean:	30070
+meanness	30071
+means	30072
+meanwhile	30073
+meatball	30074
+meathead	30075
+meatloaf	30076
+meats	30077
+meaty	30078
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+meals	30080
+memoir	30081
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+memento	30085
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+melting	30094
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+mellowed	30097
+megan	30098
+mechanic	30099
+mechanism	30100
+meeting	30101
+meets	30102
+mexicana	30103
+music	30104
+musinex	30105
+musta	30106
+must've	30107
+muster	30108
+mustn't	30109
+musty	30110
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+muskrat	30112
+musky	30113
+mushroom	30114
+mushy	30115
+muscle	30116
+muscular	30117
+museum	30118
+mussels	30119
+multi-player	30120
+multigrain	30121
+multinational	30122
+mullet	30123
+mules	30124
+muncher	30125
+munchkin	30126
+municipal	30127
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+mundane	30129
+mundo	30130
+murdering	30131
+murders	30132
+murals	30133
+mutton	30134
+mutts	30135
+mutant	30136
+mutation	30137
+muted	30138
+mutually	30139
+mucho	30140
+much.	30141
+muchas	30142
+muchly	30143
+mumbo	30144
+mummies	30145
+mummy	30146
+muggin	30147
+mugged	30148
+muggy	30149
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+muffler	30152
+muffled	30153
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+mudding	30155
+muddy	30156
+muzzleloader	30157
+muzzleloading	30158
+myspace.com	30159
+mythical	30160
+mythology	30161
+myrtles	30162
+mccon	30163
+mccools	30164
+Allen	30165
+Alley	30166
+Allis	30167
+Allie	30168
+Alligator	30169
+Allina	30170
+Allston	30171
+Allycia	30172
+Allyson	30173
+Allah	30174
+Allan	30175
+Allred	30176
+Allroad	30177
+Albee	30178
+Albemarle	30179
+Alban	30180
+Alba's	30181
+Albia	30182
+Albion	30183
+Albrecht	30184
+Albright	30185
+Album	30186
+Albuquerque	30187
+Alexa	30188
+Alexi	30189
+Alex's	30190
+Alexys	30191
+Alejandro	30192
+Alejandra	30193
+Alero	30194
+Alert	30195
+Alerus	30196
+Alena	30197
+Alene	30198
+Alamo	30199
+Alamance	30200
+Alameda	30201
+Alamitos	30202
+Alana	30203
+Alan's	30204
+Alanis	30205
+Alanna	30206
+Alano	30207
+Alans	30208
+Alabama	30209
+Alabaster	30210
+Aladdin's	30211
+Alaskan	30212
+Alisa	30213
+Aliso	30214
+Alise	30215
+Alisha	30216
+Alissa	30217
+Alistair	30218
+Alice	30219
+Alicia	30220
+Alien	30221
+Aliexpress	30222
+Aliante	30223
+Alina's	30224
+Alive	30225
+Alivia	30226
+Altadena	30227
+Altana	30228
+Altavista	30229
+Altobelli	30230
+Alton	30231
+Altoona	30232
+Altos	30233
+Alter	30234
+Altex	30235
+Alder	30236
+Aldean	30237
+Alden	30238
+Aldi's	30239
+Aldine	30240
+Aldis	30241
+Aldo's	30242
+Aldrich	30243
+Aldridge	30244
+Alcohol	30245
+Alcoa	30246
+Alcorn	30247
+Alcott	30248
+Alcovy	30249
+Alcatel	30250
+Alcatraz	30251
+Alfonso	30252
+Alford	30253
+Alfredo	30254
+Alfano's	30255
+Algoma	30256
+Algood	30257
+Algeria	30258
+Almaden	30259
+Almanac	30260
+Almost	30261
+Alondra	30262
+Alonso	30263
+Alonzo	30264
+Alpha	30265
+Alphonsus	30266
+Alpena	30267
+Alpert	30268
+Alside	30269
+Alsina	30270
+Alsip	30271
+Alyssa's	30272
+Alkaline	30273
+Andre	30274
+Andrae	30275
+Anders	30276
+Andel	30277
+Andes	30278
+Andolini's	30279
+Andorra	30280
+Andover	30281
+Andaz	30282
+Andiamo	30283
+Andina	30284
+Andy's	30285
+Andys	30286
+Antique	30287
+AntiVirus	30288
+Antietam	30289
+Antioch	30290
+Anton	30291
+Antoine	30292
+Anthony	30293
+Anthem	30294
+Anthropologie	30295
+Antebellum	30296
+Antelope	30297
+Antwerpen	30298
+Antwoord	30299
+Angel	30300
+Anger	30301
+Angie's	30302
+Angier	30303
+Angies	30304
+Angle	30305
+Anglican	30306
+Anglo	30307
+Annabel	30308
+Anna's	30309
+Annalise	30310
+Annamarie	30311
+Annandale	30312
+Annapolis	30313
+Anne's	30314
+Anneke	30315
+Annemarie	30316
+Annes	30317
+Annette	30318
+Annex	30319
+Annie	30320
+Annika	30321
+Anniston	30322
+Anniversary	30323
+Annual	30324
+Annunciation	30325
+Anacapa	30326
+Anastasia	30327
+Anasazi	30328
+Anatole	30329
+Anatomy	30330
+Animal	30331
+Animaniacs	30332
+Animas	30333
+Anish	30334
+Anissa	30335
+Aniston	30336
+Anita's	30337
+Anchorage	30338
+Ancient	30339
+Ancira	30340
+Anselmo	30341
+Ansonia	30342
+Answers	30343
+Ankama	30344
+Ankan	30345
+Arman	30346
+Armada	30347
+Armor	30348
+Armour	30349
+Armen	30350
+Armed	30351
+Armin	30352
+Armistead	30353
+Armitage	30354
+Army's	30355
+Archangel	30356
+Archer	30357
+Archstone	30358
+Archuleta	30359
+Arcanum	30360
+Arcata	30361
+Arcola	30362
+Arcos	30363
+Arian	30364
+Ariel	30365
+Aries	30366
+Arista	30367
+Arizona	30368
+Arizmendi	30369
+Arabi	30370
+Arabella	30371
+Arabs	30372
+Aranda	30373
+Aransas	30374
+Aramark	30375
+Aramingo	30376
+Arapahoe	30377
+Artemis	30378
+Arthur's	30379
+Arthurs	30380
+Articles	30381
+Artie	30382
+Artist	30383
+Arturo's	30384
+Argos	30385
+Argentina	30386
+Argentine	30387
+Argentinian	30388
+Arrow	30389
+Arroyo	30390
+Arriba	30391
+Arrigo	30392
+Arrington	30393
+Arrangements	30394
+ArrayList	30395
+Arrendale	30396
+Arrested	30397
+Arbor	30398
+Arbogast	30399
+Arbonne	30400
+Arby's	30401
+Arbys	30402
+Arnold	30403
+Arnot	30404
+Arnel	30405
+Arnett	30406
+Arnies	30407
+Arlen	30408
+Arleta	30409
+Arkadelphia	30410
+Arkansas	30411
+Arville	30412
+Arvin	30413
+Arundel	30414
+Ameren	30415
+Amery	30416
+Amelia's	30417
+Amendment	30418
+Amesbury	30419
+Amanda	30420
+Amana	30421
+Amari	30422
+Amara	30423
+Amargosa	30424
+Amazon	30425
+Amazing	30426
+Amadeus	30427
+Amador	30428
+Amato's	30429
+Amity	30430
+Amite	30431
+Amicalola	30432
+Amiga	30433
+Amigos	30434
+Amina	30435
+Amira	30436
+Amber's	30437
+Amberly	30438
+Ambridge	30439
+Ambien	30440
+Ambit	30441
+Amstar	30442
+Amsterdam	30443
+Ashlan	30444
+Ashlyn	30445
+Ashbrook	30446
+Ashby	30447
+Asheboro	30448
+Asher	30449
+Asheville	30450
+Ashton	30451
+Ashtabula	30452
+Ashwaubenon	30453
+Ashanti	30454
+Ashcraft	30455
+Ashcroft	30456
+Ashmont	30457
+Ashmore	30458
+Assessor	30459
+Asset	30460
+Assisi	30461
+Assassin's	30462
+Assassins	30463
+Assumption	30464
+Assurant	30465
+Astro	30466
+Astra	30467
+Astor	30468
+Aston	30469
+Asiana	30470
+Asians	30471
+Asante	30472
+Asanti	30473
+Aspen	30474
+Aspergers	30475
+Aspinwall	30476
+Aspirus	30477
+Askim	30478
+Asking	30479
+Advent	30480
+Advertising	30481
+Advil	30482
+Advance	30483
+AdvoCare	30484
+Adela	30485
+Adele	30486
+Adelphi	30487
+Adelyn	30488
+Adena	30489
+Adams	30490
+Adam's	30491
+Adamo	30492
+Adairsville	30493
+Addis	30494
+Addie	30495
+Addington	30496
+Adrian	30497
+Adriatic	30498
+Adolf	30499
+Adolphus	30500
+Adoption	30501
+Administrator	30502
+Admirals	30503
+Admiralty	30504
+Autosport	30505
+AutoFair	30506
+AutoNation	30507
+AutoServ	30508
+AutoWorld	30509
+AutoZone	30510
+Autodesk	30511
+Autohaus	30512
+Autoplex	30513
+Autotrader	30514
+Autozone	30515
+Authority	30516
+Authorization	30517
+Auditor	30518
+Audio	30519
+Audie	30520
+Audix	30521
+Audrey	30522
+Audra	30523
+Audrina	30524
+Austin	30525
+Augusta	30526
+Augustine	30527
+Augie's	30528
+Aubrey	30529
+Aubree's	30530
+Auburn	30531
+Aubuchon	30532
+Auntie's	30533
+Apple	30534
+Appraisal	30535
+Appeals	30536
+Appetit	30537
+Apostle	30538
+Apostol	30539
+Apocalypse	30540
+Apocalyptica	30541
+Apollo's	30542
+Apalachee	30543
+Apalachicola	30544
+Apartments	30545
+April's	30546
+Aprils	30547
+Accent	30548
+Acceptance	30549
+Access	30550
+Account	30551
+Accokeek	30552
+Accord	30553
+AccuWeather	30554
+Action	30555
+Acton	30556
+Actors	30557
+Acadia	30558
+Acklands	30559
+Ackerman	30560
+Acres	30561
+Acrobat	30562
+Acropolis	30563
+Achieva	30564
+Achievement	30565
+Attic	30566
+Attila	30567
+Attack	30568
+Attalla	30569
+Attorney's	30570
+Attorneys	30571
+Atherton	30572
+Athletic	30573
+Athleta	30574
+Atlas	30575
+Atascadero	30576
+Atwoods	30577
+Airbender	30578
+Airbnb	30579
+Airborne	30580
+Airbus	30581
+Airport	30582
+Airpark	30583
+Airplane	30584
+Airway	30585
+Airwalk	30586
+Airwaves	30587
+Aires	30588
+Airfield	30589
+Airforce	30590
+Airlines	30591
+Aidan	30592
+Aiden's	30593
+Aidens	30594
+Abbott	30595
+Abbotsford	30596
+Abby's	30597
+Abbys	30598
+Abbas	30599
+Abbeville	30600
+Abbey	30601
+Aberdeen	30602
+Abernathy	30603
+Abel's	30604
+Abels	30605
+Abigail's	30606
+Abingdon	30607
+Abington	30608
+Abraham	30609
+Abram	30610
+Avent	30611
+Avenue	30612
+Avenel	30613
+Avenida	30614
+Avera	30615
+Avery	30616
+Averitt	30617
+Avianca	30618
+Aviara	30619
+Aviation	30620
+Avista	30621
+Aviva	30622
+Avante	30623
+Avanti	30624
+Avalanche	30625
+Avalon	30626
+Agreement	30627
+Agrestic	30628
+Against	30629
+Agent	30630
+Aguilera	30631
+Aguilar	30632
+Agosta	30633
+Agostino	30634
+Africa	30635
+Afrin	30636
+Afrojack	30637
+Aeroplan	30638
+Aztecas	30639
+Aquatic	30640
+Aquatech	30641
+Aquarium	30642
+Aquarius	30643
+Award	30644
+Awareness	30645
+Awanas	30646
+Parks	30647
+Parkchester	30648
+Parkdale	30649
+Parkhill	30650
+Parkman	30651
+ParaNorman	30652
+Paraiso	30653
+Party	30654
+Partners	30655
+Parties	30656
+Parton	30657
+Partridge	30658
+Parts	30659
+Parral	30660
+Parrot	30661
+Parry	30662
+Parma	30663
+Parenthood	30664
+Parents	30665
+Paris	30666
+Parian	30667
+Parliament	30668
+Parlier	30669
+Parlin	30670
+Parcel	30671
+Pardee	30672
+Pardons	30673
+Parnassus	30674
+Parnell	30675
+Parole	30676
+Parowan	30677
+Parsippany	30678
+Parsons	30679
+Palma	30680
+Palmdale	30681
+Palmira	30682
+Palms	30683
+Palmyra	30684
+Palafox	30685
+Palais	30686
+Palazzo	30687
+Palermo	30688
+Palenque	30689
+Paleo	30690
+Paley	30691
+Palos	30692
+Palio	30693
+Palin	30694
+Palisades	30695
+Paltrow	30696
+Paltz	30697
+Palumbo's	30698
+Patti	30699
+Patty	30700
+Patton	30701
+Patagonia	30702
+Patapsco	30703
+Pataskala	30704
+Patel	30705
+Paterson	30706
+Pathfinder	30707
+Pathmark	30708
+Patsy	30709
+Patchogue	30710
+Patil	30711
+Patio	30712
+Panther	30713
+Pantops	30714
+Pantry	30715
+Pants	30716
+Panama	30717
+Pancake	30718
+Pancho	30719
+Pandora	30720
+Panda	30721
+Panera's	30722
+Paneras	30723
+Pangea	30724
+Pangilinan	30725
+Panguitch	30726
+Panola	30727
+Panorama	30728
+Pacific	30729
+Pacino	30730
+Pacha	30731
+Paco's	30732
+Pacoima	30733
+Pacers	30734
+Paces	30735
+Passion	30736
+Passover	30737
+Passport	30738
+Password	30739
+Passyunk	30740
+Pasco	30741
+Pasta	30742
+Pasteur	30743
+Pastor	30744
+Pasquale's	30745
+Pasquotank	30746
+Pauls	30747
+Paula	30748
+Paulo	30749
+Paul's	30750
+Paulding	30751
+Paulette	30752
+Pauly	30753
+Pappa	30754
+Pappy	30755
+Papa's	30756
+Papago	30757
+Papalote	30758
+Papas	30759
+Paper	30760
+Papillion	30761
+Papillon	30762
+Payne's	30763
+Paynesville	30764
+Paychex	30765
+Paycom	30766
+Paint	30767
+Paine	30768
+Paige's	30769
+Paisley's	30770
+Padres	30771
+Pampa	30772
+Pamela's	30773
+Pawleys	30774
+Pawling	30775
+Pawnee	30776
+Pageland	30777
+Pages	30778
+Pablo's	30779
+Pablos	30780
+Pakistani	30781
+Paola	30782
+Paoli	30783
+Paolo	30784
+Pavilion	30785
+Pavillion	30786
+Penny	30787
+Penns	30788
+Penney	30789
+Penn's	30790
+PennDOT	30791
+Penndel	30792
+Pennfield	30793
+Pennington	30794
+Pennock	30795
+Pennzoil	30796
+Penticton	30797
+Pentucket	30798
+Pentwater	30799
+Penacook	30800
+Penang	30801
+Penasquitos	30802
+Pender	30803
+Pendleton	30804
+Pensacola	30805
+Penske	30806
+Penelec	30807
+Penelope	30808
+Penguins	30809
+Peninsula	30810
+Penitentiary	30811
+Penrod	30812
+Penrose	30813
+Penzeys	30814
+Penzone	30815
+Perri	30816
+Perry	30817
+Person	30818
+Persia	30819
+Pershing	30820
+Perfect	30821
+Perfumania	30822
+Pericos	30823
+Perimeter	30824
+Perinton	30825
+Perkasie	30826
+Perks	30827
+Permanente	30828
+Percy	30829
+Perce	30830
+Pereira	30831
+Perez	30832
+Peruvian	30833
+Peruzzi	30834
+Perdido	30835
+Perdue	30836
+Perla	30837
+Perlman	30838
+Peter	30839
+Pete's	30840
+Petes	30841
+Petey	30842
+Petri	30843
+Petro	30844
+Petra	30845
+Petty	30846
+Petsmart	30847
+Pearl	30848
+Pearce	30849
+Pearisburg	30850
+Pearman	30851
+Peach	30852
+Peace	30853
+Peabody	30854
+Peaks	30855
+Pepper	30856
+Peppa	30857
+Peppinos	30858
+Peppo	30859
+Pepe's	30860
+Pepsi's	30861
+Pella	30862
+Pellissippi	30863
+Pelon	30864
+Pelosi	30865
+Pedic	30866
+Pedro's	30867
+Pedros	30868
+Peet's	30869
+Peets	30870
+Pecanland	30871
+Pecos	30872
+People's	30873
+Peoples	30874
+Peggy's	30875
+Pekingese	30876
+Pescador	30877
+Pesci	30878
+Porte	30879
+Porto	30880
+Portman	30881
+Portland	30882
+Portneuf	30883
+Portrait	30884
+Portsmouth	30885
+Porcelanosa	30886
+Porcupine	30887
+Polly	30888
+Pollo	30889
+Polar	30890
+Polak	30891
+Polamalu	30892
+Poland	30893
+Polina	30894
+Polish	30895
+Politics	30896
+Polycom	30897
+Polynesian	30898
+Polytechnic	30899
+Power	30900
+Powell	30901
+Powderhorn	30902
+Powderly	30903
+Powdersville	30904
+Potter	30905
+Potts	30906
+Pottawatomie	30907
+Potato	30908
+Potawatomi	30909
+Poteau	30910
+Poteet	30911
+Potomac	30912
+Potosi	30913
+Potranco	30914
+Potrero	30915
+Ponte	30916
+Pontchartrain	30917
+Pontiac	30918
+Pontotoc	30919
+Ponder	30920
+Ponca	30921
+Ponce	30922
+Ponchatoula	30923
+Ponyboy	30924
+Posse	30925
+Possible	30926
+Possum	30927
+PostNet	30928
+Postal	30929
+Poston	30930
+Poseidon	30931
+Posen	30932
+Posey	30933
+Posada	30934
+Posas	30935
+Positano	30936
+Positas	30937
+Poppy	30938
+Poppa	30939
+Poppins	30940
+Popeye	30941
+Poplarville	30942
+Pocono	30943
+Pocola	30944
+Pocomoke	30945
+Pocahontas	30946
+Pocasset	30947
+Pocatello	30948
+Pocket	30949
+Pocky	30950
+Pomeroy	30951
+Pomodoro	30952
+Pomona	30953
+Pompano	30954
+Pompeii	30955
+Pompton	30956
+Poole	30957
+Pookie	30958
+Pooky	30959
+Point	30960
+Poinciana	30961
+Poindexter	30962
+Poinsett	30963
+Pounder	30964
+Pokemon	30965
+Poker	30966
+Provo	30967
+Prospect	30968
+Prosser	30969
+Prost	30970
+Prophet	30971
+Proposition	30972
+Protect	30973
+Protege	30974
+Protein	30975
+Protestant	30976
+Profile	30977
+Promise	30978
+Processing	30979
+Progress	30980
+Program	30981
+Probst	30982
+Productions	30983
+Products	30984
+Press	30985
+Presby	30986
+Presley	30987
+Presque	30988
+Premera	30989
+Preppers	30990
+Pretender	30991
+Pretoria	30992
+Pretty	30993
+Pretzel	30994
+Precinct	30995
+Precious	30996
+Precision	30997
+Preacher	30998
+Preakness	30999
+Predators	31000
+Prentice	31001
+Prentiss	31002
+Prevea	31003
+Prevention	31004
+Prine	31005
+Pringle	31006
+Print	31007
+Prime	31008
+Primm	31009
+Primos	31010
+Primrose	31011
+Primus	31012
+Priebe	31013
+Prien	31014
+Priest	31015
+Prieto	31016
+Priscilla	31017
+Prison	31018
+Priss	31019
+Price	31020
+Prichard	31021
+Priority	31022
+Pritchard	31023
+Pritchett	31024
+Privacy	31025
+Private	31026
+Priyanka	31027
+Pratt	31028
+Prater	31029
+Prather	31030
+Prairie	31031
+Praise	31032
+Prada	31033
+Prado	31034
+Prager	31035
+Prague	31036
+Praxair	31037
+Praxis	31038
+Prayer	31039
+Prudential	31040
+Prudenville	31041
+Pruitts	31042
+Pineapple	31043
+Pinebrook	31044
+Pinecrest	31045
+Pinedale	31046
+Pinehurst	31047
+Piner	31048
+Pines	31049
+Pinetop	31050
+Pinewood	31051
+Piney	31052
+Pinkie	31053
+Pink's	31054
+Pinkberry	31055
+Pinky	31056
+Pinocchio	31057
+Pino's	31058
+Pinole	31059
+Pinos	31060
+Pinot	31061
+Pinoy	31062
+Pinal	31063
+Pinar	31064
+Pinckney	31065
+Pinconning	31066
+Pinscher	31067
+Pinson	31068
+Pinterest	31069
+Pinto	31070
+Pickup	31071
+Pickford	31072
+Pickwick	31073
+Picacho	31074
+Picard	31075
+Picayune	31076
+Pictureline	31077
+Pictures	31078
+Piccadilly	31079
+Piccolo's	31080
+Pitts	31081
+Pittman	31082
+Pierce	31083
+Pierre	31084
+Piers	31085
+Piermont	31086
+Piero's	31087
+Pierpont	31088
+Piedmont	31089
+Piedro	31090
+Pilgrim's	31091
+Pilgrims	31092
+Pillow	31093
+Pillsbury	31094
+Pilots	31095
+Pistol	31096
+Pistons	31097
+Piscataway	31098
+Pisces	31099
+Pikes	31100
+Piketon	31101
+Pikeville	31102
+Piggly	31103
+Piggott	31104
+Piggy	31105
+Pimpin	31106
+Piper	31107
+Pipestone	31108
+Pippin	31109
+Pixies	31110
+Pirates	31111
+Plant	31112
+Planet	31113
+Plank	31114
+Plano	31115
+Player	31116
+PlayBook	31117
+PlayStation	31118
+Playa	31119
+Playboy	31120
+Playhouse	31121
+Playland	31122
+Playstation	31123
+Playtex	31124
+Platt	31125
+Plate	31126
+Plato	31127
+Plata	31128
+Platinum	31129
+Plain	31130
+Plaistow	31131
+Place	31132
+Plastic	31133
+Plasma	31134
+Pleasant	31135
+Pleasure	31136
+Please	31137
+Plumas	31138
+Plumbing	31139
+Plumlee	31140
+Plummer	31141
+Plumtree	31142
+Plunge	31143
+Plunkett	31144
+Purcell	31145
+Purchase	31146
+Purdue	31147
+Purdy	31148
+Purina	31149
+Puritan	31150
+Purple	31151
+Purpose	31152
+Punch	31153
+Punctuation	31154
+Punjabi	31155
+Punky's	31156
+Pullman	31157
+Pumpkin	31158
+Pumped	31159
+Pumas	31160
+Public	31161
+Publishers	31162
+Publix	31163
+Puckett	31164
+Pueblito	31165
+Pueblo	31166
+Puppets	31167
+Pussycat	31168
+Philip	31169
+Phila	31170
+Philo	31171
+Phil's	31172
+Philharmonic	31173
+Philmont	31174
+Philpott	31175
+Phils	31176
+Philthy	31177
+Phineas	31178
+Phinney	31179
+Phoebe	31180
+Photobucket	31181
+Photography	31182
+Photon	31183
+Phone	31184
+Phonics	31185
+Pharm	31186
+Pharr	31187
+Pharaohs	31188
+Pharoah	31189
+Phyllis	31190
+Phylicia	31191
+Physical	31192
+Physicians	31193
+Phelan	31194
+Phelps	31195
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+frequent	31559
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+feeder	31619
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+felony	31639
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+fearful	31642
+fearing	31643
+fearless	31644
+fears	31645
+feast	31646
+fertile	31647
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+fermentation	31651
+fermented	31652
+fermenting	31653
+ferns	31654
+fence	31655
+fencing	31656
+fender	31657
+fettucini	31658
+fetal	31659
+fetched	31660
+fetishes	31661
+fedex.com	31662
+fester	31663
+females	31664
+feminine	31665
+feminist	31666
+feverishly	31667
+fundamental	31668
+funding	31669
+funds	31670
+funny	31671
+functional	31672
+functioning	31673
+functions	31674
+funerals	31675
+fungal	31676
+fungus	31677
+funky	31678
+fucka	31679
+fucks	31680
+fuckface	31681
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+fucktard	31683
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+further	31686
+furthest	31687
+furiously	31688
+furries	31689
+furry	31690
+fullness	31691
+fulltime	31692
+fully	31693
+fulfilled	31694
+fulfilling	31695
+fulfillment	31696
+fused	31697
+fuser	31698
+fuses	31699
+fussed	31700
+fussing	31701
+fussy	31702
+fusion	31703
+fusing	31704
+fumble	31705
+fumbling	31706
+fumigation	31707
+fuming	31708
+future	31709
+futuristic	31710
+Rosen	31711
+Roseanne	31712
+Rose's	31713
+Rosecrans	31714
+Rosedale	31715
+Rosee	31716
+Rosehill	31717
+Roses	31718
+Rosetta	31719
+Roseville	31720
+Rosewood	31721
+Rosa's	31722
+Rosamond	31723
+Rosas	31724
+Rosati's	31725
+Rosauers	31726
+Rossi	31727
+Ross's	31728
+Rossa	31729
+Rossford	31730
+Rosslyn	31731
+Rossman	31732
+Rosso	31733
+Rossville	31734
+Roscoe	31735
+Roscommon	31736
+Rosie	31737
+Rosita	31738
+Roslindale	31739
+Roslyn	31740
+Rocka	31741
+Rocks	31742
+Rocky	31743
+Rock's	31744
+RockNES	31745
+Rockdale	31746
+Rockhurst	31747
+Rockmart	31748
+Rocko	31749
+Rockport	31750
+Rockridge	31751
+Rockton	31752
+Rockville	31753
+Rocco's	31754
+Roccos	31755
+Rochelle	31756
+Rochester	31757
+Rococo	31758
+Robeez	31759
+Robeks	31760
+Robeson	31761
+Robin	31762
+Robison	31763
+Robby	31764
+Robot	31765
+Robocop	31766
+Roble	31767
+Robloxia	31768
+Robson	31769
+Robstown	31770
+Robyn	31771
+Roman	31772
+Roma's	31773
+Romain	31774
+Romas	31775
+Romeo	31776
+Romero	31777
+Rome's	31778
+Romell	31779
+Romig	31780
+Romney's	31781
+Romos	31782
+Ronald	31783
+Ronan	31784
+Ronnie	31785
+Ronny	31786
+Ronda	31787
+Ronde	31788
+Rondo	31789
+Roni's	31790
+Ronin	31791
+Ronson	31792
+Ronstadt	31793
+Rodrigo	31794
+Rodda	31795
+Roddick	31796
+Roddy	31797
+Rodeo	31798
+Roderick	31799
+Rodeway	31800
+Rodney's	31801
+Roller	31802
+Rolla	31803
+Rollo	31804
+Rolls	31805
+Rolly	31806
+Roland	31807
+Rolaids	31808
+Rolesville	31809
+Rolex	31810
+Roots	31811
+Rooter	31812
+Roomba	31813
+Rooms	31814
+Roosevelt	31815
+Rooster	31816
+Roofing	31817
+Rookie	31818
+Rookwood	31819
+Rottweiler	31820
+Rothman	31821
+Rothschild	31822
+Rotolo	31823
+Royal	31824
+Royse	31825
+Royersford	31826
+Roadhouse	31827
+Roadmaster	31828
+Roadrunner	31829
+Roads	31830
+Roasters	31831
+Roasting	31832
+Roane	31833
+Roanoke	31834
+Roxanne	31835
+Roxana	31836
+Roxboro	31837
+Roxbury	31838
+Roxie's	31839
+Roxy's	31840
+Rowland	31841
+Rowling	31842
+Rogers	31843
+Roger's	31844
+Rogaine	31845
+Rogan	31846
+Rouge	31847
+Rough	31848
+Roundtree	31849
+Rohrerstown	31850
+Rohrman	31851
+Rojas	31852
+Rovers	31853
+Reddy	31854
+Redbank	31855
+Redbird	31856
+Redskin	31857
+Redstone	31858
+Redford	31859
+Redeemer	31860
+Redemption	31861
+Redhawk	31862
+Redhill	31863
+Redington	31864
+Redlands	31865
+Redman	31866
+Redmond	31867
+Redway	31868
+Redwood	31869
+Renae	31870
+Renaissance	31871
+Renaldo	31872
+Renasant	31873
+Renata	31874
+Renault	31875
+Rental	31876
+Renton	31877
+Rents	31878
+Renee	31879
+Renewal	31880
+Renfrew	31881
+Renfro	31882
+Reno's	31883
+Renshaw	31884
+Rensselaer	31885
+Renzo's	31886
+Research	31887
+Reseda	31888
+Restaurant	31889
+Restless	31890
+Resort	31891
+Resource	31892
+Resolution	31893
+Residence	31894
+Resident	31895
+Regis	31896
+Region	31897
+Regal	31898
+Regan	31899
+Regent	31900
+Regency	31901
+Reggie	31902
+Reggio's	31903
+Regular	31904
+Regulation	31905
+Reade	31906
+Reading	31907
+Ready	31908
+ReachOut	31909
+Reacher	31910
+Reagan	31911
+Reagor	31912
+Reapers	31913
+Revel	31914
+Review	31915
+Revis	31916
+Revival	31917
+Reed's	31918
+Reeder	31919
+Reedley	31920
+Reedman	31921
+Reedy	31922
+Reese	31923
+Reeves	31924
+Remicade	31925
+Remember	31926
+Remembrance	31927
+Remos	31928
+Remote	31929
+Remy's	31930
+Record	31931
+Recognition	31932
+Recology	31933
+Recon	31934
+Recovery	31935
+Recker	31936
+Reckless	31937
+Recreation	31938
+Recruiting	31939
+Reinbold	31940
+Reindeer	31941
+Reid's	31942
+Reidsville	31943
+Reidville	31944
+Representative	31945
+Reproductive	31946
+Republican	31947
+Reports	31948
+Reliant	31949
+Religion	31950
+Relations	31951
+Relax	31952
+Relay	31953
+Rella	31954
+Rebel	31955
+Rebekah	31956
+Retreat	31957
+Retriever	31958
+Retro	31959
+Retina	31960
+Retirement	31961
+Returns	31962
+Reyna	31963
+Reformation	31964
+Reformed	31965
+Rehabilitation	31966
+Randa	31967
+Randle	31968
+Randy	31969
+Randhurst	31970
+Randi	31971
+Randstad	31972
+Ranch	31973
+Rance	31974
+Rancier	31975
+Rangel	31976
+Ranger	31977
+Ramsay	31978
+Ramstein	31979
+Ramada	31980
+Raman	31981
+Ramapo	31982
+Ramon	31983
+Ramos	31984
+Rambo	31985
+Ramey	31986
+Ramen	31987
+Ramesh	31988
+Ramirez	31989
+Raina	31990
+Rainbow	31991
+Rainforest	31992
+Rainier	31993
+Rainmaker	31994
+Rainsville	31995
+Raintree	31996
+Rails	31997
+Railroad	31998
+Railway	31999
+Raider	32000
+Raida	32001
+Raising	32002
+Rayman	32003
+Rayna	32004
+Rayne	32005
+Raynham	32006
+Raynor	32007
+Raytheon	32008
+Raytown	32009
+Rachel	32010
+Rachael	32011
+Rachmaninoff	32012
+RaceTrac	32013
+Raceland	32014
+Racer	32015
+Raceway	32016
+Racine	32017
+Racing	32018
+Rackspace	32019
+Radio	32020
+Radian	32021
+Radisson	32022
+Radcliffe	32023
+Radon	32024
+Raptr	32025
+Rapture	32026
+Rapides	32027
+Rapids	32028
+Raphael's	32029
+Raven	32030
+Ravel	32031
+Ravinia	32032
+Ralphie	32033
+Ralph's	32034
+Ralphs	32035
+Raleigh	32036
+Rallye	32037
+Rasheed	32038
+Rascals	32039
+Raspberry	32040
+Rasputin	32041
+Razorback	32042
+Razzi	32043
+Razzles	32044
+Razzoo's	32045
+Rathdrum	32046
+Rabbit	32047
+Rafferty	32048
+Raffi	32049
+Rafael's	32050
+Rawls	32051
+Rawsonville	32052
+Richard	32053
+Richie	32054
+Richland	32055
+Rich's	32056
+Richey	32057
+Richfield	32058
+Richmond	32059
+Richwood	32060
+Ricki	32061
+Ricky	32062
+Rick's	32063
+Ricks	32064
+Rican	32065
+Ricca	32066
+Ricci	32067
+Rice's	32068
+Rico's	32069
+Rivers	32070
+Rivera	32071
+RiverPlace	32072
+Riverbend	32073
+Riverdale	32074
+Riverfront	32075
+Rivergate	32076
+Riverland	32077
+Riverview	32078
+Rivage	32079
+Rivas	32080
+Riviera	32081
+Rivington	32082
+Ridge	32083
+Ridgid	32084
+Ridglea	32085
+Ridgmar	32086
+Ridgway	32087
+Rider	32088
+RideNow	32089
+Rideau	32090
+Rideout	32091
+Riddle	32092
+Riddick	32093
+Ringo	32094
+RingCentral	32095
+Ringgold	32096
+Rings	32097
+Ringtone	32098
+Ringwood	32099
+Rinaldi	32100
+Rinehart	32101
+Riner	32102
+Rittman	32103
+Rittz	32104
+Rita's	32105
+Ritalin	32106
+Ritchies	32107
+Ritzville	32108
+Ripper	32109
+Ripple	32110
+Rippy	32111
+Ripley's	32112
+Righteous	32113
+Rights	32114
+Riggins	32115
+Riggs	32116
+Rises	32117
+Rizzo's	32118
+Rizzoli	32119
+Russe	32120
+Russia	32121
+Russo	32122
+Russ's	32123
+Rusty	32124
+Rustburg	32125
+Rushen	32126
+Rushford	32127
+Rushmore	32128
+Rushville	32129
+Ruskin	32130
+Rundberg	32131
+Runde	32132
+Rundgren	32133
+Rundle	32134
+Running	32135
+Rubio	32136
+Rubin	32137
+Rubicon	32138
+Rubik's	32139
+Ruby's	32140
+Rubys	32141
+Rubens	32142
+Rutherford	32143
+Ruthie	32144
+Ruth's	32145
+Rutland	32146
+Rutledge	32147
+Rudolph	32148
+Rudolf	32149
+Rudy's	32150
+Rudys	32151
+Rumbi's	32152
+Rumble	32153
+Rumpelstiltskin	32154
+Rumpke	32155
+Ruffin	32156
+Ruckersville	32157
+Rhode	32158
+Rhoda	32159
+Rhonda's	32160
+Rheumatologist	32161
+Rheumatology	32162
+Rhine	32163
+Rhino	32164
+Ryland	32165
+Ryders	32166
+Delia	32167
+Delila	32168
+Delight	32169
+Delite	32170
+Delivery	32171
+Delafield	32172
+Delavan	32173
+Delaware	32174
+Della	32175
+Dellen	32176
+Dells	32177
+Dellwood	32178
+Delmar	32179
+Delphi	32180
+Delphos	32181
+Delridge	32182
+Delton	32183
+Delta	32184
+Delcos	32185
+Delfina	32186
+Delfonics	32187
+Deloitte	32188
+Delores	32189
+Dean's	32190
+Deana	32191
+Deane	32192
+Deanie	32193
+Deans	32194
+Deante	32195
+DeadMau	32196
+Deadliest	32197
+Deadman	32198
+Deadpool	32199
+Deadwood	32200
+Dearborn	32201
+Dearest	32202
+Deary	32203
+Deaconess	32204
+Deacons	32205
+Dealer	32206
+Deals	32207
+Deathly	32208
+Dennis	32209
+Denny	32210
+Dennery	32211
+Denis	32212
+Deniece	32213
+Dentistry	32214
+Denton	32215
+Denali	32216
+Denard	32217
+Denver	32218
+Denville	32219
+Denbigh	32220
+Denby	32221
+Denman	32222
+Denmark	32223
+Design	32224
+Desi's	32225
+Destin	32226
+Deschutes	32227
+Description	32228
+Deseret	32229
+Desert	32230
+Deshler	32231
+Deshon	32232
+Desktop	32233
+Desperate	32234
+Despicable	32235
+Deerbrook	32236
+Deere	32237
+Deering	32238
+Deerwood	32239
+Deery	32240
+Deen's	32241
+Deena	32242
+Deedra	32243
+Deeds	32244
+Deepak	32245
+Devil	32246
+Devin	32247
+Devon	32248
+Devore	32249
+Development	32250
+Devens	32251
+Devante	32252
+Democrat	32253
+Demopolis	32254
+Demorest	32255
+Demotte	32256
+Demetria	32257
+Demetrius	32258
+Dempsey	32259
+Dempster	32260
+Deming	32261
+December's	32262
+Decemberists	32263
+Decembers	32264
+Decatur	32265
+Decay	32266
+Decker	32267
+Declan	32268
+Declaration	32269
+Derek's	32270
+Dereks	32271
+Derrick	32272
+Derry	32273
+Debbi	32274
+Debby	32275
+Deborah's	32276
+Depot	32277
+Deposit	32278
+Depeche	32279
+Depew	32280
+Deptford	32281
+Dewey's	32282
+Deweys	32283
+Dewalt	32284
+Dewayne	32285
+DeLong	32286
+DeLorean	32287
+DeLuca's	32288
+DeVito	32289
+DeVille	32290
+Detective	32291
+Detention	32292
+Detrick	32293
+Detroit	32294
+Defender	32295
+Defense	32296
+Dexter's	32297
+DeMarco	32298
+DeMarcus	32299
+Dedeaux	32300
+Degreez	32301
+Deuteronomy	32302
+Deutsch	32303
+Danie	32304
+Dania	32305
+Danica	32306
+Danika	32307
+Danish	32308
+Danita	32309
+Danny	32310
+Danno	32311
+Danna	32312
+Danner	32313
+Danni	32314
+Dana's	32315
+Danada	32316
+Danae	32317
+Dangerous	32318
+Dangerfield	32319
+Dance	32320
+Dancing	32321
+Dandy	32322
+Dandridge	32323
+Dante	32324
+Dantoni	32325
+Danes	32326
+Danka	32327
+Danko	32328
+Dansko	32329
+Dansville	32330
+Danvers	32331
+Danville	32332
+Darrin	32333
+Darrow	32334
+Darryl	32335
+Daria	32336
+Darien	32337
+Darin	32338
+Dario	32339
+Darius	32340
+Darla	32341
+Darlene	32342
+Darling	32343
+Darkest	32344
+Darkness	32345
+Darko	32346
+Darksiders	32347
+Darcy's	32348
+Darcys	32349
+Darden	32350
+Dardanelle	32351
+Darth	32352
+Dartmouth	32353
+Darby's	32354
+Darwin's	32355
+Daryl's	32356
+Dale's	32357
+Dalena	32358
+Dales	32359
+Daleville	32360
+Daley	32361
+Dallas	32362
+Dalles	32363
+Dallin	32364
+Dalton	32365
+Daltile	32366
+Daltrey	32367
+Dalia's	32368
+Dalis	32369
+Dalmatians	32370
+David	32371
+Davis	32372
+Davie	32373
+Davina	32374
+Dave's	32375
+Davenport	32376
+Daves	32377
+Davey	32378
+Damian	32379
+Damien	32380
+Damon's	32381
+Damons	32382
+Damonte	32383
+Dame's	32384
+Damen	32385
+Damariscotta	32386
+Damascus	32387
+Damned	32388
+Dayna	32389
+Dayne	32390
+Daystar	32391
+Daytona	32392
+Dadeland	32393
+Dadeville	32394
+Daddy's	32395
+Dailey	32396
+Daily	32397
+Dairyland	32398
+Daisy's	32399
+Dawson's	32400
+Dawsonville	32401
+Dawn's	32402
+Dahl's	32403
+Dahle	32404
+Dahlgren	32405
+Dahlia	32406
+Dahlonega	32407
+DateHookup	32408
+Dateline	32409
+Database	32410
+Dasha	32411
+Dasher	32412
+Daughter	32413
+Daughtry	32414
+DaVinci's	32415
+Donna	32416
+Donnie	32417
+Donny	32418
+Donegal	32419
+Donovan's	32420
+Donovans	32421
+Don's	32422
+Don't	32423
+Dongs	32424
+Dora's	32425
+Dorado	32426
+Doral	32427
+Doraville	32428
+Dorito	32429
+Dorian	32430
+Doris	32431
+Dorschel	32432
+Dorothy	32433
+Dorothea	32434
+Doreen's	32435
+Dorman	32436
+Dormont	32437
+Dorris	32438
+Domino	32439
+Dominator	32440
+Domenico's	32441
+Domestic	32442
+Downing	32443
+Download	32444
+Downman	32445
+Downpour	32446
+Downs	32447
+Dowlen	32448
+Dowling	32449
+Dollar	32450
+Dolly	32451
+Dollface	32452
+Dolls	32453
+Dolphin	32454
+Dolan's	32455
+Dooley	32456
+Doolittle	32457
+Doodle	32458
+Doody	32459
+Doorly	32460
+Doors	32461
+Doomsday	32462
+Dooney	32463
+Douglas	32464
+Dough	32465
+Doug's	32466
+Dougie	32467
+Dougs	32468
+Dougy	32469
+Double	32470
+Doubtfire	32471
+Doctors	32472
+DocuSign	32473
+Documents	32474
+Dodger	32475
+Dodgeville	32476
+Dodds	32477
+Doggett	32478
+Doggy	32479
+Dogtopia	32480
+Dogtown	32481
+Dottie	32482
+Dotty's	32483
+Dobbin	32484
+Dobbs	32485
+Doheny	32486
+Doherty	32487
+Doylestown	32488
+Discount	32489
+Discover	32490
+Dishman	32491
+Dishnet	32492
+Dishonored	32493
+Disney's	32494
+Disneyland	32495
+Disneyworld	32496
+Distortion	32497
+Disturb	32498
+Dispatch	32499
+Display	32500
+Disposal	32501
+Disability	32502
+Disabled	32503
+Diana	32504
+Diane	32505
+Dianne	32506
+Diamondback	32507
+Diamondhead	32508
+Diamonds	32509
+Diablo	32510
+Diagnostics	32511
+Diaries	32512
+Diary	32513
+Dina's	32514
+Dinah	32515
+Dino's	32516
+Dinosaur	32517
+Diners	32518
+Dingle	32519
+Dinners	32520
+Dicks	32521
+Dick's	32522
+Dickman	32523
+Dicky	32524
+Dictation	32525
+Dictionary	32526
+Direct	32527
+DirecTV	32528
+Dirks	32529
+Dirty	32530
+Dilla	32531
+Dillon	32532
+Dillingham	32533
+Dillwyn	32534
+Divide	32535
+Diversey	32536
+Dietrich	32537
+Dietz	32538
+Diego's	32539
+Dierbergs	32540
+Dierks	32541
+Dimitrios	32542
+Dimitris	32543
+Dimebag	32544
+Dimes	32545
+Dimondale	32546
+Digicel	32547
+Digimon	32548
+Digiplex	32549
+Digital	32550
+Diggity	32551
+Diggy	32552
+Dion's	32553
+Dionne	32554
+Dions	32555
+Dixies	32556
+Dixons	32557
+Ditka's	32558
+Duncan's	32559
+Duncannon	32560
+Duncansville	32561
+Duncanville	32562
+Dunedin	32563
+Dunes	32564
+Dunham	32565
+Dunhill	32566
+Dunnellon	32567
+Dunning	32568
+Dunns	32569
+Dundee	32570
+Dungeon	32571
+Dungeness	32572
+Dunkin	32573
+Dunkirk	32574
+Dunlap	32575
+Dunlop	32576
+Duran	32577
+Duracell	32578
+Duraflame	32579
+Duralast	32580
+Duramax	32581
+Durbin	32582
+Durban	32583
+Dumbarton	32584
+Dumber	32585
+Dumbo	32586
+Dutches	32587
+Dutch's	32588
+Dutchman	32589
+Dutchtown	32590
+Dutys	32591
+Dubliner	32592
+Duffy's	32593
+Duffys	32594
+Dugan's	32595
+Dugans	32596
+Duggar	32597
+Duggan	32598
+Dupont	32599
+Dupree	32600
+Dupri	32601
+Ducks	32602
+Ducky's	32603
+Dudek	32604
+Dudley's	32605
+Dustin's	32606
+Dusty's	32607
+Duane's	32608
+Drago	32609
+Dragway	32610
+Draya	32611
+Drayer	32612
+Drayton	32613
+Dracula	32614
+Dracut	32615
+Drafthouse	32616
+Drake's	32617
+Dramamine	32618
+DreamWorks	32619
+Dreamcast	32620
+Dreamgirls	32621
+Dreamhouse	32622
+Dreaming	32623
+Dreams	32624
+Dreamweaver	32625
+Dress	32626
+Drescher	32627
+Dresden	32628
+Drew's	32629
+Drews	32630
+Dreyer	32631
+Dreyfus	32632
+Drive	32633
+Driving	32634
+Drifters	32635
+Drummond	32636
+Drumright	32637
+Drugs	32638
+Drunken	32639
+Dropbox	32640
+Dropkick	32641
+Drops	32642
+Dynamics	32643
+Dynamite	32644
+Dyersburg	32645
+Dyersville	32646
+DVR'd	32647
+DVR's	32648
+D'Angelo	32649
+D'Andre	32650
+homes	32651
+homer	32652
+home.	32653
+home's	32654
+homedepot	32655
+homefront	32656
+hometown	32657
+homey	32658
+homie	32659
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+horrendous	32668
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+hormone	32671
+hormonal	32672
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+horticulture	32674
+horton	32675
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+hooky	32679
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+hoodrat	32683
+hoods	32684
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+hooping	32686
+hoopla	32687
+hoops	32688
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+hoots	32690
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+holly	32695
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+hourly	32714
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+honoring	32721
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+hotel.com	32733
+hottie	32734
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+hotspot	32736
+hotsy	32737
+hotdogs	32738
+hotmail.com	32739
+hotwire.com	32740
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+haunting	32864
+haunts	32865
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+heatwave	32901
+heaping	32902
+heaps	32903
+here's	32904
+here.	32905
+here:	32906
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+helmet	32944
+hemoglobin	32945
+hematoma	32946
+hemispheres	32947
+hemmed	32948
+hemming	32949
+hemroids	32950
+height:	32951
+heightened	32952
+heights	32953
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+heifers	32956
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+heeheehee	32958
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+hiding	33003
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+humping	33024
+humps	33025
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+hummus	33028
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+humongous	33030
+huntin	33031
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+hunger	33033
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+hurtin	33044
+hurted	33045
+hurtful	33046
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+hurdles	33048
+husband's	33049
+husband.com	33050
+husbands	33051
+husky	33052
+huggin	33053
+huggable	33054
+huggy	33055
+hugely	33056
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+hypoallergenic	33065
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+hyphenated	33069
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+hydrogen	33071
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+hydroxide	33073
+hydraulic	33074
+hysterical	33075
+hysteria	33076
+hygiene	33077
+hygienist	33078
+hymns	33079
+hmmmm	33080
+Trans	33081
+Trancas	33082
+Trane	33083
+Trang	33084
+Tranzit	33085
+Track	33086
+Tracy	33087
+Trace	33088
+Traci	33089
+TracFone	33090
+Tractor	33091
+Travis	33092
+Travolta	33093
+Trail	33094
+Train	33095
+Trafalga	33096
+Trapp	33097
+Trapelo	33098
+Trapt	33099
+Trade	33100
+Trading	33101
+Trash	33102
+Trask	33103
+Trampoline	33104
+Traxxas	33105
+Trish	33106
+Triscuit	33107
+Trick	33108
+Trico	33109
+Tricare	33110
+Triple	33111
+Tripoli	33112
+Tripp	33113
+TripAdvisor	33114
+Tribe	33115
+Tribal	33116
+Tribbett	33117
+Triboro	33118
+Trini	33119
+Trina	33120
+Trindle	33121
+Triad	33122
+Trimble	33123
+Trion	33124
+Triton	33125
+Tritt	33126
+Trivial	33127
+Trivium	33128
+Trixie	33129
+Trust	33130
+Trucking	33131
+Trucks	33132
+Trumbull	33133
+Trump	33134
+Trudy	33135
+Trudeau	33136
+Truesdale	33137
+Trulia	33138
+Truluck's	33139
+Truxel	33140
+Truxton	33141
+Treat	33142
+Trevin	33143
+Treva	33144
+Trend	33145
+Trent	33146
+Trenary	33147
+Trench	33148
+Trees	33149
+Tremonton	33150
+Treyarch	33151
+Trout	33152
+Trouble	33153
+Troup	33154
+Troop	33155
+Troon	33156
+Troost	33157
+Troye	33158
+Troy's	33159
+Troys	33160
+Tropic	33161
+Trophy	33162
+Trotter	33163
+Trotwood	33164
+Trojans	33165
+Tronics	33166
+Trowbridge	33167
+Trower	33168
+Tanger	33169
+Tanglewood	33170
+Tango	33171
+Tanager	33172
+Tanaka	33173
+Tanasbourne	33174
+Tanner	33175
+Tanning	33176
+Taneytown	33177
+Tanfastic	33178
+Tanforan	33179
+Tania	33180
+Tanisha	33181
+Tanks	33182
+Tanqueray	33183
+Tanya's	33184
+Tally	33185
+Talley	33186
+Tallulah	33187
+Talecris	33188
+Talent	33189
+Tales	33190
+Talbot	33191
+Talbert	33192
+Talia	33193
+Taliban	33194
+Talking	33195
+Talmadge	33196
+Talmer	33197
+Tamar	33198
+Tamaqua	33199
+Tammy	33200
+Tammi	33201
+Tammany	33202
+Tamia	33203
+Tamiflu	33204
+Tamika	33205
+Tamela	33206
+Tameron	33207
+Tampa	33208
+Tampico	33209
+Taran	33210
+Taras	33211
+Tara's	33212
+Taraval	33213
+Tarrant	33214
+Tarrus	33215
+Tarrytown	33216
+Tarboro	33217
+Tarbox	33218
+Target	33219
+Targhee	33220
+Tarts	33221
+Tarzana	33222
+Tasha	33223
+Taste	33224
+Tasty's	33225
+Tasca	33226
+Tascosa	33227
+Tasker	33228
+Tasmanian	33229
+Tapps	33230
+Tapatia	33231
+Tapatio	33232
+Tapia	33233
+Tapioca	33234
+Tails	33235
+Tailwaggers	33236
+Taiwanese	33237
+Tables	33238
+Tablet	33239
+Tabor	33240
+Tater	33241
+Tates	33242
+Tattered	33243
+Tattoo	33244
+Tatum's	33245
+Taylors	33246
+Taylor's	33247
+TaylorMade	33248
+Taylorville	33249
+Tacoma	33250
+Tavern	33251
+Tavel	33252
+Tahoe	33253
+Tahoma	33254
+Tomas	33255
+Tomato	33256
+Tomah	33257
+Tomorrow	33258
+Tomoka	33259
+Tomball	33260
+Tombstone	33261
+Tomlinson	33262
+Tomcats	33263
+Tommy's	33264
+Tompkinsville	33265
+Torino	33266
+Tori's	33267
+Toria	33268
+Tories	33269
+Torito	33270
+Torium	33271
+Torre	33272
+Torrance	33273
+Torrington	33274
+Torchwood	33275
+Torchy's	33276
+Toronto	33277
+Toros	33278
+Tortuga	33279
+Tortilla	33280
+Tonia	33281
+Tonight	33282
+Tonio	33283
+Tony's	33284
+Tonya	33285
+Tonys	33286
+Tonga	33287
+Tonetta	33288
+Toney	33289
+Tonka	33290
+Tonkin	33291
+Tontitown	33292
+Tonto	33293
+Topsy	33294
+Topsail	33295
+Topsfield	33296
+Toppenish	33297
+Topps	33298
+Tobin	33299
+Tobias	33300
+Toby's	33301
+TobyMac	33302
+Tobyhanna	33303
+Tobel	33304
+Tober	33305
+Tobey	33306
+Tobacco	33307
+Tobago	33308
+Towne	33309
+Townline	33310
+Tower	33311
+Towell	33312
+Tournament	33313
+Touro	33314
+Tours	33315
+Touche	33316
+Touchton	33317
+Tolland	33318
+Tolleson	33319
+Tollway	33320
+Toledo	33321
+Toler	33322
+Toto's	33323
+Totowa	33324
+Tottenham	33325
+Toshi	33326
+Toscana	33327
+Toscano's	33328
+Toyota	33329
+Toaster	33330
+Toastmasters	33331
+Toadies	33332
+Tools	33333
+Tooth	33334
+Tootsie	33335
+Todd's	33336
+Todds	33337
+Tovar	33338
+Terri	33339
+Terra	33340
+Terre	33341
+Terry	33342
+Terror	33343
+Terence	33344
+Terminix	33345
+TeleTech	33346
+Teleflora	33347
+Telemundo	33348
+Teletubbies	33349
+Television	33350
+Teller	33351
+Telluride	33352
+Telly's	33353
+Telfair	33354
+Telford	33355
+TennCare	33356
+Tennant	33357
+Tennova	33358
+Tennyson	33359
+Tenacious	33360
+Tenafly	33361
+Tenaya	33362
+Tendercare	33363
+Tenleytown	33364
+Tenth	33365
+Teacher	33366
+Teaching	33367
+TeamViewer	33368
+Teamsters	33369
+Texan	33370
+Texaco	33371
+Texarkana	33372
+Texas	33373
+Textron	33374
+Teche	33375
+Tempe	33376
+Temporary	33377
+Temptations	33378
+Tempurpedic	33379
+Temecula	33380
+Temescal	33381
+Tessa	33382
+Tessie	33383
+Tesson	33384
+Testament	33385
+Testing	33386
+Teddy's	33387
+Teena	33388
+Tejano	33389
+Tejas	33390
+Tekken	33391
+Tekkit	33392
+Tetrazzini	33393
+Tetris	33394
+Timber	33395
+Timbuktu	33396
+Timeflies	33397
+Times	33398
+Timex	33399
+Timmy	33400
+Timmons	33401
+Timothy	33402
+Timonium	33403
+Tina's	33404
+Tinashe	33405
+Tingley	33406
+Tings	33407
+Tino's	33408
+Tinos	33409
+Tinkerbell	33410
+Tinseltown	33411
+Tinsley	33412
+Tiny's	33413
+Tillman	33414
+Tilly	33415
+Tillamook	33416
+Tillotson	33417
+Tillsonburg	33418
+Tilted	33419
+Tilton	33420
+Titan	33421
+Titleist	33422
+Tito's	33423
+Titusville	33424
+Ticket	33425
+Tickle	33426
+Ticonderoga	33427
+Ticor	33428
+Tiffany	33429
+Tiffin	33430
+Tifton	33431
+Tippecanoe	33432
+Tippin	33433
+Tipsy's	33434
+Tiana's	33435
+Tierra	33436
+Tierney	33437
+Tigers	33438
+Tibetan	33439
+Tidewater	33440
+Tishomingo	33441
+Thorn	33442
+Thorogood	33443
+Thorpe	33444
+Thorton	33445
+Thomas	33446
+Thompson	33447
+Thomson	33448
+Thousand	33449
+There	33450
+Therapy	33451
+Theo's	33452
+Theodore	33453
+Theological	33454
+Theory	33455
+Thurs	33456
+Thurgood	33457
+Thundercats	33458
+Thundermist	33459
+Thugs	33460
+Thank	33461
+Thanh	33462
+Thani	33463
+That's	33464
+Thatcher	33465
+Thats	33466
+Thailand	33467
+Thing	33468
+Think	33469
+Thins	33470
+Thirsty	33471
+Third	33472
+Thirlby	33473
+Thief	33474
+Thieves	33475
+Thrift	33476
+Thriller	33477
+Thrivent	33478
+Throckmorton	33479
+Throgs	33480
+Thrones	33481
+Thrashers	33482
+Thruway	33483
+Turning	33484
+Turnpike	33485
+Turkey	33486
+Turkish	33487
+Turks	33488
+Turbo	33489
+Turbeville	33490
+Turfway	33491
+Turley	33492
+Turlock	33493
+Turtles	33494
+Tucker	33495
+Tucka	33496
+Tucks	33497
+Tucanos	33498
+Tuscola	33499
+Tuskawilla	33500
+Tuskegee	33501
+Tully	33502
+Tullahoma	33503
+Tulley	33504
+Tulalip	33505
+Tulane	33506
+Tunis	33507
+Tunica	33508
+Tuning	33509
+Tunes	33510
+Tubbs	33511
+Tubbys	33512
+Tuesday's	33513
+Tuesdays	33514
+Tupperware	33515
+Tuffy's	33516
+Tyree	33517
+Tyrell	33518
+Tyrese	33519
+Tyrannosaurus	33520
+Tylers	33521
+Tyler's	33522
+Twins	33523
+Twista	33524
+Twisted	33525
+Twila	33526
+Twilight	33527
+Twitter	33528
+Twitty	33529
+Tweedle	33530
+Tweety	33531
+Lando	33532
+Lands	33533
+Landau	33534
+Landfill	33535
+Landmark	33536
+Langston	33537
+Lange	33538
+Langford	33539
+Langley	33540
+Language	33541
+Lanes	33542
+Laney	33543
+Lanett	33544
+Lanez	33545
+Lance	33546
+Lancaster	33547
+Lancia	33548
+Lanka	33549
+Lankford	33550
+Lansford	33551
+Lansing	33552
+Lana's	33553
+Lanark	33554
+Lani's	33555
+Lanier	33556
+Lanta	33557
+Lantern	33558
+Lanna	33559
+Lanning	33560
+Lanoka	33561
+Latin	33562
+Latifah	33563
+Latisse	33564
+Latitude	33565
+Lately	33566
+Later	33567
+Latour	33568
+Latoya	33569
+Latta	33570
+Latter	33571
+Latham	33572
+Latasha	33573
+Latrice	33574
+Latrobe	33575
+Laura	33576
+Lauryn	33577
+Lauderdale	33578
+Lauderhill	33579
+Laughing	33580
+Laughlin	33581
+Launcher	33582
+Laundry	33583
+Lambo	33584
+Lamb's	33585
+Lambs	33586
+Lampoon	33587
+Lamplighter	33588
+Lamps	33589
+Lampton	33590
+Lamar	33591
+Lamoni	33592
+Lamont	33593
+Larkin	33594
+Larkburger	33595
+Larkspur	33596
+Larry	33597
+Larrabee	33598
+Larson	33599
+Larsen	33600
+Laramie	33601
+Larchmont	33602
+Larchwood	33603
+Laredos	33604
+Large	33605
+Largo	33606
+Larimer	33607
+Larissa	33608
+Laker	33609
+Lakes	33610
+Lakeforest	33611
+Lakehurst	33612
+Lakeport	33613
+Laketon	33614
+Lackawanna	33615
+Lackey	33616
+Lackland	33617
+Lackman	33618
+Lacey's	33619
+Laceys	33620
+Lacombe	33621
+Laconia	33622
+Lacoste	33623
+Lawrence	33624
+Lawry's	33625
+Lawndale	33626
+Lawnside	33627
+Lawsons	33628
+Lavaca	33629
+Lavanya	33630
+Laveen	33631
+Lavelle	33632
+Lavigne	33633
+Lavine	33634
+Lavoe	33635
+Lavonia	33636
+Labor	33637
+Labonte	33638
+Label	33639
+Labette	33640
+Labrador	33641
+Labrinth	33642
+Ladder	33643
+Laden	33644
+Ladera	33645
+Ladysmith	33646
+Laskey	33647
+Laskin	33648
+Lasky	33649
+Lasher	33650
+Lashley	33651
+Lapidus	33652
+Lapierre	33653
+Lapine	33654
+LaRon	33655
+Layla's	33656
+Lagoon	33657
+Lagos	33658
+Lala's	33659
+Lalaloopsy	33660
+Lazarus	33661
+LaGrossa	33662
+LaVida	33663
+LaVilla	33664
+LaVista	33665
+Lafferty	33666
+Laffin	33667
+Laffy	33668
+Laird	33669
+Learn	33670
+Learjet	33671
+Leary	33672
+Leader	33673
+Leadville	33674
+Leatherby's	33675
+Leatherman	33676
+Leatherwood	33677
+Leah's	33678
+Leahy	33679
+Leapfrog	33680
+Leapster	33681
+Leave	33682
+Leavitt	33683
+Leafs	33684
+Lenny	33685
+Lennie	33686
+Lenoir	33687
+Lenore	33688
+Lenovo	33689
+Lenox	33690
+Lena's	33691
+Lenawee	33692
+LensCrafters	33693
+Lenscrafter	33694
+Lentz	33695
+Leona	33696
+Leone	33697
+Leoni	33698
+Leon's	33699
+Leopard	33700
+Leopold	33701
+Levin	33702
+Levi's	33703
+Leviathan	33704
+Levick	33705
+Levis	33706
+Levelland	33707
+Levy's	33708
+Leesburg	33709
+Leesport	33710
+Leestown	33711
+Leesville	33712
+Leelanau	33713
+Legal	33714
+Legacy	33715
+Legoland	33716
+Legos	33717
+Legends	33718
+Leslie	33719
+Lesley	33720
+Lester's	33721
+Lesters	33722
+Letter	33723
+Letty	33724
+Lethal	33725
+Lethbridge	33726
+Leticia	33727
+Letitia	33728
+Lewis	33729
+Lewin	33730
+Lexie	33731
+Lexington	33732
+Ledger	33733
+Ledgewood	33734
+Leila's	33735
+Leilani	33736
+Leighton	33737
+Leitchfield	33738
+Leith	33739
+Lemon	33740
+Lemoore	33741
+Lemos	33742
+Lefty	33743
+Leftwich	33744
+Lehigh	33745
+Lehman's	33746
+LeMans	33747
+LeMars	33748
+LeMay	33749
+Lebanese	33750
+Lebanon	33751
+Leroy's	33752
+Longo	33753
+Longs	33754
+Long's	33755
+LongHorn	33756
+Longest	33757
+Longfellow	33758
+Longley	33759
+Longview	33760
+London	33761
+Londis	33762
+Lonely	33763
+Lonnie	33764
+Lonny	33765
+Loren	33766
+Loreal	33767
+Lorelei	33768
+Lorex	33769
+Lords	33770
+Lord's	33771
+Lordco	33772
+Lorde	33773
+Lordy	33774
+Lori's	33775
+Lorie	33776
+Loring	33777
+Loris	33778
+Lorain	33779
+Lorax	33780
+Lorraine	33781
+Lorrie	33782
+Lorna	33783
+Lorne	33784
+Louis	33785
+Louie	33786
+Loudon	33787
+Loudoun	33788
+Loughborough	33789
+Lougheed	33790
+Loughton	33791
+Locke	33792
+Locks	33793
+Locka	33794
+Locklear	33795
+Lockport	33796
+Lockwood	33797
+Local	33798
+Location	33799
+Lovett	33800
+Lovejoy	33801
+Lovers	33802
+Loves	33803
+Loving	33804
+Lovins	33805
+Logans	33806
+Logan's	33807
+Loganville	33808
+Logic	33809
+Login	33810
+Logistics	33811
+Logitech	33812
+Logix	33813
+Lombardi	33814
+Lombardo	33815
+Lombardy	33816
+Lomas	33817
+Lomax	33818
+Lomira	33819
+Lomita	33820
+Lower	33821
+Lowe's	33822
+Lowell	33823
+Lowes	33824
+Lowrie	33825
+Lowry	33826
+Lottery	33827
+Lottie	33828
+Lotto	33829
+Looking	33830
+Lookout	33831
+Loomis	33832
+Looney	33833
+Loblaws	33834
+Lobos	33835
+Lola's	33836
+Lolas	33837
+Lolo's	33838
+Losec	33839
+Losee	33840
+Loser	33841
+Loans	33842
+Linds	33843
+Linda	33844
+Lindo	33845
+Lindy	33846
+Lindbergh	33847
+Lindley	33848
+Lincoln	33849
+Lincroft	33850
+Linea	33851
+Linebaugh	33852
+Linens	33853
+Lines	33854
+Lineville	33855
+Linex	33856
+Links	33857
+Linkin	33858
+Linton	33859
+Linthicum	33860
+Linglestown	33861
+Linos	33862
+Linus	33863
+Linux	33864
+Lilly	33865
+Lillard	33866
+Lilley	33867
+Lilia	33868
+Lily's	33869
+Liberia	33870
+Libby	33871
+Libbie	33872
+Libra	33873
+Libre	33874
+Libyan	33875
+Little	33876
+Littman	33877
+Lithia	33878
+Lithonia	33879
+Lithuania	33880
+Lites	33881
+Limbaugh	33882
+Limberlost	33883
+Limburg	33884
+Limerick	33885
+Limestone	33886
+Limited	33887
+Limits	33888
+Liston	33889
+Lisa's	33890
+Living	33891
+Livia	33892
+Livie	33893
+Lives	33894
+LifeCare	33895
+LifeLock	33896
+Lifehouse	33897
+Lightfoot	33898
+Lighthouse	33899
+Lighting	33900
+Lightning	33901
+Lightroom	33902
+Lights	33903
+Lightyear	33904
+Lizzie	33905
+Lizzy	33906
+Lizabeth	33907
+Lizard	33908
+Liana	33909
+Liang's	33910
+Lianne	33911
+Liam's	33912
+Liars	33913
+Lionsgate	33914
+License	33915
+Licensing	33916
+Licking	33917
+Lipscomb	33918
+Liquidators	33919
+Lucia	33920
+Lucie	33921
+Lucifer	33922
+Lucille	33923
+Lucid	33924
+Lucinda	33925
+Lucius	33926
+Lucky	33927
+Luckett	33928
+Lucedale	33929
+Lucas	33930
+Lucca	33931
+Lucci	33932
+Lucy's	33933
+Lumbia	33934
+Lumia	33935
+Lumiere	33936
+Lumpkin	33937
+Lumpur	33938
+Lumpy's	33939
+Luna's	33940
+Lunardi's	33941
+Lunas	33942
+Lundy	33943
+Lundgren	33944
+Lunds	33945
+Lunchables	33946
+Luther's	33947
+Lutheran	33948
+Lutherville	33949
+Ludacris	33950
+Luis's	33951
+Luisa	33952
+Luigi's	33953
+Lupe's	33954
+Lupi's	33955
+Lupita	33956
+Luke's	33957
+Lukes	33958
+Lukey	33959
+Lulu's	33960
+Lululemon	33961
+Lugers	33962
+Luzerne	33963
+Lynda	33964
+Lyndon	33965
+Lynden	33966
+Lyndhurst	33967
+Lyndsey	33968
+Lynn's	33969
+Lynne	33970
+Lynnfield	33971
+Lynnhaven	33972
+Lynchburg	33973
+Lymes	33974
+Lyons	33975
+Lyrics	33976
+Harrah	33977
+Harry	33978
+Harts	33979
+Harte	33980
+Hartford	33981
+Hartig	33982
+Hartman	33983
+Hartnell	33984
+Hartville	33985
+Hartwell	33986
+Hartz	33987
+Hardy	33988
+Hardaway	33989
+Hardcastle	33990
+Harbaugh	33991
+Harbert	33992
+Harlan	33993
+Harlingen	33994
+Harlow	33995
+Harvard	33996
+Harmon	33997
+Harpo	33998
+Hargreaves	33999
+Hargrove	34000
+Harold	34001
+Harahan	34002
+Haralson	34003
+Harker	34004
+Harkins	34005
+Harkness	34006
+Harwood	34007
+Harnett	34008
+Harney	34009
+Hanna	34010
+Hannon	34011
+Hannukah	34012
+Handel	34013
+Handbook	34014
+Handcock	34015
+Hands	34016
+Hanson	34017
+Hanscom	34018
+Hank's	34019
+Hankey	34020
+Hankins	34021
+Hanks	34022
+Hanging	34023
+Haney	34024
+Hanes	34025
+Hanahan	34026
+Hanceville	34027
+Hancock	34028
+Hanlees	34029
+Hanley	34030
+Halls	34031
+Halle	34032
+Hall's	34033
+Hallandale	34034
+Haley	34035
+Hales	34036
+Haledon	34037
+Halen	34038
+Halethorpe	34039
+Halsey	34040
+Halfmoon	34041
+Halong	34042
+Haltom	34043
+Halton	34044
+Hammer	34045
+Hampton	34046
+Hampden	34047
+Hamburg	34048
+Hambelton	34049
+Hamby	34050
+Hamilton	34051
+Hamill	34052
+Hamlin	34053
+Hamlet	34054
+Hamas	34055
+Hamel	34056
+Hamer	34057
+Hayley	34058
+Haylee	34059
+Hayward	34060
+Hayden's	34061
+Hayesville	34062
+Haynes	34063
+Haysville	34064
+Hailie	34065
+Haircutters	34066
+Hairport	34067
+Hairston	34068
+Haitian	34069
+Haiti's	34070
+Hainesport	34071
+Hatter	34072
+Hattie	34073
+Hatton	34074
+Hatcher	34075
+Hatchet	34076
+Hates	34077
+Hatfields	34078
+Hathaway's	34079
+Haven	34080
+Havasu	34081
+Hager	34082
+Hagee	34083
+Hageman	34084
+Hagen	34085
+Haggard	34086
+Hagan	34087
+Hagar	34088
+Hawkeye	34089
+Hawks	34090
+Hawaiian	34091
+Hawthorne	34092
+Haskell	34093
+Haskins	34094
+Haslet	34095
+Haslam	34096
+Hasbrouck	34097
+Hassan	34098
+Hasselhoff	34099
+Hazel	34100
+Hazen	34101
+Hazlet	34102
+Hazlehurst	34103
+Haule	34104
+Hauser	34105
+Haddon	34106
+Hadley	34107
+Hadlock	34108
+Haber	34109
+Habegger	34110
+Habibi	34111
+Habitat	34112
+Hackley	34113
+Hackney	34114
+Haagen	34115
+Happy	34116
+Happiness	34117
+Hahnemann	34118
+Holly	34119
+Hollow	34120
+Hold'em	34121
+Holdrege	34122
+Holman	34123
+Holmdel	34124
+Holiness	34125
+Holistic	34126
+Holts	34127
+Holton	34128
+Holtz	34129
+Holyfield	34130
+Holyoke	34131
+Holcombe	34132
+Holstein	34133
+Holston	34134
+Horne	34135
+Hornady	34136
+Hornsby	34137
+Horse	34138
+Horsham	34139
+Horrible	34140
+Horry	34141
+Horace	34142
+Horan	34143
+Horatio	34144
+Horizon	34145
+Horicon	34146
+Hortons	34147
+Hortonville	34148
+Homes	34149
+Homer	34150
+HomePath	34151
+Homecoming	34152
+Homedale	34153
+Homemade	34154
+Hometown	34155
+Homewood	34156
+Homan	34157
+Homosassa	34158
+House	34159
+Houston	34160
+Housing	34161
+Houlton	34162
+Houghton	34163
+Hounds	34164
+Hours	34165
+Honey	34166
+Honea	34167
+Honesdale	34168
+Honda	34169
+Hondo	34170
+Hondros	34171
+Honduras	34172
+Honor	34173
+Honolulu	34174
+Hookah	34175
+Hooker	34176
+Hooksett	34177
+Hoops	34178
+Hoosier	34179
+Hoosick	34180
+Hoodie	34181
+Hooters	34182
+Hootie	34183
+Hoovers	34184
+Howell	34185
+However	34186
+Howey	34187
+Howard's	34188
+Howards	34189
+Howie's	34190
+Howies	34191
+Howland	34192
+Howlin	34193
+Hope's	34194
+Hopedale	34195
+Hopelink	34196
+Hopewell	34197
+Hopkins	34198
+Hopkinton	34199
+Hospital	34200
+Hospice	34201
+Hostess	34202
+Hostgator	34203
+Hoss's	34204
+Hobby	34205
+Hobbes	34206
+Hobble	34207
+Hobbs	34208
+Hoffman	34209
+Hoffa	34210
+Hoffbrau	34211
+Hoffer	34212
+Hoffner	34213
+Hogan's	34214
+Hogansville	34215
+Hotels	34216
+Hockey	34217
+Hockessin	34218
+Hodgenville	34219
+Hodges	34220
+Hokes	34221
+Hokies	34222
+Herman	34223
+Hermes	34224
+Herbal	34225
+Herbie	34226
+Herrera	34227
+Hertel	34228
+Hertford	34229
+Hertrich	34230
+Hertz	34231
+Herndon	34232
+Heroes	34233
+Heron	34234
+Herculaneum	34235
+Hercules	34236
+Hereford	34237
+Herzing	34238
+Herzog	34239
+Health	34240
+Heald	34241
+Healey	34242
+Healing	34243
+Healy	34244
+Heart	34245
+Hearn	34246
+Heard	34247
+Hearing	34248
+Hearst	34249
+Heath	34250
+Heating	34251
+Heaton	34252
+Headhunters	34253
+Headley	34254
+Headquarters	34255
+Heads	34256
+Heaven	34257
+Heavy	34258
+Heller	34259
+Hellman	34260
+Hells	34261
+Hell's	34262
+Hellboy	34263
+Hello	34264
+Hellraiser	34265
+Helly	34266
+Helen's	34267
+Helena	34268
+Helene	34269
+Helens	34270
+Helper	34271
+Helping	34272
+Helios	34273
+Helmer	34274
+Helms	34275
+Henry	34276
+Henri	34277
+Henderson	34278
+Henniker	34279
+Henny	34280
+Hensley	34281
+Henson	34282
+Heinz	34283
+Heidi	34284
+Heidelberg	34285
+Heiser	34286
+Heisman	34287
+Heist	34288
+Heimlich	34289
+Hempfield	34290
+Hemphill	34291
+Hempstead	34292
+Hemingway's	34293
+Hedgehog	34294
+Hedgesville	34295
+Hedley	34296
+Hedlund	34297
+Hebrew	34298
+Hebron	34299
+Hebert	34300
+Hesperian	34301
+Hesston	34302
+Hester	34303
+Heston	34304
+Heels	34305
+Heelys	34306
+Hills	34307
+Hiller	34308
+Hill's	34309
+Hillbillies	34310
+Hilldale	34311
+Hillman	34312
+Hillview	34313
+Hillwood	34314
+Hillywood	34315
+Hildebran	34316
+Hilda	34317
+Hilmar	34318
+Hilmer	34319
+Hilti	34320
+Hilton	34321
+Higher	34322
+Highfield	34323
+Highgate	34324
+Highmark	34325
+Highness	34326
+Highsmith	34327
+Highview	34328
+Higgs	34329
+Hindu	34330
+Hindi	34331
+Hinds	34332
+Hinesville	34333
+Hinsdale	34334
+Hinson	34335
+Hitchcock	34336
+Hitchens	34337
+Hitchhiker's	34338
+Hitching	34339
+Hitler's	34340
+Himalayan	34341
+Himalayas	34342
+Hibbett	34343
+Hibbing	34344
+Hicksville	34345
+Hiram's	34346
+Historic	34347
+History	34348
+Hispanics	34349
+Hiawassee	34350
+Hiawatha	34351
+Hippodrome	34352
+Hippos	34353
+Hunter	34354
+Hunting	34355
+Hunts	34356
+Hunt's	34357
+Huntley	34358
+Hunger	34359
+Hungry	34360
+Hunan's	34361
+Humana	34362
+Humane	34363
+Humperdinck	34364
+Humpty	34365
+Humber	34366
+Humble	34367
+Humboldt	34368
+Hummel	34369
+Hummer	34370
+Husker	34371
+Huskies	34372
+Husky	34373
+Hussain	34374
+Hussein	34375
+Hussle	34376
+Husson's	34377
+Hustle	34378
+Huston	34379
+Hubba	34380
+Hubbell	34381
+Hubble	34382
+Hubert	34383
+Hubers	34384
+Hughes	34385
+Hughley	34386
+Huggies	34387
+Huggins	34388
+Hugo's	34389
+Huguenot	34390
+Huguley	34391
+Hurricane	34392
+Hurry	34393
+Hurlburt	34394
+Hurley	34395
+Hurstbourne	34396
+Hutch's	34397
+Hutcherson	34398
+Hutton	34399
+Hudson's	34400
+Hudsons	34401
+Hudsonville	34402
+Hudgens	34403
+Hudgins	34404
+Huey's	34405
+Hueytown	34406
+Huckleberry's	34407
+Huffines	34408
+Huffington	34409
+Hydro	34410
+Hydra	34411
+Hyderabad	34412
+Hyattsville	34413
+expel	34414
+explicit	34415
+exponent	34416
+export	34417
+expressly	34418
+expresso	34419
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+expialidocious	34423
+expunged	34424
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+emblem3	34567
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+emailing	34576
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+emancipated	34578
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+erasing	34658
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+erosion	34665
+erotica	34666
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+echoes	34669
+echoing	34670
+echosmith	34671
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+eyeliner	34673
+eyelashes	34674
+eyeballing	34675
+eyeballs	34676
+eyebrows	34677
+equinox	34678
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+equipped	34681
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+equals	34685
+equate	34686
+equation	34687
+equator	34688
+ethical	34689
+ethics	34690
+ethanol	34691
+ethernet	34692
+ethnicity	34693
+eternally	34694
+effective	34695
+effected	34696
+effects	34697
+efficient	34698
+efficiency	34699
+effing	34700
+effortlessly	34701
+eggshell	34702
+eggies	34703
+egging	34704
+epically	34705
+epicenter	34706
+epicurean	34707
+epidemic	34708
+epidural	34709
+epilepsy	34710
+epileptic	34711
+episodes	34712
+euphoria	34713
+euphoric	34714
+euthanized	34715
+ebonys	34716
+Grand	34717
+Grant	34718
+Grange	34719
+Granite	34720
+Granny	34721
+Granada	34722
+Granja	34723
+Granville	34724
+Grace	34725
+Graco	34726
+Gracy	34727
+Grambling	34728
+Gramercy	34729
+Grays	34730
+Gray's	34731
+Graybar	34732
+Grayton	34733
+Grave	34734
+Gravois	34735
+Grass	34736
+Grasmere	34737
+Grasonville	34738
+Grady	34739
+Grade	34740
+Graduate	34741
+Grape	34742
+Grappone	34743
+Grateful	34744
+Graton	34745
+Graff	34746
+Grafton	34747
+Graham's	34748
+Grahams	34749
+Grain	34750
+Grail	34751
+Green	34752
+Greek	34753
+Greer	34754
+Greece	34755
+Greeley	34756
+Greetings	34757
+Gregor	34758
+Greg's	34759
+Gregg	34760
+Gregs	34761
+Greys	34762
+Grey's	34763
+Greybull	34764
+Greyhound	34765
+Greylock	34766
+Greta	34767
+Gretchen	34768
+Gretel	34769
+Gretna	34770
+Gretzky	34771
+Great	34772
+Grease	34773
+Greco	34774
+Grecian	34775
+Griff	34776
+Grifols	34777
+Grimm	34778
+Grimaldi's	34779
+Grimes	34780
+Griselda	34781
+Grisham	34782
+Grismer	34783
+Grissom	34784
+GrillSmith	34785
+Grille	34786
+Grillin	34787
+Grinch	34788
+Grindr	34789
+Gringos	34790
+Grinnell	34791
+Gridley	34792
+Griggs	34793
+Grigio	34794
+Ground	34795
+Group	34796
+Grouch	34797
+Gross	34798
+Grosvenor	34799
+Grover	34800
+Groveland	34801
+Groveport	34802
+Groves	34803
+Grovetown	34804
+Groove	34805
+Groot	34806
+Grogans	34807
+Gronkowski	34808
+Grows	34809
+GrubHub	34810
+Grubbs	34811
+Gruber	34812
+Grumman	34813
+Grumpy's	34814
+Garret	34815
+Garry	34816
+Garden	34817
+Gardner	34818
+Gardiner	34819
+Garnier	34820
+Gartner	34821
+Garth	34822
+Gartrell	34823
+Garber	34824
+Garbage	34825
+Garcia's	34826
+Garcias	34827
+Garff	34828
+Garfield	34829
+Garfunkel	34830
+Garvin	34831
+Gareth	34832
+Garey	34833
+Garland	34834
+Garlick	34835
+Gary's	34836
+Gallo	34837
+Gallup	34838
+Galax	34839
+Galactica	34840
+Galant	34841
+Galapagos	34842
+Galatians	34843
+Galen	34844
+Gales	34845
+Gale's	34846
+Galeana	34847
+Galifianakis	34848
+Galion	34849
+Galva	34850
+Galvin	34851
+Gabriel's	34852
+Gabriela	34853
+Gabba	34854
+Gabby	34855
+Gabe's	34856
+Gabes	34857
+Gables	34858
+Gaby's	34859
+Games	34860
+GameCube	34861
+GameWorks	34862
+Gameboy	34863
+Gamefly	34864
+Gameloft	34865
+Gametraders	34866
+Gambino	34867
+Gamble	34868
+Gambrills	34869
+Gator	34870
+Gatos	34871
+Gates	34872
+Gatlinburg	34873
+Gatling	34874
+Gatton	34875
+Gaston	34876
+Gastroenterology	34877
+Gaslamp	34878
+Gaslight	34879
+Gasparilla	34880
+Gassaway	34881
+Gassville	34882
+Gail's	34883
+Gailey	34884
+Gails	34885
+Gaines	34886
+Gainey	34887
+Gaithers	34888
+Gandalf	34889
+Gander	34890
+Gandhi	34891
+Gandolfo's	34892
+Gandy	34893
+Ganges	34894
+Gangnam	34895
+Gangster	34896
+Gayle	34897
+Gaylord	34898
+Gaucha	34899
+Gaucho	34900
+Gaga's	34901
+Golden	34902
+Golds	34903
+Goldberg	34904
+Goldman	34905
+Gold's	34906
+GolfTEC	34907
+Golfland	34908
+Golfsmith	34909
+Golfview	34910
+Goliad	34911
+Goliath	34912
+Goodman	34913
+Goode	34914
+Goods	34915
+GoodLife	34916
+Goodall	34917
+Goodcents	34918
+Goodrich	34919
+Google's	34920
+Google+	34921
+Goochland	34922
+Gordo	34923
+Gordy	34924
+Gorda	34925
+Gordie	34926
+Gordmans	34927
+Goreville	34928
+Gorge	34929
+Gorgonio	34930
+Gorillaz	34931
+Godfather	34932
+Godfrey	34933
+Godsmack	34934
+Godspeed	34935
+Goddard	34936
+Goddess	34937
+Gossip	34938
+Gotham	34939
+Gothenburg	34940
+Gothic	34941
+Gotti	34942
+Gottlieb	34943
+Goblin	34944
+Gonzaga	34945
+Gould	34946
+Goulet	34947
+Gomez	34948
+Gomer	34949
+Goffstown	34950
+Governors	34951
+Gene's	34952
+Gentle	34953
+Gentry	34954
+Genova	34955
+Genoa	34956
+Genie	34957
+Genisys	34958
+Genius	34959
+Genghis	34960
+Gengras	34961
+Gerald	34962
+Gerard	34963
+Geraci's	34964
+German	34965
+Germain	34966
+Gering	34967
+Geritol	34968
+Gershwin	34969
+Gerson	34970
+Gerstner	34971
+Gertens	34972
+Gertrude	34973
+Geordie	34974
+Geoffrey	34975
+Geographics	34976
+Getty	34977
+Gettel	34978
+Gearhart	34979
+Gears	34980
+Geary	34981
+Geisinger	34982
+Geist	34983
+Geminids	34984
+Gessler	34985
+Gessner	34986
+Gillham	34987
+Gillman	34988
+Gilly	34989
+Gilberts	34990
+Gilbert's	34991
+Gilman	34992
+Gilmer	34993
+Gilead	34994
+Giles	34995
+Gilroy's	34996
+Ginger	34997
+Gingrich	34998
+Gino's	34999
+Ginos	35000
+Gina's	35001
+Gibbon	35002
+Gibbs	35003
+Gibsonia	35004
+Gibsons	35005
+Gibsonton	35006
+Gibsonville	35007
+Giordano	35008
+Giorgio	35009
+Giovanni	35010
+Giovanna	35011
+Girls	35012
+Girlz	35013
+Girardeau	35014
+Giant	35015
+Gigi's	35016
+Giuliana	35017
+Giuliano's	35018
+Giuseppe's	35019
+Gifts	35020
+Givens	35021
+Gunnar	35022
+Gunners	35023
+Gunnison	35024
+Gunny	35025
+Gundam	35026
+Gundy	35027
+Gunsmoke	35028
+Gunston	35029
+Gunter	35030
+Gunther	35031
+Guild	35032
+Guilbeau	35033
+Guilford	35034
+Guillermo	35035
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+Guinea	35040
+Guinness	35041
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+Guaranty	35043
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+Guadalupe	35045
+Guatemalan	35046
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+Gulfport	35048
+Gulfstream	35049
+Gulfview	35050
+Gullah	35051
+Gullivers	35052
+Gullo	35053
+Guest	35054
+Guess	35055
+Gusti	35056
+Guster	35057
+Gumby's	35058
+Gumps	35059
+Gurley	35060
+Gurls	35061
+Guthrie's	35062
+Glenn	35063
+Glens	35064
+Glen's	35065
+Glenarden	35066
+Glencoe	35067
+Glenpool	35068
+Glade	35069
+Gladiator	35070
+Gladstone	35071
+Gladwin	35072
+Gladys	35073
+Glass	35074
+Glaser	35075
+Glasgow	35076
+Glastonbury	35077
+Glaceon	35078
+Glacier	35079
+Gloria	35080
+Glory	35081
+Globe	35082
+Global	35083
+Glover	35084
+Glidden	35085
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+Waldwick	36428
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+Walkman	36430
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+Walsingham	36432
+Walerga	36433
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+Warminster	36453
+Warsaw	36454
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+Waterhouse	36459
+Waterloo	36460
+Waterpik	36461
+Watertown	36462
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+Watchtower	36465
+Watchung	36466
+Watson	36467
+Watsky	36468
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+Watkinsville	36472
+Waynes	36473
+Wayne's	36474
+Waynedale	36475
+Wayland	36476
+Waylon	36477
+Washington	36478
+Washburn	36479
+Washtenaw	36480
+Wasaga	36481
+Wasatch	36482
+Waikiki	36483
+Waikoloa	36484
+Waite	36485
+Waiting	36486
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+Wailuku	36489
+Waipahu	36490
+Waipio	36491
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+Wants	36493
+Wanda	36494
+Wandermere	36495
+Wang's	36496
+Wangs	36497
+Waukee	36498
+Waukegan	36499
+Waukesha	36500
+Wauchula	36501
+Wauconda	36502
+Waupaca	36503
+Waupun	36504
+Wausau	36505
+Wauseon	36506
+Wachee	36507
+Wachovia	36508
+Wachusett	36509
+Wacom	36510
+Waconia	36511
+Wadena	36512
+Wadesboro	36513
+Wakefield	36514
+Wakeman	36515
+Waker	36516
+Wakarusa	36517
+Wagoner	36518
+Wagonlit	36519
+Wagner's	36520
+Wapakoneta	36521
+Wapato	36522
+Willi	36523
+Willa	36524
+Willy	36525
+Will's	36526
+Willcox	36527
+Willmar	36528
+Wills	36529
+Wilde	36530
+Wildcat	36531
+Wildhorse	36532
+Wildlife	36533
+Wildman	36534
+Wildomar	36535
+Wildwood	36536
+Wilkos	36537
+Wilma	36538
+Wilmington	36539
+Wilbur	36540
+Wilbert	36541
+Wilbraham	36542
+Wilson	36543
+Wilshire	36544
+Wilco	36545
+Wilcrest	36546
+Wiley	36547
+Wiles	36548
+Wilford	36549
+Wilfred	36550
+Wilton	36551
+Wiltshire	36552
+Winds	36553
+Windber	36554
+Windcrest	36555
+Winding	36556
+Windjammer	36557
+Windmill	36558
+Windrose	36559
+Windy	36560
+Winnfield	36561
+Winnsboro	36562
+Winslow	36563
+Winter	36564
+Winthrop	36565
+Winton	36566
+Wings	36567
+Wingate	36568
+Wingfoot	36569
+Winghaven	36570
+Winedale	36571
+Winegars	36572
+Winehouse	36573
+Winery	36574
+Winco	36575
+Winkle	36576
+Winky	36577
+Winamac	36578
+Winans	36579
+Winfield	36580
+Winfrey	36581
+Winona	36582
+Winooski	36583
+Withers	36584
+Witham	36585
+Within	36586
+Withlacoochee	36587
+Without	36588
+Witte	36589
+Wittman	36590
+Witchduck	36591
+Witcher	36592
+Witnesses	36593
+Wick's	36594
+Wickford	36595
+Wickham	36596
+Wickliffe	36597
+Wickman	36598
+Wickstrom	36599
+Wishard	36600
+Wishing	36601
+Wiscasset	36602
+Wisconsin	36603
+Wiseman	36604
+Wiener	36605
+Wiens	36606
+Wiese	36607
+Wiesner	36608
+Wiggins	36609
+Wiggy	36610
+Wimbledon	36611
+Wizards	36612
+Wester	36613
+WestJet	36614
+Westdale	36615
+Westgate	36616
+Westnedge	36617
+Wesley	36618
+Weslaco	36619
+Wescott	36620
+Wessel	36621
+Wesson	36622
+Wells	36623
+Welling	36624
+WellCare	36625
+WellStar	36626
+Welland	36627
+Wellness	36628
+Wellwood	36629
+Welch	36630
+Welcome	36631
+Welding	36632
+Weldon	36633
+Welker	36634
+Weiner	36635
+Weird	36636
+Weirsdale	36637
+Weirton	36638
+Weiser	36639
+Weiss	36640
+Weidman	36641
+Weidner	36642
+Weigel's	36643
+Weight	36644
+Weekend	36645
+Weeki	36646
+Weekly	36647
+Weeknd	36648
+Weeden	36649
+Weedsport	36650
+Weezer	36651
+Weezy	36652
+WeatherBug	36653
+WeatherTech	36654
+Weatherby	36655
+Weatherford	36656
+Weatherly	36657
+Wearhouse	36658
+Wears	36659
+Weaverville	36660
+Webber	36661
+Webbie	36662
+Webbs	36663
+Webster	36664
+Website	36665
+Weber's	36666
+Wendy	36667
+Wendell	36668
+Wendi	36669
+Wendover	36670
+Wentworth	36671
+Wentzville	36672
+Wednesday's	36673
+Wednesdays	36674
+Weddington	36675
+Woods	36676
+Woody	36677
+Wooden	36678
+Woodinville	36679
+Woodpecker	36680
+Woolley	36681
+Woolwich	36682
+Works	36683
+WorkForce	36684
+WorkSource	36685
+Workers	36686
+Workforce	36687
+World	36688
+Worland	36689
+Worley	36690
+WordPress	36691
+Words	36692
+Worthing	36693
+Worcestershire	36694
+Worsham	36695
+Worship	36696
+Wolfe	36697
+Wolfchase	36698
+Wolfforth	36699
+Wolfgang	36700
+Wolfie	36701
+Wolfman	36702
+Wolford	36703
+Wolfpack	36704
+Wolfram	36705
+Wollensky	36706
+Wollaston	36707
+Wolverine	36708
+Wolves	36709
+WonderWorks	36710
+Wonderful	36711
+Wonderland	36712
+Wonders	36713
+Wonderwall	36714
+Wong's	36715
+Wongs	36716
+Woman	36717
+Womack	36718
+Women's	36719
+Womens	36720
+White	36721
+Whitaker	36722
+Whitby	36723
+Whitfield	36724
+Whitsett	36725
+Whitworth	36726
+Whisper	36727
+Whistle	36728
+Whiskey	36729
+Whirlpool	36730
+Whirlyball	36731
+Wheatfield	36732
+Wheaties	36733
+Wheaton	36734
+Wheeler	36735
+Wheeling	36736
+Wheelock	36737
+Wheels	36738
+Where's	36739
+Whats	36740
+What's	36741
+Whataburger	36742
+Whatcom	36743
+Whale	36744
+Whalley	36745
+Wharf	36746
+Wharton	36747
+Wholesale	36748
+Wright	36749
+Wrigley	36750
+Writers	36751
+Writing	36752
+Wrecker	36753
+Wrecking	36754
+Wrentham	36755
+WrestleMania	36756
+Wrestling	36757
+Wranglers	36758
+Wynne	36759
+Wynnsong	36760
+Wyckoff	36761
+Wyclef	36762
+Wycliffe	36763
+Wyoming	36764
+Wyomissing	36765
+Frank	36766
+Franny	36767
+Franz	36768
+Frazier	36769
+Frazho	36770
+Frame	36771
+Framing	36772
+Frampton	36773
+Fratelli	36774
+Fraternal	36775
+Frayser	36776
+Freeman	36777
+FreeMotion	36778
+FreePlay	36779
+Freehold	36780
+Freeland	36781
+Freeport	36782
+Freestyle	36783
+Freetown	36784
+Freeze	36785
+Frede	36786
+Fredo	36787
+Fred's	36788
+Freda	36789
+Freds	36790
+Fredy	36791
+French	36792
+Frenzy	36793
+Fresh	36794
+Fresno	36795
+Fresenius	36796
+Freightliner	36797
+Freudian	36798
+Freya	36799
+Friend	36800
+Fried	36801
+Fries	36802
+Frida	36803
+Fridley	36804
+Frito	36805
+Fritz	36806
+Fritts	36807
+Fricano's	36808
+Frick	36809
+Fright	36810
+Frigidaire	36811
+FrontPoint	36812
+Frontgate	36813
+Frontier	36814
+Frogs	36815
+Frostburg	36816
+Frostproof	36817
+Frosty	36818
+Fruitvale	36819
+Fruitville	36820
+Fryeburg	36821
+Farmer	36822
+FarmVille	36823
+Farms	36824
+Farmville	36825
+Farrell	36826
+Farrow	36827
+Faribault	36828
+Farina	36829
+Faris	36830
+Farnam	36831
+Farnham	36832
+Farnsworth	36833
+Fareway	36834
+Fargo's	36835
+Farley's	36836
+Farwell	36837
+Farwest	36838
+FairPoint	36839
+Fairacre	36840
+Fairchild	36841
+Fairdale	36842
+Faire	36843
+Fairgrounds	36844
+Fairview	36845
+Fairy	36846
+Falls	36847
+Fallas	36848
+Fallbrook	36849
+Fallen	36850
+Falling	36851
+Falcon	36852
+Falco's	36853
+Falkenburg	36854
+Fanny	36855
+Facebook	36856
+FaceBook	36857
+FaceTime	36858
+Facey	36859
+Facing	36860
+Factoria	36861
+Factory	36862
+Fathead	36863
+Father	36864
+Fatboy	36865
+Fatburger	36866
+Fabio	36867
+Fabian	36868
+Fabricland	36869
+Fabrics	36870
+Family	36871
+Famer	36872
+Fastenal	36873
+Fastlane	36874
+Faulkner	36875
+Fault	36876
+Fayette	36877
+Finns	36878
+Final	36879
+Finder	36880
+Finding	36881
+Findlay	36882
+Finks	36883
+Finkelstein	36884
+Finland	36885
+Finley	36886
+Fingerhut	36887
+Fingerle	36888
+Finest	36889
+Fino's	36890
+Firebird	36891
+Fires	36892
+Firearms	36893
+Fired	36894
+Firehouse	36895
+Firelands	36896
+Fireplace	36897
+Firewheel	36898
+Firment	36899
+Fisher	36900
+FishHawk	36901
+Fishburne	36902
+Fishing	36903
+Fishkill	36904
+Fishman	36905
+Fishtown	36906
+Files	36907
+Films	36908
+Fitzgerald	36909
+Fitzpatrick	36910
+Fitchburg	36911
+Fighter	36912
+Fighting	36913
+Figure	36914
+Figueroa	36915
+Figaro's	36916
+Fieldcrest	36917
+Fieldhouse	36918
+Fields	36919
+Fifth	36920
+Fifty	36921
+Fiorella's	36922
+Fiori's	36923
+Forest	36924
+Foreman	36925
+Foreign	36926
+Forever	36927
+Forex	36928
+Forte	36929
+Fortis	36930
+Fortress	36931
+Fortville	36932
+Forty	36933
+Ford's	36934
+Fordham	36935
+Fordland	36936
+Fords	36937
+Fordyce	36938
+Forman	36939
+Formica	36940
+Formosa	36941
+Formula	36942
+Forked	36943
+Forks	36944
+Fornaio	36945
+Forney	36946
+Forno	36947
+Forbes	36948
+Forbidden	36949
+Forces	36950
+Forge	36951
+Forgotten	36952
+Forster	36953
+Forsyth	36954
+Foothill	36955
+Footaction	36956
+Football	36957
+Foote	36958
+Footloose	36959
+Footwear	36960
+FoodMaxx	36961
+Foodland	36962
+Foods	36963
+Foodtown	36964
+Fools	36965
+Foxwood	36966
+Foxworth	36967
+Foxy's	36968
+Follansbee	36969
+Follies	36970
+Follow	36971
+Folly	36972
+Foles	36973
+Foley	36974
+Fountain	36975
+Found	36976
+Foursquare	36977
+Fonda	36978
+Fondren	36979
+Fondulac	36980
+Fong's	36981
+Fontaine	36982
+Fontana	36983
+Fogerty	36984
+Foster	36985
+Fostoria	36986
+Fossil	36987
+Fernbank	36988
+Ferncliff	36989
+Ferndale	36990
+Fernie	36991
+Fernley	36992
+Fernwood	36993
+Ferry	36994
+Fergus	36995
+Fergalicious	36996
+Fergie	36997
+Felipe	36998
+Felix	36999
+Felisha	37000
+Feliz	37001
+Fellows	37002
+Fellini's	37003
+Fells	37004
+Feldman	37005
+Felder	37006
+Federico	37007
+Federer	37008
+FedExed	37009
+Fedders	37010
+Fender	37011
+Fendi	37012
+Fennville	37013
+Fenway	37014
+Fenwick	37015
+Fears	37016
+Feasterville	37017
+Feather	37018
+Festival	37019
+Festivus	37020
+Feelgood	37021
+Floral	37022
+Florham	37023
+Flower	37024
+FlowRider	37025
+Flowing	37026
+Flowmaster	37027
+Flowood	37028
+Floyd's	37029
+Floydada	37030
+Floyds	37031
+Floor	37032
+Flood	37033
+Flourtown	37034
+Flatiron	37035
+Flatt	37036
+Flatbush	37037
+Flathead	37038
+Flats	37039
+Flanagan	37040
+Flanigan	37041
+Flanders	37042
+Flannery	37043
+Flags	37044
+Flagler	37045
+Flaming	37046
+Flame	37047
+Flacco	37048
+Flack	37049
+Flashdance	37050
+FleetPride	37051
+Fleetwood	37052
+Flemings	37053
+Flemington	37054
+Fletcher	37055
+Flintstone	37056
+Flintridge	37057
+Flyers	37058
+Flynn's	37059
+Funkadelic	37060
+Funkenstein	37061
+Funky	37062
+Funday	37063
+Funds	37064
+Funniest	37065
+Funny	37066
+Furnace	37067
+Furniture	37068
+Furys	37069
+Fuller	37070
+Fultondale	37071
+Fuentes	37072
+Kenny	37073
+Kenna	37074
+Kendal	37075
+Kent's	37076
+Kentlands	37077
+Kenton	37078
+Kents	37079
+Kentwood	37080
+Kenobi	37081
+Kenosha	37082
+Kenova	37083
+Kenowa	37084
+Kenzie	37085
+Kenzo	37086
+Kenai	37087
+Kenansville	37088
+Kensington	37089
+Kenwood	37090
+Kenworth	37091
+Kenya	37092
+Kenyon	37093
+Kelli	37094
+Kelly	37095
+Kellogg	37096
+Kells	37097
+Kelsey	37098
+Kelsie	37099
+Kelso	37100
+Keene	37101
+Keenan	37102
+Keegan	37103
+Keego	37104
+Keely	37105
+Keeper	37106
+Keefe	37107
+Kernan	37108
+Kernersville	37109
+Kerns	37110
+Kernville	37111
+Kerri	37112
+Kerrville	37113
+Kerry	37114
+Kerman	37115
+Kermit	37116
+Kersey	37117
+Kershaw	37118
+Keyser	37119
+Keystone	37120
+Keysville	37121
+Keane	37122
+Keansburg	37123
+Keanu	37124
+Kearsley	37125
+Keating	37126
+Keaton	37127
+Keats	37128
+Kemps	37129
+Kemper	37130
+Kempton	37131
+Keith's	37132
+Keiths	37133
+Keiser	37134
+Keisha	37135
+Kesslers	37136
+Kettle	37137
+Kettering	37138
+Kettner	37139
+Ketchikan	37140
+Ketchum	37141
+Kevin's	37142
+Kevins	37143
+Kewanee	37144
+Kewaskum	37145
+Kewaunee	37146
+Kings	37147
+King's	37148
+Kingdom	37149
+Kingfisher	37150
+Kingman	37151
+Kingwood	37152
+Kinder	37153
+Kindle	37154
+Kindred	37155
+Kinsley	37156
+Kinston	37157
+Kinect	37158
+Kinkade	37159
+Kincaid's	37160
+Kinnelon	37161
+Kinney	37162
+Kinzel	37163
+Kinzie	37164
+Killa	37165
+Kills	37166
+Killzone	37167
+Kilbourn	37168
+Kilburn	37169
+Kilby	37170
+Kildaire	37171
+Kildare	37172
+Kilgore's	37173
+Kilmarnock	37174
+Kilmer	37175
+Kimber	37176
+Kimball	37177
+Kimble	37178
+Kimbo	37179
+Kimmy	37180
+Kimmel	37181
+Kimmie	37182
+Kirkland	37183
+Kirks	37184
+Kirkman	37185
+Kirko	37186
+Kirkpatrick	37187
+Kirkwood	37188
+Kirsten	37189
+Kirsty	37190
+Kirstie	37191
+Kira's	37192
+Kiran	37193
+Kirby's	37194
+Kirbyville	37195
+Kitty	37196
+Kittanning	37197
+Kittery	37198
+Kittitas	37199
+Kittles	37200
+Kittredge	37201
+Kitts	37202
+KitchenAid	37203
+Kitchener	37204
+Kissy	37205
+Kisha	37206
+Kishore	37207
+Kishwaukee	37208
+Kiera	37209
+Kierland	37210
+Kiehl's	37211
+Kidstuff	37212
+Kiana's	37213
+Kiki's	37214
+Kickstarter	37215
+Kiwis	37216
+Kathleen	37217
+Kathy	37218
+Kathie	37219
+Kathryn	37220
+Kate's	37221
+Kates	37222
+Katie	37223
+Katia	37224
+Katrina's	37225
+Katsuya	37226
+Katz's	37227
+Karen	37228
+Karachi	37229
+Karan	37230
+Karas	37231
+Karate	37232
+Karin	37233
+Karissa	37234
+Kartchner	37235
+Kartel	37236
+Karthik	37237
+Kardashian	37238
+Kardon	37239
+Karl's	37240
+Karla	37241
+Karma	37242
+Karmin	37243
+Karnes	37244
+Karns	37245
+Kayla	37246
+Kaylyn	37247
+Kayenta	37248
+Kaysville	37249
+Kanab	37250
+Kanata	37251
+Kanawha	37252
+Kaneohe	37253
+Kanes	37254
+Kangaroo	37255
+Kailey	37256
+Kailua	37257
+Kailyn	37258
+Kaira	37259
+Kairos	37260
+Kaiser's	37261
+Kaitlin	37262
+Kaitlyn	37263
+Kalahari	37264
+Kalani	37265
+Kalin	37266
+Kalispell	37267
+Kaleb	37268
+Kaley	37269
+Kamal	37270
+Kamaria	37271
+Kaminski	37272
+Kashi	37273
+Kashmir	37274
+Kapahulu	37275
+Kapalua	37276
+Kapolei	37277
+Kapoor	37278
+Kahler	37279
+Kahlua	37280
+Kahului	37281
+Kahuna	37282
+Kaufman	37283
+Kauffman	37284
+Kaden's	37285
+Kawana	37286
+Kawasaki	37287
+Korean	37288
+Koreatown	37289
+Korner	37290
+Koons	37291
+Koontz	37292
+Kostas	37293
+Kostner	37294
+Kostoryz	37295
+Kobe's	37296
+Kouns	37297
+Kountry	37298
+Kowalski's	37299
+Kriss	37300
+Krishna	37301
+Kriegers	37302
+Krause	37303
+Krauss	37304
+Kraftwerk	37305
+Kragens	37306
+Kramers	37307
+Kravitz	37308
+Krust	37309
+Kruse	37310
+Krogers	37311
+Kronos	37312
+Kremes	37313
+Knoll	37314
+Knology	37315
+Knowles	37316
+Knows	37317
+Knobs	37318
+Knoxville	37319
+Knights	37320
+Knightdale	37321
+Knightley	37322
+Knighton	37323
+Knickerbocker	37324
+Knicks	37325
+Kunia	37326
+Kunis	37327
+Kumon	37328
+Kleenex	37329
+Kleevage	37330
+Klein's	37331
+Klondike	37332
+Klonopin	37333
+Kyle's	37334
+Kylee	37335
+Kyler	37336
+Kyles	37337
+Kylie's	37338
+Kylies	37339
+Khaled	37340
+Khama	37341
+Khammam	37342
+Khan's	37343
+Kwanza	37344
+Ellen	37345
+Ellet	37346
+Ellesmere	37347
+Elliot	37348
+Ellis	37349
+Ellicott	37350
+Ellie	37351
+Ellijay	37352
+Ellington	37353
+Ella's	37354
+Ellaville	37355
+Elizabeth	37356
+Eliza's	37357
+Elisabeth	37358
+Elise	37359
+Elisha	37360
+Elissa	37361
+Eliana	37362
+Elias	37363
+Elijah's	37364
+Eliot	37365
+Election	37366
+Electoral	37367
+Element	37368
+Elemeno	37369
+Elena	37370
+Eleni	37371
+Elevation	37372
+Eleven	37373
+Elmer	37374
+Elmendorf	37375
+Elmo's	37376
+Elmont	37377
+Elmore	37378
+Elmsford	37379
+Elmsley	37380
+Elkhart	37381
+Elkhorn	37382
+Elkins	37383
+Elder	37384
+Elden	37385
+Eldora	37386
+Eldon	37387
+Eldred	37388
+Eldridge	37389
+Elsie	37390
+Elsinore	37391
+Elsa's	37392
+Elaine	37393
+Elaina	37394
+Elantra	37395
+Elberta	37396
+Elberton	37397
+Elvia	37398
+Elvin	37399
+Elvira	37400
+Elvis	37401
+Elyse	37402
+Elysian	37403
+Elgan	37404
+Elway's	37405
+England	37406
+Engle	37407
+English	37408
+Engineer	37409
+Enderman	37410
+Enders	37411
+Endoscopy	37412
+Endowment	37413
+Encinitas	37414
+Encino	37415
+Encore	37416
+Encounters	37417
+Enterprise	37418
+Entergy	37419
+Enrique	37420
+Energy	37421
+Edgebrook	37422
+Edgefield	37423
+Edgehill	37424
+Edgerton	37425
+Edgars	37426
+Edgartown	37427
+Edina	37428
+Edinger	37429
+Edith	37430
+Edition	37431
+Edison	37432
+Edisto	37433
+Edmodo	37434
+Edmore	37435
+Edmunds	37436
+Eddy's	37437
+Eddystone	37438
+Eddyville	37439
+Eddie's	37440
+Edwards	37441
+Eden's	37442
+Edenton	37443
+Eduardo's	37444
+Education	37445
+Educators	37446
+Evers	37447
+Evert	37448
+EverBank	37449
+Everclear	37450
+Everitt	37451
+Everman	37452
+Evernote	37453
+Event	37454
+Evendale	37455
+Evening	37456
+Evelyn	37457
+Evans	37458
+Evangel	37459
+Evan's	37460
+Evanescence	37461
+Evita	37462
+Evite	37463
+Easter	37464
+Eastham	37465
+Eastchester	37466
+Eastfield	37467
+Eastgate	37468
+Eastridge	37469
+Eastside	37470
+Earl's	37471
+Earle	37472
+Earls	37473
+Early	37474
+Earth's	37475
+EarthLink	37476
+Eatonville	37477
+Eaters	37478
+Eagles	37479
+Eagleville	37480
+Eaglewood	37481
+Emma's	37482
+Emmanuel	37483
+Emmas	37484
+Emmaus	37485
+Emmetsburg	37486
+Emmett	37487
+Emmylou	37488
+Emmys	37489
+Emmitsburg	37490
+Emmitt	37491
+Emperor's	37492
+Emperors	37493
+Employee	37494
+Employment	37495
+Empires	37496
+Emporia	37497
+Emporium	37498
+Empress	37499
+Emprise	37500
+Emily	37501
+Eminem's	37502
+Emerson's	37503
+Emeryville	37504
+Emancipation	37505
+Emanuel	37506
+Embarcadero	37507
+Embassy	37508
+Esteban	37509
+Estee	37510
+Estefan	37511
+Estero	37512
+Estes	37513
+Estate	37514
+Estabrook	37515
+Estacada	37516
+Estancia	37517
+Esther's	37518
+Estherville	37519
+Estrada	37520
+Estrella	37521
+Escambia	37522
+Escanaba	37523
+Escape	37524
+Escobar	37525
+Escondido	37526
+Escort	37527
+Espana	37528
+Espanola	37529
+Esposito's	37530
+Essen	37531
+Essex	37532
+Eskimos	37533
+Erick	37534
+Erica	37535
+Erics	37536
+Eric's	37537
+Erika	37538
+Erik's	37539
+Erin's	37540
+Erins	37541
+Ernestine	37542
+Ernesto	37543
+Ernie's	37544
+Ernies	37545
+Expect	37546
+Expendables	37547
+Expressions	37548
+Expressway	37549
+Exploratorium	37550
+Explorer	37551
+Exposition	37552
+Excellence	37553
+Excelsior	37554
+Excursion	37555
+Excuse	37556
+Executives	37557
+Exede	37558
+Exedra	37559
+Extended	37560
+Extension	37561
+Extra	37562
+Extreme	37563
+Examiners	37564
+Econolodge	37565
+Eckerd	37566
+Eckert	37567
+Eugene's	37568
+Epica	37569
+Epicure	37570
+Epiphany	37571
+Epiphone	37572
+Episcopal	37573
+Episode	37574
+Epsom	37575
+Epson	37576
+Ethan's	37577
+Ethans	37578
+Ethel	37579
+Ethiopian	37580
+Eggers	37581
+Eggert	37582
+Eglinton	37583
+Egyptians	37584
+Eisenhauer	37585
+Eisenhower	37586
+Eyewear	37587
+Eyewitness	37588
+Eyeworks	37589
+EPCOR	37590
+Ebenezer	37591
+Ebensburg	37592
+Equifax	37593
+Equinox	37594
+Equipment	37595
+Equity	37596
+Effects	37597
+Effie	37598
+Effingham	37599
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+one-year	37719
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+only:	37726
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+otters	37755
+osteoarthritis	37756
+odors	37757
+ohmygod	37758
+ohmygosh	37759
+North	37760
+Norte	37761
+Norton	37762
+Nortrax	37763
+Norma	37764
+Norm's	37765
+Nordstrom	37766
+Nordahl	37767
+Nordhoff	37768
+Nordic	37769
+Nordy's	37770
+Norwich	37771
+Norwood	37772
+Nora's	37773
+Norah	37774
+Norandex	37775
+Norris	37776
+Norridge	37777
+Norriton	37778
+Norbert	37779
+Norbit	37780
+Norco	37781
+Norcross	37782
+Noreen	37783
+Norelco	37784
+Norfolk	37785
+Norfork	37786
+NovaCare	37787
+Novak	37788
+Novant	37789
+Novartis	37790
+Novato	37791
+November	37792
+Novell	37793
+Novick	37794
+Notepad	37795
+Notes	37796
+Nottingham	37797
+Nolan's	37798
+Nolana	37799
+Noland	37800
+Nolans	37801
+Nolanville	37802
+Nolensville	37803
+Nobles	37804
+Noonan	37805
+Nooner	37806
+Noory	37807
+Noel's	37808
+Noelle	37809
+Nonna's	37810
+Nostalgia	37811
+Noster	37812
+Nomad	37813
+Newbold	37814
+Newbridge	37815
+Newsom	37816
+Newsboys	37817
+Newsday	37818
+Newsies	37819
+Newman	37820
+Newmark	37821
+Newalta	37822
+Newark	37823
+Newaygo	37824
+Newcastle	37825
+Newfane	37826
+Newfield	37827
+Newfoundland	37828
+Newport	37829
+Newpark	37830
+Newegg	37831
+Newell	37832
+Newhall	37833
+Newhart	37834
+Nestle	37835
+Nestor	37836
+Nescafe	37837
+Nesbitt	37838
+Nessa	37839
+Needham	37840
+Needle	37841
+Needmore	37842
+Needtobreathe	37843
+Needville	37844
+Neely	37845
+Neelam	37846
+Neeley	37847
+Nelly	37848
+Nello's	37849
+Nelson's	37850
+Nelsons	37851
+Nelsonville	37852
+Nettie	37853
+Nettles	37854
+Networks	37855
+Nevin	37856
+Neville	37857
+Nevis	37858
+Neverland	37859
+Negro	37860
+Negril	37861
+Negative	37862
+Negaunee	37863
+Neil's	37864
+Neillsville	37865
+Neimans	37866
+Neutral	37867
+NextCare	37868
+Nextel	37869
+Nextgear	37870
+Nepali	37871
+Neptunes	37872
+Nemo's	37873
+Nemours	37874
+Neosho	37875
+Neosporin	37876
+Nation	37877
+Natick	37878
+Natasha	37879
+Natatorium	37880
+Nathaniel	37881
+Nathans	37882
+Nathan's	37883
+Natural	37884
+Nature	37885
+Natco	37886
+Nate's	37887
+Nancy	37888
+Nance	37889
+Nanci	37890
+Nana's	37891
+Nanaimo	37892
+Nando	37893
+Nanda	37894
+Nannys	37895
+Nanticoke	37896
+Nantucket	37897
+Navajo	37898
+Naval	37899
+Navasota	37900
+Naviance	37901
+Navidad	37902
+Navistar	37903
+Napoli	37904
+Napoleon	37905
+Nappanee	37906
+Napper	37907
+Nappy	37908
+Naples	37909
+Napleton	37910
+Nashboro	37911
+Nashoba	37912
+Nashua	37913
+Nashville	37914
+Nasty	37915
+Narcoossee	37916
+Narcotics	37917
+Narragansett	37918
+Narrows	37919
+Nadia	37920
+Nadine	37921
+Nadeem	37922
+Nader	37923
+Naugatuck	37924
+Nautica	37925
+Nautilus	37926
+Nazarene	37927
+Nazareth	37928
+Nazis	37929
+Nails	37930
+Nairobi	37931
+Nabisco	37932
+Nalley	37933
+Nicky	37934
+Nick's	37935
+Nickatina	37936
+Nicki	37937
+Nicks	37938
+Nico's	37939
+Nicor	37940
+Nicholas	37941
+Nichols	37942
+Nichole	37943
+Niceville	37944
+Nightmare	37945
+Nighthawk	37946
+Nightingale	37947
+Nights	37948
+Niger	37949
+Nigel	37950
+Niko's	37951
+Nikolai	37952
+Nikon	37953
+Nikos	37954
+Nikki	37955
+Nikko	37956
+Nikes	37957
+Niketown	37958
+Niki's	37959
+Nikita	37960
+Niner	37961
+Nina's	37962
+Ninjago	37963
+Nino's	37964
+Nisha	37965
+Nishi	37966
+Nissan	37967
+Nisswa	37968
+Niemann	37969
+Nixon's	37970
+Nutrition	37971
+Nutter	37972
+Nutty	37973
+Numark	37974
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+Nursery	37976
+Nurses	37977
+Nuggets	37978
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+neces-	38016
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+Jacks	38201
+Jackie	38202
+Jacky	38203
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+Jack's	38205
+Jackman	38206
+Jackrabbit	38207
+Jacobs	38208
+Jacob's	38209
+Jacoby	38210
+Jacques	38211
+Jacinto	38212
+Janet	38213
+Janell	38214
+Janes	38215
+Jane's	38216
+Janeiro	38217
+Janey	38218
+Janice	38219
+Janie	38220
+Janis	38221
+Jansen	38222
+Janson	38223
+Janssen	38224
+January's	38225
+James	38226
+Jamey	38227
+Jamie	38228
+Jamil	38229
+Jamin	38230
+Jamison	38231
+Jamaica	38232
+Jamaal	38233
+Jamal	38234
+Jamar	38235
+Jamba	38236
+Jamboree	38237
+Jayda	38238
+Jayden	38239
+Jayla	38240
+Jaylin	38241
+Jayson	38242
+Jarrod	38243
+Jared's	38244
+Jagermeister	38245
+Jaggers	38246
+Jaguars	38247
+Jasmine	38248
+Jason's	38249
+Jaspers	38250
+Jailbreak	38251
+Jailhouse	38252
+Jaden	38253
+Jadakiss	38254
+Javier	38255
+Javits	38256
+JavaScript	38257
+Jazzercise	38258
+Jazzy	38259
+Jake's	38260
+Jakes	38261
+Japanese	38262
+Jabara's	38263
+Jabari	38264
+Jalisco's	38265
+Johns	38266
+John's	38267
+JohnBoy	38268
+Johnathan	38269
+Johnie	38270
+Johann	38271
+Johansson	38272
+Joseph	38273
+Jose's	38274
+Joses	38275
+Josey	38276
+Joshua	38277
+Josh's	38278
+Joshin	38279
+Joshy	38280
+Josie	38281
+Josiah	38282
+Joslin	38283
+Joslyn	38284
+Jostens	38285
+Jonesboro	38286
+Jonesy	38287
+Joneses	38288
+Jonestown	38289
+Jonesville	38290
+Jonah	38291
+Jonas	38292
+Joann	38293
+Joan's	38294
+Joanie	38295
+Jordan	38296
+Jordy	38297
+Jordin	38298
+Jorge's	38299
+Jorgensen	38300
+Joel's	38301
+Joels	38302
+Joelton	38303
+Joey's	38304
+Jolly	38305
+Jolla	38306
+Jollibee	38307
+Jolie's	38308
+Joliet	38309
+Joyce's	38310
+Joyces	38311
+Jodi's	38312
+Jodie	38313
+Jody's	38314
+Journal	38315
+Journey	38316
+Jovi's	38317
+Jenni	38318
+Jenny	38319
+Jenna	38320
+Jenner	38321
+Jenifer	38322
+Jenks	38323
+Jensen	38324
+Jeremy	38325
+Jerry	38326
+Jerrica	38327
+Jerrod	38328
+Jerome's	38329
+Jeromes	38330
+Jerky	38331
+Jerseyville	38332
+Jessi	38333
+Jessa	38334
+Jesse	38335
+Jess's	38336
+Jessup	38337
+Jesus	38338
+Jesuit	38339
+Jesup	38340
+Jeffers	38341
+Jeffery	38342
+Jeffrey	38343
+Jeffries	38344
+Jeanne	38345
+Jeannie	38346
+Jeanette's	38347
+Jeanie	38348
+Jeanine	38349
+Jethro's	38350
+Jetpack	38351
+Jetport	38352
+Jetsons	38353
+Jetta	38354
+Jewel	38355
+Jewett	38356
+Jellystone	38357
+Jeeps	38358
+Jemima	38359
+Jemison	38360
+Julia	38361
+Julie	38362
+Julio	38363
+Julington	38364
+Julius	38365
+Judah	38366
+Judas	38367
+Judicial	38368
+Judith	38369
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+Judes	38371
+Judy's	38372
+June's	38373
+Juneau	38374
+Junes	38375
+Juniata	38376
+Junie	38377
+Junior	38378
+Juniper	38379
+Justin	38380
+Justice	38381
+Juan's	38382
+Juans	38383
+Juiceman	38384
+Juicery	38385
+Jumper	38386
+Jumpsuit	38387
+Jimmy	38388
+Jimmer	38389
+Jimmie	38390
+Jimador	38391
+Jimbo's	38392
+Jiminy	38393
+Jillian's	38394
+Jillians	38395
+Jingle	38396
+Jiang	38397
+Jianna	38398
+JCPenney's	38399
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+Origami	38585
+Oriental	38586
+Orioles	38587
+Orion	38588
+Oregon	38589
+Oregano's	38590
+Oreos	38591
+Orton's	38592
+Ortonville	38593
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+Orthopedic	38595
+Orting	38596
+Ortiz	38597
+Orchard	38598
+Orchestra	38599
+Orchid	38600
+Order	38601
+Ordean	38602
+Orlando	38603
+Orbison	38604
+Orbitz	38605
+Olive	38606
+Olivia	38607
+Olivos	38608
+Olina	38609
+Olympus	38610
+Oldsmar	38611
+Oldsmobile	38612
+Olson's	38613
+Ollie's	38614
+Oscar's	38615
+Oscars	38616
+Oscoda	38617
+Osteria	38618
+Osterman	38619
+Osterville	38620
+Osaka's	38621
+Oswald	38622
+Oswalt	38623
+Oswego	38624
+Oswell	38625
+Osborne	38626
+Ossining	38627
+Ossipee	38628
+O'Neill	38629
+O'Neal's	38630
+O'Connor	38631
+O'Connell	38632
+O'Malley's	38633
+O'Reilly's	38634
+O'Shea's	38635
+Octagon	38636
+October	38637
+Octomom	38638
+Oceanaire	38639
+Oconee	38640
+Oconomowoc	38641
+Oconto	38642
+Ochoa	38643
+Ochsner	38644
+Occupational	38645
+Occupy	38646
+Opelika	38647
+Opelousas	38648
+Optical	38649
+Optique	38650
+Optoma	38651
+Optometry	38652
+Oprah's	38653
+Opryland	38654
+Oakboro	38655
+Oakbrook	38656
+Oakview	38657
+Oakville	38658
+Okemos	38659
+Outlet	38660
+Outlook	38661
+Overbrook	38662
+Overdrive	38663
+Overstreet	38664
+Omari	38665
+Omar's	38666
+Oberlin	38667
+Oberweis	38668
+OtterBox	38669
+Otterbox	38670
+Ottoman	38671
+Owens	38672
+Owenton	38673
+Odenton	38674
+Odenville	38675
+Ozarka	38676
+Ozarks	38677
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+vacuuming	38785
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+voicing	38813
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+vulnerability	38826
+vulnerable	38827
+vultures	38828
+Intel	38829
+Intex	38830
+India	38831
+Indies	38832
+Indigo	38833
+Indio	38834
+Indira	38835
+Indonesia	38836
+Indochine	38837
+Indoor	38838
+Indus	38839
+Indulgence	38840
+Independence	38841
+Independent	38842
+Instead	38843
+Instruments	38844
+Insty	38845
+Inspiron	38846
+Insane	38847
+Insanity	38848
+Inside	38849
+Insight	38850
+Inver	38851
+Invicta	38852
+Ingles	38853
+Inglewood	38854
+Ingram	38855
+Ingrid	38856
+Ingalls	38857
+Incarnate	38858
+Income	38859
+Incorporated	38860
+Incredibles	38861
+Infirmary	38862
+Infected	38863
+Inferno	38864
+Inner	38865
+Innes	38866
+Innsbrook	38867
+Isabel's	38868
+Isaac	38869
+Isaak	38870
+Isaiah	38871
+Isaias	38872
+Island	38873
+Islam	38874
+Isles	38875
+Isleta	38876
+Isley	38877
+Islington	38878
+Islip	38879
+Israel's	38880
+Israeli	38881
+Ironbridge	38882
+Ironman	38883
+Ironton	38884
+Ironwood	38885
+Iranian	38886
+Iraqi	38887
+Irving	38888
+Irvine	38889
+Irene's	38890
+Irish	38891
+Improv	38892
+Impractical	38893
+Impreza	38894
+Impact	38895
+Impala	38896
+Imperials	38897
+Imports	38898
+Impossible	38899
+Image	38900
+Immodium	38901
+Immokalee	38902
+Immortal	38903
+Immaculate	38904
+Immanuel	38905
+Ivers	38906
+Illiana	38907
+Illuminati	38908
+Idlewild	38909
+Idlewood	38910
+Italia	38911
+Italy	38912
+Izzy's	38913
+Vince	38914
+Vinci	38915
+Vineyard	38916
+Vineland	38917
+Vineville	38918
+Vinnie	38919
+Vinny	38920
+Vino's	38921
+Vinod	38922
+Vinoy	38923
+Vinay	38924
+Vinings	38925
+Vinita	38926
+Vintage	38927
+Vinton	38928
+Vicki	38929
+Vicks	38930
+Vicky	38931
+Victor	38932
+Victims	38933
+Vicente	38934
+Viceroy	38935
+Vision	38936
+Visine	38937
+Vistana	38938
+Vistaprint	38939
+Vistar	38940
+Visalia	38941
+Villa	38942
+Ville	38943
+Virgo	38944
+Virtual	38945
+Vital	38946
+Vitacost	38947
+Vito's	38948
+Vitos	38949
+Vietnam	38950
+Vieja	38951
+Viejo	38952
+Viewmont	38953
+Vivian	38954
+Vivid	38955
+Vivint	38956
+Vivion	38957
+Vivaldi	38958
+Vidal	38959
+Vidant	38960
+Videos	38961
+Videotron	38962
+Vikings	38963
+Valle	38964
+Vallarta	38965
+Valli	38966
+Valdosta	38967
+Valpo	38968
+Value	38969
+Vandalia	38970
+Vandross	38971
+Vandy	38972
+Vance	38973
+Vancouver	38974
+Vanity	38975
+Vanna	38976
+Vannelli	38977
+Vanessa's	38978
+Varick	38979
+Variety	38980
+Varina	38981
+Varner	38982
+Varney	38983
+Vassar	38984
+Vasser	38985
+Vacationland	38986
+Vacations	38987
+Vaden	38988
+Vader	38989
+Vaughan	38990
+Vaughn	38991
+Verna	38992
+Vern's	38993
+Verne	38994
+Vernia	38995
+Veros	38996
+Verot	38997
+Versa	38998
+Version	38999
+Versona	39000
+Verde	39001
+Verdae	39002
+Verdugo	39003
+Verizon	39004
+Veridian	39005
+Verity	39006
+Vermeer	39007
+Vermont	39008
+Vergara	39009
+Vergennes	39010
+Vergina	39011
+Vera's	39012
+Verrado	39013
+Verrazano	39014
+Ventana	39015
+Ventnor	39016
+Vendetta	39017
+Vendome	39018
+Velasquez	39019
+Velazquez	39020
+Veloster	39021
+Velox	39022
+Velveeta	39023
+Velvet	39024
+Vesta	39025
+Vester	39026
+Vespa	39027
+Vesper	39028
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+Veggies	39030
+Veteran	39031
+Veterinary	39032
+Voltaire	39033
+Voltron	39034
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+Volusia	39036
+Vocal	39037
+Vocational	39038
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+kindness	39040
+kindred	39041
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+1000.2	39266
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+100.3	39268
+100.7	39269
+102.5	39270
+102.7	39271
+107.5	39272
+12345	39273
+1960s	39274
+Univision	39275
+Unitarian	39276
+United	39277
+Unitus	39278
+Unity	39279
+Uniondale	39280
+Uniontown	39281
+Unionville	39282
+Unicoi	39283
+Unicorn	39284
+Unified	39285
+Uniform	39286
+Uniqlo	39287
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+Under	39289
+Undead	39290
+Ultrabook	39291
+Ultrastar	39292
+Ultimate	39293
+Utilities	39294
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+2000's	39296
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+Yountville	39299
+Yours	39300
+Youree	39301
+Youth	39302
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+Yorker	39304
+York's	39305
+Yorkdale	39306
+Yorkie	39307
+Yorkshire	39308
+Yorktown	39309
+Yorkville	39310
+Yoshi's	39311
+Yoshinoya	39312
+YogaWorks	39313
+Yoder's	39314
+Yoders	39315
+Yolanda's	39316
+Yankee	39317
+Yankovic	39318
+Yanks	39319
+Yankton	39320
+Yangs	39321
+Yangtze	39322
+Yanni	39323
+Yanna	39324
+Yanceyville	39325
+Yardbirds	39326
+Yardley	39327
+Yards	39328
+Yardville	39329
+Yamato	39330
+Yamaha	39331
+Yasmeen	39332
+Yasmin	39333
+Yellow	39334
+Yeller	39335
+Yellin	39336
+Yellville	39337
+Year's	39338
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+Yearwood	39340
+Yeager's	39341
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+youngin	39343
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+quart	39383
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+queuing	39414
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+Zachs	39417
+Zack's	39418
+Zacks	39419
+Zander	39420
+Zandt	39421
+Zanesville	39422
+Zaragoza	39423
+Zippity	39424
+Zippo	39425
+Zipps	39426
+Zippy's	39427
+Zimmerman	39428
+Zimbabwe	39429
+Zimbrick	39430
+Ziggy	39431
+Ziggler	39432
+Zilla	39433
+Zillow	39434
+Zions	39435
+Zellers	39436
+Zephyrhills	39437
+Zooma	39438
+Zoomba	39439
+Zumba	39440
+Zumbrota	39441
+Quint	39442
+Quinn	39443
+Quinault	39444
+Quinlan	39445
+QuickBooks	39446
+Quicken	39447
+Quickie	39448
+Quicksilver	39449
+QuikTrip	39450
+Quizlet	39451
+Quiznos	39452
+Quarry	39453
+Quan's	39454
+Quanah	39455
+Quakerbridge	39456
+Quakers	39457
+Quakertown	39458
+Quadratec	39459
+Quaid	39460
+Quail	39461
+Qualcomm	39462
+Quality	39463
+Quatros	39464
+Quattro	39465
+Queens	39466
+Queen's	39467
+Queenie	39468
+Questar	39469
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+Starke	41584
+Starks	41585
+Starkville	41586
+Starset	41587
+Starsky	41588
+Starbuck	41589
+Starbird	41590
+Starla	41591
+Starfall	41592
+Starfire	41593
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+Starving	41595
+Standard	41596
+Standley	41597
+Stanley	41598
+Stanly	41599
+Stanford	41600
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+Stansbury	41602
+Stansfield	41603
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+State's	41606
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+Staten	41608
+Stateville	41609
+Static	41610
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+Stacia	41616
+Stacie	41617
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+Stallone	41620
+Stallworth	41621
+Staley's	41622
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+Stephen	41627
+Stephan	41628
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+Stephie	41630
+Steven	41631
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+Stevie	41634
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+Steamship	41637
+Steamtown	41638
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+Steele	41643
+Steelton	41644
+Steelville	41645
+Steely	41646
+Stefano	41647
+Stefani	41648
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+Stewart's	41650
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+Steiner's	41652
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+Sternberg	41654
+Stella	41655
+Stellhorn	41656
+Stoney	41657
+Stones	41658
+Stoneridge	41659
+Stockmans	41660
+Stores	41661
+Stormont	41662
+Storybook	41663
+Stokesdale	41664
+Stoler	41665
+Stoopid	41666
+Stoops	41667
+Stratford	41668
+Stratton	41669
+Stratus	41670
+Strang	41671
+Strand	41672
+Strait	41673
+Straight	41674
+Straub	41675
+Strauss	41676
+Strawberry	41677
+Strawn	41678
+Street	41679
+Streep	41680
+Stream	41681
+Streak	41682
+Streator	41683
+Strong's	41684
+Strongsville	41685
+Strouds	41686
+Stringham	41687
+Strings	41688
+Stringtown	41689
+Strickland's	41690
+Strider	41691
+Strikes	41692
+Stripes	41693
+Studebaker	41694
+Student	41695
+Studio	41696
+Studies	41697
+Sturgeon	41698
+Stiller	41699
+Stillman	41700
+Stills	41701
+Stines	41702
+Sanders	41703
+Sandeep	41704
+Sandestin	41705
+Sandra	41706
+Sandridge	41707
+Sandhill	41708
+Sandhurst	41709
+Sandia	41710
+Sandiego	41711
+Sandler	41712
+Sandlot	41713
+Sandy's	41714
+Sandys	41715
+Sandberg	41716
+Sandburg	41717
+Sandoval	41718
+Sandown	41719
+Sandpiper	41720
+Sandpoint	41721
+Sandston	41722
+Sandwiches	41723
+Santa's	41724
+Santaquin	41725
+Santarpio's	41726
+Santas	41727
+Santikos	41728
+Santorini	41729
+Santos	41730
+Santee	41731
+Santeria	41732
+Sanchez	41733
+Sancho	41734
+Sanctuary	41735
+Sanctus	41736
+Sanitary	41737
+Sanitation	41738
+Salado	41739
+Saladworks	41740
+Salamanca	41741
+Salamone's	41742
+Salton	41743
+Salty's	41744
+Salish	41745
+Salisbury	41746
+Salida	41747
+Salido	41748
+Salinas	41749
+Salvatore	41750
+Salvation	41751
+Salvadorian	41752
+Sally's	41753
+Sallys	41754
+Sallie	41755
+Sallisaw	41756
+Salesforce	41757
+Salman	41758
+Salmonella	41759
+Salons	41760
+Saloom	41761
+Saloon	41762
+Sammy's	41763
+Sammys	41764
+Sammie	41765
+Samantha's	41766
+Samanthas	41767
+Samaritans	41768
+Samsonite	41769
+Samoan	41770
+Samuels	41771
+Sarah's	41772
+Sarahs	41773
+Saritas	41774
+Sabaton	41775
+Sabattus	41776
+Sabrena	41777
+Sabres	41778
+Sabrina's	41779
+Sauganash	41780
+Saugatuck	41781
+Saturday's	41782
+Saturdays	41783
+Saving	41784
+Savannah's	41785
+Savoy's	41786
+Sainte	41787
+Saints	41788
+Sacramento	41789
+Saddles	41790
+Saskatchewan	41791
+Saskatoon	41792
+Safelite	41793
+Safely	41794
+Sharpe	41795
+Sharpie	41796
+Sharpton	41797
+Sharkboy	41798
+Sharks	41799
+Sharky's	41800
+Sharon's	41801
+Sharona	41802
+Sharons	41803
+Sharonville	41804
+Shari's	41805
+Sharia	41806
+Sharif	41807
+SharePoint	41808
+Sharmaine	41809
+Shanda	41810
+Shandon	41811
+Shandra	41812
+Shands	41813
+Shandy	41814
+Shannon	41815
+Shanna	41816
+Shanahan	41817
+Shane's	41818
+Shanes	41819
+Shania	41820
+Shaniqua	41821
+Shante	41822
+Shanti	41823
+Shanty	41824
+Shanghai	41825
+Shangri	41826
+Shakes	41827
+Shakeology	41828
+Shaker	41829
+Shakalaka	41830
+Shawna	41831
+Shawn's	41832
+Shawnee	41833
+Shawns	41834
+Shawshank	41835
+Shalee	41836
+Shaler	41837
+Shalimar	41838
+Shalin	41839
+Shallotte	41840
+Shallowford	41841
+Shalom	41842
+Shalonda	41843
+Shadeland	41844
+Shades	41845
+Shadowbrook	41846
+Shadows	41847
+Shadyside	41848
+Sheriff	41849
+Sheridan	41850
+Sherri	41851
+Sherry	41852
+Sherman's	41853
+Shermans	41854
+Sherway	41855
+Sherwin	41856
+Sherwood	41857
+Sherbrooke	41858
+Sherburne	41859
+Shereen	41860
+Sherlocks	41861
+Shelby	41862
+Shelburne	41863
+Shelley	41864
+Shelly	41865
+Shelter	41866
+Shelton	41867
+Sheldon's	41868
+Sheena	41869
+Sheen's	41870
+Sheehan	41871
+Sheehy	41872
+Sheepshead	41873
+Shepherds	41874
+Shepherd's	41875
+Shepards	41876
+Sheard	41877
+Shenandoah	41878
+Shenango	41879
+Shoppe	41880
+Shopping	41881
+ShopRite	41882
+ShopRunner	41883
+Shoreham	41884
+Shoreline	41885
+Shores	41886
+Shoreview	41887
+Shorewood	41888
+Shorty	41889
+Shortcake	41890
+Shonda	41891
+Shondells	41892
+Showboat	41893
+Showbox	41894
+Shocker	41895
+Shockey	41896
+Shooters	41897
+Shooting	41898
+Shippensburg	41899
+Shipping	41900
+Shippuden	41901
+Shipley's	41902
+Shinedown	41903
+Shingle	41904
+Shirley	41905
+Shirlington	41906
+Shiraz	41907
+Shirelles	41908
+Shiloh	41909
+Shields	41910
+Shreveport	41911
+Shriners	41912
+Seagrove	41913
+Seagal	41914
+Seagate	41915
+Season	41916
+Seasol	41917
+Seabreeze	41918
+Seabright	41919
+Seabrook	41920
+Search	41921
+Searcy	41922
+Service	41923
+Servicing	41924
+Serena's	41925
+Serenade	41926
+Serenity's	41927
+Serrano's	41928
+Serranos	41929
+Sergeant	41930
+Sergio's	41931
+Senate	41932
+Sensation	41933
+Sensei	41934
+Senora	41935
+Selena	41936
+Selene	41937
+Selleck	41938
+Secondhand	41939
+Seconds	41940
+Secretariat	41941
+Secretary	41942
+Sevendust	41943
+Sevenfold	41944
+Seventh	41945
+Severna	41946
+Sevierville	41947
+Sevilla	41948
+Seville	41949
+Seminoles	41950
+Sebastian	41951
+Sebastopol	41952
+Sunnyside	41953
+Sunnyslope	41954
+Sunnyvale	41955
+Sunnyview	41956
+Sunday	41957
+Sundance	41958
+Sunbeam	41959
+Sunbelt	41960
+Sunridge	41961
+Sunrise	41962
+Sunriver	41963
+Superman	41964
+Supermall	41965
+Supermarket	41966
+Supercenter	41967
+Supercross	41968
+Supercuts	41969
+Superstar	41970
+Superstition	41971
+Superstore	41972
+Superbike	41973
+Superbowl	41974
+Supplies	41975
+Supply	41976
+Supreme	41977
+Supremacy	41978
+Surfers	41979
+Survival	41980
+Survive	41981
+Survivor	41982
+Summerdale	41983
+Summerfield	41984
+Summerville	41985
+Summerwood	41986
+Suttons	41987
+Sutherlands	41988
+Sullivan's	41989
+Sullivans	41990
+Sullivant	41991
+Sully's	41992
+Sugarland	41993
+Sugarloaf	41994
+Suites	41995
+Southwest	41996
+Southway	41997
+Southwyck	41998
+Southborough	41999
+Southbury	42000
+Southpark	42001
+Southeast	42002
+Southern	42003
+Southland	42004
+Southlake	42005
+Southampton	42006
+Southaven	42007
+Southcenter	42008
+Southcross	42009
+Southgate	42010
+Southglenn	42011
+Southie	42012
+Southington	42013
+Southtowne	42014
+Sonicare	42015
+Sonics	42016
+Sonia's	42017
+Sonoran	42018
+Sonya's	42019
+Solara	42020
+Solaris	42021
+Solana	42022
+Solano	42023
+Solomon's	42024
+Solomons	42025
+Soldiers	42026
+Somers	42027
+Somerdale	42028
+Somerton	42029
+Somerville	42030
+Somalia	42031
+Sorento	42032
+Sorrento	42033
+Sorrentino's	42034
+Sofia's	42035
+Sophie's	42036
+Sophies	42037
+Sophia's	42038
+Sparkle	42039
+Sparky	42040
+Sparkman	42041
+Sparks	42042
+Sparta	42043
+Sparty	42044
+Spanglish	42045
+Spaniard	42046
+Spaniel	42047
+Spanish	42048
+Spanky's	42049
+Spanos	42050
+Speedy	42051
+Speedee	42052
+Speedos	42053
+Speedpay	42054
+Spectacular	42055
+Spector	42056
+Specialist	42057
+Specialty	42058
+Spencer	42059
+Spearfish	42060
+Spears	42061
+Speaker	42062
+Spelling	42063
+Spellman	42064
+Spring	42065
+Sprint	42066
+Sprinkles	42067
+Spragues	42068
+Sprayberry	42069
+Sproul	42070
+Sprouse	42071
+Spirits	42072
+Spiritual	42073
+Spiros	42074
+Spicers	42075
+Spitzer	42076
+Sportsman	42077
+Sportsplex	42078
+Sportster	42079
+Sportswear	42080
+Spotswood	42081
+Spotsylvania	42082
+Spokeo	42083
+Spokesman	42084
+Silvers	42085
+Silverado	42086
+Silverbell	42087
+Silverdale	42088
+Silvergreens	42089
+Silverwood	42090
+Silvio	42091
+Silvia	42092
+Silvis	42093
+Silvana	42094
+Silence	42095
+Silent	42096
+Simonson	42097
+Simple	42098
+Simplot	42099
+Simply	42100
+Simpsons	42101
+Simpsonville	42102
+Singles	42103
+Singletary	42104
+Singers	42105
+Singh's	42106
+Sissonville	42107
+Sisterhood	42108
+Sisters	42109
+Sigman	42110
+Signal	42111
+Signature	42112
+Siegel's	42113
+SiriusXM	42114
+Sicilian	42115
+Sicily's	42116
+Sidewalk	42117
+Sidewinder	42118
+Scholl	42119
+Scholfield	42120
+Schoolboy	42121
+Schoolcraft	42122
+Schoolhouse	42123
+Schools	42124
+Schultz	42125
+Schulz	42126
+Schuyler	42127
+Schuylkill	42128
+Schumacher	42129
+Schumer	42130
+Scherer	42131
+Schertz	42132
+Scheib	42133
+Schein	42134
+Schmidt's	42135
+Schmidts	42136
+Schmick's	42137
+Schmicks	42138
+Schmitt	42139
+Schmitz	42140
+Schwab	42141
+Schweitzer	42142
+Schwenksville	42143
+Schaefer	42144
+Schaeffer	42145
+Schilling	42146
+Schiller	42147
+Schroeder	42148
+Schrock	42149
+Schrader	42150
+Schram	42151
+Schnecksville	42152
+Schneider	42153
+Scotts	42154
+Scotty	42155
+Scott's	42156
+Scotto	42157
+Scottrade	42158
+Scottville	42159
+Scotiabank	42160
+Scotsman	42161
+Scorpio's	42162
+Scorpion	42163
+Scripps	42164
+Scribblenauts	42165
+Scribner	42166
+Scrooged	42167
+Scrubbing	42168
+Scrubs	42169
+Scarlets	42170
+Scarlett	42171
+Scandinavia	42172
+Scandia	42173
+Sciences	42174
+Scientific	42175
+Scientology	42176
+Skyland	42177
+Skylar	42178
+Skylers	42179
+Skyline	42180
+Skylinks	42181
+Skywalker	42182
+Skyward	42183
+Skyway	42184
+Skinner	42185
+Skinny	42186
+Skippack	42187
+Skippy	42188
+Skateland	42189
+Skellington	42190
+Skelly	42191
+Swanson	42192
+Swansboro	42193
+Swansea	42194
+Swannanoa	42195
+Swarthmore	42196
+Swartz	42197
+Sweetheart	42198
+Sweetwater	42199
+Sweeney	42200
+Sweeny	42201
+Sweden	42202
+Swedesboro	42203
+Swift's	42204
+SwiftKey	42205
+Swishers	42206
+Swissvale	42207
+Switzerland	42208
+Slater's	42209
+Slippery	42210
+Sloane	42211
+Sloans	42212
+Sleepy's	42213
+SmartPak	42214
+SmartPost	42215
+Smiths	42216
+Smith's	42217
+Smithers	42218
+Smithfield	42219
+Smithland	42220
+Smithtown	42221
+Smithville	42222
+Smitty's	42223
+Smiley's	42224
+Smokey	42225
+Smoketown	42226
+Snowberry	42227
+Snowbird	42228
+Snowbowl	42229
+Snowman	42230
+Snowmass	42231
+Snoopy	42232
+Snooki	42233
+Snooks	42234
+Snapfinger	42235
+Snapfish	42236
+Snuggies	42237
+Sylvan	42238
+Sylvia	42239
+Sylvie	42240
+Sylvester's	42241
+Squires	42242
+proportion	42243
+proponent	42244
+proper	42245
+propel	42246
+propensity	42247
+prophet	42248
+prophesied	42249
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+propane	42251
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+proprietor	42253
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+prosper	42255
+prostate	42256
+prostrate	42257
+proscan	42258
+prosciutto	42259
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+proceed	42261
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+procrastinator	42264
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+prompted	42273
+prompting	42274
+promptly	42275
+prompts	42276
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+promenade	42278
+protest	42279
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+protege	42281
+proton	42282
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+prototype	42284
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+protruding	42286
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+proves	42291
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+probiotic	42301
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+probing	42303
+probes	42304
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+produce	42306
+producing	42307
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+prodding	42309
+prodigal	42310
+prodigy	42311
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+prongs	42315
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+prolific	42322
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+prouder	42325
+proudest	42326
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+presidency	42333
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+presuming	42336
+presumptuous	42337
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+precious	42342
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+priming	42407
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+pincher	42765
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+plexiglass	42885
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+plumsteadville	42888
+plugged	42889
+plugging	42890
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+purplish	42905
+pureed	42906
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+purged	42910
+punching	42911
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+publishing	42922
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+pussy.com	42928
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+puller	42932
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+pulling	42934
+pulsating	42935
+pulmonologist	42936
+pulmonology	42937
+puttering	42938
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+putting	42940
+pumper	42941
+pumped	42942
+pumping	42943
+pumpkins	42944
+puppeteer	42945
+puppets	42946
+puppy's	42947
+puddles	42948
+photograph	42949
+photogenic	42950
+photosynthesis	42951
+photocopies	42952
+photocopy	42953
+phone.	42954
+phones	42955
+phone's	42956
+phone:	42957
+phonebook	42958
+phoned	42959
+phonetically	42960
+phonics	42961
+phoning	42962
+physio	42963
+physique	42964
+pharmaceuticals	42965
+pharmacies	42966
+pharmacist	42967
+philosopher	42968
+philosophy	42969
+phenomena	42970
+phenomenon	42971
+psychopath	42972
+psychos	42973
+psychic	42974
+psyching	42975
+psyched	42976
+Connect	42977
+Conner	42978
+Connell	42979
+Conneaut	42980
+Connexus	42981
+Connor	42982
+Connolly	42983
+Connie	42984
+Connick	42985
+Constitution	42986
+Construction	42987
+Consumer	42988
+Consequences	42989
+Consolidated	42990
+Contra	42991
+Control	42992
+Contact	42993
+Container	42994
+Contemporary	42995
+Continent	42996
+Concord	42997
+Concourse	42998
+Concentra	42999
+Conception	43000
+Concert	43001
+Congrats	43002
+Conference	43003
+Convention	43004
+Conans	43005
+Conant	43006
+Condon	43007
+Condor	43008
+Conley	43009
+Conlee	43010
+Conrad's	43011
+Conroe	43012
+Conroy	43013
+Colleen	43014
+Colley	43015
+Collette	43016
+Collex	43017
+Collin	43018
+Collier	43019
+Colona	43020
+Colonel	43021
+Colony	43022
+Coloma	43023
+Colorado	43024
+Colors	43025
+Colossians	43026
+Colossus	43027
+Coleman's	43028
+Colesville	43029
+Colton's	43030
+Coltons	43031
+Coldspring	43032
+Coldstone	43033
+Coldwater	43034
+Coldwell	43035
+Colina	43036
+Colin's	43037
+Columbus	43038
+Corner	43039
+Cornwall	43040
+Cornwell	43041
+Cornhuskers	43042
+Corning	43043
+Cornish	43044
+Correct	43045
+Correa	43046
+Corral	43047
+Corrado's	43048
+Corrie	43049
+Corrigan	43050
+Coraline	43051
+Coralville	43052
+Cortes	43053
+Cortez	43054
+Cortana	43055
+Cortaro	43056
+Cortlandt	43057
+Cordero	43058
+Cordon	43059
+Cordova	43060
+Corinth	43061
+Corinne	43062
+Corporate	43063
+Corporation	43064
+Corpse	43065
+Coronado	43066
+Coronas	43067
+Coronation	43068
+Corbins	43069
+Corey's	43070
+Coreys	43071
+Corsicana	43072
+Corky's	43073
+Corvettes	43074
+Common	43075
+Command	43076
+Commack	43077
+Commission	43078
+Committee	43079
+Communications	43080
+Communion	43081
+Communist	43082
+Community	43083
+Commerce	43084
+Commercial	43085
+Compass	43086
+Compaq	43087
+Computer	43088
+Complete	43089
+Complex	43090
+Compton	43091
+Comptroller	43092
+Comets	43093
+Comales	43094
+Combat	43095
+Comics	43096
+Courtney	43097
+Courthouse	43098
+Courtland	43099
+Courtright	43100
+Courts	43101
+Courtyard	43102
+Coursera	43103
+Coursey	43104
+Courage	43105
+Courant	43106
+Couric	43107
+Courier	43108
+Country	43109
+County	43110
+Counting	43111
+Counseling	43112
+Coulter	43113
+Coulton	43114
+Cougars	43115
+Cousins	43116
+Cookie	43117
+Cooking	43118
+Cookeville	43119
+Coolidge	43120
+Cooling	43121
+Coolio	43122
+Cooley's	43123
+Coopers	43124
+Cooper's	43125
+Cooperative	43126
+Cooney's	43127
+Costa's	43128
+Costanza	43129
+Costas	43130
+Costco's	43131
+Costcos	43132
+Cosmo's	43133
+Cosmetics	43134
+Cosmetology	43135
+Copper	43136
+Coppell	43137
+Copeland's	43138
+Copelands	43139
+Coburns	43140
+Coachella	43141
+Coaches	43142
+Coalinga	43143
+Coalition	43144
+Coatesville	43145
+Cotton	43146
+Cottleville	43147
+Coconino	43148
+Coconut	43149
+Cochrane	43150
+Cocker	43151
+Cockeysville	43152
+Cowles	43153
+Cowley	43154
+Covered	43155
+Covert	43156
+Covenant	43157
+Coventry	43158
+Cohen's	43159
+Coffeyville	43160
+Carlin	43161
+Carlito	43162
+Carlie	43163
+Carlisle	43164
+Carlson	43165
+Carlsbad	43166
+Carlsen	43167
+Carlstadt	43168
+Carlene	43169
+Carleton	43170
+Carley	43171
+Carly's	43172
+Carlyle	43173
+Carlys	43174
+Carla's	43175
+Carland	43176
+Carlos	43177
+Carrie	43178
+Carriage	43179
+Carribean	43180
+Carrick	43181
+Carrigan	43182
+Carrillo	43183
+Carrington	43184
+Carrizo	43185
+Carroll	43186
+Carrows	43187
+Carrera	43188
+Carreta	43189
+Carrey	43190
+Carrabba's	43191
+Carrabbas	43192
+Carole	43193
+Carolyn	43194
+Carol's	43195
+Carolla	43196
+Carmel	43197
+Carmen	43198
+Carmichael	43199
+Carmike	43200
+Carters	43201
+Carter's	43202
+Carteret	43203
+Carterville	43204
+Cartridge	43205
+Cartronics	43206
+Cartwrights	43207
+CareerBuilder	43208
+CareerLink	43209
+Careless	43210
+Carell	43211
+Carey's	43212
+Cardiff	43213
+Cardiology	43214
+Caribbean	43215
+Caribe	43216
+Caribou	43217
+Carina	43218
+Carini's	43219
+Carino's	43220
+Carney	43221
+Carnegie	43222
+Carnes	43223
+Carnahan	43224
+Carnation	43225
+Carpet	43226
+Carson's	43227
+Carsons	43228
+Caruso's	43229
+Callahan	43230
+Callaghan	43231
+Callait	43232
+Callaway	43233
+Callen	43234
+Called	43235
+Callies	43236
+Calloway	43237
+Callowhill	43238
+Caliber	43239
+Calibur	43240
+Caliendo	43241
+Caliente	43242
+Caleb's	43243
+Calebs	43244
+Calabasas	43245
+Calabria	43246
+Calvert's	43247
+Calverton	43248
+Calvin's	43249
+Calderon	43250
+Campbells	43251
+Campbell's	43252
+Campbellton	43253
+Campos	43254
+Camping	43255
+Campisi's	43256
+Camelia	43257
+Camelot	43258
+Camera	43259
+Camila	43260
+Camilo	43261
+Camino	43262
+Caminito	43263
+Camaro	43264
+Camargo	43265
+Camarillo	43266
+Camanche	43267
+Camano	43268
+Cambria	43269
+Cambridge	43270
+Cambodian	43271
+Candles	43272
+Candlebox	43273
+Candler	43274
+Candlewood	43275
+Candice	43276
+Candia	43277
+Candies	43278
+Candy's	43279
+Candyland	43280
+Candyman	43281
+Canada	43282
+Canton	43283
+Cantor	43284
+Cantera	43285
+Canterbury	43286
+Cannondale	43287
+Cannonsburg	43288
+Canned	43289
+Cannes	43290
+Canonsburg	43291
+Cassady	43292
+Cassat	43293
+Cassidy	43294
+Cassie	43295
+Cassius	43296
+Casserole	43297
+Cassondra	43298
+Cassopolis	43299
+Castles	43300
+Castleton	43301
+Castlevania	43302
+Castlewood	43303
+Castrol	43304
+Castroville	43305
+Castillo	43306
+Casting	43307
+Casey's	43308
+Caseys	43309
+Caseyville	43310
+Cascade	43311
+Cascada	43312
+Cascadia	43313
+Caspers	43314
+Catherine	43315
+Cathedral	43316
+Catholicism	43317
+Catholics	43318
+Cathy's	43319
+Cathys	43320
+Catharines	43321
+Cathay	43322
+Catering	43323
+Caterpillar	43324
+Catonsville	43325
+Capitol	43326
+Capelli	43327
+Capella	43328
+Capriotti's	43329
+Capones	43330
+CaptainSparklez	43331
+Cabaret	43332
+Cabarrus	43333
+Cabell	43334
+Caberfae	43335
+Cabernet	43336
+Cabrillo	43337
+Cabrini	43338
+Cabrio	43339
+Caddyshack	43340
+Cadillacs	43341
+Caitlin's	43342
+Caitlins	43343
+Cavender's	43344
+Cavaliers	43345
+Cafferty	43346
+Caffery	43347
+Charli	43348
+Charlotte	43349
+Charla	43350
+Charlton	43351
+Charly	43352
+Charice	43353
+Charmaine	43354
+Charming	43355
+Charms	43356
+Charter	43357
+Chartwell	43358
+Charger	43359
+Chardonnay	43360
+Chandler	43361
+Chanda	43362
+Chandra	43363
+Channel	43364
+Channahon	43365
+Channing	43366
+Chancellor	43367
+Chancery	43368
+Chancey	43369
+Chang's	43370
+Change	43371
+Changs	43372
+Chantal	43373
+Chantel	43374
+Chantilly	43375
+Chanel	43376
+Chaney	43377
+Champion	43378
+Champa	43379
+Champps	43380
+Champs	43381
+Champy's	43382
+Chamber	43383
+Chamblee	43384
+Chappell	43385
+Chappaqua	43386
+Chappy's	43387
+Chapala	43388
+Chaparral	43389
+Chapelle	43390
+Chaplins	43391
+Chadbourne	43392
+Chadwicks	43393
+Chalkville	43394
+Challenger	43395
+Chalmers	43396
+Chalmette	43397
+Chase's	43398
+Chaser	43399
+Chasewood	43400
+Chattanooga	43401
+Chattahoochee	43402
+Chains	43403
+Chainz	43404
+Chairman	43405
+Chester	43406
+Chestnut	43407
+Chesnutt	43408
+Chesaning	43409
+Chesapeake	43410
+Cheswick	43411
+Cheswold	43412
+Cheese's	43413
+Cheeseburger	43414
+Cheesecake	43415
+Cheeks	43416
+Cheektowaga	43417
+Cheerios	43418
+Cheers	43419
+Cheetah	43420
+Cheetos	43421
+Cheezies	43422
+Cherrydale	43423
+Cherryland	43424
+Cheryl's	43425
+Cheryls	43426
+Cherie	43427
+Cherokees	43428
+Chevy's	43429
+Chevys	43430
+Chevelle	43431
+Cheverly	43432
+Chevrolet	43433
+Chevron	43434
+Chelsea	43435
+Chelsey	43436
+Cheltenham	43437
+Chenal	43438
+Chenango	43439
+Checker	43440
+Childers	43441
+Childhood	43442
+Childish	43443
+Childtime	43444
+Chilean	43445
+Chili's	43446
+Chicka	43447
+Chicken	43448
+Chicks	43449
+Chicago	43450
+Chicano	43451
+Chico's	43452
+Chicopee	43453
+China's	43454
+Chinatown	43455
+Chinook	43456
+Chippewa	43457
+Chipman	43458
+Chipmunks	43459
+Chipotle's	43460
+Chiang	43461
+Chianti	43462
+Christi	43463
+Christmas	43464
+Christy	43465
+Christ's	43466
+Christa	43467
+Christus	43468
+Chrissy's	43469
+Chromebook	43470
+Chronicles	43471
+Chrystal	43472
+Chrystie	43473
+Churchill	43474
+Church's	43475
+Churchland	43476
+Churchville	43477
+Chunkin	43478
+Chunky	43479
+Chubby's	43480
+Choppers	43481
+Chocolate	43482
+Chocowinity	43483
+Crosse	43484
+CrossFit	43485
+CrossTimbers	43486
+Crossgates	43487
+Crossing	43488
+Crossroads	43489
+Crossville	43490
+Crossway	43491
+Crosby's	43492
+Crowns	43493
+Crowne	43494
+Crowell	43495
+Crowes	43496
+Crowded	43497
+Crowder	43498
+Cresta	43499
+Crested	43500
+Crestline	43501
+Crestmont	43502
+Creston	43503
+Crestview	43504
+Crestwood	43505
+Crescent	43506
+Cresco	43507
+Creeks	43508
+Creekview	43509
+Creekwood	43510
+Creedence	43511
+Creedmoor	43512
+Creator	43513
+Creamery	43514
+Cranberry	43515
+Cranbrook	43516
+Cranbury	43517
+Crandall	43518
+Crandon	43519
+Craigs	43520
+Craig's	43521
+Craighead	43522
+Craigy	43523
+Craftsman	43524
+Crawfordsville	43525
+Crawfordville	43526
+Cristo	43527
+Cristy	43528
+Crispin	43529
+Crissy	43530
+Critter	43531
+Crusader	43532
+Crusades	43533
+Crystal's	43534
+Clarks	43535
+Clarke	43536
+Clark's	43537
+Clarice	43538
+Claridge	43539
+Clarinda	43540
+Clarion	43541
+Clarita	43542
+Clare's	43543
+Clara's	43544
+Claro's	43545
+Claire	43546
+Clairmont	43547
+Clairol	43548
+Clairsville	43549
+Clairton	43550
+Claims	43551
+Claude	43552
+Claus's	43553
+Clause	43554
+Classic	43555
+Classen	43556
+Claymont	43557
+Claymore	43558
+Claytons	43559
+Clancy's	43560
+ClearTalk	43561
+Clearance	43562
+Clearbrook	43563
+Clearfield	43564
+Clearing	43565
+Clearlake	43566
+Clearview	43567
+Cleary	43568
+Cleaner	43569
+Cleaning	43570
+Clement	43571
+Clemens	43572
+Clerk's	43573
+Cliffs	43574
+Cliff's	43575
+Cliffdale	43576
+Clifford	43577
+Cliffwood	43578
+Clifton	43579
+Clifty	43580
+Clinton	43581
+Clint's	43582
+Clintwood	43583
+Clinic	43584
+Clinique	43585
+Clippers	43586
+Cloverdale	43587
+Cloverfield	43588
+Closet	43589
+Clydesdale	43590
+Center	43591
+Centegra	43592
+Centennial	43593
+Centre	43594
+Central	43595
+Centris	43596
+Centro	43597
+Centrum	43598
+Century	43599
+Centurion	43600
+Centier	43601
+Centinela	43602
+Centipede	43603
+Celebrity	43604
+Celeste	43605
+Celestino's	43606
+Celia's	43607
+Celina	43608
+Celine	43609
+Celtics	43610
+Cerrito	43611
+Cerrillos	43612
+Certificate	43613
+Certified	43614
+Cedarbrook	43615
+Cedarburg	43616
+Cecilia's	43617
+Currie	43618
+Currington	43619
+Currituck	43620
+Curtis's	43621
+Curless	43622
+Curley	43623
+Cultural	43624
+Culture	43625
+Cutters	43626
+Cuttery	43627
+Cubans	43628
+Customer	43629
+Customs	43630
+Cummings	43631
+Cinemagic	43632
+Cinemark	43633
+Cinemas	43634
+Cinemax	43635
+Cineplex	43636
+Cinepolis	43637
+Cindy's	43638
+Cindys	43639
+Cinderella's	43640
+Cinnaminson	43641
+Cinnamon	43642
+Citizens	43643
+Circleville	43644
+Circuit	43645
+Circus	43646
+Marian	43647
+Mariah	43648
+Maria's	43649
+Mariachi	43650
+Mariam	43651
+Marias	43652
+Marine	43653
+Marino	43654
+Marina	43655
+Mariel	43656
+Marie's	43657
+Mariemont	43658
+Maries	43659
+Marietta	43660
+Marion	43661
+Mario's	43662
+Marios	43663
+Marisa	43664
+Marissa	43665
+Marisol	43666
+Maricamp	43667
+Maricopa	43668
+Marillac	43669
+Marilyn	43670
+Martin	43671
+Martian	43672
+Martel	43673
+Martens	43674
+Martha's	43675
+Marthas	43676
+Marty's	43677
+Marcela	43678
+Marceline	43679
+Marcelo	43680
+Marco's	43681
+Marcos	43682
+Marcia	43683
+Marcie	43684
+Marcus's	43685
+Marcy's	43686
+Marley	43687
+Marlette	43688
+Marlow	43689
+Marlon	43690
+Marlboros	43691
+Marlborough	43692
+Marla's	43693
+Marlins	43694
+Marsha	43695
+Marshfield	43696
+Marshville	43697
+Marstons	43698
+Margate	43699
+Margie	43700
+Marginal	43701
+Marge's	43702
+Margot	43703
+Marketing	43704
+Marketplace	43705
+Markle	43706
+Markland	43707
+Marksville	43708
+Maryvale	43709
+Maryam	43710
+Maryann	43711
+Maryland's	43712
+Marysville	43713
+Marblehead	43714
+Marbles	43715
+Marburg	43716
+Marbury	43717
+Marbeck	43718
+Marbella	43719
+Marana	43720
+Maranda	43721
+Marvin's	43722
+Marvins	43723
+Marvel's	43724
+Marquee	43725
+Marques	43726
+Marquette	43727
+Marquez	43728
+Marquis	43729
+Marquita	43730
+Marriage	43731
+Marriott	43732
+Marengo	43733
+Mardel	43734
+Mardens	43735
+Marmaduke	43736
+Marmalade	43737
+Mandel	43738
+Mandeville	43739
+Mandalay	43740
+Mandan	43741
+Mandarin	43742
+Mandy's	43743
+Mandys	43744
+Mandisa	43745
+Manitoba	43746
+Manitou	43747
+Manitowoc	43748
+Manila	43749
+Manilow	43750
+Manish	43751
+Manistee	43752
+Manasquan	43753
+Manassas	43754
+Management	43755
+Manager	43756
+Manning	43757
+Mannino's	43758
+Manny's	43759
+Manchaca	43760
+Manchester	43761
+Mancini's	43762
+ManorCare	43763
+Manors	43764
+Manorville	43765
+Mansion	43766
+Manteca	43767
+Manteno	43768
+Manteo	43769
+Manuel's	43770
+Manuela	43771
+Manhattan	43772
+Manhasset	43773
+Mattel	43774
+Matteo's	43775
+Matteson	43776
+Matthew	43777
+Matthias	43778
+MattyB	43779
+Mattydale	43780
+Mattys	43781
+Mattapan	43782
+Mattawan	43783
+Mattie	43784
+Mattingly	43785
+Mather	43786
+Mathew	43787
+Matheson	43788
+Mathis	43789
+Mathilda	43790
+Material	43791
+Maternity	43792
+Mackenzie	43793
+Mackey	43794
+Mackie	43795
+Macklemore	43796
+Macklin	43797
+Machine	43798
+Machias	43799
+Machens	43800
+Machesney	43801
+Macarena	43802
+Macaroni	43803
+Macaulay	43804
+MacDonalds	43805
+Macedonia	43806
+Macland	43807
+Maclaren	43808
+Malaysia	43809
+Malaya	43810
+Malacca	43811
+Malachi	43812
+Malakai	43813
+Malakoff	43814
+Maloney	43815
+Malones	43816
+Malika	43817
+Mallory	43818
+Malloy	43819
+Massage	43820
+Massanutten	43821
+Massasoit	43822
+Massey	43823
+Massena	43824
+Massie	43825
+Massillon	43826
+Massimo's	43827
+Master	43828
+Masten	43829
+Mastiff	43830
+Mastin	43831
+Madeleine	43832
+Madeline	43833
+Madelyn	43834
+Maddie's	43835
+Maddow	43836
+Maddox	43837
+Maddy's	43838
+Madison's	43839
+Madisonville	43840
+Madrid	43841
+Madrigal	43842
+Mayans	43843
+Maybach	43844
+Maybank	43845
+Maybelline	43846
+Mayberry	43847
+Mayfaire	43848
+Maynards	43849
+Maynardville	43850
+Magnus	43851
+Magnum	43852
+Magnavox	43853
+Maggie's	43854
+Maggies	43855
+Magdalena	43856
+Magdalene	43857
+Mainely	43858
+Maineville	43859
+Mahalia	43860
+Mahalo	43861
+Mahone	43862
+Mahoning	43863
+Maurice	43864
+Mauricio	43865
+Maureen's	43866
+Maxima	43867
+Maxie's	43868
+Maxine's	43869
+Mavericks	43870
+Montel	43871
+Montes	43872
+Montez	43873
+Monteagle	43874
+Montebello	43875
+Montecito	43876
+Montefiore	43877
+Montego	43878
+Monteith	43879
+Montauk	43880
+Montopolis	43881
+Montour	43882
+Montoya	43883
+Montreal	43884
+Montbello	43885
+Montbleu	43886
+Montcalm	43887
+Montclair	43888
+Montford	43889
+Montfort	43890
+Montgomeryville	43891
+Montvale	43892
+Montville	43893
+Monty's	43894
+Monica's	43895
+Monical's	43896
+Monicas	43897
+Monique's	43898
+Monitor	43899
+Monitronics	43900
+Monaca	43901
+Monaco	43902
+Moneta	43903
+Monett	43904
+MoneyGram	43905
+Moneyball	43906
+Monsters	43907
+Monroe's	43908
+Monroes	43909
+Monroeville	43910
+Monday's	43911
+Mondays	43912
+Mongolia	43913
+Monona	43914
+Monongahela	43915
+Monkey	43916
+Monkees	43917
+Morris	43918
+Morrie	43919
+Morrilton	43920
+Morrow	43921
+Morehead	43922
+Morehouse	43923
+Moreland	43924
+Morello	43925
+Mortenson	43926
+Morteza	43927
+Morton's	43928
+Moravian	43929
+Morganton	43930
+Morgantown	43931
+Moriah	43932
+Moriarty	43933
+Morita	43934
+Moritz	43935
+Moroccan	43936
+Morocco	43937
+Morongo	43938
+Morningside	43939
+Morningstar	43940
+Moores	43941
+Moore's	43942
+Moorefield	43943
+Moose's	43944
+Moody's	43945
+Motors	43946
+Motorcycle	43947
+Motorola	43948
+Mountain	43949
+Mountlake	43950
+Mountville	43951
+Mounds	43952
+Moundridge	43953
+Moulton	43954
+Moultrie	43955
+Mosheim	43956
+Molinos	43957
+Molly's	43958
+Mobile's	43959
+Mobilicity	43960
+Mobility	43961
+Mohamed	43962
+Movember	43963
+Movement	43964
+Moviefone	43965
+Movies	43966
+Modell's	43967
+Modesto	43968
+Miller	43969
+Millen	43970
+Milledge	43971
+Million	43972
+Millie	43973
+Milligan	43974
+Milliron	43975
+Millis	43976
+Millsap	43977
+Millsboro	43978
+Millcreek	43979
+Millcroft	43980
+Millwood	43981
+Millworks	43982
+Milano	43983
+Milani	43984
+Milagros	43985
+Miley's	43986
+Minerva	43987
+Mineral	43988
+Minersville	43989
+Mineo's	43990
+Mineola	43991
+Mindy's	43992
+Minneapolis	43993
+Minnehaha	43994
+Minnelli	43995
+Minneola	43996
+Minnesota	43997
+Minnetonka	43998
+Minaj's	43999
+Minister	44000
+Michel	44001
+Micheal	44002
+Michael	44003
+Michal	44004
+Michigan	44005
+Michiana	44006
+Michoacana	44007
+Michonne	44008
+Mickey	44009
+Mickelson	44010
+Microtech	44011
+Microtel	44012
+Micah's	44013
+Middlebelt	44014
+Middleboro	44015
+Middlebrook	44016
+Middlesboro	44017
+Middlesex	44018
+Middleton	44019
+Middletown	44020
+Midwestern	44021
+Midlands	44022
+Mission	44023
+Missouri	44024
+Missy's	44025
+Misty's	44026
+Mistys	44027
+Miramar	44028
+Miramonte	44029
+Miranda's	44030
+Mikey's	44031
+Mikayla's	44032
+Mitchell	44033
+Mitchem	44034
+Mercer	44035
+Merced	44036
+Merchant	44037
+Merchandise	44038
+MercyMe	44039
+Merrill	44040
+Merriam	44041
+Merrick	44042
+Merrifield	44043
+Merritt	44044
+Merida	44045
+Meriden	44046
+Meritage	44047
+Meriter	44048
+Meritrust	44049
+Meritus	44050
+Merle's	44051
+Merlins	44052
+Merlot's	44053
+Mendel	44054
+Mendenhall	44055
+Mendes	44056
+Mendez	44057
+Mendocino	44058
+Mendon	44059
+Mendota	44060
+Mendoza	44061
+Menards	44062
+Mentalist	44063
+Mentone	44064
+Mentor	44065
+Menomonee	44066
+Menomonie	44067
+Melinda	44068
+Melina	44069
+Melissa's	44070
+Melissas	44071
+Melody's	44072
+Mellon	44073
+Mellow	44074
+Melloy	44075
+Melanie's	44076
+Melvindale	44077
+Melvins	44078
+MetroCard	44079
+MetroPCS	44080
+MetroWest	44081
+Metrodome	44082
+Metroid	44083
+Metronet	44084
+Metrotown	44085
+Metallica	44086
+Metamora	44087
+Metamucil	44088
+Methodist	44089
+Medicine	44090
+Mediterra	44091
+Meditech	44092
+Mediacom	44093
+Meadow	44094
+Meador	44095
+Messiah	44096
+Messina	44097
+Messages	44098
+Messenger	44099
+Messer	44100
+Megan's	44101
+Megans	44102
+Mechanicsburg	44103
+Mechanicsville	44104
+Mexico	44105
+Meijers	44106
+Memory	44107
+McCart	44108
+McCalla	44109
+McCalls	44110
+McCallum	44111
+McCafferty	44112
+McCaffrey's	44113
+McCandless	44114
+McCann	44115
+McCormick	44116
+McCord	44117
+McCorkle	44118
+McCoy's	44119
+McCoys	44120
+McCollum	44121
+McCombs	44122
+McConnellsburg	44123
+McCook	44124
+McCool	44125
+McClellan	44126
+McClendon	44127
+McClain	44128
+McClay	44129
+McCluskey	44130
+McClintock	44131
+McClinton	44132
+McCracken	44133
+McCrary	44134
+McKenzie	44135
+McKendree	44136
+McKees	44137
+McKeel	44138
+McKell	44139
+McKelvey	44140
+McKinnon	44141
+McKinney	44142
+McKinleyville	44143
+McKayla's	44144
+McGuire	44145
+McGuinness	44146
+McGuckins	44147
+McGrady	44148
+McGrath	44149
+McGraw	44150
+McGriddle	44151
+McGriff	44152
+McGee's	44153
+McGees	44154
+McGillicuddy's	44155
+McGinley	44156
+McGinnis	44157
+McDonald	44158
+McDonnell	44159
+McDonough	44160
+McDouble	44161
+McDougal	44162
+McDaniels	44163
+McAlister's	44164
+McAlisters	44165
+McAllen	44166
+McAllister	44167
+McMuffins	44168
+McMurphy's	44169
+McMurray	44170
+McNabb	44171
+McNeely	44172
+McNeese	44173
+McLaren	44174
+McLarty	44175
+McFaddens	44176
+Munchkin	44177
+Munch's	44178
+Munchie	44179
+Munich	44180
+Municipal	44181
+Munizzi	44182
+Munday	44183
+Munsters	44184
+Muskego	44185
+Musketeers	44186
+Muscatine	44187
+Musical	44188
+Musicians	44189
+Mustang	44190
+Mustafa	44191
+Murray's	44192
+Murrays	44193
+Murrayville	44194
+Murrells	44195
+Murrey's	44196
+Murdoch	44197
+Murdock	44198
+Murphys	44199
+Murphy's	44200
+Mullin	44201
+Mullica	44202
+Mulligan	44203
+Mullis	44204
+Mullen	44205
+Muller	44206
+MultiCare	44207
+Multiple	44208
+Brooks	44209
+Brooke	44210
+Brookdale	44211
+Brookfield	44212
+Brookings	44213
+Brookneal	44214
+Brookpark	44215
+Brookville	44216
+Brookwood	44217
+Broomall	44218
+Broome	44219
+Broomfield	44220
+Browns	44221
+Browne	44222
+Brown's	44223
+Browning	44224
+Brownlee	44225
+Brownwood	44226
+Broncos	44227
+Bronxville	44228
+Broadwell	44229
+Broderick	44230
+Broders	44231
+Brodheadsville	44232
+Brodies	44233
+Brody's	44234
+Brokeback	44235
+Broken	44236
+Brokers	44237
+Brando	44238
+Brandi	44239
+Brandy	44240
+Brandt	44241
+Branchburg	44242
+Branchville	44243
+Brantford	44244
+Brantley	44245
+Brannan	44246
+Brannon	44247
+Bradley	44248
+Bradlee	44249
+Brady's	44250
+Bradys	44251
+Bradenton	44252
+Bradshaw	44253
+Bradstreet	44254
+Braveheart	44255
+Braverman	44256
+Braves	44257
+Bravada	44258
+Bravos	44259
+Brainerd	44260
+Brainiac	44261
+Braintree	44262
+Brasserie	44263
+Brassfield	44264
+Brayden's	44265
+Brazos	44266
+Brazoria	44267
+Brazilian	44268
+Bracken	44269
+Brackin	44270
+Brattle	44271
+Bratton	44272
+Braunfels	44273
+Brawley's	44274
+Bridge	44275
+Bridgman	44276
+Bridgton	44277
+Bridals	44278
+Brides	44279
+Brittney	44280
+Britton	44281
+Britain	44282
+Britannia	44283
+Britax	44284
+Britney's	44285
+Brian's	44286
+Briana	44287
+Brians	44288
+Briargate	44289
+Briarwood	44290
+Bright	44291
+Brigham	44292
+Brigade	44293
+Brigantine	44294
+Brickell	44295
+Brickhouse	44296
+Brickman	44297
+Bricktown	44298
+Brickyard	44299
+Brinker	44300
+Brinkley	44301
+Brinks	44302
+Bristow	44303
+Bristol	44304
+Briella	44305
+Brielle	44306
+Briers	44307
+Brenda	44308
+Brenden	44309
+Brendon	44310
+Brent's	44311
+Brenton	44312
+Brents	44313
+Brentwood	44314
+Brenna	44315
+Brenner	44316
+Brewer's	44317
+Brewers	44318
+Brewerton	44319
+Brewery	44320
+Brewhaus	44321
+Brewhouse	44322
+Brewsters	44323
+Breakers	44324
+Breakfast	44325
+Breaking	44326
+Breeze	44327
+Breezy	44328
+Breeden	44329
+Breeders	44330
+Breese	44331
+Brett's	44332
+Bretton	44333
+Bretts	44334
+Bremerton	44335
+Bruno's	44336
+Brunos	44337
+Brunson	44338
+Brunswick	44339
+Bruce's	44340
+Bruces	44341
+Bruceville	44342
+Brushy	44343
+Bryant's	44344
+Barret	44345
+Barrel	44346
+Barron	44347
+Barro's	44348
+Barrow	44349
+Barranca	44350
+Barry's	44351
+Barrymore	44352
+Barrie	44353
+Barrington	44354
+Barney	44355
+Barnes	44356
+Barnegat	44357
+Barnett	44358
+Barnard	44359
+Barnhart	44360
+Barnhill	44361
+Barnsley	44362
+Barnstable	44363
+Barton	44364
+Bartow	44365
+Bartlesville	44366
+Bartlett	44367
+Bartley	44368
+Bartell	44369
+Bartels	44370
+Bartholomew	44371
+Barbados	44372
+Barbera	44373
+Barberton	44374
+Barbie	44375
+Barbizon	44376
+Barboursville	44377
+Barbourville	44378
+Barkers	44379
+Barkery	44380
+Barclaycard	44381
+Barclays	44382
+Bargersville	44383
+Bariatrics	44384
+Barley's	44385
+Barleycorn	44386
+Bandido	44387
+Bandit	44388
+Bandini	44389
+Banderas	44390
+Bankston	44391
+Banksville	44392
+Bankers	44393
+Bancorp	44394
+Bannockburn	44395
+Ballas	44396
+Ballad	44397
+Ballantyne	44398
+Ballard	44399
+Ballet	44400
+Bally's	44401
+Ballys	44402
+Ballston	44403
+Ballweg	44404
+Ballwin	44405
+Baldwin	44406
+Baldwyn	44407
+Baltic	44408
+Baltimore	44409
+Baseline	44410
+Basics	44411
+Basil's	44412
+Basilica	44413
+Basketball	44414
+Baskets	44415
+Basking	44416
+Baskins	44417
+Battles	44418
+Batteries	44419
+Battery	44420
+Batesburg	44421
+Batesville	44422
+Bateman's	44423
+Batman's	44424
+Baywatch	44425
+Bayway	44426
+Bachelorette	44427
+Bachelors	44428
+Bachman's	44429
+Bachmann	44430
+Backstreet	44431
+Backstrom	44432
+Backup	44433
+Backus	44434
+Babers	44435
+Bakers	44436
+Baker's	44437
+Bakerview	44438
+Bakery	44439
+Bailey's	44440
+Baileys	44441
+Bambi's	44442
+Bambino	44443
+Bella's	44444
+Bellacino's	44445
+Bellagio	44446
+Bellaire	44447
+Bellamy	44448
+Bellarmine	44449
+Bellas	44450
+Bellator	44451
+Belleair	44452
+Belles	44453
+Bellin	44454
+Bellion	44455
+Bellis	44456
+Bellflower	44457
+Bellfort	44458
+Bellmead	44459
+Bellmore	44460
+Bellows	44461
+Beltone	44462
+Belfair	44463
+Belfast	44464
+Belford	44465
+Belfort	44466
+Belchertown	44467
+Belinda's	44468
+Belvidere	44469
+Belvieu	44470
+Belgian	44471
+Belgium	44472
+Bernard	44473
+Bernal	44474
+Bernadette	44475
+Bernie	44476
+Bernice	44477
+Bernina	44478
+Bernese	44479
+Bergen	44480
+Berger	44481
+Bergey's	44482
+Bertha	44483
+Berthoud	44484
+Bertram	44485
+Bertrand	44486
+Berkshire	44487
+Berry's	44488
+Berryessa	44489
+Berryhill	44490
+Berryville	44491
+Berrics	44492
+Berrien	44493
+Berringer	44494
+Berean	44495
+Beretania	44496
+Beretta	44497
+Bennet	44498
+Benner	44499
+Benning	44500
+Bennie	44501
+Bennigans	44502
+Bennion	44503
+Benny's	44504
+Benedictine	44505
+Benefits	44506
+Beneful	44507
+Benson's	44508
+Bensonhurst	44509
+Bensons	44510
+Benito	44511
+Benita	44512
+Benitez	44513
+Bentleys	44514
+Bentleyville	44515
+Bentonville	44516
+Benjamin	44517
+Benjarong	44518
+Bengals	44519
+Beatles	44520
+Beatrice	44521
+Beatriz	44522
+Beatties	44523
+Beatty	44524
+Bearden	44525
+Bearss	44526
+Beauty	44527
+Beautiful	44528
+Beavercreek	44529
+Beavers	44530
+Beaverton	44531
+Beachbody	44532
+Beachcomber	44533
+Beaches	44534
+Beachwood	44535
+Beanstalk	44536
+Bealeton	44537
+Beastie	44538
+Bethany	44539
+Bethalto	44540
+Bethel	44541
+Bethesda	44542
+Betten	44543
+Better	44544
+Betty's	44545
+Betsy's	44546
+Beethoven's	44547
+Beetlejuice	44548
+Becker	44549
+Beckett	44550
+Becky's	44551
+Beyonce's	44552
+Bonner	44553
+Bonnet	44554
+Bonneville	44555
+Bonney	44556
+Bonnie's	44557
+Bonnies	44558
+Bonifay	44559
+Boone's	44560
+Boones	44561
+Booneville	44562
+Boondocks	44563
+Boothbay	44564
+Boothwyn	44565
+Bootsy	44566
+Bookstore	44567
+Booster	44568
+Boogaloo	44569
+Borderlands	44570
+Borders	44571
+Bordentown	44572
+Borger	44573
+Borgess	44574
+Boscobel	44575
+Boscov's	44576
+Boston's	44577
+Bostons	44578
+Boswells	44579
+Bowling	44580
+Bowers	44581
+Bowery	44582
+Boundary	44583
+Bountiful	44584
+Bounty	44585
+Bourbonnais	44586
+Bourbons	44587
+Boyers	44588
+Boyertown	44589
+Boyles	44590
+Bolingbrook	44591
+Bolivar	44592
+Bolivia	44593
+Bollinger	44594
+Bottineau	44595
+Bottini	44596
+Bottle	44597
+Bottling	44598
+Bottoms	44599
+Botanica	44600
+Bobbie	44601
+Bobbitt	44602
+Bobby's	44603
+Bodywise	44604
+Bodyworks	44605
+Bogarts	44606
+Boardman	44607
+Boardwalk	44608
+Bohemian	44609
+Burnet	44610
+Burney	44611
+Burnside	44612
+Burnsville	44613
+Burnie	44614
+Burning	44615
+Burntwood	44616
+Burger	44617
+Burgess	44618
+Burkes	44619
+Burkett	44620
+Burkhardt	44621
+Burkhart	44622
+Burrell	44623
+Burress	44624
+Burris	44625
+Burrito	44626
+Burleigh	44627
+Burleson	44628
+Burley	44629
+Burlison	44630
+Burtons	44631
+Burton's	44632
+Burbage	44633
+Burbank	44634
+Buckethead	44635
+Buckle	44636
+Buckland	44637
+Buckhannon	44638
+Buckhead	44639
+Buckhorn	44640
+Buckinghams	44641
+Bucknell	44642
+Buckner	44643
+Bucksport	44644
+Bucky's	44645
+Buchanan	44646
+Bucharest	44647
+Bushman	44648
+Bushmaster	44649
+Bushnell's	44650
+Bushwackers	44651
+Bushwick	44652
+Buster's	44653
+Busters	44654
+Busch's	44655
+Butter	44656
+Butthead	44657
+Butthole	44658
+Bulldogs	44659
+Bulletin	44660
+Bullwinkles	44661
+Buddha	44662
+Buncombe	44663
+Bueller's	44664
+Buenos	44665
+Buffalo's	44666
+Buffett	44667
+Bubba's	44668
+Bubbles	44669
+Builders	44670
+Blackhawk	44671
+Black's	44672
+BlackBerry	44673
+BlackFinn	44674
+Blackfoot	44675
+Blackie	44676
+Blacklick	44677
+Blackrock	44678
+Blacky	44679
+Blanca	44680
+Blanco	44681
+Blankinship	44682
+Blairs	44683
+Blair's	44684
+Blaine	44685
+Blain's	44686
+Blaisdell	44687
+Blaise	44688
+Blakeslee	44689
+Blazer	44690
+Bladensburg	44691
+Bloomberg	44692
+Bloomfield	44693
+Bloods	44694
+Bloodhound	44695
+Bloody	44696
+Blondes	44697
+Blossoms	44698
+Blueberry	44699
+Bluebird	44700
+Bluebonnet	44701
+Bluegrass	44702
+Bluegreen	44703
+Bluewater	44704
+Bluewell	44705
+Blender	44706
+Blendtec	44707
+Blessid	44708
+Blessing	44709
+Bleacher	44710
+Blinds	44711
+Billings	44712
+Billie	44713
+Billy's	44714
+Billys	44715
+Biscuitville	44716
+Birdsboro	44717
+Biggers	44718
+Biggest	44719
+Binghamton	44720
+Bianca's	44721
+Bianchi's	44722
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+barbed	44724
+barbell	44725
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+millisecond	47608
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+mileage:	47615
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+method	47664
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+measuring	47706
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+mechanic's	47733
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+meetings	47736
+musica	47737
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+music's	47739
+music.com	47740
+musics	47741
+mustache	47742
+mustang	47743
+mustard	47744
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+multipurpose	47749
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+multitude	47751
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+multicultural	47755
+multimedia	47756
+multimeter	47757
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+munching	47763
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+mumbling	47770
+muggins	47771
+mufflers	47772
+mystery	47773
+mystic	47774
+mystique	47775
+Allegan	47776
+Allegheny	47777
+Allens	47778
+Allen's	47779
+Allentown	47780
+Allergy	47781
+Alleria	47782
+Allerton	47783
+Allison	47784
+Alliston	47785
+Allie's	47786
+Allied	47787
+Allies	47788
+Alliance	47789
+Alliant	47790
+Allstars	47791
+Allstate	47792
+Albert	47793
+Alberni	47794
+Albers	47795
+Albania	47796
+Albanese	47797
+Albans	47798
+Albany	47799
+Alexia	47800
+Alexis	47801
+Alexius	47802
+Alejandro's	47803
+Alamos	47804
+Alamodome	47805
+Alamogordo	47806
+Alana's	47807
+Alabama's	47808
+Alisal	47809
+Alison	47810
+Alice's	47811
+Alicia's	47812
+Aliens	47813
+Alienware	47814
+Altamont	47815
+Altama	47816
+Alterra	47817
+Alderson	47818
+Alderwood	47819
+Alcoholics	47820
+Alfonso's	47821
+Alfredo's	47822
+Algona	47823
+Algonquin	47824
+Almond	47825
+Almont	47826
+AlphaGraphics	47827
+Alpharetta	47828
+Alvarado	47829
+Alvarez	47830
+Alvaro	47831
+Andrea	47832
+Andrew	47833
+Andres	47834
+Andre's	47835
+Andree	47836
+Andrey	47837
+Android	47838
+Andros	47839
+Andromeda	47840
+Andronico's	47841
+Anderson	47842
+Andersen	47843
+Andale	47844
+Andalusia	47845
+Antica	47846
+Antico	47847
+Antigo	47848
+Antigua	47849
+Antiques	47850
+Anton's	47851
+Antone	47852
+Antony	47853
+Antoine's	47854
+Antoinette	47855
+Anthony's	47856
+Anthonys	47857
+Angeli	47858
+Angela	47859
+Angelo	47860
+Angeles	47861
+Angell	47862
+Angels	47863
+Angleton	47864
+Annie's	47865
+Annies	47866
+Anacortes	47867
+Anacostia	47868
+Anastasia's	47869
+Animals	47870
+Animated	47871
+Animation	47872
+Anisha	47873
+Armand	47874
+Armani	47875
+Armageddon	47876
+Armagh	47877
+Armondo	47878
+Armonk	47879
+Armory	47880
+Armenia	47881
+Armstrong	47882
+Armstead	47883
+Archie	47884
+Archibald	47885
+Archbishop	47886
+Archbold	47887
+Archdale	47888
+Archdiocese	47889
+Arcadia	47890
+Arcade	47891
+Ariana	47892
+Arianna	47893
+Ariel's	47894
+Arielle	47895
+Aristocats	47896
+Aristotle	47897
+Arizona's	47898
+Arabia	47899
+Arabic	47900
+Arandas	47901
+Artesa	47902
+Artesia	47903
+Argonaut	47904
+Argonne	47905
+Argosy	47906
+Arrowhead	47907
+Arrowood	47908
+Arboretum	47909
+Arbors	47910
+Arnold's	47911
+Arnolds	47912
+Arlene	47913
+Ameris	47914
+AmeriCorps	47915
+AmeriGas	47916
+AmeriHealth	47917
+Amerie	47918
+Amerigroup	47919
+Ameriprise	47920
+Amanda's	47921
+Amandas	47922
+Amarillo	47923
+Amazon's	47924
+Amityville	47925
+Ambrose	47926
+Ambrosius	47927
+Ashley	47928
+Ashlee	47929
+Ashleigh	47930
+Ashland	47931
+Ashburn	47932
+Ashbury	47933
+Ashtons	47934
+Ashwood	47935
+Ashworth	47936
+Assemblies	47937
+Assembly	47938
+Assessors	47939
+Associate	47940
+Association	47941
+Assisted	47942
+Astrid	47943
+Astrix	47944
+Astros	47945
+Astor's	47946
+Astoria	47947
+Adventure	47948
+Adventist	47949
+Advisor	47950
+Advising	47951
+Advanced	47952
+Advantage	47953
+Advantis	47954
+Advocacy	47955
+Advocate	47956
+Adelaide	47957
+Adelanto	47958
+Adele's	47959
+Adeline	47960
+Adelitas	47961
+Adelphia	47962
+Adamson	47963
+Adamsville	47964
+Addison	47965
+Addies	47966
+Adriana	47967
+Adrian's	47968
+Adrianne	47969
+Adrians	47970
+Adolfo	47971
+Administration	47972
+Administrative	47973
+Automall	47974
+AutoCAD	47975
+AutoCorrect	47976
+Autosports	47977
+Autoway	47978
+Autoworks	47979
+Auditor's	47980
+Auditorium	47981
+Audioslave	47982
+Audrey's	47983
+Austin's	47984
+Austinburg	47985
+Austintown	47986
+Australia	47987
+Austria	47988
+Austell	47989
+Austen	47990
+Augustana	47991
+Augustine's	47992
+Aubrey's	47993
+Aubreys	47994
+Auburndale	47995
+Apple's	47996
+AppleCare	47997
+Applegate	47998
+Applejack	47999
+Appleseed	48000
+Appliance	48001
+Application	48002
+Applied	48003
+Appling	48004
+Appalachia	48005
+Appaloosa	48006
+Apparatus	48007
+Apparel	48008
+Appreciation	48009
+Apprentice	48010
+Apostles	48011
+Apostolic	48012
+Accentra	48013
+Accenture	48014
+Accounting	48015
+Accounts	48016
+Active	48017
+Actions	48018
+Acadian	48019
+Academic	48020
+Academy	48021
+Ackles	48022
+Ackley	48023
+Attica	48024
+Atticus	48025
+Attitash	48026
+Attitude	48027
+Athena	48028
+Athenian	48029
+Athens	48030
+Athletico	48031
+Athletics	48032
+Atlanta	48033
+Atascocita	48034
+Atascosa	48035
+Airporter	48036
+Airways	48037
+Aidans	48038
+Abbotts	48039
+Abercorn	48040
+Abercrombie	48041
+Abraham's	48042
+Abrams	48043
+Avenger	48044
+Avenged	48045
+Aventador	48046
+Aventura	48047
+Avenues	48048
+Average	48049
+Avery's	48050
+Agricultural	48051
+Agriculture	48052
+Agence	48053
+Agency	48054
+Aguilera's	48055
+African	48056
+Aeropostale	48057
+Aeropostle	48058
+Aquatica	48059
+Awards	48060
+Parker	48061
+Parkesburg	48062
+Parkinson	48063
+Parking	48064
+Parkside	48065
+Parksville	48066
+Parkland	48067
+Parklane	48068
+Parkridge	48069
+Parkrose	48070
+Parkview	48071
+Parkville	48072
+Parkway	48073
+Parkwood	48074
+Parade	48075
+Paramus	48076
+Paragon	48077
+Paragould	48078
+Parana	48079
+Paranormal	48080
+PartyLite	48081
+Partyland	48082
+Parthenia	48083
+Parthenon	48084
+Partnership	48085
+Parris	48086
+Parrilla	48087
+Parmele	48088
+Parmer	48089
+Parmesan	48090
+Parmalee	48091
+Parish	48092
+Palmer	48093
+Palmen	48094
+Palmetto	48095
+Palmas	48096
+Palace	48097
+Palacio	48098
+Palatine	48099
+Palatka	48100
+Palestinian	48101
+Palestine	48102
+Palermo's	48103
+Paloma	48104
+Palomino	48105
+Palio's	48106
+Palladia	48107
+Palladio	48108
+Palladium	48109
+Pattie	48110
+Patti's	48111
+Pattinson	48112
+Pattison	48113
+Patterson	48114
+Patten	48115
+Patty's	48116
+Pattys	48117
+Patriot	48118
+Patrol	48119
+Patron	48120
+Patel's	48121
+Patsy's	48122
+Pantera	48123
+Pantech	48124
+Pantego	48125
+Pantene	48126
+Pantages	48127
+Pantano	48128
+Panthers	48129
+Panamanian	48130
+Panasoffkee	48131
+Panasonic	48132
+Pancakes	48133
+Panchos	48134
+Pandora's	48135
+Packer	48136
+Packey	48137
+Packard	48138
+Pacifica	48139
+Pacifico	48140
+Pacheco	48141
+Pachelbel	48142
+Passage	48143
+Passaic	48144
+Passat	48145
+Passavant	48146
+Pascack	48147
+Pascagoula	48148
+Pascal	48149
+Paulie	48150
+Paulsboro	48151
+Paulson	48152
+Paula's	48153
+Paulos	48154
+Pappas	48155
+Pappadeaux	48156
+Pappy's	48157
+Painted	48158
+Paintsville	48159
+Painesville	48160
+Pampered	48161
+Pampers	48162
+Penny's	48163
+PennyMac	48164
+Pennyrile	48165
+Pennysaver	48166
+Pennywise	48167
+Pennsauken	48168
+Pennsburg	48169
+Pennsville	48170
+Pennsylvania	48171
+Penneys	48172
+Pentagon	48173
+Pentair	48174
+Pentatonix	48175
+Pentecostal	48176
+Pentel	48177
+Pendergrass	48178
+Perrin	48179
+Perrie	48180
+Perris	48181
+Perrys	48182
+Perry's	48183
+Perryton	48184
+Perryville	48185
+Personal	48186
+Personnel	48187
+Persian	48188
+Performance	48189
+Performing	48190
+Perkins	48191
+Perkiomen	48192
+Permit	48193
+Permian	48194
+Percy's	48195
+Peters	48196
+Peter's	48197
+Peterman	48198
+Petrino	48199
+Petrillo's	48200
+Petroleum	48201
+Petrone	48202
+Petros	48203
+Pettigrew	48204
+Pettis	48205
+Pettit	48206
+Petty's	48207
+Pearl's	48208
+Pearland	48209
+Pearle	48210
+Pearlridge	48211
+Pearson	48212
+Pearsall	48213
+Peachland	48214
+Peachtree	48215
+PeaceHealth	48216
+Peabody's	48217
+Pepperell	48218
+Pepperfire	48219
+Pepperidge	48220
+Peppers	48221
+Peppertree	48222
+Pepperwood	48223
+Pellegrino	48224
+Pelletier	48225
+Pediatric	48226
+Pedialyte	48227
+Porter	48228
+Porto's	48229
+Portobello	48230
+Portofino	48231
+Portola	48232
+Portos	48233
+Portal	48234
+Portable	48235
+Portage	48236
+Portia	48237
+Portis	48238
+Portman's	48239
+Portugal	48240
+Portuguese	48241
+Pollack	48242
+Pollak	48243
+Pollard	48244
+Polly's	48245
+Pollyanna	48246
+Pollock	48247
+Polaris	48248
+Polaroid	48249
+Police	48250
+Policy	48251
+Powers	48252
+PowerBall	48253
+PowerPoint	48254
+PowerSchool	48255
+Powerade	48256
+Powerball	48257
+Powerhouse	48258
+Powerline	48259
+Powerman	48260
+Powerpuff	48261
+Powell's	48262
+Powells	48263
+Potter's	48264
+Potters	48265
+Potterville	48266
+Pottery	48267
+Pottsboro	48268
+Pottstown	48269
+Pottsville	48270
+Pontevedra	48271
+Ponderay	48272
+Ponderosa	48273
+Posse's	48274
+Poppy's	48275
+Popeyes	48276
+Poconos	48277
+Pockets	48278
+Pomeranian	48279
+Pomerado	48280
+Pomodoros	48281
+Pooler	48282
+Poolesville	48283
+Pointe	48284
+Points	48285
+Provena	48286
+Provence	48287
+Provost	48288
+Prosecco	48289
+Properties	48290
+Property	48291
+Prophets	48292
+Professional	48293
+Professor	48294
+Promenade	48295
+Promises	48296
+Proctor	48297
+Procter	48298
+Progressive	48299
+Progresso	48300
+Probate	48301
+Probation	48302
+President	48303
+Presidio	48304
+Preston	48305
+Prestige	48306
+Prestwick	48307
+Presbyterian	48308
+Preschool	48309
+Prescott	48310
+Preservation	48311
+Preserve	48312
+Presley's	48313
+Premier	48314
+Premium	48315
+Prepaid	48316
+Preparatory	48317
+Prince	48318
+Principal	48319
+Prineville	48320
+Pringles	48321
+Primanti	48322
+Primary	48323
+Primavera	48324
+PrimeCare	48325
+Primerica	48326
+Priscilla's	48327
+Priceline	48328
+Prattville	48329
+Prairieville	48330
+Pineland	48331
+Pinellas	48332
+Pineview	48333
+Pineville	48334
+Pinkerton	48335
+Pinkett	48336
+Pinkie's	48337
+Pinocchio's	48338
+Pinckneyville	48339
+Pickens	48340
+Pickett	48341
+Pickard	48342
+Pickaway	48343
+Pickler	48344
+Pickles	48345
+Pickups	48346
+Picasso	48347
+Picasa	48348
+Pittsville	48349
+Piercey	48350
+Pierre's	48351
+Pierson	48352
+Pistols	48353
+Pikesville	48354
+Plants	48355
+Plantation	48356
+Plantersville	48357
+Plantronics	48358
+Planetshakers	48359
+Planned	48360
+Planning	48361
+Players	48362
+Playgirl	48363
+Playground	48364
+Platte	48365
+Plateau	48366
+Plato's	48367
+Plaine	48368
+Plains	48369
+Plainfield	48370
+Plainwell	48371
+Placer	48372
+Placentia	48373
+Places	48374
+Placid	48375
+Placita	48376
+Plastics	48377
+Pleasanton	48378
+Pleasants	48379
+Pleasantville	48380
+Pleasureland	48381
+Purcellville	48382
+Pulliam	48383
+Pulling	48384
+Pumpkins	48385
+Puckett's	48386
+Philips	48387
+Philly	48388
+Philadelphia	48389
+Philomath	48390
+Phoenicia	48391
+Phoenix	48392
+Phoebe's	48393
+Photoshop	48394
+Photosmart	48395
+Pharma	48396
+Pharrell	48397
+Phantogram	48398
+Phantom	48399
+Phyllis's	48400
+Psychological	48401
+Psychology	48402
+finale	48403
+finally	48404
+finals	48405
+finance	48406
+fingerprinted	48407
+fingerprinting	48408
+fingerprints	48409
+fingernails	48410
+fingertips	48411
+finishing	48412
+finesse	48413
+finest	48414
+finders	48415
+findings	48416
+finnegans	48417
+finneus	48418
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+feeders	48751
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+feeling	48753
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+fellows	48757
+fellers	48758
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+featuring	48760
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+feasibility	48763
+feasible	48764
+feasting	48765
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+ferrets	48767
+fenced	48768
+fences	48769
+fenders	48770
+fettuccine	48771
+fettuccini	48772
+federal	48773
+federated	48774
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+festive	48776
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+fundamentally	48778
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+fundraising	48781
+funded	48782
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+furthering	48801
+furthermore	48802
+full-blown	48803
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+fuller	48806
+fullest	48807
+fusions	48808
+fumbled	48809
+fumbles	48810
+future's	48811
+futures	48812
+Rosenau	48813
+Rosendale	48814
+Rosenthal	48815
+Rosemary	48816
+Rosemead	48817
+Roseberry	48818
+Roseboro	48819
+Roseburg	48820
+Roseanne's	48821
+Rosalyn	48822
+Rosary	48823
+Rosanna	48824
+Rosanne	48825
+Rossi's	48826
+Roscoe's	48827
+Roscoes	48828
+Rosie's	48829
+Rockaway	48830
+Rockafellas	48831
+Rocket	48832
+Rockefeller	48833
+Rockland	48834
+Rocklin	48835
+Rockside	48836
+Rocksmith	48837
+Rockstar	48838
+Rocking	48839
+Rockies	48840
+Rockwall	48841
+Rockwell	48842
+Rockwood	48843
+Rockbridge	48844
+Rockbrook	48845
+Rockfield	48846
+Rockford	48847
+Rocky's	48848
+Robert	48849
+Roberson	48850
+Robins	48851
+Robin's	48852
+Robinhood	48853
+Robinwood	48854
+Robbie	48855
+Robbins	48856
+Roboto	48857
+Robles	48858
+Romano	48859
+Romania	48860
+Romana	48861
+Romance	48862
+Romanelli's	48863
+Romans	48864
+Romeo's	48865
+Romeos	48866
+Romeoville	48867
+Romero's	48868
+Ronaldo	48869
+Ronnie's	48870
+Ronnies	48871
+Rodrigo's	48872
+Rodrigues	48873
+Rodriguez	48874
+Rolling	48875
+Rollins	48876
+Rollers	48877
+Rolando	48878
+Rolanda	48879
+Rootstown	48880
+Rotten	48881
+Rotterdam	48882
+Rottweilers	48883
+Rotella	48884
+Rotelli	48885
+Rotolo's	48886
+Royale	48887
+Royals	48888
+Royalton	48889
+Royster	48890
+Royston	48891
+Roxanne's	48892
+Roxborough	48893
+Rowlands	48894
+Rowlett	48895
+Rowley	48896
+Rogersville	48897
+Reddick	48898
+Redding	48899
+Reddit	48900
+Reddy's	48901
+Redbook	48902
+Redbox	48903
+Redskins	48904
+Redfield	48905
+Redfin	48906
+Rentals	48907
+Renee's	48908
+Reservation	48909
+Reserve	48910
+Reservoir	48911
+Restaurants	48912
+Reston	48913
+Restoration	48914
+Resorts	48915
+Resources	48916
+Regina	48917
+Reginelli's	48918
+Regional	48919
+Regions	48920
+Regals	48921
+Regents	48922
+Reggies	48923
+Reader	48924
+Readington	48925
+Realtor	48926
+Realtree	48927
+Realty	48928
+Reagan's	48929
+Revere	48930
+ReverbNation	48931
+Reverse	48932
+Revelation	48933
+Revelstoke	48934
+Revenge	48935
+Revenue	48936
+Revolution	48937
+Revolver	48938
+Reedsburg	48939
+Reedsport	48940
+Reedsville	48941
+Reese's	48942
+Reeses	48943
+Remind	48944
+Remington	48945
+Remembered	48946
+Recorder	48947
+Records	48948
+Reineke	48949
+Reiner	48950
+Reinhardt	48951
+Reinhart	48952
+Representatives	48953
+Republicans	48954
+Relief	48955
+Relient	48956
+Rebecca	48957
+Rebeca	48958
+Rebelution	48959
+Reynolds	48960
+Reynolda	48961
+Randall	48962
+Randazzo	48963
+Randol	48964
+Random	48965
+Randleman	48966
+Randy's	48967
+Rancho	48968
+Ranchito	48969
+Rangeline	48970
+Rangers	48971
+Ramsey	48972
+Ramseur	48973
+Ramadan	48974
+Ramona	48975
+Ramones	48976
+Rambler	48977
+Ramblewood	48978
+Ramey's	48979
+Rainer	48980
+Raines	48981
+Rainey	48982
+Railside	48983
+Raiders	48984
+Raymond	48985
+Raymore	48986
+Raymour	48987
+Rachel's	48988
+Rachelle	48989
+Rachels	48990
+Racines	48991
+RadioShack	48992
+Radiohead	48993
+Raptor	48994
+Rapton	48995
+Ravens	48996
+Ravena	48997
+Ravenel	48998
+Ravenna	48999
+Ralphie's	49000
+Raley's	49001
+Raleys	49002
+Rashad	49003
+Rashard	49004
+Razorbacks	49005
+Rabbitt	49006
+Rafferty's	49007
+Rawlings	49008
+Rawlins	49009
+Richards	49010
+Richard's	49011
+Richie's	49012
+Richies	49013
+Richboro	49014
+Richburg	49015
+Richlands	49016
+Richter	49017
+Richton	49018
+Rickenbacker	49019
+Rickey	49020
+Rickie	49021
+Ricky's	49022
+Ricardo	49023
+Ricart	49024
+Ricans	49025
+Riccardi's	49026
+Riverwood	49027
+Riverwind	49028
+Rivercenter	49029
+Riverchase	49030
+Rivercrest	49031
+Riverside	49032
+Riverstone	49033
+Rivera's	49034
+Riverhead	49035
+Riverhouse	49036
+Rivermark	49037
+Rivermont	49038
+Riverpark	49039
+Riverpoint	49040
+Riverton	49041
+Rivertown	49042
+Ridgeback	49043
+Ridgecrest	49044
+Ridgedale	49045
+Ridgefield	49046
+Ridgemont	49047
+Riders	49048
+Riddle's	49049
+Riddler	49050
+Ringler	49051
+Ringling	49052
+Ringoes	49053
+Rinaldi's	49054
+Rittenhouse	49055
+Ritter	49056
+Russel	49057
+Russian	49058
+Russo's	49059
+Rustic	49060
+Rustin	49061
+Rustoleum	49062
+Ruston	49063
+Rusty's	49064
+Runner	49065
+Runnemede	49066
+Rubio's	49067
+Rubios	49068
+Rubino's	49069
+Rutherfordton	49070
+Ruthie's	49071
+Rudolph's	49072
+Rhodes	49073
+Rhinebeck	49074
+Rhinelander	49075
+Rylands	49076
+RSVP'd	49077
+RSVP's	49078
+Delicia	49079
+Delicious	49080
+Delia's	49081
+Delilah	49082
+Delaney	49083
+Delancey	49084
+Delano	49085
+Delmonico	49086
+Delmont	49087
+Delmarva	49088
+Delphia	49089
+Delran	49090
+Delray	49091
+Deltona	49092
+Deanna	49093
+Deanne	49094
+Dennis's	49095
+Dennison	49096
+Denny's	49097
+Dennys	49098
+Denise	49099
+Denison	49100
+DentaQuest	49101
+Dental	49102
+Denver's	49103
+Designs	49104
+Desirae	49105
+Desiree	49106
+Destiny	49107
+Destination	49108
+Destrehan	49109
+Destruction	49110
+Deerfield	49111
+Deerfoot	49112
+Devil's	49113
+Deville	49114
+Devils	49115
+Devine	49116
+Devins	49117
+Devons	49118
+Developmental	49119
+Democratic	49120
+Democrats	49121
+Demetrios	49122
+Demetrious	49123
+Dempsey's	49124
+Decatur's	49125
+Debbie	49126
+Depots	49127
+DeVito's	49128
+Daniel	49129
+Danny's	49130
+Dannys	49131
+Dannon	49132
+Dangerously	49133
+Dancer	49134
+Dandy's	49135
+Dante's	49136
+Darrel	49137
+Darren	49138
+Darian	49139
+Darla's	49140
+Darlene's	49141
+Darlington	49142
+Dardenne	49143
+Dallastown	49144
+Daltons	49145
+Davids	49146
+David's	49147
+Davis's	49148
+Davisburg	49149
+Davison	49150
+Davies	49151
+Damian's	49152
+Damiens	49153
+Daughters	49154
+Donald	49155
+Donalsonville	49156
+Donatos	49157
+Donahew	49158
+Donahue	49159
+Donnell	49160
+Donner	49161
+Donna's	49162
+Donnie's	49163
+Donell	49164
+Donelson	49165
+Doritos	49166
+Dorset	49167
+Dorsey	49168
+Dorner	49169
+Dorney	49170
+Dorothy's	49171
+Dominic	49172
+Dominique	49173
+Dominion	49174
+Domino's	49175
+Dominos	49176
+Domingo	49177
+Dominguez	49178
+Downer	49179
+Downeast	49180
+Downey	49181
+Downtown	49182
+Downton	49183
+Downingtown	49184
+Downloader	49185
+Dollarama	49186
+Dollarway	49187
+Dolly's	49188
+Dollywood	49189
+Dolphins	49190
+Dooleys	49191
+Doolittle's	49192
+Doodlebug	49193
+Douglass	49194
+Douglaston	49195
+Douglasville	49196
+Doughboy	49197
+Dougherty	49198
+DoubleTree	49199
+Doubletree	49200
+Dockers	49201
+Dockery	49202
+Dodgers	49203
+Dobbins	49204
+Discounters	49205
+Discovery	49206
+Distribution	49207
+District	49208
+Diana's	49209
+Dianas	49210
+Diane's	49211
+Diamondbacks	49212
+Diabetes	49213
+Diabetus	49214
+Diablos	49215
+Dickey	49216
+Dickens	49217
+Dickerson	49218
+Dickie	49219
+Dickinson	49220
+Dickson	49221
+Direction	49222
+Director	49223
+Dirksen	49224
+Dillard	49225
+Dillons	49226
+Dillsboro	49227
+Dillsburg	49228
+Divina	49229
+Divinci	49230
+Divine	49231
+Divino	49232
+Dividend	49233
+Divisadero	49234
+Division	49235
+Dixieland	49236
+Dixieline	49237
+Duneland	49238
+Dunellen	49239
+Dunham's	49240
+Dunhams	49241
+Dundalk	49242
+Dundas	49243
+Dungeons	49244
+Dunkins	49245
+Durango	49246
+Durand	49247
+Durant	49248
+Durbins	49249
+Dutchess	49250
+Duggars	49251
+Dragon	49252
+Dressler	49253
+Driver	49254
+Driven	49255
+Drivetime	49256
+D'Angelo's	49257
+homeschool	49258
+homes.com	49259
+homesick	49260
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+homegirl	49262
+homeless	49263
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+homely	49265
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+homerun	49268
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+home.com	49276
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+hominy	49285
+homosexual	49286
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+horsey	49292
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+hollandaise	49313
+hollows	49314
+hollyhock	49315
+holder	49316
+holdem	49317
+holding	49318
+holidays	49319
+house.	49320
+household	49321
+housemate	49322
+houses	49323
+house:	49324
+housecleaning	49325
+houseful	49326
+housetop	49327
+houndstooth	49328
+honeys	49329
+honey.	49330
+honeycomb	49331
+honeydew	49332
+honeygo	49333
+honeymoon	49334
+honestly	49335
+honesty	49336
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+hopelessly	49352
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+handwritten	49386
+handyman	49387
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+hangover	49389
+hanger	49390
+hanged	49391
+hanging	49392
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+hardest	49395
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+hardware	49397
+hardship	49398
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+hardball	49401
+hardcore	49402
+hardcover	49403
+harmony	49404
+harbors	49405
+harboring	49406
+harvester	49407
+harvested	49408
+hairdo	49409
+hairspray	49410
+haircut	49411
+haircolor	49412
+hairball	49413
+hairbrush	49414
+hairless	49415
+hairline	49416
+hallucinate	49417
+halloween	49418
+hallways	49419
+hammerhead	49420
+hammered	49421
+hammering	49422
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+hammocks	49424
+hamster	49425
+hamstring	49426
+hamburgers	49427
+hampers	49428
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+hatchery	49430
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+hatchet	49432
+haters	49433
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+happys	49440
+hahahaha	49441
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+havens	49443
+havent	49444
+hacker	49445
+hacked	49446
+hacksaw	49447
+hassles	49448
+hauler	49449
+hauled	49450
+hauling	49451
+hazelnut	49452
+habaneros	49453
+haystacks	49454
+headless	49455
+headlock	49456
+headset	49457
+headshot	49458
+headband	49459
+headboard	49460
+headin	49461
+headies	49462
+header	49463
+headed	49464
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+headpiece	49466
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+headaches	49469
+headhunters	49470
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+headway	49472
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+hearty	49479
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+hearsay	49481
+hearse	49482
+healthcare	49483
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+healthy	49485
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+healer	49487
+heavily	49488
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+heaves	49490
+heavy-duty	49491
+heavyweight	49492
+heater	49493
+heated	49494
+heroin	49495
+heroic	49496
+hermanos	49497
+hermaphrodite	49498
+helper	49499
+helped	49500
+helping	49501
+helpless	49502
+helpline	49503
+hello.	49504
+hellos	49505
+hellacious	49506
+helicopters	49507
+helmets	49508
+hemorrhoid	49509
+hematologist	49510
+hematology	49511
+heeled	49512
+heeler	49513
+hedgehogs	49514
+hesitate	49515
+highlighting	49516
+highlights	49517
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+hindering	49519
+hinders	49520
+hinged	49521
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+hitchhiking	49524
+hitched	49525
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+hitters	49527
+hitting	49528
+hillsborough	49529
+hillside	49530
+hillbillies	49531
+hillbilly	49532
+hippie	49533
+hippity	49534
+hippopotamus	49535
+hippos	49536
+hipsters	49537
+hideous	49538
+hideout	49539
+historic	49540
+historian	49541
+hickeys	49542
+hibernating	49543
+hibernation	49544
+hikers	49545
+humidor	49546
+humility	49547
+humanitarian	49548
+humanities	49549
+humanity	49550
+humped	49551
+humperdinks	49552
+humble	49553
+humbling	49554
+humbly	49555
+hummingbird	49556
+humoring	49557
+humorous	49558
+hunter	49559
+hunted	49560
+hunting	49561
+hungrier	49562
+hungry	49563
+hurricane	49564
+hurrying	49565
+hurting	49566
+hustle	49567
+hustlin	49568
+hustla	49569
+hugger	49570
+hugged	49571
+hugging	49572
+hubby's	49573
+hypochondriac	49574
+hypothetical	49575
+hypothermia	49576
+hypothesis	49577
+hypoglycemia	49578
+hypoglycemic	49579
+hyperactive	49580
+hyperlink	49581
+hypertension	49582
+hypnotize	49583
+hypnotic	49584
+hypnotist	49585
+hydroponic	49586
+hydroplaning	49587
+hydrocodone	49588
+hydrocortisone	49589
+hydroscape	49590
+hydrate	49591
+hydrangea	49592
+hydrant	49593
+hydraulics	49594
+hysterically	49595
+Transpo	49596
+TransLink	49597
+TransUnion	49598
+Transamerica	49599
+Translate	49600
+Transmountain	49601
+Transtar	49602
+Transwest	49603
+Transylvania	49604
+Tracker	49605
+Tracks	49606
+Tracy's	49607
+Tracys	49608
+Tracey	49609
+Tracie	49610
+Travel	49611
+Travers	49612
+Travis's	49613
+Trailway	49614
+Trailblazer	49615
+Trailer	49616
+Trails	49617
+Trainco	49618
+Trainer	49619
+Training	49620
+Trainor	49621
+Traffic	49622
+Trafford	49623
+Trafalgar	49624
+Trappe	49625
+Trader	49626
+Trashmore	49627
+Trista	49628
+Tristen	49629
+Triston	49630
+Trisha	49631
+Trish's	49632
+Triscuits	49633
+Tricia	49634
+Tricity	49635
+Trickett	49636
+Tricoci	49637
+Tripler	49638
+Triplett	49639
+Tripolis	49640
+Tripps	49641
+Tribeca	49642
+Tribune	49643
+Tribute	49644
+Trinity	49645
+Trinidad	49646
+Trina's	49647
+Triadelphia	49648
+Triana	49649
+Triangle	49650
+Trustee	49651
+Trustco	49652
+Trustmark	49653
+Trussell	49654
+Trussville	49655
+Truckee	49656
+Truckers	49657
+Truman	49658
+Trumark	49659
+Trudy's	49660
+Treasure	49661
+Treasury	49662
+Treatment	49663
+Treaty	49664
+Treadway	49665
+Treadwell	49666
+Trevor	49667
+Trevose	49668
+Trevino	49669
+Trends	49670
+Trenton	49671
+Troutdale	49672
+Troutman	49673
+Troutville	49674
+Trooper	49675
+Troyer	49676
+Tangerine	49677
+Tangiers	49678
+Tangipahoa	49679
+Tannersville	49680
+Talladega	49681
+Tallahassee	49682
+Tallapoosa	49683
+Tallassee	49684
+Tallmadge	49685
+Tallman	49686
+Tally's	49687
+Talbots	49688
+Tamara	49689
+Tammy's	49690
+Tammys	49691
+Tammie	49692
+Tamiami	49693
+Tampax	49694
+Tarantino	49695
+Tarasco	49696
+Tasha's	49697
+Tastefully	49698
+Tappahannock	49699
+Tappan	49700
+Taylorsville	49701
+Taconic	49702
+Tacony	49703
+Taverna	49704
+Tavernier	49705
+Tomaso's	49706
+Tomatoes	49707
+Tomorrowland	49708
+Tomlinson's	49709
+Torinos	49710
+Torres	49711
+Torrence	49712
+Torrey	49713
+Tortugas	49714
+Tonganoxie	49715
+Topsham	49716
+Topshop	49717
+Topsy's	49718
+Tobin's	49719
+TownePlace	49720
+Townsend	49721
+Township	49722
+Towers	49723
+Towery	49724
+Toshi's	49725
+Toshiba	49726
+Toyotas	49727
+Terrie	49728
+Terrible	49729
+Terri's	49730
+Terrio	49731
+Territory	49732
+Terran	49733
+Terrace	49734
+Terrain	49735
+Terrapin	49736
+Terrel	49737
+Terrebonne	49738
+Terrence	49739
+Terry's	49740
+Terrys	49741
+Terrytown	49742
+Terryville	49743
+Teresa	49744
+Teresita	49745
+Terminal	49746
+Terminator	49747
+Telecaster	49748
+Telecom	49749
+Telegram	49750
+Telegraph	49751
+Teleperformance	49752
+Telephone	49753
+Tellico	49754
+Telling	49755
+Tenney	49756
+Tennille	49757
+Tennis	49758
+Teachers	49759
+Texans	49760
+Temple	49761
+Templar	49762
+Tempest	49763
+Teenage	49764
+Timbers	49765
+Timmy's	49766
+Timothy's	49767
+Tillery	49768
+Tilley	49769
+Tillicum	49770
+Tillis	49771
+Tillmans	49772
+Tilly's	49773
+Titanic	49774
+Titans	49775
+Ticketmaster	49776
+Tickets	49777
+Tiffany's	49778
+Tiffanys	49779
+Tierrasanta	49780
+Thornton	49781
+Thornapple	49782
+Thorne	49783
+Thornhill	49784
+Thornville	49785
+Thornwood	49786
+Thornydale	49787
+Thomas's	49788
+Thomasson	49789
+Thomaston	49790
+Thomasville	49791
+Thompson's	49792
+Thompsons	49793
+Thompsonville	49794
+There's	49795
+Thermo	49796
+Thermal	49797
+Theater	49798
+Theatre	49799
+Thursday	49800
+Thurston	49801
+Thurman	49802
+Thurmont	49803
+Thunderbird	49804
+Thanks	49805
+Things	49806
+ThinkPad	49807
+Thirsty's	49808
+Thriftway	49809
+Thrifty	49810
+Turner	49811
+Turney	49812
+Turnberry	49813
+Turnbull	49814
+Turkey's	49815
+Turkeyfoot	49816
+TurboTax	49817
+Tucker's	49818
+Tuckerman	49819
+Tuckers	49820
+Tuckerton	49821
+Tuckahoe	49822
+Tuscan	49823
+Tuscaloosa	49824
+Tusculum	49825
+Tuscumbia	49826
+Tully's	49827
+Tullytown	49828
+Tulare	49829
+Tularosa	49830
+Tunisia	49831
+Tylersville	49832
+Twinkie	49833
+Twinkle	49834
+Twinsburg	49835
+Landon	49836
+Landover	49837
+Landen	49838
+Lander	49839
+Landscaping	49840
+Landis	49841
+Landing	49842
+Landry	49843
+Landrum	49844
+Langdale	49845
+Langdon	49846
+Langham	49847
+Langhorne	49848
+Langston's	49849
+Lanesboro	49850
+Lanesville	49851
+Laneys	49852
+Lancer	49853
+Lancelot	49854
+Lankenau	49855
+Lankershim	49856
+Lansdale	49857
+Lansdowne	49858
+Lantana	49859
+Latina	49860
+Latino	49861
+Latimer	49862
+Latimore	49863
+Lateef	49864
+Lateesha	49865
+Latonia	49866
+Latonya	49867
+Lattimore	49868
+Lattisaw	49869
+Lathrop	49870
+Lathrup	49871
+Lauren	49872
+Laurel	49873
+Laura's	49874
+Lauras	49875
+Laurie	49876
+Laurinburg	49877
+Lambert	49878
+Lambeau	49879
+Lamborghini	49880
+Lampanelli	49881
+Lampasas	49882
+Lampoon's	49883
+Lamar's	49884
+Lamarque	49885
+Larkins	49886
+Larry's	49887
+Larrys	49888
+Larson's	49889
+Lakeridge	49890
+Lakers	49891
+Lakeshore	49892
+Lakeside	49893
+Lakeland	49894
+Lakeline	49895
+Lakemont	49896
+Lakemoor	49897
+Lakeview	49898
+Lakeville	49899
+Lakeway	49900
+Lakewood	49901
+Lawrence's	49902
+Lawrenceburg	49903
+Lawrenceville	49904
+Lavalette	49905
+Lavallette	49906
+Lavergne	49907
+Laverne	49908
+Ladders	49909
+LaRosa	49910
+LaRose	49911
+LaGrande	49912
+LaGrange	49913
+Leander	49914
+Leanna	49915
+Leanne	49916
+Learning	49917
+Leaders	49918
+Leavenworth	49919
+Lennon	49920
+Lennox	49921
+Lenny's	49922
+Leonard	49923
+Leone's	49924
+Leonia	49925
+Levitt	49926
+Leviticus	49927
+Levitz	49928
+Levine	49929
+Levinson	49930
+LegalZoom	49931
+Legally	49932
+Leslie's	49933
+Leslies	49934
+Letterman	49935
+Lewis's	49936
+Lewisville	49937
+Lewinsky	49938
+Lexie's	49939
+Lemonade	49940
+Lemont	49941
+Lefty's	49942
+Lehighton	49943
+Longmeadow	49944
+Longmire	49945
+Longhorn	49946
+Longhill	49947
+Longboat	49948
+Longbranch	49949
+Longoria	49950
+Longstreet	49951
+Longway	49952
+Longwood	49953
+London's	49954
+Londonderry	49955
+Lonesome	49956
+Lonestar	49957
+Lonnie's	49958
+Lorena	49959
+Lorenzo	49960
+Loretta	49961
+Loretto	49962
+Lordsburg	49963
+Lorraine's	49964
+Louise	49965
+Louisa	49966
+Louisburg	49967
+Louisiana	49968
+Louisville	49969
+Louie's	49970
+Louies	49971
+Loudonville	49972
+Lockeford	49973
+Locker	49974
+Lockbourne	49975
+Lockbox	49976
+Lockhart	49977
+Lockheed	49978
+Locksmith	49979
+Loveless	49980
+Lovell	49981
+Lovelock	49982
+Lovettsville	49983
+Lovingston	49984
+Lovington	49985
+Logansport	49986
+Lombardi's	49987
+Lombardo's	49988
+Lowery	49989
+Linden	49990
+Linder	49991
+Lindell	49992
+Lindsay	49993
+Lindsey	49994
+Lindstrom	49995
+Linda's	49996
+Lindale	49997
+Lindon	49998
+Lindora	49999
+Lindy's	50000
+Lincoln's	50001
+Lincolnshire	50002
+Lincolnton	50003
+LinkedIn	50004
+Linkedin	50005
+Linksys	50006
+Linton's	50007
+Lillian	50008
+Lillie	50009
+Lillington	50010
+Lilly's	50011
+Lilian	50012
+Liberal	50013
+Liberace	50014
+Liberty	50015
+Libertarian	50016
+Libby's	50017
+Libbys	50018
+Library	50019
+Littlefield	50020
+Littlejohn	50021
+Littlestown	50022
+Littleton	50023
+Lister	50024
+Listen	50025
+Listia	50026
+Listing	50027
+Livingston	50028
+Livia's	50029
+Livermore	50030
+Livernois	50031
+Liverpool	50032
+LifeWay	50033
+LifeWorks	50034
+Lifetime	50035
+Lifetouch	50036
+Lizzie's	50037
+Lizzy's	50038
+Lucia's	50039
+Lucien	50040
+Lucifers	50041
+Lucille's	50042
+Lucky's	50043
+Luckys	50044
+Lucerne	50045
+Lucero	50046
+Lucas's	50047
+Lumber	50048
+Lumbee	50049
+Lumina	50050
+Lundy's	50051
+Lyndale	50052
+Lyndonville	50053
+Lynnway	50054
+Lynnwood	50055
+Harris	50056
+Harring	50057
+Harriet	50058
+Harriman	50059
+Harrah's	50060
+Harrahs	50061
+Harry's	50062
+Harrys	50063
+Harrell	50064
+Harrelson	50065
+Harrodsburg	50066
+Harrogate	50067
+Hartsdale	50068
+Hartselle	50069
+Hartsfield	50070
+Hartsville	50071
+Harter	50072
+Hartland	50073
+Hartley	50074
+Harden	50075
+Hardesty	50076
+Hardin	50077
+Hardie	50078
+Hardware	50079
+Hardwick	50080
+Hardy's	50081
+Harbor	50082
+Harbour	50083
+Harbin	50084
+Harbison	50085
+Harley	50086
+Harlem	50087
+Harlequin	50088
+Harland	50089
+Harvey	50090
+Harvest	50091
+Harvick	50092
+Harvin	50093
+Harmons	50094
+Harmont	50095
+Harmony	50096
+Harman	50097
+Harmarville	50098
+Harper	50099
+Harpeth	50100
+Hargrave	50101
+Hargray	50102
+Harold's	50103
+Harolds	50104
+Harwich	50105
+Harwin	50106
+Hannah	50107
+Hannaford	50108
+Hanna's	50109
+Hannibal	50110
+Hannifin	50111
+Hannigan	50112
+Hannity	50113
+Handel's	50114
+Handler	50115
+Handley	50116
+Hansen	50117
+Hansel	50118
+Hanson's	50119
+Hansons	50120
+Hangout	50121
+Hangover	50122
+Haney's	50123
+Halloran	50124
+Hallstead	50125
+Hallsville	50126
+Hallelujah	50127
+Halliburton	50128
+Hallie	50129
+Hallman	50130
+Hallmark	50131
+Haley's	50132
+Haleyville	50133
+Halestorm	50134
+Halstead	50135
+Halsted	50136
+Hammond	50137
+Hammons	50138
+Hammonton	50139
+Hampshire	50140
+Hampstead	50141
+Hamptons	50142
+Hamburger	50143
+Hamilton's	50144
+Hamline	50145
+Hayley's	50146
+Haywood	50147
+Hayworth	50148
+Hailee	50149
+Hailey	50150
+Haitians	50151
+Hatteras	50152
+Hatters	50153
+Hatties	50154
+Haverford	50155
+Haverhill	50156
+Haverstraw	50157
+Haveli	50158
+Havelock	50159
+Havendale	50160
+Havana	50161
+Havanese	50162
+Hagerman	50163
+Hagerstown	50164
+Hagerty	50165
+Haggen	50166
+Haggerty	50167
+Hawkins	50168
+Hawking	50169
+Hawkeyes	50170
+Haskell's	50171
+Haslett	50172
+Hazel's	50173
+Hazeltine	50174
+Hazelwood	50175
+Hazleton	50176
+Haddad	50177
+Haddam	50178
+Haddaway	50179
+Haddonfield	50180
+Habersham	50181
+Hackett	50182
+Hackensack	50183
+Happy's	50184
+Hollin	50185
+Hollis	50186
+Holliday	50187
+Hollie	50188
+Holland	50189
+Holladay	50190
+Holly's	50191
+Hollys	50192
+Hollywood	50193
+Holloway	50194
+Hollowell	50195
+Hollerin	50196
+Holley	50197
+Holden	50198
+Holdem	50199
+Holder	50200
+Holmans	50201
+Holmen	50202
+Holmes	50203
+Holiday	50204
+Holidazzle	50205
+Holtsville	50206
+Hornet	50207
+Hornell	50208
+Horner	50209
+Horses	50210
+Horseheads	50211
+Horsetooth	50212
+Horror	50213
+Horrocks	50214
+Horizons	50215
+Homeslice	50216
+Homer's	50217
+Homerville	50218
+HomeSmart	50219
+HomeStore	50220
+Homeland	50221
+Homeless	50222
+Housekeeping	50223
+Houser	50224
+Houses	50225
+Housewives	50226
+Houston's	50227
+Houstonian	50228
+Houlihan's	50229
+Houlihans	50230
+HoneyBaked	50231
+Honeyman	50232
+Honeyville	50233
+Honeywell	50234
+Hondas	50235
+Honorable	50236
+Honors	50237
+Hooper	50238
+Hoopes	50239
+Hoosiers	50240
+Howells	50241
+Hopkinsville	50242
+Hospitality	50243
+Hospitals	50244
+Hobbies	50245
+Hobbit	50246
+HobbyTown	50247
+Hoffman's	50248
+Hockeytown	50249
+Herman's	50250
+Hermann	50251
+Hermans	50252
+Hermantown	50253
+Hermiston	50254
+Hermitage	50255
+Hermon	50256
+Hermosa	50257
+Herbalife	50258
+Herbergers	50259
+Herbert	50260
+Herbies	50261
+Herrin	50262
+Herrick	50263
+Herriman	50264
+Hershey	50265
+Hershberger	50266
+Herschel	50267
+Herscher	50268
+Hernandez	50269
+Hernando	50270
+HealthCare	50271
+HealthEast	50272
+HealthPoint	50273
+HealthSouth	50274
+HealthWorks	50275
+Healthcare	50276
+Healthplex	50277
+Healthy	50278
+Healdsburg	50279
+Heartbreak	50280
+Heartgard	50281
+Hearts	50282
+Hearne	50283
+Hearns	50284
+Heather	50285
+Heathman	50286
+Heathrow	50287
+Heaven's	50288
+Heavener	50289
+Heavenly	50290
+Hellertown	50291
+Hellman's	50292
+Hellsing	50293
+Henry's	50294
+Henryetta	50295
+Henrys	50296
+Henryville	50297
+Henrico	50298
+Henrietta	50299
+Henrik	50300
+Hendrick	50301
+Hendrix	50302
+Hendersons	50303
+Hendersonville	50304
+Hennepin	50305
+Heineken	50306
+Heinen's	50307
+Heidi's	50308
+Hebrews	50309
+Hillsboro	50310
+Hillsdale	50311
+Hillshire	50312
+Hillside	50313
+Hillsong	50314
+Hillstone	50315
+Hillsville	50316
+Hillary	50317
+Hillandale	50318
+Hiller's	50319
+Hillers	50320
+Hilliard	50321
+Hillis	50322
+Hillcrest	50323
+Hillcroft	50324
+Hilltop	50325
+Hilltown	50326
+Hildebrand	50327
+Highland	50328
+Highline	50329
+Highwood	50330
+Highway	50331
+Highbridge	50332
+Highbury	50333
+Hightower	50334
+Hightstown	50335
+Higgins	50336
+Higginbotham	50337
+Hinduism	50338
+Hibbetts	50339
+Hirose	50340
+Hiroshima	50341
+Historical	50342
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+Hunter's	50344
+Hunterdon	50345
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+Huntingdon	50347
+Huntsman	50348
+Huntsville	50349
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+Hungerford	50352
+Humanities	50353
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+Humphrey	50355
+Humphries	50356
+Hummelstown	50357
+Huskers	50358
+Hustler	50359
+Hubbard	50360
+Hubertus	50361
+HughesNet	50362
+Hughesville	50363
+Hurricanes	50364
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+Granby	50637
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+Grace's	50640
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+Graceville	50643
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+Gravenhurst	50655
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+Graveyard	50658
+Grasso	50659
+Grady's	50660
+Grapeland	50661
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+Green's	50669
+Greenacres	50670
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+Greendale	50672
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+Greenmount	50674
+Greenridge	50675
+Greenup	50676
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+Greektown	50678
+Greers	50679
+Gregory	50680
+Greyson	50681
+Greystone	50682
+Gretas	50683
+Gretchen's	50684
+Greco's	50685
+Griffey	50686
+Griffs	50687
+Grimmie	50688
+Grimsby	50689
+Grimsley	50690
+Griswold	50691
+Griswald	50692
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+Groucho's	50698
+Grosse	50699
+Grossinger	50700
+Grovers	50701
+Groome	50702
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+Grooveshark	50704
+Garrett	50705
+Garretson	50706
+Garris	50707
+Garrick	50708
+Garrity	50709
+Gardena	50710
+Gardendale	50711
+Gardens	50712
+Gardnerville	50713
+Garner	50714
+Garnet	50715
+Gartner's	50716
+Garberville	50717
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+Gallagher	50720
+Gallardo	50721
+Gallatin	50722
+Gallegos	50723
+Galliano	50724
+Gallie	50725
+Gallipolis	50726
+Gallivan	50727
+Gallos	50728
+Galloway	50729
+Galaxie	50730
+Galaxy	50731
+Galena	50732
+Galesburg	50733
+Galilee	50734
+Galileo	50735
+Galveston	50736
+Galvez	50737
+Gabriella	50738
+Gabrielle	50739
+Gabbana	50740
+Gabby's	50741
+Gamecock	50742
+Gamecube	50743
+GameSpot	50744
+GameStop	50745
+Gamestop	50746
+Gambino's	50747
+Gatorade	50748
+Gator's	50749
+Gatorland	50750
+Gators	50751
+Gatesville	50752
+Gateway	50753
+Gatewood	50754
+Gatti's	50755
+Gattis	50756
+Gastonia	50757
+Gainesboro	50758
+Gainesville	50759
+Gaithersburg	50760
+Goldendale	50761
+Goldeneye	50762
+Goldens	50763
+Goldenwest	50764
+Goldsboro	50765
+Goldschlager	50766
+Goldsmith	50767
+Goldstein	50768
+Goldberg's	50769
+Goldbergs	50770
+Goldfield	50771
+Goldie	50772
+Goldilocks	50773
+Golding	50774
+Goldman's	50775
+Goldwater	50776
+Goldwing	50777
+Goodman's	50778
+Goodmans	50779
+Goodwood	50780
+Goodell	50781
+Goodfellas	50782
+Goodfellow	50783
+Goodie	50784
+Gooding	50785
+Goodland	50786
+Goodlettsville	50787
+Goodson	50788
+Goody's	50789
+Goodyear	50790
+Gordon	50791
+Gordos	50792
+Gordy's	50793
+Godfather's	50794
+Gobles	50795
+Goblet	50796
+Gonzalo	50797
+Goulding	50798
+Gomez's	50799
+General	50800
+Generation	50801
+Generac	50802
+Genesis	50803
+Geneva	50804
+Genevieve	50805
+Gentiva	50806
+Gentleman	50807
+Genova's	50808
+Gerald's	50809
+Geraldine	50810
+Geraldo	50811
+Geralds	50812
+Gerard's	50813
+Gerardo	50814
+Germann	50815
+Germania	50816
+Germans	50817
+Germantown	50818
+Germany	50819
+George	50820
+Gettysburg	50821
+Gilligan	50822
+Gillis	50823
+Gillett	50824
+Gillespie	50825
+Gilley	50826
+Gilbertsville	50827
+Gilmore	50828
+Gilmour	50829
+Gingerbread	50830
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+Giordano's	50833
+Giovanni's	50834
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+Gianni's	50836
+Giants	50837
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+Gunderson	50839
+Guntersville	50840
+Guilderland	50841
+Guido's	50842
+Guardian	50843
+Guerneville	50844
+Guernsey	50845
+Guerra	50846
+Guerrero	50847
+GuestHouse	50848
+Gustafson	50849
+Gustine	50850
+Glenn's	50851
+Glenna	50852
+Glennon	50853
+Glenns	50854
+Glennville	50855
+Glenda	50856
+Glendive	50857
+Glendora	50858
+Glenshaw	50859
+Glenside	50860
+Glenstone	50861
+Glenbard	50862
+Glenbrook	50863
+Glenburnie	50864
+Glenmont	50865
+Glenmore	50866
+Glenoaks	50867
+Glenolden	50868
+Glenridge	50869
+Glenrock	50870
+Glenview	50871
+Glenville	50872
+Glenway	50873
+Glenwood	50874
+Gladewater	50875
+Glassboro	50876
+Glassman	50877
+Glassport	50878
+Gloria's	50879
+Gloriana	50880
+Glorias	50881
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+Globetrotters	50883
+Gloversville	50884
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+Waller	51948
+Wallet	51949
+Wallisville	51950
+Wallace	51951
+Wally's	51952
+Walter's	51953
+Walterboro	51954
+Walters	51955
+Waltham	51956
+Walther	51957
+Waltons	51958
+Waldo's	51959
+Waldoboro	51960
+Waldorf	51961
+Waldron	51962
+Waldrop	51963
+Walker	51964
+Walken	51965
+Walsenburg	51966
+Walser	51967
+Warren's	51968
+Warrendale	51969
+Warrenton	51970
+Warrenville	51971
+Warrior	51972
+Warrick	51973
+Warrington	51974
+Wareham	51975
+Warehouse	51976
+Warfield	51977
+Warfighter	51978
+Warners	51979
+Waterfall	51980
+Waterford	51981
+Waterfront	51982
+Waterson	51983
+Waterstone	51984
+Waterboro	51985
+Waterbury	51986
+Watermans	51987
+Waterville	51988
+Watervliet	51989
+Watsons	51990
+Watsontown	51991
+Watsonville	51992
+Watterson	51993
+Waynesville	51994
+Washington's	51995
+Washingtonian	51996
+Washingtonville	51997
+Washoe	51998
+Washougal	51999
+Waikele	52000
+Waikem	52001
+Wantage	52002
+Wantagh	52003
+Wanda's	52004
+William	52005
+Willie	52006
+Willis	52007
+Willimantic	52008
+Willits	52009
+Willow	52010
+Willoughby	52011
+Willard	52012
+Willey	52013
+Willett	52014
+Willy's	52015
+Willys	52016
+Wilder	52017
+Wildcats	52018
+Wilkins	52019
+Wilkie	52020
+Wilkes	52021
+Wilkens	52022
+Wilkerson	52023
+Wilmer	52024
+Wilmes	52025
+Wilmette	52026
+Wilmont	52027
+Wilmore	52028
+Wilmot	52029
+Wilburn	52030
+Wilburton	52031
+Wilburys	52032
+Wilson's	52033
+Wilsons	52034
+Wilsonville	52035
+Wilcox	52036
+Wiley's	52037
+Winder	52038
+Windemere	52039
+Windex	52040
+Windstar	52041
+Window	52042
+Windom	52043
+Windham	52044
+Windhaven	52045
+Winnebago	52046
+Winneconne	52047
+Winnelson	52048
+Winnemucca	52049
+Winnetka	52050
+Winnie	52051
+Winnipeg	52052
+Winston	52053
+Winstar	52054
+Winterport	52055
+Winterville	52056
+Wingstop	52057
+Winchell's	52058
+Winchendon	52059
+Winchester	52060
+Winkler	52061
+Witherspoon	52062
+Witten	52063
+Wicker	52064
+Wicked	52065
+Wickenburg	52066
+Wienerschnitzel	52067
+Wiggles	52068
+Wiggly	52069
+Wimberley	52070
+Wimberly	52071
+Westmark	52072
+Westmed	52073
+Westboro	52074
+Westbrook	52075
+Westbury	52076
+Western	52077
+Westerly	52078
+Westerville	52079
+Westfield	52080
+Westford	52081
+Westway	52082
+Westwego	52083
+Westwind	52084
+Westwood	52085
+Westar	52086
+Westcott	52087
+Westin	52088
+Westie	52089
+Westlife	52090
+Westpark	52091
+Westphalia	52092
+Westport	52093
+Westhampton	52094
+Westheimer	52095
+Weston	52096
+Westover	52097
+Westridge	52098
+Westroads	52099
+Westshore	52100
+Westside	52101
+Westview	52102
+Westville	52103
+Wesley's	52104
+Wesleyan	52105
+Wellspring	52106
+Wellston	52107
+Wellsville	52108
+Weller	52109
+Wellesley	52110
+Wellington	52111
+Wellman	52112
+Wellmont	52113
+Welch's	52114
+Weinbach	52115
+Weinberg	52116
+Weinstein	52117
+Weinstock	52118
+Webberville	52119
+Webster's	52120
+Wendy's	52121
+Wendys	52122
+Woodsboro	52123
+Woodside	52124
+Woodsmith	52125
+Woodson	52126
+Woodsville	52127
+Woodmont	52128
+Woodbine	52129
+Woodcliff	52130
+Woodcock	52131
+Woodhaven	52132
+Woodhead	52133
+Woodhill	52134
+Woodley	52135
+Woodrow	52136
+Woodridge	52137
+Woodruff	52138
+Woodall	52139
+Woodard	52140
+Woodview	52141
+Woodville	52142
+Woody's	52143
+Workshop	52144
+World's	52145
+WorldMark	52146
+Worlds	52147
+Worthington	52148
+Wolfeboro	52149
+Wollensky's	52150
+Wolverines	52151
+Woman's	52152
+Whites	52153
+White's	52154
+Whitecourt	52155
+Whiteland	52156
+Whiteville	52157
+Whitewater	52158
+Whittaker	52159
+Whitten	52160
+Whittlesey	52161
+Whitts	52162
+Whittwood	52163
+Whitney	52164
+Whitnall	52165
+Whitley	52166
+Whitman	52167
+Whitmire	52168
+Whitmore	52169
+Whiting	52170
+Whitinsville	52171
+Whisperer	52172
+Whispering	52173
+Whistler	52174
+Whippany	52175
+Whipple	52176
+Wheatfields	52177
+Wheatland	52178
+Wheatley	52179
+Wheelersburg	52180
+WhatsApp	52181
+Whalen	52182
+Whaler	52183
+Whaley	52184
+Wholesalers	52185
+Wrights	52186
+Wright's	52187
+Wrightwood	52188
+Wrigley's	52189
+Wrigleyville	52190
+Wreckers	52191
+Wynnewood	52192
+Franklin	52193
+Frankie	52194
+Franks	52195
+Frank's	52196
+Franktown	52197
+Franky	52198
+France	52199
+Franco	52200
+Franchise	52201
+Frandor	52202
+Frandsen	52203
+Frazee	52204
+Frazer	52205
+Frazeysburg	52206
+Frazier's	52207
+Framed	52208
+Framingham	52209
+Fratellis	52210
+Freemans	52211
+Freeman's	52212
+Freebird	52213
+Freeburg	52214
+Freedia	52215
+Freedom	52216
+Freewater	52217
+Freeway	52218
+Freddy	52219
+Freddie	52220
+Fredonia	52221
+French's	52222
+Frenchie	52223
+Frenchman	52224
+Frenchtown	52225
+Frenchy's	52226
+Freshman	52227
+Fresnos	52228
+Friends	52229
+Friendly	52230
+Friedman	52231
+Friesen	52232
+Friday	52233
+Frida's	52234
+Frisco	52235
+Frisch's	52236
+Frisbee	52237
+Frisbie	52238
+Fritos	52239
+Fritz's	52240
+Frontenac	52241
+Frontera	52242
+Frogger	52243
+Froggy's	52244
+Farmers	52245
+Farmerville	52246
+Farmingdale	52247
+Farmington	52248
+Farmingville	52249
+Farragut	52250
+Farrah	52251
+Farrakhan	52252
+Farrell's	52253
+Farrells	52254
+Farrington	52255
+Farris	52256
+Fairless	52257
+Fairly	52258
+Fairbanks	52259
+Fairborn	52260
+Fairport	52261
+Fairway	52262
+Fairwinds	52263
+Fairwood	52264
+Fairfax	52265
+Fairfield	52266
+Fairhaven	52267
+Fairhope	52268
+Fairmont	52269
+Fairmount	52270
+Fallsburg	52271
+Fallsgrove	52272
+Fallston	52273
+Fallon	52274
+Fallout	52275
+Falcone	52276
+Falcons	52277
+Fantasy	52278
+Fantasia	52279
+Fantastic	52280
+Fannin	52281
+Fannie	52282
+Facebook's	52283
+Facilities	52284
+Facility	52285
+Fatheads	52286
+Father's	52287
+Fabio's	52288
+Fabiola	52289
+Familia	52290
+Families	52291
+Fayetteville	52292
+Finnigan	52293
+Finnin	52294
+Finnish	52295
+Finnegan	52296
+Finney	52297
+Finally	52298
+Finals	52299
+Finance	52300
+Financial	52301
+Finders	52302
+Finksburg	52303
+Finlandia	52304
+Finley's	52305
+Firefall	52306
+Firefly	52307
+Firefox	52308
+Firebirds	52309
+Firestone	52310
+FirstMark	52311
+FirstMerit	52312
+Fishers	52313
+Fisheries	52314
+Fisherman's	52315
+Fisherville	52316
+Filipino	52317
+Filipina	52318
+Filippis	52319
+Filippo's	52320
+Fitzsimmons	52321
+Fitzsimons	52322
+Fighters	52323
+Figures	52324
+Fidelis	52325
+Fidelity	52326
+Forestdale	52327
+Forester	52328
+Forestry	52329
+Forestville	52330
+Foreman's	52331
+Fortuna	52332
+Fortune	52333
+Foothills	52334
+Foxwoods	52335
+Foxworthy	52336
+Fountainhead	52337
+Fountains	52338
+Fountainview	52339
+Foundation	52340
+Founders	52341
+Fogelberg	52342
+Fogelsville	52343
+Fosters	52344
+Fernando	52345
+Fernanda	52346
+Fernandina	52347
+Ferragamo	52348
+Ferreira	52349
+Ferrell	52350
+Ferries	52351
+Ferris	52352
+Ferguson	52353
+Felice	52354
+Felipe's	52355
+Felix's	52356
+Fellowship	52357
+Feldman's	52358
+Federal	52359
+Federico's	52360
+Florian	52361
+Florin	52362
+Flores	52363
+Florez	52364
+Flowerama	52365
+Flowers	52366
+Flowertown	52367
+Flowery	52368
+Flooring	52369
+Flatirons	52370
+Flatts	52371
+Flanagan's	52372
+Flanigan's	52373
+Flamingo	52374
+Fletchers	52375
+Flintstones	52376
+Fullers	52377
+Fullerton	52378
+Kennel	52379
+Kenner	52380
+Kennewick	52381
+Kenney	52382
+Kenny's	52383
+Kennys	52384
+Kennywood	52385
+Kennard	52386
+Kendall	52387
+Kendra	52388
+Kendrick	52389
+Kentucky	52390
+Kentuckiana	52391
+Kenzie's	52392
+Keller	52393
+Kellen	52394
+Kelley	52395
+Kellie	52396
+Kellin	52397
+Kelly's	52398
+Kellys	52399
+Kellogg's	52400
+Kelsey's	52401
+Kelseys	52402
+Kelseyville	52403
+Keeneland	52404
+Keeney	52405
+Keegan's	52406
+Keegans	52407
+Keeler	52408
+Keeley	52409
+Keepers	52410
+Keysha	52411
+Keyshia	52412
+Kearney	52413
+Kearns	52414
+Kearny	52415
+Kempsville	52416
+Kettleman	52417
+Kingsdale	52418
+Kingsford	52419
+Kingsgate	52420
+Kingshighway	52421
+Kingsport	52422
+Kingsville	52423
+KinderCare	52424
+Kindergarten	52425
+Kinderhook	52426
+Kinderkamack	52427
+Kinser	52428
+Kinsey	52429
+Kinetico	52430
+Kinetix	52431
+Kinko's	52432
+Kinkos	52433
+Killian	52434
+Killer	52435
+Killeen	52436
+Killen	52437
+Killarney	52438
+Killswitch	52439
+Kimberton	52440
+Kimball's	52441
+Kimbrell's	52442
+Kimbrough	52443
+Kimmy's	52444
+Kirklands	52445
+Kirksville	52446
+Kirsten's	52447
+Kirstyn	52448
+Kitty's	52449
+Kissin	52450
+Kissimmee	52451
+Kissel	52452
+Kisses	52453
+Kieran	52454
+Katherine	52455
+Katheryn	52456
+Kathleen's	52457
+Kathleens	52458
+Kathy's	52459
+Kathys	52460
+Katharina	52461
+Katharine	52462
+Katelyn	52463
+Katelin	52464
+Katella	52465
+Katie's	52466
+Katies	52467
+Karen's	52468
+Karenina	52469
+Karens	52470
+Kareem	52471
+Kareena	52472
+Karina	52473
+Kardashians	52474
+Karman	52475
+Kaylee	52476
+Kayleigh	52477
+Kaylene	52478
+Kayla's	52479
+Kaylie	52480
+Kaylin	52481
+Kalamath	52482
+Kalamazoo	52483
+Kaufman's	52484
+Koreans	52485
+Kristi	52486
+Krista	52487
+Kristen	52488
+Kristofferson	52489
+Kristy	52490
+Krispies	52491
+Krispy	52492
+Krissy	52493
+Krause's	52494
+Krusty	52495
+Knolls	52496
+Knollwood	52497
+Knightsbridge	52498
+Knightstown	52499
+Knightsville	52500
+Kleenexes	52501
+Khalifa	52502
+Khalid	52503
+Khalil	52504
+Kwanzaa	52505
+Ellen's	52506
+Ellendale	52507
+Ellensburg	52508
+Ellenton	52509
+Ellenville	52510
+Ellenwood	52511
+Ellerbe	52512
+Ellerslie	52513
+Ellery	52514
+Ellettsville	52515
+Elliott	52516
+Elliots	52517
+Ellison	52518
+Elliston	52519
+Ellisville	52520
+Ellicottville	52521
+Ellie's	52522
+Elizabeth's	52523
+Electra	52524
+Elections	52525
+Elementary	52526
+Elements	52527
+Elena's	52528
+Elmer's	52529
+Elmers	52530
+Eldersburg	52531
+Eldorado	52532
+Eldredge	52533
+Elsie's	52534
+Elaine's	52535
+England's	52536
+Englewood	52537
+Englishtown	52538
+Engineering	52539
+Engineers	52540
+Enterprises	52541
+Entertainer	52542
+Entertainment	52543
+Enrico	52544
+Enrichment	52545
+Energies	52546
+Energizer	52547
+Edgemere	52548
+Edgewater	52549
+Edgewood	52550
+Edinburg	52551
+Edinboro	52552
+Edmond	52553
+Edmonton	52554
+Edwardsburg	52555
+Edwardsville	52556
+Everett	52557
+Everest	52558
+Everlast	52559
+Everlong	52560
+Everly	52561
+Everybody	52562
+Everyone	52563
+Everything	52564
+Everglades	52565
+Evergreen	52566
+Everhard	52567
+Everhart	52568
+Everson	52569
+Everton	52570
+Events	52571
+Evelyn's	52572
+Evansdale	52573
+Evanston	52574
+Evansville	52575
+Eastpoint	52576
+Eastport	52577
+Eastbay	52578
+Eastbrook	52579
+Eastern	52580
+Easthampton	52581
+Eastlake	52582
+Eastland	52583
+Eastman	52584
+Eastmont	52585
+Easton	52586
+Eastover	52587
+Eastvale	52588
+Eastview	52589
+Eastway	52590
+Eastwood	52591
+Eatonton	52592
+Eatontown	52593
+Employees	52594
+Emilio	52595
+Emilia	52596
+Emilie	52597
+Emily's	52598
+Estella	52599
+Estelle	52600
+Estates	52601
+Escalon	52602
+Essential	52603
+Essence	52604
+Erickson	52605
+Ericka	52606
+Erica's	52607
+Ericsson	52608
+Erika's	52609
+Eriksen	52610
+Erikson	52611
+Expecting	52612
+Expedia	52613
+Expedition	52614
+Experian	52615
+Experience	52616
+Economy	52617
+Europe	52618
+Europa	52619
+Etheridge	52620
+Ethernet	52621
+overdo	52622
+overdid	52623
+overdue	52624
+overly	52625
+overtake	52626
+overcrowded	52627
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+overpower	52631
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+override	52633
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+overnights	52638
+overflowed	52639
+overflowing	52640
+overflows	52641
+overbearing	52642
+overeat	52643
+overestimated	52644
+ovarian	52645
+ovaries	52646
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+outlandish	52648
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+outlive	52650
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+outsider	52652
+outsource	52653
+outsourcing	52654
+outrageous	52655
+outraged	52656
+outrigger	52657
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+outbox	52663
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+outpost	52670
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+outputs	52672
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+outgrew	52674
+outerwear	52675
+outings	52676
+outweighs	52677
+ourself	52678
+ourselves	52679
+organs	52680
+orgasmic	52681
+orgasms	52682
+origins	52683
+oriental	52684
+order:	52685
+ordered	52686
+ordering	52687
+orderly	52688
+orders	52689
+orderves	52690
+ordinarily	52691
+ordinary	52692
+orthodontic	52693
+orthodontist	52694
+orthopedic	52695
+orthopedist	52696
+orchestrated	52697
+ornamental	52698
+ornaments	52699
+optimal	52700
+optimeyes	52701
+optician	52702
+optics	52703
+optional	52704
+options	52705
+optometric	52706
+optometrist	52707
+operate	52708
+operator	52709
+opener	52710
+opened	52711
+openings	52712
+oppose	52713
+opportune	52714
+opponents	52715
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+observing	52717
+obsessed	52718
+obstacles	52719
+obstructed	52720
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+oblivion	52725
+oblivious	52726
+objectively	52727
+objectives	52728
+objections	52729
+offend	52730
+offence	52731
+offering	52732
+offerdahl's	52733
+offered	52734
+offers	52735
+officer	52736
+office.	52737
+offices	52738
+official	52739
+offseason	52740
+offset	52741
+one-of-a-kind	52742
+one-on-one	52743
+onesies	52744
+oncologist	52745
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+occupy	52747
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+occasionally	52749
+olives	52750
+olivias	52751
+owners	52752
+owner's	52753
+osteopathic	52754
+osteoporosis	52755
+NorthWestern	52756
+Northampton	52757
+Northdale	52758
+Northtown	52759
+Northumberland	52760
+Norteno	52761
+Nortel	52762
+Norterra	52763
+Norton's	52764
+Norman	52765
+Norma's	52766
+Normal	52767
+Nordstroms	52768
+Norwegian	52769
+Norwell	52770
+Norwex	52771
+Norwalk	52772
+Norway	52773
+Norristown	52774
+November's	52775
+Noblesville	52776
+Nostradamus	52777
+Nostrand	52778
+Newburg	52779
+Newbury	52780
+Newberg	52781
+Newberry	52782
+Newsome	52783
+Newton	52784
+Newtown	52785
+Newman's	52786
+Newmarket	52787
+Newcomb	52788
+Newcomerstown	52789
+Newports	52790
+Nestle's	52791
+Nesconset	52792
+Nescopeck	52793
+Neelys	52794
+Nellie	52795
+Nellis	52796
+Nelly's	52797
+Nevins	52798
+Nevada	52799
+Nevado	52800
+Negroes	52801
+Negros	52802
+Neutrogena	52803
+Neutron	52804
+National	52805
+Nations	52806
+Nationwide	52807
+Native	52808
+Natalee	52809
+Natasha's	52810
+Nathaniel's	52811
+Nathanson	52812
+Naturals	52813
+Nature's	52814
+Natchez	52815
+Natchitoches	52816
+Nancy's	52817
+Nancys	52818
+Nandos	52819
+Navarre	52820
+Navarro	52821
+Navigant	52822
+Napoli's	52823
+Nadia's	52824
+Nadine's	52825
+Naughton	52826
+Naughty	52827
+Nickel	52828
+Nickerson	52829
+Nicky's	52830
+Nicole	52831
+Nicola	52832
+Nicollet	52833
+Nicholas's	52834
+Nicholasville	52835
+Nicholson	52836
+Nightmares	52837
+Nightwing	52838
+Nightwish	52839
+Nigeria	52840
+Nigel's	52841
+Nikki's	52842
+Nikkis	52843
+Niners	52844
+Nutrishop	52845
+Nutrisystem	52846
+newsletters	52847
+newspapers	52848
+newbies	52849
+newborns	52850
+newegg.com	52851
+newlyweds	52852
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+neglecting	52855
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+northeast	52900
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+northwestern	52902
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+normas	52904
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+nostalgic	52907
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+naturalization	52924
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+narcissism	52931
+narrowed	52932
+narrowing	52933
+narrows	52934
+narrator	52935
+nameless	52936
+namely	52937
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+nanny's	52939
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+navigator	52941
+nastiness	52942
+naughtiest	52943
+naughtiness	52944
+nailed	52945
+nailer	52946
+nighter	52947
+nightmare	52948
+nights	52949
+night's	52950
+night.	52951
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+nighty	52957
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+niggers	52959
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+nicknames	52961
+nickels	52962
+nicole	52963
+nicolo's	52964
+nineteen	52965
+ninety	52966
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+nippley	52969
+number	52970
+numbed	52971
+numbness	52972
+numbnuts	52973
+numerica	52974
+numerology	52975
+numerous	52976
+numerals	52977
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+nutritious	52979
+nutrients	52980
+nutcrackers	52981
+nurse's	52982
+nursed	52983
+nurses	52984
+nurtured	52985
+nudies	52986
+nuggets	52987
+Jackson	52988
+Jacksboro	52989
+Jackie's	52990
+Jackies	52991
+Jacky's	52992
+Jackyl	52993
+Jackalope	52994
+Jackass	52995
+Jackets	52996
+Jacobson	52997
+Jacqueline	52998
+Jacquelyn	52999
+Janet's	53000
+Janets	53001
+Janette	53002
+Janelle	53003
+Janesville	53004
+Janine	53005
+Janina	53006
+Janice's	53007
+Jameson	53008
+James's	53009
+Jamesburg	53010
+Jamestown	53011
+Jamesville	53012
+Jamie's	53013
+Jamies	53014
+Jamila	53015
+Jamaican	53016
+Jarrett	53017
+Jarreau	53018
+Jasmine's	53019
+Jaden's	53020
+Javier's	53021
+Johnson	53022
+Johnnie	53023
+Johnny	53024
+Johannes	53025
+Johanna	53026
+Josephine	53027
+Joseph's	53028
+Josephs	53029
+Joshua's	53030
+Josie's	53031
+Jonesborough	53032
+Jonesy's	53033
+Jonathan	53034
+Jonathon	53035
+Jonah's	53036
+Joanne	53037
+Joanna	53038
+Joann's	53039
+Joanns	53040
+Jordan's	53041
+Jordans	53042
+Jordyn	53043
+Jollyville	53044
+Jennifer	53045
+Jennie	53046
+Jennings	53047
+Jenny's	53048
+Jennys	53049
+Jenna's	53050
+Jennersville	53051
+Jenise	53052
+Jenison	53053
+Jenkins	53054
+Jenkintown	53055
+Jensen's	53056
+Jeremiah	53057
+Jeremih	53058
+Jeremy's	53059
+Jerry's	53060
+Jerrys	53061
+Jessica	53062
+Jessie	53063
+Jessamine	53064
+Jesse's	53065
+Jesus's	53066
+Jefferson	53067
+Jeffrey's	53068
+Jeffreys	53069
+Jeannette	53070
+Jeannie's	53071
+Jewelers	53072
+Jewell	53073
+Jewelry	53074
+Julian	53075
+Julia's	53076
+Juliet	53077
+Julie's	53078
+Julien	53079
+Julies	53080
+Julio's	53081
+Judaica	53082
+Judaism	53083
+Justin's	53084
+Justina	53085
+Justine	53086
+Justins	53087
+Juanita	53088
+Juanito	53089
+Jimmy's	53090
+Jimmys	53091
+Jingleheimer	53092
+unders	53093
+underdog	53094
+underbelly	53095
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+underneath	53097
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+undetermined	53105
+undisclosed	53106
+undisputed	53107
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+uninstall	53109
+uninsured	53110
+universal	53111
+universe	53112
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+united	53114
+uniforms	53115
+unconditional	53116
+unconventional	53117
+uncooked	53118
+uncooperative	53119
+uncoordinated	53120
+uncomfortable	53121
+uncommon	53122
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+uncle's	53124
+uncles	53125
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+uncharted	53128
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+unsupported	53131
+unsettled	53132
+unsettling	53133
+unfold	53134
+unfollow	53135
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+unforeseen	53137
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+unfriending	53141
+unfriendly	53142
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+unlocking	53144
+unlocks	53145
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+unloading	53147
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+unaccounted	53152
+unappreciated	53153
+unappreciative	53154
+unprecedented	53155
+unpredictable	53156
+unprepared	53157
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+unprofessional	53159
+unprotected	53160
+unpacked	53161
+unpacking	53162
+unbearable	53163
+unbeatable	53164
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+unbelievably	53166
+unbreakable	53167
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+unreachable	53169
+unread	53170
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+unresolved	53172
+unresponsive	53173
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+unrelated	53175
+unreliable	53176
+unraveling	53177
+untied	53178
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+untouchable	53180
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+unwinding	53186
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+unmarked	53188
+unmarried	53189
+unknowns	53190
+upstairs	53191
+upstanding	53192
+upstate	53193
+uplifting	53194
+uppers	53195
+updated:	53196
+upholstered	53197
+upholstery	53198
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+urinary	53200
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+utilizing	53206
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+ultimately	53211
+ultimatums	53212
+uglies	53213
+uglier	53214
+Orangevale	53215
+Orangeville	53216
+Original	53217
+Origins	53218
+Oregon's	53219
+Oregonian	53220
+Orders	53221
+Orlando's	53222
+Oliver	53223
+Olivet	53224
+Olivehurst	53225
+Olives	53226
+Olivia's	53227
+Olympia	53228
+Olympic	53229
+O'Neill's	53230
+O'Neills	53231
+O'Connor's	53232
+O'Connors	53233
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+Octavio	53235
+October's	53236
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+Operating	53238
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+Interior	53365
+Interpol	53366
+Interra	53367
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+Interwest	53369
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+Integris	53373
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+Intrex	53375
+Intruder	53376
+Intrust	53377
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+India's	53379
+Indialantic	53380
+Indonesian	53381
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+Instant	53383
+Institute	53384
+Institution	53385
+Inspection	53386
+Inspector	53387
+Invesco	53388
+Inverness	53389
+Inverrary	53390
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+Infiniti	53398
+Infinity	53399
+Information	53400
+Informer	53401
+Isabella	53402
+Isabelle	53403
+Isaac's	53404
+Isaacs	53405
+Isaiah's	53406
+Islander	53407
+Islandia	53408
+Islands	53409
+Islamic	53410
+Irondale	53411
+Irondequoit	53412
+Irvington	53413
+Irishman	53414
+Improvement	53415
+Imagination	53416
+Imaginext	53417
+Imaging	53418
+Images	53419
+Iverson	53420
+Illinois	53421
+Illini	53422
+Illuminating	53423
+Illustrated	53424
+Illustrator	53425
+Italian	53426
+Italy's	53427
+Vince's	53428
+Vinces	53429
+Vinci's	53430
+Vineyards	53431
+Vinnie's	53432
+Vinnies	53433
+Vinny's	53434
+Vicki's	53435
+Vickie	53436
+Vickers	53437
+Vickery	53438
+Vicksburg	53439
+Vicky's	53440
+Victor's	53441
+Victorville	53442
+Victory	53443
+Visitor	53444
+Visiting	53445
+Visionworks	53446
+Villanova	53447
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+Villegas	53449
+Virgin	53450
+Virgil	53451
+Vitales	53452
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+Vitamix	53454
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+Vivian's	53456
+Viviana	53457
+Vidalia	53458
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+Valencia	53460
+Valens	53461
+Valenzuela	53462
+Valero	53463
+Valley	53464
+Vallejo	53465
+Valdese	53466
+Valdez	53467
+Valpak	53468
+Valparaiso	53469
+Vander	53470
+Vandenberg	53471
+Vanceboro	53472
+Vanilla	53473
+Vanilli	53474
+Vernon	53475
+Vernor	53476
+Vernal	53477
+Veronica	53478
+Verona	53479
+Versace	53480
+Versailles	53481
+Verdes	53482
+Verizon's	53483
+Vermilion	53484
+Vermillion	53485
+Venezuela	53486
+Venezia's	53487
+Veneta	53488
+Venetian	53489
+Ventura	53490
+Venture	53491
+Vestal	53492
+Vestavia	53493
+Veteran's	53494
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+jiggling	53611
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+123456	53613
+Univest	53614
+Undercover	53615
+Underhill	53616
+Underoath	53617
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+Youngerman	53624
+Youngfield	53625
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+Youngwood	53627
+Yourself	53628
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+Yankees	53630
+Yankovich	53631
+Yanni's	53632
+Yamato's	53633
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+Yellowknife	53635
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+youngster	53637
+youngstedts	53638
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+Zachariah	53697
+Zanders	53698
+Zimmerman's	53699
+Ziggy's	53700
+Zillah	53701
+Zionsville	53702
+Quinta	53703
+Quintero	53704
+Quinton	53705
+Quincy	53706
+Quince	53707
+Quinn's	53708
+Quinnipiac	53709
+Quartz	53710
+Quarryville	53711
+Quantico	53712
+Quantrell	53713
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+Queensland	53715
+Queensryche	53716
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+Starling	55034
+Starlite	55035
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+Standing	55037
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+Stanleys	55041
+Stanford's	55042
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+Stevie's	55056
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+Stefano's	55060
+Stefanos	55061
+Stefanie	55062
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+Stewartsville	55064
+Stella's	55065
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+Stoney's	55068
+Stoneybrook	55069
+Stoneys	55070
+Stonebrook	55071
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+Stoneleigh	55078
+Stonestown	55079
+Stratham	55080
+Strathmore	55081
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+Streamwood	55089
+Stroudsburg	55090
+Studebakers	55091
+Students	55092
+Studios	55093
+Sturgill	55094
+Sturgis	55095
+Stillwater	55096
+Stillwell	55097
+Sanderson	55098
+Sandersville	55099
+Sandra's	55100
+Sandras	55101
+Sandhills	55102
+Sandler's	55103
+Santana	55104
+Santander	55105
+Santiago	55106
+Santiam	55107
+Santini's	55108
+Santino's	55109
+Santorini's	55110
+Salishan	55111
+Salvatore's	55112
+Salvatores	55113
+Savings	55114
+Saddleback	55115
+Saddlebrook	55116
+Sharper	55117
+Sharpsburg	55118
+Sharpstown	55119
+Sharkeez	55120
+Sharkey's	55121
+Shannon's	55122
+Shannons	55123
+Shanahan's	55124
+Shakespeare	55125
+Shakey's	55126
+Shakeys	55127
+Shawna's	55128
+Shaleen	55129
+Sheriff's	55130
+Sheriffs	55131
+Sheridan's	55132
+Sherrie	55133
+Sherry's	55134
+Shelby's	55135
+Shelbys	55136
+Shelbyville	55137
+Shelley's	55138
+Shelly's	55139
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+Shelton's	55141
+Sheena's	55142
+Shepherdstown	55143
+Shepherdsville	55144
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+Shoppingtown	55148
+Shorty's	55149
+Shirley's	55150
+Shiloh's	55151
+Seagram's	55152
+Seagrams	55153
+Seasons	55154
+ServiceMaster	55155
+Services	55156
+Senator	55157
+Senatobia	55158
+Selena's	55159
+Sellersburg	55160
+Sellersville	55161
+Sebastian's	55162
+Sunday's	55163
+Sundays	55164
+Superman's	55165
+Supremes	55166
+Summerhays	55167
+Summerhill	55168
+Summerland	55169
+Summerlin	55170
+Summerside	55171
+Summersville	55172
+Southwestern	55173
+Southwick	55174
+Southwind	55175
+Southwood	55176
+Southworth	55177
+Southbridge	55178
+Southbrook	55179
+Southpoint	55180
+Southport	55181
+Southeastern	55182
+Southlands	55183
+Somerset	55184
+Somersworth	55185
+Sorensen	55186
+Sorenson	55187
+Sorrento's	55188
+Sparkleberry	55189
+Sparkletts	55190
+Sparky's	55191
+Spartan	55192
+Spartacus	55193
+Spangled	55194
+Spangler	55195
+Speedwell	55196
+Speedy's	55197
+Spectra	55198
+Spectre	55199
+Spectrum	55200
+Specialists	55201
+Spencer's	55202
+Spencerport	55203
+Spencers	55204
+Spencerville	55205
+Spearman	55206
+Spearmint	55207
+Springs	55208
+SpringHill	55209
+Springdale	55210
+Springer	55211
+Springfield	55212
+Springleaf	55213
+Springmill	55214
+Springtown	55215
+Springwood	55216
+Sprinter	55217
+Sportsman's	55218
+Sportsmans	55219
+Silversun	55220
+Silverados	55221
+Silverlake	55222
+Silverleaf	55223
+Silverman	55224
+Silvermine	55225
+Silverthorne	55226
+Silverton	55227
+Silvio's	55228
+Simonson's	55229
+SimplexGrinnell	55230
+Scholars	55231
+Scholastic	55232
+Scholl's	55233
+Scholls	55234
+Schuler	55235
+Schulenburg	55236
+Schuylerville	55237
+Schererville	55238
+Schwarz	55239
+Schwartz	55240
+Schwabs	55241
+Schaefer's	55242
+Schillinger	55243
+Schroeder's	55244
+Scottsdale	55245
+Scottsville	55246
+Scottie	55247
+Scottish	55248
+Scotty's	55249
+Scripture	55250
+Scripts	55251
+Scandinavian	55252
+Skylander	55253
+Skylark	55254
+Skateway	55255
+Skateworld	55256
+Swanson's	55257
+Swansons	55258
+Sweetbay	55259
+Sweetbriar	55260
+Sweeney's	55261
+Smithsburg	55262
+Smithsonian	55263
+Smokey's	55264
+Snoopy's	55265
+Sylvania	55266
+Sylvia's	55267
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+pinchers	55604
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+pictured	55607
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+pillowcases	55609
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+plastered	55637
+plastering	55638
+plastic	55639
+pleasantburg	55640
+pleasantdale	55641
+pleasantly	55642
+pleasantries	55643
+please.	55644
+pleased	55645
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+pleasure	55648
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+pledges	55651
+plumber's	55652
+plumbers	55653
+pursuit	55654
+pursuing	55655
+pursued	55656
+purification	55657
+purples	55658
+punched	55659
+puncher	55660
+punches	55661
+punctual	55662
+punctured	55663
+publication	55664
+publican	55665
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+publicity	55667
+publicize	55668
+publisher	55669
+published	55670
+pushers	55671
+pumpernickel	55672
+photographs	55673
+photography	55674
+photoshop	55675
+photoshoot	55676
+phone.com	55677
+phones.com	55678
+physical	55679
+physics	55680
+philosophers	55681
+philosophical	55682
+philosophies	55683
+phenomenal	55684
+psychology	55685
+psychopathic	55686
+psychopaths	55687
+psychosis	55688
+psychosocial	55689
+psychotherapy	55690
+psychotic	55691
+psychiatry	55692
+psychics	55693
+psychedelic	55694
+Conners	55695
+Connery	55696
+Connellsville	55697
+Connelly	55698
+Connor's	55699
+Connors	55700
+Connolly's	55701
+Connie's	55702
+Constant	55703
+Constance	55704
+Consulate	55705
+Consuela	55706
+Consuelo	55707
+Consumers	55708
+Conservancy	55709
+Controls	55710
+Contacts	55711
+Contessa	55712
+Contest	55713
+Continental	55714
+Concorde	55715
+Concordia	55716
+Concords	55717
+Concordville	55718
+Congress	55719
+Congregation	55720
+Confederacy	55721
+Convergys	55722
+Converse	55723
+Conley's	55724
+College	55725
+Collegiate	55726
+Collector	55727
+Colleen's	55728
+Colleens	55729
+Colleyville	55730
+Collins	55731
+Colliers	55732
+Collierville	55733
+Collision	55734
+Collison	55735
+Colonia	55736
+Colonie	55737
+Colombia	55738
+Colombo	55739
+Colorado's	55740
+Colinas	55741
+Columbia	55742
+Columbine	55743
+Corners	55744
+Cornell	55745
+Cornwallis	55746
+Correction	55747
+Corrales	55748
+Cortese	55749
+Cordele	55750
+Cordelia	55751
+Cordell	55752
+Corinthian	55753
+Commodore	55754
+Commodus	55755
+Commons	55756
+Commonwealth	55757
+Commander	55758
+Commands	55759
+Commissioner	55760
+Commission's	55761
+Companion	55762
+Company	55763
+Compassion	55764
+Computers	55765
+Courtenay	55766
+Courtesy	55767
+Courtney's	55768
+Countryside	55769
+County's	55770
+Cookies	55771
+Coopersburg	55772
+Cooperstown	55773
+Coopersville	55774
+Cosmopolitan	55775
+Cosmoprof	55776
+Copperas	55777
+Copperfield	55778
+Copperhead	55779
+Cottondale	55780
+Cottonelle	55781
+Cottontail	55782
+Cottonwood	55783
+Carlina	55784
+Carling	55785
+Carlinville	55786
+Carlitos	55787
+Carlson's	55788
+Carlos's	55789
+Carrie's	55790
+Carrier	55791
+Carroll's	55792
+Carrollton	55793
+Carrollwood	55794
+Carolina	55795
+Caroline	55796
+Carolee	55797
+Carolyn's	55798
+Carmelo	55799
+Carmelita	55800
+Carmella's	55801
+Carmen's	55802
+Carmenita	55803
+Carmens	55804
+Carmichaels	55805
+Carmine's	55806
+Carmines	55807
+Cartersville	55808
+Cardinal	55809
+Cardington	55810
+Carneys	55811
+Carpenter	55812
+Carpentaria	55813
+Callahan's	55814
+Callender	55815
+California	55816
+Californication	55817
+Campbellsville	55818
+Campostella	55819
+Camelback	55820
+Camelbak	55821
+Cameron	55822
+Cameroon	55823
+Camille	55824
+Camilla	55825
+Camillus	55826
+Caminos	55827
+Camaros	55828
+Cambrian	55829
+CambridgeSide	55830
+Candlestick	55831
+Candice's	55832
+Canadian	55833
+Canadiens	55834
+Canada's	55835
+Cantonese	55836
+Cantonment	55837
+Cassandra	55838
+Cassano's	55839
+Cassidy's	55840
+Cassie's	55841
+Casselberry	55842
+Cassell	55843
+Casselton	55844
+Cascades	55845
+Catherine's	55846
+Catherines	55847
+Cattleman's	55848
+Cattlemen's	55849
+Capital	55850
+CapitaLand	55851
+Capitan	55852
+Capitola	55853
+Capelli's	55854
+Caprice	55855
+Capricorn	55856
+Cabela's	55857
+Cabelas	55858
+Charles	55859
+Charlene	55860
+Charley	55861
+Charleroi	55862
+Charlevoix	55863
+Charlie	55864
+Charlotte's	55865
+Charlottesville	55866
+Charlottetown	55867
+Charities	55868
+Chariton	55869
+Charity	55870
+Chartered	55871
+Chargers	55872
+Chandler's	55873
+Chandlers	55874
+Channelside	55875
+Channelview	55876
+Champions	55877
+Champaign	55878
+Champlain	55879
+Champlin	55880
+Chambers	55881
+Chamberlain	55882
+Chappelle	55883
+Chattanoogan	55884
+Chainsaw	55885
+Chesterbrook	55886
+Chesterfield	55887
+Chesterland	55888
+Chesters	55889
+Chesnee	55890
+Chesney	55891
+Cherryvale	55892
+Cherryville	55893
+Chelsea's	55894
+Children	55895
+Childress	55896
+Childersburg	55897
+Chillicothe	55898
+Chilliwack	55899
+Chickamauga	55900
+Chicago's	55901
+Chicagoland	55902
+Chippendale	55903
+Chippenham	55904
+Christian	55905
+Christie	55906
+Christmases	55907
+Christmassy	55908
+Christmastime	55909
+Christmasy	55910
+Christoph	55911
+Christos	55912
+Christensen	55913
+Christel	55914
+Christy's	55915
+Churchill's	55916
+Crossley	55917
+Crossett	55918
+Crownsville	55919
+Crocker	55920
+Crockett	55921
+Crescenta	55922
+Creekside	55923
+Creekstone	55924
+Creation	55925
+Creative	55926
+Craigslist	55927
+Cristian	55928
+Cristina	55929
+Crittenden	55930
+Crittenton	55931
+Crusaders	55932
+Clarksburg	55933
+Clarksdale	55934
+Clarkson	55935
+Clarkston	55936
+Clarksville	55937
+Clarkesville	55938
+Clarisa	55939
+Clarisonic	55940
+Claremont	55941
+Claremore	55942
+Clarence	55943
+Clarendon	55944
+Claire's	55945
+Clairemont	55946
+Claudia	55947
+Claudine	55948
+Claudio	55949
+Claudius	55950
+Claudette	55951
+Classical	55952
+Classico	55953
+Clearwater	55954
+Clearwire	55955
+Cleaners	55956
+Clemente	55957
+Clementine	55958
+Clementon	55959
+Clements	55960
+Cliffside	55961
+Clinton's	55962
+Clintonville	55963
+Clinics	55964
+CenterPoint	55965
+Centerburg	55966
+Centereach	55967
+Centers	55968
+Centerton	55969
+Centerville	55970
+Centrelink	55971
+Centreville	55972
+Centralia	55973
+CenturyLink	55974
+CenturyTel	55975
+Celebrate	55976
+Celebration	55977
+Cerritos	55978
+Currier	55979
+Mariano	55980
+Mariana	55981
+Mariah's	55982
+Mariner	55983
+Marinello's	55984
+Marines	55985
+Marinette	55986
+Marinos	55987
+Mariela	55988
+Marion's	55989
+Marionville	55990
+Marisa's	55991
+Marissa's	55992
+Martins	55993
+Martini	55994
+Martine	55995
+Martino	55996
+Martin's	55997
+Martina	55998
+Martindale	55999
+Martintown	56000
+Martinville	56001
+Martians	56002
+Martell	56003
+Marcella	56004
+Marcello	56005
+Marcellus	56006
+Marconi	56007
+Marcone	56008
+Marciano	56009
+Marlene	56010
+Marlena	56011
+Marley's	56012
+Marlow's	56013
+Marshal	56014
+Marshawn	56015
+Marsala	56016
+Marsalis	56017
+Margaret	56018
+Margarita	56019
+Margie's	56020
+Markley	56021
+Maryview	56022
+Maryville	56023
+Marburger	56024
+Maranatha	56025
+Mandela	56026
+Manning's	56027
+Mannington	56028
+Manhattans	56029
+Matterhorn	56030
+Matters	56031
+Matthew's	56032
+Matthews	56033
+Mathers	56034
+Mathews	56035
+Mathison	56036
+Materials	56037
+Mackenzies	56038
+Mackinac	56039
+Mackinaw	56040
+Machines	56041
+Malaysian	56042
+Maloney's	56043
+Mallory's	56044
+Massachusetts	56045
+Massacre	56046
+Massapequa	56047
+Massaponax	56048
+Massey's	56049
+Masters	56050
+Madeleine's	56051
+Madeline's	56052
+Magnuson	56053
+Mahoney	56054
+Mauriceville	56055
+Maximum	56056
+Maximus	56057
+Monterey	56058
+Monterrey	56059
+Montero	56060
+Montell	56061
+Monteleone	56062
+Montesano	56063
+Montessori	56064
+Montezuma	56065
+Montevallo	56066
+Montevideo	56067
+Montana	56068
+Montano	56069
+Montage	56070
+Montague	56071
+Montrose	56072
+Montross	56073
+Mongolian	56074
+Monkeys	56075
+Morrison	56076
+Morrissey	56077
+Morristown	56078
+Morrisville	56079
+Morrie's	56080
+Moorestown	56081
+Mooresville	56082
+Motorwerks	56083
+Motorhead	56084
+Motorhome	56085
+Motorsports	56086
+Mountaineer	56087
+Mountains	56088
+Moundsville	56089
+Moultonborough	56090
+Mohammad	56091
+Mohammed	56092
+Millers	56093
+Miller's	56094
+Millerton	56095
+Millerville	56096
+Millennium	56097
+Milledgeville	56098
+Millionaire	56099
+Millions	56100
+Millie's	56101
+Milligans	56102
+Millikan	56103
+Milliken	56104
+Millington	56105
+Millinocket	56106
+Millbrook	56107
+Millburn	56108
+Millbury	56109
+Millstadt	56110
+Millstream	56111
+Milano's	56112
+Milanos	56113
+Minerva's	56114
+Ministries	56115
+Ministry	56116
+Michelle	56117
+Michelangelo	56118
+Michele	56119
+Michelin	56120
+Michelob	56121
+Michaela	56122
+Michaels	56123
+Michael's	56124
+Michigan's	56125
+Mickey's	56126
+Mickeys	56127
+Middleburg	56128
+Middlebury	56129
+Missionary	56130
+Mississauga	56131
+Mississippi	56132
+Missoula	56133
+Missoulian	56134
+Mitchell's	56135
+Mitchells	56136
+Mitchellville	56137
+Mercersburg	56138
+Mercerville	56139
+Mercedes	56140
+Merchants	56141
+Merrimon	56142
+Merrillville	56143
+Meridian	56144
+Meridien	56145
+Mendelson	56146
+Melinda's	56147
+Metropark	56148
+Metroplex	56149
+Metrolina	56150
+Metrolink	56151
+Medicaid	56152
+Medical	56153
+Medicap	56154
+Medicare	56155
+Mediterranean	56156
+Meadowbrook	56157
+Meadowdale	56158
+Meadowood	56159
+Meadows	56160
+Mexican	56161
+Mexicali	56162
+Mexico's	56163
+Memorial	56164
+Memories	56165
+McCarthy	56166
+McCarter	56167
+McCartney	56168
+McCarty	56169
+McCarran	56170
+McCarron	56171
+McCormick's	56172
+McCormicks	56173
+McCordsville	56174
+McClelland	56175
+McClendon's	56176
+McClain's	56177
+McClure	56178
+McClurkin	56179
+McKenna	56180
+McKenney	56181
+McKenzies	56182
+McKeesport	56183
+McKellips	56184
+McKinnon's	56185
+McGuire's	56186
+McGuires	56187
+McDonald's	56188
+McDonalds	56189
+McDoubles	56190
+Munchkins	56191
+Muskegon	56192
+Mustangs	56193
+Murdoch's	56194
+Murphysboro	56195
+Mullinax	56196
+Mullins	56197
+Brookshire	56198
+Brookston	56199
+Brookside	56200
+Brooksville	56201
+Brooklyn	56202
+Brookline	56203
+Brooke's	56204
+Brooker	56205
+Brookes	56206
+Brookhaven	56207
+Brookhollow	56208
+Brookhurst	56209
+Brownstown	56210
+Brownsville	56211
+Brownell	56212
+Broadwater	56213
+Broadway	56214
+Brandon	56215
+Branden	56216
+Brandeis	56217
+Brandi's	56218
+Brandie	56219
+Brandy's	56220
+Brandywine	56221
+Bradley's	56222
+Bradleys	56223
+Brazosport	56224
+Brackenridge	56225
+Brattleboro	56226
+Bridget	56227
+Bridges	56228
+Bridgehampton	56229
+Bridgeport	56230
+Bridger	56231
+Brittany	56232
+Brittain	56233
+Britain's	56234
+Brianna	56235
+Brianne	56236
+Briarcliff	56237
+Briarcrest	56238
+Brightman	56239
+Brighton	56240
+Brightside	56241
+Brightwood	56242
+Bristows	56243
+Brendan	56244
+Brenda's	56245
+Brennan	56246
+Breezewood	56247
+Barrett	56248
+Barrels	56249
+Barron's	56250
+Barrons	56251
+Barracks	56252
+Barracuda	56253
+Barney's	56254
+Barneys	56255
+Barnesville	56256
+Barnaby	56257
+Barnabas	56258
+Barton's	56259
+Bartonsville	56260
+Bartonville	56261
+Bartells	56262
+Barbara	56263
+Barbarian	56264
+Barbies	56265
+Bandidos	56266
+Bandito	56267
+BancorpSouth	56268
+Ballast	56269
+Ballenger	56270
+Ballentine	56271
+Baldwinsville	56272
+Battleship	56273
+Battlestar	56274
+Battlefield	56275
+Battleford	56276
+Bakersfield	56277
+Bakersville	56278
+Bellevue	56279
+Bellefontaine	56280
+Bellefonte	56281
+Bernardi	56282
+Bernards	56283
+Bernard's	56284
+Bernardo	56285
+Bernalillo	56286
+Bernie's	56287
+Bernies	56288
+Bergenfield	56289
+Bergenline	56290
+Bergeron	56291
+Berkshires	56292
+Bennett	56293
+Bennington	56294
+Benito's	56295
+Benjamin's	56296
+Benjamins	56297
+Beardsley	56298
+Beardstown	56299
+Beautyrest	56300
+Beaverdale	56301
+Beaverdam	56302
+Bethany's	56303
+Bettendorf	56304
+Beckers	56305
+Bonners	56306
+Boniface	56307
+Bonifacius	56308
+Boosters	56309
+Botanical	56310
+Burnett	56311
+Burgers	56312
+Burgerville	56313
+Burlingame	56314
+Burlington	56315
+Burtonsville	56316
+Buckeye	56317
+Buckeystown	56318
+Buckley	56319
+Butterball	56320
+Buttercup	56321
+Butterworth	56322
+Buttonwillow	56323
+Buttonwood	56324
+Buddha's	56325
+Buddhism	56326
+Buddhist	56327
+Blackbird	56328
+Blackburn	56329
+Blacksburg	56330
+Blackshear	56331
+Blackson	56332
+Blackman	56333
+Blackwater	56334
+Blackwell	56335
+Blackwood	56336
+Blackhawks	56337
+Blanche	56338
+Blanchard	56339
+Blankenbaker	56340
+Blankenship	56341
+Blairstown	56342
+Blairsville	56343
+Blaine's	56344
+Blazers	56345
+Bloomingdale	56346
+Bloomingburg	56347
+Bloomington	56348
+Bloomsburg	56349
+Bloomsbury	56350
+Bloodstones	56351
+Billingsley	56352
+barbers	56353
+barberitos	56354
+barberry	56355
+barbecue	56356
+barbecuing	56357
+barbara	56358
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+milligrams	58033
+milliliters	58034
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+millennium	58036
+milestones	58037
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+military	58040
+microscope	58041
+microscopic	58042
+microsoft.com	58043
+microwaved	58044
+microwaves	58045
+midwifery	58046
+migrated	58047
+migrating	58048
+migration	58049
+miracles	58050
+miraculously	58051
+medical	58052
+medicaid	58053
+medicare.gov	58054
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+medicinal	58056
+mediate	58057
+mediator	58058
+mediation	58059
+meditation	58060
+meditating	58061
+meditated	58062
+metaphorical	58063
+metaphors	58064
+methadone	58065
+methadonia	58066
+methamphetamines	58067
+methane	58068
+methanol	58069
+methodist	58070
+methodology	58071
+methods	58072
+metropcs	58073
+merchant	58074
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+meaningful	58079
+meaningless	58080
+meanings	58081
+measurement	58082
+measured	58083
+measures	58084
+memorial	58085
+memories	58086
+memorandum	58087
+membership	58088
+message:	58089
+messaged	58090
+messager	58091
+messages	58092
+messengers	58093
+melodramatic	58094
+megabucks	58095
+megabus.com	58096
+megabytes	58097
+megapixels	58098
+mechanically	58099
+musical	58100
+musicians	58101
+mustaches	58102
+musketeers	58103
+multiple	58104
+multiply	58105
+multiplayer	58106
+multitasking	58107
+multivitamins	58108
+murderers	58109
+mumbled	58110
+mumbles	58111
+mysterious	58112
+mysteries	58113
+mystical	58114
+Allegany	58115
+Allegiance	58116
+Allegiant	58117
+Allegra	58118
+Allegro	58119
+Allendale	58120
+Allender	58121
+Allenstown	58122
+Allison's	58123
+Allisons	58124
+Alberto	58125
+Alberts	58126
+Albert's	58127
+Alberta	58128
+Albertina	58129
+Albertville	58130
+Albanian	58131
+Alexander	58132
+Alexian	58133
+Alexis's	58134
+Alamosa	58135
+Altamonte	58136
+Algonac	58137
+Andrea's	58138
+Andreas	58139
+Andrew's	58140
+Andrews	58141
+Andresen	58142
+Androids	58143
+Androscoggin	58144
+Anderson's	58145
+Andersons	58146
+Andersonville	58147
+Antonio	58148
+Antonia	58149
+Angelica	58150
+Angelia	58151
+Angelique	58152
+Angela's	58153
+Angelas	58154
+Angelo's	58155
+Angelos	58156
+Annabelle	58157
+Annabella	58158
+Armando	58159
+Armands	58160
+Armenian	58161
+Armstrong's	58162
+Archies	58163
+Arcadian	58164
+Ariana's	58165
+Arianna's	58166
+Arabian	58167
+Arlene's	58168
+America	58169
+AmericInn	58170
+Americold	58171
+Americus	58172
+Ameristar	58173
+Ameritech	58174
+Ameritrade	58175
+Ashley's	58176
+Associated	58177
+Associates	58178
+Assistance	58179
+Assistant	58180
+Adventureland	58181
+Adventures	58182
+Advisors	58183
+Advisory	58184
+Addison's	58185
+Adriana's	58186
+Autobahn	58187
+Autobarn	58188
+Autobody	58189
+Autobots	58190
+Automobile	58191
+Automotive	58192
+Australian	58193
+Austrian	58194
+Applebee's	58195
+Applebees	58196
+Appleton	58197
+Appletree	58198
+Appleway	58199
+Applewood	58200
+Appalachian	58201
+Activision	58202
+Acadiana	58203
+Athena's	58204
+Atlanta's	58205
+Atlantic	58206
+Atlantis	58207
+Avengers	58208
+Africans	58209
+Parkers	58210
+Parker's	58211
+Parkinson's	58212
+Paradise	58213
+Paradiso	58214
+Paramore	58215
+Paramount	58216
+Parrish	58217
+Palmer's	58218
+Palmers	58219
+Palmerton	58220
+Palestinians	58221
+Palomar	58222
+Patties	58223
+Patterson's	58224
+Patrick	58225
+Patricia	58226
+Patrice	58227
+Patriots	58228
+Pantera's	58229
+Packerland	58230
+Packers	58231
+Package	58232
+Packaging	58233
+Pauline	58234
+Paulina	58235
+Pappasito's	58236
+Perrine	58237
+Perring	58238
+Perrier	58239
+Perrysburg	58240
+Permits	58241
+Peterson	58242
+Petersburg	58243
+Petersen	58244
+Peterbilt	58245
+Peterborough	58246
+Petrino's	58247
+Pearson's	58248
+Pearsons	58249
+Peppermill	58250
+Peppermint	58251
+Pellegrino's	58252
+Pediatrics	58253
+Porter's	58254
+Porterdale	58255
+Porterfield	58256
+Porters	58257
+Porterville	58258
+Portales	58259
+Portillo's	58260
+Portillos	58261
+Powersports	58262
+Pomeranians	58263
+Pointer	58264
+Provincetown	58265
+Proving	58266
+Provino's	58267
+Providence	58268
+Provident	58269
+Prosecuting	58270
+Prosecutor's	58271
+Protection	58272
+Protective	58273
+Professionals	58274
+Prometheus	58275
+Prometric	58276
+Proctorville	58277
+President's	58278
+Presidente	58279
+Presidential	58280
+Presidents	58281
+Prestons	58282
+Prestonwood	58283
+Pressler	58284
+Pressley	58285
+Premiere	58286
+Princeton	58287
+Princeville	58288
+Pickering	58289
+Pickers	58290
+Picasso's	58291
+Pittsburg	58292
+Pittsboro	58293
+Pittsfield	58294
+Pittsford	58295
+Pittston	58296
+Pittstown	58297
+Plantsville	58298
+Platten	58299
+Platteville	58300
+Plattsburgh	58301
+Plattsmouth	58302
+Plaines	58303
+Plainsboro	58304
+Plainview	58305
+Plainville	58306
+Placerville	58307
+Philippi	58308
+Philippe	58309
+Philipsburg	58310
+Phillip	58311
+Phillies	58312
+Philly's	58313
+Phoenician	58314
+Phoenixville	58315
+Pharmasave	58316
+finalist	58317
+financial	58318
+financing	58319
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+finances	58321
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+finishes	58324
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+firewood	58327
+firewall	58328
+firewater	58329
+firefighter	58330
+firefighting	58331
+fireman's	58332
+firemen's	58333
+fireballs	58334
+fillers	58335
+fillets	58336
+fisheries	58337
+fishers	58338
+fishery	58339
+fishbones	58340
+figurines	58341
+fixings	58342
+fibroids	58343
+fibromialgia	58344
+fibromyalgia	58345
+fiddlers	58346
+fidelity.com	58347
+fitters	58348
+foresters	58349
+forestry	58350
+forests	58351
+foreseeable	58352
+foreclose	58353
+foreclosure	58354
+forecasted	58355
+forecasting	58356
+foreigners	58357
+formaldehyde	58358
+formally	58359
+formals	58360
+formats	58361
+formatting	58362
+formulate	58363
+formulating	58364
+formerly	58365
+forgetful	58366
+forgets	58367
+forgive	58368
+forgivable	58369
+forgiving	58370
+fortunately	58371
+fortunes	58372
+forcefully	58373
+footsteps	58374
+footstool	58375
+footballs	58376
+footers	58377
+footings	58378
+footlocker.com	58379
+foolishly	58380
+foolishness	58381
+fooling	58382
+follower	58383
+followed	58384
+following:	58385
+follows:	58386
+folders	58387
+founder	58388
+founded	58389
+foundations	58390
+fountains	58391
+fourths	58392
+fondled	58393
+facetiming	58394
+facetious	58395
+factories	58396
+factoring	58397
+factorization	58398
+facilitate	58399
+facilitating	58400
+facilitator	58401
+fairings	58402
+farmersonly.com	58403
+fastening	58404
+fascination	58405
+fascinating	58406
+fascinated	58407
+fashionable	58408
+fashionably	58409
+father's	58410
+fatherhood	58411
+fatherly	58412
+fathers	58413
+fattening	58414
+fantasies	58415
+fantastically	58416
+fabrication	58417
+fabricating	58418
+fabricated	58419
+fabricators	58420
+favorite	58421
+favoritism	58422
+favoritos	58423
+familia	58424
+families	58425
+family's	58426
+familys	58427
+flattered	58428
+flattering	58429
+flattery	58430
+flattened	58431
+flasher	58432
+flashed	58433
+flashes	58434
+flashbacks	58435
+flashlights	58436
+flamingo	58437
+flagged	58438
+flagger	58439
+flappers	58440
+floorboards	58441
+flowers	58442
+flowered	58443
+flowering	58444
+floaters	58445
+flopped	58446
+flopper	58447
+florists	58448
+flipper	58449
+flipped	58450
+flipping	58451
+flickered	58452
+flickering	58453
+flushed	58454
+flushes	58455
+fluently	58456
+flexibility	58457
+flexible	58458
+flexing	58459
+freezer	58460
+freezes	58461
+freezing	58462
+freedompop	58463
+freedoms	58464
+freeloaders	58465
+freestanding	58466
+freestone	58467
+freestyle	58468
+freshen	58469
+fresher	58470
+freshest	58471
+freshman	58472
+freshmen	58473
+frescos	58474
+freaking	58475
+frankie	58476
+frankincense	58477
+franchises	58478
+fractional	58479
+fractions	58480
+fractured	58481
+fractures	58482
+framers	58483
+fraternal	58484
+fraternity	58485
+friendly	58486
+friendship	58487
+frightened	58488
+frightening	58489
+frightens	58490
+fritters	58491
+frontier.com	58492
+frontiers	58493
+frustrations	58494
+feelings	58495
+fellowship	58496
+featured	58497
+features	58498
+fertilize	58499
+fertilization	58500
+fertilizing	58501
+federally	58502
+festivals	58503
+fundraisers	58504
+funniest	58505
+fuckers	58506
+fuckery	58507
+fucking	58508
+furnishing	58509
+furnished	58510
+furnitures	58511
+Rosenbaum	58512
+Rosenberg	58513
+Rosemary's	58514
+Rosemont	58515
+Rosemount	58516
+Roseland	58517
+Roselawn	58518
+Rosella	58519
+Roselle	58520
+Rosalia	58521
+Rosalie	58522
+Rosalind	58523
+Rosario	58524
+Rosarito	58525
+Rockaways	58526
+Rockets	58527
+Rockettes	58528
+Rockledge	58529
+Rockler	58530
+Rockingham	58531
+Roberts	58532
+Roberta	58533
+Roberto	58534
+Robert's	58535
+Robinson	58536
+Robbie's	58537
+Robbies	58538
+Robbinsdale	58539
+Robbinsville	58540
+Romano's	58541
+Romanoff	58542
+Romanos	58543
+Romanian	58544
+Rollingwood	58545
+Rolando's	58546
+Reservations	58547
+Reserves	58548
+Register	58549
+Regina's	58550
+Reginald	58551
+Realtors	58552
+Revere's	58553
+Reverend	58554
+Revelations	58555
+Revolutionary	58556
+Reminder	58557
+Remington's	58558
+Recorder's	58559
+Rebecca's	58560
+Reynoldsburg	58561
+Randalls	58562
+Randall's	58563
+Randazzo's	58564
+Randolph	58565
+Rancher	58566
+Ranches	58567
+Ranchos	58568
+Ramsey's	58569
+Ramona's	58570
+Ramblers	58571
+Raymond's	58572
+Raymonds	58573
+Raymondville	58574
+Raptors	58575
+Ravenswood	58576
+Richardson	58577
+Ricardo's	58578
+Riverwalk	58579
+Riverway	58580
+Riverwoods	58581
+Ridgeland	58582
+Ridgeline	58583
+Ridgely	58584
+Ridgeview	58585
+Ridgeville	58586
+Ridgeway	58587
+Ridgewood	58588
+Russell	58589
+Russians	58590
+Rustica	58591
+Runners	58592
+Rhodesian	58593
+Delicias	58594
+Delaney's	58595
+Delmonico's	58596
+Deanna's	58597
+Denise's	58598
+Destiny's	58599
+Devonshire	58600
+Debbie's	58601
+Debbies	58602
+Daniels	58603
+Daniel's	58604
+Daniela	58605
+Darrell	58606
+Darren's	58607
+Darrens	58608
+Davidson	58609
+Donalds	58610
+Donatello	58611
+Donatelli's	58612
+Donnelley	58613
+Donnelly	58614
+Dorsett	58615
+Dominica	58616
+Dominick	58617
+Dominic's	58618
+Dominique's	58619
+Downers	58620
+Downtowner	58621
+Douglassville	58622
+Dickeys	58623
+Dickies	58624
+Direction's	58625
+Directions	58626
+Directors	58627
+Directory	58628
+Dillard's	58629
+Dillards	58630
+Durangos	58631
+Dragon's	58632
+DragonVale	58633
+Dragonborn	58634
+Dragonforce	58635
+Dragons	58636
+Drivers	58637
+homeschooled	58638
+homeschooling	58639
+homestead	58640
+homestyle	58641
+homeboy	58642
+homebody	58643
+homeboi	58644
+homebound	58645
+homegirls	58646
+homegroup	58647
+homegrown	58648
+homelessness	58649
+homeworks	58650
+homemakers	58651
+homeowners	58652
+homosexuality	58653
+homosexuals	58654
+horseman	58655
+horsemen	58656
+hornier	58657
+horniest	58658
+horrifying	58659
+horrible	58660
+horribly	58661
+hookers	58662
+holders	58663
+holdings	58664
+housework	58665
+housekeeper	58666
+housekeeping	58667
+house.com	58668
+houseboat	58669
+housebroken	58670
+households	58671
+housemates	58672
+houses.com	58673
+honeysuckle	58674
+hostesses	58675
+hostile	58676
+hostility	58677
+hospitals	58678
+hoppers	58679
+hobbits	58680
+hoarders	58681
+handlebar	58682
+handler	58683
+handled	58684
+handles	58685
+hands-free	58686
+hands-on	58687
+handbag	58688
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+handbasket	58690
+handcuffed	58691
+handcuffs	58692
+handicapped	58693
+handouts	58694
+hangouts	58695
+hangovers	58696
+hangers	58697
+hardened	58698
+hardening	58699
+hardens	58700
+hardwood	58701
+hardworking	58702
+hardwired	58703
+hardships	58704
+harmonic	58705
+harmonies	58706
+harmonious	58707
+harborstone	58708
+harvesters	58709
+hairdryer	58710
+hairdos	58711
+hairstyle	58712
+haircuts	58713
+hallucinating	58714
+hallucinations	58715
+hammerheads	58716
+hamster.com	58717
+hamsters	58718
+hamstrings	58719
+happening	58720
+happier	58721
+happiest	58722
+hahahahaha	58723
+hackers	58724
+haulers	58725
+hazelnuts	58726
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+headstrong	58732
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+headshots	58734
+headbands	58735
+headboards	58736
+heading	58737
+headers	58738
+headphones	58739
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+heartburn	58741
+heartwarming	58742
+hearthfire	58743
+hearthstone	58744
+heartedly	58745
+heartland	58746
+heartless	58747
+heartstrings	58748
+hearings	58749
+healthcare.gov	58750
+healthier	58751
+healthiest	58752
+heavier	58753
+heaviest	58754
+heaviness	58755
+heaving	58756
+heavenly	58757
+heavens	58758
+heather	58759
+heathens	58760
+heaters	58761
+heroine	58762
+helpers	58763
+helpings	58764
+hemorrhage	58765
+hemorrhaging	58766
+hemorrhoids	58767
+hesitated	58768
+hesitating	58769
+hesitation	58770
+highlighter	58771
+highlighted	58772
+hitchhiker	58773
+hippies	58774
+historical	58775
+humidifier	58776
+humidity	58777
+humiliate	58778
+humbled	58779
+hummingbirds	58780
+hunters	58781
+hurricanes	58782
+hurried	58783
+hurries	58784
+hustler	58785
+hustled	58786
+hustling	58787
+huggers	58788
+hypocrisy	58789
+hypothetically	58790
+hyperbaric	58791
+hyperbole	58792
+hyperventilate	58793
+hyperventilating	58794
+hypnotized	58795
+hydroponics	58796
+hydrated	58797
+hydrating	58798
+hydration	58799
+hydrangeas	58800
+Transport	58801
+Transformer	58802
+Transfer	58803
+Transit	58804
+Transilvania	58805
+Traveling	58806
+Traverse	58807
+Trailways	58808
+Trafficway	58809
+Tristan	58810
+Tristar	58811
+Trisha's	58812
+Tricia's	58813
+Tricias	58814
+Trinity's	58815
+Trustees	58816
+Trumann	58817
+Treasurer	58818
+Trevor's	58819
+Trevors	58820
+Troopers	58821
+Tropical	58822
+Tropicana	58823
+Tamarac	58824
+Torresdale	58825
+Terrier	58826
+Terribles	58827
+Terrance	58828
+Terranea	58829
+Terrell	58830
+Teresa's	58831
+Tennessee	58832
+Tennessean	58833
+Tenney's	58834
+Technique	58835
+Technologies	58836
+Technology	58837
+Templeton	58838
+Timberline	58839
+Timberview	58840
+Timberville	58841
+Timberwolves	58842
+Timberwood	58843
+Thornberry	58844
+Thornburg	58845
+Thorndale	58846
+Thorndike	58847
+Thorntons	58848
+Theresa	58849
+Therese	58850
+Thermopolis	58851
+Theaters	58852
+Theatres	58853
+Thursday's	58854
+Thursdays	58855
+Thunderbirds	58856
+Thunderbolt	58857
+Thunderbowl	58858
+Thanksgiving	58859
+Turners	58860
+Turner's	58861
+Tuscany	58862
+Tuscarawas	58863
+Tuscarora	58864
+Twinkies	58865
+Landon's	58866
+Landons	58867
+Landenberg	58868
+Landers	58869
+Landstar	58870
+Landstown	58871
+Landisville	58872
+Landry's	58873
+Lancers	58874
+Latinas	58875
+Latinos	58876
+Lauren's	58877
+Laurence	58878
+Laurens	58879
+Laurent	58880
+Laurelhurst	58881
+Laurelton	58882
+Laurelwood	58883
+Laurier	58884
+Lambert's	58885
+Lamberts	58886
+Lambertville	58887
+Laboratories	58888
+Laboratory	58889
+LaRosa's	58890
+Leandra	58891
+Leandro	58892
+Leadership	58893
+Lennon's	58894
+Leonardo	58895
+Leonard's	58896
+Leonardi's	58897
+Leonards	58898
+Leonardtown	58899
+Levittown	58900
+Letterman's	58901
+Lewisberry	58902
+Lewisburg	58903
+Lewiston	58904
+Lewistown	58905
+Longmont	58906
+Longmore	58907
+Longhorns	58908
+Lorena's	58909
+Lorenzo's	58910
+Loretta's	58911
+Louise's	58912
+Lovelace	58913
+Lovelady	58914
+Loveland	58915
+Lindenhurst	58916
+Lindero	58917
+Lindsay's	58918
+Lindsays	58919
+Lindsey's	58920
+Lincolnway	58921
+Lincolnwood	58922
+Lillian's	58923
+Liliana	58924
+Liberals	58925
+Libertyville	58926
+Listerhill	58927
+Listerine	58928
+Livingston's	58929
+Luciano	58930
+Luciana	58931
+Lumberjacks	58932
+Lumberton	58933
+Lumineers	58934
+Luminess	58935
+Harrison	58936
+Harrisburg	58937
+Harrisville	58938
+Harrington	58939
+Hardee's	58940
+Hardees	58941
+Hardeeville	58942
+Harding	58943
+Harbors	58944
+Harborcreek	58945
+Harborview	58946
+Harbinger	58947
+Harleys	58948
+Harvey's	58949
+Harveys	58950
+Harvester	58951
+Harper's	58952
+Harpers	58953
+Hannah's	58954
+Hannahs	58955
+Hannafords	58956
+Hansen's	58957
+Hangouts	58958
+Hallows	58959
+Hammonds	58960
+Hattiesburg	58961
+Havertown	58962
+Havertys	58963
+Hawkinson	58964
+Hawkinsville	58965
+Hackettstown	58966
+Hollingsworth	58967
+Hollins	58968
+Hollidaysburg	58969
+Hollies	58970
+Hollandale	58971
+Hollander	58972
+Hollands	58973
+Holden's	58974
+Holdenville	58975
+Holidays	58976
+Hornets	58977
+Horseshoe	58978
+Horrors	58979
+Homestead	58980
+Homestuck	58981
+Honeycrisp	58982
+Honeycutt	58983
+Herrington	58984
+Hershey's	58985
+Hersheys	58986
+Heartbreakers	58987
+Heartlake	58988
+Heartland	58989
+Heather's	58990
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+Heatherwood	58992
+Hendricks	58993
+Hennessey	58994
+Hennessy	58995
+Heinekens	58996
+Hillsborough	58997
+Hillary's	58998
+Hillarys	58999
+Hilliards	59000
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+Highlands	59002
+Highwoods	59003
+Higginsville	59004
+Huntersville	59005
+Huntington	59006
+Huntingtown	59007
+Humphreys	59008
+Hubbards	59009
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+Grandmaster	59186
+Grandpa's	59187
+Grandparents	59188
+Grandview	59189
+Grandville	59190
+Grandy's	59191
+Grantsburg	59192
+Grantsville	59193
+Grangers	59194
+Gracie's	59195
+Graciela	59196
+Gracies	59197
+Grammys	59198
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+Greenbaum	59200
+Greenbush	59201
+Greenline	59202
+Greenwell	59203
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+Greene's	59205
+Greeneville	59206
+Greenpeace	59207
+Greenhill	59208
+Greenhurst	59209
+Greentown	59210
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+Greenville	59213
+Gregorian	59214
+Gregorio	59215
+Gregory's	59216
+Greater	59217
+Greatest	59218
+Griffin	59219
+Griffith	59220
+Griswolds	59221
+Groupons	59222
+Grossman	59223
+Grossmont	59224
+Garretts	59225
+Garrett's	59226
+Garrison	59227
+Garnerville	59228
+Garnett	59229
+Gallagher's	59230
+Gallery	59231
+Gabriella's	59232
+Gabrielle's	59233
+Gamecocks	59234
+Gatorades	59235
+Goldfinch	59236
+Goldfinger	59237
+Goodwill	59238
+Goodwin	59239
+Gordons	59240
+Gordon's	59241
+Gonzales	59242
+Gonzalez	59243
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+Genesee	59247
+Geneseo	59248
+Gentile	59249
+Gentilly	59250
+Germanna	59251
+Georgia	59252
+Georgie	59253
+Georgina	59254
+George's	59255
+Georges	59256
+Georgetown	59257
+Gilliam	59258
+Gillian	59259
+Gilligan's	59260
+Gillette	59261
+Guardians	59262
+Gustav's	59263
+Gustavo	59264
+Glenda's	59265
+Glendale	59266
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+wholesale	59794
+wholesome	59795
+whatever's	59796
+whatevers	59797
+wreckers	59798
+wrestlers	59799
+writer's	59800
+writers	59801
+wrapper	59802
+wrapped	59803
+Wallingford	59804
+Wallington	59805
+Walker's	59806
+Walkersville	59807
+Warrensburg	59808
+Warrensville	59809
+Warriors	59810
+Waynesboro	59811
+Waynesburg	59812
+Williams	59813
+William's	59814
+Willingboro	59815
+Willingham	59816
+Willington	59817
+Willie's	59818
+Williston	59819
+Willowbrook	59820
+Willowdale	59821
+Willowick	59822
+Willows	59823
+Willamette	59824
+Willamina	59825
+Willards	59826
+Willeys	59827
+Wilderness	59828
+Wilkinson	59829
+Wilkinsburg	59830
+Wilkesboro	59831
+Windermere	59832
+Windsong	59833
+Windsor	59834
+Windows	59835
+Winston's	59836
+Winstons	59837
+Winstead	59838
+Winsted	59839
+Winterset	59840
+Wintersville	59841
+Wittenberg	59842
+Wickersham	59843
+Westmore	59844
+Westmont	59845
+Westmount	59846
+Westminister	59847
+Westminster	59848
+Westbank	59849
+Westbay	59850
+Westborough	59851
+Westerner	59852
+Westernport	59853
+Westfall	59854
+Westfarms	59855
+Westamerica	59856
+Westampton	59857
+Westchase	59858
+Westchester	59859
+Westinghouse	59860
+Westlake	59861
+Westland	59862
+Wellsboro	59863
+Wellsburg	59864
+Woodstock	59865
+Woodstone	59866
+Woodstown	59867
+Woodman	59868
+Woodmark	59869
+Woodmen	59870
+Woodmere	59871
+Woodbridge	59872
+Woodbrook	59873
+Woodburn	59874
+Woodbury	59875
+Woodcrafters	59876
+Woodhollow	59877
+Woodhouse	59878
+Woodland	59879
+Woodlake	59880
+Woodlawn	59881
+Woodworth	59882
+Woodward	59883
+Woodway	59884
+Woodfield	59885
+Woodfin	59886
+Woodford	59887
+Woodforest	59888
+Woodrow's	59889
+Whiteside	59890
+Whitesnake	59891
+Whitesville	59892
+Whitehead	59893
+Whitehurst	59894
+Whiteford	59895
+Whiteman	59896
+Whitemarsh	59897
+Whittakers	59898
+Whittier	59899
+Whittington	59900
+Whitney's	59901
+Whitneys	59902
+Whitlock	59903
+Whitlow	59904
+Wrightsboro	59905
+Wrightstown	59906
+Wrightsville	59907
+Franken	59908
+Frankel	59909
+Franklin's	59910
+Franklins	59911
+Franklinton	59912
+Franklinville	59913
+Frankfurt	59914
+Frankie's	59915
+Frankies	59916
+Frankstown	59917
+Francis	59918
+Francia	59919
+Francie	59920
+Francine	59921
+Frances	59922
+Franco's	59923
+Francois	59924
+Franconia	59925
+Francos	59926
+Freemansburg	59927
+Freebirds	59928
+Frederick	59929
+Frederica	59930
+Fredericton	59931
+Freddy's	59932
+Freddys	59933
+Freddies	59934
+Friendship	59935
+Friendsville	59936
+Friendswood	59937
+Friendly's	59938
+Friendlys	59939
+Friedman's	59940
+Friedmans	59941
+Friday's	59942
+Fridays	59943
+Frisco's	59944
+Friscos	59945
+Farmersville	59946
+Fairlawn	59947
+Fairburn	59948
+Fairbury	59949
+Fairplay	59950
+Fairplex	59951
+Falconer	59952
+Fantasyland	59953
+Fanning	59954
+Fishersville	59955
+Filipinos	59956
+Fernandes	59957
+Fernandez	59958
+Fernando's	59959
+Ferrari	59960
+Ferraro	59961
+Ferrara	59962
+Ferguson's	59963
+Felicia	59964
+Felicity	59965
+Federalist	59966
+Federalsburg	59967
+Federated	59968
+Federation	59969
+Florida	59970
+Floridian	59971
+Florissant	59972
+Florist	59973
+Florentine	59974
+Florence	59975
+Floresville	59976
+Flagstaff	59977
+Flagstar	59978
+Kennedy	59979
+Kennedale	59980
+Kennebunk	59981
+Kennebec	59982
+Kennesaw	59983
+Kennestone	59984
+Kenneth	59985
+Kennett	59986
+Kendall's	59987
+Kendalls	59988
+Kendallville	59989
+Kendra's	59990
+Kendras	59991
+Kendricks	59992
+Kentucky's	59993
+Keller's	59994
+Keyshawn	59995
+Kingsborough	59996
+Kingsbridge	59997
+Kingstree	59998
+Kingsland	59999
+Kingsley	60000
+Kingsway	60001
+Kingswood	60002
+Killingly	60003
+Killingsworth	60004
+Killington	60005
+Killingworth	60006
+Killians	60007
+Killers	60008
+Kimberly	60009
+Kimberley	60010
+Kimberling	60011
+Kissing	60012
+Katherine's	60013
+Katelyn's	60014
+Karina's	60015
+Kaylee's	60016
+Kaylees	60017
+Kristin	60018
+Kristi's	60019
+Kristian	60020
+Kristie	60021
+Kristal	60022
+Kristen's	60023
+Khalifa's	60024
+Elliott's	60025
+Elizabethton	60026
+Elizabethtown	60027
+Electric	60028
+Electrify	60029
+Electrolux	60030
+Enrico's	60031
+Edgemont	60032
+Edgemoor	60033
+Edinburgh	60034
+Edmonds	60035
+Everett's	60036
+Everetts	60037
+Evangelical	60038
+Evangeline	60039
+Eastpointe	60040
+Emilio's	60041
+Escalade	60042
+Escalante	60043
+Essentials	60044
+Erickson's	60045
+Economic	60046
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+European	60048
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+Northside	60181
+Northstar	60182
+Northvale	60183
+Northgate	60184
+Northglenn	60185
+Northridge	60186
+Northrop	60187
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+Norman's	60189
+Normans	60190
+Newburgh	60191
+Newburyport	60192
+Newton's	60193
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+Nellies	60196
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+Nationstar	60198
+Natividad	60199
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+Natalie	60201
+Natalia	60202
+Navigation	60203
+Navigator	60204
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+Nickelodeon	60206
+Nicolet	60207
+Nicole's	60208
+Nicolas	60209
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+Jacksons	60282
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+Jacqueline's	60284
+Janelle's	60285
+Janine's	60286
+Jameson's	60287
+Jamesons	60288
+Jamaicans	60289
+Jarrettsville	60290
+Johnson's	60291
+Johnsons	60292
+Johnsonville	60293
+Johnston	60294
+Johnstown	60295
+Johnsburg	60296
+Johnsbury	60297
+Johnnie's	60298
+Johnny's	60299
+Johannesburg	60300
+Josephine's	60301
+Jonathan's	60302
+Joanne's	60303
+Joannes	60304
+Joanna's	60305
+Jennifer's	60306
+Jennifers	60307
+Jeremiah's	60308
+Jessica's	60309
+Jessicas	60310
+Jessie's	60311
+Jefferson's	60312
+Jeffersons	60313
+Jeffersontown	60314
+Jeffersonville	60315
+Juliana	60316
+Julian's	60317
+Julianne	60318
+Juliet's	60319
+Juliette	60320
+Juanita's	60321
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+Olivette	60385
+Olympian	60386
+Olympiad	60387
+Olympics	60388
+Operations	60389
+Optimum	60390
+Optimus	60391
+Oaklandon	60392
+Oakleys	60393
+Outlawz	60394
+Overton's	60395
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+Interceramic	60461
+Intercontinental	60462
+Intermed	60463
+Intermountain	60464
+Internet	60465
+Interlake	60466
+Interlochen	60467
+Intervale	60468
+Indiana	60469
+Indianola	60470
+Indians	60471
+Indiantown	60472
+Industry	60473
+Inspections	60474
+Investigation	60475
+Investments	60476
+Isabella's	60477
+Islanders	60478
+Illinoise	60479
+Italiano	60480
+Italians	60481
+Vincent	60482
+Vincennes	60483
+Vincenzo's	60484
+Victoria	60485
+Victorious	60486
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+Village	60488
+Villagio	60489
+Villard	60490
+Villarreal	60491
+Virginia	60492
+Virgina	60493
+Virgil's	60494
+Valentin	60495
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+Valeria	60497
+Valeros	60498
+Valleydale	60499
+Valleywood	60500
+Vandercook	60501
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+Vernonia	60503
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+Veronica's	60505
+Veronicas	60506
+Verona's	60507
+Venezuelan	60508
+Ventura's	60509
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+justices	60531
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+journaling	60533
+1234567	60534
+Universal	60535
+University	60536
+Universe	60537
+Undergraduate	60538
+Underground	60539
+Youngstown	60540
+Youngsville	60541
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+Quintard	60576
+Quincy's	60577
+Quarter	60578
+Quartet	60579
+Quartzsite	60580
+Queensborough	60581
+Queensbury	60582
+Queenston	60583
+Queenstown	60584
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+Streetsville	61170
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+Santiago's	61172
+Shakespeare's	61173
+Senators	61174
+Southpointe	61175
+Spartanburg	61176
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+Springside	61180
+Springsteen	61181
+Springvale	61182
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+Springbrook	61184
+Springhill	61185
+Springhurst	61186
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+Silverstone	61188
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+Schuler's	61190
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+Scottsboro	61193
+Scottsburg	61194
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+Connersville	61419
+Consultant	61420
+Consulting	61421
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+Conservatory	61423
+Contracting	61424
+Contractors	61425
+Congressional	61426
+Congressman	61427
+Congregational	61428
+Confederate	61429
+Confederation	61430
+Converter	61431
+Convertible	61432
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+Colleges	61434
+Collegeville	61435
+Collection	61436
+Collective	61437
+Collingdale	61438
+Collingswood	61439
+Collingwood	61440
+Collinsville	61441
+Collinsworth	61442
+Colonial	61443
+Colombian	61444
+Columbian	61445
+Cornersburg	61446
+Cornelia	61447
+Cornelius	61448
+Correctional	61449
+Corrections	61450
+Corinthians	61451
+Commodores	61452
+Commander's	61453
+Commissioners	61454
+Carolina's	61455
+Carolinas	61456
+Caroline's	61457
+Carolines	61458
+Carmelo's	61459
+Cardinale	61460
+Cardinals	61461
+Carpenters	61462
+Callender's	61463
+Californian	61464
+California's	61465
+Cameron's	61466
+Camerons	61467
+Camille's	61468
+Canadians	61469
+Cassandra's	61470
+Capitals	61471
+Charles's	61472
+Charlene's	61473
+Charley's	61474
+Charlie's	61475
+Charlies	61476
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+Chambersburg	61478
+Chesterton	61479
+Chestertown	61480
+Children's	61481
+Childrens	61482
+Chickasaw	61483
+Chickasha	61484
+Chippendales	61485
+Christians	61486
+Christian's	61487
+Christiana	61488
+Christianity	61489
+Christianos	61490
+Christine	61491
+Christina	61492
+Christie's	61493
+Christopher	61494
+Christensen's	61495
+Crosslake	61496
+Crossland	61497
+Creations	61498
+Cristiano	61499
+Clarissa	61500
+Clarisse	61501
+Claudia's	61502
+Centerpoint	61503
+Centerport	61504
+Marianne	61505
+Marianna	61506
+Mariano's	61507
+Marianos	61508
+Marianas	61509
+Mariners	61510
+Martinsburg	61511
+Martinson	61512
+Martinsville	61513
+Martinique	61514
+Martinizing	61515
+Martinez	61516
+Martinos	61517
+Marcella's	61518
+Marcellas	61519
+Marcello's	61520
+Marconi's	61521
+Marlene's	61522
+Marshall	61523
+Marshals	61524
+Margaret's	61525
+Margarets	61526
+Margaritas	61527
+Margaritaville	61528
+Mastercard	61529
+Mastercraft	61530
+Mastercuts	61531
+MasterCard	61532
+MasterChef	61533
+Masterson	61534
+Mahoney's	61535
+Monterey's	61536
+Monterrey's	61537
+Montello	61538
+Montezuma's	61539
+Montana's	61540
+Morrisons	61541
+Motorworks	61542
+Motorworld	61543
+Mountaineers	61544
+Millersburg	61545
+Millersport	61546
+Millersville	61547
+Millenia	61548
+Millenium	61549
+Millbrae	61550
+Millbranch	61551
+Michelle's	61552
+Michelles	61553
+Michelangelo's	61554
+Michaelangelo's	61555
+Michaelson	61556
+Merrimac	61557
+Merriman	61558
+Metropolis	61559
+Metropolitan	61560
+Meadowlands	61561
+Meadowlark	61562
+Meadowvale	61563
+Meadowview	61564
+Mexicana	61565
+Mexicano	61566
+Mexicans	61567
+McCarthy's	61568
+McKenna's	61569
+McKennan	61570
+Brookshire's	61571
+Brookshires	61572
+Brookstone	61573
+Brookland	61574
+Brooklawn	61575
+Brooklyn's	61576
+Brownsboro	61577
+Brownsburg	61578
+Brownells	61579
+Brandon's	61580
+Brandons	61581
+Brandenburg	61582
+Bridget's	61583
+Bridgets	61584
+Bridgette	61585
+Bridgewood	61586
+Bridgestone	61587
+Bridgeview	61588
+Bridgeville	61589
+Brittany's	61590
+Brittanys	61591
+Brianna's	61592
+Brendan's	61593
+Brendans	61594
+Brennan's	61595
+Barrett's	61596
+Barnaby's	61597
+Barbara's	61598
+Belleview	61599
+Belleville	61600
+Bellinger	61601
+Bellingham	61602
+Bernardino	61603
+Bernardsville	61604
+Bennetts	61605
+Buckeyes	61606
+Buckley's	61607
+Butterfly	61608
+Blackbeard's	61609
+Blackberry	61610
+Blackboard	61611
+Blackbob	61612
+Blackstreet	61613
+Blackmon	61614
+Blackmore	61615
+Blanchester	61616
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+Patricks	62323
+Patricia's	62324
+Pauline's	62325
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+Ranchero	62397
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+Richardson's	62399
+Russell's	62400
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+Danielle	62403
+Daniella	62404
+Danielson	62405
+Danielsville	62406
+Darrell's	62407
+Davidsons	62408
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+Donaldson	62410
+Donatello's	62411
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+Dominick's	62413
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+Treasurer's	62467
+Tamarack	62468
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+Theresa's	62476
+Thanksgivings	62477
+Turnersville	62478
+Leonardo's	62479
+Lindenwold	62480
+Lindenwood	62481
+Luciano's	62482
+Harrison's	62483
+Harrisonburg	62484
+Harrisonville	62485
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+Harborside	62487
+Harleysville	62488
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+Halloween	62490
+Hallowell	62491
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+Holliston	62493
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+Hennessey's	62495
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+Greensburg	62587
+Greenwald	62588
+Greenway	62589
+Greenwich	62590
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+Greenport	62593
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+Griffiths	62596
+Grossman's	62597
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+Gordonsville	62601
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+Westmoreland	62843
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+Woodman's	62845
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+Woodcrest	62848
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+Woodworks	62851
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+Whitesburg	62853
+Whitestone	62854
+Whitestown	62855
+Whitehall	62856
+Whitehaven	62857
+Whitehorse	62858
+Whitehouse	62859
+Whitefield	62860
+Whitefish	62861
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+Frankenstein	62863
+Frankenweenie	62864
+Frankford	62865
+Frankfort	62866
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+Fredericktown	62868
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+Fairlane	62870
+Ferraris	62871
+Ferraro's	62872
+Feliciano	62873
+Florida's	62874
+Florentines	62875
+Kennedy's	62876
+Kennedys	62877
+Kennebunkport	62878
+Kingsburg	62879
+Kingsbury	62880
+Kingstown	62881
+Kingston	62882
+Kimberly's	62883
+Kristin's	62884
+Kristina	62885
+Kristine	62886
+Electrical	62887
+Electrician	62888
+Electronic	62889
+Electronix	62890
+Edmondson	62891
+Europeans	62892
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+overstock.com	62894
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+validating	63044
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+Indianapolis	63050
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+Investigations	63053
+Vincent's	63054
+Vincents	63055
+Victoria's	63056
+Victorian	63057
+Victorias	63058
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+Valentino	63063
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+Vandergrift	63069
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+Converters	63385
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+Cornerstone	63388
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+Charlestown	63392
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+Christiansen	63395
+Christianson	63396
+Christine's	63397
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+Christina's	63399
+Christopher's	63400
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+Centerpointe	63402
+Marianne's	63403
+Marshall's	63404
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+Marshalltown	63406
+Merrimack	63407
+Merriman's	63408
+Bridgeton	63409
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+Blackstone	63417
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+Donaldsonville	63610
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+Travelers	63625
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+Timberlane	63627
+experimental	63628
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+granddaddy's	63652
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+Francesco	63753
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+Valentines	63788
+Valentino's	63789
+Valentinos	63790
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+kindergartner	63792
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+specification	63807
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+controlled	63817
+construction	63818
+constructing	63819
+constructive	63820
+constitutes	63821
+constitutional	63822
+considerations	63823
+consistently	63824
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+consultations	63826
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+conservatives	63828
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+consolidation	63831
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+confidently	63833
+conversation	63834
+conversating	63835
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+converters	63837
+convertibles	63838
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+congratulating	63840
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+competence	63845
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+competency	63847
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+competitive	63849
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+computershare	63853
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+communication	63855
+communicating	63856
+communicative	63857
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+committees	63860
+commissioner	63861
+commissioned	63862
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+capitalized	63865
+capitalizes	63866
+criticized	63867
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+celebrations	63869
+programmers	63870
+presentations	63871
+presenters	63872
+participated	63873
+participates	63874
+participating	63875
+participation	63876
+personalize	63877
+personalization	63878
+personalities	63879
+personality	63880
+Constantinople	63881
+Constantinos	63882
+Charleston's	63883
+Butterfields	63884
+backstabber	63885
+backstabbing	63886
+restrictions	63887
+residences	63888
+responsibilities	63889
+responsibility	63890
+responsible	63891
+responsibly	63892
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+reciprocating	63894
+reciprocation	63895
+relationships	63896
+definitions	63897
+definitively	63898
+demonstrations	63899
+discontinued	63900
+discouraged	63901
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+distractions	63903
+downloaders	63904
+accomplishments	63905
+advertisements	63906
+advertisers	63907
+automatically	63908
+automatics	63909
+transformers	63910
+transported	63911
+transporter	63912
+translations	63913
+transmitter	63914
+transmitted	63915
+troubleshooting	63916
+terminated	63917
+terminating	63918
+termination	63919
+medications	63920
+merchandisers	63921
+fresheners	63922
+Registrar's	63923
+hospitalized	63924
+hahahahahahahaha	63925
+headliners	63926
+extractions	63927
+electronica	63928
+electronics	63929
+electrolytes	63930
+electrician	63931
+electricity	63932
+electrically	63933
+economically	63934
+generational	63935
+generations	63936
+generalized	63937
+interceptions	63938
+interruptions	63939
+interpreters	63940
+integrating	63941
+integration	63942
+integrative	63943
+integrated	63944
+installers	63945
+inconsistencies	63946
+inconsistency	63947
+indications	63948
+investigations	63949
+Francisco's	63950
+Francesca's	63951
+Francesco's	63952
+organizers	63953
+understanding	63954
+understands	63955
+kindergarteners	63956
+specifications	63957
+contractions	63958
+controllers	63959
+constructions	63960
+confidentiality	63961
+confidentially	63962
+conversational	63963
+conversations	63964
+competitions	63965
+competitively	63966
+communications	63967
+commissioners	63968
+personalized	63969
+backstabbers	63970
+transmitters	63971
+hahahahahahahahaha	63972
+electronically	63973
+electricians	63974
+understandable	63975
+understandably	63976
+conversationalist	63977
+hahahahahahahahahaha	63978
+hahahahahahahahahahaha	63979
+hahahahahahahahahahahahaha	63980
+</S>	63981
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+</addressnum>	63983
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+</app>	63985
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+</apt>	63987
+<areacode>	63988
+</areacode>	63989
+<CONTACT>	63990
+</CONTACT>	63991
+<countrycode>	63992
+</countrycode>	63993
+<day>	63994
+</day>	63995
+<fulldate>	63996
+</fulldate>	63997
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+</fullphonenum>	63999
+<GRAMMARS>	64000
+</GRAMMARS>	64001
+<money>	64002
+</money>	64003
+<month>	64004
+</month>	64005
+<operand>	64006
+</operand>	64007
+<ordinal>	64008
+</ordinal>	64009
+<percent>	64010
+</percent>	64011
+<personal>	64012
+</personal>	64013
+<phonenum>	64014
+</phonenum>	64015
+<postalcode>	64016
+</postalcode>	64017
+<prefix>	64018
+</prefix>	64019
+<RECENCY>	64020
+</RECENCY>	64021
+<reject>	64022
+</reject>	64023
+<restaurant>	64024
+</restaurant>	64025
+<song>	64026
+</song>	64027
+<street>	64028
+</street>	64029
+<time>	64030
+</time>	64031
+<unknown>	64032
+</unknown>	64033
+<year>	64034
+</year>	64035
+<CONTACT:top>	64036
+</CONTACT:top>	64037
+<CONTACT:focus>	64038
+</CONTACT:focus>	64039
+</integer>	64040
+</integer_fivedigit>	64041
+</integer_fourdigit>	64042
+</integer_onedigit>	64043
+</integer_threedigit>	64044
+</integer_twodigit>	64045
+</num>	64046
+<integer>	64047
+<integer_fivedigit>	64048
+<integer_fourdigit>	64049
+<integer_onedigit>	64050
+<integer_threedigit>	64051
+<integer_twodigit>	64052
+<num>	64053
+E1	64054
+E10	64055
+E11	64056
+E12	64057
+E13	64058
+E2	64059
+E3	64060
+E4	64061
+E5	64062
+E6	64063
+E7	64064
+E8	64065
+E9	64066
+February	64067
+September	64068
+ZERO	64069
+decade_marker	64070
+eighteen	64071
+eighteenth	64072
+eighteenths	64073
+eighths	64074
+eightieth	64075
+eightieths	64076
+eleventh	64077
+elevenths	64078
+fifteenth	64079
+fifteenths	64080
+fiftieth	64081
+fiftieths	64082
+fortieth	64083
+fortieths	64084
+fourteenth	64085
+fourteenths	64086
+hundredths	64087
+millionths	64088
+nineteenth	64089
+nineteenths	64090
+ninetieth	64091
+ninetieths	64092
+ninths	64093
+seventeenth	64094
+seventeenths	64095
+sevenths	64096
+seventieth	64097
+seventieths	64098
+sixteenth	64099
+sixteenths	64100
+sixths	64101
+sixtieth	64102
+sixtieths	64103
+tens_marker	64104
+thirteenth	64105
+thirteenths	64106
+thirtieth	64107
+thirtieths	64108
+thousandth	64109
+thousandths	64110
+trillion	64111
+twelfth	64112
+twelfths	64113
+twentieth	64114
+twentieths	64115
+zeroth	64116
+zeroths	64117
+0x01	64118
+0x02	64119
+0x03	64120
+0x04	64121
+0x05	64122
+0x06	64123
+0x07	64124
+0x08	64125
+0x09	64126
+0x0a	64127
+0x0b	64128
+0x0c	64129
+0x0d	64130
+0x0e	64131
+0x0f	64132
+0x10	64133
+0x11	64134
+0x12	64135
+0x13	64136
+0x14	64137
+0x15	64138
+0x16	64139
+0x17	64140
+0x18	64141
+0x19	64142
+0x1a	64143
+0x1b	64144
+0x1c	64145
+0x1d	64146
+0x1e	64147
+0x1f	64148
+0x20	64149
+"	64150
+#	64151
+$	64152
+(	64153
+)	64154
+*	64155
+;	64156
+<	64157
+=	64158
+>	64159
+[	64160
+\	64161
+]	64162
+^	64163
+_	64164
+`	64165
+{	64166
+|	64167
+}	64168
+~	64169
+0x7f	64170
+0x80	64171
+0x81	64172
+0x82	64173
+0x83	64174
+0x84	64175
+0x85	64176
+0x86	64177
+0x87	64178
+0x88	64179
+0x89	64180
+0x8a	64181
+0x8b	64182
+0x8c	64183
+0x8d	64184
+0x8e	64185
+0x8f	64186
+0x90	64187
+0x91	64188
+0x92	64189
+0x93	64190
+0x94	64191
+0x95	64192
+0x96	64193
+0x97	64194
+0x98	64195
+0x99	64196
+0x9a	64197
+0x9b	64198
+0x9c	64199
+0x9d	64200
+0x9e	64201
+0x9f	64202
+0xa0	64203
+0xa1	64204
+0xa2	64205
+0xa3	64206
+0xa4	64207
+0xa5	64208
+0xa6	64209
+0xa7	64210
+0xa8	64211
+0xa9	64212
+0xaa	64213
+0xab	64214
+0xac	64215
+0xad	64216
+0xae	64217
+0xaf	64218
+0xb0	64219
+0xb1	64220
+0xb2	64221
+0xb3	64222
+0xb4	64223
+0xb5	64224
+0xb6	64225
+0xb7	64226
+0xb8	64227
+0xb9	64228
+0xba	64229
+0xbb	64230
+0xbc	64231
+0xbd	64232
+0xbe	64233
+0xbf	64234
+0xc0	64235
+0xc1	64236
+0xc2	64237
+0xc3	64238
+0xc4	64239
+0xc5	64240
+0xc6	64241
+0xc7	64242
+0xc8	64243
+0xc9	64244
+0xca	64245
+0xcb	64246
+0xcc	64247
+0xcd	64248
+0xce	64249
+0xcf	64250
+0xd0	64251
+0xd1	64252
+0xd2	64253
+0xd3	64254
+0xd4	64255
+0xd5	64256
+0xd6	64257
+0xd7	64258
+0xd8	64259
+0xd9	64260
+0xda	64261
+0xdb	64262
+0xdc	64263
+0xdd	64264
+0xde	64265
+0xdf	64266
+0xe0	64267
+0xe1	64268
+0xe2	64269
+0xe3	64270
+0xe4	64271
+0xe5	64272
+0xe6	64273
+0xe7	64274
+0xe8	64275
+0xe9	64276
+0xea	64277
+0xeb	64278
+0xec	64279
+0xed	64280
+0xee	64281
+0xef	64282
+0xf0	64283
+0xf1	64284
+0xf2	64285
+0xf3	64286
+0xf4	64287
+0xf5	64288
+0xf6	64289
+0xf7	64290
+0xf8	64291
+0xf9	64292
+0xfa	64293
+0xfb	64294
+0xfc	64295
+0xfd	64296
+0xfe	64297
+0xff	64298
+$APT	64299
+$AREACODE	64300
+$FULLDATE	64302
+$GRAMMARS	64303
+$ORDINAL	64304
+$PERSONAL	64305
+$PHONENUM	64306
+$PREFIX	64307
+$RECENCY	64308
+$REJECT	64309
+$ROOT	64311
+@.monophone	64312
+@`.monophone	64313
+A.monophone	64314
+D.monophone	64315
+E.monophone	64316
+I.monophone	64317
+N.monophone	64318
+O.monophone	64319
+OI.monophone	64320
+S.monophone	64321
+T.monophone	64322
+U.monophone	64323
+V.monophone	64324
+Z.monophone	64325
+aI.monophone	64326
+aU.monophone	64327
+b.monophone	64328
+d.monophone	64329
+dZ.monophone	64330
+eI.monophone	64331
+f.monophone	64332
+g.monophone	64333
+h.monophone	64334
+i.monophone	64335
+j.monophone	64336
+k.monophone	64337
+l.monophone	64338
+m.monophone	64339
+n.monophone	64340
+oU.monophone	64341
+p.monophone	64342
+r\.monophone	64343
+s.monophone	64344
+sil.monophone	64345
+t.monophone	64346
+tS.monophone	64347
+u.monophone	64348
+v.monophone	64349
+w.monophone	64350
+z.monophone	64351
+{.monophone	64352
+*.monophone	64353
diff --git a/system/system/vendor b/system/system/vendor
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49ce3c193f83295e932ffb427c3d515c19b50b18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/system/vendor
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/system/xbin/antradio_app b/system/system/xbin/antradio_app
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b9b4f020f2af2eae24e2060e3ecfa5a6d87c90b
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/xbin/antradio_app differ
diff --git a/system/system/xbin/tcpdump b/system/system/xbin/tcpdump
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cbfb9254ea05bb3c668fd426d52efdc70e6afa1d
Binary files /dev/null and b/system/system/xbin/tcpdump differ
diff --git a/system/ueventd.rc b/system/ueventd.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1399ff078d62fdd2fd20f7e24717d62a5c38c6b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/ueventd.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+firmware_directories /vendor/etc/firmware/ZS620KL/ /vendor/firmware_mnt/image/ /etc/firmware/ /odm/firmware/ /vendor/firmware/ /firmware/image/
+subsystem adf
+    devname uevent_devname
+subsystem graphics
+    devname uevent_devpath
+    dirname /dev/graphics
+subsystem drm
+    devname uevent_devpath
+    dirname /dev/dri
+subsystem oncrpc
+    devname uevent_devpath
+    dirname /dev/oncrpc
+subsystem adsp
+    devname uevent_devpath
+    dirname /dev/adsp
+subsystem msm_camera
+    devname uevent_devpath
+    dirname /dev/msm_camera
+subsystem input
+    devname uevent_devpath
+    dirname /dev/input
+subsystem mtd
+    devname uevent_devpath
+    dirname /dev/mtd
+subsystem sound
+    devname uevent_devpath
+    dirname /dev/snd
+# ueventd can only set permissions on device nodes and their associated
+# sysfs attributes, not on arbitrary paths.
+# format for /dev rules: devname mode uid gid
+# format for /sys rules: nodename attr mode uid gid
+# shortcut: "mtd@NN" expands to "/dev/mtd/mtdNN"
+/dev/null                 0666   root       root
+/dev/zero                 0666   root       root
+/dev/full                 0666   root       root
+/dev/ptmx                 0666   root       root
+/dev/tty                  0666   root       root
+/dev/random               0666   root       root
+/dev/urandom              0666   root       root
+# Make HW RNG readable by group system to let EntropyMixer read it.
+/dev/hw_random            0440   root       system
+/dev/ashmem               0666   root       root
+/dev/binder               0666   root       root
+/dev/hwbinder             0666   root       root
+/dev/vndbinder            0666   root       root
+/dev/pmsg0                0222   root       log
+# the msm hw3d client device node is world writable/readable.
+/dev/msm_hw3dc            0666   root       root
+# gpu driver for adreno200 is globally accessible
+/dev/kgsl                 0666   root       root
+# kms driver for drm based gpu
+/dev/dri/*                0666   root       graphics
+# these should not be world writable
+/dev/diag                 0660   radio      radio
+/dev/diag_arm9            0660   radio      radio
+/dev/ttyMSM0              0600   bluetooth  bluetooth
+/dev/uhid                 0660   uhid       uhid
+/dev/uinput               0660   system     bluetooth
+/dev/alarm                0664   system     radio
+/dev/rtc0                 0640   system     system
+/dev/tty0                 0660   root       system
+/dev/graphics/*           0660   root       graphics
+/dev/msm_hw3dm            0660   system     graphics
+/dev/input/*              0660   root       input
+/dev/v4l-touch*           0660   root       input
+/dev/eac                  0660   root       audio
+/dev/cam                  0660   root       camera
+/dev/pmem                 0660   system     graphics
+/dev/pmem_adsp*           0660   system     audio
+/dev/pmem_camera*         0660   system     camera
+/dev/oncrpc/*             0660   root       system
+/dev/adsp/*               0660   system     audio
+/dev/snd/*                0660   system     audio
+/dev/mt9t013              0660   system     system
+/dev/msm_camera/*         0660   system     system
+/dev/akm8976_daemon       0640   compass    system
+/dev/akm8976_aot          0640   compass    system
+/dev/akm8973_daemon       0640   compass    system
+/dev/akm8973_aot          0640   compass    system
+/dev/bma150               0640   compass    system
+/dev/cm3602               0640   compass    system
+/dev/akm8976_pffd         0640   compass    system
+/dev/lightsensor          0640   system     system
+/dev/msm_pcm_out*         0660   system     audio
+/dev/msm_pcm_in*          0660   system     audio
+/dev/msm_pcm_ctl*         0660   system     audio
+/dev/msm_snd*             0660   system     audio
+/dev/msm_mp3*             0660   system     audio
+/dev/audience_a1026*      0660   system     audio
+/dev/tpa2018d1*           0660   system     audio
+/dev/msm_audpre           0660   system     audio
+/dev/msm_audio_ctl        0660   system     audio
+/dev/htc-acoustic         0660   system     audio
+/dev/vdec                 0660   system     audio
+/dev/q6venc               0660   system     audio
+/dev/snd/dsp              0660   system     audio
+/dev/snd/dsp1             0660   system     audio
+/dev/snd/mixer            0660   system     audio
+/dev/smd0                 0640   radio      radio
+/dev/qmi                  0640   radio      radio
+/dev/qmi0                 0640   radio      radio
+/dev/qmi1                 0640   radio      radio
+/dev/qmi2                 0640   radio      radio
+/dev/bus/usb/*            0660   root       usb
+/dev/mtp_usb              0660   root       mtp
+/dev/usb_accessory        0660   root       usb
+/dev/tun                  0660   system     vpn
+# CDMA radio interface MUX
+/dev/ts0710mux*           0640   radio      radio
+/dev/ppp                  0660   radio      vpn
+# sysfs properties
+/sys/devices/platform/trusty.*      trusty_version        0440  root   log
+/sys/devices/virtual/input/input*   enable      0660  root   input
+/sys/devices/virtual/input/input*   poll_delay  0660  root   input
+/sys/devices/virtual/usb_composite/*   enable      0664  root   system
+/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*   cpufreq/scaling_max_freq   0664  system system
+/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*   cpufreq/scaling_min_freq   0664  system system
+# DVB API device nodes
+/dev/dvb*                 0660   root       system
diff --git a/system/xrom b/system/xrom
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3be8995d8e471040978d6269f9b95ce29976ae28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/xrom
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file